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SFTP Gameplan - Install WS_FTP & SSL Certs


Time: 8:00 pm Central Time

Conference Line: example: 800-857-3242 code: 4590660

Attendees: example: Greg Miller

Application / Component: WS_FTP v.5.0.5HF1 and Enterprise SSL Certificates

Reboot Required: Yes

ClearQuest Ticket for UAT:

Target server(s): <Server List>

Game-plan for Release

IB2S Lending Windows Team:

1. RDP and Login to each of the above.
2. Stop the IIS FTP Publishing Service, if running on the server.
3. Install, Patch and Configure WS_FTP to a Non-System Drive per Install Documentation.
4. Reboot the server after patching the WS_FTP program.
5. Start the WS_FTP Service, if not already running as Automatic.
6. Procure the Ent. SSL Certs by creating a .CSR file from within WS_FTP Server and
submit a Ent. SSL Cert request to the WF PKI website for approval by Paul.A.Gallegos
per Install Documentation.
7. After the Ent. SSL Certs have been approved, download & copy the Ent.SSL and WF
Root Certs to the WS_FTP Server at D:\iFtpSvc\Security\Servername.wellsfargo.com
8. Install the Ent. SSL Server Cert and Private key in the WS_FTP server per Install
Document from the Servers C:\Temp directory.
9. Import the Wells Fargo Root and CA SSL Certificates into the WS_FTP server per Install
10. Stop & Restart the WS_FTP Service make sure that the SSL Certs take effect.
11. Test SSL-secure connectivity and file transfers as needed via the WS_FTP Client Pro
2007 software residing on your laptop. (You must make a Server entry in the Client
Pro 2007 software for testing purposes.)
12. If Testing is not to be done at this time, you will disable the WS_FTP service and re-start
the IIS FTP Service (if needed).

Back out Plan:

1. Disable the Ipswitch WS_FTP Server Service and re-enable (ie Start) the IIS FTP
Publishing Service.

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