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Aislacin o perdida por transmisin TL


1 08 C hapter 4

T he general variation of the transmission loss with frequency for a

Paredes simples
homogeneous wall is shown in F ig. 4-10. We note that there are three
general regions of behavior for the wall or panel:
La perdida
de transmisio
R egion I n TL depende de la frecuencia
: s tiffness-controlle
R egion I I : mass-controlled region
d region

y se divide
(c)en R
ionreasI Icontroladas
I : wave-coincidence region (damping-controlled region)

por distintas caractersticas del material

T echniques for prediction of the transmission loss for each of these regions
are given in the following material.
4. 8. 1 Regio n I : S ti ness-C ontrol led R egion
A t low frequencies, the wall or panel vibrates as a whole, and sound trans-
mission through the panel is determined primarily by the stiffness of the
debel. conocer
L et us : consider a panel, as shown in F ig. 4-11, in which the medium is
el s
the ancho
amdel e onmuroboth sides of the panel, and the panel is very thin. T he expres-
el alto
sion s fordel muro
the acoustic pressure and particle velocity on each side of the panel
may be written as follows:
h el espesor del muro
j! t kx j! t kx
E el modulo
p1 de Young
x; t delAmaterial
1e muro B1 e (4-132)
la razo n de Poisson del material muro
(I nc id e nt w ave) (R eflected wave)
w la densidad
p2 x; del
A 2muro
ej! t kx (4-133)
(T ransmitted wave)
el coeficiente de amortiguacio n del material del muro

F I G UR E 4 -1 0 General variation of the transmission loss with frequency for a

homogeneous wall or panel.
Regin I controlada por la rigidez: Regin II controlada por la masa Regin III controlada por el amortiguamiento:
f < f 11 f 11< f < fc f > fc
El control de esta regio n va hasta la primera Ley de masa Efecto coincidencia: Si la velocidad de propagacio n
frecuencia de resonancia del muro f11 de la onda incidente es igual la velocidad de
propagacio n de las ondas de flexio n de la particio n.
frecuencia crtica frecuencia crtica
3 Marcel Dekker, Inc.
=velocidad de las ondas longitudinales en el muro El TL con incidencia aleatoria es:
El TL a incidencia normal es
TL para incidencia normal es: 2

TL=10 log 1+
( ( w h f
o c )) donde TLN ( fc ) es la pe rdida por transmisio n
a incidencia normal en la frecuencia crtica
K =4 o c C s f Cs = Complienza 2

( ( ))
del muro
El TL con incidencia aleatoria es w h f c
2 TLN (fc)=10 log 1+

TL a f11 depende de la amortiguacio n del material de las

TL=10 log 1+
o c ( (
w h f

TL aumenta de 6dB si masa se duplica

)) 5 dB
o c

TL aumenta de 6dB si masa se duplica

orillas del panel. Pendiente de 6dB/Octava Pendiente de 10 dB/Octava
PRO: Proporciona un aislamiento alto en gran parte del rango de frecuencias cuando el material tiene una densidad superficial grande.
CONTRA: Aumentar la masa de un elemento no siempre es viable en la pra ctica.
CONTRA: El aumentar el espesor de la particio n disminuye la frecuencia crtica del elemento creando una zona con muy bajo aislamiento en posibles rangos de intere s.

Se tiene un muro de concreto de 2.5x5 con 10 cm de grosor.
a. Calcule f11 y fc
b. Calcule la aislacio n o TL a 0.5f11, (f11*fc), 2fc
c. Grafique TL de 1 Hz a 20 KHz
Solucio n
a. f11=26,9 Hz fc=220 Hz
b. TL a 0.5f11=13.45 Hz , Regio n I, TL=33.4 dB aprox
TL a (f11*fc)=77 Hz, Regio n II, TL=37.9 dB aprox
TL a 2fc=440 Hz, Regio n III, TL=39.3 dB aprox
c. Grafique TL de 1 Hz a 20 KHz. Usando planilla aislacion.xls
Transmission of Sound 123

Paredes Dobles

F IGURE 4-14 Composite wall with an air space between the two panels.

the panels has a negligible effect. This behavior occurs for the frequency
range, as follows:
F IGURE 4-14 Composite wall with an air space between the two panels.
< f < fo Ms 1=wh 1 (4-174)
es la masa superficial del
M S1 M S2 the panels has a negligible effect. This behavior occurs for the frequency
panel 1 range, as follows:

foand speed of sound for Eq. (4-174) are

The density Ms2= wh2for es
the values the airMsuperficial
la masa M
< f <del
o (4-174)

around the panel. The frequency f is the panel 1frequency of theThe

resonant two
Zona A, f < fo o c density and speed of sound for Eq. (4-174) are the values for the air c
Zona d B, fo<
es la espacio de aire f
panels coupled by the air space. This frequency is given by the following: < paneles Zona C, f >
around the panel. The frequency f is the resonant frequency of the two o

dcoupled by the air space. This frequency is given by the following:2 d
c 1 1
1=2 fo (4-175)
c 1 1 2 d M S1 M S2
fo (4-175)
The quantities M S1 and M S2 arethe specic mass for panels 1 and 2, respec-
2 d M S1 M S2 tively. The quantity d is the spacing between the panels.
The transmission loss for Regime A is given by the following:
TL1 y TL2 son las TL de cada panel actuando
TL 20log M es M el coeficiente de absorcio n(4-176)
del material
Thequantities M S1 and M S2 arethespecicpormass for panels 1 and 2, respec-
si solo
20log f 47:3
adherido a la cavidad
10 S1 S2 10

tively. The quantity d is the spacing between the panels. As thepanels aremoved farther apart, standing waves areset up in the
air space between the panels, and Regime B behavior is observed. This
The transmission loss for Regime A is given by the following: regime occurs for the frequency range, as follows:
Ejemplo. fo < f < c=2 d (4-177)
Se tiene un muro formado por dos paredes de yeso carto n de 20 mm de grosor de 2.2 x 6 con 15 cm de separacio n de aire
TL 20log10M S1 M S2 20log10f 47:3 (4-176)
d. Calcule f11 y fc

la aislacioaremoved
n o TL a 0.5f11,farther
2fc standing waves areset up in the
air f.
space between
Grafique TL de 1 the panels,
Hz a 20 KHz and Regime B behavior is observed. This
Solucio n occurs for the frequency range, as follows: Copyright 2003 Marcel Dekker, Inc.

d. f11=26,9 Hz fc=220 Hz

e.fo TL
< c=2 d Hz , Regio n I, TL=33.4 dB aprox
TL a (f11*fc)=77 Hz, Regio n II, TL=37.9 dB aprox
TL a 2fc=440 Hz, Regio n III, TL=39.3 dB aprox
f. Grafique TL de 1 Hz a 20 KHz. Usando planilla aislacion.xls

2003 Marcel Dekker, Inc.

puertas ventanas

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