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Charisma World Expert Series

Bank seizures and foreclosures at an all-time high; the worst stock market losses since the
Great Depression; median household incomes lower than a decade ago; meaning, real wages
are down, and jobs lost forever; a growing underclass due to record home losses, a massive
consumer catastrophe due to a record drop in confidence, America is fast becoming the first
"undeveloped" nation in history, with its utter bankruptcy and total breakdown of the
corporate and governmental system. This, though, only represents the first ripple in the great
collapse, unfolding, which virtually no one speaks about, much less, warns of.

These are the facts, as presented by Gerald Celente, CEO of Trends Research Institute, the
world's most accurate, leading trends forecasting expert, who predicts the DOW will plummet
another 8,000, and the NASDAQ will return to its record low of 2000. We're going to see a
crime wave like never before, he warns, with angry people beside themselves, drugged out,
losing all semblance of tolerance when they realize they cannot buy food for themselves and
their families, or pay their basic utility bills (if indeed, they still have a home)! Gas riots, tax
revolts, job marches and civil unrest will be the order of the day in America as more
dramatic losses continue to play themselves out as multiple, simultaneous variables
snowball and escalate, exacerbating the already dismal situation, annihilating people's
livelihoods, uprooting their savings, destroying their standard of living, and shaking the
very foundations of their security and sustainability. – But does it have to be this way for
you? - Not so. Unto your being wealthy and wise - this one's for you! …....

The Global Economic Crisis: Let it Develop - Not Destroy - You

Scenario Planning for the Wealthy & Wise

You've read a myriad of reports, gleaned insights here and there from pundits, economists and
financial gurus far and wide, focusing on this or that aspect (as though we lived in a
compartmentalized world); you've felt the pinch, yourself, from various markets, when
perusing through your savings, or glaring at your dwindling investments in utter disbelief. So,
it's not like you're unaware of the state of financial affairs or how it affects you or where it's all
headed or to what extent. What you need, now, is to weave a thread through all the facets to
intrinsically and holistically see, assess and understand the big picture in order to map out a
new territory in an unfolding new future, where you'll be charting out your own path on your
own roadmap with your own compass – however wealthy you are, however wise… Do not
believe the pundits. Do not be fooled. And, mostly, do not be scared. Let's have a look at the
factors in play, then….

In any and every situation, it is necessary to gain clarity before we embark on any decision-
making prowess. And never can we do that accurately if we lack essential information. So,
keep your head above water, stay spiritually grounded, mentally centered; and gain clarity, by
looking at the heart of the matter, instead of the distinct and separate telltale signs, which
individually are not very helpful, if we fail to connect the dots. Let us forecast the future
wisely, then, integrating indisputable facts to discern the enveloping future, and procure the
right formula for a new modus operandi in a new world of finance!

First, the facts, though – and let us get them straight:

The U.S. dollar, we must see, realize, and brazenly admit is being devalued more and more, as
we speak. That is the trend; that is the stark reality. Own it. And deal with it. Shun the
malarkey being force-fed you by the 'elite' media. Also, to further consternate matters, I must
add, there is no further downward territory for it to fall, as the dollar has already hit rock
bottom; and from now on, it will only cost more money to print up the bucks than they're
actually, worth! And please note, the dollar is currently, barely worth a penny in real value, as
it stands - without exaggeration or hyperbole. It must, therefore, be replaced, as it can no
longer be sustained. But, before you go running to sell your red-stained greenback, and
purchase Euros by the buckets or wheelbarrows (as I don't know how much you'll be trusting
your resident banks, anymore), please realize there's a recession in the EU, as well; so the
Euro, also, will not fair well in the long run - even though, at first glance, yes, it would have
been the logical choice (if things were better than they actually are). So, let us take stock of
the essential facts, before jumping to any conclusions, let alone, acting upon them – as our
actions definitively dictate our results.

The global banking crisis has hit all economies from the North West to the Mid East to the Far
East and Pacific South. Point being, there's travail amongst banks worldwide, not only in
America, as the crisis was not contained, is not quarantined, but runs rampant in a cross-
border frenzy, interlacing far and wide with sister institutions the expanse of the globe; hence,
we call it "global" - an important point to remember, and not to gloss over….

And so,

If your investments have been not only financial, but tangible, as well, such as in physical
commodities or real estate, please understand what is happening in these markets, and,
moreover, why. As here, backstage political maneuvering has played a key role, which cannot
be disregarded. The residential market is plummeting beyond its current 60% decline –
another 10, 20, even 30% in some regions. Please capture this concept and calculate for
yourselves what the repercussions mean for you, instead of perusing over these vital words,
while taking another sip of your latte. That is to say, if your house loses 90% of its value, and
you think to sell your home - as perhaps your firm has downsized, and you need to come up
with an alternative to your profession, job, or business - you would, in essence, literally be
paying your potential buyer to purchase your home, is what you would have to do to get it off
your hands; so, please do the math to fully grasp the stark reality of these numbing facts!

Next, the commercial real estate sector will be hit, according to Celente: with ghost malls and
empty parking lots being the drive-by scene (if you can afford the gas which will escalate to
$5-$6 a gallon!), closing retail outlets, including your warm and fuzzy neighbourhood grocery
stores (which supplied you with all your basic staples, nutrients and favorite foods your body
needed to properly function) and franchises by the droves, closing their stores by the hundreds
in one fell swoop, like some favorite Saturday haunts you visited for at least a couple of
decades: JC Penney, Macys, Dillard's, Ethan Allen, Eddie Bauer, Lane Bryant, Fashion
Bug, to name but a few…. And what about Ann Taylor [117 stores closing], Gap [85],
Footlocker [140], Zales [187], Disney [100+], Sprint/Nextel [133], and KB Toys [356]? Or
what of the thrifty alternatives, like Home Depot, Lowe's, Circuit City, and Pep Boys, which
are also closing down many stores? Starbucks is shutting down close to a thousand outlets (on
second thought, better savor that sip a' your latte real good!); and as for: Cache, Talbot's, J.
Jill, Wickes Furniture, Levitz, Bombay, Whitehall, Piercing Pagoda, Linens n' Things,
Movie Galley, Pacific Sunware, Wilson Leather, and Sharper Image, these are going
completely out of business! Folks! If these bigger businesses are being detrimentally affected
by the depressed economy, this will have repercussions, all the way around. But do not forget:
this is, at the same time, an opportunity for smaller players who have ingenuity, gumption,
zest and willpower, to offer much needed value to their fellow man in these tough times,
where they can sprout new branches, new leaves and new fruit.

As for physical commodities, these, too, have been highly manipulated, by being forced
artificially low to shake out any residual players – another important note to take stock of - in
order to make prudent financial decisions for ourselves, as we move deeper into this already
existing recession (and why, o, why do they keep refuting the fact that we're in one, when
we've been there for years!), and methodically unveiling depression.
So, no matter what your assets or liquidity, let us never dodge calling a spade a spade, and let
us willfully pass on accepting those rose colored spectacles CNN dishes out gratis to each of
its viewers, through which to watch their reporters and analysts espouse upon the virtues of
buying into today's stock market, while prices are (still) low. mm mmm mmmm… Rather, we
must make wise and bold, innovative and creative decisions for ourselves – as today,
billionaires have lost billions; millionaires are losing millions, and those with less are losing
(what for them is) more… Even way back in 2006, the rate of growth of personal bankruptcy
in the U.S. had surpassed the rate of growth in GDP! What does that mean, de facto?
Unequivocally, it means that America was going bust, already, a couple of years ago, and not
growing, anymore (Economist, Loretta Napoleoni) - if you look at the real statistics headlong,
instead of the fudged indicators politicians and fallen economists ration out to consumers
(since the days of the Clinton Administration).

When we look into the future, with our hand on the helm of the present, we can steer our way
out of what looks like a cataclysmic end, to any superficial eye. In actuality, it is but a dark
passage at a crucial juncture and a much needed turning point in our planetary history with
sunlight at the end if we only keep our focus on it, and head for the Light with bravado and
courage in spite of the ensuing chaos, which abounds. With our customized blueprint, and
very own monogrammed compass, in lieu of borrowing sordid advice from those skippers of
ol' in their shabby caps, who deliberately left their crews stranded on any which desert isle
before retreating to their Syndicate Skippers Club - Jack Daniels in hand, to recline in some
plush lazy-boy (if these brand names survive and remain afloat the wreckage, that is)!

Hunky dory…… So, what now, Sherlock?……

Well, definitely, we need to revamp, regroup, and take precautionary steps to ensure our
money is safe, now, as this is but the tip of the iceberg. So, let us not fool ourselves into
adopting the wishful thinking globalists are keen you fall for hook, line and sinker. Rather,
stay anchored; follow your gut instincts; listen to that thin, still voice inside; and put it down
in black and white. Get those creative juices flowing; trust in the Creator; and utilize the
talents He gave you.

Become the Master of your own Ship!

We have entered the port of hyperinflation and bank runs as never before in history, by
virtue of the vast magnitude of the financial mismanagement of these international
monetary politicos. Actually, they committed high treason, exhibiting tragically faulty
reasoning, in pursuing the narrowest of agendae, stumbling clumsily with their massive
egos, big heads and small minds, only to be confronted, out of the blue, with the sheer
chaos in the global financial system which they, themselves, created, now, spiraling out of
control, which, they are incompetent to halt or correct to help even themselves! Bravo, I
say! A perfect opportunity for the ultra-wise to capture so as to re-engineer their own future,
as they would like it; to take the ball and run with it, (and please don't forget to throw a curve
one at those geezers' right between the eyes!); to become the grand architects of a new
creative financial haven and oasis for all humanity, based upon what works for you, 'the
people', your future, the future of mankind, evolving; the benefit of global trade and human
rights - empowering yourselves as dignified, wise sovereign entities.

It must be evident to each and every individual, by now, the bankers' and politicians' loyalty
has not been to their clients, consumers or citizens; only to themselves, their entities, and own
enrichment. Therefore, displace your trust from the existing financial and monetary system
those traitorous creatures concocted; and place it where it has merit, in order to reap real
financial rewards for yourself and for your future.

Yes, but how?..... Non capisco ...

Chart out a new course. Design your own future. Build a safe haven. And do so, pronto.

As both a Spiritual and Economist; Commodities and FOREX Trader, avid Proponent of
Global Trade and Defender of Human Rights, savvy in Political Management, Leadership,
Backstage Politics and International Affairs, I don't just watch, but, rather, study the trends -
with a spiritual eye, on the one hand, while the other is riveted on the political economy; I'm
not only interested in reading the signs of the times, but, bringing them to light; I don't just
study the schemes, plans and blueprints of the self-aggrandized illuminati; but, instead,
unmask their smallness, and reveal them in all their stark nudity, so the picture painted is an
actual gross replica of the old masters' painting, they raised on the world stage, to auction off
before all citizens of advanced capitalist economies, for them to bid on with a fury, with baited
breath, waiting for them to fall for that bait, which they bit on bitterly! But… I raise my voice
(instead of my hand) in protest, alerting them all: this masterpiece, folks, is one, I assure you,
you don't want to buy into! "Pass! - Don't bid, my Fellow Sovereign Citizens!" Let those
wobbly wizards retreat behind their curtain, again, back down to their brainstorming
dungeons, painting, still in hand, none the richer, none the wiser; only impoverished and
outsmarted in their own game, licking their wounds, which they, superciliously, tried to infect
you with!

And, what of the USD? I'm still confused as to what this all means. Which way is up?...

The U.S. Dollar, it is true, was the leading reserve currency the past 70 years or so, just like
the British Pound was before it, having lost all of its glory, worth and usefulness, also. The
American Empire has fallen from grace as the dollar has both from our wallets and the face of
the map. It is only denial to believe anything else; as all else is fallacy… and pathetic fallacy,
at that. America is decaying and dying; the American dollar – decrepit, on its death bed, in its
final hours in a fetid terminal ward, where no emergency aid is expected to save it, so why
bother? Dead is 'the American Dream'. But who says America is the be all and end all? Who
says it is worthy, anymore, to occupy such a place in the world and history, which global
citizens all esteemed, but which yankee powers only vulturously exploited…

Gold, Oil and Diamonds:

Precious commodities sold in U.S. dollars will no longer be quoted or sold in this leperous
currency, as it will have ceased to exist. But before its total demise, exchanges throughout the
world will opt to quote their commodities in Euros, heralding in the final moments of this
scarred, burned, trashed and abandoned currency. Indeed, this process has already begun. Only
look at Iran with its proposed Oil Bourse, and how America tried viciously and maliciously to
undermine its launch, attempting to turn the world against them. But Russia, China, and the
OPEC countries, also, all unanimously signaled their vote to quote prices in Euros. So, where,
pretell, is the importance of a U.S. dollar, anymore? – When it lost its place; its lead position;
the respect of all significant world players whose opinion and vote, alone, do matter, when
dealing in Global Trade? It is washed out, drowned, sunk to the sea bed along with the
flamboyant American Titanic due to the irresponsible steering of the Ship by the Ship
Builders, Captain and its crew.

Also, you will do well to remember that the stock market precipitously plunged a record 777
points first week of October this year. This is a most positive omen as it signals that God is
prepared to take the reigns now, and turn this fiasco into an about-face, as, please note, in
numerology (esoteric wisdom): 700 represents the principles of man; 70: the cosmic plans;
and 7: their image in the archetype. The number of the celestial man is 777, which symbolizes
the transmutation which takes place when man becomes conscious of his necessity to go the
path of initiation, and that he perceives, even elementarily, that this goal is in God. The
number represents purity (ie. does not father, and is not fathered), so it represents a new path
to be initiated, pure as the driven snow. Lastly, 7 represents celestial perfection on all 3 plans
of manifestation: matter, astral (mental or soul) and spirit. And 7 + 7 + 7 = 21 represents the
general evolution in the universal organization. So, from this point forward, it is a new birth
that is both signified and heralded. The power has been snatched from the hands of the shadow
bankers and politicians, without their consent, agreement or consultation, as God is not a
respecter of persons… Now, be honest: would you rather the market plunged only 666 basis

This confirms my research and conclusion that 'their' folly is for humankind a once-in-a-
lifetime opportunity for people of all creed around the globe to capitalize on, by the Grace of
God - as never forget, it is written in Proverbs: "The wealth of the sinner is laid up for the
just." (Prov 13:22). Amen. And so be it. And in just a couple of weeks following this downhill
exhibition, the demand for Euros in Europe jumped tenfold, from 7B to 70B €. So, the
precedent is there on many plains for a replacement of the USD - if you are only vigilant,
aware, enlightened.

Another point to prove my case, if you are still unconvinced of the dollar's imminent demise:
the Patriot Act passed in 2001 allowed authorities to start monitoring all movement of U.S.
dollars around the world – an extremely unpopular bill with international banks; hence, even
bankers were advising their clients to get out of USD, and into other more mobile currencies.
So we have already started seeing a serious transition from USD to EURO investments, for
several years now, for those with their eyes open, their feet firmly planted, their hearts and
their minds clear and focused.

Excessively strict banking regulations (where not needed, and lacking restraint, where
needed) coupled with a highly suspicious attitude towards Muslim Investors caused the Arabs
to repatriate $700B of their funds from the U.S. back to the Middle East. Anyone wager to
guess where Paulson got the $700B figure from, which the U.S. Government openly admitted
they simply made up, ad hoc?... Of course, that was always a thorn in their side, and most
unexpected, so it was the only number they could not get their minds off of, and, naturally, the
only one they could come up with as it was staring them in the face, relentlessly! I mean, why
not just take from the American people what they lost to the Arabs, when they have a
sleepyhead, gutless, futile Congress and unenamoured, uneducated and unenlightened
taxpayers, right? mm mmm mmmm…

And so, and so, and so, the story doth continue…

So, the dollar is, now, in a free fall - mercilessly declining, without pause, restraint or second
thought. Instead, it shamelessly picks up momentum and steam as it plummets without grace,
plopping itself headlong in the dung and mire it fell in, with a plunk, and hardly a blush or
pang of conscience. In that it is worth barely one red cent, it can no longer be sustained. At the
same time, it can go no lower, without relentlessly plowing into negative territory. And we all
know, no banker will venture to lose a dime on behalf of the people, whose savings they have
already mercilessly and relentlessly destroyed. So, why would they continue to copiously print
up a note, which would only cost them money, both up front, and in the end?.......... Decided,
then. It shall cease to be. And for all extensive purposes: already has. Note this, well. And
please let us not backtrack on our well founded, firmly grounded conclusions, or we will make
no headway in mapping out our new future.

So, please note:

The trust in the value of the USD has been irrevocably lost by the leading global players and
governments worldwide, who have purchased its bonds far too long, and much longer than
expected or wanted. But, they, too, were stuck in the scheme of things, before it all went bust.
Only now, they discovered the full spectrum of the ponzie scheme, the full name of the
backstage game, the depth of the unconscionable finagling; and that it simply doesn't pay
them, anymore, to go along with it! So, they've cut their losses, collected whatever dividends
or change they could, and are out! Game over! Tutto finito! Arrivederci, amici! They played
their last cards (and they weren't no trump cards!), took all the money they could, cashed in
their chips, and are sitting mighty pretty, close to the poker table, still, so as not to make too
loud an exit - as it must needs be disguised, for the fuzzy-minded ones to remain oblivious to
their tiptoeing out of Caesar's Palace in the middle of an always show-lit Vegas night (as, we
all know, there ain't no off-switch to the lights on center stage).

So get this:

Just for some more perspective on just how much the consumer and citizen matter in this
equation… U.S. consumers get themselves into a trillion dollar sub-prime mess, alright, 'tis
true…. But they were ushered, advised, cajoled, and rooted on by their own mortgage brokers,
realtors, and 'friendly' bankers, backed by the myriad of heroic hedge funds, always eager to
extend their ultra long arm and helping hand – a motley crew of front end loaders, and the
guiltiest culprits of them all! Yet, each of them was considered worthy to receive some relief
to drown their sorrows in to recoup, at least, part of their debt. But the consumer - the greatest
victim of all – hasn't a snowball's chance in the hell - awaiting these varmints, inescapably.
No, the consumer was given no real helping hand, no alternative route, no rescue boat, no life
preserver, not even a suggestion of what he or she might contemplate on doing to swim to
safety, safely, as guess what? - They provided no life jacket!

This is the order of the day even, though – now, let me really add fuel to the fire - the banks
are guilty of so much more, as they participated in credit swaps and leveraging derivatives 50-
60:1 for yet another whopping $62 Trillion of horrendous, unjustifiable, ballooning debt! Just
goes to show you the rationale of American politicians and monetary moguls (or 'mojos', as I
call them): the bigger one's financial debt, burden and absolute sin - the more the U.S.
Government absolves them with a cardinal bail out! This - make no mistake - is treason:
against the People; against the American Constitution; against the Nation. They have
sacrificed the Value of the Dollar, the Future of America, and the Friendship of Foreigners
who paid for their debt the past decade, all, in order to bail out only their tight-knit domestic
clique of greedy, vociferous, bosom buddies. Therefore, take obligatory stock of what time it
is. Sovereignty - you should understand, by now - is the name of the game! There is, no more,
any government looking out for you; serving the people; protecting your rights or interests; or
informing you, at all, accurately. That ship was pirated long ago. And the deserted isle they've
steered you all on is not where you want to be, nor can you wait any longer, on them making
any wise move, as they would even sabotage, at this stage, any smoke signal you might
manage to send! So, do so quietly, without delay, without fear, and without remorse! Do it,
and do so, now!

The definition of communism, and what has this to do with baseball, hot dogs and good ol'
American apple pie?…

So, here, you have the largest insurance company in the world, AIG (bailed out for some $85B
in change), which the US Government, now, owns; the largest mortgage brokerages, Fannie
and Freddie, which the Government bailed out for another $200B in pocket money, which it,
also, now, owns; and now, the U.S. Government, with another $700B (plus tip) seeks to own
and control all the banks – all on your dime, in the light of day, with no shame, no guilt
complex, no remorse, no compunction, no explanation, and no apology! And what about the
proposed nationalizing of the U.S. Auto Industry with another $14B bailout of the Big 3? And
guess what! The gaming industry employs even more people than this staple auto sector, and
the Las Vegas Sands Corporation stock just collapsed! Vegas has been hit hard, so guess
what's up next on the agenda, guys n' gals? Volia! And you are waiting for them to do
something smart, helpful or more for you?....
Open your eyes! – Prop 'em up, using toothpicks, if need be, but keep them open!….

In so doing, the U.S. Government has outrightly refuted, repudiated and shunned, in its
entirety, free market capitalism and democracy, itself! In its wake, it has intimately
embraced state monopoly and communism! Make no mistake. There is no other way of
putting it. Look at the telltale signs, the awry facts, their unveiling plans in successive stages,
and the sordid, eerie, grim results! And let us not forget the wiretapping and domestic
surveillance, which every communist regime must engage in - which passed into legislation by
a sleepyhead, bimbo, blind Congress by an overwhelming majority! A Congress, which buys
into every scam - hook, line and sinker, possessing no backbone, reneging on its vow to serve
the people, and adhere to the American Constitution - uneducated and unenlightened as the
blokes in D.C's myriad of ghettos: 'Nope!'…. you can expect nothin' from these nobodies,
with their heads up their buttunia. Expect niente of them, as they, too, have shown their base
caliber, failing miserably in every litmus test of their service and intelligence to both their
country and the people, whom they were obliged to serve, but balked on.

And Obama Bo-bama's double-speak of there being a "need" (say what?) to create a civilian
force akin to the military (since when, and who says?) – is yet another must in every
communist, military, totalitarian, fascist regime. And I did not even mention the
Continuity of Government Plan (COG), which has been renewed annually since 2001 by
"Junior", giving the President dictatorial powers, as he conveniently reclaims the country is
in a state of national emergency (yeah, under state sponsored terrorism)! - Most convenient to
have this all in play when you're intent on imposing martial law in what is, effectively, now,
already a police state! And did anyone take the time to notice that the police (and other!)
forces are being seriously trained in "martial law research", as they call it (for the dumbed
down do-dos)! And if you thought a new American president is going to create positive
change, that is yet another blunder, as this president-elect, besides being illegitimate, has been
indoctrinated and mentored in marxism all his days, just as the Democratic Party was taken
over by the Socialists in its rank and file since the 1960s - so his nomination and election is a
perpetuation of this very same ol', same ol' game plan, which is clear as day (for those truth-
seekers who do their research, and are not programmed harlequins). I could go on and on,
but, let us focus on the financial aspects of this global crisis and its implications. This is but
food for thought for you to uproot any programmed auto-suggestions which might have
cropped up on your still possessing a government, ready to correct its wrongs, and assist the
people during these turbulent times. Hell, no!

And so,

This marks the trampling of the U.S. Constitution, the fall of the American Empire, and
the death of the U.S. Dollar - as both a Currency, in general, and the Lead Reserve
Currency globally; the annihilation of Democracy and Capitalism in America; which is
representative of an historic turn of events that will be juxtaposed against and which will
affect all other continents on the planet - creating vast and swift change across the globe,
which one must anticipate, take the lead on, and create, themselves - as worthy Players,
Citizens, Sovereigns and Legends in a New World, which we must become the new
Architects of - acting fearlessly, with clarity, precision, and bravado!

Template, please! - So, what's the plan, Stan?....

So, what does this all mean for you, your family, and your future? What to do, where to go,
who to trust, and where to begin? - Scenario planning will determine that answer. And it will
be unique for each and every one of you, according to your own financial status and situation.
On a macro level, please note, trade flows are, now, criss-crossing, things are going topsey
turvey; countries that were once impoverished are rising like a phoenix from the ashes; and the
most affluent ones - like Iceland (now, that's a cold reality!) and America – have gone
bankrupt! This is not necessarily a bad thing. Emerging and transitional economies are
growing; democracy is being born where, once, there was communism (Ola! And vice
versa!!); new players are emerging in the world marketplace, with fresh, innovative new
ideas, who are not as jaded, corrupted or entrenched in the secret society of darkness and
despair, and the culprit states and players are paying the price for their leveraging folly and
damnable usury they pit against the people. In essence, they destroyed themselves, jeopardized
their power and sabotaged their positions.

There does exist an alternative ultra-smart model, folks, and it depends upon nations
embracing it, (according to Napoleoni): models, such as rogue economics, which move much
faster than politics, with which politics can never keep pace! This must be utilized to the
peoples' advantage, now. But never forget, there is a price we need to pay for progress, but it
will end up better in the end. It is what it is, and always was, but must be if we wish to
progress and proceed on our earthly journey to advance, develop and evolve…. Unless, of
course, we wish to digress to slaves? Stop complaining, and take your pick!

For example, Arabs came up with Islamic Finance, to break away from the U.S. dominated
and controlled banking system. This took off since the Asian crisis, and is a banking system
which is unlinked to usury (rather, it consists of risk-sharing between the banks and its
clients). Created on the premise that money cannot produce money, but must be invested in
the real economy (wow… what a novel concept for America)! With Islamic Finance, real
investment must produce real growth. And if you look around at the highly innovative,
extremely affluent United Arab Emirates, it is doing just that on an unprecedented scale and
world class level, both unimaginable and unsurpassed with huge vision and unparalleled
innovation. In the Arab world, banks have both a social role and profit element. So, the banks
are never working against the people due to their inherent social commitment. And look! It's
not communism, either! Hurrah! So, there is an alternative! Who said there's not! And I must
say, there is some serious virtue innate in such a system, which disdains interest rates (even
though I abhor Sharia Law, as a whole), so this may be a good alternative for some of you.
Dubai is certainly the most cosmopolitan of all the Emirates, (as the other states, you'll
probably find too restrictive with their alcohol prohibition laws, which don't exist in the
mesmerizing and exciting city of Dubai - Gateway to the East)! This is where the money is
today, incidentally (certainly not in Europe or North America, but, rather, in the Middle and
Far East), just for the record and a dose of good common sense!

On a mini-macro level, another wise alternative is for various states and provinces to secede!
In order to gain a full handle on recouping their sustainability, and the healthy growth of a
region, to save local jobs, and protect the rights and liberties of their residents, it is always
wisest to allow the people (if educated enough) to self-govern, as they will always, inherently,
know what is best for them! In America, today, over half the states are involved in some stage
of a secessionist movement, Vermont, taking the lead, with the revolutionary genius,
Professor Emeritus, Thomas Naylor, initiating the independence of the Second Vermont
Republic – a heroic and brilliant move, and the only wise alternative to claiming one's rights
and freedoms in America, today. Bravo, I say! It is a model off of which other states should
emulate. In Canada, there are provinces seeking to do, likewise; and contrary to popular
opinion, it is wholly advantageous for all citizens of Canada and America - not just the
regions, seeking to secede! I think it is wisest for groups of states and groups of provinces to
secede together as block of states (as it is more powerful, and more lucrative with a higher
likelihood of supreme success; and it will be easier to come back together as a whole once
control is gained again by the people on the federal level of their own national polity). For
that matter, while I'm at it, savvier countries should be seeking to exit the European Union, as
well - if they only had a brain…. as the Union has brought nothing but a recession in these
parts. But one needs to be awake to notice, ascertain and realize this phenomenon!....
On a micro-level, then, a wonderful option for people looking to secure their savings and
future is always Liechtenstein, and I can tell you, first hand, HRH Crown Prince Hans Adam
is a savvy one for alternative investments and a stickler for protecting privacy laws, and hell
will freeze over before he plays by America's rules, where he won't step foot on. And certainly
Swiss Banking is always more private and secure than American (if you can only find a Swiss
banker to open an account for you, if you're an American)! As remember, even Swiss bankers
do not appreciate American restrictions inflicted upon their citizens; but, the Swiss being
Swiss, don't care that much to get involved in the aftermath if you fail to pay your taxes from
your foreign business effected on foreign soil which America will demand you pay, no matter
what, or where you live or for how long.... Ho-hum. No further comment… But if you want to
stay close to the border, for this or that reason, don't rule out Panama, and definitely get Bob
Baughman's brochures on that safe-haven (Mr. Baughman was formerly a U.S. Congressman,
incidentally, but saw the light at the end of the tunnel one fine, sunny day)….

One thing's for sure, though:

With the demise of the US dollar and due to the global nature of the financial crisis, which
detrimentally affects both the EURO and British Pound, the wealthy and wise will be
investing in gold, poised to go to the stratosphere, doubling within a year (i.e. rendering a
return of 100% with full security to boot!), only to continue to triple, quadruple, quintuple,
year after year after. As it stands now, gold should be at $2,239 (in 1980 U.S.D), but
remember the metal is artificially being kept low, to keep you the victim, instead of the victor.
This precious metal is the safest, most secure investment, the wisest play, and the most
lucrative liquid commodity one could hope to invest in, giving you a lucrative return,
affording you a peace of mind, simultaneously, and serving as the backbone of your security.
Gold. - is where it's at (in my humble opinion, and I am speaking to myself; you do as you
like; as I am not giving investment advice). Now….. can you find any more, at this stage?...
That is the question. And don't be startled if you see you need to pay up to a 50% premium for
this or for silver - another fine alternative! That is simply what time it is, and is, in itself, very
revealing, about what is happening on this backstage!….

Scenario planning, for some, might prove moving abroad is the thing for you if you are an
American; it might mean taking a further step to expatriate yourself from the States; perhaps,
to move East to healthier, more fertile soils, cleaner air, purer water, and more arid, solid land.
For some, it may mean to pay off in a lump sum one's home, so as not to be beholden to some
banker on an uncertain mortgage; for others, it may mean to start renting out your rooms to
those less fortunate; for others - to sell your home, outright (if you can only find an optimal
buyer with real cash); for others, still, it may mean to stay in your homes, no matter what -
suing the banks to prove they own your mortgage (instead of buying into their collaborative
foreclosure scam)! As, do not forget, banks sold your mortgages to hedge funds mere days
after sucking you into their cooperative scheme, which they crafted just for you! So, let
them pay the price! After all, they're the ones who got bailed out! So, turn it around, and
have it benefit you - as you are the only one who paid regular installments into the system,
while they simply took what was not theirs, profiting off both your payments and the
government's bailout! It's time you turned the tables around. It's time to get smart. It's time to
be more than an American (or local citizen). It's time to become a fiscally responsible, wise
global steward, player and architect, outsmarting the system; and, creating your own!

If you're not familiar with hard core risk management scenario planning, and are not
accustomed to putting down on black and white your objectives, goals, time frames, and
creating your future, might I recommend commencing with Futurist, Richard Worzel's
handbook on "Risk Management and Scenario Planning: How to Avoid Problems and Spot
Opportunities". And even though this might seem quite commonplace, the power in gaining
ultimate clarity in any given situation is to be had only by putting down hard, cold facts on
paper, include the pros and cons, but more so, by following and developing that thread with
pertinent conclusions, definite timelines, a play by play how-to section, constructing your own
impeccable and fully customized Plan of Action (which you can always adjust; but create the
template you need to work off of, now)! Do not belittle the value of this essential exercise, as
the answers will unveil themselves on paper (or computer) as you think and write. The truth
literally materializes and crystallizes before your very eyes, when you take stock of all the
facts, lay it out on paper, along with our goals and mission, wants and needs, and reflect upon
this meditatively in your quiet time. So, with pen and paper in hand (or fingers on your
keyboard), I bid you all of God's Blessings, a healthy dose of bravado, clarity of mind,
heightened intellect, amidst classical music to develop those creative juices and alpha waves
(with, make that a double macchiato!), unto your always remaining steadfast and calm, most
"Wealthy & Wise"!

Charismatically Yours,

Angelina Lazar
Global Trade & Human Rights Expert
FOREX & Precious Commodities Trader
Chairman & CEO, Charismatic Holdings
written from:
Chianciano Terme,
Tuscany Italy
December, 2008

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