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6/19/2012 Changed selection order to check for actuator control knob selection

before link and connector selection.

6/21/2012 Added avi output support in the code but not in the interface last night.
Interface changes to come.

6/26/2012 Added about box.

8/23/2012 Added dimensions/measurements feature.

8/23/2012 Fixed bug where pasting would also change Scale and offset.

8/23/2012 Fixed Unscale 100% bugs.

Add code work around to CPen and CPreparePrepareRenderer bug that screws up some
lines while printing.
The Scaling built into CPreparePrepareRenderer would create a new pen for every pen
selected and the
new pen would be scaled in size appropriately. When this code ran and and old pen
selected back into the device context, the logpen data could not be obtained and
pen was not selected. This resulted in some sort of default pen with default line
and color to be used. The fake arrowhead code seems to have made this happen but
probably only because it selected pens too often. The work around is to set the
factor to 1 in CPreparePrepareRenderer and then rely on SetWindowExt() and
SetViewportExt() to
let the GDI code do the scaling itself.

Add measurement units.
Add Unit selection in the ribbon.
Add a ruler when dimensions are enabled and the document is empty.
Add automatic landscape/portrait selection when printing based on the size of the

Fix Unscale to fit.
Change Unscale to change by 1.3x per Unscale level.

* Changed app icons.
* Made the alignment tools (align horz, align vert, right angle, rectangle, etc.)
part of a drop down menu in the ribbon.
* Made the insert tools part of a drop down menmu in the ribbon.

* Implemented flip vertical and flip horizontal functions.
* Fixed bug where pasted items look selected but are not always acounted as
* Added Watt parallel motion mechanism sample.
* Changed flip feature to allow flipping of selected links without the connectors
needing selection.
* Fixed a bug where dragging connectors and links used the wrong offset from the
mouse pointer location to the selected item(s).
* Added code to disable some menu/ribbon items when the mechanism is empty (no
connectors or links,e tc.).
* Fix crash bug when placing quad link from ribbon bar insert menu.
* Changed link selection code to detect a select operation anywhere inside of a
link and not just along the edge.
* Multi-threaded the video file frame creation code to overlap a little with the
screen image generation.

* Fix problem where pan and Unscale information was not getting set in the view
when a document was opened by specifying it on the command line.

* Change to move slider to intersection point after a link is rotated based on
that intersection point. This improves the display quality that is otherwise
sometimes screwed up due to imprecision of the rotation (for some unknown

* Added CoInitialize() to the video compression thread so that AVIOpenFile() works
on all systems.


* Changed almost all screen pixel stuff to use floating point to make scaling look
better when generating a video of the mechanism simulation.
* Added pause, and step forwards/backward simulation controls.
* Added some more keyboard shortcuts using single key presses for things like
Connect, comBine, etc.

* Change the look of the Simulation panel in the ribbon bar.

* Changed more code to use the simulation mode enum values instead of boolean

* Fixed keyboard shortcuts to not use . and , as shortcuts so that they can be
entered into the coordinate box.
* Fix coordinate box code so that the coordinates are cleared once set.

* Fixed bug where document unit scale factor was not set when reading in a file.
* Added auto join feature.
* Added line-up-and-space-evenly feature.
* Changed alignment along line to use first and last selected connectors as basis
for alignment, not first and second connectors.
* Changed documentation to include new features.
* Moved sample gallery to the file menu.
* Fixed bug in recently added auto join feature.
* Changed snap feature so that object snap overrides a grid snap if both can be

* Changed to use proper cartesian coordinate system with +y being up, not down. +y
being down is for screen coordinates internally.
* Changed 0,0 to be the middle of the window at all times.
* Fix bug where '-' accelerator key keeps the coordinates edit box in the ribbon
from getting '-' minus signs.
* Added a small kludge to handle circle line intersection problems when lines are
exactly horizontal or vertical. The segment check incorrectly detected a point
beyond the segment because of rounding errors or some such numerical thing.
* Added another small kludge to the circle line intersection to catch intersections
that are 0.00001 past the end of a line. This can be a rounding error so being that
much past the end if treated as a valid intersection point. The point is not
* Added Save As Image feature with an arbitrary 1200x1200 image size for now. JPEG
and PNG are supported.
* Fixed some more problems caused by change to y coordinate direction. Inserting
elements and scaling/stretching selections had problems.

* Fixed Unscale to fit bug caused by recent Y coordinate change.

* Fixed old bug in scroll bar code that caused a failure when the Y coordinate
* Update scroll extents using scroll and Unscale information from document before
the first draw operation.

* Fixed old scroll bar problem of moving by a "page" at a time.


* Fixed bug in link properties handling where selecting a single actuator would
then not let the CPM be set.

* Picked a more accurate number for converting radians to degrees. Never trust the
* Show location, distance, or angle in the ribbon bar coordinates box when
selecting connectors.
* Allow the angle to be set in the ribbon bar coordinates box when three connectors
are selected.
* Change angle entry dialog box to show the current angle and to round to 4 decimal
* Apply grid and object snap after snapping sliders to their slide path.
* Added link name support in files and on screen but there is no way for a user to
set it yet.
* Fix image save, printing, and video save, all because of the recent Y coordinate
* Added ability to set the link name in the link properties dialog box.


Received some feature requests recently. These are some NOT YET ADDED:
- Reference points and lines drawn separately from the mechanism. Draw nodes with
the look of a plus sign if alone and as a black dot if connected. nodes would be
just line anchors and lines would be drawn between nodes like links. There should
be properties like line width, color, and node naming.
- Rotate connector when right-angle or angle are used on sliding connector. (fixed
bug to keep slider from moving at all du9irng these operations. Select the
connectors in the proper order to get the right angle/angle adjustment to happens
as desired).
- Curved slider paths!
- Distance and/or location locking. Maybe link locking. I'm not sure how this would
work when mnoving, rotating, sclaing links.
- Save a motion path as a drawing object so it "sticks" in the mechanism window and
can be moved, etc.
- DXF export.
- Grid spacing control.
* Add names to connectors.
* Refactor the code to use a base class for all mechanism elements and move common
code to that class.
* Fix problem saving names in the output file.
* Update documentation for recent changes.

* Added lines and points. The code treats links and connectors on the drawing layer
as lines and points.
* Show coordinates when dimensions are shown for points.
* All multiple link or line property changes.
* Changed ribbon bar to move less used options into sub-menus.
* Added drawing and mechanism layer concept (and layers are in the code as bit
flagged parameters for all elements).
* Created common base element class to simplify connector and link code.
* Moved SetSelectedConnectorCoordinates() to the document class.
* Improved dimension arrow heads for high-res output such as hi-def video,
jpeg/png, and printer output.
* Changed connector and link name display to only show the name and not the
identifier if a name has been assigned.
* Disabled the CPM input box if a link is not set to be an actuator.

* Fixed bug when adding points and line using the Elements menu in the ribbon bar.
* Fixed about box text wrap problem.
* Increased the momentum effect on connectors to make sure that multiple connected
cranks work properly.
* Fixed recently introduced bug with being unable read back data written top file
or undo buffer.
* Changed the order of drawing elements to get some of the following features:
+ fill for polygons (not links) drawn below everything else.
+ Fill for links drawn next.
+ Lines and lines of polygons drawn above that.
+ links and connectors drawn above that.
+ Dimensions above most everything.
+ Adjustment knobs, selection indicators drawn on top.

* Fixed small drawing glitch in solid links that caused a line to have a visible
one pixel step in it at certain times when it should not.
* Change to always edit and view alllayers when loading a new mechanism or starting
a new one.
* Fix to not draw dotted area rect when stretching a zero height (or width)
selection (such as a horizontal line).
* Add measurement line option for lines.
* Added "add connector" feature.
* Added measurement line to element popup gallery and element insert menu.
* Added throw distance setting inthe link properties dialog box.
* Fix to show coordinates of the selected elements when a drag/rotate/stretch
operation is done.

* Fixed bug that kept links from being filled unless they were marked as solid.

* Fix tooltip problem for popup gallery line and measurement line.
* Make the popup element gallery two rows.
* Added code to allow for text in the popup gallery if shown in a single column.
This is unused so far.
* Fixed crash bug in cut/delete code where selected connectos and links being
deleted at the same time could cause a crash.
* Fixed slightly misplaced connector in Hoeken Linkage example.
* Remove option to create sliding connector and sliding anchors without setting
slide limits.
* Make the split operation change a slider into a non-slider but not split it.
* Added feature for drawing circles around drawing layer connectors.
* Fixed odd bug that caused left over internal data during delete of a single lone
* Added Fastening feature for fastening drawing elements to link in the mechanism.
* added 0.00005 fudge factor to circle-circle intersection code to make up for
rounding ussues during point rotations.
* Fixed bug in circle intersection code where stopping the rejection of an
intersection on one coordinate due to the addition of the fudge factor caused the
other coordinate test to be skipped. In other words, an intersection point was not
rejected if the fudge factor had an effect in some situation.

* Change code to scale circles around points when the scaling is diagonal.
Horizontal-only or vertical-only scaling does not change the circle size.
* Added slider path radius value to connectors and add the properties dialog box
slide path radius setting.
* Draw dotted slide path when the link is solid, as before, and when the slide path
radius is non-zero.
* Added various code to handle curved slider paths. Sliding connectors and the
paths can now be moved around and the slider is snapped onto the curved path.
* Implemented curved slide path handling to one of the many sliding connector
special case functions.
* Fixed bug with simulation getting stuck when the mechanism gets to an invalid
* Fixed recent bug related to Y coordinate change and manually rotating inputs
during simulation.
* Got dotted lines working correctly for a width > 1. Now the printig, image
export, and video cexport, all look correct.
* Changed the slide path to be the color of the link that holds it, not a generic

* Reverse rotation direction of inputs when flipping.

* Changed motion path color.
* Added ribbon bar option to create new links as solid.
* Added new curved slider path examples and removed some other less useful samples.
* No longer showing generic ID values on drawing layer, only user-specified element
* Change to line up the sliding connector with the arc when the path is curved
instead of keeping it aligned with what would have been the straight path.

* Changed order of elements in the popup element gallery and in the element insert
* Added simgle anchor to the elements menu and popup gallery.
* Added support for sliding a link on two sliding connectors.
* Added new example of a sliding link moved by another sliding link with a slider
connection between the two.

* Added DXF drawing functions to the code and now write an experimental DXF file.
* Changed the main menu to have a single Export item with a sub menu for picking
image, video, or DXF export.
* Moved all drawing code into a renderer class to facilitate rendering to DXF files
and other places that are not Windows GDI-based rendering targets.
* Almost usable DXF output being written.
* Fixed bug where circle-to-1line intersection code could get rounding error that
is within the expected fudge factor distance but the intersection gets rejected
because values are not identical. There is no known reason for this problem and it
just showed up. It might be cause by fudge factors in other code that deals with
some other rounding and IEEE number issues.

* Fixed memory leak in new rendering code. m_pDC was not freed and the
implementation class also didn't have a needed virtual destructor.

* Fixed earlier code changes that screwed up the move count duing simulation.
* Added error checking to detect when either of the two links in a link-to-link
move situation connect to something that is fixed. Previoous code just checked one
of them because of a bad assumption on my part.
* Changed one of the curved sliding path samples to be a Chebyshev straight line
* Set to version 2.9.9

* Change to allow auto-join to lone connectors. Without this, links could not be
connected to lone anchors.

* Deleted the old setup project and created a Wix project. Too much went on with
creating the initial Wix implementation to describe here. Let's just say that it
was tricky.
* Finished new setup project.

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