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Nitrogen in biowaste and yard waste compost:

Dynamics of mobilisation and availability - A

Article in European Journal of Soil Biology July 2003

DOI: 10.1016/S1164-5563(03)00026-8


122 403

5 authors, including:

Florian Amlinger Bettina Schwarzl

Compost - Consulting & Development Umweltbundesamt, Austria


Christof Weissteiner
European Commission


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European Journal of Soil Biology 39 (2003) 107116

Nitrogen in biowaste and yard waste compost: dynamics

of mobilisation and availabilitya review
Florian Amlinger a,*, Bettina Gtz b, Peter Dreher c, Jutta Geszti a,
Christof Weissteiner a
CompostConsulting & Development, Hochbergstr. 3, 2380 Perchtoldsdorf, Austria
Environment Agency Austria, Spittelauer Lnde 5, 1090 Wien, Austria
Fraunhofer Institute Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology, Auf dem Aberg 1, 57392 Schmallenberg, Germany

Accepted 6 May 2003


According to the Austrian Water Act, the maximum permitted nitrogen load from fertilisers is 175 and 210 kg N ha1 year1
for arable land and for grassland, respectively. In organic farming, the maximum life stock related N load is restricted to 170 kg
ha1 year1. In the regulations of the Austrian Program for Environmentally Sound Agriculture, it is assumed that 25% of the total
N in fresh manure are available to plants in the first year, a value that may be disputed. Compared to other forms of fertiliser
(mineral, slurry, animal manure or sewage sludge), biowaste compost leads to an enhanced enrichment of organic (humus)
nitrogen in the soil. Depending on the cultivation system a site-specific humus content and C/N ratio will be reached. In the
present paper, several studies on Nmineralisation from composts are compiled. As a rule the immediate Neffect in the first year
is less than 15% (515%) of the Ntotalsupply by compost followed by 28% year1 of the remaining compost-N in the following
years. Model calculations show that the balance between compost-N supply and Nuptake and losses will be obtained within
periods of 40100 years when compost is applied regularly. Improved knowledge of the C and Nturnover from composts and
in the soil organic matter pools will be the key to a specific control of the system including the potential negative impact on the
ground water.
2003 ditions scientifiques et mdicales Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Compost; Nitrogen availability; Nitrogen mineralisation; Nitrogen leaching; C/N ratio; Soil organic matter

1. Introduction 2. EC Regulation No. 1804/1999 (based on Regulation

No. 2092/91/EEC) [41] for Organic Farming limits the
The assessment of compost nitrogen dynamics under field maximum load of manure-N to 170 kg ha1 year1.
conditions is discussed broadly in agricultural and environ- 3. The Austrian program PUL 2000 [9] based on the
mental forums. In Austria, the following legal limitations Richtlinien fr eine sachgerechte Dngung [7,8] as-
apply to this assessment: sumes that 1525% of the compost-N is effective in the
1. According to the Austrian Water Act (National Law first year of application.
Gazette Nr. 215/1959) [35], the application of nitrogen 4. The Austrian Action Program [8] for the implementa-
without authorisation is limited to a maximum annual tion of the EC Nitrate Directive (Directive
load of 175 kg and 210 kg ha1 on arable or pasture 91/676/EEC, 1991) limits N application through dung
land, respectively. with 210 kg ha1 year1 before and 170 kg ha1 year1
after 18 December 2002.

* Corresponding author. Although various site-specific factors (e.g., compost ma-

E-mail address: f.amlinger@kabsi.at (F. Amlinger). terial, composting conditions, climate and soil properties,
2003 ditions scientifiques et mdicales Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.
108 F. Amlinger et al. / European Journal of Soil Biology 39 (2003) 107116

soil management practices) may affect Ndynamics in com- mineralisation and immobilisation take place simultaneously
post amended soils, it can be generally assumed that the and may not be quantified separately. Gaseous NH3losses
availability of N to plants is low since the majority (>90%) of also depend on pH and temperature regime of the soil [42].
total compost N is bound to the organic Npool [4]. Local Net-mineralisation (total mineralisation minus immobilisa-
requirements and sound plant nutrition management, there- tion taking into consideration liquid and gaseous losses) can
fore, need to consider the availablility and binding dynamics be 50150 kg N ha1 during the vegetation period [36].
of total compost N in soils during the short and long term. In Fig. 2, the central question of N sorption and minerali-
Nitrogen load as well as its mobilisation rate is strongly sation processes is summarised. For judging the potential
linked to the level of soil organic matter (SOM) and to the Nrelease into the gas phase and the risk of leaching of
relative magnitude of the active fraction of the total SOM, or compost-N, it would be essential to quantify the changes in
to the more passive pool which is currently undergoing soil-N-pools after compost application. A scientific view on
alteration [37]. compost utilisation is only possible when the temporal dy-
Fig. 1 gives a basic scheme of the considered CPools and namics of the material fluxes under different site conditions
their resistance against degradation. Since the question of N can be described.
immobilisation/mobilisation is predominantly linked to the
degradability and balance of soil C pools the understanding
thereof is essential. 3. Essential site and soil specific factors influencing

2. General aspects of Nmobilisation 3.1. Water content, temperature, pH value

and immobilisation
Mineralisation is independent of water content over a
The microbial transformation (mineralisation, ammonifi- wide range, with significant declines only under extreme wet
cation, nitrification, denitrification) of compost nitrogen in or dry conditions. Any increase in temperature, e.g. from 0 to
soil follows the general scheme: 10 C may increase the mineralisation rate 2 to 3fold [42].
[ammonification; (humus)-R-NH2 + H2O NH3 + R-OH The pH inhibits mineralisation only at levels <5 and >8 [14].
step 1]
[ammonification; NH3 + H2O NH + + OH 3.2. Quality and amount of soil organic matter (SOM),
step 2]
C/N ratio
[nitrification; +
2NH4 + 3O2 NO + 2H O + 2H+
step 1] 2 2 SOM level is a function of climate, cropping system and
[Nitrosomonas] soil nitrogen content [24,27]. In general, SOM level declines
2NO2 + O2 2NO as a result of soil cultivation [27]. The new balance after input
step 2] of organic material is mainly influenced by soil type, crop
2NO3 + 10e + 12H
+ N2 + 6H2O rotation and humus management (recycling of plant resi-
general sheme]
dues). Diez and Krauss [13] investigated the effects of com-
Net-immobilisation or net-mobilisation depends on the post application in a long term field trial on yield and soil
balance of the mineral Npool over a defined period. Both parameters on two different soils (loess loam, gravel) with

Fig. 1. Flow diagram for the SOM model (after Ref. [28]; modified).
F. Amlinger et al. / European Journal of Soil Biology 39 (2003) 107116 109

Fig. 2. The still sparely known fate of compost-N in SOM-pools. min N = without supplementary mineral N; + min N = with supplementary
mineral N; SB = sugar beet. (1) Gagnon et al. (1997) [17]; (2) Schlegel (1992) [43]; (3) Asche et al. (1994) [5]; (4) Frei Ming et al. (1997) [16];
(5) Ebertseder and Gutser (1995) [15]; (6) Gutser (1996) [18]; (7) Buchgraber (2000) [10]; (8) Diez and Krauss (1997) [13].

various crops (sugar beet, winter wheat, barley, potatoes). 3.4. Soil management
During a 20year compost application period, the humus
level increased by 0.40.5% (yearly average compost load
The most important factors are timing and intensity of
15 t ha1 d.m.), whereas it decreased by 0.5% in the case of
mechanical aeration through tillage or weed control as well
inorganic fertilisation. A compost load of 7 t d.m. per ha and
as crop rotation and inter-cropping (variation of time and
year was found to be sufficient to maintain the initial humus
level of N demand by crops) [14]. For instance, it was shown
level [13]. Husz [24] describes a clear positive correlation
in a field trial with sugar beet that minimal tillage systems
between C and N content of soils (r = 0.9). The C/N ratio
compared with common ploughing increased the N-net-
plays a major role in the question of mobilisation or immo-
mineralisation from 139 to 169 kg N ha1 [23].
bilisation of nitrogen (Table 1).

3.3. Soil texture (proportion of clay)

4. Compost nitrogen: efficiency and mineralisation
Soil texture is important for the stabilisation of SOM rates
since clay can complex humus and lead to decreased C and N
mineralisation. The proportion and quality of clay further-
more influences the ability and amount of ammonium sorp- 4.1. General factors
tion in the soil. Depending on the type of clay, Schwertmann
and Niederbudde [44] calculated a total NH4 fixation rang-
ing from 0 to 600 kg ha in the 030 cm layer. Apart from site and cultivation specific factors, the avail-
able nitrogen of compost is predominantly dependent on the
following parameters:
Table 1
C/N ratio of raw material (kitchen waste, park and
Trends for Nmobilisation and immobilisation related to C/N ratio
garden waste, wood choppings, farm yard manure).
Composting conditions (mainly aeration, agitation).
C/Nratio pasture C/Nratio arable Trend Decomposition/stabilisation rate, duration of compost-
land land
ing (immature or mature compost).
<7.5 <8 Nrelease distinct
Post-treatment of compost (sieving, blending).
7.58.5 89 Nrelease
Time of application (time before cropping or leaching
8.59.5 911 Balanced
9.510.5 1114 Nbinding
Compost quality parameters, such as C/N ratio, degrad-
>10.5 >14 Nbinding distinct
able amounts of C and Nfractions.
110 F. Amlinger et al. / European Journal of Soil Biology 39 (2003) 107116

Table 2
Nmineralisation of different compost types as found in incubation tests: Navailability in per cent of Ntot supply
Source Incubation Compost (type, amount or Net-mineralisation Remarks
(weeks, C) conc.) (% of Ntot )
Berner et al. (1995) [6] 12 weeks Yard waste 811% 50% short term
20 C 38 composts 13% med. term
100% compost Immobilisation
Cheneby et al. (1994) [11] 52 weeks FYM 25% Loamy soil
28 C 60 t f.m. ha 1 34% Sandy soil
Hadas and Portnoy (1997) [20] 32 weeks FYM and MSW 15%
30 C 5% and 15% compost
Hbert et al. (1991) [22] 16 weeks 4 FYM 014% At high C/N
22 C 0.05%, 0.1%, 0.2% N Immobilisation
Insam and Merschak (1997) [25] 29 weeks SS and biowaste =control Undisturbed soil cores
15 C 300 kg N Measured as Nrelease in percolate
Compost from: FYM, farm yard manure; SS, sewage sludge; MSW, municipal solid waste; f.m., fresh matter.
To evaluate the mineralisation (availability) of compost-N marked effect; with the labile fraction representing 31% of
and to estimate the amount available for plants over a certain compost-C in the more sandy soil and 20% in the more loamy
period several experimental and calculation methods are pos- soil. The labile Nfractions represented 34% (sandy soil) and
sible: 25% (loamy soil) and were in the same order of magnitude as
Laboratory incubation tests under constant conditions corresponding values of labile C fraction. Nevertheless, the
(temperature, water content of the substrate with and authors point out that laboratory results reflect only the
without cultivation of crops) with or without periodical potential and not the real dynamics under field conditions.
percolation of the mineralised N. In pot experiments, Hadas and Portnoy [20] showed that
Field trials to evaluate the Nefficiency in terms of the rates for inorganic N release depends on the availability
comparative yield or N uptake, respectively, relative to of C and N (quantity and solubility) and the C/N ratio of these
control or mineral fertilised plots. fractions, but is independent of the soil type and the compost
Nleaching tests on field scale with lysimeter installa- application rate. The rate of mineralisation amounted to 15%
tions or suction cups as well as regular measurements of of N added by compost. The cumulative Nrelease after
mineral N in the leaching horizon. 33 weeks of incubation was 22% of added N for municipal
Model based calibration of Nmineralisation kinetics. waste compost and 23% for cattle manure compost.
In Table 2, some citations with key results of incubation
4.2. Incubation tests tests are assembled. Even under optimised temperature and
water conditions, the mineralisation rates exceeded 15% of
Mattingly [33] investigated the characteristics of 23 types total compost-N only in one experiment with FYM compost.
of composts amended to top soil (4 g d.m. compost in 200 g Even immobilisation during the initial stages was observed
soil) and incubated in 600 ml flasks under greenhouse condi- upon application of compost rich in C.
tions, frequently shaked and kept at a continous moisture
level. The NO3N contents measured after 5 and 13 weeks 4.3. Field trials
showed that (1) 2.5% to +20.4% of total N was nitrified and
(2) 88% of the nitrified N was mineralised during the first Based on several field and lysimeter experiments N avail-
5 weeks. In another experiment (10% compost, 40% loamy ability ranges from 0% to 10% for biowaste compost in the
soil, 50% perlite, 20 C, 12 weeks), Berner et al. [6] demon- first year, and around 3.5% for each of the following years
strated that 50% of the N content of 38 yard waste composts [18]. Similar results were obtained in pot experiments with
was immobilised, and 13% of the samples induced N immo- barley where the Nuptake of compost was 15% lower com-
bilisation under field conditions. On average, 2.1% of total pared to the Nefficiency of mineral fertiliser [26]. In a
compost N (between +8% and 11%) was mineralised. 9year field experiment (loamy silt; SOM: 1.9%; pH: 6.8;
Cheneby et al. [11] evaluated the CO2evolution and the crop rotation: grain maize-summer wheat-winter barley)
Nmineralisation in 2 organically managed soils amended Aichberger et al. [2] found a declining Nefficiency of com-
with 15Nlabelled composted farm yard manure. The miner- posts depending on input material in the sequence cattle
alisation model for carbon and nitrogen showed typical min- manure > yard waste > biowaste. Over an observation period
eralisation dynamics for a more loamy and a more sandy soil, of 9 years, the mineralisation rate of compost N with yearly
repectively. CO2C mineralisation curves resembled asymp- compost applications varied between 21 and 62 kg ha1
totic regression curves with an exponential CO2evolution year1, corresponding to an average of 20% ha1 year1 of the
during the first 50 d of incubation followed by linear evolu- yearly total N load. In 5year crop rotations treated with
tion during the final period of incubation. The soil type had a biowaste compost and supplementary mineral fertiliser,
F. Amlinger et al. / European Journal of Soil Biology 39 (2003) 107116 111

Navailability ranged from 14% (cereal dominated, pasture) the grain at sorghum, and 3036% was mineralised at appli-
to 32% (maize dominated) of total compost N [10]. Diez and cation rates of 17.8 t ha1 year1. As observed by Diez and
Krauss [13] in the first year of a 21year field experiment Krauss [13], mineralisation rate is diminished by using addi-
with waste compost found 16% of the compost nitrogen in tional mineral fertilisers.
the yield and in the final year this figure rose to over 40% of Figs. 3 and 4 summarise the results of a number of
the applied total N. This amount probably is the effect of the compost trials in terms of Nrecovery related to N uptake or
enhanced mineralisation potential after 20 years of compost yield. Fig. 3 demonstrates the Nrecovery in the year of
amendment and the actual compost effect. The calculated application. The last five columns represent the yearly Nef-
Nmineralisation was 58% for the first year, 35% for the ficiency from compost during a 5year crop rotation. Fig. 4
second year and 1.52% in each of the following years. shows mean results for several crop rotations of different
Schlegel [43] found that 13% of compost N was converted to experiments. Columns 14 are 5year crop rotations domi-

Fig. 3. Nrecovery from compost in the year of application (CR, crop rotation) LSU, livestock unit ha1; YWC, yard waste compost; FYM, farm
yard manure; +min N = with supplementary mineral N. (7) Buchgraber 2000 [10]; (9) Ptsch (2000) [40]; (10) Berner et al. (1997) [6]; (11) Diez
and Krauss (1997) [13].

Fig. 4. Nefficiency from compost within crop rotations.

112 F. Amlinger et al. / European Journal of Soil Biology 39 (2003) 107116

nated by maize, cereal or pasture, respectively, and show the manure compost and the beneficial reduction of nitrate leach-
tendency that for maize an increased Nefficiency can be ing elicited by organic fertilisers during a 5year rotation on
achieved. In contrast, the pasture showed a low Nefficiency a sandy soil in lysimeters. Calculated mean nitrogen losses
of 914% (columns 46). Columns 814 indicate a continu- due to leaching were the highest in the case of mineral
ous increase of N efficiency through organic N accumulation fertilisers (124 kg N ha1 year1). The mean values of
in the soil when compost is applied continuously over a leaching/supply ratio was 47% for mineral fertilisers, 35%
period of 21 years. for manure compost, 8.5% for urban compost, and zero for
These examples indicate that (i) Neffect of compost brushwood compost.
application in general does not exceed 1520% of total Effects of compost and N fertiliser management on corn
Nsupply in the first year, (ii) the residual compost Npool is yield and NO3leaching were evaluated by Mamo et al. [32]
mineralised at rates of 38% in following years, (iii) continu- in a 3year study on a loamy sand soil. Two composts were
ous compost amendments and crop rotations with high nutri- each applied at very high rates either 90 t ha1 year1 in three
ent demand may increase Nminerlisation, and (iv) mature successive years or at 270 t ha1 year1 at once. Over this
composts may mineralise in a shorter time period than fresh period, the NO3N leaching with the high compost rates was
compost. 1.8 times higher compared to the annual application plots.
However, it has to be considered that such an excessive
compost use does not meet requirements of good agricultural
5. Leaching of nitrogen in compost amended soils
It may be concluded that under practical compost appli-
Hartl [21] demonstrated in a mono-cropping system with
cation rates, the site-specific leaching for NO3N is en-
rye on a loamy silt that even with high compost application
hanced compared to variants without fertilisation between
rates (130 t f.m. in different intervals within 5 years) the
0 and 50 kg N ha1. Furthermore, some papers indicate that
increase of NO3N at a depth of 090 cm did not exceed
the biggest amount of NO3 is found in the upper soil layer
49 kg ha1 as compared to the control (without fertiliser). In
(060 cm). Despite these findings, high amounts of compost
another field experiment [21], compost amendments be-
in one or repeated applications are not recommended, at least
tween 14 and 37 t f.m. ha1 over an the average of 6 years lead
for well drained soils (sand). Data on Nrelease after com-
to an increased NO3N level at 090 cm of 523 kg ha1
post application are summarised in Table 3.
from the third year with no significant differences between
the compost levels. Petersen and Stppler-Zimmer [39] iden-
tified sandy soils as highly sensitive to nitrate leaching, while 6. C and N accumulation models
Kranebitter and Insam [29] did not find any significant dif-
ference in nitrate leaching of compost amended soils com- Biowaste compost (separately collected garden and do-
pared to the control in alpine soils. Insam and Merschak [25] mestic wastes) shows the highest humus reproduction poten-
showed that for forest soils, composted materials can consid- tial compared to sewage sludge, slurry and manure. Gutser
erably lower the risk of a groundwater contamination in [18] describes the enrichment of the organic Npool follow-
comparison with unstabilised materials or with mineral fer- ing the sequence compost > farm yard manure > liquid
tilisers. In a 3year experiment of Schlegel [43], compost manure > mineral fertiliser. On the basis of several field
applications up to 17.8 t d.m. ha1 year1 did not affect the experiments [19], it is estimated that with continuous com-
nitrate content in the soil at 1.5 and 3 m depth, respectively, post amendment on the basis of 100 kg N ha1 year1 total
whereas mineral fertilisers led to an elevated nitrate content compost N input will balance the plant uptake within 40
in the subsoil. Li et al. [31] applied five composts (sugarcane 80 years (Fig. 5).
filtercake, biosolids and mixtures of municipal solid wastes Computer simulation of long term compost management
and biosolids) on the surface of sandy soil at 100 t ha1 in (loamy soil, compost: 30 t d.m. ha1 3 year1; crop rotation:
leaching columns and leached with deionised water. Nitrate sugar beetwinter wheatwinter barley, followed by rape
leaching was negatively correlated to C/N ratio of the com- as intercrop) vs. mineral fertilisation over a period of
post, with the amount of N leached accounted for 3.315.8% 50 years found that N and Clevels decline in the case of
of total N in the compost. Peaks in NO3 leaching occurred inorganic fertilisation and increase with compost fertilisa-
after a simulated rainfall of only 6.87.9 cm. Maynard [34] tion. The C/N ratio increases upon continuous compost ap-
showed that the nitrate concentrations in the groundwater plication (Fig. 6, [45]).
under compost amended plots (four levels: 0, 25, 50, 100 t A computation on the basis of a 9year compost field trial
d.m. ha1) did not exceed 10 mg l1 and did not show any resulted in the estimate that the total N application by com-
significant differentiation between the variants. Diez et al. post would balance the yearly mineralisation potential after
[12] demonstrated in a 3year experiment that compost treat- 100 years (Fig. 7; [1,2]). However, N mobilisation kinetics
ment combined with efficient irrigation (according to plant have to be evaluated critically in relation to N demand by
consumption) showed positive effects in controlling nitrate crops during the year with alternating vegetation and
discharge in comparison to other fertilisers and over-watered fallow/leaching periods. This leads to the demand that the
plots. Leclerc et al. [30] demonstrated the high efficiency of specific humus accumulation by compost amendments has to
F. Amlinger et al. / European Journal of Soil Biology 39 (2003) 107116 113

Table 3
Changes in soil mineral-N after compost application (selected data)
Source Horizon (cm) Compost type amount ha1 N min ha1 Remarks
soil applic. period compared to control
Pape and Steffens (1998) 090 Biowaste 20 kg After second compost appl.
[38] 2 30 t in 5 years Above mineral N Max: D = 70 kg
Hartl (2000) [21] 090 Biowaste Max 49 kg Permanent rye rotation
Loamy silt 130 t in 5 y >0 Varied application rhythm
Hartl (2000) [21] 090 Biowaste Max 523 kg cereals & potatoes
Loamy silt 1437 t y1 >0
Over 6 y
Stppler-Zimmer and 090 Biowaste No differences at moderate
Petersen (1995) [46] Loam and sand 30 t + min N 100 t Compared to NPK Amounts of 30 t + supplement mineral N
Schlegel (1992) [43] 0150/300 FYM No effect In leaching horizon(150300 cm)
Silty loam 017.8 t d.m.
Amlinger and Walter 060 Biowaste 34% Max: 120 kg in 060 cm in spring
(1993) [3] Loamy silt 80 t f.m. ha1 >0
2 in 5 y
y, year; FYM, farm yard manure; d.m., dry matter; f.m., fresh matter.

be balanced with site(climate and soil) and cultivation-

specific conditions. Actual mineralisation potentials must be
investigated regularly.

7. Conclusions and lack of knowledge

Depending on compost properties as well as soil and

cultivation conditions, the Neffect of compost amendments
ranged from 5% to 15% in the first year, and from 2% to 8%
in the following years as a percentage of total compost-N.
Fig. 5. Naccumulation in the soil through mineral fertiliser, slurry This has to be considered by computing mid term compost-N
and biowaste compost application assuming an annual application of efficiency. Nitrogen mineralisation dynamics are predomi-
100 kg N ha1 year1 ([10]; modified). nantly determined by the soil properties such as Ctot and Ntot,

Fig. 6. Model (DAISY) for C and N performance during 50 years without and with compost application (30 t f.m. ha1 3 year1) [45].
114 F. Amlinger et al. / European Journal of Soil Biology 39 (2003) 107116

Fig. 7. N accumulation (yearly compost rates at the basis of 175 kg N ha1 year1 in a compost amended soil compared to model estimation [2]).

C/N ratio, soil texture and water holding capacity. Maturity matter balance for evaluating the mineralisation dynamics of
of compost in the long run is of minor significance. However, the active humus pool under organic (compost) fertilising
initial immobilisation is more likely with less mature com- systems will play an important role for sustainable soil man-
post and with high C/N ratio, since in mature compost Nim- agement.
mobilisation had already taken place during the composting
process. Under sandy soil conditions, an adapted Ncon-
sumption by crop rotation, or diminished application rates of
compost, have to be considered. On silty and loamy soils, the References
danger for nitrate leaching is clearly reduced. Combining the
yearly supplies in 2 to 3-year-loads (e.g. 2530 t d.m. every [1] K. Aichberger, J. Wimmer, Auswirkungen einer mehrjhrigen
3 years instead of 10 t ha1 year1) lead to an improved Kompostdngung auf Bodenkenndaten und Pflanzenertrag,
Nutilisation. These experimental results suggest a critical in: F. Amlinger, B. Gtz (Eds.), Stickstoff in Bioabfall und
GrnschnittkompostBewertung von Bindungsdynamik und
view on nitrogen related spreading restrictions. For authori-
Dngewert, Runder Tisch KompostRTK, UBA-BE-147,
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2092/91 EEC [41] on organic production of agricultural Kompostanwendung auf Ertrag und Bodeneigenschaften, in:
products and indications referring thereto on agricultural Irdning (Ed.), Bundesanstalt fr Alpenlndische Land-
products and foodstuffs or national water conservation rules, wirtschaft Gumpenstein, 2000, pp. 8183 6. Alpenlndische
the reduced immediate N availability of composts must be Expertenforum: Kompostanwendung in der Landwirtschaft,
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Further investigations are necessary to develop satisfac- Forschung im kologischen Landbau, Beitrge zur zweiten
tory approaches for controlling the release of accumulated Wissenschaftstagung im kologischen Landbau, SL-
organic nitrogen in soil resulting from compost amendment. Sonderausgabe Nr 42, 1993, pp. 165174.
Accordingly, long term compost fertilisation has to be con- [4] F. Amlinger, calculated from data given in: H. Bala,
sidered in the framework of (i) space and time dependent Qualittssicherungs- und Marketingstrategien fr Biokom-
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fr Land- Energie- und Umwelttechnik, Wien, 2000.
tary fertilisers, soil cultivation, crop rotation) and (iii) soil
[5] E. Asche, D. Steffens, K. Mengel, Dngewirkung und Boden-
and site conditions. Regular measurements of critical soil
struktureffekte durch den Einsatz von Bioabfallkompost auf
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position, and maturation schemes are recommended for pro-
[6] A. Berner, J. Wullschleger, T. Alfldi, Abschtzung der
fessional compost management. NMineralisierung von Grnabfallkomposten mit einfachen
Above all, knowledge on the transfer dynamics between und raschen Methoden, Beitr. 3. Wiss. Tagung kol, Landbau,
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[7] BMLF, Richtlinie fr die Sachgerechte Dngung. Bundesamt [22] M. Hbert, A. Karam, L.E. Parent, Mineralization of nitrogen
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