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Volu m e 48 | Issu e 15 | Tu es, 8/ 15/ 17

Th i n gs Th at M ak e M e M i l dl y I r r i t at ed
By Ryan Kane

* People w ho don?t silence their phones

at the m ovies
* People w ho laugh m uch longer and
louder than necessar y at the m ovies
* Chips that ar e 90% air (* cough cough*
* W hen my pizza r olls ar en't r eady
* Not thr ow ing aw ay dead
m ar ker s/pens
Don ?t do t h i s at h om e? or , l i k e, an yw h er e. * People that ar e w ay too chatty w hen
(M i sadven t u r es of m y M ot h er Par t 6) you?r e in a str essful situation
By Tillie Slosser * Tr ying to shake hands w ith a lefty
* People w ho put soda in their w ater
Her e it is, guys. The final M isadventur es of my cup
M other. Enjoy (or don?t, I don?t r eally car e). * People w ho don?t under stand how to
Have you ever w oken up on Apr il Fools Day and use ?ther e? and ?you'r e? cor r ectly
thought of a r eally good pr ank? Pr obably. So, one fateful * Waiter s/w aitr esses w ho tr y to be
Apr il Fools Day, my m om had a sleepover w ith one of her funny but m assively fail
fr iends. They thought it w ould be hilar ious to hide all the * W hen one plug cover s the other
alar m clocks so that ever yone w ould w ake up late. W her e outlet so you?r e for ced to get a pow er
did they hide them ? The only logical (note the sar casm ) str ip or plug it into another outlet
place, the oven. Honestly, up until that point I think it w as * W hen my pizza r olls still ar en?t r eady
a decent pr ank . W hat they didn?t account for w as the * W hen som eone leaves the volum e on
m other. M other s have a nasty habit of w anting to pam per the T.V. w ay too loud
you w hen your fr iends ar e over. This unfor tunate m other * W hen door s don?t specify w hether
thought that she w ould just m ake m uffins ear ly in the they?r e pull or push
m or ning for the tw o young r ascals. If you?ve ever m ade * W hen you have popcor n at the
m uffins (and you should, they?r e delicious), you know that m ovies and you spend the next 48
you have to use the oven, but befor e you even star t that, hour s tr ying to get ker nels out of your
you need to star t pr eheating the oven. For all of you w ho teeth
can?t cook out ther e, pr eheating the oven m eans that you * W hen you?r e having soup and your
star t m aking the oven hot. W hich m eans that if you leave spoon falls in
som ething in the oven, it star ts cooking. And guess w hat * W hen you?r e 3-hole punching
you r eally don?t w ant to cook? Yeah, am ong the long list of som ething but you don?t put the paper
things you don?t w ant to cook (like fecal m atter , or fabr ics), in all the w ay so the holes ar e w ay too
alar m clocks ar e r ight at the top. Im agine lots of thick, close to the edge
ter r ible sm elling sm oke, and a heck of a ton of fir e alar m s * W hen you have tape and you can?t
beeping. Ir onically, this w oke ever yone up m uch m or e find w her e you left off on it
effectively than an alar m clock ever could. So kids, w hen * W hen you keep your batter ies in a big
som e people say don?t tr y this at hom e, you still do, but this container and can?t tell w hether they?r e
one, tr ust m e, don?t tr y it at hom e. dead or not
* W hen you?r e m aking pancakes and
the batter spills over the edge
* W hen you?r e dr inking soda w ith a
str aw and the str aw doesn?t stay
Please don?t do these things for the
w ell-being of the people ar ound you.
Kal e Sm oot h i e Ar e You Al l Abou t Th at M em e Li f e?
By Kalie A quiz by ya?boi her e i com e i am cinnam on
(Nicholas Chiasson)
This is a r ecipe for a delicious kale sm oothie!
- cup of kale Is grumpy cat still funny?
- cup of lem onade or lem on juice. A. Yes
- teaspoon of honey B. No
- 5-7 ice cubes
Blend kale, lem onade or lem on juice, honey, Have you seen the entire important video playlist?
and ice. Pour in a cup and enjoy! A. TBH don't even know w hat that is so I have
obviously not seen all of it.
B. Of cour se! (quietly star ts singing yee)
5 Ador abl e Pu ppi es an d W hy
By Ben Kelly and Cole Tom etsko How frequently do you find yourself saying ?W HAT
1. Pom er anian ? The m ost ador able little A. Never.
fluffy thing you w ill ever see, the B. One m ight say I am saying that ever yday, br o. See
Pom er anian is cur ious and w alks ar ound how that joke is still funny?
thinking it is the cutest thing ever. The
Pom er anian is a gr eat com panion and is Have you actually seen ?The Emoji M ovie?
easy to tr ain how ever they do need good A. No, w hy w ould I?
gr oom ing to m aintain their soft fluffy coat. B. POP THE PINKY POP THE PINKY POP THE PINKY
2. Pug ? A obedient little dog that is calm
and easy to tr ain, this dog w ill adapt to any Was this quiz worth reading?
envir onm ent easily and ar e ver y to be A. No I honestly am r ethinking my life choices.
ar ound how ever they ar e a little sensitive B. Heckin?dope fam .
and they do not like to be alone. They also
r equir e to be at r oom tem per atur e because If you chose mostly A?s then i'm sorry but you need to
they have little pr otection fr om both heat brush up on your memes fam :(
and cold. If you chose m ostly B?s then you?r e m em in?ever yday,
br o. Was that too m any Jake Paul jokes? Yes. A tr ue
3. Japanese Akita ? this ver y sensitive dog is m em e lor d adm its his m istakes.
soft and quite fox-like.This br eed is a ver y
dr ooly br eed and they shed a lot but they (Editor?s Note: I understood about 10% of this article --
ar e ver y fr iendly tow ar ds fam ily but they Walker)
ar e not ver y fr iendly to people outside the
fam ily. They ar e not gr eat w ith other dogs
but they ar e loud, bar ky, and they ar e full of
ener gy. CLEAN UP
By: Weston
4. Jack-r ussell ter r ier ? this extr em ely
ener getic dog is super fr iendly to anything PHOTOJOURNALISM LISTEN UP!!!
w hether it be a per son or dog. They can You alw ays leave a m ess for 3r d per iod, Wor d
easily be tr ained and they love to play w ith Collage M adness, and w e don't r espect that! We
ever yone.This br eed is also ver y alw ays have to clean up after you. Clean up after
intelligent.they w ill bar k a lot but they adapt your selves! You'r e not babies? or ar e you? CLEAN
to envir onm ents pr etty quickly. UP!!!!!! You ar e older kids, you can clean up after
your selves!
5. Pem br oke w elsh cor gi ? This ver y unique Ben? M ake your class CLEAN UP!!!
dog has r eally shor t legs that just m ake it CLEAN UP!!!
ador able. How ever , you need to m ake sur e
that they don't eat too m uch. These dogs
shed a lot but they don?t dr ool and they ar e
super fr iendly tow ar ds ever ything except
dogs and ar e super ener getic.
Th e Gu l l i bl e Nat i on of Zor t en dag A M em o f r om t h e Au t h or
By AnoNYm OuS777 (Ben Cr able) Peter Tr avis

Ther e once existed a nation so gullible, you could tell Expr essing our selves is one of the
the pr esident of that countr y that acting like a chicken m any few things w e ar e allow ed to do in this
w ill extend your life, and he w ould do it. One day the countr y. We can speak our m ind on political
neighbor ing nation of Finm ar k finally r ealized they issues, br ing about change, and m ost
could easily conquer Zor tendag. So the entir e im por tantly, our actions ar e defended by our
Finm ar kian ar my star ted m ar ching to Zor tendag. The Constitution. How ever , at the Daily Double,
Zor tendagian pr esident got w or d of this invasion and not ever ything gets into the pages.
or der ed all of his soldier s to pr epar e for battle For exam ple, if you w r ite an ar ticle,
because if they do, a unicor n w ill lead them to victor y. and ther e?s a dr ug r efer ence in that ar ticle,
The tw o ar m ies m et on the battlefield a day later and you can expect your dr ug r efer ence to be
star ted fighting. The Finm ar kian ar my star ted telling r em oved. This is because, quite fr ankly,
the Zor tendagian ar my tall tales, such as r unning back younger kids m ight r ead it. We, as m inor s,
hom e w ill m ake you invincible, or that becom ing ar e im pr essionable, and not bor n w ith one
English teacher s m akes you cooler. (Editor?s Note: m indset. We should expect an ar ticle to
becoming an English teacher does indeed make you challenge the m inds of our peer s, but dr ug
cooler!) The Zor tendagian pr esident, r ealizing his r efer ences m ay go a little too far. Ther e is a
ar my w as defeated, told the citizens of the nation to r eason w hy that ar ticle w as changed.
star t attacking any Finm ar kian soldier s w ith fr ying How ever , ar ticles should not be changed by
pans, because fr ying pans w er e m ost effective in a the editor w ithout the author ?s consent. Say
tow n. Unfor tunately, the Finm ar kian ar my told the that I w ant to m ake a m ild joke about having
citizens to thr ow their pans at the pr esident, because to add a par t to the ar ticle to have it
he kept a stash of cookies in his castle. The pr esident, published. If an editor at the Daily Double
now finally accepting defeat w ithout an enemy w ants to change this joke, it w ould be
casualty, decided to r un aw ay to Dover , M A. This under standable to change it w hen the author
pr esident?s nam e w as then M ichael, AKA ?Wum bo?. agr ees that it should be changed. Other w ise,
it w ould be unw ar r anted.
I am w r iting this m em o because I do
Pl eeeppi n appl el ea not w ish for a r ift to for m betw een the
By Kylie O?Hear n cam per s and the counselor s. W hen edits
should be m ade, the cam per and the
Once, a ver y, ver y, long tim e ago (appr oxim ately counselor should w or k together on the issue,
17,355,559,566,796 centur ies ago) ther e w as a planet. It and should not only be the counselor or the
w as cir cular. The planet w as called Pleeeppinapplelea. cam per m aking decisions about our ar ticles.
A few fr iends lived ther e. One w as a cir cular anim al Cooper ation is key for a good Daily Double
called a Kcpr opus pr onounced:(PROOO-ps). She w as a ar ticle.
light gr een colour. Ther e w er e little fleef tr ees in her This m em o is not m eant to be a guide
house. Her nam e w as Floofpleep. Her house w as a on how the Daily Double should oper ate,
sm all for est. Floofpleep had cir cular feet. She hopped how ever , input fr om the w r iter s m ay help
along the tr ail to her house. Pleeeppinapplelea w as a the new spaper r each new heights, w ith
ver y sm all planet. Only thr ee inhabitants lived ther e. longer issues and debates betw een w r iter s.
Floofpleep ow ned a par t of the planet: the for est ar ea. Thus ends my m em o.
She w alked over to her little sleeping ar ea in a cozy
tr ee. M eanw hile, another fr iend w as in his house, the
ocean ar ea. He w as a PLopleefplop, a r ectangular
anim al that lived in w ater. His nam e w as Flofen. Flofen
lived in a open w ater village. Flofen and Floofpleep
w er e best fr iends. But ther e w as another being on this
planet. Flofen and Floofpleep both did not know w ho
this w as. It lived in the r ealm hem m . Was it a boy or a
gir l? W hat w as it doing? It w as ver y, ver y, str ange. W ho
could it be? We w ill never know. No one know s w hat
happened to that planet. Is is still ther e or is it
Fl eef an d Pl eep Qu est i on s, Vol u m e 2 Ar i st ocr af t : Th e M i n ecr af t f or Pow er f u l an d
Weal t hy Peopl e (A Wu m bo l et ?s-Pl ay)
Pleep: HELLO, FELLOW By AnoNym OuS777 (Ben Cr able)
M ARSHM ALLOWS!!!!! Have a gr eat day!
Wake up your day! Her e is our second batch Wum bo: Hello guys. So, after Walker told us that
of question!!!!!!!!!! W ith special guest ? Tr io. he w as doing a M inecr aft let?s play, I have decided
Fleef: (Side note ? please w r ite clear ly! We to follow his footsteps and do my ow n let?s play
like to w r ite w hat it says on the paper , but if too!
it's m essy, w e can?t r ead it. Thanks. We don't Daily Double Class: Don?t do it! Befor e it?s too late!
know English too w ell!) Wum bo: Relax. I?ll be fine.
Fleef: Ya, Tr io!
Pleep: Tr io is my fr iend!! STOP! After cam p, at Wum bo?s house?
Fleef: I'm not insulting him ! * star es at Pleep* Wum bo: Hello ,ever yone. Today I w ill star t
Pleep: Wait? is Tr io even her e? playing M inecr a- oh? W hat?s this? It seem s like
Fleef: NO?? M icr osoft has changed the gam e. It?s not called
Pleep: Um m m I think w e for got to invite him ! M inecr aft anym or e. It?s called Ar istocr aft. I don?t
OOPS!! know as m any fancy w or ds as Walker does, but I
think Ar istocr aft com es fr om the w or d
Q: Corgis are fiery like Italian men! ?ar istocr at?, w hich m eans a w ealthy or pow er ful
Pleep: OM G! Cool. Hey Fleef, ar e you like per son. It also seem s I have to r epur chase the
her e? gam e, and the pr ice for it is [gasp!] $1,000,000???
Fleef: Hi. I like cor gis! I don't like fir e! * star ts Now I see w hy it?s called Ar istocr aft. Ah w ell, good
singing a song in m ar shm alleon* thing I have that m oney.
Pleep: Fleef is cool! Wum bo: Ok ever yone, let's begin playing this
gam e, shall w e? Oh, I feel higher class all r eady.
Q: Yoloro I (heart) cheese [Wum bo loads the gam e]
Pleep: I don't! Wum bo: Oh my, this gam e has m uch better
Fleef: I like Pleep, but not cheese! * takes out gr aphics than befor e! Ther e ar e actual cir cles in
m ar shy phone 3* this gam e! Fr om w hat I hear d fr om Walker , cir cles
didn?t exist in this gam e befor e. And now the sky
Q: W ho are you. Tell me!!! is a r oyal pur ple color , and the gr ass is encr usted
Pleep: I am Pleep the m ar shm allow ! in a thin layer of gold! This gam e is so exquisite!
Fleef: I am Fleef the m ar shm allow ! Wum bo: I w onder if the m obs look differ ent, too!
Oh look, ther e?s a cr eeper. Eek! He?s w ear ing a
Q: W hich kind of marshmallow is the best tuxedo, com plete w ith a w ell-tr im m ed m ustache
kind of marshmallow? and m onocle! This is w hat I dr eam of!
Pleep: Gr eat question! I am the best [Cr eeper explodes in Wum bo?s m inecr aft face and
m ar shm allow. Wum bo?s m inecr aft char acter dies]
Fleef: US!! W ERE THE BEST!!! * plays our Wum bo: Oh, they?r e just as deadly too. Well, that?s
jingle* all the tim e I have for today ever yone. Please be
Pleep: All m ar shm allow s ar e ver y lovely! sur e to like and subscr ibe to my youtube channel:
Want to know if you ar e a m ar shm allow ? xXWum bo_Watson65Xx!
Wr ite your nam e on a piece of paper and put [After r ecor ding, Wum bo contacts his bank]
it in our advice colum n! Wum bo: W hat do you m ean I?m $999,999,999 in
Fleef: And ask us to answ er your deepest debt?? I didn?t spend my m oney on anything
dar kest secr ets!! * eats pie* THAT expensive!

Q: Do you use zebra booking slippers?

Pleep: NO! I do use m ar sh slipper s. Do you?
Fleef: EW W W W W NOOO! (In our land, that
m eans eat a m inty shoe.)

Q: W hat?s your fav country (other then U.S.A)?

Fleef: Um m m m m M ar shm allow Land! Fleef
signing off!
Pleep: Signing Off!
CRCAP i n t h e Fu t u r e: Day On e ?Well, if you?r e going to fight, don?t you
By Tillie Slosser and Br ian Taliano think you should use punch lines?? Har r ison
Day One: Tuesday. The low er floor of the Old Ba-dum -tss.
Building. ?Bob, how did you get that dr um kit dow n
?Ar e w e live? Okay, her e w e go. her e?!? Aar on cr ied.
Hey guys! I?m Ow en, and that?s Har r ison! Bob did not r espond. He sim ply banged his
Welcom e to our vlog, w her e w e get YOU an inside snar e dr um a few tim es and then disappear ed in a
tour of CRCAP! Now , this is our seeeeeecr et base. cloud of sm oke, along w ith the entir e dr um set.
Aar on doesn?t like us going dow n her e, so--? ?This is ser ious!? Sam m i said. ?We need to
?W hat ar e you guys doing dow n her e? Tur n do ever ything w e can to pr otect the cam p fr om
that off!? Robot M odel!? She began to cr y hyster ically and
?We can?t, it?s a live feed.? fell to the floor. Ow en w hipped out his cam er a
?Oh my God. Give m e the cam er a!? and began to film her. ?Live fr om CRCAP, it?s
?No, Aar on!?- Satur day night--?
Bzzzt. ?Actually, it?s just after noon on Tuesday,?
?Aar on! We?ve alm ost r eached 100 Har r ison put in.
follow er s!? w hined Ow en. ?Don?t JUDGE m e!!? Ow en w hined.
?How m any tim es have I told you, no ?Ever yone just calm dow n,? Aar on
vlogging in a secr et r evolution! We have secr et pr otested w ear ily.
oper ations, and no one can know about them !? Just then, Schm illy, w ho had been
Aar on said shar ply. continuously hum m ing thr oughout the
?M or e like no one can know about your conver sation along w ith the band of kids she w as
ter r ible inter ior decor ating skills.? Har r ison leading, clapped her hands loudly for attention.
m um bles. ?It?s tim e for our daily fr appes! Com e on ever yone,
?W hat?? said Aar on. hur r y up! I have the staff at Isabella?s w or king
?W hat?? said Har r ison. over tim e w ith no br eaks so w e can gain ener gy to
?W hat?? said Ow en, spinning ar ound. w in this w ar ! Chop-chop!? (It seem s im possible for
?W hat?? sad Cam , em er ging fr om the anyone to get sick of fr appes, but having had them
Hostage Cor ner (w hich he had ear lier claim ed as ever y day for w eeks now , no one w as par ticular ly
his hom e and w as r ar ely seen doing anything excited.)
other than lying in a fetal position and w hisper ing ?Can I please, please, please get a peanut
to him self in said cor ner ), w her e he had been butter fr appe this tim e, Schm illy?? one of the
w atching the conver sation out of utter bor edom . cam per s begged. Schm illy gasped and put a hand
?Hm m m m m m m m . Hm m m m m m m . to her hear t.
Hm m m m m m .? ?W HO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!
Schm illy and her cam per s had ar r ived. Absolutely NOT!!? she scr eeched. ?You know
They w alked slow ly, sw aying to the r hythm . The per fectly w ell ther e ar e NO PEANUT PRODUCTS
intonation of these ?Hm m m m ?s?told ever yone that ALLOW ED ON CAM PUS! I am SHOCKED, Car l,
this m ar ch w as a funer al m ar ch. absolutely SHOCKED! Go sit in the cor ner
?Oh my God. W hat happened? W ho died?? IM M EDIATELY w hile I decide your fate!!?
Aar on gr ipped Schm illy?s shoulder s, shaking her Car l plopped m iser ably dow n in the cor ner.
out of her tr ance. As the r est of the cam per s and Schm illy
?Hm m m ? Oh, no, no one died.? Schm illy m ar ched off, Aar on glanced dow n at Sam m i, w ho
said peacefully. She closed her eyes again. w as still cr ying on the floor , and Har r ison and
?Seth just cr ushed som e m or e of our Ow en, w ho w er e now fighting over w ho got to
dr eam s.? Sam m i said. nar r ate this por tion of the vlog. W hat on ear th
Dun dun dunnnnnnn. had becom e of his beloved cam p?
?David! We don?t need the m usic!? Aar on He tr udged back to his office, r etr ieved the
exclaim ed exasper atedly. ancient cow bell fr om the safe that w as hidden
David tur ned fr om his spot on the near by quite poor ly under his desk, and began to r ing it
piano bench, stuck out his tongue, and continued half-hear tedly. He w as star ting to feel som ething
to play. he?d never exper ienced befor e. He?d alw ays been
?Seth is tr aining us to do kick lines, w hen so confident w hile r unning the cam p, but now , he
ever yone thinks jazz hands w ould be m or e r ealized his confidence w as w aning.
effective in w ar ,? Sam m i said w ith a sigh. Aar on Gelb w as ner vous.
CRCAP i n t h e Fu t u r e: Day Tw o
By Tillie Slosser and Br ain Taliano

Welcome to Day Two of our strange adventures. A quick recap: Owen and Harrison just want to vlog.
Aaron gets mad at them, and Schmilly leads a funeral march across camp. The funeral march is for all
the dreams that Seth has killed.

Day Tw o:
?Pick up your feet! M ove, m ove, m ove! This sor t of tr aining w on?t defeat Robot M odel!? Seth
r oar ed at his ar my of Pr oduction kids. Niki w as r unning along w ith them , tr ying to keep their spir its
up, but no spir it can w ithstand the ter r ible w r ath of Seth.
?Seth? Com e on. We?r e Br oadw ay kids. We can?t be expected to becom e jocks.?
?Do you w ant m e to r eplace you w ith som e ten-year -old spor ts boys?!?
?Yes.? The entir ety of pr oduction chor used, w ith thr ee par t har m ony.
?Well too bad! Now , you have to sing w hile r unning!?
?But w e haven?t done vocal w ar m -ups yet!? The Pr oduction kids (w hich w ill now be shor tened
to the Pr od Squad) w hined.
?This is your vocal w ar m up. Now m ove!? The Pr od Squad gr oaned and continued to r un.
* Half an hour later *
?One and KICK and tw o and KICK and thr ee and KICK!? Fitzie collapsed fr om exer tion.
Aar on sighed. ?Seth, I don?t m ean to be r ude, but how is this going to be effective against Robot
M odel??
?Well it w on?t, not unless the Pr od Squad PICKS UP THE SLACK!!!? Ever yone jum ped to attention
at that. Well, ever yone w ho w asn?t unconscious. Then, suddenly, the alar m bell sounded.
?AAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!? The Pr od Squad yelled. Again, ever yone w ho w asn?t unconscious.
Cooper then r an acr oss the field.
?Guys! It w asn?t just m e this tim e! Robot M odel is tr ying to get in the cam p!?
?Pr od Squad! This is our m om ent!? Seth, the Pr od Squad (those w ho w er e still conscious), and
Aar on r an acr oss the field to the car pool cir cle. Pr esident M odel w as tr ying to talk his w ay past Kelsey,
in a tank .
?Sor r y, but I don?t r ecognize you, and you don?t have the or ange car d. You?ll have to go get a
car d online.?
?W hat, this is r idiculous! I am the Pr esident!?
?Chaaaaar r r r r r ge!!!!!!!!!!? Seth yelled. The still conscious m em ber s of the Pr od Squad r an into
place w ith jazz hands and assem bled their kick line. No one quite knew w hat to do, so they just
w atched as Niki dem onstr ated and half-hear tedly did the m oves. Luckily, this alone w as enough to
scar e the Pr esident off, so he dr ove aw ay as fast as a tank can go. For som e r eason, he had felt the need
to dr ive a M ar k V tank fr om the ear ly year s of Wor ld War I, w hich only dr ove at a m axim um of thr ee
m iles per hour , so it took at least thir ty m inutes for him to get com pletely out of the car pool cir cle and
dow n Old M eadow Road.
All of a sudden, Schm illy stum bled into the car pool cir cle, clutching a chocolate fr appe to her
chest. ?Isabella?s has been taken!? she cr ied.
?Is anyone hur t?? Aar on asked.
?No, but-but-but w her e ar e w E GOING TO GET OUR FRAAAPPPPEESS??!!? Schm illy br oke dow n
in tear s. Upon hear ing this, the Pr od Squad, the ones w ho had been conscious this w hole tim e, and one
of tw o w ho had aw oken, star ted cr ying as w ell. They had been consoling them selves on sugar for the
tim e that Seth had been in char ge, and w er e the only ones w ho w er en?t at all sick of having fr appes
ever y day.
?Fr appes. Fr appes. Fr appes.? The Pr od Squad chanted softly.
Aar on sighed. W hy am I doing this job? He thought. He w ished that he w asn?t a fugitive so he
could go hom e and r elax.
David continued his ser enade of tr ansition m usic. No one bother ed telling him to stop.
M y Fave Fi ves over to the devil...you need help.
By Cadence Rosenblum Rem em ber to subm it r andom categor ies!
Sour ces: kqed.or g, thoughtcatalog.com ,
Welcom e back to M y Fave Fives! Ever y couple of com plex.com
days I list my favor ite ar ticles in r andom categor ies.
If you w ant to subm it a categor y (m ake it r andom ),
you can put in in my r ed pouch in the Activity
Th e I n t er n at i on al M LB New s
Center. Som eone subm itted ?fave Netflix show s?. I?ve
By Cole Tom etsko
decided to change it up a bit and find the w eir dest
show s/m ovies you can find on Netflix. Her e ar e my
fave five that m ake m e laugh: (Also, som e of these Welcom e to the Inter national M LB
m ovies m ay not be totally appr opr iate if you ar e New s, your one place for ever yday baseball
under the age of 11, so don?t w atch!) new s. Her e ar e the scor es fr om yester day.
Indians beat the Red Sox 7-3, Yankees beat the
M ets 4-2, Cubs pounded the Reds 15-5, Rockies
5. ?The Wom an W ho Wasn?t Ther e? (2012)
shutout the Br aves 3-0, Royals beat the A?s 6-2,
This docum entar y is about a w om an nam ed Tania
Or ioles cr ushed the M ar iner s 11-3, Blue Jays
Head w ho is w ay too cr azy for attention. She gained
beat the Rays 2-1, M ar lins beat the Giants 8-3,
fam e for ?her elabor ate and hear t w r enching
Ranger beat the Tiger s 6-2, Diam ondbacks beat
descr iption of her 9/11 exper ience and for m s a
the Astr os 2-0, and the Padr es beat the Phillies
suppor t gr oup for sur vivor s.? The only pr oblem w as
7-4. And ther e is one piece of new s, Giancar lo
that she w asn?t actually in the Tw in Tow er s w hen
Stanton is now the All Tim e M ar lins Single
they got destr oyed. Inter esting.
Season Hom e Run Recor d Holder after hitting
his 43r d hom e r un to sur pass Gar y Sheffield.
4. ?Rubber ? (2010)
You better w atch out for this tir e. ?Rubber ? is about a
giant, violent r ubber w heel that har m s people. How
does it do it? Telekenisis (of cour se). It just cr acks m e 5 pl aces t o go bef or e su m m er vacat i on i s
up ever y tim e I think about a giant r ubber tir e as the over
antagonist of a m ovie. by Kalie

3. ?Santa Claus Conquer s the M ar tians? (1964) 1. Jay Peak, Ver m ont. Jay Peak is a ski
?W hen the M ar tian childr en begin w atching too r esor t/hotel and an indoor w ater par k . How
m uch TV as an act of r ebellion against their r igidly long is the dr ive? 5 hour s.
str uctur ed lives, ther e's only one m an w ho can save 2. Cape Cod, M assachusetts. Cape Cod is fun
the day: Santa Claus.? Of cour se. The m ovie takes a because ther e ar e beaches and you can also go
tur n though w hen som e of the m ar tians get upset to Cape Cod Inflatables. Cape Cod Inflatables is
that santa is on their planet. I don't think I need to a r eally fun place and I suggest you go ther e or
say anything about this one. look it up. How long is the dr ive? 45 m ins.-1
3. New Yor k City, New Yor k . New Yor k City is
2. ?Holiday in Handcuffs? (2007)
soooooo fun! You can see the Statue of Liber ty
This m ovie is about a w aitr ess w ho w ants to im pr ess
or the Em pir e State Building, or both! How
her fam ily by br inging hom e a boyfr iend for the
long is the dr ive? 2-4 hour s.
holidays. She ends up kidnapping a custom er by
4. Boston, M assachusetts. Boston is fun
holding him at GUNPOINT, and for ces him to pose as
because ther e is so m uch to do. Like you could
her boyfr iend. This is totally a lovely and nor m al one
go to the M useum of Science or a Red Sox
to w atch w hile snuggling in a blanket by the fir e
gam e. How long is the dr ive? 25-35 m ins.
w ith som e hot cocoa.
5. Nar r agansett, Rhode Island. Nar r agansett is
super fun. Ther e ar e beaches, seafood, and
1. ?Hunk? (1987) delicious ice cr eam :D How long is the dr ive?
This m ovie is about a ?com puter geek? w ho ?signs 2-3 hour s.
his soul over to the devil? (W HAT?) in or der to
becom e a ?ladies m an?. This one is another m ovie
about som eone w ho is w illing to go to extr em es in
or der to find a par tner. If you ar e that desper ate to
becom e a ladies m an that you w ant to sign your soul

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