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Cloud Families

High Level Clouds

Cirrus (Ci) - Fibrous, threadlike, white feather clouds of ice crystals, whose form resembles hair curls.

Cirrostratus (Cs) - Milky, translucent cloud veil of ice crystals, which sometimes causes halo appearances
around moon and sun.

Cirrocumulus (Cc) - Fleecy cloud; Cloud banks of small, white flakes.

Medium Level Clouds

Altocumulus (Ac) - Grey cloud bundles, sheds or rollers, compound like rough fleecy cloud, which are often
arranged in banks.

Altostratus (As) - Dense, gray layer cloud, often evenly and opaquely, which lets the sun shine through only
a little.

Low Level Clouds

Stratocumulus (Sc) - Cloud plaices, rollers or banks compound dark gray layer cloud.

Stratus (St) - Evenly grey, low layer cloud, which causes fog or fine precipitation and is sometimes frazzled.

Large Vertical Extending Clouds

Cumulus (Cu) - Heap cloud with flat basis in the middle or lower level, whose vertical development reminds
of the form of towers, cauliflower or cotton.

Cumulonimbus (Cb) - In the middle or lower level developing thundercloud, which mostly up-rises into the
upper level.

Nimbostratus (Ns) - Rain cloud. Grey, dark layer cloud, indistinct outlines.

cloud species
name meaning cloud families
calvus bald, smoothly Cb
capillatus haired, frayed, fibrously Cb
castellanus turrets-like Ci, Cc, Ac, Sc
congestus huge, towered Cu
fibratus fibrously Ci, Cs
floccus flaked puffy Ci, Cc, Ac
fractus frazzled St, Cu
humilis low Cu
lenticularis lense-shaped, almond-shaped Cc, Ac, Sc
mediocris moderately Cu
nebulosus fog, veil-like Cs, St
spissatus dense Ci
stratiformis layer wise Cc, Ac, Sc
uncinus hooked, comma-shaped Ci
cloud subspecies
name meaning cloud families
duplicatus double and multilevel Ci, Cs, Ac, As, Sc
intortus interlaced Ci
lacunosus perforated (round frayed holes) Cc, Ac, seldom Sc
opacus not shining through, darkly Ac, As, Sc, St
perlucidus transparent (by small gaps) Ac, Sc
radiatus radially, parallel bands and strips Ci, Ac, As, Sc, Cu
translucidus translucently Ac, As, Sc, St
undulatus wavelike Cc, Cs, Ac, As, Sc, St
vertebratus skeleton-like, fishbone-like Ci

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