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Description lhe socond mine to be ired and so

and ifth mines.
onr*in" ourth
VP-13 or 12 consbts o a green metal cylinder housing
6 tt is thought that impubes detacted by the geophone
x 1.5v batteries" and an etectron'rcs pack On the top ar S at
mine firing v/ires, a connecto or a geophone, a conneclor
rales greater than 3 per second or bss an 1 in 4
or the arming switch and a pair o-PjOs to allow or sel seconds are Qnored The system can be used with:
destruction at the eld
_9 Fn*.y lie (69 days) or the
MON-SO, .1O0, and 2O0
arming o another VP-13. Ther b aio a rd-LED to OZM-3, 4,72.
indicate that the device b switched on and auout to
160 and other WP mines with the correct
itse. adaptor threads eg. PP-Mi-Sr.

Arming Neutralising
Batterios are itled as 's the geophone plug and the arming Extrome dificult due lo the dangrer o approaching close
switch (usual MUV-4 or e<nV_Z;. rire "two black bad enough to locate mines or VP]1S pr#ir"Y. U-etr,oOs
are conngcled lo an EDP detonalor or an NM with employed with some degree o succesj:.
delonator and a 20ogm sel deslruct charge which .s a) Shooting mines and VP-13 rom a sae distance i
laped into posit'nn withing the white rectangur outline possiHe
lhe sille o the VP-13 uit. Ttre geophone-b pr.rshed inio
lhe ground until its roP b lust -below the surface. The b) Driving cattle or goats etc inlo suspected detection area l,

VP-13 b burir or hilCden ilose Uy. The thin lacquered. c) Firing into suspocled detection area
copper cotoured iring wires ari connected. !;r.::il:
. 'r,,:
initiators lo ive mines positioned to covar the requed

killing area, whh the geophono within their re*rar rinl CA U T/Oil n o recammen
p1,9 o ge_dphone b approximite lfi:
ded l, ,:

OZM-72 lethal radius 25m . sae illujtiation1 nn'ary tr,e
|, .,
9 V9ry s.low approach into detection
impr.rbe in 4 soconds)
area (tess than 1 |i: ..

armllg switch b activated (MUV-4 remove Uottr

6nsj anO to dbconnect geophone or

the killing
area evacuated. individual mines. l.

Method of Operation Disarming

The SV.20-P geophone monitors ground vibrat.nns and Cut all iring cables. Disconnoct so destrucl charge .d
its ',.
electricalsQnab are anasad ql-rtu VP.13 unit. Activiy itted and.unscrav geophone. Bemove VP-3lop andiake ,:
nrrl lraXarilc ni-r.* _-__-J:--.- !.--

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