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Department of Gastroenterology, MetroHealth Manager, Nutrition Support Dietetics, Department of Nutrition Support Director, Department of Nutrition Support and Vascular
Medical Center, Cleveland, OH and Vascular Access, The Cleveland Clinic Foundation Access; Program Director, Fellowship in Clinical Nutrition,
Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology,
The Cleveland Clinic Foundation

Perioperative nutrition support:

Who and how
N nutrition (TPN) andtotal
UTRITION parenteral
enteral nutrition
Perioperative nutrition support can reduce postoperative (tube feedings)is not for everybody undergoing
complications in some malnourished patients, but there surgery. Although giving nutrition support before
are risks, such as a greater risk of infection. The decision and after surgery can decrease postoperative mor-
to use nutrition supporteither total parenteral nutrition bidity and mortality, several well-designed studies
or enteral feedingsbefore and after surgery depends on showed that certain subsets of surgical patients
how severely the patient is malnourished, the type of suffer worse outcomes with TPN than with stan-
surgical procedure, and whether the surgery is elective. dard care.14 Therefore, it is imperative to care-
fully choose which patients should receive nutri-
KEY POINTS tion support and by what route.
In this article we briefly review the litera-
Malnourished patients are at greater risk for ture on this controversial topic and describe
perioperative and postoperative morbidity and mortality methods for assessing nutritional status and
compared with well-nourished patients. determining which patients should receive
perioperative nutrition support. We also dis-
cuss how to supply nutrition to patients who
Preoperative nutrition support for 7 to 10 days is require perioperative nutrition support.
beneficial in severely malnourished patients whose
surgery can be delayed this long. MALNUTRITION POSES RISK

Nutrition support should be considered in postoperative Malnutrition is associated with adverse out-
patients who cannot eat within 7 to 10 days after comes in surgical patients. Although it is diffi-
surgery. cult to establish a causal relationship, it is
known that malnutrition can impair wound
Whenever possible, enteral nutrition is preferred over healing and immunocompetence and decrease
parenteral nutrition, as it is safer and more cost-effective. cardiac and respiratory muscle function.
Furthermore, malnourished patients undergo-
Immune-enhancing enteral formulas are intended to ing surgery have higher rates of morbidity and
mortality as well as longer hospital stays com-
bolster the function of the immune system in stressed pared with adequately nourished patients.510

Although more than 20 studies have exam-

ined the effects of preoperative TPN, most of
them were small, the quality varied, and the
results differed. One large study, however, has
provided valuable information (see below).

The Veterans Affairs Total Parenteral Koretz et al13 reached contrary conclu-
Nutrition Cooperative Study2 included 395 sions in a meta-analysis for the American
malnourished patients who required nonemer- Gastroenterological Association Position
gency laparotomies or thoracotomies, but not Paper on TPN, finding that preoperative TPN
vascular or cardiac procedures. Patients were did not have any effect on perioperative com-
randomly assigned to receive either TPN for 7 plications.
to 15 days before surgery and 3 days after Comment. The reason for the differing
surgery or no perioperative TPN. findings among the three meta-analyses is that
At 90 days, there were more infectious Koretz et al combined studies using TPN with
complications in the TPN group than in the studies using only protein-sparing therapy
control group (14.1% vs 6.4%; P = .01), but (< 10 kcal/kg/day of nonprotein energy).
more noninfectious complications in the con- Furthermore, despite using similar inclusion
trol group (22.2% vs 16.7%; P = .2). The most criteria, Koretz et al included 23 studies in
common infectious complications were pneu- their analysis that the other meta-analyses did
monia and bacteremia, and the most common not. Some of these 23 studies were not ran-
noninfectious complications were cardiovas- domized controlled trials, and others were
cular events and respiratory failure. repeat presentations of the same data.
A possible explanation for the greater These meta-analyses, moreover, point
number of infectious complications in the out an inherent weakness and limitation of
TPN group may be that these patients all meta-analyses: differences among the
received a high-calorie regimennearly 45 studies in patient populations and treat-
kcal/kg/day, which led in some cases to hyper- ments. Only Heyland et al11 attempted to
glycemia, a known risk factor for infections. account for such heterogeneity in their sub-
Furthermore, the excess of infections in the group analyses (ie, by grouping studies con-
TPN group was all in the subgroups with taining only malnourished patients and com-
either borderline or mild malnutrition. In con- paring these trials with other trials). These
trast, severely malnourished patients receiving investigators also developed a scoring system
Well- TPN had fewer noninfectious complications to assess the methodologic quality of the
nourished than controls (5% vs 43%; P = .03) and no individual studies, and used it to adjust the
increase in infectious complications. The results in their analysis.
patients may severely malnourished subgroup also had fewer
overall major complications with TPN than STUDIES OF PREOPERATIVE
do worse the subgroup without (21% vs 47%; P = .12). ENTERAL NUTRITION
with TPN Heyland et al11 did a meta-analysis of 27
randomized studies of perioperative TPN and Few studies examined enteral nutrition in pre-
concluded that TPN had no effect on mortal- operative patients.
ity but was associated with fewer major com- Lim et al14 found lower morbidity and
plications. mortality rates in patients receiving TPN vs
Subgroup analysis showed a trend toward enteral nutrition, but the differences were not
fewer deaths and complications in TPN statistically significant.
patients in studies published before 1988 (the Sako et al15 found no differences in rates
halfway point of the analysis) but not later. of postoperative complications and mortality
Although the reason for the difference in in patients who received preoperative TPN vs
results before and after this time was not those who received enteral nutrition.
entirely evident to the authors, they speculat-
ed that it was because the later studies were of STUDIES OF POSTOPERATIVE TPN
higher quality.
Klein et al12 analyzed 22 studies and Numerous small studies examined the effects
found that malnourished patients receiving of postoperative TPN.
TPN for 7 to 10 days before surgery had a 10% Yamada et al16 found that cancer patients
absolute reduction in postoperative complica- receiving postoperative TPN vs oral intake
tions. had fewer postoperative complications, a
higher survival rate, and higher body weights, WHO SHOULD RECEIVE
serum albumin levels, and total lymphocyte NUTRITION SUPPORT?
counts. The likely reason for the better sur-
vival rate was that TPN allowed the patients Nutrition support is indicated in patients who
to tolerate more chemotherapy. are unable or unwilling to consume, digest,
Collins et al17 found that postoperative and assimilate adequate nutrients orally.
patients had faster wound-healing rates and a However, not all patients who cannot eat for
lower incidence of postoperative sepsis with a few days are candidatesonly those in
TPN vs an amino acid solution or oral intake. whom the benefits outweigh the risks.
However, both of these studies, while sta- How long a patient can go without ade-
tistically significant, were quite small (23 and quate nutritional intake without increasing
30 patients, respectively). surgical risk is unknown. Most well-nourished
Preshaw et al,18 on the other hand, found patients recover well without nutrition for
no reduction in the rate of colonic fistulas several days after surgery while receiving stan-
after colonic anastomosis with 6 days of post- dard intravenous fluids and then slowly rein-
operative TPN vs oral intake alone. troducing an oral diet. Moreover, some surgi-
Woolfson and Smith19 found no differ- cal patients do worse with TPN than with
ence in morbidity and mortality rates after standard care.2,3 This is likely because nutri-
major thoracoabdominal procedures in tion support carries inherent risks such as
patients treated with 7 days of postoperative catheter sepsis, hyperglycemia, electrolyte
TPN vs controls who received the standard abnormalities, and liver dysfunction.
postoperative fluid regimen.
Unlike the Veterans Affairs Group, which Who should receive
stratified patients on the basis of nutritional preoperative nutrition support?
status, these latter two studies looked at There are three main criteria in determining if
patients who were well-nourished or whose a patient should receive preoperative nutri-
nutritional status was unspecified. tion support:
Torosian20 reviewed eight prospective The patient must be severely malnour- Overfeeding
randomized trials of postoperative TPN. ished.28
Pooled analysis showed an overall 10% The procedure should be one in which
may be worse
greater incidence of complications in patients nutrition support has been shown to than
receiving TPN. improve clinical outcome, eg, a major
Klein et al,12 in another meta-analysis, thoracoabdominal procedure
also found a 10% greater incidence of compli- The surgery should be elective and safe to
cations in patients receiving routine postoper- delay for 7 to 10 daysthe length of time
ative TPN. that preoperative nutrition support
should be given.
STUDIES OF POSTOPERATIVE Enteral or parenteral? Nutrition support
ENTERAL NUTRITION should preferably be given through the enter-
al route if reliable access to the gastrointesti-
Few studies examined the use of postoperative nal tract can be obtained and formula toler-
enteral nutrition. Some found that it improved ance is demonstrated. If this is not possible,
wound healing, reduced septic complications, TPN is the preferred route of feeding.
reduced length of stay, and reduced the hyper-
metabolic responseenergy requirements that Who should receive
exceed the patients usual basal energy expen- postoperative nutrition support?
diture.2126 Candidates for postoperative nutrition sup-
However, a review of five studies that port are not always obvious at the time of
prospectively compared postoperative enter- surgery. Often, the patients postoperative
al and parenteral nutrition head-to-head recovery needs to be monitored for several
reported similar rates of morbidity and mor- days before the need for nutrition support
tality.27 becomes apparent.

TA B L E 1 tors such as liver dysfunction, edema, or ascites.

Degree of malnutrition: The Prognostic Nutrition Index30 was
developed to prospectively predict the risk of
Current vs usual and ideal body weight
postoperative complications in surgical
DEGREE OF % OF IDEAL % OF USUAL patients on the basis of nutritional parameters
alone. It uses a combination of nutritional
Mild 80%90% 90%95% markers: serum albumin, serum transferrin, tri-
ceps skinfold measurement, and skin tests for
Moderate 70%79% 80%89%
delayed hypersensitivity. It was originally vali-
Severe < 70% < 80% dated in studies of gastrointestinal surgery
*Ideal body weight can be determined by a variety of formulas. While all of the patients and has since been shown to be of use
formulas have their shortcomings, the method proposed by Hamwi32 is the most in many other surgical populations. However,
Men: 106 pounds for the first 5 feet of height plus 6 pounds for each additional inch
it is not widely used in clinical practice.
Women: 100 pounds for the first 5 feet of height plus 5 pounds for each additional History and physical examination.
inch Equations such as the Prognostic Nutrition
and physical examination. In fact, a careful
patient history and physical examination
alone may be a more valuable assessment of
nutritional status than objective markers.
As a general rule, postoperative nutrition Subjective global assessment, a clinical
support should be started only if the patient technique based on the history and physical
cannot tolerate an oral diet 7 to 10 days after examination alone, has been developed and
surgery if mildly malnourished, or 5 to 7 days validated. This technique categorizes patients
after surgery if severely malnourished.20 as well nourished, malnourished, or severely
On the other hand, postoperative nutri- malnourished.7,8,31 The most significant deter-
tion support should be considered sooner if minants of this scoring system are muscle wast-
To avoid the you believe that the patient will not be able to ing, loss of subcutaneous tissue, and weight loss.
resume oral intake within 7 to 10 days after Baker et al7 demonstrated that patients
refeeding surgery.29 categorized as severely malnourished by sub-
syndrome, Whenever possible, enteral nutrition is jective global assessment had significantly
preferred over parenteral nutrition, as it is higher rates of infection and antibiotic use
start at 1/2 associated with equal or better outcomes and and longer hospitalizations than well-nour-
the energy is safer and more cost-effective. ished and mildly malnourished patients.
Anthropometric measurements such as
requirement HOW TO ASSESS NUTRITIONAL STATUS weight are useful in assessing nutritional status
for 3 to 5 days in combination with a patient history and
A comprehensive nutrition assessment is physical examination.
essential before surgery, since it helps in esti- How much weight has been lost in what time?
mating surgical risk and in determining Loss of more than 10% of usual body weight
whether a patient is a candidate for nutrition within 6 months is considered severe and is
support. It should determine whether the associated with increased morbidity and mor-
patient is malnourished and, if so, to what tality, as is 7.5% in 3 months, 5% in 1 month,
degree. Generally, the severity of malnutrition or 2% in 1 week.9
is proportional to the level of surgical risk.7,8,30 What is the patients current weight as a per-
Since no single test can accurately deter- cent of his or her ideal body weight32 or usual
mine nutritional status, clinicians must look at weight? Patients weighing less than 70% of
several markers. Laboratory tests such as serum their ideal weight or less than 80% of their
albumin and anthropometric measurements usual weight are considered severely malnour-
such as weight have been traditionally used to ished (TABLE 1).33
assess nutritional status. Unfortunately, these Laboratory tests such as visceral protein
markers can be influenced by nonnutritional fac- status testing can also help determine the
degree of malnutrition. TA B L E 2
Serum albumin is helpful in assessing mal- Determining degree of malnutrition
nutrition, and low levels are associated with
using visceral protein levels
increased morbidity and mortality in surgical
patients.5,10,34 ALBUMIN TRANSFERRIN
(G/DL) (MG/DL)
Serum transferrin levels, with a shorter
half-life than albumin, are more sensitive to Normal 3.55.0 200400
the short-term response of a patient to nutri-
Mild malnutrition 2.83.4 150199
tion support as long as any underlying injury
or insult is resolved. Moderate malnutrition 2.12.7 100149
We use serum transferrin levels, although Severe malnutrition < 2.1 < 100
of short-term changes in nutrition status. Each PORT. PHILADELPHIA: W.B. SAUNDERS, 1998: 4763.
has its inherent advantages and disadvantages
but they have important characteristics in
common. All visceral protein levels decrease
with the physiologic stress of an injury ideal body weight, one should use the patients
response, and this decrease correlates with the current weight. But if the patient is over-
morbidity and mortality of the patients ill- weight (> 120% of ideal body weight), one
ness. In addition, the magnitude of depletion should use the adjusted body weight.
roughly corresponds to the degree of malnutri- The concept of adjusted body weight
tion (TABLE 2) These markers can be used to assumes that one fourth of the excess weight is
help identify candidates for nutrition support composed of lean tissue and that a patient
and to follow patients responses to nutrition should receive nutrition support only for his or
support as long as the underlying illness has her ideal body weight plus the excess lean tis-
been treated or resolved. sue. Thus: adjusted body weight = ideal body
However, it is important to be aware of non- weight + 0.25 (current body weight ideal body
nutritional factors such as fluid status and liver weight). Whenever
function that can influence visceral protein lev- feasible,
els, and not to use visceral protein status as the Do not overfeed
sole criterion for assessing nutritional depletion. Care must be taken not to overfeed patients enteral feeding
(ie, give them more calories than they need) is preferable
HOW MUCH NUTRITION SUPPORT or to induce a refeeding syndrome.
TO GIVE? Surgical patients have increased energy to TPN
requirements that need to be met but should
If perioperative nutrition support is deemed not be exceeded. Overfeeding with more than
necessary, how much does the patient need? 35 kcal/kg/day has been shown to cause
There are several ways to calculate this. increased septic and metabolic complications,
Calories. Up to 25 to 35 kcal/kg/day or is clearly inferior to optimal nutrition, and
1.5 to 1.75 times the basal energy expenditure. may be as detrimental as the patients underly-
The basal energy expenditure is calculated by ing malnutrition.20
the Harris-Benedict equation: Refeeding syndrome occurs when severely
Men 66.47 + 13.75W + 5H 6.76A; malnourished patients are abruptly given their
Women 655.1 + 9.56W + 1.85 H 4.68A; full energy requirements, whether by enteral
where W = weight in kg, H = height in cm, feedings or TPN. Signs and symptoms include
and A = age in years. fatigue, lethargy, muscle weakness, edema,
Protein: 1.5 to 2 g/kg/day. cardiac arrhythmias, respiratory failure, and
hemolysis. The cause is a rapid shift of potassi-
Use adjusted body weight um, phosphorous, and magnesium from the
if the patient is overweight extracellular to the intracellular space when
In calculating how much nutritional support glucose is first given to such patients.
to give, if the patient is at or below his or her Therefore, when beginning nutrition

TA B L E 3 tube feedings and TPN are listed in TABLE 3.

Typical indications for perioperative Immediately after surgery, tube feedings
may not be an option due to paralysis of the
nutrition support
bowel, but they should be considered once
Indications for enteral nutrition support function begins to return. Tube feedings can
Severe dysphagia or esophageal obstruction often be started even in the absence of bowel
Neurologic and muscular diseases sounds or the passage of flatus. In cases in
(Guillain-Barr syndrome, myasthenia gravis, amyotrophic which the return of normal gastric emptying is
lateral sclerosis, severe multiple sclerosis)
delayed, enteral feeding into the jejunum is an
Major burns or trauma
Mild pancreatitis option through nasoenteric, gastrojejunos-
tomal, and jejunostomal feeding tubes.
Indications for total parenteral nutrition
Diffuse peritonitis
Intestinal obstruction
Intractable vomiting or diarrhea A NEW TYPE OF NUTRITIONAL SUPPORT
Paralytic ileus
Severe acute pancreatitis Immune-enhancing formulas are intended to
High-output enterocutaneous fistula bolster the function of the immune system in
Bowel ischemia stressed patients. These are usually enteral for-
Short bowel syndrome mulas that contain supplemental arginine,
Complete malignant bowel obstruction RNA, and omega-3 fatty acids. This is a rela-
tively new area of research, having only
emerged in the last 10 years.
There are now numerous studies dealing
support in a severely malnourished patient, with the use of these formulas in perioperative
we advise giving one half of his or her energy patients.
requirement for 3 to 5 days while keeping Daly et al38 studied such a formula in
electrolyte concentrations and fluid balance patients undergoing elective surgery for gastroin-
Immune- in the normal range before advancing to full testinal malignancies and found fewer infectious
enhancing requirements.35 and wound complications in the group that
received the formula (11% vs 37%; P = .02).
formulas ENTERAL OR PARENTERAL NUTRITION? Braga et al (1998)39 concluded that
enhanced enteral formulas can lead to a short-
are promising There is continued debate on how to provide er length of stay and less-severe infections in
but far from nutritional support: enterally or parenterally. surgical patients.
Most experts agree that enteral nutrition Heyland et al,40 in a meta-analysis, sug-
routine is better than parenteral since it is safer and gested that immune-enhancing formulas may
more cost-effective. Most comparative studies have a favorable impact on the rate of postop-
of enteral nutrition and parenteral nutrition, erative infectious complications and on length
however, show that outcomes are comparable of stay.
with either route.14,15,21,22,27,36,37 Braga et al (2002)41 demonstrated
Keep in mind that most of the studies of reduced complications and hospital length of
perioperative feeding used parenteral nutri- stay in patients given immunonutrition as
tion in the treatment group and an ad lib oral compared to standard enteral nutrition.
diet in the control group. Few studies used a The Summit on Immune-Enhancing
similar design to compare enteral nutrition in Enteral Therapy42 recommended these for-
the treatment group against an ad lib oral diet mulas for specific groups of patients, including
in the control group. malnourished patients undergoing elective
With this in mind, tube feedings are indi- gastrointestinal surgery. However, the recom-
cated in patients with adequate digestive and mendations of this meeting are not officially
absorptive capacity of the gastrointestinal endorsed by the American Society for
tract but who cannot or will not consume ade- Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition.
quate nutrients orally. Specific indications for Although these formulas are promising,
their use is far from routine and should not be specific formulas content and proposed indi-
attempted without a clear understanding of a cations.

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