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Appreciating Physics in Everyday Life

State Level Physics Meet for Teachers/Science Communicators

Place: Jeevabai Corporation Girls Hr. Sec. School, Date:13, 14 05- 06

Thirupur. Saturday & Sunday

Total No. Participants : 37

No. of Districts participated : 16

Event Details

Inauguration :
Welcome Address :Mr. Easwaan
Focus of the Program :Mr. C. Venkatesan, State Co-ordinator (APEL)
Presidential Address :Rtn. Dr. P.V. Ravi,
President PARK Educational Institution
Einsteins remarkable works :Dr. Kamal Lodaya, IIMS, Chennai
Life and Physics : Dr. Abijit Despande. IIT, Chennai.
Felicitation :Rtn. R. Kannan, Secretary, Rotary Club.
Vote of Thanks :Mr.S.S.Vijaya Kumar, TNSF, Tirupur

After-noon Session:
The physics concepts behind daily Life : Interactive session by
Abijit Despande , IIT, Chennai
Physical Laws Experiments and Discussion : Dr. Kamal Lodaya, IIMS,

Evening Session:

Physics education in Schools a Discussion :Dr. Ramanujam, President, TNSF,

IIMS, Chennai
Visit to Science Park of the School
TNSF songs
Maths is a language to communicate Physics : Dr. Ramanujam, President,
TNSF,IIMS, Chennai
Movie Session :
CD show of Challenge to the Moon
Thappu Kannakku a short critic film on education

9.30 Activity 1: Measuring the height of building by its shadow

Morning Session:

Simple Physics Experiments Demo.and discussion :

S.Parthasarathy, IGCAR, Kalpakkam
Thought Experiments in Physics interesting questions and Discussion :
S.Parthasarathy, IGCAR, Kalpakkam
Group segregation for 10 projects of Each Teacher
Activity 2: Let us find exact North by using the shadow a pole.

After-noon Session:
Group Discussion and presentation of the project s proposed to carry out by
the participants
Future activities Planning making of calendar of activities
Taking the activities of My favorite law and My dream Engine to district
Discussion and approval of calendar of activities

Validity Function:

Presided by : Mr. Ramani, , President, TNSF Coimbatore Dist.

Feed Back from partipants
Let us commit Mr.C.Vennkatesan , TNSF
Vote of thanks Mr. Mohanasundaram, Secretary, TNSF, TNSF Coimbatore Dist

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