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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam -

August 29, 2017

Why should we empathise with our kith and kin and the society? Bhagawan lovingly
answers this important question for us today.

Just as the body is the house you live in, the world is the body of
God. An ant biting the little finger of your foot is able to draw your full
attention to the spot, and you react to that pain immediately. You
must similarly feel the pain, misery, joy or elation, wherever it is
present; you must make an effort to protect your countries and fellow
countrymen, however remote may be the place where the suffering
occurs. Be kind with all your kith and kin. Expand your empathy;
serve others who are in need to the extent your skill and resources
permit you. Do not fritter away your talents in profitless channels.
Everyone consumes a large quantity of food, but never calculates
what one does in return to the society that helped one to live! The
food you eat must be transformed into service, either towards one's
best interest, or for the interests of others. You should not be a
burden on others or an enemy of yourself.

- Divine Discourse, Feb 3, 1964

Whoever loves all and serves all, is loved and honoured by the Lord. Baba

29 Ag`sq,2017
sweI ieMspwier(pRyrxw) dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn: swnUM, Awpxy irSqydwrW au`qy Aqy Awpxy smwj au`qy iks
cIj dw zor dyxw cwhIdw hY? Bgvwn, A`j swnUM, ies zrUrI pRSn
dw au`qr idMdy hn[
au`qr:ijs qrHW SrIr iek Gr hY ijhdy ivc AsIN rihMdy hW ausy
qrHW Bgvwn dw SrIr,ieh sMswr hY[iek cINtI jd quhwfy pYr dI
CotI auMglI qy k`tdI hY qW quhwfw iDAwn,aus pIVw vl jWdw hY
ijhVI pIVw quhwnUM cINtI ny id`qI hY[ausy qrHW quhwnUM,drd,mwXUsI
KuSI jW sqkwr mihsUs huMdw hY BwvyN auh ikqy vI hovy[quhwnUM
cwhIdw hY ik Awpxy dyS Aqy dySvwsIAW dI r`iKAw kro BwvyN auh
dyS vwsI ikqy vI rih rhy hox[Awpxy irSqydwrW nwl dieAw
Bwvnw r`Ko[AwpxI idAwluqw dw dwierw vDwau Aqy AwpxI
smrQw Aqy hunr dy muqwbk,dUijAW dI syvw kro[Awpxy hunr nUM
Awpxy injI lwB leI hI nw vrqo[hr koeI Axigxq imkdwr
ivc Bojn KWdw hY pr aus ny kdy nhIN soicAw ik ijs smwj ny
mYnUM jIx leI A`n id`qw hY mYN aus leI kI kIqw hY[jo vI qusIN
Bojn krdy ho aus dw lwB Awpxy-Awp Aqy lokW nUM dau[quhwnUM
nw qW dUijAW au`qy boJ bxxw cwhIdw hY Aqy nw hI Awpxy-Awp
dw duSmx bxxw cwhIdw hY[(03 PrvrI, 1964 dy idvX
ijhVw vI dUijAW nwl ipAwr krdw hY Aqy dUijAW dI syvw krdw
hY aus nUM Bgvwn ipAwr krdy hn Aqy aus dw sqkwr krdy

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