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International Journal of Ambient Energy

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The effect of cottonseed oil methyl ester on the

performance and exhaust emissions of a diesel
a b c d
Y. V. H. Rao , R. S. Voleti , A. V. S. Raju & P. N. Reddy
Department of Mechanical Engineering, K.L. College of Engineering, Green Fields,
Guntur Dt, Andhra Pradesh, 522502, India
Department of Mechanical Engineering, K.L. College of Engineering, Green Fields,
Guntur Dt, Andhra Pradesh, 522502, India
Department of Mechanical Engineering, J.N.T.U College of Engineering, Kakinada,
Andhra Pradesh, 533003, India
BITS, Narasampet, Warangal Dt, Andhra Pradesh, 506331, India

Available online: 30 Mar 2011

To cite this article: Y. V. H. Rao, R. S. Voleti, A. V. S. Raju & P. N. Reddy (2010): The effect of cottonseed oil methyl ester
on the performance and exhaust emissions of a diesel engine, International Journal of Ambient Energy, 31:4, 203-210

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International Journal of Ambient Energy, Volume 31, Number 4 October 2010

The effect of SYNOPSIS

The scarce and rapi dly depleting conventional
petroleum resources have promoted research for

cottonseed oil alternative fuels for internal combustion engines.

In vie w of thi s, vegetabl e oi l is a promi sing
alternative fuel for diesel engines as it has several
methyl ester advantages. The hi gh viscosity causes some
problems in atomisation of injector systems and
combustion in cyli nders of diesel engines. In
on the present research, to de cre ase viscosi ty of ra w
cottonseed oil , cottonseed m ethyl ester is

performance obtained by transesterification process. The fuel

properties of cottonsee d methyl ester such
as kinematic viscosity, calorific value, flash point,

and exhaust fire point, carbon residue and de nsity were

determined. Experiments were carried out using a
single cylinder, four stroke, constant speed, water
emissions of a cooled, direct injection diesel engine. The acquired
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data were analysed for various parameters such

as bra ke therm al eff icienc y, spec ific f uel
diesel engine consumption and e xhaust gas te mperature.
Results indicated that Diesel with 25% esterified
cottonseed oil f uel had closest performance to
Y. V. H. Rao*, R. S. Voleti**, mineral diesel. The brake therm al efficiency for
A. V. S. Raju*** and biodiese l and its ble nds i s f ound to be sli ghtly
higher than that of di ese l f ue l a t tested l oa d
P. N. Reddy conditions. For cottonseed biodi ese l and i ts
ble nded fuels, the exhaust gas tempe rature
increased with inc rea se in load. The engine
experimental results showed tha t exha ust
emissions including CO, CO 2 and HC emissions
were reduced for all biodiesel mixtures. However,
there was a slight increase in emission of oxides of
nitrogen (NO x ) using biodiesel blends.

The high energy dem and in the industrial ise d
world as we ll as in the domestic se ctor a nd
pollution problems caused due to the widespread
use of fossil fuels make it necessary to develop
renewable energy sources. From the point of view
of protecting the global environment and concerns
for l ong-term energy security, i t becomes
necessary to devel op alternative f ue ls with
properties comparable to those that are petroleum
based. The rapid depletion of petroleum reserves
and fluctuating oil prices leads to the search for
alternative fuels. This was the basic motivati on
* Y. V. Hanumantha Rao, Assistant Professor, Department of behind the research in this paper. Non edible oils
Mechanical Engineering, K.L. College of Engineering, Green are promising fuels for agricultural applications.
Fields, Guntur Dt, Andhra Pradesh-522502, India. Vegetable oils have properti es comparable to
(To whom all correspondence should be addressed) die sel and ca n be used to run com pression
Email: rao_yvh@yahoo.co.in ignition engines with little or no modifications. For
* * Ram Sudheer Voleti, Graduating Student, Department of diesel engines, a significant research effort has
Mechanical Engineering, K.L. College of Engineering, Green been directed towards using vegetable oils and
Fields, Guntur Dt, Andhra Pradesh-522502, India. their derivatives as fuels [1].
* * * A. V. Sitarama Raju, Professor, Department of Mechanical
Most of the investigations reported in the
Engineering, J.N.T.U College of Engineering, Kakinada, Andhra
Pradesh-533003, India.
literature on the usage of vegetable oil as engine
P. Nageswara Reddy, Principal, BITS, Narasampet, Warangal fuels have emphasised modifying oil fuels to work
Dt, Andhra Pradesh-506331, India. in existing engine designs. Studies have shown
Ambient Press Limited 2010 that the usage of vegetable oils in neat form is

The effect of cottonseed oil methyl ester on performance/exhaust emissions of a diesel engine Rao, Voleti, Raju, Reddy

possible but not pref erable [4 12]. The high 1 . Mixing of alcohol and catal yst. For this
viscosity of vegetable oils and the low volatility process, a specified amount of 450 ml methanol
affects the atomisation and spray pattern of fuel, and 10 gm Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) were mixed
leading to incompl ete combustion and severe in a round bottom flask.
carbon deposits, injector choking and piston ring 2 . R e a c t i o n. The alcohol/c atalyst m ix is the n
sticking. There are a variety of methods used for charged into a closed reaction vessel and 1000 m l
improving fuel properties and decreasing viscosity Cottonseed oil i s added. Exc ess al cohol is
and density of oils such as dilution of vegetable normally used to ensure total conversion of the fat
oils with solvents, pyrolysis, microemulsification or oil to its esters.
with alcohols and transesterification. Among the 3 . Separation of glycerol and biodiesel. Once the
methods that have been investigated, transforming reaction is completed, two major products exist:
the oils to their corresponding esters proved to be glycerol and biodiesel. The quantity of produced
the best a lternative. The fuel characteristics of glycerol varies according to the oil used, the
these esters are much closer to those of diesel process and the amount of excess alcohol used.
fuel than the vegetable oils themselves. To reduce B oth the gl ycerol and biodiesel products ha ve
the viscosity, transesterification is the commonly a substantial amount of the excess alcohol that
used commercial process to produce clean and was used in the reaction. The reacted mixture is
environmentally friendly fuel. However, this adds sometimes neutralised at this stage if needed.
Downloaded by [] at 01:19 24 April 2012

extra processing cost because of the tra ns- 4 . Alcohol Removal.

este rif ication reac tion invol ving chemi cal a nd 5 . Gl yc erol Ne utrali sation. The glycerol by-
process heat inputs [3]. product contains unused catalyst and soaps that
The dif ference be tween bi odiesel and the are neutralised with an acid and sent to storage as
di esel fuel is c oncerned with oxygen content. crude glycerol. In some cases the sal t formed
Biodiesel contains 1012% oxygen by weight and during this phase is recovered for use as fertiliser.
this lowers the energy content. The lower energy In most cases the salt is left in the glycerol.
content causes reductions in engine torque and 6 . Methyl Ester Wash. The most important aspects
power. Biodiesel containing oxygen reduces exhaust of biodi esel production to ensure trouble f ree
emissions such as CO, HC and Smoke mainly due operation in diesel engines are complete reaction,
to the effect of complete combustion. removal of glyce rol, remova l of the catalyst,
In the prese nt investi gati on, cottonseed oil removal of alcohol and absence of free fatty acids.
(C.S.O) a non-edible oil, was considered as a
potential alternative fuel for compression ignition M easu rement of propert ies. The me asured
engines. Three blends were obtained by mixing physical and chemical properties of Cottonseed oil
diesel and cottonseed methyl ester in the following are tabulated in Table 1. The performance of the
proportions by volume: 75% Diesel + 25% Esterified compression ignition (CI) engine greatly depends
C.S.O, 50% Diesel + 50% Esteri fied C.S.O and upon the properties of fuel among which viscosity,
25% Diesel + 75% Esterified C.S.O. For comparison density, cetane number, calorific value, etc, are
purposes experiments were also carried out on very important. Calorific value and viscosity are
100% Esterified C.S.O and diesel fuel. measured by bomb calorimeter and redwood visco-
meter respectively. The flash point and fire point
METHODS AND MEASUREMENTS are determined by Pensky-Marte ns apparatus
closed-cup method. The pour point is measured by
Transesterification process. The conversion of the cooling process. Carbon residue is measured
Cottonsee d oil into its methyl ester can be by the Conradson method. The cetane number is
accomplished by the transesterification process. determined by measuring the Aniline point.
Transeste ri fication i nvolves, reacting the
triglycerides of Cottonseed oil with methyl alcohol EXPERIMENTAL SETUP
in the presence of a catalyst Sodium Hydroxide The engine used for this experimental investigation
(NaOH) to produce glycerol and fatty acid ester. was a single cylinder four stroke naturally aspirated
water cooled diesel engine having 5 BHP as rated
power at 1500 rpm. The engine was coupled to a
| Catalyst | brake drum dynamometer to measure the output.
CHOOCR2 + 3ROH = R2 C O O R + CHOH Fuel f low ra te s we re time d with a cal ibrated
| | bure tte. E xhaust gas analysis was performed
CH2OOCR3 R3 C O O R CH2OH using a multi gas exhaust analyser. The pressure
crank angle diagram was obtained with help of a
Glyceride Alcohol Esters Glycerol piezo electric pressure transducer. A Bosch smoke
pump attached to the exhaust pipe was used for
The production of bi odiesel by tra ns- m easuring smok e l evels. The speci ficati ons of
esterification of the oil generally occurs using the the engine are shown in Table 2. The total
following steps: experimental set up is shown in Figure 1.

The effect of cottonseed oil methyl ester on performance/exhaust emissions of a diesel engine Rao, Voleti, Raju, Reddy

T a b l e 1 Fuel properties of mineral diesel, Cottonseed oil and Cottonseed methyl ester.

Sl. Property Mineral diesel Cottonseed oil Cottonseed ASTM

No. methyl ester method

1. Density (kg/m 3 ) 840842 910920 880890 D1298

2. Kinematic viscosity
( m m 2 /sec), 40C 2.442.71 4.24.4 3.84.0 D445
3. Flash point (C) 71 228 195 D93
4. Fire point (C) 103 274 220 D93
5. Pour point (C) 5 6 4 D97
6. Calorific value (kJ/kg) 45,343 42,150 41,680 D240
7. Carbon residue (% w/w) 0.1 0.91.0 0.02 D189
8. Cetane number 48-56 52 48 D4737
9. Colour Light brown Yellow Light yellow D1500-2
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Experi men tal procedure. Experim ents were T a b l e 2 Specifications of the engine.
initially carried out on the engine using diesel as
the fuel to provide base line data. The cooling Manufacturer Kirloskar engines Ltd, Pune, India
water temperature at the outlet was maintained at Engine type Vertical, 4-stroke, single cylinder,
70C. The engine was stabilised before taking all constant speed, direct injection, water
measurements. Subsequentl y experiments were cooled, compression ignition engine
repeated with methyl ester of Cottonseed oil for Rated power 3.68 kW at 1500 rpm
comparison. In all cases the pressure and crank Bore & stroke 80 & 110 mm
angle diagram were recorded and processed to BHP of engine 5
get combustion parameters. The performance and Swept volume 562 cc
emissions data were then a na lysed f or a ll Compression ratio 1 6 . 5 : 1
experiments and the results are reported in the Mode of injection Direct Injection
following section. Cooling system Water


The physical and thermal properties of m ineral shows that the density, kinematic viscosity and
diesel, cottonseed oil and cottonseed methyl ester carbon residue of cottonseed oil was found were
are mea sured and ta bulated in Table 1. This all higher than diesel with the flash and fire points

Figure 1
Schematic diagram of
experimental setup.

1. Engine 5. Burette 9. Air flow direction

2. Brake drum dynamometer 6. Three way valve 10. Exhaust gas analyser
3. Biodiesel tank 7. Air box 11. Smoke meter
4. Diesel tank 8. Manometer 12. Exhaust flow

The effect of cottonseed oil methyl ester on performance/exhaust emissions of a diesel engine Rao, Voleti, Raju, Reddy

of cottonseed oil significantly higher than diesel. It work per c yc le di vi ded by the a mount of fuel
was observed that with the increase in percentage che mical energy as indic ated by l ower he ating
of biodiesel in various blends, flash point and fire value of fuel. It is well known that brake specific
point were increased. He nc e, cottonsee d oil is fuel consumption is inversely proportional to the
extremely safe to handle. Higher carbon residue brake thermal efficiency. Brake thermal efficiency
from cottonseed oil may possibly lead to higher of biodiesel blends was found to be slightly higher
carbon deposits in the combustion chamber of the than that of diesel fuel at tested load conditions.
engine [8]. Cottonseed oil has approximately 95% Figure 3 indicates that esterified cottonseed oil
of the calorific value of diesel. gives a lower brake thermal efficiency compared to
Higher viscosity is a major problem in using mineral diesel at tested load conditions. This is due
cottonseed oil as fuel for diesel engines. However, to poor spray characteristics, poor air fuel mixing,
this property was reduced with the help of the higher viscosity and lower calorific value [11].
transesterification process. Viscosity of cotton-
seed methyl ester is 4.0 cst at 40C. It is observed Brake power versus exhaust gas temperature.
that vi scosity of c ottonseed oil de cre ases The exhaust gas temperature gives an indication
markedly with increasing temperature and becomes of the amount of waste heat in the exhaust gases.
close to di esel a t tem perature s above 90C. The e xhaust gas tempe rature i nc rea sed wi th
Cottonseed oil has a higher cetane number than increase in load and amount of blended biodiesel
Downloaded by [] at 01:19 24 April 2012

mineral diese l. The c etane num ber measures a in the fuel. Figure 4 shows that the exhaust gas
fuels combustion quality, and is determined by tem perature with m ineral di ese l and Esterif ied
the ignition delay peri od. A higher number has cottonseed oi l is simi lar. The exhaust gas
been associated with reduced engine roughness temperature reflects on the status of combustion
and lower starting temperatures for engines [11]. inside the combustion chamber. The reason for a
rise in the exhaust gas temperature with increase
Brake power versus specific fuel consumption. in brake power may be due to ignition delay and
Specific fuel consumption (S.F.C) is calculated by increased quantity of fuel injected. The exhaust
fuel consumption divide d by the ra te d power gas temperature can be reduced by adjusting the
output of the engine. Figure 2 shows that specific injection timing/injection pressure in to the diesel
fuel consumpti on i nc rea ses wi th percentage engine [7].
increase in blending of cottonseed methyl ester in
diesel. This trend is due to the fact that biodiesel Brake power versus CO. If the combustion is
blends have a lower heating value than mineral incomplete due to shortage of air or due to low
diesel [4]. The percent increase in specific fuel gas temperature, CO will be formed. The carbon
consumption was i ncre ased with decre ase d monoxide (CO) emission from the diesel fuel with
amount of diesel in the blended fuels. This may be biodiesel blended fuels and biodiesel is shown in
due to higher density and lower calorific value of Figure 5. CO emission of all types of tested fuels
the biodiesel fuel as compared with diesel. was decreased with the increase in brake power.
Carbon monoxide concentrations decreased by 18
Brake power versus brake thermal efficiency. and 24% when using B25 and B100, respectively,
Brake thermal efficiency is defined as actual brake when compared to diesel fuel. The CO emission

Figure 2
Variation of specific fuel
consumption with brake

Brake Power (kW)

The effect of cottonseed oil methyl ester on performance/exhaust emissions of a diesel engine Rao, Voleti, Raju, Reddy

Figure 3
Variation of brake thermal
efficiency with brake

Brake Power (kW)

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Figure 4
Variation of exhaust gas
temperature with brake

Brake Power (kW)

Figure 5
Variation of CO with brake

Brake Power (kW)

was lower for biodiesel blended fuels than diesel This may lead to complete combustion and reduction
because the biodiesel contained 11% oxygen [6]. of CO emission in a biodiesel fuelled engine.

The effect of cottonseed oil methyl ester on performance/exhaust emissions of a diesel engine Rao, Voleti, Raju, Reddy

Figure 6
Variation of CO 2 w i t h
brake power.

Brake Power (kW)

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Brake power versus CO 2 . Carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) increase in NO x for Esterified Cottonseed oil may
emission f rom the di ese l engi ne with di fferent be due to sustained and prolonged durati on of
blends is shown in Figure 6. The CO 2 e m i s s i o n s combustion associ ated with reducti on i n
for both biodiesel and its blends are less than pure combustion temperature [11]. Approximately 10%
diesel with increasing load. Esterified Cottonseed increase in NO x emission occurred with biodiesel
oil has lower CO 2 emission compared to its blends blends. Reduction of NO x with biodiesel may be
and mineral diesel. possible with the proper adjustment of injection
timing and introducing exhaust gas recirculation
Brake power versus NO X e m i s s i o n . At higher (EGR).
power output conditions, due to higher peak and
exhaust temperatures the NO x values are much Brake power versus Unburnt Hydro Carbon
higher than when power output is low. Figure 7 e m i s s i o n . The primary reason of the Unburnt
also shows that NO x level was higher for biodiesel Hydro Carbon (HC) emission from the Compression
bl ends than m ineral diesel fuel. Thi s can be Ignition (CI) engine is improper combustion and
explained due to the presence of extra oxygen in combustion of heavy lubrica ti ng oil . At higher
bi odiesel blends. This additi onal oxygen was power ouput condi tions, the percentage of
probably responsible f or NO x em ission. The Unburnt HC is lower with Esterified Cottonseed oil

Figure 7
Variation of NO X w i t h
brake power.

Brake Power (kW)

The effect of cottonseed oil methyl ester on performance/exhaust emissions of a diesel engine Rao, Voleti, Raju, Reddy

Figure 8
Variation of unburnt HC
with brake power.

Brake Power (kW)

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and its blended fuels compared to mineral diesel. diesel engines i n rural areas f or agric ulture,
Figure 8 shows that Esterified Cottonseed oil has irrigation and electricity generation.
low unburnt HC leading to complete combustion
of the fuel in the engine cylinder. It was found that
particulate emission with B25 was lower than that
The authors are indebted to the financial support
of di ese l fuel be cause neat bi odiesel c ontai ns
from Koneru Lakshmaiah College of Engineering,
1012% extra oxygen, whic h resulted in better
combustion and lower Unburnt HC [10].

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