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Caterpillar Electronic Technician 2010A v1.0

Cdigos de diagnstico registrados

05/03/2011 12:45

C32 777 (LJW02349)

Parmetro Valor
Identificacin del equipo NOT PROGRAMMED
Nmero de serie del motor LJW02686
Nmero de pieza del ECM 2741955-01
Nmero de serie del ECM 10176020JV
Nmero de pieza del grupo del software 3300654-00
Fecha de publicacin del grupo del software MAY08
Descripcin del grupo del software OHT-777
Cdigos de diagnstico activos presentes No

Chasis 777
Parmetro Valor
Identificacin del equipo JRP00797
Nmero de serie de la transmisin *XMSN*
Nmero de pieza del ECM 2621408-02
Nmero de serie del ECM 13877082JT
Nmero de pieza del grupo del software 3247760-00
Fecha de publicacin del grupo del software FEB2008
Descripcin del grupo del software 777F (JRP1-up)

Freno 777
Parmetro Valor
Identificacin del equipo JRP00797
Nmero de pieza del ECM 2621408-02
Nmero de serie del ECM 13976062JT
Nmero de pieza del grupo del software 3247765-00
Fecha de publicacin del grupo del software FEB2008
Descripcin del grupo del software 777F (JRP1-up)

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Page 2 of 2

Monitor 777
Parmetro Valor
Identificacin del equipo JRP00797
Nmero de pieza del ECM 2395025-08
Nmero de serie del ECM 0887B048HL
Nmero de pieza del grupo del software 3270964-00
Fecha de publicacin del grupo del software MAR08
Descripcin del grupo del software OHT Msngr

Cdigo Descripcin Veces Primera ltima

C32 777 (LJW02349) -
Reloj de diagnstico =
13056 horas
Entrada remota de parada : Datos
267- 2 irregulares, intermitentes o 12 13053 13054
168- 1 Voltaje de sistema elctrico : Bajo 6 13052 13053
Chasis 777 - Reloj de
diagnstico = 13056 horas
Voltaje de sistema elctrico : Voltaje
168- 4 127 12024 13055
bajo normal
Sensor de selector de nivel de
702- 4 engranaje de transmisin 17 13050 13054
(interruptor) : Voltaje bajo normal
Freno 777 - Reloj de
diagnstico = 13056 horas
Voltaje de sistema elctrico : Voltaje
168- 4 127 12024 13055
bajo normal
Monitor 777 - Reloj de
diagnstico = 13056 horas
Grupo de medidores No.1 : Velocidad
811- 9 17 12061 13055
de actualizacin anormal

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Test Cell Results Page 1 of 1

ENGINE TEST [LJW02686] MARCH 09, 2011

(LJW02686)-ENGINE (JRP00797)-MACHINE (LSP01248)- For Help Desk Phone Numbers Click here
Sales Model: C32
Built Date: 11May2007 Tested Date: 21May2007 Shipped Date: 06Jun2007
Tested: LE Plant: Griffin Test Number: 01 Cell Number: 21

Test Element Eng Updates Test Value Test Spec Value Label
Spec Number 0K5981 0K5981
Arrangement Number 2465457 2465457
Corr Fl Power 1,016 R 1,016 HP
Speed 1,749 1,750 RPM
CSFC 0.344 0.337 LB/HP-HR
Adj Boost 44.1 44.7 IN HG
Fuel Pressure 86 87 PSI
Oil Pressure 45 45 PSI
TQ CK CSFC 0.351 0.339 LB/HP-HR
TQ CK ADJ BST 44.3 44.3 IN HG
Torq Ck Speed 1,300 1,300 RPM
TQ CK COR TQ 3,635 R 3,635 LB/FT
Low Idle Speed 699 700 RPM
Low Idle Oil Pressure 23 24 PSI
High Idle Speed 1,936 1,938 RPM
Response Time
FL Static Fuel Setting 0.335R 0.333 IN
FT Static Fuel Setting 0.346R 0.344 IN
Timing Dim
FLS (Intercept) 37 R 30
FTS (Slope) -20 R -15
Advertised Power 1,016 hp
Advertised Speed 1,750 RPM

Caterpillar Confidential: Green

Content Owner: Shane Gilles
Web Master(s): PSG Web Based Systems Support
Current Date: mircoles, 09 de marzo de 2011 9:54:05
Caterpillar Inc. 2011 All Rights Reserved.
Data Privacy Statement.

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Mquina: Camin de minas.

N Serie: JRP00797
N horas: 13.055
N serie Ricthie Bros: G02/18


1. Diagnostico electrnico mediante herramienta electrnica E.T siguiendo

especificaciones dadas por el fabricante.

-Cdigos de diagnostico registrados: averas que ha tenido el camin

Indicando el nmero de veces que se ha producido, cuando fue la
primera vez y cuando la ltima.

2. Prueba de rendimiento de motor en comparacin con la prueba que se hizo el da

que se fabrico el motor, y sus especificaciones se tienen en cuenta 5 parametros
importantes .

-Factor de carga cuando se hace la prueba debe de ser del 100%

-Posicin del acelerador debe de ser del 100%.
-Temperatura del refrigerante ha de ser de 80C
-Presin de refuerzo1 y 2 son las presiones de salida de los turbo.
-Vueltas de motor .su valor ha de ser parecido al valor que aparece
en las hojas de especificaciones de prueba con el nombre Full Load

Si comparamos el resultado obtenido en le archivo rendimiento de motor

Observamos que el resultado al 100% de la carga es un valor de rpm de 1.637 y
debera tener 1750 que es lo especificado falta 150 rpm lo cual indica que esta un
poco bajo de potencia esto es debido al normal desgaste de los componentes en
funcin de las horas de uso, esto nos da un valor real de estado de motor del 93%.
Las revoluciones en bajas y altas en vaco son correctas.

3. Inspeccin visual de los diferentes sistemas que incorporan el camin:

Sistema de transmisin:
-El nmero de horas de trabajo es de 13.055(Ver anexo cdigos diagnostico
-En este caso en nmero de horas de los sistemas coinciden con el del global
puesto que habrn hecho una sincronizacin de relojes, habr casos en los que
no sea as y su valor sea diferente.
-Ligera descalibracin de los embragues de transmisin.
Sistema de motor:
-El nmero de horas de trabajo es de 13.055
-Rendimiento motor al 93%.

Sistema de frenos:
-El nmero de horas es de 13.055
-Ajustar presiones de sistema de frenos.
-Necesaria sustitucin de las pastillas de frenos en pocas horas.

Sistema amortiguacin:
-En buen estado.
-Cambiar aceites a amortiguadores.

Sistema de iluminacin:
-No funciona correctamente

Sistema aire acondicionado.

-En buen estado.

Sistema hidrulico:
-En buen estado.

Sistema electrnico:
-Actualizar software a ordenadores de control de mquina.

Sistema de engrase automtico:

-En buen estado.

Equipment: Off-Highway Truck

Make: Caterpillar
Model: 777F
Serial Number: JRP00797
Operating Hours: 13.055
Owner Code: G02/18


1. Electronic diagnostic test using the Electronic Technician (ET) tool according to
manufacturer's specifications.

Reported diagnostic fault codes: Failures which have occurred in the lifetime
of the truck indicating the number of occurrences as well as the time when the
failure first occurred and its last occurrence.

2. Engine performance and specification test in comparison with ex-factory testing as

per 5 important parameters:

Load factor at the time of testing at 100%.

Accelerator position at 100%.
Engine coolant temperature at 80C.
Outlet pressure 1 and 2 correspond to the outlet pressures of the turbochargers.
Engine Speed: The value should correspond to the value indicated under Full
Load Speed which can be found in the test data sheet.

The engine performance test delivered a result of 1.637 rpm at 100% load.
According to specifications this value should be at 1.750 rpm. This results in the
actual engine speed being 150 rpm below specifications indicating a minor loss of
power which can be attributed to normal wear of the components due to the hours of
usage. The engine performance is at 93%.
The minimum and maximum no-load speeds correspond to specifications.

3. Visual Inspection of various Truck Systems

Transmission System:
Operating hours: 13.055 (see annex for Reported Diagnostic Fault Codes)
The operating hours from the various systems correspond to the hours of the
entire system since the hour meters were synchronized. Without
synchronization the values would be different.
Slight offset in calibration of transmission clutches.
Engine System:
Operating hours: 13.055
Engine performance at 93%.

Brake System:
Operating hours: 13.055
Adjust brake system pressure.
Brake pads need to be replaced soon.

Suspension System:
In good working condition.
Oil change for shock absorbers.

Lighting System:
No correct operation

Air Conditioning System:

In good working condition.

Hydraulic System:
In good working condition.

Electronic System:
Update software for on-board electronic control systems.

Automatic Lubrication System:

In good working condition.
Test Spec Page 1 of 4

TEST SPEC [LJW02686] MARCH 09, 2011

(LJW02686)-ENGINE (JRP00797)-MACHINE (LSP01248)- For Help Desk Phone Numbers Click here

Reference Number: 0K5981 Effective Serial Number: LJW02635

Model: C32 DI TA Make from Spec:

Test Spec Data

Description Measure Nominal Ceiling Floor
Corr Full Load Power hp 1,016 1,047 986
Full Load Speed RPM 1750 1760 1740
High Idle Speed RPM 1938 1948 1928
Low Idle Speed RPM 700 710 690
FL Static Fuel Setting in 0.333
FT Static Fuel Setting in 0.344
FLS (Intercept) 30
FTS (Slope) -15
Corrected Fuel Rate GAL/HR 47.6 50.0 45.3
CSFC LB/HP.H 0.337 0.359 0.318
Adjusted Boost IN_HG 44.7 51.4 38.0
Torque Check Speed RPM 1300 1310 1290
Corr Torq Rise at TC RPM % 19.0
Corr Torque at TC RPM LB/FT 3,634 3,889 3,380
C Fuel Rate at TC RPM GAL/HR 43.2 45.3 41.0
CSFC at TC RPM LB/HP.H 0.339 0.361 0.320
ADJ Boost at TC RPM IN_HG 44.3 51.0 37.6
Power Loss/Cyl % C FL PWR 10.5 16.0
Specific Blowby CU FT/HP.H
Temp Jacket Water Pump Inlet F 194 199 188
Delta T Jacket Water (out-in) F 14 23 5
Inlet Manifold Temp F
Water Temp to Scac F
Scac Water Flow GAL/MIN
Oil Pressure PSI 43 87 40
Oil Pressure Low Idle PSI 24 87 15
Fuel Pressure PSI 87 116 58
Inlet Fuel Pressure PSI 4
Inlet Fuel Temp F 86 95 77
Inlet Air Pressure IN_HG 31 26
Inlet Air Restriction IN_HG 1.18
Inlet Air Temperature F 122 50
Fuel Density DEG API 36.0 34.0
Boost Constant 1.0
Governor Setting Constant
Governor Setting Torque % RTD TRQ
High Idle Stability RPM
Low Idle Stability RPM
Set Point RPM RPM 1770 1780 1760

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Test Spec Page 2 of 4

Engine Reference Information

Description Measure Variables
FL Static/FT Static Fuel Settings in 0.333 / 0.344
Fuel Valve Part Number 2323438
Unit Injector Part Number 2530615
Timing Dimension in
Torque Control Group Number Change Level:
Fuel Pump/Gov Grp Part Number 2351401
Fuel Pump Type EUI
Flyweight Part Number/Attitude
Turbo Part No and Model 2967628 / GTB4708BS-159DHS
Turbo Part No and Model 2967629 / GTB4708BS-159DHS
Advertised Power / Governor Speed 1,016hp 1,750 RPM
Compression Ratio 16.5
Torque Rise Cam Part Number
Manifold Type DRY
Engine Flash File Part Number 3015708

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Test Spec Page 3 of 4

Torque Control Group Torque Control Group

Spring Data Spacer Data
Part No Thickness Quantity Part No Thickness Quantity
No data found... No data found...

Timing Data
Mechanical Advance Part Number: Chg. Level:
Advance: 0.0 DEG
Dog Leg Differentials: RPM: -- KW: --
Description Measure Spec Minimum Maximum
Timing Static @ 0 RPM BTDC DEG -2.0 2.0

Governor Type ELEC

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Test Spec Page 4 of 4

Application/Performance Data
Description Measure Variable
Application Identification
Engine Sales Model and Series C32
Combustion System type DI
Aspiration Type TA
Engine Source Factory Ref Number LE
Power Setting PL/PP Ref Number
Engine Perf Data Ref No and Change Level
Multi Engine Torq/Rating
Emissions Family
Generator Rating W/O Fan EKW
Generator HZ
Brakesaver test
Certified Engine Rating hp
Engineering Model Ref RM695
Low Idle In-Veh Speed RPM

Other Data
Sales Model Usage Transmission Description Serial Number Prefixs Engine Sub
777F 13 STD PS OT JRP RM695

Altitude Derating Information

Description Measure Data:
Altitude - Maximum FT 12,001
Engine Power Advertised hp 1,016
Engine Power Test hp 1,016
High Idle Speed RPM 1938
FL Static Fuel Setting in 0.333
FT Static Fuel Setting in 0.344
Corrected Fuel Rate GAL/HR 47.6
FL Boost Pressure W/(A/C & Muff) IN_HG 44.7
Stall Speed RPM
Stall Boost Press IN_HG

Spec Number vs. Arrangement Number Cross Reference

Arrangement Arrangement Arrangement Arrangement Arrangement
2471810 2624029 2624030

Caterpillar Confidential: Green

Content Owner: Shane Gilles
Web Master(s): PSG Web Based Systems Support
Current Date: mircoles, 09 de marzo de 2011 9:54:36
Caterpillar Inc. 2011 All Rights Reserved.
Data Privacy Statement.

http://tmiwebclassic.cat.com/tmi/servlet/TMIDirector?Action=buildtab&refkind=RN... 09/03/2011

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