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Adrenal Gland Tonic

Traditional Uses

Adrenal insufficiency, arthritis, fatigue and chronic fatigue (not from Epstein-Barr virus), a specific for
low blood pressure, high blood pressure (occasionally), weak pulse, systemic inflammation, female
reproductive problems, especially estrogen dominance (ovarian cysts, sore breasts, uterine fibroids,
etc), prostatitis, exhaustion, low endurance, neurotransmitting issues, e.g., MS (Multiple Sclerosis),
Parkinsons, palsys, tremors, Lou Gehrigs, etc. Post strokes, spinal cord injuries, all types of cancers, HIV
(AIDS), skin conditions, heart arrhythmias, tinnitus, anxiety disorders.


Eleuthero Root

Wild Yam Root

Cleavers Herb

Kelp Frond Powder

Parsley (whole)

Ho Shou Wu Root

Saw Palmetto Berry

Chaste Tree Berry

Juniper Berry

Dandelion Root & Leaf

Rhodiola Root
Healthy Circulation - Upper Body

Traditional Uses

A specific for weaknesses and congestion of the arteries, capillaries, veins, and the heart. Hypertension
(high blood pressure), dizziness, poor circulation, myocardial infarction (heart attacks), angina (chest
pains), all heart weaknesses, claudication of the extremities, varicose and spider veins (strengthens
vascular walls), phlebitis, hemorrhoids, cramping of the legs, atherosclerosis and arteriosclerosis,
platelet agitation, glaucoma, strokes, depression, elevated cholesterol, poor memory, graying of the
hair, balding, fatigue, equilibrium issues, aneurysms, and mental disorders. Upper Circulation: Also
seizures and convulsions.


Ginko Leaf

Butchers Broom Root

Gotu Kola Herb

Rosemary Leaf

White Oak Bark

Bayberry Root

Rhodiola Root

Schizandra Berry

Bilberry Leaf

Hawthorn Berry

Prickly Ash Bark

Kidneys & Bladder Tonic I Cleanser

Traditional Uses

Kidney weakness or failure, bladder weakness, cystitis, nephritis, urethritis, urinary tract infections,
lower back pain, prostatitis, edema (dropsy), eye weakness, bags under the eyes, blindness, gout, kidney
and bladder stones, dialysis.


Dandelion Leaf


Juniper Berry

Goldenrod Leaf

Couch Grass Root

Parsley Leaf

Horsetail Herb

Stinging Nettle Leaf

Parasite M

Traditional Uses

Microbial infestations including viruses, bacterium, protozoas, fungi, molds, warts, etc., (specifically, but
not limited to: streptococcus, staphylococcus, pneumonococcus, pseudomonas, MRSA, E.coli, herpes,
etc.), yeast infections (Candida albicans), hepatitis A, B, and C, pneumonia, whooping cough, food
poisoning, dysentery, cholera, typhoid, syphilis, TB, colds, flu, UTIs, ringworm, poison oak, insect bites,
wounds, toxic skin conditions (psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, etc.), itching, tonsillitis, bronchitis,
gangrene, AIDS, cancer, tumors, abscesses, cysts, infections of all types.


Do not use during early pregnancy. It is strongly recommended that the Kidneys & Bladder formula be
used with this formula.


Pau dArco Bark

Usnea Lichen

Cats Claw Bark

Goldenseal Root

Juniper Berry

Olive Leave Extract

Thyme Leaf

Butternut Bark

Barberry Root
Brain & Nervous System Tonic II

Traditional Uses

Weakened nervous system, marked by nerve rings in the iris (autonomic, sympathetic and
parasympathetic), poor memory (short and long term), Alzheimers, Crutchfield Jacobs (Mad Cow
Disease), senile dementia, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinsons, Bells Palsy, post strokes, headaches,
migraines, spinal cord injuries, depression, jittery nerves, pituitary and pineal gland weakness, shingles,
spasms, epilepsy, twitching, electrical weaknesses of the heart (arrhythmias, depolarization and
repolarization issues, etc.), dizziness, equilibrium issues and mental disorders.


Gotu Kola Herb

Skullcap Herb

Ginko Leaf

Eleuthero Root

Schizandra Berry

Astragalus Root

Ho Shou Wu Root

Butchers Broom Root

Cayenne Pepper Fruit

Kidneys & Bladder Tonic II (Diuretic)

Traditional Uses

Kidney weakness or failure, bladder weakness, cystitis, nephritis, urethritis, urinary tract infections,
lower back pain, prostatitis, edema (dropsy), eye weakness, bags under the eyes, blindness, gout, kidney
and bladder stones, dialysis.


Buchu Leaf

Parsley Leaf

Couch Grass Root

Hydrangea Root

White Oak Bark

Marshmallow Root


Uva Ursi Leaf

Fenugreek Seed

Stinging Nettle Leaf

Prickly Ash Bark

Lymphatic System Tonic I

Traditional Uses

Detoxification, swollen lymph nodes, tumors, boils, cysts, tonsillitis, cancer (all types, esp. lymphomas),
AIDS, toxemia, sepsis of the blood, sinus congestion, lung congestion, chemical poisoning, snake or
insect bites, glaucoma, poor hearing, poor vision, cloudy vision and/or floaters, all skin conditions
(eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, etc.), enlarged glands, hardening of the liver, syphilis (all venereal
diseases), dysmenorrhea, leucorrhea, hemorrhoids, colds, flu, pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma, any lung
issues, gangrene, tuberculosis, urinary tract infections, catarrh issues, cellulitis, cataracts, inability to
sweat, sore throat. Use in inflammatory and congestive conditions.


Avoid during early pregnancy. It is strongly recommended that the Kidneys & Bladder formula be used
with this formula.


Chaparral Herb

Poke Root

Plantain Leaf

Cleavers Herb

Echinacea Root

Red Root

White Oak Bark

Prickly Ash Bark

Kidneys & Bladder Tonic IV

Traditional Uses

Kidney weakness or failure, bladder weakness, cystitis, nephritis, urethritis, urinary tract infections,
lower back pain, prostatitis, edema (dropsy), eye weakness, bags under the eyes, blindness, gout, kidney
and bladder stones, dialysis.


White Oak Bark

Dandelion Leaf


Parsley Leaf

Butcher's Broom Root


Uva Ursi Leaf

Hydrangea Root

Plantain Leaf

Burdock Root

Ginger Root
Endocrine Balance

Traditional Uses

All diseases associated with glandular imbalances or weaknesses, including but not limited to
hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, adrenal insufficiency, estrogen dominance, scoliosis, osteoporosis,
ridged fingernails (and all other calcium related weaknesses), prostatitis, low immune response,
diabetes, arthritis, bursitis, rheumatism, neurological disorders of all types including MS, Parkinsons,
tremors, etc., nerve rings in the iris, hypertension and especially hypotension, cholesterol depositing.
Addisons disease, chronic fatigue syndrome (not from Epstein-Barr virus), cancers, HIV/AIDS, sleep
disorders and growth disorders. Low or excessive sex drive, PMS, hot flashes, excessive hair loss or gain.


Eleuthero Root

Kelp Frond Powder

Bee Propolis Powder

Saw Palmetto Berry

Parsley (whole)

Chaste Tree Berry

Ho Shou Wu Root

Wild Yam Root

Suma Root

Astragalus Root

Prickly Ash Bark

Thyroid & Thymus Tonic

Traditional Uses

Hypothyroidism, fatigue, chronic fatigue (not from Eqstein-Barr), heart arrhythmias, osterporosis or
scoliosis, cramps, ridged or brittle fingernails, cold hands & feet, hair loss, menstrual disorders, arthritis,
bursitis, headaches, migraines, obesity, varicose or spider veins, low bone density scores, low energy
levels, symptoms of depression, spine deterioration or herniated disks, prolapsed organs, aneurysms,
petechiae (bruising), slow digestion, dry skin, low sweating ability, etc.


Kelp Frond Powder

Bee Propolis Powder

Ho Shou Wu Root

Saw Palmetto Berry

Schizandra Berry

Butchers Broom Root

Eleuthero Root

Chaste Tree Berry

Bayberry Root

Prickly Ash Bark

Liver & Gallbladder Tonic

Traditional Uses

Detoxification, Hepatitis A, B, and C, jaundice, cirrhosis, liver and gallbladder stones, anemia, toxic blood
conditions, toxemia, high blood pressure, low estrogen levels, low energy, chronic fatigue, anger,
duodenum inflammation, constipation or diarrhea, and poor digestion.


Avoid during early pregnancy.


Milk Thistle Seed

Burdock Root

Dandelion Root

Asparagus Root

Bayberry Root

Schizandra Berry

Turmeric Root

Cleavers Herb

Yellow Dock Root

Bupleurum Root

Prickly Ash Bark

Eye Health

Traditional Uses

Cataracts, glaucoma, retina deterioration, eye weaknesses, congestion or foreign particles trapped in
the eye tissues, radiation burns, blood shot eyes, infections of the eye tissues (pink eye, etc.), retinitis,
conjunctivitis, floaters, granulated eye lids, dry eyes, blepharitis, etc.


Eyebright Herb

White Oak Bark

Self Heal Herb

Pau dArco Bark

Mullein Leaf

Plantain Leaf

Horsetail Herb


Ginko Leaf

Goldenseal Root

Chickweed Herb

Passion Flower Herb

Butchers Broom Root

Marshmallow Root
Brain & Nervous System Tonic I

Traditional Uses

Weakened nervous system, marked by nerve rings in the iris (autonomic, sympathetic and
parasympathetic), poor memory (short and long term), Alzheimers, Crutchfield Jacobs (Mad Cow
Disease), senile dementia, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinsons, Bells Palsy, post strokes, headaches,
migraines, spinal cord injuries, depression, jittery nerves, pituitary and pineal gland weakness, shingles,
spasms, epilepsy, twitching, electrical weaknesses of the heart (arrhythmias, depolarization and
repolarization issues, etc.), dizziness, equilibrium issues and mental disorders.


Gotu Kola Herb

Ginko Leaf

Skullcap Herb

Rhodiola Root

Rosemary Leaf

Eleuthero Root

Schizandra Berry

Prickly Ash Bark

Chaste Tree Berry

Healthy Circulation - Lower Body

Traditional Uses

A specific for weaknesses and congestion of the arteries, capillaries, veins, and the heart. Hypertension
(high blood pressure), dizziness, poor circulation, myocardial infarction (heart attacks), angina (chest
pains), all heart weaknesses, claudication of the extremities, varicose and spider veins (strengthens
vascular walls), phlebitis, hemorrhoids, cramping of the legs, atherosclerosis and arteriosclerosis,
platelet agitation, glaucoma, strokes, depression, elevated cholesterol, poor memory, graying of the
hair, balding, fatigue, equilibrium issues, aneurysms, and mental disorders. Upper Circulation: Also
seizures and convulsions.


Butchers Broom Root

Hawthorn Berry

Horse Chestnut Seed

Bilberry Leaf

Artichoke Leaf

White Oak Bark

Prickly Ash Bark

Cayenne Pepper
Skin Tonic

Traditional Uses

All skin conditions, including eczema, rashes, pimples, psoriasis, scleroderma, etc., jaundice, sluggish
lymphatic congestion, hepatitis A, B, & C, sclerosis of the liver, cystitis, nephritis, obstructions of the
liver, pancreas, spleen & kidneys, female and male hormonal conditions, gangrene, blood conditions
(toxicity, cancers, etc.), anemia, low red blood cell count, low hemoglobin, cancer, HIV/AIDS, syphilis,
leprosy, gout, catarrh, hemorrhoids, poor digestion, improves absorption, chronic fatigue, liver and gall
stones, acid reflux, leucorrhea, etc.


Oregon Grape Root

Jamaican Sarsaparilla Root

Burdock Root

Bayberry Root

White Oak Bark

Prickly Ash Bark

Parasite G

Traditional Uses

Parasites, especially larger ones such as worms (pin, hook, round, all types of tapes) and flukes (liver,
pancreatic etc.), microorganisms including, but not limited to: viruses, bacterium, protozoas, fungi,
molds, warts, etc., chronic yeast infections (Candida albicans), hepatitis A, B, and C, chronic UTIs,
ringworm, toxic skin conditions (psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, etc.), gangrene, AIDS, cancer, tumors,


Do not use during pregnancy. It is strongly recommended that the Kidneys & Bladder formula be used
with this formula


Wormwood Herb

Usnea Lichen

Juniper Berry

Pau dArco Bark

Parsley Root and Leaf

American Wormseed

Cats Claw Bark

Clove Bud

Barberry Root

Tansy Herb

Fennel Seed

Cascara Sagrada Bark

Cape Aloe Leaf

Lymph Node Support II

Traditional Uses

Detoxification, swollen lymph nodes, tumors, boils, cysts, tonsillitis, cancer (all types, esp. lymphomas),
AIDS, toxemia, sepsis of the blood, sinus congestion, lung congestion, chemical poisoning, snake or
insect bites, glaucoma, poor hearing, poor vision, cloudy vision and/or floaters, all skin conditions
(eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, etc.), enlarged glands, hardening of the liver, all venereal diseases,
dysmenorrhea, leucorrhea, hemorrhoids, colds, flu, pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma, any lung issues,
gangrene, tuberculosis, urinary tract infections, catarrh issues, cellulitis, cataracts, inability to sweat,
sore throat. Use in inflammatory and congestive conditions.


Avoid during early pregnancy. It is strongly recommended that the Kidneys & Bladder formula be used
with this formula.


Chaparral Herb

Red Root

Burdock Root

Graviola Fruit

Pau d'Arco Bark

Parsley (whole)

Red Clover Herb

Cleavers Herb

Fenugreek Seed
Female Reproductive Tonic

Traditional Uses

All female reproductive issues including dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation), amenorrhea (lack of
proper menstruation), PMS, ovulation disorders, etc. Discharges, endometriosis, ovarian cysts and
uterine fibroids, prolapsed uterus, menorrhagia (excessive bleeding, which is estrogen dominance), hot
flashes and cramping, edema, under- developed or sagging breasts, dry vaginal walls (low estrogen
levels), premature births (estrogen dominance), tones the female body, cancers of the female
reproductive organs, low sex drive.


Use caution during early pregnancy.


Chaste Tree Berry

Black Haw Bark

Blue Cohosh

Squaw Vine

Ligustrum Lucidium

Wild Yam Root

Red Raspberry

Damiana Herb

Suma Root
Healthy Pituitary

Traditional Uses

Stimulate other endocrine glands to produce or release specific hormones, steroids and
neurotransmitters. Address neurological weaknesses such as MS, Parkinsons, and cerebral palsy.
Addresses other weakness such as hypothyroidism, hypofunction of the ovaries, under or over-active
tissue and cell growth, rapid aging, diabetes and lactation problems.


Chaste Tree Berry

Alfalfa Leaf Juice Powder

Ho Shou Wu Root

Suma Root

Schizandra Berry

Ginko Leaf

Eleuthero Root

Burdock Root

Butchers Broom Root

Prickly Ash Bark

Saw Palmetto Berry

Lung Tonic II

Traditional Uses

Congestive and degenerative lung issues including: bronchitis, pneumonia, emphysema, asthma, COPD,
colds, sore throats, tonsillitis, lung cancer, lung tumors, TB, sinus congestion, dyspnea, pleurisy,
influenza, coughs, bleeding of the lungs, hearing loss, loss of taste and smell, thyroid congestion (causing
hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism).


Avoid during early pregnancy.


Mullein Leaf

Fenugreek Seed

Marshmallow Root

Slippery Elm Bark

Chickweed Herb

Bayberry Root

Comfrey Leaf

Horehound Herb

Yerba Santa Leaf

Lymph Node Support III

Traditional Uses

Detoxification, swollen lymph nodes, tumors, boils, cysts, tonsillitis, cancer (all types, esp. lymphomas),
AIDS, toxemia, sepsis of the blood, sinus congestion, lung congestion, chemical poisoning, snake or
insect bites, glaucoma, poor hearing, poor vision, cloudy vision and/or floaters, all skin conditions
(eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, etc.), enlarged glands, hardening of the liver, all venereal diseases,
dysmenorrhea, leucorrhea, hemorrhoids, colds, flu, pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma, any lung issues,
gangrene, tuberculosis, urinary tract infections, catarrh issues, cellulitis, cataracts, inability to sweat,
sore throat. Use in inflammatory and congestive conditions.


Avoid during early pregnancy. It is strongly recommended that the Kidneys & Bladder formula be used
with this formula.


Red Clover Herb

Pau d'Arco Bark

Blood Root

Echinacea Root

Fenugreek Seed

Juniper Berry

Plantain Leaf

Vervain Leaf

Red Root

Cleavers Herb

Prickly Ash Bark

Pancreas Tonic

Traditional Uses

Diabetes Type 1 (Genetic) and Type 2 (late onset diabetes mellitus), hypoglycemia, mal-absorption, poor
digestion of foods including proteins (loss of muscle tissue), excessive thinness, undigested foods in
stool, fatigue, pancreatitis, pancreatic cancer, lack of vitality and/or body strength.


Bayberry Root

Blessed Thistle

Blue Vervain Leaf

Burdock Root

Centaury Herb

Dandelion Root

Goldenseal Root

Hawthorn Berry

Juniper Berry

Gentian Root

Prickly Ash Bark

Thyme Leaf

Cardamom Seed
Chem / Metal Detox

Traditional Uses

Heavy metal toxicity, chemical toxicity and poisoning, inflammatory conditions (itiss), low adrenal
function (hypoactivity), jaundice, hepatitis A, B, & C, sclerosis of the liver, nephritis, cystitis, obstructions
within tissues, male and female hormonal conditions, syphilis, gonorrhea, cancer, HIV, lymphatic
congestion, pimples, skin conditions, swollen glands, gallstones/liver stones, gravel, bites & stings, high
blood pressure, low blood pressure, catarrh, leprosy, chronic fatigue, anemia, arsenic poisoning,
hypothyroidism, endocrine glandular weakness, diabetes, vaccination poisoning, internal and external
hemostatics, prolapsed conditions, parasites, infections, goiter, ulcers, gangrene, elevated cholesterol,
clogged arteries, poor circulation, graying of hair, hair loss, narcotic poisoning.


Fresh Cilantro Leaf

Fresh Parsley Leaf

Bugleweed Herb

Irish Moss

Yellow Dock Root

Chlorella Powder

Alfalfa Leaf Juice Powder

Lymph Node Support V

Traditional Uses

Detoxification, swollen lymph nodes, tumors, boils, cysts, tonsillitis, cancer (all types, esp. lymphomas),
AIDS, toxemia, sepsis of the blood, sinus congestion, lung congestion, chemical poisoning, snake or
insect bites, glaucoma, poor hearing, poor vision, cloudy vision and/or floaters, all skin conditions
(eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, etc.), enlarged glands, hardening of the liver, all venereal diseases,
dysmenorrhea, leucorrhea, hemorrhoids, colds, flu, pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma, any lung issues,
gangrene, tuberculosis, urinary tract infections, catarrh issues, cellulitis, cataracts, inability to sweat,
sore throat. Use in inflammatory and congestive conditions.


Avoid during early pregnancy. It is strongly recommended that the Kidneys & Bladder formula be used
with this formula.


Blood Root

Burdock Root

Chaparral Herb

Dandelion (whole)

Plantain Leaf

Poke Root

Stinging Nettle Leaf

White Oak Bark

Fenugreek Seed

Cleavers Herb

Juniper Berry

Prickly Ash Bark

Spasm Calm

Formerly Herbal Antispasmodic and/or Neuromuscular Tonic

Neuro-muscular spasms, PMS and menstruation pain, angina (chest pain), convulsions, MS, Parkinsons,
spinal cord injuries, vascular spasms, leg cramps, asthmatic attacks, pain, epilepsy, myocardial infarction
(heart attack), headaches and migraines, nervous tension.


Wild Lettuce Herb

Passion Flower Herb

St. Johns Wort Herb & Flowers

Lobelia Herb

Rue (whole)

Wild Yam Root

Skullcap Herb

Valerian Root

Wood Betony

Cramp Bark

Catnip (whole)

Cayenne Pepper Fruit

Prostate Tonic

Traditional Uses

Detoxification of the prostate gland, prostate cancer, elevated PSAs (prostatitis), enlargement of the
prostate or testes, sexual impotence, low sperm count, discharges, venereal diseases, frequent or
difficult urination, incontinence, premature ejaculation, low sex drive.


Pygeum Bark

Saw Palmetto Berry

Cleavers Herb

Schizandra Berry

Hydrangea Root

Marshmallow Root

Wild Yam Root

Gravel Root

Stinging Nettle Leaf

Lymph Node Support I

Traditional Uses

Detoxification, swollen lymph nodes, tumors, boils, cysts, tonsillitis, cancer (all types, esp. lymphomas),
AIDS, toxemia, sepsis of the blood, sinus congestion, lung congestion, chemical poisoning, snake or
insect bites, glaucoma, poor hearing, poor vision, cloudy vision and/or floaters, all skin conditions
(eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, etc.), enlarged glands, hardening of the liver, all venereal diseases,
dysmenorrhea, leucorrhea, hemorrhoids, colds, flu, pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma, any lung issues,
gangrene, tuberculosis, urinary tract infections, catarrh issues, cellulitis, cataracts, inability to sweat,
sore throat. Use in inflammatory and congestive conditions.


Avoid during early pregnancy. It is strongly recommended that the Kidneys & Bladder formula be used
with this formula.


Echinacea Root

Red Root

Plantain Leaf

Poke Root

Culver's Root

Burdock Root

Ligustrum Lucidium

Blood Root

Prickly Ash Bark

Fenugreek Seed

Cleaver's Herb

White Oak Bark

Healthy Heart

Traditional Uses

Myocardial infarction (heart attack), mitral valve prolapse, pericarditis, bradycardia, tachycardia, angina
pectoris (chest pains), palpitations, dyspnea, varicose and spider veins, arrhythmias, including atrial
fibrillation and flutter, junctional rhythms, PACs, PVCs, heart blocks, heart or chamber hypertrophy
(enlargement), weak heart, congestive heart failure, edema and aneurysms.


Do not take during pregnancy.


Hawthorn Berry

Motherwort Herb

Rosemary Leaf

Kelp Thallus

Bugleweed Herb

Parsley Root

Astragalus Root
Gland Tonic

*This product contains Velvet Deer Antler*

Traditional Uses

All diseases associated with glandular imbalances or weaknesses, including but not limited to
hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, adrenal insufficiency, estrogen dominance, scoliosis, osteoporosis,
ridged fingernails (and all other calcium related weaknesses), prostatitis, low immune response,
diabetes, arthritis, bursitis, rheumatism, neurological disorders of all types including MS, Parkinsons,
tremors, etc., nerve rings in the iris, hypertension and especially hypotension, cholesterol depositing.
Addisons disease, chronic fatigue syndrome (not from Epstein-Barr virus), cancers, HIV/AIDS, sleep
disorders and growth disorders. Low or excessive sex drive, PMS, hot flashes, excessive hair loss or gain.


Do not use if your medical professional has advised you that you have or may have a tumor or cancer.


Eleuthero Root

Ho Shou Wu Root

Ligustrum Lucidum

Damiana Leaves

Suma Root

Chaste Tree Berry

Kelp Frond Powder

Wild Yam Root

Schizandra Berry

Saw Palmetto Berry

Dandelion Root
Velvet Deer Antler

Parsley Root

Prickly Ash Bark

Blood Tonic

Traditional Uses

Detoxification, toxic blood conditions, septicemia, leukocytosis, all CANCERS (esp. leukemia), AIDS,
anemia, syphilis, leprosy, elevated cholesterol, fatigue, low iron levels, gangrene, exhaustion, parasitic
invasion of weakened blood cells, blood disorders, chronic fatigue syndrome (except when caused from
thyroid and adrenal weaknesses, etc.) Toxic liver and spleen conditions. Low iron levels, low O
saturation, malabsorption, and fatigue. Helps improve nutrient absorption.


Red Clover Herb

Burdock Root

White Oak Bark

Plantain Leaf

Yellow Dock Root

Prickly Ash Bark


Mild to moderate pain including neuromuscular pain, headaches, migraines, hypertension, arthritis,
rheumatism, nervous tension, shingles, minor spasms, menstruation pain, PMS, neuralgia.


White Willow Bark

Corydalis Root

Wild Lettuce Herb

Wild Yam Root

Kava Kava Root

Valerian Root
Ultimate Immune Tonic $ 34.00

*This product contains Velvet Deer Antler*

Traditional Uses

A rejuvenator. All types of autoimmune conditions. Low immune response, low NK cell counts (low T &
B cell count), enhances macrophages, debility, fatigue, all diseases. Hypo conditions of the endocrine
glands (thyroid, adrenals, etc.), shortness of breath, lung weakness and congestion, poor digestion, slow
metabolism, prolapsed organs (uterus, bladder, etc.) varicose veins and spider veins, nephritis. Spinal
Cord injuries including all neurological weaknesses including MS (Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinsons, etc.)
Heart arrhythmias, promotes longevity.


Do not use if your medical professional has advised you that you have or may have a tumor or cancer.


Velvet Deer Antler

American Ginseng Root

Gotu Kola Herb

Astragalus Root

Schizandra Berry

Jujube Fruit
Healthy Joints

Traditional Uses

Any itis (inflammation in tissues) including: arthritis, bursitis, rheumatism, enteritis, colitis, gastritis,
biliary colic, diabetes, nephritis, hemorrhoids, over-acid conditions, painful swellings, etc.


Yucca Root

Devils Claw Root

Wild Yam Root

Chickweed Herb

Cats Claw Bark

Marshmallow Root

Turmeric Root

Mullein Leaf

Meadowsweet Herb

Hydrangea Root and Leaf

Jamaican Sarsaparilla Root

Lymph Node Support IV

Traditional Uses

Detoxification, swollen lymph nodes, tumors, boils, cysts, tonsillitis, cancer (all types, esp. lymphomas),
AIDS, toxemia, sepsis of the blood, sinus congestion, lung congestion, chemical poisoning, snake or
insect bites, glaucoma, poor hearing, poor vision, cloudy vision and/or floaters, all skin conditions
(eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, etc.), enlarged glands, hardening of the liver, all venereal diseases,
dysmenorrhea, leucorrhea, hemorrhoids, colds, flu, pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma, any lung issues,
gangrene, tuberculosis, urinary tract infections, catarrh issues, cellulitis, cataracts, inability to sweat,
sore throat. Use in inflammatory and congestive conditions.


Avoid during early pregnancy. It is strongly recommended that the Kidneys & Bladder formula be used
with this formula.


Chaparral Herb

Sweet Violet Leaf

Cleavers Herb

Fenugreek Seed

Chickweed Herb

Bayberry Root

Sheep Sorrel (whole)

Rhodiola Root

Prickly Ash Bark

Red Root

Poke Root

Blood Root

Male Reproductive Tonic

Traditional Uses

A weakened male system with symptoms including, but not limited to: impotence, premature
ejaculation, low or excessive sex drive, general body weakness or fatigue, low ambition, low energy,
pituitary weakness, adrenal weakness, anemia, depression, hormone imbalance, lack of endurance. A
great daily formula for longevity.


Do not take with prostate cancer.


Ho Shou Wu Root

Eleuthero Root

Butchers Broom

Schizandra Berry

Juniper Berry

Parsley (whole)

Asian Ginseng Root

Alfalfa Leaf Juice Powder

Damiana Leaf

Cleavers Herb

Chaste Tree Berry

Prickly Ash Bark


Lung Tonic I

Traditional Uses

Congestive and degenerative lung issues including: bronchitis, pneumonia, emphysema, asthma, COPD,
colds, sore throats, tonsillitis, lung cancer, lung tumors, TB, sinus congestion, dyspnea, pleurisy,
influenza, coughs, bleeding of the lungs, hearing loss, loss of taste and smell, thyroid congestion (causing
hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism).


Avoid during early pregnancy.


Pleurisy Root

Mullein Leaf

Yerba Santa Leaf

Marshmallow Root

Fenugreek Seed

Chickweed Herb

Thyme Leaf
Immune System Tonic

Traditional Uses

Assists detoxification, weakened immune system, parasitic infestations, toxemia, sepsis of the blood,
colds, flu, all cancers, AIDS, tumors, cysts, infections, wounds, chemotherapy, radiation, when using
chemical medications (especially antibiotics), lymphatic swellings, lung conditions (bronchitis,
pneumonia, asthma, etc.), gangrene, venereal diseases, tuberculosis, urinary tract infections, cellulitis,
poisoning, snake or insect bites, all skin conditions (eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, etc.), calms nervous
system & relieves insomnia, anti-oxidant, enlarged glands, helps with viral hepatitis & protects liver
against chemical damage. Good before and after surgeries.


Echinacea Root

Astragalus Root

Pau dArco Bark

Cats Claw Bark

Maitake Mushroom

Eleuthero Root

Schizandra Berry

Reishi Mycelia

Reishi Mushroom

Shiitake Mycelia

Shiitake Mushroom
Spleen Tonic

Traditional Uses

For an enlarged, congested, and/or inflamed spleen. Splenalgia, splenectasis, splenitis, splenodynia,
splenoma, Feltys Syndrome, Bantis Syndrome, splenic neutropenia, splenic thrombocytopenia,
congestive splenomegaly, low platelet production, immune weakness, lymphatic congestion and
stagnation, hypertension, low white blood cell count. Use with blood cleansing programs.


Red Root

Wood Betony

White Oak Bark

Yellow Dock Root

Astragalus Root

Bayberry Root

Poke Root
No-Glo (Rad. Detox) $ 28.00

Formerly Radiation Exposure

Traditional Use

This herbal formula was designed for people with excessive exposure to radiation of any kind. This
includes radiation from computers, color television sets, high power lines, cell phones, X-rays, CAT scans,
MRIs, PET scans, mammograms, microwave ovens, etc.


Schizandra Berry

Kelp Thallus

Rosemary Leaf

Burdock Root

Asian Ginseng Leaf

Echinacea Root

Fresh Parsley Leaf

Rose Hips

Aloe Vera

Traditional Uses

Internal bleeding from all types of tissues, including but not limited to the urinary tract, lungs, liver,
gastrointestinal tract, brain, gums, bleeding ulcers, etc. External bleeding from cuts, abrasions, wounds,


Do not use during pregnancy. Do not use during menstruation.


White Oak Bark

Periwinkle Flower

Red Raspberry Leaf

Bistort Root

Agrimony Leaf & Flower

Stinging Nettle Leaf

Thuja Leaf & Twigs

Lobelia Herb

Cayenne Pepper Fruit

Teas and Blends

Heal All Tea Loose Leaf

Traditional Uses

All types of cancers (including skin cancer), tumors, abscesses, pimples, toxic conditions of the body,
poor digestion, fatigue, infections (all types). Septicemia, detoxification, herpes (both), diabetes,
fibrocystic conditions, endometriosis, A-typical cell formation, ovarian cysts, prostatitis, jaundice,
hepatitis (all), congestive conditions, snake and insect bites, headaches, all types of skin conditions
(eczema, psoriasis, etc.), edema, inflammation of all types, debility, Aids, leprosy, gangrene, parasites,
hemorrhoids, prolapsed conditions, etc.


Caution during pregnancy, especially early pregnancy (first 5 months).


White Oak Bark

Plantain Leaf

Pau d'Arco Bark

Juniper Berry

Chaparral Herb

Burdock Root

Marshmallow Root

Comfrey Root & Leaf

GI Broom $30.00

GI Broom was designed not only to remove toxic buildup (mucoid plaque) on the intestinal wall; but also
to pull through the intestinal wall into the lymphatic system where lymph stagnation causes mal-
absorption, GI tract inflammation (e.g. enteritis, colitis, etc.), cancers, polyps, etc. Removes sulfur
accumulation and other toxic chemicals that have been stored in the GI tract wall.

DO NOT CONSUME with supplements, foods, or herbal formulas. Take at least 2 hours after meals and
supplementation, otherwise bentonite clay will bind onto beneficial nutrients and pull them through the
system unabsorbed.


Psyllium Husk Powder

Cascara Sagrada Bark

Plantain Leaf

Slippery Elm Bark

Marshmallow Root

Fenugreek Seed

White Oak Bark

Irish Moss

Chickweed Herb

Bayberry Root

Mullein Leaf

Cape Aloe Leaf

Bentonite Clay

Activated Charcoal

Ginger Root

Aloe Vera Leaf


Acerola Cherry Powder

God's Garden Superfood Blend II

This formula was designed for all ages and all walks of life. As this formula is mega-nutritional, it fits in
all situations, especially highly depleted individuals. Even animals can benefit tremendously with this

Do not take before bedtime if you want to sleep (its an energizer!).


Royal Jelly

Alfalfa Leaf Juice Powder

Fruit Blend (Banana, Orange, Mango, Blueberry, Bilberry, Papaya, Peach, Pear)

Kelp Thallus

Dandelion Leaf

Chaste Tree Berry

Hawthorn Berry

Saw Palmetto Berry

Eleuthero Root

Parsley Leaf

Beet Root

Carrot Juice

Spinach Leaf

Plantain Leaf

Licorice Root

Acerola Cherry Powder


Stevia Leaf

Prickly Ash Bark

Aloe Vera 100:1

3-Lung Tea

Traditional Uses

Soothes inflammation and relieves pain, treatment of lung disease, coughs, consumption and
hemorrhage of the respiratory organs. Clears the lungs and relieves spasms. Relieves lymphatic
congestion in the chest/lung area. Stimulates expectoration. Softens and dissolves hardened masses of
accumulated mucus, soothes mucous membranes in the lungs and GI tract and treats lung infections.


None known.


Mullein Leaf

Pleurisy Root

Fenugreek Seed

God's Garden Superfood Blend I $46.00

Traditional Uses

This formula was designed for all ages and all walks of life. As this formula is mega-nutritional, it fits in
all situations, especially highly depleted individuals. Even animals can benefit tremendously with this


None known. Do not take before bedtime if you want to sleep (its an energizer!)

Royal Jelly

Wheat Grass Juice Powder

Alfalfa Leaf Juice Powder

Chickweed Herb

Kelp Thallus

Hawthorn Berry

Saw Palmetto Berry

Gotu Kola Herb

Chaste Tree Berry

Eleuthero Root

Chia Seed

Beet Root

Lemon Peel

Ginkgo Leaf

Dandelion Leaf

Flax Seed


Pau dArco Bark

Astragalus Root

Milk Thistle Seed

Hemp Seed

Black Walnut Hull

Licorice Root

Ginger Root

Aloe Vera
Stomach Tea $24.00

Traditional Uses

IBS, over-acid conditions of the stomach or the bowels, acid reflux, acid dyspepsia, flatulence,
diverticulitis, inflammation (gastritis, enteritis, and colitis), ulceration, degeneration and cancer of the GI
tract, helps remove mucoid plaque build-up, prolapses, detoxification, polyps (internal and external),
Crohns Disease, gastroparesis, etc.


Marshmallow Root

Slippery Elm Bark

Aloe Vera Leaf Powder

Mullein Leaf

Wild Yam Root

Goldenseal Root

Burdock Root

Comfrey Leaf

White Oak Bark

Chamomile Flower

Gentian Root

Ginger Root


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