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TECHNICAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM e COOLING e HEATING ACCURATE LOAD ESTIMATE C TRUE REQUIREMENTS ical equipment selection 2. LOAD REDUCTION POSSIBILITIES. 3. ECONOMICAL EQUIPMENT SELECTION 4 ELEEOINE AIR DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM The The ir distribution WV Ns However more than @ load estimation form is necessary. Learning to select a factor of 97 and multiplying it by 50 sq. ft, of glass is not enough to show how much saving can be made in equipment cost and operating cost. You must know the "why" of the load. For example, there are some commercial applications where storage effect similar to supermarkets can be used; knowing the "why" lets you recognize them. If you know the character of the load to analyze any application, regardless of specific estimating form used, and come up with the correct load and proper equipment selection ) you are Analyzing an ait conditioning load is simplified by first grouping the sources of heat as external and internal. Under external loads you have Jucted heat, solar heat, and outside air load ventilation or inf: ‘nal heat motors ome from people, lights fice machines, computers appliances, kitchen equipment, and pro Now ki starti t's see how each item affects the load g with external sources such as heat that flows through a wall or other structure depends upon the temperature differenc on the two sides ~ the larger the temperature difference the greater the heat flow. depends on t type of construction, heat passes throu ‘This last is called the "U" factor. U" factors for various types of c are available in Carrier System Design Manual. The total conducted heat flow Q, is then fot multiplying the "U" factor by the area of the ucture and by the total temperature difference. For example -~ a 30 ft. long by 10 ft. high partition wall has a temperature of 90F on the unconditioned side and 80F on the conditioned side. From a set of "U" factor tables, the value of a typical 8 in. masonry partition is 40 Btuh for each square foot, per degree temp erature difference. The conducted heat is therefore .40 times 300 sq 0 degree difference, which equals 1200 Btuh. ft. times In addition to heat flow through partitions, conducted heat can come through roof, walls, and glass To compare the effect of these parts of a building some typical constructions are listed here ith the "U" factor of each. The heat flow through the window is so large in con with other factors that for the same differ one square foot of ordinary window passes as much heat as about 4 1/2 sq. ft. of residential wall, or 4 sq. ft. of residential ceiling, or 31/2 sq. ft. of commercial wall, or 3 sq. it. of commercial roof. Fortunately, much can be done to cut down on the conducted heat flow through glas. ‘The conducted heat can be reduced by 60% just by adding tight fitting storm windows which reduce the glass "U" factor from 1.13 to .45 If double glass with a 1/4 in, sealed air space is used, This reduces the con factor is .6 the 5 d heat passed by 43% Next, what can be done about the walls and roof. Tw: WARM SIDE Tes C0Lce YE + TEMPERATURE TEMPERATURE 90°F 80°F Quy WaT Us HEAT TRANSFER FACTOR 0-40 HE, TOTAL Qs4/2AREA (TEMP ~ TEM ) Q+(40) £(30410} 490-80) +1200 and roof insulation effective the percent redu! for 8 wall with no insulation to that with one inch, two Inches, hes, and 3-5/8 inches. The The second inch reduces it an additional 14 heat flow only Je the next inch redu last 5/8 But now let's study one of the greatest external sources of summer heat load, that due to the The sun's heat can get into a building in one of two ways =~ through glass and through walls and roof. 1. Solar heat through glass is absorbed instantaneously in the room. This is in addition to the conducted heat passed by the glass. 2. In the case of walls and roof however, the sun heats up the outside s: and then the heat is 10 the room. Depending on the type of con- struction, there is usually a time lag of from two to ten hours before this heat reaches the room. This means that heat may be pouring in after the sun has gone down. ~ ‘The exact amount of heat gain from either sour depends upon the area, the direction faced by each wall, the shading, and the type and color of surface exposed to the sun. It also depends upon the position of the sun, that is, the season of the year, the time of day, and the latitude where the building is lo First, let's look at the effect on the cooling load of solar heat through glass. This shows the Btuh through one square foot of ordinary window glass facing east for the month of August. As would be expected with the sun rising in the east, the solar heat through the east glass is very high about eight in the morning, and off at noon and in the afternoon. Glass on the south side shows the greatest load at noon and is lower before and after noon The West glass is just the reverse of the East glass, reaching its peak about tour in the after- noon North glass and any glass shaded all day gets some solar heat that is reflected by the dust in the air. Of course, this is a very small amou ompared to direct sunli Understanding these load curves often helps you to make decisions on equipment selection For example, the equipment cost for an auto- mobile showroom may be reduced by as much as 25% If the large show window area faces east or Frequently, the owner is willing to accept a slightly higher inside temperature for a couple of hours In the morning when there are relatively few customers in the place. Smaller equipment may then be selected for the other peak time when the east or southeast glass load is not as great a factor, These curves also show that the north or shaded glass heat gain is only about one tenth of the peak gain for east or west, and about one- seventh of the south glass. It is obvious that effective shading or proper orientation of the glass can result in an appreciable reduction in solar heat. If complete outside shading of glass is imposs ible, there are other partially effective methods for reducing the solar load. These factors indicate the percent of solar load reduction when shading devices are used - An outside awning will turn away 75% of the solar heat, while inside roller shades or venetian blinds will give a 35% reduc! solar heat through glass. The solar heat can also be reduced by using other than ordinary types of window glass, The load reduction for heat absorbing glass compared with ordinary glass is 25% -- for double pane, 10- and for stained glass windows, 30 - 65%, depending on the color used. let's consider the sun's effect on walls and the sun heats up the outside Nos roof. In this c: surface and then . this heat gradually works its way ii building. Since the outside surface temperature due to the sun is higher than the air temperature, not all of the heat gets inside, bu joes into the outside air. The effect of the type of construction and other factors on this solar gain can be studied by looking at specific examples. ‘This chart shows the Btuh delivered into the Inside of @ building through one square foot of uninsulated roof. The solar heat through light wood roof construc tion peaks at about 2 p.m. with 1 Btuh per square foot. _Bi MEDIUM- 4" CONCRETE The four inch concrete roof peaks at about 4 p.m. with 19 Btuh, . . « and the heavy six inch concrete roof peaks between 4 and 6 p.m. with 18 Btuh There is a very little difference in the amount of heat flow through uninsulated roofs except for the peak time. The heavier roofs, of course, peak later and with the smaller emount. ‘The effect of adding insulation would be the same as discussed before for conducted heat, that is, about one half reduction with one inch of insul- ation, about 2/3 with two inches, and about 3/4 with three or four inches. ‘The best combination would be a heavy roof w: 2 4 inches of insulation. ‘The heat load through the roof can be reduced by spraying water on the roof or by covering the roof with water, This would reduce the peak load of the roof by approximately two thirds. A completely shaded roof results in a 75% re~ duction from the peak sunlit roof load ‘The effect of the sun beating down on the walls is very similar to that of the roof. But another factor is involved - that of the wall facing, The walls and the roof cool off during the night. The time when the heat starts getting inside depends upon when the sun starts hitting the wall, In such cases as this... « the walls may exert a cooling effect until the sun heats them up. Here are the Btuh t a square foot of typical residential frame wall construction on various sides of a building. As would be expected, the east wall heats up first then the south, the west, and then the north. Notice also, that more heat gets through the west wall than the others. This is due to the outside temperature being high at the same time that the sun is beating down on the wall so that less heat is carried away from the hot outside The same type of comparison can be made for commercial wall construction. Generally, how- ever, this heavier wall construction takes longer to heat up and longer to cool off. Thus it lets in less heat which gets inside the building later in the day. Notice that the west wall is actually letting in more heat between @ and 10 p.m. than any other time. ie net effect of the solar heat through walls, however, is small in comparison with the roof and glass ‘This graph compares the heat gain through one square foot of unshaded ordinary west glass, one square foot of roof, and one square foot of west wall, all in relative magnitude. It is one more indication of the relative importance of glass the cooling load. Another external source of cooling load is the outside air, which is used to provide ventilation, one function of true air conditioning. This air nay be supplied by an outside air duct or by de~ pending on infiltration around windows and through doors. Whichever way the air gets in, it must be ooled and dehumidified in the summer to brine the air to the room conditions The amount of sensible heat that must be removed can be determined by multiplying a factor 1.08 times the cfm of outside air used times the temperature difference between outside and in~ side conditions See For example, when one cfm of outside air at 95F dry-bulb is brought into a room at OF, the sensible heat to be removed is 1.08 times) 5° difference, or 16.2 Btuh for each cfm Q=/.08 x CFM «(Tin Pew.) +108 CFM (95-80) Q2/E2 BT RCE The design temperature of the inside air is set by the job requirements; the erature varies with the time of day Therefore, the sensible heat load of outside air utside air temp~ in the summer |: 3 sensible heat load per cfm varies as shown here ong) (015410815. [162/151 (130/86 Now let's consider the quantity of outside air jat leaks into the room by infiltration. This depends upon the outside wind velocity, the ‘ack openings, and the window and doors and their usage. Te we been made by the ASHRAE Society to determine the cfm infiltration, and tables of the results are now available -10- In addition to infiltration air, there is the venti- lation air requirement. Ventilation standards have been established for most applications and may be obtained from Carrier System Design Manual. When specific information is not avail~ able, as a basis of estimating you can use a minimum of 5 cfm to a recommended 7.1/2 cfm each person not smoking, and from 25 to 40 n for each person smoking. Some examples of infiltration loads for summer cooling are 350 Btuh through an average 3 ft by 5 ft window, and 65 Btuh per person in a retail shop due to the openin ing of & 3 ft by 7 ft door When the proper ventilation requirements are con- sidered, the summer sensible heat load of 9: outside air is 240 Btuh per office occupant, 1 Btuh per retail shop person, and 120 Btuh for ventilation air for each person in a department outside air also has excess humidity which ust be removed for inside conditions. This latent load can be calculated by multiplying a factor of .68 times t ide air used times the humidity di ir between outside = 68 CEU (Wog-Wrr) For outside conditions of 95F db and 7SF wb, the humidity is 99 grains, and for 80F db and 50% rh inside, the specific humidity is 77 grains. The latent load works out to be 15 Btuh per cfm. Since the water vapor in the air stays pretty constant on any day, the latent load does not vary with the time of day. For other outside design conditions with the same inside conditions, the latent load may be higher as indicated here, The outside design,of course, depends on your geographical area. When the latent load is added to the sensible heat load, you can obtain an approximate check ‘igure or rule of thumb ~~ one thousand cfm of outside air represents a cooling load of 32,000 to 44,000 Btuh. This is from about 2 1/2 to 31/2 tons. Also notice that in two cases the latent heat about equals the sensible heat. s of heat vary a great deal e month, The external so with weather, the sun, time of day and in contrast, internal sources are not subject to the same variation. One of the more impor- tant sources of internal heat is people People in a room give off both sensible and latent heat, even as you are doing right now The exact amount is determined by the activity of the people and by the room conditions Some typical applications are a theater or auditorium where people seated at rest give off 195 Btuh sensible heat per person and 155 Btuh latent, for a total of 350 Btu office, it would be approximately 200 sensible 280 latent, for a 450 Btuh total. The greater moderate dancing in a dance hall or night club means 245 sensible and 605 latent, for an 850 total. And, the great exertion by most bowlers pushes it up to 465 sensible and 985, latent, for a total of 1450 Btuh per bowler. More complete data on these and other applications are available from the Carrier System Design Manual per person. In an It is normally the latent heat that takes the big jump when activity is increased. You've not! how dehydrated you feel after great activity. ‘That's partially due to the extra evaporation of water vapor from your body -~ latent heat -- to keep your body engine cool. As a general check figure for a theater audience or of ker or retail store occupant, one hundred people represent 3 -~ 4 tons of cooling load -13- jocirece | carer rum | era TER reve 195 | 1s5 00 PEORE ei APPROX 3-410NO- ct If the ventilation air required per person is added to the people load, the check figure for the two becomes approximately double, that is, 6 -- 8 tons for 100 people. As you have seen from the variation in actual values, check figures are only rough approxi~ mations. One more note of caution, in order to determine the true load requirements, an accurate estimate of the number of people in the space at each time of day is needed. Although this may be a difficult quantity to obtain, it is so Important that the load estimate may be of little value without it. Some examples of applications where this would be true are restaurants, theaters, de- partment stores and specialty shops. where the customer cannot provide the information, there may be general values available for the more common applications. The heat given off by lights, both incandescent and fluorescent, is not affected by the room temperature. It depends only on the electricity consumed, and this data can be obtained from the manufacturer or directly from the bulb or tube itself. Each watt of electricity generates 3.4 Btuh, The total wattage of incandescent lights is very Close to the rating given on the lamp. Fluores- cent lights, however, require extra power in the ballast. As an approximation, the ballast con- Sumes about 25% of the rating of the fluorescent, tube; @ 40 watt bulb, therefore, would require a total of 1.25 times 40 watts, which equals 50 watts, When the exact amount of power is required, the manufacturer's ratings must be con sulted. This is particularly true of the slimline lights which have variable ratings. To predict the load at each time of day, the usage factor of the lights is required. -14- Arule of thumb figure for electricity is that 10 kw of electricity represents approximately 3 tons of cooling. Let's see what those other rules of thumb wei + 100 people side air, 21/2 - 31/2 tons. If you rough approximation, but easy to remem 3 tons for each 10 kw, 100 people, and 1000 cfm 4 tons and 1000 cfm of out- 2 fant a really ‘The heat given off by motors, machines and pliances is also fairly independent of the room temperature. It depends on the actual electricity or gas or oil used. Nameplate ratings may not flect the actual load. Many times, for example jotors and other equip. er overloaded or only partially loaded. The usage factor and the effect of starting and stopping should be valuated. If specific informati able, refer to general tables for average use as given in the Cartier System Design Manual is not avail- One possible source of information is the electric utility. They may be able to te obtain for you, the amount of elec for each period of the day. you, Remember this machine tool company with the 75 ton load? The utility was able to show that the actual motor loading in use during the day was much smaller than the nameplate ratings indicated. er reason why this Job worked with only tons of cooling capacity is the storage effec To understand storage . + + let's first look at a somewhat typical cool- ing load and its variation during a day. The air conditioning equipment could be . . . selected to hendle the load at the peak conditions Can see that the equipment has excess es other than the peak load. You may be able to pment by banking times of light and withdrawing and it during the This is what is meant by storage effe: most like putting extra money in the bank ready to spend it. extra cooling onde Every building has storage possibilities, such as in the walls, floors, furniture, fixtures, and even in the canned goods on the shelves or the suits on the racks. This is the way it works When the cooling load or the heat gain is less than the cooling capacity of the equipment, the excess is stored by cooling down the walls, floors, fixtures and other interior materials. If there is enough time and enough excess capacity, you may be able to cool everything down to say 72 or 73F. Thi When the big load comes on, the cool structure and cool materials absorb part of the load and add to the equipment cooling effect. This combina- tion prevents the temperature in the room from rising above the design temperature, say 78F. ‘This is what storage means -- note that the in- stalled equipment can be less than the peak load == in some cases, such as residential applica- tions or supermarket applications -- as much as a 40% reduction in equipment size ts possible. ‘The amount of storage available can be calculated by referring to Carrier System Design Manual. What factors are necessary for storage? ence uh QOVOOO.O ‘The equipment must be in operation for sufficient time to pre-cool the storage material. The load during the pre-cooling time must be ficiently below the equipment capacity to omplish the required permit the apparatus to a pre-cooling. The time must be of relatively short duration For most comfort applications, a few degrees reduction in room dry-bulb temperature during the pre-cooling period is not objectionable. Wher- ever the occupancy or degree of activity is such that the number of degrees pre-cooling required causes discomfort, pre-cooling should not be attempted. Some industrial processes will not tolerate any change in temperature, making it, therefore, impossible to use storage effect. Storage may be used as a credit only if the peak time is relatively short; perhaps not more than wo or three hours. For long, continued peaks, storage should not be considered, since its effect would have been largely nullified within the first few hours. But why spend so much time discussing storage? Proper use of storage effect has brought down the equipment size and cost to within reach of many homeowners who never could consider air condi- tioning before. It has reduced the size and initial cost and operating cost for other applica~ ions such as churches, supermarkets and motels. Knowing the basis for storage effect permits you to recognize and use it wherever possible. Still another factor in load estimating arises when the air conditioned space is split into separate rooms or has various exposures or spaces that are not affected by changes in the outside weather, or when there are great variations in the internal load, All these things require what is called zoning. In this office layout you might divide the floor plan four subdivisions called zones ~ the east, the south, the west, and the combined north ai interior areas. The spaces in each zone should have similar load characteristics in order to be able to maintain uniform comfort conditions. If you made a load estimate for 9 a.m., you might find this load distribution: 20 tons east. 10 tons south, 10 tons west and 10 tons for the remainder At noon, the load has changed around « little, but the total is only slightly higher at 54 tons. At 3 p.m., the load has shift the total is now 65 tons. appreciably, and Now how much refrigeration install? If you put in one central system, you must be able to shift the cooling from zone to zone as needed. Then 65 tons is all you need, pacity do you If you put in separate equipment for each zone, then you must be able to take care of the maxi mum in each zone. That would be 20 tons for the east, 15 tons for the south, 25 tons for the west, and 15 tons for the central, making a total of 75 tons. In either case, however, the air capacity is designed for the maximum load in each zone. Of course, each type of system has its merits, and the best choice must be made for a specific Job, but make sure you know what your cho! are. Don't make just half a load estimate We've covered just briefly some of the funda- mentals of load estimating. First we divided the load into extemal and internal sources, We Saw that the greatest external factor for cooling was the solar heat gain through glass. ~20- ‘The relative importance of internal heat sources cannot be generalized, except to say that all of them must be considered -~ people, lights, motors, appliances, computers, and processes. One additional point to remember is that the internal load could be high enough to create & cooling load even when the outside temperature is 60F and lower. We also saw that proper understanding and use ay reduce the size and also operating cost of tioning equipment for various app ant in making the election And zoning, too, can be most economical equipme! All of this adds up to proper load estimating which means that you can design the best system for your customer and know that it's right. HEATING Heating is merely the replacing of the heat lost ure. The heating lead is mad from a struc of two components ~~ conducted heat and required for heating infiltration or ventilation Conducted heat c through the ceiling and roof, through the walls, through glass, and through the floor. ‘The int of heat lost depends upon. . . . the temperature difference between the nside and outside, the area of the surface, and ruction, The last item de- the materials of con termines the rat eat loss, called the "U factor. The actual heat loss is calcu by multiplying these three factors together. For example, 3 20 ft. long by 8 ft. high wall factor of .25 would have a heat los. h when the inside temperature is 70F Beu and the outside is 0°F The heat loss through glass, through walls, and through the roof can be compared by their "U" values, This indicates that one square foot of ordinary window glass loses as much heat as, about 4 1/2 square feet of uninsulated wall as used in homes, or 4 square feet of uninsulated ceiling through roof construction, or 3.1/2 square feet of commercial wall, or 3 square feet of commercial roof. ‘This is the reason for feeling cold air drafts far more often near windows than walls. ‘The effect of glass can be reduced by « adding storm windows or using double glass. This causes a reduction of 60% in the icted heat loss with tight fitting storm and 43% with double glass window The heat conducted through walls and roof can be reduced by adding insulation. The reduc~ tion from uninsulated construction is similar for the walls and ceiling or roof, with the greater benefit shown in the ceiling Here you see that the first inch of insulation makes the greatest reduction, Even though the second and third inches do not show as large a difference, they still provide a considerable reduction in heat loss. Present practice suggests the use of one to two inches of insulation in the walls, and two to four inches of insulation in the ceiling or rot Calculation of the heat loss through the floor or through basement walls below grade is compli- cated by the temperature of the ground. The ground temperature near the surface is close to the air temperature, but as you go down, the ground temperature approaches a rather constant value of from 45 to 65F, depending on the geographical area For concrete slab on ground construction, the =50x(140) = 70008" Aa ae) ° To" HEAT Q Q= 108 CFM (TeMz,-TEME,,.) Q= 108 CEM (128, TEM 7) =L08CEM (70-0) S760 peRcEM 3 Loses i SE, j Soa of the slab. with one in by 30 ft, by the perimeter of 140 ft., which is a heat loss of 7000 Btuh, + the amount of heat lost through a of insulation for a building 40 ft. major heat loss takes place around the perimeter Test data have provided factors for calculating the heat loss at the perimeter. are the heat loss factors for an area with 0 F winter design temperature, Two inches of in- jation around the edge of the slab is recom= mended, and one inch is the minimum that should be used. Here To illustrate the method of calculation, let's determine . . {ab floor This would be a factor of 50 multiplied load is While the floor loss is only 10 to 18% of the total heat loss, it is quite important for comfort, since cold floors mean an improperly heated building. addition to conducted heat, the other source of heat side air or air brought in for ventilation. This air must be heated to room conditions. at due to infiltration of out- ‘The amount of sensible heat added to the out- side air is determined by multiplying the factor of 1.08 by the cfm of outside air by the temp- erature difference. air at OF is brought intoa 70F room, it would require 1.08 times 70, which is 78.6 Btul ‘or example, when outside ‘The quantity of air infiltrating through openings around windows and doors will depend upon the wind velocity, tightness of the openings, and door usage, Tests have been made by ASHRAE, to determine the cfm infiltration, and tables of the results are available. Some examples of these infiltration loads are shown here for an outside temperature of OF and an inside temperature of 70F and a wind velocity of 15 mph, This shows that an average 3 ft. by S ft, window would have a 2650 Btuh infiltration load, 3170 Btuh with a 3 ft. by 7 ft. closed door, and 20,600 Btuh through the door when in a retail shop. As an approximation, window infiltration is reduced 50% by the addition of tight fitting storm windows or weatherstripping, Thus, storm win- dows serve a dual purpose ~~ the infiltration load is reduced 50% and the conducted heat load is reduced about 60% When ventilation requirements are considered, the outside air load, based on the same design onditions as before, are 1140 Btuh per person in an office, 760 Btuh per retail shop person, and 570 for each person in a department -25- STORM WINDOW — WEATHERSTRIPPING REDUCES INFILTRATION 68 CEM (Win Weur) 81S PERCE GENERAL OFFICE In addition to sensible heat, latent heat may be required to control the humidity indoors. The quantity of latent heat added, Btuh, is calculated by multiplying a factor of .68 by the cfm of out- side air by the humidity difference in grains per ound of air at inside and outside conditions. For example, air at 0 F with 100% th has a specific humidity of 11 grains per pound. If the inside conditions are 70P dry-bulb with a max- imum relative humidity of 30%, the inside humidity is 33 grains. Then the latent load is +68 times 22, which is 15 Btuh for each cfm of, iding all these loads, the conducted heat loss through the ceiling, roof, walls, glass and floors, and the outside air load, would give the total heat loss. Under actual operation, there is some heat gain from lights, people, other internal sources, and from the sun. Generally, the heat gain is so unpredictable in residential applica- tions that the heating equipment is selected on the basis of the total heat loss alone. How some commercial heating & the basis of tak: for part of the heat gain. This is true ipment is size Heat gain credits at m erating conditi may offset the heat loss to such an extent that cooling is required even under winter design conditions. This is important when zoning a building such as this office. For example, the central general office area would only lose heat through the ceiling and floor, but could have an extremely large heat gain from lights, people and office machines. Thus, while the perimeter zones require heating, the interior zone might require cooling. This could be handled by sup- plying partially heated outside air, say at 58 or 60F, to the interior zone The heating load, therefore, consists primarily of heat conducted through glass, walls, ceiling and roof, and through the floor, and the load due aoe Heat gains from i are not usually taken as equipment, but must be conside! ing the system when design- CHAPTER 2 DESIGN CONDITIONS TABLE 1—OUTDOOR DESIGN CONDITIONS—SUMMER AND WINTER (CONT.) Tomnas omen ava, | MaMa DenGN | NORMAL = — Coated owe | "eoueeesbmmge [orsen cone, | rarissa [rawoe| Snpersecae | wnnes’™ | _wino para Maire Te. Veecy ona bey-| warletren| ony. | ony) |teteit] or | anout|roceney Sesion tote | Stl Sgrter| eae | Bac | tne Senta | ats |S | Yah Sec var | ae | Sera | Sa senor | Wa 1 1 | | vase | a es) re) ime | ao | aoe sto was | ti | 8 : tw & aT ar 78 ‘ea a9 ae Bln % [im | » a sw) “a | By] a 3 Sh "| ale uslas| zm | 0 » 5 * SLB] Lt lela] we | 3 rosw | sow s 3] i oe 3 ssl a [eo [ad | 89 | zoow | Rh 3 fae nara a a” 4s Shaw vol mls ju | 128 | re | sero mw | j Se 3 elals |u| m [a BiB) e |e 3 iw me 7 Mat oy |] ms] u | on s | ss ae Sesame a] we | it wt] 2 tcozen He toa | or |e | io | 3 | spe oe aH Bl al ° ww H BLL [| || wos | 8 | sooo rsosw [rate] vo | ae] es ae pH o | sup va i wl mls lu | on $1 BE | cosy [8h] | Faw mnneo thane ss |r] us| ae | |] ose | 0 [asi | aosw | ram | am | as a a8 |iie BE |e | Ma |e BUG S| bt | ashe | hike | Hao | 3 ia von Mere w}im | ow | | elim [aio | we | 208 loss | ow | a Sree | is xg | $a Hshw| at | & Sar | "mw | oo | | ime | Ts | OH |roew [aste’| fat | 8 Canoe a Sp ae Bes ae Eclna 8 ny Sim fate =f v Sip one aR | = we =n Bi Ee asses pa | | = My a iw ae a7 as | Bl lame fw | os “P| Gr | sosw leew | 38 BGs | te | | 8 [eee] wae es Ea bw iontw carouna ane elas| ms} | oo o | ae | sonw | pznw| zara | a4 Serene BLL ws LR 13 | Sat | S65 | $3 | Ma ape ae ie ae 79su |e [me] tes | Tn [a | usa | ae | 388 | aoow | geew | ae simi is |e | alt | ks | | aes | ese a |e fond wehbulb temperature lite, andl corrected for aude of cy, ‘orespond to peck dewpela lomperoture, corrected fr altude, 1-66 PART 1. LOAD ESTIMATING TABLE 21—TRANSMISSION COEFFICIENT U-MASONRY WALLS* FOR SUMMER AND WINTER, Btu/{he) (sq ft) (deg F tomp diff) ‘At iors a porentvs indo wg pasa Tol wg para ium of wol oad She TRTEROR Faw * ca ini rae. eyriem| we Matt om at * tie (Pesar ead vad real | entree exrenon rouse | wlowr a ‘ier Send | ew] - e ih foe | ee song, | un 18h | SF | nesleewertn| never, Tou ance 1 7 su Aas af oe | ey afta ae ele |B 8 Rat} sg, | ess eee ole cig eee soe genmen | ster | ar | a6 | ap as | sae | eas as oor” tao} Si | fe | 3) BO | BO ut wi} as) RB) OR LR 2 one Vos era | ares | bes name laser le tte ore | ete wns! | o@ | to | gk fee bao) | i | Be) tom | OR LR Oe a ot | 20) trae eras eed ce ela ac eee andl cele cee sees Abonraioexe va | ae | a0 | me | asa on thick vie | 3] 8 |e S| BOR rouse ieeaig pre eras reo meee om (raged concn —aobveon| ttn) | a | we | OH SE wiin| a] | Foe | tH ia ot eas re | stro se ea a) ae 2 TT wn 3 | 3 i ra ay 19 16 a < || tt : i | 3 a 20b/ew a | oe * . Wo | a | or % wouow fend e| ota) | at | ae 2 Goncnere ——gravelaue [it es} | cr | ot @ we bis7) 9 as 7 Ey a7 25 ender aoe [i2t) | 36] 3 | | ROR wa] as | a | ae BB ewe ae [ita | Se |e | St ae siucc On vin | 36] a | ae rT hotiow Clay me via |e} me | st oR) BO te ls| 2 (3 212 § 1958 ASHAE Guide auotions Heat Gol, Bt = (ar Heat Lon, dtufar = (ar ‘For addition of laiation and ir 1) x (U vale) X (equivalent temp sift, Table 19) fl x IU vabel x lovtdeor temp — bide temp) rater to Table 31, pope 75 CHAPTER 5, HEAT AND WATER VAPOR FLOW THRU STRUCTURES 1-67 TABLE 22—TRANSMISSION COEFFICIENT U-MASONRY VENEER WALLS" FOR SUMMER ANO” WER Bru/th) 09H (deg F tmp if ‘At nme porns nde wah perf, Toll wight peo am of wal ad | 7 TwTeROR Fon ee reo te : te | ony mace eer Sod Puw) oe | we] eT ae ‘| fe | wie | see | cor | ar | sce naray “I | | 4 (20) cra 3 as | 28 2s 2 6 ea” | a | a Wiel eee ge c tentschan [dts | 3t [eo Rie Re Ris od | a 7a rs arene wand cu} 3 2 oo b BR RR Bowe wud |e Re RR RL BF Paap Pe an eae ae ea tes jie |i | & |e 2) 2 2) 2 2 F eal ja | | |e Be OR |e OR OR bauer} arta) ae ae | ae [ae ve jab | st | 38! B/ a 2 " [at | | oR fate OR LR OR coreg | | as] ay) ae an | as | ea a aries (ate |] Bl oR] BR le RB Tg |ommvehe| ated | ae oat | ae on |e [ee oe | ae tanga eat 4) | a0 eae! 30 | 8 tha | 3 Common Brick | 4 [40) 49 ere | xT rao | ae san | 3s ts “7 uw Aaal | fe ) aa) ~ (sand & | 4 (23) ose | $13) ag) Wey Gey ¢ U6) "i is) ate ‘el | crate | tone e [ea] aay | onva'aee) | Stat oe etal ey | eommon ee | © seme 00) ial Equovonn Heat Gain, sep dt Tobie 191 Heat tons, Blufty = (Are, qf) (U vole) x (outer tomp ~ ini temp) ‘or edton of inicion and air well refer Tole 31, poe 75. 1958 ASHAE Gul CHAPTER 5. HEAT AND WATER VAPOR FLOW THRU STRUCTURES 1-69 TABLE 25—TRANSMISSION COEFFICIENT U—FRAME WALLS AND PARTITIONS" FOR SUMMER AND WINTER Bru/(hr) (4g f) (deg F temp diff) A number in parenthavesindiate weight per ag ft. Total ‘welaht per sg fs sm of component metetil. INTERIOR FING WE Oywm |B a7 | ae T — send | we | age | ae SHEATHING, | Poter(7)Plester2) Board (2 board (4) acing Paper «a7 | aa Hotimeed ier 4" Greil se | 30 | vy | os | ee | ine Pe" Wood & Bg Paper) as | 25 | do | hte) oe | IE “Atphatt Ys Inning Board (a) ain) p | fle OR 16 Siding (2)__[382" Ielanng Boers (3) jo] a |e oR oom oF | Ma ope, Biaing Peper ods a see re ees alge so aero 19 Hs" Plywood () 5" Gyp (2) 7 |e eee ay 18 Wh Wood & Bide Paper (2 ea | 36 | oa | Oe OF Atphai IE Imlating Booed 2) | ia y 3s | 3% | oS Stain (2 [he ea Gh is ese eeatzie |e eet on ee arr teete d ‘Wood Siding [2) [Nove ulding Paper | [as [ar ae ae on "Fipmeod (0) or 4° Gyp (2) 3 oe | ol 1 lyr Wood & Bldg Paper eae aero tani etiegeura IE isleting Boara 2) | |= 2] om | ou Penal "ha Inlting Board (3) esate v9 lvoe rate ss a Weed shingles |None, Baling Paper ra [a7 | as | ai a6 Overt" towel {34° Piywsod (Vor YY Gyp (2) 38 vom | 3s | iy is Har Wood & Bigg Paper 30 mon | hn | ot 6 nwlting Board (2) 2 | eer ote arava oe ie ei Insuored Slang (4) Isloting Board (3) Ey pe |e |e om rilion (Finish on one side ony) T [a ae rn {Finah- em bth side) | Lo |e | Equations: Walt—Hect Gain Blac = (Aveo, a9} % (U value) (equiva Peni, encondiined spece adjacert—Hest Gein o ove, Bu/nr = 1938 Aste Guiee temp ait, Tobie 19). Bu/br = (Aces, sg Nl x (U vale) x lovoar temple tone, (Arco 4g ft x (U vole) x (oudoor temp —inide tomp—5 FL Farin, kitsen or boiler roam adjacsnt—Heat Gain, Be/te ~ (Area va tl % {U cole) > (octal temp dif or eutdoortemp—inide tonp +18 F to 25 ion f insloion end ol spaces to pains, refer te Table 31, page 75 CHAPTER 5. HEAT AND WATER VAPOR FLOW THRU STRUCTURES Am TABLE 27—TRANSMISSION COEFFICIENT U—FLAT ROOFS COVERED WITH BUILT-UP ROOFING’ FOR MEAT FLOW. DOWNSUMMER, FOR HEAT FLOW UP-—WINTER (See Equation at Bettom of Fs Bru/he) (sqft) (deg F temp if) A numbers ia porentoses indicate weight par 4g f Tol welght per 461 um of 00, flush and ination, INSULATION ON TOP OF DECK, INCHES Pe oF DECK, ccune % m | a a io | ow Tay Nose & Pier (5 a a ae Snpended Hover {8} 32 na | op a | oe 2a 20 oe is Gr ae 13 te os SC) None o Paster (a) TeaeaD ‘| a FER Soipended Pater {6} 1210 | bs aa Shipended seo Te (2 10 |e Be | 8s one or Pose sao 2) a0 Soopended Bester (5) ae 20 oP Siopended Adou Tiel?) Pigtar mo None or Paster fl ys ne) oe Seipendea Paster (5) eee iat ret ole eriole roves ore toa Shipended Asou Tie [2) ns i | | oe | ee | Nove o Pls (6) a! a6 Swopended Peter (5) ts 12 Stipended Aco 2) BoM ser (6) 7 aw nar (s) 3M Scyponded Aeou Tiel?) me} a ‘None or Plaster (6 Sompended Poster (5, ried Aco Tile (2) Tone or Pier (6) Stependea Paver {5} Stopended aco Tie 2) None or Paster (5 ata er 7a tage ogee ol eon er Suapended Plater (5) en er eT rd Sopended Aco Tie (2) | la | 19 | | oe beter Woot V3) ‘None or Plaster (6) 40 26 vas 3 Sopecdad Movers a) i (foo aos seamen Spesca cence) |e | 3s Lab ae ei TTB) None or Ploter (al Fs Ssipended Pete (5) ees ioe inet on] a) ook |e ool | Shipendes Aes Tie 2) mM | ko | ee te Equations Sommer—[Heot Flow Dowel Hoot Goin Bi/hy = Area, +9) x (U veie) x lequivaen emp sf Table 20, Winer—(Hoot Pow Up) Hest Lou, Buf = (Argo aa Hl (U value x 1.1) foidocr tempi temp ie 99, pope 78 land garepote platr [Sse volves of sapanded eso il, sor eaiiono Hor wpended 14" lation boord, plain shor with Ye” 172 PART 1, LOAD ESTIMATING TABLE 28—TRANSMISSION COEFFICIENT U—PITCHED ROOFS* FOR HEAT FLOW DOWN—SUMMER, FOR HEAT FLOW UP—WINTER (Ses fave ‘Bu/{hr) (aq ft projected area) (deg F temp dif) Ail numbers in porenthares ndleote walgh per ef, Total wight i um of componant materials PITCHED ROOFS L cane pew T YW? Oyprom Dainion wraee] a oo Mh Bide on a” Arman [remedies | ay | so an ay wineen'a) [jaro setditeching | 90 | ay | ae | ar as | as | aw | a tis ppc ce [vets oi alu fy is] las lan Da paper on esdieaning as | as | ae | ov ae yim ow| a 2» “ ae fae se | sw | ee | et ae ay | ae vw | iw | a a Bide reper on Veet | sy | ae] or | as ao | oe | ea | eat Widg popes on We birwaod ff Ee on Hi | emg (Mae |r | iw fas | sa | eas | eae 1958 ASHAE Gude fh = therzontalproeced erac, sqft) x (U valve) x (agevaent temp et, Feble 10, ton, Biafnr = Uhorontl projected eree, ql x (U valve x 1.1} x lovldeor tone — te woe ‘oF Inletion for above root, rater to Table 31, page 75. qvoticn Somme (Ha Winter CHAPTER 5, HEAT AND WATER VAPOR FLOW THRU STRUCTURES TABLE 29—TRANSMISSION COEFFICIENT U—CEILING AND FLOOR, (Heat Flow Up) Based on Stil Alr Be ‘Ail mumber in parentheses inicte walt cons ee | rex. Acoustical - rd Plain or | em Foring NESS | Nene Wood eth | 4" Sand Aoe a eens | Gnchea Plastered |" Plestered’ | 47 Cyptum nro onto wr | ~ _ Sond | uw | we |e ‘GONERETE Piste |Plester ord oor | SUBFLOOR) or Lae o Vaan | ae a aon) | | a Sand dow | 6159) | 57 | ar | fee) | a2 a vo) | ae | a, pause a | aa) as 13 | stan | 37, 3 P20) | a7 | tol | ae Sond Age | 6 (60) | at | 80) | ae {10 (oo|_36 WWrags) 2116) | 36 aow/m | 429) | 38 | etal | 33 Tea | ar Sand Age | | 3 |b taa) | ae 19 toa] a7 TU9) | a7 aan) | aa ota) aia | a6 Ata) | 25 WiHardweod | Sand Avg | 6 (64) | 26 | | 80a | 33 Me" Subtoer | [10 (10a), 32 eee, Wihas | 2420) | a2 ax 2 Beeps | Sows | 4 (3) (46) iaical Tile Farcing some fae 3 - we | me send | we Lotte | tie Plawer | Plater Tile Hoot ‘BuRFLOOR w | ow tr" ta” | a a ove a 7 ae 3 None My" Wood 2) 4s | 2028 EY 2 ov 20 7? wood (3) 7 | 3 e Ey Laz is WF Garsmie Ti Wig? Wood (21) 38) aid a6 a0 ia 19 oni cement__| 2 Wood laa) |e 7 9 ies By Wiiardvrood Floor ‘ertinsioum on | a" Wood (s) 33 | zea) | as ay | a ae as 7 A" Piyweed 2 Weed (7) m |i te | ae | ns 4 Met Wood is) at 2 a0 | a fl 16 wood (t) 20 ise | Mn {auotions Heo! flow vp, Unconditoned specs below: Mast Gol, Bt/hr = (Area, 49 ft} Xx (U valve) x (oatdooe temp Gal, Bu/he = (Area, xq) x (U vole) mp alo eutdoor temp — lide tamp + 18 F 10 25 Fl. oven or boiler room below: He T958 ASHAE Guide Inde romp = $F. CHAPTER 5. HEAT AND WATER VAPOR FLOW THRU STRUCTURES 1-15 TABLE 31—TRANSMISSION COEFFICIENT U—WITH INSULATION & AIR SPACES SUMMER AND WINTER Bru/the) (69 f) (deg F temp diff) Taino ate am cn foe ow Wingy ad emer a Wotcoa = Tatea | Om | Tow | used | ovo 2s ar| Site] SS a) aa] oe 7 nla] 3 Hy nfo | % 4 nla | & 4 OB del on | 8 4 win | & | BL 3 i 70 a 7 2 es] a] 3 3 iH ao} | Hy i Sf) | e 3 3 | | 8 ra oe a 1 7 | & e/a | u u/s a | 4 n | % a |e it | a | a i 20 o8 oo) a % 3 [a] 3 if v a 3 | a 3 3 Pa?) n | 3 2 |e te a] a] ae va | a) as} | an nila | # 4 e/a) a |e nla ele] @ a a |e | 2 | x a|3 B a) | 8 % a) a |e) 2) 2 wie |e |e 2 s| ei a|s 1 & Trav Ant Gas Tani oo Tae Augen i. sae Ait yee serces AR sence \ INSULATION o1woen REFLECTIVE SHEETS. REFLECTIVE. SHEETS: ‘Checked fo summer conditions for vp, down ond horizontal 0tfow. Ero fom CHAPTER 6. INFILTRATION AND VENTILATION 197 ) a. With the dewpoint at design, the damper Solution: motor closes the outdoor air damper to 40% ‘The population density is typical 100 19 per person, Ie H the numer of smokers i considers ae relat ‘Recommenild ventilation = 80 X 15= b, As the dewpoint decreases below design, the 780 efm (Table 48) Minimum venation = 50 x 10= 500 elm (Table 45) outdoor air damper opens sign Ps pens to the design 500 cfm will more than likely not maintain factory setting. conaltions within the space because the number of smoker. jn considerable, Therefore, 750 cfm should he wad in this application Example 6— Ventilation Air Quantity, Office Space NOTE: Many applications have exhaust fant, Thit means thatthe outdoor air quantity must a leat equal eianan {office with a ceiling height of 8 ft and 50 peopl the exhausted air; otherwise the infiltration rate ner EER EEE will increase, Tables 46 and 47 list the approximate Apprashastely 4031 of the peaphe isha, capacities of typical exhaust fans. The. dn im these Find: tables were obtained from published ratings of sv “The ventilation air quant, eral manufaciore of exhaust fan, C TABLE 45—VENTILATION STANDARDS —_ a Am ArrucaTion | smonina OF Fook | coy itn tone 7 8 7 = Sone 3 eg TS Otcotenl 0 ™ | * omlderable 3 rs = national, i 7% = Very Hey % |; = Costl Bor esr? » [os = orders (Su = = 5 B Deparment Sve Nowe 7 5 a8 Drees Reems ttveme | 2 - Dig Stores? | Gonlerabie 0 7 = . Foderlestf | None 0 4 0 O fiaond Ye Cat So Nene 7% 5 oe Fonerl Pore tone % ™ = Seroaed = - = @ fp [Operating Room t% ‘None = = 20, Howl rate Rooms tee ® % $3 wordt tee 3 * Mott Room Heowy 0 2 Rest = s | a cn ets = = = ie Lesorstiet x0 5 = 2 30 vas fe 5 to oa ottee Fee 5 % B ete omidorble 2 a FH tmsewanf genet comer 2 10 : stort Soin Roan east 3 1% bos Sheol Rooms} None = = S Shop Re Nene % 7 = hector Noe 7 5 ; or Some % fd = = - Ss 20 {Use there valves vale governed by othr souras of contamination ot by local codes {Al eunide ar recommended fo overcome explosion harord ef anesthe When minim ved, the {See local coder whieh ‘they -100 PART 1, LOAD ESTIMATING TABLE 48—HEAT GAIN FROM PEOPLE = f= a Booted ot rat aso | vss | 9s 15s | m0 ao | 230 120 Seated, very abt ‘sort soo | 100 aro | 19s 20s| ais ves | 240 140 ‘OWice werker 4s | 180 aro | 200 250) 205 255 | 24s 20s| 20s 1s am 210 = so | 180 320 | 200 300 | 220 “Stonding, walking iow wo [v0 300 | 220 90 | 24010 | 700 270] 20280 iorysight werk | 000 | 750 | 190 seo | 20 s00| ass s0s| 295 ass | 365 208 ing| Bence Wa | 900 | 050 | 220 690 | 245 0s| 275 $75 | 325 $28 | 400 450 Sedentery work Welling, 3meh | Factory, t heewy reco | 1000 | 270 720 | 200 700} 330 wo | 300 sro | aso 540 Wvevy werk sco | 1450 | 450 1000 | sss ves | s8s 90s | 525 ozs | 60s tas srant—Velues for ti oppcation inc Tndvval (30 Bly semble and 30 Bly latent hast per hl epplied 10 in wth'o hype percent composition boved on hey or nanding, 280 Be pa 50% is dissipated by conduction and convection. In secre como addition to this, approximately 25% more heat is : generated as heat in the ballast of the fluorescent PN lamp, Fig. 31 Table 49 indicates the basis for arriving at the gross heat gain from fluorescent or incandescent lights Fic, 30— Conversion oF Etxcrnic Powek To Hear amp Licur wir INCANDESCENT Lictrs, ——"exrotmsesaqarvnm weg, AppKoximare, owes satan aot 4st ass Fluorescent lights convert about 25% of the power Fic. 81— CoNVERSION oF ELEcTRIC PowER To input into light, with about 25% being dissipated Heat ano Licht wrra FLuonescent LicHTs, by radiation to the surrounding surfaces. The other APPROXIMATE CHAPTER 7. INTERNAL AND SYSTEM HEAT GAL When readings are obtained directly in watts and when both motors and driv the es the factor 8.4 Buu (watt). When the machine is in the conditioned space and the motor outside, multiply the watts by the motor efficiency ancl by the factor 84 to determine heat sain to the space, When the machine is outside the TABLE 53—HEAT GAIN Nn 1-105 conditioned space, multiply the watts by one minus the motor efficiency and by the factor 3.4 expedient to obtain power input measurements using a clamp-on ammeter and voltmeter. These instruments permit instantaneous readings only. They afford means for determining the load factor but the usage factor must be obtained by a careful investigation of the operating conditions. FROM ELECTRIC MOTORS OR MOTOR, Orteem Matine fo Driven Machine in Driven Machine out 5 oe | 300 ye | 12,800 | 2,800 | 19,100 | 3400 51,000 | 2s00 ie Fa ee ws Eee 130 * 3024 TT 38,000 E: A Bes we 3 i 2 | “Fer ntrminent operation, on oppropiate ve exter should be sed, preferably meever nd emount of overioeding is wknonn, uly the above he Honepower ww Tee T 1 | ima] aso ‘AC Open Type nas [as] tas) aa0 Pas OC Op. r ris | as: CHAPTER 7. INTERNAL AND SYSTEM HEAT GAIN 1-101 TABLE 49—HEAT GAIN FROM LIGHTS perform, that is, drying, cooking, etc., whereas gas ————_____ burning appliances contribute additional moisture Tre |___MEAT GAIN’ Biw/ty___as-a product of combustion. A properly designed Foret Toil Wanx 125734 hood with a positive exhaust system removes a con- onde Tote uot Wx 24 siderableamount of the generated heat and moisture from most types of appliances. Batis of Tables 50 thru 52 In botone = Heat Goin from Restaurant Appliances ond Miscelloneous Appliances ‘APPLIANCES. ‘The data in these tables have been determined Most appliances contribute both sensible and from manufacturers data, the American Gas Asso- latent heat to a space. Electric appliances contribute ciation data, Directory of Approved Gas Appliances latent heat, only by virtue of the function they and actual tests by Carrier Corporation. TABLE 50—HEAT GAIN FROM RESTAURANT APPLIANCES Nor HOODEO" —FLECTRIC T T T Reco HEAT oan ovina ree men |maine| "FoR ave use APPLIANCE oF | misceanrous | Max | TAIN: | TOT ATT cone DATA nario | ING. [Senile] tte | Toe rot Rate Meet | Rest | iu/he | Bha/be Bale 7 Mon wu | 308 900 | 220] 120 ‘Warmer WA gel Mon. 306 | 306 230 | 90 | ‘320 Brewing Unite Werer beater 2000, wth 435 gel Teak 20.» 30 20H | r4s00 | 4800 | 1200 | 6000 = | | eat 1S Dig x aH ‘lock fh Tig00 | 2000 2409) 1700" | as00 Waa 33 oven 21H Nika sates ts300 | 3600 3200 | 1800 | 3700 Zoe 18 bie x a7H Niwa plates 7000 | 4800 3400 | 2300 | S700 Bevahav! Machine Ban a 7H Exhaus witem to feutdoart™ inp moter | 14000 2000) |. s000 Tx 19H 25H | Won | Med, M850 watts teeth as wane ar40 200 | e00 | 2000 Warmer with Pl Warmer, portal sintece 1380 | 500 350) aso | 700 Food Warmer without oxo | 400 200 | 950 | 50 We tea [re tones [ee Tents 8 Takase xe | tena | 3000 a900 | e700 osm atten roe 2ico | Wet | ae Tan or 1 Ate | oan oe 1" 200 | ive] ame Tae ante | Ave] Gel ee ee 708 Tall Warmer Bens Oo saver Theo [>| 0 Tees, Eaninooes | “18 38H 7 wa Seo ate 09 Team, Goninvess | 20x19 7 e200 | 6000 6100 | 2600 | e700 [eee ae [avwo_[ too ao] aio | arco Tar 10H fo | Or vote ae 2100 | s00”1i00 | 7e0 | 080 Will en rics Gam | 4 19 10H wt 1 5200 Sandwich 7500 | 1300 3100 | 2100 “i propery designed pove exhoun hood h waed, matiply recommend Work Session No 2. 7200-04 Load Estimating 1 - Load Estimating There are three factors which affect the amount of heat in BIU's that will be conducted through a wall, roof, or partition. These three factors ere: O°F Ovrsiwe How much heat is transferred throveh the glass and outside wall shown in the sketch if the "U" factor for single glass is 1.13 BTU/sq.ft./Fjand "U" for the wall is .25 BTU/sq.ft./°F (see 2nd frame, page 3 of text). Ee Cea HGF 8-0" Foe bese Tables 21, 22 and 25 from the System Design Manual show U factors or transmission coefficiencts for masonry and frame walls. Using this date find the U factor fort (2) en 8" noLlow conerete block wall, (blocks made of cinder egeregate) with 5/8" sand aggregate plaster inside finish. (>) © 4" tece brick exterior finish, 6" cinder eggregate concrete block pecking with no interior finish. (c) a freme wall with exterior wood siding, 25/32" wood sheathing plus puilding paper, with 3/8" gypsum board or plaster board finish. (a) On page 6 of the text, top illustration, if the peak of the curve at approximately 4 p.m. is 164 BTU/hr. solar heat gain for each square foot of glass; how much solar heat will be transmitted thru 100 sq. ft. of unshaded west glass? (b) If inside venetian blinds reduce solar load through glass by 35%, how much saving will result for the 100 sq. ft. of glass described above. ‘According to the top illustration on page 8 of the text, a 4" concrete roof exposed to sun peaks at about 4 p.m., and each square foot of roof transmits 19 BTU/hr. of heat to the space below. If store with such a roof is 20 ft. x 50 ft. in size, how much heat will be transmitted through the roof? On page 1-13, Table 1, the normal outdoor design conditions in summer for Charlotte, N. C. are 95 DB and 76 WB. If 200 cim of outdoor air leaks into a conditioned epace maintained at 0 DB and 50% RH, how much sensible heat must be removed from the outdoor air to cool it dow to room temperature? 72- 7200-0! Toad Estimating Work Session No. 1 - Load Estimating (continued) 7. Referring to question #6 above, how much latent heat must be removed to bring the moiasture content of the outdoor ir dovn to the moisture content in the room? If a frame wall with e "U" factor of .25 as determined in question 3c, is insulated with 1" of fibrous insulation like rock wool or glass wool, what pefcentage reduction in heat transfer results. (See table 31, pege 1-75 of "tebles". ) quiz 1200-04 Load Estimating NAME: DATE: 1. In cooling a room the three major sources of external heat are: 2. Five sources of internal heat are: a a. 3. Find the following design conditions for Newark, New Jersey: a. Summer DB Fb. Summer WB Fc. Winter DB F 4. What is the heat transfer coefficient U for a frame wall with an exterior finish of 4" face brick veneer, sheathing of 4" insulating board plus an interior finish of metal lathe plastered with 3/4" sand aggregate plaster? u BTU/HR/SQ.FT. /OF 5. What will be the U factor for the wall described in Problem 4, if 1" of fibrous insulation is added? 0 BTU/HR/SQ.FT./°F 6. What is the recommended ventilation rate for each of the following: a. General Office cfm/person b. Cocktail Bar cfm/person c. A banking space efm/person 7. List three types of applications where precooling or storage is effective in reducing the peak load and the size of equipment required. a. b. c. 8. Name two ways in which tight fitting storm sash reduce the heating load in winter. a b. 9. A computer in an air conditioned space uses 5,000 watts of electrical energy. How many BTU/hr. of sensible heat does it give off to the room? 10. At what time of day is a building with equal quantities of south glass and west glass and a 4" concrete roof exposed to the sun likely to peak? ‘Time of peak load is A.M. Pom. 7200-0 Load Estimating Work Session No. 2 - load Estimating 3—tabie-b8, +100 gives heat gain from people. What 4s the sensible and latent heat given off by an office worker at: ‘BIU/HR/PERSON ROOM TEMP. SENSIBLE LATENT TOTAL (a) 60F (o) TOF (ec) TOF 2. ow do you explain the inerease in sensible heat released as the temperature decreases, while the Intent decreases and the total remains constant? «A specialty shop is 25! vide x 40" long. 4,000 vatts of incandescent Lights are installed. (3 how many watts/sq.tt i8 this? >) what is the heat gain in BDU/hr from the lights when they are all in use? 4, If an problem 3 sbove, 4,000 watts of florescent tubes are used, what is the heat gain in the space in BTU/hr? 5. Referring to Table 50, page 1-101 of the “fables",what is the sensible, latent and total heat gain fror (a) a5 gallon coffee urn? (>) an 21} Ib. fry kettle? (c) a pop-up toaster? 6. Alathe in a machine shop uses a 3 HP motor. Whet is the heat gain fron this motor in BTU/nr? 7. Is storage or precooling as discussed on pages 16, 17 and 18 appliceble to: (a) churches? (>) restaurants with prinarily breakfast and lunch trade? (c) office buildings? In each case explain why you answered "Yes" or "No". 8, Is credit normally taken for the heat gain from lights or people when calculating the heat loss froma space. Yes » No why?

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