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Revista Romn de Medicin de Laborator Vol. 23, Nr.

3, Septembrie, 2015 285

Research Article

DOI: 10.1515/rrlm-2015-0026

Staphylococcus aureus harbouring egc cluster coding for

non-classical enterotoxins, involved in a food poisoning
outbreak, Romania, 2012
Staphylococcus aureus purttor de gene codante pentru enterotoxine
non-clasice (cluster egc), implicat ntr-un focar de toxiinfecie alimentar,
Romnia, 2012

Ileana Luminita Coldea1,2*, Lavinia Zota3, Cristiana Cerasella Dragomirescu1,2,

Brandusa Elena Lixandru1, Elena Carmina Dragulescu1,4, Marilena Sorokin5,
Irina Codita1,2
1. NIRDMI Cantacuzino; 2. Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy; 3. National Institute
of Public Health; 4. University of Bucharest, Faculty of Biology; 5. Public Health Authority Prahova

In March 2012, a food poisoning outbreak was reported in a Romanian county, with a total number of 30
children affected. The symptoms (vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain), with onset within 1-2 hours after the
ingestion of a particular food (milk), suggested a possible staphylococcal aetiology. An outbreak investigation
was carried out, in accordance with the national surveillance methodology and 25 samples: stool (n=9), vomit
(n=5), nasal swabs (n=9), and milk (n=2) were collected from the affected children, food handlers and suspected
food. All isolated strains were sent to the Reference Centre for Staphylococci within the Cantacuzino National
Institute of Research-Development for Microbiology and Immunology, Bucharest, Romania, for confirmation and
further analysis. The aim of this study was to increase the reference laboratory capacity to confirm staphylococcal
food poisoning (SFP) outbreak by defining the molecular basis of toxicity of Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus)
isolates and assessing their genetic relatedness. PCR methods have been used to detect 14 enterotoxin genes and
the expression of some of these genes was proved by using a reverse transcription real-time PCR. Pulsed-field gel
electrophoresis (PFGE) and Staphylococcus protein A coding gene sequence typing (spa typing) have been used to
track the origin of the S. aureus contamination and to confirm the food poisoning outbreak.
Two enterotoxigenic S. aureus strains isolated from milk, twelve isolated from patients and two from food
handlers were of the same spa- type (t902) and revealed an indistinguishable SmaI macrorestriction pattern after
a PFGE analysis. All these strains harboured the same toxin genes profile, namely the enterotoxin gene cluster
(egc), which strongly supports the evidence that the milk was the incriminated food vehicle of the outbreak and a
food-handler was the most likely source of the staphylococcal food poisoning (SFP) incident.

*Corresponding author: Ileana Luminita Coldea, I.N.C.D.M.I. Cantacuzino Bucharest, Romania,

e-mail: luminitacoldea@yahoo.com
286 Revista Romn de Medicin de Laborator Vol. 23, Nr. 3, Septembrie, 2015

Keywords: Staphylococcus aureus, egc- enterotoxin gene cluster, staphylococcal food poisoning (SFP), spa
typing, PFGE

n martie 2012, ntr-un jude din Romnia, a fost raportat un focar de toxiinfecie alimentar ce a afectat un
numr de 30 de precolari. Debutul simptomelor (vrsturi, diaree i dureri abdominale), la 1-2 ore de la ingestia
unui anumit produs alimentar (lapte), a sugerat o posibil etiologie stafilococic a acestui focar.
Ancheta epidemiologic a fost efectuat n conformitate cu metodologia naional de supraveghere a focarelor
de toxiinfecii alimentare (TIA), fiind recoltate 25 de probe de la copiii afectai, de la personalul ce a manipulat
hrana i din alimentul incriminat: materii fecale (n=9), lichide de vrstur (n=5), exsudate nazale (n=9), lapte
(n=2). Tulpinile izolate au fost trimise la INCDMI Cantacuzino, Bucureti, Romnia, pentru confirmare i
analize suplimentare. Scopul studiului a fost sporirea capacitatii laboratorului de referinta pentru confirmarea
focarelor de toxiinfectii alimentare stafilococice prin determinarea profilului toxic al tulpinilor de Staphylococcus
aureus i stabilirea nrudirii lor genetice. Pentru evidenierea genelor codante a 14 enterotoxine stafilococice
au fost folosite metode bazate pe studiul acizilor nucleici (PCR), iar expresia ctorva dintre aceste gene, a fost
evideniat cu ajutorul reaciei de revers- transcriere n timp real (RT- real- time PCR).
Pentru a determina sursa contaminrii cu S. aureus i pentru a confirma acest focar de toxiinfecie alimentar
au fost folosite electroforeza n cmp pulsator (PFGE) i tipizarea pe baza secvenierii genei codante a proteinei
A stafilococice (spa typing). Dou tulpini enterotoxigene de S. aureus izolate din lapte, dousprezece izolate de
la pacieni i dou de la personalul din sectorul alimentar au prezentat acelai tip spa (t902) i un profil de
macrorestricie identic. Aceste tulpini au prezentat acelai profil enterotoxigenic, clusterul egc (enterotoxin gene
cluster), informaii ce susin ipoteza c laptele a fost alimentul vehicul iar una dintre persoanele care au manipulat
alimentele a reprezentat probabil, sursa acestui incident.
Cuvinte cheie: Staphylococcus aureus, toxiinfecie alimentar stafilococic, tipizarea spa, egc-enterotoxin
gene cluster, PFGE
Received: 20th February 2015; Accepted: 3rd July 2015; Published: 18th July 2015


Staphylococcal food poisoning (SFP) is inated food are absorbed in the gastro-intestinal
widespread and relatively frequent, being one tract and further into the blood, thus triggering
of the main worldwide acute food intoxications; the emetic reflex (4). The onset of illness occurs
milk and dairy products representing 1-9% of all when S. aureus is found in a quantity of at least
incriminated foods in Europe (1). 105 CFU/g in food; generally, the specific symp-
SFP occurs following ingestion of staphy- toms are registered after the ingestion of 100-
lococcal enterotoxins (SEs) preformed in food 200 ng of enterotoxin (2). From clinical point of
by enterotoxigenic Staphylococcus strains, usu- view, the severity of symptoms is directly linked
ally by S. aureus, introduced in food through to the quantity of enterotoxins ingested and the
improper handling (2), cooking and/or storage patients sensitivity (5).
conditions (3). SFP can be suspected when the The illness is usually self-limiting, common-
interval between eating contaminated food and ly lasting only a day or two, but can take longer
onset of symptoms (such as nausea, vomiting, in severe cases; in rare cases, the intensity of
diarrhea and abdominal cramps) is between 30 symptoms may require hospitalization (6). The
minutes and 8 hours, usually 2 to 4 hours (2). Af- main source of contamination is represented by
ter consumption, enterotoxins from the contam- food handlers that can be carriers of enterotox-
Revista Romn de Medicin de Laborator Vol. 23, Nr. 3, Septembrie, 2015 287

in-producing Staphylococcus in their nose or on lands- SaPIs (3). In 2001, Jarraud et al. (21) re-
their hands (3). Ingestion of a food product con- ported the existence of an egc (enterotoxin gene
taining staphylococcal enterotoxin, particularly cluster) operon regarded as a reservoir of se/sel
those that come into contact with the food han- genes in continuing evolution. The egc operon
dlers hands, either without subsequent cooking comprising seg, sei, sem, sen and seo genes also
or with inadequate heating or refrigeration, rep- contains two pseudogenes: ent1 and ent2 that
resents the transmission pathway. are frequently found among clinical and food S.
To date, more than 20 SEs have been charac- aureus isolates (3). To date, four different egc
terized: the classical types: SEA, SEB, SEC, subtypes (22) were suggested: egc1 (selo, selm,
SED, and SEE (7) and more recently described seli, ent1, ent2, seln, seg); egc2 (selo, selm,
the non-classical SEs: SEG, SEH, SEI, SER, seli, selu, seln, seg); egc3 (selov, selmv, seliv, seluv,
SES and SET, with emetic activity. Staphylo- selnv, segv), and egc4 (selo, selv, selu2, seln, seg).
coccal enterotoxin-like (SEl) toxins: SElJ, SElK, egc SE genes are arranged in tandem orienta-
SElL, SElM, SElN, SElO, SElP, SElQ, SElU, tion in the egc cluster and are co-expressed (23).
SElV, SElX (8, 9, 10, 11) are the staphylococcal The egc locus may also be present in an incom-
enterotoxins of which the emetic activity is un- plete form lacking one or more genes (10).
known or has not been yet tested (12). A complete characterization of SFP out-
A recent study confirmed the emetic poten- breaks is provided by an integrated gene-to-pro-
tial of SElK, SElL, SElM, SElN, SElO, SElP, tein approach (24), and to improve SFP char-
and SElQ in monkeys (cynomolgus monkeys) acterization, various authors (25) have demon-
and proposed renaming them as SEK, SEL, strated a possible transcription of mRNA from
SEM, SEN, SEO, SEP, and SEQ, respectively se genes. PCR based-methods are specific and
(13). quick methods that inform about the presence or
The classical SEA to SEE enterotoxins (SEs) absence of genes encoding SEs, but not about
generated by Staphylococcus aureus were con- the expression of these genes.
sidered to be the main reason for staphylococ- Taking into consideration the ubiquity of S.
cal food-poisoning (SFP) worldwide (7). Only aureus strains, detection of this microorganism
SEG, SEH and SEI-producing strains of the in food, food handlers and patients is not suf-
new enterotoxins, have clearly been involved in ficient to support S. aureus involvement in an
SFP outbreaks (14, 15). Results from different outbreak. Supporting evidence is needed based
researchers have shown the high incidence of on molecular typing and toxic profile detection.
genes encoding new SEs and SEls among food Non A-E SE producing S. aureus strains ought
borne diseases caused by S. aureus (16, 17). to be evaluated equally by molecular methods in
All SEs and SEls are single-chain proteins order to prove their ability to cause staphylococ-
with a molecular weight of 19-29 kDa (18, 19) cal food poisoning.
heat-stable and resistant to proteolytic enzymes In our study, the absence of classical SEA
such as pepsin and trypsin, allowing their activity to SEE enterotoxin producing isolates prompt-
to continue in the digestive tract after ingestion ed us to further investigate the molecular basis
(20). These proteins showed a potential superan- of S. aureus isolates toxicity and to assess their
tigenic activity that stimulates nonspecific-T cell genetic relatedness in order to confirm the SFP
proliferation (7). suspected outbreak.
SEs genes are located on mobile genetic el- In order to improve the reference laboratory
ements: plasmids, phages or pathogenicity is- capacity based on the translation of research re-
288 Revista Romn de Medicin de Laborator Vol. 23, Nr. 3, Septembrie, 2015

sults into public health microbiology practice, the MA) with 1.5% tolerance and 1% optimization
authors considered that characteristics of the 2012 settings. A similarity cut-off of 80% and the cri-
outbreak isolates as a paradigm to be reported. terion of a difference of no more than 6 bands, as
described by Tenover (29), were used to define
Materials and methods a pulsotype. Isolates that exhibited identical or
related PFGE patterns were considered to belong
Bacterial strains to the same clone. A single strain was nontypable
Clinical and food samples were collected and using SmaI digestion.
processed by the county public health authorities Spa typing was performed according to a
after having obtained an informed consent and standard protocol, as previously described (30),
following an epidemiological investigation. A using an Applied BioSystems 3130 Genetic An-
total of 25 S. aureus isolates from milk (n=2), alyzer. For relevant genetic information on spa
stools (n=9) and vomit (n=5) from patients, and repeating code and assignment of a spa type,
nasal swabs from food handlers (n=9) were sub- the sequence information was uploaded and
mitted to the Reference Centre for Staphylococci synchronized with the central Ridom SpaServer
within the Cantacuzino NIRDMI, Bucharest, (www.spaserver.ridom.de), curated at the Insti-
Romania, for classical enterotoxins detection. tute of Hygiene, University Hospital Munster,
Other epidemiological evidence concerning Germany, by SeqNet.Org. The clonal relation
this outbreak (number of cases, patient ages, between isolates can be investigated by cluster-
symptoms, treatment and evolution) were not ing related spa types using the Based Upon Re-
available. peat Patterns (BURP) algorithm. This algorithm
All the isolates were identified by coagulase is used to define spa clonal complexes (spa-CC)
production to species level using rabbit plasma (31).
(bioMrieux, France) and by an in house La-
chica method, in order to detect thermal stable Identification of SE genes by PCR
nuclease production (26); biochemical charac- Genomic DNA was extracted by thermal
terization was performed automatically using the and/or enzymatic lysis (lysostaphin, proteinase
Vitek2 system (bioMrieux, France). To confirm K). The amplifications were performed using an
methicillin-resistance, a PCR for mecA gene de- Applied Biosystems Thermocycler with primers
tection was performed (27). recommended by other researchers for 14 staph-
ylococcal enterotoxin genes: sea, seb, sec, sed,
Molecular typing PFGE and spa typing see (32), seg, seh, sei (33), sej (34), sel (35), sem,
All isolates were characterized by pulsed- sen, seo (16), ser (35), according to the technique
field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and spa typing. reported in our previous study (36).
PFGE was performed with a CHEF mapping
system (Bio-Rad), as previously described (28). RNA Extraction and cDNA Synthesis
The recommended standard strain NCTC 8325 One (1) ml of a culture solution (stationary
was used as a size marker to allow later normal- phase state) in tryptic soy broth was centrifuged
ization of electrophoretic patterns across the gel. at 10,000 x g at 4C for 5 min. RNA was extract-
The digital image was analyzed with a BioNu- ed using QuickExtract RNAExtraction Kit
merics 6.6 (Applied Maths) using the Dice co- (Epicentre) according to the manufacturers in-
efficient and generated by the Unweighted-Pair structions. The residual DNA was digested using
Group Method using Average linkages (UPG- an optional DNase treatment included in the kit.
Revista Romn de Medicin de Laborator Vol. 23, Nr. 3, Septembrie, 2015 289

10 l of total RNA were then used in a 20 l Results and discussions

reverse transcription reaction for cDNA synthe-
The PFGE analysis revealed 7 different
sis using Reverta 50 L RT reagent kit (Sacace,
PFGE banding patterns (patterns A to G) and 7
Italy), containing random sequence hexamers.
clusters (1- 7) (Fig. 1, Table I).
In this study, one predominant S. aureus lin-
Real-Time PCR
eage, defining the outbreak pulsotype was iden-
The real-time PCR analysis was performed
tified, containing a number of 18 (72%) from all
using a Stratagene Mx3005P system, with the isolates, belonging to the PFGE pattern D and to
same primers used in the PCR reactions for seg, the same cluster (cluster 4, with 88.7% similari-
seh, sei and sem genes and 2 l of cDNA using ty). These isolates showed the same enterotoxin
KAPA SYBER FAST qPCR Kit Master Mix gene profile defining the egc operon: seg, sei,
Universal. The cycling program was as follows: sem, sen, seo (Table I).
enzyme activation: 95C for 5 min., followed by 16 isolates of this cluster exhibited the same
40 cycles of denaturation for 3 sec. at 95C, spa type (t902) and the other two strains ex-
and annealing/extension step for 30 sec. at 60C hibited t449 and t6346 spa types. Using BURP
(25). Fluorescence readings were recorded after clustering, we demonstrated that all these types
each extension step, followed by a melting curve belonged to the same spa clonal complex (spa
analysis at 65-99C (temperature transition rate CC005). This cluster included isolates from na-
of 0.1C/sec) based on continuous fluorescence sal swabs (n=4), milk (n=2), stool (n=9), vom-
readings. it (n=3), samples from all parts involved in the

Figure 1. Dendrogram of PFGE clusters and relationships of S. aureus isolates

290 Revista Romn de Medicin de Laborator Vol. 23, Nr. 3, Septembrie, 2015

Table I. Analysis of S. aureus strains from the reported food poisoning outbreak
Isolates ID number PFGE- pattern PFGE cluster Source spa type se genes *
8418/2012 A 1 nasal swab t3216 sec, sel, egc
8393/2012 B 2 vomit t127 seh
8421/2012 C 3 nasal swab t056 neg**
8398/2012 D1 4 stool sample t902 egc
8399/2012 D1 4 stool sample t902 egc
8410/2012 D1 4 stool sample t902 egc
8411/2012 D1 4 stool sample t902 egc
8412/2012 D1 4 stool sample t902 egc
8413/2012 D1 4 nasal swab t902 egc
8415/2012 D1 4 nasal swab t449 egc
8416/2012 D1 4 nasal swab t902 egc
8400/2012 D1 4 stool sample t902 egc
8406/2012 D1 4 stool sample t902 egc
8391/2012 D1 4 food (milk) t902 egc
8392/2012 D1 4 vomit t902 egc
8395/2012 D1 4 vomit t902 egc
8396/2012 D1 4 stool sample t902 egc
8397/2012 D1 4 stool sample t902 egc
8390/2012 D1 4 food (milk) t902 egc
8394/2012 D1 4 vomit t902 egc
8419/2012 D2 4 nasal swab t6346 egc
8414/2012 E 5 nasal swab t056 neg**
8420/2012 F 6 nasal swab t318 seg
8417/2012 G 7 nasal swab t059 seg, sei, sen
8405/2012 NT - vomit t902 egc
*Tested for genes: sea, seb, sec, sed, see, seg, seh, sei, sej, sel, sem, sen, seo, ser; egc: seg-sei-sem-sen-seo
**neg: negative for toxin genes

epidemiological chain of this SFP outbreak: non-enterotoxigenic and exhibited the same
the source (food handlers), the suspected food spa type (t056), but had different PFGE pat-
(milk) and the patients. terns (PFGE types C and E < 60% similari-
The PFGE patterns were strongly correlat- ty),
ed with SE gene profiles and spa types. One S. one S. aureus isolate from vomit was meth-
aureus vomit specimen harboring the same spa - icillin-resistant, belonged to t127 spa- type,
type t902 with the majority of SFP strains and egc exhibited the seh gene and was unrelated
positive was nontypable using SmaI digestion. with outbreak strains by PFGE analysis,
For the strains that showed different spa in other S. aureus isolate from vomit that
types from the SFP clone, the following findings showed the spa type t3216 (PFGE pattern A
were available: < 60% similarity with pattern D), sec gene
two S. aureus isolates from nasal swabs were was found next to sel and egc genes,
Revista Romn de Medicin de Laborator Vol. 23, Nr. 3, Septembrie, 2015 291

two isolates from nasal swabs (PFGE patterns strains will produce sufficient quantities of en-
F respectivly G < 60% similarity with pattern terotoxins in food (2).
D) exhibited an incomplete form of egc: seg, In our study, the frequency of the newly
and seg, sei and sen genes respectivly. identified enterotoxin genes (80%) was higher
The most frequent SE gene profile was egc, than the one of classical genes. This indicates
containing: seg, sei, sem, sen, seo (20/25, 80%). that the pathogenicity of the newly identified en-
This association is not unexpected because all terotoxins should be emphasized (4).
these genes belong to the egc operon. In this study, the presence of egc clusters in 20
The sea, seb, sed, see encoding classical en- out of 25 isolates is similar to studies from other
terotoxins were not detected in any of the iso- countries like Poland (17), Spain (37) and Nor-
lates, neither were the sej and ser genes. way (38) that reported the presence of egc genes
The expression of seg, seh, sei and sem en- in food, associated to S. aureus contamination.
terotoxin genes was confirmed by reverse tran- To our knowledge this is the first study pub-
scription real-time PCR (Fig. 2). The results lished in Romania on the role of newly discov-
show a possible transcription of mRNA from ered staphylococcal enterotoxins in food borne
these genes but do not indicate whether the outbreaks.

seg, seh, sei, sem

Figure 2. Reverse real-time transcription PCR for amplification of S. aureus seg, seh, sei and sem genes as
determined by melting peak analysis on S. aureus 8391 (seg, sei, sem) and S. aureus 8393 (seh)
292 Revista Romn de Medicin de Laborator Vol. 23, Nr. 3, Septembrie, 2015

For the first time, a report on the egc op- outbreak and the tracking of the epidemiologi-
eron was performed by Blaiotta et al. in 2004 cal chain by proving that 18/25 strains belonged
(16), in S. aureus strains isolated from meat and to the same pulsotypes, spa type and toxigenic
dairy products in Italy. A recent study from Chi- profile.
na reported that the occurrence of egc was high- PFGE dendrogram, together with isolation
er than the classical SE genes in food (39). In of the same spa-type strains from food, food
2007, Hwang et al. (40) revealed that the newly handlers and most of the patients support the
described SE or SEl genes, particularly those be- etiological involvement of a t902, egc positive
longing to the egc cluster, were more frequently Staphylococcus aureus strain in this SFP.
detected in S. aureus strains isolated from raw To our knowledge, this is the first report of
pork and chicken meat in Korea than genes en- an egc positive, A, B, C, D, E enterotoxins neg-
coding classical SEs. ative S. aureus strain involvement in a SFP, in
Despite all this, egc-encoded SEs or SEls Romania.
have not been yet directly recognized in typical The prevalence of these newly reported SE
cases of SFP, although, SEG and SEI have been and SE-like toxin genes and their role in SFP
reported as the cause of chronic diarrhea in two outbreaks should be further investigated.
malnourished neonates (41). In 2013, Omoe et
al. confirmed in a primate model the emetic po- Acknowledgements
tential of SElK, SElL, SElM, SElN, SElO, SElP,
This study was supported by PN 09 22 01 05
and SElQ (13).
Project Manager Assoc. Prof. Irina Codi.
In our study the SFP diagnostic was support-
We are grateful to the Molecular Epidemiol-
ed by: (i) isolation of S. aureus strains with the
ogy Laboratory - Cantacuzino N.I.R.D.M.I col-
same enterotoxin genes profile from food and
leagues for their kind support, Dr. Adela Trifan
patients, (ii) isolation of S. aureus strains with
and Dr. Mariana Irimia from the Public Health
the same enterotoxin genes profile from different
Authority Prahova District, Romania for provid-
patients, (iii) demonstration of seg, seh, sei and
ing the study isolates.
sem enterotoxin genes expression by RT- Real
Time PCR and (iv) an identical or related SmaI
Conflict of interest
macrorestriction pattern on PFGE analysis for S.
aureus strains isolated from milk, patients and We have no conflicts of interest to declare.
food handlers.
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