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Solemn Test Rubric (English Oral Project)

English Department

Teacher Name: Mr. Flores

Student Name: ________________________________________

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Content Shows a full Shows a good Shows a good Does not seem to
understanding of the understanding of the understanding of parts understand the topic
topic. topic. of the topic. very well.

Vocabulary Uses vocabulary Uses vocabulary Uses vocabulary Uses several (5 or more)
appropriate for the appropriate for the appropriate for the words or phrases that
audience. Extends audience. Includes 1-2 audience. Does not are not understood by
audience vocabulary words that might be include any vocabulary the audience.
by defining words that new to most of the that might be new to
might be new to most audience, but does not the audience.
of the audience. define them.
Stays on Topic Stays on topic all Stays on topic most Stays on topic some It was hard to tell what
(100%) of the time. (99-90%) of the time. (89%-75%) of the time. the topic was.

Preparedness Student is completely Student seems pretty The student is Student does not seem
prepared and has prepared but might somewhat prepared, at all prepared to
obviously rehearsed. have needed a couple but it is clear that present.
more rehearsals. rehearsal was lacking.

Props Student uses several Student uses 2 props Student uses 1 prop The student uses no
props (could include that show considerable which makes the props OR the props
costume, ppt, videos, work/creativity and presentation better. chosen detract from the
poster, etc) that show which make the presentation.
considerable presentation better.
work/creativity and
which make the
presentation better.
Speaks Clearly Speaks clearly and Speaks clearly and Speaks clearly and Often mumbles or can
distinctly all (100-95%) distinctly all (100-95%) distinctly most (94- not be understood OR
the time, and the time, but 85%) of the time. mispronounces several
mispronounces no mispronouncesno Mispronounces no words.
words. more thand two words. more than three

Uses Complete Always (99-100% of Mostly (80-98%) Sometimes (70-80%) Rarely speaks in
Sentences time) speaks in speaks in complete speaks in complete complete sentences.
complete sentences. sentences. sentences.
Volume Volume is loud enough Volume is loud enough Volume is loud enough Volume often too soft
to be heard by all to be heard by all to be heard by all to be heard by all
audience members audience members at audience members at audience members.
throughout the least 90% of the time. least 80% of the time.

Time-Limit Presentation is 10-15 Presentation is less Presentation is 5 Presentation is less than

minutes long. than 10 minutes long minutes long. 3 minutes.
or more than 20
minutes long.

Posture and Eye Stands up straight, Stands up straight and Sometimes stands up Slouches and/or does
Contact looks relaxed and establishes eye contact straight and establishes not look at people
confident. Establishes with everyone in the eye contact. during the presentation.
eye contact with room during the
everyone in the room presentation.
during the
Attire Complete and spotless Almost complete Some part of the General attire not
uniform, combed hair uniform or somewhat uniform, but wore appropriate for
and polished shoes wrinkled, uncombed sneakers or seemed audience (jeans, t-shirt,
very professional look. hair or/and unpolished somewhat wrinkled. shorts).

Total points= 44pts.

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