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8/12/2017 Accessing Database Using Java and MySQL: Part 5

Accessing Database Using

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Question and MySQL: Part 5

Gopi Chand Jun 04 2015 Article

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Before reading further, read the previous parts of this articles.

Accessing Database Using Java and MySQL: Part 1

Accessing Database Using Java and MySQL: Part 2
Accessing Database Using Java and MySQL: Part 3
Accessing Database using Java and MySQL: Part 4

In previous parts, we discussed the three modules separately in which only one person can access the
database among admin, employee and customer.

Now here, all the three modules will work together as one module that provides the facility to choose your
status and then proceed further. Unlike modules discussed separately, here only one Java le, Conn.java, will
work for the entire module.

The database schema table for admin, employee and customer are as in the following:

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Table contentd of admin:

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Table contents of employee:

Table contents of customer:

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Now let's see the code example that includes conn.java and NewMain.java.


01. package mybankdb;

03. import java.sql.*;
05. public class conn {
06. public Connection c() throws Exception {
07. Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver");
08. Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/bankdb", "root",
09. return con;
10. }
11. }


01. import java.sql.*;

02. import java.io.*;
03. import mybankdb.conn;
05. class Customer{
06. boolean Login(String acc, String pass){
07. try{
08. conn ob = new conn();
09. Connection con = ob.c();
10. Statement stm = con.createStatement();
11. ResultSet rst = stm.executeQuery("select * from customer where accno ='"+acc+"' and password = '"
12. if(rst.next())
13. {
14. return true;
15. }
16. else
17. {
18. return false;
19. }
20. }
21. catch(Exception e){
22. System.out.println("Customer class login method"+e);
23. return false;
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24. }
25. }
27. void display_Customer(String acc){
28. try{ Ask a Question
29. conn ob = new conn();
30. Connection con = ob.c();
31. Statement stm = con.createStatement();
32. ResultSet rst = stm.executeQuery("select * from customer where accno ='"+acc+"'");
33. if(rst.next())
34. {
35. System.out.println("Account no # :"+acc);
36. System.out.println("Password :"+rst.getString("password"));
37. System.out.println("Name :"+rst.getString("name"));
38. System.out.println("Contact :"+rst.getString("contact"));
39. System.out.println("Current Balance :"+rst.getDouble("balance"));
40. System.out.println("Address :"+rst.getString("address"));
41. }
42. }
43. catch(Exception e){
44. System.out.println("Customer class display method"+e);
45. }
46. }
48. void change_pass_cust(String acc, String pass){
49. try{
50. BufferedReader in=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
51. conn ob = new conn();
52. Connection con = ob.c();
53. Statement stm = con.createStatement();
54. System.out.println("Enter new password :");
55. String p1=in.readLine();
56. System.out.println("Confirm password :");
57. String p2=in.readLine();
59. if(p1.equals(p2))
60. {
61. stm.executeUpdate("update customer set password='"+p1+"' where accno='"+acc+"' and password='"
62. System.out.println("password updated successfully...");
63. }
64. else
65. {
66. System.out.println("password does not match");
67. }
68. }
69. catch(Exception e){
70. System.out.println("Customer class change pass method"+e);
71. }
72. }
74. void withdraw(String acc,String pass){
75. BufferedReader in=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
76. try{
77. conn ob = new conn();
78. Connection con = ob.c();
79. Statement stm = con.createStatement();
80. ResultSet rst=stm.executeQuery("select * from customer where accno ='"+acc+"' and password ='"
81. double amt1=0,amt2=0;
82. System.out.print("Enter the amount :");
83. amt2=Double.parseDouble(in.readLine());
84. if(rst.next())
85. {
86. amt1=rst.getDouble("Balance");
87. }
88. if(amt1-amt2<1000)
89. {
90. System.out.println("You cannot withdraw ");
91. }
92. else
93. {
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94. stm.executeUpdate("update customer set balance='"+(amt1-
amt2)+"' where accno ='"+acc+"' and password ='"+pass+"'");
95. System.out.println("money withdrawn");
96. System.out.println("Current balance:"+(amt1-amt2));
97. } Ask a Question
98. }
99. catch(Exception e){
100. System.out.println("customer class withdraw method "+e);
101. }
102. }
103. }
105. class Employee {
106. void Employee_dtl(String id){
107. try{
108. conn ob = new conn();
109. Connection con = ob.c();
110. Statement stm = con.createStatement();
111. ResultSet rst = stm.executeQuery("select * from employee where EmpID ='"+id+"'");
112. if(rst.next())
113. {
114. System.out.println("EmpID :"+id);
115. System.out.println("Password :"+rst.getString("password"));
116. System.out.println("Name :"+rst.getString("name"));
117. System.out.println("Contact :"+rst.getString("contact"));
118. System.out.println("Current Balance :"+rst.getDouble("balance"));
119. System.out.println("Address :"+rst.getString("address"));
120. }
121. }
122. catch(Exception e){
123. System.out.println("Employee class display method"+e);
124. }
125. }
127. void change_pass_emp(String id, String pass){
128. try{
129. BufferedReader in=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
130. conn ob = new conn();
131. Connection con = ob.c();
132. Statement stm = con.createStatement();
133. System.out.println("Enter new password :");
134. String p1=in.readLine();
135. System.out.println("Confirm password :");
136. String p2=in.readLine();
137. if(p1.equals(p2))
138. {
139. stm.executeUpdate("update employee set password='"+p1+"' where EmpID='"+id+"' and password='"
140. System.out.println("password updated successfully...");
141. }
142. else
143. {
144. System.out.println("password does not match");
145. }
146. }
147. catch(Exception e){
148. System.out.println("Employee class change pass method"+e);
149. }
150. }
152. void Cust_Details(String acc){
153. try
154. {
155. conn ob = new conn();
156. Connection con = ob.c();
157. Statement stm = con.createStatement();
158. ResultSet rst = stm.executeQuery("select * from customer where accno='"+acc+"'");
159. Customer obj1=new Customer();
160. obj1.display_Customer(acc);
161. }
162. catch(Exception e)
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8/12/2017 Accessing Database Using Java and MySQL: Part 5
163. {
164. System.out.println("Employee see customer details method"+e);
165. }
166. }}
167. Ask a Question
168. class Admin{
169. BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader (System.in));
170. void Dtl_of_Customer(String accnt)
171. {
172. try{
173. conn ob = new conn();
174. Connection con = ob.c();
175. Statement stm = con.createStatement();
176. ResultSet rst = stm.executeQuery("select * from customer where accno='"+accnt+"'");
177. Customer obj1=new Customer();
178. obj1.display_Customer(accnt);
179. }
180. catch(Exception e)
181. {
182. System.out.println("Admin see customer details method"+e);
183. }
184. }
186. void Dtl_of_emp(String id)
187. {
188. try
189. {
190. conn ob = new conn();
191. Connection con = ob.c();
192. Statement stm = con.createStatement();
193. ResultSet rst = stm.executeQuery("select * from employee where EmpID='"+id+"'");
194. Employee obj2=new Employee();
195. obj2.Employee_dtl(id);
196. }
197. catch(Exception e)
198. {
199. System.out.println("Admin see employee detail method"+e);
200. }
201. }
202. void Password_change_cust(String acc)
203. {
204. try
205. {
206. conn ob = new conn();
207. Connection con = ob.c();
208. Statement stm = con.createStatement();
209. System.out.println("Enter customer's new password :");
210. String p1=in.readLine();
211. System.out.println("Confirm password :");
212. String p2=in.readLine();
213. if(p1.equals(p2))
214. {
215. stm.executeUpdate("update customer set password='"+p1+"' where accno='"+acc+"'");
216. System.out.println("password updated successfully...");
217. }
218. else
219. {
220. System.out.println("password does not match");
221. }
222. }
223. catch(Exception e)
224. {
225. System.out.println("Change cust pass method"+e);
226. }
227. }
229. void Password_change_emp(String id)
230. {
231. try
232. {
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233. conn ob = new conn();
234. Connection con = ob.c();
235. Statement stm = con.createStatement();
236. System.out.println("Enter employee's new password :");
237. String p1=in.readLine(); Ask a Question
238. System.out.println("Confirm password :");
239. String p2=in.readLine();
240. if(p1.equals(p2))
241. {
242. stm.executeUpdate("update employee set password='"+p1+"' where EmpID='"+id+"'");
243. System.out.println("password updated successfully...");
244. }
245. else
246. {
247. System.out.println("password does not match");
248. }
249. }
250. catch(Exception e)
251. {
252. System.out.println("Change cust emp method"+e);
253. }
254. }
255. void Change_my_pass(String y,String p)
256. {
257. try
258. {
259. conn ob = new conn();
260. Connection con = ob.c();
261. Statement stm = con.createStatement();
262. System.out.println("Enter new password :");
263. String p1=in.readLine();
264. System.out.println("Confirm password :");
265. String p2=in.readLine();
266. if(p1.equals(p2))
267. {
268. stm.executeUpdate("update employee set password='"+p1+"' where EmpID='"+y+"' and password='"
269. System.out.println("password updated successfully...");
270. }
271. else
272. {
273. System.out.println("password does not match");
274. }
275. }
276. catch(Exception e){
277. System.out.println("Change my pass method"+e);
278. }
279. }
280. }
281. public class NewMain {
283. public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{
284. try
285. {
286. BufferedReader in=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
287. System.out.println("1-Administrator");
288. System.out.println("2-Employee");
289. System.out.println("3-Customer");
290. System.out.println("Enter your status");
291. int choice0=Integer.parseInt(in.readLine());
292. String acc;
293. switch(choice0)
294. {
295. case 1:
296. System.out.println("Enter the Username of Admin");
297. String y = in.readLine();
298. System.out.println("Enter the password");
299. String p = in.readLine();
300. conn obm = new conn();
301. Connection con = obm.c();
302. Statement stm = con.createStatement();
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303. ResultSet rst = stm.executeQuery("select * from admin where username='"+y+"' and passwo
304. Admin oba = new Admin();
306. if(rst.next())
307. { Ask a Question
308. System.out.println("1-Display details of any customer");
309. System.out.println("2-Display details of any employee");
310. System.out.println("3-Change password of any customer");
311. System.out.println("4-Change password of any employee");
312. System.out.println("5-Change my password");
313. System.out.println("enter your choice: ");
314. int choice11=Integer.parseInt(in.readLine());
315. switch(choice11)
316. {
317. case 1:System.out.println("Enter A/C of any customer");
318. String acct =in.readLine();
319. oba.Dtl_of_Customer(acct);
320. break;
321. case 2:System.out.println("Enter Id of any employee");
322. String id =in.readLine();
323. oba.Dtl_of_emp(id);
324. break;
325. case 3:System.out.println("Enter any customer's A/C #:" );
326. String accn=in.readLine();
327. oba.Password_change_cust(accn);
328. break;
329. case 4:System.out.println("Enter any employee's Id: ");
330. String empid=in.readLine();
331. oba.Password_change_emp(empid);
332. break;
333. case 5:oba.Change_my_pass(y, p);
334. break;
335. default:System.out.println("Wrong choice");
336. }
337. }
338. else{
339. System.out.println("Please Enter The Correct Match");
340. }
341. break;
343. case 2:
344. System.out.println("Enter the Employee Id");
345. String id =in.readLine();
346. System.out.println("Enter the password");
347. String pass = in.readLine();
348. conn ob = new conn();
349. Connection conx = ob.c();
350. Statement stmx = conx.createStatement();
351. ResultSet rstx = stmx.executeQuery("Select * from employee where EmpID='"+id+"' and pa
352. Employee objE =new Employee();
353. if(rstx.next())
354. {
355. System.out.println("1-Display my details");
356. System.out.println("2-Change password");
357. System.out.println("3-Display customer details");
358. System.out.print("Enter your choice: ");
359. int choice1=Integer.parseInt(in.readLine());
360. switch(choice1)
361. {
362. case 1:
363. System.out.println("Enter the id Again");
364. String idll =in.readLine();
365. objE.Employee_dtl(idll);
366. break;
367. case 2:objE.change_pass_emp(id, pass);
368. break;
369. case 3:
370. System.out.println(" Enter Account number of customer");
371. String acct = in .readLine();
372. objE.Cust_Details(acct);
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373. break;
374. default:System.out.println("wrong choice");
375. }
376. }
377. else{ Ask a Question
378. System.out.println("Incorrect Match occur ");
379. }
380. break;
382. case 3:
383. Customer objC=new Customer();
384. System.out.println("Enter A/C # :");
385. acc=in.readLine();
386. System.out.println("Enter password :");
387. pass=in.readLine();
388. boolean bb=objC.Login(acc,pass);
389. if(bb)
390. {
391. System.out.println("1-Display my details");
392. System.out.println("2-Change password");
393. System.out.println("3-Withdraw money");
394. System.out.print("Enter your choice: ");
395. int choice2=Integer.parseInt(in.readLine());
396. switch(choice2)
397. {
398. case 1:objC.display_Customer(acc);
399. break;
400. case 2:objC.change_pass_cust(acc, pass);
401. break;
402. case 3:objC.withdraw(acc, pass);
403. break;
404. default:System.out.println("Wrong choice");
405. }
406. }
407. else
408. {
409. System.out.println("Invalid A/C or password");
410. }
411. break;
412. default:System.out.println("wrong status");
413. }
414. }
415. catch(Exception e)
416. {
417. System.out.println("main method:"+e);
418. }
419. }
420. }

Various outputs associated with admin, employee and customer.

Output: Selecting status

Admin and employee status.

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Customer and wrong status

The further outputs will be the same as discussed in previous modules.

Thank you, keep learning and sharing.

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Access MySQL using JAVA Java Java with MySQL MySQL

Gopi Chand

Student and passionate about technologies to learn and share


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Thanks to all of you... :)
Gopi Chand Jun 14, 2015
118 11.9k 531.8k 0 0 Reply

Thanks for nice article

Santhakumar Munuswamy Jun 06, 2015
60 19k 499.9k 0 0 Reply

Nitin Jun 05, 2015
224 6k 427.5k 0 0 Reply

Good one.
Sibeesh Venu Jun 05, 2015
18 38.4k 4.3m 0 0 Reply

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