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Siblings 25%, 50% in 1st 2 yrs, parent to child 66%, twins 66% suggest AD + var penetrance
PAX-2 knockout mouse metanephric arrest and megaureter. Expressed on cells destined for ureter, family of
genes responsible for body segmentation and cell specification.

Racial diffs asymptomatic bacteriura VUR in 9% blacks vs 21% whites, ie 1:3.4

Gender diffs prop to age at presentation. In girls, most after febrile UTI screening. Of those presenting for FU of
prenatal US, most are M (80%). M tend to have more severe reflux, ? d/t higher detrusor pressures.

Extension of inner long. Muscle forms sup. Trigone. Adventitial layer (Waldeyers sheath) continuous with deep
trigone. This arrangement maintains one way flap valve at UVJ. Pressure compresses lumen.
Variables are tunnel length (normal is 5:1), VUR likley below 3:1
muscular backing, eg attenuation 2o Hutch divertic, everting ureterocoele.
intact trigonal muscle tone - interruption l/t lateral + sup migration of UO
adequate storage reservoir.
Hyperreflexic bladder or dyssynergia, Rx with anticholinergics lead to > resolution of VUR over
time. Need to address dysfunctional voiding
Non-compliant ureter 2o inflammation, ureteral paralysis d/t bact endotoxins may contribute
Ie need to address these primary pathologies

% resolution in 3 yrs
IRS Grade 1 ureter only 87
Grade 2 to pelvis, no dilatation 63
Grade 3 mild dilatation of pelvis 53
Grade 4 mod calyceal dilatation and blunting 33
Grade 5 severe c. dilatation and ureteral tortuosity
Nuclear grading has 3 grades

Resolves with time axial growth with lengthening of sm tunnel, also developmental improvement in bladder
Morphology on cystoscopy is not an accurate predictor of grade, or chance of resolution
Natural Hx of children presenting at av age 3 with UTI, 1/3 will show a reduction of grade each year. Cessation
also more likely if unilateral, black vs white


Aggressive approach to Ix because -

VUR present in 30-50% of kids with bacteriuria > 105 CFU/ml (sympt or asympt)
5-15% asymptomatic will have scar at initial Ix
Screen all siblings of index up to age 10 1/3 will reflux, and 15% will have a scar. Child of index 2/3

Voiding Hx strong assoc b/n dysfunctional voiding, recurrent UTIs and resolution of VUR
Mass, tenderness
Back occult dysraphism

1. US
2. MCU in all <10yrs b/c scars still occur up till this age
3. Nuclear cystogram interval and post surgical monitoring, 200x less gonadal irradiation. Poor anatomic detail
and diff b/n grades of reflux
4. DMSA diff renal function and scar distribution

Sequelae of Reflux:

M>F (prob reflects overall higher grade reflux in boys)
Prop. to no of UTIs, and age (<4) of 1st UTI)
Intrarenal reflux in poles b/c compound papillae in which papillary ducts open at right angles to calyx. Resistance
to IRR is lower in younger kids. At 1/12 occurs at pressures as low as 2mmHg. At 1 yr require 20mmHg. Also
compounded by immature bladder with frequent contractions.
Infection needed for devp of scars, vs dysplasia which may be congenitally assoc with high grade reflux (Mackie
Stephens theory).
Impairment of RF initially tubular dysfunction, if progressive get drop in GFR and CRF.

20% with established scars. Bilat > unilat.
Not without scars. Renin dependent mechanism

Secondary PUJ Obstruction:

High grade VUR atonic overstretched pelvis, kinking and failure to propel urine bolus. Also inflamm changes
---- stenosis.

Megacystis Megaureter association:

Massive bilat reflux with constant recycling of urine --- marked dilatation
More frequent in males. Prenatally diff to DDx from valves. Clues are thin walled bladder and variable degree of
HN. Also normal parenchyma suggests non-obstructive aetiol.


Based on principles that VUR is a mechanical problem that can resolve with time, and that sterile low pressure
reflux is not harmful to kidney.

Controversy is Grade III IV. IRS in 1981 randomized to medical vs Sx. Published 1992 both = effective in
preventing new scarring 19/155 med vs 20/151 surgically Rx. Birmingham Reflux study group made same
Based on Smellies work (metaanalysis of 1720 pts with reflux), continuous low dose Abs better than courses
Bactrim 2mg/kg/day, nitrofurantoin 2mg/kg/day

CI to Med Rx anatomic problems Hutch divertic, ureterocoele

Breakthrough febrile UTIs
Family noncompliant
Existence of significant scarring
Surgical Rx:
Leadbetter Politano 95% success, slightly > 2o obstruction than
Cohen 99%. Post implantation instrumentation difficult

Sting procedure
using teflon paste <0.2ml under UO. Success 80% with 1 application. Second injection brings rate to 89%.
Concerns about Teflon migration.
Injectable collagen used, but need greater volume (5ml / ureter), shows volume loss with time ie need more
frequent reinjection. 63% success with 1, 79% with 2 injections. Uncertainty about persistence of correction
Search continues for better substance. Atala et al looking at autologous tissue chondrocytes, smooth muscle.

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