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1. Draw a circle in the center of the square. 6.

Draw a straight vertical line using a ruler in the center of

the box.
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11. Create a Value Scale from black to white in the squares below.

2. Draw an oval in the center of the square. 7. Draw a straight horizontal line using a ruler in the center of
the box. 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

12. Fill the box with Hatching lines. 15. Draw an eye.

3. Draw a sqaure above the line. 8. Draw a curved line in the center of the square. 13. Fill the box with Cross-hatching lines.
* Make sure the bottom line of your square 16. Draw a nose.
touches the line provided.

14. Fill the square with Scribbling lines.

9. Draw an angular line in the square.

4. Draw a square below the line.
* Make sure the top line of your square 17. Draw a pair of lips.
touches the line provided.

10. Draw a circle the fills ups the square. Then draw a straight
vertical line using a ruler through the center of your circle
18. Draw a cube. 19. Draw a sphere. 20. Draw a cone.
5. Draw 2 Overlapping circles in the rectangle.

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