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. J~TURIlAy NQ~'EMDER28.1914

ABeuiilil itlS ~ ..Royal Mail" ROfCbter Goes to die Molt PoP., ...... 'er.


1-'-..,...----,-----.-...,.----.-...., ;-'------.:-A-D-Y-ER-T-I-SI-N-G-:-----,
DurinJr the Photoplayers' Weekly Contest, . Of' ..' '. .
I 'During the Photoplayers. Weekly Contest.
vote. will be allowed on Advertising' according to
votes wflll>e allowed on Subscriptionecording to '::', ". . the tollowing schedule: .
the following schedule: '
I-year. ';"bscription $ 2:00.. ... 2,000 votes
,. '

." ~
$ I O0 s d vertl8ement
2.00 advertisement...
..... 1,000 votes
2,01)0 votes
,2-year subseription 4.00.. ...4,000 vote. 4.00 advertisement... 4,000 votes
S-year subscription 6.00... 6.000 vote. 6.00 advertisement 6.000 votes
t~:: :::=~~~~ Ig:8g":~lg:888 ~~~: 19:88:~~:~I:::::~;:lg:888-~~'
&:year subscription 12.00 12.000 votes 12.00 advertisement... 12.000 votes
~= :::=~~~~, t::88...t::888 ~~: ~g:88 :t:~::::::~L .......:::jg:88~ ~~::r
9-year subscription 18.00... .. 18,000 votes 25.00 advertisement... : 25,000 votes
10-year 81Ibscription 20.00 30,000 votes CHEVROLET 30.00 advertisement :..30,000 votes
ll-year subseription 22.00... . 35.000 votes 50.00 advertisement... 75,000 votes
l2-year subscription 24.00... ...50,000 votes 1.915 "Royal Msil" Advertising RateB, $l.00 per im:h..


On WednllldlY, No"ember 18th, STOClMEN'S SUPPUES
I~4f':::r.= Refi~~:;... g
.... 15r.,otO
Ilavld Honley aent~ three -dlrectora
l,nd lorly membera at hll produelog
toreea to Loa Angelea, where they
New'" s.c-.t Ha.I ......
W. . . . Oidta

~::~c~:.d.n: :~~i~~::l::: '::m:~g8

will resume tbelr work In tbe Dew
xtutlloa wbleh Mr. Honley II bulld.lo! out Wl'.5T SADDliERY
In tlllt city.
bi:! ~~,,:;~:::~~~..s;;i"" "::::::: ~g::g8
IIO~"'5c. ....... IQa
~tr. Horaleya recenl purcba.ae ot
tILt! Jo'rank C. Boatoclr. Anlmala baa
neceuUat&d the eltabUahmeDt at a
.,~';;;'r'lr~Milia~o~g~"",.. .. ~~:g~8 mammotb plant on tbe cout t4r tbe
I.roper llllplollll1l at lao alld tbe mllr. ,
Ing at an extraordinary aeries ot .10-
Ruth Rol.nd . . Kalem ......... ........ 30.400 Kle and multlple reel aDlml1 plcturM.
EllaH.ll............ Universal. ... 27.550 With Ibe apleodld tactll.tlea tor
J.ckie Saunders Balboa 25,000 taklnf\: el'ery kind at motion pleture
"'hlch Ihla elaborate layout will pro-
Stella Razeto Selig .. 25,000 I'lde In Loa Aneele., Mr. Horaley
Dorothy Gish Reliance 18,350 ,teemed It unwlae 10 continue the uae
Mae M.rah m.Reliance . 15,400 "r hla llayonne 1)laDt durlns the ''11'10-
ler, and tor tbat reaa.on hu doaed '
. DOrothea Farley Albuquerque .......... 11.459 dU"'u Ihe Jeraey atudlo and will do
.Carlyle BlackwelL. .F.vorite Players.. 9,000 all or hla produe1Dg tor tbe opt ,Ix
:lienry King Balboa 8,550 "'~\~:~t~~nll~~~:;:~~: loog aaaoclated E. R Spen- DeokC..
.Margarita Fischer American ..... 8.050 "'llh ~Ir. Horaley alld. generally COD-
{'"ded to be one of the tour greateat OM- ..............

~:: G~::J:X::"r&h.. ~:~~8

dlreclOrll 10 the lforld, .1Id hie la1 ........... n-.c..
ented wire. headed. tbe lin' ot ml_ 730 s.;..., Spriq SCr_
Yictori. ~oroe..:
graDta, which Included Harl'1 La-
UniyersaL. 6,000 Pearl, the t.moua pantomlmlU. cam-
Pauline Bush Universal. 5.450 "rao meo, IInlc arUeUl, property
men and prlnclpal acton.
Ray Gallagher.... ....UniversaL............ 5.350
Chas. Rey . .'- ...;.N.. y. M. P. Co... 5.300 Ih:hpere:::~nt~~:~r1I'1~I":~Cth~:o:~ LEVY:S CAFE"
_"'r::'"~c4~!r-- ~9~e~ !:'k~~mA~~_'!!'"'~ulr;,~.-4+------...,.----+,-:ll-""'l
5,150 ~~~t::t:~~ ~=ct~I~~~Uc::'~::::U~ ,743 So. Spring \

~:{:e~~~ .OJ ::::~:leS~~~ :::.: ~:l~~ OI"TIC THEATItE
"Judllh at Bethulla," 0, W, GrIC:
Ford Sterling Sterling... 5,050 Iith'lI biblical muterplece, wu aereen-
t'd Tlleaday night by Seth O. Per-
Rhea Mitehell N.Y.M.P.CO... 5,050 IIlF.SE HUNT IAIII'I POl'lil...4.HIT" ruunln/( <Iown a Kang at polltleal klnll. maoager of the New Ol'llc ror
Direction Raben Leonard
Bessie Bamscale.! N.Y.M.P.CO... 5.050 ('Ol'll"TJo:8T AJo"TF.1l .:....OIlT /o:rarten. She ~'Iahl'<l to learn Dlore
"r IhO! o('tuIII lllshle worklnga at the
the benelll ot playen tram the Re-
liance lind MaJeatlc IIludlOlI. The eo- UNIVERSAL STUDIO
Dot Gould Sterling' 5.050 0.' OSlo: W.;.~I\.
police <1epart'mnt, lind with Director tire foree of the IWo companies turn-
Hollywood, Cal.
~~I\V~~~Plin:j ::~:~:fi~~~e..... ~:8~8
ed out and the IIUbUc alan In Dum-
Juat about a week ago Irene Hunt '~I::~te~~.K~II~er:1~:n~.I:~e~~c~e~::i ben. Grlmth ".a IImong Iboae In
1, at the Rellanee Co" lIad lIardly a 11011... c,ourl tria,s. Ilnd llalned a llen- Ihe audience.

1 SRiugntheHAaUrtmen.::~... : .Reliance..... 5,000. vote, now ahe la headlnR the Ils1 nf. er"l knll"'led/te of l>oll.ee Ilrocedure.
The play wlla made while Ihe creat
Rh{' met lhe pol:re reportera, and aa~' dlreclor wu wllh Ihe old Blollraph
GoU' FavoritePJayers.. 5,000 Her atandlng In our ('OIHest 1,n thla Ihelr melhoda In haodllog pollee. ('ompaoy. and Blanche Sweet and
1 Bob Leonard ' UniversaL. , 5.000 weelr.'a I..ue ahowa that ahe hBII nUIa. Chlet or Pollee Sebaatlan. the Henry Walthal have Ihe leading rolea . (',... "_117","_ 81 .. 0&. caIo_~
beell receiving "lItea from every 1,laln dOlhea nH'!n, and a number at "hleh. It may be atated, they haodled 1I0LLl'WOOD, C .. LIII'OIUII"_
I J. Warren Kerrigan Universal. . 5,000 aouree. Mlu Hunt has B hoal or till lire "mcerll. IIr)' conalderately ex- ISO aucclllBtul1y ae to pa\'e tbelr way
Louise Lester_ .American.... . 5,000 rrleDda throughout the atalea lind t.lalnt'd the worklnga ot the polke to the Illllional repule which they now Cili.... S.. iDgI Bau
thme Who heard or her candidacy gtall"n 10 MIB6 .-funt. enjoy. The production la lI~t-el ....
Edna Maison... .. Universal.. 5.000 While a dllferenl IY]Ml ot play
:1 Adele Lane. .. .selig. . 5,000 ~=~:, wlllingly come 10 her aaalg[ ct'I~,~~/~ionatl'l~~;~I~~r~"~el~e~~~u~~: and rrom "The Ellrape' 'or "Tile Avell"g- atao haek ai.ln. tunDler thall ever,
At the preeent lime 1II1.. Hunl la tera. While Rt Ihe hoapltal the police lnll ConllClence:' raDb among th_ Cbarlle Murray playa the leadlns
Wm. Garwood American.. 5,000 being teatured In a Reliance drama ambulance lI.rrhed '11'1111 II boy who maaterplecea. role In a KeyatoDe, one rool comedy,
Wm. D. Taylor...: 1Ialboa........... 5,000 and In the efl'ort to aecure reallam had !Jeen acddenllllly ahot. Mlea Mallallter Perklna la cloelnl tbe "The Nol.. at Bombl."
ror her latHt newapaper picture, Hunt. ~'ho haa hlld conelder.ble ex- week by realurlns "The Odallaque:'
,Anna' Littl~., U~ive.rsaL. 5,000 "The Ellpoaure," ahe ,penl two en- perlence In bel Lit a nurae. a..leted Donald Crlep'a productioD or the de- M-.rpret WhIaIer I. bllaUy eng&J"
Henl')' Otto.. ....j Amencan..... 5,000 lire dan at the Loa AOlelea Ii0Uce
atatlon alld Recelvlnll Hoapltal.
lhe l>oHlM! SUrl!:eOll In dreaelng tbe
boy', ....ound.
partment alore girl who Will a alave
to draM. HeDry Walthal, BlaDche
In preparing BOme Dew treaUonlll tor
Franc'" Ford'a &enaaUolial ltory,
Eddie Lyons. ...UniversaL 5,000 10 "Tbe Expoaure." Mill HOllt Ie "It Willi. a. great .experlence, IIod I Sweet, Wallace Reed and May March "The Campbella Are Camlnl," Mrs.
Lee Moran Universal.... 5,000 .lalD teatured aa tile aob alater on a enjoyed H Immenael)'." aald MI.. and Robert Harron are a~n to ad-
vantage In thla piece.
Wblaler hu a moat wOlldertnl collec-
blS dally, who la lnatrumental In Hunt. enthuel"atlnlly. tion or lD1ported. gownl. 10 wbleh a
AI E. Christie UniversaL 5.000
Ed. 'J.. LeSaint... Selig... .... 5,000 Of:RMAN OO\'ERNMENT TAKES
--- ~orma Nichol.... leadlns lady wUh
Comedy will ha"e a big part i:l amall tortnne ... InTlllted.. Thla doee
the bill. Cllarlle Chaplin and Roacoe Dot aar that ahe.oDI,. plan the 1Od-
lhe Keyatone Co.. under Ille direc- Arbuckle both Ilppearlns In "The ety D1atTOIi. 'M~. Wblaler h.. apo
W. Cb.s. Robinson Biograph. 5.000 MOVIE nECOl108 OF THE \\' An.
MO"""enl 10 Dlapro"e AtrocllJ tion ot Walter Wright, la worlr.lng Roundera:' comedy or nilltbi lire peal"l4 Itl numeroua comedl. IlDd
, J" Tom Mix Selig........................ 5,000 ('1l.al'(N uPI""aHe Sid Cllaplln and Cbeater In a larp city. played everythlDg, e.ven the hulltble
Col. HeMa .Llar, Shll'wreclr.&d, la COlored aerYant.
Elizabeth Burbridge N. Y. M. P. Co.... 5,000 The New York Sun ot Sunday, 'oc-
Conklin. Tile company la at Sa.nta
,\Ionlca Canyon tor the production ot
'I ' George Larkin.. .. .. Universal.. 5,000 tober 251h, prlnta a commUDlcaUon a Weatern comedy. Min Nlcholla la
tram one ot Ita torelSIl correspond- a Loa Anselea girl. 18 yeara at ale
enta to the elreet that the Elpreaa an<1 her llral picture ahe will be Nt-
Film Company, a connectloD: of Pathe membered In. wlI' "How Hernea Are
Frerlll, haa been commlaalODed by ~lade." . VOTING COUPON:
~~~aloe:u~:fD~o;~~~u~::tJ~r::;e ttt; ,\laxTheDavldaon Inimitable 10'., Tladler and
have the leading rollll Good for Fifty (50) Yotes in the Photopl.yera
eou~ at tile war, Theae plcturel In the alde-IPllttlng Komlc rarce, Weekly Popul.rity Contest. .
are dealcued to dlapro"., tbe com "Cupid and th(o Poal," dlrect&d by
munlcatlon .tatea, charS8a at Oer. ~:ddle Dillon.
man atroeltlea. Under cert.ln con-
Dllvldlon, .. the prlnler, createa
dltlona IInea of actual f1lbtlog are
belol taken. The cODduct at the an embarualoK poalUon tor two pII~
Oerman BOldlera atter tb. eapture oC ot lovera, when he trao,po... the Address
a city la belDI recorded bJ the moTle tlme on the marrlap 1l0Ue... Aa
matt. The Oerman IOTerDment b.. the I'ftult, each Ilrt m....rle. the
"elled tbll omelal recolnltton at tha wrool maDl but Ihl IncldlDt IITea City.
Compliments of lmportallce ot moUoD picture recorda
oC the war wltb much leerecy. Tn
the printer 10 Idea tor whullol the
love or bla temperamental aweet- Ule u ,:"any 01 theu couponl U you like. bui they mUal reach

FI~ST NATIONAL BANK the meantlml, on Ihl taoa ot evid- heart, who thua rar hu bee'n able to ua not later than one .week after date.
ence, It I. .ma probable tbat Path make him eat dirt, BO to lpeak, Tod November 28th, 1914.

S. ~. Corner
on the CODlllDalon of hoetlllUea wtll Brownlnl_ aDd. Blilli Weat allo h ...
ha"l BOme unaqu.Ued plcturea of tbe prOmlDent parll 10 "Cupid IU1d the
Illantlll colDbat taken UDder tbl Poat," which wl.1 be a Komlc Nlleue
moet ruorable auaplc. al part ot the Mutual prolra.m.
seventh a~d Spring NOMINATION COUPON:
Good for 5,000 votes in the Photoplay....' Weekly
Popularity Contest: . . . .
.Aiilt. IN" TAlLOn Name , : !.
Address ..

WE S~~ y~U
F. flO to $40 .r
..." .......CIh '
~~~~;;;;jb~ ~:: :.:::=:: ::.:::::~<~ ?:~::::~:.-:- . "
,Oal, eme of th
C'CN1lO!'I' will be
,) .
:...... ...1..'
to.;.'........ '
_ _ ......... _ 11& -.

,~IOI47' I 1',.. .... PIOIIID 0611. MJt:D8 . . - . . 'fO 00Aft
Pun RnIO ~ L., _-:=~~
Comet Mill & Lumber Co., ro~::~ a::~t TnU:"Ir.:. 1KI~.tlll:: =..r.r: !:~.c::.~w==
" ~Q....iA,NDRiTAIL . will f'WU1D. tlMlr work q tlM new
w.. 1la IfO .. latland . .tended Ua ,I
llcltilUo... to "8Jl,0rt1" Hamlltoll- .tndlOllwbloJl, Mr, HOI"I'-7 .. 1tolldlll..:
'~05<00 the. 101mltahl. OCImedla. 01 tile 'IDOII' In tlMt citr, ;

" Kooo6W IloOIdUc
Maill Sta.
'eompaDI., Wh.D h. ab&n4o."
tJaeh.lorbood tor tbe uprem. Ill...
I I buabUd or MI.. IBtbel SpU
That "remony .... 1eI1'tla1,. o r
IIr. Horsl.y'. ~t P1Irebue 01
tile hank C. Boetocli: AalDUJa b.M
n~tated tile ..tabUabmnt 01 a
mammoth plant on UI. cout lor Ule
wben LA..la "Bull' Durham became. proper ftplolU.II., Of ZOo aDd tn
.... MiU _ .... Aa\&llo ,!" tlte r,elpl,nt or ennll'atul.. UODI on maktAa Of all extraordinary len.. iiI .
bl. mlrrlaa. to MI. &dltb Smltb- aln,le aod multlpl. reel allllnaJ pin-
r -
. man. ADd .ow SU,.Ae H. AlI.A, ... tarn.
al.tant to Produeer Inl:4l, la a recnall'
With the a,lendld faeHlllea tor
to the ranb ot benedlcu. Mr. AI. lakIn&, efllry kind ot moUOII. plctol"ll
1.,.n.1 . len'. bride II MI.. Marlar~ Tbomp." whlc'! tbll .Iaborate layolll will pr{)o
'011, one or Iba Ince"lIl. INdID' w{)o \rId. In Lee AACalea, Mr, HOl"ller
~::~d.~b:ICO;::P~; R:~~
neaHY at 8t. Cathtrlna~a Roman
::t:: il:~
:ia:::D': ~:tnu:::.J:' :::
winter, aDd tor tb.at rel.lO. baa eloaed

, Phot~plaYers. Attention I
C.tholle Church In Oeean Park and dowo tbe Jeraey atudlo aod wHl do
are IIOW enJoyln.. an ezteDded boney- all of ha produdn, tor Ih .nul Illl
mooo tou~ throuKh the eoutal month. ID Caillotllia.
Iatel .lId Canada. Milton H. FabReY, lOll' uaoelated
Th. Secood 01 .me. ~ A pratt, romallce, III Which Mr. "Ith Mr. HOrlley and I ....nlly,coll_
Allen n't1rllo:! I I a bero In more ceded to be one 01 Ule lour ,reateat
DINNERS IIIInN' Ib'n one, and MI.. 'rbompaon
I I a' vlNhn or the oceao'l fory,
dlrectora III tbe world, aDd bla tal.
enled wlte beaded Ule n.t of ml-
dwell. hack ot the cUlmlnutOD. It &ran,ta, wbleh Inelo.ded HarlT La--
I. a romanee of the kind that tbrllla Pearl, tbe tamoUi panlOmlmllt, cam!-
:~~h Ja~e::;rt~. ~o~~nlrh:a:~~t~
moUon picture circlet.
::::It=J~~ ~~' proPerty
Tbe Barona' ractor" wbleh la at
Mra. Allen-wblln .he "aa MIM . Ihe Pl"IMnt time tORlnS" out about
Thomjlaon-l!egan her eareer before 350.000 feet 01 enmme~"1 pnndng
Ihe camera aa an ntra ..Irl. Bat .. well aa tbe MIlia F1l)na' lIepU"e
Mr. 'nee lAW In her anu.ual atWn. and Poattl"e prodoct, will "ennUnue
< nleDI. an~ .be rapidly advanced. to a to work at top .peed wltbout ,Inter- .
~~h~ll~o:p:a~~a..dll~"t~:~:~t~t;j:: rUf:~~~ci. Horale; ezpectll to IM"11
lhe IlIce enmpanle. that alie deelded "Ith bl. ramny tor Lee AD..ellll b&-
Compliments of one day I.....t .ummer to .wlm about
~~a~::t oc~:: W~I~herala~ I':II';::~:
tore the end 01 the montb.
'AlD_ aattoD. lead InK 'WomaD &t
aludlo.. Inee..lIle, emphaUcally declare- that
WSQN & KERRIGAN Wallace She ...... more Iban two bundred
Yllr". from Ihore When abe ...... Lsed
.he bu ne"er made an analytical
Uudy of tbe lower . type 01 women'.
with a cramp. Sbe lAnk aDd Mr. And Yet one 01 ber mOlt rfllllarkabl~
Th~ Directors' Delight
Allen. from bla otnoe, ..w tbe dan- ICeOmpllabmenta II that 01 Interpret-

~m ..-\sn )IItS. UOWLISG HE'." VI' " ('AM~n" MAS'R I'LiGHT. ::~ PI~ne,~a~nt~O~~~ltr~k~~.=~. ~~~':::Id~~h:fh~~~:~':u~;a~t~~
At New U~iversal City H\' TIU,IS 1l0nll~R8
Putllill one OI"lIIt on I train robber Wonb and MlUIle by Yord I. Iklebe.
'rhe 1Il1l0n of ralne ha" arrll'ell on
IUtng ...Iflly to ber .Ide, ba ,ra.apeo:t.
:'oil.. ThomlllOn and carried ber to
ahore. From that day on th....
tlet: by her .pleDdld work In ".1
Crook'a Sw..th.art," an Inee produn-
1l0h. lOOn to be releaaed. Mr. In~
I, aometbloJ: that I, Dot ac<:oml'l1.beol Ihe.conl. II.tanl seneral mallacer aod thli bu repeatedly. cut Klu Hutton 10
eyer,. dIY, lod for lliat renoo ...ben A .euon (If llhotollla)' nulea; , le.dln.. "'oman had been con.la.Q.tly cbaractera 01 thl,. kind and ahe baa
the attempt \1 .ucceurul It I....ortby It ralnl, and It ralnl. and It r.ln., in eacb otber. company wh. . tb. ,never murmtlred an obJection. Whea .
of note. But upeclally rare are tbe and It ralna. day'a worlt ...... done. Tben followed playera at the Inc:e..lIle .tudlo. baa
And wblln 11'1 not ralnlnll. It driB.' lhe announcement and the weddID,. _a bllr work III "A Crook'. Sweet>.
DON'T FORGET In.tancea In which a "'oman h.. nl-
ured. IS tbe ... Inner. Sucb 11'11 tbe
caae, bowe,'er" aeveral year. aKO on
It rain. In the 1110rnlnll;. 1I'a r...lnlnl
and Raymond B. Weal, the "boy dl-
:rl~~'~'t~ ~~, t~~~ ~~~tborat~:t
certalnl,. mo.t hue made a deep
an nut-sOlnl CaUfornl limited, and
tbe .tory I. told oec lon...lly wltb at noon. rector:' "hlle MI.. EnId )larkey aod Itudy ot .uch women. Tbelr'ata~
clee II)' Joaeph J. DowllnK. tbe vel- And It. raining mOlt all ot the :'oIl.. Loulae Glaum Nned the bride. meota, howe'er, were met "Itb t~
eran cbaracter ...ctor, .,,ho I. 110'" ap- night. I'.4pI' J. MOOrt!', who aeTaral reply tbat .b. hu nllYer even roa
The big pe... rllll with the companle' or Thom_
&I H. Ince. )Ir. Oowllnc tell. the
And 11111 cameraman alia t When' he'.
not thrO""log ntal
1l101lth, '&'0 reell1led bl. poa\t10D..
cuhler ot Ih. Hotel Altor In' Naill'
a ".hlllln&, .boeker." "I ba" Ill'
oul ....t praeUcally all my life," ..,.;
tory or hi. lldfe. tor II ."...... be ... bo ,\nd prayl ror an actinic lIgbt. )'ork to go 10 Long Beaeb and b&- ~t1.. Hutton. "and the wllIt ne"er h.,
All Star Cabaret bt .beer thouchtrulne.. and quick.
and concerted ...ctlon defeued tbe And Ihl. I. the long th.t he .10g. I I
("(lme auditor or the Balboa Amnae-
ment Produclns CompaDy-'whleh
been tbe .tamplDg 'gronnda 01 crlm-
lnall,)' InclLned women.' . '
band Ita at tbelr own came. he alta ne"" polltlon b. baa nUed with bl..h Hra. AaneUe Ray, .bDtoIeaa of tb;
Features Mr....nd Mra. no",llnl. "ccordlnl In Ihe ahade of a maddenloc cloud, ability - I. a living teallmoAlal to rea.taurant Dear the Balboa plant, la
to tbe atory, lett Portland to returll
to New York after a tour or Ibe cout.
A few nllbta prior to tbelr departure
And hi. t"'o arm. he awlnc. . . he
.lta and he Iinp -
In II "olce that'. uou.uany loud:
~~th~~~t~~~:~~~:lav~~:a':te,o~ t::
hu ..alned tourteen pounda In ..ellbtl
=~o p~"::el;.e :b:~=j,.t ::3: ~t
dainty meala .be prepa.r.. A COIQ-
the Sbllta' Limited bad been held up ""'0'" I ..k In ttle name or the Hun' II nee takln.. UJI bla ruldenee In tbe mlttee ot tbe tb",,- ... Mea ap.
~~~~ ..::riti~~: :.~oe:laaa:l:: :~e:..toag~w:r~.:ceo,=,
and Ibouu.nda or dol1 ... ra 10 mone)' }'Mrltc:h,
aDd ..alaablea takftl trom tbe ~ .
have deelded that Calltontla Ia the M .... Ray .. a t..u.. . .., ......
i::~;; w~I'a ~o~~~ntD~:I~~~ And a rrlllllY of mad deaperatloD,
Jual' ""here II tbe .un! 'Old It tall ?~1dI.ll of tt:c1'::~!4,...alld thll)' wm app.-.el.aUon 0111;.,. --z.~~.d ~""'"
to ttl. metropolll w.. Impera.U". nd In a dltcb! ~ " ~, n """
lI.r bu.bLod peranaded b.r to baa'"
te.. r. .
Precaution, bowe"er. w.. a watc1L.
.. ,-
Or drown In Ita own perapl~tlol:.!
"AIl dI,J %Quat I .It on tllli camera-
;O:c"e...;;~lh al~lr:er D~:~~~',:::d,,~ ,--",~.,...,~.

All d"" whlli!! tbe .un remain. bid!

ablea under Ihe matlre.. ot Iher Why. I'd ralher be home wllb acute
Prices berth. 10 her handbag .he carried
wbat looked like $:'.0(10. lIut What
c1)lcken po
Than "'earlng a camera-lid! I
In realllY wu a wad ot .tage blli.
at enveloped on the out.ltle hy a genuine
n"e-dollar bill. "'For al" drea;y dan In the ..eek 1
mUll .11
A. luck would have II, rolllleNl
tJoarded Ihe train. Flr.t the COil .Illlht here rrom a quarter to. nine
ductor ru.hed through the car In Till lhe th'e o'clock whl.lle fill
wblch )Ir. and :'olra. Dowling ""ere tJl"""n and "'e qult-
The Casa Verdullo Cafe rl~log and .houled a """'nlnl. Theil
, An,1 on Sundar be' II come out and
came the tnln ere"". "'hlte ... Itb fear. Ihlne.'
736 So. Sprina: St. Then followed the bandit.
"Come acroM." they commanded And 10 he keelll ""alling ror lunahlne
each pallenger In lurn. "dump your and lIghl.
coin In Ihe bas." E"errone obeyed. While drlnle and water and w,t,
Pre.ently the men approached Mra And great gohe or OOW that ghe blm
Do..UoS. thebluea

$20 SUITS "Oh. pleue:' pleaded Ihe actor'l

...Ire, "pleue don't lake my money.
My bu.band bere II a conaumptlve
and 1 am takloK him to Colorado for
Are whal he II aure he will Ket.
:;0 let u. all breathe a ahort pr'Yllr
tor a drought
To eaae the IH)Or ('ameraman'a
FOR $20 hla health. 1 hue t.,,o children and
we are almo.t deatltule.
don't rob me."
But the cold-hearted robbera heed-
Or. if It mUlt rllin. with our mlSht
and our main. . Chas. Clary of the Selig Co.
ed not Mri. Do... UnK' plea. They Lei UI pra)' that 11 falll In the
took the roll or Itage mOIle)' en nlKht. .
wrapped with a real blll and eon-
Unued tbelr procellion to tbe end of Mlaa \'Iolet, McMillan haa Kone 10
the train. But tbey weakened and Santa Monica and la pla~lng with the
.uccumbed to the woman', entrealy. New York MoUon Plctu" Company.
Tbe .martell JarmNl~ 'rhen Juel betor:e they lealllld from }o'onl 8teTlln([ 1. rellOrled to be very
enr .bowa In the elt,. tor the tra.ln they came to Mra. Oowl1nl Rick on aceount or overwork. Hla
and tbre.. two lwenty-dol1ar Kold rrlend. and admirer. are very mueh
$20.00. Hlch-cnde r.brICi. pleclll In her .Iap. Ever Iince that llrleved about bl. IIlne.., and bll
expertly band tailored - day Mra. Dowllng h.. heen looklnlt tllledY re<,ovllry II vllry mueb hoped
f1t'f1fy ,alt backed by Wood for them to return $36.
ANTEE ot perfect l.tI.t.C-

tlon In f1'ftr'7 detail.
Mod... 10 broad. url,t,.
trom the popnlar Tartaol to
the COOMrTaUYe patten. to
lull f1t'ery lndl,.ldual lute.

'T'- . Latest New York News'

I~:~~m~ml~' ~~~,.~~~t~: .'~~~:,.a.f:~r:elno.I.~~~og,r~~;1~05~:~
U.,N ~
elll." ()f the Malton l'lrturl World'-
)ltlerttar1 of.tbe NaUooal lndlpelld_
i'lnt Motton Ploture D~rd or :r'rade I, Ihe ohlrle ror a ,In lIe adml..lon .
....ltb lara. omo. on tba 11th floor Home cia.. what! .
or tb Clndllr .Bulldlnl .... h.re hi I. The ."nual IIltIl or the MoUolI Pie-
pr...nt .t all IImtll 10 r.c.lve thOM tUrtl IolxhlbHon Which II Ilw.,.. an
WbON bUllne.. takea them Iher.. dr.lr ut .rell malallud.. will 1M
Mr. Sam.mle 1. will known on tbe Klvllll on,Monday evenlnl. Declmb4!r
COllt. 71h. 191~. It Grand CllItrll Patlee
. Lett_ reret"ed from Io::lwln Alrtllldr thllrll bu been announced an'
Thlnhou.er founder ot thl famou llll'ltlr ('nt tnr the Grind M.rch.

~:::~:~~I:d~~i,~~:,i:d~~,':.::",~ ""::~~:'II'I~\':';":';:'~d::;:',':~~~~~~: '

~ ~~O.jll
KeU::::e ~~h:~el:,~~r~nllP~I~~: ~~:~:VI~~11 ~llll~lll~~~f~,~~e'~ea~l~:::s'::-
" .bulln.... Three feUI a.o he lold lot:k Rhow lind wtll 1I1e them entlr.ly
, . uut hll lnternt. rur I lum allll:re hi Mutlbn I'lrtun.
sallnl lIelrl)' I hilt or mlllloll dol " nil'" Cl.rIIOl'aUon Ino name II".
~~~ttob:h~h~C~al~el'::~Cr:de~~:~ker~ r,:,~y~lat~;U~I~~:; ~rd::~~~I~~p::,~t1;
no olb.r 111m ",nture for three )"UII lur 'lklnR IIf.llke Illctures. elpecl.at.
, u 11m. Umlt tlllIlret In April Mr. I)' ut ball .Imu. Th. dlrecloTi Ire
"hT~ol~:;~Aw~t~\fln~IC(l~!~~uolI' :~: ~~: ~onr~:~l.rm. ~:. M. Ile)'he. Ind
II to hal'e tudlo ut H. 01'1'0 Ill' Till! Io'rolllllllll AmUllelllent Co., of
N,II' York luburb.. Herelotore 11 .... hkh UUltavfl ~'rohmln II Ilrtllld.ot.
hn Ioeen uslnl Ihat of the R.llance II olrerlnlt" II. hlllldl'lld doll In advancll
GREATEIjIT ~nuc~::IsR'~6~~1I:r )~'.~11~~:;"~I:d ~:t ~~'I,~",:~u::~eu~Cl~;t.:'~":\~I.'S~r 1C1l1l'
be rel.ned berore thiS rlllchlli )'ou. 11......,;1 Hoell. Ne .... Pictorial 1l'1l

Mountain Scenic Trip' , The LIte I'hotn .'11111 Corv., b..

for. 10nl: tlme bllell dlilruul or
potlflllllnS I .tudlo on Ihe COIIII.
. Thl. b.. 001'1' beeo dennll.l)' ..ttled
Ind 1I1lfts compleled. for I .tudlo
n" .... bllluj; ,hllwn aide by lid. with
Iii .. JOllrn'll W.r Ilulllllins It ~, St.....
t'Ollllllhu. ('lrdll. Som" theltre own.
er. ILlKKlIlIl Ihl. rrllfl ezhlbltloo 011)'
h.v. a len,lene)' In IHlen their valuel
IN AMERICA or oeroul prol>ort!ons to lie located u, thelltrtc.1 altractloDl. 00 Ibe
It S.n Dleso. C.I. JUte J. Qoldbel'l. uUler hand III)me ny the plcturea
lhe leeretlry or .the cOlllplIny. aDd .h"wn h"'e already been _0 b)' au.
25 Mil.. ~ woaoi.laad, from s.. t 1 to the Leonard Abrlhm... 11. ... leellr..ldenl.
Ir.. ror the COlli Ihorlly 10 com.
'lienc.... l1 over thl! eIly IQme dlYI
I CIeucI-LiD. pl.le arranlem.nu.
Mol'rilto" .. l'ollVe, botb or lbl!m
(;""l'l(fl 1111, I" tUl't<.l' of lhll Lite
Pholo "'Um Corp. arrl ... ed In N.w
w.llknown In the Motloo 1'1eture York lodlr .from New Orleanl. wbere
[, neld h.v. ealabUlhed a bureau In
tbe Timet butldlnlr. fol' a Cl'HICllm or
lie hn bern dlr.cllnK leverll bll'l
aeenell ror their !;reat productlonl.

Excunion From
all teature 111011 lIroduced hllr.. "Springtime" ,

Tbelr pi III II to atl.od the lint Vro- Th.. I'alhe ....r.... whleh h,vl!
:~c;~o:r:lre:~1O~~~'l:~: ::~I:;'l~~.': ~:?~~f~~:.;~;t~ol~e~III:~I:::,na\I~~e:~;
by tbe critic.. They tbeo IlIleod . l1t'rl1n h,,. .JSlIlltned lhelr oonlract to
I maUlns Ih.ae r,vlew. to Iu~rlbefl Ihe Cummerdal ntophnne Co.. of tbll
UatilJ.... 15 o..Jy Who are pl'oprlelor. ot MoUoo Pic- dl)'. for IU' unkno.. n conlldel'aUon.
ture bOUI.,. tbroUllbout tbe counlr,. .... Yet no dlslrlbutlnx nrlll hili been
BTIER GO "ho will lmmedllt.I, pllce tbem 00 11!1!'<'Ie<1 to hind Ie Ihem. the nnt
~hll,"llmt "r 111mI'll' Ifrlnlt rrom Ihll
!lOON Angeles nle and tbul be In I poaltlon to III
an)' Umll know the value or fellture
nlm. the)' are IlIked to PUrChllle.
"-.the ~ aonounee Ihat tbe)'
flmon. German t:onc''!rn are now In
l'Ie"" \ork. JUlt ..hilt llll't't:l lhe WIl'
h'" On Ihe nllli Ihillment .. 111 remain
have been eppolnted omd.l eIn.m.. 10 he &lien.
tusnpb.n to lbe French Govunmenl 1I11l''7 IIf"1t:ht:uback, "'ho hlA had
Liteoahue Seat Aa,oa!, Aaywbere OD Applicatioa during tbe leDlIlh of Ibe war. Thl. rhlrRll of the Jellle l.aaky picture
Ihould CtIrlllnly l'llve th.m II larlle pretia delllTlmellt. hoa beeo IUe<'1led-
.dvaotls, over other \'oneel'QI "'ho 1l,1 b)' II, Whitman Benllett. Ille 01
" Ire now on the bltlle line trylnl to the. Mutu.1 rorces. ~Ir. Ilennetl wa.a '

I, PACIFIC ELECTRIC: lllI:ore l'eal "ar nlm,

The .'&m<>W1 nail of the Scrt!llll
ClUb Of New York Is no" aooouot:ed
to taltl! plleo II" the Iiolel Altor
tnr yelr. l\ellPrl1 llre 1I111!1It ror tbe
Shubf'rl Tht'lllrlul So .. lIod delerv_
edl)' IWpullr. In addillon he ha. b&- DRT A.NGKLE8, NEPHEW 011'
t:on'e II pinner wtth OI"ld V. Plck.r, ,U.;.Ff'SRSON DE ANOBLm. 01
wblch II nld to conl'ln lbe noe.t le... ~ of lhe Burlllnd Tbelllre In the ItlWl'OR CENTAUR COMPANY.

RAILWAY bill roolD In Amerkll. To Indlette
th.l unly the elite .. til lread lb. nla
IlrnllZ. and Ihe Etghth ""'e.. In Min,
halll\lI. Illld'hoth Intend nl.bl1lhtnll
Jeetle b.U roolll--or courae tblll II the a rb.ln "r :11011111\ Picture thllatl'el.
Ao Important chanse In tb. aUr'iJ,-
ment or the meo ",:ho dilly malt.
mUIlOtlI lnlh h, th.lr actt..lUet 10
tb. eomM,r prodoclnl end or tbe mo-

D. w. PONTIUS, Traffic-,,, tlOIl plet.r. Induu,.,. I. r....ealad b,
tb. cbl.ltc* dlKoI""" that Bert An-
aelea it dtreeUlI.1' pletu~ at Da1'1d.
,~,~ Hortel.,'1 Ceouur plallt I. 8&7.
ODoe. N. J. .~

I .i

....laP .... r 010' TO LUKr 00,

M.u TIl. BJOGDI' DDfJrIIR OP ........... 10
On Wednaeday lut "rM Kley.
m.aar of tbl IAIkr CoID-
to...lmulir of the . . .1I1y
dlntt.r at tbl club. Only tb_ .ho
camrly r. lucky Inoulh to ob- SETH D. PERKINS, - . . .
tllo _ta. It ean r.llly be aaJd that
bla dlnttlr . . . the mOlt .uoe...tul
ot tb. ,ear Ind Mr. Kllr r_I"M
HYlr11 eoneratulatory 1.1.,ram.
durin. th "nln.. Wlr erl r....
c.lYed from LouiN LMter. Jack Rich-
Comedy.CHARLlE CHAPLlN.Comedy~
~~:X'::de~~~?~rum~~::~:ih~.ward and
A el)eC'lal entartalnment . . . 1lr.-
1lared for tbl oee..lon aod tbe ..me RO~COE ~RBUCKI:.E
about tbe dinner hlch w.. Incom-
1larahla, Tbl tablM .are decorated In
with red cunaUoo. and never tbat ,
In evenln. . . . . more enJoYlble than
the dinner of Wedneaday I..t. Arter
lhe cu.tomary Ice cream Ind entree. I,Rod Key_
pipe. and toblcco were p.uaed. and
Mr. Kley called ullDn leveral of thll
auod Itor,tellftrl, who aladly enter.
tllned, Amooa the ueate of Mr.
Kley W&l WIlU.m C. O. Mill., who Henry Wlhh.al. Blandl Sweet aDd luAIIStar Calli
dellallled thli crowd with a tlllW 2 Ra~'

~':~~\I~ndo~~' ,;~~~~crlt:::O:f:c. ~:'d~
.. Col. HeeZAliar Ship~ecked"
Iroar_ In reaard to tbe ble b.Il,
and the leme from Mr. Ceuilleld,
hdlolt' th. buelOKl committee.
Il II In enjoyable f&l:t that Mr.
Comic Drawioc Seria-A La. in E""" lUae

Ft-aDd.~0I'd Co.
KI.y I, on. ot tb. createet booate,.
of the dub and It I. hoped. that
many olber member. will take him
tor n.mple end Irr to folio .. bl,

at...... "The Noise Bombs "
M;\.S ..iiIAH--.wiOitSFIU.SOIS I-Red K.eyttoac:-Comed,
1'00m A!"l'U GIlACF. CUSARD.
I ~ Bey.,11 .eelLa allo an Inll'ltition

ALLEN CURTIS. . . . rec:elved b)" Frencla Ford Ind
Oraee Cuoard of tbe UrilYenal Corn.
1llor from a oumber ot CIUltenl of
THE AD\'E!\"'TUItOU8 CARE.lm 0.' Where "Ir. 1!:rllolU . . . a Itudent SIO Dim ... CII" to atleod a banquet MILLE:R'S TJ-IEATRE
two yea,. at tbe Academy of MUlle, .hlch .ould bill Klven In tbelr bonor At JuDCtioa 01 $prine aDd Maia Strceb. at NiDth"
JOUR-~IVU&Al. ~~. ..~~,. .4.. ERI..' NGER
tralolo, hi. tenor voice and r_ly_ on Thlokl"lvloa Day. They ac
AmoDII!: tbe "veral Ibou..od pho- Ing tutell,e In dratoalle .orll. Dur- eepted and Jonroe)'ed 00 ..Id da)" a..... TwX< W..kly
topla,.81"1 10 Los AOl'elu COUllt)'.
10' tbe Delt t.o years be .a. a part_ to Blo Dlmu. The party Included F'1TJt Run Licenaed Progrlm
Der ot Ibe ",,00woe4 comedian. Carl Frlncl. "or4, Grice CUDard, Mar-
WK,.SEITER DOlle perhall" b had .. more .dyeo- Schradllr. In 1lreHntto, Ikltl ,t tbe "aret Wbl.ler, Harry Mllnn IIDd
tUrolil career than Frank A. ErlaDII!:- Schiller Theater In Berlin. Later be Arthur Munnl ..... The trip .... tlken
If UNIVKJitIA.L co. fir... lead 10K character actor. ho re- aod Eduard Schltrt were a..oclated In tbelr Ilrlvate car and the thlrty-
I.! HoD7-ood. Cal. turned Ih1. week to hll "'ork .t the t ..o y.ars In 11111'101 charlcter 100per. four mile. were co\'ered In one hour,

Hany Schumm
Lone Beach atudlOi of tb....B.lbo..
AmulMlment Produe!oC Compan)', fol-
1011'101 .. "acatlon of .. veral month'
10 Sll.D Fl'&ncllCO and otber plaeel 10
>IOn~tlooa at thelters In Hambur,.
~:~~~h, OUlieldort Ind other Ilt,e
Motlol1 picture art then attracted
,,"-=verrllody _med to know about
:Ihk~ra~~~~~: ~~~~n~~:: t~:'d~~~II~~
!tlll.hed vilitors. )llnaler Huoter
Hotel Stowell
"Diff~~nt From Them All"
~:::r::::r:r::i~~~~~~~:o~~::rf~ g~;;;~;t~~i~s~eB!~~b:~1z
Northern California. Durlac ba out-
J..Naile L.d Inc be chance<! to 'tilit Sao Rata'l,
PRAMCD FORD CO. whlre tbe ItudlOi of tbe California LOS 'ANGELES, CAL
YOUOIl Picture CorporatlOIl are 10-
~eu::~~:.t"I:hb~:1[~~d~~~';rei:::: ::I~ t:::r\:'. to)I::~,,:r ~~r::r::h:J
eated. The COlllptoD)' w.. prep.rllll: Oal,. HotUe in the Couatry that Dou Not AUow Trpp~
to produee uSalom7'Jaoe." .. future Fuller and other Itlrl. Sulequent- Iwo of )II.. Cunlrd', p;ctur" on the
fthn no. beln" ezblblted tbrou"bout Ir tbe eoanpany mo.ed to Hlanbur", jlrol!:ram .nd Itter tbe ftrst perform-
tbe country. and tbe maoaa:emeot. he remalnhal a member ot ab. or"an- an('ll! Iher apl>II!are4 upon tbe ata,e.
I.rnlca: that Mr. Erlana:er .... 10 IzaUon anotber ,.ar. aflt .bleh he For a MCOnd tbe audlenre ...... dumb.
San RUaeJ. Induced blm to .l1act oDe
ot tbe l:h.aract.tI In tbe ble tfll.-....e.
" plrt be POl'traJ'ed .ltb mucb talent
Joined Count Alldlr'Walleohof, Hun-
larlal1 ooblelllan. and I partf of lold
founded. Ylaa euoard .I,hed 10
.peak to Iheol. hut did nol let aoy Reinforced
_ker. on Ibelr upedltlon to Ih. furaher tban "Ladles and a:entle-
-.cd bra.ery, lo...muda ... be for-
I1labed " bla: tbr:lll br a bit of .ork
min.. In SOutb Am.rlca...1.Wn, abe
dl.trlcte ot Bueoo. Ayree. !donie-
men:' Then Ihe audience rellll.llld
ahlt tbe) were real Ih'e hum.n be-
10 .blch h. leaped olf a cillf aod Yldeo, Valparaleo aod other locllillee 10". aDd noa UllOn the .. reeo, Ind
f.1I '5 feet loto a rlll'er. Ind maklne a trip acro.. the And.. tbe enlbull"l!l broke out. After ftn
.lb, Erl-.cler. acllHl of u loclent, )louotalu br mule araln. Laaer )Ir. mlnutea (If I!ItoUUOJ and aplilaudla.
d~tod Hllll,(Vlu t . . llt, .... Erll.O.ler, hayloC .malll!ld 160.000 )II.. Cunrd "JOk op ber .~ec:b and
lion la V oth.r betne " In pl,,",r mlallla, .enl to Sew York told ber admlr.n bow .Ie.d .be ....
1i;i~~:-::=-_-j- r_,....:ti~"", ,.:;.-"";;;'::Jda:-4
...U of B"~ ..... tor maar
CIt)'. th.a to LOll AOll:elu. Ind lub- 10 be ..ltb tbeon and p1"01ll1.N to call
MqR!f1:lY 1r.~thfrwltll ""Deairr-Tll'iD. A:Yter-n."-iboW"Ulrtl&l:f4u-er
Valley Scott, all4 Charlea Stead, took place, ... b1eb . . . JlUended b)" a
r .... UHa ~0Il" of 1Il. s.II'tb Rea:- .peot 1.0 yea,.. PI'OIPlllCtlo, In the number of ladl. and Itentlemeo of
I _ t or Iloral H_tI ed a per- . Deeth Valle)" countrr and IdJaeeot San Ohnu. the manlKln!t he.d. or
eGoal atllcbe ot tbe KalMlr, a cua- dlatrlcla: Mr. Erlan,er ftolll)' lolnll: the CIlIfornla Film t~l[('b.oll:e and
todlau. of the Golden K.r . blcb al-
Holl)' , HOlDe 57007 10.' acceM at an lime. to tilt roral ~~0~n~lnnlc~~~~1l0~iell!lt:u~:e:e~~r~~~ ~I~~r ,~ddl~~ul!:~~enr~le:O(IHllnnU';ne;~~~
, UNJVmI8AL FILII beadquartetl. Botb of )lr. Erlanl- III"ernent u ch.racter pla)'er .. llh othertl,.
MANUPACl'URING COMPANY er'a pa;reou are now I"Mldenu of VI- the Universal Comp.ny. atter..ard ------
eDna. .he"" hla alater. MI.. Eliza- .0rklnS" UDder tbe dlree.Uon of Har- lSn'll:mt,u. OOMI'A.SIES PIl.utl.:lIl"'T
JACK W~ITE beth Erlan,er. la the I_dlnl aoprano rr )latbe"l at the Powetl IlIldlo u IIiAIM)lt}; nF.RSST.:IS WITH
Cuhi.,. alneer In the Roral Th_ter. The the .Ilch In Hansel Ind Gretel. tol- 11l:"..., .......L SADDLf:: HOml";.
~OLLYWOOD. OAL. photoplarer'a borhood achoolln, w... 10.lnl Which he .... aeaoclated for ludore Bern.teln, ceDeral man
reeelll'ed In Pracue aod. at the a"e of Ion Il'perlod Ith tbe Klnemaeolor al!:er ot ahe Unh'enal Film COIDII.OY,
ten ye&n, he became a atudent at the Company and wltb Dlree.tor Artbor had a .urprlMl on WHOeMa)' lUI.
)lol&l't DramaUe' con.,. 10 Prallue. !ofackle)" .t the E n.)" pilot. For ..hen be ..... called by lIr. Carl
CEO. H. MELFORD atud7tne there .b: yea,. and tben several IDOOtba be "Ith thc EI[- I.aemmle from btl ottle. to mHt the
jol.u.J.q: 1Il. lOII'ernlDulal military hlbltotl' Produe.loa Compaar. litter oot at abe aludlo. )Ir. Bern-
DIIUOCl'IlfO ac&delZl7 lIlere. r;n.duaUoe trom that For all[ mooth. be . . . ueoelated laeln Clme from hi. offtee and found
IlYtltllUon tour rean latar .Itb a with Fred Mt. at the l>IaJeetJc atudlo, IU UoluBLl employees. Inchtdln,;
dlplolDa ... lieutenant ba the 8ell'entb aod about a 7IIIar .'0 he Joined tbe !otr. Laeaaanle lltlnc for blm. The
RetlDeDt of HulAta. Bllboa eompaoy'l orllaoll.ltlonbeore Iltt.r llddrnaed .lolr. Bern.aeln, tell-

~r~-:I:~:h~:~~~I~~~:c!5:1::~~~~ Ei~~~~FI~~;:~~~~I~~
For thne yeatl h. eened ... Ileu-
taaaDt ud lIlen, In d.farence to the
wiah. of hit. mother. h. realcned
bbi poalUon to acUly punDe bla
Irtud,. ot clramaUe art. He al14 hla
mother thell made a tour of aU tbe
::~'ndIE~~~;;e"'~~~cr~~~~1oth~:e:i~ e~:"M~:o:~bly. .~tl~1 ~~~r;'be:~~~t::
rele..... He I. In atblete of ability, al Ne. UOh'eraal City.
leadloe ciU. of Europe, ftl1all,. lIk- an u:pert. tencer. e.lmmer, rider. .lotr. Leemmle ..Id Ihal he . . .
loe up re.ldel1ce 111 MIIUI., IlIly, runDer, oaremln I.nd Jumper. more tban pleued to II.nd eo mucb
alfecUoo by tbe employees for the
maoa.er and pal'" ,nao, eompllmeDal
In pers.on to Mr. Bernateln. Mr,
.....mmle blm.elf 'POke of bl' owo
hlab eeteem for Bernlteln aDd em-
ph..lltI!Id tbat It the preolldentlal
chair. ot tbe Unlll'e,..1 Compan)'
.hould ever be vacant. tbat be, Bero-
Iteln ould be tbe ooe to take It. QUAUTY IS TO A DIAMOND
In tbe meUl.t1an. tbe borse "'&1
brOUlbt to tbe uudlo and Mr. Bern-
Iteln mouoted Ih. anImal. From hll
"blab Mlat" be Iddr~d thOte pree
.nt, u,lna tbat tbe IUoeeaa b.
achleYed . . . only mad. poaaIble ---tftI!rtonds of quality staDel out .bove all others. radiant in
tbrouab. the er..t OD-OPeraUOD of beauty and ador-cd byall Handlin&" fint quality diamODda ba
Ill. fello orb,.. He thUl.k.ed ell'_
e",body for their put conftdeoce lod become a Part
of our chU'Kter. ' .
upr~ the hope that all tuture
.ork. or otftce and atudlo will be
.. _ nllMIS .1 D.I. . .S
10 Mr. D. W. OrUllth'a prodUCUOD
of "ne CI&nI1Ilan." . .1. E7e', the
full blooded lodlan actor. aaad. htl
three hDttdredth tall durlq htl ...
Chas. R Clark JO YEAUIN 11G ~ . , . . .
eoctaUOll with tb. OrUlltb MutUal
. He mild. lb.' tbree hvndredth rail
.hen Ila.platteed beadl. . doWtl the
IIiaiai TOWIl Built ." Lee La1ftOD aDd Whitey Home of the . ~~t.ot.:..~ltba d.~ ;:..~~~
~. lAIt'to ~~1MCf:.:'~~::n~r?~~4'Wblw Hottl. :::~~y~~~d:':{ ::~.oo~~
Tbe UOft pltotOp.pIa no1rI at ht an .net reproducUoli of.... ,aUn. on tJl.1II b...., the ID41a.D actor

twO . . . . . . . kan .... to aab a nil .0Dd.rtv' Mtt1Jla hu . . .... tau. . . . ~ the put ,...r a 41.-
we. ot f.
.cadoIi pIetan a...... It Ia act
a....,...... .rtICted by 1Ae t.W8OD an4 U,IOO
.t~~ ::-UD:-:..:~r~:m.::uu::

FURS . .
of atalq ",.,..,.. HOnl. ot tba V.I' ' Ooa-
,- TboM wbo
l tord.
lao Qeo.
D'" y_ttlra.t tJi. t.Mt
,.CIt.,. .....
- .. .w.
lUI. GIUl )a.rl ~ f
or mo taIa ...
- ~. :~lo.~'~tolltabM~"':= :::".:'~':=".ItJl.O!It.UI. MMt.

=tJl. ~troa)(~=~...::: 1 4 a;:'.:.:::~ l:oU..:

alter . . , . . . . . . . . . rtIt ~ .....

:a '=
-........ . : . -='Iz::..:' :::-....:.._"':
'Y':::=- :LulU,='=:
... _ .. =u=:
,::.r=,-:-==.. _
j ~ ~~"'~

-~....:=l ~ ... _~_

!,,"!~ _ _J. ~=.. _ ..... =-.:.m."='.. . ~~

V. .tUriDI, the.t Clev,er


Two Comll'!t'- Weeki,~
Rele... tol tbrou.b

The United MeIioo

PictUre Pndueen, ....
~ ~b~~'ir'~'~I":d(:';1
(Warn'er', Fe',<ur", ~De.)

Wrlttell IDd ';'de ramou.'b;

ot ..
~'aree Couiedy PrOduction
I "By .

Archer McMackin
Wl:h Yeal'1l or Su~ with
Th! Eq~n..,..

406 Coart St" ~ ~ Cal
G.....' .........


. I,


RE'l'VR."i8 "FROM NEW. YO. . .
Harry Haney. lor twelve reafll a Bruce Mltcbell baa returned troiJ:J.
l,roducer ot lIrt1t-<:l..... teature IIlml
New York, but not alolle.. He brolllht
tor leading ccrporatlOnl 10 tbe East wltb blm II. !ltce tat eontract tor tbe
and the Weet. has returned to work releue of hlB comedy'prodllcUou.
I I .Jlr~tor with the Bal~ AmUM- The happlett or them all w.. hi.
ment Producing Company In Long ..little" wlto. Mfli. "Jlmmle"'Mltehell,
Beach. following a yacatlon. He 18 lIlr. Mitchell bu been a_nt for the
e81eemed by cinema upert& u one of put elht weell:Jl~ but bea:ao 'hlil lim
the ruoat talented leadefll In lIlm plctuNl tbe da,y atler' h18 an1.,~,
manufacturing, putly because of bll whlcb Is tlntlUell. "A Boob'. Rllelll&"
havln written thlrty'eeven produced Career." . .
IJhoto-dramu, tweoty-nlne or which Mr. Mitchell took a nnmbfolr ot
he ataed for varloua eompanili. Hla !lCeOIi at the COTOna race m.eei with
many otber IUCOI!U8lI In wen ntsh the ....I.ta.nce of Bob Burman, Bar.
every braoch of tbe moving pletuNl ney Oldlleld, and Hal. Stooe. The
art slvlns him Interoatlonal reoo_n. center of the picture I. the tamou
She then played & leUDG In vIude- Mr. Haney'. work .. director 11'''' Slut.. car NO.8. To brln&" runam
buun t_elve reare aao When he com- Into the atory', Mr. Mitchell bttllt' a
':'~~:e~n~~:;o~h~nY.'~.lIt~~:IlI~II~n~~i Illeneed produclo for tbe now allnost pit at tbe atudlo for the ch..... ot
After lea\"-
"he WIIB 16 )'Illn of Ille. forgotteo Idoloaeope co~paU)', In tire. and Stuts No.8 _ .. drhen<upoa
ln~ Rehool abe enacted lmportlnt New York, where he m.de pictures. the .tae. '
rol" In 1\ atock compaoy, worked tor more thao year, rollo_lnl wblch Tbelatest addition of Mr. Mitchell'.
II lime In \'ludevll1e and tbeD Joined work be w... employed &I .dlrector eompanJ" I. tbe tamonl com.ed1aD,
the Kalem moving picture company'a for lon period u~l,ely by tbe Mr. P'rank Moore, late ot lbe 'Or-
I,la)'en. where ,h, haa remalnlld fOUf MutolCOtHl eompUlY, tbe Ed1lon, pbeum.Clrcult. Mr. Moo", b&l jut
yelln and baa won world-wide tame Cameraphone, Pathe Freres., U.u-. completed hi. contract with ttle Os
u "The Kalllm OIrl:' Durlog her .mont (In France). Yankee, Solu, FUm Mtl. CO., wbere he w... _ -
ftrat fourteen montha with the Kalllm Kay-Bee. Frontier, Unl"raal and tured la a number of Falrr
for~. abe enacted the part or the Rellance. He 11'&1 the lI,.,t I..dln&" HI. tlMt pertorm&JlCl8 aJ)01l ~
heroine In .corea of weRtern and In- mao or the old Palhe FreT1lil eom- lICrtlen 11'&1 (chen In "Ria II.,..,.
dtan.MlIltary dumaa, among lh... \Iao)' III tbe UnUed Sta.t... Wltb the tbe Scarecrow of Os." wJth Jlr_
ftlma being "The Chance Shot." Solax campaU)' In Ne_ Jetae;T, he w&I NOONl,lu tbe UUe rol.
"Roundup at Dawn;" "In Peril pI manailoc director two 7eara, and allO Tbe l.-dlnlladY of the -1*Il7 II
Tbelr Lh'llI," "Th, Indian Maid'. :~~:.rlnteodeot of the Solu labora- :::.~;~~:=-:~:.'=::::
aacrlftee." "Blel'. Flute," "The. SliMP
Men', Triumph." eto.. etc. He I. now produelnl a tb.,.....""I. aod tbl..other comedl.... ol'tb. _ _
Later ,be 1lIal .tarred In aome til, Balboa. Future Film, "Tbe Ulbt la pa'1l.T I. Allea -J'raIkb, WH..... ~
Kalem corned I... locludllll "TIte a Woman'. 1.-," wrltteo by tb.e with tbe compaDJ" e'er IlDOe tt ....
PaI.dena Pelllh," "Rulh'. Hat," Hyp- company'. _narlo editor, F. Y. WU- orpll'-d. . -l

notic Nell," "Wben Women Are Po- t.rmood, tb. dral;lla MIDI bunt TIi.. aut ot cora". pnCWOIl1 '"
llee," "Romanee ot a Dry Town," around tb.. epleod. of a 'WOrld-tam Mr. "Itoll'" ta ;eaUUeI '~ ......
ou' eye .peelalJat beIq corapelled at B1opelaUt," aDd wUl ~ of t-.
;~Th:o~::~r~nr:uo:~~~~ El~~tHl::::~ plltol point to "rrona .... operatiOD THla.. t, .
comadlu, One ot MI~a Roland'. bll' ::n~ :~rJl=~'~ ~~'A':; 0. ~H ~ Wa1bloe'
::ldLo%e-p at ~ a
comedy-drama IUee.I. wal her Itar
characterl.aUon III "Wanted, Au or the cllmacUc - . - .,.. Int....ay

Heir," whloh 111m wu relea..d lately,
Tbe R,uth Rolahd, D4ltecltlve, ..rl"
ot releuel allo proved a lreat IUe-
In "The Kalem Olrl,'" a I.ature
;'::~l:~.~'::oatU:r1~~'::d :~~
orloua plctnre. lIlmed t~ rear.
ClUb. ft!!I
~ couple of
. ".....'*:
111m written ..pectally ror bar, Iba
dl.pla,..d ,\Itbe athletlo prow. . r.-
qulred 01 a mo,ln. pllltUr'l beroln.
and .an wonderful u.blbJtlon 01
rldllll, Iwlmmln and l.nollll. 8be
wu tbl lI,.,t aluma actrMI to ride
;.- ,

. , :.. ;' .'". TYCOfm".ST

It. ....... ltlS'i~"R0JIi1lail" Roacbter Goes to the ~ PMr .......,...
}r!-~.,.--~------:---,. r--~=-----== -~------,;
'( f .. ' . . ADVERTISING:
'J "I~'" theSU~.CIoRI=PTI~NSW:eekJY Contest,' During the Photoplayers' Weekly Contest,
.coo .votes will be allowed on Advertising according to
. - will aIIo,"", on Su 'ptions according to the lollowing schedule:
"II ~I-1!lU aubecription
schedule:. '
$ 2.00 -----------. 2,000 votes
$ 1.00 advertisement
'2.00 advertisement.
. __.
1,000 votes
.__. 2,000 votes
2-iear subocrlption 4.00. 4,000 votes 4.00 advertisement., 4,000 votes

.: I t= :=~~~~
li-year subocrlption .10.00. ::gg~ votea
::gg-- .----.10,000 ;~::: 1806:.~0 0 :a~dv;:e~rt':,: :sem m:e~n:t __: : ' . :..:.:.:.: ..:1:0',':loooOooO v v~o{:tes"

16.00 .
. 12,000
advertisement... __. .__ 20,09Q
9-year subeCription
18.00 .:18,000 votea 25.00 advertisement 25,000 votea

2-,'<"" 81!hocii
. ",.
SUbocrl~tion- 22.00
...on '24.
1'0 s
1915 "Royal Mal'I"
. .

Adverti$ing Rates, $1.00 per inch.


..1~ Df ,~ ~B8BRT...
i"KM:p ,Jollr e,.. eli .,.. op&ll to
,:r..~..h~:~~~::e::-::.o~~:= 0 - or tbe ~8&orielI or th~
,Will' ~Ilh a tolleh or eoae4,J or . . Veal" HM a-
Contestant--- Studio' Votes
patll__ l TheD Danate Uo. paper."
OOIIIIplea.ct br
J)lroedor WlltNd J - . x..
Jackie Saunders Balboa 185.000
'1'Il&t'. p!e adnee \hat iI tnlqllllllU,. tttled M. . . . . or the Grace Cunard Universal : 177 115(1
...~. b,. reooplMd KIID&rlo M_ Irene Hunt... __.Reliance.. .172,650
*~ wllea . .ell b,. a_kv.ra Juat ;\u.. Madt.o~ . .11lec1 by a Fred Kley .Lasky __ 141,250
Jaow to .0 abollt tile oompoaUoD .of Ipludld cut of playefl aDd tbelead.
~l nClOlliMfuI photoPI.,.. Thoma H. Myrtle Stedman Bosworth .139,950
. L;oe tal am~ tIle alithor-pr04ll.QMW
who frOm time to time olltlbie lhOll8
~eUOIII to uplrID. photoplay-
Inll rolel oppo,alte her are plued by
Edward Slom..n. Joe Kin, aM 8et.lI
Tbe Itory tell. of Marloll Sum-
Cleo Madill<ln
Dorothy Davenport __.Crown
.... 37,550
98,600 ........
E. R'Spen... Desk C..

"'rt,hb'. ADd Mr. IDee pro~ that mefl, In 10'1"11 wltb ODe Curlew. eomea Edythe Sterling__. ...Frontier. 35,100
he pnr.etJ.eeI what be prucb.. Ie olle to tile notlee at Gordoa BarIl.. om........ 1l-.I
of tile (rOrtbQOmiD. ~...,. of ~e m... at tbe wealth,- let. who hi mucb Violet McMillan __ Oz ..... .. 32,050 .......... n.-.e-.
: : . Yprk. Motion ~eture Corpon- ~:~w~~m~:rDec;~~e:t~ ~ dl:~: Ruth Roland __ Kalem 31,600 730Soaths,m;.._
~~l ~~tI: :Tb:to~~":~J:: meudaJDe. WheD. he IDforIIUI ber of
Ella Hall .. __ Universal
Stella Razeto __ .. __ Selig .
..... 28,050
. 25,000
aboilt the ~theUe udllll' of a ,-OR... ~e=m::'~%:~~a~:~d~~
-. =cw~~~:~h~~~toBo~U~~
-.0 :-rhea Mr. 1 _ wa ID New York.
aDd determluea to make trouble. Sbe.
aecordlly, brlnp Curlew'l t!'ue ~':~:';~S~d"::~:::~~" . {~::g~ LEVY'S CAFE
a frtud related. to hlta a nory that ehlracter to the kDowled.p or lIarl- Margaret Gibson .....__ Vitsgraph__ ... 12,750
bad. 'beeD told to hiED b,. Jd
tile 11.0110 plllloeopher. It wu about
0...... ODit:~:D~r~~flt::ma::~ fro":ae ~~ua-:::
a_pta I friend'.. ID,ltaUoa to JOID a
Dorothea Farley : Albuque"lue .. __ . '11,450
-----, .743 So. Spring
tbil 1II.ua. or. ,,.ou... mill. aDd.
'etiranl bobo. , The "01101 mill. told
par1;J 00. a yaebUIlI' erll1ae. Barnel
h.ppena aJlO to be ODe of tbe patty. ~~~~ato~~~~~:~ {{:ggg DOROTHY DAV&NPOItT

:= '::: .
~e ~e:e:: ~~~ :::.'o:o:e~~I~f::t~h~~~:h~~C:~
,:::t .. Louise Glaum N. Y. M. P. Co__. 10,200
TIre 'elema I~eted him 10 tile Bessie Barriscale .. __...N.Y.M.P.Co. -10,050

uot ,.et entirely died ud It Ia th..t 10

:t~~~~~n~~t~r; :tialath: ~e';.ue=I:_=:~~te:\
.11led., ord.et thaJ~ ~I ~.. be ............... UIa racbt II 'W'ftek.
Dot Gould ,. ..__Sterling 10,051l
Signe Auen .Reliance : 10,000
.-' \~=-.-4tr;a:~rm:tt=
/. .. . . ~ -"
e4. n. -::mo~.~
'""_._.~ "~~~~ ..
;';"-T"n;j ..,. ....
....~ ... up"_ rt
Carlyle Blackwell.......FavoritePlayers .
the M'OUOD Picture World or til...
~ eltY"D _bo1fD a copy ot the ~ - . .
playefl WfIflkl, ud ...ked. to 00..

....... .
~~%~;'t" ~ ~~-:r:-=~~~= . ~~~~ ~~a;:;d~:~~~n;,:..::: ~:~g~
m~~I~ ~:e;~t:ol::~~~1!l
pleQure tbat I .
f. . ='~ ~UIl~alt" ..~~:(l1:ht WIW:r:oe:truell a rude lbeller. wblch
,Teet tbll Iuue or tbe PhotopllJ'llfi'
- (oDitb.)aqhWthat Ihook two OOD- tbey oeeupy...od both d..lly ICUI tbe Mar~arita Fischer American ... 8,050 ~~:'~~u:: ~ltA::~e:~I~:"~~I~rl~ C.rH~~~;:~~~~::~~
r"c:~~ appr::o:tu~e~: ~~erlmSO:DJO[a:e~~':mt~:~km~yel~~~~ Pauline Bush Universal.. 5,450 ro.... to be lOme Iturdy eblld. At
preeent you bave 00 tbe eout a creat
MOIIdI,J.' Hia work eqa..... If DOt tlon. Ray Gallagher UniversaL____ 5.353 Cilizeu Sn;"'. B....
t f hIa
Jl:l d.
B,. ilpedal arran.ement M.....er
ya~h~r~~bha~r:Do~~~ al: I'o~~~:
rtnll I. the
..frec:tfld by the neWI. for he really
Chas. Rey __ ..
Henry WalthaL
N. Y. M. P. Co...
uuml>er or our 110041 pl..,.e.... ; allO
autbofl. therefore. tbe ad"fIDt of tbe
only ....eekl' devoted to "OUOD PIe-
ture. ..est of ChlCl,,,o Ia aa omeD at
",Jack" B. Clymer. formerly or-.uae
Setll D. Perll1D.a baa aeeured Cbarlle
lo'ed. M.. rloD Summe..... Tbe 10DeI,. Ford Sterling.__ .. __ ....__ Ste(ling....__ . 5,300 llood tntereet l.o all who write. aet New York Sun and eDualdered. One.of
CIaaPI1n'1 latelt'rel"", "HlJ Pre- pair remalD UPOD the Iliand tor two or produee:' Thul lpeakln, CrlUe III brl,btett reportefl II aow eapeed
b..Iaorlc PUL" ThlJ II ..Id to be a moatha Without a Il,u of appro.eh Laurs Oakley...... UniversaL 5,200 Sargent eJ:cuied b1mlelf .. be bad 10 dolDII: Uie preu work for the ItaJa
~.... CharUe ..ppear:a clad -Ia aiD, reatue. B..rnel learal to love Helen Holmes . :__ Kalem __ .. __ .. 5,100 "'to review the tI .... t rele..... Film. Co. on the DIDtIl ftoor ot the
UPT tkiD. bll onr-e1se Ihotll and Marlon. but ,be will have nothln, to
Ilia derb,. Ob.lyee, he alao earrt.. do wltb him. Flnall,. ODe eveDlnc. Rhea MitcheIL N.Y.M.P.CO.. .- 5.050 The Great NOI'tbft'"ll Film 00. Caadler BulldlD,. "Jack.a a
~ whleh beretofore hll beeD dlltribut- . ItroDC coDlrlbutor ~d alao a nlu-
~~lli~lw~~~:lin. .... ~:fi~~c~~...~:....... ~:g~g
a ...... BarIlea belnc ullable to cODtrol bl.
I n. belt oae and two-reel drema PUlloD for hll be&utUul compelon. 10' nlm. uclull"ely. will now veD- able ODC to the famoul protn.m ot
OMalaable will be .bowa ..t tbe New nlUIII Marion aDd co,efl ber face ture 10 the field pt prodoetloa for the SereeD Club lulled lut ,...r au
0p&Icr. . . lliuaL' .. with fe'ert.h kl_. ....In.t whleh Ruth Hartman. .__ FavoritePlayers__ 5,000 themlehea ..t tbelr omcel 10 the. the oceuloa of Ita unnal ball. "
l.w~ 1:'~:h~a;ieI:'~I~':: ~~e ~:~:-:~p~~b':.ndb:;.rr:~~
..... belle'. 'that Cood. EDoale Ia hla kDUe .Dd threaten, to do blm
::r= Bob Leonard......__..__.__ UniversaL
J. Warren Kerrigan ...Universal ......
Candler BulldlD,. deftDlte Illforma_
tloa of tbe produetioDI to be EDade
were wltlleld for rellODI at ,tate.
Wen. H a . oD&-Ume dram..tle
eritle at the Baltimore SUD. Iat.r __
a 1IAc, addltloa to .. well rouo.ded laJury If be repeatlo hla aetlonl. pectan,. CbOMD b,. Cbu. 'P:'r'Ohmu ror
pnci'am. . . M .. rloD from tb.t time 00. de'elope Louise Lester__ .American__ 5,000 Arthur C. ,,_ _ the orlclnal p~ rep~tatl'e at tile IIlmpln
beau Broadway at the Moral. . Tel... Theatn. later ID .eharce or the .....
) J~.;::oa~ehOf.. p~~~:n ~~lI~eh~~~ :'rn:~enMl batred for tb~ min Edna Maison Universal.... 5,000 ,raph aDd aow poerel pDbllclty eral p~ departEDeDt. of th. HIppo-
c.lJe:Dt ODe aDd two-reel drUDa MODtbl roll by aDd flaally M..rlon Wm. Garwood__. .American__ 5,000 a,ent for tbe Mutual corpontioD. 10 drome. a.ud tbeo. tor , ...... with Bar-
ib.ow:n.tIl.... that Kanapr Perk1u hi IDtorml Barae. at a lite that I. to Wm. D. Taylor.. Balboa__ 5,000 WilblD, God lpeed to the Photopl.a:J~ Dum a Balle,.. hal now bec:ome PD-
ere' Wflllkly. commeDted UPOD the erat pllbllelt,J .....t for tile ~Du,.
Ct~Jm:e::~rym::k.t.thew~~ ~~.Hf~rlltba: ~li:n:mr.:~dt~~: Anna Little... ..__........UniversaL 5,000 eompleten_ at III De 1e"lee that orc&tl1* bookIDC deputme.t or the
beIIi;,.' that COEDed,. 'hollid pi..,. deal' 10 freel,y wltb e"'tern. pertorm. Uo.l'ereal FIlm )("lIfacturlll.l Co.
i.' ~ put.1D plelnre bo. . . duro
tu ,
W. .
.he QOWI
_ wltb...
I feature.
h.. led hiED baek IDto the realm of
ftut tblap. M..rlOD' hale ooatlnu.
to .row after tb.e child II born.
~rIIe1 with bUD,-ry eyea, watchee
her ..ad tbe ehlld. the two belD,
dearer to him tbu life Il.Ielf. He
AI E. Christie.... .UniversaL
efl .ad me....... Who are pertorced.
to make a rwl4CIllce In the Weat. or
better knowo. a tbe couL Tbe do-
Inp and tbe perforMlIleel of the
varioul atudloa loeatell on the couto
He will ha,.., direct ebarp or all tile
Pre- work tor the b1& Ih~w, 'namo.
"PytIllu." ed &lao tor the New
York Theatre, wbleh "II
eollle ualhr
theIr dlreetloa. u well u tlae " . .
Artl Theatre In ChJcaco. wltJch w1II
~ Bu~a::d~;:rc~~~:- ~::I:Ot::e:a:':.~1~~W;~rlt:abr~:ur~ Ed. J. LeSaint.. Selig__. 5,000 Inltead of "Inl broll.ht to 01 b,.
tbe m...... proeeaa of Indlvldual let- come UDder tlHIlr dlrectloD Ilat)(mt- I

~,1D.the lead.1p.rol;-. pro,ed. one hll e'e..,. ad.'eoe with ICOrD. Tom Mix ....... .Seli~---- ... ------------..--. 5,<100 te.... caD aow be broucbt with ta.ll d...,. A-.octated with him ue ttle
oI.tlie.o.\ popalat dramu tIlat tbe Curlew. meaDwhlle. lea,. on aa Elizabeth Burbridge__.N. Y. M. P. Co____ 5,000 lCOpe of deeerlpUoa by the Photo- well kilo_ th..trteal m.......
New ()pUe baa treea,ed. In loa. explortal expedition and br cbanoe pl&.Jefl Weekly. HenCII ~tI . . .1 Ern.8It S~lpmeaad At '~~~.. r
Utue. nil wekem atory IUI1aeU of ther land on the 111"Dd at whleh George Lar~in Universal.... 5,000
eleao edmed.J; .. w"'l u deallll.. wIth ....rloa. BarD. and the baby are tbe
a "lhl"llUQ-tate or lo,e and ad..eD onlylDbabltaDti. VarioD II planDln, peete that Ibe will aceept, but ,he
Your actlD, It IB perteet aDd your VOTING COUPON: .
ture. ~J'red BllrM baa ~hn a l0ll.l to kill Barnel. but at the lut mo- ~:IYdl~~I~~~ '~~Ii: ~~I'=~~~~e.PI::~
8::ear:Il:Dah~::~;:Il:;eke In: :eD:IC::~~d '::D;~:' ~e:f:~:re~~
Imile II JUlt diviDe. .
. ;::: tumln. to him with radiant tace, Ihe AI.. ! there'l tew like ,.ou tod,y- Good lor Filty (50) Votes in the Photoplayers'
tbe hltian. . Curlew dlleo'e.... MartoD aDd trl. to ,Ivee bef'lelf Into hi' arml. ,.our .mlle II worth a dime. W""kly Popularity Contest. '.
. ,f . qDelUon.ber, but Ibe II Illeat. file th:~~::r,hit:l:;:I:~.;:el:_;;~~: You've that lOultul w&.J of pla,ID.
~~~ ~"_TJIB&:="", tile ~~':I::t.a::.':::~ataJ\:;:: h:: aDd their cblld. trul,. bl, ""adoDDa
that app'.. ra to be 'a rare,
And I don't tblDk there lIaltythlDI Name
,.ou could DOt do or dare,
. .. 'rbUtn wlll be
tD bef 'lIp,.",e
Curlew kee~ the .ppolntment. but
MlrtOD d08l DOt eome. At the lat.
of the Moon'"
To I'I1II==,.:-:;'....... tram
-ople all our tbe ooUDtry I.. 1I0t ..0 M..,.the HeaveDI blue protect ,.ou- . Address
Th,r,'1 DO eartbl,. u.. to talk,
~~:r ~M.,,-::~Ot.~ ~: ~~ :::.Baa.4~=ID:I::e~D~:rI~: ~~co=:I:z:u~~e:~~I~ t:C~ol:,teb:~
~. of llum.aDro
"~t 0( tM
::.~::-. ~rl~.:r I~ ~:elWI~ I ::I~
him at tbe child aDd tUrD to tlte me
wheD a m..n .etlo one that I. wrltteD
For uot ODe of them call equal
you--llot "en In Ntw York.
I canDot..., eaoDlh to ,.ou, but wb..t
J ..,. II trll.. ,~

48liiaO:::=- OD.or' . :~O~k=b~~rma~~~=.~; lin. to Rlch,rd BtnloD, actoNI-

You are;; bra" and merry lad-
m, Ih..dow bar, Adltgl"
~__' ..... ~~n. te',... Mld. Otlrl.w JlDaIIT blip har to come ~~,,~r~~ :::PI~et:oll~~~;:'b~~~:
I\'ItiIi .l*i.utu.l about' har atdtaU wltltltJm. She telll.hl. that tr her Idol', performauoaa 00 the .crMD ...
:2-~at~~UlI::W:; ~ ~=:Il:~u:'.~r::~:fl=~lt:: the tenor of th, poem Indicate.:

.,.. taIl o f '
......cit .
... eolor,
u: btu. with 111m.
C'-r1e~ aooepU the
watc1lel ror the a~ . ''To ~. =.----"
.. _
tO~ . fte . .
.tt. =::r= =:.-=
..arioIt, r,t.rD......&O tWr JIW.
- ,. . . . . Ilt'&IIle wltII. .,...,.
'taO . . . . . . . kIa. . . . . . .
Of an tlae brllllaDt ae\Ora 00 the
motion pldtl~ 1Of'NIl,
You an ODe or the e ..... and )'Our

=.:: QL:~"':'=
. . ~=~~ ... ~"''':'~''='':.n-l:
. "t.

... ..

_ Qat



Arr..ted II 11 mlllt.ry Ill)' 10 OOTblre', no w.)' \0 ,et
'at "'I,
I.onl Btlth, C.llfornla, t.ken to til,
dt1 prl.oll tIld .lIbJeot.d to I "tllird
llllll," IIld YOIIIl, movlnl ploU,...
..to, I" th' 10bIJ, ot tb. ehop-boul. Photoplayers, Attention I
tll o.or,l L. IUllat. the motlol1
d.,,,"" ON,II of quutlonlDI, wu
the ezperleD" thl. week ot Carl 'rOD
P'0l1l" director, who h.d bHn ell-
teNI.ln, a varl)' of m.mb.r&. of thl
n. Seepod 01 a atriIa uf
1)llh.Wlnther. c.mera m.n In the ltd-Au Club. comlloud of aceo.rlo
."thora and edltnrl. lit Illncheon In TANGO DINNERS
employ of the /l.lbo. Amuumenl
I'rodudnl ComlJ.ny of '1.onl n.. olll.
wllo I' known In lotlll molult picture
the .rlll ronm. lIa rderred to a
""111 of lhlt hutel til wbom he had
belln .ppl)'lnlf for. Job by letter. lly
Will be teD Saturday Evea.iac. Dedmber 5th. 1914, al the ctub~ 349 So.
('\1"01. . . . "Th' n.ron," b,c.ult of t"lephone Ind b)' peraonll calli at
hll omcll Ind It hll hotel wltbout
~~r~~vikd. .~~~~u~~iAa~~
hi. fI,rce, brl.tllnlt moultlche, .rllto-
11IeiDI or hlllrlnll from him fnr the well in advance, will ..ut .-.teriaUy the Pttalll.ti'" Co.rillittee. . .
cruto, Danl.h .nceltry .nd m.rkedly lut fllw W8tlIr.a. Phone, FH77 MaiD 2S04. . . I..dImfaa.l Tid.eta, $1. .
lI11IU.ry bearillg. The .rrell WAI '"IIIIIOw I", ,..anlHa 1Il1inutmy 1'lIr- Dinner Ser"ed al 8 p. m. marp. The Boafd 01 Coatrol
made by Detective T. O. Cerv.ntel of tlclllllr Illyl" and. good nell knowe.
tbe Lont: Beach llOllce deputment. I need Ihe "ork." conUnlied th"
who .cted 00 .dvlcel he b.d received YUlinc Ictor
from S.o Pedro, .even mllel dllt.ol, "Where theru'l It will there'l a
th.t "Til. Baron .nd I mylterlnu.
"'IY:' Quottld the UllItlenced dlrtlc-
m.le friend bid e.ten dInner In I S.n lur. ''1'11 tell rou how I nnce land
Pedro rut.urlnt Ind had III ked of ad I Job ,..hell It louked Impo..lble.
lubm.rloM. mUtt.ry ..... Irr.re .nd. IU I ..alllad 1111 thu WIY rrom Phlla-
tha m.....e Itltl<l, b.d dl.plllYed dell'hl. to New York alter rllldlnK
reolvera .lId h.d IdJUIted the me- Itl" "dv.. rt!"em"lll In I Ne,.. York
cllllll.m IIr Ute weapolli. IJllJ"r au Rlillday. I wae prell)' tlrtt<J
Wh.n Interviewed .t hll home In when I landed here Moodly mornlo ..
1.011' alach. Mr, Pro.h-Wlnther "Id' Irter thtl ntllett_mlle Illke. Ind I b.d
. lind 0110 or my 'rlendl. ~;rkk j"lll Nfly ...entJI. It waa ~ume yean
IUtuu. a chlracter aPlnr with th" ~1I0 lIud I "'l1li <Jnly I kId. but l "'ant-
ll. W. Grlmlh olovllll{ picture CUllI'
;';:I~t:t,:,~ Job all tlllclly III lUU want
l'anl ......ent tu Sin !'"dru tu Itr"l1
.round the hrotbot city rolhl d!nll III "Wht'll I ~rrj ...,d I" llul min'. or-
one or tile r&llt.ur.ot. WlIlla In th(" licu I found the IPICII outlllde the
eallog vlae-e we tal1lllld abuut Ihll Wllr rail IIlh,1 "'Ilh ahout thirty .ppll_
In Il:uro;>ll and our cunverullull ,.. I cantil. "1I "t whom wuuld be abeld
dently WII overheard by lome l'Il"I,I,. "f 1111' ~ll' helrt went dnwn. It
II III IdJoh.lllg tahl... During lllP \YII~ " hot "'ar "nd lhe emplOleel,ot
t.lk I Ihowed mI' trlend a I.rge th .. ulll,'" had dlle-ardlld Ihelr coata
IInlfe ot curloua dllHlgn. ,,'hldl had and h,,'1 lh~lr 1I11Irtlllee'... rolled UII
been prelentlld l" nIP aH H IIIH t,)' "ne l"r "'urk, Th., boea "'ould be hot
uf ml frlendl an,1 wouldn'l hOlher I" lee .11 ot u.
"I and ~lr. Rltuu nnilly lett til.. II .. woulll 1,1e-1I out the flrllt llllllil'
Vile-II lOll.. Itler we bad Itrollild eomtl lIlall f"r the job. I tl,;ured. I could
dletlncll a"'ll rrom the door. two II"" th" I>rhat~ otnce In the dilltance
men camll oul and follo"'"d UH. ~Ir ""'" 01 .. 0 IIIlhlrll1lee'... ,..lth letterl
IUtUli then l>eclme IOOlIl"'hat trlChl' \11 th"lr hllld~ lI"lnll In and out or H,
eoed and .Itler wllrnlllll Ille tn 1111' r"r Ilw 1lI[o(II"tllr~ "t fhe b"lII. Whll
OIedlately CO to lUl' hOOle In I.onll .. huuM I d,,' I Wh u[1llltallllt It'
HIIICh, he bado m .. good nlllhl lind appearillllttll,
boarded a Car fur 1.01 ."ng"lolI. hla '1 'A'ent out In I" the hall 10 gilt
bome. un hl..a. There I .aw I. porter em
"I then walked tnwlrd the ,,aler
tront In San Pedro. ,,!th the 1.'0 OIlIn
1>llIl't!d In Ihe bulldtnlf. lI'ho WII late
an,l ,..lIllled 10 l,reten,l tu thll Jlllitor CASA VERDUGO
watching me Illlilicloully. Flnll.llr. ,hal he hlld heell on deck a long
I hllClme al.,med Iud loon !Cut on H
etreet ...ar bnund tur Long Hea... h
,,hll. tak., uti" hll coat Ind hit Ind
lLlII" th .. m under th" IUllr.I)'. Herll CAFE
,,". Ill)' hi",,.. I ",,Il..d until he hlld
Wbon I Irrlved In l.ong U8a~h I 736 South Sprmr St.
"'ent 10 the Schuyler Hotel .nd Ill'"
Mr. H. M. Horkhelmer. prellldent of
the Bllhoa mO"lnK Illeture cOlllpan)".
In the lobbl at the hotel. Tille "....
Ibout lO o'clocll and. Irter "e had
~one .Iown.talra and followed hi.
'Jltlll,I.., Ktowln,; my hll Ind coat
.. nder Ihe .tal ... lOO. Th~n 1 I,ut I
I"'ncll behind m)' ear. took .eYllral
1.-I1.. rl tram hly lJOl"lIel and IIJreid
1M ~eldom enoulth to "''''e the director The proclamation ot Prlltlldent
ed lb' tbln, to do I. to I.t 10 with tbe epecllcul.r photopll)'. "Damon ...on'ersed lIe"eral mlnutea. Il"teeth'" :.~~~ l:',ult,~u.:~.:;~~ lIl1, correillond Iree rein to hill Im...loathe abl1lty Wlllon. wherelll he uked tbat a Itrlct
OQ~ of halbow. u e&rl)' u pO*llble." .od Pytblal. Durlnl tbe a0ll:lle- Cer"antn "ame Into th .. hot ..1 and II III nol talr 10 blame the director neutrality be pr_rl'lld b)' aU cltl-
ca~~ roU;:::r.br::: ~..::~ ~':t~~ meot performanc.. wlll be liven :~dkee;aln~e I~ ::~~~~hr~:lIl,~uath~~' thhl~ .. t t~:o:'~;: l::}~.'':~~' ~~;It~~('Il\I;;;~~~~ tor thalli tblnKI beyood hll control. ..... baa .ffected tbe motion picture
pt04_l1I. 10 many c_ It ~ad
wheo an opportunitY to _ Europe elch e"l1l1ll1l and tb.,. will be dall)' luthorll)".118 he wal 1I0t In uniform. ~I th. raIl. I duhel In Ihrl)ulth the bela Illtanded Ind really edverUeed
p~nltid IWlf. ahl lpent thrill maUne". Sunda)'l IIiClud'd. Il:yery and all h., llfled lhe lalH,1 "r ilill ..."al ,,,IIU or "I,plk.nlll. ,Io"'n I lonl; to,, ,tllat Il8rtalu Wu Filma would be
ye!..... toUrlD, tbe Brltllh 11111 .nd rlllourCII or ItII ,..t IIqulpmant Ind dllll'lan'd a 1m all Itar. ,f d... ka at whkb eal bUIY bookke..p Ihow. . .t I.e.dloll thuleTll. depicting
~1~eb~o;:~enitm.Bt~~;:~I:.:hf~/O;:; :~~ed~;e~~~~~I~h.v~I~V~:: :~r:nttl~ ~~I;1~e~l.h~~:~le~~hn;I;::I~~~:hre:;~;'~ ~~~aI~~e .~er~~:;:p:~~.all~h~~('htt~~ I"MI war aoea actual plctuNlll ot
l.'OIlfllcl. etc. but alnCII Commltl-

fs~~:;r:t;::~i1~:i~::::; il~~;~\~~f,'il~~i~0i;:] ~~~:~hC~~:~~':'IIl.qU::,IIO~~~:::

;:":~:~:':E,;:;~i~:::.~~': ~"~~~f]~:~:~~~':'::~
.Ioner or II of tbla city
peremptorl wlUl IU'Mt
lit Irrlltll. of "n. Or-

elp il.Dd Itrlll.le "" lInlJ' l.taJ-

UOJ:l Meanwhile .~. 411ltchtld Iller
tU. perfectl)' Ua. 1"a.nhl, _ _ III
Q..-ca I t t'b, U... of lta~ alul
,~hO ... ';Oro: "011 Ind wb ..t ,dO you A".....
dul" at
tli,. 11 I
, ~..
b~ta~~~~~;b~hr:Ih:::- 0:."=. ~BU~r~I1D~~ :~~ ~I~ ~~~gR~I~~~~.s~;:~~~:r~1 ~:: 1~1~ '1 1"~".'ntlh~: J::dr,~~ td::I~~'-4
~~.,. ."kIII~aJl

tW::J:t~;od ~:Cbr:::~~=~I~':.Ito::~~lI""~ ::;.~:~I,:~,:u~ntt~:tm~rll.le~r~II~:nll~~ ;o"'WK.~iJj~I~~~"n"~"'~ :r~~'IP:I~~~~~h~~

b..... e ...., 10 II. .,
Badl. cbarmed wblcb h. coat _tI Uae.
.lil. PlTta aod Bad.. . . . . l.eetad ,"oll wt. ll1JI~e -"'OllO.I'!.l.tb~ or "':allfotllill tortlnrallonl n8l"1I1 ''I'I,lkanta aheld ot me. I had which Ihe)' ere hopID.'to ru", re-

>oil'; 10

'=f.~ ~~=o~~ 1~~~-;.r:17~~1 ~:::II';'er:~:y~~~e~'IIlII~~~C;:n l~~; ~~'~ll a,.n"~~)~~;J ::';~~~Il."? ~o~l~n n::
leatled or tllt:eo ..... !I'-lb"l1r~tJU'a It
b tb.t lome opportune time. ..

~.W:IIl.f:''FC:~ed)':'~~ua~1"~~~::;=~::~::~:t~~ ~E\~f~t'~;:~:~~r::I~;Ff,~~~:~~~o~~f~, ~;:;:;;P~:~'K~.)~.}~~:~I;I ~~tl~llt;~e~~;~ PHIl. NORTON

::o~~~ ~:t Ig:II~~;dlllc~m~d')' ~;I~ ~:'I=':=;4 ..be~~I~C~I : :::~ the IJf!OIlIe of thle dllvl ... t F'llIally. J:I\~ m .. Ih~. Job
of ~:; ~.~~ .ppearance III pleturl' f~r-th~~~~~o~f t~hea ~~e~~~tfrl~:~~ :;~~: t~'~ro~:rt~h~:::~~,.:I~~r:ln~:: E:I;:: ~~".,-. th .. mewlnlt l,lclur..
:e-::, '~Crl:~~ ~~~. B:.t1~~~lItt~~ ::~: ~~It,'e~~n e:~~ne:,;:~t~e amr~:" ~~:t ~I~~: :~~rlln;laD'I;~I~~t~~(" o~~ ;'~~""~~~~';:~;,~ ~1:~I;t~r In ~~ehl~~y~~ PUBLICITY
;:~Of:~:'O~lltf"'~:~~O~Q:~ ~:~ ~r~r:~llIm~~t ~1~:U~~~o~l~ ~~: ::~~.n~~:~~g~~~~ghetoarll~;:da~~ ~;' ~:: (l~~::;~r~r~,l~,,:,. ~~a~a~yJ~:':e<l~lt~:
::~~~C:I~ b~~~~::'. b~~~::e~a[~ ~~o.': :~:ID:~:~ :~~Io~e:.b~~~:lew~~ te~tllo~arned
Ihal t,,o puc., "mce.. ~~,: :~~It~r~~~~e-~l~~.l~,~~tb~:~~n~~~ CLUNE TIJEAmE BLOC.
tUMliO. to eomlc roll1l, Ih. carried beeo IDOlt eotbulllullclll)' elldora.ed In San Pedro had been told by Ih.. 1I0na und... which h. . .orll., CrH- ~lA.I.-\n IM,sn:l, GlLF~"HF.R
Reallected and 10"ed b rtbe elltlre HZ Sooth BroedWIY
.- ~~I~Il~o:ll:ro=::llo:"r:~:r~~~ ~h;b:a~enlf..b~h:lr~?rl:'1w:i~:r:~ fle:~~U::~~r:~e:t:PI~~tth::t~:do~~~~ ~~~"erlt~~~.dt~;n~I~~~~:~o~"dyO ;:t h,:;: l"tleatr1c11 prnte...lon. ~laJar Daniel Maill 1706 F32S}
~:: ~:'~~raa~rfhe;~~~an'nb)'eo~o:: f:l~~~~~~:~r~e~~::e;;~: ::'~I~~ ~:~ t~~I:~ed~\~clt~y~.o';!er~:~~~a~~ ~:::dt~~ ~~~ec~:~I:t'rne"n~illtiht~':~
Ulltethtr II an bonored member or
the Bllboa Comp.n)'. He la I. 1Il:-
:~ta'i~:~rt~~:~~d~:: fl~:e:tlp~a:. ~~~I;fo~rUt:I~~;'.~fY:~e~~::t~~:.maa:J :~~8B~.0~:. I~~ ~I~d ~~~I1~';;,,:~~n~~~ ~~;:~I,~~e~h:h;u:IJ::~\o~tI.h~:~~g~~~~
ture JUllt ea long 18 he caree to ~
an:opy~~u~flli~~c:ey~r~fa "~~:~
main. not bee"uee he III m elerln of
_tlog lbe DlOIt ludicroul ,Impfol.>- wltb tbe r.. markabl~ rBOOrd of thll not cblnce<! to b~ w1lh me III the "ell ...'!th the nllierial mt hind. Be- Ihe .tal[l,:e oar ror an)' other eentl-
:~. ~~:t~Ot~~r~W~n~~~~~~~ob:; ::OI~lf~Oft~:~v:lI:::'~~~~o~c:'~Pt~~; ~:~~I ~t t~~;lIp~~::D I a~;U~\~h~m,'P\~~'~~ c1.ee~~I~~~nItOftb:CI~~e-~: :::a::~
rnental rel8on. bul becaolle be mlkl!ll uf thcater partie~ have hecn booked
;:oer /toad In eyer)' PITt ....lgnlld to him. by edUcaliollal and historical societies
:~: I~g:::: tt~d~~ig:rt~~ '(j~~~~~
He b.. been I pla)"er tllr more th.1l
~~:I~~:'roY';h~b~l~~tU:~I::n~:t~o .r: be~~~n~:.lll i~~:.C ~~::;~r.D~~~~t1~: ~;~.~~n:~~t,,~:~~dlnbQelll~:lrnt:l:h~fmt~t~ fotty l'elre and hie achleyementa
adorn the plge" of dramatic hilltor)'. Stales ~aYing ordered the film. On
:~~tr~~:ellto~~tOfln;~ree::~~~~: ~:o::I~~o~~~~'e~em:~ I~~r~~ n~ol:''' :~~ f~:t~:;~m?~:e~ftt:r~ ~~~t d\~('~~:~
Beglnnlog Mond.)': NoYember 30.
f:rata ....
aod II lI11ed ...lth drlmaUc lire tlonl or their belnl; I;llllil' at lhe nt JURt 10 much money end time to dn
On the ~reell hli ngure III commaod-
Ing and maJestlc Ind he cln "eat'"
Thursday nigbt Iweh'c lodges of the
IbHd districl wi11 attend and on Fri
et lbe New York Theater the Unl. :'''::~I. maulve eeeoel .nd reel aentl: fenee IUlpecled .. A I'rodurtlon The Amount or em ... h m part up .. etl"ectl"elr 18 he did day Republic Lodge "'ill be present.
~Y:~t~e~~~ ~hi~1 ~ffic~:smindnt~ii~
Te,.,.l Motion Plcturea will pr_nt ...hen he "'1& "'Ith Sol Smllh Russell
or Rohert Mlntell.
of Governor's Island, oth,r New Yotk

Ediar Lewis. thc mO"ing pictllr... forts. and thc Brooklyn j'1lrd attend-
.li,.... tor. ;s ,"ueher f",
the- following 109! the thealer being dccoraled in
_,alcment "In the Pathc studios we thell honor.
He h"ildinK an ex., ..l r"p,oduclion of Mr- Laemmle intends having the
th .. Paris Bours,. which will be shown origlOal cut of "Damon alld Pythiu"

III Berllstein'. grcal dramatic success. present al bolh New Y-ark and Chi
'Samsoll: ""jth Willi"nl Farllum III
Iho litlc rok" ~~o :~:nifi1~, 10 S~~;iaW;m:~~ti :d
music ..ill be played by the ~et-I
RUTH ROLAND tra IhtoufChout thc run of .the film.

!I I IConlloued from Pige 1)' which is In si,; paris. ~

Aoother lnteratlnc featuN la a ..... ~,
In an aerOlll.ne new lot of European war pkt.~ I r
Several monthe Igo ~tl811 Roland taken all the actual battle ~ ... '
enacted the leadlog role In a big the Str.nd', apeplal rep~tatl. .
lerlel ot Kalem drlmll ""rltten 1IlIptl- The Topical Rnlew new
clally tor her Ind entltled "The Ea- comed)' .nd oome beautlhal tn.
cap.dell of Ruth." During thll worll: Ind 10terestioK acleotillc
complete lbe -creen entenaaa.tiJ.t.

,'-t '-t
eh. woo Irelt comm,nd.Uon tor beT
nrat-cll'. portraylll of hl,bl1 dta- SpeeJally comf)Oled. and a~.tam
SELECT APPROPRIATE mltle roles .od proved hereelt to be dental muttc will be pi"" lt7 ua.

In every"'", ooe of the world', moat
"eraatlle actreaae&, botb In eomedy
lafle COlloort ol"theal.... _!lei'. 'tM
direction of C.rl 1:40uanh. ft4 III'-
cbeat... will alao r&Ilder a ~ of

I! '-t
cb.ractlrilltloo aod 10 parta f*qulr
In. the malt tt..-Ic emotloili. popnlar and cl"lcal M1IietkIIJia. ...
THIS CHRISTMAS MIll Roland'. en....mellt wltb tbe Fradkin.
who h.. the R'Qla1an~'
aeof'ed .a . __,

kcIy~ ~I..-bm~ "'!hom I

B.lboa Compall7 I 10 wIY. a r.-
I~ turn by ber to- her work . . . dra- _ at lb. StraDd, will WIH
Mu. _lriaodo dOl odoti_ mllic pl.,.er, for It w.. III _rlnll ~:I~o;ll,I'4="~~

:I~ .:~du~~ wd~~ '-t

1'01.. tbat .ha flrat IchklTM IUClCflll
u I cloem ctr..., with the Kalem lbe other Strand IClIoa.Ilit. '~
caDI pin)' four yeara 1&0. HII' 70uth,
be.uty. ,ell;lu. tllel1t1 1.114 1011. p- in~tu~~~~ ..~1':1-:aTh

perlel1ll8 ... a atar In lbl ohlto- who would. b" a ~ 4IrUtor

II I .rapblc art will an collotr!but, to her

fortbcomlnl" trlumphl u a featuN
mllit hlTe
~:~;I~. O~I~f~~~J::
P.'reoMl .........1"

T.kleb ...... player for th. Balbot. Dlma.
aden .anr in.pin ba tile:
" . c-. '
,.uDnN ..... ~&-dter "onidea C... ttO.brinCtI'It ....

,I .~y ~ ~II DESIIOND'!I--tba F . _ Stano .

lIIr. LewU, ...
..... , ...
r '1 :~~:r~

. -. .

--~f-'r:'= ~ -

.of America's Most Eminent Motion Pica'

Stars Are Now With The Balboa Company"
Beary B. Walthall, the World's Greatest Cinematographic Actor, and Ruth Roland, the Famous Kalem Girl, WiD Hud
Their Own Stock Companies and Play Leads in a Series of Pictures That Will Surpass Anything .
Heretofore Attempted in This or Any Other Country

U1'!N OFFICIALLY announcing the engagement of Mr. Henry B. Walthall and Miss Ruth Roland the Balboa
IIii Amusement Producing Company wants it to be understood by the motion picture fraternity in Los Angeles and elsewhere, that these
important acquisitions mark thf' beginning of long-contemplated expansion and improvement.
Mr. Henry Walthall
The world'. IIre.t>:lt &nd mOMI l101'ul.t dn"m.lollr.l,hl(C It&t
Tb., m.n.,loul It'tor who tin dlrnlfted Ind "nnoblo.d the mo.'lnr 1.I(Cture
It'hle~:~:~~~,,ho... IttllltOrlOn.llon of dlm(Cult rol I. I r6"elltlon of .rll.1Ir
Ttl .. ml" .... 0 III' "'''11 til" "lItllull.III' 11I1"lu of til" mullllud ...
Till! man ,,lIh. nlllllVll 1,,)'.1 ftlendl In III .. I1nll"d 8t.lel
The man ... llh I "1111" Ihlt I:Ulrl"t_ tXl1 om"" lurce..
Thl! min "'hum thl' hmoul II W Grlmth fl!ltufl!'ll tn "Th" A"enrlnl
The man "'hom th" IHmO:' "Intd or dlr""II"" 1,,1""te\l rQr til" 1,,1\1 In
Uome. S"'eet 1l0l"""~
The m.n "'hQIll Ih" lllr.llllll.. nrlmth HI .. rt"\1 fur til" le.d tn ""Juollll or
The man ... ho ..... d"l>flnd .. t1 "I.on I" mlk .. "Til" Clln.ml,," lut throulth
mell)' tremendou. reell-
The man "'ho h ... Mcurel IIlur .. lndl,ldu.l .u"('1"..... th.n I")' "ther ll"lnr
Irtl.t berure Ibe cemer.-the ",lU" Henr)' Wa1thaU_
Will make bI. tlt.l 11'1>e.r'D~" under the dlreetloll or the n.lbI,. C"m-
p.n)"1 I<>on al hf' tlnl.h .... III 1>IClurf' r", f'Uhe-f't~r.... _hl"h II 00'" 1l~1'
1"11: rompl!'!!on

Mias Ruth Roland

Ml.. RUlh Kol.nd ....... nll:lII:~d b,. th~ lI.lho. COIllI"O)'
8<lcau_ .be 1. th~ I_t .nO mOlt (,'or.bl) IIno.'n m"lIun I'lrlUre ."tr....
I.. 'b.United Stat... Ind.)'
Sh, tou _rf'<! bill: In dramll .nd ltfott.... WI In ~<>m ..dl... -
n\ll tilll II nol ."ddf'd 10 Oil" or th" olb"r On th" ('(lntra ..,.
She II . . . euIUI .. "0"111': .om.n. tt..... lIl.nll .r" II brllll.nt I. h .. r
... r ..~~lll~~ :~ ..:,~I~~;~:.I~S~~~.11I7 .b. . . . . . . . . . 11 oPP<ullInll)' to "tllb.. her
- A' lhe lI.rl .h.. ... 111 appear In numbt, of '''llIuk.blp dr.n, ... 1m
~BOn.tlnr rolu thll d"mand a rOalbln.tlon or all Ih" -on(erftJl ,bllll)"
Ille haa dl.pl.)1N! durlnr her 1'... 1 'our ' ... n .ltb Ib .. ;';:.Iem C....... r..n1
~II.. Rol.nd l~ r ... 1 u.r "'ltb t"'l"IOn.llt~ Ihlt .t.oo. u"t ".ldI1
A ~l"IOnlllt,. Ih.t .... mm.nd nd hold. ~ ..","nOn _l1Ile I' ... I~ u ..1
tn,.111 hit .udle"""
She b .. 1 <"ult!Ylt"d Ih .. art or l1Iotlon 1,I<'Iur., P1<I,<"....lon In. I1Ilh poilU
..r l,.rfeetlon.
IItt perfurmln<"~ r~ "n' )'ln .. l,. ~trun .. and ~h~ haa ... tabll.h..., he""lf
I" thp ... teem of ... hllo!tora ...er,. .. he...
The B.lbo. Coml",n,- koo .. th.t hrr n.m~ II m.rn .. llt_IIno... lbll
IhOle who bu,. h. pro<lu .. ll"n m I,.. ~ .. lInf'd to I... rn Ihlt RUlh Rul.no
..111 bf'fplturf!ll10 fUlur"r.. I .....
AnO rei thll .-11 nol Ihe Ibourhl Ih.t lllnu .. n~ h.. r ellll.lt.. llIent
It I. tbe .mbltioll or th .. 8.1boa I"omp.n,. 10 m.II., th .. beat pklure 1,1.)'1
MR. HE:SR\ B. \\'ALTHALL In Ibe United S,U..... nd III m.n.,. .. ment I..... nvlnt'Pd tl1.1 RlIlh ROland I. !IIISS R(,"TH ROLASD
II--..r, elemPllt tn Ihe htf'vem .. nl of thai ... orth,. aim
80nl La 8belb, Coaat,. Alabama.. 8laned hP ~ nperlftK'e pa.,U11l: She ..... (Cho... n ~au h.. r.pr..... nt. Ihp hlrbpr .nd mo.... tlnl.h"d It.. th HollDd II _1In daa&ter of CalIlon"
)I ...... bona I" 8&a FNa-
-..u ~ _Itb the )jam, Hill Tbeater 8tcx"k Compu,. ~ be!otame t,.pe of motlon pl .. turp IClrep d#I(oo Jut t'Ofe1lI}'~_ Jean 110. She llp~ o. the T IUe ~. ~
ataUated with tbe Amerkalo 8Cock Compul' &lid atterr&rlk jollied the Pro"I- ~.u ., .h~ I' "n "xpon"nt Ilf Ib .. mort rennf'd Khool of o.amllk .,s_ J.... t ro.. r,.ean old.. &lid .... bto..... aaod 10Teo:1 .. '''CaIllonlia', \\'0a4er Ch1Id....
pr....,oll I I It .el.tn 10 Ihe ""len... of (Cla~mllorlph) ."".... 1....0 ,......... 'BalI,. R .. t"" 011 the Otrpheam O",.IL She _ . tot
~ (ft. I.) 8todt Oompall,. For _era! _ he ...... -.elated with Th' Balbo. Campan)' hll r.lth In Mill Rolano .nO II dptermlned 10 fur- 1"0 ,.-.. 1Il MOf"OIK'O IUtd 8eIa8ro pt'Od1tdJo... Ntd &c:bJ~ ~l . _ l.a ...
B - r HWtII' aM MaI-prft AqUa. At the ~aakMI of th.b ~"'t he nllb her ..lth "eblrl"" Ihll .. Ill POlh11l h"r 10 harmoolou.l, blend hp. In "bJ)d part&. She .... III ..aadertlle ..beD moUoa plrta.... IIttNde!l htII', ...r
weat lata .a:oodow ~ &lid. Jo~ the BJosr-pb Compa., IUtde1' the dlroer
Uoa 01 D. W. OrUlltb. ft'III&laiItc wlth them for _e , - ' . Thee follo.... ed
herent po_en u"~r th" rl.lbllillet nr .mu mpnt 10.. lnll hum.nltT
She II 1.,I.hl, endo .. f'd .. lth rllr lrt ....... bnut1. I':n"e. (Cbarm ..110 la
abe _tered thla Geld 1lDder Mr. P. C. "1U"daaa'. dlredJo. with the KaI_
CompuiJ. Jlllt fo .. r Jt!&r'!I a,ro. Foy tOIl~ IDOIIW abe pla-,N INdI
. . . . - - ' - -.tth the Ileltaaoe &lid Patbe orpa1aaUoDa. .... tere be ,u,ed for lellICen~. III dramatk pkt....-, .am~ or ....l\kb ...._ "Tbe Cbaaoe 8bol." "b. Peril ot
&l-.t. II .,tlIII. Wba MrI GrlJIIth _eftltl bb COIlMICCk>e wlth the 810trraph A milld n.tunlly. brlrhl. ha. I_n <'I,,,full)' tnlned 10 meet the 10ruer Tbefr 14........ "'Tbe Jodi. . Girl', 8&c::rUIce," '"Tbe Obi [)epol}'," "The TI'alI
to ..-od_ hb 0..... ~ fe.ta.rm &ad '11'-"'- the pkt.grn lnAde b7 thf' requlremenll of her profe..l o n - 01 Gold.." aDd "The Ro.. ...s.Up .t.IM " MlM Rolaa4 aIao A 9 ~ fa the

worth-, 11._
ReUaaoe aIld ~ Com,.mtll bl the )labial FUm Cot'poraU..ft. Walth.1I
...... -..,pd to pia., dntDatic INdi III the blJ fe.tartll. He ICOnId II 1I01~
1Il ""adlth," "Home, 'Sweet 80_," ''Tbe A ..ea.jt"lq Oun.
~oe." ''The C1anII1ftaIl.," &lid other Grltntb f _ r _ prodlldJOll.l.
And unoe' Ihp dlr.... tlon of th" HalbuA Company h.., .aplntlolll ..Ill be
Sbe will be h'en ampl" I.tlt"d .. In "'hkh Iu demunatr.te Ihe rl(Ct Ib.t.
rrell I h" I. It 1. I.....lbl" tor h"r I" b....om.....en IIte.'tr
plrt..... ''The Kalt!lll Girt," ..bkb
portrtt.Jed the dUf_t ...huata
of. She p ..e a _derful e.xbJbltJoll of rldIa,
.-rtu- IlIptdaoU., fOt htII', fa .... bkh the
lDOUooa pkta aar- .bo.ld be ~Ie
lmmt.ae:, (eotc!D, ..........
the ftrat moUon plct.. rP Iol"t.ftM 10 drlYe a. ~ .

'Dunn~~~I~~m~~n~~~?lboa~~!~:~~~.~n ~:~:'~~?~c.~~~e~~,"I~~110~!:~~~y ~~~~~~
largest exchanges In urope and the Untted States, and wherever they have been shown exhibitors have demandfd more of them When Wilham Fox, president of the Box Office At-
traction Company, of New York, decided to open a cham of renting agencies 10 all the pnnclpal cltles of the country. he selected fifty-SIX Balboas lxcause he knew that Balboas would
deliver the goodsu-knew that he was chOOSing the brand of pictures that would place hIS busmess on a solid foundation m the shortest poSSible time That he acted WIsely has been sub-
stantially proven. Withm a few months he has bUilt up an enonnous patronage and placed the Box Office Attraction Company's exchanges on a profitable basis. This was the first big
victory for Balboas. And Balboa photoplays now rank among the foremost in the world. So distinctive has their superiority become that all Balboas now find a ready market at .top
\ I notch prices, and the Balboa Company has entered upon an era of prosperity that will send it forging ahead for years to COme, Capable actors, actresses, directors and camera mtn will"'
llirough llie

.\'be welcomed to the Balboa fold, but not at the sacrifice of those who haVe stood by the Balboa Company in the face of circumstances that were at times discouraging. .
. tion and prospects,
I .

Bright Future For The Balboa Company and Its Associated Players
From the time the Balboa Company opened its studios, eighteen months ago. it has never ceased to make pictures, It has made pictures every week when the weather permitted;
aDd it will continue to make pictures, and more of them than ever before. A great contract has just been signed between the Balboa Company and one of the lar~t and most celebrated
ae organization~
. in the United States. Under the tenns of this co!1!ract the Balboa CompaT!y must produce more ~~an six thousand feet of finished ne~bve a week, ,!-nd deliv~i
a of fifty cop,es of each feature. More llian 300.000 feet of po5lhve a week I More .han 1,560,000 feel of posl bve a year I For the purpose of meebng llie c;o'l4ibOllS. Qf thii
t contract the: Balboa ~pany m~st have at least ,i,x workin..i ~om~nies, l!'er~ is ~othing in the agreement resulating who is 10 h~ad or who is to be in these ~P';Dies, ~_
the ~ Com~y. " detenmned to prov,,1e llie besl obtainable. W,lli I~" objecl '" View " has en-i"ged Mr. Hen!)' B. Wal.lliall an~ MISS Rulli Roland.. Before llie mit i. ~ry.lli!
the PI\OtopIayers Weekly other notable molton pIcture aclors and ac.r..... Will have been 51gned up. Each of Ihese will be fum,shed wtlli compelenl supportmg ca.ts. Each wtll 'be
un<!er the management of a director who know. hi. bu.iness.The Balboa Company has no enemies 10 punish. It faces the future willi good willloward all and llie hope that other COI!l7
pani.. may be eqUally f o r t u n a t e . . ' .

lI"b,.. Balboa Amusement Producing
:,f'h.tHO~MER.P~land~IManaaer. E. D. HORKHEIMER. Secretary and Trea_.

, l'--f:LkI ;~.:....,--
'.: \... ~\
studio.-:and ~ec:utive- ' Lo
Offices ..

Tbr 0IkW. PubllutloD of the
, . ~ I...
Latest New York' News "Cablrl.:
D'Almuna.!O. famou
.~tacle Iun conUngM to draw thon.
...~ '"'T Batwl'llAJ' by ./ i 1/,:1" LATEHT PATH': ItJo:I.Jo:AMF:H
"lid. to 10e Wabu. tIl_t,.. aDd ..
t n.. w
o-r ~ ~_; . ._.. _.. .
"Im Pub. Qompu:t.
W. ba.... DO b..ltatloa III prolloulldlla: Ibl. 1I.11I.l Oil. of Ih. 1ll0ll1 r.m.rk
abl. alld latellA4ll)' amu.llla: alllmil picture- ,".r lalleu. A leoll.rd I. pre
.I.ted tor. IanI' Broad ....)' nUl; It it
comblllaUOII'or .:.r1tt)' and .plUd-
or. .ad m.rwelolla prodllC'dOtl.
Mllted b)' bl. Illut,r. an allimal trainer, 10 a .eleIlU.1 . nd I. d'lIvered In
. Room 108 bll e&a:" to tb.t a:,nll,man'l ap.rlm,nt. Whll, ht. new owner I. Illltlna: _bleb will della:bt man)' tholt....da
ot picture lovara. .
Hippod""",.:';,.';'",.Bldl., blm tb, beautiful Inlm.l eK.IINlnd Ihen en.ue lome u('ru('laOna:h' tunny
To thoM .who "'1tO. tb., valua ot
publlcll)' III Ihe Molloa Pldllr.
:, F 1841 . An artl.1 II vtatled .nd while he rlUl. 10 IheHer the lillul l>uN'f1eda tt>

II .dd I tell' utu touehet. lu Ihe unnllllhed 1>.lnlhll Ullun Ihll 01.101. In .n- World I rlCllnlrnend ....lllt to tbe
ylMit R..-tatlft: Oec>. olhlr .partn::ent a famll)' II 1.1 luncheun when Ihll anlm.1 f1nlllri .lId riot M _ Bulldln. Oil the tblrd aoor,
K.~. '. enIUII'. Everyooe I.klll to lhl .taln with thll lllO]>ard In hot punult. where on. will MIl Inllall.d Peal
, 1482 Fitrguald Bldg. Hllad oVllr heela mell .nd wonlen lenmlile In Ihll utmolt enllfullon 10 Oullck. editor ot the Unlvera.1 Wtek-
I)' wblch chrollici 11 ot tbe dolnp
llll~ ot latll17. On the Ilround 1I.0or II. a millinery Ihop til which Ire. num
-TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: .. nd b.ppenlnla ot tb. Unlveraal Plo-
ber of a:trla ena:....d In nlaklnK hit.. On a It.nd .tta pel monkey. Terror
~~C:I;.=P~~ .. ..
~ :;~~ .nt.n In tbe Iba", of the ItlOliard. AI Ihll leollard trlea 10 aet the mall lillY
the a:lrl' crowd the door IIl1htlnJl 10 ,et nul. When all h.'11 re.ebed Ihe
ture World. Mr. ODllC'" waa tor
)'ura In active ebara:e ot tbe a:rt-
. Pi. . . . mue ebeck. p..,.bl. to eat publlclt)' firm III New Varll cit,..
at!'$lli. lb. leopard. dt ppolntll:! In 'IIIUnl[ Ihe mOllke)'. follo"'l tbam. A
n . W.ten FUm P1IbUsblol Co. boy I. pa..11I1 e.rr)'llla: a Ih'e ('hlckell. The leopard Ilroeeedl 10 eha.,. the " . ImpO'f'UM...-.ee-t or In-
Rat.. St.OO pelf hltb. terNt 10 .11 .\lotio. PIcture oper.-
cblc....Il. A lIttl. 1.ler with. p.lb of devaal.Uon In bl. wall. h. II foun'!
tllre I. Ibe tact thlt Pr.II'" ..on 'yeiser
b)' bll old !nalter. Promllll)' captured .nd I.d dO"1l the Ilreel on le..b. hOW DIrector ot the P..Ume FUm
Tbe ~l"IOn ... bo dOf,ln't I.Ullb .t Ihtl 111m mllli bav", Ihe ...orat kind ot Co..lId wbo nturued before Ibe oul_
Howan! lluriDctoo lroucb.
us. S. MIX:'!l.:WAMKA" llltlX(jK 7AI0
break ot the ...ar trom aueee-tol
tOllr In Ihe Orlelll. wbere be too...
lrunYlI1 Apollo. He I. conlldere<! m.ny plcturea ot .tlll and actl,.. lite
Francis Ford Co. Tn HnIlHI..:' I'rlTllln IX 1I..\ l-
th .. lIandaomeat .lIlm.1 of bl. 1I11ld
US~U:. X. .r. b.. completed .rr.nl"emellla b)' wblch
HoUywooc1. In Cl.1,th!ty. alld "'Ill nllure .. tbe Ihe comp.ll)' blc... ed b)' CbID_ .lId
Ua.innal Co.
1. .;h~U!\~r ~~.~~"~;:.~~:.~~~kln~..~~!1 h.,ru In a.erl(>. Qr \lleturea III ... blCh J.pan_ c.pttal will eatabliab them-
lel"N IlfIrmanentlr wllb Itudlo III
WtJdu".dlty I,,,,\"(,d 10 ~. r"lIrtKluc """ry l'.rt _Ill he I,l.yed liy .n .nl- on.. ot the larllUI clttea like N.Ila-
II"". "'l1h ~"rl .. ln IIhtrll'lI Illodcrnlllll . rnBI. Th" I,olllr bear trl!h lh.. l",n- .kl or 9h.llgbel.
ALLEN CURTIS, lit th, 1I0"d ahll' "A~k" which CRI'- rhaul for dlarolling tratne'" h.. been In the 1.11 few )'e.ra. all Indlell.d
11.1" NUIlII 1".1 """11r,,1 lit III Ih" ~u. "R"t f"r Ihe villain nf Ihl. ""rlea, by ~Ir. "on Velzer III hla .dmlr.ble
Director n,l<' "",,,an In IUIII" ludeN"ll/! 1"'rl",1 mllllaztne Itory two monlbl .so.
l",f"r" lht, Chrilltla" ~:r... IIml rurlck. th" "ornkal chlmpanu... Chin. lod J.p.n have beeonle tbor-
JOKER.UNIVERSAL CO. ~; ..ch .hll' earrl..,1 Ih.. "'Oltt "'"n- who bit. OIlIde more people I.Ulh Ollllhl)' IlIt.lulH..d over th .. plctur"l
'Io'rful ""lI"rtl"u of "'lId ,,"hnal. III thll" 1111)' clrclIlI clo,,n. II nut eome- Iho"" to thenl . lId )'.. t theae have
".II..m ... Ilt Ih..l, r.... l'ecthe It me or dl.n. Yurkk I Id 10 b.. the moat heen of the mediocre et.... So tar
...mnll. Ih" 1"lnclpal difference I~ haa the cr.ze gllne III Cbln. th.t
HoU,....ood 6. Home 5,001. ' '11 III ItI" mol h'" I.... ".. r ot Ih.. "~. '"I.,lltJl:"nl "'lid .nlmal of Ihll.llt!Clea
"'''r ... hlbtl..d. SI.rtln,;. moolltlng
_.,.llh)' Chill b.ve orlll"anized
lP.IIll'ER8AL FILM ....1. Illld In th" to .. t that S ... h1l .nl- <:ompall)' whleh 11\ .bortl)' be llIcor-
m.l. "" .. r.. IIOIII... tf"rmlllll .t k. porate4 uoder Ihe 11."'1 ot New V.or'"
L. H. Scberft".
... hll.. Ih.. !lualock anlm ..l. ar
... r.. rull)'t,.ln"d.
.nd rldlnJl: mulorc,.cl... nd blo.log
.. Io.rll<ln- horn .re 01'1)' a rouI,le of .1.1.. to ..,Ild over to Cbln. tbor-
oughlr equipped ltatr ot cam.. r. mell
Th" 1I"ltork ,..II.,.tln" II ho"n hi. ",...'ell..uI .C'COmpltlbmelltl. .nd produc@ra wbo wtll brilla: from
Location ~'DI"lI!r.
Holly..ood. Cauroroll. In .. , .. r, rorn .. r lit Ih" III"b" .nd h In acqlllrln'll; Ihe Bultock Iho... Ihe etrell e.. 1 ktlowledce ot tbe
"""'" ,.'tou.I) d"IIIIII.I ..d Ih.. Unld Horaley .ddl Ibe title o( r:eal OrlellL The Europe.1I war
~"""k C. lko.lork Junllll... Ih" 110... "Anlm.1 Ktn,;U III that ot uoldNI 10- pl.ced d.mper upoo tbe Immedl-
Harry Schumm Iud, At..II lh" Uo""c:k .\t"n"lI.. rl". del'end .. nl 111m m.nur.clurer u .Ild .t.. action at the compan)'. bill 1l0W
..I". It ..... IllIr..h.... .l loy I).,td I.lre. ~.Ioo or Ihe larleat .lId the lrade I. uarealrlcled between the
JUTenilt Lead THE LEOPARD VISITS THE ARTIST 110...1..)' u( Ih.. Cellt.ur ~tlm com moal .,;,;rell.lloll of tr.lned ..lid coaal alld J.pan .lId Chloa. acllve
FRANCIS FORD co. I ny. tOllelher ... llh .11 o( II. n.m... 11.... 111 In the "'orld. operatlonl 10 pl.ce on the Iqeen reel
UNrv&RSAL J01.TS OF JEALOUSY. .nd tltle. from th .. "Id,,,, uf Ihe I.. t" The "ntlr.. roo, In chuge ot Il.n) IlCII!nH from tho Orient wllb ..ctlon
A C.I,ttal comed)' htea hu 1>een du""I"ll'lld tn ltll fulI""t eltenl In thl. Anlm ..l KinK. Ih...ale b.. ln,; Itrr.nJl"d Tlld"r and tweln! traillera....t re- alld d ..tall are .k.11I resumed. The
1>)' Ilarry ~:. TUdor "'ho II... rep,t' Ihiliped lJy rail to Loa Angelel. Where "holly hotror" that Ibe Chlneae .od
~:~::~:e:I~~:b.lt"~~'d1~:.~~~~kO:r;.b~o:;:t~~to~:~n~~r';I~~IIM:I~I\K~~~'~;,,:,~;~~ ."1l1"d Mr. lIultnck (ur Il,,,ny ye.n. Hor.l"y I'ark ,,'111 BOO" be Ol}llned u!' Jlll'anele hue al"a)'1 h.d ot a c.m-
MILLARD K. WILSON Ilonll.ble Hell""" Jenlen. About It"V"n hundred leet u( 111m for tll~lr acroOlmodat!on tn conJunc- era h.. berelofore prevenled .11)'
Lif.. II m.de mlaenbl.. for ~II .. Klllllit'.. o ... lnll to the .ll\lurdly toollih ...'.. m..deotlheantm ..ll .. lh.. y .... r.. linn ..ltll Ihe ne'" Cenlaur Studtol .trleUy .ccuute picture. belnll't.ken
Juvenile Leacb "h"r.. )tr. Horll.. y e:llltlCtI to produce
juloul)' of her hUlbllnd. Sh.. Ie conll"II ..II)' k"I,1 III hOI ...ler owlnll tn I.nded (rulft Ihe Ihlp at Ille Atl.IIUc of re.1 Orlent..l lit... but of retellt
UNIVERSAL the mlllnterpel.UolI by htm of muUttud"R or pell)' lillie Ihln';l In h .. r d.ll,. Tranll.t>rl "I .. r alld tr.nlt..,r..d to th" a tin" of 111111'1 .. alld mlllilple reel ru'" Ihe Inh.blt_lltl h ....e become re-
Direction Chaa. Ciibl7ll IIf.. IIlI p.llellC"tl bu .Imolt ceued to b.! vlttlle. .1. ",,'ent)"fOOI b.llll&Ce can "'hkh. anl",al teatures "'hleb "'1Il .... 1 a ne.. conciled 10 the fact that Ibe camera
It h.p~nl olle d ..y tb.t Jennie aple. III .. ne .... p.ller tbe .d"erll mellt "o.llnll on "" .ro tled them mark In th"" "'O.t papul.r kind ot II. 110'" h.rml...... we.pon or com-
..I Ihe OIII)O.lte .Id.. of the pier. mUlton plclure.
ot well-to-do S_edllb t.rmer. H..Il.. Jenaen. "'ho Itatea tb.1 he d trea to
_lid b.,ulaome yOUll1 wom.n .lId reQllel~ pholosr.ph wllh the appllra- The .. nlnlllli h ..d bftll 00 a v<l!ty
Illlht dlel dllrlllC th.. "o)'ae "lid their
HAPPY 1100. J .. nllie "'rltea blm alld teU .. H.. n.. th .. t .he .11....era Ih.. qu.llllc"llollI
Her nenoul ucltemeot c.u_ ber 10 plC'k UI' the wrool[ pbotoar.ph trolll
Ibe table .Ild ellcloae II. Untortullatel)' tur Ibl! 1"'1.", of e"er)' on.. eo!>-
r.'ellou uuk 01)011 Ibe KreU .Iab.
"f beer "'hleh ..,rved .. Ihelr (eut
Cllrlled. It 1a th .. pboto at .\lra. K.llbe... . . "f .....Irom.. 10 Amerlr.... tllrlltlhed Bro.dway 10
Direction Fratld- Ford,_ 110m.. moal 1I11111l1l..1 m.l""rl.1 for BIS
HelUt'l II IDordlllately pleued with Ihe pholo .lId .1 ,?nCO! delermille. It>

Uninnal Co. Hili H..loh.rl. th" camera m,,". 10
c.ll ID peranll upoo ht. amotl,.. It 10 baPll'lln. th.1 _hell be ull. at Ibe
Los Angeles. Cal. Kallbll!e reald ..l11 Jellole baa been "'Ilt upon '0 err.nd and n.lur.ll,. Hell.., work on Olle Ir.loer .... c.uChl
ml.ta tbe mlltre.. (or Ih.. m.ld. Hla _oolnit tl mo,e Irdelll Ih.n t.ettlll off Ilu.rd b)' hUlle polar be.r whoae
.lId Mr Kanbee'l trollble IlIcre_ with Ihe ullllm..l)' .rrl ....1 ot ber hua nimble I' m.de It lIece.. u)' (or him
t" \.Iorro ~h. 1I0nley'a III.ter 1111111
b.nd. Poor H..II.... II (haaed frllm room to room whtle tbe tn('eDaed bUlb.lld
emptlel tbe.eolltellt. of revol"er In bt....ake II r""malna ror the Innnc""nl a ne'" I'ftlt ot IrOU"fl1ll rould be I,ro SETH D. PERKlNS, Manage.
cauae ot tbe trouble. Jenllt"". to rutor .. Il..a('.. 11 ... ":lplatntnlt her error III
m.Wna: tbe phOIOl[r.pb.
CleopalrB. Ih.. AlexandrlBli <lIe :\.18 80llth Main SI.
phalli. who I. nil"'" almOl1( 1.1 fan,
ru. . . b .. r allme.. k.. o( Old Nil... reo
...!M:ed III he Iu""'\. d""'o th", 11""1:'
...., . llhollah 111t!<"1.1 Roorlnlt h.d
W"D bolH 10 a('ornmod.l .. her uo-
Il.u .. t ...olrdu\lola. A rOll'll .'.. no.l-
t,. .dJIIIlIM .. roulld h.. r 'Iueenl)' neck.
nld ro~ th .. n belllll: .'.Me:! Ihrollll:h
II bl(N"k .nd Ia('klr .lId Btr..l('h..:t b)'
II I ... m 01 hnno... d""," on Ih.. pier
lIul Ibl. C1f!()p.n. l,rO\..:I 10 be ...
'" Music Hall" Fame
"A Night in a London
.Iubhorn .. her rny.1 prfll....eAOr. Will .ppear ill Pic:lw'eIlor the Bnl time
DlRECTISG .nd brued b.. r b....d lI.t on Ihe bc,i.ruailll Mooday
lI".nJl: ....,. h.. t ...... 11 ber fronl teel h.
r..llalth....lIllIh .. m.r.. h JU.I.I th.1
EDITH TAUAFERRO In~lllnt ,.""',,,,,,,, on th...hll' It",,"tl,.
".,plled a K" I It> her th .. n mOllI rle-
For I.-q F~ure Pia, Compaoy. '"led ~rlllln Thl. ludden lind mORt
Hollywood. C.l.
"n":ll~h'd Indt.o::I1II) ".UI"" h"r In
e:l,... ut. a <t""ble 10m"r ,,11 "'lIkll
hUHl,,1 h.. r I" Illin.o:: l'Olllure lit lhr
frnnl "f II'" I'hlnk CIIlOVRtr. e:l
In hit grealell
j ...ue,1 h.. r <l1.ple... u." In n ~nlll,,1 production
"lIlrh ... ur 0 .o::ftl'lnll: ,r"...,1 "'olter
III" In fttl dlr.... tl""Il. buI Ilarr)' Tu
dnr .... h"Il" IIncuturR "-er.. "II" In th ..
"His Prehistoric Past"
Th. Gr Room Caf. kl"lt .. nd <,tu...." bulllne.... <'eIlIUr)' ur
Sa: Charlie war Ti~1 Skin. CaDe and DUb)'
t ... u .lto...nd "'ho Iherdore IIl1der.
Movie Headquarters .tandl the rell.1 lemllflr.m.. nt
.'hllllerOi:d ...orda "'hleh cauaed ber to
in Hollywood rt.e ,;r.('Iou.t,.. If n"t 'll;raee(ully .nd
\'ITAGRAJ'H TU.t:ATRll: :\hwh or Ihe I(I'MII .11.......... Ih.. 1 .1
" llUO* Cab-ee An. t"llow him.
All I1l1u.u.l 1111.. prOllr.m of ape- I.. ndl the Slr.nd Tb.... ne. tile bllllt.,.1 )lark Anlnll)'. h.. r II<'nd .. roul In-
d .. 1 rele..- ..lid f"".tur... ar.. b<!!tull and mOlt be.utlful In !he whol .. Rorl heaU.I ..d .1 Ih.. h..ad of tbe

IboWII .1 th.. Vltallr.pb Theatre. "orld. d .. voted 101..1)' 10 Motloll Pic
"Tbe Salle Brllab 0.1:' dram .. III tur.... C.. 11 be t.lrl)' .ttrlbuted 10 Ih.. ~~:: ::.. ~:.. O~t.U:~I~ II~:::'I:: ~II~ Beg:lllnins "'olld&)". Tbe celebrated Illlern.tloll.1 ltar
O?mpliments of tbr", reell. nd "Tbe M.n B.. blnd ..cell"llt pre.. work at J. Vietor Wll~ lor)' .110 ro,d" of hll ll1u.ttlonR MY&' BERTHA KAUeR.
The Door: '. tour part picture (rom Ion .. ho t. tn charSe o( the pub. naOl_ke. (ollo...ed bl. w.rllk.. mll- In h.. r .uPre-me dr.nl.tle trlumpb uM.rta ot the Lowland.:'
tbe .tOt)' ot Arcblb.ld Cluertllll licit)' dep.rlmenl. Tbe dlmC'lIll)' ot ItNl without t ..lterln'll;. Wb"l1 th ..y
B. H. DYAS CO. Gunter', .. nt.. rtallllllll nO"el. It .....
ad.pted for Ihe lueen b)' Marlluerll..
!tettlnll pr.... mailer In the p.pe...
durtnll ,h.. preHnt "ur b.. IHlen the
"ere tOllelher .1l.11l. AnIOIl)' .nd
Cleop.tr. entwtlled their trunk nd
8ertach. "The S.S' Brulh G.I." II bane or .11 pre. . .Ientl wbo h.ve trumPeted joyou.l)'.
32132 W. 7th St. dram. ot the W ...t durtn, the early h.d ",,'en r...Il)' ood Itorle. bllt Altollelher tbere Bre one hunttr..d
'501. aad Ie ad.pt ..d ror the lllctur""l lomeho.. Or other Mr. WUlon baa lind atxl",n trained .nlm.11 tn th..
by Dorll Scbrod.. r from Fredertc'" n"'ercorne thele oblt.Clei .nd the lloatock collecllon .11 ot .. hlch wltb
cbapln'. Itllry. It will nil dOUbt Str.lld tl gettlllll It I tUIl .nd Per- the ll:ltelltlon ot .. puma born on the
pl.ue .lId .bould h. well recelv ..d.
Wtlb prOIlT.m tb.t tonalltl o(
h.pI ltttle more than the rellul.r
.. mOUOI 10 ... hl<:h tt would n.tur ..lIy
lie entltled.
"0)'8Ile, perform extr.ordlnllt)' trick
Ilnll.ll)' .nd In Ilroupl. 0001 ot Ihe
lion. r .. Jolcel In the rl.ulc I,a
Gertrude Robinson
tb. Tb.nhouHr (eUur "Zudora.:
tour-r~1 dram. ot Ilripplllll Inter-
.elt .aod the Ke)'atolle comed)'. Ihe
blll .bould be well reeel"ed. The
Biograph Co.
~.II.llenl"llt are t.klnll pallli to QUAUTY IS TO A DIAMOND
p l _ .lId tbelr etrona will be ap-
predalee! b)' .11 wl10 love 1l00d pte- WHAT Season 1915
tarea.. ,"d cl...)' fe&larn of ..II
AT SAKE TOlE. Diamond. of quality .tand out above an otheR, radiant in
To ctllllmellCtl tour bla: tealurel, beauty and adored by aU. Handline lint qu.lity diamond' ha.
two or tbem ot a.... re.1 I.nrthDd become a put of OUf character.
~c...a.c~w- ,~ ..... ~~
produce them practlcall)' .Imultane-
ou,l)', II teat tb.t la ..ldom .t- T_ ...
tempted or encoura&ed .mong "1m
produeera. Rom.lne Fleldlnll,' pro-
URIIIISII DIIMOIDS ........:MI, ~_. '.'
ducer ntbor .nd leadlna: man tor A1~A~ . .
Chas~ H. Clark ~~: ~=:.
tbe Lubin t:l)mp.t1)'. b.. accomplllh- I ~ .. tlaeHeuteidoliOtr .'.
ed tblll reat. bow....r nd thll. la
.plte at the tact lbat Il.e II. 1I0t II.- J. E. E!l~ Pnp. 20Z NootIa ~
1I..... r III rnlbllll" altll. tbroua:h. "Ill
tbe Hour or Dtaalt.r" III II" r...III, auUtua _
:0..... ~:~Pnt;;~r;Il~; ~n~w~..;~I~~:
-Wlowd . . ADd I.e
~"-~IUa..-a "Tb Valle)' or r-t HoPtl." t. llIZ
n,.. .....::. .. ~

Colburn's f2~~~
r..-Iare tb. Uti. ~tile 1I1a1l IDA . .
sa-~ 't """*9. 1::=Il~~1~7=.taau4~-:Il~; ,.OM ICIUTT'U TO WLU&It ALL STna ..... ~ACIOItY.-.
. h

I ......... "'I
cal 't-J -..,,.
be ,.I-...d h)' th. Lt:rbtu ClQ&pauy.
n. lut two an aUlllD PN.J'I.!aU01l.
:t~. Ul:'!.I~::~ pf.;'~~PJ;,
. ,. ;~:
_ ~ _ UIeDl. . . . . . baiDI Ur. 4!rwtor.

The ld~, Gitl.f~r~ x.m~,

. D.fSfC1UNT~ 't;o.~J,..t~~
_oourlt-.w.... _ _ ,..," ~
T ....o ComedIes Weekly
Releulo!," thtoulJh

The United Motion

Picture Producers, Loc.
Who D1'U1bale Throup
l:StTEU J:IL.'1 8ER\'ICI':
tWarnet', Futures. Ille.)

Wrltlea and m&de tlmoul by

Under direction ot
fOll..nF.1IT r. HUfiLTOS

~'arce Comedy Productloll


\\'ilh Yean of SlICCesl ...Ith
The Eauna,r.

406 Court?" .... AqeIa, CaL
'>rHlde", and Generll )!U1&&:

" ...rI

Store No.2
147 K-ut 5th Street
TJtl1 IlllarlUCI 8ulldlnl"


We R@Dt to aU the .MOl'lo..

l"1ehll"f! Compa.ale..

Photoplayers, Inc.
Goodfellowship Dinner at the .0iL

Moving Picture j
Buill upeeiaUy for FILM DEVELOP.
ING. ConJfn.lclcd of Doual.. Fir
1915 SAXON


.,;iooJj"""". &: Pipe CO.
. .OV'I'HlCaN IJAl.lroalillA. DI.....,.tlTtIlUI
_,IW . 1mIW SoodI OlIn

.--.r:,~~....,.. -------.- ,.
VOL. 1. No. 22


.' ' - -
Ual.,,..1 Clt;r boomed wltb Ibe
pUlId or e&lIl1oa. Smoke loom.t up
o r tbe c1t;r. and IbOle P...lrll III
,ulOlllobUea thoUlht or the t.rrlble
maD.....erUlcllll war III Europe..
Tbe batU. w.. on!
''ruele hrd wltb ftnetltl bUlIdred.
ICeD. pickell ror their lure Got .1I:!
Umber foot .blllty. _r. ellPII:! 10 a

I.Iry-plloPed "Cfocl tbe "".r--II:_

borrlble battle. The oo-ru.bloc cay-
f.ll II) the .tal(l).ot w.ter to I.y
tbere-ferb.PI unUl IK.lo turned to
dut. Tbe wounded .truq:,' .nd
.taCC.red oot or Ihe aceo&-for H
w;... lDoyloC picture Ib.t Mr. Ford
w.. dlrectlo.
"The Clmlltlf'lll Irf' C... mloll,'
.d.ple I ffllm "The Reller 01 Luck-
IIOW:' w.. In courae 01 pr01ucUon..
The oblOrver w.. Ihrille I wltb the
reallllll of tbe Iltllr. It looke I like
w.r-tbe w.. r ,he 'llrera are full or.
The acene WII perre:t. Mr. Ford
dlrectad tbe loho,trylnt the clY.lry
,0 Inolber lecuJon Ind c.Ue1 ror vol
uotee,. to m..ke -.enlltlon.1 filii
from their bo,... four younc.UI
""'art n'en Jumped :0 the frollt. One
a.l4d be would throw hli horae for In
eztr. dollar. Ind tbe director prolD-
lied tbe rew.rd.
A .hort rebelrul WII m.de Ind Ibe
r... mer. m.n WII clyen hll or.ler 10
",t."d by."
"Are you reldy!" ehouted lllrectilr
Ford. A flint "Olce over n... tOl' of
tbe hili cried ... Y....
"Go. Ride II I. .t .. you Cln. Be
.ur. to 'Ilre direct 1010 tbe c..men."
Ho,.. .nd men. 'entbuled Wllh the
IPI"t of reallim .nd dlrln. e.m"
forw..rd with tbe lpeed of Pell:.... u.
wltb b1' berole rider.
Four men fell. Tbey bounced .otl
roUed tbroulI:b the mUd. A bane
ror .n In.t.ot 011 hll bllld
tben:qul ..ered .nd ren on. the
UI6IJd, dead. Tbe Icllon h.d
"'I'il1ered on the celluloid. A
. . . . OC ..-017 bad .... r.-
.tit , . u.. ..ua."cq.~I. .
After It . . . .ll o ...r Ifr. Ford :

"Tb_ boye _olld .boot ~ b1lU...
n I ..lied tbem to. I ne~er b .. YIIl
.ueb real bonOit-to--loodll.eI.I
eplrlt .nd Cll-()pe, -'on'IOlonc I lot
of retlow. I I II Iho.. hy tbOle bo,..
Ollt Ibere.. Some Ume '11:0 I uked
tor yoluotee... 10 rUIi tbrOlilb burll'
In. hOllle...nd every lut ooe of Ibem
Jumped up wUb "Let me do LI. Mr.
Forcl... Tb_ reilowl I h.ve work-
Inll: ..Ilb me I not for me I 1I.re above ELLA HAI.I- REX-I:"I\':R!'Al.. I.EAIll:"t; TlI~: IHOTnl'l..\,"~:R~
tbe I\erl.e 01 enra men: they .re W~:~:KI.r POI'II.ARITY CO:"TEST
rell:ularly employed .nd belonll: to
wb ..t we c ..11 tbe b.rrech. E.cb one
of tbem (I .m IpeaklDC of tb_ bo,..
OD the hotllOl) II If.loe:! ..od kept In
perteet pby.lca\ condlUon to wltb-
ItaJld .lmOll .ny kilid or r..u or acci- WITH J. L. LASKY PRODUCED BY INCE PHOTOPLAY
dent. Tbe command.. nt keep' tb_
fellowl uoder mlllt.ry da.dpllo 11 Edn.. Goodrl..h. equ.lly f.mou. I I
tbe time. You _ tbey out there dr.m.tt.. et'r .nd relll:oln" It."e SI'.,SIA,IUI SJ.:SIIS .'StIJ.::'''T WI\\'S lOlTtlll\'
no_ .taoclllll two ..br '. wl.lUOII: beauty. II II lilt on the ....,. home
to _ It tbey will be oeeded ....10 Irom Europe to fulnll ber ronlrl ..t Tt... Ih"lllll\: ,'''rulI' lIu,omohil,
tod.y. ItI.U 10 tb y mell ..r. wltb J _ L. LUk)' to It.r In one r"C','" furrll~h,'~ ,t". ha"kl(ro\l"<! fnr
A bellutltul IIO,,n ..t blll.. k t...... nd
handled tb.t m.kea them reilly worth or tbe leldlnll: produetloul of tht lh,' 1,101 In "Th.. n .... urdllr..lkl'r
Jel-...,,..tn~ .. II Rf'nl1" rf'mlnd!'t 01
_hIl. Llf~ here .. Vol..erMl CUT ill Jeaee L. Leaky Feature PI.y Com- thl' daYI or th", Hono-Io a ff'Rturf' of 110.. rolll .. kl,"t l.rrr l,ro,lnr..d 1')' Ih.
lotereat!nl" 'or them. Som.thilia DoIW p.oy. Mill Goodrtdl .... unlortu-
"Thll! ~'orIUneB or War." Il nl'W In"lI! K"mk ,'U"'I'''''r E,I,lh' I'ull.. n ....In
.olna: on every day. ~eltelDe1lt nllely In Europe .t the be"lnnln" nr mtlllary prOdu..llon Juat .... mpleted o"r "r ,h .. rM"'. 1'Io')-~ Ih.. lo'a,lIn" r,'!>
.od loti or Hnd th'.t'l wb.t m.k. the Wit lod bid 80me "ery thrlllllll\ Inlh"I'lrl!''''
under the dlreNlon or Jay Hunt al
experleDcee In Ottend. When Ihe ~lIkk '" llIk.. Md'"11tRI!" "f thl' Illl_

tbem re ..1 miD." the Itudlol or the :'-e'" Yllrk ~Iotlon
Mr. Ford upl.l.l:led that the pie- ftn.lly lIIallaged to gel to LoUdon lomohlle rllr,'O, lllr"rI"r ~:,I,llc lIlt
PI<,tllre Corporatl.. n. It II a ..go .... n
\!Ire her bad ftlilahed . . . Olle of the .he "'.. ao exh,ulted th.t Ihe hid to Inn t",ok hlo .. nllr, r01l\1'"I1.' hI Ihe
wllh R loedl"ree"' .nd "'&8 ,"'om dur-
t IlIlereatlna b. bad pl:Odoced In. reeuperate under medical tre.tment. Ing Ihe produrtlon by Enid Markey ra .... r"llt1l... lte,,,,,,I"IlI11Ck)'Kuell
e time. ''''I1le lIttl. lo~e Itory Atter a few d.re In Ne.. ,"ark City. b,h,r.. Ih.. rn .... nUll 1',,\I"n "'oul,' he
In Ihl! rolf! of R MIIl.I..an Rllnerll',
0101 throo.b the pl_ hal gIVen MI.. Goodrich ..tIl lell\"1Il tor the ,,'tllrllOoi th,' "11I1,,.r lJlLlnn lIlke,'
Luky lIudlo. In Hollywood. Cal dallRhter..... hoee l""e ror a )'ounlt
ju.t en1l1lab pep to 1MU01I the rOlit (;ullllRn f"rrnll Ihe bllli. or Ihl! P"llen hn ... t,, ... ould lIk'.l In he Iho
tb.,udUq: "~iuta." atory'e plot teadlnlt mlln In Ih" 1,lrlure. 1'"lle"
"Tb. C.....-II. An Coming" ..111 ~tl .. ~tflrkel' rime only Int" tern
"'plled Ihllt he ....,uhl 10"e H. and
porlry pOlle~lon ot .the Ro"n. tor 1'''Red for the "Rmer... 1,IRyll111. op
cio.r:':U"aD':er:;. lim. durlnc the
It Ie Il prhed trellure th.t 1.elonj1;'fl I'"olle FRY Tln.. her
to the mother or the .ctte... When 'You"'o Itot to ...hl thll rare. I'nl
Min Markey .... rill ror tb", I'llrt l.. n." Rilld DIllon. "or th" \.Irturf! II
GEORGE ....RLl88 VISITS D. W. ruined. If )ou com, In e\!cund Ihe
. GRlFPITH. Ihe at once remembered that In h.. r
mOlher'l wardrobe W.I JUlt the lhlnR l'letur", II no KnOt'" l'ullen .n
Ihe needed to weir. So Ihe bor- I ...erml th.t he ould wlu. and the
ro"'lld II. bvt betore Mrl. Markey al I'lot ..... then 0...11 orolll1d thll
loWed It 10 lelve the houle Ibe mlde Itreat .uto drher.
When .'.y TIncher ",Id KOodbye 10
h.r dlu"hter "romlte th .. t II would
PUlllllh at the It.rt at the riC'<!' tbe
nl"htly be ill.ced under lock .nd key.
Uurlnll: \I.lt to Sp.ln " number crowd cheered. They thou"h1 he WII
or Yllrl .co. Mrl. Mlrkey ..... pre- .ayln. Ilooclbye 10 hll wlte or ...eel
tented to a..lon of the Sp.nl.b no- h"'lrt.
blllly. Durlolt lh. In,pactloo of Ihe PUllen II leature;! II the .uto drly
rOYII realdence be Ihowed her the er ... bo ...Inl the rI<'e, and .110 Ind
cown. ctlhnloclt once bid heell oro deot.lIy win.. ...Ife. deeplte tbe
by hi. Irlndmother ..ben Ihe . Kbem.,. of the vlll.ln. Tb. mMt
YOUIlC IOliorite IDd dlulbter or Ipeetlcul..r p.rt.a ot tbe ric. _ere
klnS. M.... Markey elltbUled oyer Clulbt b, the ..lIn camerl m"D. Toll
the u.qulille hoI.. uly of tb. ltOWII IDd
Ilot Ion. atterw.rd. wbeo lb. bid re-
?tli.~:.IU:lt~~~"D~~ld~n~~:I~i ~::
JOHN BRENNAN turned 10 Amerlc... the clllUlIcol.bed p.rt or tbe lambllr. Durlnc thl tiel
Spenl.td Nllt It to her . . . .ltt. DllIoD w....lmOll a lIer'l'OUI _reek.
JOHN BRENNAN JOINS Wblle It w.. belllC worn by Mill
(or It Pollln 100t tbe plctu .... _ '1'.1-
uel_. 0111011." one of thl h.p-
STERLING CO. W..rkey It . . . tbe obJeet ot kleo _.
.mlo.Uon and admlr.tlOD .t tb. pl.,.t of m.o wheo' PuUeo w.. ,...
tudlo. t1ll'Ded tbe _lnDer ID bll 'hrur ear.
HAS EAR!fED PAIIE AS CHARACo "th. Reeor4-Bre,"er" _Ill hoi .. Kom- ~hl~'a wtab. tblt .be
.. TBR OOMJIDL\.~ Ie r.le.... M IJl0ltllld. to drt". a fOlll'-bol'M llal'
eo&eI1, ca..
d~.?:~.~~~r::ieth:.:r~l~::~ .,~ WALOAM""'-=P'"'B"'I1l==.'"'WAUHUfE. &leMa..,.
to tM11.Uoa ta ttl.
Jqb.A S ....IlA&n. ror o",r two yeara pi..,., "Broaeko B1lb' Ud
the mal. JII........ ... . 0lQt0ll
~~:aaCo~t.b:'I!J~I~:: t~:::'7. bow December '7 10 tbe productlOD 'lI..rle WaJeem&, I..dl.l:ll I.dy .lth
,Ite 011 top of tb. eoacb ud . . . . . .
IIlli )(otI;a PktDN Compa,!l.7 to pIe,.. :~ :;:.e ~ru~" :I~~:r : : : ~~:~~ ~~I.B~~'~~~~~~ ~~al~:~ lit.rctu .. tbollab It _N dub'
atratabt D4 ebuaeter comedy I.. b. Comput,. to_M., ear. Bottl. el... to ..ari b f CURtortl.


A Ba~. 1915 CIImoIet ''Royal Mail}' Roacbter Goes to the Molt Poptdaf I'hoto,aa,' I " ..~
During the Photoplayers Weekly Contest.
DUrinJr the Photoplayers' Weekly ('",ntest. votes will be allowed on Advertising according to
votes will"'be allowed on Subscriptions according to the following schedule:
the following schedule: $ 1.00 advertisement.... 1,000 votes
l-y..r subscription $ 2.00.. .. 2.000 votes 2.00 advertisement 2.000 votes
2-year subscription 4.00.... .. 4.000 votes 4.00 advertisement.... . 4,000 votes
8-year subscription 6.00.. .. 6.000 votes 6.00 advertisement 6,000 votes
4year subscription 8.00...... .. 8.000 votes 8.00 advertisement...... . 8.000 votes
5-year subScription 10.00.. ..10.000 votes 10.00 advertisement 10.000 votes
~year subscription 12.00... 12,000 votes 12.00 advertisement.... . 12,000 votes
. 7-year subscription 14.00 14.000 votes i5.00 advertisement.... . 15,000 votes
S-year subscription 16.00.. . 16,000 votes 20.00 advertisement.. 20,000 votes
9-year subscription 18.00 18.000 votes 25.00 advertisement 25,000 votes
100Year subscription 20.00 30.000 votes CHEVROLET 30.00 advertisement.. .30,000 votes
ll-year subscription 22.00 35.000 votes 50.00 advertisement 75.000 votes
12.year subscription 24.00 50,000 votes 1915 "Royal Mail" AdverLising RaLes. $1.00 per inch.


Ha..... Sece.i ..... s..wM..
ConLe8tant- Studio VoLe8 w....... ".....
Ella Hall l niverSltI ........305,350 REPAlRlNQ NEATLY DONE.
Jackie Saunders. .-Balboa .... ..267,150 OUT WEST !-AODLERY
Grace Cunard. . Universal 221,600 10 tul ItllSL PMuPIIJ,I

Fred Kley .. ..Lssky ...... 203.1'>0

Irene lfunt....... Heliance.. 177,900
Myrtle Stejman.
rico Madison
.147.600 E. R S;;U;;;;;j)kCO.
0flIk<0 .._ .........
Edythe Sterling.. _. Frontier. 45.300 ,... ..-Pt..t.r..c..
Dorothy Davenport Crown :17,550 730 South Sprin, SIre:" _
Ruth Roland... .. .. :Balboa 33,600
Violet McMillan ..... N. Y. M. P. Co. 32.059
Courtenay Foote . Bosworth. 25,050
Stella Ra7.eto .Seli~ .. 25,000 LEVY'S CAFE
Dorothy Gish . Reliance 1R.353
Mae Marsh .... . ..ReJiance 15,400 743 So. Spring
Margaret Gib!?On Vitagraph. 12,750
Dorothea 'Farley Albliquerque 11.450
Victoria Forde_. . Universal 11,000 .A:I,,ln .'U'l'" atarted Ihll "'eell on
Louise Glaum.-_. N. Y. M. P. Co. 10.200 the tI ... t 1.lcturt' ... blcb be .111 malle " ......N FORRUI'.
Bessie Barriscale. N.Y.M.P.Co. 10.050 ror Ibe Klnt'lophole.... bleh he Joloed
DirKticm Raben ~ d
Dot Gould __ . . Sterling 10,050 lut "'eell and for "''bleh h'" will pro-
Signe Auen .. _.. . __ Reliance . 10.000 durt" ae ..",11 .a alar lu 'er.1 ran,
10.000 oue Itonea_ There some m,.. Hollywood, CaL
Adele Lane... .8elig.. ,.. r)" at Ibe KIlietollbole omee& . . to
~rg~:sR~~~~~nl:: ,,!~~ohp~'.~Q_ . Q.oon
lU~1 .. hat }Ir_ AuU.1 I or.IIlC Oil.

Henry King __ . .
Mabel Nonnand.
. Keystone
....ted Ihal Ibt" KIDeiopbo1e baa
brlln:1 n..'" thlnl: ror the IM:rMD .bleb
.ilI I.e put before tbe public lit a
'~~~~_p "ftl.L1"WOOD, C ... LtrOIUfIA.
Mar.lrarita Fischer .American 8.050

ehort 11m.. ~tr .""r;UII wlll produce
Pauline Bush Universal 5,450 tbi, "1m. and It I. uld tor him Ib.t
11.. la dolnJ: motion picture Ilunl
Citiuu Sayi.,1 Buk
Ray Gallagher Universal 5.350 "'hlrh no Olher a~lor b.. e"er been
Donald Crisp Reliance 5.450 ..aIled upon to do.
Ho_e'er. here III one facl wblch
Ford Sterling Sterling 5.350 ..1m.. trom tbe KlnetOI,hote OmC'l!a TOM ''OR''''S
Juvenile Lelda .ltb Harrl'
OLIVE JOHNSON AND BILLY JACOBS Chas. Rey ~. Y. M. P. Co. 5.300 Ih,. "'eek. and tb.t Ie Iba' }lIu Mil WoodrolT In .'.-\ O'lIDIJ-.. of
'ord. ho h .. been t,larlnt; leada "'lIh l.eUu....,, dlrfftloo Georce R.
LlTTLJo: OLlY.: .I0HS!Kt:\" I.ITTL.: nll.I.' ...... ('OIL.. Laura Oaklev Universal 5.200 lh.. ~:dlson C'orupan)' for Ihree ru.... Melrol"d.
L1uJe OUye ,100_ I. the lead lOll; . Llltle Rill,. .. .....,bIo' e&rHr as a mo Helen Holmes .... Kalem 5.100 "'Ill I>{O le.dln!!: womao ror ~Ir Au . 1_.)' ._Iu", I,.y Co.
lady of tbe 8terllo& MOllon PI~lure ~" .. and .... l\l al'tlear In bl. " ... t l.rO
Co., _bee ele'l'erne.. b. . brour;bl
Uoo 1,I<'Iure .Clor ezlend. n,'''r II Howard Hickman ~. Y. M. P. Co. 5.100 ,Iu.!ion tor Ihe Kln..lollholt'
period of t ..o ye.r. t'.-\)ll'KAMAS AT LIBERTY
ber to tbe froDt 10 .. ~l!rJ' .bort tlOlt.
HI. nUl al'pt'ar&ol'e ..... In I\e)"
Rhea Mitchell N.Y.M.P.Co. 5.050 ~1111 ~Intord <:'Oruea to Ihe Klneto-
J. John p..lor .tbe ellpett camera-
Little Oll"e I. known as tbe lIule tot I,h ..lt' ",'Uh nue rec:ol"d aod a lonr;
IU.. tbe hiE bow who pl.,.. oppotllte .tooe comedIes "'lIh other rhildren . Charles Chaplin .... Keystone 5.050 1111 of nIno", In "'hleh sbe h. . .ppear- man. II .t the Libert)'. bulDg JUlt
UtU. Bill,.. Ollye I. rapidly prOll;- and sometimes ..lth Ford Sterllnll: Billie West Reliance 5.050 ed l)urlnl!: tbe lime th., abe played lermln.'ed htl contract &lid II dolDA"
lome utra ...orll .. a free Il.uC8 .
~IDI and .. Irut future I. I,re- HI. uouaud .bllll)' ..... lOOn dele<'l ..lth the ~;dlaon ehp. .mle.red In 1%5
dlet.ed for her. ed aDd It ..... oot lonl': befOrt he hid - Gypsy Abbott Favorite Player~ 5.050 dltterenl "Ime .nd ht"r roleR ran the Mr. Putor II loo.lnc .round tor a
Without .. doubt. ahe hu tbe mOil 1I11}. "'fltlen tor blm. He hili b~n George Larkin . niversal 5,050 .bolp. ltamUI rrom I"'thol 10 broad l!:ood ollllOrtunlt)' In the Weat bero",
Illtnlnlt UII for tuture .orll In tbe
remar_able ca~r of an)' ehlld of her featured In numerous releaaes and ..ont.. d)" .
A,JL She "'.. bora .htle ber father hili arou.e:l l!:rell Interest In hi. Ruth Hartman Favorite Players 5,000 She ...... on the Bt.j!,"e ror nn' ye.... E .. t. and ...ould be plel.l6fl. to bear
&lid =other .ere en route .Ith the ...orll. Bob Leonard. Universal 5.000 I,rt"'-Ioue 10 gollllt lnlo plcturel and from th'" Weatem Producef'l reprd-
Inlt .ny pro\lOlltlonl tbe)' ba.,. to
the Rlnellnl Clreua. her father belnr; He I. one of tbe mo.t "'ondertul hsd surb IUCC1lflIl on Broad ....y tblt
the Oreat Johuon. Kine or tbe cblld a('to .... Ind from the moment he J. Warren Kerrigan .. Universal 5,000 sh....... cbOflen to create tbe p.rt or aubmlt. ",rite care of the Ne. Yorll
Bouodlbll" Wire. , aling. bll Irrtlll.tahle amlle acrou Louise Lester.. American 5.000 SIlly Ann In ('harle. DllIlnltbam'l omce ot Photopl.ye... Wee.IT.
Not quite a )'ear 1110. . . hen Ollve tbe ICfeoen and ... ben he wlnlla hili l'rodu('tlon of "The Cand, Shop:'
.... pla)'lnc a vaudeville tour wllb lett eye be II. the beat 1I1IIe Icre.m Edna Maison. ..Universal 5,000 Arter Ihlll "Senllmentel Sall)"n . . . Helen Uu..bl\T ,Ivea an uOIllleot
ber mother on tbe Panlacel' circuli e\er. Wm. Garwood Universal. 5.000 "'rlltenforher.sndehe ....eatarred portr.,,11 ot the p.rt ot tbe flltbtul
With little OU\"I! Johnson as hI. Inll "u In tbe E...n.y pia)'. "Wb .n
Ibe received an olter tram Ibe Ster-
line Co. . bleb w.. &ccepte:l. and leadIng lad)". and Robert Thornh)"11
Wm. D. Taylor Favorite Player: 6,000 ~Hq ~1l1rord ,,'" born In Fllrlto. ~t TreDwltb Comea Home." Sbe.
Ibe baa been aeen to "d\'lntl,e In able dlr"'cto... hll'. ltltl'" Bllly'a f'om- Anna Little.. Universal 5,000 ~"rth Dllkota. IIlthouRh Bhe ne"er 18 a real mother to tbe cblld "bile
leveral relelUlel pany Ie complete
Henry Otto... American .. 5,000 Ill",nt a ltrelt deal or her re ... ye.... Ita own ruather II I~ndlnl: bw .n
--- l..-dol"l! lJ,erllJllletn hee gont' on ~ Eddie Lyons. .Universal 6,000
In thlll cold lo .... n or Ihe ~orth. Her
'"mll)' remo\'ed to Ne... Orleanl
time lit lIOClel1 functlonl. Sbe till
I)' etln tbe Iflnee or dul1' In
OlVERS FRO)l ILLNESS. lenr;tb)' vaculon or t..o daYI to l-onfl; Lee Moran. Universal 5,000 "'bile .he "'as a )"ounf\ child. and Ihe mother by call1ni b.r home tro.,
Ford Bterllnc bill Kgaln tallen up Beach ..here be will be ...orlllnlt on
AI E. Christie.. . . Universal.. 5.000
"'111 later taken to Chl..ao ..... here Ib'"
WIlIl educated
~::I~UI~;~II~lrbt When the ebll4'
hla: dotlea aa leading com",:Ilan and a liz volum", etor}' for I comlnj!," rea
o.oer or tbe Sterling Mollon Picture ture nlm. ThIs will be lome ,'u. Fd. J. LeSain!.. Selig. 6,000
Comp&ll)'. Mr. St"'fllnc hu been III lion
Tom Mix __ . Seli~. . . 5,000
.t bla bome In Holly.ood. Cal .. tor
our montb. T.o .eekl aco the Elizabeth Burbridge .. N. Y. M. P. Co .. 5.000 VOTING COUPON:
pb)'alda.n In .ttendanee tbOIlCbt tbat
tb. t.moul aereen It.r bad little
eb.nce ot recovery.
Richard Stanton ...... N. Y. M. P. Co.
5,000 Good for Fifty (50) Votes in the Photoplayel'll' ;
Weekly Populsrity Contest. f
City _ .
UIC u many of theu coupon. . . TOU like. bOI Ihey mut' r-at
Tbe BIIIJ7wvOd W _ ' I Chab . . .
u. not lat'" Ihan one .eck aher dale. ,
DcC'. 12th.
CtTe.a pel'1ZllaSoll to a . . tlYe of tbe
Rock Mogotat.n "-... 0 .ne4 tlY the
01ll".rwat FUm M.Dllfl-Ctur1q Com-
p&IIJ". tor the partlO" of .ldiDC the
. . . . . . . . . . . . l.n Earope. A dre1l1 \
pertor-.&lIe8 . . . gt". . IUld the mo.ne)' NOMINATION COUPON:
. ~ 00 Ulla e.tertaJDment .111
PI loac T ba b.lplac thoee .bo
are l.n -.ad l.n .at"-8trielten Be1gtam. Good for 6.000 votes in the Photoplayen"WeoklJ
Populsrity Contest: . /
Name :....
City .......
..Nominated by : : r :..._..
Adm- : .
0DI7 .....of-.t~ ~. . _. cr'fllIhed

bol r .. ture rUm 10 tb~ ,..1 "The NEW OPTIC

1.111tt In a Wom.n. E)'.:' _rlu.n
b' tbe 8.lho. pbotoplay editor. H"th 11. Perltlna, ... ho . . hltud of
~-r.DIr. M, Wllt.,olood bo uolY.d
Ihe Se... Ol,tl", Th".ler at lOU Boutb
Ib" dram. rtom 00. or hi SHrl- ~1.lll .trO'ilI h "'011 lh" admiration
en' ea . . . ne p ..... r rtlllOrt., 10 uf photol.ll.,,,,. .nd 1"';ll.Ile In .11
Cblnao 11'0 yura 0 "'hen h. Int.r. hr.n",lIa.. of th" h"lllle. . 11,. Ihe .... ).
"'ew"l th.. ettlebra'ed O.rmau .H- In ... hlrh lor hll. hwreued the IIOPO-
d.II... Ur. Lorelli. follow In. bl. lully "f hI. h .. ua... h"lL"v". Ih.t .t1-
ol.erall111l un l.allia Armollr. daucb- ".'rtl.l"g I.a)' . 1I0rlnlt l"tI tlttIMUI
IlOr <If tI .. 11ll1Itlllllolre Intlll If.elter ""'''k h .. h'. Ill"l ~'11". Ihe dOl he ...
In "T~1l L1Khl III Wom."1 ~:ye." In " tIIll"r""l r..arllr.. ll"r.dlull th ..
" "orI1rlmoll. Ilye .1.",1.1I.r II COlli .'r,,"t. ,lrul",',,,d rrllll' th .. "'Inlllr
~, .. t~ lind 1,,,1<1 II)' " l>lnUk"t "'hkl'
I',dled Ilt 1>1.lul pUIn' to l'"rlorm Mil Wll~ 1,,"..1,,1 "1 lIn, I>ln)'11111 ],',d. al
"lllratlull Oil. h"autlful "lind woman
'l'h" /':, ....' Oll'l!'. ".:1:1 1I""lh ,'llll"
Itlt' ~" ..l'1all.1 I"nl JIlI"d ~lId rnhh" I
111 ht. )'ulltll. ,\1.,,)' of Ih" .ce"". lit" .. lr,.,.I" ThIll I~ "" ,01,1 furm ur .. d
111 "nll!lrlhr111:"!(ltlld til .. ItfoduCll"ll 1Irtl.Il,~ lou, "" "rr""rh'" ,til",
f"r H
I. h""Il\'lld tu be une tlf Iht! mo.1 ur ."uncl. 1'1,,'''' tl'r"u\:h Tl,., 11"" ..'''~
lllinal and nu,rlt"rluu. !lIma m.d .. In 1t,,,,,II,,,,k'''I1I11 n", IIrll' pill"". 11 ...1
Ill.... ,,,.t,,r-l 1..1l1un III ""hll'l, ,I",
,t"g "lIl,e.tIl h. u"" "r ltl!' 1"'.1 .. I...
(:U\ .:IOriUlt JUH~MU~ ' .... TJoi IL lr"d,,,-,,1 1'..rklloli I,hk. ",ot .""nl
)1. ,,~nEIUICl~ .1,'.. rtlllhllt l,rol,,,.111o tI. alld Oil""
IIlr.n' W J"h""'''l It", ...
""r "f ".". tb .. 1II Thl .. I.. ".", .. r Ih .....".0"..
f"r hl... ,U'. .,...
("llfornll. 1It1'"r ml.~" " ." ...".
I' "In tu d"'ll '" at tI .. \\, ... tllrll ~:~. A .. "ll"r r..na"U I. th., til' Kh"..
unay ..Iudln .nd ..... hI. frl,m I ~Ir ,I .. l'uhll..."m"llol"lI lur 111..1. "lck.1
,; .\1 Aud"ra"" II ........ p.uln!: Ih' d"... '0"" :.k. .. ,,ry n..l "rr.. r.. d
thr"ullh NII_th .. "U... rtl.,un.n 1111' '" r"rl ..""tl"" l"UKrll'" Oft .... tn-
I' .. r nt bu.ln" trll'. h1ll 11"',,rlh.. I,k,'. n", ..... ltuh" 1""Kr.", .. nd 11,.. "
I I'" Ii I Ih" .. , 111"1 ' th. atlllll<. "",I.. """'t' "tI,,o "lIr.rlh, ,"",..,h :J
,:", ..r" ..r J"h".,," I " .. "r ~lr An .., tlr...,," I" hi.. "",,:r,,", I" thl~
tler."",, IIr".I ' ,tI",'r.. ,.. I"'IIL "II .. ",' tw "I... "d~ """. I"r ...I..KIIOII ,1111"
Ilud "lTlh...{'r n.n"'l Ii "h,,l.. h,,"r n, ... ""1'1111" IIL""rr" ma""II"r. b'"
h ..
"'n_ .I,.,UI "1"" Inll I ho' ,."lllt ~ "I III 1:"" h"tt .. rllllra"'I"".i,, hl.pr"Krn,,,
,.. r... I.1 Ih" F:aun'o)' 1,1,,"1 .th. I'Ul" ,,"d Ibl. hrh'KI Ill .. p,uron .. h",'11
"I"r l,t""ol,lu,."r'I<"l"'III"1t II ... "'ork 'I"", Killi th",. "ltll!n
1111: or lil .. l1:utl"" "h't" ... 11l'1"a,ry I'h"rllo' I:hlllolill I" '11 .. hilt ,,,,,II,,,
'01 tt... ItO"en",r ,,,.. Iu,tlllll. "III. I.... hl.turl' 1'.al.'
1ll.,I ... hilt hll Il' ,h .. :'\... '1' IIpIl<' ,h"
"IUltl~:'\-;Kil~l-:-Wllln:Joi w .... k .\Ian.ller I'.. rltln. and Ih.
"sn I'IUlIll'l'U' "Tin: IIln:ATIl "'''1,,,'11.,, lOr" I:r""1 frt"nd . (ha"ll"
II" .-\IeMn... 1" "lllTllt th .. maoIlK,r "f th .. forlh
Ch.. rl.... I,. Guklll. Ih .. dl.. th,,:ul.h- ""no"'lt rel"a... o ... rl)' r.uM><! a rllll
.. J .ulb..r-Ilrodut'"r uf th .. \'lla\:ral'h ,'.11 IU he lur",,1 In, 10 th.. !I.III1'
('oml,,,ny. hili "rltt t...... pia) u( Ih .. tb .. lltllr II b..:am.. ".rlt..d ...tlh
III"t. In addillon I 110...1111( f"r 1,..""1,, ... hll" Ih .. ,"mrdl.ll. th .. ugh!
dlapl.} lu foil. uf 110", "sceol'!Ion.1 ,.... "r Ih .. 1:.lh"r\"o: .. ro ... d fl .. m
dnlU.11<' .bllll). uf b".utlful. t.I"IlI "",,Irat..cl ..0"' .. "I II, .. Ih1l1g .. 11.. d"....
~~i~ 1~~I~~"~::~':;~~I:~~I)~~~~I".,:,~:~ '" III .. nlm
t.l" .. f... tllr.. uf "s"'II>II..".1 lot"r ~'ATIo: FIUlW:\,Joi liS W,UJiiIl
"a, tu ""n',,". I" 11'~ dl.I".) .. f fa.b- "It'd lit: 1111 rkhf with tilt... Old
HAIUU' "AIl\.:\
~I""k .. rl:lIlllZll11 .... " '" 1I. .
.uhli"'IUt!IlII) h.~ a I,ml: "nl:lIg""'OIn'
"IUll II.. III Ih.. ac.. ll"~ c"Jllull fu. .. ..11
'Ir........ d ......"'''" . .\1t I; ... klll ,,1th h,.
~:"'t""~\':,~~~~ :~;:::'"~';I '~~I~; '1':o:pl~~~
"h""'.onlr,,rn,,,J lLll .........aIlUl>I'I.. ""'.\1 ~IIX,
(;Oi.I'IE ('01.\\'~:1.1.
Till.: 11.-\itE-ll~:\II. (IF Ihe)' "'ould ~13"d 10""atlg:ttlon-tbat
tumed to work II.
Harrr HarYe}', ...htl recentl)' r.. _
dlrtletor uf r.,atur..
!lIma for the l.lalholl AlUu""momt Pro
"'i(h ~'ll) C'o"rlll"Y ''''d \'llURbn (;1 ....
~"r '" th .. ('ul"lIllIl Stt"'k ('OttlJI"II~
It, ('ul"",b" . Ohio
\l .. 1I .. 1 "ar.. (ul att""Il"" to dlltalla. hlill
",,111,01 tu hill aId lh" f""ldoll .uthnr.
II,,~ lI"d ..r) gllr"'''''1 u ... d h ... b"""
il,g aU "rnl lu"d ur IIn,men, Illld
haudall"1 10 " l",rllm, "f hIll a"al
"IllY . It'd II" 1111 0 1\
"'Hto ,,", If I T"",
.\III'1IOS i'1l"1'l'nt-:

.\lIs, 1Ii1"... 1I,ItI"g. tl~"
tll ..y would not crumple 10 the (;raal'
"f reallam,
Tu", )lls Ii kno",, (lot only tbru
duelog CompllOY of Loog Bead" T"e)I'y .. ,,rli al:" .\lr II"".,) b"I:IU' "ardull)' llI!lll{'t"d II I. luoilld thl>! h.d gut lIurl III a..",,' "f th,' ~~.." ... 1,,'''" l'rndudnl: "'eat"r" 111m. r"r lhe th" Ilouth. hut In Europe, South
followlo& a vacation. I. on" uf th" ".... rk all a"""'",,, dlf.... tur. fur th" 'lo .. ''lIltu",... ".... rll Ity ,\11 .. (;"rdo.. r In It... "Tt,,) O 11"."." ...'I1"r....... a]) S.. lIK 1'l!lr~{'o,,,, ('0_. "'Ith "n"uKh ,,('. ,\merlca lind C.llada. aud .1 ...., . . .
~t experlenc"d and capllbl" I'ro Id .. IUI,,ul'~ l'uml''''') II' .... ,." York. :Lr.. tt, .. nll'8t mlllll1ll1r,,1ll .. , .. r uII"d I" Ih .. ullhl ,, .. r) """"" ""old I.., ollt fine "'h" .t.tld bllulutely 10 el...
dOCllTII in tbe motophoto I\eld. ha"lni< It 1,0"I"n'I,IIl)'
lIun lI1ld illap '0 hl~ I,kt,,~.. a 10 I;h'" h)' him ....,r for hI. daring .nd orlelDal
...to"r.. 10.. "'11'1:,,01 ",,,'r,,1 ..."or" u( higb luI 1101 '" th,uk lh.1 "t .. r IILr....
' - 0 actively "oga,;tod durlo,; tbe I"., "'''1lII drllmli"_ ,u'd h' til" .."t't:efldIDg Th .. U,I .. uf tlL.. " ..... """"'. "Th.. 1"""th.,,lnlrUIII: "'ltll"ld 1,...lh. I th\!lIl \,,,,,,11 Ihat "'111 ""II\)' "la..e ""a~' In at'<'Ompll.bloj;: the tbloC otller
t_elYe "eaTII In IltagloK t1T11t-el.u y""Tll 10 "'urk..d a .. l""du""r dllrlnc IIr..ath uf ,\r.by" I" 1I1l"lr "onJllr... .. h .."ld g .. , ,.. t., Iltll.. mllL'ul' "lth 1,Im (or"ol ..., Il~ Il ,ltod"~"r "f "'lIao loenl,le "'"uld nOI dream of dolnllt.
dram.... He hall worlted ill ,,"er,' "'''0: 11""0<1,, for Ito".... IIlm'fOaltlng ,ill'U"1i .. r 'agu", ...... Ul' ."d my.lI.. "".. ""." fur atJ,-.ut I"" ........"01" a"d ~rn .Iorl.... - .\1. .\Ils. ae.rch for "Om.. ooe to
branch of c1oematOltrtlpby. 11& aceu' ,"rl>oTIIllun... .\lutOOl<'ol>':. Olol':rapb. 1it.,,,I, 1..,,,11" ...... th.1 '" tu "ult.. ,-"n, .. "II' .. t II .. \th th,,".I. ,hut II .. 1,1.,.. 11'. 0.-0 I..ad_ alld ,. mor" "Ia)' th .. "farl" 10 bl. "torles. came
aria writer. labo~lJ)r)' .,.b"ml.t. {.. mera,'bo"" It..h .. "<,,,. Patb .. Fr". ".tu.,oll, ....<Jl'I.I .. Ih .."' " with I,,,.k~ I'''~ "o ... h ..d 10.".0. ""J IU.ll1l"d 10 do ao th.n .n, "ne "I." to n'OlI't . .11.r.cton endltl~ _lien
cam"ra mao, _oe IM!U.,r. IOtudio mao rri Gauu'unt "" ~r.""'''I. FronU"r. Ih" ""'llulall.. I)' Itr.rehll Iml'r lon_ r.... l. Iik .... lou~I ..:1 nr, 1,lu,; ~lr UI. Ilfodurln" .nd ."'Ilnl': I,.. of r.re II ........ored Goldie Col"'ell to pl.)'
...er. I"adlo,.; ma.. , cbaracter aclor, Sulal<. Hruorb" 1\",.......... Uall>o. aod ,'r".t ..d b)' ~tl... t;ardu .. r. ...-r".." .\"'H ... )'.11..01 ""ak h'1II TDfl' lI"d 11".IIt) . lmt,l...nd ."lImlnl':. Th"r.. ol'P<>ait" him in tb" man,. thrJlIIollt
ftlm cutler, publlcily eII>ert. cullume " "OOIl>er uf uth ..r ,un'l,.oletl_ II .. _1,.",r", ..""", .- I d'd ,.... lIld ....d. I .".k.. J him i. 1I11 f.kl"o;. no fore--lI,,~hhll= Otl h,s I'b ...... or ...estern lite. :loll.. Col_ell
boyer. IUm ""mllao)' omel.1 .ud IITO- ..'.~ Patb.. t-r .. r"" 11"01 h'lldlo,; mao ~1r 1;.llklll d"...-rll... ~ Ut" 1.I.. y ~
11"1 '''',,'r a".W ~- " .. it fr"", 0'" I'art "r th.t ..f hI. coml,.n~ Tb .. i~ "ell.ltno"'n Iud lilted . nd I. al.
dueer-In-eblef, h,. }'ea,. of "rduou. 1/1 Ito" ('"il"" Stu.... Fur th .. Sol.... I,r.. u) ILttl" th'''Il'' hul It ma) l..- .., MIIy .n>IIo"", .l>ou: m)' r""ud. '_'1,1" "'hD m ..'" thru hi~ .torle. ar... ,.-a,.. II f."orlte ~Itb eO'ery one wbo
toll aod aludloua ,.,..,arcb afl..r e10." '...."'1'.. "' ti .. "',," l'rod" .... rlo-<:blef. ..... lInd .."tl' ""'I...ct..d tu r .. l"..... n' tit .. It'll>' ,;.. l1tnK'" I.ul th.. lWEI (lrn" I .11 r".1 .l1d l;el'lIh'e ""... tIl her Sbe I. nOI a t)'l)ft lrctt aft
rna Itno~ledl':" makhll: hIm ....u.emed III ..,hu o""".".'r alld ~"I ... tlllt.. nd"01 of dllllll '" lurlur.. 1,la) th.l h .. ,. . . . tolt h'lll l'm "u, ",,,II,,: , .. ,.irk .,01 And 'hal III ...hal "'111 ",'111'.110 all indl,ldu.l ""ho nUl gracefull, into
bl' dramatlc crlllea lUi .. I'rofouodl) tt,,, lab""nory IIrd .. Olt a" ad'ue.l .. "f ..... , "tI ," h'. t"'lld ,"' .. l.rK'' OIL d .."t u" II "to" ar.. lortunate ellou"h 'u .. ~ lhi. ""er~' I,.rt "h'en her. Sbl! b . . clllVtlI'-
wllM! aolborlt) 00 1111 matt ..n !l"-r
lalolor; to 1II0"lng l,lctur., arl
0" .. ul l"r"<'I .. r lI"r"'.'y" ",,"'anI'
"llahllle"ts ""~ h'ti l"'''lltr moolh ..
,,, ..110." l'hotol:ral,hy . mil)' ,W, 10.' ,,"'.... "'" luuk llt tl,,~ II .... brand "r pletu,.. t, I",rlrayed almo"t e"'I!T' kooYO
Dirllf:tor Han',,)' la a Ulltl ..., o( ,,.,rk rur t,,~ I'''ltell Slat.... gO""ro
HO'S.~'j:;IIAS(II(I. 'h""oI' "I""':~ '"111:1, '.. all I KIIIU II will lJ.. a mo~, .....1...." ... re. .. la 1'I,.rnN"r 111 the two yl!.1"Il .be b. . .

~'t7t"ho~,IT~ d~:lltS~~fdl~o~~::;.~~
'Uf\llllll: fr"nl \l ... ,'r .. ,,'d .. d 10"" "")' Sp",I" '"UK''' II .. " It, thUle ...ho tl",C tI, .. ,.d',,""""
Kanaaa Cltr. Mo.. burll ~"I)' ~~, )~~J. ,,,,,u1.lIlilh"llf,,du,,,'rllfth.. hllllUrl ", ..", .. f tll(plnor .. "'''rh' :u1I"nrt
a boy be utt"udetl lICbool ID tbal
uDtll 1888, ... bel' ot" ue".D bla
('''1 Illn' "'1 II .. L,I .. III Slttl"g HIIIl,'
.\lr lIar .... y Le,no: "um",lullln.. d 1'
::,:.~"~~ ~:,~tl~~~:~~"~;,::~I~~ItI~'I:r~::~. \11." I' ..... u ;,~'~~
,,: tho T'w,,' I....ntt'thlnj; "boUI lhe".. Tom "lrl to "'In reeocnltion rrom tb
II,, '11011" of th" R a I. ~"Om.. e
f"rm"r b '
.todlu or ":h".OI<I'" "".I'~ .\ IIE pH',ur!!1I thal milk,. nil\! f....1 "l'pr..... l":ln" re.1 "'ortb.
tricaJ caner b)' IlIlDI' aD eo tll"I:"""r,,:u,,nl "lid for:.>l.b"d ",'1111 lx,s 01Tt .... au NI .." r for dlr....1 uerlo .. (1 ~ '" .. ~.m
t JII Itl. U Mo~o::> I" ;0 "OIt111"")' .. f 'or.utr" .. I>.u"r)- DI
, _b preHlotecl tb .. th'" "",hlbHor~ , .. ' lo.. U""
llrt.U"r, . . . !rooll of t.h.,,,. III"
," ~cr.J'f;'* ~-:--+:,,:.e :WI:: (W" r.. ::r~ .. lllIuu' he.lIsth". II r",..'"
.lIh h ..
inc hed Stooe. or MOllteomery a !ra,u.. FUf o rl,. 1I\l! moot.ha b .. I.'...... tn .. , .buul... " .. l.r.... or .,- I "I" ..,... In an U,. . . . o"'... ~
8tooe od Bert ..... 1I11.m of William. '''''10' Hu",ltl.od .nll Oil .. I,rodlleer. f"..nd_ ,n thl. rll)' h" h.... 1"001
.t.l;"d tb.. tu(t 1;0.."rI1l1leD' nlm. &n~ .I ....... l. I.-aky ."d I'a"'d Bel......, .. ,..fl hi", _, ...,., ' Ilf'" r ...... I>l'''U~
a: W.llter. He I.ter "'elll to Cbl- "'un 1I1l':b 1""''''' frul1l til.. W bltl" Th .. Ih .. lupla)"",. \\ .... kl' r.'ll"ratu ~"'I"" h" a"" .. , ,n ,hi. 1"11'
caeo .nd aecllred .0 .,og.gemeol "'llb t"l1 u!tle,al>; for th .. es.... lI ..n ... uf tb ..
tbe comp.DY pn'kDtlDI: Cbarl" A hiaturi", .. l ,''''''IIt'lLUn . II,rll ... "r.. :~';;~ ~'::;I~",I~,:~~,,~,~~t, 1I:~.:~:I1I:: Tu;~!:~....:~~~O';::~r~'" 1t~~1 :':~';'
80yt'a farce comedy, "A llllncb of n,l(d.. IW tblit th .. \'nll"d Stili..... "0"
Key.:' Mr. H.ne,. r.. lUaloID!: ..ltb "rnu,,~ot "uuld lIa'" loerm.oeot. mO'-
Ih"I,la)"" hut.k"l'arlll,lll...'a" .h"." '..~t " .... ~ .. lid ""'f' .. ,,~ M
tbe Drsa.nlzatloo a ye.r 10 road 10llnl iUo: lJie,on' ........,rd" uf Ib .. Ilf. . .tld "," ul Ih.. k".... "f U", k .. "rh" 'h. 1.1., .. ,.. ".". tho' "",.t ... ""drr.

;,;i;i;;:~!;~::~~ji,:W~:~;#:: ;fi~~:';;~~:;;~;:i~;~~~:t,~f:;;~i::-~~~
.1101 _loolDg gre.t prai.e 10 DO" 01 "u..torn .. of Ih" I"do,,"~ Tb .. IIlm~
tbe l_dloS part., that of (;TlOI .... III.. .."ft, mad .. 'II \\ yumllll: ....."brk ..
bellbo,.. .J. "nd "tIL"r IIlat".. '" the ,,1.ln. milD'
He oe:1:I joh,..d 1J1l01..1 SUIl",, dr . tr). aud .\lr JI.",,)' had .. 0 .Imu.t
m.tle orsaDlutiull Vr"~lItlng "Tbl' unllmll ...: "m"uot ur (u"d. lurnl.hed
Millionaire," ~lr. B,nl'I'Y t!OUCUtlK Ih" hll" '0 malt" U,,, 1Ilct\l'r""
role of Atklnl, the rullllunulr,,'. au" An"""1: th .. """ fllmoo! actreue~
With tbll CUmIJnllY Ill! .ta)'ed lUlIll) lliaco ....ed br .\lr H""'"r durln~ b,~ ~,'~~ "'::~"11~~~~" l'~'''II'~I<'~~~~ );,~~~,U':~ :.' ~::.';,,,.,,:;:, ~.~7::i" ';~::"l'.';/" \~ \\\
IUDolla. and lllen llccl!l'ted aD olrer ,,,,,,I,,,, )',,"r. ul ""Drk 101i .. director pr"a.,d I,)' thull" 1."10,,, ,.rli<,IIlI~ "t,,, h. .",. '" ':'lln"I:I'",, II. '.,"' ,
to becollle II me/nller of tb" KanliWl :If" urtull !'hUlll,M, "'ltb tb.. Hell hal" "It" ........d ",all' ,,1 'll .. II,.. "... _'"n Tr", "'~ul.r AI ... , ,.r";:'''II'
Cit,. Dime !\Ill."IIa> Stock COmpaO). unce forces. )l.ry Cbarleston. "Ita run on I" !l) r '. 'h" 1111., uf Itlt' IL'" I h.", ..... r"... "!i, ...Ilh th,lI.
wbere be remalotl<l t ... o ""11111 aod waa
aao<:l.ted durlog that l><!crlod "'Illl
grallh "umll"D", Mud Frlllsi Ilrn" .. t1"
of Ih .. l:"II .. r.al Iiludloa
,.1.. , ,",'111 to.. In Ih lI"u ... f ['I.... \1""nl th .. nllI" "'11,, 1,.",,,1 '.r....
t ... " .ud 'oe.ld ...a I..''''' .... II'''~ .n .0wlltn" tr.d .. 11,,01 r"l" ..d 11 1<1 . "
".ode Awber, Harry SchuellioK aod
otber playelll "'bu later b""aw .. r.m.
0 .... ot lJlr"..lot Har ...,y. bill .0'"
e,,",1ieI ...." bo" I,roductlun of "Fr.
"urh!l,,, dr.m.\lr plD' th .. r.. ar ' . \",'1 ....""'0 ."tI
1... I"r.. ,hal ....
..rat .m. .""" .pe.. t.rul.r Il1dd"ot. III. . .t.n .. I th .. MIl,,,al tOI,n, Car-
00.. He DeIt obtained an eosagtl- lJi."olo,' lor t SuI.1: compao~' .001 T"o or Iheae ar.. th .. ,,re.,ltlnll "r 1,,,r.ll<>1I. hou ... "rl<au.. k ....1 Uf..
meot aa .tage m.o.ser "'Itb Le... I. tb" "Ollly' aetl of comedletl for I .... train. "'ben Ih"f ('{,n,f' to,t .. ther :>11'1 Our )1111",,1 ';[rl W .."kl' Ila~
/lIOrrl.OD .nd blli celellrat..d I:rO"I' uf th .. un .., corpur.tlon, tbe le.dloll
"omecHan \>elul': ailly Court.
III head-o" rollliiou .od a n<:t'k J",,,..tl 1'... 1 l;ulJ.. k In Ih .. t'"" ..
talented pl.yenl W"ltellti,,1': ""'all.t." and'I,,,,,k r .. at 101> 11"",d between "rea [1"1".rom .. nt . " ........ dl .. " liar
/lIr. Han'ey ... orklng "'lIb Ill." ur. ~Ir I-Ia ....,, I>r ot comp.o,. .t a tr.i" and. hlo::h I.. ' .... rt'd .0IOn.o '\"" (;"t illt, ..dl1M 1 Tn ..
l'anlUtlOD more than II year dllrlnl; the a.ll.oM .todl ,. tVl1l1 ....",d uf bll.. .\lr Fieldt"I':." .. ph~.lrlall, r"I,.. r 1 \\".. kh I'om... lind
tbe tOllra .cruaa tb" eooUo"ot .od Mlu .\I.rl;ar"t Ieholl. )1Iu Joyce .h' ,,Lr.. I......'. hIm 1>"""11.1' or Hul.. I;.,nor IlOn "e In .. lat ..
tbrolll'll part. of CaD.d.. A. II. )Ioor... ~10111.. ~lrColl".. ll. ~lIIdred j o.) ,,'..r hI. ".rd. 1.1.)'. Ih" "''')U'. '..lTIfllwt ..d Th .. E\f'Il1Ilj: Suo
Wood tije reoo"'ned /':e .. Yurlt lllaD- Plna. Gordoo SachIl1". Hoy W.taOtl. leadlnl: r .. l.. Th .. 1,1.)' """ b.plI) "".IIU" l"rlor.......11,," I ..." ,- .. ar.
.cer. the .. :"'e ~Ir. HI"'e)' ao Im- J.ck Tlln. H"nr)' SUllIe)'. IJlck John- "noll nil afl .. r !>11t "U~I"'IIH ""0
Pilrtaot po.,tlun a. I( member of blli aon, ~r.Dk Erl"OIl"r. WIllI.m Reed.
I.rse drao,allc coml>I(TI)'. IJlaylog Jollo Cunnard. Thomu Park . Ralph ISI\EltS.... L!oi "1~SIl I'Y_ .'IIJoi!" Itl'TIt ST...SUtu,'S.: STtI,l,
"Tbe Cblld or The Itt,,;lm .. nl." In tbe Ilrulcbl .. , and IJr.. nl C.. rrulben THIAI'I" IUWTJ,:H. 1,0\'l:S 111m 1J(l1.l~';
leading role or Hadley ...."lch "n- 8MOIO,,1 ":. Lt"')'. ( .... rm ... rl,. or the l'nl- ln!>"r.. l'. "lllll"Oll alld 'yttl,aa. ,\11 .... ll11th SlOl1ehoua.. , lIne (If th ..
gasemeot he held man}' monthl. 1"r.,,1 aud .... lh"t bill cOlllpaulea. I. all .... " 1, [Jec"mb'!T 7th, HUUlllull. Tu I.'adl,,//. ~:."ltna)' al'1r ,,". I<ltlloo/l:h
Later. Mr.' Hane)' enllcted lelldlng lil.t.nt dIrector, ",hll" .IuIICI'" Hruth- l'IlI""n1al'lI "!Juno"" .od PJtblu. ~"yeIlMl "lfl. ~t111 lo ,~ IU 1.18)' ....1Ih
rolea Wllb the Joho Crill,.. Stock "rt"n I. Camera mlltl, So ~. D"cembe. ~th. Y<>uniCMow" h ..,dnll.. Sh .. cherlallell .11 Ihe doll.
Compao,. .od llle l:aalle Square The "'OUlI'aDr III I,rodndng a"l Ohio. Oec"mber ,Oth, PorI w.)ut! "r IIl'r gIrlhood Jo.t >L$ lholll:h 'h,,)
I'nh"raal'. "lJllmuu aud Pytbla. ,..,.. IIlh'e
So 3, Ut!~mher ~lh. 11th .nd 91h.
I.,.no:'hbur,;. )Ia . December IOtb .od
"Of <,ourae. I 11m nol 100)'ln,, tie",'
doll.," .he aald. "but I c.re for tllo.e , I
II tb. Ro.nolte. " . 1)@eernber 12tb. I hal'" o ... oed for yean JU.I aa mucb
!:Jedford Cit,.. \a. &II e"er I b."" Pllt them to l>f' and
l'nhera.... "OamUll .Dd P)'lblaa. rock"d tbem .nd led .nd clotbed
So ~. Se'" Yorlt The.lre. 10deftolte. them "'ben the" "'ere 1ll.1 tbe ye.ra
sol~I:'~~~I~~0~U:tI:ttY1~ll::: ::..e:: ;0.~~1t~ ~I~~\" 1~I~n:n~o t~e:
to"'n. P., December ~lth. Eaatotl. I .tlll take I:'ood c.re 01 th.. m .nd I
P . lJecembl!r 10th. South Betble- "'ouldn't p.rt "'llh th"m ror ..'orld."
hem, f>... December Iltb. f>oU.tu"n.
f>a .. J)ecember 12tb, Harrl.bur . P .

i~,"d::~'I:~~~A;~~mToh:.~;e~g~~::: SIX BIG CHAIRS

Louis Blondian
Barber Shop
and Cipr Store
HoIl,w.... Boulrnnl
I Compliments of
Citizens Trust & Savings Bank
&.oadway. near 3rd

MILLER'8 THBATRK -oUtltnlnl emllh.Uc.lly wh.t he

- - - - - - - - - - ._-------_.
MdllJUloKIN.'>fWI'V. OI'V.S OFFIO..:8
Miller', n .. t ..., 40wn al tbe waDted them to do. and they did II. YOn TlfY. IUW'F.:\\"NO OF
Janctlon or Bprta. and Malll U Ninth Th. comp.ny "ent to Venice, whllr" 10'11.)11'1. ";RH WITH WHOM ARRAlf
,treet p~at WIIII.t11 JIo.I:'. LlroJUC. Ill. a_turd.)' crowd wu enJoylllll MENTA HAVE BBEN HADE
11011 of Henri Bern,telo'.......te.t Ihe v.rlou. .Urllrllolli. ~To Ill" l'o:~i,,, V il~~~rr~~,~:;e~n~~~:~r)'I~I. t~l~ ~~~H~RENnr;o OF TIl,.,
pl&1. "Tbe Tlll .. r: ror ODe week. Ihlckeat "art ot Ih" crowd Ill" dln",- Tluf .. a Ifllll~lnJl unrtet Ih" nrm name
.tarUIi' Mond.)'. Bero,telo II... lor eacortlld hI. YUullK.tllr. and Ih.,u "r .'I.nIK'H" Screen Heport.. Thl. AI.o vrorramme, Inc!udln. All f
wrltt.. n t111lD)' .. uee.utul plio"', but rel"''''1 them tn ,,1>1I)' hi. nr<teu, .er~lr" I. fnr "1hlhltflr~ wh" auh- Star brand. CalUornl. M. P. Co. .
"Tb.. Tblaf" .taad.. pr--emlunt, It "'Wultry. wUllr)'. wUltry:' )'I!II,'d "rrll,,, ,,!thor y"arly ur In.!r y".rl). br.nd. LUe Photo brand, Popular
I. btl cro.llln UcoMa. And Dor- the klda "tlrtlill (lrltlln <t"rl.rolI "'11,, rt".lr" lin lI,lvllnr.. r"I'orl 011 .11 Pia, nd Playen brand. ~A.
othy Donaell,.. c",uor or Ihe lIllI. "'Ir Oil '!lIr [lull .. I i'lfll(-, wUllry f"alure nlrnll. TIlI'y h.\"" lna111 ar- WOlfe Co. brand . TllI'ao)' br 'd_
Ilrllil llrltaln lh",h'f'" "'ar "u ''''r
f:~r:~e ~::;llIt~ ~~JI~~~.A::e~t~~
.. Ilnltel f!tatlla:'
rIlUK"'U"UI. "'Ifh prU"lurer" 10 re,I",,
lu I'rh'lIl" IIml "Ilh fh" lIollrd or'
'lIlrly t1tte4hotb by nature .nd tem-
(I.rUlent to play the dlmeult leldlnll
T"'u Ihnuund l"llIl,I,. luru.'d
ItRtU"d Ily Ih" "1f"W'" Twu t!fOI'-
("nllot. 1l11 tllna, 1I11t1 Ih"lr r"lfurlM
ur ,,'" 1" .uhll,rlro,'r. allll rollow,,<t
~,~:~~~~~~'i::f~~:c:ra~r:.nd. PrOlreaa- ~ 1
role In the 1>1.)'. H.r orork ... !he .and palt1l uf II)'''' nl .. ,l Ih .. m."I"'lI f'l' llh lin In,Io!1 III 1"1'111181.. Ih" Box omee Anr.etlon Co. pro-
orl .. ln.' "M.dlm X" Italt'j"ed her on til.. n,,"'''hoYI, \"'." thOU.HUlI Uflll"'r "I k,",,, lu~ "II"h 1!lfU r"I"'rl"d jl;remH:e. Contlnental (Mutual Film
. . the ......t . t emoUoll.1 actren on IhruBla <'ailed "lIlCllrly fnr '""I,ll'. "I' "If .\I{our", .\I'.rrlllf>ff null l'Olll'll Corp_I Blinkhorp.. procramme_ 10-
tbe AlDerlc.n .ta.e. and her work III Ihe extr., IInl Iw" Ih"ulIf'IUI l'lln<l. >rf.' "'"II kn""'ll In tt, .. llfotlr)U Pl<-- eluding Deer brand. Hepworth Amerl.
"Tbe Tiller" a.4lrp.....1 .11 her I,re-
vlolll I"trorla. Supportln/t her I. an I"
::rfl~~~:~H;~~;'~;:~'~ IltlllP ltw Wlflf lur.. r.U~IrH'.~ lIu<l lh ... lr l""a. "'hlle
U,,1 Ill .. I" nUl' Wll)'. IIhrrUI<l hrlulC re-
can brand. Turner Wilma. Ltd.
~;leClrlc IJrogramme. General
aU ..lar ca.at at Ifl.yen In('ludlnll l'hnlon 1IU11 hili "III11O'rll Ufall _W",1 ."If. .IIr ~Iorrl,,"n "'". t"rn",rly ~'lIm Co"" al>ecl.1 fe:lturea. George
RIchard Bubier. Ed/t.r l.e",11 di- lerlmled lu a hull HUll "" tht't-ourf ,"nll'"',,1 "If II IIr,. Illlll>"lInl""d Ih,. Kleine'. ettractlon., KrlterlOn llro-
rected and produ('fld the play. Ind wllik at,,1 ,,'atrh.llulI'u;ll' UK til, f"/I I!"'HIII Fllru I""rl'urrllluu li:ramnlll_ Par.mollnt l,rogramme. In-
.ome Idea of el.boratene.. or the pro_ rhlne r6<'onl"" til" "'-"f", 11,,1 ('h~ "ludlng Famou. V1Ayen. Bo.worth.
ductIon m..,. be .. alned rrom the tarl Krln .. n"eIOI-"d Ih" fu,"'" "r Ill,. m,,10 l.aaky Rnd olher._
that the laWn lone are "alued .1 when tt", rUII" "' dl''''''.<r.,l. "u,1 S"ndlcate Fllnl Coo. -'Zudora:'
".'TltE (i~;r'l'IS(; FISJ.: \\",\11
over uooo th.t ~1I .. Donnelly "ear. $Ialllon hatl I" fl ak" " '."Iok "",. Warner'e reaturee. or United Film
Tb'- I. tba flral of the Bo& om,-" IIWIIJ" h"r"r" lw ""II'uu,I.lh,o.;"nt"f "Il'n-ItEM Sen Ice. In eluding ~tltlenthal br.nd.
Attraction Co:a Ilroductlon. that "'111 Ihelrat.. "'rlill-IlU."."' \\'um .. n .....(.m.. r.uwll .. TO~l Premier brand. Sa"ola brand. Star-
AI.LKS narrlH JUWINH HIIoI 1000H be abo ..'n at thla prett) the.tre 011 Till' .... t ..",en' hllM ],,,,,n wl(I"I) lh;ht brand
Io:H ItJo.'TUIlNlm TO HIS OlJ)
Ibe plate .1. . mirror acreen, "'hkh
will be tollowe:l by "The W.11. of
Jerico." "Life'. ShOlf Wlndo,, .. "The
:, ~::'I~:~ :::~.: It:I':~ 1~>'''~~~: n~1 h:~ Il~::~~ ~~:~3
IJnn rn"'UUI,r. llu,1 Ilhrrorh'lI furnllll,
T",n Terrt...... Bt.rted work tbla
week at the Kluetophote lIudlOtl at
('"u .., 1_lalld on the lIrlll of the aerlee
World'. Film Cor/ootatlon tlro-
/(ramme and Ap"1. Co.mofolollim.
C"amo. Dyreda programme, Euro-
l'r."II,IIII) .. lllh.,,"'-Il' .... llftiIUlII. "r ralno"a TerrlRa [llaro "'hlch he "'l\l l;een r'eature ~'Ilm Co .. Film Re-
Idlen.' "'The Girl I Lett Behind ~le" I,rodu<;e and Ilfar In rur Ihe Knl.HO-
DIrector Allen Curti. ot !be Unl- "A Fool There W ..... "Children of 'Ilru: Ihlll I~ ""uf rllt> f" 11,.. fruth J~ leue. or America. ~'llm" Lloyd. Great
"enal Co. joined Motlon Pleture. l'f"U"'ff ", ,'." ",,k lu I Il~ l'Alh,' I,rn- l,holll lie hart rho"en "'A ~lan. ...orlhern. Grea~ Northern Slleelal
the Gbeno: 'a"d nr:y other. of '''IUIII Shado"' .. "'hll'h he "-rot" ror hi.
abou! 18 l11onth10, .Dd hu lurne:! note .\ t"'o-reel ad:ed allrlclton jt-,II"u "'''01'' fll ,I,'row)' ,'If)' ... I"'f' lh, ~ ..al"rllll. Gr..ene. Photoplay. Hala
I. :~~~:~n ~~~:lItl::kr:::e~-:~n~oJ:::.~ m.de lor B.lbO. .nd oth .. r well
known proJuret'l ..'Ill I", ~bo"'n In
fll'"'' ", ch",1 U~~III"'-. nf"" IIh""'n
~"u. "I ,I,,' 1,,,ltl.II,,101 1'1""," Rre ""
falher. Ihe I:r..al William T .. rrlu of
Ihe Londoll Blan. and "A ~'an'"
brand. Klnetophoto. I.emund. I.e.",.
Pennant Feature". Picture l'la)'hou.e
In t1Vf! d.y", Thl. week be will bfJ- :';h.. d"K'" ""em Into r .. be.nal On ~lon_ ~'lIm Co.. Ramo. Sterling. Variety.
addltll'lI to tbe loll n"fJ-relll r",aturu h"rrll,I,- Ih"l 'f I" 1"'1",""11,1" to mak" ,Ial' afternoon.
Ilu hi. nne hundredtb pletute, en~ l'SI\-to:UKAL "Il)!'i II":" t-Ilo."i'l 'H" "I flwu, l'll"H of uul>urlerl dead I\-hltman'a Featuru, anrl many
tHled "'Foollnl ~~.ther." "'rltten by r,,,,I) I" I", '..!Ua"'l. lun/( hurl,,1 If "'1lI learned III the Klnelol,hot" "then.
The l'ol .........1 ~'Ilm M.nurarlor- "Ilkell lhe 8Ilme rI.y Ihat Anne Lu-
ClarenCfJ Badler About aeven:y- Ing Coml,an)". throUllh !t'. We.lerll 'r"uII,..~ lII1.,1 "Ith 11r .. lllanllled r.. -
five comedlee were I>rn:luced with U,"lrfH "f whlll nfl' ,. "'~r" men. IIf"l Iher. "'ho haB b"en II I.ubln atar ror
gener.' manager. hu doolllt!'! 10 tl:e 'nore lhRn a rear anrl "'ho pre,lou.
~ln: A.cher "" the come1lan. the German Red Crou enoullh bulldlnlC "u"I..,II">tIH"II,uullllltl"f8,,,n'lfl,1
11I'lance featured Wl1ll.m Fr"ner I" Ihal "'aH a member of Ihe old Re-
m.terlal to erll('t &e'er.1 In.tltutl"na J"'~"u, of "f<' ","ulllr"t "r,' "II "h,,"'n
.\lr._ A.eher h... been for &e'er.1 lIan,'" ('ompRn)' whert! "he went to
In Nurenburg. The bo.pltal III tbla :"... h r"aliHlU fll. "f ,,"'t~", "u",t"I,'",1
month.....Ith the Sterlln~ Co .. hut kadR wtlMn 1"'0 momhs Rfter ha,-Ing
town In G"rmany ..... burned to Ihro f"r p"fd!r "ho"'lu~
t(>Ck the OPI,ortunlty of thl. Olle W,1t I'fr l"r"~ >tn- .ft I~ I'U,'....n
""en ('all rur h"r IIrlll "'-'reen drama.
ground . nd thoae "'ho "'ere III nlll',1 h"a been "hoa"" hr \lr. TerrI ... to
hundredth L>lelure to returu to Dlrec- of medical .ttentlon were Ihro"'n on ,11Inc.ull 1";:"',1>"1 flr,IH"lUU("j'H"""
lor Curtle to .tay. The Joker Co pia)' "l'l'osll" t" him In the ne'" pIece.
hili now the old cut.....lth Ihe e1
\0 the popul.ce. Homet. for the need) lu Ih.- "lIclr ,'aJ'~ "f 'h, "-ar II IH
:';1", will hn,'" Ihe Pllrl "f thl-' ""Ife In
, !
an<t the "'ounded "'l\l no"" 10" hullt Inlo'r"~II"1I: I" ,"':,. Ih"l "WillI: ,,, th"
Capllon or tile ne"" leldlnll. ""oman. ".\ .'Ian" Shadow ..
nll",'nc,' "I n"'BI .... hl.'-I""ll .. d ~r .. n ... h
Mlu LllIlan Peacock. " late artl',,1 .\tlAR 1.uther IR nof on\l' knO"'n for
mnl:\l(I) !'iT.-\STOS )IAIiJ.:H :':.Ul.HI ",,u "n th,' lIrln;: IIH" th"l 1'"11,,, h,,~
from New York. G.le Henr)". Ihe h"r h,,"uI)". "'hkh lI:alneti ror her the
I'IWPLE In-\" III!> "KlTUA._" I..,u <lrll"" I', fl'" n"""ulf)' "f uHinll: llllo'a "'The f'ORf .. r (;Irl" an<t "TIle
char"cter comedleDne ot the comp.ny wom"11 aH ""nfl'r'Of,"" TIl>" BllI:hl "f
at111 dellghta her audlencea and Rlch.rd St.nton. arlor-dlrertot 01 ~tflh ,\'..""e (ilrl." IoUI alao for lhe
th".,I'''II", ',"m,r""',,n"!I." frud;:
crltll~.. declare ~tlllJl Henry to be the the In"e fotces, .olled a lfro!>lem re man)' <larln/( lhlnl/:a K'hlch Bhe hili
lUll: ,,110111: "flh ,'"m,'r. an,1 h.. llftr
funnle.t woman on the eCreen to- cently Ihat "'ould ha"e haNled. not don" In l'lrturea. Belnl': Ihro"'11 (rom
h"" I"'(''''H'' II lafrl)' f'''''''''Utl BIlI:hl In .ll or"An lIn"r. ""Ino: hurled from"
d.y. She h." heen with ~lr. Curtlfi 10 8Ily nuper.ted Olher. of hla call- l'arlH lll.r"l",rledth"llh,,)-hl"'
e"er alnce her arrh'al at the Un 1- In/(, He Will enlaKef In the produc- ...Ifl aoto 011' th" end of a l,l .. r and
I'''''''''' 11"m~'l",,, 'lul"k tu learn, n'_ "Iher "lmJler .. atunt ... ha'e bl'l'n to
"er"a!. and her "'ork h.1l been wlth- lion ot "A Political Feud," a grip- II'll,!.' ""oj ""ml,l'!""1 af'" c"rllllul)
ot/t Il doubt without equal. Olher Irlnll Ince fe.ture. tre.lIng "t a poor _ Ih,,", "'1,,, Ill"'mupan)' lh, KrrU)' f"c
h .. r Ih" K'ork of Ihe day
mum be", of the cOml,an)' who bll\"" hoy'a rl.e 10 Iluccen. nd wall I>t!r She "'aa horn In ;..:....ark. ;..:, J .. uot
II,, 1',,11,.. ."-"H hal ~ ,.h,,"'ll I'I"Ul)'
.0 I'cr)' mallr yeara ago aud "'ent In
Ileen "'Ith ~I r. Curti" are William pIned III to how 10 obt.ln reall.m
for a po.t~lectioo .cene TI,I. tal"ul"'1 Ball,,,.. ""IT WII" . ,1"
"f ,,,,n., lI,. ",.I! Ill_ ,.",'"",1 In- for 1,if'lure. about :"'0 and a helf
Franey and Ralph McCorn.", Iloth .1 :0,,' "H I h,'~- hR'" I,,'"''
"hie I., 1:,'1 -,"eara 811:0. Sh.. haa alwaya belln an
cnmedl.n. wllh a aph.'lldh1 IIcreen
reputation. Ih:~,~esa:~: olfn a =:~II~~ :reon~~'~deC;1 ral ..d IIt:';1 .Io.,ph.. ('''f'',''LI, ,'h"HI fnl,I,,,,.,, ,,h,r"''''U.. rRnWll "'-"r.. n,,'
athletl" I/:Irl lInd fond or dandnl': aa
cHedlr I,urch. .lng ne"'apaper ellna nul lIlI!. I'hllad .. ll,hl" H,t IlrM ,,11""-"<1, "hl"h ~,,,'a I" Hh"w Ih~1 ,,',,11 aR out-ol-donr allort,.. In dan,'-
hUll."" ',alur~ i" f h, ~l\Ul" ""C)
c"ntalnill/( accouots of the trlllmph nwtlnn p,rtu,, ,xl,.. r1"h'-,.~ ""~ "llh lUll: .he hall won maur rUpll lind hall
'~h"r,- "u,l lhal a l,n'll)' lo'mlnl""
r"N!I' ..d almoal 811 maUl nffe ... to /(J
The ",an-.cement or the Strantl
of one o( the caodldalea.
.,ene deJIll(Ded 10 be one at th"
It ..aa a the 1l10t(rK"h CUU:l,.. n) l"l"'n 1"1.1",,
..d an enlt"I((H1Wnf "f "".,,.. P'''' "-flh
1,,,,, "U.! 1,1>'IIH:II,f ",,,i"
ha"~' a "on
on Ihe alalte In danclnl( aClll. hut ahe
Theater. who are alwa)'11 on the look- Dunches"' In the ~tor,' and Stan to" the ln!l'.. r.,,1 \'"mplln,. ";h, lIuall~' :~:;;t,':.~ f,,'I.. n... f" "'('r<>'"nlrrl: ,llln "hc l,referH the ".\lo,lea" a"d haa ,Ie
out to pleul! their Immense audl alllllH man)" anxlolla momellta pl.,,- wea ell/(all: .. d h)" Ih .. Hallo"" ,'''1I11n,u_, I,-.rmltwd tn 81;I'k 10 lhem ANNA LUTHER
encee. have added an l!1tra realure lling Oll a meane of aucceaafully to pi",. Ill/(enue and It'II,II1111: r"I"B, lu
whlcb l~ not only making the hlg lbl! "lIboollng" the l,leture "'hh'h ('lIpadl)' ahe h,... lI1a,I, 'uot> "",n,,' "f .11.. ~, ...... I'la,lol( IU 11",
ater pro.per. but really amu~lnto: DurlllJl a quiet moment of a rl'at- thAn /(0011_ R""", "f h"r lul,.f au~ I._ s. 1I"lh_l,r.., ,,1 "1_" J. \'10'. l"a .. 1 !;....k... I... "'ho takll1l Ihe part I.e., \\-hlt.e "'Ila locked In a trunk
lhe,' have added a ynung Ruaslan leas nlgbt he hit UllOn a "Cherne. An<t CellJl"H ha,'" !>""n In "It"",- ,,( II", I".. WIl ... ", .u', u, II ,.[allR b)' Ih",u- "f a I(ambler In Io:aaan.y. l,la). "'hlle making /I scene In Euanay.
~lollnl~t n.med ~r:ldkln. 10 enter- Ibl. la the wa)' he r.ttled II Inlo ef- All ..,. .. a play "'rlll"n 10.,' h.r""Il. .,I,,'~ wh .... It ruu",. I" "Ulerlalnlr'll: 'Bron"ho BHly'~ Judgment."' won so corned}-. "S"'eedle and the Hypnot
n the crowda with hl. eweet mu~lr ferL He aaaembled I hair dOlen and I" ,,-h!ch ah .. "'II~ f""fUr.. d ~1I." "",1 Ha1td.,lnll: 11", n,,'HI oba .. n-Rnt an,l much mon"y In th .. !'ame lh.1 he "-Ill lit" He wllll_unahle to bre.k It open I
He reel. are beln!:: changed. entl hOYll. garbed them a~ .. o ......le... and Saunde .... wa" .llu f"lIturo'd Ilf "Will 1':lTllrulf,r alulwn""a lhat 1'"ltuUI7.' In a blue funk a whol .. dAy after- and when the 11<1 "'Aa pried all' he
audlencee are ellJoyln.l: thl~ al"'" aUPI'"ed them each with all armfu: ,,' The WI"I'."' "Ruulo.."rn."' . I.ItO.. th .. rn()~1 bellutlful an,l IRr~ .... >un- "'~rdll beraUII. il "a. onl)' .ta/te ".:u.,.',....
Pllll ror .Ir like a bh Ollt 0

I:=:===:o:,:,":":,u:.::n:.:":":.:,u:,:":,,:,,,,:,:":.m~~,.:,,:._._,"_'_'_'l_h_"': ~.":.~_"_'_l_h.:':'O:':"'=~=====::=~_="':"'::':':'::_=:-:~"t:==.

Live Merchants
LONG BEACH Long Beach Lumber Company
We Furnish the Home Complete 905 East Third.St.
We furnl.hed PUI of tbe Furolture uaed by th ..
Long Beach
Balboa Feature Film Co.
In the production at their l.licturea. There II Long Beach's
nothlng too large Or too .mall to have our ('are_ Newes! Hotel
tUI attention_
Corner Amerka" :\ve_ ....d Broadwa,..
Loac Be&do, Calif""";"" Betwetn Pine and Pacific Avcnuts FIIfni.hce .11 Lumber to the Balboa AmUICmenl
Facing the Ocean Producing Co.
-A new. high-class, absolutely fireproof hotel.
equipped with every modern convenience. Cen-
trally located. opposite Pine Avenue Pier.
Special Weekly and Monthly Rates
Rates Per Day:
George A. Dex~~.p~~:~;:y S. Stonaker.


All Auto Supplies and Repairs This Space Represents 5000 Votes for Balboa Amusement Producing Co.
For Balboa A~ ProduciJlg Co. Our Favorite - i~ in the lead, This time they show
F..,.;,)"d b, their great fore~i~ht Ii)" buying two more new
"JACKIE" SAUNDERS Ford touring- cars, which add greatly to their
BALDWIN GARAGE efficiency (If Iheir already large Reet of auto-

Photoplayers W~ekl; Popularity Conlest

mobile~. purchas...d from Fr...eman A. McKen-
Add- zie. City Garage.
L-. ..... ~,.r.Mp.... UeedF....
250 Locust Ave Long Beach H. S. CALLAHAN s.cODd H..:rc::::~p p,a.' . ~..:;{ .l
FURNITURE CO. Can SeW _.Ilu,. ,.,.....,.
Long Beach California

W. P. FULLER.247 Pine Ave.

Paints ~nd'Oils

,. ~

l-....cs... of u.. Hcu: 0tIc'e AUrlo<'- rUOId. And It thl. wefe not Inou.h
tk-. ~ , UMI .... Who 10 lneltt! rlvolt, their nlm elcbanllli Bro.dwa,10
~.MoYNlk- OI'Uded exhorbltut .ervlc. ehar...-

WllU"1l:l Jl'ol. I. few montbl ".0. I .. t

Ill. tbe ol'lloee ot tbe torll.ler m .. u r
of I. brall.cb u:cball..e of Tbe DOl at-
any prlel It. Innllt"d 100n.e or 1II1_hl
When It wn dl .."overed thllt ,uhllo-
Hon wllrll mllkloll lumellllll motlllY to
IUI'I,ort thell' f"o'lIln In COlntofl, the
ftce AUr,cUoll. Compan,.. At the t.l- Irult 1IJ:lld ollch llXhllJil"r I wu dollan PRESS SYNDICATE OR. SETH D. PERKINS. Mm.,:'
.pbone w. . lb. m .. n.... r COllnlK't" .. w.ek rOf the UIIl lOt II m ..chloll GANIZED
wUh I. 100. dlltanee call .. nd Mr. whleh he h .. d houa:hl and 1'.ld tor
Smith al tb. otber end want.d I fel- yeln beror. lind which '1'"
hi. rlllhi' I.;II\\'IS llU\\'Y,lt 1"':HH~:11
IUl8 80ath Hal. 8t.
til,. for tbr.. d..,.. It .....11 .. hll tul property. No 01111 rondllctlnll .-'(aSH f.;lll'ruJ(
w..... Ill. bll tOWD, atld be wu anJ:loul .tudlo. no producer, 110 llXhlbltor WII.
to pt lometbln. "el:tr.. lpecl..I"- Immun. trolll cOltly 1I11...UOll
aDd wu wllllni to P&1' ainloat .. ny Of coune th.re WI.I .. nlOtlun plr-
llrlee. H. _ .. rrte~ Immdl.. le ..nice. ture I'llmerll 'Ihlll II tlill not mole.1.
I I hi.. o.n rerular eacban.e h ..d but-
Thli "all:tHIl w.1 1101 ..."rlh Ihll ~I
tbl'O.1I hlll:l do.n 1111II_ly. Th'l"1l
wu ODly oo DOd bll f. .ture of olin 1lI01l'heric Il,arll It orcul,led. 11 lin- A personally selected program
",llrld thtl porpnillof thlllrull. ho.... -
:rr:~, b~~~n~:.rbel~r.:C:~I~lb~ .. 1"'llr-IlI\'1l tl I rhllll''' 10 l.h~,1 thK' from the best releases
centl" and wUb 1t...Il.. ned Illr It ...... nol Il m01l11llOly.
GEO.H.MELFORD quoted II llllUI"1l Ihat
orbU.. nl. Tbe deal w
\lalpably el-
eloaed. ~If.
~'llllllllK ,ecore, Ihll ~lollon 1',,"llIr..
l'IlI\lnl, ('oOlllllny IIIHI II... lllel lire ... of the day
DIRIIlCTING Fox qulelly Inqull"1ld whllt It ........ 11 1",ldllr, It 1"11. II PrlnlO ror a" ,'.'
ftboul. lakllllnylhllLK Ih"J(rl""ly ,,"IOI"'.nf NOT
HARRY woonUllJ." -
For ~ ~ PJar Comp&lQ',
A Corporation Program
ALLEN CURTIS. Beat Comcdie. Ind Cotne<li.... ocI D.amal .1"!aYI


Hollywood G. HOme S7007. PLETED
'"Hill TIlt-: fa)OIl OF Tift-: j.tn;E"
MANUFACTURING OOMPAX\ Im"~Llm )-'OR .100,000 '
L. H. 8che~r, F""!t"';""I"I,Io,(,,,,",.',Io, l I e l _ On ~I.r Program
tlr.' ~""I"r l'fl"I""'I"" '" I,, "om-
The ne ..... I) organized Aleo Film
Loc.tlon M.n .. ger, Corporallon. under the.. peraldency or
Hollywood, c.morlll. ' 1'1"' .. I.lu...II""rlt;'n'Zallo" .,r lit"
... r"l1d ~e.'nr """"'<ly '"".l'aU)' a' W.lter Hott Seely. bel!:.n Ihelr ca-
I h.. I' nl,"r",,,,) \\""., t 'oa,1l 81ud lo~, i'" reer lhll week by annOOllclnll" tbal
""IIlI,It'!t> l. bKnl"hlll~ "'11" ,1",,101 HI It> the franchise ot Ihe C.llfornl. Mo-
Harry Schumm 1,, "dd.ul,Jllt)' "r,I,, " ...... 111"111". lion Plclure Corlloratloo ..... allowed
juvenile Lead lI"n Ihul "'''')' h'", ".11101 .. ,1 I" Ih,. to I.p.e .and tbllt In Ihe fulore an-
olher ...ell-kno...n prodoclng company
FRANCIS FORD CO. ",h"l", "r '''')' <or Ih.. rOffil""'}' "."rll
...ould relllaee the We.terll org.olu.-
UNIVERSAL II",. "For ,h, (:"",1 "f llll' ('a"I1""
1.',r..",I,",,,,,I)'. rull)'''fcl ..",n, hor' lion.
~"I f"ll <or th, ~:OIl'" .un Ihal h",. ~Ir, Seely lind hi. 8.IIOelates. UllOll
""rllrlerlt,' I 110" ,",,.Iur "nn'edy l,r" Ihe eUmlnaU"o ot certain other dl-
reclor. began a campaign to procure
MILLARD K. WILSON <IUl"t!<lll" I" th, I'K"", In "'ddilion I"
&ever.l other producing firma of"tlie
!l'1I r"I:"'",r r".1 <or l.,.,. ,\l<HKn. ~:ldl,.
juvenile Lealia 1.\ .. nw, VI"lurl", ~"Tllo. IlllrT)' 1l"1l~'" 'lualll)" ot Life-Photo Film. B. A.
UNIVERSAL I",,) IIwl SI,,1I11 ,\,Iam . llle nam"l1 "r Rolle. Popular Plays lind Players aDd
l:tIl,,"' l{hod.. Farol 1'.. 1111") '''''I The All Stir Feature Corpor.tloo.
Direction Chu- Gibtyn Mr. Wiggs of thll C.bbage Plllcb was
.I"rk 1111Iu" h",p 1"'''11 a,ld ..d 10 lh<:>
II., "I r"~oll<t .'\"Klor lolny.... 10 ha"e been relea6l!d by tbe Alec
concero this week. but ""hell atl'lln
\HTIU'I\ III'ST~:U .:S(:.Ha:s came 10 a head In I Ih.e newly .In

HAPPY 1I11.Ln: 1tt-:a:\'ES

\rlh"r ll""hr ....'llh "lfk,'. I" Ihl'
st.lled officen decided on the new
pl.nl. II ",a. thought belIt 10 lOb-
stltute Lilla C.yallerl In "Manon Lea-
I:""p')' Th""'r. 1I"lIdl"JoI. l1111lUUn"e" cault" for .\lrs. Wiggs or the C.b-
Direction Francia Ford,
Ihlll II .. 10,," J""I eultllJ(e,t HIlIl .. bilge Palch. aod Ihe C.llfornla MoUoo
Uni..erul Co. H,",,., Ih .. "rll:ln.1 ""1Jrunk'" III Ihe PIcture cOllcern withdrew trom tbe
Los Angeles, Cal. r"mo"" 'nu,I<,lll.. "k'lrh,'. of "'hleh Aleo progr.m.
~'r"'l Kl1r,,,, I't"dur.." her.. In Ihli
Prealdenl Seely. eommentlog 00
"'",nrr) A ,",llIht In II" ~:nI:1l8h the radlclIl change, merely Bald that
,t".I< 11;<11."' ""dolh .. r. an E.alerll producer wI.' relldy 10
Holly G Home 57007 ,\It II."",,. IOw,l" " d('rhlt~,J "'n<l slel' IlltO Ihe Alco program and tbay...
,1111011''''1 hi', ...'llh I\lllludll'lwes and \\ 11.1.1.\.\1 ( ...\11",0011 sow WITH
UNIVERSAL FILM Till-: I"SI\EHS.-U. Ihls made lhe Aleo cooslderably
"III no ,10,,101 ronllnu" 10 I'le""" In Ilrooger and brougbt .11 the pro-
AC'I'UJUNG OOMPANY It". 1'1..1" r.." a", ...... Il Th" till" or Ih, dllClll~ COllccrns Into direct louch
JACK WHITE IIr.1 flhIII" ,,'III 10,' "Oh~ Whlll " F"rm...- .\moerlr"" SI"r Will 1'111)'
With lI\1p ... lth the p.rellt comp.ny, Tbe m.t-
,'\Id,j' .\"" '",Irunk" .. om,,llan ~Ir ler of shlpplnll" printing. prlnta of the
il ...',. llllK "" e'lu'll. "nd hlB Irkk nlml. ell., trom tbe Paelftc eoaat to
OOD. CAL. William 1;l\r.'ood ..... ho mild" .urh

r",IIK h"," "lwa)'11 ra"""d al'a"Ol. "f
....l"" II!' "'r -.:'<t l~\t\l'!l ~Illll:!.\l~.,. "" "o,'lalol.. rel,ulilton na I",adllll!: mall
of Ihe Thllbhooeer and Am"rrean
("OI"IIMnlell. ha. jolnd the Pnhe.... 1
grellt Illl eJ:penlotl and too ~at a
for....s I" ilia)" le.d~ In Ihe Imp l,ro- IlOlIlbl1lly of delayloll" releuea.
Th. Cre.. Room Caf. "How mudl do )'Oll ordlnarl!)" ~el
ror the lubject ~Ir, Smllh hall
hlbll"r 10 "H' ally ""I 'r"~1 l.r'"I",.
tlonll. ""rl ~"m~ "r Ill, r.. 1I1or'8 Ilw) ,lurllo"l under Ihe dlr.... Uon or Lu That tbe Aleo concern. under Ita
rolsl .. <1 UI"'" I 11, Iol'll,I'II~ 1,,,,,11<, ''-''r.. do" Ill'ndero.on .\Ir, Gllr ...ood .'a8 ne ... bo.rd ot dlreclors, and .. lib
Mo;ric Headquarters booll:ed~" he uked afler hla In'l"lrr Ihelr De'" IIOIICY JUBt In Ibe bornlng.
rll.~r;.r .. r"lI)" "o"r lell,llnl( m.n for Iht" Amerk,," Com-
...... Il~ned. meaos 10 fortlty Ita clients wltb all
in Hollywood "\Vhy. 10111)' Kel t ...enl)".lhe dnl \\" 1\ hIll .. a l'l""II" 10 "r l~' I I, I h., l> I~ Illln) un Ihe ParUlc C".SI Yl"..ben he
abaolule money-attr.ctlng prolum.
16..0j,i Cahuenge ,he,
larll II d.y. but Ihla la .n
e",ergen~y. "'OIlODOI~ "',,~ /o:r"""IIIIt \en rBl "'''1
10>lmd .. ", T" "81"hllall nl,,,,,I,,I .. dk
,I",~ldl'd 10 "!nIl"It" IIlmBelr "'Ith the
'"111,,1' "'u evidenced too thl. week wbeo
.nd SmUh h.. gOI 10 ha"e It, ao he llnnouncemelll Will. m.de that Ad.
hould pay double.'" .nswered Ihe lalorshll' ''''('f Ill.. II>ollon lol,un, Thnu/o:h Ihls brilliant )'OUnK aClor
Ke..el ot Ihe ~ew York Motion Pi ....
...'orld. IIII' .\1,,11011 I'lr,uro' !'Illenlll Is ...PI1 kno .... n In Ihe enl add hu
m,ollger. n.Herlng hlm.elr 011 hili "". m><n)" frlentl8 bOlh IlmOnK Ihe .crc@n ture CorllOraUoo .nd Mr. Seely of tbe
erring judgment. ~lr, Fol. aald nOlh ('ollll,an)' del<'rml"ed 10 IlIIR .. k II", Alro blld IIrranged 10 releaSE! tbe lre.t
(;re"l.. r ~ .....' York Flln, H.. nlll ('"m, "nd le~lntllBte pla)"eft'. h" hu l\>Cot
Compliments of Ing. but uked tor .\lr Smllh's tele- comedy. 'TUlte'" Punclured Ro-
I'"n}' WiIl'B", Fox aM pr"III,Io",1 or lhe laal 1...0 ""Sr8 on the ....1l81 rOa"1
phone llumber. II ".a nllll ThBnhouwr .llIr Ihat Gil .. hlance:' w\th ~l.rle Orealed, ... Il
Wben be gOI him. he aald . Thill thl. <,onlllllll)" ha,l 80 fnr .u<'l'ea.f"I1) regul.r unll On Ihe Alco progr.m.
.... 0"01 tlr.1 mO""d "eal. \inder Ihla
B. H. DYAS CO. ~s.P~;~e~~~ ~11~~;lg~ol~~be~m~~h mll~ d.. lI"dlhl'trulIl
ITslhr ..atllhMdlo,,,,"
(hertor..11 10 !Jill' hI" ,'011'-
".n) had Io"en mad .. h)' Ill .. TroMl
"rRod he plar.. j lesdB In the fe.tur",
l,rod"rllon.. '"l'nder T",'o Fla~.'
'"TllIle's Punctured Romance." 10
.... hlch ~1l85 Dreaaler lind Charlea
quoted you prll'e.. aod after II IlIlk 'The Woma" In While' 'and '"Lu- Chal'lIn played tbe lelldlng rolea. b ..
321-32 W. 7th St. wllh him I nlld-" an,1 had b..en reJ"<'Il'd Ill' .'". Ihl'n ulldoubll!dly caused more comment In
rel/;Br<1ed 88nn "ullll ... Allulllrllon rille" Laler he ...a8 Iran.ferr...d I"
"Well. If you w.m 10 aoak Ole I he ~I .. j"sllr Ihe Industry Ihao any other nlm ... ltb.
I"'eoty-n,'e dolilln more I'll gh'e II 10 "'lIa Illken Th Irhanl(e Ik,'n8" of In remembrllnCe. ~1a.J: Sennet. thll
Ih", (;real,.r ~e ' York ~-lIm r"ml'ln)' Th"" Ihe Amerlrlln ('omp"ny of-
you:' broke In SmHh fered OI,porlunHleB nOI 10 be o"er- director. conBlders It hi. beat ...ork
"You're a l!:ood lllOrt. Smtih." re- -00" of Ih .. IIr81 roor "'1,-h"llKe" 1'" and authorltlea claim It Is the mo.t
mEWRITERS REIITED plied Mr, FOJ:. "bul It Is I ...enlyn'll tahllshe:\ In Amerlra- ""A" rel'"ke,l. looked. Ilnd Gllr .... ood IrllnBferred hl8
.. ft"PCIS 10 Ihal comp.nys studio al highly amuslnK corned)' nlm ever
15 MONTHS FOR fl5.00 AND UP. dollars leu th.n qooted ~ly 011ln and Ihp Tr".1 JoIleefull)' nnlldl'"I",1 produced.
Ihllt ~Ir FOl ""0,,1<1 Burr.. ndl'r SII"lll Bnrhara. Cal.. where h" IP-
InlUa1 I"1lntal "ppllea If made a ml.take" l,eared 10 8 lIerl". of dram ... and The Aka Film Corporation paid
10U Plneh....... "Tbere'l oothlng the mllHer ...llh Bul .\lr F"I ...118 nOl '1,,11" r"ad)' reatures Ad. Keasel $100,000 tor the rlll"btl
TYPEWRlTBR8 OF ALL MAKES the fealore~" ..ked Smllh. au,pl 10 quit. H" prOmpl!y .'8rtP,t aull ~nd of Tllllll. Punctured Romance"
From tl15.00 to totS.OO. clou.ly forced Ihe Iru"1 InlO tOUr!. "'h",r" 118 1J.:ST.\,nt _ llAYOSSE STlTOIO alld .... tl1 release It Monday. Decem.
AllBRIOA.N" w.RITDiG HAOIIJNE "You may nd It b.ck l! II I., 1 n'elhods .... ere.tlre 10 h.. "xlHllled ber 21.
UPE)'; TO tll,sllll': I'Ro.
COMPANY. c.lled up beeau "e b.ve a one price This mo"" 1"88 b"d UI"1O nil "1\>0"1 m{""~lt...
Nloe dltl'ereot .1ylea or four-eol-
'1'16 8. 8prlq S'" 'I'0'l' 8, Hill 8 ... policy tor Illi Cllilomer, all. .11 oc lion or th" FederBI IIBltlte", "'h\ch
O .... lng 10 Ihe rnl'l Ihlll DB"ld I-Ior.-
ored plctorl.1 paper uist for tba f&-
cUloo." Mr. Smllh I, Itlll 00 the ~Ir Fox's allorneys had \lTe[lllr"d, It SIlII In IIPr .."rll' 1\"'.. ,1.1 .... , ~111l8 leue, .od ... hen Mr. Seel1 wlre::i bls
Pbolle.: Home ...6913: )fain 3969 ley hn .eol all of hIs producing
bookl or Ibe com piny. He la onll or was mild" plllin Ihllt ('onlrol nf "nr .\I!1ford hlB 10 h",r rr"dll. In nddl e:xcb.ngea thllt the f.mou. CDmlldy
ror~. 10 Lo. Angeles for the ",'111-
the best llccounll we b.'e. plllenl ""1lB not r"Kllrded 88 a monnp linn 10 lwr.I"lle ""ork, the 1,,"dlnK would be releued Deeemoor %1, tbe
! .. r. Ihe Cenlll"r studio lit Ba)"onne.
Tbl. It017 .auods old-t.lhlolled oly. bUI Ihal when the o ...n....s or " "onllln'8 I,nrls III luch lflml HI elcbanglll. doubled their prlntlnll" or
,"" .I" hu beeo otreff!d tor renl.
doeao't ll~ It lavol"l of Abe Lillcoln number or paleolo r"mlol,wd, 11 111"- nr8nd Ollera 10 HnlJe,llIe." T ...o'" ders alld announced tbelr Intention of
11.0[>01)' WaR crellled The Cenlllur .Iudlo hili. jUll! been
and tbe Golden Rule. Yet thll 1'011.- t'o1OI'IlI1.'. 'The [)r"ma and Hoy, "qulpl'el with CooI,er-lIe.,;ltt .nd bllllnll" t! like a legltlm.te produc-
.lltellt old-rublollel policy haa This pOlltloo aroosed Ihe Ko"ern ,III"." . ChrlmtOl'" ~'e.' "The lion.
Klellt"el llghla. II glaaa 10PI>l!d &nd. In
"made" William FOL Tbe hullder ot mellt. lind Ihe Del,lIrlmenl of JUBtln \:r"nt!flllher.' '"A Dollllr Sa"ed I", a
In Walhl"~lon ,.roreede,1 10 .m h poInt or equlpmllnl and arrangemenl
p.laUal picture pallces aod tbe plo \lollar ~:lIrned" "A ~llItter of 1lllth Is .econd to none III AmerIca
Deer and champion of tbe "tell-I"'ent_ Ihelrull ~:ll'lo.I"e. an,1 olher . Jane Cowl, Ihe .Iage. mOllt beau-
tblft" 'bow and the orlll"ln.lor or lhe .:..eIJn ~Ibl", pretty Weatern tiful WOmlln.... lIt be shown In tbe
",pitt week" 10 'audeville. To ll.(- ~~8!IInay IIctresl, hlB takeo up danc- All Star Feature Corpor.tlon'. pro-
h1blton of tbe couotry. ho ...ever. he Illg 18 rad. She hIB learn..d .11 Ihe duction of "The G.rden or LIe." earl)'"
I. known u tbe m.n who toulI"ht Ihe

La Valliers
lllteat.leps Ill. January.
Motion Picture OctOpUI Ind 'WOll.
Ill. addition to Mr. FOJ:' omctll alld
ItEGlSTU HASTE nnandallntere.t In tb. BoJ: omce At-
IracUoo COmp.ny. be I" and hl.l beell
- I f )ou .oold have your Zlnna Jalldioa of 8pr'tlla . .d ~a1a ~. at Nu.tb.
lOon_made ,<lit or o"ereo.t--<lr
both-read1 b1 bollday tlmll. It',
Ince 1907, tbe prealdeot or the
Oruter N York Flim Rental Com- New York's Smartest Designs One Week. lIerlnnlol Monda1. Wllllam FOJ: Pr_llll Ooroth1 Donoelly
l Creator or M.dame X I In Henri Bernstein's Powerful Drama,
not I. whit too lat..-nor a bit too panY. tbe onl1 ftlm excb.nge In Amer-
You WIll find bere yoor exact tab-
lea bandllnll" IlcenMld motloll plclure.
and not In tbe trolt. Set with Diamonds and Pearls
rtQ..fa"~lT1t..-your uaet pattern-
Up to No"em~r, 1911. the )lotIon
Plctun Pat.nta Compaoy .. whlcb
T_ ..... ~l:-,~~~,.. HM~~~UaMo
pet-10ur euet .trl....tand.rd-
.at a price YOU can aJrord to pa1. claImed control or Ivery pr.ctlclli de- 500 to Select from---$I 0 to $50
j\.Dd If yoa're Dot ,.t familiar wltb vice of tbe moylnll" pIcture Clmera
and proJeetloa: macblnes, and allo
....... ,...1 er-.-.-.._
ZlIlti.a.moD-laUortnc - bare', yoor
c'e::' \ ' .
claimed o.nenblp or the ,prockat
uNd In the bont proJecton, hlld beell
can,lnc ba"oe amonll" Independenl
Itudlo operaton, producer. aDd 11;-
315 w. 4tk st., Nov HW
Ale..... Aparbnenta
l-taol. til. Kaut eI tM at:J.
202 Nordl a-.IwaJo

z iN 'N"A'M 0stnet.
h1bltora. Tboee .ho bad InYested 20 YARI IN THE DIAMOND IIUSLNIM
mone1 In plant. alld "pparatul were
N S baraaeed, pr_nted and drlYen out
'I'OG ~ . . . . . . of buln_. Ambltlou. prodUCln
Wer. tb.arted In tbelr elforta 10 book
CoIb um.'FURS
their flltDI., and elhlblton found
ruUt,. or e"'11 lUa~d of patron-
laJq antl-trut compaol. . .ere de-
pl1"ed Of .ttraetloua.
In the bqtnnllll, to tacllItate
prompt il1ltJ1butlon, 111m ncban.e
eno lloeued. La e"'T1 prindpal city.

The I~eal Gift for Xmas

and tboN III c1aar,e ot.tb_ 4.. lt
dJreet .-lUI a.h1btton. but tbe Mo-
... """"lDa Uon PletMN -Pat_til Compan1 ....t
a ...~ -.. 1tJb;t.. ne 11_ _
III tM .....,. COlD, of me. ~ wen Cln~, u-

eI -,........ (..ttA '";.ldliItOn . . .'...... tM ",bUo boo...

:if ..>-....
~ ... *~ ltoi
, ~.,. ~ ~piolW If
, .. MMmt~"Ar LQI~ c ~
~", I


.""",==:!b::;=========-~- - -
r ..,..-~ ~ M_ LolMa .,.= beC.n her H."7 l'DIlard .od hi. Am.rlcln

\'jr,tlnla Kb1ley. alDOl JollIllIl' tb" . Myrtle Htftod.p,&II '."1. th.t Wack-
,1 =.;,
PI' at
t.e ".v_
ICI.l"Mr .t tb. 41ceaar Th. .ter'n Ball

u ..,..,., _ t u ...
F. .lllr. Comp.ny'.pent t.w d.)',
on lb. I.l.lld whleh II. . . f mil'"
elld m.d. b.r 8nt bll .ue:-
_ 10 tb. "4dllllrabl. Crtcbtoll:' trom S.ote Oarb.r lId .bar
1I'.Uly ellmpt.ny .1 "'.nl. B.rb.r.
b'b.come known th"re sa Ihll "I'lri
wltlt tb mlle." MUrh ,p.~ I. be-
Iyn Arbuckle I, 011. or tb. DlCNIt
.dapted .nd l:lllll'eol.1 actors .h. h . .
w. . .ublIQu,"l1" With H.llry _II'" I!Iver pl,,.e:l .llh. Th.,. b.vI JUlt

lIulDt..r or w.r. I.II.k.n ror
lUUer Ira "Tb. Cre.t DI"ld.... "Tbe QUIIBt" In wilich ),Iu rlt.
I'll d.\oled to her loy tbe loe.l IIIlW.
P'IIeTl Illd Ibe,. .11 r.f.r I:> b.r 10
rlnl.h.d ID .. It II No L.trt;1l11l1 W.t-
ter," the four.rllBl.r llrodne.:I try Loll ..
rortIleoalq U'Ulf' h&ulJ 8potdIwoode AltJl;u of the )tu Ft.cher II rll.turN. Rotb liolr. Pol-
hNa1l ahoalf lia
wr.t 101' tb _
a "rUc.ln 10-
"'IUl8," tor hI
~ .::e-PI.,.. tbu wtll He-a
tu.I_ReIlLllte COllIpaDY h.. b.1 I
10:lX &.lid \.rled . .,.rleIlCl 011 the
It.... He m.olfatlll dellre t.
lard .nd "I Flachar Ilk. tbe ne\O'
Ihli m.lln",. Pour lIelutT 1,lrlure.
In wblch MIn Klnlll)' hal .1'I'e.rlff
IIrll no.' nnl.hlll lI"d "Ill 1O<l0 hll r..
le'.l'd. JO."I'h lI.rrl. II I"'dln", m~n
W.ber .lId MI.. St.dmell. tbe Bot.-
.orth. Illcorpor.le1. le.dllll' wom.1I
I. . . . .Itlnc the Ilrep.ratlon tor tbe
nut photopl.y, .Illcb will Pfobabl,.
bec!ome all. .clor It .11 rl,. .1".
but Robyn Ad.lr. "The Qu..t 'I 1'- ..t Ihl' r"mllln,. .nd plly. opjlo.ll.. lie "Ceptaln CourteIT:' lIy P.J r.:l
.~ 8wtc:Itu' .. frutulll
Film Mfg. Co., Iuc.
00 "I. lI:et with tb. lernllBt .nrl of I,roacblol' completion .11.'" .ootber )tIl. Klrl!ey In .11 of Ihe rele..u. I'hlld. C.rl'eolpr.
~l~'~~ :':;i~~r~
rental oppoalUoll. HI. Illlople .re or tellurel.lo prel,.rulu...
Ibe .trie:al 'orl of Pr.lbytlll.n. 1lI",<"'"r Hlrh.r1! HI.nt"n. uf Ih.
lb. I....: t.kb at IDOIvlll ot III,.... .lId tbe tbnter to tb.n, malnl tbll IncOI eOI1l\'lnl'l url'rl.e I ,,,
S,;sc:kanl. .. lbe lat..t director eD- I!lelr IOn ..... dUlln"j for elern.1 lurn durlo" l'Je Ilro I"rllun or .,.
I ..... b,. the New York Mottoll Pie:- d.mD.tloo. Tbree IImel dId the I'ollllul Fllud. Il forlhromln I",,,
ture CorporatiOll, aDd Cb.rl.. Ra.r ,.ounl' Srol run I ....T r-l'om bOll,e 10
.pcw tbe part ot a bo" wbo _ bl. rele ........b.1 I.ntl! .muunt of n.l Fe.turi0l tb.t Clever
Join. Il:featrlc:.l troupe. Dnl)' 10 be urlll t.lenl ."ouilli. III )ollnlt.leTa I"
motbtr killed. aIld renlll" her broul'M bon:e Inl'lorlou.ly I>y I .,on Comedleone.
.IId .I>out S.nta ~I""lra. 1'.1. ....hllr'
dll.tb. beiDa blm.elf IIVN by all .t>-
IOlul.elr lie", Idea wblcb It would be
.I .. blt-. but 011 the f"urlb .lIeml'l he
".~ .utteallhll In.:l Joined. tr.vel.
thtl 111re"Ulol Illudlull .n
lor.led. I"
uor.lr to ah ... &wa.r .t tbl. tlmll.
The part IIIlw RaT ,pllllldldir.
. Sb: rNn &CO Chnla Ray wu
In", (oml'.oy. . . hl~h w.a .bout th ..
t'O,ntr~ p:lvlnlr l'erform.lIctl. of .11
lorll. A. Ibflrll "ere only fllKhl III
thl' ... rly I,.rl ot Ih" aNion of LI,,
.Iory. ['hlldr"o I,li.y lhl! ImllOrl'U1'
rohlll. lId )Ir, !'I1.nlo" "K. "IoIlIt,'1 '"
reaulllu 'hI! rllnk. "r Ihl' llIR)'''U II
wllh WlIlIll O. Wat. Ill.,.III&' .tock lh .. roml,.ny.....\ th",. I,ertorme'l T ...o Comedllll Weeki,.
.nd mu.lc.1 corned" at f'hoeliis. Arl numbl!r lIf hoy. BId Itlrl. rllnltlna: I"
.mona Dlher lIlly. the "ork. IIf Relellllnl' tbronlh
1I~<l fro,,, I!lld'L 1" b"rl'll'1I y"II"1I
tOn., .lId R.y w.. Ju.t rl.llI&' In thll Sb.kellp....e In Ihelr entirely. II II'.)'
protHlloll.1 .cale .t th.t time. and btl ..ell lnl.,;lneJ Ih.1 the I""",her. II" had "" Lro\lhl. III tlll/II"1t 'h ..
hI luld .ct In&, .od d.nce and ,....
.... lIlhll( to do .oythlllg be ,.. tilled
nt Ihl' "Ollrern .. r .. "'orklll In Lh.
IImll. On mor th.n one OI,cloll
j" ... "II...
I" Ih" 1',11
,\ lnulillud, rl!.I'olll.d
1t"1 I... Ihoul1l1 I.,. The United Motion
upon to pertorm. In tbe . .me com-
pan" the Inl:ellue J.ne t;lrb.n
YOUn~ Aitken bu pl.yed .. m.ny I I
.It eb.Tar,erl In one e'enlnlt.
;~~UI~::' ::~~: 1:;~;:~II:1l II:~' ~~~~~:::",::~'; Picture Prodncers, Ioc.
'h.. "'I"
.'bo taking .m.IFllnt. nd tbe
.ere aood arltnd. and would
help each otber O\'er Ibe roulh
I'aulll'e IhlloJ> Ig.l" .ppto.r!l'K III
.....Iern ch.raeler. tbll lime III
"Wher.. Tbe ~'orelll ~;nd . "" and
uk .. n
ra""'U 110 " . "
Th .. )'uuthr,,1 no.' ....... '""k
luth.. Illak 1I11."lIl1rk.'" ,, .. I,r 11",1
.uer.. t'd .. d I" 1",U'n>: ""'r ,h. . .r'll'"
Who Olltrlbllte Thro-p
pl.Cfl b" killdl" crltld.n'. The com' )O_I'h tHo Gra.... II l.kln,; a eh.r
""n,. dl.b'lIded 'Dd R.y .ent one '.-Ilh o:r"111 _',..r ..... I Warner'. FI!.lurei. Inc.)
.,I.. r hl"'.f!lt "'ell dlr....llua:
w.) .nd ~ialI Urb.n the other. Tbe
otb"r nllbl at :l. cb.rll) 1>.11 Ibey nlel
\\I1II.n, no,,I.n Illd t.on C'b.oe,. .r.. llit-Iollrd SI.III.." _ ..,I .\rlh"r )t.",I....
.1.0 III Ihe CLit. 0" .. "'onden wb.1 ,h....n"" .."1 ~:Illtll.h .,'1 "". IIr n
'.Dd rec:OCllltioD .... mUlu.l. )11. . I rl lll.. Buh will .I,pe.r In nelU. hi tI" .. ,..1'1111'1:" In .. ,. 1'01111 1
Urban I 1ll1 ID mu.lc.1 t'Omedy .lId ror Ibe I. l.ro,ldlnt erlee 01 .ur- )-.. ud: rorlhNHnl"l: rel... ~" of IhO'
Cb.rlel RIl)' b . . been wltb Ibe Ne .. l,rl"elI 10 tbo.. .. ho It on.. nil .. I",.....'nll>.nl",. Mr ~I.n'un I" ~, Hr rellileel from m.ny elLch.llle1
York 1I0ttOD Picture Corpol'1lUOII for
IWO ,.".n 00 .
"The ~t (''bapl:er'' II re.d,. to be
Iboup:h, ht'r 1.I"nl l.~ In Ih .. direr-
tlon of ",rloo. dr.m. onl1.
.",nk I\o.nacf' .1H1 I..... u. la...,,,
hi. bt... , wl'l!lI 1,1.)'111" " ,,'ru,,>: "ril,
d,.rarlO'r .u,b.1 to .. Il' 'TI,r..'. '" 110"
1"'u-I.lIrl l,rodu.llu". ,,hll.. \1,
"e lake ple..ure I~ re.. lvllll: the

CUI &lid uaembled 'lId .bould be one

of Ibe plc:tllree of tbe ye.r. It h ... ~:u,.~n ~n~~~mf~:b~~;ekrlnl~~.. r;r
~llIud ... I"". 1_ 'IUIIo. , to .. m .. " ... " , .
Frontier Twin Stories
tbe .dv.Dlale of Iplendld dlrectloo tb .. nelr ".lIey. ('.llfornl. durioc TIll' .'or,' r.. h.h'" ,h.. IIf.. "r" I" ,,' \\'rltteD .nd m.de r.wou. b1'
.Dd C.rlyle Bl.ck.....ell b.. "done blm lh .. produrtlon Ibere or "Th.. l'ln 111,1 .. hu. I,y hun ... n . ""I ..1",'1 .Pl.11
.elf proud" Ill' tblll ,ul>erlatlve pro- ,ht>r:' fortbl:llmlng rele... of Ih. rll lUll 10 hllTlI "'ork . u... h. In ,'.. _\tlSS 1)()1' ".""fLE"
ductloD. A Zulu "lIl.g~ or Kra.l. In.... co"'l nl", t'lIm.lLln". thrill r... all"K Ih, oorh.. m.... "f I" " .. n,I.. .\""1,, """1.1.. ",r.. ".Id""",,, I,ll" .U. K I"hrlll'Ie. :-Oelllor dlreclor de Under dlr~tloll of
w built by tb~ .Id~ of etre.m .n.d In~ wrletl or ,,'enl. hor ... p:e. "I "nl h ..11l1( .. lrNl!d I(u'ernor. It 10.. t[" .. ,I". ,,'h.. r "'0::'11 and "'h""
110' 1".I!. ,,,.d. . . one-red roo'edT. "A (i1I.1JF:RT I'. I'U~ILTOS
the Soulb Atrle.n lCenell were puI ,.OUnlt hUIII"r in the north ,,'00.:1 . ll:lt,. "lth lOll Inlr"du ...!Ioll . h""I,,>: "."". "I 11"1<,,, \' .. ;d .. ~ .1'1"lIr..d un .\lIIld I>y !'roxr' In t .. o day....'Ith
on witb \be help of m"o .. bo w. . an~ )lIaa m.um U II "d.ult'hter I,r Ih.. lh .. 1.1i Ihe heir"""'" or hb 'nnlh 'h 'r...", II... 1,,11""""0:: 'on'.. r ... I.... Mor.n. Billie Khodel .nd Johony
11,,11 h '''''rh''[rl 1'lIlon. Ile I. I'.rlln~ "And The De~

boro end lI...ld In Africa nd .. ho tnr""t.: '",lope In I rlnooo. Th" "OU .. r." "".her"om.n II .. I. a:h .." th ..
"'011 dl.tlnctlon durluc .e'erel ot Ih .. Ill .. "er", enr;::II:N In rehe.reln,; til .. "l'lmrtunlty on.. fl.,. III r ..lIenl 'I,' \\""I~~I.'!.,z [II""! 'oO' I("~~I"" ur r"n S"'ore:' "'\lh funn)' Lee llorln
n.Ute uprl.llIga tbere. WIIlI.m O. .rene. nd In ..omlnl .bout. AI Ill Ifn ..... !r""'.. I.H"tHlo". uf II ItK"K "r .~ th" lleac"n. Billie flhodu I'nd wilh
Taylor haa reaeoo to be proud ot th .. reclor \\"all.n Ed ..ard. c.U .. 1 'hI!'" ro,,dl ... lu " I'rPlI)' 11111.. ,IKUlCh"' ~". "II" . 1,, 1",,11. .. Ilk" Iri.h 1'"1''' .\lK"le) .Ih .. S,.-,.earQld ju- !-':lrce Comedy Production
t1M1t 1,lcture be produced tor the 10'.- I>.rk. lh .. r.not' lIplel BOlh "'I'r" "r Ih, rkh :-:1", ,1"'l!lol'. ,,, I... ,h,' .1"."10.", I!I ,,,,."lInkll" .... 1aL" '''"i1. "' Ille III"hol'. In the mf.n
"orlte Pl.)ers Company. !-;ltcellcnl slM .. r ur L1,,' 111,1'1 ''''I!DI) III ,'oll<l>:. 1",,1 pll" ,," 'I". .... "ul.l'' ",,'I "'hIM' II",.. )o;ddlTl.yul1adlrecIMaild I.kell
aup/>IHI .WalI given Mr. Black"'ell by ~~~:I:I~? 1~~~"lltr~ek~~)r~::;~t{'I~11!I~~;~ 1"I..t .. r 11("11,,' 1"'0 ""," rll" r"r 1"'ro,,1 !i". I""d III "Wh"n Cupid H.. lped II Archer McMackin
RUlh H.rtman. John Sheeh.n. Will "f lhe srlrl!" Sh.. did not ne<!<l hi" I(ll,' .. rnor n" "lq'O"'"g lkk .. l" .,"l th. \.1,:.. ,. " ",. ",.1, ""llI" Tlohr." "'Ilh I...... ~lor.ll .M tb" de-
l.m Brunton. H.rry Kern.n and hl!ll'. ho"e'er. for .he her.elf II .n ~Irl. ,,'110 ........ hlld h.d l"",n 10 .. Thu'k.,,: MIllo! 1'" I n.lllh' " [,"'11"" .n1 ..ith "Irk,- )o'ord" Ind Wl:h Yean of Suc_ with
It ioI ""-~:r 10 undentand "'hy I.u
"lLpl'rl ""'lmmer BOlh p:ruped Ih ..
o ...'r'urn ..d r.OOt' .01 ,,'ere h.uled
Irll:ndl:d. Irll.lr"". Ih" .11 .. ",1" "I
her br"Ih.. r '" ruill lh .. IllI... r r~".ll
k,,,,. .. I It "'~II '1Il0::" I.no:: .. "I"....
.'nna 1.1111.. I. k{'O'I,lnl UI' lin ,i:ood
I'"nny Ferol In Ihe r8lt. The Net.
lur" cOlDl!dl.... 3r .. sl,,I.)....llh Uft.
Tbe E... n.".
du. HenderlOn. the ,et"r.u dlrectr.r. 10 .hore by tb" otben of Ih .. conI <I" ..... rh~"....... I .. 1,,"110"
"",11. I" ... h.ll~.. 1 1.1"1'1:' und .. r th .. 110111111. ~oo-,dnH>l
.nd William Gar,,ood. leading m.o. p.n) Then BoI'1.,;e I.od MI.. "'.um Frun, .Ur' 1<.1 n"I." II... ""'T) ,. ,1i ...... I1"" "r '"l.. Tllr"t-r. nd Iht' haM )0;'1.... I... l'ialn' of Ihe ~ll,; coo,_ STUDIO
m.ke luch .plendld worklolt h.d '0 b...k 10 'he .un ror .11. hour r.. :,I.., .. "Uh ".,Ulol( IIId:lrnllo .' " I,arl "'h;rh ... h"" h... III"nly "II"'" I':'''r II t.<dlblna: "p hl. I"'o-reeler
"Ie.m: All II ..... In Ihe old Th.o. 1I,I>i1ll'". f"r a.U"" :-:,,,r,lol' a. " . Th.. ".u,,r lJ) .. II .;u~r of the chn
::~o~~~..,' .... r.. 11.le to l.rOl"f!'ed ..'Ith n"hl 1000I II I"" ' ..... r .""lfo"l a,,1
406 Co"" St., .... ""'..... Cal.
bouler .nd ~1.Jeelic day. 110 It "'1Il hi ""o)r ,,' ,.... U....... b"Il'>: " ........ n. "h.. In" .. rll" (urluDe rron, "ar.'Onr"rne:l mOre "'llh cb.raeler-
be In Ihe futurt!. for bolb Ire .rllet. 1I ...1II t... "Ira.ne:e .'hen"A ..01111 .... 1 Ihrlllln,; .nd r" . Il" I' .lTr., n,." "'''fl I, I", ..d hrr .nd .h.. 'ullOlll '''.n "'111: .ctu.l tl!tbllllll
'_eo" .." "r'.1 fur.... Sh" ll:h'u
.od both are l:eOlleOlell 'n the belt reud:' .n lore le.ture treltlOll: of .n ~1~'~I~~r"'~~rr~ Slel~I~~~o~:,ro:~
Ib;' 1;~~~e7r' ll~~',,~~:~~:~.~'\~ .lId
u_ or tbe word. Tbere I. Ih.1 per- llrrblo. rl .... 10 ...orldly .ure"... I. r..- "I ,11.1111."11<", I.. tbl! .... 0 dll!"r.nl
fect undentandlnl: "'bleb Iud. to lel.&r<i to 001 .. "'llh ,,hat. lloe decrtll' I "'um.n. rh.r.elt'r .nd .. h.rmlnl( In "period" coetum....
Ibe mo.t sali.f)log reallili. Tbelr "nl,blr.a) tolll In Ih .. 1..o,r....1 .\1. 1,1.,,, "lIh '"urh Itren,;11l III Ibe III' ';uy Olio", pl.)" OPltfllll\-, her In bl.
"t perfeclion bo'b Kirh.rd Siaoion J... tlr f... lur\-,. Th.. (lId )O"llherman.
..ork I. bollnd to be Interutlfll. and Arlbur ll.ude bl"" l>e .... ollitled ' .. r I,.r' of Ih .. 1.lrlu~", llig ",UlaAI u.. u.1 nni.h .. l m.Oller
-." T1D~r .ttldeot.llr becom~1 S:or)':' produ .....d bT Joho II O'Urien "nd rll hl r.lnc 10, \nna Ullle.
Ibe college youlh llr Stan Ion h.. SpoltilwGOd.. Allkrn. K ,. W.I.h
le.dlnc llgur~ In dh'orce I'r~d h .1 loo!: .uoc.Iat;on "'lIb Ihe Amer' Il .. r'_rt K I;n~,n ""d \\'IHhn, 11~:J.I.\S(~: nl)II'.\:"'\ I'mm"I":"
Inle 10 the fourl_IIlh of the "Dill" J.ck COIIW,,, .nl M.rr Alden u .. Ih.. Wor'hllla:lUo ".\ (HII.)) n .. (<1111:'
kan lI.le. ,,bll.. ~Ir. ~I.ude Ilequ.ll,
.erie-. wbere .he la featured u Ethel. prlnrlpil. In th" rl.at ... I'. .\lri.O...... n "hu "". 'I'r.... 'lllll:
the alenogr.ph"r. 1.la}lojl; OPI~lh!
... "'ell koo"'n In )o:o"lllh Iheatrlc:.1
drclel_ Thl . ot rou me.nl Ihat
'1 hI' Old Fllhl'rm.o. Slory" .. ,II .1Id kl"l( Ih.. h.... ~ I d In Th .. Ih.~h;~~~_I:::""'r~:I,:~:.n,:.~l'~~~l~dr;:;
T.mm.n,. Young.... ho I. aK.ln leen he a ~'.J".lh r~I ........ I.aU ur Ih .. 1I.~"rd. lOr 1..1..,,' _rl I 1111 In ~: ...I: "rlll .. n br C)ru. TO.nHOd
nenh .. r of the .CIO I Irlpllojl llulu.1 pro,;r.n,
In tbe role ot Bill. the omce boy The" .re br 110 m".n. .eler.n 1,I.y ,,,.. :-:'.I.. r~ 11""1.;'.1 On eh" da' hI' 1l.~'I,. I, Is belnll: dlr.ct\-' I b)' Jobn
Etllel I. greatly cb.grlnned .ben .r'e f.. ll fru", Ihr "'lrlr"l,h f",l .. 8nd frar
tlnd. ber ne ... loeaU'11I a menled man
el"l'" bUI II b . . . ff! hrl Ib.l th ..) .r..
beyond tbe .11:" of book. Illd Ihe rIO"" ".:'.:7 ,;~~"'.n~. ~~~~~~:'~rtf:~I ..IO~:~~ 'or.. , h,. ~... hl. 1>0"". hl~ I.. ~dl"o: ".
l." 1l"lIn .. ~ "u "ut of 1 1i
.\l!oln at thf! R~ll.nre Ind M
~lu,u.I .ludIOl.

~ __ Ineldeo'
h:fD'Y~;: wb:;~ :~.~t~"o~:e~ pll.. ~

-.\:;t: reI """"c!l p(l::::ln :: ~:;:Ji:'I:"

I;our wh"n ah" lin' .. 3m' I" 1'.11
:"r.'~~ S~" I.. n,:.. rl :'1 1...1 A,.~ .. !.. ,....
Rl." It ..
! .. r 'h .. IIr., tl". 'n " .... w !JJ.! ~hr
I.. ".\ ChIld of God" I. 1"ltt I I.'
,.~,. h .:u" or I ;,~ ~ .", ""!l""'1 ,li.,
. .lIy c"ta dlellt for hOJr em )'outb "'lIh ao air of Idoleacenet ,hal :n J.nu.ry ... h.. n ''"I"lI r".. l lIbou, h.d I....." Ihr".:"" .. 1 "'thl'n.."",o"'110 r"O::'"'.. ""n "I ~ mIt,. from. "'HII.
ployer. wbo I. an .ttorney nd tile I. rem.rk.bl... Ont' of Ihe blo: ~ dime. pier. In :"'I!" York and III
Th. f"lIo"'ln( da,' "II'" h"r., tht' b,d t""~h r"nrh", 1" I rleln ..... ut cllln
brul.1 llnband gelll hi. JUit df!lf!rt., puncb",a" of Ihe alorr Ot'rU'" .. htle .1<1 .. 01 ~lrI;O"'." "'ho ,,'111 nUl t.p "I'h ~n ob)ffl In IIf" Thll man
~h .. ". Itoln,; eo dl"ner Ihal ... ",nln,;
Too Ilro ... nlng 1I1,pu.re u the .Ilor durlnR the ."lIon of Ihe pIe".,. Stan .h" Il!lel,t1o" ..,1 lhll ..1.. ,11. III' ,h.. ho, .. 1 "",und ror "Olll" <I'll" ~"I Mr"rr. "'11,;1",,: h.. (onshl" .... 'hI! Ill-
ney. Ion and ~Iaude ar.. al collellll .nd Ih .. ) Lo h.ve n, .. ,loll.rl "'url" or h .. , 1."01_ ';1 ", ,. a ",'r,' r~f' ... I"nK hi ... Ill) "nrlelln ttlina:. Ill! In'... a ,i:lrl
t.Inlia Grlmlh of the .\11Il:~ Com I>oth seize th .. nl'IlOrIUnll)' llrant,,1 fs"orl'" n""llr. . .'n, I" h..' room """"K I'.. r n :-:1,.. I~ J"" BII n~h.' "Ith I,ll 'he llalSl""~I.... rdor of 8"n
l,an!" la througll ""illl horae. u' Ihe them 10 acore "1"""lly during tb" tim .. T"lp}' ramll Ul' ,,hll> "h Oll' ."d .1'1'.. ~llnr: M 1,, ..... In 'hl) ,IIIYI "f 11,.. "''''l, She r"I'Udll.'''~ hili, hr.
ruult of a lillie milt-up Ihat .he h.d thallhpy .... t-re .. I'''dlnlll.dl.eendl .. ,,"tl"nh .. rr ..llIrlllh. urprl ... 1 ""..".h." 'r"opln.:lIndlu..,.... ['~II~(o or III .. "har.c'l't One dB, Ihere
not lont: ago. She and Aul.l.nl 01 hR~ "'I' ,"r,... a h"r h,:,,1 In Lht' .Ilghl- ..om... " Kr .. at rh.llge In hll IHt lie
Geol'lt" S1.eKn>lInn. 1lle "'ell knn"'n to lI11d .I>on' l>u.h ...1 "f 1h.. frllra,,'
l"t>clor Flemlog ...ere ...or1l.lnill In Ioo-'m. on h.. r labl.. Sb .. ltl"ulh'
".1 II ... IIo,nll. "f II:r.... llnll: I. aa 1. forr.. ,1 I" read th .. Hilde Ami tbeo
I,lt.'ture In ""llleh the .cllon called "be..'"'' m.n. hi. uO"' I>r.n"hed out
a dlreclor II.. II dlrecllnlt Ib .. Ihlt IIOme ml.lak" h.d 1>...." ",.d.
"'II.,.n,, a. ,<,\ and Ih" on I}" dllt.r. 'h, in" .. r m.n In blmlll'lf i ....Ikened. Store No.2
tor Ihem 10 drl"e r.l,ldly 1'''1 Ihe
e... mer. In a I>uggr dr.wn br 1"0 nery
t,,o-re..1 .\Ialeall" realure. ""en and "'II lr... tly "'orrl"d Ie.' Ihe 1...
,phI 1i... I" fur "'hlOl look .. d 10 b'"
""" .. I. ,b, ... ",,,I.. rllli lmpro'emen,
I" h"r "rr .nd oh' ho ... Ihe h
11(0 lill!rall)' nghlll hla .... ). '0 Ihe .Ide
"r Ihp "om.n he 10"1'11 In Irue "ell.
147 ",ut 5th Street
/;e.nce I" ~llne:' \O'rltl.o by Fr.nk .. urk 1 "n,1 .Iudhd 10 attain hl!r Title In.uuoee 8ulldlng
.u~ed.. Wben Ihey b.d dulled 1' llr.."d,,.,. ",.... like ne.rly a milll.", "rn ""Ie h" Ibr"'hl!ll hll rh.1 .nd
1::. Wood.. Billie Welt III fn.IU,~d
Ihe lenabe . .ked ~Ir. Flemhlg 10
.Iow up. nd he relllled Ihllt Ihe
.1 IrUlllnll: country clr!. "'ho I. [1,,"..... A" l"l ..nle .. ,,'llh the rlerlt
r"h,,"ed h... min'!' bu' Ibe h lO'
"r 111 a'.,,,Unc Oil Ih .. mollon pic
Illre .1I,;e. MI... (;t.Unl I. dolnr::
"I"" Ib" II:lrl In IIplte of hetHlf
\ C'hlld of God"" .bound. . .Ith
hortea "'ere out o[ conlrol. The)'
lrkked Inlo goloe: throusb mock
t .. n o"e, h"r h.bll "I ItPIIlnlt QUu"
"I .. rllllit work "'lIh Ih.. :-Ot'... ,'",k lhtllllnlt IIltuationa Olle of Ibe
marrl.ge c:eremollY .. Uh "tlr Touth
.t.a,.ed [or the big .how. "'blcb end-
eJ ver,. fortuoatelr .beD Ihe horetl
b.d dll!ereDc:e of opinion to
The m.n I...'... ber .nd Ihell m.rr'"
rkh !tlrl. "'ho b .. t>eeo Hllllt:le I ror
." n,.nr
Wr- T"n, )tb Ihlt..d Itle loll 'ea
.h.rl..... It.,.
\1",1"" Pklure I'orl'orall"n
.nll ~;nl<l .\I.rk..) .r..
1111.1. Ih. 1.,lnd.,.1 rhar.''era In Th..
..... n....ho"1 ho .. 1M. rllnrbe. rud.
Ihp Itlhle ror Ibe llral 'Ime. "'hen he
I. I're""d inlo .... n-Ic:e .. ll:odf.th\-,r
him b}' bl. falher Tbe pl.n of r" "ue .cene In Th.. Thunderlnl: Hprd"
.. hlcb .Ide of a tree the)' .bould go. Furlun". of "'lOr' M 'hrllllnll: .'nrr of 10 I>aby. wboae motber II d,.llIl.
One went one ...,. .nd tbe other '"nll:e carried out I>T tile Ilrl 01.11. .... it .,.me ne.r.. r '0 b .. ln r ... 1 r".-
thl. relellt! .n ucellent ott.. rl".-. W eh..." ... l... n r..."I"'I"". lu.t r.. I.. ,H1I This II Ibe beglllnioil! of bl. right 10
Ibe otber, .nd the bugCY ..... lett 10 "ue Lh.n h.d been Int"od"d In hla 10, -hun, .. 11 Inr.. The ""r,' hl"~"..
Ihe middle. ~o olle w.. hurt. bUI
"no more."
~TTUe Sl~man I tlll 1,I.ylllg In
E. La.rence h ... tbe role of Ibe clly
you Lb. Ith Floreoee Crawtord .1>--
pearlnc Ib .. glrl'l mOlber. Sleg
.... II.lant .."de.'or 10 .Ikk 10 Ih ..
n'.IIIIe-. h.. plckl'd out a h"T1te tor
u.e..le E"uJIl In rldp Ihu ..... 110 An.erl('an
.!>oUI th" .. lLlerl.. neOll or roun,;
"ho II In 10'-" "'Ilh the
he8ullf,,1 ,~.uT(hl.. r or a ~lelLlr.n ll:Il'
I", I brHer min. Ho .. he O"ert'Omea
III~ Inlrlll:u.., of hll ..,bemlnc rlv.l
l'ro'III... on" of the mOlt tbrllllnlt 111_
uillon~ In Ibe 1,IClUre SIlO d'"
m'On h .. been _lIh ~lr. Crlmth for tired lb., Ih" ,h.rlnll; hulT.lo .. "ar-
Ibe t.o Bo.wortb c:omp.nlel It ooe
.od Ihe IBme time.. With Ellie J.n
I.. uoder the culdlng h.nd of Phillip.
a ,ear. t.klnl p.rt In hi. ble: rea-
lur" producllonl. Inrludln" "The
Avenging Con..,lenre" .nd "The
IT r.n he' 1I" .. n. Itolnl much rl.ler
Ih.n .he .... "'hen h...n.tchel her
.. ral "f ,h.' 1I".. rtli forre"
'h" "1'1"'.11"'" or ,h.. fa,h .. r. Ih ..
yo"nl: n>:'" '.11..', 'he I:lrl .......,....lIh
,\I:.lnl' Gr..... la rlll3'urfil In Ih.. role of tbe
r."rb"r... lib lhe be.utlful !-'r.n"elll
nllllnj{lon pI8,'lol: th.. l,arl or Ihe
Sm.lley. Ihe enact heav,.. hlle CI.nlm.n."
from Ihe R&d:lle "'1Ih Ibp Inrurl.led hi", "",I '"K.. lh .. r Ih .. ~ d..'e.I Ihe ..f ...l!'t'lhellrl. Rlchllrd CummlllC' .1'0
.he I. the d.ughter or M.ckl,.n Ar.
buckle under the dlrecllon of Lol.
(;eorlte .'\. Uoer&llger I. pro:luclng.
herd rllthl bfohlnd Ihen'
.. 0 "Iolent "'hpn he pl"ked her
The .llOClt furta ur II I"m,l "r ron.I,lrIllOrl to
l'rOl'""1 Ih .. mlllrh
h.. 8 Ilromlnl!nl parI. ".1. Cblld o[
(;od" ,,'111 be Reliance relene at
for the ~1.Jeetlc Comp.n,.. Ihe ooe- from her saddle Ih.t h"r heell ClIme For tIlll"" "f Ih" .rell"" .\Ir Lnre
Weber In the otber. Ml.. Stedm..n I,Art nf lhe ~Iuautl pr0ltr.nl.
re..I thriller. "Br.ncb Number Thlr In ront.rl wIth hrr head. and 'he "en' th .. <,oml,I .. I, "O"'I'lIn)' to. 10...11
b been leltlDg .lmo.t notorlou.... IY-H"en:' fealurlng l..orett. Bl.ke .t.to! of coll .. p... In whl"h .he .v- nenr Ih .. hll .. rnnllonal 1l0uudBrr Iloe
motorl.t of late, and ber ChllleDl:e (lTiS TlTH:,n;1l l'UOlllTK..
A. IhrllUna: lale "t love, h.lred .nd ~e~r..'l ..... re.1 .nd not m.ke-I",,- .... here Lll",- lIurreeded In obt.lnlnft
to the women or Southern California 'CH..\~G":I) I.I\"S"
h.. been all...ered and a r.ce I. re,'eolte Is told In Ihe Rell.oce IWO- lit"" Shl! "' 10 hllflly lI.rred th.t L"e prlll",r ..ttln.:a. Bealltlful IlhO'
Ukelr 10 the near fUlure.
h Ioog l>een kDown In Lo. An.
Myrtle reel feature. "The l..otlt Receipt:'
.. rltten e1Ipec:l.l1y for DIrector 10', A.
he .....1 forcell I" quit work for Ihe
reat of 'he d.y
'nlrlll,h.,. rnmhlneu ...llh .l'lendl<l
IclinK and lin Khlorblng pint. m.ke
rl:~~I~~..T,.~~~I~r1;~r~O~~lr:~h:~ ~nt~;:i I'klure Com~(lI.
Kelley by Frank 1\:. Wood.. !-;ugene Ihe l,rod"""I"n "nil ot Inten.e Inlere.1 cilibre. The .Iory concern. 1"'0 wo-
celBII very daring driver. and Th"re I. .. very 1"'''",. romanre
I'.ll"tle I. fealure:! ....I.ted by Anna IlI,d " .. luI' lJlrcr(\"n ot the Illere Ol<ln In dll!erenl ...111.. of ute "'bo
h.. the reput.tlon of not 10.111.11: her cnonecte:l wllh Ihe meetlnlt .nd luh "olunleer their sen'left .. nUTln to
~I.r ",.Ilhllil .nd Gllorge eo.llr.Ve "'1lI In 'h,' hnnd. of J.)' Ilunt.
be.d In a plDch. .equent m.rrl.lle of ~'Il.. Flllm.n .nd
A 1I.lIOn In pmblmk I. told 10 tbe The ]llot blncee on recelpl tor l..ollt. Roberllnn. ~lr. FIllm.n .... J ..... ~I .....rr hato lefl for S'llll" IIBr Ihe j{o'ernllleni. The plM II dtcld time durlnl: tbe comllll week. ')Ir.
Doe-reel ReU.lIee. "A NiShI" Adveo- 1D0ner .... blch II 11>11. The receillt I. t,ar. I" JoIn Ihe S.. nl. llllrbnr. ~lo edl)' lntereI.tlDg .nd the m.n,. es.- Turner I. m.kllll ~rrLll&eD1eaw to
In tbe "ml'loy of J"hn Cort lind en_
ture:' written by Georce HennellY. recovered lind u.ed ~url p'l"r c.ged .il of bli 1l8Ople, Mr. Cort tloo PI~lure Co here he ... 111 1,1.)' cliing lcen.. In the production _Ill h.ve tbe hr.fUltr,. .nd arUlIllr,- ot----,
Dd produced bT Doo.ld Crllp. A by IHlle girl In cnrllllC ber doll' h.d heen for ,.ear friend or MI'I Juvefttle I".d 'llh the corned)' eom_ m.ke Ute Illrce oOe 10 be 1011.11: re- Fon Roaec:ranlL 00 band .for tbe. ble
pbr.lcl.n, Iruellllg tbrougb m.1I hllr. "Tbe Loll Relpln .bound. Roberlloo'. f.mlly . nd c.ve )4r. p.n) of th.1 me n.me. membered. The b.ltle .ceoe ... hl~h b.ulfl ecellll- Herbert "'R,.wUnaoll,
town. ah'ea emerceo~,. treatment to In thrlllloll: .nd no\el.ltu.Uon . Tbe FIgm.o. plclure of her. I.ylnll: tb.t 1)1....,.,or ~eUortl or Ihe I ... ky Co. will In"oITe Ihe .er.. lt:eI ot over n[- Ann" _WJ.Ue.~.WJIII.m WOtlb.iaa1&ln
Mc:tlOII boaa ho h . . bello Injured. burnlllll: of f.ctor,. I. one of the h" .... lure .be would be dt!$lr- Ie bt'lllnnlos ec:on:1 Illclure "'lIh IMn hundred men la .~lIeduld to .nd Beatrice V.n hue been .aalp.
After the trul.ment. tbe ph"lltI.n prlllclp.1 fe.turee of IhI ttr.ctlon Aol" a.et'"..lon 10 the r.nh of tbe n.n,. Woodn.1T1t In "A Genllemln or be foultht .t Ulliverul City aolDe ed 10 the leadlllC rol.. ~
COM to I:l.mbUlI1 b.II, .nd to pull l-. n. )(alOQf!" II 1I0W wltb tbe (':ort '....mp.nlell. nd lb.t be ..ouW'" Lellure." Ill. nTlt picture with
tbe Ume .w." ,tart. I:.mbllnl. B,.. G1end.le KAlem Com pan,.. under Ibe
direction o[ J. P. Mc:Oowall. He ......
like Mr. Flcm.n to engall:e hllt" It Edith T.Il.terro ..... ded.red IDO.t
treak of hick be bre.ka tbe bk.
He I. trailed. bT tbe gamblers. hut hi.
lite Ia ....ed b,. the tl.allibler ot the
m.n .hom he h ... treated. A real-
Itb Tom MIll: III Ibe Selic Comp.n,.
tor. 10111 time .nd dl:l aome tlne
work. He m.de dec:ided hIt .. the
It III 'nT ~ket tor I year betore 1
b.d ch.nc" to HoI! Ibe orlclD.1.
luece..tul .
(l!'ftrb"" I.edere.., no'" ,.Iu.ble
member of Ibe Unl'en.1 CO. I. IlIIlY'
1111 he.v)' roln wltb Director Fr.llk
Photoplayers, Inc.
IaUt tlaht -cene Ia olle of the fe.tllrel .taae drl"fer ID """fIr.1 or the .ell Wbeu .he ....Iked 111.10 m,. oftl~e In LlO"fd. Her ftrat .ppe.rance wltb
ot 'hla productIon. Walter Lolli .lId ef'll pl~tDree that Milt prot1ueCld lId Ne- York .t Ihe end of the "e.r I~ the' Unlveraal . . . .Itb J. Warren
Mr. Fred~rick Thompson, Toastmaster, Wednesday. Qee. 16.
How.rd a.,.e are re.tured In "A .ho.ed tbe lIerve .nd Ikl1l of vel- w. . . 11 olr. alld I en.-.ae:l her on tb. K.rrla.n III "Terr.nce ORourke.
Nllht'. Adnotur.... eren. 'I'ot:' Sh. pl.yed with him In "Com. Gentlem.it Adventur"r:' wbere .he
U60lCil'IDent 0.,..:' "The 8ub.Utute,'
")hlr,. Jltn.1 P.: .nd "Fine Fe.th.
.cted 10 .plendldl,. th.t the UIII
v......1 Co.ured her for. leDctby
.tock ellc.sement
Goodfellowship DiDner at the Club
Moving Picture
8wJ;.t.lpec~UYfor FILM DEVELOP
Construct.cd of Doual Fir
_w I .... '_.~'r
If .. _.11,1,.
_ _ _ , .,......1...1_
11",..... I. ' - A
... ,PI,. .. .-. """
."11._ ,..
II . . ) , , I.r
urtt ho' IPI',
1.. rt,I..... 1 '"


rlCi&t.Tuk U.,c.. . ~!!!!,~..I :.~~~Y

....... __ LOIAiIi'iI;CAL ~Ias las,_,__ __I
=;:;-~-";:';:""""'_-";"'---~""'1,-!..,c:. ...
/:.J ' - j

EIO rmnr==-;;-;;-~-~~
.\1 ..... th.n ;W.OOu of Sew YOIII.
nh"om;o.ker. br.'ed Ih. mOlt In-
,I"Ill.. "1 "'elther Ih.t Ihe Ooth.1Il h ...
hOI" !I lonll: time. 10 .ttend Ibe 51b
.",,,,,,,1 11.11 or the ;\101100 P1ctur..
~:.hlhlto.. AI"".cI.tion or Ore.~l
......... \"rk. ~lond.y e ..eolnll. Decem-
''''r ;111.1 Ih" Grind Centr.1 1'.1&.l'e.
~: ...ryll"d)ln the tllm ...orld .. Ibere
frum Ih" em.Heal moUon pIcture elll
MIIII"r I" tbe l.rg.... t nlm m.outac-
"''''r. .eh'''Kln/{ 11'1" Kreetlnll. of New \'ork'ft ..e"eal theatre. "Tile

I" rult torce .10, trylOll 10 Impren
II... "lIIhlhlto.. ' "'lIh theIr peTlon.1
Strand:' "'hlch hnll lolle" 'tJpen alnce
rlll~ Allrll. Ie the moe( remarkalJle In-
m.Krwl1lm Ilnd IlOpulerll)', With Ihe IlIlullon of lUi kind In tlle "'orld, and

rILMS" inlernta dl'lllayed by lhe public.

"""'lIfllrturen and acto ... III the .. t-
r"lr "'aK 110 Krell! al to meke It Ihe
lllliQ the moet beaullful end OOmfort.
able Illeitre to be fOUlld In thla coun-
Iry or 'broad. It 1181 l\ vollcy Ile'"
,,,,,., aue"cnroll .lI'alr conducted by
II,, ",,"u<'lRtlon 10 the world ot amuaement_a polk'y
,\ deleK'llon "f EMlIn"y 1>layere ... lIlrh haa already been copied ...Ith
"'er"oll hand. 1...'lnK made I el>eclal more or 1_ auccen throulhout the
Irl" rro", ('hlO'aI(O ror Ihe ""I" I,ur- ~ouolry. Not only are the entertlln-
1101.uf""endlnKtlleball,lh,,re ... pre menta of etandard luch III haJ
.110 It larlle rOIJreeentallon or Lubin IIllfer I'erelofore been I'reaenled, but
pl_rer. und omel"le on hand. the)' the lurroundlnl!:e ere.o luxurloue and
h,,lnll. , ... me un,r tor the ~allon In dlllnlneoJ .nd In e:lqulelte arUIUc
II>eelall,erlor e.r from Phl/adelphle. tUle Il:ult performance "'Itnened
Whe" he.dl "'ore counter Ihere :,~t:~:. ~.raod "'Ill Ilot Boon be for-
.. ,," h.rdl) 1111 elhlbltor ~ .. I.:re.t"r
.,\",'" \'urk "'ho "u not l"....enl. The moment one enterl tbe e:lqul-.
.\I .. rl..... S. I'e.r.,e, nltlonal /.IrHldeOI Iltfl lobb,. Ihe .lr or rflnnemeol Ie
"r Ih" l'lrl"re l;;:lhll>loore' Lea..lu. ot lIilrcehed. The lobby lIeelf I. Ibe
.\nl .. rka .e ou h.nd, .,omlnC from b.odAoDleal In Xe ... York, .nd 'll tbe
H.Hin,,,, Peler J. JeD,"l. came tl"ODl alhertlalq ,'lIt1er dl_pl.yed are or-
J. WA..ICII.:S Kt>.1UU(,;A.... 1I.'tr"lI. ~.rk Core)'. from ~~r letD.1 hand ,,'\lilted ...ter colo... eo-
UDlver...' Sur. Iloll,.ood. CII "I... Se<'rellr)' \\"lIl1On, froOl Obi.), ~ III bo 4\zUtal .rtl.Uc fr.mea.

T_~a.i'In Ih. bol: olllce
"TII'lIk y " ... ben YOU buJ' ,our
which cratllud" ,,u nrml~' "llIt.. <I IIckel. In "er Ih.t mU. you
".",tlon and .:xpoatlon. completed
for th. . .Iu.ble .uCleellon.: Tbl.
epl8Od. IDllbt be taken by IOn'e .n WHEN "DEN HUR" NEARLY Ih" ,/uola or nallon.1 ....It>hrillea
The h.bUulea of the ".Ileol dram."
feel tbal YO raali,y -.100...
The Ira, unltori:ILJ (Oid alo.." door_
Itadanta u provln,; UI.1 .11 re.ll,.
,r"..'d",d "'""erl)' around th .. entr'Dre, t:..
~:lIlle:b:nndk_.:fuule":: : : ~,.o'-
lenllllle .trlven for Ide.l rnulta I"
.rt Illdly ~ehe well-me.nl "Ie ."rlo Inl.. UI upon. alght of hi. or
~::;~,7.'"rlt....mong th .. Ilen ot Ib.. 1&1")' .tyle a. be llanda YOII blaek
ot colleaguea. outald.ra Ind rrlll~ &tub. The chl.f uaher aaJute. )
011 LIl. work In u.e.d.

.\ ,Ie' .. r Id..e .-u Ihe ...l1log at "'hen )ou ellter Lb. ~rae aKltorl
).1"'laU... ~ t 011 ~ao.e ,.
the cbatf-Ilke e'--.ta In . . - t bl,; ""rl,u;> "f A 1,lo:;:.ure
,II.. 1'IlI'e""",1 ""r_
0' ;\I'r:r Fuller.
Tbe "f.n." Kot ~~~rth~~"~:u~~':-~u,="hJ
r.le...... would apPMr to ..-vlt 10
conclu.loo that perb.pa .ore care "'10 Ihe .l'lrll of Ille lbloK .nd Ibe h'ndl yOU Ofer to .n Uah.':;-
r"ml'elltlon "'u keen. .. .O)ooe corta )'011 to your ....t uppll
.hould be "ken bJ' produren I"
m.klnl Ibe n.rnthl!1l more pl.u.l-
WUH.n, ~-:>rnun, """'.II:..
d !oJ' \\"111
IIno"'lolI: th" m.nelou. popul.rltr
The \Jl"lne ;\I.ry" could npecl.
0' "'Ilb prOlr.m 'nd a tan
"'Nlber I arm. and. IIlule, yon
bly r.tlooal. la .hort .th.l tbe I<:"len-
j~n, .'01<. l'n,.I,I..", "f Th. Hfl~ um"" Th.. <"Om",IHee m.de every elrort rore he leaf..... A. YOU Ilaoce.t
UftC .llle ot lC'enlrlo .-rUlo,; alloultl progr'm Ihe followlnl DoUce ...Ill
b.ve much hlher pl .,e In ..Inem. \l'''''-U"" C"m;,a" . '" 1,1.)' tll .. ttll .. I" I'leue lhe buge IhrooK th.t at-
rol .. "f :'.",aon lI .. nn .... rn., ..ln. l ...,d..d. Wheo ;\I.dlaon Square C.r- round at Ihe top ot tbe front p~:
.1I'alrw.. The llholo-l,l.y""rIKhl Ihould "Our policy "'Ill be to preaenl COIl-
be, ot coune, Iboroul;hly 1.I..nled In ",,,,,,,,,... nl.1 .Ir.n, ... h'rh" a I",wlur ,lo'" pro'O'<! un .Il.ble ~uae or
Ii.. " "ura"rdln'''l r..I.." ..... ha. h.,1 lh.' 1I01"lol! :'h"... It lurned to tbe UnuoUt; eDlertalomeot from Dlld-day
the .tl ot m.klng hi. dr.",.. h.',' unlll elevell o'clock .t nls:bl th.t .111
"rRn" ("entr.1 P.I.ce I I Ibe neJ:!
plota .nd rh.ncter. tb.1 do not l i t
too llrt'.tly our bt"lIl!t In humin
:":I:"":;;'O'I:::I:rA;I~:,,::IM;~AII~;I~~ 1""":,,,'1 noor In the dly. Xellit year embr.ce the highest producta of tbe
POMlbll1tlel Scm.. ftlm m.nuf .,- Ihlt :on" Th.. !'rlnr.. nf In,UII. "II Ar. uaur.... that Ihe ball ,,'111 be mOflng plclure realm. combIned ...ILb
I...th "f .. I"d, h. pll.)".... ,h. lltl.. h.. ltI In Ihe tormer "lace. Dlu_leal prOlram ot orlgln.UI,. .nd
ture.. m.y "'eol,,.I1) rome to real
lie tbat "Ihe "l.ye Ihe Iblnll" .nd
be .ure. betore lIIrnlog dr.ml
rol... It ..'..... hile 1.I.rl"lI:
lIur:' ~Ir FArnum r..... II"'1 the nlh.. r
Hen Th", u.nd m ..... h led br ....lIIlelle
"f I...dlnll: phOIO pll)e... of n.lloD.I l~~lt~lw~:-!t~1:::;a:~r.~r ~~~
d.y ,,'1'111. r... Unlt" 11.. ' ...... " t"'n bll: rt"l>ut!!_ liar)' Pickford. F'r.ncl. Bu.h- ouly _uch .ntertallu.uent Ihat ... lll be
over 10 dlreclor for nlmlnll. Ih.,
the .torY-I,lol doel 1101 ...,Dlaln lu ....." . In th .. n..r"., .. ln .h.ma. th.' man, Anita 5Ie.-art. t::arle \\llIl.m . conal.teot ... llh AD.erlean m.nbood.
cohereoce_ of o.rr.tlon or ,lel'l"t hI.dr.nl.IIO' "".... r '''r' n"arh' .. nd .. <1 1:1 ... Kimball \'ouog. !d.rk It.cDl!r Our hOIl" I tbe'lre tor motben.
for Kood and .11 n'oll. liar, F'uller. Klog B.ecot. d.uahte. . . .I.ten .nd wlv.... wber.
ch.r.cterl dflln Ihl",;a nol In N>n the pllrll)' of Illelr thought .11l be
The" In"ld"'ll .....Ult@<! tlurlnli: the ~Ilrguerlle 5no... J.m... Crule. Ceue
form It, ...!th Ihe ulllIII ro ... I"rt "I cooaerved .bo'e .n Iblqa."
.uch ch.r.Cler. In re.1 life, 'hrllllnj: .,huh>! r.r" bet"'~n "lien (:aunller. J.ck CI.rk. "'Ill Ibe moal
IInulu.1 IhlnR of Ita kind ever ...... n Tbe decoraUon . dr.perla .nd .rt
Aoolb.r conelullon of a IhoUKhI
rul .tudenl of .rl mlKht b.. Ihat .11
lIur" lind hi. rhAI The rharlol.
ald. un a IreAdn'lll. lh.. hon," honf. II .uch g.tberlne. ...ork .re '0 10.plr.Uoo ot taate and
11"",,1 ... 1"1: furl"ualr u th .. rharlol. ,\monR tho.e prHent "'ere T_ \\", elllll 10 h.rmoolllos: color .od elreet
the people eng.lled In "rodueln"" mo- "'erY"'here .pp.reol.
tion picture nlm .re. In Ihe laal ' ..ar "Ionll. n.... k A",I ..... k. 'hell' drl. Ilodl;e. W. R. ROllen. Arthur J.mel,
.'n helldlnl( for"'lInl lind lell.hlnll. );IAntOn I.....de. Albert S. 1""'lno, !dlee The color acheDle tbroughout I.
.naly.l. of Ihelr "'ork. merely le"rn .rench Iray, ,old .od rOlle, hlch
era, or pupil. elrh'lng d.ll)' lO knu. ,h.'''' fllrlou.I~ .\11' ~-llrnum "fie" ('elherlne Countlu. .\11111 Fl.U;. !lI ....
Hur" ..u frAr"lr.II~ """nUr'lIlnl: hI. tll1elle ~Iarche. Lolttle ~I.dge 1':".0., produCll. 'n .tmo_phere of r tful_
more 'Dd more or Ihe beat ...ye to oe od be.uty. The mur.l. on the
rOllr 11.."da 10 "lrIOr)' "'hen from Ih.. ~lIn C.rolloe FreDch, ~1l111 Clelr
reich IdllBl /loall In tbe realm of .I"e lle repreaeol. the leo.... alld
luceell. Thll fie ... ot elnem. loll- hInd hoof of "ne or Ih.. 101011111 " ~Ienereau. WIIII.m H. Tooker, Will
hora...hoe "'lIa dl.lodIlNl, ~Iore II)' 1l,,le. Ed. Roaeman, G. J Fl.nlg.n. the dellc'le lubJeet over the proaceo-
en ...ould brlog another Ide" per- lum I pictorial reproductloo or tbe
b.PI, that all er1tlclem ot Ihe bell in.llnrt ,h." I .. ythinll el.., 10 h.' Fr.unle F'rauhoil. Muter n.,ld Mc-
aa)"8 ~lr. Fllrnum ducke'l. Tho hea"y C.uley. Muter Fr.nk BI.ney, !lIuter dreaml or lite. Tb. at'llll curtain I,
work. IU Itar relelliel ahould be
t.empered by klodly forbeerllnce. melal ah06 ahot wllh tbe .'!!Iorlly of Forreat MI'.Cumber. lira. Sue Il.Uour. m'd" ot be'\')' brocaded felvet '.-llb
R proJt!<'IH!! ao cloae to 1I1. head th'l ~II .. Vlvl.n Tobin. Julie Hurley, ~Ir, hand lIurnln.ted embroidery.
conltructlve view. Ihal wuuld pralee
a 11IRrl' nAIl ... hlrh etilleluck In It and Mra. Dick L.. lle, Nichol .. Dun- r.ovelUe_ elld Inoo.aUOO' aNI ev-
ratber then condemn. It I" leo erywhere Ipparellt :In the or~'l
er.lly believed by eUlhorlllea on rll>ped one of hll .ITeaml"lf Itllid rib Ie"'. Mr. and MM!. Frederick Stine.
bO"A Into t,,o It.hel. An Inelll"l llr. od Mre. Leon Sherburne, .\Ir. e)'atem of lllhllol. the ucllltllCtllra.1
oratorical art Ihat the muter
laler the ... he!!l of hli rln.'" charlot Ilnd .\Ira. H.rr) Relchenb.ch. M.ry conetrucUon. tbe .,..t.m or "f"flDW'-
apeaker II he who lnveeta hla ple"d t10n .Iltc. III f.et tb. 9U'&lId Tb_ue
~'uller, .... ary Plcktord.
log_ with .ofllr-ullered .concrele ramo 011', In Inri dent ""Melt nlll:btlr
end.,d Iheir rlre .nd the curlaln ....a Mr. and lira. WIIlI.m Drandl, .\Ir. I. built on 1I0ea .b-oltuely or~.aJ
Iruth. ,thUI avoid 10K drntlc con- and dlffereot from eury oUl..r tbe-
demnalloo of .pparently w!!ll-mellnt run/{ 'Io ... n. !,ooklllg behind hlm Mr. and MM!. A. Vonlmer. Heor, Yu.em,
,\11.. Voralmer, Mr. S. Von.lmer, Mra. atre 10 tbe .orld.,
...orb, A .orl or poetic Hcenle F'arnum lAW Ibe horae-.hoe Itlcklng
In I wlnR. Tbe .1I.rp nail propecl- Seiller. JUdIe Leon S.nde. . .od wlte The Mark Sirand The.tre Com-
Ibould obt.ln for the Indulgence plny. ownen .od opllratora (Mltcbell
of producera ... ben their relelliea lnll from 11 .nd pinned It there, MT. lind Judge Alennder Wolt .od wlte.
Mr. nd Mn, Kope, Mra. T.m., H. M.rk. pruldenl; Noe Y.rlr., 'ftc..
come betore Ibe _tero trlhun.l. 0; F'rnum .tII1 keep. It I I ou.'enlr
prealdenl; Eu,eoe Fa1k, tr"""lIrer.
melropoll~n crill..., for IODle of or hl. narro ... e.c.p.e. While pll,J'lnl; Sunkl.t DUllao .\Ira. J. W. SUoler,
llr. and .\Ira. OtIc.r E.gle, Leater aod Mu: Sple. .l. eecNllar,.). hue
theM re ..lewera m., at 11m... over- thl me part he b.d .enr.l nthr
narro ... elc,pea .hen lb. tre.dDllll M.yne. Mr. Illd lin. H.rry KllfIpera, .pared 00 lroubl. or upenae to Dlake
look Ihe fact Ib.t ever, gre.1 ...ork the StnDd tile mo.t beauUtul antl
ot .rt COnl.ln. lap.n of the general broke .nd .hlrled It. 1001e end like Ro_le Roaenb.ch. J.clr. Hlo... J.cob
Wilk. Arlhur Le.lIe, E.rl William eomtortable U1.ea.tr. III. tbe ..orld.
ncellenC8. ~t1erlna r.m through Ihe .Ir.
and S.m Spedoo. e ..ell to Ih. utent of ID.laiUna ...
Perb.p. a Ume m.) come In the em.rc_ney room "hkh La III chat'C.
Dlotocr.pble .rl when .U teature ------ Mr. Fred L. Slone. !lIr. Leon Sber-
burn lin, H.rry Relcbeolad.. !olr. of a pb.Jllcl'll and trallled nUrIe.
~~~\.~~~~ t;o:~~~~~~e~~: ,,"':~ep~~ lTSIQUE 8TUST "'011 WH/TOS lr.-lIlg Cummtop. MI. M.bel TaU.- Tbe ..m. Idea U1.at 11.. bMu car-
ried out Iu tb. eooatroCUoo. dll....lop-
prep.ratlon to be alr.ln to Ibe la_k 1..4.CKAYE lS ''THl: PIT." ferro. Mr. Walter Holl Seel,. ),(m.
Olaa Petro.... MI.. Allila Slerl. ment and apPOI.UlIe.zlt of U1.e U1.u.u.
:tprm.ekJ'~ac"':;;~Il;rc:~:~~~~I::' When In Ihe \Vorld Film
phOlopl.y MI.. K.te Prle.. M. Albert Rooeardl .
.\Un M.ry Maurie.. Mr. nd )[....
bulldm. b al.a canted. out I. the
6Dtertalomellt. 1'1) till. entl lb. "'"_
nd b,. dan of racklna ende....or WIltOD I..ck.)'. 10 "The Pit" playa
mak.....eb .nd _"f"ll17 p.rt of tbe the \'arlou. tbeatre. In Chle'aoch 1I.rall_n. Min Etbel LJoyd, !lfl.. Ieee of S. 1.. Rotllapf.l. u ran.ral
1m men.. liruetu,. raUonal. enet. lp.d, Ulendlnll allY of lb. the.trea .t EllIel Cochran. Mr. Wlillam Sbea. manaa1q director .... obtaloed. Mr.
MqIl.ntl.1 .n4 10terloclr.lnC .1.Dlent ..blcb "Tbe Pit" I_ .ho.o .lll recel'fe PaUl Oull~lr.. Ja~1r. Colin, Oeo. A. Rotbapf.1 I. COlWd.m th. cru.*t
In til. OlllDpl.t. r.brlc. Tbat tllt. ...Ith the compllmenU or lb. 1I:0ur 1_,. Mn Abbe,.. U. X. Wblppl., of DlO"f"loC plctu... Ublhlln... III the
pouIble. tutur. pbotopla,. -"rltlIlK m.nuf.cIUrara, a .nk ..ck. cont.ln- W.lt.r EIl"III, Kloa B&not. Fn.uc1. COUIlt!7. ..otI
labor .ould btl 'ntrll_ted to KflO- M. N.laon, Carl Laemml. and Wlf.. Tb. SU'Ud procram e&ch ...."1t III
ulo aellln.... I
u, ot belief. III.
period, prud"f"lnture II
1111' poulld or flour put up Ip.ct.Uy
10 repreaeot a Dlnet:f~llbt pound
lick of tbe frult of th be't. "Tb.
Jullu. Slerll, Stuart hlnn. 86Jl WU-
.on. Dorothy PlIllllpa. Huy M.,.....
" nried lUItl tat.rMU1l. that ua.
Ihat... La beat..... "ftLb CI"O,," ..,
ml,lIt be called the cold.n 'a' ot Pit" .tar. Wlltoo Lackl,J" .nd f- ROHme". n.by, s. D. Pal_man. .....1 th.t th. ~ "'dJtorfUl.
etn.ma .rt. lb. mall. or .omall .bO tur... Oall K'lle .nd MUtoo Sill. Brl"""" She", W. R. Cudl,... lfuk _Uac 1,600 tualtl to Ita .taNt
could crute 'Dd ..rit. out In d..
tall tb. 11:181 muterpl_ ..ollid
Th. aceD.. w.ra m.d. 10 Chlcaao
'Ild t.U_ the .tory of Chlcaco, lla
DlntlDtua. Alu: Ooldmu. h"lI. Wal-
I.ce. 0100. K.nll. !If. H. Hobu.
~ty .t IT ,..ror-....c.. TM
IIlta.rt&lIlDlan.t u a nM c:ouI&tIi ,of
auul1 be "".r4ed u an u:pert Board of Trad., Ita ,,1I.at 10du.trJ'. MuuY Qold.law. Joa. ODo11ald. 0.. larp pboto-pI,,,,,. ft. . . . .
TropJoal R.n blcla tacl _p.
poaUc.1 'I""-t or tile ....rr 1I.111I..i etc. Wben HarlT W.IN. tb. Cblcqo JohnllJ" Po"...., ArUn. Pnt~. Chu.
0al Hobart H.II"". Wm. Oa",ood. to-tlIe-mlaQtIa ~ troa
type. ror oart&lnl,. tlI. d.., La'D- m.n. . .r tor tb. World :I'Um COrpor-
."f"V)' COftl.V or. lb. _un cl. . . . .
prMClIlna ..bal moTtaa pldu"" will aUoll~ b.arll It ".. belac Dlad. III Joe 8n.Ddt. R. H. CocJaru.,
b.".. .. b dNlS rol4 more "n~ tb. cl~. h. lOt bU.,.. Tb bo.... I-
::'lle&~:.;:':~ .::=-rn"f"e,:tJi::i ~ 1I::~,.e:~m:i"ll;b~b=lld~~~ H. . . C" UK or PIOPI. uaoci pl"Ofl'9,a~.0( e1uMeaI .........
uplift tlllll th.,. tin. toda,.. t~r:: :::Ir.~11 ':h~Uj:b P:~': ~~.
a 1110'111,
=-1111 ~:~ .'::
pleta,. or WUtou Laclr..,., ...... to be rllnd lit tH ll4z No.. 10'
ew M1ectloM b7 1M 8rtud. c..n
Orellaatn or tftatT-I.n - . . . . . . .
".r t). bM tirMtlOll of cut .....
makilla mo'f1I1' plelu,.. All lb. at UI.. EabtWtora' B&I1 0&1 111_ _ r.rft, ...4 . . . . . . troll 0IIlaI ca.
critlea of
the 4.111
tb. dramaUc _UOH or ."t"Ulq: R-U K. Do-ahert1. 8Ill.
papera a....
WUtoa Lack "la Aqut, Toa TwrI8I. Uu LlI
vu b7 ,'1lIlI1Mte 01 . .
::r:=ta"~:~b;'&:l:'~~:::~~ WI.
~:.~:.:.ur:a ~~-=
lII . .

to tU nr or tlI. b001l.11lI1. 0111

OlIO a]OD..
. ."Artl.r . . . . . . . . . . ",Jadlt"
Q1&1Ia!q1ilUJ!l" ~1
-====================.==O=LO=A-I.-....~,-'O~V~A-. - -------
Wanted To star In Kitchen Not On Screen

Madame Ot Peirovi lay at n....
~1~~::.~~ ~~D.J.~nt~e~:i.~~:I~ I. nt~:;~~~:'DO;,D
. w~~utm~ r~I:IIl~h~~ I Th-: ~b::,:~~ =.~~. :~~~, ~~ ~:It~~: ':u~~~~r:t
....lIlch lIrank Ind ate did not llDdu-

IHt.Ul..... IDec Cul ItenarlOll. 11 or

on .. t'UT,kln fUll In Ihf! Io"ort I.ee Itand mo<. I made no lmprllulon. So ~bleb baY. been aold and prol1uced.
Iludhll, where her nut mutlon llJc I ..... alad I" lp.avll the ~olle. When l'loma or ber lat"' IUCCeue. are:
lI.lrll. "The TIKre..," ...u belnll my 11m.. wa. "I', I folt Ihllt I had "Redemption," Balboa Co.: 'LltIl.
nlm..:!. llll' .... tln lur Ill'. wu .. chi:- ',lled. IoUI II .... nfll a fllllllre Ihat >llInbflam." n.lbo. Co.; "AloI:le Wtlh
"r.. I~ .. lit .... hlrll II", ,'utrlll n""u,,,,- r cOlll,1 IllY tn rIly .,lf. I hlld IlfC- Me:' "athe Co.~ "}Ioth and FL.me."
I.fll). lI11aL~., 11<'r w.. II cnllunler. ceed.,1 In 1I1"HY eIIl'ltal of Ihll chll- "atbe Co.; "Path of Borro....,' W.r
...ho ...II n .rllllill h.,r W.Y. dntpln( lzed w"rlllll,t In lome of tbeund~. lI1rIl CO.; '"Th" "roken Toy." Imp
.110111 Ihll 11,lfltulldly "'''d''lI'l nllure llI7..,d wMlll. Ind I f"l1 Illot 'lien, Co.; "Reillltutlon." AmerlC'*1l Co.;
II 1I11ltl!nhlll "Iltlh "r 11I"lIr. Itf'for" "'11. n" rll.."n tnr nUl f'II,ertlnK nlll "Imltallonl. Alt:erlun Co.. an1
h"r ...... rlln",rll mlltl. r,,"d)' tor tb.. n'lIl" .lIre,'aa h' :-:ew York "}!otb.,bood,' Ueauty f'lllll .
Iltlllr. ..111 lit IIr"1I11I11 ,tr&r' "Ho I '!el"r",I"lId tn work lind wlllt. Tlle'l...1 It:eUllnne'' ,tlay crene I
Th" uunh,,; "t Ih.. Ill.lc haodl.. I would 1,I.y IIlIre In :-:.,w Yurk until _ondarful allr In the nlm _orld, .nd
IIll.an Mad.m.. Will "n.cUn. Ih.. n'Y "PI,ortunUy "0"'" I wenl Inlo one Hille 11.1"'. Ih.t LI com"
roL.. "t ....0"'." "ho hlld b""n tor Ih'" mll.I.,11 "rodll<-lt"lI. 'The Qllaker rel'elatlon 10 th'" l>eo"I". a ne"
IlIr" I .ud Iml,rl."ne,1 .lId hnd bt>en GIrl.' pl.ylnll; Ille Illut fit Otmne. .nd e:lqul.lt", Idea. The atory ....
del,rl' .. 1 "t I,,,,r 11111" I..." but ...ho When thl. tlIIK.llen:"nl ..... nnl.he I told In lIu~b a dell~.le m.nner Ihru
In Ih.. lind b.....n'" rLd' .nJ J,KIwertul 'h.d .. cltance 10 11;0 tnl<l vaudullie Ibe lIlf!dlum <If eur.ordlnar) poe:ry
",,,I llv..d unly to III'ClIll" h"r wrODIl. with an ellilallemenl ., Ihe ~'Ifth )fLu (,Iuk h.. rea:L"f!d I;r"'.1 m.ny
~h" UPI"...d 10 btl Ihluklllil or A""lIl:e Tbeatllr. I .. ked Ihem to or leiter. from Ihe publl., and dltrer-
b"r InJurl ",h .. n Ih" clh'klnlt ur the pilI Illy n.me tn .m.11 "Ierlrk.. I ..nl prodllrer. . .klllt( for anolher Vt.y
,.n,..n I",u" An ".w"ulun ut In- .. ant..d to be bill" v.. ry .m.ll. In' Ilk .. ")Iolh"rhoo:l." She h been
' ..u... h.lr..d "am" <l' .. r h.. r f.ce, fo' deel. I w... lIul_ ....,II..t the en'l commluloned by Ih" AmerIcan Film
I", .lIrrlllf>d..,1 mOU'"nl lat.,r by. of IWu week. I ..' In bll electrlct Co" to .rlte foor-r~1 pl.y of
I k ..f l.nlul<lln.1Ir.. All the While o"er Ibe entr.nce >lIn... tben I h."" ,tmlt.r natur",. te.turlnll lovely lIE.. \\'11.1.1 .... .)1 H. TOOKER
.10 I,"tr.... " ... fr"m Ih" .IK.reU... heen.o fortun.t .... 10 be .hle to .MarC.rlta Flaeher. Tbta oew pl.y.
Th..r.. 'I' v.u'" In Ih.. momen- .d ....nc:e .leadlly." from prl':&l')nt 10dle.lIoo. proml_ to Wlllt.m Ii. Tooker. who play. tbe
hr)' 1,lrlurt' .n,t iIl.d.me 1.ld ..Ide In "The TiII:re.... lla".me I'elrov. be. _onder In be.uty .lId orlctn.lI- lead. lu Ibe proch,etlon. of tbe Lite
h.. r ril';lIr..III' m.kea ber ..,reell debul Crlllea of ty. lll.. Cluk L. ~ull.rly ,tfted I'nolo Film COrPOr.Uon. la .0 .etor
11:_d::":'o~~:~,,r.:':~;:~u~:.;:.::.e ~ :,~I~~;n~:;I~I::~IIItlI:11::t I:;~~~~~~ :~:e db~i:~~I;olr.:~:':~ ~~: :::'1:1: of 10nJ; .tandlOI on Ibe lellUm.te
.1.le, havll'll beeo ullder tbe dlret-
"u' ..r.. 'ur drink "lIh,'r Wh)' mull r.c...nd her nne nllur"'. COUllled ..lib tb.,." Illtle IMnli. tb.t m.ke ber .ork ll"n or .ueb C'l!1"'brated mao&lera.
..n I .r.. I... ,~"tlr Wby mtilt b.,r .rt. ,,'11I m.ke her one ot th.. more orls:to.1 .nd uqul.tte Iban tbe llr. Tooker Ill.yed Ihe ltart qt
..II 1 ). ,r..,.,.. hnr.Net. .hleb II;r".1 nlture. 0' th .. ecreen dr.ma. .V.,r.lI;e. Ao uOII.ual purity at mtlld I.....reoefl "'"tbrook. b.ok",r, In th",
r lIy 110. "nL, I" Ih,' h".,dn.UQIl! Thl. n....eal .rrl.te "'ho hu eo- .nd under.taodtnlt Bhloel Ihrous:h nle-p.r( fealure rele... or tbe Ut",
lI"r "'"n,l"rt,,1 lo:"hl..n h.lr .... tered tbe world ot nlmdom WD. born eal"h lIul", Iblll~ ahe W'rlte.. I'bolo FUm CofllOrUlon. "Tbe Ballk-
.lItl1hll: fu"t th .. I"'~" or Ih.. I>OI.. d

In W.n 10 lli"t. lier molber Dleh.rd Hardlnlt D.vl. 00.,. Id. ",r. Dau.hter,' .nd Ibe Ilile role In
~ ..r.,,"t ... u r,la .. ,,,I. bill Into Ibe wu. I'oll.b nobl..... ulll.n lind her on wtlnl':Ulnll a pl.y .rltten by ber. "The Creybound," rele.lIed by the
hlr.. n,.. r.. to"d "'10'" II dltrerenl e.l r.lhu" llll.,d EOj(U.hm.n In Ihe "Her plot I. orlglo.l: L1t1:e lovel)'
I,r..utou Tb.. ",.,nUIl' ~M!m...t <iapa dlplomatlr lien-Ice. )I.d.me hu Je ...-el In I r.re rBr'led MOttlng." ~,~. ~=~~.Iao pl.)ed Ihe p.rt of
hI" "r "".,ltnll Mn)' r"I". 1"11 lU.1 no ... newer ,old murb of her l'.rf'nl. for )II.. CI.rk. lthough ooly Iwenty- Dr. Sherwood 10 Ibe .tuPl!odou eal-
~lt .. 11.,1 """1" I... r ,orl n~hl ..."d "-e. I,ubllclllion. Onll ye.ra of 'ge. ha. beell .pPOlnted ern l..yeholollc.1 dr.m . ft.ve p.rt.
~ hlr.:lIl)" 1""11,,,'1"111 ... ""'.,, "They do not Uke lily lJeiul "n tb. _lIarlo editor at Ihe E.lblbltof. ";o.;ortb"'rn LI.bla." aod la b.lled to
1\"1" .. h"uM "" . mok" .nd .Ia"e." Ibe a.ld. "and 10 "I them Stlldlo nd the S.OI. B.rb.r. Film be !!In" .eeomroUshf!d and nnl.bed
,Irhtk" "I", ...'''tm'''d. with ber nOlhhtt;." Co., bUI owln/l: to b!lr hll.b.nd. en- IIrllllt.
~Ihthh'_' ,,' ". ,.,.,,~. It II nn! load AI a IHtll! <'hlld ~I.d.m., 1'",lro\'& paemeol wllb Ih'" Frooller Film Co.. 111. "'nrk In ~;urope. b... beeo pro-
f"r Ott.. Thl! ,lljllp,...nl one Ilels ac\..d . YOUOII; 'IfI .h. 'CI!."d .nd .be g."e UI> Ib"'.e poaltlon. to be nounced by the crillea wbo b.ve _II
rruln Ih .... Ihlnu I_ ,,~ 1t00hing COlli now IllI YOIlUK ,,",UlIl.1i .ha I Ull wltb hLm. She L. Ibe bride or H.I "The B.nkttF. D.lllblcr,' .od "Tbe
,I;::r;':~ ,::;,.','~" h"r ",11"" Ih"~e thtng. ~~:. ":~~~l:~ 1~g~'II~:~r:~~lIBer~lbn~ ~~~;U"'I~~' ~ho"':th~~~t~teb~Oc:~r:ll:: Greyhound," .. b",lng the blgheat
torn, of dram.tlc .ctLoe tbey Ii.,''''
Tltl. frllnt " ""'""n "It.> lO lltlltll,ut bill ut"dl! ber dt:bllt on thll leltltLrullte bef Ir~lanC* ..ork eJ:clullvllly to I~en prl,Uell:eiJ. to ...lilleu.
I..for, h'''1 I".,, .... ,.1,,11, tn ~I'l>ear 111I1(1l III the CUlIlll.n,. of Lord Ao- the Amerlc.o Film Coo. Ih.. Re.uty
"ttl.. 10M I",r '~I,n,,_I,," n" ... ,len Ie I KlblltlY III L'.IO,hlll ...1 the .111 ut IWlln' flr"nd .nd the Imp Co.
h..r 1" I,, I)". AnJ;leacy. It wtll be rell,eUlb"red.
H,,' II", 'Htller.. t""" 11:1" n.. " re.,I,. ,,'S8 tll" "ccentrle lle",r "'bo r.olll",rted WIlltl.l1 FrI..\1 s.:Ct;UEl'> CHAHLES 1,10y<1 ~'. 1.ollergllO, author of "Tbe
lOlIull, 'Uld Ihe ,llr"",nr " .. Knother bll un"",tr.1 cb.j>el Into. Ih,,"lo'r K. ' ..... ltltIS WIE.4.Ti';ST SO~G ~llIlIol1 Dollar "')'.tery." .nd almoat
dl/aTl'tt. " 1!I;ltl"1 atlll "I:alll tll., .. t",r" It. . . I'J}U.r"d fre'ln ... nlly ... hlt S(C('D1~.
.,I.,ry hlK Thanhouaer Pbotopl., trom
MARY FULLER :~~'I~;;~.';~~r. Of t,,"!I,'" .. lInt~ t.. Ihe ~'~~ f"",lly j .. wel. hunfi; "'1>0111 hill l>er. Th' World Film Corpnrlltlon
Ihr,,,,~1t l:,ltcrlll ltanllll;er 1..., ... t. J.
the Incllptlon of Ib"t eonCllrn. baa
No. I dLd nOI ot 10 become.n by the meml.oeraof Ih, Lnll !. U)'. "Think "f )'<lur "run>;... " .,,1,1 th., EIIt:llr.:"'tlUnl. In mllll)" countri"" "f'I7.11Itk. It,,~ R..cured tile mUILon 111('- 'lull hi. loOaltion or 111-odllclng mao.-
Rctreaa when I a Uttl", ,Ir!." th.1 .... hen!."."'r ahe h.1 Ie dat. to ,llr"rt"r ",n,IIf'. bUI ~t"lI" ,", If )"0" rull"""d. "'Itb COII,tIlOI return. 10 ,ur" rlRht~ lu ('hu. K. IIl1rrla' 1"'0 aller at the Tbllohouaer eatabllab-
..Id M.ry FulLer. the POpul.r Ilttl'" hll"'lIlr tblll .he .rranlJea a cblck. ""er" Iht/lkillt: "f )"'lIr .. rultr.:"" l.ondun With Ibe III.yLIIS of man)"
UoLvllrltl1 .lar.....hen .pe.ktnl to the
tnt..rvlewer at tbe stlldto. "I .....n.t.
"'arfte dlnnllr for her !rieotla tn Iler
.p.rlment .od tbere tbe,. m.ke merr)'
Ttl<' rn.-e .. hlch ulIIn ...nt l"f,,r..
h." t..... ll e.lmlv Inl..II.,.,ln.1 no ..' be
"art. Ih..,,, rame bro.d <le""lop.
ttl .. nt In her er( She dId nOI llWlt
~n .. tl~1 ~"nr.: ~u'ce~~ .. ~, .. ,\I ....y. tn
the W.) ... an,l "Ilr..ak the :\"e"'" to
for the Vnlve....1 Eaatern .1.....
n'ent 10 t>ecome II writer of re.turN
I~ nn.. .I>elldlng mlleb time In tbe
lid lO be cook .nd good ooe. \\ e .nd ellJoy Soulher, huapitalily. lih'" rRnlli' Ihal ot .. 10.11 aoul--bllt loat hllr... 1f t.u &ever. I bill: IlIcc",..e., Wl':llr. Th.. IJ.H,la \rl ~'llm ('orpor.lloll. con terence "'lib Jullull Stern. m.n-
b.d an oLd d.rk) m.mmy. nd .hO' belle'e. that Se'Unl Into the kltcbeu ."ul ,,'IIl! pow"r .lId a .mlle Ib.t 101 tbem .lId beraelf threadb.r... bill "f .. ltle-I!.l :':orker Head. Jr. 1a ,en' ager of Ihe Imp SllIdl0. lId .Itb
wu tbe .-re.tett cook In the world. I. the s:realeat 'erre.Uon from Ihot,, fairly loll 1010 th" beholder. pl.yed bll &111M frum m.ny 1,I.y. "ral 'lI'Ut"r.:.'<' has srranlled 10 I,ro- Uen WLlaon. WIlII.m -oarwood .ad
Sh'" .lIrely kne. bow to m.kll chick pl.)' work Ill" tuom""1 mOre tty cam.,r. III..., .lId .Iw.,.. wllh r"m .... lenl IUIJ' ,tUI"" Ih .... ~ t......ueN,,,,,'" at Ihelr ltl ~I.ry Fuller. tor .bom latter
"'0 apd .aUI... III real Soutbero .Iyl.... }J1aa t'ull.r "'-. Iblll .he hoPtO. "". d"".. ~ru) M.d.m. tltretdl.ed porUnI' l'Gmpaoy .IU,U".. an.l the "-ork or rutin II h.. at.n he ,,'11I cre.te bI. drat Unl
lId. believe me. I eertallll' did ilke Ibat aon:llt .:I.y .oon, the 'that'l".....1 "'" 'II
r,"t "'Alld 10. t I...,.' ll"d"I1I" I'... "Ir..ad .. b.,J:un.lth., Uyr...lII Arl Film '"'....1 "OrIel. The .cqul.tloD ot Mr.
Ih.l .. pari of llIY d.lI! 1ll....1. Wby
you kDOW'. ",very IIllIa tb.~!-~
p.e ...11l cut ber ID. picture .. b.re
Ile call pl.y Ib.. p.rt or UUI.
I 110'1'" ",".' ,I...
.lll...r tI' " I,ll.. '":.!
.,,1'1 .h... '0
.h.lI ,I.. "lel
trov. lold Ibe IItl.r.t.... "r. I !wltel'" .tlldlo.. ",...d,,1 l.rodurIlOIl re I"
lb.1 I b {... uuu 1I,)..,lf .nd my." I... m..d, r"r hoth of Ih"", ftl", nd
l.on",rg,o.....hoe'" record of Tb.llbolla-
f'r .uce:ene. h Illaced him 10 the
lei ,. rroID my:.z;u I .. --:r
In oUle; &lid cook II cb1ctl:ell .n4 wat pl. Ill. """,,1.. "",Ih.. rh .....' Hut lalt .1 lt~ Ioru I'.1 311,1 t...t Art _bollirl It I.. 1,I.nn".1 Ih"l tbey will berom. rronl rank ot American aceo.rlo eJ:-
UI" kJteben wlUl !tt. our old dfl dhln..r hlle the camen 01.11 t. 1I0W I U1".1 ... ,. Ih,., Th.. TIlt're.. be Ill" m"d'UUl r"r Ih" ... preulun 01 ~1f'rllUJil r... llIr.... In Ih.. World F1Inl llert. I. con.ldered,olle of tbe mOllt
mamm, &lid wate . er bake &lid eranllJ"i )._ Aod he ul!i!!d 1I0t be .ulU n,y ",th,r.: n" .....1 II I. '" .on .11 id"n ..r " .... vI "I".. Tb.1 'Tb" Corporation _nke ImPOrtaol Unlve.... 1 b.. made of l.te.
_If;. One dll.7 '~,,,-..d deal~ je.IDu beo be aeea ber cooklnll. fOf dert,,1 I'"" lh'" of ,hi" "",III......ho Tl!>r..... ,.. The ,<I.'.
IIr woOaerbood.
to bean.a. ~~ &U Alcte lold me .be .. UI.ee tbat be gel bit of lb. baa bee" In'l,rlllt)"...1 a"tI .ho h "n<l 'h" ,d".. 0' Ill" I>ltlerDeN III.t
at .30-;;.4 teacb llIa bow to m.ke d..Udou. meal. 10111 h.-r 11111,. rhUd Sb. dual ""01", "Ul" Ih" .. ..,ulldiog or Ibe ma_
ntee lbJDp to e.t." Wb",o )1lu Fuller .... dCleeu ye.... <-h",r.('I.-r .\1 nn' I I'r.....nt I:er.. !oJr".l l'UIIII<,t In .om.1I II lbere
'Well, AcPelf;ept ber promlae .od
bet ,.OU tbat tbere la not a.o-
ot .ge ber mother dlKOvered Ibat
}J.r,. b.ad. "ole" aa.d~ber lhe
Imple. 10' "II wo",.n
..If. aad
Sbe I. tlllerwted I. OIl
Son,,, <I.,.
I hal'" that pOPIII.r~tches ~ t
1'1...) lId l'I.)en .'111 llUI me InlU '
Are De-_..I_LIe~
~~~:~~ea~.~ua~~e:ea~h~: ~~-:~n.~~~~ol:el.\
1ll.p: : uJii-. ~~,rl~:'r~:': I~~~::e~~ I~~v: J;::lb~' ~I~hllo~,:,~::;rh'~'= -4 ':;'. ." ~ l

u :~~ ~~I:o-:::~:~n I~':~: ; : y b:II:O~':~~~': .... ~1l~~ ~~t I:; :;:t,~~~~lr"~~ul~:;\;:; ::.I~ .. ~..n~:11U~:.:"'I~rd o~"~::~nl~: - , l'~
&lid 'O.ddy: .bo b.ld a bill tb.. little .I.r . . . 'l"etf U1kNa to .. bu .be .ould ltlll:e F.n.".!" Ih.1 Ih.., .1,b 10 ha.e rblldreD. be-
er.1 poalUoo, . . . . .1W'.y. enter- .ho.. ber ..oeal .blllt;r aa4 obtailled ("1101., behlea .r" d"ar llltl" tbln!: .'
IlC me01be" ot Conl'r_ .nd poaltloo wllb mu.lca1 aIlo. Sbe Ilut tba' IboUlI;hl. '1 w,.h to lHoar .-\ depl')1ld.ble w.Ub or atand.rei
Uler Federal omd.la. 00.. d.y be b.d. am.ll p.rl .od t.... opportulIl- ,h,lttr.." th"l I mil" ",n.. Ih" .tale. I prO"en I m.k nd ple..loll .tyle I.
cam.. bome e.rl, 10 Ibe .tterDoolI. Ue.. Tbl. dLd 1I0t utl.fy the .m- ,. ..,n" Ih"l "huul<l It" e'l,rt>_ae.1 ,n a lite-Ionl: .ouffe ot IraUdeallon.
&lid told mother tb.1 b. . . . brloll- bilioli. "I...t... 110 .be beg.n "c..l- ,Ir.",.'" ur ..n .."n .rt .. nd II cuuld It L. Ihe Ide.1 g1ft-a ,Uent. true.
101. Southero Senator to dinner .nd Loll:" ber "oet" ror aometblill bt>1l",r I... f'".,IJ ""'er-preaenl frleod "wholle qulel
.aute<! Al:lle to m.ke real Soulb- and ..... do.II) Lnduced to ",nler tbe Th," It",r.. "r.. II'" .:r ' 'd..... 0'.....Pe.kulborlty.
ero dloner. MOiler. told him tblll plClure re.lm. ThL1 tbe time. ){Iu th:01 h,I'" 10.1" .'Ib Ih.. n r ..r- -"ordUoger ...tchl':ll :n", depeod-
A,cte, bad looe to B.Ltimore for Fuller ..... reluctanl to do . . .be dId .1.. , "r Ihlnl:' Ih.t haa <'011I0' t" ..... .bl, .lw,y.-tbey earry lu.rentee
tbe 4.y .od that abe dtd nOI kOD'" not belllt"" Ibue ...ue .oy poulblll tIl"n I do nol tn'.n Iblll L .ould ,h.t kno.. no "If." nor ".od."
wb.t to 40. Ilea for b"'r. Ho..",..er.b. w.. lOla- rm'", "Ill!r.g" rur ..,men n.,.........I)
"Well, youn truly aPOke up .nd taken .. 10 lb. nUl plclure .b., 1",1 I I>..he'. Ih"l "'omell are ad

:-~~Ie'~:t~~~ ~a~::dl:::r~Olldm~Otl:~ ~:~. I:'aab~ :e~:;~lao';beC~:'::t~r; :.,~~~,~:::::.~I~:~.~~:..:~:~:.:,~:~RI:~I~~:~~~

ot tblnp olce to eat. I'v.. learo"'d rouns: .rliln In ~:r Ib~e )".U h or " . ,,,1 ,.".. ld no.l e'IJrCMton."
::~r;,.-=rel :~r;'l~e:'I~~ t:~II~re';: olm~~:~re:~ .'t~.,~,.:o.',',',',~,.": q,:.':
.od feclpe tbat Au f .. ,1t'.;tl
"Well you ,bould of _II D.dd) rol",. ID'" lIlany plcilires. She pl.yed ..

::::.\ l;l~~II.oe;:k~t~eb:~dibl;I~: ~:I~~I",.~.~~~nH~~~t.,e:e~~~. ft~~~~~ 0;~~:t~:'~:~~~':~. ...:;rl~~;",:~:nt~II~~~~~:~

:~:.~~;:-unrta.t~r:k;o~~:J ~~~ "movill"
Soautor. I gould .., oot. I "'.lIt bl.
~:: :onp~~~~1 ~;:~r:~.tb~.'::~~m~:.':
patronnd Ibe el'",ry read)'
lo'''r ,."t:,',..t~.t:'".','.~~.' ,.",.0n,.~:,",, " _._
v ~-

h1~:~IP~~ c'ourae I bel.n to cry. ~~:~,t'acl~ur~:r;'n~~~r~glO".ft:\'ar~~~ :'~l~'{~~'~::~::~::~;"~~e... ::t~:.::~~~~:.

;::~d~~:;.~~~:tel~~~~l:lt~:~'i;"~i Ln~~c:.~e:~~r~o::.~\~rg:~rt~e:YOllnl '''ed on I .. I" "!a.t toll lor het
my pride . . . burt .nd I .ould not .tar 10 lear bUlleLf .111'." from Ihe
lJ\'I"e In. Alter. 100' pie. 00 hla Edlaon Co" bul the Unh'erul people
part, ..If;lns: me to fOflet tt, I told 1II.dll ber .ucb .n .Ur.Nhe otrllr th.t And ~llldottlil l.ulth,,1 11 not .-\ lIum 11I.1) TUtJ,;
blm tbat tb.. onl' .. ay I .. ould ror- Mia FIIller nn.lly cooaented to loIn lO I.ulth III Ihe hOll~P.lff' Mltf' R.. <Ie
's:et It ..ould be wben tbey lilt me cook Ibelr Drg.nllallon. prowLdLol bllr dt, a,rlbIOIt. !Jut rUhN" Illulth "'Ith her ~lln. tl1n". IJoec. lW. lIH ...
tbe dlooer. He waa vefy reluctaot, reclor. Walter Ed ...LII....ouLd be en For Ih.. mDm~nt thl" l1t1'lr.,~~ of Ju.h "nd MLrllnda ~I.lt the bill: ell)'
.nd motber who . u or a very dtplo- g.led to dlreCI IIny ptcture in wblch mood. Rnd "nIBI" lit ,I"[Ill"lln~ llll'ltt un thllir huneymoon. Joah gel. Lnto
m.Uc n.ture did oot t.ke .Idea, .be .he .ollld he CUl, Thl. Ibey rll.dllr "'u a bOIl.II.... lr... all.url.or trnuble. )Iellirta "'Ith
jll.t 1.lll1bed. cOIl.eoted to do. aa llr. Ed ...tn I. con, ll11tu.herlllllltt",d thor, ,"tt'll a "well.'" Itlrl lind la trouoclId by MI-
"Flo.lIy, D.dd,. ..Id, 'It yOIl llIu.l.
you mu.t; 110 on .od cook Ibe dLnollr.
.Ldered Dne of thll I>eat tn the cl".. uf
~hftOll;e Into her rtlr, Anl(ulRh .. II, randa. take~ " trolley rldll alll! reo
lurn. b .. "U\ll only to Mnd Ollt that
renecl ..rt thcr ..
aod 1t It I.n't an rllhl I .. 1\I take !dIu Fliller I.y. cl.lm to ber aue- Ah. hut .lte ."l'I'"n1I."' ~1n<llltt.+j h" l111R 0 tuLc ... b bill to p.)'
lbe Senator to olle of tbe botela; for Cl':ll. tbroulh Ihe c.p.bLe dIrection or ... enlon. lln .... he .... treretl .. Thll ItlrlR cro...d .round JO.h 011
juat .. Innl .. be ,eta Ibe re.1 bome Mr. EdWIn.... he LI al".n on tbe !'etrol',," llf!eltllrt 10 B",- nothln~ Ihl! be.~h. SeeIng Mlr.nd. comill.
cooklnl b. . .U1 be a.Ulltled.' .lert to .elecl tbe prOperl m.terL,,1 more. II wu .ll Iherll. mLrror",d In hf' tie.,.. "b.odonln, ber tlllatel .nd
"Well, I Juat feU to .od lot really to .bo... otr the little .tar to hllr be.t her r.ce .nd rllftected In her tone h.lf
bu.y. 1 1I0t the O1.rlf;et bukel. wellt .bllity. But the t.ee of the artrn. nn'" El,h ."d SLlld . II p.lr of colored
Ollt &lid boullitt tbe euppllea .. proud- Amoog .ome or the pL.,.. tblt "Tbe e.preaaed .nother ... Iue newly-wed . nnd Ibe du.ler .nd Sind.
Iy u ao,.llttle 0...1, W'ed. Tbeo b.ck Dlvloe M.ry" b. . .ppeared Ln. are: It ,ho"'ed flre.t relenc. of po.....r. put. LI on. Loo~nl tor Loll artlelea.
bom.. I came aod .tarted to prep.re "HllarUf of !.he Hill. " "HLa Bill bllt power I.'ned .1 Ihe "'penBIl or JOIIh 1Il1.I.kea SInd. tor hll .Ire .od
th.. dtllDer. It took me tbree boun Cb.nce,' "Tbe Wlteb GIrl." "Wlil lentlenea, 'nd the othllr klndl)' q""l- followa her .nd Eph to ber home.
betore e'l"t'lTUilol In ab.". But. ot Ibe Wl.p,' .lId .. A GIrl of tbe Itle. or eb.raeter A. ~:pb .od hI. 'rlenda pl.y card.
belle'l". m.., It orth iUo be- PeopLe." "And Iben .be eh.ns:e." weot on Jo.h crawl. In throush Sind.' In'
ClIlM .ben tb. dLoDer . . . Ofef I Arr.nllen:lenta .re 00. und&{ y Ihe vlbranl voice. "She become dow. Theo be dl.coven bl. mllll.lf;e
_.. lbe pl'Oduut little Ilrl In tbe to .tar )flail Fuller 10 011. of the moet .om.n ..bo I. rich .nd preYl 00 ao ror Eph. Sinli nd tbe real puraue
Capitol city. Th.. Sell.to,. up~ pretfloUou, productloo. tbat the Unl- eifll" but .he I. anlm.led by but blm.
4ealre to rather to _ the cook and u .... 1 Compaoy bu uodertak.o. A. one motive. Sbe I. delefll1loed to lllr.nd. joLII. In Ibe cb..... Joab
thaulf; It.. r. D.ddy, _Ith a ,mil.. all 110011 . . .rr.ollemeota .fe com plated venle her ..ranI. 011 tboae wbo and Mlr.lld. cf.wl 1010. little bou..
o'..r bla t.ce, Mid certainly. There tbe Utle aod d.y or relea'e wll1 be
,b. la, the IltUa youOI.ter _Itb Ule .nnounc"'d.
e.uaed them. Sb" L. the Tllrflll8.
Bul ooce .,.In .he beromea .oftened ~~~ybt~:~~~~o:p ~:.~ u:~::: s~~
culL Sba prepared tltat meal, .. ----- When .he I'Ind tr...e ot ber eblld. pl.ne. to drop bomba. Tb.. u-ploaloo
ollr cook . . . not .t bom. to4.Y. DA)tOS A~"D Pl'TBJA.8 .nd nn.lly .be come. In meuur" l.nd. "lIr.ndll In Ihll river. Sb, I.
"All that the Soan.tor uJ.4 to me to her old .elr." fl':llCued by two POlicemell .bo Ie
.u: ')I.bI YOII are UI, lTuteat Utll' Bellnoln.. tomorro.. 8.turday. Alld theo M.d."'e ..enl On 10 lell' ber to Ihe police .talloo. M Mlrall.d.
coolf; I bue e'.r O1et. .nd It I .uo't IWO perfOl'1l1&11Ct111 .ilI be llfen eutJ me ,ometbll'll ot her life. Sh.. b... I rlulo, ..Ith tbe aerl.aol, Juab
.11 old marTIN 1I1aI1 I woold let yOll Baturd.,. .nd Suoday 1I11bt .t tbe .ppeared 10 many couotrle. In mO.1 .rrlvlll tbroulll tbe root. H. .nd
coolf; tor m. tor We. Ne. Torti: Tbltltr., .ber. tb. UIII- or the countrllll of tbe .orld. 10 Mlr.nd . re-unlted, embr.ce.
"Wu I aurprlMdt Tou bet. lIJl4 I ura&l'a pbolo-apecta.ele, "D.mon &lid eaCb ab. b.a beeo bl,hly lIucoeaafu\.
did 1I0t ko.o_ bow to &Ott_.r lim. Pythlu:' b.. met wlUl .oeon.. Till. 10 mao, or them abe t. known aa .n llltlLAST JOIS8 EARTJ,:ltS \lSI.
aJlbar. I Jut Nt there Ul4 lnolf;ecl wtll alan apply to bnlld:.,... The .rtl.le ot rara and ell;qul.lte po... er.
.traJ.aht al&ea4 at Dild4J' .Ithollt performauCtlll .11I be et-'I"eD at 1: 10 \'EIt~AL N1DI.faT" HEPT.
Sha b., &Y'n pl.yed Ill- Bolltb Atria.
0paa1a&' m.J mooUl.. I think my aud P. W., aoil tlta t:omplatat IUm .ppearloll tb.re 10 an act rrom .ome Arthur M. BrUant: tOfmerly pub-
to w.. puslJ"oed. beer.uN I did ot aU: paru and ora.tnl prOlTam .talldard dumatle .ork, wltb ber licIty man III Loa AOlelea, baa jolo,d
DOt .,. ,. tIlaDlI: yo. Ilr, 01 Illule w111 be ct'l"an at ucb. ne O_n COn:lPauy. lI.dame I tao a the ~..Iero Unlver..1 pubUdty .t.tr
'.&..ad 40 '0. now lie l1'l'er tor- Ila. pltolo-pl..,. 4epleta a atrO" llIl.d: .In.n, po.....IOI vnlee tb.t baa under P.ul OuUek, .lId will have
_ . . . Wb7 wbela I wu do... huUl pawartol ato17 U4 Itt Ule hellbUa ot colltralto alld e.opraoo tOlin, .Itb all Cbarle ot tbe Unlve".I1I ayndleate
lut wt.D.tatr, be ,.nett at m.J botatl ud
...-tett .e with a ....tiftl1 eua-
mOUOll ptetQn art. X#lIltta ot 17-
Wu.,.. taJI:tq aallQtlClLallatow-
uuptlonal mlddla rell.ter. departmeDt. Brnan! la k.lIo.n '
00 tbl. coUl, b.'I"11I1 baeD at Doe tim
"1 thllllf; tll.t I.ma, ..,," .be .ent
. . . . . . . . . . . Joc:bt,~tUla . . Ia th. prHudoa. Twe1,. 1041_ On, "tb.t I ..u t.lrl, ,uOCflaetul In pr_ a,e.t or tile old: Adolpbu. tb"'-
. . .ptiaa= 'To tU beet uWe -a: hi
::.u:..~~~~ all ot tb, couotrt. III wbltlt I plated. tr. 00. UI. Hlppol,I'ODle.. H. II.
title WOISiI.' with th llllle uceptloo ot Amel"-
Ju.t retUflled to tb. Ullitad Bt.t..
WIth Jut
_ . ''Look.
_ put ta't It pNtq.
YlUa .,. liteI ..
woaw. Qe loa, at aNt. I wu pl.,.IDI at tb tfom a tbrMt 10Uf or tb orI4.
T1'roll TlI..... Ia Lolldoo .b.o the Hla I..t colUleeUoIl wu "I'tllt Ut. Na_
. . . . . It .. tU 1Il_ ".so.. ~ ..,. toy. niL 1&Ie Rlo17 B. Harm .... me. He Yorlf; Cltl N.w. ,AaOOI.tloo &lid
....... _
.~.=:;.. told 1IIe that b. ""4 Ill'. I wu '11.'
th: f~oRr~':i,:~ W.I~!:.~: ::~tor-.d~
, Dh1M XUJ", *' .. oaIJM .....
U*, at
A9'ft. . Ttl..
~o~.:pt'~~ e:l:m~"tob IDI utl'l"e dall' 4ail, ot MllIl.U" P. t.

'R-... K.
Latest New York News Fra",rl. )t, Ilaahmaa la ably ...lat.
d In . .e.n. froll1 E"'D.r'a pboto-
lila,.. "Every Ineh Kill.:' br Ihe
!Ulno,," N"val ReMrH.. Tbe DIYII
til.. Kln.top
Boeton till.
IltU,UOD tb.ra.
H~ .~, tlla wal1kaowo war TIM (lllat of '''TIM A".....ache," tbe raMr," ru.b from tbelr boat, Ill. .It.1I4 tba EQ
a)~PODdRt and aa. . p.a~r ear- fortlleomln, ft".. part t. .lura rllaue
Dubuque. 10 .Id him wben Buabm.n, reNn.taU ... of
tooolat " MDt poIt bat.. to 8fllliuDi of Ihe Lite Pboto FIlm Corpor.tlon.,
.. KInl I..ofrtc, la .U.clted br bl. Uoulhertr bad
to lUake a ~. of akatch.. or u.- I. eompleled. Til.. companr will
eoeml... Tilt. m.lt" Ihe acene one lrip to' Cbleap.
Si...e of Ll . IlIrt on the I,roducllon Mnnllay, n.
of ucePllonal1y rull.tle utlon. Ihe K. C. Bookln.,
With hi, Iatant be takM ahlp
tor RotterdalU, alld II nil,.. tr.olter-
I'fInlber 7th.
Tht. cut I 11' \:!uee<llnltlr .truog The Ufe l'h'>kI Villn l,<,rloorallon
h.. IIICUrflll .11 OI,UOll 011 the Mnlcel
lite M.U.,...
be tound til.......,
,..:1 to a .mall launeh whIch, lUallned one, .nd I,rell.r.ltonl are helllll m.de
10 produl'1l tbl. pltotopl.y feature on of )II.. Mlnhl" IJul're", Ih" \'audevllle tlnlholl..Ue .bout
IIr Ballillm peuanla, runa up t....
nutr.v.lt.nllc,le. and le,lttmlltlt .t.r. to apI..,.r tn hi. bellet tbat the b
River ScheIdt to Antwen'. Thare he I I "Mlrkla:' "Tbe
.u~ed' III pureh..lnl an alrahtll I'flrnlt..loll hili bfHlll Kr.nllld IJ) fnrth"omtoll n"e'llIrl feMlurtl r/llllu"
n,\:! N. Y. Rlocll Klch.nltll tor thll 10 1ItI I,roduced hy Ih.1 ""IllIIlWy. .nd "Tlte Bplrlt of t
from Ihe mllltarr a,Hhorlllel aol!..
ftl" to the leilne or ariton, Ttll. lakin, of Ih., tnttlrlur .cene dtlillet- ,\11 llul'rf." loR" .erlll'ed '''Wlrttl .olnll to Co bl, In tbe
nlillt I. replele wtlh rO:lllc, II ...ell lUll: a IIMnlr on ttu. fluor lIt the ~:I' rlllllllrlnll olflln fr"m aimOIl 1I~llry lime 10 eome.
u Ihrlllluc "nuttonl. OOlUlJa 1111",1 rhaol:e. loUIe. phottliliay ~rodul'fnK conr.er.. III M...,. l'1cktord I.
The l","d. ot .h.. ralt la ",.tI" UI'" Ihe Julltry, and nn.lly detltrmluell .rrhe durlnc the comtn
10 the air elc.e 10 the machloe. the the reporl II uDomelal.
rarlO la thro ... n o"er bo.rd .nd fun- folio ... : 10 oft'er her .errlr". '0 the 1.lfe I'holo
nr Ihinci h.ppen on the ,round alODII John Mah In I;r.,y Wllllall1 II, Tooker ~tlllI Cnrl"lr.lI"n from ~le..r. flln. ),;d.-In AU,IUI1, "ho U
tu roule uDll Ihe aeropllne IInllly lIelen (;",Y. hI. "'UtI K"r .nd Jo.d.n. her aKenl . who .. r.. ductoll '01'1 .t.rrlnl In f
('arullt", ~r..n<:h end"'.."rlnll: to dHur.. an .Ilprollrlat .. turea for tbe Koettlpbot.,
land. ufel1 on Ibe hilltop o\erlook the 11..11 ot Ihe Ell:hlblto",'
lnl Ibe battlelleld and
fort ..... of Llece.
'"1f ruIned n"." (;r.). hl. alll"I~I'lr.. ~I"nereau
'ehlrl.. In whlrh ;\,,'" Uullr.... m'r I...
I,roll.. rl)' at.rrt!d. I'eon.ylv.nl. 011 TU"dar ev
RUlh. hla rhUd I.Hlle M.dl(" ~;vanl Thl dda .lInlh"r .htnlnll IIKhl Ihe repreHntlllve of tha
Thare. JoIr. p.lmer HI. up Ill. eud
frum Ih" l"llltlm.tf'.talle I"th.. ,anll. pbute .nd Ihe K. C. Hooklnr
GEO.H.MELFORO Illd IIlru 10 .Ileleh. but Ihe "'e.r
and ucltemenl o( Ibe Journey b.""
A.bluO C.meron
l'hl1 Carlton
~;d Roa.em'll
~r.unl" ~"ullhol.
nr Ilhol"I,I.yen. corpor.ted.
DlRB(."I'INO )1 .... V,uKn.n 1'.lh"rlnOt f'ountl .. Th.. l.1f' I'h,,'" ~'lIm C"rJlOrllt"n '''''Mld_1 WalleT Hoft
tired him out .nd he (.11. . .Ieep at
~In. Illrtlnltlo" :-lue lIalfuur "'111 "hnrll)' .""""" u('('p..loo of Ihe Ako. Th.nltal"Iol;ed.t bl.
hta "'orlt. A "elrd dre.m O('('lIn to N)'.rlt. Ne'" York. HI. flnt reat
HARR1' WOOORlr .... blm. and the flnrlful .nd ludlrroll. 1'011)'. Itreet 1.lf \'\"1." Tohln 1t'..I."r' f,"t"r.. r"l _ . IId.I,IIIto".
~II .. t'llth.. rl' ... louIIII ha. been fro", .UIt" 1.1.) . "1'llotl. h'IIlK hte" In weell .
IMnlt. he . - are all Ht forlh In Ibe
for ~ Fe.tare P1a1 CoPlpaor, Irreamlnltly funn~' "arloon plrture I,u,lly ..nItMIt..d fur til" I'a.t twu ...cured h.' II...", "" I",,lv.. "f Ih .. nen Turplu, ~; ...na,. rollIedl.n,
... hlth follOW. ",,'..IIa' at h". ",odtal,", or,h"lnlt .n lI.tlatetlt,lrltt"atlo."':.""ell,r",lur.','
II.l.Jhl. ""U"I',
u,ourntnll the Ion of hi. pet tn
mille. whleh ,,'" t.ken lIarl tn
The arlill II !luall)' a,... lte""d by ..ltrn.I,'" wardrulJ,' In I", ull',1 I" Ihn
I'.udutrl"n. Th.. 1.11, I'h"',, Fllru ('un",nlll"" mao)' Enanay earned lei. Tbe mut
ALLEN CURTIS, II "ilI:orOUI .Iap whlch I", .dmlnillen
Till' I'lout"IIII\)' 'flll I", r~I""""11 helj;tllnh'lI with II,, ,,,,,nth of JallUlIry, nnally hec.me too old 10 be In f{ood
to It mOIQulto .'hlrh I' II'.. n fllll"n- form "nll w. . .ellred 10 t.rm on
Direclor Inll: upon ht. head "Il,I... n... Air''' I.rullrllm "IIII'l:.lI.l''''I .. "n'-'''I'''rtf"utur'',,"
month. ,h I" ,,'l,,tlo.,. Ihl" adtlltluu- I"'nllon. Turptn vltllll hts fatthful
:\l.~ "'I~I" hn hora .. tor . .Ia.. l"'r"l1 kn....-Ihal l,rIlU)' I'''KKr Me
A' a reere.Uon. he h.. ~ll dolnlr ('11.11. I. l ..l"l.m nlln.lt"r uf Ih" Kin .. .1 tt'lIlure "'II! 10., ..1....."1 Und'lr n", old Pel "vl!ry Bunda)'
JOKER-UNIVERSAL CO. l.tf,'I'h"I"I,.",ul htt""ut."y,,1 I",,,
little borseb.rk ridlnll hel ...een IlIlIh"I'" I'ubllchy Iklilarlm",nl ~ lIenri 1~ltel"'II ",...terplece.
period. ot I.bor. lld fe'" d.y. alia ,...... 1101 .h.. I r".1 I",' "" <:el"rmlr...,1 I,)' n,.,llr.-rlou of tbu' 'Th" Thief." Ihe Cba.les Probm.n
he wenl OUI for. canter. acrompanl U" thft Job .. ~",r,. 1I,lnule .nd Itn" .... ,'o"I'."y II I. 1",~.lI.I,' th.1 Ih" Illl LyreuOl Theater .ucef'll. C. H'ddon
.HOIITWood 6. Home r,700 . ed br ;\11111 Lolita Roberl_lI ....ho Ih .. "Ilue of pu1>Il.. U)' tltloallr".... ,,, .fll b.....I..a,,d "n".. r lhllmber. "The Idl"r: 'Ihe D.olel
.Iarred ..'lIh blm In Ibe "Truth "I'rellr I'ell(r" ha1l1 from llen"er. Iln"'h,,r ".n, "hllollr:;h th .. I,r"do," ~'rohm'n prod uri Ion. Iieorl Bern
11NI\'ERSAL FI...'U w'lIon:' I'hkh be proclu('ld retillltl) lion 111 I 1Il""~': 1 10)' ,II, a.m .. at"'n'. "S.mIOD." Ihe Chlrl" Froh
MASUFACTURING OOllPAS\' Colo...nd ...... ollc,,~ 10 S .... Yorll
JUit I'hat h'PI"ned I. nol dtlelOHd. Cll)'. hr Ih .. VIt'II"llh ('u .. aom .. re.1'1I "I"'UII< .. ",,,rr a"I f .. " th,,' ar ,,_ m.n lrtterlun Theiler bll. wllb WII
L. H. Scherer, but It mu.t b."" ~o rlther uII- '11(0. Th..) plued lI .. r In Ih" ....dlnK IUIJ~",1 "It II '"., I.If. I '" ~l1m , . Iltm GillenI'! .nd Con.lIore Collier:
ple."nl. fa. I'hen Ih" p.rlr rucbed del"rtm",ol, ,,her. . .he read o""r jl<,nll"" fo.ler .;n,e.aon Bro... ne1 "A ~'ool
Loc.Uon )f.n'ler.
"011)'..004, C.llforol. thO!' lIudlo ~Ir. ~llm.n .......dl,. :'.000 1,1'1'. h..ok" .n,1 Kell.rl". ;\1. t;ulot"",-~ 'h .. ,." ."llOr)' ."d Thrr".. Wll.... KI... .od Erllnler
rumllle;! .II;! .111('1 h .. olf"red 10 parI That' "hol" 101 for. 1I1l1.. I(lrl '.'''''11,, ''''''':<II''r"I 1'''1 r"IlII'''''). lrh,ml.h .nd Roberl HlIlt.rd. rreat
.1111. Ih" horllf' II "err reuon.ble nlll Ihe dtd n,,1 mind It lI.. t ...... n In "" 11II.. nh". a .t.1! th'" th .. 1101"" ."t "urc..... 1l"'ld Bel.aeo. "Tbe
ftllure. ' Iilrl I Left lIehlnd ;\Ie;' Cblrletl
Harry Schumm .'\l'1hur t'. .\lehln, no'" ...111.01
limn ahl' .... I'nll'lIlnll lll\"OIl1er. of
Ih .. ,a.lou. r t.
I.. r .,r"r,1 "lItl "hErh Ih... !+'III"n' ro"
lo".,~ "f hi. """'I'''''.v h "". 1""'1l f,, trobmllll. Eml.tre The.t.. r opener
Ju.tJille Lead m.n'/l:er of Ihl' I'hlladelphla br'Dcb ... ftpr t"'o )ear. "'IIt1 that runr..u. ""I< ,. I h~ .t"", .1<:hI I,,,)'>.... .J",,'I- lind l.nel Z.nil:.II1a "The Chlldrell
FRANCIS FORD CO. uf tIll' Wo.ld ~'111l1 t'orpormlloo. 11... .h,' "". 1rn"IKI..d Into jolnlnll "Ihl" 11'.1Il1"'''IlII''''''1I,,,,,,rll'''I",", .. f "f tit" Gh"'llo." Uebl... 'lId eom.
mad(' ,tridell. III Ih;, mo,tnK plctu.e 1I)," J.rk Cu"nlnllh.m. 't,,1f "t th,' II,, Llf. Ph",,, FII", t"'I" "t"'[I 1""1"'" ~re"t tlroduellon. wtll .11 he
line. fla"lng com .. frum the leglll KI""wphnt,,_ Jpek. du"" nOI r"II"'1 "'h" 1,.,,,1,,,,, hlllh"I".,, IIII""I',II"n. ,ho... n 1I00n ht lbe IIl'dlnl\: 1,letur..
lIlate '1&1t" only alx montha '110. 11.1. It .. hh"., SIl" hp" 1'''1 ." .. r .ou", hilt frollldr"'''''II.''''<',, ."fth,I"l:ltl lh""I"'11 In Ill" counlry.
aClhlIl.,. h'H~ lI..en .0 Kr"'1 n to 1,,,IJIIrIl)' ,tunl .IIud ""'h' Ih .. ,,'11,. "ttt. 01'1(". l,r",I"""1 "I"'"'' ""1\1.' Wlllllm "'aI, otten refer.ed :0 ..
MILLARD K. WILSON m.ke hln' a ,alu.hle m.n. "dllor, tlk .. Ih.", ..Itll 1"llnll,' ..lot" ..1 I" dN.II the "Klnlt ot Ihe ~lo'le.: h .. In
Ju.enile Lead. "Whftl Ihe.-e bo tim, In ul.leoce Wh .. ny"ullr.. ln Ih .. l,lJI ''''''',ot''I'
1"10 ...... ""111(". ,.p...IIIIl) If )u" h.ll
.\If I;.,hlll".lot lu.llll'r 11,,1,,1 Ih:.1
.. Ill,.1,, f"'lm"'Il,"I. a',,1 ,'nlarlle.
WUC".. at llroduclloo at hi. mollon
plcillre Iludiol lOme of tbe btf{ge&I
UNIVERSAL Ihal l1Iall ..a belle. nlm Ib.o Ihe IIrm .t.,e 11.1" III twenly-flve Ye.r,. "'hlch
th.t I.m "01' "lIb. I bope to be ...lIb (ronl tl'" W_t ,... DI. 11"" l... h,J(. m.d .. Itl tbe COm
D;;ectioo Cbu. Gibl7ll Ibem:' nld lI.rrr Wei... Cbluco \1 ... ~:t1" ....1 )1. It.... k...., l,r.lld.. nl 1"1"'. lall"r""" In 1;[llIt.. oOO. S. J .. be UpecU 10 releallC throullb the "THE THRI
Ih" fl.dllll... "f Ih .. romp.or rolll be holl: alice Anr.cUon Companr. a dl. OF 00
n"o'K.. r of Ih" World Film Corpon "f Ih .. 1.1f.. I'hul<, FIl'" lurl,ur.l1on. trlbuUnll orlanlutlon l'lth branch
\Ion ... h" alll:ned Ihe 13itb COlllr.et. r"lurn ..d 'rulll S",, Urlp ..o lIh lh.. dOUbll"d Coulli Vet.ee,
Klo. l\."'IOC<o1 l.roouUII~ Till wllb omeea III Ibe prioelp.1 cUI. ot Ibe 10.... m.k.... Cre&
~I . Wet .. I. perb."" Ibe bell ItnowlI ".11 .. hkh .."nllll"to:d Ih .. nlmlnlC uf eounur, "L1:'. Shop Wlndo ..... tbe
HAPPY nlm m.n In Cblr.lto .nd be h .. m.de
rl'(ord fa. hlm..,lr tblt la Ihe eovy
of Herr e:l.-baole m.n In tbe bu.l
IIo,..lh Tllln"to"' Iwlultrvl ,Ir.ru .
..<I.rln"lhn. . . . .\1' It,.. k.m ". 1-
I' ,,~I I.... hl .. hln,,!,,lf .'llh .. nlhu.l.lm
lh.. lunl: ... " Il"Cellllr. roun. ac-
rr.n"h'l: ,:>nle towe ... Illo b.er
I"" ,.",01 II It... a,wllo I'hen
nm.ruble .lOrr rr"," Ibe pen of
Vlctorl. CrOll.nd ''Tbor W.lla of
Jl"rteho:' Alfred Sutro. cre.t M'ct.1
Itlrl. al Sumll:l
..lib Dor. Geo
la Juloua .nd tor
CoUIlL But .be III
Direction Franeil Ford. nea.. Due 10 hi. pOpul'rllr fully 50 "'h.. " 'tI('ounllnll U ... h.I"II .., or 110.. Klnll n.......1 .."t .. r.. d
dr:uDa. In "'hlcb J.mN K. H.clt.a by dropplq ber
l>er cenl of 111." bu.ID"U I. COlten productlon, . "!Woo '" hltl " I",,,ollful ,,,,,~., of
Un.i.eraaI Co. ; 0."", an luln.l,,. Io,,~ _II: ,. Id .I.rrt'd. ," nol' on elreull .nd ara pit:)!: up. Geo,,'
IhruuCh )1._ Wei.., 1'11.1. backed hr "" ."tH thll ,h.' r<ln,'c" .., c,; belol; aho ...o Ihrong-huUI tbe eoualr,.
Los Angeles. Cill. Il:ood r,,"urea m.kes (Ombln.1l0D th...rtre... retber. II 1U0re J
.tJorded hln' b)' th., llunlrll,.1 .'U' 10 re<:ordb ...alling ."dlen...,., Cilire hlrea. r~o.a of
Ihal I, h.rd 10 beat. tborHle, In ~ ...- Orl,,"IO. IM:l.mltt,,: "\u.~" In'lulr,,d lIalll(ol. "\o.,,~
Wllltoey .od Stu.rt Hnlmel are aD Ibe Collnt.
.I"nl'Ol I.Infc k and !ih.ef"n hlC tbe \1111011 uf Iren". Ih"t nndl'r ur- Votl II 10. "lIh lh" "". uf rt""er.~" ata.rlng In "Llfe'l Shop \Vlnllo ...... Tile pa.pt
Staltl Stre.. 1 HOUBe. The Orl'bllum III oln.ry rlrrumllanr"". ,"uld n"t "II- ,\",1 u,,'" Khlll ll'Kllu' .nIHler. ~;dmund I:Ire.."e II beln,o: fealured In Ihe roof or a
l,eRr OIL the ,neen "'hy the arlre.. ,lo':Il,,'t lpo!'" In him
Holly GUNIVERBAL ;~e 57007 ~~I~:rgll~.ha~,~~~;t~~~~a~na~V:~I~d~~: H,' "I"u .IPted Ihl,t ... htl" thu pru, "'Ido, Ihe Jl"uKlI..I'n lI.hh.)uod I"
"Tlte Walll ot Je.lcho."
Som.. <If 11,.. "tan I,lioyln" In Ihe
jump. up uulnju
Count to a r.Uroad
durllon CII'1 'lull., MOTllI' ilia'''' tban IB he.hby Ill. "'''Ill dolt"" but When
MAtr07ACTUlUNG OCMPAJIOl' :~f~l :S~~e.:~ 1.5 bc:::::er "':~t'~.:I': ..... orlCI".lly lIntlrllllll"d. th" he.ut)'
I\'lllt.m ~'O:l ttlm IlroducUolIa el' loolle. lhe rope. alld JUIll
JACK WHITE _ n mue olf Ibe Orpb.eum all- of the I'lcture, .nd the decld~dl)' .. U. ~:r:'~al::":.~I~~~t~et~: ~~:1:'~~:~~ lrao.dlllar)' .r.. Dn,ulh)' Donnelly.
RiAhmrd UUhler. Robert EdelOo. Wtl-
ro ..catcber of 'D on-nah
The Count la rec'Plured by tU
Cashier ooane-- the .Un..cUOIl. Tbe deal factory ,...tlle. obt.lned, ju.tlf, Ibe lila'" 1010 Ibe rl"er to ........ >0 hi. Uam ~'arnu,u, Wtlloll Lack.re. dtu cbll' Ibroll.rb lIII. 'WOOIII .
w.. ne,oUaled br R. H. ros 01 the .dda4 upendltare. .~_. "Uetll .nd Germ." II 'h~ Charlet Rlchm.o. Catherine Couo bouud to tbe t1l.r aeat of . .
!lJ.._LL_YW_OO_D_._ -'-:::=~m th~jo::'d ~:i~:O:n': ~ ~_.III .taled thaI UU .. b....
elM CO'Old b.v. Ipproprl.te _DM
I ""e'1. KO 'u....d .. In "hlrh II..... Edu"P'de.loa8 .nd Thedda IIHra
o/1bU. hi. debul 11'1'111 b...... llr. ~'Ol: b.. acored the ICOOP a.
bile Tbe _totaObUe .
I'rec:lplce wltb tbrflLtttc bot
Sb. .tv tn~. beaD aacul"lld tblD Sew Orl. . lltl. )eUolld 00 SUlld'r. J.IIUI') ;t ..l. Ihe decade In .ll;nlnll up BeH,. :-;.0. Ihe Count cr.wla out from ~a
..... au. JU--.u You.D& .p- ...b... til. bull of tbe wbol Ior,
..... orl~Il.lIy 1.ld by Boolh T.rk-
Tbe -.a-e lodol or .....n.I<I .. r.bl .. ... n. Ihe Ireu St.ndlll.'I"n trailed I wreck.ce ullIIlJUred. and c _ beck to

TO" FOIUlAS I"!.red 1"1 "LoI." I. tUm venlon). 1'J:r! of f.. mlnloc I'nllf'd :-111", Orrin "nne .nd r.e.tor of Ihe I.ben rol.. Ihe botel. He II makJnc lo..-e to

Juveoile Leo.d. wllb H r,
Woodruff In "A ~tlerna.. or
LeilIII"e," dlrectloo George H.
tbe Chteago omen "'ere Iw.mped for
nlm 10 Uk" c'.e of tbe bookIIlC"
Tbe reaulu I-ere. two hlr. prtol.
Ton, Terrt-. h" t. producllIll Ib..
T.. rrl.. 1,1.). fur Ihe Klne:ullhote.
II ,\ Hulre I" .Ia.
J"hn.on. h JU.I be-en .. n.::.lted I.y
In Ihe fO'lhcon"
Inlt 1,ltolol,ln.,. "S.llln S.odenon.'
Thl. I. Ihe fltll Ume In tbe Itlator,.

b'OUllhl to pnae In mo,'lnl! plr

Dor. whell Georce eolll" In. _
or Ihe plclur.. bu.lneu thlt a .tar .nd f.lnta ....a,., cru.bed b,. lba

MeUord. "'ere uled .nd Chlc.go 1l0W 11.. . t ...o hoill. that Ih" enlr.nce to the (:rllod "hlrh I. In I'" r..I.. ~ ....d b)' ,\lco I" lur.. film Mt.. S.oal'n hila beeo dec .JESSE L.'\.SKl B.'\.CI[ BOlD: FOR
LMIQ' Featol"e Plar Co. Ihellrea dOI'otoln ruonlOll tbe 111m Cenlr.1 ".Ia.-e i' 1I0thln.:: for ....t." S.,,,I.. r"'>II. Ihl" l'Ol,ul.r ~'ounlot orated by nun,~roo. potenlli. THASKSGIVDI(l.
Indenllltely, b...ldea Ihe recular Sbu- I.IrHI'h .uhje<:t to .ttempt to n"lIull _Iar m.k ... hi" "'......" d"hut ,,'t III.. SUOlnd ThH(et', S"I' rork. Jeue L. LUkr. prM.I4eot or U1e
bert booltlng, sc.ttered .U o"er Ihe ate until he h hlld lUor" e.t'erlell.... ... 1 It< nu",m" 01 leadlnlt rol .., III Th.. ROlle of tbe Rancho:' 1).~ld Jeotee L, Leakr PeatQI"fl Plar Com
cltr. In hrellhlhll th .. dllllll' .'h"la of "I's ""I",rlnnt lolll~. h.' .. b"en .\tr John' Il-tolll.co. f.moul succ..es, ... tll hllve pan)'. .rrl"ed home III. New To,k III
Arthur S. K'ne. aaal.lant mall.ger (nlllon '\'I'nu.. _ .\1 . T"rrl'" .1n,1 .\Irs "'Ul'" lIr"nd"'''l" I"'rllnn 1110 I.at hl~ It. p.em!.. r .rreen productloo. II I, tIme to celebrate ThaDh~l1'lIll wnb.
of Ihe World Film Corporation, I' T".rlu ulI"d Itall)' to)' tul I.. Ih .. "-,,.k III ~,." Y".k "-MI hi' rtenll"" uld thlll the nlm "erHloo eJ.cetll tbe the lIIembenl or hi. f'II1I1,.. Mr.
ALAN FORr.8T. aw.y on a two weeki' buaille.. 1.lp
for 11.1, company. Htl lUnlerarr ,,m
~;xhlhlwrl' HIIIl 11I.t .\londll,. ""!II ur II", I"atl" I" "Th .. ~lll.rl.lle (~" nI ... orlllln.1 l,rlldurllon In milo)' "'.YI. Lllllk)' haa bllen to th .. Le.k,. 'tudloR
Direction. Robert Leonard Inlt an,l ,,11 "'enl ,,',,11 until Ihe)' h.d llnd "TI", Til of ['11." The IIIClur.. produclton was $lIred In Hollywood. Cnl" the enlat"ltemeDt
bring- blm to Phlladelpbll, W ... hlng <I1a.. mb"rke:1 ~f.a_ Terri. hu. larll" II. 10 " ,"",,,, of L"ul,,"llf... K,' .1 ~loDlerIlY. SlIll JOII lIud HoII,.- of ""hteh he hili penoo.lly .uper-
ton, Allaola. Ne .. Orleaoa, 1I0d n.l- ami b""ullrul hll "'lth 1,lume, UI,on ,h II )-nulh h,' " .. tit "" 0,.. "tllK" In ..'ood, C.lIfornia. In the exact 10e.le ,I.ed In order to m.lte aure tb"t U1e
Hollywood. Cill. I.... From there be la 1I0t cert.ln II. Thl. h.1 raught lh., fllnr)' of Ihe 11", rOt"pa", nf ~;rne Ellllh. Wllhln "f the pl11Y, There .re 410 beau Inc.eased '"Qulrement!l of tbe bu,l.
... hlch ....y be ...11I \('11'.1 but be ... 111 ro)' Uerember ,,-Iod, Th,' hll "'"nl '"'' month. h., "'aa h.. r Il!a,llrlll mllll. Ilful ICCn"". and :'oil... Beaate Bar- oea, call be mel wlthoul del.y. :'olr.
m.ke c.retul .tudy of condllloDl .. lllnC dOI'o Ihe ","oue. "'llh Terrf 1I 1,0.ltI"n h" h"ltl ror Ihr..e ten ...nll rlac.le "'til be _ n 10 Ibe princlp.1 Laaky elpe<:ted 10 be bome br the
In e~errone of tbe rllt.. mentioned. 10 full fry behllld_ II .. retrle, .. tl the III IM!fO lh" )'OUnll a.-tor be~IIn role .uppOrted hy a "0111 or rare bal- dr.t or tbe "eek. but ..... detaloed

. ollywood NatioDaI Baok

. 8.11,,",_ Bh'" ..... ~-. . .
I chlllr .peel.1 Iltentloll 10 coodltloo.
In Ibe fellure lIeld.
LeoB .I. I1amberat........ notlflt'd .t
6:30 lut ~ond.,. olchl. thl! be ....
trellured piece uf mllllnel')', bUI. a.
he lluo\ICd 10 I,lck II UI'. hi. o"-n
lreuure;1 bonnet . Inllched rrom
hll head .nd tbe '1,.ln\lnll r.......d.
runllertlon IUh th.rl", ~rohm.n '"re .od ucellence. The piece w. .
.-Itkh 1..1.. <1 fa. mill,. ......on.. In
Ibll )." h.. I,I.)-.. J Ih.. lU"enlle le.d
In ";\II'n .nd Women." a pl.y thar
"roduced b)' Ihe JeIIH L. Laalty ~'ea
lure PI",. Comp.uy under tbe dlree-
lion of CfK'tI B, De~ll1e.
to complele .rr,",emeota ,,'tb Mig
Blanche S ...eel, Ibe tamou. tUm ta-
\'orlle. "'ho It.. beeo enClled to ..tar
lu th~ Luk1-Belaaco productlo!ll.
HOLLYWOO? C... L1 ..01Uf1.a. 10 le.ve on Ibe nut tnln for In<lI.II. "'ent to .nn.h Iben and there HoI' r.n on IIro.d ..-a)' fnr one )'ellr On" or lhe "tan that ~1'1l: ~-'g-mao Slllce the .nOountilment ot 1l1g
polla. Tbe lraln left II ellht .Ild e'er. Tom Ter.lu .... at Ihe b.1f .n,1 :llnr.. lh" 11m.. ~Ir John.on h .. h. . unco"ered l.tely I. Ror Ste.... rt. S..eel'a "ollagemelll It baa been d...
CiIi.... S..iDgl Baok I he w.. readr tor actIon In Indl.n
lpolla all. 11.1 rrh.1 Ibere. He II to
he }oU)' ..eU liked It. """,,n .....n In m."~' pl'111. "1....1. In Ihe bill: bo, .etor ""bo made .uch
hit ... llh hi. dellneatloo ot Bud
clded to bave ber .ppear IInl In
"The \\arren. of Vlrglol.," tben In
The ('ryaw C.. nll.....' II... IlrI>t!u""tl lead In I( I.llrl. lie haa bet!1l rhlef
do .peel.1 ..ork for the World Film film ... hlch .hould appe.1 to lilt t.1 mille .UilllOr! for RIch.rd ;\l.n.fleld, ~Ie.na In Ibe Hoaaler Seboolmllter. "Tbe Wom.n," .nd "S...eel KIlt.)
CorporaUOII'1 br.nch In Ihe Indian gl.I.. "The PII Gltl. ROlllllne..... to ~IIIude Ad.m, and Annl" Ruuell. The bill fll!:ht 1CII!0e In "Tile Trulh Rellaln."
.....r ten d.y. be rele..ed on Tue"dllY. l')ecembe, While he wnll 1'lIh ~Il .. Ru..el1 hi,
The .. World Film (;o"'lOratlon.
CbIUl!O olllell had for vI.Hon thla
t!lth. II tde'Vlllllng rome:ly wtlh
a l.ugh In every font of nlm. Sol
wo.k "'on "MIl I,I.re In crillal fa\,or
fill cre"tlon of the "Ju,llte." In thfl T_-olt;:I~~J;:.r:~=:-"-ol:S-- _~"!t..
.... ....~LIPIo
weell Ihe tollo..lnlt Ileople: "r..d
. DYAS CO. WOodY'lt, Blo Theatre, Moline, Ill._:
Owen McKlvelt, Bljou Theatre, Ra,
only will II "xelle the rl'llIl1ltl08 of
1111 Itlrl. blenoll ",!th n lI'oodl1 .h"re
"f emhonpolnl but ,In addition It
IlIt" Clyde ttlrh. "The GIrl ltlld th ..
.1<1<1110." lind hi' jU"enlle lead In
~t1"e "nd M.. n," with Annlll Ru",lI. Alcalllar
Ho..A.s...' er-.t..qon
cloe. Wla.: J. Slgtrled. Uljou Tbea- .hould IIlve thin folk' re"'on to be wer.' renl ronlrlbullon, to .talttl ht.- .......ted ... ttr..H-.nollbeCity
Ire, Oec.Iur, Ill,.. and J. A. U.e). thankfUL thll they It II the .cllh~, he, lor)'
D.venpOrt. 10.... low 1'-,0 l/tlu,ul. In "S"t.n S.ndenoll," "1m crHln J. E. ENGLEMAN, Prop. 202 North Broadway
------~ ----- agree. the pOI,ular .t.r h.. 1I role
th.1 nt. bI. l>orlOn"Ulr.

N........ 5tac:ollld HIl-' Saddl
WeatllftlOatfiti FROM ~ln'E.R TO WEARER AU STYUS ...1.1 FACTORY PtlCU
Make Reservations Now REPAJRINO NEATLY DONE:
1I0EMt .... So. ......... 1.31

YOUR E. R, S;;U=~'D.lk CO. .Cafe Bristol PHO~~"(ERs'
4th ancfSpring
ttolll.W. . . I'IMveC..
730 South Spna. Street W;';..=dor
Chriabnaa Dinner
al 743 So. Spring New York's Smartest' Designs
Set with DiamQn<ls aud Peart.
The Case Verdallo Cafe 500 to Select from---$I'O,to_ $~~ . r /
136 Bo. Sprlnc St.
Chu.1l~ _M__ ,~L"'~
Cl-lliISTMAS, 1914.
theW~:~Rl':: ::'::~l~ ~~rJo~~~::nr,~
Rhelf under the liitronalfe or H. M.
Klnlt Albert or HelRlum: L. De aad_
eleer, ~Ilnllter ut !I!ale for lIel,lum;
Pierre Mall. Ilt:.llflall Conllli Heneral
In New York; the Ilellfillu kellet
Cummllle" Rn,l wllh th" "'O-OIItlTlt-
lIun or the l:onllllltt"ll ot Mercy al
th" :itrallll Tbeatre. Tuell,lay IIfter-
noo". Ill!cemller ~th. II".
KlIloxy "r atlra IIYer auumhhlll Ilt
'11111 111I;;lt:\ l,,,rrormatwe will lJe lellll.
~lrl. AUKuat ll"ltUOllt, wh" II Ihe
l'hnlrllluu "f tlo" L:omlllltt~ of Ar-
~:J,~K:'::~~'lt:. t':"'~'Il~:et:hr.t~~~rK t~~
;;r"HI.'1I1 .. rllatlc atl,,"'ftft 111 Amerl-
,'au IIt"K" hlalor{.
The enlllrtalnnll'ni will lie u"I'lue
III "very relpect and a ,ll"tinct de-
l'arlure rrorn anything whlch hili yet
maull or their rehell.r~"l~ and lJeen pr"'Benled to th" tllelltre'llolnJ
tbllrn to UHlir aeton III thll I>re\l- I,ulllk. It will conllhtt "f a hiltorl
n ot a play went on. ~:"er)' <'al revlllw of the Amerlc.. n Bt....
110 Dlatler how 1I111l1ot, IIhoWII Well-known Itan will be Buen in Ibe
..... Ith IIlarlnlll)' I>rulallt)' on tllu rolc" In whlrh they wlll loll mOlt
en lind a mllll or \\'OILlI\Il wllo .. rtllrtlooat"ly r"ttl"",I",re'l.
d been corr",Nell tor K fnull)' "'ll.lk .\In. 1'lItrlck Can'l,hell will bll aeell
an Improper metllOlI of rlulIlllII a hi a ,celie from "l'llllh's Iln<l Mill-
oor and uldn't Kl'pear 10 llilderlllallli lI.. nd .... ; Mm.. ~"dmova in "lIedda
ow ~ aUleud th,;!!,. IIhol"lcomlnj(1I
would. If Ihe)' could lIue lh'm'lIeh\."K
ullOn the scrl'en, 110011 rl'nHllly thlllr
~Illlll (:i1lJert. "'1I1l ~Iin L:h,lr~
Gallier": Mrll. S"l Smith "B th .. nUTIe
In "n"llleo .. ,,,I .Iull"t", .\11118 MiY.
Itarel Anglin In "Th" T"t11lnll 01 the
Shrew: ~IIBll lIuth Cliatlerton In"'
'11l\ddy l.ong l.e;;s"; .'IIBII Jane Cowl
T III,,,~\~:",:1:;":,~:,:::,, ::::,,::,:' ",,:,':,";:~":,,:';:''',',':,~::'':,~',',,';~;~,~'::::, ,,"
Whitne~' lIud Min ~lllud Turller (;ur- I" "WUhln Ille l.ltW... ~lItJl M.rt. "I i",,i";'il"" a. <lid Ill, jI<II .. I1. "til ill,T,"." lit, I'r~'li;!~
dou IB a fOUlld..r lIud ollker of TI,.. Horo 111 "tJlIl'lr T"'lll -; .\tlto,. Du-
~lotlon Picture Arlrellses Hud t'ruIIII d'" I" nlt llawk": ~lill~ ~;llltb .... 1' II-" 1\" I LIl- It;" ,. ,',1)".",01 i,.r _" "':L"~ .,,;,r-
Leagu". whiC,"1l III lle"oUnl( Itll"n h> W)-"".' \I"'thj~"n I" "~;"eryman";
aewlng a"d knitting different Il.rlh'I"K ~IIRII .lillie 01'1' I" ".1,,11\111 ('J.elllr'; I" ,'"" 1"11' """ \\ IIIl ""l' . '1<" 1'1" ,,11"'\1"11-. ,\t. "ill ,11"" .\1".],,1. i .. "m I h~.
tor the InternlltlOllal He'l Crollll. ,11Ir- \lillB A""I<' ftuaM"ll In "l'lte atoO!'B
Ing the lntenalB lJetw..,ell 11<;""'1'11 III lon'I,,~r" . .\ll~M .\llorl" T"",p""t lu 1";,,11";: \,." \, ,rh ,k~'-":""r_ ,." ,., ;,1"'111 .Ialll,ar, !-lit,,"th. 1'115
the IltudloB "nd on "locBtlonB." ~llllll ""II l; "')'" I"... ~llll~ I'hylliM "till-
Whitney, who hlla K r"lalln' "t Ih, HOti T,'r,.~, I" "T"','lrllo ~I;;hl" _\Ir
front III the l,erllOll of I.leut, L:ol. Wllllalll Ir",... I" "lIl1"hl Il"rum.
Oll"er lIunrd of th" RO~'nl l.ullIlun ~Ir, Ill'lIry ~: lUx,,) In "Aduulll
ScotllBh. orllllllHletl the ideH ur th, \ir \\'Il11"m Fa<'Prllt""" In ""(J11",1I,,"
Leallue llnd III l,reBldelit of It. AI- .\ir, Willi'"'' I;IIl"llo in ":ll",rlo"k
relldy lhe plan hllil caullht un like 1101",,,11"; ~lr, Tltu""'l1 J"rr"r,,"n I"
wild tire and Ih. dkk of kllluln;; "RII> \'nn Wlnkl"" .\ir. I{alllln .\Ian
needlell ran lie hcnnl In ~llttliOB 1111 lell In "Kin;; I.~llr" .\lr. ll(lnrY
o"er tbe "onnlry frum "e'" York tl> Miller In ""h.. Only W"y": ~lr. Ellen
CalltornlB Pllmllton In ..T ....dtlh !t:1;;hl". ~lr
It Willi at lin nmMur" I,,,rfurma',,'" Joa.epb Wellur. ~Ir, I.e'" Flel'IR and
gh'en 11)' the gradualln;; c1allll of her Mr. Francil WI IRon In "}<;rmln"".
hlgh Bchool in I'hllatl~li>hlll Ihat .\111111 .\Ir_ Walker Wlilletlidu III ".\Ir_ WU'.
Gllhert attraCled the IItlen..t!.0n or " MIIB \'iola Allen in "Tbe ChrIBtlnn.
manager wbo then lIud there ulfere.! ~IlIlB Franc"B Slnrr In "nol" of the
her a Bmalll'art. Slu('" thai lime IIh,' Rancho.'" ~lr. 1I0111rook Illlnn lind
haaooen leatllulo; womn" of th" Clrard ~lr. Wlnlhrop Ametl "'Ill be the Rla/l;e
A"eulIl! Stock ("ornplIllY. of the Oll"cr dlrecton III lbe purforn'Bnce
~loroB~o Sto{'k ('oml,an)- lit the Bur- ,\fler the entertBl"menl thare will
bank Theatre. LOll Anl:elell. plnyed 011-
].IolIUe to William ColllN In "1'11 U"
"" R Tea DanUllte" ~IOI' the Stra"d
.\IIM Elllilbelh ~larh"r)' haB arrftnlt-
Importer and Ladies Hatler
HallKed It I Do.' 'and 'The llklntor"
and wall 11.180 I..adlng W"llIall "'lIh
"d 10 have ~lr. lind ~lrB, Vernon CaB.
tle. MiuJo,," f1a""rur and other eele-
Model Hits Third St. at Hill St.
Goy Batt'S PUgl lIud III "The Yellow llraled daDCe,. apl>enr
TIcket" Befor" juinln!,: The UU%
OlJ\c" Attrut!oll Compan)-'Il fon'ell
The lbeUrll all ""ell n~ Ihl! roof
Kardell bave toiletl dnnJlled by the
Sport Hats
IIl,e WIUl lllading womnn wilh KIll;; \Illrk Slr.nd Theatr'- Coml'llny
Haggot of tbe Un;'er""l.
Taileured Hats
J>,U ..... TUI. METIT''''':; FOil 1lIfo:
(':oro'CLI; S.UI I.O.-\"S l-SI\I.;us,\I, nK... tTT ....IL l"SKSIIWS"
.-\ Sl',H.\I:\IUSE
llltatu"d .dth lh" hnll"l ;;Irlll "f
Ao elll'eclllll)' timely photopia)" ill 'h. Roy .. 1 Opera. th,' \."",,~ klllO: I"
na'-al drllma reiulled under the Imp Th.. lIe.tltlhtl l'"k""""," " lI,n,'
llrand to be releaBed on ~Ioudll). n,, rtl,'l dr.rna'10 l>e r.. Io'''lI',1 un,j,-r "". rail. '",,,ll~ In I",, "-Il hi"" ""d "u''''
cember ~8th_ Tral'I'ed I~O feet ile '''''t"l~ h,r 1" "1'1,.';,r "I aU "1"''' :,ir
neath the oceao. the laBl d)lnlt IItru;;- ~'~~:,~~'r 1>~~l~'I:((l>;;~:":: r)' I .:\'~~III:!;: r"l' Th,' '''I' "UIll"'~""'" pr",,"'~"
geles of a lluhmarlne'B new nnd om.- 1"10"" 10 the 11,'on, tr)' I" Ind"," hi'"
erB mllke BII Iltllrtllllg 11 "tbriller" liS
IIny otle-lI{'t lola)" fwer I,ut ou Ilt 'h"
tn m"rry 0"" "f ,I>r"... Mllll,rll ,,' r",,,1 ::~~:' r~' t :'t: I,:: ;":\~ .'~::' 1~7,1,:', :~~' ~~ ,', ,1:,': ~:".~
hl""" Ioul 0,, kl,,~ "."-"~11 "n-':I".
Petit Gulgnol theatre In I'l1rlll. Uttl"lf' .I"a-,'"~ r"'IIlI"'"
o:lrlB TIl" ~"I"'rI, lI~"n' .,r 'Il,' <,,""~
Sam loaned a real Ilubmarine 10 Ih" FI".. II)-, Ih" .... "'''~'.I "nd ",,'.1
Unh'ersal for lhe laklnlt of thlll I,h'- oIn'" "r "1'1"''''. I" Ih, k,,,~ "' ,,' ,. f"r
Store No_ I ,'nrh'll ot th .. ITI" ,lill;;"i".~ herft,'lf 10..,,"1' ",,,II,,"hr,,,,"!!,,,,,,,lf.,II,,,
ture alld the rellult Is II "'ar Ill'" nil" oInneH nn,1 "I'l,,"r" I>.. tore th, f,',, 110,.",,1 '11101"11.',1 ... 1"'11 10,
206 Wut 3rd Street which Ilhould make a III,eclnl IIllpeal
to Americanll In <'Iew of thl' pf'nl
kl,,1': ,,1 th, r".",,1 "p"ra The klJl~ 1","".llL"I.I,, ,.lIll,oI I" Io"lhlo,rllo
WUblngton Bulldlng

,,,01 I,,..'" I,,,~ t" I,,,'''''''' hi. "It,
European "'ar
n,, "."". "r tl,,,' f"~I\lr. "".,,,,,,,,
"r" .'''0:,,01 ," .p'
'\II~. "f 0:".'"
\"1.1". of 1,,,1,,,,.. o:allo-r;'.
1I......y to. K.... n." burned thr"e uf
hlB lInllers laBt week III In~e<'lIle dur- Louis Blondeau's ",,01 i<ard""" 1'...",,1 f"r"ll'nl' "r It\<'
""'.' "11"'''"'''' :<",II"'''''llr,,1 '\<1111<"
Ing the production of "The Fluwer of
the Dell.. rt." II ('oml,..lllulo; BlOr)' or ",,01 ",""I"d,,1 f,,,,,,,,,,,, "",.".. ",
1,,,1,,,-,' ~"r,l,'''" "I'h ,tot ,"I,r. n,-,,,I
the underworld JOBt pro<luced under Barber Shop
the dlrectlon of SeaU Sldne)' ~lr.
,'""rl '" "",."<1",,,'" ar, f'"'"n. "j ;.
Keenall lIuffered hili inJur)' wl1<'u h~ and Cigar Store "pl,",i,.II' ,."",.,." ",1 !lIn' ,,'hi~h ... 111
ral1lntoll burning building to r"Bcu, "1'1"'.<1"'''''''1':1) 1""llr"",,,,,'I,,"'"
.J. Barney Sherr)'. "'ho as B dope ('111,,,..,,..:. ,,'''I H.,II,..",I 111,,1 .
fiend wlUl p.. rlahln!': within lh .. walla Th.. l'h"'''I,I,,)-.. ~. 11,,~I ...r \I.I._...I',\B ~'E.\TIllt; 1"0HI'IIII.\_
Store No,2 or a hn'el. The picture, howe<er. THIS l't-IUtU . .;EII II\" .\1.1'11 1.1_
147 I+e.t 5th Street hllll torned out to be one of lh, moftl

Title InBurance BuildIng remarkallle of IlH kln,1 ''''f'r I'hOl"-
\\ ,-11-1\"""" I'r"dud"..: 1o"....rll ..\10_
."rl>...1 hl .\10'" FII", I'".,.. ,rll_
II"" Till. W...k.
Th,' .\II-";'''r ~,at(lr, I'orpor"llllll

"r ,,1>1,10 llarrr II H""H """ 1''''81
,1""1 ",,'I ..\\1;;".1 "" TI,oll,,,a dir .. ~tor
j< ,,,'r,,l. "'<I" "h""rh,'<!lhlft "{'ok h)'
Ih,' t","rd "f dlnrl" .... "r 'h., _.\1,-"
Fll", ('oq",rall,,"
TIlt' r""r;;""i,,,tl,," of Ih" .\1,'"
FII", lnrJ"'rl\,I,,". ,"rrh',1 willi It II",

I""klnl': f"r "h"a,l 10 wl'l'T1l I\n "1>,,,,-
lUI~ly hll':h_;;r",'" I,ru~r"m e,,,,101 ~I'
"""ur" I lh., ~%hlldl"rll, IIlHI .\1 r. S"..ly

"n,I 111ft "",,url"I'11 he;;"" cUHlln~ ,,1l01Ll
r"r ,llrt,,tor~. nrUalclI "nd ,.. hlcleB of
Ih .. hlltltt'r ,,"'I loeU,'r kind. ~llIny
1>111)'11 lind nO<'eIB hU"e heen lIecured

... ----------.
anti "ptloned lly Ihe Con"ern lind It
ill th"ught lhnt theBI' will be proltnced

C OJ: T U 1>1 E R:/. under Ihe All-!ltar brand

The purchllsing ot the All-Star
Feature COrIJOrlltiO!l by the Alco
One of U,e llOllt \-"I1I&UI6 and PI......lng Acto" In MoUoD. P1(
Most lI'-lIryone know8 or hu beard or Buck-and bla name
cbaraeter lOUR aBllocl81ed with tbat origlnRI trontleraman and eb .
~~~~I~I;f ~~~l~~~t:~t~r::~'tl;:~:~.n'pj~; COIO~'~u~~"Fca;~d[o i~~~~c~~reB~I~;~-trom the weBI, Tuaa-where ~
Olllloull. Btudio 3ccomnlodAtlonB. tralnln; on the rRnge beat fitted him tor bls yean .peDt With ,PIWnee:
":00<1 wHI and a Ullllte that ~lllndB tor ~..w'lId Weat Show, later &8 a part oC tbe Civilian Scouta uDlier
THE LARGEST COSTUMERS IN AMERICA ",erlt nnd am bIll on to produce ~a- Archlbilid W. Butt (hero ot the Titanic diluter), In the PbIUppl~'
terilll of llUllllty. Tbe AIl-Slllr ~ ea- "Day. ot the Empire." A medal was recently conterred. upon him
640 SOUTH BROADWAY SIXTH FLOOR ture CorporAtlon WaB contracted wltb
bl' the Aleo veople to rurnlBli one
.eHlce by the War Deparlment undllr tile recent Tullng that, Clyll!aA
rCormlng hnardoua senlce would he enUtied to receive m .
pia)' a month 10 the Alco IJrOllram, re ~mendatlOD ot the commanding officers. In thl.. partlculu""

Agents for Goldstein & Co. San Francisco nnd thlB rran(hlBlI haB IIkewlae beeu
abBOrlJed b)' Aloo. The releaalng and
dlBtributlon81 arrangementB will con-
Mr. CoDnon ,,-aB Instrumental In aa"IDI Ute OD tbree different
during the two yearl ot the lnaurr~llonB In tbe PbUlvplDel.
He W&l a cow-puncher, waa among the tint 10 arrive on tbe III
A PEW 010' THE DIG 10'11...\1 PIWDUGTIOSt; WE tlnue through-Alco, ot couTie. What tbe bllttle ot Manila BIlY, havlng-golle there wltb romounta on U;..,
HAVE 008TUMED FOR THE MAJESTIC CO. ~rv~n~~Bte;~I~lc~~ ~:~eo:~h~hllr_Sllt~~~ HOTl~;;r~~r~~rk In pletuTU waa wltb tbe P_ A.Powen ColD -~<
Judith of Betbulla For Love and Duty IB problem.. tleal. :~~~t"J~e~~7~eM:t~~DL:I~~~reHco:~~~I~~~W::U=..:~h~
The Cl..nlman ------ author ot aeverlll au(ce..tul BcenarloB, IImong tbem "On the R
Home Sweet Home FOR MR. ARTHUR MAUD lIAU\' (.'ULLEIt IN ''THJ:: of Honor."
Cbarlotte Corday VIRTUOSO." At proBent. "Buell" II wltb Maz Flgrnan ot tbe M..te
Turner'l Pirate Plcturea Virgin or the Rockl Milry Fuller enactB the role oC a Company lIB TechniCian In the production or "Jack Chanty,"
VUlon Serte. Fatal Night "loHnl.t In tbe "Vlrtuoto," II Victor
The Sp,. one.-reel comedy,drama to lie rele&led I,oNO UEHEAUSAL HAftMlo~UL
W..hlnCWn ..t Valley Forge FOR LASKY FEATURES on Monday, De(ember 28th. The
Uncle Tom'. Clbln Brewlter'l MlIllonl .traln. trom ber vIolin enchant all ReheanlDI a 'CeDe UDtII the par-
Terr..nee O'Rourke Sertea The Man from Home her trlend. and Iller C.Ule a the- ticlpantl worll like lutmatona I, one
Tbe Ooote GIrl atrical manager to tall at her teet In
FOR THIll FAMOUS PI..\YB:RS CO. ot two "w...lIn6H" hi the moUon
S.neb I LltUe ,Qneen FOR THE AMERICAN FILM CO. adulatlon. Mllr1, 1I0'ftlB't"er, II In picture tleld today." Thll crlUcllm
Mozart lelreb of a nengaJement and the
roa TIUl OZ ,J'JLlI 00. Dr...m Bblp m.naJer'l lIroponl comea very much W&I voiced by EdJ.r LewII, the
Patchwork Girl of 0:1 IAat Supper &I .n ..ntl,cUmn to her lupreme Path.. director, jult aner b. had.
POR -TO TIJ'J'ANY CO, Crlcht on th. Hearth etrort to convince him th ..t ,he ,ucc6HfUlb lured one ot th. nry
B.art of Maryland ourbt to be put on the "bll-Um.," elaborate mob .ceD... bl th, n.w
FOR TID ImJG POLYSCOPBl CO, CornIa rell.t II ..fford.d In abundlnOll
J'OR TDha..l.LBOi. 00, - .... "'*" In thl. Victor aomldy-dr.mll b,.
> ~L"b,,!,. "1"M ~ Jltcbn mn. of thl IntrodueUaD or ..rlou
....IIY rlooJnlllbl. thylrleal Q'pea.


[dIl: H.u,I7l ;';,,,.,1<,,,, I",,, I,rl 'h,~ \ ,Ih.~, on 'l I ~I' .. ak op"c'all\' "I 'The Span ot
H_.HI4a """nd, Ilr'I'~I' I'r"fl In' lhp .h"r,~ I.,f,, I" ... hkb lI,e Klnelophote 1I1II
feet the men who Telephon. Home 57071
5"....1 Holly.oocll231 M. R. AUSTIN
"I r h,' d~"r ,,101 IRtl'l. Ioul 1>.. lo'~ h~
.... ,,: n, hrl ~ "",,, I',,["k~o:~ .. f 1'"
r~"rtlrp'l.t .. u, .\1T_ l.I"nel D~r,,,mote.
II I. "r ~u"r8" primarily lin English
l'''r~ I, ~rtll~ hi. full :",,1 locol, .. r .. ~.
CITY DYE WORKS l.l.~ In",,~h II ... u l,roducel here Ir.
make the Movies Central 6420 Hollywood BI.d. Hollrwood
"",,,,,, ~l rh .. I.;''''''''l'h''I,> "lTk"3 "tI
~rlt :'lr""1 S.. I !~l::: ,,, 1>" ,.,
In, .."." _\Ir IIMn.'-m("" look. Qulle
,It" 1,1''' "r "n~llahman Who ..... pI.t
:l.rl "h,r.h.' h.' r.,n j~ h'n .... H r" .. tI th. ~181(" In Sullon \'~o'if. melo.
at the Static Club's Hardware Co. ~n.. ~,~l;. ~::.:, ;~~'II':~.:;r 'h~' n~ In;~;II;~~'I~ ,tr~"r,. "r rhe alln ... nllm .. And Lyater

'd,~~~~,.R~G7.~ ",~
'h.mb"1"8 '" .. '- .. rv lI:"od ~;nSlllh
t..o. Aneele.. Dye Worlu .,11, ,,~h .. h,n,~.. H
3.. ,<1 In ~II"'ot. M 'Illain
2nd Annual Ball, Sp.o.... 1 An ;oo '0
Pl>otopla,.n ", .. "I hrt .. t ""rk "tllt,,1 II .. like. E ... r~llO<l, ,n Enshlo,' tl'membea

ian. 20th, 19\ 5

86737] Hollr.ood BI.d.
Hollr.ood. C.l.
1..1 '''r 1..,.
I Lod... G."to' Gann_h
Cle.n.d. Dr...." .. P.......
215 W. I Sr. PI> ..".3570
II", I\lnl"h1l'h"t.. f,'~'''''''' thll.l h ... It...
...n ."d .I'l ... a .......r) ' .. p' "'ilIlnl':
,,, h....'k tit ..", ,,, .h.. En~ll~h .. ,hlbll,
,,' "hn tot ,h.'
.... Ion
J . . . . :klll..r tur
.".t ~" ..,' IJltoto-
Th .. "I'.n ot l.ir" w,.
It lint put
" .. al Ih" l;raod Illihll;loll TIt ..att" In
r..... ndon Tho! "nlllah exhlbllor .. Ill
Iiof' alml.l~ "'Jld I,. 1t"1 tltal 111m
thO' t.rt thaI _me Dr Ille Il('f!OH.~

at Rutherford Hall. 'h. : hr

h. ""I
1, . .1 ",'
.. n.l
'.'''. r .. ." .. h
~"'I'h" I.id In ,\frle'" ...ont hun Ille ole of
"\1 ....", ,. I.. " .. "'1, .1..t1l.'., 1\ ~ .'" h., ,n" . .."
~ .,f .. h.llot. Ih" I""ILU" 'h:ht no ... rou tnow.
iBigger and greater TRY .. h."h,I' ...... ' \I .. 1".1 or,,'''''!' PHOTOPLAYERS' III rhl! rra,'" In ~:"lChlnd n,d ~Ir Th" S"lr" of lit" Pupp,.: "'bleb
n., , I."" Th .. ,,,-,, "",,'..... 1 r"o'l't I .. n' r.kill/: ""Uh me oUl\bt 10 Co
Benson & Hedge's It " ."~.ll' ,!.." '- h".'" ,"11 HEADQUARTERS I~ d""d In ~:n~IMn,1 Th .. ~ ".'" n" 1"0: ,n I 11'. a Ilx,thouaand
than ever. CIG.ARETTES
,., I"q. lt.
0 I...',
~ "
\\,.,~ I"""""!
I,. rho ,I.. , .,,,,,
"'.. rt" of Ihem Th .. Ihlluund tOOI..r'l
.nd the 'I,lll r .... l r"m lL~~ .r.... rill
I"",,,r lollI Ihal 18 good leolttb
m .. ", .. r uur hil:h clalll motlon pic_

"" ., , ..,,, "".".1. ,,,,.I, ,,, .. I' o;;ood O...r ... hur rh .. 0 1<'1 n .. I"r~ 'heerres The tltle alone will
'''m. '" .. ".1. '''''. !I,' S
Ih""u_n'l t""1 r.... ,tlr..S ar .. rh. . .co
rlghl n",, ~:'I!r}"l>od,- "'-"nI~ lh .. n,
Ih .. ple,"rl! We Enslilb don't
kllo'" mU~h IIbou! Ihe drug nlme In
The Green Room Cafe II"" Ilo ...... ,,>tl~,.."".
o ...,...-oa(,oo al .~n r" '.111 A Mn,1 th"l I. (ltll! ltn"d r"Uon .. h 11ft Ana'rlca hut ""e are Inlel"f!8[ed In
,I .. on~ FIlm 81111'9 A~ .. n~ ... ,~ ~I~d '0 ' ...n'hlng lhn rs hallP.. nlhg on tltl,
llnd In h .
L w~l !'H)1,1 "t rh,' 1\I1,,,r"l-'h,,'" r"al\lr"s .I,!,' or Ih" "'ater

Hollywood. California ZINNAMON'S z 216

A W Fourth St.
N Angelus
S HOlel

F 6423
Attire That Photoaraphl

Women', SlIib of ptrlC'et uilo,illi'

excellenl malen,l. ud. ,mart IIt)'k.
Our one prite, tH, I~pli" to 111
wlleri.l. atcpl bn)llddotb, ud
floe C'Htd' CI.


T. H. O.,.ldlOD, tb' Il:IrlD. .bo
. .ol,.. ld,.. Iflr)' Il:IlcullllD.4 I'balt
tor D.,.IIOQ', "lID &alII l.pD.ey ot
_LoadoD, J:D,IICd, d UII VD.JtM
word. 10 ~ bow much I apprecJal.. n .. u. th .." ." h"lI.. o o'lld .. r I l>xl lnm !>pecl'lI" ad.ptM ."d ron, be tiled 10 locate' p.lr In New Tork
thll evp. '1p.p<'lalir In '1..... of the .. I) Ilrl In.lI h", ""rk .h" ba.o Th~ luI,J.... l . . . r th~ ~h .. ' .. lllu.lr . I~.~.. ,l 'ndd .."t.l mu.l~ .ill be pl.~ ..+1 CU7. bUI ..... uo.ble:o IIbd aDTthlna:
f.rl tbl! il rOln ... from ~Ir o..laaeo In" h'PI') I..... ltr .. I l>Urtra) roO( 111* """ AI \\ ~rl...-.n ,u,,1 'II 1..... ~: I., 'h.. r ...n ...." ... rch""t .. uoJ .. r th" tbll .ould .. ~eo .b....e. :h.. purpoae.
."d ~h LNk,. I I " j"lt tbll wrt no.l .,moll'hH~ \,0:"'0. Ih" b",. ,", ... 1\ .. ,,, 1"",..10. IH~ I. \Ir~ nl ,I" ...""n ..I \'lIrl ~:d"u.rd.... nd .n He .... told. bo.e''!I. Ibl! be mlShl
of IhlnK Ib.t .purs m.1I 011 to do 1 ,1 t rv .. r.,o: .. an ..,1 Ihlt ,.... .\,.. ,1 .. ". l1J,,~ .. ~l pro"ram "O""'lln~
)'''1 o::r..""r IbinKI Thll I. some " IHf 'n ",.n) l>h ~ .. f I,ll"',,
,.h .. ha~ b.."" A'
~,;n, ~~ r;;:
~,:::: ~:~:; I~~~~:\=,II . ~,,::: .,1 I.""" ..' ... ,,1 1~'I,"lar ""1 .... [I .. n8 b~
be .ble 10 ..... ure paIr In Montreal.
Mr Eldridle look. co .. ple or dl:U
,... ",... ",,,
1>11)" e"d ... ".'
think ...hkh I .hlll ke-ep .11 017 lit.
tu pro"" thl! lCr"ltud., doel .utel7
... lal an'oolt Ih., blk 01.,11 of Ihe mo
.. ~.I lhroul'b rIlO:"'1': ''' ..... 01 n.n,..
h.~ r .. I",I) lnnJl",d ,nto ~ Ilk" ~n"
'n 1010: tIn , ,,1"'111.. Th., h ...
'" rac' ll~ ,1I."n, II .." .. f I,.." ~ .. "...':".",1
'h~ ,.~ III ~ .. rn'~t~ Ilnd 'h" ntr lind ,i.lled e ..er7 opUd.n In tb'"
\'IUl'dllo dt7. bot "'&1 forced 10 re-
.. "'""" ,h. ~ ... I1r" ur lh~1t l'r .. I.~ tuTh ..Ilhout lhem A day Or SO
Imn I.klur" "nl.. rprl_ U.,.ed .. "d." '" r~O:"I.. r Inn .. ",,, ..,"" ' ...'''101'''h Ih .. "n.. .r1
1,1., " IIl"r. "'blle gOlnl' throUlb bla trullk
.101" 1""tM"" '" In .. I".", ul bubl"". ,.II "T ItIlIC..\KI..:HS .\T THK
Th., iI's.nl,llon 00 Ih .. cuv. .... hlch '!I .. r.", .. r, .. ".I..'lll.. n",,,..:.r8I1n,1 SYIl.\SII TIIE.o\TRJ.; fOI llt he had DOt ulftd In ,."'.....
'. solid I,her ...\th I':old lin 11111::. read. on In...u., .. ,~ h". . . .k...1 h.. r hr. I" lound thl!! 'WII' and .pe;:taely be
"To S l. Rnth.pf.,l from J _ L. "'Id U.ah nil. r .. MI ",n......' htlh" :;::~...;~, .~I~,III.I:"""':~, t~lI~n I.~r:':~~: ";trll' I theMr .. pllroo. . . 111 b",, ...bted lied III Pro'ld ee. R. I..
Lask, snd '''.-Id Helall. 10 to); ..1I na. aloud ,,, .., ... " .11,1.. <1 ..,,, ,o:U"JlIl" ..., opl'orl .."I.,. 10 ..... (or Ih .. nfll 1,.11." Journal. dlled J uary 16.
",,r. l""h~"". .n<l '/lrt .. l, "Il',,'
of their appr..d.lIoo for hi' ,e I.-... alU'li "Ilh 11''1' ...ult Ihlt n.. r d""1 "'Inn ,n I.. OJ. l'r. "1 I."~"~. ,,~ I'n''' .... dim pr."'I>ctill" ...Tbelib....t I ~~:. ht h"'lolt pu:h d Ibe .ptK-
In pr".... lIt'nl': Ih" plNuriUll '
of Th.. R""" lIt th" R.o"ho: 0"'1".0
'00 Ill" a." ,d"nlalll , ... "h' lit<
n"l1 tl"''' aO"lt'll"nj( .I"~,,,,ul,, ,..
.\'''1 Ill .. ..
rI.~", "".h, ,II.' \l: ,,,,,I \Ir_ lIre"k"rI. 'h" sen.aloon.1 mllt .. n
,Iram. III I'.ul III"k .., "nd Cbarlea
,.d",,, in an old l':urlOlltt aboll wblle
plarlnl: a" eOI"Kem .. nt at lbe Tb ....
FII"",. ,.,.)... Ih. I,,"h~' ,h~lIn~II.."
~~~:t.~r......... York. :'\10""1010", I:. "" Ih .. lo'll .\11 \\ 1I1l0'.Il "'II 10" 1\ Goddllfd In "'bl"h II H W ..roer alre f"omlq"e. In lb", Rbode 1.laDd
",.. d) to l.lM,. hH I,arl to th~ I""" :~: ,';~.:i" ~" 11,~:.:;'~~:.h'~,II';.I, ,~~:;I"~ ~:,:;. " " . ~ .. " " In thl' M.. lla. rnl .. "'hen
.\ lIn Whll"' .. ". ""I<Il' .. 1,,,rllUll "",,,,,,, . fr'~n't.- 'h." .......' M,,,l r",
Ihll pl"~ had III pheooDl .. o.1 ru ..
.< [h .. l.l,,urn Tbe.tr.. Mr. Wlr....
MIlt)", II.,. I]{:"", .,,,1 h"r ral'''hll'(I,,~
';::.' ;',~.,I:;: .. r ,. II,, "'11'

l-"i --,
:u an a"r ..n hMB """ tlt'r n'U"" ...... \ T'I' ,," "'Ill be "..en aKa, .. 10 Ihe ...m" rol.,
r.... nli nd l'I",lr"r. ," all l,arl' "f ."1""," ..,1 I'J' Il C.llt "r ",,I1koo... o
'I, F,I,,,,,,, " .....1.. ,,'l'''~ "''', h
tI,,, "'orl,' S,...n".fa,I"rl I".. " .... " , ~,~ "', . I., n,,,I1,," ,.w,,,
r. .. urk 1,1", .r~ 'nriudloK Rlla !'Ot.o .... ood.
h.l' ...'ork Ih.1 ato .. h". Jlj.1 tw." ". t ,,," " 1".""tM".",,,,,,I"'lh \1"1
'll,",I",, It,,b .. rr... H~:t, Joh"loo.
"n"Il4l:"'1 II)' Ih .. 1. .. 101" \',,"I<"U 1",1. \llIlIlIl~ lln .. ~.. fl \ ltTl'"olet.
f' ",,11 ... 11," U"',,'I.,," '" ,I,, I"Mllnl. ~lrI'h .. 'son .\llIlrel V.n
llr"nr'h I lurin~ t h.. p".... ", ~ ..",

"f '11", T,,,,h W"K""
~\'n Wt'illllau "Ill 1,1,,) Ill<" i"""" ,,, 11t".. 0 Itlil" ~:llJle" lItrk l.a Slranlle
"nOlal,I".'r,,,. "r """lIl" ....,,1 "r,. "'''I'''''' ,,1 '~~;'I.~:'~~;:'::I'~~:; ;:.'.~~:: ~r.. <1 """I "",u.. , \.ucian Llttl .. fleld, J
.,. ll"rl.", "",I J \\. .I"h"I"" Thl!
'11I"lIon., "'I,h th,I"''''''j,''''.I,I. "",
" r.' I lI"/lllll... "r 1h ,. I ~ oj I d .. " .~,,,,.. ""
.,,,.. ,.~r, I ,,, "",. I" tl", .,Iolt' ,I'nm" I. " l'.tll~ul.r1,' 'hshlnll n.r
" l,arkll,,,,,",1
,I, .,,,,, \1' FII."" I, """ "r lhn~P
, ',ro' , .. ,,, '"
., ~,,,,d ",',."
"r Ill~ 1"',,r.. o"I,,"
"'HI ~""d 1'".I"'~8
rll'''' "r I.",. lI"d /lmaZllll': "I""nlur"
, .. ",lolnl"", Ih. ~l'lrl, ul ro",an,e ."d
I ."
"""n" ,1"','<"11, .. In: .. r"ll Th" film
,,,,,,, 11., h,," ",<'lll1"II," ..,I" """1 ',r.i"" "r 'Th., "holl: Breake'"' .....
\\'11,I.I."~1 i:lIU':" TEI.I~" 'IS~: I'.' 'u'"l""''''' I,,' I"" ""I""ITl' lhrlfl :,r"d"",'d "." Ih .. J ...".. I. l.R8kr ~ea
111.\11":1 .' "'I )11<1"",.,,,, JIll I Inrl"d,." '"'''''''' 1LIr .. PI", lomp.n~
;,', ,,~~ . HI.,.,. "r."K' 'n"ph ,,1,,1
SHI In Inl .. re"l ,," lhe .pl"odld
Wllllanl I Hill) flhea. Ihe d .... " or 1", . ",.,.1" "",,11"",'11 ""riM "'.n" 1''''''''''' I~ ,h.. lal ..sl Ilrr!>'e<! 101 ot
\'IIMl(rll'h l'IIIYeri. "'''S ", a "'mlllS f.'I,,""" ,,1.111 .. ", I,klll'"'' Il\k .. " .'ll lhe E"ropean
cenl 11I0011 reCenll). /lonll I.. lrl Ihe fol to"ttle f1e)d~ h, Ihe Stund. repr ..
lo"'lnl( all hlm.elt. You rememller ",'nlllll,.. The m,o'lleme"l .. n
'1,\lll;t')';lllT~: n,,\ll'" .\T .~T1l.\"I' '''",nr". III lhl8 r"nne<>lIoD tbllt a lot
.loOut m7 nloth",r. lhrlfll" ..u atld
rtIK\TII~:. S~;\\' \"011 ... "I 1,lrlurt.~ I"k .. n "'Ilh the Ruul .. u
ho"" Ihe ...ed l<l make all kind. or
At th .. ,.;, ..",,1 Th ../lIT". ~1"'lCn~rJl" ",,,I !'ruul.n lIrmte. Ir.. 00'" 00 tbe
cOll('olloOI Irom re"lp", .he lo .. odio. "'Il~ to 1".... ~ork. Thl. I. the Grat
I'I/lrk ...111 10......." In "Th,- 'rurl1>I",.'
old 'lm.. n ..". rood "bout lbe 10ap /I 1,lrl".I ."II"" or .\1Rrk 1..'<' l.ulh"r~ 1'1"1>""_ "r lh., Ru ....o-Pru..I.f1 eam-
Incident ..... hell. atter ualng" .0Ull .be III''''prt,,1 01"" III [hp I"m .. till.. I'MIlln 10 b.. Uhlblled In tbl. couDtry.
m.de. III 11.. lnl m .. a b.. lb . he .nd ,,hkh hn8 h..... "r"<lur.. l h" th .. Th. Stno.nd Topl"al Re~lew "ont.lnl
t.tber bad 10 bold me 0\' .., lbe .Io'e Fllmou8 I'la,. .. ro Film (".~ '"Th" th .. 'I'r)' IMe" ne .... plelul'1llI from (".o\n.~ES IlEItUl>
Vl.)tA WHITMAN to melt tbe .tutl otl my body! Well. .11 o'e. 'h" cl~lll,"",d world. Soma
'r"..IIII .... I. /I l"lh"llr IInr,' III .or,l". SI.. rllnlt JU\'entle PI ..y..n
The old Soulh . lIh .n lu I':r.clou. that ......nt a c1rcum.. laoce to ... bat ord,,_1 In Ih. ", .. III",c I"" of IlItI'pr. , .. ry beautl(ul aod Inter...Uoe traval
"bum and dellllhttul "hlu]t7. h . . bappelled co .. ple of week. I..ter. Inll. (ro", "'hlrh ""rr fu,,,ar,, t, .nd .chmllflr pl"turu will aIao ba
worlb7 lepreaent.ll.-e OD lbe erel: Olla mornilla: 'bout teo oclock prellent"d. An .... Key.tolle Comedy t:ISS~ Jo'I'rZ-G&UALD TAKES OUT
.. m.,UceR una""lh.~". Ilnn .lr.. nl'th"n,,01
llaff of Lubin pll)er. III lhe peraon motb" called me In trom pl'7 .nd b) 11'. allu"I~. In lhll l,rodll('\lon ... Id to be Ihe tonllle.t yet PMlHuted 1aO.000 Accm.""'"T INSURANCE.
ot lila' \'elml Whitman. Very .. oor......d m.. I ('o .. ldot "'e 'oy- ~larll"l'rlt" ,I uk I,ort.ay. th .. roll! at tbe Sluod. coodud... lbe pletu.. Clu7 FltaO.rald of tbe Vlta.srapb
Dlu('b of a soulhern elrl II thll POP tbln. that looked au,pl"lou .., bUI I or J ..an ~lln.ha". "rll h07den and prolrom Th .. mual('.1 part of tb. plUera b. . .t I. .t Ylalded to Ute 1m
IIlar pllyer. for her full nlme I' w"nt laltlol aoy cb"nc..., .nd wbell lombo). unJUlllt rondemned to .. .. nterl.lnmellt. "'hleb la abe or lbe oortUDIUea or Ihe In.uraoea . .aut
Velm. VI'"I"IIIII Whltm.n. She w., .be lett lb. room. at llle c.1I of retormsrory. bul "'hO 1.ler triumph. Imporl.nt ta<'lora at Ibl' popular aud tak ... Out. no,ooo polle,. for
borll In the K"lId old "lt7 ot RI('b. f.tb.r. I rail 10 Irlp of Woodland. O\'er th...hllme of bet Iml,rl.onmeOl th .. Ure I. compoa..d ot duale.1 Uld tbe proteetlon "a:a1uat aldanl to
mood. Like 10 mlD7 of the pl ..n n dre....d oilly III my blrtbday "Iotbll. .nd .ordlr ~orrupllon ot her en.-Iron. popular .eleetlon' by Ibe larae coD- bar faDIou. Wink.. Tbe preeen,t Euro-
('ert or('beatn undl!!r Ibe dlracUOII or pU.Il war I. prlmatll1 lhe caUIe of
"'bo ba"e m.de Glm plodlldlou,
ootable. MIN Whltm.n b.d .. tbor
and bid In tba boUn.. trUllk ot au
old tr.... DUMII, Iba alterooou I
menla.. relurnln,lt ,ltOOd (or e"U to
lbo.e ho "'o,lted huoc wlib her lite. Carl Edou.rde. alld aoloa. dueu ,ud MI. Flh-Gerald. tekJna: out Ute Ill- I
ouSb course or tr,lolos III tbe leslt- . ." r.thar aDd Part.7 of men ...arcb- Ho he I. rewarded tor h.. r Inolt quarten... by thl! .. ocal ",Iol,ta. .urallee. . . .be w1IIh_ to malte ampl
Im .. te before t.klllS up the ,lIeul 10,. but 1 . . . 100 aeared to lat tb.m .lrull'a:]e ...... Inst "'Id and dup.lr br pro'f1.loo for ber -.14 1III0Uter btl
dr.m... For lOme tlme MI.. Wblt. kilO h.r. 1 .... I muat b."(1 fall- lhe 'Itaillme"t ot a ...nnderful love I. III qlaDd, I.IId e&DD.oC be movad.
m.u . . . auod.te<\ "ltb eo... p.y- .n UIMP altar.udl, . . th. lIut I I...1.. ldly unfolded In lbl. uou.uall,. ' " bar edueata4 . , . III the prtaebal

tOil 10 'lock. Rer Idmlrabl o.k k.o It wu pitch dull; .ud 1 "iii
LE<n'IOS OF 8PEOTA0LE8 ....t of Ute popD.lar eomedll.tlJt alia
.troolt" photo-play.
ullder tbe dlre<>UOII of tbla 1I0ted. p~ atnld, tarrlbl1 IfrlJd III tbe dark. Tb. development of thl. . . . bJeet Cb.rl... Eldrld.e. dur1l1a: tb. yean dOlI 1I0t eonaJdlN" tile IJIlO1lltt of tile
dueer or tbe les1tlmlte .ttractad tb. That . u tb. Iolla:_t D1,bt I
att.eDUolI of a'lIl)' Millar, d1llUII . u::pa.r\alloed. III the mornlq'. Juat
''''f provide. mlll1 opportunlUII
troua: emntloll.1 portrayal.
In .hleb be . . . . partormar 011 tb.
le.IUm.te alaa:. ,ud a1J:lee b. beeam
POIl~ uorbltant. X'- n ~
b . . baUI dodatDl:: WD.rnOl aoUatWar
pll.bed pl.,...rt,ht '0 d.dor. ..... . . lb. nil . u com1D. liP, I c pt CI.rk h . . hMlI .opporled by a eaat 011' or th. Vlt.cnph PI.,...... baa ror DUlDber ot nan; to teet. ...
~lt Xr. Miller fe.tllred MI.. WhIt-- t1.om. Ud ru. 1D.to mOlh" b. of ulllnu.) b.laoea aod ueall.nea. * n eollaetlill .peel.clea. H. III DO. a1J:lee bIN" empbaUo hlC La the a..a.l
maD tor. MUOII u tbe lead 10 that . . . l-.t1q to MUCb tor m . I a:- Tb. aUITOUlldlll, blll I mOlt v.rled lb. O.Der ot al%t7-oc1d plJr Lacltl.dlq coma41. "T" J'oUdU..... ...-a-

Dotabla pLu. "Tbe ~allt 10 U1. peeted a ,OtIC CroDlloIn, bllC 1II0Uaar atl.d lot....UIlI Olle. A 1111 arrhed ev . , 1I:Ind d n.pe IlIIIarIhl.. attMa :ran aco. .bID. abe w.- .
HOUM," X __ Whtt=aD 11.. . ben. lila- ... too .lad to ba,.. ma baa.. Ud lot .f E"uropa.1I w.r pletu.... I. nlG Not 10.' 111101 ba .... J"I4I1lr'ed to .. UIa ant oo.edJ..... to ....
p,pd La mOYl1I1 plm... wor1l: tor
abn;C a y... Dartn, th.C Pur.
.ttar ,004 b....ktut &lid tbe ellclt.
mot ot m1 hOIlllHlOllllq bad 41Itted
10 boa the mOlt r. .lIlt1o y.t .bO"1I .t
tbe Stralld. Th.Toplcal Rul." DOll-
pl&1 pan that ealled tor U1a cJ&ar-.
alItar to .., patr ot o l ~
D'''' . .,. .......-a ........ .... ........
~:...:0r::. nc*\-W~':.=
. don. I laana.d, that I nMda'C haM
nail . " . , at all 'u moUier .-II
aated to 4,... m. La IIl1 Ibb1
MIt la Judior of wea&Ulj> ...1aUTtr
.Jut ..0&14 be to
....ted.e to _
JajL 1 did."
talu'lb. v ., 1.t_t
trom eYlrrwb..... Aaolbar ~ 1

u4 D.,. K.,.toaa
complete tIla plota... put ot tM IN-
""'I;.... _
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .klq~ . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . D.ot
. . . . .. . . . . . .Ptloa ._"'~

........ _~
. . tI ...... all~tM~.

~ .. :ag:

=- . .~-: ! '

\ .-.
!'I!UTlll'l..\YEI<.'" \\ j:J-:f...I,i IJ)~ ,\.\I,Ll 1-- l \111111('1,\ '1[1(['-1 \1 \--_"')1~

To All

. ' l/ ,\.

Robert Leonard
Ella Hall

aalated by Andres Randolf, Glad

Jamel, ROle Tipler, Albert RocelJJ'
atld Ultle Aud~, Berrr. Tbe .tory
I. Ihat Of .n .etre.. who baa .. bani
Home F-5871 anunle (or ul.t.nee hecau.. of b.r
adherence to a alrlel mor.l eode, alld
Sunset Main 4464 who placea amhltJon on a bllbar
"l.ne Ihan love. It la a etory r ..
~'~~~~"."~thhe~~~l1;::~~e::t~~~~~:: : : ~ i:
~~~~~'~a:~;I~.u~~t!~llr~~ln~nt:~:~~~ru~~ ~~~
ha" t ... "arerr.. d th" atmospbere of II

-FIScher-Costuming Co.
th" ,he_Ir.. 10 lhe .rrllen and made It
"''''..1,,1' lh. . .'arloua .. haracte.. with
" r.. ttlt.m that 1. uncanny. '"him.to.

"\\'10", .\llllh' H .... nf!f'n," th" t.'o
10 ma
n',,1 .\taj, l!<- I.. atllr ... directed br InlerC!ed;
.1"h1l Il Ultrlen. 1. nne of th .. Word
.,rUllIte.1 alld mO.1 Ihrllllng dr.mu
"bn went
l,ro,l"r",1 tJ) tl'" .\I.jeatlc COmpan)',
,\tKr}' "!rion. "'ho .oored a not" ... orth' ~~~'.h~~~
Costumers -Designers .,,,.,..... hi h .. r rol" of the mother In
IJ \\' I;rllnlh'. "Th.. 1J0ttl.. of the at.rta to m
lollt I. atOP
,.:"x".... "l'l'... r. III an old "'oman A"!'-elu. Tb
Furnishers .. ho f"rr'eo I",r " .. I.h ..... to take up
th. 11ft! of a ,rlmln.l. The neDhe",'
!l,rn, and
h.'!>rl happ,. b
I. hIM'I)' ""cu.eel 01 a murder. Tbe W.llace Rei
""",. wlw ("otnmll,,,d the crime. per IIoliert Hinckley
;:',11:,"- ~~~ :~~::~,~:. a:"tl~; I~~t t~~,:~~:' hrolhen. JORll
('Ialre And .. raon ..
\ h""rt Inl .. re., rmUllll"" .ho.... lng the I,arta.
11.'''1'' .. "'''.... -'ndln~ tll:ht 10 reo "The Three Dr
THEATRICAL. MASQUERADE AND FILM '"rn, and Ioad R hetler l1fe. und .. r ~Iaje.llr r.. leue as
COSTUMES 'h. I:"i.-t""',ol. }"o"n~ ...."mlln Inter
,'.1,,1 I" ",1."10" "'",k. a klllfull, "rltram
345-347 S.o. Spring St. ''''''''''''e!! Int" lh .. 1,1,lur.. The Sin.... her 1IC('ldenr.;
~"""Il,I" "'80 "'rlllen hr Ell. Wood . ....a truclr. by .n auto
Brauer B:uilding LOS ANGELES. CAL I,,~k (on..-a)' "!,""Ilra .. the "eplle ... nllh. Ihe ~IaJeatic alar
"Ith HI1I1~ \\"".1 a.
hi W~th"Brt. leller. and telegr.ml
:~~,,:IIo, ~II',,! 1~ "l(lJ. ,\ lIken II.
h"r Irom "ounlless admire
Ihe cOU"lry, One day'.
Willi .. Ih. 1I1l<t:Ill h.UI .. ...,.,.,.... III :n2 If'tten and ~S tel..
\1, I' 1\' ';rllttlh'. "rodurtlon of .. vidence of her popular!
Til .. 'Ia"~,,,,,,,." "ere t..,lul( al.ged, recetpt of letter of 8ym
,Ii .. JI".h Ir'''" Ih, hl~ ~un. could b" a lillie> I:lrlln Cincinnatl. 0
11'\1111\' M.\XX ",... " f"r '"'''')' ",II,. S"IBe from th .. "'rUer Odelreaaed th .. enl'elo
Frand. Fnrd III",,~"I dl,,' ha",, "r 11>,' """no" ..... plalnl, to "l>orothr m.h. ~!otlon PI
twa',1 \arl',u. 1><:""le 1"le;>honed In lr.... ~,' ".. Ilhout gh'lng the at
,,,u,,I." . \n".I.Kn .....I'.p....... Ir.I"/( .-treu or the ".me of the city.
,,"IL.\I)J.:I.IIIU .:.\:IIIIllTOH... nT,\(;It.\I11 rllK\TItK ,"J.;\\" If ,h,,." "liM" h.tll,. In pro,llreu ~"lI'. I>o&tai authorltlell evl
11:\1.1, TlIlt~tlII."; nlllli. SHOWS "1'XtlJ.:IlXl-:,\TII ~""". '1'''"1'1>1 II,, a'o"lllI8 ram" Iron' k"','" th .. young ~laj"81lc &t.
Tin: !':'IXT" "rr 'h" 'oaKI nr Ihe Paclne OcelLn Ih" 1,,1l .... W&.tl for"'arded to ber
1t,,,,,.I,,.. "'Mdlnj{ ."d ur",l 1l.,,'lr,' It .. pon.,. ""rk"d dtll/(entlr to lIee If i" Lo& An!':elea ...Itbout del.y.
1-..1 IOr.nd M .....h
TI,, \'Ital'ral,n 1'h""I' ~ :-;~" Ilwr.. "'all." ""'al b.tlle belnl: fought Allhough 8tll1 connned to her
York ,'It", hu ''0'"''I",,, 11K 0"" 1"""",,11 l;"r11l8" .",1
Urltl.h ...or .\Hall. (;l~h la I'cogr"lUIlnlt nIcely
I'hilad"l,hl . P.. r!' Th .... ~ oru R tlorOllKI, Ihe Inlro,lurt",n "I K "l",k.", ahip. lIlId Ihe r"llo ...'ln!,: morning t,,o "11""'t" to I... bock 10 work "'It
tJlll .. ro"d ..'hl.. h turned oul 10 m.k .. (In .. ac, dram. . . . ""'"Il;- III con. 1... '8Alll:tl .... n. ..'.pall<'rkrarrled .torl"" Ihe ne11 \"'0 "'eeka, Her lo,"e for he
'he antlual tJali of 11,.!ur~ Jo,dllb' lu''''tl,,'' ...Hh Ih .. f.. ature a",1 .1'.... 1.1 "l,oul a l,rOl>able na"al eng.gement ...ork 's ll.O I:r"81 thaI .he can h.rdl
tor.' Leallue 01 1"'"".)I",o"la th .. 1,1f'lo"'a "'.... I.ndl".I'u"' .."t.",u.I' 1"'1"'"," the .hlp. of lhe two nlltton. "'alt unlll .he 1. again bllCk tn
moBl surr"""ful ,,,,.. 01 Ua .. ar"e' "'hl<"l1 100"- N>ml'rl .... n,.. r"l:ul", Altl,oul:l, Ih .. 8r.. n.... of tbe b.tlle h"rnelUl

UsefulXmas Gifts li .. hl In the 1l0rllrulluralllall. Ilfor

't h. th ..,e "'R. all orrh~.t". nn h.n,1
01 .Ilty 1'1.,... to in ...IIlI.. Ih .. "U('-OllI
II, ":IJn .. ) lit .. " . u~l",rted b)'
""UII'"'''' "r 'lIqr.ph ~1.Ye'" In
.. "ro .U!':e'! 1"'ellt,'.II,.. 11lllell from
n,, I'"rlltr. the ""ulld. 01 Ihec.""on
"nd th" nuh". from Ih .. bl" gull8
In ..:\ FI).... In SI.r1tlJt Water," lh ..
\~th of the '"Bill" .erlea. from the
"'ell-known atorle. of I'alll Weat.
onto the .pa.. louo d.nrlnl: noor T .. n \\"h"t Th .. .\loon S ' ..111 al:.ln .. ,re Ioialol)' he.rd on the ooa,,1 Tamm,nl' Young lIJI "Bill," the "'Ide-
SPECIALLY PRICED ,,'<'Iork Ba"" Ih .. "Ia.." I.,,k .. d "'lIh lurnl.h tt, audIble f ture of an el \ I"rilllo,: n>1nanN' ()f tbe plUM a IIl .. omce 001'. atart8 a gold hrlck
...1111,,",,1 1';11 th~1 ol",n. Ih .. ""eek 1- ~r.llhlcally told In Ih .. Ma.JelItlr .wlndle to ...,ll_t:;d.tJlpt waler .. a
Jorou. fall . e1hlblton all,1 "holo"I"
''''o'reel r.. atu"", "Th, Better Man."
1'''~'""I,,~ ~,,"da' ~lntler 13th

" Colburn's" So.

",I .. b,atl... Orml 11 ...1<,,', L"tJln .t.,
and Rom.I"" n .. ldlnl:. I.ubln direr
To,.rto'-Kulho' "'.. r" pr"mlnen'
II'h,,' Th,' .\lo"u ~'w .... written
I,.",.; Il,,"kln l'rr .. and I powerful
.],a",. thaI ""ork. up to a tremendolll
~:~~ :Jr:UI1~~e t~~o",w,,~~~o.O:
... ritr! 01 \-\ ...t .. rn "rUon The plol
r .. ju'l'tna.o.li'lr nQlIld. dlr"r: from the
folfllt.. ln of y~lll..
When bottling the ...aler Bill feela
amon~ tn .. lall .. , in tnal In .., ...er.. thaI It .bould bt' perfume'll to .ell
I:u ... t. 01 th .. 1 1:'1. . . nd l..d Ih, ,II",~. hroathhlK I" It . :lil..n.lb d~.I. ",'lth th .. ,..r r 01 an ImPO~- mor.. " ..II,. .nd h..... ccordlngly~con-
(,rand ~l.,(h .\11 Hawley and .\It \\"Ill'" lhrtlltn'dr d'.mallr tn .. r" .re "rlah..d nolll"m.o 'ho "'aH" a ranrh nltrales a larlle boHle Of perfume'
Fleldlnll. wllh ('lar. Klmb&1l Ynunll ',,"m~nt. orhen I. "abler r"lte.-... Ib .. ,,""ned h,. a ch.rmlnl young "'Om.n lonltlnl: III Ethel. tho atenograph
~;::7":l. A";;:llo<.- ;;;11:;:, j"tl....
BrI.acoe. Fran"'. X, Buabm.n. Be.. rl)'
Loul. ;:;;;~;:e ~::~~ ,I,~: ~e::~Y.I'-:;~~ltt Thl" )0""1: ...Olnan and Ih" ranrh
IO.."'a " .r~ .wf'etb.. arto. bul tbe
"'hleb part l& plared by lhe tntmlta
.-.r Tincher. A henpecked bu.
I ~tll ~~::.ranJt;. n~I:~"d P~~":~:
Bayne. Edmund Br-Nze. 8elamund .... I\-I,r .. '1 nobl .. m.n to aep."t'" .pllla acme of lh" I'erfumed
Lubin .nd Carl Laemmle. WIth othe", 'h.. rouple .nd .10 her for blmaelr on bla coal and lhe ...Ife b
oI.'lIrel",y matln-. onlr Ii"..- hi. belter nature la lItn",lly
~ ;r~: ~~t~u:fr:~n::h:~:~,~~dpi~:,~
jul.ua, Silt> 'r.. ~ lll.e pe
Th .. 1,1"1"'" I'""t of Ih .. prollr8m
Et~~~'~~~ t~om
" .. ak.",,I, lind ho .. h.. ororb berolr
.t tw.. he "hlrh a ill I,,' "I",,, n I",'i<-~ dall> ,,'III "lla, ,,, ..."'il.. ,h" .. n.lrat:lge-d
Inrlud,. ,,~ I'. prlr,rll"" f.~, ur.. Iu.
."1... Ila,,'le,' "'or.. Inr"u"h"u! Ih~
ti"'''''"lh th, I'~I"I 1hro,.),.rt :'::"/I',I;~ ;:~~I'~;;08~~r~~:,'-:,:"'f"l:dlmu BUra awlndle III th
Fay Tlnch .. r .nd T.
er .. nlnganddu,ln/ltnemarcnK n."d .I'''",,,lk ~I"'\ .or ,I,, 'h .."lr.. arH.
.om.. oouQUl'l 01 .... merl ..an 1l".utJ 1"",1 n(\rn~. Oll:lI I;,a., Hlld Hurna are fealured. aulated
roe"o !" .....nted to her by .\Ir .'I .. ld '''f'l ......
t1 " ..,<t,,,rl ~'." 'h",I,. J. \;u I, .. \\' a8l>inll' on "n,1 ~;"I'I.. ~:"t ar" ~- .. uhror .lId Tod ~ro"nln
k1l1 ~n.-t pr".'lIt,,1 10) lit-I"" \;.r,ln"r 'b. I'rLndpal. In th .. ,.,.. 1 l>i1\on dlrertod the production.
Inl:. u ah .. cam .. upon Ih .. nnor
Durlnl: th .. rour.e 01 tne nl"hl. danr
In~ be."tHul rolo'ed dra"'!nll: of
.\ll... YOUnl: W/IO put up at aurllon

The Jesse L Lasky

tn" pro...ed. of "'nlCh "ere 10 b-e
ha"ded ",,,r 10 th .. 1l.. II:IUm 1l .. II .. r
fund Tn .. drll",tntl " ...", 10 ~elll
",und Luh!n Knd Carl I.aem'nle orno
JOIned to,,"lherIn Iht-ulddin/l
.\n e"enl of Ih .. e"E'nl"l: "'h'd,
pro"ed 118 human-Intereot ""orth to
thoMe ... ho "'er" ... Itness-e... w lh"
",,,ell,,,, h.. lwee" ~!, 1-'1.. lell"l: and
':dmund Br........
fa",ou. 1"/IHlmatt-
Fourl""n ;-ear. hll"E' elapaed
.In'" Ih .. ".th. 01 110"... t ..o .rll.to
MILLER'S TI-IEA.TRE rroBa"d, prior to thaI, wb .. n .\Ir

.luDeUon 01 Spring and M&ln StreoetA. al :"i"lnlh.

Flelell"K ora. al.o dolnK the lel:lt!
mate, the I"''' m"n h8d h....... n fa.l 220 West 48th St., New York City
frlenda At the b.lla "nl.h .\lr
EDMU:"i"D BHEESF. Br<"flZ-l' .ccompanled .\Ir Jo-leldtng to 1l-:tlI. 11. 1J.E'.\UI.LIi:. Dlr. Gen.
hi. ap.rtmena "'hH.. lhe re.1 Of tb ..
In "The Wall. of Jericho," a Modern SoclelY Drama nlllht "a penl In llol"K O"H old Extends Across the Continent
tlmea and dlacu."I"K Ih, pl"lur.. "am..
aa II i. de"eloplnK h,

Heartiest Cbrisbnas Congratulations

.:..and, ..

Best Wishes for a Fortunate New Year

PARAMOUNTPRODUCTIONS Oblerve thele Stan Enrolled. Under the Lu.ky BanDer, and the
Extraordinary Pebicle. Provided for their Screen Appearance..
,...In.... ....In.... ... .in...
"The Virginian" "Bobby Burnit"
"Where The Trail Divides"
....in.... ....In.... ....in...
'WhatHI.-Name" "Ready Money"
"The Man From Home"
.."In,,,, H. B, WARNER
"The Circul Man" "The ROle of The Rancho" ...In....
(L..ky-Be1..eo Production) "The Gboit Bre:abt"
H, E. Bt1BN8. Proprietor.
...In. ..
"Cameo Kirby"
la~. Cowbor. BpanJ,b. WUUary. Wlaer, Trapper eo.tum....nd
Propertl.. for Btqa aDd Pbotopla7.

~ .........~ ~ AapIa, CtIlltonJa.

, "~, JC, ~ncilll. KgAPI'.

'~-if~~ii-ii-iii!-ii-ii-,"--iii~' "~-;.'~---"'~'"!i~' ,.--..;..----:~


OUftCEME"T' Important!
Additional Prizes Given Away:
o a great demand by many of the contestants who have recently en-
(Ithe Photoplayers' 'Weekly Popularity Contest, they have asked
for an extension of the contest to enable them to get among their
many friends to assist them in their candidacy.
Winners of the Prizes will be announced on the night of the Photoplayers' Revue
Grace Cunard
Ella Hall
Second Prize
Fred Kley .. Lasky 310,800
Jackie Saunders .Balboa 307.260
Irene Hunt Reliance 177,900
Myrtle Stedman Bosworth 157,800
Cleo Madison Universal 147,600
Edythe Sterling Frontier 45,300
Dorothy Davenport Crown 37,560
Ruth Roland Balboa 36,300
Violet McMillan t\. Y. M. P. Co. 32.050
Courtenay Foote Bosworth 25,050
Stella Razeto Selig 25,000
Dorot:1Y Gish Reliance 18.350
Mae Marsh Reliance 15,400
Margaret Gibson Vitagraph 12.800
Dorothea Farley Albuquerque 11,460
Victori't Forde Universal 11,000
~~ g~~~i~ ~>lM~.l~.Co. 10,200
Dot Gould .Sterling 10.050
SUBSCRIPTIONS: Signe Auen .Reliance 10,000 ADVERTISING:
ring the Photoplayers' Weekly Contest, Adele Lane Selig 10.000 During the Photoplayers' Wee
will be allowed on Subscriptions according to W. ehas. Robinson _ Biograph 10.000 votes will be allowed on Advertising aeco
the following schedule: Carlyle Blackwell Favorite Players 9.000 the following schedule:
Henry King Balboa 8,550
I-year subscription $ 2.00 2,000 votes Mabel Normand Keystone 8,100 1.00 advertisement 1,000 vo
2-year subscription 4.00 4,000 votes Margarita Fischer American 8,050 2.00 advertisement 2,000 votes
3-year subscription 6.00 6,000 votes Pauline Bush Cniversal 5.450 4.00 advertisement 4,000 vms
4-year subscription 8.00 8,000 votes Ray Gallagher Universal 5.350 6.00 advertisement 6,000 YO S
5-year subscription 10.00 10,000 votes Donald Crisp RelIance 5,450 8.00 advertisement 8,000 v S
6-year subscription 12.00._ 12,000 votes Ford Sterling Sterling 5,350 10.00 advertisement 10000 v'~
7-year subscription 14.00 14,000 votes Chas. Rey N. Y. M. P. Co. 5,300 12.00 advertisement l~OOO votes
8-year subscription 16.00 16,000 votes Laura Oakley Universal 5,200 15.00 advertisement 15,000 votes
9-year subscription 18.00. 18,000 votes Helen Holmes .Kalem 5.100 20.00 advertisement 20,000 votes
10-year subscription 20.00 30,000 votes Howard Hickman t\'. Y. M. P. Co. 5.100 25.00 advertisement 25,000 yotes
ll-year subscription 22.00 35,000 votes Douglas Gerard (late) Kalem 5.050 30.00 advertisement ..30,000 TOtes
12-year subscription 24.00 50,000 voles Rhea Mitchell N.Y.M.P.Co. 5,050 50.00 advertisement ....75,000 TOtes
~nfi~l\V~~aplin ~:fi:~c:e 5.050
Advertising Rates, $1.00 per inch.
Gypsy Abbott Favorite Player:: 5,050
George Larkin Uniyersal 5.060
Edwin August Eaco 5.050
Ruth Hartman.. Favorite Players 5,000
Bob Leonard .Universal 5,000
J. Warren Kerrigan. Universal 5,000
Louise Lester American 5,000
Edna Maison.... Uniyersal 6,000
Wm. Garwood Universal 5.000 Now is the time to get busy." Get a~m~ JV .
ON ACCOUNT of the extension Wm. D. Taylor Favorite Player~ 6,000
Anna Little ... Universal 6,000 friends for Subscriptions and Adve " the'.,
of the Popularity Contest, and suc- Henry Otto
Eddie Lyons
.. American
will gladly help you. Every vote C, " ou:
cels of same, the Photoplayers' Lee Moran.... Universal 5,000 Advertising Men, wit.I, be pleased to call ~Il"
AI E. Christie Universal 6,000
Ed. J. LeSaint Selig, 5,000 you may suggest. It'there Is anythln!l I do 'Il~
Weekly has decided to add many valuable
understand In regards' to the contest, ~e lwill W
~li~a~~~ B-~rb~idg~: ~~Ii~:j1:"P. Co
prIZes. 6,000
RichRrrl Stanton. N. Y. M. P. Co.. 6,000 Pleas~ any questions you masK. ":,'
1915 Chevrolet "Royal Mall" car on exhibition
at the Chevrolet Automobll~ Co., P1co St., at Hppi!.
On exhibition at Geo. H. Barnes' Plano Co.,
131 South Broadway
~ I'

SOLID GOLD WATCH (Ladles' or Gents)-

On exhlbtlon at S. Nordllnger '!l Sons, NOMINATION COUPON:
VOTING COUPON: 631-633 ~th Broadway Good for 6,000 votes in the Photoplaivo!
Good for Fifty (60) Votes in the Photoplayers' (Value $50.00) Popularity Contest: . ' '/).,
Weekly Popularity Conte,t.
SUIT ( to order)- Name .< ....

Name From Chas. Levy II Sons, 448 South Spring St.

(V~ut $50.00)
Add..... City ..
LADIES' SUIT (to order)-
Nominated by
From lUeJnbe~','Lfdl'"
Td,oring Co.,
702 '1I1i .. . ;J~ ,-'81 $50.00 . Address ,'.: :'; :,
. rom/ Nebraalra ' ,
" ~9
'.,. . -
So, Sptlnll,51.
r'~ ....
<tCbri~tma~ ~reting~
tiro ~111 IHCK LA RESO

From the Players of

Hollywood. Cal.
Page 14


T"o Comedl... WeekI,.
Fealurln" tbat Cle"er

MissDot Farley
Releulo" tbrOu"b

The United Motion
Picture Prooncen, Ioc.
Woo Dl.atrlbute T b ~
(W.rner. Fe.lure.. lac.)

:';0" I!-"Reubell' Bua,' Day'"
So.'. I '~"The Sace B.ub
LeadEn" Lad)'"
:';0'. !6~""Soul y .. tH"
De<c 3_"" ~louotahl Goat"

De<-. I.
eec. 10-""Sbot In Tbe F'raeaa"
De.- 17-"Flnl.hed .. t Sea"
-""Rural ROmecM"
D<e.. :~-"HE. Sel"bbor.. Paata"
De... !~-"Th", ell.......
lJoe<.' J l_hTbe BI" Stlclt
De.. : I-""Too )lany Wh'''''''
J .. n ,_""\\'tll Daddy'. Aid""

I',-\TIII-: STAn 5'11.1.1::11 ."-T TIn:

Farce Comedy ProductiOn
II .." .. ,'le.and.... Had World Fame,
Ill,,, remarkllblecolncldenc(! thll
linooll Ilmultaneoully willi the re- Archer McMackin
leue <If "~lore Than Queen:' IDe !joe
With ye.... ot SUC:eM1 "'Ilb
Pathe ",d"r"d pklur\l In .'bleb Rene Tbe EMaoay:
"Ieroodr.. Illrred, come. tn .. lie"".
fruu, ~r.n<", tbat th .. talented actor
11 1>.,,,11 klll"d In Ib" I::r.,I' battle III
"lenlOdr.. "aa 10 tbe I'atb ..
~'r"nrh drama "'hat ~Ia:r LInder
,"'h" "'a" r".."nlly "'ouod,,:!1 la 10
Ih" !'alh", f"reo ..h rom",d)' So mao
of m"dllX"" Uleol ..ould bt.- tbe lead-
ln~ nlan al Ibe ('om ..l!I.. F'rancalH
ur th .... Ino .. r of tbe nra' IIrlUl! for
trailed, at the ('oolen'atoire ot I'lna.
aDd th ..... a.e ''''0 or tbe bonon
lI:aloed by AI .. xandr.. durlo" bla WOn-
derfl,llly ..' ...,.,aful anlallc carHr.
Tall. bruadahould"red. and no~bly
dll:tl1lled In t_riol: he IO"ari"bl"
pl""",d oPllOalt.. hUi beautltul ..lfe.
beun Illio"'n '0 tbe American publtc H"'-17 Otto o[ the A..men6il:h
. . (:lbrlel1", ROhlnn.. Th .. lr p.. rtn",r_ PlOY b . . the odd dlalineUon Jun
ahlp did not end wHh I,lelu.ea but or lIavinc t ...o Hta ot pEotu . .
ellended to Ille Comedle F'r&llcalH on the acr-.en. Tbe pldll.,.
.. liD.... 1I... e M'lDe "Iuand.e II lead' <:lulna ao. a.n4 tltOM tle
11111: .. 'om .. n
lime be . u lfJUt the
Th.. ~ ... nl"" Pilat! a.:o.:.'l:'I a .. d em
""'llJ on I:;oq138e:
I>IOy_ .. r" leqolttlllll tbemaehea Uona ba.. e 10 tar m
"Hh er.. dlt III ttle tI~nlc "ar "bleb pro.al of tl1blbllora
II 1"0n""I.114I: Europe So tlr tile .1IIte. tor Otto la 1'et1
honor lilt II u rOlla ...... Renne Aiel' bla dramatic ",:rperlen
anrlr.. killed. ~lal Llnd"r "ounderl.
~~~~:Ii~ t~~mver~ep:r~~W~r.atu
RII,I .\1 Eacomer d .."orllterl In .ddl.
llon to tll"..e men IWO emlJloreea of a ql,llck worlter beD L-tlee .lark
Ille Jerley ('Ily Studio "'ho "'en! DUll Tu .... er b made aom
l.>ark 10 nKbl bl ... "'rHlen til friends luendoulily "h'ld aDd .tartllDI
In thla C"uDtr~' that Ihey Ire autrer- In ""Ch.nged Ll...... "lid he mao
Inl: from ,,'oun,ls ~R .. nn .. ~lon"A Mid to aho,,' tbe horro. ot w.....1
~I Trlro.
aclU.lly abowlnll .ny pbaN ot
...r. A wOlldertul .t~t Etl Atlt
Tilt,; POPE OS THE SCREES ..... erecled lod one __ the ba
Al thl! Ua.r1. Tbeatnl. etual pic_ in~ .bell... the fall\ne root. U1d
ture. I.lteo "'ltb tbe eon.ent "Ild allrl"bled popul.ee. TtleM e ..
I""rnllllion of HI. 1l011ylneh. tbe .re bUI lnat..an<:ea In the mala
I'ope. It" belnl\: e:rblblted. Tber not .ud aer.-.~. to Ideality lI:lu
only .110'" til" "onderful "lid beaull- Little u a nu..... Under
~ul surroundlol\:'. but III"IIY ot tbe direction tbe Indd",nl' .re 1'el"f
lIndent Roman _nes .. Ilkb .re "e,..,. Dot Farley hu .rltten &lid ..
Ma ....e Tbey ',e preaent.ed In I de.. IIlIl ttle le.d In one ot tbe
.nd adllllr .. bl" .... y. and I. a 'e,..,. In. Ide. . wbicb bu heell IMa In co
lereatlnjl aubJe<ct to.1\ people re"ard. fnr lonc lime. It I. c:a.l1ed I
leaa ot CN!'ed. All tile featutN. tll.t mlDce Oil Wlleel.: .. nd Roy.S
han, h"n!lofo.e been ae<crel and taltes tb", part ot aa lonl
P.I'ale are for tile llrat time preHnt- lIe.rt trouble. aad Dot I.
ed, and Ibe "onderful anclellt 001- wllb 80me olb"'. Ill. Tba dI
lumea. lite...nd b1.torlcal thin,. Ire laltee plaee In In ..alld cb
allO"'11 to It"ood ad .... nt.l\:e. nnall,. tbe Dill,. cute tOt ttle
----- trouble .. blch la regl.te~
S'.. otU....oode .... Itlt_. the well_ wavloc of a amlll II., I. lo m
kno"'lI cb.tacter actor with th" Crlt. I.d) wbOlJe aVpeuanee ..
ntb Mutual torc@a. is .11 amllet IB n.g too much.
th" reeult of hla bAbr dlluli:htet Louiae Glaum I. addlnc
~rllncea. "'alklng II"'."
,,!tll the blU~ lAurel. weekly lod .be b
rlh!>on at the pr!~e bAlir aho ... reo H,ntage ot "cOng IIl'l1t w
cently held In tbeclt) at mlilionair .... rector aod tben "'Itb ..n
I'. .aden . California. OUI of .. poa. thl. II common at tb, In
alble 100 polnta. Ml.. Allken Ie(lr",d lage wbere the membel"l of
98~. be.tlng ber close.t rl"AI by oua comP&Ql8I .. re III. reallt;r
four polnta. There were more Ih .. n Ileneral atoe:k oompan;r and
300 b.bl". entered In the contett. ou. cuta ..re made up.
.. nd Ihe prh", "'ere ..... rded both ..rlout artt.ta In rolM.to w
Slore No. I for f.el .. l be.uty .nd llllyllleal pro- are allited ILDd to the
portion.. A committee of .1.. phy.l.
206 We.' 3rd Stree' el.na Judged :be pb,..lcal cOodltlolia.
ceoeral malte-up of tbe
neceeal~t.... Thomu H.
\\'ublu:toD BulldlDl'I: MI ... "ltlten made. perfe<ct .core 00 creat believer In tltl, priu

ph).lc.l polnta. and the onl,. Glaum la belrt& ...orked. IA
Inf.lit entered tbat coo.lde.-.d or parla whlctl ault ber te.
to POM"" a perter! ptly.lque. aleel,..

Photoplayers, Inco_
Store No.2
5th Stree'

In.urille. llu1l41nl:

Moving Picture
Built upeciaUy for FILM DEVELOP
CoWfTUCied of Douala. Fir
II .. I.'" _.I~I. II " ' I I . t.... ".,.Ia.
_ y _ ....111, alNtria 11.1111 .1. l'lnl
I ,l._.~r
, " far . . .
. .II
I, __ "'Inl... Willi. .,
rl"lOl?Il . . .1 '


Picific: Tuk &: Pipe Co.

.......w.... LoIAJlGIW, CAl,. _,lID
1011'1' " OA.Uro.lift" DII'l"IUall'l"Olt.

..1 __

';.. '<
ppy New Year

.. un: "PBKMONT" lIAS
NARRow DoO&PI: _ on OF

to ~e "':oft~:' rrlu.~hc:~:~-:Il:
hup t.raPOol ... tbe late tllat
almollt r.n to the lot of the .hn-
t.lu "rr.mODt" alld ber en. of mo-
tlOD plctore pl..
,..rlJ, J""rd.~.
or Tbom.. H.IOe.', colDpalll..
"'.. ba"'" ,aaqed on board tbe ,....
M!. 17Iuc 10. the barbor of Sao Pedro.
wbell at.enpoul of hUI' dlmeo-
110111 allbted ta, out In Ibe ehau-
Ilel iJowl, mUlDi: lubore. Fuelo-
..ted. by tbe Itnili' apeet&ele tb.e plaJ'-
era pUl.ered. 00 the aft d~1I: _bile
onl of tb. CIomln men proeeeded to
reel olf the m&rl.Re mOIl.troaity.
Ttl, weather ... 1"eO' atory out-
.ld. lb, bre..lnll..18, aDd blaclr. e10udt
lowered oVtlrbead, with frequent rain
and wind .quall, coJ!:lln. frOQl -ea-
warda. With CataUoa I,leod loomlol
up lalolly 00 tbe dllllaDt boriwo II
!ormld au ez~lI'bt bacll,Toulld for
tbe creal
wblLe fUlloel of water COIl-
n&CUoc _ &lid claude.
WbU. the aklppers of ,blpa 10 tbe
barbor 18"'(11&<1 tbelr marine ,la_a
at It tbe walenpout auddeal,. cbaaled
'Ita COIlt'H and headed direct for Sao
Pedro harbor.
Theo lbe ezdtemeal commenced.
Small ctaft ac:urrled for co"er, lum-
ber-laden ateam ~hooners maltlnl
port pot 00 full Iteam to a.,ert dll-
utet aod there WI.I commotloo aa-
lore on boar dtbe "Fremont," where
the III' pla,.er. ""ere .tlll h""1Ied
:- ...... 'l;P tr1chtened to 100ye. Ttl6 mo'
tlon picture Ihlp II anchored almolt
tiro miles orr eboNl and 1.0' attempt
on Ute part ot tbOle 00 board to ,.cb
land 10 tbe Iman boata would ban
been extr1lmel,. baurdoul at tbe time.
Tbe watenpollt w.. but a acaree
balf JDlle oil tb. brealtwlter now aod
Ilowl, QraUnl In In Ilr line direct
for tbe "Fremollt." Tbe uncaon,
Dolee of the approaching pheDomelloD
could be dlamlctl, heard. Tbe aole
obetaele III Ita path ..... the 10Yern-
meot brealtwater .od tbe lICbtbollMl
at Ita outmc.t utremlt"
. Wblle the cre. of the '"Fremont"
atoocl. pel.ttlled .Itb feat tbe .ater-
apout CUbe up to within a fell' ,.arda
of the ~~b.r~~~d.th..~~;..~I~
thunder, ThOMl aboard the picture-
craft breathed euler w"r.en the bla
thins dlaappeared, but tbelr aerY"
rOt lbe remainder or tbe day were a
bit ,hattered.


Admltet"ll of William S. H&ft. tbe
emluent "Ieclt" actor, .ho I. now
IP~rtol with tbe oompaoletl of
ThoJi:l.. H. Inee U actor-dlreC'tor,
.111 ba"e another opportunity or aee-
Illl blm In Doe or hill r."orlte rol..
...!...tbat or a w..tero suuDl.au-.beu
"In the Balebrulb Couotry," I. thrlll-
101 .Iory of frODUer lite II. rele_d,
Hr. Hart Ie DO. pack.!nl 11.00_
throolJhoat the country b,. bll worlr.
ID. ''Thl Dupin:' lbe lI.,e-part InOl!
rptllnl lblt w.. made In. the GraDd
C&nJ'0n. of. the ArlmuL He hu alto
pro"ed a lnlmBDdpualy bll drawlnl
card In. '"Tbe P ...IUI of TlI'o-GuQ
Blcb," the two-teeler .hlch he dl-
recte4 hIm..lf.. But bla portra,al of
Jim Brandon, tbe bandit, In "In the
l8al:lbrulh Coontl7," 1.1 dec:l&fed 10
laelt nothlDI of belnc equal In e"etl'
..-peet to hla preYlolle Interpreta-
'Uona. . '
Ttli ltotl' II I .eatero 'drama of
. lbe dl.lfel"ent Mlrt. It telll tbe berole
reaeu.. or a elrl b,. tbe bandit after
, .lie had pluned. to rob her, Sbe II
..nt to anotber town by her rather
to Pl.,. the mine hUdlet, Ind Bran-
don, the bandit, ac:eomplDI. ber.
Tbe atqe II. held up by a Hwc:ao,
who'draP the I1tl loW.,. to a ahaelr.
In the tI100tDatZlL Bn.ndon,. r-.ol,,-
101 Dot to ,teal the &Irl'l money-
for he I. Imltten willi. her aUraC'-
La Valliers
t1ons-retul"Q andreaeu. her.
, Hr. flart II' adlDlrabl,. lupported
b,. Rb... HIUlheU, U the Ilrl; HIt-
ldall J(1l7a11 u her father, load
Tbojnu' Kurth... ... ttll .WICaD

1*n4.lt, I.Dd lbllr' work d _ mueb
tlal Itotl' Ita etteoatJl, e..u-
New York's Smartest Designs
=~a:.:tnlb:'~OnU; t~r.~ Set with Diamonds and Pearls
duet1oll.. -
Style is the quality YOllr 'C1oth~~ MUST ;
SOO to Select from$1 0 to $SO
HOME ' have if the~"re to be di~tincti\'C. .
Instead of experimenting-instead of look

. ~.
' ,'UI" an
d S'prmg
. Cbas. H. Clark ~:-=: ing for Style here and the~me to Levy's
where Men's Styles originate.
Exclusive distributors for

.&nN.EA',I'ERS We1sh-Marget50R English Hab-

;}~.:~1'0';"'" .w.Sl;-w ..... ,~yPRICU
. 5. ........,
" ... l I Chaa., LerJY,'"
--....... : .

" .

Given Awa
,I Owing to a great demand by many of the contestants who have recently
. tered the' Photoplayers' Weekly Popularity Contest, they haveaske\d'
]. for an extension of the contest to enable them to get among their '. \
many friends to assist them in their candidacy. i
Winners of the Prizes will be announced on the night of the Photoplayers' Revue
No Veta have been eateted thl. week on account of holidays


Grace Cunard
Ell. H.n
Universal .'
Second Prize':'
. Fred Kley Lasky.. . 310.800
J.ckie S.unders B.lbo 307,250
Irene Hunt.. Reliance _ 177,~OO
Myrtle Stedman. ... Bosworth.... . 157.800
Cleo: Madison Universal . 147.600
Edythe Sterling.... .. Frontier. . 45,300
Dorothy Davenport ....Crown 37,550

~r~:c~ildbit:t:~hPC~ i~:gig
Stella Razelo . .. Selig . 25,000
Dorothy Gi.sh Reliance 18,350
Mae Marsh ........ _ Reliance 15,400
M.rgaret Gibson. Vitagr.ph.... .. ....... 12,800
Dorothea F.rley Albuquerque.. 11,450
Victoria Forde Universal 11,000
Louise GI.um N. Y. M. P. Co... 10,200
Bessie Barriscale N.Y.M.P.CO.... 10,050

t~r~~~ ~f~~. ;~:,~~

Dnring the Pholoplayers' Weekly Conu.st,
voteS will be aliow~ on SubbCri}J\.i.cmtl o.l:conlhl 5 tv
the following schedule:
. ChU Koolnson._ ..tllOgraph....... ... 10,000
During the Ph(\tOplayers' W
,..>i..U ~ a~wed. ~ ~Gl'f .
the following schedule: .... - - - -....
Carlyle Blackwell. ...F.vorite Players 9,000
I-year subscription $ 2.00..... 2,000 votes Henry King ....... ...Balboa.,. 8,550 $ 1.00 advertisement..
Z-year subscription 4.00... .. 4.000 votes Mabel Normand ._ Keystone 8,100 2.00 advertisement...
3-year 8ubscription 6.00.... . 6,000 votes Mar~arita Fischer American 8,050 4.00 advertisement...
4-year subscription 8.00... . 8,000 votes PaulIne Bush . Universal 5,450 6.00 advertisement .
5-year subscription 10.00..... . 10,000 votes R.y G.ll.~her.... . Universal 5,350 8.00 advertisement .
6-year subscription 12.00... ..12,000 votes Donald Cnsp RelIance 5,450 10.00 advertisement .
7-year subscription 14.00... ....... 14.000 votes Ford Sterling Sterling....... 5.350 12.00 advertisement
S-year subscription 16.00... .. .. 16.000 vou.s Chas. Rey....... . N. Y. M. P. Co. 5.300 15.00 advertisement
9-year subscription 18.00... .... 18,000 votes Laura Oakley... ... Universal. 5,200 20.00 advertisement
100year subscription 20.00 30,000 vou.s Helen Holmes Kalem 5,100 25.00 advertisement
11-year subscription 22.00 35,000 votes Howard Hickman N. Y. M. P. Co. 5,100 30.00 advertisement .
lZ-year subscription 24.00 50,000 votes Dougl.s Gerard (I.te) Kalem . 5,050 50.00 .dvertisement.. 75,000 vou.s
Rhea Mitchell.... .. .N.Y.M.P.Co.. 5,050
Advertising Rates, $1.00 per inch.
~rlli~lw~~~~I.i.n ~:fi:~o~~
........ _.... ... ~:g~g
Gypsy Abbott... ...Favorite Playen 5,050
Geore Larkin... ., .. Universal 5,050
Edwlll August.. .. ..Eaco 5,050.
Ruth H.rtman F.voritePI.yers . 5,000
Bob Leon.rd Universal J.. 5.000
J. Warren Kerrigan Universal 5,000
Louise U!ster American 5,000
Edn. M.ison Universal 5.000 Now is the time to get bosy. Get amonist y
Wm. Garwood Universal ._ .. " _._. 5,000
ON ACCOUNT of the extension Wm. D. Taylor F.vorite Playerl.. 5,000 friends for Sobscrlptions and Advertisln-.
Anna Little... . 'Universal.. 5,000 will Dadly belp you. Every vote coonts.
of the Popularity Contest, and suc- Henry Otlo American.... 5.000
Cell of same, the Photoplayeu'
Eddie Lyons Universal.. 5,000 Advertising Hen will be pleased to call on
Lee. Moran Universal. 5,000
Al E. Christie Universal.. 5,000 yoo may soi;est. If tbere Is anytbln~ yoo do
to add many valuable
Weekly has decided '--- . '. Ed. J. LeS.int... Selig... 5,000 undentand In re~ards to the contest, we wtiI '
prIZeS. ~r~~~ iiurl;riiige~el~: ..M:P:CO . ~:ggg pleased to answer any ~esdons yoo mu as1L
Rich.rd Stanlon ....... N. Y. M. P. Co. 5,000

1915, Cbevrolet "Royal Hall" car on exblbltion
at tbe Cbevrolet Aotomoblle Co., P1co St" at Hope.
On exblbltlon at Geo. H. Barnes' Plano Co.,
131 Sootb Broadway
SOLID GOLD WATCH (Ladles' or Gents)-
On exhlbtlon at S. Nord1ba.r Sons, NOMINATION COUPON:
VOTING COUPON: 631-633 Solatia Broadwu Good for 5,000 vou.s in the Pho~layera' W~:.
Good (or Fifty .< 50) Vou.s in the Pb~playen' (Valoe SSG.OO) Popularity Contest: .. '. '.

)- .
Weekly Populanty Conteot. i SVIT(tooider)----. __.. m .
N~e ... ............... j....

From Cbu. Le.,..
Son.. "8 Sootb Sprln~St.
(Valae ,",00)
Add..... .
: : :..:::::;;:::::7.;
Mdreii LADW' ~.t=
~~~b~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:::::;::T::~:~ .
m ' ,...............

~ty,;.;;:;.;.;;::.~.~.~.;;,;:.;;;;.~~:::;;:~~- Fna, haupl=:':J:.-:t::' Addresa ' , :.., -'- ;:.: <1.

.. _ _ .... _-.".,..'" IADIIS'OIGUTSOVllCOAT-
.. _...' ---J ~ .......... a.oIq Co.,219
So. s,nq 51.
~ 011. o~ d&t COlI'" ~ ""'~ t, ~-.:
'. . Du.z.ox
a=: ercu::.-:.::

.... 00." . d til _ _ U. Ma

"C tft NIl
..... Ptnt'lilL..

_Iet:r .......Ttl.
h7 1'IacIl wllo

..:=:.?:"ru::~ t':: .:m~"le~

_ U. MIt "0 tile Vltl'l"QIl Ther.
nt . . . . t_. .

Oil. 01.
,be ,.0'"
lad,. .alD"" of
tba "WOf'tlt qo_pany came to Mr.
"WillI. ,... MOOD !Jaw," 1a nne . atlle .11.
otlMr da,. In a ,re.t
IMONd bta. tor b., tMlrPftt8,t1oD ~.. ..11 llol", and I, tM bNt
or netwmelU, aad a.ld, ".Ob,
/IIr, boawDrtll pleu" oolDe and se.
-.. tb., eh.~ or lM aiNU" M, dl .....r aU_pt" I. 1M r.yw- the _ hu~red d In, f"et or Ill,.

'~t:r. 2r~':~~:aJ-:~i':. :: ::-::ra:o~~~I1~::.~ bally nephew!" Nr. Boaworth' ep_

'julred lhe .111 of the child Ilnd '111111
lD.a the roll or tb, umpire.. NI. kin Drew. and the email but well
TIneh,r .... * n p1&1111.1 anUlht' but 1IIIyed part at the hUlband 0' Paul lold thlll the wonderrul Inrant Will
comedy pam fOf ,lmOit I yeu aad Burdoll. Itand out dl,llnetl)', Ind I, Joal lev'm da,.1 old.
b. . . .lll.ed ,real popularltr rCA' hef. WIll ~Iy.d. Mr. n".worth ..hi: "(Jood l.urd!
Interpretation or tb. ell.raet., or The other feature, "Uoderueltb II your ""I'hew C":NTII''':Il''~! For
Elbl1, Itt. .~.op.t1'er In UUI "Bill" The Paint," I, thr-.-rMI 'nmlUc If he h.. line hUlldred .nd 11ft,. t..t
In "TIM Love Plra." abe ......
Itorr or tlil. TIl.at"" whlc!l II
played by H,II. aardner, . .lat,d by
.'11 .1 the IIl1e of levao daYI how min,.
reet will he h.ve when ha II .rown!"
returnl to tb. emotlon..l drama tor Andf1lll RandoU. madden Jam_ .nd All ur which IOnnda mOlt unuIU.I,-
tbe lint time .Inee tbe production or IIltle Audrey Berry. "Underenath The hUI I, very .lmplll wh'm 1II1'1.llled.
"Tbe Battle of tbe 8ez.,.... In "The P.lnt," 'lila. wrItten .nd l.roduced by Th" YOU UK hid)' had tUld one of the
Le"e ptntea" I. .1110_ a .troll' Cb.rl.,. L. 0 ..11:111. In addltlon 10 ".D1er. men millie Ollft hundred .nd
.tOr,. or American loOdety lite. In thele featurel lhree other I'll'turu lift,. reet or 1IlOvlnll 1;lcturu of the
ber role of tbe v.mplre, Mila Tlncber and the Meuon.te Trio. m.lle lh" YUllllK uel'hfl nd Ihe wllhed Mr.
Na". bellied bet' a trail ot wNOked be-t pro.ralll the VllaKral'h Thealre Ih"I"'ortll tu .e tlltt l'lctllre thrown
~I'~~I:~. Ib~ "creen In Ihl' proJa<:t1nll
~~:.: ~::~~:lt::,:rsm='~o':eh~~ haa olr.nod.
a ..uree of amu ent to ber.
d:llib: Jo:I.HlJo: ".-\SIM " lilT U THIo:'
_, tbere to use bl. talent. to vampire. Tbe I'lot of the .tor,. deall 1'CTI'llI11
. ,'ad"'ntap, .. tar ... ulary I. wltb ber career In IOClelJ' and .bow, When 1o:IIIe J.nla l!.arta aerou
ed. The omeera of Re ~k-'~' tbe ...t"bullon Ibat .t I..t ov.rtall:e- the .I..e .1 tbe ao.worth .tudlo
"carnival preaenbtd Mr, o,t- aer. everythlnll; el.1I ,tol'l. II la lhe IU-
!_Itb a p.lr of .Ilver military R. E. Wallh and :":Imer Clltton are preme momeDt of tht< d.)'. It l.n1
the otber l)flaelpala Ie th. cut. Be- beeln. . . he I exIreml,t In clolh..

,.~ ..~~raa~ t~z:~~ni b~::. gj~ront::~n~I~:d ~~::

,be II, called fa. a .plendld
ae a director of dr.m... He II pro-
or ma.ner; aile I, alw.ra theo Ilml.le.
unauumln Irl-but Ihe holdl th ..

f F~ bene," the al:lt-year

dudll' "Tile Lo... Plratea" Ie ol"der
~~~~ "'. b~~~~ea~t~~':'~~d~t~'::e
Itlge from entr.nce 10 eXit. When
Ihe Iln't Iln1ng or d.nclnil; J.unly
IItt.. d.ncel. he' mimicry II wll.l,.
.m_lll&". Then the linea thaI .c
t of the Sterling-Uol"en.1 Com- ,pbere.
"':baa JUlt lI.nl.bed wbat Ibe "The Love Plr.tM" 1\'111 be M.- I'Oml'.ny her IctlnJII .re atw.ra .r><Jn-
. la her beat work, Inumucb &II Jeetlc relMel! at part of Ihe Mulu.l taleoua and It II to be regrelllld lhll.t
.an .be b.d more c1OMl-Upl In
;ttl."- ue b.. ever had before. and
tlte callier. huo'l ea..- .. well ..
e)'", 10 resl.ler lheae humoruul blta
. hlcb Ibe had oee...lon to do acme WALTElt ElIW"ltu.... I'U\'S THJ.: III her ftrst pholopllY "The Clprlc-el
ber ._t lllrtlq:. Sbe C18rtatnly ('ROOK IS ''THE FACB OS or Klu,.: EI.le Janl . dl.JIIal.ed at
.n Itellan Itlrt. comel I" an .rtlill.
~: .h.:~::.e~e::: W~~e:oUI~~ THI' CEILING." 'ludlo. She did that Imitation 10
lip_ . Tbe picture II etl.t1t1ed W.lter Edwerd', the Incel'lIIe ""ell e\'erYOlle on the .t.lle rorgO! thl'
en'. RO!lr&llce" and I. acbed- .ctor-dlrector. II a veteran and that grind or the e.lIlera .nd fancied
'for rel_ Oil. Mond.y, Dec. 21. me.ne tb.t In addItion to poeae..lng themleh'ea In the ftrat ru .... on .n
a Ion!!" .nd dl\'efllifted eJ:perlence he ol>enlng nlgbt. Arter 1\'rIUnK !\he
II f.r from heln!!" a )outb. Yet he
dleplayed the agUll)' of a echoolbo)'
athlete recentl)' when he 1\.... work-
\.II.,. .he lI.ed II; Kit W.I more or
leal El.le Janll thouJlh l.:1.Je Jaul,
hu mlde Kit ao delightfully real, or-
, Lo_. G1...m I. beeomlDg know~ .
amoa&, her uaoclatea It Incel'lIIe ..
Ing In "The F.ce on the Ceillug." it- Ill;lnel .nd ayml'.thetlc we Ihall .1. .. the Irl wltb tbouland gOWDa,"
forthcoming releaee of tbe Ince corn- ....y. after _Inll h"r. carry a mental Ever Ilnee .he .mll.ted beJ'MU with
.-,ales, treellng of the ezperlencea mlnleture In the lOCket we ""'e.r tbe comp.nlea. ot Thom.. a.JIlDe; ,
of. deteetll'e .t the hand. of a i:ang around OUr nf'ck or-the locllet lh.t Ihe bu C&uaedod..ll,. oUlburata of n:
of crook.. danlll.. at the end of uur ....Ich r"Io' tbu.lalm ov~" tbe beant,. of ber
Mr. Edward. I,la)'a the p.rt of tbe Youth ",m enjoy ""The Cal'rl~ d r _ .nd the Iplendld m&D&llr tn
!!"ang, leader. a hardened crook .... ho or KIlty." becau.e It I' Ihe n.tur.1 which 'be 1\e." tbem, One da,. the .
resenta the action or bl' daughter ~wn wl\l be &l1ll:. then ..u.n, Iben iii
or )oulh. and whal la mor.. plelllllnK
wbeu Ibe m.rrlea the detecth'e who JII0fJI~UI creation of jewellId IIotft
ALLEN CURTIS, to tho....... ho h"'e I,.all!'d Inlo lh..
haa tried to dluUl'1 the b.nd. He eumml'r .nd a"tumn uf lire lhan " or'a almple. loosel,. cllnllll .CaJr
_ b ilatr.nce to Ihe home or Ihe relI"' .... or Ihl' \'er)' Joy of lh" din ~ranlr. M.,.u, Irand_ of u.. re_ wblcb .ulta Loulae ao well .80 f.r
Director ne_!iw'ed, tbrough the ekyl1ght and nowned Jl'ranll: M.yo wbo ,...... "'-0 Ibe ch.rmlng little leadJJI&' WOlDan
...hf'lI "'e "'erl' Iwenl)-one.' - haa 'lIe\"t!r been knowli to weu lJl>e
It waa III tblll ecene that the actor dell.hled tboul.odl of U 1 " ~
JOKER_UNIVERSAL CO. abowed bla eetlle 11. acrouat. He b,. blenlul &II a.t.ar hi Crock-
ett and mao,. otber lll'lt-al_ .,....,
oa...,. ..me lown twice - ea:OIpt .. pr0-
Vided by tbe ecrtpt. LoW. 11.'--1
w... compelled to dl'llcend tbrough
tbe ll.pertnre 10 the roof and deaplle b.. JoIned the BalulIa'lludlol at Lonl .mer. ' ..!'tilt_ilk! mod.....Itd "e
the hll.UHdoue StUn!. negotlll!ed the nea~h Ind, logelher ",Itb hla talented le eble to ,,""et the ,cver,. I.teet" the
entrance wllb eaae. Ae be la about wife. Juyc.. :'olnore. tbe,. Will. enaCI I'ery ftr.t.
to drop to tbe lIoor from the open- le.dlng rolt's In B.lboa feature llima.
Ing hie coil! geta ceughl .nd be blnga Mr. :'ol.yos rllther. Edwin F. "'1I
to death. Tble w., one of the mOlt ....all .1...... It.r .ad follo1\'ed In bll
lhrllling acenea In the production. r.mou' r.ther1 footatep. by hll ea:.
cellent char.cler worll In "Puddell-

dr.m ...
Mr. ".)'0 .1Id :0.11.. :o.toore recently
ran,,' 10 Ao'erlca rrom London wbere
- ~~ie:"j:rG~~;~"~::'~r~::e~o:~~~b,.~
preaenlln. "The :'olerr,. Widow," ""Tbe
Dollar Prlnceaa," "0)"1111" Love:' and
other IIrat...,l. . . .ttractlonl. Miaa
Moore .110 ellacted a leading p.rt 10
the Lundun productlon or the "Squ.w
M.n:' at the L,.rlc The.ter, while
Mr. :o.Ia)o pla,.ed tbe p.rt or C..h
lIa... llln, In Ihe ume pl.y there. tbelr
engal!"emellt lutlll' 1Iine month.
The,. .ubaeqllently bee.me cillema
1,I.Yera, .nd for ,.e.r were wltll
the Georl!"e L. Tucll:er 111m ofJI.nl&a-
lion In enllalld.
MI.. Moore II ell.cUng le.d1tl
...rt Ill. Director H.rl'e,.'1 tb~reel
reltu .... tllm. "Tbe Llcbt In Wo-
m.n1 Ii:,...:' while /IIr. M.,.o II c..t
In a le.dlbg role wltb Dlrectnr Kent.
JlrolJp of plaY1lra. eta.-InE "The Bl_
ot 19l1orance." another Balhoa r.._ 'MRS, MOLLIE Mc:OO:'fNELL

t;':~~Rt:~-.T-..-'.'-.,.~,,~." -.,.-.-t:Lt:AU:S "Il~e;n ~r:~9 tb':~t~ICl\~ee'i:~:~em.:~t

Til.. !>""'C u".ps ,: ..... 1.' .. V.ughn III "Thl!" Kitty:' Sbe joined
Til,' ,.\;:-,T.... ~'I"~~i..~;.
D.C., ~I .. ~ooo ft . g~er~o~lI:.lI~nn~I~~ Ifolf::I:gt::~

:,'~I~~"'\~~;;'~~~~~~i.~:~"..i /,.,'.~.'. ',:~: .',:.:. :,:,. ~~n..waa

durlns tble eUl!"al!"ament Ihe
m.rrled Mr. McConnell. The follow.

'Th~:~~:'\V~~'"':.',""~."""......:, ',', YU,"

~:n,:e~~~~ ~~;Ie:. T:,~~"~oe~:
.'II.IW .
~ "0.,. P.rlalenne.:' and many
, mE1lllTElS RENTED '11.:~.:::~::R~~~.~~~Sl' ~~~:7be ~~er~~~~~:llll~:-r~e'7n
1Moniii roB N,OO AND UP. ,1l,.....I:c~';:I~O;;~t!!~.".,'.
n.~.I&: __ .lt.OO. fI ~I:l~~~t~nd::.:h:~l[~~~~=l
Intt1al reat.J appU.. it
"I.ov~Or~t:t;;,.."~e~d~wP.o:c, .~. ~~~I. ;;~ ':a~~b:h:-~'ft'r~~~~~~
m!l"'oi''i~!,!:pu~c:~ II4KE8
""In' /1~~~~I.T~r~~~;'ro~f: : . __ .JO.~~ fl. yelfll. Sl).e II Ibe be.t eta~l", wo-
......ttll.8O &0.-.0. lira", T"~ad.a)'. J.n. ~, 10", rt lIl.a In plctu.... .
; _ OOIIP.&JfY,
8. 8priJIc 1M. T01' 8. BDI 8t.
..: Home "'U13; MalD 396i

Make ReserVatiooa.


New Year's Eve.

.':~~ . - o . J ' =11i~qa:r"lIWI::~r t~:~~.'O:~ til edlam ot I r.mlrlc In j_t. Blot
til etor pere-I'ed tb. Mrellm '011 ~yOP::~'lI~:jntr~f~tJh::I~~O:D-:am::~r" ~~~.:.~ lUDTW~~D I
.r'f.lt, oIIciIl, PublkadoD
.. . . . . , . . . l8c.
.' .~ . ~ . . . , Bat.NIt)' by
of the ullll'lU" art)' bo_ bT :It JUD'.
I a::lI:'IIII:a~~:~~~h:\r:~
,.....ul...m. . ta of th. pa,tro..... No
IIromptl, Nelu.. ted tb. boy. to 10
wltb blm to I lPot apon tb. ro.l\.
ThlY did. H. rl. .ed up Itlr." trolll
Ibl bottom ot I lomato eln Ind 11,
~~t m~:o=~::.no~:I~. ~t:~~~~
~~~Io~e_h.~dl:.~~eru~:~ ::-~Io:ul:
=~~:: :ra&~II:::
~ ~r
:1 ~f ~~
of 1D~'_=~r~:ilti'='
roll O'
t"- lOb ..... _ .

,... . . . . . . J'lt. ..... QeapulJ'. t.o 110_ an ~.actltl b, tb.m 'U.d Ih,m In 10 l.kI I .bol. rllOOll6Ct. Ij" when Mr. Illea ea.1 bl. f.tur.. "The Clrapbelll .u. pcllI..... 4aUY. I. tu U ~ two-
t 0Kst. ~ 0. .: .... EdUor ~~:q,:~~"~~ u::.
8altlee to .., that Ifr. H.rt .hol
1..1 and Ilalh.1I lilt. H. bit Ih.,
bull',. al IUty-yard rln... whU.
him '''r the role In "Tb. I"low.r of
~~~II:heIl~.;:;lh:.:r::'::,:tm~II.~lr:i ~::.'~~
(:o..ID.... Frlaell rord &ad IIl1 coa-
:::;r:t ~~:~~1I1=ea: =_p:,:~~ -=-i.:
r..1 f.,ture. "0.. I'UIbt Up:' la
Room 101 :1L~::lytb::~.~nroa: o-:~lA~'::tb~rr~ lb. r.. 1 rill eo.boyot more or 1I,lu"IUUII .IolnK Lhl. I.lIrtieul.r lin. de..rt .ntltled "P'I lA. .. I...... ladd.otaliT II ,.~bla lor.~
HippodroIDe TbMtre Bida..
Tb.lr dMite to "U.tT tb. d...and. II!. wid. at the m.rlt tram horter WII tu mlnKle .lIb 'h. m.n who.. wo'en aboUL tb. old d_rt 1,,"4 of 1L10. cIo.a I4d b ~ t.o DOtori-
. PIIOIIa of thalr pa,tt9.. to Ill......II_C datalt dl.t.nNl. IIf.. 1111 WII dll.Uned to Int.rpret. 80 hI.n n.med P.c lA. . . bo ", bled oat uoolLl to juUcl. I. IIII' ". .t
F 1141 b.1 beaD tb. lutaU,UolL ot a Dura --- he 'Ilellt bl. eVllnl.... tor .n .ntlre ."ro rld_ .old 4.poalt 1O b.re tor .ewi. HIl.t acctdl1ltlllT
__ T.tl: ~..-taChlt: oeo.' :~,:t~~ ::::~r:-th.HI~7.:ta~r~:I~: 1\:'.\\'.-\1111 AllJ.:ld1:8 IN "A.Io'TRK wMII In .Iudylnll 'he ..ClOk.... III th. Ollt 10 Ih. Keart of tb. cr_t d_n, ruu Into l'teI.!D of crooJu. 00.. W
... rOil Illy hOlllllel .t t.oa Ana.I". In and cre.ted on. of tb. cr......t .old .0uDded. Th .eb ....r Ie me4
. tbetr p.renta I,. In tbe tbeat,. "1\'" .h. "olllilany uf ItIvar.1 or bl. pby_ rub.. I!'er e.-perleaced 10 tb. t eapt1" od forcad to becom G~t.
1412 Fiua-ald Bide .atebln& tbl .bow. All or the pr. I.:dw.rd Abel.. haa beflo r_"_ .Id... trhmd 1 Ih. In.lltlllloo b. ...h.D b. broll.bt .... pi.. ot It loto prolDptu oonoe to 'till eroolLl. BT.
TOilS OF SUBSCRIPTION: qlllatt_ " - , , . for eblldre" ot .11 I ad by lb. J _ I. I.a.ky Yutur. "'"0' IhroulllI the ....rd wbleb blr... town. Th. orfato.l "P Lea..... cIlYer arUflc:e. tbro..-b tIl.. 114 of I
:::t;.:;p~_ ~~~:~..-.:~: ::::.::.~~~",~"":f.O'O .~':t:; :O~~~I~:dl~lLt~:~'::::r~:;
.ft.,. ~'~~ftl~:~~'f~~rt~t',I:.~.I:,~rcb rr~-=
....n Ihll d.,rllllri nd c10eely ob- rul rb.raeter or tbe IIrlT mlolo. flit. IlrllKt1pUoQ., tb. tb .latar . . .
.. .. lIen.d t!l'llrT '<1.lon ot tbe Ilm.I... d.y nd tbere are .UIl "141' old word to tbe potlce 1U114 Ul.. eroob
eouotry .to...: lYery BatuNS.y nOlln~ .for J.ouarT :!f1lb. "Att..r Th.. re-Illt I nnl.hed Imperaoo.* limen who rlalra to b."e bMa pr_ .re captured. ettar I tllrtlllna !labt.
PIeaM 1II1lt. ellaekl pa;f.bl, to 0000, and eblld,.,,. "1001 ...,u.:' Yl'e" I. by WOI. ('. nd cecil II. Ilun ut drIlKnend. ..lit ... ben he flnt told ot hi. fIII.d I.d lI .... Hoot leta Ul...tory tor ber p&-
n. Waetena "1. Pabllellllll Co. every 8uod.y .n.rnooo. Tb_ te. Ile '1111. and work on .h. 111m bel.n .:Il,..llf1h Uurt.,14... the ".utl- .lIo..ed POChta tull of .o.l.ta ID per &Ild _rea a bla: _ p . Relpb.
Rat. 1t.00 par IDCb. to,...re lreat aUr.rUoo. 'Dd 1111 tb. 'alt " M l k . . luI III.dlna ."nl.n of th" Inee eom. proot. Upon hll deatb lb ..cr.t ot lA.le pl'n oppoel,- ..... Huot. Th.
bou_ ..lib Ut. )'ount.,.. _ _ ~_ _ lI.nl_. I. rlllht In her .1.meDt .. tb. Ille 1000tiOD w.. m&d. .beofu.IT aeealrlo w.. wrlt'-- jol.UT b, Fred
. . . . . . . . NK '1'l'IUDS8 IUDE
Wft'IIDl' &IX' llION'rB8 _ "QUO we~b~~~b~;~~::Oi:Ot:.d~~r~:~~ 1.eutUI IhUlt>n. I"adloll 'I'om.n 01 -orn,d rr.",k 10 "The r.ca lin tb.
.we..t.whuluome d.IIKbter tit H'... ae<:rel. ManT ha". tried to locate It. K.INT ad R. . .11 .Ill. 8mlUl.
tb. minnd lIl'oy ha" died 10 tile "00. rltaht Up" .t11 " rel-.-1 bT
lb. koowllL. 011......Id: "W.II, tbey Ih.. Inee ClOmp.nlll. WII .I.t.d wbell 1'..lllnll: forlheomlnK rei..... or ..arcb .rrOli the boralq lIudi. But the Rllla.CI.
ral,J' ...t awl,J' .lIh It for IItti. .h.. w....... ror the \I.rt ot M.y
wbll. bilL not lonll:." Ho.e'er. tb.y J.nk. rlClntly In "Th. Ploa at
the S ..... Yurko ~Iotlon Pleture Co. thll. far It h.. lLever bleD foulLd... ........r Anb... , ~ II lak-
~t1u llur;lIrldlll:e enlerl 1010 ber 10- "'til c:OIIIfIete ....... 101 a brlet rllIplte fro.. bJa Um..
o n DOLLAR ADltlsiloN. w.... ml.t.k.o. A. Ibe bIll: bl.h-cl.... Two-(1uo Hlrh:' wlI.t1ro dram. ut ' ..qlr"'.t1on 'WIth .lIcb IIrn"ln_ It I. arouod thle Incldaut ot tb. honored rol. ot the .berta....d II
ft-atutel I. h.re to .t.y .od the n- merit In whlrh WIlII.m 8. H.rl ..Ill .h tn the It:enu nt hllr m.ntal tor... urJy da,. that Orace Co....d haa proc1uclol "Arter T.autT Yean." a
blbltor ..111 .I ...ye pay bill: prlee 1M! te.tured. Yor ae....ral "'Mlke. b,
. BJ .uu..1' U-rr for a raerltorloll' 111m. The m.lIY fure the ."1 ..." ot !dr. Ifart. ).II.. t"lher .h
11m' f"II lnll dl.pul. wltb hllr
h..,I. aenllioe le.r..
built bl!r .tory Inll from .hlell 'hill on.reel R.IlI4C8. draraa, d-tlq
haa '--keo the tltle. To I.ud more .,Itb tbe mlll-Iq IIf.... .
The Pl"Ol~1I In the III.. 1I.ld 10 produelol coneern. Ihat h.,e beeo r. 111111011 h.d heen ",.t 10 lol.rpre. .\ ".lterln. r..rllllllmeal' haa been re.II'1Il to the plclure. It b.. been lelCkl.,. 'PtHian' II I rawr crowo
tbe ...t.ra lIlarkl! ba" _Ullled le..lol feature prOlran... lind. r.ady "Dml!n of Ih. underworld .nd thoullh hl 10 ~Il .. Ilhe. MUrhell, the be'lI- 1.lanned to t_ke tb. complar to ttt. .udd.nJy nebbo III bl,wl1 foond
brtCllt llpeel, ..peelally aa far tbe m.rll~t tor tb.lr outl'ut. )lt9"dln. at .h" .rrel'hld Ihe dlll.rM.ble j"b Illu. I".dlnll .,m'an or 'h. Int:e com... d_rt beyund I:lanto. for. few de,. we.Ub forl.ta bll wU. aad Tooq
.uILlJl.ltor II coaOl!lrD-e4. It I ppar- eourae. tblt II I u lu tb" .tlndard. 1II:00od n.luredl)'". he )e.rned tor. .>11 .. 1.... A" .r' dll'er "de Ln." In .nd belter 10 aec:ur. Ihe proper at- 100. After a 1.1)11 ot twenty T"ra,
t tblt UI' cblOtle rolldllloD. th.t The m.lLy bill Pt9.d...y .ueee.... rh.nNl 'a.ln I" 1,I.y aometblnll: th"t I.... A"Keh,. t.I.. h. . .ell!eted ber ",,,.pberll tor tbe .tory. the mloer Ilodl tb.1 bll rl..nT b..
bulD-' ba"e puM4 Illd tbat bUll... ~~~a=:'~n~:a:.~hU:r~r::.::
bue p1"lYlU.i1 la tbe Indu.lry 'nd
0_ II oormll. Patt9na.e to tbe pic..
:~~~'~I~:lr:~~rodl:::'::;~hil::'UI:~ .t lurlr.lI "'It flf hun.lred. Iblt ..ere
lot. dl'I~'''1 '0 Ollie II .n .lIr.c...
paid tor tbeln. Th. title nd rut the f.l'l'. Th. p.rt ur )1., Jeoka I. lI..n In h....\I"lu". The l.bolOll:r'l.h
Wltb tbe condo.loo of tbl. Illm. forloUeD blm.
\he comp.ny ... 1lI 1&:110 return to ~_
.he ..ork Of produclnl lb. fourtb " eertlo, CIOpT of letter le Ul.
tare bou_ II.. belli very !!:ood .Itb.. ,. bl, t.clon. .. to tbe m.rket thlt IIr Ih. anI) Ilood wom.o 111 .. ...... n,ad,' II)' " 1.01 Anllfllea photo- reel or "The C.lIlpbtlU. Are ComIDC" elu. thlt dl.c1_ tbe whereaboutl
III tbe paat tlw ~ootbnd u , re- value of the teatur.; but It lb. photo- 'I'e.te", to ...n .nd wbeo MI.. lIul K"'llhtor ,,'ner.1 ".M'1ta lao .lId brl.... .lorT of Ihe SePoy rebe'liloo adapted of. pair or DOlorlou. croou (p. the
,1I1t tb.. 'lllllbitora b.v. beeo olrerlo, ,,.phy I. IlOOr .od the 1I0ry dlYl- . Ion h.ard lit her 1l00od lorlun. Ihe
ulLulu.11T aUrietlYll prOCrlm ullng lied rrom. It I bard m.Uar lu. dld.1l lIu' .......1' II..,. ot luy. ;:::.. I~'r~,~I~:~:.l1~\tI:~~el:~.e r~~~:::: Irllm ""Th_'_"'_'''_'_,,_,_,._,,_oow.'' ~::I~~o:'~II~r~te:rab~"R~~1l~~
Ul.. * t mlterlal OIL tbe m.rket. Tb. m.lle Ibe future. no.nel.1 .1Irl... .I. nanl")' lllherry I. Immeo'.-II r.."',,,..... Th, Ilrl d...ler In rllllnll ....". TISI:Hio:k IIj Smltb .od prodlleed hy GflOrle Sell-'
recallr enlce th.t I. uaet1 In .11 Milch credit lIluII be lI:lven 10 Mr. Ille eipre'liion auea-In Ihe role ot II. .buUI Inr " "ork nf In .tumbled AGAIN KTJ,;SOORA.PHBR m'OILt tbe R. & YtUtU.. ..,.,.
bou_ II allO ot a higher e.llbre, tbe Geor!!:1! Kleloe. u a II10nllllr 10 the runnll1ll. dl.trllrlflll lI:.mbler or .lIe "lh'lI Ih. purl,.11. lie IOlIlI:llt out ~'I)" Tlncber. the lolmltable eom- The plol dill. wlUl. Ul.e .:lperl-'DCllI
.. ublbltor In.uU"1 OIL n,.t...,la.. pro b1,b-cI... eod ot the fe.ture btl.ln.... ......1 III "Tb. 1'...loa at T ..u(lun ~II ... ~1lI"',..lL IUllt ubl.lned h"r cnn... edl.... oe uf Ihe Komle ~lutuII eom- of. kHn eTed ne.... p.Per reporter
dueUon. . . . to litle, .tory. eUn" HI. "Quo V.dl.: . . . the Illd., to. Illrh:. new Inee lorOllIl,tlon III ."'ul 10 n." 'h" I,k'ure. Now It I. 1'1111)'. "'ho hu heen aeorln, qIlU.. "'hn ruo. down tb_ eroou wbo ~
produetloood IlbOlOll:r.llby. aI tbe ....rd beller cl... plclurea. nd . . . ,,hlrh WIllI.nl :-I. lI.rl. rer.lltly .r d"lly dr....IIlK rr" ...I. '0 nul art deal hll I". ~;Ihel, the .tenolr.pber. III have delled,.11 lb. elforta.ot tbe J)O-
. plelure rao today I. a. erltlc.1 II tbe reault at thl. teatur... 'lIct'e... 00111. ltlilred tram .he 1'lltlm.1I .L.lt"to, ...111 tu "llU" on .1111 Mtrte\. Ih.. Komlc "Bill" 'I!rlea. ad.pled from lice to loe.t. tbem. A prettT ro-
Irand opera patroo.
proprietor of d.y. looe liye I~ becom . .
Inl UUllCt .nd III hi. pl.ee I. tb.e
Inl b.. berom. 100 bl' 10 produ('l b. teuur.d.
n. bapp'-'Oluck pIcture houle nn tbe .creen. I'"'ollowlnl "Quo t'noUllh uf 11I1' trlle .clor In him 10
tborOUlb .hra...-d anll eoo.l.leol .how. presentl!d. tbe O'1o.t 'IKlCt.rlll.r and 'ul.. eulured w,l.t\o.1.
m.o, .bo I tlekler on detail . . . Inl~rellio. feature Ih.t hll been IX'
to hi. pro,rlm and b01i1l m.oage- plolte:l. C.blrl.: '10 IWlIl'e rHI.
Mr. Sberry h.. jllM'
V.dll: Harry R. R....?;--Io ronjune. 1,I..y tho IlIrl ...llh"lIt the 'U.tOOlUY
tlon wltb M....r. Werb. I: LelillCher. .durnnl.. nt ur Ilulfed I,.uneh all,1
1l11'il("ur Hnllt foIklney of the Ince
torl't!. tound c.u.e tor Inurh rejok
1IIU.... mc:HTr~nvu__
"li ..:T T(M..:TI..:lt.. H"IIUT
~lltnHK"r 1...lore lI"rn..tlllll of lh..
['uh"ernl WII.t Cuut udlo. Illel
~~~~ll ~.~I~~~j:.~~eC:~.~:;.~~~~~eap.c~ m~~:~I~..IO~:.~O::: ~~E~b~~~:~ce
u" cunt.loloX ntly p.ck'lea or II'"
"ur"~11 ..he ...lng gum. The ehewlog
.,UIlI ... me trom a Ne... York 'd-
,ulrer. who had ',een mucb Impr...-
.re featllred. ...I.ted by W.lter
Long 'lLd Rlebard CUlDmh:tll.. -
"OIL tbe Tabl. Top" ... 1Ii be I Re-
lI.nee releale a. p.n of tbe Matual
..ltll II J,ruI",.lllulI IIpun hi. relllrn .",1 wllh her Xllmche...ln, proelh'l* prOlralD.
m.ot, al,. e.!!:er to tl.ry every Thl. pkture played on Uro.d ...y.1 Inll ... lIen Thorn .. II. 101"11 pl"..ed blr" frur" L"nlli' 1.1....11 Ihl....ek. Ihat will :I"M III tht' rnle or tbe .teoogr.pher.
blm .od dellre of bt. patroo.. Thll
ra.n relllE" tbat bl. the.tre I.
tbl! nn"1 hou,". Ihe Knll'kerbD<'ker In ..harlle ut the I"odurtlon or "Th..
tbulrl! for tbree Inoolh.' It .n .d- ~Iu ..er of the lIel1erl" recenlly ..nd r....ull III th .. ullenlllj( or. rlub 11011.' :.~.~;;r.I';ltl ..Of T~~~~I; ~~ p~~~~~ \'AS WAN ASSISTS
permaneot llL.Ulutloo and tbll he ml..loll prkl! or $1.00 tOil .od dld.ll Ihl. I. the r....UIl wh). The .elloo fO~I,:lt:;rll~~~~.~'::1 f,~r~'.::.rtne~~lhe 111:.' ,1('11 ot ,ul!ntloo lO ebe.log lum. Charlet E. Van Lo.n. tb 1IUl.or.
mll.t ater to thtl .anta .nd d...lru a,grell:l!l! bu.lo.... ot $lI7.000 In lhat of .he .Iory like. Ill.ce In the hearl raKe lnl'" ~tr. n..rn.teln Ih.t Ihe bo)" ,\...omp.oylo' lbe che...tog lura . . . II 10 BalLolal. C.lItorol., .ltb tbe
of e,er, eu.tomer. tor the (luroo at time II .rterward 1l1.yed .t the of S ..... York'. underworld. dhend !lo....ortb COlLlp.oy. . . .1.Uo, In .tb,e
today I dl1ly attend.o!. In.te.d ot GlObe tbUlre .nd Bebtlr. tbellra. ulher n't'etlnll 1,I.eel or "~ook nd :~;~~r~ ,I:~~;"~~u,.,~~'~.I~d:'~: I~~i ~k~o:~,.~~O~.~b:ouae~?:~t :~~IOo'Jt ~~
.. .... produetloo at Ihe teature IIII1l "er-
tranal.nt eUltomer. 1I011hlo, II~ month.' run on Bro.d. lu.... bro ...'. lIelnll .,ru",tneol throull'" tllen II.. th<>UlI:hl Ihat hy OtHlnlnlli" ..lIl' ... ln;: I;u"; .nd 10 I Hod YOII .IL .Ion of bl tory. "Tbe M-.e to
The two buod~ .nd nlo.ty . . oloe ...y 'he be,lnolng of Dl!ce"'ber. . 0111 the 11l<"llire': ~tr. !ildnl!' . year. .Buellahol JoblL:' ... bleb I. belnc'pro-
~:~:~:~'~:;hllw~;'~~~~ ..~~rh~~ell~~)~h~~ :~;:III:~~'t"ly~~P~~~. 1O~:o~ILI~~~t tbl.
:~~ ~t;r:o~~~~~ohl:~'':e~=I.~~ Plr~~r~~y~n~l~her:~g~~I~~~r~bl:~~~ ~~~t:":~.;~1~:~~d:J: :~r~~:"i;::~
dllce<1 bT Hobart Boa...ortb. 10 tbe
Ih.. ""x..'.I"III:..lher .plrlt w.. JUII .. .\1'). YOllr flO(Ilnp; .od Tour 'Ull,l ellt are Courteo.y Foote. An A..,.
bUlldred ...t or IUler bOUMl .llb olurh III ...Id..or....lIh th.. rhallt- ..h.....lug ne,'er c:eufI. eord. Ibe r.lIlou, COWboT, Karl '00
.'ery cone.lvable eo.. modlty for tb. :::;:~~t~Or~o~~~~~;~oluhe:r~~~e ::~:. .Iudy at mndhlonmOOIll: Ibe .lum... f..un MM II .",nnll lh" pla)e,.. Scbll'er. Hell'O WolClOIt and' Rb",
Mdl . U : IlII'UN 1'O)lPAS\' IS IIE.\R H.loee. Mr. Boawortb blm..lt pll,J"
~::.b~: on:r:::r';I:~lh~a~o~ ~~e; ~:~~o~~ :!~:~:~::;;;:!=t:~~"~:111'~
ptroo. Ttle eooatruetloD .nd equll" ~Ir lI..rn .....lo ......mmed Ih.. I<leod
meat belnc lbaolutelT up-to-tb..mlo . . ... .. lh........1I1t I h.1 the boy. ,re no. LU.LE\ STORM "Bucllahot John:' a N1raarklble cbar-
:r::~"'~:odn.~o:u=~ hei'-~IDg

' :1~tU:::O:MI ~~e:::to~b: I:::~~~= ~:: l~r~II~; ::.:~ePII;\:":::'.':tO~~ "f Ihe lit.. lha' I. 'ed io lhe under :::~.~r lo" .lIu....... In pleallnt clUb Wlih tbe tberraometer bo'arlol

Tb. I.telt IDOO".UODa In aerNO' aod :~ ~:~ :~t~~r~~::'m::;::-:;.~~o~~ :;'O:~d.:O:.:";I:.I~~V::::b::~:::::
ot tbe "lod.'Ul. Ibeatre re.eoUIlll.
ProJect1ol' raaettlou bave been 10- with It. It cao be .utborltall...ly la":e tit. tk or dlre"Uolt an uadl!r 1.ITrI: II.''' S":H"m''''
.buut Ihe uro mlrk .od tbe .00'"

r:e~~; ~ll:;:.a: ::~rll:l~ ~:;'~~I!':t tOMAINE FIELDING. I

.talled p'IUI perfeet pl'1)jectloo . . .
the p&trou tod.., kno tbe lIleaala.
of projection .lLd will oot pltroolu
:~~ ~~~t.:o. t;::;r:h:~'~nh.':e ':.~ ~:~:::;~~:~n.!.I:;~~::r~~r:c:~~~ . 1I1lE.\KUOWS .1:~h:I:~e:~~~lIt';.,:ru'l.:~. ~~~
lornla. t.a,lolII: " Dumber of bUI.
- Lubin

a tII_1.r1 .lIere tbere I poor pro-

jee:tJ:lo. . !~;o;:t~::=ftl~~"~~~~o .;~!:~~ ", ~~~I~lt~m:::r:~.~~ :~~dl' .~~o: ~ard _n ... tor lbe productJoo at .0
.d.pllon or WIIlI.m McLeod Rahae. .
;:-::.!~r o,:,,rl. ""R1d(;;('r",y 0: :>Ion -
- -
........,.. ...-.
TM m.Uer of "nUlaUolL I Ia:o
lakea toto could.raUolI wbeo :~e:~:~lo~III;.a~e o~a::~~~':.II~:t:t ~=r"I~ltblhelh:utll::' .. o~o:''';:~~~ Tbe Irll' .t thl. !lme of ,e.r I. re-I TO)( POIUI.L"f
bnDM II belo. built or con'erted IlLto tbe flUore .od wltbd,.w.1 of rod _red. ht. nnl bl!!: .uc"eaaea 10 dlUl o:arded u partlrul.rly buartlou. be- JU'eolle lA.dI .Itb Ha",
I pletDre hou.... Th. 1l1l!f1, putrId .ttraellolll. I. th.t the picture hOUH r.1 rolea betore Ilruad...y .udlea.....
I4d b.dlT VlILUlale<1 tb.. .tra .re not ...",.. of Ib.. f""rflll .torm. tb.t Woadrulf 10 "A O - U - of
,eta tb_ f~lto~ .t a rll.lOn.bl. bu. Iblt dGelln't delra"t froll> thl! f.rl . ~p th.! locallly almOlt daJlJ'. Lelaue," dlrec:tloa GeotJl"e H.
Ul.oae to be rrlqueoted by tb. tbll4- prlre aod II able to .bo. ItlelLl 10 Ih.t he t. 1>Hllllarly .d.pted for ..orll
tre-.O<!r tadit)' peelaUy the raoUolI t'or ...eella .1 a time durlnl tb. Wlll- Meltord.
tbelr patron. It Ihl!lr r'lul.r .dml.. 10 .eattro loarl.. III. Irhlmph. In ter moMh . tbl! lohabltaata .", .t>ao- a-Q Fearo1'l8 P1.aT Co.
picture 1l0UII p.trolL .od . . . r..ul!
ooe of the Ilnt tblop tbat .IL u- .100 price. ~~~.,:r~.~f... ~':: 1~1::II11a::;t ~~ ~:.h:: 1IIII':Iy .oow-bouod and wllbout
blbltor eonalden 10 a theure, I. V~Il.'" Tbe 111m. tbat are delllclln, lite lotte W.lker In l':1I1l10e W.II..r. me.nl of commuolcatloo wllh the
tIIaUolL. 10 the uoder.....orld wblrb ...ere 10 ""Tbe Trail of thl! l.onHOml! Pln~ olltslde world. Fire meo b.". beeo
Ot eoo,... the nre otlleili. and .urh roo.taot dem.od ye.r '10 are t9o'lore<l Thorn.. u. In- bl!y'>n.1 'oal In Ibe '00'" there ..Ithlll lbe
h_lth aathoriU. lIl.ke .peclllc relO' ....10 beilla uaed uteo.lvely. Tbe. Ibe .b.do. or doub' Ih.t be .-aI ,oa.1 1"'0 .eeu. Tbe 111m, !lowerer.
raUolll III roerd to "enUlaUolL. but alllol/.ot at crlm. tb.t baa been com... the m.n au 1M! .Iarre." In W('lIN" railed tor ,..veral Importa.ot ICeD...
the -Ureall" plctor. 1Il10.cer . _ IIlllted la .od arouod New York hll rolea of the Inre fe.lure.. So ouw In II ra,lo!!: blluard 10. tar from de-
tb.... reulaUotll on, blUer .od plaeel Hell .ponHr for tbe dem.od 'or Lh he'. I' lore.llie und." "ontr.rl. terriol blra. It oDly m.de !IIr. !Ill':'-
tbe Deweat and 1II00t beoellel.1 uo- "Wblte SI...e: p~.d.~r.....ucb aI "Tbe .hl! I. 1HllnK lI:hen .11 the bill: "lII:uo, R.e 'be more 'llIlou. 10 m'ke lbe
II".. ,,, II o..r,ou. brelkdown. 0('- trip to talle adnota,e ot tbe prea-
UI,UOI cootrl'aneel In bll tbeatre. Tr.tIlc III Soula. Tbe &po.ur. of meo" I.ar. th.l Mr. Inre .nd bl. 1'01 ....lon..'1 h) 100 ..10Ie .pplluUon 10
A prarUal damouu.Uon or ttl. tbe Wblte SI,,. Tratllc:' "SmublOI horlto,. ...rll... Ill. nnt '1'l'Ilar.. ,.nt 'Iorm.. Th. PlrtJ' .re to retUrD
tbe Vt~.Trq.t: ""Th. Lure:' "Tbree .nre under Mr. Inre .... 10 The her .....k. "un. 1.'"'", I...dlnll: I.dy ...llbla t,w dan brlollnl .Itb
up-to-d.te reqUlremeDta ot tbe p .lIh Ih.. Turn..r S'1e("11I1 "'e.ture
tro... ot tbe pleture th_tree. le tb. Week. .od. Ireal m'ILY Dhn. of Uarll:.IQ: Then he "o-a'arred ...lIb Ihem lOme or the moat re.lllile .00W
..ompan,- und..r tI,l('lor. orde" II _nea e"er pbotolraphed.
ellmlo.tlon of the Il'e-<:ent .dml..loo
poltpy. The reuon D.turall, belnl
till. tJ'Pl!. It ..aa bell.red lilt .om Rohert ~dl')lOn and !the. Mltcbell 10
mer Ib.1 tb_ 111m. . . .re "d.ad "00 Lhe NIllbl St.all:e So. he I. '\1' h..r hnmll In '.0. Anll:"I.... ner ron . .
dUloo I. not rellard"d . . .erlou. bUI
thlt til.. demlDd, ot the patroo tor I_De:' .0 far .. the e:lblbllor w.. pe.rlnll: III "The PWlo~ at T ...o-Guo II will II_UUIII.. II romplel. reat
the beat plctDrea ..altee It maod.torY eoocern&d. bllt tb.. patrnn. bave been Iltelll' .nd hi...ork 10 thll 1'let'tI 1. 01 1e'e...1 da,.. /lurlnll: her .blllnCl LUNA BRAND
tor the uhlbltolj to ebari. I bllber e1&morlo, tor tbl. el... ot nlm .all ded.;1f1 10 he onlll~lled. Unroth, IIro...n hn ~n ..hOlflo to
prlOl!l of .dml_lon. on aecouot ot tb. tbe bOll.. m.o.,er b.d to ('(ItOpty "'_11ft" .;d""r<f,, .Urarled ""l!- work In her III.re.
T.o Coraedl_ WeeklT
quaUtT or bl' Illow. Aa. 1411l....lolL wltb tbelr delllllLll.. .lder.ble .1Ie.nUon from the pee",l.. FturllLl tbat CI"".r
price at teo Clllt.I Ie tbe .lADdard and At Ih. outaet nf tbe Ellropela war ot La .A.nll:ele. reuntly whl!n he TH)\ H)\A\'" HAISM ON l.'OAIfT Comedl.one.
a I ....t malQ' of Ute theatr_ .r. It wu .Idely IIIl!rted th.t Lhere rllmhed 10 the roof of 1.11 bund . . 'U.:')\NT I'H(rrOORArH'f
ebarllill an elLtraOCll flltl ot flfteeo ...ould be a It:arclty at felture. 00 Inr to en.el .ome .renll tor The Conllnu..d rlln. of 1I1111.u.l1y pru..
.Dd t.autT-II"e t:eota. or courae
f.f' .u~rlor aer"lee I. olrered 10 tb.
1 bo~ Ul..t lIUet. the hllber price.
the roarket, II the Ellrope.n 1lI.ILU I'"'.ee on Ihe Cllllln/t:' fortheomlnll:
f.cture,. wera .upplyln, tb. Ara..rl- erook .Iory of Ihe Ince eomp.nln
can raark.t wllb I.rl. pere.otl,. of Mr. Ed ....ard. tllk wu that of eoter'
lonll:ed dllr.llon for lhl. tim. at tb.
,...ar h,,'e nlllttorl"l1r Interfered .lth
the work ot 1,lclllr.. produrtloo .lonl
MissDot Farley
or 14ml..lolL trolD tbe p.trolL. . . tbe tb. tllm uNd 10 Araerh:a. Howe'er, Inl a dwelllna Ihrouah Ihe .kyllll:llt the p.rlnc COIBI. I'"'or the ,IUt .eell.
akepUe pubJle d.m.od value tor tbelr tbll I. oat tbe _ . Tb" Amarle.o .nd to lI:.t the .~ne-.od lI:el It rllllli II .torm Ihu I. reltarded II lhe wonl
It I. onlT' .ltIl.lD tbe I..t .lJ: mOlltba
tbat IIIcb remarltable .trld.. bl,e
m.nufarturer b.. lA.ken .llvlnlAle of -he had 10 ....orkAlOl' Il re.1 build
tbl Itu.tloo .od I....orklol hI. Inll. A r.e~e.trl.n ..... him ellmh..
toreea .t top ooteh, with Ih. cooe- In, to tbe root. Ue .houted .nd
eJ:pt!rlenred tur numller or Yll4"
lended by .urh ,",oud,' we'Iher thlt
II hn lIeen Im ......llIle to undertake
The UDited MGtioa
Dello lDade III tbe pleture boue .od
at tbe.llLdll.try. For ...helL tbe Strand
quent rllult th..t the "llIpply lIleetl .tared.
tbe deraaod."
8o0n a thoullnd people
.tared and for .... hlle It . . . tbou,hl
the Il1IololI:r"llhl01l: ot eUerlo,. u . .
"el'1 durlnll the occlllolLal ItiU. In
Picture Producen, ....:
tbelltre. It Broa4way .lLd 4,7tb .tre.t, All 10 .U, every uhlbllor who I. neee...,y to call tbe r...erve. 10 dl! the rllln ...hen the dOlld. bre.k tor. 'Nbo DlItrtb.te~
New York CItT. tbre. Ita doora open wUllo. to pay the prlr. Ibl. to Il'e pen.e the coolI:e.Uon. re ... mOlllenl.-lonll: enOllllh lo ..dmlt VNIT&D 0 DRVlCS
tor Ibe .pprohatloo or tbe pleture bl. p.tron. Ibe beat 00 tbe market ~. ItameT "'herrT. the. 'eterl'ln of .n .Heml't .1 pbotoltll,pby. (W.rner' tarlll, 100.)
publle, I practle.lly ILf!W era belan to 'lLd .. a rnult m.ke .. lood marlin "h.rael.r .etor of Ibe Ince rom-
rellO In Ut. uhlblton .pbere. AI to ot protlt, e"eo tboa.b bl. ruoUlnl ,ll'" p.olea, hu b.d ye.,. ot ulltlrl.nc.
_ I mqnJIICllLt tlleatre .1Ul. I .eat- Pe0lft-....b." beeo ,rlltly Ineralllld. nn the .t.,e thai would .ene many
In. capaelty of 3.300 be opeaed 10 Bat. tlrat. I..t IDd .11 tbe tim. he .n ..plrlo. tblllll.n III Iload Ile.d,
prMeDt pleturlll esclutlll'.I,.. tb...... 1Il0.t l1"e tbem tbe .ood. 'lLd 1I0t hilt II WII ont until few .Hlk.
uIa1tlltora ruhbed their ".TII,.. anll try 10 Impoea upon th.lD. '10 .t Ince'lU. tb.t b. w.. Ihen
. . . th.t til. mo'le Pltro" .ould the ehanre to pi.,. tbe part or a
Iaa" to be conald.red . . . '1' .. the
uIa1tlltora pock.tbooll. 1'11.11 I.....ttl...
ltelT 1oo11' Il1nalll'e or tile uw "')I..
8. H4RT EXPERT 8aar
"VI..... yorlrtowa"
JJabt tilit . . . thIN to Ut. P.....t.- William 8. Hlrt may bOI . . actor
tlo. 01 plehlrlll . .d .tArlH altertq but b.', abo I Cood .bot. Th.t . . .
tIl.elr plloaa, or .recUo. lie. t;beaU-Ibe rollchuloll ruched bT I .IDI ot
OD til. tTPI or til. 110. . . . .Ith lUll
eIIt11p_t .. .rmnar .. IN*fble to
tlLat It UlI 8Vu4. T!Mnfon. _uch
CftlIIt .. dOl to ....,.. ......1. Mark
.... Brodt u ..... UMI.~n 1M
tb. 10Qutlle co.paDcll.ra Itter tb.
DOted ebuactlr .tar w.. at" the
OPportunltT or .110..... It.lI ..
.....blp... Ifr. Hlrt artlll'ed It the
Ince 1It~ til liuata "oolca _",ral
.~ u..u.. Th pletllN fau, Data- WleU . .o-aftIr Iaa"lq worked ID
1"1117 took QOPla.aeI 01 ~ com- n. T1rro Ouo II.... IUIId "ou ftt.
IICMIIts. 01'..... to u..m Nlallt 8taaa..-to ~ up II. hUla
uti .. a "
iIIIIt~Ula~u.at_ oUd., eotItract . . aetor-cfll'1doJ'.
tW .... tua all ~ _ Uft;......
_ ~'rna. It caa be AfeIT 'lIId' S. ~ tbwW . . .-oN

lItto the prodaeuoa. of "Tu ~
. . - . - . . or .... lA tIle . .1'M of otT1rro-G. . mcu.... ,oztUo..... , .

. . . . If UliI _ ...,.."
. . . . . . . . . w1tWa. u.e .... N: lIMe. "".torT 111 ,.nb' 01
......... _ ~.laa
bo7' _pkInd It
u.. bonWe I'MOl
on'-:tIdI U-"... IMaI)' .. nerttKlId fill' work .. tU . .
==:..=:~~~=.=-1Ir~~f~:: YORKTOWN
'1' .~8IIIIoIM...:.=..~~~ ~::::mnt...::"~b'..:.no-~t::
I\:~:':"'.u:..~ ~~=.~~::
':..:=-..,.. ..,..
~~ . . " . . . , . III &Me tellleot L
$2 Hatten
y= ~:.::.':':. :-"~ll=::
at " . 011 . . . . . . . ..,..IfI'.:JIut .......
-~..r="-=. _Ne.I.... W.INk.

..=-=..:':;,',:: ..

T _ _Ne... 147W
........ a.411 .....

~ : ,-
:.Ia~~ ..,__....... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -.a;--'"
. ~~. '...~. .., :.... ~ba.....,--"_,,,~.
J1JMII . . ,

. . . . .........
' _-
, 'nlIatn
~ tbla
oro.vor o.uoao D ' " HR.N.
...., temple . . . built of I'old.

....~_:a~i ,:::~:n:n~hl~'~:~':~~~I':b~.~.~~
ed. III It, ruin.!
1IiIfI. . !'Ok. Utat of KU"h'
"lSOIl. Rppo. tlll' tateat
But It ",a. only
tor 'OU ".tle, ~.... I lovi you."
Tbal .~b of M.url~ Braeh'r.l,
'eenl In tbl bll lInlt. In -hllr rUlh
to lpe.1t to Ute dlmpilld Itlr, Claay
ueldently taill Into the ...tllr rronl
..bleb Ihll II rlllCued by thll ralr I.U-
lI.n Ind Anlonlo Moreno. Drlppln
"'et, 'be II t.ltlln to the cOltumll room
rur a chan.e ot elothln.., ..here abo
II tlbn In hind Itl' motberly M.ry
Maurice who It onC'fl .nume. eh.r..e
of he.r. Atter mlklnlt' Clny ('om tort
Artllr .n ab..nOIl or ntllrly three
I'II.n. Annette Kellllrm.t1, vaude.
l'llIe'._ prtlllllllr dlvllr .nd awlmmer,
rttlllrni ttl the two.dlY .nd .. Ill be
lelln at II. f". Keith', Alh.mllra Thea-
tro Ihtl Wllllk. :'01111 KlIllllrman II
knowlI IIrOUlll1 thll world &I "The
Perred WUIIUt!l." and "The 1JI\"lng
So mlleh m,.,tary hll tiM. tbrow.
Mr. 'AUlult ..ben ulted poInt bl.nlt
.bout It.IBld:

around It.
. '
"w,n. It tl a myltery picture, 10
wh)' Ihouldn't, therll be m".tary
HowlYllr, YOU, ml" be
Illre th.t when thll .nuouncement
thll Utle II made thllro will be aomll
IIlOllllhe4, people In the Itlme ..bo
will "crlU!er, why Ihey hll"e not
w'- eouatl,. 'Opa "",.. iaow; nc!t
tbat ntldat1J1e man...,.
001 to lien hllr. Darl.1 the

dllVlIle. Raturnlu, to tlla l-.1Umatar

lta,e Ihe ..... __ "'lth Robert IW.-
.an In "Tbe Oll'ender" at the

li08. 800n .t:,,.

Theatre. New York. Itl September
tblt "'1M

ot.1 to7-1 Ihll Will h-.4JI.1It I. 1"&11-

....... wttll. tIa.' 1JrM\eft cl.-teal tb.1 Samloo of modero ftDl.no, wHh V'Hlll.:' Hbl! will provIl to the AI. pl.yeJ tbe Plrt of Mrs. Jell'riea. I.
Ihlo III dry I'lothlnlC. Mrs. Maurice
I '-"""-ttola of 1:lri1ll1Ult ea- .11 PaMa lod moat of Europe. ,t hI, ,ummonl the ,.rlnul dlre('lorl and
IlllmLrll p.truua that _Ire II iUli tbll thoultht of'll berore."
. Mr. Pell ",h'l will hlYe thtl prln
"'The Third Delr8ll." , '
~" 'I'1M 1:ljltct I ",,,.t 1!lllIlItlrully rorlll,,<1 wom.n un
~ of WlliIoA Barrett" ..olldlr-
Iaborate . ftMlt IptiDlol_ the charlet.r of
8,.<:I1,rd. tb' elemlotal mau of a:llut
l't.rera.nd after rudlnlt Ihem alec Ih" ItliMt! lind thl! IIUetln of.ll allu.tlc cll.al 1'11.1" role, nelt 10 Ih.t .. blch _~et:~~nt:!~I~~1I R~:.:~e ~a~,~~
lure. d"m.ndl or them 'l'nUI kind or :'ofr. AultuII.t will take, II well IInO"'n
I'lII ......, 4n.a& wb..leb .hM .tlr~d latellect aDd manic atreolttl of body. tel'Ulllton fur her deJert ..d .. hulte,
rrrllale". Tht. la .\II.a Kell"rmalllr. bar.1 Mlillona" at tbe Sayor The-
tM 0U0M of IT8f1 e1Y1I1S1d. nee who, froOI a d()('l!: l.. hoNl'. to.. to be Itllt l'ltudevlll.. IIl1kRl(lIl1let1\ prior to tll the molhm IllcLure ..orld. H.. atre, New York. In 1,907,the_tollow-
'Ulllll'llln8 they each ... rlte lilt Intllr-
tli~t til, "01'14 fot ma.y ,,-.n. power t,ued and 10011..41 UP 10 In lle.... I'relentlUIt tlrt'tnl III I,erlon to
hur allplllrlll'"e In a IlIlW 1'IIIY "'rltlflJl mlde hi. Italte dlll>ul '1 the 'I(e ot
ollllhteell. Illa)'11I1I" thfln wltbl Mme
Inlt ye.r. abe pllJed 'VI"Ie Iii. "lin.
'~. at luat,u reprd. the mODey.marta of the .... orld; ol\ly Crill)'. The 'UItKlllllolt II Ilt once
",round hllr II)' Anull CaldWell.. -The W.rreoa Pror_lon" at th. Man
MtUaIa Uld _ I e .~eeta. mu.l lie- to WI"(ICll: bl' tlmple or lold... lIh hi. Keltlr m'UllltllmllUI Ilrlll.,nla AllIletlll Modleakll. I..ter he W&l tn leveral h.ttln Tbealre In Nllw Yorlt.

INel1 UlllllI, .tld ..... hen. ll\err.ome II lIIu,lral "unredy I;ro<luctlonl. Thlln
~l7' be Iptltutecl between thll own bind. to cru.h hi. enomlel. ev.. \1 hl'r r.llure. Claay tl nhout to d"part,
KellllrnlalHl sa Ihll jlerrllctlon or rem
aDi. otller pi.,. pre1'loDlb produced thoulb he blm.elr perl.hed In the Inll'" I'hYlhlUe IIt1l1 natatorial .1111. ror nVf! y"ara be pllYlld leadl
'he I. dlllul(ed ..... lth lIlanulrrlpt. Ind jn l.rumlrlellt ~:allern .nd Weltern
:~bl~::= ~::~fe:~~ :.~: ~:~~~~.' \~~rll~xF~x~C:r~:~~~~t~I~~
Jam ... Iluaay III Jack Hoyle will
made lu teel Ihllt III hough Ihu 111m I'll ulln ... Uh their !.aller and 10Uxa 1I1.,..k CUlJrllllnlea. Illi picture enr'lIe- (..'OI..oNIAL TIlEATRE ,
rolk Ir.. 1t1l'lIn to I'rlltlcal joklnl(. rnr "The New Chaurreur." Jal:k m"nl. InCluded those or III.dlnll" man In celebr.tlon ot "Monater Yule-
.u.t.1'1lI of the prteoent production II IIr_nth\1I" Slm.on. ItI .uthor1 Henri lhey Ilre more thllll I!unerllua 10 thOle
:- IP'MUJ enbl.lu:ed by luch comporl Bern'teln'l Indublt.ble m.llerl.lef'e. Jiu)'I., "'{,rk" Ilr.lght nd ur.kel a Iruund the m.klnlt or the picture thai tide Pl'ltlvll.' B. P. Kelth'a Colonl.l
_ . and whUe It 10_ notblnl In reel' thlt It 'h. . .ceomlJlIlhed UUI' In lrlluble. !lllr aunny .mllt'> 011('11 K""d rt!ttder ror HunIlY'. rUII m.k- wllh !'ath" and In Lu\.lln feature Tbeatre .. Ill h .... e fourteen Kllith f.-
morf' nlaertlnx 1l."lr. ~IJ.y Jo)'rully vorltel on tbe bill tbla (next) week:.

e1atlGration of detail. It bu tbe .d- or It, rreltel tprodu('Uon, extrlor' IIII': 1111 thll' HoLr.... ""Ilonzlue Htller- flhn". !lll 11'IJ""red In the nnl n'e
"'enda her .... y 10 Ihe omr>! of the
1'lUltaae or I ltory whlcb bu 10 Drm- dln.ry by relenlnr nlm ,'eralon of
maKlIl.lnll editor ... h.. r". Ihll Ii 1m
,r." lamea lIulley III onll or the :'~;I1~~;;~~rCo~hl~:~ly~1Ilel'er made ~). The mlnagemeat ba1'e taltllD . .eat
b .ain&blllbed Itself In the fl1'or of
th. public. A luperb mUlic.l aet-
tbl, com~llIn'r dr.m. or nnlnct'> Iud
Intrlrue. . .Itb Ita Icatblnll .rr.lgn ,~~:~lat"lr enKaj{t'd al II 1'1t'II"hllt 1.1.
"I")' ll'orkhlM 'lId rUllnlelt ot lIe\.lrew
,"medlans. lind hla "delivery" or lIal A UkUlt haa hellO "'(N:I.led ~~rv~ 1:'I=g:~e~r' an~
tIq hu bee. prepared tor thl' UD- l'neDt ot the PlrllulUllD rllIt 101. ---0 _ s"nlt. Itl ...aya land. !rIm L.con. The plrtlcljlate In tbe wondllrtully blend-
"'lIh hi, ltrother In pleturel tor BOMe
uaaal piducUon wbleb. It '11 aaJd. 1\'b~e orrl", Ilmoit In"ohe the ..... g. 11lI1'uhtt comedl.ua Irave jUlt recent- tim>! .nd hila I",en In .ctor ror the ed program. .
JIo:l'Ol'O.~ 1~\Hl\l'.:NI1AHJo:l'O J.:tlITII I'romlnent .monpt the 1'11'" ot
~11 ecllpee any fe.tuNI ,.et lbo"D min 'wbo Brachud 101'el In a ,,hlrl ly ,unrblll.. ,1 their .. rr"rll. Itnrt hne ttlm" rtlr Ihll IlIlt three years. He
T.\I.I"..:IUl() "hll., 1I.... n makhlJ.: a lrH un thll IJla)',~d Ilrlu..ll.lIl I.artlln Unll'eraal re-
liars .. Ill be t::mm. Carul. late ltar
.t the Strand. A new lot ot Eul'O- l\Gol ot t ..blon.ble "\('11
or "A Bro.d ..ay Honeymoon.:' _lat
1 peu. /Nar plctUrt!! tilteD .t. tbe tront Bracbard, born In tbe Tbleve'l AI :'olr. Samuel t:ohlll,h aUUOUllceli K..ltll !"Inull. Ie ..,. lind ha. made ft name for him.
b)'. the Stran.d Ipeel.lrepresentative Ie)' or MINlIllllea. breab from hi. Ihlll " "o,lIrlll'l ha~ t>.."'u con IInrt)" t'.rrull .1 Ito' )'ouiliful and aelr "a a I'Urlray"r or dnm.tlc Ju- ed Ity Carl R.ntl.ll In .np. mulc
wl,ll l'lao be Iho..n II 'lilll ne.. toul Ind e,'11 lurroundlng. II a .. hul .." 1o,,1"'oon .le... I. 1.lIkl' for l,r"llll.. ~"IIK ... rll"r.... 111 Le og thll .nd dante. Emm. C.rUhU alarld
1"!lItle rolell. .\Ir. AUJl:uat la not quite
Kentone comedy and lome Inlereat )gutb.n dobt.lnl Job II I dork Ihe Jelllltl I. I.uk)' ~-ealurll Play Go. hill Bn<l ,,tli nlul.. r II uumber Dr or co-et.rred In BO manY' mualcal.
1"'1'111)' Year" or alt'e and II an ath-
Inl trlvel and lIclentilic .tud.1ea. I.borer. mint mUlcl~d .nd Ilg... lllld :'otlllll ~:dlth Tllll.rOTTO by lhe
lerm. "r "'hlrh :'oltllll TaUafllTTO II 10
~"nlta of his ""'n ClIllrltuaHI"n. Mr. I"le. I(h'ln,e; trim aecomllUlhmentl
...hll"l, ,I" nOl "ume III ami" In tbe
comedy auc~ tbat It wonltl be
dlflleult to enamerate them. .Il
There .. Ill be t ..o new voc.1 IOlollta. mOVing hll yet hn ..ttbln him Illlark Carroll .1111(11. lurd Illara Ihe pilino Ilk..
, l1&mely ~0J' O. Deitrich. thll tenor or unqullnchable Ilmbltlon Ih.t I. h" s"en In Ill" n.'~r rutur.. In In a l-Ill"rll". III' I'enunalltv III. nrlr ""h""I..,,." dOf!llnt. bo..evllr, require the n.mea
.. Iallorlll~ Ithulo,lramlllk I.ro"u"llon. or Ilny mUllc.l comedy auCCIIII to
:,~IA:~~R:;.~~::;.II~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~I~ ~::~.o~r t~e ~~~~~y.ts~~~;
I... r ""111 ur hI" Sll"'ellll . nd hll raa'
. .\ lIs" Talll.f,'rru ...111 lit' r'lI1lf'mherll,1 I'lllallnJ.: MUnl(S nlakl! him n lI:reSI IJlace MI&ll C.ru. In tbe public lDl.d.
She II one of the tew cenulnl' come-
;b~e~It;'::~?O;o:feeC~r~r~~~~~~d:n~~I~ :.'~~I~~h~:m~~~~~n~H~~C~:~d ~,I~l"Il"~~~
us th., h,Jullu,; arlllll III Iluch ... ld",l,. Kl'lth rM,"rllo.
knol<'l1 Brua'I ...u) l,r",lucll'ulI" "11('... II I" I ",.,llkn""'n rlwt Ihltl Ihe diennes ..ho can al".ya be relied
Nln~er _a program ot dUlleal .nd damaged cargo of .Ion.... in canal hOiIl hllr,. of :-<unllyllruuk ~-.rm.' Ilnd FI" ..-.. r)" Klnl(<lum" prllll"""d n,or" upon to bit tbe. tun~y bone Jnat
""UIIJ.: \\'111""111."" ~;,II'h Tillar.. r. "xI",r l l:)'IIrIlIlI'''III"It-'IUllllJtl'llthiln wh .. re It I. Intended to bt bll.
popul.r selecUona. and dlal,oles of il I ( Il profit. II Is
ro Is 11r., )ullul:.'r 1l1.1,'r Dr Joilloel "'That IrreslaUble couple." Oeorse
~~: ~:tn~:::' ~ha~o~S 10B~;I~~ ~!II:' ~~
,"UI I,.. rouud lllr)"h.. r". and 11.0 m.ny
.I I M TEIUUSS PROUl:l'E!S ...... THllar"rr" lIwl Ihl.. _..'Ill lo" her 1111
11.1 al'I,,,"rllll"" "11 Ih. s.. roon.
,"mllauleM rrunl Ill.. Orlf!Il' hl\'" heen
~u IIMI"undllll( thl,t 11 I, dlrtlrult 10
Whiling .nd S.dlll BartOowlit be' on
the bill with tbelr "lOnl . .;rInSI."
I MAN'S SHADOW:" ~I~~~~a~~"r:~~eh~I~:I~~~g:I:~h~~K:~.t~~~; Fur :'oltlJll TIIIlIlr.rro.. I.hol"."rll- Imltl:h,.. tIIlt Ihal "'ill ""tI'''''M Ihollll The "Io\"elblll"- ...y In wbleb theJ
t.~gu:e~~~e::a:~r,i.:ro~t~I:: ~~De~~~ ropper. This roop uillmlllel)' lllak,," rrllllk <It-loul . .\Ir. l.llllk) h.1I Sf'IOlrh,,1
I' phl}' loy Will. C. n. :'ollila. entHlo,,1
"'11,, Ii""" .,lr..,,,I)- I,,,,,n ".... II.
Olt,.lo.. '.lltl'~. "tlUril'ltl"d Jal' Itrtl"I'"
The put ol'er their aonp in their Inimi-
table manner baa c.ullltl .n o,.tlona
phow, haa plclted bl' Ult for the ~:mhl~ ~:::t~rlal I'ow"r wllh all !'arls ""OUIII: HnlJrlllll..... tt,.. l.wdu..t1on "f It,,"',',r. ,,'1111 lIo:hlUhllo: rll.ldHy ex where,'er tbe)' have appelred.

~~:tD~~~;~b:~::.~.of~~~:i~:prr:::: M'~~~I;~.ar~~;hU'~,~~~;!r ~~=n:I~~

"'hldl I<'ill 10, ,lIn'rl",1 II)' (-edl II "I.lttle BlIIy" wllJ be another' ot
",'ut" II r"ulh", "r rea's "'hll:h not l.udp.llllea cholee-t to be on thla
IJ.. :'otlll,. Ih.. I.rnlh.. r or the author orll) ,I.r) tilt' III." ", I:rl\'ltaUou. but
Th" 'H.r)' ut """UIII( Hour.nr,, ~"t'lli to sh" ..' a sh""ltlnl( dl.,.,gard
Inext) ..eek'a bill. "Little Bill,....
..hleb wu m.dll t.moul by William acbemerl on Ihe "erge of ruin. ~tb II tiny cbap ot 19. HII II full,. de-
"UIlI'"rllll Ih" ":ll,,'rl"',,"'" of a )'oun)o: fur IH. and llmli. Th..) "'111 1(1,'e
~~~:..t tho Adelpbl Tbeatre In ~eaeirl)~~IfO~~e~~I~~Ouc::~~cr;11~~~:.r~~hc::; jlrl .. hrk Itl II d('purtmlnt IItore "h,,. Ih..lr "'onderrul "xhlhltl"n hl!re thl' '. 1 ... lol'e:l mentally .nd "'ell edueated.
In III "f JUII" IIU"IIII'SII. deletlllinas ,n"III,,,... k. It I, nOI be<:.UIe oC bill. dlmlnatl1'e
In taltlng tbe people for tbe C8llt. Bu('bard 10"1'. . . Ith III tbe rugged Itatue that thll little .rUst I. on the
Terrlllll bu been caretul In Ie forre ot his crude ..,,01. 10 Ihe ne"'I)' l"pr..ll'rrdlhal"lwl"arlehladyuf
rallhloll <lurlnl: I",r \Jne ..'w.k1 I'ara-
Ollo.. rs<:onlllll: I" Ih,. ,\Ihamhrllo
.-lu,l,. l.adr Allr.." I,.. ta. tiny tOI. or Icage but bee.UIe he III .11 .rt.lat In
loctlng tbole ..... hO will look the part rlseo Croelu. Jollrle. ho,,e\"er. every ..ay tbat the term may be ap-
and .110 make tbe piece a tborough loathes the rugged. powerrul man. lion. Un .. or the Yuunll; men In the "n\l""ld"nr In "UI .. Illld cUllll1nll: eal>-
1I1ot.. Is "..I'.;d "'lIh "ub"tantlllll)' th . "ra. John I.< \\llInlo." Hellnl".. "11r", plied or a pl.yer. AI' comedl.n. he
American productlon In so far as tbe ... Ith tbe un('ooth \'I~or or the doell
reprellentaUon In the pia)' from tblll )'ard Itlll clinging to him desldte tbl' Slln", 1.lln. Ilnd 'rel,alrll 10 th .. ".nto' Kill K,H., KUlIpl,,", Ellog Orr In III r.r abo"e liar, ..bUe hla slnemg
.ncLdanelng arll excellent. Ilil mOlt
aIde of thll Allantic la concerned. IJartlal ven~r thaI hla d"lllnl(l ..... Ith .umm'r r..s"rt, Tit!' I':ll'erh'nl'<" "r ""UI: MI,,01I ..... uaial"" h)' tlarry I)"
,h.."", '''"0 .1nUIII: Imp\Jltpr, l'ulmln . app.rent tbat "Little Billy" really
All bas beIIn aDnoo'tlcod, "Ir. Ter.. meo of milliona hn gl"en him. ,',,"11' Itl Ill" 1,1"",,; Harril " :'olanl"n thlnb, 1Illkl and acta of bll own Ie'
rllll will ba\"e for bls leading "'0' Jerome Go'alne. libertine. duell-' atf' jU,tt~~~~o marr,.. [,r''''''ntlnl/: Ih.lr r"n,e,ly ""1:n<"1e Ji'r..
cord .nd Is not sa I. the eaae wltb
man. AlIDa Luther wbo h.s lH!e:n .nd gt>nerlll manaboulto"n. meelll r) .. 1 ,h" 0l>"rlt". and l'uI.ree II: Ou ..
tlIarted tor lOme time In tbe LUbin the Bra"bard's .nd :'olarle. rasclnaled
Ilul/:h It""",.". t"rlllt>rl)' "ounC"lell pr.. I.r".,'lllllll: It Ilon,II)' In Ihl' Brl
10 many Lllllputl.nl merely In-echo
or Olme one else'l b.Ddling. "Little
... 1,1> lh" :'olollon 1INur",'World. an" "f ,"'<"111'1: I"...."rl" "'Ill \.Ie Rln.'n on
picturllll. For the VI.count Acheson b)' tbls polllh'ed l.otbarlo. a~reea 10 hol ..I) ,101111: Ihe puloklt)" "'ork fot JllII)... In the abale ot a altlt-II tull
ot tbe ~tory he ..JlI b.ve Lionel Pape meet him I ( an orgy In a prh".tl ~:::~I"~ a" ".",,1. mltllno:e "nd ele Or'clel'er materl.1 and be nll1'er t,UI
Ih.. AIr" ~-lllll" I" IlklnJ.: thlnlt. elUl)'
who la as tborough going an Eng- room at a raat cllte. A "cast olf" of l.4.T1n:mSE tx.lVSTlsS "OISS Lin;: to make good 'Ildcre.te comment.
aroulI,t 1'Of'''' Yurko he hll h.d .e"
lllhman as ever came to America to Gonllne'a Elale. "arn. Samson that PHOTO FILMS.
en~~~I.r~ ~~~a~~I~d~~~nd:~OH:~~'
"r,.1 ,,1I".. rll lIl.de him. lIu. I. not kt!>'11
put bla type ot Briton on tbe slage. the .ppolntment II 10. be kept. "'hlle on arrt'!'tllll': until the rlj{ht thlult
\RilD2.1 de Cordova. a BrlUllb lubject tbe millionaire Is .baent on bual .\ I"CliIJl'(TIOS 0.' (H .... It Calherln~ Countlaa...'I", .... atar. &: Co.. prelllntlnc thll BIItl11Uonal
"01111'. lll"nll:. ~Ir. 1IoII"min "'ho II
who might have come atralgbt trom Den trip In London. He pretend. 10 .\I."n:nS r,," In "The A...kenlng of Helenl romed,. enUtled "The Girl": Hoe,. .,
LeDdon but wbo wlie born In J.ma
ell. Ii thll Craig Darll of the piece.
Itart but Instead ot tlklog the trail>.
returoa bome III time to trap his
,,-..II kuo"'n Ind haa J, h()lt "r rrlends
"ut on Ih,' roa.t b"l:l 10 be remem.
h"r..,1 .nd ... n'!1 hill IIt1'1t wlabaa and
Thl' .\Iarm "r ,\nx~lon:' llUt lin IBtehl..: "Tbe White Sliter:' Ind Lee. the cb.rat:ter plrodllts; Be.rr.,..
Errol with the Tetl'lZllnl 'olce a:l:ld '.
I')' Ih. FI)'lhl: '"A'" Coml,an). ulder "Th~ Cbrl.ti.n hili JllIt been pl'C'fId
Mr. dll Cordova haa pl.yed In Amerl- ..-Ife on ber return dlabe"elled and Xnraa ,::ref'tln)o:1l to III or'lhem. It Itorgeous go..nl: FI.n'CID ., Ell-
" ca tor ye.rs having helln under the byaterlc.1 from tbe aupper party. ,llr'>'II.. n "r Il"nn Ott". la a (:(Olor und .. r contraet by Ihe Lite Pboto
m.,. lnlerl'.1 Ihelll 10 k'Hl'" tha' rul ""..r,,1 drllm". r",.lurlnlt t: .... n:e "'ards olfllripg "orr .nd On.". I.i
Frohman management where he ap- Sbe haJI auceeeded In eleaplng arter tl",o::hll' II looklnl': and rl'elh,J.: ..ell Film CorP9rliion for pboto!.l.)' ~ort lIIIquel to "On Ind orr"; H.rtman .,
pe"ared wltb Richard Manslleld. a lltrugrle ... hen ahe a..... Into whal FI..II lit ,\llo:,I"u, a p"or Italian .. mi
and ,1111 "a.ar. hili. fam""a '1'11111', Ib.t I:rltlll .\Ir FI,'ld'll IlIlperr.onatiorr of )U" Couotllll "'Ill do ber IIrlt "'ork Varady. l0uuUon.1 Europe&D 8ociet:r
HlI.Dr,. Miller Ind Maude Adama. In compsn)' Ibe hal rallen. Brachard endt>arl hIm to III that rom .. In 'on. ror tbl. produclnfi; orlfanlut!on In the dlnC'flrs: Pria Lucie Bnch. '011110.
plctu~1l. b .... dODe hlll~y .l~ with tbe Intuition tbat has made blm ItaUln "llllnrt"u .ho.. It k!'('n ap
1....1 ...Ith him , ; ,,"-IIII(On orrarlllitrall" photopll)' neld b,. umlng tbe III.d "lolln \"lrtuMl .nd thll rrtdltowal;r
Kfea:~.~::.~u~'i'~'::"~_~ ~:r:ault:: :~ul~a~~tn:t~~~l.~uI~~ 1.I1T-w::T';~";:;:-H-lcnl.ll'O~
.~I':-!1!!':.. !1B: :r.~~c 'Jp "rll :l.~
In "The Av.l.nch "'hlrb ha~ JUI1 trnul"! RIlvlll!! _slnlers :t.nd wb,irl
~onc otberl In tbe cut Ire AI and a"ears to al'enge blmselt. Go-
" _\hrh. thl' .If. "r .... hll: ..lon. Ind Ih~
,hlldr.." .... r. r..al 1IlIlIan tn...l.
bwlo I,urchaaed from Robert Hilliard.
PreMnt plan. provide ror the teleaae
"'Ind di.ncera. Owing to thll ~b
ot thp bill. performanC81 will beI1n
fred Hemlnc. Altred Palmer, Walter lalne. "'bo baa posed III bls rrlend. All .orta or en..ounl.... like loll"" or "Tbe A~.la.nche.. througb Alco u atl:45.nd7:.6P.... OnSa ...,.,
~;dlth lior~lla. IIbund.nt dirk h.lr
K1D.ptord, WIIII.m Lewin, Cornlsb Is deeply Involved In copper, thanh
",,,I fa,I.1 ronl"ur make. h",r natu the nut Lite Pboto production. tol. the concerta will be ghen BI Dllu.l,
Beclt. K.theryn Adama, :'of!llle Lla- to Bracbard. tll'B. Tbe rormer d()('k 10"'lgg ""Sprlnct!me" m.Un"" and e'lIulng. .
ton .nd not tn torget Mlille. Terrlas laborer kno"'1 no ..e.pona but bls ,:,~,~I)"IIt:r':~~'.:.::'.I.. lInd I:",.t> . . .onllllt. Uoth MIllS Countill Ind "Tbll Ala
wbo II tbe JOY and pride of tbe bOUle tilts and a duel with Gonlne "'ould In "'hkh '"UIlI" SunePI"" Ikka Ihe llnche" Irll "'ell kno ..... n to Brold..
bold ot Mr. and Mrs. Tom Terrllll. mean aulclde for hllll. So be deddea \\'rnrrr ..d I:r""n"'''od III lh'" ,,"od TH.: .... MERICAS FLnNG "A" BOOS
AI'I'II .. h",..e tor"...r barlIo)" In a fair ""~O,r. "Il,::a,..,j III rell.. r ""rll. and "'a)' BOlh hl\'e pla)'ed long lID"
Work: on "A M.ns Sbadow" ..as to ruin Gov.lne b,. "Itrllling the TO ItEL.EASF. BIO FEATURa
~~~~rl~~~t~;'.Ot~:"b'~~~~~~:rrll;;'~"~~f E,I ('"x'I1'~ h"r ~"""Ihf'.rl. mlt1~ II gagemenlB there. Botb. \00, h.ve
beCUD lut ..eelt and already lever.1 market like s tbunderbolt." .. ~~en ..ldely lI""n o"er tbe country. The Feature CompLn,. .t thll
bundred feet ot tbe 111m hu been He does 10 and. In tbe crasb tbat hl.!'p.' ,"nlr.~1 1<1 lh.' torelll:n .I'!. Amerlcln ItudlOl. b.. NlturutMI from
&ell. at tbo projeetlol> room of the follo ..a the fill of Ecyptlan copper. 1,~;:~~r;:~~~~1 h:a~llld~'!1 1;~r~::~t1;"ll~,~. '(II~
The Al-.lancbe." It lertUma.te
play "'BI wrltteo b,. Robert HIllI.rd a t1\'O a'eella' trip to Santa Crns'
KlDetopbote. From tho apparent hll o..-n fortune la "'Iped out Ilnd all lIrk.,! a~ 10111{ I. hla 1...0 nal" held and W. A. TrelDa)'ne. tlland boutYblrty mUea outside ot
looka. ot what baa been made, tbe France la plunged Inlo tbe conlul Santa B.rb.r.. Tbo lal.nd II wild
?~.~ill" ~~O::e~I.I, ~~r~m~'~l1l~':~'Il:~a;;~ Jo:IIWIS .,naST Iu,;mss .\tl&ll Countlu. no ..' II to loin tbe
Klnetopbote ..Ill h.ve one ot tbe alona of a nnlnelal crisis. Brubard. AI ..o group. COIDpoBIId of Etblll B.r. and 'mountalnoua .and Ita likea, w._
blllt tllltUre&. It baa yet prodnced b.~lng pUlled do ..n \he plilan or hi'
l>l'lng <lo ...n ..d ...lther. "lIptorlall)' a~ rymoro. Jane Co.. !, Be.trit Mlchlli. terfall. Ind abundant aeml-troplcal
"'ben, tbe Terrlaa play Is ready ror temple or gold. preplrea to lea I'e Ih" pIa)" ,temand..d Ihal ht, ,,'111 001 Ed"'lli .\URU"l hal I'l.. ked hi" raal ena. JoI.dlm Olga Petrova. :'of.bel "egetatlon combine to m.lte wondllr-
tbe exhHlltor. France forel'er but be doea not Co Th .. a..toll<' I"ok pla,1' al 'he Kround. f", lh,' nnol plrtUt" "'hlrh h.. ,,'111 T.ll.rerr. Florllnca NUh a.nd othar rul ",enle IIIttlnaa. Tbll acen..
.Ione, tor Jolarle. "'bo In bli greatn~. of the Lo. AuKt>I .... l.a.ellaH I".m m"k .. for Iho' KllIl'IOpholt>. Aa haa remlnloe Btllrs, .... ~rn In TIIXU. taken for. big te.ture 'OlIn to be an-
desplaed bll rugced .hrewdneu anl "'llh the Ilos"'orlh r"rr... a. Ih~ Io" .. n "nn"unr"t1. hi. lelldln,o:: "om.n She WBI edocaled In I convent Itl nounced Include the l.ndltlC ot the
Meet,Me At rude strengtb. IIndl In bill downrall Apa('ht>':' and II", \'I'nlr" ("lllll of Is 1ll1"" _\lIlfor<l. who hn bNlO an Murl'nd, Lllle 10 m.ny otber aue- ~Ip ..reeked \"oyagera Ind their
that abe loves him. Brachard amldlt primitive elfol'tll to tIlte c.re ot thllm-
~~~el~~;~nrl ~~oa~~nl;~,:~~~,,~..l hl'l ~I~rh \:;dlaon Mat lor ..,m~ lime bl~k. The eeearul "'omen It.r. abe m.dll bel
Louis Blondeau's ~~:Ir:lb~~a'bo: c~:~atl~e~lat:~~I:e :-'t~
lalt~' At laat~ "I)' hour h ... come:"'
lelml rhl'erl''' Ihe rnml>ltauta 10 (he
"Ih.. r. III Ihe Clllt ,,'111 be CI.re Hill ..
" " . /l .. hlld letreu: Ed"'ard J. Pell.
IIrsl Ippe.ranl'll on tbe leglUm.tt
Itlge In tbe old Murrar Hill Itoc~
leh'ea on the uncb.rtllred. IIland. II1d
promlael to bll e.ztremely plcturee-
que. ,
.. rho. but I" their "uq,rllle Ihe fllthl H.I Aultusl. Thomll" J_ OK",ete. Vir- comp.n). . .boae rortunea "ere dl
did not go a"rordlnlt 10 "rhedule ~Irrla Hu.....11 .n<l Emm",t Whltne). reeted b,. tbe lite Henry V. DonnllllJ The comll.ny pertoree lived priml-
Bubo. Shop Holdllllt the bO)'1 aparl lor m.l~ The plrturl' ,,hl.. h Mr. AuculI ,,'111 Tbll ..... In 1901. Mlu Countlu, 0 tlvel,.. sa Ibe 111.nd .lI:or411 no s.c,
and Cipr Store .Irength. :'olr. lIoa"-orlh eJl'lalnt>d Ihal l,rnt1u('e hili \.IN-h ,d"ertlaed III a course. 1,1')'ed Im.1I p.rta .t IIrst, C<)mmodltlon. ~eeeaaary pr01'1ai0111

I It "'&1 only mllklnRl>ell.."e. an,l th.t rri).It>rlou" lh!nll.' and from Ht.. but "lr. Donnelly -.>on ruliElld her h.d to be ablpped oVllr, wltb the ex-
ClllBY. looking tor a poalUon, and ""1.lttle Sun...I" IIho"ld "'In "But I hlnta whl"h h,,1' been thro"'n out at proml.1I and .d'"lnClld ber to promi- ception of mlllt, wblch they de-
leelng two rlrla coming trom a .lolo- kill llrk him ca.,.'" hO"'led the other lh.. Klnl'toflholt> om('es on W",lt 46th nent rollll. pended upon thllir ow. efforta to ob-
1'be Pbotopl.yfltll' narber
, tlon Pleture M.gazlne omclI with
creenbacka In their bandl. mllkel up
boy "("n'l ..Ithpr:' )'elled "Sun.
a"t: 'and tho:>)' "erl' al It ag.ln
Slreet II II 10 h.. on", or tht' queerest Tblln toll01lrlld a number of educa- t.in br abootlnc wild pip and IIab-
Ing. Gettlnc to locatlolUl w. . dlm-
I'rodurtlon" )'f'1 pot berore the mo tional """ona In Itock. For a perl04
ber mind Ibe ..Ill Inler\"le.. tbe edl And It ...." ollly arler much ller. lion pletllr",. pu\.lllr. Some Ideaa Ire 1011&1 Countlll ...a 10ldlnc woman of eult and e"~n dangerOUI. In m.ltLnt:
tor In reference to becoming one of luallon Ihal the I.." .lOOnltlterl "'~re 10 he uled whlrh hll"e n~l-er berore tbll Columbia Tbll.lre Stoclt Coni. tbe .""'nt of I mountain, Mial n.
bla Itall: of writers. PUlblnr ber .."llllng to c"ll II" 1,la)' .nghl .ud pro. I>",,,n Irl.." In mo"lnlt pl('turea Ind piny In Portland. Ore. Her work. ('her. for satet,.. had to k tied be-
wa,. Into bla prhate omce" Ibe 1m- reed a ..cordlnll: In Ihe earne"" dlr!'(' Ihl' .. rr.... t~ "'hlth .re I>romlaed will here brousbt her prominently to tbe t1\'<:en Mr. Poll.rd .nd_ hla auiIItant;
portunell blm to put ber on the p.y- lions ot Ihe "nlln' \'enlee lind 101- I,. ,1Ilfl'renl from lIl1rthlnll; )'el "hO"'n notice or m.n.gera. Sbll recel'ed a On the return trip. Petu the Pol.
roll, unUI becoming dlaguated -.t ber "'orth le.ml. ""th"arr..en number of 1I1Uerlnc olfers. wblcb .be I.rd's pel bull !loc, waa "U1ck. and
persllteoer. hll auggesl.l Ihll go do ..n declined, u Ibe telt tb.t Iloclt worlt one ot the co"bon "ent o,uboara.
to tbll Vltag-r.ph IltdulOl aod leCUTII "&II developlnr ber. ConleqUllntly. On the ... bole, the company wu
Intenlew, ..Itb .\1 the Vltagrapb Ihll lpent a Yelr II leldlng ..om.n dO"'nrlcbtly glad to eet baclt to cl1'1l_
.t1rs, thlnltlng by thll mllln, to get
rid ot her tor good. Overjoyed.
Moving Picture at Kelth'a Bllou Tbe.tr~ In PbUa
luUon, box aprlnl m.tU-. por-
C'fIlaln batht, 'Dd the llkll. .

CI..,. grlbl nole boolt and pencil and A number ot m.b.'cera now telt
II llOOn teeltlbg entrance to tbll blc tbat Mill Countt.. WII InfliclenU,. .d "IS THE VALE OF BOBRO.....
pl.nt. but Il.!.er)' attllmpt to gilt by TANKS and RACKS "nClld In ber .rt to be Itarred. Shll VlrClnl1 Kirtley. ot ttl. Beaa\;r
the gu.rdlan .t the gUll I. frUltr.t.- Iccepted .n oll:er .nd .... al.rred In Comp&n.Y. pi.,. the lead In th1a
ed UDtII Flora Flncb arrive-. FiorI Built e.~cially for FILM DEVELOP- "Tbe ChrIIUan." Sbll playlld thll toucblnr hlllrt IDterest dram. la
...,Ing cb.nce ror .port wltb the remlnlnll leading role ID "The Ctnl...
rOCUSRlGHT be.. nllWlplper woman. COeII .ponaor ING. Constructed of Doug'.' fir Ua.n" tor forty week:I OVllr the coun-
very convlnclD-A: manner. 8be fir abl1
-on Santa ..ho', playing the aupportlld lIy JONph Harrll a.d Fred
tor bernd CIIIl' VIIlWI tor the .IIrst try from cout to couto G.mbill.
"lead" thesc day,. He'. '0 near tlme thll myaterioul ot .111m '"I.nd.
that he needs.a "do'eup"-and Word travel bout tbll atudlo y.rd
he'. 'important enoll~h. tool And tblt Flor. Flncb bu .n embryo
you want to be Tightly dothed m.c.dnll ..rlter In tow. tbat Flor.
when he fronts you-which remind' wlnta ever:rb04,. to mllte It II "pie....
Ul: ant' 'U poulble tor her eh.rce. and
How about that Chri'tmas suit or nUmllrOlil "Jolt..' '.rll Immedl.tely
overcoat-or both? We're,prepared prep. red for ber reeepUon. Atter

Pacific Tuk a: Pipe Co.

to prepare you for the dOle scrut taklDg OI.y Ob tour ot InlpecUob.
.iny of your friends--and yourlelf. 10 U to II1'e tbe Jolten Umll, Flora
Come in-and come early I belt. . IntroduclllC her tq the varl-
OUI ltan .nd dlreeton .nd tben . . E4doWe ........ LOS AIfGILES, CAL
... to t40 tbln,l beeln to happen.
dr_d U a b.ndlt, rrl,hteDl bllt:
Kate Price. u a acrub woman In

_mIDC temper cbuea hilt o.nt ot hllr

dr_11lI toOlD; Julia awa,raa Oor-
"'.,~8paiq8tl'eet. don o'er..belma her with 1'oluble
French; Harry Worey pl.ya tbe Plrt
ot I deat ItIId dumb man when 'be
.pproach. him for .n Interview: 1915 SAXON
. w_..
'he r.uah.. Into I bll _De ot Ralph

1.I;$a. In an ead. .'or to lpeak to
ADlla Stewart, Jual . . a bomb a:..
plodea; X.urloa eo.t.ello DIM har 111
....... I. ,wbleh he uti. reallllD br
ppareDUy tl7tD1 to c!tob b.r; W....
b' Va. malt. . ton to b. . Ia the char-
II . . . .'" ~a.le I. ~.l"...... _.au
:=,l'-:.~:::'I~-:"~, . Doc. - .

acter of a tlam_ttd D1ttcbllta.. 0.11- . THIS IS AN IMPROVED CAR
UI, balb', .early all lU IC&n and
moet or tba 4tneton ttrIq. of tU
GoodfeIIowr,liP... ,
uprou .nora~.
UtnIap lila 't&I1obl
takIaI 0bI,. ,
frou,a. ......
. JIA1lC P_\__N.

, "

.~~w':4 ~W~
Lol Anlelel, Cal..Salurday, Januuy 2. 1915 PRICE 5. CENTS
WI .... "II:.,
\KRA... L - W. T. McOIJLL&Y
1_" J. 810"'11"11:
Worlul O.t Wilfrid Lucu. director of tb.
Oold Sail Compao)' for tb. put )'111'
. . - - J>taa-...n Eaplor_
10 8h-. I. Ule Pr'OIt.. ~~~~I: o;b:~: ::=:::0::- :t~=
Uulvlraal rellaMI, cbl.r ..mon'1I'blch
Ofllcliia of tbe LUbin 1I11111fle-
tUrill' CompanY bue been. 1"'"
tl tbe f.. ntoUI "TrlY 0' Hlara" aerlil. mucb Intereated III tbe peUUOII ror-
hu lIul.hld bl' lut plctu,. for the warded to SeCreta"", of the NIT)'
Unl"eraal Compla,. for. Uml It OInlel.l bT tbe,aa1IClfl of th. Nili'
leut. On Siturdl,. Mr. Lueaa l.aTea York H'''T Yard obJaet1.ol: to tile
Lo' AnlAl_ for tb. lut. 1I'b.r. hI w.,. ullo... are portfSJ'ed ID mo.-
will take O\'lr tbl poalUon of dt~r loe plctDr-.
celleral tor a oew compall)' 11011' la la tbllr peUtioa Ut., .Uo,. a..hl.

:~~::,~o~~t~~~no;I~:I~~a:: ~~::'ii:::-{';::~:o:~~~~~:'
:,~~a~k~::::~~ on. of the prlad- Ind u reenlt of tll1l th. ,ablle
Mr. Vuea'i collaecUolt ..lth tbe leta tb. Idu. tbat 11110" are dlarlpo
~~:;.~r;~nrl~:,f:;a::~ted':"~~f~~ u~,~~e':~I:~~'t.r:~.- IIbe1a4'011
bla 11 ... 1 .. ork with. pletur. com- the .c:.....I1: latd 'Mr. Slqma.d La-
paa,.. It "'" 11'1'11' to blm lad ~D
he. like ntlny laotber. rllt the lu...
of Ibe cam., ImUl.dl..tel)' apoa bla
arrlUI 10 tb. eut be be.IU thl or-
lII:aolutioo of a 111m muilfactarlll.l'
bin. bead of the Lublll MIII.ra.et.,.
la. Co_P.IIT. "I do Dot blaJII, tlMDJ
fOI" UlakJlll a ,trou. prot.el.. WI
ba"e made a gTe-t ma..,.. _Till do-
rlee but III nol 00'1 of th.... bu a '
compaQ,., mlde ama,em.nt. for r. Ualted. Stat_ .....Ior baea bl!ld ap to
leulo, tbroa,b tbe PlraJllou'at pro. rldlcllie. Fatbermof'll. f .Ollid
ltrOlntnd Wired. Mr. Lacu that the not allow ODe to N. eltller.
pOlttlon of dtrector lea.ral 11''' wa.lt- "Tb. type of Da.al ltortea I aJII
tne for blnt. ntaklal DOW ara In,truc:tl'l'e oaee
Wltb Mr. Lucu' dlpartllre tor tbe .. nd "Ill cl"e tbe pubUc tbe tlaat op-
ellt, W, T. McCulley. wbo ror ntore portuatty tbl)' bue 'ITer bad. of ......
Iban a yeu bu beell acltal: u . .lat- 101 tbe wondertul worll: the Jaeltl.
aot director tn Ihe ..me wmplll)'. ue dotn, at _ aDd oa Ihore IJ'd .
..Ill take over Ita dlrldloD. tbe ume "'bat .pleadld ",pea of meD tb.,. IN.
cut .. formerly remallllocwltb blm. uTbe MaklD&: of Him." I two--tIIl
Cleo MldlHn, wbo pl.yed tb. dnal aa.al pll)' wbleb b.. Jalt bMa r.-
role la Ibe 'Tre,. o' Heara." and Ed- lea.aed I)y ua.. 11'111 llIua.trate .1I1t I
"'ud 810mao, Se:oeca Trlae. of tb. ntea. by IlIItruethe' D.....I atorlee..
'ume Iert.l. IUd Joe Kine. formerlT Tbl.l plctul"l wu mid. I.D Newport,
of tbe Ualveraal Po"en Compl.ay. R. I., lut luntnter and' Ibo_ boll'
'''''111 pia)' ID tbe leadlDI and char- lbe United Stat. ,o.ernmIDt r.-
.eter lull. putl. under tbe aew or- eet".. all tyPel of bo)'1 It Ita limOn
ltlnlnlton. ----:. . ;=llo~ne~ ::II:~lO~e~~ t:~. m~,:
l'Al:L r"'SZER ON \ ....WEVILLE lraloln, l)'atent uled at Newport _
TOUR ~:r~~:a~b~nm::~ r;:r~Il:a~~ ::: ~
"'the ~~ :,,': ~ Pkt.,. :::T::~ln;:t. ;::"'aT~:;~
la "The lflklnl: of Him" 01l.e of oar
Paul PIDler, ..110 .. Ra,.ntond Ju"eolle &etora "ellllated" "114 Ut.
O"'tn nteell htl duth by drownlnl Tralnto. Station orad... put him
III lhe lUI el,laode of "Tbe PerUa of tbroulb. coune tbat win llIu.tratal
Paullae:' bu dectde:l to take a flw UI. work thel' .,. doillt: tIM,.. 10-
..eekl "Icatlon b,. dotnl: work of cldentall)' we nowad ". p~ of
another IOrl. BlII e....y. nepb.w ot life at the Tralnlq 8ta.UolI. .
~I';:~~~ ..:~:~~ l:e,,~~'~:~~ -tffite~~rll':il:' I u.;; .........
'1110 ,od decided Utat o. Ute coaclu- bG.q: <lone at p~.t b7 _If. _-
.100 of "The Pertll of hDUlle" b. tbe"1')' . .d I d......... to ...
..anted 10 book Ibe popal.. r "ntaln motion plcturea of I.e". .phall of It.:
for all. uleDded \'&udlfllle tour. So Tb... plelal"ll atl probabb' tb-.
000011.1 Plul" ltarta 10 at tbe Audl- moat lale""IIQI: e.er taka of th.
'ortum In MaldeD. 1I..... oa Decent-
ber I4lb tor a "'eek1 eDJ:a,ement
and attu Sc" Year', will play eo-
tllterntln, ac:eo.
United Statea lIa.T, Tbey I.Ddudi
of the .".".-4&7
life or Ibl ...Ilor from the Um. he
ll:lI.lt~menll In "lriOUI cltl_ for ftfleen eoUlla until he becontel a _mill.
"'-~ka Ilr..loll'lt at In allraUve lilafl'. oaval malleU7n!1. lubmlrille .cUTI-
On tbe I!IlllraUon of bll "audevllle ties. Ihe worlr. or tbe batU.blpa.
('onlrlct be .... tIl return 10 Pathe 10 crut81!1'I' Illd torpe:lo bolt deltroy.,.
PN1'~IUlle olber d~dl or ,mlln,. on a~d II. lot of other na"a! acthlUee
11'1" IcreeR. almoll too Duroeroul 10 meaUOll.
TheM IIlnta are to " Mat .to s.o:
reta..,. of Ute Na.y DlI.nlela ud Iltar
1I0nOTH\' GISH RI':t'URNS TO' "til be ublhtted III tbl IlITal eeetloa
"'ORK of tbe Paaama-Paclllc El:poaIUOll I.D
Dorotby Gtlb. tbe eleTer Maj_tlc SaD Frloclaco. N al meD "'bo h.T.
lIar...ho .... lojured Thanlllcl.ln. _n 11I1Sl\ pktu IaJ' Ut.,. are till
da,. b,. beln .truck b)' .n aatomo-- beat e"lr taken aad tbeT will liD
bile, II alalll at .orll: at the RIIl.nce much to kllock to ptecea the alliJ' Id_
and ~bJ"Uc Mutual atudlo.. Ibat the mea of tbe Ulllt.ed. 8tetal
Sbe II belnl!' featured In tbe quaInt navy Ire dtireputallie cbatact.,.:
llaeloral MaJelUc drama. "An Old
fo~lh~~~e~)' O~~I~el;"rtSm~~CI;~: "'UlI."En... L OF ARTHUR. ROUSSEL
pletllre ta betol directed b)' Doaald
erllp. V~~~::-~:U:~
)II.. Dorolb)' II _n ..U1e almpll IhoritT III FUm !II. . ~
o:'Ounlry maldell. one of tb. mOlt cep. Artbur Rou_l. fOfJDlr Ttee-p...-t-
lh"aUnl tOl. Ibat tbla )'ouns .0- dent of Pathe Fre.... IIld I leacl1Ac"'
Il"ao could ....ume. Sipe AUlD. all.l1IorttJ' oa en tlebnleal m..ttefl
Eleanor Wublll,toll alld Wm. Hlack- petlalnlnc to 111m mlllDf..ettll"I, dJacI.
~~~t.are the otber prlDclpaJl III tbe .t bll bOllle III. W.., Ne., Tory. N. J .
dler a Ion, lIln... Th. full.raJ ....
MACK SENNETT. "An Old Fublonld Girl" "Ill be beld ..t bla bODII 00 o-.bIr 11th.
R Maj.Uc I"Ile'le II part of tbe many prontlll.lnt mla bellll( p~nt
Mutull I'lrOrram. ..monl tbent bela, Mr. Cb.rlea p .. tIle
D. W. Onatlro, whlll putUlIC till
tlntlbln, toucb. to "The Claaam"II:'
II produclD, "Th. ~otb.r alld tbl
Tn... 01 dat th. U ol .m . .til. ~
The St. Loutl )lotion PIcture Coni'
L ...: flalurtDJ: W.. Vltab &lid
MlrilUl Cooper, . .tlted. b)' Robert
Hlrroo and Walter Loll.
::t ;:'U:"'~'~OIb~ f'::. 1I1::"=:-:.
wltll PaUMo I.D ll'taDCI 1I'1aI.h o&b' '
COIIEDIES pany, located at Slota Paula, C..I..
haa dl.cootluued It. "Frootllr" brand
"Dd hlrelner ..II It, ,.1...... will bl
"The Motber alld Th. ~."
ptOUlI_ to be olle or til. beat r...
bor. b. had _ the ctI?Uo...t or '
l1Ie molloa picture from Ute YWJ'
Mack Seooln. director. Ictor. pro- known ... "Premllr:' turea I I rlt produced b)' )fr. GrllIUl.. .tart. la 1910 b. 1I'u' _ t ttl ~
du~r anel m....,er of ttle KeYllOll1 . Uztltlcl Stat. aDd p&MId.1D. . .,..
1l.1ml. b... II"ID morl .mUllment 'nd
clutld more heart)' lau,hter to tbe
dl:t~ ~~.d~";"~~e:foa~~II::t~el~~~cl~; MA8TEH~nx:o~~ MOVES ~'~~fe:r:r:U::.l:t:~:U:bJ-,:,-;l of the P ..tbl faeto". at Bollild Brook.

tboullndl of tbeatre 'otlrl. "bo b",e Itudlo, 81ntl Plula, Cal. Cblef Ot- Tbe Muterplece F11U1 CorporaUon
~Ior WllItl L. Robardl II juat r.. haa mOTed Into Ib III. bom. at tU. CIt~. Ind aboat a year &CO "'II.. tile .
"llwed "KIYltoDI" pldurll tball aDY
'Ume:! eomldy tb.t b.. "ID Ibowa
Oil tbl Icrela.
conrln. rrom a ..rloul Itt.a.ek of
jaulldlce. Cbarl.. Huber baa balD'
OOrdOIl Streat. HollTwood. The II'.
pl'lIt w"en halt. bloek. Il104 aU ::~I:~I: :i:.m=:f ~~.
III tbl b'oapltal ror morl tball t ..o tbl bulldlDP a,. to be of .Ud COII- Il_. ~
Earb tbI.a 7Mt.bea Mr.
Mr. 8lI1l1litt or'lnlKed Ibl KeYltonl fIaIl1lld bla poaIUoa .. ~ .
eomp&n1 tbr.. )'Ian 1&0. Ind t.D Ibat wllk... U)'th. 8tlrllllC. I"dlnc 11'0-- cretl, pailltld wMt., to proTt4. ..
m.a. tl bobbllll bollt Oil erlltcbM . milch IlCbt aa P'C*lble. d.nt of til. hO. ~erlCo& oe--
Period. bu produoad IYeil plchree
tbat, wblll "XITltonl" tllma are mln-
tlon" tbe bll,bt or comldT wOllld bl
wllb Iprlln" allkle. !. .Icolm
BIIT\1l1 b.. beall ulldlr tb. doctor'I'
Th. 1II1111.tlldlo Ie two lton. blab,
Illd "'Ill coatala proJaeUna roo f::T~ta~. '::.: ~.:~ i
eare for tb. put" tll........b, Illd complltel)' aqulppacl l.ho....tof1 . .d II... UOII tbla tall,*-_ of m.-,' .
tbl rt,bt d.OoIUo.,
Quite ....outlon " ... or. .t.ad 10 Otto M,,.lr h .. olll)' !'KIDU)' J'8CO"- omcea. Tbl Itqft "'111 be uodlr Cta.
ra:"~r~~~~e:a::.:=n~ i
mOTIll, picture elrcl.. wbln Maok .rld rrom .. b..dl)' brollell ..rm. .Ild pow..rfUl U.bta will k III..taUld
LlU... H_lI&oD. reclntly ",Itb to proTld' a contloUOUI U1amto..UoD.. do te",... Hila .kIa4Jj; .. ...,.. ;
honett. au.r..1 111m, ~TlIlI. PUIlCo natuf'll m.. tt. blm a-UlAalT P!OCIlIMI i .
tured Romlnce." .11 "llD....d .t UIOti.. FUml, II DOW IlldlDS womlll R.ln or Iuuhln. mak. nO dillv-
prof_Ioll.1 Plrformillce b, tbutte of tbl IlCond dramltlll eompaa)' of llIce to the Kuterplaa. CO.P&a7or
E:'~ a~.~::TII"':'~':ot~taT: :
mlDlpn ...d Plrform.n. Tbll lis
Nller II brlmt.1 or eomedT from.
ltart to aub .Ib" Ie llot , mo-
m'llt, drAl' tbl'OWfhnl th. enUre
tb. Prlmler brand ..t Ballt.. Paul..
Hal a..-ta. .. aU kllOWII u I pro--
.'lIoer-lIId III ulor. baa Maa .q:1Ied
doea UtI f.ot tIl.t th
Itm l.a . . lD.lIOmpt Itap,.
Th. . . . .t ...plae. 00.,...,.,
Ibl dl...et1ollo.of Jhz ns-u. ,to>-
IllIdlo la

t1l'O boan tb.t tb. plcture I. Oll th.

1ClfWII. Thle Ie til. ant u.. 1a till
by th. P ....ml.r ComplQ IIId I. b1;l11l1
dlreotlClllll'Ulu .t BaDta PIUla, cal .
dllelllS' wad.rtIill I1a or th 01-
~~~J:.=~t.:=erllol~ u.::.=
blet.ory or moTI... pleta,.. tb'l I dl
r.actor ..... Ittempted to prodaceo
lu-tIIl comlcl1 pletaN 1I'ltb Ih. laC>-
":":r~b~.:/~=m= .8"'1_Maf!4~.~'.~--_
baaa oa.lled ...t frolll Oallforal. b,
..... .-.y... ..-
a- tIl'l Ilu Ittod.d Iknn.tt. n thl dMtIl of ble molblr. p!ll 11 lila .Int ooapav to abta1ll
_, -
TlIlta,.. .
Mr. lau.tt II 1l01l' 1I'~r1do, Oil aD- PI=~~~df:t.t~~:~a;I:rzfbo~~ Pe~:=
Olb., iRiaN oomedT .110" pro .... tIla p~ '!mI.oatlla: .' ~~,=-trJ. 'at :r~~
10 IH4 "TUllia Puctlill'lcl Ben
bT larp mllrliL ,:
tIlOlO." a I.p ,I., do....
. . . . . ....., . . . . . III "'TN ."f1f'w
-1., ,.....
Ia' ~
... ...

I, '='= ~~81~~~d:: ~ ~ .e1111l1tl&1
art. .....

I.a."a:-l.tt:' ..

~. " "
..., wt~":'=''1i. .=:-. _:=;w,=-~,.~t.:
--'IUoa. 'IIr
tM . . _
~. . .
.1 ~.
f \

..:00.= ==:::
. . . tWIll,...
~~~'==~~ .p.,.,.
-- TIle.ant ........
H&rl'7 Palmer, tbor or Ul_
eomle "Babblla. e-.," ud
, . DieIIIl~ 1TUt.. ftIIi pfctllre __
BuTr ~I,
klU do. ., . . . ,.,....,
san ~. aau.
J:l1pPOt1roa. ru.u
New York

Ie _ppeartq
fa _ MI1&I lel:> b . r " "
.~odl' ....Uo MrI.ia M pop.lar
I. ,leta" t....t.re ud m.......
MCtJou ot the Yariola. 1l._pa,.n.

WORLD ftLII OORl'OlU.1'IOR . . ~
'I'A8L1811 A ftLII
8, Hartm.a _pert III tb. b&ll.-
dUAl or 11m.. bp beea _uNd. by
Olloeral ".a...r lA..I. J . . .llalek
of tb. Worl' FIlm Corpor.Uoll to
take cb.r,.e or tb. P'lltD Clealll
4eperttDeM, Ibat b.. bMn ..tab-
....... to' 1I1lta. ....,..,. . .d.. !I..
, . It. 1IIIiItaI woa.. 11111 Valll1
itIa. tH,' DuIU. 81m ta.,orttll.
prolDla.at r eorreepoad. .t ... pre-
pari.' "riM or .rtooll; pitta .
Nr.. P.lm.r ... at 10 tbe leIae of r
IIlbad In t'Oaaeetloll wllb the N.w
York Eacbaan or the Wald "UIl1
Corpor.tloa. Tbll I, tb. ftl':llt time
Fdm Mfl. Co., lac.
tb.t .a oroll&tlon h.. uadln.ken
ull to bI til, tiNt A."rtCUI to obtllo .k.tcb.. for bll ftrst IUb-

~ ....'....
. . . . . . . . . .1

,... It '&R1 .e
. . . ladu&r7 ban
. .14 or
Jeot to. employ . ,rut
.,.atu~ , Ira
c:av.Md lach
CMUD. .t .. )llIaA Fila.
jeet. "Tbe Ble,e ot LI.,e," .,..bleb
....blch b.. beea .anounc.d ror r..
I.... December 311t.
Mllto. Fabrne, II Ibe cbllf direc-
tor 'II-d In bll OWG pr04uetlona lolll
t o _ tb.t eur)' ftlll1 tbat 1"""1 Ita
offte. le.v.. In parfKt condition. It
..Ill be Ill1poeelbl. for any World
rUm nblbllor 10 II,. tb.1 illl prlol
did not com. rl,bl, AI lOOn .. tber.
T'II'0 COll1adl. Weeki,.
V,atllrln. tb.t CI.....r
il I('rateh 10 World Film pdnt,
. . tIM onctaal Ulloa.celll_.1 at V.IkJ'rleD .a4 1.lae hllli. tbl "Wt- th.t prlat .. III be _ t 10 the dean,
~ . . . .tact.rw . . . .14. lut
....... j
TIle bet UlAt til., an o.OW LDc:!lId
.. Ia tile' GaenI "1111 CompaA7"
tie N.1i or thl ScI"l8D." Ippa.r.
P.rblpa tbl mc:.t rem.rklble te.t-
u,.. of tbe wbole I.,out .111 be trick
come4l. ml.lll .,..Ub 1 camua Ju,t
la. dllp.rtment Ihlt and It '11'111 be
plae.4 In condition throll.h p r _
III.... nt.d b)' Mr. Hartm.n .,..bleh COl'
,1':11 lb. I('r.tcb 10 Ib.t II d6el not
.. Dr: MIlJ.(!)5 Of THf GODS auND .5l.OWLYll).!l1T - - "
lIer I"1... t l"tel"", With Haloo. Co. IAI'ASF.JIE PLAYS MEXICAN AT
.......... II . . .raJ", aeotpted. aa I ID"lat.." by o...ld HOI':III.,.. .Dd .bo... Tb. d aID. deplrtment.1II MI.. Rutb Rol.nd. kno..n to .v.ry INCEVJLLE
~ of liD_Gal Qllalltf. &.Iul. ..blcb 11'111 be uMll. for tbe ftnt time
. . . ~ 'NUb' 01 to pl'OdaceF_DIl
of tIM ol~ "macaat." tD. the la*
III )llnA FIlIO.. TIll. camlra m.k..
1"0 U:~Ur"'OD tbe net1'e wltb
occupy IPlce on the ftl':llt ftoor bal
COil'. In coajuncUon ..Itb tb. He..
motion plctur, tea In lb. COUtUry ..
lhe "K.lem OIrl:' Joln'd tbe Bllboa
Thomll Kortb.r. I J.pan_ _ '
born nol t.r trom Yokob.m ad , The UDited IIGtioD
York EJ:cbaali. nd ..III be' equip- Comp.ny In loOns ne.cb. C.Ufornll. r...r,,1 In Ibe NIIIIl pie_but on.
d..uy---.a4 til....... of lb. dlr--
ton . .d acton lUll plrtlel,1)an of
ooe turn or tbll crlall. Ibu11011'111.&"
m.rvelou. e_eet. ..blcb b."e oeVllr ped .. ltb.1I the mndern cleaoln,. .Iond.y. Dec.mber I Hb. 'Dd madll "'oulol neVllr koow It to _ blm I. ble P"1dDre Producen, ....
_ aaae.taeta,. .ere _-.de kllowa, tb. betOI'8 heeD POIIlble, .nd It Ie
m.cblnery .nd Ipparalu.
~~:r ::I!.I~~:~~:~~C;.:'e:~.~~I:= ~~k~~~~:::B~r:::~e::=~r:.,e~~~~~~ Who D6etI1h... TIIttNcb
.: ~':~0'b.Ul:':.~~::-~~tC:':fi cl.lll1ed tb.t ftrsl IbowlllC of tbe
picture- m.de wltb tbl. ml,.lc box O\\'t:S MOOUt: TO nOH\\'UIlTH reel f ture thaI wllt be Included In
Owen Moore, Who II one or tbe lhe Il.W Ualbo. lerllli wblcb at-
eomlnll Ince rill....., te.turlnC Will
111111 S. JI.rt. Tbom.. I' noUbly UNITED PILM DRVJCS
II 'mUlber" of lb. lIcellMd ,roup "'Ill be revelallon to tbe oldtlmel':ll t,nll,ll 10 1011'11 IWllv. vlt.llIue.lIonl Rdlll'lin the arl of make-up 'nd wu (W,raer'a Featur IlI.e.)
. . . ortetliln,. UlDQUae6d .. "The of the Indultry. mOlt PDllul.r .cton In thll motion uf life. "Thll PrlCll of Flme" Ilvel lluvr8mllly lucca..ful In dl'cullinc
AN.... wblcih .... u aoon withdrawn lad MlnA Film, .rll blln, eJ:plolted plctur. world, I. 00111' .. lth DOI..ortb. MIn Rol.nd In ollportunlty Ihll b.. hie Orlllnt.1 felturea In the produc-
I: ~~~t,.l:~:'D D~~pe~:11 tlfo~l~ tbrou,h a n.tlonal publicity cam
p.I,n lueb ee b.. lI11ver bllfore been
Inc" com InC trom New York to pia)'
OIlPollt. EIIIIl Jenll In ~.r 11.''11' com 1011.11: blllln "lltln, for. H.r e.rly
tr.lnlna w.. .10011 dr.m.tlc 1I01ll
1101'1_10 auccll..fu!. in fllCt. th.t whlln
Producer Tbomll H. Inl!e. 1&'11' tb.
Nov. 12-... ~~~::~.~Uly
prl.. of $160.00. . .pplled to ,.1011'111 br.nd ot 111m. lldy draml. "Deity In Se.reb ot SOl'. 19-"Tb. S.seBruIIl;
Tbrlll." .nd wb,n Ihe 111ft Ibe Itel' for mo- Idcture run orr In tbe proJeetlnll" Leldlnc Lady"
Obt of ,111'''''.11 bUfulred In,ra lion plrtur.. abll we. C&lt In IIrioul ronnl, tbe otber d'y, .nd rorcettlne Nov. 21-"8001 M.ter,"
")fl~:' the IUI,_UOD or the "'ell- Mr. Moorll b. dllllnllulahad blm- rol... hut Ibll eomlldy atrllik In ber .bo b'd been caet ror the p.rt. be
IIlf II one or Ibe mOlt popul.r 'Dd Dec. 3-"A MOllnt.ln Go.t"
uo.1I. lle. .paPflr Il.umorllt and pbOo m.keup wee .eddllnt.lI)' r,vealed. Inquired ..bo Ihll "grll r ......
. J toplayirrlhl. ROT L. McCardell....... .ltr.ctlve of ecreea .rtlile .nd III tbll and
new pboIOpl.,. by MI.. J.nll be baa lb. m.n'l(emeot or Ibe K.lem Thorn.. tboUlthl tbrot "lOme" ~: :;=::~~:~~T:~ ~,.
ell_a.. '11Ie eompolI.ell.t lettel"l or
MIll...&. etall.d ror Mede ID Amerlce, ,vlrJ opportulllt)' ror IDlpr_lvely . ~hoe~P::~t I>u:e~erul:t1~~~~1~1I7b~; coml,ume=:-:',:.L-:-::::?==--= Dec. 11-"Rural Rom_"
d."er .cUag. Dee.. !4-"HIa Nelcbbor. P.nle"
....bleb tDrat.h.,. tbe ftl"lt eppllcaUoD montbl of bu llnltlmlnt. Then .:I,.:L7111(: LIGHTEI. ESCLOSEO Dee.. !4-'''Tbe Cbuer:.
011. "-'01"d or tb. D.UOD.I .1opD to ~---
lbe)' CIII her In dr.ml .nd Ibe KTA(;E 1M UEISG ERF.crEO Dee. 3t-"TIle BIC Stick':
II.lOtiOD pletD.... .:U. J>tU.o 0 .. BARNVM .. BAIU:V
Ilmued lb. moet .rdent .dllllr.rl of AT ItELIA!ll"O: HTVDIOtJ Dee.. :11-''Too M.ny Wh....
It 11 DO ell-kDo....1I. r.ct th.t .,un: IOISS ..RASCIM I'ORP J'D. 7-"Wltb D.dd,., Aid"
.bort coll.ledlee b."'e becOme, tbrovll'b her work by I('orla. he.vlly la eVllr)' An electric Ul;bted endoeed It&I;e
COMPANY loart ull&aed 10 her. In tbtl p.nle- II betn. built rot the R. " M. Holly-
pubUe dem&ll.d, .D .botolute Ii_Ity Will !ol.k, I..... IN". ror '''!'be
to ulIlbltore. ud It ...... to 1111 tble
dell.land ....Ith product .. bleb could
Campbell'. Are e - I. .: ~::~ ~~nl:bI.s::':eo~~-:ryR:::~t,r~a: ::Il~r.III::.IO:rid ~:~O':allp~:t;~IIIl:::;
be relied. UPOD to IU.taID let etaD- Eel. Polo, (or 10111 11m, rfltOl- tnenc nd IUb. but p.n ror ber by 11leclrlclly. Two bll( leuerllorl,
d." or (lD.Ul.1 k III., ....eek out, niled II .0 aerIal .rtlat .,..ltb Ibll .dv.numelll by I&crlftdnll the h.p- each wllh 1200.horee po.er, .111 be F.rce Comlldy ProdudloD .
~~~~b~~\:.nl::J~~~1r~~:ln::u~: 10'+~1~:~ l:o~bplll:~::I';J1I be
th.t M!DA1VlIlI.le r. coDcelved. Barnum. aallllY Ibow, II one or tbll B,
lateat to &0 Into motloa plctur. Mr. .ble 'to
Tbe rell.l.rk.ble eeb.m-e or produe-
lIoD 'Dd t the ro,t.r or people em- "010 will makll Ilip of 110 reet
troDl the bill Will buill tor Fr.ncla
Ihe tarm. Bbll &Clln Ihe mut o(
hum.n emotion frnm lluahter to
...'ork In the enclolure Ilt on, lime.
Tbe elructure wll\ be eompllltlld
Arcber McMackin .
ployed, wblcb life bere publlehed ror lo'ord'l Ilroduetlon, "The C.mpbell'. tll.r.. Slill 1'111'''' .nd thrllli U ",llhln Ihe next montb. Wltb Yelrs or SUcceM .,..Itb'
the ftl"lt tlIDe, readily eJ:plllllle tbe
conftd.Dce 'or tbe powel':ll ID the .bll- .re Comlna.' He .Iao ..Ill be the
In.lruetor ot .11 pl.)'e", wbo .,..IIII,.p
only. Il1ntllln picture .dre.. nf ber
Ualnm.otl Cln. nd thoa. wbo lilt! Mr. (lenr.e "tanle" or Ib' WeettrD
Th. E ... a..,..
'!t:r l7r MlDA FliID' to ftll thill urgllnl
.ner blm durio. loml or the moat ber In "Tbe Prltll o( F.mll" .. III be- Vltalli"r.ph Comllln)'. hal I fin. nil" W.tch tor ~& S ~
MISS DOROTH\' GRAS"ILLE IIneaUon.1 &In.. ev,r I.k,a. He xln 10 reallill Ibll fuli poealbilltiea lourln. car .nd he aPPlllrl to be .el-
For the pr_Dt tbe rllieallell .re 10 ~I.. Granvlll. II olle of B.lbo.. of tbe dnem.togr.pbic .. l-. Under dlreetloa or
.Ieo ..III build .n .eropl.lI, .ad b.- Iln~ reat de.1 ot eoJoyment ont of GILBERT P. 'IIAMILTON
be m.d. OOC8 . . .eek, OD Tbul':lld.,.e. new I...dlnc women. but .Ire.dy Ibe
....ltb .ddltj.oll.l belac llI.de rrom loon .nd m.ke lev'r.1 IIlabte ..blcb \\')1. M. ~~IA)lEH' It. enePI .ben Ihe lae'i'ltable lot of Preald.ut .nd Gllnllral Muq.r.
b.. demoaetr'led tbe Nme wODdu- .,..111 be realute o( Ibll pletute. )Ir. .11 molor'.:1 her.1I1 blm d he II
1lI0atb to moatb uatll tbree ""eek ful .blllty tbll m.de ber bead PolO bll ..on quIte. repuUtloa .. MI;(oltHOOTI':R8 IS LATE oblllled to !tet oat- .lId get und.r.
.re bel1le releaeed. liner In ..eude..llIe .od won for bllr .11. ,Clor .ad m.dll blEDIIU kno... III PRODUCTIOS ~Ir. SIIDle, baa nOI .. ,et becOll'll
Ttle lI.t ..III ladllde .11. .d",oced promlneat pl.C!! on tbll 11.lld.rd IIrodueUoDl IIkll "Florador .' "Tbe Two 111f... boole", Ib.t-.ccordlng Inllllte-d 111.10 tbe myetert or ll1eeh-
_rl.. or tbe Anlm.1 plctllree 10 .l'ge. A n.thll of Callfonl.b. Sll.... r SlipPer:' "Sa", To)'." "Tb. lo In(grm,UOll .od bellel - ..ere In 11m and he tberdore find. prob-
....blth the Boatoelt Aalmlle .,..111 be b. . .uC'CUernlly 'Pl>ear!'d In lbe belt Countr)' Girl:' .ad numeroul .other JIlIIe uled b)' cronl. ot the celebr.ted leml hlrd to .ohe; but. If dOlI .p-
r. .tured. 11111 colleetlon II tbl tbeeterl In ever)' Ill1portaot clly ID Ibo.... Jam" 111 Ibe dl,11 .b~n tbe plication la eny erlle"rlon to .0 by.
I.....t'.nd mOlt r.moue .ccrell'.Uon tbe Unltlld SI.lea. Her CUNr la lie la darlnl; diver .nd .wllllmer ...t .... )'011011. Ir. IIled by WIIII.m be ,,'111 lOOn he .blll 10 build e.... aa
or traiD.d ..lid kwta In tb.....orld.
.ad .... pllrchued r6C8atly ror MlaA
plctllrea ..-111 be rePlllllloo of her .nd bolda tbe rCC'Ord tor ,""lmtDlnl( ~. lI.rl. 1ft the production ot "Ia tbe he h.1 hid bl. m.cblne eDtlrely
foolllCbt Irlulllpbl. Shll II bUI 22 ulld.r ...Ier coa.l,1I111l or 150 reet. ~.x.. lJrulb Country: '. (ortbcomlnx ,plrl.
pr04uc~loDli .t I COlt Nld to h......x- )'un ot agll. bUI h ..... bHn before the r"lelle of Ihll InC!! comp.al... A n,rlilal In"lIalion tl e:ltended 10
ceeded UOO,OOO.OO. T ..elve o( th. publlc Ilnti!! 'be w.. 15. MI.. Gr.o- Tll;e xunl h.ve be.n plaled dowft eOtl(fi'ltlnl 11.,1 friendl o( contNt-
orllrSlI..1 tr.lners and H.rry E. Tu. vUle ..Ill be feeture:l III m.oy im frum lIener.tlon to Itenllr.lton by e
dor, ....ho b.. m.nlged tbe ehow (or portant productlooa .nd e:ltllollvlll)' "Weal. Yorktown" "'~1I kno"'n S.nt. Moolca famll)'
anll 10 <'all al Ibe Itore of Ibll B.rnN
"1.110 Compan~. 131 Soutb Brnad-
? /r-
t.n yeafll, were lJIellC'lld to haodl. advllrtl",d. Shll ,,'111 he a Ibllling "'hlch ceme 111.10 po. . . .lon or thll pllno m.y be I~n It the abo...e .d-
....y. end lee tbe hendlOmll Uprlcht dreu. Illd the m.nacetnent of the
light 10 t1lmdom-a ,t.r that m.n)' "'upona wblln tbe)' were ,.IVllD Iwa)' "1.11.0 ..hlch II to be Kivell .. tbll
hy .n Arllonl h.rlfl' IIver.t ,el.. Barn" Pllno COll)pan,. will welcom.
r:n~r;. e;:lperleoeed picture Irttltl .,..UI Ill<:ond nrl~e III tbe Pbotopl.yen .11 wbo m.y dMlre to call and In
CEO.H. MELFORD lt0 aI .. Uti. Ooe or tbe ,unl bal
,..,1 WeekI)' POllul.rlty COOI"t. Tbe epeet II.

be.l;IlUul b.ndl.. be.rlnl;
DIRECrtl(G ijHELlKlS LEWI8 81GSB WITH l ~"llb deeonllo. . Of Inlaid Ilh.r .nd
_~-~----, ""'UrE -nr;o; c.red fnftiilf. o( till "OlorloU
IIAJlIlY WOODRUFF O.D.r. ne otber Ie 1_ preten
HM Fromlll.eot Part III. the Sew Sf!rtal tloua .rr.lr. bUl noaa the '-'d",dly.
or I.NJQ' F-wre Play Comp&ll,., liolb ..ere p..-lIled to Mr. H.rt by
Sheldon Lewll, wb~ Interpreta- hll Santa ~Ionlca frlendl 011 tbe ce-
tion o( "Outcb Joe" In W. A. Br.dy'e
blC production of "Wte" .t tbe MID-
rNlon of bll trlumpbl la "Tbe BIr-
lIaln.' .ft Inee (e.lure 00. drawlnlt New York's Smartest Designs
h.ttan Opera Houee .nd la .ttract- :::~~~~ houl..
AI:.LEN CURTIS, IbrOulbout tb.
loe lucb f.vorablll ootlct. baa belln
Set with Diamonds and Pearls
alelled by P.lbll to talle prollllDelU
part 10 Ibe ae. ",ri.\ "The EJ:plolll
of Elaine."
!otr. Lewle .... borll In Pbll.del-
y .\S ,U.LEGOftlC.-\I. G.:M .t:,"TtR 500 to Select from---$I ,0 to $50
pbl. of Gerfll.oAllIerlc.n. p.rentage ISO S.:\\" 8t:,U., HTAR~
and bid bardly got beyond tbll aun- YORKTOWN The He.uly Com pal'll' II Inllalled

Chas. H. Clark .~:::': ~=:.

Ing hottle Itagll bllfore hll Innounced In Ihe Ilroduelion of an .llegork.1
to hie plrentl bl' IOleotlon or going Ilor)" "Th~ SpIrit ot 011'1011," eontrlll-
upon the Ilage. HI. f.tber . . . III
the wboleeale milk bUllnese In Pbll- $2 Hatten Ing Ihe ...ronll And rllt.ht w')' ot !lvlng.
JOlllpb H.rrll and VlrClnt. Klrtlll)'
.delphl. and Ibla f.ct ..... rllmem-

III.)' leeda. npported b' Wllhlter 20. YAJtJ IN YHE DIAMorm 8USINUS
bered b)' Mr. LIlwll' t1rlt .udl.nell In
.n .mulloS ,.. Hll b'd ltCured In Stor. No. 1.208 W. 3n1 St. ~~~~be~blendp~~:~t~::u::re'~~::~I':;~
enC'Celllent In IOl.n role at lb.
Ger.rd A..eoll. Tbe.tre In Phlladel-
~ee1~I~r~~a~::::~lb:~:?'e:{~r:~ 'FURS
0 urn S
pbl.. No 1OO0er ha.4 be ...lIIed upon StonNo.2.147 W.5t1a SL

I. :lg:~i~:~;n:n~reolt:::acbu:rI~~I~ ~~I:-I
tbe atase tb'lI .... rloul ot hll. boy-
Comj1liments of hood pl.yfeliowl 10 tbe .udlenct
Ibouled "Milk" at bill' and the rNt s__: :: : .s, spn-. EXCLUSIVELY
B. 1-.( DYAS co. of the crowd took It up. Uproaroul
appl.uH sreetlld llUI")' line tb.t be
Ipok nd to UH Ibealrlcal parl.nce Juvenile Le.d, .Itb Harry ROMAINE FIELDING,

~::.~ ~~~~IO~OtJ=~~
he "took tbl!. Ibow .....,. (rom tbll
32132 W, 7th St. etar:' Lubin Fur Wraps, Coats, Muffs and Neckwear
BllUer .nd better enc.cemetltl
followlld, .mooc them le.dlDll' rol. F_tu... Ma, Co. Al.lthor.Ac:tor.Direetor AT REASONABLE PRICES
wllb ,ucb I.tan .. Dorothy Donnelly,
mEwItlTERS IlINTED Funcee St'rT aod BI.n.che Wal.b,
.. 'll'ell .. with Ad' Reh.n la i
F.Ca-1Wud .-iaaI
a 1I0NTB8 JlOR N.OO AlO) UP. Sb.kelperl.o pl.YI. When tb. en.-
III coot
Initial rental appU" II do.,..ed pl.yboUie In Chleego. the drlt '0' MJUTH &tC)ADWAY Lor ANCLS. CAU70lUtlA
I ,.00' parcb.... In AllIlltlc., . . . Itlrted be .,.... M-
rYPKWIIITXRI 0" ALL IlAJUC8 cured to pl.y In dram.. by M.eter- J....... aad SiI.-.mitba
~ 'I~ to .,00. IInck. Hlltlr,. Arthur JOnN and otber
to ~ AaooIoo' oIoc'
11' 8. - . . . . 8&. '01'
8. BID Ik.
P.OII.: BOlDe ~6tU; Millo. at61
f.moui ,1.y.rlSble. He . . . . .Iao
wltb Mrs. Filkll 10 "Tbe Pili." of
Society" by Ibeea,
Bharpa" .nd "T
11 .. "Becky
Of tbe D'Orber-
Wben .t"ull.uIUa Oal, died Yr.
IA..II ...... ollder I""e y.an COD-
1M Gret. Roo. Caf. Iract ..ltb 11110. )lr. D.ly ba4 told .The Parioiu
bltD ..ben the cootract 11''' dr'1r1I
Movie Headquarterw up tb.t he .ould m.ke of bltD the
in HoUjwood crelteat ch.raeter .etor Itl A:merlca.

lIMO" c.It. . . . .a......

Sueh ltatemeot frOUl lucb .11 .a-
tborlty .. Mr. Del.)' II bllb prall. In.-
Saxophone Band
An IDtereatlD,. ,torY II told of Mr.
IA.,..I, In tDnlleetioa 'll'ltb bll m.r- 00 ........
rl'.e: to the be.utlful .od talented
.etre" Vlrglal. Peenon aoma rour
yeare .co. A 1.'11' lult In 'll'blch 14r..
Le.11 11'81 In.volv.d c.me to trIal oa
tb. tDornlal o( bll ...."dllle d.y. Hr.
Le..I, .... called lIPOn. tor I..UmlJD,y
.od belD,. pat under Gltb teeUll.."
that b. 11''' ulltD.rrlad. R ~ 11'"

1 __ .
O.ODOe.! b,. the jod,.e od H_
Paanon od Mr. lA.,..1I took &4......
tace ot It to ao to tb. "Llttl.
Viola Yorba'" Ena..to Mutiaa
. .
,Ino ~ ".... !Ii.-
Cburc.roall.4 tb. corn.r" &ll.d I.t
lDurI..". 11Ie Uppy 'brldacroom
thall w t back to th. CllllrtrOOID to
llollb .... t.tIaoRT. III couect1oll
WIth thilli u.e rut .......Inlpd. tbt
b. 'wu man1a4
.UO....,. .&11.. .&.t ~ tk

AIL.fYUl_ .. rACT'OIlY pajCU

ClIIIlIlIII D111IIIG co., 115 S. .......,

.. _--~~.

,. tor u.e otlMr

to h" t. . Ud called th .j
taatIoa. til Uta.tact tbt la th .....

Iq. tu 'wta- WUIed u4er _til

to IlqSe . . . . . 110'" . . .
tk&a IIoVI Ioater b4 ,.,.,.. HOME
W-Il~br IItatIq tM."..... ...

=-"=:"..ic. 'J:...JIT,;.:
. . . . . . . . . WI '
~~..,if"- ..: ~. _.r. - to
'17'1 . ,. ' . ...-.,y

'''T1lX CURL CW TIm 00LDmf
roM (lII'I' COlStut4~ Studio V.,.
)lr. Sa.II~ OoIdlll~ &AIIO"~ Fred KJey Luky .. ..420.0&0
~':'~~:' that lh lrat ,nlll O~ "Tha Olrl .r
r.uat,. Grace Cunard .. . Uni..roal .. 387.800

tba Ool~.. W_t," lila . . .
~*~~~e~:: :::::~~~.::;:::::::~:::::=
ItQa _ &4110r

Deluc:o prodlldloll .bleb Ie poGU",.
R~~ioe I, 10 be ,.lalMd Oil JlIIlIllr7 4lb . . ~
.b1eb .111 b .,.. ItII e,.l Na. Yo.rk
p.....DlallOD al lba Stralld Th..t,.
, Hippodrome Tbeatre Bldg.. on JaDUary Srd, baa IlrM.,." III NI" Irene Hunt, Reliance .217.900
I .
. F 1141
MlI!"" York R. . . . .tatl":
K.~ .
York. Tbe .ork of maklll' addl
\Iollill prlnr. for dllllrlbuUOD tbf1lu ..h
the ParamouDI I. Illread)' undar ,a)'.
"Thill Girl of the OoldeD W ..t" I,
Mrcrtle Stedman Bosworth

In n"e rfll., It wa. produced by tha

, .1 1482 Fiucur.ld Bldg. JUlIa L. !.uky Future Pla1 Co" In Dorothy Davenport Crown 37,550
auoclaUon .Ilb Dll't"ld Deluco and
mueb of lbe work ,u done III tbl Ruth. Roland ..Balboa ao.300
~.:p~~.;:::.:.::.:.::..: := ~.. :;~t; nlW !.uky Iwelltytbouaand ani . Violet McMillan... ..N. Y. M. P. Co 32.050
rallcb. TtIe ttl,," leadln. f1l1_ of
Doro~ Gish Reliance 27,300.
1 . P
n . 'tV
IDMI tll.eclla &1&lI.le to
FUIll PallU,bllll Co.
"Tbe Girl:' Ibe rOld""IDt and Ibl
.tllrilr are plll)'l:I ..-pec:tl.,.el, b,. M.. arab Reliance , 25,400
,I I Rat.- '1.10 per tuell. Yabel VIII Buren. 1I0uae Pltlra and CourlAmay FoolA! .Boswortli 25,050
Tbeodore Roberta.

1 ~::::: t:,~:::::::::::~~:::..::: ::::::: i~:~

Carlyle Blackwell.......FavorilA! Players...... 15.000
Margarita Fischer no.American .... 14,050
Mabel Nonnand ......Keystone 13,100 '
Margaret Gibson.. .Vitagraph.... 12.800
~Iyll' i.. Ilh' 'l~a1ity y"ur l'I"lhe~ ~ll'ST Ruth Hartman FavorilA!Playelil 12.000
1I;\"'l' if Ihe~r.. III If... <li~lill"th',. Dorothea Farley Albuquerque : 11,450
1,:.;1...1<1 "f ,xplrimclllilll.:_ilhtl:ul ,,f I'H,k Louise Glaum N. Y. M. P. Co , 10,200
in~ fnr Sl~.-le here and thert-n,me t" 1.1"')"" George Larkin UniversaL. 10,200
where ~Icn'" ~1~'lt" urij,:inalt. Charles Chaplin E888nay...... 10,100
Helen Holmes Kalem 10,100
Exclu;i\"t' ,li,.lriloutor" fur
Bessie Barriscale .N. Y. M. P. Co IO,05()'
Wdsh:\larl.:l'l""" Enl.:li"h Ila" Dot Gould , SlA!rling ...... ' 10,050
Adele Lane. ..Selig.......... 10,000
W. Chas. Robinson Biograph............ 10,000
Howard Hickman .No Y. M.. P. Co 9,200
Douglas Gerard FavorilA!Players 9,050
Pauline Bush UniversaL.... 5.450
Donald Crisp.. ..._Reliance. 5;4.50
Ray Gallagher UniversaL.. 5,350
Ford SlA!rling SlA!rling........ 5,350
Chas. Rey N.Y.M.P.CO. 5,3QO
Laura Oakley UniversaL....... 5,200
Lucille Younge Navijo............ 5,100
Rhea Mitcl1elL N.Y.M.P.Co. '''''. 5,050
IAU'IM )I,\SS 1'0 KTAII us TnII': lU(IoWl"~Hf(AJ. MI\ ....T t;H OF ,.188 Gypsy Abbott FavorilA! Player.... 5,050
~'ItEES YOH IE!oUU: ....\HK\ H.....:S ~AH()!'n:R. \'I1'A- Edwin August Eaco ....... . 5,050
COMPAS\' GR.\PH In'AR Billie Weat.. Reliance.. 5,050
It I nnollllc:e4 bI lIlr. Samllel UUll1lt1i1. hlented alld of woader- Bob Leonard Universal 5,000
Goldllab. tor tba J _ L. Laak, Fee
llire Pia,. Co.. lbal Ibla ",acara b..
full,. coovlnc!nS dram.tlc po.er.
l>Il.. Ilfleo G.rdner OCCllplea a ~I_
J. Warren Kerrigan UniversaL.. 5,000
"oocilided a c:ootran .Itb Uf.ram- 11011 dl.tloctl"lll,. 'promloent In Ille Louise LeslA!r American 5,000
olla c:omedlaa. [.0111. ),I'nll. _Ilereb)' ':etl'n I'lrturf Art. 'n art .blcb Edna Maison Universal . 5,000
th.t t....OIl lar will malle bla flrat .ht r....eren".. ror It. m'lolflceot
IlC'r~o ap~Jraoc:e IInder !.uk,. au- IIONlbllltt... Wm. Garwood : UniversaL.....:..... 5,000
aplc" III a plclurl:r.atlon ot '"Ele\'lll- American born. bllt edllcated In Wm. D. Taylor FavorilA! PI.yer.... 5,000
In, .. !iu.b.nd:' The pia,. .blcb !ofr. ~'ranre, her natllral talenl for mlm-
.\I.nn .b.. choaen tor hi. pholo-tlra lrr)' ....erte:! Imlt al ver)' earl,. Anna LiltJe Universal 6,gOO['
matlc debllt .........rllten by Clara Rltt, A llltle cblld aba "'Ould a.ar Henry Otto... . American... 5, 00
Llpm.n {Mra. Loul. MaDol and her mother'. friend. In.tbe ultra-
Eddie Lyons Universal 5,000
~~~e~ellnS~fe:Y'or~ta~a:henL~~~~ ~~htl~~:e~llbt~~r:lrel:~rt:;I~I:rn~~; Lee Moran...... . Universal.. 5,000
Theatre and made .lIcb a .1Ic:eeu thal of paillomime.
II waa traoer.rred 10 tha Cril4lrloo. Thret' ye'n 'So, .rter ,r.duaUoa
AI E. Christie UniversaL........ 5,000
Ao 10ddeDI .tIO'ln. Yr. D. W. ..herO! )lr Maoo .p"",ar"d In It ~:.:l' ~:;c ~r;;:::: Dr:.:=-:.!: ::hG-::!. I'rl. .I. T.e.~aint. .' SeJjgm .~5~lIQfl~_ ..._

Ili':a:~ B;;~bridg;;~tM:P:CO:::: .... ~::: . -

UHl!llb'a InalallllQt for reaUam waa throuilboul tbe aelllOo. .b ~.red In ..."tral pantomimic
dlapla,.ed .blle fllmlns bla laleal In ""Ele.,..Uos a Huab.nd: Mr. dram .. aDd theo CIlmelinto plc:lurea
feature. '-ne 3(olllar IDd tb. La.... lIlanll . .um" tbe rolt ot tb. pro- wllh jo.t eoollsh .ta,e t:lperlence
The Illterior of Ban QllenUn prl.an. vrietor or a .trln, or n.,.a aud leo 10 IInl.h hfr edllc:a.UOII . Ilbout the
tosetber wllb tb. bansmaxl'a _r relll alorea "'bo marrlea a mu.lc relardlol IlIflllellt'e or Itl tecbnlqoe
Richard Stanton N. Y. M. P. Co. . 5,000
fold. are abowa la tbla tealuu.
Tbe fOrDIer wudea or S... QueD'
le.eber better edueated Ibao blm lbat I 0 torilip 10 the pbolOsrapbte Romaine Fielding Lubin.. 5,000
lin IYarlla Osurlel . . . easased to
Hit. The plot depelld. llPOIl tbe .t
lempta or Lelty Ilbe bride I to edu-
plar AD utlI.t. tblllker aad a
"'omall "t broad Ide. . . .b' aeeb la
M.ry Fuller lmp.... 5,000
auperioteod tba ItlSlllS ot tbe priaoo cate bfr hu.band and l . .ch blm tbe all bf' "'o.k to coo\", the lruth.
ac:ellel. Tbe IClllrold. Ibe prlaoll ee111l
aDd "'Orridor. ara and replica of
....)'. of Ihe poille world. In .ddl Hu ap~araot'e In tba pleture GRAND CAPITAL PRIZE-
lboae at tbe CallfOrtll1l .tate priaoll,
lion to Ita ('omed)' flemeala. tbe pl.)"
haa dl.tllln dnmaU,c eplaodea
,trlton .. r ""aoUy Fair" _00 In.ar.llt
IJ'Ollulultr tor b.r, .od b.r aubae-
1915 Che olet "Royal Hail" car on ezhihlllon
while the prl-.oo procedure Ia Ideotl.
cal wltb that III "Olue at SaD Qu.o 'Illent "haraclerlgUOlla 10 "Cleopa- at the Che cilet Antomoblle Cp P1co SI., at Hope.
Un, A STnOSG Ji;WIUIAMA Ira:' "A Llaullbter ot P.o," "A prin.-
The former warden relJ)aloed .Ilb The American COl>1paoy, uDder dl-
reetlon or Heor)' 0110. la at work 00
ee.. or Balld.d: and many otber
rlu.l(' IJI('ture "lan made b,. her
~lr. Grlmtb for tWo weeka . .-laUos
him 10 atagloS theae ,cen. II. t"'o-reel meludram. "Realltlilloo," ,,"'n roml'.n~, ellabltabed ber .tand-
Ilia u .n ."tr.... or eoacepUonal l'er-
On exhibition at Geo. H, Barnes' Plano Co
.. Itb quite. cut .od l'retllntlou.
---~ .ettln,a, which I. beloit" b.ndled to ..lIllt)' 131 South Broadway
.:'iR&-r ACf Ol' ''THE "'AHREN8 OF lbll dlreetor'. u.u.1 dl.crlmln.t1oS ~tl .. O.rdnn dOH mora than
\-IRGI~IA" OO)fPLETED and arU.uc m.oner. merelY pl.y tbf putl ...lllaed to SOLID GOLD WATCH (Ladles' or Gents)-
Tbe nrel pari ot "Tbe War o. 01 "aDa LUlher b been a bu.)' IInle her. A lboroub .tud)' of ttla art
Vlrslola:' Ibe I...k,.-Belue: pro- ltlrl Ibll paat .........k. whal wllb ael' of .Heat UI'.....lon baa aorlebJd ber On exhlbtion at S. Nortlllnller tl Sons,
ducUoo In _blch Blancbe SW~I .~ 1111 lbe parlor Ihe wlte 10 "A llao. ...Ith kno"'ltdle or Ita aubtlllU. 631-633 South Broadway
l'f&U. 8UR.X8 GOEfj TO UNIVER-
One more Ilu beea added to tb,
''-lor N.tor eomedlana. 1I'0rll:\01
peal'1l, I. al~ad,. cOlDpleted and .ork
la prolr...lo, rapid I)'.


Sbado.......bleh I. belnlt nlmed tor
Iba Ktnftopbote, and &ellllllt peOIl,.
Il1l1l'b t1ekfr. In a d.ll)' paper'. cam-
pal'lI tor cheap luochea for .chool
children, ~Il.. Lutber haa befn
l bat la t"lde,,,'ed In all ot ber ctlaral'-
tertl,atlona. Eacb ebaractar abe por-
tra,.. t.a er...Uon "'Itb .. peraoaaUty
all tta OWII lh.t brfatb.. a reallam
born of ron.ummate arUatry.
SUIT ( to order)-
(Value $50.00)
wllh tb, CbrllUe aDd Lyon. '!lIP"'__ <:1800 EXPOSITIOS .pendlll, ber d.,.a III "ret'I" Ute .. Tbtre I. nothtllS ot '"Type" III
of her ...ork. 001, otl' tbe ICreen
a.I>,. From Cbas. leV)' tl Sons, 448 South Sprln_ SI.:
tba mOlher of .oothera kiddie, alld
llona. Thll Iatut addlUoQ .. N....
BUrQ. formerl, with tb. Calety Com-
Wealertl D1.lrlcl Manq;er Harry
C. Drum 01 lb. World Film Corpor her evenln. 10 real IIle IIlIInlt tlek- I. ahe herselt. On It, abll I. tbe (Value $50,00)
P-.nJ' of r..o. AU.I'H. n", equIUEetI 1100 baa arrall,ed tor a reat room at ela 10 help lhe klddl" 01 a Iboll..nd pfraonlftntlon "f lbt beln, coaceh.
tbe two comedleQI. Vletorla Fordl, tbe ExpoalUon for IlxblbllOI'1l. Thl.
mOlbera, fd In Ihe brain of Ihe autbor. LADIES' SUIT (to onler)-
Eddie WOD' and Z- MOrlo ",III
,,"!)Zit tO'lther 10 tbe Cbrl.tle-Lyoll.1
I. tbe n,.t altempt 00 the part ot a
rooUon plc:ture corporation lo take
From Klelnberller Ladles' Tailorln_ Co.,
,company. lod Bnll, Rliodcl, Jack care ot eXhlbltora wblle vl.IUDS the 702 Pant'-es' Bld-,. value $50,00
Dillon Ind Neal Burna will work Ull'
d,r tbe dlreetloll or 1IIr. Cllrlatt. him.
Pilnama-Pacine Expoaltlon. Tber.
will be "arloua enlerttllnmenl. pro-
The Most Stylish Styles in the World LADIES' OR GENTS OVERCOAT-.
IMllt. vided tor lboae nhlbltol'1l .bo 1'Iail
the rll.t room, and Manllser Drulll
U)'I that II I. Dot ollCnaar)' 10 .bo.
Ready to Wear From Nebraska ClothlD_ Co" 239 So.. $prln_ ~
to all frieDdo
Lee LaWlOft
World Flha fealur. In order lO take
Id"aalalll ot tbe room tbal b. I.
Ilqulppln.. Nalurall,. tbOle .bo
wlab to t..lk lo Mr. Drum reSan1laS
Uai..ru1 City tbe ~rld Film releaaM be _III ,I"', Good for Fifty (50) Votes in the Photoplayers'
ell tbe eloaeat attention, but be dON
Jlot _,lIt the Idea to lel out tbllt Weekly Popularity Contest.
0111)' World Filln t:lblhltora are .el.
EXPERT CU'lTl:R comedo Tbe reat room I. open to Name
ALL. ""'"\
WJII be OpeD for P'O-'IUOII Jall-
Dilry lIl; 6 yu.n' u:perleo.ee
III all bUlleh. of molloD pic- Happy New Year Address
lDrea. 0004 Itell0lJD.pher. A..
"mbler from ICrlpl or nottl. to aI frieDclt
CulUn&: lhr. . eomedl.. a .eek Wallace K.rri.... 'City.
no'. Addr... X, Photopla,.erl
WeekI,.. Uai..ru1 City . U.e .. man,. of Iheat coupona III you like, hut Itley muat reada
ua not laler than ont .k aher date.
~. J"II~r, 2;'1916.

Studt.o For Rent tn,
: .. I . . . . . . . . e.--.:
.................... ~ L o w.... _
A_todS_for . _
Good 5.000 vo~ in the Photoplayers' WseklJr
.Pop~ty Contest i . .
DR. Co W, J.\CHIlIAN.:I03 W. Ht St.. CJ.oIoIo
N8IIlo ~.:,............. . ..
'brlrts "~"n~ Glllltllu
. ,O-":=-Jl;r~ . -....... . . . . . . . . C1IIIIa. Aa~: no __ ;~~ :.._.: .

W.'Ro.a-. Call From Y..

. ,'.
&ad ~

HOW THin" CSLKaJIAftI)J::IilU tmal to mak.bat" baPPJ'.
'. Ilf LOlII. .tXO~ :~I:;1t ~'-:u:C=-=4'=r::
Wbat dJ4 Ed.- ...... do.t .",d.te tb.lr dIa_
.n fa .,..,.

... tIlJM ta 'all ... adftllt Xmu! Wby ult. Ed. d .,oted tobe,r aDd r..pactall" ....
h.rMlt to til. ehlldNtl. No alr- He.ry _J'Il h. lI.ad ppMr ~
""-wi.rd of Ute .otop'oto NOT bar cbIl4r.o. bat tb. bebee of mea th.a moat paopk

'.. '
.'1 ........can
. . . . . . trt 4eek .tIU'
al\ tU
. . .ort
u4 brloa
ea.t do. . by .oe
D Joy
o:h.n. Edna broh ber 11: ac-
,,-oult huylq IUta.. bot her 1004 0..
tvre . u oalmparad at tbe .od of.
IIral trlall'" and allouth.r bad d..
Oa Cbrta~"n'. tIlM happt Per-
toO, Ml'rtle Stedman. of eDQrM. . ."e
her ,Iorio 'olce tor tba beUtt of
dl:;OPleP;:tn~o::ea:~o;I~~fe~~ g~~:~'u:o:rl~~::~: ::Ir::-c~r~~~
MorntD.. to at.,. e"...,.one tb.

~ ut to malta tb..
1I1lhtrui day' .od ona to .bleh 'abe
etO look baell on .lIb U.ractloa
tor the ,ood abe did. f
ben.U of her amlt. and .VIIDT ~
toea. Sbe. too. oaed liar .o.to to
t.1Ie lI:1fta .roun \ aDd tb. lira and
A ........ or au eclKlola the .oat
. '...,...; l..oalM 0 . . . . radiated JOT dor- tbe fun .ere aU there I. P.t,-.

Inllihe holldaT. sb. bad to "JolIl' Xmu! '00 bat. . . . . .hat
"r-~ rMl coatala Ita! moral her taee ..lol'DtlT th. ""llt daT to MI.. Stellm.n told ..,e...,.oaa alter
I:.t the aMII. olr It and n."r atopped rda.
i"'.~', ,~~~. tb.alr 41n1tlll . . . . . thet mu,leal .11.1. of b.n rrom earl)" Jo:ddIe Lyo. . .u '0101 bom. for
'CpU" tb.. m. . . . .lth thy mo,I"1 morn to-.ell tb. n.n earlT mono XMU. but tb.. r.1na .polled bla
ISC,," H&LUI ''THE ITALlAS" TO It II not poaalbl. to record .b.t ebao.. of 110 dolol. IAe "on.n dld
0, D&'f"kI. WIeld thT mod.na. flllalDI PAILUIOllNT LouiN did. It la euler to .rtte.b.a.t llot ll.o. Juat .b.t he . u lotna to
Tb. Na. York Yotloo Plelura Co.. abe did NOT do. Sha ba4 ooe b", do. 10 lut. .d tb.y mad deT of tt
~ ~Uatll of all &laM ~! .nnOl,lne.& tb.t. tb.l' bu. aold "ba
photoplal' eall.d "Th. ltall_," .Ith ~:~~~:.at~lIOlr-:II"''::I~n~~.~'~:~ lotber lLIId .,lallacl ..,.nl eharlta--
..u"kbrC .tIt thea tllJ' Kta h.. pra....
~oa . Gaor. . Beban, u tb. allr. "0 tbe la said to b.... remarlta:l Ibat alae . :::ba I~~t~tu.,~~:d ~~e:. O;-ho...,.~
I And .ladl.J' ero.n th. . .Ub P.nmouot F"'lu~ Co. Tb.l' alao w6uld lib to .tal' I", bed al1 d.y;'" lleepl"l OpeD boue. n.,.. botb
ann"une. tb.t Mr. Beb.", la alall"'. lhll ..... 0'" tb. morollli .fter. b.v dlatlDct rec:ollectloll of h .,.
j . Ij.m~rtal ban. hla raMoua pl.,.let, "Tb. 81.'" of Tbe The . .tomoblle took ..... pMt.. 101 . . . .d ple",dld Um. ILDd ar
NSW VORl[ OINBMA CAMBRA ROM," I", <'Oliabor.Uo", .lth TOM "be d..,. of AI, E. Cbrtatla. bo took rI ..a:l bOlD' .Ith ...,e'f"lil thlllp
IIKH BOLD BALL IAN. lITH Ine., .nd .1lI be ...1.1lMd .1 .n .ariT chaoc.l .Ith apeed I &lid o.,..r. .bleb tb.,. did ",ot. '00. tlII.y poe--


A'I' PALII GARDEN run hla ,uollo1I0.aac. 0'" ClIrlat. II!IMl1 bafo.... ''-
Tl:Ia .eeolld ILDnual baU of the '7HI.: I.:XP1OI'I'8 OF ELAIN ..: mu daT. Tb. auto . u fgll or par- c....... Ray of the N York
CI_. ,CAm.ra Club of Am.rlea. eela. 100; Ibat la. .ba. b. atart.ed Yodon Pleture CorporatlOD .~t
'Iae.lIt be held OD Saturd..,. e.,ea ~Be Hea-d
"'IPlIt E ...... "Ul. It la aald th.t b. co.,..red Loa
Anltel.., Se.ote Mo.lea. 8aJ:I Pedro
moat of bla ClIrlatlDU d.,. Ill. radzI..
bl utomoblle aro....d to _ dllf.r-
I... Inu.ry 8. at Palm Garden. MoadaT. IlifKoeInber :llllth.
W York CU)". It la es-pe.cted that and .ome .."ntT otbar pl_, hut e",t frlenu .bo kept. OpeD. bOI1M
an .tteidlLll~ fu .re.ter tblLll that The <'Olllblo.tlon balweeo the thla la proh.bl,. all .1a,'lr.Uon. He that d.T. Cb.rlea itarte4 opt .Ith
at lLIIJ" iJralr .of Ita Itlnd .111 uaure H.u'&t oep.pa" d Patbe .bleb Md a eood time .Dyho.. all .nto full o~ m)".temllll . PU'cela
the aucc.. of Ul. oeeuJoa. Tb .,. m.d. poaalbl. "Tb. PerUa of Paul- .At ..... hi).- I. Loa A", IM at .bleh I_oed u h. made bla calla.
rio. . ma.ufa:eture~ ILDd motloo I"'e....tIl be <'OlItiOllad In bll aew I... t. tbe III_Ub of William G ood Cbarlle'a bO"'kar did do.bte dllb'
pletllnl I.tan ba.. pllr.dl.ue4 tbe Nrl..1 to be called '"Tba El:plolLt at . lcute'S durl"'l tb mple diD tor b. mad. hla p~oa DO
.,..tu \portlO", of the boll:.. pl.eacl
o. . . I &lid ptaay of the buuU..
Elaloe:' U",lIlte "Th. Plrlla or nt'r. Tb. bOM' II a", bumble 00. lod
the bou of tha bou.. 18 a .mall airl.
.beo ootalde fried', ra.ld.nca.
.nd tbel' bad to l'ank him 1lI to .p-
of the ...-on .t11 be thera to fill
tIlem. Robert EdMon .nd LlIlIa",
P.ulllla" tbl. new ..rial .111 be
rlleued In about fourteen . . .kIT
Iplaodea or 1.0 reell eacb. tb. nnt
a IItti. erlppli. Th.
f.MII,. COli......
pea.e tb. "'f1lbbors. IneldaatallT-
of lhe motber .nd Ibr.. cblldren, t.o quite 1~e1de"'tellT--Cbarl. Ray bu
ol'ler thsll the erlpple.. BIIIT Gar bean 1:1'111' lre.t performane. I",

InatallMent 10 ba rel.ued prob.bly
(In Mouday, Daeember :lth. woud Ibe cblld aoMe Mo",tba aco tbe J"' ..eolll role .lth W. 8. Hart 10
3:: ra
.!::t j~~e:b~II:~~r.-:~~
Fuller. KlD.C B.,.ott. M.r,. Pick
Cbarl" L. Goddard, tbe well-
kno.o plal'.rI,b...bo la tbe .Ulbor OLGA f"IIlTLI..U,(LAIlK.
lellioll: p.pen on tbtrllIIt .",d f... "Tbe Gnld" thla .eek.
<,In.ted bl' ber "blo but ebMTtal IIt- Ed.. J. La " t . . . . IICoaUa RUat.o
or '"Tbe Plrtla or P.gllae,' will Jott. loOlIY Motioll 1'1c-C_", roo 1.1.. fac. be m.d. luqulrl.. e",d fOllD4 or Selic .tarted ror Sa.I.1 Dtalo on
1 ford.. HarrJ" L. IIIInra. Roae Mary .rltl tb. n aerl.1 10 collaboratloo .. het the,. .Ir. "efT poor. -R_U,. Xmaa..,. aDd IlI&.Dt their' Buti'
Thebe:J'.1 Ed,"",' AUl:uat. Aile. JO,.OI.
.\ Tom lloore, Aim. Martlo and Ba'" ~b':.,;r~~~rn~y~':~rl':U~bbol~bo\ii~: UUM, l'IUTZI.,": t'I..4.UK KI.:KI ("ami unll.laneltelltle. ~Il .. CI.rk tIeld hamper arrt'ed rrom Ne. York fgll Clao d.T tbere .Ith Stell.'. mOthar
F.WllitOn. beeo runnloK I", the Coamopollt.o Ol'KL\' IS.nII":" THUOVOR
on br"'ely .nd ftnallT .ueoeeded tn
Itopplnlt Ihe hone. G~r~~ ':~~:: ::~a~~'. :~c~b~d ~ ~n~i~~:~~ :da~~ (~~el: t:a;re'r.
Tbl. orlanlutlo", la compoaed U' Ma.AlIloe for four l'eartl, Mr. Rae"ea The IIhT.kal atraln ..... too much lurrouoded .Ith holll'. tl' mlacble'oua) nd the more aober
elualvel,. of upert e.mer. me", 11
of .bom .nJo)" uatlon.1 raput.tloo
I... De.... eomlr 10 Ihl MOUO'" plcturl
bualneN and hrlnp 10 bl. .ork
WI Ju.t recehe:t lhe nd De"'1 th.t tur lI"r. reaulUolt ID aD Int.rn.1 ..10'
lin .. tIemmorb.lte and. brollell hlood
Uot .uIaf
apent bar da,y at home
wltb her motber 00 XMU daT. Her
U1lllded 1A SaInt .1I0.ed tbe .0rrtllII
ot dlreetlnl: and .0r1tlD.a vp a
Olltl Prltiliu nuk. I.tely lI.Iarrle<!
aa to tb.lr .ability. E"ry member ....orldlde r.putatloo ror r.naark.- to D1rKlor Hel Clell.leD. or tbe St. I'~I. loll.. Clark I ulrerlnll plt- e"enlnp up to tbe d.l' .e....pa"'" tn _n.rloa drop from. h1a mllld for
~ I- baa h" tollo.la. of motion pletur.
.etora, .bo are gnder obllCatlon.a to
blm feor the eba",eM he tooll: to an.p
them drlat their alrorta mll:bt be
ble W.llt Ig IlltrodllelD, the Moat
modero ac.lellllOc Itno.led,. a",d
M.tboda Into dlteetl... atorl..
Cl'a4u." In J.elenl:l of Prillceloll
Loula )Iutton l'le .. ur. Co., Sant.
loll.. Clark la a darlDIt rider .nd,
llfuly and her .vndltlog t. quite .erl
raul. met .Itb aerlou. nelden ... 011'. )Uu l,:lark bu .on Itre.t l.""e
a. a ll'P.narlo ... rlter .od baa ollll'
'.lIll' JoIned her tIulhand, Mr. Hal
lDakln, lo..ell' faney .orlt ror ber
maDT trlellu agd Ollbert H.mlltoa
aa,.a tbat .hell b. ealled U1>Oll theM
"n. ennllll' Ib.t b u "'ot allo.ed
aoMe prec:!ou. boura. Thall.
Ih. rid. bad: to Loa
aod'lbeT report ha.,.1n&
1 pi.J:I
t d.
lI,btlul ..1M'. Ob )"1lII. P&d4J' Wulfed
.blle out ""Ilh aome frlenda on
proPerl,. portral'ed upon tbe ac:reen. Unl..enl..l' he dler.arda apael.lIUK1 aplrlted hone. lhe latler bK.mfl Clem",nl, .... hom ItI" manl&<!. ebout tu talk hual",_ but b.d to etlp 10 tbe Incomparable r", balred ter
I The olll.cera ot the e1ub are:
Fr-.nk C. Kugler. prealdeDt; , Ed
10 erlMlnl1 la. at tbe Ne. York
Law Scbool. thua lettlol: tbe ,round
frlahtened al Romp ob~lK't and be- _Ix ........11. alto and help p.ell Dum.roua percels.
Th. FarleT" XMU w. . . qul.t lLIId
rler ."'d terror .eot alonl .....d
.ulfad to bls heart'. eootent.
rd WJ'II..rd. flnt vle..prealdent; .orlt lor Ibe' atorl. wbleb be h.. I...cetul 00'. J. P. M ~ of the Kale.m Com-
Albert M_.
Jobn A""old. MCnod vle:e-prMldeot;
treuurer; Pbll Roaeg.
aloe. .rltt.lI. Hla cb.r.eter. "Cral,
Kenoedl'," la uolque .od baa M..d.
TtM- Cbrtee- of Retaa V ~ pan,. did Dot .Uo. a 11111. tIlloa Uk.

I' I
IIn.nel.1 MCreta...,.; WIIII.m E. M.t-
ahall. raeordl"'l: aec:retarl':
K . .pera.
oorreapondlDK aec:ret ...,..
)Ir. Ree .. e tamoua.
D.m" of "Th. Polaoued
V",dlr ..be
Dre.OI Doelor," and /<oTbe SUeot 8ul-
..... hrl,bteoell bl' Ibe recelp .. of
100m. 10..",ll' lette... for ell ber follta
ere 10 Ihe eut. Iao bl' the receipt
ur a hi.. batcb or '0". lor lb. co"'-
beln.. ClIDn"'ed to bla bed In a pI...
"at eut .t a boapltal azuao,.him tn
tbe leut. oor 41d It. 10tert'nI ,"th
a rl,bt m.rry Xm... He bad bla
and EOlene Gaudio. aerget.",t al let," tbeae datecU..e atorlee b"l'fl
rm. ,
The entertalnmeDt committee that
been pUbllahed yearll' III book fOrlD .
"Cral. KennedT" , pnctk.lI,. lbe
;:~~I~~ ~~~d~:~Ioc:::.~~u;~o:a:::I~~~ fo~':~:o.::et~-:'m::~ ~~~~ra~:::}~~C' .
la promoUDg tbe ball I. comPQ&ed ot tie Ilrl who .Iao aegt a ble boll: of dropped In .11 day lonl ILDd Heleo
ooly ooe of the r .deru flctlo'" datec- ... rlttn paver 10 "her beateet at- Holm" . . . . .lth blm for dl",ner &lid
Arthur Ede.oll. ebalrman; Jobn C. Ih" wbo ueu ".II acllntUle Me"b-
Aruold. Pbll RON"'. Ed Horo .",d UHI. R..elga .....nl tbe day quletlT durlog tbe e'floln.. III. the monlua
oda to bunt do bla crtml"'ala. Wil- aod had dloOfr wHb 00. or t.o olb- Ibe .ent io Troploo to _ her ear
Albert Armabalter. liaM J. Buraa ~Ta or "Tbe Polaoned .r "ha<'hlt'lor ,,'rl." .nd tbel' mad. rll'" and alao led tlIIe p..-Ioo
Pen," "I .... areMe"'doualT I",tlr..t- tbe beet of t!l.llIp .eoerall,., "'blcb preceedad tb. .ato:laDbil.
ed I'" tb. book-l read It .Ith a I:ood
de.1 of Inler.I." Tb. Detec:tapbone
Compa",,. ot AMerle. .rot. Mr.
M_ 1.....,'__.,. raeel ..ad ".lta
r.ca. dd .b.t IIDe ~~ ....
had! "
rrum her lodlan and o .. her rrl"'IIIJa Will...,. ''a)lor of IDI.
-P...,e. '\It tollowa; "We 'eel that to On ('hrlatmu da)' and ahe and Fr.lllk Playertl atat. that be; lip lata.
'Cral, KluuadT' la due tbe fact that Mon".omery dow.red tb.lr u.g.1 read the pape,... racal.,ac1 a 11111 aall
"r. Bon.. bu .dopt" th. Detecla- nlt ..bar of .Uta eround &mOIl..t all .nd aome Ill.. p~ta. and . . - t
pholla for en hie .orlt. .t p....nt and lundrl'. Mone mad Dumber Moat of tbe aft.moo. atrolIIaa
b...lnl oearll' 100 macbln" at tbe
dlapoaal or bla offlc:u:'
E"rl' oe. IDve"'Uon .bleb could
~~::::I~n~~a: ~~~:~ :~':u~~a~:r~ ~:i~~~~
rl.l.. A 100 ride 10 ber.~beekl'
Albletl~ Club.
In ':ee~:::r:~.~::~
tn the e'lenl.1 he
poaalblT be uled I", tbl d.tecUoo of
Kullt In criMe II atudled by Mr.
Reeve. In Maol' 1000lancea .ueb In
~t:~~h:ut~nan~he I:l~~ ~~6fe~.i~ :~~:~ :nuJ ::,e~ ~~:~:'~la::~or:~.'
IhoroulI:hl,. pleaaaot dal'. benellt of the IIlddl...
atfllllleDta hue beotn alOI 10 blm by
tbe maDufaeturertl .ltb ..b. raqu..t
Ibat Ib.T b. ull" In hla llorlee. tbe
hl:."~7~=d~~:..C~~::t~~",:rl~ ~:~..?I~~oIIb-::-d=a!,u.t;::'~:
a ...
m.kera 'eell"', tbal. aueb meoalon
would mean 'ast .",d dlllllr.ble pub- E:'ae ~:~;::~?~~~:::r:..}~~o~ ~~::~~u'I;~l'~t.:a~: ~~r ~;
lIeitT. 10 addltlo'" to tbeM etorl..
for Ihe "CoaMopolltan"\ Mr. Reeve, lI:ood Ihtnp around tor e'lrl'bod,. ~:;:eo~a.~a~~rI~~I::ce~~r;ad=
bu alao .rltteo for tbe "Sat-
urday Eveoln. Poat." "Aloallls:'
~:: ~~e~~I~I::~~e:~1 k.ept buaT m.... ~ol~.h RaOb:;~rT~I~:'':' ::N,"~~I:~:
"Heant'a:' and "MUllleT'a:' Tbe 1'.uUne nwoh apent a nice. qulel lit "Ollie" dr_d I", everl' . q lIka
WM. J. BurDa "ElI:perlllle.'" storlla 1I0ev.ntful day on tbe twenty-flUb. her .ltb tbe ..me 110 OIuch admlNd
.ere alao .rltteD bl' blm; "Cral. She had Ibree .pare meala. It la tru.. ribbon 10 ber belr. Her "1ee41.D&
aod m.n...ed to 1:'" I", a fe. odd OIan:' 8111,. Jacoba. p_.ted. blr
.Louis Blondeau'. Keoned,.,' Mr. ReI'.a femoua ac:lell-
tine dltectl'e ebera.cter, .111 appear
10 "Tbe E2:plolt of !WalDe...
IvocblOna. She a.nd Allan OWlLII,
her lIaoct ,.OU Itnow. ent to tbe
wltb. H"
of fltnl tor tb. doll and
het forMer eemer. Mao. "r. WH
Sucb bl. <'Ombl",.dou In au Vllhe,...1 Cit,. boapltal to _ poor llaMa. e&Me .lth a 1I,.pod boJ:
Barbe<Sb~p tborablp .111 Illaure tb. '1erl' MKh- Pr.d Wlillama. bOla altvn . u bad. ot e.ndl'. It .ould talte too maeh
IT rra<'lure.:t and .bo la 10 ntb.r a apaee to Mention tbe mlLllJ' thin. .
"t quality In th. J.ee"'arlo. The t:ut

...d Cipr Store or "Tbe EJ:plolt. of Elalae" .111 be bad cODdltion. The'" tbfll' tooll prea Ibl r.cel ..ed. tbe...tore p.)" Ollie a
beaded by MI.. Pearl White, .bo haa enta around .nd ..w a lot or people ,talt end abe .111 sbo. YOU b.r
chleved aueb remark.ble popul.rlty and ree.I"d Iota at <'On,ntulalloos. Cbrl.tmu Pr-"'ta!.
. Tba. Pbotopla"' Barber In "Tbe Perlll of P.lllllle: The otb Later c.me dloner .Ith y."bell Mal: AKber, tbe 101t.r Come4J&II.
C&bua.l:lI; and HolIl'.ood BI.,d, er prl",elp.la I'" tb. eut are oot Tet 'Qd M .... N.lla", lLIId tb.", u e 1oO~ 1:"'. a Chrlat.D:II.. parts .t h.. hom.
aettled UPOII, but It la aafe to ..,. ot tlolab up theT .Ue",ded tb. reat to eU membera of bl. COOIIp.lLIIJ" &lid
tbat U&J' .111 be "atan" or .Id. pop- LILLIAS PAaK"K. Old lOuth.ra open, bou_ party at.,eo I.re- aumber ot tried.. XU
Joltfl' Colnel'ly ('0. hl' JaM" alld Mra. N.II. Some tim. lI"'o.a how to entertain and had Ul.
ulerltT lLII4 ullqueaUoned ahlllt:f.
Llk. "P.gllo." tbe atory of eaeb 00 ~mbar 26tb tOllod tb.m.t p.rlor c1e.red. ror "Aetlon," .hldl
'Ht"HOOI.llA\!4" man, but ftnds her dauJlhllr In the theIr .... pectl ..e bOMf!I&, preparlnc IIIIIlan. d.llclnl. lll.,efTbody took .4.

"EJ:plolt of Ela"'''I'' .111 be pllbllahed I With no a11010gles' "ay. The mulher (Gale Henry) de
10 the Irlat Hear.t oe.apapen all tor the day'a .orll. 81..p ! ! ! .. aDteKI of tbe opportunity 'unW til.
o'er Ibe eountry u tb. corrllllpolld Thl. II a com.dT produced by Dt- clde. to mak. the YOllnll man be No: I.te boura. "80bbT Veruo"'," e for-
Inl picture la releued. Tbl 111 rector Allen ClIrtl.. ac.nulo. bl' lIeve ttlat .. he Ilrl la only. Icbool ~ta .'tecbe!t' .peDt bar XMU mer menaber of tbe 10k.r Compn.J'.
mean tbe aame' .,ut end d..lrable Clarenee 8adll.r. flt'alUrlnl Max II:lrl .nd takea her In ahort dreaaea d~' In har 10"11 bUOI.lo. at Sallt. 00. pl&T!"'1 .Ith Kotb a.nd DIU LD
publlelt)" .bleb bu .ttanded "Pau' Aaher, LIllIaD PeaC'Q("k, Will, Fr.neT bacll to achllOl. Barbara eod raeel ..ed , ..I.. ora ILDd lbla e1ty. appeared .Itb e D.mbu 01
llEw," a1.o.ca the Hearst n papa" .nd G.le Henry. Thl. d~\ltlon h.. not eac.pad apeot moat of tb. 4..,. to Mutua membera of hla compall.]' ud ODe
hue <'OMblned elrcul.tloua runDlolI: A neat IlIU. 10"e alralr la <'On. ..h. eTea or the )'oung m.n .",d he Iblo,e JoII,. for IIttl. Katbl. F'tJ.eber. <'Ould bear Ql,Ilt. on.n: ''8a7... u.
nected ...Iih thla Dim bk:h IIna or allO beeomea a II:hoolhoy to be near
ber el....r little ",Ieee. XeUla bad do )"ou remember be.-"
Ihe achoolleaeher (Mall Aaeherj qulle hla aweathearl. ber Cbrl.tMU tree, of lOrtle. a.d It G...,u,- LadeNI' ror tbe. put
per .yndle.te 10 the .orld. In love ",Ith the mother of a l'ounl!" T.o bean enler the IchoolTbom w.. loaded do.o .itb IOOd tbl",... moath. .Ith dlreetor lI'n",k Lloyd
All the art tbat 10"'1 uperlenee. .trl. Tha e1IY chall .rrlv.. I", to.n and eaUle the double ...eddlog. for .b. la a tnl1neJ:lldOUI f..orlte of tbe Unt'l'erut CornP&!lJ". hu lett
creat rMoOurcea. nnll equlpm.ot, .lId IWm. Franey) .nd fall. In lo'e with Thl. comedy II one or tbe Mit .Itb all tb. Membe" of tha Amer- tbe latter .nd b.. Jol.ect her _ _
POCUS RKalT .ple...dld fadtltl. ee'" at.,.e 11'111 be the Irl (LlIII.n Paacock). Th. at Jolter fllMa and ...111 eauee a riot le.o Compall,)' &lid ,"tb ma!lJ" Sa.I.1ta b&il.d. 0110 Ledenrt the Vllap'apb
-on Saota .ho'. playing the pul b, P.the IDto tbla "' ptodue-- Motber "'enta to e.ptore Ib_' :.."_':.."=-_W'_'_' _ral....d. Barbar. dtllllloa. or OOtl.l''' ....... atudloa 10 8aJ:Ita "olllea. )In. 1Ad-
"'1c.d" tbue day.. He', ao Dear Uoo. "Tb. P.rlla of Paulin." bu ..arlt. b.d m"!lJ" coaU1 atl'ta lLIId .rer la ooa of olll-r moat ea-p.ab" _
thi.t he need. a "doseup"_od
. be'. important enoujrh, 1001 And
at.,en.1I elparl.",ee I", 1lIIr1.t m.lll",..
.bleb .ilI be 1",.,.lu.hla. ILDd It I. Mlaa I'hTIU. .0..., of the EaiIt.rn Ilo..... Oer1ll"d hat Joloed C.rl~le .Itb Harrl' Pollard p,...t maltl. . t . . - .hOM _"10llll ..... aI.~.
Vlt.lI:r.pb Compan)" la In Loa Allial Blaek n of tb.,e FavorIte PI.yen tblnla bepp)" for .,arybody, tb.,. all dealnbl
'~~~nh:Df~o~~ ::u~~~~~r~I:~~d~
..fe to Ul' t1Iat booklo.. on ''Tbe for a ahort at.y and .... 111 ba Ill.. bou.. aod .111 be re.lured .Itb Mr. Black h.d bull.J' Cood tim., EPa H.u I. 'ruJl, d_r.,1q of
EJ:l)loltii of Elaine" .t11 turnllb eJ:' .ell III hi. neJ:t feeture ot nve ,..Ia. Helll'J" 0&40 d"otad bl. d..,. lo a her bolldan. Tb. t\Ut .lI: m.ta11-
ua:' eh.llle Min .lth ",e. recorda to lueet of E:ltelle Seafut- ".a.-tt. Mr. O.rard haa been the late laadlnl lady.' To tbOM .tlo, It.o.l.... Hu- meta of "Tba ..uter K..," haft hr-
Ho. _bout that Chri.tmu suit or ahoot .t for aom. tim. to lme. Mlu Gre)' aDd MIN .Pi.IlMaU t.o
Tean .10 .Inl al1eraately the prim. m.", of lb. X.leM COMP"!lJ": Olen rl'. unm.rrlad <'O.dIUo.. Pllt n""'ad ,00Ulh ucl~t aD4 u-
O'lueoat~ bolh? We're preJnred dalh.nI b. bu cl..n mueb a.,I. rro.", on th.lr f... lLIItS eJaculata "rlan~ b.tch .ould Dua _ 0r-
JiIJLLAllD X. WIUJOX ooa TO do"'na rol.. ror 8bubert prodlletlona d.R.. u draMatie .etof of tb. lint
:l~Go~:f~i!~d~neJOIY~~;:lt: nw<J[ LI.OYD bal",.. preMDted on Bro.dy. Na. "Ft.!" buten to at.te 1)at til. dinary mILD "I..,. do. . ." T1lJIe .....
lad)" In QU..tlOil la h.. a. . .thaart tb. eua with IIlIllI Hall. She" ~
Come io-aod come u.rl,.1 Millard K. WI*tI ho for mora Yorlt. . order.
AND hla moth.r all I", one. n.,. .11& prapUoed; for more &114 tile
. t~1""aacI thatl all: moatha hu bHD pla1lt11 .... el_ ebum_tb_ t.o--a.od mOnl duauo.. bd udUD.c ....
.............. toftO JIl.,II. IMd. &ad Ulbt ebaracter Henr,. I. "'."r MIl b.N)" u .Iloaa part maT be, lbe tltttar .... I.Ot. IL
plUU .lth Owl. Olbl7J1'a l:OmP&ll1"

I ...........

,.. ...................
o~ N..tor plqara. bu been trau-
f.rNd to Fraall: Lloyd'a R.II: oomp. .y. Moving Picture
1915 SAX01~4
....nI he ta '0 ptal' Itrallht Jun,.Ue
tude oPPOelte H.lea lMl1 ,.,rb.aPl. TAIOC5 RACKS
the yoa.qeel LDI.g. la plot."'"
"r. wn~Il'a uperiea.ce fa "r. 8ui1t eopeciaUy for FILM DEVELOP-
Olbtr.a.. COlapu.J. . . ..u .. til orll
b.. did wtth I"'Ph D) LD til. INO, . CODitnaeted of Doual Fir ELECTRlCALLy"EQUIPPED .c'
prod.ueUO,. of "TIl. ..
..-." "Aa Idyl of tJI,. BIlII" ud
Unl or
~ . . .
''Th. LIoII.. tb.. Lamh b4 tile ".a,"
bon ra18e4 htaa to til. nab of til.
MM bo or th UDt.,.. . . . en.n.
plann. PNnoaa to I&ia ..-MllUoa
wt~ tIM Ua.l'f"enaI u HI: . . .,..
4" .......10"''''''''''''ruell
law _'f"Iq tbt
or t h ~ . to job; tU ..... of

'''':'-:=: ~"::.:.~.:
.Pid&c 'rUli:a: PIpe Co. HA.JrtEY.~_ .
._.......... i!li,J!!II_~. IIJo+oI,MIl .-__ ~
l1li=-:-,;.,.-"""",' ~,::;:; ..~ ~
',- .

C, PHIL NOftTON ~NO OWEN R, 81RO UIt1:~~SI~~~L:~glU'~CO~F.AD."A~~IC~~~ ~-:-;~A:

I,ubln, In II. Ue<:ord lJ~kln. I'I&D.
11I"l'PlI;vda \\'ar-Trip to E ...
~ tead Three V..... Interdl&~)e FUIn 8Jp 00: n-- i

COM81NE IN GREAf PU8l1CITY loeo~:~~ ':O~~l~nYFle~:lh:...et~bf;:

Oftatralee TbeIr ~
alar producer, wlll I.a"e Pblladel. _ ._ I
.ENTERPRISE I'hla 011 Januar)' 4tb for PboealJ:.
Arb:.. where the IIrat ItOP will be
made In tbe ...orld.'1 tour &cbeduled
lJy Ihe I.ubln wmlleny for tbe larg-
The mott noteworthy and tar-I
re.eblng Improvement In'tbe motto. II
Picture world In r_nt ttmM II a
eat eaat e"cr ..aaembJed ror ncb II de"lce Ihlt I. aow beln. pot on the
Puhlll'll)' h.. I:ome to be IIbe en'-
InK deman:! of the moUon picture
ramoue pbotopla)er II worlclnR tor
I rert t'omll1ny may .peU pro.-
Jlurlftlae. It II eJ:peete:l th.t Mr. market by tbe 10t.erc:b.lI.elble Film I
Pleldlnlt and I'll. people _III be aWlY Sip Co. ot Loa ulI"el... '1"
"orld. ,E"er)'onf' tn Ihe bu.lne.. lH'rltr lir Ihe llrollueer. Natufllll)' rrom Pblla"elpbla tbree yeara or
lhere l.Ii no r"~IOn wby tbe pl.yer mure. Complete plln. bue uot Yilt By meana or .tbelr In'entlon &DY
"'3U~ Ii. alld don b\a beal.lo ael It.
hould aot .bare In the Iner~...d been announced by the Lubin com- lettered. part or lbe IUm. aueh ..
The time h.. p.... :1 "'hen Illdure ,.Iue t'"t hI. oanle brtnp to atllm. pany. hut It la ullderatood thu Cau- eute or eb.n.etera. tlU.. and .ub-'
<"Oull ael by _lIhout .111' I.ubllr
kn ....,edlte or who Jlra:luCfld II. wbll
.nd Ihe prodUC'CfI Ibemaelv.. are tbe
lint to reallte Ibl. U I. Ihown by ~~~~~. ~,I:~ ~a:r:~:: tb~.~~:~~ ~~.~ Iitiea. are mad.. up I." oDe-tenth Of~
ronw.ny pUII'H out .od. "'ho played lbe lalllri.. tbal they I,ay to lome lie" In or;'er to seeur. the proper tbe time tormerly collllomed, and. at!
_ellinge ao:!" almOlphere for llOme at
~:t~I~~"~~~:r P:[.:i. ~~e e~r::tt :tU~~:i or Ibe ....tknnwn photopJayer. one-quarter or the coat. '
All Ihe I,ubllelty Ju the ....urld will the fellurea which tbe author-dlree- The proee" t. IIDlple, th.,. bIl.,'
11'I:e11. ,,'111 110 lunallr buy I "pll: In tlul ma~ a alar 0llil fir ao Int'apable tor hal Ul' hiJee"e. no coml,Ucated apparato. &D4 a.,..
I IJIIke." Tbere I. a demand. tor In ador. but without publldty IIbe tloeet It la tbe Grat time 10 Ibe blator)' oDC wbo ealI read aad wrtte e&II . . .
form.lIon Ibll mUll be I.Ulfie:!.IOd. n I ll10et talenled will be a lonll" of m<>t1on pleturea tb.t a world', up tbe alpa tor the e&mera
, Ih.. demand \e .rowilla .11 tbe Ihne. tln:e r?eeblnl tbe top. Hlbarade lour baa been Ittempted wltb .ueh Any Itndlo equipped with Uda. out
The pen"le _ho aatl.fy tbl. d.malld 1'lIbllt'\II,. ,..m bnn. a pla,... r herore a larae and. complele compaoy. Ttl,t qt an run 0" tICOrea ot UtI. and
In the heat maDDer are colo. to real'
the beoellt. aDd IIhe reat will t.k ..
the people, ahd II mual be rerneOI-
bfored tllI.t II I. IIhe Ilubllc Ibat de- ~=;r;~I~ltn.~~:'P:O:ro~:mdbl~~I~~ :~~~~I~r I: t~~~ ~'::retr:':'::"::
..'hat I. lefl. termln.,.. wbether or nol a 111m _or a Ih'e of Ita Il'lendld .tablllt)'. enter no UllIn.lve mlla&M ot ,uted cud.
II la 10 take care of IhlItulllou t'"mpaaj' or an aelor ahall be a lue IIrlle and IIrm eonndenee In tbe tu- board to tbrow.awl)', no paint te be
Ihat Publtrt;y Englneera have Ineor- eeea. It the IlublleU)' agency baa ture or prnlperlty or pll'turCl. Botb used, no time loet III .aIUnl.
Ilorlled In Lol Annl... Th.. men In brouaM tbe actor, or lhe tllm, or the Siegmund LubIn, head or tbe Lubin . Afl\!r "Iewlnl a demooetraUoo of
Ibe company are all Yeteran. ot IIhe romll.IlY to I polol where III I;.~ a IIrm. and Ira M. I.....ry. aeaer.1 mao' tbl. lal:enloua d.eYlee, at tb. ot'IIce or
new.l.lper aod maau.lne bu.la...... lair and uahlaaed trIal. It haa dooe Il;er. h.ve dlaplay.d an entbo.'utle lbe COEllpAo,.. &09-10 " " 'buUcUnc,
.nd know to a nkely _bit la and ~I:n~~a..... Tb." t1!Il I. up 10 tbe ('(1111- b"l "'1101 Ittltude to.ard Ibe preaellt "e believe lb.t tfie 11I'.tofli .."
"'Int II not Jtood publlellr. Thll!re condltloal and ruture outlook of IIbe not dalmluK too mueb .ben. th.y
I. a "ut dlfferen", bel ..e"II!O the III la ~Ill. Yer) mlll.. r ot I;eltlnr; a nlm hualnaa. The cbooalDII" ot lIr. ..,. that lu a .bort Ume tMIr deYl.,.,
I'h..al'. ordla.ry pr..... laenl atulr. 11'1.1 Ibat I. ~ dUtlcul1. Tllce a f'leldlnlt to hllId 'ucb aD olldertak wtll be In uee In .'ery adlo In lb.
mllllpell.1 Ind ,,'rllien In fault, roneret. e..mllle: InJl: 1a Ianal reeornltlO'll on th. I montry, u IU tbe Old method. ot
}o;nJJltah. that II 10 conunon, aUd A man ....11ea dO"'n the .treel and 'oml'lny'. I,art of btl abillly both r.a maklnl tltln are placed In "lbe dt.-
really hlgh'Rrade I.ubllclt)', It II p.llea two ll1otlon pJt'ture Ibeatrel. I'",ducer and btialneM ueeuU'e, card hy tbla u Idea.
rhcht lIere Ihat tile ('J:pertllnrCJ.1 men On.. adqrtl_ 111m "'Jlb In letor
romn In. ma work .... 1lI he rllthl, thai he h.. otlen teen' and "'bom he
II "til ha"e In Intereal. It _1II be IlkH. Tl:lle otber .ho"'l an letor
n..... and _hu II mo.l ImporUnt. II "'1'1,, II ;: total atraalter. It.. may be
"'Ill LOOK like ne_.. No edHor coo:! or he may be bl:l. bUI ..bat
ne~ heallale 10 u.e It beeauN II don th, ElIeo In lb arRt know!
:~~.::;':: enlall aay ullpleuaat roa- NOlblllll:. ao he ICon In to lee the
a"lor hoil koo..... It tbe o:her fel-
The ...Iue or .uch a Hnlre 10 In- ,"... had bad a l\tlle aond publl('\IY. It
,'h'ldl'lll I. ""rlh tnr more lilian .ny hi. name bad been In thll! I,.pera a
ordinary pUbJlcltr, The Inlenlton of re .. Ilmee In connecllon ...lIb II Itood
the Yubllclty Enltln,",,", I. 10 cover Jh'e ne.... item, the lila. lu lhe .trHI
lhe enUre connlry .. lib I~ pboto- W"Uld::i.' IbouKbt at leul once bIl-
pll)'eta' n.wl abeet, aud to CIIITl' lib..
D." ~ art_ tl:lle lI;m r~lll and,J"'~lr
.11 t read.. to eyen' corner 0' I be -,.I:;e;
"'1'1' he nIIed him dowa.
h, t;r::l'r~ -:;;~! k:n~"';"~;
lulted Stat... A w"",kl)' paper wttb
all tbe Illeat ne". froDl lhe <"'Cuter
'""er)' :"...Ible Ill'"nder 0' a tllekel or
a dlme~ II thla I. true. lb.n Ihere I.
or 111m l,roducUon ..111 t>e ..at to aol I pbnlOl'layer In the ....orld "'bo
hundn!:la or p.pen. and Ihe re.ult ..ould ",01 he bfoller orr ror publlcll),

EVERY MOVIE SUR SHOULD HElP MAKE will be thllt Ihe IlIlItr"na or the llUb-
ltutlon "'IIJ Jlel a tremendoue
1m aunt or JlublJt'JI.v. Tb.. ullle or
I,reu nOllre la In l'n'l'ortl"u to Ihe
I\llrl II I. Ihl' Blm or the l'ublt('\U' En-
o:lneera tn .ene a" mao)' or thOle
""h" r .. nll.,, lhl" neeli ullOuJble.
Th,. 1It.....'rnl m"n.lt~r la O"'eo R.

EXHI81TORS', 8AlL AHUGE SUCCESS number or l'ftlPI\! It rearhea. Ind no

loclII ...r"ke ran rOmpar& for a mla-
ule ...lIh a publkatlon tbal embn..u
10 ..1 Ie I tleld.
IIII'd. a \"I~r"n " .....pal"'r man ahd
,"aa;ozlm' l"IJlor J. II. tooodiide.
"'hn ha. d,,"~ e"er)' Illnd or ne ...J..-
lwr "-"I'll Irom roUI to roUI, I. In
(Dy P_ MC'GREW WILLIS) The \"Blue or I,ublkll) to lndlVld rh"rlCr "r Ille n....yndlcate. O. A.
UII. I. tar RTf,aler th.n tbe I"erl",e Illr}. a ..rU .. r of .~Ial h1.suln\!
need rell:ulallnll:. Tben It tbe me..- l.hoiopiayer re.lltea. When a I'l.yer I\rllrl..., b 11'11' .. lllor. R. J. Belford,
urel become '''''1, the nblblto,", lIecamei "'ell known and btl abllJItea IJ~"n or ..-rllen. form .. r publJ.her of
will bave to carry the matter Into nre "'JdeJy reCOlI:"nllell. he I. nalural. ""lielrnr"'" ,\hg:ulne." ...m ,,'rite ed-
cOllrl, So a rund mUlt be rallei and Iy worth more monel' to Ihe Ilrodu~ It"rtal mnllN, I., J, ~lurph) wHI be
tbe ban II tile belt WI' or accom- er. ,\ "'m earr,.lnlt n ramoU8 actor In rh.rllfO "r Ihe IId\'erUalnlt and mi
pltlhlnll: It. la rar euler 110 dllpn.. at tbao .n lerllone. The hel:l otlll"t' I. In Loa
EYlul' movie ltar Ibould belp Dllke equally anod 111m In wbleb the a<:to" Aallf!... but hranrh... rna} be eatab-
tbe ball a II:reat IU'eLI. tor upon Ibe are unkno ..'n. The mere rael thal a llahl"l! lalfOr
prnaperltr or tbe el.blblto" depend I
tbe autteSI ot tbe playe". It audl_
eneel. throulI:b tbe p",'nll: or lucb
lawl a. are now threatened, are kept
out ot the theltree, tbe playe" ,..m
loon reel the relUIt.
that tbey will altend. The daUy pa
Ile" are runnlne their photna In con-
nection ,..lIb tbetr atateDiente tb.t
tbey w1II be pre..nt .t tbe hie ball
and Ibl. reacbel all tbe tan., ,..bo
are eolnll: to meke It point to "
at tbe Shrine to Ket a ellmpae or
tbelr ra,otitea.
Let everyone boolt tor tbe ball
and tben Ittend to Dllke lure It wlll
be a hie luccell. Tbll II erltlcll
Ume ror the rUm luduatry. Th. leg
I.lature b Ju.t con'ened and the
o"endlnll: bill. mlY anon ma1l:e tbelr
appearance. Tbe uhlbltor. mOlt be
on ttle Job. .WORLD FILM CI.,f.N1NG UP mE WEST ,
~dle~~~~ a:e~~~:;_ Wellern D1Itriet 3II&D.,.r, Ha"" part Or tile COMt territo". til. aa.t
LET'S BOOST! C. Drum, ot tbe World nlm Carpa,.. bOUM de,ote to DlOUOlI picture .. '
tlon. haa put throUlh MVeral con the' Clemmer Theatre of BMtUe.
traeta all. behalt of ble compau. W..hln.cton. That'. whertl til. World I
"MIlS. \\'1008" AIDS 8A1'... Ii'RAN. wbleh Inaur. tbe 1II.0wla, ot World Ftlin l ..turea a", 111.0" lret, la 1M
01800 CHRISTMAS FtJJm Film rHtll"", la Ule beat moUo. pie- tar nortb-. . .tefll pert or .Ule UIlIW
For tbe .peelll benelH I:I'en tor tu", bo. . . of tha W~ Statell. lA DuT6r. Colo,.... tIla;
tbe Cbrl.tmu tuod ot Saa r.,.oelaeo, 'e,yooe wbo bu ouca et'OtIIIed. Prl._ Th_tre fa 1M ~ _ _
tbe CalUornl. )foUon Plctore Cor tbe Oreat DI,ld. ,and h" lIIade. tb.,. that eh.arpe wa _ .. ~
poratlon a"aaled .a aclYaaee pr_ _ ylalt ot ElIO", than III bour or t.o In ell.t1T tor Ita t...tu,. Ia ~
latloo or tbelr pboto-pl.,., at tbe ADOLFI ILU HARD TDd I1f .U)' of the la,.. eiU.. 0. the Cout. .11b all tb. other Dae"erllo_-tIlat
Oalet, Theltre. San "'aoelaco, BSIIfO DUTRAL knO.1 lbat tbe Tholl Opera Houae. f. .tu", a fin ent adateeIOL ~
Beatrll Mlcbelena la "1IIfII. Wl,p or In .tat'!a, tb. t.o-reel Rellatl.~e San Fraucllleo, II the fOMn., home eale4 oa Curtla Street, It Ie 1M _
Ibe Cabbl,e Patcb," .bleb 11 to be t.ature d.rama, "H.art Beata." Direc- or tb. Metropolitan OfUld Opera popular mOUna pleture theatre Iii"
.bo.n by tbe World Film Corpora tor JOhn B, Adolt! bad quit. a Uin. CompanY. It hill beeo leued by the Oennr,
tloo nlllblto" .lartlo, Janaa". 4.
Tbe U.UfII proc:M4e ot tbe benetlt
ent to tbe Cbrl.atmu tood. and tbe
thealr'e . u paebd _ to the dool'1l.
KI.nJ' people We" tnmed a .,.. ud.
the _Ita we,. bllbly rratlfJ1q
In e&ITl'IDe out Preald.at WlllnG'e
ItI. ,...rdto obMnlDI a
fleutra! attltud. ,.laU,. to the p,...
eat l:uroJMI.D .ar elt.aUoo.
A.doln .... ltar1AI" a tallq' d,..
b.II, u part or til. plcturtl. H. . .
T\lrn.r and. Dabnke. Olf'llult, ud ..
00. tb. bOllle' ot. World !'tim'"

u~~ ~~= ~~~r.: dO:b=~': '::.=~.~
tb. eam. muner Oat ala. fa
.11.0_"'. I.Loe .......... ~ , twa
III Loe All...... til. epaoa tor tIla
World nllD dca _ IlaII to .. M

......-..ao . . . . . . . .
..,.. ~ ~t
to e'etTone laaeetecl 1ftUIL thle ew cored a ,....I.r ttleatrle&J oreh..tra altl_t A.41\ortua wlllall " . .tUttoMI \
aeterwtle Goldell Oate dalr. tOT the lOfte. and .bne the dallctl" eel _ W. B. 01.... ~ tJMi ~ . . . oI~IM WorN.
Tb Cbr1etm.. t ..thal took place reb. .rM4 tulo ltepa. tb. mullc11Ul11
~P'lalla=~~~~~ po~~.. ~ ..... tIlAt.
ou the IT'Oullid ot tb. P&D. . . .P..
dille, KapoelUoa ...d . . . a pla dllJ'
played "It'. to Lo1l, Wa,. to Tipper-
al'7." A.do1ft II QtnIlan. 0.0,.. Au..... a.. be ....,. ..... 1M u.a; ..... til .,.&
=-"~'=":-".. ,::.-:.--
tot tile ebllUa. or 8&a rnacteoto. IeIrmaDu. ttle __ \&Dca dl,.tor,
thIlab to 1M done.of 0eMnl ....~
.......u.s .. Bertua. or u.e
ilia "o:un 0&W0r-
!'Iet.re ~
.1:110 '11''' bona I. "',ar1&,to1d 1.4011
tbat h. . . . DOt a ,..". rood Geraua
It ... pendtted tN ......... to plaT
-..uaaa at.... Uoll ~ .copta4.
-~.:4: ......-.. -.-.; .,
~~ m.::.
~ ,,~.ttar::

tor, ...h "..
=1: \1:. 1

hlllil"~"'If""''''iaClltu.I:''~W~~1I4=~UluOllrOI4 :'='ont':'::':'.tb:..:=--:;
... Why ::;:.ri:h~O~. -:.~;.:~~. ~=. :::.~~:: a.on::.. U1~::'b ::r; _. -'_
.. .....ous
.... ,~ 0Aft . "~.. '.' ::= WII:~' crr.~~IIf:~~ ':::C' ~~m'o:':'::'w:~ . "or1d~ 1.Ib 11M r ...
~~~t.::rt.:~tlM-:O~~';_~ m aque que
~ . . -. . . 0. . . . . . . . (B, N. &. Vietor) ,real_ ',,"orit. . III oal of LOll Aa- UII tIN , of lb' 10. . ,.....

-, t..,-Imta",
..._...~_,::O,. tb
1.' mOlt poPII.r eat..

:~I:"'::.I~:-:":~~los,f=~~ Fi~L Mfi Co I.e '

=:5.0 Aa'l' :~:a.E.Et" aos.-
-\Iw.,.. t. trolll wltb

&1IIu.mllil B1a1t""
III IOwU IUl4. -olllP Oraoe 1M,
.lId dramaUe
~,v.r bu lb .. bMutlful caf. *11
~~~. :OP:'~ ~~~h :~:':II~O':~J:'~r:.
Mil'" . . . .btltII. UuI
~~:.u:~~"~~ u:rn:ID=,' I' .
1.... from ..

-=-~ DOl' =:'..~oM~~~:'::':~:;::ll=f::~: Tbb~'~~O~~=b~~: ~~~~:;~:~ ~ ~::kco';:IP~~~~'~ ,:-.:~. ~~~

Jllft a.. , Cout'l Plov.rite
,. IVlr 011 tb, IneNIM. rl'll 'lId '-Id. t.uIU_ N,.,Ie.,.n
:n:::'~:~t1~~"tllo'; 1~1:;:r:ort::'~'::
tr)'.nd the .ne,. of ber eiU... lte
tbelr m.,t. uti' lived f~r d.,a, tell.-
Two Come<!I.' Weeki,.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .lft'OlOI'

no...... FRANKLIN
Dot CI.lre. Ibe 11.10114. I:lnll.r .Irl.
la one of ~cK"" ear,'. IIIMt popu-
I.r u well .. eDlert.IDIII. enler-
witboul doubt 0111 of tbe anaIM'. ~~~ ':b~b~o~~:~[::epr:~t~-=b~~
ever '_mbled lo&.tber on tb. c.out Un. at theIr atalls, the tblnke.., tbe
P'e.tllrtDe Ut.t Cle',r

.,. t.
..... D.&n.

. Dl"f,&aUQ hllQt
1&11I..a. Thl. clenr &Irl I. a wln-
Der wltb her Ion. . . . the .ppl.UH
lblt &r"tI her prov...
,n4 eon.lltl of P'r.nll Ooch at tbe dreamers. l.... nlll. over the .toDe
~:tO'r~~~e~'R~~~,~n)'eou:~t~~:~n~ ~:~~:h': ~::~rw~~:::th:~~~rybl:r
III of rellute. wbo hu )'et to ,.. lire 10 compare wllb Ibat wbleb the
Releuill. tbrott.h
1. UN'I'A MONICA. Or.ce Fredrle nOl onl)' Iln.a any- hll equal on Ihe ftddle; Roy 8erry- mQ\III. Illeture could b,Ye told '114


.Iawm.L _AN
....... NK KO<lR
tbill t McKee'. bUI .lao puts Oyer
her IOn In .....t at)'le .nd Ill' a
hili . druttllner .od ][ylopbonolo.,.t
or natlon'l reput.Uon; Mleb~el Pin-
:o~nn::er~b'~~:toc:t::~~1o~n~ln~~~: ~~~or:itr~::~; t~:u:.~:"~)'dhal~xl~~~ ~~{~~;I:'o.a~~c~~:rl;u.nee
will tell In the ruture. '
80 to .a)', "what I, the future or
r':tl::et :
, The Uaited MotioD
Pictiare ProdDcen, ....
~~ lIIlt'RASL PINGITORI: ~b\~bd~~:b:e~~.t~',~~e,;..~r pm.~il~~~,,'n beatable ~~. ~~e ~:~Id':t~::~l~~e~:~I~fct~':~
.OT~=~ILL M.4&e Tbolll... hu plent, or cl... OCII:A.N IN~ eYer)'tblllC .nd .nytbln. there I. on WboDtecrib"'~
~a.~M DNm_XJllhoDOlo.111 10 b.. cIl ber up 'Ild wUb ber 1I.11'ety . J::ddle Jewell, .ttlu.eme"t director the .te or Ufe. UIQTm) FILII aRVlW


0. "A~,.~~L&a
~Qt."atD.t o. L.n;r
eouple4 ... Ith ber are .nd pep abe
lIrov_ more tb.n .. Winner In tbe
entert.lllin. lin..
F10renClt Lo.all I. one .Irl wboee
.nd 1,I.nlal .t tbl, e.fe, la too well
Ilnown to commellt mucb furlber 00
him ber.. He baa been connected
Tbey .peall or pa)'lne arty ClDle
for _111& picture, ... tboueh tb.t
were IIOmelbllle unu.u.l. Tbe, wUl
...lIb Ibla IIOPul.r c.re for )'e.rs.t m.ke mo"'ln. plctur. that PeOple
(W.ftler', V..tUf., Ille.)

-a'OSTKIl- _"aTt!'ll poPUI.rll)' n.yer dlmlnl.b. and once time.od Ie olle of tbe mo.t popu, ....Ill P')' m.ny Ume. IICt, cent. to SOY. 1 2 : - , , = a : a a i D.)''' .
Thr Unlit Olrl wllh the SI. \ole.. you'...e beard ber rellder olle of ber lar .. well ... helt-llno"'l1 entert.ln- He. hefore tbe,. .re tbroU.b, an4 So\'. 19-"Tbe Sace 8rt1.b
DICK OOallaJif bl&b-cl b.llada )'ou'll II110w tbe ers In Ibe COUlltry. Ibe peopla wll\ not be ellrpt"lM4, lAadln& Lad,."
Ch....el.... reUOD. One or bu !Met numbers la Vera Bur._. lhe ylddl.ber al>eed IIno...llI. tb.t there b.. ~II .pent So....2:6-"8001 ...tee"
"Bubbl." from HI Jlllb. b.ll. I. unqu_t1on.bly one or tbe hundreda ot tbouSUlu. perbap' mil- Dec. 3-"A. Mountalll Ooat"
OCEAN ISN \"E,...-ICIo: Dee.. IO"":'''8bot ID-Tlle FTac..."
Glelld. BoatOD I. a mlolature pllll- lIOulh. cle\'ereat elltertallletl, .od I. lion. ot doll.tI III m.llln. Ut, pie- Dec. J1-"nlllabecl at Sea"
lat .n4 one tb.t can't IHi be.t for Irl wllh all Innumer.ble followln. lure. J::ltber tbla will be true, Of tbe Dec. 17-"Rural Rom_"
ele"erneM In Uelllln. Ibe l'I'orl.. ot trlenda. AI all ellterUlner her pIcture Itself ...111 not conUDU. to p-
Her .ceomp.nlm.Dle .re faum... ..holemalleupbeapeall:aofcl....lat.Orperb.PI. If tbl.- d_ . DOt Dec. 2:4-"HI. Nel.llbOr'. P.nts"
.nd do mucb 10w.r4 b.lpln. tbe ell' Alert )lol"'ell I. I,rovln. beraelt a tume to pau, alld tbe ..me prtcea Dee.. H-"Tbe Cb... r" _
teft.lne.. put o ...er tbelr eoll&L riot m.ller ...lIh tbe el"'er m.nner UIII, you will _ plctur_ III mo" Dec. 31-"TIle 81e Stick"
LOUVRE CUE Franll AII.er Ia wltbout doubt III ... bleh .b, rend... ber ..... In IIIJC Illcture tbeatrea _tin.. twellt,., Dee..
31-"Too "'D,J' Wl"."
7-"WI.th Dadd,'. Aid"
olle of the bMt eello pl.ye.. tb.t Ibe lateat hll. "At Ib' G.rbage Oeo- tblrty, fort" IIf!J', ~veoty, ,I.bty
:1"n':et1hl:U~1~Dcl~:;aI~~U~p~:~ ~~~:.::. n.lI." lbe l~ more Ih.n. ~::u~::h.~P::,::::~:t-:nW:'I~::
SWI.. Yoo1dlltr-Ch..raellrl
II. Dlcll &Iurray. llhough a lIewcom- dl.l.nce.
tbl~~f:.:n.~::fea~ ::~;II~~ C"".~4~~ ~~l;nP~~:I~~rl I:~r[:b::e~~~~n~~~~ --~-- F.ree Corned)' Production . .
.n4 .1 lenor of wortb Vall Ber. t.lner by hi. clever eb.r.cter work, IfAlun' 1..IJo;AUL IN MOTION
h.. 00 aeed of talllllg olr hIe hit beln. one of Ihe torellioat elltertalll-
10 anybody. era In thll line of 1O"0rk In the loutb l'ICTUHK8 Archer McMackin
Emma Davl. I. at tbe pl'llo .rter- I. luceellfull)' featurlnJl: In ..reat Itecrult. for tbe funm.llatl of tbe
0000' 'lId the clel'er marlller III .tyle. "Wben I Get M.rrled Tod.y." rut llrowlllg motloll picture Induitry Wltb Yea,. of Sueoeaa' wltb \
Which .he h'Ddle. the hl.clla .od A b'IIJol.t Art B.ulkoer .Unda Bre dr.. wn from .11 ....111. or lite. The EMI....,..
whltea prOYM ber ablllty III thl. IIl1e. out predomlnentl)' .nd hi. "'orll on For the Itteater part Ihey bue .1-
H.rold E. Johll.ton II the h~p,. tbl natrument I. wortb)' of no ...)1 come from the ate aod m..o)' Watch tor ~ t 8 ~
take her to a dainty bite. lIddler .t McKee'lId wb.t Ihla bo)'
can't do wllb th.1 ,,101111 ot bll neter
mean pr.'ae.
-------0 _
noted .cton .nd . c t r _ b.ve
lI:uue oO'er to the allellt dr.m .
Ullder dlreetion or
with refreshments. w... .ttempled. Certalnl,. .Ilowa SHU' ('AI'E Sow tbe nlm follta .re beClllolng Prealdent and General ".n. . ,}>.
c1...... ltb f.um. . . .ecomp.nlmeot.. 10 malte llIro.d. UPOIl tbe dn:ua en.
_____ nob )1.lIor). entertainer de luse.
served quietly in an '-OUNO ("UNA w.. never bend more .ucceqfu!l)'
terllinera. eblell,. upon tbe clowlla u
tbe .Ilent comlque. .re well .4.pUlt
lban III "Ill Your Qu.lnl Frill lId ;'0 tb. acrteQ tbelr bumor beln.
atmosphere of refinement. A re.1 'c1ever Ilrl to .tM! fO-Ulld on
tbe I'lallo bere In tbe pe.....o of F.y
l.acea: wbl('b b.. teell btl wln- m.lllly ullreued In p.otomlme.
nill. !lumber tbll a'tell. In b.llad. Harr)' LaPearl II tbe lI,.t '114
Pierce. wbo b... bMo &t Ibe Ile)'bo.rd he bu )'el to _ bla eqU.L
fot ~veral mOlltbt 'lId _rna d_ Itreateal ot tbe clown. to duert tbe
Cuisine unsurpassed. Ulled tor ~ver.1 more. nBualer" )Iartill. the 1It1le Ilrl
.-Itb lhe big ...olce and .tullnlllC
....du.t .r"n. for tbe acrten. He
" .. bHlI placed under. lon.-tlme
Vlolel Frallllllll I. hallPY vh'a-
cioul Clrl wbo ne"er _m. 10 lacll: rreaUona ot f..bloll. II tealurln& f'OlItr.l"I to .ppe.r exclual"el)' In
Sterling Service for appl.uae 'lId the re&son la to be .-Ilb aurceu Ihla wtell "O"er tbe
Hill. to )1.ry.' A lure het In rutf'-
"llnA Film. a new bran4 of comic
I'lclUr" a'b!l"b are 1I0W betn. Ibown
foulld III Ibe rlever m.llner In wbleb
be puts her lIOn o'er. ne. . . no cle'ernMS. in llrtl-ela.. tbeatre. I\e.,.wbere.
Ulc' Coburn'. worlt . . . cbarar_ It."y LaP"arl .re" up amon. tbe
H."THKK.":I.I.F.U C.,''''' If'r mao I. 100 .... ell knO'-n to C'Om- "'blle 101". .Iartlog "'nb bl. r.tb-

Casa Howard Patrlcll II tbe ...enIQll

plalllat at thll care. alld Ihe ..a)' tbat
"On Ih" ;" It," ..... n"'er r"ndered' :~~: ~~~:'u~h: ;::ee:'?IO~I~::it.W~~~
ment on hf're. Sufnce 10 ..y Ib.1
In Itr..ter <'"I .... Ihan It h been Ihf'
:Tn.m~ ~};~~~ ~:r~~~~ . ~~:~r:'~I~ ~orh~mtl I~~j~h~~.~~~,:
rJ' m.de hla lItll .ppe.rance . . .
hareh.l"k rider. and went Ibrou.b

erdugo' line.
Jewell E.an. "'bo trl,'ell uoder
the lobrlquel of Illtch)' Koo. I. one
ot Ihe de"erel! cabaret enterl.lners
"'\Ih IlRrlkular peoille.


lwl \"lHlotl8 lPi!'Ci.IUea of Ihe" bu'al-
nee.. .. an e~olrle d.nC\!r. tumbler
"nd .erl.1 [>I"rformer .nd elldill. bll
"Irl'ua "IU"'t a. tbe rn ...t f.mou.
cIa..'" In the "'orld. For t.-o ye....

Cafe I h.l'e ruo lerOIl III lome lime the

~~~ :~I~I~lr~o~ern~~:tl:t:~It:p~~.~:::
If OeMle Hlll couldn't IloS .he
would .tIll b.... her beau I)' 10 l"om_
._!~_~_~~~~~. ~i~! __ _
Illy II \\". t;rlfnthl
he w". ptln"I]>al elown "'lIh Ihe
IUnll:llnlt llro .' Ibo...fter "'blch be
"... honored b)' belllg choaen .. cblet
prouuclnlt ('Io"'n ot tbe llreat B.r.
num " Batley Clreu.-tbe blgbeat
736 South Sp~ Street m.nd )'our a!tenlton "lth. AI It II.
he cao .'11.
alld .. tor b.. uty-"ell.
I thlnlt II I. no ..' lI:ener.ll,. lie.
knoal ..d .... ed Ihat Ih" molton picture
l ..,.ttlon of III II10d In cl01l'nlalld .
After ta'o )'e.,. wltb B.rnum. J..a.
ate for youtlelf. I n Irl .nd II 10 I.lle Ita pl.,. l'earl fe1tuN!d al the Hippo-

Nellie Kero I. not only an Irt.b nn the ....orld.. 1,Iatform lomea'her" drome. X Yorll:. nd left tbem 10
be.uty but la .110 al bome In hlah n...r Ihe I'hlltl O('('ulllel1 by th" Jolo Ihe )Un" Filma. " apeel.1
Cafe Bristol PHOTOPLA
.on. wbleh .be fUluru 10 Ih" de-
Il.bt alld .mUHment ot Ibe p.lronl.
Florellce "Iuoger II the Itlrl paln-
lit .t Ibe "')'board In tbe .fterooon
dram . 1,.. lnllnll:. or IlIer.lure.
llr..ll"r Ih.. n Ihe .1111:". lbal Ih"
11.lle. . .\lh Ita llmlle:t boulldarl".
rUI of the beat clown. cbo~o from
Some Ihere be "'ho ..,. Ih.t It la H'er.1 prominent "merlcall clrcu_
h.. heell ellll.Ked to .upporl LaPearl
In hI. ftlm proc1uetlon.. Jlmml.

w~= 4th and Spring

.nd tbe ambldealerlou.....,. III wbleh ..annOI C'Omp.r" ...lth Ihe mO"lo& plc-- Hyl.nd. tbe comIc tumbler; Spooll.
Ibe b.odle. tbe Ivorlel II lure to at- ture.....hlrh nil b.'e Ibe eDUN! HanHn. tbe globe (rotlln. clowo:
t..ct )'our .ttentloll.
~~r::o:-::me~~t t~:J::o~~mr:::ll;
i De WaYlle Geliler I. at borne
equ.ll)' 10 . . . . . . III b.lladnd Ibe
a'orld for a .1.1t.. Ten or Iwel'l'e
~~:-d:~:~~t~~,~' l~a~:~II:ra~~t.::: ('orbley. Jobllny )1"'011, Cbarley H,U .WG:::. :~nc LEAD
W.)' abe pUla ber aOIl.a lI'1'er II nlo,tnlt plclure c.n ha"e ten Or JobnlOn. X.t Berlt and Georg, WIl_
wortby or meotlon. Here .fternoona. I...ehe tho.. und; call hegtll III bero lI.ml are lOme ot tbe pantomlm- "'OR KlS&TOPRorE 00.
In Ihe heart of tbe ...00<11. tranlter I.ts ... bOH namea Will be readily.. H.I Au.u.t, the dram.tk: Ju.enU,
IAH:'o'KE'R ('AFE him to Ibe rl"er ball'. m.lle blm. called b,. .11 ... ho .re familiar wltb lead. wltb tbe Killetopbote, ror tb.
Leon.rd C. SI"'ell, 111' . . IIllYer tarmer worklnlt III Ibe neld.; ahow rl",u. Ufe. abort period Ut.t be b.. been por-
more popular ....lIh tbe patronl of tbll him. a. II ...ere. &"''''1111; up. even III addltloll to tbe Important poal_ traylnK parta In acree:n pr04uct!ou.a.
cefe tb.n be I 1 Ihe pfeaeot ma- a. "'10.ee: a Itraln of "'heal .rowlllg tlon. be b.. beld u runm.ller Harr)' bu .cbleved mlraculou. . u - .
tnent and tbere' reuon. AI lood Into Ihe llround, oUI .llalD a. Iteen L.P"rl la prominent In tbe aoct.1 b.vlll&, heell cut to pl'T tbe 1f1&4 ID
pl.1I0 player .. he I fellow. ltalll:. turnlnlt Inlo yello.... ripenlllg. lite of the .muaement "'orld. He Ie lOme of the mo.t .uceeearul Oal-
Alta Mae II .n openllc Ilo.er ot lI:olnl b.ck aUln Inln the du.t_o Ihe founder of Ibe Fraternal Ordef ,e,..1. Wblte St.r .nd E.co pr04ttt-
no me.n .blllly .n4 el. un.tlnt,d "'e c.o tollo.. our movill. plclure of Comlque., world-wide .octa1 tlollS.
pplllu.e ... hlch Ihe de.ery_. H... hero Into Ihe Ireen nelda of tbe .nd benellel.1 orc.nlnUon, OpeD Auguet b..... )'et not Nll.('b&d the
creat number In ")luleUa'. W.lh Iprlnfl;. on Ihroulth the lummer. the only 10 allent clown. and panlomlm_ estate ot manbood. alld toolt .4"'11-
SOIlI," .-hleh ahe renden 10 .rand autumn. the IO"lnler; le.aoo., tIme. 1111. tl.e or the opportunltlea .lrortl.e<!
1I)'le. pl.ce.' countr)', cIt). rive.., ocean, "I enjoy Ill,. worll In motlon pIc- him tn the v.rlou. producUoa. III
Cleva Crel.hton Ie a b.ll.dl.t wIth e..t .....eat. north aod aouth-It mat- tUN!' Immeo..ly," A)'11 LaPearl. "be- ... hlcb he wu ca.t. He b... a COD-
a tonowlng. helnl ooe of Lo. AD- ten not-the nlo\'lnlt pIcture cam_ cau.. I re.lhe tbat I .m pl.)'ln& to alder.ble fepUtaUolI III all atbl.t,
.eln'...reUeat f.yorltes. ber worll era can never be barned. all Inllnltel,. .reater number of apee- .114 b.. accomplished. m.llJ' remull:
.uraclln ltellUon .n, ... here." The.. peavle I')' thete can bIl no IUO.. tball I could ever reacb du.. .ble featll .. a .wlmm,r .n4 rl4.r
featurlol' wltb .reat .UCC_I "Sanda .rl In dr.matlc preMnlaUon tbat c.o In. m,. Ion. c.reer .t clrcu_ .nd In Ibe tbree ,.e... th.t ba b.. bellil
of tbe Desert." rival the mo,lng picture .rt, on tbl. at tbe Hippodrome. I b....e '''tt1e4 doill. mollon-plcture worlt. H. la
Edn. Llvlllton can pia,. tbe pl- account. The mollOIl picture h.. tbat I will be _n .11 o"er Amerlu brother of EdW1n AIl&'WIt, aJ:Id b
no .. well ....In,. wblcb 1'0_ f.r beell. cbeap .. mueament. It h..., In alld III m.lI,. torelKn COUDtrt_, too, belllI doillj' remarll.ble worll: In the
tow.rda m.1l10. ber bl. f"orlle
with tbe p.lron. of tbl. ear.. 0... tbe first pl.ce, 4epen4ed lar.ely 011
...b.1 .re c:ommOllly termed ... Ute
eaj)f!('I,lIy III Cellt..1 aud Soutb
America .. nd Au.tr.lla d_plt. tbe
E.en pro4ucUon. In .upport of bla
~of::et::~:)b~blcbe::e 1:1:~t~h: ;i"'':~~hl:t.P~~';rec'r:u~~~\teb~~ ::~n ~nIt~:: bU~~:', :~r~.ct':ld~ GRIFFITH TIWl' OP ~
Ill. wltb .reat auctel.. of 004 b!tnae!r wu crlUdle4 OD' tim..., .n4 It ple_ me 10 kllOw '.~ C4R&
u~a~b:D:o~!~I; o~:e 4~~~ ~':e':u~u:~. N~::'~~'''~b.f~~~ ~:;~, :~I o~ P:~'o:b~r:\':e...:.~r. en~:.-:~,~I:':=':nol,:
"II::D . ...
.ad .re oae of Ute .f,U_t tum.
th.t ever cam, to.,tb.r .roulld Utla
could come out of the old, IIlcllerlll.
"mo"I"" wen, tb_ are qUUtlOD.
Mr. wPMrl Ia
lOOn to be ...1I. on
tbe ac:r.1I III IIftMn-I'M1 ..11.1
raat&d by Mr. D. W. Orl.", I. . . . . .
loe bla I.teet f....tllre, 'n. lfoQ,w
eo... t. Are tbe orlelD.to.. of "The time wlll bu. to .n.war. burl_QuID& the P~lIt..\f..,. - - . . arad tb, Law."
~=:'-:;,~.~~~ ~::,O~II~b:Ib.:~.::'~ Ib:l~:~~a~e~e:0r:1~~41c:~:;'f~: ~~~:J ';~:~Ifl ~:~Ia~'=m~I~,1ara':
:"':~I1~:~~eaturln. In
",uda"lIIe for ~~mm:~:., wtll bt~:~~~::O: :~"tb~ oe::~'~~~nAP!'o~~I"" ~~1t
:~~~:D .~~~ :::)'p:::~t:u~::~::
t::..m t~1a :~~eU::. of,--=':
A Utrllllaa

betw_ . . . .

;Ju~::," ~~~\bellIe::::.~n~rt : LOVElTE BL\XII: IN "TD Lilt :':'Jo~~I~~.~ : ::r.

Nol. Wlclr.e..b.m, tbe .....Io.er
:~rt~::e.~f~b~a p~~b~~~ ~~::-~,,~~ ~h:O~:CI~or:t ::rd J:r:, 'II~"~~:: PEAI."T~'::o~1B(). io;~:~Ut~. n;:::~::u~ :.:
Exclusivc distributors fOr :~~e:c:':~h r_POII4In. to nume.. ::~~:~~~k~:~~k:~~eth~~:bt7~0:;:: b;;'~beI~~r.e'l'~~:'::'~tI~~::U: ::::t.t~&4~wt':II:;:, :-lrMdan:
Welsh-Margetson English Hab- Pl'r:.~ ~:e:~: ':O:I~ c~,~~r t~ '~:~:. ~~;~'IIl~~-:~I~;t::..r:.4tb.r:::!~:~. ~::::'b~e~~ i:=r~I'1Eel 41- ::r':~o~b~,Ut. war., ONW,
erdashery. H'lIdl. ble 11441. III II JUllner th.t Itf' until 4tll'. wlllt,r, be t.tt.bt to' How.1I 01'4 man wllo Is aflllo~ ID~::' 4::~t'=~,r;.:
bee=lI::t:c1,:~lal~~~..:~trtaIDarln ~~rr4~~~4~::mo~r. . ~~:tu::':: :~k~b~1ae=~~I~~, r~,,~, :~IIl:: ~~ ~~.=~~'.~'.'
:~~Ir::z;: ~~:';O:'~lIt~l~o:le~~~ :f:~"D'tb-,,;:~reeIlJ::::u':b., m~7' r,~:::';~1:1l1a =r':,~o;CD.,.Oltl Ite4 W..... Of . . ., ...
ro~I'If;'~' ' riot la "ZI. for ~ou. Zl.t mo... f'Mdlly lutrlloted .bout 1101 .I.c b.". prollllalilt l)aIU. ' : : : . .... . ,
~:~rr t::;, w~:: 1s.=lnt.:lI::rlb~ '---;i;"lA~i:iJ;~;:;j~c:.wiilijiiiiii7;';;''"'1'
P...,. BI.ncll.:.t I. tb, aftetllOOIl
c:-,: :U~~U:'or :~:fa=tT~ ~\' or~.,.b~r 1::1=~::i' I
="~ to 1M . . . .t of, : : ~~:.~. put, UlNa.'

":";';"::-:-_ _'
~ ......"",.... . . .,....~
~ ..... - .
-::,.at ":..--:
1 .
0.=11' ..... to


1., ~

aALItOA 00.~Q ~ IIONI ~t, ~~::a~~:f:::r.:

H'~l.:or~~e:=: =~:~ 111'11101. aDd .. "'11, 0. . of t b e "
= ~ lIUIi8 JUU n L Y a . ~ .=e
J(. . . . . . . . . n
t .
Cel" .. ,tel tbat h4i will aot et4p add. tr.r- -, .....,~:=':::T':p-\r.:= ~0~u:aaW:-:':-~:"'::
~Pr::I~': ~1:'~~ ~~:'
ptUNd . . . . people
1 1 _ . fM t

~a: ::'.!.b.rt~:::.~::.=~~:~ 1lII::atIDW;:'II:I~~r:Ow~I~ap~;. =~.:.':\.--:.. 'o;~el:: :~~ ::::::=:::: :':..t~.;::..

~:I1~;.8c:~~~11 ::~w~~t~n~~::~. ~f.;~ o:'~!~r~a I~~~:t::~~, o~::;' 'lDa~~~ !::t -:.~ ~al~:~ :.to~..:.4
~:l~.I:re;~1 0:' b~" : :t-b
~~ j~:~=~~:tI~ D:.II1:~ o~oot:; ~~~10:::ldl~~;br~nm.~\7~~I:::n~ ':~m'p ~:~ ~~~ b~::b~ta~~~:I~~' 1'1I-;''ii~r<*O pll'" -.111 lie pro-
without embarraaa1A. tta.m In tbelr perndll1&. Bh. will be IUpported by room'Dt ud r_ue ber. 4u0l4 tlDd.r cta. name of Oll~... )(or--
p....Dt poeltlotul. .ft .IHilar eaat, Indu411l& Blda., Bob Hill. JObD.lol1'. . . . .taat. 10- OIOCI PboCop'" eompaD, llLD4 "'1 lie
. to;'~~~:~::' wl~o ~::. :o~~a:';I: ~)::: ...Aol:::wC:~ro~I~~~lIIan Burn'. ~. ~::11b:I~0~1:I.o~:~~:'=: ~e:::lltb'Pr=:~~7b ::.
~~~~.~~~I~~d=~::,":~tH:::b:;:: 0"10 OOMJroY THICATRK ~~~p~~:~~~' ~b~rln~Q~~e ~r:~::i: =~~o~b:~U:O':r:::..-:.
I leeure tb.lr ..nle.. fr. . .od mIke " .....er S.tb D. P.rkln. ot Ibe Inenee. Wbeza e"e..,.tbln& ",u aat. &.lber "'Itb wen tuo.... a:u.n. win
I pront batlld-. Tbat lOun,l. like UpUe b.. tbanled lb. o.me from tb. IOlD. 00. cot eloae lip to blm a.Dd be pt_ted la moUn p!ctll..... .t.t
& rldleulou. Itl~Dl.nt: uatll It 'I New Optle to lb. Optle Comedy tbea w",.d a red t.lotb 111 tb ppro.,.ed. tb. t.o. Aalial. atlldl. wor'll ..
Inal'led, but I will \lIu.tnlti wb.t Ir. In order to let bll patronl koow toreador It,I.. Th. bull r..ponded Inc na.bed I. tile eoutraeUov: 01 .
I lIu,an b, aarill& tbat with rno,. full,. tb.t h. II rUl1all11: au all- mOlt ..U.faetorlly. dltlo.a' taellltl. to aecolllll104&~
or:Uo.ar,. eaal. lb. members of .blcb t:um.dy prOJ"tlm be.dllaed b, the M.t)' Fuller lot In bet.....D tb. Ibe Iner_d .et!yIU. .
are uPlbl. but IInlll1owa, lean.... Inlmlt.bl. Charll. Ch.plln. bull lad tb. red fI.&nd. with tbe The hllllb .1.l1dard of prochlietlOI1
eure tb, recul.r prlr:e per f'Klt tor, Cb.plln ta.. proud lueh a bl& e.mara clleklac away, .tarted 011. wbleb 8ocI.ortb baa eetabl...ct for
Ilo~lth'el. Wltb Rutb Roland an4 ,Ir.wln& e.r4 .t lb. Optic Com.4y dead rlln for tbe fenee. The ball ItHIf II eeeood to nOlle e.nd .ith al-
lIenry II. W.lth.ll not on I, ean I tlt...lr. durla& th, p..t two w.ek. lIOunded .tl.er ber. OnOl WI.. Fill. !!1I.tlolIIlIeb aa It bu ....th IDea.
Ket trom 26 to &0 per e.nt more. Ihat P.rlllni h.. d.elded to h'" a ler .lIpped. Ind .ret)'bod,. beart promla.ntl,. .ueee-fall. th. .tne-..
but there .Ill .lw.,. h. a re.dy Cb.plln eom.d,. .IWlYI 011 tbe blll. roea up 10. tbelr moutb. FII1.II,. .. Ollyer 1IIoroaeo ...d Jobn Cort. bl.
market tor m.. 6elllD& ..pen.. II Cbapllo I.tt tbl. weak for Cblealo wllb tb. bull 00.1,. two f..t ....,.. tblnll are 1114_ 10. ncn. for P _
ell"'lnlled beeluee W.ltb&1I lod 10 be&la makla& pletarea for the Ee- 1111.. Fuller c.ll1.d ..tet,.. moant petroea. 1'11. fI,.t a:-I.... all-
Hol&nd IlldU.... HII .themHI".. ....n.yod ... lOoa II tb_ are made' Ey.r,bocl, .It dO"'D to r.t e.nd dlr thl. plll1 will probabl:::r be "The
Yrom tbe InC'rllued price I rllcelv. Iud .Iart helnc releaHd M&Dacer eool tbelr D.n... Imaclae tb. COI1- Jadce .ad tbe JII".,' .
I nil pa, their III.rl_no m.tter ".rklo. will Ihow tb.m It tb. 0.- .ternltloo ot the eomp'D,. .bel1 tbe
bc>w lar&. they DI'y beeom_.nd tie CoOl.d,. c:&Dler. mall told them titlt tbe aceD' A.RTHUR 1lA0000Y PRODUCD
ItllI h.v. a t1Jy lum lett 10 add to 41tbouCb Pefklnl haa beeD .110 b.d not rell.t".::I! '"TIlE BEA8T WITIIIJrf
~~~Ir:::to: 1::'UI:o~~:: 10:d I~~/;:: ~:&:: :1~a::~I~t::: :~~~r~ ~:~~ The GIlD had JaroOled! Sberlff Artbur Kade,. la tUlDl
brief reet trom weetena dram.. and
pealh'e lI.n. Thll I. ablolulel,. .1y. and II IfIvlDIt tbe lime ear.tul II dlreeUnc tbe KeUlllce. oD.,..,1
'.;~:n;~ ~~'::t~:~:I:~"'u'~u:~ /l.tleoUon~'~I'I.U&b prOlraOlI. H(;JlY,EN CLun BBA.UTIFULLY beart Io.terelt draOlI. "The Beaat
Wltbln," .
Koiol tn,I' when I .I&n up the bell "'AI,IAC.; KHlUNOv,n HErLA(,"P.R UI':(,OUATF,U YOK HOLm...V8 In tbll produetloa I. Ibown aa
Reton and aClr_1 In thll hu.ln_. IttcNltY WOOUHU.... IN "A Th' 8Clreen dub bll beeo beauti- eS-eDI1"lel'l ell'ort to lel4. blt~r
'(Ill. I'm colo& truY-Jlllt like I fOI. OfCNTLII:NAN OF Itfe, deepUe tbe .Uempta of "YUlI
I'm dolnl lb. on. Iblnc Ih.1 _Ill I,JUSt/HE" fully Ind arUIlleally decorate4 for
ot hll fonner 1*11 to lead blm baek
J,llet the BIlboll eomp.o,. .t tbe top
or the n:otloa pleture blip Ind keel'
Mr. Samuel Ooldnlh &nnouoel!lll
Ihat the J _ L. Lully "",tllre ~~: :fOI~d.::ie~a~;rllih~=::n~~~ 11110 life of erlme.
Florenee Cra.ford. t BeD Lewl
tlte eo-operatloo of Bell ... WlIlOo.
It tb.fe:
la-:C1. MlgONANS UHA,,tI aoo FASM
PI.,. C'Omp'l1,. b.. enpJj:ed Wall.ce
ddlDlI:er to &tar In "I. Gentleman ot
Lellure:' Henry Woodfllll'. onlln.l-
tbe Uolve"'l ltar. wbo I. eb.lrroal1
of lb. houae oomrolttee. Thl COD!.-
Rlebaret Canntllap .nd W.lter LoaC
.re tb. prloclpala In the <:&at.
"The Beut Wlttaln" ....11 lie I a.-
TO H.. t-: TESROl'NP GO. I,. aoaouoced for Ibll produelloo. blQatlon of Haftnon lad Wllaol1 are llloee rei..... u part of tbe Matilal
tb. tenoOI .by tbe lDemben eell
U:e:~;'I:eIt::bn.,~~~d 1:lr~. r~ea~~ ~ma:.':~~~:I';u~~b~k:~rI~~1 ~Itm~~
I'ltehe:l !laIUe bet... een the fortea pro....D!.. ..
often .nd brio.. their frlenda. and tbe
ot Ihe IInl.rlnclpltJ Wllk.BOn aod eoter1.lameDt fUrDllbed b, HIITJ" BEN" wtL8OlIf, DE"I'1DCrIV5
.' ~YIl Arbuekle, one of tbe 1D000t th. faltbful eml,loyel or tbe Muter ern Atblille Club r_ntl, to wllo_ Lull, .tudlOl In Cantonall. 10d It Ennll. Ihe tlleoted MOtiOD Pletlh
Pl'9IDlDeDt portrayeR of Ireat AlDer- wb.1 wu 'dvertlHd tet be leD- th.refore became ne-eeaaar,. to en- Beo WlIlOn. leadln. D!.au ot tta.
Ke,. mloe "'bo r. delermloN tbat editor ot tb. Sew York Clipper. It E:utern Vletor-UDI"e",l. baa com-
. . . t.T~ on the lelUhnate .tap. Rutb. tbelr helo"d little lDlltre.. round 10 blltween two "local p,.. 'lie Inother IItlr. Mr. Eddloll", tbe pl.no, II pl.,.lnC to eap.elt,.
IImlnary bo' Wb.o tbe crow4 wbo II polltlv.l, tbe foreDloat meo.~ work 00. RaJ"0l004 K.
wDl lDate hla hlma' .ppe.rance on .1I0uld not lull'er Ihe lou of her prop. ItOUH It eatb perform.aee: H'ITJ" 8c:brook'l crelt d.teetlYe ..... ea. "The
18 aoreen under the Boawortb b.u- erty at the hand. ot 10 unltCrupuloul took tlt.lr H EIIKeD. p.l1eUe. of AmlrleRn artllt In JUII lueb ellar.c- II tltere eomlog ,od .olnc .. an art- l!tranle E:J:ploltl of XaYlerQu..r."
ner 111 "It'. No Laucblnc M.tter." a mIn II Wllk.non. ~~:w~:la~hc~~~a~e~~I:~~o;:. etnmg:~~: :~~ ~hotb~~a:~1t::II'h~n~.:oc~e: Ial, and cert.lnly elolnl btl lliare 10. uoder tbe dlrectlOD ot Clem aaton.
,,'WrlCt.en and dlreeted by Lola Web-
No Laulblnl Matter" prea-
ettta tbe JoYlai Arbuckle In role
E"ery a\,.lIable man at belli tbll
Hollywood and Unlve... 1 City
Itudlne ..... I'ft'lled Inlo Hrylte' Ind
Inll: tOIl.. He WII ImDledlallll, tol-
lowed by I prot_lon.1 bour aOd
lDlt a rohbery without belol arr..t
ed, . . . loduced 10 IIIIrft It ahort 0.0-
meke Ibe Ikreene... tarcet tbelr bard
Tbe !!rat ellplolt, "Tb. ":rate". of
tb. MID Wbo SI.pt." with Bea WII-
UlreNOr ~ICOllon h'd tile eamera lice and baa Ilread, left tor C.Utor- 100.. II nearlol ecIlDptetion ""i1:d will
for wblcb be I. lpeelllly adlpte::l, about .tOO ntra nlen "'ere elDployed be releue4 .bortly Itter Ne'" Yel""
"'HI J.dd. poet. po.tlDuter Ind 10 ''''ell tbe numben to tbe propor- ready. Tb. two adr.oeed 10 thll een- nl . Tbll _Ill be tbe tint tlme Mr. HI-:>tA.RKABLE CRITICAL EN.
phlloaopber of a IIltle eoUDtlT ylI- ter of Ibe "0.. In4 Oeore make. one EddlD&er b.. Illrred on tb. ItCrMI1. to be follo.ed b, "Tbe J.de OIa.
11001 of rell Irml.,.. About bllt ot I)(}RS.~E'iT FOR -rHE 4.m."
iIClI. Tba .tory Is .Imple. )'(It .tr001!\" tbem _ere mouoted Ind tbe otbe,. of lbe oSlell1 refer_ ot the PKlne He b.. recentl, been tbe mOlt 1m.
'11 1.U uatoldlnc of Ita baU blimoroul armej "'Itb .,.,ery c:aocelv.ble IOrl of AlbleUe Cillb. dlmbed loto tbe rill..
Tbe CODC ranlt .nd tbe two bolle,.
portlot lIar on Broadway aDder tbe
Dlanl&ement of Colllo,. Hlrrll, It-
.... bllf. romlnUcally. drlm.tle plot. .eapon. Tbe ""lIlt _ .. a flKbt thll The Jeue L. Luk, Play Co:I "'\'ERYOTRL,.' .4. FA..'lTAaY
SopportJ.C tbe .tar I. an ueep ouubloea lOy Ilnllllr prochtetlon eYer _eot III It. PaUetle bad e...., balled tllalac Dotable IU(et'll In .ueb pro- "roduC'llon of H. B. Waroer III '"'Tb.' D1nK:t.or Lorimer JobD&tol1 ot the
til;l-..J . . . IncludlDc .uch anl.ta .. aUempted by the oompao,.. Haod to prote..loo.1 betor. bUI roaol&ed to duetlaDl aa "Tb. 001,. SOn:' "Of- Gbnet Breaker" bu receiVed tbe Ellt.rn IDlp-UDlye,..1 eoOl~ la
.wkle FarrlDrton. Myrtl. Stedmau. blod eODnld. lod eh.,... eo m._ number of h.rd biowi. 011. ot wblch neer " ,...c>4 "Beveo Ke,.1 to B.ld- mOlt unqulllfled. crltle.1 endo~ now 41rec:t1oC ....". hiler .nd Car-
-a_bert StaDdlng aDd Chari. Mur- make ot the leeoe a pleture 10 r_l daud blm 10 tbal hi "'" Kroll)' p."." Mr. EddlDcer'l lila..,. Is 00. meau. Mr. W. Shepben Blilh. t~e III Bentoa la & two-r-I faaw,. tbe
t. MI. Weber b. . .pared no et- Iitie .. to IIl,,'e the lped.tor tor,et- wben the bell ral1&. Director Sell- of tbe l.rlt.1 Ifer paid . ad bll '0- naled. aUlborlt, of tbe Movlol PIe- title of _bleh I, "Eyer:ri!rl,"
tp l11.ke tbl. ooe ot tbe mOlt pl<:. tUI of the tatt tbat he II Wllneulnl m.nn I'ul aver bl..,bll.oane In whleh .a..,ment I. C'oOlldered by tbe L ..ky ture World. wrllea: "Tbe Ghnet
ue Ind true to life photopl.y. ooly I j,11)" and nOI tbe Iteoulne b.l- P.UeUe knockl out the bollial u- nrm 10 he .n ntrlordlolr)" pleo:oe of Breaker" I. one of the f.... teaturea CHARLES BYTON TO MANAGE
odu<:ed and .. a dellgbtrul
drlm. It bu no precedeot.
tle he ""11>1 10 be aeelnK ~~::.tJu~~dlO ~t~;:I~b:'f.::a::~::~ :~:ndo:oea~'>ftune under Ihe elrellm that melillre Ull to the full defini-
tion of a are.t ft.ature. It b to
Chari. ytoa. formerly WI!llI*-
Il1D Uer" I. tbe A", Marjorie Uura-. Ihe d.u,h- lar taur'rollnd bout '1'''
It.&ed. be- bellin ... Ith. the IOlId lubltaac:e hleh Dlaner for. OIlY.r 1IIoroaco. bM
on the ParI- ter of & eolle.e profeuor. LoulH twe"n two prot_loall.. It took blc I. _uppon c>f Wtlllaala 8. H"'" th. makea tbe fe.ture 'llad Ollt lbo"e beea apPOlated c....ral Ol'aq." et'
III be rel ...,d Gh;1.lm. ot tbe Ince c:alDplolea. Is a al1d .u Ibe 110.1 left .. U.lled. Tb. ~"Iwhlle lecltl",lI. eelebrl1,.. Oor- Ibe raok ,Ild III. of fllml; It b... tb. &le.ortb. loe:.. and the Oily..... ~
....e('t. t1emul'l lillie ta.- of tbe (Im- K O
e ... 1Il be " - : ' ,... m ,400 Munel1 &"'" 1111. Il1lerpreta rleM qu.Utl_ ot form: the draro.Ue eo Pbotopl.,. compa.,.. A.mo~
PUI 10. 'Tbe SCtab." a tortbc>omln& - tlOIl ot ne,,-do-_.II YOlltb In eoo&truNloo .. bold. but cl.., . . d er .e'" IddlUoaa to the .Biie
r.leue or tbe :"'e_ York )lotlOD Pit'- '"The 8<:ourae or tbe o - r t : . oon,lltent: tbe .eUac ot the prln- plaut. <:oDc:rwte u4 ecMl
lUre Cl)rporaliGo. Tbe 110..,. Is I)llfl
or ,,~,ulni""IOll'f"ll: bavlnll' ')flu 1-{rU C tb:'&' ~~.c.,~m~~~i[e~-=.o~ ~~~. ~~e:,,:::
.. ~~l;;~~ar:~~~.~~:~~,':."J. ~~oa~. ~:::~~:~~'';'';'''iii-;;';;;;::''
OJ'lIm and Geor&e F1lher .. I.. prill' Woodle,. tbellre tbll week 10 "Th. ler wc>rk tbll II wortb, lad addl Ibe o,e"'''.do_lolI: .d"aDt.aee of orl&- 1tI 0t Mr. Ttoo. 'I'
(Ipll cb.r.de.... Three of U.: ber Jll:re.leat It.&e .ue- llreD&tb to a Ipl.Odld calt. Inliity plul 'arlelt. ellarn.

. Photoplayers, Support the

1, '.;'
. :,' . '
A diet e
D,. onum.SATURDAY JAN. 16 Next
~iven by the Southern California Motion Picture Exhibitors' Association to save''''(
' lie Film Industry in this state and to welcome Mary Pickford back to California i"
Money raised will be used to prevent bills becoming laws t~at will:
(I) Close all the theatres on Sunday;
And It
.,S G"
omg to, ..
[" (2) Eliminate multiple-reel features- by requiring five-minutes intermia-
... \ . n between each one thousand feet of film.
. . (3) Bar children under I~. ~thout parenti or guardian.
Some Ball,. T00.

. . '.' ','

(-t) ~egate the sexes Within the theatres. . ' .'

Your bread and butter is at .tue.. Her~ the'

'ancing.:$1 . Spectators 25c to Mve it for fOU by aoilll to'the ball. ~~~,
_'0'; et.s ~t .Picture HO\:ises and ~tiDk li~ Tro~ .
," ..

- ._ ' - .....,.'

. -' Xall"': BUl1 :K....OII :;Qt

. ~1.~~btW:~b~~:rr.::,:
aft} .....b_ b.-
1IJa,:prlnt. _~

~~.~~~:,,{.~p1"~ onlet! ud 'DoUotd a aul, wnpped

boz a1arl. . at 11.1.; d 10. ope1llll11:
~--=ai::~:f~',=.::= It dlael0M4 . 1I. me tre...Unl
..t of ptra a.. qualltywll.lch "'..
'.........,........ I. ttl., ~twP. of p~o.t.d to 11.1111 by th.. followlDl'
.W1IUaIl,lPnoU. ...o~ .. at l!nMnt IIlDp101_ of U1e SUMD Club: W ..l-
=N-::a.ror:O:=~I~IIl=:':~ tel' Staplll: AI. SlD.n, Loull Lav-

.ate.. Vietor Vllta, I"reem.o 0.-
nat eo-; "B:l:pM'Iu~"'la,"btch Loeeh aod Cltorell.I Woolrldle.
-1'1IU ~...... ,pl"':'lI" pefMlaal BlIl1 w.. at 1011 for worda. but
HT~,~~:,,,,:I=::: bet"MD bluahel maol,e;! to tell the
bon th.t he alolral,. toppreolated.
. , . , "Wh~ We Were ,.....tJOne," th.lr killdn_, and hoped. that he
Nat. 000'1.10.', fOrlller Itlrrla, , .. m.y ever be "'orlby or the trlend-
:.q'I.. for..
~-:~, :u:g:
:e"~l:;r~ ahlp bestow,,-' ' _-'----'---
t~role ot '~The IlIlp," II "01111.:1 eANB8 FOR KINO BAOOOT AND
:''rr::b~:,~:el:'~:;:~~:lth~u~~ BEN F, WILBON
Klo, Banot, tbe rounder of the
~rt~M1~ i~~~~~;ot:"t'~ Screen Club lad the n ...t preeld.eot,
aad Beo. F. WlIlOn, tbe prellot
! plrd.1aD ..11.0 10... him .... 1011. Vice lIreald.ent and ch.lrman of the
~r~s..~~~~~ w:'~J:~llnIU= houll rommlttee, were pruente'l
....Ub htondlOme .w..lklng IUch by
"Madame x." 1'Ii which he 11I.Ire(\ Manlger Billy Haaaon In .pprecll-
boDore_..lth Dorothy Douelb'. 11.,. 11.11 Uoo for their klndpe. Ind CO-O\lerto-
I 'wcil:ldertlll pornl,.ill of tbe Impu- tlon la runnlnl the bUllneu Ilral...
Iioned "011111: defellder of the accullId of the club. M_.... Billot ..nd.
wemu, WbOM l....,.er ..nd lOll. he II. WlllOn were delllhted ....lth tbe Kltt
'Iu "Whea We Were TweDly-ODe," and expreeaed. their apprecl.. Uoo of
Mr. ElUou'l wlnnlnl peraouellt,.- Olll'l klndn" and. Keoeroelty.
and uUUlu11 mlllleUlm will blve
tull lCOpe, both Ill. tbe lighter mo- ImmE LYQSS TOO LATE
m~ata, ..ben "til.. ']mp" eDJo,.-1 the
While trav,UI1I' .e1lt to the bed-
tree:lom of colleee; life, aDd bre.kl Iide of bll lick mother, Eddie L,.-onl.
lo9ie lD the N,e.. ,York clbarete, aod director ot tbe IMCOnd ChrllUe-Neator
11J.1the l.ter 011.81, wheD he meete tbe comed,. compaoy. .recelved. a tele-
notortoUl. "Firefly," belr.tle.. ..nd. cram teillal him tbat b. .... too
be.. utlfnJ ..ctreea; ",11.0;' bearlnK tronl
a ueaeal Joker .that "Tbe Imp"
W;\11 come IDtO' I fortune whep be UI
~1~a~V~~a~b~h~:::::eDTv~~:~r ~::
~blow Iii one from ..blch Mr. Lyon.
of aKe, _m .. rne. blm Oil. the d.y he ""111 doubU_ be lOOK In recoverh~l',
II, tweoty-one, and IIIDgl him &lI1d.e comlnl eo ul1lJ:pectedly .. It did aod
wbeo Ibe hel... he II penoll"e "Tbe 011 the heell of 11.11 milk log anlnle-
l.mp/'ch''Qlel In In hour from I boy menta for ber to come to Callforola,
~l~I:~~~r~ne~.\~:~' f~~~~lout:e~
to wbere tbey might he together. He
....1\I returl1 on eut and .fler tbe I..t
10teMthil to take the IUe of the min
for wbOIn ehe 11... left him, but tbe
..Omln w.ku' him to a lIa&l of her
~'t'er~!t::. wrt::~~; I~I;~~I':~ 1:1: ::::.
ure the mllfortune that b.. bef.l.n
worlbl_oeea .od the foil;,: of hie 10- him,
teilded crime for hel' II&ke, and "tbe
:~;::;o~e~e:~:~~~~:'~l:a\:::e;he;t HOUSE PETlmS LEAUISG MA~
waite for blm at bome. . "WARRENS OF \'IR_
\The pl.y II peculiarly adlptable to GISIA"
the Icreep becaulII of Ita r ..pld d.ram-
The Jellle L. Lllllky Feature PIIIY
~:tI:O:~~~0b~ ~~el~I:I~~O~r:~ complnY, It I. announce:! by Samuel
the CorlnthllD club, .... here. "the Goldfleh. bu caet Houee Pete... for
Imp" dlecovere tbe fallllty of the the leaJlog mile role .ltb Blanche
womaD he Idorea, la one of tbe moat S....eet In tbe Laak)-Belaeco prod.ue"
powerful 'and emotIonal Iltultlonl tlon of "The Warrene ot Vlrglal....
ellr produced In moUoo, \Jlcturl$. Mr. Pe:era makee ble d.ebut III a
Tbe eubJe<:t will be I forthcomlt;lg LllIky .rtt.llt In the Laak,.-Bellllco of-
njleaee 00 tbe Paramouot Program. feriaI'. "The Girl of tbe Golden
WeilL" playing the role of Rlm-
BliLiE WALSH SIGNS WITH merez. "Tbe Girl or tbe Golden
W~t" II \0 be released Jlnuery 4tb
an;! .... 111 hive ICII nrat Ne .... York
Billie Wallb. for man,.- yeara I'reeeat.Uon at the Slrand Theatre
Bl'Oad.way'l favorite entertainer, on Jenuary 3d:
lllgnll a loog C'Ontrlct ....Ith the Key- -0-'---.-
etone Film company. Mr. Wallh Ie Itoy Stewert. prbe nghler tor lhe
~rba(lll the beet kDo.wn comed.lan In M&lIterple~e. pll)'ed. Santa Claul
ew York, .. for tbe put ten yeara tor the comp.oy Ind Ita IUDlte on
, b.. entertailled. In BroadwlY Chrlltm.. DI,., but he .... not 1m-
Iltellen, ilnd cabaret.. Hla lilt preue:l ..Ith tbe role aa there ....
IIIl1at '..a11 lIadlal th'm ....,.-
py ro u;- in'~ay-..":lr ~~~':::~~;I~~i o~~: ~:'e~h:I;~~
FUtY-DIDth atreet. 11'11 hla b.ttle In "The Hooaler
He ud H.rry D:Ward, tbe taQloua Schoolm..ter," for .. hlch he haa
Dutch comed.lan, a,ceompaoy Melt"". heen receiVing booorable mention
Keeeel aod. Baumann on tbelr trip up aod down tbe eOlet wherever the
to the New York Motion Picture picture 11... . been ahown. He makee
Corporation etudloe In CaJUornls. I big hit In "Tbe Truth Wagon"
.... beD be tbrowe the ,,111111'1 out uf
COMPLETE CASTS OF ""'OU~G the Window. ?otr. FlgmtoJi m.y"De
ROMANCE" AND ''THE compelled to ..dd e lefllp to Ihe plol
GQ08EGmL" or. "Jack ChaDt,.-" In ord.er to Jt~p UEO. 8riGiG[,"~1i:S "THE
peace at the Maeterpleee .tud.lo. "'AItEWELL IJISSKR "'OR
Mr. aamuel Gold.f1ab anoounCIII Aa a aweat maid of the Welt.. but RtadASCE 00.
""The Flre.'ell Dinner," ao adlpt
~:: t1~:lnta~~mp~:~uc;l~n!ll t~~ ~hl~~~~I:;:r:~d::~:'am':~~K~O~7g atlon from the IIbort etor)' produld
'Young Rom.nce"- an:!,. "The GOOBe, bit at Inee"lIle by her ....ork In "A by a"orge Siegmann at tbe )t"'eaUc
Girl," tIO rtle' rele&lled l""peetlvely on. Mldne of tbe Deaert. I tortheomlnK Mod RellaRee Loa Allleill atuoJloa.
Janu.ryZ'I' .nd 25. Edltb Tallafer- Il;Ice proJuet!on. MIN BurbrldKe 1 hie \.'o~reel ~laJeetlc feature. telle
ro Ie tbe atar of "YOUOI:: ltomance," wu nol overcoondeot ot handling a gnl,hle a10ry of IUClet)' life.
In:! ber eupporUng comPany lncludel the dlmcult talk of ghtnK ,'eDt to '1 he plot deale wltb tbe career of :.'
Tom Forman, Fred.erick WUlon,
Ernelt G.rela, Maraban Mackay,
Herry de Vere, Parke Jonu. CharI..
Weill, 'FloreoCl Dllmer, Violet
her' emotlona. whlcb Ihe I. mlde to
d.o when lIIneea mallei ber dellrioul.
)et 'ahe aetonllhed the beeVille tolk
h,.- the manlier In .. hlch Ibe IOler-
a ecbemlol' ambitloul mother .'11.0
etoopa at notblng to adV'Dce the 111.-
terlAt. ot her dauKhler. Tbe mother
eeeke to break olr the engagemeo-
Photoplayers, Inco;;
~~,~K~rsAb~I~~~~~~=dW~l::.K;; pr~~ :,I~~ tbe nOled Broad-
~:r~~l~ t~~~"~e::::~~~:':e~ ~~ f:~~r:o:: h~~lltb~dPr~:~:2 ~:
between her deughter anu I young
et.rveyor,- and forl the former to
marl')' wealth)' young rake. The
Goodfellowship DiDner at the c~~
unueual cl!l.nu to tbe plot prOVides WEONEaDA"" SIGHT. ",\N, 18TH, UU5.
I.r role of "The GOOII Girl:' .nd Thorn.. H. Ince In Inother gripping I wonderful 'CUOK for I thrUllnll
that ClOmplnl' Includ... Monroe 8&111- ItOry of ,weetero life eoUtled "The d.rem.tic IltuaUoo, aod director DELL HESDERSOS, ToMtmaeter_

~~I~:~i:L~e;a~.~~p~E.D~:::': ~~~r~~r:flat~~ h=r~~"thl~~n:J:~

SleKmlnn bill overlOOked DO oppor- Make Yoar ~atlOlia Earll'.
i tunity to m.ke tble MaJutlc t. .ture

:1:' ~~.Jd,.-~Tt':~~Ii'::nee;ri~o~~;~ i:~:,llll~o:tr::~~:~o: wl~:odEb~;:~

en excelieDt olrerlol.
BHlle Weet .nd Corl Ore.. are

Los 'Angeles' LeadiDg Picture H~l

featured u tbe daulhter aod mottl-
~1Iy".. ..',. :.:. eolv...to .'bandon the old \lfe. The . er, ...llted by W: E. LawreIte. ..Itd
W:~C'=f.r%1~~r:':='''~~: ~1:1~~::e~~rb~:Xt~~ lh:bo~~~:
H!lw.ro:l, Oaye.
"The jo'arewell Dlnlier" will .. a
Anll Ball.hi of tile HonywDod leen- when the blndlt, tp ... ve him, .ub- !lfajesllc rele..e .. part of th. Ku-
.rlo deptortment, bu'reached Lon. etltutee hlmllif. eubmlt. to arreet, Iu.l prOlrtom. ' .
4qQ Wherl!' 1.lleb&l gone to confer aod. later eecapea .nd fleea the eoun-
B~~li'lh~~~;~t~r"1n 0::::_1% -- ~:: tr
Rbea Mitchell, leadlo~'!'oman or
..rial ltory wblch be II to write and the IDee complnlll, loon will be
which ..m appe.r Ill. tbe DeWlp,pers seen for the aeeond time In aupport
of thl. wllIItry ..nd..Epglend In con-'
~~1::~~~:I.~t:ee,6,f'lf~~~T:C~ :~:~Ii~~;:ew=:::elt~~~hl~~e:~~
of William S: Hart In a two-reeter, RTJ\.i\NO THEATER. NEW YORK,
The Str.nd'the.ter oUe... the time-
The Optic
.j. ~~~~.~~: Jf~: ~\~~~I PI~~:;: Woodley Comedy
ly approprl.te f.lry tale, "Cinder-
Bolt .Mystery:' ell.... that thrilled tb.e boute of
'~:o::~:\b~II~1 (.~t~~~~~t;lbyW~t:' YOuogltera tor mill" ceaturlq, ..nd
' \ .
- tlilt la f.lthfully rel ..ted to eaob.

,. ' ..c .... Hut) foil' .. I",. lublequent'lIen.raUon, b.. woo an 838 South Broadway 533 South M~

~~IOp-Geo ~'.lford ~~~~ti~~

.Immortal pl.I III til.. world'. t,...
ure ot le,end tond. foUrAo". Mo~
," .. .. than .ny 'other fairy tal., It repre-
IInli the trullt d ree of noblUty

. :''.' .,~.'.'.~'l'ItRJ:.".,
'.\.,'Wit "
... :."~. y oQ' 'altai' H:u.1 HQt1'MIO~Wbo:lIlad.
.. ~lIItI.l1:ctlatpr_on dllHn. ~er ....
Ill. m.p and. tbe lubllmllt faith and
patience In "'om.n, ,AI .. eb.netar
. 'l
. . ,,,~ ~ ,
~. .

.... . . . . . , ~
.00liUoD ..fth the Vl-ntap.allh Com-
panl', tond. who labalqaenU,. joIned
the BellI o,.anlu.t1on, 11.... been en-
Itudy It'e ollportunltlee ..re unrl'aI-
led, .nd. In. tb .rol. of til.. prett.1 bllt
d..plMd oill.d.....lrl, XaIT PIckford
"The ChaAr,lie ChaPl:!p:<c: I'
''/ JA YitCiRllfi/" . ~.' S:C~~~100:,~::::~~: nnd. oec:ulon tor 0110' of the leDd.... Home of ways .',',
~ H~.a;
lit .nd. mOlt art.Wtlc II1lPll'Oltiltlonl

. ',. fL..'i., ):,'.;.

' . '(Y'.......
' .......ilI.
: hl
..,. ~ft::=~'
"A'9tom Melod,.,....
of h.r ph.nol:it....1 trhamplaut OIl-
reer, Produ0e4 "'Ith .. d. .f'III of
f.ltbfuln... _lUi which th. a.m. of
Fir~.Run A,rCO~: "
,~-..'._*A;:l,~. __. '.~~:~:~~ ~JJt.d~~f.::; "amoul PI..,..I'I b... 10" bien ....
.1OOt.. ted, th. lab,.t taII:., tIU Ilael: .Pictures" Bill~!.-",",
, ""tIL
.lI.e. .ppeared
~~.,lIl1m* of RIn1o.I .
,4.......: ~.II eb.anPd to th.
to D:IeD.J' twUl1lbt hoare of the ,d'"
11'. . . . e \'01011 told of
of :'Clad....
s.ua x.-.
eo.pur .... "'... feetaM In
Wolf DlId," &II. Indl..n !>l.i~~ ..
.. KtJ'd;oD'
lot of
. . .~al the .ooapu" eItUUIJl
~t!l",I~'~at~klob~ ,"


5 5
a OlUUJa 11.'
.~ Wi llaw_ ., :=='::.~:'~: :.=.::: f, . .'

'~I'; :~:.:; .,:-.

. . . . . . fbi hb, ODIB,...,.

=d~O~ ~~~t -:.u~:
~~~ r:~:::!~.::A::~r.::;7!E Only Five Mot.eWeeks ~

':-' -' T1Ieatte

. 'I-~T--"'"

P-1141 ,
ICO It ..... thou,bt C'8rtalJl. IInnela'
lulcl4a to produo-. tUm loapr t1Ie
~':. ~::"UIl:b:e:.~ui:~:bo~d=
. Contest Close. Febtufry'\13th, 1915 .
." -:" .T:n
. I 1482 Fltqerald Blde.
OeD. ~::..t~:~.4'::f.~'b,::r:t. ,but ~O.
or Tr';::t=-~D:.: l~~~~~O~Ot~ l-::;'~
Iud poor play. whleb could bllYe Winners Qf the Prizes will be announced on the night of the Photoplayen' Revue
'F"':';':"~"'.""""""""'~''''''''':''':'''::':'''':~''UO': =~b'=lbl;O~:O~~d t:.:1 r::~~ =:
~ t~ '~~~r~r~v:I~ee~:e'I:~~~.u:tt~:
: make c!lecb parabl.
w~.r.~,: :;b::~t.D' Co.
:m~~~~ ael that It_Mard tor

I "

I ~'Be LoIIC


. OUI ot the I'l'$&tellt ml.tali:.. of
WRA.'l' WILL BE THB 8TYLIi8 IN, tbOMl produclDC re"utft It preMnt
I. to eDnelude that bee,au.. tbe
or ~ Padded ::~h,::.:~ ~:~b:;I~~~~lb~o~~r~a::;~
Contutant- .
Fred Kley
Grace Cunard
Ella Hall
Grand Capital Prize
llI.t tbe pi.,. hI point wl\l b.ve .n Jackie Saunders , ..Balboa 807.260
I 01' .ua.a ~t U - f
j(Yr. WlIlla. two yeaN a.ffM-l.nQe
.ppe.l, to movlnr picture .udlen~.
.u~~~~~\'e ~frltt~~tl::~~Yve~D~~
~~~~~h:~~~~ ~~:I~.n~~~do~~eIOIt=
Irene Hunt
Cleo Madison
Myrtle Stedman
l-'!i tbe mone pme. b the author of public wltb tbe ..me Indoraement
Victoria Forde Universal .. .. 107.300
~~e;IIl~ve~~.a.:~=::P::~r~; ~::k~~ g~~~~ ::~Ie~~:~~n:~d~~ Edythe Sterling Frontier.. . 60.300
t.tlf'ture. "'IIbe QUMt." -.oen to be ra-
by tile American.' comp.ny.)
'( Wh.t will the coming year bring
lerl.1 to be. had and a. loor .. the
m.nufacture" .re employlnll atro~
COnlllanlea and apen:Uor tbelr money
treely. It would _m that more care
ei~~h~~~ili~~o~~roY." P: 0;:
M. :~:~~
I In abll production.! Will le.t. mtrbt be t.ken In lhe aeleM;ton of
Dorothy Gish Reliance . 28.360
u*, alma QOuUnu,e to bold the lead. a,orlea to nlm. Mae Marsh . Reliance .. 26,400
~'v:lt ~~et. >~n:lllt~~~~p~a.y~ tor~Vhh~~ t~:ec~~lnt~ll~e~~t~~Ulab~na~ .' Courtenay Foote Bosworth.. .. ..... 26.050
aonable to expect that .daptlon. wm
Wjhat ..Ill enter the aeld to take the Stella Razeto Selig 25.000
plaee.or the Indian plays...hlch have
b8eome obMllete. and the WNterna.
contlnue. bUL bOllever. bwl, ..
atrong &II at present. TboM ma.era
Mabel Normand Keystone . 16.100
..hlch are r..t becoming p _ ! ot nlm ""ho are l00.lnC ahead "ould Charles Cbaplin Essanay.. 15.100
TbNe and a lot of similar QueatioD'
a~ confronting the manufacturera of
do well to give attellUolI to the
writer Who h&ll been traIned In tbe
Signe Auen Reliance............. 15.000
alms.. acenarlo rame aDd who la capable Of Carlyle BlackweIL FavoritePlayers. 15.000
'DurtiiC the year juat e101E1d ..e turnlDC out really hlcb.:el. . fea- Margarita Fischer American . . 14,060
b.ve ..ltDlllISed the growtb of the 10- turOll. provided. of COUnle. tb ..t be b
called Ceature tllm from .. mere tod gl\"en lee....,.. ~anutacturen bave W. ehas. Robinson Biograph.... 13,000
ul!ng lnfanl Into a Cullgrown young- long ol'erNtimated lhe drawlns po.. _ Margaret tlibson. ..Vitagraph.......... 12.900 GRAND CAPITAL pmE-
er ot lhe author'l oame. and It tbe,.
ater. who hill luetl1y pushed ...Ide
Ruth Hartrnan FavoritePlayers 12,000 1915 Chevrolet "loyal Hall" car on eJihihltioD
:::p~r~f::~ ~: ~~~l:ar:~ :~ ~:~~:dIl~~ot~~~~~~f;:~ntIll~~~:
pllt.unlu ot the crown. as teliUlled
Ill' tbe linea al the box of.tl.ee "In
hIm I price tor hlB work 10 propor
lion to that paid. for the rlchU to
P.;'~~"<'ila~~ley..~lby~U~rqp~ 0;:::" ~~:~gg at the Cbevrolet Automo!lile Co Plco St., at H.;'
dows. boob and playe. and cl\"e blm a IIt- George Larkin UniversaL 10,200 UPRIGHT PIANO-
One thl~ de.tl.Dl1e lhe put year
hu seeD-lne eDUre pll.8SlDJI: from
tte "rope" In clmng Cor cuU. NU
and 10caUonl. tbe ,lIme ... rt~en W Helen Holmes Kalem 10,100 On elIhlbltion at &eo. H. Barnes' Plano Co
Cavor of the Indian .tI.lm aDd the IIdlptionB. Il ts a torecone conclualon Bessie Barriscale N. Y. M. P. Co... 10.060 131 Soutb Broadway
Civil War i1rama. ODly a.few montha tbal he .'111 turn out work tbat will
Dot Gould... .. Sterling 10.060
ago the brave hero. geDerallr ..ear B\'enge higher than lbe prea.ellt fel . SOLID GOLD WA':""''1 (i.adies or Gents)-
~~:~/tnffiCk;;;ii~ . ~li{"M:P:CO. :... 1~:ggg
Ing the natty blue of a "UDlon" ture .tI.lm.
IOldler. WM rUlblng hither and
thither upon secret niiasion aellver-
More thin ever now tbe llnllhed
BdlptalloD represeDU da,.. alld
lin e"hlbtion' at _ JionrllDger 111 Sons,
Inc lnel",e IntormllUon to biB com- nlgha of b.rd .ork by lOme UD Douglas Gerard Favorite Players.. 9,050 631~ SOIath'BroadwBY
mandllll: ottlcer: ateaUDg througb tbe
linN of the eDemy. oode m_gOll
kno""n adapter wbo b.. bad to put
"puncbes" In the pia,.. before they
Lucille younge Navajo....... 5,500 (Value $JO 110) .
MWed t18hlly In the lining of hiS are ready for ICreenlnlt. Pauline Bush Universal.. 5,450 SUIT (to order).,- .
Ja~ket; and pauBlng only long enough An orlgtnal 1I'0r. bal broucbt Donald Crisp Reliance.... 5.450
Qn the ..ay to the tlnal "cIiDch" to
"'are hia "weetheart. the daughter
forth lbe gre.teat and moat lpeet.C-
ulu 111m yet produeed...C.blrl.... Ray Gallagber Universal. 5.350 From Cbas. qeyy 111 Sons, 448 South> spring St.
of' the cener..1 commanding the op-
JlmJut toreM. that all would yet be
Adaptlon. troOl Buch lI'orkB aa Dan-
le'l InferDO. The Odealy, PompeII.
Ford Sterling... Sterling......... 5.350 (Value $50.00) .~
',...ell. hs\"e nOI compared With It. Chas. Rey.......... .. N.Y.M.P.CO.... .5.300 LADIES' SUIT (toorder)- '. f"
"; WltA the paaln.g of tbla Idnd of After .n it lB the play and lbe Laura oakley Universal......... 5,200
.. We are rcllle't"ed Crom ..ltD_
ail:7"\eore n.r ..ezeeuUoU,....
actor one goo.-- 10 see lind not lbe
.or. oC any l"Braln .. utbor. The Rhea MitchelL N.Y.M.Il.CO... 5,050 From llIelDberpr Ladies' TalloriD~.,
hero,.'itrOUdly dladaiDJng 1M ker ~~~~n~~:~e:a~~~ej~~~~~~;;:i~I~: Gypsy Abb!>tt ......Fi!vori~PJav 5.050 702 Pantqes' Bldg.. value $50.00 ----....
11.)'.: ~lf ~~II:n~l~te~~ ""no II plllYlnl!" In tbe nlm and ...bllt Edwin August ........Eaco . . .... 5,060 . LADIES'OIGENTSOVElCOAT- ~ .. ~
IlIg &Quad .. Ce.. tn Cront, tear-
p&CM company produced It. and mOBt ot all Billie West. Reliance 5.050
I_I,. Btrallhtened hlB sboulaere and ..bether It II really a nlm at teature
Bob Leonard Universal. 5,000
From Nebraska Clotblng CII., 239 So. spring St.
etuck ant hla cheet aCe. tlXU'a Incb. proportlona. then Indeed will lbe In-
to better receive the bullet. Then
the ':cutblckB" Ln which the me.-
dUltry tl.e I gTellt Itrlde for.lIrd J. Warren Kerrigan.. Universal 5,000
.en.rer doeea ,pJ.ut Ume to deltver Louise Lester American 5,000 SUBSCRIPTIONS:
the pardon_ The&il ..ere eerl.alnlt Edna Maison.... .Universal 6,000 During the Photoplayers' Weekly Contest,.
thrtlllllg momentl Cor the hreathl_
aadleDce. who Ceared that tbe steed Wm. Garwood UniversaL 5,000 votes will be allowed on Subscriptions according to
might collal\H Crom' old age, tbe Wm. D. Taylor F.a.vorite Player~. 5,000 the following schedule:
m_ncer wAli 10 10Dg on the ...y.
And In the year jUlt put we' are Anna Little.. .Universal 6,000
l",avlDg beblnd lhe at(aclLl on tbe Henry Otto.. __ . .American 5,000 I-year subscription $ 2.00.... 2,000 votes
:~a::r:.I~~a1:~II\b~u~':~~~~esrl::~~; Eddie Lyons.. .. ...liniversal 5,000 2-year subscription _4.00 4 4,000 votes
bUl. oC which every pole tblt point Lee Moran..... ,. . .. Universal 5,000 3-year subscription 6.00... 6,OQO votes
eis. Illy..ard. forming the enclrcl!nl' . AI E. Christie Universal 5,000 4-year subscription 8.00 8,000 votes
lI~kade. seemed like a dear Crlend.
It . . . .uch a ~amlUar light I I It re- Ed. J. LeBaint. .. Selig.. 5,000 6-year subscription 10.00 1O.OOOvotes
pellea ImpartlaJly the attaekl oC the Tom Mix .... ... .. .SeliR .... ..... ... 5.000 6-year subscription 12.00.. m 12.000 votes
Sloull:. the Cheyeo.nfll, tbe Cro....
and the ArapabOBl: tbe ..hlte hunter Elizabeth Burbridge... N. Y. M. P. Co 5.000 7year subscription 14.00 14,000 votes
who meetl the Indian m ..lden beside
the .tream and. Qu..fllug a draucht
Richard Stanton.. .N. Y. M. P. Co. 5.000 8-year subscription 16.00 16,000 votes
Crom the earthen jar. a..ooing gOBl Romaine Fielding .Lubin 5,000 9-year subscription 18.00 18,000 vo~
aud ..Ina Brlgbt Star. Even the lit Mary Fuller. lmp 5.000 100year subscription 20.00 30.000 votea
~e ~~Il~in:~~~~~ri~l~o~v:tatuI~ ll-year subscription 22.00.. m 35.0oo votea
.b.. n lead them, partially b.. eeaae4 12-year subscription 24.00..... ...50.000 votea
w be tbe ollly mean. ot reuultlnc Now Is the time to get busy. Get amongst your
_trallCed parenti. Tbe u-eDDvlct
h.. 'reformed Cor almoi't tbe laat friends for Subscriptions and Advenislng, they
UJi'le: .lber11f1 ,have ceased letUng
outla escape almply beeauae ..the
will ll1ad\y help you. Every vote counts. Our
girl" 10't"68 em. and rUlt h.. begun !dvertblng Hen will be pleased to call on anyone ADVERTISING:
to corrode the axiea of th ..t once
YOU may sOUest. If there Is anything you "0 not
During the Photoplayers' Week1y Contest.
Popular mean. oC couve,.ance-tlte votes will be allowed on Advertising according to
.tq:e coach.
The mortal1ly rate amODg pro.-
Bam In Ne.. York. January U.
undentand In regants to the contest, we will be the following schedule:
pectora alld thOM ..ho labablt tbe 1884. Graduated Inw comic opera pleased to answer any questions you may ask.
d. .rt Cellerall7. haa Callen oft to a In lUi...ppeulDC tn mlUlY ....n $ 1.00 advertisement 1,000 yotes
..-.noabl)' low llpre. ..hlch bin known comic opera oompaDl. ud
deed lTIUtylDC to thOM wbo "ere atoeIl campanlM 10 all parts Of
2.00 advertisement. 2,000 votes
, eo~pelled to .ltD_ tbe panp of COIIDtI'Y, ",or. JolnlD.C tb. plC!hl"" VOTING COUPON: 4.00 advertisement m m 4.000 votea (,.
\t..,.:. U::e~~th':'M~f. e~~~~~I::
~ihl\:ema we .~all b.ye al
811 arlit upar1enee III motion
tor...... with M.ltfll Star J'Um eolll.
pu,,.. N.para Par N. T . tll.b tol
. Good for Fifty (50) Votes in the Photoplayer,' 6.00 advertisemenl..
8.00 advertisement...
6.000 votes
e ,.. 8.000 votes
10...114 ItUlClll~lnl,. .D.IPIIIll..uta wit), Weekly Popularity Contest. 10.00 advertisement..... . 10.000 votes
, flerioufT. thonch. the yllIr just Bwan Comt*l7. Mell. World Tov.
oC evea by th~ mc.t f"n1&bted,.
Ka:raWD. Coml4Y. "101" SlaGD. N. .
tor, Lobin "lid Balboa Featur. J'IIm
Compu,y, ..be,. II. tl DO" In. . .M.
12.00 advertisement...
15.00 advertisement...
.. m.12.000 vo"
.. 15.000 votes
20.00 advertisement....m......... m: 20.000votes
~~ ~ep~C:::~~t~:'::aV- Address 25.00 advertisement... m : 26.000 votes
11:7 \ 1lu DOt been oompletely over- KERRIGAN 00. 8U8'PEND8 ALL

30.00 advertisement... 30.000 votes
T=~R:"'~ City. 50.00 advertisement ......m 75.000 VO;tea
=.t- c:: th:.ret=~e~::rtc= ep~: ~~u::n.~~a:~:~t::':h:c~ Ute .. many of tbue coupon. at you like, but 'they mUll rtadl
Ad....tili"g Ratu. $1.00 per itoeA.

ua not I..ter tball one ..eek after date.
aotloeiablJ'". renee ORollrkl. Soldier of Fortun....
I'll '~1ICUo11 ,. .hlch la beinc atq:e4 .. t Univ.,...1 Saturdt;y, JanuarY 16, 15115
boob City With Jack Warren K.rrtclUl III
..... \ the titular role. the KItTlPII~Vlctor

~:'=JfII"':~tlr~:~~D~1 o~~:;: d~ Special Offer.

dat ..
:=:r ~ t:: th~'::I~\~
In aD4 .rotlnd Mta 1O~.laboratl IUld
PI.... ONII DOLLI.R 11111 to tlltl 0011," ....d _II to tile ~~
.... 1la,.~
~ of _ _ twit-
10 that awus,..
eaDnot be bunt
1n1IaUOD to the au ..,..,.. . und.r Iter. Th. ralllll,
til.,. Good for 5.000 v9te8 in the Photoplayers' Weekly W....17. 1.1 Hlp(llOdI'O." ".lIdl......d _ ..Ill .... ,... UtI ~ ~ .
W"1r.17 tor ell _Oltha I.&d ONlIlt FOlir l'lLvorite Ct.ad*te I. tlae ~
___ tMd: of alIIliI:fttioL . ho.....,... are oomlq too replarly Popularity COnteet: . eoltNt ..ItII .... vot..... ' t\ ' ':.J
.,.... ~ . . . .~ ~ b1lJr.- to penllt oC tllelr bet
~ '.*
Iqrowa' a:pOMd. opea, at .. a
I.n In the
1l of tills Name
m h ..

1!=~'~ 1C1iat;:~] :i~::r~~:-:

".d peper to
Addreu h : , .

........ ....,attar tM ClOMlMloa .of. u..

'le .... "lIatIl."oI . . . . . . WOI'lMI. t ... ~ City ;,. hh:h h . h h h h.hh .

........................... '!'-ftldlr-
;-. _la~"'_tlie~,:
.......... - "':_of.:- Nominated by h h ;. C1ty.H.._.. ....... T..H... H.__ .H.......H_
A~ h h :. h

.":=~"'f:; ,~,~~~, ~~ ~.~ er.d' to ~ ~,"rb~.<

,-,,~ ~~~~~~

I:Xnctor ~
JO~~UN~~~ ~O.


I _ Lobin
... 'Autbor~ActOf.,rii.rector

WALlm 1U.~G1SS HIA "'mNT

l'U'Tl'n" STt'lHU 1I1Il.T IS TWCl II.Us
no Cree. R.... Caf. R. A. Walsh. the ...eJl-kit';j';.. ht'a"l
Thul Ih,'I"<' l~ unthln/: sl...... ah.. ut
1,,,,, "Il"tl.." h:,""f\,'n h_n lndkule,1
.ctor "'lIh the GrUl1lh fealure It'-.UN,
Movie Headquarten branched OUI U a full lIedll:ed dlrec l.o~' Ih.. Itlll'll I,r""f of Ibl" IItb..
lor tbill 'III'eek .od I. l,rodu~JIlIt' "The r'"or.thr .. ukll'l( 11m, III wblch I
in Hollywood Double Oe<'eptlon," a one-reel ~Ollt r"OII,I., .. 1I,,,II,,n IHrlllrc "IUlll" hal
l&fOlf c.J:laert.ee A"Ill. ed.)' dr.ma, featurllllt' Elmer ClltlOll 1,,,,uc.,rh'(1 thcl"<'
.n::! .\!:Irlam Cooper Wh,'" 11,1' 11"''''"",'<1 ,,:tl\III.,1I 111
W.I.b "'u con.I:.Iert'd one uf Ihl!' Ih,- lIutl"'urlh I,lalll .utld.ml) 'Ie'
best he.\J' .cto... connected "'lIh th .. OIl<lI,h'" llIlOlh.. r "IU,llu. n",:ollli'
Grlallh fr'\urn and pl.ye:l Ihe I>lIrl Ilnn~ ".. r,, lnlll1"dhHo:!)' "ul",,-d lnlu
TYPEWRITERS IlINTED ot Wlt'." Booth In "The Clanlm.n,' "'lIh 'Irluu. 'ulllrll,lur. 'or the
15 MONT118 FOR 00 4.ND UP. "Tol Double DeC't'ptlon" "'Ill be a .l'.... d} .. te~lll1n or II rUIn\l",l" "truc
lulUal r.uta! appllel If llaJ_t1c releue u I"rl of th.. ~Iu I.. r.. uf ,ltt..,1 IU1d 111111. A... re.ull
tual p!'O&ram. ur Ihl. un ""ulIlI"f .. If". """ DI.U.,
T~UO:-:'i.LMAxDj lu N..I UI' Ih,' Ioulldtn ... In Ivt't}.... Ij(liI
~'.5.eoco ...... h""n "lid " .""tr",1 "a. humedl
~ B.arrbr.le. Iole ""'ner _,r 1I!t'1)' .. ru" .. UI' ,"llmll: fur lb. com-

). 1"'-s.~~':S.IUIIsc.
PbQD_: 130 .; Mal. u n
je.el. sOfn. I,rlle blllldok .nd.
b.odllOmlt utodtoblle. llk.. 1 Ihr.....
mll_ tbro lib mud .nd "lIer 10
In.::e.-lIle one d.,. l;tat ..e..k_ be(';C;uk
I'II'UU" ..I;Iu,ho 111 l.u dl)"lI. III
..r...r I., il""""-lli..",, Ih. .....oe....1
rUlotm Ole II... 1I..".'unh 1.111"1 ". Ill'
II..." 1''''''1''1.. It . . . . ;"'\I.. r"ll\., th"l
Ihe 'll"U I \'leUm of rlrcumll.D~. SU""II} ... ,,'I<' "f lb,' ,1,,)-. u" .. bl.-h
R.ln "'u pouring....Ind .... ho.hnll: "".); un , .... n... I oJ .
,on 'III'." lu IN."

~s:t,"r H
Ind puddltl ot _<Ie "ere 10rmlnll:. d""., .\ ...ord",III)" I' I Illlre. I thai .\D .. nll~ ...,. ..... "1"'01 hf In"e_
'ill... . . 1....lrlrl.n. In th .. runllrur.
~nu;. n:n:ll\~=b~:r~:~.:e::rm:;'~ ~';; ,~~~II;a;"~';I~~ t1Sp:~::'td ::.~ tlon "r an apl,.r.lll' for UH In nTh ..
1.ld UP tor rt'I,.INI. ~ Inlll""" ""._ :40.0- ..... :!~:.'_.n. _., ' . . ' _'~'_" ".
DYAS CO. dllal,polnllng Produrer Inre_ror 11'1" ., l!lle of .:'lIO. ~ :~~.' '~u~"r:~~I~."1 T~:'-7,u :~~t:t ~;,~
wu aclleduled 10 do .001" ace_I to. 1...1 S"u .la,. 101101 S\tnday " .. r" ~tOI"}' t. d,,'hf'r.-.:l by th .. It'ene "'lIlrb
32',32 W. 1th St. "Tbe Cup of Lire.," til. "'hlch Ih" lit" Ii,,}. rll" .... " I"r II,.. lInliNlIal luk "'-l,i.-II the ..lertr',..lllioll of mIll
wtlt be teatured-'be biked. ""I ..:nt,. SIIUrdll) ",,,rn,,,,, " Ilrll:" .-h" IU.. IJ1It11 co rub th.. l..f.. of hi.

\\.......... M m Ill. tht' .horl "UI"I" uf "urk"..." .. ,Ih "",,,..,,-loa,l. f~'her_ln.la.. Th.. fOlder milo. roll._
lpace 01 1"0 ye hI' t"!!ualnl}' Iot't of l"aleri.1 11,,1 ~lIl'I.I,,~ ",r...11 the ....1\ th .. Id", of <tlliealink tlte In-

e-. ao>UFw_
",Ii...1 Iluk
.hoC. c.a_.....
lundd 10 heal In Ibe mo.-In It pie-
ture bu.ln".... 10 Iht' IInl J11.t"!! It
_naMo mIll. "'HIl Ihe l:nhf!ra.l
..ltb "Tr.tflc In Soul." tq bl. rr"dH

uf "'''f}u""
and ~.....n It:&rd :&1 "'..rk.
1'IHUU,o:h h.. r. "l"~,, ,R .. n "" lit.. 1....1
nn ...\<1 .. lIh ;h. ,,:t:o
erull..ll ur Ih ..ulnrl Ib.. j"h "'11'
Irud of "'b~ "I.n. Ite It... bf'f'n
,nf"rlJ1t'1 bl' Ihf' .'If... h, admlnll... r.
'UII 10 Itln' In .. 1f'('1.lr .I'lnck. To 011.
Illn 11'1 .. dellrel .. I\"I!<'"I . 'Ire. . ... re
Tbeo be org.nlled Ill. o.it comp.o,.. ''''O'I.I<-t..d 111 th .. ~lIl'\llal...1 tin, ., a.nd ~1r1l01l: trom 11'1.. Inl'f"'lIIe po.e.-
..enl to 1~I.Dd...rote alld pro.lut'f'd .\l .. nda, "".r"I"1I: r""n1\ I."ulh"r h""I" I<l Ille I/lltl' and Ih..,... .djlllt
Citiuu Sui auk I Ibe billgeat Imulling bit or Ihe )"t'lr l,uIIIII",r <1" III.. Ik......rlh ' "'1_ ".1 In Ih.. IIIrt' 0\ .ho"e. ot .1'lrk.
botb artlllleall,. .nd ftD.nri.II~. 1 .. 1' " . . . . . 1,,,1,,, n...'''''r ~". b~' ::.. a~n "I th.. rruok loppl" o"er
n.mely "I~land a XUlon," .lIlrll nu, ..I} h,,'( aud '. buill ..,u'r..I)' of
,,'111 .bortlJ' be Iho.n Ill. C.lliurnll. ~h...1 .nd "Iu.. II I. ('<lull-I..... "'lIh 1_. )laJ",,'T or I hI' Klllem II udio
W.lle end. bl. beat rell:lr<.l nd I"'''.. rful and ....""1.1'1.. Illl:lIllnlt .ur.. IIld lourh or ha.d lurk al'
)(1Il!Jl~eAt. Sao ....dro II r... d.,., bf'tON' Cbrl.t-
tleat 'll"h1hes ror a prOlllerOU. }:e" 1I),.I.. n" 'hal d".k ,I a)'" '"0 Iw utll.
Yea. 10 .11 bll rrlend. On the CU.'1 lI..d X"thh,,, h.." I...." o"'nook"d ma., Tht' romlllln,. ..... IIIklnll: 110m.. T..".,. I a8J1.~ ~IU _""bet' .. bat
Louis moodeau'. ~ Couper. Ihe young \'11.
gr.pb sl.r. ,,-bo I. equ.n,. "',,11
Mn,1 .. '"r~ .11'1,,11 "f Ilw ,"""Ir\lrlh,,,
hu. he"u r.. u"d IlIor""lI:hl) In ..r-
~m.1l bo'l ll!rlurea lind Ihe ".'er
".". rllth ... roull:h. "'hlrh hu oothlolt
"er.. Ih.. nf'C'eIUrJ' "HOUIII tOI' arl-
~~:::::nT_ Here"1 ..h.t I sot tor .1:1
known on the cot. len"l hll helt , ,."n,.... ith 1/... "",u.",I" "t nil tn do with III.. file In h.nd.
:-- ...... Sbop reg.rd. aDd greelln~ ro. the Sew ,\ hh: "'hlte ae. It'ull 0011e<'l dO"'n "Acllnll funll" Is ooly dolnll tbe
Yelr to bill man)' rrlend nd 1... 1. ~uddenl,. Ind ... I~ ..d Ihe paper b'lI: thln~ tb.t YOU ..ould Uke 10 do 10 )I.c.KINXO,," TWUf8
aDd Cipr Store ... blcb number maDJ' hundflldl. ":IIWIS .-ton'nn .'Sf) III.ISS ~tll ... 'u"lIlnlnlt ~'r. ~llloney'. luncb. tbe penon Ib.1 borr'Owl ,our I..... n
Georlle dealrell !() Impre.. tbem "'lIb "II11UTIlI.t:AUl;lI.-toSlI.\I.\lU':lI :'\"Ihlnll: b'U Ihe klndneal or th" Olh. mo"er. ... ll00d com.-.:ll.n I' a ~t
Ibe fact that he .11111. allrm belle'" "r m"mhl'r. uf th" fOmllln)' '.'ed er .Umulaler to the mlllhtJ' POPu-
KF.lsro","E MANAGE- .
I 1"lMJ Pb~J_' B..-bet' er In temperance. Ind I' .n eo"mJ'
or all Ilcoholic drlnka, Illd ran nOI
~;d"'lll '\"II:U~I. nlaBlcr ,,"lor uf Ihe him trum 1111('\'.1100, .nd be
th.t In Ih.. ruture h..... 11t l"dlO('k
Ia'" l.ce tb.n I 1I11l-ftn: or duh of
H20. I 1m actu.lb' funnJ' ro. I am
Ulm . "'ho i. nlllk"'1( Ih", n,}.terlou.
C..buen... and R,olly ....OOd Blvd, undeuttto.d. In t.CI, bo n,.body hi. ,lunrh in Ihe ho.t. the ooe th.t killed tbe earth hrute
plrellre ro. Ih., Kln"'''I,hot.. and T ....o more people h.ve &I'I'lln up
caD drink &n)'Ullng .Ironller thIn tea. lUlu .\'Uford. hl~ lea'lIlIl( "'"noan til. (;el1~ tb<heor. formerlr .."ll. ... ho perpetr.. ted the mOlhllr-lll-l.. w
Joke. There.re tWO cl _ _ of fUDDJ their prot""lon .nd h ....e Joined the
Itrong or ,,.e.k. George I. Itrong fur KlnelUl'holf' l'm.lurll""I. I'la\"c been knn .... n .Iorok .rtnr of the middle
I'llOple--one "'ho lIeta paid tor It ranka or photoplaJ'..... "'0 ot lb.e
DIrector AllIn D..... n. and Illy. he I. In"IIf!11 tu 1..",1 lilt' I(r&lld olsrch al "ut. 111'1"".... I I It da,Mnk collel{e mo.t veralltl!e IIlrll of ...audenlle.
the bell director. blrrlng none. nd the Inilllli bull "f 11ot' nhlhltor. of hero In "The S<'rub," a romln. fe- Rnd olle .... ho depend, 011 ltate Illltl-
luUon. for hll IIrub .1l0".Dee, Tbll ... ho came from Enlllalld for. len&th:T
wallla to 110 on record .1 taylng Ihll. Trl'ntun, r-o, .1., whirh will lie held leAae of Ihe In~ll com pan lei, tre.t- vaude\'llle enlla.ement ID thll eoUD-
"'orld 10"'" a fl1l1D.} Suy aDd 110 dUel
"Weu a Yorktown": EverJ' one kno ..... Georgll I. tond or
dOllS, horsea ad galollne ca ..... 'but
III tl'le Ar"'de lJllndnl( "'~,deTnY tn
th'l I'll)' 011 .tnmu.r.\" l~, 11,1 ",ugu,t.
11111: of foot hall and love. ""I'bar ba.
II .tlllwllrt phyalque and thll en. the dlreelor. If 'ou c.nt be funn)' try and h.ve made Ibem..I"'''' ...ery
)011 rlln, at le.'t, ablorb the 'pbIlOl- IIOPular, lI... t at tbe local Hlppodrom.
bll st)'le ot .. ork e::a:ceedl III .pc.ed who II plll)'ln,li: In ht. llrotller'l nr,t <lo"'menl lo.ethllf ..tlh hi. htltrlo- Theatre .nd l.ter b.]" Illngth.J" en.-
ltmlla. He lUll play. heavy lead I Klnelophote I,lrlun....111 R("coTnI,any nle lobi III)" en. bIn him to llOt'tray Ol.hy or ~Ioaes .nd "Smile. durn It,
Smile!" II.Cement lit Harlo'lll". Cate, ar. the
nd comedy partll to tbll .Itler.cllon hlnl 111,1 ,\11', '~tllford 10 Trenlon. Ihe role ...Ith marked 'UCCeil. McKInnon t ....ln.. tI I. liltpouible to
of the .ndlellcea and the VltlgralJb "'t'aIK'lt "'ord ...... putting Oil. a
picture. recently. Ih.t depIcted. PI!l&- dlllln.ul,h one trom the otber, e.nd
company_ Good luck, Georlle, .nd botb are eJ:cepUonalb' &ood danc:en.
our beat .."bet to ,ou .t all Ume., lllll miner. poeaeuor of a .old mine
and generally dllllked hy the lur_ .nd Ilnlle..... Mr. Mack Be. .et. X87-
Kemptolt ~ . the YOUnll. hand- .Ione maller, IIW the poeatbl1ItJ of
..Jewel. . ~Dd SilYenmith.
aome leading Luhln pla,.llr, , In .oundlnll min",.... In Onll of tb
'Cflnu 'III'0l'11 II ,uppoa.ed to hue their auc:ceea u t.I", In moUon pic-
to.n tor I re. d.,..' vacation look. turea aDd mad. tbem a lucnU..." or. ,'
111.11 happ,.. Tbln., .re comIns' to Loe An..... elect re.cbed tbe c.mp that tbe "PeSllla"
II mort.lIy 'lll'ounded ne.r "J'onder ter .... b1cb theJ' aec:epted. .
KelDp'l waJ' .t preeent, and ....e boPl!l
It 'I'm tor be II a rerulat and al.aYI .iDee 1869," c.n,on." At Ihl. report tbe mill....
. . . .'-wood tell"w In .004 or bad are to m.ke 10 ruth for the door In Wbftl Lewta "BaD" ~ .ot
Umu. Here'. hoping J'01l lIet .11 tbelr hutJ'" elldeuor to be tbe ftl"lt lb. InCtl tOI'OM, wu .. lIladtlllt lit
J'0ll .I.h tor tbe COlDln& Ne. Year. one to t.ke poea.ualon of hi. min.. Georaeto....1i Unl"e....tJ. 'he wae No-
pplaed u olle ot tb. paatat toot
Kemp called ..t tbe Screen club to Tbe _lie wu I'1!lhe.ned tbroulb
: : ~~:::: p.l., &11\ give Ibem
alld Iben at the 'Word ot "AeUo,,!"
tbe plttul'll .......tarted. Wb.1I the :~I~b:la::u7b.'11 :::l,ooI~~':'
"Ob, the .cone. I could tell YOU of order eame to rulb to tb. door, olle ...-11. 'why b. bu contrlit_ted . . . .
ot the m.n beld b.ck ..nd 'too4 ID
YORKTOWN the unbelle,,,,le horrorl ot tbl -
tnl 'War. I ne ..er could ba"'e reallud dejected .tUtude Yitb hl.tld. In
pocketll. etc. Ford aDsn!7 (':a:llecl
realltUe bit ot ac.ttq tn "'I'M
Setnb." tuclaaUIl atorT of oaI-
Ieee 1If.....11 pidlron b&tUe,.; tMt

It It I bad not come bere. W re
$2 Hatten not permitted to wrlte ot tbe thinSI
.e _ and I .oppoe.e tbat I. rlaht
ball to the c:am.... aDd plna: up to
the lIellUemln I&!d ...ery eottl:r:
. "I don't 'uppoee IlGld mme
will IIOOn be ,.1eaMd. by 'I'II~ B.
luc., DIIrb. . pi.,... ~ . , . . . ,
bUdUed. auter of IIlr1pUaf: ~
and proper. hnt ,onr hearte .ould
bleed and J'out pockethooD ID Am.r- would be anJ' Induc:em t to TOn; ..... gil pi.,... It "IUl "pUU" . .
_ 1.208 W. 3'" St.
No. lea woald open wide It ,.on could onl, J'ou,. mloklna: eo dara -1Ducll mou87." ble e ....,. actlOL .

j~:':N".J, 1iI,7 W.... so.

know condlUoDl . . .e _ tbem. The
.....t bnrclea of thlt war IS t.U1ns
011 tbe poorer c""-. tbo.aut, of
:Moving Pic~ure
~_No.3;-4IZ 3.,...... wb_ &fa witbout tood or',belt", tor
lll.. "I'lIIter."
Tb. Jetter . u dated from H....re
...4 .andonbtedly w... brolI'sbt to

tttat ett:r" from tb. eatllpa bJ' m. .
; Built especial1y fo< FILM DEVELOP,
~ING. ConltrUcted of DoutJ.. Fir
1915 SAX
~ lIte dJNetor tor
IIUJ hU the Unt..arul Itar....d
daded artaIlPtll.ente .tlll. Ir. .
T . . . to direct ...11 protlallll &OCtetJ
~ of 0Ite gil t.o ,..ta. at the
CeDtalU' ~ Be,Jo1aJMI. N. J. fte

;:.-::...=. 7=::n.~~~ ::
J'naIr. Ballad "tU ..., tM .....
PIci&c t_i:ft,ic..':
. ...=-=::...'l'~~
Werlt, wtlIl '. ..........-a.. . . w.
1lII!I:;;---:---t ~ ftdI: .
Tbe moUoll picture people of tb. I"IIpoulblllty ot ,.leetlDC queen
PacUlc Cout ....0 ..... IDYIt., by the baa beell pl.ce:1. I' auloua 10 heu
w01'14" fair EDt.rtahlmellt Comallt- ITom .1IJ1blea 1111 tb.lr hleoi.. H.
tee of Loll Allie'" to 1I0mla.te I b.Ue\ea Ibat tb", motloll plf'lul'fI <'II-
c:ucllbte.f" ':Quten of Loll AllielM dldat boulel not he under , otr-
eouaty;' IZ"Il _n:hlnl for III ell&! on. aor over tblrt,. yet,. ot 'Ie. Sb.
'tJIe :roU:O!l: laely to kar tb. rep.1 'boul J Dot be too "bart liar 100 t.U .
..._ora tkat ,.111 be coDtefT'ecl upoo 100 tbla oor too .tout. 8be m"y be
"'er. bloode or bruaeU. or qualify It .b.
At a mMtllll of' dellKuee rep... II oat d~lded. ...mple ot onl! or
"UIl. the t.elfe bll" motlua plctu:re tbe ctber. Sbe m",. bav. blu. lin,..
IIIl.D.nfac:ture,. .bo opera:e atu_IOIlo h.1N1. or dart: bro.a e,.... or h.r
lad ~ Loll A.IlpIel 10 mucb keea
rh"alrj IIlUilfeel.J thai l"lral
.,... m.,. ~e llIodlllad .b.1_ or
ellbl!r ot tbu.. bun. Her balr .bould
boul"'l of U 1y debate reaulted. In a be .bulldaut. hUI It UII be eltber
atralKbt or nrlr. If ' b.. purl,.
.t... 1 "O~Il:'~c~Il.'~~tt~e~IIO purpol4l or teetb II will t>e b.ller. If 'he bu
:~ef~:;-:I~I;~I wll~~u~rl=r~~d
llIlall hlnda Ind reet thOM cbarl("
j IIrlatlea ".-Ill no' be ueed 'Klln.t her.
1ll..:Uutlons of Lo. AOlele.-l, to A'lItbe an:l wlllo..y nll:llr.... 111 be to
filM a lerK' 'UIII of lIlooe,. tor tbe .ber .iv.n.ace. but I brllll..lmln::l .nd
ieo.ral !ooJ. It wu GD&l1y decided to .n .blltt,. to Imlle bewltehtnll:ly "'Ill
, _II. a can IldUe outllde of lIlolloo ou:welll:h .n,. .Ih;bt dalleltllcy In une
pleture drcl.. 10 tbat everyb04,. In "Ir -.eH,r,,1 ot tbe reQullltea .nun:er
I tlll bullae. ClD CODceDtrale tbelr n.te!.
Irorta towlrd crowolDI ber .. relID- Surel,.. -.,mewher.. tblte I,
lD& qlieeD durlnc tbe ea.lre World', ,.''''111' a"'eet ,Irl Ilt 1"...
00.1 cblfm
aod loberent Kraee wbo "'l!I meet
With thl' objeet ID view Mr. Horlr. tbe requlrelfeotl or tb. motloD pic- r
.belmer. preeld.rat of tbe Balbol COlll- lure m.l.l:luf.cturera. By force ot clr-
pa.a.,....... appoillteJ to GDd a CloJI-
dale for qu:eeo arouod wbom tbe
membe,. of tbe motloll picture pro-
feu!oa CIIl ran,. u lo,.al lub}eCU.
CUUl,t'DC" tbe,. are Irr. . . .nou. pr.....
dkamell!. Wltb. tboulI.Dd queen,
,roolld tbelll tbe,. "" compelled to
..arcb tbe bl,b,.. ,Ild b,. ...,.a of
Of COlirae, 'be IDa-I be uomerried La, ADeeles couoty for till :IlI.te.
aad a oatJ..e of tbe Ualte! Slate.. III tbelr andety to decide qulcttly
Actor.:ilnJ to tradilion all qUe6D1l are the, are ulr.ln, lb. public to ..alai
beaullful. Tberefore. tbe "queen of theD!. Therefore-
tb. movlea" mu:,t be ,urpualo,l,. Plell(' belp.tbe motion picture l>ID-
prep_NlnK. 8bl mUlt be aCCOIlI- Ill. nui queeu.
'. pU,bed anJ cultureJ-qualilied to nil
Lb. blrbeat pa-IUon tbat hu ever
beea oecupleJ by "llY C"IUorllla Klrl
01. lb" leneratloll.
. Tb.re will be otb., c"ll:1ld.tee for MOU8 PLAYI:R8 PACIFIC
...;, ;;::r.~~~~'::II::r~~r{'~flte:a~
tbe b.ckulI: tbat .1lI tie CI..ell to tbe
Adolph Zaor "~paaied TbellD 10
moUon Jletun c.aadldll" Tbhl for- ( hieqo. "be1"I He "'111 RIIJDIlD lien F \ll1l1On. Ill. ,1lIh..,..1 Imp mlHH n lilt! StrHn cl.b. .-111 .oon
.. GlIeIlot)l_~o_ IIlr. b.. lUll r..lurUl"d Iron. I '-ery toe rlll.,1 upon 10 . . um. tbe duties
LIaIck .. 8maef. Inllr.atlllil Iflp In l"ort )lunllttr.!1.. ry. uf pnw,denl. duf' I.. tbe f.(1, tb.t Ibe
maller U1d "po.erfol elet.lon C;Jal' I'r!'1'idl'nl. J.nll'. Klrlll:.-ood, I' 1....-
mlltee mal.e up of tbe follo.lo, lIa- ~hr,. Plclr.ford. tbat comp.01' No r ..... bltb la n.. u Ib.. ""Iron lar~ In,; t"r Ibl" ""'181 .. lIh ll.t)" P1rlttorJ
Ooo.n,. f.mou. boule,.; celebrated. .tar. JIm" Klrkwoo:i ... 1- )Ioun;alna. )Ir. WIl.on. with ao en '~nd olh,.. F.n,oul 1'1.,'"'' .ompln)"
H. M. Horll,helmer. cbalrmaD; Bal- rector at tbe Plclr.rord prodoc:loll. lire ,omll.ny or pl.y bkh In- \1. )\hk ",d i. ",,1111 out to dh.rt
boa CompaD1. LoDI Be.ch. CII. 'lId 101 .... Pickford. "Llttl. !dar,.... c1u<!.. 1)oroth,' Phillip,. bt dlnl: t'l.u" I )hr)" 11('lr.tord . nd k .....o
J. L. ML"Gee. 51.1, Pol,.ecope Co. motber. b'\'e .rriv.1. Mr. Zulll:or. I.d,.. JIl.. (;er.rd lIrr.d n.hr Jln.. 1,' ""1:"". 111111 hI' hll' t'" lea",,' n..
William 8. 8mlth. Vltacnpb Co. pr...ldellt of the F"mou. Playen. Lee. "'ent 10 ForI !tlonll1ulI,er,' 10 rluh .nd I".) . hul II de!llhtel I"
Tbom... Inte, Ne. Yorlt MOUOll "Ic- "'Ill remalrr. III Cblc.,O tor " few t.ke _ I I.... rnr "1m lIamed "The f....lllu.' th....t,," .. 1I1.how th..... me
tur, Co. d.y. . . lhe ,ueat of M_,.. JIlII.... Ulder nt Stlhllu..tte." "'rltterr. b, Ao ft."lt. "n,l.. r til" I,."d..... htp of Mr.
Lee Dau.berty. 'BIOlr.pb. Ltulck I: Schleler. ,.,hO control arr. lhon)" P. Kell, . n I tnt-ludel In tb .. I\"lIllun.
1. Berllalelo. Uohe,.al Jo'Um Co. Imporl.llt circuit of .fIIt.ro tbe.. ~era, CUI .ere the lllirly-elllht dop whlt-h 'Ir \\'111,," 11 ""I onl)' !'Opular
. Carl,.le Blaclr. .. ell, F.vorlte Play- ...hll. MI_ PlcUorJ aud Mr. Ktrlt- were u.ed lJ)' ('ommaoder !'eat)" In ..tlh III Ib" rlub "'(,llIl1l"rl. bllt t,
e" Co. wood .1lI rem at a for tbe wtllier aud hi. ~ortb Poll' er.pedlllnn . 1111 a ('oal ..... 111' IIOU"Il'"'' "'llh Il .. harmtnl(
Capt. W. Melville, Lubin M.nufac- ,prill! 10 thl. cit)"rr.d wbere ~tt .. black hora.. narn"d Un ..... hlth by lhe I"'uunlltl) IInll'nlnro:e,llturt Ibsl
tUrill. Co. Pickford .. lil Ile preaeuted lu. lerlea "'11)' ta II RpI I'lttur.. hun.. named hindi hln, ..lUI" 10 III ..ho come In
Mr. P. G. Wncb. American. ot llIlport.ot feature productlona. ReI. lind ~Ir. \\tl~",,~ namli' In tbe .."nlUI "'llh htm. II .. ta al ...ra Iln
Mlf'lb"U KeUI.II. Tbe KaWlm Co. It I. repor;ed 'bU Mr. Zukor aod plclu,,, t, Rl"lI .om. ...."'hlnallnn 01 Ih. I"... kn"l lor Iml"O\lnl( Ib.. eom-
C. Kaufm.n. Femoua Pllye,. Co. Mealf. Jon... Llolck Scbfer ere Rell'. Th..) llu.....l"dl" I In IlIklol( 10"" 01 th. 1'1111> n:f'mfHo,.. and .1
Fre..erick Kley. J _ L. Lalli.,. to .. latUIA aver,. oo..el III:! Importlllt manr ~lIutltul m"'"I1,I" IIl1d ,nu.. "'II~'1l I. Itn.. I" hl'lI:I Ihe 1111 ..ben-
F.lture HI,. Co. fllm-lhcUrlc.1 propoeilioo. Mr. I('err.......hlrb "'0'11<1 I Inll_IM" "'I"rll n, .. ml... r Ie In dlllrNII.
Herbert W. Bee..onb. Bo".ortb. Adolpb LiulcIF:. Merlta,.,. Ind trel'- 10 a"e_e ..1....he.1" " Uml'"n)lnll: )Ir Wllion h uoe .mbUloQ In
t orlt ot tb. tbeatrlcal firm. rlCllltl1 ;\Ir. \\,U-.,n and 1118 1'1lI,... rl "'11~ llr. IU..... 1I1.. h h.. II IUr.. 10 realhe rer,.
Ih"rtl,. tf thlnu k.... l' f'OmtoK bla
JI'1'ecl. Salehlter, SterllllK_ c.m. to Sew York .. tbe pesl of 8ull.nnf'. lhf' .Inll: II'n('l"r "'h" ",wna
D. W. GrtlllLll. ReUalfe:e-lolutu:.1 Mr. Zukor. to Ittaod tbe prl ....te eJ;- .od tralna III.. d"u 1.....1.11 ... for Il ~" nd Ihat I. 10 I'" .hl. to ..rIte

Co. ' blbltloll at tbe F.mou, Pluera f'llm .rcllt f'lIl,lllr,r". lin I .. I " Ihl" "1m III ,h,.rk r"r "n. hun<ltf'l thou'lIlId
Abe 8tena. L. K. O. Co. comp.rr.y, Impr.....l... pboto-,~c:ta f'lIblbltl"i lilt' I.uhl til h" ... lh.. ""Il.'Il. nd to, l"lklnll rf':'ently he
,! ,.n:II~~r~I::a~:'=:~:::""I~~ :Oo~~
plctllNlll .01 be ",.ona 10 .. "II IC:-
cle of H.1l C"llIe"a "Tbe Eterllli
City," II the Lyeeum (belter. od
.fter Ib.t 1I0ubie performallce. Mr.
oPI."ruII,lt) ..t 111"1"'''0: Ill,..... I.n...n.
dOllll In .. 1''''''''1' .Ir,n,"
lIell. F. \\"11" .." ... h" 10< \1.,. l,r..lll
hl'I' ..... ' ...1 .. " moe lilt' fal'l Ihll bla
11I' ..rll" b.... k t, hill b.nk hook. "'hlcb
101 ,"n"M,r.lIl.. III"'e " ...n lor. Olin
u.....orker. 'Acto". aet~ dl- Llalck termed tbe .ubJect "tile dtnt "n,1 ('1\,,1"""n .. f n, .. I"..,........n- "' )Ir. \\'11""n', lltll'flrr IIblllt~.
m.na,en , ...Ill ,et
recto,., cam.,. Oleo .od comp'D1
oul .0J 'lave.
Tbey .ut bu,. \!Ole. alld ~U ..olea at
crea'..t motloo picture I bll'e ever
, bla ..Ill be MIfY Plcktord'lI leC-
tell CNltl p.r vote end 110 m.tter how ond aoou.1 vlalt lO Ih. P.clflc CO"lt
mlDY "otee are nIC..llry, they will Itudloa of tbe F"mou, PI.rer.
e:ut .11010111 of tbem to elect tb.lr wbere It will be remelObef41d ahe 11.0
c:aadlda:e. u.1 after the dlldem "eDt lilt ..Inter .rr.J aprlo" durlu,
.crwt .... been plaoed upoo ber talr whlcb time were produced two or ber
bead. lbe p,.tty porte,.. of other Ill- Irllt..t Kreeo trlumpb "He.rta
d'll.ltne.,.W bIooon::e membera or ber Adrift" IDd "T_ ot tbe SlorlllY
COlort of "'OROr. Colinu.,..." Tbe F.mona PI,.,.e...
Loll A1:I.&:elee. eod buo1reda llf tbou- b.... lelected. I Mrlea of po~ular
Durlol au "0" th.1I flft,. IW- and approprl.te pie,.. for MI.. Pick-
portaD.: COD..eOtlll_ .Ul be behl 10 tord durill. ber wnt.rll -.,Jouru. aud
.aat. 01. .\ft.IiIln .IU 1'1IIt th. etty lome uDparalleled Plctr.rord IUCCN-
. . . ~ . . .hore reeort&. Dur- _""toV be e.zpe::ted.
laI' tJlIa "7 LmportlZlt period 10 lb. Tb. 8creell club Milt. beautiful
bIM.oIT ~.u.e EIoetropolla of ~be (l'fI..I.t
_Ulweet U1en .UI be 1I0 fIDei or 1m- ~I~:t,,~~..~~w:;atbt: ,~':oaP~~~fo~::
_~pubUc ...... t.a.
~ne reo....t q"een ed ber brll- ~Oor:tt.lb!n.~rtI:~tl:U~lt~ :~ ~~u~e:;
~t OOlirt .111 ,race u.... bhltorlc.l by the IbOll.btflllo_ aod Mnt h.r
. . . . . . . . Tbe DI"I ..".Iceeclrcu- 10'" to aU till bon at the t1llb. Tbl
lM&l aJI 01'"er the worlel by moUDo 8c::neu.,. llao Hat .Ir. of load
ptetue _paIIl. . . ftlmlM the ~ .lab. to Jam.. Klr....oo.1. theIr
del'''' oaet.1 acthlU. of tbe QUeea prell..eutttlr the train I.U. ao tb.t
. . . . . . ladlea lD .&lU... She .111 . It would re&eh blm at AIlIUy. to
r:m"':;.:-d ...ut .Ul~tUel~ .Ipif)' tut tbelr klael tboll,btl fol-
toweel bl. .
\~.. "::~:'~~~dC:~
::,=-t..:::. ...
Ia . . . . . . . ".........

. . . . ~aat to IeU1l be"

. . . . . . . . "10 ~. _
W . . . . . . O.u cu.41Ute-

taa_ b.r
C~_ .. &1d.rl4ae, ooe 'of the
blat u4 oldeet Vltapapla compa.y.
ltan, Ia Uviq Ia til. Loapen laolel
. ' Ita & . . . , . 1 opJOrtoa.1ty Ia .....Icb a4jolBslb. ~ clob. Mr.
_ _ tMN _an ...WhJ Pt*ilblU- . .rid. . 111'. bla ,...... doe to the
..... ~. . . . . . '1M worU" _1Pu-l tact tIl.t be eaa..c. etq tar ".ay
..... ,1daN"'" ~ r..- tile .,.. . . . fa ..... to !la1"
,=~e-&.ta~~ =-=::'~~,':-~Iletak.:
'1It~t4.MT~ ::'ft~W.:.o::.~::r~~:
~ -~~... ra_ ~.~ ~-::,.~,=. :::. ~

..- '
..::tlr:~ _III' ......, .........
I ~
. ,~...,-.. ' _t:,:'':'::'''--
"'-'fb,o .
. . \

DlOIl ITAJfTON .1 "PavO"

Dlell 't11lllol1 II llllrwill' pee".
The lac"III, .a:or-dINCltor la_.riN
terrible IHI til, oU'lr 4.,---..4
tllit" wby, "Brala Bon" 1.1 aolli.
"8ral'll 8orll" I, tb, allll. or til, "1
cu.". bird. lblt ba eU.bt4Ml Mr.
ItUltoo for .."ral ,...n wltll Ita
woohttul 'ole.,
"S,.I." U,e III ',114M ea,., 1et
baw".r "flulUal tb, 'bol11 10w"
UII ",Itor to Ib' 8tlOtOll hom. III
HollYwood .Il dld.'t IPPI.I to tb,
_lItt,. d ller. 80 btl fntb...d
hl,lla Ifatllt'd tbat h' .ollid I3Illt'
hi 1-' " II loon II III OPPelt-
11I1l\\J" ~rmill'd bllD. H, IIbd Io't.
BtaDloa. Ind .11 Iblt. but b, JUI!
41411'1 111111 to 11,. In lurb eonroullr'ed
.""lllilon. I
III '01 bl' chalice Ib' otber la,.
Wblll Mr. 8tlnl01l . . . IlIlaaed 10 re-
mOy!ol Ill. belOlllllll1 10 De"11 Plrll:.
wteNl b' rould be linter to lbe llll.'f!-
'ilia .:udlot.. Thl actor-dlreelor
hUOI Ib, nle. lotr.loiol tbl pretty
IMd, 10 Ibl top or Ibl r.utolllobll,. $2 Hatten

SUI hI lIelotllUlll Ill., rOlde 011 lbe
"11'10 til., beacb tram HolI"woo4, tll.e
~NCURTIS, mllcoblne JOlled tll.e boaolll oul or
Lli.'QPQLD "'BARTON. DIRECTOR Ibl coal'. And blrdl' 81. out. Stan No. 1.201 W. 3" St.

. Leopold Whanon, ..Iecte::! rroID e
lar. . &,Id at "petta 1.0 direct lbe
Path. . .rllli ."TtI, bplolta or 8laloe,"
lUll h&4 a loq aod Intireatllll u-
perllnce.. H. . . . boro 10 WIOCIl. __
Nr. 8t.1l100 Il.lar.t th' ~t cll.lrp
10od-h)"1 Ilnd 100bJ erollnd Juel 10
tim, 10 .M "Srelll Bora" Plrcblll,ll(
Il.lmNU oa tll.e 11mb ot a lrM. He
Store No.2. 147 W.ada St. .
Store No.3. 412 S, S,....
.Ioppe' til., macll.loe, alllb:ed Ilod
tlr, o,led, 10 1170, bllt . . . proeM led 10 Ibro.. Im.1I ,.bbl_ It
broll,hl to thle cooolry 001,. 1.0 Tbe aU1kf-e aeu-. ,VIT'ltnla KIrt-
. 1,. ilOIlAIN:':ELDING, ,...... lalU h,. bLa p....nla "ho "tiled
10 Hlmlllll1d, Tuu, Ilt tbal Utel'
bl. pel. la an etforl to pe...aade It
to con:e dowo and be re-tau,bl. But
"Brlill" e'ouldo't Me It Ib.t ,..
le)" _ n .111 be Nell In allmber ot
Sell. rel.a_ at weelal p.ttern, &11
1 known u "S\.a Shooler:' Belo. or
an ed"enlllroli. dLapoiltlon h' ren
He JU.I elmply da" .n Ib' bllber
and .0 laDtllllud Ihe actor th.1 Ih,
the ..rIa beille takell III &1Il! abollt
the toolbll'- alld mouatel. . of the
Autbor.Attor-D~tor a .,. trom boral .beo oal,. ,Ievell
r ,.e.... old ed became a tane''' roller
attempl at ,,~ocll.t1oo " .. IlbrUpl- SIerra M.dre ran Ie. (AlII. W. N. S.

I,. .IOII\>eJ. Mr. Staolull I. keeplllll: lbout ullo, Ibill.)
.lI.aler on tbe .tale. "rollli a load the bottom-leu UP u .. leolle re-
",I.r)' b,. Ibe time h' w.. t",lve. minder or Ihe .weet mUllc .thn ueed
At tbl. time be mel Mlonl' Mad- to ...ke him UP In the morolol. ",OHX EXER80S SOON TO BE
duo, wbo llt&4 10 Idopt blm lod
mall.e e creat .ctor at blm. Her PRESENTED fX
klodoeu to blm m.de blm Ibloll or Win (to'HEIl) GUSSING, th.1 MOUS PLA1"ER8 APPEAR-
'.J with The Master Key Co, bome and u::otber Ml hlcll. be .eot to r1e"er ch.p ... ho ... rllM I ('Olumu 01 ANCE IS -rHE BACH_

;:::::;;;;;;;;;;::;;::=::; bl' own people. In 1SII, bow,,er. motloo Illelure oe"l In tbe Ne" York
Ihe cail ot tb' 11e . . . too Itrool ~:\'elllnr Mill. II bleeled ..Itb "In- (iI), H";(iMAS 1'1I0IlVC}:H "Tin: "Til.: MII,MOXAIU': E~OISEER" KWR'S ROMANCE"
tor blm Ml be JoIned Jeoole CaIU'1 nln!t )" Ind manoer at mallln/t an I )lAS WITH A Rto:C'OIW" UI,,,:SK WITH A "I'U~CH" Followlnl bl, ,ueteatul debut 10
lleel~lplI: !rleod.. Wid loob like a imme11ately atler tbe UHe II 10- motlon plCIUrH, 10 tbe FamOUI Pla)'-
comp.1l1 tor "18 per "'eelt aod "The Mao With I Record" II Ihe
call...... millnee Idol. .lId lalb Itrallthl trom title ot Ihe I"o-reel MaJe.tlc drama nounced. a Ireoe la dubed 00 Ihe e~' production at CltllrlH Ftobmao"
tbe Iboulder. Which .CCOUtlll tor 1111
.,Tt'In ... t"cll II more Ihrilllnr' Ibllll . ~:::::~~~ JCOohr:.e~~:~::oa:,,;;r:: .~:~~
Sloee tbll time be b.. beell ulocl- fellurlnll: IIUlle W~II lind Wm.
ate.l .Itb AueulUn n.I,., Olee Nelb- ablllly 10 dllllC't .. pr"1 IKePI'1 lIenneherr)'. Ilrodufl'd lJr l1enrlle
ereole. M.rle Walowrl,bt,-...creetoo Itory. Ind tUTQ It Iplo 5001 reldlnK "Iellmlnn. The alur)' ,lull "'Ith !lIe nll'r,' "'or;11 run dearrlhe. A lIuge 10- preeeD~ed 10 aDother Famoul .Play-
Clarll, Kia" aod Erlao.er .od Meck- mlt:er. He II ~er)' pupular wltb all Carpl!r or In e ....on\lct, whn hall II ,"rn',tl,~ II aeen In the dillellcf; e~ oll'erlnc, In a Icreeo prodoctloo
rr.emhe,. of Ihe Screen clUb, .nd 101_
lyO Arbucltle. To Ibow bll ver..-
till:)' ..od ..lcbed 10 aDioo, tbe.. en- ....)". teell It borne "hep 1001IpioK
hard Un,e In le.dln,ll( a ItrlilKhl lite.
Con IJrp... Waller I.unlt IIn1 Will ;:~n~~" rn :"a ~ t'e f~~arta~~e:hea~~~~::~~ ~forl,~eR~~~t;;'~,!,db~I';J~ r~'~ah"rl:~~~~
1.lemeota wal ooe .bere be 10011 ... Uh Ihe Illa,.era .bout oeturaoCtl III IJro"'n are Ih" olher prlDCltlll" III II I. "I!r)' ..l\'ecl"e and II bUI e fore- a cbarmln. "buman-llUure" drama,
Iludlol. Wid II \'ery mucb plened
Ollt bll owo comp.o)' ot bllcll tlce
con:edla!l&. . "'lIh bll Job. aod tram olJeervatlonl
the eall.
"Tbe Man With a Record" .. Ill be ~ul~l~erll~~K~~ea~~Odhl:'o~:m~::; '::r. :;::'Tul~gCh~;:~te~~lI:::ID~n~UID::
10 1909 be bee.me Interealed In we are lure tbat the Job II pl....J a MIlJeltlr re~n.. 101 part or Ihe I1nh"r.. 1 playerl In "Tbe !tlllllon- freeblol!: romalloe. Mr. Emenon'.
...Itb him.
Meet Me A' picture- aod acored bit u "bra- Mlltu.1 prllKram. IIlre ~:DKIDeer." , ~:::=I~~o~~he.~dDI~~r::;~~ . : : ~~
bem Uncolo 10 the Path' pia)' "Abra-
make turtber Intro~uc:lon' 1.0 the
Louis Blondeau'. h.m Llncolo'l Clemeoc)'." Not loo!!:
atter.lrdA be . . . promoteJ 10 tbe motlOll picture public 'UooeOtll8ary.
POIIltloa at dlreclor Ind In Iblt Cl-
Barbe< Shop
aDei Cipr Store
paclty produc&4 all or Ibo.. t.mOUI
Palbf, ron:e_Iel 10 "bleb G"elld~
1I0e PU" .nd Cbarl" Arlin. lop-
pelreJ .. ..ell u IDany IterUllC
HuCh Holl'mao Il... opeoed otdcei
101 Ibe Glllet)" tbealer buU'Jllll, No. /
I!H7 Broa" ...ay. and apee'h.lbea 10
dram... AIDOOC bla aUCC'tI..1 U I motion plctllre Id copy, publldl)' aod.
Tbe PhoIople,..r.' Barber Pubf, director .ere hTb" Elu.he beraldl. pic.
KI... " hHere Sbe Goes:' "The :r.- llr. Hotfmln rormerly b~lldled the
CablieoCI aDd Holly ...ood BI"d. cltlllC Hooe,.mooo: "Locltel OUI ot
Wedlock:' ""Tbe Itlaetaot )I.rrll.e: publicity tor tbe Apelt Fllme,...,.
Paul Rainey Plctura, alld .... "1'0 '
aod "Tbe S.rl~eJ Subln. Suit:' all CODntc:ed "'Itb tbe Moville Plelu",'"
('OmeJl"_ Aa:ooC tbe many dram.. World. and b.. "tablllbe~ 'lulte a
"'ere "1 be F'ro:r.ell Tun:' "81..b.lIa

~"!.::: ~:;~:a~~~: I
repulatlon .. 10 upeft publlclt)' re...
Peerleu Lu'::er:' "Social Hllby- ,""eolellve. He La It pr_nt worit_

SlYi~1 BlDk I
meo:' "!dcmorl": 'anl! nAn.lullb&4
}tr. Wh tnn .. nll'!n'l<"~~P.'h"
dlre:tor unlll abol.l a )'ear 10.10 wben
be aDd bLa brother Tbeodore rormed
101 on a "err bllmllter, bol can 001
dl .. ulle tbl" nlture or tbe hDefo...
for "ery Il>QO rel.lOo",- ;....-.

Wharton. Inc" and b(laO tbe pro- R-)'mond B_ Welt. the JIIC'ertlle
ducticlI of plC1urea It :tb.ca, :i. Y., hb(.,l""odIN<1.or:' h ooe amOIl!!: IDao,.
all tll.elr ou:pul belnc reluleJ Ibru who II Dot ..bametl to .dmlt tb.t he
Pubf,. Tbe Iplelldld' dramu "Tbe Ie not aD ,utborlt)' 00 e"er-rtll.lnc
80Ulldiry Rider:' "Tbe P n of uoder tbe .uo. He I"'.
,,,Ideaee ot
Fortooe," '"Tbe Prlnc", at Iadll:' Ihle tbe otber dr.y whUe be . . . dl.
and "1be WaMllo." .re proof ot Ih' ~t.... L,l11a. u..."... 1A'f&h.IOD. reellll' "Motber Huldl:' Iltlotll.er
Wb.rton eblllty. lea:Unll: .omln both 10 dr.lIla .Dd fllr)' Itory releue ot tbe Ioee com-
llanl.... We~ler C.mpbell . . . pl..,.-
743 So. Spling Glveo I"cll. e lonc uperleou III
actor wltb tll.e belt complnlu Joloed
.Itb five ,.eara .e pleture dlreetor. I
eomed,. al thf' S.liK JuolI:le-7.oo I.
teklnll: h .. , ~nlld.r nnllOD 10 11l1'
101 tbe part ot ttl prioce, .ho com.
10 tbe l'I!ICue at Ellu.betb BDrbrld.ee,
n:lttd tertlle In eJ:petllettte, a llQuod ~:Ul. \'111: hili: home tollla. u the "1I1f11 Itep4au.bte, ot Motb-
JudCme.ot aod Itno.I"'.e or .bal Sllll anolher Innnul!on' In StilI: er Hulda. SomeoDe remarltej tbat
tbe public "10011 Ilod the rteult II ('Owely "'iIl he aonnun"pd omellU,. Ute belt .bleh Campbell . . . . .e.r-
Leopold Wharton ,a tllreC'tor ..cond ... llbln a Ihort IllI'e. Col. W. S 101...... oot coZUll,tent wltb tbe -
StilI b.. made all Irnnre'lleOII tor period ot t!Dle ID .blcb tbe action
Eo R S;o;;.D.lkCo. to oooe. '"Tbe 1010 .bo Itoo. . ho.:
a IfIrlH rt !unm.k .. ~ .. hlrh .. III Ill- talln pllce.
. a.- ............... lett'lt 'lhlbllo~ e.er)'1Il"here. Noted ""10 tlot lure Ibout Ihat:' .. 14
........."--"'c.. REGUL:\.R PROGRAM FOR PATHE allihor. are rollabtlrlllnr UpOll tbe Wut. "Bill 10 cel tblop rtaht .e'll
Good Oppon_lt, for I"rodllce... photopla)"l. 10 Ind look It up."
730 _ Spriq SIr... Cbarlet Pa\b' 101eoJ. IIrly III Ibe
Sprltl.l 10 pot oul a rea-ulllr prosralll,
tbe best lbat mooey, bralol aoj u-
perlellce can turnllb. To ...llt 10
tbe mallioc at thla pro.raID be allen
. . . . . ,..... ...... s.tIlUee
10 producen loducemeota .blcb are
, W _ _ o.tfib alit at toe ordloary, a liberal prlce
tor all acceptable fllml, Jolot pub-
aaaAIRING NEATLY DONE licit)' .od a .orld-.lde marllet.
OUT Wl.ST SADDlLRY Wll.en Heo reeeotl)' be brleay out
1I0ed bll piaDI .. tollo : "Tbe
1111.-...... n.-'tUl hattie at Patb' II uolque In rellard to

Pholoplayers' BaD
Ita 1I'0rld-1I'lde eoooectioo. and Il
Dame tor yell~ unlve~llly 1)"000)"10'
n. Gre Roo.. Caf. OUI 1I'lth bl,ll. clau tllm productlool.
In tbe 11:11011.10' up at Ibll complete
procraID I deelre Ibe cO-Oller"Uoo at
Movie Hudquarten til.. beet producere ot botb <:amedlel
aod dram... Tbere I. room tor ever)"
in Ho~ywood reall)' capeble producer III lbe couo-
.&IO~ CaII..,e A"e. try 10 Jolo .Ith me 10 puttlo. out
tbe doeat refl'tllar proltam ever MlO,
e prOlTam .blch will .10 IDtO every
part at the world aod .blcb .1Il
brlo, liberal prollt. Int! , .orld-.lde
. .mEWmERS IlENTEII ~~b~:.}~Il.e men wbo ID'de It po....
5 1I0Ifl'RI I"OR '3.00 AXD UP,
IalUal Nntal appU. tt
yo'll p'llrch....
. . - - , ...... to fU,oe.
.......a x WRrrllfO IUCIIIlO:
n .......... lk. 'f01"I.Rmec.
~: Bu._ AnU; Mala JUt

Compliments or

~ J'OIID PftObtJC"D '"1'IUI 'l'8:c:::=v:'CII~~ TIl. caoWN om J'IUI 00IIP.urJ'

RIIrl1Rlfl ,.ROII Pin CIlaT .
IIUII'I' ~ ~ NOW WITH eo_WORTH Dlreelof BruM Mltob.n or tb. ----~----
will Pwtn:J die . . 01 tIM . . . . .
. .,.... ~
It. tI".r ebarlocta, acu- I, u
Important to IIr04l1cUoll .. Ull ~~o~fU~II~"I~I:"'~~ ~.;:;~,::s.:.' ..
"f7 rOllndltlon of the Ilu410 It.-U. .t.oel" I"'" III th. 1Il0tllltabl rtCioc
hllow'., a of poria, o'er Ttl. 111111 tlu PalM' will., wltb of pta. Cr.t. Mr. Mltchen "pon.
b.... ~ of Alllarlta.. blllOr)' . llI,bup, w'"
aDd lIuttiN . _ . aD,. tbe .now t- eo bllb tb.t tb.,. 1Ia4 to
. .4 p&C'Il aft pa,p of U cbroll.le. 0.1 In 'I~ I, ,ud,. to pll' char
of tb, Uf. of Abnbllll Llneola, Fri.- Ict,r, rUDIlln, tbl IlunUat trom th
ell Ford. &11.4 OraCle Cunard. bu. alavly 10 tbl bOlTlUnr bou to Ibl beetl 111'.11 proyld.J with oran...
OOalll"tltd. wbll ltI fe,arded b7 mi.' loelel)" WOllll. who 1.lntal.1 tb,
I.u. tb.lf macbln. tbr.. mil. frnlll
tbelr loettloo. Tbe Compla,. b..d.
wbleh 111'. .. tb. meln cour.. ot tb.I,
Albuquerque FilmMfg.Co.
aa lb' *1 pitt...", Ib')' bave nl' Ouk'" ani lfuebeM" of rOJ.It)'. dill,. m.OU. Arrowbe.d 8prillP
pl'Oduc.cw.. . Today Ict..._ ..... ChONIl to tJ~. wbleb I. aot t.r from Pine Creet. I.
Alida f,olll lba dnllJatie "lUI or Ven IAwl,. who tor y.,n WU DOl .n Idl lpot for d_rt leeo... alld
. tb' ltor)' Illd Ita CiON IUenllon to or Ibe ell"'''t artr._ on tbi lb. compau,. lOOk " -liumber of
d,tall, _bid. teall1 (i'1I1 It a .. u .. Itlle, t- now wltb SoIworlb, lac. II<'IInee fOf tbelr two-r..1 draman.
ulu,,1 lId.ueatloolll 10t.r'lt. tbe Illor,. lad, pl.,.lol wllh Ellie Jaala. To titled "Tb. H n or I V... boad,'
will 10 on teroN .. one of lb. moet her hal beep enuu,t.i lOme Yer,. In- Mr. Mitchell Itl.od.d tb. lournam.llt
lJ'plell portra,.all or Abrah"m L1n- lereetlnll: Ind Iml}(lrtaDt rol". MI. 10 Pa..:I..aa .. ud med two-reel plo>
coil'. the man. tb ..t b....v.r been .. t- 1.. ",11 II dlltlnct\vel,. Am.rlcan. tall. tur. of the ttlvltlee whlcb will be Two Co~ W'eeldy
terllptlld, Ilend.r. wltb a bll!lUtlfuU,. aequlll..- r.I..... 1I tbrOUlh the CellrorDla "Um
"Thll' GteU H"rt or Ltucolo" I. ed .aDM. that lpelll Ion. lIa.... E&cb.all durin. tb. eomln. . . .k.
tb. tltllI of Ibe .tor,.. wrlt:.a b,. of .riltoeraUc .. nOlllto". 10 C.- At tbe pr_nt tim. a eomed,. II Ull-
~I. Cvnerd, .nd In II ~r ...ord bill II rlc.. of Kitty," tb. ft"t r.I.... b,. der productlou eoUtl.d, "St..lward

Miss Dot Farley

b..d tetbllr more opporluoll,. tban nDilworth Iterrln, EIII. J"ol MI"I. StevI'e St...dh,t 8teed," with the
uIII,,1 to dlapl ..,. hll .blllt,. .. I eb..r- 1"111'11 II lb. MIN 8m,.tb. of MlH followllli. c..t. Frank Moore. R,II,
"et.r ertl.t. Franell Ford, tbe 1m- . Smlthe'l Seled Slmloer,., .. nd bad ROlen .nd All.n "ralteb.
maeuIU Frlo'ell Ford, tbe ,eoU.. Ibe .t'Pllad frilm the p.II:U of ThaD- Flor.nce Moore. a '1lter to Fr.nlt
m ..o of eareful dr..... II abeolut.l,. Iter}'. ,hll could not h.ave beeo mar. Moore, pl..,.lnll: d.te Ml the Or-
lcet .v.n to tho.. bllt .equalnted true to I1pe. In the ..eond MI. I,b.um 10 the ell,.. plld tb. . .bove tf
wltb him. III tbe flllure ot the etoop. J ..ol. pletur. "D.tt,. 10 Search ot lIudlo I vl.1t aod enJo,..d b.r .t..,. 10 ....... ..rou..
Ihoulc.red meo. 10 Ibe 1IIf1UlolI Tbrlll." Ibll II Ihll aUOI, to wb_ much tblt Iii. w.nt wltb tbem for
elotbee lod wltb tb. unltempt balr hom" com.. Hett)" from out ot lb. two d.,.. 00 .11 loc.Uoa. MI.. Moor.
.od beard wbo n:l.e" quI.tl,. ('(lII1"lInl. )I .... Lewl. II e1e1"lrl,. con- II of the team or )foutlomer,. ..ad
Ibroullb tb. three reele of buman vloelaK III ber aetlnl .nd ndlat.. )loora.
The United Motion Picture ProdDce~
. rwtlllf' S-Uq . .d La" Webell' I..ler.t tb.t MIN CIIO.rd b .. 111'0'1.0 .eroN tbe .erlln tb. charm of ber . INC.
DUSTIN FARNUM 'AT lfl8 BEST IS :~0~6\.tbeT=teo';:~~u~~~~I~ff~hr' t~~ 0 ....11 lle~_,_,_"_"_. _ Io'A\' TINCHIeU. 8TJCNOORAPHER
!'CAPTAIN CO\JRTE8Y" work c.naot be 1I1\'.n MIN Cun.rd AOAlN Who Diallibute Throoah
BueUn Farnum wtll be at bl' ht III ber ch.nClIr of tbe SoUlhern TOM MIX HAM THill MORT ARlde Tb. Inlmltabl. FI,. Tlnch.r I.
Iia "Capt.ln CourtIllY," So ..,. th. beU., WIlII .. m Quinn, th. South.rll ILAn.:ltH 0'" AN~ "'UTERN" .,.In f... lor.d II "Elb.l. lb. 8t..
onlook.~ wbo bu. wateb.J blm at
bie worlt. H. Ii lupporled b,. WI..-
olfred KllIPton. &lid Coorhill1 Foot.,
eoloael; Elmer !>lorrow. tbll Nortb-
.ra eolonlliod Lewll Sbort. . . :3ee-
r.:ar,. Slaolon. but ,ood .. tb.lr
. COM-rANV nOll:r.pber" In the .I.lt..otb or Ih.
Tom !!ollll I. rllld)" to produce la,.- "0111," tb. otflce bo,. ..rlee. "8111 De-
United Film Service
nd tb. pllY lIMit is rich I.. roman- work u.. Joubt.dl,. II. It I. o~.r eompln,. lhinK .nd "n)"wh.re. He b... hi. comee .. V.let,' .1.llt.:I from tbe
of w.. lIro ple,.ere .....-or wellkllowO bumoroul .torlee or P.ul (WIlIGe!'1 Fealura. (oc.)
Ue 101"' of ear17 C.IUor.lll.. hl&lory. eb.dowed II)" ~Ir. Ford'e char.ct.rl- K.nl&ed, eod eec:ureJ EIII.ole "ord WeaL
'A II:fUt m ..o,. K4!ae& .re belnll: Itll- ntloa of our Iiret martyr.d prelli- Bobby Fel1brer. wbo hili the rol.
.d.h,. the Bolwortb company In the formerl)" with tbe Ueoa. Co. Ed
d.ot. Aft.r ...Iog the picture rUIi. ""ud Dr.d)" Ie pl,,.lnc tbe "b.ul..,' of mil. lb. ornce bo)". compllcUIi
mountaln. of Sou,bero C.llfornl.
Loll W.ber .nd. Phillip' SIll.II.yare
dlrectlQII: Mr. F.ulum. AcrOill tb.
l!(eet from tbe Itudlo a I .. rlle ltaee
It Ie eare 10 pN!dlct It.I loug Ute In
Ltle be.rUi or tfle Alllerlclul peopl. ..ad
wbo ba~1I 1001 l_e.Used Ibe pe..-on- IheMrl.
alllY lIurr,.~ 1HI0e.lh tb. roulli. uo-
Goldie Colw.1l end. Lulu !.Ianm.
lea!!1 ol,poelt. Mr. MI...
matt.re eonllder.bly When h. tlk..
ble b_' trou.. n .alii tb tenoll:fI
Forde baa tOffnerl)" belo eotl pbe,'. eklrt to c1~.oe" tor I bur-
r)"-up Job. T.d BrowolOI .ppear....
Gilbert P. Hamilton
tao belnll .reeteJ Ind a ml..loo built 1&1111" uterlor of Allrab.1ll L1ocoln. oecled wltb tb. "rooUllr Co. aad
Ilnowe .. II the trlcke of Ibe I.m. 8obb)". boIlI. with Me& DUldeon
for 10m. of tb. moet epect.cullr ------ Her plclue. wb'D. wltb tbe UlOa. bavlllil tbe rol. of tbe tailor. Eddl.
IlC:IInllll .y.r Itqed.


0\ .. 1t ON" THOUSAS1.I
PU)o;8";Sn~ .....
Co. Ire h.~11I1I tb.lr IIret r.I....
durltll thle w.elt under the SlllK
Oilloo dlreet4ld the productloo.
"Dill Bec:om" V.III" will be I o,nc.a. aJI4 STYDIO
Komle reI.... a. p .. rt of lh. Mutu ..1
Katblyn Wllll'lII' received mar.
IlfOllr.. m.
prOlr.. m. 408 Co~ Street
The tenth Inet.l1ment or tbe Unl
ve~11'1 big ..rial. "Tb. )faater tb"o l,u'II1 g,n. or I"reetloll:' durlall: TO MA:liTCHI RCEn..a "80111"" HARft\ ~RllIREcr8
KII1," bll beet! completed. lod .hl~
ped to New Yorlt. AIl;1 Bob Leon.rd
tb. bo"d~"I. UI tb... Ille IIreal m.
Jor.t)" "e<e from Itr.nlera 111'.00 b.,11 LETl'ER8
Tom Slatcbl'. cloud haa a dark
1t0fnUtARY THJ:B\' rolt
1~l1olred tbe Selill le.a.nl" ,,om.a III
nd tb. mal. eonlla,eot of ble com- Uolo,!: Ibl. tlmll. H. b.e JUlt r.. Il'ff)" C. M.ye", l.t. Lpbla .lar.

tb. lb.DY lIaUn6& alld .pedal pro- eel~ed I letter 10 wbleb be I. ro...ted
pIn,. Ire .Ull trTiog bard to mIlle d"eUoo_ .blcn eb. b Ir.CIIO "orlnl lod now dlree:loK ..od pl,)"ln, for
op 1000t .Ieep. Tbta duee oot milD ber e.1 J".'" .. 1I..er In. Vllwood "00 botb ,Idlll,"to u.. ble up,,",
,100. Tb. wrUer namlll number ot
the Uol.eraal._ IIlrnl out .1I IOrtI or

that tb'" worked. p.rtleularly berd IIr.lla. dramatic plctur" ..t the Coull.llle.
I.. takIng the lcelle but nther that plctur" In WhIch Ihll dlrecIDr-.e- N. J tudlo. Mr. M.,.e", wbo I.
-but let'l h.v. the etor)". VOIlOTH\' t,OlSH "AT IT AGAIS" tor bill .ppear.d recllotl,. .. O. K" .bl,. Ie.ted by Ro..mar, Theb)"
Th. Joke Ie on "Steve" S:eph.nl,
lbe ualeta.Jit dlrlldor. In tbe flret
loelal1ment I ehlp III euok. 011 the
eblp le"o old ellnt cootlllninc .,,,,.
ww Be t;.,.11U'Dd . _..
.,; 10 "HoW" Hqel Got
but tbe Il('rlbe tb.n pro('llll1,1 to I.m-
b"''' Mr. Sa.ntecbl for.o:ber plctul"M
whlcb h. ae1"er h ... beard. Tb.
.od e COIllPID)" or llood pll)"e". are
clu.lnll: peopl. to t.k. uotl.... by tb.lr
... hlch .re 1I0t ot hll braud ...nd of Kood work. Hlrr,.. prior 10 JolniliC
tbll Ualyer... 1 rompln,.; .... plUloll
Iuable doeum.nlll. 10 tbe tellth
10e:al1lt..ot. wbleh tlk811 pllce ..v
er.\ YII""
later, the cbeat I. broulbt
"Ho.. IInel Got '-ea." the Ma
Jlllile t.o-ree, ("OILed)' .. rima leatur-
'01 Uorotby \...1111. ... .. eon'J,hllleJ
5111111: dlret'lor II wOliderloK If h. b...
become d"}'UKbt 100.lObull.1.
I"d, III tbe LUbio .todt. lod mlde
& rellutallol1 whlcb m.1. hIe IBnl..""
much 10 dellllnd...nd the Unl1.".1
Atteution ContestaDu
to tb. eurtace for tbe first time. lIl.er ae,I)' or 1I11110't ttr.. o 1II0ntoe. I'IU\ATF. HHOWISO m,' THE comll,lIr m.de hIm e ver,. bln~.ome All Outstanding Ad Icrli5ing Bills qf Contest Must Be

N"ltuully. It would b. likely to .bow At lne .'I.Jeltic IIU..lIO. tn,e ~IC TInTH WAGOS oll'o:or. whlch he .<:<'epted. ..IOIOUKb Sent to Our Office
ai,a. of ItlI 1001 .la,. uDder Wlt.r. ture Ie .ellU~ll:lI .. I boo..lOO. Uon Hefore larle .udleuCII of Sew bl' borne I'" In Phn.".lpbl..... well
fleah.ltI. tbill. wb.o ,be IIrat In.t.lI- III.. Cnlp .l.. rted tn. IOfoductloo of York uhlbltora. rep~ntlll~ee of .. hi. wife .od klddlee.
u.eat 111''' completed, Stefe ble;1 blm- It t"'" .... n.n. . .Co land ~I"" iii WheD H.rry bIIKlnl talkllll: .. bout Not Witer Th~ Jan. 20th. to Avoid
...Ir to tb. CO&Ilt .ad t1ropped tb. Ibe prelll .nd Ibe olllrl.l. 01 tbe AI1I
I Ie" o ..,e ..lIer lbe II-ICI.. r. . . . 'lIeII Film Corpofltloo. "Tbe Trutb tbe Illddl~: on. ""ould re1.l1.11 Ibat
ayll,.-.elgbted cbeat Into the WI M.llted. ""eorae :>lel'....D.. l"ceeeQ- W.on,' 10 whlcb )1.& f'ICIll'o pl.,.e ho:o I. tbe onl)" fetber In Ibe world. Loss of Votes -

ter 100 It wo"ld Icqulre .. 11:00.1 crop e~ "'rI.p o .. r."~ toe I.t,er I "'DIII<I. the .tellar ro,e . . . . .bown It til. bUI "'e ClIl forK"'e I m.o for ra~lol
, of b.uo.des .nd, moM ..nd eucb ""rr .... n Ln" ... ,,11" ,,&,). ta~t ::"111.... <10 AlIoeflC.lI Tbe..tre on Jlou"r)" bib . &b"lIt hi. rhlldrro . . .peel.lI,. Ir Ibl7

for 10. . In tbo :eotb lo.tlllmeot.
~ I tbe I~<;J. w... cre&t, oul wbeo tbllY
.t.ofle<! 10 ... "e~1 Ihe prOO~Ct,"II. Amollit thole prHeot were' AoJr.w an' ~. 1I00d 10rk!01; ~nJ clt-Ie..10.
1.xJ ... IOj ",,"Ii "'.... .,r4'" .1I~ '0- J. (;obe, Gellaral .)I.n"l.r of tb. their p.renta. H'ff)"', r.vOrlle p....
.r.nt rlow" to til. eo...t 10 lind It r Jlot"o. U Ion ..Iot..... ubl ... 111..1 cllDlille.1 Alll.oce Flln,' Corpora"otl. repr.. tlmre are drl~llIl" r..t lutomobll~.
, I,' tbl. week tber could not loe-d. I" tI.r D..... e lur 11.0" .11 .. 11 e 0101. "lIt'lI~ea or tbe )hrcue l"oew tb.. wblch 11"11 .q'"'D'. aod utlol Cbln_
~be':"::;'dT:.~er:u~~e:o ;:w~~r I .. e "orllt 01:: Ille "..et"rt: 10t:O Ite"; Adolpb jo'llm.o or tbe M ... ter dl.bell .t 'II earl,. boura or lb.

Photoplayers' Club
1o~""'l>IIa. " 11. ...1\. . u"rotbY I re~o,- p,ece 10 II III }.!fl. Co.. wbo pro~uced morDln.
It &.Dd ....rcll tbe bonom of tb.
0CIIaIl. No luek. EYer,. 1ll .. 0 In tb.
..r" "'.e" "K'''D .t.. ne.. 10 uUlIn the picture; }'l. f'. Tobl... prllllldeol ----
III" J,.11l:.~re. of 1 he All Tbeetr. Flllll Ind Aeo
~wpln)" wae prellled Ilito .ernce lod Uu ,ne cood de}' of ~ll.. Ooro- 1".\\uItlTJo: 1'L"nm8 .'11..\18 IS
th.y .. II worke.! DllI:bt eod day. At CIIUOr)' Co.: II. l\. BI.ckw.n of lb.

lut ODe morn,og .ooul 4 o'cloclt ..
the)" ...ero .bollt to gl~e It up tlie
grappling book. C&lollht on 10m..
th,. ~ re, .. rn. "'.",1' ..... 110 ..... ~.III.I .. I-
Iy olt.eo uy I ... ut.: .. ull "'UU; ull toe
plct"le .l"pl.-ed lItiil'O tor .e,er.1
t "'orlte Pl..yera .n<l Artbur Ru.en
tI.t'h of tbe Alllince rorce.
llr. Cobe .D..I llr. Fll"m"o wer.
a..,e. \\ Den l>,el"loo..1I11 b ..d .... 0.. ..... rml} congratulat.d upo. lb. pic Ihe
The F ... orlle PI.yee FIlm Co. b..
"'Ith ~Ir. LudwlK D1IIer of
Film Tr.dlnK Co. 10 I.ke
Ladies' Night
tlllnll: bellJee a rock. '1 b.y be.. v.:! <;."Utl} rel.... e.eo. I.' A\C.ln epl.-e.., ..t ,,~
F'...orlte PI&)"e" ftlml to Cuba ..od SATURDAY, JAN. 23Rp,
.... .,. .od up elme tbe 10DI-loet tbe Itu...lu 'I ..... fo .... o tli.o( euu)' !!on. Cobo In repl)"ln, to CjmpU. otber ~utb Artlerluo COllnlrlee. llr.
lre.... ure cheat. '1 ben tb. Illct"re Will Diller le.1"111 for H'1".n... Cuba. oa Dancing at 9 P. M.
S .... ...-ull.....no 4 .. 1 .. ~rO ... h"'=Dt " .. n meDI.r) rem.rll....Id I" pari. '1 alll
r.ulI.'J t1lot lh.,. .re 1.111 mIK.a. \op 10 Ill.. pllliore _..::IIt. "Ih_ deei'll}' .r.lll1ed wltb lhe produeUoo. WedoeadU. J'Duar)" 6tb. "kln.C _Itb
I 101ll .,eep &.Da It Ie 1I'0.r,dl,. lJouer-
litood, tt1at toe nPt time. Cbetl I.
e..".... In 10.11 0;0.1 u.,_ 0
l:>IIver.o, blolloro=a leet o[ UIW .....
(I',~". "ec..L-le II beare oul the .tatelOeoUi blm lbe four part pbotopl.,. "Tbe
Key to Yr.lerda,,' from lb. book
I.u (In tloe lioor O[ tbe oce.n h wlil thet I hlll'e m.de tbu It I. tbll 10- b)' Cb.rlea Ne"llIe Buck. felturlng
tb'lI 1000t Huw loe c.. wer wb.ch lentJoolJflh. AlIlelice to prolr... lo
be tied (0 a 1I0.l 110 tbey c.n liDJ It Carlyle Bllckw.n.
10m. tlll-e lutblD wee. or 10 of the
lb,.It .. nee_ad.
llateu ee,'erll rel.aea.
nn"'l Ken.,. were !.>Olten tbl.
qua. It l' ot Ita output. }'Ir. DlIIer I. tboroulhl)" famlll .. r
Moving Picture

weer.. Ind lJuector $.ell:lI>.oll, .od "'Ith film eondltlool 10 LatloAmerl
H.u"G:>:R~=TO;;C":;";;;'~'"RBO=N"'SGONE .11 lI>ewue" Of D.e COWP&1l". Ir.
brt.tD.ol a ellb o[ relll( to.t It I..t
c.n eouotrllll. b'1"lol" d.vote<! much
time to th.t p.rtlcul.r trade. H. TANKS and RACKS
Iii. 0_00 1l1,lure I. DOI.beJ. ...Id _heo aeen at tb. olllee of tbe
nul.er 1'bolllaa P....onl of tbe FI1'orlte PI"yen. "Wbeo )"ou reilln Built especially for FILM D~ELOP~..'.
Selig' ~Iooll&-ZOO b..1 gon guulllnl TOM MU I'H01.lU(''TIlJ:liH TO BE tbat tbeae people are p..)"loC I.eot)"
Several l...r,e t"rt.u nilhe tOI.lDd tb.lr cent. Kold ror Inf..lor Ihowi. )"ou INO. Constructed of Douglas fir ...
'I: way Into 8111111 I.",e ."J are 1lI.Il,ng
.w..,... nh t ..e ure Wllllr fowl "'bleb
awlm ther.I... ArlO .t ,,itb .. nil
hEI..J:o.:"Uu,:1.I ,1A.oN UAH l' 2a1.H
AHlI.... 15.11 ,oe '0.0 ."u pro etlon
will not VII ".elalld UUUI 0.. 211.
mu.t .. dmll th.t h.re I...n ellc.U.ot
m.. rket tor bllb Ir.d. Amerlc.n film
rl,ht I t our door .l.p. t am coo-
Man.,,, }-er&OD. may be _0 on It Ileeoed oul alot fll.rdllll "Tbe
1"lnced Ih.t luperlor f..turee. eueb ...
I er.nDJ' dl", .. ~bulb.d ....r the I.ke,
a1t1ng t!l' app. .r"nc .ot til. Ol1t-
I.....a I t IlII.nn,. epota alonl lbe eoa-
Griul,. GUlcb Cb.rlot It.ee" \0 eLart
til' orde" rOlUDII: IUtO tn. u.neral
Jo 11m ome. for tll.I& uproarou lIIt_
ero comedy. AOIOlUlel1 a.w anJ
"Tb. Ke,. to Ylllterd.,." mliit pm1"'
blCbl)" pmftl.blod I .. m alrlld,.
IlJ'lol m,. pllnl to t.k. "Tbe M&.D
~t:url~~b~no~:et~~. . 2~~:Cb~:,rt~~: Kre.n.lo.ll)' fUDD,. .tb ctu.l r.e.
IUle'l-rel5.llfle.. of It. lIurllllq".
Wbo CoUld Not Loee" .nd "Th. L...t
Ch.pt.... 10 Cuba, florto Rico. 'Dd
re.d,. "baa bit tb. dUI.t. " otb.. 80ulb Am.rlcan enuntrI8ll."
ebar.cter-<:llolaln. 00. oC tb. big-
g"t t"rl1le 01 lbe "Milan. '1 h.e AliI.
"ereoa coulo Dot .~eo pl.,. a com.~)" "WHAT HAPPE!\'ED TO .lOlll'ES"
. Pacific Tanl(&',Pipe Co. .,
. WW BrIllve W.v eo.dltioOll to ..mu .. Itbobt rllklol hll necll. How cloee
be pl.yed to Ibe bo.pltal I.. tbll pic-
FILM RSLEA.8E . ... ~ BoolIWo. LOS~ CAL. ..
I li:Itpp_' tur. mUlt be _0 tD be rllllseJ. Georl' Bro.dbu"t'l t.moul com-
.dy. "Wbat Happ...ed to Joa.," ,.
to be m.de lato a World Film Cor-
por.Uon rlltureIld It wm b. r.-
le..ed Ihortl,. on tb.lr prallam.
Fred. Mace. wbo b.. aot pe...onaU,. "Jewelcn aad Silftnlllitba
.. ppa....d before tb. e-mer. Iinee toI..oaAn......~
F.bruar,.. 11ll4. t- to dlreet tb. mak-
Inl ot tb. photopl.,. ad .111 allG .incotS69..
be "'0 I.. I promln.nt parL 10 tb.
cIII tb.t the World Film Corpo,..-
1100 b.e MCute1 for tble r..tute,
tber. will be m"lI,. famou. pl..,.ere. I I
tor Illample: Chal.too, w.lI
kaow.. ta f.m. beeau.. of b.r VIt.
.rapb IUIO('latloa.: Ch.t" Barn.tt,
wbo baa lIMn. HI" 10 me1t7 World
Film .uee-: Joal. 8a41",. w.n-
ltnown to 10..... ot Illulleal com.d,:
ha1"lac plUad la '~h"" troni
P.rl."; Wm, )I"ad'1"III. who b..
'::;a:rH:u:'::'~"a:~' t~;I~d':r~I.~

and Oh.... 4. )laaoa, Qermu COlli"
dl... of me,. , . .1'1' ltudlll, wII.o
b .. Neentl, bMa
Ba....'1 colllpaal
III Hnry W.
will a1eo be ....
I.. tb. "What Hlppnad to. JOO."
.1M 0.\1. a m.mber or til. orttt.al
aut who pl-ntl til. put of th
B.liop, wlUr. tll.at OOlllpalll. . . to be
11M.. I.. hl& t1~uJ part. lira. H,.,.
M. DI_m. lb. trire or til 1ebrat
III AtHrteu. lIw.tt11t. wtU ..-. w

:::-::. ==:::
".t Mtore tM . . . . . . . . . ."..,
IIIMrra. ~ la ~ ._'-'

~ HAWLIY, ~.I:
_ .......: ... - ~!'."~~~
..;::r-=-:~~" wW~. ~'~.;... ...:....-:''''''~''''~.=:- ..

8OIIWOBT. DOoUml ftIftiI IILU.... ooRO'I rlRft I0Il_ N.UlQ: WAJ.CAJIP A.ftAOXD n Dft un: .. Woau) niMii_1
N~ . . COl " ..... la " ....,
'"THE MOHALl 01'
NOHOWac..... rROM:
"aun..vr-.n..... . . . .
TiIM'. " . . _ til
111, "N1c ,'Odlo, Jnuarr brio.. MARCUI" ~ .. W ............
tortll n PnOIlDeam.Ot from tlo.. 1J':1t-
d!pa, of BQlwortb, 100.. tbat 00 the Had William J. Loll...
Illlltr...ly It t a . a Ir l dMI of 00. . . . .<:.
10 I.y tbat Hell,., WcRa. II.. oyer- Comm. .eta. OD J,aoll7 4, 1115.
tI~ or It Iho"a ~h, IIr.at"t actlY
.,rllt bll tamolll 001 .nd pl.y.
"1h. Mor.l. of !If.rcu.: ror )I.rl. alepfa4 11. hI, 0"'0 a.c1r..o.IeJlad tba World "IDl CorponUolII will
Ity 1"t 411pl.,-ed by Iny 008 Iudl IblJlty produl.":ar or aolm.1 pte- m.lr. _1r.1,. ~tano. of. rt.
Yhtual proiluear, In thn ata" of tIIor. !.loro, he cOllld not h.ve Impfo.e1
IIlIon the theme or the rill . "Ub I\/r but It mUlt b. don.. H. 11.. . I,..U Jill 0 reel. ahowtu. IIr.
ttan 10t.rn.tloll.1 t.m. have baen t.llelr trellaure ot ollPo,tunlty ctlarm. Jut compleled .. t"oreel 80IMh Ar- Bert Ln,. blmMlf aad ble work.
tb. BGlwor:h coot.":llrn. :th. Itnel'll.lnt
tbat plctore& peodlo. .od 100.
loolr.ed torw.rd to u Import.ot aolta
Inll)" ~on . .nl.1 LO the t.lellt, 101
rQanoerl.fII, Qt til.. ,.o.. tMQI .tar.
Th. fI~ ..p.rt llllJt ,.IOll of thl.
rIC.D IIlctdr da'Uol .lth. til.. daDI-
"r. ot y.ldl .od Juael. which r-
p..... Il11tolnl h. b.. e r at
.orld for mil'"
Mr. Ley,. II.. ben beto", lb.
y..,. U . . . . . .n-
tert.luer all4 ttt. 11!" IUld 1lla wor1c
IIf to., P.umouOt roeillm, .r. COlli- I.mpteJ b.ror. are r.mlllar to mOl'" No. by tM
plat.:I, .lId tblt tbe ror:hcomln. Qal,hnl.:t IIlay .. Itb 111 orillual II.r.
Marl. I)orll....111 be rel.... 1 by Ihe "Tb. T.rro,. or til.. JUII.I." la tbe aU or tb. Worl4 J'UIIII', col<*al 01'-
tll.... mOMbl ot l-'.ramOllol ., ... Il,.
F.mO..1 PI.yer. FIIDI Cllmp.II' Jall- U1le or lb. plc'ur. aEt4 III It .r.....
1\;111 prob.bly " a rav,laliou or .b.1 bodl.d .11 til.. CODc.lnbl. terro" that
11.1 been eoIlCll.I,d by Boa..orth, "lTyl'th.
Tbe plctureaQu. nddlty .nd orll- are ulualb .NOclated ..Itb life 10 the .y. of m ,. more mllJrn. of
lo~ . alld NlI.... :I 00.. a. \0., Ne .. \b. uakaowo h.art of Atrlca. plopla. A.e llIulrator. cartoo:tlt.t.
Teu ollerln. to tbe w.ldo. pUblic. IIl.llly or till ~harmln. pl.,. II rur-
Ill.r illumlnued by til." I ..eet .. l.t- It "'.. In til. taklol or tbl. picture lactllrer. wrt'-r. III'. lA...,. le fadJe
I"lnt alld roremolt aDd Ulldonbl.d- Ib.1 M.rl. W.lc.lllp c.m. ClOMr to prlOCl!pa: h. . .t.rtaIaa ro,.alty p4
I, one ot tbe moet ImportatH .0' fulll. . . . ud capllYlUol J:eraonI1l1, uf
.0 e.,ly death (hln 10 au,.tbloa: .0.. plutacr.C7, nell _d poor; JI,a Is
1I0uaUll:eo~ y.t mad com ord ~I" Ooro. Her d.lIcale
."pa.UIII lendero... lII.ke b.r III
.ud hu .nr .arked 10 beror aDd I:Ia4 IqIl&U" pop.llr In ttl. palace all.d
Ihll Fritll Schell". m.llIlllc.ut. l.l- It lot beaD for tbe tlmely .cUon of ~.ut' .... lIle bOG'"
.oted. t.lDper.melll.1 Iud much Ili.d lnterp'.ler "r th. role ot Car_ Jerry Sarti... be.d aolmal tr.ln.r at
loti. Ibe .l.oder .lId b.clnaUol It I. a dell,bt to tba .y. aDel til.
.ou.bt .her I. DO" 801l.orth IIU. tb. UUI raa' soo. the flJm .ould mlod to .atell hi... OD. 111....... or
Wbo doel 1101 know lb. 10rleO..1 111:111. r.tullNI trom I Turkl.h barem.
Iliid the cenlfll cll.rarler ot Ihe lillY. "eyer ba~. t>eea completad. nude.m. hGDN. draw hlt lolml-
li'rltll 13chell"... IlOlte teo YUTI In
An'erlc. bllY' been Ille D:lOIlt .llodllr-
rtJl t.o yun .nd h.. contrlb.. tltJ
I"ih~r~~~~:~:l ~~:~:l~"~~el~:;~:r.: .1
Klnl. Ihe bLle hOD at lhe r.lI(t
IIre... 111.0 IIlr~lce ror the plctur.,
InJ . ccordlal 10 lb. plot or tb.
t.bl. lketcbe. ef promloeut people.
.od Ill. tbem projected lit. ,IA ,00
tbe .creen. Tile cel.rlty and artja..
no little mealure ot dlellltT a,ud lit llhUII, lur. al;bo"lI"h U llie 11Ic"ptlon .lury. be .... to pll.....e Marl blll
ot Ill." .tor)". t:arlolta II' dllnly. ml.- try ..ltb .hlclt, tb. pl1I,. ."' made
l.fuUoo 10 the lov.r. 01 dllOllld .bl! .... ro.mllll .hout th. Junl'. ,,1..- 1ltI1 1ItOIlahea allod tbey
"hle~o.... toaen.IIGIlI l11p 01 Ilrl.
lId dr.m.tlc ..ork. look 10. tor til.. tnll 10 cl.lIIr.atlltli. are DOt onl, Ufe-Ilka 10 11M. thlY .. ra
l"rlhl Bebell "III .pp r lu tbe lb. d.valup. r.l'lJly .. tlle .CUOII
1 brll.. gb 10m", tnl,t.ke. 10 II.oa.t., b. alao Ute-like Illl <:ttaractar; they .re
IlrOlr.,~ . 11110 wom.o ...ltb lha 1004 llken. ._.
lJo.a.. orth pro.. ul.":lIou ot "Pre.ty Mrt. ""111 re,eUll] belofe h bould ha
13mllh,,' b'lbl' IlIcceaah.1 .ud .. hlCb wrot"undI depU.. lit r. .lInl 811 I l>eell .Od . 1 ~IIM Walc.mp tllro.J
UO('Olllluer.ble lov". ~r.1!1 tll.e Inll'rprll 10 to. World P'tIDl pitta..... Mr.
baa Ju"'- coool'ded Ita ruo n tbe lU rUII trlllD him. lbIlPJ:.J .od r.lI Le ... e,. II lI.tlt or aU pe"oo.lI,. 11Itto-
latlon re'llllr... "Ilrllatllity Ind lralu- III the KrUl.od wl.b KIDII bardly t ..o
t:..lo" Ibe.let, "'"".... Yllrll, but to .. r ed Inlellls.n,e IG marked ,!,,~re... dueed .od be Is not _n acaln
w.ell 1It1l. 11ll1 II tbe lItallim. 1.11 1""j.1 iJetllnl1 her. tboullb b1ll peocll It _0 deftly c"..
the bl.tor, 01 Dlm,u.lull In.t pl.y ot .. hkh Mlu Ooro II Ihll .1.t.. n1.ut
Wltb 00. lelP. Mr. E1.rllea I.od.d aUol bl. m..terly ".tcb... 00 tile


b. . beeo Jlcoduled tu l>lcl .. rlll t.O
Ihortl,. Iner l.....lu. III 'lJIPf,lrt.ot
IK,I.._r_ tlllr Immediate III"cl!110
In Ihe r"l" In Ihe IUl'e "r"enl.llcu
.1 Iler .Id. JU.I lu lim. to Itrlke K.loa-
UII lb. bd wltb .11 lroo b.r aDel
&C:eee. Tbll)" ortt;luta. cro..
.re compl.te1 uad.r 0..111 m..terl1
urear 011 broad ..ay. ur lh. pia,. .. I,rod.. ced b,. (:I""rlea
"HOU8E 0 .. FRAR" .tOIol "'10 III 0.1. nab. Vrlth a roar. toucb. At the ltart "00 ate IIIlt
I"relllll.n. IlIm~.d ber .. III arll-' Ibl! lot.. rl~ted be..t mad. aootll.r 1It:_luI. As line all4 onWoe __
Hobart Heole,.. Ill. leadlu. mao o( r.m.rUbl. I.louIIOl .nd IIlub-
or lb. Imp Siudio. baa JU.I 1I01.b.d PllKOUlMlNO llIAKE-U.. ~O "AU lloole lo.. ard. tbem. 001J' to tII . .t crete, ho.e.er, YOU lI.t IJ1 1d of
U.bed hllr . . . n Am.rlCio II a, ol ~I ..,a tbe b...,. blr. Th.t . . .
..orltllll! 011 tbree-rl!lll tedure TO l'Ult.:L,UUn: tbe hlllhut r.ok .hat I. comln..... Your Inter...t Q .
called ""Tb. 1I0ul' 01 ~-1I.I.T'" lu .ddl- .,UOIo1!1I. lie lurlled allJ Iluak ID.rl- p.ndl. You .re ltartl.d aDd e1-
I FELIX HALJTZ Uutlnlr lhe rlln lIt tb. teature. Til.. dll~lIl11pll.nl of tbe Idot un- IIIK lIal'lI lllto Ihe J.. o.I.
11011 to hll producllll! uumllroua IIl1e tilid. nn" ot tile mOil dell"bUul Ic~e cited; lI.aally til.. picture ot ramlU-
. . . . . . . . lJ1rector of Path6 lt1e 110 .. t lbe :dolbllr."' .od Ille MI.. W.lcamll .... remo~ed III a
alld. t_o-r. .1 pleturea be bn ..1.0 Ilorl... lhat Ihe IUllI"e hu prllIllceI lar r.ce n..b. . betor. 'OUod tb.r.
plaj,.t..... h.1 Inti 1IOIlOO a ..... ..t halt r.luUOC coodilioo to plilCll or la your Ilk"", or ram01l. perton
Itt. CharI.- Patht, lba IIr."l mu produc.d Ill. "er, 101'11" dU.?, ..IIC lJl ye1"_ TIII. elelO.I:II 01 eonl.l,. I,
of U. ko"... t'1ctu", lo.....atty. Ia IIlctUN!, StI. Wu III. )lolber. .lId ~\ \~:lrl~L~~:::~.,"c:~c~~:.:~t::: pr.JlllOlulul. h .. I Ihllrre IOIUy triO-
.ately ,,".re relloraUYI!l8 ...re ad
n.lllI.terad. H.I(.II bo.. r I.ter lb.
00 tb. acreeu. It 1.1 a "'e" poP1llar
&Creell ollerla.
JDaUt lll....DaDl al toa MlI.._ ....d 10 til. .. pletl.lre be I. c..lled l.lpou to ....r. ot I-'.Il;! a,aColoa, "'IIU .~ ~t.J Clenta lIt \/.Ih ... 10 the pl.,.. Ihlt .r
1LD.~I"IID,y ItUpld rumors UI ..t b .. ~a kill bll IIlber .bo abu", hll molb- "'ork ..... rea .. a:e I. KiaC . . . re.....J Tb. a"t or the . .rI. "" "ON!.t
UI lOOla \11. \Cb .ud Itl. I' t .. rl tlllCll~ely demoo.lrale Ille trutb ibat
.od tb. ellue OU 'IIID. blll 'bla AmericaDa. Put aa<1 PrlIeI!ol." W. .h-
beell 1.0 cln:ulallon lor MO.. 01110& ra-
pt..111.& the AblerlClln b ...&lo_ ot
ar ud .l1bouCb be b IDe 11111.
l.IIat .. oot come 011". be *eul tbro"eb
~"). t.u.t I _''''OK u( l1Ielll,O". all ...Ialoll II roll,. uu <>oly th.1
"hlch b.. !rllrlOlnat~d In trl.11 .Dd
IIn,e. Iller. *U 00 bltcb III tbe pr!> IUltoll. Llocoln, Grlul. Lee. Me-
,oe t..I.. ,I)" d,oo.,,,al .1.'I.-.... r.nc.
"ath,. til.. '100110nal 111.011 wUb-...!- .Ill IIIJ I,Ir_lh... \0,. lb ...... ~c" ... p".a..01 .,1- 'llll"erlnK. ~;I~~~J~UJ Ihe I~.ne .... t.kell LI 10' Klol.,.. Woodrow WU.OII 1ltI.l otbert.
1'tr,e tact II tb.t tbeNl bu nUu- Irlm t.ce. Tbe abG"ll picture ........ Tbe .eeood ot the aerln .111 be
rally, tMloD IOlLe readJloatmellt 1.11 toe
bldoB_ oec:a,," or m..ny lIflOple "'1111
.aapged ..... lllle Hobart .... J...I IIll
11111 01.01 til celt<br." Ne .. 'e.r I Il~ .
,.r., lu \nll J.,ulole aUll III .a.. p".ell
1Ou1o. 1>tI
ull Il,.. lIIu",' llulo".""
uereo uo II........e 0111.
v, Tbll Ilotlre 'Ul'I""tlnK CIII II er.-
c"l'lInn.lIy "'ell chllilln. Incll.ldluK
.111'0. Ilrold ...r r.~otl.ea u t,;ultcue
'V.IT:Ou. Mell of To'.Y'"; tJ5.e tblrd.
""amoll' Rulers ot tbe World"; the
fourtb. "N York .ad Ita Peopl....
ooeu'"KI proQll.ollDI poalllOO. D&llllI 1ltI.. If 0.11 abo"'e, relllo.... O'.C C,II- l".~_ t " ~ .. Uuo \1It.1 .u_ Ik.. r (Jrmon~e. Julhll t;t:atr.blt.. Rlla- ,",U!'i"UER.'UL MORAL
0011_ to 10 to ...r. liD'" .Iao l;Il- 10. hI . P,clure" father. II I. bard Gull u) 1111 u r.. \. ..a 1II .....r,. 01 .lIe ..II Ill_t. ~r.nk "ed,.. ..I. Well
ca\IM of Mr. Aruur Kouaael. "lou. to dllCin'e, .ay .b.~..>Il~.r. "HOTOPUY wrx THE LAND OF THE orT1i:R"
Inll"IOo " ,I.,ler aod 11.1.. ,. ~r..,..
.Ilteb reault.J. vary ualor.uaUel,. lor )'..or to be.coo.lDI alDh.led .Itb ~:~ "~,:.:It~.".~r,~. .U~:,,~ :~e" . ::~ mall . . . hn In conoet.":tlOIl ..'lIh the '"Tb.. SlIlrlt o( lb. Poppy," .. bleb A Sl1r'I'iq 8'01'7 ReI-.-1 by the
the IIrm. 10 bla receat a.uo. Mr. tbe I1IOtiOD l".tlo,n, HOG .." plaled I. boolol Plot Olot IIY tbe KJoeto"hQI
B.o_1 11'' JUIU,. 1<00.0 .ad ap-
preel... te4 LI ODe or th. beat lectOI-
le.d. In bro.d",.)'. aod .toclt IIruulle-
tlou. tbrol.lhulol lbe eQUilin, .od
e~.1 l......:....0 ... lo.. rU\'11I II aVII r-
III'~'" 'v (,o,,,.,u ..1 1."~I .. ,.... !' "r "a
l.horal~ 1"111011' .nd the Yllrl.d .t-
m".phe'" nf Ib.. 1.. l>jeci. pr'H'lde
111m 1I0ry lhU .. Ill nGl on!"y be
M. lhe ruInl morll pbolGpl.y eYer
"rlllen." *.1 IbO"D tor lb .. lint
..... Com""
Ho* younr Qttart.r-bree1 Jo-
.c",r III . , 0,10111'''''.'' ..,1 .a dl.a lort.ltl bll right to mar" tbe
..... a lIla\,uee 1101 10 1II.0j Ital.
,,,.But .uell dl&lurb.nees caaool bave
d&ll.l or tb. b'lO"tOI "Icturll 10duI-
alld ciUllA. alld III r.cl .Llh 'I "'0.11
1<001. b.. 1 .b.> eau DI..... tbe lin.
"c. d,u
......u.. u
l ....., .. II.... co...r .... r..(-
0 110 II all "It II Ib.1 ....
IInlt<rlalnlolt h.. 1 IGolt remen,b.rer.l. lin.. On Ol'Ol.d ...y tbll . . .1<, .bell
It _II.I 1.101 ou lb. &Creell at D.ly1
1 b_Ir.. at Tblrlleth Sireel .od
Ilrl ot 0.1. cbolCll. beellu.. b. o...er-
be.rt ber .t.t.meut ttl..t .0.. doea
IU"wl.11 " 011'''' .... I.HU.O lIr ,e- IIlK'i1-: HI'l'I'T 8."'8 "('LOTlft:H 00 oot 10"e him. rorm. tbe b.. 111 of "Ia
debDlle 10ll.ueoCll 00 a a.upeadou. tor t ..luae lor. rae. hit. HODIH a. 1.,'',101l III h . C I .. r 'n~' ..e\..... l& IIrll.a.ay. 10 10.11 11m til.l "mo... l." til.. Land or tbe Otter:' Urrlq:
SOT )lAKE TH.: )lAlli"
bU&lDeu UI<. Mr. Cllllriea t'ubel.
aod b 1IIba It to be ""0"0 DOte
Iiobart II .110 .. 1 10 re'e~.e a C'llhele
pl~l .. re ".lIeJ --HI. Uad IO.>U ber.
.. 11..,'" 01 .....I CII"D \0", .l4111101
Irene Iiuol. tbe 1II'."1he Relbot"t!
t.1II Il,...e .aotber dr.. c plc;ure to
d,&cu,,: IltIlO...b aile Ie .. bleb tbe
.Ior, of lbe oortb .004 raleue.l
tLe '~'II .....'bIe ..H,.I. Ull .. oell ,r. by tbe lut.":ll compa.ales.
b. I. e.lI." .. poo iO ItO lbro n .11 IOrdl" II Ie I. lubmetleJ to lilY. rt..
UJ for .11. tb.t the leadllll' poIol-
t10a .hlcb til.. houSll ot Patal bu al_
.,.. .aJoYeJ 10 Amllrlc. LI .ell ..
lorll 01 t"ololljl.e IlbhHka. a~ be
II"'. u. be "L,I .110* tbe rah r.b
::. :~~:'::.1. '~~:~ ;11o/1~~ ~::~U::.)~:;~
lur. I. 110" nrm belle"er Ib.1
c1,,'I1... do n,,1
al )". n,.k. Ibe
10 Ih., Heilinee l.,ore.. l
10 Ibe p.ycholoKlcal "peet 01 Ibe
~rre["\ 01 ollum. cOl'.lue. beolae IUJ
Til.. leld. are played b, Fraulr.
a"na.e .lId JerGme StorlD, rl .....1a
eyerTW.llllre el..... Ill oat be rello- bUYI .oll. \bllll! II'll.' 10 r..llWI! toe
......'1 ...0 (l'.I~'." l.. t " .... n ur 11,1
Cll.. I r.~.. " .. w.'l.auu\ I"dlllil "," r..a.urll drllllA "I n ....ll'.I'.. r 11111. In ntller IIkf dr"llI 00 h .. m.a cb.racter :~~ .tbe.t:~~~.. :::er~.II~b~~ht~:1.b~
qUJ.beJ to .II)'oae aDd lbU hi tbe d, ..ce .. nil .11 .U'Ia 01 1],/"'1' tr"m ,..... ~'.IT III .n., e~ .,ul "I rt'u.u, .. 1t .. bllb Min 11 . 111 Ila. Ihl." r"l .. "I Ihe "Th. ~hl1rlt ur Ibe Popp,." .... daDe by Lo.. I. 01.1110. A promlN by
fulur. u 10 th. PUI Ih lell ..ord baaeo.1I to IIrlzelll"llul;. .11I1I.. rt Iw" 5"'''\U UI II 1'~"III.rHI. ea.,, ..,10 alater.hll oI'.I ... I.ea 11.1 bnl. n"'::", lu' lu1Om.r; lOme p.rt.. of 11 Ibe r.ctor to .ed bl. d.ucbtlr to
or the hOIl" '10m be 1-'1'0.....: " t"'.lIly-eI.lu )'e .... 0'. . .OJ lUll 'eal Io'r".r L. pr......... <1. I....' pl.IUr" lilrcctor ~, ..d A 1( .. 1) . . . .1.1- be,ul .. uJer .be auper"'laloll ot ollld- tbe mao brluelal b.clt the blll.t
A .004 proof ot tb1ll ma,. be rouod hvllti a b.III'Y .'lIl;le llfe. 1'&\1""1 1I1oIC.>1 .v"r.,da\. auo .1.0 .... l0lt ...'er.1 Itlln'" 10 S.UI. ~IOIII..a. .110 of lhe re .. ea~e .... tter len'lce la c.teb or tllra III tbe .prlll&tlm. ltArta
1.0 thlA blC . .rial. "Th. lu:ploll.& 01 Wbll.. ~, .. llU1I1 __ .I.ndlnl bJ' III Xe'" \o,k. "'.oy lit Ibe _lin "er. tbe rl.11a out aD .n lod1l.trtotla bU.'.
"'url r"al .. n,."y.
ltta1ne:' .blcll b. . )1,1.1 beeo pul Olll.
aDd 10 lb. t.moul &CIO.....ho bllYe L1UlAlli Ht.:~"LL MiAK};S "\\"lL1)..
b.r lou, o,.kIlUII ''''.'"111: hel rue 10
Itu 011 bIlror(O I hll ~alll ..... II y"onl
"h~I' .l'l"".... h ..,1 h.. ' ","1110 ,II., "'l"..at
I,h"tolrapb..d wllh rel .. latloa
r"... o~e (""ller In UIII, Se.enl op-
.. r~t1",," nl the .i'r>"It"t! appelr !II the
~':~y:~~ 7o' :tU
t~~ t~eua~~~_~:J:
beaD D.I~lf:rl~~~~:iall Picture }>Iii" .tT 1'.\.L"t:;TTIl 11M to:
THAt K. tHAUL~tOlli. 1;. t:.
IlIw-\th ,,~ .. "kUrt,; rllr ."m .. 'm.kln'." I ,1"II'l kno .... llh"lu". ~:;UI~' cobl~..er';.',. 1;'i~bio bl~t, ;b:r ~:~ r-'1
. . oo.adayl baa become Ju.I H..... y l.alfIUl Av"...... _ ~ ...... Ut .. Il.l y"u ru.,I"" r"l'll.:t .\llu Ilunt " lIumb.", of .ur,eoGI ..er. called m.adltea to ber .t'lpr.ther_
. . much. (omm.rcl.1 propoalUoa IJI Sevlluly-fl~. or tb. !~II lelloea lu TO. ...11._11 IlIru.. 1 ,. In d It".I. In 10 ... tbe l'lel ...........ell J..J1er til.. Qo.rte.....br. . :1 pro". hla

Abo... e ~ ..-l tI.Ift)
-.D1 olll.r oOaJo_ In Iplte of I~ .r- tb..... orld !'"m CO'l>llut'OIl IIn>d..e- uI .. ttulnK .01ll..lh,al .boul II ..cl<-up c1erltJOlen .od l'OllCfl omcl.ll.od .U ....il"II'" by d.t.ee:lnl the &trl'a hu-
,Iud..... h" d'dn1 ...nl Inll..lv 1,la,eJ tbelr ."rroul ou ,h. 11110. I" baod In Ihe .ct ot .tll1l1q: tram bel'
=~c:t=ler:~ ':~:~Ir:~t~~
tlt.1l 01 ""\\lldor.,,' 10 .. blcll U"IIU Harry LaPrarl. mh, .. " . . .
IIII'. Vellll Kalil&, "00 haa no" bo
appolDtaJ VI~Pru.ldeot.
RloaHUII."'... ere lal<ell"I CIIU...
100. ~. C. '1 be........oe. 10c' .....
r e 111 lbe mon.IDI I" _b,cn 1I"e or
.1 nellf". Ol"e,.. .0 11I ...rl'.",,,"O' h"
_"11.01 I. . . .'t>"I!".,d l"'"'y .uJ
,. eUI.lled. "b".. Lh" 1.... 11' .",1
Itul oUI "'1111 mnk ..
IIU...-lo< )\ ..1.11)' Ib..11 noUn.d tbe
10unll r..II... ;h81 ~\l .. Hunl "II
lb. m...oI!Q:II .Ihl ;>;.1100.1 Bolrd 01
....11.0,.. III..ad llle plt"t"N! I. It ....
.llb only l ..o minor ("b.ll.... *bleb
.Iept.lber. A domatlc QU&n'llI tol-
10". d .. rloC .bleb the &1rl II .b.m..
tul1J' treated. She rUIl. a.u Il!I.d
Mr. Wallts baa m.d 0 .llyl.bl. 'X ot to.,; Ihor""l;n~r.d lI11ne. 1001< .... e'.' I~".I ,e "lo",!!: I." I"La Ill .. unl1 I m.I< ..I"Il.... \><'.'", "'hlle .n "er.. llll~' by lbe producln. ('om- I!.I'leIla IOlace ..nil. tbe qu.rter-breed
repuLaUon LI lyat.tIIaUr.er. orlao- p.rt. IG Ille ..rleru~"U IlIc.Io'.,. of Ln. 0.. .,,. lU...." n,,1UI._ .>Jr.., ....",. d ",h .. r l"III.ulll1e nWlllhHullt, ..."m p.n' but be order. her to ,.: .. rn \0 bar
bel' load ll.J:ecuUy., and wblo oely cro.d.. tile p.4dodr.. .ud GIller ....CLe. 10 10 III cab"ret "'lIn 11.,. Pill) furn'"h ..,1 hlm .,Ih lh.. cllll. In "'Tile !>plrH or Ibe Popp,." .11 buah.lld. promilio. to com. b.ck tor
t.eoU'-oo. beld .0 ImpoTU.IIt ~I &Cenn "e,e talleu. :od.. R ....ell .. p- , .." .. m"klu... ~Il lI"al 1""1."1 toll"or! b.. bO!'Cn roade 10 10.0" lb. ber .b.o tbe ocea.loll demaada.
Uoo .Ith 00. or Europ., mOilt prolO- ~ '0 1I0'll ""e at Ille trlOCI< .. ~~~w~ :o"~I~:"~:,~r~Ile~:I:GII:;I~:: Ih.t .h.. no"," .. n.I.., ..llIndl lully Ibal drill< ..,'11 b)' 1.lIlel Lbe lIory at lbe \'Ir"llIy tbe .otlre Ito" . u pro-
t:o.ot maoutacturl0ll conceroL H. .I.e.. lul 'u lbe ".,11 01 lbe lraud- b'~1II1h by lHe n..ael.1I .-,0 ~Ir. La- mlk'n'.-- ro.n.I.1I "f 1:.11.""" .1101 10- dG"UrAIl 01 lthy anln .n 1 bll ducel III tbe Ib.d. ot tb. bill t . . -
.... beeo 10 lb. Uolted Statn lor aho ....... l..al a b., do"'a. III tnl b.cn> Iur rulhnl Cllt.r. Ie alI ... elcb of bom become :idlcted 10 Bear V.lley. C.I. 0.,. Walter Ed-
three ,.eanod eojoJ'1l tb. elly\.ble r.Clol a,aue. Ibe II.r lld oul.1I ~;.';:: ,bb:I"::~ :~:~.~~~:~:~Ie~II~::: Sh......rlallll' I ol ...d ringer 10 d'.... 10 an IDllocenl .Iy. "'Ird,.
cn.antUon of belo bl. to couyerae ,,'ere Ib" ..o HI 1010 .u~ le r.1 V,e .bd decl~" III II "Iou eac"rl "er I"r ''''r,' uld Ihlt ch.p. *110 ae-
l.D. .bolit l.eIYe dUr.rent I.acun. lu,ea .. ere m.ue 01 Llle bon~. 00 10 lh.. un." "." '1 'Il.l ner hll.lI.nd cQoll .. ol .\U.. llunl. lU K..lall). _. b.,
b....ln. tranl.d and llved 10 man)" H.e bOlLr Itretcll. Oue b .. odrel .aJ rolll\.! hi. <'l\larlllle.
Mr. M.llta M7': "We hill" nry
lI1& Ul1up la pr.paratlon .od ... feel
.e"DIyII.e Icellel 01 .. lldllre..
..e,e a.ade at til. Itudlo. III :'e'"
Yorl.. 11.e plctlore II Do. eQmp.ele
'" _n.. odllli
C,.d ,n
e101n.. LaPe.,. In
th.. Il b.nd'i d,ul
,111 IIl."r 10 .ae
r...t.lonet. bt<.e n. nT .cr'~lOlnll'Y
Illil j-;
------ sTO(')\
!U~ .Il.-\xnsco
Photoplayers, Inc.
se-t opUlIIltlic u to tbe tuture. .lId "'Ill IlIor.IY De re,e.IIlJ 00 Ibe tloa01 1,lUallUIII are cr....leJ ,u. _"("HI~."TOWlli ~nSTf:n\"
~oa. olb.r t.b.1u, are loill' to
acqul", coetrclllol Internl 10 Ibe
EclecUc J"llm Compaay, lb. lI.me ot
.... orld ~'llm Carpar.tlou acb.du.e
lbt< e1&<:1 dHe II J~ouary :"Ib.
.llal.rd .ntl<"l llG.II,. It.tt I riot
.100011 tbe suel.a .lId '-Ira. ;>;e"'T-
A ..omp.n, 01 ellhl..ee 1,,rt.Qn.-
Goodfellowship Dinner at the Club
10 addll ....11 10 MI.. KIo... I\. . . bo .. ed I&10la. l..a)'eHI II Ibro.o 0 .. 1
.bleb .111 be cb.&aged to "PATHE Itarred III llle prooucUolI .. r . WlL .. - .. mbr.~lnl Ih.. prlnclp.l. 10 Ihe CUI WEDSESDAY, J"N. 2IOtb.
Gf til." real... ranl .nd ~lr. N..... ly .nd I ouu.l><rr of AClOrtl fro II' lbe
EXCUANGE, INC." ud I Ib.ll be lire." LJOlllll B.rrymore. a brotber ot ...d ullco~~rl In.l tile lauy In Ihe HEXRY B. WALTRAL. TO&lItma.ter
l.d charll. of both COlleera., I.COOJ- ChlnelP St.:",k ('olOpAny nr LOI An-
-"tllel .ad Jobo harr,.mor . the I.m u ... II bl... lIe. He 1.1<.1 h~r bome ~.lr.e \'our R-..tJOII. atly.
6Cl. b1 me-t able ud competeot men ol.a .lIle ,lOOk p.n. 'L be eo C.:u-""u uk .. n 10 S.n Frallcllco
blot L.I-'earl 0... be. eo blm out.od. 11.1 ....ell lo> eoarl lome .cellea tor
,ueb ... Mr. Charlea Dupul.... bo I. tire cou.p.UY ot ~er.1 o.y t .'tb b,. bl.ck m.llelip re.toreJ. I.
aD authority I.D. aU tacbaltal matUlrt I'a!mello I'ark. Wbll. lb. racea "Tb. Chln.lo"o Jolnt.. rr" .0 la~e
blo.,. Cl.l<lulbre ben Ibe)\l ... ly- prod\lrtlon reldy ror rele...
aD4 b.U ma4. hlmaelt DO"D . . aD "ef. 00 aod \hrouctl Il.e co.. rte.,. 01 Wedl arrhe. A ro n.lle 0 I La-
lD... aotor of "oY1ll& Pietor. machlnn TO.. lrlp _II m.de to oblalll tbe
..zul d ....I - . "I'. RaJDIre:r. Torrea. who
0.. . bello with lh. lI.rm or P.tU ror
til.. Cbaroellea r.lr .nd R.clol At.-
~I.tloo. Ibe, ",ere .b.e to I'" .11
toe 1.1111CI ueeeu.ry to MClore
f-earl I. dlach.r.ed .lld 10rclblJ'
.lllC1ed troOl Ihe front door. 001.
bo"ever. before be lin Io.uubed
re.l1.lk b.Ck\ltOllod (0' 10..1 ~.rt at
the "orr _blch II 1.ld 10 Chlolto_o
1.0. "lIl1elel hill a .e~IllIn lnhablled
Los Angeles' Leading PidureHouses
oYer ellbt YUrt ad bu baell ap- ~:;e~,ae repro"locl'OIl of a re ..1 bG....e p.n or bread no .. gll on 1111 or.le 0'''
POkoteJ. A.aallLant M.na,lol Director. .olel)' Il)' eMne.e bUI \hlt In SMO
ler.head. I"'r.II("I.ro I. t.r better for tb. p.. r-
Mr. Robert T. FurD:lIIl.... 0.0 b.. beea "1" Ru"ell .ud ber p.rt, elljoTll] Tbe cOlrle:ly eodl 10 lb. b.IIPY ret'-
10 lb. film bllalo_ tor bla 0"0 ac- poe nd Pro:lucer Illce _Ioled let
tb.lt .tay .1 Cbarleatoll ..er,. mllcb ouC.llallOo ot lb. ;>;e"ly J. aod lbe

I COl1.Dt and .bolD I b... ..ppoluted lInl. Ih.1 .o.. ldo1 o.. .-e to he dll-
.od m.llY I<:ell........ 1.lleD 01 tne b"moroul retr.1t ot til.. plllUo.O
Dlractor of EsehaDlea, Mr. J. X. Bllr- t .. ,tled
cit, U .ell U llf Pallllet.o P.rk. ae.ro .. r~.III. Tbll plclure I. tb
er. Who b. . beaD .Itb to.. EclectiC ftrat )tlaA releue III *blCb tbe ta-
F1lm ComP&01 trom tbe .... ry bello- EO. LE SAJ!'i"T PROllUCt:8 '''THE "lliO LAI(lHISli )lATTER" OSE
D1DI .and otber .aluabl. co-opera-
POIl:r1C ,Il;ST1Ct: OF OMiAK
mou. clre... CIO.D, H.rry Lap rl.
.ppura. and ou Ibal l<:couat .Ill be
..a'cbed .lth uoulu.l lut.reat.
U}>' Ub:RT ro~n:mES
The Optic
~ u .pacla! rOpr_llLa,
the Of Ule AJUuce Film. Corpo,.-
Ed. Le Sllat I. Ill. oaly Sell. dl
reclor "'OrklO. at tbe EJln4.le FRANK Kl'OLF.R MADE DIRECTOR
Glle ot tbe b.t comeiy picture.
ever produced "II Ibo .. n U prl-
~.te ubloHlllo b,. tb. Bo.a.ortb I"e.-
Woodley Comedy
tfon b.U I.n conJuoCUoD with H.rm.n Iludio 1I0W th.t Colin Clmpbell bu tOH 'OO.'tOttll:E AlTltALTION I.. rea. call.J It,
No !..auCblol MU-
R1fIlo of the Euterll FeatllN F1lm d.p.rtu for Pan.m.. Le a.lllt I. Fraok G. Ku.ler. pr.ld.bt Gf to.. t.r,' teUurlnl Mackl"l1 Arbuckl.. 838 South Broadway 53J South Main
Co. of ~too, beeli carr,.l.n. on .a Pl.lttIOC 00 t.~r. .ler by Jam.1 Clnea:. Cam.ra cl .. b. aDd chlef cam- loIr. Arb ..clr.l. . . til.. poet. pbllo..
.....u1... e .d.... rtlaJo. camp.11ll 10 tbe Ollr CurwO(tj. c.lle] "Tbe POItiC .ra m.o tor the B01 Otflce Attr.c- opber. PQ&UO.lter..... ulltloubllUy
N lta.llUld lIlrrltol7. Wh.o be J ..Il!I.":, of Omar Kh.o: ..ltb St.1l1 tloo com PInY. b. . beall promoted to Ut. ~t cb.ractar h. eyer attempl.J
Ilu tboroollll,. co reeI tb. lI..ld be Rue.to III tb. le.d and Gu, Oliver. a dlrettor'l pollUOD by WilIl.m For.. In pletD,.a od ..Hh tbe .ld or a
II now worlt1111 l.D. b. 10 tUI'll .lllt e.:lr.& Herll.lldu .bd otber c.p.ble tbe pr",Uellt or tbe <:omp.llY. capapl. compaoy ot pllyen W.I 10
ei&ett dl ...taloo alld pra the Alliance .rtllta 10 IlIpport. tn prepar.. tlon II Mr. KUII.r II 1I0t oilly .0 Il.J:pert poaltlou C'O brlnl out m.llY Ilue COlD-
oDe lIf M.,., FloraoCll Reloh.rt1 ra- ,\:ly pOIOti .hleh. IlIlid Ollt ....r1 w.1I
mall' .toM.. 10 rOllr r. .laod bill
ca.t. Stell. Rar..tto. tuel.n.Uoe
camera man. bUI alaG .b 11I"'l!Dtor.
h ....lo' lo.eoled ~t.ot tor .lIm
loatl0l acr.tcb.. In cam.n, alld
Iad. .d_ It
Ibould pro
rmly NlCIlIYM alld
0.1. motl.y-lDak.r.
"The Charlie Chaplin
. V_td1tJ . . . La
..orlr. 10 "Tbe Slran.e C... of lbe
PriDe.. Kb.o" all'd tor more pl.YI
PI'O<:" tbat uu_ I.. frlctloa.
Soa:. 0' tb. picturel lb.t Mr. KUI-
Home of Always
(W_ _ r . c . - )
or tlo.1II cbaraeter trom tbn mut.rtu)
pllotopla, .. rltar. J.m.. Oll",r Cur-
I.r b. . directed aDd IUP8UIN1 'TI
"Samloll," ''Tbe Thl.t:' "Til.. Or-
B08WORTH BU8Y 'WITH "l\I"E.UI. Fine~ Heading an
mnnw ftLII 00.
wood. d I:' "What H.ppened to Mlrr,"
III .hloh Mary Fuller pl.,.1Ill1 til..
. LY " LADY"
Hobart Boawortb I. .t p,...nt Fir~-Run All Comedy !
INdaod Capt. 8"ltt.
Mr. KUII.r ..-Id. 10 Narlr.. N.
J . bllt CIlO forll1,.. blm for tb.
b.rd .l .orlr. 10 tb. produCtlOIl of
all EIII. Jaol. rei...... "N...r17
!..aliT:' ud la hllll17 autbaJa.Un
Pictures" Bill ...
warau lroRJEI .....0 tbat tt. 111 a "QU.man 10.4 o....r ltla ,1&1'. Til"" production of-
81:r..n1: Arth.r ltacIr.J.,.,r. talr.lo.a a credit to be Ir.Qowo U rrl.noJ, ,.. fa,. a ftlIpttul 110m"'" Ul,.t ,lIoltld
brief ...-c rr- t.1'II 4rttJ111'. _d Phtl_ of Ihl. . In Newarlr.. II. I. "'Ill IlIIm.Hate f 01.
II 4lraetlo.a tb. R8Uuc.. 0 ,..1 tRlI or p",l. . . .d CGUGded to ma tbat IIIl tbllt IIlctor. ~. wl1aoml IIltl.
baatt Io:.r.l dralO.. ''TO. Baut
I. tkia ,rodacUoa Ia Uown. u n-
ooal'td.. . . . . . to laail a billlit' Ilta.
::..~. lhto D1oUotI plC!toTl bull.
H 1.0 tOild lila th bla
I .tteII 1II0N lJIteraetel Ia f ..
wa. .If. .tJIr all"l" . . a W.tuu IJr) ",tto
II adUeed to .n "IU.b aoblall
ud.1II at P. . . .t ..umped la n.
hUla"nl J'UU& A. . . . ttc.. of t"
....",t. Qa a~.f ..,.ral of 1118 t.... 1l1 f; . .4 tbat', ...... u . . . . . .llAc. .' . f. . l11. AdaM ra,...
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lila Me1c lato bale&aat iI -.0 _tlaalUt!e abo'l;lt "lilt-Oil. bu bea. .ptl7 out III OIl
Il1o .. . . - ~.~ht.N t.IIlt .... taR talb pioo. roM of Itt. dowtf IItU. nal ...4
1;;'_.., ~~"'.::n.~ :~~1':~~~~=' ~,~,,::-:,: :t:-~
",,~,~,,:, ~.:=:
~fo-:.:::;.= tH.:'~~al.:r
. . . .:" . .......,...,1IOUf[iMII4
",..tll ....._~'"'...-.r.e."!!'~
.:~~""".i~ ._~.
~r(~:~~::~~~~; =-:,:=.=-'~~.: ;',
-...~ '"
\/' ,---- - l'

00011"; V.n Burr_ II a tl.I,lltltl.-

,al. . .bo en _arbl. d.U,bthtll,:
"Tb.. "UNa or VlrI1Dla," WIl~1a
II tba IlIat ellll to be pr_llted br
Art ""llItI.., 1111 the b,oJo II .v.r Mr. Lull, In uaoaIutOIl wltb. Mr.

lW\LO 00U1I
a.luc:o aad wlateh lit da.llllital, all_
1I0UlloM for rabru.,., 16th.
"Tb, WarN.. or Vlrrtllla" will
(B,. N. Ia. Vletorl "Illi. I"-t,r'. pb.noll1.n.' .ta,.t ~ rollo.'d b, ''Th, WOllln," whleb
1:0011: PO
A.UM.elll lIII
_pt.III.1 tllil popular e.r. or ".t .nd a h.lf .. 111 ~ .1IoaetH: b, a 'J*!t.1 .t.,
.0111. 11m. "0, I. '00110 10 be dupll- ellt. aod h, tb, "Oo1'.mor'. Lad,,"
M'AOO ~u~~I:LLOTI MdtlUl:'l CAFE
Th. "lOe bllb-el. . . .t.od.rd of eatlld If ", r. to 10 b, hi. popu. One of tb. 1I100t r_nt not.bla ad-
eot,rtlllUlllDI .UII hold. '''If.t Me- l.rlt, ",\tb tb. p.troo. b.r.. Mr. dilioo. 10 tba 11.1 of draOl.tte .lan
M.ler I. 001 of tbl. e1t,. 1D00t I.t. ",bo hal'l 00_0114 to 'ppa.r 011
)I"WlLUB~fl&NOAL .. K. . blld.d b,. Oraci Laa, dra-
m.tlc IOprallo aDd .10.....
m.ot dl..~ 101.d I I w.U .. popular lotlrtlln. tb, .er. .11 u04er tb, L.aak, m.~. . .
.,.-11111' bll lOll" III tbr. . dllf.r. m.1I1 I. 'II.. ICdltb W,.IIOI Mlttbl-

Th. V...aatUe Trl"
tor. 00. or MeK ",.II.lloowo ravor-
n..: Dot Cl.l tbe 11:101" II:ld. ",ho.
Oil lb. I mloltloo IIr ber 1Il0,1. lI:et.
.ppl,uM Ihat wOllld m.k 0' h ...rt
t w.U . . .trallht "ork.
OI.,d.. N."IOII. ~1.br'la4 ber.a-
matle .et._
'01 lallll:u"", b..ld. dolo, eb.r.e. aoll. Ih. 10tltoIUolI.ll, r.moul dra-
wbo I. to pl., thl tltla
rol. 10 thll I..t 11.0114 Lukr,Ba-
ORACS 1.11:11:
,I.d: GtaOi FTed.rlc, La.
1000t papul.r eb.r.uer ...om.o. wbll
"0,.1..' turo to Ihl. cat. III II:raat '1,1' ",bleb laKO proauetloll. Yr. W,II&c1 Ed-
more Ih'lI Ut:. to har popu\arll)'. dlo,e. b. . .11M) .1,1Ied a Luk,. co.o-
AU..... I\!l ... 1 ......... ...-Or...... ,lc KOOlfO I I th. Chlel'o IOp.'1I0. Ibe tra.cL
f'II~"" NII.d. lod r.lI:. with ,qu.1
DO'!' CLAlall: n... : M.b.1 V,. ..I.n. a Illfl, r., I 1 the preHllt mom.llt 011. or IlIt f 1'1'111 are 1I0W w.lI uoder w.,
Bloo.d.OIIlIl:.' .Iole. who II lIolCC!'IQtllll, .lolI:lall:. cit,'. ,,1.ver"l .1I1,.t.llI.ra. ~' ror the 111011: of pleluriutioDl of
OJtA(:1I: ra.oal(' "I WIIIIJ., Where Ill'
1.01'11111: M.o :I~ ludl otb.r Belueo pr_.olatlOIll ..
Sill" Allytlllllll: 1111 Call.!"; ....110 Vao Blr,. 00. of CAA. \'XHUUOO H':OU!'WA ,; ::~:~~II: ~~tt{he ~~~.. I:o~ ~~~
lIIIABEL VIVIAN Ibl. "U)'. mo.l 1\0pul teoon, .lId
R.~B.lI.d. TIllI ~Ir. II 1I0t 0111)' 1I00wII .. ".d.d 00 .ur,. h.nd th.t, b,. tb.
there'. I rellOO: Charlll A. Prillte. Ibe "It)'. beal, but .1.0 r.ml4 tor, m.II'lI:erl.1 .t.ok. of thll alll,lIe.
CHARLES A. PRIItSTV. ...lIlllel mlolpul.tor or th. druml I,YNTER CBAMBBR8 DOES WOY-
Ibe ne.lleoea of lI' .1I11'l&llImlot ",ltb Mr. fHlueo ,tb. .o.tur. of
I I well . . Ibe 1:)'lophoIl8l. .. blrb I bl,. dlclCl.d h, Jimmie ~ WbOM lI:elll~1 b.. mlOe bl. dr.matlr
%~::~ .~.Ih:.~I'::' :e~~:~I~~1:~ .1 :~~u::~u: t=~I:1II:" ~~~ur~:;
"01.4 W1:CKKUaa.. JiiiNi(~ Heavln: tbat I. 'OOd "beul..:
r~~~~t~o~t tll~hawl~:I~~~e:: ~~~lro~~rsl~:X::~~II~:tl;o~eeac::f~b. o~
~A"ln Tbe eDtertilomeot It tbll well,
LII:O",,,aO Co 'Tll:vt!U kllowil eat. 111 rllll,. wooderful .od .. 1::.. . .tIIt .re Dot 'Il COlDmOIl that the,. cao be
~IO~~'" h"t,lrtll.I". eredlt.ble to lb 1I'0rtl at olll 001, erelll wbll luee..atull)' elaNd .. 1'0-). 10 Iddltloo to tbe alll.oc:e wltb picked up .II,where. .od E4ward
DRACE OERSHON ALT" .". FrtiI H.rlll", 10 coroer Ibe e,..tm at "'eelta ell,l",emellt It McKee.od )Ir. Baluco. tbe J _ L. LNII, ~.cll.,. wbo dlrecled "'Tb. 8plo of
TU DaJllllI' ot Ca""1 Opar l.,......Ball.4
AaT (TUXI': .. LlLLlA!f aO,1l: th. enlerillolllll: ..o.ld. bUI .1.0 bl. wboH ..orll I' .Ir.ad,. .ltr,etlill aI, '. reature PI., o...mpao, b.. ..de Lire" tor Ihe KloetopllOle II coo_
...... !"TlRO Co.... F.vorl" Ouo .mU'-lUelll m.O'ler. Eddie POlOero, teollOO b)' lUI &.Ie.lleoee: Blill. .ewer.1 prod-uelloo. 10 ...odluoo I.uul.lln. bllOlelf 00 Ihl worll or
8081: TAYLOR wbo dlrerl. tbe nb...t '.oJ play. .I'ber. Ibe JU.I r'lI:a ,Irl, ellle.- .. nh Ibe Liebler Complo,. ,ad a .. L)'lIer Cb.lIlwr. wbo ",. . plellu ror
...n.cn,1 tile plallO ..Itb Ille me mellW'1l of I..aIOloll:ly de"e' eot.rt.. to., wbo r'lI- p.oduel4 111m. 'ouo..eo 00 Dowel. b,. Ihe IlI.n 10 Ihe I.:e SIIUO.o VIlle1
.80'1' "ACHINO FAY PIERCE .",ete.. : )le,vllllllO. Sleod.1 .od dera .... willi ell .ueceM: Berl Ibe mOlt .ooted Il>e.o of leUera lueb
8pulall I:f.all.dln JI.nl... tOlmo, tbelodralOa at Ihlt n.me Ju.t
O.ld_lo. a ~eraallle trio, tre.b tram Ko."b. Ibe .0utbw..I, IInlhr.lIIl1Jt .. Harold MeGralh. Geo.,e K'II_ .elened b, the Kloetopbole. ~r.
..-00" _UNCILUW
\10:;::.!::.11~::.LI!f e..lerll lIeld. Where tb., blVe Meo I)'rlc lenor... bOM ,III,IIIJt I. tbe to,. dolpb Cbelto.. lod liear.e t1.rr lote- Cb.mberl b.d lIe"er pla,u 10 ple,
.Urrlill over lhe K.llb el.eull; ...ord. III Ib" loul O.ld .nd "110 CUlebeoll. I"re betore. IIUIOIIIII he had been 00
Ilelell 110'0. b.lI.dl.1 "lIoae ...olce r".lu.u .. lIh .ueu.. Ill. own com It I. Ibe .mbltloo or Ibe JUlie
Po""I 8011"1"..
J Soon I .. lle S.Oy
BEACH I. eerl~ID 10 .w.II.1D m"morill. b,
Ibe .... eel b.untlo. lone: Helell
"'01.110111. wnlcb 'I'" .relU credit to L. Luk)' .elture I'la)' Comp.lI,. o"t
Ibe .tl,e tor t ... e,~e ye.,., lod hll u-
ullelll cllar.eterlullOIl of tbe rille
SAT GOOUWIS'" CA. ...;; hi' buduill. leillul . ..oltle R.,D- "01, 10 eueod III t>readtD b"l 10 ot n..... 11 Leeth w.. IIl1e tb.t or ..
LUCILE T. PAYNE lJerbtel .Dotb.r npable eoterl.lller ul",. I blll:b_ell" b.Il'IlI.1 WbOH bellhl or acble ..emenl; to m.lle veter.1I or pleturecl dr.m .
. Vlollolet SANTA MOSICA wllb WIBBlol w.y.: SI'1I:1 aod All' de ........ork . ( I.....ell .uelltloll ..1.11 L.... , Jirodueuoo. .b.olulel) lIle )tr. CII"IIl ..era II .a Amerlcao .",
FAY SI::lTERS FHA. ... K KOCH lte'Oti. te Ibe artecooao eO.ert.loera. tlOlea: Yocb...lid M.rtlnel. Ibe well_ beac nO'" .lId .t .11 time.
Planl'l lor .... ho b.. p,.,e. "'ltb Ru.pCOUlh.
~~~~~~nhU:Ne,tr DICK RO!l!lOS
.lId ao .rterllooo. uptO.1I b nev"r 1I00.... n Sp.lIl.b dalleen .... ho.. ttl'. Il0ll". \\ ,t,le C"ITler .Bd olller .. ell-
B.II.cllel ("O(llpl"" wit bOl.l Irll> dOWIl here ~:~e~~~e;.11 at"t,"lilu I. Ibe t.lll or Ct\IIL"1 ULAUK\\KLL'!l' CAIRS IIno"lI .t.,e .tar.. till apLMl.lf.oee
ilIICY".1. PISUITOItI: to be.... tllele ".ever Illrl. at work. Clrlyle BI.dl_ell of Ille ~.~orlL.e .... ah Mn.e. K.11.h .. le....loll" maD
VEROUGO SECUNDA B.nJ"I.. tile)' Vl.y tbe V'.IlU. vtulln .lIl '1111 l'l.yen bu .egiliered ..ltll the .. til lOll' lJe re.llelDberf!d II,. a~lIllre ..
.inltl)" I I "ell I I double io I m.ooer 0.'1:': 'KAU OJ.' TIlK H:s8K I.. Amtlrlc.II {.eolc.phical Sociel)' Ille
C.um._X,-phonolo.. I., tb"t I ure to wlo )"ouc UOJlwltl~d LAl'IKY I;II:ATUIU,: I'LAY IJI.clt ...ell tn.e o( eaT.n. 1b, teJi
01 .h~C uo.ed It.gll "oulao .od her
IUPJiortw. COmJiIlO'". Stili 1.ler,
BAROLD E. JOHNSTON SHIP CAJ;E-\'ENH:E adourl.loo. COMI'AN,,' .... talten b)" blm In the "ourae 01 .\If. 1,;1I.lUoen louod .ueee.. In the
Vlollnl.1 wnol Ula.UIH th. productloo or Tbe Lut uu.l)"-
.'Irat AODIvf!l"&Il'J ot thla t.:onee", pu\ of Le.alld III "'Oeell Purple,"
RERT 1l0ACil BOB .ALI.ORY IUTHn..:Lu:1t t:A.J.; ter.'" pbotoVII)" rrum Ibe Ilory l>)' ~'ollo"'1l1g, he .... u .tarred for lour
LYl'1e T.nor t:n'a'aln.c el. Luu tilh...... Notable A"hle..emellta
B1LL1.ll: t'IllH.II:R Tbere I. II )'. hlllll 'I>eed hece. l{lcb.r4 H.rd'OK Oavl. )"ear. lu " ~aUdeWllle .kelCh caUeJ
MlIU!lTfeR- .ARTI~ Lal.k,. I;eaturee M_D l'erNa_t
Ju.1 H.Ir' TI,e Uttl. Olcl ... Ilh 'he R'lI \"",.~ .. nd no uooder lth Hob Itllcllie 00 }o.l:ploren ".""ll)' regl.le. . . Ith .11 '. he Operltloo," aDd tbell pl')"f"J
AMul1e d .-IDDnel.. .ceeJiled lleOlraJiIll".1 or explo tloll
FRANKIE REYNOLDS DI('~ CUBt"It ... lhe ("ontlnu .. 1 loollout ror rell eoter- Huec... wllb .\tme. 1>'010011. WIIeo lho .U,
Some Ell''' Ch.ca.occa 1"l1n.Onl: ~UI at thl, wrH,ol, the .Ot.lel, In,e or calm wllicb he .1I.r CUt (0' '"'I'lle Ne ... HeorUHta"'
Groeal l"r'OdltC.lo No.. UelDI
YORBA O~n':~";.~TlNE7. Illl.e el...) eoml>lo,tloo L' hold lUI p~......
tb~cearter U.OlII to marll Ihe Il'Ot ..' Btl,ectll" he a",ooll" the "rio,
oeEA:'. ISS-\'ESICE .t Ind Jile"'OI e>'er)"bod)' with ... bl,b be Ill')' .., delllce to m...Il. 0' ell I.. he h 1.0 b ..d "oUl,derlble
F.DDlfe "IfeWELL lbel. cl..cr "ocll. Ho .... cd P"rlclt AI the condu.loll of Ibe nn, 'ien 10 "re.ene tue recor.... at hOI eXlledT- "I:..erleoce In Ilocll eOlOptoull. Mr.
LOUVRE C.UB Amuumen, i1fU._l-'lanl.1 kno" Irlcll or 1""0 .. boot baoJllo. ur lI' ex,.lell'e. tbe Jeaae L. 1"'11)' 1100. 1 bf! Bl."II ... ell cal.o eOIl.I. ' t.:h.mbeci lound ehlracter ..ell
...1.011 .AIICII

\O<Iell ~I'.. c..e....
The YldLI.h.,
Ihe bllek aoJ .. hit.... "Dd prowell lb
luerllon nllhll)': Je.ell Eo I. . .
<'lever .. !l.e)' mike Ibem, .o.d tbe
~eatute 1'1., 1,;0IllJi..II)' 1111 aJr.."y
It.aliled tbe blJtbut IIti.Ue .laOl!.
1111 or .0)' 0 ....1I1t..IIOO Ilrodue.1I1
or ".Iro Illree feel h,gb. wllb a
Ibreeruot bue. lId, U I. cu.tom,
.c)". I hullo. 1018rlor rOt tile re-
""I.hlll b, rlln '"1 be Sp'n or Lite,"
fl.nd ,I I. prob:a.ble In It be "'''1 be
10"0.1 III otller pleluret. He IIkea the
OLAYDA NEWTON "lnllloJt m"lIller In ... bleb .be IlUtl JiI.lurol.l,oo. o( t.mou. dr.maue eevlloll or CIll<:Oc.u, eu_...od .. lleCooJ ~O~t~ .. IIJ keo.. partlcululy ad .. pteel
Cnl...co SoPtlno [>.um.-Cn.c."Tera ootI. he. lOel.' I. all 10 ber credit: lod IHeclc) "'0.11.. Till. 'I.temelll e.lro. oot to el:<eed aile rOOl III
-------_. llea.ll' Hill look...I.... aod .he I.
.11 or lIlIl- to ber 10011. be
I. ml"e ... lIb ,,,u."nee bIe"UIe
Ihe vroduelloll. uf Ille ("omp.or
bellrbtll. aod nOI to 0001"'0 more
Illao 1,1: .toon I)' lOll" (ou. P"ce. 1I0nli W.lte. I;d...nb, F oll Bo~'le.
Je,ollle Siorm .od otben or tbe toce
STAR CREATES NATIONAL laoeau. The .10111'1 Be .. \\'001)'- Iteedo't ... orr.... :\ellle K.rn I weel .ulld .. pOllu>e I..oot of lb. &Aer. b,' "'" 01 Ihf! m..ter e.lrn
FAD Be Square." be(".m.. poPIIII . Sl!w lnll"er uf Inln lLekdleo. nd b 0 lIOn. \\l.h'll Ihe period ur I..'....e Tile m.clI.ell type 01 nlrll I ("oml/lnlet dernooIU e4 tbelr .Ohll)'
&eMm'lI Illtrodll<'eJI the pa~e.. elCplolleJ II &II ""Th'" Slllrlt of 10IlulT....nbl dmlr.... ot b... "'e~Ot 1U0nlb.. tbe Li.II, ComJi.o)' h.. pl.lol)' .bo.o 10 oDe of lbe aeelle. or u mnll'o.eo .ecenll, .. hUe IlIe, were
t-IO &nodel, lit P_deDa Ille Weal: bec.u.... II e.o ollly worll. .tlerIlOoo. nodi t'loreoC"e to.en ur.aollel .U4 b Jtro .. o troOl ""The Lall Cb'jo.le'. ...h...e OOIl..ld It lIear V.lley. C.l. p.och.doll" "10
BI.aru Ne.. 8}opD MUe th.h" ... here Ihlolt. THe aQu..... L.. .\hlnler II Ibe 1l..}ho.,<1 b.o IlIlIg UhJir ..le"l,o... 1"lIll1nlllll' 10 III prel' liorlloll m k. Ibe tpol ..0..1 dePO.ll lbe l.anJ 01 tbe O.ler: '10',. of
WOOJ.7-Be ~l)_" die. 00.. "'tt)" .oozy ....III1'-b.'. Ihe k ..)'1 ...llb a de ....clly Ib. . .ud- "hi Pia".. of UDtt ...!.ilolllble ID'POrc. hi. record. of Ibe olt",,~erl' of Ihe Ihe Donb ...0Dd. rele..eJ bll' tbe New
d, be..,.. bill lien nd ke",pl .... men .OOt,. ....It'htoba. ("hll:lrell II)' P.O'I'" lie. '''Orllt. "'blle .la.lo.l. .1I,e In Ih ,,,.lIe wo.ld. 1....1 rh-.... hleh IlIIt 'I~er I. tbe \lIrll )IOlluo H("llire Corpar.. tloll.
A worth, competllor h. . "'e lind Ib.1 UI .. n .d -'e.1 .. ("I"'f!r (".IIUIe ot hit At.I"ao el:plOrllloD, An."o~ lilt ""prop."' talleo on Ihe trip
! h~~. "'00:1;)" 10Y._ )l010.1... b."e '111.. <'.0 01011 "t ao m.ll, e"eole
D dlaeovered tlilt ..Ill m.lle WOOl', nil Ibe trool of Ibelr e.ra. .0011 Iltolll.r .:m....ld G'"II. ho 1111.0 Ib.. bnet lillie of olle )'IM' II .ere le'er.1 d:ltell .11101. oeeJed ror
_. of then tremble wltb tur keepa IIII' .p.-e I ball 'olllllit _Ith .HA..'I:K .lIiHKH RE!'Ot'.:TT UEo Ole III Ihe produ"lIon. Sbonl,. !>efore
IIno.lol( Ihf!)'''1ll be liVeD '"b.lt tbe .0. .rllhhecllelll 10 lleeit. T~.I ,he
. , Ieee tllel. papularlt,. A IOllie .dmlrlble ...orll La.a1L)" te.tua 1'1., Comp.all, b.. TlH.'I:s TO HKLIA~C.: lloon or Ihe lint da, 10. lhe mou.o-
roaj" A eo III nlled '"Tbe W.lu 1"'.011 F"lab... Relloen. Ib ...ell-
000 b.. hel.o 10UocIucaJ or tb. Wooz,.,' h.. Ju.1 heell wrll l!l:re,l.d III olber "OVIII. pl("lu '.1 ..... I.ropect)' m.B c.'l)'lolI" tbe
o I Mae- JAH~I(.:'!'I c-.\I-E ".." ...tn. In Ill. bllIor)" or 1111. In. .. oo .... n ju'.. nlle le.dlll. "'.0. II reo ,",n. to the lox.lIoll, .IJellt..Uy
tton."" /.&ul. Cootl.("II.lt. Ib.. w .. II,
la Le 1l0o_1I wclter ot 1l.lIt opec.... .o.d lt )'011 1100" ("Ieo'ec pl.n" pl .. y. 'dlo.lt)" (or .11>ldlly at orl'Blutloll.
IlIrn~ :0 Ibe H..llao".. aner .11 ab.
lenoe o( 1e'er.1 mOlllhl. lId la ap,
dr""&:11'4 11I..0l ov"r tbe edll"e ot
l're<:IVlee. Illret'.or E4wdl w . . In
d'Ipft.I' de:lle.ted !o lillIe Vlolel. IIIJt _lIell )'ou b,.. II. you .re 'uc" 'i>f!'O'd of ub,e'elt.eol .lId m'loUll4e
pe.. cln. In lite R..ll.n.e t ... o-reel I qUllld.). 1I0t Illlu-'lolI" ",belher to
Al<oll"etber it _Ill. tlil.1 lb. 10 eeCOlld Ibe .Ireld)" ..ell-1100. n of .u~... C.1I1I0t .e.loual)' be teatur. ""1I..an B... ta,' wllh Fran
woozy_hTbe God or All Tblo.lI:' molloll. tb.t 1....011114 (" Ste'eo. la do"lIt ...I. 1 lie .....enIMB proolu"tlolla -end til Lo. Aillell'll tor .oolber IUP-
....11. Hlilloition. Sam de G....... "od pI, O' 10 I>OI'IP'Ooe (be t.IlIIII of tbe
5Qolle-I. 10011 to berome belowed ,up'eme 011 Ihe k.)'board. LIlII.o .'Ill.1l b~ boO'<flll ce,euect UI' to ~' A Turoer
b, .11 Amerle. lu.t beeau.e lillie 0011')' .tbe popul.r "olll!':.lreu wbOltf! ,ale. <'( nule III IlIe=.. I.. n. one .ane 1 h.. Ilorulo .Ull"leated tb.l
"or II I b)....ord ..!til putleulu "r lb 1 rocmld .. lIl rrl,1 o( lI... n Hea ..."" II beto.I!': dlcl'<'lf!d b,. Ille ml'n ur the comp'oy I" ~lIlltlOIl".
Violet )I.c)llll.o. ""Iudllll I..d,."' IIf J k Adoill.
tbe Nf!. Yo.k )lotioo Pklu.e Co. people _bo .. ppredll .. (" ...... c eote. nlm produnillill III Ibe "O.ld. But Tile)' dl:t_ ullnl the ririe.. .od Ibot-
porilioll. broulhl hlot to Ibe ..lIell, IIlnlo,: ('Iarl G bam. rCeill rrom t"".u ... or lb. . . ulUber. hlell I. ""lIn.lI m.d .. Quil .. an el:telldf!d lIun. or tile outtit--.nd returlle) .t
S.lt I.. ke triumph" .nd .. ho blcll .. t MOIpu.U.el)" llotHed. but ba- lOll' at lb. e..t duclnllt Itl b....lle<!. dU11I l.dl'lI ...lIb more .lLln. Ih.o tbe,
tlon of "",I..:,. Ind c"'e him Ih. but ")1 tb .. re I. 00 pl ..re IIl1e South_
.IOlao. or '"Be Wooz)'_Be Squire." rllr to lOOn m.lL .. he'Hlf .. POpu. '.Ua.. of til .. unllo'm 'Q1port.lI~ of cn ("..IUocol. hlJ orl.III.I)' h.d tillen w'tb them
I.r berf! I b. _ 10. Silt Llu. Ih. . . uOJ..... Ihe ."t"r,or .rt of rrom I"e .tudlol II 10ce..llle.
llimlOIl: or tbl. Itor, lit, Lut'lle T. P...... lle. I Ilrl _bo ""II .ure ,II.. ".odurClu'u anti tb IJ. r.me
bro""111 toto ootaet SELIG .n~GLE SWEPT AWA" riddle .od ..ho Ila" yel 10 .ee her ur Ih~ .1. . . .'110 h ... . .ppe.r.... 10
que ebar.ellr .od 1m,
.U III 10"e "I:h blm. He...
14. . or the '1IIm,l:
Tbe Sella JUlllle..... e~1 ...., lilt
equll On Ille 0'10110. F"ay Stllera. 1.-0
welllloo ..." ".ud"lIl.. pedllrmetl
Ill..... olferto
1 h.. hl.turt ot Ihe 1"'11, COlli S~TERS
..Ioler wbeo Ibe dl. ot I .m.ll I..lte "'ho'l .11I.loJt .nd danrln. I. olle ot 1"0)'. tb .. b1.tor)" ut tuk 00'
.00&:1 ~ Ihe .qu.. rnt .0Im.1 brolle. h.. bf!f!O rnto ...d. NUII.e Ibll cite'. brllbleel .tUactlOIl.. ".. nce.led III Ih. lI.nd. of lilree fltOM KHITIER TO WEARER A.LLSTYLS ..... It F"ACTORY PRICES
,I~~~d. ro
oc:. :: ::: ::: :: :~ j:erlo.med Ihe eillite u.lI. The
weeJ. '0) olber ...lId po_th b. . .e-
AlII M.e. In ope...le hall.11.1 of
reno"'n ...110.....Inltlnl!': lea'-'III nolb.
)"O'"'II .Pn )I. Je.... L.. Li.II)'.
...ho I. Ihe p'ealdeol IIf Ibe eom
1I10e I'U he I. "0.11 Ihe luroed tblclLI,. Ihroull"bolll Ibe tor Inlt til erltl("l.e. Art nine ..01 UI- 1'.11' Ind m.)' be laId 10 dlre("1 I... THE GUENTHER lNlTTllIG CO., 905 S. Broadway
. "n .boul blm per1'.dn tUOll' ..-Indlnll"' at Ibl. II.e"m Ind 11.11 ROle. who bl~e ("Ie~ .. r .peed, .noetlr pollclu . .\Ir. S.mllel Gol"
rlt IIf aqu.relle... alld 1I0tll- .w.mpl.nd.... blle Ibe ...111. b.ve _')' or Plltllnlr o~.r Ihelr .011111 nill . 'ho I. Ille tre..u.er .lId leo
. m.ke a WOO1:, 10011 or be .",elled tbe "rll'era' .od paod. to ...hlrh CllI. to. repeu ..d eoeo.e.. ....1 m.na'f!r 01 Ihe .on("erll . lId
Whollle"e. .dopta Ibe tbel. to.m le..el. AI.o mu"h n.... dlr""l. Ihe .elhlIleo of Ibe eomp.lI)'
a m ..acot I. the reclpl..llt Dr ,.o.'tb h pj:eue:l III enell.lOIl ORU:STAL ("AFE In .11 II. ph..... ; "0<1 M. Ca<tl H.
t Ililld ot lucll:: To 1I00w ot the lor. lion. made fl<!lOU' III .ueb Oe Mille. Ihe 1I0ted d.alD.tlll 'nd
"0101 mu.t be .quare,' tenuree .. ""Lo.t III tbe JUIlt:le." '"III WI~~~HR::.~ ~::~r:: :~d ~11~:ll:; ,t'.e d,rMlo..... bo haa II"ell lip '11
~0(l~:I~:lt~~1I11 ~:Ic'l~~e~t:l:~r;ll m~:_ ~~e b!:..~:~~t d:~eelt~~ ~e:~~lc~~I~O.I~::
.t Puad.eol. C.Hforol tb.t Tuoe Wltb the Wild," .lId .Iotll.r
, w.. Oral lotroclueed Iota oote"'o.tby p.oduetloo" or .peel.l
~:~~t:8 ~~~.~lr.n::be~IO:~n:eomr:It ..~~ :~~:~~e~col~~~~I:n'lO.. III~e..h.~~~:...o:r
nd I....ucefll' ..... IB.tao, Selll r.vor.

hlll"hel... b.lladl.l _bo recl<Hly th;.ho:~~~~r~o~r the Lilk FUlur,

HOME ::~:r~ii~:,,~..~~~~:~~~ulYeIl~:~~~~::~ ~~:. C~~:'~'d~~ld:dLr:~: ~om~:~r.
innor::"t~:~rlr::II:lt~O~~~O~~t~.I ....~~: ~I~~-~~e rhe:lodp:::~r:u~~" o~l~~:~~:'
4th and Spring Irllna: D. Hol""n QU1IUb)' wbo Corpo'''llon lind tbe eublellllent de,
~~lenee~It:lf~~:n~.,~ttl~~e.I~~~:~I~ ;:~~ml~~~" e~~:~~: ~ned P:hre.. mJ~:~
Grill," P_,,_",_o~ ~~~~"~~eFe:~~rlletl~II.)'m~~~f.~~~r~
~::.a.:~ut~~nL~~~)'\b~~Ill::~~mb:~ ~t
F., Pierce .1 tbe pllOO...Iw.,..
- I I .od Ilwl1ll ",Ill be. '11101']1 hop.
re"<l1' m.ouf..eturd .lId put upoo
tbe m.rllel ..Ith not.ble .uec.... tbe
.0 your"lt once ,ou've beard ber: rollowllllr prllentltlDO,: Du.llo F.r-
Vlolel F"r.nllllo. clever ,1.II.b eo, Dum lD "'Tbe BQu.w Mao." Edward
Cabaret ~:~.lt~~~"'::u~~nr~:I'ft1~~ b.n.dod ~~:~~~~:r~:~.l~~': ~~I::~'~~o~~':
sATOO<iPWiN"OAn Thom .. W. Ru. III "Th. 001,.
Jimmie Guest, Piano Not a'llII' cl..., eomblOllloo ~:::'~I~'~ ':'::~o':er?~Je~:: ~:

Harold E. Johnston,
rel.lI. here but. de ..er ooe AI well,
'lId ... ho b .... 1".1, wrlttell rI, "The C.II or lb. North,"
ProduetlOIl. from the lint Par
~::I w~~rl~oe~:I~:dbl~;';;.tlll ~~~ :':::o:oer:~~~u.~I~'~:rbt:: I:~:~
Violin Ooodwlo R.,,' The eombloUlolI
b.r. II eo.pa..d of tb.1 t.I'oled
Vlrll:lol'II:' M.I: Jl'I,m'lI III 'Wh.t'l
HII' N.m.... Robtrt d..oo III
I pl.llo pl.,.er. "rlllk Ko("h; th.t '0' "Whit. tb. TTiJI OI1'ld..," Ed-
Billie Fisher, .plrlor "Iollollt. Dick RDMOD; th.t
pb.llomeo.1 b.oJolat, Michael Plllrt-
",.r4 Abelea III "Bobb, Burlllt," .lId
"Rlld,. "'011.,.:' Ch.rl.. Rlehm.n In
Rag Time Songs tore .nld lilt but 001 I...t. thu
lYer d'ullo. drumm, Ild I:J"I)hoo-
"Th. Man From HalO':' ThlOdotl
Robtrta In "Th. Clreu. M.o." a..
010,1'1. Ro, BarrrhUJ. .1. B.tTllIeIll. III "The ROM or tlla
Bert Roach, LyricTenor IRIP CAJl"II:
Try .od btlt 11111 colllbltl.tloo
Rall."ho," H. B. Warll., In '"Tb,
Ohoet Btlak.r: Du.UII rlr!lulO 10 Ei:c::lusive distributor~ lor
tor da. In the 'IIt.ttalolll' 110' "CamlO Klrb,: '.nd ''Th. Olrl or
Welsh-M.ari[et.soft English Hab
Frankie Reynolds .od ,.ov.'11 be lolli' 110m.. "Bult.r"
M.rtili. Ul tuoollli lItti. beaut,.
lb. Oold.1I WMt" with ao aU1t.ar
Luk,-a.I.. co CIIL erdashery.
Itt. .ood.ml 1I...UOa.. or r. .hlou' P.riIa,. tilt 1Il00t oot.worth7
BaIladist .rt, wltla the bla yotOl; Dick eo:.
bufll ,the beacb ..11 . . tbll
lehl,Y,lIllllt. or the L.aakr ratv...
PI., COIllPao, dUrlD' tb. flm ,..r
d~t'. ~fllIllar eban.r lIlao: Bob or Ita Ul.t.o.. II.. beall It. allU-
Yolba & Martinez Ihllo", . tal.ateS IIlI.ttallier
qoae wotk attncU -att.DUCla with
,UOIl wltll Mr. Da1'ld a.luoo ud
the OOUIqtlectt pr04l1et101U la plo-
Spanish Dan~ neo,... Got laeklo,. :~r1fa:or: :~:r~u~ro.:=o'

Cua V..... Cafe

IaI ...
t.tbe pluo lit bN4I-
anrtIP~ of "*114 MOo
''11t. a- or tbl aucllo" &all
aInad, bela ,...... th u. u.
'''TII. Olrl of til. Oold. . W." ba"
P!" 100M .~1aIq so . .~
. ::'; !ii~Jiioio- ..: ~:~~~;,~~~~~"~~:~....;,;....~~;:-~~~..,.;~~;;O.:......
'*" -:.u~~~ar:.irY -l\::: =~I:I eolll. . . . .tI. ot tla. ,a"
~. m&tW. ofneord. ....."

'r\,'- ; ~~

--..ua ODIIP.... ...011

'"toR l'l'tJDloe IN' IbIA!fOII&a

_ 4

......... Only Four More Weeks

Wtllaill ..... n-
Gueral ..lUI..... R, lAY7 of
lleIalr nllll 00., TUCIOU, Aria.. lip
""~';'" arrl~ III til" e1t1 _Itb tb. obJ-et or
ereetlludlc. tor I flumM, or

prod.cllli compaal... tI la .. ~ttod
that the tlr.t \lletu~ will " Ituted.
"Ullin torUlI,bt, aDd WI _t,b to
~11l tbe ItttlntlOD or 1l"IIl_rio Mlton
Conteat Clolel February 13th, 1915 .
N.- .... R. . . . .tadft: OeD. to tbe tact that Mr. ,....,. I. 1ft tbe
market tor bl.b. el torlel. H, I,
1482 Fitiprald Bldg. lookln. ror the M..t only IDd lin no


IIlI prlre I' IOD1I' II he reetll".,. ulul
III III probablllt,. Ihe companl.. will Winners of the Prizes will be announced on the night of the Photo players' Revue
31.,1, eopl 6 tleDtl not be complete UpOD arrlvtl, Ind.
0 ... T..r.. .... n.110 Dumher or player. Ire nle1. Ali

. ;:-;.::~. ri~:~b~b',~i d:
thOle ",hn bave Icenarlo. tor ..Ill or
wI,h to communicate .ttb Mr. I.. f, STANDING OF CANDIDATES
Rata n.110 ~r lacb..
un addre-a blm caN of tbl, publca-
tlOD C01ltutant-
Fred Kley '., " .. wky ,.
Grace Cunard " . Universal
Ella Hall "

'" Universal,
Studio Vot"
, ... 460,800
. ,.",896,700
Grand Capital P
Jackie Saunders. ""Balboa .. _",307,250,
Irene Hunt.. l<.eJiance....... ..268,460
Cleo Madisun ..Universal. . 283,450
M'yrtle Sledman .Bosworth, ,159,400
Vlctoria Forde Universal .125,160
Edythe Sterling Frontier. .. 60,300
Dorothy Davenport ,.Crown 87,550
Violet McMillan .. N. Y. M. P. Co. 32,050
Dorothy Gish ... Reliance 28,350
Mae Marsh ..... _ .. Reliance 25,400
Courtenay Foote. ...Bosworth 25,050
Stella Razeto.,,,,,.,,,SeIiK 25,000
Mabel Normand. ... Keystone 16,100
Charles Chaplin ,.E888nay.. 15,100
Signe Auen __ Reliance............. 16,000
Sdwta AII~t. t ..... tU... FUm.
Carlyle. BlackwelL .FavoritePlayers.. 15,000
MR.. EDWIN AUGUST ON A:o;' --------
Margarita Fischer ....Ameriean 14,060
INTERESTING SUBJECT "IULL1to:" WIl:ST !olAI\KS WONDER- W. Ch... Rt>binson ,liiograph... 13,000
tt,;L STlUlJK..~ AS MOTiON Margaret Gibson ,Vltagraph, ...." . 12,900
OJ' "0-..1,," LablutU" z..ldrnaa Plcrt;tu.: Ac..."I:HKSS
Ruth Hartman., ,.F.vorilePI.ye... . 12,000 GRAND CAPITAL PRIZE-
!rIIuClh baa been publl,hed In rela- I'erhapll nu"" or the 111m tavor
live to mo.t e,'ery p.ll...e or the Mo- lte.! h ..~ rlllen more ra ..ldly III pu.ll Dorothea Farley .Albuquerque .. 11,450 1915 Chevrolet "RoYBt Mail" CBr on exbibltlon
tloo PIcture In~ualry. tne p.lloto-
l!'upby. uevelolilog. pnnlLng Il.nd IIC fll"o' dunng lh~ Villil yeu. tnan George Larkin., .... Universal".",... 10,350 Bt the Chevrolet Automobile Co., Pico St., at Hope,
_u ..uo .. rll.ng. '.h.t 011 .. 01 ,no most n... '-bUIl"''' \\eet. line or the Ma Howard Hickman N. Y. M. P. Co. . 10,300
~~~:..n~l~~~~~e~~t~:~~~:'70:rt l>d Je"t,c at",.." She II a flrudurt of Loui.. Glaum.. N. Y. M. P. Co., 10,200 UPRIGHT PIANO- \
_ '. no .. rl.tlr'is a"udl"l\ to t~e cut-
I\,u,,,c")'. the a,,,te ,.II it n..... I"D.& Helen Holmes, ,.,Kalem ".".".... 10,100 On exhibition at Geo. H. BBrnes' Plano Co.,
"' ..... "",,"n Q~ I .. ~ "ll,,'" "1 " .. a".,
ting ano .-sw""og vt j,I,ctures. \'>0
all I(IIOW lOll" U. " . Vi ,,'Hn, '-K,nl\
I .. , .. u.~"... ."'... " ..bl ...... llu.'u ,n Bessie Barriscale N. Y. M. P. Co,. 10,050 131 South Broadway
l.",".'" "'" "nu "" .. c..,,,,, -at 'u" "tl~ .. r Dot Gould , ..... ,., Sterling 10,050
Ot rr"... "oo.a. ..llr'u"'.... tn" auc, ..a
ot n ... 1>0utv<.lrlL.... 1l 'u ,nO ',,""lu~ ,u
.... ,,,'e .., ... _,,~y

Adele LanL..... . . Selig. 10,000

SOLID GOLD WATCH (Ladies' or Gents)-
"-~l>"." ... 'u b..cua,e all I.etreu.
Wnld' n .. c ...... "liD .. ue.u",e4 n'li j,lro-
o .... l."n hu""'6r " .. r.. lIu, bU."g al.~ "'c.. , ,,, L,,"""'" ..
-"en, an" J""u- Douglas Gerard FavoritePlayers. 9,050 On exhlbtlon at S. Nordlinger \!1 Sons,
\n lu,.. , ,tn ".r rLll"n In lU'1i "r' ,,~ ,., .. .,.
...... v" _~
" .. J. '" 'e .. """"
'... ,
",la ..., """.e Cora Drew .... _.. .. Reliance. 7,060 631633 South Broadway
t'c,e.uu' .. n.ll .. u.IlU .... Ou.... lu(ll.I;O
"u .. u, ,n y" ..". ,.. I;&,u."g .. " ..... b'.'
LL, .. ,
"" \,
", ,
n ...
I'.. lIy
"','," ,to
, ..ra.. ,-
Lucille Younge Navajo..... 6,600 (Value $50.00)
~~::~.. ~lll,~.. '~n~~.ll' e~~b:~~"~u~~; ~;: .............. ,. .. " ", U.. ,ut' lu.. 11 ,n Pauline Bush Universal.. 5,450 SUIT ( to order)-
'u" ,.. ~ .. " .. , ,,,"""_.y ' l l .. r " ,.u" Donald Crisp .. ..Reliance.... 5,450
......t\ .... l.
,n", I1.I .. U "I ~.O""n '"11'''Q'' ....H'" uU'" "",.lIu" 0 Ray Gallagher." . Universal. 5,350 From Chas. LeVY \!1 Sons, 448 South Spriq
'"'' . 0st.1I1; ,,'uc.......,,,.,. "
nt"e Is ... h ..t this popular a('tor.
SUII.ur...n..l I-ruo .. ~er 0"" .u a..) 011 ...."I \l} . " " "
~"'e Ii.,,, J(hU"J
Q " .. Ford Sterling. Sterling.. "". . 5,350 (Value $50.00)
I,." '--'d'."-,," "' ~Il l. ~",.uJ. ..,re
ta" B.. "..ed. ,'r,,~or l .. <l.IUI; 01 v,('-
",," I ........ '~"U ,,,, " ... a~ ,u"u Chas. Rey" N.Y.M.P.Co." 5,300 LADlES'SUIT (to order)-
t .. reB '" Ju.t lUI e~lie"".H "" I;uud .. ,." I.. ~~.U "n. l.u.. ,........'tl e Laura Oakley ....... Universal. 5,200
.10' ....., j,lu~wgr" .. nJ ... r ..... ye,,.. ,'0 lo" .. _

~"u".."r u' ..... Lotl'~.' "' ~ .. From Kleinberjer Ladles' Tailoring Co.
u. .. "", , ........ "v~ II "lu') '''. " It IAl'B " ~J. "',," ... ~Ul , ~ ...... " .. ~ .
Rhea Mitchell N.Y.M.P.Co... 5,050 702 Pe!l!~e.' Billa.. 'r
to "u..l ..,u 1-'-"'1''''' c... u.,u""), au~ ....)
"u.u"....."..,,} .. ua "ULl..,,,.,,.. I,y e~u
"" Ol .. ~~.h ul< ,~ .. u.. v e Gypsy Abbott Favorite Player>. 5,050
ju~, U"J"A C.... ,"~ r a"... Ii.. e
oe"" ..a B,""'''''' )'.. " "'tl J .... l ..a '"r Jv''''-'' ,.ud ~, .. u e """r" CU Edwin Auguat " .... ",Eaco 5,050 LADIES' OR GENTS OVERCOIn:
truw n 11 a a.. ccea.. tu, 1>1l0'UI"")' Billie W~st Reliance 5,050
.. )'llU " 11 l>tl II )'"u "'",-e u....,
l,aU) A' 1.11" ~ u, ,,, . eUil!O
".""'. .\,..... ,' ...., "u, U .. CIl '" ~l~"
.. From Nebraska Ctothlng Co
'nil wnb a ""or,)' cun..",,"te.. '~a.~e l ....'Q aU" "Ud~""" l" y .. r...
Bob Leonard Universal 5,000 'h
VII 'oIL*' a'l1"r h..na. yuu caa hU ,.. ~,.,. ".,., ,,~ } ... ~u" I"r , ,,'II' J. Warren Kerrigan. Univenal 5,000
pru~e tue \h'''1>'' 0' & !'OUr ,oe",,,, ... an
ace.. r.. ,e "loh.U& ILU e ".,_g. ,n llr.~... h,,, e '''.......... 8, ' r "X Louise Lester.. American.. 6,000
,_"... ,11. ..,,~ 'U,," "U" Jo'n.... lue
o.y eall",al.uu tOe D a "Il a, ..,eUI. I' .. ,,, 'urc"...... ""... "U.. "..... ,." ..e .. lu Edna Maison. . Universal 6,000 SUBSCRIPTIONS,
... n.cn II,. tne Orll\.".. ,eo III
U. n. ljr.lll(n. 18 a.. lOllt wr " "ro-
I"'" ""_~'''''c .."., C... ~.a . J' ,tl.oU"
",.,e. b,."'''''''''' ... , tl' ~I ... Ulll"~ ... ltb
Wm. Garwood. Universal. 5,000 During the Photoplayers' Weekly
o ..ce,r u ne la cS1>a",e to ha.e In Ibe 1'",11" "U".1>~U). .',..... heal Wm. D. Taylor Favorite PlayeN 5,000 votes will be allowed on Subscriptions accord
0I1...a when h" IB c ..lllag lllS Drat , .... AU.... " .." ,--"ml>'u". """0"
print. J... ,,,,,a
a"...... ti ,e~I .., .. (l .u ll ...... "..' .t..a ,,"~,
Anna Little Universal 6,000 the following schedule: ..
, .lls'a ",Im_ej pkturea rlln lllf ", II .. nu "",c.e.)- - r",,,,,,, 1"O .... C Henry Otto American 5,000
In WUH..a proo ..ce'" WOll Ql~ Dllt .tud! ''''lie. "n.. c" .... (J I" !."e }'''JeJl''c. Eddie Lyons ...... Universal 6,000 l~year subscription $ 2.00
t.llIB 1>o8le uf toe DI.I.,Uell& toor" ..go, J"',- ~. I ~ 1.1. "ar nMl' al'I-'"",.n. e
ly; tr.e~ to 108.1! toe '.ll8n Oacll a,a- Lee Moran Universal 5,000 2~year subscription 4.00
In .,,~je,,", pcl .. ,,,,. "'dO ,n .,e ,.u,e
tern In theIr nl", vrodu~uou. oct llie
rea .., "'"re S crl",e. I-ua v,cwre ul l."".l\"a. " . "Ie aile B~OI'l"<l a,,- Al E. Christie Universal 6,000 3-year subscription 6.00
c, .. eu ,.It ", llle r".a "I I..:o."u" ... 'Utl 4-year subscription 8.00
.... && ell ..lrected .fl.J:celleut.y v,..jed. :;,.,,,,."0 llJrJ. "Oe al>~""""a I,,,,,r ," Ed. J. LeSaint.. Selig. 5,000
bl.Lt It raUe.. to aV ...e ..I-"'OY I be- Tom Mix .Selig 5,000 5-year subscription 10.00.
e-,1.L.. e nI. adJOu laaaea Ilno Ola c.ll.. r 4..
II.a 11l."1 snd ,.lla 1>00...
A ,o,r "r C... llfi. . , be \\ "eo.a
Elizabeth Burbridge. N. Y. M. P. Co 5,000 6-year subscription 12.00.
aClera ",ere not "r"...erly counec.ed. 01 Dea',ny. 'De lJod)' In ,,,e
'JO de ....llnstrsttl l.ll..t WtlU I a..) ,s ',rlonlL, ,.lie Angel 01 ,De t.ulc.ll," Richerd Stanton. N. Y. M. P. Co. 5,000 7-year subscription 14.00
:.ll~et~l:a:~~:'~u~e II~~~~~ ::~ ~a:~~ " e1~a Bill a 'Aaat Itlue." Sn~ lltner
......, ..atlc le"'''r...
Romaine Fielding.....Lubin 5,000 8-year subscription 16.00
erly cut, there la 00 uoubl 10 m,. .\,'U he.,s , ..thero1\na .. big atock Mary Fuller .. " ..lmp 5,000 9-yeal\ subscription 18.00
o..lud, It8 to 1... pledBlDg reBulta. rolan)' terlll 'n ",ainel~. K,-" an~ It ... e.a 10-year subscription 20.00
111m prnducdonB are read)' Bpll,n"J
by ID.JprOJ,.er ClotHog. Some now or
Lere lha, ono It'arne~ 10 ride. i:>.lle
h,er"lJ)' ",'O~ III ,n" sa.. d.e Il" .. learn Now Is the time to get busy. Get amonist your l1~year subscription 22.00
Olber a01l.:e man .. racturers ao not
re.. ,I~e how de.IC .. te a th,ng It la.
eo to rode n"18eU"('K I"",u.l as 1Wl>1I
as .ne lellrne~ tll "'ilk. abe 1. a
friends for Subscriptions and Advertising, they 12-year subscription 24.00
I trl.Lat that the tollowlng yedr will
be Instrl.Ln.enlal lD lltlng,nK tne reaU-
'''L.oro b.. r.e~om&a aod Ii lilreal l",tlr will gladly help you. Every vote counts. Our
or .llllraea. her wO,r.er. "e,JII'a "e,e
ption to the manutacturers. that "arm ltleaa. ll! Uenetal It. ". L..... Advertising Hen will be pleased to calion anyone
aood cutting la aaa()IUlel)' neCellldry
In orc.er to ('ompll!!e tbe Buc,-eadul
toe tamou. So"tbern le"en'. alld
:0., ,. . \'> e.l. o:oll.er .....aa n"'Doed l.ee
you may suggest. U there Is anythtng you do not ADVERTISING:
phlltoplay. In honor ot the I.. mo"a 8nu,neroer. understBnd tn regards to the con!es" we will be During the Photoplayers' WeekI:' Contest,
!<t,u \\eat. lull llan.o I. "bllLle"
pleased to Bnswer any questlons you may asll. votes will be allowed on Advertising according to
Letl \'ut..
MEMBERS OF DE LUNA CLUB \\hl,e Mlaa WeBI I. 1111 excellent the following schedule:
G1\ E DINNEH TO c...HAIU.Kti horsewllmkD Ilnd 1>0..e88ea a hoe lyric
RA> $ 1,00 advertisement...
~~f'~:~':lil"~~~:'o~:rsOct~~:t. ..d:~I~hc~r~~ added tb.t the rUI bad Men ".ed in
ex:::::fbee':r:~nt'~:t~~~~~ap~;"udb~~: OB.t,es. Her den at - ner .llome I. lit. hI. ramlly for poar.llon. and b.d 2.00 advertisement
lJ' of ~me or IncevllJe'a scto...- tere.. "'.h 11l.J,.. n blanJlela. mllll .. ture beell p....ented to bla anceators by a 4.00 advertisement...
bwtowed enjoyment upon the.naelvOli CDIDele t1rllgooll hltn .. -earve~ eUODY member ot tbe bDd7 ,"'ard ot y".. 6.00 advertlsement..
the other Il.llI:bt and they're atlll
taUtlnll about It It the atudlo,. Tbe :~e:.h...~~. ~~.llll:; ~:~~~e.~~ t~~~~ ~~':l hammed. AccordlulI: to tb. traditiOn 8.00 advertisement
tun bell:an with a banquet to Charles bave corr." trom lul cornera ot the ot tbe rUII:. MobamDta:J u.e<l tb, rUI 10.00 advertisement
a..,., leading man wltb the Inee slobe. when pn)lnl'.
ooDlpatllea. Tben, wben the "amall "" hen MI.. Weat lett the K,ntuclty Tbe Penlall ClllIClude:l wltb ..lI:lnl 12.00 advertisement.
hlacll" bad been consume<!.. tbe merry' SCbool .he .....eDt to h.urope .0 enter Min Welt to ba hi. wile. ItaUP, th.t 15.00 advertisement
lDuers repaired to Venice. Cal.. In- a a.chOlll In Perla. Atlar remalilln, h" h.J toUr:eeD other wlv...
tent npon attendln" en 01...... the here ate .. daya .be became dlautt... Two rooma at b.r bOOla lu LoI 20.00 advertlsemenL 20,000 ~ ),'
.._11 boxin, boua at the Venice bed With the. m.bller In 'wblell tb. Anlel. baye been PNA8~ Into .... 25.00 advertisement. .25,000 ~
.A.thl.:lc Club.
.... the,. approacbe:J tbe entrance
Frencb. .chool w.. cOllducted lId
wenl .rllun~ tbe world. It wu wb,l.
vice to hold tba r.ulla 01 bar Ilobe
trottlnl. 30.00 advertlsemenL.. .30,000, 'fII!IlIi!
to the &rena, J. Barney Sberry. O.lle .he .... ooJoJ'lnl her ellx;etlence ot 141.. Weat h.. larl. bl&Q1r: .,. . 50.00 advertisement... 75,000 ~
or tlle ma.t poPlilar memhera 01 tbe globe trottlo, tbat Mia We.t d.- oveNhadowld wltb 10Ri darll lutl.,
claD. dul' oeep down Into bla pnckea
Yltb the allJl.OIIUeeme.llt that be wonld ;:III:~;1 tbe mania tor collectlnl ::O~I::r~~.laal~:d~': a::1~ AdvorMng Rau<, $1.00 peT ill<il.
d.trQ the upeu. ot e.dmu.lon. A 1welve trun1la were requlr,,:J to "1II0", tip", lIIeUIlNe 6 tt. i lao In
. , . . . DC'O~eat aroM trom tbe throata hold tbe rOliult. or ber collectlO.ll1 hel.bt and w.lIh. 111 1"- Her
01. UIoe. otheN, each 01 wb.om .ll'nl- wben ahe returned home. A piece ot naturallubatltan. 01 tbe Soutber:n
8e4 llJadeeire to meet the. bill. In .taDe cblpped Irom one or tba EI1'~ . ,Irl. cbafJo;eri.Uoa lIlalaea ber . , . . VOTING COUPON:
~;lUpmRt Ofer ananel.1 ob- tl.u prnmld.; rnall qu.ntltr or daU, ad.pted to portnJ'llll ,troa,
tJ,cattoaa til.,. IItood npon the .Id.. rod: lrom the .pbru ;....ral .tlI- romantlo rol.. Ibe u .... at law
, walk ror,.u 01 D.tteen mlnlltea. Flllal. Good for Fifty (50) Votes in the Ph
tr. J'nIIIr: Borsaae bnm into lI.u,b- :~~;.~lIn~z:::r....o Jo::I;:rtc::o::: beat wbln oomr:llH III &II. lutaat to Weekly Popularity Conteat.
~~ ::.r~r:'l~.::e~L~
. '....,.
tltr. _TaleJ' aU weJ\ted to know ....I.ac conntl'lM, are Inelud.J In
I. ....1lat, . . . . tile mattM! Bors~l'e
. NClO't'ertal' bU eompoaura, polD\ed to ~~=~~~:::.~~~4 ~trolll.m Ofll 01. .ldMiq
t.~ .heII . " U1ed. to llDoelr: IIItae W.-t la Mtruo.'l1 't'. . .UI. Ia
'olt ''''0 o. a ...... OIl. . . . of tile lR41a. her lAterjNta!OU . . I .. "1Ial1J at

:~~~:"'Bu~~:-.: ~~: r:':.~. \1:::'
=~~tta ~
hurt.. aPMI to

't.>:t ' ~ .
"'\I7~a't'aI" tII,. ... lInatua1tM111'

pod looa. . . . . .let ., MtlInI

. ~~i:...~-=-Et-=
~': :.~., ~._ ~

. No. 21 Lot Ancel", Cal. +turdlY, Januuy 23, 1915


.... ~ued b,. oor~ or aVIM. al -'01JI.lalull. of ... har 0"" mu~1 UI1l1.rl(<I
10 bold a piaN' uf "II)' oou.... 'luerrco'
leiPd to bu. beeD blred b)" her bua-
ad ror ua. parpoee of (ll"llvelHhllt
In tile h ....., "I l"jnN' nf Ib ..
... arrl"a) at tbe (:OUt. PriD~ In .. Ie"" 01 Ib" f .,1 thai Ih~ r.,-
Ibnbhlt. H_a. formar Wife or tile lI:udel h ......11 In daoll:er frun, 1,,1...
__1.1 appolD~ Kbedly. of &opl. ar.... Ila:.. lJlellt -ere made b,' Ibe I'TlI'
_aUs arrly" lD Loll. .'Dcel. '"fln.al 1"tlm t'oml>&nl' r"r .,0.,1.." ",
_ " - abe q UDder eoDtn..,t to 1I1~ 1..oa "011:,,1... ' ....Ilff '0 m~1 h .. r .1
tlM -410&" role ID a _rie. of 111('- rh" alallon and prolet"l b... fro",,1 all"
tore- to lJe tnade bl' tbe lJnhe.....1 'PO"albl .. ,boll'er lbal ",llI:hl Ibn".l"n
r u . CompaDl', d.pl~t1.lI: tome of Ihl' Hurried 1010 a .'altlnll. aUlo b..
! . - 'uclaaUn, pbaaes or life In \bl' ...... '.k"n Im"dlatel.' 10 lb .. bom .. or
Ori_tal barem. friend ... ber.. ,b. . .'1\1 remain In ....
TIle PTJn~. former I,. .\Iiu Ola d ...l"" .."III " II'''' h.~ I_II .,,1.,
. .


Tb' Pbotoplat. "WI No' L,1l11l1

ClOmpaDI.d Mlal Weat on h,r tou,
of tb. wOIld. aad hu been th. con.
.tant eompaalon or til. Y01lAI woman
MaUlr:' Itanlq Waclya A.rbllek'. "ar ,Ia,*-
Ir.o. Tam Who 1& beloa rlatured
'1 ....d, tor Ul. publla, to dIU.M "~.t" POMellM almOit bumall III' In the R. . . .t VUm., wbleh aN ....
dlp..- .... r fOt C!OIIlM1. I.Ild I, t.l1IplICl lUld .IIJO,.. lIotbl"l mo, le&Mtt tbroulb tbe UIlI~ Pro.ram.
oat or "'. moet ebarmlill or tb, Doe- Iho potlna tor. moylol pletur.
wortll; proC.,UODI. 10m, 0" .11 Mm.,.. Whall a dOl '- nHllN In
I. lOW workill. 011 a two-r.. 1 tlatu,.
Cllled "'rn.'. Bra" nabL"
blu'II. to .......k tbat Itt 'lrell,ttl plctllrl It tb. alll.OOll .od IhJecU..
tudlol. "Jlt" I. u.uall,. .nlaced. It l*1l. a _I~y dralll" II"..
l*J' III Itt pllelt7, but Uti producer Til 11110.1. wblo.ur-tt _ may. Mill Tua' tile opportuolt.;y ot \l.ltlll
oab laqhN Illd ~. "Wblll
Inc pleturl Clr.r. la opar.Uoo, will '"any aOWll1 whfeb .r. ,&elu ".ry
au .peatl. of _ImplicitI' b' ,_erall)' ,11'. and tha 1.t4tt modal. frolll b.i-
lmpll 'Iell: of UpeIlH. wbleb L, ....11t UI' to \I .nd .... tch the pro. Yer)' el.bo,lIa ward rON. n. __
10011.111' It It from tb. "'roo, In,le ,..edln'l In eyldeat Inlerllt. It "Jet" n,rlo wu lHllteo to .ult )11M Totllll'
I. lIe.d.d In Illclllre. only on...lIlhl
Tak' the c... of tbll Atbudll. pro' 11)'1. ot work nd brl.... out m ...y
,...mm.nd from U. mlltr... I. neeea-
dllctloll. tor Inltlnel. Th.... I, th.
.ar)' for the c.nlne to IllI loc.t.d In nne 1....lnu .nd ctn. h.r tb. adl'la-
vma" Il,eet ,the "olrat Olereblll' '.1111 of m,klnl the mOil of llnot1
tb. rorea,ound .nd '10'111 II. furlher ...... r ....ter work.
dlae Itor., lb. dlnln, and U"lnll In.trucUnlll ... llh uldent dell/lill.
room of HI Judd, lh' "ml" ~l "Jet .. hu been lau.hl b,. II. mi. -~---
mllte", Ilome. and I dOlln olher tr" 10 do almoll ,ve'y trick ItnuwlI V.1 ;C~ItOCVTION HHOWN IS
ear,tully nleeted and buill to Ofd"'r I.. dOIl"dool. The dUIt "11 .Iand "THJo: "RAUl... HPARX"
lneaUon. to carry out the urno. "lthllr on It. hind ur f"releltll 'nd hSII
phflNl and thll Illl,lt ot thl, Vllloni Jlo ..' ttle c..eer at Llre,.ln, crook
beeu laullht to 110 tn th" ItrONorl' .Illi I, IInded l>y novel IItlltbod 10 "'bleh
comedy dnma. I d\! no IUPllUU It 'lIe.1 III.rk .. t .nd h,lnlt ho"". IIrof' ."t1elrlel!y J)ls)'. the Jndln, J).rt. I.
~"er occur. to Ihe IlUbll(' that It I~ IIrle. IIIHI meUI to, .\flu W".I Whl'" Ihll .ubJect ot "Thll neadJ)' 811.rk,"
lnnnHely hlrder to I,r\!dufe II. COUll' ~1Iu Wllllt dllll'" It ,mllll "rder. '''' II.hlorbln/t' tlQW dr.m oon to hll
try IrOCer)' Ilore or po.lomee un the IIl1her t,nm Ihe IH"ett'y or mttll.l mar. rilleued b)' the Ince comp.nln. The
Itage thin In er.len.lye drawlnlt ket. .hll ..'r!tel sn .. rdllr. 1>I.elll II "etlun ot Ihe .tory besln. when Jane. .\I.IJEltT It(KXJAHm
room "to The latter I. alway. kepi In Inl.l[ bultet. and Ih" dnll Ihell Ih .. :aalllhter or Joho Plltll". m.r-
III .t<X'k. Inll .. llh thl former eyery l.ke. thp buket In III mnUlh. Mlu rl". Edwlrd Mandeo. ratber th.n ."'.11.:1171U)(..'CAnm HAM fo:HTAn.
,leuB mu.1 he perteNe1. mu.t bp Wnt thlln IIY' .. nrnre',. ... or ".\lell Itllll'h MIIl"'r. the falb",r', ebolee. UHH.:U WCJXUEH"'Uf. 1t1::1"U"_
expen.lvel,. perflNld. If you Wan I lIhol':' .nd "'Jel" Ir"tlolT Th. M.nden flnlt.u the .....lce- ot TATIOS IN (;'O~":ln' nOI.F.M
I" let an Ide. 0' Ihe <'OIt. uk Ih~ ,HOCllr ."d '''I1 ... b"r .re ...... m trl .. nd. hi.. wlte to re.I' I,rlle .um. wltll
"'oroer crucer ho'" much o.pU.1 It t>t "Jet:' lind hurt tim .. llll.. r Ih .. nrd de,le...... hleh be own, lind con- Alberl RoeClrdl. the well-"nown
look to .l.n hlol out In bu.loe.. ! <lOll r.. tu,". 1">11'" ",rrylnO! th .. I.... Ir"I ... I.ut when tbelrl le.ro. of Ihe Vlt.r.ph 1,1.)'er. h .. been Ju.1 ooe
"Then. 100. ur dem.nd 11 .11 kel. ",.eraU"" .h" ee..... 10 aid him. .hort y".r In tit" motloo pldores.
It.r eI. nd here I. anolber el Th" dUll "",'O!r n,.k". I ",lll.ke In Tlten 1t ...den. PO~erl,...trlekell. .nd It. . wltltln thlt time etltabU.bed
1,,,n.t...,ly 10ierNtln, thoulh Ill<' ::~nll tn t ........... nll 1.1......... h all .. r \lla". In rull Pete..... . .fll. J.lle In ,,,,pttlltlon tor I"Omedy rolea Iblt
retl"" Itelll-.l.n .re lempe"ment rnrn'l h"r f.ther "t Ihe I,l.n .nd I. woodl!rtul. llr. Roc:c..dl wenl
.1' They do nOI .1 ...,.. work e ..ery !"lIen eqltipi the lite wllh I de.dl)' Intt> mOllon I'kturea on hll reluro
,I.)' I.. the weelt. Ind I.. bfltray Ibp rnntrh.n.,e or b.lterlea .od wlr" trom .brn.d. du .. to the low ebb Ibe
IIl.rl... of .t.rdum ...... Id .tanl.. When )I.nden lnu.,hq the Itnob he lelllllm.t...ho .. were .t tb.1 Ume.
the f.lot-hearted I . " ntlell dOPI I. eler!ru<'ule1, .nd J.n .. I. rllCOn Ind reCf'lved In ulTer tram tb",
Ihe Ilrodu",,,~" .. ll..d 10 Miller. \'U'l!"rJ.ph ('(Imp.n,.. . . h\cll he .r
:\I.rl)o Arburlt!O! II ",u, or th .. The l,roduet!oll I. replete with pled. Preylou. to Ibal he 1.layed
,"Gal 'amOUI I"Omedllnl 00 Ih .. .~ .. n". "t InteDle lolereat. nLlllCI.lI)' ,,'111t Joho Dr... In "Oelan.c:,." .od
Amerl<'ll.n .t.le. "d he hu 111",," ....h..11 the thre.dl of tbe plot bellill "M)' Wlte"; with ~Ia)' Irwlo In "Get
Ihe "er)' belt u' hlml.. lf to thl. I" unfold Ihein h... t.. ,Iew. Sel- 1101( Poll~h." with COhan .lId Har
l.I.)'". Sueh. up.ble aod brllll.nl ''''Il. of \le.ttly onlplre ...lth unu.tt rl . "omcer 666:' Ind wltlt Ch...
to~srouod nMd. ." loternlln" "It> &lronK a.,lInll b,. the ,>rlnclp.l. llllllnllh.m. J)rodllet\on.. Mr. Roc:-
WOODLE'" THE"TRE OU' pl.Aum llF.tO!lt~ )lAS.~
I.. ,,,.ke t"e Itor)' one or the belt
".eklmuod . nd In '"It. No I.aulth '.rdl. "'ork In the tollo ...lnl: fUma
GF,R nllt n x.. \\"II.L""UI Inl M.tter" the dlrllK"lOr tor 8<.- or It. kind ""er Iurn ..d out b)' h.n ...,.lted Inlereat snd Ilfll'e
Jh Londo~mou. OtarUlllU~ Will Star t-~~I.. :~~ ........ J"h.ftaun "'ortb earrled oul In r.re detail Ih .. Thun,.. Il Jnee "The De.dh rrom .11 who h.v", .een Ibe l,lclurel.
muterJ)lece "Tbe Se. WoJr:' 10'111 bf' rkhl,. nlr.l .tmutl,here "t th .. pllly ~LI;"k" "'Ill be relelled Ihroulh th,' "mong which are "Mr. Blrnel ut

leeo 00 Ibe acreeo or the Woodley Ho\\'ard {r.IIlI't",1. thl' ..'ell- :"e'" York." '"Uncle Billy:' "The
durin.!: the comlog .eek. Prodllce:! kno .... n lll'l> plll)".. r. hn undert.lIte" .,"" \t-:t:iI.'TAUI.Io:H AT ('SI"V.RH."I, ..:,;;,,:v;;-;;,,'--.7.
.." ... ",. Wlnk"oOt .. Widow." "Tbe .\Ian Be
br Hoblrt Bo....orth. the ",ellknown Ihe U'lInlllt .. lt'enl "r .r~.. WllI.rd. CIT..- R.:8TAL"II.\:II'T hh'd the Door:' "The WronS rllr!,"' ,
local It.r. wbo also toolt the title the J)r!z~ H/:htH, "'hu II m,lfhed lu -IUUU' '"I,.:STISW '''''I "Tht> Cblef's UOllt"
role. "Tbe Se. Wolf" la on" Or tb(' ":<1<11<- I.y'..... !l4adf' Good (._ "r
IIl!"hl 111ck .Iol1"lIon lit .Iu.ru, ~I"'J' Itulll ShOI""). "" .. "r lh", m".l
really ~relll nlm.tlu.llona ut tod.) 1"'0. In lh .. "".r rulur... Then' III ('t)DIM)' ..:IIITH W\SS.: ~IATHI80N Tn
Herbert R.....lInson I. starred In th,' h"aulltul wum .. n un th .. Amerle."
. ~Ir_ ("ramptnn ....a. r.lled UI>on til I'.troo. ot tile re.llur.nl. In Ih .. Ita.c.. h... heen ot compar'lh'cly r". \PIto;.o\n IS THE I.A~K\llfo':'
part or the )'ouo wrlter, wblle the undl'rtllk .. lh~ man.... ment or \Vll "("lolly ot the unl'en.1 'Iudloa "r
.uppnrtlng rllt Is 1111 th.t un I... Wurld Film Corvnr.Uon to .lIl>llU I,""K..'O I'IWDV<..TIOS OF
lard by Illi bllek .., . Boll \'eroon .nd &llli I!"rumbllnl!" over th" .carcll)' "f "PI....II .. Ro!>erl W.rwlrk In the nino
desired. Ch.rle. 10nee..... hu .tt...."In. Ihe ,-ell:.. t.ttllll on Tuead.)'. mllou. Ther.. ,.. rllon fit tb" I!"rell ".ul Arm.tronl( ,vrHF. on:nsoU's I.AUY"
J.dt Loodon. novel ....11 tollo"'ed .... ork of ~tr ("r.n,ptuo tb" m.n. "ere I.lent,. at J)Ot.IOllI. 00100 nd .ur.,.. '"Allaa Jimmy V.lenllne.'" .I'r Samuel Goldftlb hll the hon
clONly In the production ot Ihe nlm. !l"er of Ibe nllhl ..r In Ihe fUm d"ma. ntlt .. r more _lid produ..U 01 thO" Thll f... tn ..... ,,'111 he r"le.ud on tbr
Lod It 10'11.1 m.de In maor KeOel un "r "r an""uodnl\" on beh.U ot the
"'The H"art Punrh."' t"<.m::luded tbe~ .011. but of 10m'10llI. e.bbll:etI. c.ul W"r.d Film ...hedule Febru.r, :: J ....... 1._ l.&Illty Feature !'Iay "om-
dllr the .utbor. J)et'lOo.t dlreetlop .nd Ihpn tbal h.. ,e ..."able of '111- ino,,en. letluee and Ilmllar Sllmi !l411.Tns ...~HnSE\
"'rllm .11 lndlcatlona 11 "'Ill he one 1'11.0)' that the. orl!:.ols"Uoa b .. 000-
No UenH wu apa~d to obl.lo re,l ling relult, 'm". Jelt!. nd eng.sed .ott .rtf.,lea 0' herblrerou. dlel ther, .,f 'h.. 01".1 .Irlltlog ."e""",,, on th ..
iam In tbe pbotopl.y ""e" to tlte .Iok_ .\III.TU.," II. "-"HitS":" ..Iud"d " contract with M!aa Edith
hlm rl.ht uo th.. 11001 Mr. Cramp- "'ea prunouneed larlt Eddie I.)" I"rr pollul.r llCbHUI... Wrnnp ~I.thleco. t:Oo'ldered to toe
IQ.& ot lar.ce terr,. boal In S.o ton uDdoublf'dlr did hi. heal work 00 nd hi. prudurtlon nf '"Th" ~IlI '1.,.. r III ......" <lr .\1111..\ ~llu ... .\1111 Sbopl..y, np"rlen<'e 00 the
P're.ttdKO bay_ Tbla I. o ..e of tbt" Ibe mOIl dlatlol!:ul.hetl P.nlll.b
In "Tbe Up..l lun .. II." ,nd Im- up II 1Iu:101......,.re tb.. e.u,", Th .. .\Ir ~'ahru.y l>On.lhl.. fur ~ .1.11:1' hu beell at <"OOlI,.rlll"",ly re. dram.lI.....UIt now r"ldent In tbl,
nOMt bill ot re.lIam eYer deplrtl!'d 10 '''.. nRI)' 1.1"'aed III th.l ...... bla plot nr lhe .tor)' I. built up .bu"l larll" "'....ur,. ,,' tb .. f'llra"rdln.r, ""nl hl&lOr,.. Sh.. m.d,. Iter debut
, mOlloo pICIU~. Lo~e" or Jack ...,untr,.. b,. the lerml ot wbleb .be
wnrk. lneludloll: ,'tu ..t P.IOIl. tbe tb .. !roublea or Ibll held ... lI.. r IU("l'i'... _hlrh hila ,U..nd ..d Ihe In' IOnd"r Ih .. maO.l!"eOlent at W11II.ol "'Ill m.l< .. ber debut .. a J)boto--
London a.Dd admire... ot tbe ..ork of "'rller and dlr....lor. Kob \'ernon ,Lee ~Io ..nl ...lIb Ihe ta"orll" Ir"d 111'11"" ", Ih,. n..... C1Imll'dl.... \ IIrad). In RU\l'ort HUlh", ('Qmedy.
Bo-worth will rind. treat .t Wood dram.lk ,tar 10 Ihe l.aIkr-Beluro
.nd J ..... Wlllar.1 .hoot.. t ur bUl<'lllt. one Guion I Ed )lInA Film. ,," IhO' l: .. neral ~'ll,,, .\11 For. <OIrl:' tn wbleh l)ollllill pl.. turll.ltlon ot "The Go ..ernora
Ie)". thl. week Tbe 1I0ry de.le .... Ih IIrl1e lIbt dl,. Lyon. I Uefor. Ih. . .nd uf th. Irullran, ~.ltb.nka ' ... tured Wh"n t..d)' h
The bll!: 1Il"ell-reel .uft'r'l!:e melo 'III bero. phlypd tty :\Ir WIll.rd. p .... IU~ IhI' rl"alrr rll'lulU In lUll Tblt Dr., .11 ~",,'" .ub)"'I. . . .r'" 'hal 1.1.~ "'"hdr.... n. be<'auk
drama "Your Girl and Mille";' featur- Ibly ...~ted 10,. H""'lrd Cr.mpton lad .. ot vell:ellble- troo, bolh tae .Ur..., 1 'n' ~Ir ...ltr"e~. nd 1111 uf .\Ir Fatrhank nled tor lit,. .\Ii... :\I.tbleoo, Clretlr 00 the
Ittl!: Dr. ADlla Howard Sb..... "'Ill be Ilnd :\1.rl.. WI.. rm.n. and .tll uD- 1100. ".lted 10 tbe dllllnll rOOD'. Ih.", "" hhth "r.l... from Ihe .tit Tom Wise P:~)'. "'A G"ollem.n Fron. "."e ,. so wld..l,. kllO"'1l . , to IIIlfld
Ibown 'or the lut time Sund.~ nll!:h1 douutHlr J)lelllf' sl1 DSb! talll .nd ...l1h Uhlea .nd .... tron. tor ..atem I...e tin .. of llr ...hroe). l>l<'"lurel. \l11I1 II'I'!." }II.. Shot.l"y ..... lie Hili.. <:omment. od It may truthful-
otber.... h",n relellll!'d lOOn. Some or 1""..n.... U. b.rrle.de. 01 ....Ul"'&@. Iltll\lI...t Sl,lrlt... til uld 10 be Ih~ "Ilr..d f"r Ihe pari 0' Ho,... 1"llsden. ly "" ..Id thai Iter lIandllll: . . a rep-
OPTIC TIlE&TRE Ihe .""'OM ."ere IIk .. D In th,. Fllr ..:ddl.. dldo'l "'Dl .", 011 .. to b.. I""' "'I,ark."I.. 1I.hlp..",.. nl In Itte ..."atur. d.ugbt .. r_ Tlten Ibe .1" r..... nt.U'" of lbe "err nnut .rt I,
CI.ra KJmball YOUtlJl:. decl.red by mont Albletlc eluh hurl. 10 he plclled III IOtt v"lllttabl... Ir"'l< t,hulOllr"phf ....r r ...,ordt!d I.... red In Olher Brad)' pl.)'1 Ind hu ......ond 10 DOn". Sbe enJon aot 00'
n.:aatl7 .,rfUe. to be the mo.t beautl u h.. could Dnd I lOti 10, nllllr ... 1101 ttld 1h.. .cuod tortune to pl.)' OPI''' Iy Ihe .dmlratlon or the public. botb
Tbll ""''''''el out.lll<l ,,'Ill 10" r .. I" d
",/Im.aa..ln ..tlle p!,ture world. ,.
t e beadllollr .Url.<:t!oo It lbe Opll.,
....u TIS:rHI-:H "-J\.\TIHI\.II IS
"Ml'IUC H.\TH l'HAR)(S"
,,,.. llnwO'~ ~,"" _~... ~~,I .".. ~. I~
WU 011
JIII""r,, Illl,
,I.~ !Ii'.. ".,..j ('1~h.n .. ~. "" 11 .. Ilr ~'llrhllnk. In '".\ t;eollem.n
ot 1... ls"r.... Wb .. n Vrederl... k Ar. ~I~~~.I~:a~tl'::f~~~~e.b.U~d t~:t::~.
Comlldy tbe.ler ror the n"t tbree F.,. Tlocber. Tod Bro,,nlnl. ~Iu It w. . . Ireal IIllhl. but dl"r II "old Io:'''''m",', eomed)' "The BrUle: llea thrOUlJhout Ibe world.
d&)"l 0' the oomln weell. Sbe .p- Duldeon. B.ld) Belmont .od Au W.. nYer IOmeho.. lh.. ~elt .. lllbl.. tI ~"1I l>ro<1u<'e,j wllh ":roe.l Ol",nden. .\1I1t! .\I.tbl.on In thl. oountr)' Wllll
~II.\:\"" 1.1"'\"11 )U.l\fo:S WO~II..:lt.
pa." In "The Race ror Lite."
. reaming comedy bo,ll!'IIque on the
/;,ustue Carney IIr~ the prln ... lJ)al. In
E:ddle Dlllon'lI alde"I'llttlnj[ lar-.
wer" not In th .. hell I>o lbll' roudl Fl'l. i'i1l1)W1SI; .\M UlltKITllI!
0111:,: III th .. 1111.. rol ... MIlt! Shol,le., ",hen Ihe "I.yed tbe tltle role 10
!,:"eryman:' under the man...&-
tloo tor tllM.. ~on.un'I,llon Th~ \I ""ell III 110" I".dlnll: female p .,
"memu. I8rl.l picturllll belol\" pro- .\lulle Hatb Charm.... reeult 10''' horl.II:" or th.l ru,,,, .-;\nr. I", ...... H"I I:h'''u a .,h1lIlf" I.UI )"ellr ~Il .. Shople)' had til", m.J. u'enl ur Ben lOr..et. After J)ro-
.ced at J)reaenL It III full ot laugh. A .Ioger. ho la largel)' I.lle. ut diet 00 the hUl. "t I..... IIn<l "" .11 1IIr"f'ln~ It '-lIu'LI>l.n}' lie 1,1.),0''' ur rem.I. role In the Selw)'o romedy Innlted luur here .he returned to
m ooe eod to Ibe otber. wblle .nd pl.olat .r.. rl\'al, ror the b.nd ,lurln" lh" all","~" nt Dill Tlln",r. S ....I)' .\I.rrled" In ..'hl.. h IIrue. ~:Oltlllnd. nd w.. Sir Heo.,. Inlllg',
logro ... lnl!" l>IIe"" on Ih,. p..t "t lh.
....101 lIuch II beautiful .tar m.ltel at FII)' Tlneber Tile .lnger put, 1lJ) dllll'l>olnted onea. 11I.t 1111 11, II",r. "r.nk !.l",d haM l'ft. .\I.,-Re Ita tellure<:!. Thill \I' her I".dlnl\" "'um'n durlnc III' tarewell
t donbl,. .uractIYe. YI you as. Job to .In th .. II:lrl by tr.ud .Ild ,Io'f",d "',"'.. ..-ondertull) err..rlh'. Ilnl .pt arso..... uoder Ih .. Coli"" ,,,,rform.ncel io Londoc It Drury
whUe bwli knowo ror her dram.tlc .1mOJlt lI:et w.) "lIb It. bill. I. "'.. Iur.... hUI 01 Ih"m .11 It la "'",.bt Inri Illrrl. m.llal\""meOI She I. "0'" L.ne .od thron.hout hli proyilld.'
abUlt,. .. e .. loOfld In "11y Omcl.1 borer wbo bIB an In..tlahll! .ppetlte 10.1 H '0) ut 'h.. n, "1l't!'e.I. 10 d .. U 1.la,lnl!" In -'11 ...,-s It> Ad'erllle. I"".. .\her Iltl. ahe pla)'"ed III a
Wit... and "LoI.: two featurell .een tor liquor lPOIl. the pl.n . nd tlte "Iry 0' h.ndll"lI: and ...e... ro ..... "f Ih.. "er)' .uttealtul t.,..,e <'Omedy numb.. r of Sh .,111.)"1 .nd In tbll
In LoI Anselea receotly. III 110 lell ot lioger !leta hla JUII deaertl. .tt.r.rl.. r tKlrlr.~II. hi. lale.t 0"" th.1 Cnh.n ,nd H.rrl re pr,..elll pruentalion. at clu.le Cree\[
, comedleooe. and I wortb)' bead- '")Iuair Hub Cb.rm." proml_ 10 ,'_1 .lor,.. "Ill. 1..,,1 ~r"ll.de: Ina" th.. Coh.n theater. ,I ma
IIller tor III .11 c"omedy prosram. be ooe or thl! ...... 1 Komta .. )'et pro- Tbe IIII! d".I. . .itb Ih .. 10... uf )tl Shapley I. m.kllll\" her debul SolDO' ot 111.. ;\1.tbllOlI1 oth.r
)llltIall:er Seth D. P"rklo. adberel duC't!d by tlt.1 miller ot comedy. Ed l,roltl!llII.lrlled mu.le m t.. r for Ill" h.. rore the "amen In "All.. Jlmm)' oery ImllOrl.nt New York "n""'1-
rl[Jtdl, 10 bl. poliCY ot ootblllll but die Oilloo. It, _til be , Komlc reo ,0,.lId d'UlI:hl ... or ,,... lthr r.m \,.lenlln ..: .nd llr_ W.rwl... k I. mOil m.. II.U bu" bfl!o In "Tbe SerYaot III
1&u,b.I u hll popuJar )I,ln Icreet leaae u l,..t ut th" Mutu.l "rog m. Ily lad 11101 10'11.)' I.. ,,hl.,b h.. 1'I0.11y .. nlhu.llIlle r ..c.rdlnll: ber ...nrk Ihe HOUllll:' "'blch w. . written by
hou,. aod II ke-eol,. aotldp'tlo tbe Lrlol\"l '00111 thl! reklndllnll: ot th,. lIer hu.b.nd. Cbarln R.llll K'lllllld)'.
lI"t week III February. wheo be I. alTllI'tlon ot bub.lId .od ... H nd thp ItFaLIS){ IS PICT1'RF:S .nd 10 .ueh "rodUetlOIUl .. "Sl'ter
10 renel"l! the lI..t ot the ne". eb.rlle 1I".lth or Ihe d .... bter lllroulI:lI hi. Re.trl.....: '"The PIper" and Sb.k_
Cbaplln pletnrea m.dl! under Ellan- To .bo... tb" eIleot ot Ihe orl-
mual"l I\"enl" nd hi. 1,,0'. rnr Ihe ,nalll,. at lOme motloo plclure dlrec- "eare. '"A Wlnter'l Tale," .t tbe
'Y m.a.II:.. U1enL ...orld In lI .. ner.l. Sew Thuter. Site hu _ n i l ; ap-
101"1. 0 In.t.ll m.y be clled "'here
Th...t"ry IImplelll Ib" ..atreme. J !k.rlo Dle~. dlretlor or Ihe pe ed under tbe man.gement ot
)I(LLER'S THF.ATIEK but f., trOll' detrartloll: Irom It. ('h..les "'rohm.n. and 11.1 the Fin"
Ilyred. Art Film CorJ)Or.tlon. 11I'.d
"A Fool There Waa." Robert Hil- beaul). thlt o .. r,. f ....1 _m. 10 be
Ibll tOUl'tt th.1 m.k". II ,,h.l It 1.-
"d oe. lIeld In bl. ende"'or to .1" .\rU thelter In Cbtc. .o.
.\lIlt! M.thllOa .tates tblt Ibe I.
liard'. II:reat"",t .tae 10oxeM. Ie of- ...ure aometltlllll: dUlerenl
t.red 10 .Ia reel. ot n'ollon plcturel one Ilt Ihe moat pleallnll: bill of In the fotthcomllll ~Ie.... of Feb. ... paclallr I!:r.Ufted tbat .be II to
at Miller', tor tbe ...eek hegllllllnil ~h.n...ter Itud)' ..... r "lTpr..d t" th.. ",.ke ber acreeo debut In I Bel __
ru..,. 8. 00 th.. World Film llCbedult'
alond.,.. Tble drll.Ill.. .d.pted b,. Ihealer-Ituln publle .. nlltled "'A O'UlI:bl"r of tbe People:' 1.1., of "'urrent Amllrle.o IItll. Sbe
...on.ld",a Ib.t the tltl, role ot "Tbe
Porter Emel"lOn Browne from Kip MMAIIT ~~l 1-:1.":". "n IllIert "'.. n~s..r,. .bowlllS ..
(:O\"ll,nor'" L.d)" I, ",.pacl.lIr.ulted
110.... Immortal POI!m. "Tbl! Vam- parI at the picture. ootlce tb.t the
pire:' w.. ooe ot the hlcseal lIue .:STH ISIOT.'I.ME:>'T tW to her.
mill. w",re to be clo.ed 00 .c:couot nt
1 COhtlI the lIpeaklng stale b.. uer "~I"MT..:n KE\'" the Icarelt,. or rolton. Mr. Dowie)' - ~

kllOWll, and Judging trom tlte J)rall" \loll I."onllrrl .nd hill .."n'J)III1}' or rllllllzlnil tb.t tbe ordloary Jetterlnll: "1\",' TO ""ES'I'KROAY" MAKES
.bowered 00 tbl. Jatest lIlee..... trom H.u I'llI.yetl. In prnduelnlt th....Ie," would be eommoopl.ell. m.o.ed to GREAT rMl'RE8810N
tb. William .'01: ItudlOl tbtl pletu'e eotll In.t.lmelll ot lhe "'MllIter Kel''" Ket Mr. Scbu)'"I'!lr. bead ot the COIII-
Ia dIU) to be U popullr aa tbe play. pOling room ot tbe Ne .... York Time. .\le"ln C, Wlostoek. tbe .eoer.l
.Ilrle. ha"e 1I0ne to Indl. (pictorIal- "'an.ger of the N.tlooal Amu.ement
It' b .. beeo ,tall:ed 10 maSlllncenl ly IJ)e.klnll. ot enutlel The .et. to .et up dummy scare he.d. U.lnll
Ula .od tbe c. .t I. 00.. at ullu.llal tbe d.te ot the occurrellce. etc . comp'lIy CIt PorUaud, Ore., wbo
... hleh h""'e been eoo.lrueted .t Uol O"'DI the lar,eat moUon pleture
~ ~lIlnce. with HIlliard'. beautltul ver.. 1 ("II)' tnr th .. produetloo are thereb,. maklog tbe lleene 1II0.t r.aJ-
thll.ter on tbe cout, .Ild wbo I n

leadLaa womao, Theda Bar. In tbe rel.rd~d u .monll: tile mo.t el.bor 1.llc.Inet! the dumm)' bore the bead
Utle rol.. In addltloo 10 tbl rell ot tbe New York TIDlIlI. llr. Dur- old friend 0' Carlylll BI.ckwell.
lie ",Vir erlll'ted by th" .,ompally tor
draJ))a, the pro....m oootalo' tbe I,y b. . ofteo been ~ferred to Ilona wrltel Mr. Blackwell thlt be
.ny of lhelr l>rnductlon.. All Inter-
rOllrtb Ilplaode 0' the ""....Uoa.1 ot the muter. ot Ihe eereena alld bl, ",howed ttie 'KIlY to YNtardQ' &ad
...tln thln In ooDlleetioll "'lIb thll
Glm no"eltr, '''The ExpkllU ot One object la to aid In the UIIIICt ot thlt It created protOUId. Imp...-
ebapter In lh. now-famoul Nrlal II

ElalD.... Th1a epiloclll 1& enUtled tbe the moUoo picture .rt aod III hl' .1011 on alt who aaw It." Ha con-
tb, t.ct Ih.l the d ....1c d.ocel whlcb
"Frosen Sata," a.Dd II brlmmlttll: oYer P....ent COOOecUOIl I, recehlllC tbe Uoue.: '"I oolllld.r It a Yllry .lrOq
Ire Itaced In II "'ere pertormed b,. plctn~. Yeehweal\J", It 1& almoat
oirilb ,orpn- &ad HOlaUolIII. Sbow. d.ulbten ot lOme of the bMt!t.llown rull aupport or tbe o,.r.d. compall,..
ara OIlIlUnnOtlA from 11 II.. m. to 11 perteel. I.m told 'Tbe Man Wbo
r.mlllil In tb. cit,.. Wlleo tbe word BenJamhl Cobetl. unUI tIICfIOtly Could Not LoM' I y.o better. &ad
p. m. nil. out blJ; ooe 10 com.
wtU be Belueo', II:l"Mtetlt play. ''The Jimmie Guest. Piano cot out that tb, t:OlnJ)ao,. w.. 0111
to .t'I' .eenN ca.lllnl" for cl...le member ot the .tall' ot Lollwl. J. Sel...
nlelt. I. lb. lale.t !"Krull to tha forca
ba..e It uad.r eontl'"let. If n l
Lut Cb.ptllr' I. better thlltl lb_
1 Olrl I Lett Behlttd Me." with Robert d'lle, .. oumbflr qf ,Irl. wbo .re
I B4aeon &tid channlD. Clalrll Whit.
, . . , In tha uUa puU. Harold E. Johnston. ..tt.odln. tbe clulea of Joc.1 d.nc-
101 ac.d,my ..lted permlilion ot Mr.
It tbl hll.dQuarten at th. AJllaace
F'llml CofP. It m.,.
IWo. I cao budl,. ..,.UM bow aood

Violin lAno.rd to .ppa.r In tbem. Tb",

were ,IYIIl a tf)'-out 'Dd tbelr wor"
Nr. Cobeo wm &alum. eharp 0'
the audlUnl d.partmeat who alter- .._ ==--===-:::-
8IMn7. the ".t.r&II
.Uonl aow ulld.r w..,. .ra cotDpl.te4. .,baradll' actor or th. Ine. tlOmJ*o-
pronount'lld el.1I A. Accordlnllr
al. . - - . will ba .... apJD 11:1 . . .
011 thl appoloted dlJ' tbey .ppear.d
Billie Fisher. .t UDly......1 CIlJ' .od mada their dl-
but loto tb' ,.ma b,. dlocloll: lI,.t
WUl.I.&m QIdIoa, torDllrl,. or Jl"n.Dela
Ford'. ComIJ&DY. b .. been eo. . ." to
or bl' t.."orlw nil_that of a II&ilb
taMll.r-la "A LocI! Blo1fOnt," a
pia)' tb. hlayr 10 ,11;-,..1 Ban-
Rag Time Songs betor. tb ,.. ot tbe camen. Uan ..rial picture to be Prod.ueed by
Imo, loee drama 1001:1 to be ....
lelled. b)' tbe N.w Yorl! Wotloa Pie-
Ueo.... F'tabw or I_nile I. Burtoo KIDI. ture eurpDl'aUOI:I.
Bert Roach. Lyric Tenor ~~~~::~:~ ':t~:~g.rO;~h~~::e~ rC--af-.-e--B-n-.-I-t-o-I---====-~:::=---'
to pJ.y tba I.ad. 10 "CoUa.e Day....

4. th ' ,an-.'tl.. :.;.

Frankie Reynolds a fortbcOlDln. Inc. _relea" d'IUn.
wltb a tootbaU aam. aDd .. dl.loraJ
Balladist Iltldaat. He wu HliCted. oDly attar W SduMkIlw
ProdtlClr Thom. . H. loee b ..d ~"aD ...
a dOMn or FI'b.r1 aunclat. Ju"" Proprietor. ~
aU. a Clbaaee at tb. pa,t. NOlla or
Yorba &: Martinei llIalll. bo.".r. w.. u r.rr.blll. 10

Sp,nisb DuCes tb. part . . . . . J1ab....

0, :If, _ _ bo.- to ..t
.&IIy 1&.,,- b1 11111 work III "Col
.... IMn." .." lace' pl'Od.euoll
_ to ... , . ~ b, tie Nt_ Tork
. Meuoa PI,.- oorilontkila. He

\-;:4---.;"'~~~~!! .-.....
~""~'i ',..
.,JIa., 011&0 ...
...... tM art

'3 Only Three More'~W eeks


. Contest Close~ February 13th, 1915 .

Winners of the Prizes will be announced on the night of. the Pho'ioplayers' Revue

Grace Cunard
Fred Kley .'. .
Ella Hall
Lasky ,
Universal. ..
Grand Capital Priz-e
JaCkie Saundera Balboa 807.250
Irene Hunt... Reliance 268.450
Cleo Madison Universal 233.450
Myrtle Stedman Bosworth 159.400
Victoria Forde._ ..__ . Universal. . 1)6.150
Dorothy Gish .........Reliance 103.350
Edythe Sterling.... . Frontier... .. . 50.300
Dorothy Davenport Crown. . ....... 87.660
Violet McMillan N. Y. M. P. Cu. . 32.050
Mae Marsh Reliance . 25,400
Courtenay Foote. .... Bosworth 25.050
Stella Razeto Selig .. . 25,000
Mabel N.ormand _.Keyslon~ 16.100
Charles Chaplin Essanay 15,100
Signe Auen Reliance...... 15.000
Carlyle Blackwell Favorite Players . 15,000
Mar-garita Fischer .. American 14,050
W. Chas. Robinson. Biograph 13.000
Margaret Gibson Vitagraph. 12,900
cAn ....I,F. nL"CK\\'F.M.:.....G.'I~ Ruth Hartman_ .. _ FavoritePlayers 12,000 GRAND CAPITAL PRIZE--:-
I,ANTRY Dorothea Farley .. Albuquerque 11,450 1915 Chevrolet "RoyalHail" car on exhibition
Carl)'le BI.ck ..ell .... entert.hu,,1 George Larkin universal. ... 10.350 at the Chevrolet Automobile Co. Plco St., at HOpe.
recenlly by yo.unlt &oclel,. m.tron Howard Hickman N. Y, M. P, Co. , 10,300
of Loll AogelH. Tbl. I.d, .... 10
<,oD\';nC't'd ot her dramaUc .bllity Louise Glaurn N. Y. M. P, Co. 10,200 UPRIGHT PIANO-
IS ORDERED OUT 0'" TOWS tht the IDllat~ upob dllPI_ribl her Helen Holmes ...... Kaler. .. . .... 10.100 On exhibition at Geo. H. Barnes' Plano Co.,
,,,,If-adIllHie:l t.leol 10 Ibe .-Ill'
Joho J. P..tor. tbe elpert elQI-
eramaD, bll ju.t rllturof"d frOID a
bl~d Nlm~ny. At tbe NlmpleUoo Bessie Barriscale N, Y. M. P, Cu.. 10.050 131 South Broadway
of Ib.. pertorn:.oee BI.cll...ll .. Id Dot Gould Sterlin~ 10.050
ulp to M'lIcb"ler, New Hlmpabl~.
..bere be apeot ","'ersL ..eelll ulUl1e
10 bu "My dear YOUlll ladr. I
Adele Lane....... .. .. .Selig. 10.000
SOLID GOLD WATCH (L!Ulies' or Gents)""':'
pletur.. of H.,ry K. Tba .., ..bo b..
...ould l"e ,II Ib.t I b...e .rotOID
plltb~ 1:1 picture. to be .ble to eo Douglas Gerard .Favorite Players. . 9,050 On exhibtion.at S. NOrdUnger 'Il Sons,
Jill! beeIl ordered returlled to tbe
New Yorll aotborlUea. after I lecal
act tbat Kelle .. ,.ou b ....e lult dooe
Cora Drew .... ..Reliance 7.050 .631-633 South Broadway

II" Su"-eqoeolb". _hell William
battle ..blch reae1led lbe Uolt""
Stltea Supreme Coort.
II Taylor. tbe dlreclor ot the Fa..or- Lucille Younge . Navajo.. 6.600 (Value $50.00.)
ile Pla,en. accuHd Bllell..ell of Pauline Bush Universal.. . 5,450
. lIr. PIIIOr bll lueeded In tallin&
1Il'0}' pictures of Tbl" Itter a trY-
o"erprtllllll: tbe lady III que-lloo. SUIT ( to order)-
Blaclr...ell replied' "I ha..e told Donald Crisp.. .Reliance ii,450
log ellperience, lod under Illao,. nothlllg but the truth. So price la From Chas. Levy 'il Sons, 448 South Spring ~
dllllcuIV_, I.Od IInally nrdered out
of to.n b,. tbe Ih.rUt, 111 ..hoae cua
100 veat to p.,. 10 ...e 100 cbarm
Ing . . .oman from a <,rime. ,ueh ... ~~~Gs~~fi~e;' ~t~~li:~~.... ~:g~g (Value $50.00) "
tad7 naw la It preaeot.
)Ir. Plltor..,.. tbat Th'" III'- Ih.t IICI\_ _._~_ _ Chas. Rey. N.Y.M.P.Co. 5.300 LADIES' SUIT (toorder)-
\ peara thoroul"blr ..ne. t.nd eacb
tIIomlol", ticcompll1led b,. bll teere-
GEORGE SEIGM.4.SS. E.'t:PERT Laura Oakley Universal. 5,200 'From Klelnberger Ladles' Tallorillg Co.,
'Ia..,., H. J. Rice, I.Od I depllt)" aber-
HAIR DRESSER IN -rRli: Rhea Mitchell N.Y.M.P.Co. 5.050 702 Pantages' Bldg., value $50.00
::. ~r~ 1:I1r:u:~w~beOfl~c~::~ CL.4.Sb.4.S."
Tbe Ibllltr 10 curl bY, 0"'0 b.lr
.ltb tbe ..me e ...... alld aklll oC I
Gypsy Abbott.
Edwin August
Favorite Player.
.... Eaco
~:'~:I~O~I~dT~: ;;~~ty' ~f,~:~ l,rofu,lollaI bllr drelMr. II 110'" OOf' Billie West. Reliance- 5.050 . From Nebraska Clothing Co., 239 So. Spring St.t
to be pbotoCrapbed, tbe deputy oC tbe IccompUabmel1b oC Oeorle Bob Leonard_. Vniversal 5.000
aberit! lod hll Meretar,. obje<:t.ed to SeI,maDn of tbe Orlmth Feature
bla poe.IDl". ILlIUac thlt It II alflloat Filma. J. Warren Kerrigan.. Universal 5,000
tbe ..l.bea ot hill motber. and tbat III ~Ir. Orimtb. productloo of hTb,
be w.. botharlol Tb.w. Mr. PII Clauman." SeI,m,OIl h.. tbe role uf
Louise Lester.. American 5.000
tor. ho..e",r. IUCCeed.ed LII talr.II1C SI1.. L)'llcb. tbe mulltto. Wben tbe Edna Maison... ..l:niversal 5,000 SUBSCRIPTIONS:
yle... or Ttl:" .. 111 bla hoUie at %U6
Elm l\reel, and \'"Ie_ oC the coort
prodoctloo atarted !tlr. OrHlltb In-
Itruded Selgmloo to curl bla balr
Wm. Garwood. Universal 5,000 During the Photoplayers' Weekly Contest,
bearil1p IUd of Ex-DI.trlct Attome)' Se1em'oo went to a balr dr_r; bUI Wm. D. Taylor Fa'orite Plare~ 5,000 votes will be allowed on Subscriptions according to
William T. Jerome. who represeoted w.. onlble to cel bl. bllr curled 'C' Anna Little. Universal 6,000 the following schedule: ,
tbe State oC New York 10 tbe bear- COrdJII, to the It,.le be ..llbed.
II1C" for tbe )IutuII Weeki)'. Arter lE!\'"erll "110 attempta II tbe Henry Otto .American 5,000
Georp aDd DoU,., LutdD bue bllr dreIMIrs, Sell"mlon collclude<l to Eddie Lyons Universal 5.000 I-year subscription $ 2.00 2.000 votes
beeo eo. . .ed b,. Ute Ecllir eompa.ll.7
to play tbelr leada. The complD}'
tille mlttera 10to bll owo hIOd.. lie Lee Moran Universal 5,000 2-year subscription 4.00 .4,000 votes
purchlaed , curlin, Iroo outGt .nd
hal Ieued the SterllOI" .ludla., OP- aterted to do tbe Job blmaelf. Atler AI E. Christie Universal 5.000 3-year subscr!,ption 6.00 6.000 votes
ax-lte tbe Unl",ru.1 compll11, a.od numerou. IUempta In blodlloe tbe Ed. J. LeSaint. Selig 5.000 4-year subscnption .8.00... , m 8.000 votes
will bellll with Itl lIret plclUre Mon curllo, lroo, durine ..blcb time be
da,., J.Il, %5tb. G.oeral MlI1l1"er Hyerel,. burned bt. tl0lera lod Tom Mix Selilt. 5,000 5-year subscription 10.00....... ..10,000 votes
Robert Le." la upeeted. to returD &COrcbed bl, h.lr. Sellfmano 1I0111y Elizabeth Burbridge N. Y. M. P. Co 5.000 6-year subscription 12.00... .. 12,0.00 votes
from Tuf;SOn toda,.. Tbere ..1II be learoed tbe .rt. Inalde of I week 7-year subscription 14.00 14,000 votes
COUI" eompanl.. worklnl within tbe he WII curlloe bl. hllr ..\tb tbe .kl1\ Richard Stanton N. Y. M. P. Co. 5.000 m

. oeu two ween. , of I bllr dreaer. . Romaine Fielding .Lubin 5,000 S-year subscription 16.00..... . 16.000 votes
RETrY N~8EN, FEAlUNG DAN- For nve mOlltbl Selcmann WII Mary Fuller. .Imp 5.000 9-year subscription 18.00 18,000 Yotes
GER IN I:LUUNG "HOVIES." eompelled to lpend two boura eacb 10-year subscription 20.00 30,000 votes
dl" In curllol" bll hllr before hla
Betty NlUlMlI. tbe I"reat 8ealldlol-
arrivil .t tbe .tudlo. Now is the time to get busy. Get amongst your ll-year subscription. 22.00 35.000 votes
r ylan tt'apdlenne, oow Ippearlns bere AXNUAL ELECI'fON OF DIREOI'. friends for Subscriptions and Advenlsing. they 12-year subscription 24.00 50.000 Yotes
~~al:,.r::ep~~tUt~': If::c=tll~~~r:::~ ORS AND OFFICERS OR VNI_ will iladly help you. Every vote counts. Our
companlea In New Yorll yeaterdl"
Ind toolr. out a policy nol. 001,. 00
VER8AL FILM MFG. 00. Advenlsing Hen will be pleased to call on anyone
bel' Ute, but lleo ooe eoverl0l" tbe The Inoull ltoe1tboldera' meetlo!t" you may suggest. If there is anything you do not ADVERTISING:
. oril"loll mloulCl"Jptl or Henrlk lb
"'0". whlcb .be broulbt to tbl.
or the Uol.,era.1 Film M.oufaeturlol
compan,. WII beld 00 Tbundl,., D.,.. understand in regards to the contest, we will be During the Photoplayers' Weekly Contest.
.couotry with ber. The pollc,. 011 ber cember 3L The follo ..lol directors pleased to answer any questions you may ask. votes will be allowed on Advertising according to,
liCe y, tor 126,000, While the ooe Ip.. were elected: Clrl Lummle, R. H. the following schedule:
pl,.101" 00 the prieel... wriU01"1 of Cocbrlne. P. A. Power J. A. Mc-
the emloellt Be.ndlll .,lln drlmltllt KlnoeT alld John B. 8tlncblleld. I.l:ms TO ItELFA8E OXE THUF.Jo:'- reelera, And tbe two Lubin .ta.. $ 1.00 advertisement.... .. 1.000 votes
~~;o~I~:~OO~e T~:'~he :::::t~~;
wrlUI1P mocb'.JIIore tblll Ibe drelda
I.eddentl 10 tbe plctlU'-'
. 91uo1f M* NanNn a.rriyed here
cen for tbe el1loloc ,.elr, C.rl
Leemmht, prMldent; R. H. Cocbr.oe.
Yle&-prlllident; P, A. Po..era. tre...
Il.eelnnlog J.nuar,. 21at the Lubin
M.outlcturlog comp.n,. will r.leue
..cb weell 00 ItI regullr progr.m
hive demonlluted ttllt they are Ju.t
.. <,I"'er .Iong comed,. 1I0ea .. In
IIIore ...rloua p.rt.. JOIIPb KaUf-
man. wbo la .Iao to be f6a\,ured In
~:g~ :~~:~=~:~L:
6.00 advertisement
. : : : : ~:ggg :~:
........ 6.000 votes
abe bu heeD Uteral17 bee!ece..t 10 ber urer; G. E.
~no, . .lltant NCI""" a tbree-rNI pbotopl.,.-the ..me
a corned,. each week, baa Ilready
.cbleyed I ...Ide reputatlno .. I 8.00 advertisement... .. 8.000 votes
::::-.n:.~ ~ ~!rt~OI~~o.Jl:eo~~ ~~~ :::e.Bra.odt. mlOll"er ot tb. ~':.:~~odreQ~I~:;:eto:I~~u;e':b:t.~ lICbt comedl.o, aod MIN Ethel CII.7-
ton. ooe oC the bllt IIoowlI ot tbe
10.00 advertisement ..10.000 votes
lel"__ Pl"llte.on. l"epr-.:ntaUl'lI of Completa hlrmo07 pr-.... lled III d.l C..tore. Thl. 10tereeUol" '0- 12.00 advertisement ..12.000 votes
1lIICUI.1l-' both
Lublll Itl... hll done .ome ot the
l,lteJ"U'J" 10llc-bllred meo meeUop; IU lIUC IUoo wblch 1I0UIle6meot WII made tbl. weell b,. be.t wor1t oC her career In the
and ahort-b&lre4 womell trantte with b.. heen ltamperi0l tb. comp.1I1'1 Jrl M. Lowry, ceoer.1 mllllCer of I'Omedlet wltb blm.
15.00 advertisement... ..15.000 votes
&D21Iq.to perv.ee the ID&IlDKrlpta. affllra .... dllpoeed of, .Ild In lodl. Ule Lublll eomplo". 20.00 advertisement... ..2O,QOO votes
MI8I NIU.M1I haa anllounoed Utat I t caUOI1l polDtad to the ....r.t ,.ear Anotber 10ter_UOK 1000UOC.,.. votei
;:=r~ne:=' :fb::h~Ilu.::a:; ~:r b~I:~~I~. bll" orpolUltloll ~~~~o~a~:eb"II~~'::w;:b~u~~t:: :~~~~~~~::~~~~ 25.00
SO.QOO votes
Tbe ltIljutle-R.lI.nce HolI,.wood
tD.pl&J ID
pWi--' I._tclMIo
William ra.,enham'l
''The W<*ld ud "EAGLE BYB JlIAXE8 WO~DER.
complOY will I'll.... eat:b 'ru_d.,.
lod S.tnrdl" Oil tbe reculll" pro-
,tudlol Ire lb. Kell. ot IreU hulld
Inl" .ethlU. th_ din. A force of
50.00 advertisement... J6.qoo votes
,::,. :wlf. . . . . ~ ::-';.r~o~:: F.tLL FOR tLUUTtC 00, ~r:':n: :iet'h-:""'dl~~"l~o~~;: carpeoters II bu.lly . nl". .ed In ereet-
Inc. bll" eoc10ee4 .tudlo, ..here four
AdvertiBmg Rates. $1.00 ~ ;",,1>.
::-e a ~o~t U:-~~: A thrUllq plooC' do..o I..tflIp 11011 .lId Lottie Bri.eoe wlll be teat. eompanl.. call work .itb.r dlT or
, at Benlard Ualt'.r- :.o::~ :;.:ro:::. ':~ ~~ f:t~ :~th~J1 :ii:I"~C:~ ~~~:- ::: nllbt. Tbe .troetllr. wtll be elee-
I ~ ;.

tiOa, trie.lI, lI.btM. tbrouehoot. The
..... , ,.,bkh atle blla" ur. at the MaJeeUe dnml, uTbe Ethel Cllytoll ..lit be .tarred In Olle
~:. ~t~~::~= VI.taI Black a...,u written b1 Ro.. ot tb_ lanl"b.bl. pll,.,
Itq. will m,"Uft. 'OslO teel. A
hu.e Opell .11" ata, rneaaurlo. 601:
~I:':=:':=.~~ ;~~ 8mfth Tb:':P~I~~f:'~~~~~~ 100 I. _110 belq built. TbJ. ioe!od. . . f - - .:;"
ud prolhlce4 by R. A, b.. bll" propert1 room Illd _Il. dook. Good for Fifty.(50) Vo",".in the Ph4pIaY~.. " -
1==='-0:~~:~:: tU~~b::1l~:I:' ~~~ E~4 ::~~l~':n~/:~e;;.:~'
;-::..w=: A . .oerstor bulldlol" ror booll0l" _
bl&" d11Llmo to toro1811. tbe Itudlo wtth Weekly Populanty Contellt. ' . I , ~ .'T' ~ t.:" ~

'. . . . =-..
.-.;. . . . . . . . .odM1i. -.IWou. (be fall . . . . more tball two. til.... will be ot the iame 1l1Ih QUII- eleetrlcal po..er I. lleo IJl eou'1' ot
. ~-~ Ii !rI...... tMt. Eqle Efe Ilu ma4. ItT IIa the .PedaI rel--. ud wtll
......~. . . of ...ue I IdIIatik ltadT or the . ~ or be elulw. -.eh .eek 011. elteraate
eon.lt'Get1o. Name
.~~..:: ~~ =~r
4tSU - . . . . . . p.per ... EI.er CIUto.
p.... ot :red::=: ::...~=:r-,;rtl=~;
.en lute""" 1r11ten IUl4 aete4 II)'
80 IN&t h.. belll the l>ubllo d ...
mud tor Majeet!o a.od a.IJue. , .
I..... tJI,_t Oeun1 Dlrectol" D. W.
Oneth lI.u ed4ed ..,en! 41N1tora
ePMlall1 MleeU4 OOlJlpual_ 01. L_bSA
: ~
or _
... ~
.... ...-tIt. Ie Dot la
".. fI/I. 1M plctan .... la.Id
..,.. ~e 4eaII with
play. . . han ben oo.pletM, ud
otJa. . 1IN beIq .ad..
to kk c:orpee ot 41NOton. TM.....
~~~~0I~4e~:~~= Cl~ , : <:~ : ..
.-:~ . . . . 'tt ..... eM JoN fI/I. ~ 1f~ ".. ..... ClGaeda. W1lI udotl,ted.
~~=. -~.c..~-=-:w~ .:c.~=~'::'Uo'a.:r= aN
U _ 7 0' ......
.... IMir.i_
_ c~ =:=.. j.;;;
aoir t"" jlNICiOn 'aU7 . .
~ l'
part.fI/I. c:a:",~::-,,: :r"~~-
. . ,

~~ ~ (
......NIltO J1RD" THIM 1M THill LlrJl: lI11MAINI-: )o'UIlLDINO JlUlUI'"
Mr. JUek,U. COlllpall)' at tha A .ala d .., at BOoIworth .ludlo; OCU,I.AI,"ABL NTIIIIH)
<\.awtou. nllll .t\l..... C:OIDPMtt4 a une could .Imnat beUne It had been C.n lito l.:.....tfOtl I" Hhl Hnu", .nd
plUll" .... Jubll.. to oelahrale the rak. "","nl. Three llJ en .DeI .........
110...,.1 plet\lN dRllIa III two-,...II. ftal.hlll. ot tb,lr new .1... root. It
tR:.:,lIt:l:;:~a eo b.. ppen.d tb ..t on. ot tb. 010111 to A.at ' elect
.U'OII, .mOtJooal pectacU\U _n" In JilI.I. Jan'.'
.KOlI.d pia)'. "O.tt)' {n 8un:h of a
Thttr" WI. " 100m"nt lltlnee.
T.n mell. Iraln"d I" the U'll of th,' liDee 1819."

.. ........,...' ...... Ill.

part .. M.r)'. tb. alrl or IOrro MIIll.olI wrellch .nd Ill.trueled I I t"
Tbrlll:' w b.ln, t..k.n. A bowl lhtl l,urlH>llu nr "very pleee or lila.
wbUa. ...".,..In, Iba ullla\ oMl.r, Ill' rain and h.n .Ioral b 1 dowII
BurtOn plarl lb. U,btar rol. Itlrl.l II h.nd .1",,,1 w.llln.. Thllu
upoa the roor. th Ille. were blaek tullow"'1 a .h'mt:
~ ot Hilla. tbe alrl wbo IInal" awakelt' ud tb,...I.alll" bUI IIlcur. rrom Ib..
"1."1 h"r lUI!"
tbe tl'\l' atrllCtloa ot JOha (H.. rr)' .lem.at-. eaa. and d.need and DIad"
Qdhqa U4 Roll1wood B11'd. VOII "at.rl. Hill.. bubbllllll; .al.b' m.rr, th. wbol. Do.worth f:Ollll'.II)'.
whll n oreblllr real. IlYe. tUIl"-
Alld I"n mUll JOInll'tHl I.. 110" tuk
"r ,rll.tlnjl; a tin'" r..\"Ur,1 h' 1'011-
,'I' , . .nd &GOd will. MU. Burton throw. III
brtabt t"Ont,..t . .alnat M .. r,.. I WI.. rul o...,he.lra. 1,la,.al Jlnlltl, melo- .lr"rtlnll; 10"10. Tht! a<:en" wu III
dl.. tblt lilt the wbole ata.e lu mo the I"alr Clroundl. I'hlH!nht. ArllOlI.
Riehl betra,)'~ _Ad.nce II> Jobll. lI"nlal"..."lttldlnK "" Ih" "ne who
lion. It Will tba ecena III a l.rjl;"

bel' 10)'all1 to NIII", alld ..erillot.oe for II. VII Ih.. IIll1;nall .nd durin. the .1.1
tb. h.ppln_ or tb. two .be 10"M. .... b.r.t. n" at Ih. well-lad.n tablu
"ar. 111.11 In rull ".nlna dr.... and hll.. re wlolrh en.ued. the tim.. It took
Mr. Von !oI.ter brill&' out ,Ironal,
~..,......~ ~ lb. dltr.rin. .ttltud. of 'the man women In lown.rked. 1I0wnll. I" rnll)' rOOlplele the eret'II"n ot Ihe
""U.I'lIble .tudlo. h. Will ou h.nd
- ......nroeor. Cl.ooUPOaKl.....
towanl. t.b.. two women. aad redMim. t;1.1. Janl nchallted. e~el'}' lin" '0 \ll!!reollally .uI,en-I.1l liver,. del.lI.

"C!IIiIo. Sa.. I
Ille beartl_ Indltr....nce or ,Ollth
wltb tb I..dful ~IT. or lIlatur-
wltb bel' cI.ver IlIlltallon. and ,II
Ih. deUabthl1 dan('u thaI hut! m.".. ltll houre dler Ih" "'01''' "ICO" h.d
I>t!.. n II;lv"n Iher. Itoud I l'On,rnrlallle Moving Picture

lb'. Hia work .bo_ a dMlI' ..pP,.... her ramoull. Sto h.lIlllly r"'all.tlc II l'r"I .... :t!,d .Iudlo r'.dy f"r ..ny "'''ne
rl.Uon or tbe ~boloalral cb.a,. wa, thaI no ulle IhoOllhl or the whhh ml.hl 111' hI Oil.
10111.1" 011 III tb. mlrll.t .lId uperl- call1.r.. Thlll'l'l ".r" no lnl"'rml. TANKS aDd RACKS
ence of tbe m.n. Lolli......t.r bu .1011.'; wh.n th.. "'ork .'1 over. Ih.. \\'hll" Ih"r" hllY. I"'\ln \"Ull.ln,,:t_
troq; part. u lb.. 8111er Superior. \llay. IlO clul,. allle" 10 thll work. ..d .und.y a",1 I.rlnu. kind. "r 1'01. , Built eI~cial1y for FILM DEVELOP.-
lEVY'S CAFE whlcb abe IlvN wllb .w..tn_ and
dlpl!J". J.ck Rlcberdeon w.. I I '
wenl on and livery 0""
0llCln to ronulhul .. 10 Ih
l'l"al,l" It"rJIOlI "r .I.lte. wor movlnlC
1,1..lur.. work. 110.. 111101 whlrh h.. JU.I ING. Con'tructed of Doull.. fir
celknt I I Judae Stone. tbe lI'dul.- Io..ell 1I111.hed rur ..... I>y Ih" 1.1111111.
men I.
ent r.th.r-.. 'DOd veblcl. for bl. I'". dllrlnlt Ih.. worldlllur. wtll 1111-
74 ~ So. Spring lItllOlal peraon.IIt,. JoMpblne Din
Acted cf"lldltabl)' tbe p.rt or Florence.
MI.. Janl. lind ~'r,,"k ~:Illull
,whom wa kim"" aa 0.... tlf Ih" lItrell
.I.,oht..dly ,.tabUIIl 1I.,~lr III II 1'1'1.
\"1'1011 rill' Ilrllrll.... blllty. r."n~enlellt:<!
Iba otber ctrl. )11'. Rlcken. dl. ellt or Enallllb .1"101'11 d.uced. Amer Ind NIl""llrlty or l,a ..dllnllt. Thr,*

covered. IlOme charmilla Mttlnp tor lun ruhlon. I" the wile or (he .YII hu or.la.lllh"t1n'elltak".t"I".r
bl. . .terio,........... boulII bo.t on a lake to\llted raa lime. & onrolllJ('lotlll ,10"'11 II". .Iudln. Iek It Illd ha"e II
la tb. moonlltrbt. and trr.at ."Mlpe .-er. Ihe)' or Ihe audlenl'll thll the)' r.....) tor .hll'I,lnlC. Tht!r...rll t ...I"..
or I.. wn ..lth ,'1.1.. of palm nd did nOI IIlIl 11111 el.....on. Ihe I"lnlllllla ,..n'r,I" IIhullm.... lll "n .. hi.... th..
'.rne-Delntr eapeelall, ell'ee.the. toar.ph.r. jl;rlndlnl .Iltl grlndlllll: 1I11Ir=;.. ""1. ",hl.-h lllk... IIIOI'IUI I.."
OiC-': ('I). (00).;8 TO ~llJ."":
aw .. ,.~ In the drellllnll: room. Ih..
mOllr. robhln~ Ih.. dlly ..r III dl.
tllI)'1I I" mlk.. ; h'lI Ih"." '1''' "Iwa)".
I"f! 1... hlt,,1 ...h.. 11 III""lnl! tim .......mf!tl.
Pacific luk &: Pipe Co.
m.1 dnbll.... h.d ,h.. mo.t lIurllrl.-
Th. 1,la". "not Iperln"1I11l/ult tor Ih.. 400~ _ ..... LOS~. CAL.'
Ing errecl. ~:1flbrow I,enell. roug,
l'r'...nl.ludl., ..'.. reolrll ..IIUI.bYlh'
Au In"'.'OIl of Ihe Moj."e Oe.erl.
which IlfJI:al> In .11
.utomobll. bUI :~k~.~k~:~'~~::::t ;;;:~I;:"II~:~III~~t l.ubhl"'llr I,rl"r I.. hilt 1o1t1'",11; lhll.-
,hll'hl/l. III. 1,1 to ..re.le It
.. hlch terminated on tbe baek, Of Ihtl.lnllul1, ...lIh Ih. mUIII('. An'l
/1""11,,",,1 .Iutll., ut .unl.-hnl I'r"I,,,r.
1,loddlnJl: donk.,.I. Will made rerent-
ly b, ~ I'oml'any of pla1.n from tbe
ror("t!ll ot Thoma. H. Illce to obt.11I
" number "r Important lI'.n.. for
",h.n lh. dlY "'a. u...,r: Ihe lljl;hl.
turn.d off. lhl' urche'lra deplrled
the)' dll('ld"d It h.d b....n lh" lo;a)"ll.1
1101'111' da)' el..r IIIl..nl ,,1 lh .. 11,,"
'Inn. I" Ir".,IIImOllalf' .11)' kln,' "r
'UI Int,rl". ""'"nK f.o", II /II ",pi" be'l
"h""II".. 10 'u, ",,1.lll"'1I1' 1"111 ro"m.
Photoplayers, Inc.
.. A Mid.. of the Henrt," a srlppllll 1Il11IP'III1"''''hl('hr""I,IIl"lorudo'''11
tWO'lllrl p~odurllon .000 to be re-
""HI'h .ludln.
ll",l 1.""",rl"tI "Ilh llw 1....1 111...1.
GoodfeUowship Dinner. at the Club
'-:=========-r ....,
lell.led br 'hI' Ne .. York Motion PIc- WClltl.1I "II.~I C'ClIU'IIiUTHIS
hi., lahor 1111<11111'''11/1''. rll IIII' llr".,II'
"",ll!rlllklllll: h" h"lt IIrou.:hl tu he.r

~~~~ ~~~rl~~~~~~~'\ll t~~ell~~o~h.I:eo~~
miter who. dl.Uked by hi. lown.-
.I. 1I.11lllrr. whu hili he""
,,11 hllt"ll"'rlellcel>"lh Inth"lejtlll.
.1"""... "Irkw,",". T"a"tl1l"'1er. Wed,,,,,,la)'. ".nua..,. ~';.

IlOOple. KQt'8 Inlo lh ... dea... rt In .tlarch manllll:ln Ih. Philadelphia ome" ur NIIII. hilI'" 1""'11 m"r. thull l.lI.t)lnK.
Compliments o{ ot mol'.. K"ld (hI' World ~'Ilm Corporllllllll. h". Wllh ,I,,"hl.. "'",I'''1t .1,1111':1 Qu,l
The title role I. l)la,.ed b)" Wal- h"e" lranlfllrrt!J to th" llldl.napoli. ,..I,'rllllo;/I. ''''''"lO''''Il'' IIrrllIK"" on
B. H. DYAS CO. ter ~-:dwa.d. "tho 10lt.ad or bfJlnjl.
ntlltled. Il.
Ire 1\ numb.r of Qther
l>rllnrh. HI' r~ord I I II hr.neh man
IIKer In Phlladelphll .... or thu hlll;h-
e.t . nd bl. IInlknment 10 the In
Ih'IJ'''"I,I .. .,rll,e''''I'I'Urllllotllh..
"ll"'r '''' ,I... 1".111... 'h,' ..JllIl.. 1/1 110_
""hll,I, .,,111 I,r,,,,t ,\nt! ,'I'"ry lnrh
roml'."I ..... "'Hh th"" dlllert .lretch
321-32 W. 7th St. nellr I'I.YA del Rey. Journ.yed all
tb.......). 10 Ne,.da tor hi. r H.m.
~Ir_ Ed""ardl brought b.ek wllh blm
dl.nlll"'U. omc. I' r.,.ult or tb ..
j('OI'Ill ..ork he did In Phll.delpbl.
W W. Kolp hill b~n appointed
"r """'rllllo; III """"101<,.,, lh"l Ih..
1....llIj(hllnr=;"tr... I.rn.)I..ohlal"... '1
.\"1111. n,,r .. I. 110 hlll:lClnK or lh"
Woodley Theatre
II collel'Uoll or to.d nd olh.r rel)' ",.n'jI;lU or Ih" Clev.land br.nrh or "nn'N In Ihllt 1"'''''IIIl. no n,nu"r II"..
tile. whleh Inteal Ibe deeert .nd Ihey Ih" Wo.ld Film CorP;OrlttOIl. a.nd " Ih, """'1'1"". "r, dr n. nlll I
mEWIITERS ItEHTED e nu",' on ".hlbltlon .t Ihe Inee ~;. illabl""r. tornler manaKer or Ibe ;,~~;~~;' .,u, I", ./tltl ,,,.ro Ih. Itll".. Both
G MONTHS FOR ",00 AJrf]) UP.
lalttal reatal ..ppl'- If
. 'OU pureb.....
TrnwJlD'mUJ.OJl' ALL IlAJ[E8
~ll1e .ludlc..

---- WI.nere Fe.lure. Inc.. In 1).n..,

T..... baa heeo plared In charll:e of th ..
All.nUc br.nrh or the World Film
(ofllOratlon. Mr. S"'bler I. an e1'
Thi 11I1t'. II... lI""rh'lt "r ""hkh
,. /1....11,,".1. hu II ::0.1101001 ..1..,1'
"o.klnll .I",r. It I. ~6 I"el hleh In CUi POe. MaD-. All s..... 10_b
~ '1&00 to "'00.
.. It beau e"er,lhloK bo.. herd II h;
10 lind Inll:lIl.~" eJ.culale4 Perl')'
1...,lence4 mOlloo picture man aod I.
."ry ...11 koo..n In tbe Soutb.
r...." .ml ~tl I" Ibe r"lr. All Ih..
~OII'I'Orl~ "r. nlld.. or I ... I"..h Under
71. a. Bprtac 81. 1'01' 8. BUl k.
BanlLe. ~Ir Cool.,'. anl'tant. the
other dl). ""hlle be WAI on tbe track
.. I. McV.,. haa r_nUy bMn
\llared In rh.rll;" ut lbe Kan... elly
"'rou"hl Ir"n I,ll,", ""lIh ..d.... Jolnl-
"":1 ~:"'n ""\lllOrl 'a',,1 Jolnllnl: and The Home of the Fmest Personal'/ /
of I fl;llding .plrll 10 lead Ihe hlrd hranrh ot Ihe World .-tIm Corpof'll- n",'r "'NI"" II"N I....... m.d.....N.rdln .... /.

PlIolI..: HOllie AU"; Wala UU
bearled millionaire up 10 b'eo alld 111111. .nd _III ,',,"ole hlm.elt to b.nd. ,,, Ih..lIl "I,,dllrlliion. ",hl.'h "'111 Feature Film Attractions I
back III lb. roo .... of "'Tb. SpirU
ot G1"IIlIl" E1"en arter the anll.1
linK th" bu.lnen In Soolb""eatern
"11",,, Ih.. ",h"l.. I.. "" p.rked Inlo
..01101 n,... rnl"hl.. ot "")' er.... Direction /
"Wear'. yorktown" waa tound. It took eom. time tn
sro",' the parllcular .tyl. of
conrehed 10 be ftttlllll a~rdlnll: -.

10 tbe rl,;bt adJu.tment nn.II, rame

Sal l'lrertllr I'. K. :>etoly... II d ...
InlC 1n1 1.. ".r~ "'ork. In <'Onl>ertloo
,"'lIh lhe "1''''' 1,lln .,r 'h"" World
~~i ~1~1~~~k~~n'rol~~1lo:f p:\~:=~:.' ;'~:~I,:r.:'::'~":.~IIl:I~~nArl~~I.I"s.a~~:~~~
mlklnllt. trip lhroull:h Ibe Sooth
'r"", 10,,1 ",,,,re.. I". "lal,.r"", b.lI_
"':"",. rat \\'hl'.. I'IIAI hi. I..... n :11'_
l,lt"d I' '" ,..,,1111>1: t.. r Ih" 'UI'loor(l'
.",,1 'II ...... >'111'1'01'1' h.... "II 1..... 0
," .. ,;.. t ..1 ,'" i.I'IlI"h-.'I"" "II.. " Ih"
'tl,." .... 'm... tnr I.."rln.... d" ..1t lI1ld l'UI.
Optic Theatre, l of
.....rLoo .ord haa uperlenud lh..
Iii. obJ~II~e polnl 1. 1'.11. TeUll. ,nll: nl' lllc Itllldl... 1:.1". "'hlrh ,,'111
pr"lonbly I... nUl IUnlm.r ,,II.. n ~lr
533 s. M... St. D.
",tt.r. he will d"voll' lOme \lUll!! to
t'I,,101Ino: 1",1 hll ""nll'lnr mnl"O' on I"
:~:~Io~n:r~!T~I:~a:;';~I~'~' :~: ~~,~~:llI::l~o,:o;'~ r~nnd~~~tl'I:~t~:11a:. 'allt"rnl. Thl'udl" "Ill I,. rll.

~:.ml::;e~~I<~bea~:~;~~~m~rr ~~ "07::~~~~' ~~I~rll~IIt~~~::Ie~L\~:<,u~.

r ...,1 "" II", ... "rld/nur "'hlrh Ih..
""'''1''''''- milk.. The Home of All Com- Perkins
Th, rial ..... " ... 10 111' Ilk""" nn Ihl~
:::'::r..::e:x:;:~ t:'~e~:~l~~n~ :.~I':t~ ~:~hree';r~nn~h~l~h~f:~~.~:II:: ,.Ialt' ""11' 10, >,,,, .. ral 111 "\\'''1'' T",'o edy Programa
Th""~I",1 ;\111,,"." " 1"'.. r 1 .... m"dy.
wron,; wUb Ibe cam.ra .nd wb.n the
111m ..... de1"eloped It wal _n tbat
tbe bls aeenee were ulIIl",.. ror ell:-
Soille of Ih.. moet rbarn,lnll: vend
.h.ml In ",hl.-h .'1r ~lIdln 1.la~1 Ih,-
l"ld .,,1. II.. I 1." lh" lIuthor .n,1 Nothing but Laughs
hi "The Hoa" of the Rln..ho: the ,Ii ....."'r "I Ih. Ill..r ..
blbltlon purpollll.. Botb Ford ..lid nral In Iht' IlIlrlee "f 1...kyRelul'O
Gran' Cunard bue ....".d In wllh rele"N. are I.. k~n In .. II:rAl>C .rOOr.
rene""ed .ne1"l;7 10 repair tbe dam.,;e It I. Inter";lnll; 10 nOI" lhl! Ihe "Ine
It.'S I,t:t: I~'\\""()S "IU';I.\TI\,,:S" We Cater Elpeeially to Photoplay...
..nd Gran' b.... ne.. emblem or Kood
YORKTOWN ""b1rh to"ere lbtl arbor. I~ .uPPOIled. IN S.\ST'\ n"KH.\IU~
luck on bel' IIn,;er-a big lu.lrou. lIy llK".1 Iradllinn. 10 hl~. been
diamond rlnS. lIreaent.d b,. her dl- I,;r&.,ll... h" r.. n'ark Ihlt ")llller
1,I.nled In t;78 Al .n) rate. II I. I..... I"""~nn hIli relath'" In ~anta
rel'lor .. In Itter Xm. . pruenl
, $2 Hatters e., "'dent-Old eo('o~h to blv..
bt!en In uillenl I! tbe 11m" "'he"
Illrhlln:' n"I.' r"'le I ..ertlonl ot
/lurh Ukellhond ~'nr I.'erll "'eekl MILLER'S Tl-lEATRE
,,," a dMhlnlt" cil, chap Georll;e Ihe e~ent. ot Ihe play ""'r", Ill'tually h,' h,,1t .1>....d 10 ".ar Cltrll.Uon In
FI.her. Ibe new Juvenile le.d or th" Ir.n.l)lrlllll: In Southero CalUornla.
Inn' comp.nlea, I. declared to m.ke h.1l rolt nu,1 l:tlk aUl"mohlle wltb I n"heI"t Hilliard'. ~t"'l .u~. In Illb" ....110.
011 the very Ilround "I'he... lh.. plrlu ... .1011' "n h.1t ron.onllnt. that relllm.
StareNo. 1.208 W. 3nl St. In Impr.....lon In "A Luck Blnwoul." "1I11aken. 101... 'h.. lItNl ..trorl. ot wb.lI. at
".t ."OOL THF:K.: WAS"
n... w IIlCll production .oon to b. re- .'d.lll...1 r...,,,, .. Iplinll:,. Immortal f/'OftU. ''Tholo \amplre. "The :0_
. Stan No: 2. 14 7 W.5th S1. le.aed b, Ihe New York Motloll Ple- '1lIllOn>l: lin... 't"'llule.rlll.n P'ce!! plolt>< or ..:llI1ne" ltoJT. ""The .'""""" Rate"
S.:W ..' I,I.IANO: F.XCH.\SC;I-:
tur... corpor.tlon. Fl.ber I' e.peelal-
Stan No.3. 412 S. SPr1Da I,. well adapted to .ueb p.rte. He The lat...l Iddltlon In the Il:ro ....
!lllit lI.t nt ALliance fJleh.nSel I. 10
Fr.nk ;\'''nlll''11I1I('1 hllll b~n IP'
1",lnl,,<I mllllllll;lnll: dlrerlOr or the
I tell. toalll,.. sDOd-looklnlf ,outh
rated at ('In..lnnatl. Th" omee III I.Ilt.. rly t''''"lur" Film ('ump.n,. or
with .n In,;ratlltills perlon.llt, .Ild ~ltul!lld III 2H \i ~'ourth .lreA!. In $an .\hll"o. (.lIfornl.. lIe I. no..

1915 SAXON
a larlfe .lore ot oatural abllll)".
Ihe cenler or the rlly. nd I. eon 1'''l(all;",1 uI'nn hi. Jl:Ul pIcture .. bll'h
~O. H . MELFORD ,enl.nt 10 l"'lh lnrll lind ~obllrblln ",111 to" /I111,le In 1.,,11 AnlCtl\!11. I welt-
erhlbllor. HII tellun' ..'Ith )Ionl O"rkreltth.r
DIRBOI'ING It will he under th" l(llnerlll dl In Ih .. lelli. Atl('r !I'II COlllllleUnn.
EdIUl WFll'_ Mac.hllloD. JEAN HATHEWAY reetlon ot A. ,\. Welllind. and .. Ill .\lr, )1"ntKllmrry wHh ;\'onl O.rk-
1.11 "Tile Oo or. Lad,." with The Master Key Co.
b. one ot th" nn 1 equipped ea-
,h.'nll:u In lhllt ....rtlnn or th .. eoun.
teRtllt . "'Ill ICO 10 Sin ~Ialeo "'here
lh"" ('oml'Rn)' l,ollelllllB .n eJ:cellent
I'or LMIQ' PIa, Oo1apq" tr,.. IIlu"lo wllh the IlIlell Imprn\"elllent.
Th .. 1.lberl,. ..oml'lln)' hue plendld
"'''''r hllndl"ed hahltue- or In,e. rum pliny Ineludlnll: hllnd.ome Emery
Headquarten fOr "lIIe h.d a Illite of nlli:ht "'ork. re- .1"hll'OIl. ;\11If!tlt.lt.. CI.)'lon. TrUll
ALLEN CURTIS. cently. "'h.n they were r.lled upo" Buardman. Vlrf;lnl. Aml'l. Clarke THIS IS AN IMPROVED CAR

Dirffior Two...Deliveries Day "Colle,;e D.'......
10 '111111.' In the clollnll; llcene ot
tlrrlns .tory or
Stor.kdal" and V.rll H... Ill.
reature nlm. wl1l h. m.de In .. Itb a

Phones: HoUy 113--57041
th. Ilrldlron .oon to be rele ed by
Iba N.w York Motion flcture com-
relea.e under Ihe Krlterlon brand.
D. F. Whltromb aoe. . .lth )lolll-
porltlon. The .c.ne d.plcte rail)' lI;.. m.ry IIIl 'IMlCI.1 ",rUer.
COMPANY .rOUlld hU';1l et.mpftre rollowln,; a ";1"_' moml... ",",. J. R. )lc- 1000\W _ 0In
6410 HoUywood BIYd. .peel.cular footb.1l victory. The nowan le,,'111 th. 81,t.n Ho.plt.1 III ...m,IW
mob .PIIII.rlld .. the ..ollellte .tu- .n aUIO and he retorn. to bl' nuree.
ROIlAINE FIELDING, d.ntl. ..nd hi. had when Ihll work for the
d.y I. don.. He I, tr.Ulna alonK .\ T\'PICAI, WF:8TEKN AMERICAN
'Lubin BRILL'S ""'IUQUEItQU": .'ILM on. bUS'- I'.pll.n,.. bu~ll will be eome tim. be- "Ttf'e Bluk Gbolt Ba.ndlt." put on

A~-Aetor.Director w...., rore he can ...Ik. Helen Holm81 I.
trl.d to hIVe blm back on Iba lIeld
b)' tbe Am.rlcall Film Mra. Co. uo-
F.oo.-as.ita )Ir. Ollbert H.mUton II - a v.ry der direction or TbOll. Rlct.tte. I. a
bun man thllIll da)" . and tbe Albu- 1lY.1l Ir he IIUln. down or 10 tbe typical olle-rel!!l WMtern. fe..turlna
querqu. foreu .re kept on tb. JUIIIP aUlomoblle. tor hi. br..ln I. "er, ac- Jaek Rlebanl..otl .. tb. Hlldlt. a
T...... all da)'. )11'. Hamilton bill Jut com- tIVe .nd b. I. a dlr.ctor wbo aete
v. . . . . . . .at tWt" cb ....ctu wblcb no one koo_ bo..

-" -
!!!:.'I.oo pl.ted. "Oh You F.m.11l Cop:' and ever,. ouoce out of hi. paople aDd
to put o"er better tbart b~m,,1f.
JAY MORLEY w. s.u 0 - "Wom.n, \Va,.: 'alld I. at the p,....
.ot time prodlleln, "Tbe MI.pl.ced
Ibe)' are .Iad to .11'e It. H.I.II II
doln, .om. ,reat .tUIlt- In tbl. K..I.m Vlvl.1l Rlcb .. the bandit'. d&llab-
. Mft& PA.trL&., CA.L..
'00.J ........,-

n.......... k.
Twill.... ave.,. I'laver com.dY written
b)" MI.. Dot Farle)'. wbo ..III pla1
tb. IlIIdllia comed)" role. Th. Albu-
lIaerlla. 1'.1_ un bfI _n e..eb
In.taUm.llt ot "Tbe AllaMl, ot
H.l.n,' wblch will be I<nowil AI "Tb.
Death Car," alld In wblcb .b. t&
bound and MDt to b.r daUb aDd ....
ler. dOlI .om. aood Mdlll&" "Dd iliaD-
a'llI to bfI tbroll'll v .,. realllUeaily.
H..rr, VOII Meter'. portraral ot tb.
.b.rill I. bl. aIId totClllM. Loalle
w"t at tbe 1.,eIlllm Tbeatre on capo In .. tbrlllllla lIIanllar-lt I. Ilot ~tv and ft ..." . Euoa af"ll t.b..
Spl'1Da .treet_ tall' to write bow. balldltl.t.r and bU.1la!Id.

'All remittances for Advertising, Subscriptions, Etc~:

be sent to our office. Solicit.o~s are not a. " .{.~'
receive money for The Photo'p~yer:sW~;,'~:

... I."" _ ~ _ t

Lo. Ancel"- CaL Saturday, J.nu.ry 30, 1915 PRlCB5CB~

=:=:~=:===:=~~~~~~~-~~-_ . =========;======

Jo:USA 1.USJo:, IMII,I.\ 1.,UnilS" WKRlJT'ER C.....'LLIKOS.

CARL LeVD'It8R. Lead . Director.
DINlClor. l.ead .


Tha falnnu. ~I.r)' Pickford .ad
~t.~ J"ltlple-R~ James Klrltwou:!'. ~r director. aect-
dentall,. ~me Impromptu pi..,.....

for the mull __eae of W_ Christ,. Ca-
Oon"-_ ('J~Ul" HORTOS. banne'a f lur-reel MaJe.1lc fe..ture:,

W~Ured Lu~mer director of

":rlatr Klddl". "The LlMI House:' .daptecl from the
'novelette of Rlch.rd Hardlal DaVia;..
Cleo Ke.dllon 10 tb. ''Tre,. 0' Hearte" La. Ancel". the .rkao....edaeo.l cen- Lal. J,m" :->.. wmoan I, head .,arPenler. Cabaoa. . .aa IlutUar; 00 a lire _ae
- - . &lid It PreMO! director 1.11- ter of the wor" .. lDotloll 111m I:..du.- while II..... LIbby doe. lund ..ork . . aad had .Irelched a fl.re lIae arouad
\ flraJ lnr ncUon Plu..... II1e.. \a; buay Ir,.. haa belli eUbetazltlall, aUlI:caeated th" head pruPert,. noah. Ml.. Rakel Ihe .trueture. 'Pollee olIleer and
fln!mea were r;athere:d la front t)f the
\~~-:: JO~:,~.e:~:;~~~:~~~::
b,. the removal fron, Tueaon. Arl' Johh.on. rormerl,. of 'the Sterllol:
woa. 10 tble city of lb. Itreat Eelalr Comp'Q). Ie "",relar,. uf Ihe etudlo line. MI. Pickford aod Kirkwood
were drtvl~ aloar;_ln l:IlIachlo., and
.. ~a~rt:~~w~~t~~at~:. .~eot[:~e:I~~ .tudloe .the cballi' of loeallt,. belD
m.de l>eeauee of the better adno-
of liN!.
"r.llk ll. Wlllermood ...'ho dorlolt _III the cro"d, allr;hted &.%lei .tol>-
1.' ha .tea4Id onder tbe braod of tbe tlltea 10 be obt.&llIed In l.oe Aneele. tb .. I... year haa been _ollrlo ed- ped to ...tch the proceedlnp. Th.,.

,r:~e1y"~~tI:-n;l:oJhd:;~ and Ita ~Idnlty In oUldllOr aellinc of Llor nf Ihe Balbo. t:Umllaoy. L, Ih" were In direct 110e of Cah.aoe'.eam-r:
er., .od ..hen the pldure II aho"o,
aceo . nd for bue'nMa nMda. Nloe IlhotllP'e)' .... rller or . The FealUrK
:'011.. Pickford and Kirkwood .. Ill be
::~~\o~n ..~~:em:~tp:,oc:~~::t rrellht .,an .nd a .Pullm.n coa.,b
were uaed In Ir.naportlQIt Ih. players
Ide.l. In"
"'or a tim.. Ihe ~..t.bll.bmeul ....111 .~n In the mob.
IlId\ a 1I11mber of uolque fea.tlln!ll lind tbe yaat .mount of acener,. .nd produce a number or two-reel dram..
(lro. LAHKIS, ~;(tmmT .\. Mn,,,,,,
..hie'" will c..,J.. eoulderable com- Lead .
prutleMlf1I from Tlle.on to thl. dt,.. .net followlna tbe addttlotl of 1"0
nloeot'a1ll0at" tbe pauo_ or tbe ,Ueot The "1n!r;aUon. wbl<'h 'a now more <,omlJ&nlea 10 Ihe ne.r fUlur" I.e.da.
~ Tb. ItOO' . . . ehOMlo b, IlnowlI aa The Fe.lur.. Idea.l. lac., will ,tiC" m.lI,. blr; f. .turell. tour
1, t.o.. J.-ph VUCle . . their fI."t Pl"l>- belol affiliated with Ih" (,;c:lalr Fllca ari1 ilia rMl. 10 I.olth. tOlletber wltb
~:i:?c:~,..:t:t~1!d'-~~:~tl~U~~~:~~2~1 ~~::,,~~.o~I:.-:a~!let.
dtae:UDD, 1IoIca. . . of b.~ tLorvqh fa-
-. ".- ~:-',":~~~~j:;;~'t~~
~tl,. tonred tb.1a eoo~tT)' 00 tb.
': r~.lltl,. 'a..eted h,. th. Slerllol lfo-
tlon Pl.,ture Compao,.. and Ihe Or-
m.de at- Ibe Fort lAe. New J.rae,.
l.bon.I.llrtM of Ib" Eel.lr Co~paDJ'.

r , . .iliar; .teee.
, In addition to dlreetlnll the pro-
doet.lon of the ate.".. Mr. LlIcu, wbo
s.olnlloo alr"aet,. haa two C'Ompaol"
at worll IIlmlnllt bteb-el... dralll".
Kobert lAY,. I. Iten"ral m.Il.lIter "r
wbl('b plant I. amOlilt tile .or'd v"ry
lars..t fllmprlntln~ ..t.ablllhmetlla.
Tile .Ialt" on wlll('11 tbe COIllIII.IlIH
prior to hll'eoterin&' the motloa pie- Ille HtabUellmenl .nd .. p,eparlns I.. ,,'111 111m loterlor ...ttlnp are hl.torl<-
tore fl.eld, w. . . . .n known on the add 1"0 nlOre companle. of playerl In ('Inem. annala. lor thMe pl.tforml
t "le&1tlmate" .teee, .. playlo&: ooe ot 10 Ibe 1"'0 crOUt" now at worll_ II.. , ..'0 ye.n a~o .... re owned by th .. Unl-
the ch..racter parte. I' .Iao lllrfeo:t1ne planl for th~ llur- , ....al COhll>.n) aod II w.. here Ih.t
rh.1<! ot tr.('1 of l.nd to or n"a' tllr\!('lon Otl. Turner. Phtlllp. Sm.l~
1.0& Anltelea fur the bulldlnllt ot. ley. ":dwtn AUSII.I. AI Cbrl.tle, H",ory
INTERVlEWS.8ECRET,&Rl- BRYAN l.rllt e and thoroullthly modprn 111m ~1('K.e. Fr.nd. Foret. WUfred Lucu.
The e1ever &.%ld versatile womln,
koowa to the lIteraO' world . . Grace m.n.uf.cturtng: pl.nt. . ,~~lr~~1 l~~~~oll :~:IrO~~t:rlo~o~ne:r~
parllo&:...III here.fter be known . . \\eblter Cullitlon. the "Heran hilt fIr.nlu aod .,omedlel. The .tud-
the Heln.t~lI. Reporter. Her 1'1.11_ blehl,. laleoted \1roduce . la dtr..Nor 101 .Llln are nota hIe becauae of th"
all.ed Intervl.wa ..III appear 10 tbe of one of th" ('om \lao lea .t the Itudl01 lire ,,'lIkh occurred there oearly t ..o
Tboraday rele.... ot the Hearat-8e-- with Hal Wilaon . . . . .Lllt.OI director. y.ar10 .od wblch partl)' deatro,.ed
lilt' Twlce-a-W"k N Pletorial and and Raymnnd Anlel ," c1n~matolt Ibe pllnt and huroed UI> H\'enl hun-
.tnhe Inother ezclllilhe featore for raphe,. Amons Mr. (,ullt.oo. pl.,. drfll photopl., Ilcrlp", In tb"
tbll popnlar motion plctnre'. 00. of en! are, Sorbert A. :'olylea. le.dlolt l<'enarlo departmeol. Ihe dealroyed
tbe fl.rat ...Ipm",nta of Grace Dar- man: Edoa Pa,.o". tnltenup leada: bolldtnl. belnll quickly rebuilt. 01-
11011 .... to .ttend tbe dlltribotlon r.uc,. K. VIIl . dr.matle lead.; Her reelly aero.. tbe .trMt trom th. Fea'
of baa.lteta at the SalvatloD Arm,. bert Staole,.. luunlle l"a,1, .od Fred lute'I Id... 1 atudLoa are tbe lIellenl
b-.dqurte... In New Yorlr. Cit,.. In 1.lCY K. "LI.." . H_rll. char.cter rol... ofllC'el aod atudla. of the Ualyersal urrrw. FO"'I,J:ft.
C01llpatlJ'. wltb )I'" Eva Bciot.b. The Charac,tera. Carl LeYln"". "'ell Ilno"'n .. ;l
muter producer or hllh~l... fea-
Comp.l\J'. whkh fItItabll.hm"ala .re
aoon to he moved 10 Uah.n.al Cit,.
,.ooo&: 1&4,. hu atao Interneweel
WIlUam' Jeonlp Bryan. 8een!tar1' of turea. I. dlrec:tor of tb. olber <"Om- M.n,. Imllrovement. w1ll be 10-
'I State; 8eerete.". I>alIlela, Repreeen- IM-O,. 00" at work. Ilia ...Ialant I. .tellfll tn Ihe Featurea Id",al .tudloa
taU';:. Gardoer. and man,. ot.ber nO" Morra C,.tron. wblle Frfll Dobaon I. for the 1I1mlnl': of blS photo-dramu of
table. wbo are In tbe public e,.e. "amer. mao. Mr. IAYlne.. eom- the ..ery hlsbeat d .... tbe company'a
ITh_ "Int",rne_" are all nnuanan,. pen,. locludl!l O"orse I.&rkln of "The purllOlle belns to aLIfl(:I.llu onl,. In
lotere.t1nl and wtlt eertalol,. be re- Tre,. of Hurta" f.me II leldL0llt man; feature l"o(Iu('1Ion.. Tb. corpora-
eel.. ed wlt.b pleuote b,. the Plctnre- Doll,. l.arltln.lnlfenu lea4e; I.Ind.a) J. lion haa at ttl dl.poaal.larle amount
pl.,. lovln&: public. 11.11, dram.tI .. le.d.; Will E. Sheer- of rub and wlll .p.re nn uPt!0&e In
er. cb.racter rolel: Allee Kno..... lllncl. beln~ true to n, name by llroduelos
ch.r.elen. and Henry Aldrl"h. hea\'Y Ideal plclur".. All the he.d. of the

rol"'. ('omLlany dell.rtmenb are Yeteran. 10
Clara Horton. ItIe beaullful .,h1l<1 dnema arl .nd ..Ill .trlye enerletle-
) lolIr. Samoel 00ldftah ealla atteoUoo .etreu known .. "EeI.lr KlddLe:' LI .lly at all tlmel to m.lnt.lo the ble h
to tbe faet t.bat tbe J _ L. Lultr
I ".atate Plu Co. _oell 00 1_ thaD
with the orr;anlaatlon lI'nd will from preallKe. of Eelalr fllma. tb. mother
tim. 10 time enact parla wltb the orltanlutlon of The FeUllteI Id",al
, fOllr prodnctloo:e dorin&: the 1IIonth
!. of JanDaO': '-n:. GIl'! of tbe Golden
companlea. I. J. Martin la _01(' art Itudla..
Weal"; Bdltb TaUatarro In "YoD-llI
ao-aaee"; )larp.rite Cla.J'k, ID
"Tn GooN Olrl,' 'ud Edward Ahaln
la "Aller Fhe.,. It II IDtenetltl. to
\ aot. ,that two of t.b_ proclnetloa.
an .uktl,. dramatic' aod t.bat t1HI Cl\aIl, PUt.. lhe live ..I,.. ot the
otber. two are both comed'- of t.be Salt Lake Railroad, h . . _ t D1ret>
_ - . aodena type. "YOllln&' Ro- tor McGowan of the KalII1II Co., to
. _ " aDd "~ Flv.... t.b. two Lae Val". Mr. Plk. lopplMcli a .,...
eo..u. ID qa..uoD, both 'lC*ld on <'Ial train .bleh will be aWaT tor thll
I ~b' hnmOTORI 1._ &Rd..are a STANLEY DtlNS, WILl, 1':. MHEERGn, eomlol tbree moatba. Jf YO ,.. il1
radical departure tro1ll alap-filclr. Jov.nllee. CtI.raetera. doubt lbollt ,.our rallTOll.d tripe, _
f&I'UI ..ttlcll h.. ctaareeterlsed . 10 Mr. Plk. at bll 8'Pri~.~u.et o.~ ,~
~-,~.u at t.on the acneo.

XUDa . . . .~,

PI,,\"JNCI "OKJo'..N:IOHTERR" IN queen IOll"bt hllY. 'dou ~nd ... teet

Ir.N'ClI.ANf), whit It deelred, M7 pal,-
..Ie.rlnlt hi. throllt, ...111 "a combined
II)' HI,,'IlINwoHde AIILt'''' r:lon: for. two, lncludlDlI eoolihll, for
"hich lI'e \l;nDld p..,. 50 cent. (two
T"enty-llve yeara aKP I wa. trav, HhllllnK.1 f~r the nlll;ht. It _lOed
;, , ellnll;: Y/lth thll ,\fa..:le Morton l.a (Ill. If the ,lady 11II1I.:t. She rani a
.\ f l:omedle COlllpany, IIlayln, (tUe-nllbt,
cr. III the nl-upa throueh the IllIall"r
tll .. n. of ICnKI.nd. A IIt,up'coml'lny
.laIf}!lnd told t.h. nunkey to Ibow 01
OI\r'l:'qOlJl. 1 lteyer drealT.ed of .0Ch
NJ,len~or In I bedroom, Th'e f1unk.y
j enClillea R markllt or coro uellanli:e
Ind carrie. . .Ier)"thhlll to 1Il.k~:I
pht}"hou.e or It. All Huch a cOqlp.oy
lllike~ 111 whit more It:e CODU do, and
lit)' p/lI, I,ravlnll It all out, 11.11.14 we I
1'o"0uI~ rllqlJlre our aup!:er cooked.

" ,~tBlvd. and Gower St. ~tl~~UI~~:I~/"~rlt~:~ea:~II~~oO: .It~t~ rll,~u~I;~f.h:':I~~a~~~:~i~o:~~~f~~h:

rk"rn""",, IUIIlPN! lind the I,arll,her- 111I1In:1 nr rltll' ll\'er; another contaln-
lIulla til m.ke a IJflrrormance I. Clr- . hilt tel: anolher .... Ith butler. Wlth-
Hollywood. CILI. rh',l flU lL .... lIltnlt Imlt the wR.o:on rUII' Jlllt n rl!nlark or Imlle, Ihe "unkey
un Ill' n!'1l1l raIlroad truck. lIoraell at. I,ut rhem all on n allver ..h'er an,l
1lI,'h"ll 10 the w/llt"n "'hen lhe ~r:U111- rook th",tI nWBy, returning In half In
l.lIl1Y orr"'e. alld the whUle 'heater hI hour with a blltler, "ho Illt the table,
r'"I1'~d UII whelli. to the Il'.rket or and "ur eauble,. now llcarcely recol!"-
, "orn P'",hUIlI\Il lind 1'111 up In .h"rt IIluble, ....ere on .1I\'er dl.hea. -
11Jl~~~ ~1~lI~n t~~rt:~~k,::~aei~dB~~t1~;
Stockplayers and "Extras" II..: .... H ..:xn":IlHUX )1""\' I'IC'KFUlW
II",." a,':otl IIlId mUllellLlIN HulHtlng.

1''':~Il~~'" 1~,lI~u~~~~to~~:~I~~rll~~~~ ~~ danced attendBn"e Oil u.. When the

1'1"('_. I'hu;OI,]I'Yl'r. Glul, ;:~et~~r":'~n:,v1rleatn~;ht~~II::rlU~."lIt~~
.will Kindly Register ~'a"IIlU~ I'la.I,.,rH on II "old Winter'. el'e-the II.now B
rool d,,..p IIn:l the Wind In chill}" lllBitll
fou'II1 hnle.. In my ntherwl.e warm
Ill)' 11111/lnd told him the}" would de-
JUund IIfty ahtlllng. Inate3d' of nfty


u""r"n"t, I.et oIT with my rooming pellce In the morning-, na the}" 'mulr

With us WHO'LL 0[' !lIa:" IIh" I"w eomedl.1I1 10 lind

dl" . " We traml'ed mllny weBry
~ln!.. rH 11",1 r"und nothinlt that looked
Ilk" II rhellp .pntment houKf!'. l M)"
hll ...l mhtunderltood the Ilrlce.
We hIJ\'er slept on /!ueh a bed or
balhed In Huch a balh or Uled 11.0

many towel. IIltd. "0 much "OAII all. we '

~al"r," "'UH II. dolln. a week. J
THERE 1 did In Ihat houKf!'. \\'e were In-
",:I;,,~ t:::ll~:~do~"d:II.~,e::~~"~~t~:":r:~o~~ ~?a~I~~'~~,eIP it-lind .,~took all there~
Opposite Universal Film Co. ! "i,," lind .ultltetlt"d tryln.o: there. H
WitH Huch rldlculou. Idea thai In an
.:,~"It~~;r~:t~d ~~:r~: ~~~e~~ ~arr}"
It 11'11.1 a gloomy, aumptuouB break,
fuat ...e had, and after we Ilacked UI'
~:1s:;ak:l~ ~:I~~)1~~ec~~:r'dol~'n:t;:lr:
GRAND MARCH Til.. door ...... opened by a .o:ur afler rhe flunkey to the receptIon
~~.U:II:I:,:~~:~e~unr'I~,~~~;e:~.o~\~~It~~j ;':,7t~r:~~ I~~)"ki~<tl~~f~'~dC~;\~l
rook Ullt or 'hlll I'urae ''''0 l'hllllnge
Photoplayers, Inc. B-A-L-L-And it iii goin~ to be SOME ball, according to prescnt
I c:sults. Our ardent booster, Co\'glas Gerard, reports the: ~alc: of fifty-
ItHhl we "'en' I""khllt for lodginlt ror
Ih" 1I1.o:hl. Th.. flunke)' mUlt hal'e all'l handed It to her. She tOOK It
mlaund"ral""d. r"r he IIlked U/I to ,111'1 thanked UI .nd Nl\'lted ua again.
"Illl:" In. He ahn""",1 UH Into a ilrll She tnld the nun key 10 order the CBr- ,

GoOdfeUowship DiDner at the Club six boxes-that leaves about six more to be: disp03Cd of. Prominent
among those: who will acculJY boxes arc George ~ee~m, the crack
Biograph producer; Wally Reid, the dashing heart-breaking record
Illt"l rP. ....l,lI"n tuorn-a maN or mlr-
hi .. 1I11d tal'eHlry. ~Ir I'al "at hIm
'1" ...11 011 11 ".,I\el dh'an 1111 it 11 ",al
rlaJi;e and we left her srandlng at th ..
d"or w.lehln!: UI, Wn" "he smlllng!
1"11 ne"er for.o:et tile ezclamatlona
WALLACE REID. Toastmaster. 'lUll" Ih.. ""Htomar)" thing,' and I "f that hunllr,' looking Iheatrlcal
holder of the: Mutual forces: Jamea Kirkwood, who is rcsponsible for rrltd to hlrle the to.,a tll<tt "'ere pro- "o"'lIallY a ....... e Itron' dO"n to .the
Wednesday, Feb. 3rd. the Mary Pickford 5uccessei: General Manager Bernstein of the: Uni- Ir"<1!1Il( fro'" ",y .. hoel under a tl,li;er Htatloll hehlnd II. paIr of I)ronciug
~Iake Your R"","'atJons .:"'1,. ~kjll, The nUllke)" "aid he "'ould In ,horlle., and ... hen the footman opened
versal Film Company; Dell Henderson, whose: split reel Bio's arc:
rorn, her lad)ahll'. and "'ould ..... e Ih" lioor and let UB out ...e were the
really funny.: Carlyle BliIckwc:II, who promiaes not to appear in the "'Ill ~ She .llled Into the room Illl I: llrondeilt aClOrs In .il England.
~ostumc: he: wore: in his FamOUB Players success, "Spitfire:" W. E.

S:w-E.ATERS Wing and RUSIell Smith, of the: Scribe boarding house:; Brother
Wing promiscs not to mention his holding a box in his Mirror rc-
\'iew; George: Larkin. Sid Chaplin, Dolly Larkin, and Sid's better half
FltOM KNITTER TO WEARER ALL STYlES ..... at FACTORY PRICES will hold down a box between them: Fred Kley and wife,and many,

THE GUENTHER KNlmNG CO" 905 S, Broadw.,

many other prominent film celebrities whose names are not available
at the time of going to press.
And to think t!":e affair is going to be reid at the Shrine Audi-
torium, that is inducement enoug~ for the picture ran to fork out his
price of admission', for himself and the girl he thinks most of.
It has been estimated by a member of our wond~rful cozy club
that t~e number o! Cle crowds expected will reach into many, many
::o:;fands. The rr.ore the merrier.
~o'-l\lc:nirs t:a',e bce;'! selected to distribute and the names of the
pro:ninent leadin.g ladies and rr,en will. be announ~ed by a Photoplayer
wiu a husky vOice as their entrance Into the hall is visible,
Kl:C.l credit is dee 10 Ol:r a!.tgressh:e new chair:nan for the rapid
~trije hii comrr.ilte:s arc ma:dng in getting things into s'jape
It is officially .. nnoun::c:d that the Gran1 March is going to be
1d Oy Fre5idcnt Dell Hen:1c-rson and MalY !'ickford Tt-o.e to
!cllow ~re Vicer ~es:dtnl Wm, D. Taylor and Cleo Madison, Sel;ond
,I \i::e_j.-resident HenlY B. ir. alt 'al a,1d Ruta Roland, Se:rtury

~--" '., ..1I;;;.;c l~e,c ,,~(! !. r:HU' ,y ~n!lcrl, Fred I<.ley and Bl,mche
Sweet, Carly:e dlackwell anJ i".. bel Normand, Douglas Gerard and
Fay 1 in:~.cr, Isa10re Bernstein an~ Mrs. 'Bernstein, Geo. Seigmann
,-nj !';orothy CIS:', Mr. and Mrs, Fdson, Hers~al1 Mayall and BeSSie
Bariscale, et<..

t1 IIC1SwultTlI .\S "IIITtiStlOl ~"'I,U; ..SI't1l1,t<:m.... I~ TilE

JOll:\:' I'IllSft:\
WII"I .. , .. rlh.,r"Io"" ... hi{"hll"l,,,rl ~'i' ~ "',,", ""nd,'mn.,d to d..all, ."
Ho....urlll al'I ..... r~. th .. pullll.. ill III' ItI" .. I""lrk ch.lr. Milt III th ..lr IIhll"k
lur..d ur ~ HHulll:' ror.."ful I", .. rllrel~ I,," lind lauKh"d Bod cheerltd 81HI en
lion, dtl,,'n .... llh Kreal Brl and In'"'' IIr.. I)' ror""1 Ih..ir impe"dln;: doom
BI>I)" "0,"''''''11111 lilld ",.,,,,or,,bl.. I" ltM ,1\,. him ~tor) or "Th.. Spoil .....:
blH 1.1....1 aPIl.,"r"n .... '-UU<'k"h"t r"lea""d II,. Ih .. s ..ll" 1'01)...01'.. I'om
Jolin," " I.."tur.. rHm IIr..... nle~ b~ lI"n)". "'11.8 uofold"d In P"I.oTll Prl.on
Ho....'orlh. dr"m"UI..d II)" Charlel E. C.llforn~a. 0" 'Chrlatm.. Uay Th..
\'ao l..oan froll' hl& ,,"'n lItor,' "r Ihe men'. nRmel ""ere' Sam Rat.>e~ Hurr
Ham.. tllIe . .\lr, 1J"",,"orth brhljl,"ft I" Harrla. Earl Looml., "Silent" {'arllon
Ih.. role of "Illlckfthol Joho" ,,1I or .nd 1...-,ul.. ('hakoulad. all "0 demn",1
Ill.. brllll."1 1I:"lIlulI .nd .. h.rm or r<'r I" dealh for n'urdera
.onallll, The p.rl II:I\'e. hln, unu.ua] 011" Ihouund and mor .. n'ell, con DOUGLAS GERARD,
opporl~olll.,ft, and It 1ft plain 10 ..... lined behind the .ton" ,,'.1111. or Ihe
Favorite Players
thlll he rel'ell 10 them .nd thoroughl, StRt.. '. prl.on. m.rclled In lock-.tel'
enJoYI hili dtfllcult t..k, Conllt'lIu.,ol lnlo the aliemlJly hall and .ccorded
I)", 88 '!Juckahot John" .\loran. dell' eothullll.ll1c .I,pro,'al to tile Selig fe.
Victoria' Forde. Leading the Contest Thill Week. pend" and later ,onllct. )Ir, Boll.' lure Plcrurepl.y whIch ""a. contribut
...'orth ill leen in 00.. of th .. IIne81 .. r.. "d Jolntl~ u Yulellde lI\lft On the
II1l0n. or h\llll,lendid career S.n ~'rancillro Chronlde. and Golden
n.oitEsCE CRAWFORlISTRlCTI,Y !lallce and Majestic companies. Min Por th" put year .\1 r. BOI....Orth h Gate F'lIm Io-:I,'h.nll\e tn Ihe lJenltelt-
OUTDOOR GIRL-MAJU:S Crawford hall appeared In "Bad Min Uan Inm.tel
been seen .1 the head or hili. o ...n com- Banker \\'I1Bon and hil beautiful
WONDERFUL STRIDES ~laBon:' '"The Tard,. CauDoD Ball:' Ilan)". and In .. uch role. . . "Lanen"" l'el'er had Ihill "'onderful 111m been
WITH RELlASC.~ 00. "A Lucky Dlaappolntment:' and .lInwn to .. more al'l,reclaUI'e audi- daughter. Helen. vl.lt a aeelude.d apot
In "The Se. wolr:' "1'011.11.l1li" In "An In Syc.more Gap, .... here the" oecup)"
other Rell'Dce productlona. Ody.....y of the Sorth:' and other ence Ihan th8t In F'ollom Prllon.
Owing 10 her athletlc lralnlo, and I\"hlle the out.lde world thought of .n laolated hut. WIl.on hll been
PerhaPll. none ot the pOl'ular film equ.Uy dlver"illed characterlntlonl under aUII,iclon iI, aecret len'lce 01'-
fondneu for out-door life, MI.. hu entrenched Mmlelf aecurely 10 bll 11II Chrlllm.1 lurkey, and tren, .nd
,fnorltea ha ..e made greater atrldell Cra"'tord ia especially lulted for .o:ltll. the men behind the .teel h.rll. erath'es a. belnll Ident)ned .... llh Ihe
with tbe motion picture audlencell. pOII.ltlon l1li one of the lineal actor. in dill.trlbutlon of coullterfelt money
Blrong....estern dramaa. She mea .... the .l1enl dram . allplauded Ihe nlm hero', aplendld
during the put year tban hal Flor- actl, Jeered lit McNamarl'. Inlrlgue through hi. b.nk.
ures " feet " InChes 10 belcht: He ...... Ihe lint II.tar or the legHI- Hele:l II IDtroduced to Di.molld,
ence Cra..tord, the attracllh-e Re- welgbB 130 pounda and paueNelI and brulallt)". and .. hetted their 11.1>-
liance ltar. mate .tage to tlke up mo"ln,; pteture Ihe counterfeIter, ",-ho ia In league
perfect neure, She haa large, dark, work. an tllnen .Ix yearll .go com petltel for a ront pork dinner by
Min Crawtord Ill. atrlcUr an out- eray eyell, \'ery light hro .... n hair and viewing ...hat. i. prob.bly the great ,,'lIh Wllaon. He fall. In 10"e with
Iltlllng him to .eek .n outdoor life, her and dem.nda her hand in m.r-
door girl. Sbe II a nperb boree- II.fair comillezion. .nd ptetur'" .1I'0rdlng him .n oppor' elt Plctllre pi I)" ever produced.
"oman; a crack Ibot ...Ith either rUle Tile lelectlon of "Tbe Spoiler'." rlage, threatenlnll to ez))Oae tbe
She haa Iho...n to greal advantage tunlt~_to continue hll lite ""ork, al-
or platol; a po..'..erful II.wlmmer and .... a h.ppy one tor the prllOu'l b.nkl!r If be fall. to C<lDlpl)' with
In the ...."tern dramas produced by though through a dlll'erellt medium
an upert tellllla 1,layer. "Sherl~~rtbur Mackley, ... here abe Cbrl.tmn o.y I,rogram or ent.rtaln- thl'demalld.
or nprellllon, Bltore that he had Helen learnl the truth through an
Sbe waa born In Frankl1n, Pa., uII.ually piaYI oPIHlalle to him, heen tell yearl In AueUIUn DalY'. ment. ~t every tetlle mom.nt of
Rex Be.eh'l aplendld ator)' of Aluka, accident. Frank Cntle ,a ]lrl\"lte de-
C....wton! County. Her aneelltora let- In depicting the cbaracter of a tamoul Itock conlpany, had be.n
""ell.tern girl, Mull. Cra ..ford Ill. prob- the bllt han In .... hlcb the plcturea teell"e, Ind Pbll Corrldon, lecrel
tied Ip. Crawford CoDnty more than leadllll( mall tor JulIa Marlowe, Mra. .ervlce operat\\'e, .re rllt friendl and
200 yea,. acd. The county took Ita ably ...Itbout a ~r. She baa the Fllke, Henrietta Cra.lOan, Florence were ,ho"'n reverbrated ..lth ap-
both Itumble UllOn tralll leading to
name In hOllor of tbe Crawtord fac",!!y ot dlaplaylng lntenae emo- Robertt aDd otber ltan, .Dd had llleullfl. cle..... In conn~tlon .... Ith the counter-
tamlly. MI"I. ,Crawtord II a deICeDd- tlooal feeltnp In auch a natural man- hlmllfllt heen lurred under tbe man- The lI\'e prllonera, UpoD .. hom the feltera. Fr.nk taUI In love wllb
ant ot a (alOlly ot tlcbterl. Her ner that It appeau to be rnl and allemellt ot HarrllOn Grey Flake, Ihado.... of lmpelldlnc death bad aet-
not actlng. Mar)', Ilater of Dl.mond, .. hlle Phil
crandfalber fODgbt tbroDgbout tbe He baa bad a mOlt Intereltllli and tIed, torsot the grllO lpeetre lur):lhg lI.uoeumbl to the charlO. of Helan.
Cl1'lJ .War. Her creat &"f&ndtatber varIed career, bellltllllDlI at the .ce llear them, In the ablOrblllC Itory of B.nker Wl1.on lettle.a hll own
"'aa a veteran of tbe MmeaD war, or eleYen, wben he tin away from hili. the nJm. liurllll" tbe abo ...lnc of the troublea ....lth a revolver bull.t, and
and ber creat, &"Nat' grandfatber Mlld.ER'S THEATER, bome III Marietta, Ohio, to .0 to llicture tbey beealOe Ohce lOore II):. DI.lOond II taken to J.11. Tbe CODn-
foupt tn the war of tbe rebellion. ",4, Fool There W.a," alb-reel Ha. and InclUdIng leveral yean be- otber men atld their racel refteeted lerteltiDI plot h ....lng folled, tbe patb
Th.. probably aeeonuu tor Mlu I'bOlOplay.ad.ptatlon of Klpllna-'I fa. fore tbe mut. alld brief ezperlenCflI the JOYI and the IOrrOWI d.pleted by of thl YOUDlI loven run Imootbl,..
Crawford'i fondn_ tor out-door Ute. mODa poem, "The V.mplre," w[ll be . . . raDcher and profeNlonal box.r. the plot Of the IIl.nt dr.lOa, Tbe)' An elcltlnc .nd Interlllting atory,
. She ~lye4 her edoeaUonln Pita- abo..o tor tbe bal.nce of tbe curr.nt He I' a I.ndle.ve paInter ot reeoll- ..ere ae:corded cholce ...u betore tbe well told.
bar. :aod New York.. Three yean
&CO "e called on ODe of ber elrl
week, Ineludlnll Sund.y, at lIlIIer'l.
TIl" rJvld alld atartlltll dralO. " the
nlzed .blllty, a cre.t lover of outdoor
life and or .nlmall, bll borH .nd
,creen and forl"ot for a time their
many v.rled mlltortUllea =;;;;;-<=-;;;;;;,
1rieadil at \M N York Reliance I"reatea;t IeIlAUOD of tbe ,.ear Itt tbe f.Ullful compallion "BUI,." b.IDg ..eli
.ua4&oe. This w.. her ant n.tt to
, a ..-oUoD pIetve ItllcUO. Thfl; Y1ait =~~dtJ::m~ '~;:e t::O~}1wo:lld~~: kllown to plctore audleDCM,

,'=. . ..
~er.~= -::~r:. ~kt:::' ~= =':~~~n:::~~~'I:';..=~~~I~
~ ~'ama~r~~
fDI, while lbe IDlerpretatlon of the

for lateaae dram.tlc mlt-m, Nld h.r

-MCladJ1'. bealllT N". to Inh.nce
tbe U1uioa ereate4 by her art.
J, S.rn.y Oberry can pl.yan,. put
In Q:lotloll plttar. frolO a bandlOme
leadlDI lUall, to a .r:Iul.d old f.lIow

a.ppei';rtq 1a
. ,"g4
.B. .hl.ll;11lC MOliday ~ fcit th. n-
~ Lett
at:::::::; ~!~:- ~
Bebbad M.... a . . .~ pb.otI>-
of tbe 1000111&1111, hb friendl ..,..;
~~~I:h:~,. ~nC:~h~~a~ ~~. hJ.":.t ,:r;
w.tern .alOlll.r, H. d.mllUtr.t.-
plaT of peat etrBcdl With the "PO- thfl; In "Mr, 8U,"t Haali:llUl," a forth-
.w -.au... idol, Robert ~ ad eomtq reI. . . of the IDee COQ:l. IT""
"-.~IIU :,.~
=:::: =.-:l~:;t~n: :~~.: ~':qa:::
SlonN.. I,IOIW. 3n1 51.
tM.ItOr7,. . . that a RroIlI, 4etena1ne4 f&oe ad .. woo-
~N ..I"IU W.ltit 51.
~~::~.=.~:~ ~~ttl':':~ar<:.~:.::. . ,..... N..' 3, -.11 So SIMto.,
~~oJ.t--~ J .-fa '-lat.erPNC&UO_ ot U!eJ::.'
ti, '-' "~"'! otJ'I.~fanpportofM~ ~,
'a_ oun OIlWAD. ~
=. "1
. . . . . ..,.tllrl.twtumth

..r.~-::-.u=--= ~
. . . , ....k... '.
.... 11,0. lht\l..' W1 or th
~~""I lrel' 0. -uoa pktll'"
la rllllldolll tbe Ptuwa aN DOted
tor IIllla, &QOOlDpl18h_.te. but It ,...
mllllal1 for Qr_ C.....rd. tbe U"I.
I'enll, alar oDder tb. 4lreetloll of
F'nne1, Ford, to Nt _laad.rlS wblcb'
will be 4tttleult to .afp... Tb..
he.u:.tul (Irl. ',moa, for b,r Ibl.lIed
..... ., .... toU.tf1. ,... ....0 . . . .
t'1 :;mtlttta:.:=~~ f.:
. . . . . . . . . . . . . J~dll"lClor'oCeIMn.l
Dod .MI.tle aetlua'. for ber ablllt, to
write "'Oaderrul 'Oeuarlot .ad for
many other enviable t.1l1ntl, I. now
conceded to be tile nnMt crack.wl)--
'" . ., y-.NO:loa Pkoture Cor- n:an 10 tile movie.. 8he un hind Ie
. . .tIn. ecMIC'latraWd bla .f- ritle or any other nr.arm wllb Ih.
r.rtlI .. till JIf'O 'n:tloo 'of a pletu.... .bndon ot an lad Ian .cout.
tltllto .... "P", wm .. Uatl tll. In 1\ 'I her reatnt 4811shl to pl.y
eNMIa,4utre GI 1M d~_Udei oare
: for '-.ell Il.Iu. TIIo pf'Odlllc:!loa b..
rtl:es In whleh ,be 'I
tailed. ul)Oll to
ISllpl y b.~ I,rowen I:S ~ Ibaf.-boot
Jill:. . . . fIO.~(.t~ .t the IDee't1U.
at_1oIII of Uti flO."'" 10 SUt.
1if0::l!ca e.ad .-1lI aooll be ,..:e'lN: all
I'r. an I lu '-The )1_d<:&11 j:lu"n of
Gr. "'hoft'en" ,be baa ao 1IDuluai op.
l:urtLnlty ot Ihowlol: wbat ell1'e,
Ute Natall1 .f'OIl"I. vader Ibe tltle mart.womln Ihe II. One hll but
: of '-n... ento.U7 Wit... 10 1'1l1llember her work In thl "Lu.
It la a pOWerhl ala". Of mnrled riBe l.o~e" lerlee to be rellllol!el ot
IIr. tbat Ia relat."! wttb ao loteo.. 10'
t~ loy 1J!J'oa' eeat of 10ee"lIl..
acto..... It POrtl"l)'l eooJlUon thll II mure lhlO emph..lud.
~o~:~~:l:;rv:.~1tb~:\~.:u~u:- he Madelll Queen or Gre Ilhor-
r.. n" II an uouluall,. Intereillol: 111m
'Sl .: Ita commaod. a moral tbat II r"r thll malt unulual and ver. . t1k1
.! ee~~~De ~u::;~~~; ~~::.I.O~I~S .:::
'1IloCate WODlao., .bo trl.lltlM the Ide.1
1 ,'''sooi'' motber. Her bu.band I. en J.III1UIC\ T"KIo;H l'Il'..;mAI, IWI.
amouredpf. d.nellr. On Ibe allhl TION. .
at ,tbe IIrtb .ollivetllr,. of bla wed- The Chl<:lfl;o Public 1.lbr.r)' plld a
dillS. be tell. bla ..lte tblt he caanol rerenl compliment to "The Adven
be p~ot It dinner .b. bu lurel ot Klthl)'o:' nuvellUld by Illr.
.rraOIeJ- I'll honor of tbe o<:c..loo. "ld ~1.eC;ruh. by orderlnl\' I II~cl.1
Hoplos to ftoi out .bather buablod "dltion 10 be placed on the Ilbrlr~'
b . . I,un::baaed. ror her, tbe wHe peRU Ihel>e.. The bookl were prnenle I
Into hla o,-ereoat pocltet .od tbere 10 the lIbrer,. by Mr. W_ ~. SellS.
There ere mlny C'alll tor thl. I~ullar
Sbe SOlI .0
IInll diamond bflC'lllet.
Ihe Ihe,ter tbat ulSbl
ud from tbe bo:t: ahe O_"M tbl('
.orlt. which w.. written from "The
Ad ...mturee or Klthlyn" 111m aerl.l.
braeelet on the .rI.t or tbe "baocer. Ihe llrat or 1I11t11ld. and Which cootln.
Sbe t80lvea. aner IIOme l'1l!lectloo. uea 10 be In:menHly loopul&r In Ihil
Illlt her bub.ad dOlI not love ber .n 1 other wuntrles.
Hcl1:le lIIe Ia not or tbe Bobemlao .'II":U; I.AS": ._K'''.:M ,,'Olt
type. Arid In dwpente effort to
romrel bla lo'e. .bl roolldea ber ~n:w l"fHlK
Iroul.ole to ber bralller.lll-la nd re- Allele I~ane (~l .... Burton L. Klnel
, q,,;elt.l him to ea.cort her to a Bo-- hall lefl for a trIll to Ne .. YQ1"k
heml.n c.re. There .be Joloa part, ..here IIhe will play for le"enl
nd beeomu Ibe lite at tbe crowd. monfha. She Intend. to comlolne .
Hei' hur>-alld aad Ihe d.ncer come In Mons. Cilrlos Bernardino (n hil"Cilge of Death:' representing one of the milny remarkablc animal acts of the Selig Jungle Zoo, Los Angeles hUllne... Ind Ille..ure. and upop her
: : htl~e.~~:,~rr~I"I::r;~~,r~~~':'I~:
r!lturn wlll he Ible to accept further
engaltement.l. ~ll.. Lane wtll be 1'1l..
teUI ber bu.b.nd tb.t Ihe doelll 001 "The MoUoa l'ktu,.., h .. or 1.le ~1.\nUAlU:T TlHSIII"I.I. sow .\ IIlt":SI'IU:1I To TlU: !oiKI~ IS "TIl ..: 1U11o:.' .\IIT'H":LI. TO liE St:EN AR membered wllb tbe Sell. Co.. wben
,...... sotteo lucb a !trip 00 Ibe pul>- 1~"'l'IK\' IH,mUlnA~UTU'T I'I.\MI"':II WISM TlU: (;JII ..." ''T..:MI'..;IIASCF; WOltKF.R"
. u t 10 be llood U It me.nl the lou ,1I:<K ..:IIIClloI ..:II\. IIhe w.. Ittlclted' b)" a be.r on a lire
ot bla lo.-e aod romp.nlooahlp. H. IIc that we elln look tor rd to Ihe )11.. ~l.rl\'are, Turnhull. .Idrl, In Ih.. roll! ot PrllC'llll. Miller. eK'lIe .nd INverely bIU~rIl.
I walleoed by bere atlltude aod ruture at lbe lodu.try .Ub tbe C'&lm- kn ...... o IloroultlooUI Ihe Ilalted ~llln \\, ..11. . . h.1 lI.... n ~ ._m
It 11..... 11 I,rlm. I.ml>er.nrr .nrker or t.ld
rllCOoC'lIuloo toltO.I. eat optlmlllU:' decl.red Tbomu II. I I a lureeutul .rlll('r and dramltllll. Ihlt ..,,'ry .."n<'llh.bl....omM) nO' old s ... t:nlll.od town . .\11.. Rbn WILLlA)f BRU!\o"TOS DOF.8 EXCEL-

t LI"loS up to bll ...putallou tor

re.llam, ~r. loee bu lparad no ~11lI
lu malle tbe _ne I'1lplete wltb .plen-
toor. Tbe a.te _ne eapedally Ia ODe
~el'bo ...tell-' Cut Sl. . . . .ortb
h:<ce. tbe "'ell-koowo plC'ture pra-
"No .ptber larse loduatn 10 tbe
blltor,. or tbe wurld bu soDe to Ibe
frollt wltb lIueb wooderful Itrldes.
hu 1I0ne 10 110.. I.... ky .I ..dlt", 10
HulI)'.OO<I. Callf"rola. 10 bec"om. . .
l,hOlodr.matlll In ...-Iltlon ..llh
Wm. 1'. 1~ lim.....ho b ....harll'" of
I'r" rlnll: Ihl(' IIl',mariol f"r .11 Ib ..
,lraluatlr .. lIll1n. hal been .chleved 10
Ih.. "1m. lIuI hl('rl(' 111. new one. hi
nTh .. I'luo' .... r WlnR lhe mrl." Ihere
I&. lIen.r.1 ml.ul' In Ihe Itltt:bell
"herr Ih .. WII .. r I'IPI' h .. 'IIruolI
llilch..ll. Ihe be...tltul Indllllt wo-
m.n ot Ihe Inl'l! romp'lIln h .. slvell
Ibl(' motion Illdure world. cb.r.eler
Itud, nOI C"Ommonly aeen On the
...r"'lln. ~ll .. ltltrhl('ll hu conftned

WlIlI.m 8r.. nloo wbo did IUch. e:t:-

....lleot .orlt u eo.. ot IAeoff In '"The
M.n Wbo Could Not U-: . od tbe
I uaanda or doll.ra. rlell furnlab- In C.llfornla. .tbe bome or llllD-pro- J I(' I.. 1...It, Fe.lur. 1'1., ('0 I,r,,- I... k .nd I~rot.. II I. lOO-llble tor tbl(' h",r ..ork 10 Ibe paal tor Ihe mOIl p.rt of Roy Arbutboot jo '"The Laat
III ud C'OIItumes conepll'1l to 1'1'" ductloo. lbe people Ire u keeal, In- ductlon.. :>.Ir_ samuel Goldlllb roll' I.lum .... r '0 .rrh1(' "'er, uoI(' In lhe l..rC 10 Inlerpretatlon. or ItOClely b ..dl Cballter:' lIu beoIl'o IIIlped tbe plrt
tb .. ".et" tbe appearlnC'Cl or an ultl"l- lereeled 10 lllmmaklo, "' tbe pro- rl ..dn III .rr.ollemenll ..lib lll.. r"om III t.. lrl,. dn.. n,bed 10 the .klo. aud w"l"rn berolnes. .01'1 F001e- ot T,.lIOo. a political llratter. I'll tbe
ruMoo.ble "",ndell:1'oua of tbe em. ducera Ibemeel"l!IIo. Clly ordlolue-e- T .. rnbull lut . .k and IIh~ II no" on :-;,'... r.II ulltulllo.n. are ('(lmplete- quentl, ..... conrronled by talk or C'Ornlnl'l F,,'orlle PI.yeB' rele...,
Beadtos tbe C'l;lIt .... Clara WlU- aod couoty law. bue beeo resulated her w.y W ...I. )ll.. Tu..nllull. h rul",d hlle Ihl(' Ilream nr w..ler .. n ..llu.1 IlrOllurllonl wben IIhe touud nTh", Hllb Hind." A,. oue or ,.OS
lam.;n the title role, Harry C. Kee- 110 U to ell('(lurase otbera to build Ihuullh born In :koll.nll .... m~ lu """.1. rtun, Ih.. I...k .. r...llnll more her... lt ..... t for tbe p.rl of Ihe Van- ot crooked poIUld.na. be aad C.r-
nail. III b.r bUlb.od. .od Loulee pl.ata tbertl 101'1 eYer, COIl~enlellC'O!! II Ihlll .... unlry 10 ,OUD!! Ih.1 IIhe ("on run Ih.n m .. r.. 1.. llInll .. All ron,.., kee m.ld. In ""llr, Sllenl H.. lllu.: a lyle BI.cltwell meelln ae~er.1 cllabes
G1.um u tbe d.oeer. Yvette. Little
Thelm. Salter. the Inee"llIe cblld .c-
oll'ered the tllm m.nufacturer: .Iden herM.'U Amerl... n. 1I1.. Turn
bull rollaborltM with Win. C. Il ..-
II, Ill.. lin", Ih .. I'I .. mher dlH!ll .rrh'e
th ..", I... r"ol ot .'.ll('r.ln Ihe roo",
rorlh.::nmlnll InC'e rele'le or the In ..e
romp,"I ..., II.rrln,t; William S, H.rt
"t .m .nd for..... r--
Ire.... al.lpean 10 lood &d.-.nt'lle u 111 "'hlrh \\lllt.1lI tOnne)' 'lId (:.Ie Bul &.1I .. r...IKnl('d henelr 10 lhl(' po. Carl 1......ln_, a director .t tli;-
t.he daulbler. Thl lCell.rlo... 'Tlol loa.lo..,;.wey 10 t;allforola :~~Ie,..rl'~le":~':-tt:1lu~;~~:~~I~~.:I~~ H"nry .. r.. n"und.. rlm: .round. much IllIon .nd h.n~l",d II '0 Ikllltully t'e.turell Idell (Eelalrl .ludloa.
wrllten b, Produeell loee In collaoor- from tbe Atlaotle wloo.rd; but ap- dllh Wynn .. llllhiion .ppe.. red lUI In Ih ..lr dl.."mnlur.. hUI ,"ullln~ Ihat I't,,<1 ...... r lnct' III "onlempl.tlns "'bleh recently rnO"ed from TUCllOa to
IUon with C. G.rdner SuUh,o. p"l'1lnU,. tbe dlat.nee tram Ihe Il.nd- 1I("lIOn. Aboul Ihre<' ye.n allo Ih.. '"~n, l.ul(h. "rhlnll mo~ .rrlpl. of Ihe lI.m'! nl- HollYwood. J. produdng te.ture
- - _ POlot at a two-eent .tamp II but a pullUlhell "W. A';:. T.le: book -~--- ",r" rOt her drama which calli ror con.lder.bl.
W"h..lrr t'oltL..,n. dh""lur "f 0"" rl.1te or the ..tety of tbe pl.yera.
U\M.. (''-7. 'sssue Aueo .nd Olsa btKuU'a tbrow Ir t:: '~:t:~'':~del~::; ..bleh h.d ,el1 wldl(' .. I". Ind her
"I Ih on,panln II worlt II Ihe Fe.
~=~~~'~~::'It" ~r:z. :f'?~:e ~:I:i
murr r_nl IInr,. '"1 ......lllnll Arter
~;~r.:rr~:=~111~~e D~;I'n~ :::~~~':~l~olll recehed d.U, at loee- S.nd~: rl!<"entl,. publl.hf'd 10,. Il.rp-
I .. r Id...1 ,t:..I_Irl .Iudloa 00 Sun-
....1 boul.~.rd "Imloll' te.Iur..
'lIITIIIS 1'l("Tlltto: &DITOAA TO
De. .. p '\CI.uoad. by GflOree Nlcb- "11Ie b,. Tbomu H. loee, tbl(' f.moul er Br".. II one of Ih" 10101: l.uhll.Mnll loIAIUU'-IIOTH loIE}flRKR8 OF HllaTta'" ..rI ..1 pboto-dram.: DollJ'
a at t c
__ too..
killle-"'fQo1l1tRe MUlUal - produnor of OlOUC7D ok'u,....
loee baa u employe .bOll! d.II,
hll.... f Ih" ,.... r ~~~i~:~l~'...."",:;",l' ~:a:.~I~~'I~~ ~nt:t:s ("I.rn-. ~d~I~lnl)?'1:te!ra~l~:~Yt:~ 1
nlrra.',. ....:-.1'1011 .hdurllOO b,. I( , umored th.1 IWo of lbe prom rlcb. Some,)r tbe ItenM .ere !I1m.d,
Tbe pta,. la lIuo_ted by Lord dut.T Ia te IOtt out .nd look after lloe
TeD.llr-Dn. tamo_ .borl poem. b.lr dou~ aacD or maU m .. tter .d-
TIt.un); U."" Tu'-
.'1111 ~an. ut robbe .... h'!r r...... ue belas I('f ,n .. nl ml('m ...... 0' Ihl(' SC'rreo Clob 10 Cbln.lo"-n and m.n, thrllllos epl-
.\I"T'OloIltIl,": (.."1 ..,1 II) Ih .. ".rnlnll Ih.. r_"'HI anrt moll"n IIl('1ure edllora or 00 mun lIOdel were enacted. tbe men .nd wo-
"Bre.lt. Brull. Bruit." d..-d to tbe lllm m.,nUe. Tbe
A DIY Tb.t I. Dead" .111 be a buodrtld. of letten received dall,' 'N' Sheriff Arlhur ~I ...kl., I. I.r...lu.. (n,m " n', .1~rl""1 11('1"'I.hone lOulld"r
,n h ro"'''. 1>,. .hlrh Ib.. h ....... hl('r
"blllt, are In berome beoedlctll 10 the
u .... fUI .. r.. n.rry Enola. Ihe popu-
meo pla,era taklnlt" m.o,. hl..rdou.
cltan~ 10 en.ct tbe tr,lnlt" rolte.
Reliance releue u part or tbe Mutual at ".rlou bld od hUM .Ild ar" Inlt ""our R.b) "r )lln..: on.
owl h .. ,,,k. IIr.,.lnll I hll Ih.. mI." lar motion l,lrlUN! edlto" or Ihe Sew
prollram. - Nut trom .11 paTta at lbe world reel R..Il.nrf' drama. "'rluen by Morrie C)lon. ..llt.nt dlree:tor,
t:eorllr Ilennel") Thll l.rodu .. t1nn ..... AI ..' h.t,n Th.. dr.m. I. nU"d ,"ork ClIl'\)t'r. and Weo MIlIlIt.o. thO! .ad Fred Dol>llOn. c.mera man. Wire
...trll('l IPl!'CI.1 .PI.... I 10 ..hlldrl('n "IIh Ihrllll"l: .. n""u"l .. r". 1111.......111111: ,,101...lId " ..C"On'l'lI.hed mollOIl plel.. "", 'etl"e Ilartlelpanla In the IIgbUog .nd
PHOTOPLA.VERS' ro",,,,,,'" ",,,I h.... n Inlrre.1 .:dn.. ""oul "r Ih .. Rlllbo...d . re .boUI 10 IlenlllUooal ell:l,lolI. th.t m.rlr. tbe

,I Cafe Bristol
,\ 111Il'" bo, f""I. !treatly rh.llrlned
Al Ih .. arrhll or II 1I.loy brolh .... Th.. 1'.)'1'" "'"Il.u..,' K \"lilA ar"lh" le"d "k .. Ih .. IdunK" In the ..lite ot m.lrl- teature ftlm. "
HOME n,,111 .rrl ... 1 ,0: .. 11.11 Ihe .ttentl n lind IlIW "nll,..n pl ...,.. r&.. hll. Ihe mal..
'U''''~ loIlrI_m,a.n11 Elmer ClItton .re te.-
rnl,-.. ar .. I"'ln,o: p.llly I'lIlrll('d lJ, Th.. I'h"IOpla)e... W ..... k!)' ...l.hea

Wm. Sdmeider
4th and Sprmg
. 1111 br"lher I. ,ery unhal.lI'Y
Irldea Ihe 1I.b,. In hi. pl..,mlll.... for
.. lOY .ulomobll...nd Ihl('n l"Oml.lkll
IluOl .rl.l('. hl.. h m.kra "our H.I>)"
"'"orh....1 ,\ ~lrl Ilerb'ltl ~\lnl..,
H"I Wl1&."n "",I Fr..d II .... rn
Ih __ m hOlh .11 the l,rOllperlt, In the
... nrhl'"rlh ..lrh.l'p,r.. ture
tured In lhe one-reel MaJe.tlc dram .
""HII Return:' written by Ru_1I E ..
SmIth .nd produced by R. A. W.lah .
A prett, rom.nce III lnterwoveo Iota
or ~lIn"n one of lhl(' 1....1 Rell.n ...' Ihe plot.
..,r.mu r.lealed Ihl. ~unn 1I.1d) Jeaal" 1_ a.ed ctworim eo.-trlcbt
Helmont. Flor.n... ("ra.tord /lnd ll.~ are teatured In Ih ttlatlC' M.Jeatle
1;.llon .r~ Ih~ l.rlnrlll.l&. In Ihl(' "a.1 palloral drama, "F.rm Folk:' Tbe,.

Moving Picture --~

Sfllt)lIl.IUI' 1'.\1"1'(11":''' II.\SIIIT

Tbe .... plur.. or nulnrlo ..1 h.ndlt
'PI"".r . . . .n elderl,. couple, wb_
1100 lea~n the tarm ror a ell<eer 10
blS dly. More tban tblrt,. ye....
aso Jeuale Lee wu kno.n u one at
TANKS and RACKS lIy ....hool hoy III Ihe fealure 0' Ihl('
ll.Jnllr un"-r,,el dram.. "Robb,..
Ih'" tOl'1lmoat . c t . . - or Enslaod Ind
Arnerlc.. Sbl made e pee:I.lt.T at
Built upeciaUy for FILM DEVELOP B.ndll: .rlllen .01'1 prooul"f"d h~ Shlkeellerl.n roles .nd KOred. Ilote-
Fred O. Kellll')". Bobb) "'I('uhr.r /Inti worlb,. IIUC'C'l!IlI In th. dram.UulIon
ING. ConstrUCted of Douates fir Tetld, S.mlOllOn ere fe.Iored. Tom or Cbarlte Dlelt.enl "Bleak HOUM."
WlllOn .nd .red Hurnl h.... In' I.orett. Bllke .nd O. V. M.cDlarmld
po..tent p.rl. In the IlroducUon pl.y the lead . "Firm Folk" .1Il ...
Bobby'. B.odlt"" .'111 loe a :0.1. )laJ""Uc relet.....a p.rt at Ihe
JUlic relet ... R8 PArI 0' Ih...\IUlllnl llutual prOllram.
prUllran, -'1_ M...... h. the de~er ellr of tbe
~--- Grltllth Fe.tul'1l 111m. I. the proud
lIooKIS(lM nl-' I'AltI.\'I.": 111.....'"- pouelllOr ot a llold brlcelet given b.r
W ..:t,I.I'IC"1'lIIU:!4. for. Chrlltm.. preaent by her It"ralld
motber. Tbe bracelet III aa belrloom

llr. ~l. H. Blackwell or Ihe "'",or lhat haa beeo In tbe ~Ioll of tlle

,\ Pipe CO.
lie PI.ye.....Id "We .re lod., re--
celvlns almolt Ihe m lmum numbl('r
ll....h r.mlly ror almo.t a eentun.
It w. . Sl"en 10 MIIII M.rab. sreat
of booklop on our nrat production. Ilrandmolher .. a weddloI p~nt b,.
"The Ke,. 10 Vnterd.y:' .nd Ibere her bu.b.nd. Tbe Ireat Ifr.ndmotber
""eml to be .bllOlutely no leI UI' In I'r_nted It to ber daUlbter all tbe
Ihe demlnd tor The M.1l Who {'auld l.tter1I .eddills da:r. MI. lI.nlh reo-
:-Oot LoN." <'II11I'ed. It trom her lrandmotbar I I a
The old Ide. Ih.t Ihllrlll merll In
For the a motloo pldur. ronllllt.l In II. no"
Cbrl.tm.. elft. Tbe bracelat Ia .n
old-rullloDed orn.ment of 10\1'1 ...d
I('lly no lonlt"er holdl sODd. The worth OOTL It eGllt.lo. tweuty-two pearle
:Photoplayers Ball or a picture I. tha sase or ItII !lenulnl('
merit .nd nblbltorl .. Iod.,. Itovern
Ihelr d ...lre 10 book It by Ihe actuII
..orlled Inlo the rorm at m,. of tbe
A Iew-d at h.".... Ut. la told In
qu.llty 0' the production. the .bllity
Your Full Dr_ Suit i. at the aelon .nd the Inlereal of thl(' Un-d.Nek." tbe Reliance pro-
duction, directed b,. Sherllf Arthur
ltory. ~flcltley at thl R. and M. Mutu.l
Ready",t "The I...t Ch.pter" I. lIvlol: uI' 10
Ihe .reeord. aetabllllhed h, "The Ke,.
.tudloa. The title at tbe plct1l;re
tr_"latad meanl "Tb. Bouoda".
to Yteterd.," and "Thl M.n Who
BRILL-S. 319 S. Spring St. Could Not LoN."
Uoe." Tbe plot deal. wltb tbe f.ud
at two PO.erful ludlao trill" oTer a
'bouDd'rr line. The cut Illd.dM
WAITRR8' QUARTETTt: IS Darll Cloud, tbe n koown la41aD.
"OLD DUTCH" actor. Tedd,. 8am~.. Do"e ..,.
Tom Wll.IOo ud Roy 1if,.1In. Ttle
M:Uarlo " " ..rltt. . by Darlr. CI .
"!Jo-tla N.Ir.... wtll be a .........

,..1 part of ttle Ihlt'" pro..

bta A_HlMIi fTI.ael. H. wu pboto-

.,-a,be4 ,. all bl. _aadarSlI. robM.
.n,r .bleb be ...bbed, till produ_r
tbe "Co.-hl-tlu" of' tb. motion pl~
tUN .orld,
Aaldl froln tba ..plor.tloa of tb
ondarhlll, fuelo.tllIl aut.rll .orld
tor _0110110 pletuN mat.,lal, Inea bu
Oran8e E.npire
Trolley T
hi., It .,., paoan 10 tb. dom"tl~

... .......,............
CU-.p uel Hol1)'wood Bh'el.
1I.ld. But f paJ'l(lIUl aN batter at-
qualot"'" ...Itb N York City'. E ..t
Side aDd It. Obetto, around .bleh
INat .torlM bue Men .rlttell .nd
.tllI I",.t.r 1II01l01l plelurH .re tu
be .o"en. In bl. v.ud.vllie d.,. Inte
look. dell,ht, .h.n In N.w YOI'll, t"
r.. mble "VII' Ih. Io:.. t Bide .nd n- Throullh the ';Kh1llc1om of the Oral1ll~"
J1lorlnll the cui de eII of th.t t.mou.

B~iMoI NaliMal Buk I ael'Uon.

It I. lunlel.nt to lIy th.t 11l~, ..

Los Angeles..
I produ~~. h.. not .\'11 relrhed hi.
0 - ----..~. . . . . . . . D U _ llmlt.tlon.. No one h.. .ny Ide"
. IIOLLYWOOD, Cl"'uroIUlU.. 'whlt he will do 11elll. He h.. I c.
p.l'lty tur ..ork .. tIIeh 'llrllda eon-
CitDe~ Sui... Baok I 1 lon It Ineevllle: re..llim I. 1I0.pel
t.. him, .nd .0 r.r he h.. Itobbled up
TOM IS(.--St:8TOR OJ' h.U the e.rth rot I .UIlllly .. r 111m m.
Ml'YdOH l'Il"'TUItJo:M, lert.l. Il'Ilm Ill.tory wlll re~ord Ince
II hener.el.. r or Ih" Indu.tty be
. \ Ilrk'r ~e1('h of 1M M'1l 10 Whonl 1'.UIe ot Ihe ,"rlllllt rhar.Ner '11,1
.LEVY'S CAFE Ileall.m ... (lOllI'''' Wh_ unilloyed trllih ot hll Wodu ..Uon .
Io'teld 111M \\'odel.
\'I~m ('0. WII,I. WnUK IS
San BemardiJio
743 So. Spring )1J.:Xlf'U
00"'0 .monll"~h;-"ndY .trel<,h.,.
of tbe C.lIfornla l"O&ll. mil. . . od
"1M'ani ('vn'I""" 101 H ...........01 ..'&111 Riverside
mil... trom Ih.. nu...t h.bU.Il..o. I
In ~::.~:~: ~,~~~:-~~a~ I' Including all Side Tripe ,
1\0 Cree. I ... Caf.
...... de~ In Ihe trlln 01 ~,",".n~
.ueh .. C'.r.n .. th,...d1011'1, uver
Ih.. rutty road. ..f North Cbl.....
With til. ~ompllllo....r Ih' 1I1n'
upon ..hkb the" .rl' 0011' w.. rkloa.
Ibroulh the Gre.1 W.II Inlo .!oIon- Ihe Kl'rrl,.. n.VI~t"r company. uAdtlr
MoYie Headquarters
in Hollywood
11011. tbent'e ...... tw.rd. 1.. 10 Turk.e-
.tan o"er Ihp yelluw dllne- of Ihe
tIM! dl.O!C'llon nt .\I. J'l"que- J..-e.rd.
will 11'1\"1' Ihl! Ullh., ..... !'. Holly"oud RESERVED SEAT And All Their Scenes
l:re.t Gobi. .11Id10lI lot the nll>unt.lna In 1h..
t-.ol' eaa....... A"e. 01' II mllbl b ...e been uu\.n ut
Ihp Punj.ub C"llll.. tr,. tollowln. the
nortbern Pil'I 01 .\InlC"ll...boUI dl"',
h .......-Nl'k rtde Ir.. m Ih. bouodar)
of Beauty
.Iouou, hillb...,. lowanl. Pe",I.~lbe line. where tbeY ,rtl 10 .1 pr.e
Pel'lll or petlK!l!\I.1 Ihlr.1 .nel deep- Uully .n uf Ih....lterlot eo... In
'1KI1e:! Orlent.lI.m. the pll'turll.U.. n (II WIIlI.m Md.eud
E. I S;.;;;i).... Co.
OM.. .......-..
I 'ollo"ed .nd ...ltehed tb.1 lum-
b(orlnll ~.rll'.n and III 1II0Uey crew
of Orlent.l drher. wltb .baurblnl In-
R.ln .. PGllulll' nmel. "Rueky O'Con-
nor. '" In .ddltlon 10 Ihe re,ul.r
",.1 or J. W.rren Kerrl.ln. (leur."
Tour of Minion Inn, Shennan Indian School
................. c.. ter.... L There ...... the t.nl or real- I-~. I'f!rlolltt .nd V .. r.. 81'lOn. M. Ja~ .

730 South Spriq SIr.1

t'm .boul It Ih.t tr.n'llorted. me for
Iben once \0 ..ltb",r on,' nt the ,'ore
~.rd will tlke ...Uh htm I .~o.e ut
"lI;tr. l>eophl. I c.rlo.d ot ..ddle .nd
.and World-Famed Magnolia Avenue.
menlloned ~ouOlrllll. II.ck .nlm.l. and 'noth.. r 01 r.ml'
dui".~e~hO::'o~:~I~t~fJ~ed~~e~,tl'~y~~ l!'lulpmenl. .
1. 'lnK i..... Anllelu Ihey .re lu
mEWRIlERS IlENTED and c.mer. mlln rollo..tnlt. I begin
10 ron.lder Ihlt IIroduelnlt modern
It 1 by "Iln .. I.r .. Tt. Ju.n . Drive over beautiful Smiley Heights with magnificent view. of
G MONTB8 FOR .00 AND UP. )I ..llro....here Ih!!)" will I.ke to "I"
motion \lletur" re<tut,1'd IOmelhlol un. Ind ..ddle hUI'IM lor the 1'1"
JalUal rutal applleol It lIt .. re Ihlln ordlnlry late11l,eoce; It
'"OU purebue. required IOmethln", .. ntlrely new In
mllnder ot Ihe Irlp. Th.y will tlk ..
wllh Ihem (lro,I.lon. 10 1..1 Ihem
San Timoteo Valley and the MajestiC: San
'lYP&W1U'1'mt8 OF' ALL IIAX.E8 tbe mltter ul ment.lIly-lIlln .eu
...... '15.00 eo '-'00. rorlnlll"ht .lId tent. for .leel,I..,. .nd
meo. . . II We,ll'...hleh me.... lOund
AKKRICAlII" WlU'I'DfG HACBlNE me ..I.1 balilit .nd unerrlnll" Jlldl-
m\lOl.l 'IUarltll'l. Relur..lnl to tb..
.ludlOl with the '-"lOlIlelloo ..I Ib_
Bernardino Mountains
OOt<P&I<Y. menL
T1e 8. 8prt-e Be. TOT 8. am sc. I'lte,lol'I. Ibe "omplI" will .t. .e Ibe
Thorn.. H. loee pllUled Ibll ~ ...- 'nterlul'l on Ihl' bill .I&tIte It Hnl-
Phoaeol; .Hollle AU.,; M. stU \.a Into the d_rt .nd out 'calo. ..I'I.I(It'
o\"er mil... ot nody ....te. bO!C'.u...
he Ii IIrm bPlle..er la tbe ortbodol:Y
In polnl ul .rlloo lod ""'illnull)'.
th .. "",n.rlu. _bleh 1I. J.eeanl. him
Parclwe Tickets and make rese"atioDl at .lnformation Bveaa
or ItGOd lII..tlon IJI~lu,,,,, th .. doctrine
CEO. H. MELFORD ...11. d',ltl'd f,om Ihe aoul. I. re

of re.lI.m.
In comblnll" the wurld lor ne" ploll
,..,ded .. one ..f tbe heat tb.1 b..
" .... , 11IfId 'broultb Ihe eolrlo de-
Main Floor P. E. Building, Los Angeles
.oel ae. Ken",. Ince h.. follo ..ed
or Pacific Electric Station, Pasadena. Get one of the-New FoId~
EcUth W,....., Math.OII, parlment In "11''' .., Ih 1I .. lar cut
..ell delloH J1.tb-. p.lh Ib.t bI'- .. hkh I. 10 .I,pel' In Ibe picture.
ill "T1loe 00,,_'. LAd." 1"0" to blm bT rlllhi of prlo, dlloC"ll\"- .nd Ihe Pll"flpllon.1 ..pporllloltT Ih.1
ery .nd ooe tbll e... be follOWed by
JIW IaU;)' F.eare Pla, COnIp&G7, ou olber Amerle.o producer witboul
I. otrered Ihem fur Ihe dl.pl'T of
Ihelr t.lent. Ibl. I. ,ell".rded ....a ..
..0 -

helng obllllH 10 ("Onllll Ib.1 ntl I. u, Ihe m..11 I.roml.lnill ..I recent lIIul

PacificE lectricRailw'ay
enero.tbln", on the Inrlln trail. tlple-reel ',"ure. Ih.......mp.n' h
ALLEN CURTIS. IDee bll d....loled In plelurl" 10 lOch turn ..d Ulil r.. ~nlll
In ell;t.. nl ..lld b. . .how .ueh r.re .....
Director ~ . cur'~)' and dl_rament .od lndlvld- ., 11,1\_111' In ;-'1I.h".

"---"1- ""!O~"tt'UN~.CO. ~.~I~~~ ~I::! ~~'e ~~~:I~c:.et\"~:~. I:~,II' :.~:,e::.UI.. I~ur a '.~:lek~:.I.~ll'~.~O\J.:f;~:
I.te him .re known 10 Ihe craft a. the
Inee aehon!.
gpotrord. and t"odueed Ily I-:ddle Oll.
Ion II the MaJ"II~ Ind R.. Il.n..... 1.0.
... _ ---", .1' 1

He I. Imooll Ihe "ery r..... pro ""I..lel. Itudlol

nl-:ssl.: Ill-' I.l:HIS,ILI.J.: .-\IUUYI-:loi
In:U.:-I-IU:SH .UU:\i .:.-\HT ..r.. . TH.: JoIU1CIJ)F.
'"ll. f.lae ..orld:" ...I1<11y
MARG"-Rl'I'''- F'180B&R "-SO IUL

dueet3 .... ho ...Hhout Ihe 1..lat.nee ot A YOllnll marrll"d .. hal' and a I"on crlea
ROMAINE FIELDING, cenarlo l'.. n 1'0n.I,uct 1I1l'Ud rllm tu.IM: brld"'iIIrnoru 111'1 th ..lr o\""r~"ll. l'If"'''' I',,"U.. II)' \ .."nftlllflt' ~k~ And realat"'.. dup.lr
from In Incuherent m... ot mould ml ...d, The m.,rll'<! min lind. him "'....1...... 1 """"1>0. Th.. frlillhten ..d <I.m.el .lnl)' trle. BALL
Lubin I"ll m.t.. rl.1. II <::10 bf' Id wllh ...Ir In dl1"mlla ...h.. n hla ... tr......h"
Th .. n.n, .. of Ih rrl..l 0' .n 1m T" iIIr.b htm by Ih .. hall'.
trutb th.t h.. c.o tlke pick at "lI;lllorn lhe porketl or hla ("011. un ~Iarll.'lta Flieber Ilild Harry P ..I-
Author-Actor-Direc:tor e.mel. IDd a hell'rOlleoeuu. _ r t "lI;p.ertedly lInda .n .. nill.lteme"t rlnl! I~.runt 1000....n In our mld.t I. !l"nnl..
lard m.de trip trOIll 8&ota B.rb&r'.
T.ulolnvill.. Z",ldlll.n. II.. I. com Inl.. Ih.. ruahlnl lid'" h" 1I0pa
meol ..I .1Ieo cltlaeory .nd build. 'Dd a pllr ot ,.<llu 1110"". A d" 1)f,lpll.. the m.ld .. n qu...I. 10 he preaent .t Ibe ef.D1~ram. . .'
pl'T from r." m.terl.1 00 tbe .pot. 1000011 ..e I .,.lIed Inlo lh... 1I'.lr. 10 run monlY kno"'n bl.. k ""1 U "D.. nnll' ",
lll..... The Ol",rator o,,\'er .Iopa b.ll (S.Ue Club) I..t Wedo""'",

He I. Inl..oaely lotere-ted wllh
pl.,.1 deallnJ!: with Chi... aod
Indll. Burml .od tbe )Ial.y Peoln-
J....... d....o Ibe mnte". Thp lolmll.bl..
F.y Tlncber. Tod 1I' nlnl!. t.:lelour
\\"uhl"llon....d Ed ,d 111110......
I.ub.n .. h"'lnll acquired lbe
tltl .. ,,hll.. h........ I.. th....ml.lo, 01
Th.. I.ubln Jot.nuf.elurln,. Coml ny.
The t.r..It',," of hili ' .....1
'""0" did II like I pllr 01 cl.m.~"
nlgllt .od M.rlt.rtl. Flacber, wbo lad
tbe Itr.nd lIIarch with RUbert Laoo-
.rd bo.. o~ tbe tur..el'l or eraoka b,
,uI" ...d Ibe publle m., IlKIll f.. r Ihe I.rtnell"" 10 Ih t durlnill hla l.. nill .ta) ...lth Ih"'m.
The thief yella from Ihe Ih..,e. ....pe.rlnll t.. .onderfal eraaUoo
lOme .u..dertul produetlooa I.. Ibe ,'hlalurlr ~ ro&r"h. wbJeb tor lIennl" I. ur t>ubllrlt, dl.po.tlton. "Som.....I\on I.. It n...... )ou b.m.~ "'bleh tooll ever,on.'1 bre.tb .,.
PRIIHIER, h ... lnll held do.n 10m.. ,,,,poo.lble
tulu ..... trolll bl. proUlIe pen. He-bM many ,eal'l uled e..rl.r f (:0 o'.. r It 00~ mor.. ~" !lor tbe IIh"""r beant, ot It. Oae ot
,I.lted th....., ("Ou.. tl1l1 .ad b.. m.de paaaeo.el'l .nd th.. Uolled SI.l ... llubll~IIY m.nalter jo.... blek. elli.
~K.n ... ('lIy Journ.l. thl' IDen wu hearet to rem.rll "Oee,
8~vrA ~AULA, CAL. doae .tud, .. r Ihe eu.tolll....d mao- 111.11 I.. llOl.l..d lertlo... or ArhOIl'. Tlte l..t 1'*0 "'er.... lib The Llbeo1y I'll I.lle wb.t U1at _ t for two
nel'l uf the people. 111 ,pare momenta formed p.rt lit Ihe nine c.rlolld. 01 10101100 Plrtur.. Comp.n~ . od The m..otha nl.ry." F.r be It tor
I-:...u l-lIma. lor.. the ("Omp.n, of IIUZ..: STOlt" TO U)\ n)\J.Jo:.-\SF.U
h.. de"otea colI.lde,.ble lime 10 Orl- t,elchl. lIudlo "'IIulpme.. t of tbe mere roln tbl"ll to .ttelllpt It> daaer:lbe
.. nlllillter.lure. Eel.lr COIIII,.IIT. renlollT b("OUlhl ...hll'h t;dwln Aultu.t ..... p""ldenl . 11" l'SI\1I:IUiA'L .-Im. :l:S~ .ueh enllume; but It . . . ot .blte
E ..eumlum. cOllie ebeap III Ihi. from TuelOll 10 the old Slerliall .Iud H.. I ,oullpte,. but In ye.. 1'1 flR..-\Cio> ("USARII I'L.-\'S broc.de .od h ..d Irrid_lIt Ullap .-
llreAt el'l .. f prlnler. I.. k. bulla re- 101 .t Go..er Ilr..t .ad Su..aet ooule- 001)'. HI. I'II>1'rle..",. In thtl pili In l.HA.nlSG HO....:. I ..d rhlaellolle& .11 o",r It.. ud .be
the tllm Ilamf' h.... dl'm"o'II'.led
~~~~b:n ne:Z~un~~:m t:~ 1:IU~e~Il~:a:.d;era~~D'~~:~~~ The U""el'l.1 Film )1 tl. Co...m r.rr11'd lOme Ameflao hI.uty r<II,
0'- :::h Ih.l. preaented to her bT the Club. 8be
Wh ..o ilki'd .. to .h.1 he Intend- rele.... on Febru.r, 2ad. Ihe pboto-
eb.pa ... bo we.,. tbe Imperi.1 yellow ~ holdupa by b'Ddlla on Ibe 04,11.011' pl.y wbleb r~ntly won Ibe )Io"I"1l ..... ve!'J" r.dl.at and happ, &Oel d.
.buut bl. Klrlh 11..1'. I. IOmelhlal ..f rrontler m.It) ,.... '10 aod be.1'I ed doln,. on Ih", roasl. Ihill brtll"h1
Picture Slorl61 MIl!:utne-Vnlvel'l.1 IIlhted at the 111"11' macratlliatlona
.. bleb to feel proud. Tilll honor re- bullet m..h tblt .how bow .treou- youolt I.d replted' UIIOII h..r eb.rmloJ!: "PPIU'NI<:a.
1100 prlUl mat...L The title or Ihe
l'elltly f"l1 to T..III laCl, .ho dlaco"- ou. the b.ltlel ..ere w,,1'd belWHO ")ly ",lpeetatlon. Ire 10 .eeure prllt"-..Ia.. to, pllY I, "Tbe Olrl at
ered 111 tbl. Kton ot A..I.tle aobl1ltT the holdup mell .ad the defeodel'l ot l.ubltell, poIltlon ur aume aurt. u I Ibe Secret Service," written b, 1011..
a promtnenl aelllnlt tor aumetl!ololl the Irellure ~arrled by el:pr. . Ittel- Im.lttoe I ..auld Hke 10 work In Florence M. HIIIIII. 01 tbe Hutel
really lIew In the w.y 01 .ee..arIOi. .ollel'l. The t:el.lr Comp.ny b.. God'. eountr,. I h.,e fe... Ihtnlll Roy.l p.lm. MI.ml. Flortdl. Francl.
Inee mel the o.. blelllao, wbo .... trav uNd the eo.ch In many pletureol .od Inylew-" Ford hU produced tbe pla:r .ad Orace
eHnll 10 the Weet, .nd IlIvlted blm to takea the bflt uf care or Ihe ..ehlele Mr. Zeldal.n earn", to Phoenll. Cun.rd en.et. the prlnelp.1 role. The
I.ke .. eon.pleuou. p.rt In picture, heClu.e of hla hl.torle ear"r. Arllun. . . Ith Romaine Fleldlnll 0" .Iory h.. been eonlloed 10 t ..o reela
.... bleb fter eODalder.ble ~nualJon. "tlhftl Uetll <:_1" I. the .ev- tour .r.. und Ihe world, be .od MI'. .nd wlll be rele..ed under the Gold
~::========~'::'~'O:O:~:::":":"'~O~d:O':'"~t':O~"~'~":'d:..r~Or enleenlh ul Ihe Komle "Bill" "rln. Fleldloll hid little undel'ltalldlllC Seal bnod .
,~. ~::~~~~~ t;.a~ ~tn:;:[o l:o~~~
nd Bennie lett htm .nd came to 1011.. Hlnln. ~nllT ~I"ed a
I ::edo Ln. Anlele. Lut Sund.,.. eheoell for J t 00 from Ihe Unhenal
role Itr Ihe Itum-elt.wlillt .teDOl"ra- HI. numlJ.erl_ .mouDt of frletld. a. "'.... rd to~ ber tolU.l e ...rt

pher. "8Irlna he, tamlllar black. and bull n.t In the mollon plttur. P!"O'" wbleb, In the jud.me.. t ..f nlected
whU.. .trlpad d~, wb,lle Bobby '_Ion I. one to be e....led by '0 el:- jurT. 61tCillled 10 .t,..lIltb atld "o1'el-
IlfIrleneed nl..mao. ty of plot 1,000 otber 'acrtpll .hltb
10 Lao ............ oI.d F",uhre' h.. tbe ,ole of Bill. tbe .Id.
aw.ke oflie bo,. Th. plot deal, .Itb wera .ubmltted.. MIII Hlaln. per-
.iDea,J889." Elbel. lo"e .lfllr. Her prOlp.etl"e " _ " u.-t.l la wltb u. a 11I
IOn.IIT I'1IqUeoited Ib.t "rele For:d
father_Io_l.w I. ed"e... to bla 100 .od 1II00t h.ppy. MI'. B....tt 10"" aod Grace Cun.rd pla.7 tbe I..dlna
lIIarryl"l. lIenOll'l.pher. but be reatl- Ibe w.tern playel'l atld A<'I1"ect I rol.. 10 the play aal1 the Uoheraal
11, 1'1"11 hll COollllt to the m.teh blll't1 Imllle .t tbe ClUb on WIcl- .ec:edad to be~ .tab. .
wbeo Etb.1 and tbe 100 lind bllll III a nll4.,I..t. J. L. Muloatetta, mUant of the
rather paegll.r poIltlon. "Ethel Dell ~. .t Hatehlllloa, ot tbe ConaoUd.tad, FlIID SOPPb" Com
Con"Dt" .boUlldl III homoro.e altll- AlllertCla Fillll Mf. Cu. b .. uri"" p" Ute Atlanta bralleb ot Ule U.I-
.Uon., .od eddie DIllon, the dIrector, 10 thll elly .nd II orl".lIlalnl 11.-0- "en.a:t, b.. lett r..r MIami, P'1ol1da, to
h.. o"erloolled nu upportaolty 10 otbar feature mmp..ny for bll S...... luperlntelld tbe ura..-melltl tor a
m.k.lnl Ibll oumhlr tbe bait ot Ule .peel.1 performuce of nil. Girl of
8.rblqa .tudlot.
..11.. nil. "Bill" 111'111 I. "0 ..d.p- Tbe M ~ Co. b .. elOHlS tbe 8ac:l'ilt Semce:' whleb II It> be
taU..lI trolll tb., .,11 Illlo.... Komle their etudloa In Holb".ood nel ltop- bald ttl Ule ilTUd ball room of the
playen, Bald' 8elmoot aat TUd pe4 rurtber produet!on.. Mr. Fllaoo Hotal Ronl Palm for )l'lIa Hlwna
Bro...... Mlde trom dlnetb:t. tb. bu Joined tbe Ma,JIatJc tOrell ullder and ber nlelld.
prodttdloo, Dllleo al.. pi.,. ttle role DINCtor Gao. hlpu.
Ford _ _ hu ,.tural<! to bll
of tbe 10.. 'altel GItI OGttaallt"
will hi a KOfDit , . 1 _ aa
Mutnl pf't:lrnm.
ot tbe
"'I'ba Poable er-taI: of 8Um" I.
tb, title of Lbe on..,...1 lIa,Jlltle
df'&DIa produoad b, Gaorle BlrlAlar,
old COlllp&ll7, the "K.,..eooe" ud
b.. comlnwoad With ilia lrat .t.of7.

Art-her HeJUclr;bI, form.r dlr.etor .t tbe Maj..Uc aad RaltallOfl Kut",,1 Bterl'" .. dtNCtad b,. Mae}: Bo.lltt.
of the AlbQqlt.rque F:tIm Co., hu .tudIOi. The eut 10elul1.. 0, V. Kao- Da. . ~ tormer17 .ltJI, J'ord
Joined tba tof'CII ot UDI".nal lllNe- Dlarmld: Loretta Blake. Tbom.. Hull Bt.rll., baa Jolaall tM I:~e
I..._..,-_..:,. ...! ~~ J~t:rl~:::i~~.r !lrnl, 8bl,lda, .0. Otto Uotoln. Tbe ~lIlriO . . .
rtU.n b, 'Ru_1 !C. Smltb.
compaD.l" alld WIll oo-m. .c.-lIfOo
duetloD 011 Mond&1 colllllll'.

-"? .,
! ,---"".,.-..........


, .i

. . ... . . - a - -.... .t_...

..,... u

S~ial This Week Only

. . . . . . . ..., .,.. AM
"==~=.,. "-dial
........ It...u_
lao h~.,.
~ f:--~--__ or ...... -.u...., ......
=.:::-:: ~"=;:
Doub'e Votes ~~r~'=-: i:.:;::-~~ICC~IIIII.:..IIIIII~_~:

. "'101
H~~8Ida.. J'ft wlU Un u ' . , ....0. d.,..
I. . l)JI ,.... rw .......". l.borN ..
.'. po 1141
... y .... .-tat...: Oeo. ROIlSIlT, LEVY RSCaVM (0)(
. wiD be creditea with cIoabIe 'fotel. I
... I~ 1'Itqeo'oId
RotMort lA.,,., ....r.1 ro.a....' 01
t'UM8 0 .. SUBSCRIPTION: tb ,..harM 14...' (klalrl .uld.l.- Itl
5ctnts Holl1wood. ~'I'ed latt... of COlli-
o..Y..- _..... .. n.oo udltlon ,...tlnlQ mill tlla N
Tork b...ch of ttl, eorporatlol, prallt-.
."... ~ ~ lIQabl. tn la, Ol. ue.llu.t work" pert_ed
n. W...... "1. hbitalllnll Co. In lupel1at_cll.ac til' NieWt NIIlO"al
....... II.eo per tec"'. of UIII Itadlo ..,....l7 ....11 ~.lp."l
frOID T1I_. Arboaa. to t..o.~
tu'. u a' ttal,"t ett.1'II . . .
requlrM to trauport tlal IIII",rl&l.
Till fortr plll7fll'll lod 'Iudlo b_da

Illld, tb, 101111'111" 1111 .. ,.-11.1 P1IIl-
11110 COllcli. o.pUa tb, 'rMl IIIIOUIIII
or work tblre wu no bl"Plr..... or
ma"rtl' or aUlar ct...... whlch,004
Winners of the Prizes wili be annouDced on ihe night of
I'ftult due clIleb to Ibe etllrptk
.. worll )I......, lA'I''' did hi "!"to.IU, STANDING OF CANDIDATES
I\ltlndlDI to ..clI. lod e ...,rr detan or
I h. l.bor or rtImoYl,1. Contestant- Studiu Votes
tHCE .'-NO ""('K H),:!li. Victoria Forde... .. Universal .522,300
:oi'R'I"I' OOnROl. IUOHT AT US Fred Kley. "." " ..Lasky .. "., .516,900
1lI11JOO .'AlR. "HOW )I(YMON Grace Cunard '.~ Universal ..511.700
11l."'ITKiOH .... RIi:KAU),: ...
Ella Hall I niversal .373,500
"roduAr Tbom.. H. 11l~ reluned .'.ckie Saundel'll "." Balboa .....307,250
Ibl' WMk to Ih. Ine.v\lle atudl. Of
lb. S.w York "'OUOIl Picture Cor
I rene Hunt.. .. Heliance 303,450
j'orlllion from San Dlel[o...bere for a Cleo Madison Universal .233.4~0
.HI{ be had ~n au~rlnlu<llnl" tb"
"I'enllll" of bla ublblt al th. Panama
Myrtle Stedman Bosworth .159,650
('amorllia l-:'zvo-IUoa. Mr. Inee .Itb norothy Gish ..... ... Reliance 103,350
!ohck Sennett control.. Ibe ut'luah'e
rlebt, 10 lb. ubi bit "f "Ho. WOUOll
Edythe Slerling. Fronlier 50.300
P1c1urM Are !tIada"-alld o ..lnl" 10 Dorothy Davenport Crown -.. ....... 87.660
tb. \,..1 propoMlona of Ibe und.n.k_
lOll hla p~n", at 111." ollllnlnll .....
Violel McMillan N. Y. M. P. Co. 32.050
Imper.the. Mae Marsh _. Reliance .. 25,400
A company or tblrt)' playera. bead Courtenay Foote Bosworth . . 26,050
ed b)' Director Scolt Sldoe,.. "all- Slella Razeto Selig . .. 25,000
Illiarded Mr. ID~ 00 lb. trip 10 tbe
border tHy. They made .11 prepar.... Mabel Normand, Keystone 16,100
Ilonl for lbe n,..l l'IIrCormaDtoII. so
tbat Mr. Inee bad onl, 10 Inapeet lb.
Charles Chaplin .. Essanay 15,100 GRAND CAPITAL PRIZE--
a"an.amena before the uhlhlt ..... Signe Auen.... ".. "... Reliance.......... ... 15,000 1915 Chevrolet "Royal Hail" car on exhibltlon
opened Cor tbe year. Carlyle Blackwell. .Favorile Players 15,000
Tbe u.blblt la collnaed In larlle at the Chevrolet Automobile Co. Plco SL. at Hope.
bulldlnll eoll.ftructed b, tbe Inee oom MaTarita Fischer .... American 14,050.
palll.,. aad Ia bela. conducted In eDIl' W. Chas. Robinson . .-Biograph.... 13,000 UPRIGHT PIANO-
Ml;' SR&OO,. ASD I. jllnctloo .ltb ao nUler antarprlM al
lbe fair. JUdl"'i1l&" from p~ ae- Margarel Gibson Vilagraph....... 12.900 On eJ<hibltion atCeo. H., Barnes' Plano Co.,
ny Tom Kh:. SeIJ 1'01,......... to. Sl&:r. Iuaa 01 tb. "abo." It Ia a h1l!1I. Ruth Hartman.. .. ....FavoriIePlayel'll.. 12.000 131 South B"roadwBJ
OIent or .ve,..,. IlIlIluUon Mr. llIee ha.d
"I tblnlt Ii .bole lot of Ill)' double. III mind I.n lIelloUaUq tor tbe ell: Dorothea Farley .Albuquerque 11.450 soLIn GOLD WATCH (LadleS' or Gents)-
better call It 'l:DY alIa.do. ' I CIlllaot
al.a71 appreclate juat bow he II a:el
blblt_ comprebeaa!...e. edueallonal George Larkin.. ' . UniversaL........ 10.700 On eJ<hlbtlon at S. NonIllnjer . Sons.
delllotaatraUoA of tbe p ~ em
till 1011&. m;y ab.do". uaUI 1II0atha played I.. lIle p~t-d&J" m&llufac Howard Hickman ...N. Y. M. P. Co. . 10.300 631-633 Soooth Broadway
Ifler I ban IIDtered IDtO oertala per-- ture at Lbe pbotoplu. A ~Duhle Louise Glaum.. N. Y. M. P. Co. 10,200
tonalocea. Stn.aa:e It ma7 _m. at&c'e baa beeD balh .Ubla tbe u' (Value $50.00)
1 I." dra.ln. l:D7 ". tor .bat m7
abado. doe&. If ID7 Ibldo" ea.Dllot
blblt bulldlnll wiLb I'eanl.lle pro~ &Dd
a ru.1 camera. U.d.r tbe ,upef'Tla ~ie ~~::ri":c;.len~al~m M. PC~. ~g:~~g SUIT ( to order)-
From Chas. Levy Sons. 448 South Sprlall St.""
kMP up to the m.rk ell lbe re.1 1011 of a dlnoetor tbe compaa, aDaeta
lleab and bloo4 thlt II tbe callie tor plr.J' belON lIle e7ea oC ttll audlaDee. Dot G<>uld . . .n Slerling IQ.050
l .... t abado. woul4 be creaU, .or-
rleel.. It m7 Iballo... doee aDlllethllla:
Tbl.ll Lbe ",,"oua et.a- .blcb ha..e to Adele Lane.. . .Seligu n,"" .. ... 10,000 (Value $50.00) .
be taken to develop alld prlat the Douglas Gerard FavoritePlayers. 9,050
tbat doee aot quite mMt ..Ith tbe ap- flllDa are Ibowa. It Ia tb.1I cut aad
LADIES:SUIT (to order)- .
probaUoa of the real o.lIer of that
ow. welt. Ny-bo. tb. dJekeat
! .':.CLtake..!2!I:"f~ ~;
k-d:':n1ejp~~'~. HrJa-; If:1':~~ c;:
"So. 'all _ . I am ereaU7 Io.ta!'-

..j7 ~ ....r

will pro"'e _
"o.r alIlblt .... t&J:ed to CIlpaclty
oa t!aa tnt ll1l:bt."

of lbe lII.. t papillar It.

Cora Drew... n.n ,. nReliance.
Lucille Younge '.
Pauline Bush
Donald Crisp n
. Unjversal
.. Reliance..
From lIIelnberjer Laclles' T~ eo..
702 Pantajes' Bldg.. yalfe
eatad In 1117 Ihado... He _nil Ia,. lraeuoae or t.M _Ure e:rpM1Uoo.." Ray Gall82her. .. Universal 5,350 From Nebraska Clothing Co. 239 So. Sprlnll SL
trieD.. With the reUu. oC )lr. laee. bll
bread and aalt; we are lreat Ford Sterling. .Slerling...... 5.350
~~:O=~:thl:rt::tl ::~: ~:::.~&IldsaalD.~~:"~a~~upAI:: Chas. Ray. N.Y.M.P.Co. 5.350
taN plr.J' .. aimed ao.d tbea m:y Ib.a.d- dllU. of IOPllrtntall4aDt. H 1Il re- Laura Oakley. .Universal. . 5,200
o . - - a ..u from bere. Ho. wal"lll_ mala lIlI,.. for ,,"e,.1 u IUld
. . Iy ~tecI. he Ia 00. bla retom! Lbea )e,ue lIle uhlhlt In Ibe baada of Rbea Mitchell .N.Y.M.P.Co.. .. 5.050 SUBSCRIPTIONS:
"Wben m7 abado. oolllea bome capabl. aat.ta.ata. Gypsy Abbotl .Favorile Playe",.. 5.060
::ifl~:a::.ealat:n:o:=~~; AUTO "'RA;-;CIC="""'=.;;;.;;;
...."',,-HlSDl' Edwin Augusl. ..... Eaco. 5,060 During Ihe Photoplayers' Weekly Contest,
w~'i: A~'D 8QU4D OF POLICE Billie West. Reliance 5,050 votes will be allowed on Subscriptions according to
KUDla oaee .be b ...left me; &lid so Ceorce 8elCmallll baa produced Bob Leonardn,." Universal 5.000 the following schedule: . #
I 10 to thl lIleater to .... Jllit bow nThe M,atanona Oreea Ida\''' a t ..o-
m7 IbadOw fa I'etullS aloal. rMlI Relt&Dee feature dealllli with
J. Warren Kerrigan .. Universal. 5,000 Iyear subscription $ 2.00 , ". 2.000 votes
"Wben 1117 Padow appeara 011 the Hladu Mqle. A beautiful youll. Cirl Louise Lester. ... .American 5,000 2-year subscription 4.00.. . 4.000 votes
moUolI picture acr.... It
tbere 10 Lbe a.4IeIlOl .. If I wen
to lIIe Calla llIto Lbe po.er of .. ullEr'll'
paino- Hlnda ea.ll1IIt hO b7paoUs.
Edna Maison.... .Universal 5,000 3-year subscription 6.00.. 6.000 votes
..Iewta. the act10aa of IOlIIa total her"'d thea I1Id on to toree ber Wm. Garwood.. Universal. 5.000 4year subscription 8.00 8,000 votes
~er lIuItead 'f :be ab.a.dow 0) to lIIarJ'7 hllD. .blle Ibe II Dader 11.11 Wm. D. Taylor. . .-Favorite Playerf 5,000
IDlne OWll aelf. I am keealJ" eI1tk:al InllaellCl. 5-year subscription 10.00 10.000 votes
of m, ahadow &lid bll work: J Yallt A tbriWIlS alitoIDohlle race ~ Anna Little.. ..Universal. 6,000 6-year subscription 12.00 12.000 v _
'blm lo doilla.o.t, tor the bO.llOrof Ihe
fam.ilJ". &ad U he Ro.ld acddaat&ll7
t a the Bluda. aOd .. Iqaad of
pollee otlleara fa oae oC the f. .tll~
Henry Otto.. ... _American.. 5,000 7.year subscription 14.00 14.000 votes
f&1teJ' aow aDd th.... I tfllll .. lot of lIlll proclaet1on. Eddie Lyon..... . Universal 5.000 8-year subscription 16.00.. ..16.ooovotes
WOtM aboat It lIl&ll doee the ahadow.
"A..a.d ID.7 ah&4ow 4 _ ata.a~ that
P'raaOllla BUUAetoa. FT&D1t BeD-
aett....1 neJaoll. N. A. HeDlllhwr7
Lee Moran......... Universal. 6.000 9year subscription 18.00 18.000 votes
IUrprlM me IOmaUm.. He II1&J" pall &lid eb.. W'bJ.tb87 are lila pr1.lldpala AI E. Christie" Universal. 5,000 l().year subscription 20.00... .. 30.000 votes
olr a bit of hor'MDlNUbJp that I did
DOt th1D1t, be had 1.11' blm. ud I and
la tbe caat.
Th. _ _rio .aa written b, P'n.Ilk
Ed. J. LeSainL, Selig 5,000 Uyear subscription 22.00 35.000 votes
mnelf appla.dl.ll. m7 ahadow at
tb_ penooSl Jut ... the NU of the
peopl. 1tb41J" dO. Tblll It ill that
&. Wooda.
'Ttla M)'Sler1oua Oreea Idol" WUI
be a Rell&llC8 ,..1_ .. part of tbe
~rii.~~ ii,;~bridge~Ii~.uM:P: Co ~:ggg 12year subscription 24.00.. .. 50.000 votes

I &lIl proad of the ,hado. there 011 Mutaal procram.

Richard Slanton.. .N. Y. M. P. Co, 5,000
th. acreetl &Dd W&Dt to aeuo.ll4I:e o Romaine Fielding.. .Lubin.. 5.000
rel&t1tJaa!lJp; He atao dtltll tbJnp lACK R08Il: D" :NEW ROLB: NO'"
Mary Fuller.. .:lmp.. 5.000 ADVERTISING:
that i eIIlIlot remember dolul at the MOVIE 1U0lfAn: During the Photoplayers' Weekly Contest.
um. the lhadow aad I worlted ... ooe.
I CUlIIot _ 1Il7 lhadow .heD w. IU"II
plaj1a. Ia UMI plel.,... 70a uow. al-
tboitlb he II alwua culla. fallllhal
Nl!leeUoaa IIId Ia ncht .ILb 1IIe. I
"Bald Jack" RoM. ent.blle pmb-
I.r and eaatnl alllro III the ........
tlonal Boeker CUI bo "a~ pJ.alq:
bie 1lbe:rt7 b7 tamlaa: et&te:1 aYldODoe
b ... _bed. fanner .-oclaUou to
DOUBLE vom THIS WEEK "'74.11.,-
As,.., H-S 01 W. l. cu...
votes will be allowed' on Advertising according to
the following schedule:
$ 1.00 advertisement.. 1,000 votes
can .... e.
bill perfonnaaca maell. bel-
morana 1.11 palplw on the ft1'Or of
.... u-pceto8ec1l.re,......~
ter wb8ll I &lIl ~ ... d be II work_
hla . r l , 11""" .... no. becollli af-
t60a MOftlOflOlr 2.00 advertisement.. 2,000 votes
lac. It Ia a fad tboat both work aUated. wlLb ual lIIo'11RC pleta.ra La 4.00 advertisement... . 4,000 votes
.. --. pd Lb. be d_ the .me 9,411.y A7r... IOdlna: 111111 of tbe
duatrJ'. ......
.ork o..er ..4 o....r ..d o...er ........ "Bill U" br&lld of moUolI plctD~ ,... 6.00 advertisement... 6.000 votes
:~;:~::::::::Luu uuuu::'::lg::l =:
wbU. 1 elt ud. }oalt on. And tbeII b. That ItlIrmaUoa Ia aot lo4a.1...aI_t IUMd Ibl"Oua:h Lbe Uaharul P'1IQ1
. . , be 4o:IIl.
the ..... work hu-
clre4a 01 u.- &Dd .t the _ e Ume
1117 IIbll40w II1AJ' be workln. ~
to what ml&:ht be a lirA . - OD
be&J1.IlI' neb a .u.temoat-tb&t
bad. I.ceaabod. to t'e _UoI'-w
a- eompallJ". II mlkln. a"",lll.m.au
tbroa,b hll IttOnle7. F"rank C. HilI.
to pat Out raUl. &Dd c.... OWlled b7
tg:gg advertisement...
12.00 .. 12.000 votes
IT. ",t ._paI
wit'me. JitaLbe:r ma"alo. . ! S _
"MI M1"fIr to,..t wboa I m7
ot a 1110'1111& pl,ctnra OOIU:IO.... aad. ac-
eapted. a UUlw role Ia 10_ larl4
druua at tba aa4lrworld. with wh1eh
tbe _lied "Jltaey" drl"I" la Loa
Anpl.. A fI.bt bet"MlI tba ItrMt
eIT oolllp&07 of tbla clt7 aad tbe la
16.00 advertisement... . . 15.000 votes .
Uadow .wotil toT me UMI arst ttme. ble put lit. ha; be-. 80 cloMly dh1daal 011'0.'" pt "ra,. CIlra" .....
20.00 advertisement... ...20.000 votes
IIl1ked. na roJe Lbat a- 26.00 advertisement... . .25.000'"
'", . TM f_lat:. caaaot be d-nbed. wtll PIa1 tba act wbleb prnmptod. MI'. Ate" to
ill a IMdLa. oa. la a. _mordal
,11leN,waa Tom IiItI: talk1ac. _lItn.,
. .a.M. tor 11.. _ten tIM IDOtioe lifo-
la..eat btl capiLli 10 a aute-tbill. &lid
make a baadlDm. Incom. aD' at tha
30.00 advertisement....... .......30.000 votes
rt4Iec .... wbat DOt OD. the ptct.re t.,.
I ~ ud. Tom ..... lz ItiUlq before It
&1J lit u.. . . . tlml. CaD. 70. beat
It! . Y _ - . . t .
"hd . , ~ ..........
cnM ....... of taJ.n. aora or r..
field ... PftIIM_t of tU Huwa
oLou ru. Prod_ _ eo.po.u. '.
fI.nD COIII~ la . .41t101r. to kI....u
oC mea " , - " " t Ia tIM IIOClaJ . . .
b. . . . . UfII ., 8oI&oP, nidi . . .
aatomobtlM .blcb a,. belli' NCn
need. dall)' on acooa.llt of tb. to 1m
pOMd. upon lIle drhe" h; tila cltr.
TlIIlI,bt 10 Clr b... bIIn. d.f...t wltb
a taplLiI D ror tb. JitneY 4n",l"I.
advertisement... . .75.000 votes
Adll8l'tiMg Rata. $1.00 per iftcA.
- " - - I boY I j"b.-~ 8alU1. 11'111 be pald to t.boeo m....
u...u ' - DCIIt IItnIt

... --..... aad 1BUe __ who ..n to IiIr. Atora. Bero,. tb.

,.... ' ' ' ' .,. ad . , poor tUoqIla . . . . . . . ..,........ .f t&J: ontJaUle. _at lata .-.ot the VOTING COUPON:
;::b'.~ =-~ =-: 04 . . . .~oI.tIIe.eND
....... __ dn............. ratrl)' IIood. IIY1q "at

...... .....-._.
==-=a:: :a=.:;.:: Good for Fifty (~). 'V_ in the ~ .
oe. thl dtr toM; It apoe, !Hm
~ Jl7 . . . . . . . ,.... ID&7 .... - rid "1Jl tIM tnt 1If'OII_ eal.... to W1IIl a clarft of a
u... . co e-...., ..
. . "" tIM BaaaeoIoI7
be . ._ ,..,. for t", pr11"11... of oarn1aC Wook1y PapoiI.UitT Cae_

.. :::s:-
. .....,.lJt.
..... *
. PtM_
'flI. Ulo....-..w
,..,. . . . . . . . .f .. ~
a ......
4"""...... ~'t'.. ap In dtarut-
nora ue O'nr a tIlo-.4 ~
Name ........................... , _ _ -: .

... ......................
_'.Ie - . . CO be te .,..... -a-,t bUea.ta ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,.We
"'ifll. ,wIIt" _'.
1Ue", It Ia aatI.aetM tbt ....

........... . .......... ftII . . . .

Ida thnMDd MIlan' . , .. taka ..,. .

a -, _ .. hom tIM Itnet ... _ , . . , ItF __

-.:.;. ~.
::- o...... ot.~Mo . . . .
::.....,WI~~"..r:..t o g . t a : , : :
r "".'
-- ::-=
::.=:: ~ ~ ..... Ia':-=;
L_.!:liD!I!~[I::!:IIlIlil6l~!IJ!!! ...._..;
..... 1
Gala Ball
of !he

Photoplayers' Club
Mutual F'lIm.
m.ana,. Co.

Feb. 13
, wr.t. ::-iii&.::.l..L"':"" o- ~.
wiib Qfter.al lhn. . .r leadora
8erlelo olltbe 'fOlll1d luper';lIllI,
o.....uoae, ....ztra force Of Q:leD Ie
bU1 'It work .t VII"araal 0It)' ,...
t:t=ll~h':~C:::.:''t.d::~t!t; J,,~.w~~~
, ...
{1Ill! -.
Rill ltora wblcb ,..otb' Iwept
-- ":-;~a:'w~~lIb~::I::l::~II:ae o~b::

SaIzm ans I
.lahol'll. Ht ot! wblch a torce Of car-
paM_ h.d tIM'll worll:lll. ror more
Ih.o "1"11 w..ll:.. 1t wu to hIVe
been uMd In tb. 8rllll0 ,--lb. u-
rI.. ot Ne ..... Yorll:'l Ohlno. but Oil
tb. ev. ot Ita completion tbe atorm

Toggery Itrucll:, blowl". dowo practlcllly the

wbole ot It.
Tb. brldce acraM tb. rlv.r at Uol-
ve.... 1 CIt)' w.. tbreateoed aud prob-
ably .ollld bay. beeu .wapt aw.y
bot ror til.. ullited errort. of MaDa r

Ber'llatelll .lId Ibe .mploy.. Of tb.
dt,. aud tbe HollrwDOd atudloa,
: 216 West Angelus Hotel Breall:wale" wire COllalrltcted or
b.CII or lInd .od Dew cbaonell were
du. lu a'll eaort 10 tur'll tb. COUtMl
PHOTOPLAYERS' HAD9UARTERS or tbe rIver to prlvent It trom "'... b
Ill' .WIY tb.plera.
Tbe hou!e"arcl whlcb run. tbe \l'll-
tlr. 1.II.tb ot Uohel"l.1 Cllr ''IId
rJUST A UT'TU lJII'n.aNT' wblcb Iklrta tb. bottolll at the billa
w... C'O"erad a root deep III mud alld
dlbr" w...bed. dowo UPC/ll It rrolll tb.
o.r wiMow- COiDtain pictures of .very "Movie St... blUl lbore.
Altbou.b 110 damace w.. dou. to
tbe permaDflilt blllldillp. th. ccet or
DAVE SALZMAN. Prop. F642J tbe libor .mplo)'lld to avlrt tbe dam-
aile 10 tbe bridle aod dalll. to.elhor
- with tbo Injury doue 10 lb. New
York let and tbe 1'lI11.lr ...orll: Ill.de


b.a.1t Cood .r.nuobc.

neeeaaary OD tbe boulevarde. b.1 beeD
.UmUed lit $1.liOO. the ..t aloue
balD' lI.ured at .I,prellm.tel,.
V-.. lady Cabaret btutaiDen; rD_t $4.000.
AltbollCb It looll:ed rur a tIm. . .
See BOB BURNS, Mer. tbou.h Ihlt D11.bt delay lb. opaol.oc
or Ulliveraal Cit,.. .loIaualer Beraatelo
Ben ~ Cin:ait RqlUblic Tbatn. t.o. Anlele- .....rtl. tbat .Ith tbe PrMellt rorce
be'lldlnc tbelr '''Iry erron to repair
tbe dlmace. tb.re I. abeolutely .00
doubt but that It will be I'll proper

J>hotoplayers, Inc:-
Ih.pe tor tbe ope'lllni 00 Marcb 15.

II. IIrevloully IlIIIIOed.

ntAIt,U711:1t IN MOTIOS l'le-

GoodfelloW-hip Dinner at the Club TtlK8

Hy Tbo_ H. l.-ce.
Wednesday, Feb. 10th. n~'OoI"'-Idfto' U l d ~ .

ROBERT LEONARD. Toastmaster So. York Itodoal Jl1ct.,..

Halr.e l"OIU' a-.~ &art,.
Tberlll ...andered IDto cawp recolll
If. Oul ot Cblo., cro... tbe bay:'
'-AN WAN 8TORY IN FIUtS. New Yorll: Motloo Picture Corpora all old Durro_. 10 "'holll dwelt tbe
A ace.n.e take.o b)" moonl!&bt. with- UOD. Tb. upl..lve . . . emplo,.ed to .aul or pbllo,ollbllr. !lUI tbe 11'llIU-
'out lIltl aid. or artJ.nctal 1I&:.II.t, lOa ttnt obt.alll Ibe eal.l::t ot.D uph.....l ot tbe lar cbarlclerl,tlc or thla ...uderlD&
or Ita kJJ:ld 1I1 the bJatory or mouon oce&D catue4 by a homb wblcb b.. Arran ..... 'IIot bll pblloaopby. but bt.
pletllr-. &Dother ~.o. aD the MamA beeD tll.rowu overboard by a womaD r.ce.
or a 1l10.,lq tre.. ht U'&1n; LIla l'Ouod- .ocompllee ot a crook. Tbe I.tory H. bId lb. fac" oC 1.0 ludo-Euro-
I!lI"-UP cit who lawn La u alIort deab wltb tbe alteQl.pt or tb. croall: pe.D. DUI Ibere .... IU IDuplicable
lO a."tllnl."&AI: or OMpera4-. a.ad aDd tbe womall 10 ate&! C'Oulp .ametbio, aboul tb.t r.ce tbat C'OIII-
-ome rl\lUl& UlAt te unuJ..a, .,en to meot or laid aboard tbe ateam.r. The mallded lutaut a"eolloa_ aom.
pieture &u..ltmee. IlMIG to ........rll womaD. bo.-ever. balll:.a .t lbe I..t tblu, tbat reminded tbe Qccld''IItal
pl..,._, are Mlloe of tna luc;JaeOta tnat momellt wbell abe __ ber daulbter ot occult tblnll' alld uotllhom'ble
appear In "SUCQI1Qt JOIUl:' .11.1 LIl.d bu.b&od-... bom i'be b.. d_rl- otber Iblusa. toucblDll 00 Orle'lltal
CO.flel E. V&D. Loan. The )./la1. pro- ed-aboard the .,_1 abo. Ttl. mYIHellm.
duQIW .11.1 Boa.onD. 1tlc.. WU Olrect- crook .11.... planDed to blow liP the Wily tbll IDflllc: waudered loto a
,ed DY Hobart .blWOrtll. "I"no .J,I~ Iblp. bllt tbe womao frultnt. til... motion "klur. clmp I dO uot kllOw.
til tA. Utl. ::~.;redU''''tor attelZlpt b,. clrac&tIlC tb. bomb rrom otb.r lbao to .pecul.te tbat b. had
~1In.a." _ '~~:::. Jtl:1:r~'~1I~7~~~1=-~~':;
'-D bldd_ :.bltbe. att..r ClCHIOOUtu...
wltb oue or 1lI0ra or ble alloeatnJ
~ chi .,. With bumorou or m.a IlIto tb. oeeatI ror .. iUat.allee orael... BUI t do know tlIlt be flt-
'IMO~ bet ID "baeu.aot .,I0Da" tau or 00. bllod.red Tard.. TU 4101.- ted pelllifdb' luto I plclur. I(:be~e
tun.labed tlI. a1.IPt elrama wltlI 011. mite w.. plaeed all a l&blad ran I wu tileD IIrranclJI~ lIiU! attf'f COO-
of lUI heat &Il4 lIl..t or>&tnal plOUl- alld uploded b,. mu~ or aD .Iectrlc Ilderabl. dUliculty I preulled Oll biOI
All. e.u..ar cut. b.~ed 0" COarteA.., rUM. A8 lbe Iparll: toucbed lb. ex- to C'OlDa I'llto the preae'llce of a came...
}/'oote, aupporUI Mr. I:lo(N,wort.o 1.11 Ita ploal... a ml,bU: rou .booll: tbur- for tbe llrat time.
llIl.erpret.abOIl_ rouudlD, terrttOl'J' alld thooaallu at HavillC tbll "UCbt of AlII" 11Ilp.lrt
IOU' at ....toIr; .. It b,. aome .ubler- ed to Ibe pIcture. toucb or cbaracter.
TWENTY-F.lVE CA.JU>ENTR8 1..&1' rall.all torce. were hurled IlIto the tbe .baence or wblcb IIIUlt b,,'e pro-
: '1G,OOO,FJ.:lI:T 010' ];'LOOHlNG ]0'06 .Ir. Tb. -.cell. I. aile at tbe m'lI,. duced a aeuNI.... void. In arr.njloll
lbrHlel"l III lbe ItOry. tbe K.narlo I InIU'IIcth.ly 11:'11....
. 9r..&GE AX NJa;W VN1VER8A.L tbere .... aometblo. Iackl.lli. lad
ClU. wblu tbla mlu ot Hurma bappelled
Wor.lill.&: ~t time. a 'LIl.' Of alOIlC I ll:uOY Ibe 111m ...ould be a
tweDtT-pe caTpe.a.te... "'-0.00"" laid
7C..\luU equare teet or aoona, lD lIUI Chlr'cter to a moUo 'IIplcture la
D'W 1.atarlor 1l1l1110 at Ull.l"~ CltT like ..It to tbl OCf!I'II-wltboul ... blch
to bfa'lt 1.0 tea4l.a_ lOr tlI. UN u.cb .ould 10M Ita pote'llCY.
Of !$Oil. Loeo.a.ard aDd b.uJ ...comP&D Wbelber I picture I, t,.plcal ot HIltJro:CfOR AHOLFI )lAKES !>lOST
".wMter Key p1l.)'.... :YoDd..,. Dl&Ilt. H.w.lI, or J.pan. or Cblnl. or Bur- WOSUEn.UL SHOWISO IS ''THE
!IIot lul.ow1Dl; th.t til.. COIllP&D1' 111- mI. or Illdla. Jl mUlt ba"e cerlatll !>I.",S .",sn 1118 !>IAT'::'
te.aoecl wor.k1llc 011 w. IlIlenor atac proportion ot cb.racter to It. .
G.lle.ral M&Dacer leadore bernatelD Uld you ever delve loto Ille IIlfaler- The tourreel Rell.oC41 Ceaturo
baa oroereo tDe carpeDuu'lI to lltart In or a piece ot Bombay duck! It dram . ""A :\lall and HI. M.te." pro-
to work 0.0 ' " llooo.oC_ Wb,1I tbe II ootblllll more th.'11 I bit of drIed duced b) John O. Adoln II Ibe )Ia-
requatuon w.. turoe4 1.0 for the lI.b. 10'llC dUbbed "ducll:" by IOlIle J_UcRellaoee )IUlUll Stlldloa. I,
atl5e. too m'llcb work bad alread,. faeelloul old eel captalu. bUI tlla' 0'111. ot Ibe Itroolleat reaturea .. yet
beea do.oe to nap. Tbe jobta had relal IIUe put 1'1110 It aucb I meuur. rele...ed uuder tb. Rellauce banner.
been Pllt 'ID place. w~b mad. It lUI or clIaracter tbal tbe pr_'11I-d..y It II all ad.pllo'll from the 11
abeolute lIIIpoulbilllJ' to 11M ttl. atq:e tourlat .eta tbe ducll: lIa..or UlltU th. ll:aowlI 'IIo,el Illd pl.,. or ..."ter'll life
WLI_ the :ll00nJI.C w.. La.ld or th. ".1.. Ollel." IprlDI tb. truth OD him. h, H. R. Durallt. The prot!uctlO'll
iolata tol'1l 0'111. 1<'or a momellt COD- So It la .ltb aolll' procluoera. They ahauud. "'ltb Ibrllll'llC aUultlool. A
Iltenl.aUOIl relped. It w.. Impc.l- wfll Nt',. up bait doun tilela of crooked mlolnll promoter railla I'll
ble to 11M tlle al.q:e ID Ita; P..-lIt UJl- butUY-P'llt-IOllelher atua ''IId tb.1I love .Ith tbe beautlrul d.urbter or
lblJabed coZl41UoD. aDo to la,. tb. lIoor attempt to PGpularlU' It by a tre- a Kentucky colonel. "'ho h.. COile Store No. 1.206W. 3n1 St.
I'll LIme "'med "111.11,. lQl.poMlble. lIIeDdou, e:a:pendlture of lood mO'lle,. "'elt tor hla bea.ltb. Tbll promoter
"Wb.,. there'l I Will tbere'l I lu advenlalol. Out tbe commo'll II aboul to 1(111 I ..Ited mille to tbe Store No. 2, 147 W.Sth SL
war;' 41l0tecl Mr. BeruatelD. "Wbat "PMPIII" '110. bal'e tbelab.b OD P. T. colouel, but II e:a:poaed Ju,t .. tlle
time do "0'11 WaDt It!" HII'1lUDl'a r.mou. old phTeM. ud tbe de.1 la ahaut to Co tbroulb. The
Stan No. 3, 412 S. Spriq
B, liz o-e1oc1l," retllMled Mr. characterl... play. of tod.y racel"e Clrl ralll III love wltb horae thief
Leo..... Ihort abrUt at tb.lr hlUlb. Iud reforml blm. Tbe COlollel II
"Falr 1UI01lCb. YOII'II eet It at lb.at Xolloll plct'llre prod'llcLloD II now latlr tou'lld murd.red alld tbe r .
tim.." reachlllC to tbe tar-lIlllI, ed. or tbe tormed hOrM tbler III IInj'llIU,. ac-
Wltll t1I&t fOrce or twe.uty-lh. earth tor material. for cbaracter b cllIed or tbe trlme. He II. .bollt to
meu wu put Oil tll. JOb. They worted 'IIot a C'Opyrl,bted word beIODJ1DC e:a::- be 1"lIebed, .beu tbe crooll:e4 011'11--
UIlUI noollo whe.o aDotller CIUI& w.. chlll...1,. to the CaUeul.D. To the lac prollloter. wbUe lutoIlclled. COli
Pllt ID their plac. to allow tllem to Orieutallit there II much charact.r r _ to tbe crime. Tbe ....tormed
eat IUIlCl:I. after wblch tbe ll.nt craw to "he.tben ChIn or a JapaoMe borae tbler III a.ved rrom tbe lYllch
retul'1le4 IUId worll:ed OD r....r1IhI,. rlclUb.w mall. or floltlcal "ala, era b, .11 educat.d Chinaman. who la
tLDt1,1 alter"qa.tttlq UDfL A.Il th'e Iut ... ther. t, I'll tb.lr .hlte bretllr'lI. alao III love wltb the COIOIIII'I daucb-
bolIJ'd ".. 1&14 the p1Pl1 appeared 011 Eacb wu broulht luta lbe .orld aur- ter, but wbo com.. to tbe fa"'ored.
- the . . . . with the ant Nt ,to be roullded b,. a Il.t'll'orll: at lama lad lultor'a ...lltallce, wb,D he Alida tllat
erM:te4, u.s aD bout' later the ..Ku- Khllma aDd wblt-not-alld b work- hi II DOt m.ItIIlC ~II' procr_ wllb
ter Ku" compaJl,)' wu b1llY lit work. IIIC OUI hll ow.o d..llDJ' 1.0 bill 0.11 bla own lIull. "A Mao aod HlI Wate"
little .11,.. The r.uit II a n"el, lit- II. pree\!lIted b,. an a11..tar caat. ~eacl
tl. world, brlmlol or ",.rlecated ma- ed b,. Henr)' Woodrulr. tbe wen
terial whlc..b th. motiOIl plctuJ'll 111- ll:nowa dramatic at.ar. IUId .....ted
d~~.llw~or.~~o~f~:::r:ier b,. OIad,.. Brocll:well. F. A. TuMler,
W.lt.r Lolli, S.m de Or...., JOMph-
Ib ChOOM trom. Tb.r. Ibonld be .00 101. Crow.1l aDd rr.d Ham.r. DI
tim. wuted III r.ll:loC cbaracter wUb rector Adola hu aaMl.d a'll ell'l'lable
,ucb ",ood.rlol lallda to uplon; r.putatlon ... a dlNlc:tor ot r. .turea,
with IIIcb III abUlldl.llCCl or ...rl-bued. bat "A Wall .nd HI. Vate" prom....
human IlIteraat QI..terlal. fP' 10 be bl, heet alrort.
OJ "'( . . .

.rhotoplayers' H~~e~FurDishing; Headquarters! .

Wid> ....... "*- 01 ~ ODd film CClGIpOIIies. w..... io .pooiIioo '!' ...... f""l puticuIor _ In
........~ tboa 0lI)' othor~' Will. ''''' ODd nriod 0ICdi. hoIp/uI..mc.. p.p.IOi .... ODd IilIonJ
,. ootiolyyoufally..
E~forthe .... - , . TheM-of
......., '. ' Salilfactary Senice
nl-138 ~:IIwy.
.' . -- I .
~ ~. 715-73$ s. Bchr{-
. - I I

AOI'V.&L" avDIO . . . . . .

Iter;-:,:: :::
I.D "Tlte K1&110 H
::.: ~"':IOt1lall)"
lana lIIoe 41 ,.. 1M
A~_ V.lIer ttl, .ur-uo.. of WlI~
lIall1 D, Tulor, C.rl;rle 8I&ok..ell ...d
lO.e of kaI oompu.;r . . . . . . .....,.1
IOU. I. Ute toni' IroaU or tIroe "t~,
It twa ..,l;r .1dalll' ~'tIroe I

FeJ 13
_ . . . . tak It ... loq
a:rt., tiro" wbu tU1 ,.. ooap!MM
.a.4 ,.t tIroJa late 1Io0.r did .ot p~
VlUt tn P~Il.~ ot lItUJ' 1'WtOI"l .t~
trllt'ted bl' tile brUltut lIIulDlll&tlo.
1'luMd bl' tbe Wlalei
IDd aetaiDed. by tbe ~a.1 popu-
larlt~ of Carb"le 8Iaek...lI.
Popularity Contest Closes Saturday, . I
Contest manager will be at 341 South Los Angeles street all day Saturday to receive I
any votes whi.ch you want to turn in;. or, ring up A 1834, earlier in the week,and'we
Ol1e ot the moat cb.rmlnl or tbe
rl"'l1I: ;rOual a c u - to toraake thl
'. . will call lor them. .. . . .' I .
ledUm.te lta,p for tbe te,..n II
loll. M.,. AUleoD. who b 14 a Winners of t.he Prizes will be announceQ on the 'night of the Photoplayers' Revue.
lon.-term CObtncl with tbe J
LukT FatUN PI.., Comp&nr, and
who, It It unounoed b;r Samuel Oold-
IIlb, will pi.,. the MCOll.d lead wltb Con~ ..tan/.- Stud", Vot..
Edltb WTJl,De lI.thlMln ID tbe ~kl'
Deluco p1cturlaaUon of "The 00'- Victoria Forde Univer..1 678.300
ernor'. Ladl':' IlIaa Allleon, ,ouly
ul.DeteeD l'eanl of &&e, It II "f7 bril-
Fred Kley Laaky 669,250
liant bloude .ad .beolutelJ' an Ideal Grace Cunard Universal 550.250
pleturtl t1pe. . Irene Hunt.. Reliance 431.450
CfD: lIn1t comln.&: to New York wltb Ella Hall Univer..l. . 373.500
her mother, lit. AIIlIOD, who II tile
deeceDdlDt of flmoul Southern tam~ .lackie Saunde Balboa 807.250
I1lf1ll, IDtervleWe4 HeDrl' W. Sa.....e Cleo Madison ..Univer..1 233,450
IDd w.. cut for the role of "VanltJ'''
In "Ever;r WQ.man." Sbe tbeu be- Myrtle Stedman Bosworth 159.650
'Iui t>6c:aUH he haa came tbe underatud;r tor "DeIUt1,"
J'fIt to the poll1t a llao, 'Dd played that role tbe tatttr
Dorothy Gish Reliance... .. 103.350
u Il1teI'Mted from part ot tbe IN.IoOb. Nut Ih. .".. an Edythe Sterling Frontier... 50,300
or arUlUc an,le ID
~?~ihk~Mili:~o~~,:,,;nM:p:C;;: :~:~~g
SISed tor the No. 2 "Quaker OIrl"
tuturi, of the mo- COmpl!1J', but w.. traDlterNld to the
ot.ai!ord to lpore. No. l.compaul' durlnl rebeari.ala, .1-
&&el.D the hlltory of
ch .rt and moralltJ'
terbulnc Ill. tbe Utle character wltb
. lua Claire. Lut Muon BIlla AJllaoD
Mae Ma h Reliance 25.400
eommerdalltm 011 lug the 1ea4!.D1: role with De Wolt Courtenay Foote Bosworth 25.050
cluped hanu Wily?
leh hu beell rMpoul-
HopPer Ill. "MI_ Caprlce........nd .p-
peared lu tbe INdlnc temltllue rule
Stella Razeto Selig .. 25.000
;dei:elopmeDta, It Mabel Normand Keystone 16.100

of the tarce, "Ap.rtmeut 12 K." '. . I
for thlt utlloll of two Charles Chaplin ESBlinay........ 15.100
ch bUr tlo ll.tur.1 GRAND CAPITAL PRIZE-:--
Signe Auen Reliance.................. 15.000
~i I~~;"~~~: OO)lPU"U OAST FOR "THE BlOB
Carlyle Blackwell Favorite Playe..... 15.000 1915 Chevrolet "Royal Hall" car on exhibition:
baa beell the mo- HAND."
Margarita Fischer American. 14.050 at the Chevrolet Automobile Co., Pico SL. at Hope:
.cxlIler than ex "The HI'h Hud," ll'fe-part pbo- W. Chas. Robinson Biograph 13.000 UPRIGHT PIANO-. .. ,
'of the people toplay trom' the Dovel b;r J&eQUM
wb_ DJeketa, 4lIIi d <I.u.rte~ are FrOQteUe. produced b;r tbe Fa,.orlte Margaret Gibson Vitagraph.............. 12.900 On exhibillon at &eo. H. Barnes' Piano Co~
the aole lupport' of ~e iDdUltr;r will
uot tolerate the moll ':l picture that
Playenl. 'I
DOW DearlD, completJ.Oll at
tbe Itudlo ID U. ucelM. Carl;rle
Ruth Hartman FavoritePlayera.. 12.000 . 131South Broadway
la' not clMD I.D IUt- ce aud art1&llc Blackwell eD&ctt the lea4i.D1: part of Dorothea .Farley Albuquerque.. 11.450
, Ill> treatmeDt aud prOl1-ql?lloD. Thla It Jim Warreu of Warburton, a mill George Larkin , Universal........... 10,700 SOLID GOLD WATCH (Ladles' or Gents)-
&II ~ .ot .peclaUzaUon" ud tbIA Ia
,.err true I.D the moUou picture lleld
haUd, wbo IUc<:e&ltull;r worb hla wu
up to conruOnlblp ot tbe ltate. EdI1&. Howard Hickman N. Y. M. P. Co. ... 10.300 On exhibtlon at S. Nordllnger \U Sous,
_which Ia lM!I'ferel;r divided luto two TlillUl'hut, the heroille of the Louise Glaum N. Y. M. P. Co... 10.200 631-633 South Broadway
t1Pfl& of lpeclall.~the b,u.ID_ N- .tOry, furllltbM the bNrtl I.Dtel'M!,
pert, tbe man who act. U\lutermedl- aud It the character euacted bT Ne,.a Helen Holmes Kalem 10.100 (V8Iue $50.00) "
ary betwMIl the publlc, ani! the man Gerber. William BrUtltob .. BI. Bessie Barriscale N. Y. M. P. Co'" 10.050 . SUIT ( to order)- ~
who makflll the picture, the producer. Tom SlmmOlll, a salooDlr.eeper, ud
Dot Gould Sterling 10.050
Thll &J:Plal.Dl wllJ art and com-
mercilliam are t..t frtellda .Iu th" ~
Dousl.. Gerrlrd u Fraoc" E'feraJ'd
Lewl.. the pollUcal atate buM, ll.bt Adele Lane: : Selig........................ 10.000 From Chas. Levy \U Sons, 448 South Spring SL
.ce, .nd .lao;IUSSlllIta the wotlderful
ppalblllUIllI for aidlug .rt wh,'lh.re
Jim WarreD tooth and u.all tor l1I.e
1_lotl of the pollUc.1 m.cbltle Douglas Gerard Fav.oritePlayers.. 9,050 . (Value $50.00)
held bT the llu.hl_ mall-au'l plr- of the ltate. John Shfllh.a11 .. Cora Drew Reliance.. 7,100 LUlIES'SUIT (toorder)-' '.
Ueularl;r the bUlI.D_ man b. the FrIUQUfll, aecretarl' to Lew", euactt Lucille younge Navajo......... 6,700
moUon plctllre Geld.. . the part of tbe Co-betwfllD, ..ho doll. From K1elnberger'Ladies' Tailoring Co.,
Wltho.t bIA ablUt:r ,to aecure ad ble-ere.tflll lAwta, aud uuu-ruU1' Pauline Bush ' :UniversaL 5,460 702 Pautages- I!ldg., value $50.00
- . p.~liQWle "'Cihmt::l1~- (Me. to do the ..me ta(D'I ro J(m
explO1t the output Warren. Tbe ItOrT abouDdI'1a ut61- Donald Crisp.. Reliance........ 5.450 LADIES' OR GENts OviRcOAT=-.....,r-'-'~---~
, the tllm bualll_ lent .cUou aud tbe m.cbltl.UoD.l ot Ray Gallagher UniverSal... 5.350
He 11 the Cfll1eral
riU. OD the llrluc
the pollUcal Intrlluera torm u ez-
cellent bacltsrouDd tor the clear-cut
Ford Sterling Sterling....... . 5,350 From NebrasXa Clothing Co., 239 So. Spring SL
h" .UOCfIU or failure deliDeatioll ot IterliDI macboodpor- Chas. Ray N.Y.M.P.Co... 5.350
fOrtunllll of the uml' of tr.:red bl' Clrll'le Blaclr.well .. JIm Laura Oakley Universal....... 5,200
ellpced III the dUleretlt W.ITfID.
6t tbe IndUltr;r_ Rhea Mitchell N.Y.M.P.CO........... 5,050
)l.~ .: mfIMunI It " .urprialo.c to see
Gypsy Abbott Favorite Player:.. 5.050 SUBSCRIPTIONS:
d, : KING IlAGGOT AS A CHlN.ulAN. Edwin August Eaco ....... 5.050 During the Photoplayers' Weekly Contest,'
, "elope4 lD the publlc el'e, for nen to ID "An Oriental Romance," a two- Billie West... . Reliance..... 5,060
the puformer the P8~nallt1 of the reel drama ID ..blch KIDI' Bluot votes will be allowed on Subscriptions according to
bQltlfIN mac commlndf the InWl'fllt pla;rl the role ot a hlch-eatte Cbln_, Bob Leonard Universal... 5.000 the following schedule:
of the ?Icture theater-~r. It it a aome wODderful fUf1llture II pboto- J, Warren Kerrigan Universal. 5,000
multfll',UOIl ot the lrowlnC I8UU- IfIphed. Peari-Inilid tablflll with i-year subscription $ 2,00... ... 2,000 votes
mfll1t of'romacce wIth wMcb Anlert- car'fed dr.cou-beld anna oreuPl' the Louise Lester American..... 6,000
c..- al"fl.ltl'ffllUng thelf commercIal Immediate fore!f'Ouud of the plelurtl, Edna Maison Universal . 6,000 2-year subscription ,4.00... .....4,000 votes
conqueah, a.cti'flUM acd leadenl.
Tb.ta pro~IDfIl1ce offen the oppoftu-
while LD the rear prlcel_ taPflltrlfll
Wm. Garwood UniversaL......... 5,000 3-year subscription 6.00 6.000 votes '
IhowlDC ChID_ laudacape _Ufll are
DJU' wbtch oq:bt to be embraced, ot bunc. Wm. D. Taylar Favorite Playe..,.. 5.000 4-year subscription 8.00 8,000 votes
keepluC In cloee commG.D10n wIth the 5-year subscription 10.00.. ....10,000 votes
public, Itud:J"iq the treDd of popul.r KiJ1C Blc,ot loeideutalll' II Cl....u Anna Little UniversaL 6,000
dtldre and theD 111'IDS more thu 11 lUll 'Dother opportuultl' to dlaplll' Henry Otto American..... . 5.000 G..year subscription 12,00 12,000 votes
.Thlt" not OD!:r admlDlaterlq: tbe
bit Ibllltl' .. a character .actor. HII
Impe~DlUou of a Cblu_ who pre- Eddie Lyons Universal . 5,000 7year subscription 14.00 14,000 votes
"aular-eo.led pili," but trom a ..U~ aume. to 10'l'e ;rouo&, .odetl' wom.n Lee Moran UniverSaL.. 6,000 8-year subscription 16.00.. .. 16.000 votes .
la Ipleudldl;r portral'ed. "All Qrt.
eDtal Romance" wll1 be releued UD- AI E. Christie Universal.. 5,000 9-year subscription 18,00 18.000 votes
der the Imp brand on Frldal', Feb- Ed. J. LeSaint Selig... .. 5.000 IO-year subscription 20.00 30.000 votes
~~:r:1~0~~:U~e~n~~~rtife~~:~c-t ru.ry 1'. ll-year subscription 22.00 35.000 votes
~l:'~~ ii;;-;bridge~~I~:M:P:C~q ~:ggg 12-year subscription 24.00 50.000 votes
Richard Stanton N. Y. M. P. Co. 5.000
For the Romaine Fielding Lubin.. 5,000
Mary Fuller Imp 5.000 ADVERTISING':
Photoplayers Ball During the Photoplaye... 'Weekly Contest.
votes will be allowed on Advertising according to
Your Full Dr_ Suft la the following schedule:
Ready at . $ 1.00 advertisement 1,000 votes (\
2.00 advertisement.... 2.000 votes
BRlLVS. 319 S. Spring St. 4.00 advertisement.. 4,000 votes
UNIVERSAL SECURES FIR8T Rome elrl;r OD tbe mornlD, of the dl..
6.00 advertisement. . . 6,000 votes
YlBW8 OF ITALIAN EARTH- acter aud tr''fele4 011 utlUI be bad. 8.00 advertisement : : 8;000. votes
QUAKE. reached the _UM of .re.t.t de- 10.00 advertisement 10.000 votes
y'lt.tloD. Wblle taklllC lOme of the
12.00 advertisement... 12.000 votes
Moving Picture The Utllyeraa\A;;\mated Weelr.ly
bla ICOred another ICOOp. Tbe llrat
,.Iew. of the earthqu.ke ID CeDtr.1
It.!:r are DOW on tbelr w.,. to New
plcturtll be w.. frequebtiT called
upon to uatat In luoeorln. tb.
wounded. R.ID w.. flmDC at tti.
time the \PletUfM were lakeb, but
15.00 advertisement...
20.00 advertisement
..15.000 votes
20.000 votes
~~:gg :::;:~=::::::::::::::::::::~~:ggg~a:.
York IDd will be ezblblte4 Oil. Brold- deaplte thla haDdlcap the photOlr.plly
IlWlt ..peciaUy for FILl,! DEVELOp
IN". Constructed of Doua1aI Fir
""T III teD dl,... The pleturflll were
takeb bl' the Uiliveraal'a Rome corre-
lPOndetlt, wbo burrled to A'flllllbO,
tb. ceuter or tbe wldMpread e.rtb.
qu.ke, wbere ao man;r thoueande ot
la wObderfulb" clear,
Some of th. _11M wblch the Unl
Yeraa.1 camera m'D llimed w.re 10
chuU;r tbat the, bad to be w.1I
pruned before a Ihow1n&, to 'n Amer-
50.00 advertisement , 75.ooo votes
Advortirin9 Rates. $1.00 ".,. inch. .
II,." were 101t.
The ,.Iewhow the clt1 .. It II to-
Ican audl'Dce. Row .tter row of
mutilated bodlfll It DOt. pluaapt
dlT, I'''eled to tbe Sroutld 'bT tbe licht, and the Unl,......1 tIrooo.llt * t
qu.ke. Som. of tbe buildillp hu. to cut tb. . _n., How.,..,. the
beeI1 crumpled Illto duat, whUe her. 111m IboWI tbe lunl,.ors and ,..l.~
'bd ther. In tbe niDI a lotl. column til''' of tb. dead frantically dlqiq: VOTING COUPON: -" ,-
or w.1I ltandl out like re;lie. ot In tbe rulDl of their bOlD. for the
IIDcletlt Rome or Pompeii, Th. No bodlM of ,thllM burle4 beneath the Good for Fifty (50) Votes in u)e Photoplayera'
mont of ,.lcUm. to the boapltal. lu erulbld. Aoora .ad walta. n. earth
Pacific Tuk i fipe' Co. Rom Ieo It d.pleted, wbU. other
IOUM .bowID, tbe dl.&ln. out or th.
quakllllllli wIll be .bOWD !Jl. tiro. nat
. r.l.... of the AZlimlite4 W.uI1, tp-
Weekly Popularity Contest. '.
; ......... _ .... LOIAlIGIW, CAL InJared trom tb. rulu of ijI..lr hom.. i:eth.r with latl,..Un.a ,wu _
oceuPl' a huDdred.feet of GIm, IlIclUd!Jl.&, "clo-.upa' of the Germ... Name
Th. Onl......1 cam.ra m'D I.tt croWD prlDot. ~.!l" I
JOwIU"'17 tb. I..t cb.aD.OIl to ... tbl. ~.""I prod.ncUoa ot Xlpltae.
_ ..'" J'OOL -*- W....

Fall Dreu and T '

i1\e'~...... 'cu.
lIone ~eadq~en
in HoUyw'fOO
'MOl' Cab...., A.e.

E. R S;u;;.D.sk Co.
OM. ............- . .

5 MONTHs FOB'l5-oo AND' uP. S.-\SD .'KET OF NEGATIVE. . . Amerleu. BI CompaQ", tau
IIlIUal reIltal appU.. It -- been eDeaCell by 'Chler ProdDeer Bea-
you pureh....
UOI.I,\ L.UtlUS NAUROWL\' llr. ~;. D. Horkhelmer. MeretaI')" nett ot the xeiaou tOrcel to "eD-
,,~[;APIl:S DEATH. ~lId'lreuurer of Ihe BalbOa Comp&!l1. I CIDMZ' 011.11 of jbD tamo. ,comedy
II"'.- ,1&.00 to "'00.
AlDlUCAJf 1II1lll'D(G IUcmn
!Jolly Larkln. le.dlns wom.n or III now In N1!I1I" York. Thill'" hla Me- !rOUP8L . ~ I .
lJlreclor LeVll1tlU' compal1Y .t lbe and trip to the e.n .Ithlll a' moo.th. Dnriuc Mr. BeDder-<lo. 10l1C Ita,.
COIIPANY. ~'eaturea Ide.l aludlo.. l1arrowl}' hut the JourJley .... necesaary be- with the Blov.&Ph bel5U'odDce4 aboDt .
no s. Bprt.c 8l. 1'07 8. ~ 8l. Illicaped de.tb In a t.ll"ot twenl,. feet cauae of the era.lnC !Dtere.t III Dal- ',11I: bundred 'JPllt~reel colluldJea. ODe
PhOD,,; Home AU13; MaID UU durlns lhe nlmlns at &Cene In '11 bo.... He toolr. ... Ith him thJrt1-elcht hulldred drauaUe lubJeetal, .od all ot
alley In CblnalOll'n lut Frida}'. tbOUUlld feet ot nec.Uve. the lot te tbe KI~. ~ ICrI~Dcer Bloraph re-
George Larkin. ber nameaalle. ...... c1udlns the ent two at tbe "Who le--. T!l6o latter .ere all releuect
enacUnK the le.dlng role In l~e "Pa,..!" IIlrl whleh lI'U eoooelv6d. In multlpkj reell. a prtla.l lUt ot
GEO.H.MELFORD dram. and bill lI'ork m.de It neeea' planoed and la !MIinC produeed under
tbe PIlr&Onal IIUpervlaloD of H. W.
thelll beln. H8eVIlll. Dan," "Dhor-,
~t1t:' "S:,lrlDC Cbluell.." "ReJu.,. .;;:::'
Dnuo<mNG ury tnr him to balic do.n ....rd by
hi. teet from. lire eacape. lI'blle he Horlr.belmer. prealdllllt and pDeral tlon of Aunt Mal'J':' "The oeaJ\UI"
Bdlth WJ'aDIl Ma&hb:0II.
bl ""I'be 00.._ _ LIId;y."
... ung bl. bod)' aerou lbe .1Ie,. .nd
.Itll I'll. arm. reacued Mlaa Larlr.ln
frOm her place of capllvlti on tbe
muacer of the Balboa ComP&DJ'.
Tbl.lllllriea of picture.. of .blehlb....
.\11 be.t.el.e. ",III Nt II De. IIt&Zld-
'Dd ..Tb4""Billloo.aJ.re....
KIa ;"'CHIIlClU;lllat ot Jolmlll' the
K.,-.tOllll. at the B10cnPh .tUdloa. 011
. ~ ~ Featare Play ~. oppwlte lire eltCape. Larlr.ll1 .Ucee&II- ud lo.eln6ruatocraph,.. E.ch contalu l ...t ....oDd..,.. ClIIued. qD.1te. II aur.
a 'l'h!IDdld moral .nd propouuu II Membel"l of th~..Blocnph ~ ..
fully gr'Ul~1$1 the leadlnll womall '-Ill!.
a"uns dO ..... l1l1.rd. bUl tbe .elght 11'" T\U.1 q-cr~n ollUti. Thertn. l1ot}j.- ~~-u:. '\'M:';
lOO ,relit for I'll. haDda .nd hili hold IIIC III .ny of them tllat IIvgl!:.~ a ... ~e 18 ealled. by
R6>0ArnE FIELDING, 011 her ..... broken. he Jdropplllll preachmellt. Tbe Itory b.eIr. of ea.ch . drllMMt It.
tll'ellt}f f~t 10 the p.nmeDt. The III pCl1rerfully dram.Ue and yet fr.. He lea... the 81
L~bin at the dap-trap th.t baa In the Paat great mU,y frtllll.Q be
Impact rendered her ullcooaeloull tor
ael'eral mlnule.. but. rortuo.lely. no retarded the procr_ of moUon pie-- would be afe to ay
Autbor-Actor-Director turea. The lI"t, "The Prloe ot deraon ranked the h.l&:b
bolle. "'ere broken and ~yolld leV' Fame," la a magnillcellt tature. Ruth craph popul.rlty.
enl lel'ere bruI_ .he .ull'ered no
.....orllll hljur). Later the aetlon lI.a RolaoJ lind Hen!"J" KII1C hl1'e lIur- Hla wOllder(ul perforDlauQea
performed lIlthout mlllh.p. lI'lI8ed their beat prevlou. elrorta. aad GrUtllb tllmlll. _he.a the l&tter' ....
It I. not exaggeraUon to aay that the conuected wUh the Blocrapir. 1'14'"
publle will not healt.&tll to place them al.an been commented 00. h1ch17 by
, JAY MOJt4:Y among the foremOlit picture artiata at the trade Journal erlUc.: .
tbe day. MI.. Roland'...eraaUlity 18 At Um. HendllJ'll()n apPMZ'e41D. hi8
dl.pla}ed to .plendld ad\aut.&ce. Be- BloCTaph _modi.. aa _ell .. ~ Jt-
cavae of hllr loug uperlenCfl In com- E;-BIOli aDd dram... . r
edle.ome were anlloua to _ how MaCk Beunett abould be t ~
. SANTA PAULA. CAL. .he would do In dram but It mut proud to be able 10 add a pt'OdocH of
be remembered that betore .1'1110 w.. Hellderaon'a ahlllty to ilia &1reiwI7
wldel)' heraldod .. the mOlit faecl- el...er .tatr. BrtCht. aplII'lr.llAa COID.-
DaUns photo-com1ldlenne la thla coun- edl. wlI.1 be upeeted of Dell Iu ~
try .he aeored trlumphUl.Uy ID "rlOtl.. Dew quar1llra.
rolea. NOll' 'he I. called upon to tIM The BIOIl'Ph oUld.ala wel'll bid....
a comblnatloll of .U the m.",eloul .orO' to hear of hill ~ aIWl
talenta abe bu 'P6Dt .0 m.RJ'" 7Mn ID tried to COIITlDee him tIlat he aho1il1d
eulthaUnl:. It 18 predleted. by th_ remaID-but Dell kuo. . belt. .
who hl1'e proved the_I... to be HendllJ'll()u it witbout douht a -.aD
Cood Judgell th.t wh8l1 M. Rolu.d with a nat amount of moUon pictoNl
III "'11 lu the "Who P~'" Nn. bumor ....d he hu d.moRltratecllt 1D.
IIhe ...1lI be proclalmed the qUMII of hit famoua Blo comedl... .
all moUoD pleturtlO In the UD..Ited . More power to yoo, Dell. old boy!
Stat... She 1'1 .. an enc&&lac 1l4ftOR-
.Ilty th.t addll to the mllll"UetJam of JACQUES J"OOARD R&8 NBRV01J8
her natural beaut:7, .hleb 18 .tn~ BIULUlDOWW - XBIlRIQAB DIo
eDed by the rael that IIhe Ia abeG1utely REf:re HDrI8BLI!'. A88I8'l'ED BY
~:;~~~louTheor~~d~~~hOp~t;':! ~PO~'of hIa Ph7.- .
~11~~u.rve~~..n::d tll~~:~~r:I~~ :::;aB:e/;~IJ~~rw:~';
~.e\~,~::n t::II~:t. sI~pa~~rd':~th::~~':fD~ho:U~;~:Uo '''a-::'''-:; ~
The&l lI'orld beater. In .ddltlon to theM,
whleh .111 mue the moUoll pletu....
trade .It up alld tue noUoa. Yr. E.
bred,do_"'Q broucht on by too ela. .
applleaUoa to hi. worlt, lII: at p~t ;
DOt fIlPOrUq for dutJ' .t the HoltJ'- ;---)
FarDitui'e CO; 0, Horlr.belmer will rive. te. . .Met
Ne. Yorlr. uehaace operatora &II op-
pOrtunlty to _ Heu17. B, Walthal"
wood Itudloa. WhOe 11.18 oOlultt1oa. Sa
110t rep.rded " crltlcal. It Sa tIloqht
t Ui.t tor ~ nat ... ~ he
Or. Guy Heartw.n III "Boolall.," a m""" at hom.. ~ C . . NCUPll'-
dc.JaiD. dram.t1~ pleturlaatlOI1 of AUlfUlta J. au.... batonl apJa a~ptDa to ,...
Evanll' celebrated Amerle&ll no..aI. .ume hIa _OI'~ Ia \bO ......um. J..
Thi8 wlll be relelMd LD .II'e.P&lUI and Warrell Kanipa. iaadlai' au wtUa
,Antique and Art tbere I. DOt the allcht..t douht that
It will be a bl&" wlnaer from the .tart.
Ibe. eomPlUlS,
Maraha.D. 11 .t '
by ~
Tbe opinion I. oD.D..Imooa that 8 . ..,. dlrectloQ beald. pIptac (be .....
FRNITI)RE ~~:;a:~~~I:;::l~t~o=.==.... ~ tIl" ~
.tn.ted hllauPIlrlorlt7 onr aU othera TOD BROwtam ~ . . . . , . . ,
w_ _
STOCDlEN'S SUPPUES 1'17 hili _orlr. with tho Blocrapla &ad Il"OR IftI"l'.IJAU . . . . . ~

" 1'- ,... -

c.-.. ............ tt-I ...... C&tbfriM 'O.rr. ehlet _n.rlo edl- :~er~:1:~~tI:no:~~ ~f~ Wh. dtZ.a:r ~~~-=
tor of tho Kluetophote. left for Bar- ma",.I, hut tho BalboA orpD1aUon h)' Tl.D.~. h" ~ _ ...
muda tut Baturday for. 'laY of t_o baUITIi U1at Bartra. ~ . wbo moot all Jtomtel ...
....... W~.SL I........... .......IU
OUT WEST SADDLERY or thrM wMIla to ACUperat. fnIm tho . Ia dlracUna: "Beulab," wlll mak. that
.tflllll of worlr. whleh Ilu beell k.r lot wl..rd. mOlt ard...t I4ml.... ,... -.
durl.DC the put rour or .II... monthl. Ipeet thl nUl h. haa d.pland In
)Ira. Carr _III, howlVlr. oombln. producllll "DlIIlIalt....
-W'Uchad out . .. ~ ...
~r aDd~'" tile. ........
RiUuoa 4raaar
f....~hy R....u
. ~'7NM-
....... ...-
w"k wllb b" ",.lloo, g .b. g- 10 .44111_ 10 'J:>a _ .
peete to worlr. out lOme new pll.oto- Ihat Mr,. Horll:Il ., W1tk Il.lm. 1.r'aJMItar. w ~_ . .
plAJ' IdO u a Nl'-f from what ~ to e mora wUl be . .,
h., til. monotony of Taoatlonlq".
, P..... tilt. ....... 10 "'" h ~
~ 01'
...,. ~
u.. . .
.GNce 0Uard aod Paulina Bu.1l hlblt ~~ ~ . . . ."blldJt:,d1. ~
:~n =C~~t t~:~h~:aaP!~~~=! :.:~ .. to:ru:: bMa CJ1.~..~J.~ ....

~~te:t1ll~ ':t~. ~~~~.:~la.P=. .t~tr;BaJboa

u:= -':-:-T.
Ml&UtJ of 1M IOWDI w.lr.~
Il~=.",. : :.
tho Vas- ~... : : : .CIlf~~
*-=,.r.::::... -:..--=.: ':=..-:.
=:-: .....
JUt of.it

_.... --
.T.rail . aN .
papar IDlltorPNi..... wUDIlllan ~ . ~ ~"'.
"=J:r: LOaa ..... c.I~ ..... tile.
...., .. _..... ,:J

=-~~~ .~'"i{{i
..; t ' . .
of the,

Photop>layers' Club

Feb. 13

I I,

N~b... 25<, SOc, 7~., ."
Ma_. 2lIc ODd SOc

etA'nMh Get Your Seats. P'rIY

Ra., Ti-"--
Thoustnd. TlUoed Away at Curtain Every Pcrf~DCe
Seats Now Selling

l'I,,\n.;n WmUUI
WITHOUT ,,,,L.\ln'
at the Club
WOOD WILL PLA.\" LEM)8. '.11110 ....'1'111' "t "Art ro Art'.. Ko-k ....
Thoma, RlckBtla of tbe Amerlcao
C0Il1l'l'0Y ataru on rout-reel featuree
~urno.\("I.... I _ I ..,.. Wed~1, February 17th
..JUoa """~.

th" camille week. He apenl 100mB
uan III t.o.-Aollellllo Mlectlll& hi' com- Stne.. JOUII....,l'be [orla of lhe Unl-
pao)'. wblch wlll be headed by Hat- , .. rnl '~..-rManutac:t\lrlng Company DOUGLAS GERARD
old Loek"'ood, late or the Famoul al th'31r HollrwDOd, CalUomla: atu-
'8 TI-IE.A~ Playsn. Thom.. Rickett. I, onll of dif.-i. Areher MeMackln, authordl-
f 0.0 We- ~~ ~J~:ln=:~lIr:::~=d. :~o!!du~r ~:~
Illelor. e"ID'I'~ 10 ba"e touild Ihe
(I,a,.er "'ho has attained lhe topmoat
plnnac:le ot the pbll0e0pbr ot "art
WJi.LlAii FARNUM .. "TIlE GILDED FOOL" ~~:y :be:r::..::a~yWCo~~.~~O~: ~~l~ I,)r arl', nke:' one who merely tor
Latee, ~111 of ''The 1tq)1oIta o~ ElN-." calo llnd came to Lo..,ADsele. With Ibe aake ot the work It.aelf la .-1111111
10 labor III _lie atter scene without

~~$=================~ /
,radually gro... COnl\lllllY
Dolll It was dl.otbed any re<:ompenae tn lhe :p'ay or ..Iary JUtjT .\ )IO)I).;ST: Mit, .\"\lmTIIU:I~

2 -..
Ihe old Nntor aud I ' . It <)I" eban~ ot llelng promoted.
---- by tbe Uoh'oraal. lie baa put on
.arne "et}' beauUtul I... n-rool photo- 1111 name la JOt! Slmlan and he ta no YO!'; It.:ALIZE that the moUon plc:hlre hUllln_ rankfl ablh amoll8
playa Ilncll he hal been l;\'lth thl! lilled Imonx the luda or ~Ir. ~Ie th.. 1a'lt"' InduaU1eo of lhe ...
o\merlcan Company. ~1a<'kln'l Joker COml,an). ,\nd per /.
EcbIa "aboa Lll "'ell ring .orne ha~ mOilI "'underful or all, he no,'or IN) \'OU ItEALIZE Ula.t !.b'e are n. t"'eatr to \hJrt,. tho_d
Itnnning new go~'nl In tbe Oriental t.. lltll hllck nor retuael 10 take dlrec- '-1>10 het'e In Loa AqelllOI eng In th1I baslaNl?
I8rln belog llrodulq ll.t tbe big 000." 'Ion. .
'IN) \:o:V UEA.lJZE that. wblle t.bere are nWllbM' ot I"Iblk:atJolg .::-
Sbe "'al lpeellll,. .eleeted for tbe In I><!-nollll apIltlllranc.lI,. Joe III ,.otI to thle brul_. Tho l'botoplaTl!"S' Weeklr .. the a.IJ' o-e
....IIr! Ihe tak.. beeaulll. . . It w. . ah"rt. dreaee oaturally, h.. -long. l...bUabf<d here In Loll ~ b e b _ of pbotopIaJ_
llOloted OUt. "no one elee could do It hla"k. hair all over bla bpdy and-n~~
~~v=':;n~.fP~~c:atlo.. la~et.! ~~tbe.
'soiie -at-the mo.l PToiiilieiii-;;;rti ~~r~'~~~~li':~I:~;':~"be';d~~:b~~~~
"Wben Death Rode tbe Eogine,"
"Cabellero'l Way:' "Branaford In
ond Oriental l!I:umenta become ber
When the Unll'lIrsll HollY~'hod ,t,,- 110 n';u ItEAI.IZE th&& The. ~en' Weeki, _,c:be
lteatloa 01 Ute PboCopIaJl!'l'l. C1ab, an orgaM7.. tlon ot over ftYe
Areadl.." from tbe book by EOlene dloe lire !lnaU)" moved'lo tbe new lIund~ ntemberw? "
Manlol'e Rhodes; "RenundaUoo," tlrol"ernl Cltr. )llu ~Ial~n" II go-
"StJrrup Brother," the I...t three tn; to decorate ber rpom tn Urtental PO \'Oli IlEALIZE ~ It bY clrc:a1atl.., of 110.000 copies 0".
mentioned were trom the gifted pen atyle and promlJl!I Ibat her draaslnl weekl1. not l:OUaUq the a a m _ l f m the _ _ alaDw?
ot O'Henry, roo~ ....111 be bsrd to beat e"r 1>eantr
Mr. Cn1llllOn. on acquaintance, 1m IF \'O\! 00 I"Ialhe U - good p;olBtt. ..-d.Il, _ whJ It Mould
PreNM one, ... being tbe blg-bearted l,rno'lI .d..... t&geou.a to adveI"tUe 'It1 Ill,
weeterner. He baa a pleulng per-
~::Il~, ':;~~ee~~:gIth~:::e\f~o~:rdl~
never barllh. Hla experience In .the
dramaUe Deld, U1d knowledle be haa
gained of lite U1d human nature by
estensiYe traYel, peraonal eontaet and
,tud,., b .. ampl,. qualltled blm tor
the momentoua lult wbleb he Ie now
pertormlnl al director In ehlef of
the Featnres Ideal Itudlo.
Tbere I' every prom I.e, ot big and
aplendld pbotopla,." to come from tbe
atudlo at wbleh Mr. Culllaon I. en-
He I, a min to be admired, and hi.
trlendl ImOll1 the hnportant set III
~~~. "movie" lame aNI ver,. numer'

Of I.....Ull 1\ . . . aot cat \00
a cl!'llil 10 ptOaoua. '11 M- .
, era of 'the Pop

. $....
,- P'1141
1'.,-. ",,-taU_:
pr.ttr 11I1"1, blU!. .. ....,11 lOu,bt
an.r 1101 a bOlt of 'lIlton ot ....r'
.\1le .lId dMerlptioll bUI ebe .. wblm
tical. dl. .tt.lI.d. rMtI_ ulIUI Hu.-
bud NUIIIHr Tbr.. ~1"I1t1.ntl, ...
Th.,. aN hardly I.uncbtd
011 th.lr MeOnd bonl1moon wh,"
h.d.. ot their pUt.
dayll,ht - .alk
A blobd.
, Contest will be announc
next week
tor Mr. Smith ...ho h.. COllie to h.unt

'1". . . . or' BUMqR.IPTION:
: m

PlMM' aabI -.cb 1*11111. to

'l"b W...... ,.... PubllablDC Co.
_ 5..:;~~:
him "I'!th ruemorl~ of hi. prollll_
er ,...t.rdlJ'. alld tor MI"I. Smltb. t...o
,u~rnuou. hu.band'''' .h.
thou,bt dead, Hu.band, nUmHI"I one
and two ooll.lole e.eh other ud .tart
Ion, Popularity';.,Contest:Closes saturday~F
~ .loOO per lach. In all rrl6DdllnllN to ..ar<!h tor their
wldo...., Tbt I. the pl_ de re
Contest manager will be at 341 South Los Angeles street all day Saturday to
.I.tane. or tbls wen...rved oolll84y
.nd tb.... comlll tram tbl. an,led any votes which you want to turn in; or, ring up A 1834, earlier in the wee
....b. Ih. mOlt Involved .plaodtt with
.. J'rt kh.n.'tbe ptolalaeot tavor- Ildnblnlclllllu. will call for them. .
It'" . lq1thnate It. . . ",b~ II," Thl. I. til.. tint .ppe.. rance ot MI...
reClellllJ Meured by tile Seb.rt In plctufN and It wu wltb
Pboto-pllQ' Company
. ktore til.. mottoD. picture
c ..at .nthu..lum tb ..1 tb. lovely .t.t
of tb. tootllcbtt commenced bar work
Winners of the P,rizes will be announced on the night of the Photoplayers'
1.JTt,,", at the B~'II'orth ..I the atudlo. E .. ch dlJ' aNordl b.r STANDING OF CANDIDATES
die. to ,tar 10 II. .creeD. n.... aur\1rl_ In the .rt ot 1II0tion "SlUN 01<' THE R08E" TO BE aetor.. ".hlel. 40
r winter', hit OD Broad- IIletU" produetloll ..nd ev.r,. mornln,
Contestant"':'" Studio Votei SHOWN IN THIS CITY, coonectlo.Q with Udi
flod. ber .1II00K the fll"lt .t the .tu European ".a'devil..
dlo. ealer to comm.oce tbe d.y, U~. Uob..u }'eaturtd b, Thoao, lDoe
ou Ind arU,Uc com- work, 8uvport\nK Mita Seh.rt .r.
Victoria Forde Universal . . ,678.300 In prepartll' Ua1II
Fred Kley L..ky 669,250 All louovatlon tb ..t I. Iltpected to entertalnm'lIt. of the
_ b1 Oliver Mol"OlCo and O .. en Moore. Forre.t Sanl.,.. Lo,.I. 11<:. Prodqoar 11101 bU
lIIark an epocb lu the prOIf_ ot
ud an elaborate1}' Bennlaon, Myrtl. 8tedlll.. n .. nd t.eore Grace Cunard ~ Universal. .. 550.250 t,botoVI .. y productlon ... Ill be lotro-- d.partur. trom lb.
f'OdUetiOD II uaured-. or oth.r .creen r.vorll.. In Import- play .od h. . .
. Smith" 1.1 tarce or .nt rollll . Irene Hunt.. Reliance....... . .431.450 dueed her. In Lo. AoK.lea. on Mareb
al.ln beln, Ih. ftm,
1. wh.lt Tbolll.... H. luc., vhld pro--
Ell. H.1l Universal. .. 373,500 ducllon of "Tbe 81gn ot the KoMI." a n.w Idea praeuc:oil
J.ckie S.undel'll BaIbo. . 307,250 Oeore Beb.n.. remark.ble Inter- "11;:~0.:ipel1ll Is beloll'
Cleo M.dison Universal 233.450 I national m....t.rplece....11I bellln .n
htdennlte run at Cluna'a Auditorium, Ince decl.r., to m~e the ...
ductlon the luprem. prodaCt Or ItJj
Myrtle Stedm.n Bosworth 159,650 The Innovation ... 1II b. In the na-
unUrlnll ell:or1ll. I A n.w ltap: h..
ture of cOlllblnetlon ot the IIIen1
Dorothy Gish Reli.nce .. .. 103,350 I and apoken dr .. ma In liven rills .i.nd heen hullt at Incevlll. to< Perml' of
Edythe Sterling Frontier.. 50,300 I on. act, Tbrough ,aeven tbollAnd
reet or nllll Mr. Beb..n and hipetla!-
unlnt.rrupted acUntl... While tb.
r'Kul.r I'C-leue. ot the N.w YoflCMo-

~r~~hM~r:ilr:~o~~~0y'nM:p C~: . n.:g~~ I'

ly engaged ,u\lportlul eOIll\1..n, Will lion PIcture Corporation lie belnK
mad. ou the~matn ..aK' Mr.hoe la
~:~c~:n~l~bdel::rbr~~:~~~ ~~ ~~ ~r,~~~o:t b:henb~re ~'::'I:: .!~::~7;
M.e Mal'llh Reliance .. 25,400 !leah In tbe lut ..ct-tbe 1I0rl.t .hop .
-----;------ 8r.ene-.... blch aerved ... the Kreat ot the Roae," on lbe aunllluy ,Irua-
tur.. ." :~.
JA('K"': SAUNDEUR TO liE "'EA. The produellon. at th. PrtMat
Tumw IS "U.L-ATAlmEn nAn_ "'rltlnK, Is lIot coD1pleted but/.wlth
11I10:." The Hardest Movie Audieuce iu the -World .v.rytblnl" helnl conducted 00 .,__
tematle pllll. the producer eJ:pecU
III ""Ill-Starred 1J.. l>1l11',' the tour (The Studio Employccl) to IInlsh hit, talk In lime tor tb. I f
reel dramatic vlcturl&lllion of Will H, r"nged preD1t.re. .
Wh .. l.n'l nov.1 or the 'Ilthracll. co..1
re~lonl. which WllI H, Rllcb.y
,d.. pted for tbe aereeu. AU.... J.ckle
Laughed and Laughed and Laughed Mr, InCll. how.ver.... not contellt
10 In1roduce only 011' llIIlo...Uon III
connection with hw production.. Thnse
Saullde... the B.lbo. 'COlUl'any', Th,I'. wh ..t your l>ldicoce will do when !hey wbo ar. attendlol the current attrac-
cel.brat.d madeal>. will bav p.rt ICC the gratell . tion at Clune', Audltortum t.I'8. ac-
th.t l'ucll)' nta ber pefl,On.llt,. .. nl! qu ..lnUngtheDlllll'I'et with the other.
her talenUi. Wltb due r..peet "Dd
generoue ..dmlr.tlon tor .. II lb. won- W o'rld Film Corporation Comedy It Is an ..dv.rtlelnl plll.n-a 11... buo-
dred atrlp of ftln:t_nooUII.cID.II lbo
tierful lInl ctretIlII wbo .ctntlllate cOllllng or "Tbe SIIIl o~ the ao.e."
in Ibe nlnllnn plctul'!I IIrlllam.nt, MI....
Saunder, I. In a clau l>,. be.-elf, Ez-
Irelllel,. prelly ani! ...lolOm., "I'ltb an
LEW FIELDS Tbe aettlng Is. that of.n art1IIt'.
Itudlo. Tbe artl,t Is aeen palotlo&
portraJt. Sudd.nly look1ztll &r.oUT
.. bund.. nce or maKn.tl,m . be Dever Into the leDl ot the etm '
.. ppea .. 10 better .d nt ..l. thall " the .pectatOl'l In tb.
whelt ':!all lit .. ,,alr
m.dcap or a mllchle"oua Ilrl. In the
old Itlse d .. y, ah. wouid bl,'e ae
tombo)', ..
"OLD DUTCH" ",.lkI to ..n euel 1.1I.
oouncelllent lbat "
Roae" will I.OOIl be
11l1lrl'd world-...lde r.. m. . . . . IOU' witb hOIlM. telllD.II In
hretle juet .a Lotta Crabtree, ~I.c unique muner I
ltle Mitchell or ~latll. Vlck... con- Vivian Martin produet!on will
And .. n ~It.'tar c..~, 'includillg en... Judell. Geofge Ha..dl, W. J, FergutDtl
queted Ih. theater-colng publle o(
IWO contlnellll. ba~t 1:9~IVI~~
J.ckle S.. undera hll' be<>n Itl Vie- ..ad Mtrie E.mprcas ~ ~....-_~
tur.... 1I1t1. o"er two yeara, by.t.!u A pnol~l.,. va1IIioa 01 UW Add'. greate.t .....~ "'" --,
that brll!( tlllle ah. bu d.v.lo,."l
IlItO Ii ~.r 1rbo:.ffTtidllldilal ~-Sh~iiU:tiii ve ..
PO...el"l equal thoae of .. n, one oul
..lue 01 Ihe (ew wbo ha'" had tor Releued Feb, 8
tUUf'a .p.nt upon then, In 'dv.rtleloc.
She hu buill 1.11' tremendous tol
10,,'lug by Indl"ldual m.rlt...nd ex'
For Furtl:c' I~matioo, Communic.te with the N~'IClt 8I.nch 01 th<
hlblto..~ ... ho Ohce hook tb. teature:! . VORLD FILM COR';\lRATlON
In wblch .he alllfllar, nev.r rau to
book Ibem ag.lll, LEWIS j. SELZNICK. Vice Prea. aDd Ceo. Mgr,
130 Weal 46th Street
IllStarred B.. bble" I. being di-
rected by Sb.rwood M..cdonald. ..
Balboa vroduct, who bn delllon B,. .cnCl Everywhere
N.w!on. City. N. Y.
_ Brsnchet Every~ lIBl'OL.
.tr.. ted unuaual ablllty 10 the produe
OEO. H, tlou ot ettecU"e photo-dr.. co.... The I ~.Qtha'
has an arUttlc eye. a aeo.. ot dr .. m..t- themo'
k requlremeutt. and r.cognIUl' tbe Whleh b.. broken all
. 0 ..: ;0. H. KELFORD'S nRST LASKY cd}'. \Vilfred Buekbnd. a $tage 'di I'alu. of pertlel conllnuHy. Under !aurllll.nlertatnm.nt,
rector of reputation, whose 1351 crca
lion in Ihe legilimale Iheater ...as Guy
Bates Post's remarkable vehick
"OmaT, the Tcntmakct.' is responsible
nls direction ~lIea Saunders hn Julll:
nl'lahed a t....o-psrt pl..y entllied "The
B811111's Wehb." In Which Ibe Ihlnell
,. P
well this week.
'ron)' LUbellkl. th. direct!.
Inl" K Q ot the orpolla\i6D. fa
brillln,ltl)'. bUI as B.. bble, the child wlndlnK up hll 'D.II'I".me..t wtUl a
Rarely are we g;':cn such :I wholly for the arti.lic eflecls. To the many born under an unlucky atar, who Is whirlWind IInl.h, Oorceou eItct11eu
.... ho know him or know 01 him-and I;entle, kInd .nd pure. but n,,.. IUC" .ttectt teature Anll Mon~m"7 bt.
charming pholo-pby 3.5 Ihis. The ther<: ar<: hosts of both-Itiat i. all
story hu about it :l ,weetness that is cet!da In attainIng real h.pplnellI. h.r '~ID.II M. HIKb and' awtaa If.
that need be said. . He was for a long though sh. II deserving .. nd ,elt-tar- Low:.
nOI often seen on the SCTeen. 115 com- time associated with D3vid Bclasco rlf,elnl, Mill Saulldera hu a cIne- CI. CrelKbton and her alokter'.
~Y'is of the highest order. For in- and he belongs quite naturally to the anll.l It olle or the bill laualtlq .,....
malerial school. Likc thc man wilh mntngr.. pblc "eblcle that glv" her ""
stance. the scene in the hotd dining oPI,ortunlty to .ho.. wh ..t ,he call tum. la. Anoth.r Is "TIt. LabOt
room where Tom. surreptitiously "'hom he has worked so oftcr he be do. Her Innocenl pranu brIng dOWD DIJ' Parad. ". lpectacultl' . . . . .b...
counts his lIJoney u he sees the check lieves firml}' in a wealth of delail. upon ber h.ad .. v...1 .1II0unt ot un- nalllber, .
gTowing more and more formidabl" MOlion pictut<:~ alford him an even ju.t crWelam, 1II0lt ot Ibe Invective The r:ltmu of the IIIrtorman
and Nellie serenely orders everything great<:r opportunity than did the <orlgin.tlng In the bu,y but vlndlcth'e bow.".r. . . Violet Kino. . In h
in sigbt (though she doesn't know stage. 1II1nd. ot ah.rp-tongu.d nellhbor "Dance or the Tarantnla:'
In the leut what the Frencb words whn reru... to 100 any good In the , '1
mean) feeling sure that she is com- ",lid, .. weel ehlld ot the eo... neld,.
porting herself as a )'oung lady of lI1LLR'S THEATER.
fuhion. From beginning to cnd it is
delihgtful. g~~~et~lI:~:ad;'O:i:~u~~.O~~t:Itb': II.\U\' SAMIID UTER mlllNA VAI_
The production marks Edith Talia- relllning 111m tavorlt Wtlll.m F .. r- DEZ Ill' BOHEMIAN FAMILY.
ferro's first screen appearance. Likc num tn tb. title role. lupPOrt.d b, aD Mlu Reina Valdez or the FIction
her sister Mabel she is' a clever gi~l. "II-'tar ..gKregatlon or FOll: PI',eTa, PI.y.r. Com pan,. la In r_lpt or ..
:~ti~~a~~~iZr~a:si~i: ~ne;~~e~~:gl: lueludlng the local f.vorlt.. Maud l.tt.r trom Mr., A. p.ttam . n ..dv.
Gilbert ot the old Burbank Stock or Bobeml now rtlldlnl In Nell'.
Sbe bas here a part at well suited to ComJ.'.. n,. .nd prett,. dark-ey.d Mar Oblo. th ..t h.r b.. b, d.t1Khter hu been
her as that in "Young \Visdom," j::.ret V.le, wbo II not onl, .. n .etr... named arter MI... V..ldez. Th. lel.-
Rachel Crother's amusing comedy in o! ,reat ..btllt,.. but ...bo hQ tb. add- ter wu written III the Bob.mlall lan-
....hich the Taliaferro .ister. starred .,<1 .ttraetlon ot being the uleee ot KuaKe, .. nd reada, tr.. n,l.t.d..... fol-
last year. and it docs not take u. long f're1;ld.nt WoodroW' WLIton, In tbl. 10wI: .
10 become, deeply inlerested in Ihc I,roducllon Mr, .F'.,-uum ba, .. rol.
::LDties of "Nellie of Ibe Notions." The \"('ry mueb to bl. liking, .. nd Into It N.tt, Ohio. Feb. 3. 191;;.
little actress may well jot down a noll'
concernlol" :,"oung Romance" in her ~~{'tn\~je:~ ;:..::ruf"::'=n:l~t:la.f:~ ll.las ReIn .. V.ldll.
play I... partleularl,.. appealing on.. De.. r R.lna:
e cOlllpelllnl" combination ot lo"e. Thl.. mornln&, ..t 011. o'clock . m ..
importanl high tlnanee and tb. IIr. ot "Tbe O.y F.bru.. ry 3rd. 191Ci...... born to Illy
,.is "Tom Wblte Wa,," The plot de.la ...ltb daUlbter_ln_I.... Mra, Anna p.ttam.
with 6n- tbe prOKr... ot -"ouol Chauncey little b..by girl. wel&,bln, ..IJ: pound...
isbed naturalness by om Forman. Sbort. a t1J)leal "Ollded. Fool," who Or.. ndp...nd Ann...t ouce n.med It
Hi. iDlerpretation of the role is 10 apend .. bl. day, In Idllneu .n4 hi. tor ,ou. R.ln .. V.ldlS P.tram, We
. be Tom of.lhe nllhtl In trl"ollt,. How be IIItf1tt .. U b.lnl .dlllirer. ot ,.ou .nd t7IIr
m Forman or tbe "only IIIrl" .nd tbrou&,h 10'" ot f .. vorlte on tbe ICtIleD bope 10U will
ruo~~nh:s ~tf~
ber I. rouNd. to re.llsatlon ot btl r.Jolee with u. Itl our new-tound
m.n)' abortcomlnp- I. a -'or, that 1raunrl, "Llttl. R.ln....
t .be ra,ilu her tnk. hom.' to the hard"t heart, WlsblnK ,.ou an .uoc.t and ..
Tbe cllD1u COlD. when, Arter .. lIuce- brl,bt tuture. from the famll"
~bf~tt~~~I:~U:O::.. lIt~~::t.t~e. ~~:: . M~, A. PIDTRAM,
trlnllp ot a lblevIn, rUCII and """ lUehaf<d 8taatoD ('lUNd &iarm
hit alnoe'l tatblr trom rUin. Th. amon, toml r"14anla nf Imall
Idded .ttractlon I. lb. slTlDlb an4 town III the Bu Buuar4100 IIlOtr.n TO NB'Rft..DOoWBLL.
~t,~,o~ ~~:. =l~t?~:':~~~; ~~.~sc;.UtlT ~~~n~lb~.p~~ac::.i~ "Tbl Ne.....I>o-W.U: ltt!r1 ot.
houn a1l4. lIotwlUtMa:o.4Iqrlta,J bJ,b ~Oad '~fT'J1~, :nr ~..:. : , . . Plo.m.., trom Ru: BMeb'. , ....t
e1... produetlol1l that aflo bftnll ot- N.w York MOUoD ptetu~ Co~ ltofT of adnolura. Will 10011 be a
~~'~e': :~~t tbeir Nault.!' _it t10n. H. w.. pla:rtq Ihl pm " . . , ttet&cular lpactal ral_ b,lb. S.
. . loa. ot bit _pe o"er'

b CbI ........,. ........ "ax-<:oo tam, In ' __


, r POLL.UUl UD KAaQA.. H, ...

In Ill., 11. . . . .
1UTA. )'I.IOUR II" ,.....T11RI: me-I.,.,.,. InlO". 111&41.,
II"ILMI TO BE R8L1GAJeo IOOW. trom eo"ll1lDcb..- to all peror.
81to~ Var)' Ion. Iba t"lur, 1liIb- "I Ilk, to pia, lb' *ao,"
)Ir. aaattebl, _Ilea uW .. to .b"
J tAl wblcb ba"a bee. mlda b,. R..,..
l1' l'ollard It Uta Amarlct.A 'tudloe '''ltrU, ,..laaaUOII. "I do aot "_w
or another ftllll. actor wilo tUn:llI to th
will be r,I,ue4 . .4 tba public will
I,Ia.o tor pl"'UN," b, added wltb I
~:41::: ~~~hd~~:~~b~~~rc~'::I::: ,mil.. "80ml pi..,. lolf. !tOme auto.
lam. Iboot. IOma OWD 1&chtt, but It',
wllh llcallent actin.. In MOb of
tlla.. beautiful Mlrllrlll FI'char bu Ib, plano for miDI."
bl,n 'tarred, and thoaa who hive "R.,. letlnl' 11.. In lb' ,llint
tollowed bar lei In .. nrlt wltb thl l!r~IU':' ...Id Mr. SIlDtachl. "U. min
HnIY.nll Ind later with tb. Beluty tall., II', r.,Itor-lur, tall; h,
brand, wblch Harry Pollard Ind 'II.. Iruly rid.. I bon.: It .... eo.boy
Flleh.r l!art.d for tb. Amerlcln com- covered wltb dUlt Dill eaten I bOUM;
I"''', wlll lur.ly knnw that tb.,. wll1 It" tor..ura dUlt. IDd an bOD_t-t,o.
"oQlb... bo.... You _ tb, f'll
"IY'I pl'..ur. In Itor. for them. A
....ld.ly dlverllned public I' waltln. thlnl: 1I0t make bellIYI. That I_
fur tbe.. f.atunl, tor "ar.lrlta b.. ..-by aeUDI: for tbl motlOIl pleture r..
II hll piaN In th. heart ot tb. . . .aral qulr.. real art. Ther. IN no mak..
IJholopla)'IOIr. bfolilUI nrrOUDdlnll. 110 footlllbtt,
no arch..'ra, I.d tb, cbaracten. 10-
lhllne.d bT tbe Irl1'lrODmlllt. mUll be
IW\"THII: ItTII:UL1NU TO TAKE rflal 11Mb and blood tbarlden, 4l!*
UEaT FIUlM; W.:HTlmN I'IC- "old of "Ita~n_" or tb, artl'Uc 11_
TUlU:H. . n101I'bar" the r'llIlm of til, produc-
tlnn I' 10tl1 to IllIbt:'
J.;dytb, 8terllo.. known .. tbe
F'ronller D.re-Uevll neauly, but of >
I"te tb. Premier DueDeyll n'luty.
b.. d ....rted her rldlnlr cloth.. and
her hOTlle Ibe lo"el 10 well. tilled
"~llm." Sh, II 10 the mid It ot
dllnty plclure. l'roduced by her dlree-
lor, Willi, I. Roblrdl, In whleb ~llsl
Sterllnlr II fe.tured In "The Olrl .nd
tbl Dutter")'." Mill Sterllnl, with
her UIUI\ Imlle Ind loolt eurll. II a
.... ne Iione. not Includlnlt the man}'
bltler"l. wblch were u.ed Imoolt
Ihe Illclure-que ounle Irroye. loclted
.round Sintl Plula.

IS FOR eo.oo &ND UP
lalt1al I'DAtal appU.. It
~ t.a.oo w"'oo.
ne 8. 8priac Ik. T01" 8. B.DI 8t.
Plaoa.. : Bome A.nu: 111m "Iit

'----l GEO. H. MELFORD

Henr,. B. Waltbln liked the part and be l"'ela tIIa p18to1

~.'Th;\'~~:~~hCo~~:~.!!'- ~~m.~, b~P~i:;':'~~.. t
,leloM'd ..Ub the efforta be put fortb tween t.lM t~'pl"'" X-'.
Sae1a.& Me OP.Pertv.DJb' ~
to malle tbe "Clalllman" tbe creal
.\1("('&11 It I, .lIfe to be. but liON be
Joined the a.lboa mollOD picture or-
.1I0Q .w..,&ad Dr.Hartwell dlltch.
bl. rec:....t wtte b,. the 'W"n.t . .4
I:llllutlou. 10 Lon Beacb. Cal.. be lead. ber loto tb, boo", Reeon1l111.
b.. beeo ImpoeraDa.Unc Dr. Guy from ber tl"t frllbt Creola .. d~
DILL HAYWOOD, PRODUCER. Helrtwell. the creat cbnaeter \0 naut. She tel" Dr. Hartwell tIl.at
"Bill H.YW~. Producer:' III the "Beul,b:' AUlllal1 J. EYI~ ramoul .",e doea Dot 10Te blm. thlt .b. "TV;
title ot a Selle Pol,neope: Compan,.1 Anu~rlcan noyel. Will M. Ritchey II h.. loyed biD) lOll. tblt 'be marrlacl
tarce comedy. dlrec:ted b,. Tom Mil relllOn.lble for a wonderfully dra him ooly because be . . . rlcb. Heart.-
rrom tbe aceolrlo ot C. B. PetllflOn. mllic pleturluUoo of tbl. 110011: wblcb broken, Dr. Heartwell blollbe. U1e
BW la amblUous to become a moUon b.. eotenalned three lreOHIUoo. of raltbl_ wife from hi' .Ide Ind III a
picture producer. He wrltea c.... readen. 1I0d In coo.lderlns tbe film Ihort lime Ibe dlea inlMrabl,., wbU,
narlo and It I. burled back to him materl.l wblch the work ottered be her Ilvlnlr hUlblod BUftel'll a thouaaad
by a 111m m.outacturlac c:ompall,..
. Tbea Bill eD.PC_ a compauy or ~.I:lI~:Oc~r:~t~~~::eh~; ~~'bl~t~~:~ 10r~~tJ: t:r.Ilt~~M ~ue~lhlbe eaJ..
Itr;;: IIde<! a.eto.... H, r.u, la 10"e wltb hI. IUe. 10 tbe book tba ltor,. II Ihat bue mada Dr. Heartwell a mo-'
the )~dln. lad,.. IUld lOme lo...e _nN told of Dr. Heart....ell. flret marrlq;e
rOMl IIIInd relloeot alan. the "1m .tory
In lit... "I'ld wlatcb .... not parta or tbe to Creola wbo pretended to 10Te blm. or "Beulab" belfln. and contluo.
propoMd. picture. Tom Milt tak.. the but wl10 ,.all)' beeame bll _If, be- tbrouboul tbe remaloder of ftva
Indloe role. A IluCb trom .tart to UUII lae bad pleat,. of mone,. .nd reel, of lotenllfled hum.o emoUoo..
nol.l.h. "'"leUlfou. wltb It. Tbe pl("tu", 'l'er- Heory 8. Walth.lI beUel'. th.t
.100 Introduc@1 Dr. Heartwell In lau. Dr. GIlT Heart_II 111 Ute FM-u.t
THOlLlS ISCE U88 E&81'8W),; character ba Ia.. e ...er POrtra11l1. 1.D
.tud,.. a .neot. lI"loomy tllru", or dl....
IrMa. 10 the C()rller of the room all of bl. lu-.tul cper!eDOI tlttOUl
PRJeos FOR PROuGOrI05 OF tbere I' a frame larlre.enou.h to bold the ct.mera. 14d the m14qUDlAt of
'\111 F1em.n IUld bl' compau,.. 10-
''THE WARDErS OABDEX." elucllul MI" Lolita RoberUon. wbo a ur_IU!d portrait.. It II .brou41ld tbe Balboa tompu,.. wbt.eh b.u pro-
Tblt courte.,. Ia rew.rded. IUld lbat I~ )Ir1. Fllmall, mlde I "J'!IIS Irlp In black. tbe co"er never belnl IItted dut"eC! mo", th&o two huadI'M ,uo-
It I. alw.,.. well to Ihow deference to to Beattie from r..o. Aoeele. aod to rel'.al tile portr.lt ot tbe rlill wo-
ce-.tul photop!&:fa. taolndlrtC "St.
cit,. ofllet&la la atteated by the ract tIlmll4 a number or ble ICeo. 00 tbe mao bellellh. A. Dr. Iieartwell la Elmo." la coandent that "!kulah"
tbat Thom.. H. lace. J:lroducer or Sact.mento RI"er tOt "Jlck Claa.v.t)'," thlokln. de-epl)'. hil . rouble4 race will PI"I)'l"l! to be tbe cln.mltoaraphlc
tc.)'-Bee. Broocbo 1.04 DomLao rel-
ture 111m', uel'er b~ 41rlleult,:r 10 ob-
a fortbeomiulr relelle on tbe AlII- :~;:I~:'b~~~a~::,'~l :~~o J~t t~: !D0IIUOO or the ,.. .r.
'lice prolflmDle.
ta1n1oe permit. from. to. A.a..el.. to It _m.1ld that all of Seattl, turned .cene the .omhr. curta n. part and ,1,LOrn INGIlAHA.II WD'Jl RB-'
UII .DY ot the mnllietpil tuUtntlona out to honor the moyie theapll... for Creola .tepa ouL of tbe I'rame III all LlANOE OOIIPA,IQ'
for bill plctu,... OeeuloD.all,. a pro- durin. e"er,. mOlllent .of their .pare
ductloo wm reqolre the lIM; or I time tbe,. were eutertalned tbe teter. Llo,.d Inralt.m. wllo' 18 0.0. pro-
bulldl.D& cootrolled by Ute elt,.. 1.0 Se"erl\ ,Itberlnp were arraused In dueln. It tbe R.,llAoa &1:14 )f1j. .Uc
,uch C&N Mr. Iaca "wan lnatruet. tbelr booor .nd tbe Fllrm,n p.rt,.
What's What in Haberdashery' Hollywood 'lUdlo.. lheatrtoal aparl-

bll director, to emplo,. tbe utmOit trom the .tar down carried awa)' eoce dll.. "U: W dan ot lUI. wbp,
conrt.eay 1.0 deal1a.- with tlae meo lu erlteful remelllhralletli of Seattle ::cb~lrmt~a~iye::a.:~~':~
c:barce of tbe plaoa that la qed alld to boapUa1lt,..
? , be c:outlo.ued. . . . .tDek 41rIctor .AW

Salzmans two ,.earl 110. when moUoa plcturw;

elahn.c! him.
SolOa ot Uta .toclt C O l l i " " lae

"Ie Clothes Shop

hu been .mlt8t11! WIth aN JlaJeal("
In. Ball P'ra.oetKo. L1bertr 1.D Oaklaad
lod Bua'" Temp'-eta'C1Iileap. aa ...
bM'0 cooBn.1l! w Uta . . . all .1lI~

Toggery bla ct.reer .. dll'lctor. _A..a a m.,J)Io.

ducer be . . . with ~ tor . .
J'elr aod """ad
Ume with tba Val"""I.
the "1IIe _ctla lit

Fred WooGwwd, Uta w,II.luto,..

ou to take a peep at the New' Spring 216 West 4th SI. Angelus Hotel
1.011111' ImpeNOllllorPpe&r8 ......
Cow.rdl)' Lion .ad ......rat OUter of
d Fabrics. They are truly wonderful. the four-I'nad cllaracW... Ia L. ..
Fraak Baum'. lat..t a11ll. '':I'M ~
PHOTOPLAYERS' HEADQUARTERS Wlaard of 01." wblCII.... to tie .... i-
see them you will be as enthusiastic leued oa tha AJllaaoa Pr'OPUlae.
atr. Wood.ard bef.... -.at.. wttIa
as we are. DAVE SALZMAN, Prop, F6423 ~~ :'~mT~:taW~'=-:
headllAar In Ute . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
th"lI:M thfOlI.flut ~ aouarp. .

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