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Happy Nervous 1. We are (over the moon) when | (get butterflies in my stomach) our mother told us about the Relax and enjoy when it is my turn to speak. trip to Hong Kong 1. The toachers also (let their hair down) 2. Today is my birthday, | am during the school camping at the beach. (on cloud nine) 2. During the holidays, | (had the time of my life) in Inia. To describe feelings Sad 1. Lam writing this letter with a (heavy heart) because we do not have a chance to talk anymore. 2. Hanna is studying in Australia now. today. | (fee! blue) because | miss her. feeling sick 1. Lam feeling (under the weather) Feeling uncomfortable Angry . 1. literally fet (ke a fish out of wate) 1+ My father will (blow his top) when he sees what happened to the car. when | was asked to speak during the meeting.

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