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evolution of humans
By Alan G. Thorne and Milford H. Wolpoff

Both fossil and genetic evidence argues

that ancient ancestors of various human
groups lived where they are found today

hree decades ago the pa- humanity the idea that humans origi- of modern humans across the globe.
leoanthropological com- nated in Africa and then developed their Nevertheless, mitochondrial DNA is
munity was locked in a modern forms in every area of the Old not the only source of information we
debate about the origin World. On the other side are researchers have on the subject. Fossil remains and
of the earliest humans. who claim that Africa alone gave birth to artifacts also represent a monumental
The disagreement centered on whether a new species of modern humans within body of evidence and, we maintain, a
the fossil Ramapithecus was an early hu- the past 200,000 years. Once again the considerably more reliable one. The sin-
man ancestor or ancestral to both human molecular geneticists have entered the gular importance of the DNA studies is
and ape lineages. Molecular biologists en- fray, attempting to resolve it in favor of that they show that one of the origin the-
tered that discussion and supported the the African hypothesis with a molecular ories discussed by paleontologists must
minority position held by one of us clock. Once again their help must be re- be incorrect.
(Wolpoff) and his students that Rama- jected because their reasoning is flawed. With Wu Xinzhi of the Institute of
pithecus was not a fossil human, as was Genetic research has undeniably pro- Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoan-
then commonly believed. Their evidence, vided one of the great insights of 20th- thropology in Beijing, we developed an
however, depended on a date for the century biology: that all living people are explanation for the pattern of human
chimpanzee-human divergence that was extremely closely related. Our DNA evolution that we described as multire-
based on a flawed molecular clock. We similarities are far greater than the dis- gional evolution. We learned that some
therefore had to reject their support. parate anatomical variations of human- of the features that distinguish major hu-
Paleoanthropologists are again en- ity might suggest. Studies of the DNA man groups, such as Asians, Australian
gaged in a debate, this time about how, carried by the cell organelles called mito- Aborigines and Europeans, evolved over
when and where modern humans orig- chondria, which are inherited exclusive- a long period, roughly where these peo-
inated. On one side stand some re- ly from ones mother and are markers for ples are found today, whereas others
searchers, such as ourselves, who main- maternal lineages, now play a role in the spread throughout the human species be-
tain there is no single home for modern development of theories about the origin cause they were adaptive.
Multiregional evolution traces all
POINT-COUNTERPOINT: For an opposing view of how humankind arose around modern populations back to when hu-
the globe, see The Recent African Genesis of Humans, on page 54. mans first left Africa almost two million

46 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Updated from the April 1992 issue


Qafzeh 9 N Kow Swamp 1

(Upper Pleistocene) LU TIO
(recent Australian)

AUST Willandra Lakes 50
Ngandong 1 (Upper Pleistocene)

ALTERNATIVE ANCESTRIES for a modern individual are

illustrated by various skulls. The progressive changes
in the skulls from Australasian sites (Kow Swamp,
Ngandong, Willandra Lakes and Sangiran) suggest that
the local modern people developed in Australasia over
hundreds of thousands of years. The Eve theory
(African pathway) claims that an early African was the
ancestor of all modern people, but significant features
of the skull from Qafzeh in Israel differ considerably
from those of the modern Australian skull. Multiregional
Sangiran 17
evolution combines these two pathways.
(Middle Pleistocene)

years ago, through an interconnected web Harvard University as the Noahs ark in Africa approximately 200,000 years
of ancient lineages in which the genetic model, posited that modern people arose ago. Only mitochondrial DNA that can
contributions to all living peoples varied recently in a single place and that they be traced to Eve, these theorists claim, is
regionally and temporally. Today dis- subsequently spread around the world, found among living people.
tinctive populations maintain their phys- replacing other human groups. That re-
ical differences despite interbreeding and placement, recent proponents of the the- Paddling in a Pool
population movements; this situation has ory believe, must have been complete. HOW COULD THIS BE? If Eves de-
existed ever since humans first colonized From their genetic analyses, Allan C. Wil- scendants mixed with other peoples as
Europe and Asia. Modern humanity orig- son and his colleagues at the University of their population expanded, we would

inated within these widespread popula- California at Berkeley concluded that the expect to find other mitochondrial DNA
tions, and the modernization of our an- evolutionary record of mitochondrial lines present today, especially outside
cestors has been an ongoing process. DNA could be traced back to a single fe- Africa, where Eves descendants were in-
An alternative theory, developed by male, dubbed Eve in one of Wilsons vaders. The explanation offered for the
paleontologist William W. Howells of first publications on the subject, who lived current absence of other mitochondrial

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SERIES OF CHINESE SKULLS shows continuity in form without evidence of a
replacement by African characteristics. From left to right, the male skulls are from
the Zhoukoudian Lower Cave (Middle Pleistocene period), Dali site (early Upper
Pleistocene period) and Zhoukoudian Upper Cave (late Upper Pleistocene).

DNA lineages is that none of the local groups. Second, implicit

women mixed with the invading modern within this idea is that the
men from Africawhich means that Eve earliest modern humans
founded a new species. Wilsons recon- appeared in Africa. Third,
struction of the past demands that over a it also follows that the
period of no more than 150,000 years earliest modern humans
there was a complete replacement of all in other areas should have
the preexisting hunter-gatherers in Africa African features. Fourth,
and the rest of the then inhabited world; modern humans and the
later, the original African features of the people that they replaced
invading human species presumably gave should never have mixed
way to the modern populational features or interbred. Fifth, outside
we see in other regions. of Africa an anatomical
An analogy can highlight the differ- discontinuity should be
ence between our multiregional evolu- evident between the human fossils before dence for the introduction of a novel
tion theory and Wilsons Eve theory. Ac- and after the replacement. technology.
cording to multiregional evolution, the Geoffrey G. Pope of William Paterson
pattern of modern human origins is like No Trace of Invasion University has pointed out that six
several individuals paddling in separate WE ARE SURPRISED by the allegation decades of research on the Asian Paleo-
corners of a pool; over time, they influ- that beginning about 200,000 years ago lithic record have failed to unearth any in-
ence one another with the spreading rip- one group of hunter-gatherers totally re- dication of intrusive cultures or tech-
ples they raise (which are the equivalent placed all others worldwide. Although it nologies. Types of artifacts found in the
of genes flowing between populations). is not uncommon for one animal species earliest Asian Paleolithic assemblages
In contrast, the total replacement re- to replace another locally in a fairly short continue to appear into the very late Pleis-
quirement of the Eve theory dictates that time, the claim that a replacement could tocene. If invading Africans replaced the
a new swimmer must jump into the pool occur rapidly in every climate and envi- local Asian populations, they must have
with such a splash that it drowns all the ronment is unprecedented. adopted the cultures and technologies of
other swimmers. One of these two views We would expect native populations the people they replaced and allowed
of our origin must be incorrect. to have an adaptive and demographic their own to vanish without a trace.
Mitochondrial DNA is useful for advantage over newcomers. Yet accord- Archaeological evidence for an inva-
guiding the development of theories, but ing to the Eve theory, it was the new- sion is also lacking in western Asia,
only fossils provide the basis for refuting comers who had the upper hand. To use where Christopher B. Stringer of the
one idea or the other. At best, the genet- a modern analogy, however, despite the Natural History Museum in London and
ic information explains how modern hu- overwhelming forces of destructive tech- a few other researchers believe the earli-
mans might have originated if the as- nologies and infectious diseases, most est modern humans outside of Africa can
sumptions used in interpreting the genes American and Australian indigenous be found at the Skhul- and Qafzeh sites in
are correct, but those conditions are only populations and their genes have con- Israel. The superb record at Qafzeh
hypothetical, and one theory cannot be tinued to persist through adaptation and shows, however, that these modern
used to test another. The fossil record is interbreeding. people had a culture identical to that of
the real evidence for human evolution, If a worldwide invasion and com- their local Neandertal contemporaries:
and it is rich in both human remains and plete replacement of all native peoples they made the same types of stone tools
archaeological sites stretching back for by Eves descendants actually took with the same technologies and at the
two million years. Unlike the genetic place, we would expect to find at least same frequencies; they had the same styl-
data, fossils can be matched to the pre- some archaeological traces of the be- ized burial customs, hunted the same
dictions of theories about the past with- haviors that made them successful. Yet game and even used the same butchering
out relying on a long list of assumptions. examining the archaeology of Asia, we procedures. Moreover, no evidence from

The Eve theory makes five predictions can find none. For instance, whereas the the time when Eves descendants are sup-
that the fossil evidence should corrobo- hand ax was a very common artifact in posed to have left Africa suggests that
rate. The first and major premise is that Africa, the technologies of eastern Asia any new African technology emerged or
modern humans from Africa must have did not include that tool either before or spread to other continents. All in all, as
completely replaced all other human after the Eve period. There is no evi- we understand them, the Asian data re-


fute the archaeological predictions im- browridges forming an almost straight lations but were otherwise remarkably
plied by the Eve theory. bar of bone across their eye sockets and similar to much earlier individuals in the
Perhaps that refutation explains why a second well-developed shelf of bone at region.
Wilson turned to a different advantage, the back of the skull for the neck muscles.
asserting that the invasion was successful Above and behind the brows, the fore- Australians and Eve
because Eves descendants carried a mi- head is flat and retreating. These early In- T H E F I R S T I N H A B I T A N T S of Aus-
tochondrial gene that conferred language donesians also have large projecting faces tralia arrived more than 60,000 years
ability. This proposal is yet to be widely with massive rounded cheekbones. Their ago, and their behavior and anatomy
accepted. Not only does it conflict with teeth are the largest known in archaic hu- were clearly those of modern human be-
paleoneurology about the language abil- mans from that time. ings. Some of their skeletons show the Ja-
ities of archaic humans, but if it were A series of small but important fea- van complex of features, along with fur-
true, it would violate the assumption re- tures can be found on the most complete ther braincase expansions and other
quired of Wilsons clock that mitochon- face and on other facial fragments that modernizations. Several dozen well-pre-
drial mutations are neutral. are preserved. These include such things served fossils from the late Pleistocene
The remaining predictions of the Eve as a rolled ridge on the lower edge of the and early Holocene demonstrate that the
theory relate to abrupt anatomical eye sockets, a distinctive ridge on the same combination of features that dis-
changes and whether the earliest recog- cheekbone and a nasal floor that blends tinguished those Indonesian people from
nizably modern humans resembled ear- smoothly into the face. their contemporaries distinguishes some
lier regional populations or Africans. Most of this unique morphology was ancestors of indigenous Australians from
With the fossil evidence known at this retained for at least 700,000 years while other living peoples.
time, these questions can be resolved in other modern characteristics continued If the earliest Australians were all de-
at least two and possibly three regions of to evolve in the Javan people. For exam- scendants of Africans, as the Eve theory
the world. The most convincing data are ple, the large fossil series from Ngan- requires, the continuity of fossil features
from southern and northern Asia. dong, which evidence suggests is as old would have to be no more than apparent.
The hominid fossils from Australasia as 200,000 years, offers striking proof All the features of the early Javans would
(Indonesia, New Guinea and Australia) that the Javans of that time had brain need to have evolved a second time in the
show an anatomical sequence during the sizes similar to modern Australian popu- population of invaders. The repeated evo-
Pleistocene that is uninterrupted by a
new African species at any time. The dis- ALAN G. THORNE and MILFORD H. WOLPOFF have extensively studied the original fossil ma-

tinguishing features of the earliest of terial on the origins of Homo sapiens. Thorne is adjunct fellow in the department of ar-
these Javan remains, dated to more than chaelogy and natural history at the Australian National University. He graduated from the
one million years ago, show that they University of Sydney in 1963 and later taught human anatomy at the medical school there.

had developed when the region was first Thornes excavations at Kow Swamp and Lake Mungo produced most of the Pleistocene hu-
inhabited. man remains in Australia. Wolpoff is professor of anthropology at the University of Michi-
Compared with human fossils from gan at Ann Arbor, where he directs the paleoanthropology laboratory. He received his Ph.D.
other areas, the Javan people have thick in 1969 from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Wolpoff would like to thank
skull bones, with strong continuous lecturer Rachel Caspari of the University of Michigan for her help in drafting the epilogue.

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lution of an individual feature would be prehistoric and living Asian incisors is many have been described as mixtures.
conceivable but rare; the duplication of unique to the region. Clearly, the European Neandertals were
an entire set of unrelated features would This combination of traits is also ex- not completely replaced by Africans or by
be unprecedentedly improbable. hibited at the Zhoukoudian Cave area in people from any other region.
Northern Asia also harbors evidence northern China, where fully a quarter of Instead the evidence suggests that Ne-
linking its modern and ancient inhabi- all known human remains from the Mid- andertals either evolved into later humans
tants. Moreover, because the similarities dle Pleistocene have been found. As Wu or interbred with them, or both. David
involve features that are different from Rukang and Zhang Yinyun of the Chi- W. Frayer of the University of Kansas and
those significant in Australasia, they nese Academy of Sciences have pointed Fred H. Smith, now at Loyola University
compound the improbability of the Eve out, even within the 150,000 or more of Chicago, have discovered that many
theory by requiring that a second com- years spanned by the Zhoukoudian indi- allegedly unique Neandertal features are
plete set of features was duplicated in an- viduals, evolutionary changes in the found in the Europeans who followed the
other population. modern direction, including increases in Neandertals the Upper Paleolithic,
The very earliest Chinese fossils, brain size and decreases in tooth size, can Mesolithic and later peoples. In fact, only
about one million years old, differ from be seen. Our examinations of the Chi- a few Neandertal features completely
their Javan counterparts in many ways nese specimens found no anatomical ev- disappear from the later European skele-
that parallel the differences between idence that typically African features ever tal record.
north Asians and Australians today. replaced those of the ancient Chinese in Features that persist range from high-
Our research with Wu Xinzhi and inde- these regions. Instead there is a smooth ly visible structures, such as the promi-
pendent research by Pope demonstrated transformation of the ancient popula- nent shape and size of the nose of Nean-
that the Chinese fossils are less robust, tions into the living peoples of east Asia dertals and later Europeans, to much
have smaller and more delicately built and the Americas. more minute traits, such as the form of
flat faces, smaller teeth and rounder Paleontologists have long thought Eu- the back of the skull and the details of its
foreheads separated from their arched rope would be the best source of evidence surface. A good example is the shape of
browridges. Their noses are less promi- for the replacement of one group, Nean- the opening in the mandibular nerve
nent and more flattened at the top. Per- dertals, by more modern humans. Even canal, a spot on the inside of the lower
haps the most telling indication of mor- there, however, the fossil record shows jaw where dentists often give a pain-
phological continuity concerns a pecu- that any influx of new people was neither blocking injection. The upper part of the
liarity of tooth shapes. Prominently complete nor without mixture. The most opening is covered by a broad bony
shoveled maxillary incisors, which recent known Neandertal skull, from bridge in many Neandertals, but in oth-
curl inward along their internal edges, Saint-Csaire in France, apparently had ers the bridge is absent. In European fos-
are found with unusually high frequen- the behavioral characteristics of the peo- sils, 53 percent of the known Neander-
cy in living east Asians and in all the ear- ple who succeeded the Neandertals in Eu- tals have the bridged form; 44 percent of
lier human remains from that area. Stud- rope. The earliest post-Neandertal Euro- their earliest Upper Paleolithic successors
ies by Tracey L. Crummett of San Jos peans did not have a pattern of either do, too, but in later Upper Paleolithic,
State University show that the form of modern or archaic African features, and Mesolithic and recent groups, the inci-
dence drops to less than 6 percent.
Inferred History of Actual History of In contrast, the bridged form is seen
Mitochondrial DNA Branching Mitochondrial DNA Branching
rarely in fossil or modern people from
Common ancestor
Asia and Australia. In Africa the few
jaws that date from the suggested Eve pe-
common ancestor riod do not have it. This mandibular trait
and others like it on the skull and the
skeleton must have evolved twice in Eu-
rope for the Eve theory to be correct.
In sum, the evolutionary patterns of
three different regionsAustralasia, Chi-
Only three mutations Five mutations na and Europe show that their earliest
back to common ancestor back to common ancestor modern inhabitants do not have the com-
plex of features that characterize Africans.
Surviving types Extinct types
There is no evidence that Africans com-
pletely replaced local groups. Contrary to

MATERNAL LINEAGE RECONSTRUCTIONS based solely on the mitochondrial DNA types found today are
inherently flawed. A hypothetical tree inferred from only five surviving types (left) leaves out the the Eve theory predictions, the evidence
branches and mutational histories of extinct lines (right). Consequently, it sets the date for a common points indisputably toward the continu-
ancestor much too recently by presenting evidence of too few mutations. ity of various skeletal features between


the earliest human populations and liv-
ing peoples in different regions. Like ge-
netic variation, human anatomical vari-
ation reflects significant differences in
occurrence for characteristics found in
all populations.

Focus on Features
of Eden from which all living people
emerged, one would expect to find evi-
dence for the transition from archaic to
modern forms there and only there.
Following the lead of German researcher
Reiner Protsch von Zieten of Goethe JAW MORPHOLOGY distinguishes many Neandertal skeletons. In most living people and in fossils,
University in Frankfurt, Germany, some the rim around the mandibular nerve canal opening is grooved (left), but in a number of
paleontologists did argue that modern Neandertals, it was surrounded by a bony bridge (right). Some later Europeans also had this
Neandertal feature, although it was less common.
Homo sapiens originated in Africa be-
cause they believed the earliest modern- modern in its higher skull and more analysis of mitochondrial DNA suggest-
looking humans were found there and rounded cranial rear. An associated man- ed a theory so contrary to the facts. Per-
that modern African features can be seen dible has a definite chin. Like the Levant haps the mitochondrial DNA has been
in these fossils. But the African evidence remains of similar age from Qafzeh and misinterpreted.
is similar to other regions in that modern - even this small Omo sample com-
Skhul, The basic difficulty with using mito-
features and not modern populations ap- bines a mix of archaic- and modern-ap- chondrial DNA to interpret recent evolu-
pear gradually and at about the same pearing individuals. tionary history stems from the very source
time as they appear elsewhere. The best excavated remains are from of its other advantages: in reproduction,
The African record differs from oth- Klasies River and are securely dated to the mitochondrial DNA clones itself in-
er regions in that the earlier, archaic pop- between 80,000 and 100,000 years ago. stead of recombining. Because mitochon-
ulations are more variable and have no Some of the skull fragments are small drial DNA is transmitted only through the
specifically African features. Modern-ap- and delicate and are said to prove that maternal line, the potential for genetic
pearing humans and technologies first modern humans were present. Yet a driftthe accidental loss of linesis great:
arise during the time between the last comparative analysis of the entire sample some mitochondrial DNA disappears
two glaciations. The technologies seem by Rachel Caspari of the University of every time a generation has no daughters.
regional and impermanent, not conti- Michigan at Ann Arbor showed that oth- The problem is analogous to the way
nent-wide, but anatomical features are ers are not modern-looking at all. Two of in which family surnames are lost when-
more widespread. We believe the main the four lower jaws do not have chins, so ever there is a generation without sons.
reason that Africa differs from the rest of thorough proof of a modern jaw is lack- Imagine an immigrant neighborhood in
the world at this time is that it is much ing. The single cheekbone from the site is a large city where all the families share a
more heavily populated many, if not not only larger than those of living surname. An observer might assume that
most, people lived thereand more pop- Africans but also larger and more robust all these families were descended from a
ulation movement is outward than in- than those of both the earlier transition- single successful immigrant family that

ward. The key specimens addressing mod- al humans and the archaic humans found completely replaced its neighbors. An al-
ernity span the continent, from Omo in Africa. The claim that this sample con- ternative explanation is that many fami-
Kibish in Ethiopia to Klasies River Mouth tains modern Africans is highly dubious lies immigrated to the neighborhood and
Cave in South Africa. The three Omo and does not justify the proposal that the intermarried; over time, all the surnames
Kibish crania date roughly to between earliest modern humans arose in Africa. but one were randomly eliminated
100,000 and 200,000 years ago and are through the occasional appearance of
similar to other African remains from DNA Reanalyzed families that had no sons to carry on their
this time in combining ancient and mod- W I T H T H E D I S P R O O F of the unique names. The surviving family name would
ern features. Omo 2 is the more archaic, African ancestry theory for the living have come from a single immigrant, but
with a lower skull and a much broader people of most areas and the lack of evi- all the immigrants would have con-
and more angled cranial rear, resembling dence showing that modern people first tributed to the genes of the modern pop-
those of Laetoli 18 from Tanzania. Its appeared in Africa, we conclude that the ulation. In the same way, generations
browridge, however, is smaller than predictions of the Eve theory cannot be without daughters could have extin-
Omo 1s, which generally appears more substantiated. We must wonder why the guished some lines of mitochondrial

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DNA from Eves descendants and her Hemisphere, some human populations could not those lost were gone forever.
contemporaries. shrank because of climate fluctuations Human populations with dissimilar
Any interpretation of the surviving during the ice ages. Archaeological evi- demographic histories can therefore be
mitochondrial DNA mutations in pop- dence from both Africa and Australia expected to preserve different numbers
ulations consequently depends on a suggests that similar population reduc- of mutations since their last common mi-
knowledge of how the size of the popu- tions may have taken place there as well. tochondrial DNA ancestor. They cannot
lations has changed over time and how These reductions could have exacerbat- be used together in a model that assumes
many maternal lines may have vanished. ed genetic drift and the loss of mito- the lengths of mitochondrial lineages re-
Random losses from genetic drift alter a chondrial DNA types. flect the age of their divergence. One can-
reconstruction of the tree of human mi- At the end of the ice ages, along with not assume that all the variation in a pop-
tochondrial DNA branching by pruning the first domestication of animals and ulations mitochondrial DNA stems sole-
off signs of past divergences. Each un- plants, some populations expanded ex- ly from mutations: the history of the
counted branch is a mutation never tak- plosively throughout a wide band of ter- population is also important.
en into account when determining how ritory from the Mediterranean to the
long ago Eve lived. Pacific coast of Asia. Although the num- No Molecular Clock
Changes in population sizes have ber of people expanded, the number of A M A J O R P R O B L E M with the Eve the-
been dramatic. In parts of the Northern surviving mitochondrial DNA lines ory, therefore, is that it depends on an ac-
curate molecular clock. Its accuracy must
be based on mutation rates at many dif-
ferent loci, or gene positions. Yet genes
in the mitochondrial DNA cannot re-
combine as genes in the nucleus do. All
the mitochondrial DNA genes are the
EUROPE equivalent of a single locus. The molec-
AND LEVANT ular clock based on mitochondrial DNA
Lagar Velho Shandingdong
is consequently unreliable.
Kow Swamp

Afalou Mitochondrial DNA may not be neu-
Predmost Ziyang Keilor

Mladec Liujiang Willandra tral enough to serve as the basis for a mo-
Vindija Lakes 50 lecular clock, because some data suggest

Kebara Dar es Soltan Maba Lake Mungo 1, 3 that it plays a role in several diseases. Be-
La Ferrassie
La Chapelle cause of random loss and natural selec-
tion, some vertebrate groups have rates

Qafzeh Klasies Dingcun

Krapina Omo Kibish Xujiayao of mitochondrial DNA evolution that
are dramatically slower than Wilson and
Ehringsdorf Sambungmachan his colleagues have claimed for humans.
Ngaloba Dali

Biache 1, 3 A number of molecular geneticists dis-

Florisbad Jinniushan

Zuttiyeh Ngandong
agree with Wilsons interpretation of the

Sima de los Huesos

Kabwe Zhoukoudian H mitochondrial genetic data.
Petralona Hexian The molecular clock has, we believe,
Arago Nanjing
Steinheim major problems: its rate of ticking has
probably been overestimated in some cas-

Bodo Zhoukoudian Sangiran 2, 10,

Gran Dolina Ternifine D, E, L 12, 17 es and underestimated in others. Rebecca
Olduvai 12 Chenjiawo Trinil
Yunxian L. Cann of the University of Hawaii at
Manoa and Mark Stoneking of Pennsyl-

Buia, Bouri Gongwangling

Olduvai 9 Yuanmou vania State University, two of Wilsons

students, have acknowledged that their

Konso Gardula

Lake Turkana Sangiran clock was able to date Eve to only be-
(east) 992 4, 27, 31 tween 50,000 and 500,000 years ago. Be-
cause of the uncertainty, we believe that
Lake Turkana

Dmanisi (east) 730, 3883, 3733 Mojokerto for the past half a million years or more
(west) 15000 of human evolution, for all intents and
purposes, there is no molecular clock.

WELL-DATED FOSSILS point to the continuous, linked evolution of modern humans at sites around
the world. Modern human groups in different regions developed distinct anatomical identities.
Putting aside the idea of a clock, one
Nevertheless, gene flow between the groups through interbreeding spread important changes can interpret the genetic data in a much
throughout and was sufficient to maintain humans as a single species. more reasonable way: Eve carried the


most recent common ancestor of all ex- similar to Asian Homo erectus remains, mtDNA is most like that of living hu-
isting human mitochondria, but she is and is anatomically intermediate between mans, whereas the oldest is least alike
not the most recent common ancestor of earlier and later Africans, suggests that the the opposite of what we would expect
all living people. Mitochondrial history evolving Homo lineage in the early and from unaltered Neandertal mtDNA
is not population history, just as the his- middle Pleistocene was a single species, evolving in a separate genetic line.
tory of names mentioned earlier is not not a mix of different species evolving in More recently, researchers have ob-
the same as the history of populations. different places. Early specimens of mod- tained sequences of nuclear DNA, and
Such an interpretation can fully reconcile erns are also instructive. In the Australian they provide a different picture. Most
the fossil record with the genetic data. We case, significant ancestry in the Ngandong fundamentally, nuclear genes prove to be
propose that future research might more fossils from Indonesia could not be ex- older than the mitochondrial gene, in
productively focus on attempts to dis- cluded. In the European case, a 50 percent some cases by millions of years. If the ori-
prove this hypothesis than on attempts to contribution by Neandertals for the earli- gin of todays mtDNA was also the ori-
recalibrate a clock that does not work. est moderns could not be excluded. These gin of a new species, all the older nuclear
The dramatic genetic similarities anatomical studies support the idea of variations should have been eliminated,
across the entire human race show the multiregional evolution. and most genes should be the approxi-
consequences of linkages between people Meanwhile genetic research has be- mate age of the species or younger. This
that extend to when our ancestors first come more definitive. The rate of change is the most significant disproof of the Eve
populated the Old World. They are the of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) was theory. Nuclear genes are much older
results of an ancient history of popula- first estimated over millions of years from than Eve and preserve evidence of past
tion connections and mate exchanges comparisons with chimpanzees, but with migrations, mostly out of Africa but also
that has characterized the human race modern intergenerational studies the rates from some other regions, followed by
since its inception. Human evolution have been found to be many times as fast. population mixtures that preserve past
happened everywhere because every area The effects of accidental loss of mtDNA variation. This genetic evidence signifi-
was always part of the whole. variation were greatly underestimated. cantly supports multiregional evolution.
Neither anatomical nor genetic analy- Then came the realization that because A greater focus on epistemology also
ses provide a basis for the Eve theory. In- mtDNA is a single molecule, it cannot re- has made it clear that the original debate
stead the fossil record and the interpreta- combine or have crossover, so selection over modern human origin was indeed a
tion of mitochondrial DNA variation can on any part of it is selection on the whole. debate about the pattern of human evo-
be synthesized to form a view of human Natural selection has repeatedly reduced lution. The multiregional model is an in-
origins that does fit all the currently its variation; the same has been found in traspecific, network model, fundamen-
known data. This synthetic view com- the nonrecombining parts of the nuclear tally different from the tree-based Eve
bines the best sources of evidence about chromosomes. If selection and not pop- theory. This was important because an
human evolution by making sense of the ulation history accounts for mtDNA vari- assumption that tree (branching) attri-
archaeological and fossil record and the ation, it does not address the Eve theory. butes describe population histories un-
information locked up in the genetic vari- MtDNA has also been recovered derlies the acceptance of gene trees as
ation of living people all over the world. from Neandertals and from ancient population trees. The increasing molec-
The richness of human diversity, which Australians, and some of it is unlike the ular and anatomical evidence against re-
contrasts with the closeness of human ge- modern form. This evidence addresses cent speciation underscores the appro-
netic relationships, is a direct consequence the issues of how, and how quickly, priateness of such a network model. Mo-
of evolution. We are literally most alike mtDNA changes, but it does not help re- lecular and anatomical variation reflect
where it matters under the skin. solve the pattern of evolution. Also less something different than the time since
than helpful is the possibility that all the the separation of populations. They in-
Epilogue Neandertal mtDNA recovered so far clude the complexities of gene flow be-
I N T H E D E C A D E since this article orig- may have been altered by contamination tween groups, different histories of se-
inally appeared in Scientific American, sig- or DNA breakdown. This is suspected lection, and different population struc-
nificant discoveries and analyses have because the most recent Neandertal tures across space and over time.
changed the nature of the debate about
the pattern of human evolution. The find- MORE TO E XPLORE
ing of a 25,000-year-old Portuguese child Race and Human Evolution. Milford Wolpoff and Rachel Caspari. Simon & Schuster, 1997.
from Lagar Velho who has a combination Modern Human Ancestry at the Peripheries: A Test of the Replacement Theory. Milford H. Wolpoff,
of Neandertal and modern European John Hawks, David W. Frayer and Keith Huntley in Science, Vol. 291, pages 293297; 2001.
characteristics suggests that Neandertals Mitochondrial DNA Sequences in Ancient Australians: Implications for Modern Human Origins.
Gregory J. Adcock et al. in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, Vol. 98, No. 2,
mixed with other populations and there- pages 537542; January 16, 2001.
fore were the same species. A million-year- Number of Ancestral Human Species: A Molecular Perspective. D. Curnoe and A. Thorne in
old Ethiopian skull found in Bouri that is Homo: Journal of Comparative Human Biology, Vol. 53, Issue 3, pages 201224; March 2003.

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