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the sorority house UNIVERSITY RESIDENCE (UNIRES) University of

Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta






A. Introduction

The incidence of breast cancer continues to rise in developing countries and

in developed countries. Disease that can cause death in women is cervical cancer

and breast cancer. According to the World Health Organization (2008), the

incidence of breast cancer in women less than 16% of all cases of cancer

incidence in women and women who died from breast cancer estimated 510,000

in 2004 and 69% lower than the figure prevailing incidence in developing

countries. Deaths from breast cancer increased to 5 million cases of the number of

patients increased by about 20% per year with projections in 2015 estimated 15

million cases with 9 million deaths from breast cancer.

Case that must be considered is that of breast cancer patients in Asia are

relatively young (Park, 2008). The latest statistics show that the lifetime risk for

breast cancer is 1 in 8 women. In the last four years according to the World Health

Organization breast cancer death rate sharply, from 2008 to 2012 based on data

from international agencies specialized WHO cancer research cancer cases

increased from 1.4 million to 12.7 million.

In Indonesia breast cancer patients until now unknown number, but data

from the Ministry of Health (MoH) in 2012 states, the prevalence of cancer at 4.3

compared to 1,000 people. Ministry of Health noted breast cancer after clinical

cases of cervical cancer in all Hospitals in Indonesia. Based on data taken

Hospital Information System (SIRS) in 2014. The majority of breast cancer

patients is 12 014 people. Breast cancer issues in Indonesia is not much different

from other developing countries, namely the source and priority handling limited,
causing nearly 70% of patients are found already in a state of advanced stage

(Rahajeng, 2013). Breast cancer patients in Indonesia such as iceberg. Only a few

cases were revealed, but the condition is much greater rillnya and not revealed

(Suardi, 2014).

According to Lina (2014), preventive behavior is closely related to the

occurrence of a disease, if prevention is not good behavior, it will trigger the risk

of disease. otherwise if good behavior will eliminate the risk of exposure to

causative factor. Lack of awareness among women in the prevention practices

increase their risk for breast cancer.

This research generally aims to determine the effect of health education

about breast cancer and BSE demonstration techniques to increase the knowledge

and behavior of the resident in preventing breast cancer.

B. Literatur Review

Health education is an essential component in nursing care and activities

aimed at improving, maintaining and restoring health status, prevent disease, and

help individuals to overcome the effects of residual disease (Brunner et Suddarth,


Health education is an effort to improve the knowledge and motivation in the

prevention of disease that will arise in the individual. Motivation to cause

behavioral and knowledge within the individual to improve perfect health and

health potential actualization (Nola et al, 2000). In essence, health education is an

attempt to convey health messages to individuals, groups or communities and with

such effort is expected to have an influence on the behavior and bring about

change (Notoatmodjo, 2007).

It can be concluded that health education is an effort to help increase the

knowledge and motivation of people in attitudes, behaviors within the health

sector in order to achieve optimal health status. Health education activities are not

immediately show the results or not immediately bring benefits to people who are

easily seen or measured. The results of a new health education will be visible after

a few years later due to a behavioral health education investment. With the health

education is expected in the short term can bring about change and result in

increased public knowledge. While the mid-term of health education with the

knowledge that will affect behavior change, which ultimately output of health

education is increasing public health indicators.

In nursing, health education is a form of independent nursing interventions

to help clients individually or in groups, and the community in addressing health

through learning activities, which includes nurses act as educators (Suliha et al,


Solid tumor is a disease in which abnormal lumps form in the body, caused

by various diseases, such as malignant disease (neoplasm), infection and so on. In

a special sense is defined as a lump of solid tumors caused by malignant disease

(neoplasm) and malignant neoplasms are commonly called cancer (Sudoyo,


In men and women are the same breast until puberty, until the hormones
estrogen and other hormones affect breast development in females (Brunner &

Suddarth, 2002). breast cancer according to Dorland (2002) is the growth of new

cells that are not normal are likely to infiltrate into the surrounding tissue, causing

metastasis (spread child). Body tissue is increasingly transformed into cancer cells

will spread throughout other parts of the body that can cause death.

C. Methodology

The population is a subject that meet the established criteria (Nursalam,

2009). The population in this study were all freshmen class of 2014 University of

Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta who live in dormitory student population as much as


The sample is composed of sections of the population affordable can be

used as an object of research through sampling (Nursalam, 2009). The sample in

this study is a student at the University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta who live

in coed dorms Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta. The sampling technique

used is total sampling is a sampling technique as much as the total population.

The sample in this study were all freshmen living in dormitories student

Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta. Samples taken in this study must meet

the inclusion and exclusion criteria have been determined. Thus obtained a total

sample of 201 student.

This study research do in Dormitory Student Muhammadiyah University of

Yogyakarta. The reason researchers took the study sites because in Dormitory

Student Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta has not done research on the

Effect of health education on the level of knowledge in the prevention of breast

cancer EW and not all students who live in dorms is a student of the Faculty of

Medicine and Health Sciences which they will learn about breast cancer are

included in the academic and based on the results of preliminary studies that have

been done was a lot of student living in student dormitory who do not know about

breast cancer and how to prevent it right.

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