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Designation: E 344 01a

Terminology Relating to
Thermometry and Hydrometry1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation E 344; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope E 696 Specification for Tungsten-Rhenium Alloy Thermo-

1.1 This terminology is a compilation of definitions of terms couple Wire2
used by ASTM Committee E20 on Temperature Measurement. E 710 Test Method for Comparing EMF Stabilities of Base-
1.2 Terms with definitions generally applicable to the fields Metal Thermoelements in Air Using Dual, Simultaneous,
of thermometry and hydrometry are listed in 3.1. Thermal-EMF Indicators2
1.3 Terms with definitions applicable only to the indicated E 825 Specification for Phase Change-Type Disposable Fe-
standards in which they appear are listed in 3.2. ver Thermometer for Intermittent Determination of Human
1.4 Information about the International Temperature Scale Temperature2
of 1990 is given in Appendix X1. E 839 Test Methods for Sheathed Thermocouples and
Sheathed Thermocouple Material2
2. Referenced Documents E 879 Specification for Thermistor Sensors for Clinical
2.1 ASTM Standards: Laboratory Temperature Measurements2
E 1 Specification for ASTM Thermometers2 E 1061 Specification for Direct-Reading Liquid Crystal
E 77 Test Method for Inspection and Verification of Ther- Forehead Thermometers2
mometers2 E 1104 Specification for Clinical Thermometer Probe Cov-
E 100 Specification for ASTM Hydrometers2 ers and Sheaths2
E 126 Test Method for Inspection and Verification of Hy- E 1112 Specification for Electronic Thermometer for Inter-
drometers2 mittent Determination of Patient Temperature2
E 207 Test Method for Thermal EMF Test of Single Ther- E 1129/E 1129M Specification for Thermocouple Connec-
moelement Materials by Comparison with a Reference tors2
Thermoelement of Similar EMF-Temperature Properties3 E 1137 Specification for Industrial Platinum Resistance
E 220 Test Method for Calibration of Thermocouples by Thermometers2
Comparison Techniques2 E 1159 Specification for Thermocouple Materials,
E 230 Specification and Temperature-Electromotive Force Platinum-Rhodium Alloys, and Platinum2
(EMF) Tables for Standardized Thermocouples2 E 1256 Test Methods for Radiation Thermometers (Single
E 452 Test Method for Calibration of Refractory Metal Waveband Type)2
Thermocouples Using a Radiation Thermometer2 E 1299 Specification for Reusable Phase-Change-Type Fe-
E 574 Specification for Duplex, Base Metal Thermocouple ver Thermometer for Intermittent Determination of Human
Wire with Glass Fiber or Silica Fiber Insulation2 Temperature2
E 585/E 585M Specification for a Radiation Thermometer2 E 1350 Guide for Testing Sheathed Thermocouples Prior to,
E 601 Test Method for Comparing EMF Stability of Single- During, and After Installation2
Element Base-Metal Thermocouple Materials in Air2 E 1502 Guide for Use of Freezing-Point Cells for Reference
E 608 Specification for Metal-Sheathed Base-Metal Ther- Temperatures2
mocouples2 E 1594 Guide for Expression of Temperature2
E 644 Test Methods for Testing Industrial Resistance Ther- E 1750 Guide for Use of Water Triple Point Cells2
mometers2 E 1965 Specification for Infrared Thermometers for Inter-
E 667 Specification for Maximum Self-Registering mittent Determination of Patient Temperature2
Mercury-in-Glass Clinical Thermometers2
3. Terminology
This terminology is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E20 on 3.1 Definitions:
Temperature Measurement and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E20.91
on Editorial and Terminology.
accuracy, nof a temperature measurement, closeness of
Current edition approved Oct. 10, 2001. Published November 2001. Originally agreement between the result of a temperature measurement
published as E 34468. Last previous edition E 34401.
and a true value of the temperature.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 14.03.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 06.03. DISCUSSIONAccuracy is a qualitative concept.

Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

E 344
base metal thermocouple, nthermocouple whose thermo- from the thermocouple.
elements are composed primarily of base metals and their DISCUSSIONThey have similar thermoelectric properties and within
alloys. (See also noble metal thermocouple; refractory a stated temperature range effectively transfer the reference junction to
metal thermocouple.) the other end of the wires.
DISCUSSIONBase metals used in thermoelements include nickel, complete immersion thermometer, na liquid-in-glass ther-
iron, chromium, copper, aluminum. Letter-designated types E, J, K, T, mometer designed to indicate temperatures correctly when
and N are considered base metal thermocouples.
the entire thermometer is exposed to the temperature being
bias, nthe scatter between the mean values of subsets of measured. (Compare total immersion thermometer and
data, from each other or from the accepted value. partial immersion thermometer.)
blackbody, nthe perfect or ideal source of thermal radiant connection head, na housing enclosing a terminal block for
power having a spectral distribution described by the Planck an electrical temperature-sensing device and usually pro-
equation. vided with threaded openings for attachment to a protecting
DISCUSSIONThe term blackbody is often used to describe a furnace
tube and for attachment of conduit.
or other source of radiant power which approximates the ideal. defining fixed point, nthermometric fixed point of an
idealized system, to which a numerical value has been
bulb, nof a liquid-in-glass thermometer, reservoir for the assigned, used in defining a temperature scale.
thermometric liquid. degree Celsius, C, nderived unit of temperature in the
calibration, n of a thermometer or thermometric system, the International System of Units (SI). (See kelvin.)
set of operations that establish, under specified conditions,
the relationship between the values of a thermometric DISCUSSIONAt any temperature, an interval of one degree Celsius is
the same as an interval of one kelvin, by definition. For information
quantity indicated by a thermometer or thermometric system about the relation between units and values of temperature expressed in
and the corresponding values of temperature realized by different units, see Guide E 1594.
degree centigrade, nobsolete term. Use degree Celsius.
DISCUSSION(1) The result of a calibration permits either the degree Fahrenheit, F, nnon-SI unit of temperature com-
assignment of values of temperature to indicated values of thermomet-
ric quantity or determination of corrections with respect to indications.
monly used in the United States of America.
(2) A calibration may also determine other metrological properties such DISCUSSIONAt any temperature, an interval of one degree Fahren-
as the effect of influence quantities. (3) The result of a calibration may heit is the same as an interval of 5/9 kelvin (or 5/9 degree Celsius). For
be communicated in a document such as a calibration certificate or a information about the relation between units and values of temperature
calibration report. (4) The term calibration has also been used to refer expressed in different units, see Guide E 1594.
to the result of the operations, to representations of the result, and to the
actual relationship between values of the thermometric quantity and electromotive force (emf), nthe electrical potential differ-
temperature. ence which produces or tends to produce an electric current.
error, nof a temperature measurement, result of a tempera-
calibration point, na specific value, established by a refer-
ture measurement minus a true value of temperature.
ence, at which the indication or output of a measuring device
extension wires, nthose having temperature-emf character-
is determined.
istics that when connected to a thermocouple effectively
Celsius, adjpertaining to or denoting something related to
transfer the reference junction to the other end of the wires.
the expression of temperature in degrees Celsius.
(Compare compensating wires).
DISCUSSIONFor example, A Celsius thermometer has a scale Fahrenheit, adjpertaining to or denoting something related
marked in degrees Celsius. to the expression of temperature in degrees Fahrenheit.
center wavelength, na wavelength, usually near the middle DISCUSSIONFor example, A Fahrenheit thermometer has a scale
of the band of radiant power over which a radiation marked in degrees Fahrenheit.
thermometer responds, that is used to characterize its per-
fixed point, n in thermometry, reproducible temperature of
equilibrium of a system of two or more phases under
DISCUSSIONThe value of the center wavelength is usually specified specified conditions.
by the manufacturer of the instrument. freezing point, nfixed point of a single component system in
clinical thermometer, nthermometer of any type designed which liquid and solid phases are in equilibrium at a
to measure human body temperature. specified pressure, usually 101 325 Pa, and the system is
losing heat slowly. (Compare melting point.)
DISCUSSIONSome clinical thermometers may be designed to mea- ice point, nthermometric fixed point of ice and water
sure the body temperature of animals.
saturated with air at a pressure of 101 325 Pa.
coaxial thermocouplea thermocouple consisting of a ther- International Practical Temperature Scale (IPTS-48),
moelement in wire form within a thermoelement in tube nthe temperature scale adopted by the 11th General
form with the wire being electrically insulated from the tube Conference on Weights and Measures in 1960 and replaced
except at the measuring junction. in 1968 by the International Practical Temperature Scale of
compensating extension wires, nthose extension wires 1968.
fabricated from materials basically different in composition

E 344
International Practical Temperature Scale of 1968 (IPTS- mean of the subset. (See bias.)
68), nthe temperature scale adopted by the 13th General probe cover and sheath, na device provided for the purpose
Conference on Weights and Measures in 1968. of preventing biological contact between the patient and the
probe or thermometer.
DISCUSSIONThe IPTS-68 was superseded in 1990 by the Interna-
tional Temperature Scale of 1990. protecting tube, na tube designed to enclose a temperature-
sensing device and protect it from the deleterious effects of
International Temperature Scale of 1990 (ITS-90), nthe the environment.
temperature scale prepared in accordance with instructions
of the 18th General Conference on Weights and Measures, DISCUSSIONIt may provide for attachment to a connection head but
is not primarily designed for pressure-tight attachment to a vessel. (See
and adopted on January 1, 1990. also thermowell.)
kelvin, K, nbase unit of temperature in the International
System of Units (SI). radiation thermometer, na radiometer calibrated to indicate
liquid-in-glass thermometer, na temperature-measuring in- the temperature of a blackbody.
strument whose indications are based on the temperature radiometer, na device for measuring radiant power that has
coefficient of expansion of a liquid relative to that of its an output proportional to the intensity of the input power.
containing glass bulb. range, nof a thermometer of thermometric system, a set of
lower range value, nthe lowest quantity that an instrument temperatures within specified lower and upper tempurature
is adjusted to measure. limits.
maximum permissible errors, nof a thermometer or ther- DISCUSSIONThe operating range, measuring range, working
mometric system, extreme values permitted by regulation or range, or scale range is the set of exposure temperatures for the
specification of the difference between the indication of a sensing portion of a thermometer or thermometric system that permits
thermometer or thermometeric system and the true value of temperature measurements to be made with specified uncertainty. With
temperature. certain liquid-in-glass thermometers, an auxiliary scale or reference
scale is provided. The range of such liquid-in-glass thermometers
DISCUSSIONThe term tolerance is sometimes used in ASTM stan- includes only the working range or measuring range and does not
dards to represent this concept. include the auxiliary scale or reference scale (when applicable).
DISCUSSIONThe storage temperature range or non-operating
maximum self-registering clinical thermometer, nclinical temperature range is set of exposer temperatures that the thermometer
thermometer designed to retain the indication of its maxi- or thermometric system can endure without adversely affecting the
mum measured temperature until reset. ability to make temperature measurements with specified uncertainty
measuring junction, nthat junction of a thermocouple when subsequently placed into service. Some specifications provide for
which is subjected to the temperature to be measured. a maximum increase in specified uncertainty after exposer to the
melting point, nfixed point of a single component system in storage temperature range for a specified period of time.
DISCUSSIONThe ambient temperature range is the set of exposure
which liquid and solid phases are in equilibrium at a temperatures that the indication or display portion of the thermometer
specified pressure, usually 101 325 Pa, and the system is or thermometric system can endure during the measurement process
gaining heat slowly. (Compare freezing point.) without adversely affecting the ability to make temperature measure-
noble metal thermocouple, nthermocouple whose thermo- ments.
elements are composed primarily of noble metals and their DISCUSSIONSee also span.
alloys. (See also base metal thermocouple; refractory reference junction, nthat junction of a thermocouple which
metal thermocouple.) is at a known temperature.
DISCUSSIONNoble metals used in thermoelements include platinum, reference temperature, na fixed, reproducible temperature,
rhodium, gold, palladium, iridium. Letter designated types B, R, and S to which a value is assigned, that can be used for the
are considered noble metal thermocouples. calibration of thermometers or other purposes.
partial immersion thermometer, na liquid-in-glass ther- refractory metal thermocouple, n(1) one whose thermo-
mometer designed to indicate temperatures correctly when elements have melting points above 1935 C (3515 F).(2)
the bulb and a specified part of the stem are exposed to the thermocouple whose thermoelements are composed prima-
temperatures being measured. (Compare complete immer- rily of refractory metals and their alloys. (See also base
sion thermometer and total immersion thermometer.) metal thermocouple; noble metal thermocouple.)
Peltier coefficient, nthe reversible heat which is absorbed or DISCUSSIONRefractory metals used in thermoelements include
evolved at a thermocouple junction when unit current passes tungsten, rhenium, and molybdenum.
in unit time.
repeatability, nof results of temperature measurements,
platinum 27 (Pt-27), nthe platinum standard to which the
closeness of agreement between the results of successive
National Bureau of Standards referred thermoelectric mea-
measurements of the same temperature carried out under the
surements prior to 1973.
same conditions of measurement.
platinum 67 (Pt-67), nthe platinum standard used by the
National Bureau of Standards after 1972 as the reference to DISCUSSION(1) Repeatability conditions include the same measure-
which thermoelectric measurements are referred. ment procedure; the same observer; the same thermometer or thermom-
precision, nthe scatter between individual values of test data eteric system, used under the same conditions; the same location; and
repetition over a short interval of time. (2) Repeatability may be
within the subset, normally computed with respect to the

E 344
expressed quantitatively in terms of the dispersion characteristics of the a radiation thermometer, that is in focus for that instrument.
results such as the mean value and standard deviation. test thermoelement, na thermoelement that is to be cali-
reproducibility, nof results of temperature measurements, brated with reference to platinum 67 (Pt-67) by comparing
closeness of agreement between the results of measurements its thermal emf with that of a standard thermoelement.
of the same temperature carried out under changed condi- thermal electromotive force (thermal emf), nthe net emf
tions of measurement. set up in a thermocouple under conditions of zero current.
(Same as Seebeck emf).
DISCUSSION(1) A valid statement of reproducibility requires speci- thermistor, na semiconductor, the primary function of
fication of the conditions changed. (2) The changed conditions may
which is to exhibit a monotonic decrease in electrical
include principle of measurement, method of measurement, observer,
thermometer or thermometric system, reference standard(s), location, resistance with an increase in sensor temperature, that is, a
conditions of use, and time. For ASTM standard test methods, the semiconductor for which the temperature coefficient of
method is not changed. (3) Reproducibility may be expressed quanti- resistance is negative and exhibits neither discontinuities nor
tatively in terms of the dispersion characteristics of the results such as changes in sign.
the mean value and standard deviation. (4) Results are here usually thermistor, na temperature sensor employing a semiconduc-
understood to be corrected results. tor that exhibits a large continuous change in electrical
resistance thermometer, na temperature-measuring device resistance with a change in sensor temperature, that is, a
comprised of a resistance thermometer element, internal semiconductor for which the temperature coefficient of
connecting wires, a protective shell with or without means resistance is either negative or positive and exhibits no
for mounting, a connection head, or connecting wire or other discontinuities.
fittings, or both. DISCUSSIONA negative temperature coefficient thermistor (NTC) is
resistance thermometer element, nthe temperature- a ceramic semiconductor that exhibits a monotonic decrease in electri-
sensitive portion of the thermometer composed of resistance cal resistance with an increase in sensor temperatures and exhibits no
wire, film or semiconductor material, its supporting struc- changes in sign.
ture, and means for attaching connecting wires. DISCUSSIONA positive temperature coefficient thermistor (PTC) is a
secondary standard thermocouple, na thermocouple that semiconductor that exhibits an increase in electrical resistance with an
increase in sensor temperature when used within its normal operating
has had its temperature-emf relationship determined by range. One type of PTC thermistor exhibits a monotonic increase in
reference to a primary standard of temperature. electrical resistance with increasing temperature and exhibits no
Seebeck coefficient, nthe rate of change of thermal emf with changes in sign . Another type of PTC thermistor has a transition or
temperature at a given temperature, normally expressed as switching temperature that is determined by its physical composition.
emf per unit of temperature. (Same as thermoelectric The temperature coefficient of resistance for this switching type device
power). exhibits a slight negative value at temperatures below the transition
temperature, becomes zero in the region of the transition temperature
Seebeck emf, nthe net emf set up in a thermocouple under
and then exhibits a large positive value at temperatures above the
condition of zero current. It represents the algebraic sum of transition temperature. The electrical resistance of these switching PTC
the Peltier and Thomson emf. (Same as thermal electromo- devices is a relatively low value at low body temperatures, decreases to
tive force). a minimum value in the region of the transition temperature and then
sensor, nof a thermometer or thermometric system, element rapidly increases to an extremely high value as the device is heated
of the thermometer or thermometric system that is directly above the transition temperature.
affected by the temperature to be measured. thermocouple, n in thermometry, the sensor of a thermo-
sheath-enclosed-scale thermometer, nthe cylindrical glass electric thermometer, consisting of electrically conducting
envelope which encloses the scale and capillary tube. circuit elements of two different thermoelectric characteris-
sheathed thermocouple, na thermocouple having its ther- tics joined at a junction.
moelements, and sometimes its measuring junction, embed- thermocouple assembly, nan assembly consisting of two
ded in ceramic insulation compacted within a metal protect- thermocouple elements and one or more associated parts
ing tube. such as terminal block, connection head, and protecting tube.
sheathed thermocouple wire, none or more pairs of ther- thermocouple calibration, nthe process of determining the
moelements (without measuring junction(s)) embedded in emf developed by a thermocouple with respect to tempera-
ceramic insulation compacted within a metal protecting tube. ture established by a standard.
sheathed thermoelement, na thermoelement embedded in thermoelectric power, nthe rate of change of thermal emf
ceramic insulation compacted within a metal protecting tube. with temperature at a given temperature. (Same as Seebeck
span, nof a thermometer or thermometric system, the coefficient).
absolute value of the difference between the specified lower thermoelectric thermometer, nthermometer for which the
and upper temperature limits within a range. thermometric quantity is an emf produced by the Seebeck
standard thermoelement, na thermoelement that has been effect.
calibrated with reference to platinum 67 (Pt-67). thermoelement, none of the circuit elements comprising a
stem, nof a liquid-in-glass thermometer, capillary tube thermocouple.
through which the meniscus of the thermometric liquid thermoelement, none of the two dissimilar electrical con-
moves with change of temperature. ductors comprising a thermocouple.
target plane, nthe plane, perpendicular to the line of sight of

E 344
thermometric fixed point, nfixed point useful in the prac- alpha (a)the temperature coefficient of resistance of a PRT
tice of thermometry. over the range 0 to 100 C. E 1137
thermopile, na number of similar thermocouples connected amorphous silica fiber, na continuous filament of heat
in series, arranged so that alternate junctions are at the insulating material whose principal constituent is amorphous
reference temperature and at the measured temperature, to silica. E 574
increase the output for a given temperature difference API gravity, nthe gravity obtained from the following
between reference and measuring junctions. relationship:
thermowell, na closed-end reentrant tube designed for the API Gravity, deg 5 141.5/~sp gr 60/60 F! 2 131.5 (1)
insertion of a temperature-sensing element, and provided
with means for pressure-tight attachment to a vessel. (See E 126
also protecting tube.) axillary temperature, tba, ntemperature at the apex of either
total immersion thermometer, na liquid-in-glass thermom- axilla (armpit) as measured by a contact thermometer.
eter designed to indicate temperatures correctly when just E 1965
that portion of the thermometer containing the liquid is band width or span (D), nthe temperature difference
exposed to the temperature being measured. (Compare defined by the equation:
complete immersion thermometer and partial immersion
D 5 SB 2 SR (2)
triple point, nfixed point of a system in which three phases E 1061
are in equilibrium. band width or span (D), nthe temperature difference
triple point of water, ntriple point of the liquid, solid, and defined by the following equation:
vapor phases of water.
D 5 T470 2 T650 (3)
DISCUSSIONThe idealized triple point of water, to which a value of
273.16 K (0.01 C) is assigned, is a defining fixed point for both the E 1061
Kelvin Thermodynamic Temperature Scale (KTTS) and the Interna- bath gradient error, nthe error caused by temperature
tional Temperature Scale of 1990 (ITS-90).
differences in the working space of the bath. (The bath or
true value, nof a temperature, value attributed to a particu- temperature equalizing blocks should be explored to deter-
lar temperature and accepted, sometimes by convention, as mine the work areas in which the temperature gradients are
having an uncertainty appropriate for a given purpose. insignificant.) E 644
battery charger, nan electrical circuit designed to restore
DISCUSSION(1) For example, in a given situation, the value assigned
to a temperature determined by measurement with a reference standard the electrical potential of a battery. E 1112
thermometer may be taken as a true value. (2) This concept is often blackbody, na reference source of infrared radiation made in
designated by the term conventional true value. the shape of a cavity and characterized by precisely known
temperature of the cavity walls and having effective emis-
uncertainty, n of a temperature measurement, parameter,
sivity at the cavity opening arbitrarily considered equal to
derived from an analysis of a measurement and its result,
unity. E 1965
that characterizes the range in which the true value of
blackbody temperature, tBB, ntemperature of blackbody
temperature is estimated to lie, generally with a given
cavity walls as measured by an imbedded or immersed
contact thermometer. E 1965
DISCUSSIONThe parameter may be, for example, a standard devia- bladder temperature, ntemperature of the interior of uri-
tion (or a multiple of it), or the half-width of an interval having a stated nary bladder as measured by a contact thermometer.
level of confidence.
E 1965
DISCUSSIONThe parameter has many components. Some compo-
nents may be evaluated by statistical methods; others may be based on body temperature, ntemperature measured from the inte-
experience, using assumed probability distributions. rior of a human body cavity, such as pulmonary artery, distal
esophagus, urinary bladder, ear canal, oral, or rectal.
upper range-value, nthe highest quantity that an instrument E 1965
is adjusted to measure. borethe hole or lumen in the stem. E 667
bulb length, nthe distance from the bottom of the bulb to the
3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to a Standard: junction of the bulb and the stem tubing. E1
accuracy, nability of an infrared thermometer to give a bulk material length (BML), na single length of thermo-
reading close to the true temperature. E 1965 couple material (produced from the same raw material lot)
adjusted mode, noutput of an IR thermometer that gives after completion of fabrication resulting in sheathed thermo-
temperature measured and calculated from a subject or couple material. E 780, E 839
object, by correcting such temperature for variations in cable end closurea moisture barrier at the cable end of the
ambient temperature, subjects temperature, emissivity, body sheath.
site (that is, oral, or rectal), etc. E 1965
DISCUSSIONThis does not necessarily constitute a hermetic seal.
adjusting device, na section of the instrument used to adjust
E 1137
the amount of mercury in the bulb and main capillary to that
needed for the intended temperature interval. E1 calibration, nthe determination of the indications of a

E 344
thermometer with respect to temperatures established by a connecting wires, nthe wires that run from the element
standard resulting in scale corrections to be applied when through the cable end closure and external to the sheath.
maximum accuracy is required. E 77 E 1137
calibration, nthe determination of the resistance- connector pair, nan assembly consisting of a plug and a
temperature relationship for a specific thermometer. The jack, each having both positive and negative inserts, that will
resistance-temperature relationship may be specified as the connect two parts of an electrical circuit and provide a means
ratio of the resistance of the thermometer at a given of physically disconnecting the two parts without the use of
temperature to its resistance at the ice point as a function of tools. E 1129/E 1129M, E 1684
the temperature, or simply as the resistance of the thermom- constrictionan obstruction in the bore of a clinical thermom-
eter as a function of the temperature. E 644 eter which permits the passage of mercury from the bulb
calibration datethe date on which the scale is affixed to a when the bulb is heated, but which restricts its passage back
thermometer. E 667 to the bulb when heat is removed. E 667
center green (CG) or mid green (MG), nthat temperature
contact inserts, nmetallic conductor assemblies which,
which unifies the visual and instrumental evaluation meth-
when installed in connector bodies, provide connections
ods and is defined by the equation:
between two parts of an electrical circuit. Plug connectors
SG 1 SB will contain projecting prong contacts, while jack connectors
CG 5 MG 5 2 5 T520 (4)
will contain recessed socket or receptacle contacts.
See for description of T520. E 1061 E 1129/E 1129M, E 1684
ceramic markingmarking by fusing a ceramic colorant onto contact thermometer, nan instrument that is adapted for
the glass surface. E 667 measuring temperature by means of thermal conductivity by
clinical accuracy, nability of an infrared ear canal thermom- determining temperature at the moment when negligible
eter to give a reading close to true temperature of the site thermal energy flows between the thermometer and the
that it purports to represent. E 1965 object of measurement. E 1965
clinical bias, x d, nmean difference between IR thermom- contraction chamber, nan enlargement of the capillary, that
eter output and an internal body site temperature from will appear below the main scale or between the main scale
subjects at specified conditions of ambient temperature and and the auxiliary scale, which serves to reduce its length or
humidity and averaged over a selected group of subjects. to prevent contraction of the liquid column into the bulb.
E 1965 E1
clinical repeatability, sr, npooled standard deviation of core temperature, tc, ntemperature at a subjects body site,
changes in multiple ear canal temperature readings as taken such as pulmonary artery, distal esophagus, urinary bladder,
from the same subject from the same ear with the same or tympanic membrane, recognized as indicative of internal
infrared thermometer by the same operator within a rela- body temperature and obtained with a contact thermometer.
tively short time. E 1965 E 1965
cold-lapssheath surface defects where the sheath surface has density, nthe mass of a unit volume of material. E 126
been galled and torn by a drawing die and the torn surfaces
smoothed by a subsequent diameter reduction. E 839 diameter, nthe largest outside dimension of the glass as
measured with a ring gage. E1
color play, nthe predictable sequence of colors exhibited by
a liquid crystal formulation as it passes through its active displayed temperature range, ntemperature range in de-
temperature range. For example, as temperature increases, a grees Celsius or Fahrenheit that can be shown by an IR
formulation exhibits successive tan, red, green, and blue thermometer.
colors. E 1061 dissipation constant, d, nthe ratio of the change in energy
combined site offset, s, ncalculated difference in degrees of dissipated per unit time (power) in a thermistor, D Q =
measured temperature between a selected reference body site Q2 Q1, to the resultant temperature change of the ther-
and ear canal temperature and averaged over the population mistor, Dt = t2 t1.
of representative study samples. E 1965 DQ
common ungrounded junction, nmeasuring junctions d 5 Dt (5)
within the same multi-pair thermocouple that are electrically
isolated from the sheath but electrically connected to each The dimensions of the dissipation constant are W/C. For
other. E 608 this specification, t1 is in the range from 20 to 38 C and D t
connecting wire error, nthe error caused by uncompensated = 10 C. E 879
connecting wire resistance. (Although the connecting wire is distributor, nany person who furthers the marketing of a
part of the measurement circuit, most of it is not at the device from the original manufacturer to the person who
temperature that is being determined. Thermometers are makes final delivery or sale to the ultimate consumer or user
available in two-, three-, and four-wire configurations. There but who does not repackage or otherwise change the
is no satisfactory way to compensate for the wire resistance container, wrapper, or labeling of the device or device
in the measurement with a two-wire thermometer although package. E 1112
the wire resistance can be compensated for in three and dope, vtin this specification, to add potassium, silicon and
four-wire thermometers.) E 644 aluminum compounds to the alloy powders during the

E 344
preparation to produce a ductile wire. See NASA CR- with Specification E 585. E 608
72884.4 fire crackscracks in glass caused by local temperature
shock. E 667
DISCUSSIONAlloy powders are doped. E 696
first cryoscopic constant, A, na constant of proportionality
dry, adja condition which does not exceed the equivalent of between the freezing point depression of, and concentration
50 % relative humidity at 22 C. E 780 of impurities in, a sample of reference material, given by the
dumet, nround, copper-coated 42 % nickel-iron wire in- ratio of the molar heat of fusion of the pure material, L, to the
tended primarily for sealing to soft glass. Also known as product of the molar gas constant, R, and the square of the
CuNiFe in some communities. E 879 thermodynamic temperature of fusion, T, of the pure mate-
duplex wire, na matched pair of parallel, solid thermoele- rial (freezing point):
ments, individually insulated (double wrap or braid) with L
insulating fibers and a fiber braid of the same material A5 (6)
RT 2
overall. E 574
ear canal temperature, tec, ndisplayed unadjusted tempera- . E 1502
ture measured from the field of view of an IR thermometer flat magnifying lensthermometer stem glass in which the
whose probe is placed into the auditory canal of a subject numerals, graduations, and lens lie on the same relative
according to the manufacturers recommendations. surface. It is so named for its approximately flat cross
E 1965 section. E 667
E-glass, na family of calcia-alumina-silicate glasses that are fracturesinternal or external breaks or cracks in the glass.
used for general purposes and most electrical applications. Internal fractures usually occur in the area between the bulb
E 574 and the constriction. E 667
electronic thermometer, nan instrument that provides a freeze, nan experiment or test run conducted with a freezing-
display of temperature sensed through the use of a transducer point cell while the reference material in the cell solidifies.
and electronic circuitry. E 1112 E 1502
emf stabilitythe change in emf output expressed in milli- freezing curve, nthe entire time-temperature relation of
volts (or in equivalent degrees), over a period of time. the reference material in a freezing-point cell during freez-
E 601 ing, including initial cooling, undercool, recalescence, freez-
emf stabilitythe change in output expressed in millivolts (or ing plateau, and final cooling to complete solidification.
in equivalent degrees if the thermoelectric power is known) E 1502
occurring over a specified time at a specified temperature. freezing-point cell, na device that contains and protects a
E 710 sample of reference material in such a manner that the
equalizing blockan object, usually metal, that when placed freezing point of the material can establish a reference
in a nonuniform temperature region, has greater temperature temperature. E 1502
uniformity (due to its relatively high thermoconductivity and
freezing plateau, nthe period during freezing in which the
mass) than the medium surrounding the object. E 452
temperature does not change significantly. E 1502
etchto attack the surface of glass with hydrofluoric acid or
freezing range, nthe range of temperature over which most
other agent, generally for marking or decoration. E 667
of the reference material in a freezing-point cell solidifies.
excitation, nthe electrical current passing through the ele-
E 1502
ment. E 1137
g-level, nthe acceleration of an object relative to the local
expansion chamber, nan enlargement at the top of the
acceleration of gravity.
capillary to provide protection against breakage caused by
excessive gas pressure. E1 DISCUSSIONFor example, a g-level of 5 is equivalent to an accel-
extension wires, nwires of either Seebeck matching or of eration of approximately 5 3 9.8 m/s2 = 49.0 m/s2. E 1137
compensating extension wire type used to extend the effec-
tive length of the thermoelements. Compensating extension graduationsseries of lines on the stem of the thermometer
wires match the Seebeck coefficient only over a limited which designate the temperature scale intervals. E 667
temperature range. E 1350 hard shaker thermometera thermometer in which the
field of view, narea of a subjects surface that exchanges constriction is overly severe thereby restricting the passage
thermal radiation with the sensor. E 1965 of mercury back to the bulb causing the thermometer to fail
finished thermocouple materialsheathed thermocouple the ease-of-resetting requirements. E 667
material fabricated in final form, ready for delivery to the immersion error, nan error caused by the heat conduction
purchaser. E 585 or radiation, or both, between the resistance thermometer
finished thermocouple materialsheathed thermocouple element and the environment external to the measurement
material in final form, fabricated, and tested in accordance system, because of insufficient immersion length and ther-
mal contact of the thermometer with the medium under
measurement. E 644
Preston-Thomas, H., The International Temperature Scale of 1990 (ITS-90),
impregnate, vtto saturate the fiber insulation of wires with a
Metrologia, Vol 27, No. 1, 1990, pp. 310. For errata see ibid, Vol 27, No. 2, 1990, high-temperature electrical insulating compound to form a
p. 107. moisture barrier around the wires and to inhibit fraying of

E 344
the fibers. E 574 E 1112
indexthe upper point of the mercury column whose position, isolated ungrounded junction, nmeasuring junctions
when noted with respect to the corresponding numerals and within the same multi-pair thermocouple that are electrically
graduations, indicates the temperature of the mercury within isolated from the sheath and electrically isolated from each
the bulb. E 667 other. E 608
infrared (IR), adjof the electromagnetic radiation within the junction class, nthe electrical connectivity of a junction.
mid- and far infrared spectral ranges (approximately from 3 Class U junctions are electrically isolated from conductive
to 30 m wavelength). E 1965 sheaths and from reference ground. Class G junctions are
infrared (IR) thermometer, noptoelectronic instrument electrically connected to conductive sheaths. E 1350
adapted for noncontact measurement of temperature of a laboratory error, d, ndifference between unadjusted tem-
subject by utilizing infrared radiation exchange between the perature as measured by an IR thermometer and temperature
subject and the sensor. E 1965 of a blackbody, over specified operating conditions of
inner melt, na thin continuous layer of water between the ambient temperature and humidity and blackbody tempera-
thermometer well and the ice mantle of a water triple-point ture ranges. E 1965
cell. E 1750 length of the bulbthe distance from the bottom of the bulb
instrumentational offset, d, ncalculated difference in de- to the junction of the bulb and the lower part of the sheath;
grees of measured temperature between core temperature that is, the point where the internal bulb diameter begins to
and ear canal temperature, derived from the population of decrease as the bulb merges into the capillary tube. E1
representative study samples. E 1965 length of the scale, nthe length of the nominal range in the
insulation compaction densitythe density of a compacted stem, not including graduations extending above and below
powder is the combined density of the powder particles and the nominal limits. E 100
of the voids remaining after the powder compaction. Some- lot, na quantity of thermocouples manufactured from the
times the insulation compaction density is divided by the same continuous length of mineral-insulated, metal-sheathed
theoretical density of the powder particles to obtain a thermocouple cable. E 608
dimensionless fraction of theoretical density as a convenient lot, nthat quantity of finished thermocouple material manu-
method to express the relative compaction. E 839 factured from: tubing from the same heat; wire from the
insulation resistance, dc, nthe resistance at a specified same spool and heat; insulation from the same batch;
direct-current voltage between the insulated leads of a assembled and processed together under controlled produc-
thermistor sensor and the metallic enclosure of the sensor, if tion conditions, to the required final outside diameter.
such an enclosure is present, or else between the sensor leads E 585
and a conductive medium in which the sensor is immersed. magnifying lensstem glass which, due to its configuration,
E 879 results in a magnification of the mercury column. E 667
interchangeability, nthe extent to which the thermometer manufacturer, nany person, including any repacker or
matches a resistance-temperature relationship. (The verifica- relabeler, or both, who manufactures, fabricates, assemblies,
tion of interchangeability can be accomplished only by or reprocesses a finished device. (See Good Manufacturing
calibration. The deviations at the temperature limits and the Practices, Part 807 Code of Federal Regulations 6.)
maximum deviation from the established resistance- E 1112
temperature relationship shall be specified.) E 644 manufacturing lot, n(1) in the case of continuous manufac-
intermittent human temperature determination turing processes, a lot is a specifically identified amount
determination of human body temperature that is made produced in a unit of time or quantity in a manner that
periodically by a series of entirely separate measurements. assumes its having uniform characteristics and quality
E 825 within specified limits. (2) In the case of batch processes, a
internal, adjof the interior of subjects body or body cavity, lot means a batch or specifically identified portion of a batch
such as pulmonary artery, urinary bladder, oral, rectal, etc. assumed to have uniform characteristics and quality within
E 1965 specified limits. E 1061
interval error, nthe deviation of the nominal value of a manufacturing lotin the case of continuous manufacturing
temperature interval from its true value; either for the total process, a lot is a specific identified amount produced in a
range (total interval) or for a part of the range (partial unit of time or quantity in a manner that assures its having
interval). E1 uniform character and quality within specified limits. In the
IR thermometer type, nan optoelectronic instrument that is case of batch process, a lot means a batch or specific
capable of noncontactinfrared temperature measurement identified portion of a batch having uniform character and
when placed into the auditory canal of a subject (ear canal quality within specified limits. E 825
type) or from the subjects body surface (skin type). matched pairs, na set of positive and negative thermoele-
E 1965 ments chosen so that a thermocouple fabricated from these
IR thermometer, nan optoelectronic instrument that is thermoelements will match a specified temperature-
capable of noncontact infrared temperature measurement elctromotive force relationship to within a specified toler-
when placed into the auditory canal of a subject (ear canal ance, at the time of first use. E 1751
type) or from the subjects body surface (skin type). measurement time, nthat time required from the time of

E 344
patient contact to display of temperature to within the stated predictive thermometer, none that provides an indication
accuracy. E 1112 of the final stabilized temperature of the measurement site in
measurement time, nthe period required from the time of advance of the time necessary for the transducer to reach a
patient contact to the time when the thermometer may be stabilized temperature. E 1112
removed or read to within the stated accuracy of the probe, nan assembly, including the transducer, that is used
thermometer. E 825, E 1104 to position the transducer in the specific location at which the
metal sheathed cable stripper, na tool used to remove a temperature is to be determined. E 1104, E 1112
selected portion of the metal sheath from an end of sheathed probe, npart of an IR thermometer that channels net infrared
thermocouple material. E 780 radiation between the subject and the sensor and is intended
minimum immersion length, nthe depth that a thermometer to be positioned near or inside the subject. E 1965
should be immersed, in a uniform temperature environment, probe cover, ndisposable or reusable sanitary barrier envel-
such that further immersion does not produce a change in oping that part of the probe which otherwise would come in
indicated temperature greater than the specified tolerance. contact with a subject. E 1965
E 1137 probe cover and sheath, na device provided for the purpose
mode, nan output of an IR thermometer that gives a of preventing biological contact between the patient and
representation of a temperature using a disclosed calculation probe (see Specification E 1104). E 1112
technique with respect to selected reference (for example, probe covers and sheaths, ndevices provided for the
blackbody, oral, rectal, etc.). E 1965 purpose of preventing biological contact between the patient
nonreactive, adja condition which will not produce a and the probe or clinical thermometer. E 1104
chemical transformation or change. E 780 production runthe quantity of BMLs (produced at one time
normal human temperaturethe conventionally accepted and from the same material lot) that travel together continu-
average body temperature in healthy human beings (37 C or ously through the same processing steps, that is, assembly,
98.6 F). E 667 size reduction, annealing, etc. E 839
nucleation, nthe formation of crystal nuclei in liquid in the professional use, nintended or implied use of an instrument
supercooled state. E 1502 by individuals that are licensed or certified for collecting
operating humidity, nrelative humidity of ambient air information for medical diagnosing purposes. E 1965
which allows operation of an IR thermometer within a PRT design, na generic term used to differentiate between
specified laboratory error range. E 1965 different PRT construction details, such as element and
operating temperature, nambient temperature that allows connecting wire construction, insulation methods, sealing
operation of an IR thermometer within specified laboratory techniques, and mounting methods (for example, spring
error range. E 1965 loaded or direct mounting). E 1137
oral temperature, tbm, nposterior sublingual temperature as qualification test, na series of tests conducted by the
measured by a contact thermometer. E 1965 procuring agency or an agent thereof to determine conform-
ovulation thermometera thermometer specifically designed ance of thermistor sensors to the requirements of a specifi-
for obtaining body temperature for the purpose of determin- cation, normally for the development of a qualified products
ing the date of ovulation or the basal body temperature. list under the specification. E 879
E 667 radiation thermometer, nan electronic device that relies on
patientany human whose temperature is being taken. the emitted radiation from a target to access the targets
E 1104 temperature. E 1112
phase change-type disposable fever thermometerone- raw materialmaterial components (tubing, insulators, and
time use instrument utilizing the melting of compounds to wires) as received, prior to any manufacturing procedures.
measure and indicate an anatomical site temperature. E 839
E 825 raw materialmaterial components (tubing, insulators, and
phase change-type fever thermometera reusable instru- wires) used in fabrication of the sheathed thermocouple
ment utilizing the change of state of chemical compositions material. E 585
to measure and indicate an anatomical site temperature. recalescence, nthe sudden increase in temperature of refer-
E 1299 ence material in the supercooled state upon nucleation and
physiological site offset, p, ndifference in degrees of crystal growth, due to the release of latent heat of fusion of
measured temperature between two body sites derived from the reference material. E 1502
the representative study samples. E 1965 rectal temperature, tbr, ntemperature in the anal canal as
polycrystalline fiber, na continuous polycrystalline filament measured by a contact thermometer. E 1965
of heat insulating material whose composition is alumina, reference facility, nNIST, or a testing laboratory whose
boria, and silica in an approximate ratio of 3:1:2, respec- physical standards are traceable to NIST or another national
tively. E 574 standards laboratory. E 207
predictive thermometerany thermometer that indicates the reference material, nthe material in a freezing-point cell
true temperature of a measurement site in a time shorter than that melts and freezes during use, the freezing point of which
that necessary for the thermometer to reach equilibrium can establish a reference temperature. E 1502
temperature of that site. E 825 reference point, na temperature at which a thermometer is

E 344
checked for changes in the bulb volume. E 77 ing components such as reference junction compensators,
reference temperature, na fixed, reproducible temperature, amplifiers and transmitters. E 1350
to which a value is assigned, that can be used for the sensor, ndevice designed to respond to net IR radiation and
calibration of thermometers or other purposes. E 1502 convert that response into electrical signals. E 1965
reference temperature, nthe temperature of a phase equi- sequencing, na characteristic whereby the thermal profiles
librium state of a pure substance at a specified pressure, for of the liquid crystal formulations of a given thermometer
example, the assigned temperature of a fixed point. follow each other in an orderly predetermined manner.
DISCUSSIONAt an equilibrium state of three phases of a substance, E 1061
that is, at the triple point, both the temperature and pressure are fixed. service life, nthe interval of time that a connector assembly
E 1750 will be put to use and retain all physical and thermoelectric
properties. E 1684
reference temperature source, na source of thermal radiant setting temperature, nthe temperature that yields a reading
power of known temperature or emissivity, or both, used in of zero on the main scale for a given adjustment of the
the testing of radiation thermometers. E 1256 amount of mercury in the bulb and main capillary. E1
reference thermometera thermometer whose calibration is S-glass, na family of magnesia-alumina-silicate glasses with
known within a certain specified accuracy. E 220 a higher tensile strength and higher softening temperature
reflecting stemstem glass containing a colored stripe along than E-glass. E 574
its length in a location which, when reflected on the mercury
sheath, na cylindrical metal tube with an integral welded
column, allows greater contrast and enables the column to
closure at the end in which the element is located. E 1137
appear tinted. E 667
sheathed-thermocouple assembly, nthe cut-to-length fin-
reliabilitythe probability of performing without failure a
ished assembly consisting of thermoelements having one
specified function under normal conditions for a specified
end joined in a measuring junction, and contained within and
period of time. E 667
electrically isolated from, a protective sheath closed at the
residual mercury columnthe mercury that lies in the bore
measuring end, except the thermoelements of the class G
of the stem above the constriction. E 667
thermocouple join the sheath at the junction. The protective
resolution, nminimum temperature increment displayed by
sheath has a moisture seal at the reference junction end of the
an IR thermometer in degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit.
sheath. The assembly may include a thermocouple connector
E 1965
but does not include a reference junction or extension leads
response time, nthe time required for a sensor to change a
mechanically joined to the thermoelements. E 1350
specified percentage of the total difference between its initial
and final temperatures as determined from zero-power resis- sheathed thermocouple materialan assembly of two solid
tances when the sensor is subjected to a step function change continuous thermoelements embedded in ceramic insulation
in temperature. E 879 compacted within a metal protecting sheath. E 858, E 608
retention timethe duration of time that the optimal signal sheathed thermocouple material, na combination of two or
for reading persists. E 1299 more continuous thermoelements embedded in ceramic in-
retreating index thermometera thermometer in which the sulation compacted within a metal protecting sheath.
constriction is not sufficiently small to prevent the passage of E 608
mercury back to the bulb (or the mercury index from falling) short range orderingthe reversible short-ranged, order-
without shaking when heat is removed from the bulb. disorder transformation in which the nickel and chromium
E 667 atoms occupy specific (ordered) localized sites in the Type
saddle, nthe bottom support of the enclosed scale. E1 EP or Type KP thermoelement alloy crystal structure.
scale, ngraduation of temperature display in degrees Celsius E 839
or Fahrenheit. E 1965 skin temperature, naverage temperature of a flat skin
scale rangethe range of degrees of temperature through surface as measured from the field of view of an IR skin type
which a thermometer is usable. E 667 thermometer, with an appropriate adjustments for skin emis-
self-heating, nthe change in temperature of the element sivity. E 1965
caused by the heating effect of the excitation. E 1137 specific color phenomena, n (using instrumental methods of
self-heating, nthe increase in the temperature of the ther- evaluation):
mometer element caused by the electric power dissipated in bluethat temperature at which the intensity of 470 nm light
the element, the magnitude depending upon the thermometer reflected by the liquid crystal is maximum, symbolized as
current and heat conduction from the thermometer element T470.
to the surrounding medium. E 644 greenthat temperature at which the intensity of 520 nm light
self-heating error, nthe error caused by variations from the reflected by the liquid crystal is maximum, symbolized as
calibration conditions in the self-heating of the thermometer T520.
element at a given current, arising from the variations in the redthat temperature at which the intensity of 650 nm light
heat conduction from the thermometer to the surrounding reflected by the liquid crystal is maximum, symbolized as
medium. E 644 T650. E 1061
sensing circuit, nthe combination of the thermoelements specific gravity, nthe ratio of the mass of a given volume of
and extension wires, but excluding active signal condition- material at a stated temperature to the mass of an equal

E 344
volume of gas-free distilled water at a stated temperature, test temperature, nthe temperature of the measuring junc-
expressed by tion.
Specific Gravity x/x F ~or y/y C! (7) DISCUSSIONIn reporting the results, the value of the test temperature
where x is usually 60 F and y is usually 15.56 C. E 126 may be rounded off, provided the stated test temperature is within the
spectral emissivitythe ratio of the spectral radiance at a bounds indicated in 10.10. E 207
point on a particular specimen and in a particular direction test thermocouple, na thermocouple that is to have its
from that point to that emitted by a blackbody at the same temperature-emf relationship determined by reference to a
temperature. E 452 temperature standard. E 452
spectral radiancethe power radiated by a specimen in a thermal profile, ntemperatures at which specific color
particular direction per unit time, per unit wavelength, per phenomena occur in a liquid crystal thermometer. E 1061
unit projected area of the specimen, and per unit solid angle. thermocouple assemblythe cut-to-length, finished assembly
E 452 consisting of thermocouple material with thermoelements
stainingmarking the surface of glass by diffusing the colo- having one end joined in a measuring junction. The assem-
rant into the glass surface. E 667 bly has the sheath closed at the measuring end and has a
start of blue (SB), nthat temperature at which the liquid moisture seal at the reference junction end of the sheath. The
crystal first begins to reflect blue light, which is defined as assembly does not include a reference junction but may
light having a wavelength of 491 nm. E 1061 include a thermocouple connector. E 839
start of green (SG), nthat temperature at which the liquid thermocouple calibration pointa temperature, established
crystal first begins to reflect green light, which is defined as by a standard, at which the emf developed by a thermo-
light having a wavelength of 575 nm. E 1061 couple is determined. E 452
start of red (SR), nthat temperature at which the liquid thermocouple connector, nas described in Specification
crystal first begins to reflect red light, which is defined as E 1129, a quick-connect plug and jack using matching or
light having a wavelength of 675 nm. E 1061 compensating materials that have Seebeck coefficients like
storage packagethe smallest package intended by the manu- the extension wires or the thermoelements they connect. The
facturer for long-term storage at the users facility. E 825 thermocouple connector will match the Seebeck coefficient
subject, na human whose temperature is measured. of the thermoelements over only a limited temperature
E 1965 range. E 1350
subnormal thermometera thermometer specifically de- thermocouple type, na nominal thermoelectric class of
signed for obtaining body temperatures below the regular thermoelement materials that, used as a pair, have a stan-
scale range. E 667 dardized relationship and tolerance between relative See-
suitable packaging unitthe unit(s) of packaging to which a beck EMF and temperature, physical characteristics, and an
specific requirement of marking and labeling is logically assigned type letter designator and color code.
applicable. It shall not be less than the smallest unit intended
DISCUSSIONLetter designators and color codes are defined in the
for sale by the manufacturer or distributor to the final user. United States by ANSI/ASTM E 230. Descriptions of letter designators
E 825, E 1104 and color codes may also be found in ASTM MNL-12.5 E 1159
supercooled state, nthe meta-stable state of reference ma-
terial in which the temperature of the liquid phase is below thermoelectric effect error, nthe error caused by a thermal
the freezing point. E 1502 emf in the measurement circuit as a result of dissimilar
system, ncombination of an IR thermometer and an installed metals and temperature gradients in the circuit. E 644
probe cover. E 1965 thermo-hydrometer, na glass hydrometer having a ther-
target size, nthe diameter of a circle in the target plane of a mometer combined with a hydrometer in one instrument.
radiation thermometer that is centered on its line of sight and E 126
contains 99 % of the input radiant power received by that time constant, nthe 63.2 % response time of a sensor that
instrument. E 1256 exhibits a single-exponential response. E 879
temperature offsetthe designed difference in predictive top of the hydrometer, nthe top of the finished instrument.
thermometer readings and water bath test temperatures. E 100
E 825 top of the thermometer, nthe top of the finished instrument.
temperature resolution, nthe minimum simulated or actual E1
change in target temperature that gives a usable change in total length, nthe distance from the bottom of the bulb to the
output or indication, or both. E 1256 top of the finished thermometer, including any special finish
terminal block, na screw terminal device for connection of at the top. E1
thermoelements and extension wires or the connection of total length, nthe overall length of the finished hydrometer.
extension wires to each other or to instruments. E 1350 E 100
test difference, nthe apparent thermoelectric difference at- total lifethe time required for open circuit to occur in the test
tributable to mated connectors observed by the test proce- thermoelement. E 601
dure of this specification. E 1684
test specimen, na short length, at least 300 mm long, cut 5
Manual on the Use of Thermocouples in Temperature Measurement, ASTM
from the bulk material length. E 780 MNL-12, Fourth Edition, ASTM , April 1993. (Revision of STP 470B.)

E 344
transducer, na device that provides a measurable output (for E 1502
example, resistance, emf, etc.) as a function of temperature. verification, nthe process of testing a thermometer for
E 1112 compliance with specifications. E 77
triangular magnifying lensthermometer stem glass in
verification temperatures, nthe specified temperatures at
which the numerals and graduations lie on surfaces that
which thermometers are tested for compliance with scale
smoothly merge to form a lens. It is so named for its
error limits. E 77
approximately triangular cross section. E 667
true temperature, ntemperature attributed to a particular visible start (VS), nthat temperature at which the liquid
site of a subject or object of measurement and accepted as crystal first begins to reflect visible light. E 1061
having a specified uncertainty. E 1965 zero-power resistance, nthe dc resistance of a device, at a
tympanic temperature, tty, ntemperature of either tympanic specified temperature, calculated for zero-power.
membrane as measured by a contact thermometer. E 1965
type of thermocouplethe type of a thermocouple is repre- DISCUSSIONAccurate zero-power resistance is obtained by extrapo-
sented by a letter designation as defined in accordance with lating to zero-power the resistance values obtained from measurements
at three or more levels of power with the sensor immersed in a constant
Specification E 230. E 220
temperature medium. For the purpose of this specification, this is
unadjusted mode, nan output of IR thermometer that obtained from measurements at a single power level adjusted such that
displays temperature measured and calculated from a subject the power is not greater than one-fifth the product of the dissipation
or object, without any corrections for variations in operating constant specified in Table 1 (see section 3.2.1 and section 7.3) and the
temperature, subject temperature, emissivity, etc. E 1965 appropriate tolerance requirement of Table 2. When making stability
undercool, nthe temperature depression below the freezing measurements, the power shall be kept constant. E 879
point of reference material in the supercooled state.


(Nonmandatory Information)


X1.1 Principles of the ITS-90:4 TABLE X1.1 Defining Fixed Points of the ITS-90

X1.1.1 ITS-90 extends from a lower limit of 0.65 K to the Equilibrium Assigned Value of Temperature
highest temperature measurable using the Planck radiation law. T90 (K) t90 (C)
X1.1.2 ITS-90 is divided into a number of ranges and He VP 3 to 5 270.15 to
subranges, each with its own definition of values of tempera- 268.15
e-H2 TP 13.8033 259.3467
ture. e-H2(or He) VP (or GT) '17 '256.15
X1.1.3 Several ranges or subranges overlap, resulting in e-H2(or He) VP (or GT) '20.3 '252.85
differing definitions that have equal status at some tempera- Ne TP 24.5561 248.5939
O2 TP 54.3584 218.7916
tures. It is possible that the differing definitions could yield Ar TP 83.8058 189.3442
different numerical values of a temperature, but such differ- Hg TP 234.3156 38.8344
ences are usually negligible. H2O TP 273.16 0.01
Ga MP 302.9146 29.7646
X1.1.4 ITS-90 has been constructed so that at any given In FP 429.7485 156.5985
temperature its numerical value is close to the numerical value Sn FP 505.078 231.928
of the same thermodynamic temperature. Zn FP 692.677 419.527
Al FP 933.473 660.323
Ag FP 1234.93 961.78
X1.2 Definition of ITS-90: Au FP 1337.33 1064.18
Cu FP 1357.77 1084.62
X1.2.1 The official text (definition) of ITS-90 is given in the
e-H2 indicates equilibrium hydrogen, that is, hydrogen with the equilibrium
reference cited in Footnote 5. An introductory note in the distribution of its ortho and para forms at the corresponding temperatures. Normal
reference states: hydrogen at room temperature contains 25 % para and 75 % ortho hydrogen. The
The official French text of the ITS-90 is published by the isotopic composition of all materials is that naturally occurring.
VP indicates vapor pressure point or equation; GT indicates gas thermometer
BIPM as part of the Procs-verbaux of the Comit International point; TP indicates triple point; FP indicates freezing point; MP indicates melting
des Poids et Mesures (CIPM). However, the English version of point.
the text reproduced here has been authorized by the Comit
Consultatif de Thermomtrie (CCT) and approved by the X1.2.3 Between 3.0 K and 24.5561 K values of temperature
CIPM. ITS-90 are defined by means of a helium gas thermometer
X1.2.2 From 0.65 K to 5.0 K values of temperature on the calibrated by measurements at three defining fixed points and
ITS-90 are defined by the relationship between temperature by using specified interpolation procedures.
and the vapor pressure of either isotope of helium (mass 3 or X1.2.4 Between 13.8033 K and 1234.93 K (961.78 C)
4). values of temperature on the ITS-90 are defined by means of

E 344
platinum resistance thermometers meeting specified require- X1.2.5 Above 1234.93 K (961.78 C) values of temperature
ments. The thermometers are calibrated by measurements at on the ITS-90 are defined in terms of a defining fixed point and
specified sets of defining fixed points and by using specified the Planck radiation law.
interpolation procedures.

The ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item
mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights,
and the risk of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or service@astm.org (e-mail); or through the ASTM website


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