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Rolf Jebasinski
J. Eberspcher
73730 Esslingen

ABSTRACT son the suppliers have to develop their products in

In the past the calculation of exhaust systems tail- shorter time too. One possibility to approach this goal
pipe noise was a problem which was only are increased simulations of the specific character-
unsatisfactorily solved. The following paper shows the istics of the product to reduce cost-intensive proto-
possibilities of engine simulation programs based on typing and tests.
one-dimensional Computational Fluid Dynamics Besides emission controls the noise attenuation is the
codes, such as WAVE, to calculate the tail-pipe noise most important function of engine exhaust systems.
of exhaust systems. Comparison of simulation and With increasingly stringent legislation and regulations
measurement show that it is possible to accurately the demands made on exhaust systems increase
predict tail-pipe noise if the muffler, with all interior constantly.
piping systems, is correctly modeled. Even 3- The performance of an exhaust system is measured in
dimensional effects can be simulated with a special terms of tail-pipe noise, which is the sound pressure
modeling approach. In addition the backpressure can level in a short distance to the tail-pipe. Different
be calculated so that the whole exhaust system can be concepts have been tested at Eberspcher over the
optimized with respect to tail-pipe noise and past, which promised a good prediction of the tail-pipe
backpressure. noise.
With the new preprocessor KADOS for WAVE, Each development process is complicated by conflict-
which significantly reduces the time for modeling ing targets. In the case of exhaust systems these are
exhaust systems with WAVE, new potentials arise for the demands for optimum noise reduction while
the development and optimization of exhaust systems. keeping backpressure at a minimum. In addition
certain package constraint exists, i.e. the position and
INTRODUCTION size of the mufflers are mostly fixed. The acoustic
The time-to-market time for new automobiles has optimization can therefore only be made with
decreased in the last years considerably. For this rea- variation of the duct diameter and the interior piping
system of the mufflers. Calculation methods should after Sullivan [8] already at a sound pressure level of
therefore be able to predict the tail-pipe noise and the 130 dB. Such levels are reached in nearly every rear
backpressure for a complete exhaust system, including muffler.
mufflers with complex interior piping system One-dimensional CFD-programs, which also simulate
(perforated ducts and baffles). the thermodynamic processes in the engine, like
Possible calculation methods are the Transfer Matrix PROMO [9] and WAVE [10], can help here.
Method, Finite Elements Method (FEM), Boundary With these programs the insteady, non-linear gas flow
Elements Method (BEM) or Computational Fluid can be calculated in the entire exhaust system
Dynamics Method ( CFD ). including engine. One receives thus without detours
The most common calculation method is the Transfer the tail-pipe noise under consideration of non-linear
Matrix Method (or four-pole theory). This method is effects in the exhaust system, as well as the backpres-
based on the linear one-dimensional wave propagation sure of individual components in the exhaust system.
in ducts and formulation of the individual elements This contribution shows some comparisons between
like ducts, area discontinuities and branches in measurements and WAVE-calculations of exhaust
transfer matrices in analogy to the electric filter theory systems tail-pipe noise.
Noise attenuation of simple mufflers can be calculated ONE-DIMENSIONAL MODELING OF
with this method in frequency domain. The assump- MUFFLERS WITH WAVE
tion of linear wave propagation restricts this method to For the simulation of an exhaust system a
parts of the exhaust system where the sound pressure corresponding WAVE - model must be prepared. For
level is less than 160 dB (i.e. down pipe, exhaust this purpose WAVE offers two main elements, ducts
manifold and catalyst cannot be calculated). and junctions. Junctions are volumes, which can be
For the prediction of the tail-pipe noise the source connected to each other and to ducts. The following
impedance (which is given by engine and exhaust section describes how mufflers are modeled with these
manifold) must be known, either through measure- elements.
ments or calculations. First we will take a very simple example, a concentric
This method has several disadvantages. It is not pos- tube resonator. This muffler has a perforated duct that
sible to calculate the backpressure with it. The engine is enclosed by an outer can. The muffler is subdivided
impedance is usually measured independent of the into segments of length x. Each segment corresponds
given exhaust system. The response of the exhaust to a volume or junction for the duct and the outer
system on the engine thus remains unconsidered. resonator. Fig. 1 (b) shows this schematically.
Besides that the calculation of perforated ducts is not The junctions representing the duct and the resonator
solved completely. There are several competing are connected in flow direction correspondingly. In
models for the description by perforated ducts addition a connection exists between the junctions of
[3,4,5,6], which lead to different results (for a the duct and the resonator via a perforated wall.
comparison see [7]). Additionally these models are all The segment length x determines the frequency
based on experimentally determined impedances of resolution as well as the computing time. The smaller
the perforation, since non-linear effects play a role. the segments are, the higher the frequency resolution
This non-linear behavior of the impedance appears but unfortunately the computing time too.


FIGURE 1:Concentric tube resonator (a) and WAVE

model (b), grey junctions represent the perforated
tube and white junctions the resonator.

With a segment length of 40 mm one reaches a good

precision up to 600 Hz. The computing time lies in
this case for a complete model of an exhaust system
FIGURE 2: rear muffler 1 (a) and WAVE model (b)
(inclusively simple intake system and engine) at 10
speed points on a RISC-Workstation by approximately To simplify this entry and to shorten the development
1-2 hours. process the graphic preprocessor KADOS
Generally the interior piping system of a muffler is (Knowledge Based Automated Design of Intake and
much more complex than in the above-mentioned Exhaust Systems) for WAVE was developed by an
example. Then the muffler must be subdivided in more international consortium under participation of
segments. Fig. 2 presents an example of a typical Eberspcher.
series rear muffler. KADOS offers different elements (perforated ducts,
The modeling of a complete exhaust system with bent ducts, baffles etc.) which can be placed in the
manual entry in the WAVE input file can take several muffler with the computer mouse as in drawing
days depending on the complexity of the muffler. programs. Fig. 3 (b) shows the geometry input mask
Changes in the geometry of the muffler, i.e. through for oval-end mufflers. Fig. 3 (a) shows the CAD -
displacement of a baffle or change of a duct diameter, model of the rear muffler sketched in Fig. 3 (b).
lead to a recalculation of the cross-sections and After establishing the model of the exhaust system on
volumes of the junctions and ducts and a new input the screen KADOS generates a WAVE input file.
into the WAVE file. Changes in geometry or in the interior piping system
Optimization of mufflers would therefore be very time of mufflers can now be made very quickly.
Fig. 4 shows the tail-pipe noise of measurement and
WAVE simulation. Up To 3000 rev/min the curves
agree very well. The calculated level lies only 3 dB(A)
below the measured level.


s o u n d p re s s u re le v e l [d B (A )]




90 measurement
WAVE calculation
85 WAVE calculation + flow generated noise
WAVE calculation (mufflers modeled as expansion chambers)

1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000
s p e e d [re v /m in ]

FIGURE 4: Tail-pipe noise rear muffler 1,

measurement and WAVE calculation, A-weighted.

A calculation with simple expansion chambers instead

FIGURE 3: rear muffler 2 (a) and KADOS input of the original mufflers is shown in Fig. 4 for com-
mask (b). parison. The tail-pipe noise of this configuration
deviates clearly from the experimental results and the
calculation with the original muffler.
Results At 3000 rev/min flow generated noise becomes
Measurement and calculation of the tail-pipe noise dominant, which lead to a difference between
were done on a Mercedes Benz C200 (4 cylinder 2 measured and calculated values.
liter SI engine) with the series exhaust system. The Besides sound pressure the flow velocity and the gas
exhaust system consists of a catalyst with two temperature are known from the WAVE calculation.
monoliths, middle muffler (simple concentric Thus the flow generated noise can be calculated with
resonator with two chambers) and rear muffler 1 (see the empirical formula from Green and Smith [12].
Fig. 2). The engine data (Combustion profile, valve According to this formula the sound power level (Lw)
timing etc.) were taken from Ref. [11]. depends on the flow velocity (v), gas temperature (T),
Tail-pipe noise was measured and calculated at a diameter of the inlet tube (D) and the efficiency factor
distance of 22 cm. The experimental conditions were of the rear muffler (Ew).
full load acceleration. Since WAVE is not able to
simulate absorption material, the absorption material Lw = Ew - 17.5*logT + 20*log(D) + 45*log(v) +1,87
in both mufflers was removed.
Efficiency factors were taken from Ref. [12]. The cause larger deviation between measurement and
curve thus calculated is displayed in Fig. 4. The calculation.
agreement is good for such simple assumptions. Fig. 6 shows WAVE-calculated third-octave spectra at
At 5500 rev/min the calculated backpressure of 2500 rev/min and measured values. The agreement is
115 mbar lies somewhat over the measured value of good.
95 mbar (see also Table 1).
2500 rev/min
2. engine order

ressure level [dB(A)]

100 90

meas urement 80
W A V E c alc ulation
s o u n d p re s s u re le v e l [d B (A )]

4. engine order



70 FIGURE 6: Third-octave spectra of rear muffler 1 at

110 2500 rev/min, A-weighted.
6. engine order

90 For further comparisons rear muffler 1 was replaced

by rear muffler 2 (shown in Fig. 3 (a)).
In Fig. 7 the level difference between both mufflers in
1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 the dominating engine order are presented. The
s p e e d [re v /m in ] agreement between measurement and calculation is
FIGURE 5: Sound pressure level of the 2.,4. and 6. Above 3000 rev/min the level differences at the 4. and
engine order of rear muffler 1, A-weighted. 6. order show some deviation between measurement
and calculation, which could be due to flow generated
Fig. 5 shows the level of 2. , 4. and 6. engine orders, noise.
which dominate the tail-pipe noise. The measured and For the second rear muffler the WAVE calculation
calculated values of the 2. engine order are in excel- yielded a backpressure of 102 mbar in comparison
lent agreement. At 4. and 6. engine order the agree- with measured 87 mbar.
ment is good in the lower speed range. The calculated A comparison of the backpressures show that the
6. engine order shows a small shift in speed compared relative change of the backpressure can be determined
to the measurements. The reason for this is still object with the WAVE calculation. The absolute values lie
of further investigations. At higher speed and approximately 15 % above the measured values.
therefore higher frequencies flow generated noise
0 attempt was made to modify the muffler without
-4 change in volume and to reduce the 3. engine order.
-8 Fig.8 shows the level difference between initial design
-1 2 and modified design, both calculated by WAVE.
2. engine order meas urement
-1 6 W A V E c alc ulation Through an additional perforation in the inlet pipe a
-2 0 reduction of 4 dB at 1800 rev/min has been reached in
0 agreement with the measurements.
le v e l d iffe re n c e [d B ]

-1 2
m eas urem ent
-1 6 4. engine order

level difference 3. engine order [dB]

W A V E c alc ulation
-2 0

-1 2 -3
-1 6
-2 0
-2 4 6. engine order
-2 8
1000 2000 3000 4000 5000
900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800
s p e e d [re v /m in ] speed [rev/min]

FIGURE 7: Level difference between rear muffler 1 FIGURE 8: Level difference between optimized
and rear muffler 2; 2., 4. and 6. engine order. muffler and original muffler for a truck; 3. engine
Table 1:
WAVE - calculation measurement 3-dimensional modeling of mufflers
rear muffler 1 115 mbar 95 mbar The investigations described in the previous para-
rear muffler 2 102 mbar 87 mbar graphs were based on one-dimensional modeled
mufflers. So the frequency resolution is limited to
WAVE is thus very well suited for the optimization of approximately 600 - 1000 Hz depending on the
mufflers, with regard to noise attenuation and back- segmentation length x in flow direction.
pressure, through modifications of the interior piping It will be shown in this paragraph that is possible to
system. extend this frequency limit much farther by using a 3-
A further example will illustrate this. In a current dimensional mesh for the muffler under investigation.
project a muffler for a V6 diesel truck is being The simulations will be compared to Transmission
developed. The tail-pipe noise of this vehicle was Loss measurements from Selamet et al. [13].
dominated through the 3. engine order. Fig. 9 (b) shows the 1-dimensional mesh of a simple
Especially at the rated speed of 1800 rev/min very expansion chamber. Each segment is a volume. The
high sound pressure levels were observed with the dimensions of the chamber are shown in Fig. 9 (a).
first design of the muffler. With the calculation the
m eas urem ent
B E M c alc ulation
W A V E with x = 31 m m

Trans mis s ion Loss [dB]




0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
Frequenc y [Hz ]

FIGURE 10: Transmission Loss measurement, 3-

dimensional BEM calculation and 1-dimensional
WAVE-calculation of the expansion chamber from
Fig. 9.

Therefore the modeling of the expansion chamber

with WAVE was revised. In addition to the
segmentation in x-direction a second segmentation in
radial direction was made. This can be accomplished
FIGURE 9: Dimensions of the expansion chamber by the YJunction element in WAVE. Because of the
(a) 1-dimensional WAVE-model (b) and rotational symmetry a radial segmentation is sufficient
3-dimensional WAVE-model (c). for a 3-dimensional WAVE mesh. Fig. 11 shows the
Transmission Loss of this model (x = 31mm and r
= 30 mm).
The first radial cross mode propagates at a frequency
The deviation between calculation and measurement is
of 2737 Hz. Nevertheless multidimensional behavior
much smaller. The peak at 2500 Hz can be observed
can be observed at lower frequencies depending on the
now, however with a shift to lower frequencies.
length/diameter ratio as shown in Ref. [13]. Fig. 10
To improve this result the segmentation length in x-
displays the calculated Transmission Loss for a 1-
and r-direction has been varied (see Fig. 11). Reducing
dimensional WAVE model of this muffler. For
only one segmentation length gives worse results,
comparison the measured Transmission Loss and the
whereas decreasing x and r by an equal amount
result of a 3-dimensional BEM calculation, adapted
yields a better result as can be seen in Fig. 11. In the
from Ref.[13], is printed in Fig. 10.
case of x=15 mm and r=15 mm the predicted peak
The 1-dimensional WAVE calculation deviates clearly
is very close to the measured one and the minimum at
from the measurements and the BEM calculation at
2200 Hz is captured well. So it seemed to be important
frequencies above 2000 Hz. Minor differences can be
to use equal segmentation length in every direction to
observed between 1000 and 2000 Hz.
capture 3-dimensional effects.
Up to now these 3-dimensional effects were only
m eas urem ent accessible with 3-dimensional simulation methods as
W A V E x = 31 m m , r = 30 m m
40 W A V E x = 15 m m , r = 30 m m
BEM and FEM. With the YJunction WAVE offers
Trans mis s ion Loss [dB]

W A V E x = 31 m m , r = 15 m m
an element that can be used to make a quasi 3-dimen-
W A V E x = 15 m m , r = 15 m m
sional mesh of a muffler, so that the 3-dimensional
behavior of the sound pressure waves can be
calculated with a 1-dimensional CFD Code.
This method offers the advantage of enabling non-
linear calculation of the insteady flow excited by an
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
engine. This cannot be done with BEM and FEM,
Frequency [dB] since they are purely acoustic calculation methods
FIGURE 11: Transmission Loss calculations with (i.e. linear without inclusion of flow).
different segmentation length r and x in the The longer computation times, compared to the
WAVE-model. 1-dimensional modeling approach could be a

To support this a second expansion chamber was

modeled, which had a length of 94 mm. The result of
The comparison of measurement and simulation on
the WAVE model with segmentation lengths of 15 and
an exhaust system in a series vehicle has shown that
30 mm in both directions is plotted in Fig. 12 together
one can receive a good prediction of the dominating
with the measured results. This example shows that
engine orders with WAVE by using a 1-dimensional
well beneath the cut-off frequency of the first radial
modeling approach.
mode multidimensional wave propagation is apparent.
Thus level differences between different rear mufflers
are well predicted in the lower speed range (up to
3000 rev/min).
m eas urem ent
W A V E 1-D x = 31 m m In the higher speed range (above 3000 rev/min) strong
20 W A V E 3-D x = 31 m m , r= 30 m m
flow generated noise sets in. This flow generated
Trans mis s ion Loss [dB]

W A V E 3-D x = 15 m m , r= 15 m m

noise can be determined too with a simple empirical
formula, and the gas velocity and gas temperature
10 obtained from the WAVE calculation.
Since beside the sound pressure level the backpressure
can be deduced from the WAVE results, WAVE is
well suited as supporting tool for the development and
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 optimization of exhaust systems.
Frequenc y [Hz ]
With the new graphic preprocessors KADOS the
Figure 12: Transmission Loss calculation with modeling of exhaust system has been simplified,
WAVE of an expansion chamber with l=93 mm. which reduces the time for the establishing of a
WAVE model considerably.
New possibilities are offered by adapting the 3-
dimensional modeling approach, presented in the last
paragraph, into KADOS, which might extend the
frequency resolution into the kHz range.


[1] M.L. Munjal, Acoustics of Ducts and Mufflers,

John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1987
[2] K. Lehringer, Automobil Industrie, 1988, 6
[3] J.W. Sullivan and M.J. Crocker, Journal of the
Acoustical Society of America 64, 1978, 207
[4] J.W. Sullivan, , Journal of the Acoustical Society
of America 66, 1979, 772
[5] K. Jayaraman and K. Yam, Journal of the
Acoustical Society of America 69, 1981, 390
[6] K.N. Rao and M.L. Munjal, Proceedings of the
1984 Nelson Acoustics Conference,
Madison WC
[7] K.S. Peat, Journal of Sound and Vibration 123,
1988, 199
[8] J.W. Sullivan, , Journal of the Acoustical Society
of America 66, 1979, 779
[9] H. Seifert, Motortechnische Zeitschrift 51,
1990, 11
[10] T. Morel, M.F. Fleming and L. LaPointe,
SAE 900679
[11] J. Abthoff, D. Httebrucker, W. Zahn and H.
Bockel, Motortechnische Zeitschrift 53,
1992, 496
[12] A.J. Green and P.N. Smith, IMechE 1988,
C17/88, 47
[13] A. Selamet and P.M. Radavich,
SAE 950544

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