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Aula 03

Ingls p/ PETROBRS (nvel superior)

Professor: Ena Smith

03291078365 - adriani
Lngua Inglesa para a PETROBRS
Teoria e exerccios comentados
Prof. Ena Smith

Aula 03: Gramtica e Questes Comentadas


1 Verbos Frasais 1
2 Verbos Auxiliares 7
3 - Verbos Modais 11
4 Texto 1, Questes Comentadas e Traduo 21
5 - Texto 2, Questes Comentadas e Traduo 32
6 - Texto 3, Questes Comentadas e Traduo 66
7- Peculiaridades da CESGRANRIO 78
8 Vocabulrios 79
9 Lista de Questes Apresentadas e Gabarito 81

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1 Verbos Frasais (Phrasal Verbs)


Os Phrasal verbs so verbos de duas ou mais palavras e so

frequentemente empregues em linguagem informal. Em linguagem
formal, frequente empregar-se verbos de uma s palavra. Mas embora
este seja o comum, muitas vezes observamos o uso dos Phrasal Verbs em
textos de provas de concursos. Quanto formao, os verbos frasais
encontram-se em cinco maneiras:

a) verb + prep / adv + object

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Look for e look after seguem este padro. O verbo seguido por uma
partcula (preposio ou advrbio) e um objeto. Neste caso so
inseparveis, a partcula (preposio ou advrbio) no separada do
verbo. Muitos outros verbos frasais seguem esse padro. Expressam-se
somente numa forma. O complemento direto (incluindo os pronomes)
vem sempre depois da partcula (preposio / advrbio). Observe alguns
exemplos abaixo:

Im looking for my glasses. Ive been looking for them all day.
Estou procurando por meus culos. Tenho estado procurando por eles o
dia todo.

Can you look after my cat while Im away? Ill pay you for looking after
Voc pode cuidar do meu gato enquanto estou fora? Eu vou pag-lo para
cuidar dele.

I take after my grandmother. Everybody says I take after her.

Eu pareo minha av. Todos dizem que pareo com ela.

Did you come across any photos of the family when you were clearing
out the attic?
Voc se deparou com quaisquer fotos de famlia quando estava limpando

o sto?

Why do you have to put up with Clarice?

Por que voc tem que tolerar a Clarice?

The thief didnt get away with the money.

O ladro no conseguiu fugir com o dinheiro.

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b) verb + prep / adv + object OR verb + object + prep / adv

Alguns verbos frasais podem ser usados em qualquer um desses padres,

verbo seguido por uma partcula, em seguida, um objeto ou verbo
seguido por um objeto, em seguida, uma partcula ( preposio ou
advrbio). Observe nos exemplos que este tipo de verbo se pode se
separar da partcula:

Take off that black dress and put on your white skirt and the blue
Tire o vestido preto e vista sua saia branca e a blusa azul.

Take that black dress off and put your white shirt and the blue blouse
Tire o vestido preto e ponha a saia branca e a blusa azul.

She let the guy down.

Ela desiludiu o rapaz.

c) verb + prep / adv + zero object

Os verbos frasais podem ser intransitivos quando no existe objeto.

The plane took off five minutes early.

O avio decolou cinco minutes mais cedo.

The bomb blew up in the bank last night.

A bomba explodiu no banco na noite passada.

d) verb + adv + prep + object

Um pequeno nmero de verbos frasais seguem este padro de um

verbo seguido por uma partcula adverbial e uma preposio (ou duas
preposies seguidas) e ento um objeto.

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I am looking forward to the trip.
Estou ansiosa com a viagem.

He gets along with his sister, but he doesnt put up with her imaturity.
Ele tem um bom relacionamento com a irm dele, mas ele no tolera a
infantilidade dela.

e) verb + object + adv + prep

Ocasionalmente os verbos frasais seguem este padro.

I could not talk him out of it.

Eu no pude dissuadi-lo disso.

Id like to take you up on your offer of employment.

Eu gostaria de aceitar a sua oferta de emprego.

Im letting myself in for a lot of work, but I wouldnt want to miss out on
this opportunity.
Eu estou assumindo muito trabalho mas no quero perder esta

They didnt let them in.

Eles no os deixaram entrar. 03291078365

Observe no quadro abaixo mais alguns exemplos de verbos frasais com

seus sinnimos formais e seus significados:

Back up = support = apoiar

Blow up = explode = explodir, detonar
Break in = interrupt = interromper
Call off = cancel = cancelar
Come up with = invent = inventar, sugerir, planejar, produzir

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Fill in = write = preencher formulrios
Find out = discover = descobrir
Get away with = escape = conseguir fugir
Get over = recover = restabelecer-se de uma doena
Get together = meet = encontrar-se, reunir-se
Hold on = wait = esperar um curto espao de tempo
Let down = delude = desiludiu
Look into = investigate = investigar, examinar
Put up with tolerate - suportar, tolerar
Think over = consider = considerar, pensar a respeito

A seguir observe no quadro abaixo, um dos principais verbos frasais que

escolhi em destaque para voc, o verbo to be = ser ou estar:

Be about / be around estar por algures

Be against ser ou estar contra
Be after - estar atrs de algum
Be at importunar algum
Be away estar ausente
Be back - regressar
Be down with estar de cama
Be in estar em casa
Be in for estar para ter algo desagradvel

Be in on estar envolvido em algo

Be in with estar em boas relaes com algum
Be off ir-se embora, apodrecer, estar desligado
Be on estar ligado, aceso ou em exibio
Be on to suspeitar, desconfiar, saber de algo, falar com
algum para pedir algo
Be out estar fora de casa
Be out of no possuir

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Be over - terminar
Be up estar levantado da cama, acabar o tempo
Be up for estar disponvel para venda
Be up to estar a querer, tramar, decidir

We are against smoking.

Ns somos contra o ato de fumar.

The policemen are after the thief.

Os policiais esto atrs do ladro.

She is away for a month.

Ela est longe por um ms.

When will the kids be back to the school?

Quando as crianas vo estar de volta escola?

The kids are down with flu.

As crianas esto de cama com gripe.

We are in for bad weather tonight.

Estamos para ter mau tempo.

The kids should be in this conversation.

As crianas deveriam participar desta conversa.

I am off work. See you tomorrow.

Estou saindo do trabalho agora. Vejo voc amanh.

The light is off but the TV is on.

A luz est apagada mas a TV est ligada.

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The film is on right now at the cinema.
O filme est em exibio agora no cinema.

My husband is out of town;

Meu marido no est em casa.

I am out of food.
No tenho alimentos.

I must be up before the night is over

Tenho que me acordar antes do amanhecer,

Winter is over then our coats will be up for sale.

O inverno acabou, ento nossos agasalhos estaro venda.

It is up to you to choose pasta or salad.

Cabe a voc escolher se voc come pasta ou salada.

2 - Verbos Auxiliares

Os verbos auxiliares (auxiliary verbs) so aqueles que no mudam o

sentido do verbo principal. So usados na formao de tempos verbais e
tambm como verbos comuns. 03291078365

Quando expressam necessidade,

obrigao ou possibilidade so chamados verbos modais (modal verbs) e
os estudaremos logo em seguida. Os auxiliares mais comuns so be (ser,
estar), have (ter) e do (fazer).

Uso do auxiliar DO/DOES

Normalmente usamos DO ou DOES + infinitivo para formar perguntas e

frases negativas no presente simples (does para a terceira pessoa do

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singular, (he) ele, (she)ela, (it) neutro e do para todas as outras
pessoas, eu(I), voc (you), ns (we) , eles/elas (they) ):

Do you like music? - Yes I do.

Voc gosta de msica? sim eu gosto.

What kinds of music do you like? - I quite like classic, but I don't care for
popular very much.
Que tipos de msica voc gosta? Eu gosto muito de clssica, mas no
curto muito msica popular.

He doesn't get very excited about forr.

Ele no fica muito animado com o forr.

DO / DOES: uso enftico

Os Auxiliares DO ou DOES so geralmente usados em sentenas

afirmativas. Mas podem tambm ser usados para enfatizar emoo ou
contraste quando se expressa forte sentimento sobre algo.

She thinks he doesn't love her, but he does love her. He really does!
Ela acha que ele no a ama, mas ele a ama sim. Ele realmente a ama!


You do look pretty in that new outfit! Quite stunning!

Voc est realmente linda nesta roupa nova! Muito deslumbrante!

Are you all right? You do look a bit pale. Do please sit down.
Voc est bem? Voc parece realmente plido. Sente-se.
DID Passado do Auxiliar DO

Did you go and visit your family last weekend? - Yes, I did.
Voc foi visitar sua famlia na semana passada? sim, eu fui.

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Did you see everybody? - No, I didn't.

Voc viu todo mundo? No, eu no vi.

I saw my sisters, but my brother was away on business so I didn't see

Eu vi minhas irms, mas meu irmo est distante a negcios ento no o

Observe no exemplo abaixo o have sendo usado como auxiliar e o to be

como principal:

My clothes have been quite expensive.

Minhas roupas tem sido muito caras.

Observe a ordem nas frases, o auxiliar sempre vem antes do principal.

Observe tambm os auxiliares sendo usados como principais, bem como
auxiliares e principais na mesma frase e perceba a diferena.

This means that companies will have to learn how to manage older
workers better.

Isto significa que as empresas tero de aprender a gerir melhor os


trabalhadores mais velhos.

Have you invited Mary for Saturday? ~ Yes. But she rarely has any free
Voc convidou Mary para o Sbado? ~ Sim. Mas ela raramente tem
algum fim de semana livre.

They have not delivered the documents on time.

Eles no despacharam os documentos a tempo.

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Prof. Ena Smith

The health department has recently decided that all high school students
should be immunised against meningitis.
O departamento de sade decidiu recentemente que todos os alunos da
escola de ensino mdio devem ser imunizados contra a meningite.

Do you have a pen?

Voc tem uma caneta?

I dont have a clue.

Eu no tenho ideia.

Have you got a new car?

Voc tem um carro novo?

When do you have free time?

Quando voc tem tempo livre?

I have a friend who comes from Taiwan.

Eu tenho uma amiga que de Taiwan.

She isnt as lively as the friend we have from Brazil.

Ela no to animada como a amiga que temos do Brasil.

3 - Modal Verbs (Verbos Modais)

Os verbos modais afetam o significado das sentenas. So verbos

auxiliares que servem para exprimir uma atitude de um falante em
relao probabilidade ou possibilidade de um acontecimento, bem como

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Prof. Ena Smith
um palpite ou deduo (um palpite baseado em evidncia). Os verbos
modais so dez e existem trs semi modais:

Afirmative Negative
Must Must not or mustnt
May May not or maynt
Might Might not or mightnt
Will Will not or wont
Would Would not or wouldnt
Shall Shall not or shant
Should Should not or shouldnt
Can Cannot or cant
Could Could not or couldnt
Ought to Ought not to or oughtnt to

Semi - modais
Need (auxiliar s na negativa) Need not or neednt
Dare 03291078365

Dare not or darent

Used to Did not use to or didnt use to

Suponhamos que voc depois de acordar pela manh, vai l fora e v a

grama molhada. Ento voc diz:

It must have rained last night.

Deve ter chovido ontem noite.

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Digamos que voc est em casa e a campainha toca, voc no v quem

est l fora. Ento voc diz:

That must be my neighbor.

Deve ser meu vizinho.

Isto significa que em sua deduo voc est certo de que o seu vizinho.
No exemplo acima, o modal must expressa uma crena de certeza
(certainty). Mas, embora para voc parea bvio que seja seu vizinho,
no um fato que seja ele. Mas, se voc ao invs disso voc disser:

That may /might/could be my neighbor.

Pode ser meu vizinho.

Voc no est certo, mas possvel ou provvel que seja seu vizinho.
Estes trs modais (may,might,could) expressam a deduo
(deduction) de que algo tem 50% de chance de acontecer, ser verdade.
Digamos que voc s tem um vizinho: uma mulher que mora sozinha e
brasileira. Uma voz de homem, falando alemo, chama voc l fora.
Ento, voc diz:

That cant be my neighbor. 03291078365

No pode ser meu vizinho.

Voc est certo que no seu vizinho. Voc est certo(a) que no sua
vizinha. O uso do cant be quando a deduo (deduction) expressa
99% de chance de algo ser impossvel.

Bem, agora veja o uso dos modais quando eles se referem a

acontecimentos passados. Suponhamos que voc est voltando de uma
tarde de compras e para em um posto de gasolina. Mas voc no
consegue encontrar sua carteira. Ento voc diz:

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I must have left it in the last shop. I don't remember putting it in my
Eu devo t-la deixado na ltima loja. Eu no lembro de t-la colocado
no meu bolso.

Quando os modais so usados para falar sobre eventos passados, o modal

seguido pelo infinitivo perfeito, sem o to. O infinitivo perfeito feito
com have + o particpio passado do verbo principal. Observe abaixo:

Modal + have + past participle

I can't have left it in the last shop. I remember putting it in my pocket.

Eu no posso t-la deixado na ltima loja. Eu lembro de t-la colocado
em meu bolso.

I left it in the shop.

Eu a deixei na loja.

Someone might have stolen it.

Algum pode t-la roubado.

Somebody may have taken it.

Algum pode t-la levado.


Dica: Ento a minha dica que a seguinte: use o contexto para

ajud-lo a entender qual significado est sendo usado. 'Can' no
usado para falar sobre o passado mas sim o 'could'.

I could have dropped it.

Eu poderia ter deixado a carteira cair.

Aqui esto alguns exemplos de verbos modais seguidos pelos infinitivos


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When I left you I must have left my heart.
Quando eu deixei voc eu devo ter deixado meu corao.

California campaign manager might have stolen millions.

O gerente de campanha da Califrnia pode ter roubado milhes.

Parents may have taken baby from grandparents.

Os pais podem ter levado o beb dos avs.

Bizu: Lembre-se que, com uma referncia no future ou no

presente, o modal seguido por um verbo base (a forma infinitiva
do verbo principal sem o to).

Observe abaixo a diferena entre a mesma frase com um modal e sem

modal. Observe que a primeira expressa uma possibilidade, e a segunda
frase expressa afirmao.

I might see my boyfriend tonight.

Eu poderia ver meu namorado hoje noite.

I meet my boyfriend every night.

Eu encontro meu namorado toda noite.

Mais exemplos com os Modais:

She suggests looking at laws like Sarbanes-Oxley to get an idea of where

new tech laws could be heading.(CESPE CMARA DOS DEPUTADOS-
Ela sugere olhar para leis como a Sarbanes-Oxley para ter uma ideia de
onde poderia estar a direo de novas leis de tecnologia.

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The kids may arrive late.
As crianas podem chegar tarde.

O Uso estranho do need como auxiliar:

O verbo to need = precisar, um verbo comum. Mas quando usado

como semimodal, se torna estranho, pois seu uso apenas na negativa e
na interrogativa. Observe a diferena nos exemplos abaixo:

I didn't need to prepare all that food. They phoned to say they wouldn't
be coming.
Eu no precisei preparar toda aquela comida. Eles telefonaram para
dizer que no viriam.

I neednt have prepared all that food. They phoned to say they wouldnt
be coming.
Eu no precisava ter preparado toda aquela comida. Eles telefonaram
para dizer que no viriam.

Observe no ltimo exemplo quando usado como semimodal, significa

que cheguei a preparar a comida, embora no fosse necessrio. J no
outro exemplo acima (verbo usual), eu no cheguei a preparar a comida.

He needn't have bought the eggs. He had plenty at home.


Ele no precisava ter comprado os ovos. Ele tinha muitos em casa.

He had plenty of eggs at home. He didn't need to buy any.

Ele tinha muitos ovos em casa. Ele no precisou comprar nenhum.

J neste outro exemplo, ele no precisava e no comprou. Veja agora

exemplos do seu uso na interrogativa:

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Need you leave straightaway? Can't you stay longer?
Voc necessita sair imediatamente? Voc no pode ficar por mais

Need I stay?
Preciso ficar?

Need we study every day?

Precisamos estudar todos os dias?

O verbo modal should tem vrios modos de utilizao:


You should study every day.

Voc deveria estudar todos os dias.

You should stop smoking.

Voc deveria parar de fumar.

b)Forte probabilidade

That should be my neighbor.

Deveria ser meu vizinho.

That should be her boyfriend, holding her hand.

Deveria ser o namorado dela, segurando sua mo.

c) Necessidade lgica

The exam is very soon. I should be studying hardly.

O exame muito em breve. Eu deveria estar estudando seriamente.

The garden is dying. It should be watered before its too late.

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O jardim est morrendo. Ele deve ser aguado/regado antes que seja
tarde demais.

Researchers and business practitioners alike should tie decisions on

hardware and software to corporate strategies. (Cmara dos Deputados
CESPE 2012)
Pesquisadores e profissionais de negcios semelhantemente deveriam
amarrar as decises sobre hardware e software para estratgias

They are poor kids. The Government should be feeding them.

Eles so crianas pobres. O Governo deveria estar os alimentando.

How should I know?

Como eu saberia?

Why should I pay for it?

Por que eu deveria pagar por isso?

I should have finished this work by now.

Eu deveria ter terminado este trabalho agora.

Para referir-se a eventos passados que no ocorreram ou podem no


ocorrer. Usa-se o should have:

I should have slept last night. Now Im tired and sleepy.

Eu deveria ter dormido na noite passada. Agora estou cansada e

Observe agora como se utiliza o Would:

Would you help me, please?

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Podia ajudar-me, por favor?

Would you water the garden, please?

Podia regar o jardim, por favor?

I would like to watch a comedy.

Eu gostaria de assistir um filme de comdia.

Id like an orange juice, please.

Gostaria de um suco de laranja, por favor.

He would like to redecorate my house.

Ele no gostaria de redecorar minha casa.

The kids would love to play at the garden.

As crianas amariam brincar no jardim.

Your son wouldnt come to play at the garden.

Seu filho no quis vir para brincar no jardim.

My pet rabbit wouldnt like to come in.

Meu coelho de estimao no quer entrar em casa.

When we were at school, we would study harder for the exams.

Quando estvamos na escola, estudvamos com afinco para os testes.

When I was in Italy I would eat pizza every day.

Quando eu estava na Itlia eu comia pizza todos os dias.

Quanto ao uso dos modais will e shall ns j os estudaremos na prxima

aula (04), quando veremos o tempo verbal Future. O will usado em
todas as pessoas e hoje em dia a forma predominante. O shall usado

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no Ingls britnico e apenas com as pessoas I e we. Vamos relembr-los
com os exemplos abaixo:

'I shall/will be ready at 8 o'clock' .

Eu estarei pronta s 8 horas em ponto.

Em ambos os casos a forma contrada Ill.

'Tomorrow it will be cold and foggy with light showers in the east.'
"Amanh vai ser frio e nebuloso com chuvas leves no leste."

Will you walk the dog tonight?

Voc vai caminhar com o cachorro hoje noite?

Dare como um verbo normal significa ousar, atrever-se, desafiar, ter

coragem para fazer alguma coisa. Quando usado como auxiliar semi
modal , ele empregue em frases negativas e interrogativas, seguido
por um verbo no infinitivo sem o to e na terceira pessoa do singular sem
o s.

How dare you say such a thing?

Como se atreve a dizer tal coisa?

Dare she tell him what she thinks about him? She daren't say anything.

He will only shout at her.

Ela se atreve a contar a ele o que ela pensa sobre ele? Ela no se atreve a
dizer nada. Ele vai apenas gritar com ela.

"How dare you speak to me like that?" he will say.

Como se atreve a falar comigo assim? ele dir.

Os importantssimos Should e Ought to

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O modal ought to tem significado semelhante ao should. Porm, o
should bem mais usado hoje em dia,enquanto o ought to j est
ficando ultrapassado.


Accountants and auditors employed by the Federal Government ought to

work as Internal Revenue agents or in financial management, financial
institute examination, or budget analysis and administration. (TCU-

Os contadores e auditores empregados pelo Governo Federal deveriam

trabalhar como agentes da Receita Federal ou na gesto financeira,
anlise de instituio financeira , ou anlise de oramento e

Como verbo semi modal, o Used to emprega-se somente na forma do

passado. No possui a forma do presente nem a do infinitivo. Emprega-se
used to para exprimir hbitos repetidos ou condies permanentes
somente do passado, que j no se aplicam no presente:

We used to water the garden every morning.

Ns costumvamos aguar o jardim cada manh.


The kids used to be naughty.

Antigamente as crianas costumavam ser mal comportadas.

Macete: No esquea !! Ler primeiro as questes relembrando a

tcnica que vimos na aula demonstrativa: embora nossa tendncia
seja ler logo o texto, jamais faa isso e principalmente na hora da
prova!!! pois alm de ler logo a opo fica bem mais fcil de
encontrar a resposta, voc ganhar tempo, e quando for para o
texto j vai procurar as palavras que foram citadas ao enunciado.

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V ento para o final da aula, na lista de questes e tente resolver
sozinho(a) para s depois conferir os gabaritos e comentrios.

4 Texto 1, Questes Comentadas e Traduo


How To Start A Career In The Oil And Gas Industry: What

Employers Say

By Katie Weir

From Talent Acquisition Specialist, Campus

Talisman Energy

How to start your career, step by step


Fix up your resum take it to your career center at your university

and theyll help you.

Write a compelling cover letter that speaks to your best qualities

save the pretentious language for your English papers.

Join a professional association and attend their events if you feel

uncomfortable attending alone, try volunteering at them. By having a job

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to do, it gives you an excuse to interact with the attendees, and an easy
way to start up a conversation the next time you see them.

Do your research I cant stress this enough. I want students to apply

to Talisman, not because we have open jobs, but because they actually
have an interest in what were doing, and want to be a part of it.

Be confident, but stay humble its important to communicate your

abilities effectively, but its also important to be conscious of the phrase:
sense of entitlement. This generation entering the workforce has
already been branded with the word entitlement, so students will need
to fight against this bias from the very beginning of any relationship with
people in the industry be aware that you will need to roll up your
sleeves and work hard for the first couple years, and you will be rewarded
in the end.

Retrieved and adapted from URL: <http://talentegg.ca/incubator/

2 0 1 0 /1 1 /2 9 / ho w -to - st ar t -a - car e e r -i n -t he -o i l -a nd -g as - in du str y
-what-employers-say/>. Acess on: February 14, 2012.

18 The main purpose of Text II is to
18 O principal propsito do Texto 03291078365

Opo A: teach prospective workers how to prepare cover letters to

impress employers = ensinar os candidatos a emprego como preparar
cartas de apresentao para impressionar os empregadores.

Write a compelling cover letter that speaks to your best qualities

save the pretentious language for your English papers.
Escreva uma carta de apresentao convincente que fale das suas
melhores qualidades

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guarde a linguagem pretensiosa para os seus artigos de Ingls.

O texto apenas menciona, mas no ensina a fazer a carta e nem esse o

objetivo principal do texto. Portanto, opo errada.

Opo B: advise the readers about the importance of researching for open
jobs in institutional websites = aconselhar os leitores sobre a importncia
de pesquisa por trabalhos divulgados em sites institucionais.

Do your research I cant stress this enough. I want students to apply

to Talisman, not because we have open jobs, but because they actually
have an interest in what were doing, and want to be a part of it.

Faa sua pesquisa - No tenho palavras para expressar o quanto isso

importante. Quero que os alunos candidatem-se Talism, no porque
temos empregos disponveis, mas porque eles realmente tm interesse no
que estamos fazendo, e queremos ser parte disso.

Extra Information (Terminologia): Talisman Energy Inc. (Talisman)

um ramo independente de petrleo e gs da empresa, que est envolvido
no negcio de explorao, desenvolvimento, produo e comercializao
de petrleo bruto, gs natural e lquidos de gs natural. As atividades da
Companhia so realizadas em cinco segmentos geogrficos: Amrica do

Norte, Reino Unido, Escandinvia, Sudeste da sia.

Fonte: http://www.indeed.com/cmp/Talisman

O texto menciona a importncia dos alunos se candidatarem a uma

empresa especfica, a Talism; mas o autor esclarece que no pelo fato
dos empregos serem divulgados e esse no o assunto principal do
texto. Portanto opo incorreta.

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Opo C: criticize job candidates who are excessively confident and feel
that the world owes them something = criticar candidatos a emprego que
so excessivamente confiantes e acham que o mundo lhes deve algo.

Be confident, but stay humble its important to communicate your

abilities effectively, but its also important to be conscious of the phrase:
sense of entitlement. This generation entering the workforce has
already been branded with the word entitlement, so students will need
to fight against this bias from the very beginning of any relationship with
people in the industry be aware that you will need to roll up your
sleeves and work hard for the first couple years, and you will be rewarded
in the end.

Seja confiante, mas humilde - importante comunicar suas

habilidades de forma eficaz, mas tambm importante estar consciente
da frase: "senso de direito." Esta gerao que est entrando na mo-de-
obra j foi marcada com a palavra "subveno", ento os alunos tero de
lutar contra esse preconceito desde o incio de qualquer relacionamento
com as pessoas na indstria - estar ciente de que ter de arregaar as
mangas e trabalhar duro nos primeiros anos, e voc ser recompensado
no final.

O texto no critica, ao invs disso aconselha os candidatos a serem


humildes, alm disso esse no o assunto principal do texto. Opo


Opo D: alert the readers to the importance of joining a professional

association to have free access to their events = alertar os leitores para a
importncia de aderir a uma associao profissional para ter livre acesso
aos seus eventos.

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Join a professional association and attend their events if you feel
uncomfortable attending alone, try volunteering at them. By having a job
to do, it gives you an excuse to interact with the attendees, and an easy
way to start up a conversation the next time you see them.

Ingresse em uma associao profissional e participe de seus

eventos - se voc se sentir desconfortvel em comparecer sozinho, tente
fazer uma atividade voluntria por eles. Por ter um trabalho a fazer, d-
lhe uma desculpa para interagir com os participantes, e uma maneira fcil
de iniciar uma conversa na prxima vez que v-los.

Segundo o texto, o objetivo do ingresso na associao, no para ter

livre acesso aos eventos, mas sim interagir com os participantes, alm
disso esse no o foco principal do texto. Errada.

Opo E: list relevant hints for those interested in entering the job market
and building a successful professional life = listar dicas relevantes para os
interessados em entrar no mercado de trabalho e construo de uma vida
profissional bem sucedida.

How To Start A Career In The Oil And Gas Industry: What

Employers Say
Como iniciar uma carreira na indstria de gs e petrleo: O que os

empregadores dizem

How to start your career, step by step

Como iniciar sua carreira passo a passo

Numa questo como essa observe o ttulo e subttulo do texto, pois eles
descrevem exatamente qual o seu assunto principal. Observe que cada
uma das alternativas anteriores mencionou uma dica, ao passo que essa

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menciona que uma lista de dicas o principal objetivo do texto. Essa a
opo correta.


Macete: Essa uma questo tpica da CESGRANRIO, quando

encontr-la, deixe pra resolver por ltimo, pois a voc j ter
uma viso mais clara do texto depois de analisar as outras opes.
Se por acaso o texto no tiver ttulo, baseie-se no enunciado das
outras alternativas para escolher qual o tema principal do texto,
visto que l que a Banca vai destacar seus assuntos principais.

19. The fragment that closes Text II, be aware that you will need to roll
up your sleeves and work hard for the first couple years, and you will be
rewarded in the end. (lines 23-25), implies that one must
19. O fragmento de concluso do Texto II, "estar ciente de que ter de
arregaar as mangas e trabalhar duro nos primeiros anos, e voc ser
recompensado no final." (linhas 23-25), implica que se deve

Opo A: make an effort to commit totally to ones job in the initial

phase, in order to reach success in the future = fazer um esforo para
comprometer-se totalmente em um posto de trabalho na fase inicial, a
fim de alcanar o sucesso no futuro. 03291078365

roll up your sleeves= arregaar as mangas = commit totally =

comprometer-se totalmente

A alternativa expressa a mesma informao textual usando uma

expresso sinnima. Essa a opo correta.

Booster Vocabulary

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aware ciente, informado, consciente
brand estigmatizar, marcar
entitlement direito, subveno

Opo B: wear formal clothes to work so that, as years go by, a couple of

top-rank officers can recognize ones worth = usar roupas formais para o
trabalho de modo que, conforme os anos passam, alguns funcionrios de
alto escalo podem reconhecer que o empregado vale a pena e Opo
D: avoid postponing assigned tasks and wearing inappropriate clothes in
the working environment = evitar adiar tarefas designadas e vestir roupas
inadequadas no ambiente de trabalho.

A expresso arregaar as mangas ( roll up your sleeves) no texto usada

no sentido figurado, nada tem a ver com uma dica do modo como o
empregado deve se vestir, alm disso ambas as opes trazem ideias
sem sentido que no constam no texto e que so opostas s dicas
corretas para ter uma carreira bem sucedida no setor petrolfero. Erradas.

Opo C: accept jobs with severe routines only in order to obtain early
promotions = aceitar trabalhos com rotinas severas apenas para obter
promoes antecipadas e Opo E: show commitment to the working
routine and demand the rewards frequently offered to senior employees =
mostrar comprometimento com a 03291078365
rotina de trabalho e exigir as
recompensas freqentemente oferecidas a empregados de alto escalo.

O que o texto diz comprometer-se com o trabalho no sentido de

dedicar-se a ele e a promoo vir no seu tempo certo, ao invs de ser
exigida ou forada. As alternativas esto equivocadas.


20 Concerning Texts I and II, it is possible to affirm that

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20 Concernente aos Textos I (aula passada) e II, possvel afirmar que

Opo A: neither text points out ways to get rewarding jobs in the O&G
industry = nenhum texto aponta maneiras de obter empregos
gratificantes na indstria de O & G.

A alternativa expressa uma informao que oposta ao contedo dos

textos, visto que ambos falam de como o candidato se d bem na carreira
do setor P & O. Errada.

Opo B: both texts discuss strategies to ask for promotion in the O&G
industry = ambos os textos discutem estratgias para pedir promoo no
setor de P & G.

Os textos no discutem como conseguir promoo e sim como iniciar a

carreira. Opo errada.

Opo C: both texts present ways of starting successful careers in the

O&G industry = ambos os textos apresentam formas de iniciar uma
carreira de sucesso na indstria de O & G.

Tanto o texto I que foi aquele da entrevista com as mulheres como o de

hoje trazem informaes prticas que ajudam o candidato a iniciar uma

carreira de sucesso no setor de Petrleo & Gas. Esta a opo correta.

Opo D: only Text I encourages prospective employees of O&G

industries to plan their careers in advance = apenas o texto I incentiva
futuros trabalhadores de indstrias P & G a planejar suas carreiras com

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Mesmo sem v o texto I voc j sabe que a alternativa errada, visto que
o texto II (aula de hoje) encoraja tambm os futuros trabalhadores a
planejar suas carreiras no setor petrolfero. Opo errada.

Dica: cuidado com as alternativas que trazem conectivos como

only = apenas, pois geralmente a alternativa com only est
errada, visto que restringe a um (a) s situao.

Opo E: only Text II provides hints on how to give up highly-paid jobs in

the O&G industry = apenas o texto II fornece dicas sobre como desistir de
empregos altamente remunerados na indstria de P & G.

Give up (verbo frasal) = desistir, abandonar, descontinuar

Cuidado! Os verbos frasais esto sempre presentes em textos de

concursos, se voc considerar o verbo give como dar e
desconsiderar a preposio up, compreender a alternativa

A alternativa apresenta o oposto do que diz o texto, pois o mesmo

encoraja a como iniciar e manter a carreira e no desistir dela. Observe
Tambm que a alternativa traz uma ideia incoerente com a realidade.
Errada. 03291078365



How To Start A Career In The Oil And Gas Industry: What

Employers Say
Como Iniciar Uma Carreira na Indstria de Gs e Petrleo: O Que
os Empregadores Dizem

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From Talent Acquisition Specialist, Campus - Talisman Energy

Do Especialista em Aquisio de Talentos, Campus - Energtica Talism

How to start your career, step by step

Como comear sua carreira passo a passo

Fix up your resum take it to your career center at your university

and theyll help you.
Arrume seu currculo - leve-o ao centro de carreira na sua universidade
e que eles vo ajud-lo.

Write a compelling cover letter that speaks to your best qualities

save the pretentious language for your English papers.
Escreva uma carta de apresentao convincente que fale das suas
melhores qualidades guarde a linguagem pretensiosa para os seus
artigos de Ingls.

Join a professional association and attend their events if you feel

uncomfortable attending alone, try volunteering at them. By having a job
to do, it gives you an excuse to interact with the attendees, and an easy
way to start up a conversation the next time you see them.


Ingresse em uma associao profissional e participe de seus

eventos - se voc se sentir desconfortvel em comparecer sozinho, tente
fazer uma atividade voluntria por eles. Por ter um trabalho a fazer, d-
lhe uma desculpa para interagir com os participantes, e uma maneira fcil
de iniciar uma conversa na prxima vez que v-los.

Do your research I cant stress this enough. I want students to apply

to Talisman, not because we have open jobs, but because they actually
have an interest in what were doing, and want to be a part of it.

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Faa sua pesquisa No tenho palavras para expressar o quanto isso

importante. Quero que os alunos candidatem-se Talism, no porque
temos empregos disponveis, mas porque eles realmente tm interesse no
que estamos fazendo, e queremos ser parte disso.

Be confident, but stay humble its important to communicate your

abilities effectively, but its also important to be conscious of the phrase:
sense of entitlement. This generation entering the workforce has
already been branded with the word entitlement, so students will need
to fight against this bias from the very beginning of any relationship with
people in the industry be aware that you will need to roll up your
sleeves and work hard for the first couple years, and you will be rewarded
in the end.
Retrieved and adapted from URL: <http://talentegg.ca/incubator/
-what-employers-say/>. Acess on: February 14, 2012.
Fonte: http://www.cesgranrio.org.br/concursos/principal.aspx

Seja confiante, mas humilde - importante comunicar suas

habilidades de forma eficaz, mas tambm importante estar consciente
da frase: "senso de direito." Esta gerao que est entrando na mo-de-
obra j foi marcada com a palavra "subveno", ento os alunos tero de

lutar contra esse preconceito desde o incio de qualquer relacionamento

com as pessoas na indstria - estar ciente de que ter de arregaar as
mangas e trabalhar duro nos primeiros anos, e voc ser recompensado
no final.

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5 Texto 2, Questes Comentadas e Traduo

Nvel Superior Profissional Bsico - BNDES 2011 - CESGRANRIO

Are You Training Yourself to Fail?

Did you get done what you wanted to get done today?

By Peter Bregman. September 13, 2011 / Psychology Today

Some people are naturally pre-disposed to being highly productive.

They start their days with a clear and reasonable intention of what they
plan to do, and then they work diligently
5 throughout the day, sticking to their plans, focused on accomplishing
their most important priorities, until the day ends and theyve achieved
precisely what they had expected. Each day moves them one day closer
to what they intend to accomplish over the year.
10 I am, unfortunately, not one of those people. Left to my own devices,
I rarely end my day with the satisfaction of a plan well executed. My
natural inclination is to start my morning with a long and overly ambitious
list of what I hope to accomplish and push
15 myself with sheer will to accomplish it. Im prone to be so busy
answering emails, multitasking, taking phone calls, taking care of errands

that, without intervention, I would get very little of importance done.

And then, exhausted by my busyness,
20 but unsatisfied by how little of importance Id accomplished, I would
distract myself further by doing things that made me feel better in the
moment, if not accomplished like browsing the internet or eating
something sweet.
25 Our instincts most often drive us toward instant gratification. And
the world around us conspires to lure us off task. Given total freedom,

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most of us would spend far too much time browsing websites and eating
sweets. And being totally responsive to our
30 environments would just have us running around like crazy catering to
other peoples agendas.
For me, the allure of accomplishing lots of little details would often
override my focus on the big things I value. Each morning I would try
35 to change my natural tendency by exerting self-control. I would talk
to myself about how, starting this morning, I would be more focused,
psych myself up to have a productive day, and commit to myself that I
wouldnt do any errands until the important work was done.
40 It almost never worked. Certainly not reliably. And so, without
understanding it at the time, I was teaching myself to fail. People talk
about failure I talk about failure as critical to learning. But what
45 if we dont learn? What if we do the same things, repeatedly, hoping
for different results but not changing our behavior?
Then we are training ourselves to fail repeatedly. Because the more
we continue to make the same mistakes, the more we ingrain
50 the ineffective behaviors into our lives. Our failures become our
rituals, our rituals become our habits, and our habits become our identity.
We no longer experience an unproductive day; we become unproductive
You cant get out of this pattern by telling yourself youre a
55 productive person. Youre smarter than that; you wont believe

yourself and the data wont support the illusion.

You have to climb out the same way you climbed in: with new
60 For me, the best way to discover the most effective rituals to help me
achieve my most important priorities was through trial and error. Every
evening I looked at what worked and repeated it the next. I looked at
what didnt and stopped it.
65 What I found is that rather than trying to develop super-
human discipline and focus, I needed to rely on a process to make it more

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likely that I would be focused and productive and less likely that I would
be scattered and ineffective.
70 Rituals like these: Spending five minutes in the morning to place my
most important work onto my calendar, stopping every hour to ask myself
whether Im sticking to my plan, and spending five minutes in the
evening to learn from my successes and failures.
75 Answering my emails in chunks at predetermined times during the day
instead of whenever they come in. And never letting anything stay on my
to do list for more than three days (after which I either do
80 it immediately, schedule it in my calendar, or delete it).
It doesnt take long for these rituals to become habits and for the
habits to become your identity. And then, you become a productive
85 The trick then is to stay productive. Once your identity changes, you
are at risk of letting go of your rituals. You dont need them anymore, you
think to yourself, because you are now a productive person. You no
longer suffer from the problem the rituals saved you from.
90 But thats a mistake. Rituals dont change us. They simply modify our
behavior as long as we practice them. Once we stop, we lose their
benefit. In other words, being productive forever more
Requires that you maintain the rituals that keep you productive
95 forever more.
I would love to say that I am now one of those people who is

naturally pre-disposed to being highly productive. But Im not. Theres

nothing natural about productivity for me.
Available in: <http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/how-we-
work/201109/are-you-training-yourself-fail>.Retrieved on: Sept.17, 2011
Fonte: http://www.cesgranrio.org.br/pdf/bndes0211/provas/PROVA


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21 The authors intention in this text is to
(A) list all the daily tasks that end up in repeated failure at work.
(B) suggest a strategy to keep focused on the main items on ones to-do
(C) illustrate how he has easily overcome his problem of distraction from
relevant goals.
(D) deny that rituals are good habits for developing discipline and
focusing on important tasks.
(E) defend the idea that those who invest their time and energy in
modifying their habits are never successful.

21 The authors intention in this text is to:

21 A inteno do autor neste texto :

Opo A: list all the daily tasks that end up in repeated failure at work =
listar todas as tarefas dirias que acabam em fracasso repetido no

Embora ele at mencione no texto que tarefas dirias podem atrapalhar

atingir o foco de realizar as mais importantes, esse no o objetivo
principal do texto. Errada.

Opo B: suggest a strategy to keep focused on the main items on ones


to-do list = sugerir uma estratgia de manter o foco sobre os principais

itens de uma lista de afazeres.

Are You Training Yourself to Fail?

Voc est se treinando para fracassar?

Did you get done what you wanted to get done today?
Voc fez o que voc queria ter feito hoje?

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22 In the first paragraph, Peter Bregman mentions people who are
naturally pre-disposed to being highly productive because he
22 No primeiro pargrafo, Peter Bregman menciona as pessoas que so
naturalmente pr dispostas a ser altamente produtivas porque ele

28 Im prone to be so busy [] that, without intervention, I would get

very little of importance done. (lines 15-18) illustrates that the author
28 "Estou propenso a estar to ocupado [...] que, sem interveno, faria
pouca coisa de importncia." (linhas 15-18) esclarece que o autor

Observe pelos ttulos e enunciados que a preocupao do autor gira em

torno de se manter o foco no que mais importante, e ao apreciar as
pessoas que so altamente produtivas ele expressa como o leitor pode
chegar a fazer o mesmo. Esta a opo correta.

Opo C: illustrate how he has easily overcome his problem of distraction

from relevant goals = descrever como ele conseguiu facilmente superar o
seu problema de distrao dos objetivos traados.

I would love to say that I am now one of those people who is naturally
pre-disposed to being highly productive. But Im not. Theres nothing
natural about productivity for me.


Eu adoraria dizer que sou agora uma daquelas pessoas que

naturalmente pr disposta a ser altamente produtiva. Mas no sou. No
h nada de natural quanto produtividade para mim.

Ele no superou seu problema de distrao. Opo errada.

Opo D: deny that rituals are good habits for developing discipline and
focusing on important tasks = negar que os rituais so bons hbitos para
desenvolver disciplina e concentrar em tarefas importantes e Opo E:

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defend the idea that those who invest their time and energy in modifying
their habits are never successful = defender a ideia de que aqueles que
investem seu tempo e energia em modificar seus hbitos nunca so bem

Embora o autor tenha citado rituais ou hbitos, este no o assunto

principal do texto, alm do que as alternativas trazem informaes
opostas opinio do autor expressa no texto. Erradas.


MACETE: Essa acima uma questo tpica da CESGRANRIO, e

geralmente ela a primeira, por que? uma ttica da Banca, para
testar sua esperteza, como diz o velho ditado: o mundo dos mais
espertos! O candidato despreparado vai fazer o que? Ora, como
saber qual o objetivo principal do texto sem l-lo? Ento vai ler
o texto todo, que longo, e vai perder um tempo mas voc no
a minha dica estratgica : Deixe esse tipo de questo por
ltimo. Resolva todas as outras e depois volte pra ela, porque a
voc j vai ter uma viso geral do texto, o que j meio caminho
andado. Alm disso, observe os enunciados das outras questes e
o ttulo do texto, pois eles vo te d uma luz, j que ao elaborar a
composio deles a Banca destaca o que de mais importante no


22 In the first paragraph, Peter Bregman mentions people who are

naturally pre-disposed to being highly productive because he

(A) wishes he could be like them.

(B) would like to be as busy as they are.
(C) does not understand why they like rituals.
(D) never feels pleasure in accomplishing his tasks.

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(E) considers himself happier and more dynamic than these people.

22 In the first paragraph, Peter Bregman mentions people who are

naturally pre-disposed to being highly productive because he
22 No primeiro pargrafo, Peter Bregman menciona as pessoas que so
naturalmente pr dispostas a ser altamente produtivas porque ele

Opo A: wishes he could be like them = deseja que ele pudesse ser
como elas.

I am, unfortunately, not one of those people. Left to my own

devices, I rarely end my day with the satisfaction of a plan well executed.
My natural inclination is to start my morning with a long and overly
ambitious list of what I hope to accomplish and push myself with
sheer will to accomplish it. Im prone to be so busy answering emails,
multitasking, taking phone calls, taking care of errands that, without
intervention, I would get very little of importance done.

Eu, infelizmente, no sou uma dessas pessoas. Sozinho com meus

prprios recursos, eu raramente termino meu dia com a satisfao de um
plano bem executado. Minha inclinao natural comear o meu dia com
uma lista longa e excessivamente ambiciosa do que eu espero realizar e
esforo-me com enorme vontade de realiz-la. Estou propenso a ser to

ocupado - respondendo e-mails, multitarefa, atendendo telefonemas,

executando servios externos - que, sem interveno, faria pouca coisa
de importncia.

Embora o enunciado mencione o pargrafo 1, a resposta est no

pargrafo 2. Logo na primeira linha o autor lamenta no ser uma dessas
pessoas que so altamente produtivas. Isso percebido pelo uso do
advrbio unfortunately (infelizmente), ora se ela lamenta por que
gostaria de ser como essas pessoas. Esta a opo correta.

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Cuidado! O enunciado no diz according to the paragraph 1 (de

acordo com o pargrafo 1) se assim o dissesse a questo seria
passvel de recurso visto que a opinio do autor s expressa no
pargrafo seguinte, em questes como essa use seu
discernimento e concentrao. Ele apenas menciona o que foi
falado no pargrafo 1. Eis a importncia do candidato saber ler o
enunciado e interpret-lo corretamente, se voc entendesse que a
resposta estaria no par. 1 iria perder um tempo procurando sua
resposta l, quando na verdade ela fundamentada no par. 2.
Fique esperto(a) !

Opo B: would like to be as busy as they are = gostaria de ser to

ocupado como elas so.

Im prone to be so busy answering emails, multitasking, taking

phone calls, taking care of errands that, without intervention, I would
get very little of importance done.

Estou propenso a ser to ocupado - respondendo e-mails, multitarefa,

atendendo telefonemas, executando servios externos - que, sem
interveno, faria pouca coisa de importncia.


Ocupado ele j . Esse no o caso, o problema que ele no sabe

manejar seu tempo. Opo incorreta.

Opo C: does not understand why they like rituals = no entende por
que elas gostam de rituais.

A palavra ritual encontrada l pelo final do texto e no tem nada a ver

com o motivo pelo qual o autor falou da produtividade das pessoas.
Opo incorreta.

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Opo D: never feels pleasure in accomplishing his tasks = nunca sentiu

satisfao em realizar as tarefas dele.

I am, unfortunately, not one of those people. Left to my own devices, I

rarely end my day with the satisfaction of a plan well executed.
My natural inclination is to start my morning with a long and overly
ambitious list of what I hope to accomplish and push myself with
sheer will to accomplish it.

Eu, infelizmente, no sou uma dessas pessoas. Sozinho com meus

prprios recursos, eu raramente termino meu dia com a satisfao
de um plano bem executado. Minha inclinao natural comear o
meu dia com uma lista longa e excessivamente ambiciosa do que eu
espero realizar e esforo-me com enorme vontade de realiz-la.

O texto no diz que ele no tem satisfao em realizar suas tarefas, ao

contrrio ele quer muito realiz-las, o que ele nunca teve foi a satisfao
de terminar o dia com alta produtividade. Opo incorreta.

Opo E: considers himself happier and more dynamic than these people
= considera a si mesmo mais feliz e mais dinmico do que estas pessoas.


I am, unfortunately, not one of those people. Left to my own

devices, I rarely end my day with the satisfaction of a plan well executed.

Eu, infelizmente, no sou uma dessas pessoas. Sozinho com meus

prprios recursos, eu raramente termino meu dia com a satisfao de um
plano bem executado.

A alternativa expressa uma ideia oposta quela do texto, ele no se

considera feliz, ao invs disso infeliz e no dinmico como estas pessoas.

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23 The expression busyness (line 19) is in italics to

(A) confuse the reader by referring to all of Peter Bregmans financial

(B) show that the author is not immediately accessible to talk to other
people at work.
(C) point out that all the authors enterprises are giving him a succession
of bad results.
(D) highlight that the author is referring to himself as being extremely full
of activities.
(E) convey to the reader that Peter Bregman has dedicated himself to the
company that he owns.

23 The expression busyness (line 19) is in italics to

23 A expresso ocupao (linha 19) est em itlico para

Opo A: confuse the reader by referring to all of Peter Bregmans

financial problems = confundir o leitor por referir-se a todos os problemas
financeiros de Peter Bregman.


No tem lgica ser usado um recurso de destaque no texto para confundir

o leitor, s por a voc j v a opo equivocada; alm disso, a palavra
business no significa problemas financeiros dentro deste contexto. Opo

Opo B: show that the author is not immediately accessible to talk to

other people at work = mostrar que o autor no imediatamente
acessvel a conversar com outras pessoas no trabalho.

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Este no o objetivo do destaque da palavra, alm disso o texto no diz
que ele no acessvel a conversar com outros pelo fato de ser ocupado.

Opo C: point out that all the authors enterprises are giving him a
succession of bad results = mostrar que todas as empresas do autor
esto dando a ele uma sucesso de maus resultados. e Opo E: convey
to the reader that Peter Bregman has dedicated himself to the company
that he owns = transmitir ao leitor que Peter Bregman tem se dedicado
empresa que ele possui.

No contexto em questo a palavra business no significa empresa, mas

sim as atividades pessoais do autor. Opes erradas.

Opo D: highlight that the author is referring to himself as being

extremely full of activities = destacar que o autor est se referindo a si
mesmo como sendo extremamente cheio de atividades.

And then, exhausted by my busyness, but unsatisfied by how little of

importance Id accomplished, I would distract myself further by doing
things that made me feel better in the moment, if not accomplished
like browsing the internet or eating something sweet.

E depois, exausto pela minha ocupao, mas insatisfeito com a pouca


importncia que eu tinha feito, eu me distrairia ainda mais, fazendo

coisas que fizeram eu me sentir melhor no momento, se no for realizado
- como navegar na internet ou comer algo doce.

Business = comrcio, a atividade de compra e / ou venda de alguma

coisa para ganhar dinheiro

Busyness = o estado de estar ocupado com muitas coisas para fazer

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Exato, o destaque para chamar ateno que ele ocupadssimo com
suas prprias atividades. Esta a alternativa correta.


24 The sentence It almost never worked. (line 40) refers to the fact
that the author
(A) tried to control his impulse of doing irrelevant errands before facing
his commitments.
(B) had to change his goals to concentrate only on the details of his daily
(C) could never see the relevance of doing important work very early in
the morning on weekdays.
(D) believes that failure is critical to learning, so it is not essential to
control oneself to do the right things.
(E) thinks that the world conspires to make people deny their
responsibilities and spend their time on leisure activities.

24 The sentence It almost never worked. (line 40) refers to the fact
that the author
24 A sentena isto quase nunca funcionou (linha 40) refere-se ao fato
de que o autor


Opo A: tried to control his impulse of doing irrelevant errands before

facing his commitments = tentou controlar seu impulso de fazer servios
irrelevantes antes de enfrentar seus compromissos.

I would talk to myself about how, starting this morning, I would be more
focused, psych myself up to have a productive day, and commit to myself
that I wouldnt do any errands until the important work was done.

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Gostaria de falar para mim sobre como, a partir desta manh, eu seria
mais focado me esforando para ter um dia produtivo, e comprometer a
mim mesmo que eu no faria qualquer servios externos at que o
trabalho importante estivesse feito.

It almost never worked. Certainly not reliably.

Isto quase nunca funcionou. Certamente no confivel.

Exato. O que o autor disse que nunca funcionou foi ele conseguir
controlar-se a no fazer servios menos importantes antes do trabalho
relevante. O pronome neutro it que refere-se a coisas neste contexto, faz
aluso citao anterior. Esta a opo correta.

Opo B: had to change his goals to concentrate only on the details of his
daily tasks = tinha que mudar seus objetivos para concentrar-se apenas
nas tarefas dirias.

Ele no tinha que mudar seus objetivos. Ele j havia traado

corretamente seu objetivo a cumprir. O problema que no conseguia
faz-lo. Opo incorreta.

Opo C: could never see the relevance of doing important work very
early in the morning on weekdays = poderia nunca ver a relevncia de

fazer um trabalho importante logo no incio da manh em dias de


O texto no diz isso. No h essa especificao de que o trabalho tinha

que ser feito logo no incio da manh ou em dias de semana. Errada.

Opo D: believes that failure is critical to learning, so it is not essential

to control oneself to do the right things = acredita que o fracasso

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fundamental para a aprendizagem, por isso no essencial controlar-se
para fazer as coisas certas.

And so, without understanding it at the time, I was teaching myself to

fail. People talk about failure I talk about failure as critical to
learning. But what if we dont learn? What if we do the same things,
repeatedly, hoping for different results but not changing our behavior?

E assim, sem compreend-lo, no momento, eu estava ensinando a mim

mesmo a fracassar. As pessoas falam sobre o fracasso - eu falo sobre o
fracasso - como fundamental para a aprendizagem. Mas e se no
aprendermos? E se fizermos as mesmas coisas, repetidamente,
esperando resultados diferentes, mas no mudarmos o nosso

O autor menciona que o fracasso de certa forma essencial para a

aprendizagem. Porm, ele no diz que as pessoas no devem controlar-se
para fazer as coisas certas. Opo equivocada.

Opo E: thinks that the world conspires to make people deny their
responsibilities and spend their time on leisure activities = acha que o
mundo conspira para que as pessoas neguem as suas responsabilidades e
gastem seu tempo em atividades de lazer. 03291078365

Geralmente quando se inicia uma frase com um pronome est se

referindo a algo que foi citado anteriormente, o autor no menciona
exatamente na frase anterior a ideia que expressa na alternativa.
Portanto, errada.


25 Based on the meanings in the text,

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(A) overly (line 13) could be substituted by moderately.
(B) responsive (line 29) and insensitive are antonyms.
(C) override (line 33) and invalidate express opposite ideas.
(D) ingrain (line 49) and reject express similar ideas.
(E) scattered (line 69) and concentrated are synonyms.

25 Based on the meanings in the text,

25 Baseado nos significados no texto,

Opo A: overly (line 13) could be substituted by moderately =

excessivamente (linha 13) pode ser substitudo por "moderadamente".

My natural inclination is to start my morning with a long and overly

ambitious list of what I hope to accomplish and push myself with
sheer will to accomplish it.

Minha inclinao natural comear o meu dia com uma lista longa e
excessivamente ambiciosa do que eu espero realizar e esforo-me com
enorme vontade de realiz-la.

overly = excessivamente, demais

moderately = moderadamente, razoavelmente


Questes como essas so tpicas da CESGRANRIO. S se pode dizer que

uma palavra substitui a outra se forem sinnimos entre si, o que no o
caso como voc pode observar na definio acima. Opo errada.

Opo B: responsive (line 29) and insensitive are antonyms =

responsivo (linha 29) e "insensvel" so antnimos.

Our instincts most often drive us toward instant gratification. And the
world around us conspires to lure us off task. Given total freedom, most

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of us would spend far too much time browsing websites and eating
sweets. And being totally responsive to our environments would just
have us running around like crazy catering to other peoples agendas.

Nossos instintos mais frequentemente nos levam em direo a

gratificao instantnea. E o mundo ao nosso redor conspira para nos
atrair para fora da tarefa. Dada a liberdade total, a maioria de ns iria
passar muito tempo navegando na internet e comendo doces. E sendo
totalmente receptivos aos nossos ambientes apenas nos deixaria
correndo como loucos para cumprir as agendas de outras pessoas.

responsive = responsivo, receptivo

insensitive = insensvel, indiferente

Observe que realmente o significado dos vocbulos so opostos

(antnimos), esta a opo correta.

Opo C: override (line 33) and invalidate express opposite ideas =

override (linha 33) e "invalidar" expressar ideias opostas.

For me, the allure of accomplishing lots of little details would often
override my focus on the big things I value.


Para mim, o fascnio de realizar muitos pequenos detalhes que muitas

vezes desprezam o meu foco nas grandes coisas que aprecio.

Override = desprezar, neutralizar = invalidate = invalidar, anular

Observe que os vocbulos tem significados semelhantes e no opostos.

Portanto, opo errada.

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Opo D: ingrain (line 49) and reject express similar ideas = enraizar
(linha 49) e "rejeitar" expressam ideias semelhantes.

ingrain = enraizar, arraigar

reject = rejeitar, recusar

Then we are training ourselves to fail repeatedly. Because the more we

continue to make the same mistakes, the more we ingrain the ineffective
behaviors into our lives.

Ento, estamos nos treinando a falhar repetidamente. Porque quanto

mais ns continuamos a cometer os mesmos erros, mais enraizamos
comportamentos ineficazes em nossas vidas.

Se voc substituir um verbo pelo outro no texto, o mesmo sofrer severa

alterao na sua interpretao, visto que os verbos no so sinnimos. Ao
invs disso tem significados opostos. Opo incorreta.

Opo E: scattered (line 69) and concentrated are synonyms =

espalhado (linha 69) e "concentrado" so sinnimos.

scattered = espalhado, disperso

concentrated = concentrado, reunido 03291078365

What I found is that rather than trying to develop super-human

discipline and focus, I needed to rely on a process to make it more likely
that I would be focused and productive and less likely that I would be
scattered and ineffective.

O que eu achei que ao invs de tentar desenvolver disciplina e foco

super-humanos, eu precisava contar com um processo para tornar mais

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provvel que eu seria focado e produtivo e menos provvel que eu seria
disperso e ineficaz.

A alternativa se equivoca ao afirmar que os vocbulos so sinnimos.

Quando na verdade, so opostos.


At aqui as questes tiveram como score 0,5 cada. Da questo 26

at a 30 elas valeram 1, 5 cada. Portanto, ateno redobrada nas
prximas questes que seguem.

26 In Once your identity changes, you are at risk of letting go of your

rituals. (lines 84-86), the author implies that a change of identity
(A) will certainly lead to behavioral misconduct and inconvenient daily
(B) will force you to be productive and remain so forever, never needing
your rituals anymore.
(C) will reveal that habits are not part of your identity as an under-
achiever in the work environment.
(D) can eliminate rituals because they are usually ineffective strategies to
achieve successful results.
(E) is essential to force yourself to become and remain productive along

the days by establishing effective rituals.

26 In Once your identity changes, you are at risk of letting go of your

rituals. (lines 84-86), the author implies that a change of identity
26 Em "Uma vez que sua identidade muda, voc est em risco de
abandonar os seus rituais." (Linhas 84-86), o autor sugere que uma
mudana de identidade

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Opo A: will certainly lead to behavioral misconduct and inconvenient
daily habits = certamente resultar em m conduta comportamental e
inconvenientes hbitos dirios.

The trick then is to stay productive. Once your identity changes, you are
at risk of letting go of your rituals. You dont need them anymore, you
think to yourself, because you are now a productive person. You no
longer suffer from the problem the rituals saved you from.

O truque, ento, se manter produtivo. Uma vez que sua identidade

muda, voc est em risco de abandonar os seus rituais. Voc no precisa
mais deles, voc pensa em si mesmo, porque agora voc uma
pessoa produtiva. Voc j no sofre com o problema do qual os rituais
lhe salvaram.

Ora, se a pessoa passa a ser produtiva quando a identidade muda, ento

ela nem tem um comportamento de m conduta e nem inconvenientes
hbitos dirios. A opo expressa ideia contrria ao texto.

Opo B: will force you to be productive and remain so forever, never

needing your rituals anymore = ir forar voc a ser produtivo e
permanecer assim para sempre, nunca mais precisar de seus rituais.


The trick then is to stay productive. Once your identity changes, you are
at risk of letting go of your rituals. You dont need them anymore, you
think to yourself, because you are now a productive person. You no
longer suffer from the problem the rituals saved you from.

O truque, ento, se manter produtivo. Uma vez que sua identidade

muda, voc est em risco de abandonar os seus rituais. Voc no
precisa mais deles, voc pensa consigo mesmo, porque agora voc

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uma pessoa produtiva. Voc j no sofre com o problema do qual os
rituais lhe salvaram.

O autor no diz que a pessoa no vai mais precisar dos rituais, o que ele
diz que este o pensamento da pessoa. Opo errada.

Opo C: will reveal that habits are not part of your identity as an under-
achiever in the work environment = revelar que os hbitos no so parte
de sua identidade como um sub empreendedor no ambiente de trabalho.

The trick then is to stay productive. Once your identity changes, you are
at risk of letting go of your rituals. You dont need them anymore,
you think to yourself, because you are now a productive person. You no
longer suffer from the problem the rituals saved you from.

O truque, ento, se manter produtivo. Uma vez que sua identidade

muda, voc est em risco de abandonar os seus rituais. Voc no
precisa mais deles, voc pensa em consigo mesmo, porque agora voc
uma pessoa produtiva. Voc j no sofre com o problema do qual os
rituais lhe salvaram.

No se pode dizer que os hbitos no fazem parte da identidade, uma vez

que a pessoa corre o risco 03291078365
de abandon-los, ou seja, no
necessariamente os abandonar, pode ser que sim ou no. Errada.

Opo D: can eliminate rituals because they are usually ineffective

strategies to achieve successful results = pode eliminar rituais porque
eles so geralmente ineficazes estratgias para alcanar bons resultados.

The trick then is to stay productive. Once your identity changes, you are
at risk of letting go of your rituals. You dont need them anymore, you

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think to yourself, because you are now a productive person. You no
longer suffer from the problem the rituals saved you from.

O truque, ento, se manter produtivo. Uma vez que sua identidade

muda, voc est em risco de abandonar os seus rituais. Voc no precisa
mais deles, voc pensa em consigo mesmo, porque agora voc uma
pessoa produtiva. Voc j no sofre com o problema do qual os rituais
lhe salvaram.

Segundo o autor, quando a identidade muda, os rituais podem ser

eliminados por que a pessoa passa a ser produtiva e no por que eles so
estratgias ineficazes para atingir bons resultados. Opo errada.

Opo E: is essential to force yourself to become and remain productive

along the days by establishing effective rituals = essencial para forar a
si mesmo a se tornar e permanecer produtivo nos dias adiante,
estabelecendo rituais eficazes.

The trick then is to stay productive. Once your identity changes, you are
at risk of letting go of your rituals. You dont need them anymore, you
think to yourself, because you are now a productive person. You no
longer suffer from the problem the rituals saved you from.


O truque, ento, se manter produtivo. Uma vez que sua identidade

muda, voc est em risco de abandonar os seus rituais. Voc no precisa
mais deles, voc pensa consigo mesmo, porque agora voc uma pessoa
produtiva. Voc j no sofre com o problema do qual os rituais lhe

stay = permanecer, manter = remain = remanescer, permanecer

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A alternativa usa um sinnimo de palavra para transmitir a mesma
informao textual. Esta a opo correta.


27 In Once we stop, we lose their benefit. (line 92) the word once can
be replaced, without changing the meaning of the sentence, by

(A) Despite the fact that

(B) As soon as
(C) As far as
(D) Though
(E) While

27 In Once we stop, we lose their benefit. (line 92) the word once
can be replaced, without changing the meaning of the sentence, by
27 Em "Uma vez que paramos, perdemos o seu benefcio." (linha 92) a
palavra "uma vez que" pode ser substituda, sem alterar o sentido da
frase, por

Opo A: despite the fact that = apesar do fato que e Opo D: though =


Ambos tem significados similares. So usados para relatar algo que

surpreendente ou inesperado. A diferena que o despite preposio e
o though conjuno, e so usados em sintaxes diferentes. Porm
nenhum deles sinnimo de once. Opes erradas.

Opo B: as soon as = to logo que

as soon as = to logo que = once = uma vez que, j que

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A alternativa traz um conectivo que sinnimo da conjuno usada no
texto : once usada para indicar uma condio que precisa haver
antes que algo acontea. Tanto faz usar um como outro que no mudar
o sentido do contedo textual. Esta a opo correta.

Opo C: as far as = at onde

usado para indicar distncia, extenso ou limite. No tem o mesmo

significado de once. Opo errada.

Opo E: while = enquanto

usado para indicar um espao de tempo ou contradio, no serve para

substituir o conectivo do enunciado. Opo errada.


Dica: Memorize esses conectivos, pois caem aos montes nas

provas da CESGRANRIO.

28 Im prone to be so busy [] that, without intervention, I would get

very little of importance done. (lines 15-18) illustrates that the author
(A) is constantly distracted from his most relevant goals for the day.

(B) leads a very busy professional life with no time for his family and
(C) can only fulfill his professional tasks by making use of phone calls and
(D) plans to do things that make him feel better before he attempts his
daily assignments.
(E) has so many household tasks to accomplish that he constantly fails in
most of his plans.

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28 Im prone to be so busy [] that, without intervention, I would get
very little of importance done. (lines 15-18) illustrates that the author
28 "Estou propenso a estar to ocupado [...] que, sem interveno, faria
pouca coisa de importncia." (linhas 15-18) esclarece que o autor

Opo A: is constantly distracted from his most relevant goals for the day
= est constantemente distrado de suas metas mais relevantes para o

Im prone to be so busy answering emails, multitasking, taking phone

calls, taking care of errands that, without intervention, I would get very
little of importance done.

Estou propenso a ser to ocupado - respondendo e-mails, multitarefa,

atendendo telefonemas, executando servios externos - que, sem
interveno, faria pouca coisa de importncia.

A ateno do autor geralmente desviada de suas metas mais relevantes

para outros assuntos de menos importncia. Opo correta.

Opo B: leads a very busy professional life with no time for his family
and friends = leva uma vida profissional muito ocupada, sem tempo para
a famlia e amigos. 03291078365

A ocupao dele a maior parte do tempo no com assuntos

profissionais, mas sim com assuntos de menos importncia.

Opo C: can only fulfill his professional tasks by making use of phone
calls and emails = s pode cumprir suas tarefas profissionais, fazendo uso
de telefonemas e e-mails.

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Nada a ver. Quando ele fala do uso de e-mails e telefonemas para
expressar que esses o distraem das tarefas de mais importncia. O autor
se refere ao uso desses meios para o uso profissional. Opo errada.

Opo D: plans to do things that make him feel better before he attempts
his daily assignments = planeja fazer coisas que o fazem sentir-se melhor
antes de tentar suas tarefas dirias.

O enunciado quer saber o que as linhas 15-18 descrevem, e no segmento

citado no dito o que a alternativa afirma. Opo errada.

Opo E: has so many household tasks to accomplish that he constantly

fails in most of his plans = tem tantas tarefas domsticas para realizar
que ele constantemente falha na maioria dos seus planos.

most ( maioria, maior nmero ) dos planos diferente de most (mais,

grau superlativo ) importantes

Essa alternativa tem cara de certa, mas s aparncia. No se engane, o

final da frase diz que ele falha na maioria dos planos, o texto no diz isso.
O que o texto diz que ele falha nas suas metas mais importantes.

BIZU: Geralmente em uma questo de alternativas voc fica em


dvida entre duas sobre qual seria a correta, na questo acima

seria a A e a E, a diferena mora no detalhe, s vezes uma palavra,
a certa sempre vai ser aquela que mais completa, mais clara,
que expressa mais de perto a mensagem textual.


29 The author ends the text in a tone of

(A) high hopes

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(B) intense anger
(C) total conformity
(D) extreme satisfaction
(E) profound melancholy

29 The author ends the text in a tone of

29 O autor termina o texto em um tom de

I would love to say that I am now one of those people who is naturally
pre-disposed to being highly productive. But Im not. Theres nothing
natural about productivity for me.

Eu adoraria dizer que sou agora uma daquelas pessoas que

naturalmente pr disposta a ser altamente produtiva. Mas no sou. No
h nada de natural quanto produtividade para mim.

Opo A: high hopes = grandes esperanas = Opo D: extreme

satisfaction = extrema satisfao

Ambas alternativas expressam otimismo, mas no esse sentimento que

o autor exprime em no final do texto, como voc pode observar acima.
Portanto, opes incorretas.


Opo B: intense anger = raiva intensa e Opo E: profound melancholy

= profunda melancolia

No existe nenhuma palavra ou adjetivo que expresse ira ou tristeza

profunda nas palavras do autor. Erradas.

Opo C: total conformity = total conformidade

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Imagine o autor falando... conseguiu? Ele fala de modo sereno refletindo
que assume o seu perfil de no ser produtivo, embora seu desejo que o
fosse. Ainda que se note um tom triste, a opo de letra E pega pesado
ao afirmar profunda melancolia. Esta a opo correta.


30 In You have to climb out the same way you climbed in: with new
rituals (lines 58-59) the modal that substitutes have to without a
change in meaning is
(A) may
(B) can
(C) must
(D) would
(E) might

30 In You have to climb out the same way you climbed in: with new
rituals (lines 58-59) the modal that substitutes have to without a
change in meaning is
30 Em "Voc tem que sair da mesma forma que entrou: com novos
rituais" (linhas 58-59) o modal que substitui 'tem que' sem uma mudana
de significado


Opo A: may = pode e Opo E: might = poderia

Os auxiliares modais may e might so usados para expressar a

possibilidade de que algo possa acontecer. Tanto so usados no Presente
com no Futuro e no so sinnimos do have. Portanto, erradas.

Opo B: can = pode

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Expressa habilidade, pede permisso ou faz um pedido. No cabe no lugar
do have na frase, daria um outro sentido ao texto. Errada.

Opo C: must = deve

must = deve, precisa = have = tem que

Ambos so usados para expressar obrigao ou necessidade de fazer

alguma coisa. Eles podem ser usados como sinnimos no tempo presente,
exceto que must sugere que o narrador que decidiu que algo
necessrio, enquanto que o have sugere que algum imps a deciso.
No contexto da questo, eles podem perfeitamente substituir um ao outro
sem prejuzo para o texto. Esta a opo correta.

Opo D: would = sufixo ia

O Would muito conhecido junto ao like para fazer uma pergunta

educadamente. Ex: Would you like a cup of coffee? (Voc aceita uma
xcara de caf?). Quando usado junto a outros verbos ele equivale ao
futuro do Pretrito em Portugus. Portanto se o substitussemos pelo
have, o texto sofreria severa alterao na sua compreenso. Errada.

GABARITO: C 03291078365


Are You Training Yourself to Fail?

Voc Est Se Treinando para Fracassar?

Did you get done what you wanted to get done today?
Voc fez o que voc queria ter feito hoje?

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Some people are naturally pre-disposed to being highly productive. They

start their days with a clear and reasonable intention of what they plan
to do, and then they work diligently throughout the day, sticking to
their plans, focused on accomplishing their most important priorities, until
the day ends and theyve achieved precisely what they had expected.
Each day moves them one day closer to what they intend to accomplish
over the year.

Algumas pessoas so naturalmente pr dispostas a ser altamente

produtivas. Elas comeam seus dias com uma inteno clara e razovel
do que elas pretendem fazer, e ento elas trabalham diligentemente
durante todo o dia, aderindo aos seus planos, com foco na realizao de
suas prioridades mais importantes, at que o dia termina e elas
conseguiram exatamente o que esperavam. Cada dia as move um dia
mais perto do que eles pretendem realizar ao longo do ano.

I am, unfortunately, not one of those people. Left to my own devices, I

rarely end my day with the satisfaction of a plan well executed. My
natural inclination is to start my morning with a long and overly ambitious
list of what I hope to accomplish and push myself with sheer will to
accomplish it.

Eu, infelizmente, no sou uma dessas pessoas. Sozinho com meus

prprios recursos, eu raramente termino meu dia com a satisfao de um
plano bem executado. Minha inclinao natural comear o meu dia com
uma lista longa e excessivamente ambiciosa do que eu espero realizar e
esforo-me com enorme vontade de realiz-la.

Im prone to be so busy answering emails, multitasking, taking phone

calls, taking care of errands that, without intervention, I would get very
little of importance done.

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Estou propenso a ser to ocupado - respondendo e-mails, multitarefa,

atendendo telefonemas, executando servios externos - que, sem
interveno, faria pouca coisa de importncia.

And then, exhausted by my busyness, but unsatisfied by how little of

importance Id accomplished, I would distract myself further by doing
things that made me feel better in the moment, if not accomplished
like browsing the internet or eating something sweet.

Nossos instintos mais frequentemente nos levam em direo a

gratificao instantnea. E o mundo ao nosso redor conspira para nos
atrair para fora da tarefa. Dada a liberdade total, a maioria de ns iria
passar muito tempo navegando na internet ou comendo algo doce.

Our instincts most often drive us toward instant gratification. And the
world around us conspires to lure us off task. Given total freedom, most
of us would spend far too much time browsing websites and eating
sweets. And being totally responsive to our environments would just
have us running around like crazy catering to other peoples agendas.

Nossos instintos mais frequentemente nos levam em direo a

gratificao instantnea. E o mundo ao nosso redor conspira para nos

atrair para fora da tarefa. Dada a liberdade total, a maioria de ns iria

passar muito tempo navegando na internet e comendo doces. E sendo
totalmente receptivos aos nossos ambientes apenas nos deixaria
correndo como loucos para cumprir as agendas de outras pessoas.

For me, the allure of accomplishing lots of little details would often
override my focus on the big things I value. Each morning I would try
to change my natural tendency by exerting self-control. I would talk to
myself about how, starting this morning, I would be more focused, psych

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myself up to have a productive day, and commit to myself that I wouldnt
do any errands until the important work was done.

Para mim, o fascnio de realizar muitos pequenos detalhes que muitas

vezes substituem o meu foco das grandes coisas que aprecio. Todas as
manhs eu tentaria mudar a minha tendncia natural, exercendo o
autocontrole. Gostaria de falar para mim mesmo sobre como, a partir
desta manh, eu seria mais focado, preparo-me psicologicamente para
ter um dia produtivo, e comprometo-me que eu no faria qualquer servio
domstico at que o trabalho importante tivesse sido feito.

It almost never worked. Certainly not reliably.

Isto quase nunca funcionou. Certamente no confiantemente.

And so, without understanding it at the time, I was teaching myself to

fail. People talk about failure I talk about failure as critical to
learning. But what if we dont learn? What if we do the same things,
repeatedly, hoping for different results but not changing our behavior?

E assim, sem compreend-lo, no momento, eu estava ensinando a mim

mesmo a fracassar. As pessoas falam sobre o fracasso - eu falo sobre o
fracasso - como fundamental para a aprendizagem. Mas e se no
aprendermos? E se fizermos 03291078365

as mesmas coisas, repetidamente,

esperando resultados diferentes, mas no mudarmos o nosso

Then we are training ourselves to fail repeatedly. Because the more we

continue to make the same mistakes, the more we ingrain the ineffective
behaviors into our lives.

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Ento, estamos nos treinando a falhar repetidamente. Porque quanto
mais ns continuamos a cometer os mesmos erros, mais enraizamos
comportamentos ineficazes em nossas vidas.

Our failures become our rituals, our rituals become our habits, and our
habits become our identity. We no longer experience an unproductive
day; we become unproductive people.

Nossas falhas tornam-se nossos rituais, nossos rituais tornam-se nossos

hbitos, e nossos hbitos se tornam a nossa identidade. Ns j no
experimentamos um dia improdutivo; ns nos tornamos pessoas

You cant get out of this pattern by telling yourself youre a

productive person. Youre smarter than that; you wont believe yourself
and the data wont support the illusion. You have to climb out the same
way you climbed in: with new rituals.

Voc no pode ficar fora deste padro por dizer que uma pessoa
produtiva. Voc mais esperto do que isso, voc no vai acreditar
mesmo e os dados no iro apoiar a iluso. Voc tem que sair da mesma
forma que entrou: com novos rituais.


For me, the best way to discover the most effective rituals to help me
achieve my most important priorities was through trial and error. Every
evening I looked at what worked and repeated it the next. I looked at
what didnt and stopped it.

Para mim, a melhor maneira de descobrir os rituais mais eficazes para me

ajudar a alcanar minhas prioridades mais importantes foi por tentativa e
erro. Toda noite eu verificava o que funcionou e repetia isto na prxima
vez. Eu olhava para o que no funcionava e parava com isso.

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What I found is that rather than trying to develop super-human

discipline and focus, I needed to rely on a process to make it more likely
that I would be focused and productive and less likely that I would be
scattered and ineffective.

O que eu achei que ao invs de tentar desenvolver disciplina e foco

super-humanos, eu precisava contar com um processo para tornar mais
provvel que eu seria focado e produtivo e menos provvel que eu seria
disperso e ineficaz.

Rituals like these: Spending five minutes in the morning to place my most
important work onto my calendar, stopping every hour to ask myself
whether Im sticking to my plan, and spending five minutes in the
evening to learn from my successes and failures.

Rituais como estes: Passar cinco minutos de manh para colocar o meu
trabalho mais importante no meu calendrio, parando a cada hora para
me perguntar se eu estou aderindo a meu plano, e passar cinco minutos
na noite para aprender com os meus sucessos e fracassos.

Answering my emails in chunks at predetermined times during the day

instead of whenever they come in. And never letting anything stay on my

to do list for more than three days (after which I either do it immediately,
schedule it in my calendar, or delete it).

Responder meus e-mails em blocos em horrios predeterminados durante

o dia, em vez de sempre que eles chegam. E nunca deixar nada na
minha lista para fazer por mais de trs dias (aps o que, ou o cumpro
imediatamente, ou o agendo em meu calendrio, ou excluo-o).

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It doesnt take long for these rituals to become habits and for the habits
to become your identity. And then, you become a productive person.

No demora muito para que estes rituais se tornem hbitos e os hbitos

se tornem sua identidade. E ento, voc se torna uma pessoa produtiva.

The trick then is to stay productive. Once your identity changes, you are
at risk of letting go of your rituals. You dont need them anymore, you
think to yourself, because you are now a productive person. You no
longer suffer from the problem the rituals saved you from.

O truque, ento, se manter produtivo. Uma vez que sua identidade

muda, voc est em risco de abandonar os seus rituais. Voc no precisa
mais deles, voc pensa em consigo mesmo, porque agora voc uma
pessoa produtiva. Voc j no sofre com o problema do qual os rituais lhe

But thats a mistake. Rituals dont change us. They simply modify our
behavior as long as we practice them. Once we stop, we lose their
benefit. In other words, being productive forever more Requires
that you maintain the rituals that keep you productive forever


Mas isso um erro. Rituais no nos mudam. Eles simplesmente

modificam o nosso comportamento desde que os pratiquemos. Uma vez
que paramos, perdemos o seu benefcio. Em outras palavras, ser
produtivo - para sempre mais - Exige que voc mantenha os rituais que
podem mant-lo produtivo - sempre mais.

I would love to say that I am now one of those people who is naturally
pre-disposed to being highly productive. But Im not. Theres nothing
natural about productivity for me.

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Available in: <http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/how-we-
work/201109/are-you-training-yourself-fail>.Retrieved on: Sept.17, 2011
Fonte: http://www.cesgranrio.org.br/pdf/bndes0211/provas/PROVA

Eu adoraria dizer que sou agora uma daquelas pessoas que

naturalmente pr disposta a ser altamente produtiva. Mas no sou. No
h nada de natural quanto produtividade para mim.

6 Texto 3, Questes Comentadas e Traduo

Engenheiro Jnior Petrobrs CESGRANRIO - 2014

Brazil Oil Boom Boosts Job Market

By Amy Skalmusky, Senior Contributing Reporter

RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL Spearheaded by record investment in

the petroleum and natural gas industry, Brazils job market continues to
grow at a breakneck pace. Billion dollar investments by the government
and private companies have created a positive landscape for job seekers,
with no sign of abating.
The demand for professionals will continue to increase. I believe
we will see an even larger demand in two to three years due to project

maintenance and expansion, said Rafael Faria, Head of Business

Recruiting in Oil & Gas for a global recruiting corporation.
With investments of US$224 billion over the next four years by the
major Brazilian oil and gas company, as well as investments by almost all
major multinational oil companies in the exploration of new oil and gas
fields, qualified workers are a hot commodity. An estimate from the
federal government estimates that the new Brazilian oil fields will require
250,000 new professionals through 2016.

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Among the professionals most in demand are operations managers,
logistics managers, project managers, contract managers and engineers.
According to Faria, one of the most challenging positions to fill is the
Contract Manager, which requires a good amount of experience in dealing
with the large oil companies and their complex rules and regulations.
Human Resource managers are at wits end, said Rose Santos,
Human Resource Manager at an international organization specialized in
deepwater engineering services for the oil industry. Everyone is fighting
for the best professionals. Engineers are getting hired right out of
Most universities offer an undergraduate degree in Petroleum
Engineering, and it has become the most sought-after course, passing
But not only managers are in high demand, skilled workers to build,
maintain, repair and perform technical installations on the drill rigs,
platforms, ships and other offshore and onshore structures are essential.
Training courses and programs are trying to keep up with the
demand. SENAI (Professional training school) has doubled the number of
professional training courses in the last four years. PROMINP, Programa
de Mobilizao da Indstria de Petrleo e Gs Natural, a training program
developed in 2003 in conjunction with a major oil company to train blue
collar workers, plans to turn out 212,000 professionals by 2014.
Some companies opt to search beyond Brazils borders to find

professionals. Many of the multinational companies that previously had

only a single representative in Brazil, are looking to extend their presence
and have to import talent. Work visas can be a challenge to obtain
though, and permanent visas also involve significant immigration
While many companies tend to import professionals from their
home base, according to Santos, it is common practice to try to replace
them with Brazilians within two to three years, due to the high costs.

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Faria agrees, Hiring foreigners can cost up to three times the
salary paid to a Brazilian. The cost includes school for their children,
moving expenses, room and board and a car.
For foreigners considering a relocation to try their luck in Brazils
heated job market, it is important to do the research and evaluate
carefully. Maybe in three to five years it may be worth it for middle
managers, but it will depend on the exchange rate and changes in
governmental policy, which I dont see on the horizon, said Faria.
Fonte: Available at: <http://riotimesonline.com/brazil-news/rio-business/


18.The main intention of Text II is to discuss the

(A) growth in job positions in the oil industry in Brazil in the coming
(B) high salaries frequently paid to foreign professionals working in
(C)increase of training programs for professionals employed in the oil
(D)government funding to support large investment projects in the
Brazilian oil industry.
(E)difficulty in finding qualified Human Resource professionals for the

booming Brazilian industries.

18.The main intention of Text is to discuss the

18. A principal inteno do Texto discutir o (s)

(A) growth in job positions in the oil industry in Brazil in the coming
years. = o aumento do nmero das vagas de emprego da indstria
petrolfera no Brasil nos prximos anos.

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Brazil Oil Boom Boosts Job Market

Brasil: Crescimento Repentino da Indstria do Petrleo impulsiona
mercado de trabalho

Observe o tema. Ele sempre ser um resumo da principal informao que

passada no texto. Durante todo o texto foram citadas estatsticas,
falando de nmero de vagas e treinamentos. Esta a opo que melhor
expressa a principal inteno do texto. Esta a opo correta.

(B) high salaries frequently paid to foreign professionals working in

Brazil. = altos salrios frequentemente pagos para profissionais
estrangeiros que trabalham no Brasil.

O texto apenas menciona essa informao, mas ela no a mensagem

principal do texto. Opo errada.

(C) increase of training programs for professionals employed in the oil

industry. = aumento de programas de treinamento para profissionais
empregados na indstria petrolfera.

O texto apenas menciona essa informao, mas ela no a mensagem

principal do texto. Opo errada. 03291078365

(D) government funding to support large investment projects in the

Brazilian oil industry. = fundo governamental para apoiar projetos de
investimentos na indstria petrolfera do Brasil.

Billion dollar investments by the government and private companies have

created a positive landscape for job seekers, with no sign of abating.

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Investimentos de bilhes de dlares por parte das empresas pblicas e
privadas tm criado um cenrio positivo para os candidatos a emprego,
sem nenhum sinal de diminuir.
O texto menciona que os investimentos so de fonte tanto pblica como
privada. Alm disso, esse no o assunto principal do texto. Errada.

(E) difficulty in finding qualified Human Resource professionals for the

booming Brazilian industries. = dificuldade em encontrar profissionais de
Recursos Humanos para o crescimento repentino das indstrias

Human Resource managers are at wits end, said Rose Santos, Human
Resource Manager at an international organization specialized in
deepwater engineering services for the oil industry. Everyone is fighting
for the best professionals. Engineers are getting hired right out of

"Os gerentes de Recursos Humanos no sabem para onde se virar", disse

Rose Santos, Gerente de Recursos Humanos de uma organizao
internacional especializada em servios de engenharia em guas
profundas para a indstria petrolfera. "Todo mundo est lutando pelos
melhores profissionais. Engenheiros esto sendo contratados logo aps se
graduarem na faculdade. " 03291078365

O que o texto diz que os gerentes de Recursos Humanos esto tendo

dificuldade para encontrar profissionais capacitados. Alm disso, essa no
a principal inteno do texto. Errada.


19. Concerning the future of the oil job market, Text II suggests that

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(A) petroleum and natural gas industries will soon be facing a shortage
of skilled workers in the global market.

(B) qualified professionals for specific positions in the oil industry will
find more opportunities in the Brazilian job market.

(C) factory floor staff with technical skills will soon be replaced by
specialized employees with a university degree.

(D)local expertise will be outnumbered by foreign professionals since

Brazilian engineers are not qualified for the oil industry.

(E) more jobs are going to be created to attract a higher number of

foreign professionals to the Brazilian oil industry in the next decade.

19. Concerning the future of the oil job market, the text suggests that
19. Concernente ao futuro do mercado de petrleo, o texto sugere que

(A) petroleum and natural gas industries will soon be facing a shortage of
skilled workers in the global market = as Indstrias de petrleo e gs
natural em breve estaro enfrentando uma escassez de trabalhadores
qualificados no mercado global.

O texto se refere ao mercado do setor petrolfero no Brasil, no a nvel


mundial. Alm disso, a escassez j existe, no algo que ainda est para
acontecer. Errada.

(B) qualified professionals for specific positions in the oil industry will find
more opportunities in the Brazilian job market = (B) profissionais
qualificados para posies especficas na indstria de petrleo vo
encontrar mais oportunidades no mercado de trabalho brasileiro.

The demand for professionals will continue to increase. I believe we will

see an even larger demand in two to three years due to project

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maintenance and expansion, said Rafael Faria, Head of Business
Recruiting in Oil & Gas for a global recruiting corporation.
A demanda por profissionais vai continuar a aumentar. Acho que teremos
uma demanda ainda maior em dois ou trs anos, devido manuteno e
ampliao do projeto", disse Rafael Faria, diretor da diviso de
recrutamento em petrleo e gs em uma empresa de recrutamento

Exato. No segmento acima, bem como em outras partes do texto,

deixado bem claro que os profissionais qualificados encontraro
oportunidades. Esta a opo correta.

(C) factory floor staff with technical skills will soon be replaced by
specialized employees with a university degree. = (C) os empregados
com habilidades tcnicas que trabalham nas usinas em breve sero
substitudos por funcionrios especializados, com um diploma

O texto no diz isso. Pelo contrrio, os profissionais qualificados j tem e

tero suas vagas determinadas a eles, no iro tomar lugar de outros.

(D) local expertise will be outnumbered by foreign professionals since

Brazilian engineers are not qualified for the oil industry = (D)

especialistas locais sero superados em nmero pelos profissionais

estrangeiros j que os engenheiros brasileiros no esto qualificados para
a indstria petrolfera.

O texto no diz isso. O curso de engenharia do petrleo est em alta

demanda. Isto indica que haver profissionais qualificados para a
indstria petrolfera. Errada.

(E) more jobs are going to be created to attract a higher number of

foreign professionals to the Brazilian oil industry in the next decade = (E)

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mais postos de trabalho vo ser criados para atrair um maior nmero de
profissionais estrangeiros para a indstria brasileira de petrleo na
prxima dcada.

Faria agrees, Hiring foreigners can cost up to three times the salary paid
to a Brazilian. The cost includes school for their children, moving
expenses, room and board and a car.

Faria concorda: "A contratao de estrangeiros pode custar at trs vezes

o salrio pago a um brasileiro. O custo inclui escola para seus filhos,
despesas de mudana, moradia e alimentao, e um carro.

Os postos de trabalho no esto sendo criados para atrair profissionais de

fora. Pelo contrrio, o texto citou que muito caro para trazer um
profissional estrangeiro e que essa deciso tomada apenas quando no
existem profissionais brasileiros para suprir o cargo. Errada.



Brazil Oil Boom Boosts Job Market

Brasil: Crescimento Repentino da Indstria do Petrleo impulsiona
mercado de trabalho 03291078365

By Amy Skalmusky, Senior Contributing Reporter

RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL Spearheaded by record investment in the

petroleum and natural gas industry, Brazils job market continues to grow
at a breakneck pace. Billion dollar investments by the government and
private companies have created a positive landscape for job seekers, with
no sign of abating.

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RIO DE JANEIRO, BRASIL - Impulsionado pelo investimento recorde na

indstria de petrleo e gs natural, o mercado de trabalho no Brasil
continua a crescer a um ritmo alucinante. Investimentos de bilhes de
dlares por parte das empresas pblicas e privadas tm criado um
cenrio positivo para os candidatos a emprego, sem nenhum sinal de

The demand for professionals will continue to increase. I believe we will

see an even larger demand in two to three years due to project
maintenance and expansion, said Rafael Faria, Head of Business
Recruiting in Oil & Gas for a global recruiting corporation.

A demanda por profissionais vai continuar a aumentar. Acho que teremos

uma demanda ainda maior em dois ou trs anos, devido manuteno e
ampliao do projeto", disse Rafael Faria, diretor da diviso de
recrutamento em petrleo e gs em uma empresa de recrutamento

With investments of US$224 billion over the next four years by the major
Brazilian oil and gas company, as well as investments by almost all major
multinational oil companies in the exploration of new oil and gas fields,

qualified workers are a hot commodity. An estimate from the federal

government estimates that the new Brazilian oil fields will require
250,000 new professionals through 2016.

Com investimentos de 224 bilhes de dlares ao longo dos prximos

quatro anos feitos pela principal empresa de petrleo e gs no Brasil, bem
como investimentos de quase todas as grandes empresas multinacionais
de petrleo na explorao de novos campos de petrleo e gs, os
trabalhadores qualificados so uma necessidade hoje em dia. Uma

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estimativa do governo federal estima que os novos campos de petrleo
brasileiros exigiro 250 mil novos profissionais durante o ano de 2016.

Among the professionals most in demand are operations managers,

logistics managers, project managers, contract managers and engineers.
According to Faria, one of the most challenging positions to fill is the
Contract Manager, which requires a good amount of experience in dealing
with the large oil companies and their complex rules and regulations.

Entre os profissionais mais requisitados esto os gerentes de operaes,

gerentes de logstica, gerentes de projeto, gerentes de contrato e
engenheiros. De acordo com Faria, um dos cargos mais difceis de
preencher o Gerente de Contrato, o que exige uma boa quantidade de
experincia em lidar com as grandes companhias petrolferas e suas
regras e regulamentos complexos.

Human Resource managers are at wits end, said Rose Santos, Human
Resource Manager at an international organization specialized in
deepwater engineering services for the oil industry. Everyone is fighting
for the best professionals. Engineers are getting hired right out of

"Os gerentes de Recursos Humanos no sabem para onde se virar", disse


Rose Santos, Gerente de Recursos Humanos de uma organizao

internacional especializada em servios de engenharia em guas
profundas para a indstria petrolfera. "Todo mundo est lutando pelos
melhores profissionais. Engenheiros esto sendo contratados logo aps se
graduarem na faculdade. "

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Most universities offer an undergraduate degree in Petroleum
Engineering, and it has become the most sought-after course, passing

A maioria das universidades oferecem um curso de graduao em

Engenharia de Petrleo, e tornou-se o curso mais procurado, passando o
curso de medicina.

But not only managers are in high demand, skilled workers to build,
maintain, repair and perform technical installations on the drill rigs,
platforms, ships and other offshore and onshore structures are essential.

Mas no so apenas os gestores esto em alta demanda, os trabalhadores

qualificados para construir, manter, reparar e executar instalaes
tcnicas nas sondas de perfurao, plataformas, navios e outras
estruturas no mar e em terra so essenciais.

Training courses and programs are trying to keep up with the demand.
SENAI (Professional training school) has doubled the number of
professional training courses in the last four years. PROMINP, Programa
de Mobilizao da Indstria de Petrleo e Gs Natural, a training program
developed in 2003 in conjunction with a major oil company to train
blue collar workers, plans to turn out 212,000 professionals by 2014.

Os cursos e programas de formao esto tentando acompanhar o

mesmo ritmo da demanda. O SENAI (escola de formao profissional)
dobrou o nmero de cursos de formao profissional nos ltimos quatro
anos. O Prominp, Programa de Mobilizao da Indstria de Petrleo e Gs
Natural, um programa de treinamento desenvolvido em 2003 em
conjunto com uma grande empresa petrolfera para treinar 'trabalhadores
de colarinho azul, planeja treinar 212.000 profissionais at 2014.

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Some companies opt to search beyond Brazils borders to find

professionals. Many of the multinational companies that previously had
only a single representative in Brazil, are looking to extend their presence
and have to import talent. Work visas can be a challenge to obtain
though, and permanent visas also involve significant immigration

Algumas empresas optam por buscar profissionais alm das fronteiras do

Brasil. Muitas das empresas multinacionais que anteriormente tinham
apenas um nico representante no Brasil, esto procura de alargar a
sua presena e tem que importar talentos. Mas, pode ser um desafio
obter vistos de trabalho, e vistos permanentes tambm envolvem
procedimentos significativos de imigrao.

While many companies tend to import professionals from their home

base, according to Santos, it is common practice to try to replace them
with Brazilians within two to three years, due to the high costs.

Embora muitas empresas tendem a importar profissionais dos locais que

so a base de suas atividades, de acordo com Santos, uma prtica
comum tentar substitu-los por brasileiros em um prazo de dois a trs
anos, devido aos altos custos. 03291078365

Faria agrees, Hiring foreigners can cost up to three times the salary paid
to a Brazilian. The cost includes school for their children, moving
expenses, room and board and a car.

Faria concorda: "A contratao de estrangeiros pode custar at trs vezes

o salrio pago a um brasileiro. O custo inclui escola para seus filhos,
despesas de mudana, moradia e alimentao, e um carro.

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For foreigners considering a relocation to try their luck in Brazils heated

job market, it is important to do the research and evaluate carefully.
Maybe in three to five years it may be worth it for middle managers, but
it will depend on the exchange rate and changes in governmental policy,
which I dont see on the horizon, said Faria.
Fonte: Available at: <http://riotimesonline.com/brazil-news/rio-business/

Para os estrangeiros, considerando uma mudana para tentar a sua sorte

no aquecido mercado de trabalho no Brasil, importante fazer a pesquisa
e avaliar com cuidado. "Talvez em trs a cinco anos, pode valer a pena
para gerentes de nvel mdio, mas isso vai depender da taxa de cmbio e
de mudanas na poltica governamental, o que no vejo no horizonte",
disse Faria.

7 - Peculiaridades da Banca CESGRANRIO

O que a CESGRANRIO pediu nas questes da aula de hoje que


acho importante destacar para voc e em que aulas encontrar as

referidas teorias

Fontes dos Textos:

Fonte: Available at: <http://riotimesonline.com/brazil-news/rio-business/

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training-yourself-fail>.Retrieved on: Sept.17, 2011
Conectivos (aula 02): throughout, some, what, until, over, that,
without, further, often, each, any, through, every, whether, never,
then, once, as far as, while, as soon as, despite, though, because;
Advrbios (aula 02): unfortunately, rarely, reliably, likely, most;
Sinnimos(aula 06 e todas as aulas quadro no final): roll up your
sleeves e commit totally; override e invalidate, stay e remain;
Antnimos (aula 06): scattered e concentrated, responsive e
insensitive, ingrain e reject;
Verbos Auxiliares e modais (nesta aula): must, may, might, have,
can, will, would, could;

8 Vocabulrios:

accomplish realizar, efetuar

achieve realizar, completar com xito
allure 03291078365
seduo, atrao, fascinao
chunk bloco, junto
device inveno, estratgia, truque
employer empregador
entitlement direito
errand mensageiro, servio externo
increase aumentar, crescer
ingrain enraizar, arraigar
manager gerente, administrador

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overly excessivamente
prone inclinado, propenso
reliably confiantemente
rely confiar, contar
scattered espalhado, disperso
sheer absoluto, desviar-se
stick apegar-se, aferrar-se

Vocabulrio de Sinnimos ( synonyms)

accomplish reach a goal, achieve

achieve accomplish
allure attraction
chunk block
device strategy, trick,
empregador boss
entitlement right
errand task outside home
increase aumentar, crescer
ingrain instill, implant
manager supervisor
overly excessively
prone 03291078365
tend to
reliably dependably
rely depend on
scattered all over the place
stick attach, remain

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9 - Lista de Questes Comentadas e Gabaritos

Texto 1: How To Start A Career In The Oil And Gas Industry: What
Employers Say

How to start your career, step by step

Fix up your resum take it to your career centre at your university

and theyll help you.

Write a compelling cover letter that speaks to your best qualities

save the pretentious language for your English papers.

Join a professional association and attend their events if you feel

uncomfortable attending alone, try volunteering at them. By having a job
to do, it gives you an excuse to interact with the attendees, and an easy
way to start up a conversation the next time you see them.

Do your research I cant stress this enough. I want students to apply

to Talisman, not because we have open jobs, but because they actually
have an interest in what were doing, and want to be a part of it.

Be confident, but stay humble its important to communicate your

abilities effectively, but its also important to be conscious of the phrase:
sense of entitlement. This generation entering the workforce has

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already been branded with the word entitlement, so students will need
to fight against this bias from the very beginning of any relationship with
people in the industry be aware that you will need to roll up your
sleeves and work hard for the first couple years, and you will be rewarded
in the end.

Retrieved and adapted from URL: <http://talentegg.ca/incubator/

-what-employers-say/>. Acess on: February 14, 2012.
Fonte: http://www.cesgranrio.org.br/concursos/principal.aspx

18 The main purpose of Text II is to

Opo A: teach prospective workers how to prepare cover letters to

impress employers

Opo B: advise the readers about the importance of researching for open
jobs in institutional websites

Opo C: criticize job candidates who are excessively confident and feel
that the world owes them something

Opo D: alert the readers to the importance of joining a professional


association to have free access to their events

Opo E: list relevant hints for those interested in entering the job market
and building a successful professional life

19. The fragment that closes Text II, be aware that you will need to roll
up your sleeves and work hard for the first couple years, and you will be
rewarded in the end. (lines 23-25), implies that one must

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Opo A: make an effort to commit totally to ones job in the initial
phase, in order to reach success in the future

Opo B: wear formal clothes to work so that, as years go by, a couple of

top-rank officers can recognize ones worth

Opo C: accept jobs with severe routines only in order to obtain early

Opo D: avoid postponing assigned tasks and wearing inappropriate

clothes in the working environment

Opo E: show commitment to the working routine and demand the

rewards frequently offered to senior employees

20 Concerning Texts I and II, it is possible to affirm that

Opo A: neither text points out ways to get rewarding jobs in the O&G

Opo B: both texts discuss strategies to ask for promotion in the O&G


Opo C: both texts present ways of starting successful careers in the

O&G industry

Opo D: only Text I encourages prospective employees of O&G

industries to plan their careers in advance

Opo E: only Text II provides hints on how to give up highly-paid jobs in

the O&G industry

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Texto 2: Are You Training Yourself to Fail?

Did you get done what you wanted to get done today?

By Peter Bregman. September 13, 2011 / Psychology Today

Some people are naturally pre-disposed to being highly productive.

They start their days with a clear and reasonable intention of what they
plan to do, and then they work diligently
5 throughout the day, sticking to their plans, focused on accomplishing
their most important priorities, until the day ends and theyve achieved
precisely what they had expected. Each day moves them one day closer
to what they intend to accomplish over the year.
10 I am, unfortunately, not one of those people. Left to my own devices,
I rarely end my day with the satisfaction of a plan well executed. My
natural inclination is to start my morning with a long and overly ambitious
list of what I hope to accomplish and push
15 myself with sheer will to accomplish it. Im prone to be so busy
answering emails, multitasking, taking phone calls, taking care of errands
that, without intervention, I would get very little of importance done.
And then, exhausted by my busyness,
20 but unsatisfied by how little of importance Id accomplished, I would
distract myself further by doing things that made me feel better in the

moment, if not accomplished like browsing the internet or eating

something sweet.
25 Our instincts most often drive us toward instant gratification. And
the world around us conspires to lure us off task. Given total freedom,
most of us would spend far too much time browsing websites and eating
sweets. And being totally responsive to our
30 environments would just have us running around like crazy catering to
other peoples agendas.

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For me, the allure of accomplishing lots of little details would often
override my focus on the big things I value. Each morning I would try
35 to change my natural tendency by exerting self-control. I would talk
to myself about how, starting this morning, I would be more focused,
psych myself up to have a productive day, and commit to myself that I
wouldnt do any errands until the important work was done.
40 It almost never worked. Certainly not reliably. And so, without
understanding it at the time, I was teaching myself to fail. People talk
about failure I talk about failure as critical to learning. But what
45 if we dont learn? What if we do the same things, repeatedly, hoping
for different results but not changing our behavior?
Then we are training ourselves to fail repeatedly. Because the more
we continue to make the same mistakes, the more we ingrain
50 the ineffective behaviors into our lives. Our failures become our
rituals, our rituals become our habits, and our habits become our identity.
We no longer experience an unproductive day; we become unproductive
You cant get out of this pattern by telling yourself youre a
55 productive person. Youre smarter than that; you wont believe
yourself and the data wont support the illusion.
You have to climb out the same way you climbed in: with new
60 For me, the best way to discover the most effective rituals to help me

achieve my most important priorities was through trial and error. Every
evening I looked at what worked and repeated it the next. I looked at
what didnt and stopped it.
65 What I found is that rather than trying to develop super-
human discipline and focus, I needed to rely on a process to make it more
likely that I would be focused and productive and less likely that I would
be scattered and ineffective.
70 Rituals like these: Spending five minutes in the morning to place my
most important work onto my calendar, stopping every hour to ask myself

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whether Im sticking to my plan, and spending five minutes in the
evening to learn from my successes and failures.
75 Answering my emails in chunks at predetermined times during the day
instead of whenever they come in. And never letting anything stay on my
to do list for more than three days (after which I either do
80 it immediately, schedule it in my calendar, or delete it).
It doesnt take long for these rituals to become habits and for the
habits to become your identity. And then, you become a productive
85 The trick then is to stay productive. Once your identity changes, you
are at risk of letting go of your rituals. You dont need them anymore, you
think to yourself, because you are now a productive person. You no
longer suffer from the problem the rituals saved you from.
90 But thats a mistake. Rituals dont change us. They simply modify our
behavior as long as we practice them. Once we stop, we lose their
benefit. In other words, being productive forever more
Requires that you maintain the rituals that keep you productive
95 forever more.
I would love to say that I am now one of those people who is
naturally pre-disposed to being highly productive. But Im not. Theres
nothing natural about productivity for me.
Available in: <http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/how-we-
work/201109/are-you-training-yourself-fail>.Retrieved on: Sept.17, 2011

Fonte: http://www.cesgranrio.org.br/pdf/bndes0211/provas/PROVA

21 The authors intention in this text is to

(A) list all the daily tasks that end up in repeated failure at work.
(B) suggest a strategy to keep focused on the main items on ones to-do
(C) illustrate how he has easily overcome his problem of distraction from
relevant goals.

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(D) deny that rituals are good habits for developing discipline and
focusing on important tasks.
(E) defend the idea that those who invest their time and energy in
modifying their habits are never successful.

22 In the first paragraph, Peter Bregman mentions people who are

naturally pre-disposed to being highly productive because he

(A) wishes he could be like them.

(B) would like to be as busy as they are.
(C) does not understand why they like rituals.
(D) never feels pleasure in accomplishing his tasks.
(E) considers himself happier and more dynamic than these people.

23 The expression busyness (line 19) is in italics to

(A) confuse the reader by referring to all of Peter Bregmans financial

(B) show that the author is not immediately accessible to talk to other
people at work.
(C) point out that all the authors enterprises are giving him a succession
of bad results.
(D) highlight that the author is referring to himself as being extremely full

of activities.
(E) convey to the reader that Peter Bregman has dedicated himself to the
company that he owns.

24 The sentence It almost never worked. (line 40) refers to the fact
that the author

(A) tried to control his impulse of doing irrelevant errands before facing
his commitments.

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(B) had to change his goals to concentrate only on the details of his daily
(C) could never see the relevance of doing important work very early in
the morning on weekdays.
(D) believes that failure is critical to learning, so it is not essential to
control oneself to do the right things.
(E) thinks that the world conspires to make people deny their
responsibilities and spend their time on leisure activities.

25 Based on the meanings in the text,

(A) overly (line 13) could be substituted by moderately.

(B) responsive (line 29) and insensitive are antonyms.
(C) override (line 33) and invalidate express opposite ideas.
(D) ingrain (line 49) and reject express similar ideas.
(E) scattered (line 69) and concentrated are synonyms.

26 In Once your identity changes, you are at risk of letting go of your

rituals. (lines 84-86), the author implies that a change of identity

(A) will certainly lead to behavioral misconduct and inconvenient daily

(B) will force you to be productive and remain so forever, never needing

your rituals anymore.

(C) will reveal that habits are not part of your identity as an under-
achiever in the work environment.
(D) can eliminate rituals because they are usually ineffective strategies to
achieve successful results.
(E) is essential to force yourself to become and remain productive along
the days by establishing effective rituals.

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27 In Once we stop, we lose their benefit. (line 92) the word once can
be replaced, without changing the meaning of the sentence, by

(A) Despite the fact that

(B) As soon as
(C) As far as
(D) Though
(E) While

28 Im prone to be so busy [] that, without intervention, I would get

very little of importance done. (lines 15-18) illustrates that the author

(A) is constantly distracted from his most relevant goals for the day.
(B) leads a very busy professional life with no time for his family and
(C) can only fulfill his professional tasks by making use of phone calls and
(D) plans to do things that make him feel better before he attempts his
daily assignments.
(E) has so many household tasks to accomplish that he constantly fails in
most of his plans.

29 The author ends the text in a tone of


(A) high hopes

(B) intense anger
(C) total conformity
(D) extreme satisfaction
(E) profound melancholy

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30 In You have to climb out the same way you climbed in: with new
rituals (lines 58-59) the modal that substitutes have to without a
change in meaning is

(A) may
(B) can
(C) must
(D) would
(E) might

Texto 3: Brazil Oil Boom Boosts Job Market

RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL Spearheaded by record investment in

the petroleum and natural gas industry, Brazils job market continues to
grow at a breakneck pace. Billion dollar investments by the government
and private companies have created a positive landscape for job seekers,
with no sign of abating.
The demand for professionals will continue to increase. I believe
we will see an even larger demand in two to three years due to project
maintenance and expansion, said Rafael Faria, Head of Business
Recruiting in Oil & Gas for a global recruiting corporation.
With investments of US$224 billion over the next four years by the
major Brazilian oil and gas company, as well as investments by almost all

major multinational oil companies in the exploration of new oil and gas
fields, qualified workers are a hot commodity. An estimate from the
federal government estimates that the new Brazilian oil fields will require
250,000 new professionals through 2016.
Among the professionals most in demand are operations managers,
logistics managers, project managers, contract managers and engineers.
According to Faria, one of the most challenging positions to fill is the
Contract Manager, which requires a good amount of experience in dealing
with the large oil companies and their complex rules and regulations.

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Teoria e exerccios comentados
Prof. Ena Smith
Human Resource managers are at wits end, said Rose Santos,
Human Resource Manager at an international organization specialized in
deepwater engineering services for the oil industry. Everyone is fighting
for the best professionals. Engineers are getting hired right out of
Most universities offer an undergraduate degree in Petroleum
Engineering, and it has become the most sought-after course, passing
But not only managers are in high demand, skilled workers to build,
maintain, repair and perform technical installations on the drill rigs,
platforms, ships and other offshore and onshore structures are essential.
Training courses and programs are trying to keep up with the
demand. SENAI (Professional training school) has doubled the number of
professional training courses in the last four years. PROMINP, Programa
de Mobilizao da Indstria de Petrleo e Gs Natural, a training program
developed in 2003 in conjunction with a major oil company to train blue
collar workers, plans to turn out 212,000 professionals by 2014.
Some companies opt to search beyond Brazils borders to find
professionals. Many of the multinational companies that previously had
only a single representative in Brazil, are looking to extend their presence
and have to import talent. Work visas can be a challenge to obtain
though, and permanent visas also involve significant immigration
procedures. 03291078365

While many companies tend to import professionals from their

home base, according to Santos, it is common practice to try to replace
them with Brazilians within two to three years, due to the high costs.
Faria agrees, Hiring foreigners can cost up to three times the
salary paid to a Brazilian. The cost includes school for their children,
moving expenses, room and board and a car.
For foreigners considering a relocation to try their luck in Brazils
heated job market, it is important to do the research and evaluate
carefully. Maybe in three to five years it may be worth it for middle

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Lngua Inglesa para a PETROBRS
Teoria e exerccios comentados
Prof. Ena Smith
managers, but it will depend on the exchange rate and changes in
governmental policy, which I dont see on the horizon, said Faria.

18.The main intention of Text II is to discuss the

(A) growth in job positions in the oil industry in Brazil in the coming
(B) high salaries frequently paid to foreign professionals working in
(C)increase of training programs for professionals employed in the oil
(D) government funding to support large investment projects in the
Brazilian oil industry.
(E) difficulty in finding qualified Human Resource professionals for the
booming Brazilian industries.

19. Concerning the future of the oil job market, Text II suggests that

(A) petroleum and natural gas industries will soon be facing a shortage
of skilled workers in the global market.

(B) qualified professionals for specific positions in the oil industry will
find more opportunities in the Brazilian job market.

(C) factory floor staff with technical skills will soon be replaced by

specialized employees with a university degree.

(D)local expertise will be outnumbered by foreign professionals since

Brazilian engineers are not qualified for the oil industry.

(E) more jobs are going to be created to attract a higher number of

foreign professionals to the Brazilian oil industry in the next decade.

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Lngua Inglesa para a PETROBRS
Teoria e exerccios comentados
Prof. Ena Smith

18-E; 19-A; 20-C;

21- B; 22-A; 23-D; 24-A; 25-B; 26-E; 27-B; 28-A; 29-C; 30-C;

18-A ; 19-B;

Aqui findamos a terceira aula deste curso, espero que voc tire bastante
proveito. At a prxima aula,

Ena Smith


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