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Man is belief expressed.

Body follows mind.

Will versus imagination. Imagination wins.
When an idea is enveloped in a powerful emotion, there is more
likelihood that this idea will be suggestively realised. Thats
why negative ideas stick in our minds, its because of the
powerful emotions attached to them.
When you make conscious autosuggestions, do it naturally,
simply, with conviction, and above all without any effort. If
unconscious and bad suggestions are so often realised, it is
because they are made without effort. Imagine things are easy
and already on the road to being accomplished, and avoid trying
to wrestle with them through force of willpower.
When the end has been suggested the subconscious finds means
for its realisation.
The specific formula, simply It is going (of a pain or acute
symptom of distress). Cou actually says, I advise English-
speaking people to stick to the French version: it being much
easier to say a passe quickly than the longer and more
awkward expression it is passing or it is going. Helps
prevent the intrusion of contrary thoughts which might conflict
with the suggestion.
These people, he says, assume that the technique does the work,
whereas the real agent is the imagination itself.
Willpower merely strengthens the imagination, so you make
worse by struggling to suppress a negative idea. When we are in
the grip of a negative idea it dominates the imagination and
emotions and insofar as we try to use force against it, in the form
of conscious effort or willpower, without substituting a positive
counter-idea, we merely aggravate the situation by strengthening
the mental image of the problem.
When he states that effort is not necessary it is because, in this
sphere, things are as difficult or as easy as we believe them to
be. As Baudouin puts it, effortlessness is a habit we must
acquire if we are to practise autosuggestion. Effort and
willpower are an interference.

In the practice of auto-suggestion, the exercise of will must be

avoided, except in the initial phase of directing or guiding the
imagination along the desired lines. For this reason, Cou
recommends practising autosuggestion in the morning or at
night, on the verge of sleep, at a time when conscious effort is
naturally suspended by feelings of drowsiness.

The conscious will is weaker than the imagination. Cou asks

us to imagine walking across a long plank of wood placed on the
floor. He asks whether we would be able to do so with the same
ease if the plank were suspended across a street at the height of
one of your American skyscrapers. The anxious imagination of
falling interferes with our conscious intention to perform an act
as simple as walking in a straight line. Therefore, I repeat, that
every time the WILL and the IMAGINATION come in conflict,
not only can we not do that which we wish, but we do precisely
the contrary.

Closing the eyes and relaxing helps to focus the mind on the

It is not the thing believed in, but the belief in your own mind,
which brings about the result.

If you have indulged in fear, worry, and other destructive forms

of thinking, the remedy is to recognize the omnipotence of your
subconscious mind and decree freedom, happiness, and perfect
health. Your subconscious mind, being creative and one with
your divine source, will proceed to create the freedom and
happiness, which you have earnestly decreed.

In your imagination, you look into the very Face or Truth of

Nothing external can upset you or hurt you without your mental
The subconscious mind takes your fears as a request, proceeds
to manifest them, and brings them into your experience.

Your world is a mirror reflecting back to you your inner world

of thought.
To concentrate properly, you still the wheels of your mind and
enter into a quiet, relaxed mental state. When you concentrate,
you gather your thoughts together; and you focus all your
attention on your ideal, aim, or objective.
The first step in conveying your clarified desire, idea, or image
to the deeper mind is to relax, immobilize the attention, and get
still and quiet.
As within, so without.
In order to change external conditions, you must change the
cause. Most men try to change conditions and circumstances by
working with conditions and circumstances. To remove discord,
confusion, lack, and limitation, you must remove the cause, and
the cause is the way you are using your conscious mind.

The symptoms of almost any disease can be induced in you by

hypnotic suggestion. This shows you the power of your thought.
Whatever your conscious mind assumes and believes to be true,
your subconscious mind will accept and bring to pass.
Meditation reestablishes our contact with the Source of Power within us.

when you pray/silent meditation: Imagine you

are talking to the Invisible Presence within youthe
Almighty Power which created the Cosmos. It can do all things.

Say, Thank you, thank you, for this inner peace.

Whatever the mind of man can imagine and feel as true, he could realize. It comes

to pass in the three-dimensional (3D) world.

You have to live the drama in your mind.

quiet the wheels of your mind, relaxing the body. quiet the mind; still the body.

When you go into a home, and you see confusion,

quarrelling, and strife, you will realize within yourself,
that the peace of God reigns supreme in the minds and
hearts of all those in this house; you will see the flower
of peace made manifest and expressed.
Where you see financial lack and limitation, you will
realize the infinite abundance and wealth of God forever
flowing, filling up all the empty vessels, and leaving a
Divine surplus.

turning to the
Infinite Intelligence within you, saying, Father, this
is what I want . . .; then state specifically and clearly
the thing you desire. You are now turning your desire
over to the God-Wisdom within you, Which knows all,
sees all, and has the know how of accomplishment.
You always know whether you have really turned your
request over or not. If you are at peace about it, you
have turned it over. If anxious and worried, you have
not subjectified your prayer; you do not fully trust the
God-Wisdom within.

When you claim that what is true

of God is true of you, miracles will happen in your life.
By realizing and knowing these qualities and attributes of God are being expressed
through you, and that
you are a channel for the Divine, every atom of your
being begins to dance to the rhythm of the Eternal God.
Beauty, order, harmony, and peace appear in your mind,
body, and business world;
you feel your oneness with God.

All that God is, is yours, for

God is within you. All you can possibly desire is already

When you pray, accept as true what your reason and

five senses deny and reject.

Nature is an inexhaustible storehouse of riches; the supply will

never run short.

Thought is the only power which can produce tangible riches .

Desire is the effort of the unexpressed possibility within, seeking

expression without through your actions.

You must get rid of the thought of competition. You are to create, not to compete
for what is already created. You must never think for a moment that the supply is

The desire you feel for riches is the Infinite seeking to express
Himself in you.

The Creative Power within us makes us into the image of that to

which we give our attention.

The man who can sincerely thank God for the things which as yet he owns only in
imagination, has real faith.

Through the process of

visualization we can impress our
thoughts upon formless substance and bringing the desired object into material

the subconscious is always carrying out the instructions given to it

by the conscious area of the mind, for better or for worse.

Our ego or conscious mind focuses on the limited confines of our five senses.
However, the heroic portions of our psyche lie beneath
the prosaic life.

Mind doesnt emerge from interaction of molecules in the

brain, thus, matter creates mind, we are much, much more than our rational minds.

Our subconscious, the true source of our power.

Our life is a printout of our beliefs/thoughts.
We create what we focus or concentrate on, and our beliefs are largely responsible
for the areas in which we focus most attention.

Our strong inner self, the magic within that is yearning to find expression.

All thoughts are prayers, and all prayers are answeredpositive or


We dont get what we want, we get what we expect. If the internal stream of dialog
occurring in our conscious mind is, My marriage is falling apart, or My buiness
is failing, this is the result you are commanding your subconscious mind to fulfill.

As long as you persist in saying,

I cant afford that car, that trip to Europe, that new home, etc., you can
rest assured that your subconscious mind will follow your orders, and you
will go through life experiencing the lack of all these things.

The world as you know it is a picture of your expectations.

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