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Date of performance ____/_________/__________

AIM: - To Study and Verify

1. Reciprocity Theorem for DC network and
2. Superposition Theorem for DC Network


S No. Name of the Apparatus Range Qty. Required

1. Bread Board - 01
2. Resistors As per the requirement 03
3. DC Regulated Power Supply 0-30 V 01
4. Multimeter 0-1999 (31/2 Digit) 01
5. Connecting Leads - Lumsum

Reciprocity Theorem States that if an emf E in one branch of a reciprocal network
produces a current I in another, then if the emf E is moved from the first to the
second branch, it will cause the same current in the first branch, where the emf has
been replaced by a short circuit.
Consider the network shown in figure below, AA denotes input terminals and BB
denotes output terminals. The application of voltage V across AA produces current I
at BB. Now if the position of source and responses are interchanged, by connecting
the voltage source across BB, the resultant current I will be at terminals AA.
According to Reciprocity theorem, the ratio of response to excitation is the same in
both cases.

To be drawn by the students as per the guide lines given by the instructor


To be written by the students in accordance with the circuit diagram


To be prepared by the students in accordance with the circuit diagram

To be done by the students in accordance with the observation readings

1. Compare between theoretical and practical calculations.

1. Switch off the supply when not in use.
2. Reading should be taken carefully.
3. All connections should be tight and correct.
4. Instruments of proper range should be used.


S No. Name of the Apparatus Range Qty. Required

1. Bread Board - 01
2. Resistors As per the requirement As per the
circuit Diagram
3. DC Regulated Power Supply 0-30 V 02
4. Multimeter 0-1999 (31/2 Digit) 02
5. Connecting Leads - Lumsum

Superposition Theorem States that In any linear bilateral network containing two
or more independent sources (voltage or current sources or combination of voltage
and current sources ), the resultant current / voltage in any branch is the algebraic
sum of currents / voltages caused by each independent sources acting along, with all
other independent sources being replaced meanwhile by their respective internal
Superposition theorem is most often used when it is necessary to determine the
individual contribution of each source to a particular response.
Superposition theorem can be explained through a simple resistive network as
shown below and it has two independent practical voltage sources and one practical
current source.

The problem is to determine the response I in the resistor R 2. The current I in

accordance with the Superposition Theorem can be obtained as

To be drawn by the students as per the guide lines given by the instructor


To be written by the students in accordance with the circuit diagram


To be prepared by the students in accordance with the circuit diagram


To be done by the students in accordance with the observation readings

1. Compare between theoretical and practical calculations.

2. Switch off the supply when not in use.
3. Reading should be taken carefully.
4. All connections should be tight and correct.
5. Instruments of proper range should be used.


Ques 1: Is the reciprocity theorem valid for a network containing more than one
Ques 2: What are reciprocal networks?

Ques 3: What are the conditions under which Superposition Theorem can be

Ques 4: Can Superposition Theorem be applied to non-linear network? Why?

Ques 5: Is Superposition Theorem applicable to power as it is applicable to

current and voltage?

Ques 6: Superposition Theorem is used when circuit contains

a. A single current source
b. A single voltage source
c. A number of sources
d. Passive elements only
Ques 7: The concept on which Superposition Theorem is based on ___________________

Ques 8: Superposition Theorem is applicable to both linear and non-linear

responses (True / False).

Signature of the Faculty with date ____________________ Garde________________

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