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The Industrial Revolution, I would normally define this as the transition of certain processes,

may it be in production of goods, or the eradication of manual practices/methods to a more

sophisticated technique up to the automation of production processes or maybe what we would refer to
as the use of machines to be able to be more efficient and effective, which would greatly affect the cost
of production, the production period, and the need for a massive workforce. Entirely, I thought of it as
something that actually brought both positive and negative effects, positive in the perspective of the
business and negative in the perspective of the workers during that time period since I cant deny how it
served as a stepping stone to where we are today.

Moving on to the main topic, Human Resource Management, if we try to relate the status quo
of HRM to how people managed their workforce decades ago, I can somewhat understand how it was
not possible in the past to actually be more strategic in terms of managing their human resources,
mainly because people were merely producing outputs, like how a machine would, an endless repetitive
cycle that doesnt promote growth nor do they have an outlined chain of command, people arent able
compete to reach the top, and I guess they dont even have the opportunity to be heard by the owner,
they simply work, get paid, and if worst comes to worst get fired. Basically, what I could say regarding
how employees were treated in the past, its as if they were playing a game of chess, all of them are
pawns the only problem is even if they reach the end of the board, they wont ever get promoted. A
soldier to be disposed once his use is proved to be exhausted, a tool used to produce money and to
meet consumer demands at the cost of the employee.

Enough of the past, what is relevant right now is the how it developed to be to more employee-
centric. The continuous acknowledgement of how important employees are - their mindset, their set of
skills, their work ethics and loyalty to the company, to the success of the business. I guess like how
slaves were allowed in the past, it is inevitable that slavery would be soon demolished, allowing them to
have their own rights and to fight for their own rights. In this case, allowing the employees to be more
flexible. It is said that Your employees should treat your business as their own, only then that it would
bloom, as they would tend to seek what is necessary for benefit of the company, since it would benefit
them as well A symbiotic relationship.
It is indeed a fact that Human Resource Management is one of the most complicated aspect of
the different entities that exists today. Why is it so? Perhaps of the fact that other aspect solely relies on
objectivity, mainly because if you are able to understand the concept or the logic behind a certain
function, then you are able to resolve it, in other words, a straightforward approach. In contrast, Human
Resource Management somewhat offers a new perspective, something that doesnt rely mainly on
objectivity but on how people responds to certain external and internal stimuli, may it be the work
environment, the principles of the employees, policies, or whatever that affects the mindset of the
person, is also bound to affect the motivation of that person towards his functions as an employee.

I guess it is safe to say that there is no proper approach in terms of handling your human
resources, and thats why it is necessary to have a Human Resource Manager, who possesses certain
qualities/attributes that would bridge the differences between the management and employees that
would also contribute to a more motivated environment or what others would call a mediator, a person
who would allow two different parties to reach a compromise, and that it is necessary for them for have
a good interpersonal skills to be able to empathize with both parties.

It would also put peoples mind at ease if they know that there is an organization within the
company, who possesses a great authority that would actually see things in a neutral manner, an
unbiased, honest opinion to be able to maintain a peaceful environment. A person who is able to obtain
the trust and respect of all the parties in an organization would indeed provide a beneficial effect,
maybe not directly attributable to profit, but as a booster to the overall functions of the entity which
may actually lead to an increase in productivity and profitability. What Im trying to say is that, these
attributes are indeed sine quanon to steer the wheel of the entity to the right direction.

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