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WORKSHOP P ~:E SERIES from t~t; Spe Jllnterests.

1 . Hardening, Temperinc
Heat Treatment.
Tubal Cairr

2. Veni' a/ M ing in :he Hn

l. Sheet Metal Wor k
.E. Wakefnr'"'

;fderin~ ,
~uw Cam 4
5... -


c Motors

. and Gear Cutting

1. _,
Arnold l i 1rop
>aws and Sawing ic. Ba.' Benchwork
1 Bradley Les ldridge
3. Screwcutting in the Lathe
Martin Cleeve troplating 19. Spri, , Design and
Jyner Mar; acture
4. Foundrywork for the Tube ~ain
B.T. Aspin
12 Taps and Dies
-;a in
0. Meta ;ork and Machining JIM FORR \ PETER JENNINGS
Hints md.Tins
lan B 1dley
5. Milling Operations in the 13. ~ 1p Drawing
Lathe T dn Adhe. .1es and Sealants
Tubal Cain David ammas
14. Mc; 1a// Workshop
6. Measuring & Marking Metals Toe Works. :~p Electrics
Ivan Law s. Br Alex \A iss

7. The Art of Welding 15. Workhc :J, n the Lathe 2:. i!Vorksh p Construction ""1'1
W.A. Vause Tubal Cai' Jim For st 0
t t e r ennings ~


23. WORKSH'lP ......
Ten years ago the author, Jim Forrest, a professional engine r and node!
engineer of many years, needed a purpose built and relative. inexr: ~nsive
workshop for his hobby. After discussing this need with Pete Jennir :;JS, a

professional architect familiar with system build construction, , desig was ::z
developed which proved to be very easy to build and easily th, matc1 for far V\
more expensive types of building.

This book is written as a complete work on the construction me' ods u ed.
It not only contains the deta~ls required to build the floor assemt 1, wall and
roof, but also covers all of the peripheral areas including layout, annin :
regulations, tools, materials, cost saving ideas, drainagA, power pply, ghting, 'j

heating, fitting out, security and insurance. The design is easily ( aptal 9 and
most variants are covered including several floor types, lean-to cc struc: m etc.,
and illustrative drawings are used extensively to show precisely h J the Jilding
is detailed. 690
- . 1234 3 70 lSBN 1- 486-13 X

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13 6180 1~34 ~ 2


DEDICATION Workshop Construction
This book is dedicated to my two lovely kids: Julie and James.
May they one day realise that Daddy actually lives in the house with
Mummy - and not in the shed!
Planning, design and construction
for workshops up to 3m (10ft} wide


Jim Forrest
Peter Jennings

.:, '



. Contents',

Nexus Special Interests Ltd

Nexus House
Boundary Way
Hemel Hempstead
Hertfordshire HP2 7ST
Dedication I ij

First published 1995 Foreword vii

Chapter 1. Introduction

\! , '

Jim Forrest and Peter Jennings 1 995 Chapter 2. Planning and design 7
Chapter 3. Statutory regulations w~',ir
i,,,. 16
Chapter 4. Tools and materials 19
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be
reproduced in any form, by print, photography, microfilm Chapter 5. Groundworks and rainwater drains 30
or any other means without written permission from the Chapter 6. The base and floor 37
Chapter 7. The walls and roof
.. 58
Chapter 8. Variants 83
ISBN 1-85486-131-X
Chapter 9. Fitting out 96
Chapter 10. Security 108
Chapter 11. Insurance matters 122
APPENDIX. Tables and data 126
INDEX. 128

Phototypesetting by The Studio, Exeter

Printed and bound in Great Britain by Biddies Ltd., Guildford & King's Lynn



The whole world over there are people even greater pleasure from his hobby
who have a creative interest which is very than before - he will be able to 'escape
different to their everyday occupation: a into his own space'.
hobby. To practice that interest success- Hobbyists are very versatile people;
fully a place to work in is highly desirable, capable of dogged perseverance in order
not just for somewhere to keep the tools to acquire any new skills that may be
or hide the mess, but because it is a sanc- needed in the pursuit of the chosen hobby.
tuary and a personal space. It follows then that if given the basic
To achieve this the workshop must be scheme, few would have any problem in
efficient, comfortable, warm and secure. constructing their own workshop.
Above all it must be dedicated to the The purpose of this book is to provide
user's particular needs and completely a design of an easily constructed work-
free from outside interference. So if the shop, and to make the constructor aware
user can devote the time and resources of the essential details which must be
to construct a workshop to meet these built in for the finished building to be a
requirements he will be rewarded with complete success.




CHAPTER 1 , ~ ,I ~I I , if \' ~ ' ,'


1'), ,i'i l'

Introduction .,'! '\' /

.,. Approximately twenty years ago I was in the grounds of 'I couldn't do that', I just
,":'\'I :, : ' a position in which I suspect many other carried on reading the magazines.
,. ,. budding modellers find themselves; want- Then one day one of those things
ing to make the sort of models described happened that was destined to change
in the specialist press but without a everything. I was looking in the miscel-
suitable place in which to work. In fact, laneous sales in my local paper and
the lack of a workshop is probably the noticed an old Myford lathe advertised
single greatest obstruction to anyone very cheaply. Totally disregarding the
enjoying participation in a particular hob- workshop problem I rushed off and
by. It certainly was in my case. acquired my very own lathe. Suddenly I
Now I know that many hobbies also had an overwhelming reason to finally
require a great number of hand and mach- decide upon some sort of workshop no
ine tools but these can all be acquired in matter how difficult, expensive or
time, however a workshop in some form unsuitable. I ended up by buying a cheap
is needed from day one. I was lucky in that second-hand shed from a chap who was
I already had a big box full of hand and emigrating and made that do. Freezing and
cutting tools collected while serving my draughty in the winter and smelling of
engineering apprenticeship and the lack of creosote in the summer - it wasn't very
machine tools could easily be rectified good but at least I was modelling in some-
because very good quality ones could be thing that I could proudly refer to as 'my
purchased from 'our' suppliers for workshop'.
relatively little money. No, my problem Although the shed was totally unsui-
was definitely one of 'where' and until I table it served its purpose for a couple of
had resolved that particular difficulty the years until the time came to move house.
pursuit of my chosen hobby seemed By that time its shortcomings were so
destined to remain just a mental exercise. annoying that my move to the new
I had, of course, investigated the pos- property was made without it. No ready
sibility of an indoor one but I backed off building existed at the new place which
very rapidly when the management got could be used as a basis for a workshop
aggressive! So, with that ruled out and so I appeared to be back where I had star-
any thoughts of building one dismissed on ted some years before. I say 'appeared'


because this time there was a significant made to look like one if you wish, need not
difference: I had realised that the basic look anything like the humble shed from
elements of the simple shed could be re- which it originates. Built into the design
engineered to produce a very solid and are all the damp courses and vapour
sound workshop that would be easy to barriers needed for full protection from the
construct and would not cost any great elements and the walls, floor and roof can
amount of money. be fully insulated as required. Detail 1.2
Once the family was established in the shows a section of a lean-to version with
new home and the thousand and one cross references to the chapters in the
things that hadn't been noticed when the book. Although this doesn't apply to my
place was viewed were done, I set to and own workshop, the structure can be built
built my very own workshop for a up in such a way that it could be disman-
surprisingly small amount of money. You tled and moved later without destroying
don't even have that? - no matter; just any part of the building's integrity.
build part of it and finish it later when Chapter 8 deals with this variation and
funds permit. Chapter 6 details a base which can also
So what is this cheaply and easily built be moved.
but at the same time substantial work- Rather than just present one design of
shop? The main elements are shown in workshop, I have tried to cover variations
Detail 1. 1 and, although the design deve- which are likely to be built and to give
loped from the humble garden shed, it some choice in the actual form of const-
has been refined to the point where it is ruction to suit the builder's circumstances.
really more akin to the modern 'system You will find that there are five different
build' house (you know one of those base types, three roofs, details for a lean-
buildings which is delivered on the back to variant and for a typical garage
of a lorry on Monday and is being lived in conversion. So with a bit of mix-n-match
on Friday!). Every part of the design has you should be able to build something to
been arranged to be as simple as possible your own taste, skill and pocket.
while at the same time satisfying the Before we delve into the construction
basic requirements of a sound, weather- part there are just a few points which are
proof structure. worth mentioning at the start:
An essential part of the design is that
everything can be built with the minimum ( 1) The design has been vetted by my
of tools, without any specialist knowledge collaborator in this book; Peter Jen-
or extensive construction works. With the nings. He is a qualified Registered
exception of the base, most of the con- Architect well versed in the theory
struction could be carried out in a garage and practice of building construc-
and only moved to the site when the base tion. Peter also prepared the
is ready. drawings which appear throughout
The simplest design is based on a the text.
straightforward floor slab arrangement (2) There are limits to everything and
with timber stud walls put together in that applies to this design of build-
such a way that they form immensely ing. The one dimension which
strong box girders. The roof is a light- controls the sizes of the structural
weight skin that goes over the whole thing members is the roofspan and the
and the finished building, while it can be maximum for this design is 3m (nom

2 3


1Oft) - based on the assumption lathes, drilling and milling machine,

that most will be around 2. 5m (nom and the usual bench with equipment
8ft). This need not be too much of for persuading metal to go where it
a limitation because the workshop doesn't at the moment! It will be
can be as long as you like. equally suitable for many other
(3) Throughout the chapters on con- hobbies including carpentry, aircraft
struction there are details on the modelling, radio hams etc.
sizes of the various structural parts (7) Britain's building industry never
for a range of spans. Do not go really took on the true meaning of
below the figures given because metrication and this can be seen
they have already been trimmed to only too well in the so-called metric
the lowest that Peter will agree to dimensions which are no more than
put his name to! direct conversions of imperial ones.
(4) My own workshop is built to this Some sheet materials, such as plas-
design and has shown no deteriora- terboard, are metric but that's
tion since the day it was finished in probably only because they are
1985. Two years ago I extended it made or sold in large quantities on
by 50% during a week off from the Continent. However, it doesn't
work without any problems. really matter because very often the
(5) The upper construction is of wood sizes stated for wood are not the
and, as we all know, this often isn't actual size as purchased anyway -
. . II'\CIS:0/1, seen as the best material for long they were the sizes before it was
tailed u.rg term exterior use in a wet, damp machined at the sawmill! So, be-
bricl:wol'i< f climate such as in Britain. This isn't cause we Brits are supposed to have
jl'r-edwirA because it is an unsound building a full grasp of metric dimensions,
c11 ip.t:oavd material (as our Continental and and because our Continental friends
(Otapiw B). North American friends will quickly will never understand feet and
tell us); it is because we do not inches, I have decided to give all of
design for the wood to be in a wet the dimensions in metric alone
climate so it rapidly deteriorates. except where they relate to the
Great care has been taken to cover nominal sizes of the whole work-
this in the detailing and your new shop when the English equivalent is
workshop will not rot away. also given. The Appendix has a
(6) It should be borne in mind that any conversion table if you need it.
relatively small, free-standing wood (8) No-one wants to erect a building
structure is bound to have some which is no more than a permanent
limitations as to how much abuse it liability and correct detailing will
can be expected to withstand. You help guard against this. The detail-
fcutdd";ci\S" t'f col\sc>l,da/ed fo.:wdcor'.e can beef up the whole structure by ing alone though can't guarantee a
J.!..<!........;...w~ --~c:_~r:~ g;}_ ------------------ simply linking it to an existing wall, problem-free life; just as important
but if you intend to install heavy is the careful selection of the most
machinery then you really need a suitable materials for the job in
more substantial design of building. hand. No doubt you will be able to
This design has proved perfectly find cheaper alternatives for the
satisfactory for an 'average eng- same purpose but this is not rec-
ineer's shop' with a couple of ommended as they will not be
Detail 1.2 Typical section through workshop, lean-to version.



durable enough. This may appear looking for me!) If you do build your CHAPTER 2
to be in conflict with the basis of own workshop try to relax about all ,_\

this exercise - that of producing a these things because the odd 3mm
good workshop at a low price - here or there just doesn't matter.
but the truth is that in certain situa- ( 10) Read the book before even thinking
tions some materials are just not about what you want, what you
good enough. need or what you think you are
(9) Precision hobbyists, such as model capable of building. It is littered with
engineers, cabinet makers and aero-
modellers, do not make good
ideas, alternatives, shortcuts and
easily followed construction notes.
Planning and design
builders. It's not that their construc- Having read right through you will
tion is faulty, it's just too good! be in a better position to decide
Precision workers will spend hours what type of workshop will suit your
and hours checking such things as needs, pocket and building skills.
levels, straightness and circularity ( 11) Finally, there are very few photo-
whereas builders don't. In fact graphs of the construction of my There are two parts to the planning ft); whichever is the greater'. These
builders' work is a big collection of workshop included because I did not process. This chapter deals with the first figures relate to the original building
imperfections - and the result take many! At the time I had no idea part, which is the design, location and size and any subsequent extensions
usually looks just right! (I feel a that I would write this book so the internal layout of the projected workshop, must be taken into account when
strong temptation to say that photographs were not taken as and Chapter 3 will cover the second part calculating the maximum volume that
builders don't even know what purpose-built illustrations. Unfortun- which deals with the local planners and would be permitted. It is important to
straightness, level or circularity are ately, as the finished building is their regulations as operated by local realise that any existing house
- especially the one that built my situated in a relatively narrow gap authorities. I would strongly suggest that extension could have a direct bearing
house - but knowing my luck it will between the house and a wall it is you complete your own planning stage upon the size of any additional
turn out that they are prolific difficult to take a good shot. before approaching the authority as they structure that would be allowed under
modellers, read this book, and come are going to need to know details of size, the Permitted Development rule. The
location and use etc. before they will be converse of this is that the workshop
able to advise you on your position. could limit the size of any future
However, you can't just go ahead blindly extension, such as a conservatory or
with your planning - there are rules a garage, and could even prevent any
which you must adhere to. The first thing further development on the site at all.
that you need to know then is the rules. It is worth noting that the volume
includes the roof volume, so a high
Constraining rules pitched roof might put you outside
The regulations for my area (Hampshire, the rules.
England), are as follows and it is reason- (2) Many local authorities control the size
ably certain that they will be much the and siting of ancillary buildings by
same in yours: applying a percentage ratio to the
area of the building in relation to the
(1) Under the Town & Country Planning whole plot. Thus, a large structure in
Act 'a permanent extension for resi- a small plot may not be allowed, but
dential purposes may be constructed a similar structure in a big plot would
and considered as Permitted Develop- be suitable. It is therefore important
ment under the Act provided that it that you keep your building in scale.
does not exceed 10% of the volume (3) You should not build in front of the
:',,' of the building or 70 cu.m (2470 cu. house sightline. This means that your


building should not project out from according to their own local conditions. If what the result of your activity will be north-east of England and the flatlands
the front of your house or the general you have any doubts about what you so don't make the same mistake as the of Europe.
might be allowed to do then contact the chap who built a motor yacht in his back-
frontage of a line of properties.
(4) In many cases a minimum distance of local planning department at the civic yard and then had to demolish his house Ground condition
offices. In theory the planners are there extension to get it out! If you do have a choice over the location,
20 metres (65ft) from a main high-
way must be maintained free of any to help and should be able to guide you select the hardest ground with the most
with specific local regulations so that you Services level position that you can and avoid an
sheds or other outbuildings.
(5) The height of outbuildings is usually do not find them at a later date standing You will have to get electrical power out area where water tends to collect. Try
restricted to single storey - around on your doorstep and looking for a fight! to the building at the very least and, not to use ground which is currently
2.4m (8ft) and this should be obser- The aforementioned relates only to the depending on the workshop's particular under cultivation as it will probably have
ved. A complication arises when position in the UK. If you live elsewhere purpose, you may need a water supply. a deep topsoil layer which will be very
pitched roofs are considered because then please make sure that you find out The water isn't really a problem as a run loose and difficult to compact. Picking a
any single-storey building with a about any regulations and laws which of 22mm domestic water pipe will suitable site could save you a tremen-
pitched roof will clearly break the affect your venture. Every district will provide an adequate supply over a great dous amount of work on the base later.
height restriction. It is generally have an authority or council charged with distance. The power supply is a different
accepted (and the rules are very implementing and enforcing the local and proposition though. Every metre of cable Security
vague on this point) that for the national planning laws - find out where run carries the penalty of a power drop Tucking the workshop away is probably
purposes of the rules, a pitched roof it is and who you need to talk to. so the rating of the cable has to go up. a good idea in today's world, but don't
height should be calculated as one Bearing these limitations in mind, you So, when deciding on the position take tuck it away in some far corner of a large
third of the actual vertical height. Add can now move on to look in depth at the into account where you can pick up the garden. Burglars love isolated buildings
this dimension to your eaves height planning and detailed design of the work- supply from the house and whether you where they can take their time and not
and make sure it is below 2.4m. In shop. can run a cable either overhead or under- worry too much about the noise they
practice, try to keep the all-up height ground. make. If the finished building will be rea-
to 3m or less and you should be OK. Siting dily visible to casual or prying eyes then
Please also note that while a little The most important part of your own Linked structure make provision for adequate screening.
shed tucked away in the depths of the planning procedure must be to decide Think carefully before you build it onto
property is unlikely to offend anyone, where the workshop can go. If you are one of the house walls because vibration Boundary lines
a 1 5m mast on the roof will not go lucky and have a choice of situations then and noise - especially low frequency Try to avoid siting it very close to or on
you can move on to the remaining details noise - travels far better in solids than in the boundary. Allow at least half a metre
down too well!
(6) If your site has already been devel- such as size and internal layout. The chan- air. You could find considerable opposi- for maintenance of both the fence and
oped to the point where the shed will ces are that this will not be the case. The tion to your using the shop once it is built the building. In doing so you will avoid
put you outside the permitted siting may have a significant bearing on and a noise or vibration problem is any damage to the boundary fence, which
development rule, then you must take the planning to follow by placing constr- revealed. Even worse, if you live in a may well be owned by your neighbour.
advice from the planners. Being aints upon you. Pick the location carefully semi-detached house then you could find A further problem with building on the
outside of the rule does not mean that as once it is built you won't be in any hurry your activities severely limited by your boundary line is that your foundations, no
you can't build it - you have to move it. The following notes are points neighbour's kiddies' bedtime. matter how small, may actually be on your
probably just got to do a bit more which you may want to consider before However, there is a lot to be said for neighbour's property - and he can insist
paperwork. making a final decision. building onto the side of an existing wall, that you remove them!
(7) The landlord must be made aware of be it a garage or a garden wall. Not only It is surprisingly easy to 'wind-up' neigh-
any development that goes on his Access does it lead to a more rigid structure and bours. They are just going to love you for
land. So, if you rent or lease the pro- An important point first: if you are an reduce the amount and cost of construc- building a shed right in the light of their
perty, make sure that you tell him. inveterate tea or coffee drinker don't build tion, it also provides a solid plane to build lounge window or obscuring the view of
the thing right down the end of the garden off. A further advantage is that of the cathedral. Legally they don't have any
It must be understood that this is a or you will wish that you hadn't every time weather protection in that the wall can inherent right to light or a view - but that
complex area which can be subject to a it rains! be used to shelter the workshop from won't stop them from complaining to all
great deal of interpretation by authorities Do remember to take into account prevailing winds; very important in the and sundry!


Expansion Interior layout In about the 1950s a group of social bench is right up one end, the lathes are
When I first built my workshop I had one Occasionally we are lucky enough to see scientists developed the very plausible halfway down and the milling machine is
small lathe, a small drilling machine and inside other modellers' workshops via the theory of the Ergonomic Triangle. It was right at the other end. I seem to have to
a bench grinder. At the time I thought that pages of the specialist press. What this based on the relative positions of the sink, walk miles to get anything done and it is
1 had all of the machine tools I would ever has shown me is that we all work differ- cooker and worktop, so you can guess amazing just how often I get to the mill
need and my workshop was ample in size. ently and have vastly differing equipment what they were working on. Despite its only to find I've left something on the
'Ample' meant that I could just squeeze layouts. This can probably be explained by 'domestic' origin the theory is very bench! (I should point out that I was aware
in a milling machine. The end result? A the fact that most people start with an relevant to us. The top of the triangle is of this fault when I built the workshop but
crowded workshop in need of expansion! orderly layout of just a few machines and, the point around which all operations it was one of the compromises that I had
Fortunately I had sited the building in a as new ones are obtained, they are shoe- centre: in the case of the kitchen it was to make in order to build it in the 'best'
position which allowed me to extend it horned in with the minimum disruption to the sink and in our context it will be the location.)
relatively easily. (For those people who are existing equipment. Try to avoid this by workbench. The other two points on the While most of the dimensions will be
now thinking that I should have stopped not building something that is barely big triangle will be the next most used areas decided by what you intend to do in the
myself from overstuffing the original enough to enclose your existing equip- in the workshop - probably the lathe and building and the available space, those
workshop space I have only one thing to ment, or, if there will be space to spare, the drill in an engineer's shop and the relating to the height of the ceiling are
say - go and take a look in your garage!) leave it spare rather than spreading your machining centre and fretsaw in a more or less fixed. Detail 2.2 shows a
If at all possible allow for future expan- equipment out to fill it. On the other hand, woodworker's shop. The idea is that you section of a typical workshop with two
sion because you never know what lies if you are starting small for financial should travel the minimum distance from sets of dimensions, one of which is in
some years ahead. A change of hobby; a reasons, definitely plan the interior for the central element to any other element brackets. The unbracketed dimensions
change in the scale being worked to or expansion later. in the room. From this you can see that should be used if you are not restricted by
suddenly having to share with an up and Laying out a workshop is surprisingly the ideal layout of a work area must be height such as building against a low
coming son or daughter can all result in difficult because it is not until you start square with the bench on one side and the existing wall. The bracketed dimensions
the original building being too small. 'making' that you begin to realise where machines on the other, or oblong with at are the minimum that can used in the
If you have a reasonable area available the best positions for the various bits of least enough width to achieve the same event of a height restriction. Think care-
then you probably won't have many kit are. Then there is the complication of end. Detail 2.1 shows the basic idea. fully before deciding upon a low roof
problems with the siting placing equipment additions and upgrades. What I think that I can vouch for the validity height for any reason than absolute
constraints on the size or layout of the surprised me is just how quickly other of the theory because for the reasons necessity - a low ceiling will not only spoil
workshop. However, it may well be that 'desirable' machines are obtained. In fact, stated earlier, my workshop doesn't con- the 'feel' of the room but will also place
the best or most suitable location for many it almost becomes a mission in life once form and it's a confounded nuisance. My restrictions on the positioning of the door.
reasons will actually lead you to make the workshop is up. This is where the
some compromises. In my own case there design of this workshop can be used to
was a strip of garden down the side of the help us because it is easy to extend and
house which was bounded by two garden accommodate future gains.
walls and, ideal as the site for the work-
shop, it wasn't very wide. This led to the
construction of a 2m (6ft 6in.) by 4m
It's worth spending a lot of time on the
layout because (I firmly believe) all Homo
Sapiens are inherently lazy and any
I bi+lc=A

0, .
I ~

(13ft) long structure which I have now obvious waste of effort is seen as a fund-
amental fault and a cause of endless
extended to 6m (20ft) long. A size of 3m
x 4m would have been better but it would irritation thereafter. In other words, if you /cperafo( " '-...,
have had to be sited in a much less suit-
able position for other reasons.
get the layout badly wrong it will be a
constant source of annoyance for ever- ~---.--D
Once you know where it is to be erected, more. This is where time spent on plan-
and are aware of the restrictions on its size
and shape, you can start to consider the
ning will later prove to be time well spent.
So where do you start? As good a place
as any is on the basis of existing know-
I (ools

interior layout.
ledge. Detail 2.1 The ergonomic triangle.


If you are in a position to have full when it is opened - rather impor-
.. control over the size and shape then you
can do as you please with the internal
tant in narrow workshops - and it
is easier to seal against the weather.
layout. If there are constraints on you then (4) Windows are nice to have but they
you will just have to try to get the best can be a nuisance if you put them
compromise that you can. You are on your in the wrong place. If you like
own as far as the fine details of the layout everything to hand while sitting at
are concerned because it rather depends the bench don't put a window right
on what you intend to do in the workshop. in front of you because you will
While it is not possible to give specific probably wish later that you'd put
details on the layout, there are some a shelf there instead. They are also
general points that you might like to take the easiest way for unwanted
into consideration. visitors to get in so avoid big picture
windows unless you are sure that
( 1) Sheet timber, the basic material that they can be made secure.
we will be using for the internal wall (5) The subject of windows raises the
lining, is produced in 2.4 x 1.2m question of lighting. There can be
sheets (the ofd 8ft x 4ft size). The little doubt that natural light is the
2.4m dimension will be cut to suit most effective medium to work in
the height of the internal ceiling and, but it is impossible to control or
if only exact multiples of 600mm predict. Placing a machine adjacent
(half the width) are used on the wall to a large window may allow you to
lengths, then you can achieve the get the best from the light available
maximum economy of material and but it could also cause some prob-
minimise the amount of cutting that lems. Windows concentrate light so
,....., you will have to do. Don't forget it can get uncomfortably hot next to
r-, I
() that the lengths concerned are the one. They also cause glare so if you
g 8 8
<:1 internal wall lengths. position a bench or machine badly
....: ~ ~ <::-! (2) One mistake that I made when I first you could end up with a persistent
'-' built my workshop was in the length squint. If you really get it wrong and
of the workbench. This was correc- put a window in a west-facing wall
7CO ted when I built the extension you could end up with so much light
because even though I don't cons- coming in around sunset that you
truct large models, I have had to just won't be able to look from the
increase its length from 1m to 2. 5m east end to the west end.
long - 2m for tool scattering and (6) It may pay you to take account of
0.5m to work in! prevailing weather conditions. On
(3) The position of the door can be a the north-east coast of England for
very important factor regarding the instance, it would not be advisable
amount of usable space available. I to put the door and window on the
would suggest that you only posi- east-facing wall because of the
tion it once you have an idea of the severe weather which can come
internal layout and it may be better from that direction. Always try to
to arrange for it to open outwards locate any wall openings on a shelt-
rather than inwards. That way it ered side.
Detail 2.2 Optimum and minimum workshop dimensions (minimum dimensions in brackets). doesn't intrude into the workspace (7) Take into account how you intend

12 13

to keep the place warm. The design be easy. Obviously you should forward here! All you can really do is fiddle workshop with a roofspan over 2.4m (8ft)
.. provides for full insulation but it will decide on this variation before start- about with the positions of the door and then it would be best to choose the
still need a considerable amount of ing to build and not halfway windows. The walls are timber clad and pitched roof type because the size of
heat in the winter. Most heaters through. (The demountable varia- that amounts to strip cladding or sheet rafters needed above this get so big that
need a clear area around and above tion is covered in Chapter 8.) covering; not much room for variation it becomes very expensive.
them so they can take up a fair ( 11) In common with just about all model there. The only area where there is a Finally, keep it simple. Entry vestibules,
amount of space. Think carefully engineers, I am totally incapable of choice is in the type of roof. The simplest, rooflights etc. are all very nice but they
before deciding on paraffin and throwing anything away. The both to construct and in cost terms, is the introduce the possibility of problems with
bottled gas heaters. Apart from trouble is that after having saved single slope or mono-pitch type. If you the building's integrity. Simplicity has to
having live flames they also pump something I seem to retain just a fancy something a bit more decorative you be the keyword here.
considerable amounts of moisture vague memory that I have it but the can build the conventional centre pitched Armed with size of the building you can
into the air. (Chapter 9 covers the exact location totally escapes me type roof. The mono-pitch roof can have now progress to working out how much
area of heating in the workshop.) every time! Storage aplenty is a surprisingly shallow slope, but a steeper it will cost (see Chapter 4 for ideas on
(8) If you are starting out with a small absolutely essential in a workshop; slope is preferable in order to allow water keeping the cost down) and to getting
shop but have every intention of both in the form of open shelving to run off the roof quickly. Whatever you organised for starting construction. If you
gaining more machinery later, allow and cupboards. If you can, try to do, do not build a flat, or near flat, roof. have followed the official planning
for this by leaving one end of the allocate the space at the design Once water can lay on a rooftop it will regulations you can also approach the
shop unrestricted on the outside and stage even if you don't actually eventually find its way through the proof- local authority with a reasonable certainty
avoid placing almost immovable install it immediately. It might stop ing and into the building. The actual de- of being allowed to proceed unhindered
equipment at that end on the inside. you from having to squeeze it all in tailed design of both roof types is covered but, before you do, read the next chapter
Then, when you are in a position to later when perhaps it isn't so easy in Chapter 7, but if you intend to build a for guidance.
build the extension, it will be rela- because of other added equipment.
tively easy. (12) If you are the 'clubby' type, or know
(9) If cash is really short there is no other people with the same interest,
need to abandon the project or cut talk to them about their workshops
corners on the materials. Both are and how they use them. Such
bad mistakes. It is better to build people are a great source of infor-
small and squeeze everything in mation, not just on the layout, but
until finances allow you to enlarge also on machinery, suppliers etc.
it. If you don't want to start with a
very small shop just lay the base - There are probably a thousand and one
once you've done that (and nearly other considerations which apply
got a workshop) I guarantee that the variously to certain hobbies and not
rest will follow in a very short time! others. You should already know of any
( 1 0) The workshop can be built to allow that are specific to your own. Try to think
the whole structure to be dismant- of them all and take them into account.
led and moved to another site. I The more time spent in considering the
must admit that this may seem to design of the building and its layout , the
be a daunting task to those of us greater will be the reward in its use.
who already have workshops and
would probably need six months Exterior design
just to pack up the contents, let Once you have decided on the interior
alone the building! In fact, anyone layout you can think about the external
building a demountable workshop design. When I say think about it I mean
would also fit it out in such a way exactly that - because there isn't very
that removal of the contents would much you can alter in the design being put

14 15

problem is that dealing with a local people are quite useful to know at
CHAPTER 3 ,., ' authority very often isn't as straightfor- times - especially if they can fix
ward as perhaps it should be. Get it wrong radios or make bits for a broken
and you may end up wishing that you had lawnmower.) Having done this and
not got up that morning! Here's a few tips built your workshop you must then
to help you avoid steering a collision respect your neighbours' rights and
course with the Establishment. not be a nuisance.
The obvious cause of conflict is
(a) At all times in dealing with the noise but it isn't the only one by any
Statutory regulations authority it should be made quite clear
that the building is solely for private
means. Building the workshop in a
position which blocks a neighbour's
domestic use in the pursuance of a light or destroys a view is another. I'm
hobby. sure you can think of many more.
(b) Whatever you do avoid the word The cost of getting this bit wrong
workshop. The uninitiated will trans- can be very high. If you receive a visit
With a bit of luck you now know the size erect any reasonable building for your own late it into 'metal bashing shop, fact- from a council official you could find
and position of your workshop but, before use. ory, car repair shop etc.'. Start that yourself standing on, very thin ice
you go mad with the spade, protect It follows then that provided you ball rolling and you really will wish indeed. Despite protestations on your
yourself against being torpedoed from observe the rules, in theory there is no that you hadn't got up! part to the effect that the workshop
below by advising the local authorities of need to tell the authority at all. The prob- (c) Be very careful about upsetting the is just a hobby room, he may, (as a
your intentions. It doesn't guarantee lems arise when specific local by-laws neighbours. It has been said that it's way of solving the nuisance problem),
future bliss but it will go a long way alter them or, as is the case with all rules, not where you live, it's who you live disagree and decide to categorise it
towards it. Whether you inform them or there is a difference in their interpretation next to! I cannot stress the truth of as 'commercial' and therefore a
not is up to you - I'm sure that many between you and the authority. that statement enough. What's more, 'prohibited development'. If that
don't bother without any ill effect. Even The actual rules were included in it works both ways - would you like happens you can expect to receive an
if you decide not to you must at least Chapter 2 and I won't repeat them here to live next to a bloke who seems to enforcement order very soon. (An
know and abide by the official regulations. - but if you skipped them it would pay spend all day planing wood down for enforcement order will order the
you to read them now before continuing. the local DIY shop? demolition of said structure by a given
Planning permission You must bear in mind that local One objector could scuttle the date.)
The following sentence appears to be a planning law is a complex area which is whole thing. This may not occur at (d) Planners are a suspicious lot and not
complete contradiction but is in fact subject to much interpretation (and the outset of course because the without cause. There are people
correct. You will not require approval for possibly manipulation) by authorities neighbour will not know about your around who have erected 'garages'
a structure provided it complies with the according to their own local conditions. plans (or your interest). It may well be under the Permitted Development rule
regulations and is approved as such. This The only satisfactory way to be sure that some time after the council have and then let them out as holiday
is because this type of structure should your 'development' is OK is to telephone given the nod and the workshop is up homes! One of your primary jobs
not require specific planning permission the relevant department and, if necessary, when this little gem hits you! If it does must be to ensure that the building is
from your local authority providing it send a sketch showing the plot with then you are on a loser. Gone are the clearly nothing other than what you
complies with the regulations laid down existing buildings, the new one and a brief days when you could do as you say it is. You don't need me to tell you
in the Town and Country Planning Act and description of its construction and use. It please in your own home. Local then that it would be courting trouble
can be categorised as 'permitted develop- doesn't have to be very fancy; just authorities are legally obliged to inves- to install a bay window, a fitted toilet
ment'. All councils operate the Town and reasonably accurate enough to show that tigate every complaint received from or anything else that could give them
Country Planning Act and most have the rules are not being bent. The result the general public, so if you upset reason to issue an enforcement order.
various local planning by-laws of their should be a notification that it complies someone it could be really bad news. (e) Do not be tempted to understate your
own. Providing you are aware of, and with the Permitted Development Rule and If you can, cultivate your neighbours intentions. There is a big difference
observe the guidelines and restrictions on that you can proceed. and let them know what you do in between a 2m x 2m potting shed
all building work in your area, you can All sounds very easy doesn't it? The your spare time. (Most creative hobby and a 6m x 6m one.


(f) Do not try to make a statement with
the building and finish it in the form
start building safe in the knowledge that
you have complied with the rules. If you

of a Great Western Railway Station find you're getting involved in discussions

or a period piece of furniture!. about building regulations then you have
(g) Do not construct something which is gone seriously wrong somewhere.
clearly unsafe or ugly. Although you will not have to comply ' !

with the building regulations, under the

There are certain areas though where Health Act you have a statutory obligation
very strict local planning laws prevail -
such as in conservation areas and around
to ensure that anything you erect does not
or will not constitute a hazard to others.
Whatever you do, ensure that the struc-
Tools and materials
listed buildings. Even a simple garden shed
can be a job to get built in these regions. ture is safe. If you are unsure about
If you live in such an area then contact anything then either ask someone, or
your local authority before going too far grossly oversize it.
because planning permission is always
required in these situations. Other regulations Tools lumbars are forever telling you that they
It might also be worth racking your We live in a world just brimming with No matter what work needs to be done, are old or, if you can no longer jerk a bag
brains to remember what your solicitor regulations, regulators and legislators who tools are always r{!quired; sometimes of cement up onto your head at least
said at the time that you bought the spend their whole lives introducing even simple tools can suffice but very often fifteen times, then I suggest you look in
property. Did he, for instance, utter the more regulations. It's a situation that some highly specialised ones are needed. your local paper for sources of these
words "restrictive covenants"? If he did seems to be out of control. Once upon a Fortunately for us the construction of a labour savers. Look under 'services' or
then have a look at your copy of the deeds time they only applied to industry and simple workshop like this doesn't really 'miscellaneous' as there always seems to
- you may find that a covenant exists agriculture, but not now. Now we all have require any very special tools and most be someone prepared to hire out this sort
which prohibits any development whatso- to observe regulations like the Control of people's garden shed will have all the of kit very cheaply. Alternatively, most
ever. (For the record my own and adjacent Substances Harmful to Health Act and the basic tools that are needed. towns have equipment hire shops and the
properties have some restrictive coven- Control of Pollution Act - which is the You could get by with just the following rates are usually very reasonable.
ants relating to further building. As far as one that carries weight on noise pollution ordinary tools:- These are the real labour saving ones:-
I can see no-one has taken a blind bit of and nuisance. Most people need not be
notice of them and, as many houses now concerned about them as commonsense Hammer Cement mixer
have extensions, the council must have makes the rules unnecessary. So, if you Spade or shovel Electric screwdriver
approved them for building regulations do use nasty substances make sure that Tape measure Power saw
compliance at least.) you treat them as such and provide for Spirit level Wheelbarrow
their storage and disposal accordingly. Wood saw Sack barrow
Building regulations (UK) The Pollution Act is the one to really worry Small square Staple gun
Building regulations exist to ensure that about though. It covers noise pollution, Electric drill
structures erected in the UK meet (among many others), and can be used Mortar trowel There are also some tools you can make
minimum standards regarding structural against you with great severity, including 1. 5m x 1 . 5m wooden board (for mixing yourself and so make your life even easier:
integrity, insulation levels etc. They are seizure of your equipment. (Don't get me concrete on)
aimed at houses and offices etc. and do wrong on this score, I am not opposed to Screwdrivers Builder's level
not apply at all to sheds or other minor applying control where control is required, A friend who owes you a favour! Deadmen (2)
outbuildings. Once the authorities are but regulations can be abused and mani- Tamper
aware that you are constructing nothing pulated. When this happens to an industry There are however other tools which Rocking wedge
more than a shed, they will lose interest it usually has sufficient resources to could save you a lot of hard work and a A large square
in the venture and that will be the end of protect itself but individuals stand very fair amount of head scratching. Some can
your commitment to them. You can then little chance of a decent defence.) easily be home-made but others need to For those who are not familiar with this
be begged, borrowed or hired. So if your last list of tools, a builder's level is a very

18 19

x 25 to form a 'T' which is just higher approximately 50 x 300 x 25mm thick wood, a material which most engineers
long level (min. 900mm). and usually don't have much love for. To those who
than your ceiling will be. Add a couple of with a 25mm square x 50 long cross-
made of wood. You can make a reason- don't usually use it, wood is a material
cross braces and you are in business (see piece fixed about 1OOmm from one end
able facsimile by strapping a short level to which bends, shatters, splits, warps, and
Detail 4.1 ). To use them, all you have to as a fulcrum so it forms a lop-sided see-
a decent piece of straight timber which is
do is rest the ceiling panel on the tee end saw (see Detail 4.2). It is used when of course, rots. As an engineering material
parallel along its length. Alternatively you it is pretty diabolical, but for buildings it
and jam it against the rafters by wedging placing the internal wall sheets to jack the
can buy a bubble (don't laugh - you really
the 'leg' against the floor. Put one at each panels up against the ceiling. Just rest the is ideal provided it is used properly.
can!) and set it into a suitable length of
end of the panel and then you will have sheet against the wall with the short end Although we never think of it this way,
timber with silicone mastic. Set it up on wood is just dead trees and, in common
two hands free to put the nails in. of the wedge under it and press down
something previously checked for level
A tamper is simply a heavy weight on with your foot on the other end - up goes with all natural materials, Nature has
with a normal short level. developed many ways to return it into the
Dead men are T -shaped poles about the end of a pole and is used to compact the panel!
the ground. Any old weight will do pro- The final one is a large square. This is carbon cycle in the shortest possible time.
50mm higher than your ceiling will be and
viding it is flat underneath - and providing not essential because you can check for The biggest threat is from water, followed
are used to hold up the ceiling panels while
you can lift it repeatedly! If you don't have squareness by the simple expedient of by fungus, bacteria and then insects. The
you try to bang the nails in. Anyone who
a convenient weight then cast a concrete measuring across the diagonals. Alterna- builder's job is to ensure that his structure
has tried to do it without any dead men will
one in an old plastic bucket with a broom tively, you could make up a long-sided try- is designed to eliminate these threats, and
know exactly how useful they are! Simply
handle sticking out of it. square from convenient bits of timber this is where the detailing becomes so
screw a short length of 50 x 25 at 90 important because it is the little details
The rocking wedge is a strip of timber using the corner of one of the wallboards
degrees to one end of another piece of 50 which ensure that these enemies are kept
as a template. What would be really useful
though is a square against which you can at bay.
cramp the timber while constructing the Wood does in fact have a lot going for it:
framework so that you automatically end
up with a 90 degree angle. Such a device It is an extremely good insulant
~ is shown in Detail 4.3. I will not try to It is a good acoustic barrier
1 describe its construction because it is
obvious from the sketch.
It is very easy to work
It is relatively cheap
~ Used correctly it can be immensely strong
Materials It is often very decorative

~+ Wood No, I don't work for the Forestry Com-

~ The main material of construction is mission! Although it is relatively cheap the
1S1 ~
i "j
m ~
j j
'2-:),.:;o lop vcill -~
-~ IF"".veci~ 3ooxtoa;<;2~l w~ge.-
~ :..

J srrvl''> -:>cviw ] g
4- ~
fvi<ed t'o pmp

I t
'2.5"x 2..,; MM Vociclu'
5CtM.eci /'o 1Wd9e.
Detail 4.2 Rocking wedge assembly.
Detail 4.1 Deadman assembly.


j.aoo bearing capability (in as far as this can be size. As far as we are concerned we only
known where wood is concerned). need to use medium ballast. A general
Chapter 6 has more information on this in purpose concrete is made from a mix of
the section on timber floors. 5 parts ballast and 1 part cement by
volume (or shovelful), and this mix is ideal
Hardcore for our purpose. If you want to increase
Everybody knows what hardcore is and the strength a bit just increase the cement
has got a good supply all over their content a little.
gardens in the form of stones, bits of As can be seen from the mass of con-
bricks and the odd fragment of concrete. crete jungles that surround us, it is a very
Unless you are going to build a very large popular building material, being cheap,
workshop or have really diabolically soft very strong in compression and can be
ground you won't need very much of it - reinforced with steel rods for use in beams
a layer approximately 50mm thick over or highly loaded pillars. The only real
45cH~ the base area is all that is required. Big problem with it is that it cannot be used
MtMt>.er5 tiCiiNeQ does not mean better in this material and unsupported without reinforcement. In
~ glu~d ro bas~, stones up to approximately 20mm max. fact, it is so weak in tension or shear that
will be fine. If you get the kids to e.arn their it may actually collapse under its own self
pocket money by collecting it for you weight, so make sure that it is only laid
make sure that they have only picked up on top of a good, well compacted, found-
/G ovl'~ cf r~fle,,sfudd19 .->-", stones. Sticks and leaves etc. are defin- ation. If the foundation is solid clay or well
/ itely not welcome. If you need to buy it tamped hardcore you only need a layer of
/// ',,"' make sure it is 'clean' before letting the concrete around 1OOmm thick. If the floor
delivery guy dump it on your lawn. is being laid over an existing concrete path
Detail 4.3 Large square assembly. Once the hardcore is laid it is usually or patio you will get away with just
'blinded' with a layer of sand to protect 75mm.
the damp-proof membrane from punc- Mortar and screed are variations of
quality is often a bit 'iffy'. The cause is ing from a timber specialist, ask for the tures. That's why you need a reasonable concrete but they don't have any aggre-
fast-grown 'regenerable stock' timber and timber to be regularised - that way it spread of sizes of stones otherwise a lot gate in them although they often have
forced air kiln drying which tries, usually should be the same size. If buying from a of blinding sand will be needed to fill the additives to make them workable or self
without success, to mimic proper season- DIY store try to get it all from the same gaps. Daft as it may seem, watering the levelling. We won't be needing much
ing. In fact some wood twists all over the source at the same time because then it hardcore helps to consolidate it so give it mortar, so you can mix your own by
place as soon as it is exposed to the out- should all be relatively consistent in its a good soaking as well. adding one part cement to five parts of
side world and often looks as though it will size. That may seem a little daft - after all sand. Add a little water and just a squirt
take root if you stand it on damp ground! 50 x 50 is 50 x 50 ... isn't it? Not in the Concrete of washing-up liquid to act as a plasticiser.
Pick your wood very carefully and don't world of wood it isn't. The 50 x 50 will The other main material used in the const- That will make it sticky and workable -
buy it in a sealed polythene wrapping - be the size it started at before they pushed ruction is concrete and it may be useful just like the real stuff! Add just enough
go for the stuff that has been racked off it through the finishing machine so it could to explain a little about this seemingly water to allow you to roll the mix into
outside as any that would twist will have be a lot smaller. Even unfinished, or rough mundane material. Concrete is a mix of sausages.
done so and you can avoid it. It is not sawn, timber probably still won't be 50 x sand, stones (called aggregate) and cem- Cement - the magic ingredient - is
necessary to buy the expensive planed 50 because all sizes are 'nominal'. ent; the sand and aggregate usually being made from ground-up limestone (or chalk)
timber as rough sawn is perfectly suited The only area where good quality timber bought pre-mixed as ballast in a 75% to which is added silica, alumina, iron
for our purpose. It may however be worth is required is in the floor joists - if you agg_regate, 25% sand mix. It is generally oxide and a few other chemicals. The mix
paying that little bit extra for timber which are using a timber floor of course. For available in two grades; medium, which is heated to red heat in a massive, slowly
has been pressure injected with preser- obvious reasons these timbers must be all has stones of 20mm and downwards, and revolving, drum in a process called calcin-
vative and insect repellent. Finally, if buy- the same in depth and have a known load coarse, which has stones up to 40mm in ing. The heat converts the limestone into


a chemical reaction waiting to happen concrete as described in (2) above. I Finally on the subject of concrete; the building. Leave them out or fail to in-
. . . and it will just as soon as it gets doubt if many people would leave a where to get it? Once again you will find stall them correctly and you risk perma-
anywhere near moisture. There are several bare concrete floor to work off any- it difficult to beat the offers made for nent troubles.
types of cement available but the best for way, so it doesn't really matter what cement and ballast in your local paper's There are three membranes in a building
our purpose is Ordinary Portland. Most the floor is actually made of so long small ads. Work out the quantities of each and, if the detailing is correct, they can all
others are for special applications and just as it is level and smooth. ingredient by using the data in the be made from the same material. They
cost more to buy. (4) One of the floors described in Chapter Appendix and then get on the phone. are:
A few tips about concrete:- 6 shows rough sawn timber all Another good reason for buying the
around the inside of the perimeter materials this way is because the price ( 1) DPC This is the damp-proof course
( 1) It doesn't actually need any free walls. It is set dead level and with the invariably includes delivery. If you build and it is built into walls at a point
water to harden as it can draw what top edge of the finished floor level. the removable base then you don't need approximately 1 50mm above ground
it needs straight from the atmos- This traps the damp-proof membrane much concrete and it may be worth level. It's there to stop damp rising or
phere. If it does go off in this way it and gives a level to work to. I have buying the pre-bagged, pre-mixed stuff 'wicking' up the wall from the water
is not that much weaker than a wet this in my own floor and it makes from your local DIY store. You will, how- table below. Normally sold as a thin
mix would be. levelling all round the edges very easy ever, still need a fair amount of sand and plastic strip with both sides ridged for
(2) Adding too much water will produce indeed. The timber does not have to a bag or two of cement. grip and is laid in a bed of mortar
a very sloppy mix that is easy to level be fixed in any way apart from a good between two brick courses.
but the strength is adversely affected. jammed fit. This can be done on any Sand In the base for this workshop this
Use the smallest amount of water of the floors. There are two types of sand; fine (build- strip membrane can be replaced by an
consistent with a manageable mix for (5) Concrete doesn't harden all at once. ers) and coarse (sharp). Fine sand, which extension to the floor damp-proof
the strip foundations but, for the Initial hardening starts after about 3 is usually yellow, is used for making membrane as shown.
finished floor, use a slightly runnier hours and it continues until full hard- mortar and rendering and the result is a (2) DPM The damp-proof membrane is a
mix to get a smooth top finish to ness is reached after about 28 days. very brittle material because of the lack sheet of relatively thin plastic which
stand on. Do this by laying the wetter For this reason be very careful with of decent particle sizes in the mixture. is laid on top of the groundworks
mix and, after levelling it off, keep your green concrete as damage is Coarse sand is used for floor screeds and before the floor proper is laid. Its
tamping it down to make the 'cream' almost impossible to repair properly. paving slabs and has larger particles which purpose is to isolate the internal floor
rise. The cream is a cement rich layer (6) For good concrete that will achieve its increase the mixture strength quite drama- from any water which may be around
of water which will glaze the surface full strength it is very important .to tically. The bigger the particle size the it. The process known as 'tanking
and give a very good flat top. Don't protect it both from drying out too bigger the compressive strength. out' performs a similar function but
overdo it though as the surface, once rapidly and from being exposed to The only point to watch with sand is the really applies when the floor is below
dried, will have a tendency to dust or frost. Both will cause premature quality. Rub some of it between your the surrounding ground level.
craze when you walk on it. Stop cracking and early failure. If you lay fingers and no serious staining should (3) Vapour barrier This is a continuous
playing with it the minute you have it in summer when it is relatively hot result. Dirty sand, often caused by clay plastic sheet that is built into the walls
a smooth top surface. This should not cover it as soon as you have finished contamination, makes very poor mortar and its purpose is to prevent the
be done to either structural or external and, if necessary, damp it down after which is liable to spall in winter because migration of moisture into the building
concrete as it will tend to spa// the first 'set'. Always cover concrete the contaminant holds water which via the upper structure. Thinner poly-
through frost damage. Nor will it if you lay it in winter, even if it has subsequently freezes. thene is suitable for this service but
achieve full strength as mentioned been down for a couple of days, as it must be fitted carefully - and at
earlier. it will still have a tremendous amount Pea shingle
the right point in the wall (and occa-
(3) All normal construction floors are of free water in it which will freeze Pea s_hingle is what the name implies sionally the roof) - for it to be fully
finished with a 50- 75mm screed given half a chance. (It would pay you pea-s1zed stones. You will only need to get effective.
which gives a fine grained level finish to cover it anyway as a Fundamental some 1f you intend to dig a soakaway or
to the floor. I did not follow conven- Law states that as soon as anyone run a land drain.
The sheeting is available in two thick-
tion in the case of my own workshop lays any concrete a cat will materia- nesses - grade 1000 which is the heavy
simply because a perfectly good lise and walk right across it!) Membranes
duty stuff and grade 500 which is thinner.
finish can be obtained using fine The membranes are an essential part of Always try to use the 1000 grade for the

24 25

not be too bad. Once again try looking in workshop is going to be on the compact chipboard unless you can guarantee you
DPM in the base or, if you find it too side then an outward opening door will will never have a leak. When it gets wet
your local paper, especially for second-
difficult to manage or fold properly, two probably be best but it may not be easy - it swells by around 50% of its original
hand double-glazed units as they are often
sheets of 500 grade on top of each other to find one. Garage side doors are often size - it will not return to normal even
almost impenetrable, but make sure that
will do just as well. Use 500 grade for the handed this way but house doors usually when dry. Use block board or plywood
you get the door frame as part of the deal.
vapour barrier. open inwards. Don't worry too much instead, but ensure that the lining falls
If you don't fancy double-glazed units or
The membrane materials are available about this point though, as the handing short of the floor by at least 12mm. The
can't find any, there are three other
quite cheaply from most DIY stores and can be changed with a little effort and skirting can, of course, make contact as
possible sources which you can try before
builders' merchants so there shouldn't be ingenuity - it's just more work. it should survive a soaking.
a problem getting it. The width available going out and buying new ones:
locally is 4m and it is bought 'off the roll' Internal lining External cladding
(1) Double-glazing firms. Go along to a
so you can have any length that you need. This workshop derives its strength from The external cladding can be whatever
local outlet, or, if you know where it
Don't worry about trying to get a the way that the walls are constructed. takes your fancy as several types are
is, the local depot and seek out the
continuous skin around the wall or floor They each form box beams that are available. Probably the most common is
foreman. It is worth paying a reason-
as joints can be made simply by immensely strong and relatively light. The weatherboard; a wedge-shaped plank of
able amount for the assembly as the
overlapping. (The fitting of these materials beam is formed by securely attaching a somewhat low grade wood often used for
frame at least would normally be
is covered in detail in the relevant sheet of wood to one side of a stud-wall garden sheds and fences. At the other end
destroyed during removal. This is
chapters.) frame and then closin~ the other side with of the scale is shiplap which is an
because it would have been built into
You can purchase the DPM in a tin conventional strip cladding in such a way interlocking planking that has a pleasant
the wall using metal cramps which
either in the form of bituminous paint or that it too forms the equivalent of a sheet profiled section. Weatherboard is cheap
must be cut through to release the
as a liquid silicon solution which material. There are plenty of suitable but tends to be very 'knotty' and has a
frame. Normally they would simply
effectively waterproofs concrete. Both are materials to choose from for lining the strong tendency to warp and split unless
saw through the frame and rip it out
OK but they do rely on nothing moving - inside but select with care and bear in it is securely fixed at very frequent
ever. By moving I do not mean by any in pieces.
(2) Next on the list is a demolition site. mind what you are likely to hang on it. For intervals. Shiplap is more expensive but
detectable amount - even a hairline crack a simple skin, that will not be loaded, you is thicker, and therefore more stable, and
Be very clear about what you want
could be enough to allow water to can use 6mm ply. For higher loadings the interlocking of the planks gives a
though - you need a garage side door
penetrate. I favour the visible polythene choose 12mm blackboard, 12mm chip- stronger, more weatherproof walling.
or a house back door, complete with
liner because it can be checked easily for board or, if your purse will stretch to it, There are two other materials which
frame, and it must be hardwood. If
damage just before laying the floor. 15mm high density chipboard. I must you can use. The first is tongue and
you don't explain this at the start and
then try to argue the toss later, you admit that I would not recommend groove, which is more usually used for
Door and windows plasterboard or very thin ply because they internal wall lining, but it can be used
Good quality doors and windows are could find that you don't need a
workshop by the time they've cannot carry any decent shelf loadings externally providing a heavy grade is used.
essential for a satisfactory job, but if you and may well prove to be a nuisance later. The other is exterior grade plywood and
are not careful buying them will give your finished with you!
(3) Last on the list and the most There is also a tremendous selection of I would use this if I was intending to paint
wallet the worst battering it's had since faced boards available but it would also the finished workshop.
expensive, short of buying new, is the
last Christmas! I cannot overstress the be best to avoid these as they can With the obvious exception of plywood,
salvage yard. These places specialise
importance of a good sound door because encourage condensation on the machinery most cladding materials are available in
in the recycling of things like old
it is the obvious way in for any thief and
is often the weakest part of the whole
fireplaces, cast iron baths etc., but an? _equipment inside by stopping the two widths: 1 OOmm and 150mm. Don't
they also hold reasonable value items ?u1ldmg from 'breathing'. (For further bother with the 1 OOmm stuff, buy the
structure. The problem is that a good new ~~formation on the subject of condensa- bigger size as it is more economical and
one is going to cost a lot of money - and like doors. tlo nan d 1ts
control see my article Vapour
would suggest that once you've has superior longitudinal stability.
then you need a decent frame to put it in. Trouble published in the Model Engineer
Windows are another weak point so they decided to build a workshop you start
looking immediately for the door, win- May to September 1993). ' Roofing materials
should either be too small to get through If for some reason you need water in
dows and cheap sources of timber. It To keep the design simple a mono-pitch
or of very high quality. It's getting more Y?ur workshop, especially if it's an exten-
could take some time to find them but it roof of shallow angle has been designed,
expensive by the minute! Sion of the mains supply, avoid using but an alternative pitched design is also
Actually, with a little searching, it need will be worth it. Incidentally, if your


given for the more adventurous builder. materials, together with fitting instruc- surround can be lifted and moved if paving slabs or standard garden patio
The simple roof type is easy to build and tions, are covered in detail in Chapter 7. required and only the shallow strips of slabs. Try to avoid slabs less than 50mm
is completely satisfactory providing concrete foundation will be left behind. If thick and, for economy, try to get 600mm
reasonable workmanship and decent Insulation the base is constructed according to the square or larger ones. This type of floor
materials are used. I would only use Insulation is required in three places - the design given these strips should be below will almost certainly be covered so I
exterior grade plywood for this job as any walls, floor and the roof. Luckily someone the ground anyway. (Take a look at the wouldn't worry about the colour if you
other sheet material is likely to warp and has invented a single material which sketch of this floor in Chapter 6.) can't find plain ones. They can be purch-
disintegrate if water ever gets to it; it's satisfies the needs of each location. It's In order to achieve the portability aspect ased from DIY centres and builders'
one thing to replace the roof covering, but called extruded polystyrene and you will some materials are specified which would merchants but before going there look in
it's no joke if you have to replace the roof find it at builders' suppliers (but probably normally be associated with a patio. One your local paper for cheaper sources of
as well! The plywood does not have to be not at your local DIY shop). It is made in such item is the kerbing which is used supply. The only thing that you must
very thick if you construct the roof as all sorts of thicknesses for just about every both to contain the floor slabs and as a check when buying is that they are flat.
designed and providing you treat it with insulation situation and is so dense that perimeter wall to build the walls off. Any that were taken out of the casting
respect if ever you need to climb on it. You it can even be laid in the floor and Kerbing is profiled concrete of immense box too soon after manufacture will be
then need to cover the whole roof. (There concreted over. Water will not affect it. strength and is available from builders' curved.
is one material which, in theory at least, The sheets can be cut very easily - unlike suppliers in various profiles. You can Right, you've got the tools; there's a big
could be used without any covering at all earlier types which just broke up into balls mould your own or you could shutter the pile of ballast on the lawn; the garden has
apart from a coat of varnish - marine when cut - and they can be made a nice foundation concrete during construction been picked clean of stones and there's
plywood. Very expensive and quite snug fit in the framing. Don't confuse this to get the same profile - providing you a couple of bags of cement threatening to
difficult to find inland, it is totally water- material with the polystyrene that is used don't mind leaving it behind of course. go off in the shed. Get your wellies on
proof and ideal for the job.) in moulded form in domestic appliance The floor is made up of either concrete it's time to start ...
Roof coverings Alternatively there is a compacted form
There are three choices of covering: of roof insulation - rock fibre or glass
painted rubber, mineral felt and butyl fibre in sheets - and they too can be cut
sheeting. quite easily. Remember though that glass
Painted rubber There are a whole host fibre is a respiratory irritant and a face
of these finishes around now and your mask must be worn when handling it.
local DIY centre will probably have several
types on the shelf. They are neat and very General items
convenient to use as they are water The only other items that you need are
soluble - but not when dry of course. My general ironmongery, which is probably
own workshop is painted with this type best purchased as the need arises;
of material. woodscrews - plain steel for inside, brass
Mineral felt This can also be bought in contact with damp; plated or Japanned
from any DIY shop or builders' merchant, for external use; and galvanised nails for
but it must be fitted correctly for it to have external use.
a reasonable life - around 10 years.
Butyl sheeting This is ideally suited to Removable floor materials
a simple square roof which is completely For those people who do not want to leave
flat. Butyl 'overcoats' are made up by spe- a concrete slab behind when they remove
cialist companies to your dimensions and the workshop a design is shown in
are made slightly small so they stretch on Chapter 6 for a removable floor. Even
fitting. Expensive to buy but this covering though it is temporary its construction
will outlive all others. Look in your local includes all of the waterproofing fitted to
trade directory for a supplier. All of these the permanent floor. This floor and its

28 29

it could lead to soil migration on a surp- at the drawings there and decide which
rising scale. (Those of you that have built type suits you if you don't already know.
CHAPTER 5 patios on a simple thin bed of sand laid The same drawings also show the extent
of groundworks for each type of base.
straight on top of levelled topsoil will know
exactly what I mean.) Two of them don't require any real ground-
If the workshop is to be built within theworks as such, but that doesn't mean
bounds of an estate-type development, that you can skip the rest of- this chapter
you will almost certainly find that when because the service trench and drain have
the houses were built all of the original got to be put in yet.

Groundworks and rainwater topsoil was scraped off and set aside. On
completion of construction the contractor
At long last you can actually do
something - the digging! While this may
would then have replaced the topsoil on not be your favourite activity, in this con-

drains the garden areas to a depth of about

225mm, while also losing a couple of tons
text it is very rewarding because you will
finally see your future workshop taking
of broken bricks and concrete in the shape 'in the solid' so to speak. The very
process! Providing subsequent owners of first thing to do is to level the whole base
the property haven't done any double area plus a strip of about 300mm around
By now you should know exactly how big digging, the subsoil should still be quite the perimeter. If the ground undulates
the workshop will be and where it is going well compacted. In such cases the always pare it down to a level site before
to be built. If you are also a gardener you dividing line between topsoil and subsoil digging out for the foundations rather than
will know what type of subsoil you have, is usually quite easy to detect, but for infilling the low points as this could lead
but if you're not, scrape off the top layer those who can't find the dividing line, to a soft spot later. Similarly, on a sloping
on the chosen spot and take a good look somewhere between 1 50mm and 225mm site, always cut into the slope rather than
at it. You need to know because it affects will be OK. An area that is already heavily build up to a level surface. Get it as level
the amount of work that will have to be compacted, such as part of an existing as you can as it will help you to get the
done before the base can be laid. You patio or a section of an established hard- foundation strip top edge nice and level
should find out if it is hard or soft and worn lawn, is an ideal location. In cases ready to take the perimeter walls. (If you
whether it is wet or dry. Generally, clay do not like the idea of laying bricks you
like this the subsoil layer will only be a few
and chalk are good substrata material but centimetres below the surface and you can extend the foundation strips upward
loam or sandy soil are not so good. Don't could practically lay the base straight on to include the walls. Even so, it will still
worry if the subsoil is soft because the the ground after removing the grass layer. be useful to start with a level site.) Next,
ground loading of the structure is very low Before you can start excavating you peg out the area of the base and don't be
and subsidence or shift should not occur need to know which type of floor you are surprised if what looked quite a large area
providing the correct steps are taken at going to lay as it affects the groundworks.on paper suddenly looks very small in
the outset. The 'correct steps' amount to There are five basic types described in thisreality. I don't know why this is but it's
spending ~xtra time compacting the book so everyone should be able to find true of all floor areas - just visit a building
trench bottoms and then pouring in one that suits their pocket, ability etc. site and look at the bare floor slabs. It
Bnefly, the five types are: seems hard to believe that a whole house
hardcore, followed by more thumping,
followed by more hardcore ... Simply supported timber floor could be built on such a small patch but
It is important that you remove the Suspended timber floor when the house is completed it looks cor-
topsoil - even if it appears to be well Concrete floor over an existing slab rectly proportioned.
compacted - as it will contain degradable Removable base In theory you planned everything right
vegetable matter which could cause any Standard concrete base down to the last detail before ever going
structure built on it to crack or sink. The near your spade. So, all you should need
same material is attractive to insects so They are all covered in detail in Chapter to do now is dig the trenches and bung the
ants, worms and various other nasties will The perfect situation - secluded, adjacent to 6 and I would suggest that you have a look foundations in. Typically, nothing is ever
burrow in it. On a small structure like this the house and on hard stony ground.

straightforward. There are some minor plant a tree having forgotten all about it. case! You can then backfill the trench to (a) Guttering to a safe spot where the
refinements that can be considered 'on It is very important that you run the power 450mm deep ready for the power cable. water can be discharged
the way'. One such is - what will be cable in accordance with the following Don't put the spade away yet because (b) Guttering into a waterbutt
around the outside? If it will be, or already instructions - then you will know that it the digging isn't finished - not if you need (c) Guttering into a downpipe and then
is, lawn, then cutting the grass up against is safely out of harm's way. Underground a drain that is ... into a soakaway
the workshop wall is going to be a nuis- cables must be below spade depth and
(d) Guttering into a downpipe and then
ance. If you extend the width of the foun- either encased in a pipe (or conduit) and/or Rainwater drains to an existing rainwater open gully
dations by about 1 50mm outwards there covered by a run of edging stones. 22mrn Here in Britain we have an ancient law
will be somewhere for the lawn mower to plastic water pipe is ideal for the encase- which makes it illegal for a property owner Only options (c) and (d) need any real
run onto and you will always get the ment and it should be laid in a narrow to allow drips to fall on passers-by. Believe explanation but there are some points on
edges. What about access? You could lay trench not less than 450mm deep. Be it or not this is the origin of eavesdropping. the first two that are worth stating:
a simple flagstone path with the slabs just absolutely sure to fix some durable indi- (Presumably in the days before gutters
laying on the ground, or, you might want cation that there is a power cable under- were fitted people used to stay very close (a) Channelling the water to, say, a fruit
a proper concrete path. Decide on these ground - not only for your own inform- to the house walls in order not to be tree or a fish pond is a good idea, but
items now, reset your pegs and dig out ation but also for those that follow you. dripped on, which meant that they could make sure that you are not just stor-
accordingly. At the point where it will rise up through then hear all that was said inside the ing up a problem for later. Water is a
There isn't much to say about the dig- the workshop floor use a suitable bend building.) From this comes our obsession nuisance if it gets where you don't
ging, except that it's hard work! If the and a short vertical piece to bring the top with gutters, drains, and downpipes. As want it - even more so when it
ground is dry and hard, set the sprinkler of the pipe to around 50mm above the far as I know, no other countries have the freezes - so do be sure that wher-
on it the night before for a couple of hours finished floor level. The pipework should same law so they very often don't bother ever it ends up it will be acceptable
to soften it up a bit. Pull a line between be assembled using the correct proprietary on all but the largest buildings, but the for as long as the workshop exists.
the pegs and use a good spade to cut glue so that the whole run is watertight. good old Brits put gutters around (b) A waterbutt is an excellent idea.
along the edges of the trenches. Trick the If you don't run the cable at the same time everything - including the shed! (I think Stand the container on a pile of bricks
kids into getting the spoil out and then use thread strong twine through it for pulling the law stems from medieval times when
and be sure to make a cover to go
the spade to level off the trench and floor the cable through later. At this stage you people used to empty bedpans out of the
over the top or mosquitoes will breed
bottoms. As you approach the depth only need to worry about the workshop window to the detriment of the ladies in
in the water. It will also avoid the
required try not to go too deep, but if you end - you can trench the lawn out later. their finery below!) problem of finding a dead cat in it one
do, backfill the excess depth with com- The conduit will be below the bottom of Do you really need a drain at all? If you day. Waterbutts freeze over in winter
pacted hardcore and not soil. When the the foundations in many cases but I would consider that the water would have fallen so stop the downpipe above the
whole thing is trenched out take your suggest that where the trench passes on the ground and just soaked in anyway
water level or it will freeze and your
tamper and give the bottoms a good underneath the foundation strip, concrete then you probably don't. The amount of
guttering will be useless as there will
thumping until they are good and firm. If is used to backfill it. (If you are construc- water is the same - it just all appears in
be no way out for the water. Remem-
hard tamping simply leads to an ever- ting the removable floor try to ensure that one spot instead of spread out. All that ber though - if you don't draw the
increasing trench depth (soft ground) the cable emerges right in the corner so you really need to do is build the roof with
water off regularly you will end up
throw in some hardcore and tamp it well that you can just bevel the corner of a slab a generous overhang so the water drops
with the full flow going down the
down until the depth is about correct. to accommodate it.) to the ground rather than running down overflow; which you would fit
Your plan will have included sorting out A similar arrangement should be made the_ walls and forget all about it - pro-
wouldn't you? During winter you are
the route and point of entry of the power if a water supply is required with the excep VIdmg 1t doesn't drop on a public highway
not likely to so the overflow must be
cable and any other services. If they are tion that it should be laid below frost level or path of course. led to somewhere suitable as in (a)
to be run below ground you must make in a trench at least 900mm deep (that's If only life was so simple! In my case the above.
suitable entry points for them before pour- UK frost level - if you live somewhere access path down the side of the house
The other two need a little more expla-
ing the concrete foundation strips. Elec- colder, check the depth it should be run at). also runs along the workshop front, so nation:
tricity is very nasty stuff because you It would be prudent to run both services some means of getting rid of the water
can't see it, smell it, or even tell how in the same trench of course and I would was needed. In relation to a small work- {c) Soakaway
powerful it is. There is always the danger suggest that you lay and test the complete shop_ there are four methods worth I decided on a soakaway as the best
that some time later you may decide to water pipe run before burying it, just in considering:
solution to my water disposal problem. It's

32 ( 33

more hard work and the result is a big hole close to the top so if the soakaway is dug
in the ground and yet another pile of soil some way from the workshop you must laY a piece of spare DPM approximately {d) Using an existing drain
to get rid of somewhere - but at least I make allowance for the fall of the pipe in 200mm bigger all round to cover the Many houses have the rainwater down-
don't have to worry about a water surplus. the depth of the hole. The pipe fall can be stones and then backfill with soil. Now pipes led to open gullies set beside the
The idea is to provide a large surface very shallow (for plastic piping) but should you can forget all about the water walls where the water is then led either
area of ground which is capable of absor- not be less than 20mm over 1 OOOmm. problem. (Make a mental note though to into a s~orm drain or a soakaway. It may
bing the full flow without clogging or This means that the soakaway can be up fit a debris screen at the top of the down- be possible for you to lead your pipe into
swamping itself. Detail 5.1 shows the to 1 5 metres away before you need to pipe to stop leaves etc. getting down the one of these either above or below ground
essential elements of a soakaway. Act- increase the 300mm top covering dimen- pipe and blocking the soak away.) level. In some cases the house drains are
ually, you don't need that big a hole, and sion.
for the sort of roof area that we are talking When you have dug the hole fill it with
stones, bits of bricks, surplus hardcore .fie;~ ~water pipe
about around a half a cubic metre will be
quite adequate for most ground condi- etc. If the stones are big and the resulting -r------.1- ~isrlt\Cl u.:-rc. ~;vrface
warer avaw.
tions. In very free draining ground, such interstices are quite large, fill in the gaps
as chalk, you only need a little reception with pea shingle as you put the stones in.
box of, say, 300mm cubed. These holes This will stop the soil in the walls of the
must be buried of course, and a covering hole leeching in and clogging the whole eJ<isrri-19
of around 300mm is needed on top. That thing up. Feed the water pipe in at the top, i'!lcU1Mie..
gives us a hole 500mm x 500mm x lay a flat stone over it to protect it from
800mm deep for normal ground and material collapsing from above and sur
300mm x 300mm x 600mm for chalky round it with shingle to produce a level W~ dVam COM<ZCfic.?/\ w.fo Marlf'.o/e
or sandy ground. The water pipe leads in surface. All that remains to do then is to i5t'~dr~s are. ~91ct1ed

~oco0 ft'Y~I!l-shur
free tvoMo~c

u.p. r.c ~wfac~ wafer I
ctv~ 1aid ~o foil -fvo/1'\ wovk'$1\op

,Z.I(.iSf'~ l.ltZWftoLe
wi~l\~51a.id W..

Detail 5. 1 Section through surface water soakaway.

l Detail 52 connectmg
. mto
. existing surface
.:Jiaud >t'oiiWave .


water drain circuits.


commoned up at a manhole and you could
possibly break in there. There are two
point. Put a 50mm layer of pea shingle in
and then lay a 1 OOmm diameter land drain

types of manhole; moulded plastic and pipe along the trench. (A land drain pipe ',, '

brick built. The plastic type, which are is a purpose-made plastic pipe with small
II round, are easy to break into as they have holes or slits cut through the wall which
capped spigots moulded all around the allows water to penetrate and flow away.)
outside so that all you have to do is dig Surround the pipe with a further 50mm of
down the side until you find a spigot and pea shingle and then backfill the trench
then connect onto it. Alternatively, be-
cause the pipework is invariably plastic,
with soil.
There is another solution to the problem The base and floor
it is perhaps easier to just cut into the pipe- of ground water - trees, especially water-
run and fit a swept tee. Brick-built man- loving varieties such as willows. I believe
holes, which are usually square, are a bit that they can shift around 3000 litres an
more tricky because the pipes will be salt hour of water from their roots to a point
glazed stoneware which should not be 1 0 metres up in the air where it evapo-
messed about with. The only way to add rates off. That's some pump! Don't be If any part of the building is more impor- ance, cast a large concrete raft and then
an entry is to break through the brickwork tempted to plant one within 1Om of the tant than any other it must be the base. build off that rather than mess about with
and concrete in a new one. If you do break workshop though - it could drastically Once it is down and everything else has tren_ches etc. etc. Alternatively, you may
into a brick one, chop the hole from inside alter the ground condition and cause been built on top it will be very difficult dectde to build a removable workshop but
the manhole and make sure it isn't a foul severe shrinkage of clay soil. Similarly, be to correct mistakes or make repairs. So, standing on a new fixed base.
drain - they are best left well alone! Detail very careful about cutting down an estab- take great care on this part and it should The five designs are:
5.2 shows the various ways of adding the lished tree and building on or next to outlive you. The first part of the process
entries. where it stood. The ground condition was covered in the previous chapter on ( 1) Detail 6.1
could change to a point where partial or the groundworks: only when you are sure Simply supported timber floor
Land drainage complete saturation by water leads to an that you have a good solid foundation (2) Detail 6.2
All of the foregoing just about covers the upthrust or 'heave', causing severe da- should you start on the base itself. Suspended timber floor
options for getting rid of rainwater but mage to adjacent buildings. Of all the chapters this has been the (3) Details 6.3, 6.4 & 6.5
what if the ground itself waterlogs? There Before leaving the groundworks I will most difficult to write, not because the Floors built onto existing bases
are many regions in England and Wales just add that when I built my workshop I subject is complicated, but because there (4) Detail 6.6
where the water table is often higher than dug a soakaway at the end which would are so many ways of preparing suitable Removable base
ground level at times! If the high water later be the extension. This meant that the ?ases that there is a real danger of creat- (5) Detail 6.7
table is a problem over the whole area basic ground clearance was already done tng confusion. The problem is that I feel Standard concrete base
then all you can do is try to break into the for when I built the extension. To make I must show as many as possible so that
stormwater drains. If, however, the water use of the space and to force compaction every builder will find one that suits. There These 5 designs can be split into two
problem is caused by a local topographical I laid heavy paving slabs on a thin layer are five basic designs, two for timber obvious sections - timber and concrete.
condition (such as a clay 'bowl') then of sand/cement over the area and sunk floors and three for concrete. Then there There are some notes which are common
maybe you could install a land drain. While two 1 OOmm square posts at the far ar~ the variations on a theme; the bases to both types and others which relate to
this is really beyond the scope of this book corners. I then extended the workshop butlt over existing slabs being a good only one or the other. I'll start with the
roof over it with clear plastic roofing to ~x~mple. The important thing for the
a short description will not go amiss. common ones and the specific notes will
I For a land drain to work there must be provide a very useful winter drying area. Utlder to do is to study the drawings
appear under the relative headings later.
I a lower level or a more porous soil to pipe I would point out though that when I u~derstand the basic principles and then'
the water to - a ditch, a drain or a chalky wanted the area for the extension I had . a b"tt of mtx-n-match

if necessary ' General notes
butld a b h . . '
area for example. If these conditions can to do the same again at the 'new' end of d ase t at sutts the locatton and
be met, dig a trench which starts at about
300mm deep and drops 20mm for every
the workshop - and guess where I'd bu~y: It should be borne in mind that in
dumped all of the soil from the ground ( Utldtng des"tg n no th"tng .ts set .tn concrete
Floor elevation
Whichever base type is used the top of the
1OOOmm until it reaches the discharge works! sorry about that!). You could, for inst-
floor should end up around 1 50mm above

36 37"

as I like timber as a construction material, you could be in for a major letdown! shown. Space the screws or cramps
the surrounding ground level. This will
I am definitely not keen on its use for The need to adequately ventilate the about 1.5m apart. If you drill down into
ensure that exceptional weather condi-
floors in this kind of base because as I underfloor void means that timber floors the wall through the wallplate squirt a
tions don't flood your floor and also allows
mentioned earlier wood, water and soil usually end up set higher than conven- drop of non-setting mastic into the hole
the groundworks under it to remain reas-
definitely do not mix. So, taking into ac- tional concrete floors. This is especially before inserting the rawlplug to maintain
onably dry. A further, simpler reason for
count my opposition to timber floors, why true for the full suspended floor because the integrity of the DPC and only use
lifting the floor up is because you expect
have I included a design in the book? The of the joist thicknesses which have to be brass, galvanised, or stainless steel
it to be elevated. If it isn't you may well
answer is that for some applications a used. For most people this will not be too screws for this job.
stumble on your way in!
shed-on-legs arrangement as shown by much of a problem but if you are infirm or On the timber floors the width of the
the simply supported timber floor (Detail confined to a wheelchair then a timber wallplate is independent of the wall
Invalid access
6.1) is ideal and many hobbyists will use floor is probably not for you. thickness and it means that 50mm, 75mm
The exception to this is where a floor at
this design. Then there are those who or 1 OOmm stud work can be used without
ground level is necessary to allow access
having to adjust the width at the wall plate
for the infirm or wheelchair-bound users definitely want a proper timber floor as Damp-proof membrane
nothing else will do and who am I to That's easy on the plain timber floors to perimeter wall junction as happens on
and the drawback of possible localised
argue? Herewith are two floor designs there isn't one. There is still a damp-proof the concrete base versions. To see what
flooding will have to be accepted. In these
cases the perimeter wall should be left out complete with the sort of detailing that course on the joint between the wall and I mean compare Details 6. 2 and 6. 7.
in the door area and the floor laid at or near should be included to protect them from the floor though. However, if you add a
ground level. Building a true timber floor early failure. layer of underfloor insulation, a DPM must Floor loadings
be installed as condensation can occur There is a little problem with wood - it's
at ground level means a big hole to take
the joists and to allow the required Wood and water between the wood and insulation layers not like steel with a predictable and closely
and the floor could rot out. The position bound molecular structure. It's a natural
ventilation so I would suggest that this The floor, not surprisingly, is at the bottom
floor is avoided and you use a concrete of the building - right where all the water of the DPM is shown in Detail 6.2 but it fibrous material with a characteristic that
one as shown in Detail 6.8 instead. Re,ad ends up - so this part of the structure applies just as equally to the simple timber most other materials do not possess -
the notes that go with the detail carefully takes the worst of the prevailing condi- floor shown in Detail 6. 1. short- and long-term loading differences. If
(in the section on concrete floors) as there tions from ground splashes, run-off and a timber floor which is supported on joists
are a few complications. residual groundwater. Timber has a natu- The wallplate has a heavy load placed on it, it might
ral water content of around 15% and will Both the timber floors shown are sitting appear to be perfectly able to support the
survive for a very long time if this can be on a wallplate. This is a length of timber load without bowing. It would seem rea-
Wall elevation
The lifting of the timber part of the building maintained. There are two conditions set dead level (normally on a bed of sonable then that it would always be so
well above ground level is crucial to the which must be met to achieve this: mortar) to provide a good point to build - but it might not! The reason is that
longevity of the building fabric. This point avoidance of excessive water contact and off. This does mean that the actual joint when the load is first placed the floor is
cannot be overstressed as any failure to continuous and unimpeded ventilation of is weak because mortar doesn't bond to subjected to a short-term load which it can
observe it will quickly lead to the degen- the timber sections. With correct detailing wood very well. It doesn't matter because carry without noticeable deflection. The
eration of the lower timber members. and construction wetting of the floor the weight of the completed structure will trouble is that over time the timbers may
Further protection is provided by the structure can be avoided and the timber, keep it from leaving home but this adopt a new shape and the floor will
overlapped weatherboard which is if given good ventilation, will always dry weakness should be recognised during deflect, possibly even to the point of
positioned all around the bottom of the to a more or less stable condition and construction and looked after accordingly. failure. This effect can sometimes be seen
timber walls and protects both the DPC should have a very long life. In both of the !he 'shed-on-legs' arrangement as shown on the ridge of a tiled roof where the ridge
floors shown the detailing is designed to In Detail 6. 1 just relies on its own weight board dips in between the rafters. The roof
and the lower members of the walls from
eliminate any direct water penetration into to keep in place although I'm sure that would not have been built like it. So, if you
direct weather penetration.
Now that I've covered the prelims we the structure, but any subsequent damage most people will devise some method of do decide on a timber floor, consider
can look at the bases themselves and the in this area could soon lead to water :ixing it to the ground. In the case of the carefully what sort of loading it will be
finding its way into the ends of the floor ull suspended floor as per Detail 6. 2 you subjected to and, if necessary, compen-
notes that are specific to them.
joists and then into the floor itself. Wet can either screw the wallplate directly to sate for this by using deeper or more
softwood can have a life shorter than 6 the bricks with the membrane trapped closely spaced joists, or by means of a
Timber floors underneath, or use galvanised cramps as
1 have to make an admission here; much months - so if you don't notice it quicklY spine wall.


Spine walls very outside of the tree near the must have their top surface dead level substitute the brick wall arrangement on
A spine wall is an intermediate wall bark). Reject any that is not to your with each other. If you don't fancy what concrete strip foundations as shown in
which is built up from a third foundation liking. is effectively a loose base you can Detail 6.2.
strip and supports the joists at mid span. (e) All structural timber is covered by BS I '

They are very useful because they can be 44 71 and BS 5268 so if your timber
used to halve the depth of the joists for complies with these then it should be
a given span, allow a far greater load on fine - but check just in case.
a given joist size, or double the allowable
span of a given joist size. As it is very easy Insulation
to build an additional wall while laying the Some of you may have immediately
base, I would put one in for a wood floor noticed a problem - the wind will whistle
over 2m wide as a matter of course. The under the floor and it will be very cold chipt;a:u'd ~lie(
wall should be built to the same detail as indeed. You should never fully enclose fwed
lin.lr19 sc-Yew
the edge walls shown in Detail 6.2. timber so you can't sheet over the 10 rVhcal frctmin9
underside of the joists after packing the I,''

Joist selection spaces with insulation as dry rot may well

Most of the timber used in the construc- appear. All that can be done (apart from
tion can be ordinary run-of-the-mill laying reasonably thick carpet inside) is to
material that can be bought from DIY fit polystyrene insulation between the
shops or any timber yard but floor joists joists as shown in Detail 6. 2 but note that
are different. They must be of good quality a vapour barrier must also be installed
and all the same thickness or your floor between the joists and the floor sheeting.
will be uneven. Even for the simple floor So the decision as to whether to insulate
you should buy wood to the following or not must be made before the floor goes
specifications: in.

(a) Only buy timber for joists from a rep- Application

utable timber merchant and tell him The details of the timber floors show them joist.
the use it is intended for. built on their own foundations but they are
(b) Order 'S3' grade and ask the merch- eminently suitable for constructing over
ant to make sure that it is regularised an existing concrete slab. Just make sure
IOOx100 }\.w.
(all the same depth). that the slab is stable and that the thick-
(c) It is advisable on structural members ness is at least 1 OOmm. Pa~e
such as this to buy timber that has
been pressure impregnated with Detail 6.1 Simply supported timber
preservative. It costs a little more but floor
it does give extra protection. In Detail 6.1 you are basically looking at
(d) Despite having made it known what a shed on stub walls which only run along
the timber is for always inspect it the length of the workshop and do not CC\sok:J.a~td kzvdcor.e
closely just in case the merchant close in the ends. The detail shows the rr-..~'ltllt-'favi'Ciat"iol\ wiM. -5:0 M.M.
wall standing on what is effectively a
isn't as reputable as you thought. ~ s~le bil-fid~ _
Look for splitting, shakes (wavy along drainage channel. The walls can be brick,
the length). twists, loose knots, concrete blocks or even old railwaY
excessive number of knots and sleepers copiously treated with preserva-
waney edges (where the sizer has cut tive. The foundation must be extremelY
well compacted and the finished walls
Detail 6.1 sect10n
. through s1mply
. supported timber floor.
into a knot or the timber is from the

40 41

The reason why there are just two Detail 6. 2 Suspended timber floor
parallel walls is because the underfloor This is Detail 6.1 's big brother - the Rolls-
area must be ventilated so the other two Royce of floors; expensive and quite
ends should be left open. To prevent the difficult to build it will probably only be of
unsupported stub walls from toppling over interest to those people who own a timber
when the kids use the side of the work- yard or who are adamant that a proper
shop as a safety wall during bike races, timber floor is the only thing that we are
return the ends about 500mm or so, or meant to stand on! A slightly cheaper
make the ends of the walls into piers by version would use plywood instead of dipl:o:rvct ~11er
doubling the wall thickness for a couple proper floorboards. I must admit that this /ii".lf.tj 5CYMI f~xed
of brick lengths. type of floor is very nice to stand on but fro-w.w.g
It must be remembered that this floor much the same effect can be achieved at
is a lightweight job and has been designed a far lower cost by laying a false timber
that way for maximum economy of floor over a concrete base as shown in
materials and cost. It is ideally suited to Detail 6.9.
a light duty such as aeromodelling or The depth of the joists and the need to
horology but there will be a certain ventilate the underside may well lead to
'springiness' in it if you start jumping up a floor which is somewhat higher off the
and down. The joists sizes, spacing and ground than any of the other types. In fact
floor thickness for given spans are given many buildings built with them require
in the following table. steps outside to gain access. Notice how
the perimeter walls form a complete sub-
base and that ventilation is achieved by
air bricks spaced at about 1m intervals -
Span Joist Joist Floor so a 2m long wall will have 3 air bricks.
Size Spacing Thickness They only need to be fitted in the two
m mm mm mm short walls and must be kept clear at all
times during the life of the building.
2 75 X 38 400 12
This floor has been designed to deal safely
2.5 100 X 38 300 12
with 'normal domestic loadings' which,
3 125 X 50 300 15
for those who are interested are a dead
load of 0.25 kn/sq.m (the self weight of
The floor derives its stiffness from the fact the floor finish) and an imposed load of 1 . 5
that the plywood is screwed down every kn/sq.m (the loading that is placed on the
200mm or thereabouts so it is very im- floor). This is the same as most suspended
portant that this is done. If you build a floors as found in domestic properties in
spine wall, the sizes for the 2m span can the UK. The sizes are derived from a very
also be used for the 3m span. sophisticated formulae - 'half the span
Finally, either treat the underfloor area in inches plus two inches'. Now, what's
of ground with a 'kill-all' weedkiller such that in metric? It should be 1I 12th of half
as sodium chlorate or cover it with black the span in millimetres plus 50mm (or
polythene because you can bet your boots 1 /24th of the span plus 50mm) doesn't M~l fouAciahol\ widrh. 3oo~;~~
that an acorn or sycamore seed will be have quite the same ring to it does it? This well ~licla~.ed ;rvou11d.
sitting in the ground just waiting for you 'rule of thumb' applies with the standard
to do something really stupid - like build joist spacing of 400mm; change the
over it! spacing and it changes the joist sizes. Detail 6 2

s ect10n
. through suspended timber floor.


lywood for the covering use at least well so make sure that you have read
~ zmm thick sheets and note that ply does them. The following notes are specific to
not like being nailed, so screw it down for this type of floor and then there are a few
a good job. more for each type of base.

concrete floors Perimeter walls

1 suspect you've already got the notion Anyone who is already competent at
" balftt~~ S'eCI:'VRd
to jo1sfs that 1 much prefer concrete as the material
for the base and floor. There is no doubt
bricklaying can skip this paragraph -
because this is going to be a real Boy Scout's
floor' joist i'o i-f\'3()1Cihol\ that it is cheaper and there's something guide to the art! First, starting at a corner,
about it that suggests that it will last lay a bed of mortar around 400mm long
Detail 6.2 Timber floor insulation. forever, unlike a timber floor which must on the edge of the base and about 25mm
succumb to the elements at some time. deep. Take a brick, turn it frog down, then
board down and positioning the next half The bases illustrated should cover most plop it onto the mortar and tap it level in
Anyway, to stop it from getting compli-
dozen or so in place. A device called a eventualities but with a little thought they two planes - ending up with a mortar
cated and to save you the bother of work-
cramp is then wedged between a can be suitably modified to cope with any joint around 8 to 1 Omm thick. (Bricks are
ing it out, Peter has knocked up an_other
convenient joist or noggin and the edge of oddball situations which may arise. normally laid frog up but seeing as we are
table of sizes with the numbers suitably
the row of floorboards. Then they jack the A little time spent studying the illus- only laying two courses and we want a
adjusted for commonly available timber
whole lot together until the boards bow trations will soon make it obvious to the nice flat top to put the wallplate on, they
sizes. up from the joists whereupon the biggest non builder what is required. Foundation are best laid upside down.) Repeat the
builder on the site is told to jump on them and base drawings often look a bit process at the opposite corner and then
while the carpenter bangs the nails in. In complicated when in fact they are just on the other two so you have a height line
Span Joist Joist Floor a self-build situation all you can do is to multi-ply structures like plywood - you to work to all around the base. Tie a length
Size Spacing Thickness emulate the process as much as possible just start at the bottom and work up. of builder's line around the end of a brick
m mm mm mm as follows: fix the first board nice and Fortunately it doesn't have to be done all and lay it across one of the laid bricks so
20 square to the wall and then slide the next in one go as each element can be built that the line is in line with the outside edge
1.3 100 X 38 600
20 one into the groove (or onto the tongue). separately but try not to leave months of the brick - then tie another brick on
1.6 100 X 50 600
12 Then, with a rubber or wooden mallet and between starting and finishing. A the other end so the line can be pulled the
2 100 X 38 300
16 a suitable small block of wood, really weekend could see most bases down but, full length of the workshop. All you've got
2 100 X 50 400
20 thump the board home along its length in order for each part to attain some to do then is fill the gap with bricks using
2 125 X 38 600
12 before nailing it down. The nails should b,e strength before being trampled on while the line as a guide. Go right round the
2.5 125 X 38 300
16 proper flooring nails (which have a slightly building the next bit, it would be advisable workshop until you have a single course
2.5 125 X 50 400
12 rounded head) and the heads should be to leave a three-day gap between each of bricks laid. Then start the second
3 125 X 50 300
20 punched in so that they are below the one. However, once you've started on any course but with the bricks lapped so the
3 170 X 50 600
surface. Splay the nails slightly to prevent one part try to avoid stopping partway upper brick covers the joint between two
the boards from warping while they're through - especially when laying the floor lower ones. If that's all that you need to
The apparently peculiar spans of 1 . 3m and
down and fit a noggin where the ends of slab. do then it would be so easy that we'd all
1.6m are given for those cases where a
two boards meet. The essential elements of the design are be bricklayers - but you need mortar in
spine wall will be used and the span
Often modern suspended timber floors the thickness of the base, the detailing of the vertical joints (perpends) as well.
doubled. The table has enough of a selec-
do not have floorboards as such at all. The the DPM and DPC, the elevation of the When you've tried doing it you'll realise
tion to allow most people to match up the
'boards' are large sheets of man-made floor level and the elevation of the wooden why we're not all bricklayers! It is very
sizes with the timber available locally.
boarding but with a tongue and groove part of the building from the ground. easy really. Just 'butter' the end of the
Proper floorboards are tongue and
along two edges as per normal flooring Observe these points and all should be brick with exactly the right amount of
grooved so that they line up perfectly
planks. By all means use these in_~lace of well. mortar so that you get a 1Omm joint when
along the full length and they should re_ally
be installed in a state of compression. planks and fix them by nailm~ as The general notes given at the start of it's squeezed against the next brick
described. However, if you substitute the chapter relate to concrete floors as without pushing the first out of place. Or
Builders achieve this by fixing the first


soon lead to a floor w~ich is ~ery wet, Insulation
especially dunng the wmter penod when An insulation layer is actually shown in
the ambient temperature is low. some of the details but its fitment is by
Technically, the DPM and DPC should no means obligatory. Just about all mod-
be separate items, thus avoiding the pos- ern 'full-scale' floors have a layer of
sible problem of the relatively thin DPM polystyrene foam built in as ground insu-
being damaged during the erection of the lation and, if you intend to work off a bare
walls. They should also be bedded in concrete floor, it would be beneficial to
mortar with a small overlap between include such a layer. I must admit that I
them. Detail 6. 7, the standard concrete didn't bother in my own workshop
base, shows this in a sub-detail so you can because the floor is covered by underlay
see how it should be done. In practice, the and then vinyl flooring so it is indirectly
method advocated in this book of a nice insulated from inside anyway. If you
flat perimeter wall top, a securely fixed intend to similarly cover the floor then by
wallplate, protection from direct exposure all means leave this item out.
by the cladding overlap, and a little care, The foam sheets are inexpensive and,
will result in a perfectly adequate DPC for because the finished floor level is to be
the duty. If there is any doubt about the 1 50mm above ground, it can be used as
DPM's condition lay a strip of DPC on top packing to save on hardcore or concrete,
of it just before you place the wallplate. but don't use it to reduce the concrete
thickness below 1OOmm. It's useful when
Reinforcement positioned under the DPM as it prevents
Providing that you have prepared the puncture of the membrane. In fact it is not
groundworks properly you need not con- really important as to exactly where it is
cern yourself with any thoughts of metal and the details show it in various
reinforcement in the floor slab. In fact, positions. So, you can put it wherever you
with the thickness being used it would not like with just one limitation: if you intend
The floor laid within the perimeter walls. You to put it in the 'conventional' position i.e.
be wise to include any as it could actually
can just make out the wood strip us.ed ~s a level on top of a rough concrete base and under
weaken the whole thing.
The ground was so hard that very little hardcore against the brick wall. Note the dr'amp1pe emer- a layer of floor screed, make sure that the
was needed, hence the shallow floor dept~. ging into the soakaway in the foreground and
screed thickness is at least 65mm and
Note the strip foundations and the bncks la1d the tee branch where the gutter downpipe will Base thickness
join onto. The walls are obscured by the DPC
that a layer of 1 2mm mesh chicken wire
frog down. The pipe is for a drain in the conc- As the kind of structure being used pres-
but are there! is built into the screed for added strength.
rete area and leads to the soakaway. ents a relatively light load on the found-
One last point on insulation. As stated
ations and, because the floor loading will earlier in the timber floor section the add-
you can stuff the mortar in afterwards as with the vapour barrier and then you can
be relatively light, the thickness of the ition of insulation encouraqes condensa-
I did! completely forget about dampness. Never
base has been minimised to 1OOmm and tion so you have to add a vapour barrier
forget that it's there though, and not far
is adequate for a floor width of about 3m to stop the moisture from appearing in the
Damp-proof membrane down, so don't go and drill fixings straight
- providing it is laid on a firm base of structure. When it is added in a concrete
In most cases the membrane not only into the floor! It is worth noting that just
compacted hardcore. Under no circumst- floor, there is a possibility of damp so the
'tanks' out the floor but it also doubles up as the DPM keeps water out, it is just as
ances reduce this figure. However, if you barrier has to be fitted on the structure
as the damp-proof course in the walls. The good at keeping it in. Don't be in too much
are going to install quite a heavy mass, side of the insulation, just the same as in
object is simple - to stop the wet stuff of a hurry to put the carpets down
such as floor standing-machines with the insulated timber floor. In some cases
from rising up and saturating the nice because it can take a very long time tor
relatively small base areas, I would the insulation can be positioned below the
concrete that you've just broken your the floor to dry out fully after construction.
strongly suggest that you increase the DPM so it doubles as the vapour barrier
back laying! Take care to install it exactly Watch out for leaks as well - even a small thickness to 150mm.
as shown and with the correct overlap leak from say, a window frame, could - as shown in Detail 6.3. Detail 6.4


shows the additional vapour barrier when which are at ground level so there is a
the insulation has to be installed above the need to lift the floor up. This one shows
DPM. an insulation layer being used as a conven-
ient packing piece as well as the strips of
Removable walls wood used to hold the DPM in place
The description of the removable base around the perimeter wall. Be careful
(later in this chapter), describes a method when fitting the strips; they should just be
of arranging for the removable walls to be a light wedge fit - otherwise your nice
screwed to the base, either by a wide new walls are likely to end up somewhere
soleplate or by casting cramps into the else! d<Apboavd tl-i-t~ .
floor as shown in Detail 6.6. It is quite .50.-"t.W f0<w l'o VPhccd
possible that some people may wish to Detail 6.4 Base built over existing -f-r'a.wt!~
erect a removable workshop but on a fixed concrete (2)
base, in which case one of these two The two differences between this and
methods should be incorporated while Detail 6.3 are that the DPM is a bitumen
building the base. A part-detail on Deta"1l based paint-on sealer and is therefore .;<,,,!

6.4 shows how this can be achieved by below the insulation, and the interior is
leaving 'pockets' in the floor concrete and screeded out to bring the floor level with
then grouting the cramp in later when the the wallplate top. Ideally, paint on sealants COV& NcUJ:::i SCVR-wfvi<.ea b Nail pb/e.
should only be used on sound, uncracked
walls are up.
concrete. Note the additional vapour )wl"';zorJ'al ~~
~""T77i~"""'"J' hMb.evsk.ivh~
The base details barrier and the hooked cramp detail which _plate-~ cndre.
The bases which have brick perimeter is an alternative to drilling through the rlll'w-q filleJ p.!.Vt~t' sAvlfe v~
walls all show the wall stud work as 50mm wallplate. The hook over the top should (~hoM I)
wide because, apart from being perfectly be used where high winds are normal, but
adequate for the job, building a 1 OOmm most walls could be fixed by simple
wide wall is not cheap. However, the cramps which just rise up the side of the
thicker wall does give a tidier arrangement wallplate.
at the wall/floor junction as shown in
Detail 7. 1 in Chapter 7. If you own a Detail 6. 5 Base built over existing
woodyard or just happen to have 30 or so concrete (3)
1OOmm x 50mm timbers lying around Where the existing concrete base is al-
then by all means build to this detail. In ready above ground level and the same
most cases the walls will be fitted out with size as the workshop will be, all that you
benches and floor-standing cabinets etc. have to do is lay the floor. The perimeter
so the little box-out at skirting level as wall can be timber because the DPM goes
shown in the illustrations will not show - underneath it, but only when the work-
not that it matters if it does. shop walls overhang the slab all around Detail 6.3 Section of base built upon existing concrete base at ground level (1).
the edges. In any other circumstances the
Detail 6.3 Base built over existing wall must be brick and the DPM run over
concrete ( 1) the top as in Details 6. 3 and 6. 4. Note that bottom. This must be the easiest of all Detail 6. 6 The removable base
Using an existing slab must surely be the the floor is a screed rather than concrete bases to construct and may be worth Believe it or not the idea for this book
cheapest and easiest ways of building a and that if there is any doubt as to considering as an alternative to the originally came from the concept of a
base. It doesn't really matter if it is crack- whether the base is nice and solid, it standard concrete base shown in Detail totally demountable workshop but, as
ed as long as it has stopped settling. This should have chicken-wire reinforcement 6. 7 as it is easy enough to lay the initial with so many things, the concept changed
and the next detail are for existing slabs biased towards the top rather than the slab if one doesn't already exist. with time and this more detailed construe-

48 49


nd l','.,




5ol\.tlt\{M") cewt&I'IVS"CU\d 5cv.e.ed


(2). 6.4 Base bu"lt
I .
over existing concrete slab using bitumen-b ase d patnt-on
. sealer as oPN
Detail 6.5 Fl '...r .
oar built
over existing base which i
s above ground level {3).

tion guide is the result. However, this is and then use a wide soleplate on the ,,,
my pet floor - once completed it shares bottom of the wall to give a fixing, or build
all the virtues and refinements of its in galvanised metal cramps so they lock
permanent brothers but it can be disman- under the floorslabs as shown in Detail
tled and moved should you find it 6.6. One fixing point per 1.5m run will be
necessary to do so. "But who would do fine so a 3m wall will require 3 fixings.
that?" I hear you say. I would contend The hardcore should be really well
that there are many people that might; compacted in this application because it
anyone working on long term contracts, truly supports the floor on top. Above this
for instance, or Bank personnel who are is the 'concrete', laid as dry mix and made
often required to move to different as per old fashioned mortar; sand and lime
mixed in a weak ratio of ten parts sand to
d.1,plx:w'cl vn teY1'1a-l
branches every few years or so. lw.~
Anyway, enough justification, let's look one part lime. The mix should be only just
at the design. moist - as per sandcastle sand - and it
It has all of the elements of the other should be well tamped and level.
floors but they are modified to suit the Immediately after layinq the sand/lime mix
need to move it at some time. Surrounding the slabs should be set on top and well
the whole floor is a ring of edging or kerb tamped down to settle them. Spend extra
stones. They should be about 300mm time on getting them truly level with each
deep and bevelled on the side to leave a other and use only dead flat slabs. When
flat top between 50-1 OOmm wide they are all down fill the spaces between
depending on your choice of wall them with a very dry and slightly stronger
thickness. Cast your own if you wish - sand/lime mix of around 5:1. Brush the
that way you can apply an external texture mix into the joints and ram it home until
to them before they fully cure. The kerbing a good level surface is achieved. (Lime is
is set in a strip foundation of medium nasty stuff - wear gloves at all times
concrete with all the top edges laid dead while handling it even when it's bagged
level of course. Cut the end ones with a up and wear a dust mask tp prevent dust WALLPLATE FIXING DETAIL
bolster chisel by going all around the inhalation.)
outside with a chisel and hammer blows When the floor is finished try not to
strong enough to mark the concrete where walk on it for at least a week and keep it
the break is to be. Once it's marked all the covered for the first 48 hours. After that
way round a couple of good blows with give it a sprinkling of water to really set
the chisel held vertical to the cut should the whole thing off. Just in case you're
shear it cleanly. It is best to lay them on thinking about why the concrete has
a bed of sand to even out the stresses changed to a lime mix, it's because this
while belting them with the hammer. The type of mixture will separate easily and
same applies to the floor slabs. If you like cleanly from the slabs and the remaining
pointing (filling in the joints) then mortar sub-base can be broken up very easily if
the joints between the kerbs. If not, don't necessary.
p_c.co~vd"~ hwb bdctid
worry about it and butt them tightly ~--"'----"""'--'-~Of\ ICOMt>\ 1'1\ickcoAe~:ere .P:l5e
together as the DPM inside will stop any Detail 6. 7 Standard concrete base Of\ eol\:x:>l1daJed cjlbt.!nd zt
As the title says this is a standard concrete
water from getting in. 1\<UW~Ciled CDI\C:tet~ er.ufuvta!
Note the built-in attachment points for the base design used generally by the building
industry and adapted to suit our purpose
walls. There are two ways of doing it: fit
and anticipated loading. My own base was Deta1'16 .6 Section through removable floor. '
edging timbers as shown in other details

52 53

built to this design and it is perfectly a variation of the standard concrete base
adequate for its use as an engineering with the floor level set at, or just above,
workshop floor. The drawing shows brick ground level. The design is straightfor-
perimeter walls although strip concrete ward enough but please note that the path
could be used. I must admit that I prefer that approaches the doorway should be
the brick-edged type because they are sloped very slightly downwards away
visible below the timber cladding and look from the door if at all possible. In extreme
much nicer than concrete strips. If you cases the doorsill can be left out and
want to install a layer of insulation reduce replaced by a suitable wiper type door
the hardcore depth by 25mm and put the bottom seal backed up by a shallow gulley
insulation directly under the DPM. The just in front of the door to direct water
hardcore must still be blinded with 50mm away.
of sand blinding so don't leave it out. It is important that the timber walls are
still built on the brick perimeter walls and
Detail 6.8 Base with lowered floor that causes a little complication in that the
This base is suitable fpr the infirm or DPM will be exposed within the building.
wheelchair-bound people where the use To overcome this there are two options.
of a ramp is not possible or suitable. It is The first is to make the building walls as


Wall pbte- bedc{~d 011 d p.c.

I. .

5'iwrrerf\s e-x.~e-vt1e1l ~~i"

clodcllr'9 of\
poiy'i"he<Hc vopou'
fM'Iul' wall 60.x:IOOWCJJI plare
bRdciedo!l d.pc.
8t'out.d l.ev.ei . rl+!\~i' 5kivi'vHg
dpM.tawwp~e of~Jab a:
bv1c;kWvk g, fvckU:l dlv.ed!f
Ui\CI&' ctpc .
Cdi\CI'efe fCJord
~(U\d~d up ro
-=~-~-~~~~~~==;#:~~~""-r-~J..,.'-......-~-----'~IOOfi.WI\ corcv.d'.z.
1\11' pa~
gvoul'd lil.V1 ro
{aciiit'ate- <ZaSe .3CO- wide.; '3c:l:::)MM\deep -...[;;;;;;;;:~;AIII...,.IIIIIIII:W--_,_~'=-~ ''a::v"lrJ>'~e,
of iaWA MOWWg CJ:)tv:::-4~ srvip purciahot\ . ctr'~
Op<Wcvt'i'c.'l'\ . so~ 5cu<d bl~d~
Noh?: k'e<zfCofle:
i~Z-Vel '2"5/'MVI(MIY\) ~-------'-------'~
c;oteVd<2- ~tvrp
.\xiow law" lewJ . tc;vf'dafioA
Detail 6.7 Standard concrete base. Detail 6.8 Section through base with lowered floor.

54 65

wide as the perimeter walls and then fit no less than 50mm deep and the concrete tirnber floors are nice because they do 1 5mm but 20mm would be better.
very deep (approx 200mm) skirting boards below it should be laid at a lower level to have a spring in them - not measurable Obviously you should wait until the walls
allow for this. Do not reduce the thickness of course but it is perceived as a subtle and roof are up before you lay it.
which will reach down to the floor level
or, secondly with the 50mm walls, use a of the concrete base as the screed doesn't give in the surface. The drawing is self- The text above and the information on
thick, and slightly wider, wall soleplate add any structural strength to the floor at explanatory ..All that I need to say is that the details should allow you to build a
with a deep skirting screwed to the edge all. To make room for the 50mm screed the joints between the sheeting should be perfect base. When you've finished it will
of it. Detail 6.8 shows sections through reduce the hardcore depth. Remember kept away from the aisle where you will be time for a hot herbal bath - because
what I said earlier about inserting an insu- walk if possible and that the whole lot - believe me you'll need it! Then, once your
both arrangements.
lating layer under the screed and the need insulation and sheeting - can be stuck blisters have healed up, you can start on
Alternative floor finishes for a minimum thickness of 65mm with down if you prefer. The minimum the walls ...
All of the details of the concrete floors chicken wire reinforcement if this is done. thickness for the plywood should be
show a simple slab which doubles as both Where a screed is being laid over old
a structural member and the finished floor. concrete or on top of a DPM it is best not
However, some people are not going to be to use a polythene DPM but a bituminous
satisfied with that and will require either one which has been sprinkled with dry
a really smooth fine grain floor surface or sand while the bitumen is wet. This gives
a wood feel under their feet. a good key for the screed and should pre-
Fine grain floor surface There are two vent separation of the two floor stratas.
ways to achieve this - paint on a chem- False wood floor In the section on timber
ical finish or lay a fine self-levelling screed. floors I stated that there is a simpler and
Modern chemical floor finishes are excel- cheaper way of achieving the same end
lent, if expensive, and can provide a non- for those who would prefer a wood floor.
dusting impervious surface to work off. The method shown in Detail 6.9 achieves
Laying a proper screed is equally as good this without all the costs or hassle of
but does involve yet more mixing, carrying sawing joists and floorboards etc. I must
and bending down. The screed should be agree with those people who say that

Ncre fov ~~~Jv'IVW'd wid~}\;; bcdru15 N-aj bz.

dtkz red ac:epf u~ st\.e-eh~ joi"ts
Ail Nafewials- lbh?flhcd -wirf-a fltft'iel27f)J
cJd iv:s. v.e. .
Detail 6.9 False wooden floor.

56 57

: /.f j :.-
should be 50mm x 25mm (with the least 12mm thick and (preferably) of

50mm producing the wall thickness) but 1 50mm deep planks. The wall plates and
the standard size for this design is 50mm toprails should be around 50mm thick
x 50mm because the square section with a width to match either the DPC (at
rnakes for easier corner construction and the bottom) or the wall (at the top) as
it is a readily available size. Detail 7. 1 is applicable.
included for those who want to use a The size of the rafters is dependent on
100mm wide wall and Details 7.10(c) and the span and, at least in the UK, need only

The walls and roof 7.11 (c) show how to arrange the corner to be strong enough to support their own
junctions. The same corner details will and the roof sheeting weight without
apply if you use 50mm x 25mm framing. sagging. This translates into some pretty
I've already said that there is a large cost spindly rafter sizes - but it must always
penalty for the 1OOmm size and that state- be remembered that the roof will not stand
ment is based on the fact that you are a man's weight. In more northerly climes
unlikely to be able to obtain anything other the roof will have to contend with a full
Don't know anything about carpentry? theory the stud wall could be replaced that 1OOmm x 50mm timber. In fact winter's accumulation of snow and could
Join the club! I had a saw, a bag of screws with a brick one but it would still have to 1OOmm x 25mm would be perfectly OK end up having to support a considerable
and nails, a few tools and very little idea be clad on one side or the other - but, because it is really a plank, you weight - so I would suggest that you only
- yet my workshop looks fine. The reas- depending on whether the bricks are on probably won't get it in rough sawn build a pitched roof with a pitch angle of
on for such a good result from such a poor the outside or the inside - to produce a timber. at least 45 degrees to shed the stuff. If
outlook is the same one which makes two weatherproof structure because bricks are The following table gives the relative you can only construct a mono-pitch roof
houses built from children's building porous. Then there is the cost; bricks are sizes of the framing, inner skin and frame then you must at least double the figures
blocks look exactly the same even when very expensive and you need a lot to build spacings but note that the 1 2mm inner given in the table.
one is built by Mr. Average and the other even a small wall. They are also consid- lining thickness will only be suitable for The roof design allows for a sheet cover-
by a Master Builder - it can only go erably heavier than stud walls so the light duties and it should be increased to ing which is then covered in a waterproof
together one way. Add to that any build- foundations would have to be bigger to 15mm or more if it is to take high shelf material. It will not withstand the loading
ing's natural ability to absorb lots of errors cope with the loading. Finally, bricks have or bench loadings. from any type of conventional roof tiles.
without showing it and you're onto a a 'permanence' to them, and permanent If you want something a little more
winner. The design couldn't be any structures involve bureaucrats - and we 101 WALL MATERIAL SIZES decorative then you could use American-
simpler with a double-skinned stud-type don't want any of those around do we? style wood shingles, contoured and
Frame Frame Inner Cladding
construction made up of a sheet inner skin Sizes coloured metal decorative roofing panels
Spacing Lining
and an interlocking weatherproof outer Variants mm (once known as corrugated iron sheets) or
In an attempt to prevent confusion this mm mm mm
cladding fixed to a simple frame. Within throw up (builder's term meaning erect
the walls is a full vapour barrier and space chapter describes only the details that 50 X 25 300 15 12 upwards) a false roof panel with a few
for installing insulation. On top of the relate to the construction of a free-stand- 50 X 50 400 12 12 rows of tiles attached with the proper roof
whole thing is a simple single skin roof - ing, four-walled, workshop. That way the 50 X 50 600 15 12 hidden behind it.
although more complicated versions are basic design does not become obscured 75 X 50 600 15 12
also given. It's all a piece of cake really! by the details and text relating to the 100 X 25 600 15 12 The walls
variants. See Chapter 8 for the design The walls are just spacers between the
So why not brick? alterations needed to construct a lean-to Although I have given the frame spacings floor and the roof so the details of the
Someone somewhere is going to ask this version etc. You still need to read this they should only be used as a guide. Set lower ends are shown in the previous
question - so I'll answer it here: you chapter though because it contains the the actual spacing as close as you can to chapter in Details 6.1 to 6. 8. The details
could not be blamed for thinking that a far core information. ~hese but take into account where the relating to workshops with brick perimeter
better and more rigid structure would be Inner skin joints will be or you may have walls all show framing widths of 50mm
the result if bricks or building blocks were Material sizes t? PUt in additional verticals to provide a
fl . as previously explained. The offset of the
used instead of the design chosen. In The minimum size for the frame members , Xing. The outer cladding should be at wall towards the outer edge of the

58 59

Roof Type Span Rafter W x D Rafter Spacing Sheeting Thickness 'II'
m mm mm mm
Detail 7.213/4 2 25 X 50 400 6
Detail 7.213!4 3 25 X 75 300 12
Detail 7.5 2 25 X 50 600 6
Detail 7.5 3 38 X 75 400 6

perimeter wall is very important so don't a corner which has been made up from
be tempted to line up the inside of the wall two frames screwed together (so there are
with the inside of the base and skip the two uprights) and (c) is for a corner where
overlap as a considerable amount of water the framing is of unequal dimensions, such
could find its way under the floor and as 75mm x 50mm.
make it unstable. Where the base
perimeter wall has been cast, or edging The roof types
stones have been used, this problem will Detail 7. 2 is the simplest possible but its
not arise because you would design the use is dependent on the weatherproofing
widths to match up - wouldn't you? being the 'paint-on' liquid rubber type or
The tops of the walls vary slightly a welded butyl sheeting as it cannot be 5klvr;t~g
according to the roof type being fitted. felted very satisfactorily. Detail 7. 3 shows
There are four roof types as shown in a mono-pitch felted roof, similar to the iWs:oleplofe be~-IOAdpe.
Details 7. 2 to 7. 5 and they also show how previous detail but this time with all of the
the top of the wall should be constructed additional bits to allow it to be covered Metev s-twlf.evws
for each type. Detail 7. 7 shows a vertical with mineral felt. Detail 7.4 is another
cross-section through the door opening felted roof but this time designed with a
and includes both inward and outward ventilated cavity so that a full ceiling can
opening doors. Just to make sure that you be fitted. Detail 7.5 shows a simple, F!Jfhene
have enough information to install the felted, pitched roof. While the last three
door frame correctly Details 7.8 and 7.9 are shown with mineral felt covering they :;&d
show plan sections through the door could equally be painted or even fitted biW\du'0
frame for both types. with a butyl sheet covering.
The other two significant details show In the previous chapter I said that the ~~:tz:~~~l:'L,}____ _-\+a;rv=olid.atxl
how to make the wall junctions - or corners worst thing that you can do with wood is h.atti~
to those that don't understand building to seal it up. The same situation as the
jargon! Detail 7.10 is a section through the timber floors occurs again with the roof. ....,

The problem this time lies with the ceiling
corner showing the frame doubling ~MM wid~~:c:z:re~.dli!.
, :!

needed to provide a fixing for the inner because if one is fitted to the thin roof
skin together with the simple overlap sections proposed here, then the cavity 5h'i pfouf'd=rhol'\ .
method of finishing the outer cladding. becomes sealed and a serious problem is
Detail 7. 11 shows the same corner but in the making, hence the addition of Detail
with the cladding joint finished (more 7.4 for a ventilated roof. All 'full-size'
professionally) with a corner strip. Each roofs are ventilated, including flat ones,
detail has three parts: (a) is for a corner but it !s not ~asy to do - particularly on
where there is only one upright, (b) is for the sk1nny thmg that I am suggesting. For Detail 7.1 Detail of base using 50mm x 1OOmm framing.

60 61


Yafk .b;'~:;
wmAed f'o
. {' - roppku.e-
vafru bwd~#OurAed
115'l<251hmuic)~ iO top plafe-.
5e-ttwed to 7y
Sl~h~ tb fovm ~t\:xwd sei:Rirl {Wei
ret~ iofvll ~M-.
12~iewral cbclcl~r:g
o" porrhe.he. . . f.2lr retked to
tJa /'!eM t-tJii
V~v :t::;eu~y1V ----4~-IIIL-
~foYe fTxWg
---'L.Iy.'>J--+<J f'as-eia .

oltapiiC'VI!,Y dv,114 -;c<'f.w'

OY spil<e-10 plal'.e: tvM 5ides.

Detail 7.2 Section through simple mono-pitched roof. Detail 7. 3 Section through felted mono-pitched roof.

62 63

this reason my own roof does not have a thickness of the wall frame. To insulate
ceiling but what I have done instead is to such a roof you can still fit close fitting
wedge close-fitting insulation panels the polystyrene sheets between the rafters
same depth as the rafters over the whole but only make them half the depth of the
roof and painted over it. The result is really rafters and push them tightly up against
quite acceptable. the roof panel.
If you want a ceiling but not the If your workshop is going to be in the
complexity involved in providing the vent- 2.2-3m span range then seriously
ilation, you could still fit ceiling panels but consider a pitched roof as shown in Detail
with a gap of 25mm left open at the ends 7. 5. There is something nice about a well
to allow air to circulate between the raf- proportioned gable end (the pointed bit) as
ters. Note that roofs fitted with a ceiling against the rather perfunctory look of a
need the first and last rafters to be doub- mono-pitch roof. It is also well worth
led up to provide a fixing for the ceiling considering if you want a fully insulated
panels as the end ones are built within the roof with a ceiling because it is easier to

f.eJttJ vocf cl\ sker eJxfe'.o/ul ctadd.i.;l<j ~
p~ IWf~ fW1i-l5 h/-awft 1/apoc'r fuv;.-;u
~ Q;;'"""' ctW Zti"><IOV yj~bcx:wd

SFC"~ 25><50 ~!ge.I'S GJZCUVed /o vicige-

~5cia tttwd 1#- bii<JrZV cJ' 1200 e;c5.
!:wvd --nJL~UI/ / ~10Vra~
ciadci05 ol\ zs.x 76 CC~ila vs
!"it ctMM VeVM, 1/a~UI
\'IH'.e,~e; Xtvv1d
V4vti"laJ,ol\ /
~i'evrd HMiiu

Detail 7.4 Section through lean-to ventilated roof. Detail 7.5 Felted pitched roof.

64 65


build than the ventilated mono-pitch type. of the walls and roof was complete but no (4) Fix vapour barrier - with staples erect the verticals and cross ties on them.
,All that has to be done to provide for the lining out or cladding was fixed. In a (5) Fix external cladding - with nails If the frames are pre-built as simple
insulation is to set the collars at a suitable 'normal' situation the following stages rectangles there will already be a
height, install some mid-span hangers, would be: By the time I started nailing the cladding horizontal 50mm wide member fixed on
sheet out the underside and place the on the structure was nice and rigid. You top of the wallplate. If the frame is built
( 1) Sheet the roof
insulation. The only proviso is that the can follow whatever route that you directly off the wall plate you will have to
(2) Fix the vapour barrier
upper roof section must then be ventilated choose but obviously it i_s best to try and insert noggins between the verticals to
(3) Fix exterior cladding
by means of at least two little ventilators get the roof on at the earliest opportunity, provide a fixing for the inner sheeting. All
(4) Fit wall insulation
fitted in each of the gable ends. Altern- especially in Britain. If it's pouring with that is needed is a simple frame built up
(5) Fix internal lining
atively the space above the collars could rain some degree of weatherproofing can from the base which is then stiffened by
be used for storage of long items - but The problem was that my rickety pile of be achieved by fixing the vapour barrier the addition of the sheeting. The finished
fit the hangers as the basic collar design sticks would never have withstood the in place at the outset, including over the frame should have subframes built in for
is only sized for absorbing the roof thrust. belting that nailing the external cladding roof area as a temporary measure. the windows and door frame to be
on would have subjected it to. My seq- The rest of this chapter is made up of attached. The most difficult part is getting
Construction notes uence was a little different: notes relevant to each part of the the first corner set up. I did it by pre-
I stated at the beginning of this chapter construction sequence but before you pick building the side and front framing as
that my carpentry skills are slight! How- ( 1) Sheet the roof - with screws up your saw and start laying into the simple rectangles and they were lifted up
ever, in the end this 'skill shortfall' did not (2) Fix internal lining - with screws woodpile just ponder these very true and set vertical and square to one other.
matter but there was a point in the (3) Fit wall insulation - I didn't install words first - measure twice, cut once! With these two skeletal frames up it was
construction where it showed. I'm referr- insulation but if I had it would have It might stop you ending up with a pile of easy to build from them. Alternatively the
ing to the stage where the framing for all been here offcuts that's bigger than your workshop! door frame could be propped in position
and the rest built off it.
Framing out As for joining the frame members you
Probably the easiest way of erecting the are spoilt for choice and Detail 7.6 shows
whole thing is to build the frame directly three ways of doing it. The easiest method
off the base and that is what most of all is by 'spiking' or cross nailing the
constructors will do. It is easy because ends of the verticals into the horizontal
you can 'cut to fit' whereas offsite constr- rails as shown but do drill pilot holes in the
uction requires quite good control over the vertical timbers to prevent splitting. The
dimensions to ensure that it will all go next easiest method is to use proprietary
together. The only real problem occurs if 90-degree brackets fixed by short screws,
it rains. The answer, as I said earlier, is to and the last is by fitting spacers or
get the rudimentary frame up, staple the 'noggins' between the verticals and either
vapour barrier in position and then work nailing or screwing the frame members to
inside. If you put it over the rafters as well them. It has to be said that using screws
remove it as the roof sheeting is put on. for the joints is the best way of joining the
The first thing to do is to cut the wall- timbers, both for strength and initial
plates so that they are flush with, or very stress. The carpenters amongst you will
slightly overlap, the outer edge of the base of course ignore all of this heresy and
while at the same time keeping the inside spend hours lovingly chiselling out perfect
lengths equal to half multiples of the inner tenon joints or holes for dowels etc., but
sheet width (or slightly greater). If you those with the same skills in carpentry as
followed the planning as per Chapter 2 I have needn't worry as the importance of
This is actually my shed but the same method of construction was used. Note the perimeter you will already have set the base dimen- the frame joints diminishes drastically
walls and the fact that the framing sits right on the outer edge of them. !The framing on the sions to allow for this. Then use the wall- when the sheeting is erected.
shed is only 25mm square so it looks very spindly.) plates as the basis for construction and Where the inner skin panels butt to-

66 67

they are when you come to recessed into the outer cladding as it will
drill the screw holes through the inner be difficult to seal them to the cladding
... ,
sheeting. later. I set mine so that they would end
The wallplate at the bottom of the wall up just proud of the outer cladding by
should be the same width as the top of the about 3mm. Details 7. 7 to 7. 9 show how
perimeter wall regardless of the stud wall to arrange the door for inward and out-
thickness in order to clamp the DPC. On ward opening but they only really apply if
a 1OOmm wide wall this automatically you construct the door frame yourself.
happens but, where the studwork is less The window frames don't require any
than this, a separate wall plate is screwed fitting instructions because they simply
onto the bottom of the frame as shown slot into the framing with the windowsill
in the Details in Chapter 6. The simplest sticking proud of the cladding.
way to fix the wall to the base is to drill
through the wallplate into the base and Prefabricated walls
use plastic plugs and brass screws spaced If you like setting out dimensions, (or
about 1 -1 . 5m apart but, as this involves prefer to build as much as possible on a
drilling through the DPC, there's a slight nice dry garage floor), you could construct
possibility that in areas with very wet the walls almost completely away from
ground conditions water could find its way the base. I say almost because to my mind
up into the framing. If you think that this it would be better to build the frames,
is likely, squirt a dollop of silicone type inner skin and window frames etc. on the
sealer down the holes before inserting the garage floor, but to fix the outer cladding
plastic plugs and avoid using wood plugs only when they are fixed to the base. I
or steel screws. I fixed my walls down in know that this will rather defeat the object
this way but if you look at the Details you of prefabrication but it will be a lot easier
will see that Peter has also shown various to line up the cladding at the corners and
cramps as another method of holding it will probably be a far better job. If,
a1~,0(iV.L Wood.z'1 them down as well. however, you decide to build the complete
t?l~ sevtNIJ?d to pia~ walls for erection later remember that the
if fVC%#\e'. Windows and door holding down screws are inside the wall
Although the window and door frames thickness so either leave off a strip of the
should be built into the framing the wall- inner skin at the bottom or use built-in
Detail 7.6 Frame jointing methods. plate should not pass under the sill (unless cramps as for the demountable version as
you want a higher step for some reason) per Detail 6.6. Fixing the cladding only
but the DPC must. To fix the door and after the walls are erected also applies to
gether, the verticals that they will be scre- framing (such as 100 x 50mm). While windows I simply wedged them in position the demountable version, although it
wed onto should either be doubled up or you are on the framing, build in extra in the studwork, framed around and then won't have to be done that way again
wider than the other ones to give an horizontal noggins to use as reinforce- screwed them in place. If 'full-size' win- when it is moved. The good point about
adequate fixing to both sheets. Similarly, ments for benches or heavy cupboard dow and door frames are being used in a prefabricating the walls is that all the inner
in the corners, extra verticals are neces- fixings as the high density chipboard lining narrow wall, some juggling will have to be sheeting can be cut to size and the
sary to provide a fixing for the end of one will hold screws for reasonable loads, done to spread the excess depth so that individual frame members screwed to it -
of the sheets as shown in Details 7. 10 and such as ordinary shelving, but it cannot be it isn't obvious. Needless to say the inside rather than the other way round.
11 . Three variations are shown - the top expected to take concentrated ones. face of the frames should be set so that
one for single uprights (on site framing), Don't forget to mark all of the vertical they will be at least flush with the face of Insulation
the middle one for twin uprights (pre-built frame members centrelines on the floor the inner skin when that is fitted. What is By far the best sort of insulation is the
frames) and the lower one for unequal and toprail because you'll need to know very important is that neither frames are sheet polystyrene sold specifically for this

68 69

SAipioppeci tmvdl,~ 011
poJytAh~- VafVur ifvy;~,u .
c:kieJ;vad J.i-,,":3
~=..._rZ.>(3'1JPiaA~ {/
.Sox10f.:::wdwa:::d ciil
shi~~ped ~~l?Wv:J be(..idedo11dpc.
0!1 vac Jvr lx!vr'(e;' .
COflfi. a5 ~/eV/lCi] exiwMI q~lity plY
claddlty ftW-IIed ttu5AcfCot

ro~ofd::o~ veW-tecl Detail 7.8 Inward opening door.

I?Mtl\ tol' 25;<~/AA\
qU-v. t/.s. weatAerl?ar:
6ox ;so A.:w.ctll
,_ _...,~,/!..., ~OA d.p.c.
PM .tal&'~~
r~of '"terM I ~'?,xl-50
_,.......,-! ra~<v.l.V'Ir
. ;'d.pc.

Detail 7. 7 Vertical sections of inward and outward opening doors.

purpose. The sheets can be cut very easily before panelling it in and avoid getting it
with a craft knife and they can be made wet. The water won't actually harm the Detail 7.9 Outward opening door.
a nice snug fit between the framing. The insulation but you don't want to seal
sheets are available in various thicknesses dampness into the wall if at all possible.
and you should select a size that fills the One of the best natural insulants is - Vapour barrier idea is that if water is poured over the
available gap. Alternatively there is a still air - so I didn't bother! The point to An essential part of the building fabric is outside of the membrane it will always be
compacted form of roof insulation - rock stress though is that it must be still. If the the vapour barrier. Details 6.1 to 6. 7 and directed away from the building interior.
fibre in sheets - and they too can be cut gap is over about 75mm eddy currents will 7.2 and 7.5 show how it must be built into If you are working in dry weather leave it
quite easily but with a saw this time. begin to circulate and heat loss will start the walls so that it interleaves correctly off until just before fixing the outer
Always fit the insulation at the last minute to occur. with both the roof and the base DPM. The cladding to minimise the chance of

70 71

f to then chisel out the unwanted material.
The marking out can be made easy by
spike or screw them onto the wall toprails.
Regardless of whether the roof is single
folding a piece of card to fit round the slope or pitched the frame members in the
three faces after shaping it with scissors. end walls should run right up to meet the
That way all of the cut-outs will be the rafters, that way you have something to
same. Alternatively, you can cramp all of nail the cladding onto. Finally, work out
the rafters together and chop out the whether there will be any joins in your roof
unwanted material as if it were one big sheeting at 90 degrees to the rafters and
rafter. Either way the result should be fit noggins between them so that the joint
reasonable. If you do mess up you can edges will be supported. In truth, 'across
slice layers of plywood and use them as slope' joins in the roof sheeting on the
shims. simple painted roof is not a good idea -
Starting with the mono-pitch jobs first. it is better to waste a little material and
The simple roof is a little different to the only have 'down slope' butt joints.
felted version in that the rafters do not Pitched roofs are normally made up
overshoot the walls so they just need the from pre-assembled units called trusses
ends to be cut to an acute angle. You are which can be purchased surprisingly
aiming for the end of thB rafter to be set cheaply - cheaper in fact than you would
at exactly the front edge of the toprail so have to pay for the timber alone. How-
there won't be a gap under the roof ever, with the sort of spans that we are
sheeting when it's fitted. Don't worry too working with it is unlikely that any are
much about this point because the available commercially - so you will have
shed again, the weatherboarding cladding overlapping the perimeter cladding, which will be fitted later, will be to make them (although in our roof they
walls. The waterbutt shown here is a temporary one and there's the cat! How do they know
pushed up against the underside of the will be built on the job). Build the end, or
that fresh concrete is about?
roof as Detail 7.2 shows anyway. Detail gable, walls without any intermediate
7. 3 shows the correct proportions for the verticals and with the wall top timbers
damage. Use a staple gun or thumbtacks immediately behind the inner lining and birdsmouth cut-out on the felted roof sloping up as rafters, terminating at the
to fix it in place but be very careful not to covering the insulation.) rafters - get it wrong and the roof eaves ridge board. Then build in the rest of the
tear it. Where overlaps occur make them could sag because of rafter end failure. rafters by spiking them to the eaves walls
at least 150mm wide. Initially, cover the The roof The ventilated roof looks a bit complicated toprails and to the ridgeboard at even
whole of the walls with it including the As the frame goes up there comes a point in comparison to the other types, although spacings. You can then build in the gable
door and window openings and then make where the rafters have to be set out. the lean-to version is even worse (see wall verticals so that they run right up to
diagonal cuts in the openings so that the Details 7. 2 to 7. 5 show the four roof Chapter 8) but all the bits are necessary the underside of the end rafters. Finally,
membrane can be pressed back against designs and the way that the rafters I can assure you. The idea is to get a free and really importantly, screw the collars
the framing. Don't cut away the excess should be fitted and I would suggest that passage of air, but not rain, both into and in the lowest possible position taking into
until the outer cladding is fixed in place. you study these very carefully. This is the out of the roof space. This translates into account the headroom that you need
If the walls are insulated the vapour only position where something bordering providing a downward facing slot at the before you load the roof. The collars are
barrier should (technically) be repeated on decent carpentry is required as the ends front and rear of the roof and placed so very important and must not be omitted
both sides of the stud wall framing. By all of the rafters have to be birdsmouthed so that even in the worst weather rain will as they triangulate the roof elements and
means do this if you wish because the they sit nicely on top of the toprail. Just not be driven in. stop the loaded roof from pushing the
material is cheap enough, but as the walls to make it worse, all of the rafters must be Whichever mono-pitch you are building eaves walls away from each other. An
are relatively thin and no air movement is cut the same or the finished roof will be the procedure is the same: fix the end alternative construction would be to build
possible I would not fit the inner barrier. rippled where it is fixed to the uneven rafters with their outer faces flush with the walls as per a completely flat roof and
(Please note that the reverse is true when rafters. The only way that I found of doing the outside edge of the wall framing and build little gables on top of them at each
lining out an existing brick wall and the this was to mark the shape to be removed then space the intermediate ones equally end. If you intend to fit a ceiling or use the
gap is insulated - the barrier should be on all three of the rafter faces affected and along the length. When they are all ready, collars as a material rack don't forget to

72 73

install the hangers which tie the collars to broken. Nailed panels move in response to life - and I would work on the basis that fold it round the batten and tack it
the ridgeboard and stiffen up the whole climatic changes and the nails eventually it will be about 10 years. To install it look with short tacks on the underneath of
assembly as shown in the detail. For what loosen. Anyway, plywood does not take closely at Details 7.3 to 7.5 and 7.12 and the batten.
it costs in terms of the timber used I would kindly to being nailed and, as the skinny proceed as follows: (i) This is the difficult bit. The correct
fit hangers anyway - you might load the design put forward here relies on the beam way to deal with the sides, or verges,
collars up later and forget all about this effect for its strength, I would only use (a) Cut the felt into strips as long as the is to neatly tuck and fold the felt over
little necessity - although probably not screws. roof plus about 300mm for the mono- the verge and screw a batten along
for long! pitch roof and plain pitched roof. Note the edge with the felt trapped
Covering the roof that the seams must run down the underneath, then trim off the surplus
Sheeting the roof There are three choices of covering: slope and not along it, and cut suff- all round. You will quickly find that
While it is best to try to avoid joins in the painted rubber, mineral felt and butyl icient strips to cover the roof once felt doesn't like being 'tucked and
roof sheeting on the simple roof, it is OK sheeting. with overlaps between adjoining folded' so here's the easier,
on the other types. Don't go mad though Painted rubber There are several types of strips of 150mm. (You can put as alternative, method: cut the felt down
and start fixing in little panels all butted this finish which is sold not only for many layers on as you like but one the slope exactly in line with the edge
together just to save on the cost of roofing purposes but also for sealing should be sufficient.) of the roof and screw a batten down
another sheet. Cut the first sheet, not concrete fishponds. They are essentially (b) Lay the strips across the roof for a to fix it in position. Close the edge of
forgetting to allow for the eaves overhang a liquid rubber formulation which, alth- couple of hours to allow the felt to the roof with another batten to make
of around 75mm, lay it on the roof and ough water based, dries to an impervious uncurl, warm up, and stretch. it look tidy. Detail 7. 1 2 shows the
mark its edges on the rafters and noggins rubber sheet. My own workshop roof is (c) Fold back 50mm of one end of each method.
with a pencil. At the same time mark all covered this way and after 10 years has strip with the inside of the felt inside (j) Cut battens for each felt sheet over-
the centrelines of the rafters onto the shown no signs of failure or deterioration. the fold. lap on the roof slope and, using galva-
sheet for the fixing screws later. Remove Visit your local DIY centre or builders' (d) Facing the workshop on the low side nised or brass round head screws,
the sheet and run a 3mm bead of non- merchant and take your pick. When of the roof and with the inside of the screw them down tight along the
setting sealant onto the rafters and painting this material onto the simple roof felt facing you, tack the folded end seam so that they run down the
noggins all around the edges (this can be be sure to paint under the eaves and right level with the top of the fascia board slope.
omitted on the felted versions). Reposition up to the cladding. There are only two with a couple of tacks. On the ends (k) Wait until it rains!
the sheet and fix it in place with just a pieces of advice that I can offer; first, of the roof leave an overlap of
couple of panel pins - just enough to hold follow the instructions to the letter 1 OOmm over the edge of the roof. The procedure for covering the pitched
it - then drill all of the screw holes spaced including, if necessary, painting on an Repeat the tacking up process until all roofs varies slightly to the above but the
at around 1 50mm apart with a short or undercoat. Secondly, cover the sheeting of the felting is up. You should now version with the ridgeboard flush with the
stopped drill and screw it down tight with joints with a scrim set into the wet have all of the strips hanging from the roofing sheets needs no explanation as it
brass screws. Cut the next sheet and solution and then paint over again when fascia with the inside of the felt facing is obvious from the drawing. However,
repeat the procedure ensuring that the the first coat is dry. This second item is you. the pitched roof with exposed ridgeboard
sealant is forced out of the joint between very important as the only point of (e) Nail or screw a batten along the full does need the differences with the
the sheets. Repeat until the whole roof is weakness in the whole roof is the joint length of the fascia with its top edge description above explained. In this case
sheeted over making sure that you don't between the panels. Scrim is a 50mm in line with the roof so that it traps all cut the felt strips about 200mm longer
forget to wipe the surplus sealant off the wide strip of reinforcing tape made of of the folded felt underneath. than needed and replace steps (g) and (h)
joints with a damp cloth. To finish off the fibreglass or any manmade fibre such as (f) On the high side of the roof nail with the following:
simple painted version tack on a strip of nylon. (Note - If the instructions on the another batten with its top edge level
wood to form the 'drip' and cut and fit the tin suggest that the roof timber can be with the roof. (g) Pull the sheets gently over the eaves
various eaves panels etc. as shown in the cheap chipboard, don't believe it. I had to (g) Gently fold each strip of felt over the batten and up the slope until they are
details for the other types. rip the whole roof off a shed after falling roof so that it rolls round the batten, pulled tightly over the ridgeboard. Tap
It is especially important on the painted for that one!) goes up the roof and hangs down the in a few tacks to hold the sheets in
roof version that the sheets are screwed Mineral felt This is bought in rolls from any back. Pull all of the strips as tight as place and fit the holding battens as
down because the panels must never DIY shop or builders' merchant. It must be you can. shown. Trim off any surplus to leave
move or the seal may be stressed and fitted correctly for it to have a reasonable (h) Pulling the felt as tight as possible, approximately 25mm sticking up

74 75

above the ridgeboard. Repeat on the span and push down on the other end of
other side. the wedge to force the sheet against the
(h) Fold the surplus over each other and roof. If you haven't made a rocking wedge
over the ridgeboard tightly. Then fix use rough timber wedges knocked in at
your choice of timber capping onto the. bottom to force the sheet up. Then,
the ridgeboard taking great care not using the marks on the floor as centreline
to damage or overtension the felt. guides, drill screw holes through the
Butyl sheeting This must be just about the panels every 1 50mm onto every frame
best roof material available and is well member and screw in place with number
worth finding a supplier and getting a price 6 screws. With 12mm panels use 25mm
for your roof. It is ideally suited to a flat screws and for 15mm panels use 25mm
simple roof which is not linked to another ones. Now you see why I suggested
wall - although this too can be accommo- getting hold of an electric screwdriver! Set
dated. The pre-formed shape is made by the torque so that the screw heads are
specialist companies to dimensions pulled in flush with the panel face.
supplied by the purchaser and is made
slightly small so it stretches during fitting. External cladding
Return edges are welded in and these Cladding is very easy to fit and the method
are tacked down round the sides on is obvious so, providing you set the
installation. Even the simple pitched roof bottom ones dead level and overhanging
shape would not be a problem for this the base to give the weatherboard effect,
material. the rest is easy. Well, not quite - what
Whichever roofing material you choose happens at the corners?
it will almost certainly be black or dark The way an ordinary garden shed is clad
grey which, as we all know, are colours is one way of dealing with the corners as
that soak up heat from the sun at an in- shown in Detail 7.1 0. The short sides are
credible rate. The result can be an unbear- clad so that the planks are cut dead width
ably hot workshop which hardly cools to the sides. The front and back walls are
down at night because the whole fabric then planked so that the ends mask the
of the building radiates back the vast exposed ends of the side cladding. This
amount of energy that was collected still leaves the ends of the planks on the
during the day. If you have this problem two long sides exposed of course but they
there are special silver and white paints are round the sides - if you see what I
available for treating roofs and they are mean! It's not really a good idea to leave
very effective at reflecting the heat away. the end grain of any wood directly
exposed to the elements and there is
Internal lining another way of dealing with the corners
To fit the inner sheeting, cut the width as which solves this problem.
accurately as possible and, if there are to The alternative method hides the end
be any gaps, arrange for them to be in the grain of the cladding by providing a corner
corners where it is easy to fill them in later strip which the cladding abuts as shown
before decorating. Don't worry too much in Detail 7. 11. It also looks a lot better
about the height because any shortfall can than the other method. First, clad the front
be lost behind a skirting board. Prop a and rear walls only so that the ends of the
panel in place with the short end of the planks are exactly the length of the walls. Detail 7.10 Detail 7.11
rocking wedge (Detail4.2) under it at mid- Then cut four lengths of 1 5 x 38mm Plan of plain corner wall junction. Plan of capped corner wall junction.

76 77

!'2x2.J t2J11Mh I
V<;trww; sJfw 1
fWRcl/b I
vafret'5 ar 1
225/'Wit\ eicp :

Li I _j
- - - __ j[ __ - - -

12x2-G ~ ~.ewed
folafi'e'af 22-;MW-e/:5

M~ai ~'2-x?-; VU~

7!'-------+-- f.err -z.... (A11'/er\ t w'


Back to the workshop. Here you can see the vapour barrier and the cladding as well as the
Detail 7. 12 Felt roof details. extension in the foreground which is a covered drying area.


optional but only where the corner batten
described above is fitted - otherwise the
splay opens up a gap on the corners.
How you fix the cladding depends on
which stage of construction it is fitted. If
it goes up before the internal lining then
I would suggest you screw it on with
galvanised or plated screws. If it goes on
right at the end then nail it on by 'splay
nailing' using only galvanised nails. 'Splay
nailing' means that the top nails point
slightly upwards and the lower ones
slightly downwards and it really secures
the planks, preventing them from twisting
or pulling away slightly when the wood
dries right out in high summer. Be careful
to get it right as this way of fixing the
plar1ks can make it very difficult to get
them off again later if you have to.
When cladding round the window and
door openings pull the vapour barrier out
between the frame and the plank ends and
trim off the excess flush with the cladding.
To make it really weatherproof squirt a
bead of non-setting sealant into the planking/
A view along the face of the cladding showing frame joint and smooth of any excess with
the neat finish to the corner when a batten is a wet finger after about half an hour. All
used. This picture also shows the drying area
that remains to do then is to treat the
floor which later became the extension.
cladding to a drink of good quality
preserver/stain. Apply the stain liberally,
batten to the eaves to weatherboard especially in the joints as they open and
dimension and nail them vertically on the close in varying atmospheric conditions
corner so that the ends of the exposed and may expose strips of original raw
planks are covered. Finally, clad the end colour. The best stains are spirit based as
walls with planks cut to the dimension they soak very deeply into the wood and
between the battens. If ply sheeting is don't form a skin on the surface so the
being used, either follow the instructions wood can always 'breathe'. Water-based
above, or overlap the edges on the corners ones tend to be thicker in consistency and
as per the shed example and then fix a many form a semi-shiny skin.
batten over the exposed end grain on each OK Brits, you can put up that guttering
corner. now!
The details show the bottom cladding Now you can stand back and take a
plank set out at the lowest edge by a really good look at your brand new work-
'tilting fillet'. This does just what its name shop. It's not finished yet but at least it's
Finished and stained. The door is at the far end. Here's proof that photographs lie- the building implies and it looks quite good too. It is standing up by itself.
looks extremely small because of the angle of the picture and the vertical surroundings.

80 81



When I first started this book the concept hardcore, generally as shown in Detail
was very simple and based upon a totally 8.1. The wall itself can be of single skin
demountable workshop. Nice idea, but the construction and should either have a
more I thought about it the more it became return wall or have piers spaced every
clear that a demountable type of building 2.5m to stabilise it. The piers will jut out
would not be the most popular in terms of the wall so build them on the other side
of general usage. So, after a considerable to the one that you are going to build the
amount of rewriting, the original concept workshop against and don't install a DPC.
has been relegated to a variant of a more (Single skin brick walls built with DPCs
permanent structure. Speaking of variants have a nasty habit of blowing over every
- I would expect that many of the time we get high winds because they are
workshops built to the basic design in this fundamentally unstable.)
book will vary from it in some way or The top course of bricks must be
another. That's no problem but some protected from frost, either by capping
variations introduce complications which stones or 'soldiers' which are half bricks
need a little explaining to ensure that the set vertically with the broken face set onto
integrity of the finished workshop is not the wall. (Soldiers are very difficult to start
compromised. because once you've balanced the first
half brick in mortar on the top of the wall
Lean-to's and then buttered up the second one, the
Building the workshop against an existing first one has fallen over! Do it by 'sticking'
structure has definite advantages because two half bricks together and then set them
it provides a substantial basis to build off in a bed of mortar on the wall.) Once the
and the finished structure will be more wall is finished allow at least a month
rigid. It is probably not worth building a before building against it and, if it is single
wall to use for support - not unless you thickness, attach the battens by screws
need a screen or a garden wall anyway - and not masonry nails. For best results (as
but if you do decide to then it must be built all the good recipes say) don't put the door
This (not very good) picture shows the work-shop after the extension was built. 1 simply
properly: the foundations should be strips or any windows in it.
removed the end wall and carried on building. The banana effect is camera parallax ~ not my
building technique! of concrete 300mm wide and 1 50mm Once you have something to build
deep and placed on very well compacted against you can't then simply build a

weathered side of the wall. workshop from the brick wall face. Take The roof felt can't be run right over the
Just to make things even more comp- special note of how it interleaves with the roof for obvious reasons so stretch it up
licated there are three types of brick wall: base DPM and how it is terminated on the against the wall face and trim as shown
single skin garden walls (4 'h in. thick). 9 roof. This will not only stop dampness in the drawing. The battens will hold it
in. solid as used on older house walls, and working its way into the workshop but it down and the flashing will prevent any
the cavity type wall as used on houses will also stop water which has penetrated weather penetration. The workshop is
since around 1945. Normally these differ- through the wall thickness and direct it protected by the way the vapour barrier
ent types would have different solutions. down into the foundation. (I should point is lapped over the roof but it is good
There is an easy way of dealing with all out that with the possible exception of practice to limit the amount of water that
of them but I should point out that in the very severe weather conditions with rain penetrates behind the barrier.
case of the cavity wall it would be driving against the face of a wall, very little While we're on the roof, just as there
considered as a 'fix' by most architects. water would actually be involved.) The is a cheat to extend the span of joists by
This is because many cavity walls are not barrier must also extend beyond the building in spine walls, so there is one for
ventilated and, as the simple solution workshop so that the ends can be folded the mono-pitch roof. It involves installing
involves placing a vapour barrier along the round the corners and overlapped with the struts at an angle of 45 degrees from the
wall face, any water in the wall behind the others in the new workshop side walls. As rafters across to the wall. The struts should
barrier could become trapped. (In fact it this barrier is against a brick wall I would be fitted one third of the way between the
Detail 8.1 Typical single skin wall foundation would travel horizontally beyond the suggest that you use 1 000 gauge poly- wall and the eaves (from the wall end of
for walls up to 2. 5M in height. barrier and then dry out.) The only thing thene instead of the normal 500 gauge. the roof) to a point down the wall of
that I will say about using this method is
that it would not be wise to use it where
three-sided workshop and screw it thereto a high proportion or even all of a cavity
- not unless you like mushrooms! Walls wall would be obscured. The technically
soak up water, not just from the ground correct solution is to install a special
but also from rain and fog. The important horizontal barrier called a cavity tray along
thing to remember is that brick and mortar the full length of the lean-to as shown in
are very porous and water will not only
pass easily across the thickness of a wall
but, if it extends up above the roofline of
Detail 8.2b. This barrier intercepts any
water and discharges it through open
perpends (the vertical joint between two
:petit i"Yaliol\
-* .col'.d~~hoi\o/\ 1MMr'
the workshop, any that has soaked in bricks) just above the lean-to. Fitting the
Nlfa\ +ae.e of a~ter leaf.
higher up will drain down within the wall barrier is a major job as it is necessary to
thickness as shown in Detail 8.2a. For the remove two courses of bricks at high level flot-skW._g
benefit of any sceptics who may believe along the whole length of the lean-to.
that the risk of dampness penetrating a Don't try it yourself unless you know
solid brick wall in any quantity is really exactly what you are doing - the removal
very small I would point out that damp of more than half a dozen bricks in one
behaves in the same way as heat. If one course without special support being
side of the wall is dry and the other is provided will probably cause total failure
damp, the water will move across the in the wall above. Let's do it the easy way!
thickness to equalise the difference be- Detail 8.3 shows how. It is a vertical
cause Nature likes things in equilibrium. section through the brick wall and includes
If you cover one side of a wall and then
thoroughly dry it out by heating it, the
not only the treatment of the wall face but
also the workshop base and roof junctions
"11<. j~.lmcho/\ of the voof iv;IA tAe cavity wa.ti Wl.di~f.e:s
flow of water will increase dramatically. to show how they should be arranged. it"'isrure. pz,vt~tvahcm caw;ed b
1 Mffedwe ffo.~~.
In other words, building the workshop will The essential part is the vapour barrier
increase the dampness in the no~- which totally isolates the inner skin of the Detail 8.2a Moisture path into obscured wall.

84 85

l ~ I
co)laU\5a.hoA C'l\ !NW\ev fc>~a
--+--<~/r--.of ourw l.eaf

1a~~ . ~v leaf of blockwork.

rleif /lo/e.s avvi~tv"' boilr ~ro br1okwork.

vaflu l?iv~~vHd
ro r.rail r;,iaie-
PawJWitkd ro wall .:.1

'"~he- jiM\ChcA of f'ht-,Vcvf wit+. f1te cavi ~ wall W\cltcales

t1\e.. LMtvec:itt.vh<17\ of o <7~1t_ytva; wMek pJ,W.uAt~
NIOislvve. ~0-vahe~l\ t-t"Jo le-VI41-ro Wol'ksl~p.

Detail 8.2b Cavity tray detail.

exactly equal distance. The result is a really worth the bother because the thin
series of struts forming a triangle between lining will breathe into the workshop. The
the wall and a point equal to one third of only time when it must be fitted is when
the span and it can be used to increase the the lining will be prevented from breathing
span of a given rafter size by 50%. It can such as when a faced board is used
only be done on lean-to's though - if you instead of plain chipboard.
do it on a free-standing building it puts an The base-to-wall junction shows a strip
unacceptable thrust force into the wall. of compressible strip inserted between the
The inside of the wall is then finished two parts. The reason is that both the wall
by an inner skin attached to the battens and the new base will expand and
and the gap between can be filled with contract at different rates so to prevent
insulation as required. If the gap between localised cracking this element must be WALL/FLOOR JUNCTION
the wall and inner lining is filled with introduced. If you are installing polysty-
insulation then technically a further barrier rene insulation then a strip of it will do
should be installed immediately behind the nicely for this job.
inner lining but, as I said on the same There are many ways of joining new
subject regarding the stud walling, it isn't walls at 90 degrees to existing ones such Detail 8.3 Lean-to section showing roof and base junctions with wall.


as special saddles and patented seal vertical battens which you are going to
arrangements but these are mainly aimed use as fixings for a bench or whatever. Do
at major structural joints where differential remember though that anything attached
movement may occur between the old directly to the brick wall will transmit
and new walls. In our context these are sound straight into the structure of which
unnecessary and we can use the simplest the wall is a part.
method of all - vertical battens fixed to There are two other roof types which
the wall face. They are the end vertical also need special construction when they
members of the new walls which are built form part of a lean-to arrangement - the
straight off them as shown in Detail 8.4. ventilated mono-pitch and the pitched
The main verticals should be attached by roofs. The ventilated roof is shown in
screws to the brick wall but the interme- Detail 8. 5 and it has to be constructed in
diate battens for the inner lining can be this way because there is no through route
fixed with masonry nails driven into the for the ventilation air so it has to escape
mortar joints (and not the bricks). If you under the verge. This is achieved by fixing
use masonry nails you must wear goggles spacer battens on top of the rafters and
- a mis-hit will result in them springing screwing the roof sheeting to them. It is
back out of the wall at tremendous velocity. still necessary to have a slot under the ,..-hini::tt:ud
~~ --U--.l~-
As with the wall end verticals, the roof eave otherwise the leading edge of the
support rail (which is also called a roof will be starved of ventilating air.
wallplate and supports the ends of the The pitched roof poses a problem when
rafters) should also be secured with attached to a wall in that the water will DETAIL 'A-A' DETAIL 'B-B'
screws and, as they pass through the shed down the slope and saturate the
barrier, plastic plugs and brass screws wall. Detail 8.6 shows the best way of
should be used. The same applies to any solving the problem - by means of a
noggins that are fitted between the valley gutter. Build the pitched roof in the

v~ftca!_ t.cmW:9 MaSOI\VY jz~31i'"COvAW :
.il:l~s 'Wedro
NMied Wli'o tmd:vvor'k Jdtflts Vafitz'.> J'300cfS
f0"hcal ~~s (--1+---1+--==---~-+-H-VP~hiaho/\
tfxl'd rofra+l'le
~ll-vral /ri-1~- PLAN
Detail 8.4 Section through clad wall/new wall junction. Detail 8.5 Lean-to ventilated roof.

88 89

same way as an ordinary lean-to but Demountable version to make the joint and then hide the heads over. (Don't be in too much of a hurry to
intercept the slope with a run of flashing The modified base for the demountable under the corner capping strip. Coach- hide the fixings because in a couple of
which has a slight 'run' on it. version has already been covered in screws are square-headed black steel years when you come to dismantle the
Just in case you're wondering why Chapter 6. The upper structure design has screws with a very coarse thread. You thing you will never remember where they
anyone would want to join a pitched roof to be similarly modified in order to allow can't use coachbolts because the nut will all are!)
to an existing wall there are three good the workshop to be taken apart and then end up behind the wall inner lining. Detail 8.8 also shows how to link a roof,
reasons: rebuilt without any major effort. It's not The roof can be arranged to be remov- be it mono-pitch or pitched, to an adjoining
just a matter of arranging for the walls to able in several ways but the easiest is to wall and yet be removable later. The vert-
(1) The brick wall isn't high enough to be bolted together; special consideration build the walls complete with the roof ical board which the rafters are attached
take the high side of a mono-pitch must be given to maintaining the vapour slope and then fix the 'roof assembly' by to is hooked into an extension of the inner
roof. seal within the walls as well. means of metal brackets as shown in sheeting while the roof assembly is low-
(2) Pitched roofs always look better than Detail 8. 7 shows how the vapour barrier Detail 8.8. By roof assembly I mean the ered in position. The 'gap' between the
mono-pitched ones and it may be should be wrapped around the framing complete panels with the rafters attached wallplate and the wall is then weathered
desirable cosmetically. and secured to it so that when bolted to and, if you're really careful, the felting as by a flashing as shown. The flashing
(3) A pitched roof workshop slightly the adjacent wall the two membranes join well. The brackets will show inside the should extend beyond the roof by about
overlaps an existing wall for part of up and press together. It also shows how finished building but they can be painted 75mm at each end.
its length. to arrange the corner using coach screws

Nohl ~ co:.0' 5CV,ZW ak bttS"<t 1

i.ONP.S ~ curva,41y
Detail 8.6 Lean-to pitched roof details. Detail 8.7 Demountable wall junctions.

90 91

Proprietary demountable buildings ternallining but at least the main work will
.. 1';,1
Having read the book this far you may be
thinking that there is an easier way! If you
have been done.
There is one last variation in the portable
are older than forty and lived in Britain in building list -the Portakabin. These units
the 1 960s you will remember the rash of are very expensive to buy initially but can
pre-cast and framed garages that sud- be bought very cheaply second-hand either
denly sprang up like weeds in everybody's direct from large construction companies
garden as the spread of car ownership or in auctions specialising in the sale of
reached the masses. I must admit that I surplus construction equipment. Not
haven't seen one for years now but the everyone will be able to use this option
companies that made them still trade in because in many cases either the council
the business - except that are now called or the neighbours may not be too happy
'portable buildings'. about the appearance of one of these
It was my intention to include some things in your garden.
ftlr bali~s ~v.e+~ typical examples taken from a manufac- No matter which type of structure you
tt&d ro vaf/2-v5 turer's catalogue but to be honest the choose, you will still have to provide a
examples that I have are really naff! It may base for it. You can use either the wooden
be that the catalogues in my possession floor detail (6. 1) or the standard concrete
are just the wrong ones and that there are base detail (6. 7) depending on choice. If
\ g:vWIM'IIi;d M ~- a11.9/e bi1:1del' more suitable structures available. What you use a proprietary portable building be
'- ~et'm fU<ed to rafttv s V.b-'hcal is surprising is the sheer number of manu- wary about using the base detail that is
fVCUI'\0, facturers around so look in your area trade shown in the catalogue - the ones that I
directory and phone a few up. have seen are not only on the thin side but
vqle-+'5' biltist~ou~Ad So what didn't I like about them? The they do not include a DPC or a satisfactory
l& rop plate-. cheapest - although not cheap as such seal between the walls and the base.
- are just flimsy metal frames with wall
panels clipped in with nasty folded metal Garage conversions
clips; OK for a garage but not for a Many people utilise the end of their
workshop. They do not have any provision garages as a workshop area and it is quite
for proper weather sealing, especially at a good idea - but there are two problems.
the roof-to-wall joint, and there doesn't The first is security: it is extremely difficult
appear to be any easy way of lining the to make a garage secure mainly because
interior. At the top of the range and consi- the normal exit is via the car access door
derably better is the 'slot-together and that is usually locked by a lock which
concrete panel' type. I'm sure that these came out of a Christmas cracker! If you
units are very adequate for our purpose have, or intend to have a garage conver-
but you'll need a mortgage to buy one! sion, you will have to look very closely at
You could try your local shed supply how you can make it secure. The problem,
company. Every area has an enterprising apart from the lightweight lock, is the
little company knocking out sheds for sale relative flexibility of the door and the
locally. Their products are built to a price weakness of the locking pin mountings.
so the construction is rather dubious with If possible arrange for a couple of bolts to
the absolute minimum of wood all joined be fitted inside the door so they can be
together with staples. They can build bet- pushed home once the car is out and you
ter ones though - give them a ring and can then leave by the (securable) side
Detail 8.8 Demountable roof. ') ask. You will still have to install the in- access door.

92 93


The second problem is the perennial one where you either can't, or don't want to,
of moisture. Most garages will rust tools drill into the existing walls and is especially
in no time at all because of moisture useful for fixing a wall across the width
migration through the structure due to the of a garage. In this case the partitions and
lack of a vapour barrier and, usually, a linings are locked in place by 'folding
DPM. If you want paper to stay crisp and wedges', also shown in Detail 8.9. They
tools free of rust these two items must be are two identical taper wedges on top of
installed. There are two ways of doing it each other which, when hammered from
- the easy and the slightly harder way. each side, produce a massive vertical
The easy way to deal with both is to build jacking force. They should be positioned
a partition wall across the garage to directly above (or under) the framing
enclose the area and use a proprietary verticals and hammered home before
paint-on seal on the floor and external lining out. On a floor without a DPM don't
walls to stop moisture penetration. These forget to fit one under the wall.
liquid sealants are based on a silicone The ceiling can be as described earlier.
compound but are made thin enough to The floor is the same as that for a base
readily soak into the brickwork and floor. over an existing slab but with the screed
All you have to worry about then is the only 50mm thick. Instead of a screeded
ceiling. In this situation I would fix battens floor you could lay a sheet wood floor on
around the perimeter of the walls at ceiling top of a 1 2mm layer of polystyrene insul-
height and install a false ceiling using ation sheet. The only drawback with this
aluminium foil-backed plasterboard, method, apart from the extra work, is that
thereby maintaining a vapour seal across there will be a slight step in the floor if the
the ceiling. Be careful not to encase the entrance door is in the new partition wall.
existing roof underside or you could be in If the door is the original garage side
for a lot of trouble later. entrance, but it now enters into the work-
That's the easy way out but it doesn't shop area, the step will not show as it will
address other problems such as the fact be below the doorsill. Assuming the
that garage floors are invariably rough and former applies and you would end up with
uneven and the very thin walls will allow a small step in the doorway I would
an enormous amount of heat to escape. suggest that you fit a false sill about
A far more satisfactory solution would be 75mm high in it so that you have to step
to install a false floor and to line the walls over it. The reason for this is that it is small
with a proper internal lining. Detail 8.9 variations in floor levels that cause people
shows a section through the wall and floor to trip over - every single time that they
junction in such a conversion. Two ways walk over it - but large changes are
of dealing with the lining out are shown; stepped over without any problem at all.
the first is the same as that for lining a It's something to do with the way the
brick wall on a lean-to and comprises a brain works ... or doesn't as the case
vapour barrier, battens, insulation and may be!
inner lining. The second is for situations

Detail 8.9 Garage conversion wall details.

94 95

CHAPTER 9 picking up strips of filler which have drop- frames will almost certainly be painted in
ped on the floor overnight! Do make sure gloss so it's not as if any special effort will
that the filler is paintable though as some be required. (For more detailed information
flexible ones aren't. on this subject together with suggestions
Now you can paint the interior - and on how to overcome mustiness and
this single act will transform the dingy construct a de-humidifier see my article
little room into a clean and very spacious Vapour Trouble published in the Model
workshop. Before you actually start paint- Engineer, available from Nexus Special

Fitting out ing you must consider the climatic situa-

tion that applies to your location as it
Interests' back copies department.)

determines the type of interior finish that Ventilation

you should use. The problem is that in Following on from the comments on
areas where there are high humidity levels moisture build-up within the workshop
combined with large temperature fluctua- structure, it is very important that some
tions the result is usually condensation - form of ventilation is provided other than
When I reached this point in the construc- crete floor, fully lined interior walls, fitted sometimes so bad in a small room that it an open window. This ventilation must be
tion I remember standing in the dark, skirtings and complete roof with insulation will run down the walls, High humidity is available all the time. Try to arrange for
empty shell and thinking that in just a few infill between the rafters, and a ceiling if not only caused by a damp climate; it is cool air to be drawn in at floor level and
days I would be working away in my very one is to be installed. First we must deal also generated by confining something the humid air to exhaust at high level. The
own purpose-built workshop. Just how with the floor to give it some protection that breathes in a small space. So, the former can be achieved simply by not
wrong can someone be? It seemed to take from dusting. If you intend to work off of combination of low night-time tempera- fitting a draught excluder to the door
ages and ages to do the fitting out. In fact, the bare concrete in the finished workshop tures and you breathing for hours on end bottom edge and the latter by fitting an
if my memory serves me correctly, I spent then I would suggest that you paint on a with the door closed could lead to a damp, adjustable trickle vent such as those fitted
longer fitting the thing out than I actually proprietary chemical floor finish. If, how- musty smelling room. If you fit this des- in patio door frames. This is even more
spent building it! So what is it that takes ever, you intend to cover the floor when cription, and if you live in Northern Europe important if any combustion takes place
so long and can be called fitting out? It's the workshop is finished then use paper you do, it is important that you allow the in the workshop, either through the
all the tedious bits really; like decoration, or cardboard to protect it temporarily. structure to absorb and give off the heating or some part of your hobby. It
lighting, electrics, furniture, heating and Now I know what you are thinking .. transient moisture which will move around stands to reason that the vents should be
finally, the floor covering. Those of you . "He's not actually going to tell us how to in the building. Just how bad the problem at opposite ends of the room!
that did your internal planning early on will paint the thing is he?". No I'm not - well, will be depends on the severity of the
be able to dive straight in and start, but not as such - it's just that there are a couple weather conditions and the amount of Lighting
those that have left it until now really must of wrinkles that you might be pleased to moisture present. The best that you can I have a manual which was published
sit down and get the layout sorted even if be aware of. First, fill in any gaps between do is to only paint the wood that you can some years ago by one of the biggest light
your machinery and tools are portable. the internal panels and in the corners to see and to use water-based emulsion type fitting manufacturers and it was intended
You need to know what is going where so produc a continuous surface. Remember paints rather than the impermeable gloss to provide instruction on the correct
that the lights and electrical points can be that this is a workshop and there probably finish type even if the tin does say that it positioning and intensity of fittings for
positioned exactly where they are required won't be much of the walls visible in the will allow wood to breathe. There is one adequate light to work under. It's quite a
rather than just generally spaced around the end so don't go mad with the effort. If the little problem though - water-based thick book and all it really applies to is
walls where you think they might be useful. workshop will be used for something like paints applied on steel will cause rusting spacious, white painted rooms, such as
The order of events listed above follows painting, electronics or some other 'quiet' by the time the paint dries out. Now, I've open plan offices. As for poky, cluttered
my own fitting out sequence and I will adopt occupation, use domestic fillers for this already told you to attach all of the internal little rooms, all it really says is that there
the same sequence in the notes that follow. but, if the use involves banging or vibra- lining with steel screws haven't I! The are so many interacting variables that
tion from machinery then I would suggest answer is to dab each screw head with a each situation must be assessed individ-
Decoration that you only use one of the modern sili- brush dipped in gloss paint before painting ually. In other words without years of
Just to recap then: you should have a fully cone based flexible fillers. That way you over them with emulsion. It sounds experience it is little short of useless. The
free-standing structure with a bare con- won't spend the next couple of years tedious but the skirtings and window 'variables' are:

96 97

(a) Positioning: the pos1t1ons of the The only thing that I can say on the of any machine and at the surface of a big machinery or power hungry equip-
lights, their relative proximity to other subject following the list above is that you bench or drawingboard.) ment, then what you need is a specialist
light sources and to reflective and are on your own on this one! I spent ages As I stated earlier you are on your own book. Fortunately for me such a book has
non-reflective surfaces all influence trying to get the lighting level right in my on this one because I am no expert - just been added to the Nexus Special
the final light level within the room. own workshop and I based the total even though I thought that it would be Interests' Workshop Practice Series and
(b) Scatter: the light present in a room is wattage required on that in my kitchen easy to become one because I had the is entitled Workshop Electrics by Alex
made up of two components - direct which has roughly the same area (but a manual! All I can offer on the subject are Weiss (ISBN 1 85486 107 7). My little
radiation from the source and different shape). The kitchen has a single the results of my attempt to resolve the effort in this chapter can only relate to
reflected light from the internal sur- fluorescent fitting of 60W and is nearly as lighting problem in my shop: straightforward electrics and I have
faces. This is where it gets compli- bright as I thought a workshop should be assumed that those carrying out the work
cated because two rooms painted the so I installed two, shorter, 40W tubes. The (a) It appears to be better to use a few are reasonably competent in basic
same, with the same level of lighting result was a dingy room with dark corners. long fittings rather than many short electrical matters such as fitting plugs,
but with different numbers or layouts In the end it took 200W to attain a satis- ones. wiring up switches etc. Anyone consider-
of cupboards, will have different light factory light level! The reasons for the (b) Twin tube fittings seem to be far ing carrying out their own wiring should
levels! difference in lighting requirements is a more effective at spreading the light take note that the quality of materials and
(c) Colour: the colour will affect the level direct result of all of the items on the list around than individual units. installation are governed by standards; in
of light reflected not only from the above interacting with each other. The (c) Try to avoid fitting the lights so that the case of Britain the lEE Regulations
ceiling but also from the walls and final result then was a level of around 20 they are at 90 degrees to benches or appiy. Don't be tempted to think that
fittings. We all know that black (fluorescent) watts per square metre. machinery unless they are actually because you are the only user of the work-
absorbs all light and no-one would Before someone writes to me to com- directly above them. shop then you don't have to observe them
paint the interior of a workroom in it, plain about my use of watts as a measure (d) Try to avoid putting the light source - you do - because although you might
but the subtle difference between of light levels I had better explain my behind you. It may sound obvious but be able to work around an iffy system,
two 'whites' can significantly reduce reasons for doing so. In the 'old days' it in a relatively narrow room the tend- those that follow you won't know about
the amount of reflected light within was easy - there were only tungsten ency would be to fit the tubes down its failings.
the room. Similarly, a dark or natural lights in general use and the power con- the middle of the ceiling. That would All domestic supplies are in alternating
wood colour to the benchtop could sumption (watts) was a convenient and mean that the only light on a bench current; the voltage and frequency may
well absorb not only enough light to universal method of referring to the light facing the wall would be from vary from country to country but the AC
make it appear dark at the bench itself output. Then some cleverdick came along reflection because you would be bit is constant. It means that the flow of
but could affect the general light level and invented the domestic fluorescent blocking the direct source. Better to electricity goes both ways, and the number
in the whole room. ('Dark' is a relative fitting. Instead of giving the light output fit them along each side of the ceiling of times it changes direction per second
term here and could perhaps be in something more correct, such as close to the walls. is called the frequency (or Hertz). This is
replaced by 'not as bright as the rest candelas or lux, he chose to stick to the important for two reasons: The first is that
of the room'.) power consumption in watts instead - Once the basic lighting is in place and unlike a DC circuit the electricity will be
(d) Texture: the surface texture of a and, as we all know, fluorescent fittings at the correct level it should strike you as available from both directions as there is
finish can also significantly reduce the use far less power for the same light very bright when you walk in - but only no positive or negative and it is this that
level of reflected light by causing a output as tungsten bulbs. The result is for a moment. Finish off by positioning makes the ring main circuit possible. The
colour to behave like a darker one. that we still refer to the output in watts spotlights local to benches and machines. second is that whereas with DC switching
(e) Orientation: 1 would think that the but with a qualifying statement that it is off the positive supply kills all of the power
standard light fitting for all workshops fluorescent or tungsten watts. If I started Electrics beyond the switch, with AC switching off
must be the fluorescent fitting but the talking in lux levels it would mean nothing Surely, you may say, the electrics in a a switch doesn't mean that the electricity
light emitted is directional, unlike a at all to most people reading this book. (If workshop must demand more space than is off beyond it - it is just interrupted. The
light bulb which is spherical and gives you do understand lux as a measure of as a mere subsection of a chapter? Well, misunderstanding of the characteristics of
a much more uniform light spread. light and can measure it in your room you it depends really. If you just need a power AC power is not helped by the fact that
Flourescent lights don't emit any light should aim for a level of around 500 lux supply in a simple workshop then this we commonly refer to the wires as 'live',
from the ends of the tube so all the at the point of use. This means that this subsection will be more than adequate 'neutral' and earth. (This has now been
light in this area must be reflected there. level should exist in the immediate vicinity but, if you are fitting out a workshop with changed to 'phase', 'neutral' and earth,

98 99

thereby removing the misleading reference 20A then I suggest you find a good elec- because one could save you the embar- that may pass below it and is well and
to a live supply.) Both phase and neutral trician - and what are you doing anyway! rassment of having to be prised out of a truly supported. Use domestic copper or
are , live. Neutral refers to the wire's corner of the workshop, stiff as a board PVC tubing and bends rather than the
position in the circuitry of the generation Power source and smoking lightly! traditional galvanised gas barrel tubing
and distribution system and is utterly Getting power out to the workshop is not As tor the power cable: no matter how with screwed fittings.
meaningless in the context of its use in as easy as it might appear. For a start it many short lengths of suitable cable you Catenaries are different animals
domestic wiring. The titles should be must be readily divorcable from the house may have laying around don't be tempted altogether as it is necessary to anchor a
'phase', 'live' and earth, or alternatively mains supply (by law) and the materials to join them to save a few bob. There are strong steel wire between two points and
'switched phase', 'live' and earth. If you and standard of workmanship must be top external joint boxes on the market but then suspend the live cable from it as
don't understand the system don't touch quality in order to withstand exposure to they are expensive and, unless you know shown in Detail 9.1. They don't look very
the wiring. the elements. Under no circumstances exactly what you are doing, the weather nice and the cable should be the very
should the power be derived by linking will eventually get in. Pay up and buy a expensive steel wire armoured type rather
How much? directly into the house ring main as this single run of 45A twin and earth cable than the conventional PVC covered one.
Before you can sort out the electrical could lead to an overload and a fire in the long enough to do the job. To set one up first solidly anchor an eye-
supply you will need to have a good idea house wiring. Once you've got a supply there is the bolt or strong hook into both structures
of the likely power demand and the best In the low demand case of 6A you could problem of getting it out to the workshop. and then run a woven steel cable between
way to do that is to count up your watts. effectively run the supply via an ordinary There are two ways - below ground and them, putting as much tension in it as you
List all of the electrical equipment that you extension lead providing it is fused where above it. Below ground has to be preferred can. The steel cable is a bit of a problem
will be using including heating, lighting, it joins into the house circuit. Connection because once it is (correctly) installed and to get hold of but you could use fisher-
and power. Then allow for any later add- could either be by a fused spur or even a buried you can forget all about it. The man's trace wire - which is a superbly
itions that are likely to be made. As an simple three pin plug in one of the sockets. details of the underground conduit were strong woven steel cable coated in PTFE
example let's say that you have 200W of This method is not the best as some house given in Chapter 6 and if you are using this and sold with its own ferrules for crimping
lighting, a 1 kw heater, a 1 kw cutting circuits may be near their limit already so method all that needs to be done is to tie the ends into loops. Trace wire is available
machine and a 500W soldering iron. That use this option with care and only after a strong cord to the end of the cable and in different breaking strains and I would
lot totals 2700 watts or 2. 7kw. From this taking into account the existing loading on pull it through. Just to make sure that the purchase the strongest one that the shop
you need to derive the current consump- the house system. It is very important that cord doesn't slip off halfway along the stocks. The very minimum should be 75kg
tion or amps. Watts are current x voltage no matter where the power comes from pipe, bare the ends of the two wires and breaking strain. Once the catenary is up
so, using the British 240V as an example, it must be fused at a lower level than the twist them together so that you can tie the you can hang the cable under it in short
dividing 2700 by 240 means that the rating of the source cable. cord through the loop. If you have done loops so that it will never be subjected to
current must be 11.25 amps. This is well For anything above minimal demand the job properly both ends of the cable will any strain. The supports at each loop can
within the capacity of a normal domestic there is really only one place where the be under cover - one at the fuseboard be ordinary cable ties as used commerc-
ring main system and so could be supplied supply should be taken from and that is and the other inside the workshop - so ially but they should be black as the white
by a similar system in the workshop. You the consumer unit or main incoming fuse- you will not need to worry about weather ones brittle in sunlight. Overhead cables
must try to make the best assessment of board. It should have its own dedicated penetration via the cable. I will repeat like this introduce a problem in that you
the maximum demand that you can, but fuse which will not be used to supply myself here though and remind you to have got to feed it into the building
don't cheat because the last thing you power to any other point. Most domestic mark the cable run where it crosses the without bringing the weather with it. The
want is an electrical fire in your new pride consumer units have spare ways and it is garden very prominently and permanently. best way is to run it down past the entry
and joy. easy to fit a suitable fuse ( 1 5 or 30A) and If the cable must be above ground there hole and then do a complete turn so that
If your total demand is low (just for run the supply from it. That is exactly are two ways to do it; by overhead con- it rises back up a short way before
heating and a couple of lights). let's say what I did. While you are messing around duit and by catenary. The overhead con- entering the building. That way the rain
around 6A (1.5kw), then you could obtain with the incomer it would be an ideal duit will allow a normal two wire and earth runs oft the cable and drips to the ground.
your power from a fused spur from the opportunity to install an earth leakage trip cable to be used but a catenary can only Similarly, once it emerges into the work-
house. If it is between 6A and 20A (5kw) unit. There are various types available, just be used with armoured cable, just in case shop, run it vertically for a short way
then a separate fused supply from the ask at an electrical store or your power something smashes into it! Installing an to prevent even small amounts of water
house incomer together with a ring main supply company for information. Don't overhead conduit is self explanatory but from penetrating the internal junction
in the workshop will suffice. If it is above underestimate the value of these devices do ensure that it is well clear of anything box.

100 101

I :1


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...... I
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----'><f l rwm

I a,;tilr i
-1 I

~0 I i
'i"i (;'
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L_ __ }___ _
I MUrral I
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.. .. e-0.vr1'
COMfit?-5Sii:>J~ N\<Z.laJ cofial"
c-l1r\ekal to at.l~tary wive-.
Detail 9.2 Ring main schematic.
M .5 fjaW. blac kel-
~)j7o/red to wa-il. the risk of an electrical fire due to a circuit lengths to hide wiring on the grounds of
overload. aesthetics but, not only is it the devil itself
Those of you that know anything about to alter or extend, but if a problem does
Detail 9.1 Catenary details.
wiring will have realised that my ring main occur you won't know about it until
is not a true one - while the wiring inside smoke appears! I think that a workshop
the workshop does form a complete ring, should only have surface run wiring
Workshop wtrmg 9.2 shows the difference between the the single supply cable makes it a spur (especially a wooden one) so that not only
Inside the building terminate the cable in two. If you run a three core spur away with a ring on the end. (That's all your can the almost inevitable changes to the
a junction box so that it can be split off from the supply and terminate it at a house is though when looked at in terms system be effected with the minimum of
in at least three ways, one to feed the socket, the current that the spur can carry of the single supply that enters the aggro but, if anything does get hot, you
lighting and the other two for the ring main will be controlled by the rating of the wire. consumer unit.) To make the system safe will see it before it gets out of hand. As
power circuit. A ring main is only a tiny If however, you continue it round the the supply cable must have a rating in far as looks goes, just a little care with the
bit more work to run than a spur system building and connect it back onto the amps greater than the demand on the wiring layout with neatly spaced cable
and its advantages are so great that you power supply again, the current can go whole system will be. I've already sug- staples and nice straight runs should result
would be silly not to bother. A spur is a both ways round, so the current that the gested that the rating should be 45A for in a very tidy installation. However, if you
single cable connected to a power supply circuit can carry will be doubled. It's pretty that cable but the ones that form the ring insist on nice smooth walls then by all
and terminating in either a socket or piece pointless to do this for a single outlet but main itself can have a lower rating - half means spend hours trying to fiddle stiff
of equipment such as a tablelamp. A ring where there are two or more it really does of it in fact. In practice, unless you have cables through tiny holes in your walls -
main is a cable which runs round the make sense. It isn't necessarily done to a very large workshop, it would be best just don't curse me! It would be much
building via a series of outlets and then save money on the cable size either, the to run the ring in the same cable. better to splash out on a surface trunking
returns to the power supply point. Detail reason is because it dramatically reduces In our houses we go to enormous system though.

102 103

. '
How you lay the system out will depend of the roof with loops fed down the walls of spares, useful items and essential easiest way to beef the shelves up is to
on what the building will be used for. In to the sockets and light switch. Alterna- oddments that workshops seem to install the cupboards without any back-
my workshop I am forever plugging and tively, terminate the cables at the corners ' attract. Especially suspect are the runners panels and put wall brackets under all of
unplugging various tools so I set my of each wall in a junction box and run a and bottom panels in drawers, and the the shelves and the bottom to stop them
cabling about 300mm above bench level short 'jumper' between them so that it's thin blackboard shelves fitted in most from drooping. Alternatively (and also
with the outlets strategically placed near easy to disconnect them later. units. Either beef them up now (before the suitable for ordinary shelving), replace the
benchtops and fixed machinery. The Finally, electricity is possibly the most bottom drops out) or throw them away thin shelves with old floorboards cut to
exception to this is near the doorway dangerous thing in any workshop. A lathe and make your own. length.
where, obviously, the cable has to go 'up might tear your arm off and a saw might Benchtop materials can be very expen- One area which is always a nuisance in
or under'. Mine goes under (along the back lighten your hand by a few digits but a sive. The best material has to be solid any workshop is the storage of long items
of the door sill) and, while it is down low, quick fry on the end of a 240V cable will hardwood around 25mm thick - but such as raw materials. If there is a spare
a couple of sockets supply the heater and usually be terminal! Always remember this you won't have any lying around just corner fit two or three pieces of timber
a dehumidifier. and design your system accordingly. For waiting for you to find a use for it. There diagonally across it to form a triangle
Run the cable right round the room and example, if you use your workshop as a is a cheap source though - find a disguise, where long items can be stood. Don't
connect into and out of each socket as photo darkroom or other process involving slip out early on a Saturday without saying completely box it in though because as
you go. Eventually you will return to the water or liquids, only install pullcord oper- where you are going and take a very soon as you do your smallest and most
start and the end can be connected to the ated switches and waterproof sockets. If roundabout route to a jumble sale. Your expensive tool will jump in there and hide!
start - if you see what I mean. Sockets you don't, one day you will reach out in objective is old sideboards, dining tables, No corner? Leave a small gap between
wired into the ring like this can be double a blind panic to switch something on that dressers etc. as many of these dark two adjacent base units and partition it
outlets but those on the end of a spur you should have turned on earlier and ... brown, incredibly ugly pieces of furniture vertically in two or three places. Then you
should only be single outlet ones. It is not have good solid tops on them. You don't can put long items at the back and shorter
wise to increase the number of outlets by Furniture (cupboards, shelving and want the carcass so you can smash the ones in the front. Remember not to run the
means of multiway adapters unless they benches) thing up in the car park, dump the spoil partitions right down to the floor.
are fitted with a single fuse for all of the All that I can offer on this subject are a and salvage just the top - after all you
outlets. few ideas on the type of furniture you can don't want to be seen dragging a 1940s Heating
The lighting side is easy; just run a use and some suggestions about storage. sideboard up your front garden do you? If There aren't many convenient ways of
supply cable from the workshop incomer If you like working with timber and have that's just asking too much of you the heating a small building and, although we
junction box via an in-line 5A fusebox and some cash left after building the work- next best alternative is kitchen worktops. will look at the alternatives, you will
then on to the lights through a normal shop, the ultimate solution must be to There are several types but probably the probably be left with only one method -
single pole domestic lightswitch. Inside design and construct a layout specifically most common is made from high density electricity. I don't know what it costs on
the switch cut the outer sheath off and cut tailored to your pursuit. For most of us it chipboard around 38mm thick, 600mm the Continent but it's not cheap where I
through the phase wire and connect it will be a case of make do and mend (no wide and covered in an almost indestruc- am so I don't waste it. If you do end up
through the switch (thereby creating the I'm not that old; my mother was always tible layer of moulded veneer. I didn't list with electric heating it is worth investing
'switched phase'). Continue the cable up saying it!). A good start is kitchen base it as my first choice simply because you in two types of plug, one with a timer and
into the first light terminal block and then units. These are incredibly cheap, even if will either have to pay the going rate for another with a built-in thermostat. Then
via a jumper cable on to the next one, and bought new (but without the decorative it or have to make do with a second-hand you can just switch on and forget it, rather
so on until all of the lights are looped in. doors which cost a fortune), and can often piece - probably with a very naff imita- than switching on an uncontrolled supply
It is not necessary to complete the circuit be had for nothing if you can locate a tion tile effect on it! - and forgetting it! There are several
to form a ring main if there are only a few friend or workmate who is refitting his You can never have enough cupboard types of heater available but the operative
lights. kitchen and needs an extra pair of hands. or shelf space so make the effort during word must be 'convenient' - and very
If the workshop is the demountable The only problem with these units is that fitting out to install as many as you few are. The types which could be used
version, don't forget to allow for later they usually come as flatpacks and, unless possibly can. While stripping your friend's in a small workshop are:
removal when installing the electrics and severely restrained, will return to that kitchen take his old wall cupboards as Portable gas heaters: these units are very
equipment. In the case of the electrics it state at the earliest opportunity! The well. The shelves will suffer the same effective although they can be expensive
may be as well to fix the cables, junction drawers and shelves in these units are just deficiencies as those in the base units but to run and some people will find it a
boxes and light fittings to the underside not man enough to take the heavy piles the carcasses will be very useful. The nuisance to have to refill the gas bottle at

104 105

d ' ...

a gas refill station. Those are the good turning workshop) or you could discover The most obvious floor coverings are the very ends.
points! Here's the not-so-good side: They that combustible also means explosive! vinyl sheeting and tufted or loop carpet. There is one other covering that can be
must only be used in a well ventilated Fine dust and red hot wires do not mix - Both can be purchased as offcuts very used - sheet plywood as previously descr-
area; are not suitable for small rooms; can well, not for long anyway! cheaply and both can be laid on sheet ibed for the false wood floor. It would be
produce vast quantities of water vapour Convection heaters: take a radiant heater, polystyrene for comfort and insulation. best laid on a thin sheet of insulating
(depending on the gas mix being burnt) hide the hot wires behind a screen, and One word on the fitting of this type of floor polystyrene to give a nice 'feel' and, if
and shouldn't really be left unattended you have a convection heater. These units covering though. From bitter experience damage is likely, with adhesive only used
and, as with all flame producing heaters, are quite effective, more so if fan assisted, I know that all sorts of things tend to get where two sheets butt together, and only
incorrect adjustment or poor maintenance but they are usually floorstanding and so knocked over in workshops. After a very then if you are likely to walk on the join.
could result in lethal fumes. They take up take up space. short time a combination of enamel paint, The ply sheets can be held in place by the
floorspace, definitely cannot be tucked Fan heaters: I use a fan heater mounted liquid bitumen and red hot items dropped skirtings all around the edges. 1 2mm ply
away and a gas bottle is a beautiful bomb. high up on a wall to provide a quick way during soldering made my floor look like will do at the minimum and it would be
It's bad enough for the workshop to catch of warming up my own den. The heater one from a British Rail workshop! Even- best to seal it to stop stains and splinter-
fire, but if it then demolishes the whole is actually a large hairdrier and, coupled tually it had to be replaced and boy, how ing. The best seal is a decent varnish thin-
street as well!!! Frankly, unless you have with a normal floor mounted convection I wished I hadn't stuck the wretched thing ned 50:50 with white spirit and brushed
a very large workshop I would not recom- heater, heats my workshop a treat. Many down. It was an absolute devil to get up on liberally. Apply two coats and the floor
mend using one of these units. types are available at relatively low cost. again - mind you, it didn't help that the will be sealed but shouldn't shine.
Paraffin heaters: much the same as gas Oil-filled radiators: I'm not sure whether biggest machine also stood on it! If your It's done! You now have a complete
heaters as far as the comments go but these are designed to be a primary source floor is also likely to suffer try to follow workshop all ready and waiting to be
with two additions; firstly, paraffin, of heating but they would be ideal for the two rules of not fixing the covering used. Look after it by occasionally check-
properly called kerosene, always produces secondary heating if coupled with a fan down in anything but a temporary way ing on the condition of the weatherboard
enormous amounts of water when it heater or other 'quick warm-up' device. and to cut the coveMng to go round that protects the bottom of the wooden
burns; and secondly, it spills. Knock one One nice thing is that they are fitted with immovable items. Once I had learnt the structure and reseal the exterior wood
of these things over and you can definitely thermostats - mainly to stop them from lesson I cut a long strip of floor covering every five years or so. If for any reason
kiss goodbye to your latest project - and exploding really - but useful for heat (not forgetting that my workshop has all a leak does appear fix it as soon as you
your workshop! control! I am an ardent scanner of the of the benches and machines along one can. Apart from those minor points.
Central heating: if the workshop is joined small ads in the local paper and have side) and just applied a little adhesive at Enjoy it!
to or within a metre of the house I would noticed that they can be purchased very
definitely consider extending the central cheaply second-hand. They are available
heating into it. As it would be beyond the with fan assistance but I think that the
reach of the house thermostat any effect is still best suited to background
radiators used should be fitted with heating.
thermostatic valves. For a workshop of 10
sq.m a single double radiator of approx. The floor
1 metre square will suffice. (Read it again You will probably have decided long ago
very slowly and it will make sense!) what floor covering will be fitted, either
Radiant heaters: the really good thing because your hobby dictates a certain
about the modern versions of what is type, or simply because you know what
really just an electric bar heater is that they would be best in your situation. It is not
can be fixed at high level so they don't a good idea to work off bare concrete so,
take up valuable floorspace and there's no even if you are quite happy with the idea
risk of dropping things on them or leaning of a bare floor, you should still provide
on them. They are very effective but the some sort of seal to inhibit dusting and
heat can be very harsh. They should not limit dirt staining. In the paragraphs on
be used where there could be a lot of decoration I mentioned the use of floor
combustible airborne dust (as in a wood paints so I won't repeat it here.

106 107

CHAPTER 10 ally easy to enter and the items that they
contain are easily disposed of. Unfortun-
members either already have, or they
quickly gain, a knowledge of the people
ately this means that workshops are likely who belong in their area. Faces which
targets - not because they are work- don't belong are taken notice of.
shops but because they are mistaken for So let's take a close look at each of the
ordinary outbuildings containing highly threats and see what you can do to mini-
saleable domestic bits and pieces such as mise the chances of being a victim.
lawnmowers, kids bikes etc. Once inside,

Security and even on finding that the contents are

specialised and of little 'street value', the
The opportunistic thief
This type of criminal relies on one simple
thief is very unlikely to leave empty-handed. fact - that people do not believe that they
As far as our workshop is concerned we could be burgled in the time it takes to
'(!I need to worry about three types of make a cup of tea so they don't lock up.
criminal: Let me assure you - you can. In the rest
of this chapter I shall attempt to give
People involved in creative hobbies have being shot! Now we're not that daft are (a) The opportunistic thief advice on the type of security measures
a gift which is often the envy of many we? We would either remove the problem (b) The ordinary burglar that can be fitted to a workshop, but there
people around them - the ability to create or be somewhere else wouldn't we? Sadly (c) The 'specialist' thief is very little that I can do about vigilance.
something beautiful from raw materials or that is not the case; it seems that many It is only vigilance that offers the best
sundry components. These creations are of us could do with feeling the tops our All three are bad news and they have protection against what is probably the
more than just functional pieces of kit; heads to see if there are two pointy things to be dealt with in different ways. In most prolific of criminals, the opportun-
they often embody the builder's spirit (and sticking out because we leave ourselves theory, if you take the necessary precau- istic or walk-in thief. Always remember
very often quite a few years of his life!). wide open to attack all the time - and tions against all three, you should be reas- that the greatest number of burglaries
To not lose such a creation to the likes of with the number of 'lions' steadily onably safe. Most people don't protect occur during the hours of daylight and
a petty criminal must be priority number increasing the odds of being the victim are themselves as I've already said and, rather each one takes but a few minutes. So, if
one for all creative artists. The moral? getting progressively shorter and shorter. perversely, we can use this 'aiding and you're not in it - lock it! Even the very
Look very closely at your workshop The 'lions' in this context are burglars. abetting' of Mr. Average to our advantage best locks are absolutely useless if you
security then reach into your pocket and They are very well aware of our general as a defence against at least two of the haven't turned the key.
protect it as you would your own family. laxity on the subject of security - indeed, criminal types. Before going into the sort In order to be vigilant you have make a
This won't completely guarantee they rely on it. This laxity doesn't just of precautions that you should take for simple psychological change - accept
immunity but if the worst does happen relate to the level of security that we fit each threat there is one thing that you can that you will probably be burgled one day.
you will at least be able to put your hand to our property though, it also applies to do that will help in the fight against all Always bear it in mind and never leave
on your heart and say that you did all that our basic attitude towards the problem. three: join your local Neighbourhood tools openly visible, or the workshop open
was possible to prevent it. There are We all know that burglars aren't masked Watch. Many people are cynical about and unlocked while you are indoors, or
already far too many people out there characters in striped jerseys and carrying these schemes but the truth is that they even while you are in the veg patch. Just
saying "If only I'd . . . " bags with swag written on them, but for have one massive advantage over all other consider how long it would take to walk
Have you ever watched one of those some reason we seem to believe that they types of policing - local knowledge. If into your workshop, pick up just one item,
wildlife programmes where a herd of only operate under cover of darkness - you are over 30 years old you will prob- such as an electric drill, and walk out:
gazelles stand around and wait for the and only use our security then. It may ably remember the days of the local bobby seconds. I can personally vouch for the
lions to pick one of them for lunch? They surprise you to learn that the majority of on his 'Noddy bike'. These bobbies oper- way that these crooks operate because
are following the principle that the sheer break-ins occur during the daytime, often ated over a much smaller area than the one plagued my own area for some time.
number of them reduces the odds of an while someone is still in the property individual policeman does today and, as Anything left in the garden while we
individual animal becoming the victim. It (down the garden), or while the owner has a result, he got to know all of the faces weren't around would simply disappear.
makes about as much sense as the whole just popped down the shops. that fitted into his patch. Those days have My own builder's level went that way -
population of a town crowding round a Garage, shed and outbuilding break-ins gone and so has the local knowledge that together with the bulbs out of the garden
lunatic with a gun to reduce the odds of are very common indeed. They are gener- the bobby had. Neighbourhood Watch lights! The police eventually caught him

108 109


and I got my level back but I was very average level of protection is woefully (a) One of the best ways is to make it point I would like to thank the Chubb
lucky. insufficient. Note that I'm talking about very obvious that there is protection Security Company for allowing me to
There are some positive things that you house burglary - so what level of security and so difficult to get round that the reproduce some examples of their security
can do to reduce the chances of receiving would normally be on an outbuilding? thief will look for easier pickings. If an equipment to illustrate the text. I should
a visit. Some were included in the chapter It is worth pointing out that while no- adequate level of security has been point out that I have no connection with
on planning but I will repeat them again: one is immune to being burgled, some are installed on a house the burglar will the company.
at far greater risk than others. The security only find out on attempting to break
(a) If at all possible position the work- measures that follow will result in a reas- in as they tend to be hidden for cos- The door
shop away from open view. If this onable level of protection. I have no doubt metic reasons. So, while our house The most obvious point of entry is the
just isn't possible then destroy any that this level will be insufficient for some security may be discreet, on the door because it is a most difficult opening
sight line into the windows or door by areas where even steel shutters and a workshop decent ironmongery and to make fully secure. Where the workshop
positioning a screen or wall. thick mesh grid in the roof may not deter even bars at the windows are not is directly connected to the house a
(b) It is an enormous advantage if the the thief. (Some ideas on protection such a problem. second door could be cut into the house
workshop is close to the house as this against extreme threats are given later in (b) We all do odd jobs for friends or wall and then the 'normal' door locked and
restricts the thief both in terms of the this chapter.) Be very careful about people we know in the pub but it isn't bolted from inside the workshop. For most
noise he can make and the amount of making your own assessment of what is necessary to go into detail about the situations though this probably won't be
head start he will have if detected. required as potential victims invariably machines that you have or the models the case so we will have to do our best
The last thing that he needs is a very underestimate the true risk. For advice call you have built - you never know to secure it from the outside. First on the
rapid response by you. the Crime Prevention Officer at your local who is listening. Similarly, don't leave list must be a decent lock and it must be
(c) Don't think that these characters police station and he will advise you based your pride and joy sitting on the front a deadlock. This means that the bolt
need an open door as an invitation to on crime levels in the area. lawn or sticking out of the back of the cannot be forced back into the casing
burgle. They will walk in and try a So what is a reasonable level? In theory car while having a break. The fewer when it is locked and the whole thing is
door to see if it is unlocked. If it is it is one that is sufficient to make the people that know about you the less of armoured construction. Then there is
then you're about to lose something. criminal look elsewhere. The trouble is the chance of becoming a victim. the question of the number of levers. They
(d) While a thief may only take one item, that this isn't as simple as it sounds be- (c) If possible you can try to hide the very commonly come in 5 or 7 lever types and
that item may be the very thing that cause burglars don't look at things in quite existence of the workshop by very the difference is that the 5 lever type has
you have spent three or four years the same way as you and I. What most careful siting in the garden but do not fewer key combinations - around 1 000
building or, perhaps even worse, it of us would consider to be well protected be fooled into thinking that disguise as against the 7 lever's 6000 or so. To my
may be something that you don't use probably isn't because while you will is a good way of avoiding being mind 5 levers are adequate for most
very often and its disappearance may reinforce all the obvious places the burglar burgled. As stated earlier; secrete situations. Maximum security will beach-
not be noticed immediately. In fact, will know of other ways of getting in that your workshop as a simple shed or in ieved with a lock fitted within the door
you may never realise that you have you will not have thought of. There is an an unprotected garage at your peril. thickness or on the inside of the door
been burgled! example of this in the section on doors (d) One insurance agent I spoke to said itself. For doors which do not have lock
later in this chapter. There is also a differ- that it is estimated that anything up recesses there are high security padlocks
The ordinary burglar ence in approaches in that you may fit a to half of the houses in this country and pad bars available which result in a
There are many burglars around that security device but will fail to test its have a key secreted within 1Om of similar level of security to the deadlock.
specialise in breaking into outbuildings. effectiveness simply because you may the door it fits - and guess who Detail 10. 1 shows a suitable deadlock and
The low risk, grossly inadequate security cause damage to say, the window frame. knows it? Details 10.2 and 10.3 show the equiva-
and highly saleable proceeds are clearly Thieves are no respecters of property and (e) Always lock up properly, even if you lent in padlock and pad bar technology.
attractive to the criminal types. The only will have no qualms about ripping the expect to be out for just a few With such a lock fitted most people
defence is to install effective security whole frame out if that will get them minutes. would think that the door is secure, but
devices to the door and window openings where they want to be. (f) Always check that you have locked it isn't. The burglar won't bother with the
- and to use them. It is said that a skilled Before looking in detail at the various ways up. lock at all. He will just jemmy open the
burglar can get into most houses in Britain of protecting the workshop itself there are hinge side! Next on the list then is to
(and probably elsewhere in the world), in a few fundamentals which can reduce the Let's look at a typical workshop and protect the hinge side and an obvious
less than two minutes simply because the risk of being burgled in the first place: analyse each risk area in detail. At this thing to do is to fit substantial hinges.

110 111

Latch is a simple latch. Most conventional butt hinges are hope- If you decide to use decent conventional
Lock is a latch and deadlock. lessly inadequate both in construction and butt hinges complete with long screws the
. Deadlock is a single deadlock. method of securing, especially when used hinge side will still be suspect and should
on outward opening doors. If you are be backed up with additional protection in
stuck with using this type then only use the form of steel security bolts as shown
ones made from good steel plate and buy in Detail 10. 5. They are fixed steel bolts
the biggest you can find. Biggest relates set into the door or frame near each hinge
to the length, and therefore the screw hole and are called hingebolts. As the door is
spacing, rather than to the thickness of closed the projecting pins engage in
the metal. Use the longest screws that the special sockets and they transfer the def-
frame will accept and I don't have to tell ence from the hinges to the hardened steel
E E you to drill pilot holes to prevent the frame bolts. They are absolutely essential for
from being massively weakened by split- outward opening doors.
ting, because you would anyway - Detail 10.6 shows a retractable version
wouldn't you? Outward opening doors are for fitting on the opening edge of a door
especially weak on the hinge side because and they are called mortice doorbolts. In
the edge of the door is exposed. Such this type the bolt runs in a tube set in
doors need a little more than decent either the door or frame and a socket
hinges. accepts the bolt in the closed position.
An alternative and far stronger hinge is They are much stronger than ordinary
available called a tee or plate hinge as doorbolts because they use the thickness
shown in Detail 10.4. Hang the door on of the door for support rather than a few
two of these with coachbolts right through tiny screws. A slight drawback when used
Detail 10.1 5 lever mortice lock. both the frame and the door and the on doors which are only locked from
casual burglar won't even bother to get outside is that as they are operated by a
the jemmy out! (It is important that these splined key and the keyhole will be visible.
hinges are through bolted with round Mind you, the hole is tiny and can be kept
headed coachbolts and not woodscrews discreet.
13mm SHACKLE 0 or coachscrews even if they have special There is one situation where the intruder
heads.) In higher risk areas it may be advi- might still try to open the door on the lock
sable to fit three such hinges. side even when deadlocks are fitted. That

L.eMgliiS". 300NvM 10 12C::CMM ~ ~i'.e~uett>f5 of 5"0/\11A'\.

----- lO '70/'WW-. ctMd HWtt ~ /AIIC'i.Uti.&wts of I50MM~.
70mm t(j t"200 /WI1\
Detail 10.2 Cruiser padlock. Detail 10.3 Heavy duty padbar. Detail 10.4 Heavy reversible T-hinge.

112 113

(b) When using brass screws, first run a sense!) There are three ways of dealing
steel screw in and then replace it with with this: use security glass (which is
a brass one. usually opaque); make sure that the win-
(c) Steel screws can be very difficult to dow opening is too small to get through;
screw into some hardwoods - and fix an obstruction on the inside to prevent
twice as difficult to get out later! Dip entry. The following advice is based on
the screw into lard or fat before the three points above but looks at
screwing it in. specific areas.
(d) Always remember that woodscrews Looking at the door first: a door window
are for joining wood, not for high is very convenient, especially in outward
security fixings. This applies espec- opening doors, because it will prevent you
ially when used with conventional from opening it when the Management is
doorbolts. The problem with them is about to bring in your tea ration! So, if
that once they have been forced a there is a window try to reduce its size to
little way their grip collapses by virtue a maximum of 300mm square. If it must
of the taper. Such fixings are best be bigger then glaze it with Georgian
made with long parallel screws such wired, reinforced glass or even one of the
as self tappers which have a grip near indestructible plastics such as
',,!1 proportional to their length. Macralon. Even then fit a bar on the inside
to stop the whole glass sheet being
If you have followed the advice given pushed in.
you should now have a very secure door I would also avoid using putty on the
- or have you? What about the door outside as the only method of holding the
construction? Many are double panelled, glass as the burglar that broke into my
Detail 10.5 Hinge bolts. is when the frame looks like it may be of with the upper one glazed and the lower brother's house did so by removing it,
softwood or insubstantial hardwood. If one fitted with a thin wood panel. The followed by the glass, and then reached
you have just spent good money on new window will be covered in the next section in and opened the window! My own
locks then for goodness sake make sure but the lower panel is often just a panelled windows are 'stuck in' with a flexible
the frame is up to the job. Similarly, the in window section. In other words the silicon and the panes were inserted from
lockplates or escutcheons are often fitted panel is just a bit of ply no thicker than the the inside. If the glass must be fitted from
by tiny screws little more than 12mm glass would be. Put your foot right in the outside, (because the frame was made
long. These little plates are very important middle, give it a really good push and ten that way), fit wood beading retainer strips
and an insufficient fixing could well nullify to one it will pop out! Replace the panel and then putty over them.
the whole lock's effectiveness. Make sure with something more substantial which is Most people will want their ordinary
that this bit is very well fixed and, if you both screwed and glued into place. Alter- windows to open but that means that a
suspect that the door frame might not be natively, back the thin panel up with a locking mechanism must be fitted. The
up to scratch, extend the plate by silver sheet of steel screwed or bolted in place weakness with all such devices is the
soldering it to a much longer plate that you from inside. fixings as they are invariably fixed to the
can get several screws into. Use the long- Right, the door is now as strong as a frame - that simply splits when brute
est screws possible to fix it to the frame. wooden door ever will be, now for the force is applied. In the case of a workshop
Just a few notes on screws: windows. the best thing to do is to assume that the
glass will be broken or the frame forced
(a) Many hardwoods eat steel screws! Windows open and arrange for another anti-entry
Always use good quality brass or stain- Windows have glass and glass breaks very device to prevent access. Bars are pro-
less steel ones for fixing the locks etc. easily. (I know, I know, but if I hadn't said bably the best. They are visible and there-
Detail 10.6 Mortice door bolts. and always drill a pilot hole first. it the next sentence wouldn't have made fore a good deterrent and if fitted correctly

114 115

can be immensely strong. Always fit them is very small treat it like a door and secure (b) Self-switching lights: these units electricity and if the workshop power
on the inside because if the burglar can get it properly with a drop-in bar from inside switch the lights on at random inter- supply cable is clearly visible then one
a good hold on them there is every chance (like a Wild West fort gate), or make it vals during the hours of darkness. good yank could render your security
he will get them off. A simple angle iron from steel, coachbolt the runners that it They are of dubious use in this system null and void. If you fit such
frame with bars every 1 50/200mm will be runs in and lock it with a steel pin. context because they are intended to a system ensure that it has battery
fine. Make the bars from gas barrel tube be used where the intruder cannot back-up and a power supply failure-
at least 1 5mm diameter and fix the frame Non-physical deterrents actually see whether the lights were on trigger. The alarm may not be as
well away from the window area so the We live in a high-tech world just brimming turned on by a person or automati- loud on the back-up system as on full
burglar can't simply look in after breaking with all sorts of equipment which will cally. It would only take a glance power though and it will tend to go
the glass and undo the fixings. If you don't purport to protect your property. They through the window to confirm that off every time there is a power cut.
want to feel as if you're in a prison make don't - you still need to have conven- the place is empty and they may even It is possible that many people buy
the bars horizontal. tional anti-burglar devices fitted otherwise assist the burglar as he will get a good these units in the belief that the very
If you really do object to bars of any sort all the technology will tell you is that you look at the contents while he's high decibel rating of the alarm will
then fix shelves right across the window have just been burgled! It is possible that breaking in! drive out any intruder. It is true that
starting as far away from the window proximity lights or the presence of an (c) Intruder alarms: these systems have intense noise can be very painful but
edge as you can. It is possible that a intruder alarm box on the wall might deter developed very rapidly over the years a burglar will be prepared for it; he's
burglar might force them off but it will be a burglar but I wouldn't bet on it. Burglars and can be obtained at reasonable seen it all before.
incredibly noisy, especially if your shelves tend not to hang around for too long and cost. There are basically two types:
fill up with the same sort of miscellanea they know that by the time you or the one is the conventional switch type You may have got the impression that
as mine do! If you need or like the light police have reacted they will be down the where you wire every opening to the I am not over enamoured with these sys-
from the window then just don't put road. They also know that only very brave central unit; the other is the wave tems, and you would be right. I do believe
anything on them immediately in front of men will confront an intruder, especially interference (infra-red or ultrasonic) that for the purpose of protecting a
the glass. It stands to reason of course at night. type that detects any movement workshop, effective prevention of entry is
that you won't put anything on them to For those who want the additional within the protected area. far better than any sort of rear-guard
actually encourage a break-in. security there are several systems They do have drawbacks. All action.
Double-glazed units can have some available as follows: variations have an 'on delay' that
really good locking mechanisms with the allows rightful entry to disarm the The 'specialist' burglar
handle operating top and bottom bolts (a) Proximity lights: these switch on aut- system (so you can get in) but, as the This sort of thief is a totally different kettle
from inside the frame, much like the secret omatically if someone approaches disarming can involve punching in a of fish to the opportunistic or ordinary
bolts mentioned earlier. The trouble is that within a certain distance but unfor- code, delay periods of around 45 burglar type just discussed. When a model
an automatic centre-punch will make tunately the all too obvious detector seconds are common. This means or a particular piece of machinery is stolen
short work of the toughened glass fitted will tell the crook that you didn't that by the time the alarm sounds the it always suggests to me that the victim
into them so you will still need bars on switch the light on. They are of no burglar is not only inside but has was targeted, probably by someone who
windows big enough to get through. use if you or the rest of the street are probably grabbed what he wants. He has a similar interest. Stealing a 1OOkg
If you have secured the door and unaware that the thing has triggered can come back later for anything else train is no mean feat and there has to be
windows and the main structure of the - except that it means the burglar he has seen but not had time to grab! a specific reason for doing so. The burglar
workshop is well constructed then you will not have to hold his torch! There is also a credibility problem (or his paymaster). also has to have the
can consider that you have done your Because these units switch the power with of these types of alarm - people knowledge and the facilities to either use
utmost to discourage entry. Normally the on to the lamp you could tap into this just ignore them! So if you are out the or dispose of the thing profitably.
door and windows will be the only breaks and use it to ring a bell or siren inside chances are that no-one else will The awful thing about this crime is that
in the building fabric but if you add any the house and the thief may well run respond to your alarm ringing until the thief will not only know who you are,
others make sure that they are suitably for it empty handed. Don't forget several hours later when they phone he will know where you live, where your
protected. I'm thinking of the sort of flap though that in daylight the proximity the police to complain about the workshop is and what it is you have that
or low level opening which a train enth- unit switches off so it can't be used noise! he wants to steal. It is quite possible that
usiast may use to roll his loved creation for daytime protection. Similarly, if A further weakness in these he may even have looked your workshop
into the workshop for servicing. Unless it you are out, the system is useless. systems is that they are powered by over, possibly even with you being there,

116 117

but more likely at night or when you are don't know. Transporting models are remote from the rest of civilisation and In the case of sustained and extreme
out. I stated earlier that part of the battle should be carried out discreetly so just waiting for the local crooks to practice attempts to gain entry the only thing that
against crime is secrecy but hobbyists are don't leave the thing half hanging out on before they move into more glamorous can be done is to totally armour the
usually incredibly sociable people. Those of the back of the car while you have activities - like armed robbery! Then exterior to the point where if you lose the
that build locomotives for instance, take a break. Nor should you give your there is the threat from the other social keys you will never get inside again! I have
them to the local track, give everybody address to people who say that they misfit - the vandal. had experience of the extreme threat
rides and talk to anyone who asks about are interested in starting in the hobby. Vandalism: dealing first with 'simple' van- situation because two business associates
their hobby. It only takes one thief to It just isn't worth it. Send them to the dalism (because outright vandalism needs of mine own a metal fabrication works in
identify you as the bloke from the green local Model Society meeting instead. the protection of the extreme threat Stockport where this sort of crime is con-
house or whatever and your model could (2) The vault: banks are strong buildings precautions that follow). This is where the sidered normal. They moved their works
be on its way out of your life. with all sorts of defensive mechan- vandals are not necessarily interested in to new premises and the office was a
The real problem with this type of thief isms to prevent unwanted entry, but gaining entry - not when they can burn single storey building built as an annexe
is his determination. He will have planned that doesn't mean that they leave the it down! The two things that these people onto the factory exterior. The wooden
the theft, taking into account the location money lying all over the place! They really like are paint and fire, and the one door was protected by a deadlock and
and access to the workshop, together stash it in the vault. So why not have thing that they don't like is glass. The first mesh anti-vandal screens covered the
with some method of carrying the spoils. one of your own? If you can build a thing they do is break all of the windows windows. Soon after setting up in the new
He will already know about your regular locomotive then a steel box with high and then totally deface all of the walls in office it was broken into by smashing the
Saturday visit to the supermarket with quality padlocks and a floor of record time. When they've finished on the door down and the computer, switch-
your wife; that you disappear up the pub 1 50mm thick concrete should be a paint job they will probably set fire to it. board and fax machine were stolen. The
on certain nights of the week and that doddle. Just pop the old Chao Chao Clearly a wood structure in these areas is stolen equipment was, of necessity,
every Friday at 8 pm. you go to the in there when it's not in use and it not likely to last long so at least the outer immediately replaced and the owners
Society clubhouse. In this sort of situation should be pretty safe. skin must be of brick or block construc- improved the security by fitting heavy
I'm not sure that there is much you can (3) The decoy: there is a lot to be said for tion. The designs given in this book are steel cages over the windows and door
do to protect your workshop from being not even putting the model where the therefore definitely not suitable for this secured with massive bolts through the
broken into. Once its existence and thief will think it should be. How kind of location. walls. Within a week it was burgled again:
location are known then you have a very about a steel box set in your garden To upset their plans on the painting the the new security devices being dealt with
difficult problem as this type of burglar is disguised as say, a cold frame? most easily arranged deterrent is pebble by chaining the door cage to a car and
not going to be put off by a few dead- dash. This was used extensively by local driving off! All the kit was stolen again.
locks, secret bolts, flashing lights or The above relates, as you can see, to councils on houses built in a hurry just The insurers were now beginning to bleat
expensive alarm systems. Two or three model engineers but the same applies to before WW2 because the bricks used for and in order to satisfy them the door and
good blows with a sledgehammer will split every hobby where the end result is some- . the walls were unfaced and of very poor frame were replaced with a steel ones
the door from top to bottom and in less thing that somebody else will want to own quality. The rendering gave a decorative which presented a completely smooth
than two minutes both he and your model or sell. and weatherproof finish to the walls. In outer face. The windows were also fitted
will be gone. If he attacks during the day our context the rendering should be done with smooth steel shutters; the idea being
while you are out the chances are that no- Extreme threats with the biggest pebbles that the render that if they can't get hold of it they can't
one else will take a blind bit of notice All of the foregoing should result in a will stand - it really does mess up the remove it! Sure enough the thief returned:
because you are always banging anyway! reasonable level of protection for the aerosol spray pattern! he didn't bother with the door or windows
In this situation I can only offer three average workshop but what about To protect the windows they can be - he smashed his way through the roof!
defences: situations that have extreme threats? I'm covered by heavy mesh grills but to be (For those that haven't twigged, the thief
thinking of those people that live in highly honest you would be better off fitting full knew that each time he burgled the place
( 1) Secrecy: I know from what I have built up areas where petty crime seems to shutters as described in the full works that the stolen equipment would be replaced
already said that it is very difficult to be part of every boy's education. The follows. - so he just kept coming back!)
keep your hobby a secret but always workshop in these areas will be remote So what can you do? Try the following
be aware that there are certain times from the house (where the owner lives in The full works measures:
when your workshop location is liable a flat) and probably very exposed. The The full works must cover two eventual-
to become known to people that you same applies to clubhouses where they ities - entry and destruction. (a) Obviously wood is out as the main

118 119

construction material. The outer leaf but the real problem with it is the lock. If something does go walkies periodicals supporting your particular
could be constructed from brick as Alii can suggest is that decent dead- If you are unfortunate enough to 'lose' hobby may be prepared to publish both a
previously suggested or it could be locks are built into the (preferably something you could find yourself in a picture and a description.
sheathed in 3mm sheet steel. This is steel) door itself so that it is first very difficult situation. Just take a minute Crime will never be stopped. All the
not such a daft idea as it sounds locked and the steel shutter closed to think of something you have made and indications are that it is going to get
because steel is very cheap and easily over it. The steel shutter should itself then describe it, in the same way you considerably worse. No-one is immune, no
joined by stitch welding. To make the be locked by a pair of substantial bolts would to the authorities, so that there matter how well protected his or her
structure fireproof it must be stood fixed in the same way as the rear door would be no question that if it is found it property may be, but that should not stop
off from the wood below by at least of a van - both connected by a twist is indeed yours. While you're at it, try to people from doing their utmost to reduce
12mm and the corners must be seal- lever which pushes and pulls the bolts describe it so the authorities know what the risk.
ed by stitch welding to a steel angle vertically. The bolts themselves they are looking for in the first place! Finally, as a means of brightening an
running the height of the wall. To limit should be driven into holes in steel Yours will not be the only B0-80 locom- otherwise sombre and depressing subject,
the success of the local artists weld plates fixed from inside the work- otive model or reproduction Henry VIII I can relate a story that I read in the press
on mesh trellises and grow any ever- shop. The twist lever can be locked commode ever made. The thief, if caught, some time ago that shows that occasion-
green vine or ivy. After a couple of by the heaviest duty deadlock or may claim that he actually made it and not ally the criminal doesn't get it all his own
years the whole outer wall area will deadbolt that you can find which you. way. The story concerned a lady who
be invisible. engages with a cut-out in the You must mark and photograph any owned two pet Alsatians who also acted
(b) The door and windows must be mechanism in the closed position. models or items of equipment that are at as guard dogs. On one occasion when she
protected by steel shutters which are Obviously the deadlock must be risk of being lost . Markers can be purch- was away on holiday her neighbour, who
completely smooth on the outside mounted on the inside of the shutter ased very cheaply and all that you need was feeding the dogs through a hole in the
and which fit closely to the walls. The on studs welded to take it and the key do is to put your postcode in a few places. garden fence as a safety precaution, was
window shutters can be top hinged passed through a hole in the shutter. Place at least one mark in a position that concerned at the non-appearance of one
and fitted with lower edge bolts The twist lever should be removable will not involve any dismantling because of the dogs. Fearing that the dog was ill,
which pass through tubes into the so that only a square hole is left - the police use highlighting equipment to the neighbour was waiting at the gate for
inside where nuts with 50mm square otherwise the local crooks will simply check all retrieved property. The presence the return of the owner several days later.
washers tacked on are run onto the snap the lever off flush and really of a postcode will enable them to identify The owner rushed into the house and was
threads. The thread should be at least mess you up! the true owner even if you have not yet relieved to find both the dogs perfectly fit
20mm diameter. The shutter should (d) The roof is something which most reported it missing. Photographing every and well - which is more than could be
be built up onto a steel angle frame people overlook as a point of entry - item is also a helpful means of iden- said for the burglar they had pinned up
onto which the hinge bolts and including my friends! If fire is a tification for the police, and specialist against a wall in the lounge!
securing bolts are welded and their possibility then it must be sheathed
actual position should not be visible in steel or aluminium. If it is of another
from outside. Obviously the hinge form of construction other than wood
bolts should be free to rotate but so (such as tiles) then you could fix
should the fixing bolts. Make these by heavy 1 OOmm square mesh just
welding gussets into the corner of the under the rafters. Alternatively the
angle with a pin passing through the ceiling inside the workshop could be
end of the bolt and holes in the gus- replaced by steel or aluminium with
sets. Slide the gussets onto the pin sheet polystyrene stuck on for
and then weld into the frame so it insulation and decoration.
cannot be taken apart. The sheeting
of the shutter should be at least 3mm At the end of your efforts you should
steel and continuously welded to the have a completely bland and featureless
frame or returned around the back of box with not a single edge or fixing
it. sticking out which the thieves can get a
(c) The door should be treated similarly chain or a jemmy behind.

120 121

on the domestic property? This relates to
building loss rather than contents.
smaller items. In general most of these
items would require partial dismantling
A None of the categories mentioned before removal. There will also be a
would require a specific type of cover or quantity of handtools and attachments
extension to the normal domestic build- lying loose. The value can vary consider-
ings policy. ably and could be from 1,500 to above
a Are wooden building disadvantaged as 10,000.
far as insurance cover is concerned speci- a Would the Insurers expect the existence

Insurance matters fically in relation to the probable total loss

in the event of fire?
A Buildings of non-standard construction
of this valuable equipment to be specifi-
cally declared?
A Tools used solely for personal use and
(that is, not built of brick, stone or which are included within the Contents
concrete or with a tiled roof) may repre- Sum Insured* are normally covered. How-
sent a greater fire hazard. This is certainly ever, where there is some business use
the case with regard to buildings of wood involved or if the tools concerned are of
In the previous chapter on security I stated insurance companies in this country, Sun construction. In respect of the whole particularly high value, details should be
that most people are surprisingly lax in Alliance Insurance UK. As a result I am house, where a workshop of wooden referred to the insurer.
protecting themselves against the very especially indebted to Sun Alliance and construction represents a substantial a Would the contents be best covered by
real danger of being burgled. Guess what? the Superintendent of the Household proportion of the risk, this may need to be an independent policy or simply by an
We're no better when it comes to Customer Services Division, Mr K. reflected in the terms and premium applied extension to the existing house contents
insurance! Consider the following list of MacGregor, who took the time to provide to the policy. insurance?
questions: detailed answers to each question. a Most workshops will be supplied with A Cover can usually be included under the
In order to give some structure to the electricity only. Some though could have existing domestic insurance policy. Should
( 1) Is your workshop insured? subject I divided the questions into three large bottles of Calor type gas, oxyacety- the tools form part of the policyholder's
(2) Is it covered by your household con- areas: the buildings, the contents - tools lene or flammable solvents. What effect business then a separate policy may be
tents, or perhaps, by your building and the contents - models. I hope that would these have on the preparation of a more appropriate. Again, the insurance
insurance? you find all of the answers that you need premium or in the settlement of a claim? company should be contacted for advice.
(3) What about the creations that you among them. There are of course two situations to a It is not very likely that the loss of all
have spent up to ten years building consider; the flammable substances were equipment would occur as a result of a
- are they covered for their true value The buildings the primary cause of the loss, or, the burglary as it is all rather specialised - and
- are they insured at all? Most workshops fall into one of the fol- flammable substances simply worsened very heavy! Apart from small individual
(4) What if your latest invention goes lowing categories: an existing loss situation. losses the most likely cause for a large
berserk and destroys not only the A Likewise, the storage of flammable claim would be through the total destruc-
workshop but the house as well? (a) Purpose built or adapted brick solvents and bottles of gas increases the tion of the building. Would this affect the
structure. chances of a fire or explosion occurrence. premium?
The chances are that the vast majority (b) Purpose built or adapted all wood Full details should be disclosed to the A Premiums are calculated on the total
of people have never given much thought structure. insurer. As a general guideline, we recom- values at risk and we do not allow for
to the subject, let alone know the answers (c) Partitioned off area in an existing mend that, whenever possible, all such selection of particular items against spec-
to any of the questions. I must admit that structure such as a garage. This is combustible materials are stored away ific perils. Therefore, the premium is not
I didn't know the answers either but, as probably the most common type. from the house. affected.
the famous saying goes, I know a man (d) The average size is probably in the
who does! order of 3m x 2m. The contents - tools
To try to obtain answers to these and The contents of a workshop can vary con-
other pertinent questions I thought up a Do any of these require a specific type siderably. In general there will be fixed * It is up to the insured to value the contents of a
property and then obtain suitable cover to that value.
every possible query that I could and of cover or an extension of the normal machinery such as lathes, a drilling Therefore, when assessing the cover required, you
approached one of the most well known building policy which must already exist machine, milling machine and other should allow for the value of the workshop contents.

122 123

a If the structure is independent of the a Would a 'true value' insurance policy be payment on the basis of having covered Gregor's advice "I would stress to any
main building would a certain minimum available? the whole risk - not just the bit that was policyholder who is uncertain about their
level of security be demanded by the A Most policies will provide to replace or lost. cover to contact their insurance company
Insurers? economically repair damaged items. I will close the chapter with Mr. Mac- for advice".
A This will all depend on the individual a Would any special security measures be
circumstances of the risk. required by the Insurer and would they
a If the owner of the structure can demon- have any effect on the premium?
strate that extensive security measures A This will depend upon the particular risk
have been taken would this affect the concerned.
premium? Q To model engineers one of the most
A In certain instances, a discount is given satisfying parts of the hobby is displaying
in recognition of good home security but their handiwork or giving rides at public
this does depend upon the individual cir- events. Ignoring matters concerning
cumstances. public liability, (which I believe is covered
a Would the Insurers be in a position to by the venue normally), what is the
advise on the most effective types of position regarding models in transit or
security based on experience? stored on site in, say, an estate car or -',_1

A We are happy to offer our policyholders caravan?

advice on home security. Also, the local A Most domestic contents policies can be
Crime Prevention Officer is a good source extended to cover models at public events
of information. and the transportation to and from these.
a Would an 'as new' policy be available? The premiums and terms applicable may
A Replacement as new cover is available. vary in accordance with each risk.
a In the event of a loss, (total or partial),
The contents- models occurring to an individual who simply
I don't know if you are familiar with the carries adequate building and contents
type of models constructed by the mod- insurance as per an ordinary household,
elling fraternity but the word 'model' often what would be the Insurers response to
seems totally inadequate as a description. receiving a claim involving such a loss?
In some cases they are true working A Each case would be looked at on its own
miniature replicas of full size steam individual merits. Generally speaking, pro-
engines. In the case of a large prototype vided the sums insured adequately reflect
then the model isn't so miniature; often the value of the contents and the full
weighing 200kg or more! These beautiful rebuilding cost of the property, claims will
creations can represent many thousands be viewed sympathetically.
of hours work by the builder and up to It would seem from the answers received
3,000 in the cost of raw materials alone. that provided the level of cover purchased
It is these items that are most likely to be by the insured is sufficient to cover the
the reason for a burglary. worst event of total loss, then modellers
a Should each model above a certain per- need only to make special arrangements
ceived value be individually insured? for very high value or near irreplaceable
A Each policy should be checked carefully items in their possession. To stress the
in order to ascertain whether items need point further: it is important to realise that
to be individually insured. Where there is although the level of insurance may be
any doubt, advice should be sought from sufficient to cover a particular loss, the
the insurer. insurance company will assess the

124 125

Imperial Metric
gallon 4.54 ltr .fltr 0.219 gal
cu.ft 0.028 cu.m 1 cu.m 35.3 cu.ft
1 cu.yd 0.76 cu.m 1 kg 2.2 lb
1 lb 0.45 kg 1 tonne 0.98 ton
1 in 25.4 mm 1 kw 1.34 hp
, hp 0.745 kw
Tables and data
Builders' sand: Fine sand, used for mortar and rendering.
Sharp sand: Coarse sand, used for concrete and screeds.
Aggregate: Stones graded by size, used for concrete in the
One of the real problems with data con- sions are given in the form of metric
Ballast: 75% aggregate, 25% sharp sand, used for
version is that you end up with funny numbers for use by constructors where
numbers. Imperial dimensions do not con- true metric sizes are in use and converted
Pea shingle: Fine stones, used for drainage channels.
vert into metric numbers. 2 in converts for imperial users who are confronted by
Damp-proof membrane: 1000 grade plastic sheet.
into 50.8mm but 50.8 is not a metric metricated sizes:
Vapour barrier: 500 grade plastic sheet.
number - 50 is. So, the following conver-
Damp-proof course: 11 5mm wide textured plastic.
Sheet insulation: Extruded polystyrene.
Weatherboard: Feathered edged planks.
Shiplap boarding: Contoured or profiled planks.

Imperial Metric Converted Imperial Metric Converted MIXES
1 lb 0.5 kg 0.5 kg 0.5 in 10 mm 12 mm General purpose concrete 5 parts ballast, 1 part cement.
2 lb 1 kg 0.9 kg 1 in 25 mm 25 mm Floor screed: 5 parts sharp sand, 1 part cement.
1 cwt 1.5 in 40 mm 38 mm Mortar: 5 parts builders' sand, 1 part cement.
( 112 Ib) 50 kg 51 kg 2 in 50mm 51 mm
1 ton 3 in 75 mm 76 mm
(2240 lb) 1000 kg 1016 kg 4 in 100 mm 102 mm
5 in 125 mm 127 mm QUANTITIES
6 in 150 mm 152 mm
50kg of fine concrete mix: Produces 0.23 sq.m concrete 100mm thick or
7 in 175 mm 178 mm
0.023 cu.m.
8 in 200 mm 203 mm 1 cwt of fine concrete mix: Produces 2.45 sq.ft concrete 4 in. thick or
9in 225 mm 229 mm
0.812 cu.ft.
10 in 250 mm 254 mm 50kg of fine concrete mix: Requires approx 4.25 litres of water for a stiff
11 in 275 mm 279 mm mix.
1 ft 300 mm 305 mm cwt of fine concrete mix: Requires approx 7. 5 pints of water for a stiff
6ft 2m 1.8 m
8ft 2.5 m 2.4 m
10 .ft 3.m 3m 'i NOTE: For all normal purposes 50kg = 1 cwt

126 127

Covenants power demand 1 00
.. restrictions on use 18 power supply 100, 101
Cupboards regulations 99
general 14, 104 Enforcement Order
sources 104 general 17
Ergonomic triangle
D principle 11
De admen
Index to make 20
designing for 10, 14
Exterior design
options 14, 27
general 96
External cladding
corner detailing 76
limitation of 4
finishing 81
installing 76
electrics 1 04
types 27
roofs 91
A general 27
walls 90 .:~
fitting 76
Aggregate Door F
make-up 23 location 11' 13
False wood floor
c security 26, 111 .. ,.,
general 56
B sourcing 26
Catenary construction 56
handing 13
Ballast general 101 Floor boards 44
sizes 23 installation 101 concrete 23, 45
installation 69
Bases Cavity tray covering 46, 106
general 37 general 84 elevation 37
general 25 "'{
lowered floor 55 installation 84 false wood 56, 57
fitting 46
over existing concrete 48 Ceilings finishes 46, 56
standard concrete 52 construction 64, 66 insulation 40, 44, 47
bitumen 26, 56
removable 49 general 60 invalid access 38
general 25, 46
Bench tops Cement removable 28
fitting 39, 46, 48
materials 105 general 23 screed 23, 24
Birdsmouth Concrete sheeting 42, 44
existing 35, 36
proportions 72 constituents 23 thickness 42, 44, 57
general 33
Bricklaying cream 24 timber 40
land drain 36
how to 45 floors 45, 48-56 ventilation 40, 42
soakaway 33-35
Builders level insulation 4 7 Folding wedges
waterbutt 33
to make 19 laying 24 using 95
Burglars reinforcement 4 7 :." Foundations
extreme threats 11 8
strength 24 laying out 31
documenting items 1 21 thickness 4 7 Eaves location 9
general 108 Conduit general 74 trenches 31
opportunistic 109 general 32 Electrics Framing
ordinary burglars 110 installation 32 design 100 erecting 67
specialist burglars 11 7 Conservation areas general 99 materials 21, 22
Butyl sheet roofing special considerations 18 installation 101-104 sizing 58

128 129

G selection 40 ',1, ,1' ]\ framing (studwork) 21, 22, 58 0
sizing 42, 44 furniture 1 04
Garage conversions Opportunistic thieves
specification 40 hardcore 23, 30
ceilings 95 defences against 109
; inner lining 13, 27
damp sealing 95
',,i:: insulation 28 p
floors 95 K
joists 40, 42, 44
general 93
Kerbing kerbing 28, 52 Painted roof finish
walls 95 cutting 52 lime (mortar) 52 general 28
Ground condition
general 28 membranes 25, 39, 40, 48 applying 74
checking 9, 30 I.
installation 52 mortar 23 Pea shingle ,1 1. <\,',;
most suitable types 9, 30 paving slabs 28, 52 general 25
l pea shingle 25 uses 25, 34, 36
general 30, 31
rafters 60, 62, 72 Perimeter walls
Land drain roof sheeting 27, 60, 74 construction 45, 46
H general 36 roof coverings 28, 74, 76 general 45
Hardcore construction 36 sand 25 Pitched roof
general 23, 30 Landlord security equipment 108-116 general 64
settling 23 notification 8 screed 23, 24 construction 73
Heating Lean-to's windows 13 covering 75
general 13, 105 general 83 wiring 99 insulation 64
planning 13 construction 84 wood 21 ventilation 66
types 105, 106 noise 9 worktops 105 Planning Act
Health Act roof joints 85 Membranes application 7
regulations 18 vibration 9 DPC 25 building height 8
Lighting DPM 25, 26, 39, 46 building sight line 7
general 13, 97 liquid form 26, 48, 56 enforcement order 1 7
positioning 98 vapour barrier 25, 40, 46, 71, 90 landlord notification 8
Insulation Limitation Mineral roofing felt listed buildings 1 8
installation 28, 64, 69, 70 design 4 fitting 74 permitted development 7, 8
locations 28, 69, 70 Listed buildings general 28 prohibited development 1 7
types 28, 69 special regulations 18 Mono-pitch roof rules 7
Insurance Local authorities construction 72 Planning
building 1 22 general 7, 16, 18 covering 74 access 8
general 122 regulations 7, 16, 18 material sizes 60 internal layout 10
specific items 1 23, 124
ventilated 60 regulations 7, 8, 16, 17, 18
Internal layout
Mortar siting 8
designing 10 M constituents 23 Power supply
Internal lining
Materials using 45 general 9, 100, 101
types 13, 27
aggregate 23 marking 32
installation 76
ballast 23 N Prefabricated walls
Invalid access
cement 23 construction 69
general 38 Noggins
cladding 27 Proprietary buildings
lowered floor design 38, 55 general 67, 68
concrete 23-25 types 93
J doors 26
general 1 7, 1 8
floor coverings 46, 106 R .,... J't'
Joists floor treatments 46 general 1 7, 18 Rafters

130 131

birdsmouth 62, 72 general 23, 24 Control of Pollution Act 1 8 dampness 84
construction 60, 72 reinforcement 4 7 Town & Country Planning 16 foundation 83
sizing 60 thickness 4 7 Storage lining 84, 86
Regulations Screening allocation 14 perimeter 44, 45
Enforcement Order 1 7 planning 9 ideas 104, 105 piers 83
Health Act 1 8 Security Subsoil soldiers 83
lEE regulations 99 building location 9 level of 31 spine 39, 40
landlord approval 8 deadlocks 111 types (lean-to) 84
listed buildings 18 doorbolts 11 1 T why not 58
Planning regulations 7, 8, 16, 18 door security 111 Tamper Wall (wood)
Removable base general 108 To make 20 construction 59
construction 49-52 hingebolts 113 Timber floors material sizing 58
general 28 hinges 113 general 38 Wall insulation
materials 28, 49 non-physical deterrents 11 6 insulation 40, 44 installation 69
Removable walls window security 11 5 loading 39 Wall junctions
construction 2, 90 Services simple 40 construction 68, 76, 86
fixings 48 location 9, 32 suspended 42 Wallplate
general 2 marking 32 Tools general 39
Ring main overhead 101 required 19 installation 39, 69, 91
general 102 trench specifications 32 home made 19-21 Waterbutt
installation 102-104 underground 32 Topsoil general 33
Rocking wedge water 32, 33 general 30 Water
to make 21 Service trench supply 32, 33
to use 76 sizing 32 v 'I Windows
Roof marking 32 Vandalism installation 69
construction 72, 73 Shelves protection against 119 location 13
Roof coverings ideas 105 Vapour barrier security 13, 11 5
butyl sheeting 28, 76 Soakaway general 25 sourcing 26
mineral felt 28, 74 construction 34, 35 installation 40, 46, 71, 90 Wiring
painted rubber 28, 74 sizing 34 Ventilation demountable 104
Roof insulation Spine walls building 97 lighting 104
installation 64, 66 effects 39, 40, 42 floor 40, 42 loading 100
Roof sheeting general 40, 42 general 37 ring main 102
types 27 Splay nailing roof (mono-pitch) 60, 73, 88 Wood
thicknesses 60 general 81 roof (pitched) 74 general 21, 22
installation 74 Square (large) Verges covering 75 Wood floors
Roof ventilation to make 21 '' ' Vibration general 9 construction 40-45, 56
general 60 Standard concrete base general 38, 40
mono-pitch 60, 73, 88 construction 52 w insulation 40, 44
pitched 66, 74 Statutory regulations Wall (brick) simple 40
planning laws 7, 8, 16, 18 building 45, 83 ,, , suspended 42
s planning permission 16
building regulations 18
Sand conservation areas 18
types 25 listed buildings 1 8
Screed Health Act 1 8

132 133

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