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LinkT ADs Result In Brief

Proje ct ID: 613804

Funde d unde r: FP7-KBBE
Country: Italy
Domain: He alth

Co ncerted veterinary research in China and the EU

The growing global demand for animal products and the international trading of animals increases the risks of
disease spread. A better understanding of disease epidemiology, advanced diagnostics and vaccines, as well as
disease management measures are urgently required to sustain livestock production.

Je no c he , Shut t e r s t o c k The fight agains t animal dis e as e s re lie s he avily on the re s e arch
community de ve loping ne w inte rve ntion tools s uch as vaccine s or ne w
s urve illance s trate gie s . Unde rs tanding dis e as e e me rge nce and s pre ad
could le ad to nove l diagnos tics and approache s for pre ve ntion and control.

Inte rnational collaboration has the pote ntial to s pe e d up re le vant s cie ntific
advance s through conce rte d e fforts , s haring of ide as and e xpe rtis e .
Live s tock he alth challe nge s re quire the optimis ation of re s ource s and the
coordination of inte rnational funding.

In this conte xt, the EU-funde d LinkTADs (Linking e pide miology and laboratory re s e arch on trans boundary animal
dis e as e s and z oonos e s in China and EU) proje ct coordinate d re s e arch on dis e as e e pide miology and laboratory
diagnos tics be twe e n partne rs in two major worldwide playe rs in animal he alth re s e arch: the EU and China.

Proje ct partne rs focus e d on e s tablis hing a broad ne twork of s cie ntific ins titutions on animal he alth via works hops , s hort
vis its and e xchange s . Activitie s conce ntrate d on ongoing and future animal he alth re s e arch, training programme s , and
innovation proje cts in the fie ld of ve te rinary s cie nce . This was mos tly achie ve d by the cre ation of me chanis ms to
e s tablis h s us tainable collaborations , s uch as joint laboratorie s , works hops de dicate d to the write -up of proje ct conce pt
note s , joint proje ct s ubmis s ions , e tc.

At the be ginning of the proje ct, participating ins titutions agre e d on the are as in animal he alth that we re priority to both
re gions . The y conducte d joint re s e arch on trans boundary animal dis e as e s (TADs ), including thos e trans mitte d to
humans (i.e . z oonos e s ), e ns uring clos e coordination be twe e n e pide miology and laboratory fie lds , the two main re le vant
are as of e xpe rtis e . Furthe rmore , re s e arch gaps we re ide ntifie d and activitie s he ighte ne d to incre as e future knowle dge
and catalys e ne w re s e arch collaborations and funds .

Re s e arche rs als o formulate d policie s on animal he alth be twe e n EU and China and an online platform was de ve lope d as
an information portal to continue the EU-China coope ration in the fie ld of animal he alth be yond the proje ct comple tion.
The collaboration was furthe r s tre ngthe ne d through e xchange programme s and vis its , while a dis s e mination campaign
s upporte d its worldwide impact.

P a ge 1 o f 2

and Innovation
Ove rall, the LinkTADs coope rative e ffort be twe e n EU and China on animal he alth is e xpe cte d to contribute towards
tackling animal dis e as e s and s us taining animal he alth on a global front.

Related info rmatio n

Report Summary Final Re port Summary - LINKTADS (Linking Epide miology and Laboratory Re s e arch
on Trans boundary Animal Dis e as e s and z oonos e s in China and EU)


Agriculture - Biote chnology - Environme ntal Prote ction - Scie ntific Re s e arch

Keywo rds

Ve te rinary re s e arch, China, animal dis e as e , LINKTADS, e pide miology

Last updat ed o n 2017-08-14

Ret rieved o n 2017-08-15

Permalink: http://cordis .e uropa.e u/re s ult/rcn/202181_e n.html

Europe an Union, 2017

P a ge 2 o f 2

and Innovation

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