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S f n ~ n p( ~ ; ~ C ~ . C Y S~C, t .' L ) Y ~ ~ P Y )

'[TA41/iJtNADU] ACT No. S o f 196'2.

6 ~ [ T A I I INADU]
I. S?AMP (TNCR:..~~:; ;>T-;-~~ES)
ACT, 1962.

/ of ! .).+;de1.7tojz tllc 30tii ..II ! ~ L I S ~

1962,.fit:~tprrbfkheci ill t/7e Fort St. Gee I - ~ CT;;.:zc:.tt,.:
on the 1 st Septenzber f 462 ( ~ j ~ 10,~ ~ j , ~ ~ ~

fo iizcrcn.~ethe stannp duties clzm.gpnble or1 certain

tr.zmzents the JItdiCtlz Stanzp Act, 1899; ns in
ate of Ta17zilNadzrl.

Legislature of the 3[State of Tamil

nth Year of the Repxblic of India as

Short title,
1. (1) This Act may bs called the [Tamil Nadu]Stamp extent and
ncrea.se of Duties) Act, 1962. . . '
co mmencerr

(2) It extends to the whole of t hc "State of Tamil

(3) It shall come into force on such (!ate as the

ate Govennlent may, by notification, appoint.
-- .-

I These words were substituted for the wo~:d" Madras" by the

Nadu Adaptatio~of Laws Order, 1969, as amended by the
Nadu Ad~;>tationof Laws (Second Amendment) Order, 1969.

n For Statement of Objects and Reasons, Sc? Fort Sf. George

tie Extraorcfin;..ry,dated the 12th July 1962, {'art lLr--.-Section 3,

3 This expression was substituted for the esprt.ssio11. " Sfc?.teof

~ ~ d ~by athes Tamil Nadu Adaptation of F;iws Order, 1969, as
ame2d,ed hy the Tamil W?.c!u Adaptation oi' 1,a-s (;Secoild
~ ~ ~ ~ c n d mQrdsr,
e n t ) 1969- '

4 Stcr!?:,ti(Ijrcreorc (f Dlrt icr ) [I962 : T.N. Act 8

-- . , . ._---- ---.-- - - - - -

1Thc original section 2 read as follows :-

to be increased by
"2. Xcrtes c f s;aiirp duty on certain insttqliinen&s
Jjly per cent.--P.ny instrument described in any of the undermention-
ed Articles of' Schedule I to the Indian Stamp Act, 1899 (Central
Act 11. of 1899) (hereinafter referred to as the principal Act) shall be
chargeable with one ana a half times the amount of the stamp duty
with which such iilstrument was chargeable immediately before the
date of the comniencement of this Act, and the said articles shall be.
read and consi!-ued accordingly :-

Articles 1 to 10, 12, 15 to 20-A, 22 to 24, 26, 28, 29, 31 to 36,

38 to 46,48, 50, 51,54 to 60,62 (b), (d) and (e) and 63 to 65.".

I n the said section for the portion begilxning with the words and
figures '' Articles i to 10 '' and ending with the words and figures
" and 63' to 65 " , the following was substituted by section 4 of the
1ndia1.r Stan~p(T~inlii Nadu Amendment) Act, 1973 (Tamil N a d ~
Act 27 of 1973), whictl came hito force on the 1st July 1973 z-

" Articles 1 to 10, 12, 15 to 17, 18 ((1) and (b), 19 to 20-A, 22, 24,.

26, 28, 29, 32 (0)(ii), 34, 35 vr, dlid (ii), =6, 38, 39, 40 (b) and [c),
41 to 46, 48 (a) to (d) and (f), 50, 51, 54 (b), 55 to 58, 60, 62 (b),.
(d) and (e), 64 at:d 65 ".

111 the said porlio~lfor the expression " Articles 1 to lam, the
expressio~~ "A~liclesI to 4,6 to 10" was again substituted by section
4 of the Indian Stamp (Tamil Nadu Amendment) Act, 1974 (Tamil'
Nadu Act 25 of 1971). The ~ a i &section 2 itself was omitted by
section 7 (a) ol the hdian Stamp (Tarnil Nadu Amendment)
AC;, 1975 (Tarnil Nadu Act 24 of 1975).

Srimp (hzcl*rrlsc f Dl,!icy) 1

1 Act, 8ltt.r ;1;firs( pro- Amendment

1: d , ilam~ly :- of s e o t i o ~3,~
Central Ac:.
i tasc in ,11f: arnoufi, f Il of 1899,

incipal Act sjlali have effeci as if- Central Act

XI of 1899 t o
nd in ttze proviso have effect
thc words " three rupees", the words subject t o
y naye paisc:" had been s ~ b s t i i ~ i e;d certa~n
ause (a) of sect ion 1 1, for the words "ten naye amendments.
words " twenty naye paise" had been s u b

for the words " three rupees",

fty imye paise" had bzeiz sub...
for the words " Three rupees",.
fifty naye paise" had been

r the words " fifteen I-upees",

es fifty naye paise" had been
" Fifteitn rupees",

wo rupees fifty nsye paise"

for the wordsc' Fifteen
o rupees fifty naye paise'"
&en substitutttd.
q,ese words were substituted fcr the word "Mad~-as'" by
mmil Nadu Adaptatif-~n
of Laws Order, 1969,as en~endedby
nil Nadu Adaptation of Laws (Second hnendment) Orckr,


1r, sertion of 5. Afrt,r sLc[ion 75 cf lilt, p:.inc;pa! Act, th2 f;l:?win

qewsection s c c ; j o n : , h z ? l ~ b . . j n ( ; e r i c d : n ; ~:--
75-.k i n
' Zentral Act l[
uf 1 ~ 9 3 . bG e ~ t5.v the Stiitp Goveriw~ctz:Q: b
75-A. ~ u / ,rtrrrL
p[iirl.t/brfol.c the State Lagis[rrfir,r.-(1) ,411 rubs n h i % by
th13 3tC G - I vrntne~lt
s v ~ under this k ~Li
expru#;s;d 1 c. c2mc. inio forcf; on H partic
inlo force c,n 1lie day on which 'iht:y arc
0fici:tl Ga zcttc.

( 2 ) ~v:;.y such rule ihnll, :s soon as po3sib:r: ;i'~;i.

is nzade, b: placed 011 the trble of h.Nh Houses cf t
Lgislalure, and if, before the expiry of rh
,, , 50 plac.=dor the next sessioiz, b
*nkingaany modification in ally such rul
agr, 5 thli the rule sllould not be mad;, i l ~ e
t hcr~:tficrhaw; effect only in such modified forin
r:E2c., as tilt mse may be, so howc
I I I ~ Ci f io 11o r a-~nulrnentshal! b2 v~i!
~ i ~I?
tile vi,lidI! r , f anything pj.cvic~r~ 1 d!>l~+.,
:r 3 ~ rlnder

6. (1) Ti:. pi-incipat Aci, as in fore,; inunedinti:8y before

Extension of
.kct t 1): cc rnmm~emnentof this Act in the '[Stzte of Tamil Naduj
of1899 to c;..uc;pt in tJie acic',ed territories and in so far as it relates to
added terri- ITZZI~I~Y:; has
wiJ117 : ~ ; z p ~ c; ot \?~h;cltih3 S?ale krgi~1ch!,r~:
roriesg repen1 powvrqr to makc laws for ihc Stats and r.s amtnde,d by :his
3 z i! s ~ L v rigs.
Act 2 [ * 4: -'* *) (hereiizafler in, this section referred
to as tlze Central Act) is hereby extended to, and slia91bz i
forcc in, tile added territories.

(2) If immediately before !he commencement of t

Act, t h x e 1s in force in t h added~ terriiories any lauroorr
- -- - .. . ;o
. ,;>
- "3'"-- a*e.;-;r-
.Act, ru& ccirrcsps~<ing\

(3) Ti\- repeal by sub-section (2) of any

p o ~ d i n gto ths Central Act in forre in 2dded tc

This ex~ressionwas sub ituted for the ex

Madras" by the Tamil ~ a d u a d a ~ t a t i oofn ~ a w sOrder
amznded by the Tamil Nadu Adaptation of Laws (seconA
ment) Order, 1969.

' The brackets, words and figures "(includin~tho increase of
duty egected section 2)" were omitted by section 7 (b) of tb
Stamp (Tam3 mddu Amendment) Act, 1975 (Tarnil ~~d~ k t

- -

Stamp (Increase of ~ u l ; e s )
iately before the Commencement of'this Act

right, privil&e, obligation or liability

ed. or incurred under any such law, or
any penalty, forfeiture or punishment incurred
f any offence committed against any such law,

1 proceeding or I. emeddy may

rced and any sue11penalty,
imposed 8s if this Act had

g provision of thc Ccniral Act and

ccordingly ,unless and nnt il super-
or any action tc?ke~n ander he

sting tbe applicatiotl ~f

ded territories, any court or oiher
tho Central A with sumh
e substance as may be necessary
matter before the court or other

(6) Any reference in the Central Act to a inw which

In force in the added territories shall, irz relation io
territories, be construed as a reference .Ic. I he ccrres-
nding law, if my, in force in those territories.

rued as a reference to

f this seetjon, the

mean tl~;:territories
t,1959 (Central Act

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