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8/22/2017 Komitadji - Wikipedia

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Komitadji, Comitadjis, or Komitas (Bulgarian, Macedonian, Serbian:

, Romanian: Comitagiu, Greek: , plural: ,
Turkish: Kom tac, Albanian: Komit) means in Turkish a "committee
members". It refers to members of rebel bands (chetas) operating in the
Balkans during the final period of the Ottoman Empire. They fought
against the Turkish authorities and were supported by the governments of
the neighbouring states, especially of Bulgaria.[1]

Komitadji was used firstly to describe the members of the Bulgarian

Revolutionary Central Committee during the April uprising in 1876.[2] The
term is often employed to refer later to groups of rebels associated with the
Bulgarian Macedonian-Adrianople Revolutionary Committees and the
Supreme Macedonian-Adrianople Committee called by the Turks simply
the Bulgarian Committees.[3]

In interwar Greece and Yugoslavia the term was used to refer to the bands
organized by the pro-Bulgarian Internal Macedonian Revolutionary
Organisation and Internal Thracian Revolutionary Organisation, which A convoy of captured Bulgarian
operated in Vardar and Aegean Macedonia and Western Thrace.[4] In Comitadjis in Salonica.
interwar Romania, the term was used to refer to the bands organized by the
pro-Bulgarian Internal Dobrujan Revolutionary Organisation, which
attacked the Romanian outposts and the Aromanian colonists in Southern
Dobruja. During the Second World War this name was used to designate
the members of the pro-Bulgarian Ohrana active in Northern Greece.[5]

Other uses
The term is used by the supporters of FK Vardar.[6]
Komitadji was the name given to a space-travelling warship of the
Earth-based Pax Empire in the science-fiction novel Angelmass
(TOR Books, 2001) by Timothy Zahn.

See also
Makedonomachoi Dress of Macedonian komitadji
(Museum Bitola)
1. The Making of a New Europe: R.W. Seton-Watson and the Last Years of Austria-Hungary, Hugh Seton-
Watson, Christopher Seton-Watson, Methuen, 1981, ISBN 0416747302, p. 71.

The word komitadji is Turkish, meaning literally "committee man". It came to be used for
the guerilla bands which, subsidized by the governments of the Christian Balkan states,
especially of Bulgaria.

2. Maiden Tribute (https://books.google.com/books?id=pRn307aQfW8C&pg=PA20&dq=comitadjis+comm

ittee#v=onepage&q=comitadjis%20committee&f=false), Grace Eckley, Xlibris Corporation, 2007, ISBN
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1462838111, p. 20.
3. Historical Dictionary of the Republic of Macedonia (https://books.google.com/books?id=ilGfCIF4Ao4C
y%20macedonia%20comitadjis&f=false), Dimitar Bechev, Scarecrow Press, 2009, ISBN 0810862956, p.
4. The Comitadji Question in Southern Serbia, Rodolphe Archibald Reiss, Hazell, 1924.
5. Plundered Loyalties: Axis Occupation and Civil Strife in Greek West Macedonia, 19411949 (https://boo
Gianns Koliopoulos, C. Hurst & Co. Publishers, 1999, ISBN 185065381X, p. 69.
6. FootballDerbies.com - Komiti (http://www.footballderbies.com/fans/index.php?id=110)

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