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echo <string> = print text within shell (can be with/without quotes or double
man <command> = print manual for named command
sleep <seconds> = make terminal sleep for named amount of time
help <command> = built in help facility
type <command> = shows type of command

ctrl + C = cancel shell commands if stuck

ctrl + A = move cursor to start of line
ctrl + E = move cursor to end of line
ctrl + U = delete entire line and move cursor to start of line
clear OR ctrl + L = clear shell
exit OR ctrl + D = exit shell
option + mouse click = move cursor to desired point on line
up/down arrow = scroll through previous commands
tab = tab completion of terms


> = redirect operator (e.g echo <string> > <filename>)

>> = append operator (e.g echo <string> >> <filename>)
cat <filename> = show contents of file on screen
cat <filename> <filename> > = combine contents of two files into new file
diff <filename> <filename> = show difference between two files

ls <filename> = list file

ls = list all files in directory
ls -a = list all files incl. hidden
ls -rtl (or ls -r -t -l) = list files (long form) in reverse modified order
ls -S = list files by size
ls -h = list files with kb, mb, gb sizes (human readable)
ls *.txt = list all files ending with .txt
ls s* = list all files starting with s

touch <file> = create empty file

mv <oldname> <newname> = rename file
cp <oldname> <newname> = copy file
rm <file> = delete file
rm -f <file> = force delete file
rm -i <file> = ask before deleting file


curl = download file online

which = search system to see if command is available on system
curl -Ol <urltofile> = download file
curl -O = write file to system with same filename
curl -l = list only
!! = run previous command
curl -I <url> = fetch http header of website
!<command number> = run numbered command
ctrl+r = reverse index search of previous commands

head <filename> = view first 10 lines of file

tail <filename> = view last 10 lines of file
head -n <filename> = view first <n> lines of file
tail -n <filename> = view first <n> lines of file
tail -f <filename> = tailing the log file (view live activity)
ping <url> = checks server to see if its working

wc <filename> = word count (lines, words, bytes)

| = pipe command (sends output of one command into another to save time)

less <filename> = interactive view of file

up arrow/down arrow = move up/down one line
ctrl + f / space bar = page down
ctrl + b = page up
q = quit
/<term> = search file for term
n / N to scroll through searched terms
G = move to end of file
1G = move to beginning of file
*G = move to line number of file

grep <term> <filename> = search for substring within file

grep -i <term> <filename> = case-insensitive search
grep -v <term> <filename> = search for substrings NOT containing keyword within

top = processes consuming most resources

ps aux = process status
ps aux | grep <process> = search for named process
first number of return is process id (which can be used to kill process using)
kill -15 <pid> = kill command
pkill -15 -f <keyword> = kill all commands containing keyword
pkill -15 <pid> = kill command with selected pid

history = prints history of commands in shell


~ = /Users/<user>
sudo = substitute user do (not superuser) Root access
mkdir = make folder
mkdir -p = make intermediate directories in single command
mv <file> <folder> = move file(s) to folder
ls <directory> = shows contents
ls -d <directory> = shows just the directory
ls -ld <directory> = shows directory in long form

cd = change directory
cd .. = move up one directory level
cd . = current directory
cd / cd ~ = change directory to home folder
cd - = change to previous directory
pwd = print working directory

find = find file/directory

find . -name '*.txt' = find in current directory file names ending with .txt
open = opens files in system default applications (mac only) (xdc-open on some

cp = copy file
cp <filename> . = copy file to current directory
cp -r <directory> = copies all files from current directory into named directory
rmdir <directory> = remove directory
rm -rf = remove recursive force = removes all directories, files (CAUTION)

grep -ri <string> <directory> = search for keyword within files (multiple
directories, case insensitive)
; = use multiple commands in single command


pushd <directory> - takes your current directory and pushes it into a list for
later, then it changes to another directory. E.g Save where I am, then go here.
pushd - with no arguments - will switch between current dir and the last one
pushed. e.g quick switch

popd - takes last dir you pushed and pops if off, taking you back there.

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