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Name : _____________________________ Chapter 3 Movement of Subtances Across the Plasma Membrane


WORKSHEET 3.7 Active Transport Score __ /__

Pengangkutan Aktif ____

The movement of substances across the plasma membrane through the process of
active transport

1. Active transport is the movement of ____________ or ______ from a region of

____________concentration to a region of ___________ concentration across the
plasma membrane with the use of cellular ___________.
Pengangkutan Aktif ialah pergerakan __________ atau ___________ dari kawasan kepekatan
_________ ke kawasan kepekatan _____________ merentasi membrane plasma menggunakan
_________ sel.
2. Besides using energy in the form of ATP that is generated during cellular respiration,
active transport also require ________________
Selain menggunakan tenaga ATP yang dijana semasa respirasi sel, pengangkutan aktif juga
memerlukan ______________.
3. The carrier protein has _____________ which binds with a particular molecule or ion and
another active site which binds to the ATP molecules.
Protein pembawa mempunyai _______________ yang terikat dengan molekul atau ion tertentu
dan tapak aktif satu lagi terikat pada molekul ATP.
4. Active transport results in the ______________ or elimination of molecules or ions from
the cells, i.e equilibrium state is never achieved.
Pengangkutan aktif menyebabkan ____________ atau penyingkiran molekul atau ion dari sel,
keseimbangan tidak pernah tercapai
5. Carrier proteins involved in active transport are often called pump because they operate
just like water pump which use energy to move water against ____________________
Protein pembawa yang terlibat dalam pengangkutan aktif dikenali sebagai pam yang beroperasi
seperti pam air yang menggunakan tenaga untuk menggerakkan air melawan _______________
6. In animal cells, the concentration of _______________ ions inside the cells is always
higher than the concentration ___________________ the cell.
Dalam sel haiwan, kepekatan ion __________ dalam sel sentiasa tinggi berbanding kepekatan
____________ di dalam sel.
7. While the concentration of _________________ ions outside the cells is always
_____________ than the concentration inside the cells.
Apabila kepekatan ion _____________ di luar sel sentiasa ___________ daripada kepekatan ion
di dalam sel
8. Carrier proteins are called _____________________ pumps that help to maintain the
concentration gradients by pumping sodium ions out of the cell and potassium ions into
the cell.

Name : _____________________________ Chapter 3 Movement of Subtances Across the Plasma Membrane

Protein pembawa dipanggil pam __________ yang membantu mengekalkan kecerunan

kepekatan dengan mengepam ion Natrium keluar dar sel dan ion Kalium masuk ke dalam sel.
9. In plant cell, there is a sodium pump mechanism in mangrove root.
Dalam sel tumbuhan, terdapat mekanisme pam Natrium dalam akar pokok bakau.

Name : _____________________________ Chapter 3 Movement of Subtances Across the Plasma Membrane

WORKSHEET 3.7 Active Transport

1. Active transport is the movement of molecules or ions from a region of lower

concentration to a region of higher concentration across the plasma membrane with the
use of cellular energy.
Pengangkutan Aktif ialah pergerakan molekul atau ion dari kawasan kepekatan tinggi ke
kawasan kepekatan rendah merentasi membrane plasma menggunakan tenaga sel.
2. Besides using energy in the form of ATP that is generated during respiration, active
transport also require carrier protein.
Selain menggunakan tenaga ATP yang dijana semasa respirasi sel, pengangkutan aktif juga
3. The carrier protein has active site which binds with a particular molecule or ion and
another active site which binds to the ATP molecules.
Protein pembawa mempunyai tapak aktif yang terikat dengan molekul atau ion tertentu dan
tapak aktif satu lagi terikat pada molekul ATP.
4. Active transport results in the accumulation or elimination of molecules or ions from the
cells, i.e equilibrium state is never achieved.
Pengangkutan aktif menyebabkan pengumpulan atau penyingkiran molekul atau ion dari sel,
keseimbangan tidak pernah tercapai
5. Carrier proteins involved in active transport are often called pump because they operate
just like water pump which use energy to move water against gravity.
Protein pembawa yang terlibat dalam pengangkutan aktif dikenali sebagai pam yang beroperasi
seperti pam air yang menggunakan tenaga untuk menggerakkan air melawan graviti.
6. In animal cells, the concentration of potassium ions inside the cells is always higher
than the concentration outside the cell.
Dalam sel haiwan, kepekatan ion Kalium dalam sel sentiasa tinggi berbanding kepekatan di luar
di dalam sel.
7. While the concentration of sodium ions outside the cells is always higher than the
concentration inside the cells.
Apabila kepekatan ion sodium di luar sel sentiasa lebih tinggi daripada kepekatan ion di dalam
8. Carrier proteins are called sodium-potassium pumps that help to maintain the
concentration gradients by pumping sodium ions out of the cell and potassium ions into
the cell.
Protein pembawa dipanggil pam Natrium-Kalium yang membantu mengekalkan kecerunan
kepekatan dengan mengepam ion Natrium keluar dar sel dan ion Kalium masuk ke dalam sel.

Name : _____________________________ Chapter 3 Movement of Subtances Across the Plasma Membrane

9. In plant cell, there is sodium pump mechanism in mangrove root.

Dalam sel tumbuhan, terdapat mekanisme pam Natrium dalam akar pokok bakau.



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