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Journal of

Experimental Psychology
VOL. 60, No. 5 NOVEMBER 1960


University of Michigan

Perhaps the first model for decision of maximization of subjectively ex-

making under risk was the theory pected utility (Edwards, 1955), the
that an individual maximizes ex- degrees of freedom in the theory are
pected value. This theory is dra- increased, and the measurement dif-
matically violated by the St. Peters- ficulties are multiplied. These weak-
burg paradox (Chernoff & Moses, nesses have led the present authors
1959) which led Bernoulli (1954) to to explore alternative concepts with
the notion that utility for money is which to revise the theory of
a nonlinear function of money and a maximization of expected value.
theory that individuals maximize In the current literature there are two
expected utility. This theory "ex- concepts which suggest the direction
plains" too much since such a wide of revision taken in this study. They
variety of behavior can be accommo- are known as probability preferences
dated by it that it is difficult to and variance preferences. Quite re-
design crucial experiments. If one cently, Edwards (1953) has published
adds to it a concept of subjective experimental work which he interpreted
as showing the existence of probability
probability and proposes a theory preferences. In brief, he concluded
This study was supported in part by a that SO/SO bets were most preferred
grant from the National Science Foundation, and bets with .75 probability of winning
and in part by Project MICHIGAN, a were avoided. However, his experiment
Department of the Army-sponsored project is subject to the criticism that prob-
of the University of Michigan in the field of ability differences among his alternatives
Combat Surveillance administered by the are confounded with variance differences,
Signal Corps (Contract DA-36-039 ac 78801). so that certain of his results may be
We'would like to express our appreciation equally well interpreted as variance
for many helpful comments and criticisms
from Patrick Suppes and Jack Sawyer, who
are not to be held responsible for the use we The notion of variance preferences is
made of their suggestions. of longer standing. Half a century ago
Public Health Service Research Fellow (Fisher, 1906) it was suggested that
of the National Institute of Mental Health. individuals base their decisions not only

on expectation but also on the dispersion ideal point corresponding to his pre-
of the possible outcomes, i.e., for a given ferred amount of variance. The folded
expectation an individual may prefer J scale is called an I scale and corresponds
certain amounts of variance over others. to his preference ordering on the gambles.
That this is a significant variable has It is convenient to make the following
recently been urged by Allais (1953), distinction. If the J scale is the same
who criticizes the "American School" for all individuals at the level of an
for disregarding it; more recently, Roy- ordered-metric scale it is called a "quan-
den, Suppes, and Walsh (1959) studied titative J scale" whereas if it is the same
the interaction of variance preferences only at the level of an ordinal scale it
with expected value in the context of is called a "qualitative J scale."
measuring the utility of gambling. If the preference orderings of all 5s
Perhaps one of the principal reasons are generated from a common quantita-
for the long neglect of a concept of tive J scale, then the variety of orderings
variance preferences is that with the which can occur is, at most, one more
use of the expected utility model, any than the number of midpoints, (J) + 1.
particular variance preference may be If they have only the qualitative J
equally well interpreted as a utility scale in common, then the variety of
function on money. In fact, one of the admissible preference orderings is 2""1.
current methods for constructing such In each case, however, not only is the
utility functions is based upon prefer- number of admissible preference order-
ences among bets with the same expecta- ings limited but also the type; they must
tion and equiprobable outcomes but be only those obtained by folding a J
different variance. This method has scale between a pair of midpoints
been most thoroughly developed by this leads, for example, to the restriction
Davidson, Suppes, and Siegel (1957) that the least preferred alternative on
and has also been used by Coombs any I scale may only be one of the
and Komorita (1958). It becomes two end stimuli on the J scale.
difficult to test for the existence of This distinction3 between a quantita-
variance preferences after having used tive J scale and a qualitative J scale
them to construct a utility function. is relevant here because if the measures
It is proposed here, however, that a on the J scale were actual objective
test can be made which will permit a variance, the preference orderings would
choice between the variance preference be limited to those generated from a
and the expected utility interpretations. common quantitative J scale. If the
The argument is as follows. preference orderings were generated from
Consider a set of n alternatives, each a common qualitative J scale one might
alternative being a gamble with two speak of a scale of subjective variance.
outcomes, at probabilities of .5, and all For > 4, ! > 2"-1 > (?) + 1. For
gambles having the same objective example, for n = 6 there are 720
expected value. If the expected utility possible preference orderings, all leading
model is assumed, then for any prefer- to monotonically increasing utility for
ence ordering of these alternatives, a money, but only a specified subset of
utility function for money which is 32 of them may be interpreted as
monotonically increasing can be found. subjective variance preferences, and only
The number of possible orderings, then, 16 of these as preferences generated
which might be "explained" by a
utility function for money is n! 'Another way to formulate the distinc-
From the point of view of the unfold- tion between a quantitative and qualitative
J scale is in terms of a cardinal J scale on
ing theory of preferential choice (Coombs, which an individual's single-peaked prefer-
1952) the amount of variance of each ence function descends linearly in both
gamble may be considered a point on a directions from the ideal point (a quantita-
continuum of variance and each indi- tive J scale) or descends monotonically
vidual folds this Joint (J) scale at his (a qualitative J scale).

from a scale of the objective variances. outcomes whereas a concept of prob-

The variance models are clearly more ability preferences is currently limited
vulnerable to disproof than the general to alternatives with just two outcomes.
utility model and it should be possible If two gambles are alike in all respects
to distinguish among these alternative but expectation it would seem "rational"
explanations experimentally. for the gamble with the higher expecta-
Another variable is the possible exist- tion to be preferred, since more money
ence of probability preferences. Any is preferable to less. If, however, the
alternative here considered may be choice is between two gambles with the
completely described by a probability same expectation and skewness, differing
density distribution over the possible only in variance, there is no "correct"
outcomes of amounts of money. A choice on a priori grounds. The same
distribution may be characterized by a may be said for gambles which differ
set of parameters such as its moments only in skewness. Preferences between
or functions of them, i.e., each distribu- gambles based on these latter two
tion may be mapped into a point in a dimensions reflect individual personality
multidimensional space, and the prefer- characteristics, which would have sig-
ential choices of an individual may nificant implications for selection of
induce a transitive ordering on these decision makers and for automatization
points. of the decision process provided these
The moments of a distribution lead characteristics do not apply solely to the
to a simple and efficient system for situations in which they were measured.
characterizing the stimuli in certain The concept of variance preference is
decision problems. The most common commonly interpreted psychologically
and perhaps most useful parameters as a utility for risk, i.e., for 50/50 bets
of a distribution are those obtained from with constant expectation, the more
the first three moments, the expected variance one prefers the higher the
value (J5), the variance (7), and the utility for risk. But one might also
skewness (S). In the special case of reasonably maintain that a preference
alternatives with just two outcomes, for skewness is also a kind of utility for
a and b, with Probabilities p and q, risk and the question naturally arises:
respectively, these parameters may be if these exist in the first place, what
calculated as follows: relation might they have to each other?
E = p&+qb [1] The purpose of this study Is to
V = pq(a- by [2]
test the adequacy of a concept of
variance preference as opposed to a
C -i-.-
nonlinear utility for money, to test
[3] for the existence of preference for
skewness, and to explore the possi-
From Equation 3 it is evident that bility of an interrelation between
skewness is monotone with p and that variance and skewness preferences if
a probability preference may be equally they exist.
well interpreted as a preference for METHOD
skewness. In psychological terms a
preference for skewness captures the Subjects.The 5s were 99 students at the
idea of a preference for "odds," e.g., University of Michigan. There were 43 men
a distribution extremely skewed to the ranging in age from 18 to 27 yr. with a median
right represents a "long shot" and a of 20, and 56 women ranging in age from 16
to 47 yr. with a median of 19. All were
distribution extremely skewed to the volunteers, mostly from undergraduate psy-
left represents an "almost sure thing." chology courses.
An advantage of a concept of preference Stimuli.In Table 1 are shown the bets
for skewness includes being able to deal used as stimuli. All bets have an expected
with gambles with more than two value of zero. The bets are organized into


1: S = 1.79; Set I Set II Set III 5:S = -1.79;

Variance p = 1/6 2: S = 1.15; 3: 5 = 0 ; 4: S = -1.15; p = 5/6
P =1/3 P = 1/2 P =2/3
A: 0.12 1/3 to win $.50 1/2 to win $.35 2/3 to win $.25
2/3 to lose $.25 1/2 to lose $.35 1/3 to lose $.50
B: 0.30 1/3 to win $.80 1/2 to win $.55 2/3 to win $.40
2/3 to lose $.40 1/2 to lose $.55 1/3 to lose $.80
C : Set IV 1/6 to win $2.25 1/3 to win $1.40 1/2 to win $1.00 2/3 to win $.70 5/6 to win $.45
1.00 5/6 to lose $.45 2/3 to lose $.70 1/2 to lose $1.00 1/3 to lose $1.40 1/6 to lose $2.25
D : 5.00 1/3 to win $3.20 1/2 to win $2.25 2/3 to win $1.60
2/3 to lose $1.60 1/2 to lose $2.25 1/3 to lose $3.20
E: SetV 1/6 to win $11. 25 1/3 to win $7.10 1/2 to win $5.00 2/3 to win $3.55 5/6 to win $2.25
25 5/6 to lose $2.25 2/3 to lose $3.55 1/2 to lose $5.00 1/3 to lose $7.10 1/6 to lose $11.25
F: 100 1/3 to win $14.20 1/2 to win $10.00 2/3 to win $7. 10
2/3 to lose $7.10 1/2 to lose $10.00 1/3 to lose $14.20

five sets. Set I is the column of 6 bets with To increase interest and make the situa-
a constant skewness of 5 = 1.15 (probability tion more realistic, two additional instruc-
of winning of p = 1/3). Set II is the column tions were given: (a) at the end of the last
of 6 bets with S = Q(p = 1/2). Set III is the session some of the items would be picked
column of 6 bets with S = -1.15(p = 2/3). and played with no exchange of money so
Set IV is the row of S bets with a constant that "you can see how you would have come
variance of $1.00. Set V is the row of 5 bets out if we had played for keeps", and (V)
with a constant variance of $25.00. Sets I, after that, 5s would be "given an oppor-
II, and III were used to study variance tunity" actually to play two of the bets for
preferences under constant probability treat- real money.
ment; Sets IV and V were used to study Procedure.The 5s appeared in a group
skewness (probability) preferences under on three successive evenings. On Day 1
constant variance treatment. In each of they went through the first two replications;
Sets I, II, and III the stimuli are labeled from on Day 2, the next three; and on Day 3,
A to F in order from low to high variance. the last three. There was considerable
In each of Sets IV and V the stimuli are difference between 5s in the amount of time
labeled from 1 to S in order from p = 1/6 to needed to complete the booklets, ranging
p = 5/6. from 28 to 74 min. on Day 1 and from 9 to
Within each set, the bets were exhaus- 60 min. on Day 2. Nevertheless, all 5s were
tively paired, producing 65 distinct pairs, paid the standard rate promised them, $2.00
as follows: Sets I, II, and III, 15 pairs each; per session.
Sets IV and V, 10 pairs each. Each of the At the end of Day 3, 10 pairs were chosen
65 pairs was presented 8 times; an additional at random and a die thrown for each to
56 pairs of bets, not used in this analysis, determine the outcome of each bet. The 5s
brought the total to 576 pairs. The stimuli were encouraged to keep track of what they
were presented in dittoed booklets which would have won playing the bets they had
were constructed so that one replication on picked. Then 5s were given $.50 credit and
all pairs was completed before the next was asked whether or not they would care actually
started. Within each replication, the stimuli to play a bet of the form: 1/2 to win $<:25,
were presented in a random order. 1/2 to lose $.25. This was done twice. (This
Instructions.The 5s were told to choose, bet had appeared eight times in the booklets.)
in each pair, the bet they "would prefer
to play" and to indicate this decision by
making a check in a box beside the bets. RESULTS
They were also told to treat each bet sepa-
rately, as if it were the only one offered. Analysis of Inconsistency of Preference
This was done in the hope of avoiding mul- Purification of the data.The first
tiple-bet strategies such as choosing a few
of each kind of bet to keep a "balanced step was to eliminate 5s whose judg-
portfolio." ments are not significantly different

from random. Miller and Madow TABLE 2

(1954) have shown that with n MEANS AND INTERCORRELATIONS OF H
experimentally independent replica-
tions on a pair, if H 1, then I II III IV V
2re(l - H')/\o%te has a x2 distribu-
tion with 1 df, where H' is the actual II .55
observed uncertainty computed from
III .67 .43
IV .37 .27 .43
the proportion of times each member V .34 .26 .52 .69
of the pair was chosen in n presenta- H .368 .229 .367 .434 .443
tions. In the case of the average
observed uncertainty over a number Note.All correlations are significant at the .01
of pairs of alternatives (/?), the
statistic 2w(l $)/Iog2 e has a x2
distribution for which the number 2 (Miller & Madow, 1954). The H
of degrees of freedom is equal to the for each set of stimuli is based on all
number of pairs of stimuli over which 5s, prior to "purification." The
the average is taken. intercorrelations contained in Table 2,
all significant at the .01 level, indicate
The level of significance arbitrarily
that individual differences in incon-
chosen was approximately the 2%
sistency are statistically significant
level and the numbers of 5s retained
and moderate in magnitude. It is
out of the original 99 for each of the
to be noted that the intercorrelations
five sets of stimuli are I, 92; II,
of H between variance and probability
96; III, 93; IV, 95; V, 94.
preferences tend to be lower than
The effect of this "purification" those within either one.
of the data was to eliminate 2 5s, each Analyses of variance, based on all
of whom was eliminated from three
5s, of the H measures for variance
of the stimulus sets, 4 5s, each of
preferences under probability treat-
whom was eliminated from two of
ment and for probability preferences
them, and 11 5s, each of whom was
under variance treatment, respec-
eliminated from one of them. No 5
tively, were carried out and reveal
was dropped from all sets of stimuli.
Intercorrelations and analysis of significantly different Hs for variance
variance of H.The information meas- preferences at different probability
ure, H, provides a convenient index levels (more consistency at p = l/2_);
number to characterize 5's degree of no significant difference between Hs
inconsistency over all the pair com- for probability preferences at the
parisons in a set of stimuli. Averag- different variance levels; and sig-
ing R over all 5s for a set of stimuli nificant individual differences in in-
provides an index, H, of the average consistency for both variance prefer-
degree of inconsistency associated ences and probability preferences.
with a set of stimuli. Table 2 contains A series of t tests revealed that the H
the intercorrelations of H between for variance preferences at each prob-
the five sets of stimuli, and the bottom ability level are significantly less than
row of the table contains the H the R of probability preferences at
associated with each set. To correct each variance level, indicating that
the estimate of H for bias due to size the inconsistency of variance prefer-
of sample simply requires adding .09 ences is less than the inconsistency
to each H in the bottom row of Table of probability preferences.

Transitivity of Preferences data failed to satisfy weak stochastic

transitivity for some S over one of the
If (a,b) is the probability that stimulus sets, 30 of them would satisfy
Alternative a is preferred to Alterna- the condition by the reversal of a
tive b then the concept of weak single 5/3 split in the eight judgments
stochastic transitivity is defined
on some one pair of alternatives. So
(Davidson & Marschak, 1959) as
it appears that failure to satisfy
weak stochastic transitivity is a con-
.5 sequence of inconsistency and not an
and inherent intransitivity, which would
P(b,c) > .5 = > > .5 have been reflected in stochastic
intransitivity. This is further borne
To test whether this condition is out by comparing the average H
satisfied, one seeks a permutation of those 5s who satisfy with those
of the alternatives such that each who fail to satisfy weak stochastic
element is preferred at least half the transitivity.
time to each alternative to the right
of it. If this condition is satisfied Unfolding Analysis of Preferences
by 5's pair comparison preferences Variance preferences.If a common
over a set of stimuli, then a rank quantitative J scale of variance exists
order scale from most to least pre- which generates the preferences of
ferred may be constructed, called the individuals, then for n = 6 there
his I scale. The numbers of 5s whose are 15 midpoints and hence 16 seg-
preferences satisfied and failed to ments of the scale, to each of which
satisfy this condition for each set corresponds a unique preference order-
of stimuli are given in Table 3. ing (Coombs, 1952). Each 5's prefer-
Clearly weak stochastic transitivity ence orderings were constructed based
of preferences appears to be the on weak stochastic transitivity and
norm. Of the 31 instances in which the preference orderings so obtained
for each set of stimuli were unfolded
TABLE 3 and a best quantitative J scale was
NUMBERS OF 5s SATISFYING WEAK STOCHAS- constructedbest in the sense that
TIC TRANSITIVITY OF PREFERENCES AND folding it yielded a larger propor-
INDEX tion of the data obtained than any
other. The results are presented in
Weak Table 4 for the variance preferences
Transitivity Intransitivity at the three probability treatments of
Stimulus Sets p = 1/3, 1/2, and 2/3, respectively.
N H N H The stimuli are identified by the
letters A to F in order from low to
Variance Pref. high variance. The first column in
I 86 .2952 6 .5085
II 91 .2005 5 .3406 each table, labeled "I scale number,"
III 85 .3077 8 .5918 has the ordinal numbers of the succes-
Probab. Pref. sive segments of the variance scale,
IV 89 .4024 6 .5777 numbered sequentially from the low
V 88 .4021 6 .6650 variance end to the high variance
Total 439 .3212 31 .5466 end. In the second column are the
simply ordered I scales corresponding

TABLE 4 to those segments of the J scale, and

I SCALES FOR VARIANCE PREFERENCES the next column contains the number
AT p = 1/3, 1/2 AND 2/3 of 5s from whom that preference
ordering was obtained. The interval
Simply Ordered Weakly Ordered or I scale number to which an I scale
I Scale
I Scales I Scales belongs is based on the number of
p Number midpoints crossed which is the num-
Scales Cases Scales Cases
ber of pairwise permutations required
1 to transform the given I scale into
the J scale order, ABCDEF. One
4 CBADEF 8 more than this number is the interval
S CBDAEF 1 or I scale number. Cells left blank
7 DCBAEF 3 indicate no occurrence of I scales
which would correspond to those
9 DCEBAF 3 (DC)EB(AF) 1 intervals. Some I scales are only
EDCBAF 5 weakly ordered owing to ties between
adjacent elements and these are
14 presented in the fourth column,
16 FEDCBA 16 labeled "weakly ordered I scales,"
Total 74 6 in the row of the I scale interval to
T 1 ABCDEF 17 which they appear likely to cor-
1 (BC)ADEF 2
respond, and the tied elements are
4 CBADEF 5 shown in parentheses. The frequency
5 of their occurrence is in the last
7 DCBAEF 4 DCB(AE)F 1 column. The I scales that are not
simply ordered cannot be assigned
9 D(CE)BAF 2 to an I scale number with certainty
1 EDC(BF)A 1
because there are usually two or more
intervals to which one may be assigned
ED(CF)(BA) 1 depending on how the partial order
IS (EF)DCBA 3 is resolved into a simple order. In
16 FEDCBA 33 each instance E made an assignment
Total 76 13 which seemed a best guess taking the
J scale and the stochastic properties
2 BACDEF 6 BA(CD)EF 1 of the I scale into account. Alterna-
3 BC(AD)EF 1 tive assignments rarely differed by
4 CBADEF 1 CB(AD)EF 2 more than one interval, so some
5 C(BD)AEF unreliability has been introduced in
CBD(AE)F 1 order not to sacrifice these data.
7 DCBAEF 5 DCB(AE)F 2 In summary, this table shows that
DCBE(AF) 1 at p = 1/3 the variance preferences
DC(BE)AF 1 of 80 5s out of 92 can be generated by
11 a common quantitative J scale of
12 (DE)CBFA 1
variance; at p = 1/2, 89/96; at
14 EDFCBA 1 E(DF)CBA 1 p = 2/3, 82/93.
16 FEDCBA 33 FED(BC)A 1 Altogether there are 30 I scales
Total 62 20 that do not fit this quantitative J
scale. Two of these I scales fit the

qualitative J scale but require a partition the scale into 11 segments

different metric. Examining the re- to each of which corresponds a unique
maining 28 individually reveals that preference ordering. The preference
the deviations are almost entirely orderings obtained were unfolded
due to inconsistency, e.g., 20 of them and a best quantitative J scale
deviate by only a 5/3 split on one constructed. The results are pre-
pair. sented in Table 5 for probability
In brief, the evidence strongly preferences at low and high variance.
supports the hypothesis that the The stimuli are identified by the
preference orderings are restricted to integers 1 to 5 corresponding to proba-
the set of orderings generated by a bilities from 1/6 to 5/6, respectively.
quantitative or qualitative scale of The first column has the I scale
variance, and the great variety of numbers in order from low probability
preference orderings admissible under
a general utility interpretation does TABLE 5
not occur. In addition, the results do I SCALES FOR PROBABILITY PREFERENCES
not support a theory of decreasing AT Low AND HIGH VARIANCE
marginal utility, as suggested by Ber-
noulli (1954), which would predict Simply Weakly
one and only one preference ordering Ordered Ordered
Vari- I Scale I Scale I Scales
on the 50/50 bets of Table 4, i.e., the ance Number
high variance preference FEDCBA, Scales Cases Scales Cases
which occurred in only about one- Low 1 12345 15 1(23)45 2
third of the cases. 123(45) 2
The predominance of the preference 2
orderings ABCDEF and FEDCBA 3
4 3(21)45 1
indicates that most 5s preferred an 321(45) 2
extreme variance, either low or high, 5 32415 2 32(14)5 1
6 34(21)5 1
on any given stimulus set, and about
one-third of the cases fall in between. 7 3(42)51 1
The remarkable absence of alterna- 8 34521 2 34(25)1 1
tive I scales in Table 4 with the same 10 45321 4 (45)321 2
I scale number is perhaps due to the 11 54321 21
increasing magnitude of the successive Total 44 13
intervals between stimuli on the
variance J scale, which are $0.18, High 1 12345 17 1(23)45 1
12(34)5 2
$0.70, $4.00, $20.00, and $75.00. 123(45) 1
The order of the midpoints on the 2 21345 1 (12)345 1
J scale is preserved even in the 3 23145 1
4 32145 3 321(45) 1
presence of individual differences in 32(145) 1
the subjective evaluation of variance. 5 324(15) 1
A more nearly equally spaced set 6 32451 1
of stimuli would have been better 7
for distinguishing between subjective 8
scales of variance. 10 45321 2 (45)321 2
Probability preferences.This analy- 11 54321 22 5(43)21 1
sis parallels that of variance prefer- 54(32)1 1
ences except that there are 5 stimuli Total 47 12
in a set, hence 10 midpoints which

of winning to high probability of variance 73 fit a folded J scale and

winning. The second column has the 15 do not. These figures are highly
simply-ordered scales of probability significant and there is little doubt
preferences corresponding to that that probability preferences (skew-
segment of the J scale, and the next ness preferences) exist in the sense
column gives the number of 5s from of single-peaked preference functions
whom each preference ordering was on a J scale.
obtained. Cells left blank indicate The overpopularity of symmetric
the absence of I scales which would gambles (p = 1/2) is perhaps due to
correspond to those segments of the the fact that they are regarded as
J scale. A number of I scales occurred "fair bets," and perhaps also that
with ties between adjacent elements. they are simpler bets, more easily
They are presented in the fourth comprehended than some of the
column in the row of the I scale others. A naive 5 faced with a choice
interval to which they appear most between two bets, one of which is
likely to correspond. The frequency more complex than the other, might
of their occurrence is in the last be biased toward the simpler one.
In summary, Table 5 shows that Stability and Interaction of Preference
at low variance the probability prefer- Patterns
ences of 57 5s out of 95 can be gener- As described in the unfolding analy-
ated by a common quantitative J sis, to each I scale of preference an
scale of probability; and at high I scale number can be assigned cor-
variance, 59 5s out of 94. It is inter- responding to the ordinal number of
esting to note that in each instance the segment of the J scale to which
the ideals are predominantly at the that I scale corresponds. This assign-
extreme probabilities. ment is unique in the case of a simply-
It is also necessary to examine the ordered I scale and in the case of ties
cases that do not fit a common J scale an I scale number was assigned in the
to see if they are in some sense signifi- manner previously indicated. These
cant deviations, or whether they are to numbers can be regarded as approxi-
be attributed to inconsistency. All to- mate measures of 5s' ideal points on
gether there are 73 such cases61 the J scale and were subjected to
transitive I scales, 12 intransitive. correlational and variance analysis.
When these I scales are examined One question of interest is whether
individually it is evident that the 5s' ideal points on the J scale shift,
predominant reason for their failure relative to each other, under treat-
to satisfy a folded J scale lies with ment. Evidence of this is contained
the stimulus p = 1/2, i.e., 5 = 0 . in the correlations presented in Table
It is too much preferred. For ex- 6. All the correlations in the table
ample, 8 5s had the I scale 13245; 5 5s, are significant at the .01 level except
31245; 3 5s, 35421; 2 5s, 53421. In the three with the values .17, .18,
each case Stimulus 3 (p = 1/2) is and .19. It is clear that the prob-
ranked higher than it should be to fold ability preferences are quite stable
the J scale. If this stimulus is from one to the other level of variance,
dropped and the I scales based on the whereas the variance preferences are
remaining four stimuli examined, one much less so under probability treat-
finds that at low variance 82 satisfy a ment. Particularly interesting is the
folded J scale and 7 do not; at high pattern of the correlations between

TABLE 6 high variance treatment are 6.01

OF DIFFERENT J SCALES In order to study the effect of
probability treatment on variance
Proba- preferences in more detail 5s were
Variance Preferences bility
Prefer- divided into three groups, A, B, and
and Prob. C, on the basis of their probability
preferences. This was feasible be-
P - J t =1 P - 1 Variance cause probability preferences were
P = 1/2 .40* independent of variance treatment
p-2/3 .18 .67* and were very stable (r = .93). The
three groups were formed on the
Low Var. -.45* .17 .39*
High Var. -.41* .19 .47* .93* following basis: A was composed of
5s with I scale numbers 1 to 4 inclu-
* Significant at the .01 level. sive (N = 27), B was composed of 5s
with I scale numbers 5 to 9 inclusive
variance preferences and probability (N = 27), and C was composed of 5s
preferences. At low probability, vari- with I scale numbers 10 and 11
ance preferences are negatively cor- (N = 28). The few 5s (11) whose
related with probability preferences two I scale numbers under low and
and at high probability they are high variance treatment did not
positively correlated. This will be permit a unique assignment to one
discussed in conjunction with Table 9 of these three groups were omitted.
later. An analysis of variance of the variance
The interrelations of variance and preference I scale numbers of these
probability preferences may also be three groups under probability treat-
studied by analysis of variance. Prob- ment is presented in Table 8. The
ability preferences (measured by I F tests reveal consistent individual
scale numbers) are analyzed in a two differences in variance preferences
way (5 X Variance treatment) analy- over the three probability treatments
sis of variance presented in Table 7. and a significant effect of the prob-
The F tests reveal consistent indi- ability treatment on the variance
vidual differences in probability pref- preferences. In the latter case, the
erences over the two variance treat-
ments but no significant effect of TABLE 8
the variance treatment on probability VARIANCE PREFERENCES UNDER PROBABILITY
preferences. In the latter case, the TREATMENT BY PROBABILITY
mean I scale numbers under low and PREFERENCE GROUPS

TABLE 7 Source df MS F


TREATMENT Prob. Pref. Groups 2 65.47 1.000
Error 79 65.48
Between Prob.
if MS F Treatments 2 285.56 13.502*
5s X Treatments 162 21.15
5s 92 30.7482 30.672* Groups X Treat-
Var. 1 1.6500 1.646 ments 4 308.96 22.852*
Error 92 1.0025 Error 158 13.52

* Significant at .01 level. * Significant at the .01 level.

TABLE 9 positive. It is interesting to note
MEAN VARIANCE PREFERENCES OF PROB- that for fair bets (the column with
ABILITY GROUPS UNDER PROBABILITY p 1/2) those who prefer more
TREATMENT skewness (Groups A and C) prefer
higher variance bets than do 5s in
Probability Treatment
Prob. Pref. Means
Group B who prefer fair bets.
i i !
A 9.93 9.41 7.22 8.85
B 6.59 8.52 8.11 7.74 The results of this experiment sup-
C 3.30 11.95 13.27 9.51
port the hypothesis that variance pref-
Means 6.57 9.98 9.58 8.71 erences4 exist and are generated by
folding a joint scale. However, because
of the flexibility of the expected utility
mean I scale numbers under the three model, it is possible to find, for each
probability treatments of p = 1/3, variance preference ordering that folds
1/2, and 2/3 are, respectively, 6.57, the joint scale, a nonlinear utility func-
9.98, and 9.58, signifying that the tion of money which explains the order-
average ideal variance at p = 1/2 and ing equally well. The fact that the
p = 2/3 was greater than for p = 1/3. many possible preference orderings ad-
When the odds were even or in his missible under the utility interpretation
do not occur, but that instead only those
favor, the average S preferred more admissible under a variance preference
variance. interpretation occur, is not conclusive.
A significant interaction between The argument of those who would still
the probability preference group and prefer a utility interpretation might
probability treatment is observed. be as follows: the utility functions cor-
The nature of this interaction is made responding to those preference orderings
clearer by study of the mean variance which did not occur may be, in some
preference in each cell of the design sense, unreasonable, in spite of the fact
(Table 9). This table also reveals that they are still monotonically in-
what underlies the pattern of cor- creasing with money.
relations between variance preferences The problem which this argument
raises is a mathematical onecharac-
and probability preferences presented terizing the classes of utility functions
in Table 6. Probability preference which would correspond to various
Group A is constituted of 5s who preference orderings on variance. It
prefer low probabilities, i.e., long may be, for example, that those utility
shots, whereas Group C is the other functions corresponding to preference
extreme, they prefer the almost sure orderings on a variance scale have fewer
thing at the small risk of a large loss. inflection points than those utility func-
Looking at the rows of Table 9, it is tions corresponding to preference order-
evident that the largest mean is in the ings outside of the set of variance prefer-
diagonal, i.e., at the odds or skewness ences. If one agrees that utility func-
tions for money with many inflection
an S prefers he prefers more variance. points are unreasonable, and that the
So those 5s who prefer low prob- reasonable ones are just those which
abilities tend to choose high variance
bets at those odds. This is the reason The term "variance preference" is used
the pattern of correlations between in the generic sense of preference for disper-
sion. As far as these data are concerned,
probability preferences and variance any measure of dispersion which is mono-
preferences in Table 6 ranged from tonic with variance is equally admissible as
significantly negative to significantly an hypothesis.

correspond to preference orderings which SUMMARY

can otherwise be interpreted as variance
preferences, then from the data in this An alternative is suggested to the maxi-
experiment, there is less ground for a mization of expected utility model: A gamble
can be characterized by the expectation,
choice between these two interpretations. variance, and skewness of its probability
If, however, there exists a subset of density distribution over money; and while
preference orderings, admissible under 5 will always prefer more expectation (other
a utility interpretation and not ad- things being equal), he may have a utility
missible under a variance preference, for risk which will exhibit itself as a preference
but corresponding to utility functions for certain amounts of variance and skewness.
with at most one inflection point, then While a variance preference is isomorphically
this argument for a utility interpretation interpretable as a utility function for money,
is defeated. The mathematical problem there are many fewer admissible preference
orderings under the former interpretation
is still unsolved. than the latter and this provides a basis
The fact that the variance preferences for experimental test.
of 5s shift under probability treatment A study was carried out on bets which
in a way related to their skewness were constant in expectation but which
preferences must also put constraints varied in skewness or variance with the
on the admissible utility functions and other variable held constant. Replicated
this might provide a further basis for pair comparisons permitted measurement of
choosing between these interpretations. inconsistency of choice behavior, testing
stochastic transitivity, construction of the
The concept of probability prefer- stochastically dominant preference ordering,
ences, reformulated as a concept of and an unfolding analysis of these preference
skewness preferences, is also given sup- orderings. The principal conclusions were
port by this study. It appears that as follows:
individual skewness preferences exist
which are very stable over shifts in the 1. Degree of inconsistency of preferences
level of variance, from a variance of is a significant characteristic of 5s.
2. Weak stochastic transitivity of prefer-
$1.00 to a variance of $25.00. ences is satisfied by most 5s.
It appears that a psychological concept 3. Variance preference orderings were
of utility for risk is not to be interpreted confined almost exclusively to the admissible
simply as a preference for variance or set generated by folding a variance scale.
a preference for skewness but rather as Instances of the greater variety admissible
some not very simple function of both under a utility interpretation were rare.
of these. There is clear evidence of Approximately one-third of the 5s preferred
interaction between these two variables. low variance, one-third high variance, and
one-third preferred intermediate degrees of
Speculation from the results would variance.
suggest that skewness plays a dominant 4. Except for the inflated popularity of
role, and as a bet deviates from 5's fair bets (5 = 0, i.e., p = 1/2), particularly
preferred odds, he prefers less variance. for women, the existence of skewness prefer-
Before a model can be constructed ences in the sense of folding a probability
in this area, the relation of variance scale was suggested with the great majority
and skewness preferences to expected of 5s having their ideals at one end or the
value (the first moment) must also be other of the skewness scale.
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