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Unit:1 Subject :Hadoop and BigData Faculty: D.

S.No Name of the topic Proposed date Conducted date Remarks
1 Data structures in Java: Linked List, 27-June-16
2 Stacks 28-June-16
3 Queue 28-June-16
4 Sets 29-June-16
5 Maps 29-June-16
6 Generics: Generic classes and Type
parameters, Implementing Generic
Types, Generic Methods 4-Jul-16
7 Concept of Serialization 5-Jul-16
8 Wrapper Classes 5-Jul-16
Remarks by HOD:

Unit:2 Subject :Hadoop and BigData Faculty: D.Srinivas

S.No Name of the topic Proposed date Conducted date Remarks
1 Working with Big Data: Google File
System 6-Jul-2016
2 Hadoop Distributed File System
(HDFS) 11-Jul-2016
3 Building blocks of Hadoop
(Namenode, Datanode, Secondary
Namenode, JobTracker, TaskTracker) 12-Jul-2016
4 Introducing and Configuring Hadoop
cluster (Local, mode), 13-Jul-2016
5 Introducing and Configuring Hadoop
cluster (Pseudo-distributed mode,) 18-Jul-2016
6 Introducing and Configuring Hadoop 19-Jul-2016
cluster (Fully Distributed mode)
8 Configuring XML files 20-Jul-2016
Remarks by HOD:

Unit:3 Subject :Hadoop and BigData Faculty: D.Srinivas

S.No Name of the topic Proposed date Conducted date Remarks
1 Writing MapReduce Programs:
A Weather Dataset
2 Understanding Hadoop API for Map
Reduce Framework
3 Basic programs of Hadoop Map
Reduce: Driver code, Mapper code
4 Working with Reducer code, working
with RecordReader
5 Combiner, examples 2-Aug-2016
6 Partitioner,examples 3-aug-2016
Remarks by HOD:
Unit:4 Subject :Hadoop and BigData Faculty: D.Srinivas
S.No Name of the topic Proposed date Conducted date Remarks
1 Hadoop I/O: The Writable Interface,
Writable Comparable and
comparators 29-Aug-2016
2 Writable Classes: Writable wrappers
for Java primitives, Text,
BytesWritable, NullWritable,
ObjectWritable and GenericWritable 30-Aug-2016
3 Writable collections 31-Aug-2016
4 Implementing a Custom Writable:
Implementing a RawComparator for
speed 6-Sep-2016
5 Custom comparators 7-Sep-2016
Remarks by HOD:

Unit:5 Subject :Hadoop and BigData Faculty: D.Srinivas

S.No Name of the topic Proposed date Conducted date Remarks
1 Pig: Hadoop Programming Made
Easier Admiring the Pig Architecture 12-Sep-2016
2 Going with the Pig Latin Application
Flow 14-Sep-2016
3 Working through the ABCs of Pig
Latin 19-Sep-2016
4 Evaluating Local and Distributed
Modes of Running Pig Scripts 20-Sep-2016
5 Checking out the Pig Script Interfaces 21-Sep-2016
6 Scripting with Pig Latin 26-Sep-2016
Remarks by HOD:

Unit:6 Subject :Hadoop and BigData Faculty: D.Srinivas

S.No Name of the topic Proposed date Conducted Remarks
1 Applying Structure to Hadoop Data
with Hive: Saying Hello to Hive 28-Sep-2016
2 Seeing How the Hive is Put Together 3-Oct-2016
3 Getting Started with Apache Hive 4-Oct-2016
4 Examining the Hive Clients, Working
with Hive Data Types 5-Oct-2016
5 Creating and Managing Databases
and Tables 10-Oct-2016
6 Seeing How the Hive Data 17-Oct-2016
Manipulation Language Works
7 Querying and Analyzing Data 19-Oct-2016
Remarks by HOD:

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