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NMIMS SBM: Course Description

Executive MBA
Batch 2015-17 (Academic Year: 2015-16)

Course Code CH0015


Course Dr Geeta DSouza, Prof. Seema Rawat

E-mail geeta.dsouza@nmims.edu
Contact No.
Credit Value 3 credits (100 marks)

Programme & EMBA Batch 2015-17 (Academic Year: 2015-16)

Pre-requisite NIL
Course 1. CLO 1. To bring out the role of group dynamics and organizational elements
Learning in various business situations (PLO2a).
Objectives 2. CLO 2. To develop an awareness about elements of effective team building
(CLOs) techniques and frameworks (PLO2b).
3. CLO 3. To introduce the participants to challenges in team based decision
making and managing diversity (PLO1b).
4. CLO 4. To introduce the participants to the role of culture and values in the
working and effectiveness of an organization (PLO1c).

Evaluation (A) Internal Assessment:

Pattern Class Participation 10 Marks
Class Room Test /Quiz 20 Marks
Individual / Group Assignment 20 Marks
(A) 50 Marks
(B) Final Exam:
End-Term Exam 50 Marks
TOTAL (A+B) 100 Marks

Sr. No. Topic
1 Module I: Interpersonal Dynamics in Organizational Context
The Objectives of this Course
Introduction To Interpersonal Dynamics In Organizations
The Need for and Nature of Interpersonal Dynamics
Transactional Analysis
Profile of participants on T.A
Life Positions
Class Activity 1:
Exercise: Role Plays based on Transactional Analysis.

Class Activity 2:
In Class exercise on Self-Appraisal through feedback
Creating a Self-Developmental Plan
Personal Inventory and TA
Pre Read: Edited Version of Im OK, Youre OK.

2 Module II: From Inter-personal to Group: Group Dynamics and Working in

Group Dynamics
Introduction to group dynamics and stages of group formation
Different types of groups
Self-Directed Work Team characteristics
Exercise: FIRO-B
Class Activity:
Feedback to participants on FIRO-B
Developmental Plan based on the feedback
Pre Read Chapter 9 (Robbins)

3 Module III: Working in Teams and Team Building

Performance in Teams:
Belbin Team roles
Team Processes
Team Design Features
Article on Belbin Team Roles
Characteristics and culture of High performing teams
Class Activity:
Exercise on team effectiveness Tower Building
Pre Read: Chapter 10 (Robbins)

4 Module IV: Power Politics and Conflict Resolution

Sources and Contingencies of Power
Class Activity: Exercise
Pre Read: Chapter 13 (Robbins)
Management of Conflict and Dissent
Conflict process:
Sources and approaches
Resolving conflict
Case: TerraCog Global Positioning Systems: Conflict and Communication on
Project Aerial
Pre Read: Chapter 14 (Robbins)

5 Module V: Organizational Culture

Organizational Culture
Elements of culture
Creating and Sustaining Culture
How do employees learn culture
Creating an ethical and positive culture
Class discussion and Exercise on above topics
Pre Read: Chapter 16 (Robbins)

Class Test

Class Presentation
Teaching / Group exercises, experiential learning activities, psychometric testing, role play
Learning method, quizzes, video- based discussions, case-based analyses, and lecture
Methodology method.

methods in Specific
Alignment assessment
with Intended Weightage
Mid-Term Test 20
Final Exam 50

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