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Creative Writing Syllabus


Course description

This course is specifically designed to allow students to go through the whole writing process from brainstorming to
publication, while also exploring imaginative creation and individual interests. The students will be composing
multiple forms of creative writing and then publishing that writing in a collaborative project and also the school

Students will be graded on a point- based system
Each project will consist of a brain storming grade, a draft grade, and a final draft grade
Creative writing is at times subjective (especially when it comes to evaluation). To eliminate inconsistency in grading
or unfair point rankings, students will only be graded on rubrics for each assignment that will be handed out to them
at the introduction to the assignment.
All rubrics/ assignment expectations will be posted on the class website and also given in paper form.
Each student will be required to publish their work as it is part of the writing process.

What will I be writing

10 minute drama (dramatic reading)

Short stories
Opinion pieces
Graphic writing
Student's choice
Collaborative project- class book that will be sold for charity

Students will be publishing their work three ways
1. The LCS Herald- Every student will publish their work and submit it to the LCS Herald that will be distributed
monthly. This publication is posted on the LCS website, and is also emailed to those who have a description
2.The class website- This is where students of the class can see the other student's work. Parents of the creative
writing students also have access to this.
Collaborative book-
o The students will be publishing a Shutterfly book with at least two of their pieces that coincide with a
specific theme.
o The will sell the book at the end of second quarter. All of the profits of this book will go to a charity that the
class chooses.
o More details on the book will go home/ be posted on the website closer to the release of the book.
The website is a place for Mrs. Kennedy to publish student's work and also give updates/ news/documents.
Check the website regularly for updates and your student's work.
Blue/ black/ red pens
Charged device


Behavior: (all of these offences are documented by teacher)

I only have 1 rule in my classroom: Respect. In Matthew 7: 17, Christ commands all Christians to live as he lived in love,
loyalty, and grace.
When expectations are not met:
1st offence: warning
2nd offence: conversation/ possible detention
3rd offence: Office referral

Late Work

Late work as referred to in the student hand book will be dealt with as follows:
10 points or percent off every day it is late until 60%- (that would be the highest students could get if late 6
Late homework room will be assigned everyday to a students with late work until the work is handed in-
Unless there is parent contact- (parents will be notified each time your student has homework room)
Students will have to fill out a late slip for their homework before they hand it in so that Mrs. Kennedy has

Contact information- Feel free to email at any time

Email: triniti.kennedy@lincolnchristian.org
Phone: 402-508-0703

Signed- By signing this document you are not only agreeing to the terms of this syllabus, but also to
the publishing of student work.


Parent _______________________

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