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Intellectuals: History of the Concept

Christophe Charle, Professeur dhistoire contemporaine lUniversit de Paris I, Institut dHistoire Moderne et contemporaine,
Paris, France
2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This article is reproduced from the previous edition, volume 11, pp. 76277631, 2001, Elsevier Ltd., with updates by the Editor.


A historical and comparative approach to the term intellectuals or its equivalent in other languages shows the priority of the
French use, in but also the persistent differences in its meaning even when translated in other contexts. The French model
inuenced other European countries, but it is only in Spain and Italy that the political mobilization of intellectuals was very
similar to the French case. Whether in Russia (with the intelligentsia) or in German-speaking countries (with the Gebildete)
or in the Anglo-Saxon world, the political, religious, and academic specities remained very strong during the whole of the
twentieth century.

The noun intellectuels appeared in France in the 1890s and The French Case
was largely diffused thanks to the polemics around the Dreyfus
Affair (in particular the so-called Manifeste des intellectuels, In France, even before the Dreyfus Affair, the neologism intel-
published after the famous Jaccuse paper by Zola issued on lectuels was used by avant-garde circles as a social mark. The
13 January 1898, in LAurore). This diffusion not only occurred intellectuel was some kind of mandarin, who despised politics
in France but also, sooner or later, in the whole of Europe and and wanted to distinguish himself from middle class, domi-
even in America (North and South) (Drouin, 1994). There are nant writers and academics. Intellectuel was a sort of superlative
two exceptions to this large diffusion of the new concept: of what Flaubert meant by the word artiste (Bourdieu, 1992).
Germany and Russia where there existed former and akin But, since the neologism was widely used during the Dreyfus
notions, Intelligenz and intelligentsia, already used as social or Affair, the initial cultural meaning was replaced by a strong
political denominations (Mller, 1971). Previous uses of the emphasis laid upon the political acception. In the rst phase of
English translation, intellectuals, are attested too before the the Dreyfus affair, the intellectuels were an equivalent of drey-
1890s, but they seem to have been too rare to have known fusards and, afterwards, when antidreyfusard intellectuals also
a broad social circulation (Williams, 1976). In the same way, in intervened in a collective way, the word intellectuels began to
America, intellectuals became a common notion only in dene a special category of people who defended political
connection with newspaper commentaries about the Dreyfus positions based on arguments of social authority, i.e., their
Affair (Bender, 1987). competence as thinkers, historians, scientists, professors,
To understand why this new terminology received a Euro- writers, or artists.
pean or even international diffusion, it is necessary to recall the In France, the birth of intellectuels may be rst explained by
issues of this historical moment. What was at stake in this crisis a growing inadequacy of former cultural patterns confronted to
was not only a political problem but also the afrmation of the buoyant cultural expansion of the last decades of the nine-
a new group, defender of universal values against the reason of teenth century. Intellectual professions, far more numerous
State (Charle, 1990). These values justied the fact that writers, now, defended their social and symbolic status at once so that
artists, scholars, students, members of liberal professions, and collective attitudes appeared, breaking with older individualistic
so on, intervened on a collective basis in the political debate, habits. But this defense may be argued on two different grounds:
although they were not themselves, for the main part, profes- with intellectual and pure values or on professional and
sional politicians. The other specicity of this moment was pragmatic issues. Against avant-garde writers or academics,
that, in other countries, this same cause or other similar ones generally militating for the rst option, professional associa-
favored the intervention of intellectuals, but generally in tions appeared during the same period that were more attached
various patterns and with different contents. Since that period, to material interests. The rst use of the term intellectuels
social sciences have debated at a theoretical level, in order to was reserved for the rst type of elitist fraternity. It was to be the
nd universal characteristics underlying this new vocabulary germ of its political transformation as for the Russian intelli-
(Shils, 1972). As a matter of fact, the emergence of intellectuals gentsia diffused a bit earlier in the 1870s. As in Russia too,
cannot be assimilated to the apparition of a new permanent reformed universities played a major role in the process of
social group as some historians or sociologists suggest regu- emergence and mobilization of nonconformist intellectuals.
larly, wrongly mixing intellectuals, intelligentsia and profes- The second paradoxical factor of ideological and political
sions (Bell, 1973; Perkin, 1989). To know in reality what is change, was the early crisis of parliamentary democracy in
meant by the words, intellectuals, intellectuels, Intellektuelle, France. After the stabilization of the Third Republic, apolitism
intellettuali, intelectuales, and so on, it is necessary to dene predominated among intellectuals as if the end of history was
them within their specic cultural, social, and historical already reached. A new politicization occurred with the crisis of
contexts. ofcial parties and the emergence of extremist factions, which

International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2nd edition, Volume 12 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-08-097086-8.03093-2 273
274 Intellectuals: History of the Concept

had a large echo among avant-garde writers (in particular who presented outsider proles. The best known were the
anarchism and, to a lesser degree, socialism). This new trend Fabians who could not attend the best colleges and universities
prepared what is the specicity of the Dreyfus Affair, the and had to nd their way through journalism, literature, new
invention of a new relationship with politics outside the ofcial academic institutions (e.g., the London School of Economics)
political scene. Intellectuals in this new terminology pretended or militant politics. But these avant-gardes were very different
to practice politics in a different way. This was possible because from contemporary French avant-gardes. They limited their
the legitimacy of Republican elite laid on the same bases as the intervention to one main eld: for the Fabians, social and
legitimacy of intellectuals themselves, i.e., upon merit and political questions, for aesthetes, aesthetic life, and so on. They
individual talent. But in so far as these elite appeared incom- pretended to create a voluntary structure and to indirectly
petent or corrupted after different crises and scandals (Bou- inuence the ofcial sphere indirectly, not at all to destroy or
langism, Panama scandal, and so on), intellectuals preserved affront it directly.
from these faults might pretend to offer an alternative elite Even when mobilization occurred on a larger scale, as
necessary to lead any genuine democracy. during the Boers war, English intellectuals used the ofcial
Students, avant-garde writers, and even younger generations means of actions and respected legal frameworks. Finally, the
of academics, before and during the Dreyfus Affair, expressed main difference lay in the very different function of the State in
these new revendications of being the true representatives of England and in Continental Europe. In England, militant
the people against politicians. The State itself, with its growing intellectuals endeavored to enlarge its role to correct social
intolerance towards literary innovations or extremist parties injustice, whereas, in France and even more in Germany,
(especially anarchism) contributed to the mobilization of intellectuals tried rst to weaken its authoritarian trends.
authors against juridical prosecutions through collective
manifestos just before the Dreyfus affair.
The Dreyfus affair presented both a true continuity with The German Case
preceding years and a break due to the scale of mobilization.
Afterwards, the main following mobilizations of intellectuals Even if the word Intellektuelle, derived from French, continues
obeyed the same collective rites and values (Ory and Sirinelli, almost until now to bear a derogatory nuance (Bering, 1978),
1986). Its founding importance was to prove that this type of the German genuine equivalents Intelligenz, Gebildete, and
mobilization might lead to real political consequences. This Geistige, have been used for a long time but do not imply, as
twofold mobilization (of dreyfusards and antidreyfusards) was the French term, the same political or social behaviors. This
new and dened, on both sides of the political scene, a general early appearance of the question of intellectuals may be
denition of intellectuals, which was not limited to leftist shown through the recurrent discussion about the academic
intellectuals. On the contrary in other countries, the equiva- proletariate (rst in the Vormrz period, then in the 1880s,
lents of intellectuels are, generally speaking, conned to one side and nally in the Weimar period: Titze, 1990), with the
of the political spectrum. ideological debates within the social-democratic party about
the place of Intelligenz (Gilcher-Holthey, 1986), and also with
the Antisemitimusstreit in 1879. This last famous polemic
The Peculiarities of English Intellectuals about the role of Jews in German society between the
conservative historian Treitschke and his liberal colleague
In contrast with France, it is generally argued that no intellec- Mommsen, a former Forty-eighter (former participant to
tuals exist at all, in the continental acception, in the UK. Since revolutionary troubles of 1848 in Germany), appears very
around 1980, British historians and sociologists reacted against near, in its arguments, to the debate between opposing French
this strong and vulgarized anti-intellectual bias. Some authors dreyfusards and antidreyfusards. The rights of minorities and, in
speak of an intelligentsia (Allen, 1986; Heyck, 1982), i.e., an particular, of individuals and Jews, lay at the center. Other
elitist avant-garde, others of public moralists, which enhances affairs concerning academic freedom (Arons case or Spahn
the role of dominant and academic intellectuals (Collini, case), or freedom of creation, like the mobilization against the
1991) or of a professional class which assimilates intellectual lex Heinze (1900), show too that the debates about intellec-
professions to a new class (Perkin, 1989). A comparative tual autonomy were as crucial in Germany as in France and
approach shows that two specic factors may explain the strong that they succeeded several times to mobilize some groups of
difference with the French situation, in spite of the proximity of intellectuals (Charle, 1996).
economic and political conditions in intellectual life, the But, in all cases, mobilization was limited to specic groups
persistent elitism of English academic life and the relative and to particular issues which did not put into question the
proximity between intellectual professions and political elite. whole structure of State itself as in France. A mere political
Established elites, even if they were obliged to reform and explanation (an Empire opposed to a Republic) does not
enlarge the political system at the end of the nineteenth sufce. What was specic and new in the Dreyfus case was the
century, were not contested as an illegitimate power elite, to the convergence of different intellectual groups about common
degree they were in France. In fact, English dominant intellec- values. In Germany, the corporatist ethos remained stronger
tuals mainly shared the same values and background as even about general issues; free intellectuals and State intellec-
gentlemen and political leaders because they were largely tuals (mainly university professors) despised each other.
issued from the same public schools and universities. Academics began at that time to live apart from the political
In front of these dominant intellectuals, appeared, in the sphere and preferred a general cultural function as State or
last decades of the twentieth century, new types of intellectuals Bildungs defenders through different associations. Only a small
Intellectuals: History of the Concept 275

minority of free intellectuals and very few in the Academe put found here in which intellectuels become a mere synonym for
into question dominant elite or national causes. the Russian word intelligentsia which is nearer a sociological
The Gebildete assumed that they represented the true public concept after the October revolution than the term intellectuels
opinion and that they were the best interpreters of general is in French. Intellectuels in the phraseology of the Communist
causes, but they intended to remain in their own eld in order Parties are assimilated to a social group in order to deny them
to serve their country best. This German intellectual and any political autonomy and oblige them to dene their polit-
geographical fragmentation hindered the linkage between local ical attitude within the limits of the Marxist-Leninist orthodoxy
or professional struggles for autonomy (Engelhardt, 1986; and to renounce to their own vision which is, in the French
Hbinger and Mommsen, 1993; Ringer, 1969, 1992). political tradition, far more linked with the French Revolution
legacy and the defense of Human Rights (Benda, 1927). This
intertwining of two traditions after the 1930s explains why
Southern Europe leftist intellectuals used social concepts to attack their rightist
opponents, while in contrast, rightist intellectuals laid the stress
In Spain as in Italy, the local equivalent of intellectuels seemed on the idealist conception of the intellectuals role; they
also to be in use in the 1890s in connection with, or even opposed themselves to materialism (i.e., leftist intellectuals
before, the Dreyfus case. The French example was very inu- inuenced by Marxism) instead of only taking the defense of
ential for the Spanish and Italian intellectuals because French tradition as before (Sapiro, 1999).
cultural inuence, in the two peninsulas, was already very The decline of Marxism in the intelligentsia and the excess of
strong since the French Revolution. Also, the inner social and sociological terrorism in intellectual struggles during the 1950s
political situations of Spanish and Italian intellectuals pre- and 1960s (Boschetti, 1985) explain why French contemporary
sented some analogies with the French context. As their French intellectual life is dominated by some sort of revival of the
homologues, they thought that their countries went through primitive meaning of the word intellectuel. This complete
a deep crisis (economic backwardness, military defeat in Spain, historical cycle is one of the origins of the renewed interest for
emigration, social riots and parliamentary corruption in Italy), the study of intellectuals as political and social actors by French
which implied some sort of public intervention to nd solu- and foreign scholars in the 1980s and 1990s (Bourdieu, 1992;
tions. The strong anticlericalism and antimilitarism, the link Jennings, 1993; Judt, 1992; Julliard and Winock, 1996;
between intellectuals and extreme left movements, the emer- Sirinelli, 1990; Trebitsch and Granjon, 1998).
gence of a new nationalism in both countries, also recalled the Anti-intellectualism, which was so frequent in England
French debates at the turn of the twentieth century (Serrano and Germany before World War I seemed to somewhat
and Salan, 1988). Obvious differences also existed: the decline after the mobilization of all types of intellectuals
weaker public audience of intellectuals depending on the (scholars as well as writers or journalists) during the Union
cultural backwardness of popular classes (high level of anal- sacre for propaganda or practical applications devoted to
phabetism) and the persistence of a large sector of opinion National Defense. It conferred on them a new importance in
among Catholics, hostile to the cultural inheritance of all political contexts. After World War I, the democratization
Enlightenment, very inuent in both countries, and an over- of politics, in both the UK and Weimar Germany, now placed
production of laureati in Italy which could explain a strong intellectuals in a political context quite similar to the French
commitment of academics to extremist parties (Barbagli, 1974, one. The growing inuence of left parties, of Marxist ideas, of
1982; Michels, 1921). international questions (communism, fascism, pacism, fear
for a new world war) gave birth to international debates
among European intellectuals (or even American, if the case
Twentieth-Century Changes of Meanings of New York intellectuals may be included: Wald, 1987).
Nevertheless, this did not mean that the specic national
The intertwining of the sociological and the political or ethical traditions were forgotten. Even if notions like Intellektuelle or
viewpoints was perpetually renewed during the history of intelligentsia were present more than before in the German or
French intellectuals after the Dreyfus affair. A new socio- English public debate, they never obtained the general inu-
logization of the word occurred with the attacks against ence or consensus which their equivalents enjoyed in France,
previous dreyfusards in the pre-world-war period. The parti Italy, or Spain (Bering, 1978; Stark, 1984). Even innovative
intellectuel, to use Pguys phrase, was charged by their former sociologists such as Karl Mannheim continued in general to
allies (for example Georges Sorel) for having used the political use the older lexis even to propose their new conceptions of
struggle in order to conquer eminent positions of power. For a free-oating intelligentsia (freischwebende Intelligenz:
their critics, this political party in fact constituted a social Mannheim, 1929). Debates about the social decline of
cluster of arrivists, a new elite of mandarins backing upon leftist intellectual workers in Germany or Central Europe used too
politicians (Prochasson, 1992). old phrases such as geistige Arbeiter (Jarausch, 1990, Titze,
Between the two World Wars, there was a revival of the 1990). The anti-intellectualism of the Nazi movement and
political and ideological emphasis on the meaning of the word the huge migration (after 1933) of progressist or Jewish
during what has been called the Franco-french war between intellectuals out of Germany and Central Europe stopped, for
the right-wing parti de lintelligence and the left-wing intellec- almost two decades, this timid convergence with the Latin
tuels de gauche. This trend is enhanced because, at the same tradition of intellectuals.
time, extreme left movements tried to restrict the notion to The decline and fall of the different fascist or communist
a sociological sense. The inuence of Soviet Marxism may be regimes in the second half of the twentieth century gave a new
276 Intellectuals: History of the Concept

actuality to the oppositional gure of intellectuals, in particular Fleck, Christian, Hess, Andreas (Eds.), 2014. Knowledge for Whom? Public Sociology
in Central and Eastern Europe (the dissidents who recalled the in the Making. Ashgate, Farnham.
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Europe, in Africa, Asia, or Latin America, revolutionary intel- Gilcher-Holthey, I., 1986. Das Mandat des Intellektuellen: Karl Kautsky und die
lectuals or militants for the Human Rights also rejuvenated the Sozialdemokratie. Siedler, Berlin, Germany.
nineteenth century European tradition of intellectual youth Granjon, M.-C., Racine, N., Trebitsch, M. (Eds.), 1997. Histoire compare des intel-
mobilized for the nation or populist projects. All these lectuels. IHTP, CNRS, Paris.
Heyck, T.W., 1982. The Transformation of Intellectual Life in Victorian England. Croom
convergences or political cycles explain why the historical Helm, London.
notion of intellectuals continues to be at the center of many Hbinger, G., Mommsen, W. (Eds.), 1993. Intellektuelle im Deutschen Kaiserreich.
historical, sociological, or philosophical reexions, trying until Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, Frankfurt/M, Germany.
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See also: Elites, Anthropology of; Elites: Sociological Aspects; Judt, T., 1992. Past Imperfect: French Intellectuals, 19441956. University of Cal-
Intellectuals, Sociology of; Mannheim, Karl (18931947); ifornia Press, Berkeley, CA.
Professions and Professionalization, History of; Prosopography Julliard, J., Winock, M. (Eds.), 1996. Dictionnaire des intellectuels franais. ditions du
(Collective Biography); Social Scientists as Experts and Public Seuil, Paris.
Kuklick, Bruce, 2006. Blind Oracles: Intellectuals and War from Kennan to Kissinger.
Intellectuals. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ.
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