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Plant and Soil 232: 147154, 2001.

2001 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.


Soil fungi: diversity and detection

Paul Bridge1,2,3 & Brian Spooner2

1 Schoolof Biological and Chemical Sciences, Birkbeck, University of London, Malet St. London WC1E 7HX and
2 Mycology Section, The Herbarium, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond, Surrey TW9 3AE, UK
3 Corresponding author

Key words: Soil fungi, ecology, diversity, detection

The great majority of the 80 000+ fungal species so far named and described are likely to occur in the soil en-
vironment at some stage in their life-cycle. Fungi therefore have many different functions in soils, which include
both active roles, such as the degradation of dead plant material, or inactive roles where propagules are present
in the soil as resting states. Current knowledge of fungal diversity in soil is based largely on observations of
fruiting bodies present in an environment, or from cultures obtained from soil isolation exercises. Both of these
approaches have serious limitations for the detection of the true diversity in any chosen environment. An organism
that exists only in a mycelial form in the soil is unlikely to be identified from direct observation if a fruiting body
is not formed. Therefore, classical observation through direct microscopy will give a greatly reduced measure
of the true diversity in the environment. Culturing fungi from soil isolations will only result in the detection of
those propagules that are able to grow and sporulate on the isolation medium used. This again will lead to a
greatly reduced measure of diversity, as at the present time only about 17% of the known fungal species can be
successfully grown in culture. The recovery of a culture from soil also does not distinguish whether the fungus
was an active part of the original ecosystem or present in an inactive resting state. The development of molecular
techniques has provided a new range of tools that can provide clear insights into specific interactions and activities
in soil environments. The combination of broad spectrum polymerase chain reaction (PCR) detection, coupled
with single strand conformation polymorphisms (SSCP) or denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE), can
give more accurate answers to fundamental questions on ecosystem diversity. This technique does not however
distinguish between active and resting stages, and in order to interpret results accurately, some a priori knowledge
of the ecology and function of the organisms is required.

Introduction species of fungi. These species are however only those

isolated and characterised so far, and it is uncertain
The fungi are an immensely diverse group of or- as to how many species and genera remain undetec-
ganisms, encompassing a huge range of forms from ted. Hawksworth (1991) estimated that greater than 1
microscopic single celled yeasts to large macrofungi, million species are as yet undescribed, and Driver and
as exemplified by the well-known mushrooms and Milner (1998) suggested that there may be approach-
toadstools and the largest of fruitbodies, the giant puff- ing 500 000 species associated with insects alone. It
ball. Recent published estimates for the number of seems likely that the great majority of fungal species
fungal species report 72 065 species spread across 11 have some part of their life cycle either in, or directly
phyla in 7745 genera (Hawksworth et al., 1995). New associated with the soil environment. Their role in the
fungal species continue to be described, and a year soil is an extremely complex one and is fundamental to
2000 estimate based on the description rate in The the soil ecosystem (Warcup, 1951; Wainwright, 1988;
Index of Fungi would be of the order of 80100 000 Hawksworth et al., 1995). However, it is difficult to as-
sess in absolute terms the number and range of species
Tel: +44-207631-6230; E-mail: p_bridge@hotmail.com present in the soil as available techniques for isolation

and detection of fungi from soil are limited, although Function and scope
it is clear that comparatively few species have yet been
isolated or reported from soil. No critical assessment The amount of mycelium associated with a single
of the number of species so far isolated from soil fungus in a soil sample can be considerable. In the case
appears to have been made. Gilman (1957) included of mycorrhizal fungi, a single network may extend
c. 700 species, although these involved only those over much of a plant root system (Harley and Smith,
species that grew on non-selective media after soil di- 1983; Brundrett et al., 1996). In the case of free-
lution and excluded terrestrial macrofungi and plant living soil fungi, the traditional fairy ring is formed
pathogens. Many further species are included in the by a ring of fruit bodies that mark the periphery of a
compilations by Barron (1968), Domsch et al. (1993) single mycelial organism. The largest known such or-
and Watanabe (1994). Watanabe (1994) suggests that ganism confirmed from molecular and genetic studies
a total of at least 1200 species have been isolated from is an individual identified as Armillaria bulbosa, and
soil. reported to cover a minimum of 15 ha in Michigan
Detecting exactly which fungi are present in a soil State, USA (Smith et al., 1992). A subsequent but
sample is no easy task, one of the major problems unconfirmed report was of a much larger individual
being the fastidious nature of the great majority of identified as A. ostoyae said to cover 600 ha in Wash-
species. This is a well-known phenomenon (Pugh, ington State, USA (Anon. 1992). Recently, reports of
1969) and, indeed, estimates suggest that of the known a confirmed and even larger example of this fungus
fungi, only 17% can be readily grown in culture covering 880 ha in Malheur National Forest in Oregon
(Hawksworth, 1991). If this figure were applied to the have appeared (e.g. Barnard, 2000). In such instances
1200 species suggested by Watanabe (1994), then this as fairy rings the growth and spread of the organ-
would give an estimate of around 7000 species that ism is clearly mycelial. The peripheral fruit bodies
could be considered as soil fungi. In addition, although however produce many spores, but their role in the
some soil inhabiting fungi can be grown in culture, in subsequent spread and development of the organism
many cases it is not yet possible to germinate resting is largely unstudied. The role of spores in fungal
structures such as spores, so that only vegetative my- spread in the soil will vary both in and between taxa.
celium is available for detailed analysis (Fries, 1983). In Ganoderma species causing basal stem rot of oil
Some of the more commonly used culture methods for palms, spread has been assumed to be through my-
soil fungi are discussed later. The classical indicator of celial growth between the roots of adjoining palms
the fungal diversity of soils has been the number and (Singh, 1991). However, subsequent work has ques-
range of fruit bodies present. As noted above, fungal tioned this assumption, and it may be that spores form
fruit bodies range from large structures, such as giant an important part of the spread of this fungus, even in
puffballs often a metre or more in diameter, through relatively localised populations (Miller et al., 1999).
the classic mushrooms and toadstools, down to minute In Heterobasidion annosum, both mycelial growth and
structures only a few microns across developed, for ex- spore spread have been shown to occur in local pop-
ample, by many ascomycetes. Furthermore, although ulations, with spore spread being significant in the
many fruit bodies can be detected in the soil environ- infection of tree stumps in managed forests, and my-
ment, the majority of fungi in soil are present either as celial growth between roots being significant in older
resting stages such as spores or as mycelium. There are established natural forests (Olson and Stenlid, 2000).
various figures quoted in the literature regarding the Some 20 functions of fungi were described by
amount of fungal hyphae in individual soil samples, Christensen (1989), and one of the main functions of
these vary greatly according to soil type and has been fungi in the soil is as primary degraders. The classical
reported to be as high as 66 900 m in 1 g of dry soil life cycle for this is as mycelial growth on organic
(see Christensen, 1989). Both mycelium and spores material in the soil, which gives rise to either a sur-
can be isolated from soil, but if there is no associ- face or subsurface fruiting body. Many soil fungi have
ated fruiting body, either in the sample or culture, other roles and interactions, one of the most widely
then identification of the organisms present is at best studied being mycorrhizae. Mycorrhizal relationships
difficult, and generally not possible. vary and they may involve direct cross-feeding with
plants, aiding in plant seed germination or the pre-
vention of invasion by pathogens through niche exclu-
sion (Brundrett et al., 1996). Mycorrhizal associations

range from free-living associations between plants and in most studies dealing with phylogeny, classifica-
fungi at one extreme, to the apparently obligate in- tion and identification. The development of molecular
tracellular habit of endomycorrhizal fungi which are techniques has been greatly accelerated by the use of
found only within their host plant tissue (see Brundrett the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and this in turn
et al., 1996; Harley and Smith, 1983). The specificity has allowed the use of molecular techniques in studies
of mycorrhizal associations also varies widely. Whilst with environmental material. Environmental samples
many mycorrhizal fungi can form associations with in general, and soil in particular, can pose problems for
many different host plants, others, such as species PCR based studies, as a variety of naturally occurring
of Russula, are either host-specific or severely host- compounds (such as humic acid, tannins, and lignin
limited. In addition, a single plant host may support a associated compounds) can interfere with the reaction
number of different mycorrhizal fungi within a single and inhibit amplification. Such problems have been
rhizosphere (Perotto et al., 1996). overcome in many cases by the development and op-
Soil fungi occur in many other interactions and as- timisation of the initial DNA extraction methods. The
sociations, for example as plant, arthropod, nematode simplest empirical method for PCR approaches is to
or fungal pathogens. Conversely they may be used as make use of the extreme sensitivity of the reaction for
a food source by arthropods and other invertebrates, or low DNA concentrations, and to dilute the sample to
attacked by antagonistic bacteria. It should however be the point where the concentration of inhibitors drops to
considered that fungi are present in the soil as both act- a point where amplification is not affected. This may
ively growing organisms and as dormant propagules not prove practical when the DNA is only present in
(Warcup, 1957). The latter may have their primary low concentration in the original sample and, under
life cycles associated with non-soil environments, the these conditions, the use of additional reagents in the
soil acting as an intermediate reservoir. One example primary DNA extraction may be required to remove
of this is furnished by the entomophthoralean fungi. the inhibitory compounds. Several such approaches
These are zygomycete fungi (Zygomycota) that are have been suggested, but most either involve includ-
pathogens of various arthropods, particularly Diptera ing a component that will selectively bind to the DNA
and Homoptera (Waterhouse and Brady, 1982; Keller, such as hexadecyl-trimethylammonium bromide (e.g.,
1991). Entomophthoralean spores germinate on arth- Zolan and Pukkila, 1986), or including additional re-
ropods, and mycelial growth invades the host. Infected agents that will eliminate specific classes of inhibitors,
arthropods have a tendency to move to the higher sur- such as polyvinyl polypyrrolidone for the elimination
faces of plants, where the emerging fungus binds the of polyphenols (e.g., Rogers and Bendich, 1994). In
dead arthropod to the plant by haustoria. Spores are extreme cases it may be necessary to use a DNA
then liberated, the majority falling to the soil, where extraction procedure that combines both approaches
they remain dormant until a new host is available (e.g., Cubero et al., 1999), or to include a final purific-
(Moore-Landecker, 1982). Soil fungi may therefore ation step through a DNA affinity column. Molecular
be summarised as an extensive range of organisms studies with fungi have largely been concentrated on
that may be actively freely growing, closely associ- the ribosomal RNA gene cluster. This occurs in fungi
ated with other organisms or dormant. These fungi can as a structured unit consisting of three ribosomal RNA
only be routinely identified if they produce fruiting subunit genes, internally transcribed spacers (ITS)
bodies or other complex structures. The majority of and intergenic spacers (see Hibbett, 1992). The gene
fungi that can be presumed as present in any given soil cluster is multiply repeated within the fungal nucleus,
sample cannot be reliably identified by conventional and so provides a good target region. The DNA se-
techniques. quences within the subunits, in general, contain some
extremely conserved sequences, and these can be used
to develop broad specificity PCR primers (see White et
Molecular approaches al., 1990; Bruns et al., 1990). These broad specificity
primers include some that have enhanced specificity
The failure to adequately identify and characterise for fungi in general, or for asco- or basidiomycetes
fungi from morphological techniques has led to the in particular. Use of these primers can therefore al-
development of molecular methods for fungal iden- low the amplification of fungal sequences from mixed
tification (see Bruns et al., 1991, 1992). Molecular DNA samples containing DNA from other organisms
techniques have now become standard approaches (see Gardes and Bruns, 1993). One area where this

has been widely exploited is in the study of lichenized and a managed clear-cut forest. Molecular methods,
fungi, where the fungal DNA can be amplified in the however, showed considerable similarity in the species
presence of contaminating algal and bacterial DNA detected in both situations, leading to the suggestion
(see Crespo et al., 1997, 1998). Such primers allow the that the forestry methods may affect fruiting body
possibility of selective fungal DNA amplification from production more than population diversity, although
total soil DNA extracts, which can then be fractionated it is not clear if this situation would be maintained
to give species or generic profiles by techniques such over a long period of time. Other ecological stud-
as denaturing DNA gel electrophoresis or single stran- ies have considered the relationship between fruiting
ded conformational polymorphisms. There has been body recording and diversity of species in the soil. One
considerable use of the rRNA gene cluster in fungal such study examined the most abundant species visible
systematics and, in very general terms, sequence con- above ground as fruiting bodies, and those detected
servation within the subunit genes can be used to study below ground through molecular methods. This study
relationships between genera and families (see Bain- found that some species, such as Russula xerampelina,
bridge, 1994; Bruns et al., 1991). The more variable were found almost exclusively as above-ground fruit
spacer regions have been used to consider relation- bodies, whereas some other species were found ex-
ships between and within species. This is however a clusively as below-ground mycelium (see Gardes and
very variable relationship, and the degree of sequence Bruns, 1996). What these and similar studies ap-
variation in spacer regions is known to vary widely pear to suggest is that basic survey and observation
between different fungal groups. Examples of within results are not necessarily supported by molecular
species variation in the internally transcribed spacers methods. This has also been demonstrated in the ar-
range from 12% in some Penicillium species to more buscular mycorrhizae, and one example is furnished
than 40% in Rhizoctonia solani (see Berbee et al., by a study of bluebell (Hyacinthoides non-scripta)
1995; Seifert et al., 1995; Kuninaga et al., 1997). symbionts (Clapp et al., 1995). In this case the pres-
However, these sequence differences have not preven- ence of spores of two arbuscular-mycorrhizal species
ted the development of a wide range of PCR primers in the soil was taken as being indicative of potential
that allow the amplification of rDNA from particu- endophytic populations in bluebells. Molecular ana-
lar species and genera (e.g., Lee and Taylor, 1992; lysis of the associated roots however tested positive for
Tisserat et al., 1994). Such primers have been used ex- three species. Considerable care must be taken in the
tensively to study fungi in soil, as well as mycorrhizal interpretation of results in any studies of these types.
species in plants (e.g., Di Bonito et al., 1995). One of the basic principles of PCR is competitive hy-
bridisation in the presence of excess primers. Similar
competition may occur with samples containing mixed
Ecological studies DNA species, and so PCR may tend to amplify DNA
from the most prevalent organisms. The abundance of
One area of soil mycology where molecular meth- individual fungal species is not necessarily indicative
ods have been used extensively is in fungal ecology, of fungal growth or activity, and may indicate fungi
with specific reference to mycorrhizal fungi (for re- that are present in latent or dormant forms. Much of
view see Lanfranco et al., 1998). PCR primers can the molecular survey work undertaken so far for soil
be used to amplify fungal DNA from mycorrhizal my- fungi has been based on sequences specific for partic-
celial tips, and this approach has been used to compare ular taxa, and so the presence of further species cannot
fungal diversity from different root and soil environ- be excluded.
ments. The methods used have included the analysis Molecular methods have proved particularly useful
of polymorphisms obtained after restriction digestion in comparing fungal populations in different soil en-
of total amplified fungal ITS regions (e.g., Sanders et vironments. One example of this is the study carried
al., 1995; Karen et al., 1996), and the development out by McLean et al. (1999) on the ericoid my-
of taxon specific primers (e.g., Clapp et al., 1995; Di corrhizal populations associated with Ericaceae and
Bonito et al., 1995). One such study, based on ITS Epacridaceae. They were able to use ITS-derived
RFLPs, compared the diversity of soil fungi found in sequences to show that isolates of Hymenoscyphus
different forestry systems (Karen et al., 1996). The ericae derived from Ericaceae were distinct from those
species richness apparent from the recording of fruit- found on the Epacridaceae, and that the latter repres-
ing bodies differed considerably between an ancient ented a different species. This finding could not be

made from classical morphological studies. Similarly, result, commonly occurring fungal generalists such
Perotto et al. (1996) have used ITS RFLPs to show as species of Penicillium and Chrysosporium will of-
that multiple mycorrhizal species may coexist on a ten outgrow the more specialised soil inhabitants in
single root as separate populations. The use of mo- simple dilution plating on general media (Warcup,
lecular markers to determine populations provides a 1951). Alternative techniques such as hyphal isola-
particularly useful tool for studying population struc- tion may result in detection of a range of species
ture and epidemiology in the soil. One example of this from other groups, particularly basidiomycetes (War-
is the plant pathogen Heterobasidion annosum, where cup, 1951). Various isolation methods are available
differences between regional populations have been which will favour particular groups of fungi depend-
detected by minisatellite DNA fingerprinting (Sten- ing on their physiological requirements and growth
lid et al., 1994). At a more local level, Miller et al. habit (e.g. Ariffin and Seman, 1991; Bth, 1991;
(1999) used mitochondrial DNA polymorphisms to in- Watanabe, 1994). Two techniques which can lead to
vestigate the population structure of Ganoderma in a the isolation of fungi with specific activities are the
single oil palm plantation block. The ability to distin- use of insect larvae as bait for entomopathogens in
guish individual isolates also has considerable utility soil samples (see Nankinga et al., 1996), or the use of
in determining the fate of introduced fungi in the soil. a lowered oxygen, raised carbon dioxide atmosphere.
Cravanzola et al. (1997) and Piatti et al. (1998) found The latter can enhance the growth of some slower
that genetic fingerprints derived from random ampli- growing soil basidiomycetes (Bridge, unpubl.).
fication of polymorphic DNA (RAPDs) could be used The major limitation to generalised studies of soil
to characterize individual strains and small popula- fungi by purely molecular methods is the lack of dis-
tions within the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria crimination in the technique between living and dead
brongniartii. When this technique was applied to a material, or active and dormant organisms. As a result,
biocontrol programme, their results indicated that par- molecular profiling of soil samples can be expected
ticular introductions of biocontrol strains could be to give very different results to those obtained from
determined, and suggested that in one instance a single isolation culture techniques, or those observed from
introduction was still present in the soil in a test classical specimen collection (e.g., see Gardes and
site more than 7 years after the original application. Bruns, 1996). Molecular methods have become in-
The technique of following introductions of individual creasingly important in fungal systematics and, as
strains has also been used to assess the effectiveness indicated above, different regions of the genome have
of introduced mycorrhizae with young plants. These been used to identify and detect particular species and
studies have shown that the ultimate fate of such intro- populations (see Bruns et al., 1991; Piatti et al., 1998).
ductions will vary. Di Battista et al. (1996) found that One problem with the use of sequence data directly
an introduced strain of Laccaria bicolor was main- is the relatively small amount of reference data avail-
tained as 90% of the population on saplings after 1 able for comparison. This is in turn compounded by
year and only 3% after 4 years. Conversely, other stud- the continuing uncertainty surrounding some fungal
ies have shown that an introduced strain of the same species concepts. As a result, although it may be pos-
species may persist for up to 10 years (Henrion et al., sible to obtain fungal sequence data from soil samples,
1994). there will often be either insufficient similar sequences
available for suggesting the likely taxon, or the most
likely taxon may be a member of a poorly defined
Limitations of methodologies group. This can be illustrated by considering the genus
Rhizoctonia. This genus is acknowledged to be het-
As already mentioned, the direct examination of soil erogeneous, and ITS sequence variation of greater
samples can only reliably identify fungi that are produ- than 40% has been recorded in some species (see
cing either mitotic or meiotic propagules. The classical earlier). The genus traditionally contains plant patho-
determination of fungal diversity in soils is therefore genic as well as free-living and mycorrhizal species.
dependant on the subsequent cultivation and isolation A physiological and biochemical study showed that
of the fungi. There are also major limitations to isola- isolates that were mycorrhizal with terrestrial orchids
tion and culture approaches in studying fungi present grouped together separately from the plant pathogenic
in soil samples. These techniques will favour fungi isolates. This was supported by the limited knowledge
that grow rapidly under laboratory conditions. As a of the perfect states formed, with the plant pathogens

producing a Thanatephorus perfect state, and the my- we are currently able to determine, and that future
corrhizal isolates forming a Ceratobasidium perfect studies will need to consider the integration of mo-
state (Mordue et al., 1989). Subsequent molecular lecular, genetic and ecological factors in order to fully
analysis has shown that the mycorrhizal isolates are evaluate the situation.
the imperfect forms of at least four different per-
fect genera, one of which is Thanatephorus (Roberts,
1999). References

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