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Heavenly Input on

Acceptance (/Acknowledgment/Tolerance) Laws (Physical and Spiritual)

Adjustment/Adaptability (Getting Used to Things & Conditions) Laziness (Lethargy)
Advantage/Disadvantage Light
Air Listening vs. Talking
All Things Loneliness & Solitude
Alternative Losers & Winners (Gains through Loss)
Asking God What Happened Man-Pleasing vs. Pleasing Him
Awareness (/Consciousness) Many vs. Few (Quality vs. Quantity)
Backsliding & Desertion Modus Operandi
Beginning & End Motivations & Incentives
Behavior, Manners & Style Movies
Beyond Mysteries & Secrets
Big Lie, The Names
Body & Health Necessity
Brothers & Sisters Neglect
Busy-ness NWOs (Need-Work-Ons)
Calamities Old vs. New (/Young)
Care vs. Indifference Opposites & the Totally Other
Chance Opposition & Adversity
Character & Personality Persecution
Comfort Perspectives, Perception (Opinions & Viewpoints)
Compassion Popularity
Computers & Us Questions & Answers
Condemnation Realization & Recognition
Contentment vs. Discontent Receptivity vs. Rejection
Crisis, Chaos, Mess, Disaster Resistance
Danger Responsibility
Desires Results & Consequences
Disappointment Revelations
Discovery of Meaning, The Rewards
Dreams & Visions Right vs. Wrong
Easiness vs. Difficulties Sacrifice
Effort Saints & Famous Folks
Emphasis & Priorities Senses
Encouragement vs. Discouragement Serving God
Envy & Jealousy Signs & Indications
Evolution (= Evilution) & Atheism Signs of the Times
Exception(s) Silence
Expectation(s) Situations & Incidents
Experience Something vs. Nothing (/Somebody vs. Nobody)
Forsaking All Soul Food
Fulfillment (/Satisfaction) (from) Spirit Helpers
Fun, Pleasure, Entertainment & Enjoyment (Spiritual) Sex/Lust
Goals & Destination Stars & Space
Gods Family & True Church Sunshine
(Golden) Opportunities Surprises
Heart Matters Surrender
Heart vs. Mind Understanding (Comprehension)
(Heavenly) Family Vacuum (Void), Drawing Power
Highs & Lows (Ups & Downs) Vessels, Channels, Tools
Hindrances & Adversities (/Obstacles)
His Plan ...(and from) Folks in the Bible
His Presence Adam & Eve
Ideas & Intuitions Cain & Abel
Illusion/Delusion (Matrix) Noah
Importance & Significance Abraham
Impossibilities Isaac
Improvement Jacob & Esau
Incapability vs. Capability (/Ability vs. Inability) Joseph
Influence & Effect
Information David & Saul
Inspiration Solomon
(Lasting/Spiritual) Values The Young & the Old Prophet
John the Baptist
the Scribes & Pharisees
John the Beloved
The Devil
Acceptance (Acknowledgment/Tolerance)

Take whatever comes as from My hand! (I:141)

Everybody wants to be accepted, nobody wants to feel or be treated like an outcast, but those who have decided to follow Me are
never really going to be fully accepted by the System, no matter what they do... (I:289)

The key to being happy is to accept that what I want for you is truly best, and in wanting what I want. (II:577)

Focusing more on that common goal than any differences or difficulties in getting along should help give you an incentive to break
the ice and show greater acceptance, greater understanding of folks and what they're going through. (III:23)

Why not just accept everybody for who they are? (III:26)

You need to grow in love, tolerance, acceptance and forgiveness of others, having more faith in them, and positive expectations.

When you can accept and truly embrace the lowest of the low and let them know you're one of them or they're one of yours, that you
consider that there is no difference between you, but they're equally loved by Me as you are, then you've become real. (III:123)

What matters is that you accept your path, and not try to walk someone else's path.
Once you've accepted your path and you realize that the suffering is nothing strange about it, but that it belongs, and that it just
serves to eradicate the impurities, you'll also find yourself of greater service to My people, and find that there will be those who'll
receive your healing, your message, your sacrifice... just as there were those who did receive Me; those who make it worth it all.

Acceptance is a great key in communications: accepting somebody for who and what they are without prejudice. (III:331)

The confusion that is coming in the world will straighten the path for greater acceptance of My simplicity, clarity and truth. (III:428)

The sooner you learn to make Me your Master or to accept Me as such, the smoother the ride is going to be in the long run. And that
includes allowing Me to determine which things are good for you, and which arent, and in what amounts; learning to trust Me with
that and coping with the fact that youll have to leave the proportions, distribution and measures of lifes pleasures in My hands.

If you can accept your oddness and strangeness as a means for Me to keep you humble and happy, maybe then you can live with it
better. (III:453)

How about acceptance instead of rejection? How about trusting Me for what I bring along, as ugly and weird as it may seem? (III:488)

How can you ever teach others better unless you first show love for them in the first place, and acceptance of their howbeit so very
different ways?
Youve got to give them a chance to accept and get to know and absorb and assimilate My ways! (III:498)

Only accept what you find if you can find and see Me in it! (III:501)

Make room for tolerance and acceptance of the ways of those around you! Youve got to trust that it is Me putting on their hearts
what they should do, just as Im putting it on your heart what you should do. (III:503)

Sometimes youve just got to accept and take what Im giving you, even if it may not be exactly your style. (III:535)

Thats how many theories, some of which are the basis for mans knowledge today came into being: A lot depends on what the
majority or key people will accept and choose to accept as truth or not. (III:562)

Youve got to make room for some acceptance and tolerance of other peoples wavelengths and preferences. (III:573)

You dont have to take and accept everything the devil, or even life itself, hands you. Sometimes youve got to have the grace and the
ability to say, No, thank you! (IV:18)

Its your own choice whether you want to be happy or not. It basically depends on whether you cheerfully, thankfully and praise-fully
accept what Im handing you, or not, and instead consider that youd have known and done better than I. (IV:33)

You have to accept the fact that most of whats going on, when it comes to Me and My Power, is way beyond the scope and capacity
of the carnal mind
Thats the difference between supposed godhood, the kind the devil offered, which declares the human mind as supreme, and true
Godhood, such as offered by Me through your acceptance and reception of My Word, My Divinity, My Spirit and Salvation. (IV:54)

I want you to learn to accept others the way they are, and try to sympathize with them, and relate to them, even if their interests differ
strongly from yours. I want you to accept and tolerate them the same way you would wish to be accepted by them. (IV:78)

Im literally having to allow this world to die in order for it to become desperate enough to finally accept and welcome My return to
reclaim My own. (IV:85)
Its not always good to accept every temptation and commodity that comes your way, as experience will tell you. Sometimes its
wisest to be able to say, No, thank you! (IV:182)

Im not saying that there is never a time to point out the ugly truth. But its a lot easier for people to accept what you have to say if
you wrap it up in a positive packaging. (IV:216)

Just as the brain initiates any action that your hands are going to take, or any movement your legs and feet are going to make in a
certain direction, so the Spirit World is the initiator of whats happening in the physical realm, where the initial impulse meets upon
the human relays and switch-points, waiting for the individual reactions of either accepting and processing the impulse, or rejecting
it, and thus action in the physical realm is born. (IV:237)

Accepting people for what they are and taking them where theyre at will enable you to have a much better and more open
relationship with them. (IV:263)

Can you accept and say yes to My system of values and doing things? (IV:271)

I know your frame, and if I can live with the state youre in and accept and love you the way you are, then you should, too. (IV:346)

If you dont feel very lovable, then just consider it an even greater joy that I am able to love and accept you fully and totally as you
are! (IV:403)

Its not so much who or what you are in worldly terms, but accepting what youve been given and making the most of it. (IV:432)

The proof of real love is more often manifested in the tolerance for and acceptance of the differences between you. (IV:464)

Whatever it is that Im bringing across your path and whatever I put on your slate: let it sink in deeply! You can trust it, that its good
for you, even if initially it may taste bitter at times This is for your good. Accept it! (IV:493)

Every man, woman and child has the power to change their own perception, manifested in some form of saying yes to Me, instead
of no, accepting, instead of rejecting Me and My truth in whichever shape or form it knocks on their door. (IV:535)

I want you to have the faith that even though you might not be able to make it in the natural, I can make it through you, and
acknowledge that if its going to be done, then because of Me. (11:39)

Just taking it is what lifes challenge is sometimes all about.

When you can take it in spite of your own reservations, doubts and skepticism, chances are that youre going to make it. (11:53)

Maybe Im just trying to get a little but more tolerance for suffering out of you, just a little more endurance, than you thought you
were capable of.
It might come in handy one day, to be able to put up with a little bit more (11:55)

One of lifes big lessons is to learn to show patience and tolerance for the weaker, the slower, the less developed and advanced, and
treat them in the proper way without getting all impatient or self-righteous toward them. (11:68)

Learning to accept the circumstances is not really a challenge when youve chosen the easy path.
So, if the circumstances are adverse and tough, thats an ideal opportunity to accept the challenge and learn to rise above. (11:97)

Learn to accept each new situation and adapt to whatever comes with it! (11:102)

Not everybodys a champion at taking it, but its worth the effort to at least try to get there.
Taking it shows faith in My Promise that I wouldnt give you more than you can handle. It means you trust Me that I know what you
can handle, and even if youre tempted to feel like this is too much, you trust that it wont be, just because I allowed it to happen,
and you trust that I knew better than your feelings.
Taking it honors Me by faith, by professing that you believe that I am good, capable, and that Im going to pull you out of this against
the odds. (11:122)

Sensitivity generally makes it hard for folks to accept and willingly receive good advice, especially on things they could or ought to
be doing better. (11:129)

The sooner you realize and accept that Im only giving you what you truly need, instead of trying to resist and reject it, the sooner
youll be off the hook, and the better off youre going to be. (12:3)

Blessed is the man who can by faith embrace the path I have chosen for him, and accept the cup I handed him to drink, contrary to
any and all protests of the rational mind professing to know better. (12:14)

What Im striving to get you to do is get to the point where youre finally able to accept and embrace what you encounter each day,
and which you consider as befalling you. (12:28)

When you can accept where you are and what youre doing as precisely where you should be and what you should be doing, youll
experience more lasting fulfillment than you can ever find in any sort of entertainment or recreational activity. (12:31)

The way to overcome is not to run away or try to shield yourself from pain, but to accept it and embrace it, knowing that this is the
path that I took, and it took Me right next to the Fathers throne. Not to lord it out over people, but to love them, accept them, and
help them accept themselves, too. (12:35)

Instead of being judgmental (which usually includes some amount of self-righteousness), it would behoove you to accept that the
situation Ive put you in, along with field, the surroundings with its inhabitants, are yours for a reason to deal and cope with. (12:46)

Sometimes youve just got to eat humble pie and accept the fact that when it comes to the inhabitants of My Realm, youre not the
smartest guy around! (12:47)

Thats what youre there to learn: accept and embrace, instead of judge, reject and criticize. (12:58)

Learning to love is what its all about, and it includes accepting others and your situation with gratefulness instead of finding fault
and complaining about them, and thats where loving Me comes in handy in the equation: leaving the judgment up to Me and putting
your own on the backburner (12:61)

The humility of accepting youre a sinner and taking the responsibility for your mistakes yourself, along with the acceptance of your
circumstances (unless Ive definitely put it in your heart to do something to change them) with the conclusion that you probably dont
deserve any better is the kind of attitude that could potentially make this world a better place. (12:62)

Unconditional acceptance is part of My qualities, and I can accept you the way you are, although I wont deny that My hopes and
efforts go more in the direction of having you progress and mature, learn and change accordingly, from lifes lessons. (12:63)

I will take you where you and your faith are at. (12:81)

Many who have accepted Me did so without being fully aware of the extent of the consequences of their choice, and perhaps it would
be fair to let people know that choosing Me is also a choice against the devil, the temporary god of this world (12:85)

Once youll accept your circumstances or the cup Im handing you, those youre dealing with will also learn to accept theirs, and
perhaps youll all find that thats the point where youll be able to truly overcome and alter them from within (12:88)

Thats what creates outsiders and dropouts: peoples inability to accept the different in their own midst.
You can be somewhat accepted as part of them as long as you play their same game, but once you declare that youre going to put
your trust for your future and your family in something else than your own strength applied to making money, thats when you start
becoming a little weird, as far as theyre concerned. (12:92)

Learn to accept each new situation and adapt to whatever comes with it! (12:102)

Recognizing and accepting the truth gives you greater peace within. (15:160)

Ones got to take, accept and handle whatever life brings. (2016:3)

Having to go through the lessons to learn from mistakes made, or ungodly behavior, Im afraid youre just going to have to accept it
and deal with it.
It may be a toughie youre having to go through right now, but trust Us that itll serve its purpose, and youll understand it and accept
it some day, maybe when Well show you what things would have become like without any correction from Above. (2016:12)

Just take things the way they come! Doing it without complaining is one of the arts of life. (2016:13)

Take it, whatever comes, and learn how to handle it the best you can! (2016:22)

Learning a bit of tolerance and acceptance of especially childrens faults is part of learning love. (2016:26)

Keep your mind close to Me and Our heavenly Home, and let it bring forth in you the joy that will also attract others and will want
them to accept that offer I made through My sacrifice on Earth, and the Fathers! (2016:36)

Learn to take and accept things as they come, continuing to trust Me and the Father that We know what We allow to happen to Our
folks on Earth!
Take the bad things and incidents by faith, trusting that We know what We allow! (2016:38)

Dont try to make it on your own, but accept the fact that those days are over! (2016:41)

Take things the way they come! Acceptance of what life has to bring is part of the yieldedness. (2016:42)

Only things happen that are allowed by Us for a purpose and reason! So, accept whatever comes, and take it through your trust and
faith in Us! (2016:45)

Pass on to others the aspect and vision that theres Something Better coming up for those who accept the message from Above!

The ability to resist negative conditions and circumstances and see the positive in spite of them may be comparatively rare, but
something necessary, if you want to be successful in inspiring others to accept your faith
Have some faith in what you cant see? At the moment? If so, youre what folks need to see with the right kind of attitude and
actions, accordingly in order to accept what you believe in, even if they or you cant see it in the physical right now! (2016:49)
Accepting others the way they are trusting and knowing that changes will come eventually, according to Our pace from Above is
one of the patterns of love, instead of expecting perfection, which nobody down there should be expected to show forth. So, include
acceptance into that list of the qualities of love you need, and let it overcome the tendencies toward self-righteousness! (2016:50)

The ultimate step of pride is accepting the attitude of one being their own god, while humility is what enables folks to accept the
fact that there is a higher One, Whos truly the Creator.
Love and humility are fruits of the Truth from Above, while hatred and pride the results of the place below founded by its creator, and
what the world is unfortunately going to accept the rulership of for some time, to teach mankind the ultimate lesson about good vs.
evil, truth vs. lies, pride vs. humility, etc. (2016:53)

What you need to learn is to resist those influences of evil on you! Not accept or tolerate some of its influences!
Theres no excuse for that, even though you accept some of the circumstances around you as an excuse or reason for it. (2016:56)

Whose student and follower are you going to be? One of the founder of trouble through selfish behavior, or Mine, Who came to give
His Life to those on Earth whod accept Me as the Fathers gift of Salvation from the results of selfish deeds, acts and behavior?

To take whatever comes in a victorious attitude is one of the key points of the lessons of life. To learn to take it whichever way it
Whatever comes, accept it as from Me! (2016:76)

Take chastisement as a positive you know you deserve, so, accept it and receive it as something to make more of the type of person
out of you I want you to be! (2016:80)

Accept the fact that We accept you the way you are, and all Were concerned about is how Well manage to help you make it through
it thats coming! (2016:83)

Try to take sufferings with a bit of grace and accept them as a necessary procedure to teach you some important lessons you will be
able to benefit from and appreciate when the school bell rings! (2016:91)

What My followers and believers need especially, is the acceptance of the fact that they have to dare to be different than the average
type that thats the way I made and allowed them to become. (2016:101)

Just be ready to take what comes, whichever way it comes! (2016:105)

Whatevers your fate and your task, just try to take it as cheerfully as possible, and trust your divine Masters for knowing what
Theyre doing! Wouldnt that be part of faith? Not just accepting Their existence, but also trustem that They know what Theyre doing
or allowing to happen? (2016:110)

Accept challenges as strengthening procedure! (2016:129)

Acceptance of others no matter what state theyre in is part of love a great and important one.
Why not just accept what has come to you as something you deserved as well as needed? (2016:135)

Faith will turn out to be an asset of the acceptance of a higher form of existence than the physical one. (2016:142)

When it comes down to following your Shepherd instead yourself your own ideas it still takes a lot more yieldedness, acceptance
and recognition of who your master is. (2016:143)

In a world run by the flesh and carnal efforts, its an act of faith to place your actions, works and deeds into the Realm of the Spirit,
and you just cant expect popularity from the masses around you, nor acceptance from your fellow-humans observing you. (2016:146)

The dark times coming will draw the line between those who accept the faith and hope you have to offer, and the alternative of
temporal, material wealth the devil in person will offer to those receiving his mark! (2016:156)

The acceptance you expect of others, of what youve got to offer, you yourself have to come up with as well, for what Weve still got
to offer you, along with accepting the heavenly counsel you receive, and not let your mind steer you into its own conclusions and
making sense of things in its own efforts.
Sometimes things just have to be taken the way they are, and in a case like yours and other believers, taken with the advantage of the
ability to avail yourself of the Heavenly Help offered to you in Our knowledge, that theres just no chance to make it through whats
coming without It. (2016:180)

Putting up with things you dont naturally jibe with and consider correct or normal is one of those things you have to learn to
cope with in order to become tolerable for those around you!
The humility of considering yourself a bigger mess than whatever you see around you might just become the key to make you
acceptable in your fellow-humans eyes. (2016:186)

Learn to become flexible, adjustable and accepting whatever is before you as the reality you have to deal with!
Yes, life has been easier but whats ahead of you and the world will be a lot tougher, and you just have to accept the fact that the
easy times are over. (2016:189)

Acceptance of others differences is a good and creative factor of unity. (2016:190)

Believing is more important than seeing and only accepting as reality what your eyes can perceive! (2016:194)

Can you accept the thorns on the roses and the burning heat of the light of fire?
Can you deal with and handle what strikes you as negative by accepting it as a challenge? A sense and purpose to strengthen your
faith? (2016:196)

Trust Me that the ability to handle and accept the truth is an advantage! (2016:199)

Sometimes theyre other factors I see as more important for you to grab hold of, like patience, acceptance of others not just the
worries of how youll make it through the physical process of life.
If Were accepting folks weaknesses, dont you think its something you should learn, too? (2016:201)

The incapacity of some to put up any fight against the downrightly manifested evil right before them is hard to take but then it
also seems to show that they have a greater capacity to take things and accept them as they are, especially when coming from their
own kids one of the special features of mothers love. (2016:202)

You can see what it does to the kids to become spoiled and just used to the sort of foods they crave. So, they need some different
examples, of grownups who take and accept whatever life has to offer. (17:5)

Ungodly behavior should keep you in a humble enough position, attitude and state of mind to accept the input of others around you,
even if they might not have that connection with, or even faith in Me. (17:8)

Accepting whats before you also means to cope with the evil going on all around you. Not accepting it per se, but learning how to
deal with and handle it. Ones got to accept the fact that a world run by the devil just cant be Heaven on Earth. (17:13)

Maybe one of your main lessons is to take whatever comes and make the best you manage of it. (17:25)

Knowing that you cant make it without Me will become part of the utter reality for you, and Im just getting you closer to the state of
the ability to accept that.
In times to come, the process youre having to go through will be understood and fully accepted.
It makes Me happy to still have some of My special chosen ones around down there, even if its as tough for unbelievers to accept
them, just as it was for folks around My early disciples to accept them.
Acceptance and reception of My followers and Gods children will result in Salvation from hell for them, so, remember that your walk
through that darker getting world has a sense and purpose for many others. How they receive you is how theyd receive Me. (17:51)

Not feeling at home down there may not be what you want or like, but maybe it'll help you put My will and the Father's for you first in
your life, or at least get to the stage of accepting it, and yielding to what We allow to happen, knowing by faith that We know what
We're permitting. (17:58)

I know it would be more pleasant for you if things were easier, but... see: you've just got to learn to take things the way they come! - A
lesson of acceptance! And trust Me and the Father that We know what we're allowing to come before you!
Take'em, those adversities and difficult and tough stretches! Accept it as from Us, and yield to it accordingly! (17:59)

Youve got the humility to accept whatever I and the Father allow to happen to you? (17:61)

Just become a good - or better - taker of what lifes handing you! Take and accept it as something We know what Were allowing, and
thus, it couldnt be all that bad for you in the long run, no matter how bad it may seem temporarily!
Crucifixion looked like an obvious defeat to those around Me, one they didnt expect, even though I had told them but thats one
grand example of accepting those tough challenges before you. They may result in something no one would have expected, such as
My resurrection three days later, and along with that, continued life in spirit for those who believe in Me when hit by death of the
flesh. (17:66)

Things could always be worse, and they eventually will be, but youve just got to learn to take things the way they come.
I know, for men its usually easier when they can be the boss themselves, but if its not easy, couldnt that be one of the challenges I
put before you? Learn how to deal with and accept the humbling events?
And to take whatever life brings well, it is a challenge, I know So, how about that effort and making it a goal to accept and take it,
no matter how hard it comes?
Can you take it, whatever life brings? - Accept what I set before you?
Learn to accept what comes! (17:70)

If you dont know what the day brings, well just take whatever comes! And whatever comes, accept it through faith that it comes
from Me, even if it has battles and trials attached to it that are supposed to raise up your strength again! - Your spiritual strength.

Taking and accepting things the way they come without getting upset about them, thats one of the lessons of the School of Life.
Learn a bit more of acceptance of things and others acts and behavior around you that you need to learn to put up with and not let
them have a negative influence and effect on you!
Acceptance that others are different is just one of the lessons of life. Part of taking things and folks the way they come the way
Weve allowed them to be or even made them.
Can you do that? Accept what your Creators made?
Keep the apparently negative incidents in a more positive groove of acceptance!
Take whatever comes as something from Someone Who knows what Hes doing and allowing for a certain reason! (17:78)
Getting to know how to jibe and get along with folks, even if theyre acting a bit different than what youre used to, is just part of that
learning to get along with others.
Its called acceptance and tolerance. And its a part of love!
Heavenly love includes heavenly understanding and acceptance Just as the Father and I accept you and anyone ready to accept
So, the more acceptance youll sow, the more of it youll also reap! And it means, not looking at folks faults and mistakes so much,
but beyond them, with a bit of that hope coming from Me telling you that I can manage to make something better out of you than you
have been, and are.
Putting up with folks habits to do things differently is part of accepting differences in being and acting, as well as thinking and
Accepting differences means openness. So, to open up your heart includes the readiness to accept the differences in others.
When it comes down to love, remember acceptance! - An important part of it! (17:82)

Acceptance is a big mode of Mine, if you look at Me accepting folks like Matthew as a disciple, whom the others wouldnt have even
considered, or Judas, My own traitor, or visiting Scribes and Pharisees My disciples wouldnt have recommended to do, either. So, if
My wave was one of acceptance, in spite of whatever differences, and you want to be a follower of Mine, youve got to get to get into
that groove of acceptance despite difference as well.
See the factor of acceptance and learning to take others a bit more the way they are as a positive feature of adaptability!
Make the gear of acceptance part of your personality! Better than rejection since thats what I expect from folks who will want to get
Up Here where I and My believers are: reception of Me, and thus acceptance of My different teachings from the worlds, whereas
rejection of what I came to offer is pretty much one of the top negatives.
So, keep learning to put up with the differences of others, and see what you can learn from them! (17:85)

So there are some troubled times to come, but what else can be expected of you, apart from learning just to takeem and accept
whatever life has to offer you with the challenge for you to make the effort to make the best you can out of it?
If all you need is love, remember that patience and acceptance are part of it!
If circumstances and conditions are becoming tougher to handle, just accept that as part of the preparation process for the toughest
to come!
Acceptance primarily means accepting, tolerating and receiving whatever your Creator deems fit to come upon you. Now, that
requires faith, I admit but wasnt that the important thing of it all? (17:91)

Lifes not a piece of cake. But so it wasnt for Me, nor too many of My true followers. So, just take it, accept it by faith whichever way
it comes! (17:93)

Take the challenges as something from My hand, and as from Above, not as something to murmur and complain about! (17:98)

Learning to handle the times and conditions as they come is part of acceptance. Acceptance of the fact that I and the Father know
what Were doing and allowing, even if it strikes some - if not most - folks as far from perfect.
Take and accept whatever you see, feel and experience around you the best you can! Thats a step of getting onto My wavelength,
since acceptance of the way others are is an important part of that unconditional love that makes you even capable of loving your
enemies - the one thing I preached and lived thats one of the toughest for My followers to adhere to. (17:101)

I had to come to bring Salvation to free and save folks from hell on Earth and thereafter. Providing theyd choose to accept that
alternative by faith.
Constantly seeking pleasure, fun and entertainment just might lead to acceptance of what the enemy has to offer, just as he always
Since many didnt accept Me as their Savior, they already basically made the choice for the enemy, to accept him when he comes to
save them from the worlds disastrous state (17:102)

Youre going to have to learn how to handle folks around you and to accept them the way We accept you! (17:104)

Remember acceptance as one of the great assets! Not criticism, much less self-righteousness, but merciful acceptance instead!

The emphasis of the Spirit World gets you to the point where you recognize and accept Its superiority.
Remember acceptance as a part of love, the greatest commandment! (17:113)

The devil attacks My supposed believers and followers the most, in order to make them turn out sickening in their behaviors to the
extent that no one can accept the teachings theyre supposedly following. (17:117)

Dont see lifes challenges as a negative, but accept them as a positive from Me, believing and trusting that I know what Im doing!
Giving My will and Plan for you a higher priority than your own desires and ways of looking at things should also help you to
strengthen the acceptance of My will to stick to your job in your life down there, instead of complaining about it.
Accepting life as it is belongs to that acceptance clause, and its important that you accept My will for you above your own. (17:118)

Stick to Our point of view, and definitely dont accept the enemys! (17:119)

Get ready to handle whatever comes! Take it and accept it! (17:120)

To learn to take life as it comes is one of the major lessons of life.

I know, it takes faith to accept what Ive been allowing, but see it as part of the necessary preparation for not just uneasy times, but
the toughest and hardest ones of all of history!
Accepting folks as they are with all their weaknesses - even if those make it a lot tougher on you temporarily - is part of the important
lessons of life.
Acceptance of how things and folks are and putting up with their negative traits, well, its something you should be learning from the
Father and Me.
Accepting others faults is a sign of humility, as opposed to self-righteous pride. (17:126)

Take it by faith that We Up Here know what Were doing and allowing to happen to you and confront you with down there! (17:129)

One thing you need to learn, realize and keep in mind about the circumstances Im allowing you to be confronted with, is that, if Im
allowing them - even if theyre not from My hand, but work of the enemys bunch, theyre what I need you to be confronted with in
order to learn from them, grow stronger through them, and thus just accept them as what Im allowing to face you in life for a divine
sense and purpose!
So, acceptem! Amen?
Take lifes circumstances as lifes challenge!
If the weathers colder than you like, and the sky darker, take it as a manifestation of the dark and cold forces taking over the globe!
Learn to deal with it, handle it and accept it as part of My Plan for you of things youve still got to learn! (17:130)

The less you lean on the strength of the flesh, the more accepting you become of the fact that you need Help from Above. (17:131)

The big test of faith is to just be ready for whatever whether life or death whatever comes just be ready to accept it!
If We can handle you whichever way you come, maybe you can handle life whichever way it comes. Isnt that what would spell
acceptance? - Taking life as it comes just trusting the Creator that He knows what Hes doing and allowing, even if it might take a
lot of faith and trust for some of that level of acceptance.
Can you accept My ways? Just say, okay to Us, as Ive told My disciples to ask the Father Thy will be done?
Just accept the fact - or at least the possibility - that the Creator of all things has got some outstanding qualities that just might differ
from yours, and might not be all that bad to accept!
Accepting something that may have looked good, interesting, or at least definitely tempting, and choosing to walk that path, will turn
out to have been the wrong direction. (17:133)

With a positive way of taking things, it can even turn the negatives into a positive!
Turn some burdens into blessings just by taking things cheerfully! (17:136)

With the times of trouble on their way just let it be! Be ready to accept!
Just get ready to deal with the not-so-easy part of life, taking what comes and making the best of it you can!
If conditions, circumstances and company around you make it just about tougher every day Take it by faith!
Just take and accept from Us whatever comes as what you need - and, most likely - deserve! (17:138)

The chore of making the best you can out of a fairly obscure reality may be quite a challenge, but something to simply accept and
deal with. (17:143)

Faith will be the principal survival factor through times to come, and taking and accepting things and circumstances as they are is an
important part of it.
The most important part to learn to accept in life is what I allow to happen to you, trusting Me by faith that I know whats best for you,
even if the enemy will try to convince you of the opposite with his negative input and doubts. (17:144)

Lets wait and see what happens when the boss of hell takes over completely and turns the Earth into his home, how many folks will
be ready to accept My Alternative!
To offer My Alternative to as many as you can is basically the job, the task and purpose of My followers down there being
representatives of Heaven, and offering that new and coming Home to those who want and accept it. (17:148)

Its all a matter of accepting what comes. Accepting it as from My hand, trusting that I know what Im allowing.
Take what comes so that you can be a positive influence on those who simply havent learned that part of the life of faith yet!
You need to handle and accept things the way they come, not just constantly yearning for something better, when the Better thats
expecting you and you should expect just isnt from that world. (17:153)

Take whatever comes by faith in the fact that I know - better than you - what you can handle! (17:157)

To learn to take what comes takes something, doesnt it? And I guess were finding out whether youve got what it takes. (17:158)

Get used to the things and folks around you that may still be a bit hard for you to accept! Turn that inner key of acceptance and
letem in!
I expect you to trust Me for what Im expecting you to put up with, tolerate and accept. (17:160)

Acceptance of differences in others is definitely a factor that will make a positive difference. (17:161)

Love is just something thats got to keep growing. And acceptance of others faults is one major step of it. (17:163)

Take the lowering of life from popular all the way down to practically nobody with a positive, cheerful attitude, trusting Me that I
never allow anything to happen that wouldnt turn out to be the best in the long run! (17:164)

To take whatever comes and accept it as from My hand now thats faith! (17:166)
Sometimes youve just got to take things as they come, no matter how bad they are. Just like Ive had to take that cross take the
nails take the pain. (17:167)

The attitude toward the daily challenges ought to grow into something positive. Accept them as something that I know exactly why
Im allowing it!
Accepting life as it comes, if so many unbelievers can do it, should definitely be what you should manage by faith in a Lord and
Master Who knows what Hes allowing, dont you think? (17:170)

Whether other folks will accept your dependence on Me should be the factor on which the course of your relationship with them
depends. (17:180)

You cant expect perfection or perfect circumstances down there, just make the best you can out of whatever faulty ones you
Just take it as it comes! As cheerfully as you manage! (17:182)

It might take others and those around you some faith in you and your connection with Me to accept the different ways I lead and
guide you in, but that just shows how necessary faith will be in the times to come, when trying to make it in resistance against the
enemys ultimate reign will only be possible through that faith in the greater - even though spiritual Power - than what the devil will
rig up in the physical as the AC.
No matter how many around you may not believe, accept or have the vision for it, faith is something youve got to have in spite of
what others around you may think, feel or see about it. (17:184)

Incapabilities of the flesh make you more capable of accepting My different ways of doing things, including doing them in My
different way (17:186)

Get ready for changes! Be ready to take and accept them, whichever way they come, and make your efforts to make the best you can
out of them with My Help from Above! (17:189)

To count your blessings and accept them as such means to also recognize them as such, and not believe in the enemys method of
picturing them as disadvantages. (17:191)

The right way led its Leader to a cross to die for all men and women whod accept that sacrifice of the Bringer of all things.
To accept whats happening to you as a result of your own actions and behavior, instead of blaming Us for it, now that would show
the beginning of a lesson of life finally being learned. (17:193)

Just as ones acceptance of Me as their Savior and receiving Me saves them and gives them life eternal through faith, so their
acceptance of you spending time on your communication with Me will bring them blessings.
And if they accept and put up with your weaknesses, you should definitely also make the effort to put up with theirs and put up some
tolerance instead of being self-righteously judgmental. (17:201)

The acceptance you expect of others should also be possible to be expected of you.
Seeing youre not perfect, shouldnt that make it easier to accept the imperfection of others?
Being aware of your own weaknesses should make you more accepting of those of others.
Acceptance of others imperfection is one of those NWOs.
So, acceptance and tolerance of others weaknesses and imperfect traits is definitely something to work on. (17:205)

To see how and whether one takes and accepts you is part of their test, for Me to see whether and how I might be able to use them in
times to come. It all depends on their willingness and acceptance. - Acceptance of My ways to use My servants, not their own.
Whether youll be able to manage with things others want you to do, and whether theyll be able to accept it if you dont, is basically
what will show whether the situation will work out for you or not, and whether its a place for you to stay, or the time will come for you
to move on. (17:207)

Take things and folks as they come! Thats acceptance. And accordingly, theyll do the same to you: Take you where youre at, and
not expect more of you than you can handle to accomplish.
Acceptance means taking things and folks as they come. (17:209)

Taking things as they come represents yieldedness to My will for you.

Some of those tests of how you take things and accept them demonstrate your level of yieldedness.
So, to yield to what the day brings with its circumstances, and take and accept it as from Me, believing and trusting that I know best
what should be on the list of events for you strengthens your humility, along with the faith in the fact that I and the Father know better
whats good for you, even if it may not look like it on the surface.
With a world on its course toward the darkest part of its history as foretold and forecast thousands of years ago, its just utterly
important to raise your level of acceptance of not just imperfect, but dreadful circumstances.
So, make it through them with My Help, by first of all accepting what Im letting you deal with and handle!
Some qualities just need some work and effort to establish them in your life.
And putting up with and accepting imperfect circumstances, situations and conditions is one of them.
Take whatevers coming by faith in the fact that the Father and I know what Were allowing!
So, just make that effort to put up with and accept what Im allowing in your life through faith! Amen?
Accepting what the Father and I allow is a sign of true faith. (17:210)

If the situation you find yourself confronted with is a tough one, accept it as the proper preparation for times much worse to come!
Accept My different ways of seeing things, including many situations, and thus, also rely on My different point of view, instead of
your own! (17:216)

For those around you to accept your need to spend time with Me basically signifies the need for another miracle. The miracle of their
acceptance of your need for Me.
So, call it Miracle No.1: their acceptance of your need to spend time with Me, and of the fact that without it, you simply wont make
To accept whatever comes, now that would pretty much be the ultimate step and state of faith.
A sign of true faith: to accept whatever comes, trusting in the Fathers and My wisdom that We know what Were allowing. (17:219)

Accept My Wisdom and the fact that I know best what it is you truly need, even if thats not exactly what youd want! (17:220)

(Getting Used to Things & Conditions)
Learn to accept each new situation and adapt to whatever comes with it! (11:102)

Youre going to have to get used more and more to that modus operandi of trusting Me more for things (12:77)

Do your best to get used to those times of trouble! Maybe its not what youd like, but trust Me that its necessary to get used to them,
since the roughest ever are to come! (15:234)

There are huge changes coming; and getting used to them and becoming adaptable is an important factor. (16:116)

Unpleasant circumstances are just something to get used to with the way the worlds futures headed. (16:127)

Losing all financially is a realistic preview of what will be happening on a worldwide level soon. So, get used to it! (16:140)

If its all a bit chaotic, dont be too shocked! Since whats coming at the world could easily be described as chaos or a chaotic state,
so, Im afraid youve just got to get used to that, and not be too shocked by it. (16:161)

With day after day presenting you with tough times and trials, youre just going to have to get used to and prepared for the time of
toughest trials in history. (16:162)

The sooner you get used to depending and relying on heavenly protection, the better for you. (16:166)

Get used to having to depend on miracles in order to make it through whats coming!
Get used to miracle groove the only thing thatll see you through whats up!
You just have to get used to the mode where miracles will be necessary to make it through each day of living.
So, get used to having to depend on miracles!
Get used to having to learn to depend on the Strength and Power from Above the stuff that makes miracles and miraculous acts
Get used to the fact of the forces ruling the planet and having spoiled society with plenty in order to make them fall spiritually asleep,
are going to withdraw all that abundant supply soon, with the values of money crashing down and preparing the globe for the mark of
the Beast!
Get used to miracle-groove becoming a necessity without which survival for anyone who wont accept the mark will just take
miracles on a daily basis to make it through!
So, get used to the fact that dependence on Me, the Strength, Power and supply from Above youll need to make it through whats
coming, basically means dependence on miracles!
The weaker ones own abilities, the more obvious it becomes that only miracles from Above are whats going to see you through. A
fact and something to get used to. (16:167)

Hard times to go through and theyre going to become harder still, are something to get used to. (16:169)

Get used to the fact of having to make it through the Help from Above! (16:171)

If things arent that easy, get used to it!

Just get used to the fact of depending on prayer more and more in a world thats bound to turn into hell on Earth the closer the
enemy gets to his period of ultimate and final reign down there!
Youve just got to get used to that fact that the times of enjoyment have come to an end, and the part of making it through the
conditions in spite of them is setting in! (16:174)

The closer to Me conditions around you draw you, the better in the long run! Its good youre getting used to the only way youll make
it through whats coming. (16:175)
When life has been easier before, its a tough change and settlement to get used to the tough times, but youve just got to!
Dont let it get you too uptight if you cant accomplish anything else than hearing from Me first! It will be the way by which things will
work in the future the only way, and youve got to get used to it!
Depending on Me will amount to this: without the supernatural Help from Above not accomplishing or managing to do anything. Itll
come to that, and youve got to get used to it!
Get used to that relatively new and strange modus operandi! (16:177)

Tough days are whats ahead of you, so get used to it! Depending on heavenly protection get used to it! (16:178)

Its time to get used to that relatively new modus operandi of not working according to your own knowledge, but the one coming from
Above (16:180)

One thing about My way is that you have to get used to the fact that its not the easy way out!
You have to get into the groove of letting My Strength empower you, and get used to the fact that your own, physical abilities wont
stand much of a chance to make it! (16:181)

Get used to the fact of things not working out as easily as they have been before! The easy way was for you to get off your guard!
Get used to getting ready for not making it without My direction and the heavenly Help youll need in pointing you in which way and
direction to go! (16:182)

Get used to new moves and necessities to make it through whats coming! (16:183)

The evil drift of the world is just something youve got to get used to and learn how to confront and handle. (16:187)

Get used to different grooves, rhythms and patterns than anything youve been used to! (16:188)

Tough and difficult are fitting descriptions of whats expecting you in times to come. So, if the present strikes you as tough and
difficult, just see it as perfect preparation for whats coming, even if its just not what youre used to.
Different kinds of situations and circumstances are what youre having to get used to with some of the biggest changes in world
history coming up.
Getting used to whats different is one of those necessary learning factors for whats ahead of you. So, learn to become flexible,
adjustable and accepting whatever is before you as the reality youre having to deal with!
Even if youd like to do better and be more of an inspiration to those around you than having to come before Me to get My input to
help and strengthen you to make it through the day its just something youll have to get used to: not making it without Me.
The sooner you get used to utterly depending on Heavens Help, the better. (16:189)

Tough situations? Get used to it! Get used to the fact of life not being easy anymore!
No matter where you are, its gonna be rough!
So, get used to the rough times! (16:190)

When previous things have been easy, its a tough change and adjustment to the tough times, but thats just what youre going to
have to get used to and learn how to handle.
Get used to not making it on your own, without Me!
Youre just going to have to get used to depending on that heavenly connection with Me without which you wouldnt be able to make
it through the darkest times of history to come.
Heavenly Help from Above is becoming an utter necessity for you and all true believers, and youll just have to get used to it: used to
not making it on your own through whats coming!
The children of God will have to get used to the necessity of their heavenly Fathers and Saviors Help to make it through whats
Get used to the fact that the entertainment phase will be over soon!
Think youll make it through constant times of trouble and desperation? Its time to get used to that factor. (16:191)

Get used to the rougher and tougher times, because theyll get rougher as time goes by! (17:5)

New situations require something different than leaning on ones own abilities, habits and experience. Dealing with the new, and
learning how to do that is one of the advantages of getting or being used to changes. (17:27)

if you cant see how on Earth things are supposed to work out for you, just get used to it, because that will be the rhythm and way of
the near future, when the enemy will make the closest thing to hell out of the planet that hell ever achieve!
So dont be too shocked by the lousy way things are working out, since youve just got to get used to them getting worse!
Get used to the fact of miracles becoming a necessity! (17:43)

Every day seems to be getting tougher, because the times are getting tougher, and heading for the toughest in history. So, you've
just got to get used to the toughness of things and the easy days being over. (17:49)

If its unpleasant times and circumstances youre having to go through, realize that theyre something youll have to get used to!
Remember that its our enemy whos behind making things as tough as he can for My believers, and hes getting closer by the day to
the point of total control down there so, something youve got to get used to, just like Job had to, with his unpleasant and
unfortunate circumstances, and if you look at how My life on Earth ended, I did, as well. (17:50)

Things just wont continue as easily as they have in the past, and youve got to get used to it. (17:56)

Hard times are not easy, but that's just what you've got to get used to. Remember whose forces are in charge down there! (17:58)
You've just got to get used to tough times with what's coming. (17:59)

If circumstances are bleak, remember that theyre going to get far bleaker, and youve just got to get used to it! (17:63)

Its easier to follow the same old ruts, routs and routines, but remember changes as one of the elemental parts youve got to get used
and accustomed to! (17:70)

Feeling incapable, and thus in the need of heavenly Help is something youre going to have to get used to, since you just wont make
it without that in the dark days up ahead.
Whats before you is the toughest times ever, and youve got to prepare for it by getting used to times of trouble and times not the
way youd like them to be! (17:84)

See the factor of acceptance and learning to take others a bit more the way they are as a positive feature of adaptability! (17:85)

In times to come things wont work anywhere near as smoothly as they did in the past, and its just a condition you slowly need to get
used to. (17:88)

In order to get used to availing yourself of the Strength from Above, its easier to do so through the tougher times, when it becomes
more obviously necessary that you need My Help and support to make it through.
Not relying on own capacities is a transition that doesnt come automatically, since for the majority of folks its just something theyre
not used to. (17:89)

You cant take it anymore, that groove of things becoming different, darker, and more unpleasant?
Thats what the trait of adjustment is all about: Learning to handle whatevers coming up and dealing with it, knowing by faith that I
wont let anything too hard to handle come upon you. (17:91)

Get ready for the rough times, taking things the way they come and are, even if its not something youre used to! Thats why
adjustment has become one of My themes: Folks just have to start getting ready for and adapted to tougher times and conditions.

Get used to the factor of things in general going downhill! (17:98)

Feeling like you cant make it without Me? - Good!

Thats what times are going to be like, and its good to get used to and prepared for it. (17:99)

Get used to relying on My side of things, no matter whats coming to face you down there! (17:100)

To be part of the total outsiders in this world is something to get used to. (17:102)

Get used to the times of physical darkness coming, and let it give you the incentive to stay focused on My Light! (17:105)

The Spirit World is your destination and where youre headed, so its good to adjust through faith to the standards that are expecting
you Here The Standard of Love, much more important than the momentary earthly standards of wealth and materialism.
So, learn to adjust and tune in to My Standards, instead of the ones according to materialism! (17:108)

Having harder things to deal with than youd prefer is just a condition youll have to get used to in a world about to be completely
taken over by the reign of our enemy. (17:110)

Theres a big transmission coming and on its way, and a drastic difference So, good and wise not to get too used to and stuck on
the way circumstances have been all along. (17:113)

As much as you avail yourself of My Strength and Power determines how much youll be available to Me and enable Me to use you
for the divine purposes Wed like you to fulfill, even if its through the hardest times of history. (17:120)

Get used to it, that youll be needing semi-permanent miraculous protection!

So, get used to the Miracles-Necessity-Groove! (17:122)

Youve got to get used to becoming a strong contrast! So different from the majority of whats around you, it will be like the contrast
between darkness and light. (17:125)

Get used to the necessity of miracles of protection, supply and basically, survival, until I come!
Get used to the dependence on My Light, Power, Help and protection youll utterly depend on during those years to come! (17:130)

Get used to the fact that being older is not a disadvantage, as far as Im concerned. The older you are, the less you lean on the
strength of the flesh, which starts shrinking around that time, and you become more accepting of the fact that you need Help from
Above. (17:131)

Rougher circumstances and conditions are part of the process of preparation for even rougher ones to come, and Im afraid the
roughness of matters is just something having to become used to. (17:135)

Get used to depending on miracles to survive each day!

Just get used to the fact that youll need Me to make it! (17:140)
If life so far has been comparatively easy, just come to the realization that thats one area in which drastic changes are taking place,
and the sooner you get used to it, the better. (17:141)

Get used to the fact that circumstances wont turn out anything like perfect during the present conditions the world is under! (17:142)

Getting used to tough times is just something you should see as a positive, because its the biggest help to get you ready for whats
Just get used to depending on Me for survival! (17:143)

Having to depend on My miraculous Help for protection and supply is something to get used to. (17:144)

Becoming aware of dependence on Me will be absolutely necessary in times to come.

So, get used to depending on Me and Our Help from Above! (17:150)

Something to get used to: that times arent going to stay as comparatively easy as theyve been.
And the tough changes are coming before the good changes. (17:152)

The negative spiritual influences from the other side youll just have to get used to with their coming complete takeover of the
physical realm.
Impossible situations, the kind you dont know if or how youll make it through, are just something youll have to get used to.
Self-reliance is built up on situations youre used to. But youve got to get ready for the kind of situations you wont be used to and
shift over that reliance on Me instead.
Also, if theres a less-than-perfect place you need to stay, get used to it!
Just get used to the fact that when it comes to tough circumstances, you havent seen the beginning of them yet! (17:153)

Get used to the fact that tough times are coming!

The times coming will be something totally different than what youre used to, and tougher to take.
Remember that My way and the Fathers are completely different, and youve just got to get used to the fact of having chosen a
totally different path! (17:157)

Taking the hard times is a big thing on the list of things to get used to. (17:158)

Get used to Gods ways! Different ways than what youre used to!
Get used to the things and folks around you that may still be a bit hard for you to accept! (17:160)

Getting used to things the outcome of which I know and you dont, well, thats part of all the somethings youve got to get used to.
Get used to the fact that I know things you dont! (17:162)

Life and its circumstances will be rougher. And youve just got to get used to not managing to make it without My Help and hand from
Up Here.
The time will come when nothing will see you through but that Help from Above. And youve just got to get used to that!
Not knowing how youll make it is just something you have to get used to in the dark days to come.
Get used to the need and necessity of miracles and miraculous protection!
Get used to the fact that its not very likely to make it through the times to come without miracles!
Get used to the coming unlikeliness of making it without miracles!
See, if I needed miracles, and youre a follower of Mine, get used to the fact that youll needem, too! (17:163)

Youve got to learn to make it through the tough times, if you want to be My instrument during the toughest ones to come. And
theres no chance to make it through those than getting used to other and harder circumstances than the sort youve been used to.
Another thing youve got to get used to: the need of miracle-power. (17:168)

Others who have to make it through harder times in general, you hardly see them suffering as much. Thats the advantage of being
more used to it. (17:170)

Get used to needing prayer! - Bringing Our Power into action by asking for it.
If you dont know yet how youll make it through the day, get used to the fact that thats the way it will be in times to come! (17:171)

Dont be too shocked that you cant make it without Me, but see it as something to get used to!
Cant make it without Me? Thats good! Its good to get used to it for the roughest time in history for My followers - and anyone that
doesnt want to become a robot of the devil in the flesh.
Get used to needing miracles in order to make it! And so, get used to needing the God of Miracles!
In order to become useful in senses of fruitfulness for My Kingdom, get used to depending on Me!
If things and circumstances are getting tougher and tougher for you to bare, get used to it, for circumstances will become tougher
with our enemy gaining more and more power over the globe, and things in the gear of the flesh will just not be able to see you
through whats coming! (17:180)

Lifes a battle, but youve got to get used to it! (17:181)

Get used to not relying on your own strength, but on Mine! (17:185)

If circumstances are tough right now, just get used to the fact that theyre on their way to become tougher, yea, the toughest of
history! (17:187)
You just have to get used to the fact that times will get extremely tougher. So, dont be too shocked about the fact that Im letting
them get tougher for you already to prepare you for whats coming!
Concerning whats coming, your relationship with Me will be what will see you through. - The only thing that will manage to. So, why
not get used to that already?
If times have a drastic flavor, just get used to that taste, remembering whos in charge temporarily down there to show what
mankinds decisions and choices will lead up to! (17:189)

Get used to the tough scope and become stronger in the spirit, so that you dont feel knocked out after every little unpleasant
experience! (17:190)

Remember that sticking to it is often a part of My will for you that you should make an effort to attend, even if it may not as easy
and inviting as what you may have been expecting, or its a bit tougher than what youve been used to! Then again, tougher than
what youve been used to is just something youve got to get prepared for considering times to come! (17:195)

Sorry that there arent any more pleasant times and experiences, and youre just going to have to get used to making it through the
hard ones, but what can you expect from a world run by the enemy of God and His people? - Soon to be run by him to the utmost
extent of history. (17:196)

Situations with advantages in this world just about always have their disadvantages, too and most of the times your choices
depend on whether you manage to cope with the latter ones, which might also just take some time to get used to and learn how to
handle them.
You just have to get used to the fact that there wont be any perfect ones. (17:197)

Get used to the fact that life is just a long series of tests of faith in order to make that faith grow and become stronger in spite of the
factor of the enemys forces growing by the day over the world youre presently in! (17:199)

Get used to depending on the miraculous and supernatural aid and Strength to make it from Above!
Get used to the small reliability on humans around! Get used to the necessity of dependence on Me and all the Help from Above you
can get through faith - the factor you should get used to the fact that itll be the most important one to make it through whats
coming! (17:203)

As far as the disastrous state this world is in is concerned, it wont be easy, but youve just got to deal with it as it comes. (17:205)

Folks sometimes have to get used to the fact that My followers arent all as physically capable as Samson and whether they do
basically becomes the factor whether it could possibly be My will for you to stay with them.
Remember to put your faith in Me, not in the situation youre in, nor the folks around it!
Im the One Whos going to have to see you through in the dark future, and you might as well get used to it right now. (17:207)

Evil circumstances are pretty much what will take the upper hand and reach their limits during the time of the ultimate and physical
reign of our enemy over the globe, and Im afraid its just inevitably something you must get used to. (17:210)

Tough days are there to prepare you for the toughest times of history coming.
So, dont be too astounded by the new feature and class of incidents, feelings and emotions - a dark stretch you hadnt been familiar
with but have to get used to under the aspect of the dark stretch of our enemys worldwide reign drawing nearer! (17:213)

Im preparing you, so that youll get used to the rhythm of not making it without Me.
If lifes a toughie the way it is right now, just get used to it, since the times coming will be an even much greater challenge to deal
with than whats facing you right now! (17:215)

In order for Me to get you ready for whats coming, youre just going to learn to cope with and get used to those rough and
unpleasant circumstances. (17:217)

Get used to the fact that you need Me, and that the closer we get to those times of trouble, the more youll need Me, and the closer
you have to draw toward Me!
Getting used to that key factor of various facts is what will lead you to spiritual victory.
So, get used to it and make it the key factor of your life: Youre on your way Here, your true Home, where none of the ugly things you
are presented with down there and have to march through will confront you! (17:218)

Conditions around you making it tougher is just something you have to learn to get used and adapt to. (17:219)

Remember that youve got to get used to rough circumstances and conditions, because thats one of the conditions to stand a
chance to make it through whats coming!
You have to get used to the fact that the state of the world is drifting further and further away from Our status of perfect every day!
The easy times are just over, and you have to get used to the fact that youve got to get ready and prepared for the roughest ones to
come! (17:220)
(Pros & Cons/Assets)
A lack of love for a Christian is always a disadvantage and a sin, because it is My commandment for you to love others. (IV:26)

When ones only cause has become their own advantage, it has become a sad cause indeed. (IV:112)

The knowledge of evil is always geared toward personal advantage over someone else, and personal gain. The knowledge of good
serves to do good to others. (IV:135)

If you feel bad about being too weak to make it on your own through this life, be comforted and know that I dont see that weakness
as a handicap at all, but rather as a strength and an asset that will give you an advantage over others who will have to go the long
detour of finding out that making it in their own strength will not lead them to that closeness with Me where their innermost heart and
core of their being would really yearn to go. (IV:136)

The knowledge of evil is designed to give man an advantage over another. (IV:137)

Its a privileged position to have been called apart from the world by Me, and you should see it as a definite advantage, not a
disadvantage or handicap of some kind, as if you were being left behind or forgotten and ignored. (IV:138)

Staying dropped out offers you the advantage that youre really free. (IV:141)

Being attuned to the Spirit World has many advantages. It helps you to be more sensitive to the needs of your present situation, and
helps you to tune in to others and their needs better, to have greater understanding for them, since your spirit helpers are in touch
with theirs, and they can help each of you to find common ground. (IV:145)

The main reason why I want you to avail yourself of the advantages and services of the Spirit Realm is so that you can know and let
others know as well that youre not alone. You have not been forsaken. Youre in good hands, and no matter what hard times on Earth
you may go through, there is help for you available and close by, accessible to anyone via the hand of faith and the mere effort of
asking for it. (IV:147)

In the Spirit World We wont discriminate you because of your age, because everyone Here knows that age is pretty much irrelevant,
or rather, how much of an advantage it can be to have greater experience. (IV:185)

Youre in no way disadvantaged, even if you may presently find yourself in a wee minority and vastly outnumbered. Remember My
stance on the numbers of man! They dont really impress Me, and neither should you be impressed by them. (IV:194)

To become skilled in the arts of spiritual communication can really be of great advantage to you. (IV:236)

I see farther ahead than you can, and I can see the advantage in a seemingly negative situation that you cant possibly see yet. (IV:273)

My goal is that you become so gung ho over Me and this big advantage you have over others by having Me as that permanent Source
of everything you need, that you will more gladly, more willingly, readily and openly share Me with them, offer Me to them and
advertise Me to them, so that they can benefit from My Presence in their lives, too, the same way you would recommend a good film,
book or piece of freeware. (IV:303)

The advantage of being a nobody: you dont have to wonder how you fit into the picture. (IV:309)

Its time you recognize My advantages over any earthly ally you can have! (IV:336)

I let you see both sides of the coin: the advantages and disadvantages of different options, and I want you to carefully make your
choice. (IV:447)

Focus on the Power of the Spirit you possess and consider this your greatest forte, your greatest asset! (IV:535)

Life always has its pros and cons, and the challenge for you is to look at the positive side, the donut, not the hole, and count your
blessings. (11:41)

I didnt pursue the road that led to My own good and advantage, but literally, My destruction, in favor of the good of others. And thats
the pattern I left for My serious followers (11:101)

The game of the world is all about seeking ones own advantage over others competition and winning over your adversaries and
opponents. How much of a good, voluntary loser just for the sake of demonstrating that youre not part of that game can you be?

Youve got the advantage that youre there to learn from the best and greatest Teacher of all, and thats an opportunity you should not
fail to appreciate and recognize! (12:61)
In most peoples minds, the most noble cause is always their own
Thats where My path differs from theirs, because I didnt pursue the road that led to My own good and advantage, but literally, My
destruction, in favor of the good of others. And of course, thats basically the pattern I left for My serious followers (12:101)

The game of the world is all about seeking ones own advantage over others competition and winning over your adversaries and
opponents. How much of a good, voluntary loser just for the sake of demonstrating that youre not part of that game can you be?

Learning to handle roughness is not a disadvantage, but something that makes you stronger in the spirit in other words, the way
that lasts! (16:15)

Human beings are so entangled in their momentary state, that it takes some disadvantages of their situations and conditions to make
or help them to look forward to something better to come.
Those rough times somehow draw you closer to Me; and isnt that an advantage?
Getting through the rough and tough times draws you closer to Me than just basically striving for your own advantages when things
are flowing normal. (16:46)

The seeming disadvantages of a place making you more dependent on Me than the systems help is actually more of an advantage!

Making it your goal to please Us by doing Our will for you is definitely an advantage according to the rules and standards of Eternity,
and not just gear your behavior according to the temporal, worldly ways of success! (16:57)

If youre becoming aware of being dependent on My leading and guidance, thats a surplus, advantage and as youll find out, a
blessing from Above! (16:59)

Dont consider it a loss or disadvantage to get closer to the point where youll have to wave that temporal scene good-bye!
See the advantages of the Spirit above the flesh, and thus become more spiritually-minded! (16:61)

The enemy still keeps tempting you through your weaknesses, saying, Uh, you see? You dont deserve it! But if I were like that,
would I keep feeding you with input whenever you come before Me to receive it? And thats an advantage not everyone of My
believers has.
Well, I know that you need it. But isnt it another proof that weakness youre having to deal with is also an advantage? (16:62)

Tough times strengthen and prepare you for the rougher ones to come! It may not be pleasant, but see the advantage of the
strengthening factor!
Even the hard times have their advantage. And when you tend to forget them, remember: strengthening! (16:65)

Fleshly weakness is an advantage to Me, and as far as Im concerned. (16:79)

Physical surplus might sound like an advantage; but youll only make it through the miraculous support of Power from Above.
Can you see the advantage of putting your faith in the Spirit instead of carnal and physical conditions and circumstances? (16:90)

Those used to hard times will have their advantages at least they wont be struck as by lightning compared to those not being used
to hard times at all. (16:91)

Relying on Me instead of the abilities that saw you through will turn out a blessing and advantage, youll see! (16:92)

Remember that for Me its an advantage and a victory that this world isnt your home! (16:98)

The advantage of harder times: Even though your physical conditions and circumstances are tougher on you, your connection with
Me grows stronger.
So, try to see the advantages of physically weakened condition! Even though life has become tougher than ever before, focus on the
spiritual advantages! (16:100)

The enemy is using that human weakness where all theyre expecting is good and easy times, with his folks down there soon to take
big advantage of the masses being totally unprepared for trouble. (16:101)

If it makes you feel less at home in that world, what youre going through, take it as an advantage from My point of view! (16:105)

One of the advantages of loss: Teaching you to appreciate what formerly you took for granted. (16:108)

See, the Goal is a good universe; and what it takes is the inhabitants to learn the disadvantages of evil. (16:112)

No reliance on your own capacities? See it as an advantage in the point of view of whats to come!
While it may still hit you as a current disadvantage, trust Me that it will turn out an advantage in the long run, when no ones own
advantages will help to see them through whats to come if theyre on Our side, or simply not on the coming-to-rule enemys. (16:114)

Its good to stay as flexible as you can. Flexibilitys an advantage. (16:125)

See it as an advantage that youre not guided by the natural illusions most folks have about the world!
See it as an advantage that youre becoming more aware of whos currently still in charge of and spiritually governing it, and will
soon reach the point of his final and physical takeover of world government, the incident that will reveal to all where his leadership
will lead: not the Heaven on Earth that I offer, but hell!
- And learning that discernment another gift of the Spirit is another advantage, not a disadvantage.
If judgments coming, see and understand why, even if it includes disadvantages, and the former comfortable and easy-going life-
style coming to an end! (16:133)

If youre feeling a lot weaker than you did before, remember the advantages of physical weakness according to My Word! (16:137)

The dependence on the Spirit is an asset a pro, not a contra an advantage in the long run, even if physically an apparent
The apparent advantages and seemingly positive sentiments of the flesh arent really what Id call an advantage or a positive since
what I and all of Us Up Here advocate is a strengthening of the Spirit, not the physical sentiments of the flesh, which are rather
associated with lust (16:138)

Youll discover that spirit wont turn out a disadvantage, just because its mainly invisible down there. (16:142)

The times of trouble will have their purpose and advantages, too.
There will be an answer, and somehow its much easier to find when folks are less distracted by their physical and material
Thats why Im emphasizing the advantage of believing over seeing with your physical eyes: youve got to learn to see things in spirit,
not be geared toward the view of physical circumstances turning into their lousiest state ever. (16:147)

Disadvantages in the flesh may easily turn out to be advantages in the spirit!
See the advantage of Me directing you My way instead of your own, even if thats what youre more used to!
Trust Me that the weakening of your fleshly capacities is an advantage, because it causes you to trust and rely more on the Help and
Strength from Above, the only Things that will see you through whats to come!
See it as an advantage that youve got a bit more of a clue of whats coming, and youll have a bit more of an insight of whats up
when it all happens! (16:150)

The advantage of living and active communication with Me: getting the input, counsel and advice youre needing for the present,
along with preparations for whats to come. (16:154)

One day youll see this episode and time of weakness as an advantage, something that will turn out to have been the key to put your
trust in the Source of Strength that really counts, and goes way above physical abilities. (16:158)

Take it by faith that the state of weakness is a positive and an asset, because thats what will bring the heavenly Strength and Power
in you to life, which, when you dont need it and dont create a vacuum for it, it just wont be there! (16:161)

Why did We allow evil? To teach people to make the right choices, and not get tripped off on the wrong wavelengths and everyone
will be able to see where those lead.
Thats the apparent disadvantage of free choice and yet would there be liberty without it? (16:163)

See dependence on Heaven as an asset not everyone has the benefit and faith to enjoy! (16:170)

Not being able to manage what you tried to drew you to Me. Do you think Id consider that an asset or something negative? (16:173)

One of the disadvantages of relying on ones own, physical abilities: There will always come situations and difficulties too hard to
deal with in ones own capacities of the flesh; and thus, trusting in the heavenly Help and support and protection from Above is
with whats coming at the world a much safer way to ride and walk, and one of the reasons Were not letting times be as easy for
you as they have been in the past, where you were able to rely on your own abilities and capacities. (16:175)

It may not have any or a lot of advantage for you to make it through whats coming, but the fact that there will be people yearning for
what youve got to offer should lead and direct you into the willingness of making it through the dark times for their sake. (16:176)

The advantage of tough times: Raising your appreciation for heavenly Help.
If loving your Lord and God has been named by Me to be the first and most important commandment, see whatever draws you closer
to Me as an advantage, even if at first it may seem like a huge disadvantage!
Experiencing your heavenly Help through apparent and initial disadvantages is one of the main factors of circumstances and
incidents that draw you closer to Me, and one of the main reasons We allow them to happen. (16:178)

You may see it as a disadvantage that youre having such a hard time to cope with things, compared to the way you used to but I
see it as an advantage.
You dont know how youre going to get things rigged up, and it makes you feel a bit confused and hopeless. But since thats a
condition that makes you a lot more dependent on Me and the Help from Above, I can only see it as an advantage in connection with
the view of whats before you and the times to come.
Sometimes things just have to be taken the way they are, and in a case like yours and other believers, taken with the advantage of the
ability to avail yourself of the Heavenly Help offered to you in Our knowledge, that theres just no chance to make it through whats
coming without It. (16:180)

Feeling incapable? Take it as an asset for Me! (16:181)

The bad news Weve been giving to people for millennia, in order for some to get prepared for the enemys grand finale when its
happening. And the vast majority of people cant see it yet. Your advantage: you wont be as shocked as they. (16:183)

Seeing the world the way I do may not seem like an advantage to you at first Just trust Me, that its the more realistic point of view
of things of the conditions of a place run by our enemy. (16:184)

Drawing you into a state of dependence on Help from Above youll see as an advantage and necessary preparation when the
toughest conditions will have arrived. (16:193)

One of the advantages of not feeling comfy or at home in the world: youre much more prone to feel at Home Here where I am and
Were all ultimately expecting you. (16:197)

Trust Me that the ability to handle and accept the truth is an advantage! (16:199)

Think and feel like you cant make it? For you a disadvantage, maybe, but in Our eyes an asset, since it will force and drive you
closer to acting through Us, Our Strength and Power instead. (16:200)

Circumstances to cause you to yearn for the victory over the state they leave you in are likely to turn out to be an advantage for you,
since they make you more desperate for My Help and input, and thus youre simply more likely to get it. (16:204)

See the advantage of children, and why I said, Become as little children? They dont worry as much. (16:207)

See the advantage of feeling incapable! (17:1)

The advantage of having to go through tough times: you get used to them, and learn how to handle them better than when all you
were still used to were easy times.
See the advantage of a situation causing you to do different things than just hanging in there? It makes you feel a bit more useful,
doesnt it? (17:10)

If you need My input to make it, its an advantage from My objective for both, you and Me.
The more you learn to tune in to Me, the more youll be able to act according to My will for you, because youll be more conscious of
what exactly it is. (17:14)

Dont see the need of My leading and guidance as an utter disadvantage, but get closer to and hooked on the advantage of
depending on My Spirit, leading and guidance! Its what youll need and be dependent on in the not too distant future! (17:16)

Your non-comfortability down there for Us is an advantage and a positive! It reminds you, you dont belong there. Just as I didnt, and
all My true saints didnt and dont. (17:22)

See the tough times as a potential advantage in certain aspects! (17:25)

New situations require something different than leaning on ones own abilities, habits and experience. Dealing with the new, and
learning how to do that is one of the advantages of getting or being used to changes. (17:27)

The more its up to Us, whether youll make it or not, the greater the challenge to Us, and youll finally in the end realize and
recognize it as an ultimate advantage.
When you dont know how to do it on your own, the greater the chance for Us to play Our part, because the need for Us is there, and
someday youll recognize that as an unexpected, positive advantage.
Just handle the tough circumstances the best you can! And learn how to deal with the fact of them getting tougher!
If they make you feel like wanting to run out of that world, well, in My eyes, and from My point of view, a positive reaction and
advantage! (17:31)

Protection from Up Here is something you need, and youll need all the more in darker days up ahead.
Getting familiar with those necessities is an advantage. Becoming more aware of a growing need and necessity is a plus. (17:41)

See it as an advantage in the long run, whatever keeps you humble! (17:55)

One of the advantages of being a child of God in a world thats not their home: having the Father and His Host take care of you. (17:62)

Consider dependence on Me and Help from Above an advantage, since there are times coming when that ability will be an utter
necessity! (17:63)

Putting up with different ways is something positive if you consider how different Our ways are from the common human ways and
behavior. So, let part of it be helpful to get you ready for the different thats coming! It has an advantage over getting stuck in ruts.

If you dont know whats going to happen, its not a disadvantage, just a reason and incentive to ask Us about it. (17:70)

See your own weakness as an advantage that causes you to rely more on Us! A state that you will discover over time as an asset,
too. (17:72)

Not much self-confidence left? To Me thats an advantage, because it shows youre becoming dependent on Me and the Help from
Above. A positive advantage over self-confidence from a heavenly point of view.
If the circumstances around you arent rosy, take it as the advantage of growing dependence on Me and heavenly Strength, not your
My input gives you spiritual Strength and encouragement. - One of the advantages of communication with Me.
When someone becomes dependent on My input and their communication with Me, thats an asset from My point of view.
My point of view is a factor of the advantage of believing vs. seeing. (17:76)

I dont want you to see your present incapability as a disadvantage, but as a coming advantage that will enable Me to do things
through you that you couldnt possibly accomplish by yourself, and definitely not in times to come! (17:82)

With life having been made as easy as it has been, its hard to adjust to tough times and get back to a rougher life of faith, but trust
Me that itll turn out an advantage once you come to grips with the facts of what the future truly holds! (17:83)

When someones pretty much all-knowing, and still open for new input from experiences, would that be a pro or con, a positive or
negative quality according to your opinion? (17:85)

No idea how to make it? Well, that shows you need some Help from Above. And I consider that an advantage.
So, see the situations you dont feel youll manage as a heavenly advantage! - An advantage for Us to make something better out of
them. (17:88)

Seeing the disadvantages of the fleshly existence ought to help you see the advantages of the coming spiritual one. (17:89)

If everyone else around you seems to be expecting things to keep going the way they are forever, let it make you see preparation as
a rare positive and advantage! (17:91)

The challenge for believers is to focus and rise above the disadvantages caused by the evil forces ruling down there temporarily, and
keep the vision Up Here: your Goal and Destination. (17:93)

Remember that I see it as an advantage when My folks dont feel like they can make it by themselves!
To depend on Me, a factor that draws you closer to Me, is definitely an advantage, dont you think? (17:99)

Advantages you learn to appreciate after experiencing disadvantages. So, even disadvantages have their assets, even if just to make
folks appreciate what they didnt before them. (17:101)

Cant make it without Me? See it as an advantage!

Dont see your weakened physical state as a disadvantage, but as important preparation to get you in the right groove to make it
through whats coming! (17:105)

The advantage of Me working out things and circumstances for My believers to make it through the day is being prepared for the
groove folks will have to get into when the dark and evil times arise. (17:110)

Its part of human nature to seek advantages of a material kind. It stems from the ego and is a natural ingredient; however, the one
where selfishness comes from, too and its one of the main reasons I have to make new creatures out of My followers, if they want
to manage to become a good, godly, and thus divine sample, instead of one of those of the god whose traits the majority of
humans have chosen and accepted instead
So, seek advantages of a spiritual kind the kind that by most folks on Earth might rather be labeled disadvantage but do it by
faith that you know - because you believe - that We Up Here know best! (17:118)

It takes an act of faith to see things in a different way from the way the masses around you do, but thats one of the factors why
difference from the crowd is an asset from Our heavenly point of view. (17:119)

So, youre different. See it as an asset!

Dont feel bad you cant even make it without input from My Spirit! Even if it may not look like an advantage from other folks point of
view, see it from the point of view of the Word that was made flesh! (17:123)

Whether youll go through your days in a positive manner and mood or condition, or negative, basically depends on whose side you
mentally and emotionally aim your focus.
Definitely another reason for the advantage to keep your focus aimed on Me.
My relationship with you is becoming more important to you, and thats a great asset. Especially in sight of the times to come, when
those who are Mine wont make it anymore without My daily personal leadings and guidance of their lives through the darkest
passage of history! (17:129)

Being older is not a disadvantage, as far as Im concerned. The older you are, the less you lean on the strength of the flesh, which
starts shrinking around that time, and you become more accepting of the fact that you need Help from Above. (17:131)

See the advantage of unpleasant circumstances: they draw your focus more toward the spiritual and better side of things! (17:132)

From My point of view, your weakened state is an asset for Me, since it just lets Me work through you a lot better than when you were
so confident in and relying on your own strengths and energies (17:134)

Its good and a big advantage to be and stay connected to Me, Who can reveal to you whatever you need to know. (17:146)

The more your dependence on Me grows, the more I see it as an advantage. (17:156)
Remember that I see not-knowing as an asset! Definitely compared to those who think they do. (17:159)

When you know better, but dont do better, well, thats a disadvantage. (17:166)

Others who have to make it through harder times in general, hardly suffer as much. Thats the advantage of being more used to it.
Being reminded of the fact that you need - and will need all the more in times to come - the Help from Above, is an asset, an
advantage, youll see even if right now you can only see it by faith. (17:170)

If circumstances arent perfect, make the effort to see the advantages of the ones I put you in, trusting Me that what I allow is the best
for you, even if its not perfect - something you just cant expect down there before My Return! (17:177)

Trust in Me as your greatest necessary Force, Weapon, Advantage and Bonus to make it! (17:179)

Ill help you to handle everything going on around you, and youll experience the advantages, youll see!
See Me as the most powerful Asset in your life! - My Presence in you.
So, give Me a chance to display that asset of My Presence in your life, and dont listen to the negative input of the enemy that makes
you feel sorry for yourself over unpleasant circumstances! (17:180)

When you need Me and realize how much you need Me, its a positive as far as Im concerned, and eventually youll learn to agree
with Me on that and see it as an advantage, too.
Even though you dont like it to feel physically weak and incapable, youll learn in the long run about the advantage of relying on My
Strength and Power to help and see you through instead of your own.
The apparent disadvantages of feeling so incapable and maybe not knowing exactly what to do or how youll manage to do it will just
make you more aware of your dependence on Me and the Strength and Power from Above. (17:185)

Can you see the advantage it bears for Me, that you just dont feel like you can make it on your own?
So, dont see it as a negative, although it may seem that way to you, but see it as a positive for Me, and thus, both of us!
The capability of relying on ones own knowledge and understanding can be a disadvantage, when relying on the Knowledge and
Wisdom from Above is something becoming absolutely needed and necessary with Earth being ruled by the guy with the evil
knowledge that started all the trouble to begin with.
Keep your focus geared and directed toward the Spirit and realize Its advantages over those according disadvantages of the flesh
and physical conditions to deal with! (17:187)

With the miracles needed to make it in the future, the ability of faith, to put your trust in Me instead of your own strengths and
abilities is an advantage. - Even if its purely an advantage of faith, one youve got to believe in, even if youve been used to your own
capacities more in times past.
See your physical weakness the way I see it: as an advantage that will raise your strength of the spirit! (17:190)

Allowing others to have a physical advantage over you is part of love.

Count your blessings! See them as such, even if at first they might strike you as a bit of a disadvantage what the enemy probably
tries to get you to look at them as!
To count your blessings and accept them as such means to also recognize them as such, and not believe in the enemys method of
picturing them as disadvantages. (17:191)

To realize the advantages of their true God and Creator, the world first needs to recognize the disadvantages of a fake god ruling over
them. (17:193)

One of the advantages of time shall be no more (Rev.10:6): Therell be no more impatience, either. (17:194)

Situations with advantages in this world just about always have their disadvantages, too and most of the times your choices
depend on whether you manage to cope with the latter ones, which might also just take some time to get used to and learn how to
handle them.
Thats why its an advantage to get as heavenly minded as you can and direct your spiritual focus Up Here. Keep your vision on your
heavenly Goal and destination, your true and lasting Home! (17:197)

Trust Me, that to seek to be a blessing to those around you will turn out with more and greater blessings than just seeking personal
blessings for oneself. Its that confirmation of the advantage of seeking to give over just expecting to receive.
So, continue seeking to be a blessing to others, staying mindful of that advantage over just seeking blessings for yourself!
Instead of expectations from others, open-mindedness and receptivity toward the expectations or desires of others toward you is an
advantage. (17:198)

Dont feel too bad about being dependent on Me! By now you should know the advantage of it.
Remember the disadvantages of being a man-pleaser, and make the effort to be a Lord-pleaser instead! (17:202)

So, you need Me. How do you think I see that? As a surplus and advantage, or some kind of hindrance?
Life just isnt all about yourself anymore? See that as an advantage or disadvantage? (17:203)

See the advantage of getting used to tough times and circumstances making folks more resistant toward the potential toughness of
life, and since tough times are heading toward the globe, and whats to go through as useful and necessary preparation for whats
coming! (17:204)

Your lack of abilities for Me theyre even more of an advantage, to let My Strength come forth through you for My service, and My
Light and the Holy Spirit, in order to do the work for the Father. (17:207)
Trusting in and relying on Me instead of physical advantages will be the key to make it through whats to come. (17:215)

No matter how drastic the difference between right and wrong, most folks still yield to the temptations of the wrong ways. And Were
hoping experience will teachem and show them what the pros and cons of the results are, and whether they should keep going in the
wrong way or welcome a positive change, and then cling to that direction. (17:217)

Getting older has its physical disadvantages, but see the spiritual advantage, that it draws you closer to Me, makes you more
dependent on Me than your own former physical capacities, and as a method of improvement in the spirit, even if in the flesh it may
not seem that way! (17:218)

Its only your position that changes. I am the Lord, I change not. - Yesterday, today, forever... the same. I am constant. Constantly and
permanently there for you, just like the air all around you, just like the universe all around you. As long as the universe is there, you
can be assured that Im still there, too!

The way sinful human nature is programmed, is that you always attempt to provide for yourself without Help from Above or rather,
without acknowledgment of all the Help you're receiving from Me in the first place, all the Help and supply you're taking for granted:
the air you breathe, the sunshine that makes growth and life possible, etc. And then you look around for what else you can take for
granted without having to thank Me: take another human being that pleases you and all they have to offer you, and wind up taking
them for granted as well, until you get tired of them and start looking around for another one...

Unless you become dependent on Me for the very air you breathe and every breath you take, every bite of food you eat and
everything you do and need, life is a farce, and you will only become distracted in the deceitful rut of survival and meaninglessness.

This battle field of life can become pretty hostile territory when you allow the Enemy to disturb the equilibrium of things just a little
bit and allow him to take a little bit of the proportions, one tiny measurement of one of the essential ingredients out of your life, that
enable you to breathe properly. After all, that's what those poisonous gases in warfare are supposed to do: to disable the enemy and
stop him from breathing. Another allegory of life with spiritual background.
If I'm the air that you breathe, don't let the enemy rob you of it! Don't let him kill you with his poisonous gases, don't let him choke
you, suffocate you, don't let him steal your oxygen. Defend your right to breathe! (III:112)

I dont want to scare you of the future, but if you would see the severity of the impending doom, you would act completely differently!
You would dig out the Word and start reading & memorizing as if your life would depend on it as much as breathing. I will have to
become your oxygen, if you want to survive the days to come! I will have to become your only light, your bread, your water, and
everything you need to live, for the Devil is going to try to cut all other means of supply.

Sooner or later, every human being will have to come face to face with the fact you have accepted long ago, but for them will be a
bitter truth, that without Me you can do nothing. Lets face it: without Me you cant even breathe. They think they can, because, after
all, theyve got lungs & oxygen. But Who made the lungs & the oxygen? And Who created the process that made an endless supply
of oxygen possible? Man? Theyre trying their damnedest to destroy & stop that process with their pollution & murdering of the
forests. Just because they refuse to give the credit to Me doesnt change a thing about the fact that Im still responsible for it.
Air is a good description of My nature: It is invisible, yet vital & all around you. Sometimes it is warm & still & sometimes whips your
faith in strong winds, or wreaks judgment over the Earth in fierce storms. Mostly taken for granted, you never miss it as much as
when its not there, just like people are most desperate for Me when I remove the things that keep them alive, when theyre nearing
their death... Thats when they realize in terror that they cant survive another minute without that certain something theyve been
taking for granted all their lives, like a drowning man.
Well, better late than never, but how much more advanced are those who already acknowledge My presence & the importance of
including Me, and your dependence on Me. Independence is alright, as long as you dont dream of independence from Me. Its as if
the Earth would declare its independence from the sun & drift off into space. Its like a fishs independence from water, or a plants
independence from light or yours from the air... you cant do without it. Ive written it all over My handiwork: You need Me, you cant
do without Me any more than a fish can do without water, a plant can do without light, no more than you can live without air: Without
Me, you can do nothing!

Im tossing you into the water & youll only be able to breathe by My miracle-working grace & power. Its pretty hard to trust in
yourself when you need a miracle to even breathe.

The good thing about learning to breathe under water is that youll be prepared & wont drown when the flood comes, and the flood is
going to come. Youll already have learned to depend on Me for every miraculous breath you take, nothing taken for granted,
surviving on My supernatural power every moment, every second.

I want you to indulge more in the spiritual riches & wealth Im pouring out on you, emphasize more on them, acknowledge their
greater importance, become more dependent on them & make greater use of them!
They are your supply of oxygen while youre learning to breathe under water! I am your oxygen! And neglecting Me in such a
situation is a very dangerous thing to do!

Im your oxygen! Breathe Me in, & youll keep wide awake & full of energy! Let Me be your oxygen, your energy, your Everything!
Anything you need... youve got it!

Don't stop giving, don't stop loving, for loving never stops!
It's like breathing, or a heartbeat: the moment you stop, it dies. Love has to continue, it is alive, and in order to keep it alive, you have
to keep loving, keep using it, keep moving.

I am the Oxygen that will keep this flame alive, and as long as you're aware of how much you depend on Me, it is going to keep

When nothing on earth will go or flow anymore, no more gas, no more oil, no more water, no more electricity, then My power will still
be running through you! And one fine day, that'll be all that will be needed: My power!
In a way, all is My power - or a physical manifestation of it, anyway: every breath you take is already a manifestation of power! Only
then it will be obvious & clear to everyone where it all came from in the first place!

Everything is a miracle: every breath you take is a wonder of My creation, a gift of My love, grace & benevolence to you. Every meal
you eat is a token of My love & supply to you, and if you just learn to see everything as a miracle in the first place (instead of taking it
all for granted), then you'll also have more faith for other miracles, or for Me to continue doing the same miracles, even when the
"normal" flow of supply should stop.

Use some love-power & fill your life with its fragrance, with its shine and magic!
Make it come to the point where you breathe prayer. Breathing is a lot like prayer. You breathe in My life-giving oxygen, you spiritually
inhale My Spirit, My love, My force, and you exhale it again, as you breathe out positiveness, your positive influence on the world.

If you think of prayer as something similar to breathing, a process in which you constantly inhale and exhale My Spirit, as the life-
giving power that will sustain your spirit, just as oxygen keeps you alive in the physical, then you'll get the gist of what I mean.
Every breath you take brings new life to your body, keeps it from dying. Why not do the same thing to your spirit? Why allow it to
"die" or even feel worn out and tired and without any strength, when you can be constantly renewed with heavenly fresh air and
constant new whiffs of My Spirit?
Let Me save you again! Let Me refill you again! Let Me save you again and again from the death of this life, and be reborn and
renewed over and over again into the power of eternal life! There's so much more you haven't even begun yet to experience, to taste,
to see and feel and hear and see, and to breathe! Breathe! Breathe in Me with every breath you take! Breathe Me in!

As you breathe Me in, I will breathe upon you the breath of life, the breath that first caused Adam to awaken, and brought forth life
from non-living matter; and so it will raise you from death to life - from a life, once so death-like, to a life truly lived in My Love, My
exuberant joy, My victory, My Spirit.

Everyone who thinks they can do without Me will find out that they can do just about as fine without Me in the long run as they can
do without air (IV:495)

Just remember Im your Oxygen, and you need Me as desperately as a deep sea diver needs oxygen under water. He wouldnt let
anybody talk him out of taking his oxygen along, nor would he let anything or anyone distract him from strapping those bottles on.
Hed realize he wouldnt get very far without it, and likewise you must realize that you wont get very far without Me.
Its a fight and an effort, just as it is for the diver to strap on those bottles, keeping them refilled and hauling them around Coming
to think of it, its easier having Me along, isnt it? (11:24)

See dependence on Me just as much as you know youre dependent on air, light and water!
If you cant make it without Me, definitely dont see it as a negative! - See it as a fact just like the one that you cant make it without
air, light and water! (17:110)

All Things
What do you think it means when it says ...in all things tempted like as we are...? - A-L-L. (I:9)

Focus on Me, Who giveth you richly all things to enjoy, the eternal Giver and Source of every good and perfect gift: your only link
with true happiness. (I:11)

As long as you learn from your mistakes, nothing is lost. Even your mistakes made are then one of all things which work together
for good for them that love Me. (I:15)

All things work together for good to you because you love Me and are called and chosen according to My purpose. (I:516)
Put aside your carnal mind and be ready to expect what you think is impossible to happen! Give Me a chance to prove to you what is
"impossible" and what not! I tell you what's impossible: nothing is! There is no such thing as impossible to Me! I can change any life!
Everything and anything is possible with Me, and you insult Me and hurt Me if you put Me in a box and say, "Sorry, Lord, but it's quite
obvious that You're not going to be able to do that!
I might just do it in order to prove to you how wrong you are in putting Me or anyone else for that matter in a box, because anything
is possible, and anyone can change! Anything can happen - there are no limits to what I can do. (I:577)

If you refuse the enemy's or the System's or even your own labels of "good and bad" and you start to realize that all things deserve
the label "good," because I have said it (Rom. 8:28), then why not just praise Me? (II:267)

All things that I have brought about in your life, every stream of input, every influence, every contact, every friendship... they all work
together toward My grander plan. Everything will make sense someday, even the apparently senseless. (II:296)

What would you do, where would you go, if you really believed that all things were possible to you? (II:308)

If you keep on believing, all things are possible, and nothing, I really mean nothing, shall be impossible! (II:322)

Having all things in common is opposed to the System's idea of privacy. (II:403)

Not all things are as they seem. If you go and dig beneath the surface of what it seems like, you'll discover a different picture. (II:407)

If all things are possible to him that believeth, it's only your own fault if things aren't the way they should in your life. (II:430)

There's nothing you cannot do, and "you can do all things, through Christ, which strengtheneth you" (Phil.4:13). (II:444)

Why try in your own strength to add cubits to your stature, when all things come from Me in the first place? (II:462)

I don't give up on you prematurely, but I love you with a Love which hopeth all things, beareth all things, believeth all things." (II:465)

Learn to look past the circumstances and conditions, past the way things are, and beyond their current state, to a future where all
things are the way they ought to be! (II:466)

Make sure you do all things "to the glory of God" (1.Cor.10:31)! Then you don't have to worry about the outcome and you don't have to
take it all into your own hands or take the burden of the responsibility for the outcome on yourself. (II:528)

Just as all things are possible to him that believeth, all things are impossible to him that believeth not, because faith is what makes
everything possible in the first place. (II:575)

I can do all things and am able to change every life that you allow Me to touch through you. (II:576)

Make each day as if it were the first day of a new period of your life, and it is, because it's a different period than the past. It's the
present: the beginning of the future, where you can do all things differently than you ever did them before.
This day, I can make all things new.
I give you My Power to overcome all things, even death! (II:625)

It takes the "sting" out of what you're experiencing when you know it's for your good, like all things. (III:51)

Everything belongs. And everybody, too! You're not supposed to tackle it all by yourself. (III:63)

The more you look unto Me, the greater One beyond yourself enabling you to do all things, and without Whom you're able to do
nothing, the more powerful you will also become in My Might. (III:77)

All things are possible to him that believeth. It seems impossible? Make it possible, by believing anyway! You can make it possible,
you can make it happen through your faith, because all things are possible to him that believes. (III:78)

As you shrink in the significance of the nothingness of this world around you, you grow in all things that really count. Welcome from
the world of nothingness to the World of All Things!
True happiness lies only in acknowledging Me and giving the glory and honor to Whom it is due by respecting Me as the Source of
happiness and life and all things. (III:130)

All things will come and go, but I am the one Factor that remains. (III:196)

The goal is not to remain in isolation, but Salvation in itself is a means of bringing the soul into the great union of all things, the
Kingdom of Heaven. (III:228)

Only if you realize that all things come from My hand and are - contrary to what may seem at first glance - carefully planned, are you
able to appreciate all the factors in your life for what they really are, the tremendous blessings in disguise you so often take for
granted. (III:248)

Trust that all things that come to you come from My hand, and that I know what's best for you! (III:254)

It's the equilibrium of all things and a just measure of all the ingredients that make up the secret of life. (III:262)
Communication with the other, the different, that's what it's all about: the re-unification of all things... (III:266)

I can do all things through those who let Me strengthen them! (III:298)

It isn't always easy to do all things purely for the right reasons... (III:305)

If your focus really is primarily on Me, and I've got true top priority among all things and people that are of interest to you and intrigue
you, then you'll be a lot quicker to forgive, and it will be much easier for you to cope with the failures of others. (III:342)

It doesnt say, I can do all things through the great and mighty church Im affiliated with. It says, I can do all things through Christ
which strengtheneth Me. (III:390)

My Words are the living essence of all things, and they have creative Power. (III:397)

Time will tell who will have really learned the lesson of reliance on Me, and who will truly rise above all things, empowered by Me and
My Spirit alone, not by natural abilities. (III:431)

Why do all things work together for good for those who love God? - Because they are obeying the greatest of all commandments,
which is to love the Lord thy God. (III:433)

I dont like for all things to be all the same, and you can see that in creation all over, where not one animal, not one tree, is exactly like
the other. (III:489)

When you trust in riches, instead of the living God Who giveth richly all things to enjoy, then youre in trouble. (III:520)

If you remember that all you have is what youre being given by Me, you can view all things from a different viewpoint. (III:583)

I will only honor those with true and lasting riches, who honor Me as the Giver, Owner and Maker of all things. (III:590)

As long as you believe that all things are possible, youll know that even if you get stuck along the way, seemingly without any
strength or resources to continue, Ill be able to supply you with what you need. (IV:21)

Thats where faith is needed: to recognize those blessings in disguise, which will often have a more positive effect on the overall
outcome than the seemingly and initial good things. All things work together for good to them that love Me, not just the supposedly
good things. (IV:26)

I asked you if you would be willing to become all things for all men, and willing to let Me make absolutely nothing out of you, so that I
could talk and move and breathe in and through you.
When the clouds of judgment on the horizon that they now refuse to see will be hovering right over them, theyll make it evident that
all things are not the way theyre supposed to be. (IV:64)

Trust in My Promise that I will restore all things to an extent far beyond anything you could imagine right now! (IV:68)

The times indeed are changing, and all things wont continue as they have been, and My people are the first who must take note of
the changes, if they want to be any help in leading the rest of the sheep and letting them know whats going on. (IV:69)

In all things, its the sample that counts so much more than the sermon. (IV:76)

Why should I let all things continue as normal, if theyre not the way they should be? (IV:82)

When all the noise and clamor is over, what will remain is My still small voice uttering the Words and the music that keeps the
universe turning, the music of all things, the song of creation.
The tryings and purgings of time erode all things that are not really real, all false premature conclusions, no matter for how long they
may have been worshiped and obeyed as truths.
Even the degree to which all things including man are deteriorating is carefully planned, and the story that had a perfect
beginning, in which all things were found as good, will also have a perfect ending, in which all things will again be found as
good, and, perhaps even a little better than before, due to all the precious lessons that will have been learned from mans little
detour into the world of evil. (IV:87)

The difference between you and them is a very fundamental one: Theyre leaving Me out of their equation and calculation of all
things, and you dont. (IV:90)

Thats a Promise to cling to: Behold, I make all things new (Rev.21:5). (IV:95)

I have charged you not to put your trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God Who gives you freely all things to enjoy (1.Tim.6:17).

All things come from My hand, and every blessing you enjoy, so how would I not be able to supply your needs, when I have really
done it all along, perhaps only without you fully realizing it and giving Me the glory and credit for it? (IV:156)

To adapt your mental standard to the reality that folks around you actually live in, in order for them to be able to relate to you is
another aspect of becoming all things to all men. (IV:167)
To keep shining is a test of spiritual strength only I can give, and a work of My grace, but as in all things, you must do what you can.

Life isnt entirely easy to figure out these days, and its definitely a challenge to make sense of it, and to keep your mind on the goal.
You wonder, Wheres the sense in this? But if truly all things work together for your good, then you must also trust Me that its true
with these things that seemingly dont make any sense (IV:184)

See Me in all things, perceive Me in all things, and thus it is without question that I actually am in all things. (IV:204)

I can make all things new, and even the old things get a new touch if I breathe on them and blow them your way with a new twist, a
new viewpoint and angle (IV:217)

I preserve unto Myself a special remnant that I refine unto Myself so that they, contrary to the course of the rest of all things, do
improve and get better over time.
A lot of things definitely used to be better in its past. - But not all things.
Look at My salvaging Power and capability to preserve anything out of this crumbling world, including anyone who will turn to Me
and thus refuse to take part in the process of all things decaying! (IV:240)

All thats required is a little patience, a little hope, and some faith that its going to happen in due time, and that all things are moving
toward the point of total revelation!
If one would try to explain all things to the carnal mind, it couldnt handle it.
I will ask you instead to have a little faith and look toward that day when all things shall be revealed. (IV:243)

Faith is taking the craziness of it all and the apparent mess that life consists of, and wrapping it up in a bundle of faith, trusting Me
for it, and as I have promised that in due time all things shall be revealed and they will wind up making perfect sense to you.

The Spirit is where all things physical come from. (IV:305)

The big problem is that the primary thing people focus on is the object of their desire, whatever they think will grant them security or
fulfillment of whatever happens to be their greatest need, more than on the Giver, the One Who gives all things in the first place.

Let Me guide you well, and all things are going to be alright, and you wont have to have a bad conscience at the end of your path
about your actions. (IV:328)

Untold numbers of people experience the typical shock every day because they did not make preparations for unexpected changes,
because they believed all things would continue as they were. (IV:333)

Your help and strength cometh from the Lord which made Heaven and Earth, and thus you can do and handle all things I put before
you. (IV:350)

Maybe youre just going to have to trust and believe that you can do all things through Me (IV:369)

The wonderful truth is: nothing is ever really lost, because I am well capable of retrieving all things for you. (IV:376)

Its not always good to have all things coming at you all too easily. (IV:383)

Test Me whether Im not able to fulfill My Promises to you that you can indeed do all things through Me and overcome any obstacles
and enemies! (IV:385)

All things I give, including Salvation, My gifts, My support, protection, blessings, etc., often and mostly come undeserved and in
exchange for nothing more than folks asking Me for them. (IV:403)

In the crucial time of the worlds history thats coming ever closer to the great showdown, all things will be settled and decided

Im the Restorer of all things the Creator and Restorer. (IV:451)

I am the Master of all things, King of attention to details. (IV:456)

I do all things well, I make all things good, including you. (IV:463)

If you can take it by faith that all things, howbeit far from perfect, yet serve their perfect purpose, and you can trust that I know
exactly what Im allowing to be and come to pass, then you will fare well. (IV:491)

I do all things well. That means, I dont mess things up. (IV:492)

How about this for another approach of becoming all things to all men: To the Romans as a Roman, to the Jews a Jew, to the
lonely as one of them? How can you, unless youve been there? (IV:493)

You simply cannot reconcile both worlds, the old and the new. One will take over the other, and as you know, it is I Who will make all
things new. (11:9)
The carnal human tendency is to assume that all things will continue as they are and as theyve always been. But the truth is, they
wont. (11:49)

Heres a clue on what to do with and how to treat any differences between you: treat them in the same way you should treat the hole
in the donut of all things: just ignore them, and focus on whats there instead, namely the things you have in common! (11:62)

All things are connected somehow; and yet your only hope of union with all things as you desire it, is really drawing closer to Me
and allowing Me to draw you over to My side, which is actually the only true and real side, the lasting side of things, and distance
yourself from their way of seeing and handling things, which is really only a sad illusion; a shadow that will disappear, along with all
shadows, when the true Light appears.
Yes, all things are one, but it is much like a game in which there are two players, two parties; two sides. The game is one, but there is
only going to be one winner. (11:106)

Avail yourself of the same Power in the there and now that you know will also restore all things in the future! (11:111)

Cling to the Eternal! Find there a treasure much greater than any and all things you might have to let go in this life, and count them
not loss, but gains in that they bring you closer to Me! (11:113)

When you become all things to all men it shows you can relate. (11:128)

My fruit on Earth indeed was good, and that I thus was a good tree. I knew My Origins, and that what I was going to bring forth could
simply not turn out bad, for I am the Fathers Son, and He does all things well. (11:137)

You are a new creature in that you have a new Owner and Lord, and a new foundation upon which your house is built, but as to which
extent all things are become new, and the old has vanished away, is basically up to you and the speed at which You allow Me to work
in your building. (11:143)

Whether an obviously important and big role or a small side role in My Plan, its true significance and impact will only be revealed
when all things shall be revealed, and nothing shall remain hidden. (12:8)

The beginning of all things is hard. (12:10)

The best attitude of all for a believer to have is, I can do all things through Christ, and not leaving Me out of the equation. (12:50)

Acquiring the proper balance for all things requires experience which allows you to develop the ability to fine-tune and assess both
the output of your energies as well as discerning appropriately whats going on around you, to get an accurate picture of it all and
deal with it and act accordingly. (12:56)

The foolish havent learnt anything from history but believe that all things will stay the same and continue as they are. (12:67)

I am the Completion of all things, the missing piece that will fill in the holes, relieve all the pain, make whole whats broken and
mend all things. (12:80)

The true beauty in life lies in discovering the fact that theres a much greater Power at work there, in all things, than all the feverish
efforts of man combined, and that you can trust that Power fully. (12:88)

All things are connected somehow; and yet, as is clearly seen, there is also a great separation and division in creation.
So your only hope of union with all things as you desire it, is really drawing closer to Me and allowing Me to draw you over to My
All things are one, but it is much like a game in which there are two players, two parties; two sides. (12:106)

Avail yourself of the same Power in the there and now that you know will also restore all things in the future! (12:111)

Let Me make all things possible that may seem impossible to you right now! (15:193)

Lean on the Spirit from which all things come, not the flesh that still has a lot to learn on how to truly do things and operate! (2016:6)

Thats what it means to put all things into the proper perspective: the focus of love! (2016:45)

In a world where the enemy has managed to have just about everyone taught that all things came about by themselves through
evolution, witnessing has become one of the toughest tasks you cant really manage without the power of miracles from Above.

There comes a time when all things change for everyone, and others will appreciate then that someone has been a bit more prepared
for it. (2016:74)

Some things cant just be blamed on your inabilities, when I promised you that you could do all things through Me.
When youre supposed to have the faith of Philippians 4:13, I can do all things through Christ, Who strengthens me, then youre
also supposed to live and act according to that faith!
So, remember that you can do all things through Me, next time before the devil gives you the excuse, But you cant because of
this that, or the other! Amen? (16:77)
That little taste and groove of impossible for you is just part of preparation for the darkest times of history when itll take miracles
to make it through each day - Something to get you into the groove of All things are possible to him that believes, instead of
relying on your own carnal abilities. (16:92)

If theres a seemingly impossible situation coming up, just remember that all things are possible to him that believeth(Mark.9:23)!

Its wise to give thanks and be grateful what youve got and express that gratitude to your Maker and Supplier of all things. (2016:108)

Gear your focus toward the Spirit! If all things come from That since God is Spirit, Who made it all its good to keep your vision
and focus pointed There, toward the One Who made it all, and resist the temptations of him, who although still a spirit, too has
caused creation to wind up as an unpleasant place for those who prefer the good over evil. (2016:112)

I am the Word through which everything was made

If thats what all things were made of, it should give you the faith that it should also enable you to make it through anything that
comes, right? (2016:154)

To make positive out of historys greatest negative takes faith in the Word, which all things have been made and created of.
Dont let your feelings be the source of your faith, but make it the Word which, after all, made all things! (2016:162)

I gave My Promises on all things, knowing that a lot of what the enemy would come up with far beyond humans capacities of
imagination - youve just got to have faith in the fact that ultimately, all things are under Gods control, no matter what the enemy
might come up with! Have faith in the fact that We Up Here can overcome and thus help you to do so, too anything. No matter
how wicked, evil and atrocious a thing our enemy will come up with!
Just be ready and prepared for anything, so you can handle it through Our Promise and Power to enable you to deal with and handle
all things! Anything he might come up with! (2016:179)

When things seem impossible, its the time to test your faith in the truth and fact of Philippians 4:13: I can do all things through Christ
which strengtheneth me. Since I can do all things basically means: There is nothing impossible! Not for you, if you have that
faith that I can do anything not only for you, but also through you.
Right now you may not feel like being able to do all things, when you feel unable to do anything in the flesh but thats another
factor of feelings and emotions: I can do all things through you regardless of whether you feel like it, or not, and of whatever you feel
I can do all things through folks, regardless of what they feel like, whether they feel like I can do it through them, or not. (2016:181)

If all things around you were created by those Words, and Ive been the Incarnation of those Words, as John wrote theres gotta be
something to it thats greater than what you can see. Cant you see that? By faith? (2016:182)

Learning to deal with and handle the storms blowing around you another big lesson of the School of Life, and thus, not really
something to complain about, but take it as part of your curriculum, ordained as such by the Master of All Things.
See, having faith means having it for all things that are happening trusting in the Creator that He knows what Hes doing or
allowing. (2016:192)

If Gods a Spirit, along with the vast majority of His host, let Him show the world what is ultimately more powerful, being the Creator
of all things!
Remember that My coming to and birth on Earth where the manifestations of the Word becoming flesh by which all things were
created! (2016:195)

Put your trust in God Who is Spirit, through which all things were made, and youre more prone to make it through than your own,
physical capacities! (2016:207)

Get more bound and connected to the Spirit World, where all things come from!
Dont base your moods on the physical conditions and circumstances around you, but grab hold of the Power to overcome them
through prayer, through the Spirit! Remember that thats where all things come from and all things shall return! (17:6)

When the Word of God was made flesh, it signified the importance to pay attention to the One Whose Words ultimately all things
came from. (17:14)

Its easy to stay nice when all things around are nice. But how do you handle the ugly ones? (17:16)

It takes a lot more than mere natural human sense to figure out the sense and purpose in all things. (17:17)

You cant expect all things to stay the same. (17:25)

I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me (Phil.4:13) also means, without Me you wont be able to do anything to see
you through whats coming.
So, get used to the state of utter dependence on Me! (17:30)

What can you expect of a world run by Our enemy? The one whod love to be the destroyer of folks faith?
And yet again, what pulls you closer to Me and opens you for My input to send you comfort in desperation? So, all things have their
sense and purpose, even the devils evil attacks. (17:45)
Remember I can do all things through Christ, which strengtheneth Me (Phil.4:13), but when it comes to doing things in your own
capacities, its better to have the attitude I can do nothing. And thus remember what I told My disciples, Without Me ye can do
nothing (Jn.15:5).
If My Word is the beginning of creation and of life, its pretty much the beginning and Source of everything that matters and counts.
So, can you blame Me for letting it become the most important factor in your life, when its pretty much the Factor all things come
from? (17:68)

Count on heavenly, not earthly reliability!

Let it show you what it really means, In the beginning was the Word! - And all things were made by Him! (17:79)

Thats part of the way of faith: to learn to deal with things which to unbelievers and the faithless seem impossible but not to those
who believe in My Words: All things are possible to him that believeth (Lk.9:23). (17:87)

If the physical parts around you make it tough, its a sign to direct your focus on the Spirit! After all, isnt that where all things come
from, if thats what the Father and Mother are? (17:93)

Keep the faith that no matter how much circumstances and conditions down there are taken over by the enemy, when it comes to the
final and ultimate Force thats in charge of all things in the end, keep remembering Me, regardless of physical and earthly
circumstances, no matter how dark and dreadful! (17:99)

The Word through which all things were made will definitely be the right Source to make of you what you should be. (17:103)

Youve got to take the hard times just as you have to take all things from life as they come. (17:105)

In order to make the best of life down there, its vital to stay connected to Me and on My wavelength of air, water, light and the Source
of spiritual Life, and living through My spiritual input, through which - the Word - all things were made and created. (17:110)

Theres another, much larger - though temporarily still invisible for you - Factor of all things that folks will have to learn about and
become familiar with before all the Lessons of Life can be learned completely. (17:113)

Without the Spirit - the Force that We blew life into Adam with - life is being reduced to a lower level - easier for the enemy to handle,
and especially due to the fact that it draws folks further away from Us and the truth of all things. (17:115)

Remember theres nothing impossible with Me on your side! - And All things are possible to him that believeth (Lk.9:23)!
Let that all things factor open up your horizon and vision beyond those physical limitations youve been drilled to accept as facts,
and make the Facts of faith Im giving you more powerful sources of your mindset! (17:116)

The Word of which all things were made should enable you to overcome your fears and worries through raising your faith in the
Forces through which all things came into being (17:122)

Trust in Him through Whose Words all things came into being, that He also knows what Hes doing and where Hell be leading and
guiding you once you made the decision to follow Him! (17:123)

The enemys teaching that all things came by themselves doesnt make it easier to believe in and honor the One that faith tells you all
things came from but what can you expect from a world taken over through mans choices by His enemy, just to show the universe
where that rejection will lead? (17:124)

Dont underestimate the Word! - All things are made from It! (17:127)

Just accept the fact - or at least the possibility - that the Creator of all things has got some outstanding qualities that just might differ
from yours, and might not be all that bad to accept! (17:133)

Faith and trust in Me are becoming the most important factors to see you through whats coming, and thus, the most important task
you could think of is to keep them alive and growing through that Thing that made all things grow and come to live to begin with:
My Word.
Stick to My Word! - The Stuff that all things were made through and came from, and the Factor that will enable you to do many things
others might not find themselves capable of.
Dont underestimate that Factor of which all things were made and that was made flesh in order to die for you, so that you could live
forever, along with all those who receive Me as well!
Let them see through your sample that what matters most of all is what I have to say if even all things around and beyond came
forth from that! (17:134)

The impossible times are coming, and Who do you need to make it through them?
- The One Who promised that All things shall be possible to him that believeth (Mk.9:23). (17:135)

If you need to know something, ask Me, Who knoweth all things!
Put your faith and trust in the Light of the World, the One Who initially said, Let there be Light! - And there was Light!
And stay on His Wavelength and keep receiving His living Words through which all things above and around you were created and
not the lies of His impostor, who got the majority to believe that all things created themselves!
Take all things before you with a heart-set of gratitude and appreciation! - Taking all things with faith in Him Who brought it all forth,
trusting that He knows what Hes doing and allowing, even when His enemy doesnt make it seem like that! (17:146)

If We can use you in spite of anything, it just sort of aims the glory in the right direction: Up Here, where all things came from. (17:147)
The impossible times are coming that only those will make it through who trust in My Words: All things are possible to him that
believeth (Mk.9:23) in spite of the impossible situations and circumstances youll find yourselves confronted with. (17:157)

You may not manage it on your own, but remember that all things are possible to him that believeth!
- Through Him he believes in!
In other words, impossible circumstances should be a term eradicated from your existence through that faith in Him that makes all
things possible. (17:174)

Remember that faith in Me can make all things possible! (17:179)

So many things that you have a hard time dealing with are just plain challenges of your faith and trust in the fact that all things that
Were allowing to happen will wind up making sense some day. (17:186)

Keep remembering the necessity of your spiritual focus beyond the physical circumstances and conditions down there, and keep
looking Up Here instead, the Source of all things you need! (17:187)

The right way led its Leader to a cross to die for all men and women whod accept that sacrifice of the Bringer of all things.
To remember the importance and significance of the Word that brought all things into being is an important part of the process of
learning to walk the right way and doing the right kind of things, bearing the right kind of results and fruits, as opposed to the ways
of selfishness our enemy has led mankind into from the beginning (17:193)

If God the Father - for Whom all things are possible - is Love, see it also as a fact that all things are possible - through that faith in
Him - when youre fighting for love!
In other words, youll win that fight, since you believe that all things are possible for and through Him Whos the Source of it all.

If all things came into being through My Word, just about all things also depend on your faith in It. (17:200)

The times will have come when everything will depend on folks choices and decisions in life as to whom theyll consider their Lord:
the (temporal) god of this world, or the true One of Whom all things descended! (17:203)

When the Endtime will set in, for most itll be a shock. But Ive been preparing you as a reward for being a believer in the
manifestation and structure of the Word by which all things were made and that became flesh to die for those whod believe in Him
and receive Him to pass beyond death. (17:213)

Remember that the Source of all Strength and Power lies Up Here, the Dimension of the Spirit, through Which all things were created!
Focus Up Here, the living Source of all things! (17:220)

It's got to be clear that you're not seeking to establish or enhance your reputation or career, but that your only incentive is to have the
world see that there is an alternative, a different way of living, and it's being practiced by a few thousand folks around the world, and
by the grace of God, you're one of them. (II:402)

The more you show that you can live apart from the System and independently of it, the stronger your testimony and witness will be,
because the more genuine will be the hope you'll emit to others, that there really is an alternative. The less you are affected by
clichs and what people think about you, the better. (II:456)

You're either advertising the world, or Me, the Alternative to the world, you can't do both. (II:591)

People who put their cards on the other World, give others a ray of hope that there is an alternative. (III:331)

The true alternative is a living relationship with Me, with real, living communication, and letting Me guide you into discerning between
what is right and wrong in each situation in your life, and, of course, choosing the right option once confronted with it. (IV:119)

There has got to be an alternative, and its got to be more than a mental or ideological one, namely a tangible, visible and real one,
and thats the difference between having it all in your head and putting it into action. (IV:167)

There are many things that you or any other rational thinker might have known better than for Me to allow them, but do they really
know all the factors involved, and whether the alternative really would have been better? (IV:203)

I contradicted their system without making it an obvious contradiction, but by offering a better alternative.
So, if you focus more on showing the attractive alternative, rather than pointing out all thats wrong about the stuff they still believe
in, youll also have a lot more success in your ministry. (IV:216)
The only way the enemys system is ever going to work is if he can prove that there is no alternative, and if he can lock Me out of it:
show that everybody is dependent on him for survival. (IV:219)

A historic statement: there is an alternative to the devils System! (IV:234)

I grant you your hearts desires and personal liberty of choice to a certain degree, but sometimes it will turn out that you might find
yourself not quite as capable of something you may have wanted to do as you thought, after all, and you might have to consider an
Basically, its always good to stay open for any alternative option I might bring into the game, since Im quite a bit ahead of you and
up front and can see whats going on from a wider angle, and whats going to happen; things that are likely to affect your choices,
actions, projects and paths youve chosen, and being yielded to My influences can come in handy then in order to be more flexible
and avoid larger complications or dead ends (IV:422)

I want to show the world that there is a different way, a real alternative a way of trust in Me instead of in oneself and ones own
abilities only. (IV:481)

Anybody can show off how well they can take care of themselves with the work of their own hands Even in the poorest countries.
Can you blame Me for wanting to constitute a statement that there is some sort of an alternative and a different way of doing it?

Those who look for an alternative to the System are always just a small minority. (11:10)

Faith absolutely does not come from anything that belongs to this world. It's your connection and lifeline with the better, lasting and
eternal One, which, no matter how obscure and mysterious it may be to you, has got to be the more worthwhile Alternative. (12:15)

Only once you fully recognize the ways of the flesh, and get a glimpse of where those ways lead: the greed, the selfishness, the
egotism, the lack of love, the dishonesty it uses to advance its own cause and purposes, and become really fed up with it, do you
whole-heartedly seek the alternative, My ways, the ways of the Spirit the totally different way. (12:18)

Keep going, keep trying! What other choice is there, anyway? How glorious the alternative? (12:45)

Isnt what My teachings are all about, not to let life be centered around things, but seek and pursue alternative values?
What about offering an alternative? (12:90)

Id prefer you to put your trust primarily in Me, not anything you can do.
Especially not for the same thing everyone else does: hoard riches and possessions for themselves. What difference would that
make? What relief would it bring and what alternative would that offer?
Every one of My people has been a living statement that there is such a thing as an alternative and an alternative life-style to the run-
of-the-mill life-style of the masses throughout each epoch and in every system. (12:97)

With Earth getting close to turning into a state of hell, therell be more folks looking for an alternative, which is Our and your
heavenly Home! (16:147)

That trend of falling for Satans nice-sounding lies has grown into a huge system and brainwashing process that only few choosing
the right alternative chosen ones can snap out of. (16:171)

To inspire folks to make the right choice all depends on representing an alternative to what the worlds got to offer, not just
representing a fancier or more religious part of it. Doing My job means representing an alternative and that is, Heavens and the
Fathers Alternative, not just one of the enemys imitations of it.
So, remember My job for you down there: representing the ultimate Alternative!
As Im teaching you that you cant expect perfection from anyone down there, they also cant expect it of you. But you should point
them in the direction where they can. - Even if thats a matter of faith, which again, you should do your best to inspire them to ignite
and get kindled in their lives.
Not an easy job? But yet, the only true alternative to offer. (17:77)

Someone offering an alternative is the greatest hope to those looking for one. (17:95)

I had to come to bring Salvation to free and save folks from hell on Earth and thereafter. Providing theyd choose to accept that
alternative by faith. (17:102)

For many to start looking for other things, options and an alternative comes through the experience that this world just isnt where
its at, even if the majority still largely settles for it and wont want an alternative.
So, what you should be keeping an eye open for is the alternative seekers, just as youve been one! (17:107)

Nothing to be ashamed of in going a different way from the masses mainly following the enemys track of temptation. (17:121)

Offer as much as you can of the positive alternative you believe in! (17:125)

Stay open and get ready for alternatives! (17:134)

Lets wait and see what happens when the boss of hell takes over completely and turns the Earth into his home, how many folks will
be ready to accept My Alternative! - Even if its the Alternative of faith believing in Something folks momentarily cant see with their
eyes down there!
See - by faith - My Alternative, and offer It to as many as you can! (17:148)

Remember that Ive got Something Better to offer, which is why I came to that world in the first place: to offer it to those whod be
interested in that Alternative; and its the main job of all My true followers - to offer Heaven to others, instead of that hellish scene on
Earth down there in a worsening status.
The Alternative to come, which I have in store, weve been looking for the receptive ones for ever since. (17:165)

The negative you spot in others shouldnt be taken as an excuse to copy it, but rather to develop and present a positive alternative
instead. (17:212)

Asking God What Happened

"What happened?" It's a question to which most people only receive an answer once they get Here. "Where did I fail? Where did I get
off the track? What did I do wrong?"
A life starts out quite promising, but then, somewhere along the track they lose the vision, the faith or the zest and they slide down
the hill. "What happened?"
Well, as you know from the story of Job, it's usually your enemy who's responsible for, or involved with a lot of what happened. Like
the evil old man, Mr. Potter, in "It's A Wonderful Life," who unbeknownst to the hero of the story found his money & kept it, and thus
caused many problems & trials... that's the way the devil works, too. He sees an opportunity to work his evil plan, to exploit others in
order to spread out his power & convert innocent villages, homes and entire countries into one big "Pottersville."
But with My believers, those who communicate with Me and are serving Me, I don't want them to be ignorant of his devices.

We're trying to expose the devil's hidden workings in your life. Hidden to you, that is. And you must ask Me every step of the way, as
soon as something's fishy: "What happened? Lord, what has actually happened here? I can't see it, I don't understand it, I don't have
a clue! But You do, so, please, show me!"
There is a lesson in everything! Expose the devil's workings! Ask Me to show & reveal to you what he's doing!

There are a lot of things going on in your life that you're not aware of, mistakes that you're making you're not aware of, forces
affecting your life, etc. So it pays to tune in to the Spirit World to find out what they are, because I and your spirit helpers, are aware
of them and can reveal them to you, if you're only interested enough & care enough to find out & listen.
You must study & investigate at times in order to really find out what happened, what's been going on here, "who dunnit?" "Why are
we stuck in a rut & don't seem to be making progress?" And that's exactly what We're here for: to let you know.
You don't have to grope around blindly in the dark, clueless to the machinations of the devil & what he's been up to in your life in
order to sabotage My plans for you. You can find out. That's what prophecy is for. You don't have to be ignorant of the Devil's
devices, plans & schemes, in fact you shouldn't and must not!
My heavenly forces are in a way like policemen or officers of law enforcement, and it is their job to catch and expose the culprit. A
crime has been committed - or rather, countless crimes - and it is their and your duty to find out who was responsible for this. Who
were the perpetrators? Who instigated it, and who were the helpers? Who was involved?
You won't be able to solve the whole mystery of My workings in this life, but I'm giving you a glimpse. There's a lot to learn, there's a
lot to find out, and only those who don't see it, those who don't have a clue to the vastness of all that is there to explore & to find out
about, actually get bored with all the potential excitement around them that they're not even aware of.
There's so much more going on behind the scenes that concerns you than you could ever even possibly find out in life.

Even better than finding out what happened or why things happened, is preventing them from happening in the first place, through

I can show you a whole lot of things that can make this whole thing called life a lot easier for you!

I can show you things thou knowest not great & mighty or humble & small. But the things I show you will make all the difference in
the universe.

You've got to be savvy to My plan, you've got to be in on it, and get a clue of what I'm up to. And that's basically what you're doing in
prophecy: you're getting a clue. Before you were clueless, but now you're getting a clue of what I'm going to do, and what I want you
And everything all of a sudden obtains rhyme and reason.

I don't leave you clueless. You may be clueless up until the point you ask Me about it, but once you do, everything can change. In that
"New York Minute" when you come to ask Me anything, everything can change!

The moment you realize that you dont have a clue what to do & call on Me, then Ill have a chance the only chance there is to
right the wrongs. For only I can see what the devil is trying to accomplish, only I can see where the real danger lies.
There are times when My children don't have a clue. But I can give you a clue. I'm the Clue-Giver! Haven't got a clue? Ask Me what to

Awareness (/Consciousness)
Each of you has the power to make a bigger difference than most of you are aware of! (11:50)

Be aware of the fact that youve got something to give that not everybody does! (11:77)

You may not be perfect, but that shouldnt stop you from offering the Perfect One and the perfect Solution to their problems,
regardless of whether theyre aware of them or not. (11:91)

Becoming aware of a need is the first step toward improvement. (11:93)

The main difference between those around you and yourself is that youre aware of whats expecting all of you, and they arent.

I am the Center of everything, whether people become aware of it or not. (11:124)

Its natural to want to suppress the knowledge about the rotten state that his world is actually in, with no prospects for improvement
any time soon. But once youre aware of it, it will always come back to you, and theres no escape, really, from the truth. (11:130)

Life is a lot more fun when you have that child-like beginners mind of awareness that theres a world of things to discover and find
out. (12:25)

Life has an inbuilt system that teaches you lessons from your failures, and most effectively by showing up those failures by means of
others committing those same wrongs at your expense, and if you think about how few people ever even become aware of the
existence of those lessons, you may regard and treasure them as something actually quite precious. (12:40)

The realization of sinfulness leads to Salvation, since it is what makes you aware of your need for it in the first place. (12:62)

Many who have accepted Me did so without being fully aware of the extent of the consequences of their choice, and perhaps it would
be fair to let people know that choosing Me is also a choice against the devil, the temporary god of this world (12:85)

Be aware of dangerous factors, especially in times to come with the enemy taking over the rule of the entire globe!
Sometimes youve just got to become more aware of the dangers in a world run by our enemy and his crowd! (16:157)

Its good to be ready and aware of the fact who runs the place for now. (16:160)

Becoming familiar with the enemys grooves within those right around you makes you more aware of them. (16:163)

Troubles sometimes happen in order for you to become aware of their danger, and to remind you of whos in charge of this world and
getting ready to rule it in flesh and blood for the time of ultimate trouble and tribulation. (16:164)

My sheep are usually aware of the fact that somethings wrong with the world they live in, and also the fact that they themselves
arent perfect, either. (16:176)

The awareness of the need for Strength from Above arises with the disappearance of your own strengths and abilities you used to
rely on. (16:177)

For My disciples failing to do My job is a huge failure with vast consequences, and getting down to conditions that make you aware
of that, is something youll consider having been worth it thereafter! (16:185)

Awareness of potential risks and troubles has become a necessity. (17:36)

Becoming more aware of a growing need and necessity is a plus. (17:41)

As conscious and aware you are of the enemy and his spiritual reign over the world - soon to become physical, - you should stay
more aware of the fact that what it means and includes for you is that daily battle against his evil. - His influences on you and your
surroundings and against you - his attacks.
And as you can tell that each day is being a spiritual battle, you ought to be aware of the necessity of defense. (17:125)

Knowing that Satans about to take on his complete global reign of the Endtime, you should definitely become more aware of the
need to stay in connection with Me, remembering that without Me ye can do nothing! (17:137)
What could We welcome more than someones awareness of the need of Our grace, mercy and forgiveness? (17:138)

Its good to stay aware of whats up ahead and expecting the world, even if circumstances may presently be more pleasant.
A touch of desperation should always be there, as long as youre aware of the fact who largely runs the world, and soon will entirely
for some time!
Remember and be aware of the difference between My ways and the worlds!
Stay aware of the fact that desperate times are coming, and dont let the enemy use the easy and more pleasant times to get you off
Stay desperate and aware of the fact that its not just pleasant groove down there in a world being completely taken over by our
enemy! Stay on guard! (17:142)

Stay aware of whats there to fight against and resist each day! (17:145)

Who do you think is easier for Me to use as a tool and channel? A person aware of their faults and shortcomings, or a self-righteous
one? (17:147)

Becoming aware of dependence on Me will be absolutely necessary in times to come. (17:150)

Become aware of the fact that there are darker times coming, with the boss of hell temporarily taking over down there! (17:153)

One of lifes lessons to learn: not just to look at and feel disturbed by the faults and imperfections of others, but become more aware
of your own; be less self-righteous, and humbler, instead! (17:171)

Take things as they come by faith, aware of the fact that a strengthening of your faith is pretty much the greatest necessity for whats
expecting you in times to come!
Be aware of the difference between My way of leading and that of the carnal leadership types! (17:176)

The apparent disadvantages of feeling incapable and maybe not knowing exactly what to do or how youll manage to do it will just
make you more aware of your dependence on Me and the Strength and Power from Above.
Once you fully realize that the strength and energy you need is not in yourself but only in Me, your mentality becomes more aware of
your dependence on me, and youll see the difference itll make between trying to do things in your own strengths and the results of
doing them in Mine. (17:185)

Not feeling like you can make it without Me is a confirmation of your dependence on Me, and there are not too many folks I have
down there who are aware of that spiritual need, which is going to be one of the greatest needs during the dark times coming.
Be aware of the fact that My Knowledge largely exceeds yours and of the necessity of relying on My Knowledge and Wisdom, and to
quit relying on yours! (17:187)

You cant be as aware of My Presence as much as youd like Me to be there to make things a bit easier and more inspiring for you if
the pray without ceasing mode hasnt settled in yet.
If life is rough, stay aware of the fact that itll be rougher! (17:188)

Humbling tasks youve got to see as a positive that should raise your level of humility and thus lower your level of pride.
How could you see that as a negative, unless pride is still a bigger part of your personality than you might have been aware of?

Just as Satan told Eve that there were wrong reasons to obey and not to eat the forbidden fruit, he keeps coming up with his lies and
false accusations in the attempt to win his victims over to his side.
So, stay aware of his deceit and deceptions and of the fact that the one thing hes best at is telling lies! (17:193)

Being aware of your own weaknesses should make you more accepting of those of others. (17:205)

Backsliding & Desertion

There's a great danger of others adopting this System mindset of cowardice and fear to be different, and when this disease has hit
fully home, you will have lost another potential and powerful warrior from your midst and will instead have to deal with a constant
potential traitor, since they will always be a voice of doubt, a voice for the System and for the enemy, dragging you the opposite way,
instead of pulling along in My direction! (II:133)

"The Benefits Of Backsliding" draw you closer to Me, keep you humbler and get you back on the ground of the reality of what your
limitations really are. (II:167)

The true believers would rather go down with the ship than desert it!
If you really believe that this is My ship, then you will rather go down with it, when it seems as if it's sinking, than to jump off in order
to try to save your own neck. (II:263)

The ego of the backslider is a diminishing ego, it shrinks, so to speak, because they have found and rejected Me and My truth
already; there is nothing for them to grow toward or look forward to... just a selfish little existence with no other destiny than to
finally return to Me.
That's why backsliders and apostates are sometimes capable of greater evil than those who never found Me. The devil makes them
mad at the unconditional forgiveness they received in their Salvation, and they want to prove that they're not worthy of it, that it was
a mistake for Me to ever grant them that Salvation. The devil uses them to show what a "fool" I was, in his eyes, to ever save them in
the first place, and die for them. (III:68)

The worst thing to do is to assume the position of one who thinks he has arrived. Thats the moment you stop growing and making
progress and thus start to backslide. (III:492)

Turning away from Me isnt really conducive to reaching the goal, except that I often use your strayings to help you see the error of
your ways, and you learn how to tell which is the way by finding out which it is not. (IV:528)

Traitors like Judas will find a not so happy ending to their careers of backsliding and compromising with the enemy of people on
their Creators side. (17:184)

Beginning & End

Even if what youre doing may only seem like a drop in the bucket compared to whats needed, it is a beginning, a first step in the
right direction. Its a small beginning to a greater end.
It will take faith and perseverance to bring it to an end, and to have it grow into something stronger and more noticeable, but if you
will keep it up, youll find the results far surpassing those of the usual carnal efforts. (III:379)

Its always the getting started thats the hardest thing to do.
More often than not I have started something with one man alone. (III:327)

Youll certainly get a lot more accomplished in the long run if you dont just wait for extraordinary inspiration to hit you, but simply do
it because you know you ought to, and keep working on something you started, simply because you should also finish it (III:435)

The Bible is not supposed to be the A and O. It is definitely the beginning, but its not necessarily the end, and all that there ever was
for Me to say. (IV:93)

Most people cannot connect the two points, the beginning and the end, they cant see how they fit and belong together. Of course,
they might, if theyd only read about it in My Book
Life does make sense, even if it seems to elude most people presently. Its a story, carefully planned and concocted and told, from the
beginning to the end. (IV:106)

There is still a lot of stuff for you to find out and explore.
Youre still much closer to the beginning than the end or destination of your journey. (IV:235)

The good works that Ive begun in you, will I not also complete them unto the end? (IV:358)

I am He that has begun this good work in you and will also complete it unto the end. (IV:405)

Often when you think youve come to the end (usually way before that ever really happens), youve barely even reached the
beginning! (IV:523)

Remember that things are usually hardest at the beginning! (11:30)

People have been trying to rig up perfection and Utopia, but theyll never quite manage. They simply dont have the right foundation
to build on, which is why the old one first needs to be destroyed.
Thats why death or the end of your world isnt to be dreaded but to be welcomed as the beginning of the new, the better the best.
Therell be a happy ending, and thats basically all youve got to know, no matter how bad it gets. In fact, the worse it gets, all the
more glorious the contrast will be when that ending comes, which will really only be the beginning. (12:80)

Im both, the Beginning and the End, the One to make things complete, not leaving them there, half-cooked and unfinished, so youre
simply going to have to trust Me for greater results in My workings in your life than you would be able to obtain by way of your own
reasoning, preferences and calculations. (12:88)

The end of the Millennium will bring about the final new Beginning of a World the way We desire it to be. (16:112)
The beginnings of situations hard to cope with might be a factor of looking forward to the end. (17:113)

The devils reign down there is what will have an end. For those whove accepted Me, there wont be any. Just the passing from one
worse state of life to a better eternal.
So, remember your Savior! - The One guaranteeing the happy end of it all, which for those who accept it, itll only be a beginning of
something much greater than they knew before, and without any ending this time!
So, the good news about the troubles down there: they will end. Whereas the good part thereafter simply wont.
The happy ending with no ending! (17:128)

In the beginning was the Word, and Itll also be there at the end for those who want to make it through the darkness, quite some
time since I said, Let there be Light! (17:134)

Remember small beginnings, greater ends, just as the seeds of fruits and plants that grow into huge results! (17:144)

The time of the end will bring about a new beginning. A better one.
So, keep your focus of faith on that new and better beginning to come! Amen? (17:190)

If you make Me the beginning of your day, the One you spend that beginning with, you can also trust Me for the end. (17:193)

Getting ahold of Me in the beginnings of your days will turn the chances up that toward the end of it youll be able to say, It was a
good day. (17:201)

Behavior, Manners & Style

Be careful with your words, actions and your behavior and always commit your sample to Me! Keep a smile on your face in spite of
your hardships! (I:39)

Habits and familiarity stand between that what you are and what you could be, between what you could accomplish and that which
you actually wind up doing. (I:53)

You're not going to touch or change anybody's life, unless you can show clearly by your behavior and the light in your eyes that
you're different and truly have something else to offer. (III:155)

It behooves you to recognize the seriousness of the situation and behave and act accordingly. (III:405)

In order to win some, youve got to be winsome, meaning, your composure, behavior, attitude and spirit weigh almost more heavily
than what you say. (III:421)

Time will do the talking. Time will reveal who will bear the greater responsibility for any damage done, for any immature behavior.

There isnt any macho type of behavior on record from My disciples after the infilling of the Holy Ghost. (III:476)

Training yourself in the art of loving in the face of hatred, rejection and lack of love will also sharpen your skills and abilities to deal
with unloving behavior on behalf of your loved ones, and instead of going on the defensive right away and withdrawing and reacting
negatively and allowing their lack of love to produce more lack of love in you for them, you can learn to counter that natural process
and stop the chain reaction and vicious cycle, and allow love to continue and go on, in spite of the adverse circumstances.
Natural reasoning may tell you that they dont deserve it, and it may remind you that you ought to play tit for tat and give to them the
same as they gave you, to repay their bad behavior with more bad behavior on your end, but the path of carnal and natural reasoning
isnt exactly on the winners list, but it falls prey to evil and becomes one of its earliest victims. (III:491)

Only by making a difference in your own behavior can you convince others that spirit is superior. (III:531)

My nature is of such a kind that I am constantly giving. But it would be nave to assume that thats supposed to be a permanent one-
way process. I want you to learn from Me, adapt to Me, assimilate Me and become like Me, gradually, to imitate My behavior, and to be
converted into genuine and selfless givers as well (III:543)

Authentic identity always creates good behavior, but good behavior does not always create authentic identity.
Once you know that I have loved and created you the way you are, and will always love you unconditionally, then youll also be able
to improve your behavior accordingly. (III:552)

By approaching certain people on improving their behavior, youre ultimately improving your situation. (III:578)

When someone doesnt really know Me, it becomes more difficult for them to know who they really are and behave accordingly
Sometimes physical changes can be helpful in bringing about inward changes, and if nothing else works and you simply wont
change your attitudes, behavior and mindsets voluntarily, then usually some physical change is the last resort by creating a new set
of circumstances under which youre simply going to have to adapt your behavior.
Because they have no changes, they fear not God (Ps.55:19), in some ways means that, Because they have no outward changes,
they dont have any inward changes.
Fear and respect of Me means obeying My commandments, which means adaptation from the usually originally sinful behavior to a
different one. (IV:169)

Obviously, seriously erroneous behavior patterns cannot be changed effectively, except over time, and applying long-term
disciplinary measures that really drive the point home, make the lessons sink in, and bring about definite, lasting changes. (IV:360)

Youve got to make a conscious effort to stay on the positive side of things, especially when things arent going so well, or the devil
is trying to drive you insane with intolerable behavior from your fellowmen! (12:44)

People often dont do a good thing because they look at others and take their behavior as an excuse not to do it. (12:91)

Its easy for people to imitate the behavior of others, even when they might know that its wrong. Thats one of the great evils of this
world: everyone does basically the same everyone else does, just because everyone else does it, without thinking for themselves
whether its right or wrong, without letting their own conscience guide them. They justify their actions with the excuse that everyone
does it, so why shouldnt they. But thats a very poor excuse, one that wont hold much ground when theyll stand before Me having
to give an account for their actions and their results (12:105)

Knowing how quickly it may all be over down there, you should pull yourself together and present the best behavior you can possibly
come up with, remembering to be a testimony and a witness, in order to help others to find their way Up Here as well! (15:223)

An important lesson for mankind: as to what sort of being, along with his demonic followers, most of Earths inhabitants have been
letting guide them into many of their actions and behavior. (2015:235)

In order to receive blessings, one has to act and behave accordingly, in obedience to My Words and My will.
Receiving blessings depends a bit on you and your behavior. Can you manage to behave accordingly? If not, dont be too shocked
that times are being a bit more on the rough side for you!
Whatever folks do will reap some results, and its important to learn the right kind of behavior and doing the proper type of things in
order to reap the more pleasant results of ones actions!
It definitely pays to get the point about behaving and acting the proper way.
How hard or how tough life can be partly depends on your own actions and behavior.
Pay some attention to your behavior, and do what you can to make it the right kind of behavior! Amen? The right kind of behavior is
kind behavior! (15:243)

If you want My Power and Spirit to work in your life the way it should, you've got to stick to the heavenly Rules, and not give Satan
the chance to let part of his hell to take over in your actions and behavior! (15:245)

Peoples behavior can stir up the Fathers anger at times

Kids behavior is important for parents moods, even if some mothers seem able to put up with anything their children do. But then,
certain reactions of the fathers are more effective in teaching their offspring good and proper behavior.
Whatever folks do will reap some results, and its important to learn the right kind of behavior and doing the proper type of things in
order to reap the more pleasant results of ones actions!
Its important to behave properly, especially when you have kids who might otherwise learn wrong behavior patterns from you!

As much as you keep up the vision of your true Home, the easier its going to be to let other folks know about It.
Of course, part of its effectiveness would also be your physical behavior
So, if you want things to get better, it does depend a bit on you, your actions and behavior. (15:249)

Having to go through the lessons to learn from mistakes made, or ungodly behavior, Im afraid youre just going to have to accept it
and deal with it.
If its hard to imagine that a God of Love could be so tough, maybe it should help you to get a glimpse of the other side of parents,
the way your kids are sometimes or often behaving, and how you wish they were different, or even that you could chastise them for
their misbehavior, realizing that the lack of correction isnt turning out to be any good in the way of their behavior. (2016:12)

If youre not happy with the way your kids are acting, let it be a reminder of the fact that your behavior might need some improvement
as a child of the Father, too!
Let the things you have to deal with make you aware of what you might be making others deal with, and that you might not be
completely innocent of the faults and negative behaviors you notice and are disturbed by in others! (2016:16)

Let behavior be one of the no.1 lessons you ought to learn in life!
Thats why you have to deal with trouble as a child of God: in order to learn to do and behave better than when everything runs so
easily and blissful that you may be tempted to get spoiled through it.
Disciplinary rules and methods turn out to be good for ones behavior and character. (2016:26)

If you act and behave the wrong way, you shouldnt be too shocked if what you reap from it are the wrong and unpleasant results!
If you believe Im telling you the truth, you should stick to it, and base your attitudes and behavior on it! (2016:42)

Learning to love especially your children in spite of their mistakes, faults and undesirable behavior is one of those things Weve
got to go through as the Creators of it all as well, and maybe just a taste of what kind of pain We, and especially the Father has to go
through and deal with. (2016:44)

Dont hold too many grudges against your kids because of imperfect behavior, nor against others, even if their behaviors far from
perfect! So is yours, and yet I talk to you, care for you and love you! (2016:45)

If your actions arent bearing positive fruits and results, change your actions and behavior accordingly!
Negative behavior and attitudes will bring forth negative results! (2016:49)

Lifes a lesson on what not to do, how not to behave and act, if you want to do it the proper way Our way.
It will all make the most sense when you get Here and find out how heavenly folks act and behave!
So, to work on your acts and behavior is certainly one of the tasks to be accomplished down there.
Making it your goal to please Us by doing Our will for you is definitely an advantage according to the rules and standards of Eternity,
and not just gear your behavior according to the temporal, worldly ways of success!
So, whose student and follower are you going to be? One of the founder of trouble through selfish behavior, or Mine, Who came to
give His Life to those on Earth whod accept Me as the Fathers gift of Salvation from the results of selfish deeds, acts and behavior?
Making love the greater force of influence and motivation throughout life down there is a little tough to do, when the majority of those
around you dont. But be not as influenced by their behavior, but try to keep in mind Mine, and what I came to the world to teach and
show as the better alternative! (2016:57)

Dont feel too sorry about yourself about the way others treat you, but try to improve your own behavior first of all! (2016:71)

Its enough for Me, if they manage to receive you.

Of course, that should give you a little bit of conviction about the way you behave and act, but as long as you just make the effort
to do the best you can, trust Me that its already enough for Me. (2016:83)

The dreadful acts and behavior of some of those around you are only a relatively mild sample of whats to expect from times to come
when conditions will be the roughest of history! (2016:91)

If folks down there are treating you roughly, dont let it bring you down or hurt your pride, but see it as part of the preparation for the
toughest times to come, during which circumstances will be rougher by far, and accordingly peoples behavior and modes!

No matter how folks around you act or behave, just be there to give and show them love!
Even if folks around you arent perfect, and no matter what they do: show them love! Be kind and patient and putting up with
whatever behavior (2016:111)

You have to realize that ultimately the decision to cut out sinful behavior is entirely up to you. (2016:114)

If I and My input to you cant even improve you and your behavior, what good could it seem to anyone else? (2016:120)

When you can tell your behavior hasnt developed according to the best possible mode from some of it, can you blame us for letting
things get a bit tougher for you, when thats apparently what you need? (2016:137)

If your kids arent behaving perfectly, let it be a glimpse of what the Father has to cope with concerning your behavior! (2016:140)

Changes of character and behavior are necessary stuff to work on and I hope My input will be helpful to accomplish that.
I advise you not to look at man and the behavior and attitudes of folks around you to gear your vision and inner setup not
according to what you perceive by sight, but receive through faith. (2016:155)

If youve got faith in Me but your behavior is still ruled by circumstances, it shows change is urgently required. (2016:162)

The amount of faith has decreased down there, and accordingly, peoples behaviors and mindsets many of them not anymore
geared toward the good, but the evil thats bound to take over the world, thanks to its wicked master who, no matter how good he
may ever pretend to be, will ultimately expose himself as the ultimate evil and source thereof. (2016:166)

Sometimes good times have to be waited for, and depend on the good things you sow, since thats basically what youll reap from
your actions, attitude and behavior. (2016:177)

The way of faith makes the effort to see the good in the apparent bad, and behave accordingly: positively, anyway not negatively.
Deal with behavior, circumstances whatevers unpleasant to you, and dont let it make you even more unpleasant for those who
have to live with you by losing control over the sort of effect it has on you!
What makes it tougher for your wife to deal with your behavior is that youre supposed to be older and wiser than the kids So, shes
expecting you to behave like that. Makes sense doesnt it? (2016:186)

Human behavior is geared by what theyre used to. But Im telling you that changes are coming which wont enable you to continue in
the same old modus operandi. - No more reliance on the flesh and own abilities!
Its time to realize that things cant just go on the way they have been; so a lot of changes are necessary, of attitudes and behavior
along with the modes of handling things. (2016:191)
Be a living example and testimony of the extent to which Gods grace and mercy can work, which should bring more hope to other
sinners than the sanctimonious aspects and behaviors of the larger portion of Christians! (2016:198)

If things were going better before, you must have behaved better back then.
When former behavior was better than the present it somewhat seems like: nothing learned from life, and no progress.
The more youre conscious of your dependence on Me, the closer it will draw you to Me, and youll see: the more positive changes in
your behavior and personality will take place. (17:1)

Ungodly behavior should keep you in a humble enough position, attitude and state of mind to accept the input of others around you,
even if they might not have that connection with, or even faith in Me. (17:8)

Having to go through the results of wrong choices made is pretty much the major lesson of this part of human history.
And since most folks arent aware of that factor, those who are, should at least make an effort to behave accordingly.
Its a tough one to resist the influences of other humans behavior you lived most of your life under the influence of, but thats just
part of the task of learning to resist. (17:39)

Seeing the - maybe a bit more rare - positive acts of behavior, and just making the effort to focus on them more than the negative
traits, should help developing a more positive attitude and receptiveness.
Putting up with different ways is something positive if you consider how different Our ways are from the common human ways and
behavior. (17:65)

If its true that one reaps what he sows, it must also be the case that what happens to you is what you deserve. Not a reason for
complaining, but realize and take to heart what you could and should have done better, or could still make the best out of through
changing your behaviors and attitudes. (17:70)

Take behavior as one major NWO when it needs some definite work of improvement!
Learn a bit more of acceptance of things and others acts and behavior around you that you need to learn to put up with and not let
them have a negative influence and effect on you!
Sure, it might include some more lessons on what not to do, and how not to behave or act, but if their behavior makes you behave
and act even worse than they do, couldnt that be that youve got a bigger problem to work on than they do? (17:78)

Take it seriously, your responsibility to make the best out of what youve got and been given, through making the right choices and
putting on the right sort of behavior! (17:83)

Another lesson on what ugly results wrong choices can bring forth:
Some - or most - of what has happened might not have happened under the right conditions, in a life run by different behavior,
manners and life-style. (17:100)

The devil attacks My supposed believers and followers the most, in order to make them turn out sickening in their behaviors to the
extent that no one can accept the teachings theyre supposedly following. (17:117)

You can tell from behavior that judgment is becoming a necessity. (17:124)

With the weird acts and behavior of worldly folks around you, its just becoming less and less like your home.
Thats why its important to keep your focus directed on your true Home through faith! (17:125)

Where are grace and mercy more needed than when ones behaviors arent exactly what one would consider the Christian type?
Where are they more necessary than when sinful behavior is quite obvious, and not as well hidden as in most other cases? (17:138)

To be humble enough to deal with and confront own weaknesses is definitely what followers of Mine should shoot for, instead of
allowing other folks behaviors to drag them down. (17:150)

If there are things about your fellow humans you dont like - about their behavior, their manners, or whatever - trust Me that theres a
reason and a purpose for it, something you should learn from it! (17:163)

The biggest NWO for practically anyone: ones own attitude and behavior. (17:166)

Tests of faith can show their results by behavior. (17:181)

Some of My prophets of the past were solitaires. A condition that makes it somewhat easier having to deal with traits and behaviors
of fellow humans (17:187)

Resist the influences of the spirits having taken over the world that are planning to take over a large part of mankind in the flesh, and
will do so in order to show who belongs to Me and who belongs to the enemy, and do not let them rub you the wrong way, so that
theyll get you onto a track of behavior you might become ashamed of some day! (17:191)

You know from My behavior on Earth that I was a fairly humble fellow, when you consider the fact that I was the Son of God and came
down to lay down My life for all the sinners whod believe in Me to get saved from the repercussion of their sins. (17:192)

To accept whats happening to you as a result of your own actions and behavior, instead of blaming Us for it, now that would show
the beginning of a lesson of life finally being learned. (17:193)
You know My input on judgment, discipline and reaping what you sow so, who else can you blame when you find yourself reaping
results of what we cant really call downright Christian behavior? (17:194)

If you know by folks actions and behavior that presently money is the most important factor to them, lets wait and see whether
theyre willing and ready to change.
If that world is not your home, dont be too shocked or surprised that your behavior and acts will be quite different from those around
you, or what they might expect of you! (17:207)

If youre having to put up with an imperfect wife, let it be an example of what far from perfect a bride Im having to put up with, and let
it be an incentive for improvement on your own attitudes and behavior! (17:210)

Dont take others behavior as an excuse for yourself to let down your guard or quit the effort to come up with a good sample!
Making lousy folks out of everyone through copying each others negative behavior and taking it as an excuse is one of the enemys
favorite and most common tactics. So, dont fall for it!
Make the effort to stay on My good and positive channel regardless of others behavior and manners around you!
Maybe your own behavior has given others around you an excuse for their present one. (17:212)

Look beyond that which meets the eye! The obvious isnt necessarily always the truth. (I:40)

Look beyond that which is at hand, and seek Me in it! (I:192)

It's wise not to look at the circumstances, but beyond, at the One Who controls them, and has the ultimate say in things. (IV:460)

Faith is dealing with the things of real value, namely the things that will last way beyond anything thats to be found in the physical.

I prefer to give you gems and jewels that will last beyond your immediate situation. (IV:477)

I AM the universe and all beyond it, and thats why I can dare say that Im more than enough to fill your needs. (IV:509)

I want and need you to rise above the circumstances and look beyond, at Me, Who can and will master them all for you, as long as
you keep making that effort to stay close to Me.
There is a Realm that is greater and far beyond that which is seen, and thats what matters. (11:1)

Would I only want you to look as far as the eye can see? Or is there something beyond the obvious, some greater truth and reality
that perhaps you might not spot at first glance?
The voice of faith is the difference between what experience teaches you or at least your carnal mind makes of it - and that which
Im really trying to teach you by all this. The ultimate lesson that goes far beyond the short-term, often premature conclusion you
come to way before you reach the goal and end of the road from which you can see things a lot more clearly. (11:64)

Youve got to make up your mind about how much you really believe in that other, greater Dimension beyond the things you perceive
with your physical senses and decide what priority it should take in your life, and how much its worth to you every day to actively be
a part of it. (12:22)

If you can look past and beyond the Matrix no matter where you are, then youll be able to truly rise above the ugly circumstances:
ugly behavior, selfish characters, and whatever else is bothering you. (12:42)

History goes way beyond the studies of whats happening on your planet. (12:51)

You see the lack of your own energy and strength, and of your own capabilities, but I know the potential of what you can do when you
avail yourself not only of your own, but of My Strength.
How else can I get you to avail yourself It, unless I exert you beyond your natural capacities? (12:54)

Thats another thing you can and should trust Me for: that I wont exert you beyond your capacities, even if at times you might get
tempted to doubt that. (12:56)

Its not a competition here, where were trying to find out whos the most useful and accomplishes the most Its much more a
school of character where lessons are taught that are supposed to last and go far beyond earthly criteria such as accomplishment
and achievement (12:98)

I approve of a healthy balance between both, your doing what you can, doing all the possible planning, but then trusting Me for the
part beyond your control, and that part is just about always included in this kind of business, where you have to be ready to reckon
with heinous attacks from the enemys forces lingering in the dark. (12:114)
Love goes beyond the expectation of perfection in others! (16:50)

No matter what the circumstances are, look beyond them and rise above them!
Look beyond what you can see with your eyes and keep your vision and focus on the more powerful Realm by faith! (16:144)

You need that training of raising your faith in other things than the visible and tangible circumstances and conditions around you,
since whats going to see you through is and comes from the greater Realm beyond all that. (16:147)

Even though the worlds geared toward darkness, set your focus upon the spiritual Light beyond it all! (16:155)

Heavenly-mindedness will help you look beyond the obscure circumstances youre having to make it through.
Looking beyond physical circumstances down there is your only hope to make it through whats coming.
The sooner you look beyond the worsening earthly surroundings, conditions and circumstances, the better! (16:166)

Knowing that a lot of what the enemy comes up with far beyond humans capacities of imagination, youve just got to have faith in
the fact that ultimately, all things are under Gods control, no matter what! (16:179)

If youve got a connection with Me to make some sense out of all around you that you perceive and see, by explaining to you some of
the reasons and purposes for them from the Scope of beyond what you see, the sense and purpose of it all will eventually dawn on
Lets focus at that Thing beyond the struggle for survival! At a greater Purpose beyond all which you can see with your eyes!
Seeing by faith: an important tactic in this day and age to make it through and beyond all thats merely physically visible with your
eyes. (16:182)

Life without its Source has an end Getting closer to its Source makes it go on beyond its physical and carnal end, and what gives it
a lot more sense and purpose. (16:188)

Optimism through faith thats what Id call the right attitude worth gaining.
- As dark and brittle as things around you may seem, looking beyond them at Something Better to come by faith! (16:192)

Dont look at the physical circumstances, but at what lies beyond, which basically means: straight ahead of you!
Thats what vision is all about that I keep mentioning: looking at what lies beyond. - Just a little bit farther than what your physical
eyes are able to capture and behold.
Looking at what lies beyond is what will give you hope. Theres more to come than what you can see. And with worsening
circumstances and conditions all around, Id consider that good news for you.
See the good by and through faith in what lies beyond what you see all around you! Look a little bit further - in the spirit!
The less attractive the physical surroundings become, the more interest becomes aroused in what lies beyond all that, which is
basically where We are. (17:89)

Look beyond the things around you that you can see with your eyes and apply the vision of faith! (17:91)

Faith is not letting your life be entirely governed by worldly conditions and whats going on around you, but by whats supposed to
lead, guide, direct and empower you from beyond and Above all that! (17:98)

The ability to spot the positive within the negative is what the gift of faith is supposed to bring out in you, looking beyond whats right
before your eyes the sight of faith. (17:101)

What the searchers seek lies beyond what they can see. (17:102)

Learn to see beyond the circumstances, and dont let them affect you as much as what you can catch through your vision of faith
directed at Me and all your heavenly Help Up Here, your future and everlasting Home!
Make your circumstances bigger, by adding the spiritual dimension to them, which, in fact, is the much greater one, and one of the
main reasons why spirit goes far beyond abilities of the flesh! (17:104)

Dont stare at the physical darkness, but keep your focus geared toward the spiritual Light! - Beyond what your physical eyes can
see. (17:106)

Look beyond the circumstances and see Me and your Future Home as the better aspect and direction to maintain your focus on!

See My brightness beyond the surrounding darkness!

Faith needs to grow beyond what you can see and perceive with your physical senses!
Look beyond the temporal circumstances of the flesh, Up Here, at the lasting and eternal values of the Spirit! (17:108)

All things are possible to him that believeth (Lk.9:23)!

Let that all things factor open up your horizon and vision beyond those physical limitations youve been drilled to accept as facts,
and make the Facts of faith Im giving you more powerful sources of your mindset! (17:116)

Look beyond that gray sky out there, and make the effort to focus on the spiritual Light of Heaven!
Keep your mindset geared toward efforts of faith, not just taking circumstances with a grumpy mindset, but focusing beyond them
and looking Up Here through faith! (17:120)
If things around you seem like a shabby negative, look by faith at the great Positive beyond it all!
Circumstances seem tough sometimes too tough to make it easy to believe in Something Better beyond it all. (17:126)

Dont let the enemy and his circumstances drag you down, but look beyond by faith!
Thats what you need: the positive vision beyond and in spite of all the negative conditions down there. (17:127)

Still bound to the physical circumstances down there? Im trying to teach you to look beyond them.
No matter how much damage the enemy can do to you down there, beyond down there, therell be none of it left for you having to
deal with. Thats what My Salvations all about. (17:128)

Keep your focus aimed on Me, regardless of the negative circumstances and conditions the enemy may be trying to use in order to
drag you down. Pretty much the top reason for not focusing on circumstances, but on the One beyond it all.
A significant reason to aim your spiritual focus beyond what you see with your eyes, and to look at Me instead, by faith - the Savior of
any potentially messy situation you might get into or caught up in.
Real positiveness even enables you to put up with negative comments your living partners make toward you. It just makes you look
beyond and rise above that. - The positiveness of faith. (17:129)

Keep in mind to aim your vision beyond the circumstances!

The effect of unpleasant circumstances and conditions around you is a tough challenge of faith. How strong is it? What obstacles are
you letting it help you to overcome, and get you to focus and aim beyond? (17:132)

It takes faith to believe in a perfect God when Hes allowing imperfect circumstances to cope with, but thats what faith is all about:
Not believing just in what youre seeing, but focusing beyond all that, toward Something Better coming! (17:133)

Let others see through your sample that what matters most of all is what I have to say if even all things around and beyond came
forth from that! (17:134)

A goal worth trying to attain and aim for: Faith beyond circumstances, their impact and importance (17:135)

One of the main points of faith: managing to see beyond the physical appearances. (17:144)

The Water of the Word of Life goes beyond whats visible and tangible down there! (17:150)

Faith equals looking beyond the circumstances.

So, can you look beyond them and look Up Here by faith instead? Thats the way to make it through whats coming: The ability to see
the positive beyond all the negative around you.
Thats the challenge of faith: to make it beyond all the tough circumstances and conditions around you! (17:159)

If the visible things and circumstances around you dont seem to make sense to you, look beyond them!
With things around you becoming tougher and tougher, its just necessary to focus beyond them through faith. - Putting the
emphasis on the spirit vs. flesh. (17:161)

Dont look around, but look Above and beyond whats around you!
Love sees beyond the negative and beyond the imperfections of those around you! (17:163)

Look beyond the seemingly negative circumstances, and Up Here, to Me, the Hope for a positive outcome of anything that may
temporarily strike you as negative!
Thats what faith is all about: Look beyond! (17:172)

However far youll make it through, the stronger your faith will grow - the capacity to look beyond the circumstances making it tough
for you. (17:174)

Life down theres a test of that faith in greater things beyond. (17:175)

Keep remembering the necessity of your spiritual focus beyond the physical circumstances and conditions down there, and keep
looking Up Here instead, the Source of all things you need!
To make it through the dark times to come will be all about being able to perceive and focus on That beyond what you can see with
your eyes or hear with your ears, smell with your nose, taste with your lips, feel through your touch, and even think with your brain!

Look beyond the curses right in front, and see the blessings I give in spite of them! (17:191)

Dont let your faith and trust be affected by the circumstances, but keep them directed Up Here, beyond the scope you can see with
your eyes!
Keep remembering that faith goes beyond what you can see! - Otherwise it wouldnt be faith, would it? (17:197)

To look at the good is what Im encouraging. But with the negative coming, it takes a lot of faith to see the good, looking beyond the
bad through faith.
In a bad world it takes faith to see the good beyond it. (17:201)

Make your faith and trust in My Strength and Power grow above and beyond the influences of physical circumstances! (17:204)
Thats the difference between My Love and that of your fellow humans: When it comes to failure, Our Love goes way beyond human
capacities to put up with them. (17:205)

Only the future beyond the physical dimension, Up Here, is what can give those hope whose visions of faith are geared and directed
towards it.
If it gets tougher and beyond the way you can manage to handle it, well, thats what faith in Me and My Help from Above are all about.

Our vision goes farther and way beyond what you can perceive with your fleshly vision. (17:217)

Look by faith, past and beyond the earthly circumstances and keep your vision aimed Up Here from whence cometh all good!
Focus on the Positive beyond all the negativity that world has to offer and causes you to look at! Look beyond! Thats the remedy!
The personal solution to the worldly problems My believers down there have to face lies in looking beyond them through faith. (17:218)

...Big Lie, The

Someone who reminds people of their Creator will hardly ever receive a warm welcome among those who have rejected the very
thought of their Creator, who have embraced the Big lie that life and the World with all thats in it came into being by itself, just so
they can keep doing their own thing without their conscience pricking them too hard...

Things break. They deteriorate. They don't get better or improve by themselves, as the evolutionists claim. The only way you can
grow in this life and truly gain is by acquiring spiritual riches that won't be corrupted. The only way to grow is in the spirit. Because
your natural man decreases, it's actually dying. So you have to sow to the immortal, the spirit, if you want to play for keeps.

If someone believes in Evolution - as much insight and truth they might have in other aspects - it shows that they have not grasped
yet to which extent the devil is lying to the world, and how much the world is ruled by his lies.

Evolution doesn't work. The only thing that will ever create something better out of something not-so-good is love. Love is the very
force and source of miracles which could have made any such process of evolution work, and yet, at the same time obliterates the
very need for such a complicated and unnecessary process.
You won't find many evolutionists saying they believe in love as the thriving power or force behind evolution, because if they would
believe in a God of Love, then they would very unlikely believe in evolution. Evolution is, after all, nothing more than the excuse for
not having to believe in God, and a theory still based on "the survival of the fittest," which is, basically, the opposite of My philosophy
of "the meek shall inherit the Earth."

In order to really learn, you must forget all you know, or rather, forget all you think you know.

No wonder people came up with the theory of evolution. It's just that they got it wrong: this is not where you came from, but this is
where you're going without Me. Instead of a bright, enlightened and charming mind, you turn into something that rather reminds
others of an animal.

Dont feel too bad about being unaware of My miracle-working processes all around you at times, as you can tell, youre not the only
one. At least youre aware of them most of the time, while most people never even acknowledge My presence nor existence at all,
blatantly denying the possibility of My existence in spite of the plain evidence all over My creation. Pretty tough, huh? Talking bout
not being accepted or included by those you call your own: Imagine youre the Father & Creator of the whole bunch, & your children
& your creation just simply refuse to even acknowledge your very existence! No, Ive got no father! I simply came into being by
an unplanned, random process called evolution... If you think you have reasons to be frustrated sometimes, all I can say is Welcome
to the club!

So what if your life is a mess! Look at Me! Every life is a mess without Me! In fact, this whole physical universe is constantly
deteriorating without Me under the curse, and unless the Father and I would turn that process around someday soon, no flesh should
be saved.
Herein lies the deception of the enemy: the pretense of progress, that things are seemingly developing into a better state, that which
he has concocted to be the lie of Evolution, when in reality the World is literally decaying and rotting away under his reign &
influence, because he sucks the very life out of it. He is the reversal of life and of all that is good, thats why creation is dying,
groaning to be delivered, and I will deliver.

The majority of the Creationist movement is being way too tame, too polite, too politically correct to shake people up! They're too
timid to openly declare war against the Matrix! They don't see the spiritual background, the profoundness of the lie and atrocity as
clearly as you do, that lies behind the educational System and the System's entire brainwash about evolution and other matters.
They may have their beliefs straight on these things, but they're not militant enough in their attack on these issues. They're not bold
enough, not brave enough, and in this, they're not following in My footsteps. You don't wake anybody up with a whisper. I said, what I
whisper in your ears, that shout from the roof tops.
You're dealing in truth (if anybody asks you what your business is), and the problem is that the demand for it is kind of rare, which is
why you have to ignite and spark people's interest in it. Which is what's so interesting about the theme of the "Matrix." It's the
approach of, "what if all that you have thus far perceived as reality should turn out to be a lie?" Because that's what it basically
amounts to. "Would you be ready to experience the adventure of the truth?" The lie is easy, the lie is comfortable. It may even satisfy
somewhat, like a drug, but it will never really and totally and truly make you happy. Like a drug, you may become addicted to it and
dependent on it, and the thought of ever having to live without it scares you nearly half out of your wits. But you can offer these
junkies freedom. Wouldn't you definitely consider such freedom from such an addiction a positive gift? Yes, it requires a miracle.
First of all, they have to be willing to forsake this drug they've been so comfortable with, perhaps for all their lives. And then they
have to see it through, to go without it, to start a whole new life of independence on that former crutch they were so used to.
My sheep know deep inside that there is something else than the drug, the lie, and they're waiting for it, waiting for their liberation,
waiting for the truth, waiting for the light to pierce their darkness, their false imitation of light, their "reality," which they can quite
clearly sense that it couldn't possibly be all there is. The others are fine with it. They can keep pretending and playing the game until
the day they die. The lie is like second nature to them, in fact, it's more than that; to them it is the truth, and some will even
vehemently defend it.

Never allow them to pull you down to their level, never allow them to think that for you it's acceptable the way they live in the lie, not
condescending in any way, but expecting them to make progress in overcoming their addiction, piece by piece dismantling the lie
they've been living thus far. You've got to state it in no uncertain terms. When somebody tells a lie, then say it, expose it: "That's a
lie!" Don't let'em get away with it. Sure, you'll make enemies that way, but also lots of friends that count.

Those who lie to themselves & prefer to live in the lie will always oppose you; all youve got to offer is the truth.

Men loved darkness rather than light... Light is always the strange new ingredient, along with the truth... The lie was so cozy &
comfortable... so easy to live with...
Living in the darkness is just drifting along effortlessly, but living in the light is a constant struggle & fight! Its dangerous, because
youre exposed to your enemies, & they come to pick at you & see whether they can uproot you. The wind and the weather will test
you severely, and the sun will sear your with scorching heat...
But all this will only make you thirst for Me more desperately, will make you cling to Me for dear life, in utter reliance on Me, & thats
when I can use you.

The enemy rules the realm in which you live right now, and I want you to be aware of his devices, so that you can fight him better &
won't fall for his deceit. I'm exposing his lie with My truth. Just as I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, so he's the wrong way, the Lie
and Death, and the more I expose him to you, the more power you will have to expose him to others as well, and show them what's
keeping them captive.

All I have to offer you is the truth! But the truth is all you need in a world of lies, in order to cut through & rise above.
The truth and the knowledge of the truth will help you rise above and free you from all the confines, simply because you're realizing
that they're living a lie. You've got to expose the lie and the wrongs before the truth can really set you free.

There are too many people out there who defend nothing but their own little truth. That's the result of Adam & Eve believing Satan's
lie at the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, "Ye shall be as gods." The problem is that when you have millions or even billions of
little "gods" running around & everyone of them having their own "truth," it's pretty hard for those who are not as conceited to find
out what to believe in and what really is the truth.

Through the global brainwash or rather brain-besmirching you can tell that its the large majority trapped in and confined to the
Big Lie, and ultimate persecution of representatives of the truth will be the Endtimes result of it. (2016:149)

Body & Health

Part of your job of tending the garden of your body I put you in charge of is finding the right methods & remedies to your specific
problems with My help & applying them.

Not everybody can be a hand or a foot. Some members of the body have more stationary functions, more passive functions: they
receive the poisonous elements of the body & purify them, like the liver, or they receive the blood that has passed through the body
& pass it on, supplying it with fresh oxygen, like the heart & the lungs. Some are for mere decoration, like the hair... Others are there
to discern among My people, like the nose.

Your bones & body are aching, your stomach feels nauseated, you feel tired, but you can't sleep anymore... Time to get ahold of Me!
Time to start learning to rely on Me for strength & as the only true Source of energy, & to give you a boost to help you to make it.

At the core of each member, there's got to be Me, or the whole body won't be able to function together. Just like every living cell has a
core, and that core has got to be well intact and healthy, otherwise it won't be able to multiply successfully and grow into a bigger
organism. I am the Life that ensures a healthy cell core. As long as that very center of each cell receives the necessary nourishment
and protection it needs from Me, it won't have any problems.
But if you want a healthy soul, a healthy body and spirit, then you're going to have to stick to a healthy diet, one in which the rule
applies that "less is sometimes more."

When an old house deteriorates, it will need some work on it. It won't get better by itself.
Likewise, your body needs some "maintenance," & some things & minor repairs done to it, the same way your car does. The tires
wear off and you need new ones. Your teeth wear off, and you need to get them fixed...
You can't say, "Oh, I'll trust the Lord to fix those tires." You can trust Me that I'll supply new ones. Likewise you'll have to trust Me
now that I'll provide the right dentist, who's going to do the right thing.

Taking care of your body is hard work, the same as taking care of a house or a garden... You have to keep it clean, and all the utilities
running well. You can't just stuff it with whatever you like, endlessly. Sometimes you have to make a clean sweep, air it out & give it a
break from consuming, consuming, consuming.
What's happening when you're having health troubles is that they are like warning signs that things can't keep going the way they
have. A break or a change is required. And, as you know, changes are good for you, including physical changes like changing your
diet, or simply fasting for some time.
Fasting is good for you; for your spirit and your body, and since you won't do it voluntarily when you're healthy, I'm having to allow
these periods when you get so sick you can't eat anymore, or you'll just cause further trouble.
Wash out your body! It's a good time to do that after the holidays during which you kind of stuffed yourself!

It's so quick & easy to just prepare a quick fix snack, compared to the laborious process of preparing a full-fledged meal, but in the
long run, your body will be able to tell and show the difference.

Only once you realize that you really don't live forever, that your once young & energetic body isn't all-powerful after all, that there
are certain things you just can't accomplish & cope with, no matter how hard you try, only then do most folks appreciate My
rejuvenating qualities: when they're getting older; just like most folks only appreciate the doctor when they're sick...

Your particular body condition warrants a particular & individual diet.

You're often not exercising your spiritual nor your physical muscles, but allowing both, your body and spirit to deteriorate. You're
allowing death, weakness, deterioration and decay to slowly creep up on you and take the upper hand, instead of actively fighting for
life. You need to take a more pro-life stand!

In all living organisms, there are good things that work toward the furtherance and enhancement and procreation of life, and there are
negative things, which also have their time and purpose, such as bacteria & other parasites, which are present a-plenty in any body,
and just show that there is a war to be fought.
Those bacteria are not your actual enemy, but help to keep and make your body strong for the actual fight.

To enjoy yourself means precisely what it says: you can enjoy just being yourself, you can enjoy the body I've given you, the spirit
I've given you, the life I've given you, it's nothing to be ashamed of or to constantly deny or to beat down.

You must discern the voices that say which way to go, and you have to play it by ear and really listen to your heart, listen where I lead
you, to the counsel you really personally need. It's like listening to your body to "tell" you what sort of food you should eat.
Sometimes you just eat whatever is there or available, at other times you have to think, "what could we eat now?" At other times, you
just eat for eating sake, and then again there are times when you figure it might be best not to eat anything at all...

Not everything you do is obviously or directly an investment into Eternity: every meal you eat or shower you take, is not exactly an
investment in Eternity, but it helps to keep your body going, which houses your spirit, and thus keeps you learning, growing and
progressing. You're going to have to invest something into the here and now, in order to successfully bear fruit that remains for
Sometimes the investment is hidden or indirect. It doesn't make so much sense at first glance, but if you think about it...
I cared not only about people's spiritual, but also their physical well-being, and I still do.

Your body happens to be the vessel that Im using to make any effectiveness of yours on My behalf happen right now on this earth,
and in other words, without your body functioning well, nothings going to happen

What good does all the knowledge or wisdom do, if you cant package it and present it to people in a feasible, attractive manner?
What good all that talent, if its hidden and stuck inside a body that refuses to get out there and let it shine? Or to at least make an
effort to stay in a shape and condition to allow you to do so when the situation calls for it?

Keep yourself fit and your body in shape enough so that youll be able to get out My message and win souls and disciples.
Its just as important to keep your body in shape as it is to keep your spirit in shape, because your spirit alone wont do Me much
good wandering about this planet.

Brothers & Sisters

Imagine if parents on Earth wouldnt have any cares and worries about having to come up with the provisions for their families, and
on top of it would not be subject to sin and the devils temptation: Their children would be their greatest joy, and the major theme
around which the large part of their activities would revolve. Thats the way your Heavenly Father, and His Queen, the Holy Spirit,
care for you, watch you, rejoice in you, Their children.
Imagine older brothers & sisters on Earth would not be driven by their own selfish desires, interests & motivations of usually only
wanting to impress their peers or older ones than themselves (not the real old ones, you know, it always has to be just the right age
group to be considered worthwhile impressing): They would find their greatest joy in helping, tutoring, watching, and playing with
their younger brothers and sisters, or those of their friends. Well, thats how your many helpers on this side care for you, take their
interest & joy in you, their younger brothers & sisters on Earth. They dont spend their time on selfish pleasures, nor look down on
anyone they dont deem cool or worthy, they are driven by My great Love, the driving force of our celestial realm to want to do
anything they can to be a blessing and a help to anyone, great or small, lowly or great. All that is required is that you ask, and they
will answer & intervene & help you with anything you might need help with.
Life could be so much easier for Earths little boys and girls, if, instead of running around in a blind frenzy to get what they want, or
even what the devil told them they should run for, they would acknowledge their heavenly brothers, sisters & parents, who are ever
watching, ever caring, ever loving, ever willing to lighten their young charges load, to ease their path, to make their lives more
My Family is a cooperative, inter-dimensional, multi-generational body or machinery consisting of countless members behind the
curtain which separates your realm & ours.
Come & join hands with your older brothers and sisters who love you more than anyone on Earth could ever love you.
Well fill you in on important details as to what the enemys next moves are going to be, how you should prepare, what pitfalls to
guard against.
Call us, your heavenly parents & older brothers, your Greater Family for help, the way a little boy would call for his dad or older
brother when some evil bully is threatening him, or worse, trying to deceive him, kidnap him or deal him some poison candy!
Those who mess with us dont know what theyre getting into. Forget about the Mafia! You mess with us, you in BIG trouble! It may
not always be immediately evident, & the wheels of My judgment grind slow, but exceeding fine, and they all wind up sorry, sooner or
So, let this boost your confidence a little bit, next time you feel prone to be a little envious of this clique or that crowd, or when youre
tempted to feel inferior, because youre not a citizen of that strong country, or youre not like one of those rich kids or wealthy folks in
their cool cars... Remember that you, yes, tiny little you, are part of the most powerful gang in the universe, the one whos getting
ready to rule and run the joint for good, and youre in touch with the Boss, the Man on the top!

I am He that breaks up selfish little couples and families, to make of the broken pieces one greater Family.

My soul longs to meld with yours, I long to become one with you. And in becoming one with Me, you will become one with all the
other partakers of My love in the universe. Come together over Me! Thats the scheme! And the result will be one big, happy, joyful,
universal Family, My Kingdom of Love!

If youre genuine, if youre real, if your heart is covered and embalmed in My elixir of love, theyll know they can trust you.
That is how My Family & My children throughout time have been able to operate and survive against all odds: It wasnt that they had
any outstanding means, finances or wealth to back them up, it was a look into their eyes that told people, You can trust them! That
is what you must learn to put your personal trust in, more than any other physical security you would want to render, or guarantee
you would want to give to anyone: Its My Spirit that counts! The Spirit of Love.

Look at your Family in the Spirit! Seek contact with those who really have something to offer you!

Put My Family, My Kingdom first, before your personal, carnal sense of belonging, & see how much I will bless you with greater love.

This is and always has been the main purpose of the Family: to be My chosen mouthpiece to the World. What if My mouthpiece has
gone mute? What if the salt loses its flavor? What if the light of the candle goes out?

My stance on what is family and what isn't, is a little tough to take for those who are carnal minded & put their money on this World.
Look what I asked of Abraham... That wasn't a very "family-oriented" thing to do.
Look what I did to My own Son... Jesus: I had to forsake Him and let Him go and suffer a cruel death at the hand of the wicked &
unbelievers. People could say, "What a Father You are, God! Tsk tsk..."
But you see, My Family is a Family of the Spirit, and it's open to anyone who will, anyone who would like to join it, but in order to join
it, you'll have to leave the flesh & the allures of the World at the door. Once you have decided you want to be part of our big heavenly
Family, there are some pretty exclusive rules, and all that hog-wash from man's carnal mind, influenced by Satan, will have to go.

I like to work in teamwork, and I don't just run a one-Man show up Here. I like to include everybody I can and allow them to participate
in the work on the Big Picture.
Ask yourself what I'm trying to show you through this. By having to deal with the matter of God Himself choosing to work in
teamwork, you must ask yourself, "am I following in His footsteps in this aspect?"

The great plan is that everything, and everybody will lovingly interact, teamwork & co-operate in one heavenly, ecstatic & climactic
symphony... Everybody has an important part & role to play... everybody matters, everybody makes a difference, everybody can
contribute, and we all need each other.

I have chosen to work in unity and teamwork with My spirit helpers in order to set an example of what I want you to do.
What's important is that you neglect neither side. It's supposed to become a teamwork of spirit and flesh. I want you to first of all
learn to co-operate and work in unison with Me and My spirit helpers, and then, once you are being spirit-led, I want you to apply the
same method and gear with your human co-workers, as well, all the while keeping in mind that just as I and your angels and helpers
often need patience with you, so you need patience with those you work and live with in the physical...
I especially delight in teamwork between the dimensions. You tell us what you need from us, and we tell you what we would like from
you. That's how successful business works, even in the World.
Talking 'bout 'free trade'. It can't get any freer than this.

You can be partakers of My sufferings and help Me carry My cross by helping your brothers and sisters to make it, by praying for
them, supporting them, and doing whatever I show you and put within you to help them, lift them up and encourage them.

Don't ever let your days become too busy to include Me in them! If you're too busy to take Me with you in whatever you do, then
you're too busy! If you're too busy for God, then you're too busy! If you're too busy for love, then you're too busy! (II:325)

You don't have to feel bad about being busy! You just have to include Me in your business! Don't lock or leave Me out! Just take Me
with you in whatever you do! Consult Me, acknowledge Me, check in with Me! (II:420)

Don't let the enemy distract you with busy-ness, don't let him keep you busy, busy, busy, too busy for Me and what I've got to say to
you! No way of taking care of My business if you're too busy for Me. (II:603)

Folks have got to see the love manifested in flesh and blood in order to break out of their barriers brought on them by that spirit of
busyness, and it's a lot more important to Me that you be living samples of My Love, than just another accomplisher. (III:155)

You have to know what your product is, and what exactly it is you're selling and trying to sell. If it's Me, then make it clear! And if it's
something else, then take into consideration whether that is really a worthwhile cause to be putting your name, your time and effort
behind it!
Is it something you wouldn't have to be ashamed of being affiliated with or having advertised for when we'll be considering your
earthly works in the halls of Heaven? (III:244)

Youve got to mean business about My business! (III:355)

Maybe you're going to get the hang of it and make it a regular habit to make your business My business and make it your business to
find out what I might have to say about what I think your business ought to be... (11:125)

Keeping busy is good. But listening to Me is better.

So, dont feel too bad about not being busy enough for others, and their criticizing you for the time youre spending with Me!
Ultimately it will turn out that you made the wiser decision. Doing what you could, based on the right input.
Keeping folks busy fending for their survival is one of the enemys standard procedures of keeping them away from the opportunity
to listen to Me. (17:14)


You must work hard to prepare for the calamities that are about to befall the World. And just like Noah needed My exact instructions
in order to be able to build the first ship in history, so will you, if you wish to survive the flood of iniquity. The time is truly drawing
near and youre feeling the vibes of impending doom. Do what you can and I will do what you cant.

The battle royal between those who trust in the flesh and those who put their confidence in the Spirit; those who choose Me for their
Captain and those who choose to be the captains of their own fate; the former will sail their boats safely into My harbor; the latter, in
their blind rage of pride and ego will crash into an iceberg, like the Titanic, and great will be the calamity and the cries of woe thereof.

Once you have delved into My spiritual world of trust and where Eternity reigns and everything that lives and breathes knows beyond
a shadow of a doubt that I'm in perfect control of everything, then you can convey that same peace to others as well.
Calamities may be all around, but you won't be heard to fret. People will wonder, "How can they be so calm while the whole world is
tumbling around their ears?" And then you can let them know that it is so because you have been with Me.

Overcomers praise no matter what, regardless of any circumstances or conditions, regardless of any calamity, any problem,
anything that might not be going their way. They know that despite all it may seem like, in the end, everything's going to be alright!
You may think your present state is a calamity. One day you will see that it was the best thing that could have ever happened to you,
because instead of continuing to cruise along in your life in indifferent complacency, your present crisis is just one of those factors
to pull you out of that rut and routine, making you desperate enough to cry out to Me and ask Me to change things.
Its those times when you cry out to Me desperately that cause things to change for the good.

What makes you real is the suffering I bring across your path without you trying to evade it. You eat it, and you dont insist on Me
having this cup be removed from you, but say, Nevertheless, not my will, but Thine be done.
Everybody has hard times and trials and sufferings in My service, but they dont always swallow the depth of all that there is to learn
from them. Not everyone is willing to really face the ugly truths about themselves that have brought their fate upon them.
Some even refuse to recognize the calamities that befall them as such. They insist that everythings okay. And in an optimistic sort of
way, theyre right. Everything is going to be alright, so by faith they can say that everythings alright already.
Unfortunately, things have got to turn worse before they really get significantly better, and refusing to see the signs of the times, even
their manifestations in ones own life and family, isnt always conducive to really learning the lessons behind whats going on

Things are usually not as bad as they seem to you, and a lot does depend on whether youre going to take on the attitude of all is
well (2Kings 4:26), even in the face of calamities, or not.

The best preparation for any calamity that might befall you is to stay close to Me, in tune with Me, and in prayer, since I for once can
protect you from the worst, and secondly strengthen and comfort you if it should hit you anyway.

Your strength and faith in the face of calamities will determine whether what you have is real gold faith thats not going to go up in
flames like paper money and paper money faith.

I need you to remain trusting, even in the face of seeming calamities!

If you learn to see things My way, you'll learn to view the hardest parts in life not as the worst, but as the best. You used to see My
crucifixion as something dreadful, something that people wonder why it had to happen, until you realized that this was actually the
main purpose for which I came, My greatest task and most important "job," My destiny.
Even so it is with your crosses. You may dread them and you may rather have those cups pass from you, like I wished, but afterwards
you'll see that they were actually the most valuable and most important parts of life, without which things would never have been the
same... no victories won over the enemy, no precious lessons learnt... no beauty for ashes...

The blackest night of My Life, My crucifixion, My darkest moment ever, was also My greatest, most glorious victory!

I let them waste Me, devastate Me, completely wear Me out and wipe Me out, but in this I found the strength that never runs out. I was
willing to give all, not holding back, and in return I received all.

Victory is to be able to grab hold of My peace and heavenly Big Picture of My organized structure of everything in spite of the
temporary chaos the devil tries to create. He may show you that devastated landscape he left you in in the spirit, but you've got to
see My heavenly landscape and beauty of what's going to be and what really is in the heavenly realm, beyond all that ugliness the
devil's trying to create!

Sometimes you feel devastated.

You realize how close you are nearly every moment of your life to the point of losing everything, when all you will have left of your
substance will be your naked soul standing before Me.
Not the figure of how much wealth youve acquired, how big you are in terms of numbers and figures, just you, your soul, who you
really are.

I have let your world come tumbling around your ears, in order for you to assure them that I'll still be there to hold and catch them
when theirs will come tumbling around their ears... You will have learned and experienced My realness, My Presence in times of
trouble, and you will have a very real faith to offer to people.

Calamities happen. My crucifixion was the epitome of all calamities, and youre learning what pattern they follow: After the death
follows hell, and thats where youve got to stay for a little while, until Im ready to pull you out or the Father puts you pack on your

Care vs. Indifference

Indifference is one of the prevailing sicknesses of society. (I:512)

You've got to realize how ferociously the enemy fights you! There's no way you can afford to be indifferent or half-hearted about it!
Love equals the ability to show you share the excitement, instead of quenching it with the usual indifference and "coolness."
Don't just remain "cool" or indifferent, but get excited! Spread some fire! (II:465)

Caring for others is what life, the universe, and the whole purpose of existence is all about. (III:58)

People will recognize that what you've got is something special, and they can't just ignore it or be indifferent to it. (III:61)

It's easier and more natural to want the tangible, the visible, rather than the invisible, the eternal, when your children are concerned
with temporal matters, and only with the momentary satisfaction, the here and now, oblivious to there and then... indifferent to it.

If things would be going too smoothly for you, you'd simply become too comfortable, too complacent, too much at ease and too
indifferent about the state of the world, you wouldn't be moved into action to change something for Me. (III:366)

Those who are truly interested will always be a small minority compared to the indifferent masses. (III:585)

The attitude The Lord will always do it for me, no matter what can sometimes be somewhat snobbish and even wrong, if it causes
you to be indifferent to the way you come across at people. (III:591)

The only chance you have is to bring the matter before Me. Im your only chance! The only chance for anyone to make it up that
straight and narrow way which leadeth unto life, your only chance to avoid being sucked down that broad and wide gateway that
leads to destruction. I, the Gardener, with My sharp ax of My Word, am your only chance against the devils evil magic weeds.
The moment you realize that you dont have a clue what to do and call on Me, then Ill have a chance the only chance there is to
right the wrongs. (I:285)

It's not an exclusive thing to have Me as a chatting partner, Adviser, Helper and Counselor, it's something available to anyone who
would only dare to give Me a chance. (I:498)

Those people out there are the reason you're still there.
Give them a chance! Give them the benefit of the doubt! You need to give them a chance before they can give Me a chance. Give
them a chance to give Me a chance! (II:566)

Give people a chance to give Me a chance! I work in all their lives, and the Father lets the sun shine on all of them, the evil and the
good, and He sends His rain on all. Let it rain! Let My goodness rain on anyone! (II:650)

By feeding your enemies, you place fiery coals on their heads (Pr.25:21,22), searing their conscience and their minds with an imprint of
something that happened there that they won't forget, and that they will be held responsible for. They're being given a chance that
might turn their life from "not much of a tale to tell" into a beautiful adventure. (III:109)

Whenever you get the chance, pray! It will make all the difference in the world. It will show that you're relying on Me and on the Spirit
to get it done, you're not just trying to pull it through in the flesh. You're giving Me a chance to work that way.
Just give Me a chance to work through you, to shine through you!
You're saying "yes" to Heaven when you stop to pray and give Me a chance to work through you. (III:122)

If you leave things up to chance, or even the remote possibility that there is such a thing as chance, you're sunk. Only if you realize
that all things come from My hand and are - contrary to what may seem at first glance - carefully planned, are you able to appreciate
all the factors in your life for what they really are, the tremendous blessings in disguise you so often take for granted.
You've got to be so absolutely sure of My hand and My doings in your life, of My involvement in it, that you don't fall for that illusion
of chance for one minute... the delusion that perhaps everything is ruled by a universal cast of the dice, and the outcome is as
uncertain as anything else in this life... (III:248)

Just give people the chances necessary to stand before you clean and aright, just as I give you a new clean chance every day!
Wouldn't you love it, too, if people wouldn't hold any of your past failings against you, or even their own negative notions toward you,
and if they would just give you a chance to be accepted within their circle of tolerance, give you a chance to hear you out and listen
to what you've got to say? (III:283)

Give Me a chance to prove that it's worth it to trust Me! (III:286)

The sooner you learn to get all your strength from Me and to put all your trust in Me, the higher are your chances of making it. (III:342)

Mankind wouldn't stand a chance if we just left this world over to the devil completely.
We're having to give him certain leeway, access and entrance and even power over this world, according to the degree that man's
choices enable him to, but always and only "thus far and not further." (III:352)

When you see all thats going wrong, it seems overwhelming and you feel like you dont stand a chance. But even some apparently
puny, seemingly futile and desperate efforts to change things are better than doing nothing at all in resignation. Even a little progress
is better than none, than standing still. (III:416)

Just the fact that you are so desperately dependent on Me for anything ups the chances that youre going to stick with Me till the end.

My goal is to get you to let Me do it through you, and as long as you may look as if you had all things rigged up oh so wonderfully by
yourself, the chances are a lot lower, that thats going to happen. (III:431)

Give Me a chance, and watch Me go to work in others lives!

Youve got to have enough love and faith to give everyone a chance. (III:447)

I need you to turn to Me for Strength, even if I have to make you feel temporarily deserted by everyone else.
As long as you still put your hopes in anyone or anything else, you dont really stand a chance. (III:588)

Sometimes its actually quite good when for a change there is nothing else you can do but pray, because youre giving Me a chance
then, to show what can be accomplished by letting Me do it and giving Me a chance to work by commending the thing into My hands.

You want to be the kind of soldier that is going to stand a chance to win a battle, and isnt just going to be shot down easily because
of a lack of mobility. (IV:27)

Your only hope, your only chance, is trust in Me. (IV:46)

When somebodys mind is made up about something you have relatively little chance to change anything about that, and you just
have to let them go through the consequences of their choices. (IV:58)

I will always give you the strength you need to make it through your struggles, as long as you look up to Me, consider and
acknowledge Me and give Me a chance. (IV:86)

Give Me a chance in spite of the protests of your rational mind or its sheer inability to handle Me and the entire concept for which I
stand, the concept of love! (IV:100)

A life without Me is an empty life, and you can change their lives from an empty into a full one.
Give Me a chance to change their lives! (IV:108)

The problem that seems to be so big and immense, I would just like you to indulge Me with and give Me a chance! (IV:109)

If I am for you and with you and fighting on your side, then who or what would stand a chance against you?
What chance have all the odds against you, if I, the Son of the Maker of the universe, am fighting on your behalf and on your side?

Give Me a chance to prove to you that I can be the best weapon, Guardian, Protector and Caretaker of your child you could ever wish
for! (IV:180)

There is no chance for redemption unless the problem and the need for a solution have been recognized. (IV:207)

I can make out of you something beyond anything you dared to dream or think. Just give Me a chance, and Ill prove it to you! (IV:215)

The experiences of where self-rule and self-worship lead is what will convince most folks in the long run that they might as well give
Us a chance to give them a break from the disaster theyre inviting by thinking they can play god themselves. (IV:265)

Through your weakness I have a chance to become strong in your life. (IV:325)

When you feel like nothing, and worthless, thats when I get a chance to renew you and make something for real out of you. (IV:331)

I give you lots of chances.

Thats Me: the Chance Giver. I always give people lots of chances, especially those who give Me a chance to prove My Power on their
behalf in their lives.(IV:357)

There's the factor of those who never even get a chance to care for their lives properly because those who have more than what they
need for themselves are too selfish to share it with them (IV:396)

The enemy never seriously had a chance, the only power he has over the world and creation is the power that man granted him by
choosing to listen to him instead of Us. And since he doesnt really have a chance, thats also the reason why everything is going to
turn out alright, no matter how bleak it may seem right now. (IV:425)

If youre not too strong, too smart, too handsome to try to do it yourself and try to get the glory yourself, then thats good news for
Me, because chances are that you just might give Me a chance and let Me try to do it through you instead of you trying to rig it all up
in your own strength. (IV:432)
I delight in using those who think they cant in order to show them that through them I can, if only theyre willing to give Me a
chance (IV:477)

Some people think that I am the creation of people, instead of vice versa; and I am looking for people who will give Me a chance to
prove to the world the opposite, that Im more than a mere concoction of some peoples minds. I want My evidence to be seen and
noticed. (IV:480)

Give Me a chance to prove My Strength and Power of supply to you, so that you in turn can testify of it, hopefully inspiring and
encouraging others to give Me a chance to likewise prove My Strength on their behalf as well! (IV:482)

In order to give Me a chance to bring desired results that will exceed the results of trying to do it any other way, youve got to spend
time with Me! (IV:485)

What if it is going to come to that, that youre just going to have to trust Me? What if Im going to turn out to be your only chance for
you and your family to survive anyway? (IV:529)

The times when you are less than satisfied with this world are the ones when I get a chance to really work in your life and bring about
effective changes. (11:9)

I like to surprise you with how much I can make out of nothing, if anyone just gives Me a chance.
Give Me a chance to really work in your life to a greater extent than ever before by giving Me the priority, importance and emphasis in
your life! (11:15)

When you can just let things work out according to the wisdom and Plan of God, then youre giving God a chance to be glorified
instead of insisting on cashing in the glory for yourself. (11:35)

Things could always be worse, and at the rate the world is going, chances are they will. (11:38)

You dont have a clue, and that gives Me a chance to guide you, show you what Id like you to do and how Id go about it.
The emptier you can manage to make yourself of preconceived notions and head stuffing most people refer to as knowledge, the
more I get a chance; and I dont get a lot of chances to work through people in this age of enlightenment, but when I do, things
really begin to happen.
The thing that qualifies someone as My prophet: he doesnt have much of a clue on his own as to what to do, and so he gives Me a
chance to work in him and through him and lead and direct him. (11:42)

As long as they dwell in their little paradigm, that everything is the way they're being told, what chance have you got to break through
with the truth? (11:48)

Just taking it is what lifes challenge is sometimes all about.

When you can take it in spite of your own reservations, doubts and skepticism, chances are that youre going to make it. (11:53)

Just give Me a chance, and Ill prove to you that you were right about putting your trust in Me against all the apparent physical odds!

You need more strength? A good chance for you to pray down that Strength youre not going to get from anywhere else! (11:63)

If you really want to accomplish something, youre going to stand a much better chance if you avail yourself of My Help and counsel
in doing it.
If you look at this world around you, what you hear and see is chaos, the result of people being busy accomplishing things without
acknowledging Me, much less asking Me for My Help or blessing.
You have the chance to become an exception to that, the general rule of things, the way they are. You can show to the world that
theres a better way to do it, namely by not ignoring the Creator of the game, but including Him in it! (11:87)

Those who know they dont stand a chance without Our Help are Our only hope! (11:102)

Just give the rest of your life to Me, and give Me a chance to show you what I can do with it! (11:109)

By giving people a chance to help you in order to support you, youre breaking the vicious cycle of folks always and only doing
whats best for themselves. While blessing you in sharing with you what theyve got, they and you enable Me to bless them more
mightily than they could ever dream of being blessed. (11:110)

You have a chance to make a difference, which may be precisely the reason why our great adversary and opponent in this game is
trying so hard to make it unbearable for you. (11:113)

Once you made mistakes, chances are that youll try to do better next time, you learn.
When you think about what you could have done better, chances are that next time you will. (11:128)

Give Me a chance for you to find out whether Im capable of improving things or not if you pray for them! (11:130)

When the enemys threats seem overwhelming, youve got to be able to rest in the assurance that I am much greater and much more
powerful than he is, and he has no power at all, compared to and when opposed to Mine. It becomes completely obsolete, just as the
shadow has no chance against the light. No need to run from his shadows, since theyll be completely eradicated by My Light. (12:20)
Before you label people as hopeless, I want you to at least give Me a chance to show you what I can do with hopeless. (12:41)

Those fighting on the other side are hell-bent on destroying you.

What they dont know but you ought to, is that they dont really stand a chance, if Im with you. (12:42)

As long as theres any chance for a bad mistake, accident, or anything else unwanted to happen, it pays to pray. (12:50)

Thats why so many love stories never get a chance to be: People are rejected almost before theyre ever given a first chance. Thats
the difference between Me and that lack of love: I give people a nearly endless amount of chances, including you. (12:58)

Without Me, youre only you, and you and I know that youd want to give them more than that. The good news is that you can be, and
you will, if you avail yourself of this opportunity, this daily chance that can truly make the biggest difference in your life and theirs.

There will come a time when My role as a Savior will become abundantly clear and recognized as the only possible chance and hope
for life. (12:72)

So, the devil is doing his job, alright, but as long as youre doing yours, which is to just keep hanging in there, continue to fight and
refuse to give in, and thus continuing to overcome, he doesnt stand a serious chance. (12:76)

I love to bring forth victory from situations no rational thinkers would have given a chance (12:84)

Its always in My interest to get you to shift your faith from your own strength and capacities, your arm of the flesh and what you can
do, to the stuff I can do and want to do for you, if youll give Me a chance. (12:86)

This might be a chance at finding happiness: not in doing the things you want, but in things designed to bring help and a little
glimpse of happiness to others. (12:93)

Those who know they dont stand a chance without Our Help, they are Our only hope. (12:102)

How can you help others learn the same things you did, if you havent even given them a chance and havent given it a try to teach
them these things? (12:107)

Just give the rest of your life to Me, and give Me a chance to show you what I can do with it! (12:109)

By giving people a chance to help you in order to support you, youre breaking the vicious cycle of folks always and only doing
whats best for themselves. While blessing you in sharing with you what theyve got, they and you enable Me to bless them more
mightily than they could ever dream of being blessed. (12:110)

You have a chance to make a difference, which may be precisely the reason why our great adversary and opponent in this game is
trying so hard to make it unbearable for you. So, the only question is, are you going to grant him that satisfaction or not? (12:113)

The only chance you stand to make it anyway and overcome, instead of being overcome, is by a miraculous victory against the odds.
But, that just happens to be one of My specialties: miraculous victories against the odds. (12:120)

You wont stand a chance to make it through the times to come without Me and your Help from Above! (16:3)

Cling to Us and our Help! The only chance for anyone to make it through the dark times to come. And definitely the only chance
and way youll manage to be an encouragement to others around you during those times. (16:6)

When you cant seem to make it on your own anymore well, thats the time folks start giving Me a chance to let Me come to work in
their lives.
If its rough times, take the chance to apply for My Help, and experience the difference itll make! (16:31)

The only chances to make it through the times to come are learning to depend on Our Help from Above!
There wont be much desire for success in that world just the chance for survival without following the enemy in the flesh. (16:53)

Seek Me everyday! Whenever you get the chance! (16:62)

The weaker you are in your own strength, the more chance I have to let Mine work in you. (16:66)

A process to make you stronger and get used to tougher times coming up is necessary for you to have a chance to make it. (16:69)

Needing My Help pretty much for each day youre passing through is not a bad sign, just a preparation for the toughest times of
history coming up, and I would like to get you into that gear of dependence on Me in order for you to have a chance to make it
through whats to come. (16:72)

In order to stand a chance to make it through the roughest of all times, you just need to learn to make it through the rough times,
even if thats not something you like. (16:75)

Dont get too discouraged about the bleak state of your conditions, but rejoice that in this Ive got a greater chance to use you and
work through you than when youre all fit in your own conditions! (2016:79)
The more you start depending on Me, the greater and more realistic the tiny chance that you will make it through whats coming.

With the enemy taking over the rule of the world with the greatest powers available do you think own strength would enhance the
chance of survival significantly?
So, feeling weak? Thats when Ive got My chance to make you strong through My Power and the Fathers. (2016:90)

Clinging to Me and getting into a closer relationship with Me definitely has a purpose, which you will see the sense of, when nothing
else would ever get to closely resembling the hope and chance of making it through. (16:92)

The more you get into the habit of asking for My miraculous Help, the better, and the more chances youll have to make it through the
times to come.
Get out of the places where everythings ruled by the desires and cravings of the flesh, and follow your leadings to where the life-
style will be such that itll give you a lot more chances for survival through whats coming!
Its not so much the pleasant conditions you ought to look out for, but the kind with the greatest chances youll make it through the
dark times coming.
Get tuned to My Spirit! Much higher chances of survival during the times to come; trust Me for it!
When it comes to survival through the days to come, another, less lazy life-style will be the only chance to make it through.
The enemy aims to get most people addicted to the more comfortable ways of the flesh, in order to lower their chances of making it
through whats coming. (16:93)

Dont see the tough times as a negative, but as a positive and helpful preparation for whats to come, that will lift the chances for
folks to make it through those times!
If Im helping you make it through the rough times now, itll strengthen your faith that Ill help you make it through the rougher ones
coming. And even if folks around you might not appreciate it now chances are, they will then. (16:107)

Keep your hopes and your focus pinned and directed Up Here, where theres a much better chance for you to get a victory than by
focusing on your surroundings and conditions down there! (16:108)

See the times youre going through as preparation without which youd stand even less of a chance making it through times to come!

Can you see the need for the rough times to help or at least give you a chance to make it through the roughest to come? (16:110)

Without miracles the miraculous Help from Up Here theres pretty much no chance to make it through whats coming! (16:117)

The better youre able to take the roughness of today, the more chances you have of making it through the rougher times of
tomorrow. (16:127)

Didnt it surprise you how much faith in Me grew during the 80s? You wouldnt consider that enough reason for Me and the Father
to postpone judgment and give folks another chance? (16:133)

Im looking for folks who arent too self-conscious, and thus give Us a chance to work through them. (2016:136)

Becoming a comparative nobody is My greatest chance to make something or somebody out of you that counts Up Here as such.

No matter how tough the road ahead of you, keep in mind the vision and focus to overcome!
Your hope lies Here, in the Spirit Realm. So, stay spiritually focused and geared on It! The only chance to help overcome whats
coming at you down there. (16:147)

Sorry about the tough preparations, but trust Me that without them there wouldnt be much of a chance to make it through whats to
come. (16:152)

Learn how to cope and deal with rougher times and circumstances, because learning that will be the only chance to see you through
whats coming! (16:154)

Relying on Me and heavenly protection is just about the only thing that stands the chance of seeing you through the times to come.
With not many chances to make it on your own what youre up to or against, let your existence be substantial part of the proof that
there is Someone mightier than the overtaking forces of evil in this world! (16:166)

The only reason you have to see it through down there is to give others the chance and ability to make it Up Here, to the true Home of
Gods true children, too. (16:171)

It strikes you as a negative not to manage in your own strengths, abilities and capacities I see it as a positive, and the only way
youll stand a chance to make it through whats coming, when physical and carnal abilities will amount to zero when it comes to
depending on it for survival through the reign of our no.1 enemy and his folks preparation for that time down there. (16:173)

Not much in it for you, as far as times coming is concerned, but hope for others, and youll be thankful when you get Here for having
been able to be a blessing and a help to others, giving them the chance to make it Here, too.
So, remember the purpose of life: not just your own well-being, but giving others a chance to make it into the better Hereafter!
Do your best to make an effort to be a blessing to others, giving them a chance to make it Up Here! Thats the main purpose of life for
My disciples. (16:176)
Since faith cometh from hearing My Word, youre doing the right thing to turn to Me for My input. Knowing by now that you wouldnt
stand a chance to make it without It. (16:177)

Trust Me that whats coming is too rough to handle with mere carnal capacities and abilities! Thats why Weve had to allow yours to
be weakened, in order for you to rely more on those from Above the only Source of Strength, Power and Insight you stand the
chance to make it with through whats coming!
Sometimes things just have to be taken the way they are, and in a case like yours and other believers, taken with the advantage of the
ability to avail yourself of the Heavenly Help offered to you in Our knowledge, that theres just no chance to make it through whats
coming without It.
Its just the time to get used to that relatively new modus operandi of not working according to your own knowledge, but the one
coming from Above one without which you dont stand much of a chance to make it through whats coming.
So, aint got no clue? Good news for you! The chance for Us to show you what to do. (2016:180)

Get used to the fact that your own, physical abilities wont stand much of a chance to make it! So, rely on Me!
Feeling weak and without a clue how youre going to make it means I have a chance to work through you. (2016:181)

Rough times are comingof a roughness that you wont manage to stand a chance to try and take in your own strength!
Youve got to stick to Me and get ever closer, so that I can lead and guide you where you might stand a chance. (2016:183)

Isnt giving others a chance to be right something that would make you humbler? (2016:186)

Not much use in leaning on behavior patterns and experiences based on former patterns, and according to that, not much use in
depending and leaning on what your brain may have managed to store up! Whatll see folks through will be whats coming from Up
Here the only factor standing a chance to make it against the ultimate manifestation of force from down there (2016:188)

Keep your vision geared toward the happy ending of it all, even if you expected that happy ending to come a lot sooner! Dont see it
as a negative that itll come later than originally announced in order to give more folks a chance to make it Up Here!
Got no chance to make it down there? Well, raise your focus to the Place full of chances Up Here!
Just Give Me a Chance! (2016:195)

Im proud of all the strangers in that world whove got to hang in down there to give others a focus of Our much better Home, along
with the chance to get Here. (2016:197)

When you dont feel useful anymore, give Me a chance, and let Me use you! (2016:199)

The weaker you feel, the stronger I can make you in the proper sense of Strength.
The more desperate for it you get, the greater the probability and chance that youll get it. (2016:204)

I know youre seeing the physical weakening of aging as something ugly But give Me the chance to use it, and use you more in the
state of not able to rely on your own flesh and abilities as much! Physical weakening gives Me a chance to do things through you if
you give Me that chance by clinging to Me and ask for My Help and expect Me to do it through you. (17:4)

Its one of the enemys big and evil tricks to get the majority of society so spoiled that there wont be much of a chance for them to
make it through the tough times to come. (17:5)

If things run just in their normal and habitual way, theres not much chance for Us to get you into praying, much less uttering praise
as a result of the recognitional Help you needed.
The tendency and drift for things and conditions being on a downhill move is just necessary to get into a more desperate groove
where you realize theres not much chance to make it without Help from Above. (17:19)

The less successful you feel, the greater the chance that you might be fruitful in bringing My type of heavenly success. (17:21)

Those used to a tougher life-style seem to have more chances and probabilities of making it through whats coming. (17:28)

Learning to deal with tough circumstances is part of, and being led and guided by Me and your spirit helpers is the general track that
folks will stand a chance to make it through whats to come. (17:30)

When you dont know how to do it on your own, the greater the chance for Us to play Our part, because the need for Us is there, and
someday youll recognize that as an unexpected, positive advantage.
The less you can do it on your own, the greater My chance to work through you. (17:31)

Life getting harder and tougher each day is a sign of no more chance to make it in your own strength of the flesh, but a
demonstration of your need for and dependence on the Power from Above to make it. (17:34)

Get into a positively active gear in order to be blessed! Not much of a chance to just expect good results from basically doing
nothing of what Ive told and asked My disciples to do. (17:36)

Clinging to Me is one of necessities to stand a chance to make it through the most troubled times of history coming. (17:95)

By faith, rejoice in physical weakness, because it will put you in a position in which youll depend on My Strength from Above, the
only one through which youll stand a chance to make it through whats coming down there! (17:98)
When the egos the most important part of someone, theres little chance for them to spot their own wrongdoings and sins, and thus
the need for Salvation from their eventual effects and causes. (17:102)

Cling to Me as the Factor of Hope that youll stand a chance to make it! (17:108)

My true followers have a greater chance of making a definite difference than the listeners to sermons once a week! (17:117)

The only way to make it through the darkest times to come is through the realization that you wont stand a chance to make it without
Me, and the current rough times should be helpful preparation for coming to that realization.
Theres no chance to make it through whats coming without Me, My supernatural and miraculous Help and support for every moment
of each day. (17:128)

If youve been left in a weaker state than before, isnt that a chance to give Me that challenge to manage to make a positive change
and improvement out of it all, despite the forces that are telling you the opposite - the voices that are trying to turn just about
everything into a negative? (17:136)

Give Me a chance to make the best I can out of your situation through prayer! (17:137)

Cant make it on your own? Hurray! A chance for Me to make it through you, and thus get things accomplished that might not happen
any other way! (17:147)

To be dependent on Me is simply the only way youll stand a chance to make it through the times to come. (17:148)

With your physical conditions having become lower and weaker, Ive got more of a chance to get My Strength working through you!
So, feel like you cant make it? Thats the ideal condition for Me to make it through you! So, dont get discouraged through that, but
give Me a chance to prove and show to you that thats the way I can work through you! (17:152)

The enemy can tell he doesnt have that much of a chance to drag you down when youre clinging to Me, getting in tune with Me and
onto a positive wavelength. (17:153)

It may not seem like youre standing any chances to make it through the rough times, but thats where faith shows its valor above
looking at the circumstances. (17:159)

Youve got to learn to make it through the tough times, if you want to be My instrument during the toughest ones to come. And
theres no chance to make it through those than getting used to other and harder circumstances than the sort youve been used to.

Give Me a chance to display that asset of My Presence in your life, and dont listen to the negative input of the enemy that makes you
feel sorry for yourself over unpleasant circumstances! (17:180)

Pain and suffering simply draw you closer to Me and make you more dependent on Me, knowing that Im the One you wont stand
much of a chance of making it without.
Impossible situations are the kind you dont feel like youve got much of a chance to survive
Well, sometimes I will show My Strength and abilities through the fact that I bring you through them in spite of that.
Put your trust and confidence in whats Up Here! - A much greater chance of survival and making it! (17:183)

Getting ahold of Me in the beginnings of your days will turn the chances up that toward the end of it youll be able to say, It was a
good day. (17:201)

Remember that youve got to get used to rough circumstances and conditions, because thats one of the conditions to stand a
chance to make it through whats coming. (17:220)

Character & Personality

Im making you over, spiritually and as a person, your character. (I:84)

What's most important to Me is your character and your spiritual strength. (II:71)

Facing confrontation in a prayerful way is good and strengthening for your character and personality. (II:635)

If you can't manage to convince your wife and children that you're a nice guy, and if you can't manage to make them happy and make
them laugh every once in a while, then it's probably because you're not a nice guy, period, and you might have to do some serious
work on your character. (III:295)

Whats in My interest and ultimately yours, too, is whats best for your character, not your immediate satisfaction. (III:450)
Most people tend to think more highly of themselves than what objective observation and judgment would rule, thats human nature.

Sometimes your victorious attitude in the face of seeming defeat will be all the sample needed for people to see the strength of your
character, which will lend greater credibility to what youve got to say and may make them curious about the Source of your strength.

Its during those times of testing, when the pressure is on, that your character and strength are being put to the test and must prove
their worth. (IV:205)

Its a very good and valuable, as well as rare character trait to be able to give the credit to someone else, especially when theyre
invisible, and its really good for your humility, which is one of the most valuable qualities of character per se. (IV:251)

Why Im not allowing your life to be all as easy as a breeze, nor as comfortable as you would prefer it, but why there is some
resistance youve got to deal with frequently: I need to strengthen your character and your resolve, the fight in you. (IV:285)

It doesnt really matter whether your character is flawless or not, or how wrong whatever you do may come across to be, as long as
you stick to Me, youre on the right side. (IV:324)

Its not so much about how good you look, how fit you are physically, etc., but what really counts is your spiritual fitness and
strength of character. (IV:435)

You must be prepared for changes and developments in personality (IV:464)

Life ought to serve to shape you, mold you, purge you and frame you into a better character, form something nobler of you than there
was before, and how could that ever happen without a degree of suffering, pressure and pain? (IV:500)

Becoming the right person is a process sort of like baking a cake: You just have to keep hanging in right there, under the right
circumstances, the right temperature, etc., in order to get the desired result. (11:26)

A strong personality and character values are more important than accumulating and clinging to things of the past, and, in fact, they
are shaped by the very ability to let go of these things, because this proves that you're not clinging to temporary crutches, but the
most important factor in anyone's life: their relationship with their Creator. (12:11)

Yes, life is harder now than what it used to be, but trust Me that this serves you to become stronger and make your personality, your
character and spirit more valuable, more precious! (12:22)

Everyone always thinks that if they lived in a perfect environment with perfect partners, that perfection would rub off on them, and
theyll improve their character, too, but thats not quite how it works.
Character isnt built under perfect circumstances, but rather under adverse ones, and thats basically what the school and
apprenticeship of life are all about. (12:53)

Its not a competition here, where were trying to find out whos the most useful and accomplishes the most Its much more a
school of character where lessons are taught that are supposed to last and go far beyond earthly criteria such as accomplishment
and achievement (12:98)

It takes a bit of strength of character not to keep falling back into the grind and routine of taking the easy way out, the path of the
least resistance, and just yielding to the flow of the distracting chaos preventing you from bringing some kind of order into your life.

Staying humble, and thus, not so critical of others is definitely a character improvement. Wanna try it? (16:16)

When it comes to your faith and attitude and thus, the characteristic spirit you move through, keep an eye on staying victorious!
Cheerful! Positive! (16:42)

Keep the faith that your Creator knows whats best for you in order to make of your character what He knows is best, even if that
includes some hard times! (16:47)

How you manage to deal with troubled times is one of the factors that show your character. (16:51)

Rough times? Remember theres a purpose for them! Teaching you valuable lessons of life and trying to trim your character into a
bit more pleasant, humbler, more patient and loving one a more positive one.
- Tough times to make you better.
So, even if lifes far from perfect and a bit rough making it through remember faith, the capacity of believing that the Father knows
what Hes allowing to happen to you in order to shape your character and make what youre supposed to be out of you! (16:102)

Sometimes, when lifes been a bit too easy for some, and it hasnt been too good for your character, the helpers Up Here recommend
something that might turn things around in favor of a bit more positive personality, not just what they call down there another
spoiled brat. (2016:137)

Changes of character and behavior are necessary stuff to work on and I hope My input will be helpful to accomplish that. (2016:155)
The more youre conscious of your dependence on Me, the closer it will draw you to Me, and youll see: the more positive changes in
your behavior and personality will take place. (17:1)

To take for granted what one is used to is one of the typical human character traits, and unfortunately the only things that help folks
to snap out of it and show more appreciation and gratefulness are the incidents that make them snap out of the positive-for-granted-
rut. (17:19)

Let your incapacities dawn on you as something that might achieve some positive changes of character that former capacities might
not have brought about! (17:25)

Great and positive qualities are apparently not as dependent on whats in the head, as whats in the heart.
So, ones personality and spirit arent ultimately based on knowledge. Another ultimate lesson on the superiority of spirit over the
quantities of knowledge and stored up information. (17:27)

Having to yield to someone elses character helps to keep you humble. And humble is a positive (17:55)

That drawnness toward the easy ways is one of the main weaknesses of character, and something to work on overcoming. (17:66)

Make the gear of acceptance part of your personality! (17:85)

The first step to change the world in a positive way: to change oneself and make personality traits the ones others would like to
acquire. (17:106)

To resist the enemy is what everyone of My followers had to learn.

And not just resist his efforts to drag you down in your moods, but especially the assaults hes making on your character with the
goal to damage and hurt others around you. (17:141)

Its always easier to see faults in others than in oneself thats one of the tragic conditions of human personalities. (17:150)

Challenges and how you handle them are what will show and manifest your character and spiritual strength how strong you really
are in the spirit and in faith. (17:184)

Tough times are good for your character, and better than the easy times! (17:190)

Learning to deal with and handle different personalities is one of the major challenges of life. (17:207)

Remember that the trials and tests arent just of your faith, but also of your character, and other things that may present NWOs in
your life, like patience, acceptance, yieldedness! (17:210)

Sometimes folks with faults have to go through experiences with worse folks than themselves, in order to learn some of the lessons
on life and establish a half-way decent character. (17:217)

If there would be nothing to comfort you from, why should you need a Comforter? (I:519)

Comfort others with the comfort you've found in Me! (I:534)

You will be comforted by Me, for I have gone through the same sorrows, and by the Comforter, Who has wept since the beginning of
time over the hardness of the hearts of the children of men, and the error of their ways. So, be comforted from your mourning, and let
your hunger and thirst after righteousness be filled. (I:589)

How do you become the "hope of the hopeless"? By having experienced the hopelessness yourself first, comforting others with the
comfort wherewith you yourselves have been comforted by Me. You "pass it on!" (II:64)

If you feel alone, you've still got Me to comfort you and to share everything with; to get the answers to all your questions from. But so
many people in the world are much lonelier than you and don't know that My comfort is available for them, they're just waiting for
someone like you to come along and tell them. (II:79)

When you break through by faith, and you touch Me, or get in touch with your helpers, then you'll be rewarded with the comfort of
knowing you're not alone. (II:80)

It's a choice that everyone's got to make: what's more important, their own physical comfort, or comforting lost souls and therein
finding the Comforter? (II:324)
Away from the glamour of the ascended, down in the lap of the low, that's where you'll find the comfort of My Comforter. (III:208)

The dark times must come, and you must experience them, too, just as everybody else must. How else will you comfort them with the
comfort wherewith you have been comforted by Me? (III:401)

If you get enthusiastic about what youre doing, the world will see Me in you, and theyll warm themselves by your fire, and bask in
the comfort of My voice coming through you. (III:475)

Even though the trials, tribulations and castigations may be cause for present sadness, remember the reward, the ability to comfort
others with the comfort wherewith you have been comforted by Me afterwards! (III:589)

If you feel bad about being too weak to make it on your own through this life, be comforted and know that I dont see that weakness
as a handicap at all, but rather as a strength and an asset that will give you an advantage over others who will have to go the long
detour of finding out that making it in their own strength will not lead them to that closeness with Me where their innermost heart and
core of their being would really yearn to go. (IV:136)

Youll be happy to be well acquainted with My path that Im leading you in, so that you can be a comfort and guide to those who will
be relatively or completely new to this. (IV:140)

You can comfort others with the same comfort and reassurance that you receive from Me.
Thats the best thing anyone could possibly do with their lives, pass My comfort on to others. (IV:233)

Words seem like a poor comfort in some situations, but imagine the countless people who have to go through pain without My
comforting voice (IV:323)

The betrayed, the despised by this world and forsaken, will always be the comforted in the next. (IV:324)

Loss is simply one of those attached lessons of life that everyone has got to deal with sooner or later, and better sooner than later
Youll be able to comfort others with the comfort you are being comforted with yourself, but unless youve made the experience,
theres no way you could ever relate to them
Be comforted that this is going to make you stronger, more compassionate, more real! (IV:335)

I will not leave you comfortless nor deserted. (IV:436)

How can you comfort others with the comfort wherewith you have been comforted unless you first have had a need to be comforted
yourself? In other words, how can you help those in sorrow, unless youve been afflicted by sorrow yourself? (IV:493)

My Voice is always going to be a comfort to you that will not fail you or let you down. (IV:503)

Learn the essential and valuable lesson of clinging to Me and running to My arms for comfort in trying situations, instead of running
the opposite way because youre mad at Me for letting it happen! (IV:524)

Relax; as much as it may sound like a worn out clich, everythings going to be alright! And everything has its place and purpose,
or, as someone put it, everything belongs. - Even your pains, your inability to cope with the atrocities of your fellowmen everything.

Comfort others with the comfort wherewith you yourself have been comforted (2.Cor.1:4).
Its not for nothing that I referred to the Holy Spirit as the Comforter: This world is a troublesome place; and what a lot of people need
most is comfort.
People dont know that what really would do them good is some peace and quiet and meditation for the times ahead when what they
will really, really need is going to be some serious comfort through the darkest times this world has ever seen. (2012:142)

You can come to Me anytime for comfort and solace. And, after all, thats what I promised to give through the Holy Spirit after My
departure, a Comforter. Sometimes thats all you need in this dark and dreary world. Its a sad place, a sad race to get through, and
sometimes it gets so sad, so frustrating, so seemingly pointless and depressing, that all you really need is comfort.
Comfort from the pain inflicted by those who find joy and satisfaction in their destructive ways and thus see no need for comfort.
Things have to get pretty bad to get them to the point of needing, accepting or wanting comfort, and its usually when theyre being
reminded by the death of a loved one that their earthly existence they cling to so feverishly is finite and will come to an end
Comfort from the sad fact that they accept things the way they are as the way they are meant to be without seeking any change or
salvation from it all that they love darkness, rather than light that they always prefer and cling to the lies, which are much easier
to believe for them than the truth. (2013:79)

Maybe thats the only comfort there currently is: the fact that therell be a good ending coming to all this suffering currently having to
go through, and thus look forward to that, even through the hard times currently still passing. (2015:135)

Be comforted to know by faith that theres Something better awaiting you, and itll be all worth it what youve had to go through,
once youre Here! (2015:177)

Yielding to My leadings, even when theyre not it the direction youd have preferred to go is a good sign, and you can feel a
comforting spirit as a result! (2016:76)

What can you expect of a world run by Our enemy? The one whod love to be the destroyer of folks faith?
And yet again, what pulls you closer to Me and opens you for My input to send you comfort in desperation? (17:45)

How could a comforter be required or needed if theres no sorrow - caused through losses, pain and suffering? (17:167)

Pray for compassion for the sheep! Claim the keys of passion! Woo them like a lover! (I:205)

You've just got to have a heart for people, be concerned about them, be moved with compassion upon them as I was and still am.

Focus outwardly, on the truly lonely people in this world who have not yet found Me!
Have compassion and look for them, try to reach them, to find them!
What about those that don't even know that there is a God to love?
Those are the people I want you to have compassion for, the people I want you to reach, to dedicate your life to. (II:79)

I'm hoping to enhance your compassion for others, your love and understanding. (II:214)

Love edifies, it builds up that which is essential. The heart. The inner knowledge, and more than knowledge; the urge and
compassion to do something about the things you know are right. (II:567)

You ought to be desperate about making sure you did just what it took each day to make a difference in someone's life, to draw them
closer to Me. That's what I'd call concern, dedication and (com-)passion! (III:12)

The appropriate attitude to have is the same I took on: compassion. Try a little compassion on people, less judgmentalism, as hard as
it may seem to come up with at times!
You must be patient, hope and believe that the right people will eventually cross your path, those on whom your compassion wont
be wasted.
Its always better and more fruitful in the end to be compassionate than judgmental.
If you follow Me, the personification of Gods mercy on mankind in the flesh, what else would you want to be, but merciful and
compassionate? (12:10)

Its easy to have compassion or benevolent feelings toward those who seem a little more deserving, but who needs it most? Even if
they dont realize it?
You cannot go by what they think they know, but by what you know because of the things I tell you. You know things about their state
and their future that they dont, and that warrants compassion.
So, if you know better than they about the pitiful state theyre in, their blindness, the vileness, the deep, dark emptiness of their souls
without much of any void or hunger for positive, clean input shouldnt that invoke compassion in you, rather than more
condemnation than what theyre already heaping upon themselves? (12:68)

The fact that life isnt just rough for you, should stir you a bit more into the direction of being more compassionate. Have a heart!
Dont just feel so sorry for yourself, but have some compassion for those who just maybe worse off than you in the long run! (15:195)

Instead of letting the things that life brings make you angry, allow them to make you humbler and more compassionate, remembering
that others have to go through far worse sufferings. (16:47)

Hell on Earth is what some folks have to go through pretty much all their lives, and its good for you to get a little compassion for
them, share with them what theyre going through.
Dont you think its time to develop some compassion and go a bit through what others on this planet have had to go through all their
lives, in order to help you recognize that need for some to get some heavenly Help and some Salvation from that hell on Earth and
hell thereafter?
Why not get more into the groove of sharing Heaven with those whove got to go through hell - on Earth already? See the necessity
for a bit of that taste of hell in order to develop some compassion for others who are having to go through it down there already, and
may not have what it takes to prevent them from going there hereafter! (16:185)

Computers & Us
My Spirit, the Comforter, Whom I will send unto you, will bring all things to your remembrance. If you walk in the Spirit, you will
remember things: She will remind you! Shes like a super-duper-mega-smooth computer program that can enhance your rusty little
system anytime with all the knowledge you need, brings up any stored data from the past, or even brand new information that hasnt
been there so far, in revelations, dreams and prophetic visions. All you gotta do is download Her & install Her on your system!

Every little move & action of yours depends on a choice, whether you will react to the impulse with a yes or a no, a 1 or a 0.... 1s
and 0s,... thats all a computer program is based on.
Make your right choices today. Say yes to Me! Every time!

As soon theres some space for Me to fill it, I will. Tune in to My wavelength, log on to My server & press the download button, & as
soon as My computer detects any blank storage space on your hard drive, I will fill it with the desired & needed input!

If you want to grasp the meaning of every day & every moment of life, start learning to read My signs. A lot of things you may not
understand may be My handwriting on the wall, & if you seek Me & ask Me, I can reveal their meaning to you.
To you, My brides of the End, it is given to read & understand the signs of the times. If you look beyond that which is at hand & seek
Me in it, & the deeper meaning, itll be like reading the Matrix. Its like learning to read computer programming language.

I'm trying to help you to score points in the love game, so, I'm showing you what unselfish things you could do. Keep your eyes open
for more opportunities like that. They're scattered & strewn all over, hidden blessings, sometimes well disguised, like bonus points in
a computer game.

Before, you've had a slow connection, and now you've got a fast broad-band connection. Take advantage of your spiritual flat-rate,
and stay online permanently! Don't go off-line anymore! Stay online & attuned to Me permanently, "walking by faith and not by sight!"
I want to be with you and talk to you always.
Like this I'll be able to guide you much better & lead you by the hand, and you'll be doing & saying those things which I want you to
do & say.

Problems are more often than not being caused not by your circumstances, but your own attitudes, your "system settings." Your
attitude affects the way you are going to function, just as the settings of your computer will affect its usability & effectiveness.
If your monitor settings are too dark, then you won't see clearly. Or if your system is overloaded with too much clutter, that won't do
you much good, either; it's going to slow you down.

Set up a spiritual firewall against evil intruders! Dont let them plant their spyware cookies on your system so they can spy out when
youre most vulnerable! Dont grant them any access & make sure your firewall doesnt allow any leakage!
Run your spyware checker program regularly against any evil little intruders & keep your system clean of anything that might cause
trouble! Only turn to safe sites for good, healthy, clean & uplifting input & dont take any risks! Better safe than sorry!
A spiritual firewall shields you from hostile intrusion & attempts of the Enemy to hack into your system! Keep it up & running &
activated all the time!

"You are a new creature, yes, but boy, how that old man likes to pop up again." It's the old man, your carnal man, which is at enmity
with God, whom you must deny access to your system, the place from which you govern your life, like an old operating system that
doesn't want to give up its realm easily, although it has already been replaced by a new and better one.
Of course, the Enemy actively tries to install the old system again, your old ways of doing things, your old habits, or the old ways of
the flesh sometimes in a new disguise.

Sometimes you have problems downloading a file, and you've just got to try again. It all depends on how badly you want it. If you
really want it, you won't give up so easily. So, how badly do you want today's latest update?

You absorb the vibes of those around you, & if you pass them on to Me & commit them into My hands & ask Me to work in their lives,
you can change them & change your environment, your surrounding your world! I can give you the answers & solutions the
words & attitudes & actions those people need, individually tailored to their data, which you first transmitted to Me. You transmit the
data, & I send you the answer, the update, the plug-in or fix-up, whatever they need. If youre too tired to do anything else, theres still
sooo much you can accomplish through prayer!

Life isn't only theory! It's important you grasp the theory, but the practical part is what will get you somewhere.
You've been receiving it, now it's time to start giving it. Absorb & study it & let it become part of your being. You're one step further
now. We've moved from receiving mode to application mode. You've received all the initial software, now you need to get going & get
your machine operating. You'll still receive more information and occasional updates, but basically, your Operating System is
installed now, and you can just work away!

The devil is so scared of you, fighting you like crazy because he knows he's going to lose victims out of his clutches of hell, and
they're going to have heaven happening in their lives. That ingredient of heaven is like a poisonous, deadly virus to his kingdom, his
system, his Matrix! It totally busts it! It's like what the Spring does to the snow! It breaks the cold spell of winter & just makes it all
melt away, and everything becomes possible again: where there was only cold and grey, all of a sudden, life springs up again
You can be like that to those people! You can be like the sun of spring to them!

There was a time when your own strength was sufficient, but that time is running out now, its going to be over soon. Soon youll only
be able to operate in My strength. But see it not as a loss, for what you gain is so much more and so far beyond that which you need
to let go and forsake. See it like an upgrade, a promotion, a powerful innovation that revolutionizes everything.
Plugged in to Me, you are strong, because then we are together, and its not you functioning on your own anymore, as a separate
little entity, but youre plugged in to My circuit, a part of My gigantic, universal network, the network of My single spoken sentence,
(uni-verse) where I utter a phrase and it is done, My creation magic.

You can find Me right at the very center of your being, in your heart, the place you invited Me to come into when you received Me and
asked Me to save you from your sin, your old man, and I did. I came in and have been living there ever since. That's why you can live
from your center from then on, and you don't have to roam about the fringes anymore, the outer and superficial things. You have Me
in you! I am your new Center! I am the new Operating System or Program that's there now at the core of your "machine," the complex
creation of what is you.
I'm not off in space somewhere, far away and hard to reach, but right there at the very core and center of your being, inseparable
from you. That's why nothing, no high or low could ever separate you from the love of God, because it's right within you, very deep,
right where I've planted it. Right where you allowed My key, My seed, to merge with your inner lock, and it has long taken root there
since then, has been activated and has started to bear it's fruit and change your system.

There is no condemnation for those who walk in Me and live in My Spirit. (I:2)

Dont get bogged down with thoughts of self-condemnation! That's the downhill spiral and drift of the enemy! (I:516)

Show the people that you're on their side; that you're not there to condemn them, but to save them! Your job is saving them, not
condemning them! (II:541)

Once I start using you, that's where the devil comes in and starts reminding you of all your old and besetting sins and tells you it's
useless, or you're useless, that I could never use you. That's what condemnation basically amounts to. (II:612)

It doesnt help to be condemning yourself about things. I know your frame, and if I can live with the state youre in and accept and
love you the way you are, then you should, too. (IV:346)

Love is always a better challenge than revenge and condemnation.

I didnt come into the world to condemn it, and neither should you. (11:114)

Im in favor of people trying out their own ideas. Its not that I constantly condemn them for blatantly pursuing their own, selfish,
wicked ways. (11:124)

How much more blessed to live a life of true faith in My never-ending love and forgiveness, than one that is framed and limited by
man-made condemnation. There is no condemnation for those who truly live in Me and with Me, who truly walk and talk with Me and
dont just cling to man-made concepts and interpretations of what Im supposed to be like, according to them.
All this condemnation that religious people try to impose on others is not of Me and is the same spirit the self-righteous Pharisees
wielded who persecuted Me and ultimately had Me killed.
The spirit of judgment, of accusation and condemnation is that of the enemy, not Mine. In this, many of those who claim to represent
Me in this world are actually more closely representing My enemy instead. (12:11)

Condemnation and what folks bring upon themselves is already there by their rejection of the light, and love for the darkness instead.
Just because they think they can see doesnt mean theyre not blind. So, if you know better than they about the pitiful state theyre in,
their blindness, the vileness, the deep, dark emptiness of their souls without much of any void or hunger for positive, clean input
shouldnt that invoke compassion in you, rather than more condemnation than what theyre already heaping upon themselves? (12:68)

Love is always a better challenge no matter how hopeless it may seem than revenge and condemnation.
I didnt come into the world to condemn it, and neither should you. (12:114)

Free yourself from any self-condemnation, and trust Me, that Were certainly not the Ones condemning you! (16:83)

Dont let the enemy condemn you for stuff he himself tempts you to commit! (16:156)

Contentment vs. Discontent

True satisfaction comes from a place which eludes the carnal mind, and you sometimes have to do the opposite of the expected to
get there. (I:84)

Sometimes youve got to learn, as it says, to be content with such things that ye have (Heb.13:5).
When the devil tempts you to feel discontent with your situation, just remember to take this as the portion of your cup that Ive
handed to you, not handing you a snake for an egg or a stone for a bread, but in the full confidence that it is good. It is My gift to you,
so please, dont despise it, even if you consider it far from perfect. (2012:133)

What youre having to cope with is what youve got Me for to help you deal with.
Youve got to keep in mind that this privilege makes you a target for Satans tactics and demons of discontentment, and you have to
go on the counter-attack against them, not surrender in defeat and sink into this morass of self-pity! (2013:40)

Being less concerned about your own contentment would be to truly find it: getting more into helping others to find theirs Up Here
with Me! (2015:129)

Not to be disappointed means to be content with whats there thankfulness. (2016:169)

Crisis, Chaos, Mess, Disaster

Be thankful for the times when things go wrong and haywire, for they indicate that you've been either going in the wrong direction, or
that you've been neglecting some pretty important things.
As long as everything's going alright, people just don't pay enough attention. When things start going wrong, that's the point where
they'll start to listen up. "God, what am I doing wrong?"
Usually those crises, when you realize your life is heading downhill for disaster, are precisely what help you to prevent it from really
becoming one.
Those times also make you more likable. All of a sudden you're back down to the rock bottom of the fact that you're not better than
anyone else, even though you could have sworn you were, at the rate things were going.
But alas, the curtain has fallen, and revealed that your life is a mess, just like everybody else's. (III:126)

People blame Me for the chaotic state their world is in when it was really and always have been their own choices that were
responsible for the chaos and the mess. (IV:113)

Youll soon have chaos on your hands, if you will just allow everybody to have their way
Just allowing things to have their way, and allowing whoever wants and has the urge to ascend to the top and assume that
position, will result in total chaos, instead of organization, and basically, organization doesnt mean anything else than avoiding that
sort of chaos. (IV:124)

The only thing thats going to bring order out of your chaos and mess is if you hang with Me and keep looking unto Me, instead of
letting whoever elses flaws distract you! (IV:259)

As messy as things may appear and look around you, you must not go by their looks and the apparent chaos, but know that there is
an intricate plan at work, though well hidden beneath the surface of the visible realm, and everything will turn out to make perfect
sense in the end, even if your carnal mind will beg to differ at times.
One of the reasons why the enemy likes to wreak chaos in your life and make it look specially messy and chaotic is so that you will
start losing faith and trust in that fact, that We know what We are doing.
The mess is only temporarily, and what really counts, ultimately, is the final outcome and result, not the temporary state. (IV:300)

Life may seem one great big chaos, but trust Me nonetheless that Im in full control, and what seems like a mess to you is a piece of
beauty and art to Me, that many hands on this side of the veil are working on and involved in. (IV:347)

What troubles Me more than an outward mess is the inward mess in the hearts and minds of people. (IV:422)

The enemy likes to make a mess of things, but I in turn delight in restoring order from the mess he made. Your life might be a great
big mess right now, but if you put it in My hands and trust Me, you may yet be amazed what I can do with it.
I can restore any life, no matter how messy or chaotic it may seem (IV:451)

I will safely guide you through all the chaos around you!
In fact, the greater the chaos, the more obvious My miraculous guiding and protection. (IV:456)

My grace saves you out of any mess youve gotten yourself into.
Watching My followers getting themselves into messes, so that I can save them out of them again, is simply My job. (11:11)

I admit, this chaos that life and this world can be at times is not exactly conducive to the conclusion that theres Someone behind it
all Who knew what He was doing. Lets say, I let it become a little perplexing on purpose, otherwise it would hardly require faith.
Another factor is the enemy, who likes to convert My order into chaos, and hes not called the destroyer for nothing.
He even got some folks to believe that everything came from chaos.
It may look chaotic on the surface, but if you look closer, it begins to make sense, and that also applies to life. (11:19)

The worst disasters come about when people pretend they have a clue and just keep going as though they did when they really dont.

I cant preserve you or keep you from temptation and sin. I can only save you from the mess that the result of them are going to get
you in. (11:40)

So, yes, life is a mess, but it could be a lot less messy if folks would pay a lot more attention to Me. (11:64)

The messy state the world is in is not its original one, and its inhabitants are more responsible for it than the Creator.
People simply have a tendency to make a mess of things, and that's precisely what happened down there, and it's going to take Me
and My Return and intervention to clean it up. (11:66)

Everythings under My control, so if youre in sync with Me, you can be peaceful about it, no matter how chaotic things might get (and
trust Me, theyll get worse).
So, lighten up, and enjoy My Power to cause you to rise above any old mess! (11:68)

No matter what mess youll wind up in, it will never be too late for My mercy to show you just how it could be done better, which is
what will eventually happen on a large scale. But first youll have to grant the devil his turn to give the ultimate example of where its
absolutely not at. (11:69)

Yes, things are a mess, but theres hope. Hope that things will not remain the same; that while they may be getting worse and worse
temporarily, they will suddenly be improved and salvaged by Me.
If you look at this world around you, what you hear and see is chaos. Thats the result of people being busy, busy, busy
accomplishing things without Me, without ever so much as acknowledging Me, much less asking Me for My Help or blessing.
You have the chance to become an exception to that, the general rule of things, the way they are. You can show to the world that
theres a better way to do it, namely by not ignoring the Creator of the game, but including Him in it! (11:87)

The tough messes youre in are the factors that draw you to Me, your Salvation. Without them, youd be sunk for sure. The biggest
mess anyone can get themselves into is thinking that everything is honky dory with this world. As long as I constantly remind you
that thats sheer not the case, youre safe. (11:100)

How much do you seek the Father to help you get out of your mess?
You see, thats why from My angle its much better for you to find yourself in a big mess, than not. Those who dont arent even
aware of any need for seeking Him. Those who know they dont stand a chance without Our Help are Our only hope! (11:102)

I still choose the foolish things of the world to confound the wise, and the weak to confound the mighty. So, be not perplexed by the
mess that your life sometimes seems to be, and the fact that I expect you to see My hand even in the midst of all that chaos! (11:121)

The devil has finally achieved to bring about the kind of chaos from which he can thrive and come forth as the great bringer of
order out of the mess he actually instigated himself. (12:3)

Have you ever wondered why life is such a mess at times? Why it might be that things go awry, and what you might possibly be
able to do to prevent them from being that way? Could it be that life could be much less of a mess if youd let Me handle more of it by
committing it into My hands in prayer? (12:50)

Im good at creating the perfect out of the apparent hopeless mess and chaos, so that the universe will know it was indeed My doing,
and not its own. It has to become obvious that such a mess would have never been able to bring forth on its own such glory as you
will know and see, in order to make plain where the honor which is currently denied Me is due.
So, have faith in that the chaos, as hopeless as it may seem, in My hands will turn out to be a work of beauty and perfection. Thats
faith! (12:65)

Havent I been taking care of you amidst all the chaos thats been surrounding you?
It takes a lot more faith to believe that everything is under My control in the face of seeming disorder, chaos and lack of rhyme and
reason, but what do you really know about what Id consider order?
Look at the apparent chaotic and disorderly state of the universe! Can you make sense of that? (12:74)

Your surroundings are a mess to show you that the world is a mess.
Let it be an illustration for you of how imperfect the state of the world around you is in, with more mess and trouble coming!
Its also a challenge for you, to do what you should and can in order to clean up whats around you!
So, at the sight of a mess, ask yourself what you could do about it! Dont just play the victim role!
If things around you are a mess, let it be an example of the mess the world around yous in!
Let the mess around you inspire you to do something positive about it! (16:40)

Take the circumstances as they come, even if they strike you as disastrous. Let Me take care of the disasters, and put Me in charge of
them through your prayers!
Confront the disasters with prayer, even though youve got to get used to the fact of circumstances and conditions less likely to
change than your ability to make it through them! (16:159)

If life strikes you as a disaster, its just a sign for you to cling to Me for Help.
The current one may strike you as the most disastrous situation in your life, but unfortunately I have to make you aware of the fact
that it isnt yet. Things will become a lot more disastrous and tougher to handle, so the current disaster is just a preparatory
phase for the greatest disasters in world history. (16:160)

If its all a bit chaotic, dont be too shocked! Since whats coming at the world could easily be described as chaos or a chaotic state,
so, Im afraid youve just got to get used to that, and not be too shocked by it.
The more chaotic the circumstances, the more youll need to depend on the protection, supply and more miracles from Above, and
thats simply the groove youve got to get ready for! (16:161)

Seeing what a mess the globe winds up in, should be a clear lesson of what one shouldnt strive for or get into the groove of joining
all the others to make out of this world. (16:162)

As disastrous as your condition seems to you, trust Me that its the best that could happen to strengthen your sense of dependence
on Me and all the Help youll need from Above! (16:180)

As tough as current times may seem to you, its nothing compared to the times coming, when the enemy will strike total chaos down
there, so that people will be ready to accept the one hell use as a vehicle to reign down there in the flesh! (16:183)

The mess youre finding yourself in is preparation for the bigger chaos, and youve just got to learn to handle it.
So, learn to deal with chaos, because chaos is coming, and who wants to live with someone tending to make a bigger one out of it?
So, learn how to handle chaos! Its one of the qualities of the enemys rulership over that planet; and the greatest victims are
those who cannot handle it.
Learn how to deal with the chaos around you without getting upset about it and turning into a bigger chaos, and learn how to take it,
whatever you see and notice going on around you that youd describe and identify as chaos when for them it might be quite
Just make your effort to cope with Gods chaos, or what He allows to appear as such!
Im the One Who saved you from your sins and can still save you from any coming mess in this world or your life. (16:186)

Thats what the choices of man have led the globe into: a fairly disastrous state, taken over by the disaster bunch just in order to
help folks to eventually appreciate the non-disastrous, heavenly Host. (16:190)

Learning to get through strong winds is preparation for the storm!

Likewise, unpleasant circumstances are preparation for impending chaos. (16:191)

The world is heading for disaster, and if you describe your current days as disastrous, let it be another sign of My preparation of
you for whats coming!
Tough to handle disaster, and disastrous circumstances but youve just got to get used to it, and ready for the biggest one that has
struck the planet so far.
In other words, you can still calm down at the stroke of the disasters that currently strike you, since theyre still mild in comparison
to whats coming. And youll be grateful for the preparation mode once whats on its way will be there. (17:32)

One of the greatest errors of mankind is the self-confidence of I can make it, which is a notion of the enemy, when you should apply
for heavenly Help from the messes and disastrous situations he rigs up in the world. (17:34)

The more chaotic your circumstances and situations, the more youll recognize the need for My Help, protection and Strength and
Power to make it through.
And as thats whats coming at the world its most chaotic times its good to get ready for it and to learn to handle chaos.
Just have that faith that Well create order out of that chaos, eventually! (17:55)

Dont see the state of physical inability - and what currently may strike you as chaos - as a negative! (17:57)

Waking up to the fact of what state of a mess the world is in, is a bit more of what gets you to seek some improvement and positive
In order to get out of, or avoid chaotic and disastrous situations, prayers a necessity. (17:96)

Its good to get into the gear of learning to handle disaster. - Not to take the good and easy times for granted, as in guaranteed to
always stay that way. Knowing My Word, you should get used to and prepared for what Its predicting. (17:100)

As chaotic as life may seem theres some divine wisdom still in the production.
Its a tough job following the Son of the true God in a world being run by the usurper who wants to take on the God-position and is
making a lousy mess of things.
The big challenge for Us is to make the best out of that mess hes leaving Our creation in, and I guess you could term that part of
salvation: being saved from the mess our enemys left the world in - with the worst part yet to come
Lifes a mess because youre living in a world thats being made a mess out of through the enemy and usurper of God something
He allowed to happen, since people seemed a bit more interested in what he had to offer, than what We have
Wed like to know which are the good ones to use in order to make a good world out of the helluva mess the first section of creation
has been turned into.
So, if lifes by far not turning out as prefect as youd prefer it, just remember whos currently in charge of the mess down there, and
about to make the biggest chaos of history out of it!
A lot of the life of faith for now is the factor how youre making it through the helluva mess our enemy has left of Our creation.
You dont have a clear picture yet of how youll make it through that mess the devil made of Our creation, and thus, out of just about
every life in it to some extent. But just make the right choices! - Our Plan? - Or the enemys? Or your own? (17:112)
To handle crises is just one of your tasks. - Learning to handle them with My Help. (17:113)

The more disastrous the circumstances and the more unlikely someones going to make it, the greater the need for miracles the
part of things that has to be arranged from Up Here. (17:147)

What would make you keep seeking Me, if the world wouldnt be such a disaster for you? (17:183)

If your situation down there seems to be disastrous to you right now, remember that there are worse times and conditions coming up
ahead, and youve just got to learn how to deal with them through heavenly Help! (17:188)

As far as the disastrous state this world is in is concerned, it wont be easy, but youve just got to deal with it as it comes. (17:205)

If your situation turns out disastrous, remember that much more disastrous ones are on their way, so getting prepared for disaster is
just on the schedule! (17:212)

Its a dangerous life, and you can bet that therell be lots of vermin and pests attacking you, wild and ferocious beasts!
Your life is an adventure, a true adventure!
Sometimes those marching with you through that dangerous marsh land and savage territory get weak, tired and wounded, and they
seem to become an additional obstacle, rather than a help, but this is where I teach you that caring for others is even more important
than your own headway, and laying down your lives for the brethren is what will truly get you to the goal, not just making sure youll
get ahead yourself. (III:569)

While the knowledge of evil, the devils input, may nearly always contain some truth in it, its his diabolical, evil slant and twist on it,
and the wicked way in which He applies it to get you to doubt or mistrust Me, that makes it so dangerous. (IV:134)

One of the gravest dangers that ever befell My people and some of My heroes was the temptation to please those I had called them
out from, the established society. (IV:154)

Those who rely on themselves only effectively manage to do so by ignoring the actual danger and the reality of their adversary, or by
putting themselves on his side and kowtowing to him so he will leave them in peace. (IV:452)

The greatest danger lies in allowing yourself to be deceived into thinking that the goal of your journey might lie within this visible
realm and all it has to offer. (12:2)

Yielding to temptations has mind- and thus, reality-altering qualities, so, they can be pretty dangerous, and pretty much the most
potent weapon the devils got, because theyre powered by your own choices. (12:32)

Self-righteousness could pretty much be entitled the most dangerous setback for believers. (16:50)

Self-righteous anger is a danger! (16:120)

Remember the danger of disobedience when someone else says its okay to do what I would tell you not to! (16:124)

That wolves are something to be attentive of, since theyll devour sheep, is another lesson, and not ignoring the danger, but seeking
Me for protection is another important factor.
You have to be aware of dangerous factors especially in times to come with the enemy taking over the rule of the entire globe!
Sometimes youve just got to become more aware of the dangers in a world run by our enemy and his crowd! (16:157)

The dangers will help you keep in mind that this world is not the place you belong, except for the job I still have for you to get as
many as you can to join you on your voyage to the true Home for folks who belong Here, and not to the devils kingdom.
They are another factor that shows you that you cant make it on your own, and that youre not just dependent on Heavens Help in
terms of accomplishment, but also in terms of protection and survival. (16:160)

One of the dangers of evil: It doesnt portray itself as force of evil immediately, and has to be recognized once its in power. The
loyalty of those to the evil force reigning the world during the final part of its current history will show the deceptive force of evil.

Be prepared for changes, problems, and aware of dangers, staying pretty much in tune with Me as permanently as you manage, to
make sure youre constantly staying under My protection!
Troubles sometimes happen in order for you to become aware of them, their danger, and to remind you of whos in charge of this
world and getting ready to rule it in flesh and blood for the time of ultimate trouble and tribulation. (16:164)
As far as the dangers down there are concerned, keep your prayers for Our heavenly protection in the without ceasing mode!

The dangerous times are there!

Youll have to be ready to deal with dangers and troubles just about anywhere in this world in days to come. (16:168)

One advantage of experiencing Our Help to make it through rough and potentially dangerous events: raising your faith in and lifting
your worries about the capacities of making it through the times to come. (2016:178)

The world will reap what its sown, and if its largely selfishness thats been motivating its folks, theyll reap the results of it. Let it be
a reminder of the danger of selfishness, and what sort of fruit it bears! (17:5)

The dangers will become greater and tougher. One reason why youve got to get used to sticking to Me and Heavens Help and
protection. No time anymore to take things for granted like security. (17:36)

If youre in trouble and danger, its just a preparatory taste of how dependent of heavenly protection youll be (17:122)

With the risks and dangers higher than ever before, experience should have cured you from the wrong attitude to take My protection
for granted. (17:128)

As long as you're so full of what you want yourself, you're too busy chasing that, instead of trying and aiming to promote My Cause,
which is usually not conducive to your own agenda.
Serving Me is a choice everyday: who are you going to cater to, your own desires or Mine? (II:210)

What you need is what matters, not what you want or think you need. (II:539)

The grass is always greener on the other side, but only until you get there and have a closer look at it. (II:583)

When you're young, all the voices of desires are so loud and strong, they often drown out the cry of your innermost heart and soul.
Your desires for carnal and physical things had to go and be let go of, first, before there was room, a place and space in you for Me to
fill, that's what letting go and forsaking all is all about and what it means and amounts to. (II:590)

"They all seek their own" (Phil.2:21); everybody is primarily concerned about things they consider able to bring them happiness, safety
and whatever it is they want. (III:21)

I cared not only about people's spiritual, but also their physical well-being, and I still do. I love to provide and supply for you, love to
give you the things you want, and fulfill your hearts' desires. (III:56)

Sometimes you've got to show a greater desire and show that you want Me and My input above anything else. (III:274)

I can't fulfill all your dreams and desires right there and now in this life, or you wouldn't be looking forward to what's there to come...
If I would let you get away with leading the life you please, you would hold it against Me when you come Here: "How could
You let me get away with that?" (III:333)

Fulfillment of your desires isnt conducive to what Id call true and real happiness. (III:450)

I wouldnt stand a chance to ever be noticed or acknowledged by you, much less revered as the ultimate authority, had We made your
fellow humans more perfectly suited to your needs and desires. (III:469)

If youre just after the exactly same stuff in life that theyre after, money, fame, success and physical pleasures and comfort, then its
going to be pretty tough to persuade them that you found what theyre looking for. (III:495)

I am the ultimate fulfillment of your deepest desires.

I need to refresh your desire for Me daily. I need to cultivate it. And in order to do that, I need to prune your other desires.
The happiness you seek lies in the letting go of everything else and holding on to Me and pursuing Me as the one Pearl of great price
most to be desired. (III:512)

The true purpose in life is to please and serve Me primarily, and not live for and cater to either your own selfish cravings and lusts
and desires, nor anyone elses. (IV:137)

I know which of your desires are going to do you and others good if I fulfill them for you, and which wont. (IV:159)
The big problem is that the primary thing people focus on is the object of their desire, whatever they think will grant them security or
fulfillment of whatever happens to be their greatest need, more than on the Giver, the One Who gives all things in the first place.

Dont let your own desires direct you, but let Me be the Master over your heart! (IV:327)

Those who live for themselves and their own desires basically do so at the cost of the pain of others. (IV:422)

Id like for My brides to see their desires fulfilled to the extent and for as long as possible, since hard times are inevitably going to
come. (IV:442)

Whatever you want, you can get it, if you really want it and make the effort of faith to get it: exert a believing will toward that thing you
want, visualize it and trust that I love you enough to make it happen for you, even against all the odds of seemingly adverse or even
impossible circumstances!
What you cannot have, is everything at once. Sometimes you're going to have to decide what it is you really want. (IV:445)

Its not Me, its your own hearts stopping you from getting what you want. (IV:487)

Your spiritual vision becomes clearer by focusing on the Light, instead of allowing the fog of your own immediate, personal desires
to cloud your vision, because they also put a greater distance between you and others. (IV:509)

When the ego gets into the way of My will for a person, they put their own will and desires above Mine. (IV:520)

Perhaps youre giving some of the things you pursue and desire too much importance, neglecting some of the actually more
important things, and thats the reason why you cant seem to find any lasting satisfaction in the things you pursue. (11:34)

There is the great factor of the desire of who youd like to be, or as who youd like to be seen, and that is the role which many people
try to play as perfectly as they can, and some may be really good at it, but it still doesnt mean that theyre actually being
themselves (11:59)

Sometimes, even though a man or woman really want to do a certain thing, the means to do it are just not there; and no matter how
strongly you wish for it, you may have to put that desire on the backburner until the conditions change.
I wont tell you that you shouldnt do something, even if the end result may not be as you might desire. (11:83)

People mostly do what they want, not what they know would be better to do. Their mind may tell them one thing, but their heart tells
them another, and they usually yield to that tug of the heart. (11:129)

If you want Me to do something, youre going to have to ask Me or tell Me to do it; thats how it works. I leave a lot up to you and how
strongly you want something to happen. (11:134)

According to My Book, its not all about what you want, and learning to do without some of those things you want and think you need
is what Id consider a virtue. (11:146)

If you desire to become like Me, what you will want to be known for, and the one attribute you will wish that people were able to
associate with you, it is merciful, for it is such who will obtain mercy. (12:10)

Im the one channel and connection by which you can obtain everything you need and desire, so, think how important it is to uphold
and keep that connection established! (12:34)

The immediate need and desire are always of greatest concern. (12:57)

The desire to do better is already worth so much, compared with all the self-satisfied people who never experience that. (12:94)

Youre not having much fun or enjoyment in the there and now. Well, maybe it means youre supposed to aim those desires in Our
direction, the one thats going to last forever. (15:54)

Folks often want more than just what they need.

Being content with what Weve got to offer is one of those lessons of life, instead of being greedy and always wanting more and more
of things, or fun, or whatever one can buy (15:116)

See that desire for pleasant times alone as something of the flesh! (15:117)

Let the Spirit rule, and the material desires decrease! (16:26)

Dont just gear your actions according to your desires and what you want, but become more geared toward Our will for you! When
you pray, Thy will be done, do what you can to make it happen around you! Thy will be done means youll bow to the desire of
what We want, and not just what you wish for and desire!
Having lived a large part of your life gearing it toward the accomplishment of your own desires doesnt make it that easy to gear it to
the desire of your Creator Above when you cant even see Him, but well, thats what faith is largely about! (2016:35)

See that desire for pleasant times alone as something of the flesh! (16:117)
If youve lived a selfish life geared to your own desires, do you think its any wonder that as a supposed follower of Mine, what you
reap of what youve sown isnt what youd consider that splendid? (16:137)

The primary thing that comes to play the main role in lives is own ambitions, desires, physical necessities, and the challenge to meet
them all in their own strength. (16:143)

Carnal desires may be something to fight against, since theyre one of the major streaks of temptation the enemy tries to entrap you
Cant make out of life what youd like, according to your physical desires? Maybe thats a weakness to strive to overcome.
Think about the job thats there for you, and dont let the enemy get you off the track with desires for pleasure and enjoyment!
Carnal desires and pleasures are not necessarily a positive! (16:154)

It may be tough to see and recognize that cash or money are evil when they are what provides you with the things you need and
want but it might be a sign that you should gear your desires to the will of God and what He wants for you, and trust in the Promise
that Hell definitely provide you with the things you need. (16:172)

Aim the desires for better times at the better Home expecting you, since of the current times down there, Im afraid there isnt much
of anything better to expect! (17:111)

Giving My will and Plan for you a higher priority than your own desires and ways of looking at things should help you to strengthen
the acceptance of My will to stick to your job in your life down there. (17:118)

If you need and desire a positive change, the first thing to get that accomplished, remember, is to pray! (17:121)

Take a step of obedience to My Law to love your neighbor as thyself, in other words, to give their desires not any less priority than
your own, but if need to be: theirs the priority. (17:167)

Trust Me that what youd want is not exactly what you need! (17:190)

I still have a job and a purpose for you to fulfill down there, even if its not according to your personal preferences and desires sort
of as it was with Jonah. (17:197)

Open-mindedness and receptivity toward the expectations or desires of others toward you is an advantage. (17:198)

If its perfection you desire, focus Up Here! (17:209)

Preferring Me, My will and My ways above own desires is what being a true follower of Mine is supposed to be all about.
Putting My will above what you yourself want and desire is putting and seeking Me first. (17:210)

When things and circumstances become difficult for you, thats when your desire for change sets in, but sometimes thats when its
more likely My will for you to stay there, in order for you to learn the lessons and make the progress I want you to.
The easy times are just over, and you have to get used to the fact that youve got to get ready and prepared for the roughest ones to
And if I have to use some tough guy to get you ready for it, accept My Wisdom and the fact that I know best what it is you truly
need, even if thats not exactly what youd want! (17:220)

Disappointment = His appointment. When youre disappointed with what this life and world have to offer, you come to realize that
your greatest treasures are found in your appointments with Me, and you begin to treasure and value them for what you are.
If its audience reaction youre after, you will be disappointed. Its a bit like that proverb from Confucius that says, Act kindly, but
dont expect gratitude! (11:91)

Dont be too disappointed if I dont allow you to thrive too much at their game, because it isnt yours. Their game is a selfish game,
when I have called and chosen you to play the game of love. (11:106)

Its simply not part of My repertory to disappoint any of My followers who sincerely seek Me, regardless of their flaws even though I
might work on ironing them out in the process (12:11)

The greater the pain, the greater the joy and bliss youre going to experience as a reward! Im just keeping you from the
disappointment of mediocre rewards for always trying to avoid anything that would even remotely strike you as resistance and
adversity. (12:55)
Just as it happens with young people and children throughout the world with their parents: theyre often simply not interested in
anything thats good and wholesome for them, so the children of man often despise the gifts that would truly be good for them, and
its hard to arouse an appetite in them for those things.
The other things are always so much more tempting, entertaining and appear to promise greater satisfaction. Thats why it usually
takes disappointment with those things before anyone voluntarily turns toward a more virtuous path. (12:57)

They can do no other but wrong, and thats, in a nutshell, whats not right with the world, and why you keep running into
disappointments and disillusionment there: you cannot expect anything else from it. (12:106)

The more heavenly-minded you stay, the more your focus will be geared and aimed in the right direction.
Keep aiming your spiritual focus at It, in order to save you the disappointments youre bound for if you keep looking for the perfect
spot anywhere else! (17:143)

You wont be disappointed for having put Me first in your life! (17:180)

Not being able to live up to folks expectations of you may mean disappointment to them But then, isnt life all about learning to
take things as they come, and not what individuals expect of it?
It may sometimes harbor disappointments, but learning to handle things contrary to personal expectations is part of what lifes all
about. (17:211)

Keep in mind that you should seek to live just one more day in service to the King, and not just seek enjoyment, and be
disappointed when thats not coming!. (17:215)

...Discovery of Meaning, The

Everything is a picture of a hidden reality. Im teaching you the mysteries of the universe. My whole creation is a continuous

So many apparently meaningless details and incidents start making sense once you start turning to Me. Its like turning a light on in a
dark room. Its like learning to read: all of a sudden those symbols start making sense.
So, if you want to grasp the meaning of every day and every moment of life, simply start learning to read My signs. A lot of things you
may not understand may be My handwriting on the wall, and if you seek Me and ask Me, I can reveal their meaning to you.

Tell people about the meaning of life! That life actually has a meaning, a sense of purpose. There is such a thing as purpose! There is
such a thing as meaning! And what better and greater meaning and purpose could there be for you than conveying that knowledge to
There is a place they're going. There is a destination to their journey, and thus, there is such a thing as destiny. Only that a large part
of that destiny is in their own hands! It's up to everyone's own efforts to find that truth, that destiny, that purpose. They cannot just
passively wait for everything to fall into place by itself! It takes an effort, a willingness to learn, a readiness for learning, a desire for
knowledge, a desire for truth.
It's sometimes a hard and tough job, just like Ann Sullivan's job with Helen Keller, to teach someone the existence of something
they're totally oblivious to: the existence of purpose. But once you manage, it's like breaking through from darkness into light, and it
will have been worth it! She had the faith that it could be done! She had the desperation and determination that it had to be done.
Otherwise her own life would have remained meaningless. Even so, without your conveying the meaning sense of purpose to others,
your own life is void of meaning, and the vicious, empty cycle of emptiness and purposelessness will continue.
You must live in the conscience of your duty to break that spell! It's the Great Lie indeed: "There is no meaning! There is no
purpose!" That's the myth and evil tale you need to expose and destroy! Show them that there is a meaning! Show them all you have
been taught! Show them where to find God, where to see Him; help them decipher His handwriting, help them to discover His signs!
Show them that despite all the apparent meaninglessness, there IS a meaning, much greater than they could fathom. But it's not
beyond their reach! In fact, God is more than willing to reach out to them and show them and teach and tutor them, to talk to them,
just as He has been talking to you! Show them that there is a way that they can listen, even though they're deaf. That there's a way
they can learn how to see, even though they are blind! There is a way to know that which they know not of, that which they don't even
believe exists, they cannot believe because they have been poisoned with the gas of unbelief. But you can revive them, resuscitate
them, awaken them and bring them back to life! All you need to do is give them the truth: there is a meaning to everything.

The type of people that stories are being told about, movies are being made about & books are being written about, are not the mere
survivors, those who fight for nothing else but their survival, like all the rest of them, but the types who take time to live, to learn the
lessons of life, who go through life with both eyes & ears open & find out what it's all about: those who find Me, and let Me teach
them the gist and essence of life.

Every day of your life is like a picture, which in itself is a piece of the puzzle of the big picture of your life, which again is a piece of
My Big Picture of everything. Often people don't remember the important things in their lives because they didn't esteem them
enough. They were too busy with temporal affairs, such as making money, and their lives with all the lessons involved, just pass
them by. But I want you to take the time to remember.
Everything is orchestrated by Me, everything visible is only a physical result of some spiritual truth, and thus there is a plan behind
I'm urging you to see the invisible cause of the visible more, to open up your spiritual eyes, the eyes of faith. If you see the physical a
result of the Spiritual, then it simply takes on a lot more meaning. You know I meant something by allowing this or that to happen, or
even creating this or that situation. You'll know that nothing is without guidance, nothing is by chance; it's all going somewhere, and
thus you develop much greater faith and trust with which to walk through every day of your life, and which you can then impart to
others, too.
Every day should be a vast scope and canvas of opportunities for you, of things to learn, and things to pass on. It shouldn't ever just
be a struggle for survival.

Im teaching you personally through the school of life and your experiences, all that you have to go through, your trials and
lessons these are all ways in which I communicate and interact with you.
They complete another piece in the puzzle of the deeper meaning of everything.

Everything on Earth is only a shadow of a heavenly reality... an image of something greater to come.

The deeper meaning of everything is that there is a deeper meaning in just about everything!

Dreams & Visions

The Spirit will remind you! Shes like a super-duper-mega-smooth computer program that can enhance your rusty little system
anytime with all the knowledge you need, brings up any stored data from the past, or even brand new information that hasnt been
there so far, in revelations, dreams & prophetic visions. All you gotta do is download Her & install Her on your system!

There are many who believe in Me, but few who know that Im present in every human beings life every day, eager to interact with My
children, to speak to anyone who will listen.
For these are indeed the last days, in which, as I have promised, I will pour out My Spirit upon all flesh, that they may prophesy,
dream dreams & see visions, if only they be willing to receive and believe!

When I meant for you to shoot your arrow into the unseen distance, do you think I was talking about physical distance? I'm asking
you to aim for My Realm! My Realm is the invisible horizon I want you to shoot for, and the only place where you're really going to
find your dream and its fulfillment.

(Spirit Helper:) Find your dream! Anything is possible! You can go and be and do whatever you want! You have the power to make it
happen! If you really want to live your dream, you can do it! You've just got to commend that dream, that vision, that desire into the
Lord's hands & pray for it to happen and for that dream to become reality!

If you want a happy and fulfilled life, one in which your dreams come true to the most possible extent in this life, just make it revolve
around Me, instead of trying to merely use Me as a means to your own ends.

Someday soon you're going to fly!

It's a promise I'm going to keep, as unbelievable as it may sound to unbelieving ears! That age-old dream... I'm going to fulfill it! I'm
going to make it come to pass! It's going to be part of My great "Restoration Act Part 1," at the Rapture, which will herald the

The art is, when you aim and shoot for your goal on the distant horizon in your quest to "find your dream," not to forget that the place
from which you get there is your present position. Your here and now is what's going to get you there, and it's an essential part of the
plan and of the whole picture.
The present is the only place from which to reach the future. And thus, what you make of your present (the gift of your being)
determines your future. "Despise not the day of small things." Here and now, with all its little problems to deal with, is the foundation
on which you're building that which is to be.

The way to truly enjoy life is found by integrating Me in your activities, lives, plans, visions and dreams, to acknowledge Me in them,
to enjoy it all as a gift of My hands.

Haven't I always said, "according to your faith be it unto you?" And if you have the vision and burden for something, or a "dream,"
then by all means, grab it.
Life is life for those who grab the opportunities, and not those who hesitate. Sometimes you've got to grab life's opportunities.

I limit Myself to working through your faith. The connection & link between the physical and the spiritual - the manifestation of your
hopes and dreams - lies in your faith. It's the vacuum that draws from the Spirit World that which you hope for.
If you hope for something, then act & believe & have faith for it... walk toward the goal of the fulfillment of your dreams.
You must not only hope, but also believe, in order not to be disappointed.
Make Me the focus of your hopes and dreams, I'm the only One Who can fulfill them.

I can't fulfill all your dreams and desires right here and now in this life, or you wouldn't be looking forward to what's there to come...
You wouldn't be desiring My change and My revolution, My metanoia...
Like this, you keep praying, "Thy Kingdom come!" You know that it hasn't arrived yet, contrary to the way some Christians seem to
perceive things.

Thats the neat thing abut heaven: everybody can have their dreams fulfilled there, and yet it will all blend together somehow.

Shoot your arrow of your vision, your destiny, your prayers into the future which is as bright & golden as My promises.

Ask Me to open your eyes & expand your vision that you may be able to see those things which right now you cant see, and I will
broaden your perception. Theres more to life than what meets the eye.

A picture is worth a thousand words, & the gift of vision can be an even more efficient & quicker way for Me to communicate certain
things to you. Watch out for the great & mighty things of the Spirit I wish to show you! Come & see; taste & see. There is yet so much
more to be heard, felt experienced and seen. Im more willing to give than you are to receive.
Tune up for the gift of vision! Get ready for Spirit-TV! Stop seeing things merely with the eyes of the flesh. If you look at people with
the eyes of the spirit, you will see their true nature.
Open your eyes to visions of heavenly light!
You aint seen nuthin yet! Open your eyes, & I will show you! I will give you visions of things that thou knowest not. There is no limit
to what I can show you with the eyes of the Spirit.
As the days grow ever darker, & you find ever less satisfaction in the finite beauties of the world, look for more, for greater things,
beyond those seen with mortal eyes.

Now that Ive managed to stretch your vision toward further horizons I would like you to walk mindfully of this, your new vision,
wherever you go & whoever you talk to & testify of My higher calling for you.
Stay faithful to the vision & keep it fresh in your mind & on your heart everyday, knowing that there is a higher calling for you, a
higher destiny that I have in store for you, & if I have promised it, know that I will bring it to pass! Prepare for it!
Keep this vision & make it known.

Keep your vision on that shining crown, that high calling of God!
Keep your vision of the things Ive ordained you to do! Tear loose from the little, insignificant distractions & mundane affairs of life!
Trust Me for more. Enlarge your vision! Raise your goal, your standard & vision. Aim high! The futures yours to claim! Its yours!
Grab it now!

Keep the vision that youre not of this World, that youre pilgrims & strangers, & that youre never really going to fit in if you want to
be My disciples. Everybody wants to be accepted, nobody wants to feel or be treated like an outcast, but those who have decided to
follow Me are never really going to be fully accepted by the System.

Continue seeing Me in everything. Continue to grasp My vision, My way of seeing things. Continue looking to Me for guidance &
direction, even correction, for better ways to do things than you have been doing them.

The art is to keep the vision for the glorious things in the doing of the humble and mundane, little things of everyday life.
If you manage to be real everyday, to walk humbly on the ground of My reality, staying faithful in the little, mundane things of life and
keeping the heavenly vision while doing so, focusing on Me and My reality without being deceived by any of the devil's soap operas,
then in My eyes that's a lot and people will sense it. They will feel it. The very air about you will be different. There will be "strange"
vibes accompanying you wherever you go, of a world that smells & tastes so weird to them: the smell & taste of the real world.

The Enemy hates My predictions and visions of the future & tries to ensure that the opposite is going to happen.
His attitude is, "Oh, yeah, did God say so? Well we're going to see about that!" And he tries all he can to foil My plans. All he can do
is try to delay Me & My plans by throwing a few monkey wrenches into My machinery, frantically trying to postpone My future,
because he knows the future will bring his doom.

You have a goal? You have a vision? Ask Me to make it happen!

If you shoot for the stars, you might at least reach the moon, & the higher your vision, the higher you'll also fly.

Without a vision the people perish. Without someone showing them what they could be doing for Me and for others, how they could
invest some of their lives, energies & resources into My eternal cause, their spiritual muscles wither, their focus grows more & more
narrow all the time, & the opportunities of what they could have accomplished for Me, and thus for greater & everlasting rewards,
literally perish & become lost, so, it's your responsibility to make sure to give them the vision.
Give them priceless opportunities to invest in eternity and My eternal values, as opposed to living visionless, selfish & materialistic

When I give you a vision or plan for the future, the devil will fight it, and it depends on all involved to ward off those attacks from the
evil one, and if one link in the chain fails to see their part & the conditions they have to fulfill, the whole plan may come to naught.
If any party allows the Enemy to foil the plan, the final victory is going to have to be brought about by some other means, or even by
other players...
Don't view circumstances as obstacles, but as stepping stones, & rise above... Aim your arrow way beyond the horizon, beyond the
scope of what you see... That's the kind of vision I want you to have, to break out of the confines of the familiar, to get out of the
"think local" gear. Think universal!

I don't create "perfect" humans factory-style! I take My time to shape each one personally by My own hand. I take infinite care in
every little detail. You wonder, "Whats He doing that for?"
But that's where you've got to trust Me that I can see the finished result of what you're going to be, I have a vision and inspiration of
what the finished symphony of your life is going to sound like.
I like to take the time to make it perfect.
I'm trying to get you to shoot for something more than the immediate cheap thrill.

Zooming in on carnal things, you neglect your spiritual view and insight, your vision. And thus it easily happens that you see things
not quite as they are.

I'm broadening your spiritual horizon. You confine your scope, your perception & what you think you know about the world to your
own experiences, those things which you have already seen & heard & felt or perceived in some way. But there is so much more to
discover, a whole new bandwidth to upgrade to, when it comes to vision and perception!
This is only the beginning of a whole new world I'm about to reveal unto you!
Why limit yourself to the same confines that all mortals do, when I'm giving you a chance to break out of them, by widening &
opening up your horizon to a greater capacity to receive and perceive than you were ever able to before?

Forever is the only reality that counts, as far as I and all My true visionaries of all times were ever concerned.

Ask Me to open your eyes and to renew your vision! All the fancy images of distraction of the Enemy are disappearing, and now
you're ready for My picture! Seek it with your whole heart.

Just because things look far from perfect doesn't mean they'll always stay that way. Just tell'em, "Well, the picture is not yet
finished." And tell'em to either wait & see, or to come to Me for a glimpse through My eyes, & I'll give them the vision of what it's
going to become & what it's going to look like when it's done!

The devil will tempt you with compromise. "Oh, but you can use both, the flesh and the Spirit!" But the more you fall back into the
gear of the fleshly methods of support, the less emphasis you will put on My vision for you, of truly putting My Kingdom and My
sheep first in your life!
Focus on the new way, the new thing I am doing in your life, and on the goal and vision of its purpose, namely not merely to gain
support and ensure your physical survival, but to bring true, eternal life to many, many souls who hunger and thirst for Me!

Without a vision the people perish. If you don't know where you're going, you'll often get nowhere...
When I called out Abraham & he went out not knowing whither he went, he did have the vision of that country that I promised him. He
had a vision, & he got the fulfillment of it. He didn't have a clue where it was going to be, but because he followed Me step by step by
faith, I finally gave it to him.
It's time to start looking and to start walking.
Get the boat into motion so that the rudder can take effect. It takes giving what you've got, or even what you haven't got, and as you
give, I will fill that void!

Come to Me each morning in order to get the vision from Me and be reminded of who you are and how much I love you.

Whether people are going to accept the medicine you offer them, no matter how convinced of its effectiveness you may be, still
always remains another question. But you've got to sell & offer it anyway, because you believe in it, and you want to help them; you
know it's good for them. That's being a "soul doctor" & a missionary or a salesman for Me! You've got to do the right thing, you've
got to continue producing the good stuff, even if it seems like nobody wants it. The need is there, and sooner or later you're going to
come upon your "clientele," your "crowd," your niche in the market, the people who will have been just waiting for what you've got to
offer. This is what I call (having) a vision!

When you do something good, don't immediately rest on your laurels, but let it be only the beginning. There's lots more to go on to
from there. Don't stop already when you've hardly yet begun! Stretch your faith; stretch your vision: there's more, lots more!
If you see Me perform a miracle for you, don't limit your faith to that one, but stretch your faith and your vision & believe that I'm
going to do the next miracle, too!

Come out of your finite and limited world and breathe a whiff of My heavenly, fresh air of "no impossibilities" and "no limits." Allow
Me to expand your horizon and stretch your faith, your focus and your vision and point you further than your temporary horizon that
you saw when you were still dealing with the little numbers and limitations of the world.
The devil's goal is to limit everyone. Subtly, he does so under a cloak and pretense of "liberating" them from the supposed narrow-
mindedness of Christianity and conservative religionism. He pretends to be their liberator, when he's really the limiter. I'm the one
who opens the lid and stretches the horizon beyond limits, but he always tries to put it back on & keep everyone boiling inside his

Expansion is the name of the game, as far as I'm concerned: expansion of your horizon, your vision, your faith, your spiritual
muscles and of the range and limits you have known and conquered thus far. There's always more. Never let your mind limit you to
that which you have already known before, there's always more to find out, new things to discover, to explore, to learn.
Pray for new visions, new ideas, new methods and new territories to explore, for new souls, new people, new friends, new contacts.
Pray for new faith for new things, new goals... pray for newness and change, a new outlook, a new horizon.
Stretch your faith, your horizon, your vision, your outlook, your spectrum, your methods & expand! Look into which directions you
can go which you haven't tried yet!
There are things for you to do here, and your job is to find them. Your job is to make the best out of the situation I've given you and
put you in!

If you keep the heavenly vision and act as if nothing else matters, then whatever happens down there just won't be able to get you
into a fuss. People still think that survival and acquiring those things that make it possible are more important than life itself. If the
mere purpose for your existence were the insurance of your existence, that would be pretty stupid, wouldn't it? And yet, that's the
way most people live.

The mind often only sees the obstacles; it sometimes even creates them, whereas to be a pioneer, you need more than mere
intelligence. You need to be able to see beyond the confines of the mind. Intelligence (and I'm talking about the average amount that
people boast of these days), is not enough, it's too limited to accomplish any truly great and outstanding feats. Only those who can
see further than the confines of their minds can break out & dare to go where no one else dared to go, do what no one else dared to
try. Their minds simply don't know that it can't be done.

If you put the right kind and amount of energy and vision into the little things, the right amount of elbow-grease, attention, interest &
umph, then those very little things are going to get you far. If you project your long-term vision into your short-term projects it can
fuel them and get you a lot further than if you just go through your daily routines in a ho-hum kind of way.
Keep your long-term vision in your short-term activities, goals & projects, and thus you'll be using those short-term projects as
vehicles to get you to your distant destination.
You can get more out of the here and now, there's more potential in the present than you've been making use of. You've got to not
only look further, but you've also got to look deeper. There's more to see, both, in the far distance, and right before you, in the small,
intricate little things of everyday life. There's more to discover in the distance and at home. There's more directions in which to look
than one.

Stop thinking you already know it all, so that you can be more open to My revelations. Don't be so sure you already see, but ask Me
to expand your vision!

Let Me renew you, your vision, your concepts, your outlook, your whole being.
This day can be the first day of not only the rest of your life, but of a brand new life altogether, with brand new prospects, aspects
and perspectives, a brand new outlook, brand new horizons, visions, goals, methods... all depending on how open you are for Me and
My changes, My Grace!
I bring new concepts, new perspectives, new pictures & illustrations to your mind to give you a renewed vision.

Stretch your vision and expand your spiritual muscles... expand your horizon and look forward, look ahead!

The real art of living lies in recognizing each challenge and task set before you as your special and individual, tailor-made destiny
that only you can fulfill. Of course, that requires a good portion of faith and vision when that "glorious destiny" is a pile of dishes, a
load of laundry or taking the garbage out.
It's relatively easy to do some glorious job that's going to be noticed by a bunch of people. But those who can keep doing those little,
menial jobs with that same vision are My greatest and truest heroes.

Walk by faith, not by sight! If you always and only go by what you see, you won't walk the walk of faith very far. It's not about what
you see, it's about what you can't see!
Believe Me for the things that you can't see! Believe Me for them because I have promised them. According to what you see, I must
be a liar, or I must have simply made a mistake, right? But wait and see! I'm not done yet. I'm not finished yet. And if you look at
history, I've often used people that nobody would have expected the sort of feats from that they wound up doing in spite of all the
probabilities that stood against those miracles ever happening.
I know you even better than you know yourselves, and I know what you're capable of and who you really are, in spite of what you see
now in yourself, and the failure that you see when you look at yourself.
Only the true visionaries and prophets can see what I see. They don't see the failures and losers that those see who look with the
eyes of the flesh only. But they believe Me for My promises. They refuse to doubt that what I have promised is true, and I will honor
their faith.
Believing is easy when all the evidence supports what you believe. "Blessed are they who, not seeing, yet believe" (Jn.20:29).

If you keep your eye and your vision of that heavenly goal and reward, you become a partaker of these things already here and now.
That heavenly joy won't just set in when your life on earth is through and you receive your crown of glory.
If you focus on the heavenly reward, part of it will already be yours as you focus on it. That's what gave all My martyrs, faithful
witnesses and true saints the power to not give in. It was more than a mindset or the ability to rationally figure that someday in
Heaven they were going to get their reward for it. They could feel that reward already, even while they were suffering.
"Keep your eyes upon the goal and the victory in your soul!" It's more than a mindset! It's more than a feeling! It's more than a
conviction! It's "the victory that overcometh the world, even your faith!" It's that "little strength" that you have and put to use by
drawing power from Heaven that is much greater than your own! It's putting that "little strength" to use, that you've got, and making it
work, and pulling down with it the tremendous power of God. It's finally getting your eyes off yourself, and your petty little problems
and situations, and focusing where it counts: You may indeed be very small and seemingly insignificant, but you've got one mighty
God, and He can make all the difference in the universe for you

You may not see the plan, but I've got a very clear picture of it, and I can let you partake of My knowledge, My wisdom, My vision, My
goals and My plans for you, and not for you only, but for this whole planet and mankind per se.

In order to pour out to others, you've got to have a vision for them, and the faith for them, that they will take what you're going to give
them and bring forth fruit with it.
That's what shepherds do: they feed their flocks and bellwethers in hopes that they're going to lead others to greener pastures as
Failure to inspire others is often due to lack of vision and faith to even start broadcasting. You underestimate their capacities to
receive and pass on what you're giving. You figure they're not interested and they're not going to listen anyway, so why even waste
your breath, your time, your energy?
Visionaries are those who never consider their time, breath and energy wasted. They're those who have faith in their audience, and
enough faith in Me to believe that nothing happens by coincidence, and if I have put these people there, as much as they may be on a
"different wavelength," then I knew what I was doing, had a sense and purpose in it, and it's merely up to you to find out what that
purpose is by letting loose whatever you've got to pour into them and then see what happens.

Vision keeps your eyes on the goal in the distance and thus keeps you from becoming distracted by the immediate little issues of
here and now and instant satisfaction. You're willing to chew your way through another rough stretch in the faith and hope that the
outcome will be well worth it and make more than up for it.

Put on your Don Quixote vision and see the beautiful beyond the ugly!

You start receiving revelations and visions by making yourself receptive for such input and creating a vacuum and an interest for it.

Allow Me to give you a steady and clear vision for each day to pass on and convey to others.

How much of a foreigner in this world are you? How fixed is your vision on the eternal World beyond?

Keep your eyes, your vision and your focus on the goal, and on whats to come, on Eternity. It will take the sting out of anything you
might have to go through in this life, any lack of happiness and physical comfort, any amount of suffering and trials. No matter what
you do, and what is going to become of your life, the best is yet to come!

Leave behind all those things that are bothering you, that may seem so important at the moment and seem to take your mind by
storm, and come to Me and let Me revamp your concepts, your perception and your vision and focus for the day.
Let Me wipe the slate clean and give you a new menu, free of all the things that would occupy your mind, and put on My mind instead.

I dont mind you having dreams. Find your dream! Thats an invitation from My Spirit. I want you to pursue your goals, and I dont
mind you having dreams, even if they may seem to be what some people might call slightly unrealistic.
Many people have such dreams. And I want you to find and pursue yours and make it real and happen for you.
Now reality has thus far proven to you that dreams are not very easily found in this day and age, or made to come to pass. But thats
one thing about finding your dreams: you cannot give up and quit looking too easily!
Dont give up on your dream of love! (IV:357)

Who said that dreams always come easy, or that it would be easy to make them come true? Who said that it doesnt cost some
substantial effort sometimes, to pursue them? And isnt that really what makes them all the more worthwhile and appreciated in the
end? (IV:359)

I told you there was a dream to find. Now, if it would have been too realistic, it could hardly be called a dream.
Dreams are made out of special stuff, and theyve got that certain magic to them, that miraculous ingredient that it takes for Me to
make them come true. No evolutionary process that might have happened any other random way, but stuff that requires prayer, faith,
and nothing less than the very Power of the Creator in order to make it happen.
Are you going to refuse to let the devil steal this dream away from you?
Sometimes you might have to fight in order to make certain dreams happen! (IV:370)

Finding your dream means to take that dream out of the dreamscape and go to work at making it a reality. (IV:373)

Is it surprising that Im expecting you to make some kind of effort in order to make that dream you have found a reality?
That happens to be what it takes in order to make dreams come true. It may not necessarily be all carnal efforts, but youve got to
make an effort of faith to believe that its happening, praise Me for it, as I have taught you, and not let the enemy cheat you out of
your dream! (IV:380)

A dream is something slightly different than reality, and in order to make it real, you'll have to take it from the dream domain and step
by step work on the necessary preparations to make it happen in the real world.
It takes faith in order to build your dream. (IV:388)

Are you going to walk toward that distant horizon in order to find that dream and make it reality, in spite of all the adverse
circumstances, obstacles and odds against it? (IV:410)

The goal and ultimate vision of finding your dream is not in finding the right situation, opportunity or even group of people to make it
happen with, but its about you being that person to make it happen. (IV:498)

Sometimes it takes a little patience and waiting for the right moment for your dream to be able to crystallize.
It certainly will cost to make the time for the things you need to do in order for that dream to happen.
If Ive been telling you to find your dream, keep in mind that the possibility is open that I was talking about a different kind of dream
than you may have had in mind!
So, dont view it as failure or as having missed the mark if your path does not seem to coincide with your personal dreams and
visions and what you originally had in mind, but trust that I can change the path as you go and develop it into something different,
but always ultimately better than your own idea! (11:35)
The reality of finding your dream also entails having to fight for your dream to an extent! You feel as though I promised you a
dream to find, when much of what youve encountered since may by your definition have resembled more of a nightmare, and at
times youre wondering if youre in the right dream, after all
Well, all I can say is that at times it takes an effort and a certain amount of time to get your dream to work, and learning to cope with
the differences between what youd ideally imagine a situation to be like and its reality, is part of the price many have had to pay in
order to make their dreams become a reality.
Its building a bridge between the dream and reality thats really the tricky part about making dreams come true.
Your dream is what you make it! Your dream is your future as you would envision it to be, the place where you reach and fulfill your
full potential and you feel and know that youre fulfilling your destiny and are doing what you were made and born to do!
Finding your dream ultimately may resemble something different than what your flesh would have envisioned or chosen or made out
of it (11:47)

What if the dream I have planted in your heart to find isnt just a dream, after all, but something that is coming more true than all their
shadows of reality that presently define your and their finite dimension?
What if? (11:113)

Most of your dreams, hopes and wishes wont be coming to pass in this life, but if you embrace them as part of your future rewards,
it will help you to define more clearly your goals to walk forward towards. (11:148)

What if the dream I have planted in your heart to find isnt just a dream, after all, but something that is coming more true than all their
shadows of reality that presently define your and their finite dimension? (12:113)

Life in the world run by our enemy simply doesnt make all your dreams come true. (17:211)

Cooperating with folks having different and contrary visions and dreams can turn out to be quite a challenge to make the best out of
anyway. (17:212)

Easiness vs. Difficulties

It just so happens that this particular time in which youre living is not part of what youd consider easy times. While you have been
making it as easy on yourself as you could, theres no way out anymore, no more chance to avoid the wind and the rain, and youve
just got to let it blow and bear it the best you can. (III:406)

Life is hard for a reason. Look at those for whom life has always been soft and easy, and how they turned out as a result! (III:408)

A lot of people follow their natural tendencies to seek the easy way out, and if there are people willing to serve them, they gladly
accept that offer.
But as in regard to many other things that life brings along: you dont have to take everything that the devil has to offer.
If you know its not good for you, refuse it!
Otherwise youll just become more and more spoiled as the days roll by, and things wont become easier for you that way! (III:467)

The easy way out often will have its painful consequences in the long run! (III:487)

Its natural to want to make it easy on yourself. Everybody does that all the time, spend their lives trying to make it as easy on
themselves as possible, or ensuring that someday theyre going to have it as easy as possible
But thats not My goal for My disciples. My prospect for My disciples has always been the cross. Take up your cross daily and follow
Me. That has been My message. Not, follow Me, and I will promise you days of ease and plenty! That sounds more like the devils
gospel. (III:543)

Tough experiences are infinitely more valuable than happy and easy times.
Its natural to prefer to have only easy times, but the hard times are what life is really all about, and without them, life would lose the
major chunk of its meaning. (III:589)

Its ingrained into the minds of this consumers society to take and grab and consume whatever one can, but sometimes its simply
wiser to forego some of those blessings, which have a hidden price.
They may make things easier and more pleasant for you immediately and in short term aspects, but in the long run they make you
lazier and spoiled and thus, weaker to fight the battle, which is, of course, the enemys incentive. (IV:18)

Go through this struggle of life, even though it may be difficult!

The difficult part is for a reason. (IV:86)

Rejoice in your difficulties! Theyre there to make the best out of you and your life.
There are some things the easy way just wont do for you. (IV:142)
If I would have wanted to make things easy for you, I could have filled your life with people that are just like you. But what sort of
challenge would that be?
The more comfortable and at ease folks are with their lives, the less they tend to truly grow, since its the difficulties that make you
grow. (IV:144)

The hard times are a much more excellent preparation for whats to come than the easy times. (IV:214)

Is the Real Thing always the easier thing, or the more popular? No. But is it still the Real Thing thats going to outlast the fake? Yes.

Has it ever been easy to be a follower of Mine? Or is it perhaps that its just a mindset of these times, that life is supposed to be easy
and always enjoyable with hardly any obstacles, adversities and hardships to overcome?
Do you really want to make the choice to take the easier way?
Or could it be that the harder way always having the assurance that Ill never make it too hard for you is actually the better option
for you in the long run?
If youre seeking something more, a greater and more lasting, eternal reward in the There and Then, then it behooves you to also put
up with some adversities, some trials and struggles in this life, in order to learn and grow and progress and mature from them,
because progress, growth and maturation are only achieved by means of the efforts you make in your struggle against adversities
and difficulties. (IV:256)

Why Im not allowing your life to be all as easy as a breeze, nor as comfortable as you would prefer it, but why there is some
resistance youve got to deal with frequently: I need to strengthen your character and your resolve, the fight in you. (IV:285)

If things dont come too easily for you, dont see it as a negative, but as the way it should be!(IV:383)

The easiest way is not necessarily the most efficient teacher, and I have often asked My servants and brides and handmaidens to
swallow some bitter pill or booklet a sometimes less than pleasant chapter in their lives that turned out to be key in their spiritual
progress and development. (IV:491)

Just settling for the easiest and most comfortable way, the way many people do, is definitely not it! Thats why I can only say, beware
of the easy way and rejoice that the path I have put before you is sometimes a harsh and difficult one with many trials and some
sorrows! (IV:495)

Do it the easier way, not the hard way, by doing it with Me and with My Help and in My Spirit, with the aid of the strongest arms in the
universe! (11:17)

Trust Me: it is good for you that things arent going too easy for you right now. (11:38)

Sure, things could be easier, but ask yourself why it is that I'm not making them any easier for you! (11:41)

Necessary changes are more likely to be brought about by hard times than the easy ones. (11:92)

You know My stance on the easier way. Who ever made headlines going the easy way? (11:96)

Learning to accept the circumstances is not really a challenge when youve chosen the easy path. (11:97)

To have got what it takes is usually something you acquire by sticking it through a difficult situation. (11:98)

If you want to make progress and headway, easier is not exactly a criterion or standard to go by, and not what you would look out
for, much less cry over when its gone (11:102)

For some people some of the things come easy, for others they dont. Now, who should get more credit for it, in your opinion, the
ones for whom its easy, or those for whom its not but do it anyway the best they can? (12:82)

If you want to make progress and headway, easier is not exactly a criterion or standard to go by, and not what you would look out
for, much less cry over when its gone (12:102)

I know its not easy, but keep fighting for the victory, and learn to make that effort to stay in the victory and a victorious, positive
attitude! (16:22)

Some rough times make the better ones of people more so than the purely easy and largely fun times. (16:23)

Having to deal with difficulties is just the way it is, and youve got to learn to be an overcomer! (16:30)

The more you manage to make yourself feel at home where I am, all the angels and fellow believers are, including Our almighty
Father and Mother of Love, the more strength youll find, in order to overcome the difficulties life down there confronts you with!

Learn to put up with and handle those circumstances however far from perfect!
Trust Me that theyll serve to teach you more important lessons than going through all easy times! (16:42)
Youre yearning for the blissful, easy and relaxing times but how long has it been since you were told that thats not really what
you can expect from this world in its current state, and much less the near future?
No trouble coming! was the get-them-off-guard method of the devil, getting you to only expect better times than the worst actually
predicted! Getting folks supposedly following Me off-guard, that was his way of doing it: spoiling them with easy times, the way kids
are being spoiled right now, and making it a lot tougher to be able to deal with whats inevitably to come!
So, since youre learning the consequences of spoiling kids, dont allow yourself to be spoiled, either! Especially once you realize
whos behind it!
Who else do you think could be in charge of coming up with materialistic spoiling methods, both, for children of the flesh, as well as
children supposedly of the Spirit?
So, dont fall for the materialistic spoils, learning where that stuff leads to! (16:44)

The good and easy times just have a tendency to spoil folks, and so, youve got to trust in your Lord and Creator that He knows best
what will make the best person out of you, and its not just the easy times.
To get desperate and dependent enough on Our Help to make it to fulfill your purpose on Earth, the easy times just wont do that.

Its not easy to stay positive in such a negative world, but thats what shows how much faith youve got in both, a positive Force of
Creation and, accordingly, a positive Hereafter and final result! (16:49)

The rough times are more important to learn things from than the easy ones. (16:51)

The easy times are over, and you have to learn to deal and live with that! (16:56)

Finding the right place in this world in the state its in and turning to is not that easy.
But life isnt that easy in general, as you found out, and its time to really get used to depending on My Help, just as the disciples of
old had to, under their dark circumstances. (16:59)

The rough parts of life are supposed to teach you more than the good and easy times are able to.
The rough times make you stronger through availing yourself of the Help and support from Up Here, which, during the good and easy
times you dont feel you need that much. But learning to need them is the best preparation for times to come! (16:61)

Dont blame Me too much for allowing times to be difficult for you, since thats just about the only way to prepare you for the
roughest time on Earth to come! (16:63)

The comparatively easy times have the tendency to spoil you and thus, spiritually weaken you.
Its natural to prefer the easy times, but see the wisdom in preparing for harder times inevitably to come, by having to go through
comparatively rough stages!
So, dont be too disappointed by the fact that the easy times are over and tend to get worse, but see the preparation process in them
for what was predicted long ago!
Preferring easy times is natural, but maybe it shows you should get your mind set and geared focusing toward the supernatural,
miraculous! (16:65)

The comfy and easy times are over, and its time to get ready for the predicted hard times.
If life doesnt strike you as easy as it used to be, try to see it more from a positive angle, that those harder times are simply more
effective when it comes to teaching you the Lessons of Life! (16:73)

With conditions confirming that lifes not a vacation, but that its good to learn to cope with unpleasant and tough situations, youll be
better off in the future to come than you would, if life would keep spoiling you with easy ways. (16:76)

The times before trouble hits ought to be appreciated. And when theyre not, well troubles up ahead, and much harder to cope with
than the easy times that were despised. (16:77)

Its not easy what youre having to go through, and will have to; but I told you that those hard times will have the desired effect on
you to make of you more of what I want you to be.
The closer you get to Me, the easier things will be. (16:82)

The more difficult things get, the more help you need. (16:86)

Easy times taken for granted can lead to tough times.

If its been a lot easier in times past, try to get the point why Im stressing the fact that its time of get stronger not really in the
flesh, but especially in spirit in order to help you deal with whats to come! (16:91)

Continue to trust and rely on Me and all of Heaven Above, that We know what Were allowing in your life, even if its not as pretty and
easy as what you had been used to! (16:92)

Its not the easy times that strengthen your faith! (16:97)

So not that easy? Not in your own capacities, but thats why you have to learn to avail yourself of Mine, and the Help you can get
from Above. (16:98)

Just keep your faith and trust in Me, that Ill manage to do the things for you that currently seem difficult or impossible!
So, dont fret about the difficulty of circumstances, but rejoice over the need and according opportunity for Us to manifest Our
helpful Powers to you! (16:99)
Dont see the difficulties before you as a hindrance or negative, but as something to draw you closer to Me, something to make your
faith in Me grow, and as circumstances that teach you to become more dependent on Me and the coming need of the Miracle-Power
from Above, without which you wont make it through the troubled times to come! (16:100)

All the better you get prepared! Not expecting easy times anymore, but getting ready for the tough times that I predicted to John
nearly 2000 years ago. (16:101)

Having lost the fairly pleasant previous part of your life strikes you as a bit tough but then, how would I have managed to get you
to feel less like part of the world, and prepared for the troubled times to come, if life would have kept on as easy and pleasant?
No successful result from the easy lessons? Well, maybe the tough ones will do. (16:109)

You would have preferred the easier times to continue and go on a bit longer but if judgments coming, I guess you can see and
understand why. Even if it includes disadvantages for you and the former comfortable and easy-going life-style has been coming to
an end.
So, the easy times are over, and you need to depend more on the Help from Above to make it through whats coming (16:133)

When someones lived a relatively easy life, the preparation process for hard times just takes a bit longer than for those used to hard
It also shows what a lousy training the easy times are no strength to gain fromem!
So, take these relatively tough times to go through as utterly necessary preparation, making up for the longer stretch that spoiled
you and left you hardly capable of dealing with difficulties!
Trials and tests can turn to greater blessings and lessons learned than just the easy times. (16:153)

Forget about and stop seeking the easy road! Look at the place down there it leads to!
So, its a price to pay, to make it up that steep road in the other direction, and it may be a tougher one but Heaven, or hell? You
know what choice to make! (16:156)

What did I say about difficulties? Arent they what you need at times to make you stronger and prepare you for the more difficult
times to come? So, face them with some courage, founded by the faith in the fact that Im with you and will be there to help you make
it through the tough times and difficulties!
Thats the big difference between easy times and hard times: Easy times: zero preparation for whats to come, with nearly zero
lessons to learn. Hard times: the preparations and lessons you need for whats coming!
Dependence on Me will not just be a factor to manage to make it through difficult or tough situations, but will also become an
important factor for survival to make it through whats to come. (2016:157)

The good and easy times are definitely over, and its time to get prepared for the roughest time of history! (2016:160)

The times of easy conditions and circumstances are rapidly going to come to an end, so, the sooner you learn not to take things for
granted youve had all your life would certainly be an act of wisdom.
When things have been going an easy way all your life, its tough to be prepared for unknown trouble, but thats precisely why the
devil allowed mankind to get into such a rut of taking the easy and safe times for granted. He likes to shock people. If Im the boss of
good surprised, hes the one for bad ones. (2016:164)

That things arent going easy or rosy in a world like that has to be expected, and youve got to be ready for that, and expect My
miracles, and not conditions and circumstances around you to be perfect and pleasant! (2016:168)

I never said changes were easy, but necessary. (16:169)

If things are difficult, get used to it, since theyre going to become even more so! The easy times are unfortunately over.
What if I just really want you to get into the groove of depending on My Help? Now, if something is My will for you shouldnt it
matter to you? And not just the fact whether things are running comfortably and easily enough for you to take it easy and enjoy life?

If things just dont work out as easily as they used to, see it as a step of preparation from Above preparation for times coming
and soon during which things are just not going to flow the same easy way as they have for the previous decades!
Its a bit humbling when younger folks around you manage things more easily than you do but just let it humble you, remembering
that humility is a more precious gift in the long run than physical capacities! (2016:173)

Sometimes its just not that easy to find what youre looking for.
Sometimes things take time.
And if things arent that easy, remember that getting into prayer might make a difference!
If life is difficult, it just indicates that you might need some Help from Above, and thats a reminder to pray and ask for It.
Its a bit shocking, when it was so comparatively easy in times past.
But there comes a time when all Gods children have to find out that they just dont belong down there.
In a world bound to turn into hell on Earth more and more no more easy times. (2016:174)

There will always come situations and difficulties too hard to deal with in ones own capacities of the flesh; and thus, trusting in the
heavenly Help and support and protection from Above is with whats coming at the world a much safer way to ride and walk, and
one of the reasons Were not letting times be as easy for you as they have been in the past, where you were able to rely on your own
abilities and capacities.
Dont be too troubled about things not being as easy for you as they used to be, but count them as necessary and strengthening
preparation for the toughest times of history predicted thousands of years ago!
So, when times are tough, dont take it as a sign that youre off the track! The easy times may be more of a signal of that than the
hard times, when the enemy fights you for a reason. Maybe youre just not used to it anymore, having chosen the easy stretches of
life for most of the time. (2016:175)

If things arent working out as easily and smoothly as youd have expected or hoped them to, see it as preparation for the times to
come when easily and smoothly will just be words of the past! (2016:178)

One thing about My way is that you have to get used to the fact that its not the easy way out!
If things are difficult, let it be a sign and means of preparation for you for the times ahead when things will become even more
difficult! (2016:181)

If things around you are becoming more complicated, dont let it drag you down, but see it as a process in which the world is
developing! See, its not really in the enemys interest to make things easier for My folks, or folks in the world in general.
The easy times of the past were to get you and others off their guards, and fall for his temptational spiel of, See? The worlds not
that bad, after all! Maybe its just a hoax that the devils running the world!
So, things becoming more difficult and complicated? Learn how to deal with it, because this current stage is only the beginning!
Complications of situations and conditions are one of the enemys favorites, because he knows hes definitely smarter than humans,
and he enjoys making things too complicated for them to handle.
Just get used to the fact of things not working out as easily as they have been before! The easy way was for you to get off your
guard! (2016:182)

The War of the Spirit counsel may not have been so up to date during the easier times.
The easy times were the enemys trick to get you off guard.
Recognize the easy times as something that most likely the enemy will use to get you off guard!
The devil loves to offer and tempt My supposed followers with the easy way out.
When the trouble arises, its time to get out of that easy gear, and get into a more serious one! (2016:184)

Tough and difficult are fitting descriptions of whats expecting you in times to come. So, if the present strikes you as tough and
difficult, just see it as perfect preparation for whats coming, even if its not what youre used to!
The ability to handle whats coming largely depends on your preparation for it by learning to handle whatever each new day has to
bring up, even if its more difficult than your past times.
Yes, life could be and has been easier but whats ahead of you and the world will be a lot tougher, and you just have to accept the
fact that the easy times are over. (2016:189)

Tough situations? Get used to it! Get used to the fact of life not being easy anymore! (2016:190)

When previous things have been easy, its a tough change and adjustment to the tough times, but thats just what youre going to
have to get used to and learn how to handle. (2016:191)

Each day has challenges for you to cope with, in order to prepare you for the more difficult days to come.
Its time for folks on My path to learn and realize that the easy times are over.
Those just constantly seeking fun and entertainment will have a shock coming at them in their nearby future and any preparation
for difficult and hard times will finally be appreciated and understood.
As far as situations and circumstances becoming harder, tougher and more difficult goes, it just means: theyre in general going to
become harder and tougher, and youve just got to get used to the fact that the easy times are over. (2016:194)

The good and easy times can make it the hardest to make it and get through the tough times.
To make it and get through the tough times shows your faith: Can you take the rough times as well as the easy and blissful ones?
If Im not supplying and providing the things you need and want right away, it must be that faith and patience are more important
needs, and that My heavenly input is more important for you than the things that would make life easier for you. (2016:196)

When things arent working out as easily and swiftly as you might be hoping and expecting, its a signal from Up Here that you need a
bit more trust and patience for Our Force of Help to come to pass in your life; and respecting that as of greater importance than your
own management of circumstances is important. (2016:201)

The easier ways make it tougher on people, eventually. (2016:205)

If life hasnt been easy so far, its level of easiness will shrink even more, and change to downright toughness in the times coming,
and youve just got to get used to it. (2016:206)

If times get difficult, difficult means a challenge of your faith and trust. While it may have been easier to have faith and trust
through relatively easier times, the difficult times to come will show how strong, steady and sturdy your faith and trust in Us and Our
Help, Power and Force of supply really are. (2016:207)

Its another matter of choice whether My will be done, or your own, if your own will may seem like the easier situation to you.
Remember that I told the Father that His will be done just before My crucifixion, and the right choice isnt always the one for the
easier way or the way out!
It takes a lot more trust in Us, to agree to a more difficult choice and option, but isnt that what you need the most?
Yes, theres an easier way out but which way you consider the right one always depends on your choice.
Yes, the more difficult ways the greater challenge but by faith you know that the greater challenge also brings the greater reward.
So, can you make that choice for the option that seems by far the tougher and more difficult?
The difficult and challenging tasks are more likely what Im leading My followers toward than the more comfortable and easier
alternative options.
The apparently easier one of two choices may just turn out to be the tougher one to have made in the long run. (2016:208)

Difficult parts of life may be hard to go through, but when theyre there, ones just got to, and trust in the Father Up Above that what
hes getting is what he needs and deserves. (17:1)

Your kids are going to have to learn it, too, that the comparatively easy times are over.
Be grateful that its still relatively easy compared with whats to come!
Appreciate those relatively easy times and means of survival, compared to whats up ahead of you and the world per se, even if
theyre already tougher than they used to be!
Even if there are plenty of folks having easier times Remember that those easy days are coming to an end! And those used to
rough times will have an easier time coping with that change than those having been spoiled of being part of the easy generation.

The advantage of having to go through tough times: you get used to them, and learn how to handle them better than when all you
were still used to were easy times.
Learning to cope with rough times is like medicine for the soul. While the easy times spoiling your flesh arent really doing that much
good to your spirit not keeping you on the attack, and getting you lazy instead. So, anything that fights that sort of spiritual
sickness can only be good. (17:10)

The easy and delightful times didnt make you stronger, unfortunately, and rather, weaker and less able to cope with whats coming
up. But thats why youve got to get ready for that drastic change Ive been predicting! (17:11)

The good and easy times youve experienced in a world largely governed by our enemys forces of evil are over.
With expected troubles not showing up for decades, it can make it harder for those having gotten used to the easy times when the
belated fulfillment of prophecies finally comes rolling in. (17:13)

Easy times are over. Time to apply for Heavens Help!

Youve just got to get used to things not running the smooth and easy way!
You are disappointed that the fun and easy times are over. But youve got to learn to deal with and handle it! (17:20)

To get your mind focused on Me in spite of anythings what youve got to learn and get into the groove of, even if right now it still
seems difficult and requires quite some effort.
Not easy to put a spiritual Being first when all else around is focused on and geared by the paper bills, but thats the challenge of
daring to be different. (17:24)

Expecting life to be easier means, youre not ready to face the challenges. (17:25)

If days arent going on as easy as they used to in the past, remember that its part of the preparation for the tough times to come, and
dont allow circumstances to drag you down! (17:26)

One of the reasons most folks stick to their habitual areas: getting used to it all, and thus managing to handle it all more easily in
their own strengths. (17:27)

When lifes been too easy it tempts to get harder than if youd have learned to deal with and handle tough times. (17:28)

Its good to get into the habit and function of a life of faith, where you dont know how youre going to make it by yourself, but just get
used to having to rely and depend on the Help, Strength and Power from Above. So, welcome those difficult times you dont know
how to make it through by yourself!
Dont see it as a negative that your former times have been easier for you! (17:29)

The easy times are over. Learn how to handle the tough! (17:30)

If times have been rosier and easier before, its because you were much better able to manage and make it through things, conditions
and situations. Not making it anymore is just a confirmation of the signs of the times: the sign of the tough times to come.
The easy part of life is like vacation time for world-changers. Just remember, vacations eventually over! (17:31)

Disasters may be tougher when youre used to a relatively easy-going life, but then What did I say about the easy times? Not really
helpful in preparing you for whats up ahead, were they? (17:32)

If things arent working out as easily with folks around you, it happens in order to get into the groove of relying on Me.
Whats coming up ahead and is expecting the world is not something to look forward to, but getting prepared for. And the first point
is the realization that the easy times are over.
The easy times up this far were mainly to get folks into an unprepared state for whats coming. (17:33)

The roughness of times and circumstances around you is on one hand caused by the enemy, but then youve got to trust that We
know best what Were allowing, since those tough times will prepare you better for whats coming than the continuation of the easy
times you were used to. (17:38)

If its not easy learning to deal with the weight and carry it, just remember Me carrying My cross! (17:40)

Finding yourself in a more difficult situation is not what you personally appreciate, but let Me assure you that its the better option of
preparation for whats up ahead!
Get used to things not going the easy way!
If things are not going so easily well, just get used to things getting tougher!
Dont get offended by things not being that easy with the toughest era of history before you!
You cant blame Me for not letting things be easier with the enemy in charge down there with the one attempt to make it as tough for
folks like you as he can.
If even the days of the old prophets seem easy and comparatively rosy for you compared to what youre having to go through, well, I
never made a secret about the toughest times still being up ahead. (17:42)

If fellow humans arent making life easier or more live-able for you, put your whole faith and trust in Me!
If life isnt easy, remember that Mine wasnt either! (17:47)

As far as the difficulties with your fellow humans is concerned that I put at your task, see them as another God-given challenge!

Every day seems to be getting tougher, because the times are getting tougher, and heading for the toughest in history. So, you've
just got to get used to the toughness of things and the easy days being over. (17:49)

Things are still relatively easy, compared to whats to come. (17:51)

Sometimes you wish it could be easier, but thats where youve got to trust Me that I know what Im allowing as the best for you.

Things just wont continue as easily as they have in the past, and youve got to get used to it. (17:56)

I know it would be more pleasant for you if things were easier, but... see: you've just got to learn to take things the way they come! - A
lesson of acceptance! And trust Me and the Father that We know what we're allowing to come before you!
Making things easier isn't always necessarily the road that leads up ahead or forward.
Learning to overcome difficult circumstances and hindrances makes you stronger in the spirit. And isn't that what counts?
So, take'em, those adversities and difficult and tough stretches! Accept it as from Us, and yield to it accordingly! (17:59)

Take difficulties as preparation for the most difficult to come!

The easier times arent what makes you stronger in spirit, but rather tend to spoil you and make you rely more on your own flesh and
capacities. (17:61)

That drawnness toward the easy ways is one of the main weaknesses of character, and something to work on overcoming. (17:66)

If life is rough and not easy, remember thats what Ive been telling you for some time to get ready for and used to learn to handle it!

You need My input more on days that are reminders that the good and easy times are about to be over. (17:72)

To make things easier for others who are suffering and dont really have that easy road Well, thats a good manifestation of love for
your fellowmen, dont you think? (17:74)

The easy times are getting over. The hard days are to come. Its a bit like the 7 fruitful years around Egypt, before the 7 years of
Even though the easy days arent over yet for quite a lot of people around you, youre in the process of becoming prepared for whats
coming, which will strike many - if not most - others as a shock. (17:79)

Its good youre becoming familiar with the fact that the easy times are over. Its good youre getting on guard. (17:90)

You wish I could make things easier for you. But the easy times are over. (17:97)

Its good not to take the good and easy times for granted, as in guaranteed to always stay that way. Knowing My Word, you should
get used to and prepared for what Its predicting. (17:100)

Things are not meant to be easy for believers in Me in a world run by our enemy, soon to take over the absolute reign over the planet.
- Tough times to get prepared for through not so easy circumstances right now. (17:103)

It simply wont stay the easy and fairly pleasant way it has been.
Itll be farewell to the easy and comfy conditions youve gotten used to. (17:108)

Sorry, no more easy times!- The needed preparation process for whats coming. (17:113)

If folks around you dont make things easier on you, but rather, more difficult, remember thats one reason I keep telling you not to
cling to them, but to Me! (17:114)

My followers lives have never been the easy kind, so, just put up with that un-easiness, and take things as they come by My grace I
will pour out to you whenever you need it! (17:116)

Life aint easy, but its a series of challenges to confront and learn to handle through the Power from Above, which will be absolutely
expedient for anyone aiming to survive through whats coming.
So, dont get too uptight about difficult or unpleasant circumstances, but get into the rhythm of learning to cope with and handle
them! (17:118)
The spiritual direction most downhill folks are heading may seem easier, and it may be easier in some ways, leaning on the physical
abilities of the flesh, instead of the unseen Force and Power of an unseen God but thats just the way of faith. (17:123)

The fact that things get harder and tougher, and not as easy anymore as they used to be and do, is also a factor of preparation for the
fact that the times coming will be the most difficult ones. (17:124)

The changes of circumstances and conditions wont make life as easy and pleasant as right now. (17:125)

The reason, sense and purpose for finding yourself in a more difficult and challenging situation is part of the preparation process for
the toughest time to come. (17:129)

The fact that I cant make it any easier for you right now is due to the fact that the toughest times of all of history are on the horizon,
and to get you prepared for those, I cant let you have easy times.
Can you trust Me that I know what Im allowing to happen in your life, even if it may not be as rosy, as easy and as pleasant as things
have been for you in former times? (17:134)

How could I get you into the groove to cling and hang on to Me, if things would be running as easily and smoothly as they used to in
years past? (17:135)

See any potential problems and difficulties as a challenge for both: your faith, and Me, to see - and let Me show you - what I can do in
difficult and challenging situations for you! (17:137)

Its relatively easy to have faith when things flow smoothly and life is easy. But when things get tough, that faith gets tested. You
wonder, God, why do You allow this?
But then, the devil and his pack getting ready for their absolute reign of the world, and as you can tell, theyre in big preparation gear
for it so, how could you expect life to be easy?
Youve got to get ready for the toughest time of history, and how could you do that it things would just be going easily and smooth?
Just get ready to deal with the not-so-easy part of life, taking what comes and making the best of it you can! (17:138)

Life simply isnt that easy anymore, and is going to be yet much tougher than it is right now to get you and other folks ready for the
end of the world as you know it. (17:141)

So, its not easy, but a rough and a tough road but doesnt it give you some kind of sparkle of excitement, even if just powered
through the voice of faith that whispers, Itll be worth it!? (17:168)

Gods way in this world just isnt the easy way. (17:174)

When there are difficulties to deal with, doesnt it make you appreciate the good and easier times all the more when they come?

To make it in spite of the difficult circumstances surrounding you: thats the vision, and thats the goal. (17:178)

Its a tough world in a tough state, which means, you cant always expect the easy ways from it. (17:180)

Maybe for others things are a bit easier. But dont see it as a negative, that Im not making it that easy for you, because I need you to
become dependent on Me, the only way to make it through the dark times that will come, only those will survive wholl have learned
that. Even if through painful experiences. (17:183)

See things that have become tougher and more difficult to handle as a reminder of your need for Me and your dependence on Me!
If you think these days are difficult, just wait and see! In comparison to whats to come, its nothing. (17:187)

You cant be as aware of My Presence as much as youd like Me to be there to make things a bit easier and more inspiring for you if
the pray without ceasing mode hasnt settled in yet.
Remember that what you need to handle the difficult times is prayer!
I need you to realize that the easy days are over, and whats before you on the schedule you need to learn how to handle with My
supernatural and miraculous Help. (17:188)

Having been spoiled by easy times is why its so tough to make it through difficult and tough times.
I know, youd prefer to have it easier, but trust Me that I know better what is better for you! (17:190)

Lifes not an easy piece of cake, but see the hardness as a factor to help make or keep you humble, in other words: as a positive, not
a negative! (17:192)

It wouldnt be much of a challenge, if all your life would just consist of easy to handle tasks. - Nothing really to cause and motivate
you to ask and apply for My Help, Strength and Power in order to make it, which, however, youll desperately need during the darkest
times to come. (17:195)

Even if there are many difficulties and challenges attached, make all your efforts to love in spite of them!
Not that easy? Well, embrace that challenge and receive it as something from My hand that will turn out to have been worth the pain,
according to your faith and trust in Me! (17:196)

As far as the disastrous state this world is in is concerned, it wont be easy, but youve just got to deal with it as it comes. (17:205)
When things and circumstances become difficult for you, thats when your desire for change sets in, but sometimes thats when its
more likely My will for you to stay there, in order for you to learn the lessons and make the progress I want you to.
The easy times are just over, and you have to get used to the fact that youve got to get ready and prepared for the roughest ones to
come! (17:220)

Efforts & Endeavors

I expect you to come to Me, to make an effort! As you move toward Me, I move toward you. (III:88)

There are more things for you to receive from Me, more that I can give you, if you really want them, and you make the effort to ask Me
for them and seek Me and My advice and counsel for them. There always are, and always will be. (III:461)

While it wouldnt make sense to put much effort into reaching the state of sinless perfection and saintliness in your own energy, you
can trust in My grace and Salvation Power that eventually you will reach that goal. (III:473)

The enemy is trying to discourage you and lie to you about the futility of your work and efforts, so you wont get too excited or
enthusiastic but will just make half-hearted efforts, and thus not really causing the stir you could, if you would just ignore him and
get ignited about the whole thing, confident that Im behind it and in it, and not only that, but also the Instigator of it. (III:475)

Dont go looking around for a way to escape in your own efforts, or try to rig one up with your own arm of the flesh! The Promise
says that I will make that way. So, dont do anything in your own efforts that you might regret later on! (III:488)

Your tolerance for what Im doing in each others lives allows Me to do most of the work and work in My mysterious ways that will
bring out the greater works that you, in your own efforts never could have accomplished. (III:489)

None of your efforts shall be in vain. (III:502)

It takes time and a real effort to tune in and zoom in to the things and people that really count. It takes a concentrated effort, because
there are these other distracting factors of the obvious, seemingly more important attention getters, the factors that bring in more
money or publicity (III:508)

Unfortunately, sometimes, in the effort of setting out on the enterprise to give love to others, the immediate and apparently more
pressing needs of obtaining what one needs to survive take over the good intentions, and occupy much more time and space than
the actual giving of love The surrounding machinery becomes much bigger than its core and original purpose, often to such an
extent that it can hardly be found anymore. (III:532)

To refuse to give up prematurely on others may seem like a waste of effort and time and energy. To them its simply love. Love That
Will Not Let Me Go. (III:563)

I know your frame and that you are but dust, and you dont have to try to be or pretend to be anything other than dust, dust that I, not
you yourself, will elevate and lift into the light to float there and shine like diamonds. You cannot become a diamond of dust through
your own efforts. You can do what you can by keeping your face toward the Light and focusing on the Light, but it is I Who is going to
have to lift you up to shine and sparkle in It. (III:564)

You have to make a conscious effort to keep people above your projects youre working on. (III:577)

Even if youre not really interested in displaying yourself, it can still come across that way to some, unless you make a conscious
effort to stay out of the limelight.
So, let there be less of you, in order for Me to be able to better shine through!
Even if its not your intention to preach yourself, it can still come across like that, or the danger is that you do, unknowingly, unless
you make a conscious effort of making sure youre not. (III:584)

It takes a special effort and skill to be able to make out My voices and input from among all the Systems roars. (III:590)

You should show by your outward appearance and the efforts youre making that you believe in Something that you consider worth
getting in shape for, even if its nothing else but convincing them of your cause, and doing what you can to help make it easier for
them to believe in it.
Just because I have promised to never leave you or forsake you doesnt mean I just want you to lie in your hole and not make any
single effort to look for ways out on your own. (III:591)

If as soon as money starts pouring in you stop making an effort to make more progress, and thus you stop all growth and bring the
maturation and advancing process to a halt, then I have to conclude that pouring money in your lap isnt a good idea. (III:594)

Some people havent made much of an effort yet to either read or put into practice those things I have said already.
Do you think its something worth making a few efforts for? (III:598)
The wrong attitude to have is, If things arent the way I think they should be, why should I make any effort to change them? Well,
thats perhaps precisely why they are the way they are, so that you make an effort to evoke some kind of difference. (IV:7)

Youve got to make a little effort and stretch out your hands of faith to receive.(IV:8)

Sometimes certain efforts have to be made in order to get what you want, and if everything would always fall into your lap by itself,
then I would be spoiling you. Thats not what I meant by trusting Me to supply all your needs. I never said, Dont do anything, Ill do
it all! (IV:10)

While your contemporaries might perhaps ask you what on Earth youre doing with your time, yet posterity might think differently
about it, and maybe you will have done humanity a greater service by dedicating your time to such a seemingly un-promising and un-
rewarding task (as far as immediate rewards are concerned), than by any feverish efforts of your own to have an impact on the
temporal world around you.
It may be hard for you to watch how those who invest in the here and now are blessed with success in return, while your efforts
remain largely unseen, but that is the price one pays for being not of this world and one of My disciples. (IV:11)

It takes faithful practice to get your mind under My control, and if you neglect it for a day, its going to take you greater effort the next.

If you put forth a little bit of a believing effort that what I did for you I am also able to do for others, and if you let that positive attitude
shine through a little bit, maybe theyll also catch the drift and start believing that I can do it for them, too!
Can you make an effort to have a little bit of a believing and trusting attitude that Im capable of bringing the best out of a situation,
and that Im in full control? (IV:26)

Others dont always seem to be exactly appreciative of your efforts to bring them the message that could save them, but Im trying to
get you to shift your vision from what you can immediately see, the way people apparently are on the surface, to that which is below
the surface, and their true need. (IV:27)

Youve got to allow the mystery to happen along with the suffering, along with all the stuff that perhaps you wouldnt have allowed or
built in there, had you been the architect, but thats precisely where faith and trust come in and run circles around pride, and all the
carnal mind will ever rig up in its own efforts. (IV:33)

With doors, it does take a little effort of your own to push them open, to turn the doorknob, to knock or ring the bell; it isnt entirely
up to Me. (IV:40)

I truly need you to invest your efforts in the spreading of the truth, and not in merely entertaining people. (IV:46)

Efforts are futile if made in the energy of the flesh, instead of the Spirit. (IV:55)

Youve got to stay on My channel, and that doesnt just happen by itself; it takes an effort, because the enemy will try lots of tricks in
order to distract you from it.
Make an effort to stay in the Light and on My wavelength! (IV:88)

If you make it one of your goals to preserve the peace with those you live with, and keep your focus on that goal and make a
conscious effort to strive towards it, you can attain that goal.
Once you deem peace with your fellowmen and co-workers a goal worthy of pursuing and making some efforts to attain, then
according to your faith be it unto you (Mt.9:29).
Unity is something youre going to have to develop by making conscious efforts in that direction (IV:99)

Eventually the awakening will come to the hard reality that what some settled for no matter how grand or glorious will only have
been a fleeting shadow, compared to the eternal and true beauty and glories they could have invested their lives and efforts in. (IV:107)

I want you to find out why it pays to trust Me and put your efforts on My side and invest your time and energy into My Cause. (IV:112)

Sometimes it takes an effort to get back into the flow, groove and line of communication with Me, back onto the wavelength of the
Spirit World, when youve been indulging in all that the temporal has to offer.
You either fight on the side of the spirit, or you allow the flesh to gain the upper hand, and if you do, it will take some effort to enable
the spirit to regain its ground. (IV:124)

It takes some effort to shift your focus away from that fun-mentality, where pleasure and enjoyment are your primary incentive, and
toward your duty for Me instead, and toward your share of what it takes to get in the harvest of souls. (IV:126)

It takes an effort to punch through all the fake and false mindsets based on the devils illusions to the clear picture of reality. (IV:132)

It takes effort to bring every thought into the captivity of the obedience of Christ (2.Cor.10:5). (IV:133)

I need and want you, and I need you to pay attention more wholeheartedly and dedicate even more of your time and efforts to My
Cause, and less to the System, because you cant win the battle half-heartedly. (IV:138)

Youre in good hands, and no matter what hard times on Earth you may go through, there is help for you available and close by,
accessible to anyone via the hand of faith and the mere effort of asking for it. (IV:147)
Your own efforts will not suffice. Theyre not what the world is waiting for. They need something more and better than that. You can
never deliver what they need. Only I can. Thats why what you give to them must never be your own work or effort, but only what I
give you to pass on to them. (IV:150)

Make a believing effort and project your hopes and expectations on Me, not some carnal solution of something you might do in the
arm of the flesh! (IV:155)

I want you to make some kind of effort and shoot for the goal of being able to love unconditionally. (IV:162)

It takes effort to implement My input and advice to you. (IV:169)

I would never turn My back on you or anyone who truly and uprightly seeks Me.
I will only turn My back on those who claim to know Me and commit atrocious crimes in My Name without ever having made an effort
to truly know Me and My will. (IV:189)

You can do whatever you can in the flesh and in the physical, but if you dont see to it that it will get the necessary boost and umph
from the Spirit World, your efforts might be rendered nearly futile, or at least not nearly as effective as otherwise they might have
been. (IV:191)

Youve got to do a little bit of seeking sometimes and make that effort to find Me and spot Me even in the not so obvious places in life.

It takes an extra specific effort to make sure youre giving Me all the glory for something accomplished. (IV:232)

It takes fight and effort to stay positive. (IV:238)

When everything is just honky-dory and everything flows without much effort, youre more complacent and satisfied with things as
they are, and thus, less determined to change anything. (IV:249)

Trying to please people is such a futile effort, and yet its all that many people live for. (IV:254)

To overcome, you have to strive, and struggle and fight and make an effort to do so. Its not supposed to be some feat you
accomplish perfectly at ease without making any efforts and without any strain.
How are you supposed to gain any strength without ever making any effort?
Progress, growth and maturation are only achieved by means of the efforts you make in your struggle against adversities and
difficulties. (IV:256)

If you want to please Me as your Teacher by the way you show what youve learned from Me, then its pretty hard to make Me happy
with the sort of development where not much progress has been made over quite some amount of time in the area of faith, and it
should give you reason for concern and make you seek to make an effort to change in that area.
The gist of the fun in the game of life is to keep playing regardless of whether youre winning or losing. Winners are only made out of
those who keep making an effort and keep trying to win, even if theyve been losing sometimes, or they havent been handed all the
good cards
You can show that youre an overcomer, by being a good loser in the game and battle of life, and determining that youre just going to
keep on fighting, keep making an effort and keep giving it your best and your all, regardless of whether you happen to be caught in a
losing streak of not. (IV:279)

The type of people who say, Love doesnt put food on the table, or faith doesnt pay your bills, etc., are saying in essence, The
only thing I can trust in to help me survive is my own flesh, my own efforts (IV:298)

A lot depends on the effort with which you seek Me and the effort you pour into My Cause and into your relationship with Me.
If a number of things remain more important to you and you invest more effort in them and their acquisition, then you will also have
to reap the natural consequences. (IV:315)

Im making you come to grips with some of your limitations, confronting you with whats expecting you in order to make you decide
whether you want to make the necessary effort to stretch those limits and grow beyond them. (IV:344)

Disappointment that results in foiled efforts usually does have a weakening effect on faith and creates that fear of further
disappointment and failure.
Its another great lesson on the futility of the flesh and any of its efforts to create something as miraculous as a well-functioning love
relationship, since genuine love is not something that can be created from mere flesh, just as life and spirit can not spring forth from
lifeless matter. The efforts to do so result in weakening disappointments, and instead of strengthening you and giving you a brighter
outlook, strength and hope for the future, the opposite takes place. (IV:358)

Is it surprising that Im expecting you to make some kind of effort in order to make that dream you have found a reality?
It may not necessarily be all carnal efforts, but youve got to make an effort of faith to believe that its happening, praise Me for it, as I
have taught you, and not let the enemy cheat you out of your dream! (IV:380)

All blessings ever received from Me in life are because of certain choices or efforts made, and having somehow deserved them.

I promised that My burden is light, but there is some minimum effort youre simply going to have to make, some show of good will
and incentive youre going to have to put forth. (IV:386)
Your flame doesn't keep burning by itself in the wind and the rain unprotected... You've got to make an effort to keep it alive! (IV:391)

You must make an effort to see things in a positive light! (IV:414)

Make a greater effort of faith!

Make an effort to build up your confidence by filling your mind with faith-building thoughts and cling to them! (IV:418)

Youre simply best off if you keep making efforts to put the bulk of your trust in Me. (IV:421)

None of them, for all their efforts, can ever do anything whatsoever to stop their body from the eventual decay that awaits them. So,
the end result with everyone, whether theyre super organized and well-off, or a mess, or dead poor and starving somewhere, is all
the same.
In order to walk in My direction, you simply have to make an effort sometimes to lay still in order to find My guidance and Light on
your path. (IV:422)

Make an effort to acquire an attitude of trust! (IV:434)

Trust that things are going to take their course according to My will, as long as thats where youre making an effort to abide! (IV:532)

Make an effort to stay as positive as you can, even with circumstances being less than ideal! (IV:534)

I am available, but it cost you an effort to get ahold of Me. I appreciate that effort.
I want and need you to rise above the circumstances and look beyond, at Me, Who can and will master them all for you, as long as
you keep making that effort to stay close to Me. (11:1)

To make that effort to reach and touch Me every day will pretty much guarantee that your day will at least start rolling in the right
direction. (11:4)

Im right behind you, even if it may take that effort of yours to turn toward Me before you realize it.
To turn to Me is never a squandered effort. Theres never a better thing you could do.
It is through faith that you are saved, and not any puny efforts. (11:6)

Its always My grace that saves you, never your works or carnal efforts. (11:11)

Pioneer efforts have never really been accomplished by always sticking to the same old counsel and habits that everyone else has
already been following all along, but by breaking with the traditional views and ways of doing things. (11:15)

If you make an effort to please Me instead of them, you wont come away as empty-handed, but I will always make My efforts in return
to reward and please you. (11:38)

Lifes a bit of a work of art, and just tossing a bucket of paint on a canvas wont quite do it, if you really want it to turn out nice!
It takes a lot more skill and effort than that! (11:47)

Believe Me, I wont let your efforts go unrewarded! (11:49)

It takes a conscious effort to decide to put on a positive, grateful mindset and attitude. (11:66)

Its so easy to see the negative; thats why youve got to make that effort to look at the positive.
Make that conscious effort to stay on a positive wavelength! (11:67)

Just as flowers will wither without water and light, so will you without Me. The only difference between you and the flowers is that
you've got to make that little effort yourself to switch on the light in your life and make the water flow. (11:74)

I need you to make an effort to tune into Me, because I need people like you to be My reflectors. (11:87)

Someday youll wish you would have made a little bit of a greater effort to believe.
I want you to realize how futile those efforts are to find happiness anywhere else. (11:99)

Look at the mercy Ive had and continue having for you, and be willing to extend some of that to others around you, even if its going
to take a considerable effort! (11:107)

If you want to follow in My footsteps, it depends on your effort to remember what I told you. What Im giving you is Words that are
supposed to change your attitude or give you clear guidance. (11:119)

Not everybodys a champion at taking it, but its worth the effort to at least try to get there. (11:122)

I respect and honor the efforts of those who at least try to keep Me in the first place in their lives and make My will their priority.
I respect your efforts, and according to those efforts of putting your will on My side will be the quality of the results. (11:123)

My will requires a true effort that goes far beyond fulfilling your little duty of coming to Me for My input on your situation. (2011:125)
Whenever youre mentally stuck in a crevice you dont seem to be able to get out of, you just have to make an effort to wiggle
yourself out of it again. If you do your part and make that effort, I will certainly not withhold My Help from you. (11:127)

Never underestimate how far your efforts may go, in spite of anything the devil might do to discourage you or stop and hinder you!

Instead of focusing on the dreadfulness of a situation, try to make an effort to focus on Me, no matter how hard it may seem! (11:135)

As long as you continue to make the efforts to seek Me when you dont know which way to turn or how you will go on, youre pretty
safe. (11:141)

You should make every effort you can not to get too distracted to stay connected to Me on a regular, and preferably, permanent basis.

Don't you think that it's good for people to know that there is an option of investing their energies and efforts in the There and Then,
promising more lasting dividends and rewards? (12:1)

It takes conscious effort to counteract the mindsets of the world and resist their pull down into that mental vortex of nothingness,
meaninglessness and mere survival
And it takes a wholehearted effort to learn to genuinely love, once youve been raised according to their selfish ways. (12:5)

Some things remain inexplicable, and maybe hard to believe. Thats why its called faith, and why its a battle and a serious effort one
must make to preserve that faith. (12:6)

Its definitely something worth striving for, to make a conscious effort to love Me with all your mind, and youll also find that itll be a
whole lot easier for your heart and soul to follow along. (12:12)

Your obedience in making the effort to do what I told you is the best possible thing you can do and will be blessed to an extent you
will notice. (12:19)

All is well (2.Sam.18:28, 2.Kgs.5:22). What a nice thing to say even when according to all you see around you and the way you feel,
thats not the case at all. What a nice way to tell Me that you trust Me that I will work things out for the best, even if right now you
cant see Me doing it.
Even when you feel tired and exhausted, and what you perceive around you is more misery than wellness
I appreciate that effort of faith and positivity, and I wont let that kind of faith go unrewarded. You will be glad you trusted Me! (12:20)

Are you making a whole-hearted effort to be the man I want you to be? (12:24)

Are you applying the lessons Im teaching you? Are you putting them to use in your daily life? Do you make a great enough effort to
retain them and remember them and put them into practice? (12:29)

Yielding to temptations has mind- and thus, reality-altering qualities, so it definitely pays to make an extra effort to recognize and
resist them, since the consequences can at times be devastating. (12:32)

If you put forth a positive attitude, you will often see that thats precisely the effect it will have on your circumstances.
My mind-altering Words to you have a life-altering effect on all the outside factors, emphasizing once more how much more
important the inner world is: that which you truly are and have, regardless of any physical factors.
Meeting your own limits and coming to grips with your own failures and lack of divinity makes you realize your need for it, desire it,
seek it, and thus enables you to find the only way of obtaining it. The way to find divinity is to first of all realize that you havent got it
in your present state, that youre blatantly devoid of it and desperately need it, and then, that theres no way on Earth youre ever
going to obtain it by your own carnal efforts, no matter how ceaselessly the devil will tell you the opposite. (12:35)

One thing is trying or attempting to change yourself in your own carnal efforts and become whatever you idealize; another is to yield
to My workings in your life to make the changes I think are most necessary. (12:37)

Youve got to make a conscious effort to stay on the positive side of things, especially when things arent going so well, or the devil
is trying to drive you insane with intolerable behavior from your fellowmen! (12:44)

Every true believer has some sort of fruit to show when they get Here, and Ill reward their efforts. (12:45)

Make a greater effort to see with My eyes, hear as I hear, and not make judgments based on your own, carnal perception!
First of all, as far as Im concerned, comes the spiritual state of a person the soul.
But trying to put the physical first is going to wind up in a mess of self-righteous hypocrisy, a ceaseless effort to deceive others and
yourself. (12:48)

Dont let doubts, fears and worries cripple you or stop you from making an effort to get to your destination! (12:63)

To make a difference and do something for the world that matters is better than the passive reluctance to do anything, caused by a
sense of resignation, a loss of faith and hope that theres anything or anyone out there worth making an effort for. (12:64)

Even if things get lost, things will be restored. And if nothing is ever really lost, then even all those seemingly pointless endeavors
arent futile in the long run, and from Eternitys point of view. (12:65)
Make an extra effort not to be exclusive and reclusive, but make no secret of the fact that youre an open book nay, library ready
to share with anyone at any time what youve got! (12:66)

Whats agonizing for you is that you cant seem to find a way to create a solution for yourself in your own carnal efforts. But if its
going to be a work of My Spirit, how could it begin in the flesh, or be based on efforts of the flesh, entirely? (12:77)

The true beauty in life lies in discovering the fact that theres a much greater Power at work there, in all things, than all the feverish
efforts of man combined, and that you can trust that Power fully. (12:88)

Its important for you to get ahold of My Wavelength of faith every day, and make an effort to stay there, if possible, as opposed to
getting sucked in to the negative, rational and skeptic mindset and thought-matrix of the System (12:104)

Look at the mercy Ive had and continue having for you, and be willing to extend some of that to others around you, even if its going
to take a considerable effort! (12:107)

If you want to follow in My footsteps, it depends on your effort to remember what I told you. (12:119)

Make that effort to stay in the victory and a victorious, positive attitude! (16:22)

Learn to receive My input even when it takes more of an effort!

Staying in the Spirit may not be that easy with the god of the flesh becoming in charge down there
Its an effort, a fight and a battle you just have to learn the importance of, and dont let the enemys distractions discourage you from
making that effort, but rather, spur you on to stay more in the Spirit, and try as hard as you can to get out of the groove of, and
reliance on the flesh! (16:27)

Becoming more heavenly-minded is certainly worth the effort! (16:30)

Wherever you are, try to make the best out of your presence there! Thats what Id call the effort of being a good testimony for My
honor. (16:32)

It pays to make an effort to get into and stay in the Spirit! (16:33)

To be more heavenly-minded to give folks a glimpse of Something better and more glorious to come is definitely a mode you should
make an effort to get into!
Show others a glimpse of Heaven by making the effort to stay connected to It yourself!
Dont focus too much on your physical surroundings, nor allow them to drag you down, but make the effort to keep your mind
focused on and staying geared toward the better state of things following the current one, if you believe in Me! (16:35)

Make that effort to keep asking for - in order to stay filled with - My Spirit, in order to be able to do your job for Me!
Pouring out what you receive from Me is your principal task, so keep making the effort of asking for and receiving the necessary
Strength and Power from Above in order to do it!
If love is the most important factor in life, make sure youre spending all the time and effort possible in sharing it and passing it out!

Make an effort to see it through and make it without much murmuring and complaining about the imperfect circumstances! (16:48)

Make the effort to stay positive!

Consider that temptation to get into negative tempers something you need to make an effort to resist and fight against!
If its love you believe in, you should make an effort to show that you also believe in It as being the more powerful Force than the
enemys hate! (16:49)

When its not a very noble sign of your personality, the way you barely manage to deal with the rough times, make an effort to try to
do better! (16:51)

Make an effort to get into that gear of being heavenly-minded! - Heaven-focused, and Heaven-geared! (16:63)

Its enough for Me, if they receive you.

Of course, that should give you a bit of conviction about the way you behave and act, but as long as you just make the effort to do
the best you can, thats already enough for Me. (2016:83)

If you want to get anywhere along the whole purpose of life, make an effort to handle and accept peoples flaws around you, because
otherwise it just couldnt be called love, whatever youre trying to do. (16:88)

Sow your efforts and considerations of value to the Spirit, even though your physical abilities are getting weaker or rather, because
they are! (16:95)

Sometimes it takes extra efforts to resist the enemy. (16:123)

You have to make an effort to direct your focus Up Here, to Me and your heavenly helpers who can aid you and support you in
overcoming the physical circumstances dragging you down.
Dont let it drag you down whats going on around you, but make an effort to stay on a positive mindset, no matter what the
circumstances and conditions are!
Make the effort to focus on Us by faith, instead of the physical conditions around you that tend to drag you down a confirmation of
the fact that this world is not your home! (16:141)

Its that urge to just follow ones own ideas thats one of the most common manifestations of the same evil that got the devil himself
off the track. And a good one to recognize and start making efforts to overcome! (16:143)

Dont let circumstances drag you down, but make that effort and fight to keep your antenna of spiritual reception up!
The invention of some items have taken quite some attempts and efforts to get them to succeed!
See, success isnt exactly something achieved by one-time efforts, but more by sticking to it and not giving up prematurely.
Fight against negativity when you feel it coming, and make all the effort you can to stay in the victory! (16:144)

Remember that the enemys your enemy, and he wont stop trying to slow you down, weaken you with his doubts and do all he can to
stop you from your efforts and sowing your fruits to the spiritual Realm, instead of investing all your efforts in the carnal realm like
the vast majority. (16:146)

Youve just got to make the effort to stay on My channel and wavelength! (16:152)

It takes an effort to stay tuned in to the right kind of Spirit. (16:162)

Going through trials about having lost heavenly moments is something that influences kids, unless you manage to overcome those
trials and make an effort to make the best of whatever circumstances youre caught up in.
Trust in My abilities to supply you with whatever you need to survive is basically one of the main steps of faith, and the
demonstration and proof that someone truly lives and walks by faith: not investing physical efforts in earning money, but spreading
My message and through it winning souls to My Kingdom (16:172)

Do your best to make an effort to be a blessing to others, giving them a chance to make it Up Here! Thats the main purpose of life for
My disciples. (16:176)

Accept the heavenly counsel you receive, and dont let your mind steer you into its own conclusions and making sense of things in
its own efforts! (16:180)

Failing to do My job for My disciples is a huge failure with vast consequences, and getting down to conditions that make you aware
of that, is something youll consider having been worth it hereafter!
- A little taste of hell for you to realize what youre failing to make efforts to save others from. (16:185)

Just letting the circumstance and whats going on around you determine your spiritual state is definitely not the way of faith that
should make the effort to see the good in the apparent bad, and to behave accordingly: positively, anyway not negatively.
Just make your effort to cope with Gods chaos, or what He allows to appear as such! (16:186)

You cant gear and direct your course too much according to the circumstances and things going on around you, but youve got to
make that effort daily to get in tune with whats going on Above you and work on it until thats what starts happening inside you!

Handling circumstances is an art everyone ought to be making an effort in. (2016:192)

Make that effort to overcome, rise above, and aim for the victory!
The preparation for the hardest times of history is mainly for the purpose of getting you into the groove of depending on Our Help,
supply and protection, instead of the old, usual way of attaining it all in your own efforts. (2016:196)

For most folks it is the here and now they put their faith and trust in and invest all their efforts, strengths and energies into, and the
folks who base their actions of their faith and trust in Us and the Hereafter are a tiny minority in comparison, which is why I said, the
chosen are few. (2016:208)

Having to learn to put up with demonic influences should teach you to be mindful of, and more on the attack against them, and make
a greater effort to resist them. (17:4)

Make an effort to focus on the positive, even if it isnt part of the visible things around you! Thats what faith is! (17:15)

Make an effort to take lifes circumstances the best you can; and the best you can means: with the application of My Help! (17:20)

To get your mind focused on Me in spite of anythings what youve got to learn and get into the groove of, even if right now it still
seems difficult and requires quite some effort. (17:24)

To get your mind focused on Me in spite of anythings what youve got to learn and get into the groove of, even if right now it still
seems difficult and requires quite some effort.
But if youll make that your main concern and effort to get and stay in tune with Me despite whatever circumstances and conditions,
youll realize and recognize the benefits of it at some point not too far from now, even if the enemy tries to tell you the opposite, like,
youre wasting your time. (17:24)

Just dont feel too bad about feeling too weak to get things rigged up in your own efforts! With times coming where own capacities
wont make as much of a difference, its good actually the best to learn to depend on Me and the Help from Above. (17:37)
Having to go through the results of the wrong choices made is pretty much the major lesson of this part of human history. And since
most folks arent aware of that factor, those who are, should at least make an effort to behave accordingly. (17:39)

Seeing the - maybe a bit more rare - positive acts of behavior, and just making the effort to focus on them more than the negative
traits, should help developing a more positive attitude and receptiveness. (17:65)

If life and its circumstances dont make much sense to you yet, just make that effort to keep trusting in Me in spite of it! Eventually
that trust will make sense. (17:68)

To take whatever life brings is a challenge, I know So, how about that effort and making it a goal to accept and take it, no matter
how hard it comes? (17:70)

Remember that Gods way up is down, if you ever feel tempted again to feel down about your only reaching lower levels in your
own efforts! (17:72)

As you cant expect perfection from anyone down there, they also cant expect it of you.
But you should point them in the direction where they can. - Even if thats a matter of faith, which again, you should do your best to
inspire them to ignite and get kindled in their lives.
Not an easy job? But yet, the only true alternative to offer. And shouldnt that be a factor that makes all efforts worth it? (17:77)

To make that effort to get ahold of Me may not seem all that necessary yet right now, but it will be in the days to come, youll see.

Just remember that whatevers about to happen cant just be blamed on one party, but a lot of the responsibility remains on you to at
least make the effort to do the best and make the best of it that you can and manage!
The closer you stick to Me, the more I can help you to stick to your responsibility. (17:83)

Appreciate the gifts you get and make the effort to make the best you can out of them! (17:86)

So there are some troubled times to come, but what else can be expected of you, apart from learning just to takeem and accept
whatever life has to offer you with the challenge for you to make the effort to make the best you can out of it? (17:91)

Your body may make you feel weak in the flesh, but My Spirit will make you feel strong inside! And remember that that inside part is
the lasting one Well meet and embrace Up Here!
So, its another aspect of not sowing your energies and efforts into temporal matters, but the eternal and lasting World instead. (17:93)

You should make that effort not to stay spoiled, incapable of fighting against the evil influences of the one who spoiled you through
comfy circumstances. (17:95)

Youve just got to learn to live with and handle the sort of circumstances you find around you and make the effort to make the best of
them you can.
Youve got to keep making that effort to raise your spiritual vision up; Up Here to Me, and your Future Home! (17:98)

Make that effort of faith to keep your focus directed Up Here!

If theres a bit of worry lingering in you, it may just be a reminder from the spirit world to keep you on guard and in prayer mode
without which you wont make it through the times to come! See that worry as a step of preparation by getting you into prayer
groove, putting your efforts and strengths where they belong!
Make that effort to aim your settings toward the spiritual side My side, and keep the faith that no matter how much circumstances
and conditions down there are taken over by the enemy, when it comes to the final and ultimate Force thats in charge of all things in
the end, keep remembering Me, regardless of physical and earthly circumstances, no matter how dark and dreadful! (17:99)

Making the effort to stay on My wavelength instead of getting too influenced by physical circumstances will be a sample of faith that
many need and appreciate. (17:100)

Popularity: not really worth any efforts to achieve in the kind of world youre living in! (17:109)

Action and samples are so much more important than sermons. Especially when none of the listeners make any effort to act on what
theyve just heard. (17:117)

Make the effort to get onto the heavenly Spirit gear, instead of leaning on your own brain!
Get out of the groove of leaning on thine own understanding, but lean on a better Source of understanding, wisdom and true
knowledge instead! (17:119)

Make the effort to focus on the spiritual Light of Heaven!

Efforts of faith will be what survival through the coming darkness will depend on.
Keep your mindset geared toward efforts of faith!
Make the effort to stay on a positive wavelength, and resist the spiritual and mental attacks and influences from the enemys side!

Make an effort and make it your goal to go through life in faith instead of fear and worry! (17:122)

I know, its a big matter of faith to set your emphasis on Something you dont see but maybe it just means you should make an
effort to see those Things through faith.
Make that effort to aim your main focus toward your Lord and Savior, the only One Wholl be able to see you through the darkest of
circumstances ever! (17:127)

Remember youre a follower of Mc Positive, not Negative, and accordingly make the effort to stay on that positive mindset, instead
of allowing your and Our enemy to drag you down and weaken you accordingly! (17:129)

Try to make an effort to appreciate your blessings! Even if there are some trials and tests around tests to show how much
appreciation and thankfulness youve got. (17:132)

Put some effort into aiming at seeing things around you with a positive view, and thus making the best out of them!
A lot depends on your attitude, the right one of which would be sprinkled with that effort to make the best out of whatever confronts
and challenges you.
So, make that effort to aim for the best to make out of things and conditions that face you each day! (17:136)

Its a tough road through this time of the End, and many just wont make it. So, wouldnt it be worth the effort to do the best you can -
all you can - to contribute to the probability that you might - in spite of any conditions making it tougher?
Tough times need specially tough efforts to make it through! (17:141)

Trusting and putting hope in your own talent would bring all My efforts to naught to get you to put your faith purely in Me and My
capacities instead of your own! (17:143)

It takes a special effort to keep your vision and focus set in the right direction. (17:148)

Make the effort to make the best you can out of whatever confronts you, even if its - according to your experience - the worst ever!
Thats what tests of faith are for. (17:149)

Keep in mind to make the effort to make the best out of what you encounter!
Make the effort to see the positive, even if the circumstances arent perfect! (17:151)

Make the effort to take what comes so that you can be a positive influence on those who simply havent learned that part of the life of
faith yet!
If you dont know how to handle things, just make that effort to make the best out of it you manage, and make use of the heavenly
Help, if you just dont have the strength to do so by yourself! (17:153)

Theres always a solution. Youve just got to make the effort to ask Me for it, if it doesnt occur to you by itself. (17:155)

Can you only make the best of the good? Or can you make an effort to make the best of whatever comes? - Take whatever comes the
best you can?
Your task: to make the effort to make the best of the challenges that you manage.
Self-righteousness is something you should make your effort to resist! (17:158)

If times are rough for you, just make the effort to see it as a positive, and keep on believing that I know what Im allowing as the best
for you, even if initially it may not seem like it! (17:161)

Do what you can to be a help and assistance!

It may take some effort, but thats what a lot of things are all about: making an effort. (17:163)

If circumstances arent perfect, make the effort to see the advantages of the ones I put you in, trusting Me that what I allow is the best
for you, even if its not perfect - something you just cant expect down there before My Return!
Yes, it takes an effort to make the best out of the circumstances this world has to offer, an effort of faith, to make the best you can out
of the imperfect, and sometimes even dreadful. But see that as a godly challenge!
See the efforts of faith youve got to make, along with the spiritual battles it involves, as a positive, something to make your faith
grow into the size where youll be able to handle the greater challenges of the dark times coming!
To trust in your Creator and big Teacher from Above that He knows what Hes allowing to happen to you may be another big test in
life, but make the effort to see it through faith in the fact that He simply knows best, even if His enemy may tempt you to doubt that
and tell you the opposite! (17:177)

The favorite ones of the devil to use: the ones closest to you and around you.
Can you deal with that and make an effort to handle that, and yet keep the faith in spite of it?
Make a greater effort to keep your mindset geared up Here, and dont let yourself fall victim of the enemys attacks!
So, dont be shocked or surprised by the enemys efforts to destroy your unity! See them as a greater sign for you to make more of
an effort to preserve it in spite of whatever he tries to do to drag you apart!
So, make that effort to fight in order to keep and preserve it, no matter what the enemy tries to drag you apart! (17:181)

What youve got to expect is the necessity and need for resistance against all the efforts the enemy and his host will make to get you
to give up. (17:187)

Get ready for changes! Be ready to take and accept them, whichever way they come, and make your efforts to make the best you can
out of them with My Help from Above!
Whatever befalls you, make the effort to make the best you can of it!
Just make that effort to take tough conditions with the most positive attitude you can! (17:189)
Keep resisting the enemys and his co-hoards influences that drag you down, and make the effort to stay tuned to the Spirit of God
instead, Amen? (17:191)

Whenever somethings attacking your love toward a person, make all the effort you manage to resist it!
Whatever efforts you come up with in order to make that love survive, instead of letting the enemy destroy it, well that also shows
how strong your faith is, and what sort of disciple you really are. (17:194)

Remember that sticking to it is often a part of My will for you that you should make an effort to attend, even if it may not as easy
and inviting as what you may have been expecting, or its a bit tougher than what youve been used to! (17:195)

Even if there are many difficulties and challenges attached, make all your efforts to love in spite of them! (17:196)

The devil knows whos too weak to resist his fierce attacks, so, unless you make a real effort to rise above and resist him, dont be
too shocked! (17:198)

See life as a school of obedience toward the Words of your heavenly Father, uttered to you through His Son, and make the effort to
do all you can to put those Words into action!
See the overcoming of your physical weakness as the challenge and necessary effort of faith for you to reap the Strength and Power
from Above that will enable you to do it! (17:200)

The process of weakening physical capacities has a somewhat discouraging effect, but it just shows to make more of a spiritual
effort to put that trust in Me and the option to receive that Power and Strength from Above needed in order to become a helpful fellow
human to those around.
And if others accept and put up with your weaknesses, you should definitely also make the effort to put up with theirs and put up
some tolerance instead of being self-righteously judgmental. (17:201)

Youd wish to be more able to please others around you But, lets just say that the task to please Me instead, through making an
effort of faith to let Me do My work through you as much as you allow Me, is simply more important!
Remember the disadvantages of being a man-pleaser, and make the effort to be a Lord-pleaser instead! (17:202)

Keep attuned to Me! Make that effort to stay on My Wavelength, and dont let the enemy get you to roll over on his! (17:204)

The state of this world takes a huge effort to stay tuned in to Me.
If youre supposed to even love your enemies, how much of an effort should you make to love someone, even if they act like your
worst enemy you ever had? (17:205)

You should remember more the need of an effort to become a greater blessing to those around you, and see what results being a
blessing (instead of a burden) might bring. (17:206)

Some qualities just need some work and effort to establish them in your life.
Just make that effort to put up with and accept what Im allowing in your life through faith! Amen? (17:210)

Take whatever comes and make your effort to handle it the best you can! Thats basically what lifes all about. (17:211)

It takes a bit of a greater effort making the best you can out of a lousy situation.
Remember that youre supposed to even love your enemies so, you definitely have to make an effort to love your wife, even if shes
acting like one!
Dont take others behavior as an excuse for yourself to let down your guard or quit the effort to come up with a good sample!
Make the effort to stay on My good and positive channel regardless of others behavior and manners around you!
Sometimes it just takes an effort to bring forth the good if you cant see much of it in others or anywhere around you, and it just takes
real effort. (17:212)

Dont just see the negative in situations, but make the effort to make the best out of them you can! (17:214)

Remember that greater joy is found in the effort to manage to bring happiness to others! (17:215)

To rise above whatever situation in spite of its negative conditions and circumstances, it takes the effort to do that through and by
faith! (17:217)

It takes a great spiritual effort to stay on the positive side of things when youre influenced and affected by the negative state of the
world, but thats where overcoming and rising above comes in, and focusing on the Positive beyond all the negativity that world has
to offer and causes you to look at. (17:218)

Emphasis & Priorities

When someone drags that attitude of, "Oh well, God's not all that important" around with them into the lives of others and try to make
Me equally less important in others lives as I've become in their own, that's where you've got to put your foot down and show that
you won't nudge, that you won't adapt your sense of priorities to theirs. (III:112)

My commandment to love stands stronger, has greater emphasis and priority than your discernment, or wanting to find out whether
you were right about your feelings and suspicions or not. (IV:26)

Keep the focus and the emphasis on the essential, namely the Spirit, My message, and the purpose of it all, and dont fall into the trap
of investing your energies in something that will glorify the flesh or yourself instead! (IV:29)

What matters is the emphasis on the eternal, to do everything that you do for the glory of God, for an eternal purpose, not just for the
short-term, present and temporal purpose. (IV:462)

Give Me a chance to work in your life to a greater extent than ever before by giving Me the priority, importance and emphasis in your
life! (11:15)

Youve got something better to avail yourself of than any means you could find in the physical. I want you to realize that this is your
supreme blessing you should put the utmost emphasis on. (11:16)

Id like you to place your emphasis on what I want you to do primarily, your ultimate calling, as far as Im concerned that will come
in handy when I will present you with students whom I want you to teach about Me. (11:56)

A life lived properly is one that doesnt leave out of the account the factor that it will all come to an end, and that acquiring things, or
even achieving things in it isnt the all-in-all.
And even though youve known all that in theory, your concerns and affections, preoccupations and attention keep wandering back
towards those immediate matters of the there and now, and you keep putting more emphasis on them than the eternal matters that
really count. (11:115)

If you dont see much sense in trying to please people, perhaps its a great opportunity for putting more emphasis on pleasing Me.

Imagining a soldier on a battle field trying to figure out what hes supposed to be doing there, having forgotten that hes at war and in
the midst of a battle to the death, should lend some emphasis to the importance of remembering what youre there for and the
purpose of your mission. (12:27)

You keep putting a lot more emphasis on those immediate matters of the there and now than the eternal matters that really count.
Its evidently a lesson that has a very hard time sinking in. (12:115)

Put more emphasis on your fitness!

Not that I recommend putting your major emphasis on it, but its still better than the machines and motors that make life more
comfortable, and thus lower your energy level. (16:93)

Why Im emphasizing the advantage of believing over seeing with your physical eyes: Youve got to learn to see things in spirit, not
be geared toward the view of physical circumstances! (16:147)

Faith basically means greater emphasis on the Spirit. (17:37)

Its time to put the emphasis on faith and spiritual vision, not what you can see before you with your eyes. (17:97)

The emphasis on the Spirit World gets you to the point where you recognize and accept Its superiority. (17:113)

Its a big matter of faith to set your emphasis on Something you dont see but maybe it just means you should make an effort to see
those Things through faith.
Understand why I cant keep allowing you be distracted by the world around you, when its all nice and cozy?
Of course the flesh prefers that. But you just have to learn to put the emphasis on the spirit instead! (17:127)

Theres a greater sense and purpose behind things than the plainly visible, which gives believing the greater emphasis over seeing.
With things around you becoming tougher and tougher, its just necessary to focus beyond them through faith. - Putting the
emphasis on the spirit vs. flesh. (17:161)

Remember the emphasis and superiority between flesh and spirit Ive taught you about! (17:176)

If communication with those around you seems hard, put the emphasis and priority on your communication with Me! (17:203)

Encouragement vs. Discouragement

If you just passively let the enemy fill you with all his input, then it's no wonder you're being dragged down. (II:124)

Don't let the devil have his way with you and your loved ones! Don't fall for his tricks of going without uttering a word of praise and
encouragement for days! Don't be so critical! For every critical word you should utter ten words of encouragement! (II:164)

Youve got to refuse to let the devil lie to you and discourage you to that extent where you get to the point of wanting to quit. That's
precisely what he wants!
So, when you get that kind of flak from him, it's a sign that you're on the right track, and that you must be doing something right!

Refuse to let the enemy discourage you, and keep focusing on the fact that I need you! (III:428)

The enemy is trying to discourage you and lie to you about the futility of your work and efforts, etc, and he likes to portray your
whole life as a mess, just so you wont get too excited, too enthusiastic about anything.
I am the One Whos giving you the ideas and inspirations in the first place. So, allowing the enemy to discourage you about them is
like taking the credit for them yourself and saying they are yours, instead of Mine. Whereas, if you make it clear that it all comes from
Me in the first place, you have the power to rebuke the devil and tell him, Hey, this isnt just my own idea, but the Lords, so, get out
of my way! (III:475)

Heavenly Love simply cannot be found in your physical realm, and continuing to look for love to satisfy you will only leave you high
and dry and lead to further disappointment and discouragement. (III:556)

More and more people are experiencing breakdowns on the road of life, and theyre going to appreciate any kind of genuine help and
encouragement along their way, even if your own car isnt the fanciest of all. You have to look at the need, more than what people
might possibly say or think about you, or whatever the devil may do to discourage you and keep you from being an encouragement
to others. (III:596)

We know you can do it is definitely better than a doubtful and skeptical attitude. Even if they turn out not to make it, your energies
will have been invested in a better and more constructive way if youve been encouraging them than by discouraging them. (III:601)

I cant force anybody to give their all to Me. But whenever I see anybody close to that position, I will certainly encourage them, and
fight to eradicate the circumstances and potential lures and distractions the devil will send their way in order to make them just
continue in their usual rut of keeping other things on the top of their list above Me. (IV:138)

Its encouraging when you notice that there has been some progress, isnt it? (IV:193)

Just remember David and the Israelite army shivering before Goliath, if you ever feel tempted to be discouraged by the fact that not
too many are standing by your side! (IV:220)

When there has been enough of bad and negative input flooding you from all sides and youre discouraged, then its time to avail
yourself of My Presence. (IV:231)

Im really the only truly efficient and reliable Help you can ever put your trust in, and I can only encourage you to keep doing that!

Its at first discouraging when you wake up to the fact how nothing you really are, and what a failure in your own might, but thats
where youve got to kick your pride and reach out and hang on to Me. (12:35)

Giving up and surrendering in discouragement could definitely not be My desired goal. So, why do so many folks come to that
conclusion? Their excuse in their minds is, Guess You just didnt make me strong enough.
I havent made anyone strong enough. Becoming strong is a matter of growth, and growth happens by simply keeping on what youre
supposed to do, even when youre not 100% sure whether what youre doing is what youre supposed to do anything, but quit!
You become discouraged? Thats a good sign youre on the right path, so dont quit! (12:45)

The folks whom the enemy tries hardest to stop and discourage are those who have the truth. (12:65)

All I can do is encourage you to keep believing. (12:81)

The enemy tries to discourage you and tell you that because of your sins, mistakes and shortcomings you couldnt possibly be
blessed or loved by Me, but you are. (12:95)

You cannot dwell on the dreadful reality of peoples flaws, as real as they may be. They need encouragement. Thats what people
thrive on. (12:126)

You can be encouraged to live in the assurance of My unconditional love and acceptance of You as My bride; that I see you as perfect
before Me, even if in this present life youre still having to go through some lessons, corrections and experience that are less than
pleasant to go through at the moment. (13:38)

The devil will do all he can to discourage and scare you, but its important to keep your faith and trust that Im still in control, no
matter what he does! (2015:95)
Dont feel too discouraged! We just need a greater Power and Strength than what you would have been able to render in the flesh,
anyway so, dont feel too bad about Us having to allow it to be weakened and make Us more able to do things through you!

Cling to Us and our Help! The only chance for anyone to make it through the dark times to come. And definitely the only chance
and way youll manage to be an encouragement to others around you during those times.
Of course, the enemy will keep trying to make circumstances around you as tough as possible to discourage you and cause you to
lose hope and be tempted to give up and quit. But instead, let it all make you stronger in your resistance against him, and let it draw
you closer to Me, avail yourself of that plenty of Help from Up Here, and remember that you cant lose if you dont give up, because
that Strength, Power and Source of it available from Up Here is much greater than his, even though it may still take faith to get ahold
of it.
Just remember that the hope youre able to avail yourself of will also strengthen, encourage and offer help to others wholl get
around you! (16:6)

Do what you can to make the best of things, and dont let the forces of evil triumph over you, even though they do all they can to
weaken and discourage you! (16:56)

Dont be too discouraged about getting into a state where you feel you cant make it on your own anymore, or without My Help! Its
the best preparation for whats up ahead of you. (16:74)

Dont get too discouraged about the bleak state of your conditions, but rejoice that in this Ive got a greater chance to use you and
work through you than when youre all fit in your own conditions! (16:79)

Dont feel too threatened by the feelings of discouragement! Let them be a reminder of the fact that you need Our Strength, Help and
encouragement as a preparation for the times not far away when no one will make it without! (16:84)

Even if its difficult, dont let it discourage you, but try as much as you can, even if its not as easy for you as it used to be!
Dont let it discourage you when things and conditions get tougher, but let it be an incentive for you to apply the Help We promised
from Above! (16:86)

Feeling weakened in your physical condition shouldnt discourage you too much in regards of whats to come, but rather hit you as
an incentive to rely on the Strength and Power from Above, which is really what youll need to make it through the times coming.
Feeling weak and discouraged? Look Up Here, from where you can receive Powers to help you make it through in spite of it all! (16:90)

If faith comes through the hearing of the Word, can you tell how its growing in you right now and lifting you up from the
discouraging attitude the enemys been trying to plant in your life through the surrounding circumstances, fears and worries? (16:95)

My input will give you some direction and encouragement, but youve also got to stay in prayer and tuned in to My Spirit the Spirit
of My heavenly Mother the Holy Spirit, and all Her aids!
Youve got to keep resisting the enemy! Remember: Resist the devil, and he will flee from you (James 4:7)!
Dont give in to his tactics of discouragement, but resist them! (16:96)

I manage to deal with impossibilities youre having to face. Dont let them discourage you, but put that faith and trust in Me to
strengthen and lift up your courage, outlook and confidence in the fact that with My Help things are going to work out! (16:99)

Youre dependent on Me, My Help, encouragement and input thats a positive to Me!
So, dont be discouraged by the rough times that draw you closer to Me!
The Day Ill come to pick you up: Encouraging and inspiring news concerning the greatest and most positive Change of world
history? Keep your vision and spiritual focus your expectation geared towards that! (16:107)

Keep your focus directed Up Here, so that you can become a bigger source of hope and encouragement to those around you, instead
of expecting too much from them! (16:108)

If lifes a toughie, dont be too discouraged about it, but just see it as preparation for the even toughest times to come! (16:109)

Make the coming of the Hereafter part of your message, your sample, and whatever youve got to portray and signify to others! Let
them know about Heaven! The better Thereafter!
It should also help you (and others) to have a more positive outlook, even if what you see around you isnt that uplifting and
encouraging. Be encouraged through the fact that theres Something Better to come!
Let that spirit of encouragement flow through you, and do all you can to stay away from and clear of discouragement!
I know times are rough and tough for you, but as you should know by know, just to prepare you for whats to come thatll be even
rougher So, dont get discouraged and negative-minded about it! (2016:134)

Dont be discouraged when you feel quite incapable of making it through your days, but let it teach you to start using the Source of
Power from Above to make it through! (16:139)

Dont get discouraged by physical weakness, but let it draw you closer to Me!
Reminders of the fact that you need Me are good for you. Even if they may seems discouraging to you temporarily, remember that
theyre drawing you closer to Me, which in the end will turn out to be the best thing that could have happened to you!
Times of physical weakness may make you feel discouraged for starters, but as you draw your spiritual Strength from your
communication with Me, youll realize that some good will come out of the initially apparent evil!
Feeling discouraged? Time to tank up some of My encouragement and encouraging input! (2016:142)
When youre headed and bent on a new way of doing and approaching things, take My encouragement that its a pretty good sign
that your leading towards it comes from Up Here, even if originally you didnt feel that way about it! (2016:151)

Hearing from Me is like feeding your soul, its daily guidance, or even just encouragement and strengthening of your faith you need,
which comes from hearing My Word. (2016:155)

Whenever one of My followers gets on the right track, the enemy fights it with doubts, fears and discouragement and the best you
can do is come to Me for the rescue.
No wonder he fights you! Dont get discouraged by it, but rather, encouraged, since it shows and confirms youre fighting on the right
Just as I couldnt let him discourage and talk Me out of My sacrifice before My crucifixion. (2016:156)

Dont be discouraged by circumstances and conditions going on around you in that world, about to be completely taken over by our
enemy and his host, who are already brainwashing folks through the media and education to have them ready for his ultimate rule!

When you cant tell how youll make it, it may strike you as a discouraging factor that thats the way things are just going to be in the
near future, but then youll see it as the necessary preparation for what was to come. (2016:191)

Dont let earthly circumstances discourage you!

If youre dependent on My input and encouragement, take it as a heavenly sign and part of the necessary preparation to make it
through whats to come! (2016:193)

The weaker you feel, let it be a sign of encouragement to you that through it, the stronger I can make you in the proper sense of
So, dont let that helpless feeling be a source of discouragement for you, but rather of encouragement!
Dont let it discourage you, that feeling of incapability, but let it found the faith in you that greater things can be accomplished
through ones own lack of strength and energy and their connection with Heavens Source of Strength through Me instead! (2016:204)

Keep daring to be different! One day youll be grateful for it and My counsel and encouragement to do so, even if right now it may still
make you seem and appear a bit strange to some around you, or the enemy may tempt you to worry how on Earth youll make it
without getting into the same gear everyone else is in. (17:24)

To take whatever comes and make the best you manage of it is basically a major lesson for many
At least theyll find some comfort that Gods folks werent all and only perfect. Someone else able to cope with and relate to their
weaknesses might encourage them. (17:25)

Dont be discouraged by tough challenges, but let it excite you, since theyre whats putting Us to the test! (17:31)

Im encouraging you to have the boldness of being different. (17:38)

It may be a toughie, not being able to feel at home anywhere, which is why I keep encouraging you to keep your vision and focus
geared toward your true Home. (17:46)

My input gives you spiritual Strength and encouragement.

When someone becomes dependent on My input and their communication with Me, thats an asset from My point of view.
So, dont let your weakness discourage you, but try to see it from My point of view! (17:76)

Can you feel the encouragement from the Holy Spirit? - Thats the Strength from Above! (17:93)

Unbelievers may not have the enemy fighting them with his forces of discouragement, but being on My side and having Me as your
Savior and Helper should give you some encouragement and the ability to make it through negative circumstances and conditions
with My Help. (17:94)

Let My connection with you be the encouraging and strengthening factor, and remember that its an important part of making it
through times to come! (17:103)

A life of faith will be the encouragement for others to help them make it through the troubled times to come: the - few, but all the more
significant and impressive - lives of faith around them. (17:104)

The devil will use whatever or whoever he can to discourage you, but all another reason and reminder for you to stick as close to Me
as you can, in spite of any effort of his to interrupt that process. (17:109)

Isnt your time with Me a constant source of encouragement and getting your spirit lifted up?
Learn to wait until the necessary inspiration comes to do things in My Might, and dont feel discouraged about not being able to do
them on your own! (17:116)

See discouragement as one of the devils traits, and encouragement as one of Mine!
Feel tempted to feel discouraged? Resist those temptations! (17:129)

If the enemy cooks up some methods to distract and discourage you, resist him! And keep in prayer!
Remember: youre My lights down there in that darkness! So, keep shining, and dont let the devil discourage you! (17:137)
Get ready to deal with what comes and take My encouragement that Well make it somehow! Together with Me, you should! (17:138)

Ive brought you this far, have confidence that Ill lead and guide you even further - in spite of anything the enemy might do to
discourage you! (17:145)

Feel like you cant make it? Thats the ideal condition for Me to make it through you! So, dont get discouraged through that, but give
Me a chance to prove and show to you that thats the way I can work through you! (17:152)

If your circumstances arent as pleasant as youd prefer, dont let it affect you to the extent where you cant manage anymore to be a
sort of strengthening and encouraging factor of influence on others! (17:153)

Its encouraging when it goes a bit better, isnt it? Improvement is an encouraging factor. (17:177)

Dont let negative, discouraging feelings grab hold of you, but stick to Me instead, and My Power to give you the victory even over
situations of seeming defeat! (17:180)

The process of weakening physical capacities has a somewhat discouraging effect, but it just shows to make more of a spiritual
effort to put that trust in Me and the option to receive that Power and Strength from Above needed in order to become a helpful fellow
human to those around. (17:201)

Dont get discouraged about any level of un-popularity! (17:202)

Envy & Jealousy

Be not envious of evildoers! Even if they may not appear to be evildoers on the surface, just perfectly normal people, sometimes the
greatest sin anyone can commit is to do nothing! So, be not envious of selfish doers of nothing to alleviate the suffering around
them. There is not a colder and emptier and harder heart than that of a person who has everything in the physical and yet lacks the
love to share it. (I:50)

Envy is one of the devil's weapons to suck the joy out of life. Instead of keeping you thankful for what you've got, it keeps you staring
at the hole in the doughnut: "But there's something missing!"
Envy spoils it all, no matter how blessed you are, for it will never allow you to see your blessing but only what you're missing out on.

Daydreaming about the greener grass on the other side of the fence, instead of enjoying what you've got right there and now is that
typical mental scenario of envy, in which everybody else has always got the better deal, and "man, you're really missing out on it,"
that the devil tries to weave in so many minds. Instead of living fully in the present and enjoying the here and now, he causes you to
chase after some fairy-tale future, not realistic, but effective enough to distract you from all that you could find at hand. (I:610)

It's a test, sometimes, when you see all the evident "blessings" of those who are reaping abundant benefits from their evil doings...
But "be not envious of evildoers" (Ps.37)! (II:441)

Envy and jealousy - spiritual jealousy - are rampant in churches, and why I can often rather use simple-minded folks who are not so
stuck on themselves. (III:51)

Envy can make you think that what others have should be rightfully yours, causing you to put yourself above them and thus causing
you to fail love... (III:368)

People can get envious and resentful over other peoples spiritual wealth, just as they can get envious of the physical wealth of
others, even if you give it all away.
Its so different, therefore they resist it. (III:524)

My Word admonishes My brides and believers to not be envious of evil doers, those blessed by the enemy who rule and reign in this
present world. (III:589)

Be mindful of the fact that you dont have to be and should not be envious of evildoers, and you wouldnt want to be like them
independent of Me and making a mess of things, because they think they deserve to treat themselves selfishly and lord it out over
the poorer and weaker ones of the world disrespectful! (III:597)

Be not envious of evildoers, dont keep dreaming their same temporal dreams or get caught up in their world, which is not yours; not
your home But trust that there is something better to come! (IV:68)

All you really have is what I give you, and if I give you everything, then why waste time trying to please anybody else? If Im jealous,
then its only for your sake, because I know whats really good for you. (IV:134)
Its definitely not comparable with human jealousy when I refer to a jealous God. I simply do it for your sake, because in the long
run its better for you, your loved ones and your relationship, as well as any object of your desire and your relationship to it, if you
learn to not make them the most important item in your life, but try to reserve that place as much as possible to Me. (IV:479)

Why always keep staring at what those exceptional other few have got, and what you dont have? Why fall into the trap of envy?

Sometimes you envy those who think it couldnt get any better than this, and maybe for them it wont, but for you it will. (12:111)

Some of the greatest gifts I give to everyone is the experience of having to cope with what theyre handed, even or perhaps
especially in the light of the fact that some people seem to have it so much easier
Are you going to let envy devour you? Or can you genuinely say, Good for them. I guess I just aint ready for that type of blessing
There have always been folks around whove had tons more than what the majority of those around them had, and its one of the
challenges of life not to become envious of them, or covet what they have, but to be content with what you have (2013:73)

While you may be tempted to envy the more capable and stronger type of folks around you, see it by faith: My aspect of godly
Strength coming through physical and carnal weakness! (17:95)

Not to become jealous of Me is what wives have to learn. (17:131)

Evolution (= Evilution) & Atheism

Those half-developed organs that Evolution expects people to believe in won't work. You can't breathe with a half-developed lung, or
live with an unfinished liver. It has to be fully developed, nothing half-baked, before it will work. (II:132)

Laying down your life for others defies the flesh and all that "makes sense" in terms of self-preservation, the so-called rules of
"evolution," which is really just the philosophy of the devil. (II:371)

Nowadays they think they're "enlightened" and have "progressed" and "evolved" away from those primitive days in which children
were an essential part of their family. (II:421)

People seem to look better on the surface, almost as if to prove evolution right, but they aren't any better when it comes to true and
lasting values. They've actually lost a lot of quality and "information" when it comes to that.
A lot of people may think that they are better than their forefathers, that they may have "evolved" and progressed, but an objective,
un-biased look and comparison might tell a different story, in which many of those who have lived before would shake their heads at
the arrogance of today's population, to actually fall for such a gross deception to think that they have improved, when, according to
lasting standards and values, it is rather plain that man has deteriorated.
About the only human quality that has truly evolved beyond recognition and to unimaginable proportions is their pride. It has
inflated, just like their currency. (II:445)

What sort of good advice can you expect from somebody who seriously believes that man evolved from the monkeys? And that
what's going on inside the human brain is basically evolved animal behavior?
Animals illustrate human behavior in many ways, but to turn it around and base your knowledge about humans on the assumption
that it comes from the animals, is not exactly conducive to genuine wisdom, nor real solid knowledge about the human psyche.
Unfortunately, by denying the true origin of the human spirit, man is often somewhat reduced to that animal state in which they
believe they are in the first place, for "as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he." If he believes he is an animal, an animal he shall be.
And the more people there are walking about, thinking they are animals, the more it seems to confirm that delusion. The "herd
instinct," "Monkey see, monkey do." (III:45)

Mankind isnt evolving as much as its devolving. (III:536)

Lifeless matter has never brought forth any living thing that has a spirit, contrary to the evolutionary magicians tales. (III:597)

Thats why the theory of Evolution is so popular: it portrays mankind as its own master and takes them off the hook of having to deal
with the consequences of their actions. It doesnt even matter much whether youre an atheist or a Christian who believes in
Evolution: the notion is the same, that somehow God or nature has favored you, and put you in an advanced position over the less
privileged of the world, a position you ought to take advantage of in your right mind, according to that philosophy, where the
stronger and smarter and more developed will simply outlive the weaker. The direct opposite of all I ever taught.
Thats why in many cases Christians who believe in Evolution are really hypocrites, and not true believers at all, because their lives
are guided by and geared toward the teachings of Evolution and the survival of the fittest, rather than My teachings of Blessed are
the meek and merciful. (IV:132)
Many atheists want the glory and credit for themselves, which is exactly what the devil wanted, too, and it shows just how much alike
their ways of thinking are, and another factor why they refuse to accept him as a reality: If they would accept the devil as a reality,
they would actually recognize the similarities between their trains of thought.
Those atheists say that faith is a crutch, but Im saying, Well, lets see how much further all those human crutches are going to get
you that you are relying and leaning on and putting your trust in! (IV:241)

A lot about atheists reasoning has to do with their own self-righteous view of things the way We made or allowed them, and the
assumption that they would have done better.
The suffering that was allowed to be inflicted on Job was instigated by Satan, in order to get Job to doubt My goodness and to curse
Me. And he still largely abides by the same technique, as evident from the arguments of these atheists, who could not possibly
believe in a God Who allows this kind of apparently unjust suffering.
What the devil failed to manage in the life of Job, he did manage and achieve in the lives of countless modern day atheists who use
the same argumentation and base their unbelief on their own experiences and observations regarding the suffering in this world.
Atheism and atheist thought the struggle to make it through life and history without Me is necessary in order for the final
conclusions to be reached, and for the universal lesson to be learned and taught. (IV:248)

When observing human nature, one could almost think that there is something true about the theory of Evolutions claim that man
acts out of the same survival instincts as the animals, the quest of the survival of the fittest. Watching the way people behave is
quite conducive to that assumption, since it seems to be the only logical explanation.
Well, My explanation is the Fall of Man from a state that was supposed to have been intended for something a lot closer to divinity
into a state much closer to that of the animal world. I had intended for man to rule over creation, but by accepting the lies and
deceptions of the devil, which first promised them divinity on behalf of their own actions and merits, namely the evil action of
disobedience to Me, they were tricked into an existence that is becoming less divine all the time.
Ultimately, over the last century, they have basically come to accept the paradigm that theyre not much different from the animals, at
all, and so they have come to act more and more like them, treating each other with less and less respect, and valuing human life
even less, in many cases, than animal life. (IV:283)

The teaching of evolution is an insult in claiming that it all just happens by itself.
Well, even so then, the things that happen by themselves shall turn out and prove to be greater than all the vain and harmful efforts
of mans own feverish and carnal works, serving in the long run as not much more than a lesson of which way you should rather not
have taken. (IV:463)

Perhaps the fact that monkeys are the animals that resemble man most in their likeness doesnt mean that the latter descended from
them, as much as it resembles a warning that thats what he might wind up like if he neglects to use his own brain. (11:105)

The natural and ordained process of growth and progress you see everywhere in nature, which most mistake for evolution, is just
part of the order by which Ive ordained things to run. (12:73)

In the old days of the Romans, Greeks or Babylonians, etc., the enemy had made himself and his gang popular as gods, but since
the rise of Christianity, he figured it would be smartest to get rid of religion in general and raise the popularity of the belief that all
things came into existence by themselves. And your race descended from the monkeys, which is why its not too bad if people still
act a bit like animals
So not feeling at home in that world, where youre all supposed to have descended from the animals, and are free to act like some
of them, accordingly? Well, dont feel too bad about it! Its almost good news that the existence in that rut is limited by time, isnt it?
And after that, youll find out for sure whether theres a greater truth withheld from the masses by the usurper and his bunch (15:168)

In a world where the enemy has managed to have just about everyone taught that all things came about by themselves through
evolution, witnessing has become one of the toughest tasks you cant really manage without the power of miracles from Above.

The times of trouble this world needs to go through are a major lesson of history about independence from its Creator, whose
founder was the enemy, and while he took over godly positions in the past, of Zeus or Jupiter and quite some others, after the rise of
Christianity, the best lie to deceive folks was the science of Evolution, through which he made the majority of folks believe that
there is no God or Creator, and it all came to being by itself
Just as he took on the role of Creator in the past, his final lie has become, There is no Creator! Making folks inherit that attitude
of himself: You are gods yourselves!
Now, that life can be tougher and less pleasant in a society where Evolution (Creation by itself) is being taught as scientific fact, with
people resulting as fruits of that attitude of pride, should be obvious, and another region where faith in Me is still more common
might just be easier to make it through Less pride, and more humility and love instead, including hospitality, helpfulness and
friendship In other words: spiritual and emotional warmth, instead of the cold you feel around you elsewhere.
A lie that everything created itself is easier to accept for those who receive the enemys wavelength of pride more than Our truth
of Love and humility - One of historys major lessons. (16:53)

Thats one of the factors of the theory of Evolution: claiming that things are getting better by themselves all the time when you can
tell that its not really so, but in many aspects things are getting worse, and its more like evilution: the forces of evil getting
stronger and becoming more powerful on the globe. (16:56)

Modern scientists claim that everything physical created itself within billions of years You can imagine who cooked up that theory.
And if thats what science is based on, you can also imagine how reliable it is. (16:149)

Were not a selfish tribe one of the biiig differences between Us and the enemy and his crowd.
And you can definitely tell that theyve influenced the majority of the world population to tune in to their gear
Thats one of the main reasons to remember not to allow oneself to be selfish. Its a quality of the kind of crowd you wouldnt want to
belong to.
Evolution teaches that its the manner inherited from animals you supposedly descended from. Well, if you believe in Me, and in the
Father as the Creator, then you should also believe that the animal cooking up that stuff is the same that got the world into its
troubles with his nice-sounding lies he told Eve causing Adam to fall for it, too.
And that trend of falling for Satans nice-sounding lies has grown into a huge system and brainwashing process that only few
choosing-the-right-alternative-chosen-ones can snap out of. (16:171)

Many folks cant see the sense and purpose in whats going on around them. Thats why the theory that you all descended from the
monkeys sounded and still sounds more sensible to them so they dont have to worry about any deeper sense and purpose
behind all thats going on around them that theyd have a hard time figuring out what for, except their own survival, the way the
animals seem to do.
Considering that theres an end coming for everyone on the planet, of this game of believing and going by what you see, if you
didnt descend from the monkeys, but theres Someone greater in charge of it all, along with that possibility that theres something
going on with that existence after physical death for which I came to Earth in the first place to make it available for those whod
believe and receive Me and that truth and fact well, welcome to the discovery of the greater sense and purpose of life than the
struggle for mere physical though temporal survival! (16:182)

Part of your witness and testimony is also set in your life-style; and by not supporting the Evolution-based educational system, that
is some sort of testimony. (17:36)

What folks are being taught in the system is a bit like expecting things to grow on Earth without the sun; but thats another advantage
for the enemy of having had them cook up the tale of Evolution If everything has been cooked up by itself, and its nothing but
coincidence that some star has certain affects of the place you live on what else is there to care about but yourself and your own
abilities and capacities? (17:72)

The lie that everything popped up by itself is what the majority believes and broadcasts everywhere, and its hard to resist that sort
of massive influence. (17:75)

The evolutionary monkey-business factor of education that things just came by themselves, is one of those outrageous mindsets
Creators of it all have a hard time dealing with especially when its effect hits Their very believers. (17:96)

The enemys teaching that all things came by themselves doesnt make it easier to believe in and honor the One that faith tells you all
things came from but what can you expect from a world taken over through mans choices by His enemy, just to show the universe
where that rejection will lead? (17:124)

Keep receiving the living Words through which all things above and around you were created and not the lies of His impostor, who
got the majority to believe that all things created themselves! (17:146)

Only those actually manage to attain any higher level of development, who dare to be exceptional, and instead of blending in with the
masses, take a step outside of that common behavioral pattern, make a difference and rise above that average, run-off-the-mill
formula that rules the vast majority on their vast and wide highway to nowhere. (11:144)

Even if the people dont look very promising in general, keep in mind that its those rare exceptions were looking for! (12:41)

Its the few rare exceptions that make the difference just about anywhere. (12:92)

To let the heavenly Sphere become the greater Source of your input, leading and direction is something more rare, exceptional and
special, but as far as anyones concerned whos been working for Us and serving Us with the result of bearing some fruit, its pretty
much the only way to do it. (16:188)

Ready to be an exception? Even if it will mean suffering persecution from the temporal lord of the world? (17:143)

There are those exceptional cases Were working on preparing for whats to come so different from natural human expectation.

Remember that My true followers are the exceptions; and if you feel like that down there, then its a confirmation of that fact!
Youre not fitting in because youre an exception. (17:157)

Remember, youve got to get ready for harder times! So, see every day that isnt harder than the previous as an exception! (17:164)

Remember that My followers must be an exception of society! The folks that follow Me in truth are they who know theyre not really
part of that world, even if they may have a job for Me to fulfill down there right now.
And how far each one of My disciples is willing to go in being an exception from the normal ways out there, well, thats pretty much
what will determine the level of their usefulness to Me. (17:184)

The process of learning to walk the right way and doing the right kind of things, bearing the right kind of results and fruits, as
opposed to the ways of selfishness our enemy has led mankind into from the beginning is making the followers of Our path a relative
sort of exception.
But its those exceptional cases that will help Us rule and run the World hereafter. (17:193)

You've begun to realize how much more of My Love there is than what you thought, how far it goes, and how it takes your life to
places, angles and situations you never ever would have expected.
Things have turned out so different from what you expected, you were often tempted to doubt the whole thing altogether, but you had
to learn that I am in control, and not you. (III:298)

Youre by no means the only man in history who has been driven to the edge of despair because you would have expected more from
your life; something more harmonious, and you feel quite disappointed. (III:536)

People have needs that they want fulfilled, and that they expect other humans to cater to. The problem often is that because they fail
to recognize Me as the sole capable Candidate to live up to their expectations, theyre hauling in more and more disappointments
from their fellow humans, who simply cant.
Thats one reason why God made you all so imperfect: so that it would be more obvious for each of you that other human beings
simply wont be capable of fulfilling your every need and desire, your longings for happiness, etc.; but only few seem to grasp the
point and continue to have unrealistic expectations from their fellows. (III:549)

You can expect to be loved by Me and receive from Me all the love you need in order to find strength to give love yourself, but you
can never expect the love you seek from others. Its just not within their capacity to give that kind of love, nor to fulfill your
expectations. (III:556)

People with unrealistic expectations from others can often become the cruelest taskmasters; a classic example of what lack of
appreciation can do in peoples lives. (III:568)

You cannot allow unrealistic expectations to separate you from people! (III:577)

Ive got to become all you need to the extent that you wont turn your expectations to others anymore. (III:588)

What I expect from you arent any high and lofty achievements and accomplishments, but just little humble but necessary acts. (IV:48)

I see your state and remember your frame, that you are but dust. Thus I dont expect too much from you, and usually not as much as
youd like to be able to expect from yourself. (IV:87)

Make a believing effort and project your hopes and expectations on Me, not some carnal solution of something you might do in the
arm of the flesh! (IV:155)

Expectation The hand of faith reaches out and waits. That is how faith works. (IV:189)

Unrealistic expectations frustrate and make dissatisfied with My creation and the way things are... to expect a bit more than you
actually can expect from your fellow humans, yourself and your reality... (IV:261)

When it comes to those experts on religiosity telling Me how I am supposed to run My business, I may just choose to do things
totally contrary to their expectation, just to remind them Who is Boss. (IV:271)

Dont look for someone to make you happy and fulfill your expectations of them, but for someone you can make happy and give of
your but better even My Love to! (IV:337)

Youre going to have to get out the umbrella, if youre praying for rain and expect it to happen. (IV:380)

I like to do things contrary to natural expectation and contrary to what the odds say the outcome is going to be. (IV:420)

If youre looking for someone perfect to put your trust in, youre going to have to come to Me, instead of projecting those ideals and
yearnings into someone of flesh and blood who could never live up to such expectations (IV:421)

You will never impress anyone as genuine by pretending to be someone youre not, and trying to do something that wasnt really
authentically your calling to begin with, even if you think that thats the thing that should be expected of you (IV:435)
Neither I nor you can expect more of you than what youre capable of. (IV:438)

I still come in to brighten up the seemingly hopeless situation, will bring hope and light and life where hardly any was still to be
Im the unexpected Hope and Salvation in spite of everything that could have possibly gone wrong, the Answer, relief and Salvation
that comes despite of it all (IV:483)

More often than not, people tend to expect a little too much from their lives and tend to rather fail to appreciate and make the best out
of what theyve got. (11:65)

Why do you keep expecting of life that which I never promised? (11:100)

You can always expect to find Me, the truth and the Real Thing, in the totally unexpected. (11:115)

Trying to stretch your imagination by allowing things to turn out differently than you expect, I think I have found the most efficient
way to do it. (11:121)

How can you expect justice, fairness and righteousness in a world ruled and governed and controlled by the enemy of all that is just
and fair and right? (11:147)

If you go by the criteria of what youd expect out of life, it doesnt look like any of this is making too much sense, but if you go by the
criterion that the lesson is the most important thing and priority, youll see that I have a point. (12:21)

Are you doing the things that you think they expect of you, in order to reap their applause, or the things that would earn you My
approval? (12:24)

You cant expect everyone to be friendly and polite in a war, but rather that those fighting on the other side are hell-bent on
destroying you. (12:42)

So you expected something more, something better, as usual, than what you seem to have been handed, but then, havent you
learned that its quite up to you what youll get back from life? (12:53)

Its a matter of differing opinions when it comes to what you think is the maximum to be expected of you, and what I believe you can
handle (12:54)

I know your frame and wont expect more of you than youre able to deliver. (12:56)

Not every student in the School of Life has the same skills, and Im not expecting the same performance from everyone in every area.

My ability and willingness to supply and provide and care exceed your expectation or what you deem Me capable of, and is extended
not only to the successful fighters of faith, accomplishers and achievers, but basically anyone who simply has the faith to avail
themselves of it. (12:84)

Happiness isnt found where everyone expects it, in the obvious places, the accumulation of wealth, comfort and pleasures, but is
hidden in the less appealing challenges. (12:85)

They can do no other but wrong, and thats, in a nutshell, whats not right with the world, and why you keep running into
disappointments and disillusionment there: you cannot expect anything else from it.
The only ones you can expect to treat you half-way fairly are those who are connected to Me as well. (12:106)

So its not a comfortable vacation or joyride. But what did you expect as a member of the tiny resistance against the devils whole
worldwide army who dont have a clue at all about whats going on?
What did you expect when youre supposed to be fighting for the most undesirable thing in their world the truth? (12:113)

You can always expect to find Me, the truth and the Real Thing, in the totally unexpected. (12:115)

Keep expecting the better to come thereafter, even if so far, you cannot see it yet which makes it faith, not being geared to just
what you can see! (15:184)

Whats expecting you in Heaven will be much better and more valuable and lasting than any earthly, material success and
achievement. (15:232)

Learn from Us that love goes beyond the expectation of perfection in others!
Accepting others the way they are trusting and knowing that changes will come eventually, according to Our pace from Above is
one of the patterns of love, instead of expecting perfection, which nobody down there should be expected to show forth. (16:50)

Dont expect any perfect conditions in a world that will be taken over by the physical reign of our enemy! (16:53)

With a world being taken over by the forces of evil, you cant expect too much good from it. (16:56)

Rough times? Get used to it, for theyll be even much rougher in times to come! With kids around you that are only expecting the
best for themselves in that world around you it aint easy but preparing them for it the best you can would be wise. (16:63)
No more use in expecting solely nice and pleasant times!
Sometimes, the more ones been given, the more will be expected of him, and when thats not there yet, well, you just might have to
make up for it first, before you can enter into heavenly rest. (16:66)

You know the reason why life down there isnt perfect. So, stop expecting it to be!
Its a lesson for many: to make it through what comes, instead of going through frustration for having to pass less perfect times than
expected or hoped for.
Some troubles in this world are just coming inevitably, so dont just expect different and rosier circumstances, but pray for the
victory to make it through them! (16:76)

Theres a much better Home expecting you at the end of it all! (16:82)

Were not about to put you in a box, nor expecting you to do things youre having a hard time with.
As long as youre still learning things from Us, thats already a lot more than we can expect from many others these days. (16:83)

The toughest times on Earth are coming so, having a bit of a too positive expectation of circumstances wouldnt be the smartest
You cant expect to get through the roughest time of history the same way you have made it through the peaceful prior decades.

Since whats expecting you and your planet is one of the most drastic and ferocious changes in history well, it takes a bit more
preparation than youve been used to. (16:92)

To just keep having good times when the worst times of history are approaching is a fairly unrealistic expectation, and one of the
disadvantages of having had the enemy entirely spoil those recent generations to where all theyre expecting is good and easy times,
when predictions and warnings of harder times to come have been around for decades.
So, all the better you get prepared! Not expecting easy times anymore, but getting ready for the tough times that I predicted to John
nearly 2000 years ago. (16:101)

Some forecasts came to pass later than expected, as with Jonah. But it didnt mean they never did, and it doesnt mean they never
will! (16:104)

Dont be too shocked by the daily hard times, but see them as something youll have to get used to with a future thats expecting the
globe! (16:105)

The Day Ill come to pick you up: Encouraging and inspiring news concerning the greatest and most positive Change of world
history! Keep your vision and spiritual focus your expectation geared towards that! (16:107)

Dont expect too much from what surrounds you, but keep your visions, hope, and faith set Up Here!
Keep your focus directed Up Here, so that you can become a bigger source of hope and encouragement to those around you, instead
of expecting too much from them! (16:108)

Its miracles you have to be hoping for, not anything natural expectation would be able to promise you! (16:109)

Dont keep expecting a perfect life down there, but keep your vision on the Perfect Up Here through faith! (16:122)

Dont forget that theres Something Better expecting you, compared to down there, and you shouldnt just get prepared for it
yourself, but make the coming of the Hereafter part of your message, your sample, and whatever youve got to portray and signify to
I dont expect you to be perfect, just trying to cheer you up and strengthen you to make it, both, through whats coming, and through
right now the preparatory times for it.
With conditions not being perfect around you, just let it remind you thats just not what you can expect from a world run and soon
even physically governed by our enemy (16:134)

Not being able to quench the thirsts and desires of the flesh is part of preparation for whats expecting you in the worlds future.
So, embrace the tough times through faith! You cant expect the good times to keep running on. (16:154)

Comfortability is not whats expecting the world, and not whats coming!
Comfortability and coziness, at this point in history has the price of expecting trouble along with it to pay.
That things arent going easy or rosy in a world like that has to be expected, and youve got to be ready for that, and expect My
miracles, not conditions and circumstances around you to be perfect and pleasant! (16:168)

Life may not have become what youve expected from it, but if Ive been announcing changes for the better, you can tell by now I
was pretty much referring to the Hereafter.
Sometimes its better to expect a little less of what life has to offer to have humbler expectations. One of the negative sides of
pride: always expecting too much, figuring you deserve it. The humbler side is content with less, doesnt expect or think it deserves
So, one of the wrong attitudes of proud people: to just expect too much. (16:169)

If youre a stranger in the world, your Home is Mine, the Place Up Here thats expecting you. (16:171)
Dont let the circumstances scare or frighten you and especially not the enemy with his scary tactics of making you expect the
worst of what could be! But remember your heavenly protectors instead!
Learning to depend on Me and your heavenly Help is not a negative when you have a glimpse of whats expecting the Earth in the
near future. (16:175)

Expect to see things youve never seen and experienced before; which is why I keep reminding you not to set your faith on the things
you can see with your physical eyes, but set it Up Here through the spiritual glimpse, vision and focus at the carnally unseen!

The acceptance you expect of others of what youve got to offer, you yourself have to come up with as well, for what Weve still got to
offer you, and not let your mind steer you into its own conclusions. (16:180)

If you havent even managed to learn a lesson yet to the degree where I could say, Youve made it, how can you expect it of kids?

Tough and difficult are fitting descriptions of whats expecting you in times to come. (16:189)

What do you expect from a world being taken over completely by the enemy of God, if youre one of His believers, and a follower of
His Son, and not of him who claims to be the king of the world? (16:190)

Its definitely not the time anymore to expect perfect circumstances and conditions, and youve got to get ready for a literal hell of a
mess! (16:191)

In this world there isnt much left you can expect from it. Thats why, raise your expectations Up Here, the only Place you can set
realistic hopes on!
If the world doesnt have much left to offer, raise your visions and expectations Up Here, and receive what Weve got to offer!

One of the advantages of not feeling comfy or at home in the world: youre much more prone to feel at Home Here where I am and
Were all ultimately expecting you. (2016:197)

If Were accepting folks weaknesses, dont you think its something you should learn, too?
Its another aspect and factor of quitting to expect perfection from others.
When things arent working out as easily and swiftly as you might be hoping and expecting, its a signal from Up Here that you need a
bit more trust and patience for Our Force of Help to come to pass in your life; and respecting that as of greater importance than your
own management of circumstances is important. (2016:201)

Even if things run contrary to your hopes and expectations, try to put your faith in Me instead of those circumstances, that I still
manage to make the best for you out of it! (2016:203)

To ask for My Help and expect Me to do it through you is an act of faith, and one reason why faith is so important. (17:4)

To expect blissful perfection of times up ahead of you would be a serious mistake. (17:5)

What can you expect from a world run by Gods enemy? (17:9)

When things arent going the way you expected them to well, another sign to be in tune with the leading, guiding and direction from
Above, or asking for the heavenly Help you might need in order to make it happen. (17:12)

Expecting times and conditions to stay as they are isnt the right move in a world run by Gods enemy.
You just cant expect life to be fun, a piece of cake or vacation time with the forces of evil approaching their ultimate rule over the
planet, doing their best to brainwash the planets population to get them ready for it.
With expected troubles not showing up for decades, it can make it harder for those having gotten used to the easy times when the
belated fulfillment of prophecies finally comes rolling in.
A world run by the devil just cant be Heaven on Earth. If hes the boss of hell, then thats more likely what youve got to expect on
Earth, latest by the time hell be taking it over as the final ruler of the ugly stretch of world history. (17:13)

For people who have gotten used to expecting the pleasant sides of life, its pretty much tougher having to deal with the not so
pleasant sides. Thats why Im preparing you and telling you, Get used to it!
You cant expect all things to stay the same.
Consider it a fact that itll require miracles to make it through whats coming; and some of the things youre expecting, already
require miracles!
Expecting life to be easier means, youre not ready to face the challenges. (17:25)

There just isnt much youll be able to expect from people. But thats what strengthens your dependence on Me; the lack of reliability
on other folks around you.
When things arent going and flowing as youd expect them to, see that as a necessary part of preparation for whats to come when
pretty much nothing down there will run the way things are supposed to! (17:31)

Being ready for changes is a good preparation for the reality that often differs strongly from peoples assumptions or carnal
expectations. (17:38)

With the god of war running things down there, what else can you expect than what hes the god of? (17:46)
In this world thats not your home, run by Gods enemy getting ready for his ultimate global reign What can you expect a world like
this to have in store for you? (17:50)

What can you expect from a world in which the Son of God had to carry a cross up Mount Calvary that He was going to be nailed to,
after having been beaten bloody and wounded the day before? (17:51)

Sometimes its the unexpected items and substances that show up with more positive traits and services than one would have
expected from their carnal mind.
Gods ways are full of surprises. Surprises to make something or someone of things or folks that no one would have expected.

Followers of Mine and children of the Father usually tend to expect something better than what realistically can be expected in the
there and now.(17:56)

Crucifixion looked like an obvious defeat to those around Me, one they didnt expect, even though I had told them but thats one
grand example of accepting those tough challenges before you. They may result in something no one would have expected, such as
My resurrection three days later, and along with that, continued life in spirit for those who believe in Me when hit by death of the
flesh. (17:66)

Tests of faith: when things happen one didnt expect. (17:74)

As you cant expect perfection from anyone down there, they also cant expect it of you. (17:77)

Get into the prayers-for-miracles-groove! And expecting them by faith! (17:80)

Im not expecting more from My followers and disciples than theyre able to do. (17:82)

Only expecting the best from life in this world isnt exactly the most realistic attitude. Getting prepared and learning how to deal with
tough circumstances are the sort of challenges folks should get ready for, and not just wander through life like spoiled kids only
expecting the best and easiest way possible. (17:88)

If everyone else around you seems to be expecting things to keep going the way they are forever, let it make you see preparation as
a rare positive and advantage! (17:91)

Take challenges cheerfully, expecting by faith My Help from Above to see you through them! (17:93)

Stop expecting perfect conditions down there! Im afraid they wont be found down there. So, keep your faith vision pointed Up Here!

Learning not to expect perfection around, and thus becoming less disappointed, thats a positive. (17:101)

Experiences have a reason and purpose, even if a bit dark. - But what can you expect from a life in a world temporarily taken over by
the king of darkness? (17:107)

Look forward to your arrival at the true Home Up Here!

Make it part of your consciousness, that your Home is expecting you Up Here. (17:110)

Aim the desires for better times at the better Home expecting you, since of the current times down there, Im afraid there isnt much
of anything better to expect!
Dont expect more from this world than its got to offer! (17:111)

Dont expect perfection down there, just know by faith that its expecting you Up Here! (17:113)

The enemys teaching that all things came by themselves doesnt make it easier to believe in and honor the One that faith tells you all
things came from but what can you expect from a world taken over through mans choices by His enemy, just to show the universe
where that rejection will lead? (17:124)

Place your expectancy Up Here, from where you can expect what you desire and are looking for! (17:126)

Get ready, prepared for, and expect just about anything, and get used to depending on miracles to survive each day! (17:140)

One of My ways: not to use exactly what would be expected of Me to use for My work to get done but just using someone or
something unexpected to give the world some surprises. (17:141)

Dont expect the unexpectable, but just use My heavenly Power at your disposal through prayer, and make the best you can out of it
all! (17:143)

Its not exactly typically human to expect hell on Earth, which is why so few are in the process of getting prepared for it.
But there are those exceptional cases Were working on preparing for whats to come so different from natural human expectation.
Whats expecting them is hell on Earth through Satans global reign and rule down there.
Being prepared for whats expecting the globe is not exactly something that makes you popular among your fellow humans. (17:149)
You need improvement in your ability to handle and accept things the way they come, not just constantly yearning for something
better, when the Better thats expecting you and you should expect just isnt from that world. (17:153)

If folks are expecting too much of you that you feel like you cant handle, remember Whos in charge of supplying you with the forces
and strengths you need, in order to do that which you feel incapable of!
Dont expect anything from the vast majority of those surrounding you, most of who dont have the faintest clue yet whats expecting
them and their globe! (17:157)

If God let His Son die on the cross, and many thousands of His believers through other deaths of martyrdom, can you really expect
everything to go and flow honky-dory for you in that world, if youre also one of My followers?
So, be a bit more concerned about what I expect of you, than expecting too much out of the life in this world, momentarily being run
by the wrong source to put too much hope and expectation in!
So, if the ways of life are simply different than what youd expect, dont be too astounded!
If things dare to differ from your expectations, see the good part in it of the changes that will bring the world much more into the
state of the Fathers will, and thus, as one of His Sons followers, also more according to what should be your expectations of the
best to come!
It might require a bit more faith than you might automatically come up with, that Gods Plans for the world might differ so vastly from
your personal expectation or experience, but thats just where faith and trust come in, and what they really mean: The
acknowledgment of Something Greater than you could come up with, or even fathom yourself.
What your Creator comes up with might simply turn out different from what you are used to one of the main reasons for things,
people and conditions turning out so differently from what you may have expected!
I expect you to trust Me for what Im expecting you to put up with, tolerate and accept. (17:160)

If you cant expect others help, just call for Mine! (17:164)

To pass through a life in a world where after time it just turns out youre a total stranger, see it as a reminder of your True Home
awaiting and expecting you! (17:165)

Im expecting you to cope with tough circumstances. Is that so hard? Or are you beginning to see the sense and the necessity of it,
due to whats expecting the world? (17:168)

What can you expect from folks around you that are still hooked to this world, and thus to the input from the god of this world?

If your current situation isnt quite as rosy and blissful as you ideally would like it to be, remember that thats not really something
you can expect from a world largely run and soon to be taken over completely by our enemy! (17:179)

Its a tough world in a tough state, which means, you cant always expect the easy ways from it. (17:180)

Its a challenge to put your trust in Someone that doesnt make all the circumstances around you turn into what you expected.
Its no use to expect perfection in a world run by our enemy and his crew. (17:181)

You cant expect perfection or the perfect circumstances down there, just make the best you can out of whatever faulty ones you
encounter! (17:182)

Keep trusting that Ill manage to live up to your expectations of faith, needs and requirements, more than any flesh and blood being
around you ever could! (17:184)

In the aspect of whats expecting you and all of mankind, with our enemy taking his ultimate reign over the entire planet for 3 and a
half years, what could be more important, than the factor that you cant make it on your own anymore that draws you closer to Me?
If some of the traits of your fellow humans strike you as something hard to deal with, let it be a reminder of the fact that you cant
expect perfection down there!
What youve got to expect is the necessity and need for resistance against all the efforts the enemy and his host will make to get you
to give up. (17:187)

If Ive given you nice, easy and enjoyable times, cant you also trust Me for what Im doing and allowing in letting you have to go
through some tough times, especially since thats whats expecting the entire world? (17:190)

Can you try to manage putting My will for you above your own, and that of those around you on the same level as yours in
Otherwise, what can we expect from you that would differ in any way from the regular folks all around you? (17:194)

Remember that sticking to it is often a part of My will for you that you should make an effort to attend, even if it may not as easy
and inviting as what you may have been expecting, or its a bit tougher than what youve been used to!
Often, when My servants didnt know how or didnt think they were going to make it, they did so, anyway, against their natural
expectation, and it can be one of the surprise impacts of My Strength and Power manifested in weaker folks, wholl make it anyway,
in spite of their expectations and physical conditions. (17:195)

Sorry, that there arent any more pleasant times and experiences, and youre just going to have to get used to making it through the
hard ones, but what can you expect from a world run by the enemy of God and His people? - Soon to be run by him to the utmost
extent of history. (17:196)
You just have to get used to the fact that there wont be any perfect situations in this world. People have too many weaknesses
since weakness is just one of those traits of the flesh.
The only direction from which you can expect perfection is Our range of the Spirit World Heaven. (17:197)

To seek to be a blessing to those around you will turn out with more and greater blessings than just seeking personal blessings for
oneself. Its that confirmation of the advantage over seeking to give, instead of just expecting to receive.
Instead of expectations from others, open-mindedness and receptivity toward the expectations or desires of others toward you is an
advantage. (17:198)

The acceptance you expect of others should also be possible to be expected of you.
Remember youre not perfect! So, how could you expect it from others? (17:205)

What about appreciating your family, even if not perfect? And making the best you can out of it, instead of expecting something
better from somewhere else? (17:206)

If that world is not your home, dont be too shocked or surprised that your behavior and acts will be quite different from those around
you, or what they might expect of you!
Honesty would be good, to let them know that you dont know if, or dont feel like you can live up to their expectations of you. (17:207)

If you dont seem to have the necessary energies it takes to get through your days with all the required actions that some folks
expect of you, either put your faith in My Strength to help you make it, or that I will miraculously change the minds and expectation of
folks around you!
Just as you cant rely on those around you to do things in perfect manners, ways and times, so you have to be grateful, too, that
those around you dont expect that perfect standard of you.
Its good to learn not to expect perfectionism down there in a world currently run by our enemy, the enemy of love, and instead put
your hopes in the Better Place I went to prepare for My believers the Better Place coming.
So, dont expect too much from folks around you in that imperfect world, just as you should be grateful that they cant expect it of
Take things and folks as they come! And accordingly, theyll do the same to you: Take you where youre at, and not expect more of
you than you can handle to accomplish.
Realize that it would be nonsense to expect perfect conditions and circumstance in that world down there run by our enemy and his
forces, and if its perfection you desire, focus Up Here! (17:209)

Not being able to live up to folks expectations of you may mean disappointment to them But then, isnt life all about learning to
take things as they come, and not what individuals expect of it?
It may sometimes harbor disappointments, but learning to handle things contrary to personal expectations is part of what lifes all
Its human nature to expect more from life in this world than it has to offer. (17:211)

Tough days are there to prepare you for the toughest times of history coming.
When the dark times set in, you wont be as shocked as those who didnt expect them or count on them. (17:213)

Optimism can go in the wrong direction, when its focused on this world and with an attitude and expectation that it will just continue
the same way it has always been.
Forgotten are the previous two world wars, and faith in humanity and the worldly development put the expectation of troubled times
into the invisible realm. Its the wrong kind of hope.
Of course, that fact that some had expected it earlier than it happened was a weakening factor of that faith, and you can imagine
where those weakening-faith-factors come from.
Its the natural tendency to expect things to keep going the way they always have. But if that factor is one of those that make you
different, dont be ashamed of it, nor let it weaken you, but remember that thats the way things have happened before, and its just
one of those challenges to deal with for My true prophets! (17:215)

I want you and everybody to know why they believe in Me, and why it's good to obey Me - by experience, and not just because
somebody told them. (II:66)

You should go through any unpleasant experience with your whole heart and both eyes open for the biggest possible amount of
benefits you can carry away from it, not "get it over with as quickly as possible." You've got to embrace the hard times and fully taste
them and experience them, so that you can really carry away from them all that I want you to. In many aspects they're more valuable
than the pleasant times. (II:572)

Every time you manage to get over another hurdle, another obstacle and challenge in life, it will strengthen your faith to make it over
the next one. Your faith will no longer just rely on My Promises to you, but also on the experience that I am well able to keep them.
Experience is the best teacher. (III:5)

I want you to be open, not stuck in prejudices, even if based on former experiences. (III:32)

It takes the "sting" out of what you're experiencing when you know it's for your good. (III:51)

The human spirit is like a wild horse that needs to be tamed through the experiences it suffers. (III:68)

"Pray without ceasing" means, "be in tune with Me always," constantly. And whenever you experience moments when that's not the
case, then it's usually a reminder that you would have been better off if it would have been so. (III:70)

One has to watch out that they're not confusing love with some own selfish need for security or affection and something that will
actually stop them from experiencing the fullness of My true Love in their lives.
Love will lead you to situations that are beyond your experiences, to places beyond your present limits. (III:83)

The enemy has a very necessary purpose: to lend extra and additional evidence to the Word of Truth of its Power by the adversity
with which he resists and fights it, tries to besmirch and nullify and contradict it. He says, "Did God really say so?" and prompts man
to find out by his own experience. (III:149)

A lot of lessons and experiences in life lead to the same conclusion and realization of how much you need Me. (III:152)

There's nothing that teaches you how to do it like the experience you gain from learning how not to do it. (III:172)

Some folks just don't want to be helped, and the best thing you can do for them is let them go and allow Me to teach them the
lessons they need through their experiences. (III:174)

I've had to let you experience the difference between walking the path of Light, and thinking you're walking in it, all the while
following the voices and phantoms the enemy camouflages as Mine.
He has done so since the beginning of time, and it's only life's experiences which truly teach you to know the difference. (III:262)

You've had to make all these, what you might call negative experiences, in order to glean wisdom from them.
You've had to go down that road and taste from your own experiences, the hurt of your falls, just where it is that man's way is
leading, and how much better God's way is, in comparison.
Nothing is quite the same as personal experience, when it comes to learning. You can only glean so much from watching others and
learning from their experience. What will stick with you forever is your own experiences, your own pains and hurts and
consequences of your own poor choices and mistakes... (III:269)

Sometimes you cannot relate very much to what folks have got to say. You figure, it's kind of irrelevant to the scope of eternity to
listen to tales about seemingly insignificant incidents, or whatever. But if you consider that what they are telling you is what occupies
their mind right now, that those experiences constitute their reality right now, then it becomes a responsibility.
Never deprive yourself of the opportunity to learn and glean something from their experience, even if it's just the attempt to associate
and identify with their world view or their momentary perspective! (III:284)

When somebody wants to be the friend of the world, then they just have to go through that experience of what it means to become a
temporary enemy of God. (III:297)

Experience has taught that life has this quality of tossing about all former expectations. (III:326)

Whatever lesson I try to teach you always brings home the point better when there's a real life experience attached with it. (III:336)

It's really not always that obvious, what is really good and what is bad, unless you have come to experience it by the fruits of it.

The Great Architect of Life has been at work here, and you know by experience that that's just how He works, He can do no other: the
latter will always be better and superior than the former, when it has His handwriting and stamp on it. He doeth all things well. (III:353)

Everybodys got to make their own set of mistakes, and part of love is to grant them that freedom and let them, even if you may know
better, and can foresee the end of it. Theyve got to make their own experiences. (III:372)

Choosing the good and eschewing the evil requires a bit of time and experience to learn. (III:380)

Some of the paradoxes in life take time to understand. Its time that makes them beautiful, valuable, and turns them into experience
and wisdom that others will be able to benefit from as well. (III:385)

Experience has taught Me a lot. I know that sometimes those who at first scream I will, later on peter out, and the reluctant ones
might carry on the work after the enthusiasts are gone. (III:406)

Remember that all that happens to you, the Father allows for a purpose!
Submit to it, let it be, yield to the flow and just let the lesson and the experience sink in! (III:417)

Its a good and wise thing to collect wisdom and experience that will see you through the storm, and when the time comes, others
with you. (III:426)
If you focus too much on the creation instead of the Creator and worship whats given instead of the Giver, youre bound to
experience the repercussions. (III:439)

All have to make their own experiences, including their own disappointments and awakenings about the System.
Whos to say who can make it, and whos going to make it, and whos got what it takes to make it? Havent you experienced that
usually those who make it in the end were those who looked the least as if they had what it took? (III:447)

Whats important is that no matter what you see or experience, you dont lose the love, but you keep coming back to Me faithfully for
more love to pass on to the world! (III:454)

If I have granted you the liberty to go out and make your own experiences to teach you where the world is at, then you must grant
that liberty to your children as well. (III:459)

The present life on Earth is in many aspects the contrast to heavenly Life Here in My heavenly and eternal Realm. But you need to get
to know this contrast in order to experience greater appreciation for what I have done. (III:485)

Learning isnt just about acquiring knowledge. Its living the experience youre growing through, feeling it, absorbing it and letting it
transform you. (III:488)

You cant just get to My type of conclusion and happy ending by merely going by your own natural experiences alone, leaning on
your own understanding. You need discernment that digs deeper and an ear that hears My whispers in your heart that will tell you
how you truly ought to react. (III:491)

Pain is a greater taskmaster than bliss. And whats more, it amplifies the bliss you will experience as a reward for your having learned
the lessons manifold. (III:501)

Every day is a fresh learning experience.

Youve come to conclusions, and human conclusions are in some ways more helpful in teaching others than divine revelations.
Its the difference between one who teaches what he has learned from books and one who teaches what he has learned from
experience. (III:505)

Normally, cats wouldnt accept people as bonafide source of food and their needs, theyd follow their instincts and look for mice and
birds and anything they can hunt. But after a while experience teaches them that these humans taking care of them, especially that
one special human that seems to be in charge, are an exceptional source that is to be trusted in spite of the natural instincts that tell
them to go looking elsewhere for food.
Thats how it is with Me and you, too. Your natural senses are still trying to look elsewhere for the satisfaction of your desires and
needs, but I want you to realize from your experiences, that there is an even more trustworthy Source of all the things you need, and
that is Me.
I have given you so many other things that it hasnt been easy for you to stay focused on Me, but Im using these things as learning
experiences for you to find out and filter out what is really best and essential. I am the Essential. I am what you need. (III:512)

Wisdom isnt an inherent quality of mankind, but something that is gained by the experience of where your own smartness will lead
you, as you suffer the consequences of choosing your own, usually wrong ways. (III:519)

I can relate to your experiences, because I have not only My own, physical life-time on Earth as an experience to account for, but also
that of each of My brides throughout the ages, who have let Me partake of their lives.
You do have a High Priest Who can be touched with the feeling of your infirmities and trials, even if I may have never gone through
the exact experiences during My Life in the flesh (III:536)

Youve got to count your blessings! Youve got to take to heart how well I am providing for you, protecting you, and make it possible
for you to enjoy life, so that a confidence will be built up through this lasting experience that will strengthen you for the not-so-
pleasant days ahead. (III:540)

Its natural for the flesh to think of itself as the greatest, and thus the most worthy of causes to promote. Thats why Im allowing you
to make experiences that prove to you otherwise and that expose the true, treacherous, deceitful nature of the flesh. (III:544)

I want you to learn something out of a situation. I want you to eat it, chew on it, and not spit it out until youve fully tasted this lesson
and experience, because its essential for My training and molding you into what you are supposed to be.
The only way out is the way through it!
Youre going to have to experience it, go through it, and carry your cross, which is that situation and challenge you find yourself in at
any given moment.
Just as the cross was My destiny, this is yours. Suffer it! Experience it! Live it! Endure it! And youll see that the resurrection that will
result from it will have been worth the pain. (III:557)

I like for you to find things out using your own mind, your experiences and conclusions, along with all youre learning by trial and
error, finding out in the long run where things are not at, and which doctrines and theories evidently cannot be truth. (III:562)

Isnt it worth it having to experience the darkness every now and then in order to fully come to appreciate the light?
Everyone experiences Salvation in their own way. You cannot dictate your own experiences, nor views, on others. Be open for them
to make their own experiences! (III:564)
Im trying to teach and rear Gods children and creatures gently, by experience, and with a lot of patience (eternitys a long, long
time), and thus aim to blend them and meld them together, not for them to become totally uniform, but to nonetheless learn to get
along better with each other and become better balanced in their different traits and qualities. (III:569)

Im teaching you personally through the School of Life and your experiences, all that you have to go through, your trials and
lessons these are all ways in which I communicate and interact with you. (III:585)

Some of the most precious lessons learned come from deep, dark experiences and avoiding those simply equals the foregoing of
that wisdom otherwise gained.
Trust Me, that contrary to what it may seem to you at the moment, those tough experiences are infinitely more valuable than your
happy and easy times. (III:589)

The mind working on its own without My Spirit will just bring forth the fruits of the flesh. And so you wind up tired, exhausted and
frustrated instead of fulfilled and satisfied with your achievements
I have to allow you to make these experiences to drive home the importance of depending on Me instead of doing it on your own.
I need you to find out by experience that the results simply wont be the same when you try to do things without Me as when you
include Me and commit the day into My hands first. (IV:15)

Sometimes the attitude toward the world will change later on in life, according to personal experiences.
Youre in the world to make certain experiences in it, and you just cant save your child from that path any more than I was able to
save you from it
Everybody has to make their own experiences in the world that will make them determine whether they feel at home in it, or whether
theyll refuse to settle for what it has got to offer them, and seek a better place instead
Its part of obtaining a greater understanding of My mind, the mind of God, and learning to not only see things through My eyes, but
also experiencing them with the Fathers heart. I dont only want you to learn to see and think as I do, but also to feel and to love as I
do, and the only way to achieve that is via the path of suffering and pain that you experience through the conflicts.
To be forsaken by your own for the sake of the world is a very real experience for Me and the Father to deal with, and We would like to
allow as many as possible to participate and partake in this pain to give them a greater understanding of Our point of view, and how
we feel about it.
Mothers often experience these things differently. They cannot bear to see the whole thing with the realistic view of what their
children are actually doing by choosing the ways of the world. They say, Its only natural, and in a way theyre right. They have to
make those experiences; its in their nature to have to do so. (IV:17)

Experiencing the fruits and results and consequences of evil is necessary for mankind, in order to learn their lesson and acquire
wisdom, too. (IV:20)

The assurance of unconditional love: Once received and experienced, anything is possible. (IV:25)

Experience will be the best teacher.

After all, isnt that what life is all about, and what you really learn the gist of lifes lessons from? Not from lectures or from books,
sermons or talks, but from experience. That is the language that really writes those lessons of life deep into your heart. (IV:43)

The reason Im allowing you to go through hurtful experiences is not only for you to put yourself into My shoes and become a
partaker of My sufferings, but for you to learn to love as unconditionally as I do. (IV:45)

The truly experienced know that it is not in the energy of the flesh that the race is won, and they rely more fully on My Spirit to carry
them through the finish line.
It will turn out to be those who have learned from experience that really pull the threads and exert the true power that wins (IV:55)

One way folks are going to learn better is by making the painful experience of where its not at. (IV:62)

Everything you learn and experience right now, you will retain fully one day, even though you may not do so right now.
It is not going to be wasted.
That doesnt mean you should just passively let yourself go, either, without making any efforts whatsoever to retain any of the
information and experience youre gaining, but it just means that you shouldnt worry about any of it being wasted on you or getting
lost due to your incapacity to remember it all right now. (IV:68)

Sometimes all that keeps you going is the fact that I put you there, and if I said its going to work and its going to be worth it, then
youre just going to have to believe it, since your experience has taught you that I never lie, and what I tell you has always turned out
to be the truth. (IV:92)

Just as with your children, whom you have to let go and follow their own inclinations up until a certain point, even if its in a direction
that you know is less than the best option, I also have to let you go to find out for yourself where its at, or where its not at.
The devils generosity is a different kind than Mine, and I need you to experience and learn all these things in order to appreciate
Whom youre serving, and thus put your whole heart into your service for Me. (IV:112)

It takes wisdom not to fall into the trap of carnal temptations, and usually that wisdom is only acquired by the experience where that
sort of temptation will lead.
The more you have experienced the refining fires of My chastisements, the closer to the Real Thing your life will be, and the more of
Me it will resemble. (IV:119)

People have got to first find their Maker, Who will reveal to them what is their purpose and who they are and precisely what they are
there for.
Without that experience their lives can be so empty. (IV:120)

You find out by experience that it pays to stick to those boundaries you tried to ignore and pass, thus leading you to trespass. (IV:124)

Youve got to experience Heaven, and be a living testimony to that experience. (IV:127)

I have a special love for those who really and desperately need Me. Sure, their minds may tell them like everyone else that they
can make it on their own, too; that they are strong enough, etc., but reality keeps knocking on their window, and experience
continues to teach them that they simply dont have the strength to make it through this world on their own, nor without the Help
from Above from Someone that wont let them down. (IV:136)

If you base your wisdom purely and exclusively on the knowledge and experience youve acquired, without any openness to learn
new things and adapt to new situations, you might wind up looking pretty silly and make a mess of things.
Whereas if you put on a students attitude, ready to learn something new from the situation you encounter, then you can be ready for
new lessons, and thus an expansion of your previous scope, and thus the scope of your wisdom and experience will grow. (IV:143)

See each crisis as an opportunity to experience more of My fullness and of My capacity to be all you ever need! (IV:156)

Sometimes My answer, My message I try to convey to you, lies in the silence, in the experience, in whatever it is youre having to
pass through.
I cannot save you from a necessary experience that you need to grow and to make progress. (IV:172)

I usually like for My followers to learn from their own experiences.

I allow every type of experience just at the point in time when I think youre ready for it.
I always let you experience what you need to in order to learn the lessons to learn about this world and all it promises and where its
really at.
Experience is a better teacher than anything I could tell you in advance. You have to find out for yourself. (IV:174)

The wages of sin is death, and it takes making that experience, if necessary, over and over again, until someone can fully
appreciate the gift of My grace and of the kind of life I give.
If you think you can walk the spiritual path in your own strength, the repeated experience of failing will prove to you otherwise. (IV:177)

Theres no teacher like experience. (IV:180)

Its not always good to accept every temptation and commodity that comes your way, as experience will tell you. Sometimes its
wisest to be able to say, No, thank you!
The flesh thinks itself capable of handling and resisting the temptation, but experience and reality will often paint a different picture.

In the Spirit World We wont discriminate you because of your age, because everyone Here knows that age is pretty much irrelevant,
or rather, how much of an advantage it can be to have greater experience. (IV:185)

If you will overcome the doubts and finally yield and trust and commit your life and your all into My hands, you also will experience a
glorious and miraculous resurrection like I did.
Im not forcing anybody to stick close to Me against their will.
But experience has taught you that anything else simply wont satisfy in the long run.
I reckon its you who would like to experience some tangible and visible progress in your life that would ensure a more permanent
state of blessing. (IV:187)

You havent even seen or experienced a fraction of My Love yet, compared to all that you will yet experience. (IV:192)

Life as I had originally intended it to be, you will experience again when you will come Home to Me.
Life as it is also has a purpose and is meant to be a school, a learning experience youre meant to go through, and not supposed to
skip or miss out on. (IV:199)

The faulty and flawed leadership of the world will serve to help people appreciate the Real Thing when they will finally see It, and
experience truly righteous and just governance in My Kingdom.
Even experiencing where your own tyranny can lead will teach you where its not at, and how much better it is to subject yourself to
the leadership of My Spirit. (IV:204)

You live and learn by experience, finding out just what happens if certain things occur. (IV:210)

In order for your faith to endure any storm (and lo, the storm is coming), I allow you to be tested and to pass through experiences
that will assure you over and over again of the reasons that lead you to conclude that you can trust Me, even if temporarily it may not
seem to be the case at times. (IV:212)

Love, shown in situations when undeserved, can be helpful in turning things toward a better development than personally
Remember the love, understanding, goodness and patience you did receive and experience from My hand and heart, personally, and
then try to extend some of that love, tolerance and acceptance toward others that you have known from Me!
Dont treat them according to the harshness and lack of love you may have experienced at the hand of your fellow humans, but treat
them according to the kindness, love and patience you have experienced from Me! (IV:240)
Atheism and atheist thought is necessary in the process of ultimately exposing evil, and the futility of that school of thought and
rebellion against Me, alienation from Me; the experience of a world without Me. (IV:248)

The experiences of where self-rule and self-worship lead is what will convince most folks in the long run that they might as well give
Us a chance to give them a break from the disaster theyre inviting by thinking they can play god themselves. (IV:265)

Your salvation and eye-opener were the hard disappointments you experienced with the things this world had to offer for you. And
maybe everyone has got to make these experiences for themselves (IV:284)

Some things are simply not easily learned by words and theoretical lessons that are given, but the best teacher remains to be
experience, and going through experience obviously speaks louder and has a greater impact, with greater potential to evoke actual
and genuine change, than any amount of words could ever give. (IV:315)

The troubled and painful times are not times of My absence. Im there, just as close as I always am; its just that because of all thats
happening around you, its a little harder for you to perceive My Presence, and the enemy may tempt you to feel as if I had forsaken
you and makes you doubt that Im still around.
But I am, and these experiences are of utmost importance for you to learn the supremacy of the significance of your dependence on
Me, of your need to focus on Me regardless of circumstances, and by this experience you will learn to trust beyond a doubt that you
can always rely on Me, no matter what. (IV:330)

Loss is simply one of those attached lessons of life that everyone has got to deal with sooner or later, and better sooner than later
Youll be able to comfort others with the comfort you are being comforted with yourself, but unless youve made the experience,
theres no way you could ever relate to them (IV:335)

Youre going to literally experience the truth of what I meant by Without Me ye can do nothing. (IV:381)

Experiences will always lead you to the conclusion that I am the only solid Rock, the one true Constant in your life that you can rely
on, and the best thing you can do to prepare yourself and spare you any shock and disappointment is to keep that in mind. (IV:389)

Experience is serving to teach you that you must put your trust in Me to a greater extent. (IV:416)

Life is full of options and surprises that never would have occurred to folks, which is the big difference between theory and actual
experience (IV:431)

I let you see the advantages and disadvantages of different options and want you to grow stronger through your experiences. (IV:447)

Life is an as-you-go learning experience, since the practice has proven to be a so much more effective teacher than mere theory.
I like to teach you most of all by the things that you experience, and basically, thats what life is all about, not just theoretical head
When you experience the disappointment of someone turning out to have been a fake, it strengthens your desire to make sure you
are the Real Thing yourself. You wouldnt want to be a fake like them. (IV:458)

The sort of knowledge you acquire by experience is a lot more effective, it works more in you, and half the fun of experience is that
you dont know everything beforehand (IV:466)

Sometimes I allow you to experience that sadness because you did not pray, and some of the sad things others experience might be
happening because you failed to do that which you can do, and can always do, which is pray. (IV:482)

It is good to learn from what you experience in life. (IV:490)

The experience of loss evokes processes that make richer and more valuable somehow. (IV:499)

You have to find out which is and which isnt the right way from experience. (IV:506)

As much as I leave you free choice: the main purpose of that freedom is for you to find out by experience that there is really no better
choice you can make than deciding to put your will on My side. (IV:514)

As hard as experiences might be, just like death itself, they are precious in My sight, because they drive home to you the futility of
this world in ways that only they can (IV:519)

I need folks who cannot just preach in theory, but prove by their experience that it really works and they have tried and proven it
themselves by finding Me to be a sure and certain Help in times of crisis! (IV:525)

Most people are at least sometimes inclined to think that theyd be doing a better job at playing God than the Father is, but its
experience the experience of actually having children of their own that teaches them that it may not be as easy as they thought to
raise children, and the experience of making a mess of the situations youre in charge of, that you may not be the best boss in the
world, after all, either (IV:528)

I must allow you to reap the consequences of your actions to some extent. Youve got to find out by your own experience what sort of
thing is genuinely helpful, and which are not. (11:8)

As you can tell from your own experiences: less than wholehearted often fails to inspire and invoke enthusiasm (11:28)
You can only be like Me in this world by spending time with Me to learn of Me, experience what Im really like and become like that
yourself (11:33)

Getting a taste of the yoke of the System, you've got to remember that it is My yoke I want you to take upon you!
Sometimes the reason why I do lead My followers to get a taste of their yoke, is for them to experience and know the difference
between the liberty I give and the bondage and yoke of the System. (11:41)

Im drilling you to learn by your own experience and from your mistakes; what happens when you forget to do this or neglect to do
that, etc. (11:43)

Life itself allows people to find out by their own experience which paths truly render happiness, and which don't... (11:48)

You know by experience that youve fared well thus far, to be listening to My voice. Granted, sometimes I may lead you down a path
that will test your faith and make you wonder, Are You kidding, Lord? Are You for real? This doesnt seem to make any sense at
And everybody will nod their head vehemently and enthusiastically in agreement and say, See, weve told you all along, you couldnt
trust this Guy! Look what road Hes leading you down!
But you know My response to that: Wait and see! (11:49)

Youve experienced and found out that there are bound to crop up problems, and youre going to wish for My Presence and Help in
order to deal with them when they happen, and the only way you can ensure that is by staying close to Me. (11:50)

Who do you regard as your ultimate teacher? Your personal experiences or Me? Or, what am I really trying to teach you through your
Wasnt that what faith is all about? Seeing more than the immediately visible? Looking further than what your eyes can make out, and
even that which experience teaches you?
Or is there a truth that is deeper and goes further than all that experience could possibly teach you? Something that tells you that
things may seem like this, but theyre really another way? Well, thats the voice of faith.
The voice of faith is the difference between what experience teaches you or at least your carnal mind makes of it - and that which
Im really trying to teach you by all this. (11:64)

Life is what you choose and strive to make it each day: either a positive experience you can rejoice in, or a negative one you need to
suffer through. (11:66)

Nothing draws you closer to Me than the experience of your own insufficiency. (11:69)

Sometimes a man has got to do what hes got to do regardless of potential failure and the risks involved. Its the experience and the
lesson in it that counts, and if you didnt do it, you may stay wondering for the rest of your life, What if I had?
If the means are there, you can do it, and it will be worth the experience, but you should not blame Me or anyone if it doesnt work out
the way you want (11:83)

If you could face each day and all its moments with the assurance that this is exactly what youre supposed to experience right now,
instead of with an attitude of, What am I doing here? youd find more grace in you to embrace your lot with a smile. (11:115)

Even if youd carry away nothing else from experience but the fact that youve had a bit of fun and learned something, it would still be
worth it, as far as Im concerned.
I tutor and coach you throughout your learning experience and warn you when youre about to make a wrong move, encourage you
to make the right ones and help you to glean and crystallize the lessons that are to be gleaned from your experiences. (11:128)

It would be easier for you if I clearly said, This is My will for you, or That is, but in this day and age I like to cooperate more with
My brides on their ground: their experience, the wisdom theyve acquired over the years, which I want them to use, and thus also
their ability to make their own choices within the range of My will. (11:138)

The experiences when you have to temporarily make do without something youre usually dependent on, teach you not to take it for
granted. (11:146)

Any kind of experience that forces you to reconsider what you think you know, and that prompts some sort of reset of your mind to
the humble state of emptiness, is always a positive, as far as Im concerned, no matter how hard it may seem to be for you to take at
the time being. (12:14)

To trust or not to trust, this is the question. Im saying one thing, and maybe your circumstances are saying another, as the devil
certainly is. Lifes experiences and lessons are designed to teach you to make up your own mind on the issue and draw your own
conclusion. (12:22)

When you can accept where you are and what youre doing as precisely where you should be and what you should be doing, youll
experience more lasting fulfillment than you can ever find in any sort of entertainment or recreational activity. (12:31)

Having experienced extremely negative circumstances can sometimes help to appreciate life back in its normal state, even if its less
than perfect. (12:37)

Learning is collecting and acquiring not only factual information, but also life-altering experience in how to deal with situations, that
youre never going to lose. (12:38)
Youve got to learn by experience acquired from necessity that My Spirit is more powerful than all the racket the enemy can muster
up. (12:52)

Its not so much about the results, as far as Im concerned as the experience per se. (12:53)

Acquiring the proper balance for all things requires experience which allows you to develop the ability to fine-tune and assess both
the output of your energies as well as discerning appropriately whats going on around you, to get an accurate picture of it all and
deal with it and act accordingly. (12:56)

Experiencing judgmentalism from others engenders the same in you, and its a vicious cycle that goes on and on, of judging and
being judged, when everyone would be best off leaving the judging to Someone Who really knows what Theyre doing (12:61)

Real life lessons are usually the ones that stick with you longer, since theyre first hand experiences.
Dont be afraid of trying out new things and making new experiences! (12:64)

Imagine what beauty you can convey to those around you if in meeting you they come to experience a glimpse of Heaven! (12:66)

Just as experience told David that he could slay the giant just as he killed a lion or chased a bear, you will know that Ive got you
covered, now, as I always have. (12:81)

The desire to do better is already worth so much, compared with all the self-satisfied people who never experience that. (12:94)

Those who have experienced My grace and mercy should also be willing to extend the same to others. (12:107)

The experience of what Adam and Eve learned through their mistakes was more valuable for everyone involved, which is, basically, in
the long run, the entire universe, than any of the good times theyd had before. And the same goes for you. (12:114)

If you could face each day and all its moments with the assurance that this is exactly what youre supposed to experience right now,
instead of with an attitude of, What the hell am I doing here? youd find more grace in you to embrace your lot with a smile. (12:115)

Do you think thats all you deserve? Just pleasant things to go through and experience? If that would be so, why would I permit and
allow those unpleasant experiences happening to you? (15:169)

Gather some wisdom through lifes experiences, concerning what reaps good results, and what doesnt! (15:246)

If its already the roughest times youve experienced, let it be a preparation for you for whats expecting the world! (16:1)

Better to be prepared for rough times coming than having to experience them in shock! (16:23)

If its rough times, take the chance to apply for My Help, and experience the difference itll make!
You did experience already the positive differences prayer was able to make on some days. (16:31)

Lifes a lesson on what not to do, how not to behave and act, if you want to do it the proper way Our way. It includes the experience
of learning about the mistakes one can make by being governed mainly by selfish intentions, being concerned about ones own
welfare, instead of that of others.
One of the ways of learning how to do it is to experience first how not to. (16:57)

In order not to get tripped off on the bad, some experience seems necessary to prevent it. (16:58)

My death was to prevent you from suffering hereafter, if you receive Me. But for some of your sins, faults and mistakes you have to
go through some experiences yourselves down there that youll be able to learn from how to do it better. (2016:61)

Trust and believe in My Promises to help you through and protect you, even if youve had an experience that made you doubt that!

Sometimes its the end that will tell the whole depth of a story, and makes apparent temporal curses turn out to have been blessings
after all, even if that blessing will just turn out through the wisdom, experience and strength youve gained through it all. (2016:70)

Sometimes it takes certain experiences in order to learn the principal lessons of life, of which the top one is to love, both, your
Creator, and your fellowmen. Thats why I even told My followers to love their enemies.
Take whatever comes trusting Me that itll be just the right experience for whatever part of the lessons of life I consider you still
have to go through! (2016:76)

Let Me help you make it through that hell on Earth!

Tough, compared to that bit of Heaven on Earth you experienced beforehand but making it through either Heaven or hell on Earth is
a part of what faith is supposed to enable you to that faith that Heavens going to win that battle in the end! (2016:97)

If the circumstances arent rosy, see it as a preparatory lesson and experience for the darker times to come, to teach you how to
handle difficult times! (2016:100)

When circumstances will have become negative enough to affect others, and they still see you cheerful after your time with Me, they
might finally get interested in experiencing that, too. (16:107)
It takes that history of experience of what evil can do to make most folks choose the good including the repercussions of having
chosen evil first. (16:112)

Wrong decisions and acts make folks pay their price through the following experiences and repercussions.
Experience is still one of the best teachers. Better than any words and theories even the Words of your Lord and Creator, when
theyre not being treasured as they should be. (16:113)

Heaven on Earth can be experienced through offering Heaven to others. (2016:121)

I want My sheep to learn that I am their Shepherd, and to gain enough experience to teach them what good it is to look at other
people and folks like them as their leaders. The fewest of them resist the temptation to abuse their position of leadership
With all youve experienced through earthly leaders, youve definitely come to the conclusion that its safer to put your trust in Me
The experience of failing human leadership is a way that points in the right direction as to whom one can truly trust without any
doubts. (2016:131)

Remember that the physical weakness you experience is supposed to give you greater spiritual Strength, and make you more
dependent on Me and your Help from Above!
I turn the bad experiences into something good for you. (16:142)

Allowing circumstances to drag you down, just shows that your state of faith isnt exactly where its supposed to be.
Look beyond them and rise above them! I know, its an act of faith but also experience that will help you strengthen your faith by
putting it into action. (16:144)

A weakening process of carnal abilities: A good thing that will turn out to be one in spite of coming out of evil incidents and
experience. (16:153)

The times are getting darker by the hour. And how youre going to make it through them depends on your reliance and dependence
on Me not the experience of things working out the way they used to! (2016:159)

Leaving the right of free choice out there from the beginning shows Our liberal attitude, in comparison to the enemys, who will seek
to have each on executed who wont receive his mark
An incident and experience that ought to teach mankind which is the better force to rule over them his or Ours. (2016:163)

Keeping on the sunny side in the spirit when the world around yous in darkness is pretty much a miraculous act, which is basically
why Im preparing you for dependence on miracles. And in order to get them and experience them, youve got to ask and pray for
them! (2016:164)

Let your experience raise your confidence in the Power of good overcoming and rising above that of evil! (2016:170)

The times coming will be a lot harder and tougher than what youve already experienced and gone through. (2016:175)

Another plus about heavenly Help: experiencing It makes you feel better!
Its experiences through seemingly hopeless situations that raise your trust and confidence in Us to help and see you through.
Experiencing Our Help and protection raises your faith that We might manage to help you make it through the rough times to come.
So, one advantage of experiencing Our Help to make it through rough and potentially dangerous events: raising your faith in and
lifting your worries about the capacities of making it through the times to come.
So, good to know and experience that youre not all alone down there having to make it, isnt it?
Experiencing your heavenly Help through apparent and initial disadvantages is one of the main factors of circumstances and
incidents that draw you closer to Me, and one of the main reasons We allow them to happen. (2016:178)

Dont be too shocked by circumstances passing the level of what youre experienced in being able to handle! Be ready to deal with
the fact that your faith might still have to grow an awful lot to be able to confront what the enemy not just might, but will be up to!
Expect to see things youve never seen and experienced before; which is why I keep reminding you not to set your faith on the things
you can see with your physical eyes, but set it Up Here through the spiritual glimpse, vision and focus at the carnally unseen!

In order to be able to appreciate Heaven, most folks need to experience and get a bit of a taste of hell on Earth first! (2016:190)

If life down there is exhausting, thats one experience and minus you wont have to put up with Here. (2016:197)

Experiencing mercy on ones own behalf should also extent the level of it in them toward others.
The more mercy received and experienced, the more to give and show for others. (2016:198)

Being able to put up with others faults is something that comes up through the experience that your own can be even worse.

See doing good as a way to do things differently for a change! At least it will raise your level of experiences and that of change,
which Ive always promoted as something valuable and positive. (2016:203)

Getting used to tougher times equals experiencing them; and, unfortunately, no way around them. (17:8)
The good and easy times youve experienced in a world largely governed by our enemys forces of evil are over, with him
approaching his ultimate rulership as Antichrist not too long from now. (17:13)

An atheist in many aspects a greater saint than just about any believers you remember: A lesson and experience that should give you
hope for the salvation of unbelievers. (17:18)

If laziness has become a long-lasting weakness, and youre getting almost too tired and weak to fight it, all youve got to offer the
School of Life is a lesson of unpleasant experiences.
Its definitely an experience when theres nothing around you to do. It should get you looking at the possibilities, options and for
open doors, not just resign to fate as a useless condition, situation or circumstance!
Learning to appreciate folks that arent perfect might be one of the major challenges for someone with a craving for perfection. And
having to deal with the fact that hes not prefect, either, should make that lesson and experience a little easier to handle. (17:25)

New situations require something different than leaning on ones own abilities, habits and experience. Dealing with the new, and
learning how to do that is one of the advantages of getting or being used to changes. (17:27)

In former times youve made it to a large percentage on your own, physical abilities; but by letting you experience a low passage of
that former state, Im in the process of teaching you to utterly lean on Me and Heavens Help without which you wouldnt and wont
make it through whats coming up ahead. (17:30)

Miracles are the factors that create faith in people more than the Word, since its just easier for folks to believe in what they can see
and experience. (17:34)

Folks have got to get to the point of learning the difference between good and evil through experience. (17:46)

It may be tough for you to figure out what I'm trying to teach you through your experiences, and it just takes a bit of trust in that fact
that I know what I'm doing and allowing, even if it presently it doesn't make much - if any - sense to you. (17:49)

Part of the lessons of life: the experience what the motion along with its notions the enemy has led the world to fall into the
results of. (17:51)

That's what experience will teach: having to go through the results and consequences of the choices made. (17:58)

How long can you be open to the new, the unknown, that which you havent experienced yet is another interesting question,
regarding whats coming up ahead.
Theres just a lot to learn to put up with in a world that youre living in.
Not feeling at home down there, and causing the experience to help you appreciate whats coming thereafter the way you should
well, thats part of the sense of the experience of life youre going through down there. (17:65)

Your own mind does have its influence, and a lot of what you do, write and say is based on your personal experience.
That this includes blunders and mistakes, you might say is natural. (17:76)

Its all not just a pleasant experience youre having to go through, just as is wasnt for Me when they all started screaming crucify
But at least those types of incidents make it obvious why judgment is eventually needed. (17:77)

Having to withstand attacks youre experiencing from your enemy still at the spiritual side of things, will change when his spiritual
kingdom will jolt into the physical realm. Another big difference of circumstances expecting the Earth! (17:81)

Even We Up Here do learn different things from experience.

When someones pretty much all-knowing, and still open for new input from experiences, would that be a pro or con, a positive or
negative quality according to your opinion? (17:85)

In every true believers and followers life there needs to come that stretch that lesson and experience not to make it in their own
strength, but to lean and depend on Mine, the heavenly Strength and anointing. (17:86)

Some folks will never learn from theory, and will only learn from the actual experience, and learn how to deal with troubled times only
when they hit. (17:88)

Changes are one of the main things to get used to! - Not what youve already been able to learn from experience. Its time to get ready
for new experiences - getting ready for changes. (17:90)

When the prayer factor turns up a bit too late, it usually results in experiences that will also draw you closer to Me, but theyre not as
cheerful ones as they could be, such as thankfulness for protection and blessings, due to previous prayers for those factors.
Realizing just how important prayer is, is one of the major lessons of life from experiences that could have been avoided by using
that Power of God to prevent them, and enjoy better ones - through prayer. (17:96)

Going by what you see and experience all around you just wont give you a chance to make it through it all thats coming down there.
Accordingly, dont let your faith be influenced by what you see and experience around you in the physical, but point your entire
confidence in the unseen Factor Up Here: your King, your Home and your heavenly helpers! (17:98)

Advantages you learn to appreciate after experiencing disadvantages.

Appreciating things the way they come and are, well, thats one thing to learn from the experiences of life.
Knowing from experience where one wrong choice and decision can lead should be a No.1 lesson of life but one far from
everybody learning.
Circumstances bring about the need and incentive for positive changes and improvement one of the ultimate destinations of world
history through learning from experience where its not at, and what should be handled and done in a different, better way.
Improvement comes about through the experiences of the necessity for it through the unpleasant factors.
Take and accept whatever you see, feel and experience around you the best you can! (17:101)

Experience is part of the big School of Life, so just allow Me to enrich your experiences! (17:103)

Experiences have a reason and purpose, even if a bit dark. - But what can you expect from a life in a world temporarily taken over by
the king of darkness? (17:107)

Youre experiencing that others are having even harder fates to deal with.
So, remember thankfulness! - That youre not having it quite as hard as some others around you! (17:110)

Learn from experience about the different results of staying on My way, or not and your own instead, all depending on your choices!

To make it even in spite of lack of experience See it as an extra challenge from Above to widen your horizon and aspects! (17:118)

Faith in something youve got to believe in even if you havent seen it yet, is not as popular as the knowledge according to physical
and carnal experiences But its the Stuff I rely on to work through. (17:119)

With the risks and dangers higher than ever before, experience should have cured you from the wrong attitude to take My protection
for granted. (17:128)

If thats one of a believers main tasks, how can you neglect it, having experienced trouble that might have been prevented through
it? (17:137)

Life had come from Us and yet they betrayed Me and took Mine from Me. So, dont be too shocked if you have to participate in that
experience! (17:140)

Remember the rewards for accepting the challenge of the life of faith: a blessed eternity thereafter with a Crown of Life!
And from a bit of experience of a life of faith, you can tell that those cant just be empty promises. (17:143)

You ought to have learned from experience to make the better choice regarding who it pays off to listen to, seeing the effect of the
enemys influence all around you, and knowing from experience that thats definitely not the better one, nor the one you should
attend and listen to!
If you think its just as bad as it can get right now, Im afraid youll experience much greater and worse manifestation of his forces in
the dark times to come. So, the sooner you learn to resist the influences of his power in the world, the better! (17:145)

Make the effort to make the best you can out of whatever confronts you, even if its - according to your experience - the worst ever!
Thats what tests of faith are for. (17:149)

Remember what the snakes influence caused Adam and Eve to experience: the move out of Eden, out of paradise, and the globe is
largely heading toward the ultimate result of that! (17:153)

Even if all you can make down there is the experience of what you wont want again in the Forever After, thats already worth it, as far
as Im concerned. (17:165)

Things youve been used to for decades, and just about all or at most of your life, are a tough factor to experience coming to an end,
which is why you need special procedures of preparation for whats coming: learning to make it without things youve been
dependent on for decades. Things that simply wont be as easily accessible anymore when cash will go through its crash, and later,
only payable through the mark of the beast. (17:173)

The longer youre having to make it without Me and My Input, the more desperately you need It in the end.
For you it may be a seemingly unpleasant experience, but in the future youll see it as the best possible preparation I could have
given you for the times to come, when you simply wont make it without Me. (17:175)

Sometimes youve just got to go through a passage of experience to show you whether whats right there before you is for you and
your destination, or not. - Not yet. (17:176)

Ill help you to handle everything going on around you, and youll experience the advantages, youll see! (17:180)

I need you to become dependent on Me, the only way to make it through the dark times that will come, which only those will survive
wholl have learned that. Even if through painful experiences.
Another thing to learn from experience is to find out which is the way to do it, and which is the way better not to. (17:183)

The type of experiences Id like you to make are those of new and different ways definitely not those of the same old rut of the
System and their ways of handling things. (17:184)
Sometimes unpleasant experiences just are the factor that gets you to the point of learning some important lessons of life that I want
and need you to learn, and theres no other way around it. (17:189)

Get used to the tough scope and become stronger in the spirit, so that you dont feel knocked out after every little unpleasant
I know what I need to let you experience; namely the type of situations that make you stronger, and thus, more capable to handle and
deal with whats to come! (17:190)

Remember My death for you, through which you can experience the same type of resurrection as Mine!
To learn to follow the will of their true God and Creator, people also need to experience the results of following only their own wills,
just as the great impostor started out his way of following his own.
It may be a tough way of learning through experience which of the two ways and roads couldnt be the proper one to follow, but it
simply takes hard experience to teach folks the lessons of walking in the wrong direction and doing things the wrong way, and
accordingly, to learn which is the right way, in spite of the fact that it led its Leader to a cross to die for all men and women whod
accept that sacrifice of the Bringer of all things. (17:193)

Times of trouble, and the places where they happen can be something it pays to stick to until the lessons from that experience are
So, even if its not a downright pleasant experience, go through it, and learn whats there to learn from it!
Sorry, that there arent any more pleasant times and experiences, and youre just going to have to get used to making it through the
hard ones, but what can you expect from a world run by the enemy of God and His people? - Soon to be run by him to the utmost
extent of history.
So, see the dreadful experiences of the present as necessary preparation and part of getting ready for the toughest stretch of world
history! (17:196)

Isnt learning what results you reap from the seeds sown in your life what lifes basically all about?
But sometimes it just takes that experience of finding out where the results are at of the things one has allowed the other side - the
worldly side - to sow in their minds.
Learning the truth about the input of the world - mainly geared by the enemy who runs it - is one of those experiences mankind is
bound to learn. (17:211)

Sometimes folks with faults have to go through experiences with worse folks than themselves, in order to learn some of the lessons
on life and establish a half-way decent character.
Sometimes improvement only comes through the recognition of that its needed, and finding out exactly where and how. And what
other teacher does that, but experience?
No matter how drastic the difference between right and wrong, most folks still yield to the temptations of the wrong ways. And Were
hoping experience will teachem and show them what the pros and cons of the results are, and whether they should keep going in the
wrong way or welcome a positive change, and then cling to that direction. (17:217)

Forsaking All
Thats why forsaking all is so important: it leaves you with nothing but Me, and when Im all youve got, then youre really free to just
let Me use you and do it through you! (I:157)

Forsaking all everyday! Thats one of the slogans of a true disciple to keep in mind if you want to start off each day clean slated in
order to get the most you can do out of it. Forsaking all in order to put Me first, thats the goal. (I:250)

Though you may have to forsake your heart's desires for My sake, and for My work's sake for a time of "sowing in tears," "joy cometh
in the morning", and there will be a day of great rejoicing when you will reap, if ye faint not, and when you will see that it has been
worth it all.
Though now you may be tempted to see Me as cruel to give you something and then ask you to return it and give it back to Me, to
give it up for Me, one day you'll see that this test of your first love was utterly necessary. (I:523)

It's only when you're driven to the end of yourself that you're willing to give up everything in order to gain the new, the unknown, that
which I have to offer. (II:68)

You have to forsake all and die to your old man every day.
Receiving My Help in this daily, through My instructions of what it is I want you to forsake and what area I want you to yield more and
progress in, is vital. (II:132)

I want you to be able to truly forsake all at a moment's notice, if need be.
Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose, and you can only be truly free when all the things you stand to lose truly mean
nothing to you, so that you can just forsake them and let go of them at a moment's notice. (II:254)
It's forsaking all, all over again, and letting go. Letting go of all your ambitions, selfish desires and motivations... anything that would
stop or hinder you from giving and surrendering all to Me. (II:423)

Your desires for carnal and physical things had to go and be let go of, first, before there was room, a place and space in you for Me to
fill, that's what letting go and forsaking all is all about and what it means and amounts to. (II:590)

In forsaking all, you will find that I will give you My all. (III:53)

Keep forsaking all! Keep forsaking what needs to be let go of and keep forging ahead in a new direction, making progress and
conquering new territories!
Sometimes, in order to make it easy for My followers to begin their path for Me, I make it sound simple, like, Come, follow Me!
But only after a while are they ready to hear some more of the details and all that it entails to follow Me: taking up their cross,
forsaking all they have and becoming an enemy to this world, because all they really care about is Me and My Cause. (IV:6)

To what extent are you really forsaking all each day? (IV:92)

My path is just going to lead in the opposite direction of where most want to go, which is up the ladder of success toward fame and
fortune, when Mine is the road of forsaking all, denying yourself and taking up your cross (IV:159)

Luke 14:33 is still a requirement for My disciples that hasnt changed. (IV:218)

Forsaking all is just what it means and what its talking about: a-l-l. Sooner or later everyone is going to have to let it all go, even if its
tough, and the sooner and the earlier you learn that, the better.
Its not something you should see as a bad thing, but as a door that is going to take you to better, greater things. (IV:308)

I made it a requirement for My disciples to forsake all and drag as few personal possessions around through life as possible, since
those whose lives are already full have less space left for Me to fill it. (IV:477)

Maybe theres more to the truth of forsaking all and why that is necessary to be My disciple than meets the eye
Maybe you havent yet begun to experience the wonder-working magic of forsaking all the magic and miracles in your life that
occur when you really trust Me for your happiness, more than any other things you could possibly make that dependent on
The forsaking all factor is one of the principal requirements for true discipleship today just as much as ever. (11:15)

There is such a thing as loss, and it has to be dealt with. Perhaps one of the reasons why I instituted forsaking all as a basic
requirement for discipleship was to spare them the regret over any losses they were yet to encounter in their lives, even the very loss
of their lives, since thats what often was required of early believers, who often died as martyrs (11:84)

You never lose by giving up anything for Me. (2012:7)

In the long run you'll only benefit from your readiness to let go and forsake what you held dear. (2012:11)

If you had to forsake what you so dearly loved, cant you fully embrace the new thing, the new opportunity Ive given you? (2012:127)

Truly outstanding people are remembered and noticed for their ability and quality to give up something of their own for the sake of
others, which is basically what I said in that verse about Greater love hath no man (Jn.15:13). (2012:141)

You have to be willing to let go of the things that mess up your life.
Im willing to give you a hand and My support by giving you the strength you need.
But when I dont, then you might have to consider that maybe its My will for you to let go of some of that stuff and its time to get rid
of some of it and forsake it.
The natural human inclination is to cling, to hang on to things, but Ill usually encourage folks to let go, as you can tell from My
example with My disciples. (2012:151)

You have to be willing to let go of the things that keep you too occupied for Me. Thats basically what forsaking all was and is all
about: letting go of the things that keep you apart from Me and too busy for Me and My will for you. (2013:64)

The reason it says, Seekest thou great things for thyself? Seek them not! (Jer.45:5) is that most people are usually better off
without greater things for themselves. Thats also what forsaking all is all about. (2013:122)

Remember humility as the trait you should acquire, and see pride as the one to forsake and overcome! (17:192)

Fulfillment (/Satisfaction)
The right kind of satisfaction and fulfillment is found in fulfilling ones purpose which they were created for, instead of missing that
mark, chasing other, less worthwhile objectives. (IV:180)
Im the satisfaction your soul seeks and yearns for. (IV:217)

My capacity to satisfy goes beyond even the most desired company and physical presence of another human being, and I need you
to learn that I am the Filler and Satisfier of those needs, and that you need to look to Me in order to have them truly satisfied and
quenched. (IV:503)

To just be satisfied with what this life has to offer is like settling for the Prodigal sons husks Theres truly more; lots more. (IV:516)

Ultimately, the key lies in finding fulfillment and satisfaction and happiness right where you are, in whichever situation life brings you
to, without constantly looking for better, greener pasture that in these dark and trying times are becoming ever more elusive. (11:138)

People have gotten so used to toys, things and gimmicks that they automatically look for them to satisfy them, but ultimately, the real
kick and satisfaction comes from relationship, union and communication between living souls. (12:66)

Live up to your full potential! Not just because Im interested in the quality of your performance for the benefit of the whole team and
the end result of the game, but because I know you will benefit from it, too. Youll feel better about yourself, more satisfied and
fulfilled, and, lets just say, its part of My method to live up to My Promise that Ive come to make you live life to the full. (12:73)

Fun, Pleasure, Entertain- & Enjoyment

Just be you, and enjoy it! There's nothing wrong with it. Enjoy it and help others to do the same! The serious side of life is important,
too, but "a just weight" - a proper balance - is My delight.
The more you enjoy yourself, the more people will be able to enjoy your company, the more enjoyable you'll be, and thus you'll help
them enjoy themselves, and their own lives more, too, as long as you "enjoy yourself" in My Spirit and in the way I am teaching and
leading you. (II:413)

You don't have to cheat yourself out of enjoying yourself. To enjoy yourself means precisely what it says: you can enjoy just being
yourself, you can enjoy the body I've given you, the spirit I've given you, the life I've given you, it's nothing to be ashamed of or to
constantly deny or to beat down. (II:555)

The sitcom mentality has seeped in so deeply into people that they think something is wrong if there's no fun and no jest involved.
Fun is not the A and O, the all-in-all. It's important and it has its place, but it's not supposed to be your god. (III:57)

You'll find out that there's no fun, no satisfaction, if I'm not in it, if you didn't include Me and didn't take Me with you.
I may let you get away with it for a little while and allow you to experience a little fun and diversion on your own, until sooner or later
you'll realize that there's no fun, no true pleasure at all without the true Source of all godly pleasure. (III:152)

I don't mind you having fun, but I do mind you making a god out of it... (III:239)

Satan's really a dictator at heart, and all his "goodie-goodie" show that he's pulling off right now, of being a promoter of democracy
and "let the kids have some fun," is just that: pure show. As soon as they're all in the trap, he's going to pull the plug, and the fun will
be over, once and for all.
It's not going to be called the "Great Tribulation" for nothing: the fun will be over, period. (III:309)

Ask yourself, "What am I really here for? Just to enjoy the ride? Or is there a greater purpose for my being here?" (III:355)

Sometimes a sense of humor can help you take yourself less seriously. That's why it's said that the greatest requirement for a
missionary is a sense of humor. Approaching strangers in a humorous sort of way takes the seriousness out of the issue, which
sometimes scares people away. (III:360)

You're supposed to enjoy life so that you can advertise the Source of joy you've found. (III:363)

Its not a time anymore for entertainment and leisure. Its a call to arms.
This generation, brought up into believing that the meaning of life is to have as much fun as possible, is going to have a hard
awakening, soon, to the seriousness of the true core of the sense of life, which has been hidden from them, and blessed will be those
with a beacon of light and pillar of truth to hold on to and to guide them in the right direction in My direction. (III:387)

The search and quest for pleasure and satisfaction just has to leave you high and dry at some point, because its destined and
programmed to do just that. Its not the way to happiness. (III:414)

Its not like I dont want you to have fun in your work. Forget about whether youre going to be a winner or a loser for some time, and
just enjoy the fun of it!
Once you get the hang of the fun of it, you start becoming good at it, and thats when you start becoming good at life itself.
Youve got to enjoy the thing you do and have a glory in it, and not just dread it or think about whether youre going to be the winner
and take away the trophy or not (III:435)

I want you to enjoy life and enjoy your service for Me and what youre doing for Me: I want you to do what you enjoy!
Merely going through a humdrum of performing duties you dont particularly enjoy isnt going to enhance your quality of life, thus
your health, your happiness, and thus also not your sample and testimony for Me, which equals your efficiency for Me. So I might as
well let you do what you enjoy! (III:448)

Learning to communicate with Me is going to be so extremely vital and expedient for your survival in the near future, that I cant let
up on you and let you enjoy a carefree life. (III:469)

Trust Me that theres something better awaiting you at the end of this life thats going to make up for any lack of fun and enjoyment
you had in this one, and that there are other things way more urgent that have priority over just having fun right now. The world is
simply too evil to just live in it with the purpose of having fun.
Soon there will simply be more important, urgent and pressing matters on your mind than pleasure, and the same will apply to many
others for whom right now, pleasure is a priority. (III:500)

I never said, Come on, boys and girls, lets try to have as much fun as we all possibly can! That was never My message.
I can have fun, and I dont mind you having it, but it has never been My major prerogative. (III:543)

Everything can be loads of fun if you just change your attitude about it! (III:570)

By offering entertainment and amusement you just lead them away from thinking again, contributing to the entertainment overload
that already exists. If theres one thing the world doesnt need, its more entertainment and more distraction from the essential things
that they usually ignore. (IV:1)

I truly need you to invest your efforts in the spreading of the truth, and not in merely entertaining people. (IV:46)

Dont stare at the empty half of the glass, or the hole in the donut, but at whats there to enjoy!
Reaping may sound a lot more like fun than sowing, I know. But the work has got to come before pleasure. (IV:114)

There are more important, more urgent matters than having fun.
Time is short, and in order to get the job done, sacrifices have to be made sometimes, and you cannot always indulge and yield to
every little opportunity of pleasure that presents itself.
It takes some effort to shift your focus away from that fun-mentality, where pleasure and enjoyment are your primary incentive.

The only way youre going to be full of the Holy Spirit is by remembering that you are there to win their souls, and not just to tickle
their ears. (IV:135)

There is greater satisfaction for you to be had than just seeking pleasure for yourself.
Even if youre not to experience the Tribulation yourself, youll be grateful for every moment you invest in the eternal instead of
wasting time on trivial, earthly matters and personal entertainment.
There is a time for everything, and I dont mind your times of fun, but Im trying to reduce the preeminent position that fun and
diversion are having in your life to one of lesser importance, and establish a better one for Me and My affairs in your mindset of
priorities. (IV:147)

Too much fun makes you feel at peace in this world, when there is no peace for My warriors in this world and age. (IV:151)

Focus on, and dedicate yourself wholeheartedly to My Cause without any distraction, without the stress of having to please and
entertain people! (IV:153)

This worlds pursuits of enjoyment and pleasure are not really where true happiness is found. (IV:180)

What do you think your attitude should be when youre going through a lean stretch? Shouldnt you be rejoicing and enjoying life
just the same as when youre going through the good times? (IV:187)

Refrain from feeding yourself questionable input simply for the sake of consumption or entertainment, otherwise youll be too full for
My input, and accordingly, your faith, your level of inspiration, and thus, whatever you have to give to others, will suffer from it!

Everybody seems to have party time while you are suffering, and you feel left out and like thats not fair.
But imagine that a big calamity is going to put a drastic stop to all their partying soon. Would you rather be one of the shocked and
surprised participants in the party, or would you rather be prepared for what is happening?
Perhaps your place really isnt there, at the party with them, but with Me, as one of My aids to help them when their party goes bust.
Maybe theres something more important going on and to be done than to worry how on Earth youre going to be able to join the
party! (IV:364)

Isnt real fun found in the purposeful things you do, and doesnt it fulfill you a lot more and make you feel much more satisfied when
youve accomplished something a little more meaningful than the usual things you do to have fun?
I want you to enjoy more than what this world has got to offer. (12:43)

Less ego, less pride sounds like all the more fun to Me! (12:117)
Its good to prepare for the times of trouble, and not get tripped off on the rut of seeking to have fun.
Besides wasnt there enough fun throughout the previous decades?
But... sorry: the days of fun are unfortunately over and have to be swapped into serious times of preparation for the roughest times
to come!
Besides as long as theres only fun thats being looked and craved for, you can see in kids that it doesnt exactly make the best out
of them
Some rough times make the better ones of people more so than the purely easy and largely fun times. (16:23)

Chasing your own pleasures is what everyone else does in the commercial world, and it cannot be rewarded. (16:77)

Teaching is something that comes in more handy than entertainment for My followers. (16:87)

To help others to make it through the darkest times coming, Im afraid will take getting them off their addictions to having fun all the
Life isnt a piece of cake anymore, nor a lot of fun, but something to learn to cope with! (16:91)

Faith, hope, love, these three, seem to be a lot worthier ones to invest your time and energy in than current pleasure, fun and easy
living, dont you think? (16:102)

Better stay on guard, even if that urge for vacation times still there Ive been admonishing you to get out of that groove and
To realize how tough it can be to have kids addicted to having fun should make you realize what it makes the Father feel like.
Especially when He knows that fun-time down there will be over soon, and it would be much better to prepare for whats to come.

Let Me and My daily input be your source of fun, or at least some positive sentiments, and eventually you might transfer that gift to
others, when circumstances will have become negative enough to affect them, too and if they still see you cheerful after your time
with Me, they might finally get interested in experiencing that, too; and not make it dependent on fun activities throughout their
days (16:107)

See that desire for pleasant times alone as something of the flesh! (16:117)

Its tougher for those whove had a fairly pleasant life to learn to deal with troubles.
My disciples job: not to make the best and most enjoyable parts possible out of their earthly lives, but make sure to bring as many
along to Heaven as they can. (16:129)

Think about the job thats there for you, and dont let the enemy get you off the track with desires for pleasure and enjoyment!
Carnal desires and pleasures are not necessarily a positive!
Being a follower of Mine definitely requires the readiness to be prepared for hard times, not just seek enjoyment, as quite a few
people these days do. (2016:154)

To get ready for the times of Satans personal rulership down there, I cant just let you keep going in a rut of pleasure, entertainment
and easy times.
Sorry to tell you, but the fun times are over, and needing something like factors to enable your survival will require uttering some
prayers for it, giving Us the glory in your praises for it, and thanking us for the Help from Above, instead of leaning on your own
abilities. (16:161)

Im not allowing you to enjoy life as usual, as you have been enjoying it for previous years, because the times are drastically
changing, and you absolutely have to get ready for those drastic changes by getting and keeping as close to Me and in an as
permanent manner as possible, because there wont be any other way to make it. (16:168)

Theres the factor whether you just want to passively enjoy good and easy times, or put some action into being a positive influence to
those around you. (16:172)

Youve just got to get used to that fact that the times of enjoyment have come to an end, and the part of making it through the
conditions in spite of them is setting in! (16:174)

It all may not be as enjoyable as things used to be for you, but dont just see yourself as a victim of that condition, but be aware of
the fact that less enjoyable is a soft term and description of whats expecting the world not too far from now! (16:175)

Get out of the fun-seeking groove, and do all you can to get into preparation-mode for whats coming because whats coming aint
gonna be a lot of fun, and itll be something folks will have to live and learn to deal with, even if they may not feel like it at all! (16:184)

Get used to the fact that the entertainment phase will be over soon! (16:191)

Those just constantly seeking fun and entertainment will have a shock coming at them in their nearby future and any preparation
for difficult and hard times will finally be appreciated and understood.
Even if folks getting prepared for rough times ahead may seem weird to those pleasure, amusement and entertainment junkies
around them, the times will come when it will be clear that the gear of preparation for it was the better way to take than just seeking
the next opportunity for fun and entertainment.
The times will come when the eyes of many will be opened wide, and a wide awakening from their pleasure-addiction will occur.
Seeking to enjoy every bit and stretch of life you can, doesnt really keep you on My wavelength, the kind that suits to Ye are not of
this world (Jn.15:19).
Seeking to enjoy everything you possibly can in this world and life leads you to a groove of getting sucked in to it, instead of being a
dropout. (17:11)

The good and easy times youve experienced in a world largely governed by our enemys forces of evil are over, with him
approaching his ultimate rulership as Antichrist not too long from now; and you just cant expect life to be fun, a piece of cake or
vacation time with the forces of evil approaching their ultimate rule over the planet, doing their best to brainwash the planets
population to get them ready for it. (17:13)

Ive promised My Help and Strength to My followers who are ready to take the same course as Mine not one of just pleasure, but
also including some suffering! (17:55)

Its good to keep getting prepared for troubled times, and not just seek the enjoyment.
Preparation times for troubled times arent just pure enjoyment times. So, if that enjoyment factor seems to be almost gone, dont let
it be a shock to you!
That modern addiction to enjoyment isnt exactly a positive. (17:95)

Constantly seeking pleasure, fun and entertainment is not really a helpful groove to make it through whats to come. It just might lead
to acceptance of what the enemy has to offer, just as he always did. (17:102)

If life was constantly pleasant, its hard to assume that many folks would seek Me.
The challenge is to learn to make it through rough days and times with My Help.
So, dont let it strike you as something unpleasant, but see the positive part in the preparation factor! (17:119)

See My job as something more important in your life than your own enjoyment of it! Thats whats putting Me first. (17:130)

The folks who are having a non-stop comfy and pleasant life-style cant really connect to the sort of life I lived, or that of My true and
closest followers, many of which died similar, cruel deaths, the way I did. (17:149)

Feeding kids faith in Me would be so much healthier, spiritually, than letting them soak up in the entertainment features the internet
and other devices offer. And sometimes folks just have to deal with the consequences of what theyve allowed the enemy to sow into
their kids lives because they were too busy with other similar things and distractions. (17:211)

Keep in mind that you should seek to live just one more day in service to the King, and not just seek enjoyment, and be
disappointed when thats not coming. (17:215)

Goals & Destination

If someone constantly seeks their way up to the sunny peaks in pursuit of selfish pleasure and "good times," they will inevitably land
down on the rock bottom of an empty soul, because they're just missing the goal. (II:278)

Your only desire for recognition should be for My recognition. (II:284)

The whole picture will be perfectly clear when you come Home to Me, and this should give you another incentive to keep moving
toward that Goal.
Some things will remain in the shadow, as question marks, only to be fully answered Here, when you've reached the Goal, your
Destination and the end of your journey. (II:310)

I make you see the goal so that you will seek ways to get there. (II:328)

The goal, as far as I'm concerned, is primarily for your faith, not necessarily for your income to increase! (II:331)

It's not about accomplishment. It's about being a pioneer of the new, about being a herald of the unknown, the raw honesty and
truth... your way of communicating. (II:345)

Focus on the Real Thing, the real, long-term Goal, - the spiritual! (II:381)

Come before Me with nothing else on your mind and heart but an openness and a space for Me to fill, nothing but your receptivity!
Like this I can fill into you whatever I like, whatever I see and know you need most. Like this I can lead, guide and direct you totally in
any direction I like, like a blind man, who simply has to trust fully in his guide, as opposed to someone who sees and has their own
goals and destinations in mind. (II:435)
What is your goal? Personal fame and wealth, which is what the world would consider success? Or the kind of wealth that lasts for
all eternity, namely souls for My Kingdom?
If you know you're doing your best to invest your time and energy toward the latter, then you don't have to worry about the former
anymore. First of all, the first will have lost its meaning and appeal for you, and then I have promised to supply all your needs if you
make My goals your ambition, instead of pursuing your own goals. (II:565)

You must focus on a greater goal! Shoot far, for a horizon that is higher than the one you've been able to see thus far. The goal is not
all these little things, which are in part, incomplete, they're only means to a much greater end, and you've got to constantly look at Me
in order to be able to see that greater end, the goal. (II:592)

If you have reached one goal, what is your next? (II:627)

Focus more on that common Goal than any differences or difficulties in getting along! (III:23)

It takes the "sting" out of what you're experiencing when you know it's for your good, like all things, and when you can see a purpose
with a goal in it. The goal is greater understanding and wisdom. It's greater insight into the human heart, and simultaneously, into the
heart of God, as you learn to see the full scope of different angles and possible viewpoints. (III:51)

My true chosen ones won't settle for compromise with the evil one! For them there is only all-out war with him, and only one goal in
sight: the Earth freed from his tyranny. (III:59)

Keep your eye on the goal and your focus on the straight and narrow! (III:92)

My goal and desire is for you to reverse the selfish cycle and do things differently. (III:96)

My Goal for you is not to have fear of man or sense of duty to constrain and spur you on, but the love for Me which grows out of your
personal connection and relationship with Me, out of receiving My Love for you.
You can become Me for those around you, and that's what life is all about. If they can see Me in you and see Me act through you, hear
Me speak through you, and they can feel My Love coming through you, what else could you possibly want? What else could be the
goal? What else could there possibly be to attain? (III:104)

How much do you really accomplish? How close are you really to the goal I have set before you, that which you would call fulfilling
your destiny and the purpose for which you were created and ordained? (III:135)

The goal is not to remain in isolation, but Salvation in itself is a means of bringing the soul into the great union of all things, the
Kingdom of Heaven. (III:228)

The goal lies in the spiritual world, and that's where the true treasures of wisdom and insight and greater love are gleaned from.

I can teach you how to strive for the right goals, and using the right means to get there, namely My Power and Strength, not your
If I can get you to do whatever it is you're going to be doing in My Strength, My Spirit, My Power and by My grace, then My goal in
your life is accomplished. (III:311)

Keep your focus on the goal, a new, more pleasant you, no matter what it takes to get there! (III:350)

You've got to keep the right goals in mind, and run this race for the right incentives. (III:354)

Thats the aim of sin: to keep you from loving; to "miss the goal" is sin, and the goal is love. (III:368)

Make your goals a reality! (III:384)

Youve got to make sure that thats your motivation and the thing that rules you, your goal: love! (III:394)

If you realize that its really going to have to be Me doing the work miraculously through you, then My purpose has been established
and accomplished, My personal goal in all this has been reached.
My goal is to get you to let Me do it through you. (III:431)

Youve got to have a goal before your eyes to which you can point and tell others, Come on, lets go there! (III:451)

You can either drift through life passively, or you can have goals before you that you want to reach, things you want to learn and
accomplish, fruits to take with you along your journey Home. (III:461)

The goal wasnt just for Me to establish a nice and neat little private relationship with you, but to have that relationship cause you to
become mature enough to finally be able to work together properly with others as well. (III:471)

While it wouldnt make sense to put much effort into reaching the state of sinless perfection and saintliness in your own energy, you
can trust in My grace and Salvation Power that eventually you will reach that goal.
Many strive to serve Me with good intentions, but in their own energy, and thus often fall short of the real goal. (III:473)

You should really strive hard for making total honesty and openness a goal. (III:488)
What matters is that you keep your eyes on the goal, your focus on Me and keep headed for the Great Gathering. (III:490)

Home is where youre trying to get as the goal and aim of the game of life, and Im waiting there at its end, just like Ive been there
from the beginning. (III:512)

My goal and intent is that eventually people will learn from each other, from each others cultures, and that they will adapt and absorb
from each other the best traits of each culture, and thus, eventually, create an ideal blend of not-too-much of any quality or another,
but a perfectly balanced human kind.
Laying down your lives for the brethren is what will truly get you to the goal, not just making sure youll get ahead yourself. (III:569)

Hope is your road to the goals of faith and love. (III:590)

Id rather lose an argument and win the soul. Thats the goal Not tons of arguments in favor of your point, but enough love to win a
soul, even if you never win an argument. (IV:19)

Be mindful every day of the goal and your purpose: that you would want to preach and glorify Me, and spread My message, and not
just preach yourself! (IV:29)

Keep your eyes, your vision and your focus on the goal, and on whats to come, on Eternity! It will take the sting out of anything you
might have to go through in this life, any lack of happiness and physical comfort, any amount of suffering and trials. (IV:60)

The goal is to get them to trust in Me. (IV:73)

Your ultimate destination is a much better Place than anything youve seen in the physical realm. (IV:90)

Your purpose and goal is not to infuriate the devils people, but to win and reach My sheep. (IV:91)

If you make it one of your goals to preserve the peace with those you live with, and keep your focus on that goal and make a
conscious effort to strive towards it, you can attain that goal.
Once you deem peace with your fellowmen and co-workers a goal worthy of pursuing and making some efforts to attain, then
according to your faith be it unto you (Mt.9:29).
Unity is a weapon that is not to be underestimated in your striving toward the ultimate goal of our Cause of world conquest through
It takes an attitude and a focus steered away from your own, personal and individual desires and goals, and what you personally
want to achieve as an individual, and replacing it with focus on the greater good and welfare of everyone. (IV:99)

The only way anyone is going to make it successfully to the goal in the faith life is by keeping their eyes on Me. (IV:105)

The army of spirit helpers thats available to you have reached their goal and can tell and show you how you can best reach yours.

I want you to make some kind of effort and shoot for the goal of being able to love unconditionally.
My goal for you is that you learn to love unconditionally the way I do, but I also know youre not going to make it there all in one day.
One day you shall! I can promise you that. In the meantime, keep shooting for that goal, but dont fall under condemnation when you
dont manage to love as perfectly as you should! (IV:162)

Life isnt entirely easy to figure out these days, and its definitely a challenge to make sense of it, and to keep your mind on the goal.

Learning and growing and making progress is kind of the goal in life, isnt it? You want to go on, make progress, not repeat the same
old thing, not remain in the same old spot. (IV:193)

The goal isnt head-stuffing or just acquiring knowledge, accumulating facts to store in your brain. Youll probably make better
progress by just taking each day as a child, ready to explore something new, rather than as a professor who can barely make space
for another bit of information in his already crammed head (IV:235)

The question you will want to answer with a definite yes some day when youll get Here will be, Have I done all I possibly could?
And in order to make sure that this will be the case, I have to draw your attention in sometimes painful ways, granted to the areas
in which you could improve and that are hindering you from reaching that goal. (IV:242)

The goal is learning to become a blessing to someone, someone wholl help others to carry their burdens, and not be the one whos
always being catered to. (IV:268)

There are those who know Im the Prize, the One really worth getting and going after, and they wont stop short of that ultimate goal.

My goal is that you become so gung ho over Me and this big advantage you have over others by having Me as that permanent Source
of everything you need, that you will more gladly, more willingly, readily and openly share Me with them, offer Me to them and
advertise Me to them, so that they can benefit from My Presence in their lives, too, the same way you would recommend a good film,
book or piece of freeware. (IV:303)

Love is the goal, and so that means fighting to eliminate your own hostility toward the type of people you may initially feel like not
jibing with, and putting up with their quirks for loves sake It means a break from the usual tit for tat game the world is playing, and
noticeably making a difference for love. (IV:307)
If the goal is love, then thats precisely what the devil will try to stop with all his might. In your life and in the life of everybody else
who has made that their goal. Sin is missing that mark, that goal, and thats what he will precisely tempt you to do then, to miss the
mark and goal of love.
And unfortunately he has succeeded in more aspects than many have the honesty to admit to themselves. They dont see to what
degree the enemy has stopped, hindered or slowed them down or kept them from the ultimate goal, how far off from that goal they
actually really are. (IV:318)

Its a challenge to stay focused on Me! But that challenge is still the goal. The question is, how much are you going to allow the
enemy to divert you from it? (IV:320)

My goal is to help you realize that I am sufficient for you! (IV:332)

Time you should use wisely in order to make a bridge of it that will bring you to your goal, instead of seeing it as the obstacle that will
keep you from it. (IV:380)

People who get places are disciplined. They take their goals in life seriously enough in order to make it there. (IV:386)

There is a jungle full of enemies youre having to get through in order to get to your destination, and your only hope to make it
through in once piece is to cling to Me at any cost and rely on Me more than you would on your natural gifts and strengths. (IV:422)

To love as I love, that is what it is My goal to teach. (IV:433)

Remember that this is your goal and purpose: to help alleviate the suffering of the world through what I have to give to it, and that its
your job to help pass on what I have to give and have given you! (IV:493)

The goal and ultimate vision of finding your dream is not in finding the right situation, opportunity or even group of people to make it
happen with, but its about you being that person to make it happen.
Consider this part of the process of reaching the goal of attaining the Real Thing: not just finding it, but being It or part of It! (IV:498)

Sins keep you from attaining the real goal and target in life, which is what sin means: missing the mark.
To let the light in means, you have to replace the selfish, temporal goals with better, lasting and eternal ones. (IV:516)

Move in the direction toward Me, the ultimate Goal!

I am the Goal. (IV:528)

I provide the spiritual energy you need in order to live your life successfully and fruitfully, and make it to your goal and destination.

My goal: to not leave things as they are, but effectively change them. (11:9)

Not knowing exactly whats going to happen is going to force you to rely on Me for what you dont know; and thats one of My goals
concerning our relationship. (11:21)

Im leading you somewhere! My track isnt just going to land you nowhere, but there is a goal and destination to be reached!
Even though you cant see exactly what the goal is, at least you can trust Me that there is one, and that I know and see it, and that its
really Me leading you there. (11:30)

My goal is to teach you to rise above the unpleasant circumstances in life and to walk through it victoriously in spite of them. How
am I going to teach you that if I am only going to take you to pleasant places? (11:92)

Even if its hard to resist the initial temptation to do what comes natural and harden up as a reaction to all you see, the goal is, not to
allow it to affect you on the inside, to become spiritually invulnerable to all the hurtful and thoughtless, careless things they do.

What you may want to set your eyes on as a desired goal to attain is emotional stability. (11:135)

Next time you feel tempted to lose hope or fail to see the rhyme and reason in all youre going through, remember the goal in all of
this: the perfecting of My Strength in you, which is the ultimate height to which anyone can ascend in this life! (11:145)

Most of your dreams, hopes and wishes wont be coming to pass in this life, but if you embrace them as part of your future rewards,
it will help you to define more clearly your goals to walk forward towards.
If you cling to that vision of who you will be, then that vision will help to shape you, become part of you and thus also bring you
closer to that goal in this life. (11:148)

The greatest danger lies in allowing yourself to be deceived into thinking that the goal of your journey might lie within this visible
realm and all it has to offer. (12:2)

Seek and wish for unity of mind, heart and spirit to happen! Envision it, desire it and then let your heart be drawn toward that goal!

My goal for your life isnt only for you to learn to overcome the negative circumstances, but also to rely less on those pleasant things
that right now youre still so dependent on.
Doesnt it sound like a goal worth striving to achieve? The prospects of truly becoming a rock of hope in the midst of all these lost,
hopeless people that they could look up to and rely on? (12:19)

Dont let doubts, fears and worries cripple you or stop you from making an effort to get to your destination! (12:63)

Your destination isnt an earthly one. (12:82)

You would do good to keep your eyes on the End Goal and not get too sidetracked by momentary situations along the way. (12:88)

To treat the present as a part of the future to be is the confidence that keeps you marching forward: you know every step will bring
you closer to your destination.
In that aspect, life is like a hike. The path may be strenuous, but you know therell be a rewarding destination waiting for you.
Its not your destiny, goal or purpose to be right about everything, but to keep that faith in a better future, a better outcome of all of
this than what you see right now. (12:111)

Once you reach maturity you need to realize there are greater goals than patting yourself on the back because you did it on your
The goal- and quality-oriented life has got better and more important things to be mindful of, and thus accomplishes a lot more,
consequently. (12:117)

Couldnt be a wrong move to make more and a greater level of love to give in your life the goal of your achievement, could it? (15:181)

Try to keep Heaven in mind as your Goal! (15:226)

If I can manage to stir up your vision and goal in life to aim for whats expecting you in Heaven, itll be much better and more valuable
and lasting than any earthly, material success and achievement.
See, making your faith grow, and your lifes vision and ambitions geared more towards Up Here, getting you more heavenly-minded,
more loving and concerned about the eternal and lasting welfare of others, thats the goal, and what Im trying to achieve in your life
for Me right now.
Set your goal Up Here, not merely your temporal success and welfare down there!
Learn how to live up to that, the heavenly goal, not just getting stuck in earthly and temporal achievements! (15:232)

Stick to Me and stay tuned in to Me, and dont allow the enemys tricks to divert and distract you from what should be the most
important Goal of your heart and mind! (16:20)

Learning to go through life victoriously, no matter what comes, should be one of your major goals. (16:42)

Make it your goal to please Us by doing Our will for you!

Learning lessons of life means learning the lessons of love! Just try to put that rule and goal first in life, and you wont regret it!

Remember that thats not supposed to be your goal popularity, but its much rather your task to stick to the truth, even if
concerning whats expecting the world, its an ugly and unpleasant one! (16:74)

To make love the major focus, goal and aim in your life to make it become one of your features is pretty much the most important
thing one can dedicate their life to, if they truly want to follow Me.
So, make it your goal to keep that goal and principal task in your heart and on your mind every day! (16:76)

It might take a bit more positivity to recognize and respect the benefits of aging, that drawing nearer toward the better Place youre
heading as a believer but it takes some capability of overcoming the current circumstances and looking at the better Goal beyond
through faith. (16:102)

Keep your arrow pointed toward the true Goal or target, not any of the enemys distractions to get you down!
Remember that humilitys been one of My main goals for you to reach! (16:106)

The Goal is a good universe; and what it takes is the inhabitants to learn the disadvantages of evil. (16:112)

Remember that the goal shouldnt be to make your times as good and easy as you can down there, but that youll make it to the
miracle of survival itll take through whats to come, and thus be able to offer hope to those who wont follow the AC and take his
mark! (16:128)

The best way for My followers to make the best out of current situations and circumstances is to keep their vision pointed Up Here,
towards the eternal Goal!
Surrounded by unholy items and objects all around you and having to prepare for a worldwide situation when it will be even much
more so its absolutely necessary for Gods children, and especially those who seek to follow Me to lift their focuses Up Here where
things are and will be better: your Goal and destination.
Keep your vision and mindset geared toward your ultimate Goal Up Here, right where We are and youre destined to wind up
eventually, too!
Make Heaven your Goal, remembering your task to bring as many along Up Here that you can! (16:147)

Youve got to be heavenly-minded if you want to manage to attract others to that heavenly Goal! (16:152)

If life is turning bad, thats a good time to point your vision at whats coming thereafter: your heavenly Goal and destination (16:166)
Thats the goal for My followers and believers: to let Me talk and do things through them, through the Power of the Holy Spirit, which
is the Power that will help and enable you to make a difference, not just dwell in the same old rut of striving for ones own survival
that pretty much everyone else around you basically does. (16:181)

To get your spirit independent of your surroundings, and make it completely depend on Me and Us Up Here instead that would be
the goal. (16:183)

Not letting the circumstances rule ones moods and spiritual state, but the ability to make the best one can out of them that ought
to be the goal for folks who want to learn something from the Lessons of Life! (16:192)

Learning to take things whichever way they come, facing them and learning to do so in as positive a manner as you manage, is one
of those goals to aim for and reach in life. (17:8)

Keep your vision and focus geared toward your true Home! A better Ones to come, and thats what you should keep your spiritual
focus pointed on as your Goal! (17:46)

Trusting Me completely for what's coming, that's the plan and goal. (17:48)

To make the best out of the worst things, thats really lifes greatest challenge, and with the state this world is heading for, you can
imagine that thats one of My goals for you to learn. (17:53)

Making your faith in whats beyond bigger than the challenging circumstances, well, thats what you should see as the goal.
Aim for the goal of the ability to rise above whats going on around you to make your faith bigger than the effect those physical
conditions and circumstances are having on you. Aim for that goal! To let your faith enable you to rise above the physical
Keep your vision on that goal of sharing your faith!
Got the faith and vision that you can make it there? Well, that would be Our goal for you. Regardless of whatever happens and is
going on around you. (17:65)

To take whatever life brings is a challenge, I know So, how about that effort and making it a goal to accept and take it, no matter
how hard it comes? (17:70)

The challenge for believers is to focus and rise above the disadvantages caused by the evil forces ruling down there temporarily, and
keep the vision Up Here: your Goal and Destination. (17:93)

The goal is that you become a winner, even if the enemy tries all he can to make you look like a loser, and be a loser, if you give in to
Look at that as one of your goals: the victory! - Even if the present temporal circumstances may appear as defeat.
Thats My goal for My believers: to win the battle regardless of seeming defeat. (17:94)

Put the emphasis on faith and spiritual vision that Goal of the Spirit! (17:97)

Learning to put all your trust and confidence in Me and the Strength and Power to receive from Above, thats the goal for you, since
itll be the only way to make it through whats coming.
If the conditions down there are getting tougher, its just all the more incentive to point your faith and confidence in the right
direction. - Not letting it be influenced - and thus, weakened - by all thats going on around you down there, but staying spiritually
focused on your Goal and Destination. (17:98)

Keep in mind the goal of becoming a good sample of the life of faith! (17:100)

That your Goal and Destination is another one than what moves most folks around you is a factor of faith. (17:105)

Remember what should be your daily Goal and mental destination: the Spirit! Get into It and dwell in It! (17:115)

Make an effort and make it your goal to go through life in faith instead of fear and worry! (17:122)

To get Me to help you to make it, thats what you should see as your immediate goal for right now. (17:124)

Faith becoming more important than circumstances would be something Id call a goal worth trying to attain and aim for.
If faith takes the role above your circumstances in levels of importance and impact, Id call that getting closer to what I set up as your
personal goal for Me to reach.
As ugly as conditions and circumstances around you are getting, the closer youre getting in spite of them to reaching what I set up
as a goal for you to reach. (17:135)

Aim for, and make it your personal goal to manage to handle things in a positive way of dealing with things! (17:136)

The best you can do is to keep your aim, your mindgear, vision and focus geared Up Here the only true Destination where one can
actually find whatever they seek - if theyre one of My sheep. (17:143)

To get the victory in spite of the challenging conditions and circumstances, well, thats pretty much the daily goal. (17:172)
What I consider your most important task: to stay in touch with and hear from Me; so if someone threatens to distract you from that,
it just might be a sign for you that thats simply not the place I designed as your goal and destination. (17:176)

See life as a school in which your Teacher knows what Hes allowing to present to you as a challenge and test of faith, even if it
initially may seem above your capacities! The goal is to make those capacities grow into a state where theyll help you make it
through the rougher times - the roughest of history. (17:177)

To make it in spite of the difficult circumstances surrounding you: thats the vision, and thats the goal.
Its the goal to manage to make it through My Help, not your own, physical capacities, but let the Power of the Spirit shine through
you. (17:178)

Keep your vision on your heavenly Goal and destination, your true and lasting Home! (17:197)

If the transition to the Spirit World is just about the only thing youre able to look forward to, dont you think that in My opinion, your
goal is the right one? (17:203)

Make your faith and trust in My Strength and Power grow above and beyond the influences of physical circumstances! Now, thats
what faith is ultimately all about, and what you should see as your momentary spiritual goal. (17:204)

Folks whose goal is making more money are more unlikely to be the ones youre going to adapt your abilities to in order to help
them. (17:207)

Aim for that goal to catch a bit more of Our points of view, not your own, earthly ones, channeled by the flesh!
See that as the goal of your life: drawing closer to Me!
Make Heaven your Goal and Destination of whatever you go through every day of your life! (17:218)

Gods Family & True Church

Imagine if parents on Earth wouldnt have any cares and worries about having to come up with the provisions for their families, and
on top of it would not be subject to sin and the devils temptation: Their children would be their greatest joy, and the major theme
around which the large part of their activities would revolve. Thats the way your Heavenly Father, and Queen, the Holy Spirit, care
for you, watch you, rejoice in you, Their children.

You have been given the awareness of your greater, heavenly Family around you.
That Family is a much larger entity, a cooperative, inter-dimensional, multi-generational body or machinery consisting of countless
members behind the curtain which separates your realm and Ours.

Most people consider everything that is their own to be of superior value than that which is someone elses: whether it be their own
opinion, their own point of view, their own country or family or way of doing things... their own religion.
Thats the difference between true faith and all false religions. True faith is the opposite of all that is your own, for it comes not from
your own world, nor your own mind, nor from any place or realm that is your own. For the Kingdom of God does not belong to any
man, but any man can choose to belong to the Kingdom of God.

I am He that breaks up couples, selfish little couples and families, to make of the broken pieces one greater Family.

In becoming one with Me, you will become one with all the other partakers of My Love in the universe. Come together over Me!
Thats the scheme! And the result will be one big, happy, joyful, universal Family, My Kingdom of Love!
It ever grows and expands, almost like an explosion. Just like a baby and any living creature comes into being by the union of one
tiny cell with another and endlessly parting and multiplying until the baby is born and then grows into another grown human being,
able to bring forth his own fruit, to continue the cycle forever on, so it is with all My creation and the spiritual realm.

Learn to be friends who dont hurt each other, but who respect each other and esteem the other higher than yourself. Friends who are
truly willing to lay down their pride and lives for each other.
I have called all of you, My brides and friends and brethren and family to be mates of each other. Learn to have a loyalty for each
other which wont have to be demanded and assured or confirmed over and over again, but a loyalty and a love which is simply there,
unmistakably, undeniably and undoubtedly.

That is how My Family and My followers throughout time have been able to operate and survive against all odds: It wasnt that they
had any outstanding means, finances or wealth to back them up, it was a look into their eyes that told people, you can trust them!
That is what you must learn to put your personal trust in, more than any other physical security you would want to render, or
guarantee you would want to give to anyone: Its My Spirit that counts! The Spirit of Love.

Put My Family, My Kingdom first, before your personal, carnal sense of belonging, and see how much I will bless you with greater
love, both, on the giving and the receiving end, for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
Your spiritual Family comes first, before your flesh family. Its a little bit of an acid test, as to whether your loyalties are really stronger
to your spiritual ties than the physical...

My Family on Earth is not a perfect, but a peculiar people, lest any flesh should boast.

The Family is a spiritual entity, a spiritual army, and a lot depends on how loyal you are being to that army, meaning that whoever
happens to be fighting on your side, alongside you in that army at the moment is your brother or sister in arms, and they deserve
your loyalty, and if one of your carnal children tries to sow division between you and your spiritual brethren and comrades, you need
to stand up for your convictions, which should consist at least in part of an undaunting loyalty towards your brethren, in spite of any
and all weaknesses or flaws.

I have made My stance on carnal families, whether it be father, mother, son, daughter, husband or wife, quite clear in My Word, and
have clearly stated that those who obey Me and do the Father's will, they are My brethren, My Family. And the question is, how much
do you believe that? How much do you practice that?
If any man loves his flesh and blood family more than Me and My spiritual Family, he is not worthy of Me, nor of My Family.

I have come into the world to set mankind free from the burden of their sins, but I have given My Family to the world in order to set
them free from the slavery of the System. - The only alternative. But the devil tries to deny you the right to be free. He says, "No, this
can't be done! You're breaking the rules! You're mine! You have to fulfill your duties towards my rules, my system..."

My Family is a Family of the Spirit, and it's open to anyone who will, anyone who would like to join it, but in order to join it, you'll have
to leave the flesh and the allures of the World at the door. Once you have decided you want to be part of our big heavenly Family,
there are some pretty exclusive rules, and all that hog-wash from man's carnal mind, influenced by Satan, will have to go.

The Real Thing, My friend, is right there: right on the scrubbing floors level of the nitty-gritty work of getting a tiny little family unit of
"Me, thee, thou and none other" to function properly, before you can think of gathering masses of followers around you! Once you've
got that core working properly and the way it should, you'll see that the other things will also fall into place in their own time.

A marriage is a good thing, but marriage to Me and the greater Family is more important.

In My eyes, you're all one big family! You all have the same great-great-great-great-great....grandfather, Adam, and after that, Noah,
so, you're all one big family, so to speak. Now it's your choice whether you want to accept your place in that Family and do what you
can to help your brothers and sisters or not. Or whether you prefer to play the devil's game and do it his way: "I take care of myself,
and if that means I have to take something away from my 'brother,' I will not hesitate to do it!" Then you can join his family, but it's
not going to be anywhere near as fun, and the rewards aren't going to be near as good as they are going to be for those who choose
to be on My side and do it the loving way, the helping way, the considerate way. (II:294)

"Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these My brethren, Ye have done it unto Me." In taking others in, you're taking
Me in, and in trying to do your best so they'll feel comfortable, youre bestowing that same hospitality on Me. It's easy to lose sight of
that vision, once you become familiar with someone and have come to know their weaknesses, and it gets harder and harder for you
to associate them with Me in your mind. Just remember, "one of the least of these, My brethren!" It's easy to host the noble, the
strong, the obviously good, the beautiful, whatever pleasant qualities people have. But it's always a real test of love to treat one of
the least of My brethren, those with faults and mistakes, and shortcomings, as if it were I.
I will bless the efforts each of you will make to show you're one big Family, not just selfish little families all fending for themselves.

My Family is full of contradictions, riddles and wonders.

You can't figure My Family out, label it, put it into any drawer and say, "It is like this or that, period." My Family is as multi-faceted and
complex as each and every member in it.

My Family is like a garden, similar to the garden of Eden, and not without the presence of the snake, either, and the only way that
garden is going to prosper is by maintaining it, applying elbow grease to it, tending it and keeping away from that snake!

Keep Me as the Center of your marriage and family. I'm the glue that holds you together.

There will always - in this world - be frictions within families, for various reasons: People are not aware to which extent the enemy
tries to destroy their unity and fights them; they're not aware of their own weaknesses, responsibilities and share of the blame for the
friction; etc.

My Family is a living thing, and as in all living organisms, there are good things that work toward the furtherance and enhancement
and procreation of life, and there are negative things, which also have their time and purpose, such as bacteria and other parasites,
which are present a-plenty in any body, and just show that there is a war to be fought.
Bacteria are not your actual enemy, but help to keep and make your body strong for the actual fight.

You are My wife, My bride, My Family, and if I don't care for you, then I'm worse than an infidel.

Loyalty to My Family, My clan, My heavenly country and nation is definitely priority over any "Egyptian" philosophies, views or even
"open-mindedness." Stay radical, stay tuned to Me, stay dropped out, an Israelite at heart, and have no room in your heart open for
the ways and enticements of Egypt.

The church system is still based on the sermon principle, while Im building My Family on the principle of becoming a living sample
of the truth, just as I was a living sample, and all My true saints were samples of My love and truth, more than just sermons.
There are enough teachers, preachers and talkers delivering sermons, but way too few guides who truly show the way by walking
therein themselves first...

You've got to show how much you're ready to fight for it, how much you really believe in the Family, in spite of some "relative"
oddities, some traits in your spiritual relatives and Family that you tend to be ashamed of.

I like to work in teamwork, and I don't just run a one-Man show up Here. I like to include everybody I can and allow them to participate
in the work on the Big Picture.

Let's bust that "group think" and blow all those little "groups" and cliques to hell, in order to finally make one large Family out of all
of them!

While it's true that since Cain and Abel, not all in My Family were of My Family, this should not surprise you or make you worry,
"where should we turn to then?" I'm still in control, and you have to trust that this is My doing, My allowing and My planning. You see
what happens to kids when everything is perfect for them: they become spoiled!
The only thing that keeps folks desperate, dependent on Me and praying as they ought, is when things are going less than perfect for
them, when there are adverse circumstances, and particularly those which are brought about from among their own ranks.
Otherwise, the group becomes the substitute for everything: for Me, for everything they would look up to, live for and follow. The
group becomes IT, instead of Me, the group becomes god.
Man worship is still much more far-spread than many people realize, and one of the most common forms of modern idolatry, with
many of its perpetrators/victims not even realizing it. And I'm not for it, but will do what I can to expose those idols for their feet of
It is My will that the Family isn't perfect, just as it has been My will that My church never was, and My people never were. The church
was never meant to be the all-in-all. The All-in-all is Me, and the church is merely a place where you can find Me, a group of people
through whom others can find Me, and sometimes by means of the very fact that My own people are so far from perfect.
There's no other way but to look to Me. There's nowhere else to find the Perfect but in Me, and I'm using the imperfect to have those
who seek the perfect point to Me. The message is: if you think you're going to find the answer and all you're seeking just in any group
of failing, sinful and imperfect flesh and blood people like you, then you're wrong! You will always find some flaws anywhere, with
anyone, in this world. If you want the flawless, turn to Me!

If there's anything I want My Family to be, it's different. I want there to be an alternative to that which already exists, especially that
so-called normal arm-of-the-flesh-dependent System.

When even kids become much more dependent on their mothers, maybe thats a sign of what should be your attitude toward your
heavenly Family!
Why a physical Family became less of a force one can rely and depend on, what if it was a step toward making you a lot more
dependent on your Family Up Here and Above?
They were the ones who sowed your faith in Us, but then they lowered down to make sure that faith and reliance on Our help would
grow, because youll need it more than ever in the near future.
Not being thankful for the faith that has been sown in you by them wouldnt be thankful. Now, having received that thought from
Above, you think you manage to be? (15:161)

Youve got a greater Family Up Here than down there; and its another reason to keep looking Up Here, to Heaven, from where theres
a whole lot more help available for you than from down yonder! (15:163)

Just as youre having a hard time putting up with the dirty manners of your kids, let it be a lesson to you what spiritual dirt can do to
Us, and how uncomfortable it tends to make Us feel and have to put up with!
Learn a bit of what the lessons of life have to teach you about your spiritual walk and behavior toward Us your spiritual Relatives
and Parents! Maybe the things youre having to go through will finally give you a little sense of compassion for Us, your heavenly
Family! (16:71)

My Familys a spiritual one. United through My blood, not your own. (17:111)

(Golden) Opportunities
Dont let the enemy and the power of habit cheat you out of this opportunity to make a golden opportunity out of each one! Every
moment is a golden opportunity to do something wonderful, if you include Me in it.
If youd take full advantage of every golden opportunity in life, youd never ever be bored, confused or frustrated... Life would be
constant fulfillment and excitement. (I:192)

Pray desperately that you will not fail Me in those golden opportunities I bring across your path! (I:483)

Your life is so full of golden opportunities and chances, you've just got to open your eyes in order to be able to see them. (II:126)

Continue to work on focusing on the positive, looking at the opportunities, instead of the obstacles! (II:130)
Even though Romans 8:28 applies in every situation and things will work out for good, this doesn't mean that it's always necessarily
the best that could have come of it. Just because in My Love I can turn every evil into good, it doesn't mean that there never could
have been a better option, missed golden opportunities for which you might feel regret and remorse. (II:269)

The important thing is that you don't miss the golden opportunities to bring them in, that you show them the simple door and
entrance path to Heaven. (II:288)

I'm putting before you this challenge and golden opportunity to grow way beyond your present horizon and restrictions, way past
your former way of handling and facing the situations. (II:295)

It takes a lot of work and action to respond to the opportunity. My spiritual matters need to have that urgency for you, they need to
become as pressing and important to you as your own physical needs!
Learn to see those needs, recognize those opportunities and then obey instantly and go to work on them! (II:422)

Constantly look out for opportunities of how I can turn something along your path into a victory, an advance or advantage for My
Kingdom! You've got to seize those opportunities, seize the day, and not just let it pass you by! (II:474)

Every day should be a vast scope and canvas of opportunities for you, of things to learn, and things to pass on. It shouldn't ever just
be a struggle for survival.
Embrace this challenge fully as coming from My hand: a golden opportunity to show that you've learned to let go and let Me do it all,
and not think you must carry the load by yourself.
The more you see with the eyes of faith, the more you will see My glorious golden opportunities in even the blackest of nights and
most gloomy situations! (II:523)

As long as your life isn't perfect, you should always be openly welcoming change and that wonderful opportunity to learn how to do
things differently than in the past! (II:625)

See the opportunity, not just the obstacle! (II:639)

Seek the opportunities to do something good, to be a blessing to someone else with your whole heart, the same way you would seek
Me, My face and My counsel, the way a blind man would desire sight! (III:12)

It shocks you at times to realize how much you're failing. But use it as an opportunity to emphasize just how much you need and are
dependent on Me! (III:90)

Look around for opportunities in which you can do something for others! (III:97)

In all your efforts to cherish the opportunities to enjoy life and live life to the full that I'm giving you... opportunities that are hard to
forego, it's easier to pocket the blessing yourself first, instead of passing it on. (III:110)

Life is life for those who grab the opportunities, and not those who hesitate. Sometimes you've got to grab life's opportunities. (III:156)

Never deprive yourself of the opportunity to learn and glean something from others experiences, even if it's just the attempt to
associate and identify with their world view or their momentary perspective! (III:284)

I delight in the opportunity to come through for you in an obvious way, undeniable that it had to be Me. (III:403)

I want you to adopt an attitude about the money youre earning that makes you see that youve really been given that money! Youve
been given the opportunity to earn that money by My hand. (III:455)

Once youve learned a new lesson from Me in theory, youve got to look around for opportunities to put it into action, how to apply it
in real life (III:461)

Sacrificing the opportunity to make more out of your talent in order to do the seemingly impossible job of bringing My message to
people who dont even seem to want it certainly requires faith. (III:476)

Rejoice on a rainy day and let it be a golden opportunity for you to let Me be your Sunshine, the One to light up your life, to bring
warmth and brightness and happiness! (III:495)

If I bring an opportunity into your life, you have to give Me a hand in bringing it to pass. You cannot complete in the flesh what I have
begun in the Spirit. (IV:80)

You have to assess what is the greatest kind of damage you can inflict on the enemy, and wait for that golden opportunity. (IV:104)

See each crisis as an opportunity to experience more of My fullness and of My capacity to be all you ever need!
When youve got no one else left to turn to but Me, its a golden opportunity for Me to draw you closer to Me, reveal yet another side
of Me to you that you didnt know before, take you one bit further into My depths, and show you how much more there is left of Me for
you to get to know, and for you to come to the realization that I wont be a disappointment to you, but that you can fully count on Me.

Walk through your day seeking for opportunities to give! (IV:175)

I want you to be open for, actively seeking and creating new opportunities by counseling about what more you could possibly do
than you have been doing thus far. (IV:207)

If you focus on witnessing, then opportunities to witness are also going to arise.
If you know that thats your goal and the best possible thing you can do with your time, and you focus on it and walk toward that
goal, then you will also reach it, and opportunities will arise to make it happen. (IV:244)

A lot depends on you, on your faith and your actions, and on how youre going to invest your most precious commodity: time. You
can either make it happen by your deeds and actions, or you can squander this golden opportunity, so choose and invest wisely!

The danger lies in letting some of those golden opportunities pass for the sake of the comfort of old familiar ruts. (IV:394)

Life, to you, may represent a series of problems and obstacles, but for Me it is merely a series of opportunities to present you with
My solutions, to show you My Love and Power and Light in contrast against all the dark and gloomy backdrop of your present
conditions. (IV:477)

You can honor Me by double-checking with Me, even if it may seem obviously clear that something would be a good opportunity to
take hold of. Make sure that its really My highest and best option of My will for you! (IV:482)

I know its a dilemma youre weak, clueless and incapable, but your dilemma is My opportunity. (11:13)

A positive attitude that is concerned primarily about the welfare of others, even above your own, will put you in the right position to
spot opportunities to shine your light for Me as they come up.
If you look for opportunities to shine, you will find them, and you will shine. (11:71)

If you dont see much sense in trying to please people, perhaps its a great opportunity for putting more emphasis on pleasing Me.

Im offering you the opportunity to enjoy the difference between real life and mere survival. (12:52)

Youre there to learn from the best and greatest Teacher of all, and thats an opportunity you should not fail to appreciate and
recognize! (12:61)

Without Me, youre only you, and you and I know that youd want to give more than that. The good news is that you can be, and you
will, if you avail yourself of this opportunity, this daily chance that can truly make the biggest difference in your life and theirs.

Not knowing whether you can do something at all, offers a great opportunity for you to lean and depend wholly on Me. (12:110)

If youre feeling unable, let it be an opportunity for Me to be able to do it through you!

If you dont think or feel like you can make it by yourself, let that be an opportunity for Me to do it through you and thus help you to
make it! (15:188)

Your weakness is an opportunity for My Strength to come to play and action in you, and trust Me that its the Strength you need, and
especially will in the days to come that are expecting the world. (16:1)

Go ye into all the world is not a matter of feeling more at home elsewhere, but having greater opportunities to be used by Me,
and thus bringing forth more fruit. (16:41)

See it as a positive side of physical weakness: as an opportunity for others to do and reap some good through helping! (16:49)

Cant make it on your own? Good opportunity to make it through Me! (16:63)

If your own level of strength and power has gone down, thats an opportunity to use Mine through you. (16:79)

Be thankful for the opportunities to get filled and led by Me the only strategy to make it through whats coming! (16:92)

The greater the need for miracles and My supernatural Help, the more you will ask for them, and the more of an opportunity Heaven
gets to manifest Its Power to you.
Dont fret about the difficulty of circumstances, but rejoice over the need and according opportunity for Us to manifest Our helpful
Powers to you! (16:99)

The world needs witnesses, at least to remind them someday that there would have been opportunities for them to snap out of the
worldly modes that had them wind up in a less pleasant site than others (16:101)

If life strikes you as something negative, use that opportunity for Heavens Help to turn it into something positive in spite of any
negative circumstances and conditions! (16:117)

Dont feel like you can make it? Good opportunity for Me to make it through you and thereby strengthen your faith and trust in whats
really relevant considering times coming! (16:139)
Giving others a chance to make it into the better Hereafter will be better for you, too, being able to enjoy the fact that youve been
enabling them to get Up Here, too, instead of regretting having failed to use the opportunity to win this one or that one oh, and
another who could be There with you if you hadnt failed to do your job. (2016:176)

Withholding the golden opportunity to share Heaven or at least offer the way there to others is pretty much the greatest and severest
failure of the history of mankind; and if you dont want to be guilty of that, do all you can to resist the devil from his weakening and
hindrance to do it!
The meaning, sense and purpose of life for Gods children and My Disciples is to offer that golden opportunity of everlasting life
hereafter that you have, and have been able to tell you do from the blessings youve been able to enjoy in life. If those blessings
come to a halt, its a result of your failure to share them. (2016:185)

The more helpless and incapable you feel, the greater the expression of your need for Me and My Help and input, and so, the greater
the opportunity for Me and Heavens Power and Strength to come and fill you up.
Feeling disabled and incapable? Cheer up! Its the greatest possibility and opportunity for Me and the heavenly host to accomplish
things through you. (2016:204)

Less distractions: more opportunities to fully tune in to Me and the Source of your heavenly Strength the one youll be utterly
dependent on in times to come.
Getting less concerned by and occupied with feeding of the flesh makes more room and golden opportunities to fill your spirit with
what it should be filled with. (17:8)

Dont feel too bad about physical incapability, but see in it My golden opportunity to become capable to do things through you!
See My golden opportunities look a little different, and are not that easily recognized as such, and thus require faith to believe in
the less-than-obvious. (17:9)

Keeping folks busy fending for their survival is one of the enemys standard procedures of keeping them away from the opportunity
to listen to Me. (17:14)

Need some miracle-power? Well, there are plenty of possibilities and opportunities Up Here for you to get some! (17:34)

Incapability has become one of My leading topics. Dont look down on it, but rather see it as that type of golden opportunity I like
to use! (17:82)

Never feel bad about feeling weak, but see it as Our Golden Opportunity to bring to pass through Our Strength in you what could
never be achieved through folks relying on their own, physical strengths and capacities!
So, dont see that physical state of incapability as a negative, but as My Golden Opportunity to empower you and make and get
something out of you that you never could in the flesh! (17:119)

Why not just appreciate the good times you had, and be open for new golden opportunities of what I might have in store for you?

Remember: Ive got a clue!

So, if you dont, good opportunity to tune in with Me, Who can let you have a whisk of Mine. (17:159)

If conditions and circumstances are tough, see them as My opportunity to let My Power and Might come to work in you! (17:182)

When you cant handle challenges on your own, those are the opportunities to put My Strength and Power to the test, and see and
find out how much theyll work for you - depending on your faith in them, and your application of My counsel. (17:184)

Appreciating the relatively easy circumstances is a positive you shouldnt miss, nor neglect that opportunity. (17:189)

Your not really being able to rely on your physical capacities is another opportunity for Me to work My miracles through someone
who doesnt completely rely on himself and his own capacities.
Not relying on your own abilities is the best condition to make it through the impossible situations, and relying on Me instead. (17:216)

Heart Matters

Listen to your heart! Its so much greater to live by the heart and following what the heart tells you to do than do just hearken to the
narrow confines of the mind. The mind sees the boundaries and impossibilities and why it cant be done and shouldnt even be tried.
The heart just feels the urge to do it anyway and trust Me for the outcome.

Its the heart that counts. You wont be judged or rewarded by how smart you were in this life, but by the love you show. Its the heart
that matters most!

You've just got to have a heart for people, be concerned about them, be moved with compassion upon them as I was and still am.
Take time to absorb Me fully, and to become a part of Me - to let Me become a part of you, a conscious part of you that's always there,
one that you cannot lose. Staying in My presence is more a matter of the heart than of the mind.

Even though with your mind you can make the decision to love somebody, it's still another step until you can truly say you love
somebody, and that's just something that comes from the heart, not the mind. Love is a matter of the heart, "the heart of the matter..."
If you really want to dig down deep, you not only have to discover mind-boggling truths, but let those truths sink deeply into your
heart where they will change your life & take the desired effect.

Drops of heavenly rain, heavenly love, cause your heart to blossom into life and warmth. The spiritual winter of your heart is over.
The hardships you've been experiencing, the heat I've been putting on, are causing the hard shell to soften & crack open & finally the
new you is coming to life, the person I wanted you to be. Not the cold, reserved, critical & calculating old you, but the loving, warm,
affectionate, embracing you, that does not hold back from Me nor from others!
A giving you, a smiling you, bubbling over with My humble joy and love, dropping warmth and love and affection and encouragement
into the hearts of those you pass by.

Changes of the heart are miracles that only I can bring about, you can't do it yourself, so quit trying & let Me do it!

You must allow My Words to really sink into your hearts. That's from where the fruit of learning comes. Wisdom is so much more a
matter of the heart than the mind. You've got to let Me plant My seeds into your heart, & you must absorb them with all your heart, not
just acknowledge them with your mind. You've simply got to take the time for those seeds to really sink in.

Relate from the heart and gut side of things, the love side, not the judgmental, analytical side of the mind. From the side of mercy, as
you would want mercy if you were in their shoes.
You just can't legislate sincere goodness of the heart.
Those who get the core and gist of My message, that love, nothing else, is the secret, they are the ones who have their hearts open to
It's the heart that matters, not some kind of dogma or theory, doctrine or any other head stuffing. The key and the gist of My
teachings and of My life, and of all I want to convey to mankind is love, and that's a matter of the heart, not of the head.
Let your faith, your religion, what you live and preach, be a matter of the heart, not a head issue!

"The heart speaks to the heart." You've got to learn that language of the heart, the communication from heart to heart, that's what's
going to touch lives, change people, and consequently, change the world.
Words won't do you any good if you just keep them up there in your head. You need to reach out & apply them on a heart-to-heart
level, saying "I understand. I've been there, too. But He pulled Me out, & I know He can do it for you!"

You've got to let My heart speak to your heart, in order for your heart to be able to speak to theirs. Everything is a matter of the heart.
It's gotta be the heart. Hope is a matter of the heart. Faith has got to be a matter of the heart in order to become really real and spur
you on to works and deeds which prove that your faith is alive; and love certainly also is a matter of the heart, not just a "concept"
you can grasp.

The position of your heart has to be right.

It's not that I'm opposed to people using their brains, but I'm trying to get you to operate more by the heart, & not so much by the
head. It's the heart that attracts people. The regular, average people are almost always rather inclined to be suspicious & mistrusting
of intellectually inclined people, who convey an air of intellectual superiority, usually because they often breathe criticalness of those
who are less so inclined.
And I usually side with them. The Devil is the smart aleck who tries to pretend he's so much smarter than everybody else, & he
ridicules them & makes them feel inferior. But blessings come from elsewhere, not only smartness. I bless the honest, humble, hard
working people, & they're often more blessed than those incredibly intellectual thinkers, which usually tends to make the thinkers
only more bitter & cynical & critical, but what it actually should do is cause them to think for real: that it's not only this supposed
intellectual superiority that makes things happen, but the heart is an engine that can generate wealth more efficiently and reliably
than mere intellect.
The brain alone doesn't do it. It's the heart that moves one to action, which then actually makes the difference. The mind alone
doesn't really have creative power. It's the heart that moves the rest of your body along to really get something going. You need
inspiration, not just mere brain-power & intellect.
If it all just remains in the realm of thought, it can so often be and remain nothing but hot air. You can think things up & down until it
hurts & you can talk about them for ages, but usually the simple people will have simply done it long before you ever got around to
stop talking about it.

I am a very deeply integrated and inseparable part of you, the heart and center from which you've got to live.

I want to be connected to your heart.

My Kingdom must be based on more than mere intelligence or thought. It's got to be more than brainpower, but love power that
moves you into action... emotion!
Put your heart into it! If you try to figure it all out in your head & analyze it to pieces, it's going to look ugly. From a rational point of
view, this life doesn't make a lot of sense; too much imperfection. It's not smooth enough for the mind. It's too rough, too many rough
That's why you're only really going to get through life successfully if you put your heart into it.

The heart is what matters, the motivation; you've got to have the right incentives.
You can only change another heart through something that comes from your heart in the first place: words from the heart, prayers
from the heart Whatever love has been there in your heart in the first place, must go out and reach anothers heart.

There are other challenges in life than finding out what the great universal truth of everything is. Sometimes its the little truths, the
little right attitudes and the proper position of the heart that make life on a local and practical level a lot more livable.

While with some acquaintances and friendships the mind can be helpful, it is the heart, not the mind that will draw them to you. It is
the Spirit that will thrill their hearts and minds and refresh and quench their weary and thirsty souls, not so much the input that
comes of the mind.

Heart vs. Mind

Dont listen to your head, listen to your heart! Your head says, Youve got to do this or that or the other in order to fulfill your duty,
so that men will speak and think well of you. Your heart says, Just listen to the Lord! Forget all that and just love the Lord, and He
will work out the rest! Your head says, Oh, but theres bills to pay, shopping to be done and this and that and the other... The heart
says: Theres listening to be done, there are Words to be heard from the Maker of the universe, Words from the mountain! (I:62)

Generosity is an open heart that pours forth; it can do no other, ignoring the reasoning of your mind.
Giving your love away (and whatever Ive given you)... is doing what your heart says to. So, listen to your heart! Its so much
greater to live by the heart and following what the heart tells you to do than do just hearken to the narrow confines of the mind. The
mind sees the boundaries and impossibilities and why it cant be done and shouldnt even be tried. The heart just feels the urge to do
it anyway and trust Me for the outcome. (I:365)

You must allow My Words to really sink into your hearts. That's from where the fruit of learning comes. Wisdom is so much more a
matter of the heart than the mind. You've got to let Me plant My seeds into your heart, and you must absorb them with all your heart,
not just acknowledge them with your mind.
There is so much to learn, but it doesn't all fit into your mind. You've got to make room for it in your heart. Don't seek to absorb it with
your head! Let it sink in deep inside of you! (II:285)

Isa.26:3 - You can have the perfect peace of knowing that I'm with you every step of the way, in all you do, if you keep your mind
stayed and fixed on Me.
It's a permanent fight to strive to keep your mind stayed on Me, and that's what those weapons of our warfare are there for, to pull
down those thoughts and mental picture that are trying to separate and distract you from the knowledge that God is right there with
You've got to train and discipline those thoughts in the obedience of Me! They try to break loose and run wild, hither, thither and yon,
but you've got to catch them and bring them into captivity, tell them Who's the Boss, and Who they should obey.
If you would truly be mindful of Me in everything you do, things would be different.
If the devil tries to distract you, zoom right back in on Me!
That's what you've got to do in order to train and discipline your mind!
You've got to keep an eye on Me, keep your mind focused on Me, and you're just going to have to make a conscious effort to do that.

Most people just don't know any better than being the way they are, and even the knowledge acquired from My Word didn't protect
you from erring, either. It's a matter of the heart, and as you've learned, "the heart speaks to the heart." You've got to learn that
language of the heart, the communication from heart to heart, that's what's going to touch lives.
You need to reach out and apply them on a heart-to-heart level, saying "I understand. I've been there, too. But He pulled Me out, and I
know He can do it for you!" (II:451)

You've got to let My heart speak to your heart, in order for your heart to be able to speak to theirs. Everything is a matter of the heart.
It's gotta be the heart! Hope is a matter of the heart. Faith has got to be a matter of the heart in order to become really real and spur
you on to works and deeds which prove that your faith is alive; and love certainly also is a matter of the heart, not just a "concept"
you can grasp. (II:466)

It's not that I'm opposed to people using their brains, but I'm trying to get you to operate more by the heart, and not so much by the
head. It's the heart that attracts people.
Its not only the supposed intellectual superiority that makes things happen, but the heart is an engine that can generate wealth more
efficiently and reliably than mere intellect.
The brain alone doesn't do it. It's the heart that moves one to action, which then actually makes the difference. The mind alone
doesn't really have creative power. It's the heart that moves the rest of your body along to really get something going.
The intelligent mind often only sees the obstacles, it sometimes even creates them, whereas to be a pioneer, you need more than
mere intelligence. You need to be able to see beyond the confines of the mind.
Only those who can see further than the confines of their minds can break out and dare to go where no one else dared to go, do what
no one else dared to try. (II:543)

A hard and painful way is the only way some lessons really stick and hit home. Otherwise, theyre often forgotten too easily, or only
briefly grasped with the mind, and not deeply absorbed by the heart life-changing. (II:640)

Move from the heart, know from the heart, speak from the heart, share from the heart, live and give from the heart... the inner you that
is often so well protected that few can ever find it, but what youve got to reveal. The world needs a whole lot more heart!
Your mind is trying to get in the way, trying to figure it out!
But you cant figure out where one that is born of the spirit is coming from, and where hes going.
While with some acquaintances and friendships the mind can be helpful, it is the heart, not the mind that will draw them to you. It is
the Spirit that will thrill their hearts and minds and refresh and quench their weary and thirsty souls, not so much the input that
comes of the mind. (II:656)

All of My true apostles have heard My voice inside their hearts, thats why it was My Love that constrained them, not just some
knowledge of duty they had in their heads... Its got to be love that motivates you, its got to be the heart.
When you pray, pray from the heart! When you speak, speak from the heart! When you sing, sing from the heart!
Faith from the heart, thats the flame youve got to tend, the power youve got to feed from and act from: thats gotta be your motor,
the hearth on which is to be done whatever youre cooking up... where its got to be happening!
Thats where youve got to find your answers, your motivations, your direction, your driving force that spurs you on. that
knowledge deep inside the heart! (III:2)

I want to be connected to your heart.

My Kingdom must be based on more than mere intelligence or thought. It's got to be more than brainpower, but Love Power that
moves you into action... emotion!
Put your heart into it! If you try to figure it all out in your head and analyze it to pieces, it's going to look ugly. From a rational point of
view, this life doesn't make a lot of sense; too much imperfection. It's not smooth enough for the mind. It's too rough, too many rough
That's why you're only really going to get through life successfully if you put your heart into it. (III:25)

Love is My Spirit which is like the wind that bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof but canst not tell from
whence it cometh or whither it goeth. You can never figure out love. You can only know it in your heart; it doesn't fit in your head.
It's so much greater than anything that men could pin down and define with their finite minds, and it's definitely so much greater than
some of man's limited perceptions of It. (III:83)

You can only change another heart through something that comes from your heart in the first place: words from the heart, prayers
from the heart Whatever love has been there in your heart in the first place, must go out and reach anothers heart.
In order to really leave an impact on the world, youve got to live from the heart! (III:410)

Im trying to get you organized, but from the heart, not the head, and in the right spirit: My Spirit.
It means: bathing issues and matters before you in prayer, meditating about them, listening for the whispers of My Spirit about them
to fill in the blanks and give you any checks, warnings and nudges when youre about to forget something important, or youre
heading in a wrong direction. (III:416)

It takes effort to bring every thought into the captivity of the obedience of Christ (2.Cor.10:5). The mind wants to run free, like a wild
horse. Its the strongest part of that which I call the flesh, that wants to rely on its own strength and show off its own power, instead
of yielding to and relying on Me.
That is why there are older folks who still strongly refuse to accept Me as their Lord and Savior. Their bodies may have weakened,
but their mind is still strong and determined to resist Me for whatever reason.
Its a sacrifice to yield your mind to Me. It doesnt come naturally. You give something that costs you. You must be convinced that
youre better off giving your mind to Me than letting it roam free where it can do what it wants.
Of course, its not just your mind I need, but your heart also. Once your heart feels at home and at rest with Me, your mind will
eventually follow.
You have to tell your mind whos the boss, similar to the way you have to let your child know, since otherwise it will just do whatever
it wants, and obedience becomes harder and harder then.
When your mind wants to run off, give Me your heart, and I will whisper into it and cause your whole spirit to be steady. I will be your
Heart Whisperer. (IV:133)

I wouldnt want your faith to be only in your head.

Your mind may be filled with lots of beautiful ideas and input, but if your heart doesnt match with that beauty and wont meet the
same standard, then it will still reflect negatively on who and what you are as a sum.
Your heart is determined by your actions and the way you behave and treat others, more than by what you say. Your mind is like the
ideology that you have embraced by which you would like to run and govern your life its like the sermon, or the commandments.
But your heart is determined by how much you actually do live in accordance with those thoughts and words, that ideology, and how
much you manage to put it into practice.
Your heart is determined by the way you live. (IV:166)

Its your heart and the way you see things that needs improvement, more than the actual circumstances themselves. (IV:425)

I want you to get ahold of My heart, not just beg Me for more information, confirmations or blessings on your plans. Love is most of
all a matter of the heart, more than an exchange of intellectual goods and information, even though that part verbal communication
is an important part of any relationship, but thats not all there is to it.
Its true, theres a lot to know and learn, but what I want you to know most of all is My heart.
Theres more to God than His mind. Above all, theres His heart.
There are some things that simply cannot be absorbed by the mind Youve got to absorb them with your heart.
Remember that thats what its all about: Love! Without It you cant do it. All the knowledge in the world wont be enough to replace it.
Thats why it was a mighty fine temptation to lead man astray from My heart and what I wanted from them and had intended for
them You keep seeking for stuff and things to fill up your heads, when I really yearn to fill your hearts.
Its the mind that triggers the feelings of superiority people have toward their fellowmen based on the amount of things they know or
possess, or their qualities, when the best quality anyone can have is the ability to cast all that aside and to love regardless of
supposedly inferior status. (12:70)

Youre a medium, a vessel and tool and recipient for My input and gifts from the Holy Spirit. Thats why being a vacuum is important,
too. And the most important thing is not just to absorb it with your mind, but also with your heart, the combination of which is the
Love is what matters most, so, keep it in heart and mind, which equals: your soul! Make your soul a soul of Love! And accordingly,
your actions and their fruits and results! (16:148)

Great and positive qualities are apparently not as dependent on whats in the head, as whats in the heart. (17:27)

(Heavenly) Family
In My eyes, you're all one big family! You all have the same great-great-great-great-great....grandfather, Adam, and after that, Noah,
so, you're all one big family, so to speak. Now it's your choice whether you want to accept your place in that Family and do what you
can to help your brothers and sisters or not. Or whether you prefer to play the devil's game and do it his way: "I take care of myself,
and if that means I have to take something away from my 'brother,' I will not hesitate to do it!" Then you can join his family, but it's
not going to be anywhere near as fun, and the rewards aren't going to be near as good as they are going to be for those who choose
to be on My side and do it the loving way, the helping way, the considerate way. (II:294)

"Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these My brethren, Ye have done it unto Me." In taking others in, you're taking
Me in, and in trying to do your best so they'll feel comfortable, youre bestowing that same hospitality on Me. It's easy to lose sight of
that vision, once you become familiar with someone and have come to know their weaknesses, and it gets harder and harder for you
to associate them with Me in your mind. Just remember, "one of the least of these, My brethren!" It's easy to host the noble, the
strong, the obviously good, the beautiful, whatever pleasant qualities people have. But it's always a real test of love to treat one of
the least of My brethren, those with faults and mistakes, and shortcomings, as if it were I.
I will bless the efforts each of you will make to show you're one big Family, not just selfish little families all fending for themselves.
Everybody can live a selfish little life, but only those who have My supernatural Love governing their lives can live like My Family.

I want to be your Family! Even if I am the only Member of your family, Ill still be more than enough. (IV:138)

My Family has been a vocal witness and testimony against the System from the beginning, as well as the living proof that an
alternative life-style apart from the System and outside its matrix is possible. (IV:218)

I never tended to make a god out of family in My talks: People put them way out of proportion over everything, including the whole
world, its fate, and spiritual Family. (12:102)

Give the first place in your heart and life to the right Ones!
Were the Three of your true, lasting and eternal Family with more brothers and sisters around Here, and more helpful ones than you
could ever expect from your earthly surroundings.
The Spirit calls! Hear Her? Let Her prove to you that Shes a better Mother and Family member than anyone youve encountered down
there! Along with the Father of Love Himself, and the One They sent down there to die for you to make sure youd get to your true
See that what happens between you and your kids is often symbolic of what happens between you and your heavenly Parents?

Part of walking in the Holy Spirit is the ability to show forgiveness and loving others in spite of their wrong-doings, which is what We,
your heavenly Family, do. (16:135)

If you feel alone and abandoned down there, let it cause you to gear your confidence Up Here, where your true Family lies! (17:62)

Highs & Lows

(Ups & Downs)
You just can't stay up on the peak all the time. You're not home yet, and the valley regions and lows are just reminders of that! (II:366)

Life has its ups and downs, and I purposely allow a whole lotta shakin' going on in order to test you. The ultimate clinch being, will
you trust Me anyway, or at some point allow yourself to believe that you know better than Me? (III:74)

Be freed from the chains that tie you to Earth, trudging in a circle, and look up and soar high into the Heavens instead! (III:77)

There will always be times of plenty interchanging with times of less, and greater austerity required: Life's roller coaster ride. You've
got to learn to handle the ups and downs as they come and treat both the same. (III:156)

You've had to realize just how much man's ways oppose God's way. You've had to learn that God's way up is down.
You've had to go down that road and taste from your own experiences, the hurt of your falls, just where it is that man's way is
leading. (III:269)

The bottom is the best place to start for a way up.

If youre stuck in a hole, maybe its time to look around for new ways and stairways and possibilities to get you out of it and to
ascend once again for uphill progress. (III:591)

Stay on top, spiritually and mentally, even when youre on the ground! (IV:187)

Love takes both, the ups and downs, and doesnt just remain loyal during the good times.
You learn to take the ups and downs, the bad times along with the good times. (IV:205)

My way up is down, and what I call a promotion is often a call down to the rock bottom of the realities that some folks have simply
tried to escape and avoid (IV:224)

Rock bottoms a good place to start back on your way up again and out of the hole you have allowed yourself to get into, the hole of
resignation to your fate, the hole of self-pity, and feeling victimized by your circumstances. (IV:225)

If fail to do what is needed in order to make uphill progress, theres not going to be any uphill progress, which means, the direction in
which youll be going is down. (11:4)

The flesh wants for itself a road that takes it up, when the true path of happiness which comes from laying down your life for others
is a path that will lead you downward. So dont worry nor be dismayed by those downward slopes, those days of absence of light,
and instead of hardship! Thats a road that much more resembles My own and that of every true saint whos ever lived. Gods way up
still is down, and knowing that for sure is sometimes all that counts and makes all the difference: knowing you dont have to despair
when life takes you for a downhill ride, but that it will serve its purpose, just as those rough rides always have (11:47)

The enemys forces will try to get you to allow your physical circumstances to drag you down. My Forces will lift you up way above
all that muck and mire instead. The choice is yours every day. (11:55)

There is a higher purpose and a plan and a higher goal to attain, but the only way to get there is via this low road of human
inefficiency, disappointment, disillusionment and even despair about their present state.
Youve got to find out where its not at in order to find out where its at indeed. (11:69)

Im always down at the bottom to catch you and help you make it back up again, usually to greater heights than before. (11:114)

My way up is down, and if you dont give up and throw in the towel prematurely, you may find treasures on this quest that you might
not have found anywhere else. (12:10)

Im always down at the bottom to catch you and help you make it back up again, usually to greater heights than before. (12:114)

When youre low, thats a reminder that you need Us, Our Help and Strength from Above. (16:24)

Keep looking Up Here in the spirit, and the victory shall be yours! Looking down, and all around at the negative circumstances in
your world cannot be too helpful without looking Up at Me and Our Kingdom, from where youll find the solution to any problem, as
much as your faith allows. (16:36)

Remember gearing uphill, not downhill!

If you do believe in Me, your attitude should accordingly be more positive, even if McNegative tempts you as much as he can to get
into his downhill groove.
Dont let the enemy drag you down with negative circumstances!
So, dont allow downhill circumstances to pull down your faith in whats supposedly a better Uphill Dimension! Otherwise, Im afraid
that faith will be too weak to win others to Me and pull them in the right direction. (16:49)

Against all the forces trying to drag and keep you down, focus on the Upside, and receive the Strength you need from Here! (16:58)

Dont keep your focus set on the earthly circumstances, which as you noticed are going downhill!
Learn to cope with those downhill circumstances and conditions by keeping your spiritual focus and vision geared toward your true
Home! (16:67)
The physical circumstances around you will always have the tendency to drag you down. Thats why youve got to learn to keep your
mindset and vision and gear of thoughts directed Up Here the side of faith to keep lifting you up!
So, look Up Here by faith and not down there, which more often only will have the tendency to weaken your faith!
All depends on the direction your minds set and aiming at! And the best directions not down there, but Up Here by faith instead!
Its the devil trying to stop you from looking Up Here where your hope lies! So, dont let him, but keep looking Up! (16:68)

See the times of things and circumstances going down as a way Up closer to Me! - As Gods way up is down. (16:100)

It may be quite a trial and test of your faith and trust in Me and the Father, to be allowing your life to drift down to a weak and low
state but in the end, cant you imagine that if youre getting Our Strength through your physical weakness, and that low state will
turn out to be actually lifting you up, that it would be a proof and confirmation of Our Promises from Above?
So not so fond of the weakening and lowering process but what about that good old line, Gods way up is down, and the verse,
When I am weak, then I am strong for His Strength is made perfect in weakness? (16:126)

Remember: Look UP! Up Here! Your Savior from all troubles, and your everlasting future Home! Not down there (16:132)

Keep your vision and your spiritual look Up Here in order to become a more uplifting fellow to those around you!
Keep your look Up instead of down! (2016:134)

Your state depends on which direction youre looking! Up Here or down there. (16:141)

When things drag you down, come to Me to lift you up! (16:144)

Since Gods way Up is down, you can tell why Ive had to let you pass through unrosy times. But the more you look and focus Up
Here and on Me, your Rescuer, Helper and Savior from the troubles of this world, the more you learn and manage to overcome and
rise above whats going on around you down there. (16:147)

The way to make it up from Rock Bottom usually shows an unusual path with unusual methods. (16:151)

Seeing blessings in disguise is a sign of faith.

The lows are moves up in disguise.
If your fleshly capacities take a low turn, remember carnal weaknesses turning spiritual strengths up!
A weakening process of carnal abilities: Another spiritual up out of a physical way down. (16:153)

Keep movin! Direction upwards! (16:156)

The only direction in which your focus can manage to lift you up: Up Here! Remember: Look Up! (16:162)

The way up is steep and more challenging, but also offering a much wider range of view of whats before you and whats coming.
So, time to get some of that courage youll need for the uphill slope! (16:175)

Do not allow whats going on around you in the physical to drag you down! Now, when it comes to that kind of feelings its better
to learn to resist them, and let Me lift you up through your faith! (16:182)

Getting tuned in to Up Here is a good thing to do. Not just letting whats going on down there direct your paths. (16:188)

Look at the physical way down as a spiritual way up! - The weaker the flesh, the stronger the spirit.
If Gods way up is down, that means the tough circumstances I allow to befall you will in the end lift you up through your growing
closeness to Me. (16:203)

The natural way of getting older unfortunately isnt improvement or way up. Generally, the path of the flesh is a downhill slope. (17:3)

You can tell how My counsel Im giving you lifts you up when youre tempted to feel more on the down side of things. (17:14)

Its the ones walking the low and humble paths in this life and world that will get to enjoy the higher paths in the long run another
reason why patience is such an important gift from Above! (17:17)

When things around you are on a downhill course, its the challenge for you to look Up in spite of it!
Dont let circumstances drag you down, but let Me lift you up! (17:26)

Dont try to make it up anymore according to worldly rates and levels, but even if things tear you down according to their
measures, remember that thats what I and all My true followers were up to! Remember that Gods way up is down, if you ever
feel tempted again to feel down about your only reaching lower levels in your own efforts! (17:72)

Learn not to let the physical conditions drag you down, but stay up through faith in what lies beyond it all!
Set your faith Up Here, not down there! (17:75)

Remember to Look Up!

Going by whats around you is more like looking down.
Tune up your spiritual vision, since whats coming at the world, the physical outlook alone will just drag you down, otherwise! Point
your faith and its vision Up Here where I am and Well all be expecting you when its your time to come Home! (17:91)

Get used to the factor of things in general going downhill!

Youve got to keep making that effort to raise your spiritual vision up; Up Here to Me, and your Future Home!
Stop expecting perfect conditions down there! Im afraid they wont be found down there. So, keep your faith vision pointed Up Here!

If circumstances down there tend to drag you down, thats another sign of the need to look Up - toward Me, the Author and Finisher
of your faith! (17:109)

Lower states of places can indicate that theyre on Gods way up. Whats high in material aspects is often lower in spiritual ones.

Difference is one of My major attributes Not following the downhill roads of the majority, but be called to follow My small and steep
different paths up!
So, its a rough and steep way up, but trust Me that its still better than that broad road down! (17:123)

Even though the AC will also perform some supposed miracles of a different style, take My Miracle-Way as the one from Above
quite different from the one coming from below! (17:130)

Situations you dont know if or how youll make it through, are just something youll have to get used to.
So, dont get onto the downside because of them, but take them! - On the upside! (17:153)

Ill keep holding you up, no matter how far down this world is going.
Keep holding on to the Power of the Spirit, and the Spirit will keep holding you up, even if the flesh makes you feel like dragging you
down! (17:180)

Dont put your trust and confidence in whats down there, but Up Here! (17:183)

Even if the world is on its steepest downhill slope of history, see it as an uphill slope for you - through faith! (17:187)

Dont let circumstances around you drag you down, but turn to Me to lift you up! (17:188)

Remember the superiority of Powers from Above over the ones from below!
Keep focusing Up Here through faith for greater Strength to make it and rise above the influences of the forces from below! (17:204)

You should gear your hopes Up Here, to Me, not down there to your fellow humans and earthly circumstances.
Isnt learning what results you reap from the seeds sown in your life, and largely depending which direction those seeds were
coming from - Up or down below - what lifes basically all about? (17:211)

Hindrances & Adversities (/Obstacles/Restrictions)

The obstacles are part of your training, to sharpen your focus on Me, to increase your desire for Me. (II:622)

Im not leading you on a path without confrontations, but one where you learn to deal with them with My Help as they arise. (IV:13)

You shouldnt be intimidated by obstacles. Wheres your faith in My ability to help you overcome them? (IV:40)

The greater the adversity, the greater the victory! The greater the miracle I will have to do, and thus, the greater reason to rejoice
and praise Me. (IV:187)

The extent to which youre learning to trust Me calmly now in the face of adversity and loss will determine how well youll be faring
then, when adversity and loss will reach unprecedented proportions. (IV:195)

True love can give you faith to overcome all and any obstacles. (IV:393)

The obstacles that are there to overcome, just as in every good and perfect thing I put before you, are like an additional proof of
authenticity, since it confirms My usual modus operandi, and it resembles the way I work in your life. (IV:400)

Obstacles are just part of the rocky road to get to your destination. (IV:406)

They who dont have the devil to fight against (since theyre basically, even if largely ignorantly, fighting on his side), also dont have
to overcome some of the obstacles he puts in your way. (IV:422)

You are presented with ever increasingly challenging tasks and obstacles before you. (IV:452)

You must put your trust in Me and continue to fight, refusing to be intimidated by the seemingly overwhelming adversities. (IV:456)
Whisking you out of your immediate, temporal little realm into My heavenly and eternal One, you can see things a little more from My
scope and angle that gives you the faith to overcome the obstacles, since all of a sudden they dont seem so large and overwhelming
anymore. (IV:477)

Why put restrictions on anyone that you wouldnt want to be put on yourself? (12:64)

So there are numerous obstacles, and some may have been quite terrible, and perhaps devastating, like seeming defeats. But, wait
a minute! Isnt that out of which Im supposed to be getting some of My greatest victories? (12:83)

Face the challenge in the desperate mode it takes to make heavenly Help happen and clear away the obstacles and problems! (16:159)

Ive told you that times would become rougher. So, dont be too shocked or surprised about the circumstances and situations youre
being confronted with there! (16:179)

When you neglect important factors like prayer, to what extent can you imagine the enemy goes to in order to hinder you and prevent
you from it? (17:96)

If theres a bit of worry lingering in you, it may just be a reminder from the spirit world to keep you on guard and in prayer mode
without which you wont make it through the times to come! See that worry as a step of preparation by getting you into prayer
groove, putting your efforts and strengths where they belong in order to help you make it and overcome whatever hindrances rise up
before you! (17:99)

Obstacles to overcome and rise above are reminders to stay on guard. (17:103)

Dont see the difference between yourself and regular folks as a hindrance, but see it as something precious, just as the difference
between rocks and diamonds! (17:116)

The effect of unpleasant circumstances and conditions around you is a tough challenge, I know a challenge of faith. How strong is
it? What obstacles are you letting it help you to overcome, and get you to focus and aim beyond? (17:132)

So, you need Me. How do you think I see that? As a surplus and advantage, or some kind of hindrance? (17:203)

His Plan
You are part of My Plan! Just because you don't witness the execution of the plan yet doesn't mean there is no plan! A plan is a big
manifestation of faith, because it's the rough draft of some action you're going to take. But the more intricate and special that action
is going to be, the more time needs to go into the making of the plan. So, if My plans involving you take a little more time than you
would wish, relax, because it simply means that a lot of preparation is going into you and My plans concerning you!
Warfare constantly requires of you to make changes of plans and to develop new tactics, and you yourself change a lot.
When the enemy does something in your life to try to foil My original plan for you, then I and My angels have to make contingency
plans and find alternative ways of making things work out for the best for you and to still bring you to your level of utmost possible
usefulness for My kingdom! (II:191)

Make My plans more important to you than your own! (II:529)

I'm the One Who's got the plan, and the only way you can be in on it is by following Me closely. (II:629)

If you want to succeed, just stick to My plan! (II:633)

You've got to be savvy to My plan, you've got to be in on it, and get a clue of what I'm up to. And that's basically what you're doing in
prophecy: you're getting a clue. (III:44)

I have a different plan for everybody. Something different works for everybody, and one of these days you'll realize how My hand was
at work in a different way in everybody's life. (III:241)

You may not see the plan, but I've got a very clear picture of it, and I can let you partake of My knowledge, My wisdom, My vision, My
goals and My plans for you, and not for you only, but for this whole planet and mankind per se, just as I have already given you a
general outline of it in My Word. (III:248)

The enemy is going to be instrumental in bringing about My plan, since the world won't be ready for My one-world religion until the
devil will have imposed his on them. (III:330)

The first thing to do is to say yes to My plan and show that youre going to believe Me for it. (III:400)
Take it by faith that the hard times are just as much part of My plan, and thus just as much reason to rejoice as the good times!

I dont want to exclude you from My plans, just as I didnt exclude My prophets of old, and revealed the things and workings of the
Spirit Realm to them so that they would write it down in order to give you a clue.
Its a great privilege and responsibility to be involved in the decision-making and the plans and workings of the Almighty. (III:449)

I have an individual plan for everyone, not just one big plan for all. In the end, each plan will work together perfectly and weave into
one perfect Big Picture that will reveal itself as a Master Plan for the universe. (III:473)

You may ask, like I did, If it be possible, let this cup be removed from me, but just as in My case, youll find that its necessary to
drink that cup! Things just wouldnt be the same without it. Your personal history, which is a part of history and part of the Big Plan
and Picture, wouldnt be the same without it. (III:557)

Its painful to watch others go down a road, which you know is going to lead them to pain, but thats where youve got to trust that in
spite of the looks of it and the vastness of the pain you see impending, I will nevertheless get a greater victory from it and My plan
and purpose will not be defeated. (III:564)

A situation that is going to require lots of desperation and help and guidance from Me is all the more conducive to My plan and
according to My will and liking, even if your flesh may crave for the opposite, a situation it can easily handle in its own strength and
wisdom. (IV:3)

Its part of My plan for mankind to find out all theyre capable of, namely what extent of evil theyre capable of, for them to realize how
much they need My Help in order to accomplish anything good and make their lives turn out good. (IV:62)

I have put you in this situation in order to learn to yield, to be willing to say I will or yes to My Plan for you, even if it may be a
painful and humbling path (IV:100)

If you have a believing attitude of Yes, Lord; I believe that youre going to do it, its going to be more helpful in bringing about My
plans, of course, than a doubting attitude (IV:132)

The thrilling thing about Our Plan in life is that We make winners out of those who may look like losers to the world, and even to
themselves sometimes (IV:187)

Free choice has and always had its price.

That has been the plan, and Im not about to stop it now, so close to the goal and the conclusion of the plot. The story is nearly done
being told, and though theres yet one last dark and fierce chapter to be written and told, the glorious ending is also coming into
sight. (IV:203)

You can trust Me that Im an intricate Planner, and always a few steps ahead of My opponent who tries to cross My Plans, and
sometimes it may even look to you as if he was succeeding, but youve got to trust in Me and the Father and Our superiority over the
enemy, which makes it a given that it really only does seem that way. (IV:300)

Strive to be a blessing for each other, to bless and be blessed

Thats My original Plan, and sooner or later were all going to get back to it. (IV:436)

I have ways that you know not of, and My plans are often somewhat mysterious for you and even hard to believe. (IV:443)

Everybody living on their own was certainly not My plan or intention for mankind. (IV:445)

Dont forget the possibility that the reason why things might not be going according to your plan is because theyre not going
according to My Plan, and that I might have different ones for you for the time being (IV:504)

Once you see that its not the fates running amok in your life, but theres an actual intelligent Plan behind the things youre going
through, it becomes much easier to bear with it, to yield to it, and accept it and be happy with it, doesnt it? (IV:535)

I need to partake in your life in order for you to bring forth the fruit you want to bring forth and lead the abundant life you want to live,
in order for My Plan to be perfected.
Certain things could never have been accomplished or done, if the key players involved hadnt agreed to their role and hadnt said
yes to My Plan for them.
Even though right now you may not know yet exactly just what that Plan is going to look like, it is expedient for you to yield to My
flow and My workings and directions in your life to continue to say yes to Me. (11:23)

So, you tend to need a little more rest than the average. If I have equipped you with that need, maybe its precisely My Plan in order to
keep you close to Me. (11:24)

Since Im the Creator of the Big Picture of life, the landscape, My Plan for you and details may significantly change according to My
vision and according to My wisdom and creative imagination
When you can just let it be and let things work out according to the wisdom and Plan of God, then youre giving God a chance to be
glorified instead of insisting on cashing in the glory for yourself. (11:35)

There were times when pilgrims and pioneers of faith were tempted to ask, Why did You bring me out here? But in the end it always
became evident that I had a Plan. (11:40)
Thats the kind of yieldedness I need and want from you: the surrender to the Big Plan, not your own, and rest in the knowledge that
the Planner will see it through, no matter whether you feel capable of it or not. (11:63)

I have a Plan, and I need you to trust in Me a little bit for it and hang on even before you see any results, okay? Thats whats called
faith, and thats what its all about: faith, hope, love. (11:87)

Having to take it all one day at a time reminds you of the differences between us, and of the fact that youre relatively clueless
compared to the insight I can give you on topics that concern you, such as your life, My Plan for it, and what youre supposed to do,
To do whats best for the overall Plan of the Kingdom, even if that involves personal sacrifices, you know you wont go unrewarded.

Wondering and worrying about your own significance in My Plan is more of a hindrance than a help, an incentive for trying to do it in
the flesh and for the wrong motivation. The right way to do it is to let go of any such ambitions and trust that whatever is supposed to
be accomplished by you that will be considered true and lasting achievement will have to be accomplished by Me through you and by
no other factor than your yieldedness to My will. (12:8)

Thats the plan: for you to learn to trust Me and My judgment despite all the evidence and appearances that would persuade you to
doubt (12:13)

Every pain you go through there is for a definite purpose, and the less sense it seems to make to you at the time, the more mind-
blown youll be when you come to face the end result of My Plan having come fully to fruition. (12:32)

As senseless as worldly education can be, Im a Teacher you can trust, and there is always a definite purpose and well thought-out
plan behind My kind of curriculum. (12:56)

We need folks wholl apply the Help of the Power from Above in order to get the good things done that are Our will and plan to get out
of that world, regardless of its presently fairly miserable state and shape. (15:238)

Learning not to feel at home down there is part of My will and Plan for you! To get to feel more at home Up Here instead feeling
not at home in the world, but Here! Your true and everlasting Home. (16:61)

There are divine plans in whats going on down there, even if the divine side is a little hard to see when there are hard times involved.

Staying in the same old grooves isnt part of Our Plan or pattern for you. (16:188)

The times to run in the confidence of your own strengths and capacities are simply over. Bad news? It may seem so, temporarily, but
youll see the wisdom of the heavenly plan behind it sooner or later. (16:205)

Not exactly knowing where your track or My planned track for you is heading requires faith and trust, but its also part of the
preparation for the days and years to come when itll be a lot tougher yet to know whatll be on the schedule for the next day, week,
month, or even years. (17:38)

My plan for you is for you to learn to live by faith each day. And not knowing far beforehand where it'll lead you is part of it. - Trusting
Me completely for what's coming, that's the plan and goal. (17:48)

Losers, according to My Plan and schedule, are the most likely ones to turn out the winners in the end. (17:97)

Through that mess the devil made of Our creation, and thus, out of just about every life in it to some extent, the Father decided that
they need a Savior. And it has been planned like it from the beginning Not such a bad Plan, after all, as Im pretty certain youll see
in the end.
Just make the right choice! - Our Plan? - Or the enemys? Or your own? - Or which of the two will you make your own? (17:112)

Giving My will and Plan for you a higher priority than your own desires and ways of looking at things should help you to strengthen
the acceptance of My will to stick to your job in your life down there. (17:118)

Take lifes circumstances as lifes challenge!

If the weathers colder than you like, and the sky darker, take it as a manifestation of the dark and cold forces taking over the globe!
Learn to deal with it, handle it and accept it as part of My Plan for you of things youve still got to learn! (17:130)

It might require a bit more faith than you might automatically come up with, that Gods Plans for the world might differ so vastly from
your personal expectation or experience, but thats just where faith and trust come in, and what they really mean: The
acknowledgment of Something Greater than you could come up with, or even fathom yourself. (17:160)
His Presence
Fill your heart and mind so much with My Presence, that there will be no more room for anything negative! (I:28)

I'm always right there for you. The "knowledge of God" is the knowing and being fully conscious of the fact that God is right here,
right there with you and a very real and substantial part of you every second and every milli-second of your life, the very Power that
created you and keeps you going with every breath you take.
You could and should be absorbing Him consciously with every breath you take, every thought you think, every word you speak, etc.
But what causes you not to do that is the distraction tactic the enemy uses, "every high thing" which exalts itself against that
knowledge and conscience of My Presence in your life, that makes you think you can do it on your own. (II:286)

Focus on Me, not on any things you want to present to Me, not on anything you think I might want you to do, but just focus on Me, so
that I can fill you with My Presence, with My Spirit. (II:435)

I'm always right there, waiting for you with open arms, and you're never alone, don't ever forget that, and don't forget to tell others!
That's the most important point I'd like you to get across, along with the fact that there's hope for anyone. (II:469)

The only way My Presence becomes real to you is by acknowledging it and availing yourself of it. (II:523)

Its only your position that changes. I am the Lord, I change not. Yesterday, today, forever... the same. I am constant. Constantly and
permanently there for you, just like the air all around you, just like the universe all around you. As long as the universe is there, you
can be assured that Im still there, too! (II:643)

You can become Me for those around you, and that's what life is all about. If they can see Me in you and see Me act through you, hear
Me speak through you, and they can feel My Love coming through you, what else could you possibly want? What else could be the
goal? What else could there possibly be to attain? (III:104)

Although you can be sure of My Presence and of the fact that I like and want to talk to you, you've got to want it and have a vacuum
for it. (III:144)

If you want to feel My Presence more, there is simply no other way than to be spending more time with Me. (III:206)

I have let your world come tumbling around your ears, in order for you to assure them that I'll still be there to hold and catch them
when theirs will come tumbling around their ears... You will have learned and experienced My realness, My Presence in times of
trouble, and you will have a very real faith to offer to people. (III:265)

If your eyes are open enough, you can see Me in everything, even in a story in which My Presence doesn't seem to be too obvious...

Theres perfect sense and purpose in Me having chosen the imperfect to do My job, so that no flesh should glory in My Presence, but
it will be evident forever that it was only a work of My grace and Spirit if any great thing will have been accomplished at all; and so
that all those high and mighty wont have the excuse that they couldnt have done it because it was too difficult. (III:425)

If My sole Presence should ever not strike you as sufficient, I want you to know that Im not alone, either, but there are millions at
your disposal, of which each one has got more to give to you than any human living on Earth ever could. (IV:127)

No matter what tricks the devil may pull, if you avail yourself of Me, My counsel, My Power, and My Presence, all that I have put at
your disposal, you cant lose. (IV:142)

My Presence in peoples lives isnt necessarily limited to labels such as Christian or any other religious or philosophical drawers
and labels, but My Spirit flows freely into the lowest places and humble hearts and shuns the proud and haughty of whatever
confession and religious affiliation. (IV:143)

My Presence within you will surpass and outlast all their furious ragings against you, their batterings against your walls, their
pounding on your shores that moans, Give up, finally! (IV:165)

Closeness to Me does not work as long as you still have other things and preferences in your life above Me, because those other
things are usually rivals to My Presence, position and effect in your life, and they are counter-productive to what I am trying to
accomplish in your life. Its as if they annul My efforts in your life and tear down whatever Ive been trying to build.
The only way it works is if you allow Me to move that clutter out of the way and replace it with My Presence and input in your life and
let Me take over that spot reserved for the most important thing in your life.
As long as there are other things that occupy your thoughts more, I cannot really function properly in your life. The only thing I can
do then is work on moving the clutter and garbage as much as you grant Me the consent and permission to do so.
And once I do, your initial reaction is usually, Hey, why are You taking those blessings away from me? Well, only to replace them
with the greater blessing of My Presence and closeness, which is what you really want, right? Im not forcing anybody to stick close
to Me against their will. (IV:187)

I will always be there. The devil may temporarily be able to create the impression that Im not there, just as I was tempted on the
cross to believe that the Father had forsaken Me, but its never true. Just as the Father was always there, I will also always be there.

Even I was tempted to waver and felt forsaken by the Father, only to find out that I wasnt and never had been!
He was always there, just like I am and He is in your life, even if you may not always be aware of Our Presence.
One day you will realize that nothing else really mattered in your life, compared to the importance of My Presence in it, My
involvement in it, and your decision to trust Me. (IV:192)

My Presence is a constant, it doesnt change. Theres never a time Im not there for you.
Its as sure as the presence of the sun. You may not be able to see it, but you can know for certain its there, because otherwise life
on Earth would pretty much cease immediately.
You may not see it because the skies are grey, but its there.
Likewise you may not always see or hear or feel Me, either, but you can be just as sure that I am there, ready to give My spiritual
warmth and Light and Life to you.
Even on cloudy days the Earth does benefit from the suns warmth and light. So, you can thank Me for, and enjoy My Presence, even
during those times when it seems less present or obvious. (IV:202)

When there has been enough of bad and negative input flooding you from all sides and youre discouraged, then its time to avail
yourself of My Presence. (IV:231)

If it was even better My disciples that I disappeared in the flesh, don't you think that My Spirit and Its Presence in your life are more
important than any physical friendship or relationship? (IV:245)

The way to win the battle is by availing yourself of Me, My Presence, Love and protection. (IV:247)

My goal is that you become so gung ho over Me and this big advantage you have over others by having Me as that permanent Source
of everything you need, that you will more gladly, more willingly, readily and openly share Me with them, offer Me to them and
advertise Me to them, so that they can benefit from My Presence in their lives, too, the same way you would recommend a good film,
book or piece of freeware. (IV:303)

Its easier to assume My Presence in the nice, organized and orderly lives of those who hardly ever make mistakes, who are
apparently and obviously successful. But look at My own life and the sort of people I hung out with: From a worldly viewpoint, they
were a mess.
They all ended up in persecution and martyrdom; not exactly criteria by which the world would measure success. (IV:326)

The troubled and painful times are not times of My absence. Im there, just as close as I always am; its just that because of all thats
happening around you, its a little harder for you to perceive My Presence. (IV:330)

Im the only Companion you can never lose in this life. Its true that tangible companions do have that advantage over Me and My
company and Presence, but Mine is more lasting and enduring. (IV:335)

Rely on Me and on My Presence more than the presence of any tangible person! (IV:349)

The only true and lasting reality you can rely on in your life is My Presence and My Person in it, because the presence of any other
person may vanish from one day to the other. (IV:350)

The only One Whose Presence is always guaranteed is Me. I have not promised that I would guarantee that there will always be
someone by your side until you leave this Earth, but I did promise that I would be with you even unto the end of the world.
Nothing else will last forever in this life; only My Presence in your life, and the fact that I am always by your side. (IV:351)

The greatest factor of stability in existence to offer to anyone: Me and My Presence in life through faith in Me and relationship with
Me. (IV:368)

The only Presence and company that will always be guaranteed in your life is Mine. None other will do. (IV:381)

Nothing else will ever truly satisfy or turn out to be as permanent and lasting as My Presence and Help in your life. (IV:389)

Learn to live a life conscious of Me, My Presence and your need for Me in your life! (IV:402)

My Presence in your life will be manifested in love. (IV:462)

There is a purpose for My being around and for My Presence in your life, even if man keeps trying to tell himself that he can do just
fine without Me (with, of course, plenty of support and encouragement from My enemy, and, really, his enemy, too). (IV:495)

Only when Im the main Center of your focus and attention, does My Presence in your life really become relevant. (IV:509)

By seeking Me and My Presence, you alter your situation. (11:9)

Its essential to have a relationship that glorifies Me, one that you can tell that Im really in it, one in which My Presence is a given and
in which you can see Me in each other. (11:29)

There are bound to crop up problems, and youre going to wish for My Presence and Help in order to deal with them when they
happen, and the only way you can ensure that is by staying close to Me.
Give each day to Me, dedicate it to Me and let Me be there and present for you, and even if you should drift away from Me for a little
while in your thoughts, come back to Me! (11:50)
You can see the traces of My Presence everywhere you go, and if at times youre tempted to feel forsaken and overwhelmed, then its
usually simply because you dont avail yourself of My Presence and help as much as you should, which is precisely another reason
why Im bringing along these more taxing times. (11:85)

Inviting Me into your heart is what establishes the connection, and while many people never learn to use it, either because they have
no desire or no faith to do so, from that moment on, thats where I and all the Help available to you from the Spirit World can be
found: right inside your own heart, due to My Presence there. (12:34)

If My Presence in your life and My communications with you are supposed to have any kind of influence and impact on you at all,
isnt it not to flow with the current of the world, but to live and show and give a living example of a different kind of life? (12:90)

You need to recognize your own incapacity and need of Me, which then prompts you not to make a move until you got ahold of Me,
My Presence, My voice in your life.
If you consider My Presence in your life a blessing, then a greater need for Me equals greater blessing. (12:95)

Feel your need for Me and the need to feel and experience My Presence and My Spirit upon you
If you feel the need for Me and My Presence and action in your life, itll be good for you, replacing the need for other things.
If you believe in Me, part of that faith is seeing the necessity of My filling your life and spirit with My Presence. (14:59)

When Im around with you, things should start going a bit better even if that doesnt mean that the world is getting better, since few
are the folks who are ready for My Presence and the Fathers Spirit (15:247)

They that receive you may be receiving Me and My spiritual Presence along with you. (15:250)

Just get ahold of Me, My Presence and Spirit, as soon as you can during the days!
Just remember Me and My help and avail yourself of it and My Presence in your daily life!
Avail yourself of My Presence!
If youre having rough times, let it be a reminder that you need Me and My Presence throughout your day, including all the protection,
help and anointing you can get, because times down there are obviously getting rougher, and the last days of the enemys complete
reign over the world are fast approaching! (2016:41)

If your days tend to begin with negative vibes, see it as the positive need and desire for you to draw yourself closer to Me, get in
touch with Me and have Me help you make it through your day; as there are days coming you wont possible make it without Me and
My Presence in your life, and your connection with Me!
Let Me and My Presence be the Power to help you make it through the day, since thats the way it will have to be in the dark days to
come! (2016:100)

It might strike you as bad news that the roughest times youve ever had to go through are going to become even rougher, but thats
why Im reminding you of the necessity of clinging to what youll need to make it, and with My input keep reminding you of Our
Presence. (2016:191)

The greater the challenge, the more youll have to include Me, avail yourself of the Help from Above, and the clearer it will make My
Presence in your life through the miraculous action it will take. (17:43)

Your presence has a task to fulfill down there, and it basically represents Mine, just as the presence of My early disciples did!
So, your presence is what represents My Presence, which is why you ought to be mindful of the sort of sample you give, and not give
folks an excuse for not receiving you - and thus, Me because of those failures.
Your task for Me down there is to make your presence a representation of My ultimate - and eventually coming - Presence, which - for
every life that does receive Me - will make the ultimate difference! (17:77)

It is one of the purposes of My servants lives: to display My Presence and Power through them, so that no flesh will boast, but glory
and honor will go to the side they belong. (17:125)

Part of My commandment to even love your enemies: Bless them that despitefully use you and persecute you!
So, bless them with your presence! - My Presence in you and through you! (17:126)

See My Presence in you as the most powerful Asset in your life!

Give Me a chance to display that asset of My Presence in your life, and dont listen to the negative input of the enemy that makes you
feel sorry for yourself over unpleasant circumstances! (17:180)

You cant be as aware of My Presence as much as youd like Me to be there to make things a bit easier and more inspiring for you if
the pray without ceasing mode hasnt settled in yet. (17:188)

Ideas & Intuitions

Its hard to be perfect, especially according to one single persons concept of perfect, which is always bound to be tainted by some of
their own ideas which may or may not be true (11:51)

Im in favor of people trying out their own ideas. Its not that I constantly condemn them for blatantly pursuing their own, selfish,
wicked ways.
Im just as curious about how some of those ideas will work out as anyone.
I will reward any valid and genuinely good ideas and attempts anyone will come up with to try and make this a better world.
I can even show respect and admiration for someone who might be working for the other side, if they come up with decent ideas
and genuinely constructive solutions to problems.
I award and honor good ideas and selfless attempts that genuinely strive to make things better for all, and not just one single party.

Cling to My Power to evoke the kind of changes you need, and dont be sidetracked by ideas of how you can bring about positive
changes in your own strength! (11:127)

In the end, all you can do is pray, Help me do whats right, as opposed to stubbornly pushing through whatever your own ideas of
good works or fruit may be. (11:137)

What many fail to see is the extent to which improvement would be not only desired, but actually needed, and more than just a good
idea. (12:53)

Youve got to stop following your own ideas and intuitions, before you can be trusted with leading others the right path!
Its that urge to just follow ones own ideas thats one of the most common manifestations of the same evil that got the devil himself
off the track. (16:143)

No idea how youre gonna make it? Well, it may sound bad to you, but sounds good to Me, because like this its going to be easier for
us to give you the right kind of idea. (16:183)

One of the greatest tragedies in human life is the illusion that theres no need for Me in their lives, and there are no lives as pitiful as
those of the self-satisfied who live in the delusion of having no need for Me.
Thats what the enemy is trying to construct with all of his distractions and temptations: the illusion that you dont need Me.
Will you cling to Me, or will you let the appearance of things, the strength of your flesh and the beauty of nature create for you the
illusion that you dont need Me as much? (III:587)

Unless what you have to pass on to the world is really pointing them in My direction, often it will only contribute to the illusion of
their present matrix, and thus it will only encourage them to put more energy into the temporal, and invest more of their lives into that
which is doomed to fade and pass away, instead of that which lasts, and in My eternal Kingdom (IV:11)

Man invested the truest of all currencies, namely faith, in the words of the Deceiver, instead of Mine, and that created a whole new
paradigm, a whole new worldview, call it another matrix if you wish, because not only is a man as he thinketh in his heart, but his
world will be effected by his thoughts and the way he sees everything, too. (IV:113)

It takes an effort to punch through all the fake and false mindsets based on the devils illusions to the clear picture of reality. (IV:132)

The knowledge of evil creates the illusion that you really know something, when nothing could be further from the truth.
The head stuffing of the devil creates the illusion in peoples heads that theyre actually smart. - Loads and loads of useless
information, creating an illusion of a reality thats just a fake, and a poor counterfeit of the Real Thing. (IV:171)

If youre in touch with Me, youre in touch with reality. If youre not in touch with Me, then youre more likely to be influenced by other
factors that distort reality as I see it, the matrix of the world, and whatever illusion the enemy manages to paint in your mind.
The Real Thing is reality according to Me, which is always something you need to distinguish from the false, painted and illusory fake
reality and matrix of the devil. (IV:182)

Just as people can have illusions and false notions about this world being alright, so you can also have deceptive notions about
doing things without Me. (IV:183)

Being a servant of Mine is infinitely more rewarding than being a slave in the matrix, which may enable you to play a tyrant over a
handful of other people for a brief time in the present, but will usually only result in misery later (IV:193)

My Family has been a vocal witness and testimony against the System from the beginning, as well as the living proof that an
alternative life-style apart from the System and outside its matrix is possible. (IV:218)
As long as you show and prove with your life that living by faith is possible even in this day and age, you create a loophole out of the
devils matrix and prove that it isnt watertight, and thus, destined to sink. (IV:219)

Through the first human choice to disobey, Satan has been granted the power to issue his own orders and initiate processes on his
own, which, of course counter My workings, and in actuality threaten to take over the matrix of creation like a bad virus that can
rapidly infect a whole computer system. (IV:227)

Even with all the constant worsening of the world, I can effect some improvements within some chosen regions and aspects of the
world, and I keep painting and building and establishing My Big Picture within the crumbling picture of the Matrix.
Instead of joining the rest of the devils matrix in the process of decay, those who cling to Me and keep their focus on Me, actually
improve. (IV:240)

A lot of the devils power by which he enslaves people is by creating illusions, and awaking from these illusions is one significant
step toward true freedom; and thus, the experience of having your illusions shattered, including the illusions of false, temporary
freedom, are really another step toward that goal.
What did I tell My disciples, was the factor that would make them free? - The truth. The truth is the factor that frees you from the most
enslaving factor in the world, the lies, delusions and illusions, false appearances and deceptions the devil creates in peoples
minds the Matrix. (IV:353)

You simply may not accept the devils lens of a viewpoint of insignificance. Once he can get you to believe that you, your life and
everything in it are insignificant, youre sunk! Then youre trapped in his matrix, in which youre just an insignificant cog in the
machinery, a battery for his machine, just an insignificant Mr. Anderson, instead of the one who could change it all. (IV:364)

The devil has pulled out his best guns, and in that matrix of his, hes god, and can come across as quite intimidating.
But how great is his power outside of his little plastic matrix? How great is it Outside, in My Real World, the One youre a part and a
citizen of? (IV:502)

Its important for you to get ahold of My Wavelength of faith every day, and make an effort to stay there, if possible, as opposed to
getting sucked in to the negative, rational and skeptic mindset and thought-matrix of the System
The worst thing you can allow to happen to you is allow yourself to become infested with the bug of the illusion that the temporal
rules, instead of the eternal. (11:104)

Their way of seeing and handling things is really only a sad illusion; a shadow that will disappear, along with all shadows, when the
true Light appears. (11:106)

The enemy is smart enough to concoct devices that threaten to make Me look like a liar, incapable of truly saving you and setting you
free. But its all up to your faith, whether you choose to believe him and the dark, desperate illusion he paints, or whether you cling to
My Promise and assurance that indeed I have set you free. (11:127)

The Paradigm of Faith is a totally different one than the material matrix nourished by fear that most people live in. (11:140)

The hard rock truth is usually anything but comfortable or pleasant in this world.
It may be a small comfort to you, but at least youre no longer living in any illusion about any rosy state this world is supposedly in
thats simply not based on reality.
Remember, there are two ways to react when accepting the red pill of truth: Full acceptance of the reality you encounter, or, Stick me
back in the Matrix! I want to forget everything!
Its tough to accept that the good times, the steaks are gone but wouldnt you consider this a price worth paying for the truth?

Its all about overcoming and rising above the circumstances of this present matrix.
Theres a lot of stuff written between the lines of the matrix, unseen by those with eyes wide shut, unopened. (12:32)

If you can look past and beyond the Matrix no matter where you are, then youll be able to truly rise above the ugly circumstances:
ugly behavior, selfish characters, and whatever else is bothering you. (12:42)

I want you to enjoy more than what this world has got to offer; more than the fake steaks of the Matrix. (12:43)

Deaths are merely a small-scale foreshadowing of whats going to happen to their glorious matrix in the long run (12:46)

The enemys the god of this world, the ruler, or programmer, of the Matrix, if you will, which is why Ive been pleading with you not to
be so tossed about by your circumstances. Because in order to change them in My Power, you have to appeal to My higher Matrix,
the rules of the Spirit World and keys of My Kingdom. (12:51)

Youve got to learn by experience acquired from necessity that My Spirit is more powerful than all the racket the enemy and his
matrix can muster up. Tuning in to Me instead of remaining stuck on the dull wavelength of the Matrix is whats going to make your
life enjoyable and truly worth living. (12:52)

Its a tough job to wake them up from their illusion of The partys only just begun to the painful reality, but lets just say thats part
of your job. (12:55)

Doing what everyone else would consider cool, hip or en vogue is a lot more important to people, along with their own little make-
belief image of themselves, than the truth and reality of who and what they really are. As a result, youve got people motivated and
powered by lies and illusions to the extent where they often cant tell the difference anymore between truth and lies, wrong or right

Id rather have some people live in the illusion that theyre great and on stage permanently (which isnt really altogether an illusion,
if you see it from a spiritual viewpoint), than just join in the dull humdrum of the masses who dont have anything to motivate, inspire
and spur them on except for mere cold, dry sense of duty or survival-instinct. (12:64)

For Us Up Here, its only a matter of wait and see as far as the rest of the worlds concerned. They may think and live under the
illusion that everythings fine right now As long as they keep making their paper money to buy them things and the illusion of
security, but what when that paper rug is being pulled out from under them?
The final clinch will come when there will only be two opposing parties: those who fall for and follow the illusions of the devil, and
those who choose to believe otherwise, that all the answers and all purpose for existence does not lie in this temporary world. (12:67)

A lot is to be discarded from the setup of this current reality or matrix, but just as even dung is used in order to bring new life from
the ground when used as fertilizer, Im a Master at recycling all kinds of waste, and, as I told you before, nothings ever really wasted.

Its important for you to get ahold of My Wavelength of faith every day, and make an effort to stay there, if possible, as opposed to
getting sucked in to the negative, rational and skeptic mindset and thought-matrix of the System
The worst thing you can allow to happen to you is allow yourself to get sucked in to their scope and realm of thought and perception
and become infested with the bug of the illusion that the temporal rules instead of the eternal. (12:104)

True freedom can only be found in Me and My truth, not seeking it in a temporal illusion. (12:115)

The only way to get ready to present and offer people Heaven, is to get out of the illusion of seeking Heaven on Earth, which
unfortunately will only come after hell on Earth. (16:122)

Few are willing to make the choice of accepting Me as their Savior as long as the troubles still out of sight, and they can keep living
in the enemys created illusion. (16:168)

To yearn for more easy and pleasant times would unfortunately be an illusion. (17:157)

The reality of hell on Earth is a tough one to cope with, and some prefer to get back into the illusionary Matrix-realm.
So, the Matrix has been a help to demonstrate what sort of an ugly reality in comparison one has to face as someone who got
saved from the Matrix-illusion one thats not all that easy to cope with, once you fully realize what evil forces are running the place.

The belief that Ill come back before the AC is another illusion of churchy wishful thinking (17:200)

The countless illusions the enemy has been able to distract folks with through TV and unrealistic movies make it harder to face that
disillusion of what reality turns out like, eventually. (17:211)

Importance & Significance

Nothing's too unimportant for Me. The question is, how important are they to you? Important enough to stir yourself up about them to
call Me up about them? (II:608)

The enemy is sly and tries all kinds of techniques to get you to think that this thing is more important or that thing is more important,
but if you stick close to Me, I will always be able to tell and show you what's really most important! (III:27)

There is nothing that could be anywhere near as important as My time with you, My communications with you. (III:112)

Sin is, when anything other than love becomes more important to you.
Pride can make you feel like your own ego, honor or hurt feelings are more important.
Greed can make you feel as if material things are more important.
Fear can make you act as if your own survival and security were more important, contradicting My Word that "Whosoever shall save
his life, the same shall lose it."
Then come all the lies the devil uses in order to stop loving others... Lies about them or about what's more important... (III:368)

What do you deem more important: Temporary applause and approval, or the eternal, heavenly rewards for putting emphasis on the
right kind of priorities? (III:508)

Keep your focus on Me, and I will alert you like an inner alarm clock to the truly significant events! (III:518)
The more you realize the error of the way of the flesh, the more it will drive home to you the supremacy of the spirit, and just how
important it is that you not be blinded by the lures of the flesh. (III:531)

My Word is full of Promises.

Sometimes its easy to forget about them. Thats why Ive been telling you how important it is to remember, to not forget about My
Promises, My Word, My vision. (III:546)

To learn the skills of love is more important than any other skill you can learn. (III:557)

Were looking for something more important than a cure for cancer, and you have only just begun to recognize the problem: peoples
unwillingness and refusal to recognize any problem at all about themselves.
The refusal to recognize anything wrong at all is the only way they can manage to cope with their faulty world.
Most of the problems in the world are being caused by peoples preference of their own truth over what really is the objective truth.
Sometimes I choose what could be deemed an unfruitful situation for someone, because the lessons to be gleaned from it are more
important to Me than any fruit that could be gained in another situation, or by changing it. (III:565)

Your happiness is important to Me. (III:568)

Caring for others is even more important than your own headway. (III:569)

To make out My voices and input from among all the Systems roars is something you decide you want to learn because of its utter
Faith is just about the most important thing you can invest your time in apart from love. (III:590)

My Words are the stuff the worlds are made out of, but prayer is just about equal in importance, because as your reaction to My
Words, it is pretty much as important to Me.
Thats how much prayers mean to Me, and how much importance and power I give them. (III:604)

The mind working on its own without My Spirit will just bring forth the fruits of the flesh. And so you wind up tired, exhausted and
frustrated instead of fulfilled and satisfied with your achievements
I have to allow you to make these experiences to drive home the importance of depending on Me instead of doing it on your own.

The enemy knows just what it takes to get you to neglect your greatest and most important duty of all. (IV:26)

Sometimes silence is an important part of what I have to convey to the world. (IV:64)

You can trust Me! Thats what I want you to convey to others, this very confidence, so its of utmost importance that you learn to do
that yourself first. (IV:68)

Its of utmost importance that you stay connected with Me and keep your focus on Me.
Its very important that you give the world the message as much as you can beforehand, before the Tribulation, and before the mark
of the Beast will be implemented and the church will be persecuted, because the night cometh when no man can work. (IV:69)

Its more important that you do whatever you do from the heart, than just that cold sense of duty, and just thinking youve got to do it
because you ought to. (IV:76)

All those things that concern you may seem of utter importance to you temporarily, but are they, really, compared to the relationship
between you and Me? What could be more important than that? (IV:82)

Worries, cares and problems only come into being when you allow other factors to replace that role which Im supposed to play in
your life, and they become more important to you.
Spiritual communication, even if it may not seem to be getting you anywhere in this world, is much more important and crucial in
keeping you alive and going successfully, than any physical means of communications ever could. (IV:83)

Remember faith, hope and love, three spiritual values much more important than any of the physical circumstances around you!
Faith and hope make it possible for you to be able to continue to love, which is the most important function, if thats what the
Fathers all about!
Get onto the track of love, remembering how important it is! Just about the most important! Without it, nothing great can be
So, pretty important to stay on the channel of love, isnt it? (IV:88)

Just a little bit of time and attention, and a little bit of a listening ear Its hard to grasp that something so simple could be so
important. (IV:109)

Youre slowly beginning to realize that I am really far more important, and play a far more dominant and superior role in your life than
any other person ever could. And thats the way its got to be. The more important I become to you, the better able you will also be to
treat your fellow humans the way you should.
The more you establish the importance of your revolving around Me, the more stable you will be as a factor for others lives to
revolve around. (IV:117)

There are more important, more urgent matters than having fun. (IV:126)
There are things that are more important than your own immediate satisfaction, happiness and contentment, and I need you to trust
Me for that. (IV:129)

Im trying to reduce the preeminent position that fun and diversion are having in your life to one of lesser importance, and establish a
better one for Me and My affairs in your mindset of priorities. (IV:147)

Its important for Me that you can dedicate yourself to My Cause wholeheartedly and without distractions.
I cannot spare you to tickle peoples ears and consider that more important than what I want you to do for Me and My Kingdom, just
because it brings in more money.
My job for you is more important, and if you do that, I will undoubtedly take care of you, just as I always have. (IV:153)

While the truth is important, and delusion must be destroyed in order to build a firm foundation of truth on one hand, its equally, if
not more important, that its clear that that foundation is a foundation of love, and thus recognizable as a safe haven for those
seeking refuge from the debris of their shattered illusions. (IV:167)

How important it is to shield yourself from the wrong kind of input, and how poisonous and detrimental it can be!
Doesnt it drive home the importance of your job all the more, and the need for good and wholesome input and information to give to
the world, for My truth? (IV:190)

One day you will realize that nothing else really mattered in your life, compared to the importance of My Presence in it, My
involvement in it, and your decision to trust Me. (IV:192)

Im trying to teach you that there are more important things than chasing after numbers.
All have their degree of importance. But none of them are as important as the standard and measure of love.
See things through the eyes of love, and make it your yard stick by which you measure everything, even the cost and price and value
of your daily endeavors!
Youll see priorities shifting in your life. Things will change. Most importantly, you will change.
What else could be more important? (IV:200)

If it was even better for you and My disciples that I disappeared in the flesh, don't you think that My Spirit and Its Presence in your life
is more important than any physical friendship or relationship? (IV:245)

Be not concerned about the significance of your role for Me, whether its an outstanding one, etc., just be there!
The important thing is that you do your part, you dont have to worry about it. If you realize that youre just one small part of a greater
whole, you dont have to worry anymore about the significance of your part, nor does the weight of the responsibility weigh too
heavily on your shoulder, because you can relax and trust that I know what Im doing. (IV:300)

Remember that love is the most important thing! (IV:307)

Nothing compares to the importance of getting in tune with Me. (IV:316)

Be a good, diligent and thorough student of life, and become a master of the most important art there is to learn in it: love. (IV:328)

Its hard for you to imagine sometimes, that My relationship with you should be so much more important than all these other, earthly
matters that encumber you from all sides, but it is, and some day you will see the full weight and extent of that importance, too.

What God has put together, let not man pull it asunder, and it is so important that you actually allow God to be the One to put you
together in the first place (IV:332)

The most important factor is love, its not the differences (IV:352)

How much do you really give Me the rank of importance in your life that is duly Mine? (IV:363)

You simply may not accept the devils lens of a viewpoint of insignificance! Once he can get you to believe that you, your life and
everything in it are insignificant, youre sunk! Then youre trapped in his matrix, in which youre just an insignificant cog in the
machinery, a battery for his machine, just an insignificant Mr. Anderson, instead of the one who could change it all.
The devil is trying to give everything his slant of insignificance.
But in the light of the fact that everything and everyone is significant, dont let him fool you, and dont let him reduce you to his game
of nothingness!
If I made everything of nothing, he tries to reverse it and make nothing out of everything. He tries to reduce it all to nothing in
peoples minds. He gets them to look at creation the everything made from nothing and say, Its all nothing! It all came from
nothing and came about by itself and bears absolutely no significance. So, beware of his and the worlds mindset of insignificance!
People will all realize some day just how significant everything ever was, even every word from their lips, and even the very hairs of
their heads are all numbered. (IV:364)

See the lessons as the important and substantial part, not the fun and the games during recess!
Its a fairly important facet of maturity to have your priorities straight. (IV:379)

Its important to always get your fresh manna for each day and not rely on the counsel of yesterday, especially when its
concerning people and changeable circumstances and situations. (IV:421)

Trust Me for how important it is for you to know exactly who and what you should put your trust in! (IV:424)
When youre more important to yourself than anybody else is, it simply shows that you have chosen yourself as your god, and folks
like that are simply not quite reliable, and you can pretty much tell theyll always sell you out sooner or later for some personal
advantage, convenience, or their own survival. (IV:431)

The fact how long it took even My attentive students to figure out the fundamental truth about the importance of focusing on the
heart of a person theyre facing, instead of all the other ado that makes up the outward appearance, status, title, rank or position in
the world, shows how badly needed and neglected It is, and how little folks really know about the most important Factor of the
universe: Love. (IV:433)

Betrayal has taken place as a reminder of how important loyalty is. (IV:457)

The enemy comes up with all kinds of mean tricks to rob you of the most important thing in your life, which is that time you spend
with Me. (IV:470)

Im the Source of all thats good for you.

Those who are not sure about that yet or think that My role might not be all that important in their lives are going to find out that they
were mistaken about that (IV:495)

The significance of the role Im playing in your life is easily underestimated, especially as long as friends abound, and life seems to
be a party. (IV:518)

Your love is whats most important to Me, and likewise, My Love is whats most important for you! (IV:524)

Whats important is that you keep your focus on Me, keep your will on My side, keep moving toward Me, keep saying yes to Me in
this game, and consider Me the Goal worth attaining, the One you want to get close to, instead of getting further away from. (IV:528)

Im trying to bring home to you the importance of the role I play in your life, and that its not to be underestimated, which,
unfortunately, it largely is.
Just as the light simply happens to be pretty important if you want to see anything at all, so it happens to be the case with Me in your
life. I simply happen to be the Light.
Its simply very common human nature to tend to neglect and underestimate the importance of the role I play in your lives. (IV:529)

Your priority is the Kingdom. All other things and matters rank second in importance.
Your heavenly citizenship must be more important to you than your earthly one. (11:1)

The threat of impending doom seems to do what no measure of love and sweetness can accomplish in some peoples lives, and
thats one reason why correction is so important. (11:4)

By clinging to Me and My eternal Realm, you manage to let go of that which is less important since it is far less real in the scope of
the Big Picture, the eternal scope, the one that really matters. (11:9)

Whats important is that you move according to My standards of faith and love. (11:10)

Blessed is the man who enjoys changing a babys diaper, because hes a man who has learned to love, and there simply isnt
anything better or more important anyone could learn in this life. (11:11)

My personal relationship with you is important to Me, and I want you to realize that its important to you, too; and I purposely allow
you to stumble into situations out of which no one else can save you but I. (11:12)

The most important thing is that you keep your trust in Me, keep looking to Me as your only Hope, and youll find out that I will not
leave your trust unrewarded (11:13)

Give Me a chance to work in your life to a greater extent than ever before by giving Me the priority, importance and emphasis in your
life! (11:15)

Whats also important is that you dont just read My Words and study them, but digest them properly with prayer and meditation.
What do you think is more important: physical comfort, or the spiritual one that determines spiritual well-being? (11:17)

Taking time to do nothing other than wait on Me shows you have faith that I am greater than time; yes, even more important than that
very thing that seems to govern your world (11:26)

Whats important is that its not just someones ego being fed there, but something is happening that glorifies Me, that gives Me the
credit for whats happening and thus will bear good fruit.
The key lies in realizing the importance of My role in it all, which by far the majority of people completely ignore and fail to recognize,
or flatly refuse to.
The more you realize that its mostly My doing instead of your own, the closer to the realistic picture of the whole thing you are, and
thus you also become aware of the relation of importance of the different factors involved. To most people, they themselves are the
most important ingredient, as far as theyre concerned.
Youre in the process of learning that that might be a mistake, and that theres a greater, mostly unrecognized Factor which has by far
the greatest level of importance in it all, and the more you learn that, the more youve got your finger on the pulse of the actual and
ultimate Reality, such as I know and convey it. (11:29)
Perhaps youre giving some of the things you pursue and desire too much importance, neglecting some of the actually more
important things, and thats the reason why you cant seem to find any lasting satisfaction in the things you pursue. (11:34)

If occasionally it does get a little too hard or harder than you think it ought to be, try to remember that its got to be My Strength
youre doing it in, and that involves and includes giving Me the glory for it.
If its really becoming too hard, it may well be that youre forgetting about that one important factor.
So, just try a little humility a very important factor in the My yoke is easy clause and give Me the glory, instead of feeling all
great about yourself, patting yourself on the back or taking it for granted that, of course, you should make it, why not, you always
have (11:39)

Life isnt always easy or a piece of cake, but a genuine fight and battle at times, and it requires fighting for whatever is most
important to you. (11:46)

It takes a lot of faith to believe that hearing from Me should be more important than working. But if it all comes down to it, its one of
the most important points Im trying to make ever since Cain and Abel: anything you can do in the flesh is not as important as that
spiritual task of nourishing your soul and spirit with input from Me! Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that
proceedeth out of the mouth of God Labor not for the meat which perisheth, etc.
Whatever is happening in your life, it could never be as important as My role in it, and what Im trying to say to you and convey to
you. (11:49)

Dont neglect your time with Me, because that is the most important part, if you dont want to miss your purpose in pursuing this
road! (11:50)

In the end your trials, troubles and problems will look so ridiculous, the donut will be so nice, bright and big and obvious and in
your face, that youll shake your head in disbelief over the fact that you spent so much time staring at the hole in the middle, as if it
were actually important or played any significant role at all
The differences between you that sometimes give you a hard time will become totally insignificant, and youll finally realize once and
for all just how much youve had in common all along, and how those common factors are just so much more important and relevant
and worth paying attention to than any differences. (11:62)

The truly magic moments for Me are the ones when you have nothing and no one left but Me, and you finally realize that this is the
difference between Me and all of them, and you begin to get a glimpse of the extent of My importance in your life.
Yes, it may hurt to lose your friends, but if this is what causes you to realize the importance of your best Friend, then its something
good and that will work out for the better and your greater good! (11:80)

As important as music is, people are always more important. (11:84)

Where most people dont have a clue about Me, it makes your job both, more difficult, but also infinitely more significant and
important. (11:87)

Having and showing trust in Me is what its all about, and its one of your most important testimonies. (11:88)

Its important for you to get ahold of My Wavelength of faith every day, and make an effort to stay there, if possible, as opposed to
getting sucked in to the negative, rational and skeptic mindset and thought-matrix of the System (11:104)

Im not the only One at the controls of your life, but a lot is up to you, too, and you control a significant part of your lifes outcome
and turnout. (11:108)

The example you give and live is something so much more important than anything you could ever put out in mere words. (11:110)

Its so important you keep embracing the belief and faith in My Love for you, especially in the face of adverse circumstances. (11:112)

What factor could you possibly think of that might be deemed more important than that you are being led and guided by Me, and that
you seek to do My will above all? (11:125)

The most important thing really is that you first develop a love for the people you want to reach and they can tell that you really care.

My Words to you are extremely important; in fact, paramount. There is nothing that could possibly be as important in your life, other
than your prayers, communication and interaction with Me. (11:144)

The little things and little people will turn out to be just as important as the more obviously big things and important people, and
without them things would have not been the same. (12:8)

The most important factor in anyone's life: their relationship with their Creator.
Its chosen wisely to allow Me to prove the greater eminence and importance I have in life.
Gods attitude toward men is one of love and forgiveness, not of harsh condemnation and judgment, and that is something very
important to convey and communicate to people, so I cannot emphasize the importance of showing mercy on them enough.
I will have mercy above sacrifice; its more important than anything else. (12:11)

Give Me the importance in your life that I deserve! (12:12)

Theres a significant difference between going through life with a know-it-all attitude, and an open attitude of What do we really
know at all, hungry to learn. (12:14)

If you go by the criteria of what youd expect out of life, it doesnt look like any of this is making too much sense, but if you go by the
criterion that the lesson is the most important thing and priority, youll see that I have a point. (12:21)

Its important that you put your faith in the right things: not circumstances or visible things, but in Me.
Youve got to make up your mind about how much you really believe in that other, greater Dimension beyond the things you perceive
with your physical senses and decide what priority it should take in your life, and how much its worth to you every day to actively be
a part of it. Youve got to choose which to you is most important and then act accordingly! (12:22)

The most important thing is to be in tune with and listen to My Spirit, which I promised would always lead and guide you to say the
right things at the right time. (12:23)

Imagining a soldier on a battle field trying to figure out what hes supposed to be doing there, having forgotten that hes at war and in
the midst of a battle to the death, should lend some emphasis to the importance of remembering what youre there for and the
purpose of your mission. (12:27)

Theres always a way to find or make time for what you deem most important. (12:29)

Its important not to lose touch with Me throughout the course of your day and its activities, but to keep Me on your mind as much as
you can and keep your focus on the importance of preserving your faith and keeping it strong and growing stronger.
Im the one channel and connection by which you can obtain everything you need and desire, so, think how important it is to uphold
and keep that connection established! (12:34)

My mind-altering Words to you have a life-altering effect on all the outside factors, emphasizing once more how much more
important the inner world is: that which you truly are and have, regardless of any physical factors. (12:35)

Ask Me whether its more important in My eyes to keep clean physically or spiritually! (12:48)

Your Home frequency is not the one of this world, and its got to become more important to you than anything you perceive with your
five physical senses.
The relief you really seek is found elsewhere. Theres more, and something more important.
Thats why its so important for you to stay in tune with Me. (12:52)

Faith is so important believing differently than what things seem like. (12:54)

Doing what everyone else would consider cool, hip or en vogue is a lot more important to people, along with their own little make-
belief image of themselves, than the truth and reality of who and what they really are. (12:62)

Its so important that you avail yourself more of that true and lasting Source of happiness, rather than any of its earthly, temporal
counterparts, if not to say counterfeits. (12:66)

The important thing is that you face each situation and challenge as an overcomer. Be determined not to be overcome by the
situation, but overcome it! (12:69)

When I talk about the relative unimportance of physical achievements Im not saying that I dont want you to accomplish or achieve
anything at all; Im just saying that spiritual achievements, those you make happen via prayer and the other weapons of the Spirit, are
more important. (12:77)

You have to realize that the strengthening of your faith including the shifting of your faith from your own power and strength to
Mine are more important than any problem and its temporary solution; its a priority, as far as Im concerned, just as eternal and
lasting values have always been over temporal currencies.
Cultivating your faith by testing and stretching it is a more important factor than having your needs met immediately. (12:86)

Your attitudes important, very important, and to have a positive outlook and approach to deal with things is a choice youre going to
have to make on a near constant basis, not just daily, but multiple times throughout your day, and whenever youre facing a
challenging situation.(12:89)

The devil likes to lie to you and cheat you out of spending time with Me.
Let it be another lesson to you on the importance of keeping your connection strong with Me! (12:94)

Trust Me, you wouldnt be all too proud of the overall turn out of your life if Id permit you to do exactly the same thing everyone else
does. You wouldnt forgive yourself in the final analysis, when you knew you would have had it in you to do something so much more
significant. (12:97)

Sitting at My feet and listening to and receiving My Words to you is the most important thing you need to strengthen your faith, which
is really going to make a difference in your future usefulness. (12:98)

Its important for you to get ahold of My Wavelength of faith every day, and make an effort to stay there. (12:104)

Its so important you keep embracing that belief and faith in My Love for you, especially in the face of adverse circumstances. (12:112)

The goal- and quality-oriented life has got better and more important things to be mindful of, and thus accomplishes a lot more,
consequently. (12:117)

Thats basically what faith is mainly about: the ability to give greater importance to factors and things beyond what can be seen with
your eyes! (16:34)

The spiritual sowing of the seeds of love will result in the spiritual and thus, everlasting fruits and results: children of God.
Its My hope and confidence that youll get into it, your main and most important job and task in life.
If love is the most important factor in life, make sure youre spending all the time and effort possible in sharing it and passing it out!

Considering Me the most important Part of life means, since Im your Teacher, the lessons to learn from it and through it, also belong
to that most important part! (16:47)

The rough times are more important to learn things from than the easy ones.
Life may be rough and with a lot of challenges, but to learn to deal with and manage them is one of lifes most important lessons

Asking for My Help and direction is a very important gear to get into for the future!
To be open for and dependent on My leadership is very important for folks following Me!
One important factor is not to just be concerned about your survival down there, but the job each of My true followers should have in
mind, concerning being a witness, and thus, a director to Heaven for others who are receptive, and thus deserve to come Up Here
when their lives are over (16:52)

The most important thing is your connection with Me and something youll eventually be quite thankful for. (16:58)

Love is the most important Thing!

And giving is one of the most important actions in life. (16:62)

Faith is one of the most important factors youll need in order to make it. (16:67)

Thats why the theme of vision, focus and outlook is so important: It all depends on the direction your minds set and aiming at!

When you dont have much of a clue if or how youre going to make it, trust Me that its just about the best way one can get onto a
path of a life of faith one where your connection with Me plays the most important part, and not just your own capabilities.
Its important for you to realize and keep remembering that the world is not your home, and that its not the time to enjoy it like a
vacation, but a time to prepare for the biggest trouble in history.
Its important that you stay on a path of preparation for whats to come.
Stay tuned in to Me as much as you can, and dont be cast down by the circumstances around you! Its one of the most important
lessons to learn concerning the times coming, of the roughest circumstances ever. (16:74)

Remember the importance of putting My counsel into action! (16:75)

To make love the major focus, goal and aim in your life to make it become one of your features is pretty much the most important
thing one can dedicate their life to, if they truly want to follow Me.
So, dont forget or neglect to make love your most important task in life; otherwise youre just bound and headed for failure! (16:76)

Realizing the need for positive spiritual input above your longing for pleasant physical circumstances is something thats becoming
very important, considering what times are before you. (16:82)

Just remember that the most important relationship you can possibly have is the one with Me and your heavenly helpers!
Whats important for you to know is: He that receives you receives Me!
Action is an important topic, but Attitude even more so, since trying to do the right kind of action with a wrong sort of attitude isnt all
that promising of good results. (16:83)

Remember that other things are definitely more important to Me than income!
No wonder I said to My disciples, Without Me you can do nothing! - Nothing of what Id consider important to do. (16:85)

The times coming will create dependence on heavenly Help. I keep pointing it out to you, so that you get the point of its importance.

Try to take sufferings with a bit of grace and accept them as a necessary procedure to teach you some important lessons you will be
able to benefit from and appreciate when the school bell rings! (16:91)

Thats why faith and trust are so important: without them, you wont make it through the days to come. (16:95)

Getting onto My channel is one of the most important things to do for any true followers of Mine at this time, and any circumstance
that grants you to do so, is a positive.
The food from Above is the best and most important. (16:97)

If you cant fully rely on your own physical capacities anymore to see you through, see it as an important part of your preparation for
the days to come when no one will make it on their own! (16:98)
Its important to get used to the substantial need for prayer, and the Help from Above youll get through it the relatively small part
you have to do to get miracles done. (16:99)

Preparations a big, important topic, and ignoring it would be a serious mistake in sight of whats to come! (16:104)

Humility and overcoming pride is something more important than physical well-being, as far as Im concerned. (16:106)

Remember that our relationship yours with Me - is supposed to be the most important (16:107)

If youre beginning to realize the failure of some of lifes most important lessons to sink in, maybe itll give you the grace to put up
with the far-from-perfect conditions youre presently under. (16:108)

Remember that thats the most important task of any human especially those who believe in Me: to love! (16:111)

An important lesson: to make the right choice; reject and resist the evil, and to prefer to choose the good instead.
In a largely negative world, constantly getting worse, faith is so important. The faith in the fact that good will ultimately win over evil,
and that evil will be overcome to such an extent that it wont have to be dealt with anymore.
Remember that faith and trust in Me is more important than going by circumstances! (16:112)

There are huge changes coming; and getting used to them and becoming adaptable is an important factor. (16:116)

To get ahold of your problems, confront them and overcome them is an important step.
Not just looking at the evil around you, but confronting and dealing with the evil inside you may be the hardest part, but definitely
also the most important and necessary. (16:120)

The way to get folks through the Endtime will be primarily based on their connection with Me, and thats why Were working on
making it the most important thing in your life. (16:128)

Its important to become a good taker of trouble, learn how to deal with it, and not let it tempt you to give up.
Its also important to keep remembering that eventually this life will be over Ready to reap from it what youve sown? (16:129)

If you cant trust too much in those around you down there, just remember that the most important One to put your trust in is Me, and
all the Help from Heaven you can get! (16:132)

Acceptance of others no matter what state theyre in is part of love a great and important one. (16:135)

How much more important getting strong in the spirit is than strength in the flesh, you should know by now. (16:136)

If life is tough, remember that thats supposed to make you stronger. And even if you dont feel like its doing so in a physical aspect,
remember that the most important one is the spiritual! (16:139)

Its important to learn not to gear your moods and spiritual conditions youre in to the circumstances! (16:140)

To handle whats around you is an important factor to make it through the future. (16:141)

If you feel like a stranger in this world, its a confirmation that you belong to Me, and your job for Me becomes more important than
the ones for money.
The follower of Mine in charge of and bound to money turned out to be My traitor, and thats a warning to all My servants and should
also be a sign to them not to let money become the most important thing in their lives.
Becoming more dependent on My connection and communication with you, along with the power of prayer, is definitely a more
important task concerning whats coming than providing money for your physical support. (16:145)

The right here and now is more visible, and thus more important, and relevant concerning most folks actions on the planet but
thats the big difference between My followers and the large majority of the world population: My true followers actions dont
coincide with theirs, and neither will the results of fruits thereof. (16:146)

That one initial wrong choice made by the first human couple, and the resulting transition of Heaven on Earth to three separate final
conditions of hell on Earth, shows how significant choices are, and that major lesson of life to make the right ones. (16:152)

With circumstances and conditions around you getting darker, it becomes more and more important to gear your existence
according to the heavenly Light through faith.
What you can see through faith will be more important than what you see with your eyes in the time of the greatest darkness in
history on its way.
Therell be more important things to focus on than what youll be able to see with your eyes.
So, can you see the importance of faith in what your eyes cant see above that of the physical vision of things around you? (16:155)

Remember the importance and significance of little things! And let it direct you toward the path and steps of humility, not being so
concerned about accomplishments, achievements and success (16:160)

You only get what you ask for. Thats why prayer is such an important factor.
Praying for a need to be fulfilled and quenched from Heaven is just one of the most important things in life, and one that makes the
biggest difference between believers and unbelievers. (16:161)
Consider the importance of being a rare voice of truth! With the greatest liar in the universe becoming the final world leader, it will
make truth all the more precious. - More rare, but thus also more precious.
So, see the path of truth through a world of lies as an important one!
How important it is to distinguish and discern the Real Thing from the enemys fakes!
The gift of discernment is developing into an important gift of the ability to distinguish the real from the fakes, the latter of which are
extensively more numerous. (16:163)

Prayer has become more important than ever. (16:164)

While Ive been giving you a lot about the importance of depending on Me, theres also a lot that depends on you, like what you make
out of having an all-powerful Master to depend on. (16:165)

Its fairly important to get prepared for the times of trouble up ahead; to realize that times havent gotten better, but worse, and
prepare for even much worse times yet to come.
Its important to realize that the times of biggest trouble are up ahead, and prepare for them as much as you can. (16:166)

Its important to learn to make it through the tough times through the appliance of heavenly Help (16:170)

Communication with Me is becoming more important than that with fellow humans especially those that believe in and dedicate
their lives to the System. (16:171)

Its pretty important to get into the Spirit in the mornings through prayer. (16:172)

Having the world you live in being taken over by the enemy of your God, Savior and His followers is not a pleasant situation, but
thats where the effect of the choices of the majority of people comes to its result, and its just part of the important lesson for
mankind to make the proper ones in the future (16:173)

Even if your trials and tests are hard still have the capacity to trust Me for it? Its an important test, because, as you should know
from what Ive told you many times: The times coming will be a lot harder and tougher than what youve already experienced and
gone through.
The most important factor is by far not the comfortability or pleasantness of circumstances, whether momentary or to come, but the
security, safety and protection factor, which will be a lot more secured the closer you stick to Me and stay on My Wavelength of
communication with you. (16:175)

If Im becoming the most important Factor in your life in order for you to overcome all the negative conditions and circumstances in
the world around you hey, trust Me that thats a good sign!
To put Me and the Father in the first place in your heart and life, which Weve said pretty much from the beginning that its the first
commandment and most important thing
When folks and circumstances around you arent what you can rely on anymore trust Me: its a good sign for Me and your heavenly
Help to finally reach the point of importance in your life It should have! (16:177)

If loving your Lord and God has been named by Me to be the first and most important commandment, see whatever draws you closer
to Me as an advantage, even if at first it may seem like a huge disadvantage! (16:178)

Theres a more important level of knowledge and wisdom and insight needed than what your own understanding would be able to
come up with. (16:180)

Faith is a pretty important factor to make it through whats to come, until that which you believe in will finally come and become
visible to you, too.
Seeing by faith: an important tactic in this day and age to make it through and beyond all thats merely physically visible with your
eyes. (16:182)

Not becoming sidetracked by the physical circumstances all around you is the important lesson to learn for the darker times coming!

Check Me out whether circumstances are more important, or listening to Me and getting soaked up with My input! (16:186)

When you dont know where to go, doesnt that remind you of the importance of My leading and guidance of you? That you need
Me for getting a clue about where to go? (16:187)

Making whats going on Up Here happening and working inside you is so much more important than just letting affect you whats
going on around you. (16:188)

To keep your focus on the ultimate heavenly part beyond is a task of faith, but thats one of the reasons faith is so important to make
it through whats coming; faith to believe in Something beyond that which you can see or hear or feel around you in the physical!

Believing is more important than seeing and only accepting as reality what your eyes can perceive! (16:194)

If it tempts to trouble you a bit, that you cant make it without taking time to receive My input, remember that My coming to and birth
on Earth where the manifestations of the Word by which all things were created, becoming flesh. In other words, if the Word and
receiving My input strikes you as something that might not be appreciated or accepted by others, or recognized as something
important, and those thoughts and feelings make you worry, cant you see that this could only be an attack of the enemy to crush
your faith in the importance of it? (16:195)

If Im not supplying and providing the things you need and want right away, it must be that faith and patience are more important
needs, and that My heavenly input is more important for you than the things that would make life easier for you. (16:196)

The most important thing is that you manage to focus Up Here through faith, beyond the state down there thats heading in the
direction of temporal hell on Earth.
See faith as something more important than knowledge! (16:199)

Even hearing from Me isnt quite as important as asking Me for the Help you need!
So, remember that even hearing from Me isnt as important as asking Me for what you need and thats usually provided through
Help from Up Here.
Sometimes theyre other factors I see as more important for you to grab hold of, like patience, acceptance of others not just the
worries of how youll make it through the physical process of life.
Consider the spiritual processes and progress as more important, if God Himselfs a Spirit!
When things arent working out as easily and swiftly as you might be hoping and expecting, its a signal from Up Here that you need a
bit more trust and patience for Our Force of Help to come to pass in your life; and respecting that as of greater importance than your
own management of circumstances is important. (16:201)

Faith in the invisible is becoming more important than ever, because visible circumstances around you will reach their worst
historical state and condition. (16:207)

When it comes to the words of man, they differ so much from their actions, that the action has become a much more significant
ingredient compared to his mere words, which he may stick to or just decide he wont.
Folks too often simply dont do as they say. Thats why its more important to be a sample than a living sermon. (16:208)

To ask for My Help and expect Me to do it through you is an act of faith, and one reason why faith is so important. (17:4)

Remember that all your actions will bear their results, and thus its important to keep an eye on what sort of action youre putting
forth! (17:5)

The less worldly input, the more space and vacuum is there for the much more important and edifying heavenly Input. (17:8)

The most important thing: loving Me and your neighbor as yourself; but then again, its better to hear from Me, even if you dont
manage. At least I can remind you of shortcomings that require some NWO. (17:9)

When the Word of God was made flesh, it signified the importance to pay attention to the One Whose Words ultimately all things
came from. (17:14)

Patience is such an important gift from Above: Wait and see the Real Thing, instead of the enemys concoctions! (17:17)

Remember that the strengthening of your faith through its tests is one of the most important processes of preparation for the
times to come! (17:22)

Just because no one else is putting their priorities on communication with Me doesnt mean youre wasting your time. It all depends
on what one considers most important and who or what is taking the first place in their lives. (17:24)

Whats important is, not to stay in a passive mode. (17:26)

Whats more important to you? What you want from life, or what I want from you? (17:32)

Its important youre getting a realistic view of the state of the world; and the troubles youre having to face each day are just
glimpses and tastes of the large trouble up ahead. (17:33)

Learning not to be concerned about the opinions of others around, and not to get trapped into the groove of man-pleasing is one of
the most important lessons concerning doing things Gods way, not peoples or ones own. (17:34)

Useful action is an important utility to stay alive and supporting oneself. It just depends on what sort of action and support, whether I
also can bless it, and its not just being blessed and rewarded by the world around you. (17:36)

Remember the importance of being and making a difference!

Its important to be sure of the right and proper motivation in My followership. (17:37)

It was a bit easier when you still had a name for yourself that gave you that sensation of importance Now that youre pretty much
down to the level of nothing or no-one, youre getting closer to the stage of knowing what humility really is.
Whats important when you dont have a clue how youll make it is to put your confidence in Me, that Ill be the One to help you make
it, once you ask Me to through prayer! (17:47)

That's why faith is so important: Have your mind geared toward the truly lasting Things, not the temporal and physically visible
things down there that are in a downhill movement thanks to the one temporarily in charge of it!
Keep your faith in Us instead of what you can behold with your eyes all around you! That's what faith is all about. So, make it the
pretty much most important factor in your life! (17:48)
If times seem to you like the most disastrous of your life, take it as important preparation for the toughest in all of history! (17:49)

Whats more important to you? The Fathers and My will for you, or your own? (17:52)

No support from your fellow humans? A confirmation of the importance of the necessity to start leaning on Me instead. (17:55)

Remember who's in charge down there, and why accordingly it's important to make the right choices in life! (17:58)

Take rough times in a world thats not your home as the reminder of the important fact that proves it isnt!
Through depending on My Word youre becoming more aware of Its importance. (17:62)

Just as I had to tell My disciples to let the kids come to Me, because any other stuff wasnt that important well, that should give you
an idea how important kids are to Me. (17:67)

If My Word is the beginning of creation and of life, its pretty much the beginning and Source of everything that matters and counts.
So, can you blame Me for letting it become the most important factor in your life, when its pretty much the Factor all things come
from? (17:68)

Thats why heavenly visions becoming so important: Itll take a lot of faith to overcome the temporal hellish state of the world, keep
that heavenly vision and share it with the receptive ones. (17:69)

Cleansing is an important overall necessity and required process in the world youre in. (17:76)

The most important thing to remember is that it will take the mind-gear of depending on miracles to make it through whats to come.

When it comes down to love, remember acceptance! - An important part of it!

Remember, Im your Teacher of the Lesson of Life! What could be more important in that School of Life, than learning what the
Creator of it all wants to teach you, wants you to learn? (17:82)

Our connection is simply becoming more and more important in your life; both, with the increasing troubles to come, and the less
factors around you that you can gear and direct your life toward.
If I happen to become the most important Thing in your life, simply because Im the last One left that you can rely on, you wont be
the first in history. (17:83)

Incapability is there to remind you of the need of heavenly Help you can get for nothing but asking for It through prayer.
So, dont neglect that spiritual task - more important that any of the physical ones you have to do! (17:84)

Its important to keep on My Wavelength. Especially when you feel like youre unable to make it. (17:85)

Even love, the way its meant to be, isnt quite possible without faith and believing in the God of Love.
So, as far as the temporal world and condition youre living in right now is concerned, faith is in some aspects more important than
the greatest of these, which will simply be more permanent and lasting.
Its just about the most important thing to hang on to in that life down there. (17:91)

The reason why faith is becoming more important in these times than love, the greatest, is that youre entering the times I
prophesied, when the love of many will wax cold (Mt.24:12). And it becomes simply more important to just even keep that faith in
love, which is God, and which all around you seems to be disappearing, along with the faith in Him.
Its becoming practically the most important for you to hear from Me, in order to keep your faith! (17:93)

One of the reasons why prayer is just about the most important task and thing to do: asking for Help against the evil one, and to learn
to rise above!
Its not another sermon the world needs, but living samples of faith.
Thats why human actions are more important than their words. (17:94)

Prayer is an important ingredient, as you can tell from the negative results of neglecting that task of true believers. (17:95)

When you neglect important factors like prayer, to what extent can you imagine the enemy goes to in order to hinder you and prevent
you from it?
While trying to weaken the effect of negative influences on you as much as you can, perhaps recognizing that dealing with them in
the right manner, instead of seeking to escape their effect on you, might just result in an important bit of positive outcome (17:96)

Its important to get into My groove and onto My wavelength when the day starts.
Make faith the major force of your life, because it will be the most important! (17:99)

Acceptance of the way others are is an important part of that unconditional love that makes you even capable of loving your enemies.

See the spiritual gifts as more important factors to make it through whats coming than your physical needs!
When the egos the most important part of someone, theres little chance for them to spot their own wrongdoings and sins, and thus
the need for Salvation from their eventual effects and causes. (17:102)
Let My connection with you be the encouraging and strengthening factor, and remember that its an important part of making it
through times to come! (17:103)

For wives, their husbands actions are evidently quite important.

You can tell that wives attitudes are often quite related to Marthas attitude toward her sister Mary, when she criticized her spending
time listening to Me, instead of helping her to cook But which did I consider more important? (17:104)

See dependence on Me as important part of the necessary preparation for the dark days to come!
Its the invisible inside of the body that plays the most important part of how the outside will be doing.
Remember the importance of faith during the times to come!
To stay focused on My Light is important to do without the distractions of the environment, situations and circumstances turning
Dont see your weakened physical state as a disadvantage, but as important preparation to get you in the right groove to make it
through whats coming!
Make the Holy Spirit the important Factor that will enable you to do what you might feel like you cant! (17:105)

Its important to keep your vision and focus directed Up Here - the positive side of the Spirit World. (17:106)

Its important for you to strengthen your faith each morning, and not let your days be ruled by the physical circumstances.
Whats going on in the Spirit World is more relevant, more effective in the end, and thus, more important than the physical
happenings in the dimension of the flesh.
The Standard of Love is much more important than the momentary earthly standards of wealth and materialism. (17:108)

The spirit is more important than the material state or shape of a country.
To stay in tune with Me and open-minded for My leading and guidance will be another important factor in the darkest times of history
that will represent the greatest need of My Light. (17:111)

Sometimes other factors are more important than action. Like making sure youre on the right channel first. Plus, being aware of the
things your enemys up to in order to hinder you or cause you to go in the wrong direction
Listening to Me: one of the most important tools and spiritual weapons to make it through the Endtime with. (17:112)

When life becomes a tough one, its a sign to teach the importance of the superior Strength of the Spirit vs. that of the flesh.
A lot of your choices depend on what sort of change you welcome.
Another reason and factor of importance of the necessity of staying tuned to Our leading and guidance - the guidance of the Holy
Remember what should be your daily goal and mental destination: the Spirit!
Put all the other aspects, conditions and factors on the lower side of less importance, and trust Me instead for taking care of them!
Seek ye first the Kingdom of God (Mt.6:33) means to put Our spiritual World - the World of Our Spirit - in the first place of your
importance, and give our Reign of the Spirit the priority.
Realize the importance and significance of spiritual vision due to the priority of spirit over the flesh! (17:115)

Action and samples are so much more important than sermons. Especially when none of the listeners make any effort to act on what
theyve just heard. (17:117)

Its important that you accept My will for you above your own. (17:118)

Remember the importance of a heavenly viewpoint! - Or begin to realize it, if its not quite there yet! (17:119)

Prayer is a largely important factor youll wish not to have neglected.

Dont forget prayer as one of the most important tasks of believers!
Remember the importance of your relationship with your Creator and your Savior!
This is one of the most important tasks of true believers: to set their relationship with Me and the Father on first place of importance,
since without it, you cant even expect your human relationships to work out flawlessly!
Its the spiritual action that counts the most to Me.
And thats where the faith and trust come in to believe that the Spirit is simply more important than action in the flesh. (17:121)

See communication with Me as a life-important factor, especially regarding the times coming when it will be impossible to make it
through without!
Just keep remembering that your samples important! What you are and how you portray yourself to others its a bigger and more
important job and task than it often seems youre aware of. (17:123)

See the mode of appreciation and gratitude as an important one! (17:124)

With the weird acts and behavior of worldly folks around you, its just becoming less and less like your home.
Thats why its important to keep your focus directed on your true Home through faith! (17:125)

Accepting folks as they are with all their weaknesses is part of the important lessons of life. (17:126)

Spiritual visions becoming more important for those who want to make it through the times of trouble coming, those wholl have an
important job to do for Me. (17:127)

The importance of desperation will become more realized through its coming necessity. (17:128)
If you want to be recognized as a follower of Mac Positive, its important you stay on His positive wavelength, and dont allow the
influences of Mc Negative to affect you.
Seeing lack of appreciation in others should be a reminder of the importance of appreciation to you!
My relationship with you is becoming more important to you, and thats a great asset. Especially in sight of the times to come, when
those who are Mine wont make it anymore without My daily personal leadings and guidance of their lives through the darkest
passage of history! (17:129)

Ive just got to become the major Factor of Importance in your life. Youve just got to put Me first!
See My job for you as something more important in your life than your own enjoyment of it! Thats whats putting Me first. (17:130)

The most important task to prepare you for whats to come is your service to Me (17:131)

Not feeling so hot should cause you to take note of the vital importance of getting onto My Wavelength.
Its important, if not vital, to stay connected with Me, and its going to become more and more important as times grow darker.
To make it victoriously and cheerfully through the days, its important to get onto the positive, divine, spiritual Wavelength, and as far
away from the effect of unpleasant circumstances and conditions around you. (17:132)

Faith and trust in Me are becoming the most important factors to see you through whats coming, and thus, the most important task
you could think of is to keep them alive and growing through that Thing that made all things grow and come to live to begin with:
My Word.
Even if others - including those around you - cannot grasp the importance of your communication with Me, its important you keep
that factor in mind yourself!
Remember that with the change of conditions, the biggest and most important change is the one in you to get ready for it! (17:134)

Faith becoming more important than circumstances would be something Id call a goal worth trying to attain and aim for. Faith
beyond circumstances, their impact and importance believing and trusting in My in spite of no matter what.
If faith takes the role above your circumstances in levels of importance and impact, Id call that getting closer to what I set up as your
personal goal for Me to reach.
Faith in spite of no matter what happens is part of that process of giving Me the first place, when faith takes over the importance of
circumstances. (17:135)

Preparation is an important topic in order to grasp the seriousness of the necessity to get ready for the most evil times of history.

Learning to make the best and whatever you can out of crisis situations and circumstances is just about the most important thing to
learn to prepare you for whats coming. (17:141)

Sometimes, whats important is to learn to see the positive in the negative. (17:143)

The most important part to learn to accept in life is what I allow to happen to you, trusting Me by faith that I know whats best for you,
even if the enemy will try to convince you of the opposite with his negative input and doubts.
Keep fighting for your faith, knowing that itll be the most important issue and gift to see you through the dark times coming! (17:144)

Its more important to Me than ever before to be and use a different kind, getting so close to our enemys ultimate reign down there,
and his level of influence over the masses having grown to unprecedented proportions!
The spirit will become the most important, rarest and thus, most precious ever, along with all the values of the spirit that will have to
manage it through the time of the devil reigning down there in the flesh (17:147)

The distractions from My channel are a natural way and course of life, and to learn to stay in tune with Me in spite of them, thats the
big challenge, and one of the big, important things to learn. (17:148)

Faith will be one of the most important factors in times to come. (17:150)

Our relationship is supposed to be the most important thing in your life. (17:163)

Prayer is the stuff that can make something out of nothing but words.
That makes it quite important, doesnt it?
To deal with the seemingly impossible is what makes dependence on Me, the Strength, Power and Protection from Above so vital and
important. (17:171)

People busy in their own energies sometimes distract you from what I consider your most important task: to stay in touch with and
hear from Me; so if someone threatens to distract you from that, it just might be a sign for you that thats simply not the place I
designed as your goal and destination. (17:176)

Take hearing from Me as the most important, the one most necessary gift to make it through whats coming! (17:178)

If circumstances keep getting tough for you to handle, see it as a challenge to make your connection with Me grow in strength and
significance in your life, since eventually, itll be the only factor that will see you through! (17:179)

Having received the first place of importance in someones life is definitely a great positive for Me, and Ill let you reap the positive
results of it, I promise. You wont be disappointed for having put Me first in your life! (17:180)
Whenever the enemy attacks your unity, you should give it the first place of importance, in order to preserve it in spite of anything he
does. (2017:181)

The Power of Love should be the most important one for My followers, even if it takes a lot more faith in It these days! (17:182)

If you cant make it on your own anymore, see it as the factor that draws you closer to Me; and what could be more important, and a
greater blessing than that, in the aspect of whats expecting you and all of mankind with our enemy taking his ultimate reign over the
entire planet for 3 and a half years? (17:187)

Make faith the most important force for your survival through whats to come!
Sometimes unpleasant experiences just are the factor that gets you to the point of learning some important lessons of life that I want
and need you to learn, and theres no other way around it. (17:189)

If love is Our first commandment, see humility as an important part of it!

To obtain humility is an important part and factor of loving thy neighbor as thyself, and even to love the Lord, thy God with all thine
heart, instead of criticizing Him for things He allows to happen to you that should help to keep or make you humble. (17:192)

To remember the importance and significance of the Word that brought all things into being is an important part of the process of
learning to walk the right way and doing the right kind of things. (17:193)

Thats why Appreciation has been a major topic of your input from Me: Its not an unimportant topic, but a fairly important basic
attitude to have.
Your main concern, according to the rules of faith, should be your concern about My will for you, and that of those next to you should
be as important to you as your own.
Can you try to manage that? - Putting My will for you above your own, and that of those around you on the same level as yours in
importance? (17:194)

I cant blame you for wanting to get out of there but it just shows the importance of being geared to My will above your own, when I
still have a job and a purpose for you to fulfill down there, even if its not according to your personal preferences and desires sort
of as it was with Jonah. (17:197)

If the times seem dark and nearly unbearable, let it be a reminder of the fact that its not the time anymore to rely on fellow humans
(even if to some extent their help will still be needed), but the most important part of the role to play in seeing you through whats
coming, is going to have to be Me. (17:198)

Just about the most important lesson of the life of faith: to be a doer of My Word, not just a hearer only. (17:200)

By faith you should know that the process of becoming more dependent on Me instead of self-capacities is more important,
especially in relation to the dark times of the future, through which folks just wont make it in their own strengths, but a greater One
will be necessary that from Up Here.
Youd wish to be more able to please others around you But, lets just say that the task to please Me instead, through making an
effort of faith to let Me do My work through you as much as you allow Me, is simply more important!
A time has come for more important things, like putting Me first on your To-Do-list and schedule of pleasing, in order to make it
through at least parts of the roughest and toughest time of history to come.
With the darkest times of history coming, it will be more essential and important than ever to gear your vision and direction toward
Me: the true and lasting Light of the World, not the tricks and distractions of the former light-bearer. (17:202)

You dont have enough physical capacities to make it on your own. Do you think in My eyes thats a positive or negative aspect when
Ive been telling you about the coming importance of dependence on Me?
Get used to the necessity of dependence on Me and all the Help from Above you can get through faith - the factor you should get
used to the fact that itll be the most important one to make it through whats coming!
Be a blessing to others that might just depend on someone with a channel to Me and My Wavelength when itll be just about the most
important and necessary part and tool to see you through! (17:203)

Its important for you to put your complete trust for every day of your life down there in Me. (17:205)

If you know by folks actions and behavior that presently money is the most important factor to them, lets wait and see whether
theyre willing and ready to change. (17:207)

The opposite of yieldedness is pride, and putting your own self above Me on the list of importance.
With a world on its course toward the darkest part of its history as foretold and forecast thousands of years ago, its utterly important
to raise your level of acceptance of not just imperfect, but dreadful circumstances. (17:210)

When you look so incapable in comparison, thats part of what makes you different, another factor Im trying to teach you the
importance of. Being different in the aspect of depending on Me and needing Me, My Input, Strength and Power on a daily basis is an
important factor and part of the preparation for the toughest stretch of world history right ahead of you all, even if some folks simply
dont believe it. (17:215)

The lack of reliance youre capable to come up with on those around you is just an important reminder of who youre supposed to put
your trust and reliance on.
Recognize the level of importance Im supposed to have in your life? (17:220)
I want to enable you to do the humanly impossible, but you must remember that it is I Who enable you, that it's nothing you can do of
So, when you're faced with an impossible situation, that's the moment when it's time to let Me take over. (II:248)

If you keep on believing, all things are possible, and nothing, I really mean nothing, shall be impossible! (II:322)

Things that are impossible with men are possible with God, so, don't limit Me and My actions to your mind gear of impossibilities, but
make it happen by having the faith for it to happen! (II:339)

Remember to focus on Me and on the knowledge of My Love, and that through this, nothing is impossible to you! (II:351)

The greater the "impossibility," the greater the odds are against Me, the more I enjoy the challenge. (II:387)

I love to blow your minds with things you previously thought impossible. (II:427)

There's really nothing impossible to Me!

Come out of your finite and limited world and breathe a whiff of My heavenly, fresh air of "no impossibilities" and "no limits!" (II:460)

Only My supernatural Love can enable anyone to do the humanly impossible: to love, forgive and embrace your enemies, those who
hurt you, those who wrong you; to look past and beyond all circumstances, to never stop loving in spite of anything. (II:476)

Believe that nothing will be impossible; no obstacle too hard to overcome, no adversary will be invincible for you! (II:568)

It seems impossible? Make it possible, by believing anyway! You can make it possible, you can make it happen through your faith,
because all things are possible to him that believes. (III:78)

I specialize in the impossible and that which doesn't make any sense to you. (III:94)

If I told you that you can do it and nothing is impossible to him that believeth, then trust and believe that it is so, regardless of
appearances of circumstances! (III:99)

There is a difference between believers and the rest of the world, and that's their little strength (Rev.3:8), their faith to believe Me for the
seemingly impossible, and their readiness, their willingness to be used of Me and have Me work in them and through them and do
with them whatever I see fit.
Dont allow the enemy to rob you of that little strength, that little light of faith of yours, to believe Me for the impossible, against all
odds, against any apparent circumstances! (III:227)

A real leader and world changer is one who makes the best out of the circumstances he finds himself in; he trusts Me for what I'm
doing, knowing that with Me, nothing shall be impossible. (III:238)

I always see possibilities and hope where you see none. (III:367)

Its better to just lay all that ego-business aside, keep looking unto Me and do whats humanly impossible, in spite of all your
weaknesses. (III:385)

Expect miracles and the seemingly impossible! (III:447)

Nothing is impossible, and I can avail Myself of any means in order to bring about My will (III:449)

What they call a mission impossible is pretty much on a daily schedule for Me, and Im trying to bust their mental confines of
impossible, because for Me, there is no such thing. (III:552)

It was impossible for the Earth to hang there for days without the sun and the rest of the stars All it took was Me being there and
upholding it, making the impossible possible. (IV:54)

Youve got to have faith in things beyond those which the eye can see, and beyond things that are thought humanly impossible.
If youre going to believe that outrageously impossible happy ending for the sad story the history of this world so far has been, then
you can also start believing Me for smaller impossibilities today, and allow Me to work contrary to natural reasoning in your life.

Prove to them that impossible has no meaning to Me! (IV:90)

Fellowship with My spirits, and let them guide you and strengthen you and empower you to do that which you will find otherwise
humanly impossible! (IV:127)
Isnt love a worthier cause to live for than money?
They all say its impossible. How would you like to be the one to prove them wrong? (IV:136)

The thing about impossible situations is that you need Me to help you cope with them, and theyre the only ones you cant pat
yourself on the back for having managed them. (IV:251)

The camp of believers is divided into those who claim that God cannot change His own rules He has laid down for man, and those
who believe that He can, and that nothing is impossible with Him. (IV:326)

The more impossible a situation seems, the greater the miracle thats required, and thus the greater the amount of My Power that
will have to be released and displayed on your behalf, the greater the extent to which I can go to work in your life, and thereby be
glorified in it. (IV:346)

I delight in circumstances deemed impossible. (IV:432)

You feel overwhelmed and incapable, paralyzed by the sheer rational impossibility of even trying to tackle all thats before you, with
nothing much left but the option to trust that Im going to have to do it somehow, anyway, as I always have for you
Youre not to trust in what others say and claim or think is impossible, but just to take My Word for it, that if it is My wish to prove
them all wrong by means of the things I will do in your life, then it shall be so, no matter what anyone might do or say. (11:13)

I have put tasks before My people that were impossible for them to accomplish on their own: Ive put them before seas that they were
to cross on dry land, put them before countries filled with giants that they were to conquer, put them before armies that were too
overwhelming for them to defeat on their own Ive given them crosses to carry that would have been too heavy and too hard for any
man or woman to bear on their own except through the Strength of the One Who carried the one significant cross that would enable
them to do all these humanly impossible things. (11:39)

Its impossible to serve God and Mammon. Therell never be enough time for both! (11:50)

Without faith it remains impossible to please God, because in order to have any kind of relationship going with Him, you must believe
that He is real and a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him. (11:102)

Nothing is impossible to him that believes, and thats a pretty strong statement and opens a lot of doors that some men would shut.

Youre doing something that many only theorize, talk and philosophy about: Youre communicating with the Son of God Almighty,
the Creator Something most deem impossible. (12:101)

Feeling incapable? Try clinging to Me! Let Me enable you and make all things possible that may seem impossible to you right now!

As far as physically impossible challenges: Well, thats the way We work. Not needing the usual scenarios, but rather the different
kind, the unusual, and even unlikely ones.
Impossible? A challenge for Us! And it should be for you let it raise your faith! (2016:55)

Dont fall into the enemys trap to view all conditions around you as impossibilities, but take it as a challenge to see what I can do for
you through your faith! (2016:62)

Getting rid of My folks down there has always been the enemys principal action through possessing a significant ruler, and it will be
his most powerful position and strike in history during the Great Tribulation.
So, if that feels like a just about impossible situation to make it through well, it will be, unless folks learn to completely rely on My
Help and Strength from Above!
So, even though it looks like an impossible situation coming to make it through, remember My attitude regarding that word
impossible! (2016:90)

That little taste and groove of impossible for you is just part of preparation for the darkest times of history when itll take miracles
to make it through each day. - Something to get you into the groove of All things are possible to him that believes, instead of
relying on your own carnal abilities. (2016:92)

Just keep your faith and trust in Me, that Ill manage to do the things for you that currently seem difficult or impossible! Let that be a
lesson for you of how I manage to deal with impossibilities youre having to face, and dont let them discourage you, but put that
faith and trust in Me to strengthen and lift up your courage, outlook and confidence in the fact that with My Help things are going to
work out! (2016:99)

If theres a seemingly impossible situation coming up, just remember that all things are possible to him that believeth (Mark.9:23)!
Just take it as a challenge of faith and as training for situations coming up that will seem even more impossible to make it through in
the near future! (2016:100)

The more impossible it seems, the more obvious it becomes wholl have to do it, or the faith in Whom youll need, in order to.

Learning to rise above and overcome seeming impossibilities is what difficult circumstances and challenges are all about! (2016:103)
With a time-frame that will require miracles to make it through, you should just get used to relying on them to help you make it
through the seemingly impossible conditions. (2016:128)

The more impossible it looks and seems to you to make it through, the more of a challenge for Me, and the more obvious the
resulting miracle power. (2016:139)

Impossible situations are the best preparation for the times to come. (2016:152)

If there are worries that things might not work out or go tragically wrong, just trust Us, that Were able to see you through whatever
bizarre or seemingly impossible situation!
Dont let the enemy drag you down with his impossible grooves!
Impossibilities were some of My favorite challenges even during My time on Earth, and its still exciting for Us Up Here to do
miracles for you folks down there. (16:156)

Conditions impossible to handle? Take them as perfect preparation for whats to come! (2016:159)

What the future has to offer will make it impossible without praying and using Heavens Help to make it. (2016:170)

Impossible situation? My type of situation! (2016:177)

When things seem impossible, its the time to test your faith in the truth and fact of Philippians 4:13: I can do all things through Christ
which strengtheneth me. Since I can do all things basically means: There is nothing impossible! Not for you, if you have that
faith that I can do anything not only for you, but also through you.
It looks like an impossible situation that requires miracles for you to make it through. But isnt depending on miracles what I did and
had to, My disciples did and had to, and all My true followers through the ages had to, and did. So, can you? Can you let Me do things
through you that you cant?
Thats the question, the answer to which will determine whether youll make it through the times to come, or wont. (2016:181)

The seemingly impossible situations teach you to have faith of the sort youll need for whats coming. (2016:187)

When the impossible situations are taking over, thats the time for utter dependence on the miracles and Power from Above, not
anymore ones own physical capacities. (2016:190)

Making it without heavenly Help will pretty much turn into an impossibility. (2016:191)

Independence is an earthly considered virtue, but dependence on Me and all the Help from Above is what wed consider a true virtue
Up Here for our folks down there, since earthly circumstances and conditions will make it virtually impossible to make it without
heavenly Help, protection and supply. (2016:193)

Im allowing it to be fairly impossible to put your trust and confidence in your fellow humans, because the One Whose Help and
support will see you through whats comin is Me and Our heavenly host. (2016:196)

Remember that one of the great assets of faith is the capacity of things that unbelievers claim as impossible! In other words:
miracles. So, get used to the gear-set of miracles and getting into the groove of doing things supposedly impossible, or having them
done for you by Me and My Helpers! (17:9)

The seemingly impossible situations are reminders of your need of the Help from Above. (17:22)

The devil will manage to eliminate My believers and followers from the face of the Earth, which he'll occupy for that time of the end
as a physical dictator, the Antichrist.
No wonder many Christians believe that I'll be coming back before that time to save them from it... It hardly seems survivable for any
folks, and practically and physically impossible.
So, if you want to make it, put Me to the test of how I handle the seemingly impossible! (17:49)

To make something or someone of things or folks that no one would have expected:
Maybe one of the demonstrations of the Fathers Power to make something out of nothing, and doing what earthly folks would have
considered impossible. Well, thats the nature of miracles. The production of the previously considered impossible. (17:53)

To make it through the humanly impossible, you must learn to rely on the Strength and Power from Above! (17:61)

If folks around you are making it nearly impossible for you to make it, see it as part of preparation process for the time ahead, when
fellow humans will make it the toughest ever for folks like you to make it! (17:81)

Remember that I like to confound and surprise people with unexpected results the things that seem so impossible to be done by
someone weak, that its just obviously a miracle, and thus an even much greater testimony and sample of the Powers and Forces
from Above at work than what folks could possibly accomplish in their own strengths and capacities! (17:82)

Even if it seems quite impossible to make it through whats coming, remember that thats part of the way of faith: to learn to deal
with things which to unbelievers and the faithless seem impossible but not to those who believe in My Words: All things are
possible to him that believeth (Lk.9:23). (17:87)

Keep trusting in Me, more than relying on whats going on around you! Thats the faith to see you through, and thus help others to
make it through the seemingly impossible conditions to overcome. (17:108)
Seeming impossibilities make you stretch your faith and recognize your dependence on Me to pull you out of a seemingly hopeless
situation. (17:114)

Remember theres nothing impossible with Me on your side! - And All things are possible to him that believeth! (17:116)

Even if aspects look impossible to make it through, trust in the fact that with Me, nothing shall be impossible (Mt.17:20), and remember
that all things are possible to him that believeth (Lk.9:23); so it all pretty much depends on your faith, and according to your faith be
it unto you (Mt.9:29). (17:118)

See communication with Me as a life-important factor, especially regarding the times coming when it will be impossible to make it
through without! (17:123)

My Way has always been quite different from the common way, and I always like to defy and prove the opposite of what the devil
proclaims and makes appear as impossible.
Take the impossible as our challenge! Yours to show the faith in Me that I can handle them for and through you and on your behalf.

Remember that supposedly impossible situations and circumstances are My favorite challenge! Whats considered impossible
according to the standards and abilities of Man reveal the fact that another Force and Powers at work than the ones theyre used to
down there. (17:130)

The impossible times are coming, and Who do you need to make it through them?
- The One Who promised that All things shall be possible to him that believeth (Mk.9:23). (17:135)

Impossible situation? - Definitely requires prayer!

Remember: seemingly impossible situations for My disciples and followers are one of My favorite challenges! (17:137)

To make it through times coming will be impossible unless you avail yourself of My Power to deal with the impossible that Stuff
that the miracles come from. (17:139)

Finding yourself confronted with a seemingly impossible task is just one of those challenges that require miracles and heavenly
Help. (17:143)

Impossible situations, the kind you dont know if or how youll make it through, are just something youll have to get used to. (17:153)

The impossible times are coming that only those will make it through who trust in My Words: All things are possible to him that
believeth in spite of the impossible situations and circumstances youll find yourselves confronted with.
Its making it in spite of the impossible circumstances because of My Help and Power through your faith in Them.
Having to deal with the impossible conditions and circumstances is the ideal preparation for whats to come, for there is no other way
than dealing with the seemingly impossible. (17:157)

Avail yourself of that grace to pour down on you that should enable you to make it through whatever comes and confronts you, even
if initially it seems impossible to you!
Present Me with that impossible challenge, and let Me show you and strengthen your faith in what I can do for you, even if you cant
see how youre supposed to make it! (17:163)

The times are coming when itll become impossible to make it without prayer.
Get ready to deal with the times of the seemingly impossible! (17:171)

Make the good - the best you can - out of all the evil and bad around you, through the faith in the fact that with Me on your side,
nothing shall be impossible!
So, keep your faith in Me and in the fact that I can deal with anything seemingly impossible; and through Me, you can, too!
So, dont despair, but keep up that faith and hope in Me that I can help you make it through anything, even if the enemy will try to tell
you that its impossible!
See the seemingly impossible situations as the challenge for your faith!
Impossible circumstances should be a term eradicated from your existence through that faith in Him that makes all things possible.
So, see problems and difficult and complicated situations as challenges of faith, but never as impossibilities! (17:174)

Trust in Me as your greatest necessary Force, Weapon, Advantage and Bonus to make it in spite of anything that may strike you as
difficulty, if not downright impossibility to make it through, remembering that faith in Me can make all things possible. (17:179)

You simply need greater strength and capacities than your own, physical ones! The Strength and Power from Up Here to make you
capable of dealing with the naturally and carnally impossible! (17:180)

Impossible situations are the kind you dont feel like youve got much of a chance to survive
Well, sometimes I will show My Strength and abilities through the fact that I bring you through them in spite of that.
So, remember and keep remembering that My ways arent exactly like yours, and that youll find that out by proving to you that what
are impossibilities for you, may still be quite possible for Me! - Even if theyre situations and circumstances that you may feel are
impossible for you to manage, but Ill help you make it through them anyway. (17:183)

It may all tempt you to see it as an impossible situation, or too much of and too big a challenge, but thats where youve got to put
your faith in My Might and Power, not your own!
It may be a tough test of faith for you to wonder how I can possibly use you with your extremely limited physical abilities, but
remember that I like to manifest the result of the Power of faith through using what man considers impossibilities!
So, if youre one of My cases of impossibilities, relax! And trust in My Strength and Force to make the best out of you anyone ever
could in spite of physical conditions! (17:184)

If theres no other way to make it, remember the heavenly Way that includes your Creators and His angels and countless heavenly
Helpers Help to help you make it through the seemingly impossible situations down there! (17:188)

My challenge for you: to cope with the seeming impossibilities. (17:189)

Once the trust in Me becomes a clear, good and visible sample, others will benefit from it, too latest when the times are there that
making it without will be just about impossible. The groove to handle impossible conditions and circumstances is Mine. (17:201)

Not relying on your own abilities is the best condition to make it through the impossible situations, and relying on Me instead. (17:216)

Mourn for the sorry state of the world and even your own sometimes, because these times of contemplation make you realize what
things are not the way they should be, and your need to improve them with My Help. (I:589)

While some things seem to have gotten better on the surface, technology has improved, progressed and developed, and so have
commodities, enabling people to live at much greater ease than ever before, which again enables them to put much greater emphasis
on superficial things like their looks than ever before, which may give a certain appearance of genuine improvement; when it comes
to a good, deep look beneath the surface, there is actually no genuine improvement of life there. As people are finding out: with all
the devices they're inventing to save time, yet they always seem to be running out of time and seem to have less time than ever.
A lot of people may think that they are better than their forefathers, that they may have "evolved" and progressed, but an objective,
un-biased look and comparison might tell a different story, in which many of those who have lived before would shake their heads at
the arrogance of today's population, to actually fall for such a gross deception to think that they have improved, when, according to
lasting standards and values, it is rather plain that man has deteriorated.
A lot of people may think that they are better than their forefathers, that they may have "evolved" and progressed, but an objective,
un-biased look and comparison might tell a different story, in which many of those who have lived before would shake their heads at
the arrogance of today's population, to actually fall for such a gross deception to think that they have improved, when, according to
lasting standards and values, it is rather plain that man has deteriorated. (II:445)

There's always room for improvement, no matter how right on you or your movement may be. There's always counsel and help you
can receive from others, that you should not be too proud or stuck-on-yourself to accept. (III:15)

Patience and prayer is what you can contribute to the improvement of a situation. (III:47)

Find out what you can do in order to improve a situation, and dont just assume that everything is going to get better all by itself! You
need to contribute your part in order for everything to get better and every day to get better. (III:78)

When your capacity to love has reached its limits, you cannot love beyond that, and this should show you where you're having to
improve; where you lack, and where you need to acquire more of what you're lacking. (III:152)

Sometimes I draw your attention to a needed change or improvement by showing you something better than what you have; a need
to learn from someone else who has gone further than you. It's a way I use to spur you on to growth and progress. (III:220)

To become bitter and sarcastic about everything is definitely not My solution, nor My way. Like this, they become part of the problem,
instead of part of the solution; part of the negative forces, instead of part of the positive forces that are supposed to make a
difference. (III:340)

The first step needed in order to bring about any kind of improvement is for somebody to see the need. (III:427)

Theres a whole lot of room for improvement in life, a whole lot more holiness to be attained, a whole lot of cleaning up to do yet.

People have not really improved since biblical times, as much as they would want to believe it.
Unfortunately, by creating his own version of an improved and enhanced reality, man has gotten even further away from Me. (III:515)

The Big Picture is still in its imperfect, relative beginning stages, and theres lots of room for improvement.
One of the obstacles that prevent change is the inability to see the need for positive change, progress and improvement. When
people think that things are just fine the way they are, they dont see, desire or pray for improvement.
To think all things are okay as they are, no improvement needed, would be a fatally flawed attitude!
The only glimpse of hope anybody has is recognizing the need for Me to fill. Otherwise, I wont be able to change or improve
anything. (III:520)

Diversions arent going to solve any problems nor make any definite improvements in the state of things, but your prayers are! (III:536)

Just walking the treadmill of doing what everybody else does, in order to keep the machine running, wont improve the world. (III:548)

Its a sacrifice of love that you make in order to help others do better: situation improvement. By approaching certain people on the
possibility of improving their behavior, youre ultimately improving your situation. (III:578)

I have been blessing you to the extent that I have kept you alive and going. But if it causes you to fail to see areas and ways in which
you could improve and do things better, if it causes you to just settle for what youve got without seeking or desiring any further
growth or progress. (III:591)

See each change as a new challenge for improvement! (III:605)

Things wont just improve by themselves if you wont do anything about them! (IV:7)

The world is a mess, but you need to ask yourself, what is the best thing you can possibly do in order to improve things? (IV:20)

My Power to truly alter reality and really bring some improvement and some real light and hope to brighten up the darkness requires
faith. (IV:67)

Things in this world deteriorate and fall apart

They dont improve, as the evolutionists claim. Thats one of the qualities of this world, and Satan is trying to create an appearance of
the opposite, by creating artificial enhancements on the surface, that create the illusion of improvement, while the real body
underneath keeps deteriorating and slowly rotting away. (IV:85)

Wisdom is in recognizing that I can do more than you, and that you can reach farther by availing yourself of My Help, instead of
insisting on doing whatever you can in your own strength to mend or improve a situation. (IV:101)

Our interest in bridging the gap between the two worlds is primarily for your sakes. You are the ones who need help, and who could
be doing better, and that are in need of improvement, and We can show you how to get it. (IV:147)

Prayer is communication of the most efficient kind in existence that is available to man, and not only that, but its also a device that
will enhance and improve all your other communications with your fellow humans as well. (IV:170)

Theres lots of room for improvement, and thus, lots of reasons to stay close to Me and seek Me for solutions to lifes problems at
hand. (IV:183)

You may not be a perfect vessel and have some flaws, but that doesnt mean that I wont be working on them, or that I wont be
working on your improvement. (IV:184)

Ill keep working on improving and enhancing you and your usefulness to Me, not least of all for the sake of your own fulfillment and
happiness. (IV:193)

If you thank Me for your situation and circumstances instead of complaining about them, youre bound to improve things. (IV:198)

Never take for granted that your current procedure or state is just perfectly fine without any further need of improvement!
As long as the machine keeps rolling somehow and puttering away, everyone thinks that things are just fine and okay, no
improvement needed. (IV:210)

Its not so much the circumstances that require improvement and a positive change as ones own attitudes and heart- and mind-sets.

Some things do get better. While the world keeps deteriorating, I preserve unto Myself a special remnant that I refine unto Myself so
that they, contrary to the course of the rest of all things, do improve and get better over time.
Thats where it pays to trust in and see My wisdom in things, to look out for the little details The tiny little improvements that may
not be quite obvious to the eye, but that are nonetheless there.
If you look closer and, if it were possible, from a neutral, unbiased viewpoint you will actually see that improvement, maturation,
progress and growth has taken place, even if the overall picture may somewhat strike you as worse
Even with all the constant worsening of the world, I can effect some improvements within some chosen regions and aspects of the
world, and I keep painting and building and establishing My Big Picture within the crumbling picture of the Matrix.
Look at the miracles of progress and improvement that I manage to bring about in spite of and even in the midst of all that decay and
Instead of joining the rest of the devils matrix in the process of decay, those who cling to Me and keep their focus on Me, actually
improve. (IV:240)

The question you will want to answer with a definite yes some day when youll get Here will be, Have I done all I possibly could?
And in order to make sure that this will be the case, I have to draw your attention in sometimes painful ways, granted to the areas
in which you could improve and that are hindering you from reaching that goal. (IV:242)

Others' sample may not be perfect, but what sort of an excuse does that give you for not working on improving yours? (IV:259)
An ideal solution from My point of view would be if each party would make moves toward improvement in the particular area theyre
falling short in, instead of presenting two different extremes...
You cant do anything about improving their part. But you can do something about improving yours, and it may be equally difficult for
you to improve in your weak area as it may be for them to improve in theirs. (IV:260)

I dont mind folks showing off a little bit what they can do and what good ideas they can come up with in order to genuinely improve
things. (IV:270)

Its your heart and the way you see things that needs improvement, more than the actual circumstances themselves. (IV:425)

I am capable of improving you to a degree you wouldnt think possible. (IV:451)

If you never needed improvement and the assurance of improvement, your need for Me would be obsolete. Thats why folks who
figure theyve got everything they need, no improvement required, have no interest in Me (IV:487)

Seeing the error of your ways is the beginning of improvement and wisdom, and so it is essential for My purpose for you that you do.

Often it is only the fear of judgment or of things going wrong that will give people the incentive to seek change or improvement,
without which there is stagnation. (11:4)

Theres always room for improvement. Why bring about improvement by way of the worlds deterioration? you wonder. Well, what
better way to show up a lack of a certain thing than by having it right in your face?
What better way to make you realize the need for improvement, than by conveying to you the need for it? (11:82)

Yes, things are a mess, but theres hope. Hope that things will not remain the same; that while they may be getting worse and worse
temporarily, they will suddenly be improved and salvaged by Me. (11:87)

Becoming aware of a need is the first step toward improvement. The best thing that can happen is your realization of the need, which
will help and cause you to focus on potential solutions, things you could do in order to improve the situation (11:93)

Im not talking about self-perfection or -improvement, but when it is I Who wants to work on you to improve, purify and make you
better, its a different story, and you should yield to it and quietly allow Me to do My work. (11:110)

When you think about what you could have done better, chances are that next time you will. (11:128)

Give Me a chance for you to find out whether Im capable of improving things or not if you pray for them! (11:130)

The key is not to look for improvement by means of a new and better situation, but for ways to improve your situation right where
you are and by whatever means are already available to you right now. (11:136)

If you make the best of what youve got instead of wishing for something else, its bound to improve your situation as well, since
folks around you will feel more appreciated and will reciprocate (12:22)

Learning and making progress is all about recognizing the areas that need improvement in life, as opposed to living in the illusion
that everythings just fine and perfect.
A recognition of the need for improvement in life, along with a fervent desire to get some of that improvement done, if possible today,
thats what marks the significant steps toward true success in life.
So, is failure and making mistakes in your life good for you? You bet. Otherwise theres be no need for improvement, instruction and
learning, and Id become superfluous in your life. Who needs a teacher when you already know all there is to know? Just as I said
that the healthy folks dont need the doctor
So, dont see the areas you need improvement in as a negative, but as a necessary positive, something you need in order to stay
spiritually alive and keep growing, moving forward.
Of course, youve also got to put forward that desire to improve, to learn, to make progress, and not resign to your fate as a failure,
which is the conclusion the enemy would lead you to draw. (12:25)

Complaining doesnt really do anything to improve a situation; in fact, it only makes matters worse and gives the enemy a sense of
victory. (12:27)

As long as Im in charge of your life, there will always be something better that awaits you after giving up a good thing. (12:52)

What many fail to see is the extent to which improvement would be not only desired, but actually needed, and more than just a good
If you want to improve your world, your life, why not begin with you and whatever you can do to improve it? (12:53)

Improvement and progress are things everyone is striving for, unless they view life as a senseless, meaningless game. (12:73)

Blaming circumstances never did anything to improve a situation. (12:83)

The desire to do better is already worth so much, compared with all the self-satisfied people who never experience that. (12:94)
Learn the lessons about lifting and raising up the quality of personality: Get better! A better person, as well as better prepared for a
state of the world that wont get any better. (15:248)

I know youre not perfect, and dont expect it from you; but its good to recognize your faults and the fact that you need some
improvement and positive changes.
If youre not happy with the way your kids are acting, let it be a reminder of the fact that your behavior might need some improvement
as a child of the Father, too!
Staying humble, and thus, not so critical of others is definitely a character improvement. Wanna try it? (16:16)

If things around you arent perfect, maybe a bit of gratitude in spite of it will improve the situation. (16:21)

Instead of complaining about the current state of things and your own situation, develop the mode of helping others to improve
theirs, by giving them a glimpse of My Light, My Love and truth! (16:35)

If things arent perfect, ask yourself what you can do to improve whatever you manage! Remember that changing the world means
doing what you can to improve things around you and make whatever you can of your surroundings better!
The mess the world around yous in ought to be a challenge for you to do what you can in order to improve things!
Dont see yourself as a victim of your circumstances, but do the best you can to improve them! (16:40)

Having to deal with your weakness and incapability to deal with it is a sign pointing towards where you need improvement! (16:44)

Its hard to trust in the rough times being a manner of improvement, but if I tell you so, could you come up with the capacity to
believe Me? (16:48)

If life seems unbearable for you and you need some improvement, well do what you can to make it better and dont become
depressed by the circumstances! (16:54)

Certain factors of attitudes must change and improve.

Its the rough times that help work on and improve bad attitudes.
There are things that need improvement, and sometimes, without it, one cannot be found ready for his heavenly rest. (16:66)

Learning how not to behave is unfortunately a lesson many will only learn from the way others behave toward them.
All it can teach you is the necessity to improve your own act, and if you cant learn well from your own mistakes and faults, maybe
having to go through those of others around you will eventually wind up teaching you some of it!
So, dont feel too sorry about yourself about the way others treat you, but try to improve your own behavior first of all! (16:71)

Major improvement is there to make in order for earthly human relationships to get closer to heavenly relationships. (16:83)

So, improvements on the to-do list Apart from the whole world around you obviously getting worse, what matters is not so much
the world around you, but how youre coping with and doing in it. (16:89)

Theres some improvement and changes for the better to make. Another few lessons to learn before the School of Life is over.

Dont forget that theres Something Better expecting you, compared to down there, and you shouldnt just get prepared for it
yourself, but make the coming of the Hereafter part of your message, your sample, and whatever youve got to portray and signify to
others! Let them know about Heaven! The better Thereafter! (16:134)

See the improvement it gives you when you take that time to tune in with Me? (16:140)

Your feelings are improving when you get in touch with Me. (16:191)

The natural way of getting older unfortunately isnt improvement or way up. Generally, the path of the flesh is a downhill slope. (17:3)

Take behavior as one major NWO when it needs some definite work of improvement! (17:78)

The more acceptance youll sow, the more of it youll also reap! And it means, not looking at folks faults and mistakes so much, but
beyond them, with a bit of that hope which should have been coming from Me telling you that I can manage to make something better
out of you than you have been, and are.
Ignoring peoples mistakes comes from the faith in My ability to make something or someone better out of anyone, if theyre just
willing and let Me. But first it might be their job to desire that experience of changing former bad habits and replacing wrong attitudes
with the right kind. (17:82)

Mistakes made show the need for improvement. (17:83)

Negative circumstances show that a situation of improvement would be a blessing, and a positive change.
Waking up to the fact of what state of a mess the world is in, is a bit more of what gets you to seek some improvement and positive
changes. (17:96)

Circumstances bring about the need and incentive for positive changes and improvement one of the ultimate destinations of world
history through learning from experience where its not at, and what should be handled and done in a different, better way.
Improvement comes about through the experiences of the necessity for it through the unpleasant factors the world is currently going
through heading toward the roughest part of that lesson. (17:101)
Often, what needs to change most in order to improve and make things better, is ones own perspectives and ways of looking at
things - to adopt a positive attitude and perception of whats around; even if those things need and require improvement, but the
recognition of ones own need for improvement is pretty much the first step to change things for the better. (17:106)

Its natural to want and desire improvement for the right here and now, but thats another aspect of faith: Its largely directed toward a
better, coming There & Then. (17:107)

Prayer, as one of the most important tasks of believers, is part of changing the world for the better.
One of the things you can definitely do to improve things and conditions in the world around you is pray for or against them, and for
something better, some positive changes instead.
One of the safest ways to bring about positive change: prayer.
So, if you need and desire a positive change, the first thing to get that accomplished, remember, is to pray! (17:121)

Judgment will be coming. But its not a good attitude to have that of judging other folks around you when you still have a lot of
improvement on your own to-do-list! (17:126)

One of the main messages of faith: Something Better is coming!

If you look around and see the need for improvement, just remember: Its coming! (17:133)

If youve been left in a weaker state than before, isnt that a chance to give Me that challenge to manage to make a positive change
and improvement out of it all, despite the forces that are telling you the opposite - the voices that are trying to turn just about
everything into a negative? (17:136)

Circumstances improve when the enemy can tell he doesnt have that much of a chance to drag you down, because youre clinging
to Me, getting in tune with Me and getting onto a positive wavelength.
Dont put your hope too much in whats down there, since you cant really expect all that much improvement from the times toward
which youre headed!
The improvement you need is making some in your ability to handle and accept things the way they come, not just constantly
yearning for something better, when the Better thats expecting you and you should expect just isnt from that world. (17:153)

The realization of having to do better comes from circumstances not being as rosy as youd likeem.
So, keep improvement on your to-do-list! (17:166)

Keep your vision on improvement! - Through faith! (17:172)

Its encouraging when it goes a bit better, isnt it? Improvement is an encouraging factor. (17:177)

Evil circumstances are pretty much what will take the upper hand and reach their limits during the time of the ultimate and physical
reign of our enemy over the globe, and the only things getting better and true improvement will come thereafter.
If youre having to put up with an imperfect wife, let it be an example of what far from perfect a bride Im having to put up with, and let
it be an incentive for improvement on your own attitudes and behavior! (17:210)

Sometimes improvement only comes through the recognition of that its needed, and finding out exactly where and how. And what
other teacher does that, but experience? (17:217)

Incapability vs. Capability (/Capacity)

(Ability vs. Inability)
Its good if you feel incapable! (I:164)

Peoples unwillingness and incapability to cope with the truth is something youre going to have to learn more about, deal with, and
find ways to bring the truth home to people, even if thats the one thing they reject. (III:565)

The only way anybody in My service is ever going to make it to the finish line victoriously is by faith, not by sight and being able to
calculate every little step ahead, relying on ones own strength, wit and abilities. (IV:29)

Im not expecting any more of you than I know youre capable of. (IV:32)

I might bring you very close to the edge of your capacities sometimes, but thats the way you grow and make progress. (IV:38)

Being your own god, limiting your own, personal little universe to all the limitations and boundaries you allow, narrows your horizon
and your capacity to grow and expand to a fraction of the world that I could show you. (IV:143)
See each crisis as an opportunity to experience more of My fullness and of My capacity to be all you ever need!
Praise Me for the contrast that My Being constitutes to the limited nature and capacities of your fellow humans, and yourself
included! (IV:156)

Its the nature of the flesh to overestimate its capacities.

The flesh thinks itself capable of handling and resisting the temptation, but experience and reality will often paint a different picture.

Look at My salvaging Power and capability to preserve anything out of this crumbling world, including anyone who will turn to Me
and thus refuse to take part in the process of all things decaying! (IV:240)

I delight in using weak vessels: the ideal kind of person to show and prove that its not in the flesh, nor in any shape or form of
physical ability. (IV:257)

Rely not on your own understanding and your own capabilities to make sense of your situation! (IV:273)

I have to go by your faith and what you're capable of. (IV:274)

Everyone only has limited capacities to give, unless they make sure they get a refill from Me regularly and know how to avail
themselves of My aid to bridge their own incapabilities (IV:289)

It all depends on your ability to make the best out of whatever youve been given. (IV:344)

Where is your trust? - In the flesh or in the spirit? Which one do you really think is more capable? (IV:411)

Neither I nor you can expect more of you than what youre capable of. (IV:438)

I want to show the world that there is a different way, a real alternative a way of trust in Me instead of in oneself and ones own
abilities only. (IV:481)

When you come to the end of your own capacities, thats where Ill come in and take over and do the things you cant. (IV:514)

I want your focus to be on Me primarily, and your trust to be placed in Me, not your own capabilities. (11:6)

By trusting that Ill do what you cant, you show that you have faith in Me more than in your own abilities. (11:9)

I know its a dilemma youre weak, clueless and incapable, but your dilemma is My opportunity.
I can do things there that I could never do or would not get a chance to do if you were so perfectly capable, self-sufficient and
independent. (11:13)

Taking you to the extremes and limits of your present capacities is what its all about in order to make you grow, expand and
progress (11:31)

I want folks to know that theres a Power that they can avail themselves of thats going to enable them to do anything, even the things
they dont feel capable of.
If you feel incapable, trust that I will give you the necessary strength! (11:39)

I am capable of the things youre not, so, as far as Im concerned, we make a perfect team. (11:58)

You see the lack of your own energy and strength, and of your own capabilities, but I know the potential of what you can do when you
avail yourself not only of your own, but of My Strength.
How else can I get you to avail yourself It, unless I exert you beyond your natural capacities? (12:54)

Thats another thing you can and should trust Me for: that I wont exert you beyond your capacities, even if at times you might get
tempted to doubt that. (12:56)

You feel incapable, and like you cant do it, but Im telling you, with Me on your side and My Power to aid you, you can. (12:83)

You need to recognize your own incapacity and need of Me, which then prompts you not to make a move until you got ahold of Me,
My Presence, My voice in your life. (12:95)

Feeling incapable? Try clinging to Me! Let Me enable you and make all things possible that may seem impossible to you right now!

Sometimes theres no other way for folks to make it through the hard times to come than allowing some trouble to prepare them for
it, including in order to get them used to applying for Help from Above, and not thinking or expecting to be able to make it through
coming circumstances in their own strength and capacities.
The best preparation for the times to come is getting used to needing that Help from Above, instead of confiding in your own
energies and capacities. (16:50)

Maybe I also still appreciate challenges! Like doing it through those who most unlikely seem capable.
Trust Us that Were able to achieve things that by human standards would be termed and considered impossible! (16:55)
Its not through your own abilities youll make it through whats to come, but only through learning to avail yourself of the Help from
Above! (16:56)

With the realization of times getting worse, its good to get prepared for it. And which better way to do that, than learn to rely on Me,
instead of your own capabilities? They are capable to sustain and support you a bit now but then?
Its time to learn not to lean on the flesh anymore, and your own capabilities, but in Mine!
So, dont let it discourage you to feel incapable, but let it teach you to not lean on your own strength, but on Mine and all the Help
youll get from Above! Feeling like you cant make it? Look Up Here!
So, getting and staying in tune with Me is the best you can do as preparation for the times soon coming!
Realize that its soon going to be time to bid those own capabilities farewell, and lean on all the Strength you can get from Above!
Thatll be one of the special conditions of the Endtime: having to utterly rely on the Strength and Help from Above. Not anymore on
your own capacities, except the one of applying that Help and Strength youll need to survive! Which is what Im trying to teach you
right now.
Losing confidence in your own abilities is a plus, as far as preparation for the times to comes concerned.
Get ready by learning to lean on Me, not your own capabilities! (16:60)

Feel incapable? Let Me do it through you with the Power and Strength of the Spirit! (2016:61)

When survival turns into a miracle, its best to do all you can to learn to depend on that miracle power instead of your own abilities,
knowledge and capacities.
Cant make it? A good sign from My point of view, as it draws you into a position where youll need Me to help you make it, and not
rely so much on your own capacities anymore.
If you cant make it, thats a good sign that you need Me, and as youll find out the way it works best.
So, dont feel too bad about it when youre feeling incapable!
Cant make it on your own? Good opportunity to make it through Me! And good training and preparation for the much harder times
to come! Apart from the benefits of not leaning too much on the flesh and your own capacities. (2016:63)

Remember that the mind is part of your fleshly capacities, and not being able to lean and rely on that anymore shows you its better
to rely on My Spirit! (16:64)

The more you need that Help from Above, causing you to apply and pray for it, the more youll get out of that old carnal groove of
leaning on your own abilities, which definitely wont help make it through the dark times to come!
If the fleshly means and abilities fail, let the task of Our Spirit in you increase! And let us show and prove to you, which is stronger
and more powerful and capable of seeing you through times of trouble!
Lean not on your own talents and capabilities to help see you through times to come, for those days will need and require greater
Help and Strength your carnal abilities cannot come up with!
The Strength and Power from Above: The only One to help you make it through whats to come! So, the sooner youll learn that,
instead of continuing to rely on your own capabilities, the better things will be. (16:72)

When you dont have much of a clue if or how youre going to make it, trust Me that its just about the best way one can get onto a
path of a life of faith one where your connection with Me plays the most important part, and not just your own capabilities. (16:74)

The troubles each day is starting with are to remind you what youre supposed to rely on: not your own capacities, but the Help and
Strength from Above to see you through, so that depending on Them will also help to see you through and make it through the
troubled times to come! (16:75)

Some things cant just be blamed on your inabilities, when I promised you that you could do all things through Me. (16:77)

Its not your own capabilities that will see you through, but the Help from Above. And with your capabilities drifting down to a level
where you dont have a clue whether or how youll make it, you can figure out why Im so keen on using you. (16:79)

Youve still been hoping that your own abilities would help see you through somehow, but Im trying to teach you that itll only be Our
abilities, and on your side, strong faith thatll help see you through. (16:84)

A positive outlook is what will see you through if you put your vision toward the right direction which is Up Here to Me, not your
own fleshly abilities. Time to rely more on the Spirit than your flesh and its capabilities!
Its easier for Me to use folks who cant rely fully on their own fleshly capacities. (16:85)

You used to be largely capable of making it in your own strength, capacities and abilities, but Im trying to prepare you and make it
clear to you that you wont.
Ive allowed your physical abilities to largely die down, that you would get the point of what I already told My disciples during the
Roman Empire, which with Nero, who was also directed and partly possessed by Satan became the prototype of the coming final
world empire: Without Me ye can do nothing (Jn.15:5)!
If youre feeling incapable of making it anywhere in the condition you are, let it be a training and preparation for times to come during
which youll be totally dependent on Heavens Help for your very survival! (16:86)

It will take miracles and Power from Above to make it through the darkest time of history, and nothing no physical abilities that
one rejecting the Mark of the Beast will be able to rely on!
Can you see why Im allowing the lowering of your physical conditions and abilities? (16:90)

Not being able to rely on your fleshly capabilities is just something you need to get used to, since what it takes to make it through
whats coming will be anything else but that! The less you can rely on yourself and your own capabilities, the more it will drive you to
rely on Me, and youve just got to trust Me that thats the best for you!
In order to make those drastic, negative changes turn into something halfway positive for you and yours, youve just got to get into
that groove of utter dependence on Me and Heavens Help, instead of your own former physical abilities!
That little taste and groove of impossible for you is just part of preparation for the darkest times of history when itll take miracles
to make it through each day - Something to get you into the groove of All things are possible to him that believes, instead of
relying on your own carnal abilities. (16:92)

If you cant fully rely on your own physical capacities anymore to see you through, see it as an important part of your preparation for
the days to come when no one will make it on their own!
Becoming dependent on Me, My Strength, Power and Help is just something youll have to get used to, instead of relying on your
own abilities.
So not that easy? Not in your own capacities, but thats why you have to learn to avail yourself of Mine, and the Help you can get
from Above.
So, can you make it? Not on your own, relying on your own strengths and capabilities, but relying on Me, you will.
Feeling incapable? Let Me make you able! (16:98)

The more you depend on Me instead of your own abilities, the better! (16:99)

To teach you how to handle difficult times is not to make you feel forsaken by Me, but to draw you closer to Me and make you more
aware of the necessity of staying as close to Me as you can, depending on My guidance and protection, and not your own physical
abilities! (16:100)

If you cant rely on those surrounding you, its a good reminder of Who you should rely on. The only One to help you make it
through whats to come. The same applies to your physical capabilities. Cant rely on them anymore? Rely on Me!
Trust Me that if you commit your survival into My hands, you wont be as disappointed as if you would be if you try it on your own!
Thats why Im getting you out of the gear of relying on your physical abilities. (16:101)

To recognize and respect the benefits of aging, that drawing nearer toward the better Place youre heading as a believer, takes some
capability of overcoming the current circumstances and looking at the better Goal beyond, through faith.
Remember faith, the capacity of believing that the Father knows what Hes allowing to happen to you in order to shape your character
and make what youre supposed to be out of you! (16:102)

Youre pretty much going to have to trust Me for the way youre going to make it through life, not your own abilities and according
to the point from which I see it, its the only way to make it through the times to come. (16:109)

Coming to grips with your own carnal-minded faults is just one of those paths that convince you of the superiority of relying on
spiritual reason and wisdom from Up Here, and I have to admit that to weaken your mental abilities was a part of what We allowed.
So, cant figure things out in your own abilities? Good point to start putting your entire trust Up Here!
So, if the incapacity of your own mind gives you battles, let Me encourage you: the less, the better. The less youre able to trust in
your own mind and abilities to get things done, the more youll be geared to trusting Us for it all instead; and with the way the worlds
headed, thats definitely the better!
So, no reliance on your own capacities? See it as an advantage in the point of view of whats to come!
If youre not capable to figure things out, how to do them, or what to do, in your own mind, let it serve to be led and guided by Us!
So, feeling incapable? Good news for Us, as far as Were concerned, because it will lead you to the clue that capacity and capability
will rely on Us and all Help, leading and guidance you can obtain from Here in the days to come. (16:114)

When you dont have a clue, thats good news for both: Us and you.
Because it means youll have to tune in to Us, instead of trying to make it leaning on your own physical abilities, which are unlikely to
see you through the times to come. (16:117)

Take it as an attack and sly trick of the enemy to not find the ability to confront and overcome your own evils by only keeping you
focus on those of the others around you! (16:120)

To feel less capable down there will make you feel less at home in that world; and thats not a negative. (16:125)

Managing things in your own strengths and capacities doesnt always (or even often) result in what I would like you to accomplish for
Me, which might be something totally different from what youd seek to get done in your own strength.
So, feel incapable? Remember that many of the words, the way theyre being used in the world by your fellow humans may easily
mean the opposite in My World and Realm! (16:127)

Dont trust in your own abilities to see you through whats coming, but just make sure you put your trust completely in Me! (16:132)

Trust Me that youll be better off, not able to make it by yourself! (16:134)

Feeling incapable? Isnt that a good reminder to cling to My Help and become dependent on It? So, dont feel too negative about it
when youre not feeling capable of managing with life as it is! Im looking for folks who arent too self-conscious, and thus give Us a
chance to work through them.
So, dont feel too bad about feeling incapable, but just let it be a reminder that youve got to get ahold of Our Strength and Power and
anointing first, before you can do the job for Us! (16:136)

Ive had to allow for you to get weakened in your physical abilities in order to be able to rely more on the Spirit.
The carnal abilities of man wont help very much trying to do the job for a God Who is Spirit. (16:138)

Learn how to trust more in Me for your strength, not your own physical capacities!
So, dont be too discouraged when you feel quite incapable of making it through your days, but let it teach you to start using the
Source of Power from Above to make it through, which is a very necessary learning and development process for times to come!
Its good not to pin your faith on your flesh and own capacities for your survival.
You cant make it on your own, but I can make it through you.
So, get used to putting your trust for strength to make it in Me, not your own abilities! (16:139)

Humility represents the refusal to rely on ones own abilities, which is basically what pride amounts to, and is what caused Lucifers
As long as you still have the same amount of love for others as for yourself, your own abilities can work as a gift. But once that love
is gone its time to come back and yield to the God of Love. (16:143)

The preparation for tough times includes that ability to rise above no matter what the circumstances are.
Living by faith means to attain the ability to resist all influences of negative circumstances around you. (16:144)

Having taken part of your physical abilities away from you had the purpose of getting you more into the gear of living by faith. Faith
in Me and the Power and supply from Above, not your own abilities, since thats the only thing that will get you through the hard
times coming.
See Me as the Provider, not your own physical abilities!
Make your faith not your own physical abilities the source of providing for your needs!
Get used to leaning on Me for your survival, not your own physical abilities!
Thats what living by faith means. Just get into that groove of leaning on Me instead of your own abilities!
Its whatll see you through the times coming.
Thats why trusting in and relying on Me has to become your major ability, not what you can do to entertain or serve people with
physical abilities. Remember My job for you! Being a witness of faith, not another sample of physical abilities. (16:145)

Even if apparent (physical) incapability may strike you as a letdown at first, its the question, in whom do you trust more: in Me or in
And those feelings of a state of physical incapability are a good thing a positive, youll see!
Depending on Me instead of your own capabilities is good news! And the only thing that will see you through whats coming. (16:150)

Folks doubting My existence all prefer to rely on their own abilities. But thats another reason why I advise you not to look at man and
the behavior and attitudes of folks around you. (16:155)

Trust in the Source of Strength that really counts and goes way above physical abilities! (16:158)

Get used to the fact of circumstances and conditions less likely to change than your ability to make it through them!
Youll recognize that the preparation for utter dependence on Me will have been the best that could have happened to you, even if
right now youre frustrated by feeling utterly incapable of dealing with whats there to handle. (16:159)

Miracles are simply not performed through physical capabilities.

Having become rather incapable compared to former physical abilities, youre ready to let Me do the miracle-work through and for
Well be able to accomplish a lot more through you than youve been able to and ever would be on your own, and in your own
strengths and capacities.
Ready for greater things through miracles than youve ever been able to accomplish on your own, in your own carnal strengths and
capacities? You wont be disappointed and a lot more useful in many aspects than during the times you were just leaning on your
own capacities and folks around you will be more thrilled, too, seeing that Power from Above manifested in what you can do than
whatever carnal and fleshly abilities youve had to portray in the past.
See what the Strength and Power from Above will be capable of doing for you in spite of what will be going on around you!
The meaning, sense and purpose of life: not to rely on your own strengths and capacities, but Ours the ones from Above.
So, dont let the incapacity feelings drag you down, but see them as reminders of your need for Me and Heavens Help!
Lacking confidence because of feelings of incapability? Personally, Id call that a positive, since its the kind of thing that draws you
closer to Me and emphasizes your need for Me.
Factors to enable your survival will require uttering some prayers for it, giving Us the glory in your praises for it, and thanking us for
the Help from Above, instead of leaning on your own abilities. (16:161)

Prayer power to make miracles happen is becoming a much more necessary source of abilities to make it through whats coming.
Forget about your own abilities! Except for the ability to pray for all that you need to make it through whats coming.
The weaker ones own abilities, the more obvious it becomes that only miracles from Above are whats going to see you through.

As rough as times are getting, I just cant let you continue to make it in your own groove, leaning on your own abilities.
You desperately need to learn to depend on Me and the Help and Strength from Above, not your relatively small and shrinking
carnal abilities, or even those of your carnal mind.
So, feeling incapable? Just see it as a reminder of your upcoming need for the Strength and Power from Above miraculous Help
and support without which you just wouldnt make it, and thus have to learn to lean and depend on!
The only way to make it through whats coming is not leaning on your own abilities, but on Mine and all of Heavens to see you
through. (16:173)

One of the disadvantages of relying on ones own, physical abilities: There will always come situations and difficulties too hard to
deal with in ones own capacities of the flesh; and thus, trusting in the heavenly Help and support and protection from Above is
with whats coming at the world a much safer way to ride and walk, and one of the reasons Were not letting times be as easy for
you as they have been in the past, where you were able to rely on your own abilities and capacities.
Dont see it as a negative, that sensation of not being able to rely on your own abilities! Swap your trust and confidence in Mine for
you instead! (16:175)

Feeling incapable? Thats a good sign for Me, since it drives you into the gear of relying on Me and Heavens capabilities, instead of
your own. (16:176)

Feeling unable shows the need of prayer for Strength from Above to enable you.
The awareness of the need for Strength from Above arises with the disappearance of your own strengths and abilities you used to
rely on.
So, dont let it get you uptight, this feeling of inability to accomplish anything by yourself and in your own former strengths and
capabilities! (16:177)

See the trouble coming as Our challenge to prove Our ability and readiness to bless you with Our Help!
One advantage of experiencing Our Help to make it through rough and potentially dangerous events: raising your faith in and lifting
your worries about the capacities of making it through the times to come. Our Help thus shows that it signifies the raising of your
If things would just keep going the same as they always have, the tendency is there to confide more in your own abilities and
capacities but unfortunately or rather, fortunately? those days will soon be over, and Weve just got to get you dependent on
heavenly Help to make it through whats coming. (2016:178)

Trust Me that whats coming is too rough to handle with mere carnal capacities and abilities! Thats why Weve had to allow yours to
be weakened, in order for you to rely more on those from Above the only Source of Strength, Power and Insight you stand the
chance to make it with through whats coming! (2016:180)

When you feel incapable, Im more likely to be able to do things through you than when you think you can manage things on your
So, feeling incapable? Take it as an asset for Me! And you, after seeing what I can accomplish through you, if you let Me let Me,
because you figure and come to the conclusion you cant do it on your own!
Let Me move through you! And feeling weak is what will usually enable you to do that, since you quit thinking you can do it all on
your own.
So, not much faith left in your own abilities? Thats the perfect time and point to put your faith in Mine! My abilities to do things
through you!
Feeling incapable? Thats what makes Me feel able to do things through you, since I know youre not basing your faith and
confidence on your own abilities anymore.
So, the ultimate test of faith for those whove been leaning on their own, carnal capabilities for decades: will I make it to do through
them what they cant anymore by themselves?
And its a necessary process, since there are times coming when no carnal abilities will help see My believers through, but only their
confidence in and reliance on Me and the Power from Above to enable and strengthen them. (2016:181)

Not having a clue how to handle it all? Toss it Up to Me, and let Me handle it for you! (2016:182)

I just cant let you go the way you would in your old, natural capacities since there would be no way for you to make it through
whats coming if I would. (2016:183)

You may find yourself confronted with relative carnal incapability as necessary factor to introduce spiritual capacity and capability.
The flesh has to slow down in order to make the Spirit lite up. (2016:188)

Realizing the disability of making it on your own may turn out to be a more positive factor than you initially were able to see. (2016:190)

If you feel like you cant make it, its preparation for whats coming: you wont make it without heavenly Help!
So, start seeing the disability to make it without Me as a positive! The necessary preparation for whats to come!
Right now its still unusual for you, but as times go by, it will become usual, not knowing what to do, nor having the strength and
ability to do whatever it takes to get through without asking for heavenly Help, insight and guidance.
Changes are coming which wont enable you to continue in the same old modus operandi. - No more reliance on the flesh and own
abilities! (2016:191)

When you were still feeling capable of making it on your own and in your own strengths, it was just lacking that process of needed
preparation for whats to come, which is the main reason We had to allow your fleshly condition to be weakened, in order to put all
your trust in Our Strength from Above, and not your own. (2016:193)

Dont feel too bad about the incapability of making it on your own; for times are coming when you wont be the only one! (2016:195)

Can you lean on and depend on Me instead of your own capacities? Have Christ-confidence instead of self-confidence? Thats what
youll need for times to come, and the main reason why Ive allowed your own capacities to be weakened. (2016:196)

If your faith in My ability and capacity to forgive is too small to handle what youre putting Me through, let that faith grow, instead of
keeping Me in your mind as incapable of handling what youre giving Me to deal with! (2016:198)

Its good for you to find out what I might manage to accomplish through your state of incapacity.
When folks arent capable anymore on their own to do great things, they have to realize that its got to be not them but the Power
from Above working through them. (2016:199)
There comes a time youll be dependent on trusting in Our Strength and Help, not just your own capacities and abilities anymore, and
Im preparing you for that.
Remember that Our allowing incidents that cause the weakening of physical abilities must have a significant reason for it! And its
mainly to put the trust and confidence in Us, not ones own abilities and capacities!
So, even though it may cause you a lot of trials not to make it in your own strengths and capacities, trust Us for the good reason for
Get used to not making it with your own abilities! (2016:201)

The incapacity of some to put up any fight against the downrightly manifested evil right before them is hard to take, but also seems
to show that they have a greater capacity to take things and accept them as they are. (2016:202)

The recognition of your own incapability is what draws you to My capability through you.
The more helpless and incapable you feel, the greater the expression of your need for Me and My Help and input, and so, the greater
the opportunity for Me and Heavens Power and Strength to come and fill you up.
Dont let it discourage you, that feeling of incapability, but let it found the faith in you that greater things can be accomplished
through ones own lack of strength and energy and their connection with Heavens Source of Strength through Me instead!
So, feeling disabled and incapable? Cheer up! Its the greatest possibility and opportunity for Me and the heavenly host to
accomplish things through you. (2016:204)

The times to run in the confidence of your own strengths and capacities are simply over. Bad news? It may seem so, temporarily, but
youll see the wisdom of the heavenly plan behind it sooner or later.
Your accomplishments will result in what you allow Heavens Forces to accomplish through you without your own abilities standing
in the way. (2016:205)

If you cant make it with your own, physical means as well as you used to, let it be a sign of Our leading and guidance of where youre
supposed to place your faith and confidence instead!
It means, no more trust and confidence in your own abilities, but the necessary Help and support from Above. It may not have been
as necessary before, but its becoming absolutely necessary to make it through the times to come. - One of the important aspects of
One of the big changes up ahead is that the trust and confidence in your own abilities are coming to an end, and only trust and
confidence in Heavens Help and Our Strength and Power will see you through whats coming.
The best ability one can have for times to come is the ability to put ones entire trust and confidence in Us, and not oneself.
Put your faith and trust in Us, instead of your own abilities!
Put your trust in God Who is Spirit, through which all things were made, and youre more prone to make it through than your own,
physical capacities! (2016:207)

Not being able to deal with things in your own, natural abilities is whats supposed to make you rely on the supernatural abilities from
Above, the kind My earlier and true disciples had to depend on!
So, see the advantage of feeling incapable! (17:1)

Clinging to Me and My Help and expecting Me to do it through you is an act of faith, a spiritual ability you have to get into, not a
physical. And even if the physical circumstances strongly seek to distract you from that, not making it without Help from Above
should get you to tune in and cling to it all the more.
Cant make it? Let Me make it through you! (17:4)

If you dont manage in your own capacities, let your incapacity be a sign that you urgently need the Strength and Help from Above!
Realize its not your own abilities you can lean on anymore, but the enabling from Above, through My Power, My Spirit and the
creative Source of Energy where life truly comes from! (17:6)

My faithfulness to you is what shall bring about your faithfulness to Me, and that appreciation for Someone never leaving your side,
and always capable of helping you to make it through whatever it is youre having to go through.
That trust that I and your heavenly helpers will help to see you through and help you manage, no matter what, is one of the best
abilities and qualities you can have. (17:8)

Dont feel to bad about your inabilities and weakness, since they draw you closer into the process of doing things in the right
Strength from Above, and will remind you thus to give the glory to Whom it belongs, and draw you closer to Me!
So, dont feel too bad about physical incapability, but see in it My golden opportunity to become capable to do things through you!

The value of your spiritual abilities will rise high above your physical ones as times get harder.
A letdown effect on your self-confidence is another aspect in which Id like you to put more trust and confidence in Me and heavenly
Strength and Power, instead of your own abilities. - Simply because what will be needed for the tough times to come will be more
than you could manage in your own strengths and capabilities.
Just dont get too worried about not managing it all with your own wits or strengths or capabilities! Get used to the fact that youll
have to rely on Mine!
Your faith and trust in Me have got to become the major factor, above the capabilities of your flesh and carnal mind.
Its not that your flesh and carnal abilities are useless, but youll need more than what the flesh can offer, in times to come.
The state in which you dont know what to do or find yourself unable to, gets you into the necessary shape to apply for Help from Up
Here to get done what you cant and lead and guide you where youre supposed to go. (17:12)

The times you used to make it in your own carnal capacities are simply over, and you have to get used to it! (17:20)
Let your incapacities dawn on you as something that might achieve some positive changes of character that former capacities might
not have brought about! (17:25)

When you feel like you cant manage on your own, cheer up! Thats the level and the way youll make it through times to come:
depending on Me and Heavens Help, not your own capacities.
So, feeling incapable to do it on your own? Good preparation for whats to come! See it as something positive! The necessary
process of preparation for desperate times to come!
Not making it on your own and with your own capabilities anymore is part of the necessary process to prepare you for whats to
New situations require something different than leaning on ones own abilities.
So, dont be too worried and concerned if you cant manage to rig everything up in your own knowledge and physical capacities!
Get used to the fact that ultimately youre dependent on others capabilities such as Ours, your heavenly Helpers, as well as those
of the folks We pick to use in order to prove that its not just whats stored up in ones head what Were able to use! Ultimately, the
heart and soul will turn out as something a lot more useful than the head and what ones got stored up in it. (17:27)

The easy times are over. Learn how to handle the tough, even if youre not a capable in the arms of the flesh and your own abilities as
you used to be!
In former times youve made it to a large percentage on your own, physical abilities; but by letting you experience a low passage of
that former state Im in the process of teaching you to utterly lean on Me and Heavens Help without which you wouldnt and wont
make it through whats coming up ahead.
Dependence on Heavens Help will be the quality to see folks through whats coming, not former own abilities.
If theres nothing you can do, it shows you need Me and Heavens Help in order to do it. (17:30)

The less you can do it on your own, the greater My chance to work through you.
So, dont see it as a negative when youre feeling incapable!
Learning how to make it in spite of negative conditions strengthens your abilities, and most of all, your abilities of faith and trust in
Us in spite of all that comes and whatever happens. (17:31)

The enemys imitations of the Real Thing and Our divine values are another main factor that weakens folks faith and confidence in
Us and the realization of their need for Us and Our Help, when they see so many folks around them making it in their own capacities.

Prayer is the way to get and stay tuned to the Holy Spirit. Its a proof that youre leaning on and admit youre dependent on the Help,
support and supply from Above, not just the mode of your own abilities, and thats just the groove to get into for the toughest times
to come.
Cant make it without Me? Good!
It may seem like a negative to the flesh if you cant manage to make it in your own strengths, but as far as our view from Up Heres
concerned, its a positive.
Isnt it also a great demonstration of humility, that lack of leaning on the capacities of the flesh?
So, let the weakness of your own, carnal abilities become your strengthening factor of the needed blessing of humility!
Having to lean and rely on prayer in order to obtain the Help, Strength and support from Above is the greatest factor to help one
realize that its not the strength and abilities of oneself thatll pull them through. (17:36)

With times coming where own capacities wont make as much of a difference, its good actually the best to learn to depend on Me
and the Help from Above.
If its the common gear to rely on ones own abilities, and even you are having a hard time letting go of them, dont be too shocked if
it strikes folks around you as strange!
The importance of being and making a difference definitely includes that capacity of being weak in the flesh and relying more on
the Spirit it thats what the Father Himself is. (17:37)

Just remember that as Ive been with the old prophets and saw them through, so I will see you through, if you just cling to Me and
dont try to make it in your own abilities and strength! (17:42)

Lean and rely more on the Wisdom, Help and Power from Above instead of your own capabilities! (17:46)

If you dont have a clue how to make it, well, isnt that a reminder to rely on Me, instead of your own capacities? (17:50)

Knowing that you cant make it without Me will become part of the utter reality for you, and Im just getting you closer to the state of
the ability to accept that. ? (17:51)

Dont see the state of physical inability - and what currently may strike you as chaos - as a negative! (17:57)

Making it depends on your ability to take things - as they come.

A spark of godly wisdom: keeping humble, and not too confident in your own abilities, but relying more on Ours.
Making it through times to come on human strengths and capacities alone, just wont go.
What doesnt seem like good news upon first aspects, trust Me that theyll turn out good in the end through making you stronger in
spirit, through learning to rely on Us instead of your own, physical abilities! (17:61)

With physical capacities going down, youll just have to learn to rely more on Mine.
So, dont feel too bad about being incapable by yourself, but let it teach you to rely more on Me and your Help from Above!
Consider dependence on Me and Help from Above an advantage, since there are times coming when that ability will be an utter
necessity! (17:63)
You simply may not be able to trust in and rely on your own capacities anymore the way you were used to, but take My Word for it,
that thats the clue thatll see you through, namely trusting in My Strength and Power, instead of your own! (17:66)

Youve got to trust in My capacities, and Heavens capacities to help and support you, not your own.
Remember I can do all things through Christ, which strengtheneth Me (Phil.4:13), but when it comes to doing things in your own
capacities, its better to have the attitude I can do nothing. And thus remember what I told My disciples, Without Me ye can do
nothing (Jn.15:5). (17:68)

If folks around you have greater capacities and abilities to take life as it is, handle it and deal with it as it comes, and just trust Me that
there are some good reasons for Me not allowing you to have the same abilities, but being forced to rely on Me and the Help from
Above a bit more! (17:70)

The more you become aware of your own incapability, the more youll realize you need the Help from Above to make it and theres
just a time coming when folks simply wont make it anymore without It. (17:76)

Youll need more than your own carnal abilities to make it through whats to come! (17:78)

Depending on own capabilities will be a mode of the past.

Physical conditions and capacities go down to lower dependence and confidence in that factor, in order to make it more obvious
from where Strength to make it will need to come.
The less capability in the flesh, the more reliance on the Spirit. (17:80)

I dont want you to see your present incapability as a disadvantage, but as a coming advantage that will enable Me to do things
through you that you couldnt possibly accomplish by yourself, and definitely not in times to come!
Keep your trust in Me in spite of your own incapabilities, in order to make it clear and obvious that itll be Me working through you!
Even if it seems obvious that youre incapable, and one would just wonder how could God use something like that? remember that
I like to confound and surprise people with unexpected results the things that seem so impossible to be done by someone weak,
that its just obviously a miracle, and thus an even much greater testimony and sample of the Powers and Forces from Above at work
than what folks could possibly accomplish in their own strengths and capacities!
Incapability has become one of My leading topics. Dont look down on it, but rather see it as that type of golden opportunity I like
to use!
See, the times of trouble that are coming will be so bad, that it will be absolutely useless to rely on ones own capacities, strength
and power. (17:82)

Feeling incapable, and thus in the need of heavenly Help isnt a negative, but something youre going to have to get used to, since
you just wont make it without that in the dark days up ahead.
Thats what incapability is there for: to remind you of the need of heavenly Help you can get for nothing but asking for It through
Dont feel like you can make it? Make it through prayer! (17:84)

The days of making it on your own and in your own capacities are just about over!
That state of incapacity will lead and direct you to something better a greater strength, namely Mine, and that from Above, not the
usual, carnal one from down there, that is simply not bound to last! (17:86)

Things simply do get done in a better way when availing yourself of Heavens Help for them, instead of relying on your own, fleshly
capacities only. (17:88)

Not relying on own capacities is a transition that doesnt come automatically, since for the majority of folks its just something theyre
not used to, and pretty much that applies to those whove been able to rely largely on their own talents and capacities. So, its a
necessary transition, but not really one that comes naturally or easily for folks whove been able to rely on their own fleshly
capacities for the majority of their lives.
Youve got to get into leaning on Me, not your own, physical abilities.
It pays to walk by faith not in your own capabilities, but in Mine and Heavens all around you. (17:89)

Put your trust in Me, not your own natural abilities to make it! (17:93)

If you feel too weak to cope with it all, it should show you the necessity of My heavenly Strength, instead of just your own, natural
capacities. (17:96)

Keep trusting that I know what Im allowing to happen to you and what youve got to face, principally in order to raise your faith and
confidence and make them stronger in order to get into the state in which youll be capable of dealing with the worse times coming!
Expecting troubled times when youre younger and still full of own physical strength isnt as harsh a test of faith as when youre
older and weakened in the flesh, but thats how I can get you to lean on the spiritual Strength from Above, not your own, physical
capacities. (17:98)

Usually, the result turns out a lot better through folks who depend on Me than of those who can still rely on themselves and their own
capacities. (17:99)

The tougher it is for you, the more you have to rely on My Strength and Power, instead of mainly relying on your own abilities. (17:102)

Let My Spirit fill the slots of disability around you with the ability that I can make out of your physical incapabilities! (17:105)
Part of the ability to change is definitely to pray for it, and have the faith that I can change you and make out of you what youre
supposed to be! (17:106)

Dont let the circumstances and conditions direct you, but learn to let Our Spirit direct them, and at least your perception of them and
the ability to handle them and deal with them! (17:115)

Feeling unable to make it on your owns a good condition, as far as Im concerned, so that you recognize the need of asking for Help
and Strength from Above without which it wont be possible to make it through the dark times coming. (17:116)

Let go of your natural feelings of ability and capacity and let God prepare you for whats coming through making you dependent on
His Help from Above!
Never feel bad about feeling weak, but see it as Our Golden Opportunity to bring to pass through Our Strength in you what could
never be achieved through folks relying on their own, physical strengths and capacities!
So, dont see that physical state of incapability as a negative, but as My Golden Opportunity to empower you and make and get
something out of you that you never could in the flesh! (17:119)

According to your faith means, not according to your own abilities, but according to Mine, and your faith in, and thus, the ability to
use Them. (17:128)

Weaknesses and flaws I can live and work with more easily than some folks abilities that drag them, their time and attention
too far away from Me to be able to use them the way Id like to. (17:129)

Youre becoming aware of the fact that you cant rely on your own, physical abilities anymore the way you used to.
But its going to be a lot tougher and more extreme yet in that aspect, to the point where youll depend every day and every moment
on My protection for your survival. (17:130)

Whenever you feel like you cant make it, that should remind you of the need for My Strength, Power and Light, without which you
simply wont make it through the darkest times to come. (17:131)

Stick to My Word! - The Factor that will enable you to do things many others might not find themselves capable of.
Trust in My Word as the Factor of capability when youre feeling physically incapable! (17:134)

The more you depend on Me, lean on Me and trust in Me, the more I feel responsible for you more so than if you just keep trusting
in yourself and your own capabilities.
Trusting and putting hope in your own talent would bring all My efforts to naught to get you to put your faith purely in Me and My
capacities instead of your own! (17:143)

It may be a little tough for you to believe how Im going to be able to use you with the lower likeliness of My ability to use your
disabilities but isnt that the kind of odds, miracles and wonders Ive always specified in? (17:147)

If you dont feel capable, its time to pray for heavenly Help that youll be utterly dependent on during the dark times to come! (17:151)

Remember Whos in charge of supplying you with the forces and strengths you need, in order to do that which you feel incapable of,
and trust Me that I can enable you! (17:157)

When you cant do it yourself, its usually the golden time of the realization of Who really can. (17:159)

I could do these things before, but now cannot anymore is something usually said with a sound of frustration. Try to say it like this:
I dont have to do it anymore! The Lord does it for me, and He can do a much better job at it, too, than I ever could by myself! - Now
that would be a voice of faith, wouldnt it?
So, when youre feeling like you cant make it, just relax in the confidence that Ill have to do it through and for you instead, and I will,
gladly! (17:164)

Sometimes its been a surprise, as to what I was able to bring to pass through human beings who would never have expected that of
themselves, judging by their own present capabilities.
Remember that your seeming and apparent incapabilities are one of those things I like using the most! (17:165)

Feel like you cant make it? Gear your spiritual focus Up Here, from where the Power comes to make it, no matter how dark the
conditions and circumstances down there, and remember I can help you make it in spite of anything! (17:172)

Can I blame you for not making it? No. And I wont. Just hoping youll make it anyway, and in spite of it all. (17:175)

See life as a school in which your Teacher knows what Hes allowing to present to you as a challenge and test of faith, even if it
initially may seem above your capacities! The goal is to make those capacities grow into a state where theyll help you make it
through the rougher times - the roughest of history. (17:177)

Its the goal to manage to make it through My Help, not your own, physical capacities, but let the Power of the Spirit shine through
Trust in My Power and Strength, instead of relying on your own capacities!
Having relied largely on own abilities makes it harder to come to the track of relying on Me instead.
To not be able to depend on your own abilities anymore may be a rough transition, but in order to perform the needed miracles in the
future, it just takes the Strength and Power from Above, not your own. (17:178)
To make your connection with Me grow in strength and significance in your life, since eventually itll be the only factor that will see
you through, may sound anything but attractive to those relying on their own capacities, but only to true followers of Mine. (17:179)

Dont see it as something bad, feeling incapable of doing it all by yourself!

See your own incapability as a positive through faith!
Let being incapable by yourself be a sign and symbol that you simply need greater strength and capacities than your own, physical
ones! The Strength and Power from Up Here to make you capable of dealing with the naturally and carnally impossible! (17:180)

Take the tough times as a challenge you should take by faith, letting Me show you what I can do through you, if you dont manage it
Even if you dont have the physical ability to manage it yourself, trust enough in Me, that Ill give you the Strength youll need - for
whatever may come! (17:182)

I much prefer folks relying on Me than on their own capacities. (17:184)

Even though you dont like to feel physically weak and incapable, youll learn in the long run about the advantage of relying on My
Strength and Power to help and see you through instead of your own.
The apparent disadvantages of feeling incapable and maybe not knowing exactly what to do or how youll manage to do it will just
make you more aware of your dependence on Me and the Strength and Power from Above.
So, see physical incapability as a positive in the long run, something to strengthen your faith in My spiritual Powers that all My true
followers have been dependent on and shown it through their spiritual fruitfulness as a result! (17:185)

Let Me prove to you how much better I can use you without physical capacities, and in spite of physical weakness!
So you may feel weaker and more incapable than ever before in the strengths of the flesh.
But could it be that there would have been no other way for Me to prove to you the superiority of the Strength of the Spirit instead?
Incapabilities are turning out to be a plus and a positive in My point of view, since your carnal incapability is whats allowing Me to
display My capacities in and through you.
Incapabilities of the flesh make you more capable of accepting My different ways of doing things, including doing them in My
different way, when carnal abilities usually draw people to keep doing things the same way everyone else around them does. (17:186)

Put your trust in Me, that Ill help you to make it through the day, no matter how incapable you feel to make it on your own!
Dependence on Me takes more faith than most believers have who are still largely relying on their own capacities.
The capability of relying on ones own knowledge and understanding can be a disadvantage, when relying on the Knowledge and
Wisdom from Above is something becoming absolutely needed and necessary with Earth being ruled by the guy with the evil
knowledge that started all the trouble to begin with. (17:187)

It takes faith to see physical incapacities as a positive. But thats where faith is a greater positive to Me - and it should be to you, too -
than physical abilities. The faith in Me doing through you what you cant manage to do by yourself.
So, see those physical incapacities as a positive by faith! Faith that I can do through you what you cant do by yourself. And with the
miracles needed to make it in the future, that ability of faith, to put your trust in Me instead of your own strengths and abilities is an
advantage. - Even if its purely an advantage of faith, one youve got to believe in, even if youve been used to your own capacities
more in times past.
See weakness as a positive from My point of view, since thats what pulls down My Strength to enable you to do greater things than
you were able to in the flesh!
Putting your faith in Me instead of your own abilities, isnt that what faith really is and should be all about?
I need to let you experience the type of situations that make you stronger, and thus, more capable to handle and deal with whats to
come! (17:190)

If you ever wonder why Ive had to weaken you of your natural abilities, remember humility! (17:192)

It pretty much depends on your faith, whether My capabilities and Strengths will rise above whats before your eyes or your
expectation of the physical conditions and visible capacities. (17:195)

If you dont feel capable of making it, remember to ask for My Help and Strength! (17:197)

Clinging to Me will turn out to be the most helpful preparation for whats coming, youll see, since ones own capabilities simply wont
play the same role anymore that they did in the past. (17:198)

You dont have enough physical capacities to make it on your own. Do you think in My eyes thats a positive or negative aspect when
Ive been telling you about the coming importance of dependence on Me? (17:203)

If youre feeling incapable of making it, just let it be a reminder of My Help as a need, and thus, a reminder of sticking as close to Me
as you can throughout your day!
Thats the difference between My Love and that of your fellow humans: When it comes to failure, Our Love goes way beyond human
capacities to put up with them.
The fleshly confidence in its own capabilities in the way it worked with things as they were just wont come in touch with the
realization of the tough reality that simply is out there in a world being run by Gods very enemy. (17:205)

Folks have to cope with your lack of abilities, just as I do. Whereas for Me theyre even more of an advantage, to let My Strength
come forth through you for My service, and My Light and the Holy Spirit, in order to do the work for the Father.
Folks whose goal is making more money are more unlikely to be the ones youre going to adapt your abilities to in order to help
them. (17:207)
If you realize you dont deserve any better than what youre getting, you might feel more capable of making the best you can out of an
even lousy situation. (17:212)

I know its a tough one when folks around you seem so much more prone to rely on their own physical capacities, and you look so
incapable in comparison to them. But thats part of what makes you different, another factor Im trying to teach you the importance
of. (17:215)

A challenge for your faith: whether youll make it through whats coming, not really being able to rely on your physical capacities at
all for that Another opportunity for Me to work My miracles through someone who doesnt completely rely on himself and his own
So, see not being able to rely on yourself and your own capacities, but having to lean on Me instead as a positive! Its what will see
you through conditions no capacities of your own ever could. (17:216)

You cant just measure your capacities by whats going on around you and how you cope with that without applying for My Help and
Strength the only way youll make it through whats coming. (17:219)

If you dont feel capable of making it through what the day presents, remember to hang on to Me!
The lack of reliance youre capable to come up with on those around you is just an important reminder of who youre supposed to put
your trust and reliance on.
If the physical circumstances seem to enhance feelings of incapability, remember that its precisely what I can use to make you make
it through the Strength and Power from Above! (17:220)

Influence & Effect

Don't let them influence you, but be an influence on them for the better!
Be a rock in their midst that won't be swayed, that refuses to be dragged along by their negative currents! (II:296)

It seems like a hopeless job, when everything you try to sow in others lives is being torn down again by the world in which they are
so much more deeply immersed than the influence you have on them, but thats where faith comes in to never give up. (III:508)

The environment is bound to have some sort of effect on the fruit. Its harder to find good, healthy fruit in a spiritually sick and
unhealthy country. (III:592)

You mustnt make the mistake of underestimating the power Ive given you to change things, to influence things, even if by nothing
else but your prayers! (IV:7)

Blessings in disguise will often have a more positive effect on the overall outcome than the seemingly and initial good things. All
things work together for good to them that love Me, not just the supposedly good things. (IV:26)

As long as things arent flowing too smoothly and you cant just float along complacently, you know that you must be having some
effect that causes the enemy to go on the counter-attack. (IV:31)

I have a hard enough time with the times that your minds or spirits are temporarily usurped by some enemy influence, without
subjecting yourselves permanently to such via the influence of some relative that you feel you have physical or moral obligation
toward, even though they may have nothing in common with our spiritual Cause. (IV:107)

My influence in someones life can purify their motivations and cleanse a relationship or marriage from any impure and selfish
elements. (IV:108)

The true and valid information of My Word brings insight and wisdom. The false, erroneous and in most cases simply untrue
information that the enemy has been pouring out through the System has the opposite effect. (IV:176)

No matter how much information you derive from the present world, it will never have the same pleasant effect on you as the kind of
information I give you straight from My Realm. (IV:182)

You can do whatever you can in the flesh and in the physical, but if you dont see to it that it will get the necessary boost and umph
from the Spirit World, your efforts might be rendered nearly futile, or at least not nearly as effective as otherwise they might have
been. (IV:191)

Sometimes all that negative input about whats going on in the world has a negative effect on you, and you need to plug in to My
channel and input again. (IV:231)

You must grant Me the right to communicate and convey whatever point I want to make clear in the manner I consider most
effective (IV:242)
You can see the light, or tell the light is there by the contrast against the dark.
You can tell what impact My influence on your life has by comparison with the times when its not there, and you allow the enemy to
interfere. (IV:247)

You can influence and manipulate and steer things toward a positive, upward development, or you can let it all slip and crash. What
are you going to do? (IV:261)

You determine what you allow to influence you and what will have power over you! (IV:420)

It's an art to discern the voices that are affecting and influencing you, to really choose that which is good for you, and eschew that
which is not. (IV:447)

Forgiveness is a healing attitude for the soul to take, not just for the recipient, but also for the one who extends it. Its got a self-
healing effect. (11:107)

When it comes to things (and people) of Earth, the enemys influence simply has the upper hand, temporarily, because under the
matrix and programming of the Curse, it corresponds better to mans sinful heart. (11:124)

The distance by which the effect of My Words in your life exceeds that of human words is infinite. (11:144)

I can keep you from the potential effects of any adverse circumstances, as long as you follow My leadings and can thus be assured
that youre in the center of My will for you. (12:12)

According to how you do, the course of others fates will be influenced and changed, either for better, or, if you fail to make that
grade, potentially for the worse (12:29)

If youre in tune with My eternal, true Mother World of which the devils is only a poor imitation then you can rely on My greater
Control over everything, including your physical circumstances, able to alter or adjust them at any time, and definitely minimize their
effect and impact on you, as I have proven many times. (12:52)

Are you going to let them influence you with their rationalism, or are you going to make a difference by defying it? (12:84)

If My Presence in your life and My communications with you are supposed to have any kind of influence and impact on you at all,
isnt it not to flow with the current of the world, but to live and show and give a living example of a different kind of life? (12:90)

Forgiveness has got a self-healing effect. (12:107)

Remember that We are stronger than all those worldly influences, even though those are more visible; but it just shows and
demonstrates what an important factor faith is. (16:34)

Dont let the influences of bad and evil circumstances the devil creates, conquer or overcome you! Its your job to overcome them
and show through your faith Whose Power and Strength is greater than the evil ones. (16:49)

Have some faith in the superiority of heavenly Strength and Power over that of the enemy and his hoards, including their influences
on others around you! (16:54)

What you need to learn is to resist the influences of evil on you! (16:56)

To be more concerned about others would definitely be a plus-point in learning to make love the greater force of influence and
motivation throughout that life down there, even if its a little tough to do so when the majority of those around you dont. (16:57)

To learn not to let the influences of the majority of others around you have the negative power on you that their influence has, is
another part of that grand lesson of the final chapter of the history of the world under our enemys reign. (16:67)

Keep your spiritual sight geared towards and focused on the heavenly Light!
Remember that that will make you the only blessing and positive witness and influence factor on others! (16:68)

With the enemys influences over the masses having increased in such a way, you can imagine why hed prefer to rule the world
through the AC at a later point in time than predicted. (16:74)

If I wasnt someone with pockets stuffed with money and the one of My disciples who was in charge of it turned out to be My traitor,
that should give you a little glimpse of My attitude towards money and worldly riches! With a hint whose influence and power that
stuff does come from. (2016:78)

Its not easy what youre having to go through, and will have to; but those hard times will have the desired effect on you to make of
you more of what I want you to be. (16:82)

The Strength of the Spirit definitely can have its effects in the physical realm, just as all Creation originally was. (16:90)

Its the Spirit that gives you the necessary strength to overcome any negative influences of your surroundings!
Rise above the influence and effect of physical conditions and get into the Spirit!
The Spirit is what gives freedom from all the hindrances and negative effects of the physical world around you. (16:95)
Its time to get back into the fighting gear! Not just passively resisting the evil surrounding you, but managing through the victorious
(by faith) state youre in to have a positive effect on those around you!
Dont be dragged down by the evil influences and circumstances down there, but keep your vision Up Here, the final winning side
even if it may temporarily look as if the evils winning but just for a relatively short time! (16:97)

Appreciating what you didnt before is a major purpose of the Lessons of Life. And its the hard time of lacking those blessings
previously taken for granted that are the effective point in those lessons. (16:108)

The choice between good and evil should have a long-lasting teaching effect on folks; even though you know that after a thousand
year reign of Good on Earth, folks will get side-tracked again by the enemy, to teach the final lesson. (16:112)

With circumstances on Earth on the most drastic downhill-slope of history, you must learn to overcome their spiritual effect on you!

You have to learn to handle the not so pleasant circumstances and overcome their influence on your mood and emotions.
The enemys trying to make you feel as if My input for you doesnt have any positive influence on you with his attack of negative
moods, but let it also be a reminder of the fact that youve got to be a doer of My Word, not a hearer only!
When the enemy almost manages to convince you that his negative powers and influence are greater than My positive ones, it just
means youve got to resist and fight him.
Living by faith means to attain the ability to resist all influences of negative circumstances around you. (16:144)

Let your communication with others be run and motivated by love, and dont let any of the evil influences of the enemy sink in!

Make the Holy Spirit what engulfs you and surrounds and empowers you in spite of all the enemys influences around you! (16:166)

A selfish tribe the enemy and his crowd.

And you can definitely tell that theyve influenced the majority of the world population to tune in to their gear (16:171)

Theres the factor whether you just want to passively enjoy good and easy times, or put some action into being a positive influence to
those around you.
Going through trials about having lost heavenly moments is something that influences kids, unless you manage to overcome those
trials and make an effort to make the best of whatever circumstances youre caught up in. (16:172)

Having the world you live in being taken over by the enemy of your God, Savior and His followers is where the effect of the choices of
the majority of people comes to its result, and its just part of the important lesson for mankind to make the proper ones in the
future (16:173)

Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and dont let the coming kingdom of Satan influence and drag you down! (2016:177)

Do your best to make things better, become a sample how to do things and act better and dont let things going on around you
influence and affect you to the point where you even become worse!
Deal with behavior, circumstances whatevers unpleasant to you, and dont let it make you even more unpleasant for those who
have to live with you by losing control over the sort of effect it has on you! (2016:186)

Can you get ready to deal with and handle some hell on Earth?
Remember that its peoples choices that brought it in! And to learn the repercussions and effects of choices is a major lesson of the
School of the universe. (2016:196)

Having to learn to put up with demonic influences should teach you to be mindful of, and more on the attack against them, or make a
greater effort to resist them. (17:4)

The emptier of worldly influences, the greater the space and room for heavenly influences from Above the more room inside for the
Holy Spirit. (17:8)

A letdown effect on your self-confidence is another aspect in which Id like you to put more trust and confidence in Me and heavenly
Strength and Power, instead of your own abilities. - Simply because what will be needed for the tough times to come will be more
than you could manage in your own strengths and capabilities. (17:12)

Just as most folks cant see or believe My Word coming into effect you can sense it, trust Me for it and the fact that not too far from
now, you all will see it happening as well. (17:14)

Relying on the Spirit is all based on faith in what you cant see right now. And its a fairly rare gift these days, with folks being filled
with visual inputs more than ever before in history. One other side-effect of TVs, movies, computer screens and quite a few other
factors. (17:37)

With folks around you not seeing things the same way, its a little tough to be or stay on the preparation-for-the-rough-times-track,
but thats where youve got to allow My influence on you be stronger than theirs.
Of course, letting My influence on you be stronger than that of folks is not an easy task, and its one of those challenges of faith, but
if you want to live the faith-life, thats what youve got to learn! (17:38)

Do not allow circumstances to get you into an angry or depressed mood nor let the influence of physical circumstances and
conditions rule you, but the Spirit of God!
Its a tough one to resist the influences of other humans behavior you lived most of your life under the influence of, but thats just
part of the task of learning to resist. (17:39)

Make your faith bigger than the effect those physical conditions and circumstances are having on you!
Keep your vision on that goal of sharing your faith! - Making it grow first of all, in spite of all that surrounds you, to the extent where
it will have an influence on others! Thats what My disciples are supposed to be like. (17:65)

The lie that everything popped up by itself is what the majority believes and broadcasts everywhere, and its hard to resist that sort
of massive influence. (17:75)

Your own mind does have its influence, and a lot of what you do, write and say is based on your personal experience. That this
includes blunders and mistakes, you might say is natural. (17:76)

Learn a bit more of acceptance of things and others acts and behavior around you that you need to learn to put up with and not let
them have a negative influence and effect on you! (17:78)

If folks around you tend to have more of a negative influence on you, remember that it should be your task to point others tunings
around you in the right direction!
I know, its a fight, being surrounded by the spiritual influences of the enemy side all around you, but see that as part of the
challenge: to stay tuned in to Us, in spite of all thats going on around you! (17:91)

Take the shield of faith to protect you from negative effects of physical situations, conditions and circumstances! (17:93)

If you see what effect enjoyment has on kids when thats just about all their characters are focused on, you see that that modern
addiction to it isnt exactly a positive. When they run out of their drug, the behavior becomes nearly unbearable for you.
So, dont let it have the same effect on you, and dont become unbearable when circumstances arent good or perfect enough for
You should make the effort of fighting against the evil influences of the one who spoiled you through comfy circumstances.
If life is getting rougher, dont see it as a negative, but see the positive effect its having on you, of becoming less spoiled by the
comfy circumstances of life youd been getting used to! (17:95)

Life can be a misery, but how to prevent that, shouldnt be too much of a mystery, if you have been taught before about the
miraculous, positive effects of prayer.
While trying to weaken the effect of negative influences on you as much as you can, perhaps recognizing that dealing with them in
the right manner, instead of seeking to escape their effect on you, might just result in an important bit of positive outcome (17:96)

Dont let your faith be influenced by what you see and experience around you in the physical, but point your entire confidence in the
unseen Factor Up Here!
If the conditions down there are getting tougher, its just all the more incentive to point your faith and confidence in the right
direction. - Not letting it be influenced - and thus, weakened - by all thats going on around you down there, but staying spiritually
focused on your Goal and Destination. (17:98)

I said faith just has to be the size of a mustard seed, but with the enemys enlargement of the hellish state on Earth, that mustard
seed has to grow in order to help you rise above his major influences on the world in its greatest state of darkness coming. (17:99)

Making the effort to stay on My wavelength instead of getting too influenced by physical circumstances will be a sample of faith that
many need and appreciate. (17:100)

When the egos the most important part of someone, theres little chance for them to spot their own wrongdoings and sins, and thus
the need for Salvation from their eventual effects and causes. (17:102)

You have to fight against the enemys evil in this world, including his influences on the world and on yourself! (17:104)

The enemy knows what areas in your life you still give him an opportunity to enter and have some influence. So, its still important to
resist him and his temptations, even if they might not be all that obvious. (17:106)

Dont let the present influence your mindset as much as the future - by faith! (17:107)

Negative influences are like tastes of death, that even make you see death as the preferable alternative. But you have to get ahold of
My Rhythm of Life the stuff that all living things are made of and comes from Our Realm of the Spirit! (17:118)

Make the effort to stay on a positive wavelength, and resist the spiritual and mental attacks and influences from the enemys side!

If I came to save you from the hell thereafter, put that faith in Me that I can also keep and protect you from the effects of the current
and coming hell on Earth! (17:122)

As conscious and aware you are of the enemy and his spiritual reign over the world - soon to become physical, - you should stay
more aware of the fact that what it means and includes for you is that daily battle against his evil influences on your surroundings
and against you - his attacks. (17:125)

Remember whos basically in charge of things down there, and that you need My Strength and Power to overcome them!
And that includes the effect hes having on folks around you. (17:126)
Dont let the enemy drag you down with his negative inputs and mindsets! Keep in mind that My influence has to become greater in
your life than his!
Reject the influences your conditions seek to have on you, trying to distract you from setting the priority where its due! (17:127)

If you want to be recognized as a follower of Mac Positive, its important you stay on His positive wavelength, and dont allow the
influences of Mc Negative to affect you! (17:129)

Dont let circumstances affect you, except drive you closer to Me! (17:131)

The surroundings are mainly influenced by the enemys forces, and youve just got to resist them and fight against them!
To aim for My Light is what will bring you the victory over the enemys influences of darkness.
The effect of unpleasant circumstances and conditions around you is a tough challenge, I know a challenge of faith. How strong is
it? What obstacles are you letting it help you to overcome, and get you to focus and aim beyond? (17:132)

Just remember through the influence on whom the devil got this world into its helluva state in the first place!
Relationships bring out the effect of weaknesses and bad habits
A big factor on the necessity of human relationships. (17:137)

The impact and amount of the Help and Strength from Us in your life has to rise above the influences of the enemy.
It basically all depends on whose influence you allow to take greater effect in your life.
The enemy knows how to tempt you with worries, fear and doubts in order to weaken your faith, and thus, the impact of Our Strength
and influence in your life just as his input had an apparent and obvious greater effect of Adam and Eve with his temptation to get
them to eat of the forbidden fruit, which basically commenced all the troubles in this world and Our creation.
The difference between you and them being that you ought to have learned better by now from both, their experience and your own,
to make the better choice regarding who it pays off to listen to in a better and more positive way, seeing the effect of the enemys
influence all around you, and knowing from experience that thats definitely not the better one, nor the one you should attend and
listen to!
If you think its just as bad as it can get right now, Im afraid youll experience much greater and worse manifestation of his forces in
the dark times to come. So, the sooner you learn to resist the influences of his power in the world, the better! (17:145)

Its more important to Me than ever before to be and use a different kind, getting so close to our enemys ultimate reign down there,
and his level of influence over the masses having grown to unprecedented proportions! (17:147)

Take what comes so that you can be a positive influence on those who simply havent learned that part of the life of faith yet!
If your circumstances arent as pleasant as youd prefer, dont let it affect you to the extent where you cant manage anymore to be a
sort of strengthening and encouraging factor of influence on others!
The heavenly Spirit is much more powerful than the physical circumstances and conditions sown by the negative spiritual influences
from the other side!
Remember what the snakes influence caused Adam and Eve to experience: the move out of Eden, out of paradise, and the globe is
largely heading toward the ultimate result of that! (17:153)

Tune in to Me and My Wavelength, instead of being too influenced by the tough circumstances and conditions around you!
Faith should be something to be seen as a positive in you, so you cant just wallow along on negative influences of physical
circumstances. (17:159)

Remember whos the one whos about to take over the reign of this world for its ultimate and most horrendous period!
And just becoming aware of the fact that you dont like that guy, no matter what he seems to have to offer, is already a positive to be
learned from his negative groove, influence, wavelength and - as far as Were concerned: absurdity. (17:165)

Remember that evoking changes is part of your ministry, and it also includes having a positive influence and impact on those around
you - specially including your kids! If you dont feel much like a teacher or leader of others, you should at least be theirs, and not just
cave in to the influence the enemy has on them. (17:180)

Preserving your unity is one of the major tasks of your faith.

See it as something worth fighting for, and fighting against the enemys influences for! (17:181)

One thing youve got to learn is to resist the influences of the spirits having taken over the world that are planning to take over a
large part of mankind in the flesh, and will do so in order to show who belongs to Me and who belongs to the enemy, and not let
them rub you the wrong way, so that theyll get you onto a track of behavior you might become ashamed of some day!
So, keep resisting the enemys and his co-hoards influences that drag you down, and make the effort to stay tuned to the Spirit of
God instead, Amen? (17:191)

Cleaning the world up from many of the enemys influences and besmirching will take quite a while. (17:192)

Keep living - even when you dont feel like it - for My sake, and accordingly, the sake of others I want you to reach and influence for
Me! (17:196)

Being surrounded by folks who still put a large amount of their trust and confidence in money isnt exactly helpful, but see it as one
of the types of influences you should learn to resist!
Times getting tougher are a challenge to make your faith grow in spite of the conditions.
Another sign that your faith and belief and trust in Me should rise above the influences of whats going on around you! (17:199)
The process of weakening physical capacities has a somewhat discouraging effect, but it just shows to make more of a spiritual
effort to put that trust in Me and the option to receive that Power and Strength from Above needed in order to become a helpful fellow
human to those around. (17:201)

Resist the enemys negative inputs through the shield of faith to protect you from all his influences!
Make your faith and trust in My Strength and Power grow above and beyond the influences of physical circumstances!
So, keep focusing Up Here through faith for greater Strength to make it and rise above the influences of the forces from below! -
Amen? (17:204)

Separations of parents dont have a good or healthy effect on kids But then, what good effect does a disastrous marriage or
relationship have on them?
The tough reality in a world being run by Gods very enemy and to keep fighting and resisting him and his influences is what lifes
challenges for My believers are all about. (17:205)

If you look at what the chosen people did to their Savior and Lord, along with the horrendous states folks get into with their wives
and women, doesnt it all reveal what a disastrous state the world is in? And thanks to who, and whose influence? The coming world
rulers. (17:206)

Trust Me that having to go through some bad also will have its good effect on you! (17:217)

It takes a great spiritual effort to stay on the positive side of things when youre influenced and affected by the negative state of the
world, but thats where overcoming and rising above comes in, and focusing on the Positive beyond all the negativity that world has
to offer and causes you to look at. Look beyond! Thats the remedy! (17:218)


The Holy Spirit, the Comforter, is bringing back all these things to your remembrance, using the information that has been stored
there somewhere before, to bring home new lessons I want to teach you each day.

Dont just let the things you learn inform you, but form you, shape you into something greater. You must learn to see with the eyes of
the spirit, not merely acknowledge data and accumulate information. Dont just accept facts with your brain, but come to know with
the tacit knowing of faith, so you learn to apply the information adequately, and the right bits at the right time. - Thats when believing
becomes seeing and faith becomes knowing.

I have yet greater things in store for you. Not to elevate you or entertain you, but as an important tool and instrument of yielding vital
information that will ensure your survival and that of many others, and consequently, the salvation of many others.

Stay focused on your goal, just like a student would be focused on his diploma or final exam, his graduation, throughout years of
studying, listening, absorbing information and material in school.

Sometimes knowledge is the greatest stumbling block to divine revelation, because it interferes with what I would like to reveal to
you and pipes up with its own input! When you come before Me, you must lay aside your own opinions, your own background
information as much as possible, and any preconceived ideas & bias, otherwise a message can very easily become tainted by what
you "know."

There are oodles of books written about what kind of care certain plants or animals need, but only recently have relatively few people
begun to care enough to provide helpful information about what their fellow humans need.

The (result of) loss of information in micro-evolution: fruits and vegetables are not as nutritious anymore as they used to be. They
may look better through all that genetic "enhancement" & manipulation; they may in some cases even taste better, but they actually
aren't any better as far as nutritive value and health factors are concerned.
This coincides with people, how they actually seem to look better on the surface, almost as if to prove evolution right, but they aren't
any better when it comes to true and lasting values... They've actually lost a lot of quality & "information."
Although the best is yet to come in the world to come, as far as this age is concerned, the best human pair, as well as the best fruits
and vegetables, as well as animals, already existed long ago, & everything that has derived from the originals has deteriorated
somewhat in the copying process. While some things seem to have gotten better on the surface, technology has improved,
progressed & developed, & so have commodities, enabling people to live at much greater ease than ever before, which again enables
them to put much greater emphasis on superficial things like their looks than ever before, which may give a certain appearance of
genuine improvement; when it comes to a good, deep look beneath the surface, there is actually no genuine improvement of life
As people are finding out: with all the devices they're inventing to save time, yet they always seem to be running out of time & seem
to have less time than ever. Paradox, isn't it? That's why it pays to see things the way I see. That crummy looking root or vegetable
your forefathers ate may have well been a much greater source of vitamins, minerals, & thus health and nutrients, than all that "too-
good-to-be-true" almost plastic-like food they sell nowadays. And their hard and rough life-style may have rendered them greater
genuine happiness than all of today's technology & gimmicks can give you.

It's not as if I'm telling you the exact same thing over and over. Each time I add a little bit of a new angle to it, a tiny little speck of a
new truth and a new revelation in it, so that - although the fundament may be quite old - the whole thing grows, slowly, like a gigantic
puzzle, bit by bit (information by information), revealing My Big Picture, in which you're actually participants.

You can fill your head until it explodes, but what matters is what you do with every little bit of information, how deeply you allow it to
sink in, so that it can be seen in your actions. Otherwise you wind up with a case of spiritual bulimia where you stuff and stuff
yourself, but fail to digest it all properly, and so it will never do anybody any good...

(Spirit Helper:) Welcome to the Great Link! The pool of unlimited inspiration and exchange of vital information - the place where all holy
spirits connect and become as one. It's not really "a place," as much as a gigantic phenomenon, a wavelength, an ethereal area and
broadcasting range without limitations that expands throughout not only the entire physical universe, but also all other dimensions:
the Great Link is the Spirit World. Here you are truly at Home. In the physical world you have causes for fear and anxiety, and you
worry about the diminishing state of your substance. Here, there is no fear, because nothing diminishes, nothing can ever be lost -
everything constantly grows, and there is only eternal gain, no loss, whatsoever.

The genetic information for any complete life-form is already there in its simplest state. Although the outward appearance may
change over time, the essence, the gist, the information in its genes, does not change.

I begin My work with the tiniest unit. I work on the little things, and their precision, the small entities on which the whole show is
based, the single units, single cells, to make sure that when they part, spread and grow, they dont spread any corrupted information,
which can result in deformation, and other less than desirable results.

In order to prevent storms from wreaking the most possible damage, you need unity and communication, and the doors must be
open for and exchange of information to take place. The worst thing to have is an I already know it all attitude. That is no way to
prevent trouble, but the way to cause trouble

I begin My work with the tiniest unit. I work on the little things, and their precision, the small entities on which the whole show is
based, the single units, single cells, to make sure that when they part, spread and grow, they dont spread any corrupted information,
which can result in deformation, and other less than desirable results.
Just slapping theories together on shreds of information without hearing out the whole story has unpleasant consequences. (IV:19)

Its quite a revelation to most arrivals in the Spirit World, just how vast the difference is between worldly standards of information
(with their relatively low truth content), and the heavenly standard of the truth, and truly nothing but the truth.
Its one of the reasons why My thoughts are so much higher than those of people on Earth: most of peoples thoughts are based on
erroneous assumptions or misinformation, and quite far away from the truth.
You could say, nothing could be further from the truth than mankinds present level and wealth of information.
While theres a lot of valid information available, its not the truly valid and reliable information thats largely being disclosed to the
public. (IV:81)

The false information of the devil seeks to get man to place his trust in himself.
All those smart, but really unhappy people may have a lot of information stored up in their brains, but a lot of it is false information,
based on false and twisted definitions.
Its only the false input and information of the devil, the apostate, that added confusion, error and flaw to My Creation. (IV:134)

The head stuffing of the devil creates the illusion in peoples heads that theyre actually smart. - Loads and loads of useless
information, creating an illusion of a reality thats just a fake, and a poor counterfeit of the Real Thing. (IV:171)

The entrance of My Word giveth light and understanding to the simple, but when people neglect My Word, the opposite happens
They may think theyre smart because of the quantity of information stored up in their overloaded memories, but what really counts
is not the quantity, but the quality of the information theyve got.
The true and valid information of My Word brings insight and wisdom. The false, erroneous and in most cases simply untrue
information that the enemy has been pouring out through the System has the opposite effect. (IV:176)

No matter how much information you derive from the present world, it will never have the same pleasant effect on you as the kind of
information I give you straight from My Realm. (IV:182)

Knowledge and the supply of information may have increased, but the quality and value of that information have drastically
decreased, so that despite the fact that people have more information crammed into their heads than ever before, theyre not actually
any smarter. They just think theyre smarter. (IV:199)

The goal isnt head-stuffing or just acquiring knowledge, accumulating facts to store in your brain. Youll probably make better
progress by just taking each day as a child, ready to explore something new, rather than as a professor who can barely make space
for another bit of information in his already crammed head
Its the Spirit, rather than the cold, factual information value of whats being said that truly increases your faith, and thus your
spiritual bank account.
You may figure, if information was the factor that got everything started in the beginning, then information must be the key to
creation. But what you need to realize, is that the essence of the information at the core of creation is love. Its loving information, to
try to put it somewhat into human terms.
The information is not the most important part of it, but love is. The information may be the more or less visible or comprehensive
part of it, while love is the large space in-between those particles that can be perceived, but love is still the gist of it.
It is love that initiates the information.
In the beginning there was information, and that information was love, because it was also God, and God is love (John 1:1, 1John 4:8) .

Where the TV and other sources of information and input have taken My place in someones life, or the place that should be rightfully
reserved for Me, a pool of false knowledge comes into being that simply doesnt jibe very well with the sort of input I have to offer.
Learning is not just about acquiring and accumulating additional information. Its a process of acknowledging the other, absorbing
and assimilating them a little more each time you communicate Its relationship. - All contributing to the huge, slow process of
eventual universal integration and all of Creation becoming one. (IV:277)

Basically, that's what life for Me and the Gospel is all about: passing on information that might bring folks to the conclusion that it
just might be smarter to prepare for the afterlife, that's beyond this one... (IV:296)

Theres a deeper knowing than the acquisition of information. (IV:466)

Its not about accumulating information, but more about doing the right thing according to what youve learned. (12:29)

Learning is collecting and acquiring not only factual information, but also life-altering experience in how to deal with situations, that
youre never going to lose. (12:38)

I want you to get ahold of My heart, not just beg Me for more information, confirmations or blessings on your plans. Love is most of
all a matter of the heart, more than an exchange of intellectual goods and information, even though that part verbal communication
is an important part of any relationship, but thats not all there is to it.
The information the Word is good and strong, but theres yet a deeper level youve got to indulge in more, if you really want to live
in Me and bear fruit for and from Me.
So, come, I invite you to visit, enter in and explore My heart, not just the mind-blowing Realm of new verbal and informative
revelations! (12:70)

Think of Me as not only a Teacher conveying theoretical knowledge and information, but as a Coach who will exert you and try to get
the most out of you and getting you to live up to your full potential! (12:73)

Its not a constant flow of new information or revelations you need, its daily guidance, or even just encouragement and
strengthening of your faith, which comes from hearing My Word. (16:155)

Information and its quality depends a lot on the source its coming from. (17:17)

Great and positive qualities are apparently not as dependent on whats in the head, as whats in the heart.
So, ones personality and spirit arent ultimately based on knowledge. Another ultimate lesson on the superiority of spirit over the
quantities of knowledge and stored up information. (17:27)

Inspiration is essential; otherwise itll be cold dead works and words. (I:205)

The trick is not just doing what you feel inspired to do, but doing something so that you will get inspired! (I:432)

You're going to have to get to know Me a lot better yet, you're going to have to be more sure of Me, in order for Me to become a
greater Source of inspiration to you than any people on Earth could ever be! (I:465)

It's essential to keep up the necessary level of inspiration; the spark and incentive to keep you going for Me. (II:291)

When you witness, you get inspired! Inspiration doesn't come from keeping it all for "me, thee, thou and no other," but the
inspirational level was always strongest where there was witnessing going on, where people were really doing the job and pouring
out, because that is simply where the inspiration will come from.
Just let go and let Me! The more you learn that, the higher the inspirational level is going to be, the heat, and the Light of Love,
radiating and creating heat, rather than merely reflecting it.
Stay in pouring out mode and see what happens! (II:324)

You need inspiration, not just mere brain-power and intellect. (II:543)

Feeling "inspired" is not really a safe and foolproof guarantee for anything, whether the thing you feel inspired about is really
inspired by Me.
You've got to really make sure always that it's My inspiration and anointing, not an inroad or temptation of the flesh to make itself feel
grander and greater than is due. (II:560)
True inspiration is hardly ever recognized by your fellowmen during your life-time, that's just one of the things about the world and
the way it is. (II:610)

People often demand from each other a degree of perfection that they lack themselves.
Instead of turning to Me as the Source of inspiration, they turn to a futile, empty vessel like themselves, fragile and imperfect,
projecting into them hopes that only I can fulfill. (III:65)

By channeling your excitement and inspiration through Me, and rolling the ball back to Me, you can be sure that everything is going
to have My perfect touch and blessing: My perfect timing, My perfect pace, and you can rest assured that I'm going to do it for you,
you don't have to do it yourself and in your own energy. (III:148)

Stop regarding other people as sources of inspiration who might minister to you and fill your needs! It's not going to happen,
because I expect you to be receiving that inspiration straight from Me, and instead of expecting additional inspiration from them; you
must pass on what inspiration you get from Me to them. (III:249)

What really makes a hit, is not any pattern of numbers one can follow, but divine inspiration. (III:263)

Whatever you give and pass on has got to be inspired, if you want it to inspire others. It cannot be just cold, dead facts or figures or
words... It's got to be alive. (III:268)

Convinced that you are on a happier and more inspired wavelength? Then try to pull them up to yours! That's what inspiring others is
all about.
Failure to inspire others is often due to lack of vision and faith to even start. (III:287)

The inspiration that stems from the feeling of having accomplished something in the flesh, is not 100% pure and genuine inspiration
of My Spirit.
It's not the same kind of inspiration that caused the explosion of My message at Pentecost, for instance, because the Power of that
Spirit sought only to promote Me, whereas that other sort of inspiration seeks to promote your own act, and to secure your support
and sustenance. (III:343)

The Internet is the devil's version of the "great link." That's why he even tries to get you to find your inspiration and information there
instead of having Me and your helpers reveal it to you from the Spirit World. (III:357)

If what you're doing doesn't have love in it, it won't inspire anyone. If your primary concern is what will be in it for you, the financial
potential or possible outcome, then it's dead, and it's no wonder it won't inspire or interest anyone. (III:358)

All you need is a few words from the greatest Winner of all times to cure you from a loser streak and infuse some new zest and spark
and inspiration and life back into your weary bones. (III:367)

If you make certain to avail yourself of My Power, there will be a different kind of zest behind your work, a greater certainty and
knowing that youre doing the right thing, more inspiration, and thus, less danger of becoming upset and frustrated in the process.

Youre just going to have to get over any lack of enthusiasm and inspiration that hits you sometimes, since its natural to feel inspired
about a project at the onset of it, but it usually wears down the longer it drags on and actually becomes work. (III:435)

The main purpose of My Word is not just to instill some fleeting feeling and emotion of inspiration, but to ignite faith.
Even if the inspiration level isnt always the same, just as the emotional level in a personal relationship isnt always the same, the
feeling isnt the goal, but the goal is the life you can build from a working relationship and the trust that it engenders. (III:438)

I am the One Whos giving you the ideas and inspirations in the first place. So, allowing the enemy to discourage you about them is
like taking the credit for them yourself and saying they are yours, instead of Mine. Whereas, if you make it clear that it all comes from
Me in the first place, you have the power to rebuke the devil and tell him, Hey, this isnt just my own idea, but the Lords, so, get out
of my way! (III:475)

People have got to know that theyre loved unconditionally in order to come up with the inspiration and love to do anything that
counts and matters in the first place. (III:489)

How can you be an inspiration for others, and a sample of My Love, unless you stay plugged in to My Power and make sure that
thats what you radiate? (IV:32)

90% of service to Me is interaction with Me, your communion with Me, your devotion to Me, and I will do the rest through you. I will
then inspire and empower you to do the physical part of executing whatever is My will for you to do. (IV:69)

Inspiration is not something you can regulate or legislate or determine when and where exactly its going to happen. Thats in
essence the meaning of the wind allegory: the Holy Spirit is unpredictable, like the wind that bloweth where it listeth and canst not
tell from whence it cometh or whither it goeth.
Either the inspiration is there or it isnt, and if its not, you best leave it be and wait until it comes.
So, even if you havent been feeling any big emotional bangs lately, or big hits of inspiration, you cant say My Spirit has departed
from you, either, because the flow simply remained in a steadier, continuous state. (IV:116)

Spirit helpers will be a greater and more stable source of genuine inspiration to you than any frail and flawed physical human ever
The strength and inspiration, including the happiness you seek lies only here with Me in the Spirit World, and in your availing
yourself of It to the extent you should. (IV:127)

A bold and convinced individual professing his love for Me might go further to inspire another individual to reach out to Me than all
the choirs and worship bands in the world. (IV:131)

Numbers and their pursuit can make your endeavors come across as mathematical, instead of filled with divine inspiration. (IV:200)

There is nothing that will stir up and fan the fire of inspiration as that desperation caused by a shortage of funds. (IV:214)

Just try to stay plugged in to My Spirit anywhere you go! Try to stay inspired! (IV:236)

Refrain from feeding yourself questionable input simply for the sake of consumption or entertainment, otherwise youll be too full for
My input, and accordingly, your faith, your level of inspiration, and thus, whatever you have to give to others, will suffer from it!

If you want to inspire others and awaken flames in their hearts of hope in a better world, quite different from this one, then it helps to
have a little bit of otherworldly inspiration, feelings and emotions, too. (IV:393)

As you can tell from your experience: less than wholehearted often fails to inspire and invoke enthusiasm (11:28)

Inspiration comes from My diet, My nourishment and input. If you primarily feed your spirit other things, its no wonder you seem to
lack inspiration. (12:22)

Excitement and inspiration, along with vision, come purely by faith, one of the fruits of the Spirit. (12:56)

Would you rather inspire someone, even on grounds of something that could be called an act you put on, or inspire no one at all? So,
a little bit of make-belief isnt altogether bad. A little bit of pretense isnt all that harshly judged by Me, because Id rather have people
inspire others using whatever means they have, than fail to do so on grounds of wanting to stay realistic all the time.
Of course, if you can manage to inspire people on realistic grounds, and genuine and real truth coming from your lips and conveyed
through your action, that is the highest ideal. But if you cant, I will wink at you using some sort of pretense or role play in order to
convey something good, if thats all youve got. (12:64)

Try to stay tuned in and plugged in to Me as much as you can; and when you run out of the inspiration, just get plugged in again!

Dont feel too bad about feeling out of it down there, but do all you can to make the best of it, by inspiring other folks interest in the
Place youre headed! (15:228)

Let the mess around you inspire you to do something positive about it! (16:40)

Praying for the help and inspiration from Above is one of the primary things you ought to do and get into the groove of! (16:61)

When you dont know what to do, thats a good reason to get in touch with Me and let Me inspire you. (16:70)

The Day Ill come to pick you up: Encouraging and inspiring news concerning the greatest and most positive Change of world
history? Keep your vision and spiritual focus your expectation geared towards that! (16:107)

A good type of feelings: The kind that comes from the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. (16:151)

If youd like to do better and be more of an inspiration to those around you, having to come before Me to get My input to help and
strengthen you to make it through the day is just something youll have to get used to: not making it without Me. (2016:189)

It inspires you when you keep your vision and goal set Up Here instead of down there. (17:48)

Set your outlook out of that world and gear it to the better, everlasting One coming!
Youll see: thats the way youll manage to inspire others.
You need to set your focus on Our World, your true and lasting Home, in order to inspire others to want to get Here, too! (17:80)

It should be your task to point others tunings around you in the right direction! But first of all, youve got to be tuned to the right
direction yourself. Otherwise, how can you inspire others to do so? (17:91)

Trust Me that when the times come for you to do certain things, I will give you the inspiration and incentive to do them! Learn to wait
until the necessary inspiration comes to do those things in My Might!
To do things at the right time, with My inspiration and not without, is one of the ways that distinguish Mine from those of the ones
following their own instincts. (17:116)

Wanna be a true artist? Make a beautiful picture of your life through the inspiration of the Creator of it all! (17:143)
(Lasting/Spiritual) Values
The things of Earth are not edifying, but more often than not a distraction and hindrance from learning the more important and
eternal values of the Spirit. (I:412)

"Strengthen the things that remain" is the message that would appropriately describe what I want you to convey to the world, and
how can you convey that successfully and effectively, unless you first live it yourselves? The things that remain are the things of the
spirit, the eternal things. Things like physical relationships, marriages, families, etc., have all proven to be more fragile and subject to
time than ever before. The reason for this is, that the lasting values that used to strengthen relationships before, have been removed
from them, and those were precisely the spiritual ingredients I want you to help people to re-discover. (I:427)

The only eternal value that you can take with you from this world into the next, are the souls you're winning for Me. (I:599)

Strengthen the things that will remain, both, for you, as well as for those you will minister to, as you will give them priceless
opportunities to invest in Eternity and My eternal values, as opposed to living visionless, selfish and materialistic lives! (I:611)

Stay focused on the essential things, on the values that remain! (II:71)

It has to be something difficult, a big thing for you, not just any old thing that's easy for you to do, if you really want to make a
difference and do things of real impact and lasting value for others. (II:162)

The temporal realm is nearly unreal by comparison to My eternal and everlasting values. (II:192)

People seem to look better on the surface, almost as if to prove evolution right, but they aren't any better when it comes to true and
lasting values.
When it comes down to it, the entire system of values has just been blown up to look bigger, but is so fragile; one little pin will put an
end to it very rapidly. (II:445)

You've got to be in tune with Me, see things as I do, value things according to My standards of what's important. (II:493)

What determines the value of something is not how big it is, but how real it is! (II:502)

Everything that's worth something, costs something. It's got to cost you some of your time, your attention, some effort. But usually,
folks prefer to invest all that into something else, one of the manifold distractions out there, and counterfeit sources of happiness, or
their arm of the flesh, or some other supposed "shortcut" to Heaven or happiness. (II:624)

Remember that everything that's worth something, costs something!

You can't expect to get something out of anything, if you're not ready to put something into it. (III:94)

Because I am Love, the only value that counts is love. (III:104)

That's why New Jerusalem is a golden City, to remind everyone that Here are found the values that will last, like gold, not the futile
values of the world. (III:130)

Your true value is determined by the amount of My Spirit you allow to flush through your life.
How much do you allow others to be touched by Me through you? How much do you really give in order to be able to say you did
your best, you gave your all? How much do you have left? Are you doing and giving all you can? That's what counts to Me. (III:135)

Losses and gains are only numbers and statistics, and they may have their place of importance to some extent. But what's really
valuable to Me is the lessons and the experiences they bear, like some deep imprint of life's wisdom on your soul, that gives your life
the real beauty and value.
Loss is gain if you look at it trough My eyes: it will be the gain of new opportunities, greater trust and confidence in Me, the lasting
Factor in your life; greater dependence on Me, greater wisdom, greater treasures of experiences and lessons learned; the true values
of life. (III:196)

The System is a fake. It's not based on true values, not based on truth, and that's the difference I want you to show to the world.

Living souls are the most valuable thing there is, and the greatest evils on Earth are perpetrated by those who do not share that view.

In My eyes, and according to My system of values, inter-human relationships rank higher in importance than projects by which you
can approve yourself and display your productivity. (III:288)

Learn to value people just for being people, and not for whatever they may be able to do for you! (III:338)

Invest your time not in the ways of this world, but in My eternal and everlasting and unshakable values! (III:355)
Once you realize there is nothing holier, nothing more sacred, nothing more valuable than that flame of love in your heart, and that
there's nothing the devil is more after, the whole thing takes on a new perspective, dimension and level of priority, and you begin to
realize it's actually something not only worth fighting for, but that it's simply something you've got to fight for with all your might!

In establishing lasting and eternal values, sometimes the earthly values have to be abolished first. (III:418)

You dont really know what youve got until you lose it. Sometimes by losing it, you actually gain it for real. You get to know its true
value, and thus, when you get it back, youll have it in a way you never had it before (III:450)

Contrary to what it may seem at the moment, tough experiences are infinitely more valuable than happy and easy times. (III:589)

The testing of your faith is more precious than gold (1 Peter 1:7).
In other words, were upping the value of your currency. Were making your faith even more precious, more valuable, and its going to
be an even stronger force to be reckoned with on the market of life.
For some, life is a refinery of the purest gold there ever was, while for others it is a furnace, burning up all those other, less than true
and eternal values. (III:590)

Remember faith, hope and love, three spiritual values much more important than any of the physical circumstances around you!

Be wise enough to discern what the truly valuable things in life are! (IV:175)

Love is just about the only thing of true and lasting value when it comes to Our standard and heavenly criteria. (IV:200)

The less there are around of your kind, the more precious and valuable you become. (IV:208)

The fires of lifes trials will reveal which are the values that endure and last. (IV:209)

Can you accept and say yes to My system of values and doing things? (IV:271)

The truth of My Word is simply the one thing that will get you the farthest, your best ticket and greatest bonus youve got in this life,
so, see to it that you make the most out of it and dont let the enemy diminish its value in your eyes!
Just because others are so foolish to underestimate and despise its value does not mean that you have to adapt to their ignorance.

You can only convey higher, spiritual and more lasting values to others to the extent that you uphold and live by them yourself! If
your crutch and artificial booster of self-worth is gone and it makes you feel worthless, then it just proves that so far you have been
adhering to less than lasting values.
Naturally, Id like to be the Party that is mainly responsible for your inner worth, and be the Factor that you rely on to determine your
true value. (IV:351)

If you want to look for real values, look for the kind I look for in people: One thing is required in stewards, that a man be found
faithful. (IV:353)

Faith is dealing with the things of real value, namely the things that will last way beyond anything thats to be found in the physical.

While physical beauty may decrease, spiritual beauty and stature increases and improves.
Lasting values become more, while physical and outward values (according to mans criteria) may diminish. (IV:499)

Its not so much the being different at any cost... Its the different and distinct values youve got to set your mind on! (IV:516)

Flesh fades. Only the Spirit will last. So, the more you invest in the Spirit, the more you invest in lasting values. (11:7)

What if many of the things you were told are good are actually bad?
What if a whole new redefinition of values is needed, a totally new and different standard by which to judge and evaluate the world?
Basically, that's what I and My teachings represent, and I've given a few examples in My so-called "Sermon on the Mount" in which I
gave My disciples an idea of what some of My - and God's - standards are, and how vastly they differ from the worlds.
The reason most people in the world aren't happy is because their values clash sharply with God's. And My people's task has always
been to convey those values to the world that would enable them to live happy and fulfilled lives. Of course, to get them to accept
that their former or current standards are false, wrong, or not leading to true success and happiness is one of the toughest parts of
their job.
In a way, you've got to bring them the bad news first, before you can give them the Good News. You've got to let them know that their
current standards, values and even so-called truths aren't real or where it's at, or at least that you've got better ones, and, of
course, one of the greatest onslaughts Christianity has experienced of late is that of people questioning those values commonly
recognized as Christian, criticizing them and challenging that they're really any better.
Some of these criticisms are justified, and based on grounds of wrong applications or interpretations of My values; others are, of
course, attempts of the enemy to discredit My teachings. (11:48)

Maybe bleak and sobering circumstances help you to see the facts and priorities more realistically, according to My values and
standards. (11:60)

Im in the long and weary process of shifting your faith from their paper money values to Mine.
When those paper values start to crumble and falter, your faith in Me will still be a more valid force and guarantor of your survival
than any other thing youve ever known and relied on. (11:76)

If its real happiness youre looking for, you have to look for it in the more lasting values of My Realm.
You can only experience it on Earth, providing youve got Heaven in your heart. (11:79)

The values you build on are a lasting basis, though perceived to be much weaker, perhaps even less real, while theirs, appearing to
be strong and paramount at the moment, will vanish along with everything else in and from this world, like a vapor. (11:104)

While the value of your time spent with Me and what youre getting out of it may be disputed, according to the currencies of the
world, its value is indisputably clear to Me, Who am lacking respect for those, but do measure things by values that will still hold their
weight in the scales of eternity. (11:115)

I consider modesty and humility and similar virtues along with putting your faith into those lasting values much greater riches
than any amount of paper money. (12:75)

You have to realize that the strengthening of your faith including the shifting of your faith from your own power and strength to
Mine are more important than any problem and its temporary solution; its a priority, as far as Im concerned, just as eternal and
lasting values have always been over temporal currencies. (12:86)

Isnt what My teachings are all about, not to let life be centered around things, but seek and pursue alternative values? (12:90)

The values you build on are a lasting basis, though perceived to be much weaker, perhaps even less real, while the ones from this
world appearing to be strong and paramount at the moment, will vanish along with everything else in it like a vapor. (12:104)

While the value of time spent with Me may be disputed according to the currencies of the world, its value is indisputably clear to Me,
Who am lacking respect for those, but do measure things by values that will still hold their weight in the scales of eternity. (12:115)

Whatever you learn down there may not have the same lasting values as the things you can learn from Me!
So, can you see it as something positive that youre learning the difference between worldly facts and what Im teaching and
communicating with you? Well, which of the two do you think is going to last longer? And thus, have a better, more valuable and
lasting effect. (15:143)

I wasnt a wealthy noble-man during My earthly life, but stuck to a pretty simple standard. If thats what I chose well, it should give
you a hint whats the wiser thing to do. Not gear your life after the possessions of material things, but as much as you can, according
to spiritual, and thus, much more lasting values! (15:153)

Listening to Me is an advantage, as shows the chapter in John about the two sisters of whom one did and the other got offended
about her not helping to serve Me and the disciples
Both deeds were good, but ultimately, listening to Me will turn out to be the better! Even if there appears to be less work involved in
it. As for Me: receptivity is a better surplus than being a diligent worker. Both capacities have their advantages and purposes, but
listening to Me will give you the ability to give others more of spiritual values, which you ought to know by now I treasure more than
the work most folks invest their time in, to enrich their physical existences (15:161)

Its the most difficult and a harder challenge than ever, to resist carnal and material temptations, but the more you realize how vain
they are, how temporal and empty, as far as the eternal, spiritual values go, the more drawn toward the other, spiritual side you start
feeling. (15:169)

Giving spiritual things higher values in life than the material ones will always have positive benefits, since it shows that youre
putting the right values on the different things. If the spiritual has been increased in its category in ones life, it will reveal its positive
results eventually.
Giving things the right kinds of value in life will show in its results, eventually. (15:178)

Gear your life a bit more according to your faith and the higher values youre supposed to believe in: love as the main force, instead
of selfishness! (15:184)

Whats expecting you in Heaven will be much better and more valuable and lasting than any earthly, material success and
achievement. (15:232)

You ought to learn better about what sort of values to give the first place in life.
Its not the material values that ought to lead, guide and motivate you, according to My teachings. (16:26)

What value is greater and more important to you? The physical and material, or the spiritual?
Just remember, God is a Spirit (John 4:24), and that should help you make the right choice. (16:27)

Temporal well-being and riches are just not comparable to the everlasting part, values and spiritual riches. (16:30)

Remember that what physical things have to offer is temporal, and only whats offered through the Spirit has lasting values, far
beyond the offers of that momentary sphere youre currently referring to as the world! (16:44)

Measure the value of things according to Our standards, the spiritual ones, the standards of love! (16:45)

Im teaching you to appreciate those lasting Values more than the earthly, descending ones.
It might still be a bit tough to set the appropriate values on the unseen when surrounded by such a contrary world having the
opposite effect on you, but thats what faith is largely about. (16:73)

You know how anxiously the devil fights to erase faith from peoples hearts and minds.
Thats why Im continuing to feed you with input to help you keep it. View it as the most valuable item youve got! Itll help to see
you through, more than money or good luck ever could. (16:74)

Remember faith, hope and love, the three spiritual values much more important than any of the physical circumstances around you!

Sow your efforts and considerations of value to the Spirit if your physical abilities are getting weaker! (2016:95)

Rendering your time to Me is in My view one of the best and most valuable things you can do. (2016:97)

Even though conditions arent perfect, maybe theres something valuable to learn from what youre going through? Maybe theyre all
part of the Lessons of Life. (16:102)

Investment in My values is just longer-lasting! Eternal, instead of merely temporal.

Hard to believe that the physically invisible Strength and results of actions should be so much sturdier when not visible, and only
perceptible through faith but thats the main point of the lesson on the difference between the values of seeing vs. believing.
If you can trust more in Us the Ones you cant see with your physical eyes than in whats going on around you, then
congratulations to finally making it up the hill of faith which will turn out a much more valuable investment than that of faith merely
in the temporal things you can see with your physical eyes.
Just the fact of putting greater value on believing in what you cant see with your eyes than the physical and temporal things you do,
will show that youve eventually caught up with the true meaning and value of faith. (16:153)

See the rarity and low level of truth down there as what makes you so valuable for Me! If I am the Way and the Truth and the Life,
those who follow Me and My way of truth to life are very important to Me, especially judging by the level of rareness they have
Remember that rarity is a symbol of preciousness and special values! - The less common you are, the more special it makes you.

Learn to put your sense of values on My spiritual - riches, and dont get caught in the devils trap of getting hooked on cash,
resulting in the ultimate reception of his mark when cash shall be no more! (2016:172)

If Im not supplying and providing the things you need and want right away, it must be that faith and patience are more important
needs, and that My heavenly input is more important for you than the things that would make life easier for you.
It depends a bit on which you put greater value: physical and material things and items or My input. (2016:196)

Learn to establish the values of things according to My standards! (2016:203)

The more difficult ways the greater challenge but by faith you know that the greater challenge also brings the greater reward. It
also shows what you believe has greater value: the here and now or the There and then. (2016:208)

The value of your spiritual abilities will rise high above your physical ones as times get harder. (17:12)

The enemy lets folks get by in their own strengths; or blesses them with his strengths and gifts his imitations of the Real Thing
and Our divine values. (17:34)

Few goes above many according to Our aspect of values.

Remember that the lower levels in the world are what requires and encourages humility, and that We definitely consider that a virtue,
compared to pride! (17:72)

Your true and lasting treasure is based on your faith (17:81)

Even though surrounded by temporal - and thus, not lasting - matters, youve got to gear your focus on the lasting values from
Above! (17:93)

Look beyond the temporal circumstances of the flesh, Up Here, at the lasting and eternal values of the Spirit! (17:108)

Make appreciation for whatever I bestow upon you one of your lasting values and constant attitudes! It shows that someones giving
credit down there to Whom and where it belongs. (17:110)

Being different through Me and for My sake means: something precious!

It simply raises your lasting value over a hundred fold above the average, even if it may seem a little harder for you, being cleansed
and trimmed and filed to make you the precious stone youre supposed to be. (17:116)

When the unseen, spiritual matters rise above the visible ones in sense of value thats when you get close to seeking first and
making Me the priority. (17:135)

The spirit will become the most important, rarest and thus, most precious ever, along with all the values of the spirit that will have to
manage it through the time of the devil reigning down there in the flesh (17:147)
Laws (Physical and Spiritual)
In My Kingdom, the Standard of Love will be just as tough a law as the laws of man today. If you will break it, you will reap

The laws of physics dont apply to you anymore in the hour of faith, when I call you to step out on the water, when I challenge you to
rise above.

If you focus on the needs of others, you cant feel lonely or sorry for yourself, nor feel unloved, because as you give, you receive, as
you pour out, I pour in, its one of the laws of My Spirit; as certain as the laws of physics, and more so.

The fruits of the spirit are love, joy, meekness, temperance, goodness, faith, mercy... Against such there is no law, and the rules &
laws of this physical World, that hold you down or keep you thinking about yourself, will fade away & lose their meaning.
When you're bound by My law & rules of love, you're actually free of the physical laws & boundaries of the physical World. Do you
believe this? Then rise above & overcome, simply by giving Me a chance to prove it & letting Me implement My laws & rules of love &
unselfishness in your life! If you cling to My laws & the things that I want & seek to obey Me in everything, you will see the fulfillment
of this, & you will witness My miracle working power & the blessings of true freedom in your life!

Let's defy the laws of physics together, by means of the superior laws of the spirit and confound all those thinkers & would-be
scientists with a science and knowledge that will defy all theirs, and that is deeper & greater than anything they could ever come up
with in their finite minds!
My path is higher than that. So much higher... Learning to fly. That's what it's all about.
Just a little while longer you will be confined to the boundaries of the physical World with it's laws. Just a little while longer you will
be bound to the laws of gravity that tie you down to the ground. Soon we'll leave all that behind. "Come fly with Me!"

Make Me and others happy first, and then happiness will find you! That's one of the principal laws of the universe.

The Law, (along with) the laws of nature, are going to be left behind once you enter the realm of the supernatural, the Realm of the

The Spirit World is not subject to the laws and rules of the physical world, just as a parent is not bound to the same rules he
demands of a child, of be home at five o clock, and go to sleep at nine, etc., just because what may be perfectly alright for an
adult, isnt necessarily appropriate for a child.
There will come a time when creation will have reached maturity and will be melded with the Eternal World and thus become subject
to its same liberty when it comes to the rules and laws that right now restrain the physical.
These are factors that worldly physicists and scientists are oblivious to, as the vast majority of them leave Me entirely out of the
If they leave out the Major Factor, how can they get an accurate or complete picture? All they look at is their immediate, physical part
of the picture.
If people insist on believing a lie, I will often give them a little evidence to support that lie, or rather, Ill allow the Enemy to do so.
In order to find the truth, a certain hunger for it has to be there. As long as they are looking for results that exclude Me from the
equation, thats all theyre ever going to find.
Unbelievers say, Coincidence rules. Believers say, There is no coincidence. As a believer in Me and My Eternal Realm you believe
that there is something greater than the physical world and its rules, that surpasses all physical laws.

The more you establish the importance of your revolving around Me, your Sun, the more stable you will be as a factor for their lives
to revolve around. Its the order of the universe, symbolic of spiritual laws that govern the World that for you right now remains

Thy Kingdom come, on Earth, as it is in heaven means the marriage of the physical & the spiritual realm. The veil shall be rent! And
soon everything that was hidden shall be revealed. Everything will be open! Now you see through a glass darkly.
Then you shall see as I see.

Without spiritual progress, there wont be much progress in the physical realm.

You think the Spirit Realm has little to offer to the physical? The physical realm is only a product of the Spiritual. Everything you see,
feel, touch, is a creation of the Spirit.

The time of the merging of the spiritual & physical realm is drawing nigh, and I want you to be prepared for it, by focusing more on
the spiritual & less on the physical.

If you see the physical as a result of the Spiritual, it takes on a lot more meaning.

You can combine the physical with the spiritual, and thus convert every physical matter into an at least partly spiritual one.
Youre working toward the recapture of the kingdom for the rightful Heir, and by "infecting" anything that's merely carnal, material
and physical with a breeze of spiritual, it changes. Blessings flow from one party to another.

Pressure gets you going. Pressure is one of the physical forces in the universe that get things moving, and without pressure, there's

The children of men have always needed help in learning how to avail themselves of the powers and sources of energy that lay
hidden all around them. Let them know about the greatest Source of Energy in existence that they can tap into for the asking...The
Source of all life and all Power, even much greater than the sun, greater than atomic power, greater than electricity or gravity or any
power they know. The Great Power behind them all: the Factor that unites all the forces of nature or physics, the great spiritual Force
Which created them all in the first place - the God Factor that's not to be despised.
Once you've availed yourself of the God Factor in your equations, then everything else starts making beautiful sense. All the question
marks slowly turn into exclamation marks of wonder and awe...

The spiritual building blocks are those destined for eternity, while the physical will largely have to undergo major modifications and
changes and adjustments, before theyre going to be ready to merge with the Spirit World.
In creating a spiritual diamond, jewel or gem when someone is becoming gold in the spiritual aspects, every little lesson involved
in that process is important. The degrees of pressure and heat have got to be just right, the amount of adversity you experience,
before you can be taken out of the fire again to be cooled by My fresh pure waters.

A lot of things happened in the spirit, when disobedience entered the physical creation, and it set in motion a chain reaction of
various events that would slowly but surely change the face of My creation, and that process is still happening.
Some of the laws of nature that are in place today were not part of the original equation. But since death entered through
disobedience, things naturally tend to decay. Things are getting worse, not better, and that process isnt going to be reversed until I
return to restore things to the way they were before

In the present, fallen state of man and all things physical, its no wonder that man more often than not comes to the wrong
conclusions, including some of My own believers, because the human mind is less inclined to believe the truth than to doubt and
believe a lie in general, just as the human heart is rather inclined towards darkness than the light, as John put it (Jn.3:19).
The only thing that can help you reverse that state and process right here and now is the intake of My input, which is the same power
that brought the original positive chain reaction of Creation into being, and which will restore it in the end, too, when all will have
learned their lesson, or the big basic chapter of this part of history will be concluded. The Era of the Fall will soon come to an end,
to be replaced by a better one.

Just as everything physical has come from the water, so everything spiritual has also originated in one spot, and the beginning and
the end both wind up in the same place

By fulfilling the law, I did abolish and nullify it in a sense, and I gave a new law. Those who insist on sticking to the old law will only
time and time again find themselves crashing into the wall of their inability to ever keep it, and those who recognize My new law also
recognize that its not something brittle, stiff and inflexible, but it is alive, and adapts to each individual situation, since in every
situation that involves My believers, lots of heavenly counselors and helpers are involved, and each situation is judged on its own
merits. (IV:93)

Unless they abide by My rules, you dont have to play according to theirs! Youre not bound by their carnal rules and ways of seeing
things. (IV:107)

Its easy to advertise the Law of Love and the attractive liberties it offers. But if youre not willing to pay the price thats attached with
it, namely to put your own desires on the back burner in favor of the others welfare, youre only going to cause hurt, and will thus
break the Law of Love. (IV:319)

The camp of believers is divided into those who claim that God cannot change His own rules He has laid down for man, and those
who believe that He can, and that nothing is impossible with Him. The former put the rules on an equal level with Him, and thus they
often become their only link with Him, while the latter flow with the living flow of a living, moving God, a stream that does not
constantly flow in one direction, but will wind and take many turns, according to the places where its refreshing waters are most
needed, most wanted, most appreciated, and will bring forth the greatest amount of fruit.
There are those who like to keep God in the box of His Own rules, and those who allow Him to be Master over everything in their
lives, including His Own rules, capable of adapting them according to the need of the hour. Not a stiff, rigid regiment that cannot
change or be altered, but a living Law, judging by the criteria of each individual situation: the Law of Love. (IV:326)

If you want to make it through whats to come, stick to Our heavenly Rules, and they include treating your body the way you ought to,
not abusing it.
Dont use your circumstances as an excuse to break the rules! Consider that circumstances are likely to get worse, in fact, the worst
ever, and its time you manage to learn to cope with that: things not all flowing exactly according to your own desire. Expecting that
from a world taken over by our enemy isn't very realistic! So, dont support him by treating your body in an unhealthy manner!
Try all you can to stick to the heavenly way, and dont mix it with the ways of hell by keeping smoke and fire a part of your body!
Cling to Heavens rules if you want to make it through the tough times and you dont want to have to be ashamed once youll get
Life may be a toughie, but dont use it as an excuse to disobey Heavens Rules!
Try to stick to Our Rules that We want and expect you to obey, and make an experience how to raise the flow of blessings into your
If you want My Power and Spirit to work in your life the way it should, you've got to stick to the heavenly Rules, and not give Satan
the chance to let part of his hell to take over in your actions and behavior! (15:245)
When I came to Earth, I diminished the list of rules and commandments, but the Law of Love is still there, which also includes love
and thankful gratitude for your own body. (16:124)

Laziness (Lethargy)
When your desire is to just be lazy and loaf around, the result will often be leanness in physical blessings as well. (I:456)

It's a challenge to rise above laziness, the inability to see the need below the surface, and the temptations of the enemy to draw the
attention away from the focus on others' needs. (I:490)

Lethargy is a spiritual, hindering force trying to stop you from doing that which is most important to Me. (I:580)

Sometimes I have to change the circumstances in order to get you out of the lethargic path. (II:317)

Laziness and lethargy is a weakness, a sin, an enemy, which has to be fought. (II:371)

It's easy, just plain normal, carnal sinful human nature, to be just drifting off into a lazy life-style. It doesn't come natural to most to be
helpful, so that's something to strive for and make a conscious effort to work toward. (II:421)

I don't want you to be lethargic or take it too lightly, thinking that things are going to continue forever as they are. (III:151)

Laziness is an enemy that needs to be taken seriously; you cannot underestimate it or take it lightly. You need to confront it, deal with
it, get rid of it, eliminate it and overcome it, just as you would strive against any of the other, perhaps seemingly "more serious" sins.
Laziness isn't any less serious. One of its greatest weapons is that it doesn't seem as dangerous as other, more obvious sins.
Its just as much rooted in pride as the other sins: You figure, why should you do the work, when someone else can do it? In other
words, you consider them your servants and put yourself above them in your mind, and that's pride.
I have called you to be one another's servants, and laziness hinders your doing exactly that. Laziness eggs you on to behave like a
little king or queen that everybody else has to serve. (III:347)

Laziness can make you think that your own comfort is more important than that of others, causing you to fail to love...
The enemy has used laziness to get you to give up too easily, to not hang on to love with all your might.
One of the ugliest forms of laziness causes you to stop even making the effort to love people, because you just conclude in
resignation, "Oh, what is it all worth, anyway?" (III:368)

Laziness is never as inexcusable as when it hinders you to pray! (III:569)

Lethargy wants to make a drag out everything, everything that could be loads of fun if youd just change your attitude about it! (III:570)

Contrary to what it may seem at the moment, tough experiences are infinitely more valuable than happy and easy times. (III:589)

The testing of your faith is more precious than gold (1 Peter 1:7).
In other words, were upping the value of your currency. Were making your faith even more precious, more valuable, and its going to
be an even stronger force to be reckoned with on the market of life.
For some, life is a refinery of the purest gold there ever was, while for others it is a furnace, burning up all those other, less than true
and eternal values. (III:590)

Lazy people sometimes hold against Me that theyre actually expected to do some of the work, and I dont just present them the
reward before theyve ever done any work; but thats simply not the way it works. (11:47)

Its hard to be truly happy as long as youre selfish or lazy, and the most effective way for Me to deal with those traits is for Me to rub
them under your nose in concentrated form for you to deal with in another person. I give you some of your own illness and virus as
some sort of antidote. You simply dont want any more of it after that. Its simply the most effective method. (11:90)

Its important to recognize laziness as a real enemy there that it pays to make an effort to overcome.
Thats one of the reasons why I am letting you see the angle of a teacher who has to deal with his students laziness and reluctance
to make any real effort to learn. (11:109)

Laziness loves to distract folks from the actual tasks in life with devices that will basically just waste their time and make them
regress and fall back, instead of progress and going onward. (11:128)

Selfishness can make you lazy, whereas doing more for others keeps you more active, and accordingly, not too depressed about so
little you accomplish! (15:184)

Remember that laziness is something to overcome, even for the physical shape and state of your body!
Positive action is highly recommended! And no wonder, laziness is considered something definitely negative. So, stay of the
positive side with some positive action! Amen? (16:58)

When it comes to survival through the days to come, a less lazy life-style will be the only chance to make it through. (16:93)

Easy times spoiling your flesh arent really doing that much good to your spirit not keeping you on the attack, and getting you lazy
instead. So, anything that fights that sort of spiritual sickness can only be good. (17:10)

If laziness has become a long-lasting weakness, and youre getting almost too tired and weak to fight it, all youve got to offer the
School of Life is a lesson of unpleasant experiences. (17:25)


Let Me be your Light, and I will light your path!

Youre overwhelmed by the sheer thought of how Im doing this simultaneously to many of My children & brides? Well, one simple
illustration of this is the sun: It doesnt just give its light to one flower or blade of grass at a time, but to many, countless others
simultaneously. Thats how My love works, too.

(Spirit Helper - presumably a colored lady:) I think you better wake up, cause God is comin! Like that fire in the movie, Out Of Africa! Its
gonna burn the old & light the landscape for all to behold the mighty things the Lord God Almighty will do! So, stand back & see Him
burn! Watch Him shine! This little light o mine... not so little, that light! Youre gonna see! Like many spotlights & a comets tail! Be
ready for the Lord, bro! Be ready & let Him shine through you! No more hiding your light under a bushel, boy! No more pretending
yous one o dem! No more sheep in wolves clothing time! Time to rise, rise & shine! You know what that means? Rise above the
crowd & shine for Jesus, boy, cause Hes the Light of the World, & they cant see Him, xcept through you! So, will you be His candle,
His torch, His beacon, His spot light?

Its vital that you stay in tune with My Words, for only the entrance of My Word giveth light.

Heaven is the opposite of the selfish System mans society is based on the Devils System, really. One of the purposes of this
Earthly life is to get people so sick of that system that seeing My wonderful heavenly System will immediately strike them as the
solution, the answer to all their questions, the light after a long dark night.
...Like coming to see the light after having lived a life in blindness. You, My children, have the ability to see that light & carry that light
in your hearts already, thats what makes you so special. Its just that the Enemy tries with all his might to get you to hide that light
under bushels of pride & fear of sticking out & not being accepted... bushels of coolness, bushels of pretending youre really not
that different... Well, if you knew how beautiful that difference is, not only in My eyes, but also in the eyes of those out there who seek
Me, even if they would never admit it, you wouldnt be ashamed of it anymore. Those among you who Im really able to use best are
those who dont hide it but flaunt it. They let it shine. They gladly share My love with a smile with anyone they pass by. They dont
care if anyone thinks theyre nuts. They know the principle of happiness. They just go out there & shine & shine & give & give, and
their radiance grows, as they grow closer to Me, until, as My Word says, they shall shine as the stars & the brightness of the
firmament forever.
Look up to the real stars, the ones who are going to be stars in My Kingdom, & already are in My eyes: The cheerful givers, the little
saints, the nobodies who make My kingdom possible, who give My existence - the existence of it all - a meaning... the diamonds of
dust, without whom My light would be invisible, & without which this World would be in total, absolute darkness.

Love, light and life, they are one, and they are to be desired.

Bask in My sunshine, seek for the sunshine of My love everyday & bathe your face in its light...

Just lay your hand in Mine, & I will be better & more unto you than a light on your path and a known way.

A plant will only grow so well as its being watered and exposed to My sunlight!

My supernatural, unconditional loves the same difference as when the sunshine bursts through, or turning on the light in a dark
room. You can have the sunshine on in your life anytime you call on Me and listen to My Words.

My Word will restore light where there was a gray hazy mist of lies, it will be a bright beacon on your path, and a clashing sword in

There lies much greater wisdom, knowledge , light & salvation in My Words, even in the most insignificant of My Words, than in all
the so-called wisdom of man & their philosophies combined.

Let the light in, and the darkness will flee of itself. Completely yield to Me, My light, My love, My warmth.
I will have to become your only light, your bread, your water, and everything you need to live, for the Devil is going to try to cut all
other means of supply.
I have not given you the spirit of fear, nor of uncertainty, nor of darkness, nor of confusion, but the Spirit of power, of love, of light &
of a sound mind.

After every storm the sun will shine again: this is the way it has always been. For though much terror has been brought into the world
& worse shall come: is not My power greater than all that? Isnt My love greater than their hatred?
I dont want you to be overwhelmed by the evil you see in the world, leaving you stunned & unable to give life & light to others, I want
you to be overwhelmed by My joy, My love & My goodness & light and to shine it forth & overflow onto them, like a fountain of life,
love & light, throwing forth sparkles of the same everywhere you go.

Impart that same light I have given you to those with whom you come in touch. Change the world by opening the eyes of the
spiritually blind & proclaim that theres yet another world to find, My Kingdom.

If there wouldnt be any opposition, there would be no challenge. Youve got to have some kind of contrast against which you can see
the light. It works like this in many other aspects of My creation.

Unfortunately, the large majority of people prefer darkness to the light, for their deeds are evil.

The greater the darkness, the brighter the light, and the closer we get to the End, the brighter you will shine.

Woe unto a man if the light that be in them is darkness, and if the words they speak will be found to be lies to deceive many.

My Words are a mirror to your soul & an exposing light of the wickedness & deceitfulness of the heart of man.

You are like interferences piercing Satans cloak of lies around the world, his veneer of deception, you are My rays of hope. Rays of
light piercing through his layer of clouds enveloping this globe.
In order to shine forth with the needed intensity to pierce his gray layer of deceit, you must focus on Me & receive your power to
shine from Me. I wont expect you to do or accomplish anything for Me in your own strength.
The greatest thing you should always seek, even though its not always easy, is the truth.
Inhale it, absorb it, and reflect it, and then you will be a piercing ray of light that will cut through the Devils gray dome of clouds, and
the darker it gets, the brighter youll be, and Ill know exactly where to find you, when Ill come to gather you unto Me.

Love is the only light, the only truth, the only thing that gives a life purpose.

When it comes to this world, Ive always been strange & weird, and you know why. Its not because I am weird, but because theyre so
far away from the way things are supposed to be. Theyre so far away from My standard of love, so deep into their darkness, the light
scares them half to death. Thats why you scare them: you radiate that light thats penetrating & invading their darkness, & it makes
them feel uncomfortable, exposed, naked. They dont want to be. They want to cover up, cloak themselves, Quickly, give me back my
cloak of pride, my cover-up, my reputation... let me hide my true self here behind this name, behind this pretense, behind all my fancy
things, which make up the constitution of the personage Im supposed to be in this society... When all they really amount to in this
System is a number.

Independence is alright, as long as you dont dream of independence from Me. Its as if the Earth would declare its independence
from the sun & drift off into space. Its like a fishs independence from water, or any plants independence from the light or yours
from the air... you cant do without it. Ive written it all over My handiwork: you need Me, you cant do without Me any more than a fish
can do without water, a plant can do without light, no more than you can live without air: without Me, you can do nothing!

You have already been hurt by the cruelty of the darkness & know that there is no other satisfaction for you than My heavenly light!
So, come, My love, & open your eyes to visions of heavenly light! Catch some rays of heavenly sunshine, flooding your soul with
glory divine!
Greater light is here than the suns, greater & more eternal radiance. A light that doesnt hurt the eyes & wont scorch the Earth, nor
cause disease. My light is only pure & good! So, My children, seek Me, for My pure & true light!
Bathe in My light! Even if you see nothing else at first, with the eyes of your spirit: just a glimpse of My true, eternal, life-giving,
heavenly light will strengthen you & lift you up & encourage you enough to keep going with renewed vigor & strength!
Consider My heavenly light that source of energy you need in order for your spiritual flower to really come to full bloom & blossom
into its full beauty!

The more you absorb Me, the more you will reflect My light.

You have never lived as intensely & as thoroughly & as fully as when you've been out there on the battle field, fighting for the souls
of man, beckoning them to enter My Kingdom & shooting My bullets of light & life into the Devil's territory & land of the dead.

The less there is of you, the more the light shines through. You must decrease so that I can increase in you. Are you willing to
become a little bit less of yourself & a whole lot more of Me?

Your personal problems are tiny, unimportant & insignificant in comparison to the monumental task of flooding the Devils territory of
darkness in My light!

Oh, the hurt & pain a soul can inflict upon itself when it locks Me, the Light of the World, out of its world.
There are many, countless in number, who live in that same world one where My light never shines, but only the fake, artificial light
of the usurper.

You will be the beacons of My light to the world in the greatest darkness this World has ever known.
Love is like light, which is reflected in the gazillions of tiny little particles of which everything consists, without which the light itself
would remain invisible. Even so, love, without all the countless tiny little manifestations of it, isnt really there. (I:248)

I have called you to open up your eyes and behold the land of the living. I have called you unto light & out of their darkness.

Just like a flower will wither away if you hide it & keep it away from the light, so love will wither if you try to keep it to yourselves. Its
a law of the spirit Ive established. (I:301)

Stay yielded and moldable and in My Light, and allow the wind of My Spirit to blow you up into the air again when it is time to shine!
Stay focused on the Light and keep in mind that your purpose is to reflect the Light!
Greatness only comes through your constant willingness and determination to glorify Me, the Light, and your willingness to just be
instrumental in making the world see that Light and to shine with My Light.
Continue to face My Light and stay yielded and willing to reflect it, and youre going to make sure that youre going to continue to
shine, and you wont need to worry about the light in you going off
You cannot look at the threatening wind and waves of circumstances that would try to extinguish your light. (IV:32)

The less there is of you, the more the light shines through means that the opposite applies also: the more there is of you, the less
the light shines through.
In order to let My Light shine through you, there has got to be less of you, that means, the voice of your own opinions and views
must quiet down, you must hush, and wait until I speak through you. (IV:64)

Listening vs. Talking

Say something when youve got something to say! And listen, when you dont! Too few people really know how to listen anymore, so,
why not be one of those, skilled in that rare art? And dont only listen to the words of their mouths, but try to hear the unspoken
words of their hearts with the help of My Spirit! (I:367)

If instead of just talking and blurting out whatever pops into your mind, you pray about it or make sure that what you're saying is
going to be inspiring and comes from Me, you'll probably be talking less, but you'll be saying more!
Listen more, hear more, learn more! Read between the lines; what is that which he's saying actually saying? What is that saying
about him? (II:356)

If you decide to wholeheartedly listen, you will also find a way to bring Me into the conversation.
Listen to them with My ears, and you'll also have My Words to give back to them as a reply! (III:26)

Sometimes you're just going to have to make a serious effort to keep your mouth shut, period! "Sometimes less is more" definitely
applies to words! (III:43)

A conversation, just like all of life, is give and take, speak and listen. The goal is not always necessarily to impart as much
information as possible to another, but to have as large of a mutual exchange of information as possible...
By giving them space and time to empty their minds and hearts, you create the room and vacuum for more new input you might be
able to share with them.
Be a receptacle for the contents of their hearts, and once they have poured out, they will also let you pour in some. (III:128)

Listening is one of the greatest services you can render, both listening to Me and listening to others. (III:200)

Thank you for being willing to listen, not only to Me, but also to others, for in listening to them you are listening to Me, too, in a way.
You should never be too busy to hear others out and listen to what they've got to say.
When they realize that you're open for their input, then they'll also be a lot more willing to listen to you, too. (III:284)

You need a positive predisposition and attitude when you listen. You need to turn on your "ready" button: "ready to learn
something," "ready to absorb something." - Even if it isn't anything new. (III:307)

Sometimes less is more, especially when it comes to talking.

It takes humility to sometimes share less than all you could, to say less than everything you know all at once, and to maybe let
somebody else do the talking for a change. (III:386)

Youre interested in what I have to say, and I dont take that for granted. A lot of people agree these days that one of the greatest
assets someone can have is the ability to listen. They really appreciate it when someone is capable of listening to them. Well, just
imagine how much I appreciate someone capable of listening to Me! I really appreciate that, too. (IV:419)

Remember that all your words from your mouth are being kept track of! (16:42)
Loneliness & Solitude
Your loneliness is a godly loneliness; a solitude I use to draw you closer to Me, to strengthen our ties, to make your faith and
convictions grow and enhance our relationship. If all things work together for good to them that love Me, for sure it will also include
any feelings of loneliness you might experience. (II:79)

Blessed are the lonely, for they shall find comfort in Me! I am the Companion of the lonely. You've seen people rot together, become
foolish, loud and rough. But not so the lonely! The lonely have time to think, so they become profound instead of superficial.
Nowadays people are scared and paranoid of nothing more than of loneliness, as if it were the greatest curse that could ever befall a
man... to wind up lonely. But I don't want you to be like that! Sure, I know you enjoy fellowship and company, but I don't want you to
shun loneliness or regard it a curse, because I use those times when you are alone to draw you much closer to Me than I ever could
while you're distracted by others. (II:165)

I want you to become more conscious and aware of the fact that you are not alone. You're never alone. There is a cloud of witnesses
and helpers always at your disposal, at your service, and it's imperative that you avail yourself of their help. (II:89)

Company has often been your worst and deadliest distraction, while solitude has usually helped to keep you alert and on the lookout
for any traps of the enemy.
Contrary to popular consensus, theres really nothing wrong with solitude.
Many of My saints throughout the centuries have indulged in it, as I have also during My time on Earth. (IV:158)

Sometimes its that very loneliness that each of you dread so much, that first causes you to pay the attention to Me that is truly My
due. (IV:364)

A little loneliness is going to strengthen and solidify your character and your faith in Me as your sole Savior and Hope when it all
comes down to it. (IV:414)

There will always come stretches, such as My lonely times in the desert, or My walk to Calvary, that you must take on your own,
where you'll have nobody but Me, just like I had none but the Father to stand by Me in those moments. (IV:445)

How can you sympathize with the lonely unless youve been lonely yourself?
How can you help others and encourage them to face things on their own with nothing more than My Help, if you havent been in
situations yourself where youve had to learn that?
Were you ever able to feel this much empathy for all the lonely people?
You really had no clue until youve become one of them.
How about this for another, new approach of becoming all things to all men? To the Romans as a Roman, to the Jews a Jew, to
the lonely as one of them. How can you, unless youve been there?
How can you help truly lonely people to overcome their loneliness unless youve also been truly lonely? And with no one left to cling
and refer to for help but Me?
How can you really tell others that I am the Answer and Key to their loneliness, unless youve first learned how to be able to use that
Key yourself? (IV:493)

If you feel youre alone, know that Im all that much closer to you! (IV:503)

In your loneliness I want you to find My Company. (11:5)

Theres nothing that makes you appreciate company, fellowship, friendship and love, like some time of loneliness. (11:6)

Youve been enjoying the Real Thing for some time now, and youre just beginning to find out that nothing cuts the cake quite like it.
So what if that makes you look a bit weird or strange and like somewhat of a loner? Truth is, youre not alone. In fact, youre not as
lonely as a lot of these socializing junkies are who constantly need to have people around them to fill the void.
Youve got greater and better company than many of them will ever get to enjoy in this life. Youve just got to learn to avail yourself of
it fully and get over the fact that its a relationship enjoyed by faith, and over what youd consider Our handicap of invisibility. (12:66)

Once solitude comes around, you find out its not all that easy to cope with in the long run, having lived with others company for
most of your life, having spent the hardest parts of it without that.
So, appreciate the company, even if its not perfect, and even if sometimes you prefer some times of solitude! (17:187)
Losers & Winners (Gains through Loss)
If you give what youve got to Me, youre the perfect and ideal material out of which I like to create My kind of winners. Winners of
souls, thats what I call winners! Nobodies, who dont care what the hell anybody thinks about them, as long as they can tell another
soul about Me, thats what I call real winners! You may look like the total losers to the World, but, hey, are you willing to look like a
total loser to the World in order to become one of My total winners? (I:283)

The more you will adopt My viewpoints, you won't see the loss, but you will seek that which I want you to gain through it.
Through the loss you may have not gotten what you wanted, but I got what I wanted: a more humble you. (II:234)

Treat people like potential winners, not losers! (II:329)

The only assurance and insurance is the way of the apparent loser, of him that is willing to lose his life for My sake; the opposite of
the way of the world. (II:396)

The future losers are allowed to pretend to be the winners here in this life. (II:573)

Its better to be on the humble side and cast in your lot with the "losers." The losers turn winners again, remember that, and how do
you become more than conquerors? By being willing to be good losers, to look like the losers temporarily. (III:16)

It may seem to you as if you're losing ground, but you refuse to believe in the loss, because the eyes of faith can see that beyond
every apparent loss there is always something greater to gain from it and through it. It's never a true loss, but only an opportunity for
something greater to be gained by it.
Apparent losses are only opportunities for progress, because "God never takes one thing away from you without giving you
something better." (III:78)

A thief, who by stealing thinks he enriches himself, only takes loss of his own soul.
They don't realize that they're losing by what they consider gain, how they're only heaping up misery for themselves by trying to
chase that artificial happiness. There is that which promises to be gain but in the end turns out to have only been loss... (III:85)

The experiences and lessons learned in life are actually more important, as far as I'm concerned, than the things themselves, the
losses or the gains...
At the end of the day, losses and gains are only numbers and statistics, and they may have their place of importance to some extent.
But what's really valuable to Me is the lessons and the experiences they bear, like some deep imprint of life's wisdom on your soul,
that gives your life the real beauty and value.
Loss is gain if you look at it trough My eyes: it will be the gain of new opportunities, greater trust and confidence in Me, the lasting
Factor in your life; greater dependence on Me, greater wisdom, greater treasures of experiences and lessons learned; the true values
of life. (III:196)

It's natural to want to stand on the stronger side, on the winners' side. It's one of My toughest tests for My true followers, to always
belong to the camp of the apparent losers... But that's precisely what forces you to look to Me. And I'm all you need. (III:210)

Only those who are truly willing to look like losers in this life have the stuff it takes to become a winner, and that's what it takes and
what it means to be following in My footsteps. Too many of My followers still insist on wanting to look like the winners... (III:302)

When you've got nothing left to lose, then you won't have any fears left holding you back from the battle field. You'll barge right in,
come hell or high-water, defying any instincts that would try to make you wish to preserve your own life, your own reputation, image,
or whatever may have seemed too precious to you before to give it up. (III:353)

I'm not a loser, and since I'm fighting for you and upholding you, assuring your victory. (III:367)

Youve got something that some of the supposed winners dont have. The more you cling to Me and avail yourselves of My
Strength, the more you will realize that with Me youre destined to become winners in the long haul. (III:424)

The natural accomplishers always make the seeming failures look a little pitiful and hopeless in comparison the losers compared
to the winners, the tortoises compared to the hares. But time will do the talking, and only the end of each mans path will reveal
who truly walked the right path, and the glory will be Gods in the end, and not any mans. (III:431)

Sometimes it doesnt feel like youre gaining or winning anything new at all, but rather as if youre losing something, and its true:
youve got to get rid of some excess weight that will just hinder your growth and slow your progress down. (III:488)
Keep praising Me, whether you lose or win, whether the day brings you success or failure! (III:494)

You cannot help but win, even if I use the apparent losers to show the world what is true victory, not wrought of the flesh, but of that
which truly brings life: My Spirit. (IV:12)

I wasnt a great winner of debates in My time, and thats simply not what its about. Its about winning the soul, not the argument. Id
rather lose an argument and win the soul. Thats the goal Not tons of arguments in favor of your point, but enough love to win a
soul, even if you never win an argument. (IV:19)

You simply cant lose by loving even your enemies you always win. (IV:26)
It may seem as though they are the winners and you are the losers, but momentary appearances can be deceiving and the final result
may be quite surprising, at least for those apparent winners, so, hang on to your seats and to your hats, because the show isnt
quite over yet! (IV:113)

All that really matters in order for you to win is that I remain by your side, and with Me you cannot lose, you cannot help but win.

The thrilling thing about Our Plan in life is that We make winners out of those who may look like losers to the world, and even to
themselves sometimes (IV:187)

The attitude of a servant, as opposed to that of a tyrant, and the choice between either of those two is basically what determines your
outcome in the final analysis of your life as either a winner or a loser.
The tyrants may presently look like the winners, but theyll certainly be the losers in the long run, whereas the servants are going to
be the winners in My book.
Humility determines who will be the losers and who will be the winners at the end of this game of life. (IV:193)

The extent to which youre learning to trust Me calmly now in the face of adversity and loss will determine how well youll be faring
then, when adversity and loss will reach unprecedented proportions.
Im training you to trust even in the face of loss. (IV:196)

The gist of the fun in the game of life is to keep playing regardless of whether youre winning or losing. Winners are only made out of
those who keep making an effort and keep trying to win, even if theyve been losing sometimes, or they havent been handed all the
good cards
How can we be more than conquerors? - By being good losers! You can show that youre more than a conqueror, that youre an
overcomer, by being a good loser in the game and battle of life, and determining that youre just going to keep on fighting, keep
making an effort and keep giving it your best and your all, regardless of whether you happen to be caught in a losing streak of not.
You know from My Promises that youre going to wind up as a winner, come what may! Youre destined to win! No factor in your
present situation is going to change anything about that. So, keep your eyes on the victory at the end of the road and keep a
victorious attitude, because you know you believe, which means you know by faith that youre destined to win! (IV:279)

So, you dont look much like a winner in the worlds eyes
Do you think I did? Or any of My champions of faith? Its the seeming losers that I have chosen to win the whole world for Me! (IV:280)

The process of loss is very important to help evaluate things and restore their true value to the perception of things. (IV:345)

Nothing is ever really lost, because I am well capable of retrieving all things for you.
So, when it all comes down to it, really, for you there isn't really any such thing as loss. All your apparent losses will only turn out to
be gains in the end.
Faith is still the greatest commodity and quality you can have in this life, as far as I'm concerned. That includes not looking at your
losses as such, but seeing them as eventual gains, just because I say it is so and promise you something better in return. (IV:376)

You count the hard times not as gains, but losses. But I see it the other way around. (IV:379)

It's the losers that turn winners in the end.

The winners may think theyve been the winners for all their lives and think themselves so great and smart, but the whole truth will
not be revealed until they stand before My throne and I determine who were the winners when I hand out My rewards. (IV:396)

If youre right and theyre wrong about this present, physical world being all there is, then its you who will turn from an apparent
loser into a true winner in the end (IV:405)

Why not forget about what youve lost and focus on what youve gained instead? (IV:427)

The devil shall not cause Me any loss, but only gain of superior quality in the end. (IV:451)

My business: to see to it that you gain more than you lose. Yes, there are losses; and they are painful, but I always give you back
more, or something more valuable to make up for them, and the experience of loss evokes processes that make you richer and more
valuable somehow. (IV:499)

The gain is for keeps; the loss is only temporary. (IV:500)

Loss is just something you have to learn to cope with in life; its something you have to experience, and its part of the curriculum,
if you will.
Its hard to cope with, but eventually you will have to, and eventually you will.
The wages of sin is death, and all the kinds of losses you experience in this life. My gift, of which you can be assured, is life eternal in
which you wont need to experience losses of any sort anymore, and thats My contrast to what the Fallen One has to offer.
He offers his lossy version of a software and program that only comes close to a cheap imitation of what I would call life, while My
version is loss-less!
I can offer and promise you the loss-free version of what you experience now, once youre finished with this lesson, and thats
something to look forward to, and in fact, those prospects should cheer you up. (IV:519)

There is such a thing as loss, and it has to be dealt with. Perhaps one of the reasons why I instituted forsaking all as a basic
requirement for discipleship was to spare them the regret over any losses they were yet to encounter in their lives, even the very loss
of their lives, since thats what often was required of early believers, who often died as martyrs
Great faith keeps assuming that I know better and that your loss is actually going to lead to greater gain. I take one thing away from
you your earthly life to give you something greater: eternal life and a crown. (11:84)

Trust Me for the outcome and that it will have a good ending and that it certainly isnt going to be a loss!
And even if there should be any loss of some sort, you know that I can often turn those losses into gain (11:85)

There is only going to be one Winner. The nice thing about Me being the Winner is that I have it rigged up in such a way that pretty
much everyone will turn out to be a winner in the end. But the greatest rewards will naturally go to those who chose to play on My
side of the game, and some will have to wait for a while until theyre even ready to admit that they had been playing for the wrong
side (11:106)

The game of the world is all about seeking ones own advantage over others competition and winning over your adversaries and
opponents. How much of a good, voluntary loser just for the sake of demonstrating that youre not part of that game can you be?

Just as some peoples gains can be their losses, some losses also turn out to be gains in the long run. (11:109)

The greater the sacrifices, the greater the rewards.

So, do not count them as losses, but count them as future gains, by faith! (12:2)

If youre going to follow through on this path, youre going to have to be willing to appear as the loser temporarily, as did I, and
basically, all My great men and women of faith and true followers. (12:6)

It behooves you to not only look at your losses, but at your gains as well.
Although it seems as though youve lost a lot, what youll have gained in the long run will turn out to be more and better. I never take
one thing away from those I love without giving them something better in return.
You never lose by giving up anything for Me. Youll always turn out the winner in the end. (12:7)

There is in effect no such thing as defeat or loss for you. Its all going to turn out to be gain for you in the long run. (12:56)

The enemy has to be allowed to make Me and My followers look like idiots and losers in order to gain the upper hand in the last dark
chapter of this worlds history. (12:92)

How easy it is to trust in an obvious winner! Why do you think I keep choosing the roles of the seeming loser of the day? (12:98)

The game of the world is all about seeking ones own advantage over others competition and winning over your adversaries and
opponents. How much of a good, voluntary loser just for the sake of demonstrating that youre not part of that game can you be?

Just as some peoples gains can be their losses, some losses also turn out to be gains in the long run. (12:109)

If the enemy may have managed to make you feel and look like a loser, remember that Losers turn winners again!
All of My disciples and followers who died as martyrs may have looked like the losers in the eyes of the world, but trust Me that
theyll turn out to be the true winners in the end of it all, even if the enemy was granted the right to put an end to their temporal
earthly lives. (15:149)

Remember wholl be the ultimate Winners, and that Were going to be the ultimate Winners and Rulers and, hey: since youre with
Us, and on Our side, youll be part of the ultimate winning and ruling Team, too!
So, even if it may seem like youre part of the losers down there for right now, in the end, itll turn out youre one of the ultimate
winners on Our team, even if the enemy will make you feel like losers for as long as youre down there while hes taking over the
power, which you need to know and trust, hell definitely lose in the end.
So, have a positive and victorious vision, that Well wind up as the winners and Victors in spite of his temporal act of reigning down
Even through death you will turn out as a winner Up Here! (15:183)

One of the biggest and toughest tests is the one of having to take on the role of a loser, while all those that follow him seem to be the
winners in that world presently run by him It takes a big faith in a better Hereafter, and in an eternal God with an eternal life to offer,
not just things framed by time. (16:9)

Take the bad things and incidents by faith, trusting that We know what We allow to happen! Get the victory out of seeming defeat!
Just as I got the greatest victory of all out of My crucifixion!
Sometimes the apparent and temporal losers turn out to be the greatest winners in the end. (16:38)

One of the advantages of loss: Teaching you to appreciate what formerly you took for granted. (16:108)

Aim your own actions and intents of the heart on the fact that Good and God will be the final Winners, and that as My follower you
should to all you can to stay on that path, even if it may seem a tough one in a world currently still ruled by evil!
Good will ultimately win over evil, and evil will be overcome to such an extent that it wont have to be dealt with anymore.
Even if the evil side seems to be more powerful down there right now keep your faith and trust in the ultimate winning Side! (16:112)

Even if youre physically feeling weaker, consider it an asset of your move toward the higher Dimension where those considered
weak in a world run by evil forces will partake in the eternal Scenario, and dont consider temporal losses in the temporal world a
loss in the long run, but an ultimate, much greater gain! (16:138)
Those who are not persisting on having things go their own way are the winners, as far as Were concerned.
To be an apparent loser may definitely be the harder way of the road of life but then what about the characters of the apparent
Which of the two kinds are more likely to make it Up Here, and are more favored by the Father and Me? The apparent winners, or
the apparent losers?
The losers might turn out to be the winners, after all, according to Our heavenly standards.
So, ready to be an apparent loser? (17:152)

You mustnt listen to the enemys input of calling you a loser!

And even if you look like one according to the standards of the world, you know that those losers, according to My Plan and
schedule are the most likely ones to turn out the winners in the end. (17:97)

Youve got nothing much left to lose in comparison to all thats left to to gain through faith! (17:143)

Man-Pleasing vs. Pleasing Him

Trying to please both sides, Me and them, is precisely what doesn't work, as he that is a friend of the world will be the enemy of God.
You're going to have to decide that you just want to please Me, above all and no matter what, that's what it all boils down to.
Don't base your belief system and your actions on what you see other people do, on how they treat you, or whether they like you or
not! (II:204)

You're there to please no one but Me, and once you do that, I will also see to it that you're going to start pleasing and reaching the
right people. (II:485)

Your role certainly isnt to please everybody! (III:453)

The need for man-pleasing is just as much a weakness as any other addiction; that need for constant approval and applause and
affirmation from other people. Usually the type of people who need that and base their lives on that dont have the faith to receive
personal affirmation and assurance from Me, so they need to get it from elsewhere.
You cannot please everybody all the time, and thats not what you should waste your energy on.
So few people care about pleasing Me, and I really treasure each one who does without wasting their time and energy on bending
over backwards to make it right for everyone or anyone else (IV:140)

You can please some folks some of the time, but never all of them all of the time.
Trying to please everyone and be popular can be a thankless undertaking if youre in My business, because the devil will always help
them to find things about you they wont like in the long run; thus the harder you try, the more frustrating it will be in the end.
So, seek not to please the crowd, which is pointless, but to please Me!
Please Me, and Ill please you!
If you make an effort to please Me instead of them, you wont come away as empty-handed, but I will always make My efforts in return
to reward and please you, and eventually even lead you to those who will be pleased to make your acquaintance, as opposed to the
vast riff-raff who will prefer to reject you, simply because theyre scared of anything thats different. (11:38)

Why do people play roles and stop being themselves? For fear of boring others, not coming across as cool enough, etc., of not
being able to please them. (11:59)

Theres the natural urge to want to please people; and reaping applause and being awarded for whatever you can do well sounds
better to most people than bearing the cross of preaching the Gospel. (12:82)

Learning not to be concerned about the opinions of others around, and not to get trapped into the groove of man-pleasing is one of
the most important lessons concerning doing things Gods way, not peoples or ones own. (17:34)

Youd wish to be more able to please others around you But, lets just say that the task to please Me instead, through making an
effort of faith to let Me do My work through you as much as you allow Me, is simply more important!
Remember the disadvantages of being a man-pleaser, and make the effort to be a Lord-pleaser instead!
So, give pleasing Me the priority over man-pleasing!
A time has come for more important things, like putting Me first on your To-Do-list and schedule of pleasing, in order to make it
through at least parts of the roughest and toughest time of history to come.
So, seek Me first, and make pleasing Me your priority, not folks around you!
Man-pleasing has become even less of a factor a follower of Mine should strive and seek for. (17:202)

Remember that pleasing folks isnt My task for you, but the way they receive you for who and what you are, not what you do for them
should be more of an indication whether it could be My will for you to stay with them!
Remember that man-pleasing is not one of My pros, but more of the contras, if serving Me and the Father should be what the life is
supposed to be that youre dedicating yourselves to!
So, dont be too perplexed if you dont manage to come up with folks expectations of you to please them!
Keep it as a priority to please the Father and Me!
It may be tough for you not to be able to please folks, especially when enjoying their hospitality, but remember that your priority
should be to please the Father and Me, even if that takes a demonstration of your faith in Our different ways. (17:207)

Many vs. Few

(Less vs. More/Quality vs. Quantity)

I am not limited to save by many or few. In fact, I've always specialized in using the few: the 300 of Gideon against the huge army of
his enemies. Or when Elisha and his servant were besieged by the enemy. If you could see in the spirit, you would also see that they
that are with you are more than they that are with them.
"For strait is the gate and narrow is the way that leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. And broad is the way, and wide is the
gate that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat." So, though in this world you may be the few, the persecuted
minority, be assured that they that be with you are more and greater by far than they that be with them. (I:589)

Sometimes, less is more, if less keeps you sweet, humble and loving. Keep making more out of less! (II:275)

The answer is not in acquiring or accumulating more, but in letting go, in giving away, in diminishing, decreasing, not increasing and
adding to your substance or knowledge. (II:303)

Less is more! Instead of trying to stuff your days with things to fill, watch and consume, just be more grateful for what you already
have! Just remember that less is more, and sometimes you actually lose by gaining.
You see it so many times with people, all kinds of folks who have made it to the top: they lose it. They just lose that original spark,
which comes through that desperation, that emptiness, that hunger, that nothingness of being nobody. (II:480)

Receiving My fullness in exchange for letting go of the world's emptiness, their fake fullness, the counterfeit of abundance, their "too
much of everything."
You should be doing more with what you already have, not do more in order to get more! (II:539)

The amount you receive is determined by your spiritual hunger, which is diminished by the amount of other input you feed your mind
with... The less you snack on those other "goodies," the more you will hunger for My pure milk and proper meat. Again you find that
less is sometimes more. (III:209)

Small numbers have always been My forte. While everyone else always put their bet on the strong and mighty and the numbers of
their men, My motto has always been quality, not quantity. (III:213)

I don't specify in quantity. (III:292)

Less is more also applies to accomplishments. With so many numbers and statistics to boast of, you inevitably become high-
minded, and your life becomes a conglomeration of numbers and statistics instead of the real you. (III:353)

There will always be a faithful few who will end up blowing your mind, making it worth it all!
When the majority has deserted you, the nice surprise is the few who stick! Who needs the majority? Who needs large masses and
crowds? All you need is a handful that stick! (III:356)

Sometimes less is more, especially when it comes to talking. (III:386)

Absolute authenticity is one of My qualities. (III:418)

What youll amount to is not so much in what youve done, as how youve done it, in what spirit, whether people will have good,
positive and loving memories of you while you were doing it, or whether you caused them pain by neglecting them in all your
feverish doing it. (III:576)

That certain little quality that the vast majority of people lack is faith in My Word. (IV:67)

Another classic example of how less can be more: they base their essence, their worth and supposed superiority on the quantity of
input they have and supposed facts they use to support their world view. All you have is basically one Book, giving you an outline
of the history of the world from My point of view, along with a few hundred Promises strewn in that I will take care of you and take
you Home when this is all over, and that Ill come again and help you clean up their mess when theyre finished.
You may have much less than they, but its real, and its lasting, and in the end it will turn out that your less was more all along. (IV:90)

Youre up against a physical majority, and the only way youre going to prevail against them is through your faith, which is what
overcomes the world. (IV:91)
Numbers were never something I went by, since I am not restricted to save by many or few. Numbers are irrelevant to Me when it
comes to being outnumbered by enemy forces.
A small minority with God can be more than sufficient a match against a physically superior enemy. (IV:103)

The path of heavenly wisdom reveals usually with time - how less can sometimes truly be more, and that youre actually better off
without certain things, even if initially they may have promised some kind of advantage for you. (IV:119)

Youve got to know that youre not alone, even when it seems like youre alone, or only a small minority compared to the host of
enemy forces that surround you in the physical. Youve got to know that they that be with you are more than they that be with them.

Less is sometimes more, and the secret lies in the empty spaces that I choose to create here and there, in fact, largely everywhere,
with just a relatively little bit of matter around in it for you to appreciate. (IV:164)

The entrance of My Word giveth light and understanding to the simple, but when people neglect My Word, the opposite happens
They may think theyre smart because of the quantity of information stored up in their overloaded memories, but what really counts
is not the quantity, but the quality of the information theyve got. (IV:176)

The majority will usually choose the wrong path, because the path of wisdom and the path of life is simply the path of the minority.

Its the quality of the input and information that matters, not the quantity. You get a greater quantity of input via the Internet, but the
quality is not the same as the information and input I give you.
Less is sometimes more, nearly always, when it comes to luxuries that threaten to usurp My place in your life. (IV:182)

Even if you may presently find yourself in a wee minority and vastly outnumbered, youre in no way disadvantaged. Remember My
stance on the numbers of man! They dont really impress Me, and neither should you be impressed by them. (IV:194)

According to your attitude the quality of your life will be. (IV:199)

The flesh will always lure the flesh to walk the way of the flesh, and those who will be able to resist that pull will always be a minority,
even if theyre part of a group that already constitutes a minority, just like not everyone among the small and oppressed minority - as
far as the rest of the world was concerned did receive Me, but only another yet smaller minority of chosen ones among them chose
to receive and accept Me as the promised Messiah, Savior and Son of God
Its shocking sometimes, just how few are really attuned to Me and choose My way But dont see it as a negative, or let it
discourage you, but rather, let it drive home to you the significance of the role you play for Me!
The less there are around of your kind, the more precious and valuable you become. (IV:208)

The qualities of blessed and happy people: Happy people are humble. Happy people are grateful. Happy people like to give, they like
to love and like to live. (IV:216)

More often than not, I have availed Myself of single men instead of armies.
Im not limited by many or by few, and one person truly yielded to Me can be more useful to Me under the right circumstances than a
whole army of folks who still havent grasped the difference between flesh and spirit.
Im still the champion of the poor, the small, the despised and downtrodden, who will nonetheless stare bravely into the face of a foe
who vastly outnumbers them. (IV:220)

The way of the majority, the way of the flesh, is the way of Cain, and the path of the minority and of the spirit is that of Abel (IV:265)

When you have less, its easier to appreciate it. (IV:345)

Sometimes seemingly insignificant qualities are the ones that make the difference. (IV:512)

The curse is a result of man choosing something other than My abundance and the life lived to the full I want to offer to those who
follow Me. Consequently, life became a school of learning to do without some of My abundance, and the final result of it is an ever
growing lack that you see manifested in many different shapes and forms on the planet.
Some are starving physically, some are starving spiritually, and many are starving emotionally.
Man was created with emotions and a hunger for love, and the great famine for love of these times is one of the crassest
manifestations of mans lack of My abundance. (IV:535)

The factor that makes life difficult is rather the abundance of things accumulated than any lack of them
Less is sometimes more; quite often in fact: more quality of life, more happiness, more room for other factors than material things to
fill your life, your hearts, and bring you bliss and joy
The less youre bogged down by things you already have, the more new stuff I can give you and pour into your life Not necessarily
material possessions, but the kind of things that truly make your life richer

Maybe the less you try to be in charge of providing for yourself what you think you need to have, the more I can supply you with what
I know you really need in order to be happy!
Maybe youll even find out that not only can less sometimes be more, but that a whole lot less can turn out to be a whole lot more.

I like to be that more in your situations of less. (11:78)

There are times of plenty and times of scarcity. Youve got to learn how to deal with them both. Only plenty would spoil you, and the
times of scarcity make you appreciate the plenteous times and draw you closer to the One Who gives it all in the first place, Who can
sometimes remain neglected among all the hubbub that plenty brings (11:178)

Life was meant to be a voyage for seekers for more, not settlers for less. (12:2)

As your faith grows, the quality of your life will also increase. (12:81)

The goal- and quality-oriented life has got better and more important things to be mindful of, and thus accomplishes a lot more,
consequently. (12:117)

Its not so much the quantity that matters, but the quality!
A little is sometimes worth more than a lot, so, get used to, and learn to appreciate the slightly lower quantities, but rely on and take
advantage of the quality more, instead!
Little is much, if Im in it! (15:211)

Include acceptance into that list of the qualities of love you need, and let it overcome the tendencies toward self-righteousness!

The quality of your life absolutely depends on whose voice youre going to listen to and follow in your deeds and actions.
Even if the majority of those around you tend to make the wrong choices, the question is: are you able to resist that
temptation and still choose the right things to do, even if the majority of folks on the planet wont? (2016:67)

Even if your physical strengths are sinking, take it as a plus if thats causing your spiritual qualities to go up! (2016:73)

Thankfulness is a good quality, and a lack of it will show in its fruits and results. (2016:84)

Even if the majority of the rest of the world thinks that things will just keep on going as usual, and as they always have Lets just
say: you know better. (2016:100)

Trust in Me is a good quality to obtain. (2016:139)

What matters is not the quantity of your actions and activities, but the quality, and what youre putting into and what motivates you
right now.
When youre concerned about applying the best quality, remember what it amounts to, as far as Im concerned: Love! (2016:148)

As much as you sow seeds of Love from Heaven, unfortunately the amount of darkness the enemy is sowing with his masses is just
more immense. But let it be another sign to you that with Us its not quantity what counts, but the quality. (2016:160)

Even though the physical numbers of the forces and slaves of evil down there may outnumber the visible Forces of good, remember
that thats why faith in what you cant see with your physical eyes is so important; and once realizing that, your confidence in the
Power will rise and grow to a state it will help you overcome the physically visible manifestations of evil around you.
Its a fight of good vs. evil, and with the fact of the forces and fighters for the good being far outnumbered by their spiritual enemies
overtaking the physical realm pretty much for good in the days to come, it takes a lot of faith in the small amounts from the right Side
enabling its followers to make it in spite of being outnumbered.
Its the quality, not the quantity, that really counts. Not the numbers, but what youre made of, and what forces you cling to. So, even
if youre part of the minority of heavenly citizens down there, let us prove through you that heavenly quality is much more valuable,
and ultimately more powerful than the masses of evil currently reigning down there!
I started My movement with just eleven folks following Me down there. And as far as My true followers are concerned, theyll always
be a tiny minority in the world run by our enemy (2016:170)

Sheep are most likely those who dont look too much like they fit into the groove the majority of folks down there are set in to, either.
A selfish tribe the enemy and his crowd.
And you can definitely tell that theyve influenced the majority of the world population to tune in to their gear
To allow oneself to be selfish is a quality of the kind of crowd you wouldnt want to belong to. (2016:171)

Thats one of the factors of being one of the few, instead of the many the majority: The way of the masses is a wide road going
downhill, without the abilities of seeing whats coming (2016:175)

Remember to keep looking for the few! The relatively few looking for a way out of this helluva mess the enemys creating out of Our
Creation! (2016:184)

Chaos is one of the qualities of the enemys rulership over that planet; and the greatest victims are those who cannot handle it.

The most needed quality right now is trust in Me, that Ill pull and see you through whatevers coming. (2016:205)

Even if right now it may make you look and seem a little weird as not part of this world youre in: as the development movement goes
further downhill, it will turn out to be less of a negative quality in the eyes of others, too. (17:14)

Will you keep on even when the majority gives up? (17:16)

Great and positive qualities are apparently not as dependent on whats in the head, as whats in the heart.
- Another ultimate lesson on the superiority of spirit over the quantities of knowledge and stored up information. (17:27)

Dependence on Heavens Help will be the quality to see folks through whats coming, not former own abilities. (17:30)

Remember that My prophets have always been a tiny minority! (17:37)

Learning to live with and on less is good preparation for whats to come. So, dont see it as something negative! See it as part of what
you need in order to get ready for whats coming!
Remember that little is much, if God is in it! (17:64)

Remember that many are called, but the chosen are few (Mt.22:14)!
So, consider it a privilege to be one of the chosen few! Another aspect of why few goes above many according to Our aspect of
Remember that the lower levels in the world are what requires and encourages humility, and that We definitely consider that a virtue,
compared to pride!
Remember that the less there is of you, the more I can make out of you! (17:72)

The quantity is not what counts as much as the quality, be it the quantity of folks or financial assets, or the masses of tales pushing
their views
Quality is comparable to diamonds and gold found within large amounts of earth, pebbles and rocks, but making them a lot more
precious by that comparative rarity. (17:81)

The goal is that you become a winner, even if the enemy tries all he can to make you look like a loser, and be a loser, if you give in to
him. (17:94)

Keep fighting, remembering youre on the Winners side, even if during this life and on the physical side it may not always seem like
it, with the folks majority obviously continuing to vote for the enemy, accepting his deceit and temptations.
Thats why Im proud of My resisters, even if theyre the minority by far. Or perhaps especially because they are.
If the Creator and His Son have to look at the evil and negative most folks are making out of their world, you can imagine that seeing
at least a few exceptional cases is definitely what cheers Them up and makes Them willing to do just about anything for those few.

The challenge is to learn to make it through rough days and times with My Help. Without recognizing the need for it, whod ever do it?
Youre not one of many who do, but one of the few. (17:119)

Remember: youre not part of the majority, but rather, part of a smaller minority but that kind wholl contribute to the positive
course the world is heading ultimately, despite the negative forces presently grabbing hold and taking charge of it.
Remember that minority or rarity in aspects like diamonds and gold equals precious! (17:121)

Remember My statements about many vs. few, and how difference is one of My major attributes in that case
Not following the downhill roads of the majority, but be called to follow My small and steep different paths up!
The ways of faith may be strange ones compared to the ways of the masses, but if youve got a glimpse of where the masses are
heading, you can only conclude that the way of faith is the better option. (17:123)

Life down theres a rough one because of whos in charge and the fact that folks down there inherit a lot of the habits from their
You can tell that those truly following Me are a tiny minority in comparison. But that makes them all the more special.
My true folks are definitely special folks even if becoming rarer all the time with the development down there. (17:139)

Modus Operandi
You must expand your horizon and modus operandi to working with multiple members and partners in this body, My church, learning
to tune in to them, and being open to input from them at any given time, requesting their input, counseling with them, checking in
with them, both, your team members on Earth and in the Spirit World. (III:63)

Give to others of all that I have blessed you with!

That's the m.o. of the future. It's the only modus operandi that has any future, for that matter, for the selfish mode of this present
world will soon pass away. "The world passes away and the lusts thereof (1John 2:19)..."
The lust of the flesh, of the eyes and the pride of life are all about taking, about selfish consumption. But "whoso doeth the will of
God," which is, to give to others, instead of selfishly taking from them, "the same abideth forever." It's the eternal modus operandi,
the one ordained from the beginning, the one from which mankind has strayed, the one you must find the way back to and show
others as well. (III:96)

To do things better and in a more Spirit-led way than it has been done before, you're going to have to continue in a Spirit-led m.o. and
not get all hyped up in the flesh, thinking you're going to have to do it all. (III:148)
Sometimes an ingredient is missing, and I want you to introduce some necessary changes, try out something new, add a new factor
to your modus operandi (IV:34)

To prefer whatever is the easiest and most fun-promising option, and not necessarily always going by what would be the most
needed, one cant really expect to make any significant headway with that attitude and modus operandi. (IV:386)

The obstacles that are there to overcome, just as in every good and perfect thing I put before you, are like an additional proof of
authenticity, since it confirms My usual modus operandi, and it resembles the way I work in your life. (IV:400)

Taking problems to Me and seeing and watching Me as I handle them and take care of them, is a different modus operandi, but it is
not doing nothing! (IV:485)

Its expedient and necessary for you to get into the modus operandi of not doing things without Me, especially when you feel as
though youve already got more than enough to handle. (11:17)

It has been the natural modus operandi for people to walk through life with a give me attitude, and What can I get, instead of,
What can I give?
Theres a lot more in it for you in the long run if you take on a giving attitude. (11:146)

I know the potential of what you can do when you avail yourself not only of your own, but of My Strength.
How else can I get you to avail yourself It, unless I exert you beyond your natural capacities?
How, if I only allow you to remain within the safe and familiar limitations of what youre used to and you know you can do?
So, as you can see, theres even some kosher and decent logic behind all these seemingly irrational, howbeit divine modus operandi.

Youre going to have to get used more and more to that modus operandi of trusting Me more for things (12:77)

Maybe a break and slow-down of your current Modus Operandi is precisely what you need and the best thing that could happen to
you. (12:86)

A lot of factors when it comes to creation, is against the odds; and those observing and studying these facts should see a pattern
there, and the hand-writing of a quite miraculous modus operandi, but they refuse.
They actually refuse to see, refuse to know, refuse the evidence. (12:120)

Its coming to that stretch and modus operandi: Without Me ye can do nothing.
Get used to that relatively new and strange modus operandi! (16:177)

Its just the time to get used to that relatively new modus operandi of not working according to your own knowledge, but the one
coming from Above one without which you dont stand much of a chance to make it through whats coming.
So, aint got no clue? Good news for you! The chance for Us to show you what to do. (16:180)

Human behavior is geared by what theyre used to. But Im telling you that changes are coming which wont enable you to continue in
the same old modus operandi. - No more reliance on the flesh and own abilities! (16:191)

You might not make it as things are going right now, but that means youve got to change your modus operandi: soak everything a
lot more into prayer, and your consciousness into the fact of dependence on the Help and Power from Above! Say farewell to the
ways of the flesh and managing things in your own futile physical strengths, and lean on what you really need: the Strength from
Above! (17:6)

Years before I already knew what was going to have to happen in order to get you into a more receptive mode for My modus
operandi a way you wouldnt have dared to undertake in the strengths of your own - former - capacities. (17:186)

Motivations & Incentives

If your motive is to inspire others and to help them make it, and to give your own life for anothers and forsake your own interests,
then anything is possible. But if you just want to show off how much better you think you can do, you might as well forget it. (I:360)

Its got to be love that motivates you; its got to be the heart.
Thats where youve got to find your answers, your motivations, your direction, your driving force that spurs you on. that
knowledge deep inside the heart! (III:2)

Most people aren't aware of their own hidden motives until they become mature enough to deal with things and are sincerely
interested in finding out why things simply haven't worked out as they should have, thus far in their lives. (III:51)
It's not so much what you do that matters, but why you do it, what motivations and incentives lie behind it. What's the spirit behind
it? You've got My Spirit, so let that be the Spirit that's behind the things that you do! (III:61)

Those who are too busy worrying, "what's in it for me?" and wondering about the amount of glory they're going to get, usually never
really accomplish the kind of things that count, as far as I'm concerned, simply because the wrong spirit is behind it... the wrong
incentive. (III:63)

Life is more important than accomplishment. It's more than that. The heart is what matters, the motivation; you've got to have the
right incentives.
Your motivation has got to be your love for them. (III:79)

Good intentions simply are not enough. They've got to become more than intentions. They've got to become your incentive, that
which motivates you, the essence of all you are and do: "The love of Christ constraineth us" (2Cor.5:14). (III:82)

It's so important to be honest with yourself and find out what really makes you tic, whether it's love or pride that's motivating you as
your driving force in life. (III:90)

Only when you can receive My personal Love for you, can My Love really spur you on and become your driving force and motivation.

Your motivation has got to be love for the people. (III:123)

I'm putting a lot more emphasis on how you do things, in what spirit, and with which motivation and incentive, than the amount of
things you accomplish. (III:135)

If it's only fleeting motivations that drive you, like pleasure, temporary comfort or the fulfilling of your momentary needs and desires,
then your relationship may be just as much subject to time and erosion. (III:285)

You've got to keep the right goals in mind, and you've got to run this race for the right incentives, because if it's just pride that
motivates and spurs you on, instead of love, then there's no chance in a lifetime you're going to be among the winners.
Because pride and other false motivations will drain the energy and life-blood out of you. The only true incentive that will help you to
keep going until the very end is love. And of course the devil will seek to replace that by any false incentive, if he can, and that's what
you've got to be aware of. (III:354)

Youve got to make sure that thats your motivation and the thing that rules you, your goal: love. (III:394)

The sense of becoming a more efficient vessel for Me, living for the purpose of helping and saving others, instead of personal
pursuits, is to replace wrong motivations with right ones. (III:429)

Almost as important as what you do is the incentive and motivation out of which you do it, which also determines the way you do it.

You have to check your heart about what your true motivations are.
Are you scared youre going to miss out on the rewards if you dont do more of this and more of that? Or is it truly love, and nothing
but love that motivates you? Because it is only love, and nothing but love that will enable you.
If what motivates you is fear of missing out on something in case you dont obey Me, then you dont have the right motivations it
takes to win anybody to Me.
Subconscious fears and underlying false motivations I want to liberate you from, in order to liberate others from them. (III:456)

Clean up your spiritual household a little bit and become more real in your motivations and the driving force that spurs you on
through life! (III:473)

Just as there are vehicles that run on gasoline and others run on Diesel or some kind of organic fuel, electricity, or what have you, so
different people are motivated by different incentives.
The majority of cars run on gasoline, and likewise, the majority of people run on the pressure of getting something accomplished
within a certain timeframe.
But there are those who are powered by different incentives and fuels than what gets the majority of people going. (III:499)

What are your motivations and incentives for doing great works? You want to make a name for yourself, you want to be remembered,
admired, etc. Whereas just being there for others means forgetting about yourself and just being there for them. (III:576)

Love people in spite of their faults and look beyond their faults and flaws, at their hearts and that which truly motivates them, instead
of the show they usually put on! (IV:27)

My influence in someones life can purify their motivations and cleanse a relationship or marriage from any impure and selfish
elements. (IV:108)

You cannot make their ambitions the same as yours, nor allow yourself to fall into their way of thinking, their way of seeing things,
and start acting the same way and out of the same motivations. (IV:112)

If what motivates man is the achievement of Satans promise, Ye shall be as gods, then his world will be affected by it. (IV:113)
Learning to interpret the vibes people give off properly is a challenge in life. Finding out what it really is that makes people tic, and
not just falling for your own first best interpretation and wild guess what their intentions and motivations may be (IV:124)

I dont want you to go by false motivations, to be doing some good just in order to feel better about yourself. (IV:139)

Keep letting My Light illuminate and examine the inside of your own heart, the true motivations of your actions, and make sure your
own small little unit stays clean of any infiltrations of the enemy! (IV:158)

The difference lies in the incentive: whether its the lusts that war in your members that motivate you, or a sincere and pure desire for
love. (IV:312)

My Love within you is the only right and effective motivation that can ever keep you from sinning (IV:313)

A man should take heed and watch what he sows, and to check the motivations of his heart as to whether theyre pure or not, and if
mistakes have been made, to learn from them and make sure not to repeat them. (IV:386)

Many people are motivated and dominated by envy and covetousness I would like you to be different. (IV:516)

Often it is only the fear of judgment or of things going wrong that will give people the incentive to seek change or improvement,
without which there is stagnation. (11:4)

Perhaps its time to learn a few things along the lines of how to motivate others, so that you might wind up becoming a little more
motivated yourself! (11:51)

Youve come to realize how sheer aggravating the lack of motivation in some people can be, and their lack of willingness and
readiness to be or become motivated, no matter what you may do to try to help them, or to persuade them that what you want to do
for them is for their own good
The potential saviors of this world dont have an easy job, and motivating others to join you in your efforts is probably the hardest
task about it!
How to motivate people to do good is a big question and a mighty challenge for many of My world-changers. (11:82)

Wondering and worrying about your own significance in My Plan is more of a hindrance than a help, an incentive for trying to do it in
the flesh and for the wrong motivation. (12:8)

Only few people interpret the knocks of life the right way, namely as a positive incentive to try harder, while the majority take the
lower road of pride and yield to discouragement. Thats why the great success stories of people who made it big in this world are so
outstanding, regardless of their faith, religion or motivation: They simply refused to misinterpret their knocks as negatives; they kept
trying, no matter what.
Many areas where choices are required by folks to be made in life are not even recognized as such, and this is one good example:
When you are being corrected or reprimanded, and I or someone else tells you that you could do better, do you interpret that to mean
youre a failure and take it as an excuse to quit, or will you make the right choice and take it as an incentive to simply do what would
actually be the most reasonable consequence, and try harder? (12:45)

Doing what everyone else would consider cool, hip or en vogue is a lot more important to people, along with their own little make-
belief image of themselves, than the truth and reality of who and what they really are. As a result, youve got people motivated and
powered by lies and illusions to the extent where they often cant tell the difference anymore between truth and lies, wrong or right

Id rather have some people live in the illusion that theyre great and on stage permanently (which isnt really altogether an illusion,
if you see it from a spiritual viewpoint), than just join in the dull humdrum of the masses who dont have anything to motivate, inspire
and spur them on except for mere cold, dry sense of duty or survival-instinct. (12:64)

Being forced to take a leap of faith might be something you dread and want to avoid, mainly because youd want to avoid the ridicule
of the worldly voices of reason whod advise you from the start that what youre planning to do is foolish
So, its not only a test of faith, but also one of the purity of your motives in all of this.
Having given the okay to go in a direction doesnt mean I might not ever want to suggest corrections on how to go about it as you go;
corrections in attitude, mindsets and motivations behind it all. (12:86)

To be more concerned about others would definitely be a plus-point in learning to make love the greater force of influence and
motivation throughout that life down there, even if its a little tough to do so when the majority of those around you dont. (2016:57)

Let times getting darker down there cause and motivate you to keep your vision Up Here, the Source of Light! (2016:68)

If you havent learned all of those lessons yet Ive been trying to teach you, well, see this as another reason and incentive for what
youre still having to go through down there! (2016:73)

If you dont know how to, or feel you cant make it, see it as a motivation to apply for the Help from Above, which will be the only
mode anyone will make it through the darkest days to come! (2016:74)

If youre feeling weak, let it be My incentive for you to draw close to Me! (2016:100)

Let the good and loving things rule and reign your life, actions, attitudes and motivations! (2016:108)
Put those feelings on the backburner and obedience to Me in the front of your motivation gear! (2016:112)

What matters is not the quantity of your actions and activities, but the quality, and what youre putting into and what motivates you.
And you remember the main keyword for My motivation, and what it should be: Love! Not anger, worry, fear or pride, or whatever
else the enemy might try to tack you with. (2016:148)

Let your communication with others be run and motivated by love, and dont let any of the evil influences of the enemy sink in!

What people who want to follow Me and be a disciple of Mine should learn from My Life on Earth, along with those of My early
disciples except for Judas, who was obsessed and partly possessed by the devil, and thus, more interested in money than in what
Ive had to say is that making money is not what should rule their motivations, but doing good to the world around them. (2016:172)

Can you blame Me for withholding the abundant blessings youd been used to for so long, in order for you to appreciate them, learn
what others have to go through, so that you develop a greater incentive to share what youve got with others? Which is basically
whats supposedly your job? (2016:185)

Worsening circumstances arent a sign for you to lower your vision or let your spiritual state be pulled down, but are supposed to be
an incentive for you to learn to raise your vision and spiritual condition in spite of them! (2016:193)

See not knowing how youll make it as a natural state and incentive to ask Me how you will, or help you to! (17:4)

The world will reap what its sown, and if its largely selfishness thats been motivating its folks, theyll reap the results of it. (17:5)

Remember the Action-part as a motivational attempt to get into better situations! (17:25)

A lot depends on your motivations the extent to which I can bless you, and, accordingly, your joy and contentment.
If the blessings are missing, dont blame Me, but check your own actions and incentives for causing that lack! (17:36)

There have been folks trying or pretending to blend in to My movements throughout history, but because of wrong motivations the
Holy Spirit didnt really work in or through them.
Thats why its important to be sure of the right and proper motivation in My followership. (17:37)

If you dont know whats going to happen, dont let it tear you down, but use it as an incentive to pin your trust on Me and the Father,
that We always know better in any case, so, its not a disadvantage if you dont know, just a reason and incentive to ask Us about it.

If the conditions down there are getting tougher, its just all the more incentive to point your faith and confidence in the right
direction. - Not letting it be influenced - and thus, weakened - by all thats going on around you down there, but staying spiritually
focused on your Goal and Destination. (17:98)

See it as an incentive for you to raise your faith and make it grow: to overcome the fears the enemy would like to harm and weaken
you with! (17:122)
Get the point of not being drifted and motivated or even inspired by the physical circumstances and conditions around you, but
make it My Kingdom of the Spirit that you seek first, and gear your mindset and focus toward the Spirit! (17:127)

Gear your vision toward the physically invisible Realm of the Spirit, the currently better Part of Everything a good reason and
motivation to give It the priority of your attention!
Visible, these days can almost entirely be associated with negative, while its the presently invisible Range of the Spirit from where
comes the positive. A principal reason and motivation to keep your focus aimed toward the Spirit. (17:132)

Sometimes you dont feel too motivated to do anything, because of your frustration about your current circumstances, but dont you
think its a bit sad the enemy gets you into such a state? You shouldnt let him, but instead, keep resisting him! (17:137)

When its tough to make it, its one of the major motivations to pray when you cant make it by yourself, but you need Heavens
Help. (17:171)

Create a vacuum inside you for heavenly Help, and continue to pull It down toward you! And in order to give you the incentive to do
that, guess you need to realize that you cant and wont make it without It. (17:188)

It wouldnt be much of a challenge, if all your life would just consist of easy to handle tasks. - Nothing really to cause and motivate
you to ask and apply for My Help, Strength and Power in order to make it, which, however, youll desperately need during the darkest
times to come. (17:195)

School has just begun! You ain't nearly done yet, so, don't let the old punk fool you, like the fox and the cat in "Pinocchio" were
telling him not to go to school...
Don't be nave and don't fall for his lies! I've had to rescue you out of many a cage and entrapment, and out of the belly of the whale,
and now out there on the winds and waves of the open sea of life you're going to have to prove if you're noble enough to lay down
your life for your brethren in order for My fairy - the Holy Ghost - to make you into a "real boy"! (I:315)

Once you apply and give love yourself, you also become more attractive to those you want to love you.
A perfect example of this is Groundhog Day: as long as he had any selfish motives, he failed in trying to conquer her heart. Only
when he finally was completely broken and had become a truly loving man, was he able to conquer her heart with genuine love, and it
broke the spell. (I:333)

Remember what infuriated Nero in "Peter and Paul" the most? That some were saying that Paul was the most important man in the
world. Not the great ruler of the Roman Empire, but a little Jewish preacher from the edge of the world...
It's still the same: not the big rock stars or movie stars or pompous politicians are really the important people, but My little pivots, on
which the axis and the wheels of history are really turning. (I:494)

You may think you're having hard times, but you may look back at these times with different eyes someday, as has happened so often
in your life. Retrospectively, things never look as bad as they might look at the moment you're going through them. It's like in
Whinnie the Pooh, where the terrible mountain turned out not to have been much more than a molehill, and the dreadful forest just
a few bushes...
That's how you'll look back at your life, too! (II:47)

To categorically dismiss people as hopeless cases, to put them in drawers, that's the same kind of churchy and self-righteous
attitude that Jonah was portrayed as having in the movie "Veggie Tales - The Story Of Jonah," but you shouldn't allow that to happen
to you! Give them a chance! And give Me a chance to change their lives. (II:77)

Like the evil old man, Mr. Potter, in "It's A Wonderful Life," who unbeknownst to the hero of the story found his money and kept it, and
thus caused many problems and trials... that's the way the devil works, too. He sees an opportunity to work his evil plan, to exploit
others in order to spread out his power and convert innocent villages, homes and entire countries into one big "Pottersville."
Just like Potter stole the money in the movie, the devil sees where you're forgetting about the important detail of applying your
spiritual wealth and riches of showing love and appreciation, and he holds on to it, makes it impossible for you to show any more.

You must expose the devil's workings! You have to expose the evil "Mr. Potter" at work here and show him up for what he really is!
He uses innocent little blunders of the mind, little neglects and shortcomings that everybody is prone to, and creates a huge crisis
out of them that makes you feel and think that nobody loves you and you're just a useless failure and the best thing would be that
you had never been born, etc., ready to jump off the bridge.
Thankfully, I've got My "Clarences," My angels, jumping into the situation to set things straight, to help you out, and to straighten out
your misguided view and perception of things. That movie is really a blueprint for what's happening in many people's lives, of how
the devil manages to discourage and belittle them in their own eyes... (II:166)

The devil is very much like the evil fox in "Pinocchio" who diverts Pinocchio from his duties and tries to attract him to "the easier"
way to make money, instead of going the hard way of attending school (--the School of Life!--), which is what his father Gepetto told
him to do, and lures him with the pleasures on "pleasure island." But Pinocchio only winds up making a jack-ass out of himself,
along with all the others, by failing to remember to stay on the straight and narrow, until he finally repents, wants to go home to the
father and in not finding him at home, becomes obsessed with the search for the father... what an allegory of life!
Sometimes you may not find the Father where you had originally been familiar with Him, once you've neglected to remember Him and
to honor Him and to listen to Him, and once you've been down the road of sin. Your search for Him may lead you into the belly of the
whale, which are the deep, dark and trying experiences I often use to make a real man out of you, to show whether you've really got a
heart after all.
Often people are distracted and diverted by the enemy, purposely lured away from Me and My admonitions and tempted to forget and
disobey what I told them or what they simply know to be the good way. After all, everybody else is rushing off to "Pleasure Island,"
and who wants to be left out and miss out on the fun, right?
But if you're going to be a smart little boy, you're going to remember what Father said. You're going to pay attention to Him and send
the evil tempters back to hell where they came from. You're not going to listen to them but you'll tell them to get lost, that you won't
listen to them, you've got to obey the Father, and there's nothing they can ever do or say that will divert you from that path of
obedience! (II:236)

Make each of your actions, words, conversations, gestures, one that will make a difference in the meaningless, lifeless, clueless
Matrix of this world! If you want to be Neo, you can't keep walking around pretending you're Mr. Anderson! (II:271)

Everybody has their perfect role and part to play, and its one of the biggest tasks of the director or producers of a play, movie or TV
series, to find the perfect cast.
I chose each player, each actor for their perfect role, including yours.
In order to make sure you play your part the best you can, live! Enjoy it! Don't take it too seriously, but don't neglect to take it serious
enough, either! You don't have to have a clue about everything that's going on. You just have to play your part the best you know
how. As far as you're concerned, there's only one role and one part that matters most, and that's the one I've given you to play.
Concentrate and focus on it with your whole heart! Meditate on it so you will get the supernatural anointing for it, assistance from the
Spirit World! Don't let less than ideal "set conditions" distract you!
The play is multi-dimensional, taking place on all and various levels and platforms at the same time! Although the devil is in some
ways participating in the play, he's mainly in the coaching business, since he's still operating from the spirit world. He's sort of in
charge of the cast who are playing the villains' parts. But he also has his people who will try to make things not so easy for you to
play your part. He tries to make his people look better than Mine and do a better job. He's trying to steal the show from Me since the
beginning. We're in serious competition. At least for him it's serious, that is...
And since he seems to have a larger "fan crowd" than I do at times, one could be tempted to think that he might actually stand a
chance to become the "real" star of the show... Well, we'll see. Usually, once people get a look behind the scenes, and they start
getting a bit more of an idea of the whole thing and find out what's really good and what isn't, what's real quality performance and
what isn't, they usually come over to My side, after all. Often the time in the enemy camp only helps them to appreciate working for
Me, since working for Me may have its disadvantages, but they're nothing compared to working for a dud like the devil.
So, enjoy acting out the part of your life, even with all the little, seemingly insignificant side-scenes and side roles you're having to
It doesn't really matter if you don't seem to have huge success and a gigantic fan crowd right now; that it doesn't seem to make
sense what you're doing or you're not sure whether it's going to do anyone any good ever. It doesn't matter if it seems that way,
because I'm telling you, it will.
Those who are willing to play those seemingly dumb little roles are the greatest stars Up Here. They may seem a little boring to those
action freaks, but we're preparing for some real sophisticated action here, not just some cheap, "made in China" type of action...
We're working on a Show that might not attract the fast-food entertainment consumers, but one that will endure the tests of time.
You were wondering about your role you're having to play right now. Well, I just want to encourage you that I and many great men of
faith have been in the same boat. If you look at My life on Earth, you should be encouraged: it wasn't anything to be envious of. Then
there was St. Francis, and many of My apostles...
None of them died of old age as rich millionaires in their fancy villa somewhere...
So, if you're tempted to think your part's too rough, cheer up, you ain't seen nuthin' yet when it comes to "rough!" Be glad that I'm
not letting you get you away with the easy part you might actually prefer to have. Now that would be boring!
The "somebodies" in this world, who are just inheriting the fake blessings of the devil, appear and fade into nothing as soon as the
show is over. They turn out to have been nothing but a fake! They lose their value and shining appearances as soon as the curtain
falls: "Game over," "The End," and "welcome to the Real World," the Spirit World! They're all going to find out that they have been
fools, fooled by the greatest fool of all, the great imposter.
So, act out and play your part with the dignity of one who knows that he's the heir of the heritage that lasts, the poverty that will turn
into everlasting riches when this game, this show of life on Earth is over! (II:380)

One of the best portrayals of the devil ever is the coward Scar in The Lion King, who usurps the true kings kingdom, has him killed,
and the true kings son needs to wander off into the wilderness. (II:638)

A lot depends on your determination to believe that somehow, like in "Shakespeare in Love," everything is going to turn out well in
the end, even though you don't know how - it's a mystery.
The cast may be a hopeless bunch of losers - or they may look like it, and your Juliet may still not have arrived on the scene yet, and
you may think you're lost, from the looks of the circumstances, but everything depends on your faith to believe that somehow things
are going to turn out alright anyway. - Because I'm in control. It may not look like it, but you'll know - your faith will be strong enough
to tell - that I am, anyway, and that I'm just allowing the chaotic looks of things in order to test you, to make sure that you've really got
what it takes that will deserve and merit the reward. (III:205)

"Ratatouille" was a nice example of an animal that was interested in the other kind, ready to learn from them, even though there were
lots of hurdles and prejudices to overcome on both sides...
That rat was actually able to pass on some of its skills to humans, too.
We in the Spirit World learn a lot from the things you're going through in the physical. We benefit from the tastes you're developing,
the savors and flavors you come up with, and it's something that works both ways...
I need each and every one of you to contribute your special and individual part to My "potpourri" or "ratatouille," as it's called in
I appreciate any help I can get from you in getting them to see beyond their physical needs, to help them to catch a glimpse of the
heavenly flavors that are yet to be savored and discovered, whole new dimensions of enjoyment, similar to the way the rat in the
movie taught his brothers about the varieties of food... (III:266)

The devil would like to create tons of little carbon copies of himself, very much like "Mr. Smith" in the 3 rd issue of "Matrix." Satan is a
lot like "Mr. Smith," in that he detests mankind, and if anything, wants to absorb and assimilate them into his system, and convert
them into his obedient slaves, totally yielded to him, without any will of their own. (III:309)

The Real Thing, namely reality, is far more complex than a little two hour Hollywood episode could ever manage to tell. Those movies
may be inspiring, and they may spur you on to continue in your struggle and fight, but you cant expect that same kind of success
story from your own life after two hours! (III:419)

Show folks that a love relationship with Me beats any Hollywood episode! Show them what love is really all about! Those romantic
love films are nice, but theyre not the Real Thing that they could have with Me! (III:420)

When Pinocchio took off with the show-people, he thought he was free, he wouldnt have to attend that stupid, boring School of Life
anymore, and he was going to have some fun instead, becoming rich and famous. In the end he only wound up making a jackass out
of himself like so many others. The illusion of freedom only led him to ever greater bondage. Even so it is with the game of this world.
The enemy is the cunning fox that lures them time and time again into their cages with his appealing fake version of freedom and fun,
every time losing a bit more of their innocence and humanity. (III:480)

Life is like a great, interactive motion picture, and I allow My actors to change the script somewhat as they go, just like some highly
respected and well-known actors are able to build in their little spontaneous changes into the script. My prophets and stars have
the power to change My mind on certain issues, they just have to have the faith and the courage to try it and, of course, a good
alternative plan. (III:539)
One reason why people are excessively into movies: They know that usually there will be a good guy, or a couple of good guys
playing the leading roles who will make life look good for an hour or two; people whose flaws wont be shown, at least not to the
extent that they are in real life. You never see them go to the toilet or the way they really look when they first wake up in the morning,
and it gives people a better reality to distract them. (IV:67)

Every individual is a little bit like Pinocchio and would do better to heed the advice of their conscience than the temptations of the
foxes in this world who promise high life on Pleasure Island (IV:147)

Those movies where some hero overcomes legions of evil on his own create the unrealistic notion that you just might win against all
odds by yourself, but thats not quite correct. (IV:191)

If you remember Mr. Hollands Opus, his destiny turned out to be something quite different than his personal dreams and
preferences, but then again, whos to say where the greater rewards and fulfillment were to be found?
But what about those talents? you wonder. Well, just as in Mr. Holland, they were also put to some good use, even if in a different
way than he would have personally envisioned or planned His opus was performed and came to the fore in the end, but in such a
way that the glory did not go to him, but to the higher force that did the hidden planning for his life; in other words, it glorified God,
rather than giving the glory to himself. (11:35)

School isnt a constant playground, and its understandable that some, if not most kids, would prefer playing video games all day
long instead, or spend their days in leisure on Pleasure Island (Pinocchio). But the question is, which is going to be more
beneficial for you in the long run? Having Pleasure Island turn you into a cigar-smoking jack-ass, or actually getting to know
something and becoming smarter and wiser? (11:57)

Ignorance is in many aspects the easier way, which is why Cipher in the Matrix chose to be plugged in again, and he didnt want to
know anything about the Matrix, about the ugly truth he had learned, and about the battle that was raging behind the scenes, far from
the awareness of the sleeping masses. (11:130)

One of the big by-products of the movie industry and Hollywood culture that has framed peoples minds and behavior for decades:
Everyones a bit of an actor in their own right, and thats okay if you play the role I have given you to play, and youve got the
conviction and courage to be the person I assigned you to be. But most of the time people try to be someone they think will appeal to
other people: they play a role that doesnt have anything to do with the purpose for which they were created. They play silly roles,
instead of deep and meaningful ones that convey lessons to others, and in this aspect people do resemble actors who should
carefully choose what roles they take on, and not make the money theyre offered for it their only or main criterion.
Are you following the script Ive given you to play, or are you taking on some silly script the devil has convinced you to play, or that
society imposed on you? Whose actor are you? - Theirs or Mine? Whose role are you acting out? (12:24)

Some people simply dont have lives as active as others, and in order to give them the opportunity to broaden the scope of their
horizons and experience level, books and films can be helpful.
But its usually the more slow-paced movies that hold the larger amount of lessons. In the fast-paced action movies its mainly the
adrenalin level thats being raised, and even though they can sometimes be inspiring and evoke feelings of courage or ambition, the
effect isnt as lasting as that of a genuine lesson being learned. After all, thats what entertainment is: its made to keep you away
from thinking and instead, it raises the emotional level. But in some peoples case thats almost the only source of positive emotional
input they get
One thing that movies do is, they remind people (not really consciously, but intuitively) that life itself is a stage or movie somewhat,
and theyre being watched, and their lives are not altogether meaningless, but there is something to be gleaned from them by a
greater audience. Thats why a lot of young people act as if they were stars, and they imitate their cool movie heroes.
The truth is, of course, that the ones putting on that coolness act arent the real heroes at all; in fact, theyre more likely to turn out as
villains, or not to have been playing any truly significant role at all. And yet, everyone has got a role to play but, of course, not
everyone is going to be handed an Oscar when the awards are being handed out.
The notion of acting out their lives reminds them that theres something they ought to do, and that their act is going to have
implications. Instead of seeing themselves as helpless, passive victims of lifes circumstances it instills in them the ambition to do
something with and about their lives, and that the responsibility of their act and its consequences rests on them.
A great example is the Narnia Chronicles, which dont necessarily resemble 100% pure truth from a legalistic aspect. But you know
how they inspired you when you first watched that episode, and you were thrilled by the way My truth was hidden subtly and yet
conveyed through those metaphors C.S. Lewis used. (12:64)

Being a rebel looks so cool and easy in the movies, but how about being a real rebel against their entire system?
- Not just because it sounds and looks like one more pretty comfortable option, but because its the only one left, no matter how
uncomfortable and painful? (12:113)

The resemblance of Salvation in the Matrix: To get disconnected from the Matrix is what resembles My Salvation, and makes the
actual present and real world in the movie ruled and run by machines (symbolic of the devils host of demons, evil spirits, and their
servants), very much like hell on Earth, which - in a large part, even though not quite as ugly - it has turned out to be for you.
So, the reality of hell on Earth is a tough one to cope with, and some prefer to get back into the illusionary Matrix-realm.
Of course, in the actual reality, its a lot easier for the enemy to keep those who got saved on his wavelength with his distractions and
temptations, which explains why he can continue to use so many Christians for his purposes, and not many of them are actual drop-
outs from his system.
So, the Matrix has been a help to demonstrate what sort of an ugly reality in comparison one has to face as someone who got
saved from the Matrix-illusion one thats not all that easy to cope with, once you fully realize what evil forces are running the place.
But then, some of Neos capabilities increased, and went beyond the usual capacities of folks in the physical realm, and thats what
you have to keep in mind and remember: the necessities of miracles. (17:193)
Mysteries & Secrets
Be faithful to commune with Me, and I will let you delve deep into the mysteries! (I:2)

You wonder how I could possibly have arranged all these dreadful and awful situations to work out for best. All this ugliness doesn't
look too much like it's been arranged and conceived in Heaven. Well, but when a baby is first conceived it may not always be a pretty
sight in its embryonic state. And even a newborn isn't all that pretty. It takes time until you recognize the beauty in it. (II:42)

You won't be able to solve the whole mystery of My workings in this life, but I'm giving you a glimpse.
There's so much more going on behind the scenes that concerns you than you could ever even possibly find out in life. It will be one
of the greatest and very special kicks for you in Heaven to solve the final mysteries and see My perfect sense in it all!
Right now you can only see it by faith, but that faith is growing. In other words, your ability to see the hidden mysteries of the spirit is
slowly growing, and day by day there is more and more to discover. (II:181)

Many things written in the Bible aren't clearly understood by everyone or even anyone, they're to be revealed in their time. I like to
keep some things a mystery until the time has come to make it all clear. (II:196)

I love to answer your questions. But I don't always like to hand you the answer on a silver platter and tell you the whole score in
advance. I like to keep some things a mystery, at least for a while and long enough to give you time to make an effort to use your
brain to find out what you can about it. (II:199)

The great secret lies in loving Me. That's all I require of you. The rest will come - not by itself, but by Me. I will do everything and
anything through you, if you just allow Me, by loving Me. (II:276)

Some mysteries are supposed to be revealed and unfolded step by step, because you might not be able to handle them otherwise.

I work in mysterious ways, and I'm letting you have a glimpse of My mystery of the future, so that you won't be discouraged and
tempted to give up. (II:316)

There will remain mysteries, riddles and questions in life, things that you must take by faith, sometimes because they're part of your
tests. (II:441)

I never run out of mysteries to reveal to you. (II:463)

In Me you will always find a Source of never ending depths, untold mysteries to discover, and a whole universe of revelations to
explore. (II:644)

Only those who can see through the great mystery until its very end can believe in unconditional and vast, all-forgiving and all-
embracing Love. It goes totally against the grain of the pride of man, any philosophy of works, of being able to earn one's own
salvation, because it becomes obvious that only I can do it. (III:68)

Part of making "everyday better" is to shift your focus from yourself to what you can do in order to improve life for someone else.
That's what truly will make everyday better, and a major part of the secret of how it works.
The secret lies in letting the light you receive from Me by coming to Me spill over on others' lives... (III:78)

Love is the Secret, the all-powerful Force that rules and guides the universe, for Love is God. (III:83)

Discover new facets, new aspects, new details and angles, factors and clues to new secrets, mysteries and revelations; things you
weren't aware of before! (III:129)

It takes time to get to know someone, even yourself, and if you won't take time to reflect and think about certain qualities and ways
you react or why you do so, they can remain a mystery forever, until you come Home to Me and your angels and spirit helpers fill you
in on what you were so busy missing out on.
Most people prefer these things to remain a mystery, since some of them aren't exactly flattering. (III:175)

Thats the trickiness and mystery of life: Things are not always what they seem to be. (III:187)

The mystery of emptiness is the greatest gift that enables you to receive any of the other ones... it is the faith that makes all else
possible. (III:200)

Your trust will inspire that of others. You don't know how, but you know it's all going to end well.
"But how?" "I don't know - it's a mystery!"
Make some room for My mystery to happen! Have the faith and trust to let it happen!
Expect it to happen, and never give up hoping that - against all the odds - it's going to happen! (III:205)
The children of men usually can't sit still long enough, they're not patient enough; they've got to be up and running someplace and
doing something, when instead they could be learning of Me the mysteries of the universe. (III:240)

Thank Me for what you have received already, and I will gladly pour out more! That's the secret to obtaining more. (III:251)

It's the equilibrium of all things and a just measure of all the ingredients that make up the secret of life. (III:262)

Your openness toward Me, your willingness to turn to Me and embrace Me and let Me take over, that's what draws you into My Realm
of the eternal, the heavenly view and timescope of things, the mystery of the Now, the present, the eternal moment of God... (III:292)

You can tell people all that expects them behind those doors of mystery, but they have to turn the key of faith in that truth
themselves. (III:296)

One of the mysteries of creation: the dual nature of things. (III:311)

That's what life is all about: discovering God's mystery in life. If you only focus on the obvious, you're never going to get it. (III:342)

The secret still lies in the whispers, that still small voice that the majority of the world doesnt pay attention to.
Thats one of the great secrets: the stillness, the acceptance of yielding to the hand of God in your life, even if it brings times of
trouble and sorrow; to just let it be. (III:432)

Youve got to allow the mystery to happen along with the suffering, along with all the stuff that perhaps you wouldnt have allowed or
built in there, had you been the architect, but thats precisely where faith and trust come in and run circles around pride, and all the
carnal mind will ever rig up in its own efforts. (IV:33)

Sometimes the secret is to be able to wait for the right moment, and not run off before youre ready. (IV:34)

Life has many riddles and mysteries that man hasnt even begun to solve yet.
Theyre all trying to make sense of things in their own strength, with their own wits and efforts to put 2 and 2 together and make
sense of it all without consulting or even considering Me. Theyre leaving the major Factor out of the equation. (IV:54)

A lot of the secret and mystery of life and making the most out of it, is finding the new in the old: find the new application of some of
the same old basic and fundamental truths, and see which ones are applicable today! (IV:217)

One of the greatest mysteries in life for some lies in the moment of the discovery of the necessity of paying attention, instead of
wanting to get it. (IV:282)

The secret to happiness is not in finding the perfect, but making the best out of what you have. (IV:344)

Some things remain a mystery for a little while in order to teach you to trust (IV:414)

The great secret to enjoying every moment as much as possible lies in your union and connection with Me. (IV:479)

A big part of the secret on your quest for the Real Thing is becoming it. (IV:498)

This is one of the mysteries of humanity: perfection is only acquired via the path of imperfection. (11:66)

Life has many paradoxes, and the secrets and answers are often found in unexpected circumstances and situations. (12:10)

Lifes mysteries are solved step by step like a puzzle, piece by piece it doesnt all just come in one great big flash. (12:33)

The secret is, theres no limit to the energies I can yet pour into you and pour out through you. (12:83)

The less obvious, the hidden beneath that shiny, artificially polished surface of obvious, is for those who seek for more: the
intricate details and often complex mysteries of how things really are and work, and those who care to look more than once to find
out whats really going on, who dont swallow the official, simple, but often totally false explanation. (12:85)

Life has a lot of mysteries. But seeking Me about them will help you solve them. (15:161)

Some issues wont be fully revealed until you get Here, where the questions will be answered and the mysteries of life and that world
of yours solved. (16:13)

Sorry its a tough road leading to Heaven, but I never made a secret of that fact. (16:63)

Cling to and stick to Me, and keep geared to My heavenly wavelength! Thats the secret of making it through whats coming. (17:55)

Relying and depending on what you cant see around you is the mystery and secret weapon of faith, and its the one weapon and
instrument to learn to put your trust and confidence in. (17:90)

Life can be a misery, but how to prevent that, shouldnt be too much of a mystery, if you have been taught before about the
miraculous, positive effects of prayer. (17:96)
There are still quite some mysteries and secrets that you dont know the answers to, which is why its good and a big advantage to be
and stay connected to Me, Who can reveal to you whatever you need to know.
Sometimes the mystery of walking by faith when youre not sure of the details, is something that should strengthen your trust in Me,
that even when you dont know, you keep trusting that I, the One Who should, does. (17:146)

To become doers of the Word Im giving you is the secret. (17:148)

One secret about making the best out of your circumstances is to put them into My hands, and put Me in charge of making the best
out of them. Committing destinies into My hands is the secret of making the best possible out of them. (17:179)


Sometimes big secrets of the universe lie in such seemingly insignificant things as the name of a flower: Forget Me not! Dont forget
Me! Dont forget to give Me the glory! In your remembering Me every step of the way lies the course, the quality and the effectiveness
of your voyage through life.

I really AM, I really do exist. I told Moses thats My name because it is the answer to the most essential question: 'God, are you really
there? I AM!!! Im not often quite easily perceived and recognized, nor accepted as the God of Love that I am. But I AM.

Keep on overcoming by praising Me, trusting Me and loving Me in spite of anything, and I will give you that white stone, and in it a
name written that no one else will know but you - and Me! A name that will be your special code of direct link-up and instant utter
communication and oneness with Me, your personal access code to My heart. I cannot grant access and entrance to the Holy of
holies and inner core of My heart only to those who will approve themselves in this life as true overcomers.

The ship's going down, and yet the band plays on and the captain and his crew are saying, "Don't panic, everything's under
control...." when really everything's out of control, because they're trying to grab the control more and more away from Me,
practically want to eradicate Me from people's minds, lives and consciences and give it over to the one they will receive, who will
come in his own name, unlike Me, Who came in His Father's name and they did not receive.

My name means "Savior." My cry and My call to mankind is to "Come, let Me save you!" I want to save you wholly and entire, I want to
cleanse and heal all of you, your mind, your body, your heart, your spirit... your soul.

Act in the Power and in the Name of the Author, the Founder, the Ruler over all, in His indisputable Authority over everything else,
any circumstances and forces that would dare to stand in the way of My will!

The Devil is like some ferocious dog that barks and growls and acts up as if he were the boss, but just one word spoken in My name
and authority will shut him up and remind him of who's the Boss around here.

Look beyond, at the ultimate purpose of all, not the immediate thing. Just as in magic the name of the thing controls it or makes it
"happen," even so ignoring the thing, and instead focusing on the Maker, the Author of everything, will enable you to perform the
greatest magic of all: My magic of faith, the magic of "nothing is impossible."

Necessities (/Needs)
Giving people an opportunity to be blessed and feel needed makes them feel good about themselves, and that's because they
instinctively know that that's the way things are supposed to be, they're fulfilling their true destiny by giving to someone, they're
complying with and fulfilling a part of the meaning of their lives and purpose of their existence.
It's not just another selfish need... it's totally okay to need to be needed. (II:94)

Whenever there's a need, do what you can in order to fill it! (II:618))
Maybe I will allow the enemy to drive you just a little bit beyond your limit. But next time, you'll be able to handle more. And it's
necessary, because things are going to get worse, and you need to get to know your limits, your weak points, and you need to be
aware of them, able to recognize them and be cautious of them. (III:74)

Its never wrong to give, but it depends on what it is you give. It's never wrong to give the right thing, that which I show you a person
needs. (III:75)

Love sees the need and does something about it. (III:83)

I want you to turn to a reliable Source for your needs, namely to Me. (III:96)

Whether it's your need to be needed or your need to succeed, your need to avoid pain, your need for security... etc. It's all so hard to
let go for the sake of the things I need you to do. (III:110)

Stand up and fight for your most essential need of all!

There is nothing that could be anywhere near as important as My time with you, My communications with you, My position in your
life. (III:112)

The greater the need for Me, the more swiftly I'll be there, and with greater force will I rush in and fill the need.
I need you to need Me, because without folks who need Me, I'm never going to get the job done. (III:356)

Short-sighted people figure that if they take care of their own needs first, then they'll be happy. But if you take care of what needs to
be done before the thing you'd personally prefer to do, you might find out that this actually would contribute more to your happiness
than that me-first attitude. (III:413)

The crises in your life are necessary for you to learn the ultimate lesson, which is to have Me in the first place in your life, your
primary target of focus. (III:469)

Strive to be one of My heroes, who tune in to the right voice, instead of the voices of greed and selfishness and ego, and do what is
necessary not only for their own good, but for that of the world, My Kingdom, and for many others! (III:475)

Consider by which youre doing mankind a greater service: by catering to what they want, or giving them what they truly need, even if
they may not be aware of it! (III:476)

Sometimes you have to judge a situation by the need and the vacuum there is. (III:518)

Unfortunately, sometimes, in the effort of setting out on the enterprise to give love to others, the immediate and apparently more
pressing needs of obtaining what one needs to survive take over the good intentions, and occupy much more time and space than
the actual giving of love The surrounding machinery becomes much bigger than its core and original purpose, often to such an
extent that it can hardly be found anymore. (III:532)

The only way out is the way through it!

Youre going to have to experience it, go through it, and carry your cross, which is that situation and challenge you find yourself in at
any given moment. You may ask, like I did, If it be possible, let this cup be removed from me, but just as in My case, youll find that
its necessary to drink that cup! (III:557)

It takes a sharp, close and intricate analysis of people to figure out and determine what it is they really need, and one cannot be
scared of the truth and some not-so-pretty details. (III:565)

One of the greatest tragedies in human life is the illusion that theres no need for Me in their lives, and there are no lives as pitiful as
those of the self-satisfied who live in the delusion of having no need for Me.
Thats what the enemy is trying to construct with all of his distractions and temptations: the illusion that you dont need Me. Hes
constantly saying, Who needs Him, anyway?
Well, thats precisely the road mankind is taking, a road that will prove whether you, mankind per se, need Me, after all, or not.
The enemy wont stop trying to get you to replace your need for Me with the need for something else, some substitute hes trying to
get you dependent on and addicted to, whatever you will allow him to use to crowd Me out of your life.
Its usually only when you have nothing left to turn to but Me, that you find the full strength of your relationship with Me again.
What I need is you. Its just rigged up that way, that I need you and you need Me. Its the way things are supposed to be.
One of the main factors that causes things not to be the way theyre supposed to be, is that people arent aware of the fact that they
need Me, and that I need them. Thus they prevent things from becoming the way theyre supposed to be. The heavenly life is a life
where that fact and that law of the supernatural is clear and granted: that I need you, all My brides and followers, and you need Me.
The quicker you learn that you need Me, and the more you remain in that consciousness of your need for Me, the better off youre
going to be, and the more stable and stronger in the spirit; not only experiencing that emptiness, that vacuum that draws on Me and
calls for Me and recognizes your need for Me when youre poor, lean, cold and wanting, but also when you dont lack anything in the
physical. - Not fooled by success, but even realizing in your strong moments that you need Me just the same as during your weak
ones. (III:587)

Ive got to become all you need to the extent that you wont turn your expectations to others anymore, so that all you will want to do
with respect to them is give, and not take. When it comes to your fellowmen, I need you to assume a position of a giver, not a taker.
Ive got to get you to realize that they havent got anything to give of what you actually need, but that I alone am the sole Filler of
those needs.
Ive got to become the Filler of your need for companionship, for love, for comfort, relief, and everything else, and even if I supply it
by means of others, youve got to give Me the honor and credit for it. (III:588)
Others dont always seem to be exactly appreciative of your efforts to bring them the message that could save them, but Im trying to
get you to shift your vision from what you can immediately see, the way people apparently are on the surface, to that which is below
the surface, and their true need. (IV:27)

Sometimes an ingredient is missing, and I want you to introduce some necessary changes, try out something new, add a new factor
to your modus operandi (IV:34)

Sometimes necessity creates whole new worlds of energy and resources you previously wouldnt have seen (IV:40)

Time will usually tell and reveal that that which I have taken away was necessary, in order to make room to bring in new and better
fruit. (IV:41)

What I expect from you arent any high and lofty achievements and accomplishments, but just little humble but necessary acts. (IV:48)

My Light, My Love, My Power is all that is necessary to hold you up. (IV:54)

Come back to the ground of the gist of life, and just living on the bare necessities that usually bring you a lot closer to real happiness
than the notion that youve got to stuff yourself physically and spiritually with anything that comes your way!
Leave the responsibility up to Me to truly satisfy your needs, instead of trying so hard to provide those things for yourself! (IV:63)

You can count on Me as a steady Source of whatever it is you need for life. Not only do I give you all you need, but I also know
exactly how much of whatever it is you need at a certain time. When it comes to your needs, Im the Specialist.
I know what you really need, even if it may be a time of going without some particular blessing, and a time of leanness.
Sometimes there is a need for emptiness, a time of scarcity, similar to how a fast can be good for you physical health.
So, stay in tune with Me in order to find out what your real and actual needs are, according to My insight and foresight, and not just
according to your temporary moods and cravings! (IV:116)

As long as youre not ware of your need, youre not ready for anything, not even the basics, not even salvation. The only way you can
ever receive what matters is by perceiving your need for it and wanting it.
As long as you think you can already do it, what need is there for you to learn anything according to your perception? (IV:118)

I have a special love for those who really and desperately need Me. (IV:136)

I need and want you, and I need you to pay attention more wholeheartedly and dedicate even more of your time and efforts to My
Cause, and less to the System, because you cant win the battle half-heartedly. (IV:138)

The world isnt in need of more good words as much as it is in need of good samples. (IV:166)

Prayer will help you get the necessary spiritual help to put feet to those prayers and perform the action that comes so hard to do in
the flesh.
Prayer is what will bring in all the necessary resources, the supernatural aid
Its the wires and tubes that will bring the necessary energy and power to your apparatus and get it going.
Its the act of sending up the request that will pump down the necessary Power for you to do all that you can do.
If you find yourself without the necessary power or energy to do something, then you must not yet have been praying for it! (IV:170)

I cannot save you from a necessary experience that you need to grow and to make progress. (IV:172)

You can do whatever you can in the flesh and in the physical, but if you dont see to it that it will get the necessary boost and umph
from the Spirit World, your efforts might be rendered nearly futile, or at least not nearly as effective as otherwise they might have
been. (IV:191)

See adversity and loss as necessary training: Im training you not to cling to things any more than necessary. (IV:196)

Numbers may be good and necessary for some, but for others it can constitute a distraction from the things I really want them to do
and pursue. (IV:200)

It is necessary for Me not to provide you with a constantly steady flow, that sort of comes automatically, no matter what you do, but
requires a constant monitoring on your behalf of your connection with Me. (IV:210)

Focus on the things you really need!

Dont focus on the need as much as on Me, the Filler! (IV:217)

Im your Savior, there to rescue you out of this mess. If there were no mess, there wouldnt be a need for a Savior, right? So, the mess
is there for a purpose: to remind you that you need Me. (IV:238)

One of the great paradoxes of evil: it leads to the conclusion of the necessity of good. (IV:249)

Sometimes whats necessary in order to restore happiness and appreciation of your previous or current situation is a new situation
that isnt quite as easy. (IV:253)

Sometimes, when people are not willing to make certain sacrifices for Me, I cause them to have to make those sacrifices for other
things, such as their own survival, and all of a sudden it doesnt become a sacrifice anymore, but a necessity.
Thats what Paul recognized from the beginning: Necessity is laid unto me to preach the Gospel. There was no other job for him.
That was his, and he figured, woe was him if he didnt do it. (IV:254)

I love all My brides regardless of handicaps, and will bestow all the care necessary on them, providing thats what they want; and the
one sure sign for Me to know that you do want Me and My input is when you come to Me and ask Me for it.
You can always count on My availability to quench and fill your need. (IV:281)

One of the greatest mysteries in life for some lies in the moment of the discovery of the necessity of paying attention, instead of
wanting to get it. (IV:282)

The more you allow Me to take care of your needs, the more you rely on Me and let Me fill that position of No.1 in your life, the better
off youre going to be. (IV:332)

You need Me.

In fact, nothings ever going to change about that fact, since you will always need Me. Its just that right now, you and all of mankind
need Me more badly than ever, and yet at the same time, only a comparatively tiny handful of folks are aware of that fact. (IV:346)

I am the Source and Fuel that will keep the fire in you kindled that will give you the necessary strength to fulfill all the criteria and
make all necessary preparations, to really make your dream a reality.
I am the necessary Factor in your life that will give you the stability that others will seek in you and that they will need also.
Im the only Food that is guaranteed to help you make it through your day, that provides all the necessary substance and
nourishment you need in order to make it and stay healthy. (IV:381)

The Power of Love is truly all you need, all the power that is necessary to live a happy, truly fulfilled life. (IV:384)

Part of the School of Life entails those physical necessities of learning to care for the things I have entrusted to you. (IV:396)

The fact how long it took even My attentive students to figure out the fundamental truth about the importance of focusing on the
heart of a person theyre facing, instead of all the other ado that makes up the outward appearance, status, title, rank or position in
the world, shows how badly needed and neglected It is, and how little folks really know about the most important Factor of the
universe: Love. (IV:433)

Sometimes it is necessary to become aware of ones own limitations in order to bust those very limitations, find out what size of a
miracle you need and then ask for it and come up with the necessary faith to make it happen. (IV:438)

Its not a coincidence that you need some of things so desperately, but theyre to illustrate just how desperately you need Me.
Youre finding out that you wont get very far spiritually without Me, Whom all the necessities of life represent. (IV:478)

I need those who do have something more to give to their fellowmen and to the world than what the average person has got to offer.

I know just what you need, even if it should be opposed to what you want or might prefer. (IV:522)

Youre going to have to get the necessary Strength for whats before you from Me.
The need to be needed is part of love, and I want you to know how much you need Me, how desperately you need to cling to Me.

If you want to feel the miracle-working Power that spurred on My disciples and early followers as recorded in the Book of Acts, then
change is just what you need in order to bring it on. (11:14)

Maybe theres more to the truth of forsaking all and why that is necessary to be My disciple than meets the eye (11:15)

Its expedient and necessary for you to get into the modus operandi of not doing things without Me, especially when you feel as
though youve already got more than enough to handle. (11:17)

If you feel incapable, trust that I will give you the necessary strength! (11:39)

Most people think that all the things they do are necessary and expedient, that they couldnt survive without them.
But basically, this is the one thing thats really necessary: hearing from Me!
Remember this: One thing is needful in order for you to survive, and its not all those things your flesh, your carnal reasoning, your
rational mind or the world are telling you to do! (11:49)

Youve got to see the need first in order to be really inspired to do something about it: a problem in order to look for a solution. (11:72)

World changers are people who at some point in their lives realized that some things desperately needed to be changed, and so they
got up and did something about it. (11:82)

I need you to make an effort to tune into Me, because I need people like you to be My reflectors. (11:87)

Necessary changes are more likely to be brought about by hard times than the easy ones. (11:92)
Becoming aware of a need is the first step toward improvement. The best thing that can happen is your realization of the need, which
will help and cause you to focus on potential solutions, changes of behavior and attitude; things you must do or could do in order to
improve the situation, since theres not much sense in pinning all the blame on someone else (11:93)

Whether what I promise you will come true or not also does partly depend on whether you have the faith to believe it and do what is
necessary in order to make it happen. (11:96)

Thats what love and grace are all about: Bestowing upon others what they dont deserve, but all the more desperately need. (11:108)

Folks are happier and more content who thought less about themselves than about what needed to be done (11:117)

Thats what becoming one is all about: you adapt your approach to individual needs and their scope of acceptance or
New approaches are necessary in order to convey My truths to the world. (12:23)

Dont see the areas you need improvement in as a negative, but as a necessary positive, something you need in order to stay
spiritually alive and keep growing, moving forward! (12:25)

Im the one channel and connection by which you can obtain everything you need and desire, so, think how important it is to uphold
and keep that connection established! (12:34)

Meeting your own limits and coming to grips with your own failures and lack of divinity makes you realize your need for it, desire it,
seek it, and thus enables you to find the only way of obtaining it. The way to find divinity is to first of all realize that you havent got it
in your present state, that youre blatantly devoid of it and desperately need it. (12:35)

One thing is trying or attempting to change yourself in your own carnal efforts and become whatever you idealize; another is to yield
to My workings in your life to make the changes I think are most necessary. (12:37)

The dire need of seeing things differently, of adjusting your standards and criteria, and adapt them more to Mine is pointing out the
drastic extent to which your perceptions differ from Mine. (12:48)

Youve got to learn by experience acquired from necessity that My Spirit is more powerful than all the racket the enemy can muster
up. (12:52)

What many fail to see is the extent to which improvement would be not only desired, but actually needed, and more than just a good
idea. (12:53)

The immediate need and desire are always of greatest concern. (12:57)

The realization of sinfulness leads to Salvation, since it is what makes you aware of your need for it in the first place. (12:62)

Only I know what you really need at any given time and can provide the necessary input for the moment. (12:66)

Oppression is a reminder that a Savior and Salvation from the consequent mess indeed are needed, however contrary to the opinions
of the seemingly self-sufficient who keep denying and rejecting it.
At least My people are aware of that need and cry out to Me. Hey, even God needs to feel needed at times! (12:67)

Its easy to have compassion or benevolent feelings toward those who seem a little more deserving, but who needs it most? Even if
they dont realize it? (12:68)

Cultivating your faith by testing and stretching it is a more important factor than having your needs met immediately. (12:86)

Dont look at what others do or dont do, but see what needs to be done, and if its within your power to do it, do it regardless of what
anyone else does! (12:91)

\Folks are happier and more content, because they thought less about themselves than about what needed to be done (12:117)

If youre going through tough times right now, see them as necessary preparation for the toughest ever to come!
Do your best to get used to those times of trouble! Maybe its not what youd like, but trust Me that its necessary to get used to them,
since the roughest ever are to come! (15:234)

When you have certain needs and necessities, and cant make it without having them met, then youve just got to handle them and
the fact that youre not as much of an easy-going saint as youd like to, and manage to bear your necessities. (16:10)

Having to raise and deal with spoiled kids drives home the point of the necessity of discipline, without which life can be pretty rough
and tough for parents
Finding out how wicked the world is becoming should remind you of the necessity of prayer and asking for Help from Above to make
it (16:19)

You wont be able to make it through the coming dark times on your own, without the necessary Help from Up Here.
Lean on the greater Strength, along with all the necessary wisdom and other gifts of the Spirit! (16:20)
What is necessary is necessary, and sometimes the dark times cannot be avoided, through the choices the majority of people make.

Need Me? Good to realize it!

Pouring out what you receive from Me is your principal task, so keep making the effort of asking for and receiving the necessary
Strength and Power from Above in order to do it!
To rely on the Help and Strength from Above will be absolutely necessary to make it through the times to come. (16:38)

The ability to resist negative conditions and circumstances and see the positive in spite of them may be comparatively rare, but
something necessary, if you want to be successful in inspiring others to accept your faith
Positiveness is simply necessary in order not to let the negative outlook overrule everything. (16:49)

To make it through whats to come simply takes some necessary preparation. (16:50)

Getting modern technology into a state where it has become possible for folks to do things they hadnt been able to for the previous
millennia of world history makes it quite a lot harder to depend on faith in the Powers and Forces from Above, since technology has
pretty much replaced the visible need for Help from Above; but with times a-changing and the world heading for the roughest state of
its history, youll see that dependence on the Help and Power from Up Here will become necessary again for My true followers and
believers (16:52)

Spiritual Help is whats going to be more required and necessary than physical aid, since its going to be the forces of evil taking over
the planet. (16:53)

Change for the better is one of the most necessary things to learn to invest the time of your life in. (16:54)

With the state of darkness growing bigger and bigger, youre beginning to realize the need of looking Up to Me.
If life down there would be perfect, would there be any need for Up Here? But realizing its far from it, you also become more aware of
that need.
In order not to get tripped off on the bad, some experience seems necessary to prevent it.
Stay on the positive side with some positive action!
It may be tough for you to come up with the necessary energy for it, but thats one thing you should definitely ask and pray for! (16:58)

The rough times make you stronger through availing yourself of the Help and support from Up Here, which, during the good and easy
times you dont feel you need that much. But learning to need them is the best preparation for times to come! (16:61)

You wont make it through whats coming without Our supernatural Help from Above, and a bit more prayer to get it is necessary.
When it turns into a miracle to survive, its best to turn to the power of prayer, all the Help from Above you can get, and not lean on
and confide in what youve been able to do yourselves, because thats whats going to be necessary.
Miracle Power will be necessary to get you all through whats coming! Miracle Power! Not your own!
So, get used to the necessity of miracles in order to survive and make it through the darkest times to come! (16:63)

The life of sin will help to teach mankind the necessary lessons about it what not to do and do instead. (16:65)

Keeping your spiritual focus and vision geared toward your true Home should give you hope and the necessary strength and power
to make it through whats around you down there, and the worse part yet coming. (16:67)

A process to make you stronger and get used to tougher times coming up is necessary for you to have a chance to make it. (16:69)

Learning how not to behave is unfortunately a lesson many will only learn from the way others behave toward them.
All it can teach you is the necessity to improve your own act, and if you cant learn well from your own mistakes and faults, maybe
having to go through those of others around you will eventually wind up teaching you some of it! (16:71)

Needing My Help pretty much for each day youre passing through is not a bad sign, just a preparation for the toughest times of
history coming up, and I would like to get you into that gear of dependence on Me in order for you to have a chance to make it
through whats to come. (2016:72)

Its necessary to develop some strength for whats coming up at the world some spiritual strength to make it through that; and that
strength simply comes through having to fight for the victory if necessary, each day.
Aim for the victory, available only through applying the Help and support from Above! If things arent working out without availing
yourself of that, it just confirms that thats what you need. (2016:75)

When times are rough, pray for the victory!

And if you dont consider that necessary, just remember that times are going to get rougher yet! (2016:76)

To draw closer to Me and become more dependent on Me is a necessary process for the times to come. (16:79)

Learn what you can from the toughness and see it as My given process of what you need for whats to come! (16:80)

If you dont know how youre gonna make it, remember it as a sign for the need of My guidance, Power and strengthening! (16:85)

The Strength and Power from Above is really what youll need to make it through the times coming. (16:90)

Its just good and necessary to learn not to take good things for granted to learn to show a bit of appreciation for them.
Try to take sufferings with a bit of grace and accept them as a necessary procedure to teach you some important lessons you will be
able to benefit from and appreciate when the school bell rings!
Life isnt just a piece of cake, I admit with some rough parts and situations not everybody would voluntarily go through, but thats
where you have to learn to trust Me for teaching My followers the kind of lessons I consider necessary.
Try to take the hard times with a little more grace, for a lot more grace will be necessary to make it through whats to come! (16:91)

Get in touch with Me! The Hope thatll give you the necessary strength to make it through your days, no matter how ugly they may
Its the Spirit that gives you the necessary strength to make it through the day. (16:95)

Getting used to depending on My Help and protection is part of the necessary preparation for those even darker days to come.
So, dont see it as a disadvantage to feel weak, but as a necessary process to make it through the days to come!
Learning to put your trust and reliance on Me is one of the necessary progresses to make it through the coming times. (16:98)

With conditions and circumstances becoming more challenging and difficult to handle on your own, its all necessary preparation for
the times to come when you simply wont make it anymore without the miraculous Help from Above. (16:99)

To teach you how to handle difficult times is not to make you feel forsaken by Me, but to draw you closer to Me and make you more
aware of the necessity of staying as close to Me as you can, depending on My guidance and protection, and not your own physical
abilities! (16:100)

What My followers and believers need especially, is the acceptance of the fact that they have to dare to be different than the average
type that thats the way I made and allowed them to become.
The world needs witnesses, at least to remind them someday that there would have been opportunities for them to snap out of the
worldly modes that had them wind up in a less pleasant site than others
If circumstances are getting rougher than you expected and are used to, remember that its necessary preparation for the biggest
changes yet to come! (16:101)

Whether youll make it through the toughest of times to come or not, all depends on whether youll learn to depend on Me, My Help,
Strength, Power and protection through all that is to come - One reason why Im making it necessary for you already to depend on
them. (16:105)

Hard times just seem to be necessary in order for most folks to learn the lessons life has to teach. (16:108)

Can you see the need for the rough times to help or at least give you a chance to make it through the roughest to come? (16:110)

Sometimes the direction youre supposed to go is directed by certain needs of events And you cant always go by how inviting and
pleasant it looks.
So, just be ready and willing to go where and do what you may not feel like, if Im guiding and directing you to go there or do so, even
if through circumstances of necessity! (16:112)

To make it through the darkest and toughest times of history to come, miracles will be necessary!
Loads of miracles will be necessary to see you through whats coming, and according to your faith in My Promises, they will!
Thats what you need to make it through a world run by the king of hell: Faith in the King of Heaven! (16:117)

Not just looking at the evil around you, but confronting and dealing with the evil inside you may be the hardest part, but definitely
also the most important and necessary.
No victory in sight without confronting the evil most necessary to overcome first! (16:120)

Tests of faith are a bit of a necessity Not just running on faith when everythings going honky-dory, but keeping it when it really
seems to be going downhill.
Its just absolutely necessary for true faith to grow into a state totally independent of circumstances, no matter how drastic and
obscure. (16:126)

Bad and rough times today? Necessary prep for whats coming tomorrow! (16:127)

Changes will be hitting the globe in quite an abrupt manner, and getting used to them is quite a necessity. (16:135)

Some folks try to do their job for Us in their own strength, when its Our Strength and anointing thats really necessary, in order to get
Heavens job for you done. (16:136)

To start using the Source of Power from Above to make it through is a very necessary learning and development process for times to
come! (16:139)

To stay connected to Me is an utter necessity to learn for the times to come.

The greater the need, the greater the flow of Help and sustain from Above.
The groove of spiritual nourishment will be just as necessary for survival in the days to come, as the physical food. (16:147)

When it comes to My Input, and My ways, the main tendency is there, that the news above the old, as far as your need is concerned.
Im a bit more aware of and tuned in to your present needs, so, its always good to stay in tune with Me, ready to receive fresh input
the stuff you need right now today! (16:148)

During the time of the End, miracles will be more necessary for My saints survival than during any other part of history.
Those who have a purpose for Me to fulfill during the Endtime, and/or are destined to be there at My Return will only make it through
the Miracle-Power Im starting to make you familiar with the necessity of. (2016:149)

When the strength of the flesh subsides, putting your trust in Gods Spirit instead is a tough change and taking you time to get used
to when youve been able to rely on your own capacities for decades, but thats why Im teaching you the necessity of getting used to
Remember what the word lucky means, and whose blessing it resembles? Well, if youre not lucky, it shows youre not blessed
by the god of this world, going against its drift, and you need My Help, in order to make it! (2016:152)

Take the relatively tough times to go through as utterly necessary preparation, making you capable of dealing with difficulties!

Take this connection with Me of the Spirit as a very necessary part of your being, even if its not a common thing for those around
you! (16:155)

See the desperate times and moments as necessary tools and instruments of dependence on Me and preparation for whats to come,
when youll simply be dependent on heavenly Help!
See them as something you need to make it through whats coming!
If times get tough, see them as necessary processes of preparation for the toughest time of world history to come!
See the preparation for negative circumstances and conditions as a necessary process and progress! (2016:157)

Even though this world is clearly not the place for you to feel at home, therell be a necessity for what youve got to give to those who
feel in a similar way about it - That therell still be some sheep to feed and lead to the right Fold. (2016:158)

Miraculous protection will be necessary, miraculous supplies something I can do for you
Prayer without ceasing, without stopping, will be utterly necessary to make it through the days to come.
Needing something like factors to enable your survival will require uttering some prayers for it, giving Us the glory in your praises
for it, and thanking us for the Help from Above, instead of leaning on your own abilities. (2016:161)

Itll be miracles that will be necessary to survive and make it through whats to come! (2016:162)

Get used to the mode where miracles will be necessary to make it through each day of living!
Get used to miracle-groove becoming a necessity without which survival for anyone who wont accept the mark of the Beast will just
take miracles on a daily basis to make it through!
Prayer power in order to make miracles happen is becoming a much more necessary source of power and the abilities to make it
through whats coming, and youve got to get used to it and get into prayer-mode! (2016:167)

I never said changes were easy, but necessary. (16:169)

Being a positive influence to those around you is especially a lot more necessary in a world surrounded by evil forces.
Remember what the attraction of money can lead to! Dont put your faith and trust in it, but in Me instead, the ultimate Supplier of
your needs and those of all My true followers, even during the time when therell be cash no more!
Keep trusting in Me and the Powers from Heaven to supply you with what you need for your survival! Its what youll need during
times to come!
It may be tough to see and recognize that cash or money are evil when they are what provides you with the things you need and
want but it might be a sign that you should gear your desires to the will of God and what He wants for you, and trust in the Promise
that Hell definitely provide you with the things you need. (2016:172)

What you need most of all is to learn and get into the rhythm of depending on the supernatural Help from Above in other words:
So, feeling incapable? Just see it as a reminder of your upcoming need for the Strength and Power from Above miraculous Help
and support without which you just wouldnt make it, and thus have to learn to lean and depend on!
Not going by whats physically visible is a challenging transfer of mental settings, but a necessary one for whats before you!
Remember that you need Me and will need My Help more than ever before in times to come!
Dont get upset about not making it on your own, but see it as the necessary preparation for whats to come! (2016:173)

If life is difficult, it just indicates that you might need some Help from Above, and thats a reminder to pray and ask for It. (16:174)

Dont be too troubled about things not being as easy for you as they used to be, but count them as necessary and strengthening
preparation for the toughest times of history predicted thousands of years ago! (2016:175)

Just say, Yes, Lord, do through me whatever is necessary, regardless of whether I feel like doing it, or not!
Thats yieldedness. (2016:181)

Can you see the necessity of the immense Miracle-Power thatll be needed to do some good in a world thats practically being
drowned in a flood of evil?
The necessity to overcome whats around you has become so great and growing by the day that to keep going the way you went
before and trying to do what you did before just wont make any sense anymore.
Getting into the gear of handling whats coming will still take some necessary steps, and getting out of the old leaning-on-the-flesh-
groove must be the first.
So, get used to new moves and necessities to make it through whats coming, and ready for change! (2016:183)
Even though you may feel weakened, trust Me, that what you need is Our Strength from Above, and it will be there when youll need
it, even if right now Were still in the process of getting you to let loose of your own! (2016:184)

See the necessity for a bit of a taste of hell, in order to develop some compassion for others who are having to go through it down
there already, and may not have what it takes to prevent them from going there hereafter! (16:185)

Feeling a greater need for protection and security? Well, good preparation for times coming. (2016:187)

Life without its Source has an end Getting closer to its Source makes it go on beyond its physical and carnal end, and what gives it
a lot more sense and purpose.
Thats why its not just recommendable to do that, but necessary, if you want to fulfill lifes sense and purpose.
You may find yourself confronted with relative carnal incapability as necessary factor to introduce spiritual capacity and capability.

Getting used to whats different is one of the necessary learning factors for whats ahead of you. (2016:189)

In comparison, the present times though not easy are still better than whats coming; but take your condition as a necessary
preparation for that!
So, to get into the gear of depending on heavenly Help is a necessity. - A necessary step of preparation for whats coming.
Start seeing the disability to make it without Me as a positive, necessary preparation for whats to come!
When the current circumstances strike you as the toughest youve ever had to go through, see it as necessary and helpful
preparation for whats to come: the toughest circumstances and situation of world history to handle and make it through thats
They just remind you of what or Whom you need! See Me as the major and main Factor of your necessities!
Just as your kids need their parents, so you need your heavenly Parents and Savior.
Just as parents attendance and support is needed by kids, so heavenly Help from Above is becoming an utter necessity for you and
all true believers, and youll just have to get used to it: used to not making it on your own through whats coming!
Not leaning on ones own knowledge and wisdom, but that of the Holy Spirit from Above will become a necessity and requirement to
make it through the darkest times and darkest episode of history to come.
It might strike you as bad news that the roughest times youve ever had to go through are going to become even rougher, but thats
why Im reminding you of the necessity of clinging to what youll need to make it, and with My input keep reminding you of Our
When you cant tell how youll make it, it may strike you as a discouraging factor that thats the way things are just going to be in the
near future, but then youll see it as the necessary preparation for what was to come.
A lot of changes are necessary, of attitudes and behavior along with the modes of handling things. (2016:191)

If youre dependent on My input and encouragement, take it as a heavenly sign and part of the necessary preparation to make it
through whats to come!
Drawing you into a state of dependence on Help from Above youll see as an advantage and necessary preparation when the
toughest conditions will have arrived.
Remember that that humility is a necessary and positive part of what you need in order to know that its not you yourself that can
save you!
So, its a humbling process to have to rely on physically invisible Sources of Strength instead of your own physical capabilities, but a
necessary one; just as youll realize that humility is indeed a necessary quality to obtain since pride will reveal itself as the root and
source of all the trouble on Earth to begin with. (2016:193)

The Word that gave life to everything will be the Source that will enable you to keep your life in spite of all the opposing and
threatening conditions placed upon this world by the devils ultimate rule over it; and itll be the era of necessary miracles. (2016:195)

Placing your trust more in the positive heavenly forces to help you from Up Here, than your own mental abilities will be necessary in
times to come. (2016:199)

Even though life may be rough and tough in many aspects, remember its a necessary preparation for the roughest part of history
coming! (2016:201)

If your fellowmen around you do things contrary to the way you would, take it as a procedure from Me to bring about necessary
changes in your life! (2016:203)

I need that vacuum inside of you in order for Me to fill it and fill you up with My Strength, input and Spirit! That need has to be
expressed and shown through an empty space inside of you for Me and the Spirit to fill. (2016:204)

In todays world, everybodys getting geared to ensuring their survival through their jobs, working for their own needs and
necessities, while trusting in the Father means, letting Him take care of your survival.
Serving Him means to stop worrying about financial needs and your survival. It means, take hold of and trust in Him for your
protection, provision and survival!
If you cant make it with your own, physical means as well as you used to, it means, no more trust and confidence in your own
abilities, but the necessary Help and support from Above. It may not have been as necessary before, but its becoming absolutely
necessary to make it through the times to come. (2016:207)

Let it dawn on you that Im what you need most of all! (17:1)

When youre feeling unsure whether you can make it, dont see it as a negative, but as a reminder of your dependence on Me and
your needed Help from Above!
Getting used to tougher circumstances is very necessary preparation for the days up ahead. (17:5)

If lifes getting tougher, dont view it as a downhill trot, but as necessary preparation for whats up ahead and something you
desperately need!
Dont let the circumstances have the dominion over your spiritual state and shape, but learn to overcome them and rise above to get
what you need from Up Here! (17:6)

The state in which you dont know what to do or find yourself unable to, gets you into the necessary shape to apply for Help from Up
Here to get done what you cant and lead and guide you where youre supposed to go. Its what gets you into the gear of prayer,
asking Me to show you and help you. (17:12)

You definitely get the point about the need to overcome feelings and emotions when theyre negative.
- Another point of the need to overcome circumstances that might be causing those moods. (17:15)

Dont see the need of My leading and guidance as an utter disadvantage, but get closer to and hooked on the advantage of
depending on My Spirit, leading and guidance! Its what youll need and be dependent on in the not too distant future! (17:16)

The tendency and drift for things and conditions to be on a downhill move is just necessary to get into a more desperate groove
where you realize theres not much chance to make it without Help from Above. (17:19)

If your non-comfortability down there makes conditions and circumstances tougher for you, its a positive in that it draws you closer
to Us, making you more conscious of your need for heavenly Help!
When you dont feel like you can manage the way things are going, its a good reminder of your need for My Help, and that youve got
to do something to get ahold of It: pray!
The seemingly impossible situations are reminders of your need of the Help from Above.
Remember the necessary appliance of miracle power! (17:22)

Feeling incapable of doing it on your own? Good preparation for whats to come! See it as something positive! The necessary
process of preparation for desperate times to come!
Not making it on your own and with your own capabilities anymore is part of the necessary process to prepare you for whats to
come. (17:27)

Learning utter dependence on Me is the most urgent need.

If theres nothing you can do, it shows you need Me and Heavens Help in order to do it. (17:30)

When you dont know how to do it on your own, the greater the chance for Us to play Our part, because the need for Us is there, and
someday youll recognize that as an unexpected, positive advantage.
The more disastrous your circumstances, the greater your need for Our Help.
The more rotten the circumstances, the clearer the sign for a need of change.
When things arent going and flowing as youd expect them to, see that as a necessary part of preparation for whats to come when
pretty much nothing down there will run the way things are supposed to! (17:31)

Circumstances around growing negative and dark are a sign of the need to set your focus on the spiritual Light of the world. (17:33)

Life getting harder is a sign of no more chance to make it in your own strength of the flesh, but a demonstration of your need for and
dependence on the Power from Above to make it.
Something you need and are utterly dependent on, youve got to learn to desperately ask for!
The enemys imitations of the Real Thing and Our divine values are another main factor that weakens folks faith and confidence in
Us and the realization of their need for Us and Our Help, when they see so many folks around them making it in their own capacities.
That mankind doesnt learn the lessons from history, is another sign that changes are necessary. (17:34)

Needing Mes a good sign, and a better mode than independence; even if not exactly sounding popular according to the themes of
the world. (17:35)

Awareness of potential risks and troubles has become a necessity.

The more needed you make Us feel, the more useful Well become to you. (17:36)

If folks around you may not be able to relate to the state youre in see it as part of the necessary being different! (17:37)

Protection from Up Here is something youve needed pretty much all the time, and youll need all the more in darker days up ahead.
Getting familiar with those necessities is an advantage. Becoming more aware of a growing need and necessity is a plus.
See, the greater the need for My blessings, Help and care from Above, the more of them will also be there! (17:41)

Get used to the fact of miracles becoming a necessity! (17:34)

Learn how to use Heavens Power to convert negative earthly circumstances into something positive in spite of it all! Thats a
necessary process, especially in regards to the truly tough times to come. (17:44)

My leading and guidance is going to be definitely necessary in times to come, so I'm working on getting you used to it.(17:46)

To barley manage to handle things leads to a necessity in the bleaker future ahead.
Dont be too flabbergasted about things becoming tougher, when Im just leading you through the necessary preparation for whats
to come!
Have the necessary patience for others that Weve had to have for you! (17:51)

The more chaotic your circumstances and situations, the more youll recognize the need for My Help, protection and Strength and
Power to make it through.
No support from your fellow humans? A confirmation of the importance of the necessity to start leaning on Me instead. (17:55)

Remember what My life ended up in something that didnt look positive at all, but was necessary for your and many others
Salvation! Salvation sometimes requires another ones willingness to sacrifice! (17:57)

Becoming able to handle the tough times is part of the necessity of preparation for what's up ahead. (17:59)

If situations and circumstances are getting tough, trust Us that We know what Were allowing! It may be a big test of faith, but its one
of the necessities; finding out where your faith and trust are really at, and if theyre not what they should be, to strengthen them
through having to put them more into action through circumstances that arent the normal type, where youve just got to put your
trust in Us and the fact that We know what Were doing and allowing. (17:60)

Consider dependence on Me and Help from Above an advantage, since there are times coming when that ability will be an utter
necessity! (17:63)

Even if the circumstances arent what youd prefer, takeem as something necessary to get you ready for the even worse ones to
come, set up by the enemy and his folk! (17:70)

To be ready to receive My changes for the positive without knowing exactly what is up ahead, includes the need for faith and trust!

Deal with the fact that not being a perfect receptor will always include the necessity of some cleansing of what you receive!
Cleansing is an important overall necessity and required process in the world youre in. (17:76)

To make that effort to get ahold of Me may not seem all that necessary yet right now, but it will be in the days to come, youll see.
To stay focused and mind-oriented toward Me is one of the essential necessities to make it through whats coming. (17:79)

The darker the circumstances, the greater the miracles. - Along with the need for them. (17:80)

The need of heavenly Help isnt a negative, but something youre going to have to get used to.
Heavenly Strength is what youll absolutely need for each day of the Endtime coming.
If theres one thing that principally applies to doing what Im telling you, its asking Me for the necessary Help and anointing to make
it through the day. (17:84)

In order to get used to availing yourself of the Strength from Above, its easier to do so through the tougher times, when it becomes
more obviously necessary that you need My Help and support to make it through.
Not relying on own capacities is a a necessary transition, but not really one that comes naturally or easily for folks whove been
able to rely on their own fleshly capacities for the majority of their lives. (17:89)

You need nothing and no one else the way youll need Me to make it through whats coming and expecting the world!
As far as your attitude toward your fellow-humans is concerned, remember the necessity of patience just as We Up Here are needing
patience with the amount of time it takes folks to learn the lessons Weve been trying to teach them for years!
As far as your needs are concerned, keep trusting Me for them, keep praying for them, and trust Me that the prayers will be answered
according to your faith! (17:91)

While its still true that the greatest of these is love (1.Cor.13:13), its simply becoming more necessary to have faith in that love,
because the times in which youre living, that love is becoming rarer by the minute. (17:93)

Clinging to Me is one of necessities to stand a chance to make it through the most troubled times of history coming. (17:95)

In order to get out of, or avoid chaotic and disastrous situations, prayers a necessity.
If you feel too weak to cope with it all, it should show you the necessity of My heavenly Strength, instead of just your own, natural
capacities. (17:96)

Not being able to rely on whats around you is what strengthens your dependence on Me and the Power from Above, and thats a
necessity to learn for the darkest times to come. (17:97)

Improvement comes about through the experiences of the necessity for it through unpleasant factors. (17:101)

See the spiritual gifts as more important factors to make it through whats coming than your physical needs!
When the egos the most important part of someone, theres little chance for them to spot their need for Salvation. (17:102)

To make your faith and ability to overcome grow is a necessity to make it through the times to come. (17:104)

See dependence on Me as important part of the necessary preparation for the dark days to come!
If times are developing into a state where you dont see or feel how youll make it, let it be as a reminder of the need of the Help from
Above, and dont see it as a negative, but as a positive and utterly helpful preparation!
If you feel like you cant make it anymore, let it be a reminder that you need Me! (17:105)
See it as the area in which change is most required and necessary: yourself!
Often, what needs to change most in order to improve and make things better, is ones own perspectives and ways of looking at
Do not let circumstances affect you, but look Up Here, at Me, Who can change them all, or give you the necessary grace and strength
to overcome them! (17:106)

Faith is a necessity to make it through whats to come.

Learning to deal with unpleasant circumstances and conditions is necessary preparation for the most unpleasant ones to come in
My miracles will be all the more available when truly needed! (17:108)

If circumstances down there tend to drag you down, thats another sign of the need to look Up - toward Me, the Author and Finisher
of your faith (Heb.12:2)! (17:109)

What makes you stronger is My connection with you, and youve got to keep it in mind as the Source of your necessary strength to
make it through each day. (17:110)

To keep the heavenly Light-connection running is a necessity to make it through the darkest stretch of history coming.
Get ready for the times when miracles and tangible heavenly Help will become an utter daily necessity!
Dont feel bad about needing more time with Me than you did before!
See the need and necessity for tough times and circumstances to deal with as the preparation to help you make it through whats
coming! (17:111)

Becoming dependent on My input will definitely be a necessity in the dark times coming! (17:113)

According to Our ways, its a progress for Our believers to learn to rely on Our heavenly Strength, and that need usually arises
through the appearance of physical weakness.
Its a better way, not relying on ones own ways of the flesh. And the aspect of that need usually only arises when that factor has sunk
If things and circumstances arent the way youd wish for them to be, let it be a reminder of the necessity of change!
A lot of your choices depend on what sort of change you welcome.
Another reason and factor of importance of the necessity of staying tuned to Our leading and guidance - the guidance of the Holy
Spirit. (17:115)

When you feel the need to get close to Me, thats just the necessary preparation for whats to come when you simply wont make it
without Me. So, dont see these reminders as negatives! See them as what you need, even if they may consist of temporal emotional
downcasts. But to become lifted up right after hearing from Me, isnt that a confirmation of what Ive been telling you? So, see that
need for Me as a positive - and a necessary one to prepare you for the toughest times of history to come!
Equal needing Me with positivity!
When there are so many things you need for your daily survival, isnt it almost strange that you shouldnt need the Help of your Lord,
God and Creator during the darkest times of history to come? - And a bit before it to prepare you and get you ready to make it
through that?
The times into which youre coming will be the most needful times of miracles in history, so make sure youre learning to confide in
and avail yourself of them as pretty much the primary necessity for the dark times to come!
Learn to wait until the necessary inspiration comes to do things in My Might!
When you have to wait for something, it might just be a reminder of the necessity to pray. (17:116)

The endless hearers of sermons without ever being appliers of a single sermon they hear, should drive home the need and necessity
for true followers of Mine, folks who dont just hear and never do it or act on what they hear, but those who actually live and act on
My Word. (17:117)

The challenge is to learn to make it through rough days and times with My Help. Without recognizing the need for it, whod ever do it?
Youre not one of many who do, but one of the few.
Take the roughness of the present days as necessary preparation for the truly rough times to come! (17:119)

One of the main factors to make out of life what its supposed to be: letting the Father make it what it should be by asking him for any
necessary changes coming up.
Praying for necessary change would be the first thing believers should do. (17:121)

The necessity of the immediate future will be miraculous protection.

Survival and protection are becoming the no.1 necessity.
Just get used to it, that youll be needing semi-permanent miraculous protection!
So, get used to the Miracles-Necessity-Groove!
Dont fear potentially upcoming negative circumstances, but have the necessary respect for your Lord and Savior! (17:122)

See the necessity for impending tough times?

If folks would be more the way they should be, things might be different. But you can tell from behavior that judgment is becoming a
necessity. (17:124)

As you can tell that each day is being a spiritual battle, you ought to be aware of the necessity of defense. (17:125)

I know, it takes faith to accept what Ive been allowing, but see it as part of the necessary preparation for not just uneasy times, but
the toughest and hardest ones of all of history! (17:126)
The dependence on God somewhat also depends on the necessity of its realization. It has to become your reality, so to speak, not
just something you gathered in theory.
The importance of desperation will become more realized through its coming necessity.
I need folks to help Me show the world that theres still Someone more powerful behind the scenes than the one wholl take over as
the ruler of the world for One time, two times, and a half. 42 months or 1260 days (Rev.11:3, 12:6, 12:14, 13:5).
So, dont feel guilty about having to depend on Me and your daily time with Me, but see it as one of the coming absolute
necessities to make it through the times to come (17:128)

When it comes to surviving the worldwide persecution of My followers the enemy will set in gear after his physical takeover of what
will then be the obvious antichrist, it will be the greatest era of necessities for miracles of history.
So, get used to the necessity of miracles! Miracles of protection, supply and basically, survival, until I come! (17:130)

Times are coming when confidence in Me and the Father will be necessary in order to make it through it all.
To make it through the darkest times of history, Help from Aboves a necessity - the only way to make it through.
Whenever you feel like you cant make it, thats the sign that should remind you of the need for My Strength, Power and Light, without
which you simply wont make it through the darkest times to come.
So, see your necessity for Me as a definite positive - the one youll only be able to manage to make it through the most negative times
to come! (17:131)

Just see Me as the daily Necessity for you to manage and make it!
Youll need Me to do anything in times to come, and you might as well get into that mental groove right now, of needing Me for
everything youd want to do and get accomplished. (17:135)

Get into that groove of permanent application for the utterly necessary heavenly Help to make it!
Relationships bring out the effect of weaknesses and bad habits
A big factor on the necessity of human relationships. (17:137)

Where are grace and mercy more needed than when ones behaviors arent exactly what one would consider the Christian type?
Where are they more necessary than when sinful behavior is quite obvious, and not as well hidden as in most other cases?
And what could We welcome more than someones awareness of the need of Our grace, mercy and forgiveness? (17:138)

Preparation is an important topic in order to grasp the seriousness of the necessity to get ready for the most evil times of history.
The greatest necessity of the coming near future: miracles. So get ready to use them, for without them, it just wont work! No one will
make it without miracles! (17:139)

Just get used to the fact that youll need Me to make it! (17:140)

When you desperately need Me, because the surroundings are too depressing to make it through your day cheerfully, you also need
My input more desperately. And desperate needs are like a vacuum for Me that I love to fill. (17:142)

Learning to deal with tough times is an essential necessity and preparation for the times to come. (17:143)

Whatever you need to know, Ill reveal unto you, if you have the necessary faith and trust, which keeps growing through your gift of
believing in Me and hearing from Me. (17:146)

Miracles will be a necessity to see you through whats coming. (17:147)

To tune in to Me is what will become an absolute necessity to make it through the dark times coming. (17:148)

Prepare for the need of miracles! (17:149)

Becoming aware of dependence on Me will be absolutely necessary in times to come. (17:150)

Remember that Im always giving you what you need, even if theyre preparations for the rougher times to come! (17:151)

Itll be the necessity to make it through the dark future: My Help. So, the sooner you learn to apply for It, use it and give credit for it
(the only form of payment needed), the better. (17:155)

The less likely you seem to be making it on your own, the greater the necessities of miracles, and thus, credit where its due.
Dont know whats up today? - A necessary mode for putting trust in Me. (17:156)

To keep your vision and focus pointed Here takes faith. But thats lifes necessity, as far as Im concerned.
To make something better out of life, one of the absolute necessities is to resist the enemys efforts to drag you down from being a
good sample of faith! (17:159)

Reminders that this world is not your home are simply necessities.
With things around you becoming tougher and tougher, its just necessary to focus beyond them through faith. - Putting the
emphasis on the spirit vs. flesh. (17:161)

Folks Up Here know what you dont, but are extremely helpful with their knowledge to let you know what you need to.
Faith knows, God knows more than I do. But Hell reveal to me whatever I need to know. (17:162)
When you feel like you cant make it, let it be a reminder of what you need in order to make it; that the Power youll need to make it
anywhere comes from Up Here!
Get used to the need and necessity of miracles and miraculous protection!
If I needed miracles, and youre a follower of Mine, get used to the fact that youll needem, too! (17:163)

Keep improvement and progress as necessities and major items on your to-do-list! (17:166)

Im expecting you to cope with tough circumstances. Is that so hard? Or are you beginning to see the sense and the necessity of it,
due to whats expecting the world?
If you dont have a clue how youll make it through the times coming, just let it be a factor that indicates that faith is what youll need
most, and more than ever! (17:168)

Dont keep thinking that you can make it on your own, without that Help from Above, which is just going to be a vital necessity during
the times of the End!
Being reminded of the fact that you need - and will need all the more in times to come - the Help from Above, is an asset, an
advantage, youll see even if right now you can only see it by faith. (17:170)

Itll become impossible to make it without prayer.

So, get used to needing it! - Bringing Our Power into action by asking for it. (17:171)

Its necessary for you to learn to put up with tough times. (17:173)

See problems and difficult and complicated situations as challenges of faith, but never as impossibilities!
Remember that through them, your faith will grow stronger! - A vital necessity for the days to come! (17:174)

The strengthening of your faith is pretty much the greatest necessity for whats expecting you in times to come! (17:176)

Take hearing from Me as the most important, the one most necessary gift to make it through whats coming!
Since miracles will become a major necessity to help you make it through whats coming, its essential to get and stay in touch with
The time spent with Me will become more necessary than whatever you can work up and accomplish on your own and in your own
physical strength. (17:178)

Trust in Me as your greatest necessary Force, Weapon, Advantage and Bonus to make it! (17:179)

See your connection with Me as the greatest necessity and need of your life!
Get used to needing miracles in order to make it! And so, get used to needing the God of Miracles! (17:180)

I had My times in which I wouldnt have made it without the Father. And likewise, you have your times where you realize you need to
quit any attempt of trying to make it without Me.
I need those folks who are desperately dependent on Me, and I know, its a painful way that gets you there, but what can I say? -
What else might help you make it through the most painful times of world history to come?
You simply cant put all your hopes, trust and confidence in your fellow humans, but its a lot more necessary to put those in Us.

How necessary faith will be in the times to come, when trying to make it in resistance against the enemys ultimate reign will only be
possible through that faith in the greater - even though spiritual Power - than what the devil will rig up in the physical as the AC!

Not feeling like you can make it without Me is a confirmation of your dependence on Me, and there are not too many folks I have
down there who are aware of that spiritual need, which is going to be one of the greatest needs during the dark times coming.
See things that have become tougher and more difficult to handle as a reminder of your need for Me and your dependence on Me!
If you cant make it by yourself anymore, see it as a reminder of the fact that youll need Me more than ever before in the dark times to
See the steepest downhill slope of history as the greatest necessity of faith in history!
See it as a positive, that youre already one step ahead of others in the preparation process for times to come, when making it only
through Me will become the utmost necessity!
See not making it as useful and necessary preparation for whats to come, when no one will be able to without Me, just as you feel
you cant right now!
Be aware of the necessity of relying on My Knowledge and Wisdom, and to quit relying on yours!
The capability of relying on ones own knowledge and understanding can be a disadvantage, when relying on the Knowledge and
Wisdom from Above is something becoming absolutely needed and necessary with Earth being ruled by the guy with the evil
knowledge that started all the trouble to begin with.
Keep remembering the necessity of your spiritual focus beyond the physical circumstances and conditions down there, and keep
looking Up Here instead, the Source of all things you need!
Remember what Ive taught you about the conditions and circumstances down there, and where they largely come from - the present
god of this world, and that what you truly need is the ability to rise above and overcome them!
Cant see Me? Feel Me, hear Me and draw closer to Me through faith!
One of the main factors of the necessity of believing over seeing!
To keep going and continuing on your path of faith is one of the things the enemy will try to get you to quit, but thats where the
necessity of resistance comes in.
What youve got to expect is the necessity and need for resistance against all the efforts the enemy and his host will make to get you
to give up. (17:187)
See the rough times as a necessity to prepare you for the roughest to come!
You need to learn how to handle whats before you with My supernatural and miraculous Help, because it will be an absolutely
necessary process during times to come.
If times are rough, take it as needed preparation for the roughest in history to come!
To learn how to handle the rough times is just an utmost necessary topic on the to-do-list.
Heavenly Help is what you need, and keep remembering that need! (17:188)

To need Me and My divine Strength and Power to make it through the day is good preparation for the hardest days to come.
To let Me do the things through you that you dont manage to do yourself displays and demonstrates a greater need of faith.
Trust Me that what you want is not exactly what you need! (17:190)

Remember humility as one of the absolute necessities for being a follower of Mine!
If pride is one of the greatest spiritual curses the enemy is trying to smear onto My supposed followers, its one of the things you
have to remain the most conscious of the need to resist.
Whenever you feel the temptation to feel offended by something someones telling you or anothers asking you to do, remember that
necessity to resist that temptation, and take My humble path instead, trusting that Ill help you to do it! (17:192)

Thats what you have to keep in mind and remember: the necessities of miracles. (17:193)

All in all, it depends on you and your personal choices what you make out of your life, and whether you have the faith that I can give
you the necessary strength to make it through whatever challenges before you. (17:195)

See the dreadful experiences of the present as necessary preparation and part of getting ready for the toughest stretch of world
history! (17:196)

Youll find out why Ive been telling and teaching you about the necessity of dependence on Me, along with the sense of preparation
for whats coming. (17:198)

I see My disciples through, even if it may not look very likely to make it according to usual, physical aspects, but always involving the
need for miracles, My specialty.
A state of greater trust and confidence in Me instead of the capacities and accomplishments of the flesh is what will be needed in the
dark future to come! (17:199)

See the overcoming of your physical weakness as the challenge and necessary effort of faith for you to reap the Strength and Power
from Above that will enable you to do it! (17:200)

There isnt much hope in the physical mind that youll make it through whats coming, like WWIII But it just shows the necessity of
miracles to make it through whats up ahead, and the sooner you get into that miracle-groove, the better. (17:201)

To live with the fact that you cant make it without Me is necessary preparation for the really tough and hard times to come.
By faith you should know that the process of becoming more dependent on Me instead of self-capacities is more important,
especially in relation to the dark times of the future, through which folks just wont make it in their own strengths, but a greater One
will be necessary that from Up Here. (17:202)

Get used to the necessity of dependence on Me and all the Help from Above you can get through faith - the factor you should get
used to the fact that itll be the most important one to make it through whats coming!
Be a blessing to others that might just depend on someone with a channel to Me and My Wavelength when itll be just about the most
important and necessary part and tool to see you through!
Even if you dont seem to be able to make it with folks around you, see it as an incentive to make it through Me and My Help, and see
it as helpful and necessary preparation for times to come!
If you cant make it through your days without Me, remember that as a necessary part of our relationship: your dependence on Me!

Look unto Me! Its an act of vision of faith, but one that will become necessary for the times to come.
Keep your vision and focus geared toward Me as much as you can the vision of faith!
See getting used to tough times and circumstances and whats to go through as useful and necessary preparation for whats coming!

If youre feeling incapable of making it, just let it be a reminder of My Help as a need, and thus, a reminder of sticking as close to Me
as you can throughout your day! (17:205)

You should remember more the need of an effort to become a greater blessing to those around you, and see what results being a
blessing (instead of a burden) might bring. (17:206)

Some qualities just need some work and effort to establish them in your life.
Evil circumstances are pretty much what will take the upper hand and reach their limits during the time of the ultimate and physical
reign of our enemy over the globe, and the only things getting better and true improvement will come thereafter. So, another reason
why patience is becoming an essential necessity. (17:210)

If theres no one around you you can rely on, the One you need to and should rely on is Me. (17:212)

If life is tough now, see it as necessary preparation for the even much rougher days and years to come!
For those around you to accept your need to spend time with Me basically signifies the need for another miracle. The miracle of their
acceptance of your need for Me.
So, call it Miracle No.1: their acceptance of your need to spend time with Me, and of the fact that without it, you simply wont make
If you feel like those around you are making life hell on Earth for you, trust Me, that its just necessary preparation for the times to
come, when youll have to deal with the treatment of those ruling that actual hell on Earth around you weve called the Endtime!

Neglect is ugly, when it comes to its results. But you can start today to make a difference and undo the damage by stopping the
neglect. (III:526)

Millions of fathers are so preoccupied with their careers and accomplishments, that they neglect spending time with the ones they
claim theyre doing it all for. They invest their energies and time in being good providers, but neglect the very ones they are
providing for
Yes, faith without works is dead, but works without love are dead, too. At least as far as those around you are concerned who you are
neglecting on behalf of your works. Theyd rather have a little bit of your love, instead of your works. (III:576)

It takes faithful practice to get your mind under My control, and if you neglect it for a day, its going to take you greater effort the next.

The enemy knows just what it takes to get you to neglect your greatest and most important duty of all. (IV:26)

The fact how long it took even My attentive students to figure out the fundamental truth about the importance of focusing on the
heart of a person theyre facing, instead of all the other ado that makes up the outward appearance, status, title, rank or position in
the world, shows how badly needed and neglected It is, and how little folks really know about the most important Factor of the
universe: Love. (IV:433)

Youre finding out that you wont get very far spiritually without Me, Whom all the necessities of life represent.
If you neglect them, or Me, in the long run youll find out that somethings desperately wrong and missing from your life and the way
things should be. (IV:478)

Neglect of Me is what will result in emptiness. (IV:509)

Its very common human nature to tend to neglect and underestimate the importance of the role I play in your lives. (IV:529)

Most people are busy all their lives rendering unto Cesar, but they dreadfully neglect to give God His due. (11:3)

Perhaps youre giving some of the things you pursue and desire too much importance, neglecting some of the actually more
important things, and thats the reason why you cant seem to find any lasting satisfaction in the things you pursue. (11:34)

Im drilling you to learn by your own experience and from your mistakes; what happens when you forget to do this or neglect to do
that, etc. (11:43)

Dont neglect your time with Me, because that is the most important part, if you dont want to miss your purpose in pursuing this
road! (11:50)

If you neglected others, do you think it might be possible that youre also quite prone to neglecting Me? (11:80)

Theres a reason and a purpose for your being there, and you shouldnt neglect that. (11:107)

For the sake of the unknown number of souls out there whom you could reach and in whose lives you could make a significant and
lasting difference, you must take your task and your responsibility toward Me and them seriously. You cannot neglect it or simply fail.
You mustnt. (12:29)

Youve got the power to change things! Dont you think it would be a crying shame to neglect that opportunity? (12:52)

What I want from you most of all and more than your attention as a student, is your love, and you mustnt neglect that part. (12:70)

Perhaps the fact that monkeys are the animals that resemble man most in their likeness doesnt mean that the latter descended from
them, as much as it resembles a warning that thats what he might wind up like if he neglects to use his own brain. (12:105)

Its true that the prognosis for the vast majority of folks nowadays isnt all too bright. But still Theres a reason and a purpose for
your being there, and you shouldnt neglect that. (12:107)
Dont neglect the main factor and ingredient in your plans, which is to trust Me in general for the outcome! (12:114)

Do all that you can, not to neglect that job and calling and purpose I gave and continue giving to My disciples and followers, so that
you wont have to regret having neglected that major purpose of My followers lives! (16:46)

Dont neglect the groove of spiritual nourishment, which will be just as necessary for survival in the days to come, as the physical
food! (16:147)

Neglecting the Source of life is like turning off the light and walking around in darkness instead.
So, dont neglect the spiritual duty that will strengthen and enable you to continue being a light when all around you winds up in
darkness! (16:188)

Incapability is there to remind you of the need of heavenly Help you can get for nothing but asking for It through prayer.
So, dont neglect that spiritual task - more important that any of the physical ones you have to do! (17:84)

Positive changes dont come by themselves, as long as the negative forces are still in control down there, which is one of the main
factors why prayer is such an important ingredient, and you can tell from the negative results of neglecting that task of true believers.
When you neglect important factors like prayer, to what extent can you imagine the enemy goes to in order to hinder you and prevent
you from it? (17:96)

Prayer is a largely important factor youll wish not to have neglected. (17:121)

If thats one of a believers main tasks, how can you neglect it?
Something needs to be learned about neglecting to ask for Help and protection from Above! (17:137)

Appreciating the relatively easy circumstances is a positive you shouldnt miss, nor neglect that opportunity. (17:189)

It should be one reason not to despise Our correction of erroneous ways, when you can see the result of societys neglect of it.

Even if you cant see much of the good in others or anywhere around you, neglecting or refusing it would be like defeat and letting
the enemy win the fight. (17:212)

NWOs (Need-Work-Ons)
To know where you're at, where your faith lies and what you still need to work on is good! It shows the need. (II:363)

Accept people! - Yourself, and anybody you can think of. They all may have a looong list of NWOs, but they're only going to ever be
able to even begin making progress with them if they're being loved. (II:466)

Its a good habit to confront yourself daily with your needs, flaws and NWOs. Otherwise you may not think or know that you have
anything to work towards! You may think, all things are okay as they are, no improvement needed! And that would be a fatally flawed
attitude! (III:520)

It certainly doesnt help to close the eyes on any NWOs. (III:565)

Its great and commendable that you want to work out and overcome your NWOs, and that you want to face them, have them sorted
out, and get into a position where they wont have that much of a grip on you. But the main point is that the way youre going to
achieve this is not by focusing on them, your own condition, and the waves, but on Me, the Solution Giver, and the only One Who can
help you overcome all that. (IV:54)

Whats still one big NWO for mankind is to learn to treat their fellowmen with more respect and greater care. (IV:270)

While change has been a good theoretical subject, putting those things into practice just happens to be one NWO. (16:116)

Everyones got their own faults, and youve got your NWOs as well so seeing others faults, no reason to become self-righteous!

If impatience symbolizes a lack of faith, and you know how important faith is, it certainly shows that impatience is quite an NWO.

Looking down on and judging others is a bad trait, and just one of the devils favorite tricks to keep folks blind of their own
weaknesses and NWOs. (2016:143)
Your attitude and capacity to handle troublesome circumstances are one of your major NWOs, one of the things you have to learn the
most to put up with. (2016:152)

If you blame the state youre in on others, its another NWO related to relationships and how to get along and bring forth unity in spite
of the enemys efforts to create the opposite between you. (16:198)

Even if you have a lot of NWOs and weaknesses to overcome, Im still at your side, and not threatening to leave you, as might be your
impression of earthly folks by your side. (17:8)

The most important thing: loving Me and your neighbor as yourself; but then again, its better to hear from Me, even if you dont
manage. At least I can remind you of shortcomings that require some NWO. (17:9)

Taking things for granted is a negative human habit, which is why appreciation is one of the major NWOs.
So, take taking things for granted as an NWO! A negative trait one should work on overcoming! (17:19)

Relying on their own knowledge is basically one of the major NWOs of people, which is also part of the factor why the forbidden fruit
that caused the fall of mankind was the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil. Basically, it meant that mankind chose to get to know
evil. And thats the process world historys in right now. Discover the difference! (17:46)

Just because youre having a hard time getting along with some of your fellow humans, it doesnt mean that relationships arent a
necessary NWO. (17:74)

Take behavior as one major NWO when it needs some definite work of improvement! (17:78)

Everyones got their lessons to learn and NWOs.

As much as others have their NWOs, so do you! (17:104)

If there are still too many NWOs, well, youve still got to work on them, before you can come Home. (17:123)

If the very Son of God had to learn to deal and put up with human imperfection, can you blame Us for including that in your NWOs of
things to learn as well? (17:126)

With as much of an NWO as pride has become for you through leaning on your abilities and talents well, just dont see it as a
negative to get humbled instead! (17:143)

Instead of focusing on what bugs you about others, the wiser thing to do would be to focus on your own NWOs. (17:150)

The biggest NWO for practically anyone: ones own attitude and behavior. (17:166)

The two largest NWOs of history: self-righteousness and pride. (17:171)

Dont fall for Satans subtle temptations to see Me or the Father as your enemy, but recognize that by falling for some of his ways, its
you that has got those NWOs to work on and get the victory over, and spiritual weaknesses to overcome a divine reason for you
having to keep attending lifes school. Take the blame yourself, instead of falling for the enemys temptations to blame Us! (17:193)

Acceptance of others imperfection is one of those NWOs.

So, acceptance and tolerance of others weaknesses and imperfect traits is definitely something to work on. (17:205)

Remember that the trials and tests arent just of your faith, but also of your character, and other things that may present NWOs in
your life, like patience, acceptance, yieldedness! (17:210)

Old vs. New (/Young)

I always bless it when My followers are willing to forsake the old in order to embrace the new. (I:144)

Exposing the tricks the enemy pulls, in order to sneakily rebuild your old man, shows that if you don't watch it, that old man is going
to creep up again, and before you know it, you'll find yourself stuck in a new Egypt the enemy helped you build in your life. (II:293)

I can always give you a brand new chance, a brand new beginning, a brand new ticket, a brand new life!
Not only do I stand for newness and everything that represents change and renewal and revolution, but I can also impart that
newness to anyone else who would like. A new life can be yours and anyone's for the asking - no matter what situation you're in or
how old, worn out and useless you may feel. I can make new out of the old - regardless of conditions and circumstances. (II:398)
I have quite a different perspective on life and all that goes with it: what I consider young or old, compared to the way people look at
these issues. When people think their lives are practically over, that's when I like to begin to really use some of them. (II:426)

To hell with the old way! Open your life to My new, unconventional way, the way on which you'll have to trust Me for every step. (II:456)

In order to receive the new, you have to make room for it by letting go of the old. (II:508)

There will never be a lack of surprises, of new discoveries, of new, unexpected twists and turns in events. You will never be able to
say, "Now I know everything there is to know..."
There will always be whole new worlds and dimensions to discover, new angles from which to see things, new additions to make
your scope wider, which will burst your former limits. (II:576)

You have to deny your old self, the old man, that about which was said, "You are a new creature, yes, but boy, how that old man likes
to pop up again." It's the old man, your carnal man, which is at enmity with God, whom you must deny access to the place from
which you govern your life.
The old self is all about taking and getting. The new man, the new creature, is all about giving. The old man is negative, the new man
is positive. Once you're born again and you have learned to let Me empty you of all the old things and fill you with My new and good
things, you give instead of constantly being concerned about getting more, acquiring more, consuming and accumulating, which was
the game of the old man, then you can learn to embrace your new man, My spiritual creation that is you. (II:612)

The Spirit quickens and makes alive means, it's always young and moving, never old and stagnant, brittle or conservative, stuck on
the old way of doing things, never resting on any laurels of yesterday. It takes each new day as an opportunity for a new beginning:
"This is the first day of the rest of your life." Make each day as if it were the first day of a new period of your life, and it is, because it's
a different period than the past. It's the present: the beginning of the future, where you can do all things differently than you ever did
them before.
Break out of the cocoon of the old! Experience My newness!
Don't get stuck in any old mindsets, even if you "already have the truth!" Good for you! But what is the truth that I want to teach you
today? What is the lesson, the metanoia, the revelation for this day? This day, I can make all things new. (II:625)

The older you get, and the more weary you become of life and all its difficulties, which often at first were hidden from you, the closer
you draw to Me, and you come to Me, realizing that you need Me. (III:89)

Embrace the newness I can bring into your lives through the power of forgiveness, the power of change, the power of the renewing of
the Holy Ghost, the Power of Love! (III:283)

You cannot have the new unless you let go of the old, and you cannot let go of the old unless you deem it undesirable, nothing you
want. (III:353)

I'm trying to get you out of your little ruts and routines in order to bring about something new - a break with the old, and the
beginning of something new. Forget about the former way of doing things, period. Make room for the new! (III:355)

It often takes quite a few years until I can get a person to the point where they're willing to lay everything - all that playing games -
aside and follow Me. It took Abraham getting to the point of "looking at his own body as good as dead," and yet "he staggered not at
the promise through unbelief" (Romans 4:19, 20).
Not many young people are even interested in characters like Abraham, Noah and Moses these days, because youth has been so
overly glorified by the media. (III:356)

Sometimes the quickest way to get more is to let go of the old and open your life for the new that Ive got in store for you. (III:483)

Most people are usually not ready to give their whole energies to My Cause until theyve reached an age where their bodies dont
promise any more glory anyway. As long as theres a bit of physical glory left, man tries to let the light shine on himself, rather than
using it to glorify Me and draw the attention to Me, My message and Salvation. (IV:29)

Youth stands for a smooth and attractive surface, but its often the depths of the many wrinkles of old age that reveal the true
intricacy of life. When youre young, everything seems so simple, so smooth, just like the surface of the skin you see in the mirror.
Everything seems to be upbeat and energy and singing the tale of progress.
Only with the passage of time and more time do people begin to realize that what is truly considered progress is something often
quite different from those things they pursued in their younger years. Values change.
The younger you are, the more you want to do yourself. The weaker you become, the more you learn to rely and depend on My
Strength, and I want to prove that this is the way you truly get more accomplished. (IV:55)

Remember that the disciple of the Kingdom finds in his treasure both things old and new!
The Bible is the old things you take out of your treasure, and I add the new things I give you in abundance.
The Bible is your foundation. It doesnt give you the feeling that its old or worn out. You still keep getting new little revelations
from it.
What I give is like manna: I give it every day anew, and according to the need of the day.
I can make all things new, and even the old things get a new touch if I breathe on them and blow them your way with a new twist, a
new viewpoint and angle
So, a lot of the secret and mystery of life and making the most out of it is finding the new in the old: find the new application of some
of the same old basic and fundamental truths, and see which ones are applicable today!
Its like the same old sunshine, same old rain, but needing to shine and flow into new places today to bring forth new fruit, new things
that werent there before. (IV:217)
The fundamental difference has always been between those who clung to the old, existing system, and those who were ready to let it
go in favor of the new, which is, in essence, that which I want to bring into the world and into each individual life that is ready and
makes room for it. (IV:235)

Im not too concerned about conserving any previous ways or notions, but actually more prone to tossing over the old and starting
something completely new with whoever is willing to follow, if thats the way Im going to get My message spread, souls saved, lives
changed and get people turned on to My Spirit, instead of everyone decaying in the same old way things have always been done.

Youve got to let the old go in order to have the new Even if theres pain involved with it
It takes courage to embrace the new and let go of the old. But thats what youve got to focus on: the new thats out there ahead
before you, not the old youre leaving behind! (IV:349)

The flesh always resents having to strike out into new, unknown territory and will almost always prefer the old settings its familiar
with. (IV:394)

There is always an old and a new way to do it, and usually Im the Promoter of the new, that which is truly new, and not the pseudo
innovations of the enemy, which are usually just the same old selfish attitudes in a new dress. (IV:399)

I have used older ones for greater tasks than they could have ever dreamed of accomplishing in their younger years (IV:427)

The odds against you having made the right choice to put your trust in Me become greater as you grow older: the doubts become
seemingly more substantiated. Am I really Son of a God Who's capable of caring for His Own, even when they've become old, fragile,
weak and brittle? Or do I only work for those who are young and strong and idealistic enough until they become older and wiser?

The death of the old is always for the purpose of the birth of something new; a new creature, and you have to envision that new
someone I want to make out of you and grasp hold of that vision and go for it! (IV:473)

Maybe from where I stand I can see that its the better option to have you start a new life instead of just adding new factors and
players to your old
Maybe the new life Ive promised is not so much dependent on outward conditions, such as the place where youre going to live, as
inward changes (IV:504)

You simply cannot reconcile both worlds, the old and the new. One will take over the other, and as you know, it is I Who will make all
things new. (11:9)

I bring changes. I bring parting with the old in order to introduce new factors. The new factors to the equation are what keeps the
whole matter alive (11:36)

Its a new day and a new era, and new approaches are necessary in order to convey My truths to the world. Thats why it has been
good to have a break from the old, conventional way of doing it, which was good for its time, but in order to learn new methods, one
has to take a break from the old one first. (12:23)

Sometimes its just better not to go by the way things have been before, and get ready for the new things to come, even if it may
seem quite a lot harder than what youve been through in the past! (16:15)

Dont expect too much of yourself too soon! The older you get, the more of a chance I have to do it through you! (16:110)

With physical abilities like memory going down, thus, with age also losing a bit of what they call intelligence carnal knowledge
wouldnt it be something if the godly wisdom would still thrive and become even stronger in you?
As different as My views are compared to those of the world let Me say the wise thoughts of the aged are impressing Me more than
the high intelligence of their youth and which one is more lasting? (16:118)

The diminishing of human intelligence at older age signifies the downhill slope of earthly life. Fortunately, that downhill-slope makes
older folks more receptive for whats to come than theyve mainly been at a younger age and higher physical and mental capacities.
Unfortunately, some negative traits can increase with that decrease of physical and mental capacities, too Mainly symbolizing the
only temporary quality of earthly and carnal life compared to whats expecting you in time-unlimited spirit-state. (16:140)

When it comes to My Input, and My ways, the main tendency is there, that the news above the old, as far as your need is concerned.
Im a bit more aware of and tuned in to your present needs, so, its always good to stay in tune with Me, ready to receive fresh input
the stuff you need right now today! (16:148)

When youre headed and bent on a new way of doing and approaching things, take My encouragement that its a pretty good sign
that your leading towards it comes from Up Here, even if originally you didnt feel that way about it! (2016:151)

To get through whats coming, youll have to come up with something new something Ill have to show you and lead you to not
anything you could come up with in your own mind of the flesh.
Getting into the gear of handling whats coming will still take some necessary steps, and getting out of the old leaning-on-the-flesh-
groove must be the first.
So, get used to new moves and necessities to make it through whats coming, and ready for change! (2016:183)
Its time to get ready for something new! - New challenges, new conditions, new factors, and thus also new tactics to make it and
manage through.
The old will be what used to be the ways that things used to work out but wont anymore. (2016:188)

Growing older as a believer you start growing a bit closer and more ready for your coming Home. (2016:197)

Maybe theres a better and new way for you to see things, and the way in which you should.
So, things contrary to your way: dare to see them as a positive. Maybe theyll bring forth a positive change in your mindset and
attitude, and least of all, the acquaintance with something new instead of the same old. (2016:203)

Youve got to get used to the fact that being older is not a disadvantage, as far as Im concerned. The older you are, the less you lean
on the strength of the flesh, which starts shrinking around that time, and you become more accepting of the fact that you need help
and in the case of believers: Help from Above. (17:131)

Remember that in order to bring forth something new, the end of the old has to come first! (17:193)

Opposites & the Totally Other

Usually it's whatever you're not so comfy with, that I'm trying to stress and emphasize on in your life, always the "totally other," your
N(eed)W(ork)O(n)s, your challenge points... (II:224)

"Forget what you know!" You must be open to a completely new experience. I'm the New, the totally Other, not the old, the things
you're familiar with.

You're forced to find out whether that difference in others you're finding difficult to cope with is something good, or not. In other
words, you have to find out whether you should make an effort to adapt to it, or whether you should confront it, which presents an
extra "bonus" challenge to you.
In any case, it teaches you to deal with others, teaches you about them and how to handle differences, and, in some extreme case, it
teaches you to love, accept and embrace the totally other. It teaches you flexibility and the ability to consider totally different factors
and angles than you might previously have been aware of. It opens your eyes to totally new views.
If you learn these things under the guidance of My Spirit you can truly learn and acquire wisdom that way. You've got to see Me in it,
in order for it all to make perfect sense.
It takes the "sting" out of what you're experiencing when you know it's for your good, like all things, and when you can see a purpose
with a goal in it. The goal is greater understanding and wisdom. It's greater insight into the human heart, and simultaneously, into the
heart of God, as you learn to see the full scope of different angles and possible viewpoints.

People need to realize that love is something greater than what they often consider love. "Love loves the unlovely." It reaches out to
those you would have no natural desire to reach out for. It seeks what is best for them, not what you may think is best for them. It
seeks what is really the best for them. It is open to possibilities that are contrary to your own natural expectations or notions of what
others might need, as drawn from your own conclusions based on your own needs. Love makes an effort to see the other - the totally
other side!
It expands its view way beyond ones own limited personal view of things and is ready to deal with what's totally different, even
opposite of what you've known all along. Love makes you grow. It doesn't just keep you in your comfy-cozy little world right where
you are. It doesn't hesitate to get its hands dirty, to move beyond the familiar place of one's own comfort, to go out to the highways
and hedges, to a strange land in order to find there totally other perspectives of life in a needy heart or soul. It sees the need and
does something about it.
Love makes you grow beyond the limitations and confines of your former, your present world. It constantly expands and causes you
to expand and stretch your horizon, to venture out into new realms of perception, yet always staying loyal to the True Center of all,
which is Me, the Initiator of true growth.
True love will never just let you stay in your own little world, stagnating in your old view.
Love is like Me, because Love is what I am, and like every aspect of Me: Revolution, constant change, the totally other. It challenges
you. It is your oldest desire and yet constantly new. Love is thrilling and mind-blowing: you cannot comprehend it, only receive a
portion of it and pass it on. Love is My Spirit which is like the wind that bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof
but canst not tell from whence it cometh or whither it goeth. You can never figure out love. You can only know it in your heart, it
doesn't fit in your head.
Love is the secret, the all-powerful force that rules and guides the universe, for Love is God. It's so much greater than anything that
men could pin down and define with their finite minds, and it's definitely so much greater than some of man's limited perceptions of
One has to watch out that they're not confusing love with some own selfish need for security or affection and something that will
actually stop them from experiencing the fullness of My true love in their lives.
Love will lead you to situations that are beyond your experiences, to places beyond your present limits.

Absolute authenticity is one of My qualities.

When it came to people, there wasnt much there for Me to copy. The only thing worth copying in My eyes was the Father, and He
certainly is different, the totally Other, when it comes to people. And so am I. And so do those become who hang with Me. They
become different. They become weird. You dont necessarily want to be different. Youd prefer to fit in and blend in and just hang with
everybody and chill. Well, I have chosen a different destiny for you.

Its the differences that avoid your merely falling in love with your own images of yourselves in each other. If all you really love about
the other person is just their similarities with you, then what else is it but narcism? And thats what some people claim, love amounts
Well, prove them wrong by loving the totally other, the person who is totally different from you and has totally different points of view,
and opinions that differ strongly from yours.

The devil promotes same-kind relationships, so that nobody will reach out for the other, much less for the totally Other, which is Me.
Whatever is their own is what has priority.
Thats why its so hard to create unity between different Christian churches and denominations, because each of them primarily
respects and is loyal to their own, which is somewhat natural, but then being a disciple of Mine is all about not following the mere
natural way since the natural man or mind is at enmity with God.
My way is supernatural.
So, a challenge to take on, on My behalf or as a Christian, would be to seek the group of people that is the least like your own, and try
to reach out to them and find common ground with them try to bring Me to them.
Dealing with people is your job for Me, reaching out to people, and reaching them with My message, and in this case, whats
particularly challenging about it is the aspect of reaching different people, since most people simply happen to be quite different from
Thats the great magic of My story: I, the totally Other and ultimate and epitome of being different than mankind, became just like you,
in order for you to be able to become like Me.
In order to teach people to not just love their own kind, you must give an example of loving those who are different from you to begin
with, make an effort to relate to them, be a sample of someone who is accepting and understanding of those who are quite different
in views and manners from yourself.
Im trying to teach you and bring about in you progress in the area of greater tolerance and acceptance of the totally other, one of the
things which the world most needs.

What they really hated about Me, and what they couldnt pinpoint or figure out, what they were most jealous and envious of and bitter
about, was My relationship with the Father. If the Father is the totally Other, Hes the Light that theyre all scared spitless of in their
darkness, and He was the ingredient about Me, the one Factor that bothered them most, just like its your relationship with Me that
people most resent about you.
Youre weird enough as you are already, they figure, but that Jesus-business just about takes the cake, as far as theyre concerned.

If they dont have any room in their hearts and minds for Me, the totally Other, then they usually wont have any tolerance for different
kinds of people, either. This doesnt mean that there may not be atheists who may show even more tolerance and acceptance of other
kinds of people than even many supposed believers, but it just shows that My presence in peoples lives isnt necessarily limited to
labels such as Christian or any other religious or philosophical drawers and labels, but My Spirit flows freely into the lowest places
and humble hearts and shuns the proud and haughty of whatever confession and religious affiliation. The most perfect examples of
which were the Scribes and Pharisees, who have many modern counterparts.

Sometimes the opposite of what appears to the carnal mind, is actually the truth.

True faith is the opposite of all that is your own, for it comes not from your own world, nor your own mind, nor from any place or
realm that is your own. For the Kingdom of God does not belong to any man, but any man can choose to belong to the Kingdom of
So, there are those who claim to be Mine, but they only want to use Me, instead of letting Me use them. There are those who want to
make Me their own, but refuse to let Me truly call them My own, for they refuse to listen to Me and they refuse to obey Me. Those are
the ones of whom I prophesied in My Word, I have never known you. (see Mt.7:22,23) For how can I know them, if they continuously
lock Me out of their hearts & lives, when I want to come in & know them?

When you shall seek for Me with all your hearts, I will let you find Me. Though what you will find is often the opposite of what you
were hoping for in the flesh: death of self, death to the flesh, death to pride & everything that exalts itself.

In the World, everybody basically seeks their own glory, and to glorify themselves, to pride themselves in their accomplishments &
pat themselves on the back, or proving their worth & showing off with the status they have achieved to reach by themselves, through
their own hands or by means of fleshly heritage in the things they acquire, their material possessions, their wealth, their cars, houses
& other status symbols. Whereas the status symbols of the Spirit World are the exact opposite: "The less there is of you, the more
the light shines through" is the slogan in the spirit, and the less you exalt yourself & seek your own glory, and the more you seek to
glorify God, and just fill the need by whatever humble and invisible action, that is what makes you shine with greater brilliance &

Change is really the opposite of the devil's spirit of stagnation. Although he pretends to be the great pioneer of change & progress in
the World & accuses Christians & believers of being old-fashioned, in the spirit his philosophy is really old and rotten, and the same
kind of selfish & greedy philosophy he has been introducing since the beginning.

The flesh tells you the opposite of what My Spirit tells you, and the acid test & the crunch of faith is, who are you going to believe
more, Me or your own flesh?
I'm the Opposite of all that the flesh tells you.
Sometimes the way I see things is the exact opposite of the way you see them. What you call a blessing, I call a curse many times,
and what you call a curse, I see as a blessing. "For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways, saith the
LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts."
(Isaiah 55:8,9)

You can't do it in the flesh. While the flesh is busy thinking up ways to save itself, it makes it very hard for you to create a deep
connection with Me, because I am the opposite of all its attempts. I am its enemy. That's why the Bible says that the natural man is at
enmity with God. The natural man doesn't want to trust Me but in himself. That's why he can't love Me. I'm opposing his attempts to
save himself.

Don't let any dust settle in your life! Don't accumulate, but keep going, keep moving, keep burning! You keep burning energy, you
keep spending yourself... that's what it means to live. To stagnate is the opposite: corrosion, lack of movement, gaining weight,
clinging to the old. The newness of constant change is what will keep you alive.

To be a follower, a disciple of Mine, means going in the opposite direction of where the world is going and the flesh would lead you.
Instead of letting them drag you along with their current, you go the opposite way.
Faith disregards all the philosophies of man and their counsel on how to make headway, it discards all that the world advertises as
wisdom and their secrets to "success" and chooses to go the opposite way, one that apparently leads nowhere, down to the most
undesirable place of the defeat and death of that which the System is trying to build up: the ego, the self, one's own position and

Faith is knowing it anyway: knowing that I mean well, that I know best, that I choose and only allow whats good and best for you,
even if your interpretation of your circumstances and your feelings may tell you something different or the downright opposite.
Faith is the lone believer in that lonely voice out there that preaches the opposite of what the large majority preaches. It is the lone
believer in the rare voice of truth, the one single proclaimer of what the large majority would never have the audacity or courage to
There may be a sea of voices telling you one thing, constantly repeating it, like some mantra theyre obsessed with, but faith knows
anyway that the opposite is true.

I like whatever is the opposite of conservative and stagnant. I like the alive and moving. The flesh always tends to become stuck in a
rut sooner or later. It may think its immortal, but inevitably and unstoppably moves toward the proof of the opposite, and that its
only the spirit that brings life.

If you judge everything by the criteria of false and true, youll see that there is quite a gap between My ways and those the cohorts of
the Enemy avail themselves of, which make the two parties quite distinguishable from each other.
Their way is theirs and Mine is Mine, and never the twain shall meet.
I will let them see where their path will have led them. And youll be glad then that you chose the opposite way.

Opposition & Adversity

If there wouldnt be any opposition, there would be no challenge. Youve got to have some kind of contrast against which you can see
the light. It works like this in many other aspects of creation. Adversity is what makes you strong.

Theres a storm of opposition from the enemy and even those, of whom you dont know exactly whether theyre friend or foe - time
will tell but all those things will just serve to strengthen you.

The price of true godliness is persecution, ridicule, rejection, opposition and adversity.

I like to pride Myself in all the things Mydisciples accomplish in spite of opposition, suppression and all attempts to shut up and
stomp out the truth.

Conviction is all about knowing that youre doing the right thing in the face of opposition and in spite of many voices who may think
to know better than you.

That is the school of character that has shaped just about every significant man and woman of God: That very lack of support, that
being forced to walk alone just with Me and Me alone on their side, against the opposition, is precisely where their inner strength
comes from that makes them rise above the status quo.

Leaders are always envied, resisted, rebelled against, rejected, opposed & fought against by some people some of the time, but that's
exactly the kind of adversities that make a character strong.

You can't just let the Enemy have the world & passively stand by as he wrecks it. You've got to do something about it! You've got to
counteract, you've got to oppose him. Otherwise, if you don't oppose him, it's almost as if you're siding with him. You've got to
oppose the Enemy in order to really be on My side.
There will always be those who oppose, resist and reject you and all you have to give, just as they rejected the prophets and Myself,
and nearly each and every one of My true apostles throughout history.

It's tough when those who oppose and slander you are from among your own, but that's the kind of treatment and treason I
experienced, and if I did, haven't I promised that you would experience the same?
Of course, it's sad when there's war between brethren, but as you can tell from history, it's what the Devil has been up to since the
beginning. There will always be repetitions of the story of the fate of Abel and Cain, in different forms, as long as the Devil is around...

Its no great art or feat to love those who love you. The proof of the pudding, how much youre really capable of love, comes
especially when its down to loving those who dont love you, but seem to oppose and reject you. Loving those requires a skill in the
art of loving that not everyone is master of, and it requires the supernatural, superhuman type of love that only I can give and teach
and equip you with.
Training yourself in the art of loving in the face of hatred, rejection and lack of love will also sharpen your skills and abilities to deal
with unloving behavior on behalf of your loved ones, and instead of going on the defensive right away and withdrawing and reacting
negatively and allowing their lack of love to produce more lack of love in you for them, you can learn to counter that natural process
and stop the chain reaction and vicious cycle, and allow love to continue and go on, in spite of the adverse circumstances.

Adversity is making you more profound, it opens your eyes to where you can see through the Devil's lies. Isn't it worth it?

I must allow adversity in order to keep that vacuum alive inside you, that urge to seek Me or else you know you're not going to make
it through the day!

It takes perseverance to change the world, not letting adversity discourage you & turn you away at the first show of resistance.

Adversity is what makes you strong. You want to have power over unclean and evil spirits? It's these fighting experiences that give
you the power you seek. For although it is I Who give you the power, I give it to you by way of applying the little power you already
have and finding out that it's not quite enough, that you need to come back to Me for more; that you've got to keep on training,
fighting, hanging on...

How do you manage to bring love where there is hatred, to bring light where there is darkness, joy, where there is sadness? You
cannot do this unless you even refuse to look at the hatred, the darkness, the sadness, or their causes, to begin with. You refuse to
see the adverse circumstance as such, but only as an occasion to put My power to the test. You rejoice in the adversity, because it
has brought you a new challenge to prove to the universe that I am greater than any circumstance!

Once you truly love, you eventually get to the point where you accept and welcome hardship and adversity, and embrace them as
friends who will make you stronger on your path.

In creating a spiritual diamond, jewel or gem when someone is becoming gold in spiritual aspects, every little lesson involved in
that process is important. The degrees of pressure and heat have got to be just right, the amount of adversity you experience,
before you can be taken out of the fire again to be cooled by My fresh pure waters.

What else does it mean to be an overcomer, but to rise above adverse circumstances? The greater the adversity, the greater the

The extent to which youre learning to trust Me calmly now in the face of adversity and loss will determine how well youll be faring
then, when adversity and loss will reach unprecedented proportions.

If you do things right the devil will fight you, & he'll fight you the hardest in the beginning stages, so that he can convince you to quit
before you can even get started...

The devil will fight you all the more, the closer you come to My perfect will for you, the more you threaten to really accomplish for My

All who will live godly in Me shall suffer persecution. Persecution is an integral part of the revolutionary Christians life, and
remembering that will help you to stay awake spiritually.
Persecution and judgment have always hit most of My followers by surprise, but I want you to be prepared. (I:311)

The Early church in Jerusalem didn't get the point and obeyed My commandment to go into all the world and preach the Gospel to
every creature until the persecution came.
That's why persecution is ultimately good for you. For one thing, it weeds out those who are only in it for the wrong reasons, who are
in it because it's the comfy little rut they've been in most of their lives. It also draws you closer to others, as you're forced to cling to
them for shelter. (II:345)
I never made a secret of the fact that you were going to run into more difficult situations than I did. I never made a secret of the fact
that the servant isn't higher than the master, if they have persecuted Me, they would also - even more certainly - persecute you. (II:367)

The disciples suffered persecution! But they did the job I gave them to do, regardless of it! How ready are you to do My job for you?

Persecution is often an instrument in My hands which I use to make My own church white and to purify. (II:541)

Better to be persecuted and live with little, than to be one of the persecutors dwelling in material surplus. (II:589)

You know from My Word that eventually they'll start hounding and persecuting you, so you can't live as if your life and destiny was
meant to be one of perpetual peace with the System. (III:136)

It's turning out that the persecuted church is definitely healthier, spiritually. (III:366)

I got into trouble mostly everywhere I went, and it all resulted in over 300 years of persecution of My church, resulting in hundreds of
thousands of them dying martyrs deaths. Only when the tides turned and Rome became officially Christian, that popularity spiel
took over, and the church ceased from being the persecuted and became the persecutors in many cases (III:412)

The enemy and his hosts influence from the spirit world will stop when theyre all coming down to Earth, and you wont have to fight
and resist their invisible influence anymore just having to rassel quite hard against their physical persecution, for which youll be
dependent on Our miraculous Help from Above to survive it. (15:235)

Get prepared to make it through the roughest and toughest time for believers through world history! I want them to make it through
that, in spite of the roughest and worldwide persecution in history. I want them to be there when Ill come to pickem up! (2016:107)

The folks the enemy hates the most and will persecute the most will be the ones who are able to hear from Me. In other words: the
bunch he cant kid with his lies, which are his ultimate weapon not useful against those whove got a link with Me for the Truth
instead. (2016:128)

Through the global brainwash or rather brain-besmirching you can tell that its the large majority trapped in and confined to the
Big Lie and ultimate persecution of representatives of the truth will be the Endtimes result of it. (2016:149)

Focus on the job Ive given My followers to spread My Word and message to folks, even during circumstances and conditions where
the majority of the crowds are absolutely not in a receptive state or condition for it, followed by worldwide persecution with our
enemy at the reigns! (2016:168)

The Roman persecution of My early church was just an example of the ultimate persecution of My folks through the AC when Satan
will run and rule this world for its last and most troublesome 3 years, 42 months or 1260 days. (17:33)

If My apostles were persecuted, youve got to get ready for My churchs greatest persecution of history, too! The Roman persecution
was just an example of what it will be like during our enemys ultimate reign this time over the entire globe. (17:40)

The enemy will make the closest thing to hell out of the planet that hell ever achieve, and with the global persecution of My true
believers, itll be the toughest phase of history. (17:43)

Therell be worldwide persecution, and its hard to see it possible to make it through such a thing nowadays with modern technology,
except through the greatest miracles of history. (17:80)

Another reason for impending judgment: Cleansing those who claim to believe in and follow Me to make out of them more of what
theyre supposed to be even if it will take worldwide persecution in order to get there. (17:124)

When it comes to surviving the worldwide persecution of My followers the enemy will set in gear after his physical takeover of what
will then be the obvious antichrist, it will be the greatest era of necessities for miracles of history. (17:130)

Getting ready for Satans reign down there is a big task, especially for one of the many hell try to eradicate completely from the face
of the Earth with the greatest persecution ever. (17:141)

Ready to be an exception? Even if it will mean suffering persecution from the temporal lord of the world? (17:143)

Get ready for tougher challenges caused and brought forth by those wholl be joining our enemy in their worldwide tyranny, during
which those on My side - or any other side than his - will be severely persecuted! (17:220)

Perspectives, Perception (Opinions & Viewpoints)

In order to truly understand some things, one has to be willing and able to see them from an objective angle, not only from one's own
subjective point of view. No matter how convinced anybody may be of that they're right and that they're the one being wronged,
there's always another point of view, another aspect and angle to look at it. (II:212)

That saying "You're really three people, the one you see, the one others see, and the one God knows you to be," also applies to
situations: you may see it from your point of view, the other sees it from theirs, but only I see the whole "elephant." The biggest
mistake you can possibly make is to assume that your view and Mine are always identical. So, why not ask Me to show you the other
sides of the elephant before you're going to open your mouth? That's what putting yourself in others' shoes means: come and see
the elephant from their angle. And one by one, if you come over to their side and touch and feel what they do, you're going to get a
picture that coincides a lot more with Mine than your original view, which you were convinced was the only right one...
Maybe what's wrong is not so much the other person's "wrongness" or lack of whatever, but just your own present angle and point of
view of things.
Theres a lot of viewpoints to share and angles from which to see things... (II:538)

My eternal and spiritual viewpoint is generally more negatively inclined toward the Systems of this world. It takes willingness and
courage to face certain ugly facts about the world and yourself in order to embrace My truly positive viewpoint. And whereas the
materialistic viewpoint is more positively inclined toward the System and the world as it is, it is in reality the more negative view,
because it depreciates Me.
While at first glance your view seems to be more negative, more serious, more down-slanted than that of the materialist, it really isn't,
because your view is positive toward the true and Real Things in life that really matter; your view is positively inclined toward Me.

If everyone would just allow Me to change them, and work on the beam in their own eyes (you see that it's all a matter of seeing?),
then a lot of "splinters" you previously saw in your brothers' eyes would all of a sudden not even really be there anymore... Or if they
would, you'd find it so much easier to help that brother remove it by your own sample of having let Me freed you from your own
beam, your own renewed perception of things. (II:623)

I want you to get a broader spectrum of things in general, not the uni-directional way of looking at things, the way a horse with
blinkers would. Expand your horizon and circumference and look around you in a full 360 degree circle! There's more to perceive
than just the path ahead of you, more than just your own crown and reward, your own personal goal. (III:63)

Insisting that your own personal view of things is the only right one is like insisting you're God, and everyone else's opinion doesn't
matter. And that is, unfortunately, what many people do: they put themselves first, ignore the needs of others, and basically play God.
But usually something happens somewhere along the line that causes them to realize that it's a fairly solitary and frustrating game,
that it's a lot easier and better in the long run to agree with people with different views at times. (III:81)

Love makes an effort to see the other - the totally other side!
It expands its view way beyond ones own limited personal view of things and is ready to deal with what's totally different, even
opposite of what you've known all along.
True Love will never just let you stay in your own little world, stagnating in your old view.
It's so much greater than anything that men could pin down and define with their finite minds, and it's definitely so much greater than
some of man's limited perceptions of It. (III:83)

Opinions are not what leads to the path of life, but the things I personally show each one to do.
Are you just going to watch the sheep go astray, simply because they're so full of their own opinions and you don't want to cross
them, and don't like the confrontation of having to disagree with them? (III:197)

There are still new factors to explore, things you neglected to be realized, yet new angles and viewpoints to see things from. (III:202)

Youve got to determine that you're not going to let the enemy influence you with his illusions; you've got to refuse to allow him to
taint your perception of things. (III:344)

Try to get a view from My perspective!

True maturity is all about letting go of your own biased view and swap it for a new one, the view of the One you trust simply knows
better than you. (III:436)

A love thats real is so much more than a feeling. It creates a whole new way of being in you, of doing things, of seeing things, and a
new way of thinking and perception. (III:438)

If you show that anyones opinion of you matters more to you than My opinion, it proves that I am not Who or what matters most to
you, but that you have other gods before Me, which, as you know, I simply cannot tolerate. (III:446)

Discarding own opinions in favor of new and better ones or stubbornly cling to the own is an acid test all have had to go through,
and always makes the difference between the Jacobs and Esaus, the Cains and Abels, the Davids and Sauls.
Its the acid test of whether youre just going to cling to your own little personal truth and dogma, or you are willing to let it go for a
greater one, a truer and more real one. (III:469)

You cannot dictate your own experiences, nor views, on others. Be open for them to make their own experiences! (III:564)

If you remember that all you have is what youre being given by Me, you can view all things from a different viewpoint. (III:583)
From a temporal viewpoint it may not make much sense what youre doing, but thats what faith is all about: putting your cards and
your money not on the same old things everybody else can see, and what they consider to be common sense, but rather that
which requires some uncommon sense, a vision for things not everybody else can see (IV:11)

Most folks arent aware of the extent to which the enemy is in charge of their realm, influencing their perception of things, in fact,
controlling it via his educational system and the media.
As vague as your perception of My Kingdom may be for you, I want to prove that its still a lot more reliable, more lasting and safer
ground to put your feet on, than that concoction they label reality at present, upheld by their feverish efforts to churn out tomes
and tomes of information about it, most of which simply happen to be fundamentally flawed by the very fact that theyre leaving out
of the equation the principal Factor. (IV:90)

Come to Me and let Me revamp your concepts, your perception and your vision and focus for the day! (IV:121)

Notions of distance from Me are always most likely to occur due to the position of your own heart, and your own personal perception
of the situation. (IV:173)

A lot depends on your attitude, your faith and your whole concept and perception of life, your input, and on whether you have a
positive or negative outlook on things; all factors that determine whether the life you live is more like Heaven or hell. (IV:199)

Everybody is fairly quickly concerned when they perceive that they are getting less than what they think they deserve or should be
getting, but sometimes it turns out that theyre having to go through a particular situation because they were not concerned enough
about their part, and that they have to suffer because they could be giving more (IV:242)

With people having put their egos above any deity, thus having given themselves the rank of gods in their own minds (as Satan had
promised), what they consider the only gospel, as far as they are concerned, is their own opinion. (IV:278)

As bleak as your situation may get or seem to you, I always manage to cast sufficient light on it in order to totally change your
outlook and your perception of it. (IV:282)

in My eyes those are more blessed who lack and hunger, and who arent so satisfied with the state of the world around them. Its a
more realistic point of view, and one that coincides more with the general state of affairs, not just one mans or familys or groups
immediate situation, largely ignoring the plight of the poor elsewhere. (IV:492)

Youd like to receive more specific instructions that you could relate to with your rational mind, but I want you to play it by ear. I want
you to learn a different form of hearing, even a different form of thinking, of perceiving (11:23)

If you can look success and failure in the eye and determine that both are nothing more than entities of perception, and you can still
laugh and smile either way, then youll have learned to fully bear the consequences of your own actions without relying on any ace
up your sleeve that may or may not be there. (11:83)

From My point of view, daring to venture out into the unknown, breaking away from the same old rut everybody else is trotting down,
and doing something different than the norm, even if it doesnt show any of the officially recognized fruits of success, is a much
greater way to go. (11:117)

It's the deviation of man's perception and his opinion of how things ought to be from Mine that is the primary cause for his troubles.

Make a greater effort to see with My eyes, hear as I hear, and not make judgments based on your own, carnal perception!
The dire need of seeing things differently, of adjusting your standards and criteria, and adapt them more to Mine is pointing out the
drastic extent to which your perceptions differ from Mine. (12:48)

Its a matter of differing opinions when it comes to what you think is the maximum to be expected of you, and what I believe you can
handle (12:54)

The truth wouldnt be as hard to find and thus, not as rare and precious a treasure if it would be more appealing to the rational
mind, the sensible and reasonable thinkers
The thing is, it requires faith in the first place, before and above reason and rationale, - faith that is ready to put truth above their own
opinions and judgment. (12:58)

Dont be so quick to judge, even your own situation! Be open to let Me show you My side of the story and My view of things! Allow Me
to show you the good in those things which to you appear as bad! Leave room for My input, instead of being so full of your own
opinions, reasonings, judgments, so full of yourself! (12:59)

If nothing is ever really lost, then even all those seemingly pointless endeavors arent futile in the long run, and from Eternitys point
of view.
It may seem like that from a temporal point of view, but its not necessarily true from where I stand. (12:65)

Im trying to get you to see things and people with the eyes of the Spirit and from a long-range perspective, and not from the
immediate, short-term perspective theyve all got. (12:68)

Things change as you grow older, dont they? Your views and perceptions of them do for sure.
What used to be tough to remember from your previous views has turned into something youd almost consider a blessing (16:26)
Just as life is supposed to go beyond the limited and timely limited perception of it on Earth, according to Our heavenly perception or
version of it, so it is with what you consider visible basically just as limited in physical terms as the earthly perception of life! And
the same applies to the other senses of perception. Something betters expecting you, not just as far as the world around you is
concerned, but also yourself and the other future inhabitants! Something to look forward to!
So, think about it: just because you cant perceive much of the spiritual world with your still physical senses and perception right
now, does that mean it makes the Spirit less valuable?
If youre going through hard and cold times down there, they should make you appreciate and look forward at whats to come for
those who have chosen to believe in and receive Me as their Savior. (16:34)

Thats what it means to put all things into the proper perspective: the focus of love! (16:45)

Positiveness is simply necessary in order not to let the negative outlook overrule everything your attitude and perception of things.

The advantage of your relation with Us over the degree to which you can depend on the facilities and abilities of your own human
kind is another perspective of why it pays to prepare for better relationships to come. Heavenly relationships. (16:83)

If it makes you feel less at home in that world, what youre going through, take it as an advantage from My point of view! (16:105)

To see the Light in spite of the darkness surrounding you means availing yourself of a spiritual viewpoint. (16:141)

The times are coming when faith absolutely wont be able to exist anymore based on physical conditions, but only through whats
perceived through faith and spiritual sight. (16:155)

Making whats going on Up Here happening and working inside you is so much more important than just letting affect you whats
going on around you. Its lifting your antenna up to heavenly reception, except just perceiving whats going on around you down
there. (16:188)

Heavens got to come closer to you and become part of your spiritual perception in order to make it though the dark times expecting
the world. (16:195)

Getting used to a more realistic viewpoint may be painful and take a hard time to get used to and learn to deal with, but with reality
about to turn darker temporarily, just see it as good preparation for whats coming! (16:199)

Put Me and My will first in your life, and above the opinions of others!
Not worrying too much about the opinions of others about what youre doing when hearing from Me is part of a sign of appreciation
for My counsel Im giving you.
Not worrying too much about what others think about you is definitely a positive to aim for. Its part of putting Me and My will on the
top of the list, instead of others opinions about you, and thus, your own popularity. (17:14)

Learning not to be concerned about the opinions of others around, and not to get trapped into the groove of man-pleasing is one of
the most important lessons concerning doing things Gods way, not peoples or ones own. (17:34)

Trust Me for My standards and what I perceive as good! Trusting in My perception of things is another positive for a man of faith, and
not only as far as I'm concerned, but as you will see. (17:48)

If youre feeling like a stranger in that world, see it as a mindset I see as a positive one!
The more you become aware of the fact whos currently in charge of it, the closer you are to the facts and the right mindset and
viewpoint the closer you are to Me and the truth. (17:75)

Not much self-confidence left?

A positive advantage over self-confidence from a heavenly point of view.
The weaker and less enabled the world around you makes you feel, the better from a heavenly point of view.
The weaker and less enabled the world around you makes you feel, the better from a heavenly point of view.
One of the advantages of communication with Me.
When someone becomes dependent on My input and their communication with Me, thats an asset from My point of view.
So, dont let your weakness discourage you, but try to see it from My point of view!
My point of view is a factor of the advantage of believing vs. seeing. Catching that spiritual sight of faith, which will become essential
during the times of darkness ahead of you. (17:76)

Just trust Me that I can see what lies in you beyond that which you can see or perceive of yourself! (17:82)

The quality of openness for new facts and factors can change your points of view. (17:85)

Even if whats all around you is dreadful, just learn not to go by that, but make your faith in Us a bigger input of your perception!

What needs to change most in order to improve and make things better, is ones own perspectives and ways of looking at things - to
adopt a positive attitude and perception of whats around. (17:106)

To see things differently than the majority of folks around you do can be nothing but an asset. (17:109)

The stronger the grip and impact of the world on people, the lower the spiritual aspect from My point of view. (17:111)
Dont let the circumstances and conditions direct you, but learn to let Our Spirit direct them, and at least your perception of them and
the ability to handle them and deal with them!
The (positive) spiritual aspects have sunken to a significant low in society, and without that spirit - the Force that We blew life into
Adam with - life is being reduced to a lower level - easier for the enemy to handle, and especially due to the fact that it draws folks
further away from Us and the truth of all things. (17:115)

To make it even in spite of lack of experience See it as an extra challenge from Above to widen your horizon and aspects! (17:118)

It takes an act of faith to see things in a different way from the way the masses around you do, but thats one of the factors why
difference from the crowd is an asset from Our heavenly point of view.
Stick to Our point of view, and definitely dont accept the enemys!
Remember the importance of a heavenly viewpoint! (17:119)

Without Me, ye can do none of the things considered a positive in life from heavenly points of view. (17:121)

Dont feel bad you cant make it without input from My Spirit! Even if it may not look like an advantage from other folks point of view,
see it from the point of view of the Word that was made flesh (Jn.1:14)! (17:123)

From My point of view, your weakened state is an asset for Me, since it just lets Me work through you a lot better than when you were
so confident in and relying on your own strengths and energies (17:134)

Just keep and maintain your focus on the right point, and view things with a positive perception!
The right attitude and perception of things can downright turn conditions into the right, more pleasant kind. (17:136)

Faith not only offers, but requires a totally different point of view from the common ones of the world society. (17:184)

To make it through the dark times to come will be all about being able to perceive and focus on That beyond what you can see with
your eyes or hear with your ears, smell with your nose, taste with your lips, feel through your touch, and even think with your brain!

Get into the groove of seeing and perceiving things My way and according to My standards, too! (17:189)

See weakness as a positive from My point of view, since thats what pulls down My Strength to enable you to do greater things than
you were able to in the flesh!
See your physical weakness the way I see it: as an advantage that will raise your strength of the spirit! (17:190)

You dont have enough physical capacities to make it on your own. Do you think in My eyes thats a positive or negative aspect when
Ive been telling you about the coming importance of dependence on Me? (17:203)

We Up Here just happen to see in a different way than you folks down there; so aim for that goal to catch a bit more of Our points of
view, not your own, earthly ones, channeled by the flesh!
See the diminishing of your worldly views as a positive progress, even if it means a more negative viewpoint and perception of the
world around you! (17:218)

If you're going to represent Me, you're going to have to be prepared to do the unconventional thing, and for being unpopular! (II:215)

Don't worry if you feel rejected and like you don't fit in! You're in good company! None of My true followers was ever a pop star! Fame
and popularity is something for those who seek the big time in this life! My followers know that there's something better, much better,
coming up! (II:505)

The more of a somebody you are, the more concerned you usually are about your impression you leave on others, your "image" with
them, your reputation, your popularity...
Always seeking the attention and recognition of far-away and unknown people also estranges you to the ones around you, who are
fully aware of you and your presence, yet sometimes wondering why you're so far away, or where you are at all. (II:610)

"Power, popularity and plenty are dangerous." In other words, if you're unpopular, it's good for you; if you're poor, it's good for you,
and if you're a weak little nobody, it's also good for you! (III:73)

I also need prophets who will show up the sins of the people, who will refuse to compromise and laugh it off.
It's not a very popular job. I've got very few people willing to do it on a grassroot level. It's so unpopular. And everybody wants to
have friends.
But everybody has got their calling, and someone has got to bite the sour apple and play the dreadful role of the prophet who shows
and tells the people why things aren't working out the way they hoped. (III:153)

All you can do is give the message. Don't be concerned about the lack of its popularity!
Truth has never been popular on a large scale. (III:263)

Popularity is one of the first things that has to go on the offering plate if you're out to serve Me. (III:295)

The prophets... What makes you think that they were ever popular?
They didn't rely and wait on the support and popularity from their ranks.
There were always those special few who chose to play the tunes that I gave them to play, that didn't always say what others wanted
to hear, but what I wanted them to hear and chew on.
hat's the price of eternal fame, versus the mediocrity of those who just flow with the current trend and hit the nerve of popularity of
the times... What makes one really great is the guts to be different, no matter what anyone says.
There were many popular artists in the days of Mozart, while he had to live in relative poverty. He just didn't hit the nerve of his time.
Another kind of sound was popular during his time, than what he created. But his lived on forever... (III:310)

I didn't promise you any kind of popularity or immediate recognition as a reward for being different. (III:327)

I have to teach you to stand up for your convictions, stand up for what you know to be the truth, even if what you believe is not
popular, or if it puts you apart, as has happened to a lot of My heroes throughout the ages. (III:333)

Most people have become popularity-oriented folks, and they wouldnt dare stand against what everybody supposedly agrees on as
being the right thing or not
Similar to politicians with their popularity polls, many people dont go so much by their inner conviction as they are being lured and
directed by the voices of popularity.
When Rome became officially Christian, the popularity spiel took over, and the church ceased from being the persecuted and
became the persecutors in many cases
Since when are My followers, My disciples, My prophets, supposed to be concerned about their popularity? Theyre only supposed to
be concerned about doing their job for Me of reaching the lost of the world with My message, thats all. (III:412)

Its okay not to be popular. In fact, perfectly okay, in My eyes! (III:472)

Youre not going to be popular if youre going to serve Me.

You cannot please both, God and those who serve Mammon. (III:548)

I wasnt going to be big and popular, and even some of My closest friends pretended they didnt know Me, even if only temporarily.
Popularity is one of the three things listed as dangerous, besides power and plenty.
The words prophet and popularity dont jibe. They dont belong in the same category. They clash with each other. Because what a
true prophet of Mine has to tell the people is never popular. Its never anything that pleases the populus, the people, because it
usually exposes them and their false games, their hypocrisies, and how they have embraced the lies, instead of the truth.
Prophets arent popular because the truth isnt popular.
A lack of applause is never a sign that youre not doing your job as a prophet.
For a prophet, a lack of applause and feedback from the System is actually a positive sign. At least it shows that what youre saying
isnt just an effort to become popular and friends with them!
Prophets arent popular. (III:599)

Is popularity more important than the truth?

To most people, it is, and theyre willing to compromise the truth in order to gain or maintain their popularity. Only a special few are
willing to let all that other stuff go for the price of that one pearl of truth. (IV:66)

A true prophet of God simply cant help not being popular with most people. (IV:130)

Success for Me is not determined by the amount of friends or fans you have. I certainly didnt build My life on that kind of popularity,
and I wouldnt advise any of My true followers to do so, either.
I certainly didnt build My Life on popularity, and I wouldnt advise any of My true followers to do so, either. (IV:140)

Dont worry about poor feedback! If only one out of ten sick people came back to thank Me for healing them, you can safely assume
that My true followers wont experience any differently, since I told My disciples that they would share the same fate as I, when it
comes to popularity in this world. If they havent thanked Me, they wont thank you, either. (IV:141)

Mine is hardly ever the way of popularity, because initially the flesh wants to take on that load to show and prove what it can do by
itself. Lets face it: what reaps applause and admiration in this world is usually a show and display of strength of some kind, or at
least of mans own wit. Saying youre too weak to actually do it yourself and that you rely on Me for strength isnt exactly the popular
thing to do.
Is the Real Thing always the easier thing, or the more popular? No. But is it still the Real Thing thats going to outlast the fake? Yes.

Trying to please everyone and be popular can be a thankless undertaking if youre in My business, because the devil will always help
them to find things about you they wont like in the long run; thus the harder you try, the more frustrating it will be in the end. (11:38)

The ultimate dream of popularity: popularity and applause and admiration from both, the winning team, and the opposing team, the
enemys side. Popular with everyone.
But there comes a point when youre forced to either choose with the crowd whom you want released as your savior and scream
along with them, Barabbas, Barabbas! and Crucify Him! or to walk away because you realize when it all comes down to it, youve
really got nothing in common with that crowd if they make such blatantly and grotesque choices (11:107)

Discipleship is not really for those who strive, seek and need to be popular. (12:85)

The ultimate dream of popularity: popularity and applause and admiration from both, the winning team, and the opposing team, the
enemys side. Popular with everyone.
But there comes a point when youre forced to either choose with the crowd whom you want released as your savior and scream
along with them, Barabbas, Barabbas! and Crucify Him! or to walk away because you realize when it all comes down to it, youve
really got nothing in common with that crowd if they make such blatantly grotesque choices (12:107)

What matters is not how popular you are down there, but how well and how much you can present the Spirit of Heaven and the
possibility for them to wind up Up Here! (15:223)

To get ready for changes when those changes are up ahead is the task of a leader, even if it wont make you play the most popular
The prophets predicting doom werent as popular as the majority predicting good times up ahead, but you know which of them the
true and false ones were.
Its not an easy or popular job to be a true prophet, predicting times of trouble, when everyone around seeks good and easy times
but thats just the state the world is in: Its not a constantly blissful paradise, and youre one of the few who know and accept the fact
of who currently runs it and is preparing for a global rule in the flesh.
Just remember that it was only a tiny minority of those who announced the troubles to come and they did, and its not a task or role
connected in any way to popularity!
So, remember that thats not supposed to be your goal popularity, but its much rather your task to stick to the truth, even if
concerning whats expecting the world, its an ugly and unpleasant one! (16:74)

In a world run by the flesh and carnal efforts, its an act of faith to place your actions, works and deeds into the Realm of the Spirit,
and you just cant expect popularity from the masses around you, nor acceptance from your fellow-humans observing you. (16:146)

You can imagine how popular these sayings of Mine are, which is another reason why the coming times of trouble will be the worst
ever. (16:149)

Man-pleasing and popularity may look like the stuff ones supposed to do for success in this world, but theres a vast difference
between what Id consider success, and what they do in the world. (2016:153)

Visible sources of input are just a lot more popular than the ones that require a large step of faith.
Trouble is what the vast majority is headed and aiming for, and to go a different path isnt popular. (2016:165)

That your job for Me doesnt make you popular is obvious. (2016:168)

What will matter most of all in the future is not your popularity or other folks opinion about you, but your choice what youll stick to
the most: your connection with Me and My channel, or the popularity wavelength and regard for others opinions. (2016:175)

Not making it in this world as someone popular is what youre having to get used to. The star of the show thats coming is the devil
and you wont want to have anything to do with his act. It means, popularity is out finished for those who truly are My people,
because the star of the show thats coming is the one whos been causing all the trouble in this world from the beginning ready to
finish it off with a gross ending. (2016:183)

Not worrying too much about what others think about you is definitely a positive to aim for. Its part of putting Me and My will on the
top of the list, instead of others opinions about you, and thus, your own popularity. (17:14)

Needing Mes a good sign, and a better mode than independence; even if not exactly sounding popular according to the themes of
the world.
- Another sign of why worldly popularity isnt on Our list of positive features, just as independence isnt, concerning folks geared
toward applying Our Help from Heaven. (17:35)

Announcing something different than what folks are used to may not be very popular, but that just confirms My opinion about
popular. For Someone having heard Hosanna! three days before the crowds in the same place yelled crucify Him! popularity
doesnt have a very strong or reliable meaning, and thats something His true followers should learn and realize. (17:79)

Remember popularity being something not really worth any efforts to achieve in the kind of world youre living in! (17:109)

Faith in something youve got to believe in even if you havent seen it yet, is not as popular as the knowledge according to physical
and carnal experiences But its the Stuff I rely on to work through. (17:119)

Being prepared for whats expecting the globe is not exactly something that makes you popular among your fellow humans. (17:149)

Being a servant of Mine isnt a popularity factor, since thats only brought about through pleasing others. (17:184)

Remember that popularity is not something I want My followers to strive for! - Not in the state where this world is presently heading.
Seeking first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness is definitely the opposite of seeking popularity with the folks around you.
Dont get discouraged about any level of un-popularity! (17:202)
Questions & Answers
I can answer every question if youll but ask. (I:156)

Worry is the question mark, prayer brings the answer. (I:375)

For those who seek an answer, there will be an answer! Sometimes it will take a little time, but if what they seek is the truth, they will
find the answer. (III:91)

You need to have answers. You need to be able to show that you've really got the Answer Man, able to give you answers. You're not
supposed to be ignorant and duped by Satan's lies.
The purpose of the things I show you is to answer the questions that people have about Me and the meaning of things. (III:130)

I can only reveal things to people that they long for and need somehow. I can only give the answers they seek. (III:170)

Once you've availed yourself of the God Factor in your equations, everything else starts making beautiful sense. All the question
marks slowly turn into exclamation marks of wonder and awe... (III:239)

It's those times of uncertainty that serve best to make sure you become certain of your cause, because you question, and
accordingly you receive answers, which strengthen and solidify your convictions and resolve. (III:324)

I can bring the answers to all their question marks. (III:501)

The question Do we get what we deserve? is already answered: Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap (Gal.6:7). (IV:35)

People have questions and doubts, and youve got answers. At least some of them, and compared to many people, quite a lot of
Questions people have about God and the Bible and the biblical view of things will cause you to probe further and find answers to,
and thus enlarge the scope of your knowledge and perception of things, too. (IV:97)

I like for My followers and disciples to know what they believe in, and I like to answer their questions. (IV:106)

A regular habit and custom of simply listening to Me would be the simple and yet all-encompassing answer and solution to all
troubles, questions and riddles (IV:109)

The question at the beginning of every day of your life is, what are you going to fill your life with today? The values that last, or the
temporary values of the world? Are you betting on flesh or spirit? Time or Eternity? The fake or the Real Thing? The enemys empty
promises, or on Me? (IV:200)

Just as there is a natural remedy and cure for every ailment in creation, youll also find an answer to any problem or question if you
keep looking long and hard enough. (IV:222)

The question you will want to answer with a definite yes some day when youll get Here will be, Have I done all I possibly could?
And in order to make sure that this will be the case, I have to draw your attention in sometimes painful ways, granted to the areas
in which you could improve and that are hindering you from reaching that goal. (IV:242)

I need an occasional weirdo who happens to pose himself questions about the meaning of life and who seriously spends some
time on trying to find some answers. (IV:518)

Got any questions, or only see question marks ahead of you? Tap Me for My answers! (IV:528)

There will be an answer! Sometimes you might just have to wait for it for a little bit!
Sometimes the answer is Wait! (IV:530)

The answer to the question, How much of a disciple have you really been? that you might be asked at the end of your road, is up to
you. (11:139)

Receiving answers to your questions will not be taken away, even when the physical as you know it will have been taken away. (12:82)

Are you really in it for Me, and the right reasons?

Can I really bless you and give you My go ahead in all aspects?
Whenever theres a dry stretch on your path, its a time to ask yourself these questions. (12:86)
Who can see what no one else sees? Thats the question here! Who can believe what no one else believes? (12:98)

Sometimes the answer is found by asking the right kind of questions. (13:71)

Some issues wont be fully revealed until you get Here, where the questions will be answered and the mysteries of life solved. (16:13)

Love is the answer! To basically all the questions coming up through peoples hearts, and to all the longings in the heart of My
sheep, many of whom are still lost out there, looking and waiting to be found. (16:32)

Time is coming when the question Think you can make it without Me? will be answered with an obvious No way! (16:86)

There will be an answer, and somehow its much easier to find when folks are less distracted by their physical and material
advantages. (16:147)

Can you let Me do things through you that you cant?

Thats the question, the answer to which will determine whether youll make it through the times to come, or wont. (16:181)

Cant see how youll make it? Well good preparation for the times to come when every day of your life will bring up that question!

Can you make that choice for the option that seems by far the tougher and more difficult?
Thats basically the question. And the correct answer isnt just a verbal yes, but depends on the choices in your actions. (16:208)

Ive got the right answers for you and your questions. (17:112)

The big question: what you let life make of you. And the best option for that is to put your faith and trust in Me for whatll become of
See, the question is: Are you living for Me, and My honor and the Fathers, or just for yourself and your own pleasures, and whatever
amount of honor you can eek out of folks down there? (17:182)

Making it or not making it, this is the question. And the answer is: it depends on how much you rely on the Help from Above! (17:188)

Realization & Recognition

Eventually youll get to the point where you realize that nothing really matters like love, and anything else you might do doesnt even
come close to it. (11:11)

People have felt before that I was joking around. You know the classic example of Sarah with Isaac, but there have been many more.
Afterwards they realized, though, that there was a hidden sense and purpose in what I was doing, and that the ridiculous thing, really,
had been their unbelief
Some day youll realize that that was really the joke: your unbelief! (11:99)

The ideal would be for you to focus on Me. Unfortunately, the only way to get there is often the realization of your comparatively
pitiful state, which is why I must allow you to discover the depths to which human kind can sink without My Help. (11:132)

If you realize whats going on, and why you feel so miserable at times, namely because youre under attack from the powers that rule
this world, then its no wonder, nor any occasion to complain, but rather, the time to fight. (12:27)

Yielding to temptations has mind- and thus, reality-altering qualities, so it definitely pays to make an extra effort to recognize and
resist them, since the consequences can at times be devastating. (12:32)

The way to find divinity is to first of all realize that you havent got it in your present state, that youre blatantly devoid of it and
desperately need it, and then, that theres no way on Earth youre ever going to obtain it by your own carnal efforts, no matter how
ceaselessly the devil will tell you the opposite. (12:35)

True repentance is beginning to come to the realization of just how far youve strayed from what even you yourselves, in a sound
state of mind, would call acceptable. (12:46)

Its already a step forward to even come to the realization where a key factor of a problem lies.
Youve got the advantage that youre there to learn from the best and greatest Teacher of all, and thats an opportunity you should not
fail to appreciate and recognize! (12:61)

Its the realization of your own sinfulness that leads to Salvation, since it is what makes you aware of your need for it in the first
place. (12:62)
Its easy to have compassion or benevolent feelings toward those who seem a little more deserving, but who needs it most? Even if
they dont realize it? (12:68)

Sometimes there isnt much more to show forth in accomplishments and bravery than the mere lesson of the realization of your own
incapacity and acknowledgment of failure in order to start again at some point with slightly better cards. (12:71)

There will come a time when My role as a Savior will become abundantly clear and recognized as the only possible chance and hope
for life. (12:72)

The more you dwell in the knowledge that you are Mine, the more youll realize that theres really not so much to worry about. (12:81)

You have to realize that the strengthening of your faith including the shifting of your faith from your own power and strength to
Mine are more important than any problem and its temporary solution; its a priority, as far as Im concerned, just as eternal and
lasting values have always been over temporal currencies.
The first step to acquiring miracles: realizing you cant do it yourself. (12:86)

Being able to recognize and admit your problems is essential.

What you have to realize is that this is not a battle with lifes circumstances or someone else giving you a hard time, but a battle with
the enemy of your soul. (12:94)

You need to recognize your own incapacity and need of Me, which then prompts you not to make a move until you got ahold of Me,
My Presence, My voice in your life. (12:95)

Once you reach maturity you need to realize there are greater goals than patting yourself on the back because you did it on your
own. (12:117)

Realizing the need for positive spiritual input above your longing for pleasant physical circumstances is something thats becoming
very important, considering what times are before you. (16:82)

Dont be too concerned about a lack of action, but come to realize that the right sort of attitude is what will bring the proper sort of
action about! (16:83)

When things arent going perfect, let it help you realize that the state of the world youre in is far from perfect, and that you should
aim your spiritual focus Up Here the only Place thats perfect! (16:101)

You realize more and more that you fit in there less and less. (16:174)

Go a bit through what others on this planet have had to go through all their lives, in order to help you recognize that need for some to
get some heavenly Help and some Salvation from that hell on Earth and hell thereafter! (16:185)

Realizing the disability of making it on your own may turn out to be a more positive factor than you initially were able to see. (16:190)

Realizing you cant do it without My Help and anointing from Above is one of the keys to get folks moving in the right direction.

One reason why Im bringing forth the emphasis of the Spirit World, is to get you to the point where you recognize and accept Its
You have to recognize it as a fact that We cant always and constantly allow you to have things your way, but you should rather get
tuned in to Our way, especially with drastic changes you wouldnt be able to handle or cope with in your own strength and
understanding. (17:113)

The challenge is to learn to make it through rough days and times with My Help. Without recognizing the need for it, whod ever do it?
Youre not one of many who do, but one of the few.
Remember the importance of a heavenly viewpoint! - Or begin to realize it, if its not quite there yet!
One part of realization: where the Strength youll need to make it through whats coming has to come from. (17:119)

The only way to make it through the darkest times to come is through the realization that you wont stand a chance to make it without
Me, and the current rough times should be helpful preparation for coming to that realization.
The importance of desperation will become more realized through its coming necessity. (17:128)

If life so far has been comparatively easy, just come to the realization that thats one area in which drastic changes are taking place,
and the sooner you get used to it, the better. (17:141)

See tougher times to come and to handle as a way of Mine to get you to realize that that world simply isnt your home! (17:157)

When you cant do it yourself, its usually the golden time of the realization of Who really can. (17:159)

The realization of having to do better just comes from circumstances not being as rosy as youd likeem. (17:166)

I had My times in which I wouldnt have made it without the Father. And likewise, you have your times where you realize you need to
quit any attempt of trying to make it without Me. (17:183)
Once you fully realize that the strength and energy you need is not in yourself but only in Me, your mentality becomes more aware of
your dependence on me, and youll see the difference itll make between trying to do things in your own strengths and the results of
doing them in Mine. (17:185)

Realize that dependence on Me means the same as not making it without Me! (17:187)

I need you to realize that the easy days are over, and whats before you on the schedule you need to learn how to handle with My
supernatural and miraculous Help.
Create a vacuum inside you for heavenly Help, and continue to pull It down toward you! And in order to give you the incentive to do
that, guess you need to realize that you cant and wont make it without It. (17:188)

To count your blessings and accept them as such means to also recognize them as such, and not believe in the enemys method of
picturing them as disadvantages. (17:191)

To realize the advantages of their true God and Creator, the world first needs to recognize the disadvantages of a fake god ruling over
Unfortunately, the methods and tricks of our enemy to tempt folks to the wrong way are quite subtle, and have to be recognized
before they can be resisted and overcome. (17:193)

If the days are tough for you right now, remember that tougher ones are on their way, and the realization that you wont make it
through your days without Me is just about the best preparation for those dark days coming. (17:201)

The fleshly confidence in its own capabilities in the way it worked with things as they were just wont come in touch with the
realization of the tough reality that simply is out there in a world being run by Gods very enemy. (17:205)

If you realize you dont deserve any better than what youre getting, you might feel more capable of making the best you can out of an
even lousy situation. (17:212)

Sometimes improvement only comes through the recognition of that its needed, and finding out exactly where and how. And what
other teacher does that, but experience? (17:217)

Recognize the level of importance Im supposed to have in your life! (17:220)

Receptivity (Availability/Openness) vs. Rejection

The way they treat you determines the way they would treat Me. (II:289)

One of your greatest abilities is availability. Are you available for Me? (II:435)

My Spirit is like a broadcasting station that never stops broadcasting, so, as long as you've got a listening ear and a proper
functioning receiver, I'll always have something to say. (II:443)

It's the act of receiving and drinking in (=Pistevo, the Greek word from the Gospels translated as faith and believing) that makes a true believer
out of you.
Isn't it sad when somebody is too full to receive?
Those who refuse to drink in, to wholeheartedly receive My truth, are they who have heard My Word and received the seed, but then
the enemy distorts it in their mind and turns it into some gospel of their own, one which won't oppose him, but will live in peaceful
coexistence with all he stands for, and thus, will always sooner or later begin to work against Me. (II:448)

Openness brings you further. Openness toward each other, to both learn from and teach each other, to care and be cared for, to
receive and to share, to shepherd and correct, as well as be shepherded and corrected. (II:468)

Don't get stuck on trying to preserve what you've got, but open wide for the floods to come! (II:625)

Once you've accepted your path and you realize that the suffering is nothing strange about it, but that it belongs, and that it just
serves to eradicate the impurities, you'll also find yourself of greater service to My people, and find that there will be those who'll
receive your healing, your message, your sacrifice... just as there were those who did receive Me; those who make it worth it all.

Receive from Me, and then pass on what you've received! (III:249)

That "little strength" you have is your receptivity to My signal, which is relatively weak and quiet, compared to all the blaring noisy
signals the enemy is sending out into the world, and it does require a certain skill to stay tuned to My signal. (III:268)
I like flexibility, adaptability, mobility and availability, readiness to become whatever it is I happen to need at the time.
- To be active when I call you to action; to be still when I need you to listen! (III:355)

The rough times are going to come, and they're also going to work for you in making people more receptive, making the truth you've
got to share more obvious, easier to receive and believe. (III:363)

How much can others rely on you? How available are you? How willing are you to contribute to My current move of the Spirit? (III:418)

Thats defense mechanism no. 1 in the world, that people use to keep from getting hurt: just look for a flaw in someone you feel
drawn and attracted to, in order to prevent the risk of rejection. If you are a victim to that trap, imagine how many others are!
You have to have the courage to like someone and to love someone and risk possibly being rejected or disliked by them, otherwise,
what chance have they got? (III:476)

I have sent you to preach the Good News of the Gospel, but for those who will reject it, it becomes bad news, because it signals,
heralds and ushers in their doom and downfall. (III:480)

Who will receive our witness and testimony? To whom shall the arm of the Lord be revealed? You will only find out by bringing
them the message and thus putting them before the choice of either rejecting or receiving it. (III:525)

It all depends the receptor and capacities to receive, how much youre going to get from Me, both in aspects of guidance and
personal Words from Me, but also in regards to happiness and personal fulfillment. What do you have the faith, the vacuum, and the
space to receive?
What room is there for Me in your heart, in your life? How much space is there for Me to freely move and act and show My Power on
your behalf? How ready for Me are you? (III:546)

Peoples unwillingness and incapability to cope with the truth is something youre going to have to learn more about, deal with, and
find ways to bring the truth home to people, even if thats the one thing they reject. (III:565)

Youve got to make a little effort and stretch out your hands of faith to receive.(IV:8)

Once anyone has made the decision to reject Me and they show it openly by resisting you, then Ive shown and told you what to do:
you leave their place and shake off the dust from your feet, and your peace will return unto you.
Once they made the decision where they reject you and what youve got to say and oppose you, then youve got no obligations
toward them, as far as Im concerned, because they have chosen the enemy to be master over their lives instead of Me.
When they basically reject anything you might have to say, because theyre totally caught up in their own puny, present little world of
their own little ridiculous temporal position of power, its up to you to let the dead bury their dead. (IV:107)

When you feel rejected by people, and feel that they reject your message, you have to realize that its because of the devil that they
dont like what you have to say. He doesnt like what you have to say, and so he seeks to discourage you by manipulating and
conditioning people into rejecting your output. Of course, hes also doing it in order to stop them from getting saved. He wants to
make sure theyll stay his slaves (IV:152)

More often than not, I have availed Myself of single men instead of armies. (IV:220)

I would like to avail Myself of you, if you're ready for it. (IV:226)

Try to stay in receptive mode and on standby anywhere you go and anywhere you are! (IV:236)

Just as the brain initiates any action that your hands are going to take, or any movement your legs and feet are going to make in a
certain direction, so the Spirit World is the initiator of whats happening in the physical realm, where the initial impulse meets upon
the human relays and switch-points, waiting for the individual reactions of either accepting and processing the impulse, or rejecting
it, and thus action in the physical realm is born. (IV:237)

Keep your feet on the ground! Good grounding will ensure a better reception, so, stay on the ground, and keep your heart attuned to
My heavenly music! (IV:267)

You can always count on My availability to quench and fill your need. (IV:281)

I specialize in collecting treasures the world discards, and making precious gems and rare pieces of fine art out of them. If youre
rejected, rejoice! Thats precisely the material I can use best for My purposes. (IV:355)

A few droplets of Heavens Magic project My Realm into your hearts. But your hearts have got to be ready for it, open and willing to
receive it, and it just so happens that broken hearts are the ideal receptacles (IV:406)

I will yet show to the world that the most glorious task anyone can fulfill is to be open and receptive and yielded to receive from Me,
more than anything else they could ever do in their own strength and efforts. (IV:463)

The greatest hindering factor that stops people from receiving things from Me is that theyve got so much already. Theyre already so
full of other stuff, theres no room left for Me and what I want to give and bring into their lives.
One of your greatest abilities is availability, and the more room and space you have in your life, the lighter you travel, the more
available youll obviously be; able to get to another place youre needed much more easily. (11:15)
To spark interest in others, get them to a place and position of receptiveness to open up for what you've got to offer, present it well,
and make that which you've got appealing and desirable for them! (11:48)

Your capacities to receive may be limited, but those are the only limitations to what I have to give and want to give you, which is why I
allow you to reach those natural limits of yours, so that you will avail yourself of Me and whats Mine to give you. (11:78)

Sensitivity generally makes it hard for folks to accept and willingly receive good advice, especially on things they could or ought to
be doing better. (11:129)

Its hard when you dont have a fold to bring sheep to that simply doesnt exist in the physical realm.
The only Realm you can bring them to is Mine, which is a challenge, of course, since they cannot see It, touch It, and really only feel It
once they open up their hearts to It and receive It. (11:133)

Judgment leads to rejection, and the reason why people reject Me so often is because they have already judged Me in their hearts
and minds. (12:58)

While the rejection of you and all you have to offer may trouble you, it doesnt trouble Me at all, and it shouldnt trouble you, either.
Its their choice, and thats what ought to be troubling them. (12:67)

It may sound like a tough task to you to instill that faith in others, but just keep your eyes open for any receptive ones! (15:223)

All you can look for down there isnt perfect people, but receptive ones to be willing to receive Me and thus also make it Up Here
thanks to you, and that will be the fulfillment of the purpose of your life! (15:226)

Just finding the nicest and most comfy and pleasant place possible down there, isnt what its all about. Just find the receptive ones!

Youre getting the largest amount of input from Me on availing yourself of that Help from Above, without which youre not going to
make it through those times coming, and also as potentially helpful input for others becoming receptive during that time. (15:234)

Your presence down there still has a significant effect, even when you cant get them to repeat prayers after you! In fact, the extent to
which they receive you (and he that receiveth you receiveth Me (Mt.10:40)) may be more significant than just repeating a prayer.
If you stick to My Word, youll know that they that receive you, may be receiving Me and My spiritual Presence along with you.
Commandments are becoming so difficult for many these days, that just receiving Me through receiving those whom Ive sent there
may cut the cake. Providing they receive you for the right motivation.
So, keep it in mind, that he that receives you, receives Me, and thus, also the Father of Love, Who sent Me, because He loved the
world (Jn.3:16), and He still loves those of the world ready to receive Me and those We sent there! (15:250)

Share some of the vibes youre receiving and have received from Up Here with the receptive folks out there in fact, even any of
those folks there, to help them make their choices of receptivity or rejection!
Getting folks to make their choices of receiving the fruits of the Spirit is pretty much your main job! (16:33)

The ability to resist negative conditions and circumstances and see the positive in spite of them may be comparatively rare, but
something necessary, if you want to be successful in inspiring others to accept your faith and possibly the only way youll manage
to, with the majority of receptive folks. (16:49)

Become a bit more open toward receptiveness of others in spite of lack of perfection, just as We are with you! (16:50)

I know you need Help from Above, but learn to turn towards it and ask for it, in order to receive it! (16:51)

One important factor is not to just be concerned about your survival down there, but the job each of My true followers should have in
mind, concerning being a witness, and thus, a director to Heaven for others who are receptive, and thus deserve to come Up Here
when their lives are over (16:52)

You need more strength than youve got right now, but thats what is available for you from Up Here, and youve got to learn to avail
yourself of, because of the conditions down there getting worse, in fact, bound to become the worst of all of history. (16:67)

The tough times cause you to cling closer to Me, and thus make you more receptive for all Ive got to offer you the Strengths of the
Spirit, preparing you and getting you ready for the Thereafter. (16:73)

Its peoples reception of your very presence what will tell the tale and be their decision concerning their course of the afterlife.
He that receives you receives Me; and he that receives Me, receives Him that sent Me (Mt.10:40).
So, just have that faith, that its okay for Me if they receive you as one of My messengers down there, and not even capable of giving
a lot of message in words or language, but just through your appearance and your spirit.
I wont hold you responsible anymore for not managing to make them repeat the prayer to receive Me. (16:83)

Dont let the negativity that the enemy is trying to sow in you be whats ruling your emotions and mental state! Reject and refuse
them, and point your spiritual vision Up Here! (16:95)

Theres a time coming when worldly circumstances will make those who are sheep more receptive. (16:136)
The diminishing of human intelligence at older age signifies the downhill slope of earthly life. Fortunately, that downhill-slope makes
older folks more receptive for whats to come than theyve mainly been at a younger age and higher physical and mental capacities.

Dont let circumstances drag you down, but make that effort and fight to keep your antenna of spiritual reception up! (16:144)

You can imagine that folks will be more receptive during the times of trouble to come. (16:147)

To make positive out of historys greatest negative takes faith in the Word, which all things have been made and created of, and
became flesh and blood shed for all that receive It. (16:162)

Time to plant My seeds deeply into your heart to let them bring forth fruit in you which should result in some positive action! Not
just living for your own mere survival anymore, or your own well-being, but focusing on the tough job Ive given My followers to
spread My Word and message to folks, even during circumstances and conditions where the majority of the crowds are absolutely
not in a receptive state or condition for it, followed by worldwide persecution with our enemy at the reigns Still they need to be
warned. Still they need to be told the truth, in spite of their permanent state of rejection. So that nobody can say, But we didnt
know when the judgment comes! (16:168)

We can use just about anyone thats willing to be used by Heavens Power. (16:170)

If youre not feeling comfortable nor at home down there anymore, let it be a reminder to let others know about a better Home
awaiting, and that all it takes to get There is to receive Me as their Savior! (16:176)

Making whats going on Up Here happening and working inside you is so much more important than just letting affect you whats
going on around you. Its lifting your antenna up to heavenly reception, except just perceiving whats going on around you down
there. (16:188)

Receiving instead of rejecting the mindsets of those I put close to you shows a degree of your trust in Me that I knew what I was
doing when setting you up with them. (16:190)

If the world doesnt have much left to offer, raise your visions and expectations Up Here, and receive what Weve got to offer! (16:195)

Sometimes, to get into the right reception groove, one should simply get moving in that direction opposed to always sticking to the
same old rut! (17:41)

Acceptance and reception of My followers and Gods children will result in Salvation from hell for them, so, remember that your walk
through that darker getting world has a sense and purpose for many others. How they receive you is how theyd receive Me. (17:51)

Remember the factor about peoples difference in their levels of receptivity toward you! For some itll mean bliss ever after, for
others, hell instead.
Their receptivity toward you or lack thereof will be a decisive factor for their fates. (17:55)

The hard times are supposed to make you softer. And its up to your choice, whether you allow them to do so, or make you harder
instead. It depends a lot on your receptivity as from Above whatever happens to befall you. (17:61)

Seeing the - maybe a bit more rare - positive acts of behavior, and just making the effort to focus on them more than the negative
traits, should help developing a more positive attitude and receptiveness.
Having to put up with different beings just teaches receptiveness and openness - something that a lot of folks are lacking these days.

A great attitude to have: Ive got something better to offer. - An eternal Place to truly call Home.
And especially when the world will have reached its final and ultimate state of hell under its masters rulership, thats when it should
be easier to find receptive ones for such good news.
Keep the heavenly vision and share it with the receptive ones! (17:69)

Spiritual receptions becoming tougher with the vaster degree of enemy input from all sides.
Deal with the fact that not being a perfect receptor, it will always include the necessity of some cleansing of what you receive!
Sometimes things have got to be purified, even if they come from Above, but being received by earthly, and thus faulty recipients.
If its your mind thats being used to receive heavenly input, take it into consideration that it might still require some corrections! -
Take it as part of the job! Cleaning the heavenly Water from effects of the earthly reception.
The fact that nobodys perfect down there just needs to be handled including the fact that what they receive, even if from perfect
sources, might have to be checked after reception mode. (17:76)

Remember that he that receiveth you receiveth Me, and thats part of your continuing purpose for Me down there, to get to see who
are the receptive ones down there.
So, keep being My tools down there for Me to get to see who receives Me through you!
You ought to be mindful of the sort of sample you give, and not give folks an excuse for not receiving you - and thus, Me because of
those failures.
Your task for Me down there is to make your presence a representation of My ultimate - and eventually coming - Presence, which - for
every life that does receive Me - will make the ultimate difference! (17:77)

The quality of openness for new facts and factors can change your points of view.
Acceptance as part of your personality is better than rejection since thats what I expect from folks who will want to get Up Here
where I and My believers are: reception of Me, and thus acceptance of My different teachings from the worlds, whereas rejection of
what I came to offer is pretty much one of the top negatives.
Dont be closed-minded, but open-minded!
Dont be rejective, but receptive! Be receptive of others in hopes that theyll be willing to receive Me!
And that includes new ideas. Be open! - Open for the new! (17:85)

Tolerating and receiving whatever your Creator deems fit to come upon you requires faith, I admit but wasnt that the important
thing of it all? (17:91)

Since you arent part of the crowd following the current god of this world, you shouldnt be too shocked that you cant expect much
of a spirit or an attitude of receptivity toward you, except by the exceptional ones, My sheep. (17:95)

As much as you avail yourself of My Strength and Power determines how much youll be available to Me and enable Me to use you
for the divine purposes Wed like you to fulfill, even if its through the hardest times of history. (17:120)

The enemys teaching that all things came by themselves doesnt make it easier to believe in and honor the One that faith tells you all
things came from but what can you expect from a world taken over through mans choices by His enemy, just to show the universe
where that rejection will lead? (17:124)

Reject the influences your conditions seek to have on you, trying to distract you from setting the priority where its due! (17:127)

Dont underestimate the reception of My Word, if receiving the Word made flesh means life instead of death, even if some of those
around you may not always appreciate you investing your time in that receiving the Word activity and ministry! (17:134)

The Alternative which I have in store, weve been looking for the receptive ones for ever since. (17:165)

See the benefit of the benefit youre giving those who are receiving you with open arms, even if the manifestation of that reception
may not be perfect in all the little details!
Having received you, theyve received Me in you, and remember the benefit of They that received Him! (17:167)

The voice of faith is there to receive it, while doubts are there to learn to reject them.
One side - the positive and divine - is whats there to receive, while the other, the negative and diabolical, to refuse, resist and reject.

Faith depends on your level of receptivity for what I have to give and teach you, which sometimes is part of a test of faith. After
receiving Me as your Savior, dont be too shocked if youre expected to also receive those tests of your faith, which is what will make
it keep growing! (17:177)

Remember whos the one most likely behind tempting you to reject that process of Me trying to make a humble man out of you!

Even if others dont receive those Words of Mine I give you for them its still your duty to pass them on!
Its your duty to give, even if others wont receive! (17:196)

Open-mindedness and receptivity toward the expectations or desires of others toward you is an advantage. (17:198)

Stay in reception mode! Stay open and receptive toward Me throughout the day to make sure you stay in the Holy Spirit, and not fall
prey to one of the enemys vicious attacks! (17:204)

Pleasing folks isnt My task for you, but the way they receive you for who and what you are, not what you do for them should be more
of an indication whether it could be My will for you to stay with them!
Folks wanting to receive Me through you have to get used to and ready for that factor of My ways being different compared to the
worlds and to some extent opposing and heading in a completely different direction.
Receptivity is a major factor, like John wrote: As many as received Him, to them gave He Power to become children of God.
Or I said: He that receiveth you, receiveth Me, and he that receiveth Me receiveth Him that sent Me.
The priority of giving over receiving only comes after receiving Me and the Holy Spirit to help you give the right Stuff and things.

That is why there are older folks who still strongly refuse to accept Me as their Lord and Savior: Their bodies may have weakened,
but their mind is still strong and determined to resist Me for whatever reason. (IV:133)

You are glaring lights in the midst of darkness, and you can bet that the darkness will resist that light. (IV:181)
Even if its hard to resist the initial temptation to do what comes natural and harden up as a reaction to all you see, the goal is, not to
allow it to affect you on the inside, to become spiritually invulnerable to all the hurtful and thoughtless, careless things they do.

Its hard to resist a trend that is followed by just about everyone on the planet, like a tidal wave that is just bound to flush you along.
But what Im saying is, you can resist it, if you choose to. (11:139)

Yielding to temptation has mind- and thus, reality-altering qualities, so it definitely pays to make an extra effort to recognize and
resist them, since the consequences can at times be devastating. (12:32)

People have the urge to make others adapt to their own ways as a confirmation that theyre doing the right thing, or the only possible
thing, so when someone comes along with different plans, theyre not exactly thrilled about your disturbing their worldview, and start
resisting you, and thats what creates outsiders and dropouts: peoples inability to accept the different in their own midst. (12:92)

Learning the lessons from your wrongs is one of the major purposes of life, so dont resist it! (16:12)

Consider that temptation to get into negative tempers something you need to make an effort to resist and fight against!
Thats what faith is all about: the ability to resist the negative conditions and circumstances and see the positive in spite of them.
Dont let the enemy take over! Resist him!
If resisting hims becoming a tough task, how about asking Me help you make it? (16:49)

What could be better preparation for the hardest times to come, than to get used to hard and tough times and circumstances? So,
dont resist and resent them, but see them as helpful preparation for whats about to come! (16:54)

What you need to learn is to resist the influences of evil on you!

Strive to make the forces of the good stronger in your life, and do all you can to resist those of evil! (16:56)

Learning to resist the temptations is another task of life. (16:57)

See worries as attacks from the enemy! And resist them!

Trust Me and all the Powers from Above that We are able to see you through, and resist the worries the enemy would like to toss at
you! (16:64)

Even if the majority of those around you tend to make the wrong choices, the question is: are you able to resist that
temptation and still choose the right things to do, even if the majority of folks on the planet wont? (16:67)

Youve got to keep resisting the enemy! Remember: Resist the devil, and he will flee from you (James 4:7)!
Dont give in to his tactics of discouragement, but resist them!
Right nows the time to get into resisting his methods of discouragement and spiritual weakening. (16:96)

Resist the evil and look Up Here; keep your focus on Me through faith, not on the hell-bound circumstances down there!
Its time to get back into the fighting gear! Not just passively resisting the evil surrounding you, but managing through the victorious
(by faith) state youre in to have a positive effect on those around you!
The time of the end of Satans reign the Father allowed in order for us all to find out whod resist and not follow the evil one, but
choose the good instead all that comes from Him. (16:97)

An important lesson: to make the right choice; reject and resist the evil, and to prefer to choose the good instead. (16:112)

Get ready for Gods Power to help you resist and overcome and survive the enemys power when hell take over the ACs body to rule
the world for its Great Tribulation! (16:117)

Sometimes it takes extra efforts to resist the enemy.

And to resist his attacks is pretty much a life-long task. (16:123)

When the enemy almost manages to convince you that his negative powers and influence are greater than My positive ones, it just
means youve got to resist and fight him. Dont let him drag you down, but fight and resist!
Faith shouldnt just be a theoretical mindset, but has to be put into action, especially when having to resist and fight a ferocious
enemy whos doing all he can to destroy it.
Living by faith means to attain the ability to resist all influences of negative circumstances around you.
Remember youve got the most powerful enemy there is with all his hoards, whose primary current goal is to attempt to get you to
give up and give in! But resist those attempts of evil, and make your faith come to life that tells you that My Power to help you
overcome them is greater! (2016:144)

See the enemys temptations as one of the greatest evils and dangers to be aware of, resist and fight against!
Temptations of sin arent something that leads to Godly pleasure, but the end result is often something to regret. So, definitely
something to resist! Amen?
Thats one aspect in which you should learn from My footsteps: Resisting the devil so that hell flee from you! After all, when he
tempted Me to become his ruler of the world under him not a temptation many would manage to resist but remember thats one
thing being My followers all about: Resisting the enemys temptations! And he pretty much knows what he can tempt you with! So,
watch out and resist! (2016:154)
The only way to get ready for a better Hereafter is to learn to resist the offers of the snake. To learn to resist temptation. Resist the
false promises of what mankind can achieve in its own strength alone; and seeking what a mess the globe winds up in should be a
clear lesson of what one shouldnt strive for or get into the groove of joining all the others to make out of this world. (2016:162)

The wicked master bound to take over the world will ultimately expose himself as the ultimate evil and source thereof.
So, keep resisting him and stay in tune with Our Spirit and protection to shelter you from his wickedness and attacks of wickedness
and evil! (2016:166)

Do not allow whats going on around you in the physical to drag you down! Now, when it comes to that kind of feelings its better
to learn to resist them, and let Me lift you up through your faith! (2016:182)

Withholding the golden opportunity to share Heaven or at least offer the way there to others is pretty much the greatest and severest
failure of the history of mankind; and if you dont want to be guilty of that, do all you can to resist the devil from his weakening and
hindrance to do it!
Its the one thing it pays even if it may cost the most, too to resist and fight against! (2016:185)

Having to learn to put up with demonic influences should teach you to be mindful of, and more on the attack against them, or a
greater effort to resist them. (17:4)

If youre having to make it through some wicked attacks, do what you can to resist them, and remember that youve got My Help and
Power at your disposal to help defend you! (17:8)

If your days are full of battles, its a reminder that its a spiritual war going on, and youre supposed to fight, not allow the devil to
drag you down! So, dont let him, but resist him! (17:26)

Resisting the temptations to turn into a spoiled brat is probably one of the most desperately needed fights. (17:28)

Its tough resist the influences of other humans behavior you lived most of your life under, but thats just part of the task of learning
to resist. (17:39)

The lie that everything popped up by itself is what the majority believes and broadcasts everywhere, and its hard to resist that sort
of massive influence.
If the devil tries to torture you with thoughts that those around you are considering you wasting your time you spend in
communication with Me, just be brave enough to resist those doubts and negative thoughts, and trust in Me and that I know what Im
giving you is what you need! (17:75)

You have to learn to resist anger when you feel it coming along! (17:78)

Youve got to resist the devil, and he will flee from you! Thats one of the tasks for My believers to manage to defend themselves
against the evil attacks of our enemy. (17:94)

Wickedness is something to deal with. Its either becoming its victim or resistant. (17:95)

The enemy knows what areas in your life you still give him an opportunity to enter and have some influence. So, its still important to
resist him and his temptations, even if they might not be all that obvious.
So, let it be a reminder of the importance of resisting temptation! (17:106)

Keep resisting the enemy, and whats the Promise? - He will flee from you (Jam.4:7).
Im proud of My resisters, even if theyre the minority by far. Or perhaps especially because they are. (17:114)

Resistance is a factor you have to be conscious and aware of the need of My Source of Strength for. (17:119)

Make the effort to stay on a positive wavelength, and resist the spiritual and mental attacks and influences from the enemys side!

With the majority of folks around you investing their time and efforts in whatever material fruits life brings forth for them, it can not
only be distracting at times, but a downright temptation to go the opposite way and direction of the one I ask My believers and
followers to take. And to resist that temptation is one of the major challenges of the century for believers.
So, keep resisting that temptation with all that you can! (17:121)

Keep up your shield of resistance and remember: Resist the enemy, and he will flee from you (Jam.4:7)!
Keep up that shield of faith against him that Paul mentioned (Eph.6:16)! Youve got that sword of the Spirit (Eph.6:17) in your hand, but
dont forget the shield of resistance! (17:125)

If you want to be recognized as a follower of Mac Positive, its important you stay on His positive wavelength, and dont allow the
influences of Mc Negative to affect you. One of the main purposes of resistance. Keep remembering, Resist the devil, and he will
flee from you!
And remember where and whose side the lack of appreciation must be coming from, and keep resisting that mode, accordingly!
So, feel tempted to feel discouraged? Resist those temptations!
Keep fighting for your victory over things the enemy will use to drag you down! Dont just accept them as common human traits,
but something youve got to learn to resist and win the battle against! (17:129)

The surroundings are mainly influenced by the enemys forces, and youve just got to resist them and fight against them! (17:132)
Sometimes you dont feel too motivated to do anything, because of your frustration about your current circumstances, but dont you
think its a bit sad the enemy gets you into such a state? You shouldnt let him, but instead, keep resisting him!
If the enemy cooks up some methods to distract and discourage you, resist him!
Who could the motion to want to give up possibly come from? Our enemy, that youve got to keep resisting and fighting!
Resist the devil, even if he talks through the ones right around you! Its his favorite trick and method. (17:137)

To resist the enemy is what everyone of My followers had to learn.

And not just resist his efforts to drag you down in your moods, but especially the assaults hes making on your character with the
goal to damage and hurt others around you. (17:141)

Resist the enemys temptations to get you to worry Overcome that temptation, and resist him! (17:143)

If you think its just as bad as it can get right now, Im afraid youll experience much greater and worse manifestation of the enemys
forces in the dark times to come. So, the sooner you learn to resist the influences of his power in the world, the better!
So, stay aware of whats there to fight against and resist each day!
Our Strengths and blessings to pull you through will come to you through asking and praying for them and staying on the resistance
against the evil powers soon to take just about absolute and total control over that world!
The way your faith grows to the level where you manage to overcome evil is simply by being confronted with it, making you grow in
the resistance against it; and in that aspect, tests of faith are not just tests, but also methods to make it grow stronger. - Stronger to
resist the forces of evil, which will get to their highest level in world history and so your strength of resistance against them will
have to grow, too. (17:145)

Take the difficult times, as a challenge, a factor to strengthen your faith and power of resistance against the evil forces!
Remember what I told you about seeing the negative factors Im allowing as positive ones to strengthen your faith and capability of
resistance against the evil forces, which will otherwise become too powerful for you to bear with in the days to come!
Let the tough times be a factor to strengthen you and your resistance against the evil and negative factors of what youre being
confronted with! (17:153)

Self-righteousness is something you should make your effort to resist!

To make something better out of life, one of the absolute necessities is to resist the enemys efforts to drag you down from being a
good sample of faith! (17:158)

One of the enemys typical temptations is causing folks living for Me to quit.
So, dont see that as something unusual! Just keep resisting, and trust Me that itll help in the process of making you stronger!

A sign and example of many of the enemys tricks and distractions:

Whenever Ive got something to say, he always chimes in with a But
So, keep resisting his temptations and distractions! (17:171)

To make it in resistance against the enemys ultimate reign will only be possible through faith in the greater - even though spiritual
Power - than what the devil will rig up in the physical as the AC! (17:184)

To keep going and continuing on your path of faith is one of the things the enemy will try to get you to quit, but thats where the
necessity of resistance comes in.
What youve got to expect is the necessity and need for resistance against all the efforts the enemy and his host will make to get you
to give up. (17:187)

Resist the influences of the spirits having taken over the world that are planning to take over a large part of mankind in the flesh, and
will do so in order to show who belongs to Me and who belongs to the enemy, and not let them rub you the wrong way, so that theyll
get you onto a track of behavior you might become ashamed of some day!
So, keep resisting the enemys and his co-hoards influences that drag you down, and make the effort to stay tuned to the Spirit of
God instead, Amen? (17:191)

If pride is one of the greatest spiritual curses the enemy is trying to smear onto My supposed followers, its one of the things you
have to remain the most conscious of the need to resist.
Whenever you feel the temptation to feel offended by something someones telling you or anothers asking you to do, remember that
necessity to resist that temptation, and take My humble path instead, trusting that Ill help you to do it! (17:192)

Unfortunately, the methods and tricks of our enemy to tempt folks to the wrong way are quite subtle, and have to be recognized
before they can be resisted and overcome. (17:193)

Whenever somethings attacking your love toward a person, make all the effort you manage to resist it! (17:194)

The devil knows whos too weak to resist his fierce attacks, so, unless you make a real effort to rise above and resist him, dont be
too shocked! (17:198)

Being surrounded by folks who still put a large amount of their trust and confidence in money isnt exactly helpful, but see it as one
of the types of influences you should learn to resist! (17:199)

Resist the enemys negative inputs through the shield of faith to protect you from all his influences. (17:204)
The tough reality in a world being run by Gods very enemy and to keep fighting and resisting him and his influences is what lifes
challenges for My believers are all about. (17:205)

The right way to take a responsibility seriously is to take the matter to Me, commit it into My hand and trust Me for it. I won't leave the
load on your poor little shoulders! You're all in My hands, your life, your Home, your affairs and your future, and I, ultimately, carry
the responsibility, so, relax, take it easy and enjoy! I'll take care of you! (I:432)

It never dawns on you how tough a job of responsibility is until you have one yourself. (I:521)

Doing most of the work in order to keep you alive is what's making it hard to trust Me for it. You'd have to hand the reins and the
responsibility over to Me. (II:153)

You and you alone are responsible. You can't blame anybody else. You can't blame the older one, the stronger one, the supposedly
wiser one for your own failures to take heed and not fall into the devil's traps.
In your efforts to learn to work together you cannot forget that it's you alone who is responsible for your own actions and choices,
your own victory or defeat, because it is I that give the victory, not any other person. (III:65)

"I did it because they did it" has never freed anybody from their own responsibility. (III:107)

Things happen because people figure, "God's gonna take care of everything, anyway, just as He's always done; He's not going to let
anything bad happen to Me." But He might, if you neglect your duty of making sure you're fulfilling your personal responsibility to
maintain the spiritual equilibrium by keeping the most important things in their place. (III:112)

The responsibility and the load dont weigh on your shoulders alone. We can carry this thing through for you and with you. Let us
bear the gist of it! (III:122)

The responsibility belongs to whoever I pick to carry it, and when it's your turn, you've got to be ready. That's what it's all about:
being ready and prepared for when it's your turn to carry the responsibility. (III:145)

When I promote you to another level of greater responsibility, it also means that I expect another level of obedience from you, and
one of the priorities related to that is the spiritual input you allow yourself to consume. (III:146)

Your love and obedience are manifested to some extent in your actions, but way too many hide behind their "actions," their work, in
order to escape the much greater responsibility to love. (III:155)

I will honor you with responsibilities according to the levels of progress you're reaching. (III:238)

Sometimes you cannot relate very much to what folks have got to say. You figure, it's kind of irrelevant to the scope of eternity to
listen to tales about seemingly insignificant incidents, or whatever. But if you consider that what they are telling you is what occupies
their mind right now, that those experiences constitute their reality right now, then it becomes a responsibility. (III:284)

What level of responsibility you have chosen to take on shows how much you care for others and how much of a leader you are.

The main thing that hinges on you is the responsibility whether youre going to allow Me to operate through you or not; whether
youre going to be a yielded tool and instrument in My hands, or not (III:431)

Are you willing to make that sacrifice for Me every now and then, and work on something for Me that you dont specially feel inspired
to do, and just do it anyway? Consider it part of your cross for Me, part of your responsibility toward Me! (III:435)

Time will do the talking. Time will reveal who will bear the greater responsibility for any damage done, for any immature behavior.

Its a great privilege and responsibility to be involved in the decision-making and the plans and workings of the Almighty. (III:449)

No one wants to deal with their responsibility for what is happening in the world. (III:516)

Taking responsibility for your own mistakes is often the very ingredient that makes all the difference in the world.
No matter how badly youve blown it in your life, or what sort of mistakes youve made, youre totally forgiven, as long as you did
learn something out of it by facing the problem and your responsibility in the matter, which usually is already guarantee on its own
that youre less likely to repeat the same mistake. (III:518)

Making Me responsible for your failures is the same disease as that of the Scribes and Pharisees: self-righteousness.
Will you take the responsibility for the mess that you've gotten yourself in, or play "God is to blame for it all"?
The repercussions and results of not making your job your responsibility: reaping the results of not doing it. (III:526)

If you go forth in My Spirit, theres a calmness about it, a peace that comes from knowing that it doesnt have to be you; in fact, it
shouldnt be you, thats why theres no reason whatsoever to get uptight and feel under pressure about anything, because the weight
of the responsibility concerning the outcome rests on My shoulders, not yours. (III:559)

Everyones efforts are required in order to bring about the best possible results, and if you just half-heartedly tug along, instead of
really giving it your all, doing your part and pushing along, then it will be your responsibility, if the desired progress hasnt been
made. (IV:7)

It is your responsibility to love, regardless of feelings. (IV:26)

Leave the responsibility up to Me to truly satisfy your needs, instead of trying so hard to provide those things for yourself! (IV:63)

The unexamined life is not worth living, Socrates said, and in many ways he was right. It takes a deeper look at everything,
including the degree to which you live up to your own responsibilities, in order to really get out of life all that it is supposed to teach
There is also a responsibility, a greater demand for you to pay attention to the details, and a certain duty to avail yourself of your
privilege, and Im making sure youll have a reason to come before Me anew each day. (IV:93)

People always blame Me for things that they themselves are responsible for. (IV:94)

The responsibility Ive given to bring My message to the people:

They need to hear it, regardless of whether they want to or not. (IV:190)

The degree of responsibility of each follower of Mine is greater than many realize, since they are ultimately responsible for their
actions and who and what they ultimately are, and they cannot just blame their failures on God and say, Why hast Thou made me
thus? (IV:252)

I have given you greater power than you thought, which also leaves you with a greater responsibility than you previously may have
thought: A lot is up to you and each individual and their choices. (IV:258)

Establish some sense of loyalty and responsibility toward Me and My Word, not making your feelings the prevalent factor, but what
you know would be the right thing to do! (IV:275)

If you realize that youre just one small part of a greater whole, you dont have to worry anymore about the significance of your part,
nor does the weight of the responsibility weigh too heavily on your shoulder, because you can relax and trust that I know what Im
doing. (IV:300)

Focus on your responsibilities toward Me, the alleged Master over your life, and trust Me that I will give you what you need once your
priorities have been set straight! (IV:336)

You are responsible for your own spiritual accomplishments and progress you make; you are responsible for any fruit you wish to
bring about. (IV:349)

Make Me responsible for you! Hand over the responsibility for your happiness and welfare to Me, and make that a conscious choice
in your mind! (IV:418)

When you fully realize the extent to which you have an impact on your own destiny and life, maybe its going to drive home the
weight of the responsibility I have given you individually, and spur you on to really make a difference. (IV:435)

While Im allowing things to befall you, you cannot make Me solely responsible for it. I may allow and deem it the best thing possible
to happen to you, but when it comes to who is actually responsible for your dilemma, youll more likely find the right address in your
own court than anywhere else. (IV:494)

Remember that most of all and primarily youre responsible to Me, more than to any who would ask of you more than you can render!

You've got the Solution and answer to most problems! Whether they want it or not is pretty much irrelevant. Sooner or later they will
need it, and if it is yours to give, I must hold you responsible to be either reliable or unreliable service men (and women) for Me...

The messy state the world is in is not its original one, and its inhabitants are more responsible for it than the Creator. (11:66)

Everybody has flaws. But what will make anyone stand out according to My Book is how many others they have dared to touch with
My message. Dont forget that this, as far as Im concerned, is your primary responsibility! (11:91)

Many people have abdicated their responsibilities in life; theyre simply too lazy to put all that work into it, and what youre dealing
with are the results of that phenomenon. (11:93)

Im teaching you responsibility by having put you in charge of someone lacking a sense of responsibility even blatantly more than
you did. (11:120)
According to how you do, the course of others fates will be influenced and changed, either for better, or, if you fail to make that
grade, potentially for the worse
I know that sounds like more responsibility than a frail human being should be burdened with, and a lot of voices out there would cry
out, No, God would never expect that of us!
But if you look around and at the course of history, you see that even what would be considered a great burden of responsibility
hasnt harmed those who carried it, even if at times they may not have led as carefree and fun-filled lives as those who didnt. But
their lives were certainly more meaningful.
It behooves you to take the responsibility that you carry toward those I bring across your path seriously.
So, not just for your own sake, but for their sake, the unknown number of souls out there whom you could reach and in whose lives
you could make a significant and lasting difference, you must take your task and your responsibility toward Me and them seriously.
You cannot neglect it or simply fail. You mustnt. (12:29)

Taking the responsibility for your mistakes yourself, along with the acceptance of your circumstances with the conclusion that you
probably dont deserve any better is the kind of attitude that could potentially make this world a better place. (12:62)

When your behavior is far from perfect, and youre bound to reap some of what you sow, dont blame Us for it, but take a bit of the
responsibility yourself for what youre having to go through and lessons youre still having to learn! (16:42)

Dont blame Us for allowing the worlds darkest part of the future, but see the responsibility for evil taking over in mans own choices!

Life can be a challenge. Especially for those who were born again and belong to Me. But see the challenge not just as your own, but
see the responsibility for it lying Up Here with Us, too! Its Our heavenly and divine responsibility to help take care of you. (17:62)

Keep some of your focus and attention on your responsibility, since blaming the other party entirely would just be self-
Just remember that whatevers about to happen cant just be blamed on one party, but a lot of the responsibility remains on you to at
least make the effort to do the best and make the best of it that you can and manage!
The closer you stick to Me, the more I can help you to stick to your responsibility.
Take it seriously, your responsibility to make the best out of what youve got and been given, through making the right choices and
putting on the right sort of behavior! Remember that a lot depends on you, your choices, your actions and what you do and make out
of what you were given!
Take on the responsibility for your choices and actions or deeds! (17:83)

A lot - if not most - of what results from life depends on choices and according actions.
All I do is allow the factor of reaping whats sown
So, take that responsibility yourself, and dont blame others, like the Creator! (17:92)

If life aint all easy and blissful, just remember what human act brought that state into the world, and dont blame Us for allowing free
choice, but learn to take the responsibility for any wrong ones made by you or your side of creation! (17:101)

The more you depend on Me, lean on Me and trust in Me, the more I feel responsible for you more so than if you just keep trusting
in yourself and your own capabilities. (17:143)

Make the best out of whatever situation before you!

It doesnt depend so much on the other folks around you, as you should take the responsibility yourself, what youll make out of it,
and thus, what will become of it. (17:182)

Results, Outcomes & Consequences

Youve been using the sub-standard attitudes youve seen in others as an excuse to lower your own, but Im not going to let you get
away with giving less than you could and ought to without suffering the consequences for it. (III:437)

Man has been working hard on re-shaping his reality according to his idea for thousands of years, and modern machines and
inventions have greatly helped him do that to an extent previously impossible. But unfortunately, a lot of the imaginations of mans
heart are evil, just as they were before the flood, and its all calling for similar consequences. (III:515)

Thats why people never learn anything from history; not their own, and much less anyone elses: theyre not interested. All they care
about is whats there to consume right here and now, to hell with any potential repercussions and consequences. (III:524)

You have to face the consequences of your choices and actions! The consequences are there to teach you to think and counsel
harder before you make choices. (III:560)

Including Me will always bring better results than not doing it, even if your flesh may be telling you a different story. (IV:15)
No matter what sort of excuse you will give for your sins, it wont hold ground, and it wont clear you of having to pay the
consequences. (IV:25)

Things dont always turn out exactly the way they initially seem to. (IV:55)

What matters is whats happening between you and Me, and whether youre in tune with Me; all else is nearly irrelevant. All the good
works will come and follow automatically, because theyre only a result and the fruit of your loving relationship and interaction with
Me. (IV:69)

Im not alone working on your behalf, but there are countless saints working around the clock on your behalf and your situation as
well, fighting hard to bring about the best possible outcome in each of the things you have to go through. (IV:93)

Dont let money or whoever wields it run your life, but let Me run it! Youll see the results will be infinitely more rewarding! (IV:135)

You cannot obtain good results from an evil deed, just as you cannot obtain good fruit from a bad tree. (IV:211)

Its the result of your own personal choices, attitudes and actions that is catching up with you, bearing the consequences, reaping
what youve sown, and He that soweth sparingly, will also reap sparingly. (IV:317)

I dont just want to overcome an issue for you, but with you, and I want you to learn from it to trust Me in spite of yourself, to trust Me
for the outcome, that no matter how bad you are or seem to be, Im in control, I always forgive and love you, and I will take care of it
and get you cleaned up somehow. (IV:346)

Everybody inevitably needs to harvest the results and consequences of their actions or lack thereof. (IV:366)

None can ever do anything whatsoever to stop their body from the eventual decay that awaits them. So, the end result with everyone,
whether theyre super organized and well-off, or a mess, or dead poor and starving somewhere, is all the same. (IV:422)

The view from My angle is always bound to be more positive and cheerful than yours, since I see the inevitably happy ending and
outcome of it all despite any of the unfavorable circumstances, all of which are merely temporal. (IV:430)

I have chosen the weak, the nothings of this world. And youre gonna like it, once you see the end result. (IV:446)

The final result that counts, is something none of you can easily see from your present point of view, but if at all, can only be caught
in glimpses of faith.
Once you start being able to decipher and recognize My handwriting all over the story of your life, you can also have faith that its all
working together to build up one final, greater result and master piece.
Youre starting to learn how to see that the end result will be something perfect, as utter contrast to the sheer evidence of
imperfection you may see before you right now. (IV:463)

In whatsoever state youre in, therewith be content!

The result is a happy, joyful life, as opposed to one spent murmuring much of the time about the fate that has befallen you and your
circumstances (IV:479)

Spending time with Me is going to bring the desired results that will exceed the results of trying to do it any other way. (IV:485)

There may be challenges and trials, and even some major tests of faith and turbulences, but the end result is going to be good, you
can trust Me for that. (IV:497)

Resenting what Im doing and allowing in your life will not bring forth the same results as letting it be, allowing it and welcoming it.

Neglect of Me is what will result in emptiness. (IV:509)

Seeking My Help and counsel is simply the smartest thing anyone can do in order to obtain optimal results. (11:5)

I must allow you to reap the consequences of your actions to some extent. Youve got to find out by your own experience what sort of
thing is genuinely helpful, and which are not. (11:8)

Thanks for staying alive and moving for Me! I delight in that, and you will feel My Spirit move in you as the rewarding result of it!

When youre in tune with the living God and you receive His living Words, thats when youre alive, and when your life is going to
burst forth and result in more life, new life (11:16)

In order to achieve great results there have to be some turbulences first, some violent turning upside down of things, perhaps
comparable to the way a washing machine tumbles your clothes about for a while, and in the end they come out clean
Lets say youre in the tumbler, and the process doesnt make much sense to you right now, but the result is going to be a clean,
practically new you, and you and everybody will be very pleased with it. (11:19)

Becoming the right person is a process sort of like baking a cake: You just have to keep hanging in right there, under the right
circumstances, the right temperature, etc., in order to get the desired result.
Time is the big difference between the Spirit Realm and your realm, which quite simply happens to be governed by time, and how you
apply and use it is what determines the outcome of who and what youre going to be in the end. (11:26)

With kids its a lot like Me in this world: theyre not very promising investments of time and energy when you go by the immediate
outcome in lucrative terms. They seem to absorb an awful lot of resources that seem squandered and wasted at first glance, at least
from the rational aspect of the successful winner type, who measures success by the amount of money hes making, not the
amount of genuine happiness hes able to convey to his loved ones.
Spending time with kids, as far as theyre concerned, is just as useless as spending time with Me: you dont get anything out of it, at
least not as far as they can see
Anything you do for Me, the outcome is determined by what youre willing to put into it, starting with as small and seemingly
insignificant a task as prayer. (11:28)

Its you plus My Power in you combined that equals and will result in the miracle. (11:39)

I cant preserve you or keep you from temptation and sin. I can only save you from the mess that the result of them are going to get
you in.
Part of the lesson-learning and the redemption process of becoming a new, saved creature, is learning to deal with the
consequences and reaping the results of your actions and choices. (11:40)

Is it any wonder Im allowing you to stumble into situations that you dont know for certain what the outcome is going to be like, and
where you realize that prayer is desperately required? (11:47)

I will never condemn you for deeming other things more important and yielding to distractions, but you will reap the consequences,
just as you would if you would neglect recharging your electronic applications. (11:81)

Youre free to make your own decisions and choices, but part of that freedom entails reaping your own consequences. (11:83)

The flesh wants immediate results and gratification, but thats just not how it works in a life of faith! Youve got to keep doing some
things and sowing some seeds without immediately visible results, and continue by faith that its going to pay off somehow in the
long run! (11:87)

I first must discipline My own, before I start purging the rest of the world.
You may not appreciate it much, but you will later, when you will see the results and the fruit that will have come from it. (11:90)

Many people have abdicated their responsibilities in life; theyre simply too lazy to put all that work into it, and what youre dealing
with are the results of that phenomenon. (11:93)

Im not the only One at the controls of your life, but a lot is up to you, too, and you control a significant part of your lifes outcome
and turnout. (11:108)

You see whats now; I can see the final outcome. Theres something good coming out of all this, I can promise you.
Keep that faith in a better future, a better outcome of all of this than what you see right now! (11:111)

Once you reach maturity you need to realize there are greater goals than patting yourself on the back because you did it on your
own. Other criteria start to matter more than who did it, such as: what was done, and how? And was it what needed to be done, and
done in the best and most efficient way? Were all possible resources used to make the outcome the best possible? (11:117)

Im teaching you responsibility by having put you in charge of someone lacking a sense of responsibility even blatantly more than
you did. Lets say, youve reaped what youve sown, and the result has got you thinking enough to change (11:120)

Words will only avail to so much. Its more effective to let people reap and deal with the consequences of their actions and choices.

Every pain you go through there is for a definite purpose, and the less sense it seems to make to you at the time, the more mind-
blown youll be when you come to face the end result of My Plan having come fully to fruition. (12:32)

One thing is trying or attempting to change yourself in your own carnal efforts and become whatever you idealize; another is to yield
to My workings in your life to make the changes I think are most necessary.
The main factor is that I know you better, and thus know better what sort of changes or therapy you need to bring about the truly
desirable results. (12:38)

Its not so much about the results, as far as Im concerned as the experience per se.
Its the garden of your life. Start tending it appropriately and youll see results! (12:53)

Studying and learning is pretty much always somewhat tedious, and not everyone is especially fond of it, but if you can catch a
glimpse of the result every now and then, you know itll be worth it.
Excitement and inspiration, along with vision, are fruits, results and outcomes or rewards for your work that are not as easily
measured and counted as cash, but infinitely more lasting and satisfying in the long run. (12:56)

Commit the situation into My hands and then trust Me for the outcome! (12:59)

Doing what everyone else would consider cool, hip or en vogue is a lot more important to people, along with their own little make-
belief image of themselves, than the truth and reality of who and what they really are. As a result, youve got people motivated and
powered by lies and illusions to the extent where they often cant tell the difference anymore between truth and lies, wrong or right

Im responsible for the outcome, and thats a whole lot further than you can see right now. (12:88)

Its easy for people to imitate the behavior of others, even when they might know that its wrong.
They justify their actions with the excuse that everyone does it, so why shouldnt they. But thats a very poor excuse, one that wont
hold much ground when theyll stand before Me having to give an account for their actions and their results (12:105)

Im not the only One at the controls of your life, but a lot is up to you, too, and you control a significant part of your lifes outcome
and turnout. (12:108)

You see whats now; I can see the final outcome.

Its not your destiny, goal or purpose to be right about everything, but to keep that faith in a better future, a better outcome of all of
this than what you see right now. (12:111)

Dont neglect the main factor and ingredient in your plans, which is to trust Me in general for the outcome! (12:114)

Once you reach maturity, other criteria start to matter more than who did it, such as: what was done, and how? And was it what
needed to be done, and done in the best and most efficient way? Were all possible resources used to make the outcome the best
possible? (12:117)

When life turns into misery, its not just Our fault, but pretty much your own, and the consequence of what youve sown and done to
make out of it! (16:32)

If you need some better fruit, sow some better seed, in order to get the according results!
Negative tendencies have the tendency to bare negative results!
Negative behavior and attitudes will bring forth negative results!
Positive vs. negative means the same as good vs. evil; and you can imagine which side of the two We are able to bless with positive
fruits and results.
Consider that temptation to get into negative tempers something you need to make an effort to resist and fight against! Otherwise,
what it will result in is spiritual defeat! So, if you want to reap more positive results, sow the seeds with some more positive actions
and attitudes! Negative actions will bring forth negative results.
Its not easy to stay positive in such a negative world, but thats what shows how much faith youve got in both, a positive Force of
Creation and, accordingly, a positive Hereafter and final result!
To help others receive some blessings for their help is part of the task of Gods people on Earth: to help those who sowed some good
in life to also reap the good results thereafter. (16:49)

Action is an important topic, but Attitude even more so, since trying to do the right kind of action with a wrong sort of attitude isnt all
that promising of good results. (16:83)

Thankfulness is a good quality, and a lack of it will show in its fruits and results. (16:84)

Some of the toughest challenges to cope with for My followers are the confrontation with and according results of their own
wrong-doings basically, sins acts of disobedience toward the Father, along with the basic knowledge that they should be doing
better. Having to cope with the results the lack of blessings, comparatively measured with the amount and greater increase of
blessings when utterly obedient, is a tough one to cope with. But you have to realize that ultimately the decision to cut out sinful
behaviors is entirely up to you. (16:114)

Folks reap what theyve sown the results of their previous actions and attitudes! (16:137)

Thats the big difference between My followers and the large majority of the world population: My true followers actions dont
coincide with theirs, and neither will the results or fruits thereof.
Its basically the difference between the fruit of the Spirit and the results of the work of the flesh, and depends on your faith in either
of the two flesh or Spirit. (16:146)

The fact that history is getting darker and worse, heading towards its darkest limit, is to show mankind what theyll reap from what
theyve sown and the result of their choices.
And theyll need some voices of the truth to help those unaware to become aware of that factor, and hopefully will make the right
choice for Me as a result... (16:160)

Life could be better, but it could also be worse. What you get and reap from it is mostly the result of what youve sown! (16:165)

Plant My seeds deeply into your heart to let them bring forth fruit in you which should result in some positive action! (16:168)

The crash of cash is coming, and you should know the ultimate result of it: the mark of the Beast. (16:172)

Having the world you live in being taken over by the enemy of your God, Savior and His followers is where the effect of the choices of
the majority of people comes to its result, and its just part of the important lesson for mankind to make the proper ones in the
future (16:173)

Remember to let others know about a better Home awaiting, and that all it takes to get There is to receive Me as their Savior of the
result for their sins otherwise! (16:176)
Making the right choices in favor of the spirit vs. the flesh - will bear the proper results. (16:183)

Failing to do My job for My disciples is a huge failure with vast consequences, and getting down to conditions that make you aware
of that, is something youll consider having been worth it hereafter! (16:185)

In the dark future thats coming, the way of survival will have to be a result of not just Our daily guidance, but pretty much permanent
and constant guidance from Above! (16:191)

Putting up with whatever confronts or challenges you, thats part of the process of faith growing in the fact that contrary to what it
may seem like to you God knows what Hes doing or allowing other forces to do, and that somehow itll turn out to have the best
possible results. (16:192)

Lifes like a series of tests winding up in results reaping what youve sown. (16:203)

The world has to learn what it results in at the end with each one just caring for themselves. (17:2)

Thereve been still plenty of kids starving in other parts of the world; and what theyve had to go through, the rest of the world must
get a taste of as well, partly as consequence of not having done more to save those others.
The world will reap what its sown, and if its largely selfishness thats been motivating its folks, theyll reap the results of it.
Remember that all your actions will bear their results, and thus its important to keep an eye on what sort of action youre putting
forth! (17:5)

Gods views the long term views of things may differ quite drastically from mans views, but in the end will turn out to bring
perfect results. (17:17)

Many folks in the Bible ended up with the results of their actions and deeds; and knowing My Word, you shouldnt be too surprised
and shocked if youre reaping unpleasant results from yours. (17:26)

Having both, the tempter and accuser if you fell for his temptation in charge down there is a rough one, I know but thats just
the result and consequence of the humans wrong choices and according deeds and actions.
Having to go through the results of the wrong choices made is pretty much the major lesson of this part of human history. (17:39)

This world is currently run by our enemy, of which fact you can see the results pretty much anywhere around you. (17:40)

Part of the lessons of life: the experience what motion along with its notions the enemy has led the world to fall into the results of.

Learning the hard results of letting the enemy take over down there just has to be done and accomplished. Let history teach mankind
the lessons of the results that allowing the wrong forces to take over will bring! (17:58)

Remember that I like to confound and surprise people with unexpected results the things that seem so impossible to be done by
someone weak, that its just obviously a miracle, and thus an even much greater testimony and sample of the Powers and Forces
from Above at work than what folks could possibly accomplish in their own strengths and capacities! (17:82)

There are always two factors involved in the decisions being made, and all the blame cant just be tossed on one only like with
Adam and Eve.
It was both of them who had to reap the results for theirs. (17:83)

The generation without stricter rules will still have to show forth whether the overall result of that factor will turn out all positive.

The results of actions are not just rewards and blessings. If theyre the wrong type of actions, they can bring severe and painful
You reap what you sow, and you cannot just blame your Lord and Master for allowing the wrong things to happen, when theyre
just a result of your deeds and action!
If youre doing the right kind of things, youll reap the right kind of results.
If youre doing wrong things well, you reap what you sow.
Actions bring results. If the results of your actions arent what you like, wouldnt that implicate that a different kind of actions is
whats needed?
You reap the right fruits from doing the right things, but you cannot reap your favorite sort of results from doing the wrong things.
If the results are negative, doesnt that clearly imply that so were the actions and whatever caused them?
A lot - if not most - of what results from life depends on choices and according actions.
The ones reaping advantages from sowing evil are the enemys servants. But being one of Mine means: no good fruit from evil seeds!
No pleasant results from unpleasant deeds! (17:92)

Prayer is an important ingredient, as you can tell from the negative results of neglecting that task of true believers.
While trying to weaken the effect of negative influences on you as much as you can, perhaps recognizing that dealing with them in
the right manner, instead of seeking to escape their effect on you, might just result in an important bit of positive outcome (17:96)

Usually, the result turns out a lot better through folks who depend on Me than of those who can still rely on themselves and their own
In spite of all thats going on down there that just cant be considered positive, by faith, know that itll be the ultimate result, no
matter how much the enemy will try to delete that hope! (17:99)

Another lesson on what ugly results wrong choices can bring forth:
Some - or most - of what has happened might not have happened under the right conditions, in a life run by different behavior,
manners and life-style.
Sometimes, when the wrong seeds have been sown in life, one should not be too surprised or even shocked by the common results
and fruits thereof.
The difference between the good and the bad often is only recognized by the results. (17:100)

Who wants to be saved from the results of their sins? (17:102)

Choosing between positive and negative options and actions basically amounts to the same result as the choice between good and
Want good results? Make the right choices for the right actions! (17:106)

The wrong human choice that gave Satan the power and authority to rule over this planet: the result of Our style of democracy. -
Often resulting in demonocracy.
The result of evil forces taking over the government of the world is supposed to teach mankind an important lesson but it wont
last beyond the Millennium, when hell get another chance, resulting in a new Earth A new beginning with fundamental lessons
Even though the immediate changes on Earth cant be described as positive ones, just focus on the end result! - Better, for sure!

While listening to Me and collecting My Words doesnt seem a very success-promising task, Id just say, lets wait and see! Wait for
the result and see what comes out of the reception of My Words the original Factor of Creation! (17:112)

Learn from experience about the different results of staying on My way, or not and your own instead, all depending on your choices!

When the enemy will take over temporal global reign, at least it will serve for people to find out what result it will have to let him rule
the globe whose temptations theyve been accepting as something that may have looked good, interesting, or at least definitely
tempting, but choosing to walk that path did turn out to be in the wrong direction.
Even if the path of faith has many trials and tests along on its way, trust in the positive outcome and result of them: growing stronger
in spirit - that which will take over at the - good - end! (17:133)

Something needs to be learned about neglecting to ask for Help and protection from Above! - The dreadful misery of the result of
folks taking it for granted that somehow theyll manage on their own. (17:137)

Remember small beginnings, greater ends, just as the seeds of fruits and plants that grow into huge results! (17:144)

If you were closer to perfect, youd be reaping better results from what youre sowing.
At the moment, youve just got to take whatever comes as a result of what youve been putting into life. (17:151)

Remember what the snakes influence caused Adam and Eve to experience: the move out of Eden, out of paradise, and the globe is
largely heading toward the ultimate result of that! (17:153)

Look Up to Me, the Hope for a positive outcome of anything that may temporarily strike you as negative! (17:172)

Having received the first place of importance in someones life is definitely a great positive for Me, and Ill let you reap the positive
results of it, I promise. You wont be disappointed for having put Me first in your life! (17:180)

Tests of faith can show their results by behavior. (17:181)

Most of the outcome of your life depends on how much you depend on Me, and how much I can rely on you. (17:182)

I like to manifest the result of the Power of faith through using what man considers impossibilities! (17:184)

Once you fully realize that the strength and energy you need is not in yourself but only in Me, your mentality becomes more aware of
your dependence on me, and youll see the difference itll make between trying to do things in your own strengths and the results of
doing them in Mine.
So, see physical incapability as a positive in the long run, something to strengthen your faith in My spiritual Powers that all My true
followers have been dependent on and shown it through their spiritual fruitfulness as a result. (17:185)

See the result of the choices between good and evil as a positive! A factor that will help us all to know who to work with, and who not.

It should be one reason not to despise Our correction of erroneous ways, when you can see the result of societys neglect of it.
To learn to follow the will of their true God and Creator, people also need to experience the results of following only their own wills,
just as the great impostor started out his way of following his own.
The process of learning to walk the right way and doing the right kind of things, bearing the right kind of results and fruits, as
opposed to the ways of selfishness our enemy has led mankind into from the beginning is making the followers of Our path a relative
sort of exception.
If you tune in to Our path and course of giving, youll reap the positive results compared to the negative ones of the hoards of takers.
To accept whats happening to you as a result of your own actions and behavior, instead of blaming Us for it, now that would show
the beginning of a lesson of life finally being learned. (17:193)

You know My input on judgment, discipline and reaping what you sow so, who else can you blame when you find yourself reaping
results of what we cant really call downright Christian behavior? (17:194)

You should remember more the need of an effort to become a greater blessing to those around you, and see what results being a
blessing (instead of a burden) might bring. (17:206)

Isnt learning what results you reap from the seeds sown in your life, and largely depending which direction those seeds were
coming from - Up or down below - what lifes basically all about?
But sometimes it just takes that experience of finding out where the results are at, of the things one has allowed the other side - the
worldly side - sow in either their own minds or their kids. (17:211)

Take it as a challenge to deal with whatever you find coming before you, and trust Me for the outcome! (17:214)

No matter how drastic the difference between right and wrong, most folks still yield to the temptations of the wrong ways. And Were
hoping experience will teachem and show them what the pros and cons of the results are, and whether they should keep going in the
wrong way or welcome a positive change, and then cling to that direction.
The ultimate results of some of the bad and evil Were allowing to happen will one day be appreciated by you and lots of others who
dont all dig it completely right now. (17:217)

Aging is part of the result of the curse of sin that the first two brought into the world, and since I wasnt a partaker of that process,
but the Savior of the result of it, aging wasnt part of My task, either.
Some things like wrong attitudes are what you have to deal with the results of yourselves.
I only came to save you from the ultimate result thereafter, along with whatever you pray for. (17:218)

If you want to grasp the meaning of every day and every moment of life, start learning to read My signs! A lot of things you may not
understand may be My handwriting on the wall, and if you seek Me and ask Me, I can reveal their meaning to you. (I:192)

Don't get stuck in any old mindsets, even if you "already have the truth!" Good for you! But what is the truth that I want to teach you
today? What is the lesson, the metanoia, the revelation for this day? (II:625)

I know you better than you know yourself, and I can reveal things to you about hidden weaknesses that you haven't even been aware
of (Heb.4:12). (III:38)

Life isn't all about constantly collecting new little revelations and bits of wisdom, but about learning to apply them. Until you make
them real and make them happen in your life, it's all just so much head-stuffing. (III:307)

Some of My prophets found the booklets and scrolls of My revelations a bitter pill to swallow, so, Im going to let you determine
whether youre ready for such a gift, along with all of its consequences. (III:404)

Its rarely that I give big and outstanding revelations, as in the case of Daniel and John, and perhaps Joseph. I prefer to train you with
small revelations, which require your staying in tune with Me, so that I can show you the next step after Ive shown you the first,
John and Daniel had to earn their laurels, too, in order to receive such high-ranking, high-quality revelations from Me, and another
factor concerning them was: their revelations had virtually no relevance for themselves, but they were principally for your purpose,
upon whom the ends of the world have come. (III:455)

In order to truly keep growing until the day you die, youve got to keep open for changes and new revelations and new directions
from Me. (III:461)

Be open to new, mind-boggling surprises and revelations about whats really going on, and what reality really looks like, and how
different it actually is from the commonly painted picture! (III:468)

Some things are going to have to be left open to be revealed to you when you come into My Kingdom, for you cannot learn and know
all there is to know in your carnal body. (III:562)

Wait on Me and on My Spirit to reveal to you how things really are! (III:575)

Men of faith are those who will climb the un-scaled walls and sail the uncharted seas that will lead to new, revelatory views and
aspects, whereas those who dont possess faith other than in what they can see, will usually only find another abyss for them to
stumble into. (IV:111)
Who will have invested his faith in the right version or promises, and thus will have built their lives on the right and true foundation,
will be revealed in the end. (IV:113)

There may have been no big flashy revelations, but I have nonetheless continued to give you valid personal counsel, just what you
needed in order to progress and mature. (IV:116)

The things I reveal to you are all good and good to know. (IV:134)

Trust that I will fulfill My Promise that everything that is now hidden shall be revealed!
All thats required is a little patience, a little hope, and some faith that its going to happen in due time, and that all things are moving
toward that point of total revelation!
Nothing will remain hidden or unclear or in the dark, it will all come out into the light and will be revealed.
Have a little faith and look toward that day when all things shall be revealed! (IV:243)

Probably the greatest shock for the vast majority of mankind, when theyll stand before the Fathers Throne, will be the revelation that
much of what they based their lives on and mistook for reality, was nothing but a cleverly concocted deception by the enemy of their
That shock will only be superseded by the impact of the revelation of how easy it would have been for each of them to discover the
truth, if they really had wanted it, how close My truth had been to them all along, and how My messengers have always been there,
throughout time, but always despised, looked down upon and rejected by them (IV:305)

My revelations to you are limited to your faith as to what sort of things you can receive from Me. (IV:428)

Even if there are the most dreadful times coming of all of history, itll just be the factor to reveal to the world whats better, after all.

Hearing from Me, even if its not a constant flow of new information or revelations, its daily guidance, or even just encouragement
and strengthening of your faith you need, which comes from hearing My Word. (16:155)

Whats considered impossible according to the standards and abilities of Man reveals the fact that another Force and Powers at
work than the ones theyre used to down there. (17:130)

Its good and a big advantage to be and stay connected to Me, Who can reveal to you whatever you need to know.
Walking by faith means walking in the trust in Him Who knows what you dont, and trust Him for leading and guiding you through it
all, and when there are some details you should and need to know, Hell reveal them to you.
Thats the asset of revelation. Whatever you need to know, Ill reveal unto you, if you have the necessary faith and trust, which keeps
growing through your gift of believing in Me and hearing from Me. (17:146)

The step of faith comes first, then comes the reward!
I need you to take the step of faith which shows Me that you believe that lost souls are a greater and more valuable treasures to
"hunt" and look for than money, and if you would go and look for them, I would reward you, as I have promised in My Word!
Show yourself worthy of My rewards by obeying Me and playing the game according to My rules! (II:80)

Oh, the eternal rewards for each soul that you win for Me!
If you could see the eternal and everlasting rewards that will follow this act of humbling yourself in order to bring a person to Me, if
you could only see a glimpse of it, you would stop working for anything else and investing your life into anything else but this. (II:82)

You cannot judge or condemn others for their refusal to help, but trust Me, one day they're going to wish they had. They will realize
what special beauty they missed out on in the reward that would have been there in that simple little act of helping, if it was in their
ability to do so and if they only would have found it in themselves to do so - to overcome that restraining selfishness that at that
crucial moment in time stopped them from doing the right thing.
The greatest rewards wait for those who commit themselves to that ultimate struggle of good and evil, to confront and combat the
very evil in their own hearts, the very sin in their lives, for in this, they're fighting the very enemy of God - the devil - on a day to day,
face-to-face level.
Those who forego the cheap gratification of conformity and the immediate rewards of being accepted for adapting to the superficial
standards of the world, they will reap the mighty, everlasting and glorious rewards of My Realm. (II:98)

Be faithful in the least, and then I will also reward you with much! (II:103)

Being despised by the world for My sake will earn you an eternal reward that I cannot grant you yet in this life.
Some of the immediate rewards you get in this life are the joy and satisfaction of knowing you have found My perfect will, and that
you can see a lot of things more the way that I see them than most other people do. (II:420)
Those who get all the goodies during their earthly lives will unquestionably not be rewarded to the same extent in the next, as those
who made the most out of the little they had. The little, formerly unrecognized folks will be the big stars in Heaven. The rewards in
Heaven will not be handed out unjustly. (II:441)

What earns you rewards with Me is pitching in with and for others, sacrificing of your own comfort in order to make it easier for them;
simply put, to be giving and helping. (II:497)

The things you do for Me have everlasting rewards. Show Me that you esteem My rewards more valuable than the lucre of the world!
Make Me proud of you by investing all you've got into eternal rewards! (II:529)

There are those who are not going to chase only after mere earthly rewards, but they're going to live this life I've given them in
pursuit of that higher Reward, that everlasting one. (II:573)

I chose My Endtime Bride to be anything but perfect to keep all the hypocrites away who are only in it for their part of the reward, who
want to partake of the anointing, all the glory that comes with being the chosen one! (III:24)

You may have preferred a "shortcut to happiness," enjoying your rewards a lot sooner, having your cake and eating it, so to speak,
Heaven now and hereafter, but that's not always how it works. Sometimes you have to wait a little for the main rewards yet to come...

I will reward you for your faithfulness to Me, and for doing what you did, but it won't be comparable to what you could and really
should be doing and accomplishing by daring to be different. (III:155)

The "little" people are in reality My truly great people, and those "little" jobs they're doing are in reality the greatest service rendered
to Me of all, because they require the greatest portion of faith, vision and perseverance, and that's why they will also receive the
greatest rewards. (III:176)

Half-hearted prayers will only receive half-hearted answers; half-hearted works will only reap half-hearted rewards, fruits and results.

If you sow to the temporal, then temporal and limited will be your reward. If you sow to the eternal, your rewards will also be never-
ending. (III:222)

When you know you're not going to be rewarded in this life for a certain task, then you've got to keep your eyes on the heavenly
If you keep your eye and your vision on that heavenly goal and reward, you become a partaker of these things already there and now.
That heavenly joy won't just set in when your life on Earth is through and you receive your crown of glory.
If you focus on the heavenly reward, part of it will already be yours as you focus on it. That's what gave all My martyrs, faithful
witnesses and true saints the power to not give in. It was more than a mindset or the ability to rationally figure that someday in
Heaven they were going to get their reward for it. They could feel that reward already, even while they were suffering.
The heavenly reward is already yours as much as you focus on it, as much as you believe My Promises for it and cling to them!

It's true that your rewards are going to be given you according to the works you did, but the best possible you can do to begin with is
to just yield and be a vessel to Me, so that I can fill you with the right kind of energy, the right kind of incentives that are going to
enable you to do the kind of works that require My Strength to do it through you, so that you can give Me the glory for them. (III:240)

The reward isn't in the there and now. (III:333)

Sometimes I require your obedience first, before you ever get to see the first glimpse of a blessing or reward. (III:490)

Pain is a greater taskmaster than bliss. And whats more, it amplifies the bliss you will experience as a reward for your having learned
the lessons manifold. (III:501)

What do you deem more important: Temporary applause and approval, or the eternal, heavenly rewards for putting emphasis on the
right kind of priorities? (III:508)

Its harder to yield to My Spirit than it is for the devils children to yield to his.
His rewards are immediate. Riches and power are given into his hands to give to whomever he chooses, whereas I did not promise
those things in this world, since My rewards follow in the World to come the lasting, and so much better World. (III:511)

Even though the trials, tribulations and castigations may be cause for present sadness, remember the reward, the ability to comfort
others with the comfort wherewith you have been comforted by Me afterwards!
Are you letting the here and now govern you and your being, or are you keeping an eye on the eternal reward? (III:589)

Faith will be replaced by the actual, tangible rewards for believing the previously nearly unbelievable.
Hang on to your faith, for it will bring you greater rewards than the ashes between their teeth! (III:590)

I know what each person can give, and I will reward each one not only in Heaven, but already in this life -- with the gifts they
deserve and need, accordingly. (III:598)

While your contemporaries might perhaps ask what on Earth youre doing with your time, yet posterity might think differently about
it; and maybe you will have done humanity a greater service by dedicating your time to such a seemingly un-promising and un-
rewarding task (as far as immediate rewards are concerned), than by any feverish efforts of your own to have an impact on the
temporal world around you. (IV:11)

People with a strong will have a harder time to form successful relationships with others and finding it in them to carry out orders or
whats required of them, especially when its in aspects that require faith, instead of situations with immediate, tangible rewards and
Its the Whats in it for me? society and a Tit for tat system where folks only do something in return for some benefit, and its very
hard to get anyone to renounce that type of thinking for the sake of My Cause, and to persuade them into doing anything for Me,
especially if its not going to be rewarded with some immediate benefit, but requires faith in rewards in some distant future, which is
only perceived by faith. (IV:18)

Some of the rewards for faithfulness can already be obtained in this life, as youve seen with a few of those whom I have specially
blessed after years of faithfulness under difficult conditions, whereas those who tend to making it easy on themselves usually wind
up with less and come away relatively empty-handed in the final analysis.
There are going to be vast differences in the rewards people will receive in My Kingdom. Another reason to pull your act together and
take your job on Earth seriously, and give it all you got and do all you can, in order not to be among those who will lament how much
more they could have done (IV:99)

It has always been easier to trust in what you can see. But whether it will turn out to be the more rewarding option remains yet to be
seen. (IV:113)

Its appreciating what youve already got and making the best of it, and investing the talents I did give you wisely that will bring you
more, greater rewards and dividends. (IV:114)

Dont let money or whoever wields it run your life, but let Me run it! Youll see the results will be infinitely more rewarding! (IV:135)

There are greater rewards in the things I want you to do. (IV:147)

You sometimes wonder for what? Since the rewards are evidently not coming in this life and this world.
But life wasnt meant to be all about enjoying all the rewards already there and now. Some things are still meant to come and meant
to be obtained by hanging in there, even if you cant see the reward and the fulfillment of the promise right now. You cant see whats
in it for you in this one, because its supposed to be by faith. The greatest of all rewards is by faith, and not seen; thats what makes it
so special.
The struggles youre going through are not about immediate rewards in the there and now, because I am assuming that youre
mature enough to be serving Me not for immediate rewards, but for rewards in the life to come.
If youre seeking something more, a greater and more lasting, eternal reward in the There and Then, then it behooves you to also put
up with some adversities, some trials and struggles in this life. (IV:256)

When there are visible, tangible, immediate rewards involved, such as money and all the things it buys, everybodys quick to pitch in
and make progress and show just how good they are at it.
When it comes to learning lessons for eternity and eternal rewards, that requires faith faith which most people dont have. Not
enough, anyway, to invest the same sort of energy in that they invest in their labors for the temporal rewards. (IV:311)

Only fighting on My side and staying faithful to Me and My Cause is what brings eternal rewards. (IV:324)

I determine who were the winners when I hand out My rewards.

Living a selfish life for oneself and one's own survival is easy to do. Anyone can do that. What sort of reward is there in that? They
have their reward. (IV:396)

All suffering and pain and inconvenience is bound to come to an end and will look so puny compared to the lasting heavenly
rewards, they will quickly fade into oblivion by comparison, just as all shadows disappear by total takeover of light. (IV:430)

You will be rewarded according to your works, but the only works that truly count are those wrought in love, and those are often only
accomplished more in spite of yourself than because of anything you are in the flesh (11:11)

Keep your trust in Me, and youll find out that I will not leave your trust unrewarded (11:13)

Thanks for staying alive and moving for Me! I delight in that, and you will feel My Spirit move in you as the rewarding result of it!

Lazy people sometimes hold against Me that theyre actually expected to do some of the work, and I dont just present them the
reward before theyve ever done any work; but thats simply not the way it works. (11:47)

Believe Me, I wont let your efforts go unrewarded! (11:49)

The unseen, unnoticed work for Me to further My Cause, to spread My message, that has eternal rewards! (11:55)

Youve been in a few situations in your life where you figured, Lord, this couldnt possibly be it! But usually you found yourself
rewarded for having trusted Me anyway. (11:89)

To do whats best for the overall Plan of the Kingdom, even if that involves personal sacrifices, you know you wont go unrewarded.
Your "salary" is one that is only perceived and received by faith, the primary requisite for this path you've set out on. (11:136)

The greatest rewards arent handed out to those who are only in it for the rewards. In fact, they wont even manage to do the selfless
deeds that are really required for the highest rewards. The rewards cant be the motivation, since it would be a selfish one, constantly
feeding your ego and pride and sense of self-accomplishment, instead of the necessary love and humility it takes to really lay down
your life for others and do truly great works. (11:142)

Most of your dreams, hopes and wishes wont be coming to pass in this life, but if you embrace them as part of your future rewards,
it will help you to define more clearly your goals to walk forward towards. (11:148)

Don't you think that it's good for people to know that there is an option of investing their energies and efforts in the There and Then,
promising more lasting dividends and rewards? (12:1)

The greater the sacrifices, the greater the rewards. (12:2)

If you treat the good and the bad times the same success and failure youll eventually reap rewards that will far surpass any of the
temporal gratification obtained via the conventional methods. (12:19)

The highest rewards come by no other way than enduring a hard period until you obtain the victory. (12:28)

I will recognize and honor whatever fruit you will yield, and reward you for it. Of course, where there is nothing to show forth, there is
also nothing one can be rewarded for. But usually, every true believer has some sort of fruit to show when they get Here, and Ill
reward their efforts. The only thing I can not reward is the fear of employing what I have given you and the only effort one ever made,
being to have buried it. (12:45)

The greater the pain, the greater the joy and bliss youre going to experience as a reward! Im just keeping you from the
disappointment of mediocre rewards for always trying to avoid anything that would even remotely strike you as resistance and
Youre simply going to have to sacrifice the immediate pleasure and gratification at times in favor of the permanent and lasting
rewards. (12:55)

Without faith it remains impossible to please God, because in order to have any kind of relationship going with Him, you must believe
that He is real and a Rewarder of them that diligently seek Him (Heb.11:6). Do you diligently seek Him? Well, Hes going to reward
that, one way or the other or both: by honoring you and not letting you down in this life, and, accordingly, in the better World to
come. (12:102)

The rewards are not always handed out in blank cash, but the rules of My game even require foregoing some of their blessings at
times, to make sure we all know on whose side youre playing.
The greatest rewards will naturally go to those who chose to play on My side of the game, and some will have to wait for a while until
theyre even ready to admit that they had been playing for the wrong side (12:106)

Resisting temptation has some promising rewards! (15:182)

Why not win souls, when thats the best task to accomplish with the greatest rewards to receive? (15:188)

We all had (and have) jobs to do down there, and you should just do your best to accomplish yours, and not leave most of it undone,
like the girl in the fairy-tale about the two sisters, one of which was richly rewarded for her work, while the other one was just
sprinkled with mud as a reward for her doing nothing
I know you might prefer rewards in the right there and now, and it takes quite a bit of faith to believe that the best part of all will come
after the current life, well, but thats just about what faith consists of: to believe in the existence of something much greater and more
worthwhile in the Hereafter! (15:224)

The best rewards from life down there for any of My followers will be the ones youll have brought to eternal life Up Here by winning
them to Me! So much more precious than any material success you can manage to acquire down there for your temporal, earthly
Seeking first the lasting Kingdom Up Here, along with the arrival of as many as you can, instead of mere temporal and material
achievements down there, thats what obedience toward your heavenly Father would be, resulting in the according joy and heavenly
rewards when youll get Here. (15:232)

One of the major advantages of obedience to the Fathers rules: blessings, along with rewards in the Hereafter. Whereas
disobedience how can it be blessed or rewarded? (15:243)

Keeping the faith in spite of all the enemys efforts to break and destroy it, thats what will really offer rewards.
Its rough and tough to stick to fighting the battle for your faith, but those that manage to keep fighting are those that will get honored
and blessed with the rewards for it for not having their faith allowed to die or go down the drain due to the enemys attacks against
it. (2016:9)

Chasing your own pleasures is what everyone else does in the commercial world, and it cannot be rewarded.
The incentive to give will be so much more rewarding than just living to receive. (2016:77)

Its good for folks to be a help to the poor and down-trodden and a great reward attached to that. (2016:105)

Sin cannot go on without results, which means: correction. (2016:124)

If whats expecting the world isnt something positive to look at, look past and beyond it, where a positive outlook will be rewarded by
Our Kingdom coming! (2016:128)

Ultimately your faith will be rewarded by victory for hanging in there. (2016:144)

Its a comparatively tough road Up to Heaven, and youve just got to pay that price for being My follower and not having to arrive Here
unrewarded. (2016:156)

To share Heaven with others as much as you can is the meaning, sense and purpose of life for any true follower of Mine those who
can be rewarded with the results of the fact that theyve truly been so and done what it took as such. (2016:185)

Yes, the more difficult ways the greater challenge but by faith you know that the greater challenge also brings the greater reward.

What pays in everlasting rewards is doing the right things coming from the conviction from Above, not what your bodys craving!

Having sown your seeds of investment Up Here will just make the type of difference that counts, if you sow them onto heavenly and
lasting, instead of temporal earthly rewards. (17:81)

The enemy will give you all the battles he can in order to get you to surrender and quit.
But hanging in there in spite of them is what will get you your rewards.
Remember that fighting for the right side will have its rewards! (17:114)

The tougher the challenge, isnt it also going to result in even greater rewards? (17:126)

The life of faith is the ultimate challenge. But remember the rewards for accepting that challenge: a blessed eternity thereafter with a
Crown of Life (Jam.1:12)! (17:143)

The greater the enemys attacks, the greater the challenges and the greater the rewards and the retrospect one day, of what you
overcame through your faith in Us! (17:153)

What you will be rewarded for Up Here is what you did in My honor, and the Fathers, not your own. (17:182)

When the Endtime will set in, for most itll be a shock. But Ive been preparing you as a reward for being a believer in the
manifestation and structure of the Word by which all things were made and that became flesh to die for those whod believe in Him
and receive Him to pass beyond death. (17:213)

Right vs. Wrong

No matter if the whole world does the wrong thing, right is still right, and wrong is still wrong, and if you know how to do right and do
it not, then that's wrong, too.
Even if the whole World is going the wrong direction, and even if it seems they all do so willingly, and that nothing can stop them,
you've still got to tell them that they're going the wrong way!
It's your job to find out how you can let people know - whether it be politely or not - that they're going the wrong way. (I:576)

You've got to learn to yearn for and desire the way things ought to be by finding out where it's not at. (II:428)

Something may feel so right, like "the way that seemeth right unto a man," and at other times they can seem so wrong, but only I can
tell you exactly what is right or wrong.
Maybe what's wrong is not so much the other person's "wrongness" or lack of whatever, but just your own present angle and point of
view of things. (II:538)

When things go wrong, you wonder, "Why did they go wrong?" And that's when you can think about what you may have done wrong
that caused things to go haywire... It's humbling, but it's necessary. (III:305)

You may have been striving the wrong way or for the wrong things and goals in life, and I can teach you how to strive and run
properly, and strive for the right goals. (III:311)

Nothing can go "wrong" for those who trust Me, for I will right all their "wrongs." (III:329)

You learn to do better from doing it the wrong way. (III:358)

Keeping you aware of the fact that something is wrong will keep you from just leaning back and relaxing and settling for what you've
got, without ever making the faintest attempt toward progress. (III:366)

The sense of becoming a more efficient vessel for Me, living for the purpose of helping and saving others, instead of personal
pursuits, is to replace wrong motivations with right ones. (III:429)

Being a brothers keeper is telling when you see something wrong. (III:533)

Maturity begins where the process of dealing with your wrongs sets in, and with some it happens sooner, with others it happens
later. The good news is, its never too late. (III:564)

The refusal to recognize anything wrong at all is the only way some can manage to cope with their faulty world. (III:565)

Time will tell whos been right or wrong. (III:586)

They try to prove you wrong because they couldnt stand the possibility that you could be right and there is actually something else
apart from their miserable shadow of a reality (IV:220)

Life is all about finding out what you (and all of mankind per se) did wrong, and learning from it how to do better... (IV:404)

If theyre right and youre wrong, then, as Paul said, its true that youre of all men the most miserable. But if youre right and theyre
wrong about this present, physical world being all there is, then its you who will turn from an apparent loser into a true winner in the
end (IV:405)

In every situation there would have been a right way to do things, and when people do them the wrong way, it behooves them to learn
from their mistakes eventually. (IV:499)

It takes a lot of work, effort and energy to teach people, both big and small, to do things right, especially when theyre oblivious to the
fact that they might be doing anything wrong. (11:93)

One of the great evils of this world: everyone does basically the same everyone else does, just because everyone else does it,
without thinking for themselves whether its right or wrong, without letting their own conscience guide them. They justify their
actions with the excuse that everyone does it, so why shouldnt they. But thats a very poor excuse, one that wont hold much ground
when theyll stand before Me having to give an account for their actions and their results
Going along with the way people do things is dangerous, because it creates an entire society doing things not based on principles of
right or wrong, but they replace the process of thinking by just mimicking their peers (11:105)

I warn you when youre about to make a wrong move, encourage you to make the right ones and help you to glean and crystallize the
lessons that are to be gleaned from your experiences. (11:128)

Youve got people motivated and powered by lies and illusions to the extent where they often cant tell the difference anymore
between truth and lies, wrong or right (12:62)

People imitate the behavior of others, even when they might know that its wrong. Thats one of the great evils of this world: everyone
does basically the same everyone else does, just because everyone else does it, without thinking for themselves whether its right or
Going along with the way people do things is dangerous, because it creates an entire society doing things not based on principles of
right or wrong, but they replace the process of thinking by just mimicking their peers (12:105)

They can do no other but wrong, and thats, in a nutshell, whats not right with the world, and why you keep running into
disappointments and disillusionment with them: you cannot expect anything else from them. (12:106)

Learning the lessons from your wrongs is one of the major purposes of life, so dont resist it, or let your heart go against it!
From My followers, one of the things I expect from them is learning the right of their wrongs during their lives on Earth along with
the lessons there are to be learned of the wrongs committed by many others.
Hard times are what that world is heading for, for the wrongs committed by man, and youre going to have to get used to it.
Life full of wrongs drawn to commit by the enemys temptations and lusts isnt easy; but trust Us that its an important lesson to learn
for humanity, in order to avoid those same mistakes and wrongs committed in the future of Eternity! (16:12)

Learn some things about doing wrong, or having the wrong views and attitudes! (16:23)

The main purpose of life consists of the lessons to learn from it like, which is the right way to do things, and which isnt. (16:46)

Its basically the question, Are you going to do right or wrong? what the future of each individual depends on.
Even if the majority of those around you tend to make the wrong choices, the question is: are you able to resist that temptation and
still choose the right things to do, even if the majority of folks on the planet wont? (2016:67)

That one initial wrong choice made by the first human couple, and the resulting transition of Heaven on Earth to three separate final
conditions of hell on Earth, shows how significant choices are, and that major lesson of life to make the right ones.
It also shows one of the major meanings and purposes of life: To make the right and proper choices and decisions, and learn lifes
lessons from the wrong ones made. (16:152)

Its basically the choice between right and wrong that determines the outcome. (16:160)
If nothings wrong with this world, what would be the need for My changes that Ive announced and are coming closer? (16:171)

Keep moving in the right direction! Wherever I happen to want you to go! (17:41)

Making the right choices is one thing thats on the daily schedule.
And one day folks will find out what was being caused through making the wrong ones. - Something they might not have expected,
since they appeared so little like eating that wrong fruit I had told them not to.
So, a lot depends on doing the right or wrong things, making the right or wrong choices. (17:106)

To let him rule the globe whose temptations theyve been accepting as something that may have looked good, interesting, or at least
definitely tempting, and choosing to walk that path, will turn out to be the wrong direction.
The right direction: pursued by the comparatively few who chose to obey and follow Me instead. (17:133)

The enemy and his host will do all they can to make life tougher for you, and as unbearable as they can!
See it as a confirmation that youre on the right track and right path, even if everyone else around you would consider it a
confirmation that youre on the wrong one! (17:157)

It takes hard experience to teach folks the lessons of walking in the wrong direction and doing things the wrong way, and
accordingly, to learn which is the right way, in spite of the fact that it led its Leader to a cross to die for all men and women whod
accept that sacrifice of the Bringer of all things.
The process of learning to walk the right way and doing the right kind of things, bearing the right kind of results and fruits, as
opposed to the ways of selfishness our enemy has led mankind into from the beginning is making the followers of Our path a relative
sort of exception.
Unfortunately, the methods and tricks of our enemy to tempt folks to stay on the wrong way are quite subtle, and have to be
recognized before they can be resisted and overcome. (17:193)

Just commit your days into My hands and put them in My charge to help you make the best out of them! So, even if they may start
the wrong way, I can make them turn onto the right way.
Its a bit like the history of this world: It definitely started out the wrong way for mankind to learn which ways are not the ones to do it,
but the new way, the right way will be coming, and thats what you should set your hopes on and look forward to. (17:209)

Doing the wrong things is unfortunately just about the only thing that teaches folks what not to do.
No matter how drastic the difference between right and wrong, most folks still yield to the temptations of the wrong ways. And Were
hoping experience will teachem and show them what the pros and cons of the results are, and whether they should keep going in the
wrong way or welcome a positive change, and then cling to that direction. (17:217)

I highly honor each sacrifice you make for Me! (I:302)

My path is a rough and rugged mountain path, and those who choose it must be strong in spirit, not fat and pampered, and they must
be ready for sacrifice. (II:49)

Will you bear this cross for Me?

The hurting, the pain, the sacrifice and the humbling, as opposed to the way of self, the selfish way, the easy, comfortable way? (II:266)

The greatest sacrifice involved sometimes is just that: your time. (III:150)

It requires some sacrifice and changes to really get on the ball for Me. (III:392)

In order to obtain and possess the necessary love to be an apostle and a missionary and a prophet, you have to make persistent
sacrifices, consistent efforts to be in a sacrificial and giving mode. (III:413)

By accepting My sacrifice and believing that it was something I personally did for you even if you may not be able to fathom how
you honor that sacrifice, and you give it the due position and significance in your life that it ought to have. (III:424)

My sacrifice has saved you from the impact that sin would have on you. (III:429)

Are you willing to make that sacrifice for Me every now and then, and work on something for Me that you dont specially feel inspired
to do, and just do it anyway?
Remember that My motto was and is, Take up your cross and follow Me! Taking up your cross and doing what you like are two
diametrically opposed things. You either do the one or the other. (III:435)
There will be greater sacrifices required further down the road, so, make some adjustments in the bordering of your comfort zones!

Sacrificing the opportunity to make more out of your talent in order to do the seemingly impossible job of bringing My message to
people who dont even seem to want it certainly requires faith. (III:476)

Sheep that are hungry for more of what youve got to share with them are worth making a little sacrifice for.
Changing the world starts with recognizing the void and the need, the places that lack and where errors have been committed, and
then taking the initiative to do what it takes to replenish and refill them again, even if may look like a senseless waste of time to
others, because you may not be reaping immediate benefits from your work or sacrifice. (III:518)

The discipleship life is a sacrificial life-style.

The flesh pushes for its survival, and it wants to save itself, its energy, its life. Its opposed to giving, yielding and sacrificing it all for
the sake of another.
I will help you to see it through, but you must make the initial choice that you dont want to go the selfish road, but you deliberately
choose the unselfish, sacrificial.
Thats what it means to resist unto blood: The devil will fight your being sacrificial, but you wont give in to him. (III:534)

Time is short, and in order to get the job done, sacrifices have to be made sometimes, and you cannot always indulge and yield to
every little opportunity of pleasure that presents itself. (IV:126)

Its a sacrifice to yield your mind to Me. (IV:133)

Sometimes, when people are not willing to make certain sacrifices for Me, I cause them to have to make those sacrifices for other
things, such as their own survival, and all of a sudden it doesnt become a sacrifice anymore, but a necessity.(IV:154)

Thats what My entire sacrifice on the cross for mankind was all about: love totally undeserved. (IV:234)

The greatest and purest form of love entails sacrifice and laying down your own life for the sake of another, foregoing your personal
needs and desires in favor of the well-being of another. (IV:319)

Greater sacrifice also always means greater blessings in other aspects. (IV:442)

The only gift and sacrifice I require in return in this day and age is your time. No more lambs for the altar, no more blood sacrifices,
just an open, yielded heart, and a little bit of your time, thats all.
Of course, thats exactly what the devil is trying to prevent, which is the reason why hes trying so frantically to keep everyone so
busy theyll think twice before theyll ever invest any of their scarce spare time in prayer or any other form of communication with Me.
Give each day to Me, dedicate it to Me and let Me be there and present for you, and even if you should drift away from Me for a little
while in your thoughts, come back to Me! (11:50)

Sometimes do ask My servants, friends and brides to make sacrifices for Me, to take up their own personal cross onto which that is
being nailed which they hold most dear, as I took Mine, because I cant save the world on My own without at least a few folks willing
to follow in My footsteps as opposed to all My supposed followers who consider following Me nothing more than just leading
ordinary, selfish little lives. (11:56)

The satisfaction of todays Christians with this present world nullifies the martyrs sacrifice. So, before you complain about not
having it just as nice as you would like, and not quite as comfortable, remember the martyrs and their sacrifice! Dont make them
look as if they died in vain by your murmuring and complaining and wishing to have it better in this world. Youre already having it
better and easier than most of them. So why begrudge Me asking you for the occasional sacrifice? (11:84)

The greater the sacrifices, the greater the rewards.

So, do not count them as losses, but count them as future gains, by faith.
There is nothing you have lost if you have given it up for Me, or even if you have unwillingly lost it while following the path I showed
you to walk. (12:2)

I will have mercy above sacrifice; its more important than anything else. (12:11)

Youre simply going to have to sacrifice immediate pleasure and gratification at times in favor of the permanent and lasting rewards.

Keep your mind close to Me and Our heavenly Home, and let it bring forth in you the joy that will also attract others and will want
them to accept that offer I made through My sacrifice on Earth, and the Fathers! (16:36)

Salvation sometimes requires another ones willingness to sacrifice! (17:57)

The right way led its Leader to a cross to die for all whod accept that sacrifice of the Bringer of all things. (17:193)
Saints & Famous Folks
Einstein believed in a life after death, and he wasn't disappointed. Although he had not known Me during his physical life, his belief,
based on the things he was able to observe in nature with open eyes and an open mind, hungry to ever learn more, prepared him to
make the right decision when he finally came to this side of the veil. (II:288)

It takes time to discover the spiritual creation that so many people have lost St. Francis was talking about: "This is what I must find
again: my soul!"
We talk about "lost souls," because so many people have lost their soul. I didn't lose it, they lost it. And they can only retrieve it, find
it again, in finding Me, and they'll only find Me if they take the time to find Me. (II:306)

"Don't seek to understand in order to believe, but believe, so that you may understand," as Augustine said. (II:310)

If you can say with Pope John XXIII, "Apart from the will of God, there is nothing interesting to me," then that's a major step toward
spiritual maturity. (II:578)

Gandhi was a good example of a man who seriously strove to resist temptations. He saw them for what they were and thus was
always able to discern the truth. While those around him kept falling for the usual lies and temptations, the lust for power, the lust for
revenge, etc., he just kept seeing the truth through it all. (III:122)

That's the price of eternal fame, versus the mediocrity of those who just flow with the current trend and hit the nerve of popularity of
the times: What makes one really great is the guts to be different, no matter what anyone says.
There were many popular artists in the days of Mozart, while he had to live in relative poverty. He just didn't hit the nerve of his time.
Another kind of sound was popular during his time, than what he created. But his lived on forever... (III:310)

The sisters Ten Boom saw what nobody else saw in that horrible concentration camp: that I was with them, with each of the prisoners
there. I wasnt with those who wielded the temporary power.
They may not have seen Me, but I was there, and I saw their plight, and what she said as absurd as it may have sounded was true:
I was with them. (III:508)

Introducing others to Me, the Great Teacher, does the same for them that Ann Sullivan did for Helen Keller: She brought meaning,
yes, the very concept of meaning into her life, and thats what I do for so many, countless others, too. (IV:5)

It usually only takes one man with the necessary conviction and burning desire to want to change the world with My truth, in order to
make it happen, as is evident from the lives of Paul, Martin Luther, Dwight L. Moody and many others who got on fire for Me, and the
world came out to watch them burn, warm themselves by their fire, and many contributed their fuel to the flame accordingly. (IV:32)

Without Me, life for many consists of being a rebel without a cause. Its like a life without even the concept of meaning, such as Helen
Kellers before she met Ann Sullivan. But once Helen grasped the concept that everything indeed has a meaning, she cherished life
to an even greater extent than many of her seeing, hearing and talking contemporaries, which is why she became such a celebrity
during her time. (IV:86)

It took another Paul, namely Luther, to once again be the pioneer to proclaim to the world My message of grace, such as it had
been hidden from the common people in order to enslave them.
But the forces of evil and darkness try over and over and over again to enslave and entrap My people, and thus its happening again,
and in a way, My new Paul for this era liberated people from the bondage and slavery of the unwritten moral rules and laws that
society especially Christian society had placed upon itself: a burden I had never intended for My followers to carry.
That pretty much explains the role that he took on to play in history, and a way to look at him: not so much as a prophet of
predictions that were either going to come to pass or not, but as another Paul or Luther to liberate My people from man-made yokes
and burdens that were not Mine, even if they had been told they were. (IV:254)

Just the fact that I said The poor ye shall always have with you to Judas, doesnt mean that I was or am indifferent to their plight,
nor that I would want My followers to take on an indifferent attitude toward them.
Thats what was so great about St. Francis, since he was one of the first to see that and extend a hand to the poor, actually following
My example and not just going by one phrase that may seemingly justify that sort of indifference, when it doesnt, really. (IV:492)

Look at Nick Vujicic! A cripple, and yet a powerhouse of positiveness that you could learn a lot from! (IV:531)

The story of Helen Keller drastically pointed out a single individuals wholehearted appreciation of something which most of the
world is stubbornly and blatantly taking for granted, namely their education, and the fact that theyre learning things as they go
through life. (11:57)

All your senses can be enhanced in the spirit. There is such a thing as spiritual "smell," just as much as there is heavenly or spiritual
"touch," "sound," taste and sight.
It's the union of all things that gives a well-rounded and whole picture. Yes, My picture cannot only be "seen," but it can be felt,
heard, tasted and even smelled as well! There is more to discover with all your senses! "Taste & see that the Lord is good" (Ps.34:8).

You will no longer grope around blindly & will no longer be led astray if you let Me be your Guide, Your eyes, your senses, your

What you could see, hear or feel and be experiencing with your spiritual senses is simply a matter of exercising them!

Lend Me your ears, and I will fill them with the music that created the stars.

If you ever want to learn to see with the eyes of the spirit, you're going to have to believe that the Spirit World is just as real, and even
more so than the physical, because the physical is temporal, but the Spirit realm is eternal, indestructible, incorruptible.

Elijah found out in the wilderness that My voice wasn't in the storm, nor the earthquake, nor the fire (1Kings 19:11,12) , but in hearing My
still, small, spiritual voice, one that is not perceived physically, not with your physical senses, but Spirit.

Just to be able to hear and see and feel, to taste, and to smell, these are gifts that many take so much for granted. Yet if you learn
how to use your senses well, you can learn how to perceive through them My Love for you. Sometimes it may not seem like much,
what you see out there, or what you hear. No big revelations... But if you hear and see properly, taste and feel all there is to perceive,
you can find Me there... some new truth I can reveal to you, even through the simple little things of life. (II:622)

Only those who see with the eyes of My Spirit, only those who are in tune with Me, can see the opportunities all around, the
adventures, the colorful, endless possibilities.

Ask Me to open your eyes & expand your vision that you may be able to see those things which right now you cant see. Call on the
keys of vision & understanding, and I will broaden your perception.
Just because you cant see certain things doesnt mean theyre not there. Just because you cant see Me doesnt mean Im not there.
Just because you cant see Uranus, Pluto or Jupiter at least not in broad daylight, doesnt mean theyre not there. Just because you
cant see My millions of angels & spirit helpers doesnt mean... and so on. Theres more to life than what meets the eye.

If you look at people with the eyes of the spirit, you will see their true nature. I can reveal things to you about people you may come in
touch with or not that they wont even know about themselves!

Open pathways are before you everywhere; if you will just open your spiritual eyes you will see them. In the flesh you only see the
limitations, the confines, the hole in which you see yourself. Seek Me, therefore, to lift you out of your hole & onto the pathways of
your choice.

If you want to see the things of My Spirit, youve first got to open your eyes to them, to the depth that lies beyond the apparent, the

What great & mighty things I would show you, which thou knowest not! Open your eyes! Weve managed to get you to pass the first
lesson of opening your spiritual ears. The 2 nd step will be to get you to open your spiritual eyes & see what I want you to see, the
things Im going to show you, that Im willing & eager to show you, if you will just open your eyes!

Some of you, whose eyes have not yet been opened yet in the spirit, are still oblivious to what's going on all around you in the spirit,
and all you see is the shiny wagons, armor & weapons of the Enemy. "Surely, surrender is our only hope," you think. But just like
Elisha prayed for his servant for Me to open his eyes so that he could see that more were with them that day, than with the enemy, so
you, whose spiritual ears and eyes are already more attuned to My heavenly realm, must pray for those who can't see yet. Don't let
them be deceived & fooled or actually join the losing party just because they can't see the full truth! Pray for them, help them to see
what you see! Help them to hear what you hear & feel what you feel: the grand excitement, the moving & stirring of the Spirit.

My Words didn't make sense to those who were blind & deaf to the spirit... Therefore, be not like them, but let your eyes & ears be
opened & be ye healed of your blindness & deafness to the things of the spirit!

With the eyes of the spirit you'll see things beneath the surface that reveal the true beauty of the spirit, even in someone that doesn't
appeal to your physical sense of beauty at all.

Open your eyes! There's so much more to see! Everywhere! In My creation, even in a simple story! The world is full of wonders!
Blessed are they who see them!

The type of people that stories are being told about, movies are being made about & books are being written about, are not the mere
survivors, those who fight for nothing else but their survival, like all the rest of them, but the types who take time to live, to learn the
lessons of life, who go through life with both eyes & ears open & find out what it's all about: those who find Me, and let Me teach
them the gist and essence of life.

I'm urging you to see the invisible cause of the visible more, to open up your spiritual eyes, the eyes of faith. If you see the physical
as an aimed & purposeful result of the Spiritual, then it simply takes on a lot more meaning. You know I meant something by allowing
this or that to happen, or even creating this or that situation. You'll know that nothing is without guidance, nothing is by chance; it's
all going somewhere, and thus you develop much greater faith and trust with which to walk through every day of your life, and which
you can then impart to others, too.
Every day should be a vast scope and canvas of opportunities for you, of things to learn, and things to pass on.

Everything mirrors My message, My essence and what I'm trying to convey to you and all of mankind: You've just got to open your
eyes and ears to perceive it.

Watch out for the great & mighty things of the Spirit I wish to show you! Come, taste & see. There is more; yet so much more to be
heard, felt experienced and seen.

The real & natural taste of life isn't always sweet, but heartier. Even so it is with your spiritual intake: for a healthy diet, you won't only
listen for sweet words of love, but also the stuff that's naturally a little bit harder for you to chew on, but essential for your spiritual

There's so much more you haven't even begun yet to experience, to taste, to see and feel and hear and see.

How much magic & power there can be in one kiss, one touch, and just how much a touch can mean, what a disaster a lack of touch
can be for humans, how important it is to touch and be touched!

If you just manage to be real everyday, to walk humbly on the ground of My reality, staying faithful in the little, mundane things of life
& keeping the heavenly vision while doing so, focusing on Me & My reality without being deceived by any of the devil's soap operas,
then in My eyes that's already a lot, & you won't even have to tell people all that much about you. They will sense it. They will feel it.
The very air about you will be different. There will be "strange" vibes accompanying you wherever you go, of a world that smells &
tastes so weird to them: the smell & taste of the real world.

Try to taste, smell, hear and see and feel a little more each day the way I do, more intensely...
Learn to live more intensely!

Spiritual short-sightedness comes from the abuse of your spiritual eyes, focusing and glaring too much at the devil's shiny
That's just the development of the world... people growing less & less capable to see any farther than the end of their noses. (III:301)

To your physical senses Im very unattractive, because there is nothing there that they can perceive, and your flesh is rigged up in
such a way that it will desire the things that will ensure its survival and fill its cravings. Yet thats where your faith needs to come in to
tell the rest of you that even though it may not seem like it, I am an exceptional Source of supply.
Your natural senses are still trying to look elsewhere for the satisfaction of your desires and needs, but I want you to realize from
your experiences, that there is an even more trustworthy Source of all the things you need, and that is Me. (III:512)

You have to open your spiritual eyes and ears. There is yet more to hear and see, there is yet a much larger scope to discover in the
Learn how to hear and listen with your spiritual senses, and think deeper than just with the mind. Know deeper than just with the
head! (III:575)

Turn your spiritual sight and hearing toward My voice, and away from all those noisy voices of the world!
It takes a special effort and skill to be able to make out My voices and input from among all the Systems roars. (III:590)

Every now and then you get a little whiff of My Perfection, and it makes all the apparent chaos look insignificant in comparison. So,
just try to get as many of those whiffs as you can by sticking your nose (metaphorically speaking) high up into the air for those
heavenly breezes that make you forget about all the stench youre having to bear with temporarily down there - A taste of Heaven.
Just a little glimpse of it can make it worth it all and remind you that it pays to go on for Me, to keep believing and trusting in Me, and
that any other option would be downright ridiculous and highly regrettable. (11:62)

You are clean through the Words which I speak to you, so if you want to become clean in My sight, spend time with Me! Otherwise the
filth just accumulates and it gets to the point where you can no longer stand yourself, just like on those days when you need a
shower so bad you can hardly stand your own smell anymore.
Only that spiritual dirt is even worse. Spiritual stench may not be as obvious, since its not perceived with physical senses, but Im
trying to teach you not to go by your physical senses as much as I want you to learn to use and apply your spiritual ones.
That includes your rational mind. If you go too much by what youd consider sensible, you might lose touch with My sense of
reasoning, My points of view and ways of looking at things.
If youre looking for something good, for the pure and worthwhile in people, dont go so much by your physical senses, nor be too
quick to let your rational mind reject what you hear and see by its own standards, but tune into Mine more!
See with My eyes, hear as I hear, and dont make judgments based on your own, carnal perception! (12:48)

Your Home frequency is not the one of this world, and youve got to strive to find it and stay on it once you do. Its got to become
more important to you than anything you perceive with your five physical senses.
So far youve been relying strongly on input from your senses for relief from the strain of your labors, but Im telling you that the
relief you really seek is found elsewhere. Thats not to say youre supposed to shun physical pleasures for good, but Im saying that
theres more, and something more important. (12:52)

Stay focused on the Spirit! No matter what the physical world happens to represent!
Keep remembering and gearing your spiritual sight toward the greater and brighter Dimension!
And the same applies to the not so pleasant sounds you hear down there! Try to keep your ears geared Up Here to hear My voice and
the heavenly sounds and music from Above! Even the smells will be better Up Here, along with feelings, touches and sentiments! In
fact, more senses Here in action than down there!
So, dont stay geared to whats perceivable down there, but open your heart and mind to whats available from Up Here! (16:68)

Learn to put your sense of values on My spiritual - riches, and dont get caught in the devils trap of getting hooked on cash,
resulting in the ultimate reception of his mark when cash shall be no more! (16:172)

Make an effort to focus on the positive, even if it isnt part of the visible things around you! Thats what faith is! And even if the
audible things around you are hellish noises shoot for hearing My voice instead!
I know, quite a challenge, to see the physically invisible and hear the physically inaudible, but call it the challenge of faith! (17:15)

It takes a lot more than mere natural human sense to figure out the sense and purpose in all things. (17:17)

How real and strong is your faith in beyond what you can see and perceive with your physical senses? (17:81)

Its hard to figure out with your natural senses and understanding the sense and purpose of the things I have planned for you
beforehand sometimes it takes a little while until you recognize all that sense and purpose in it all. (17:186)

Theres a reason why Ive been telling you of abilities passing those of your natural senses to make it through the dark times to
come, when itll be all about being able to perceive and focus on That beyond what you can see with your eyes or hear with your
ears, smell with your nose, taste with your lips, feel through your touch, and even think with your brain! (17:187)

The personal solution to the worldly problems My believers down there have to face lies in looking beyond them through faith
believing instead of going by what youre seeing with your eyes, hearing with your ears, and all the other factors affecting your
physical senses. (17:218)

Serving God

(Spirit Helper:) The higher you climb on the Systems ladder of success, the lower you sink, spiritually, when youre called to be one of
the Lords servants, messengers and apostles. When youre called to be one of His missionaries, then there just isnt much success
in anything else you may accomplish, as far as the Lord is concerned. All the applause in the world is like ashes between your teeth,
and a sad farce, for while they are clapping for you, you hear the cries of the lost youre failing out there somewhere in this poor, lost
& lonely world. The children of the Lord are fainting in the land, not knowing what to do. What will you do?

Count the cost, My loves, lest you find out in the middle of the road that the price is higher than what you are willing and able to pay,
and you might have to turn around again. Determine whether youre really willing to pay the maximum price of surrendering all
Many people who said they were going to follow & serve Me went back ashamed, because the price turned out to be higher than what
they had expected.

Discipleship is more than just making a living for yourselves! It is living for others & bringing Me to them, salvation and all that
youve found in Me.

Youve got all hell fighting you once you decide to serve Me, but its not like Im leaving you helpless or defenseless.

In order to prove your loyalty to the System you must undermine your loyalty to Me. Ye cannot serve God and Mammon...
Sooner or later there wont be any more in-between.

Who made you a ruler over us? Thats the very voice of Satan! He got to the same point where he got fed up with My leadership &
he was thinking, Who made You the Boss over us anyway? I wanna be my own boss! And the majority of the people out there
simply prefer themselves as their own boss, or if they dont have the strength & courage to be their own boss, theyll accept the devil
or any one of his System stooges; at least hell give them what they think I cant: security and a fixed, safe position in this world, and
its material blessings. They figure the things I am asking people to do are too crazy. They make no sense. Its all too uncertain for
them! No, theyd rather play it safe, serve the Devil & work hard for his meager wages than trust Me that if they obey Me, I will supply
all their needs. Your task is going to be to find those who are fed up with being slaves of the Devil and want to use their energies for a
better purpose.

Refuse to accept the lower identity which the devil & the System are trying to give you & that you render your services completely to
Me. Be a fully functioning agent for My Cause. Youre My agents of love.

My way & chosen path for you is the high road, not the low road.
Without faith it is impossible to please Me... Youre either the servant of faith or the servant of fear.

Its either Me or the System, you cannot serve God and Mammon...
Will you be a god, a king, the master of your own fate, not subject to the ridicule & scorn that servitude entails, but with your head
held high in pride for a season, or will you choose the humble road of a servant, lower yourself in the eyes of men in order to bring
them salvation, and consequently rule & reign with Me forever?

The devil is a liar and a thief, & so are his followers. They're trying to rob My servants & enslave them, bind them so they're not free
to serve Me.
The devil wants to strip you of your rights & your freedoms to serve Me, but I want you to rise above all that.

One of the most loving services you can render to people is to listen to them.
Consider your loving interaction with each other of hearing one another out & having them share what's on their heart part of your
loving service to Me, part of your labors of love, which will not be in vain, nor remain unrewarded.

No servant is above his master. If I have been humbling Myself & have gone out among the people to preach a message I knew most
of them would reject in the end, and that would lead Me to death on the cross, I am expecting the same of My followers. And when
there's so much to do & so few willing to do it, I just have to ask whoever is willing and available, and I recruit whoever I can get a
hold of.

Let each man & woman choose whom they're going to serve. If it be Mammon, then let them serve him, but let them also be fully
aware of the consequences, the price they'll have to pay: the price of slavery, the price of absence of true happiness which only
comes by seeking spiritual fulfillment, (for man is a spirit & can only be fully satisfied by spirit), the price of the absence of My
blessings & protection & of the peace that obedience to Me brings.

I want people who choose My way voluntarily, and because they think it's the best. Everybody wants a life-boat when the ship is
already sinking. But who wants to come away from the superficial partying while the ship is still cruising? Who wants to believe
those who say that the ship is going down while everybody's still having so much fun? I want people to serve Me because they love
Me & choose to serve Me above the other, more shiny options, not only out of the fear of My impending judgments.

In some ways, the selfish way is the easier way. You have to carry the devil's heavy yoke, but for that you don't need to share your life
with others, you don't have to give & pour out your life to others, as service for Me requires, and thus for some it's simply easier to
serve the enemy.
One will never appreciate the freedom I give until they have been the devil's fool. Very few are content to serve Me without ever
having seen or tried the other side.
It's heartbreaking to see them make the wrong choice, but choice is what it's all about.
It's always a matter of whether you believe you are your own, or whether you believe that since I not only created you, but have also
bought and redeemed you with My blood, you're rightfully Mine. If you accept the fact that your life actually belongs to Me, you won't
make such a big fuss about Me wanting to employ you for My purposes, you figure it's a whole lot better serving Me than the devil.
But evidently, the majority of people see it differently.
And then there are those who don't even know yet that there is an alternative to the devil's bondage & slavery at all, and those are the
ones that I would like to employ you to reach and to free from their captivity, or at least to make them aware of the fact that there is an

My servants are messengers & ministers of freedom in this world of confines! You are the chain busters, the prison busters, the
matrix busters, exposers and destroyers of that prison for their minds, which held you captive for a time as well, but from which I
have set you free in order to set others free as well.

Know who you are, what you are and Who you are serving, and one of these days, they're going to see the truth, and they will glorify
Me and the Father then, for you, and the mercy that you have brought to them, even if they didn't recognize it. Even if they don't
receive Me or your full message, if they will even only give you a cup of water or any token of hospitality, they will glorify the Father
one day for the good work you did in letting your light shine before them, and they will be so grateful they did not reject you, even if
they couldn't handle your message yet.

I give you freedom & liberty to serve Me the best you can, according to your faith & abilities & vision, and you can do all things
through Me Who strengthens you.

"A disciple is someone whose primary goal in life is to serve God and not mammon." Is your primary goal to serve Me, and not
Every penny in the service of mammon is hard earned by bearing the heavy yoke of mammon, while every cent I bless you with in My
service, that is being given to you in return for My Words and tools is a testimony to My great power of supply, My power to lift you
up. My yoke is so easy, it can help you fly! Putting on My yoke is almost like putting on a pair of wings, in comparison to the heavy,
steely yoke of the System and mammon, who will squeeze every drop of energy out of you in return for every penny you earn. That
money just disappears again, as it develops eagle's wings itself & disappears into this hole or that, this bill or that need... it never
stops; it's a vicious cycle & a deadly trap!
Step out of that treadmill! And step out on the water of My will for you!

I love you and want you to be happy serving Me. I'm not expecting you to go out & do things for Me that you hate, although some
things might initially be simply tough & become better as you go. But people must be able to see that you love what you're doing, &
that you're doing it because you feel you're called to do this beyond the shadow of a doubt, and there's no other thing on Earth you
would rather do.
Invest your time, energy & resources, your lives, into My Kingdom. Start living by the faith that in so doing I will miraculously supply
your needs.
Living for Me and serving Me very often entails sacrificing personal desires, as hard as it may be sometimes. You think that because
you desire it, you're supposed to have it, but that's not necessarily so. Sometimes those desires are the very temptations of the
enemy, designed to lure you away from what I desire for you.

Make My business your business, not promoting yourself and your own cause, but Me and My Cause. You'd be better off truly serving
Me, promoting My cause, My message.

If I have called you to be a servant or a slave, seek not to be loosed, but trust Me that I have chosen the best path & destiny to make
you what you're supposed to become.

I've always had special servants who stood out from all the rest, who were used specially by Me, even if they had to go on all alone at
times, seemingly forsaken by Me and the World, but only they knew - because I told them and assured them - that I had not forsaken
them, but that I was with them... And later on, history showed that they were right, and the rest of the bunch followed in their

If people would only give Me their whole hearts & truly & wholly dedicate their lives to My service unconditionally, then they would
find the desire of their heart, and I would give it to them, as I have promised. But as long as they're chasing it in their own might & do
whatever they can to secure it for themselves by their own might, it eludes them, and the stronger they try to grasp it, the less
tangible it becomes.

Things are very, very tough, sitting on the fence between serving Me and the Devil. You'll either accept the deal he has to offer you
that will give you his prosperity at the price of virtually your soul - the lack of ability to love - or you'll send him to hell and get on My
bus & get busy serving Me.
It activates My power in your life when you decide to obey Me and take up your cross, deny yourself and lay down your life for Me!

No man can serve two masters. Blessed is he who has chosen the right Master. Who is your master? Who are you serving? Me? -
Investing your time and energy into winning souls for My Kingdom? Or are you settling for the cheap thrills of the immediate
gratification that paper money brings? Where is your focus? Where is your aim? What are you shooting for? Which treasure are you

It's all about serving, not seeking to be served!

Every person and situation is unique, and you need to find out with My help which one applies to you: is it time for you to join the
children of Israel in the mud, making bricks for the Egyptians, or are you called to tend sheep in order to be prepared to free them
from their slavery? Whose servant are you called to be?

There's no sense even to try to begin serving Me, unless you believe that I in you will work the humanly impossible!

Serving Me is a choice everyday: who are you going to cater to, your own desires or Mine?

I've poured out & supplied you with the counsel you needed, the necessary assurance of all you need to know to get going. Now you
just need to put it into action and actually do it. The doin' it is your part!
I'm sayin' it, you're doin' it. That's the way it usually works when you're working for or serving somebody. So, I've done My part, now
it's time to let Me see you do your part. It's time to get working.

It's really true: you cannot serve God and Mammon, for either you'll be spending your time serving Me, or you won't.

Dont look with eyes of expectation of what might be in it for you, but with eyes of expectation of "How can I help, how can I be of
service, what can I give?"

Don't live to be served, but walk in My footsteps & learn to serve others!

"He that commits sin is the servant of sin" (John 8:34), and I'm the only One Who can liberate anyone from that bondage. They slave
away for their meager wages, which, in the end, turn out to be nothing but death, that "way which seemed so right unto a man," but
turned out to be the ways of death...
You slave away for little colored papers all your life, and all you get for it in the end is the sting of death. But not so for those who
receive Me. For I can turn anything and everything into an everlasting value.

The whole idea of faith and serving Me is that you don't have to serve your circumstances and be subject to them, but to apply your
faith in My power to make the most out of them, make something better out of them, to use that empty ground and fill it with My
seeds, to till and plough it, so that from that which was once empty ground, unpromising and seemingly barren, you bring forth fruit
unto Me.
The ground of your circumstances waits to be tilled, worked and cultivated through your prayers and your obedience to Me, and thus
altered, from an empty ground to a lush green field, that's the ultimate purpose of faith. Your life without Me was like a desert, but I
came into your life and changed it into a pleasant land. Now, your job is to turn around and - in order to maintain the happiness I have
given you in the first place - to change the barren lands of others' lives into lush green lands also. This happiness isn't something
you can just keep for yourself, but it only remains alive if you share it with others. Only through this action of turning others' lives
into something better, will your own "land" stay fruitful, fertile and lush and alive also.
You have experienced how the Enemy can turn your land into a wilderness again, if you let him, and that explains a little bit what Paul
referred to (Phil.2:12) when he said, "work out your own salvation in fear and trembling:" it referred to what you do with your own
saved life while you're living it, and while you have a chance to cultivate it. What fruit are you going to cause your life to bear and
bring forth? It wasn't referring to your eternal salvation, to your soul, which is Mine once & for all, but to what you're going to do with
your saved life on earth. Are you going to allow that salvation to work so that it brings forth fruit?
That's the only way your salvation will ever become visible and beneficial for anyone else.
That is what "sowing to the spirit" refers to. Whereas all those activities that merely minister to the flesh won't serve to make your
fields prosper, but will only leave them barren and desolate, and any fruit or life on it will wither and fade (see Gal.6:8).

"When you decide to serve God, all hell breaks loose," "The devil doesn't start shooting until you get over the top..." As long as you
accomplish nothing, he'll leave you in peace. But if you're doing My will, he'll attack you, because you pose a threat to him.

You're either advertising this world, or Me, the Alternative to this world, you can't do both. You can't advertise God and Mammon. You
can't serve two masters.

St. Francis said toward the end of his life, "We haven't done anything yet." You can always do more. There's always more you could
accomplish, some more progress to be made, some ground to be won.
You've just got to do something for those blessings. What you do is what makes the difference.

Serving Me happens to be one thing you cannot manage to do successfully in your own interest! It's got to happen because your
desire is to make someone else happy, starting with Me. You have to learn to seek My satisfaction, My happiness, and My joy, and
that of others.
May you discover the joy of what it means to really be able to say with your whole heart, "All I want to do is serve Him!"

To serve Me means to serve Me in battle against evil, and it's a relentless battle to the death. There's nothing fake about it. No second
chances of, "Oh, I don't think this is what I wanted, after all." There's either fight to the death or desertion.

Egotism, pride, self-love and selfishness make one assume the role of a king in life, instead of that of a servant. It's the selfishness of
the insane... They only think about themselves. Total insanity. That's why only a life revolving around Me, the True Center, can be a
meaningful and fulfilled life. Anything else is like drifting around in space without a goal, without aim, just heading for eventual

Your service to Me will only be really effective if it is sparked by love.

You're tossed into the world as a selfish little human being, and your destiny and purpose is to become something else, no longer
selfish, but selfless and caring for others. No longer living for yourself and for what you can possibly consume, but dedicating your
life to the service of others.
Not everybody is destined to become a Florence Nightingale or Mother Teresa. But you can nevertheless learn to become more
mature, more mindful of those around you and their needs.

Have you truly employed your life in service to Me, or were you just one of the countless slaves of Mammon, who every once in a
while offered a little token, a small sacrifice to Me, as one would throw a bone to a dog under the table?
That's why I have said, "I will have mercy, not sacrifices." I'm sick and tired of little sacrifices that mean nothing, I want love. Love is
the only acceptable sacrifice.

A lack of joy in your work and service for Me saddens Me. Instead of taking those hurdles, those challenges, those piles of work and
tasks I put before you, joyfully and with enthusiasm, you drag your feet and ho-hum about it, and you moan under the workload,
wishing you had someone else's job.
The real art of living lies in recognizing each challenge and task set before you as your special and individual, tailor-made destiny
that only you can fulfill. Of course, that requires a good portion of faith and vision when that "glorious destiny" is a pile of dishes, a
load of laundry or taking the garbage out.
It's relatively easy to do some glorious job that's going to be noticed by a bunch of people. But those who can keep doing those little,
menial jobs with that same vision are My greatest and truest heroes.
Those "little" people are in reality My truly great people, and those "little" jobs they're doing are in reality the greatest service
rendered to Me of all, because they require the greatest portion of faith, vision and perseverance, and that's why they will also receive
the greatest rewards.
"What thine hand findeth to do, do it with thy might!" (Ecc.9:10).

It's a matter of ruling now and suffering later. If you play god now, then chances are you're going to miss out on some of the rewards
later. Isn't it better to join your brethren down in the arena and playing field of service, instead of sitting in the grandstands and
waiting to be served?

Fear causes unbelievers to refuse to believe in My existence or the existence of the devil altogether. They know too much would be at
stake, if they'd accept that we exist. They know that a decision would be expected of them, who they serve, and that if they'd serve
Me, they'd have to oppose him.
But by refusing to acknowledge neither of us, they get around having to deal with the whole issue. They refuse to see the spirit world
altogether in order to avoid having to make the decision what position they're going to take in this war.
The material life is the easy way out for them. When they die, it's all over, they think, and hope, and that's precisely where they'll have
their biggest surprise coming.

Listening is one of the greatest services you can render, both listening to Me and listening to others.
The Enemy advertises the self as an entity worthy of attention that quasi amounts to worship, in order to satisfy it and make it
"happy," and even availing yourself of Me, My Word and My truth - although only a fragment and watered-down version of it - in order
to achieve that goal, which amounts to supermarket style religion: picking out certain pleasant truths, and leaving aside the more
unpleasant ones, just serving yourself of the goodies My Word has to offer, and neglecting the convicting truths that would spur you
on to change, sacrifice and action.

People are much more attuned, in general, to their own desires, wants, inklings and cravings, than to My bidding, and even those
who do want to serve Me, usually prefer to do so on their own terms, within a well respected church or environment. Not many are
willing to pay the price for discipleship that is laid down in My Book: persecutions, sufferings, being a stranger in this world,
slandered and lied about, and taking up your cross to die daily.
Popularity is one of the first things that has to go on the offering plate if you're out to serve Me.

Its time for everyone near and far to get serious about serving Me, and to prove whether they really mean business with Me, because
the time for compromise with the Enemy and his System is soon coming to a close, and you must prepare for that time.
My yoke is easy and My burden is light. And if its not easy, and the burden is not light, then it is not My yoke, in other words, then
you have not been serving Me.
If youre going to serve Me, youre going to have to give Me priority over the gods of this world, their money, their power, their wealth,
their positions, and all the benefits they give you.

How well have you served My people? How well have you served others?
Will you have been a good and faithful servant, faithfully handing out the bread of life and serving them the water of life?

I want you to enjoy life and enjoy your service for Me and what youre doing for Me: I want you to do what you enjoy!
Merely going through a humdrum of performing duties you dont particularly enjoy isnt going to enhance your quality of life, thus
your health, your happiness, and thus also not your sample and testimony for Me, which equals your efficiency for Me. So I might as
well let you do what you enjoy!
Of course, Satan is mad as hell about it, because he likes to enslave everyone, and he furiously hates people who refuse to be loyal
and obedient slaves of the Matrix.

Id rather have you so happy and thankful that you can truly offer Me to your friends and acquaintances as the best deal of your life-
time, by having personally experienced that I like to give you the desires of your heart and make you happy, than have you try to
serve Me for any false and less than noble reason.
They already live in a tit for tat world where they only get something in return for something they have to do or give first. I want to
be the Exception and the break out of that treadmill. I really want to liberate them from all their fears, not just replace old ones with
new ones.
If what motivates you is fear of missing out on something in case you dont obey Me, then you dont have the right motivations it
takes to win anybody to Me, and theyll sense it, and Id rather you go and enjoy yourself until you find out that theres nothing to be
afraid of.

Sometimes I use your false motivations for My glory and greater good.
Theres always time to mature later on, as you grow up and learn more about life. Its better someone serves Me for the wrong
reasons than not serving Me at all and getting into mischief instead.
And yet again, I may use a period of mischief to get you out of the rut of trying to serve Me for the wrong reasons, and clean up your
spiritual household a little bit and become more real in your motivations and the driving force that spurs you on through life.
I work in everybodys life in different ways, and what Im trying to get you away from is that drawer type of thinking, that would
dictate the same kind of procedure for everyone.

People who strive to serve Me with good intentions, but in their own energy, often fall short of the real goal. They fail to realize that
you cant legislate righteousness, much less love, and love is still the most important thing, not good works.

Ive got My very own and special way of doing things in store for you, your own modus operandi, your special power, that makes
you fill the special place in My service that only you can.

Accursed is the man that maketh flesh his arm (Jer.17:5). Its part of the curse of the Devils promise, Ye shall be as gods. That god-
hood definitely has its disadvantages, especially when youre trying your best to serve the true God and that little pseudo-god ego
keeps piping up, Hey, but what about me?

There are those who are trying to play the best of both worlds, who preach that you can please both; you can serve God and
The question is, who are you going to believe? Me and My Word, or them? Will you allow them to influence and sway you with their
way of thinking? Or will you remain steadfast and maintain your eyes on My goal and My path?
You cannot please both, God and those who serve Mammon.
If you serve God, youll be an outcast and a traitor to those who devote their lives to Mammon and the god of the flesh.

When I see that somebody does all they can in order to serve Me and to please Me, then I also give them the gifts that they will need
as tools and instruments to do their job for Me.
Service to Me consists of doing what you can in order to bring My Words of life to those dying spiritually all around you, and those
who dedicate their lives to that service are the ones who receive My gifts in order to help them do the job.
An apprentice will have to work for a month before he will get his first paycheck, and he wont be getting the fancy assignments
before he will have completed the simple ones, and thats how it also works with Me, if you want to be My apprentice.
While there may be more than a few who believe in Me, there arent all that many who actually dedicate their time to serving Me and
spreading My Word and furthering My Cause.
Does My Cause seem so un-worthy to you?
Introducing them to Me, the Great Teacher, does the same for them that Ann Sullivan did for Helen Keller: She brought meaning, yes,
the very concept of meaning into her life, and thats what I do for so many, countless others, too. But usually I dont get much of a
chance, because so few of My people want to introduce Me to those who dont know Me yet.
Keep in mind what youre here for: youre here to introduce others to the Great Teacher Who will bring meaning and light and love
into their lives. Isnt that a worthy endeavor?

You cannot mistake service to Me as only action. In fact, 90% of it is interaction with Me, Your communion with Me, your devotion to
Me, and I will do the rest through you. I will then inspire and empower you to do the physical part of executing whatever is My will for
you to do.

The Enemy will always require Cesars pound of flesh for anything he will give you, even if its merely an opportunity for you to
work for him and be his slave in return for his meager wages
The devils generosity is a different kind than Mine, and I need you to experience these things in order to appreciate Whom youre
serving, and thus put your whole heart into your service for Me.
I want you to find out why it pays to trust Me and put your efforts on My side and invest your time and energy into My Cause, not

Do you want to live to serve a pleasure and entertainment craving mob thats practically impossible to satisfy, unless you put
yourself on their wavelength?
Your job is to give the world a wake-up message, and not to entertain them, or keep them satisfied in their stupor.

Whatever it takes for you to touch peoples hearts and really bring across My message to them is what I would consider service for
Me, not whatever brings in money by merely tickling peoples ears.
Youve got to put Me, My Cause and Kingdom first, and not the money! You cannot serve the purpose of both. If its the money youre
there for, then My purpose and message goes under! Youve got to be there primarily for My sake, and not care or worry about the
money. Just deliver My message wherever you go, and let the money and your supply be My problem.

Your true purpose in life is to please and serve Me, primarily, and not live for and cater to either your own selfish cravings and lusts
and desires, nor anyone elses.

The Father and I didnt want to have robot-like creatures obeying and serving us all day just because We made them to. We want
everybody to like Us and to love Us voluntarily, because they choose to and want to.

True progress is achieved through concern for others and developing an attitude that causes you to look around for things you can
do that may be of service to them, instead of constantly being on the lookout for someone to cater to your personal well-being. Its
the attitude of a servant, as opposed to that of a tyrant, and the choice between either of those two is basically what determines your
outcome in the final analysis of your life as either a winner or a loser.
The tyrants may presently look like the winners, but theyll certainly be the losers in the long run, whereas the servants are going to
be the winners in My book. The tyrants are those who are too proud to be My servants, and they rebel against that destiny, and want
to be served and catered to themselves. They dont want to dance on another suckers parade as someone put it, which just about
wraps up the Devils attitude of the original pride that brought sin and all of evil into the world.
The only true progress and advancement is achieved via selfless serving. The regress and backwards movement the world is
currently undergoing is all due to millions of little tyrants being let loose on each other, powered by the input that Satan has
unleashed upon them on an unprecedented massive scale soon to culminate in the revelation of the biggest tyrant ever
Being a servant of Mine is infinitely more rewarding than being a slave in the matrix, which may enable you to play a tyrant over a
handful of other people for a brief time in the present, but will usually only result in misery later

Be the living proof that, yes; Im going to take care of them if theyre going to leave their jobs in order to serve Me. They may not
necessarily be able to enjoy the same sort of abundance they currently enjoy while slaving away for those comforts and luxuries and
extras, but for this they can have the simple joy of knowing theyre serving God in the truest and purest form and way possible today
in the 21st century, regardless of what all the voices may say that cause them to compare with others: Why do they have so much
more than you? More of what? - Material things that bring leanness to the souls of millions and billions of folks around the world?

There are different facets of service to Me: there are the tasks of building up the church and preaching the Gospel, and there are
tasks of healing, of casting out of spirits, which include addressing the negative side of things.
I use you as a spice of variety in My potpourri of the message that I want to give to the world.
Different strokes for different folks
Some are called to burn their candle at both ends, others are destined to burn perhaps less brightly, but longer. Now it behooves
every man to abide in their calling

Signs & Indications

There is some following to do, some listening, and some watching for where I will lead you, some knocking on doors, some listening
and looking out for signs and signals, of confirmations that will say, This is the way, walk ye in it! (IV:482)

When you admit that you need My Help, thats a sign that you really learned something. (IV:501)

If people can see that youre happy and content, that will be the clearest sign for them that you may have something that they havent
got and that they might want, too. (11:88)

Allowing circumstances to overwhelm you, showing that youre giving the priority to them, over Me and My Realm, is not a good
sign. (12:22)

You become discouraged? Thats a good sign youre on the right path, so dont quit! (12:45)

With three churches burning on three different continents, just before three volcanic eruptions on three separate continents is a sign
of warning that bad, hard and evil times are coming to your planet, and its high time for preparation for that trouble.
The forces of evil are giving their sign that theyre soon to take over. Preparing for the last and final world government of evil. So
getting ready for it would be the wisest thing to do. (16:59)

When youve got no one else to rely and lean on, thats the ultimate sign and reminder to lean on Me!
Needing My Help pretty much for each day youre passing through is not a bad sign, just a preparation for the toughest times of
history coming up, and I would like to get you into that gear of dependence on Me in order for you to have a chance to make it
through whats to come. (16:72)

The one of My disciples who was in charge of it turned out to be My traitor, and that should give you a little glimpse of My attitude
towards money and worldly riches! With a hint whose influence and power that stuff does come from.
So, being tabbed to it, and letting it run your life is definitely not a good sign for true disciples of Mine. (16:78)

If you dont know how youre gonna make it, remember it as a sign for the need of My guidance, Power and strengthening! (16:85)

Its not that the conditions show Me having to take My Grace from you, just a sign that you need some more of it, and should be
something you aim and ask more for. (16:91)

The circumstances getting darker are a sign of the coming doom.

Remember My Sermon on the Mount in Matthew, where I counted some of the evil conditions expecting My followers as a sign of
their blessings! (16:97)

Whats to come will be the opposite of perfect unfortunately the only sign that will gear some folks vision in a different direction.

See that what happens between you and your kids is often symbolic of what happens between you and your heavenly Parents?
- Another sign that theres some improvement and changes for the better to make. (16:108)

If its a toughie to make it through your days without getting ahold of Me first, its a sign of what you should do. (16:125)

With life becoming tougher and harder for you, its a sign and preparation for times just getting harder and tougher soon, and the
current state is just supposed to help getting you ready for them.
Let that state of weakness youre in be a proof and a sign to you that I can empower you to make it in spite of any physical matter and
condition! (16:139)

The follower of Mine in charge of and bound to money turned out to be My traitor, and thats a warning to all My servants and should
also be a sign to them not to let money become the most important thing in their lives. (16:145)

The fact that things wont always continue to work out perfectly but sometimes disastrously is a sign for those whove been living
comfortable lives in this world but need to be reminded that its not their home. (16:157)

If life strikes you as a disaster, its just a sign for you to cling to Me for Help.
When you cant cope with things, its like a sign and reminder from Above that youre in desperate need of My Help, and youve just
got to get into that groove of dependence on Me. (16:160)

Cant manage to deal with what you find before you? Well, thats a sign that youre desperately dependent on My Help. (16:168)

It may be tough to see and recognize that cash or money are evil when they are what provides you with the things you need and
want but it might be a sign that you should gear your desires to the will of God and what He wants for you, and trust in the Promise
that Hell definitely provide you with the things you need. (16:172)

Feeling like an outcast, like someone absolutely not belonging there isnt necessarily a bad sign. Especially not in consideration of
what and whose tribe the world is developing into.
Sometimes the appearance of tough circumstances can be a signal of the fact for you that youre in the center of the Fathers and My
will for you.
So, dont take rough circumstances and conditions as a negative sign!
When times are tough, dont take it as a sign that youre off the track! The easy times may be more of a signal of that than the hard
times, when the enemy fights you for a reason.
So, dont take it as a sign of defeat when the enemy is fighting you and youre right in the middle of hard times! Its more of a
confirmation that youre in the center of My will and the Fathers than when everythings going rosy.
When you need Me desperately its a good sign that youre dependent on Me. It may not strike you as a good sign for anything at all,
but it is for Me. (16:175)

Feeling incapable? Thats a good sign for Me, since it drives you into the gear of relying on Me and Heavens capabilities, instead of
your own. (16:176)

If Im becoming the most important Factor in your life in order for you to overcome all the negative conditions and circumstances in
the world around you hey, trust Me that thats a good sign!
When folks and circumstances around you arent what you can rely on anymore trust Me: its a good sign for Me and your heavenly
Help to finally reach the point of importance in your life It should have! (16:177)

Being ready for changes that another person feels led to is a sign of yieldedness, and of readiness and reception for changes I may
want to bring in your life through them. (16:190)

The fact that you dont manage it on your own is a vivid sign of the fact that you need all the Help and Strength from Above, and that
means, youve got to get onto the Channel to get ahold of It! (17:6)

If lifes not what you like it to be, its a sign that its time to change it. (17:12)

The more rotten the circumstances, the clearer the sign for a need of change. (17:31)

The world is heading for disaster, and if you describe your current days as disastrous, let it be another sign of My preparation of
you for whats coming! (17:32)

If you cant make it without Me, My Help and input, trust Me: Its a good sign!
Circumstances around growing negative and dark are a sign of the need to set your focus on the spiritual Light of the world. (17:33)

Life getting harder and tougher each day is a sign of the general downhill movement of the world, and it just signifies that you need
to become more dependent on the Help from Above each day.
That mankind doesnt learn the lessons from history, is another sign that changes are necessary. (17:34)

Needing Mes a good sign, and a better mode than independence; even if not exactly sounding popular according to the themes of
the world. (17:35)

Going by your connection with God and putting greater emphasis on the Spirit is quite different than the large majority of folks
around you, and it may strike them as odd or strange, but thats just another sign and factor of simply not being of this world. (17:37)

If the physical parts around you make it tough, its a sign to direct your focus on the Spirit! (17:93)

If circumstances down there tend to drag you down, thats another sign of the need to look Up - toward Me, the Author and Finisher
of your faith! (17:109)

When life becomes a tough one, its a sign to teach the importance of the superior Strength of the Spirit vs. that of the flesh. (17:115)

Accepting others faults is a sign of humility, as opposed to self-righteous pride. (17:126)

If youre feeling like you cant make it, its a sign that you need My Help. (17:153)

Christ-confidence is the sign that I can use you the most, even if you may feel more useless than ever in the flesh. (17:156)

A sign and example of many of the enemys tricks and distractions:

Whenever Ive got something to say, he always chimes in with a But (17:171)

If you feel like you can hardly make it anymore physically, let that be a sign that My Strength and Power are supposed to come to
play the important and significant part in your life!
So, if you feel like you cant make it on your own anymore, dont see it as a sign of something bad, but as the good and positive
factor that you need Me and My Help and Strength and Power to come to play in your life! (17:175)

What I consider your most important task: to stay in touch with and hear from Me; so if someone threatens to distract you from that,
it just might be a sign for you that thats simply not the place I designed as your goal and destination. (17:176)

Let being incapable by yourself be a sign that you simply need greater strength and capacities than your own, physical ones! (17:180)

See the enemys efforts to destroy your unity as a greater sign for you to make more of an effort to preserve it in spite of whatever he
tries to do to drag you apart! (17:181)

Times getting tougher are a challenge to make your faith grow in spite of the conditions.
Another sign that your faith and belief and trust in Me should rise above the influences of whats going on around you! (17:199)

When those around you make it tougher for you, its a sign Who you should place your trust and reliance on. (17:201)
The process of becoming more dependent on Me instead of self-capacities is more important, especially in relation to the dark times
of the future, and folks around you putting up with it must be a sign of confirmation, that its the right thing thats happening, the right
process to get you prepared for whats coming. (17:202)

If your fellow humans down there are largely making it tougher on you, what could it be a sign for, of who you should cling to and put
your hopes on? (17:203)

Remember that pleasing folks isnt My task for you, but the way they receive you for who and what you are, not what you do for them
should be more of an indication whether it could be My will for you to stay with them! (17:207)

Feeling too weak to make it through your day is a sign that you need My Strength; and for Me thats a sign that someone down there
needs Me and I can work through in ways that fleshly capacities wont accomplish, letting Me do it through them, instead of relying
on themselves and doing all it takes to get through their days in their own strengths. (17:209)

Yieldedness and submission are a sign of seeking Me and My will for you, and thus, putting Me first in your life, the supposed priority
in the life of a true Christian and follower of Mine.
Accepting what the Father and I allow is a sign of true faith. (17:210)

Complaining, moaning and whining about relatively easy circumstances isnt much of a sign of faith, is it?
Taking whatever comes as it comes, now that would be it!
A sign of true faith: to accept whatever comes, trusting in the Fathers and My wisdom that We know what Were allowing. (17:219)

Signs of the Times

To you, My brides of the End, it is given to read and understand the signs of the times. If you look beyond that which is at hand and
seek Me in it, and the deeper meaning, itll be like reading the Matrix. Its like learning to read computer programming language. (I:192)

Its certainly good to feel out the signs of the times by staying in touch with the news.
If youre interested in the future, it starts out with staying in touch with the present, and all thats happening already. (III:404)

I suppose its just one of the signs of the times that people have largely lost respect for their parents and elders, earthly or heavenly
alike. (12:30)

When all around you in the physical world theres not much left to see but darkness, its one of the signs and manifestations of whos
about to take over the world completely in the not too distant future. (16:141)

If you cant make it with your own, physical means as well as you used to, let it be a sign of Our leading and guidance of where youre
supposed to place your faith and confidence instead! (16:207)

If times have been rosier and easier before, its because you were much better able to manage and make it through things, conditions
and situations. Not making it anymore is just a confirmation of the signs of the times: the sign of the tough times to come. (17:31)

With times and days getting darker, let it be a sign for preparation for the darkest ones to come! (17:120)

Whenever you feel like you cant make it, cheer up! - Thats the sign that should remind you of the need for My Strength, Power and
Light, without which you simply wont make it through the darkest times to come. (17:131)

If it seems to you like every day is getting a bit tougher well, thats just one of the signs of the tougher times coming, and you
should see it as part of the process of preparation. (17:152)

In the silence you will hear things that really count and will make history. (II:173)

The way of greater truth is the peaceable way of silence. Anyone can bicker and backbite, but only few can hold their tongue and hold
their peace. Everyone's got something to say, but few can listen and let it be. (II:264)
My still small voice can best be heard in the silence. (III:48)

One of the greatest services you can render to each other is to give each other space, room and silence, and time to listen to Me.

My silence makes you think.

Thats a neat feature and advantage of silence. It makes you think. It gives you room to think, for a change, and gives you a break
from all the endless noises and distractions which are trying to achieve just the opposite.
Silence gives Me room to move. Remember that its the space in-between the objects that does it. So it is in the acoustic realm. The
power lies within the empty, silent spaces between all the clamor and clatter.
When I get you to the point where in silence you contemplate and realize that all youve been up to lately was vanity, then I get
another chance to present to you My program, which, granted, may be a lot more low-profile than all the rah-rah and ado of self-
advertisement and aggrandizement. (IV:1)

Sometimes silence is an important part of what I have to convey to the world. (IV:64)

Sometimes you just need to be still and know that I am God. (IV:69)

Theres something you learn in the silence, in that void and lack of all the usual noise and clamor that you dont learn anywhere else,
but its the only thing ever worth learning, ever worth keeping going at. (IV:118)

Sometimes My answer, My message I try to convey to you, lies in the silence, in the experience, in whatever it is youre having to
pass through. (IV:172)

We dont need all the big loud rah-rah and fanfare theyre making. The real thrills lie in the silence, in the little things that the big guns
are tempted to ignore altogether The real thrill lies in the still, invisible and unnoticed spaces in-between the whopping chunks of
matter, and our nothing may yet turn out to be more than all their somethings. (IV:238)

The whole universe lives and breathes in silence. Its only man who thinks hes got to make one helluva noise in order to be heard,
for if hes not heard, he thinks its equivalent with non-existence. But take it from the universe: youll live! Silence is not a killer! In
fact, it might even improve things. Just give it a chance! (IV:309)

Is it that odd voice in the silence telling you to do it totally differently, in fact, diametrically opposed to the way theyre telling you to?

Sometimes saying a bit less isnt the wrong move!

Silence is sometimes a wiser way than non-stop talking so, unless youre quite sure that what youre about to say is the right thing
at the right time and inspired by Me to say at the time, just keep thinking and praying about it a bit more, instead of uttering whatever
pops into your mind! (15:146)

As you know from Revelation (8:1), therell be a time when therell even be half an hour of silence in Heaven, due to the trouble
happening on Earth (16:106)

Sometimes saying a bit less isnt the wrong move!

Silence is sometimes a wiser way than non-stop talking so, unless youre quite sure that what youre about to say is the right thing
at the right time and inspired by Me to say at the time, just keep thinking and praying about it a bit more, instead of uttering whatever
pops into your mind! (2015:146)

Remember the voice of the Spirits a comparatively silent one, as the prophet in the wilderness found out. So, it takes a bit of quiet in
order to become able to hear it
The quieter the conditions around you, the better youll be able to hear the Spirit.
Another difference between the flesh and the Spirit: the flesh is definitely the noisier factor.
Thats why the sound of silence has got something to it. Its the sound during which youll be best capable to hear the Voice from
Above. (17:9)

See silence as a blessing!

Silence enables you to hear from Me better than with the usual noise around you. The noises are often manifestations of the other
spirits having taken over the world that are planning to take over a large part of mankind in the flesh, and will do so, in order to show
who belongs to Me and who belongs to the enemy for when Ill return. (17:191)

Situations & Incidents (Happenings)

Say, Thank You, Lord, for handing us this situation! Could we now kindly hand it back to You, for You to take care of it?
And no matter how grave the situation may look right this minute, by faith and by My grace, youll be able to laugh about it tomorrow,
next week, or at the very latest when youre with Me in My Kingdom. (I:128)

Every individual situation is different and has its individual solution. Seek Me for the specific answer! (I:147)

When you are tempted to get upset about a certain situation, think of Me, put on My mind, and commit the situation into My hands
(Hebr.12:3) ! (I:300)

Only I can give you the solutions for each individual situation, and its essential that you remain in close, personal contact with Me
and dont lose the connection! (I:316)

Certain experiences can bring about changes in your attitudes, which will enable you to handle situations with renewed zest and
energy, and in different ways. (II:572)

I hand you some situations for you to hand them back to Me, the way a father rolls a ball toward his child, expecting him to roll it
back. That's the way the game works. After you've rolled it back to Me by committing the problem to prayer, and I've done what I can
to improve the situation, I'll roll it back to you, and have you do a little bit of what you can. (III:66)

Love will lead you to situations that are beyond your experiences, to places beyond your present limits. (III:83)

Certain things happen in your lives that are like warning signs. (III:112)

Contemplate and consider your situation in relation to My will for you! (III:355)

Every once in a while I allow you to fall into a situation where you have to rediscover the art of asking for things. (III:393)

It behooves you to recognize the seriousness of the situation and behave and act accordingly. (III:405)

Can you thank Me for the situation, even if its less than perfect? (III:488)

In a situation you just cant deal with in your own wit, your own effort to put two and two together, your only hopes in Me.
If you find yourself at wits end in your situation and you cant seem to handle it and it doesnt make any sense to you, let it be a sign
to you just how futile it is to lean on your own understanding and reasoning, and how much youre going to have to leave up to Me
and commit the whole thing to Me in prayer! (III:492)

There will come situations where the way it has always worked for so and so wont do the trick anymore, but only the way God is
going to have to do it right now. (III:501)

Some situations dont have a way out. Look at those who have to endure a permanent handicap that they have to live with for the rest
of their lives! What counts is your attitude and what you make out of the circumstances and conditions youve been given, and how
you handle them.
If you find yourself stuck in a hopeless and dreadful situation for life, just think about others who are handicapped for life, and be
thankful for your hands and feet! (III:504)

Sometimes you have to judge a situation by the need and the vacuum there is. (III:518)

I want you to learn something out of a situation. I want you to eat it, chew on it, and not spit it out until youve fully tasted this lesson
and experience, because its essential for My training and molding you into what you are supposed to be.
The only way out is the way through it!
Youre going to have to experience it, go through it, and carry your cross, which is that situation and challenge you find yourself in at
any given moment. (III:557)

The devil will always try to get his platform and his moment in the spotlight, and sometimes he can get quite bold and dominate the
scenery, but youve got to trust Me that even those situations are for your good. (III:558)

There are situations when love is to hope with folks even when there doesnt seem to be much hope from the rational point of view.

Sometimes I choose what could be deemed an unfruitful situation for someone, because the lessons to be gleaned from it are more
important to Me than any fruit that could be gained in another situation, or by changing it. (III:565)

Nothing will make you pray, like an unpleasant, oppressive situation that you want out of.
Your happiness is important to Me, even if in certain situations, other things do have priority.
If youre not happy in a certain situation, then Ill have to take that into consideration and find a solution for you. (III:568)

Its a sacrifice of love that you make in helping others do better: situation improvement. By approaching certain people on the
possibility of improving their behavior, youre ultimately improving your situation. (III:578)

You wonder, what could I possibly tell you that is going to make a difference; how could words solve your crisis or catapult you out
of the situation you see yourself in?
But you mustnt underestimate My Words.
Remember theyre the building blocks of the universe, and the stuff the worlds were made of! (III:590)
When things are tight, you look around and wonder, What could I be doing better? What might I be doing that is bringing this
momentary situation upon me? Youre not taking it for granted any longer that you must be doing okay, but you figure, Wait a
minute, why has the Lord stopped blessing me? (III:591)

Once your boat is in motion, and you are moving in My direction, you will find situations in which you will need more specific and
personal advice and counsel and direction from Me, and I will not hesitate to give it to you. (III:598)

What else can you do in many situations but pray? (III:604)

A situation that is going to require lots of desperation and help and guidance from Me is all the more conducive to My plan and
according to My will and liking, even if your flesh may crave for the opposite, a situation it can easily handle in its own strength and
wisdom. (IV:3)

Even though the situation may appear to be less and less hopeful, youve got to have faith that beyond it lies a greater victory and
resurrection than you could possibly imagine, and which wont be attainable any other way. (IV:12)

The enemy tries to amplify the pain and darken the picture by whispering in your ear, as if he was your friend and sympathizing with
you, when hes responsible for the mess and the situation in the first place. (IV:24)

Can you make an effort to have a little bit of a believing and trusting attitude that Im capable of bringing the best out of a situation,
and that Im in full control?
The only One it pays to put your trust in fully am I. I can salvage any situation, no matter how bad. (IV:26)

While it may be natural to seek physically comfortable situations, that may be something youd like to get away from, and seek to
challenge yourself a bit more. (IV:27)

You tend to be inclined to argue that you deserve better than your lot that has befallen you. Why should you have to end up in such a
miserable situation? Well, its those miserable situations that determine and show what kind of person you really are (IV:35)

If Im going to intervene supernaturally and save this whole world from the mess it has gotten itself into, then am I not going to be
able to do the same for you and change any less than favorable situation youre in into a better one? (IV:69)

Focus on Me, and I will give you the strength and wisdom and guidance to make it through any situation with people!
The art is to learn to pray even on the very cross they nailed you to: Forgive them, for they know not what they do.
Youre never going to be able to pray that on the cross if you dont learn to pray that in the everyday situations of life.
I never said, Go ahead and jump right in with both feet, and enjoy whatever situation you land in! I admonished My disciples to
watch and pray. There are certain situations and things in life you would naturally wish to avoid, and it takes some looking before you
leap, and some wisdom, prayer and communication with Me in order to avoid winding up in a bigger mess than the one you were in
previously. (IV:70)

How prepared are you for a situation in which youd have to trust Me and Me alone? (IV:82)

It would be foolish to see the Bible as anything other than a foundation on which to build a new building in which you wont refuse to
also use new building materials, and new and fresh input from Me and My Realm concerning the manifold situations you may find
yourselves in for which you wont find a biblical precedent.
There will be situations that will require new and fresh input to give you guidance and heavenly insight and wisdom on how to deal
with them.
My new Law is alive, and adapts to each individual situation, since in every situation that involves My believers, lots of heavenly
counselors and helpers are involved, and each situation is judged on its own merits.
I will always give you the additional necessary wisdom, strength, love and insight to make it through those new trials and
unprecedented situations unscathed.
Im not alone working on your behalf, but there are countless saints working around the clock on your behalf and your situation as
well, fighting hard to bring about the best possible outcome in each of the things you have to go through.
There is something new to learn out of every situation. (IV:93)

I have put you in this situation in order to learn to yield, to be willing to say I will or yes to My Plan for you, even if it may be a
painful and humbling path
You can do no other but trust that it is I Who have chosen this scenario and challenge for you. (IV:100)

Wisdom is in recognizing that I can do more than you, and that you can reach farther by availing yourself of My Help, instead of
insisting on doing whatever you can in your own strength to mend or improve the situation.
Its hard to be brought to that edge where the flesh is powerless, and to trust in a God Who would allow such suffering and loss.
Its an individual choice of faith to take the high road or low road in such a situation, just as it is in nearly every other instance of
faith. (IV:101)

You have to claim authority over your situation, your circumstances, and just take the upper hand, and not allow yourself to be
overwhelmed. (IV:124)

The knowledge of evil is designed to give man an advantage over another.

I came to reverse the situation and offer a different way; that of laying down your lives for one another and mutually esteeming the
other more than yourself. By living your lives for Me instead of yourselves you can finally also learn to genuinely live them for others,
not to satisfy any selfish desires and lusts, but in mutual love, and truly learning to make each other happy as you primarily seek to
please Me in your lives. (IV:137)

When life asks you to come out and play, there are often surprises involved, new and strange situations and challenges, requiring
you to stick close to the Maker of the game in order to make all the right moves required.
If you base your wisdom purely and exclusively on the knowledge and experience youve acquired, without any openness to learn
new things and adapt to new situations, then you might wind up looking pretty silly in some of those situations and make a mess of
Whereas if you put on a students attitude, ready to learn something new from the situation you encounter, then you can be ready for
new lessons, and thus an expansion of your previous scope, and thus the scope of your wisdom and experience will grow.
It all depends whether you encounter the situation in a yielded, ready and open and child-like spirit, or with a wise-guy attitude, which
makes you critical of anything new and different you encounter (IV:143)

Being attuned to the Spirit World has many advantages. It helps you to be more sensitive to the needs of your present situation, and
helps you to tune in to others and their needs better, to have greater understanding for them, since your spirit helpers are in touch
with theirs, and they can help each of you to find common ground. (IV:145)

With the world changing as rapidly as it is, its simply safest and best to stay on the foundation that is always right and applicable in
each situation, and always appropriate, and thats the language of love. (IV:167)

One can run from one situation to another, always distracted from dealing with the key points I want to address in his life, which is
one reason why it would be preferable if you were able to use the situation youre in to make the necessary inward changes, rather
than Me having to shift you to another one and there perhaps having to start all over to learn the same old lesson from scratch.

Notions of distance from Me are always most likely to occur due to the position of your own heart, and your own personal perception
of the situation, and are never based on My actual position, which is unwavering, and always close to you, no matter what you do,
since I love you unconditionally.
In such situations you should strive to seek Me and My closeness all the more desperately. (IV:173)

Sometimes I use situations to see whether youre going to keep trusting Me anyway that I know best, even if things dont seem to
make perfect sense to you (IV:184)

If you thank Me for your situation and circumstances instead of complaining about them, youre bound to improve things.
It would be helpful if youd adopt a definitely positive and praiseful attitude from scratch, showing that you believe that I know what
Im doing, even if its a situation that could potentially be rated either positively or negatively.
Just because you know Im in charge, and I have always made the best out of every situation so far (IV:198)

How else can I teach you new lessons, unless I allow new things and situations to occur in your life?
There are many things that any rational thinker might have known better than for Me to allow them, but do they really know all the
factors involved, and whether the alternative really would have been better?
Can they really say that they would have been a better judge of the situation? (IV:203)

You can only reach your extreme strength in extreme situations. (IV:215)

Theres something positive about pretty much everything.

So, keep looking for that in situations where its hard to find! (IV:216)

If you see a situation from an angle where you recognize the fact that challenge is truly an easy thing for Me to handle, then you even
find it in you to praise Me for presenting you with that challenge. (IV:221)

Your situation may look somewhat weird and unusual, and may make you feel forsaken when you start comparing to them who
never seem to be going through any such trials, but that is mainly because there are so relatively few who are walking this path.

Youve simply got to get into the habit of seeking Me for messages in any situation, even if you dont have any means to write down
what Im telling you. (IV:236)

There comes a time in every mans life when they will face a situation in which they wont cope anymore; latest when theyll have to
face their passage from this life into the next (IV:238)

Love, shown in situations when undeserved, can be helpful in turning things toward a better development than personally
experienced. (IV:240)

Everybody is fairly quickly concerned when they perceive that they are getting less than what they think they deserve or should be
getting, but sometimes it turns out that theyre having to go through a particular situation because they were not concerned enough
about their part, and that they have to suffer because they could be giving more (IV:242)

Positively look around for more and other things you could do, instead of eying your situation negatively and finding flaws in it!
Of course your situation has flaws. There isnt anybody on Earth in a perfect situation. Everybody and every situation has flaws.

I'm putting you in situations you want to get out of, but isn't this exactly the way I get you to look at Me, focus on Me, and make Me
your best Friend instead of anyone else in the flesh? (IV:245)
The thing about impossible situations is that you need Me to help you cope with them, and theyre the only ones you cant pat
yourself on the back for having managed them.
Whether your situation is a good one or not mostly depends on your own attitude and point of view, and whether youre taking a
victorious stance toward life or you allow yourself to be defeated quite easily (IV:251)

Sometimes whats necessary in order to restore happiness and appreciation of your previous or current situation is a new situation
that isnt quite as easy. (IV:253)

I see farther ahead than you can, and I can see the advantage in a seemingly negative situation that you cant possibly see yet.
We walk by faith and not by sight means that you allow Me to do the seeing for you, and you dont rely on your own perception and
analysis of the situation.
Rely not on your own understanding and your own capabilities to make sense of your situation! If you do, you wont be able to
handle the crises that are inevitably bound to hit your life, because you have been trusting in yourself and your own intelligence,
instead of Me and My Power.
I have to allow such situations to arise in order to remind you in Whom it really pays to put your trust. (IV:273)

Life tells a different story and sings a different tune for everyone. While there are certain general directions, one of My overall
instructions has always been for each to find My will and strategy for their personal situation. (IV:299)

Dont look at the waves and the wind: your momentary situation
Look at Me, the One Who can alter your circumstances when you cannot. (IV:336)

I want to show and prove to you that the one Constant you have in whatever situation and walk of life you encounter is Me, and I am
what and Who you can rely on, no matter where, and under what awkward, strange or scary circumstances. (IV:338)

No matter how bad the situation or problem, I have the solution, and I will settle and solve it in the long run, even if it may take some
time and endurance on your part. (IV:346)

Trust that I can assess a situation better than you, know better what measures are appropriate to deal with it, and that I know what
you can handle! (IV:348)

Its important to always get your fresh manna for each day and not rely on the counsel of yesterday, especially when its
concerning changeable circumstances and situations. (IV:421)

Sometimes you have to play it by ear and take a situation as it unfolds and adapt accordingly. (IV:436)

You always have to see the input I give in the light of the current situation. (IV:442)

Sometimes you would like to have some more practical and down to Earth advice from Me, related to your immediate situation, but I
prefer to give you gems and jewels that will last beyond your immediate situation. (IV:477)

If you can see Me as the constant Source of joy in whichever situation you are, then you can also be happy in a seemingly
unwelcome situation in which youre having to wait an uncertain amount of time. (IV:479)

I still come in to brighten up the seemingly hopeless situation, will bring hope and light and life where hardly any was still to be
expected. (IV:483)

Yes, the situation is bad, but dont just surrender to its state and let the devil walk all over you!
No matter how bad your situation, you can always rise above it! (IV:487)

Do you regret being in a situation where you desperately need My Help and are utterly dependent on Me, or do you appreciate it as a
means to come closer to Me than you ever could if I would just let you live a carefree life? (IV:518)

By seeking Me and My Presence, you alter your situation. (11:9)

My personal relationship with you is important to Me, and I want you to realize that its important to you, too; and I purposely allow
you to stumble into situations out of which no one else can save you but I. (11:12)

Theres not one situation that I didnt help you to make it through, so, why should I start to fail you now? (11:13)

Another tough situation, and it seems like a little more than you can handle, but once again youre just going to have to trust Me that I
know better about what you can handle.
Sometimes the pressure situations bring you into a position of willingness to try what you might not have under different
circumstances (11:31)

Im there to help you through the things youll have to go through as they pan out, and to assure you that theres a happy ending,
come what may, and to save you from your own messes when things just didnt pan out, but Im not here to tell you exactly how they
will in each situation. (11:32)

Give Me the glory, instead of taking it for granted that, of course, you should make it, why not, you always have
Yes, you did, but because Ive helped you, and I need and want you to acknowledge that. Is it any wonder Im putting you in situations
even you realize you couldnt possibly handle yourself? (11:39)
Is it any wonder Im allowing you to stumble into situations that you dont know for certain what the outcome is going to be like, and
where you realize that prayer is desperately required? (11:47)

I love to show My Power by upholding you through the most ridiculous situations. (11:68)

Life will always present situations to you in which you will feel like running away from them, but running away is not the solution. The
way to cope with them is turning to Me for answers.
Sometimes I let you wind up in situations from which there is no running away, no way of escape, just for you to learn that I am the
One for you to turn to when you can't cope with what is going on in your life. (11:74)

I like to be that more in your situations of less. (11:78)

One of My major purposes and ambitions for you is to keep you close to Me through whatever situation I bring up, and wherever I
may lead you.
It is for Me to teach you to see Me and My hand in whichever situation you may find yourself.
Keep close to Me through whatever situation I bring up, and wherever I may lead you! It is for Me to teach you to see Me and My hand
in whichever situation you may find yourself. Granted, that may be a challenge when the situation differs strongly from what you
would have chosen as an ideal situation for yourself, but when it all comes down to it, that is more or less what faith is, translated
into the reality of life: Can you take the less than favorable circumstances from My hand and thus, as positives by faith?
Learn to portray an attitude of faith, especially in less than favorable situations! (11:86)

Dont try to save yourself out of what you perceive as a hopeless situation, but let Me be the Sunshine that shines a Light of Hope in
there, that will give you a purpose and the conviction to go on! (11:87)

Youve been in a few situations in your life where you figured, Lord, this couldnt possibly be it! But usually you found yourself
rewarded for having trusted Me anyway. (11:89)

In any new situation there will always be new challenges and adversities to rise above and get the victory over, so its natural that I
would want you to learn that in your present situation first, before I lead you to the next.
I wish for you to be happy, but I know that true and lasting happiness doesnt just come from altering your situation. (11:92)

Becoming aware of a need is the first step toward improvement. The best thing that can happen is your realization of the need, which
will help and cause you to focus on potential solutions, changes of behavior and attitude; things you must do or could do in order to
improve the situation. (11:93)

To have got what it takes is usually something you acquire by sticking it through a difficult situation. (11:98)

Learn to accept each new situation and adapt to whatever comes with it! (11:102)

He that is faithful in the least is faithful also in much (Lk.16:10), and showing faithfulness in those small, mundane situations life puts
you in is what qualifies you for something bigger and better eventually. (11:120)

If change is a factor that I want to bring about in your life, its obviously the enemy who would oppose and counteract that drift and
do whatever he can think up in order to prevent it from happening, including making you very comfortable with your current
situation. (11:134)

Instead of focusing on the dreadfulness of a situation, try to make an effort to focus on Me, no matter how hard it may seem! (11:135)

The key is not to look for improvement by means of a new and better situation, but for ways to improve your situation right where
you are and by whatever means are already available to you right now. (11:136)

Ultimately, the key lies in finding fulfillment and satisfaction and happiness right where you are, in whichever situation life brings you
to, without constantly looking for better, greener pasture that in these dark and trying times are becoming ever more elusive. (11:138)

Any situation that would require more faith than another, or would enhance your faith and cause it to grow, is the one Id naturally
prefer. (11:140)

Just as people tend to overestimate their own abilities, they also tend to make the wrong assessments about their situations. (11:145)

Life has many paradoxes, and the secrets and answers are often found in unexpected circumstances and situations. (12:10)

If you find yourself totally perplexed and clueless as to why I would present you with what youd consider a bizarre situation, all I can
say is, keep on trusting anyway!
Whichever way youll look at it, its a win/win situation: a mind-expanding lesson as well as a test of faith that is bound to increase it.

Youve got to decide, Am I going to overcome and conquer this situation, or will I allow the circumstances to overwhelm and
conquer me? (12:19)

If you make the best of what youve got instead of wishing for something else, its bound to improve your situation as well, since
folks around you will feel more appreciated and will reciprocate (12:22)
Complaining doesnt really do anything to improve a situation; in fact, it only makes matters worse and gives the enemy a sense of
victory. (12:27)

Learning is collecting and acquiring not only factual information, but also life-altering experience that youre never going to lose in
how to deal with situations. (12:39)

I want you to put your heart into your situation, your there and now, and not act as if youre already elsewhere with one foot. (12:41)

Instead of being judgmental (which usually includes some amount of self-righteousness), it would behoove you to accept that the
situation Ive put you in, along with field, the surroundings with its inhabitants, are yours for a reason to deal and cope with. (12:46)

There are inevitably going to come up situations in which you wont be able to cope without My Help, and you will better have learnt
how to avail yourself of it when those arise. (12:50)

Dont be so quick to judge, even your own situation!

Commit the situation into My hands and then trust Me for the outcome! (12:59)

Learning to love is what its all about, and it includes accepting others and your situation with gratefulness instead of finding fault
and complaining about them. (12:61)

The important thing is that you face each situation and challenge as an overcomer. Be determined not to be overcome by the
situation, but overcome it! (12:69)

Blaming circumstances never did anything to improve a situation. (12:83)

I love to bring forth victory from situations no rational thinkers would have given a chance (12:84)

You would do good to keep your eyes on the End Goal and not get too sidetracked by momentary situations along the way. (12:88)

Your attitudes important, very important, and to have a positive outlook and approach to deal with things is a choice youre going to
have to make on a near constant basis, not just daily, but multiple times throughout your day, and whenever youre facing a
challenging situation.
Happiness isnt really found by running away from one situation and trying to find a better one, but in learning how to successfully
deal with whatever situation you find yourself in. (12:89)

Theres no use in remorse or much regret over your own weaknesses and failures. If anything is going to help you overcome them it
might very well be that very situation youre having to go through. Perhaps thats exactly what its there for.
How well do you cope with this challenge of your situation in the light of, or taking into account your weaknesses that make it harder
for you?
How much do you allow that situation to help you deal with and overcome them? (12:91)

Why not embrace the situation youre in, instead of seeking to escape from it, yearning for something better looming on a distant,
imaginative horizon? (12:98)

Learn to accept each new situation and adapt to whatever comes with it! (12:102)

By allowing you to fall into a situation where your own abilities simply arent enough, Im giving you ideal preparation for whats
inevitably bound to happen sooner or later, and thus will come as less of a shock. (12:117)

Can you trust Me and the Father that Were allowing the kind of things to happen that will serve you best to teach you what you need
to learn to make it through a rougher future? (16:16)

If things around you arent perfect, maybe a bit of gratitude in spite of it will improve the situation. (16:21)

Knowing all these truths in theory should enable you to cope with some actions and incidents in your life according to them being
made something better through hard times of trouble and some suffering. (16:23)

If situations seem too tough for you to make it through them by yourself, let it teach you to apply for and depend on My Help and all
the Help from Above you can get, which, trust Me is the only way to make it through whats before you! (16:27)

Can you try to make the best out of the situation I place you in? Wherever you are, try to make the best out of your presence there!
Thats what Id call the effort of being a good testimony for My honor. (16:32)

Dont forget to appreciate your blessings, and show some thankfulness for what youve got, instead of complaining about the current
state of things and your situation! (16:35)

Becoming a witness for Me may be tough in the current situation, but youre just going to have to get used to doing it under tough
circumstances! (16:38)

Only things happen that are allowed by Us for a purpose and reason. (16:45)

Human beings are so entangled in their momentary state that it takes some disadvantages of their situations and conditions to make
or help them to look forward to something better to come. (16:46)
If the current situation seems tough already, get used to the fact that therell be tougher ones up ahead I need to prepare you for, and
you need to learn to raise your strength for from the Spirit! (16:53)

Whatever faces you in life, learn to make the best out of it! Dont accept the role of a victim, but take any hard situation as a
challenge! (16:54)

When you dont know how to handle your situations and circumstances, its good to remember that you need Me to help, support and
inspire you, for you to know the way and details of how to. (16:70)

Sometimes youve just got to make it through whatever situation youre in, and even if the current conditions are unpleasant, trust
Me that Ill open another door at My perfect time for it! (16:73)

With conditions confirming that lifes not a vacation, but that its good to learn to cope with unpleasant and tough situations, youll be
better off in the future to come than you would, if life would keep spoiling you with easy ways. (16:76)

If it feels like a just about impossible situation to make it through well, it will be, unless folks like you learn to completely rely on My
Help and Strength from Above! (16:90)

None of the blessings should be taken for granted. If you do, situations will come up what will make you miss them and appreciate
Life isnt just a piece of cake, I admit with some rough parts and situations not everybody would voluntarily go through, but thats
where you have to learn to trust Me for teaching My followers the kind of lessons I consider necessary.
I just need to warn you: conditions and world situations are definitely not getting any better!
If you feel like you can barley deal with whats hitting you during present times, let it just be a taste of the sort of situation coming up
to handle and cope with! (16:91)

Let Me help you overcome the difficulties of any difficult situations and circumstances before you! (16:99)

If theres a seemingly impossible situation coming up, just remember that all things are possible to him that believeth!
Take it as a challenge of faith and as training for situations coming up that will seem even more impossible to make it through in the
near future! (16:100)

If the situations getting rough, let it be a reminder to avail yourself of all the Forces available from Up Here, and that you need
Heavens Help! (16:101)

Rejoice, the tougher the situations get, over the challenge to rise above and overcome and demonstrate the Power from Above!

With a future as dark as whats expecting the planet, the tougher situations youve got to deal with, the more preparation for whats to
come. (16:105)

To need Me and Heavens Help to make it is a good start and beginner of any situation, as far as Im concerned. (16:125)

Trust in Me - no matter what situation you find yourself in - is a good quality to obtain and make out of the life you have to live down
there. (16:139)

When things get tough, it makes My servants and followers viewpoint Up in the right direction, realizing that the situation down there
just couldnt be it. (16:147)

Impossible situations are the best preparation for the times to come.
Get ready to adapt to whatever situation youll find yourself in! (2016:152)

If there are worries that things might not work out or go tragically wrong, just trust Us, that Were able to see you through whatever
bizarre or seemingly impossible situation! (16:156)

Its hard to see the positive in apparently negative situations; but see it through faith!
Dependence on Me will not just be a factor to manage to make it through difficult or tough situations, but will also become an
important factor for survival to make it through whats to come. (16:157)

The current one may strike you as the most disastrous situation in your life, but unfortunately I have to make you aware of the fact
that it isnt yet. Things will become a lot more disastrous and tougher to handle, so the current disaster is just a preparatory
phase for the greatest disasters in world history.
The insecurity of what will expect you is part of the preparation for whats to come when individual situations will pretty much cling
to prayerfulness and the ability to apply for and depend on heavenly Help. (16:160)

The beginnings of new situations are always a bit of a toughie to handle to get used to new circumstances and conditions I never
said changes were easy, but necessary. (16:169)

Having the world you live in being taken over by the enemy of your God, Savior and His followers is not a pleasant situation, but
thats where the effect of the choices of the majority of people comes to its result, and its just part of the important lesson for
mankind to make the proper ones in the future (16:173)
Dont take for granted what you think youve already learned, because situations might come up that will put you to the test whether
you really did!
There will always come situations and difficulties too hard to deal with in ones own capacities of the flesh; and thus, trusting in the
heavenly Help and support and protection from Above is with whats coming at the world a much safer way to ride and walk.

Impossible situation? My type of situation! (2016:177)

One advantage of experiencing Our Help to make it through rough and potentially dangerous events: raising your faith in and lifting
your worries about the capacities of making it through the times to come. (2016:178)

Ive told you that times would become rougher. So, dont be too shocked or surprised about the circumstances and situations youre
being confronted with there!
It takes faith to go on in spite of what you see going on all around you. So, dont allow circumstances and unpleasant situations to
weaken it! (2016:179)

Impossible situations require miracles for you to make it through. But isnt depending on miracles what I did and had to, My disciples
did and had to, and all My true followers through the ages had to, and did. So, can you? (2016:181)

Its a test of faith when youre having to go through a situation that makes you wonder, Why does, or how could the Lord allow this?
What sense does it make?
Complications of situations and conditions are one of the enemys favorites, because he knows hes definitely smarter than humans,
and he enjoys making things too complicated for them to handle. (2016:182)

The seemingly impossible situations teach you to have faith of the sort youll need for whats coming. - Which means, they
strengthen your faith. Challenging, but strengthening at the same time. (2016:187)

Different kinds of situations and circumstances are what youre having to get used to with some of the biggest changes in world
history coming up. (2016:189)

Tough situations? Get used to it! Get used to the fact of life not being easy anymore!
When the impossible situations are taking over, thats the time for utter dependence on the miracles and Power from Above, not
anymore ones own physical capacities. (2016:190)

When the current circumstances strike you as the toughest youve ever had to go through, see it as necessary and helpful
preparation for whats to come: the toughest circumstances and situation of world history to handle and make it through thats
The fact that you dont know what to do in your present situation is very much related to what things will be like in the dark future
thats coming, when the way of survival will have to be a result of not even just Our daily guidance, but pretty much permanent and
constant guidance from Above! (2016:191)

As far as situations and circumstances becoming harder, tougher and more difficult goes, it just means: theyre in general going to
become harder and tougher, and youve just got to get used to the fact that the easy times are over. (2016:194)

A tough situation down there well, thats what Ive had to go through
Tough situations make you appreciate a bit more what I went through for you. (2016:199)

Our allowing incidents that cause the weakening of physical abilities must have a significant reason for it! And its mainly to put the
trust and confidence in Us, not ones own abilities and capacities! (2016:201)

The more the physical conditions, surroundings and situations drag you down, the greater your dependence on Me. And if I taught
you dependence on Me as an asset, take it as an incentive not to let those unpleasant circumstances and conditions drag you down!

The tougher the situations, the more youve got to trust in and rely on Me and Heavens Help. And the tougher they are right now, the
less shocked youll be at whats coming. (2016:206)

Its another matter of choice whether My will be done, or your own, if your own will may seem like the easier situation to you.
Trusting Me for the final outcome of a situation even if its one appearing harder than other options - is a good choice. (2016:208)

You urgently need the Strength and Help from Above! Youve got to get used to it, since thats pretty much what the situation is going
to shape into! (17:6)

See the advantage of a situation causing you to do different things than just hanging in there? It makes you feel a bit more useful,
doesnt it?
Not taking things for granted but appreciating them, can be a healthy change of attitude and sometimes its the tough situations to
deal with causing that. (17:10)

Times are getting harder, and youve got to get used to situations and circumstances drifting away from the state of pleasant. (17:13)

Difficult situations and circumstances should raise your appreciation level when you cant make it through them on your own, but
need that Help from Above to make it through them.
Unfortunately the only things that help folks to show more appreciation and gratefulness are the incidents that make them snap out
of the positive-for-granted-rut.
Raise the prayer level to avoid the otherwise more easily happening negative events! (17:19)

The seemingly impossible situations are reminders of your need of the Help from Above. (17:22)

Remember the Action-part as a motivational attempt to get into better situations!

Its definitely an experience when theres nothing around you to do. It should get you looking at the possibilities, options and for
open doors, not just resign to fate as a useless condition, situation or circumstance! (17:25)

New situations require something different than leaning on ones own abilities, habits and experience. Dealing with the new, and
learning how to do that is one of the advantages of getting or being used to changes.
So, deal with each new day and situation as it comes! (17:27)

If times have been rosier and easier before, its because you were much better able to manage and make it through things, conditions
and situations. Not making it anymore is just a confirmation of the signs of the times: the sign of the tough times to come. (17:31)

One of the greatest errors of mankind is the self-confidence of I can make it, which is a notion of the enemy, when you should apply
for heavenly Help from the messes and disastrous situations he rigs up in the world. (17:34)

Finding yourself in a more difficult situation is not what you personally appreciate, but let Me assure you that its the better option of
preparation for whats up ahead! (17:42)

See the positive in a new situation, a change of scenery, a new challenge!

If it's a new situation, it's a new challenge... and I see it as a positive, and so should you. (17:48)

The more chaotic your circumstances and situations, the more youll recognize the need for My Help, protection and Strength and
Power to make it through. (17:55)

Patience and trust are what youve got to learn. To put up with difficult situations, and show some patience and some faith that Well
rescue you out of it at Our time well, thats what you need to develop.
If situations and circumstances are getting tough, trust Us that We know what Were allowing! (17:60)

The negative circumstances are reminders that this world is not your home, and with worsening situations will become less and less
so. (17:63)

If one reaps what he sows, it must also be the case that what happens is what you deserve. (17:70)

See the situations you dont feel youll manage as a heavenly advantage! - An advantage for Us to make something better out of
them. (17:88)

Take the shield of faith to protect you from negative effects of physical situations, conditions and circumstances! (17:93)

Negative circumstances show that a situation of improvement would be a blessing, and a positive change.
In order to get out of, or avoid chaotic and disastrous situations, prayers a necessity. (17:96)

Pray without ceasing when there are circumstances, conditions and situations to change and alter! (17:104)

To stay focused on My Light is important to do without the distractions of the environment, situations and circumstances turning
darker. (17:105)

Seeming impossibilities make you stretch your faith and recognize your dependence on Me to pull you out of a seemingly hopeless
situation. (17:114)

The toughness of situations to overcome will help you not to take it for granted that youre making it through them in spite of it, but
to give Me some of the honor and glory for helping you and enabling you anyway and regardless, just as I can help you make it
through the toughest of all times coming.
New situations and challenges open up your angle and make it grow instead of keeping you stuck in the same old rut like those not
having a clue about Me. (17:118)

Sometimes tough situations make you think make you wander make you doubt.
Another battle that faith is going through and can you believe Me that itll just make it stronger and purer? (17:126)

Keep your focus aimed on Me, regardless of the negative circumstances and conditions the enemy may be trying to use in order to
drag you down. Pretty much the top reason for not focusing on circumstances, but on the One beyond it all, the Savior of any
potentially messy situation you might get into or caught up in.
The reason, sense and purpose for finding yourself in a more difficult and challenging situation is part of the preparation process for
the toughest time to come. (17:129)

Remember that supposedly impossible situations and circumstances are My favorite challenge! (17:130)

Remember Without Me ye can do nothing (Jn.15:5)!

In times coming, hardly any other verse will apply more to the situation, condition, hurdles to overcome and lifes challenges. (17:135)
It depends on your prayer-level, whether you seek and ask for Help, to make something better out of your daily situations down
Impossible situation? - Definitely requires prayer!
Give Me a chance to make the best I can out of your situation through prayer!
Remember: seemingly impossible situations for My disciples and followers are one of My favorite challenges!
See any potential problems and difficulties as a challenge for both: your faith, and Me, to see - and let Me show you - what I can do in
difficult and challenging situations for you! (17:137)

Learning to make the best and whatever you can out of crisis situations and circumstances is just about the most important thing to
learn to prepare you for whats coming.
Getting ready for Satans reign down there is a big task, especially as one of the many hell try to eradicate completely from the face
of the Earth with the greatest persecution ever.
To get ready to make it through that, it takes some preparation and learning how to handle crisis situations you havent had to deal
with so far. (17:141)

Impossible situations, the kind you dont know if or how youll make it through, are just something youll have to get used to.
Self-reliance is built up on situations youre used to. But youve got to get ready for the kind of situations you wont be used to and
shift over that reliance on Me instead. (17:153)

The solution to every problem and unpleasant situation: Look at Me! Seek Me, find Me! (17:155)

Trust Me that I can enable you, even to cope with unbearable situations!
To learn to cope with seemingly unbearable situations is just a got to! (17:157)

See the seemingly impossible situations as the challenge for your faith!
If situations around you are becoming tough (and they will), keep in mind the terms of Overcoming & Rising Above!
So, see problems and difficult and complicated situations as challenges of faith, but never as impossibilities! (17:174)

If your current situation isnt quite as rosy and blissful as you ideally would like it to be, remember that thats not really something
you can expect from a world largely run - and soon to be taken over completely - by our enemy! (17:179)

Stick to Me and My Power to give you the victory even over situations of seeming defeat! (17:180)

Youve just got to make the best out of whatever situation before you, even if its far from perfect!
It doesnt depend so much on the other folks around you, as you should take the responsibility yourself, what youll make out of it,
and thus, what will become of it. (17:182)

Impossible situations are the kind you dont feel like youve got much of a chance to survive
Well, sometimes I will show My Strength and abilities through the fact that I bring you through them in spite of that.
What are impossibilities for you, may still be quite possible for Me! - Even if theyre situations and circumstances that you may feel
are impossible for you to manage, Ill help you make it through them anyway. (17:183)

Dont see it as bad or a negative when youre faced with a challenge you cant handle, but see that as a situation requiring My Input
and action, no matter how different it may be from the usual ways!
It may all tempt you to see it as an impossible situation, or too much of and too big a challenge, but thats where youve got to put
your faith in My Might and Power, not your own! (17:184)

If theres no other way to make it, remember the heavenly Way that includes your Creators and His angels and countless heavenly
Helpers Help to help you make it through the seemingly impossible situations down there!
If your situation down there seems to be disastrous to you right now, remember that there are worse times and conditions coming up
ahead, and youve just got to learn how to deal with them through heavenly Help! (17:188)

I need to let you experience the type of situations that make you stronger, and thus, more capable to handle and deal with whats to
come! (17:190)

Situations with advantages in this world just about always have their disadvantages, too and most of the times your choices
depend on whether you manage to cope with the latter ones, which might also just take some time to get used to and learn how to
handle them. (17:197)

If the times seem dark and nearly unbearable, let it be a reminder of the fact that its not the time anymore to rely on fellow humans
(even if to some extent their help will still be needed), but the most important part of the role to play in seeing you through whats
coming, is going to have to be Me. (17:198)

Its good to be reminded through incidents that things just wont stay as they are, and its good to be prepared for grotesque
changes. (17:205)

Remember to put your faith in Me, not in the situation youre in, nor the folks around it!
Whether youll be able to manage with things others want you to do, and whether theyll be able to accept it if you dont, is basically
what will show whether the situation will work out for you or not, and whether its a place for you to stay, or the time will come for you
to move on. (17:207)

Some qualities just need some work and effort to establish them in your life.
And putting up with and accepting imperfect circumstances, situations and conditions is one of them. (17:210)

It takes a bit of a greater effort making the best you can out of a lousy situation.
If you realize you dont deserve any better than what youre getting, you might feel more capable of making the best you can out of an
even lousy situation.
And if your situation turns out disastrous, remember that much more disastrous ones are on their way, so getting prepared for
disaster is just on the schedule!
If the situation you find yourself confronted with is a tough one, dont see it as a negative, but accept it as the proper preparation for
times much worse to come! (17:212)

Dont just see the negative in situations, but make the effort to make the best out of them you can! (17:214)

Not relying on your own abilities is the best condition to make it through the impossible situations, and relying on Me instead. -
Depending on Me. And accepting My different ways of seeing things, including many situations, and thus, also relying on My different
point of view, instead of your own. (17:216)

Youre supposed to rise above whatever situation, in spite of its negative conditions and circumstances! (17:217)

Something vs. Nothing

(Somebody vs. Nobody)

I need holy holes and nothings to fill up with My Something! Its good if you feel incapable! (I:164)

Being a holy hole is one of the best qualities you can have and one of the best prerequisites for really becoming something for Me. If
you're already "something" in the natural, naturally witted, gifted or talented, it's a lot harder for Me to come through in all My Power.
Those who know that they are nothing in themselves, already know which part of the glory they should give Me. All of it, lock, stock,
barrel, because they knew they could have never done anything by themselves... (I:568)

Sometimes less is more, little is much if I'm in it, and My "nothing" is better than the enemys something! That which he and the world
consider nothing is in reality greater and more lasting riches than anything he and his temporary world have to offer. Show them
what "nothing" is made of! Show them what My "nothing" can do, compared to their "something."
I hung the world on nothing, and nothing is the stuff that's mostly everywhere. But if you could see in the spirit, you'd see that what
looks like nothing to you is actually quite something. There's simply more to everything, including nothing, than meets the eye. Not
everything is the way it seems.
So, keep at peace and just doing your - what they consider to be - "nothing." Nothing but hearing from Me, and doing your best to
pass on what you're learning to those around you. (II:353)

Be glad you amount to nothing and nobody in this world, and that your life is a struggle and a constant challenge, because it's the
"somebodies" in this world, who wind up being the nobodies in the next, and the other way around.
I see you as the rich man, and them as the paupers. You are the one who is truly blessed. Those others are just inheriting the fake
blessings of the devil. (II:380)

I prefer for you to be nobody in this world over being somebody. (II:402)

If the only way I can purge the tendency to compromise out of you is by making you a nothing and a nobody and unheard-of, than so
be it. (II:413)

It's more than okay to be little in this world, to be despised, to be a nobody, to be a "failure" in this world. (II:415)

When I tell you that without Me you can do nothing, I'm also saying, but look at Me, and look at it this way: with Me, you can do
anything! (II:444)

Being willing to be a nothing and nobody in this world is the only way to rise to everlasting fame and glory. (II:462)

I'm leading you in a direction where you realize it's better to become nothing in this world, a nobody - of no reputation, as I was, if
you want to achieve anything that counts in My Realm, at all. (II:484)

Just rely on Me and prove to the world that your nothing is more than their everything! Because your nothing, your emptiness, your
vacuum pulls down everything... from Me.
That's the creative power that faith has: it creates something out of nothing.
Cherish this void, this emptiness, your nothingness, for out of it I'm able to create everything and anything! (II:524)

Being nobody may not feel as great to you and not be as appealing to you, but Id rather have you battle with feelings of under-
accomplishment and being nobody, than indulging in pride and getting all lifted up over who you are and what youve done.
Youre not nobody in My eyes. Consider the respect of the invisible cloud of witnesses around you as more important than that of
your earthly peers! (II:648)

I never said that I had chosen the high and mighty, but the foolish and the weak, the nothings of this world, and the nobodies. (III:24)

The basis of the knowledge that you are nothing, is a good basis for Me to give you everything.
What you can become is only because of your willingness to first be made into nothing and nobody, so that everything you are will
only be of Me.
As a faithful little nobody, humbly feed your sheep! Stop trying to be a big somebody! It's only going to make you unhappy!

What you are is important. Especially when you have managed to become nothing for Me. The art is in building up what you are
supposed to be without simultaneously building up your pride, your ego, your carnal self, that which you're not supposed to be.

"Power, popularity and plenty are dangerous." In other words, if you're un-popular, it's good for you; if you're poor, it's good for you,
and if you're a weak little nobody, it's also good for you! (III:73)

Welcome from the world of nothingness to the World of All Things! You exit the land where all is fake and in reality nothing, and enter
the land of the Real, the land of Everything. - Everything that matters. Everything that lasts, that is eternal. (III:130)

When you remember that you are nothing and nobody and just a hole for Me to fill you, then you will also invest the necessary time in
the filling process, and you will be filled - with My Power, My authority that's going to make people look up and take notice. (III:141)

Enjoy what you've already got, even if it's nothing you've got, compared to others: Nothing with Me is everything. Everything was
made out of nothing to begin with, and I can do it all over again everyday in your life, and in the lives of any other.
Give Me nothing, and I'll show you what I can do with it! That's why less is more for Me: it gives Me more of a chance to put My Power
into action. The less there already is, the more I can create, supply, provide and fill. (III:180)

Success thinkers are trying to be somebody. Nobodies are simply not interesting for them. Somebodies are recognized by their
outward appearances and status symbols. You have none? How unimpressive... (III:338)

I glory in the times when your ego is low, and you dont feel like youre accomplishing anything. I like to make something out of
nothing. I like to turn something unpromising into something glorious. Its just My nature. I see the potential in the dreadful, in the
lowly and the despised (III:401)

The process of making absolutely nothing out of you, so that I can think and move and act in you, involves taking you down to the
depths of your soul, bringing you to the point of willingness to let go of everything that builds up your flesh, pumps up the arm of
your flesh artificially (III:418)

If youre really conscious and aware of the fact that youre nothing, then you dont have to worry about your image, the way you
come across or what people think about you, as though you were some kind of something or somebody. If youre truly nothing
and after all, thats what I will have to make out of you before Im ready to make you truly great in My eyes then you wont care
about all that! (III:453)

Youve got to make sure that you wont allow yourself to put your confidence in your own flesh, your own wit and abilities, instead of
in Me. You virtually become another person when you do, and you swiftly mutate from the humble and sweet nobody you usually are
when youre down and out, not knowing how youre going to make it, into that self-confident somebody.
I prefer the nobody any old time. And youll probably find agreement on that one from those closest to you. (III:595)

Being a nobody and just walking through life as an empty zero, as opposed to a big shot somebody, enables you to totally zoom into
people, get onto their level, instead of judging them according to the degree to which they are different than you. (IV:144)

The real thrill lies in the still, invisible and unnoticed spaces in-between the whopping chunks of matter, and our nothing may yet
turn out to be more than all their somethings. (IV:238)

First there was nothingness. Then there was something. Seems like pretty good procedures so far, dont you think? The light that
sheds some sense on the existence of certain things, and their reason for being sometimes only appears a little while later, but
always right on time, rest assured! (IV:297)

The advantage of being a nobody: you dont have to wonder how you fit into the picture.
When the role Ive given you to play is that of a nobody, and just to be there, without being conscious of your significance and
importance, much less demand any acknowledgment for that someone you are, then what have you got to lose?
The nobodies in this world are going to be the stars in the next.
The good thing about nobodies is that they fit in just about anywhere. They dont demand a lot of elbow space. You can pretty much
squeeze them in anywhere, and nobody will complain, because theyll hardly even notice. (IV:309)

My nothings are the future everythings, pivots on which the wheels of My universe, and My World will keep turning. (IV:316)

When you feel like nothing, and worthless, thats when I get a chance to renew you and make something for real out of you. As long
as you think youre something or someone, youre never as desperate to have Me remold and reshape your life completely, according
to My plan and wisdom (IV:331)
My Something is never and nowhere as welcome as where there is nothing to begin with. (IV:338)

Why is it that people are always so concerned about being somebody? Why have you people always got to be somebody? Why
cant you just live your life and enjoy it as it is, accepting that you already are someone, namely the person I made you? Why can
people hardly ever be satisfied with who and where they are and what they have?
Compared to the great stir I caused in history, I was quite a nobody! There were a few nobodies, as far as financial status and rank
in society were concerned, that caused quite a stir. Its not so much who or what you are in worldly terms, but accepting what youve
been given and making the most of it. (IV:432)

All youve got is the spirit. What they might call thin air, or even nothing. But Im about to prove to the world that My
nothingness is greater than all they can rig up in millennia of world history.
Yes, I have chosen the weak, the apparently foolish, the nothings of this world. Thats just My style. And youre gonna like it, once
you see the end result. (IV:446)

Try to make the most of it, even if its close to nothing!

Making the most of nothing is an art I like to specialize in, and one I like to teach and train My apprentices and disciples in, too.
Learn from Me to make the most of just about nothing! (IV:501)

I am Everything, and without Me, there is nothing: nothing for you and not for anybody. Thats why the sooner you learn to truly avail
yourself of My Everything, the sooner you will finally be able to wave goodbye to their nothing, because you wont need it anymore.

Find out just how powerful a thing nothing can be: nothing to drag, slow you down or hinder you nothing to stand in your way!

The truly great things, as far as Im concerned are hidden in humility of the kind you acquire only by doing the humble, little, maybe
seemingly insignificant things in situations where you may feel like a nobody, but sticking it out there, and not trying to make
somebody great out of yourself in your own efforts. (11:141)

Accomplishment can be dangerous, when thats what you identify yourself with, your value, and you begin to think youre something
or someone because of it. (12:177)

I know how to make the best out of nothing. In fact, the less there is of you and the more nothing you are, the more promising the
prospects and the greater the potential. Nothings My favorite material to work with! (13:73)

Being nothing and a nobody? Well, it makes Me pretty proud of you, finally having managed to snap out of the habit of trying to be
somebody. Its the best way of making one of Gods somebodies out of people, once theyve managed to forsake their role in the
Its a difficult transition after having been somebody but I appreciate the ability to sense the blessing behind having been brought
down to becoming a comparative nobody. Its My greatest chance to make something or somebody out of you that counts Up Here as
such. (16:137)

It was a bit easier when you still had a name for yourself that gave you that sensation of importance Now that youre pretty much
down to the level of nothing or no-one, youre getting closer to the stage of knowing what humility really is. (17:47)

To make something or someone of things or folks that no one would have expected:
Maybe one of the demonstrations of the Fathers Power to make something out of nothing, and doing what earthly folks would have
considered impossible. Well, thats the nature of miracles. The production of the previously considered impossible. (17:53)

Can you handle life as a nobody? - Ready for Me to make a type of somebody out of you that really counts Up Here, not down
there? (17:81)

Prayer is the stuff that can make something out of nothing but words. (17:171)

Soul Food

I wont give any of you a stone if you ask Me for a fish. You are asking Me for valid soul food and counsel when you come before Me,
so, I wont send you a hoax.

I speak to everyone in a different way, and sometimes what is your wavelength, isnt exactly somebody elses, its the same as with
peoples different tastes for music, movies, literature, food, etc.

You need Me as a plant needs the sun and the rain. You need Me as much as your body needs oxygen, food and water.
Come, ye that are hungry and thirsty, and partake of the food that will not leave you hungry again, but which satisfies your soul. They
feed their bodies but starve their souls, but I will both, feed your soul & nourish & strengthen those who will come unto Me to
beseech Me for their needs.
Save their spirits from starvation. They need My food! Dont withhold it.

Give your empty heart to Me, & I will fill it! I dont like you to fill your mind and heart with any old thing that comes along, any old
book or movie, because I can only fill an empty space & vacuum thats waiting for Me to fill it. But if you fill it up with something else
already... Its like: you cant eat any more healthy food once youre stuffed with junk food. When youre full, youre full. You just need
to wait then until youve digested whatever it was you ate or read or watched & make space for something new, which hopefully will
be a wiser choice.

For those who love God, things will always turn out to make perfect sense one day, and you manifest your love to God by receiving
the Seeds of Love, the Word of God, into your hearts. Theyre more important than food, more important than money, more important
than anything anyone could ever tell you you should do.

Please dont neglect My time with you. You wouldnt want to go too often without any spiritual food, or youll dwindle down to a
skinny runt in the spirit, and were at training here, where a lot of spiritual effort & strength is required

When Daniel and his friends were brought to Nebuchadnezzar's court, they refused to eat the king's food. They only wanted bread
and water. Sometimes it's better to just stick to bread & water than all the stuff the System has to offer. Just because the System has
to offer it, doesn't mean that you should take it! You don't have to take every temptation the devil hands you, do you? Remember, the
fruit of the forbidden tree was the wrong kind of knowledge. Some things you wouldn't want to know. Why get to know evil, when
there's so much good to know? There are so many things to learn about & from My Word...

The Devil is trying to come up with more & more perfect counterfeits & substitutes & distractions all the time: more & more perfect
entertainment, shows, computer games, movies, System music & sounds, all available by remote control, so you don't even have to
move or do anything to get instant satisfaction; more & more perfect tasting food with artificial flavors, made to even "top" My
natural flavors I have put in foods naturally, more & more perfect drugs & narcotics... He's trying to literally spoil people stupid so
they won't ever want to get off of their fannies to do anything else but indulge in his "perfections".

Just because it's there and it's possible, doesn't mean you have to use it or do it or that it's of Me. Just because there's junk food
available for you in the store doesn't mean that I want you to buy it.

I want to be the Light that you turn on in your life when it's dark, the heat you can avail yourself of when it's cold, your food when
you're hungry, your drink when you thirst.

I am the Bread of life! Unless you eat Me, you're going to faint! How do I give power to the faint & strength to those that have no
might? The same way you gain physical strength by eating food & taking in physical nourishment! You've got to eat Me, just the way
you eat your food, if you want Me to do you any good. If you get hungry you eat, right? So, if you feel like you're running low on
spiritual energy & "lovability," just stop & take a break & take a bite of Me! Come, "taste & see that the Lord is good."

Feed My sheep the lasting food, the Bread of life, & lead them to My good pastures, beside My still waters.

Only in total humility does one find the grace to give out that which is pure, the pure, unadulterated light and water and food from
Heaven, the spiritual nourishment that will truly set them free and will truly strengthen the sheep.
The true sheep won't care whether the food is wrapped up in an appealing appearance. It doesn't have to be "cool," it just has to be

If you neglect My Word, you neglect the most important weapon I have given you to fight this war, you're neglecting your daily food,
you're neglecting Me!

I don't mind you being curious and hungry for more, as long as you don't waste the food I've already given you, as long as you share
it with those who are needy, those who don't have any true spiritual food at all!

My true sheep will only truly be satisfied with My good grass, but goats will go for the stuff the Devil feeds them. My sheep aren't
satisfied by anything but love, whereas goats will settle for the temporary satisfaction that material things, success, money, pride &
accomplishments bring, pleasure, etc.

The cheaper option is usually the Devil's substitute for the real thing. In order to obtain the real thing you must pursue it with
determination and not allow yourself to be distracted with the cheaper substitute. The real thing requires its price. It's not the quick &
easy "fast food" solution!
It's so quick & easy to just prepare a quick fix snack, compared to the laborious process of preparing a full-fledged meal, but in the
long run, your body will be able to tell and show the difference.
So, stay away from the quick fixes. Focus on the real thing, the real, long-term goal, and the spiritual! Don't starve your soul. Don't
deprive your spirit of the greatest kicks it was created to enjoy by feeding it the cheap quick fix substitutes of the Enemy, his
alternatives to the real thing!

Some vitamins, minerals or nutrients are good for certain organs, while others are good for others, and thus it's also with the
spiritual food I give.
Your particular body condition warrants a particular & individual diet.
That crummy looking root or vegetable your forefathers ate may have well been a much greater source of vitamins, minerals, & thus
health and nutrients, than all that "too-good-to-be-true" almost plastic-like food they sell nowadays.

The soul food and spiritual heavenly bread that I give straight from Me makes you grow into strong, healthy trees in My garden.

There is a time and a season for everything under the sun: a time to spoon-feed a baby, and a time when they've grown enough to be
getting the food for themselves.

The more time you spend in the ministry of the Word, the more it will grow on you, become part of your being, and it will eventually
just radiate and shine through you, literally leak out of you wherever you are and whatever you do. It will literally be "meat that ye
know not of." It will become food for your soul, the bread of life, and as you eat Me and drink Me in, you will have part in Me more and
more. You'll see how I will "grow on you," and you will become like Me more and more.

It takes more than inspiration and a bunch of good ideas to really find out what it is My sheep need. You may have a lot of ideas about
what to feed them, and how to feed them, and how to make the food more attractive for them, but everybody's got their own taste,
and one man's meat may be another man's poison. Everybody's different

"Come, taste & see that I am good!" "I am the bread of life. Whoever will eat of this bread will never be hungry again!" In order for
your spirit to grow, you've got to take the consumption of Me & My Word as seriously as you take the nourishment of your bodies!

One meal a day just isn't enough to sustain you throughout the day, is it? Sometimes, when it's a really good meal, you last on it for
the whole day, but that's more the exception than the rule. So, if you have to eat physically 3 times a day, why not come to Me for
spiritual nourishment three times daily, also?

Are you really going to allow your children to make pig food their spiritual diet, when they could have feasted from the richness of
the King's table?

The amount you receive is determined by your spiritual hunger, which is diminished by the amount of other input you feed your mind
with... The less you snack on those other "goodies," the more you will hunger for My pure milk and proper meat. Again you find that
less is sometimes more.

(from) Spirit Helpers

(Spirit Helper:) No matter who or what is opposing you, its no match for the Lord. No matter what the difficulties, how adverse the
circumstances, none of it is a match or a challenge to the Lord. No matter how bleak the night, how terrible the approaching danger
or threat. Nothing is too hard for the Lord. The Lord doesnt look at the accomplishments, but at the ratio between what you have and
could achieve with it, and that which you actually do. The ones who are actually applying themselves and give their all for the cause
are so very few. He grieves over the lack of willingness of His children to give the way He gave. Its very hard for Him to understand
how people who have been given so much can still be so selfish, so foolish and so short-sighted.
Its the same way it makes you sad when you see your children arent obeying you, no matter how many times you ask them to do
certain things, when you see how they dont appreciate what theyve been given, and continuously only crave whatever the Enemy
has to offer. Imagine you were a general of a great army, and your own children were constantly flirting with the Enemy! Wouldnt this
grieve you unbearably and almost drive you insane? Especially because you would know that the Enemy only seeks to destroy them,
to inflict harm on them, and tear them down to defeat. It hurts when they dont see it. All they see is that the enemys soldiers have
much funkier uniforms, and they would like to just have fun sometimes and forget about this old war.
Thats why the Lord just has to blurt out the shocking truth sometimes, to wake people up from their delusion. The truth of the matter
is, you havent even yet begun to fight, and its high time. Worry not about your own life, for whether you live or die, you do it unto
Christ, and your loss is only your gain.
Youve just got to rewire your thinking completely and think like Him. Its like everything is upside down. To gain means to lose and to
lose means to gain. To give means to receive, to die means to truly live. Success in the world means failure to the Lord, and the
higher you climb on the Systems ladder of success, the lower you sink, spiritually, when youre called to be one of the Lords
servants and messengers and apostles. When youre called to be one of His missionaries, then there just isnt much success in
anything else you may accomplish, as far as the Lord is concerned. All the applause in the world is like ashes between your teeth,
and a sad farce, for while they are clapping for you, you hear the cries of the lost youre failing out there somewhere in this poor, lost
and lonely world. The children of the Lord are fainting in the land, not knowing what to do. What will you do? (I:79)

(Spirit Helper:) If you would know the Lord more, you would love Him more; and to know Him more youve got to spend more time with
Him. Once you know Him the way you should, you will love Him like you should and youll obey Him like you should and get others to
know Him, and to love Him, like they should.
Imagine youre the King of kings, the Lord of lords, and the supreme Ruler over everything, and you suffered and died for this dude
who all the time is afraid and ashamed of admitting that hes associated with you, just because the people hes surrounded by dont
know about you yet... How would you present such a guy to the rest of the masses of saints and multitudes of martyrs who
themselves suffered and died for you? Youd be searching for words, stammering, well, er, umm, this here is so-and-so, ho-humm,
he never really stood up much for me, but hes a nice guy anyway...
Doesnt sound too hot, huh? So, why dont you turn around and make Him proud of you by showing that youre proud of Him and
NOT ashamed to be called His servant, His bride?
Granted, its all by faith for you, and times are surely darker, the Devils power and lies have greatly increased. So what? Make up
your mind! Do you believe that Jesus is Who He is or dont you? And IF He is, do you really think you have any reason to hide your
acquaintance with Him? People would prefer it if they could just put you in the religious nut drawer, but wait, wheres my religious
nut who tries real hard to be a real cool dude like all the rest of the unbelievers drawer? Guess Ill have to make a new folder for that
one. And its a folder that pretty soon will wind up in the trash can, cause its just a little bit too exotic for most people to care about.
Start having the guts to be your beautiful, original, genuine self, a humble servant of the Lord. Youre a walking gold mine of
knowledge. - A walking treasure chest. But God cant bless you hoarding all that gold for yourself, Hes heartbroken about it!
The Lords gonna bless you mightily for giving it out! (I:80)

(Spirit Helper:) Prayer the great unrecognized action of faith only and purely conceivable as effective by the eyes of faith useless
in the eyes of the unbeliever; one of the great mysteries of God. For who, in their carnal minds, would have ever begun to assume
that in all the great and glorious efforts and works of man, which will all come to naught in the end the most lasting and effective
deed and effort should be the one which commits the task into the hands of the Lord, in obedience to His command, Stand back and
see Me fight!? Stand back and see Me work! For hath not My hand made all this? He Who hath begun all this, should He not also
complete it? The Beginning and the End.
It is mans temptation to assume that he needs to finish what God has started. In reality, God is only in the process of choosing those
who choose to let Him work through them, to help Him establish His true Kingdom.
How finite are the works of man. In all their doings, in all their toil and striving, they accomplish not a fraction of what a believer can
achieve on his knees, committing the matter which needs to be done to the Maker.
God wants to work. He begs, Command ye Me! He wants us to tell Him what He should do, like a Genie in a bottle, Who would be
without a job without our prayers. So, lets let Him work through us! Pray! Commit what you would have done, to Him, and He will do
The works of the flesh often accomplish only the opposite of what the Lord wants in your life, for by strengthening and increasing
your carnal sense of accomplishment, your trust, confidence and reliance on the Spirit is weakened.
When I am weak, then I am strong, for His strength is made perfect in weakness. He must increase, but you must decrease. His
power in you needs to grow, and your own puny little strength must come to an end.
Ask the Lord what He should do for you, instead of trying to get there by your own strength and efforts, and youll see how much
further you will go on the wings of the spirit than your own two feet could ever carry you. Why walk when you can fly? (I:88)

(John Lennon:) How much more powerful God is than the devil! I had underestimated Him, you know? Thats a mistake youre prone to
make when you judge God by the people who supposedly represent Him, and their interpretation of what He supposedly said.
Hear Him yourself! You can judge for yourself! Just like you hear the Devils message all around and everywhere in the images,
sights and sounds of violence, selfishness and greed and Buy this, buy that and the other!, so you can hear Gods voice all over,
too. He still speaks and doesnt limit Himself to any man-made rule and boundaries as to who or what He uses to speak through.
Just remember the Christian lady with her bread and thank Him when you hear His message, even if the Devil did bring it, as in the
case of many movies, books and songs.
He really is all-powerful and everywhere and even capable of just using the devil for His own purposes. So, dont be afraid of the old
punk. Your God is so much greater, so much more powerful, He wont let the devil near you. Youll be quite awed and silenced by just
how great He is, one day! Look up and cheer up, mate! Theres really nothing to worry about! (I:160)

(Gem, a Spirit Helper:) His strength is made perfect in weakness, so, glory in your weakness! Use it! Be proud of it, for thats how He
can use you! Let your imperfection be His chance to bring about greater perfection than you ever could! Just give up your attempts
to try it in the flesh and let the Lord do it completely. Trust completely in Him regarding all your affairs. Commit them to the Lord in
prayer and trust Him wholly for each of them.
Hell get so much better results than when you try to do it with just a little help from Him...
When you realize that those accomplishments were really the Lords, its easier to get into praising the Lord for the result, instead of
patting yourself on the back...
If you knew what great friends you have over Here on this side, you wouldnt be so frustrated sometimes over the lack of friends
When people come Here and see all their helpers on this side involved in their spiritual upbringing... what joyful reunions these
happenings are, the greatest of which will be the Lords marriage supper! Your flesh wont get in your way anymore, then.
All your human, Earthly clumsiness will be done away with, and every move youll make will be perfect, like Him, isnt that cool?
The Lord is just adding the humility and appreciation factor right now, the extra touch of love thats going to make the whole creation
even brighter and more glorious in beauty the final touch.
You will see that Hell truly have done all things well, when youll see the final outcome, the end product.
So, dont neglect your time with the Lord and us, no matter what it is youve got to do: Let us take care of it, and itll turn out better,
okay? Before every phone call: pray! Over every letter you send off: pray! About everything you do, every word you say: pray! Thats
the way to do it and thats the way of safety and the path that will ensure success in all your moves!
Dont treat us like something strange or alien, honey, we know you better than you know yourself, and were closer and a bigger part
of you than you think. Were right here! (I:175)

(David Berg:) Were all different kinds of vessels of the Lords living water. I poured forth without measure. The more water you get, the
more chances youll have that there are a few little impurities or strange little creatures strange truths in there.
What matters is that the World is being watered and saved from dying of thirst. A few little trickles arent nearly enough to make a real
difference. Some things youve just got to take by faith.
Its one of those things youre just going to have to trust the Lord for... Why did He choose me? Because He knows best.
Even Jesus suffered from attacks of the enemy....
I was a fella who loved the Lord the best he knew how, just like you...
Show the world the goods youre made of. Make us proud!
The benefits of backsliding? Weve all experienced them. (I:229)
(David Berg:) You dont always have to know where youre going... Sometimes the Lord just wants you to trust even though you cant
see where youre going. We walk by faith and not by sight, remember? Just put your hand in His, Hell be better to you than a light
or a known path.
As long as you keep going in the right direction, everythings going to be alright. Let nothing worry you! When youre trusting youre
not heard to fret, and when youre fretting, youre not trusting yet. So, let go, my friend, and let God have His wonderful way! (I:271)

(Spirit helper:) Mans idea of goodness and righteousness differs so drastically from Gods, and one of mans greatest problems is their
own idea of righteousness and their tendency to judge God for His...
Youre learning to praise the Lord even for so-called bad things that happen. Sometimes through a great loss people gain
something greater they would have missed otherwise...
Countless folks had to realize that some tragedy that happened in their lives was the very best thing that could have ever happened
to them, because it made them stop going down the road of perdition or it led them to the Lord in desperation. (I:286)

(S.H.:) The Lord is restructuring your whole department of priorities and attempting to get you to put His Word first and make
everything revolve around the Word.
Its hard to make drastic changes little by little, which is why weve had to apply some more drastic measures and allow a series of
tumultuous incidents to occur in your life, to uproot you from your former level, so, if everything looks a bit chaotic in your life from
time to time youll have to excuse us, but this was the only way to have a revolution in your life as peacefully as possible. Plus, its
good preparation for greater changes yet to come.
Keep the Lord first everyday. Keep in mind the affairs of His Kingdom as your priorities and have everything revolve around them.
Missionary work is primarily established through preaching the gospel, getting out the Word.
Get back to the basics of getting the Words in and out, and youll see how everything will fall into place.
You just need to take on a winners attitude! The Lord knows youve got what it takes; its just you who still needs to be convinced
of the same! But if the Lord knows it and says so, you can bet that He knows best, so, it pays to act on it and take it by faith. If He
says youve got what it takes, Youve got it!, Amen? Youve got it, so go on and give it! (I:295)

(S.H.:) The devils always going around improving Gods creation, correcting His mistakes and supposedly ironing out the flaws
and righting His wrongs... that which the carnal mind deems imperfect. But His ways are just different. That which man or the devil
often call bad is in reality good, and that which many call unclean, He has called clean...
It always boils down to the question of who they think knows better: they themselves, or God? Thats faith and trust, where even if
you dont fully understand something, you still trust Him to know best.
In the case of ending ones life prematurely, one of the main reasons the Lord opposes that is because many people just find Him in
their final hours, days or weeks, as was brought out in My Life As A House...
The flaws and imperfections are just whats needed to bring about the desired results: like fertilizer!
Some folks only want to see nice, good and clean things, but thats not reality! Thats Hollywood the devils dream world... to get
people to stay permanently dissatisfied with the real World... (I:299)

(Solomon:) To gain greater understanding: talk less, listen more; move real easy, quietly, smoothly, softly and slowly! You want to
acquire understanding? Heres the first requirement: silence!
Just keeping quiet, listening, not giving good advice, much less lecturing, youll be amazed at what youll learn. If you cant keep
quiet and listen long enough, they cant help but think youre not even interested enough in finding out about them and trying to
In order to understand, you must listen. And dont always answer right away whatever comes to your mind! Let it sink in! Pray about
what youve just heard! Learn from it! Take the time to deal with every point and every statement! Find out what it means! Whats the
hidden language and whats the Lords insight on it? Thats the way to learn and gain greater understanding! (I:330)

(David Berg::) What matters more than what people say is what the Lord has got to say, and as far as our sins and mistakes go, He has
made it clear that the blood of Jesus Christ...cleanses us from all sin (1.Jn.1:9), and you can stand on that no matter what anyone or
the whole World or the Devil and all his demons might have to say about it. Amen?
You are forgiven. Forgiven by the Lord, and even if they choose not to forgive you, what counts is the forgiveness of the Lord, Amen?
Its another test of whose authority you adhere to and consider supreme: what the World has got to say, or the Lord. What has more
value to you? What has greater weight, the judgment of the World or the judgment of the Lord? Look at the World: they have
persecuted and hounded His children since the beginning of time, no matter what they did. And thats even part of the price one has
to pay for living godly in Christ Jesus.
Just know that the Lord has forgiven you and stand on the rock of that fact, the forgiveness and Salvation of sins by the blood of
Jesus Christ. Show them Salvation power! After all, it wouldnt mean much if there werent anything to forgive, right? Even if the Lord
may be using this sin to humble you, keep you desperate and get you more serious with Him, His power to forgive and save you from
your sin is very real, and you might come across people in your life who might need that power even much more than you.
The Lord usually has a much harder time with those who dont really need his forgiveness that much, who always have been a
good person, so, its pretty hard for them to accept the concept of them being sinners and needing the Lords forgiveness,
especially when their sins are much less obvious than what the World considers sins.
See, the Lord judges sin differently, and a lot of self-righteous people in the World will get a big surprise when they will stand before
Him and find out what the Lord actually considers the worst sin.
The AC will be the epitome of self-righteousness and what the World will consider goodness, yet the Bible calls him the man of sin,
and the whole world will see what the Lord thinks about him when He returns...
Let it be another separation factor between you and the World. Spirit is spirit and flesh is flesh, and never the twain shall meet... the
way of the World and the ways of the Lord are so totally opposite... the further away from the Worlds ways you get and the closer
you come to the Lords way of seeing things, the better off youre going to be. (I:372)

(Spirit Helper:) "We have not an High priest which cannot be touched with the feelings of our infirmities, but was in all things tempted,
like as we are." He can relate to the feelings of your infirmities. He's been there. He has also been through it, not getting ahold of the
Father's voice sometimes and feeling like "Father, Father, why hast Thou forsaken Me?"
He's trying to show you that with all your struggling in the flesh, you still won't get as much accomplished as He can achieve through
a tiny baby. A baby is able to do nothing but trust in God, trust that his mother will feed him and take care of him. And the Lord would
be pleased by you having that same trust in Him.
A baby is such a picture of perfect trust. That's why He said, "You gotta be a baby to go to heaven." You gotta be a baby to get a taste
of that heavenly peace and trust and faith. Just trust like a baby! God will take care of you, of all the details, so, stop worrying! You're
not really letting go and letting Him. You're still worrying about things that might still go wrong somewhere.... Or you're wondering,
"What else can I do? There must be something else I can do to make the most out of the renewal... what is it?" But if you'd just relax
and enjoy life and just let go and let God have His wonderful way, you might be able to hear His voice a lot more clearly, because He
is pleased by trust. His strength flourishes in weakness, but it's got to be trusting weakness, in order to come about fully.
"In quietness andconfidence shall be your strength". Don't forget about the confidence, the quiet trust, the assurance that God is in
control, He can handle things, anything you give Him! He's not going to let you fall. He has taken care of you all these years, and He
will continue to do so. Don't worry so much that you might fail Him. Just let go of those worries and trust in Him! It's easier than you
think! You're doing better than you think!
So you think you're a lousy fighter, and you're having a hard time with this option that seems to be His highest will for you. You're
feeling like Abraham, going up the mountain to sacrifice Isaac. But in reality, He hasn't asked anything as grave of you, and even if
so, just trust Him, that as you obey Him, He will not suffer you to be tempted above that which you are able, but will with the
temptation also make a way to escape. Just trust and don't seek to be rescued prematurely! God didn't tell Abraham at the foot of
that mountain, "No, it's okay now, I can already see that you trust Me, you can turn around now and go home." No, he had to let him
go through the whole rigmarole of dragging him up there, building an altar and gathering the fire wood, pulling out his knife and
prove that he was really going to go through with it, then He said "stop!" and provided a ram instead!
There's no fooling around with God. He might ask anything crazy of you, and then you'd better have the faith to trust Him for it and go
through with it all the way until He says "stop", or you're not going to receive the blessing and the approval, "Now I know for certain
that you love Me!"
Just have faith, even as you climb up your personal Mount Moriah, knowing that the Lord loves you and feels with you and He's with
you every step of the way. He knows how it feels, and it hurts Him, too, having to test you like that, but He knows also that it's
expedient for you, in order to bring about the results that He desires: the amount of faith and yieldedness and dedication and
obedience that you need in order to really bring forth much fruit for Him, which will also make you happier for Him in His service.
"Don't carry the World upon your shoulders!" Just shrug your shoulders and say, "I don't know. But He does. I can't do it, but He can.
I'm a failure, but He's the greatest of all winners and conquerors, and He is mine and I am His. I am weak, but He is strong. I may be
nothing, but He is everything and all that matters!" Because you His children - are all that matters to Him, you know?
You don't want to fail the World, you want to fulfill your mission to the World, you want to make sure you're being heard and seen by
the World, that you're faithful in conveying your message. But God has to plan and prepare His "explosions" thoroughly, sometimes.
When Abraham was around, he and his clan were practically all God had to work with. And he spent a lot of time, just training and
teaching him, so that he could pass on a legacy and a heritage of unprecedented faith. Faith enough to build a whole new nation on.
One little promise of God, that God waited so long to fulfill until it seemed so impossible that it required a miracle. When you come to
the end of yourself and think you're no good for anything anymore, then God has a chance to show His greatness and strength
through you.
Even so, God is concentrating and focusing on you, His children, His Family right now. There are others, feverishly working at
spreading the message of Salvation, doing CTP work and even spreading messages of warning. But there is only one Family. And
God has a special plan and purpose for you, His real, central core of His true Family, because the legacy and heritage of the Family is
going to be the foundation His new World is going to be built on in the Millennium. Just like Abraham's seed was going to be as the
stars and the sand, so are going to be the fruit of the Family. There is going to be no end to the children of David. This little,
bedraggled band, only a handful, compared to the billions, just like Abraham and his family, are going to be the forefathers of
generations and generations to come, in the spirit. (I:433)

(Natalia:) The most High dwelleth in the praises of His people! So, if you want Him to dwell among you and within you, you simply
have to praise Him. Make your love for Him known and show it in your praises! Show Him that He's welcome in your heart, that you
acknowledge that He knows best, and that you're even thankful for His measures of discipline, for they always make you better in the
It didn't occur to you that praise was going to be such an important factor in your life, the factor that would change everything, that a
praiseful attitude was what was going to turn your life around!
The wings of praise will carry you further than you thought! You have yet to discover what a mighty weapon praise really is. You want
to be an overcomer? You want to partake of the 7 promises the Lord gave to them that overcome in chapters 2 and 3 of Revelations?
Praise, and you will overcome!
Praise is the voice and trademark of overcomers, for they will praise Him no matter what, regardless of any circumstances or
conditions, regardless of any calamity, any problem, anything that might not be going their way, they know that despite all it may
seem like, the Lord will have His perfect way in the end, and, yes, everything's going to be alright! No matter what the Devil may do,
they that overcome will praise God. Regardless of what might go wrong, they that overcome will praise Him! So what if you can't see
it, to him that overcometh is given the faith to believe the opposite of what they see, if need be, because they trust Him, and therefore
they will praise Him. Even though it may seem that God is breaking His own Word, His own promises to them, though it may seem
that He may even kill them, the true overcomers will yet praise Him!
So, if you want to be an overcomer, just praise Him, no matter what happens. It's a mighty weapon! Let His praise become your song,
let it become your voice, your weapon, your shield, your vehicle, your trademark, your banner and everything you will be known for!
Your life can change now, if you choose, by rising above your circumstances and overcoming them through praising Him!
Isn't it marvelous how simple the solution to all your problems is? Would that ever have occurred to you? That the simple, childlike
weapon of praise was going to be the answer, the solution to all that was wrong in your life?
Claim the keys of praise, and keep loving Him through your praises! Just start praising Him like you should, from the heart, and all
the negativity, all the shadows that have darkened your life will flee away. Come out of the shadow lands and come to the mountain:
"Standing on the mountain, praising the Lord..." Come up here, standing on the mountain of life, praising the Lord! Come out of the
valley of the shadow of death! Murmuring and negativity are the voices of death, but praise is the voice of life, it brings life, you
know? It has actual creative power! It's all intertwined, because praise is actually a part of love, it's a way of showing your love for the
Lord, of giving your love to the Lord, of making love to the Lord, and thus it's a part of His creative power. It originates from Him,
because He did the things that cause you to praise Him in the first place. The problem is when you neglect to praise Him for the good
things He does for you, you interrupt the cycle, and He cannot bless you as much as He would like to. It's another of the laws of the
Spirit, you've got to praise Him for what He already gave you if you want to receive more.
So, if you have been asking but not receiving as you expected, it's most likely because you've been neglecting to praise Him for what
He already gave you. "Ye ask and receive not because ye ask amiss, in that ye would consume it upon your lusts..." Whenever your
motives are selfish, you will neglect to praise Him, but if you praise Him and give Him all the glory and honor for it, how can your
motives be selfish? That's why it also says that all things received with thanksgiving are clean. In other words, praise cleanses
everything! If you thank Him for it, it becomes clean! No matter what He gives you or sends your way, even if he uses the devil to
bring it along, even apparent curses or problems or calamities, if you praise Him for it, it's going to work together for good, because
you've proven by your praise that you love Him, and all things work together for good to them that love Him by praising Him!
Praise Him in your heart, praise Him with your lips, praise Him with your actions, with your life! Life is going to be life indeed when
men will have learned to let their lives be turned into one single, continuous praise of Him. (I:475)

(David Berg:.:) "As you go, God will show. If you'll obey, He'll make a way." Sometimes the anointing comes as you do the "wenting" -
often, in fact. The boat has to be in motion, before the rudder can take effect. He's just waiting for you to go out there and simply do
it. That's where you'll find the anointing and the inspiration and the strength and the love you're now lacking. You've received all the
theoretical instruction one needs, now it's time for the practical part, time to put it into action. (I:504)

(S.H.:) You want to give people a glimpse of Heaven? Well, then you're going to have to get one for yourself first. You're going to have
to become intoxicated and high on the heavenly Elixir of Love yourself, first, before you can arouse the curiosity of others!
Heavenly Help is what you need! Heavenly Help is yours to receive. In any situation, any problem you're facing, even if it's something
you desire and feel like you can't have... Just because you can't have it in the physical for whatever reason, doesn't mean you can't
have it in the spirit. Everything is yours in the spirit - by faith. That's the Lord's Promise to each of you. You can avail yourself of
anything from Heaven that you've got the faith for, while your Earthly blessings still somewhat depend on your obedience and your
actions in the physical.
In other words, we're always here for you, to fulfill your heart's desires, even if you may not always find a physical fulfillment of your
heart's desires. The spirit is always available, the flesh may not. That's the kind of freedom you can find even in a prison cell, the
overcoming of and rising above the flesh...
"In the spirit in the spirit you can be so free, you can be whoever you want to be." There are no limits to the Spirit. Limits are a thing
of the flesh.
So, wanna live a life of no limits? Gotta live your life in the Spirit! (I:505)

(David Berg::) "The heart of man is desperately wicked", and you're just no exception, son. Sometimes our own perception of
ourselves can be a little tainted, especially when we're prone to be sensitive and thus not welcome the corrections and suggestions
others are trying to make to help point out some of our flaws...
But the thing is, the Lord often uses weaker vessels than ourselves to point out things to us that are wrong about ourselves,
especially in order to make sure that we don't esteem ourselves more highly than anyone else, won't be respecters or persons, but
will receive correction as helpful hints and tokens from anyone, great or small, old person or child. And as long as you refuse that
kind of correction, those hints the Lord often gives especially through those that are younger and those we wouldn't always
necessarily deem "worthy" of correcting us, you may miss some important points He may be trying to bring home to you.
You're wondering why He didn't show you this before. Well, He tried, through others He was using, but you weren't open to what they
had to say, because you figured because of the magnitude of their own problems, they weren't entitled to. But see, that's not how it
works. Just because someone else has problems, too, doesn't make everything they have to say null and void, nor does it mean that
their problems are so much bigger than yours that they don't have a right to point out some of your own flaws...
It shows true greatness when a man is always open to correction and constructive criticism, even if at first it may not feel that way,
and you get offended, and you wonder, "Who does he or she think they are, anyway, to tell me what's supposed to be wrong with
me?" But when you react that way, then you know that you've fallen into the trap of pride.
It's just so much easier to see the faults in others than to be willing to see your own, that's human nature, and when you've got a
problem along these lines of self-righteousness, it's good to remember, like I've often said, what a mess you yourself have made
along the same lines or in other points, and the Lord is definitely letting you have a taste of your own "mess" right now, and that's
sometimes the only cure.
But, as always, you'll be better for it, and it's just another of the sheer endless amount of things and events that work together for
good. In fact, this will enhance and magnify your love for the Lord, because you'll realize how even more desperately you need Him
than you previously thought, and that will enhance the Romans 8:28 power in your life even more. The more you love Him, the more
things will work out for good for you, the better things will work out.
Just beware of the natural man's reaction to curl up in resignation because of your faults. You should wholeheartedly and humbly
receive them and learn from them, so you will be able to avoid them more, in the future. Don't get into that indifferent, "nothing really
matters anyway" spirit... that's exactly what the Devil wants, and exactly the opposite of what the Lord wants you to do. He wants you
to take a positive approach to it, to learn from these things, to let them humble you.
I know, you didn't think you were perfect, but you thought you had your flaws and faults and weaknesses and shortcomings all
figured out already, that you were fully aware of them, and that you didn't need anybody to tell you anything about it. Well, you were
wrong on that one.
There are things you need to work on that you're not even aware of, and that the Lord purposely didn't show you Himself, because He
wanted you to humbly receive them from them...
The Lord likes people to interact that way: "You receive some correction from me, and I'll receive some from you. You help me to see
some of my weak points that I can't see myself, and I'll help you see some of yours!" That's humility! That's unity! That's love!
Because you all have faults and weaknesses, and the Lord has made no one sinless saints.
The Lord has blessed you with some outstanding gifts. But that doesn't mean that He blessed you with having no weaknesses to
work on. In fact, your gifts will always make you more prone to fall into the trap of pride than less gifted people will be, so, you will
always need some extra and additional help in order to avoid those pitfalls.
The Lord can't make it obvious and warn you beforehand: "Okay, now, this is going to be a test of humility, to see how much
correction you're going to be able to take from this one, otherwise it wouldn't have been a test. The way He tests the people is by
going in clandestinely among the people: the King in beggars' robes, which is why He said, "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of
the least of these My brethren, ye have done it unto Me." You didn't think that by taking correction from them, you were actually
taking correction from the Lord, did you? Well, but these are the ways of the Lord.
His ways often exceed our own capacities, our imagination, our faith, our comprehension. Just to show you that you haven't
"arrived" yet, by far, that there's still lots of progress to be made, lots of lessons to be learned, and if you think you've got it made,
get ready for a big surprise!
So, decide who and what you're going to be, decide whom you're going to serve, who you will love and who you will hate. If you really
love the Lord, you will hate the Devil, and you won't grant him any access or entrance into your heart, life, mind and spirit, but you
will resist him unto blood. That means, you will be tempted to become aggravated, but you won't be aggravated. You will be tempted
to get angry, but you won't get angry. You won't give in to his spirit! (I:548)

(Joseph:) You have gained spiritual riches and nourishment of which you've got plenty to share with your brethren now, and many are
feeding from it and are basking in the sunshine and the warmth of the fire, made from the wood you gathered, and you're helping
them through this cold, spiritual winter and time of famine.
Don't be offended if they don't know what to make of you and your coat of many colors, your strange and odd little ways...
It's not enough to just be different. It's important to make a difference, to strive to be different in an uplifting way, a positive way that
takes the initiative to make a positive difference. I was tempted to just resign while in prison and passively sink into the abyss of self-
pity. But thankfully, the Lord quickly had me snap out of that, because He had given me a job to do.
Always keep in mind and focus the job the Lord has for you, that's greater than anything you could imagine right now, and that He's
preparing you for right now, through all you're going through, in order to do a better job at ruling the World some day.
You will be righteous and fair rulers because you will have gone through sufferings yourselves that will have shown you the other
side, that will enable you to relate to those that might also suffer and be plagued by doubts, or hurt by others. Blessed are the
peacemakers. How do you make peace? By forgiving and taking a step toward the others, trying to understand, and trusting the Lord
for the rest, the part you can't understand. He made all of you. He must have known what He was doing, didn't He?
Haven't you learned that He does all things well? So, even in creating you and those others with all your flaws, and putting you in this
situation where you'd have to learn to get along, He must have known what He was doing, right?
And don't worry, Heaven is full of oddballs! You will really feel at Home here, because the place is just buzzin' with seeming nutcases
that really made the differences in the world that brought about God's perfect plan. The wild dreamers that saw the things no one else
dared to see, that were even ridiculed by their own brethren...
If you avail yourself more of our help, you will have more faith and courage to be that bold, to tell them your dreams in spite of what
they might say. Maybe I wasn't always the wisest or discrete in choosing who I was going to share my far out dreams with, I wasn't
the most cautious, but the Lord used that boldness later in order to get me where He wanted me: right beside the throne that ruled
the World, and that's where you're going to wind up too, some day, along with those brothers and sisters who never would have
dreamed that you would ever make it there, along with them, just like you may be having a hard time picturing them as that which
they're supposed to be, and, by the grace of God, they're going to be.
In fact, a lot might depend on you, as to whether they're going to make it or not. In my case, the Lord used me in order to ensure my
entire family's survival. Be sure you don't miss any golden opportunities for ways in which the Lord might want to use you in order to
ensure your family's survival! Never think that because you're locked up in some dungeon or prison cell, along with criminals and the
scum of the world, that God isn't going to be able to use you there! You never know where you might end up next, if you seize the
opportunity, stay open to His limitless possibilities and just keep trusting that He knows what He's doing!
It pays to have crazy faith and to not limit the Lord in any way when it comes to His plans for you. (I:555)

(S.H.:) When you live in the spirit, you live better, you live deeper... more intensely. When you live in the spirit, you really live. You find
out what really matters. Living only in the flesh, the really relevant matters of life just pass you by, and you live your life and pass on
into the next world and stand there like a stranger, not prepared at all.
Feed your spirit, too. The Lord is so good. People have no idea how good He is, that's why we must tell them. (I:577)

(Styrian:) Lethargy is mostly manifested in your life by getting you to avoid telling the truth because you don't want to deal with the
results and repercussions. Other factors involved include laziness, fear, pride and your weakness of wanting to please the World,
which is Vain's territory.
They're matters of the heart between you and the Lord which you've got to get right. Like not taking His blessings for granted, not
holding grudges with Him for things He allows, showing more gratitude for Him and simply asking Him for more love for others, and
more faith, all of which requires humility to admit that you desperately need Him.
Sometimes the victory lies in recognizing that you've been given the victory already, the grip is gone, whereas sometimes you tend to
doubt the power of the Lord, and act as if the Enemy's grip and hold on a certain area in your life is still there, when the Lord has
already freed you from it, just like the chained eagle. - Habits.
Change will help you make progress in that area, and if you call on your personal angel in charge of change and progress, and you
call on the keys of change and progress, you'll shoot forward by leaps and bounds.
Sometimes it's good to look back and thank the Lord for the way you've already come, for all the victories He's already helped you to
One of the Enemy's favorite tricks is to blow your problems way out of proportion, just like Don Quixote's wind mills, that you hardly
see anything else. You don't see the progress you've already made, you only see the huge mountain and obstacle blocking your way.
Obstacon deceives you into perceiving them as much bigger and more insurmountable than they really are.
A lot is really happening in your mind, influenced by your perception of things.
There are more helpers available for you than you're aware of. Just keep focusing on the Spirit and keep yielding your sense of
priorities to the Spirit World, without becoming entangled so much with the affairs of this life, as much as they seem to be banging at
your door... (II:30)

(Angel:) You have to quiet down! You've been frantically trying to catch that elusive bluebird of happiness, the epitome of all the joy
and fun and things you thought you were missing out on, when it just takes a good stop, look and listen at times to find out what
you've already got to be thankful for, and to learn what life is really all about.
Otherwise, the gist of life just basically passes you by. The thing that's really going to move you into action is the love the Lord is
teaching you right now to have for those around you, those you're sometimes tempted to wonder whether they're not just dragging or
slowing you down, stopping you from reaching your true and great destiny, somewhere on some distant, glorious horizon. When
they're really the gist of the lesson right now. After all, what are the 2 great commandments? Love the Lord thy God, and thy neighbor
as thyself. You've been making a lot of progress in your relationship with the Lord, learning to love Him more, but now you're also
going to have to make progress in learning to love the people around you and the people you come across.
In order to become a real lover of people you've got to forget about your ego and tune in to them and their needs instead.
I am a "helper of love, who wants to give you counsel... on the art of love and wooing and winning and being a vessel of (His) love"
Everything takes time, even for these things to be revealed unto you. You're often impatient, and would like to know everything all at
once, do everything all at once and "get it over with" so you can finally cash in your rewards and have some fun. But that's not how it
Making you the tool and vessel you want to become is going to take time. And getting frustrated when it doesn't happen quickly
enough and looking around elsewhere for satisfaction instead only delays things further and slows down your process.
Take time to love, take time to learn the art of love. It takes time to become an artist! Though you may have some God-given talent, it
just takes time and practice to make the most out of it, and as with some of the greatest artists of all time, your work may never be
appreciated by others during your life-time, but that's just the price one risks having to pay for being a true artist and master of the
art... You can't have your cake and eat it, too.
It's either the real thing or the cheap counterfeit that the masses go for. Only time will tell the difference, and there you go again... it
takes time!
So, don't be impatient about yourself about not accomplishing more, nor be impatient with those around you, nor let the impatience
of others mislead you! You think you've just been stagnating for the past few years, but a realistic look reveals something quite
different! You've virtually been crossing worlds over that amount of time, and why? Primarily because you've been daring to take the
time to tune in to the spirit world! Look at the riches you've accumulated and acquired. They won't put butter on your bread, you say?
Just wait and see all that they're capable of! You'll be surprised!
Yes, the Lord has been having to keep you humble, because naturally, you're prone to pride. But just keep remembering that it's all a
gift, and nothing of your own! You've just got to be still enough to receive it, hold out and reach out your hands for the gift and
receive it. That's what too many people are too proud to do, but that's what you've got to teach them to overcome. It's not of works.
It's by grace, the gift of God, lest any man should boast.
Teach them how to receive by giving them a sample of being a great receiver yourself, and show them it's nothing of your own. It's all
a gift, and they can have it too. (II:31)

(Change:) Sometimes something good has got to give for the benefit of something better, or in order to prevent a great evil. It's called
sacrifice. Sacrifice and change are ingredients of the Family like chicken meat is of chicken soup.
Sometimes it's the greatest changes that take the longest amounts of time to bring them about, the inner changes of heart. I cannot
bring them about, but I can change certain circumstances and conditions in order to get you into a position of greater willingness to
accept the changes the Lord wants you to make.
I like to gently lead you one step at a time. It's just that sometimes, when you don't really follow those repeated, gentle nudges, that
we have to increase the force of those nudges, which then result in those unpleasant "forceful shakings", which are really only
caused by your resisting me.
If you're really open to change and desirous of change, and you really hunger and thirst after the progress the Lord wants you to
make, you see things differently. Often you were not able to see things my way or the Lord's way because your heart was still stuck
in the past, and the way things used to be in the "good old days"...
That's Old Bottle-ishness. Conservatism, call it whatever you want, stagnation, death. You look backwards, instead of ahead, into the
glorious future, which the Lord has promised to be much better than the past. But no, you want to get back to the way things were, or
at least try with all your might to preserve that last bit of the heaven on Earth you once knew and try to cling to it with all your might
and fight to preserve it, instead of boldly marching ahead into an obscure future, blindly, by faith in the promise alone, that things are
going to be better there, because all things work out together for good...
Without your help, I can't work or bring about that change of heart or attitude, but together, with your consent and open invitation to
have me work in your life and reveal things to you, we can accomplish a lot and take great strides and bring about much positive
change and progress!
Accept change as something good, something necessary, something wonderful in your life, and receive it with arms wide open, just
like a baby. A baby brings lots of changes into your life, and that's why children are becoming so unpopular in today's society, who
constantly resist change and fear not God.
That baby may only be a small source of noise and trouble in your life today, eating up your resources today, and making you wonder
what else it could possibly be good for, besides giving you trouble, but a look into the future with the eyes of the vision that I can
give you, of what that baby can become one day, if you'll only rear it with the right kind of attitude, will give you a completely different
And so it is with the changes I bring into your life. They may look a little disturbing to you now, maybe useless, eating up your energy
and resources, costing you effort to dress and feed them, but in the future, if you keep feeding and seeing them through with the
right kind of spirit and attitude, you will see that it will truly have been for the best.
Change is really the opposite of the Devil's spirit of stagnation. Although he pretends to be the great pioneer of change and progress
in the World and accuses Christians and believers of being old-fashioned, in the spirit his philosophy is really old and rotten, and the
same kind of selfish and greedy philosophy he has been introducing since the beginning.
That's the difference between looking with the eyes of the spirit and merely seeing things with the carnal mind. The eyes of faith will
reveal the way things really are. And I can take things a step further and not only show you the way things are in the spirit, but also
the way they're going to be or are supposed to be in the future, if you take all the right steps of faith and eagerly walk in the direction
of the changes I want to bring into your life.
Ask yourself everyday, what can we change today in order to make things better? Be open to me, welcome me, call on me to reveal to
you all the many things that could be changed. Tell your loved ones about the benefits of tuning in to me, too, that they don't need to
dread me; I mean them no harm. I never take anything away from you without the plan of turning it into something better.
I work on behalf of the Lord in your lives, so, any change happening in your lives is going to be for good and for the better. Just be
sure you also call on the Lord for wisdom and discernment for which possible changes are really the best to further His cause,
because the Enemy might try to distract you with some of his lukewarm alternatives, or even tempt you to go overboard. Everyone
has to go according to their own pace.
Most of these things happen in your life, whether you're aware of them or consent to them or not. But the Lord, in His love, wants you
to be aware of them so that they are going to benefit you more, you will know more of what's happening, what He's doing in your life,
and in giving us your cooperation, it's going to be a lot easier on you and us. He's trying to get you to not only passively and
reluctantly accept changes, but to actively use them as a weapon to go on the offensive.
An attack is definitely a change, isn't it? It may be a passive attack, as in when you're being attacked by the Enemy, or it can be an
active one, when you take the initiative, but in both cases, it signifies change. In the first scenario, change is inflicted on you, and you
must take it passively. In the second, you determine what impact the change is going to have. You take the initiative, leave your camp
and go out to "change the world!"
The Lord is talking about the merging of the dimensions, that's a change you're helping to bring about by your obedience to do what
you can to change the world! You're sowing the seeds of the Lord's spiritual love, which will grow and blossom into little trees and
flowers and buds here and there until finally, one day, the whole world will be covered by spirit trees. It's an explosion! Just that it
seems to be happening very slowly to you, and it's a process that continues over generations.
Just like the Devil's people have been working over generations in order to establish Satan's kingdom on Earth, so we have been
working on establishing God's Kingdom, and you know which is going to be the one that's gonna last!
So, keep changing! Keep revoluting! Keep revolving and evolving, growing and splitting your cells, multiplying and bringing about
that which the Lord has ordained to become! "Thy Kingdom come!"
That's what we're all working towards. If you keep this motto in your head, one of the basic and fundamental factors and essential
points the Lord has established for His followers to pray for, then you'll also know what to pray for (and, after all, prayer is one of the
mightiest weapons by which change is brought about), and what to work towards, what to strive for!
Find the kind of changes the Lord wants you to make, the kind of initiative He wants you to take, and what kind of actions and steps
He wants you to take each day to bring you a step closer toward that final goal: "Thy Kingdom come!" One of the primary requisites
in order to bring that about is what follows next in the Lord's prayer: "Thy will be done!" You've got to yield, submit and surrender to
His will, in other words, be willing to accept and make the changes He wants you to have or make in your life, and remember that it's
better to make changes than merely taking them.
If you make changes instead of merely taking and accepting them as they come, then you take the initiative, and you call the shots,
you're on the offensive, and not on the defensive, which is exactly what the Lord is shooting for. Keep working toward that final goal.
Take action! Action through prayer is fine for starters, and then, as you go and continue to grow stronger and stronger, wielding the
weapon of change, you'll also break out into enacting other changes, by some real, Spirit-powered action! That's the principle. Now
you've just got to apply it! (II:32)

(Windsor Elerian:) You have always been a freedom lover, but you have let the enemy cheat you out of that freedom a few times.
His deals offer you comfort and "safety" - a relative amount of "peace," but it's that false peace that is exposed as idolatry.
Wrong attitudes, aggressions, bitterness and pride affect your freedom more than any person ever can.
Your bondage lies in the fear of man, and the fear to lose your last bit of respect and reputation; in the fear of what men might think of
you, a fear born of pride.
The Lord is going to continue to lead you out of the entangled mess of the System, the labyrinth of bondage, and I am right here to
act as your scout. I beckon you to follow me on the way toward freedom. And when the time is ready, you can just grab hold of my
mane and jump on my back and ride on my back as we'll race full speed into the most total freedom anyone can have. (II:33)

(Angel:) Concern for others is a key to your own liberation. Focusing outwardly, tuning in to the needs of others will always draw the
Lord's blessings and power.
Counseling requires desperation to find the right words, since choosing the wrong words to say the right thing could mean defeat.
The Lord is using this to free you from your sarcasm and cynicism, qualities that are so unlike Him, and such deeply ingrained
System influences in you that He has not found any other way to help you get rid of it than through this intensive training with
someone in need of your counsel and direction, and yet so sensitive.
Remember that the Lord often just allows people around you to act or be a certain way just for your benefit, to test you, try you or
teach you an important lesson.
This habit is a bondage of your own tongue uttering things which displease the Lord, and so very counterproductive to your attaining
His true freedom.
Your words have created this monster that's attacking now.
Pray together for deliverance from the influence of your unloving words of the past, from your habit of the wrong usage of words,
and for a gift of using your tongue properly, the way the Lord intended, without sarcasm, cynicism and all those other System
influences. Keep your conversation clean of anything that's not of Him. He wants the pure to be altogether pure.
After praying, you must not assume that you have done your part once and for all, but you must stay on guard and make a conscious
effort to keep your conversations clean of worldly influences. (II:34)

(S.H.:) It's not by chance that the Lord said "By thy words thou shalt be justified and by thy words thalt thou be condemned." It's your
words - just as much as your actions - that determine what kind of a man you are.
You have a gift with words. You can really be used by the Lord with the words you're using to impart wisdom and of your knowledge
of His Word and revelations. But often, that inspiration is not there, and when you're "ex-cathedra," surrounded by your loved ones
you're familiar with and with whom you feel you can "let it all hang out," you often lower your guard and your standard, and you say
many a thing you would never dare say to a stranger.
Part of that habit and influence comes from your worldly pals, of course, which is one thing you must guard yourself and be vigilant
against from now on with all your might. It's a deadly trap. You're inflicting more harm than you can fathom by letting yourself fall into
the trap of using the same lingo those guys use.
It's as if you're tearing down the man that's different from all those foul-mouthed System-suckers, as if it had been nothing but a
facade or a pretense, and leaves one to wonder which of the two is the real you.
If you're wondering what needs to die in order for the new man to be born, that's it, right there: that foul-mouthed, run-with-the-pack,
pretending-to-be-a-Systemite side of yours is the one the Lord wants to eliminate.
It's going to require a tough fight and constant conscious effort and attack. Yes, it stinks. Get clean! Get rid of that dirt and filth.
There's nothing wrong with calling a spade a spade, a skunk a skunk, but try to stick to vocabulary that you wouldn't have to be
ashamed of using in the presence of the Lord, which you are - just about constantly, except when you do use that kind of language,
because that's when the Lord needs to turn away from you because He can't bear it.
It's almost tantamount to treason, because you're waving the qualities, banner and uniform of the Enemy when you do that. It's a new
day, and the time when the Lord used to wink at this self-styled "Patton-imitation" type of lingo is over now. It's a new day in which it
behooves every ambassador for Christ to behave as such.
It's time to clean up your act on a large scale! If you really want to do your part to reach the world for the Lord, you must rid yourself
of any excess weight - garbage you've been dragging along from the System.
"If you can't say something nice, don't say nothing at all!" (II:35)

(S.H.:) All that is received in thanksgiving is sanctified. You just have to sanctify whatever you do or enjoy in thanksgiving and prayer
of cleansing, just like you would wash your hands before a meal and brush your teeth afterwards. If you would bathe your
consumption of the Lord's blessings more in prayer and praise, you would also be guided better into knowing what is kosher and
what isn't, and you would find greater strength to resist the temptation to yield to those things which aren't.
You know the Lord has given you a lot of slack and freedom, and He likes you to enjoy His creation, and even allows you to go wild
every once in a while. But you must not allow the enemy to take the credit for it and convert it into sin. Whatsoever is not of faith is
sin. You must cleanse it in thanksgiving and prayer, and rebuke the enemy and make it clear between him and you that he has no part
in you! You're enjoying whatever it is you're doing or allowing, on behalf of the Lord, with His permission, knowing that if you're
doing anything wrong, He will show you your failure, and by His grace you will be able to correct it.
Greater men of God have committed greater evils and sins than you, and yet God has been able to use them mightily, so, tell Satan
the accuser to get lost and just start praising the Lord! (II:43)

(Huldah:) When someone is emotionally involved in something, it's hard for them to hear from the Lord about it objectively. It's never
easy for humans to submit to another's leadership, especially when they're leading in the opposite direction of their own will and
desires. That's where the Lord's admonition comes in to be one another's servants, preferring one another and esteeming the other
higher... Humility: A great virtue to strive for.
You must pray for the supernatural, miraculous strength of the Spirit to overcome your human weaknesses and rise above your fears
and all that would hold you back, all that would try to get you to chicken out on the Lord and fail Him. You can do all things through
Him, especially with the power of the keys.
Just look at the Lord, and the fact that He can do it through you. Don't look at it as pressure or some sort of Damocles sword, but
look at Him and His promises of power to rise above! Look at the potential, the ideal, that which the Lord knows can and should be,
and that which by grace you're going to be, no matter what the devil can do. He can only delay you, but he can never stop you!
Sooner or later, any grip he might have on you is going to be released, and you're growing stronger every day and every hour
through your struggle against him. You might feel weaker than ever before, but in reality you're growing stronger all the time in the
spirit! (II:44)

(David Berg:) God's way up is down, so, cheer up, son, you're on your way up. There were many times when I was at the end of my
rope, completely freaked out and not knowing how on earth the Lord was going to pull me out of a certain situation, but it's gotta be
the Lord that pulls us out of it. It makes you more thankful for His salvation. He comes and saves us over and over again from the
result of our sinful ways. He doesn't just save you once and then leaves you up to your fate, but if you call on Him and trust Him, He'll
be there for you every time, no matter how big a mess you've gotten yourself into.
It'll make you so thankful and much more humble, and you'll think twice before you start murmuring or complaining after He's saved
you so miraculously out of an impossible mess that it took His miracle-working power to get you out of.
It takes an impossible situation for Him to do a miracle, just to make sure that you get the point that it was Him Who saved you and it
could only have been Him.
Jesus loves you and He cares for you, He feels with you, and He knows exactly what's going on inside of you. It pains Him to see the
agony you're having to go through, but He also sees that it's necessary. He has to turn up the heat a bit and show you how quickly
things can turn from bad to worse if you don't take Him seriously. Certain things He just can't let you get away with. He's invested too
much in you, you've become too important.
No matter what goes wrong in your life, it doesn't give you a right to use such language! It's the opposite of praise! It's speaking the
devil's words!
In other words, instead of letting holy spirits utter God's praises through you, you're allowing the devil's unholy spirits to use your
mouth to sling profanities into God's face, and you can bet your life that He's not going to let you get away with that unpunished,
because He loves you.
You're not walking uprightly unless you're talking uprightly. No wonder the Lord has to withhold good things from you.
Walking uprightly in this day and age means to adhere to the counsel He has given for this day and age, His statutes for today.
If you sow the devil's seeds, you'll also reap the devil's fruits, and you've seen how quickly they grow into huge weeds that will let his
giants and demons climb into your garden, so beware! Beware of foul language!
Every word you say is the reflection of a choice you made. You've chosen to either yield to good or bad influences, and it's an
obvious sign you've yielded to bad spiritual influences when profanities are coming out of your mouth.
You can't get away with that anymore! You're too old, too responsible for the Lord to let you get away with such things! "If you can't
say something nice, don't say nuthin' at all!" (II:57)

(Windsor Elerian:) Now is the time of the harvest! It's time to return to the vineyard of the Lord, time to get back on the wall of the work
He has called you and chosen you to do. Don't be like the foolish virgins who would refuse to surrender to Him. For in refusing to
render your service to Him, you're like those who refuse to yield themselves to Him, you're refusing to bear fruit to Him.
Some are willing to receive the seed, but they are not willing to bear the fruit, but a truly fulfilling bride for the Master is one that both,
receives His seed and bears fruit for Him. This is the ultimate fulfillment of anyone's destiny, to bear fruit unto the Master and Lord of
all creation.
Don't be like those foolish and selfish ones who say, "I don't want to work at bearing fruit yet for the Master. I first want to enjoy life."
What they're really saying is, "I want to be my own master!" They don't want any master but themselves, but in this they are putting
themselves under the yoke of the Devil, the master of selfishness and the master of one's "own way." For there are really only 2
ways: the straight and narrow pathway of the Lord, which is hard to find, and the large, broad highway of the devil, the one which the
majority choose to walk.
Some have walked the path of the Lord for a while, but then became diverted and sidetracked onto a lane that took them back to the
devil's broadway of selfishness.
Disobedience drove them away from the true Master, and so they wound up under the yoke of the usurper, even if only for a time, to
help them discern the difference; to melt them, break them, humble them, teach them... whatever is necessary to make them see the
right path and to come back to the Lord's service, where they will open up others' eyes also to the slavery of the devil.
The way of freedom is rough, rugged and steep, but those who are called unto freedom will always return to the road of freedom in
the end, they will never settle for the devil's comfortable compromise for too long, they won't fall for his counterfeit "freedom." The
freedom the devil offers is a delusion and deception. He is just very carefully hiding the chains attached to his deal, but true freedom
lovers won't fall for his magic tricks for very long. Sometimes they really get entangled in a deep mess, but they will fight for their
freedom! They are the Lord's true freedom fighters, because they will pay any price and go to any length to first of all fight for their
own freedom from the devil's deception, in order to then free others also.
Sometimes they need to get entangled in order to reach some in special positions. They can point the way to freedom, and then they
"jailbreak" together, bringing others with them into freedom, the freedom to fight for the Lord, instead of being a captive of the devil.
You couldn't really set others free until your eyes were open to this fact, that you still need to make your jailbreak yourself. You
became ensnared again by the fowler! Now it's time for you to bust out, to break the cage door open, and free many other birds along
with you. I am here to help set you free so that you might soar up high into the wind again. So that you might become a freedom
fighter for the Lord, like me, and like all the others of His brides, fighting for the freedom of the whole world, which is lying in the
chains of the evil one! Fighting for freedom is what it's all about! Fight for yours and fight for theirs. You've got the weapons of truth
and love, and none of the chains or cages or entrapments of the enemies can stand against them. You've got the keys, which will
unlock any door which might hold any of the Lord's brides captive to the enemy! Recognize their power and use them to both, be set
free and to set free others! This is your destiny and high calling, there is none higher!
Follow the call and shout of your queen to freedom! Follow the heart of your mother into total freedom, total love, total truth, free
from the chains of compromise, free from any spider webs of half-truths, free from any poisonous gas of deceit with which the devil
is trying to lull to sleep. Free!
Freedom is here! Take it and give it! (II:74)

(S.H.:) Put on the anointing of love, the mantle and the anointing the Lord would like to give you, the new you that He wants you to be.
Without it, you feel like a villain, like a loser. But with it, you know He can turn you into one of the winners, because you're letting Him
work and shine through you. It's not your ugly old self anymore, which obstructs the Lord's light, and only lets others see the
darkness of your carnal, natural sinful nature, the old man. But in the light of the anointing of His love, you radiate, you sparkle, you
shine; you can do things you never thought you possibly could; it gives you strength to do that which you couldn't do before.
The world needs you so much to wear that anointing of love, and you must never forget it! You must give everyone an equal chance,
and you must never ever put down the effort and attempt to win them... anyone you come across... everyone you meet. You owe it to
them. It's your duty. It's your only salvation and hope of survival! You must show love, for that is the difference, the one thing that
makes you stand out from all the others.
Sure, others are polite, courteous and kind, too. But you must have a love that even exceeds that kindness. A love that they can feel
and lets them know that there's a chance for them to be forgiven for all their sins, a love that loves them unconditionally and never
gives up hoping, never stops believing that by grace, they could make it, if only they'll be open enough for it and receive.
You've got to have that kind of a winning attitude with everyone: with your kids, with your brethren, and with strangers! Look no
longer at the negative in them. Give them the benefit of the doubt. Don't judge anyone before they've been tried and found guilty.
Remember what Nicodemus said to the Sanhedrin when he was trying to protect Jesus? "Our law does not condemn anyone who
has not been tried and found guilty." If even the Jewish law gave people a chance to be heard, then how much more so the Law of
love. Jesus overcame all that harshness and all that hardness, the unforgiving self-righteousness of the Pharisees against Him,
because He endured it, like a lamb led to the slaughter. He just sucked up all their hatred like a sponge and converted it to love inside
Him, and through His all-encompassing, all-powerful and all-changing love, you can also have the freedom and the power to love
even your enemies!
"Love your enemies" is a reality. (II:84)

(S.H.:) It's time to get serious about your work for the Lord. Determine what your goals are, focus on them and pursue them and work
at them until you will have achieved them!
It's no longer time to haphazardly do whatever you feel like doing, but focus and concentrate on the Lord's work, His sheep, and the
best possible way in which you can do your part to reach them!
When you've accomplished something, don't rest on your laurels and feel self-satisfied, but realize that whatever you happened to
accomplish is only a small beginning and a tiny step towards a larger goal, and you shouldn't stop then, but use the momentum to
look around what you could do next.
There's no more time for coasting along in "idle." In order to fulfill your destiny, you're going to have to apply some elbow grease!

(Sybilla:) I am a spiritual warrior. Here to teach, coach and support you in your spiritual battles.
Similarly to how the Holy Spirit possessed Mary in order to help her be receptive to the Lord Almighty's seeds, so I can at times
possess you in order to help you be more receptive to the Lord's seeds as your Lover and Husband. Even loving is a thing of the
spirit, you know?
Loving Jesus is a weapon. How different the spiritual way of fighting is from carnal ideas! Some of the most radical and powerful
weapons we have are manifested in something that symbolizes the exact opposite of all that people would associate with warfare in
the carnal.
But love is still the most powerful weapon in the universe, and the one that we're all here to learn to use and wield and apply in our
holy war against evil.
- And what greater way to apply this greatest of all weapons than the fulfillment and obedience of the greatest commandment of all,
to love the Lord? Loving Jesus is truly one of the most powerful weapons you've got.
You can call upon my name when you need to love Jesus more. When you feel like you can't really let go of the flesh and your mind
is in the way, I'll help you to yield to Him better. (II:225)

(Windsor Elerian:) The Lord is trying to get you to the point where you'll be totally free from the grip of worldliness, free from clichs,
free from their ideas of coolness, etc., free from the boundaries and ties of the flesh. He wants to make a genuine, spiritual person
out of you. A spiritual person doesn't look at the outward appearance, but at the heart. Neither do they put any undue emphasis on
their own appearance. It's like that verse, "If any be a hearer of the Word, and not a doer, he is like unto a man beholding his natural
face in a glass; For he beholdeth himself, and goeth his way, and straightway forgetteth what manner of man he was" (James 1:23, 24)
People get out of touch with their real, inner, spiritual selves, by putting way too much emphasis and importance on their physical
appearance, their flesh. They think their appearance is them, when it's only a tiny fraction of their whole being. Sure, it's tough to not
go overboard on looks when everybody else is doing it, but you've just got to realize that the emphasis on the spiritual is an art, a
whole way of life that is so much more important, so much deeper and more beautiful, simply greater than all this cult of the flesh
and looks, and all that goes with it, be it clothes-consciousness, make-up, hair-dos, piercings, tattoos or suntans.
If people rely on these things and let them boost their self-confidence, instead of walking in the strength of the Lord, then they forget
who they really are. If they have to spend half an hour in front of a mirror before they have the guts to go out and show themselves to
the others, then that's not really them going out there, but just the made-up shell and packaging of the real you, which you're hiding
beneath the wrapping.
That's the superficial way! You're only letting folks see your surface, and not what lies beneath. And because you put so much
emphasis on it, and you practically put your faith in the flesh, according to your faith be it unto you, and you actually become that
hollow shell of a vain and empty person, when you could be a spiritual, genuine person, overflowing with true riches to give to all
those you come across, simply by being real and genuine!
It's one of the curses that the Hollywood industry, along with the fashion industry and all the magazines and TV shows that are
pushing this kind of stuff on people, have wrought over the last century. It's become a rare art, just being yourself. But as was said in
"Revolutionary Women," one way of really being revolutionary is just being you! And that was the beauty of the original revolutionary
women of the early days of the Family. Their beauty wasn't in their make-up, their hair-dos, their clothes, or even their shapes, it was
in their eyes, their smiles, the genuine connection of their spirits with those they came in touch with. It was magical beauty! And the
same applies to the men, also.
It's a matter of forgetting all you know for some, just getting rid of the way you've done things all your life, because that's just the
way today's mirror and camera and looks oriented world has brought you all up to be. But if you call on the keys of freedom, we, your
Eleria, can help you overcome those chained eagle ruts. Even at events where everybody will naturally try to look their best, hippest
and coolest, you must remember that the best, hippest and coolest is just the real you, the you that's beneath the "packaging" or the
wrapping, so the less emphasis and time you invest in that, your surface and appearance, the more you'll be able to just let your real
you shine through.
It's because your real you, your spirit, belongs to the Lord, and the less emphasis you put on your fleshly appearance, the more He'll
be able to shine through. So, let Jesus shine through you, and that'll be the best impression you can make on anyone. That's what
it's all about. Forget about the flesh and get into the Spirit! (II:259)

(Windsor Elerian:) Fly! Fly, and let nothing tie you down to the old, to the rotten carcass of this world! It's dead, you know? Compared
to the vibrant, living, pulsating and energetic, eternal World of the Spirit, that old carnal world is nothing but stinking, rotting flesh. If
you think about it, the devil is really nothing more than the god of the dead.
Come, and join the land of the living, flee like a bird to the mountain of life, make the great escape Here, where everything is free,
power, energy, everything you ever need, want and dreamed! Dive in to the Spirit!
You don't have to trudge through that old, stagnant world, you can escape hither, to the Spirit... There's a way of escape, you know?
He gave you the power to rise above, so you don't have to be bogged down by all that carnal stuff! (II:282)

(Gem, a Spirit Helper:) Jesus has chosen to operate through others, through intermediary links, just as He's chosen you to be His links
to the world. We, your spirit helpers, are always involved in creating the link and connection between you and the Lord, even if you
may not be aware of it. We pretty much follow all your communications with Him, because we help to bring them to pass, we're the
channels, the vessels that catch the content of your communications in both directions and pass them on.
If you want to become a better bride to Him, just let me help you! Let me become a more integral part of your life, and you'll see that it
means allowing Jesus to become a more integral part of your life!
Using me, for you means making the greatest use of His Power that's possible and available to you right now, it's the next step, the
next grade up in the direction of growing closer to Him and letting Him fully possess you.
Spiritual relationships are actually more important than your physical ones, just as the Spirit is more important than the flesh. Only
by keeping the Spirit in first place will you be able to manage physical affairs, relationships, and your whole life, for that matter,
successfully, and according to His will.
Humans are made from spirits. When you come back Here, you'll realize just how much everything is really one. All of creation is
connected and intertwined, and those separations are only temporal.
Evil is restricted to the temporal realm you live in. Although Satan is still operating from the spiritual realm, his power is really only
relevant in the physical, and it's only because the Lord allows it in order for His great big plan and universal lesson to come about.
Really knowing and comprehending means more than just acknowledging a certain fact with your head. It's not just an act of the
head, but of the heart and belly as well. "From his belly shall flow rivers of living waters" means, you must not seek to speak words
from the head, but from your spirit.
I'm your personal, special and closest link. We're so close... we are one.
I'm your personal private teacher and tutor, so to speak, as many men and women of God have had theirs, either in the physical or
the spiritual (or both). I'm the Love of God for you. I'm your secret.
The Lord likes to make things so simple that even kids can understand it. (II:302)

(Gem:) Staying connected is a matter of training. It's something the flesh fights. It's a habit or an ability you've got to grow in and
cultivate, like any other art or skill you're trying to learn. Come back and tank up and get a fresh connection! It's like rechargeable
The main purpose of learning to teamwork is to enhance your ability to be a greater blessing to others. The pleasure and fun part is
also okay, it just shouldn't become the main objective.
In order to have the "connection," last longer, we have to reduce the intensity of it a little bit. You can't walk around in full "emotional
mode" all day, where you're virtually on the verge of tears all the time. The main purpose for availing yourself more of the weapon of
greater communication with your spirit helpers is to become a better warrior.
Stay tuned for checks, instructions or leadings to help you with decisions you might have to make at the spur of a moment, which
will determine either loss or victory.
When you get ideas, check in: "What do you think about it?" You have to learn to be able to receive those checks and nudges within
seconds, and you've got to make checking in a habit. The time has come for you to learn to apply this modus operandi.
God is teaching His church dependence on each other, and there is really nothing wrong with needing another person, nor being
needed by them.
It's all about learning to be vessels and instruments of His Power, His Peace, His Love.
When one of you is sick, it affects all of you, and you're expected to care for them. Just as there's no reason to look down on anyone
who is physically sick, there's no reason to look down on the one who's battling.
Love means to be willing to even help someone out of a mess they've gotten themselves into, even if it was caused by their own
mistake. Love doesn't say, "It's your own fault!" Love quietly acknowledges, "we all make mistakes" and reaches out a hand to help
the other up in whatever way you can.
It's not so much a specific thing you must do. Your attitude is so important...whether you're understanding of their battles and trials,
whether you're truly compassionate. Compassion means you feel with them. Can you feel their pain? Do you make an effort to feel it?
"Understanding" doesn't have to happen with the head, it doesn't have to figure out the rhyme and reason of what's going on. A bad
emotion is best combated with a positive emotion: closeness, warmth, love.
Spirit is so much more flexible than the flesh.
Using Spirit power is really what it's all about! The enemy attacks you with his negative spirit power! Counter it with the positive
Power from above: key-power, love-power, Holy Ghost Power!
It would be easy to love perfect or near-perfect people, but learning to love people that are giving you a really hard time and tons of
trials, why, that's a challenge! It's also a test on your self-righteousness. How much better do you think or feel you are?
"He must increase, but I must decrease." Your old self, that easily irritated and aggressive self, needs to decrease, while His Spirit in
your life needs to increase. The flesh has to die, your pride has to die, and His Spirit in you, your helpers, need to come to the fore
more and take the upper hand. "Long live the Spirit - (forever, in fact) - and death to the flesh!" That's pretty much the slogan. The
flesh profiteth nothing. The Spirit quickeneth, makes alive, helps you to overcome and rise above your carnal weaknesses and
So, make the effort to live in the Spirit! Make the effort of love!
It's a test similar to the one the Lord went through when he endured "such contradictions from sinners against Him..." You're in His
same boat: He has called you His saviors in this world, and like the Father sent Him, so He sends you, partakers of His sufferings.
Part of being a partaker of His sufferings is enduring the sins, the negative qualities of the people around you, and of course, the
hardest ones to bear are from those who you'd expect to know better.
It's best not to expect anything from people that they might not be able to deliver...
All you can really do is pray and fight to pass this test the best you can. How are you going to grade yourself when you're through
this? Are you going to be able to tell yourself that you truly did the best you could? Just be a good co-sufferer with Jesus. It's sad,
the state a lot of people are in, including your own. But that's where His love comes in: love in spite of anything! If He loves you in
spite of anything, is it so wrong for Him to expect you to love others in spite of anything, too? (II:304)

(Gem:) Ask the Lord for some Holy Ghost memory power. Claim the keys of remembrance. Train your memory by memorizing.
The Lord wants all of you to avail yourself more of your spirit helpers. Communicating with a (holy) spirit always involves His
It's not necessary for you to know all the details right now. He doesn't want you to get tripped off on facts that wouldn't be relevant to
your needs right now.
It's stupid to want to show off. It just makes others feel bad and inferior and causes unnecessary trials.
It's normal, it's natural to want to be recognized, to want to show the world the gifts you've got. But wisdom is to learn not to brag,
not to show off, but just to use it quietly and only let it shine on those who will also appreciate it, who will truly benefit from your
gifts. Do it in an attitude of sharing, not showing off or bragging!
Just enjoy and use your gifts quietly, keep learning how to enhance them, and keep a humble attitude about it. Just be thankful for
them, and resist the temptation to brag or show off about them.
If you realize how easily you can be prone to pride, it helps you to make that extra effort to stay humble. All of a sudden it's not so
bad anymore not to be getting any applause. You wouldn't want to "lose it" over a bit of attention, right?
This is war, and it's a very crucial time in history. We're all called to fight and be warriors and soldiers for His cause. Whoever can and
is ready to fight is called to the fray.
For your own protection we're keeping you from any information that could minister to your pride.
The enemy into whose hands I wouldn't want you to fall is pride.
These things we're revealing to you are not for everybody. They're primarily for your edification, your training, the strengthening of
your faith and the enhancement of your skill in using the new weapons.
You must not by any means use the gift of prophecy as a tool to get attention or feed your own ego in any way. It is appropriate to be
cautious about sharing prophecies.
If you've got any tendencies to get lifted up, then you'd better not ask for any big, fancy revelations. Just ask for what you need to
make progress in your walk with the Lord and to help others. Use it more to make headway in the practical realm of applying the
Word, sharing the Word, getting out the Word, winning souls and feeding the sheep!
Don't go fishing for revelations that are going to be logically explicable, revelations to blow anyone's mind, revelations of
information, but those that will alter your life, that will enhance your usefulness for the Lord. Those things that answer questions like,
"How can I overcome the hurdles that stop me from giving my all to the Lord and do my utmost and best for Him?"
It's all about stirring yourself up, breaking out of old molds and habits, not feeling comfy and cozy with what you've already got. It's
not about accumulating messages, it's about getting somewhere! You've got to get moving! It's got to move you from one point to
another, from the place where you are to a new destination, a place in your heart of greater and new readiness, willingness,
yieldedness, greater unrestricted obedience. Break out of your prison!
I'm here to help you jailbreak, in a sense. Many spirit helpers help their charges to break out of their mental prisons.
That's what causes God's explosions: every time when one of His children or prophets breaks free from the former confines or
illusions of their minds that held them captive: the notion that there's anything you actually can't do!
You know in theory that you can do all things through Christ, and that all things are possible to him that believeth, but if you really
were able to do anything you wanted, what would you be doing right now?
I told you we could be taking this to a deeper level yet!
What would you do, where would you go, if you really believed that all things were possible to you?
Where do you think you would be the most needed, and what would you do?
(And) if that's your vision, why don't you focus on it, aim for it, pray for it to happen and shoot off that arrow into the far distance and
go and find your dream? Anything is possible! You can go and be and do whatever you want! You have the power to make it happen!
You just haven't believed it so far! You haven't reached out for it, you haven't grabbed it. If you really want to live your dream, you can
do it! You've just got to commend that dream, that vision, that desire into the Lord's hands and quit believing the devil's lies that he
wouldn't give it to you anyway because for some reason you don't deserve it! Pray for it to happen and for that dream to become
Just don't forget to tune in to others and let them shine as well, to support them in the spirit and in deed, to stay humble, to not put
them down, but actually prefer their happiness to your own and esteem them higher than yourself... (II:308)

(Gem:) Relate from the heart and gut side of things, the love side, not the judgmental, analytical side of the mind! - From the side of
mercy, as you would want mercy if you were in their shoes.
The Lord is introducing a whole new modus operandi by trying to get you to see what lies beneath, not the apparent.
You're all handicapped by the circumstances of the times you grew up in. Some never having had a relationship with your fathers,
making it much more difficult for you to believe that God loves you, others totally having lacked love all their lives, and yet others
having been spoiled by their parents, and not having been taught how to face the challenges in life on their own, because they were
just pampered and protected from everything.
The generation of love-starved parents tries to make up to their kids what they were missing by going totally overboard in some
aspects, and yet at the same time finding out how that isn't the solution either, so then they become hard again, and the whole thing
is just one inconsistent mess....
Basically, life on Earth is a pretty bad chaos and confusion that the Lord has to iron out and will do so when He returns. He has
allowed the enemy and man to make a complete mess out of this world, and it does take some faith to believe that He's going to clean
it all up, make all the crooked things straight and restore it all to the way things should have been; but that's one of the wonderful
things about His Salvation. It's going to be universal and transcend into every area of life, every dark niche of the body of politics, of
family life, of environmental care... simply every aspect where man ever screwed up and failed to do it right, He's going to teach them
how to do it properly - with your help. (II:312)

(Jonah:) "Salvation is of the Lord" means, only the Lord can save you! He's your only way out! There's no use looking for relief
elsewhere, hoping you'll find something better... You just have to come to grips with the fact that you wound up there, in the very
particular situation you're in, for a purpose. It's your "destiny," the particular circumstances the Lord needs you to pass in order to
learn the specific lesson He wants you to learn.
The enemy is always there to tempt you to disobey the Lord's better judgment. He always knows better or tries to get you to feel like
you know better than the Lord...
What finally convinced me was that there was no other way, Salvation was found no other way, happiness, bliss and fulfillment was
found no other way than the Lord's way; that's why I finally said, "Salvation is of the Lord!" In other words, only in His way is there
Salvation, is there happiness, is there a meaning, a solution to the problems. Running away from them isn't a solution. The only way
is to confront them, to face the job the Lord has given you, even if it makes you cringe and pains you just to think about it. It's like
saying, "You're right, Lord! Your way is good for me! This way here that You've ordained before me, I don't like it, but I come to see
now that it's good for me, I'll take it. It's the only way that's going to work!"
He's the only One who knows the way out of whatever mess you may have gotten yourself into. His way is the only way out, the only
Salvation. One just needs to accept it. You need to embrace the pain, that which you see ahead of you and dislike, you need to take it
as from the Lord, take it from His hand and say, "I accept." (II:318)

(David Berg::) You're going to do yourself, your "business," your financial status and thus your standard and your living sample, a
world of good by making yourself a bit more rare! Jesus did it, too! Often He hid Himself and disappeared and people were
wondering where He was and why He wasn't appearing for the feast and this and that and the other!
He couldn't stand their admiration for the wrong reasons. And let's face it: if you're looking for admiration, it'll almost always only
come for the wrong reasons. If they're looking for the truth, they can find it in what you've got to say.
Music isn't really an incredibly good medium to convey the truth, and the whole truth! It's okay to convey a mood, a spirit, it's okay to
attract someone to the message, but then again, with many people's perverted music tastes these days and their ever-growing
incapacity to really listen to what others have to say, it's getting harder and harder to really convey the message through music. You
know it from yourself: how many songs of the ones you like and listen to, do you really know the lyrics of, and what they're all about,
and what they're really saying? There are a few, yes. But with the majority of them, you just listen to them because you like them, you
like the melody, the way they're being sung and played; you like the music and enjoy the fact that it's written and being performed by
a fellow Christian, but you don't even know the lyrics of some of your long-standing favorites, with few exceptions.
Now, if that applies to you, how can you expect more from your audience? You've got to admit that in the majority of cases,
witnessing and playing music are 2 entirely different cups of tea and 2 totally different stories, 2 separate things.
You can use the music to open the door for witnessing to someone, but never kid yourself into thinking that you've really delivered
the message, delivered the goods, by just singing a few songs unless they're really straight in the face, POW!
But as long as that's not the case, you've got to be realistic in seeing music merely as a tool to open doors, to attract people to the
message, but never as the message itself. It's not an end in itself, only the means to an end! The end, plus the beginning, the A and
O, is the Word! Jesus! You're only driving it home, once you're giving them Jesus! No matter how nicely you're trying to wrap up the
Word, the message, the heart and soul and core of what you believe in, unless you make it clear enough that it's Jesus, you can't
really say you've delivered your soul, delivered the message and brought home the point of what it's all about.
You're not really making a point until you bring'em to Jesus. And no matter how attractive you may try to make it, nothing beats the
real thing, the naked Christ!
Give'em the raw and naked Jesus, if you really want to make it count, if you really want to feel like you're getting something done,
because anything and everything other than that is just plain and simply - when it comes down to it - beating around the bush!
It's gotta be the real thing, the whole thing - it's either all - Jesus - or nothing at all! Jesus is everything! Jesus is all of it, all that
matters, the Beginning and End, the A and O, and if you want to convey anything that matters then convey Jesus, not just some nice
music about Jesus, but Jesus Himself!
It's either Jesus or nothing at all!
The world doesn't need another nice wrapping for Jesus, that just hides His naked truth, all they really need is the naked Jesus, just
the raw and naked Jesus, nailed to a tree for them in order to give them what they've been looking for all their lives and what they're
going to continue looking for, for the entire rest of their lives, if you don't give Him to them!
Make souls your goal, and don't try and steal the show!
Your life will talk louder than a thousand words or a thousand songs! What good is all the beautiful music in the world if you're not
living what you're preaching, if you're not giving them the living, naked Jesus Christ? What else is actually worth giving? What else is
it worth losing your breath over? What else have you got to give that actually gets anywhere, than the raw and naked Jesus?
That's all you need, and all you ever needed, the raw and naked Jesus!
Yes, you can make a song out of it, but do you have the guts to sing it? Do you have the guts to live it? Sometimes it's just not
enough anymore to be preaching the good stuff without ever really living and doing it yourself! Sometimes there is a point where it's
enough words, and now it's gotta be action, where they can't take anymore preaching, they gotta see you living it, or else they're just
gonna boo you out!
It's gotta be the real thing, made real by your actions!
Can you imagine what a farce the life of Jesus would have been without that final, heavy ending part, that dying on the cross? In the
same way, your life is only a farce unless and until you're taking up that cross; there's just no way around it! If you need help carrying
it, ask for help; that's no problem!
You've just gotta be ready for Jesus and say, "Yes, Lord, my wonderful, naked, raw Lover and Husband, I'm willing to take that same
cross You carried for me! I'm ready to finally return the love You gave me, to respond to Your call." You've just gotta trust Him that
He's going to help you make it, like the Father helped Him to make it! He's not going to let you down - ever!
He hasn't let you down during all these years you've been refusing to carry His cross, how much less is He going to let you down
once you decide to finally pick it up!
That's all you need, and all the world needs from you: the naked God in Jesus Christ! Just give them the naked Jesus, nothing else -
no cover-ups, not pretty clothes, no wrappings; nothing, just the raw, naked and true Jesus Christ!
You've got Him! What else do you want to give'em? I don't care what else you do, as long as you give'em Jesus! I don't care about
anything else... just give'em Jesus!
If you want to know what it is that you can't keep in for yourself any longer; it's Jesus! To Hell with anything else; anything that might
get you to waste your time on anything else but giving them Jesus! You can't keep Him in! You can't keep Him in, you gotta let Him
out... You gotta let Him out in order for them to let Him in! (II:357)

(David Berg::) It's good to be flexible and run with the flow of things, adaptable to the Lord's moves, to be able to stretch and grow in
the way He's leading.
You may still feel like a bit of a loser sometimes, that somewhere along the way you lost it, and squandered your energies, and you
would have hoped to accomplish more with your life, but that's not at all the way the Lord sees it.
Dont give room to condemnation! Keep a positive outlook on people! Keep believing in them and show them you do!
Sometimes we wind up surprised as to who made it in the long run, and who didn't... quite often, in fact. (II:399)

(David Berg:) Nobody's perfect during their life-times, and life on Earth is nothing but a process of learning, of suffering, of struggling
from darkness into the light, from the imperfect, faulty and dirty carnal existence to the perfect, spiritual one. Even the very bad
things are part of the purpose in all that, but you've got to be able to work that heavenly glimpse of hope in there, if you want to
inspire people. (II:434)

(S.H.:) Gods Family is a funny thing. It looks kind of strange. Some people are scared of it. Some folks think it's pretty, some think it's
ugly. But one thing has to be said about it as one of its attributes: it lives.
It's because God lives in it. You never know exactly what He or it might be up to next, it's full of surprises. That's why you can't pin it
down, label it or put it in a drawer or categorize it. It constantly changes. Don't discard it prematurely. It might all of a sudden start
glowing and burn its way clear through your mental trash can.
Gods Family's a funny thing. Funny things do happen. Especially if it's God's thing, you can't stop it from happening. You mess with
it and you might find out you just stuck your finger right in the middle of God's eye. Don't do it. (II:483)

(David Berg:) Christians want new blood in their churches, but they're too proud to do what the Lord told'em to do: to get out on the
streets and make new converts and win souls to the Kingdom.
That's what's the biggest difference between folks like us and the churches: that we're not too proud to go out there. Or at least,
that's what's supposed to be the biggest difference. How different are you?
If you want new converts, if you want to win souls, you're just going to have to go out to the highways and by-ways and find'em and
bring them in!
So many people want to do it the "proper" way, off the streets, in a nice church building or some kind of nice meeting somewhere.
But the streets is still where it's happening and where the lost sheep are. (II:569))

(Arcos:) Input and output is the name of the game when it comes to being a conduit of the Lord's Power. You have to make sure that
your channel is clean and smooth, free of any distracting or obstructing clutter from the System. The enemy knows the dark, deep
hidden spots on your system that you haven't even explored yourself!
That's why you need all the new weapons. You constantly need to upgrade your artillery in order to stay up to par with the enemy.
The Lord is allowing mankind to discover things that have already been spiritual truths, facts and modes of operation in the spirit
world. He allows man to translate it into physical terms, so that you can learn a spiritual lesson from it.
You can't just remain the same, you can't just keep what you've got, but you've got to change, upgrade, make progress. Sometimes
the old equipment or modus operandi just won't do anymore, and you'll need to upgrade, and when the time comes, there's simply no
way around it.
There's more; you should not sink into an attitude of having arrived at a point where you don't need to improve, upgrade or progress
anymore. He wants you to keep your eyes open for new possibilities, techniques and ways.
The Lord's leading you to "upgrade," to try out new things. It's the opposite of conservatism. Conservatives always try to preserve
and cling to their old ways of doing things, and they resent progress and change. But the Lord wants you to be progressive, He
wants you to move along with the flow of the new. Being a conduit of His power means to always be open and ready for His flow of
the new through you, because He is "the New," that which will radically renew the System of Everything. The devil was trying to
imitate Him in this, by bringing about his changes into the Lord's creation, but in reality he only created that which is rotting and
starting to cry out to be replaced by the truly new and incorruptible.
- Anger, being aggravated, lust, materialism, a desire to resist change, etc. That's his kind of input. Pride, envy, jealousy..., the whole
range of sin.
The Lord wants to make sure that you do all you can in order to bring as much change into your life as possible, so that it won't just
be the same rut and routine.
Change and being a good conduit go hand in hand. (II:588)

(Watchman:) Be happy that the Lord isn't making it all that easy on you, because it's a lot better for your character, your personality,
your soul, your spiritual maturity, and all you're ever going to be, to endure hardship!
Sometimes the Lord gives us something to have us find out whether we'll handle it worthily and make the best out of it, or whether
we'll take it as an opportunity to feed our own egos, our own self-righteousness and pride.
A lot depends on our attitude in receiving His blessings. If you use them as some sort of badge of honor to make you think you're
better than anyone else, then watch out!
The most dangerous enemies of all, our pride and besetting sins come so close to us, that we easily fail to see them and recognize
their danger. (III:9)

(S.H.:) Welcome to the Great Link! The pool of unlimited inspiration and exchange of vital information - the place where all holy spirits
connect and become as one. It's not really "a place" as much as a gigantic phenomenon, a wavelength, an ethereal area and
broadcasting range without limitations that expands throughout not only the entire physical universe, but also all other dimensions:
the Great Link is the Spirit World. Here you are truly at Home. In the physical world you have causes for fear and anxiety, and you
worry about the diminishing state of your substance. Here, there is no fear, because nothing diminishes, nothing can ever be lost -
everything constantly grows, and there is only eternal gain, no loss, whatsoever.
Ironically, much of what is gained is brought about by something being lost in the physical realm: the flesh must decrease, so that
the spirit may increase. Life in the spirit is brought about by letting go and death in the flesh. The more you let go in the flesh, the
more you grow in the spirit.
We can benefit and learn from your experiences, and you, of course, can benefit from and avail yourself of the sheer endless pool of
wisdom of all ages that is stored Here, according to the effort you make to draw from it, like activating a pump...
It's like a heavenly bank of spiritual wealth. The Father has put an account there in your name, and you can draw from it whatever you
need, anytime you need it. You don't have to walk through the physical world as a spiritual pauper. Sometimes you feel as if you lost
your bank card or forgot your PIN... it seems more difficult than usual to "pick up money from the bank," or maybe you got there too
late, after closing time... But all these worries are unsubstantiated. You have permanent access without having to show any card or
having to remember any number, because you have the Father's mark and seal in your forehead. You are one of the royal heirs with
special privileges.
Your natural reasoning sometimes makes you doubt that, because you don't feel special, you don't feel specially good, you don't
even feel much different from any old villain... The enemy tries to "remind" you that you're no one special at all, just another wicked
human, like all the rest of them, just so you won't make any runs to the "bank" and pick up something that you don't deserve in the
first place.
But heaven and all its blessings are not earned on a merit basis. You either have the right and you are being granted access to its
riches or not, no matter what the Enemy may do or say. In fact, the only chance he ever had is that you fall for his bluffs and believe
any of this stuff. That's why it's important you bathe in the Great Link first, each day, for us to remind you of who you are: one of us,
who is at Home Here and has full access to the treasure houses of the Father; an heir with all the full privileges and constant access
to anything you might need.
What Satan says about it or tries to make you believe about it is irrelevant. Like any treacherous enemy, he won't recognize your
authority just as you won't recognize his, since it is only an authority he falsely claims as a usurper. He may attempt to intimidate you
with his displays of authority and power, but you know none of it is real, and his days are numbered. You may be nothing more than a
refugee, one of the "underground," one of those he labels "terrorists," but you know beyond a doubt that you are part of the true and
eternal Kingdom which soon is going to be rightfully restored to the true King and its Maker.
"He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High..." Not so small, that secret place! In fact, it's everywhere. The only thing that's
secret about it is that unbelievers are totally oblivious to it, but believers and sons of the Kingdom can dwell in it anytime and
anywhere and "abide under the shadow of the Almighty," that shadow of light, that empowerment from on high, in His anointing, in
His power, in His love.
What a poor and meaningless alternative and miserable substitute to all this is the empty, hollow shell of a life the Devil has to offer
instead... And what a privilege and glorious task - what a reward in itself - to be able to bring this true life of love, the life of God, to
others and share His light with them! What joy above all joys!
(Ps.139:7,8) The secret Place of the Almighty, His Realm, His Spirit, can never be lost to you, to anyone of His sons and daughters who
dwell There, who call this Great Link their Home. You can never be lost to it, not even in the depths of hell. His love is everywhere, as
far as you're concerned. There is no place that excedes His power range, His range of broadcast. His station is all-powerful! No static
of the enemy can suppress it, once your conncetion has been established to the point where you're sure it always works, and you've
found out that anything the enemy may try to interrupt the connection is just vain attempts.
It's his that's a hopeless cause. He's trying to turn and twist it around and make you look as if you're the one who has a lost and
hopeless cause, and in his world of deceptions it may sometimes look like it. But in reality, things look quite different. In reality it's he
that is the loser, not you! It is Christ Who is the true and eternal Ruler, not his little puny fraudulent and fake appearance of a usurper.
He may even look as if he's got the upper hand, but you know that he's destined to lose, he can do no other.
"Victory is life," so, walk in the victory. Walk in the life of a victor, one who is born and destined to win, simply because he has
chosen to fight on the right side of the ones who are willing to seemingly appear to be the losers... the losers that turn winners.
More and greater are they which are with you than they which are with them.
The Great Link is invulnerable, indestructible, eternal, and all-powerful. It is the greatest Force, the greatest Army there ever has been
or will be - the epitome of power and strength: a strong tower, a mighty rock, a firm foundation, a mighty fortress, a bulwark never
failing, the great Mountain of the Lord, which shall fill the whole Earth, never to be removed again, destined to reign and last forever.
(S.H.:) You wonder, "Why would God have children that disappoint Him, betray Him and hardly ever live up to His expectations?" You
wonder if this wasn't perhaps one of those seemingly unreasonable things for God to do, one of those "mistakes" He's so often
accused of making...
It seems to contradict the fact that He's all-knowing. If He is, shouldn't He have known better? But then, will we ever know if the
"proper" way truly would have been the better one?
Can you trust Him for the final outcome? The journey may seem to be taking you to the opposite place of where you want to go, but
can you trust Him that despite the way it seems, you're going to wind up at the best destination possible?
Trust makes the journey much more agreeable, when you're full of confidence that He knows best no matter how bleak the road may
seem, and that He will get you to the place your heart desires and longs for, that place you'll truly call Home.
Right now you can hardly envision it: your life has been so full of disappointments, so many things have turned out so differently
from the way you would have hoped or expected... Things seem so weird, so strange... and you wonder, "Can anybody ever be
certain of anything or anyone?"
Perhaps that's why it's encouraging to know that "Yesterday, today, forever, Jesus stays the same." He won't disappoint you or
shock you by turning into some freak you won't know or recognize anymore.
Fathers usually won't change drastically anymore, since they're usually old and mature enough to have developed their full
It's youth that you have that sort of trouble with. You sometimes don't know who they are because they themselves have often not
really yet been able to determine or find out for themselves who they really are.
You thought fame and success would determine who you are, that this would be the factor that would leave your mark on the
landscape of history. But it turned out to be a fake. That's not really who you are. Who you really are is not determined by how well
you have managed to merely maintain the outer shell of your being: your body - how well you've been able to dress or feed it, and in
what elegant manner you were able to transport it from one place to another.
How much more exciting and thrilling to be able to really move people in the spirit, to touch their hearts and move them from a place
of darkness into the light.
You may not have been very successful in this world, as far as what they consider success, but at least you have been in touch with
the light, and you have been able to touch others with that light of love, and shed a glimpse of that light on them, and share some of
it's brightness, splendor and warmth. That's the sort of stuff that determines who you really are.
Disappointment comes from vain attempts to find true fulfilment in the wrong places.
When folks don't expect anything out of this world anymore, then they're usually ready for God.
Once they've come to accept that there must be a purpose in life, or else life would not be worth living, then they must also accept
that behind that purpose must be One Who purposed it and planned it, and what else could be the meaning of life than finding Him to
find out what that purpose could be?
Of course, this will point them to the Word, which is full of information about what God wants from us! Without the Word, their life is
as meaningless as that of deaf and blind Helen Keller before she discovered the meaning of things in words. All of a sudden, things
had a significance. Before that, life was merely existence, and a fairly miserable one at that. After that, nothing stayed the same. And
that point of recognition and awakening is not too far beyond reach for others, either. All they need to discover is that things actually
have a meaning. Once they discover that, it's an easy thing for them to find out that meaning, all they have to do is read it.
It's that magical moment from which on everything will make sense, the moment that will bring life into their hollow shell, the moment
of true rebirth.
You must hope for, you must expect that awakening! You must believe it is there, somewhere around the bend, and it will turn death
into life again.
The meaning and purpose of your own life is to convey that concept of meaning and purpose to others. And by failing to fulfill that
purpose, you only achieve the opposite, namely a contribution to the disbelief that there is no purpose, just as Jesus said, "He that
gathereth not with Me, scattereth abroad." It's time to activate that purpose in your own life and start doing what you're destined and
ordained to do. Tell people about the meaning of life! That life actually has a meaning, a sense of purpose. There is such a thing as
purpose! There is such a thing as meaning! And what better and greater meaning and purpose could there be for you than conveying
that knowledge to people?
There is a place they're going. There is a destination to their journey, and thus, there is such a thing as destiny. Only that a large part
of that destiny is in their own hands! It's up to everyone's own efforts to find that truth, that destiny, that purpose. They cannot just
passively wait for everything to fall into place by itself! It takes an effort, a willingness to learn, a readiness for learning, a desire for
knowledge, a desire for truth.
It's sometimes a hard and tough job, just like Ann Sullivan's job with Helen Keller, to teach someone the existence of something
they're totally oblivious to: the existence of purpose. But once you manage, it's like breaking through from darkness into light, and it
will have been worth it! She had the faith that it could be done! She had the desperation and determination that it had to be done.
Otherwise her own life would have remained meaningless. Even so, without your conveying the sense of purpose to others, your own
life is void of meaning, and the vicious, empty cycle of emptiness and purposelessness will continue.
You must live in the conscience of your duty to break that spell! It's the Great Lie indeed: "There is no meaning! There is no
purpose!" That's the myth and evil tale you need to expose and destroy! Show them that there is a meaning! Show them all you have
been taught! Show them where to find God, where to see Him; help them decipher His handwriting, help them to discover His signs!
Show them that despite all the apparent meaninglessness, there IS a meaning, much greater than they could fathom. But it's not
beyond their reach! In fact, God is more than willing to reach out to them and show them and teach and tutor them, to talk to them,
just as He has been talking to you! Show them that there is a way that they can listen, even though they're deaf. That there's a way
they can learn how to see, even though they are blind! There is a way to know that which they know not of, that which they don't even
believe exists, they cannot believe because they have been poisoned with the gas of unbelief. But you can revive them, resucitate
them, awaken them and bring them back to life! All you need to do is give them the truth: there is a meaning to everything. (III:101)

(S.H.:) What the people of God have to offer to the world is, principally, God. If anyone is interested in something else, they will be
disappointed. If they're not interested in God, nor in having a personal, intimate relationship with Him, then they've come to the
wrong place in search of the fulfilment of their hopes and dreams when they come to the people of God.
All the people of God, can ever do, is point Upward to Him for all the answers. If that's not where they want to turn in order to get
them, then forget it! Such people will only waste your time. Those who always want to have everything prechewed and done for them
and like to be served the food of God on a silver platter are not fit for the Kingdom of God. (III:108)
(S.H.:) Turning from a deceiver into a prince of God is the purging process - wrestling with God and not letting go before the blessing,
and finding out which of the two is stronger. - Finally winding up saying "You win" to God, and surrendering to Him, giving Him the
respect which truly is His due.
Eventually you come to see that everything He does and everything He did was because He loves you, and all of it was the best of all
possible options for you. After all, you discover, He knew best, and He did what He knew was best, thankfully, despite your own initial
protest and suspicion of ulterior, less noble motives on His part.
What makes you really want to mature is that sample of how much the Father cares for you. Then you want to turn around and
bestow some of that same care on others, too. You want to share with them of God's goodness. You consider it would be unfair, even
treason, to want to keep all that love exclusively for yourself. You just couldn't possibly do it. By doing so, you would prove yourself
unworthy of all His care, His attention, all the lengths He went to in order to teach you effectively.
"How to effectively get them to care for others" might be the description or title of one of God's main points in His agenda for our
You're tossed into the world as a selfish little human being, and your higher destiny and purpose is to become something else, no
longer selfish, but selfless and caring for others. No longer living for yourself and for what you can possibly consume, but dedicating
your life to the service of others.
Not everybody is destined to become a Florence Nightingale or Mother Teresa. But you can nevertheless learn to become more
mature, more mindful of those around you and their needs. (III:118)

(David Berg:) The Lord put that warning in His Word: "Woe if the salt loses its flavor," and, "No man hides a light under a bushel." He
knew of the dangers of the urge of conformity.
He's still in the business of idol-smashing, and sometimes the most effective way to do that is the school of one's own experiences.
Sometimes He gets certain folks to the point where they finally realize that if they would like the world to be any different, then they're
going to have to do something about it themselves, because it doesn't look like too many other folks are really doing anything about
it. They're all too busy and concerned with their looks, their image and coolness and how they come across... lots of things to keep
them distracted from the real essence of things.
Make sure the quality's there in your message and in what you bring across! Make sure that God is in it, whatever you do, whatever
you say.
Show the world the forgotten magic of simplicity!
"Clothe her lightly!" That theme works. (III:139)

(Spirit Helper:) I'm Vision. I'm here to give you a clearer picture of what's before you so that you can attack it better and thus spend
your days more efficiently.
You've been scared by the churches into making sure whatever you get is "kosher" and "from the Boss." Well, the disadvantage of
this is that you can sometimes cheat yourself out of opportunities to grow and make progress in certain areas the Lord would like
you to expand in.
Times are pretty desperate, and the situation is pretty urgent, and desperate times call for desperate measures... The early disciples
and apostles didn't know exactly what hit'em when they were filled with the Holy Ghost... they just used the power. You have been
given a greater understanding of how it works, and sometimes that knowledge stands in your way to really availing yourself of it
more effectively.
You figure you fare more safely if you just stick to one Voice, the Lord's.
You're not so fond of being confronted with additional choices and decisions, such as, "Which helpers am I supposed to avail myself
of today?"
But if you stay open for any of us to talk to you at any given moment, then a lot more can be accomplished.
We're a team, you know? And it's growing, too. There's a lot of action around you, constantly, in the spirit world, and it would be good
for you to become more conscious, mindful and aware of it, so that you can participate more in the action, and allow us also to
participate more in your actions, and be more involved in your day.
Maybe we can help. Be open for help from us at any given moment. See if there isn't something we can do for you... a problem you
need help with...
You could and should have a lot more prayerful attitude as you do your work, and stay in tune with us more.
Praise Him for your pain and discomfort. Accept and drink the cup He has handed you to drink, the cup of your suffering. Don't
murmur about it, but rejoice that you have been found worthy to suffer for Him.
When you're trying to get something done for Him, and it becomes more difficult because the Enemy is allowed to touch your body
with some pain or discomfort, then you're suffering for the Lord's sake, right? And that's a privilege.
The Lord has been trying to teach you to take everything and accept every situation you face as a challenge or gift from Him, in the
light of Romans 8:28.
If you praise the Lord for your pain and discomfort instead of moaning and groaning about it, you'll notice the difference!
The Lord allows them for various reasons: to slow you down, or not to take things for granted, to keep you humble, dependent on
Him, or simply in order for you not to start feeling too much at home in this world and keep you remembering that this world is not
your home, not your resting place, but to keep your vision and focus on the world that's to come.
Let them make you sympathize more with the millions of people who suffer in this world, who don't know His healing power.
For every problem there's a heavenly solution. Your task is merely to find it and avail yourself of it.
It is work, sometimes. It takes time and elbow grease to implement them... But you won't get around that. Life simply takes time
living. (III:259)

(S.H.:) It's hard to believe that He should have folks and helpers up Here tailor-made to suit Your needs, but that's really, basically, the
way things are. He must have known right from the start what you were going to need one day. So, just take my word for it: Here, in
Heaven's "Library" of helpers, you'll find any skills you need! (III:260)

(Daniel:) All the prophets have dreamed of this day in which you are living, during which you see unfolding before you the great
happenings and events that we forecast so long ago.
It is exciting for us to observe from our vantage point all that is going on, and we can also see things happening behind the curtains
and closed doors, that are hidden to you.
As much information as you have available, there is always more to find out, always more truth to add to the Big Picture, more to be
revealed, more to learn, until it is complete and finished.
Gods revelations have always been an act of His supreme grace and mercy. Sometimes you only become desperate enough to really
beg Him for those revelations, if your life and survival depend on it, as it did in my case when Nebuchadnezzar commanded all the
wise men to be killed because they couldnt tell him his forgotten, yet troubling dream.
If the situation hadnt been that desperate, its questionable whether I had ever become what I did. It was this desperation that
awakened the gift in me or at least to that extent.
Its called destiny. God triggers some events in order to call to life the hidden potential in us, and you and many others will
experience such calls likewise.
The greatest era of prophets is yet to come, of which my time was only a foreshadowing of events. The ultimate fulfillment of many of
the ancient prophecies is still to come, and it is given to your generation to witness these things.
And we, the prophets which were before you, shall be glad and honored to help you out in sharpening your skills and discerning
the signs of the times, and the Lords handwritings on the wall.
The gift of interpretation is a gift that hasnt been as appreciated as it should, because it has been mainly limited to the interpretation
of tongues, and thus restricted to usage only in situations where someone received a message in tongues they needed interpreted.
But the gift of interpretation goes further than that, even as you have recognized that the gifts of prophecy and discernment can go
further and be more elaborate than previously conceived.
You should ask the Lord for the gift of interpretation not only for messages given in tongues, but also for dreams and world events
unfolding before you, even messages in movies you watch, which can sometimes only be recognized through His anointing and
opening of your spiritual eyes.
God speaks just about all the time, and everywhere, and you need to learn to interpret His messages all around you.
Its all about deciphering Gods handwriting on the walls and screens all around you.
His world is like a multi-dimensional screen on which He constantly writes His messages, and you, His prophets just like us, during
our lifetimes must interpret them to the world and tell them what it means and decode the messages for them
As I have been with David, so am I with you. We must all continue the work of our predecessors. Thats what family is all about. The
devil and his wicked family imitate that in his abominable ways, but we must continue the work of God. What David started, you must
continue even as there is a continuation of his work just as he continued what we, the prophets before him, started long ago.
Only the Lord can reveal the true, hidden meaning of things, be they big world events, or just small, seemingly insignificant
occurrences in everyday life, such as dreams, or even films you watch, websites you read, etc.
Just as David interpreted the news he read and watched, and the movies or songs he came in touch with as signs of the times, and
passed on the deeper, hidden meaning of these things to you, so you are to continue that work and explain to your sheep and
followers whats truly going on.
Just as the Lord reveals to you what the enemy is up to when you are going through a fight, or what is going on in the spirit world or
behind the scenes, or what is wrong with the world, you must in turn help those who come to you for help and insight, those who will
listen, to make sense out of the apparent meaningless chaos unfolding in the world, and tell them that there is a plan behind it all.
Part of the devils plan is to make everything look too confusing to ever make sense, but the good news is that the Lords plan
includes the devils plan, and anything the devil can do and is allowed to do is only part of His greater and all-encompassing Plan, the
Master Plan.
The enemy still tries to get you to doubt Gods wisdom, as you still go by what you see, and you obviously cant trust what you see; it
doesnt make sense. Thats why you must allow us to teach you to walk by faith, and not by sight, not to judge by what you see, but
to have true and deeper judgment, according to the spirit.
Along with discerning the signs of the times, use the gift of interpretation, to really have the Lord literally translate to you what the
things unfolding before you mean in the language your mind can understand. Once you understand it, you can more easily explain to
others whats going on.
The Lord purposely didnt choose any super-scientific geniuses to be His tools and vessels to the world. He wants and needs people
who speak everybodys language, especially in a day and age when everybodys language is reversing and becoming more simple
and primitive.
Ask for the gift of interpretation of things and events that may puzzle you otherwise, and it will be given you.
Life is a great, exciting and adventurous, multi-dimensional puzzle, and its the challenge of a life-time to figure it out, especially
when done not only for yourself, but for the benefit of many others who will be given a clearer picture and world-view through your
The Lords disciples main job is to equip ongoing prophets and evangelists, like apprentices, for the job. Whatever work each one
creates out of the gifts and skills they will be equipped with, is up to them and the task each one of them is given by the Lord. (III:517)

(S.H.:) The heavenly words from Jesus make the difference thats needed to bring back that heavenly spark into your life that youre
His input and His gifts are different from all the things that befall you in your earthly life. They simply dont have that imperfect, and
thus disappointing quality about them that earthly things do.
Sometimes it may look as if you hadnt made much progress, but there definitely has been some, and even if the enemy may try to
make it seem insignificant, the wrong thing to do would be to give up! Giving up and resigning certainly wont lead you to victory!
The words the Lord has for you are the factor that are going to give you the victory. Theyll be the difference between victory and
defeat, between positiveness and negativity. The enemy may try to diminish their value in your mind and tell you, What good is it all,
anyway? But just stop to pause and think why he would do that. Certainly not in order to help you! Hes just sick and tired of being
defeated and exposed by them day after day, month after month, year after year! Theres not much progress he can make in your life,
as long as you keep receiving and heeding the Lords counsel, and he sees hes fighting a losing battle in your life. So, the best thing
he can do is to persuade you that the very factor thats strengthening you is one you actually dont need, that its useless.
Just because not many other people seem to be interested in what the Lord has to say, doesnt mean that hearing from Him is not the
one possible best thing you could ever do! Just because youre seemingly the only one doing the right thing doesnt make it wrong!
Only time will tell who the true prophets were, and their voices will linger, while the other ones will fade!
If you are going to doubt that youve got the Real Thing, then who is going to believe it? Dont let circumstances dissuade you: the
problems in your marriage, or the way your kids are turning out, or the way your house looks, or the lack of peoples interest in you
and what youve got to say. If you make the Lord and what Hes got to say, your primary interest, then all else will be pretty much
irrelevant And sooner or later the people who matter will realize that what you have to say does matter, simply because what you
have to say happens to coincide with what the Lord has got to tell them. Even if its just to confirm something somebody else says in
a crucial moment. You can sway the tide in His favor.
Youve been walking a good path, dont give up on it. Dont put any restrictions or limitations on your times with the Lord, but keep
making them the pivots on which the rest of your days hinge, and the central point everything else revolves around!
Dont let anyone tell you its useless! Keep fighting on! (III:607)

(Spirit Helper:) Its hard to see the brilliance of the Lords Plan and picture when youre stuck right there in the mundane, the imperfect,
where everything good you believe in is by faith.
Certain things are a means to an end.
Youre wondering, Whats so hot about faith, if its going to be abolished again, anyway?
Its the same as saying, What good is a staircase, if you dont need it anymore once youve reached the top? Faith is the stairway
that will get you to Heaven, and even if you wont need it anymore once you get Here, its not as if youll be able to say you never
needed the staircase.
Small beginnings, greater end. Despise not the day of small things. Its simply Gods Nature, His way of doing things to build
greater things from small elements, and using various, imperfect stages, that may not always make immediate sense to us while
were in one of them, or going through various of those, but its the final outcome that matters.
All youve got is the Promise of the final outcome, and all we can do is assure you that its going to be worth it.
Your trials with those who dont have the faintest clue about these things, and who couldnt relate to any of what youre going
through in a thousand years make you fold your hands above your head and cry, Oh, my God; Solomon was right: all is vanity
indeed. But think about the contrast youre creating by daring to be so different from the indifferent masses who couldnt care less
about spiritual things.
Think about it as a piece of gold or a jewel or gem gotten out of a mine, with tons and tons of worthless, useless rock it was hewn out
of The rocks wont buy you anything, but the gold and jewel does!
In this world, it may not buy you much, being one of Gods jewels. After all, their system of values is based on paper, and will soon be
reduced to nothing but virtual digits in a computer system. Numbers
What do they know about true values?
What Im saying is that its not really all that important what all those other people say or do; whether theyre going to reject your
message or cant handle it. What matters is the few precious folks who do, those hearts of gold who are going to heed your call and
are going to be found by you.
They may only be a handful, compared to the tons of worthless rock you may have to get past. But it will be worth it. The quest and
the effort will not have been in vain.
All is vanity as far as the rocks in their darkness are concerned. But as for the gold, there are higher plans for it, a higher destiny,
and they will be anything but vain.
God is not dumb. He knows what Hes doing. And youre a perfect part of it. (IV:75)

(Spiritual) Sex/Lust

Keeping your channel fresh and lubricated for Me is comparable to making love: you've got to keep yourself receptive and longing
and yearning for Me, desiring Me.
A lot depends on the level of your desire for Me, how much you long for Me and want Me, your craving for Me. I love to be desired,
and when I'm desired and wanted, I come in with all My Power. See it less as a duty, less as a chore, and more as the greatest
pleasure there is! (I:233)

Sex is good! Anything thats humbling and bottle-breaking is good!

There is nothing dirty or wrong about it! Why do you call that unclean which I have sanctified? Its just the enemy, trying to spoil all
the fun, and keeping you from enjoying one of the most beautiful things I ever created a symbol and manifestation of My love for all
of you, My brides. He hated it from the beginning and has been deceiving people by taking the credit for it one of his most
outrageous lies of all.
If you have My Spirit, love-making is something holy, sanctified, beautiful and precious. It serves multiple purposes, from keeping
you humble to creating children new precious souls: your reason for existing, practically! Be fruitful and multiply means: Thou
shalt have sex! It was the first commandment I ever gave to man, so, how can anyone say theres something wrong with it? Its like
saying all music is wrong or bad or all literature, just because the devil has his types... I gave it, created it, ordained it, so, take it
and receive it as from Me! Use it! Enjoy it! Let it set you free! (I:331)

Sexual desires, on one hand, were given to you by Me, and I have created you with them, but on the other, it is one of those things
that I give, expecting you to give them back to Me, or at least not to put before Me in your life.
This is an area you're just beginning to open up to Me.
It's not that I want you to forsake it entirely, but I want you to use it more for My glory, to use it more in My Spirit and in My Love. I
don't want you to consume it in your lusts, but to offer it up unto Me as a sweet smelling incense... an offering of love unto Me.
Glorify Me in the act of love, do whatever you do for My glory, especially making love.
Making love should be a very special way of worshiping Me. (I:573)

Many people see the devil in sex, just because he happens to use it. The question is, who created sex? (II:332)
Flee youthful lusts, run away from the temptations and enticements of the flesh, and run in the other direction; pursue those things I
want you to seek, and "follow righteousness, faith, charity, peace, with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart" (2Tim.2:22). (III:55)

Lust can cause you to never be satisfied with what you have, always thinking that the grass on the other side of the fence is more
important than love... (III:368)

To promote My Cause and really drive the point Me home to people to the extent where they actually get saved, takes personal
interaction. All else is compared to cyber sex vs. the real thing. It may be somewhat satisfactory, but youll never get pregnant from it
and bring forth the fruit of a new life.
In order to have spiritual babies, theres nothing like really getting down to the nitty-gritty of spiritually making love to them with My
Words, personally, wooing and winning them and impregnating them with My seed. Theres just nothing like the Real Thing! (III:544)

The lusts that war in your members which James exposed as the cause of wars and fightings among you are not just typical
carnal lusts.
They include the desire to self-righteously feel better than the other one, to put themselves above the other, and the craving for that
satisfaction to be able to say (or at least believe) Im right and youre wrong.
Its the lust for superiority or power over another thats causing by far the greater damage and amount of casualties, and that is
something that has barely been exposed, so this ought to be something to ponder.
From whence come wars and fightings among you? Come they not hence, even of your lusts that war in your members? - The lust
to exert some kind of power over another by playing the victim, for instance. You give them an excuse to feel victimized, and theyll
grab it!
- The lust and desire for any kind of advantage over another.
- The lust to oppress another in some way, to deprive them, to exert some form of control and power over them.
Disguising that sin under a cloak of false innocence, the victim cloak is one of the principal aids.
The lusts that warred in their members got the better off them, to grab the chance for some kind of advantage.
They fell for the devils temptation to play a part in his strategy, and be instrumental in his maneuver of manipulation, in order to gain
an advantage out of it for themselves.
They can cling to their lust, that satisfaction that playing the victim gives them forever, if thats what they choose and want. Or they
can choose to forgive, they can choose peace.
Its up to them whether theyre going to let that lust get the better off them or not, that self-justification, that in the end will only
condemn themselves (Job 9:20). (III:581)

The true purpose in life is to please and serve Me primarily, and not live for and cater to either your own selfish cravings and lusts
and desires, nor anyone elses. (IV:137)

The difference lies in the incentive: whether its the lusts that war in your members that motivate you, or a sincere and pure desire for
love. (IV:312)

A danger that far too many people are not consciously aware of in relationships, is that the sex factor can be prone to become the
primary factor, but since humans are not exclusively physical but also spiritual beings, the physical factor will never truly manage to
satisfy their soul, so if the spiritual ingredient in the relationship is being neglected, then its bound to fail. (IV:322)

Love seeks the happiness and fulfillment of the other, whereas lust only seeks its own gratification; a very important lesson to keep
in mind. (IV:465)

Its not so much the fitness as the cravings, lusts and desires of the flesh I cannot recommend. (16:93)

What I and all of Us Up Here advocate is a strengthening of the Spirit, not the physical sentiments of the flesh, which are rather
associated with lust something you cant imagine as something coming from Us or the heavenly Spirit.
Its mainly what the enemy keeps using to keep folks addicted to his gear of the flesh.
Once your flesh has been weakened, those carnal desires arent all that much what propels you anymore.
When carnal desires have been geared to for a large part of life, its a more difficult process to set more into the spiritual gear. Its a
shift of gears, and one thats tougher than what youre used to from cars the shift from the carnal to the spiritual. (16:138)

Stars & Space

There are different types of human personalities, like there are different types of angels and of spirit beings, just like there are
different types of animals or astral bodies: there are stars, planets, moons, comets, asteroids, etc., and they all fulfill their own
different purposes to maintain the perfect balance of the universe.

The only thing that's stable, that's going to outlast the moon and the stars and their influences in stability, and any other factors
involved in creating or affecting your moods, is My Word. It's the solid rock on which your faith can stand firmly, even when your
feelings seem to sway.
As long as I'm your sun, you will be able to spin & dance around Me hand in hand with the other planets, moons & stars, too, in
loving unity and united love.
But many stare into the darkness of space, waiting for their bright & shining star to appear, all the while neglecting & failing to make
Me the true Source of all they're looking for. Many are just trying to use Me to get them what they want, but they don't truly turn to Me
to find the fulfillment of all their desires in Me.

Im the Giver and Provider of all things, as has been written in the stars since the beginning of creation.

Lead them on to a greater Home, everlasting Home, and their real Home. Bring them Home, into My sheepfold! That's part of the
message that's there in the stars, since the world began... the sign of Cancer, the sheepfold. You see how everything goes together,
makes sense and belongs?

See the constellations: none of those stars and planets in the universe is in their distinct position by coincidence, but they all
influence each other with their light and gravity, their mass, etc. in perfectly ordained and synchronized proportions. Don't you think
that what I have done with lifeless rock and matter I'm also able to do with living souls?

If you look at the universe, you can see great precision there: all the measures, the strengths of the forces, as well as the timing with
which the stellar bodies move and revolve around each other is carefully designed and planned. So, what makes you think that I
would muff up the timing for certain things in your life? (IV:114)

You cannot quite imagine nor fathom how closely I am connected to you, much more so than any other fellow human being ever
could be. Its similar to the way each of the planets in a solar system are being affected to a greater extent by its sun than by any of
the other planets. The other planets do play their role and have a certain effect on each other, but not comparable to the role the sun
plays in supplying light and warmth to each, and being the main gravity factor around which the planets revolve. (IV:364)

Youre there like one tiny little spec of dust that dares to defy all the monstrous evidence surrounding it, which seems to deny you
your very right to exist, similar to the Earths existence within a largely hostile environment of a galaxy full of odds against it. But do
those adverse circumstances alter anything about the fact that life pretty much keeps going on the same way it always has on Earth,
and that it just keeps spinning and turning regardless of all the odds? (IV:420)

Stars and planets can look the same from a distance, but the closer you get, the more you see theres a world of difference, literally


The sun doesnt just give its light to one flower or blade of grass at a time, but to many, countless others simultaneously. Thats how
My Love works, too. So, dont wonder or doubt, How could this be? How could God be spending all this time with Me when Hes got
so many others to take care of? Im not bound by time or space.

If you would only bask in My sunshine, seek for the sunshine of My love everyday and bathe your face in its light...

Let Me be the Sunshine of your life, for only I can give you happiness, true contentment and true beauty of the inward parts.
Worship Me! The sun of righteousness with healing in My wings, your sun and shield, giving grace and glory, not withholding any
good thing from them that walk uprightly (Mal.4:2, Ps.84:11).

Open up your hearts like a flower would open up her petals to the sun & let Me shine deep into your hearts and let the bees of My
Spirit, My angelic helpers come and pollinate you so that you may bring forth fruit unto Me! Open up! Let the sunshine in!

You can have the sunshine on in your life anytime you call on Me and listen to My Words.

Except a grain of wheat fall into the ground & die, it abideth alone... On its own, the grain of wheat doesnt do much good. And
down there in the darkness it doesnt see, feel or perceive much but its immediate surroundings: the earth & the worms, an
occasional mole or bug. But if it absorbs the heat of My sunshine & the waters of My rain & lets its shell become soft, something
inside starts growing, which finally wants to burst through the shell of your former confines. And thats the moment when your old
man dies to make room for something new, something greater than your former self.

Melt the cold ice of pride with the sunshine of My Love!

Independence from Me is as if the Earth would declare its independence from the sun & drift off into space.

Open your eyes to visions of heavenly light! Catch some rays of heavenly sunshine, flooding your soul with glory divine!
Greater light is here than the suns, greater & more eternal radiance. A light that doesnt hurt the eyes & wont scorch the Earth, nor
cause disease. My light is only pure & good! So, My children, seek Me, for My pure & true light!
Bathe in My light! Even if you see nothing else at first, with the eyes of your spirit: just a glimpse of My true, eternal, life-giving,
heavenly light will strengthen you & lift you up & encourage you enough to keep going with renewed vigor & strength!
Consider My heavenly light the source of energy you need in order for your spiritual flower to really come to full bloom!

Just like every plant grows towards the sun & flourishes & prospers by obeying that law of nature, so will you if you will obey My law
of love. But if you turn away from Me, your spiritual Sun, you wont prosper & grow, but wither & die.

Never neglect Me, the Sunshine, the Source of love & warmth in your life!

Indulge in Me, your spiritual Sun, & get a nice spiritual sun tan, which is going to make you look better in the spirit. The more you
bask in My spiritual sunshine, the better you're going to look when you come here before Me with all the others. So, bask in My
sunshine! That's My good advice for you for today! Bask in Me & My love! Turn your faces toward Me! I'm gonna make you glow with
a radiant glow that's going to far surpass any beauty in the physical.

Once you call out to Me, & ask Me to save you, I come through for you & will be the sunshine after a rainy day for you, and more. I will
flood you with miracles, solutions & answers that will make you wonder how you could ever have doubted Me.

I'm your Sun, and you've got to keep facing toward Me and keep spinning around Me, you cannot allow another to take on the role of
the sun for you. As long as I'm your sun, you will be able to spin & dance around Me, hand in hand with the other planets, moons &
stars, too, in loving unity.

When you allow Me to be the Sunshine of your life, I will not let you down.
Seek Me, your spiritual Sunshine first thing every morning, and let Me light up your life!

The grey and gloomy skies remind you perfectly that this world is not your home, and that your happiness and fulfillment is found
elsewhere, in the unseen Realm, where I am your Sunshine - your Eternal Sunshine that never fades.

Keep your focus on that internal and eternal sunshine within you: My Sunshine, that will keep you warm, bright and cheery even
through the darkest times. You will have an inner source of strength that people are going to feed off and draw life from, draw hope
from, and a reason to go on, even when all hope seems lost.

I want to be your Sunshine when theres no sunshine. I want to be the factor to brighten up your day, the Source that will give you
warmth when you feel cold in this world, the One to make you feel loved when you feel lost and forsaken.
I want to be the Sunshine of your life; your ray of light and hope, the one thing to look forward to in the middle of all the bleakness
that surrounds you. So, dont let the clouds obstruct your view of Me. (III:396)

You would prefer the sunshine, but this gray sky out there paints a more truthful and accurate picture of the state of the world. It
reminds you that the world is a mess. Its in a sad state, and that draws you closer to Me, makes you want to get a hold of Me more
desperately (III:410)

The sun has been worshiped for millennia, from ancient Egypt until today, and thus the sun has always been somewhat of a rival
for Me, so I have to allow people to reap the consequences of their false and abominable worship of one of My creations instead of
Me, and what youre witnessing right now is only the beginning of sorrows, as you know from the book of Revelation.
Things are going to get worse, and I need for My disciples to have a mature attitude and wisdom concerning the sun. (III:422)

Ive got to be the Constant in your life, more constant than the sun, and definitely more constant than the weather! (III:495)

The sun and the moon seem equal in size, and perhaps even in brilliance and clarity, and yet upon second glance, the sun becomes
infinitely more significant.
The moon revolves around the Earth, while the Earth revolves around the sun, which is the source of its light and life, and also for
the moon, and is immensely bigger than both, Earth and moon.
So am I to you. The moon is necessary to keep you stable, but it is I Who provide you with light and life and warmth. The sun
definitely plays a bigger role in Earths life and survival than the moon, even though the moon is also necessary and indispensable.
It is the sun you derive your nutrition and energy from, and when it comes to Me, your spiritual Sun, I also regulate everything else,
the forces that keep your spiritual universe in order, along with the physical forces control the universe.
The more you establish the importance of your revolving around Me, your Sun, the more stable you will be as a factor for their lives
to revolve around. (IV:117)

My Presence is a constant, it doesnt change. Theres never a time Im not there for you.
Its as sure as the presence of the sun. You may not be able to see it, but you can know for certain its there, because otherwise life
on earth would pretty much cease immediately.
You may not see it because the skies are grey, but its there.
Likewise you may not always see or hear or feel Me, either, but you can be just as sure that I am there, ready to give My spiritual
warmth and light and life to you.
Making it not too obvious that its there at times is what I do in order to strengthen and train your faith, and loosen your grip and
dependence on circumstances.
I want you to know Im there even when its not so obvious, just as sure as you know the sun is still around even on cloudy days. I
want and need you to register that fact. You can depend on Me.
Even on cloudy days the earth does benefit from the suns warmth and light. So, you can thank Me for, and enjoy My Presence, even
during those times when it seems less present or obvious. (IV:202)
The same old sunshine, same old rain need to shine and flow into new places today to bring forth new fruit, new things that werent
there before. (IV:217)

If you turn your back toward My Sunshine, even the clouds and the rain are good for something and bring new life in the spring.

That is what is converting this once heavenly planet into hell on Earth: all those locked regions in peoples hearts and minds where I
and My loving Spirit and Sunshine are not allowed. (IV:462)

Putting something else, some carnal element before Me, before the Spirit, it will always act like a blocker that casts a shadow on your
life and blocks My heavenly Sunlight from shining onto your life! (IV:520)

Just as the sun is going to come out again after a period of gray skies and darkness, you can hope in Me, the Sun of Righteousness,
with healing in My wings.
Dont try to save yourself out of what you perceive as a hopeless situation, but let Me be the Sunshine that shines a Light of Hope in
there, that will give you a purpose and the conviction to go on! (11:87)

Spend more time over Here, send your mind over to the Spirit World more often, and let it rest Here and bask in the true Sunshine!

As long as you continue facing the sun, youre bound to make some kind of progress. Its only when you get discouraged and turn
your back toward the sun in resignation that I cant do much for you, except occasionally tip your shoulder, beckon you to turn
around and keep going, keep trying.
Walking toward the sun means continuing to face Me on your journey, to continue learning from Me, and to make the effort to pass
on some of that sunshine.
Just keep reflecting My Sunshine and youll go down (or rather, up) in history as one of My stars. Stay on your path, and shine! (12:45)

With no physical sunshine around, you tend to realize more the need for Me, your spiritual Sunshine. (16:82)

Its not the outer sunshine that should switch on your inner sunshine but My Sunshine! (17:127)

Life is full of surprises, and some of the surprises might be about you. (III:38)

Often the surprises, those things that turned out so different from the way you expected, are key factors in making you change.

Does it surprise you that Im not allowing you to get away with relying on your own strength? (IV:29)

My version of history will be full of huge surprises! Thats one factor about heavenly and millennial education: it will never get boring,
because it will be so full of surprises! (IV:163)

Stay open for surprises, trusting Me that whatever I will bring across your path will be good!
Those who think that what they know and perceive is all there is are going to get quite a big surprise.
Some folks dont like surprises, especially when theyre comfortable with the way things are. (IV:235)

Life is full of options and surprises that never would have occurred to folks, which is the big difference between theory and actual
experience (IV:431)

I like to surprise you with how much I can make out of nothing, if anyone just gives Me a chance, and how happy I can make you
without all these things you may think you need to have right now
Maybe youll be yet surprised how little you actually need in order to live happily (11:15)

I just might use the unusable, and surprise everyone in the process. (11:72)

I can defy the odds of hopeless and bring about many a surprise when folks start labeling others with a statement that triggers the
challenge nerve in Me. (12:41)

When things have been going an easy way all your life, its tough to be prepared for unknown trouble, but thats precisely why the
devil allowed mankind to get into such a rut of taking the easy and safe times for granted. He likes to shock people. If Im the boss of
good surprised, hes the one for bad ones. (16:164)

Ive told you that times would become rougher. So, dont be too shocked or surprised about the circumstances and situations youre
being confronted with there! (16:179)
Gods ways are full of surprises. Surprises to make something or someone of things or folks that no one would have expected.

One of My ways: not to use exactly what would be expected of Me to use for My work to get done but just using someone or
something unexpected to give the world some surprises. (17:141)

Remember, I like to surprise people, and delight in using different materials and different styles, different techniques and methods

Sometimes its been a surprise, as to what I was able to bring to pass through human beings who would never have expected that of
themselves, judging by their own present capabilities. (17:165)

Often, when My servants didnt know how or didnt think they were going to make it, they did so anyway, against their natural
expectation, and it can be one of the surprise impacts of My Strength and Power manifested in weaker folks, wholl make it anyway,
in spite of their expectations and physical conditions. (17:195)

Determine whether youre really willing to pay the maximum price of surrendering all! (I:140)

It's forsaking all, all over again, and letting go. Letting go of all your ambitions, selfish desires and motivations... anything that would
stop or hinder you from giving and surrendering all to Me. (II:423)

With some people it's the security of the System, with others it's the appeal of the System, its images, its apparent "niceness;" with
others it's the ties of the flesh that they cling to, that they can't let go of, that they allow to come between them and the point of total
surrender to Me, a total break with the flesh and the System, the reception of the truth and nothing but the whole truth, ultimately
resulting in total freedom (Jn.8:32). (II:425)

Quitting is not for Me, so don't ask Me, "Don't You think I should better quit?"
I can't possibly encourage you to give up. (III:368)

Fight for the victory, and dont surrender to the circumstances or negative moods the enemys trying to get you down with! (17:75)

You can tell how the enemy fights hard to get as many to give up as he can. (17:97)

Thats what faith-full-ness is all about: To stay faithful in spite of it! - Anything thats making you feel like wanting to give up
And sometimes the worst is: Where do I turn to when I give up?
Giving up doesnt always sound like a positive alternative thats why the enemys making the battles all the harder and the
temptations stronger and bigger to try to get you to give up. (17:126)


In order to truly understand some things, one has to be willing and able to see them from an objective angle, not only from one's own
subjective point of view.
The art is to be humble enough to put yourself in the other's shoes, as St. Francis prayed, to seek to understand, more than to be
understood. (II:212)

I love it when you trust Me for things you don't understand! That's what I call faith!
Don't seek to understand! Seek to trust Me! And if you do, prove it, by praising Me in spite of the fact that you don't understand!
Wanting to understand, wanting to see, wanting to know everything beforehand is a sign of wanting the control over your life
yourself. (II:213)

I'm trying to teach you greater understanding for others and their weaknesses, through the knowledge that nobody's perfect and
everybody's vulnerable.
I'm hoping to enhance your compassion for others, your love and understanding. (II:214)
Blessed are they who continue to follow Me regardless of whether they understand or can see the point of what I'm doing or not;
regardless of whether they can clearly see the future ahead or not... So, just keep following Me through any fog, through any storm,
through fire and water, through flood and through snow (II:423)

Try to be understanding, even if you don't understand! All you need to understand is that I love them, and so should you! (II:580)

Some of the paradoxes in life take time to understand. Its time that makes them beautiful, valuable, and turns them into experience
and wisdom that others will be able to benefit from as well. (III:385)

There will always be things in this life you won't fully understand, that you will just have to wrap up in a bundle of faith and trust Me
for, things you see "through a glass, darkly," that will only be fully revealed to you when you come Home. That's just part of the deal,
when it comes to the life of faith. (II:631)

Some of the paradoxes in life take time to understand. Its time that makes them beautiful, valuable, and turns them into experience
and wisdom that others will be able to benefit from as well. (III:385)

Some things are going to remain matters that will have to be taken by faith until youre mature enough to understand them and how
they function and came into being. (IV:222)

Everything that is now hidden shall be revealed! No question marks, no confusion left. You will perfectly understand then. (IV:243)

Try not to complain too much about things seemingly going wrong, and not understanding how or why the Father could allow that

Becoming anxious for My directions, instead of leaning on your own minds and understanding is a good and helpful process for
whats coming up ahead! (16:52)

See it as a useful step of preparation not to be able to rely on your own wisdom and understanding, but thus being forced to look Up
to Us to find out where to go and what to do!
Whats to come things most folks arent even expecting, Were preparing you for, even if in manners you may not initially
understand. But We explain to you when you come and ask. (16:114)

Theres a more important level of knowledge and wisdom and insight needed than what your own understanding would be able to
come up with. (2016:180)

How different the ways of faith are, compared to the ways of the natural mind of man, and how different your ways ought to be from
those geared by natural understanding around you! (17:17)

To get ahold of true understanding, its vital to get onto My heavenly Wavelength, and not rely on your own mental analyses of whats
going on around you. (17:113)

Understand why I cant keep allowing you be distracted by the world around you, when it just absorbed you too much while it was all
nice and cozy? (17:127)

Its hard to figure out with your natural senses and understanding the sense and purpose of the things I have planned for you
beforehand sometimes it takes a little while until you recognize all that sense and purpose in it all. Many folks, in fact, dont dig it
until they get Here, where things might have to be explained to them. But usually, its the extra surplus of the Holy Spirit Up Here that
makes it all a lot easier for folks - even new arrivals - to understand.
So, even if you dont understand everything fully down there, trust in Me and Heaven Above that thats where you will understand,
even what you didnt manage to beforehand!
Even if there are a lot of strange languages, issues and procedures happening down there you may not understand at the moment, if
its anything worth understanding, you will. Up Here. (17:186)

Vacuum (Void), Drawing Power

The drawing power, the suction, the empty space you create in you for Me to fill is the way to happiness and fulfillment. (I:156)

That vacuum, the emptiness, the drawing power and hunger for Me is the prerequisite for receiving anything from Me, for the rich I
have sent empty away but fill the hungry with goods. (II:62)

Seek your satisfaction in Me! I am He that satisfieth all things, fills every vacuum, every longing and every yearning... (II:96)

It's not that I don't ever want you to enjoy life, but I want you to see why I must allow adversity in order to keep that vacuum alive
inside you, that urge to seek Me or else you know you're not going to make it through the day! (II:187)
If you're more interested in other things than My voice, then I can't help it, if your vacuum for Me simply isn't that strong. (II:231)

Sometimes you have more faith to receive My Words than at other times, and as I've told you; it depends on your vacuum, your
desperation, sometimes your perseverance, and sometimes you're simply too easily distracted by the affairs of this life to hold out
and wait for Me to talk to you.
Whenever you ask Me and expect Me to answer with a vacuum, I will fill it. (II:243)

As long as you keep a vacuum for Me, I can fill you. I have always filled the hungry with goods and sent the rich and full away empty.

It's good to see your lack, your insufficiency, your want, the empty, void place in your heart and soul that you still need Me to fill.
That's what I'm there for. (II:336)

Only if you allow Me to fill that aching void, that "God-shaped hole," are you going to be able to find a proper companion. Because
only by finding that union with Me will you have enough to give to the other person in order to keep that relationship going.
Otherwise you will only seek to find more and more for yourself, to receive and receive, to be given, to be served, instead of to
serve... It's the difference between selfish love and giving love, true love. And only I can give you that true love, the ability to truly
give without expecting anything in return. (II:345)

When there's no vacuum, then there's nothing I can fill. You need to create a vacuum first. There doesn't always have to be a question
spelled out in words, but a vacuum. (II:347)

People fail to see that by far the greatest need is the spiritual need, lack and vacuum: people's failure to fathom, seek, grasp Me and
to communicate with Me, the potential Solver of all their problems. (II:412)

Thank you for creating a vacuum, a place for Me to fill, for letting Me know that you need Me! (II:419)

Sometimes you're too full of preset subjects and you expect Me to say something on one of them, but I might not have anything
particular to say about them. But sometimes I like it when there's nothing there... just you and Me, and you let Me fill the emptiness
that is you.
I'd prefer it if you'd come before Me more often with nothing else on your mind and heart but an openness and a space for Me to fill,
nothing but your receptivity.
Like this I can fill into you whatever I like, whatever I see and know you need most.
Just be a blank for Me to fill! Be ready and open for Me for whatever I've got to give at any given moment! (II:435)

There has got to be a vacuum for the truth, before folks can receive anything from Me. (II:446)

The more other stuff you have to fill your vacuum with, the less you turn to Me to fill you. (II:470)

Just rely on Me and prove to the world that your nothing is more than their everything! Because your nothing, your emptiness, your
vacuum pulls down everything... from Me. (II:524)

The great "falling away" (2.Thes.2:3) is more than a departing from the mere rational acknowledgement of My Existence. The whole
interactive part that's supposed to be there between Me and man is gone, leaving a vast hole, a frightening vacuum and terrible, cold,
spiritual "low pressure area," which is generating the most terrible storm this world has ever seen. (II:570)

It's finding that vacuum, that inner aching void, that empty space in you for Me to fill, in which happiness and fulfillment is found,
because how can something be filled or fulfilled unless it's emptied first of the undesirable - or less desirable things that are
usurping the place of the essential? (II:590)

Everybody tends to forget, that faith is a vacuum you create in your heart for Me to fill. It's because the ego doesn't want to hear
about emptiness. (II:623)

First your own strength must be completely expired, before youre finally desperate and empty enough, ready to receive My Strength,
which is sufficient for thee. It feels strange to you, not like enough at all, its something youre not familiar with, not as familiar as
your own flesh, your carnal strength, and your carnal wisdom and understanding. Only in the void and absence of all these things are
you finally ready for My Strength that feels so awkward to you... So like nothing. Its like walking on air, when before you were
walking on solid ground. (II:637)

When youre weak, needy, hungry and empty and yearning for Me, only then can I fill you. As long as youre self-satisfied, your
vacuum for Me is too weak... (II:651)

Why keep staring into the void, when there's total fullness and wholeness over Here? (III:26)

Fill that dark void of nothingness, wherever you see it, with My warmth!
Remember that cold is merely the absence of warmth, darkness is merely the absence of light. You've got the antidote to that
emptiness, that void, because you represent Me, the Filler of all things, of every void and all low and empty spaces. (III:31)

By giving folks space and time to empty their minds and hearts, you create the room and vacuum for more new input you might be
able to share with them.
I create a vacuum in you by allowing you to first experience yourselves, have your way, have your say in life, and then find out that
you need My input. (III:128)
Although you can be sure of My Presence and of the fact that I like and want to talk to you, you've got to want it and have a vacuum
for it. (III:144)

When you realize that you have a need, that you're lacking something, and that's always good news for Me, because it means soon
you're going to be asking Me for that which you lack, for Me to fill that need, which I always gladly do.
I love to fill any vacuum in your heart, your soul, any empty space there is for Me to fill. (III:152)

According to your vacuum you shall be filled. (III:170)

Your faith is the vacuum that draws from the Spirit World that which you hope for. (III:218)

You must not be a vacuum when it comes to people, but a filler of their vacuums and needs. (III:249)

I like to satisfy you and fulfill and make you happy, but there's got to be a certain hunger and vacuum. (III:274)

The hard times that cause you to be more desperate, more dependent on Me bring on My Power on your behalf in your lives. They
create the vacuum that draws down My Power.
Be thankful for these lean times, and times of crisis, when there is only a void for Me to fill, and a desperate need for Me to come in
and change things and mend them again! (III:285)

There's going to be a huge vacuum for the kind of stuff that you've got to offer, when the time comes. They'll come running to you for
answers. (III:355)

Where theres a need, where theres a vacuum, I come in and fill it; thats My nature the way I am. (III:374)

You start receiving revelations and visions by making yourself receptive for such input and creating a vacuum and an interest for it.

That void in your heart and soul can never be satisfied with anything less that utter union with Me. (III:495)

Sometimes you have to judge a situation by the need and the vacuum there is.
Changing the world starts with recognizing the void and the need, the places that lack and where errors have been committed, and
then taking the initiative to do what it takes to replenish and refill them again. (III:518)

What do you have the faith, the vacuum, and the space to receive? (III:546)

One factor that determines what you receive from Me, or how much, is your desperation, the strength of the vacuum you create in
your heart for Me, in other words, how much you really want and need to hear from Me. (III:579)

Let Me be the Provider and the Filler of any voids that do need filling! (IV:63)

There has got to be some kind of vacuum for Me to fill. My Spirit cant flow into an already full space Youve got to make some
room for Me first and empty yourself, create a space for Me to fill. (IV:229)

Lack of happiness, fulfillment and satisfaction, stems from looking for temporal sources to fill that vacuum. (IV:246)

Youve got to be empty in order for Me to be able to fill you up. (IV:276)

When peoples appetite has been stilled with too much other input, theres simply not enough room left for Mine, no vacuum, no
hunger, no desire all requisites for receiving anything from Me in the first place. (IV:277)

As long as that desire or vacuum is there, Ill be more than ready to fill it. (IV:281)

The question must be posed before you receive an answer. The prayer is made before you receive the response
A vacuum must be there in order for something to come and fill it.
The vacuum is there, and it takes faith for you to believe and trust that in due time its going to be filled (IV:362)

Find Me at the bottom of wits end and in the emptiness inside, within that aching void I sometimes leave in your life, just to show you
that all else really fails to satisfy that deepest longing in your soul! (IV:476)

Sometimes all the devil makes you see is the vast blackness of the void and emptiness and lack he creates, but the reality is, that
there is truly fullness and abundance, because I AM there, and I will not fail you, forsake you or let you down. (IV:510)

I'm the greatest Filling for any void in any human heart, and its chosen wisely to allow Me to prove the greater eminence and
importance I have in life. (12:11)

Blessings are okay and to be enjoyed, but they can never take the place of the spiritual things that fill your most aching void, or if
you do allow them to, youll see that it wont enhance, but diminish the quality of your life (12:16)

When you think you already know it all, and theres nothing left to learn, thats when youre as good as dead.
Its like the description of faith as a vacuum: As long as you still have that vacuum, that empty space in you, then youre bound to
keep receiving things from Me to fill it with. Whereas when youre self-satisfied, not wanting anything (especially not anything new
that might rock your comfortable boat), then I and My Spirit cant do anything for you. Theres got to be an empty place for Me to fill.
If Im crowded out by other things, other priorities or things you think you know, theres simply no room in your life for Me. (12:25)

When the vacuum and the need are there, I will fill them. If there is no vacuum, you and I will usually just have to wait until the
discontent sets in that inevitably results from trying to fill any vacuum with alternatives which may promise to be easier to come by,
and to be more entertaining, but in the end youll always find out that nothing quite satisfies like heavenly input to give you
directions, solace, comfort and wisdom in this weary, weary world. (12:66)

Youre a medium, a vessel and tool and recipient for My input and gifts from the Holy Spirit. Thats why being a vacuum is important,
too. And the important thing is not just to absorb it with your mind, but also with your heart, the combination of which is the soul.

Heavenly Strength and Power, when you dont need it and dont create a vacuum for it, just wont be there! (16:161)

The willingness and vacuum to listen to Me is one of the most precious assets one can have along with putting that input into
action, of course. (16:196)

Remember that I need that vacuum inside of you in order for Me to fill it and fill you up with My Strength, input and Spirit! That need
has to be expressed and shown through an empty space inside of you for Me and the Spirit to fill. (16:204)

The less worldly input, the more space and vacuum is there for the much more important and edifying heavenly Input. (17:8)

Desperate needs are like a vacuum for Me that I love to fill.

When things are going smoothly, and theres not much desperation well, the vacuum just isnt that strong. (17:142)

Create a vacuum inside you for heavenly Help, and continue to pull It down toward you! (17:188)

Ask for and receive My Strength and Power!

Suck It down with that spiritual vacuum I want and need you to create, and you need it, too, if you want to grow, gain the strength you
need, and accomplish what you should throughout the days!
Remember that spiritual vacuum as something as vitally important as what a baby needs to suck in order to become nourished and
to grow! So, if you want to grow in spirit, use that vacuum to draw down what you need for it!
Its one of the physical factors that demonstrates its spiritual significance. (17:220)

Vessels, Channels, Tools

It takes going through certain kinds of experiences to be able to be a vessel or a channel. You don't hear songbirds all chirping
together in big flocks, do you? They're usually more solitary types of birds. (I:553)

These are desperate times, and I cannot wait until I find perfect vessels. I have to use what I've got. But I will do My part to make sure
that My vessels are being purged. (II:211)

If the spiritually rich and satisfied don't want to hear, then go and find new potential vessels and channels! After I found out where the
learned and elders were at, the Scribes and Pharisees, I went out to seek a few unlearned men to educate them in the Father's ways
from scratch.
I'm looking for vessels who always want and seek Me for more! (II:327)

If you strive to be a continuously open vessel for Me and My Words, for My viewpoints, My mind, then you'll eventually speak less of
the trivial, foolish or negative things that pop into your mind. (II:356)

Just remember you don't have to do it yourself! It's I Who want to do all these things through you. I want to use you, I want you to be
a vessel I can slip into and work through. (II:501)

Just be the vessels We shine and pour through! Like this you don't have to worry, either, what people may think about you.

It's true that your rewards are going to be given you according to the works you did, but the best possible you can do to begin with is
to just yield and be a vessel to Me, so that I can fill you with the right kind of energy, the right kind of incentives that are going to
enable you to do the kind of works that require My Strength to do it through you, so that you can give Me the glory for them. (III:240)

My Spirit can only fill empty vessels. (III:401)

The greatest requirement is willingness and yieldedness to be made willing and made into someone I can use, just to be a yielded
recepatacle and vessel and instrument in My hands. (III:425)
The sense of becoming a more efficient vessel for Me, living for the purpose of helping and saving others, instead of personal
pursuits, is to replace wrong motivations with right ones. (III:429)

The greater weight has to be the supernatural side, My Spirit. Your mind ought to merely be the vessel that captures it. (III:575)

When your interests lie in the physical realm, and youve got some ardent desire that you just want to see fulfilled, it becomes quite
hard to be an empty vessel that can just tune in and receive from the Spirit World. (IV:145)

Lack of happiness, fulfillment and satisfaction, stems from looking for temporal sources to fill that vacuum. (IV:246)

Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit, saith the Lord, and you will have to be My vessels and instruments to prove that the
Spirit in the long run is indeed superior.
I delight in using weak vessels: youre the ideal kind of person to show and prove that its not in the flesh, nor in any shape or form
of physical ability. (IV:257)

Few are the vessels who are weak and brittle enough to utterly depend on the special care of their Master. See, the most precious and
costly vessels are not the fat and heavy ones, but the finest and thus most fragile.
Also, whats stored in them is not the average bulk of whats generally available out there, on the market of life, but only the finest
and most precious ointments and fragrances. (IV:456)

Youre a medium, a vessel and tool and recipient for My input and gifts from the Holy Spirit. Thats why being a vacuum is important,
too. And the important thing is not just to absorb it with your mind, but also with your heart, the combination of which is the soul.

Use My input so that I can use you as one of My vessels and tools to reach others! (16:152)

One reason I choose you as a vessel even though youre far from perfect: Just the willingness and vacuum to listen to Me is one of
the most precious assets one can have along with putting that input into action, of course. (16:196)
...(and from) Folks in the Bible

Adam & Eve

Cain & Abel
Jacob & Esau
David & Saul
The Young & the Old Prophet
John the Baptist
the Scribes & Pharisees
John the Beloved
The Devil
Adam & Eve
I tried to spare Adam & Eve the fall, but thats just the way humans are: Theyve got to give in to their cravings until they grow wise &
mature enough to resist the temptation.

One of the main causes for things getting worse is mans lack of appreciation for the good things. The disability to ever be content in
whatsoever state they are... And, just like with Adam and Eve, when they dont appreciate what theyve got, I might have to take it
away from them and let them fall into a situation that makes them a little more desperate, a little more appreciative.

I gave Adam the garden, but I didnt take over the gardeners role for him. That was his part.

You wonder, how come, if Im all-knowing, that I still have to test people? Why did I have to test Adam and Eve, or Abraham with
Isaac? Well, those are just the rules of the game, if youd like to call it that, for I have purposely set Myself not to know certain things
so we can find out.

When Adam and Eve ate of the forbidden fruit, they didnt die physically, but they let the devil snuff out the flame of their spiritual life
through their disobedience, and it took a long time and lots of hard work and effort to re-kindle it again, only to shine even warmer &
brighter in their hearts afterwards, never again to be taken for granted.

To look for details that arent so in My Word is one of the devils oldest tricks. Hath God said so? Ye shall not surely die! And he
was right: they didnt. At least not right away. But the punishment was there, & I tell you, it was worse for them than death. When
death finally came for Adam & Eve, it was like sweet relief from the pain & suffering they had brought upon themselves & the whole
World by choosing to believe the Devils lie over My Word.
So, the Devil will always find something I said he can point his finger at & gleefully say, See? Not true! to get you to discard the
whole message, so you wont believe & receive it, but rather believe his version. But youll be the one suffering the consequences.
Whether youll die right away or later: you will know one day that your death your spiritual death & decline occurred the moment
you chose to doubt My Word & disobey... you were just buried later.

As perfect as things were in the garden of Eden, at one point, they just werent satisfied with it anymore, humbly having to care for
the garden, having to obey God... no, there were some more glorious promises, that sounded a lot more exciting... what was it the
serpent said about, ye shall be as gods? Now that sounds interesting. After all, dont we deserve some of that attention ourselves
for all our good hard work? Why do we have to give all the glory & attention to God?...
So, the age-old question remains: who are you going to believe? The serpent? Telling you, you are gods yourselves, worthy of
attention, glory & praise whenever you crave it, because you are good & you deserve it? Or Me & My book that says that you are all
sinners & there is nothing good about yourselves, but the heart is deceitful above all things & desperately wicked?... Meaning that, if
you believe & obey Me, & humbly do as I ask, you will receive My praise in due time, & I will supply all your needs for love & affection,
but as soon as you start focusing on your needs, your desires & wants & they become your prerogative, thats the moment you lose
it all.

Look at the drastic results of Adam & Eves choice to listen to the devil in the Garden & eat of the forbidden fruit: all mankind is still
paying the consequences for that after 6000 years! (I:381)

Adam was observed by the entire Spirit World to see how he would tend & care for what he had been put in charge of: the Garden
and Eve. Unfortunately, he didnt manage to protect Eve from disobedience, as one book author brought out, but idly stood by while
he listened to the serpent seducing her & thus had to be demoted to tending harder terrain than the lush Garden of Eden.
Eve also had to adjust & cope with a few sacrifices. The children she had borne before the fall had come without any pain, but from
now on she was going to deliver children in pain...

Ever since the Garden of Eden the devil has managed to persuade you people to rather believe in his voice than mine, because his
option is usually the one which sounds more attractive to you! There is apparently more in it for you, if you choose the devils option
of disobedience. But is it really so? There seemed to be more in it for Adam & Eve to choose to eat of the forbidden tree: more
knowledge, a new taste, and the serpent even said, Ye shall be as gods! Now, that sounded interesting! But what was the reality?
Curses, pain, thorns & agony ever since, in trade for paradise.

Even Adam & Eve, the two most perfect people ever created, under the most perfect conditions, were not completely happy &
satisfied without acquiring heavenly hearts first, the pure hearts that simply come through the purging process of this life.

People automatically tend to think that they would never be as dumb as Adam and Eve to allow themselves to fall for the devil's lies,
but that's already the first lie they swallowed right there: "Oh, I'm never gonna be that dumb!" Well, you might have another surprise
coming on that one, when you'll find out one day how often and how easily you fell for the devil's fairy-tales! Adam & Eve will look
like heroes to you then, by comparison!

Just like with Adam & Eve, what's got to change is your own ungrateful attitude of your own heart, & you must learn to appreciate &
praise Me for the little things, even if they're not perfect, in order to really learn to appreciate the better & eventually the best &
perfect things!

There are too many people out there who defend nothing but their own little truth. That's the result of Adam & Eve believing Satan's
lie at the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, "Ye shall be as gods." The problem is that when you have millions or even billions of
little "gods" running around & everyone of them having their own "truth," it's pretty hard for those who are not as conceited to find
out what to believe in and what really is the truth.

Blaming Eve, or womankind in general continuously for the result of what happened, is one of the causes for a lot that's going on in
the world, & one of those devilish schemes I'm trying to expose right here: the Devil tempts you to blame them and you become
resentful. He gives you an excuse for not loving them and you fall for it! There IS no excuse for failing to love! To love is the one and
only commandment.

Adam wants to impart to you some of the lessons he's learned!

Compared to the purity Adam & Eve had experienced in the Garden, all else was husks. All they wanted was get back to the garden,
and the thrills and pleasures of this sinful world were only shadows in comparison.
But you can look forward to the Garden & you can start enjoying the wholesome, pure ways of loving of the future right now, & be
aware of not letting any of the defilements of the world enter in. Keep it pure!

The real thing is the spirit. The flesh is the counterfeit, the fraud, the fake... the reign over the realm that the Devil promised Adam &
Eve. It's a little playground where you're able to play "god" for a little while... until you get tired of it & decide you prefer to let Me take
over that part in your life again.

Some of the things you know today weren't necessarily always clear to all the angels. When Adam & Eve ate of the forbidden fruit,
not all of them were aware of the fact that this was what had been expected. So, these things can be a test of faith sometimes. When
it seems like God has failed, only those who loyally believe in their hearts that He really IS infallible can keep believing, trusting and
obeying Him.

But why should I withhold the same freedom of choice that I gave Adam & Eve from the Church*? Why should I painstakingly see to it
that the Church is "perfect," without the option of failing, (and I'm talking about every single individual), when that is the overall,
grand plan? You see, the plan is to show how I can use you, how I can work through you, in spite of your weaknesses. * (Referring to
no part of organized or established religion, but the Church as in the original meaning of the word, ecclesia, the called out ones,
the chosen body of believers, who choose to go Gods way.)

In the Garden of Eden the situation was too perfect, too smooth, and too easy for them, there was no need to get desperate, and they
felt no need to watch out for temptation, to seek Me as fervently as Adam did after the fall.

You all have the same great-great-great-great-great....grandfather, Adam, and after that, Noah, so, you're all one big family, so to
speak. Now it's your choice whether you want to accept your place in that Family and do what you can to help your brothers & sisters
or not. Or whether you prefer to play the devil's game & do it his way: "I take care of myself, and if that means I have to take
something away from my 'brother,' I will not hesitate to do it!" Then you can join his family, but it's not going to be anywhere near as
fun, and the rewards aren't going to be near as good as they are going to be for those who choose to be on My side & do it the loving
way, the helping way, the considerate way.

It's not difficult to disobey My voice, as you find out from the story of Adam & Eve in the Garden! It didn't take the devil a lot of
persuasion. The only question is, have you been falling for his lies & his tricks enough times to have learned the lesson of what truly
is best for you, to be able to resist his temptations? Or are you still not any smarter, any wiser, & still fall for his input, his version of
the story, his alternative, his compromise?

The bad times draw you closer to Me, make you realize you can't do it without Me, make you appreciate Me and the fact that I'm
around. Life in the perfect environment, the Garden of Eden, wasn't exciting enough in the long run to keep Adam & Eve from the
temptation of disobedience. As long as everything was so easy & perfect, they didn't really realize how badly they needed Me.

Just as I had put Adam in charge of the Garden, and in charge of the animals, I had also placed a certain responsibility on him over
Eve. It's not as if women weren't responsible for making their own choices, but men are still responsible to help women make the
right choices, or at least their wives. In fact, everyone of My followers & brides is responsible to help others and each other to make
the right choices, that's what being a "brother's keeper" is all about.

Adam and Eve had already come to know the good, the truth, everything I had presented to them, which I had declared as good. For
them to eat of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil meant for them to discover the other side, the darker side, the
knowledge of that which was not good and was not the truth: the knowledge of evil and of that which is a lie. That's all Satan really
had to offer: the lie, the illusion, that which man thinks he knows.
The knowledge of evil, the "knowledge" that Satan brought into the world by tempting Adam & Eve to disobey Me, is nothing but an
illusion; a lie; a deception. They may think it's fact, and they may call what they consider knowledge to be reality, but reality as I know
it is something quite different.
What happened is that they swapped programs. The first one was the "good" program, My program, the program of truth, but it didn't
satisfy them.
man has always needed a cause to fight for, and thus, something to fight against; some challenges and adversities to tackle, before
he was ever going to be able to truly be happy, and that's what's happening in this life.
If it all comes for free, if it all comes too easily, then they tend to take it all for granted, and thoughts start popping into their minds of
"what if I were my own boss?" So, down here, on earth, everyone can experience that "what if" game, of what happens when I'm not
in charge.
Of course, while you're at it, and if you should ever get fed up with it, you can switch to a different mode again, the mode of accepting
My leadership, after all; My guidance & My loving light for your life. (II:571)

The Enemy always makes what youve already got look like nothing, compared to all the elusive things he would offer you, ever since
Adam and Eve in the Garden. They didnt know they were living under the most perfect circumstances possible right there, they fell
for Satans lie that there was something better than that, and that they deserved something better than that, which I was withholding
from them, and consequently, things got a lot worse!

Adam had to tend the garden of Eden, and you've got to tend the garden and guard the flame of your heart! You've got to protect your
garden, your plants from blithe and make sure they're being watered plenty, and you've got to keep that fire in your heart burning!
Like Adam, you walk through this savage garden, surrounded by all the animals, some of which are so much bigger and taller and
stronger than you, equipped with greater survival skills, but you don't find your mate among them. But suddenly you wake up one
day and find next to you one just like you to accompany you through this life's journey, to love and be loved by, to share with and
learn with and from, as well as to teach, or simply to sit at My feet together and learn from Me.
Everyday is a little bit like the first day, when understanding and clearly seeing and hearing first began... It's not as if everything you
learned previously is all there, right away, but you have to re-activate that knowledge, that conscience, re-establish your tie of love
and trust with Me... That is somewhat part of your handicap, with which you must live. There is no way around it: you must spend
that time daily with Me, or you'll just drift off in the meaninglessness of mere survival, the way so many others do, living lives without

"Giving up is just about the equivalant of the original sin." Adam & Eve gave up resisting the temptation, they gave up resisting evil,
they gave up making that effort to strive to obey Me at all costs... They gave up on believing Me and chose to believe the Devil's lies
Sometimes all you've got to do is hold on to the right thing when you've got it: the truth, the right way, the good work, and refuse to
give up, refuse to be distracted and stopped, no matter how hard the devil will try.

It sounded pretty convincing to Adam and Eve, when the devil told them that they weren't really going to die if they ate from the fruit
of that tree. And the fact that they didn't die physically right away made it a lot easier for them to continue falling for the devil's lies
plenty of times after that. It took them learning to see more than just what your carnal eyes will tell you to distinguish that I had really
told them the truth, that spiritually, they had died on the day they had eaten from that tree, and that it was the devil who was the
deceiver and liar, not I.
But just as in Adam and Eve's case, unfortunately it usually takes most people some similar, eye-opening experiences and lessons
about where the path of disobedience, the path of the enemy's deception, will lead them.

I never meant for you or anyone to try to figure it all out by themselves. Ever since Adam, I've always wanted man to look to Me for
guidance and reference, to show him what's going on, what went wrong, and how he's gotten himself into a mess that only I can fix,
when it all comes down to it.
Humanity is one big family, everything anyone does always affects the others in a way: you all proceed from the same ancestors,
Adam & Eve, who proceeded from Me, and thus, you're all connected, as much as the illusion of many separate entities may seem
real. It's true that not all may be children of God yet, but it is your duty to see to it that they get a chance to become children of God.
With Me, youre back in Eden, and you shouldnt really have to be looking toward the serpents temptations for satisfaction and
fulfillment, because the only thing that keeps you from happiness is your failure to realize and appreciate what youve got and make
the best out of it!
The enemy likes to keep your focus on the fictional way in which they could be better, causing you discontent with what you have
Wasnt that his tactic from the very beginning? Adam and Eve could have chosen to be content with what they had, and things would
not have gotten infinitely worse. They could have chosen to be thankful for the paradise on earth they had, instead of following that
inkling the Enemy placed in their minds, that I was withholding something better from them

The devil is like a salesman trying to persuade each of them of his products. He tells them, What youre looking for is this And we
have exactly what you need! Hes the ideal sales manager, ever since the beginning: He made Adam and Eve realize how
insufficient and inadequate their Home in Eden was, and what they needed and were looking for, was something much better: a world
fashioned by their own ideas, governed by their own rules, where they were going to be able to play god themselves and wouldnt
have to kowtow to anyone else (except him, of course, in the long run, but he didnt tellem that!).

Adam and Eve could have chosen to be content with what they had, and things would not have gotten infinitely worse. They could
have chosen to be thankful for the paradise on earth they had, instead of following that inkling the Enemy placed in their minds, that I
was withholding something better from them

The devil is like a salesman trying to persuade each of them of his products. He tells them, What youre looking for is this And we
have exactly what you need! Hes the ideal sales manager, ever since the beginning: He made Adam and Eve realize how
insufficient and inadequate their Home in Eden was, and what they needed and were looking for, was something much better: a world
fashioned by their own ideas, governed by their own rules, where they were going to be able to play god themselves and wouldnt
have to kowtow to anyone else (except him, of course, in the long run, but he didnt tellem that!).
But there are those who would like to get back to the Garden somehow, who would not like to repeat endlessly the same mistake
Adam and Even made, and those are the kind of folks who are looking for Me.

Theres a difference between truth and knowledge, which is the reason why the cause of Mans Fall was a desire for the knowledge of
good and evil. Basically, the knowledge of good is truth, and the knowledge of evil its deceptive counterpart. If folks dont develop a
love, hunger and desire for the former, theyll eventually wind up chasing the latter, and thats the choice every human being has to
make: Which of the two will they chase after and pursue?
Eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil is what initiated this big, long lesson of finding out the difference between the

While Adam and Eves original choice may have bought you the devil for your new parent, My blood buys you back into the
Fathers House, if thats what you want

It certainly would have been worse for Adam to remain alone permanently than having to wait a little while for his perfect mate and
match to appear
Just as Adam and Eve had to learn to cope with the outside world after they had to leave Eden, youre eventually also going to have
to cope with the fact that you cant always have exactly what you want right away.
The curse is a result of man choosing something other than My abundance and the life lived to the full I want to offer to those who
follow Me.

Here goes another example of judgmentalism: the assumption that only Adam and Eve would have been so dumb, when in fact,
everyones making the same mistake of disobedience over and over and over again.

People often dont do a good thing because they look at others and take their behavior as an excuse not to do it. Since Adam and
Eve: She didnt obey, so why should I? But every soul will have to give their own account for the good they left undone when it well
would have been in their power to do it.

The pain, agony and troubles youve had to go through and still do at times, look like a negative. And by the standards of the world,
they might be. But not according to Mine.
Its the same as Adam and Eves time in the Garden; and some would argue they must have been much closer to Me then, before they
sinned and fell, but it was different.
The experience of what they learned through their mistakes was more valuable for everyone involved, which is, basically, in the long
run, the entire universe, than any of the good times theyd had before. And the same goes for you.

In Adams case, it wasnt really a matter of choice, of picking the right one or wrong one. I had given him that one, and he had to
live with her, come hell or high water. And, sure, she caused him to make that big mistake that cost him his citizenship in Paradise
that was a hard one to forgive
But forgiving your brides sins and mistakes is the closest thing to walking a mile in My shoes and getting a taste of what Im having
to do just about constantly, that you could ever ask for. So, if you want to follow in My footsteps, then thats the way to go

Just as nothing was ever as beautiful as Eden for Adam and Eve, but itll just have to make do until you reap the ultimate
consequence for this sinful, willful life of always pursuing your own thing and desires
Itll just have to make do

By allowing sin to enter in, you can wreck and ruin any paradise. Thats why Ive got to make sure that every generation of believers
learns this lesson for themselves and from experience.
Most folks dont get exactly what happened with Adam and Eve anyway

The one whos running this world since Adam and Eve practically gave it over to him thousands of years ago, is still capable of doing
a lot of harm if you dont stay on guard, and dont stay on the defence against him.

Life, in many ways, is a way to deal with sin that one has decided to commit, just as Adam and Eve had to.

The history of the world as it is and has become since Adam & Eves fall will bear many lessons for the future. And all in all, learning
to fight the battle against evil and choosing the good instead, is a major advantage, youll see.

Thats one of the reasons for which experiencing some negative vibes and times right now are there for: Itll definitely help you
appreciate the Hereafter a lot. And knowing the story of Adam and Eve should help you see why that might be necessary to learn for
some, if not all of you

It seems kind of unfair that you are having to pay the consequences for that one slip of Adam and Eve, when they couldnt resist
But believe Me when I say, it would have happened to any of you.
The consequence of sin needs to be learned. The resulting imperfections, if not to say the blatant and gaping lack of perfection, need
to be experienced, for the lesson is learned and absorbed in no other way. (III:501)

People use fear as an excuse, when they ought to be recognizing it as a weakness they ought to overcome.
It opens the venue for them to play the victim: I was afraid of you Thats exactly what Adam and Eve said when they were hiding
from Me. It makes you look like the big, bad culprit, and they are the victims. But did that save Adam and Eve from having to pay the
consequences of their actions? No it didnt. And thats a lesson for all mankind. (IV:25)

Just as it was part of My Love for Adam and Eve and all of mankind to allow them to screw up, so its got to be part of yours. (IV:62)

You can make up for Adam and Eves failure to trust and believe and obey Me by reversing in your own life the course they took and
decide to trust Me that I know what Im doing, and also mean what I have said.
When I said that they would die on the day they would eat of that fruit, I meant it, and in comparison to the abundant life they lived
before they sinned, the life that I have promised all of My believers, they were dead after eating from the forbidden tree, and they only
returned to life in the sense they had known it before, after they died. (IV:199)

Adam and Eve could have chosen to be content with what they had, and things would not have gotten infinitely worse. They could
have chosen to be thankful for the paradise on Earth they had, instead of following that inkling the enemy placed in their minds, that I
was withholding something better from them (IV:271)

The devil is like a salesman trying to persuade people, What youre looking for is this And we have exactly what you need! Hes
the ideal salesman ever since the beginning: He made Adam and Eve realize how insufficient and inadequate their Home in Eden
was, and that what they needed and were looking for, was something much better: a world fashioned by their own ideas, governed by
their own rules, where they were going to be able to play god themselves and wouldnt have to kowtow to anyone else (except him, of
course, in the long run, but he didnt tellem that!).
But there are those who would like to get back to the Garden somehow, who would not like to repeat endlessly the same mistake
Adam and Even made, and those are the kind of folks who are looking for Me. (IV:293)

It certainly would have been worse for Adam to remain alone permanently than having to wait a little while for his perfect mate and
match to appear
He had to do some stuff in the meantime, too, and get his act rigged up and make himself useful and do his job (IV:441)

People often dont do a good thing because they look at others and take their behavior as an excuse not to do it. Since Adam and
Eve: She didnt obey, so why should I? But every soul will have to give their own account for the good they left undone when it well
would have been in their power to do it. (12:91)

Pain, agony and troubles look like a negative. And by the standards of the world, they might be. But not according to Mine.
Its the same as Adam and Eves time in the Garden; and some would argue they must have been much closer to Me then, before they
sinned and fell, but it was different.
The experience of what they learned through their mistakes was more valuable for everyone involved, which is, basically, in the long
run, the entire universe, than any of the good times theyd had before. (12:114)

In Adams case, it wasnt really a matter of choice, of picking the right one or wrong one. I had given him that one, and he had to
live with her, come hell or high water. And, sure, she caused him to make that big mistake that cost him his citizenship in Paradise
that was a hard one to forgive
But forgiving your brides sins and mistakes is the closest thing to walking a mile in My shoes and getting a taste of what Im having
to do just about constantly, that you could ever ask for. So, if you want to follow in My footsteps, then thats the way to go (12:119)

Life, in many ways, is a way to deal with sin that one has decided to commit, just as Adam and Eve had to. (14:105)

One of the reasons for which experiencing some negative vibes and times right now are there for: Itll definitely help you appreciate
the Hereafter a lot. And knowing the story of Adam and Eve should help you see why that might be necessary to learn for some, if not
all of you (14:147)

The weaknesses of the flesh have generally been part of that curse that Adam and Eve had brought upon themselves, and thus, all of
their descendants. (15:113)

Remember, there was a reason for Adam and Eve to have to leave the Garden of Eden Paradise and it was one that they had
caused themselves! (15:115)

To learn to be happy and content with what We or life have to offer you is another goal, as far as Were concerned. Already failed by
the first two humans, who wanted more than what the quite Heaven-like Garden of Eden had to offer. And thats how what youd call
the big mess started, and were getting towards the end of it eventually, if not soon. (15:116)

Our level of righteousness exceeds yours, and youre not better than We are, although the devil would love to tell you that.
In a way, thats what he did with Adam and Eve, and how all the trouble in the world started. He toldem it was wrong of Me not to
allow them to eat of the forbidden fruit, and that hed allow them, and thats how the chaos of the present world and its state began.
Thats not only how their lives turned from beautiful into ugly, but pretty much their whole world, which was still pretty fresh and new
back then (15:172)

Youre getting the point slowly, of how important it is to make the right kind of choices throughout life
Having seen what the wrong kind can lead the entire globe into, like Adam and Eves picking the forbidden fruit after falling for the
devils lies and temptations. (15:180)

If the world youre living in isnt heavenly, just remember that its because the first two people allowed our enemy to pretty much take
it over through their choice, along with those of most of their descendants, and youll just have to look forward to whats expecting
you afterwards. (15:185)

The trouble of this world that started off with the choice of Eve should also be a lesson for all the Adams to follow, not to give in to
that temptation, but know and do better and resist it! (16:32)

When youre stuck in a place youre not pleased with and not happy at, theres a reason for it; and most of the times, a lack of
gratitude and appreciation can be one of the main ones for it one of the main lessons to learn. You can see what may have easily
been Eves problem and the reason for accepting that tempting change the enemy offered her that she gave in to
Just as Eve learned to appreciate Eden after having to leave it, so will many folks only begin to appreciate what they took for granted
once its gone. (16:108)

You can begin to see now the final result of Adam and Eves sin to eat of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil: the
knowledge of good was there already Basically, what they chose was the knowledge of evil, which is coming to the core and final
global fruition, and the world will have to witness its ultimate result. Its basically the choice between the God of Truth, and his
imitator, the ultimate liar. (16:149)

That one initial wrong choice made by the first human couple, and the resulting transition of Heaven on Earth to three separate final
conditions of hell on Earth, shows how significant choices are, and that major lesson of life to make the right ones.
It also shows one of the major meanings and purposes of life: To make the right and proper choices and decisions, and learn lifes
lessons from the wrong ones made. (16:152)
Adam had his jobs in Eden to do for Me, like naming the animals, and of course, having kids, so that folks like you and Me would
show up eventually. So, bearing fruit is one of those jobs (16:172)

Mans choices left the world in Our enemys hands just to show where the wrong choices lead; and the bad things happening are
largely the result of mans own poor choices and if nothing else, at least the wrong one made in the beginning by the first human
couple. (17:32)

The fact that We told Adam and Eve theyd die the moment they ate of the fruit what did their action make out of what you currently
consider and entitle life? Its a way to physical death. (17:52)

Its the enemys tactic to throw doubts in your mind, just as he successfully did with Adam and Eve. But knowing what that led to,
whom are you going to choose to believe - him or Me? (17:68)

To keep in mind what choice brought imperfection into this world should be a good lesson to be remembered as a warning not to
make the wrong choices and decisions, especially when confronted with the enemys temptations.
If life aint all easy and blissful, just remember what human act brought that state into the world, and dont blame Us for allowing free
choice, but learn to take the responsibility for any wrong ones made by you or your side of creation! (17:101)

Can you trust Me? Even if the devil keeps tempting you with emotions telling you the opposite?
Well, thats part of the opposition factor: that other part will always tell you the opposite of what you believe in and should know,
just as the serpent told Adam and Eve the opposite of what they should have done: Stick to My information and input instead of his.

Just remember through the influence on whom the devil got this world into its helluva state in the first place! (17:137)

The enemy knows how to tempt you with worries, fear and doubts in order to weaken your faith, and thus, the impact of Our Strength
and influence in your life just as his input had an apparent and obvious greater effect of Adam and Eve with his temptation to get
them to eat of the forbidden fruit, which basically commenced all the troubles in this world and Our creation. (17:145)

Remember what the snakes influence caused Adam and Eve to experience: the move out of Eden, out of paradise, and the globe is
largely heading toward the ultimate result of that! (17:153)

Some of the mistakes made are not being recognized as ones own, but blamed on the Creator, and Id name that the Source-
Mistake of all the ones following. Just as Satan told Eve that there were wrong reasons to obey and not to eat the forbidden fruit, he
keeps coming up with his lies and false accusations in the attempt to win his victims over to his side, as long as he can lure them
away from Ours. (17:193)

Maybe Adam could have kept Eve happier than having to start craving the forbidden fruit. (17:206)
Cain & Abel
Choose today whom you will let have rule over yourself and your life: My unselfish, humble, giving, yielded & truly sacrificial Spirit
that expects nothing in return, or the carnal attitude of, I deserve this for what I am and what Ive done. One is the spirit of Cain, the
other is Abels. Are you ready and willing to be a martyr, which means witness, or are you going to kill others with feelings of envy,
jealousy and selfish wants, because you just think you deserve more than that?

Cain and Abel were brothers. There will always be those brothers who go the way of Cain, the way of the flesh..., the way of showing
how strong they are in themselves and what they can accomplish... Not like Abel, with his Lord... Pah! Theyre gonna show the world
what strong is! Not those pitiful weaklings who are constantly ranting on about spirituality. The flesh, man, the flesh is what rules!
Just look at those mighty cool people on TV, man, thats where its at... (I:384)

It's time you decide who's your hero: Abel or Cain?

To begrudge someone else their every little bit of recognition, appreciation or commendation from Me or someone else? That's the
way of Cain, the killing way.

It's the spirit of false obedience. It's pretending to want to serve Me, but only wanting to do it their own way. Like Cain. And the last
thing they will understand is why in the World I can be so stupid and unfair & prefer people like Abel and their dumb little sacrifices...

I've had to make it a challenge. I've made it thus that this "treasure hunt" of life wouldn't be all too easy. I'm not telling everybody:
"Hey, everybody; the treasures over here! Come and grab your rewards!"
That is, I often do tell them, but they won't believe! They won't believe, because they've already been conditioned by the Enemy, the
great "party pooper" and his lies that "there is no treasure!"
"There's only this dull life, and the only reward you'll ever get is the money you'll get in exchange for the work you do, and that's it!"
"The only reward you'll ever get is that which you earn with your sweat!"
Well, that's his variation of the game, and since it appeals to a lot of people - ever since Cain - I let them have their "fun" and let them
find out which is better: the enemy's rules or Mine.

Do not be plagued by envy and comparing... don't look at what one has got that maybe you haven't got; don't look at who is more
deserving in your eyes! That Cain & Abel jealousy & envy is being created like this, listening to the enemy's lies of who's really more
"deserving." That's a very dangerous tune, the very tune of pride and the devil himself: the song of Judas!
Why not be grateful for what you have, instead, trusting in My righteousness, that I will give you a just reward for whatever you
deserve, in your time, and why not simply be happy for those one who are being blessed, and rejoice with them, instead of falling into
the trap of envy?

Can you see it now? - The purpose in it all? - The difference between Cain and Abel? The vanity & senselessness of the striving for
carnal perfection and of lack of trust in Me?

The brotherly jealousy that Cain fell victim to, and which comes straight from the enemy is the opposite of brotherly love, which
rejoices in whatever your brother has got, even if you don't have it yourself... It's the selfishness of thinking you should be the one
endowed with that blessing, which unfairly was given to others and withheld from you.

One of the first steps to become a true believer is to find the real meaning of the word "to believe," which comes from the greek word
"pistevo," which means to "drink in." It's the act of receiving and drinking in that makes a true believer out of you, an act way too
difficult for someone too full of themselves to sit still and listen, to want to receive any advice or wisdom from anybody else. It's a
task too hard for someone too self-sufficient to be needing anybody's advice or help.
They're the type of believers like Cain, who get angry at anyone insinuating that they can't do it on their own. They've got to do it their
way. They make their sacrifices to Me in their own way, they sacrifice what they deem worthy of being a sacrifice: not that which I
would really like, but some self-created effort of their own hand, some product of their hands and sweat they can pride in and show
off before Me and the whole world: "behold what I have accomplished!"
For anyone to insinuate that they're not on the truest of truest ways, and that by any chance they might be mistaken about anything
infuriorates them. It's better to let them go their own way. There's not much you can do for them.
Isn't it sad when somebody is too full to receive? (II:448)

Cain and Abel were both believers. One loved Me and the other one didn't. He only did whatever he deemed right in his own mind,
and demanded that I should be pleased with it. He was too full of himself to care about what I wanted. (II:449)

Yes, it is sad. It was sad that Cain killed Abel. It looked like a terrible defeat, right there, at the dawn of the history of mankind. It broke
their parents' hearts. It shattered and shook everyone - their whole family, and all of Heaven. It looked as if I had failed and made a
mistake somewhere. "No, this can't be it, Lord!" "How much hatred there is between humans... what lack of love." Isn't that what
you're saying, too? "What a lack of love! This can't possibly be it, Lord! Surely You must be making a mistake in saying that this
Family is the best You've got..."
And the descendants of Cain continued to wreak havoc on earth until I had to extinguish them all... Another seeming defeat: All of
creation drowned and destroyed... never to be the same again. Another seeming mistake. It's almost as if I had to admit that I had
made a mistake. The mistake of granting humans the liberty and majesty of free choice. Isn't that what unbelievers hold against Me
all the time? "If God would really be just and righteous, He wouldn't allow all that, He'd put an end to this! It almost looks as if He's
siding with the bad guys by tolerating what they do. Why, it's almost as if He's one of them!"
And so, all those self-righteous critics of Mine think they'd all do a so much better job of running this world, if they were in My
position. But all the while, they're not even realizing that I am letting them run the world. What they're really saying is, "You should
give the power to me, not them."
The only problem about that is that it's usually the bad people in this world, with all their ambitions and burning zeal to be its rulers,
who also come up with all the zest and the drive to do something about their goals, their ambitions and plans, however selfish or ill-
motivated they may be, while all those other, oh-so-righteous people usually just stand by passively shaking their heads, and hardly
ever do anything to change things!

People have the chance to either be like Cain or Abel. Some still seek to impress Me by the amount of fruit they bring to My altar. But I
am so much more pleased by the offering of the sacrifice of what's most precious to you. To most people, that's their time.

Pride stands in the way for so many to ever find the truth. Why should you have something better, something greater, something
more real than they? After all, aren't they doing all these things that should entitle them to the blessing, the truth, or whatever - the
anointing - much more than you?
That's the way Cain thought, and the memory of his righteous brother plagued him for the rest of his life. You may kill the prophet,
but you can't kill his truth. The simple and silent truth that his righteousness exceeded yours, for all your vain striving... For it
requires humility to receive it, and obedience to enact it - simple yieldedness to Me, and quite simply, once again, love. (III:181)

It's very, very sad when there's war between brethren, but as you can tell from history, it's what the devil has been up to since the
beginning. There will always be repetitions of the story of the fate of Abel and Cain, in different forms, as long as the devil is around...

Cain was always upset with Me, constantly on the enemy's channel, thinking he knew better than Me... It's dangerous to be on that
kind of channel; to be harboring that sort of familiarity toward Me where you can't respect Me anymore, nor anyone else, for that
matter, because your own ideas differ from Mine, and you think things ought to be handled and done differently.
Flesh-people have different criteria. What's important for them is not My way of doing things, My standards and criteria, not the slow
plodding of building a man's character. They're always looking for fast, visible fruits and results of their own muscle or wit, so that
they can pat themselves on the back and show how much they deserve whatever it is they desire - much more so than their younger
brothers or sisters, the weaker ones... the sort of folks who don't get things rigged up in their own strength but have to rely on My
Most people nowadays can relate to Cain's way somehow, and the Abel-types have become more and more rare... the meek, who
shall inherit the earth. Most religious or saved people nowadays don't rely on Me and My grace as much as they rely on their own
wisdom, knowledge or abilities. After all, man considers himself so able and so knowing in this day and age.
Self-righteousness led Cain to believe that he was more worthy of My honoring him, and that he deserved it more than Abel. He was
judging things by his own criteria, not by Mine, and he refused to accept Mine. (III:364)

The event of Cain and Abel is going to be played out until the very end, as evident in the difference between those who rely on their
own flesh and those who know that I am their only hope. (III:431)

Some folks are so infatuated with their own minds, filled with all this data that has been fabricated by people like them, theyre like
Cain, (except that) the type of fruit that they want to present before Me as their good works are not the type of fruit yielded by the
land, but the fruit of their own minds, and that which they consider knowledge: their conclusions that they so proudly tout and
And just like Cains, their sacrifice is totally unacceptable to Me.
What they dont realize is that they are even promoting the same type of murder as Cain by helping to spread their (actually the
devils) philosophy of the survival of the fittest, and even though they may refer to themselves as My believers, and I do
communicate with them to some extent, the way I did with Cain, their relationship with Me is not comparable to one I have with those
who can be truly called My brides (IV:228)

The way of the majority, the way of the flesh, is the way of Cain, and the path of the minority and of the spirit is that of Abel
Your job is to contribute in helping the undecided to choose their path from among the two. - Either Mine or that of the vast majority
of those who follow the flesh, the ego, the way of self in many aspects, the way of Satan himself. (IV:265)

The only thing I can trust in to help me survive is my own flesh, my own efforts
Its basically the type of attitude Cain stood for, one thats very widely spread nowadays, as you can tell. Okay, so the Abels do tend
to look a little bit like the losers in comparison, since they often wind up being martyred by their flesh-oriented brothers, but thats
exactly the point where faith makes all the difference in the world: faith that believes that Abel, in the long run, was much better off
than Cain (IV:298)

I was talking about basic needs like food and clothing when I said that these things should be added unto you, if you would seek first
the Kingdom of God and His righteousness as opposed to that sort of righteousness of Cain that always deems to know better than
Him and tries to work up its own happiness in its own strength and efforts
See, the difference was that Abel loved and trusted Me, whereas Cain constantly thought he knew better, held grudges against Me
and developed an angry, rebellious, resentful and self-righteous spirit and attitude (IV:363)

Its not easy to stand accused and tried, permanently judged and criticized by your own off-spring, and a lot of My believers actually
do the same and hold grudges against Me.
Theyre trying so hard to approve themselves in their own sight by their works and carnal efforts, and are just as bitter toward Me
when I dont go all gaga over it, just as I did not with Cain, when all I ever really wanted was a little lovin from them, not any
grandiose works

What makes you think that after 6000 years of history since Cain and Abel, I would now expect of you to work up a sweat or work
yourself to death in your own, limited capacities?

Sure, it doesnt help when your pride is having an issue with the ridicule youre exposed to, believing what you do, and you certainly
seem to be the loser as far as theyre concerned
But hasnt it always been like that, ever since the beginning, since Cain & Abel? So, if youre going to follow through on this path,
youre going to have to be willing to appear as the loser temporarily, as did I, and basically, all My great men and women of faith and
true followers.

If you can glorify God in what youre doing, then thats great, but if you cant, what good is it?
Is it going to be Cains way, or Abels? - Flesh or Spirit? - Works or grace?

The flesh is so busy trying to prove that it can do it on its own, so it doesnt have to show thanks or appreciation for anything It all
boils back down to the difference between the ways of Cain and Abel, grace vs. works.

People like to feverishly work up their own achievements they can pat themselves on the back for, ever since Cain, instead of having
to thank some Supreme Being like Me for anything, Who, they figure, has got things all too easy anyway, with His detested
Thats one of the reasons I left that omnipotence behind and joined the club of frail mankind, became one of you and attended the
School of Life along with you

Thinking you deserve better than your fate is really the ultimate works trip and the story of Cain all over again. (2011:37)

One of the most important points Im trying to make ever since Cain and Abel: anything you can do in the flesh is not as important as
that spiritual task of nourishing your soul and spirit with input from Me! (11:49)

The flesh cries, Save me, save me! And what it really means to say is, Allow me to continue to save myself! But thats just
absolutely not what My theme of faith, which spans all throughout history since Cain and Abel, is all about.
The way of the flesh is the way of Cain, and the way of faith is Abels, and there really only are those two. (12:110)

Millions of men around the globe spend their days impressing themselves
But isnt that the mode and vibe of Cain, of trusting in and relying on the works of your own flesh, rather than letting My grace do
most of the work through you, for you and in you?
Eventually youre going to have to choose where you stand with the Cains, or Abels of this world. (12:117)

With folks who work up everything in the sweat of their brow, its a little bit like with Cain: Theyre not notorious sharers In fact,
theyd rather take their life away from you than let you come off with a little more praise and approval than what they got for all their
hard work (13:73)

Once you have kids, the job is caring for them, and helping them to become the right kind of person, which is illustrated quite
effectively in the difference between Cain and Abel. (16:172)
Just like Noah worked hard in spite of what anyone thought or said, so you must work hard to prepare for the calamities that are
about to befall the World. And just like Noah needed My exact instructions in order to be able to build the first ship in history, so will
you, if you wish to survive the flood of iniquity. (I:46)

One of your testimonies in the time of trouble will be that youll be more prepared than the large rest of people ... hopefully, that is, IF
you prepare. Of course, if you listen to the voices that say, aw, its never going to happen or that make you worry about how stupid
its going to look to have survival food stocked up when theres no crisis... Remember Noah! It took some time before the flood came,
but when it came, it came. And no matter how ridiculous it looked when he got all those animals into that crazy wooden construction,
those who scoffed, wished they were inside when it started pouring...
He who laughs last will laugh best; since the days of Noah and all throughout history.
If I had not flooded the Earth in Noahs times, you never would have seen this day.

Noah and his family, when they were building the ark, had a big & fearsome job to accomplish in preparing themselves and the world
for judgment, and though they were living during relatively peaceable times, it was everything but business as usual. They needed
My instructions. They had to fight doubt & discouragement.

Abraham, Noah, and a good many others were in the same boat. I know your temptation to wonder whether so many could be wrong
after all. But that's precisely why I said that the days before My coming would be like unto the days of Noah. When the flood came, it
washed away the entire population of the world, except for Noah and his family. So, don't be amazed that the vast majority of people
are headed to perdition.
It's another scheme of the Enemy, that pacifistic, "Oh, God couldn't be so cruel" scheme of lukewarm church Christians. While
they're getting away with slaughtering the innocents for lucre and power on a larger scale than ever, surely God would never be as
cruel as to allow such a vast number of people to be misled into their doom, so, accordingly, if He wouldn't allow them to be misled,
they can't be that wrong after all, and if they're not wrong, they must be right, which means you should be listening to them, and
maybe there's something wrong with your unconventional & controversial, iconoclastic way, after all.
Why am I allowing them to be misled? - Because they have chosen to believe a lie.
"And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were
evil." (John 3:19)

Don't be like those who didn't get into the boat with Noah because they were too busy with the usual affairs of life, their courting and
eating and drinking...
If you can see the changes happening on the horizon, you better start preparing for them, and not wait until they're here! And one of
the best ways to prepare for them is to let others know about them now, before they come to pass, so that they can prepare also, and
help you to prepare, too.
People have got to see you busy at "building an ark," making preparations for the rain, even though they may not see it coming as
clearly as you do, so that when it comes, when it's going to start pouring, they will know that you have been prophets among them.
It's expected of you to be warning other people, to talk to them about it! Anything else would be a sin!

Discern the spirits. Seek wisdom. In the silence you will hear things that really count and will make history. Here on the mountain! Not
down in the valley. They're going to be washed away by the next flood, the coming flood of the Devil's lies & iniquity that only relative
few will be spared from, as Noah and his family, or Lot and his...
Refuse to go the way of the world, refuse to be colored by their influences, refuse to accept their standards! Question everything you
hear, except what you know comes from My good, wholesome sources! And impart what you've been given to others, to those who
will listen to and receive you.

I'm teaching you about the worldly crooks who try to make money of others' need for love & companionship & exploit their loneliness
& longing for love. "As it was in the days of Noah: they married & were given in to marriage and took not heed until Noah entered into
the ark, so it will be in the days preceding the coming of the Son of Man."

It must not have made sense for people that Noah was building an Arc on dry land, and on top of it, housing thousands of animals in
Even so you see a lot of people deserting you and running off the holy mountain, following the lures of this world... The devil knows
how to get them and how to tempt them. Yet, when the flood came, it sure was a good thing that Noah had built that thing, wasn't it?
And even so, when the devil's flood of iniquity and lies is going to sweep this world for it's greatest hour of temptation yet, you're not
going to be sorry you've been investing your time in building your faith. (III:355)

Remember My warning that the time before My Coming was going to be like the days of Noah, where they married and gave into
marriage, ate and drank and didnt take heed until it was too late

The end of the world as you know it is before you, just as it was in the days of Noah, and preparations must be made, and work
invested that will ensure the salvation of the chosen.

Before the flood, the only chance for hope and the world to continue in some way was judgment to wipe them all out.
Those are the types of situations when folks like Noah and his family really stick out and make a significant difference that no one
can ignore anymore, and makes them and subsequent generations appreciate their being different.
Is it easy to be the living, walking doom of a generation already doomed by their own heartless actions and indifference to anything
except pampering their own whims and lusts? Sure not. And Noah had a lot to cope with, especially in the aftermath, when he was
trying to make sense of what he saw before him: the apparent mess I had made out of a once so beautiful world - The comparative
loneliness and stillness - The aftermath of Game Over! Except that he had never seen a pinball machine, and so didnt have any
such allegories or comparisons to help him make sense of what he saw. (2013:48)
Remember what the devil did to the world when I had to wind up sending the flood! He just got pretty much everyone except Noah
and his family hooked up to his ways, and what makes you think he might not try that again this time? (2014:83)

Remember Noah! And next time it wont be water coming down to flood the Earth, but fire, in order to start a whole new beginning.
Imagine how it must have looked to onlookers, to Sarah and the intimate relatives, when Abraham was off to sacrifice Isaac. It still
looks atrocious to men! Well, but this was My test, which made him the Father of faith, for greater faith than this, to be truly willing
and ready to sacrifice your own most beloved son to obey Me, has very rarely been found. You can do miracles, move mountains,
heal the sick and raise the dead, and it still wont amount to that kind of faith. For it looks most irrational to the whole world. How
could they know, that the God of the universe was going to sacrifice His only Son, and He was asking Abraham, would you be willing
to go that far? And He was showing the world a little glimpse and example of what He was going to do

Only once Abraham was willing to sacrifice and yield that which he loved most dearly, was I able to bless him mightily to become the
father of faith... And likewise, I cannot tell whether you truly love Me first until youve really lain your Isaac on the altar. Letting go of
the person you love most in all the world is a painful process, and if some people may still wonder why I ever had Abraham pass
through such a cruel test, now that youre in the middle of that very same test you wonder all the more, but one day youll see the
perfect sense in this. (I:169)

I often give you your Isaac, only to ask you to give him up for Me again, to test whether you really love Me above all. If one uses this
situation as an excuse to quit, then they will only show that they didnt have what it takes in the first place: the necessary amount of
love for Me.

Just like I gave Isaac to Abraham: the fulfillment of all his desires and My promises to him, the heir of My covenant with him, the one
to fulfill all that I had spoken, and yet I asked Abraham to give this very son of promise, this embodiment of all that was important to
him back to Me, to sacrifice him, to kill him, to let Me take him away out of his life again, even so it is with all of you: everyone has the
choice whether they're going to let the things I have given them, their boy- or girl-friend, their children, wife or husband, become their
new god, the thing they live for, the thing that all their actions revolve around, or whether they're going to give it back to Me every
day, lay it on the altar and put Me first, willing to sacrifice their most dearly beloved...
Only those with great faith can do that, but only those with great faith are going to become the heirs of faith. If Abraham would not
have been willing to sacrifice Isaac, you never would have heard of him, it's as simple as that. I would have had to look for another
Abraham, one who would have been willing to put Me first and surrender and sacrifice that to Me which he loved most in all the
In a very real way, this sacrifice greatly enhanced Abraham's love for Isaac. It showed to him how blessed he was, every day, after
this, to even have him, because I could have also taken him away from him. Now that he had shown that he would not even withhold
his very son from Me, now he could love him with a love that was pure, purged of any selfish intentions or motivations. He loved him
with a love that daily cried out to Me in thankfulness: "God, I thank Thee for this son whom You have given me, and whom you have
asked from me, and I have not withheld him from you, and for this son that you have given back to me, even again, a second time!" It
was a love from then on that was through and through drenched in gratefulness, drooping with humility and tears of joy, a love
enhanced and beautified by utter submission to Me, a love that was only passed by Abraham's love for Me. It was a factor that
purified his love greatly. That's the kind of pure love that is necessary, in order to make it for Me in this life and death game of faith,
beloved! A love that says to the one whom you love: "I love you, but you are not mine, but have only been given to me by the Lord,
and I am willing to give you back to Him at any time He requests you. I love you so much because God is giving us this great love for
Him in the first place. He has loved me as much as to give you to me, and I will love Him back and give you back to Him any time He
asks, and this in return, will again, strengthen and purify our love for each other: my love for you, your love for me, and our love for
Now you wonder, well, what is your Isaac then?
Your Isaacs are all the little things that seem to get so important to you that they drag you away from Me and My service. Whatever it
is during any given day that just seems to become more important than Me, be it in any kind of form or shape of your music ministry,
or your own desires... What it all boils down to for each of you, is: are you willing to lay down your own desires on the altar, in order
to serve Me and further My Kingdom? The more you learn this, the more you are willing to sacrifice your own desires, and the more
you will learn to do this not grudgingly, but willingly, and joyfully, the quicker you will learn what it truly means to be a humble and
willing servant of Mine, and a true and dedicated disciple. As long as you are ridden by your own selfish wants, lusts and desires,
why, you're not that different from anyone else in the World. And you aren't, really. You've got the same desires. Abraham had the
same desires to have a family, as any other man in the World.
But the difference between those like Abraham and the rest of the World is that they can say, "See, I've had the same desires as you,
I'm the same kind of material as you, but I've had to learn to put the Lord first, before that natural desire of mine. We've got to learn to
give back to God that which He gives us in the first place, to show that we're thankful to Him, that we acknowledge that it all comes
from Him, and that we learn not to take each other for granted, for that way we will only hurt each other. But when we give each other
back to the Lord, it enhances our love for each other, it makes our love grow and grow and grow..." (I:399)

Usually people take whatever options sound best to them, as in the case with Abraham and Lot. Lot chose the valley, and
consequently got himself into trouble in Sodom, remember?
I'm challenging you to stretch your spiritual muscles and limbs into new, more exciting areas and changes, higher plains.
Everybody involved in this equation needs to stretch their muscles of faith and trust in some area. The thing to do is to focus on Me
and keep your focus on what's up ahead, not the easier, more comfortable option, if you want to follow in the footsteps of Abraham,
the father of faith, and be part of his heritage, a bearer of the crown of those who chose My highest will and option. (I:431)

Take the mountain! Like Abraham, like Joshua, like Caleb. And let the rest of the weaklings, half-hearts and compromisers settle for
the valley and the low-lands.

The acid test is always whether they seek that which is their own or that which is Mine. They will only be able to withstand the
enemy's attacks with doubts and negative thoughts if they really focus on what I want, and not their own selfish little desires or
selfish little families, or whatever it is they're most concerned about.
It's a fine line, because everybody has their ministry or "Isaacs" that are of utmost importance to them. The question is only whether
they're willing to surrender and give them back to Me, or whether they will try to selfishly cling to them and "protect" them from Me,
not letting Me touch them. You see, the test I've had Abraham pass with Isaac was actually a lot more relevant to all My followers of
all ages than meets the eye. Nearly everyone has their own little family, with their own little "Isaacs".
Those who will say, "No, never will I allow You to touch my Isaac" will sooner or later fall away, because they simply haven't got the
faith nor the love for Me that it takes to follow Me all the way. Only those who wholeheartedly say, "Lord, whatever is mine is Thine...
take it and do as You wish..." those who trust Me to this extent, are the ones who will make it unto the end.
It's an ongoing test, and sometimes I may give you brand new Isaacs in brand new situations, where you say, "Lord, I'm tired of
forsaking my Isaacs to You. I have forsaken so many already, don't take this one away from Me also..."

No, life isn't going to be perfect - ever - in this present life, and I ordained it this way in order for you not to cling to this World and
this life with tooth and nail, but so that you would - like Abraham - seek a better place, a City Whose Builder and Maker I am - your
true Home. This World is not your home, so you might as well quit looking for the perfect place in it, and the perfect situation, where
everything is going to be as you wish (See Hebrews 11:8-10).

I delight in doing My miracles when they seem all the more impossible. I waited for Abraham and Sarah to grow in age beyond the
point where it was humanly and commonly possible to have children until she conceived Isaac. Remember, she laughed at My Words,
but that laughter turned into flesh and blood!

Abraham was willing to trust Me, that I knew better what was the best concerning his son, that My hands were the place he was going
to be best cared for, even if I asked something as absurd of him as to sacrifice him unto Me. Evidently Abraham had enough faith to
believe that even if Isaac would die, it would be better for him than what could have happened if Abraham had disobeyed Me. (II:127)

I use what nobody else thinks I can use: when Abraham was of old age, he was tempted also to think that the promise I had given him
must have been meant to be interpreted in some other way, not in the typical, carnal or physical way he originally expected, because,
after all, that would have required a miracle of the kind the world had never seen yet.
You've got to have faith for miracles of the kind the world has never even seen yet. I'm still going to surprise you!

Don't look at your own flesh and limit Me by saying I can't use you anymore, you're too old! Remember Abraham and Moses, both of
whom I used at an age when they both wouldn't have expected anymore to be used by Me so greatly... You must see in a completely
different way than the way the world sees!

Pioneers must have vision to see what no one else believes! How much of your own life are you willing to pour into your child?
That's all Abraham had to work with to become the Father of faith: one child!

Abraham had to walk that way, he had to climb that hill, he had to be willing to sacrifice Isaac, in order for Me to stop him and say, "It
is good. I know now that you truly love Me." That's the road of faith. This doesn't mean that I will ask the very same thing of all My
children, but it means, be prepared to sacrifice, be prepared to risk to lose everything, be willing to give it all up, for only in this way
will you obtain the great blessing and inherit My promises of happiness!

Abraham saw his own body as good as dead, but he staggered not at My Promise through unbelief, but still brought forth the fruit of
his loins miraculously, the promised heir, and so it is also with this tree that you see, as you see it, as good as dead, no fruit, no life,
no love, no Spirit. But stagger not at My promise through disbelief, but believe that I am able to bring to pass what I promised, even if
the tree is as good as dead.
It took Abraham years until he would see the fulfillment of the promise. And as Sarah mocked My messengers in her heart, and
doubted that I would bring it to pass, you look and don't see it. It's impossible, you say. But you must not give up prematurely!
Look at this tree, this body, as good as dead, but stagger not at My promise through unbelief, but believe that I am well able to
perform that which I have spoken, because all things are possible to him that believeth and with Me nothing shall be impossible.

I know, its hard to trust sometimes, that a God of Love would ask you to do such irrational things, or would use such unconventional
methods, but thats why only those with great faith can really trust Me - and My Word, for that matter. Some people consider the
Abraham/Isaac episode an atrocity that doesnt really belong in My Word. They didnt really get the point.

Don't look at your body as good as half-dead, as Abraham could have done! Don't mock My Promise! If I have said it, I can do it and I
am more capable of doing it than you're willing to have Me do it!

People always wonder about the story of Abraham and Isaac. How could I demand such a thing of poor Abraham, they wonder, and
ask him to kill his one and only son for Me. But you see, it was going to be an example to the world of the sacrifice that the Father
was going to make for them in allowing Me, His one and only beloved Son, to be killed as a ransom and sacrifice for the sins of all
It didnt make much sense to Abraham. Just as it doesnt always make much sense what I seem to be asking of you. But Abraham
chose to believe that I and the Father - knew better.
What Abraham in effect was saying was, Even if God asks me to kill my own beloved son, I will trust in Him. The same as Job, who
said, Even if He kills me, yet will I trust in Him.
Can you trust that much? (IV:192)

People are still the way Abraham was when he tried to bargain with Me about the sparing of Sodom and Gomorrah: If there are 10
good people in it, would you spare them? I would have.
But people always overestimate their own goodness, and that of their own species, and blatantly ignore all the atrocious amounts of
evil that they wreak upon their fellow humans and the Earth. (IV:529)

This was the one feat that made Abraham stand out from among all the others: He let Me be the judge of what was the right thing to
ask of Him, even on a matter as personal as the sacrificing of his own dearly beloved and long-awaited son, the heir of My very own
Promise I had given him.
Look at Abraham, looking at his own body as good as dead and what he still got accomplished, by not much more than keeping on
the move and having a family, mind you, plus an occasional helping someone out of trouble, a battle here, a battle there and a few
potentially traumatic personal issues and testings And yet here you have the epitome of a good example of a father of faith. (11:53)

Would you be ready to lay another Isaac on the altar for Me?
Picture Abraham on his way up that mountain, imagining people asking for Isaac and whatever happened to him
And then again, look at what happened to Abraham!
I didnt really take Isaac away from him, I just tested his willingness to give him up for Me
So, yes, I sometimes do ask My servants even My friends and brides to make sacrifices for Me, to take up their own personal
cross onto which that is being nailed which they hold most dear, as I took Mine, because I cant save the world on My own without at
least a few folks willing to follow in My footsteps. (11:56)

The one feat that made Abraham stand out from among all the others: He let Me be the Judge of what was the right thing to ask of
Him, even on a matter as personal as the sacrificing of his own dearly beloved and long-awaited son, the heir of My very own
Promise I had given him. (12:58)

Learning to trust My judgment, no matter how seemingly unreasonable, is always a good start. Thats why Abrahams example is so
outstanding: Look what I had promised him, and how much sense it made, accordingly, to ask of him what I did! And yet he believed,
obeyed and followed. (13:54)
Remember Isaac! Only once Abraham was willing to sacrifice and yield that which he loved most dearly, was I able to bless him
mightily to become the father of faith. (I:169)

Your Isaacs are all the things that get so important to you that they drag you away from Me. (I:399)

Isaac was My miracle.

On the surface he looked like just any other boy, but a good glance at what lies beneath, and upon digging deeper, one could see that
there was something very special happening there, and it's that same working of My Power which worked in Isaac's life, that also has
to come to the fore on behalf of your destiny. It's gotta be My plan for you, none of your own! It's got to be My time for it.
I waited for Abraham and Sarah to grow in age beyond the point where it was humanly and commonly possible to have children until
she conceived Isaac. Remember, she laughed at My Words, but that laughter turned into flesh and blood! (I:559)

Jacob & Esau

Nobody knows how great an effect even the most apparently insignificant deed or sentence might have... So many things are being
caused by seemingly unimportant & insignificant causes, like Esaus birthright going to Jacob over a haphazard commitment to trade
it in for a stew...
So, be careful with your words, actions & your behavior

Dont let the Devil tell you that youre not good enough to deserve answers to your prayers! Just beat those distractions the best you
can & wring yourself through to Me in prayer & dont let go until Ive blessed you, like Jacob! And I will bless you,

When I say, "Roll ye away the stone," or I give you a burden or an idea to do something, then do what thy hand findeth to do with thy
might. Even if I'm having you wait for the fulfillment and the mate of these promises like Jacob had to wait for Rachel... what is that to
thee? Ye have need of patience! The important thing is to keep trusting in Me, no matter what, knowing that whatever happens is
good for you, and the closer you stay to Me and the more you love Me, the better it will be for you - whatever happens.

The names of all the 12 tribes & sons of Israel are written on heaven's gates, not just the name of Joseph... Even if it seems unfair,
like the crookedness of Laban, to cheat Jacob into marrying Leah first, before Rachel... if it hadn't happened, there would have only
been 2 sons of Israel, not 12.

Zooming in on carnal things, and this has been blurring your vision of the spiritual things. In your pursuit of your desire, you have
neglected your spiritual view and insight, your vision. And thus it easily happens that you see things not quite as they are, especially
if you don't look carefully enough. Finding out the truth takes time, and you have to be willing to spend time on it. You can't just give
it a quick glance & say, "Nah, that's not it," just because you don't like the looks of it.
When Esau came back hungry from the hunt, all he saw & cared about was the food that Jacob had prepared, and that's all he wanted
at that moment. He couldn't care less about his birthright at that moment & wouldn't waste a second thought on it. But I want you to
act thoughtfully.

Jacob the Deceiver may have been a deceiver, but he still inherited his father's birthright. His father, Isaac, might have preferred to
give the birthright to the one who was truly the firstborn, to Esau, but You must grant Me the right & majesty to determine which
weaknesses I consider more tolerable. And when somebody deceives in order to gain advantage to their own end, it still isn't as big a
sin in My eyes as when someone puts the affairs of this life before Me.

Esau was the (spiritual) patriarch of millions, nay billions of short-sighted people who settled for what they could see, the immediate
filling of their bellies. Jacob, though a sinner and deceiver, became the continuation of the heirloom of faith. So, continue in the
footsteps of your father Jacob, and become, like him, a prince with God and men, even if the struggle and the fight maim you.
Continue fighting the fight, the battle of your destiny & don't give up like all those other quitters & settlers-for-less, the millions, like

Jacob desired to have something that wasn't really of that much use in the practical, as far as the here & now was concerned. He was
mainly desirous of the spiritual title and heirloom of Isaac's blessing. Of course, the birthright was a big thing for people in those
days, but it wasn't something that young folks were all to concerned about, and, evidently, Esau didn't care about it all too much, to
begin with, at least not at the time he made that deal with his brother.

At first Jacob was pretty selfish, concerned primarily with the things he wanted: the birthright, then Rachel for a wife, etc., and you
know he cheated, too, in order to get the first. He was being cheated in order to get the second... He had to eat some of his own pie:
"Have a taste of what it's like to be cheated."
But after years and years of working under someone like that, you eventually begin to change and start turning from a Jacob, a
deceiver, into an Israel, a prince of God. What is that process that gets you there? It's the purging process. It's the wrestling with God
process and not letting go before the blessing, and finding out which of the two is stronger. - Finally winding up saying "Uncle" and
"You win" to God, and surrendering to Him, giving Him the respect which truly is His due.
You never hear much about those who took the easy way out, who didn't dare to take the challenge. Esau, who took the easy way out
of selling his birthright in order to fill his stomach on that one fateful occasion, didn't become the hero and patriarch of My chosen
people, but Jacob did. For him, there was no such thing as "backward" or settling for less. (III:345)

Wasnt that Esaus attitude? What good is it, if I cant have it right now? What good is the promise, if Im starving right now? Not
really trusting that I wouldnt let you starve, or even dying trusting, if thats what it took

Focus on the spiritual, rather than the physical, temporal world and all its interests, and make sure you wont make the same short-
sighted mistake of Esau! (IV:2)
(Joseph:) Hey there. I hear you're having some trouble with your brethren. I hear you're even feeling a little bit like in exile, and that
partly due to - just like in my case - some older brethren's failings. Well, you can look at it whichever way, but the fact remains that
both, your sufferings and mine, were ordained by the hand of the Lord, and in the end, it couldn't have happened any better way.
The time in Egypt resulted in making Israel a greater and richer nation, a force to be reckoned with, of truly called-out ones from the
System of their day, carrying with them valuable experiences from their servitude in Egypt. Things would have never been the same
without these experiences. And so it is with you.
If you would be taking with you many great spoils & material riches from your personal time in Egypt (which isn't quite over yet, as it
seems), you would easily see the Lord's hand in it. But look at it with the eyes of faith: You have gained spiritual riches and
nourishment from the storehouses of which you've got plenty to share with your brethren now, and many are feeding from it and are
basking in the sunshine and the warmth of the fire made from the wood you gathered, and you're helping them through this cold,
spiritual winter, and a time of famine.
So, don't be offended or surprised if they mock you or don't know what to make of you and your coat of many colors, your strange &
odd little ways... Accept the fact that they're going to have to take you for what you are, and likewise, stretch your own muscles of
tolerance when it comes to your brethren.
It's not enough to just be different. It's important to make a difference, to strive to be different in an uplifting way, a positive way that
takes the initiative to make a positive difference. I was tempted to just resign while in prison and passively sink into the abyss of self-
pity. But thankfully, the Lord quickly had me snap out of that, because He had given me a job to do.
Now, I could not see what that was, but that's faith. How could I possibly ever imagine while I was in prison that one day I'd be
Pharaoh's 2nd hand, & practically the most powerful man in the empire that ruled the World? Always keep in mind and focus the job
the Lord has for you, that's greater than anything you could imagine right now, and that He's preparing You for right now, through all
you're going through right now, to do a better job at ruling the World some day.
You will be righteous and fair rulers because you will have gone through sufferings yourselves that will have shown you the other
side, that will enable you to relate to those that might also suffer and be plagued by doubts, or hurt by others. Blessed are the
peacemakers. How do you make peace? By forgiving and taking a step towards the others, trying to understand, and trusting the
Lord for the rest, the part you can't understand. He made all of you. He must have known what He was doing, didn't He?
Haven't you learned that He does all things well? So, even in creating you and those others with all your flaws, and putting you in this
situation where you'd have to learn to get along, He must have known what He was doing, right?
And don't worry, Heaven is full of oddballs! Guys like you will really feel at Home here, because the place is just buzzin' with oddballs
& seeming nutcases like yourself, the nutcases that really made the differences in the World that brought about God's perfect plan.
The wild & wooly dreamers that saw the things no one else dared to see, that were even ridiculed by their own brethren...
If you avail yourself more of our help, you will have more faith & courage to be that bold, to tell them your fancy dreams in spite of
what they might say. Maybe I wasn't always the wisest or discrete in choosing who I was going to share my far out visions & dreams
with, I wasn't the most cautious, but the Lord used that boldness later in order to get me where He wanted me: right beside the throne
that ruled the World, and that's where you're going to wind up too, some day, along with those brothers & sisters who never would
have dreamed that you would ever make it there, along with them, just like you may be having a hard time picturing them as that
which they're supposed to be, and, by the grace of God, they're going to be.
In fact, a lot might depend on you, as to whether they're going to make it or not. In my case, the Lord used me in order to ensure My
entire family's survival. Be sure you don't miss any golden opportunities for ways in which the Lord might want to use you in order to
ensure your family's survival! Never think that because you're locked up in some dungeon or prison cell, along with criminals and the
scum of the World, that God isn't going to be able to use you there. You never know where you might end up next, if you seize the
opportunity, stay open to His limitless possibilities & just keep trusting that He knows what He's doing!
It pays to have crazy faith and to not limit the Lord in any way when it comes to His plans for you.

(Jesus:) I allow the lean years to draw people back to Me, to cause sinners to repent & make things right, as I caused the sons of
Israel to return to their brother Joseph in humility and repentance.
Remember that the greatest need & hunger is for the spiritual riches, and be wise - like Joseph - to store up spiritual wealth to share
with the world during its leanest years it will have ever seen. The greatest famine I want you to prepare for is the spiritual famine.

Remember the times of Joseph in Egypt: 7 good years, followed by 7 bad years, which, on the other hand, got him back in touch with
his family and brought the chosen people of back then there for some time, in order to make them reach their destination eventually!
So, there are divine plans in whats going on down there, even if the divine side is a little hard to see when there are hard times
involved. Although Joseph was a great example of how We can help and anoint folks to handle them.
True, there were even tougher times expecting the chosen ones and great-grandchildren of Abraham, but eventually they brought
them to the Promised Land, just as the hard times will make you rejoice in winding up at your true Home. (16:65)

Even the 7 years of famine after the 7 years of plenty with Joseph in Egypt will only turn out a tender example of whats coming. (17:5)

Ive set you apart in this place to focus on Me, get ready for your ministry by licking the devil, like I did in the wilderness. Remember?
If you dont get alone with the Lord and lick the devil first, you might as well forget it. I was in the wilderness for 40 days and nights.
Moses spent 40 years in the wilderness to prepare for his ministry of leading My children out of Egypt. He had to be so strongly
connected to Me that he wouldnt be too disappointed by what he saw among his brethren.

Youre like Moses running away from a very hectic, active, stressy and busy life in Egypt and coming to the wilderness to learn to do
nothing but tend sheep for 40 years... I had to get Egypt out of him first, see?

If Moses, a mighty prince of Egypt didnt make it without Me, be sure, your chances are less than less!
You never wanted to be a prophet? Welcome to the club! Moses, Jeremiah, and a lot of others never wanted to, either, but like this
whatever they had to say at least wasnt just their own idea.
You have to be so sure its Me youre even willing to suffer and die for it, you know? Thats the conviction of Here I stand, I can do no

The drastic thing that got Moses out of Egypt was the big mess he made of things in killing the Egyptian and having to run for his
life... What will it be with you? What will be your big mess to get you running out of Egypt?

Moses walk out into the desert on his own was the only way to get him to My holy mountain.

How can I use those in such ways who close themselves to anything supernatural as being witchcraft? What if Moses had said, No,
Lord! Dont have me do that magic trick with the staff and the snake: theyll think thats witchcraft! After all, the Egyptians were able
to do the same thing. But in the end, My serpent ate up theirs and I proved that My power was greater than theirs... So, or similar to
that it will be during the Endtime. The Devil will have a lot of power, but yours will be greater! It already is! Im just in the process of
teaching you how to use it!

All you've got is My Word, and a desire to obey Me. Now, what will you do with that challenge? What is that in thy hand?
None of My prophets was ever really enthusiastic and thrilled about giving My message to the people. Moses, Jeremiah, Jonah, they
all had to be persuaded and sometimes even tricked by Me to get them to do what I wanted. To become an undesirable, one of those
outrageous religious fanatics that spread those controversial truths, messages of doom... extremely unpopular.
But what can I say? "Hold fast that which thou hast lest any man take thy crown!"

Remember that Moses was 80 by the time he was ready for the Exodus!

I didn't choose the young, strong, noble prince of Egypt to rescue My people, but the old, lonely and strange shepherd from the
wilderness... (I:500)

Moses didn't become the patient shepherd overnight. It took him 40 years, until he was 80, to get where I wanted him. (I:524)

The breaking process: Moses had to go and become a nobody for 40 years after having been quite an important somebody. It nags
on your pride, but that's exactly what I'm after: the dismantling of your pride. I know it hurts. And your pride resists it, like a tough
beast you're trying to kill but that won't give up so easily. It resists and fights.
But only the humble can truly bring refreshment to the thirsty souls of others. Only the humble gain their trust to really be able to
reach down into their hearts and to lead them to Me, the Answer to all their pains and heartaches. "God resisteth the proud but giveth
grace to the humble." Only the humble can fully walk in God's grace, and overflow with it. Humility and grace walk hand in hand.

Look at the kind of mob Moses had to work with. Only two of them inherited the kingdom, the rest perished, and the fulfillment of the
promise was inherited by their children!
The words that I gave to Moses were never as appreciated by his own immediate generation as they were by the generations to follow
later. That's just the way it has always been with most of My saints: during their life-times, they were rejected, and only later, in most
cases, after their deaths, were they recognized as the saints and great men they were. The first Jews rejected Moses, in spite of the
great miracles I performed through him. He had his faithful few who supported him, but the majority resisted him and provoked him
to anger. But because he allowed them to provoke him, he also missed out on the blessing of entering the Promised land together
with them, so, let this be a warning to you: if you don't want to miss the blessing, don't let them provoke you!
Regardless of whether it's going to get better or worse, don't let it provoke you. Don't let anyone provoke you. If you see something
going on that you think is wrong, just carry it before Me, and see if it will provoke Me to anger, and I will deal with it accordingly. But
don't disappoint Me by taking matters into your own hands. There's a greater lesson to be learned here, from Moses' anger, than
meets the eye. He failed the test to let Me handle the situation... Having begun all this great work not by his might nor his power but
by My Spirit and miracle-working hand, was he going to complete it in the flesh now, and was that going to be the bottom line: a
man's wrath?
It's never your own personal affair, what concerns My kingdom! If My people are failing Me in some ways, even if you feel it's
manifested in the way they're treating you personally, never take it personal, never deal with it on your own terms (for that's how you
made the whole thing worse in the first place), but hand it to Me, and let Me deal with it! It's My affair. Make sure you're being a good
sample, a good representative of Me, and stand back and get out of the limelight and let Me deal with it on My terms!
It's no use, taking the rod of wrath into your own hands and to lash out words of anger, just commit it to Me!

In order to get a man out of Egypt, I've always had to stop the flow of business as usual. Moses wouldn't have left for the wilderness
if he hadn't killed the Egyptian, if everything would have continued on the way it had been...

You have to fight for your freedom meekly. The way Moses did. He knew he was in the minority, and that he could have easily been
wiped out by Pharaoh, so he had to make sure that it was indeed I fighting for him. There was no way on Earth he could have won
that battle by himself, in his own strength, power or wisdom. It had to be Me.

It took Moses 40 years in the wilderness to learn not to care about his own concerns anymore, to become indifferent toward them... to
get to the point where he couldn't care less about his own life anymore, whether he lived or died, where all his former and youthful
ambitions were forgotten, and only one thing counted: the will of his Creator. That's when he was ready to hear My voice and see My
Holy Fire and experience My presence, and to carry out his job for Me. (II:422)

Getting Egypt out of Moses was precisely what took so long: the worldly attitudes toward things, and their viewpoints...

Moses was useless to Me when he was strong and powerful and respected, but that I was able to greatly use him when he thought of
himself as nothing. (II:426)
This life wasnt meant to be altogether pleasant, as much as you seek pleasure in it. Look how and where Moses died: in the
wilderness, unable to enter the promised land, as a result of his own mistake. The valuable thing to have gained out of this both for
himself and untold generations to follow is the lesson. Its more important and valuable than the pleasure - the temporary, fleeting
pleasure he might have experienced, had I granted him to enter the promised land. The real Promised Land is not in this world. Your
real and final and ultimate satisfaction, fulfillment, peace or goal, whatever you may be trying to achieve, wont be found in this world
or life. This life will always be imperfect, because I want you to continue to seek the truly Perfect. I dont want you to be satisfied with
anything this temporal world has to offer. This world is not your home. I want you to continue seeking a better place, and ever
striving toward that one, ever following the heavenly vision I give, the fulfillment of which can simply never be found in this world. So
you shouldnt keep seeking it here, either.

There was a time for Moses to be ready for the Exodus, but there was also a time when he wasn't ready yet. There's a time of definite,
visible anointing, and there's a time of preparation, of finding out where it's not at, how not to do it, which mistakes not to make.
Moses did lead the children out of Egypt successfully, eventually. Although it did take them a lot longer to get to the Promised Land
than most of them were prepared for. Are you prepared for the long haul? (III:16)

Moses didn't consider himself much of a "professional," but a has-been, one that once had it all in this wicked and unjust world, and
lost it, and who wasn't quite sure whether to call that good or bad...
And when he was faced with the great challenge of fulfilling the purpose for which I had trained him there in the wilderness, he didn't
feel ready at all. But he did the job, because I knew better. (III:355)

It took 40 years until the Israelites were desperate enough to finally call Moses back. It got to the point where they saw him as their
only hope, and then they were finally ready for what he had to say. As long as they're still pampered and spoiled by the riches of
Egypt, they'll never listen to you! They don't even realize that they're in bondage and slaves of their own sins

If you're going to anyone in the opposite direction of the System, then you'd better know where you're guiding them, or at least that
they can fully trust the One Who is guiding you, like Moses, when they walked out into the wilderness and toward the Red Sea.
At first there was still lots of doubt, but once they had crossed the Red Sea on dry ground, they knew they had witnessed an
authority unequalled, and that this Authority was very likely to guide them safely into the Promised Land.
Let Moses be an encouragement to you, since he didn't think or feel he had very much authority when he started out. He was very
unsure of himself and felt somewhat like a failure for having lost his former position and having wound up as nothing more than a
But it had to be absolutely My authority and My Power alone on which his was based and founded. It wasn't Moses leading them, it
was Me through Moses.

There was a genuine purpose for Moses having to wait in the wilderness for 40 years before he was ready for his job for Me. There
was something to learn there in the stillness that you simply dont learn out on the busy streets of the markets and high places of
this world
Theres something you learn in the silence, in that void and lack of all the usual noise and clamor that you dont learn anywhere else,
but its the only thing ever worth learning, ever worth keeping going at. All else is like dust in the wind (IV:118)

First there was Moses personal exodus from Egypt, after killing the Egyptian, which taught him all that was necessary for the real
Exodus, which was that of My entire people, and the primary lesson and thing he had to learn was to hear My voice.
Clearly you can see that your own little exodus much more closely resembles that private one, one which includes many lessons to
be learned.
One factor that made his job easier than yours is that it was a lot more plain and easier to tell which were My people, whereas you
dont have much of a clue who or where they are, or whether there are anymore of them out there at all, except for what I tell you,
which puts all the more stress on the importance of learning to hear My voice in this day and age and learning to get My directions on
a regular basis. Even under extreme circumstances, or should I say, especially under those (2012:18)

Get and stay on the attack and defense against the enemys attacks with sinful modes and moods, like Moses had to be!
Not managing to resist those attacks of the enemy, just as in even Moses case, they can have their negative results, like him not
being able to make it with his people to the Promised Land, but having to die before they got there. If something like this happened
even to someone as great and important as Moses because of anger, you should let that be a serious warning to you!
Let Moses example of punished anger keep reminding you to stay away from it as much as you can! (2015:165)
Like Job, I can bless you twice as much in this life, if you pass this fiery trial & hang on, like he did, saying, though He slay me, yet
will I trust in Him!

Only few have the great faith ascribed to Job, those who can say, Even if it looks as if God is breaking His Word & breaking His
promise to Me, I will still trust Him!
Only few deem themselves less righteous than God & think in their hearts that they wouldnt have done it better in at least this, that
or the other aspect.

Its easy to trust when all goes well, but remember the testings of My servant Job, for these trials are all common to man. Since the
beginning & the days of old Ive had to allow your enemy to test the Fathers children, to see whether they would still trust Me even
when all goes wrong.

Only those with great faith, like Job, can continue trusting, even when it seems like all goes wrong...

I want you to realize that you can still give more. Just like Job had to realize that there was yet more to give, more to learn, more
goodness, more righteousness than what he had before I tested him.

I have been raising a new army, a new generation of fighters out of the old. The enemy has been mocking Me, and just as with My
servant Job of old, he was saying about them, "Just give them to me for a while, let me tempt them with my distractions, my lures &
the enticements of the world, and you'll see, they'll forget You, they'll all turn their backs on you! Let me twist their minds with worldly
thoughts & doubts, and see what a 'mighty army' You will have left when I'm through with them. You'll see, they won't care about
But I have had faith in you, and though many have left indeed, whose hearts weren't fully with Me, I believe in you! And I'm calling
you all back to life this day, as it were from the land of the dead: "Come away from her, My children, she has nothing to offer you!
Come on back to the land of the living!

Learn to trust, even when the person closest to you is saying the opposite. Do you think Job wasn't attached to his wife? Yet he
didn't follow her advice when she told him to curse Me & die.
Listen to your heart!

Remember Job! Okay, he did have some lessons to learn on self-righteousness, as you do, but the one responsible in the first place
for his sufferings was the Enemy.
He's the tester & tempter to see & find out who of My children & brides really mean business, & who could be easily dissuaded to
flunk out & serve him instead...

"Surely this man wasn't blessed by the Lord..." "Surely he must have done some awful wrong..." That's what Job's friends &
"comforters" thought about him, too. Stop worrying about what people will think or say about you!

Can a man be found more righteous than God? - For sure there can be found plenty who think so. Why do I take away so many
innocent & sheer "perfect" saints, you wonder? Why don't you let them live?" But who's to say or judge who has run the race &
finished their testings in this life, and who's not? Are you the judge of these matters or am I?
Some people have won their battles, stood their tests, & they only have one last test to pass, one final enemy to overcome: death, the
final foe. And often, like Job, they may find themselves wondering, "What have I done to deserve this?" Or "Why me, Lord?" Or they
wonder if this is really fair, whether this is really righteous, & people wonder, "What kind of a God lets these things happen?" And
they come to the conclusion that either there is no God, or that I must be cruel and unfair.
But that is again, as in so many things, the carnal way of looking at things. People don't see what's supposed to be the point in
getting older, either, becoming weaker with age, & they wind up in a midlife crisis, wondering what that's supposed to be all about
now. But it does make sense, if you look at it from My viewpoint. The whole lesson of life is that spirit is superior to flesh, even
though it may initially not look like it.
And another very fundamental lesson in life is for man to learn that My righteousness exceeds his own by far, even though it may
also not always look like it, and even if I attach many hard tests, which will make people question whether I really am righteous or
know what I'm doing. This is the ultimate test to find out whether they really believe that I know what I'm doing, and whether they can
say, like Job, "Though He slay me, yet will I trust in Him."
This is the faith that overcometh the world. This is the faith that overcomes even the final enemy & laughs in his faith & says, "Death,
where is your sting, grave, where is your victory? Even though He slay me, I know whom I have believed, and whosoever liveth and
believeth in Him shall never die, for he that believeth in Him, though he were dead, yet shall he live."

"What happened?" It's a question to which many people - most people - only receive an answer once they get Here. "Where did I fail?
Where did I get off the track? What did I do wrong?" Or simply "what happened?"
A life starts out quite promising, but then, somewhere along the track they lose the vision, the faith or the zest and they slide down
the hill. "What happened?"
Well, as you know from the story of Job, it's usually your Enemy who's responsible for, or involved with a lot of what happened. Like
the evil old man, Mr. Potter, in "It's A Wonderful Life," who unbeknownst to the hero of the story found his money & kept it, and thus
caused many problems & trials... that's the way the Devil works, too. He sees an opportunity to work his evil plan, to exploit others in
order to spread out his power & convert innocent villages, homes and entire countries into one big "Pottersville."

I'm in control. And there's nothing that happens to coincidence to any of My children.
At the same time, this doesn't mean that everything is always going to be perfect that I allow to happen in My children's lives, as you
well know. Then there's the Enemy, who will test you as he tested Job, to see just how far you'll walk with Me, just how far you'll still
trust Me, even when it seems like everything goes wrong.
Physical loss can lead to greater spiritual gain. Look at Job! He thought he was pretty righteous & as close to Me as you can get, and
yet he found out, through his loss in the physical that I allowed, that his relationship with Me had only been scratching the surface
beforehand, whereas now he was getting really deep with Me and got to know Me in a much more profound way than ever before.
And that's what I want with you, too. There is more, so much more I want to give you, pour into you and share with you, and if
physical loss and withdrawal is what will get you into a position of willingness and receptivity for these things, then so be it.

The Devil knew what he was talking about when he said, "Skin for skin, yea, all that a man hath will he give for his life..." (Job 2:4). How
much of all that I've given you would you now trade for a secure life? How ready are you to compromise, just for a life lived in ease &

"It is good," even if it may not seem that way to you, and then it really is only one step further to thanking & praising Him for it, for the
bad, even if you may not fully understand it's purpose.
Like Job said to his wife: "Should we receive the good from His hand, but not the bad (Job 2:10)?" He was a great man of faith. There's
still a lot for you & others of this spoiled generation to learn from the likes of Job.

People sometimes tend to see themselves as victims, wondering, "why me?" They would like Me to be easier on them, & tend to ask,
"why hast Thou made me thus?" Or at least, "why are You allowing this & that to happen to me, ... why me, when I've already
experienced so many hardships?" Parallels to the life of Job...
Share with them those Scriptures about suffering, how important & valuable your sufferings are in My sight...

Most people are oblivious to the fact that I gave it all to them in the first place, as Paul said, "what hast thou that thou didst not
receive?" (1.Cor.4:7) But they think it's their own possession somehow, and they've got a right to withhold things from Me. Don't you
know that I can take it all away from you in an instant? Like I did with Job: your health, your possessions, your cattle, your family...
even your life. It's all Mine to give and to take in the first place. So, what do you think you can withhold from Me?
I'm asking you to forsake your own inclinations, perceptions, views & feelings ... old attitudes and streaks of independence...

Those who justify themselves condemn themselves with their own mouth (Job 9:20). Those who quietly ponder their own sin and rely
on My mercy, those are they who are justified by Me.

One thing you can always be sure of: your suffering is never in vain. It always has a purpose, it's always happening for a reason, and
a good one, so bear it with dignity or at least the trust and confidence that I know what you can handle and what I'm allowing, okay?
"When He hath tried me I shall come forth as gold" (Job 23:10).

Remember that things arent always what they seem, as in the case of Job, for example: He certainly looked forsaken, and even
cursed by Me, and thats what some of the folks around him said, and even his own wife told him to just curse Me back and die, but
did he listen to them?
No, he kept trusting, even if I was going to kill him.
Do you have that much faith? (IV:227)

The suffering that was allowed to be inflicted on Job was instigated by Satan, in order to get Job to doubt My goodness and to curse
Me. And he still largely abides by the same technique, as evident from the arguments of these atheists, who could not possibly
believe in a God Who allows this kind of apparently unjust suffering.
They all represent their own failure versions of Job in a sense, and show what basically would have happened if the devil had
succeeded to convince Job through his sufferings, that I was not just and righteous and good, and persuaded him to abandon and
curse Me.
What the devil failed to manage in the life of Job, he did manage and achieve in the lives of countless modern day atheists who use
the same argumentation and base their unbelief on their own experiences and observations regarding the suffering in this world.

Dont you think the devil wants to find out just as he did with Job just how real all your display of faith and conviction really was?
And dont you think that Ive had to give him the same permission to strike as I gave him with Job, in order for all of us to find out
where youre truly at?
I guess you can see for yourself that you werent anywhere near as good in shape spiritually as you thought you were, but thats
basically what Job found out, too, and that he had to rely on My grace only that radical grace, the grace at the root of everything.

Is your faith dependent on circumstances and My benevolence and blessings toward you, or are you also going to keep believing Me
when it seems like Im not blessing you or treating you well for some reason, as happened to Job? (IV:511)

Its the enemy trying to drag you down when he hits you with reality turning into bad news around you, just like he did Job. And like
Jobs wife, hell tease you, Why dont you just curse God and die? Dont you think thats the only feasible option left for you?
And its up to you to either give in to him or kick him back. (2013:110)

If life isnt happening exactly as you would desire, remember the story and book of Job in the Old Testament, who had to go through
a number of hard, tough experiences, and at first wasnt able to take them too well, but in the end turned out victorious
It didnt work right away with Job. He had to go through some of his lessons first and then he was ready to receive the healing and
miracle. (2014:72)

What the enemy is performing in your life just as way back with Job is meant to test you whether youre still going to keep
believing in the Father and Me after suffering what has been caused by the enemy, but has also been allowed by Us
Jobs name is somewhat meant to show some folks that its true believers job to keep their faith, in spite of suffering. Its not exactly
something easy to do all the time Can you manage? Well, you can tell from Job that going through the suffering until the end
certainly has rewards to offer, as he turned out blessed more greatly than hed been before, which will happen sooner or later to
those who make it through the testings either during this life or the everlasting one following. (2014:80)

Job had to deal with rough punishment in his life, and was blessed a lot afterwards, for handling it while for many its too hard to
bear to be hit quite severely in their lives, and theyll often end up with nothing but hard times in their lives, because they dont
manage to keep upholding their faiths. (2014:105)

Sometimes you have to go through some things pretty much on your own, without other helpers from the Spirit World, like Job when
he suffered (2014:106)

Better for you to believe that its a test of faith than that Ive left you. Remember Job! He went through some tough time, but got back
in touch with Me and wound up having an even better and more blessed life than before. These tests of faith are just part of life. And
the enemy, of course, would love it if youd just lose yours easily. So, if its tough for you to keep your faith right now, remember Job,
and that youre not the only one, or the first to go through stuff like that. Its been around for a while, even if not yet so vividly in your
own, personal life! (2014:165)

There have been reasons why some of the things the enemy did against some of My flock were allowed but if you remember Job,
you might also see that they were not always just punishments for their sins but nonetheless they mostly helped to make their
characters better than before, and greater saints out of them. (2014:166)

Remember folks like Job, who had to go through a lot of bad stuff the devil put on them, but turned out into something better than
what they had previously, along with a big lesson for all of mankind
So, maybe youll have some lesson to share with others, too? Jobs may not be modern enough for many folks to be able to relate
to so, maybe yours will be easier for some? (2015:116)

Its the hard times that are supposed to make you softer. And its up to your choice, whether you allow them to do so, or make you
harder instead. It depends a lot on your receptivity as from Above whatever happens to befall you. For that, its good to remember
Job. Even though he naturally had hard times taking what was befalling him through the enemy, in the end, he made it. (17:81)

As chaotic as life may seem theres some divine wisdom still in the production. Just as one could tell that Job got wiser through
his misfeatures (17:112)

Thats what the lesson of the life of Job brings forth: The exceeding Righteousness from Above over ones own. (17:171)
David & Saul
Why was it such a great sin for Saul to spare the king (of the Amalekites) and cattle? - What were his motives? Mercy? No, vainglory.

One proud choice to disobey a seemingly minor instruction of the true prophet cost Saul his kingdom...

Parents sometimes make the mistake of giving their kids something that they like or want too quickly, but it often spoils them and the
amount of appreciation and gratitude they could have developed otherwise... You still tend to do that, even with adults. You've got
something, and you want to share it right away. But I like to wait & see whether they will really appreciate it.
Then there's the factor of rushing ahead in the flesh and not waiting for Me, which amounts to screwing up big time, as Saul did when
he didn't wait for Samuel. These are all lessons related to waiting on Me.

You can't advertise God and Mammon. You can't serve two masters.
But many people are too much in a rut to stop in order to even realize these things. They don't take the time to stop, look and listen
for Me to show them these things. They keep busy, busy, busy, pursuing the distractions. They don't really take the time to absorb
and soak in My Words, but actually - when it comes down to it and to the application of them - rather tend to ignore them in essence,
which is what Saul did, and describes the behavior and attitude of most Christians.

(Spirit helper*:) You are not alone! Its not like the Lord is sending you out against this army of Goliaths all by yourself. But you see,
thats the difference with real faith, the kind David had: He was so sure of the Lords presence and power in him, he didnt see the
way the rest of Israel were looking at Goliath, as this gigantic, superior, fierce enemy. David saw in him no match for the Lord. And
thats the kind of faith you must have, too! Believe that no matter who or what is opposing you, its no match for the Lord. No matter
what the difficulties, no matter how huge the bills, no matter how adverse the circumstances, none of it is a match or a challenge to
the Lord. No matter how bleak the night, how terrible the approaching danger or threat; nothing, nothing is too hard for the Lord, and
you have to learn to walk in the firm knowledge of that, for only with this kind of faith its possible to please the Lord!

(* Spirit helper: a departed saint or angelic being in Heaven, fighting on the Lords side and for His Cause by helping those of us fighting for His Cause on Earth)

(Jesus:) The longer you stay small, out of sight, out of range, you can be like an independent little guerrilla fighter, like David, who was
able to run around Goliath, while he could hardly move in his heavy armor.

You feel like, how is a weakling like I going to make it through those times? Well, by My miracle working power, the same way all the
other weak-in-the-flesh prophets of mine have made it through all times. Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit. Thats the
little strength that shall save you. Not your own puny strength. But if you invest what little strength you have, to connect with Me,
youre tapping into a Power Source thats unbeatable, invincible, like that song, If youve got God with you, youre unbeatable, no
matter how small you are... Its David & Goliath all over again.
So, are you willing to be My courageous little David, a shepherd boy with a sling shot, facing the greatest giant ever to come upon
this Earth? Big Brother, indeed. Well, remember those rocks in the river. You can step on them to cross the river, and you can also
hurl them at his face, like David hurled the stone at Goliath. I'm the Master Rock, & I will always supply you with more rocks & I will
put them right at your reach, wherever & whenever you need them. I'm with you always. Right here.

Young David stood up against, defied, and slew Goliath alone, while the entire rest of the army of God's people stood back in fear. Of
course, I allowed this to happen to glorify My power, and illustrate that the battle is won by My power, not by flesh.
So, if you feel alone and despised, perhaps even unimportant, or at least considered unimportant by God's physical army, cheer up,
you're not the first and not the only one, and you're in good company.
This was only the beginning of David's woes and odyssey of ups and downs, highs and lows, triumphs and persecutions... But in all
this he never failed or neglected to remember Me.

I'm having to withdraw the tender & gentle blessings, the comforts & the luxuries, and I'm having to love you with My rod and with My
harshness instead, and you will see, it will bring much better results!
You will sing like King David: "Before I was afflicted I went astray, but now have I kept Thy Word. It is good for me that I have been
afflicted that I might learn Thy statutes."
You only learn to truly keep My law of love by the afflictions I'm letting come upon you! It's sad, but it's true, that's the sinful nature of
man's heart!

King David made some pretty grave mistakes just following his gut & going after the woman he fell in love with, and yet, nonetheless,
I've used this to bring about My will and Israel's succeeding king. I still called David a man after My own heart.

When Nathan the prophet came before David, to reprove him for having stolen Bathsheba from Uriah, by seeing to it that Uriah would
get killed, there was no way for Nathan to tell beforehand whether David was going to be "in the mood" to receive any such message,
or whether he was going to receive it at all. But he obediently brought the message before him, anyway. Of course, he also wisely had
asked Me to show him how to best present it, and he did so in presenting a parable, a story that I knew was going to appeal to David,
since he had such a strong sense of righteousness & was a fighter for the underdog.
But it shows again that people often do not see the whole truth about themselves. He was barely aware of ever having done anything
wrong. He hypocritically would have refused to ever see that he was just as unjust & guilty of exploiting someone weaker as those
unjust people he had learned to hate & had vowed to protect others from. It took Nathan to open his eyes.

When Nathan came to King David and told him the story of the man who had many sheep and yet stole the one lamb from the other
fellow, the only one he had, David didn't see himself at all in that description and got all stirred up in (self-)righteous indignation, and
boy, was he shocked when Nathan said, "Thou art that man!" He held the story just like a mirror in front of his face, to show him his
own ugliness in the spirit.
As soon as someone reaches the top, they often lose that original fire, that spark, sometimes even their righteous zeal. Like king
David: as long as he was small & persecuted, he was desperately calling out for Me & dependent on Me for his very life, he was the
epitome of righteousness. But once he was king, he even abused his position to become the very persecutor of one of his most loyal
subjects, Uriah.
It is inevitable, it seems; power corrupts.

The amount of love in what you did is what counts, not the dead statistics. They're just numbers. So, don't hide behind numbers,
don't glory in them, only glory in love, and in how much you're able to truly live in and convey My Spirit each day.
That's why I got so upset with David's counting the soldiers of his army: he was trying to put his confidence in numbers, instead of
Me. Don't put your faith in numbers, but in Me!
It's like the "abundance" of riches, of money, that some people have on their bank accounts and think that that's what their life
consists of. Their life and its value basically consists of a number: the amount of money they have on their bank account.
Your true value is determined by the amount of My Spirit you allow to flush through your life. How much do you allow others to be
touched by Me through you? How much do you really give in order to be able to say you did your best, you gave your all? How much
do you have left? Are you doing and giving all you can? That's what counts to Me.

King David didn't always have the best & noblest fighters on his side, whereas some of the noblest warriors of Israel were sometimes
on the side that happened to oppose him at a time, such as Abner.
It is a great privilege to be one the "right side" and under the anointed leadership of My choicest vessels for this day & age, & some
people simply choose to stay loyal to whoever they're fighting for, simply for the sake of loyalty itself & because they haven't learned
any better; they don't know any better.
Many of those who followed Saul, even in his pursuits of David, only became loyal servants to David once Saul was dead and David's
anointing as king became "official" and plain, open in the sight of all.

Those seeming defeats make you dig down deep in the dirt, like a man digging a well, and they prime the pump that makes the
heavenly water flow; heavenly water to refresh generations to come.
King David hardly thought that the Psalms he wrote would be such a vast source of inspiration, wisdom and comfort to generations
to come... Yet they were the honey that came forth through the crushing and twisting of his life, and it has been a source of comfort
beyond all measure to innumerable souls. Was it worth it? (II:636)

Everything can change. The factors can change, the parties involved can change, the cards can change. Those who formerly were
against Me can change and work for Me instead, as it unfortunately works the other way around, as evident.
King David had to learn this during his life-time, as those who he thought to be his allies, his country, his people, turned against him
and became his enemies, so that he was forced to seek refuge with his former enemies.
Trust in Me alone, never in any earthly institution. Your friends of yesterday can become your enemies of tomorrow and vice versa.
The only thing that changes not and you can rely on is My being on your side.

It took David quite a few years of persecution, of hiding out, of enduring the ill treatment from Saul, and many valuable experiences,
before he was ready to be the leader I wanted him to be, and even then he made some mistakes that some might call fairly grave.

The true power and proof of divine authority lay not in young Davids voice, harp skills, nor any of his other skills although his
boldness to defy lions, bears and giants were certainly a manifestation of My Spirit in Him, and a result of his strong faith but it
ultimately lay in his gift of prophecy as evident in the lyrics and words of his psalms, which are still unequalled in all Jewish and
Christian literature.
In fact, they are much more valued by Christians because of their manifold messianic implications, often too obvious to deny for the
rejecting Jews
It always has to be some lonely shepherd boy out in a field with a few sheep, out in My creation, to whom I can entrust the truth of
truths of the day, certainly not to the high priests in their synagogues, temples and tabernacles.
Just like with young shepherd-king David of old, your greatness does not lie in your talents and skills, but in the magic of My
wonderworking words to you. Thats where your future lies, and the true greatness of your ministry.
David had a much greater impact on the world through the lyrics of his Psalms than he had through any other feats of his. It was the
still, small, quiet voice of the whispers of My Spirit and truth, that echoed throughout history in a more lasting, persisting and
powerful way than any of his great an mighty feats. That is the magic of the Spirit, and all the magic you need. (III:432)

There were always those who would listen to My true prophets and stayed obedient to Me, and those who weren't. There was always
a good side and a wrong side: the house of Saul and the house of David; the children of disobedience and those who stayed true to
My voice.
Everyone must make those choices.

David learned from Sauls bad example which mistakes not to make once he was going to be king. Of course, even David made
mistakes, but all in all you can say that David was a much better king than Saul, and his reign was a much better one than Sauls just
as you can say that in My view some folks are better than the churches.
The problem is that those like Saul never really see their own failures, all they see and are concerned about is their position of power
and they jealously defend them from any potential intruder or competitor
Whereas David would have rather given up his kingdom to his son Absalom than have him killed He didnt care as much about his
position as he did about his family. He had learned that power and position werent the all in all (IV:103)

Just remember David and the Israelite army shivering before Goliath, if you ever feel tempted to be discouraged by the fact that not
too many are standing by your side! Neither did they stand by David, but I with him was all the company he needed to defeat the
System bigmouth. (IV:220)

It took David a long time, and long, long, painful years, until he finally made the transition from the poor, persecuted refugee to his
rightful position as anointed king
And without his years of a humble life in persecution, his kingship never would have been the same. Even with all he had
experienced he made some dreadful mistakes after he came to power. (IV:434)

Goliath ridiculed Davids slingshot, but his ridicule didnt change anything about the fact that the very thing he ridiculed became his
demise, and thats what those big-mouthed Goliaths of this, your day and age will also have to experience. (IV:527)

Wait and see what might come up, and dont get impatient, like Saul, when he went ahead to celebrate the victory without waiting for
the prophet, and lost the kingdom as a consequence! (12:59)

One of the main biblical examples of doing things the wrong ways of impatience and the ways of the flesh, was Saul, whereas David
had learned (partly through his persecution through Saul) to put the trust and confidence in his strength in Me, and accordingly
wrote some of his songs in the Psalms about waiting on the Lord, one of the biggest lessons to learn, especially in these days
when it has become even easier for folks to lean on their own strengths instead.
So, cant do it on your own, and dont have things happening right away the way you want them? Take it as one of the principal
lessons of what youve got to learn: to wait on and trust in Me!
Remember that They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings like eagles (Is.40:31)! (17:60)
Solomon went astray because he didnt have to go through the hardships his father had to go through, which made him appreciate
the kingdom, for he didnt just receive it by birth, he couldnt take it for granted, because he had to suffer persecution even from
loved ones before he could inherit it.

The flesh profiteth nothing; it is the Spirit that quickeneth. Who will deliver me from the body of this death? He that soweth to the
flesh will reap also the corruption of the flesh. I know that in me that is in my flesh dwelleth no good thing. For what I now live in
the flesh, I live in the faith in Him Who hath loved me & given Himself for me...
All these verses - and there are lots more reveal the shadow of the flesh, the futility & the nothingness of it all, as Solomon said (
and he was one of the most blessed in the material realm of all the Fathers children ) all is vanity. And see where the blessings in
the material realm led him: to spiritual ruin. So, it is truly more blessed to live a sacrificial life of hardships & sufferings than a life of
ease & surplus. When things are rough & tough, thats when Im blessing you the most.

There is more to be understood & more to be achieved in the field of, as Solomon put it, getting understanding (Prov.3:13; 4:5,7).

(Solomon:) Yes, I sometimes got tired of womens antics, & so I just let them have their way to have my peace... I was generous, & if
it was in my power to spoil them, I would...
I had been raised in the Lords light, & though I had seen some manifestations of the darkness, I hadnt experienced it myself. So,
when I came to the point where I thought I had explored every possible angle of the light & the Lords truth & wisdom, instead of
opening my heart & eyes of faith to receive more of what the Lord had to reveal, I let the Enemy dupe me into believing that the only
further knowledge I could gain was from the dark religions my women from foreign lands brought me. They bewitched me, for I was
not on guard.

You are being quite on guard in this aspect, but in many cases youre trying to deal with spiritual problems when you think youre on
to something, before you have really pinned it down for sure, you shoot too early & thus often miss the mark, only leaving the
victim wounded & causing more lament & crying & disaster than you had before. If youre going to be a spirit hunter, youre going
to have to lay still & wait until your prey clearly exposes itself. And then, when the Lord says now! you pull the trigger.
But if you go around, immaturely shooting in every direction youre suspecting a bad spirit, youre wearing those out youre
intending to help & deliver, & theyre becoming your victims, too, instead of just the Enemys, which would have been bad enough

In order to gain greater understanding of women: talk less, listen more; move real easy, quietly, smoothly, softly & slowly. Dont
stomp through the thicket, giving yourself away as a novice hunter, or those demons are just going to play with you & tease you!
They go, over here! & you shoot... & often cause more damage than good. So, you want to acquire understanding? Heres the first
requirement: silence!
Just keeping quiet, listening, not giving any good advice for a change, much less lecturing, & youll be amazed at what youll learn.
Of course, if you cant keep quiet & listen long enough, they cant help but think youre not even interested enough in finding out
about them & trying to understand.
Just remember, in order to understand, you must listen. And dont always answer right away whatever comes to your mind. Let it sink
in. Pray about what youve just heard. Learn from it. Take the time to deal with every point & every statement. Find out what it means.
Whats the hidden language & whats the Lords insight on it? Thats the way to learn & gain greater understanding!

(Jesus:) Everything that happens, happens as an "ensample" to those who will come after you, and someday somebody is going to
profit from what you're experiencing right now! Nothing is lost, really, nothing of all I allow is ever in vain, so actually, Solomon was
wrong about that. It may be vain to collect or strive for worldly possessions and riches or knowledge, but it's not to be understood as
"So what's the use of it all, anyway?" There is a use in it all, even in the sample of where that kind of thinking led Solomon, namely to
stoop to the dark side in search for ever more knowledge, experience and wisdom, and in the end, what he believed turned out to be
true for him: it was all in vain!
The best & safest thing to do is to just stick to what I told you, that you've got to be a child if you want true wisdom & just "do it
cause Daddy said so," & trust that I have a perfect plan & purpose in everything. There's no use worrying about Me making mistakes
or, "perhaps God was wrong on that one..."
"There is a greater here than Solomon" applies to all those who embrace My simple, childlike wisdom, the wisdom of love and
obedience, which is higher than knowledge. Knowledge puffeth up but love edifieth (1Cor. 8:1). A greater one than Solomon said this,
because he (Paul) had seen that his own knowledge had all been false & had to be tossed all over, in order to be born again &
become like a child once again. "Forget what you know" was the name of the game. And especially forget about the evil lies of the

You sometimes tend to limit Me and My riches in your mind & think there isn't much left to learn, to find out, that you don't already
know. But that is a big deception indeed! You sometimes even sympathized with Solomon, and were able to relate to why he would
stoop into the dark wisdoms, when he had exhausted all the available knowledge obtainable from good books already.
It's a difficult test, because knowledge can definitely be one of the enemy's greatest temptations, and it takes a lot of self-discipline to
stay on the straight & narrow of the simplicity of My Gospel. You can see My wisdom in keeping some of the distractions from you
that Solomon finally succumbed to.
It's just a fact that My voice is much better heard and perceived in the silence than surrounded by others, especially those who still
soak up whatever pleasures and enticements the world has to offer.
The Young & the Old Prophet
I teach you to overcome your fear of man, your tendencies to deny your own convictions of what you believe is right, or things that I
have shown you to be right. Remember the old and the young prophet.! Im teaching you to stand up for the convictions for the
things Im showing you personally, for your link with Me, because, ultimately, when it comes down to it, what is the most important
thing every child of God must learn, and every generation has to learn it individually? To hear from Me, find out My personal will and
act on it, because, sooner or later, thats all you will be able to rely on.

Remember what I told you about the old and the young prophet... you cannot toss aside everything I have told you. This is the acid
test for you to show how much you really trust the link and channel youve got with Me. You will need that security very soon, the
assurance that I will not lead you astray, that indeed I talk to you, and I use you. And though you have battles and weaknesses, like
everybody else does, you can rely on this channel for safe and secure instructions, and you must follow those, according to your
own faith and amount of grace given you, and not anyone elses.

Wherein lies the old prophet test? It lies in not hearkening to the words of man, but unto My Words. Not to esteem the words of man
higher than Mine, but to always turn to Me, to ask Me to help you discern, to be your touchstone. "What is it they have said now?
Lord, is this Your saying or is this their own saying?"

The young prophet sometimes is better off not listening to the old prophet, but just to listen to Me and keep My counsel in mind and
My voice and guidance in focus.
Because if they manage to get you to fall or compromise or trip or stumble, then it won't necessarily be their responsibility, but your
own, since you could have just stuck to My instructions. All they'll do is bemoan your fate and say, "too bad they didn't make it." You
could have kept your eyes on Me. For God's sake, follow God!
You've got to see Me in it all. Otherwise you're sunk.

What could have possibly motivated the older prophet to lie to the younger prophet Was it really My Spirit and all My doing in order
to test the younger one? Or was there a bit of competition involved? Some of that religious spirit that always resents some new
upstart coming along, threatening to take away their job?
Maybe the younger prophet felt a little bit of hostility coming across from the older prophet, maybe some of the godly jealousy and
fear of losing his job, so when the older prophet told him it was alright to eat again, he wanted to make sure that he didnt hurt his
feelings even more, and that he would keep his friendship and favor, so, he wasnt going to say, Wait a minute, maybe I should
check back with the Lord on that one!
You must realize that physical encounters are always spiritual ones as well. Everybody you meet carries a spirit around with them,
one that will either lift you up or knock you down, and you have to discern which is the case with each one. Some may seem to want
to lift you up, but because they caused you to lower your guard and take your focus off of Me, it turns out to be a trap from the
enemy, which may not have been their intention, but its just a sobering lesson for you to stay tuned to Me.
You cannot let people affect you to an extent greater than My effect on you! Its a matter of putting the creation above the Creator,
which is idolatry. If you show that anyones opinion of you matters more to you than My opinion, it shows and proves that I am not
Who or what matters most to you, but that you have other gods before Me, which, as you know, I simply cannot tolerate.
Its all a test of your loyalty to Me. Will he keep his heart set on Me? Will he remain loyal in spite of the temptation?
More often than not throughout history, as you know, the sad answer to that question has been no. What Im looking for especially,
is people who will reverse that often-observed course of destiny, and who will make a yes out of that. -
A reversal of that generally observed pattern of destiny that so many have followed before but one chosen and special one chooses
to break out of that pattern to set new standards, a new standard of greater faith, greater obedience, greater loyalty and greater love
for Me than his predecessors.

Hear and listen to My voice, and make sure not to wind up like the young prophet who listened to the old prophet, which caused him
to disobey My voice! (IV:435)

This is your ministry, to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant (Jer.1:10). It didn't really sound like "yeah,
that's me" to Jeremiah, either, when I told him that I had set him over nations & kingdoms. With some of My prophets & servants,
such as King David, Joseph of old, or Daniel, this could have been more obviously true, but Jeremiah was just a humble prophet, and
so are you. You're a nobody, as far as the world is concerned, and yet, upon the likes of you hinge entire fates of nations.

Jeremiah, whose success in life wasnt anything like that of a great and famous evangelist, turned out to be My true voice, while all
the hundreds of other prophets turned out to be voices of false hope (2013:38)


When Daniel and his friends were brought to Nebuchadnezzar's court, they refused to eat the king's food. They only wanted bread
and water. Sometimes it's better to just stick to bread & water than all the stuff the System has to offer. Just because the System has
to offer it, doesn't mean that you should take it! You don't have to take every temptation the devil hands you, do you? Remember, the
fruit of the forbidden tree was knowledge. The wrong kind of knowledge. Some things you wouldn't want to know. Why get to know
evil, when there's so much good to know? There are so many things to learn about & from My Word...

Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego in Babylon refused to eat of the king's food & preferred to only eat bread & water instead,
and after a week they were looking healthier and stronger than the rest of the students. Not all that the world has got to offer is
necessarily good for you!
So, blessed and wise are they who are satisfied with the relatively little I've got to offer, compared to the abundance of the world, but
which is clean and kosher and wholesome, whereas the abundance of the world will only deceive you and make you sick. And if you
have a closer look, what I've got to offer nowadays isn't even all that little.
So the problem really isn't a lack of abundance, but rather that people usually tend to yield to the temptation & curiosity for the other
side. They think there's more to discover over there, on the other side of the fence.

My ways are above your way, and what I am doing right now you cannot see clearly yet. Just like some of the revelations I gave to
Daniel and My other prophets, which didn't make any sense to them in their own time. Their greatest "fans" and readers lived in the
distant future. In fact, the only ones who would ever understand most of what they wrote, would live in the distant future...
That's the kind of vision you need to have, and what you've got to keep in mind. What you are recording and putting down may not
necessarily be all or exclusively for your contemporaries.

(Daniel:) All the prophets have dreamed of this day in which you are living, during which you see unfolding before you the great
happenings and events that we forecast so long ago.
It is exciting for us to observe from our vantage point all that is going on, and we can also see things happening behind the curtains
and closed doors, that are hidden to you.
As much information as you have available, there is always more to find out, always more truth to add to the Big Picture, more to be
revealed, more to learn, until it is complete and finished.
Gods revelations have always been an act of His supreme grace and mercy. Sometimes you only become desperate enough to really
beg Him for those revelations, if your life and survival depend on it, as it did in my case when Nebuchadnezzar commanded all the
wise men to be killed because they couldnt tell him his forgotten, yet troubling dream.
If the situation hadnt been that desperate, its questionable whether I had ever become what I did. It was this desperation that
awakened the gift in me or at least to that extent.
Its called destiny. God triggers some events in order to call to life the hidden potential in us, and you and many others will
experience such calls likewise.
The greatest era of prophets is yet to come, of which my time was only a foreshadowing of events. The ultimate fulfillment of many of
the ancient prophecies is still to come, and it is given to your generation to witness these things.
And we, the prophets which were before you, shall be glad and honored to help you out in sharpening your skills and discerning
the signs of the times, and the Lords handwritings on the wall.
The gift of interpretation is a gift that hasnt been as appreciated as it should, because it has been mainly limited to the interpretation
of tongues, and thus restricted to usage only in situations where someone received a message in tongues they needed interpreted.
But the gift of interpretation goes further than that, even as you have recognized that the gifts of prophecy and discernment can go
further and be more elaborate than previously conceived.
You should ask the Lord for the gift of interpretation not only for messages given in tongues, but also for dreams and world events
unfolding before you, even messages in movies you watch, which can sometimes only be recognized through His anointing and
opening of your spiritual eyes.
God speaks just about all the time, and everywhere, and you need to learn to interpret His messages all around you.
Its all about deciphering Gods handwriting on the walls and screens all around you.
His world is like a multi-dimensional screen on which He constantly writes His messages, and you, His prophets just like us, during
our lifetimes must interpret them to the world and tell them what it means and decode the messages for them
As I have been with David, so am I with you. We must all continue the work of our predecessors. Thats what family is all about. The
devil and his wicked family imitate that in his abominable ways, but we must continue the work of God. What David started, you must
continue even as there is a continuation of his work just as he continued what we, the prophets before him, started long ago.
Only the Lord can reveal the true, hidden meaning of things, be they big world events, or just small, seemingly insignificant
occurrences in everyday life, such as dreams, or even films you watch, websites you read, etc.
Just as David interpreted the news he read and watched, and the movies or songs he came in touch with as signs of the times, and
passed on the deeper, hidden meaning of these things to you, so you are to continue that work and explain to your sheep and
followers whats truly going on.
Just as the Lord reveals to you what the enemy is up to when you are going through a fight, or what is going on in the spirit world or
behind the scenes, or what is wrong with the world, you must in turn help those who come to you for help and insight, those who will
listen, to make sense out of the apparent meaningless chaos unfolding in the world, and tell them that there is a plan behind it all.
Part of the devils plan is to make everything look too confusing to ever make sense, but the good news is that the Lords plan
includes the devils plan, and anything the devil can do and is allowed to do is only part of His greater and all-encompassing Plan, the
Master Plan.
The enemy still tries to get you to doubt Gods wisdom, as you still go by what you see, and you obviously cant trust what you see; it
doesnt make sense. Thats why you must allow us to teach you to walk by faith, and not by sight, not to judge by what you see, but
to have true and deeper judgment, according to the spirit.
Along with discerning the signs of the times, use the gift of interpretation, to really have the Lord literally translate to you what the
things unfolding before you mean in the language your mind can understand. Once you understand it, you can more easily explain to
others whats going on.
The Lord purposely didnt choose any super-scientific geniuses to be His tools and vessels to the world. He wants and needs people
who speak everybodys language, especially in a day and age when everybodys language is reversing and becoming more simple
and primitive.
Ask for the gift of interpretation of things and events that may puzzle you otherwise, and it will be given you.
Life is a great, exciting and adventurous, multi-dimensional puzzle, and its the challenge of a life-time to figure it out, especially
when done not only for yourself, but for the benefit of many others who will be given a clearer picture and world-view through your
The Lords disciples main job is to equip ongoing prophets and evangelists, like apprentices, for the job. Whatever work each one
creates out of the gifts and skills they will be equipped with, is up to them and the task each one of them is given by the Lord. (III:517)
Youre walking towards a pitch-black, gloomy night, so gloomy that it can be compared to the inside of the belly of the whale, like
Jonah, and only I am out here in front of you. I can see through the dark, but you cant. Youre blind without Me. So, dont be
unfaithful and neglect your time with Me. You need it, and I need you. I cant do the job without you!
When I sent Jonah to Nineveh with My Word, saying that I would destroy the city in 40 days, what was more important to Me, My
Word or the lives of the people? Well, by My actions I proved that the people were more important, even though Jonah was very
wroth with Me and upset.
Even so, I want you to learn that the most important thing is love. (I:396)

You're just going to have to change your attitude about those people out there, have less of a "Jonah" attitude towards them, and
more of a "Jesus" attitude, the attitude of a shepherd that would give his life for the sheep.

Was Jonah a false prophet, just because Nineveh wasn't destroyed after 40 days? Jonah was not a false prophet. But similar to you,
he was pretty upset with Me, because I may have made him look like one in the eyes of some... at least that's what he thought. Do you
really think any one of the citizens of Nineveh who had repented in order for Me to spare the city, for one moment thought that Jonah
was a false prophet? Well, they may have forgotten the warning after a while, which is why you won't find Nineveh on today's maps,
but Jonah was worried about his reputation for no reason.
So, are you also worried a lot about your reputation and what people may think of you if you're going to be one of those "weirdoes,"
and beggars for Christ?

It's My world, My creation, and I can do with it what I want. If I have pronounced its doom for an earlier date, similar to the way I told
Jonah to predict Nineveh's downfall for an earlier date than it actually turned out to happen, and if I choose to change My mind
because I can see new hope in the people, perhaps precisely because of those warnings I have My prophets utter, then, what is that
to thee? Why does that cause you to doubt Me? Does My mercy cause you to doubt?

Jonah would have wanted Me to kill those people, like I threatened I would, but all I wanted was threaten them. Scare them a little bit
into believing and repenting.
It's your job to get people to listen to Me! And don't just say, "Uh, but they won't listen anyway," because that's what Jonah thought,
too, and wound up with the surprise of his life!
Remember Jonah!

Like Jonah, you're finding out that I'm a lot more merciful, a lot more patient and long-suffering than you thought.
So, instead of just giving them a brief warning and sit back and watch the destruction, you're having to deal with them and their
endless amount of differences for what seems to you like an endless amount of time... Oh, yes, and you're mad at Me, sometimes, for
letting all of this drag on for so long and for putting you through all this.
But - on the other hand - aren't you glad for all it taught you already?
You only came to know Who I really am in recent years, after realizing that if I'm putting up with all their quirks, then I must be putting
up with yours, too, and that I really must have a lot more love for you guys than you were ever able to fathom. (III:298)

(Jonah:) "Salvation is of the Lord" means, only the Lord can save you! He's your only way out! There's no use looking for relief
elsewhere, hoping you'll find something better... You just have to come to grips with the fact that you wound up there, in the very
particular situation you're in, for a purpose. It's so to speak your "destiny," the particular circumstances the Lord needs you to pass
in order to learn the specific lesson He wants you to learn.
It's about having the guts to say what you believe is the truth. There was no way for me to tell the people of Nineveh diplomatically
that their city was going to be destroyed. It was the truth, and it had to be told, and you know how I wound up in the belly of the whale
because I originally refused to...
I thought I had deserved something better than that. I didn't feel like this was what I wanted. But hey, if you're in this line of work, if
you're supposedly serving the Lord, it's simply not about what you want. What counts is what He wants. That seems to be clear in
theory, but not really in the practical...
If the Lord tells you He wants you to carry this cross, you still try to find ways and excuses around it.
He says, "don't be afraid of the pain." You always try to numb the pain.
You thought the battle as over and you were already celebrating, but as far as the Lord sees it, you're by no means done yet. It's not
as if vacation time was here. Things are only starting to get rough, and you can't rest on any laurels.
The Lord has given you a message and a certain conviction of truth. But your attitude is, "Oh, but they won't listen, anyway!" That's
what I thought about the people of Nineveh, too, neither did I care for them very much, either.
You and I, we're very much alike. You care about certain things more than about people...
You hate to have to deal with them. It's tedious for you. Believe me, I can relate to it, but I can also say that it's worth it. People can
become quite grateful once you've warned them and saved them from their fate. They are grateful if you open their eyes.
You refuse to tell the truth to the lost and those to which the Lord has sent you and ordained to give the truth, but then you wonder or
wind up surprised because you're not being welcomed with open arms for preaching to those who have already got the truth. It's
never as fruitful preaching to those who already heard the truth and should know better.
See, the Lord knows in His mercy, that it would actually be better for you, less painful, to preach to those who haven't heard yet. It's
your carnal mind that tells you differently, and of course, the Enemy is always there to tempt you to disobey the Lord's better
judgment. He always knows better or tries to get you to feel like you know better than the Lord...
What finally convinced me was that there was no other way, Salvation was found no other way, happiness, bliss and fulfillment was
found no other way than the Lord's way; that's why I finally said, "Salvation is of the Lord!" In other words, only in His way is there
Salvation, is there happiness, is there a meaning, a solution to the problems. Running away from them isn't a solution. The only way
is to confront them, to face the job the Lord has given you, even if it makes you cringe and pains you just to think about it. It's like
saying, "You're right, Lord! Your way is good for me! This way here that You've ordained before me, I don't like it, but I come to see
now that it's good for me, I'll take it. It's the only way that's going to work!"
He's the only One who knows the way out of whatever mess you may have gotten yourself into. His way is the only way out, the only
Salvation. One just needs to accept it. You need to embrace the pain, that which you see ahead of you and dislike, you need to take it
as from the Lord, take it from His hand and say, "I accept."
See, it looks pretty ugly to the Lord, that spirit of disobedience, that unwillingness to go His way and do as He tells us, and
sometimes the only way He can make us see the error of our ways is to dump us in some pretty ugly situation, to open our eyes and
make us see the consequences of our choices.
You're not taking up every opportunity to preach His truth, His warning message, especially not to the people you ought to. You're
quite preoccupied with the failure of your own people, but just as with Israel, the Lord Himself will take care of that. You just worry
about your job and the "Ninevites."
The Lord knows how to deal with His own. Your job is to find and warn those who are not yet "His own," who have not yet found Him,
but who would like to become His, if they knew how.
The path you chose led you here. It was a good path to choose, but you must also walk it until the end, you can't just walk half the
way to your destination and then quit.
"Its one thing just to stick!" "Salvation is of the Lord:" it's the only way, the Lord's way, the way He put before you and then stick to
it and not quit! That's the message! "Never, never, never give up!"
We're all in the same boat! We're all in it for Him, and what we went through, we went through for your purpose, to learn from it. He
knew you'd need it to make it!

Its pretty hard, as I know Myself, during those times before the resurrection, in the belly of the whale.
Even the time that followed after Jonah was spewed out of the whale wasnt exactly easy, since he had to recover from that
experience first, and it took a while until he gained the strength necessary to go to Nineveh and do his job
A job that didnt turn out to be all that easy for him, either, since it didnt turn out to be quite as glorious as he thought, and he kept
having hard times, trials and disputes with Me
Its hard sometimes to trust that I know best, when you tend to disagree with Me so vehemently, and youd so strongly prefer that
things would have taken a different course. Its a battle of wills, one might say, and isnt that what life is pretty much all about: the
struggle between allowing My will to come to pass in your life, and executing your own? (IV:348)

You may identify with Jonah, who ran the other way when I sent him to Nineveh, but in the end he landed where I wanted him, and
theres really no escaping from My will, when it all comes down to it.
You may not be very fond of these Ninevites and, like Jonah, you might much prefer if I had sent you to preach to those of your
own kind, who speak your language, who can relate to your concept of understanding and all thats beautiful and desirable. But in the
end it may turn out to be not you asking Me, but Me asking you to have a little mercy. (2012:10)

Sometimes the future prophecies have only been things that could have happened earlier, but often didnt because people changed
upon hearing them, as happened with Old Testament prophet Jonah (2014:205)

If Jonah was swallowed by the whale when he decided not to go to Nineveh to warn its folks of the impending punishment for their
sins, he was the one being punished first which shows that My folks do get the punishment for their sins first, before the rest of the
world gets judged for theirs. (2015:169)

Some forecasts change temporarily. Not that theyll never happen, but later than forecast, as with Jonah. Sometimes things like
attitudes and actions change for the better which will postpone the predicted judgments.
Jonah never got to see the fulfillment of his predictions during his earthly life. Maybe you wont either. - But what if? Better to be
prepared. Better safe than sorry! (16:94)
John the Baptist
John the Baptist didn't say of himself that he was a prophet, but a voice of one crying in the wilderness, "Make straight paths for the
Lord", in other words, "Prepare for the Lord's coming!" Which is, in essence, what I also want all of you to do. You're My Elijahs &
voices in the wilderness, telling the people to prepare for My second coming.

With John (the Baptist)... we had been friends and relatives; we had known each other from our youth! That he would doubt Me was a
stab to My heart!
Sometimes those who should know better, because of all the wisdom and heavenly counsel that they were given, all the miracles
involved in their story, or the "cards they've been dealt," those will be judged more harshly, if they fail to make the best or full
potential out of it than those who were expected to fail because of the character traits & weaknesses they were given...
In a way, John was counterproductive to My ministry of forgiveness, when he was publicly condemning Herod for his relationship
with Herodias, which eventually cost him his head... There was a lot of pride, "professional jealousy" and self-righteousness involved
in all of this, too.
Many pompous & glorious ministers of the faith will be (and have been) shocked in heaven, when they'll see a little poor nobody
receive a much greater reward than they did, because they squandered their chance for a high reward by destroying the good they
did with that evil root of self-righteousness!

John the Baptist, who was living a rather ascetic life-style compared to Me. In fact, this was one of the reasons why John himself
doubted Me, he could not understand how we could be so different in this aspect.

What I will need in order to help Me to really take over the world, (and) what I will need for the world to be their final warning are no
compromisers, no half-hearts, no doubters of My truth, but stout believers: John-the-Baptist-like characters, perhaps more than
John-the-Beloved types, or rather: a perfect blend of the 2, but without neglecting the rougher nature of politically incorrect John the

If you feel as if youre generally deteriorating physically, then cheer up, because it means you are fulfilling John the Baptists
discovery, He must increase, but I must decrease. If your flesh is deteriorating and diminishing, then it means that My Spirit in you
can prosper and come to the fore more.

John the Baptist didnt know that he was the Elijah that was going to be sent to announce My coming. He didnt know who he was,
but I did.
Likewise, you may not know who you are in the spirit, and you may just see yourself as some insignificant voice in the wilderness,
(which may be part of My plan to keep you humble), but whos to say that thats all you are, and that Im not aware of some greater
destiny you perhaps arent aware of?
So, never underestimate your ministry or your calling. You never know who you might turn out to be!
Perhaps if John had known who he really was, he would also have known who I really was, without doubting Me and whether I was
really the One to come, but that was the additional test attached to being the greatest ever born of a woman: having had all the right
cards, the best hand possible, but without knowing it
So, you never know what you might turn out to be if you just keep trusting that I knew what I was doing in creating and ordaining you
and calling you to do the specific thing, task, or ministry you find yourself in. Maybe youre something or someone special that you
dont even know you are.

You may seem to be this insignificant nobody, a total weirdo out in the wilderness, and you may be tempted to wonder, What the hell
am I doing out here?
But remember that test I gave John the Baptist! Maybe I gave you a greater anointing and responsibility than youre aware of, and
you wouldnt want to flunk it

John the Baptist didnt know that he was the Elijah that was going to be sent to announce My coming. He didnt know who he was,
but I did.
Perhaps if John had known who he really was, he would also have known who I really was, without doubting Me and whether I was
really the One to come, but that was the additional test attached to being the greatest ever born of a woman: having had all the right
cards, the best hand possible, but without knowing it
If John had known that he was indeed the Elijah that was to come, he probably would have pulled his act together accordingly, and
would have thought twice before he sent his messengers to inquire whether I was indeed the Messiah. After all, like everyone else, he
had a different idea of what the Messiah was supposed to be like. (IV:292)

John the Baptist put it nicely by saying, He must increase, but I must decrease (John 3:30). If you let Me and the amount of My affairs,
My Presence and all that concerns Me, increase in your life, and allow your own carnal ambitions, desires and preoccupations to
decrease, it means youre building your house on a firm foundation that will outlast the temporal realm, and on sure and safe ground.
Youll have an anchor that wont be torn up so easily by the rough storms of this world, and when everything else goes to pot, youll
still be standing. (2013:69)
What do you think it means when it says ...in all things tempted like as we are...? - A-L-L.

Was I ever jealous or sensitive, you wonder? Or prone to negative thinking? Yes, I was tempted by them all, but the Father gave Me
the power to overcome them. Even so, He can and will give you the power to overcome them, it just all depends on how much you
avail yourselves of that power.

Sometimes I grew impatient with My followers or with some people. I did have to deal with anger more in My younger years.
One sin that's related to anger, - and anger can sometimes be a manifestation of it - is self-righteousness. Sometimes we see
someone behave in a certain way, and we think we have an equal right to act the same way. I was sometimes tempted with thoughts
of judgment in a premature way, before I was really "ready" to be a Judge, so to speak, which is a very common & natural thing to
happen during many people's youth. Usually, what helps one to get over this, is to experience other people's anger, to witness how
ugly it can be, and how it hurts to be at the receiving end of it. Having seen other people display their anger from a child's viewpoint
and the viewpoint of a weak human being helped Me to be more merciful, and to be more "slow to anger," so to speak, more

Pride was a sly & subtle enemy to overcome, since it was My goal and destiny to become an eternal, living symbol and sample of
humility, God's Lamb slain, in humble surrender & yielding. And although this was My nature all through My life, naturally, the enemy
tried to tempt Me with pride. But he also had to do this during My earlier years. One perfect example of this is when My parents
missed Me & I had stayed back at the temple without their permission... The age of 12 is a very dangerous time when one is very
easily prone to pride. One begins to think of himself as very smart and superior to others, even to one's parents.
Actually, it was the Holy Spirit Who had to set Me straight on that one & check My heart about this attitude. It's kind of hard to know
you are the Son of God, and not be tempted by pride.
But I was reminded of the fall of Lucifer, how it was pride that caused it, and I was reminded of the purpose for which I had come into
the world: not to lord it out over anyone in pride, but to humbly lay down My life for the sins of the world. I learned a lot about pride,
all of which helped Me to understand how much wiser it is to be humble, how much purer, how much more happy one can be if he
simply does not allow pride to take root in his heart but lets humility dwell there instead. Humility was clearly the better choice and
the better path, and I saw that very early in My life.

You know that if there's one thing I stand for, it's truth, and I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. Consequently, there have been only
very small & minor incidents during which I was tempted to tell an untruth, to slightly exaggerate something. I also learned these
lessons very early in life. Once you have battled against the father of lies & looked through him, and once you have seen poor pitiful
human souls be victims of lies, deceit & untruth, it's pretty hard to fall into that same trap yourself. But I have been tempted in this
point, too, and you may learn about these incidents in greater detail, latest when you're with Me in My Kingdom. This kind of stuff is
future educational material, and it already is, in Heaven.

Envy was a sin that was easy to fall prey to as a relatively poor young carpenter's son, when confronted with the riches of others.
Then again, it was fairly easy to overcome, remembering or being confronted with those who were yet much worse off than us: the
lame, the sick, the really poor; and if one had a grateful heart, it was easier to see one's own blessings & it became harder to be
envious of others.
Also, being the Son of God and blessed to be Heir of untold spiritual & eternal riches, it soon became evident that envy was a result
of looking at things in the flesh, through carnal eyes, & losing sight of the eternal, the unseen. Envy could be overcome by looking
through the eyes of faith, at the inheritance of the Father's Promise, - indeed, of all that the Father held and had to offer... It made all
that the world had to offer look pretty puny in comparison, which is also one reason why the Devil wasn't successful at tempting Me
with all its riches, even at one of the very weakest points in My life, when I felt completely empty and drained and virtually on the
brink of starvation...

One of the ways in which I was tempted by avarice was being tempted to withhold of My spiritual riches & all that I've had to give; not
so much because I wasn't a cheerful Giver, but more for reasons of physical exhaustion; sometimes the tendency to feel a little bit
like they didn't deserve it, and at other times mixed with the temptation to just be lazy. It's easy to be stingy with some and then again
extremely generous with others, and we have to be careful to not be partial in our sharing, not to act from a sense of personal
preference, allowing some to indulge in our love and goodness and all we have to offer, while being more stingy with others, but to
equally shower everyone with the same blessings, or at least the same opportunities to be blessed.
On the other hand, sometimes there is a justified and necessary withholding.
Avarice can be overcome by the sheer determination to give, to continue to pour out one's life without measure, without holding
back, a determination to give all.

Certainly I was tempted by fear, one of the enemy's most effective weapons & one of the greatest manifestations of his power. I was
tempted by fear before I faced My darkest hour, the night in which I was betrayed, and since I already knew before what was going to
happen, this wasn't the first time I had to face that Enemy. Being the incarnation of an all-powerful God, to experience fear was the
epitome of the opposite of everything I was in the Spirit. Fear is one of the sins that have the greatest grip on humanity, next to pride,
and since I was to free mankind from it, I've really had to conquer it. Of all My temptations, I confess that fear was one of the
strongest, although I was generally a courageous Person and One Whom others probably would have considered fearless.
But there were those moments of temptation when the Enemy just knew how to rub it in and to drive it home, that I, My flesh, My
body, was going to be in his hands for a certain time, and that there was nothing not even the Father could do about it, or could do to
help Me then... The fear of death, the fear of pain; not the fear of actually dying or what was to come afterwards, but the fear of that
hour, that cup, which, if it would have been possible, I would have preferred to have it pass from Me... But it was to be, it had to be, I
had to go through that!
I, the Epitome and Embodiment of faith, Who had walked on water, Who had raised the dead, Who had disappeared from within the
midst of My enemies, Whom angels served and to and through Whom God Almighty spoke and Moses and Elijah had appeared, I was
to be subject of fear, in order to free all of mankind, all of My brothers and sisters, from the grip of the same.
There were some who accused Me of intemperance or gluttony. They called My a wine bibber and a glutton; and it may be true that I
indulged more in the good pleasures this life had to offer than some of the holy men people had known before, like John the Baptist,
who was living a rather ascetic life-style compared to Me. In fact, this was one of the reasons why John himself doubted Me, he could
not understand how we could be so different in this aspect. Maybe you could say I was sometimes tempted to live a little bit of
heaven on earth and to have a little bit of the share of the heavenly life while I was still on earth.
I've had to watch it. I've had to keep the balance. I've had to learn to be sober & vigilant, for My adversary, the Devil was walking
about as a roaring lion, and he was out to devour Me. I didn't care about the accusations of the people, but I also knew that this life
wasn't the end, My destination. So, the pleasures of this life were not My reward yet, there was something much more to come; and
yet I knew that all things were Mine, and I wanted to give My disciples - including you - a sample of the life to be lived in fullness and
abundance, although some Christians nowadays tend to take this to the other extreme & go overboard on this & actually tend
towards downright covetousness & greed.
Lust... since I was a Man of Love, you might say that this was one of My more difficult temptations, but as the Bible says, I was
tempted in all points as you are, yet without sin. Whatever I did, even when tempted with these things, I did it without sin; I did it with
What kept Me looking forward, instead of looking at something I may have been missing out on, was the great and immense need, the
job that was there to do. There are just more important things to do, and there'll be plenty of occasion for this part of life afterwards...
You might say that in My case this temptation was related to the temptations of envy, since I knew I wasn't going to be able to live out
a carnal relationship such as marriage, but keeping the vision on My future bride & My spiritual bride made it worth it all & helped Me
overcome that temptation - although You have to realize that I'm just giving you a very brief, analytical rundown of things that were
actually intense matters of the heart, and when it says "tempted, " it really means tempted. It wasn't just a brief thought that I was
able to brush off with the wave of a hand. They were intense and very real battles, deep and emotional battles & trials, and as the
everlasting school of Life continues, you shall have opportunities to benefit from My lessons (on this topic) further on up the road...

Finally, you'd like to know in what aspect I may have been tempted with laziness. Well, there was that temptation to just not want to
go & pour out to certain people, because I was tempted to feel they weren't worth it, the type of laziness that's mingled with a little bit
of self-righteousness and a little bit of spiritual avarice or stinginess. It's the "what's the use" attitude...
I knew what was in their hearts, and I knew who was going to make it and who wasn't; so, knowing that some people were going to
squander the Father's inheritance didn't exactly motivate Me at first to pour out My life, My Words, My energy to them. But what
helped Me overcome that temptation, was a glimpse into the spirit and into the future, that there were going to be precious souls like
you, who, even though they would squander My grace, My Words, My Love, even My sacrifice and Salvation, yet they were going to
pan out in the end and contribute precious lessons learned & valuable gifts to their fellow humans though their experiences.
You never know who that person might touch, or (who they might) become, that you feel tempted to refuse to give the Words of life
to, because you feel just too lazy to confront their initial rejection or to deal with their sins, their lack of faith & lack of conviction,
their lack of courage.
Having been tempted in all points like you also helped Me to see that there wasn't anyone for whom it wasn't worth it to overcome
that temptation.
If you know that everyone with whom you share My Words will be worth it in the end, then it will help you overcome your laziness &
temptation to withhold, more easily. And if you know that I've been going through these same temptations, you can know that I have
overcome and through Me you can also overcome. You can benefit from My power, the power that I gained in part through
overcoming your very same sin. You can know that I've done it and so can you, because I've done it. You can stand on My victory! By
being a partaker of My life, My flesh, My body, My blood, you can also be a partaker of My victory - the victory over all sin - that I
gained for you and all mankind - all of those who will avail themselves of that offer, that gift. All you've got to do is make them that
offer. One overcame for all. Because I overcame, you can overcome, and because you overcome, others will yet overcome, etc.

"Learning obedience" for Me meant to learn to love even more than I had before I came to Earth; and seeing, feeling and experiencing
the whole thing the way humans do, changed pretty much everything for Me, as far as My viewpoints, ways & abilities of relating to
them were concerned. You can have all the wisdom of a God, but without love, it's still not the same. Part of the love the Father had
for the World in sending Me to Earth was manifested in His teaching Me through this experience to relate much better to you.

When it comes to this world, Ive always been strange & weird, not because I am weird, but because theyre so far away from the way
things are supposed to be. Theyre so far away from My standard of love, so deep into their darkness, the light scares them half to
I never demanded anyone's blood, but I gave Mine freely, & even told My disciples that they would have no part in Me unless they
would eat My flesh & drink My blood, which turned quite a few of them away from Me temporarily!
They did come back later when they realized what I had meant by this, when they saw, & when the Holy Spirit revealed it to them, how
the Scriptures had to be fulfilled & how I had to give My life, in order to save them, that by My blood they were going to be saved, no
other way.
Some had expected the Messiah to be a great deliverer in the flesh, who would cast off the Roman yoke from their neck. But I was
"only" a Deliverer in spirit, Who would free them from a much greater yoke, though, than the Roman yoke, namely the yoke of their
own sins. That is not something that appeals to pride, nor the flesh, nor to anyone who settles for this temporary world. This only
appeals to those who are weary of this world, who know that it has got nothing to offer them.

My name means "Savior." My cry and My call to mankind is to "Come, let Me save you!" I want to save you wholly & entire, I want to
cleanse and heal all of you, your mind, your body, your heart, your spirit... your soul.
I have come to bring change; a change of each & every life, a change of direction for each & every man and woman as well as for
mankind in general. My message was and still is: "repent!" Which means, "turn around! You're going the wrong way! You may think
you're going the right way, but I'm telling you something different! Now, who are you going to believe? Here, this is the right way to
go: follow Me, and I'll show you!"

It was relatively easy to preach "love your enemies, do good to them that hate you & pray for those that despitefully use you and
persecute you." But that night I was taken, and when I suffered on the cross, I had to prove that I really believed what I had been
preaching, and that's the showdown where it will be manifest how much of a real Christian you really are, when it comes to showing
how much you're really capable of loving your enemies.
There ARE absolutes! I know, because I'm One of them.

I wasn't as much of an "accomplisher" type as I was a Friend to people, hearing them out, visiting them, caring for them, healing
them, helping them. Being a helper is what it's all about.

When I came and died for mankind, everything changed. The New Testament was the new way. The new way is the meek way, the
humble way.
Just like many people are going to be shocked when they'll find out that I really am Who I claimed to be, there are those who are
going to be shocked to find out who My closest friends are. They were already shocked when I was on earth! My friends were not the
religious people!
My friends were ordinary, simple folks, simple enough to receive My love & what I had to give! My best friends were ordinary sinners,
not those who condemned others for their sins.
Some of them were also victims to self-righteousness every now & then, that religious zeal & desire for exclusiveness, but they
quickly learned that that was nothing at all that I would encourage: whenever one of My disciples came up with any notion of being
better than someone else, I openly rebuked them.
When they tried to keep the children away from Me, indicating that I was too busy, too important, too holy, too high & mighty to be
bothered by children, I rebuked them, because that is not what I am!
When the sons of Zebedee thought that they probably were going to have the closest place to Me in heaven, I rebuked them & taught
them that that's not where it's at. You wanna be the greatest in heaven? Be the servant of all!

The curious and superficial in My days said, "Let's go and hear the miracle preacher!" They were after some kind of kick, & they were
in it for the loaves and fishes, or some diversion and entertainment of sorts. But they were living in the lie, that's why I, the Way, the
Truth, and the Life, had nothing to offer to them. They were living in the way of death, the way of the flesh, the way of the lie, the way
that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof is destruction and death, but they were firmly convinced that their way was the
right way, the way of life, and My way was the way of death, and when I was finally crucified, it seemed to confirm to them that they
had been right. That's why they all screamed, "crucify Him!" They wanted Me to die in order to prove that My way had been wrong,
and theirs was right! And for three days and nights it seemed as though they had been right. It seemed as if the devil had won, but
when I rose, that's when the true story really began, as My power was multiplied manifold in My disciples.
Sometimes you've got to overcome death first, in order to really break through to life.
Well, that's what I did for all of you! I have overcome death for you, I plucked out its sting, so that you could all partake of My life - My
unending life, life eternal, life forevermore, life ever-increasing.

I never imitated the System's way; I came up with My very own, straight-forward and direct way.
My way was love, truth and humility. Adapt to My style instead of theirs.
It's tough to go My way, because it means being willing to take the pain, instead of dishing it out. It means to be ready to receive the
ridicule, ready to be laughed at, instead of being the one who ridicules and laughs at others. It means taking up the cross yourself,
instead of nailing others to crosses with your words.

There comes a point when youre forced to either choose with the crowd whom you want released as your savior and scream along
with them, Barrabas, Barrabas! and Crucify Him! or to walk away because you realize when it all comes down to it, youve really
got nothing in common with that crowd if they make such blatantly and grotesque choices (2011:107)

the Scribes & Pharisees

Its not from the head or knowledge that I want you to teach, but with love, determination and conviction of the heart, with power &
authority, not as the Scribes.

If I would have stopped for a minute to care about what people thought of Me, I never would have driven the money changers out of
the temple, and there are many other things I wouldn't have done. I might have been embarrassed when the harlot came to wash My
feet with her tears, but I couldn't have cared less about what the Scribes & Pharisees thought of Me, because I went by standards of
the heart & not the clichs and superficial standards of the people.

The Scribes & Pharisees constantly accused Me of having broken this & that jot & tittle of the Law, when they failed to see the overall
& most important aspect of it completely. The pricks they felt on their conscience by all the things I told them were finally too much
for them. They rejected the truth I told them about themselves, justified themselves in their own minds & thus allowed the Devil to
completely persuade them that I was indeed the culprit, not they, and that there was only one way they were going to stop the pain &
nuisance that My Words were being to their hearts, and that was to kill Me.

One of the things the Scribes & Pharisees hated Me most for and would not forgive Me for was the type of people I considered My
friends: Romans, tax collectors for the Romans, harlots, adulteresses and humble fishermen, instead of them, the "noble elite" of the
"righteous". See, the problem is often the distorted way in which some people see themselves, their false self-image.

The humble sinners are often closer to the Kingdom than the self-righteous Scribes & Pharisees, those who were ultimately
responsible for My death.
After I found out where the learned & elders were at, the Scribes & Pharisees, & those who should have known better, I went out to
seek a few unlearned men to educate them in the Father's ways from scratch.
Find those in whom there isn't that much System brainwashing you have to undo first until you can fill in anything new. Find those
who don't have an attitude of, "I'm not searching anymore; I've already got it!"

The Scribes & the Pharisees even saw the devil in Me! They accused Me of being a devil, and so the modern Scribes & Pharisees of
the churches accuse those with greater freedom than they have, of the same.

What's important, is - as I told My disciples - that your righteousness exceeds that of the Scribes & Pharisees, that your sample is a
better one than that of the phonies & hypocrites, that your faith is something more real & living than their false & dead religion!

The leaven of the Scribes and the Pharisees, who made My law of love of no effect with their traditions. The leaven of doing it the
"proper" way, the way that's accepted by the System, that won't have you stand apart as those who are despised and looked down
on. They want to be accepted and looked up to in this world. But that will have been their reward. Those who will be rewarded in
heaven will be those who will have suffered persecution for Me, who will have been despised for Me, and "hated by all nations for My
name's sake."

I was living and practicing all they had known and been studying about in theory for all those years, having come to the conclusion
that it probably couldn't be done at all, and here I came along and proved them wrong by simply doing it.

I need you to be aware of the "leaven of the Scribes and Pharisees," and of all the differences between the gospel of bondage they're
preaching, and yours, of true liberty.
My disciples didn't have a clue what I meant with "the leaven of the Scribes and Pharisees" (Mt.16). They thought I was talking about
bread. Only as time went by and history unfolded before their eyes, the Pharisees saw to it that I was crucified, and later they
witnessed the stoning of Steven, the rage of Saul, before he was converted, etc., then they got the point, and realized the difference,
between the dead and empty religion of the Pharisees, and the powerful, new way of life I had brought into the world. (III:296)

The leaven of the Scribes and Pharisees looks very yummy and inviting. So much bigger, sweeter and more tasty than what you've
got, that relatively lean and flat loaf of bread baked without any of the leaven of inflated egos and "better than thou" self-

You should first ask yourself, "Do I really want this? Do I really want any of that taste of the leaven of the Scribes and Pharisees?"
Are you going to risk having your pure, unadulterated truth infected by the leaven and virus of self-righteousness? And even if
they're going to fail to infect you, are they going to manage to make you feel bad and inferior and as if you had less than what they've

Since when are My followers, My disciples, My prophets, supposed to be concerned about their popularity? Theyre only supposed to
be concerned about doing their job for Me, of reaching the lost of the world with My message, thats all. Of course those who are not
doing that job are going to resent you, just like the Scribes and Pharisees resented Me, and you know there are lots of Pharisees

The Pharisees never would have suspected the motley fishers, tax collectors & other followers of Mine from lower strata of society
than themselves to become the ascending world religion, while theirs was about to be wiped out! It was wiped out because it was
worthy of death.

I warned My disciples to beware of the leaven of the Scribes and Pharisees - A form of godliness without the Power thereof.

The intolerance and inability of many to be able to accept and learn anything from other sources at all and to reject them as
altogether evil, makes them often become a greater evil in themselves with their self-righteousness, which was precisely My problem
with the Pharisees, and why I often sympathized more with the Romans than with them (IV:495)

Remember what I disliked and criticized most about the Pharisees? That they thought they were able to see when they were not; they
thought they knew something when really they didnt. (11:42)

The need for improvement in life, along with a fervent desire to get some of that improvement done is what marks the significant
steps toward true success in life.
The awful blindness I criticized in the Scribes and Pharisees who opposed me was their failure to see that need. (12:25)

To preach that if youre rich and healthy, youre blessed of God, but if youre poor and sick, God has turned His back on you for some
reason, when all the while it should be the responsibility of those oh so pious rich and healthy to help their not-so-blessed fellowmen
is just a pile of self-righteousness, the same kind that already sickened Me about the Scribes and Pharisees (12:48)

The Scribes and Pharisees, the officially spiritual folks in My days, basically caused My downfall. Shouldnt that be a warning of
what a danger religion can be? - Even when supposedly on the same side, officially? (17:117)
John the Beloved
The price for being a vessel of treasures is that of pain, that of being set apart, yes, even some sort of "exile" situation. Look what
John got during his exile on Patmos: The Book of Revelation! (I:553)

Did you ever notice that it only mentions John as being there at the crucifixion and John being the only disciple who didnt die a
martyrs death?

You can carry your cross by helping others to carry theirs, and in so doing, you help Me carry Mine. There are those who forget about
their own burdens and crosses for the sake of others, and in order to help them carry theirs. Thats turning the power outwards
instead of inwards, which has a secret, greater reward: the joy and happiness of truly living for others.
Thats what its all about. My way to Calvary was not for Myself, but for countless others, yes, even for the High priests and those who
hated Me the most... for You and each and every soul ever to be born into this World. Its a spiritual thing. But you can help Me carry
that cross by doing whatever you do unselfishly to help others make it in their struggle up their personal hill of Golgatha.

I've got a heart for those like John, the only one who didn't desert Me in My darkest hour, when all the others ran. Self-preservation
was their game. But not John's. His devotion was stronger.

John, as you can see from the things he wrote, was definitely one of those who learned that love is above all, and he reminded the
brethren of the importance of love and to love each other.

John understood that if I was the living Word of God made flesh, you have to consume Me to become a part of Me. He repeated it over
and over again in his Gospel.
Its one thing to say you will always believe in Me, but an entirely other whether you will go the road of one that puts Me first in their
life & is willing to forsake all to follow Me (Lk.14:33).
Like Peter who asked Me, How can you doubt my love & loyalty for You, Lord? Even if everyone else forsakes You, I never will! And
you all know what happened.

I rebuked Peter sharply, just a short while after having praised him before all... One minute he was declaring Me the Son of God, for
which I praised him & practically made him the leader of My church, and the next moment I had to rebuke the devil speaking through
him... So, watch out who you are letting use your tongue and who youre allowing to speak through you. Always be on guard, and
claim the promise I gave you, that I would constantly fill you to overflowing with My Words, My Spirit & My Love (Jn.7:38)! Remind the
devil of that when he comes around to try to use you for a channel of his message... his little sarcasms or worldly attitudes. Keep
washing your heart & mind with My Word & My positive input!

(Some people) seek not the will of the Father, just like Peter didnt when he was trying to convince Me not to go to Jerusalem to be
crucified. Imagine if I had let him! The greatest and most important mission in the entire history of man could have been foiled!

If you go in My full anointing, then youve already won! But its a little bit like Peter walking on the water: the moment you get your
eyes off Me & you start looking at yourself & you lose the anointing of My Spirit, youll sink.

"Simon, Simon, Satan hath desired to have thee, that he may sift you like wheat. But I have prayed for you, that your faith fail not, and
when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren!" And he did! He wasn't tossed about by the Devil forever. There came a time when
he was converted & he strengthened his brethren & became a leading & major supporting pillar of My church!

Often those who make their dedication to Me so very vocal turn out to be the ones to deny Me before men, like Peter in the night I
was betrayed. When he had vowed just a few hours earlier that he would follow Me even into death, he hadn't really considered that
the moment to prove it might be closer than he thought.
How ready are you to truly follow Me wherever I lead? Do you really have what it takes & are you really ready to give what I ask?

You're quick to pull out a sword, like Peter, when he cut off Malchus' ear. But I have told you to "bless them that persecute you & pray
for them which despitefully use you" I'm asking you to remember that I endured much more contradictions of sinners against Me,
so that you may learn patience, meekness & humility from Me & not come across as hostile to people. Remember that I came not into
this World to judge or condemn them, but that through Me they might be saved.

It's a little known or acknowledged fact that Simon Peter had a wife, and if he had a wife it's safe to assume that he also had children.
And yet he forsook all to follow Me. He must have had the faith that the Father was going to provide for them somehow, right? That
making the decision to follow His Son, Who had just helped them to catch the biggest load of fishes they had ever caught in their
entire lives, was not going to result in his family starving.

Doing nothing but trusting Me is a little bit too much to ask of you, is it? You see your funds shrinking to a bare minimum and you
start freaking out, & like Peter, you decide you should go back to doing what you've always been doing, back to the old way of doing
things, back to leaning on the arm of the flesh...

When Peter was offended because I recruited a tax collector as one of My disciples, he had to learn that I don't make a difference: a
sinner is a sinner, and if you believe in Me, you're already forgiven.

I could not spare Peter the shame of having denied Me thrice, because he was just thinking too highly of himself, and likewise I could
not spare you your numerous falls, which bring you back before My throne with the right and appropriate attitude and on your knees,
instead of patting yourself on the back.

I knew that Peter was going to deny Me, and yet I never stopped loving him

Peter was always quick to answer a matter from the top of his head and often stuck his foot in his mouth and made a fool of himself.
He would overestimate himself, his courage and his loyalty, and boasted, "Though all will forsake you, yet I won't." And he really
wanted to be brave... But that artificial display of boldness often isn't the Real Thing.
Peter may have been the leader, but John was a steady force that outlasted him. (III:336)

A theme for you to hold on to and remember: Die trusting! As opposed to living a life void of any sort of faith and trust in anything
Sort of like the faith Peter showed when he said, Where else shall we go?... Okay, so it seems like You were a failure after all, and
this whole thing turned out not to be what we expected But where the hell shall we go? You alone have Words that promise us
eternal life a life better than this misery, this imitation of a life
And he went down trusting, alright, after having run a few times But he went down trusting. Cant you see how honored I am by
such trust, how theres practically nothing you could ever accomplish in this life and world thats greater and more noble than that?

My speech on Unless you eat My flesh and drink My blood you have no part in Me was too much for the bulk of My followers and
blew them away. But Peter somehow knew by faith that those words, even if he couldnt possibly understand them at the time
meant eternal life for them. (2013:109)
Though your intentions might be good, you can sometimes just wind up in futile counteracting against the will and higher purpose of
God. Judas was a good example for this. Instead of letting go, letting God have His, howbeit irrational and unreasonable sounding
way, he had to try to bend things the way he thought they should go. Folks who think they know better than God can sometimes be
the very voice of the devil himself.

Judas wasn't strong enough to withstand the devil. He was full of doubts about Me, even though he saw Me perform countless
miracles, and he saw in Me what he considered weaknesses: allowing to have the precious ointment "wasted" on My feet, instead of
selling it & giving the money to the poor... this was also self-righteousness.
Thomas doubted, too. Peter allowed the Enemy to speak through him, too, and resisted Me. John and Andrew were also eaten by
pride and religious zeal at one time, and they all had their weaknesses. What made them endure to the end was My grace, and - in
some ways also the fact that they did not want to end up like Judas, the one who had been too weak to resist the enemy! That dandy
bad example certainly served a multiple purpose! They all knew they did not want to become traitors to My cause like he was; they
wanted to remain loyal... anything but share that fate!

Judas had to betray Me in order for Me to die for mankind. If it hadn't been him, it would have been somebody else.... So, even if
somebody makes the obviously wrong choice, the right attitude to have about it is not a self-righteous, judgmental one, where you
separate yourself from them totally, with an attitude of "I never would have done that," but rather one of knowing that it could happen
to anyone to fall like that, & that it's only My grace that can keep you from falling.
Thinking you're better doesn't help any. It's only a temptation that makes things worse.

I have given those dandy bad examples - like Judas - for My disciples to know that thats not the way to follow. The end of his way
made it plain that his path was the path of destruction, and thus it shall be with all those who follow Satans way and who fall prey for
his temptations for personal gain or in order to save their own lives, their own well-being. He that saveth his life, the same shall lose
it in the end, but he that loseth his life for My sake, the same shall save it.
Those that cling to and hold on to their own lives, trying so hard to preserve them in their own strength, will only find out that theyve
been losing out in the end, while those who freely give of their own substance with disregard of their own loss, they will inherit a
hundredfold what they were willing to give. (II:654)

I took on Judas as one of My twelve disciples fully aware of what he was going to do.

I died for Judas, too, meaning that I forgave him. I had to forgive him in order to be able to die for his sins In the end, hes forgiven,
like anyone else who accepts My sacrifice, even if after much wrong-doing, much blame and guilt. Of course, hes not exactly the
great hero that some make him out to be probably because there are so many folks nowadays who are just like him but he is
forgiven and his sin is gone. I took it. (III:528)

Sooner or later youre going to marvel at how everything is wonderfully connected and intertwined in My Big Picture And believe
it or not, even so it is with these Judases and the ones who need our forgiveness the most. They are an essential part of the Big
Picture, and you are connected to them within that picture. There is a relation, and their destiny and fate is dependent on your
capacity to forgive them. (III:529)

Its always the option, temptation and attempt of those who quit and betray, to save themselves and try to provide for themselves by
their own means what they think they need in order to survive. Instead of giving their lives for Me, they make it their priority to try to
save and preserve themselves somehow. They put themselves and their own life above God.
God, to them, comes second, and He simply refuses that place. When youre more important to yourself than anybody else is, it
shows that you have chosen yourself as your god, and folks like that are simply not quite reliable, and you can pretty much tell theyll
always sell you out sooner or later for some personal advantage, convenience, or their own survival. Theyre not the type who go to
the cross for others, but will nail others to it in order to save themselves, and that is precisely the type of people who lose their lives
by trying to save it.
Basically there are only two types of people in the world: the crucified and the crucifiers.
The question is, which are you?
I never urged anyone to hurry, except Judas. If youre going to do something evil, you better do it quickly, but if you do something
good, why not take your time with it and trust that I, Who have begun that good work in you, will also complete it in My perfect time?

What most people think they need: that money made of paper and coins thats pretty much the stuff most folks in the world are the
most active for
Does that seem like something I invented or inspired the invention of? Well, it wasnt as important to Me in My life as its become to
pretty much all other humans So, you might want to follow that example of Mine and simply refuse to worship money or let it be
first place in your life.
Try to stick to Me, instead of that! And remember, Judas was the one I allowed closest to Me with an obsession for that stuff, and
what it did to him (2014:157)

Sometimes life is tough and hard, and nearly everyone has to be prepared for that. As you know, some dont, and commit suicide.
But remember that the only one in the Bible you can think of who did that was Judas, and hes not exactly the kind of guy youd like
to copy, is he? (2014:166)
Remember that the follower of Mine in charge of and connected and bound to money turned out to be My traitor, and I even called
him the devil, because he obviously allowed him to grab hold of him temporarily! And thats a warning to all My servants and should
also be a sign to them not to let money become the most important thing in their lives. (2016:145)

Remember Judas, to whom cash was an ultimately more important factor than what Ive had to say and teach; and make it a
remembrance of what path and way you wouldnt want to follow in life, even if the majority of folks around you do because they dont
know any better. But since you do, you should!
So, remember Judas, and what the attraction of money can lead to! (2016:172)

Useful folks for Me will always be labeled as useless by the enemy and his forces, except the traitors like Judas, wholl find a not so
happy ending to their careers of backsliding and compromising with the enemy of mankind on their Creators side.
And you hardly ever know who the enemys going to manage to get ahold of these days to use against you, as you can tell from
historic examples - just as Ive had to deal with in Judas. (2017:184)


Do like Paul and glory in your weakness! (2.Co.12:9,10)

You never know which Saul, no matter how hard he has been kicking against the prick, might turn into a Paul, because of My
miraculous intervention in answer to prayer.

There are those out there who are desperate & starving for what youve got to give. So, why try to stuff it down the throats of those
who already know it all & are rejecting it? Its senseless! Its the same mistake Paul made in going back to Jerusalem to preach to the
Jews for the hundredth time. They had heard it many times & rejected it. They were weary of the truth. And yet, because Paul wanted
to be recognized by them and impress them, he lost his freedom & his life in the end.
Dont let those you wish to impress kill you spiritually.

So what if I use those who have been used by the devil in some way before? Wasnt Saul, who later became Paul, a persecutor of My
disciples, & thus heavily used by the enemy? And yet, because of his great sin, there was also a great repentance, and I used him
more effectively for My cause in the end than any of the other disciples... Dont be like those who try to put Me in a box or try to
dictate who Im supposed to use or not, who I am supposed to save and who not... Its just self-righteousness. Rather glorify Me for
every miracle I do in the lives of others, especially in the lives of those who went astray, to bring them back to Me & My service, often
to be used more mightily by Me than ever before!

Just because (some people) had been recruited by the Enemy's folks & used by them in certain instances, doesn't necessarily mean
that they're unconditionally doomed to hell.
Look at Paul! He persecuted My early followers & was personally responsible for the death of some of My saints. But I forgave him &
opened up his eyes. And in a way, I still do that with a lot of people, sometimes during their life-times, and sometimes when their lives
are over. Paul had been duped & been used by the Enemy and his people, too, because he hadn't been given an opportunity to see
the truth yet.
Strangely enough, people who have been formerly used by the Enemy, can sometimes accomplish more for Me than those who have
been "in My way" faithfully over many years. Some accredit Paul with being the major factor in Christianity gaining any significance
at all in history, and it's true: I've had to resort to some drastic measures & recruit him, because I saw that My own disciples were not
doing it. They weren't getting the point. They still clung to the old Jewish customs & traditions & rituals, and to the Jewish people,
even though I had shown them by My own sample that I also came to save the Greeks, the Romans, the Samaritans and all the
Only after Peter & some of the others saw Paul's success with the Gentiles, they also, reluctantly at first, started to witness & preach
to the Gentiles & not only the Jews, and that's why you're here today.

Remember what infuriated Nero in (the film) "Peter & Paul" the most? That some were saying that Paul was the most important man
in the World. Not the great ruler of the Roman Empire, but a little Jewish preacher from the edge of the World...
It's still the same: not the big rock stars or movie stars or pompous politicians are really the important people, but My little pivots, on
which the axis & the wheels of history are really turning. There were many great & pompous men in Nero's day, but who remembers
them? But the Peters & Pauls are now recognized as the real stars, & thus will it also be in the future. The Britney Spears' & Michael
Jacksons & George Bushs are going to be obscure & unheard of then, but everyone will know about My Family.

So often, folks get impatient & their urge to get something done in the flesh so they can pat themselves on their backs drives them
into a spur of feverish activity in which they sometimes get so involved that they don't even notice My voice anymore, or that the
Spirit and anointing has departed from them & descended on someone else... maybe someone they didn't really like or trust, maybe
even a former enemy, like Paul...

Paul and My other apostles were not always swimming in wealth, although there were times of bounty through the forsake-alls of new
disciples, and everyone had all they needed because of having all things common (Acts 2:44, 45). Why do you think Paul was the
lonely pioneer to go out & preach the gospel to the heathen while the rest of the church was enjoying all that fruitful fellowship in
Nobody wanted to leave all that voluntarily. It took an oddball like Paul, who often felt rejected by the rest of the church, criticized,
and had nothing to go on except Me and the fact that his ministry did bear fruit in the long run. Talk about a man with a vision: Paul
had it, and he did what he could, although at times he hardly could see any good come out of it, and he also had his time of going
back to making tents...

Paul worked for years, feeling rejected by the church in Jerusalem, and by My original disciples. But in the end, they all followed in
his footsteps & continued his work.
Sure, he felt discouraged at times, too! But he just kept doing what he had to do. "Yea, woe is unto me if I preach not the gospel!"

Paul didn't have a lot of physical sample or training to rely on. (Yet) he accomplished more for Me than the other 11 who had walked
with Me and had seen Me in the flesh! He relied on the Spirit!

Some conversions I even have to see to Myself, because none of My children would ever have the faith to approach certain people
with the Salvation message, like Paul for instance! I had to see to his conversion Myself, basically! Nobody would have given him a
chance! You've got to give more people a chance, and more than one chance, too! Don't immediately put them in your "well, I tried,
but they didn't want to" drawer to leave them there permanently...

If you seek Me in everything, if you make an effort to see Me and glorify Me in everything, then everything is sanctified! That's why
Paul was able to eat with the former pagans he had won to Me! Their customs were totally different from the religious Jewish
customs he had been brought up in. But because he had been a victim of extreme religious self-righteousness & narrow-
mindedness, he saw the liberty, the freedom, the liberation from the law that I had brought! It took Paul to drive home that point to the
church, & some still haven't got it!

Paul saw that the church was to become something bigger than just a bunch of Jews having found the Savior & received the Holy

Those who don't realize that the royal heritage I'm speaking about is a spiritual one are actually lagging far behind those pioneers like
Paul, who did what My church was supposed to be doing, way before the rest of them got the point. What determines how much of an
old bottle you are is how much you cling to the flesh. How much do you allow any sort of physical advantage to minister to your
pride? The more you realize that the flesh profiteth nothing (Jn.6:63) and that the Spirit is all that matters, the more of a new bottle
you can become. But first you've got to allow Me to shatter your old bottle attitudes, mindsets & carnal dogmas you cling to, that
which you "know" & think you're so sure of.

If you feel like you're not "officially sanctioned," don't worry about it. Remember folks like Paul, who weren't either, for the longest
time... He should be a source of hope, courage and inspiration to you.

Rejoice and glory in your afflictions, trials and adversities, as Paul and Peter taught. They had gotten the clue. They saw - over years
and decades of experience - how My machinery works, and how evil is always merely used in the life of My saints to turn into
something good.

Paul became such an outstanding fighter for Me (because) he had been fighting on the other side before, and knew the Devil's tactics
inside out. He knew what the pitfalls were he had to look out for, and there was no more compromise for him.

Paul saw the greater Law beyond, which the short-sighted, who only look into the temporal realm can't see: My greater law of grace.

Paul openly rebuked Peter for his hypocrisy when he first played along and ate with the converted gentiles and then refrained and
distanced himself again when the other brethren from Jerusalem arrived.
But Paul didnt hold that against him forever, nor stayed bitter about the older brethrens attitude, but he adhered to My principle of
forgiveness and lived a sample of it in cooperating with the brethren to his best abilities. Its certainly not so that he established his
own cult, but an essential part of My church, and a flock that he did not intend to keep for himself.
Even though there may have been substantial differences between his views and the Jerusalem churchs, (along with the initial
understandable reservations they held against him for having been their persecutor, formerly), he never allowed those to interfere
with his vision to establish My church, and not some group of his own. He was loyal nevertheless. He was a man of unity.
His modus operandi may have been a different one, and in some ways may have looked independent, but by the end result you can
tell that it wasnt an effort of his own to rake in honor and glory for himself, but he really, sincerely just wanted to do My work
according to the best of his abilities; he just did what he knew he had to do, not for himself, but for My sake, and when he was gone,
the brethren kept building on the foundation he had left them.
Just as back in Pauls day, there are those who want to preserve the status quo, thinking that all things will continue as they were.
Only those who are really in tune with Me know that thats not the way its going to be in the long run, and they must help prepare
others and help them to adapt to the winds of change.
The conservative forces resist those voices of change just as much as they would resist the winds of change, except that theyre
powerless against the winds. They think if they can silence the heralds of change, they might keep the change from happening, but
thats not how it works, because the more they try to silence My voices, the harder I will have the winds blow to prove them right.
Knowing how people in leadership positions can be, you can figure that some of the old, established leaders, were also becoming a
little jealous of Paul, and rather than giving his new ways leeway and the official okay, initially they clung to their old ways, until I took
those conservative forces out of the way.
It wasnt always easy for Paul to deal with that, but his loyalty was very much comparable to that of David in respect to Saul, and just
like Pauls sample is a comfort to you, so was Davids example to him. Pauls loyalty to the Early Church resembled Davids loyalty to
Saul, and it became clear that Paul wasnt seeking his own glory or his own good in what he was doing, but that he was seeking the
greater good of the Kingdom, just as David, centuries earlier, would have given his own life for Saul and the good of the kingdom,
rather than seeking his own advantage.
Paul didnt want to be like Saul anymore, and so he focused on David instead, and was going to learn from the righteous, becoming
the persecuted, instead of the persecutor. (III:520)

Paul wrapped it up pretty well in some of the things he said about rejoicing in his infirmities, in persecutions, poverty, etc.
He knew and had learned how to deal with circumstances the right way, because his whole world had already been turned totally
right side up to the point where he knew that everything he had ever known in the flesh before was wrong, and he had to start all over
again completely from scratch, with new rules, made by Me where anything was possible, and nothing the way it had seemed before.

You wont read much in Pauls epistles about the corruptions of the Roman empire, even though he could have written a lot, but that
would have only endangered his relative freedom of speech and ability to say to his people what was really essential for them. (IV:91)

Paul recognized from the beginning: Necessity is laid unto me to preach the Gospel. There was no other job for him. That was his,
and he figured, woe was him if he didnt do it.
He had a lot to make up for. He knew he was responsible for the death of some of his brethren, and that he had better make up for it.
He that hath been forgiven much, the same loveth much.
How much have you been forgiven? How much do you love? Sometimes, when there is less to forgive, there is also less passion,
less gratitude. Paul was extremely grateful for the pardon he had found in Me, and My readiness to pardon; the liberation from the
whole guilt-religion and scheme that he had been subject to all his life, and thats why he recognized like no other what exactly the
big difference was that I had brought onto the whole picture of humanity, or rather, the big picture of the relationship between God
and humanity.
He realized the big change and shift from works over to grace. (IV:254)

Paul said, Woe is unto me if I preach not the Gospel. He knew hed be guilty of basically the same sin as those who are rich in this
world without using their riches to make a difference for the better and help those in need. (12:107)

The Devil
As soon as the devil opens his mouth, a lie comes out. He may cunningly mix it with a bit of truth, so that you might believe him, and
he comes across as the defender of the mistreated, the champion of the underdog, trying to get you to show weakness when you
should not, and again, trying to get you to harden yourself when you should not. One thing you need to know about the nature of the
enemy is that he never plays fair. Hes the first to scream, Thats not fair!, and will be the first to break the rules.

Those who cling to the old ways of the flesh are going to reap the destruction of the flesh. He that liveth by the sword shall also die
by the sword. Theyll find out that they have been puppets in the hand of the god of this World, the god of war, of hate, of pride, and
of all that is an abomination to Me.
I want you to see right through him! He will have no power over those who will see right through him. Time will expose him for what
he really is, and when he is gone, time shall be no more.

The devil is the epitome of a politician. And the way he campaigns to gain voters & supporters for his cause is by an ugly smear
campaign against his Opponent: Me. So, he spreads all those lies about Me, about how unjust I am, how unloving, how unmerciful I
am, and oh whats one of his favorite words?- Unfair! And subtle & sly as he is, he manages to convince quite a few with his
propaganda. But dont listen to, much less believe his rap about Me not loving you! You mean everything to Me! Dont let the old
punk tell you anything else! I love you more than youre able to fathom.

The enemy is the author of confusion, of self-righteousness, of contradictions, saying things but never really meaning them, much
less keeping his word.
The devil is an artist of his own kind, and his art is to perfect selfishness & disguise it in a cloak & veneer of self-righteously being
convinced of the saintlihood & faultlessness of the selfish person, only able to see the faults in others. Thats the perfection of the art
of Lucifer, thats his masterpiece: Pride!
He easily finds entrance into the hearts of those who dont constantly remind themselves of how frail their foundation is when they
base their lives on their own goodness.

The devil has become a master at subtly spreading his message, camouflaging it in cloaks of independence & individuality.
In this day and age, the devil has greater power to exert over the masses the pressure to conform. His subtle message is: Dont dare
to be different, or youre going to be ridiculed, youre going to be cast out, youll be one of the losers!
The devil has to offer some kind of superficial option to appear different, to create the illusion of freedom. But once you get a closer
look you find out that difference is only skin deep.

When I return, it will be like somebody snipped their finger & the spell of the hypnotist is broken. His illusion is not reality. Even
though there are a lot of hypnotized people out there who are convinced that what they are seeing right now is real, your magic is
much stronger than the evil magicians, and you can free people from Satans spell and wake them up out of their trance! Refuse to
let fear his greatest trick have any grip or power over you whatsoever!

The enemy likes to operate incognito. If you would always recognize his voice as being his, you wouldnt fall for it nearly as often...
But often his sneers come camouflaged as the voice of reason or as your own thoughts. He persuades you very subtly to adopt his
opinion & view of things, like a very smooth and diplomatic talker, who manages to talk people into his own view by making them
think that his opinion is their own.

Satans art and witchcraft consists in making mountains out of molehills, big monsters out of tiny little bagatelles. Small, tiny seeds
of dissention which grow into ugly big giants & demons of discord, hatred, disunity and jealousy, and what have you... whatever
divides, whatever drives a wedge between My people, My chosen ones, he knows that that's all he needs in order to render a
potentially powerful threat to his kingdom useless, or so weakened by comparison, that he won't have to worry much anymore.

The devil would like to sneak in and grab the glory for virtually everything thats pleasant under the sun.
What matters is that you give Me the glory! Refuse to give it to him!

The devil is always telling mankind that Im cheating you, just because I dont tell you everything there is to know all at once, when
hes the biggest cheat and liar of all times in fact, the father of lies.
Hes going to appear as the great savior from all My supposed injustices; I am the culprit in his version of the story, and you are all
My victims... poor abused guinea pigs, who are never being told the whole truth by Me.
Im not telling you lies, he is. And in order to distract from the fact that hes such a blatant liar, as usual, he points his crooked finger
at Me, accusing Me of not telling you the whole truth.

No matter how good you are, you could never be perfect enough for him to stop accusing you in the ears and minds of others. Look
at Me: I was the most perfect sample there ever was, and yet he was able to turn the mob against Me.

To look for details that arent so in My Word is one of the devils oldest tricks. Hath God said so? Ye shall not surely die! And they
didnt. Not right away.
So, the devil will always find something I said he can point his finger at & gleefully say, See? Not true! to get you to discard the
whole message, so you wont believe & receive it, but rather believe his version. But youll be the one suffering the consequences.
Whether youll die right away or later: you will know one day that your death your spiritual death and decline occurred the
moment you chose to doubt My Word & disobey... you were just buried later.

Ever since the Garden of Eden the devil has managed to persuade people to rather believe in his voice than Mine, because his option
is usually the one which sounds more attractive! There is apparently more in it for you, if you choose the devils option of
disobedience. But is it really so?

You don't have to take every temptation the devil hands you.

The devil is trying to come up with more and more perfect counterfeits and substitutes and distractions all the time: more and more
perfect entertainment, shows, computer games, movies, System music and sounds, all available by remote control, so you don't even
have to move or do anything to get instant satisfaction; more and more perfect tasting food with artificial flavors, made to even "top"
My natural flavors I have put in foods naturally, more & more perfect drugs and narcotics... He's trying to literally spoil people stupid
so they won't ever want to get off of their fannies to do anything else but indulge in his "perfections". After all, who needs anything
else, if you can have all these "perfect" pleasures & entertainments? Who wants to deal with real people, when the faces & bodies on
TV are so much more "perfect"? Who wants to deal with real life when the thrills & kicks he can give you are so much nicer, easier,
better? Well, there's only one thing about it all & that's that it isn't real. It's all fake and phony, and you're enjoying it all on borrowed
time and money, while in reality he's cheating you out of your lives, your time, your energy and your touch with reality.
He's even come up with his very own counterfeit love. But in the end, none of that will ever truly satisfy, and when all this artificial
"perfection" will have left the World high & dry, he will come up with his ultimate counterfeit: his plastic one-World religion, the
"perfect" System, without any more evil, without any more money, without anymore crime... "Welcome to Utopia!"

The enemy hates My predictions & visions of the future & tries to ensure that the opposite is going to happen.
His attitude is, "Oh, yeah, did God say so? Well we're going to see about that!" And he tries all he can to foil My plans. The enemy
never foresees the benefits of the backsliding he causes. He's only concerned with the temporary defeat & delay he causes. After all,
he knows he can't stop Me; all he can do is try to delay Me & My plans by throwing a few monkey wrenches into My machinery,
frantically trying to delay & postpone My future, because he knows the future will bring his doom. He knows the Endtime events will
trigger a chain reaction that is going to wake up & bring back to life many of those he has successfully lulled to sleep.

There seemed to be more in it for Adam and Eve to choose to eat of the forbidden tree: more knowledge, a new taste, and the serpent
even said, "Ye shall be as gods! Now, that sounded interesting! But what was the reality? Curses, pain, thorns & agony ever since,
in trade for paradise.

That's the difference between the enemy and Me: while I gave My blood to be shed for the World, he only takes. I am the Giver, he's
the taker. He thinks the World is His for the taking, but the truth is that everything of value has its price, and I have paid the true price.
Yes, he will also leave his place in heaven, not voluntarily, like Me, but because he will be cast out. But instead of laying down his life,
he will be the greatest taker of lives there will ever have been, like I said, a murderer from the beginning (Jn.8:44).
So, you do have a dangerous enemy, which is why life isn't something to be taken lightly. It's dangerous to underestimate your
enemy or pretend he's not really there, to just avoid thinking about him or the threat he poses, or to wishfully think that he probably
won't care too much about you, and if you leave him in peace, he'll leave you in peace, too.
He hates you too much to leave you in peace, and he will either try to lull you to sleep with all his lures, hypnotism and temptations,
and cause you to let your guard down, or he will ferociously attack you with all he's got. His goal is the same in either tactic: your
destruction. It's up to you which way you will allow him to combat you. The slow & subtle poisoning by posing as your "friend",
bringing into your life all the tempting things that will cause you to lower your guard & defense against him, or the open
There is no peace with the Devil. If there's one enemy it pays to rather fight openly and not seek a moment of truce with, it's Satan.
Otherwise you'll regret it. Any moment of compromise, any moment you don't openly declare war on him and fight to the finish, will
be a moment that will weaken you! You've got to be constantly on guard against him, beware of his presence as the enemy of your
soul constantly, and never let down your guard, never think, "oh, well, he's not really that bad... if I just close my eyes, he'll go away &
perhaps he'll ignore me if I ignore him!"
You can ignore him safely by focusing on Me for your protection, that's alright. But never think that he's not there or that he's not out
to destroy you. That's the mistake that some have made. They underestimated him. They figured, "oh, well, he's not really as evil or
nearly as dangerous as he's always hyped up to be..."
Or they figure that maybe the others were too weak, but they're strong enough to withstand his temptations. They won't give in to
him. They're different... But little by little, one compromise will follow another, and he'll find your weak spot, and you can always
count on him to be a real Judas & traitor & to stab you in the back when you least expect it, when you're weakest and let down your
I in you am so much greater than he is... he's like a tiny little dwarf in comparison. You shall see it one day, and all the world will
wonder, "What? This little nincompoop has terrorized this world for so long? That ugly little dwarf? That's the one we worshiped and
by whom we were awed, thinking he was so great?" It will fall like scales from their eyes, and some will laugh at this atrocity, others
will cry.

Satan has been given certain power to change things in order to influence your perception of things. You see the truth in a certain
way, and he says, "Oh, yeah, really? Let's see if those things be so!" And he makes certain changes in order to shake your
foundation, that what you perceive as the basis of your concept of everything.
Hasn't this been his concept from the beginning? "Hath not God said?..." And he is very persuasive & powerful in deceiving you &
trying to get you to doubt & "forget what you know" in his own way. It is good, because like this, anything you built your faith on that
was not the true foundation will be eroded, and all that's left is the solid rock truth of My Word.

If I had to go out into the wilderness, in order to resist the temptations of the enemy and overcome him, how much more so will you
have to do it.
Fighting and resisting the devil instead of giving in to his temptations and nudges is what it's all about; not missing the mark (the
essence of "sin") because you've allowed the enemy to distract you.
You've got to deal with the devil and make it clear between him and you on whose side you stand, and that he won't have a chance
anymore trying to get you over to his side. Otherwise he'll keep trying and trying.
He tempted Me, "You don't have to go through all this suffering! You can stop it all right now! Make an end of all this nonsense! Life is
to be enjoyed..." Life was meant to be enjoyed, but never on his terms!

The devil's first appearance in the Garden of Eden was with the intention to get Eve to doubt My Word. "Hath God said...? Surely not!
Surely it is not so!" And he has been following that same scheme ever since, and your test in this is to either stay faithful to My voice,
or believe "intuitions," which are often tainted by popular opinions, which often come straight from the devil.
The enemy of your soul is very sly and knows how to make his lies extremely attractive. People tend to think that they would never
be as dumb as Adam and Eve to allow themselves to fall for the devil's lies, but that's already the first lie they swallowed right there:
"Oh, I'm never gonna be that dumb!" Well, you might have another surprise coming on that one, when you'll find out one day how
often and how easily you fell for the devil's fairy-tales!

As you can tell from the history of the beginning, a lot hinges on loyalty issues. After all, all the evils in this world can be ascribed to
lack of loyalty on the part of one of Gods top officers, and those who then followed his example and shifted their loyalty from Our
side to his. (IV:457)

Just as Satan told Eve that there were wrong reasons to obey and not to eat the forbidden fruit, he keeps coming up with his lies and
false accusations in the attempt to win his victims over to his side, as long as he can lure them away from Ours.
So, stay aware of his deceit and deceptions and of the fact that the one thing hes best at is telling lies! Whereas the Way of Truth is
My Way.
And wiping that off the table of options is one of his major attempts and plans for the time being, along with the times to come when
hell persecute all followers of Mine through his ultimate and carnal reign on Earth the darkest stretch of history to come. (17:193)

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