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Day 1

Grammar Review: !!!
Io > I I pronomi soggetto sono, come in italia-
Tu > You no, quelli che vengono usati nelle frasi
per sostituire il soggetto.
Lui > He
A differenza dellItaliano, per:
Lei > She
1. La terza persona singolare maschi-
Esso > It
le/femminile per animali ed og-
Essa > It
getti, viene tradotta solamente con
Noi > We
Voi > You
2. You viene usato sia per la secon-
Loro > They
da persona singolare (tu), sia per la

Complete the sentences with the correct pronoun:

1. _______ is my sister!
2. _______ is my brother!
3. _______ are my parents.
4. _______often reads books. (Leila)
5. _______ is watching TV. (Alan)
6. _______is green. (the dress)
7. _______ is running. (the cat)
8. _______ are watching TV. (my sister and I)
9. _______ are in the garden. (the roses)
Day 2

Grammar Review:
Frasi Affermative:
To Be
Soggetto + Verbo al present simple (-s alla terza
persona singolare) + Oggetto
(I eat an apple) I am
Frasi Negative You are
Soggetto + dont/doesnt + Verbo al present simple + He/She/It is
We are
(I dont eat an apple)
You are
Frasi Interrogative:
They are
Do/Does + Soggetto + Verbo al present simple +
(Do you eat an apple?)

Il simple present corrisponde al presente indicativo in italiano, e si usa ne-
gli stessi casi:
1. Unabitudine, qualcosa che viene fatto, anche non spesso, ma con regola-
2. Un fatto certo, qualcosa di cui noi siamo sicuri o che stiamo effettivamente ve-
dendo con i nostri occhi
3. Fatti scientifici
!!! N.B. Il verbo al present simple semplicemente il verbo senza il to davanti!
Day 2
Put the verbs into the correct form.
1. I (to like) ___________________ lemonade very much.

2. The girls always (to listen) _____________________to pop music.

3. Janet never (to wear) ______________________________ jeans.

4. Mr Smith (to teach) ______________________ Spanish and French.

5. You (to do) __________________________your homework after school.

Fill in the correct form of the verbs.

1. We (to have) _____________a nice garden.

2. She (to be) _________________ six years old.

3. Simon (to have) ____________________two rabbits and five goldfish.

4. I (to be) _____________from Vienna, Austria.

5. They (to be) ______________Sandy's parents.

Make negative sentences.

1. My father makes breakfast.

2. They are eleven.


3. She writes a letter.


4. I speak Italian.

5. Danny phones his father on Sundays.

Day 3

Grammar Review:
I > My (Il mio) !!! ATTENZIONE !!!
You > Your (Il tuo) N.B. In inglese non viene speci-
He > His (Il suo di lui) ficato esplicitamente genere (a
parte la 3a singolare) e numero.
She > Her (Il suo di lei)
Possiamo applicare questi ag-
It > Its (Il suo di esso)
gettivi a tutte le combinazioni di
We > Our (Il nostro) genere e numero esistenti.
You > Your (Il vostro) Avremo quindi, ad esempio,
che My pu essere usato per:
They >Their (Il loro)
Il mio, la mia, i miei, le mie.

Grammatica: I pronomi dimostrativi

(This, that, these, those)

Si usa this e that per parlare di cose o animali che sono vicine a chi par-
Si usa this per il singolare e that per il plurale

Si usa these e those per parlare di cose o animali che sono lontane a chi
Si usa these per il singolare e those per il plurale
Day 3

Complete the sentences with the right adjective

1. Where is (I) ______________________________________________book?

2. Here is (we) ____________________________________________teacher.

3. She goes to school with(she) _______________________________brother.

4. (They) _________________________________father works in a car factory.

5. (You) _____________________________________laptop is very expensive.

6. (He) _______________________________________favorite hobby is tennis.

7. (I)_________________________________husband and I want to go to Paris.

8. We want to see (it)_____________________________historical monuments.

9. Leila likes (she) ___________________________________________dog!

Completa le frasi con il pronome dimostrativo corretto.

(L=lontano V=vicino)

1. I really like (L)_______________________________________ restaurant!

2. ________________________(V) chair is a lot more comfortable.

3. Would you rather have (L)__________ strawberries or (V)__________


4. For the price of (V) _________ video game you can buy three of (L)
___________ classic boardgames.

5. I hope that______________ summer will be nicer than last year!

6. I like (L)_________________ film a lot.

7. (V)_________________ meal tastes so much better than the one we had

two weeks ago.
Day 4

Grammar Review:
Frasi Affermative:
Soggetto + Verbo al Past Simple + Oggetto To Be
(I worked last month)
Frasi Negative I was
Soggetto + didnt + Verbo al Simple Present + Oggetto You were
(I didnt work last month) He/She/It was
Frasi Interrogative:
We were
Did + Soggetto + Verbo al Simple Present + Oggetto
You were
(Did you work last month?)
They were

Con il simple past iniziamo a sorgere alcune regole che dobbiamo tenere ben presente:
1. Nelle frasi affermative, il verbo va coniugato al passato. Per farlo bisogna aggiunge-
re -ed alla fine del verbo nella forma presente (senza il to davanti, come nel pre-
sent simple). Ci sono alcune regole da seguire per questa coniugazione, che sono ri-
portate nella tabella che segue.
2. Come in italiano ci sono verbi regolari (che aggiungono -ed) e verbi irregolari le
cui forme vanno semplicemente imparate a memoria.
3. Nelle frasi negative ed interrogative, appare lausiliare do nella forma passata
did. Molto importante notare come quando questo avviene, il verbo principale
TORNA nella forma presente. Possiamo dire che il passato viene preso da did e
che quindi ripeterlo nel verbo principale sarebbe inutile.
Day 4

Regole per il passato dei verbi regolari

Regola Forma Base Simple Past

I verbi regolari aggiungo- work (lavorare) worked
no ed alla forma base walk (camminare) walked

I verbi che terminano per - smile (sorridere) smiled

eaggiungono solo la d

I verbi che terminano per - cry (piangere) cried

ypreceduta da consonante,
cambiano la y in i e aggiun-
gono ed.

I verbi che terminano per admit(ammettere) admitted

una sola consonante pre- stop (fermarsi) stopped
ceduta da una vocale ac-
centata raddoppiano la
consonante finale.

I verbi che terminano per - travel (viaggiare) travelled

l preceduta da una sola vo-
cale raddoppiano sempre
la l.
Tabella dei verbi irregolari inglesi
Base Form Simple Past Tense Past Participle Traduzione

abide abode abidden sopportare

alight alighted alighted scendere

arise arose arisen presentarsi

awake awoke awoken sveglio

be was, were been essere

bear bore born sostenere/sopportare

beat beat beat battere/vincere

become became become diventare

begin began begun cominciare

behold beheld beheld vedere

bend bent bent piegare/curvare

beset beset beset assediare

bet bet bet scommettere

bid bid/bade bid/bidden offrire (in un asta)

bind bound bound fissare/trattenere

bite bit bitten mordere

bleed bled bled svuotare/sanguinare

blow blew blown soffiare

break broke broken rompere

breed bred bred produrre

bring brought brought portare

broadcast broadcast broadcast trasmettere

build built built costruire

burn burned/burnt burned/burnt bruciare

burst burst burst crollare/scoppiare

bust bust bust distruggere/fallire

buy bought bought comprare

cast cast cast gettare/distendere

catch caught caught prendere

choose chose chosen scegliere

begin began begun cominciare

clap clapped/clapt clapped/clapt applaudire

clothe clad/clothed clad/clothed vestire

come came come venire

cost cost cost costare

creep crept crept strisciare

cut cut cut tagliare

dare dared dared sfidare/osare

deal dealt dealt dare/distribuire

dig dug dug scavare

dive dived/dove dived tuffare

do did done fare

draw drew drawn disegnare

dream dreamed/dreamt dreamed/dreamt sognare

drive drove driven guidare

drink drank drunk bere

dwell dwelt dwelt risiedere/dimorare

eat ate eaten mangiare

fall fell fallen cadere

feed fed fed nutrire

feel felt felt sentire

fight fought fought combattere

find found found trovare

fit fit fit calzare

flee fled fled fuggire

fling flung flung lanciare/gettare

fly flew flown volare

forbid forbade forbidden proibire

forget forgot forgotten dimenticare

forecast forecasted forecasted prevedere

foresee foresaw foreseen anticipare/immaginare

foretell foretold foretold preannunciare

forego (forgo) forewent foregone rinunciare

forgive forgave forgiven perdonare

forsake forsook forsaken rinunciare

freeze froze frozen congelare

frostbite frostbit frostbitten assiderare/congelare

get got gotten prendere

give gave given dare

go went gone andare

grind ground ground triturare

grow grew grown crescere

handwrite handwrote handwritten scrivere a mano

hang hung hung appendere

have had had avere

hear heard heard sentire

hide hid hidden nascondere

hit hit hit colpire

hold held held tenere

hurt hurt hurt ferire

inlay inlaid inlaid intarsiare

input inputted inputted inserire

interlay interlaid interlaid interporre

keep kept kept conservare

kneel knelt knelt inginocchiare

knit knit knit fare a maglia

know knew know conoscere

lay laid laid distendere

lead led led condurre

lean leant/leaned leant/leaned pendere

leap leaped/lept leaped/lept saltare

learn learned/learnt learned/learnt imparare

leave left left lasciare

lend lent lent prestare

let let let lasciare

lie lay lain mentire/stare

light lighted/lit lighted illuminare

lose lost lost perdere

make made made costruire

mean meant meant intendere

meet met met incontrare

melt melted molten/melted fondere

mislead misled misled ingannare

misundestand misunderstood/td> misunderstood fraintendere

misspell misspelled/misspelt misspelled/misspelt scrivere scorrettamente

mistake mistook mistaken confondere

mow mowed mowed/mown falciare

overcome overcame overcome vincere/dominare

overdraw overdrew overdrawn esagerare/caricare

overhear overheard overhears captare/sentire per caso

overtake overtook overtaken sorpassare

overthrow overthrew overthrown sovvertire

pay paid paid pagare

plead pled pled implorare

preset preset preset prestabilire

prove proved proved/proven dimostrare

put put put mettere

quit quit quit lasciare

re-prove re-proved re-proven/re-proved biasimare/censurare

read read read leggere

rid rid rid liberarsi da

ride rode ridden cavalcare

ring rang rung suonare

rise rose risen salire/aumentare

rive rived riven/rived strappare

run ran run correre

saw sawed sawed/sawn segare

say said said dire

see saw seen vedere

seek sought sought cercare

sell sold sold vendere

send sent sent spedire

set set set mettere/collocare

sew sewed sewed/sewn cucire

shake shook shaken agitare

shave shaved shaved/shaven radere

shear shore shorn tranciare

shed shed shed spargere/versare

shine shone shone fare luce

shoe shoed shoed/shod ferrare

shoot shot shot sparare

show showed showed/shown mostrare

shrink shrank shrunk ridurre

shut shut shut chiudere

sing sang sung cantare

sink sank sunk affondare

sit sat sat sedere

sleep slept slept dormire

slay slew slain uccidere

slide slid slid scorrere

sling slung slung scagliare/sospendere

slit slit slit tagliare

slink slunk slunk strisciare/sgattaiolare

smell smelt/smelled smelt/smelled odorare

sneak sneaked/snuck sneaked/snuck intrufolarsi

soothsay soothsaid soothsaid predire

sow sowed sowed/sown divertire

speak spoke spoken parlare

speed sped sped correre

spell spelt/spelled spelt/spelled compitare

spend spent spent spendere

spill spilled/spilt spilled/spilt far fuoriscire

spin spun spun ruotare

spit spit/spat spit sputare

split split split spaccare/rompere

spoil spoiled/spoilt spoiled/spoilt rovinare/guastare

spread spread spread aprire/spiegare

spring sprang/sprung sprung saltare/balzare

stand stood stood alzarsi/stare

steal stole stolen rubare

stick stuck stuck attaccare

sting stung stung pungere

stink stank stunk puzzare

stride strod stridden camminare

strike struck struck colpire

string strung strung incordare

strike struck struck/stricken colpire/battere

strip stripped/stript stripped/stript spogliare

strive strove striven lottare

sublet sublet sublet subaffittare

sunburn sunburned/sunburnt sunburned/sunburnt scottare

swear swore sworn bestemmiare

sweat sweated sweated sudare

sweep swept swept travolgere

swell swelled swelled/swollen gonfiare

swim swam swum nuotare

swing swung swung agitare

take took taken prendere

teach taught taught insegnare

tear tore torn strappare/staccare

tell told told raccontare

think thought thought pensare

thrive thrived/throve thrived prosperare

throw threw thrown lanciare/gettare

thrust thrust thrust spingere

tread trod trodden camminare

undergo underwent undergone sottoporsi

understand understood understood capire

undertake undertook undertaken intraprendere

uphold upheld upheld confermare

upset upset upset disturbare

vex Vext/Vexed Vext/Vexed vessare

wake woke woken alzarsi/svegliarsi

wear wore worn vestire

weave weaved/wove weaved/woven intrecciare

wed wed wed sposare

weep wept wept piangere

wend wended/went wended/went dirigersi lentamente/cambiare


wet wet/wetted wet/wetted bagnare

wind wound wound avvolgere

win won won vincere

withdraw withdrew withdrawn ritirare

withhold withheld withheld trattnere

withstand withstood withstood sfidare

wring wrung wrung strizzare

write wrote written scrivere

zinc zinced/zincked zinced/zincked zincare

Day 4

Put the verbs in the past form

(Regular verbs)

1. I_______________________________________(walk) to work last week.

2. He_______________________________(study) computers for five years.

3. They___________________________________ (arrive) late for the party.

4. We _________________________________________(marry) in a church.

5. It _______________________________________________(end) at 6 pm.

6. Ellen _________________________________________(wait) for an hour.

7. You _____________________________________(like) the movie. I didn't.

8. Bob __________________________________(need) that book yesterday.

9. They ________________________________________(use) my new pen.

10. The teacher _________________________(help) the students after class.

Put the verbs in the past form

(Irregular verbs)

1. Martin (to break)_______________________his arm when he fell off his bike.

2. Jeremy (to buy)_______________________________his camera in Germany.

3. I'm sure I (to do) ______________________the right thing when I sold my car.

4. Judith (to forget) _______________________________________my birthday.

5. She (to go) _______________________into the sitting-room and said nothing.

6. She (to keep) ___________________her promise and wrote me a long letter.

7. First he (to put) _____some milk in his tea and then he answered my question.

8. We (to hear) ____________________________________the news yesterday.

9. We (to think) ___________________________________you would phone

10. The ambulance (to take) _____________________________him to hospital.

GREAT WORK [Students Name]

See you in [.]

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