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(8) Pasing gf Popepsntion Bi 2 - ® + No maney Sholl be Withdiown flow tHe Cong: find of Iuoli q eeu Under, GhinpateP en mode by Sow f “ © D6 tvtioduee ol tee provide fu the Oppiopiaion Ouk of cee, alt money equlsed fo med — a Quarts \oteol by the ls: # Exp choged on the CEs. «~The App: bill becormes Hie App. Ack oftex it ix auterdead to y dhe Ructisiud: “This act aubhatlees te payrnerts fer cre. Cy) Passing oft Finanae Bist 5 + finome bid Lf inboduard to give effet to the Jirweal popase of 4he Gol ju the fotowirg year the Pimomce Bill mast be Snack (ie patted by the Pashia ment 2 puterded fy % Rreticbent) unithin #5 days. ae Funos 3 - > Covsalidated Farol of Indic CAakicle 266] + Ue consis f -— 0 + Pevertre Uereivedt by dhe (hots * All fooue Gaited’ by the Got itsure J Areoswy bid. Soar. © Al rmowy tleceived! by the «In Uepoymed f Aoane- —AU He J y aushoised poyrnerdts on the belrasf & GOL ae made of air ford D> Pubbbic. Accourk oft Indie CAuice 266] 2 f (othe dor uskich ave Chediteal +b CFS) vecsiind - e ar ant bulof 60 Bhall be cial “hig include, PE depoark» Sudies deposit, Savings bane dep _ hia acca Ke operated by ereoulive oabion , the poyrrert con be made withauk poullorrentowy oppuopiiation « <2 aliens Tard of Se SE ee ® © Into Cont Fund of frolla ann dlebeemived 4 dow ae pad fon dime to Hre- 2 Twt furs ix placed al- the Aitposal malce GolVoneet out of * tom He Outhoutation by dhe Palronud + + ford i ald by Finance seoubony ov behalf of basin the Reetide:t £ te con Urfartearr exp- perdieg Be Mabbfurblonal Role of Pudiomend ¢~ 5 egtiive tras 4 Podlong 2 = Ruimary Jundton of Podlomed- it +a make JSoux - = Paubignre nk trae exclusive. poner 40. male Jows iv Subjede $ Unior Let, however in paltoanieg ater ican make dow on Glate Het alto + When RE poe a Lesalulion to thad- offedt- In cate of Nabowal emetyeray +b cae ff Resident Rude - © Usher 2 at pore Stabeg Wake a fold egret ta Puliswerd- © Uther neceray 4a give affect to jntemaboras tection dh D> Preeubiie Pruett 2 Punching ¢ 9 Const hunnt Power 2 borcbiong 2 “TS power 1s nok Unblen'teol i Constituent foe ee ie eubjeek t2 « basic Stmchuce ' ef Contttation “> Judicial Pours 4 Purchfont 1 Inpeachmed & Removal « Sudierad Powss 4 Hvenont > Plectaral Powers 4 urctions te Gpesial Powers Lok Sabho 3- ® © Money bul con be Hdaedtined only in LS not RS. © RO Camel Omerd os Uyeck Money, magh eats bill witty IY dloy ¢ - LS CaM either Accept at defect eeonmaundalt th 7 ce sei e Rs Financial Bul Colawt) Gon auly be intiodueed in 10> Buk, egal Fo Hs postage, both the troureg have equal Powed- Final power to decide vihether a porkoular Aull be money biel ar Mor Le vecteck in the Speaker of ig. « FS Comet Uewove the Com. Resalitt oy, for te chitcontintonce of He Nabowal emecgery don h Peed only by Wa LE aed by the Re. 7 usitl, A Spedal Rowen Rojya Soba 2- +t can cubhaize the Pabloned 43 matte Sous 0M @ Subject or oh, Stale Ua CF futile 2497+ + Ub con Guthatice fottionend- to ciedle meu all Troll gewing Comean to both te code £ Steady CAH 3127- © Resalbon fo demovol oft Vico Rietised Con only be jusidiochesl jn RO CAshcle 67 )- HE Tndiviclual Ruvilegee 3~ oe Rucedow of Speech ? No member 14 liable to ary proceed ig be i coud faa arytireg said taithin _ Low the Pesmnis ior g the Youre. “Tio excephiout +0 - , eth mush be confiimily with dre dudes Pashianrert « wet + PMP Cont Speak agate te corduct gf tre Tudhe g He: = Lcedlonn From Aubert ¢ They Canned be attethed oluring dhe Sees. the Podiamet and Yo days befor the a i 4 Uo dye oftei the eral of seusion: Avaifable oly im ciuil ma rot Crimiral cafes Gk pUevertue Categ. — Lsecdom from Kay Sewiee ¢ “They Gon uf te te give eudlme 4 Oppeor Ot a titre in a case Perding in a cout tlie! Paidlowinnd. 16 ke qwutlons a : abu Met op tag te igh 40 publgh He tepadk olebate 4 proceedings 4 alle dhe aig to puohibis othe fam publishing the Sane - Le con ex clude Ghargen fom the prceadirys L helol Searel aiPingS < Rind +o veegulale P the Ccbinal oflae: of “haute 4 desiole abot atliamen business: LD aon punish mem bert 24 welt as oudalelece feat leads of ite pivileges au WS corlemmp>- The couds we prohibied to Inqjttte into Me puoceedity ota Howe ax 16 Cormmitect- ww e@ @ y, xe ak soy jmp» Gmmritteet Covered » & foctamentiary Gmmitter:— [Chaisman is f LSJ The legislalixe hos 6 — perfown fw plex aud enormous quantity of werk, Due & Sheikoge of time , ta the Leqvotaline tre. ecrtval wo gq the fortiaset monty done by the foromilee » _agpoiute) o elested for a fpeeifie Petpore- These Committers errentally Gelong & hoe fatha. ard fuctoo cud a Broken @ tho Urey Sibenit thee, — apont - Partiorucutosy Cornwotes ane. of thse “ee t) Stadia ‘ ©) Btoudig Comme Hee _ HS Ad-hee tomate. esi felony eainedTRSES Souclig Coron tree ane permenant mtu where as Ad-hoc. tmmmeitees ase Cont ctiked fp Speesal pope ancl tay fexxe © enint afta Complehoo eft Pecife lock: ‘he exanptes of Ptiiickig Comm mi ee 4) PAG ¥) P Urdu faking Cocnmctee MeEtrmate Gmn< tee WGommetex on welfare YY Busenen dor Seu Com mee. - "Y Rate dammecttee wy Adutseou Comattes Wt/ ges é ® Jocee Porto sssentersay Qmemittes of Ad-hoe Commetes . Os exanbt Esemate Gomnilice + AF OT Comat — of 32 embers el gaom__ Lox bho ‘ BY ay Portkes te the hey fobha axe gven 7 Repotrenal Sueprerentahes — ey the Comenctes. et) he hax enan of C Comittee 8% apont teat lay the Spear oy bem among thus Membeu. af . YA tteotstes Cont be a Meaber et this $ Cocnenittee HY Oy Mele 4 Kin Gommettes. Omictest ty ain srenidcen he Seizes fe be the rreustee C6 Bro Committee The tere & tis “bce % one eat feaghionn' — : “S) To sapet op the Pobos tdorliog “the Q) go AGO Cerne of Oe Mate. . exaanege tether the Meney i well lard Cul Usithen the Suits of the Poly emblced ta. fhe wbmate S ¢ e Mm om ael oO ©) fo Sefjest the fora ig ‘hth Me eokmatiy 8 Th be Presa. at ty th Rat lorcent « 2 fF fublic: Accounts ee Se Contos 22 mmreimbers 15 from Logs$abha auc OF men om electest theeocagh Smgte. fosferable Goto en Goth reuse. the Oko “e800 eleclack by the Speavan bio aweng the — Lo¢ satsha member of the Public Account Cometitee. SY Coneaation, the Speaten appouts” a meter Spextion foxy as choicroun ef thin Committee. A mrenitey Gast be a member o thin Committen.. If ong menker © oppeutal an minetu, he Seiten & be oO member of this Committee + the term oa tee & one. ~~ . of fanatigan: — @ To exomene the caceurts Shouse the opprepeatien Gorted Gy the Poxtiameut ; b> meet Bye expeuctlane Hh gee ey Iaxtia cb) To examine the aunual Kinowscal accoust the aout: % Pedeo. ara eter, OCCeut Loid before te houses ed To examine the repat o% Comblistles od he Adie Qanenot- 3) Public Under faxing Gomeni thee * Ae PR Consiny 22 Mewkein, 15 Fey fatha aud oF oo agp Sabha, al a, Mem: of bof Frawfrable Uole both tha house. The Choirman of the Committee in ppoatet NB ete fom canonpt Ae Loy Lalla eeatet - He Comittee. A satnister at be ok : Seuber thin Committee. Aad if meebey | qo te Gmmitte= becomes” the sniclen, he Seize, &- be Be mresuber of the Commitee. Famchoas :~ oO (0) te exanuine the aepent 6 atte b % Peble Leotn retet latiog 0 examine Be ; and atiton of Po. ™ " — Co fo examine atten Fecite Sabet a malters Mefomect bck by the house a te Sprayer, fae ConstaroTONAL Bones ® LChophe 38-077] =P Eleion: Chtion, > biK ‘wdependend- body eelabbished by the Gustbubion > pi concerned with eferhions f Posbiamed, Stok] Legislahone, office of Rregiderd & Vite~ presi cert - uw is wot conceaned with lectins Ff Parchayed- and 3 rmunieipalel in the teber > Lompesition of Eleshion Gevintisjon + © wrsids Ff Che Blecon Gmmiusiones L Sud) number Otel @lecton Comm of He presiclet may pom tire i a: + Appointment of Chef elec Comnn «4 otbes clechon Comm Shall, be rmacte by prsidert« + They tralch office foo tem of © yew a Url grey ation age of 65 yea» UsbWcheve ig eadlet- > Independence > + CEC Le providedt with the Secusl of tenwe He Cannat be veemored except in Some manne £ Geounalt ag a_juclge of Se» + Ary other efee- comm’ Gs ugonal Comm: Canrot be Uemaved except on Uecommerdahon of CEC- © Comets has nak debaxteo! the ebulrg eleckior Cormm- fom ony forthe Appoirdimente by tHe govt: C Plow] > Rowess_& Functions ¢ s Deleamive tre Heatfoual Ofeat gf the electaratl Cosh tuenclel Hsoughout the couty » + To pepoe & peiiockieally wrevite electoral wallh fasy ist all eligible Voters » + Notify He dates £ schedules of elections € Fe othubnilg Nominahior’ papers - «To gtont Beeagnition to politeal pober £ aller ehedhion symbale to them © To defeemine the Code » Concluet +a be obsewey by dhe pater £ condi ater dusting the cfeokone- 2 To aduise be presiclert/ Govenas on moattere Kelaty, to the disqrotificahoue of rem ber f PaUlarrerch/ oe State Legilodteste - « To advise president ulelter electont con be held ina othe Urdet Puegidert’s taule jn alee to extend the pedioel emelgeray often specter => Union Pu@lie SERVICE Commassron Curse) %- 5, Pd B15 -323 covoine prov iclone segarding composition» apparent & vem oval of prormbers + 5 Composition % 2 + consis F Chatimon £ other membess appoirdedl by dhe Riesidert + a, . Staerg ls decioled by tHe. Reetiderd which is tguably ou members incluclivg Cheliman + + No qctifieabionn ote peescriind fox membership except tod Yo of the members of Qmmiitlon Should be Such Petter usha hove peo! office jo od feat Jo years cithee Urolec of Ca ies «The Chateman 4 member Hall office far O tein of 6 yeas - ae untitl they aHain nef 68 yes ushbheever ig” eonblet-

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