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27/8/2017 Viking Knit Unraveled y Revelado | Ornamento


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Viking Knit Unraveled y Revelado

31 de marzo de 2011 Por el ornamento en Arlene Fisch , Arte , Latn , cobre , trabajo del metal , trabajo del metal ,
resolucin de problemas , Tutorial del Knit de Viking , trabajo del alambre .
Recientemente pas el tiempo tratando de romper el Viking Knit. Hay algunas direcciones excelentes en Internet
incluyendo estos en el sitio web de Bellas Artes por Rocio (h p://www.neartbyrocio.com/vikingknitdirections.html) .
El problema es que el punto de Viking que se ve tan fresco es de punto doble o triple y todas las instrucciones
(h p://www.lampworketc.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3210) que vi, incluyendo las del
(h p://www.amazon.com/Great-Wire-Jewelry-Projects-Techniques/dp/1579900933) libro de Irene Petersen, por lo
(h p://www.amazon.com/Great-Wire-Jewelry-Projects-Techniques/dp/1579900933) dems maravilloso, te dicen que
bucle por un par de las con un solo cable y luego ir Hasta un par de las y volver a doblar punto y repetir a punto
triple. No s acerca de ti, pero eso me llevara "Ape, algo que rima con punto". Adems, es difcil mantener las las y
puntos de sutura uniformes y los cables de forma uniforme en lugar de whopper mandbula y todo retorcido.

Y luego haba algo como sujetar una Llave Allen (h p://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hex_key) en un tornillo que pareca
una exageracin. Viking Knit quiere en espiral y siempre y cuando mantenga sus puntadas bastante uniforme, usted
no tiene que ser fantico. Puede enderezar su trabajo de alambre cuando lo saca del mandril. Pude encontrar a varios
artistas en el Internet que utilizaron un mandril de una cierta clase. He tenido xito con clavijas y palillos.

Pero mi mayor descubrimiento es que usted no tiene que hacer el sentido hacia arriba y hacia abajo sin sentido para
hacer punto triple y doble. Todo lo que tienes que hacer es trabajar con dos o tres alambres a la vez. Realmente no es
tan difcil.

Aqu est una imagen toscamente dibujada de cmo usted comienza:

(h ps://ornamento.les.wordpress.com/2011/03/diagram.jpg)

Los lazos rojos son lo que llaman los ptalos (h p://www.gailne les.com/wp-content/uploads/petals.jpg) . El diagrama
anterior muestra el punto trabajado plano, y usted puede ver ejemplos de esto en el libro clsico de Arlene Fisch Textile
Techniques in Metal (h p://www.amazon.com/Textile-Techniques-Metal-Jewelers-Sculptors/dp/1579905145/ref=sr_1_2?
ie=UTF8&qid=1301359791&sr=8-2) . Pero por ahora, piensa en redondo. Dado que se recomienda trabajar en hilos de

calibre 24 o 26, trabajar con 2 o 3 hilos a la vez es ms fcil de lo

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calibre 24 o 26, trabajar con 2 o 3 hilos a la vez es ms fcil de lo que suena. Cuando trabajo con alambre de cobre,
trabajo con hileras largas de hilo atadas un extremo y procedo como si estuviera usando un solo hilo. Cuando trabajo
con alambre de latn, uso de 18 "a 24" hebras porque el alambre es ms rgido y un poco ms difcil de trabajar, pero
no es difcil. Aqu hay algunas fotos:

(h ps://ornamento.les.wordpress.com/2011/03/in-progress.jpg)

Aqu est una cadena de punto triple en progreso. Es tres puntadas alrededor y estoy usando el alambre de calibre 24.
Dicen que el cable calibre 24 o 26 es el mejor tamao para usar.

Aqu est un detalle:

(h ps://ornamento.les.wordpress.com/2011/03/detail.jpg)

Aado una nueva cadena de acuerdo con las instrucciones estndar que encontrar en los tutoriales de Internet o en el
libro de Irene Peterson. Trabaj en esta cadena de alambre de latn hasta que tena unos 16 "de largo. Entonces lo
recocido con una antorcha micro (h p://www.amazon.com/Blazer-GB4001-Stingray-Butane-Torch/dp/B000HT8U9M)
(usted no necesita hacer esto con el cobre o la plata na, pero el latn es ms tieso) despus de cepillarlo con el ujo
para reducir cualquier escala del fuego.

El siguiente paso es pasarlo por el plato de madera.

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(h ps://ornamento.les.wordpress.com/2011/03/dscf0007.jpg)

(h ps://ornamento.les.wordpress.com/2011/03/rst-draw-through-drawplate.jpg)

La imagen anterior muestra la cadena durante el proceso de dibujo. Lo pas a travs de tres agujeros sucesivamente
ms pequeos, y luego se detuvo. Una vez vi un video de Charles Lewton-Cerebro que
(h p://www.brainpress.com/LewtonBrain.html) demostraba la formacin de pliegues
(h p://www.brainpress.com/Foldforming.html) y dijo algo que se qued conmigo. No recuerdo la cita exacta, pero
dijo que cuando usted est trabajando en algo y llegar a un punto donde te gusta cmo se ve, PARE!

(h ps://ornamento.les.wordpress.com/2011/03/necklace.jpg)

(h ps://ornamento.les.wordpress.com/2011/03/necklace.jpg)

La imagen de arriba es el collar acabado. Sold los extremos tricotados

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La imagen de arriba es el collar acabado. Sold los extremos tricotados juntos y sold un alambre calibre 14 a cada
extremo. Luego hice las tapas de los extremos de latn, pas el cable calibre 14 a travs de los agujeros en el extremo,
me form bucles envueltos. Hizo saltar los anillos y los sold cerrados y termin con un cierre "S" que hice para el

Aqu hay un acercamiento.

(h ps://ornamento.les.wordpress.com/2011/03/endcaps.jpg)

Para darle una pequea perspectiva, las dos secciones de cobre a continuacin son cinco puntadas alrededor. La parte
superior es triple punto de la misma manera que hice el collar de latn y el fondo es de punto nico.


(h ps://ornamento.les.wordpress.com/2011/03/3-weave-on-top-and-single-on-bo om.jpg)

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(h ps://ornamento.les.wordpress.com/2011/03/last.jpg)

El cuadro nal es un cierre para arriba de una gran cuenta del agujero que desliz sobre la cadena. El collar nal tena
unos 24 "de largo. Cunto duran las cadenas cuando las dibujas? No hay una respuesta dura y rpida. Depende de la
rigidez de su alambre, cuntas veces dibuja la cadena y cuntos puntos alrededor de su cadena es. Lo nico que puedo
decir con seguridad es mejor dos largos que demasiado cortos.

As que ahora que usted sabe cmo hacer una doble o triple cadena Viking Knit sin todas las maniobras arriba y abajo,
seguir adelante y darle una oportunidad. OK, usted podra pensar que es hacer trampa. Usted puede ser un purista.
Slo recuerde, como alguien ms sabio que yo una vez dijo: "La virtud es su propia recompensa y poco ms."

Aqu est una adicin tarda: el punto de Viking es el mismo que el "Acorn Stitch" o Celyon Stitch "utilizado en el
bordado, slo que se trabaja al revs. A veces se puede obtener la cada de una tcnica de probar en otro medio
primero. Si eres nuevo en el trabajo de alambre pero bueno en la costura, prueba la tcnica con hilo para obtener la
cada de la misma.

Elizabethan Embroidery - Goldwork Acorn

Tags: Art, crafts, creativity, jewelry, Tutorial

42 responses to Viking Knit Unraveled and Revealed

1. Melanie McKenzie June 26, 2011 at 1:08 PM Reply

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1. Melanie McKenzie June 26, 2011 at 1:08 PM Reply

You have saved my life, I too tried to follow the old form v knit double but it was a disaster. I googled it tonight,
Aussie insomniac, and found you! Hooray. your method.is so elegant. I.am so your newest follower.

ornamento June 27, 2011 at 11:02 AM Reply


2. Dita September 16, 2011 at 4:09 PM Reply

Thank you so much for this high class instruction. I am into viking knit now. Want to know more about double
viking knit and the history. It is fascinating. I also thank you for bringing the enbroidery ref. The music is soothing
and takes you to a dierent time and age:)

h p://www.alankarshilpa.etsy.com
h p://www.alankarshilpa.blogspot.com.

ornamento September 16, 2011 at 6:07 PM Reply

I would not be surprised to learn that it started out as a textile technique. I dont know a lot about the history,
but you nd the technique in many cultures.
Thanks for your kind comments.

3. Pingback: Do Overs Ornamento

4. Jennifer February 13, 2012 at 2:10 PM Reply

This is a great idea! Ive been trying to gure out how to do a viking knit bracelet using two dierent colors of wire
for a few days at least and have also tried doing it but couldnt come up with anything. After reading this, Im
going to try this method out but use two dierent colors instead of one. Thank you for this great idea and for
making it available to the rest of us. Have you done a viking knit using two dierent colors? If so, can you post it?
Thank you again.

ornamento February 14, 2012 at 10:03 AM Reply

No I have not. I like the look of metal and one color. Im glad you found the post helpful. It might not suit
Viking Knit purists, but it is an easier way to achieve results that are very close. Remember that softer (as
opposed to sti) wire and thinner gauge (24-26) looks be er.

5. Laurie July 24, 2012 at 8:10 PM Reply

I love your creativity. I have done the traditional viking knit technique in single, double & triple and love the
chains I have made. However I love the more open braided look of your technique. I cnt wait to give it a try!
Do you know how to do something similar to viking knit in a at bracelet style?

ornamento July 25, 2012 at 7:33 PM Reply

Thanks for your kind comments. This is a variation and, while some people think the open look doesnt look as
good as the real thing, its only meant as an easier alternative.
But you got me thinking!!! I never thought about a at Viking knit, but why not? Im sure someone has already
done it in wire and certainly with yarn or thread. So many of these techniques were originally used with
textiles. Imagine starting o o with four or ve loops but instead of arranging them around a dowel, have
them at and secured on a work board (think macrame or knot tying). You would start the knit as usual from
left to right looping the working wire through the top loops. When you get to the end of the row, go down and
make a new row by looping through the row you just added, but this time you go from right to left. I think it
would look a lot more open done in wire but so does wire crochet.

If you try this, please send me some pictures!

6. MicheleK August 15, 2012 at 11:27 AM Reply

This is great! Im denitely going to try this. I dont nd the traditional double weave to be troublesome but this
techinique looks great and seems like it saves time. Thanks

7. MicheleK August 15, 2012 at 11:31 AM Reply

I cant wait to try this out. I like doing the double weave technique but this also looks cool and seems faster. I did
not think to try brass before either. Do you seal your brass and copper chains with anything?
ornamento August 15, 2012 at 6:28 PM Reply
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ornamento August 15, 2012 at 6:28 PM Reply

No, I dont seal. my version of the double will look a bit looser than traditional double. You get to decide
whether you like it,

8. SharonDelamore October 30, 2012 at 6:10 PM Reply

I have been making a single 4-stitch Viking Knit in 25G copper, using a stick pen as the dowel. It is now 14 in long
and I am wondering if there is some chart that will give me an idea how long it will be after drawing it through the
draw plate to a fairly ne. ???

ornamento November 1, 2012 at 2:12 PM Reply

The nal length will depend on the gauge of the wire, the stiness of the wire, how tightly you knit, how many
stitches around you work, whether you do a single, double or triple weave and how thinly you draw the chain.
For some general guidelines try
h p://blog.katrinalum.com/2011/09/viking-knit-tutorial-intermediate-level.html.
one thing I can say for sure is always to knit more than what you think you need. You can make your piece
shorter but you really cant make it longer.

9. Debbie April 14, 2013 at 8:13 PM Reply

Wonderful!! I too had tried the traditional method and even though I can make great single chains, the doubles
were ending up as one big glob of wire that could not be helped by pulling through a draw plate. Your directions
are perfect and I really appreciate you posting them! Your photos were great too!

ornamento April 15, 2013 at 12:34 PM Reply

Thanks! I have been fooling around with the traditional way of doing the double weave and my big plan is to
post clear instructions for that. The methods do have dierent looks and I like them both.

10. Sandy W. June 1, 2013 at 8:15 PM Reply

I enjoyed your instructions even though I do single, double and triple Viking and even tried 5-color/5wire Viking
technique (twice was enough) so this will open new possibilities. I did a 5-loop double strand today and am excited
to pull it through the draw-plate to see the nished chain.

ornamento June 2, 2013 at 1:02 PM Reply

Thanks. My way is just an alternative to the traditional.

11. Kevin June 10, 2013 at 10:33 AM Reply

This was great information. I am using a silver wire and a turquoise wire to do a double knit. This helped me
achieve my goal.

12. Pingback: Viking Masters of the Metal Arts | Ornamento

13. Barbara September 5, 2014 at 11:07 PM Reply

Take a look at Stephanie Eddys site (StephanieEddy.com) on viking knit and her tool. You will be able to do
amazing things very easily.

ornamento September 6, 2014 at 10:07 AM Reply

I have never tried Stephanies tool but for those who are interested in buying it, I have heard wonderful things
about it.

14. Pingback: A New Twist on Viking Knit! | Ornamento

15. Pingback: Viking Knit Unraveled and Revealed, etc | Modern Renaissance Life

16. rosist February 24, 2015 at 10:55 AM Reply

I, personally, love double knit, and nd the results are pre y dierent from double wire. Easier for me to do the
skip back one row than handling two wires, but both have very interesting looks and applications. Double wire is
fun with two colorssuch as copper and black. your pictures are great here! Thanks for sharing!

ornamento February 24, 2015 at 9:03 PM Reply

I like the double knit too now that Ive gured it out! The
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27/8/2017 Viking Knit Unraveled y Revelado | Ornamento

I like the double knit too now that Ive gured it out! The double wire is denitely a dierent look and I am
intrigued by the idea of using dierent colors of wire together. Thanks for your comments.

rosist February 25, 2015 at 8:44 PM

Rose St Clair
the link (if it works) is to a picture of an example of black and copper wire done together.
hace aproximadamente 3 aos

rosist November 27, 2016 at 7:06 PM

Hope that picture works

ornamento February 26, 2015 at 6:43 PM Reply

I like it! Thanks so much for sharing!

rosist November 27, 2016 at 7:06 PM

Just looked back and see that the picture is not what I said it was. That set is just raw copper, that has patina
from gun blue. Will try and get a picture that I described, with black wire and copper wire.

Rose St Clair
17. Lily Madera Mayhace
6, 2015 at 1:51 AM Reply
aproximadamente 3 aos
What wire do you recommend? Craft wire is too sti, even in 26 gauge.

Carol September 14,
DeBellefeuille for2015
you! at 11:15
great AMon the
barter Reply
Copper 24 gauge works
See Translation

18. helensadornmentsblog September 13, 2015 at 7:58 PM Reply

5 Share
That is really gorgeous. I have alway wanted to try that stitch but thought it looked way too complicated.

ornamento September 14, 2015 at 11:15 AM Reply

The double knit is not as hard as it looks once you wrap your head around it. One of the problems is that
wri en instructions for double knit never seem like they are going to work. But they do. Check out this site and
then grab some telephone wire and a fat mandrel and practice. You will get it and the only way to get it is to do
it. h ps://entwinedvines.wordpress.com/2012/03/26/viking-knit-tutorial-pt-3-double-knit/

19. paula February 8, 2016 at 3:57 PM Reply

this is a HUGE waste of wire, double and triple viking knit isnt that hard. did you run your sample of single
viking knit both ways instead of only the direction of the stiches?

ornamento February 8, 2016 at 4:27 PM Reply

I agree with you that double and triple knit are not that hard once you learn the stitches. Not everyone has been
able to master them but the instructions available at present are so much be er than they were when I was
learning and when I wrote this post. This stitch no substitute for the double and triple stitch; its only an
alternate look. As far as being a huge waste of wire, I am sure that it uses more wire than conventional double
or triple knit. But a huge waste of wire? I leave that judgment to the individual crafter. I am not sure what you
mean by your last comment, so I cannot answer. But thanks for leaving a comment.
double wire, single Viking knit bracelet with hand hammered copper
hook and rings, glass heart bead.
20. Milica G July 22, 2016 at 4:18 PM Reply
This is a See
brilliant idea, Ill give it a try, thanks for sharing! I enjoyed surng your blog, keep up with great work!

11 July 23,
1 2016 at 9:38 AM Reply
Thanks. It does not look the same as double Viking Knit. It is just an alternative.

21. Sheila Frame November 26, 2016 at 2:26 PM Reply

Great idea. I will try this. I have been experimenting and lately I am making my viking knit with 22 gauge wire.
This is not for beginners, however. I am using six loops on a 3/8 wooden dowel. Its quite substantial and looks
dierent than 24 gauge wire knit once its pulled through the draw plate. I have been pleased with it. Wanted to
share. Thank you for generously posting your technique!

ornamento November 27, 2016 at 6:56 PM Reply

Sounds interesting. Keep on experimenting and make something

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Sounds interesting. Keep on experimenting and make something new!

22. Amy April 23, 2017 at 6:04 AM Reply

Tengo algo nuevo! Desarroll la tcnica Viking Knit Split porque quera tener dos colores diferentes en una
direccin vertical. Me encantara saber lo que piensas. Aqu est el enlace h p://etsy.me/2pRUW2W

Ornamento 23 de abril de 2017 a las 6:25 AM Responder

Cuan genial es eso? Gracias por compartir!

Blog en WordPress.com.

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