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Brussels, 17th June 2008

Questions and Answers on Nanotechnologies (see also


What are nanotechnologies?

Nanosciences and nanotechnologies are new approaches to research and
development that aim to control the fundamental structure and behaviour of matter at
the level of atoms and molecules. They offer the possibility of furthering our
understanding of phenomena at the atomic level, and make possible the
development of materials and devices with novel properties, functions and

Why are nanotechnologies important for the economy and job

Nanotechnologies are pervasive enabling technologies with far-reaching effects.
They are expected to help address many problems facing todays society. Market
analysts foresee a world market for nanotechnologies worth between 750 and 2000
billion by 2015, and estimate that 10 million nana-related jobs will be created by
2014, i.e. 10% of all manufacturing jobs world-wide. The Commission expects
nanotechnologies to contribute directly to the Lisbon Strategy, including to the
competitiveness of the European industry.

What are the expected benefits of nanotechnologies for citizens and

The applications of nanotechnologies are expected to bring everyday benefits for
consumers through new products, novel health applications and reduced
environmental impacts. Applications already appearing include improved materials
and surfaces, information and communication technologies, medical diagnostics,
therapeutic tools, textiles, household products and so forth.

What are expected benefits of nanotechnologies for European

Nanosciences and nanotechnologies are expected to provide a new competitive
edge to European industry and to the European economy as a whole, and to
contribute to job creation. The industrial application of nanotechnologies enables the
manufacture of novel and improved materials that will have impacts on information
and communication technologies, energy efficiency in production through novel
catalysts, energy generation via more efficient solar panels, energy storage,
manufacturing and instrumentation, surface finishing and lubrication as well as
environmental protection and remediation.
What are the expected benefits of nanotechnologies for the
Nanosciences and nanotechnologies can contribute to a more sustainable use of
natural resources, due to processing and production systems that use energy and
raw materials more efficiently. Substitution of certain environmentally harmful
materials (e.g. lubricants) could be possible. The development of nanotechnology-
based remediation methods may in the future help clean up environmental damage
and pollution. Research in energy efficiency, production and storage, lightweight
materials and modern insulation construction materials may likewise contribute to
climate change mitigation.

What is the European policy approach to nanotechnologies?

In its Strategy and Action Plan for nanosciences and nanotechnologies, the
European Commission has adopted a policy for an integrated, safe and responsible
development and use of nanotechnologies. This means that innovative development
and a proactive stance on potential concerns to human health and the environment,
as well as ethical issues and other societal considerations, are integrated with the
technical development. This approach is supported by European Council and
European Parliament as well as by stakeholders.

What is the role of the Commission here?

The Commission plays two main roles, acting as a policy maker and a research
funding body. For details, see specific questions on research, regulation, safety and
Code of Conduct.

How is the Commission promoting research on nanotechnologies in

The Commissions strategy in research funding is to develop nanotechnologies with
due regard to societal needs and likely benefits, and the competitiveness of
European industry. The total amount dedicated to nanotechnologies under the 6th
Framework Programme for research was 1.4 billion, with a further 0.6 billion
already allocated in 2007, the first year of the 7th Framework Programme for
research and development for 2007-2013. The Commission has now become the
largest single public funding agency of nanotechnology in the world, and accounts
for a third of public funding of nanotechnology research in the EU. This funding is
bearing fruit in terms of increasing industrial participation, patents and innovation.
Some examples from recent calls for proposals are:
- Nanomedicine: Targeted drug delivery and tissue regeneration offer promise for
the treatment of serious diseases like cancer.
- Nanostructured materials may be used for water remediation.
- Nanostructured catalysts may improve energy conversion (in solar cells or fuel
- Nanostructured catalysts with tailor-made functional surfaces may also make
industrial processes more efficient and more sustainable.
- Pilot lines to introduce nanotechnology-based processes into the value chain of
existing industries.

How is the Commission promoting innovation on nanotechnologies in
The EU innovation strategy, programmes and activities all apply to nanotechnologies
and nanomaterials. The Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme
(CIP) aims to boost the competitiveness of European enterprises. With small and
medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) as its main target, the programme will support
innovation activities (including eco-innovation), provide better access to finance and
deliver business support services in the regions. It will encourage a better take-up
and use of information and communications technologies (ICT) and help to develop
the information society. It will also promote the increased use of renewable energies
and energy efficiency.

What are the potential risks of nanomaterials to human health and the
Because nanomaterials exhibit novel properties, they may expose humans and the
environment to new risks. To identify the potential risks created by nanomaterials in
specific applications, the Commission is relying on advice from the Scientific
Committees and Panels of the European Community.
In its 2006 opinion, the Scientific Committee for Emerging and Newly Identified
Health Risks (SCENIHR) stated that although the existing toxicological and
ecotoxicological methods are appropriate to assess many of the hazards associated
with the products and processes involving nanoparticles, they may not be sufficient
to address all the hazards. Current risk assessment procedures therefore need to be
modified to take account of nanoparticles. The SCENIHR also identified the main
gaps in the knowledge necessary for risk assessment.

How are the potential risks of nanomaterials to human health and the
environment being managed?
European legislation obliges manufacturers and importers to ensure the safety of all
products they put on the market. When new scientific evidence comes to light, the
Commission and EU Agencies will begin by reviewing the current documents that
support implementation, such as implementing legislation, standards and technical
guidance, to assess their applicability and appropriateness for nanomaterials.
The Commission is funding research on the assessment of the potential impact of
evolving nanotechnology applications. Increased emphasis is being placed on these
activities under the Commission's new 7th Framework Programme. The EU is
playing a leading role in the world in investing in research on safety. Other parties,
including various EU Institutions, Member States, industry (including through the
European Technology Platforms), research organizations and universities are also
contributing to these research activities. Cooperation activities at the international
level include the OECD Working Party on Manufactured Nanomaterials, which
assesses testing guidelines to take into account specificities of nanomaterials, and
the development of standards in ISO and CEN.

How are nanotechnologies and products of nanotechnologies
regulated in the EU?
Most EU legislation addresses products but does not usually address specific
technology used for their production. Although there are no provisions in EU
legislation that refer explicitly to nanomaterials, existing legislation on chemicals (e.g.
REACH), worker and environmental protection as well as product-specific legislation
on medical devices, medicinal products, food, feed, cosmetics, plant protection
products, biocides, aerosol dispensers, cars and other products covers in principle
the potential health, safety and environmental risks in relation to nanomaterials.
Current legislation may however have to be modified as regards thresholds used in
some legislation, for example, as new information on nanomaterials becomes
available. The Commission and the relevant EU Agencies have examined and will
continue to examine the applicability and appropriateness of documents supporting
implementation of legislation (e.g. standards, technical guidance documents) to take
account of the special properties of existing and future nanomaterials.

How does the Commission ensure that regulatory requirements cope

with evolving nanotechnologies and/or nanomaterials?
EU legislation is drafted so that new technological developments can be taken into
consideration. Implementation guidance and standards will be reviewed when a
need to do so emerges from new data that has become available. Agencies and
national authorities in charge of implementing legislation monitor the market (e.g. via
pre-market control, pre-market notification or market surveillance) and will use
Community market intervention mechanisms if risks are identified for products
already on the market.
Commission working groups that coordinate the implementation of legislation
examine the potential need for change as regards specific regulatory aspects as
applications evolve and new scientific knowledge becomes available. They will take
into consideration work that has been carried out in this respect at national and
international level.

What are the objectives of the Code of Conduct in nanotechnology

The Commission Recommendation on a Code of Conduct for Responsible
Nanosciences and Nanotechnology Research is based on seven principles: meaning
sustainability; precaution; inclusiveness (with regard to stakeholders); excellence;
innovation; and accountability (with regard to social and other impacts). The Code
also proposes actions to be taken on good governance and due respect for
precaution for responsible nanosciences and nanotechnology research.
The Commission encourages the voluntary adoption of the Code of Conduct by
relevant national and regional authorities, employers and research funding bodies,
researchers, and any individual or civil society organisations involved or interested in
research of nanosciences and nanotechnologies. The Code of Conduct should also
be a European basis for dialogue with third countries and international organisations.

Is there cooperation in research with countries outside the EU?
The 7th Framework Programme is open to researchers outside the EU, and partners
in "international cooperation partner countries" may receive EC funding. In addition,
the Commission has been active in pursuing specific collaborations, such as in
safety research with the US, and materials science with India. The Commission also
seeks international policy cooperation, with the aim of addressing issues of mutual
benefit. The third meeting promoting an international dialogue on nanotechnology
was hosted by the EU in March 2008.

How is the Commission promoting dialogue between citizens and

stakeholders on nanotechnologies?
The Commission considers that effective two-way dialogue is indispensable for
emerging technologies such as nanotechnologies. Public trust in and acceptance of
nanotechnologies are crucial for the long-term development. The Commission and a
number of the Member States have also actively promoted multi-stakeholder
dialogues on nanotechnologies, and numerous other outreach activities. These
events have involved, depending on the special themes of the conferences,
participation of public authorities, scientists, industry associations, consumers,
environment and other non-governmental organisations. Furthermore these activities
complement and are coordinated with various other activities at Member State level
and by international organisations. Nevertheless, surveys have indicated that
European public is not yet sufficiently aware of nanosciences and nanotechnologies.
However, these surveys also show that public confidence in European public
authorities ability to ensure good governance for nanotechnology is higher in Europe
than elsewhere.

How can I keep informed about nanotechnologies?

The Commissions "europa" website on nanotechnologies provides a gateway to up
to date information on the ongoing activities in various policy areas.
More information
Nanotech research

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