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Espaol 10

Verbos Irregulares: O -> ue

Poder - to be able
acordar - to agree, to decide
acostar - to put to bed
almorzar - to eat lunch
aprobar - to approve
colgar - to hang
contar - to count, to tell
costar - to cost
devolver - to return (an object)
dormir - to sleep
encontrar - to find
envolver - to wrap
forzar - to force
morder - to bite
morir - to die
mostrar - to show
mover - to move (an object)
probar - to prove, test, sample, taste
recordar - to remember
renovar - to renovate
resolver - to solve
resonar - to resonate
rodar - to roll
rogar - to beg, pray
sonar - to sound, ring
soar (con) - to dream (about)
tostar - to toast
volar - to fly
volver - to return (from someplace)


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