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Quinoa & Lemon Anzac Biscuits

The Anzac biscuit is an integral part of our NZ heritage. Baked goods are a nice for a special occasion or as a
treat. When you are baking it is especially important to read recipes carefully and to measure and weigh very
accurately. Ma te whakaharatau e tika ai! practice makes perfect

c quinoa flakes,

c fine rice flour

3T quinoa flour

c brown sugar

c desiccated coconut

Zest of 1 lemon

65g butter or margarine

1T golden syrup or honey

t baking soda

1. Turn oven to 170C. Line baking trays with baking paper

2. Place quinoa flakes, rice flour, quinoa flour, sugar, coconut & lemon zest in a bowl.

3. Melt butter & G.S together.

4. Mix B.S. with 2T boiling water then add to dry ingredients along with the butter mix.

5. Roll tablespoons of mixture into balls and place on tray. Flatten

6. Bake for 15-20 minutes. Leave to cool for 5 minutes before transferring to a cake cooler.

Did you know? Anzac biscuits have been sent to NZ troops overseas since 1915 by mothers,
wives & sweethearts a welcome addition to basic rations. More than 90 years later NZ defence
personal deployed overseas continue to enjoy the tradition & taste as they are included in gift
parcels by the RSA every Christmas. Poppy Day happens on the Friday before Anzac Day. RSA
volunteers exchange red poppies for a donation in support of veterans & their families. Poppies
were the first flowers that grew in the battlefields of Flanders in Belgium during WW1 and are a
symbol of remembrance & hope.The letters of the word ANZAC stand for A-------- NZ------ AC---

Could mould a symbol on top of biscuit before or after it is cooked or add something on top
to reflect New Zealand Made

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