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''See the ''d20 Modern Core Rulebook'' for more information on the use of

[[MSRD:Climb_(Skill)|this skill]].''
=== Climb (Str) ===

'''Check:''' Rappelling is a special skill involving ropes rigged specifically for

this purpose. No skill check is required to get the ropes ready. Military forces
typically use Rappelling to quickly insert troops into a landing zone without the
landing craft (typically a Vertibird) needing to land, but can also be used to
repel down a building, or a cliff. A character who makes a successful Climb check
(DC 10) can descend 100 feet per round by Rappelling. Each 100 feet descended by
Rappelling requires a new skill check. If this check is failed, the character has
become fouled in the ropes, and dangles helplessly, 1d6x10 feet above the ground
(add 100 feet for each skill check the character has not yet made if Rappelling
more than 100 feet), and is exposed and considered Entangled (2 attack rolls, 4
Dexterity) until they either succeed at a new check, or cut themself free. This
check can be retried each round, or the character can cut themself free and fall
the remaining distance to the ground (taking the appropriate damage).

'''Try Again?:''' Yes.

'''Special:''' A small safety trampoline can be used to halve falling damage

(minimum 1) up to 100 ft. A larger safety trampoline negates the damage taken from
falling by 10 feet for each person holding the net who makes a Strength check (DC

'''Time:''' Repelling is a full-round action. Cutting yourself free is a move-


{{d20 Modern Skills Breadcrumb}}<br>
{{Fallout Supplement Footer|&rarr; [[Skills (Fallout Supplement)|Skills]]}}

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